#yes i am autistic why do you ask
forestmossling · 29 days
when i was younger (and i don’t mean like “a literal child” younger, i used to do this up until i was like 16) i used to go around barefoot all the time. literally. i would walk around my yard barefoot, i would walk my dog barefoot (i lived in private sector at that point so there weren’t as many people around on the street), i even walked barefoot in the center of my town a couple of times. when i went to summer camps i would just go around barefoot for a whole month straight (in the beginning the counselors tried to stop or reprimand me but at some point they just accepted it as i thing i did).
and i really think that eddie would be like that too. he would definitely walk around barefoot all the time when he was younger because shoes felt weird sometimes and he would like feeling the ground, the grass, the asphalt under his feet. and wayne would be really worried about it at first, but then it would become another “eddie thing” for him and he would just sigh and tell him to be careful and watch where he steps. and at some point, as he grew older, eddie would stop, but i can imagine him showing up to school with no shoes on at some point and just walking around the school barefoot the whole day for the chaos. and he would still sometimes do that around trailer park when he’s alone.
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slowandsteddie · 7 months
So I was standing in line with my aunt the other day to get a prescription (my brain is a mess, I’m on fire, it’s fine).
This lady comes up behind us, you know, as they do at the pharmacy. Which normally, this is fine. It’s what is meant to happen. I can handle it. EXCEPT. Except she is so close to me that I can feel her breathing on my neck.
So, me being me, I was like “I want to bite.” And I do the little chomp thing, you know? Where the teeth click together very hard and it’s very satisfying. Anyway.
I can still feel her breathing on my neck so I spin around and say “I’m going to bite,” and do the chomp thing again.
The look on her face!! I’m fucking cackling as she backs up so there’s like more than six feet between us.
Then I face forward again and my aunt (who is three inches shorter than me) reaches up and pats my head and says “good emotional support gremlin. You tell them.”
And my little happy wiggle made the pharmacist laugh so I feel like I winner. I got to be unhinged in public and made someone smile.
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werewolfenthusiast · 8 months
i need a canopy bed and a rocking chair and then i’ll be fine forever
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soul-of-vengeance · 8 months
Genuinely so annoyed
The cavern below Moonrise is NOT an oubliette, and I am upset at it being called such
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punkalope · 9 months
ugh once i get my website working again ill try to figure out twitter... the thing about it is like... there are multiple reasons i havent gotten myself to delete it yet including
Most artists I like are on there or insta, and I can't stand using insta
Which means I'd have to sit down and comb through my following to see if anyone uses tumblr and find them here...
Then I have to archive my bookmarks somehow, which are full of art references or store links
Aaaand this is a dumber reason lol but I follow a lot of rabbit accounts and I'd be really sad without them (He needs to look at bunnies when he is sad 😔)
Its a whole shebang and its annoying. I can do it eventually - I know that I at least want to put my art bookmarks onto a part of my website along with tons of other refs. But it's such a tedious task... Ughh..
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axolotl-from-space · 2 years
On Terminology for gender stuff
So I read this tweet that was like “my afab body” in regards to a person lamenting the effect of his first puberty. Since some words are actually TERFy in origin, sometimes using the wrong ones can undo a lot of the work the community did to separate from the idea of “biological gender” (which is so wrong for reasons I’ll maybe detail in another post). 
When it comes to terminology, this can also be a helpful guide to DEMAND better medicine: what passes for “gender medicine” these days is an absolute joke, “WoMen aRe LeSs prOnE tO CAthcInG CovId” is one take I’ve heard on state-sponsored TV health programs and the thing is, with how gender medicine research gets done, we have no idea if that’s even true. Doctors usually use only a person’s legal gender for this kind of survey (and trans people would muddle the stats anyway so best case scenario we’re just excluded from the scope), this means we have no idea if people with estrogenic dominance catch Covid less, or it has something to do with XX chromosomes. Is it having a uterus? Not having a prostate? literally being a woman (so identity-wise)? these are individual factors that get lumped together under the lazy medical category “women”, when in the real world people can and do deviate: some women have high-T, some don’t have a uterus. What about intersex and trans people, how should we interpret this data? 
Since I can’t fix years of bad medical research alone, I will instead give you a key to saying what you mean in this context: with some luck you’ll get addicted to linguistic precision and will stop tolerating this kind of crap; and maybe in time more and more people will stop standing for unnecessary lump-ins and imprecise language.
When To Say What: When you’re talking about...
