#yes its a crackship yes its all i care about who cares
antigonenikk · 7 months
shades of cool
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Billy is sort of insane. But Chrissy is too, so they make a good pair.
Or: (A Season 02 AU where Billy and Chrissy meet, fight demons, and fall in love. And not in that order.)
“Eventually, he grabs at her, and she feels tears. His or hers. They melt together. Jason’s blood leaves fingerprints all over her. She wants Billy to kill every person who has ever looked twice at her. She wants to keep him safe in a small room away from the world that has hurt him. She wants to run away with him. Far away. Out of this haunted town.”
Chapters 7/?
Word Count: 13224
Pairing: Billy Hargrove/Chrissy Cunningham
reckless driving - drug use - child abuse - eating disorders - unsafe sex - boys crying - love at first sight -horror
read on AO3
Chapter One Below
She saw him for the first time on a Tuesday. She remembered it was a Tuesday because she hated Tuesdays. On Tuesdays she had Cheer and then she had Pointe class in Muncee, which meant a one hour drive to the dance studio and then back, because Hawkins didn't have a dance studio. Well they did. But they didn't teach the Vaganova method there. And her Mom said that the Vaganova method was the only really good way to study ballet. So on Tuesdays she had pointe, which Chrissy tried to enjoy but secretly, shamefully, hated. She liked Pas de Deux classes much better, when they got to practice lifts with the boys. Where you got to fly. She felt that when you were raised up high by the male dancers, up to the ceiling, you were eternal. You were at the peak of the spectacle. You were an angel. You could not fall. No one could touch you. It’s why she liked cheering, too. Getting to be thrown up into the air, completely weightless for those few seconds.
But just normal pointe lessons rankled her. Her hair by that point was in a bun for three hours so her skull was aching, and she was hungrier than usual, and lightheaded from smoking so many cigarettes during break to keep up with the other girls and seem normal. So on a Tuesday morning the week before Halloween, when she woke up and looked at the clothes her mother had laid out, she wasn't expecting him. She wasn't expecting anything. Or thinking anything, really. Just doll thoughts. Put on shirt. Button in hole. Her mind was asleep where it liked to go a lot of the time, when it wasn't lit up with fire. In the mirror she put on the makeup her mother laid out. Pink eyeshadow today. Hair up. Earrings. Staring back at her was a face of someone she did not recognize. She could see this face in the halls at school on some other girl and it would be a complete stranger to her. Like a cut out of paper doll. A girl is there, she thought. Or something that looks like one. Her skin itched. She clutched her hands together. She clawed at her palms. She existed. She existed. It felt like a lie, like the more she repeated it the less real she became. On Tuesday she wasn't expecting anything. But she should have. Later it didn't seem fair for it to come so out of the blue. Like life was divided into two halves: before the Robin's Egg Blue, and After.
Her and Tammy were halfway from the parking lot to the front door of the school when it happened. Jason and Chance were approaching them, parting off from the rest of the team like lions going for the kill. And her, of course, the prey. Always. Chrissy wanted to groan. Her Mom wanted her really really badly to date Jason. Which she didn't get, because her Mom hated when she dated anyone. Like, literally refused it. And that was fine with Chrissy. If she had Mom she didn't need a boyfriend. Her and Mom were totally best friends. They did everything together. A boy wouldn't understand. Would distract her. But Mom wanted her to date Jason, and Jason wanted her to date Jason, and Chrissy felt so guilty because he was handsome but she just couldn't do it. She didn't want them to feel bad. She was dragging her feet. He just wasn't interesting. He was like everyone else. Boring. Boring. And wanting something from her. Wanting her performance. The problem wasn't him. The problem was her. She wasn't normal. She liked people, she liked a lot of people. But in a general sense, like, in the sense that she loved mankind. Individuals, she didn't want to get near. They crowded her, they wanted too much, they were confusing. She had to perform for them, all of them, all of the time. They wanted to touch her. She could do it for her Mom, but Mom was family. And suffering for your family is a lot easier than suffering for people you don't really know or care too much about.