How society treats you or other because of their assigned gender: AGAB (AMAB/AFAB for most of the world)
Ex:  “Being AFAB, I was never introduced to STEM as a child”
How your assigned gender influenced the way medicine cared for you: AGAB
Ex: “My doctors at first though that my T was too low, being AMAB and pretty feminine”
The way a specific puberty shaped your body and experiences: E/A puberty, E/T puberty
E/A means “Estrogenic/Androgenic”, E/T means “Estrogen/Testosterone”: the most famous hormones responsible for physical changes that are gender-coded
Ex: “My T-puberty gave me broader shoulders than the average girl”
Ex: “My voice never really drop during my first puberty, being it Estrogenic”
The way your hormonal cocktail shapes your physiology and psychology: E/A dominance, E/T dominaince, or just say the relevant hormones
Ex: “Since I’ve been blocking testosterone, and my muscle mass is decreasing”
Ex: “estradiol makes me anxious, but it gave me back the ability to cry”
The shape of genitals (or any organ really) and how it affects you or someone: <The name of the organ>
Ex: “My penis is small and cute, I like it but I’d prefer a vulva and vagina”
Ex: “My prostate has to be checked frequently for cancer”
Ex: “I don’t like having a uterus: so much drama once per cycle and I don’t even intend to reproduce”
A chromosomal set and its consequences: 23XX, 23XY, 23XXY, or just talk about the specific chromosome
Ex: “People with just one X chromosome are far more likely of being daltonic”
Ex: “Having XY chromosomes, my cat can’t be calico”
For the negative examples (what not to do), I’ll refer you to your own brain, try swapping shit around and hear how bad it sounds. Or worse, use “men” and “women” instead of what you mean: the uneasy feeling you should get is lack of language precision masking or endorsing transphobia and eugenicism/the idea of “ideal human”
Okay, just one: Men have broad shoulders do you hear the wrongness yet?
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ozymoron · 10 months
genuinely dont understand how people can instinctively know where to put things in art when it comes to like anatomy and stuff like i need to know everything that goes into why something is the way it is in order to understand it
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honestmo · 1 year
Facts about moles
– Very round
– Have soft, velvety fur
– Good paws for digging
– Live in the northern hemisphere
– Not pests! Good for the dirt and the ecosystem
– Eat slugs and grubs and earthworms
– Earthworms are their favorite
– Used to be called mouldywarp which means dirt thrower
– Really good at breathing (can survive in low-oxygen environments underground)
– Saliva toxic to earthworms! Will paralyze them and save them as treats for later
– Build and stock underground pantries
– Mole babies born in spring (March-April)
– Can have white, gray, brown, or black fur
– Very tiny eyes
– Mostly solitary (introverts)
– Helpful to archeologists! (They can check molehills to see if any small artifacts have been brought to the surface)
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void-critters · 1 year
15 questions tag
I was tagged by @morrigan-sims, tysm for the tag!!!!
are you named after anyone? - I named myself, but my middle name is after my great-grandmother. I plan on keeping a similar middle name when I legally change my name to still honor her.
when was the last time you cried? - today in therapy lmao
do you have kids? - nope! Maybe when my partner and I are older, but even then I'm a one-and-done kinda person
do you use sarcasm a lot? - I'm a fairly sarcastic n snarky person but I struggle to pick up on others' sarcasm
what sports do you play/have you played? - I play Capture the Flag on Mondays! I'm part of a fantastic community CTF group here in my city 😊
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? - their general appearance and mannerisms. I have to manually study ppls body language in order to effectively communicate so it's become habit to pay attention to ppl's quirks (that and my pattern recognition game is strong i can pick up on the vibes of a space real quick if they suddenly shift)
eye colour? - Great question I'd love to answer it! I have no idea (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
scary movies or happy endings? - neither, I like my narratives doomed and my endings bittersweet
any special talents? - I'm really good at doing the UwU~ voice 😉 (my friends hate it it's hilarious)
where were you born? - 👀? (jkjk I'm from Minnesota)
what are your hobbies? - D&D is my main hobby outside of the sims, but I also enjoy creative writing and singing karaoke when I go out to the bar with friends
do you have any pets? - I have a cat! She's a tortie and a dainty lil bean
how tall are you? - 5'3" and a half, I think.
fave subject in school? - Choir lmao
dream job? - Voice acting! I love playing around with my voice for D&D and doing theatre shows, but I don't particularly enjoy film acting.
I'm not sure who of my mutuals have or haven't done this yet so I'm not gonna actively tag people, but if we're mutuals and you wanna answer some questions then go for it!!!
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myrathefarmer · 1 year
Scar and Cleo being Workout Buddies for No Reason Other Than I Wanted Them To 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♂️
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This is an old weeklong challenge I did wayyy before limited life, but it seems relevant now :D
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foolych · 2 months
I am cringe but I am free, I am cringe but I am free, I am cringe but I am free-
Before you shun me from society please allow me to explain!
I thought it would be absolutely hilarious if out of all of the brothers, Levi somehow ended up as a father and he’s just— so bad at it. He has no idea what he’s doing but hey, at least he’s trying. Then I somehow came up with this intense lore in my brain about how demon reproduction works (don’t ask) and then… I committed the greatest crime of all.
I made Levi a fanchild oc. I apologise for my actions.
Anyway, his name is Wormwood, aka Worm. I have… way too much lore about this whole idea, but I will keep it to myself unless someone out there is just dying to hear about the BABY LORE.
Here are some sketches I did. Yes, Worm is an absolute CREATURE right now, that ties in to the lore I made up.
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lloydfrontera · 5 months
i will never stop being confused about people saying og lloyd was maltreated. like. what the fuck are you talking about. it's not maltreatment if you verbally and physically abuse and harass the people around you and then people start avoiding you and talking shit about you. that is called Consequences Of Your Actions and it's literally the least og lloyd should've gotten for the shit he pulled. like. someone very well could have decided not to take his bullshit and beaten his ass easily at any point. but they didn't. no one ever fucking did. javier is the closest we ever get to that and it was one (1) punch to get him to stop destroying someone's home and business. show me where is the maltreatment. cite your sources. tell me where can i find it. if you're gonna say something with your whole chest please tell me you've at least read the source material and aren't just explaining your headcanons as if they're facts. show me the fucking receipts ajsdhksf
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actual-changeling · 9 months
begging people to learn the difference between mental illnesses and neurodevelopmental disorders. all the traits that are a direct product of my neurodevelopmental disorders are not symptoms. i cannot fix them. they will never go away. you won't ask someone with chronic migraines to just stop feeling pain, don't ask me to learn how to do things that my brain physically cannot do.
start supporting weird people, the freaks, the ones that are too loud or too quiet, the ones that don't fit in and don't talk or move or behave the way you think they should. stop trying to expect people to fit your mold of what someone should be like, your standards are all fine and dandy but disabled people will not be able to live up to them and we shouldn't have to to be respected
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shoutout to systems and anyone in a system who isn't treated as a human,
whether you consider yourself one or not!
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irusanw4 · 18 days
Ey no yaknow what fuck you *shares the super niche ideas in my brain*
For clarity: Whole is from Chonny Jash. Slayer is from Slay the Princess. Funnily enough, both are fandom-inflicted titles. This post is about if they coexisted, I don't wanna say it every time I list another thought
So for setup, I'm imagining Whole moves into the adjacent apartment to Slayer and they meet bc they're both out buying groceries at the same time and one of em is like "chat what do we think" and then they realize they're "my head is full of The Voices" buddies
During the summer, Slayer overheats super easily so sometimes he'll just shave his feathers down so he looks like these scrunchy bastards
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And this is incredibly embarrassing and also he sunburns easily so he always wears a light cloak in public during the summer. If it's just Kinda Hot but not proper summer time yet he wears a dress like the Princess's for airflow.
Whole wears a skirt and tank-crop top a la 20XX but in public he gets worried about the skirt flying up or sth so he wears insulating leggings and it's even worse than just dressing normally (this idea is courtesy of my sibling who kindly indulges my ceaseless chatter)
During the winter Slayer is a little radiator so when Whole is cold he sits beside Slayer and leans against him and Slayer will wrap his wings around Whole and continue working on whatever he was doing before.
Also Slayer hates knives, daggers, basically anything around the size and shape of the pristine blade. But he gets worried about Whole getting hurt when using sharp objects, so when the two of them do cook together, Slayer usually sits nearby and watches closely and Whole does the chopping or whatever requires the sharp object. They r best friends <3
They steal apples from the local orchard but they always forget Slayer can fly so they do the stacking procedure I drew recently and then they're usually just a little too low so Slayer flaps his wings for that last bit and they kinda just. Look at each other after the fact. And process that they did it AGAIN.
Sometimes for fun they'll wrestle and Slayer has a win streak in the thousands, much to Whole's frustration. When you consider all of the possible fights Slayer can get into, he's absolutely got some strength.
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thepalerimitation · 3 months
The greatest success of my art career was me making a sentient shape creature called Goobert that got round when he was calm and pointy when he was overstimulated.
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