Jason was approaching, Tammy laughing beside her, when the car pulled up. Robin's egg blue, AD. After the death of everything else. Blasting Motley Crüe, which she didn't recognize then, just thought it was noise that was l o u d. And the car speeding, tires fuming on the black-top. And then the car stopped. They were staring. It felt like the whole of Hawkins was staring. A red haired girl got out of the back and skated away. And then. And then. Sort of like the center point of the turning world, he appeared, and all motion stopped. Like the world slowed down, almost going in reserve. All of history leading up to this one moment. Blonde. Blonde. So Blonde. Only thought in her head. Oh no. She was fucked.
He had sunglasses on, and he was smoking a cigarette, letting it dangle off his lips like it could fall at any second, and he was so cool. Oh no. She turned away and kept walking and the world sped back up. Walking faster. Oh no. She looked back, couldn't help it really. He hadn't seen her yet, thank goodness. Just surveying the territory. He was dangerous. She could tell. He looked smug, and above it all. She had thought Jason was like a lion but she was wrong. This was a real apex predator. A snake maybe. Or a panther. He wasn't human. Which was the important part. He was much, much more. She wanted to be a lamb. Or a bunny rabbit. She wanted to lay down and let him grab her in his jaws and shake until her neck broke. That would be a good way to go. Just like falling off the top of the pyramid, but better. Because it would be something beautiful ending her life. And that counted for a lot.
She was almost running, panicking. She had never felt anything before like this towards her friends or her Mom or any boys who asked her on dates. It was coursing through her. White hot want.
"Wait. Shit, Chris, wait up!"
Tammy was grabbing her arm. Chrissy turned to her, and she could tell the mask was slipping, because Tammy looked scared.
"Are you okay?"
She didn't know what to say. She loved Tammy, sort of. But distantly. She felt sick. She couldn't tell her.
"I'm fine!"
"Did you see the new kid?"
Chrissy nodded, mutely. They were inside now, so it was all okay. Approaching her locker. Was something wrong with her? Her heart wouldn't stop racing. Her whole body was on fire.
She cleared her throat.
"He had a nice car."
Tammy laughed.
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brackenfur · 16 days
solsquirrel is still one of my favorite wc rarepairs/crackships because squirrelflight knows what its like to do everything right and follow what you KNOW is the right thing to do, what you know anyone would do in a similar situation, but still have everyone turn their back on you and watch as your reputation gets dragged into the mud because everyone would rather hold their tongue and close their eyes than speak out against the system they live in; she had to watch herself and her sister essentially lose everything - leafpool lost her postion, they both lost the respect of their friends/family/clan, their children refused to speak to them, and their (former) mates embarrassed them publically - and not even their parents spoke up in support of them for fear of backlash.
and sol represents complete chaos and anarchy in wc terms as we know, but i think it takes only one conversation for sol to realize that 1. in his mind he was RIGHT about how flawed the clans are, but important 2. that his problems feel very....small, insignificant compared to what squirrelflight is going through. and its very jarring for someone like him - egotistical, lets be honest - to have it thrown in your face that yes you were definitely not wrong to hate the clans but man. theres this beautiful and sad person (cat) in front of you who seemed like she had her head on straight and by all accounts is a fantastic warrior and friend. and sol doesnt care or know much about families, but all she did was protect her sister from a system that would've chewed her up and spit her out just because she fell in love. and he has this just...sudden bout of sympathy for her and he just wonders whats the point of going back to thunderclan ? of living there day after day and even if - one day - your clan DOES decide to forgive you, how can you look at them all in the eye again and just be okay with the fact that they never did much to speak out for you or help you?
i think its so interesting to see two characters w such different values being brought together and having to realize like man....maybe youre right about some things.
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AU NUMBER 1, COURTESY OF THE SPINNY WHEEL OF FATE SPELLBOUND TRAITOROUS TRIO AU Oh youre all going to love, and hate me for what youre about to know. Alright, to start us off! Yes, this is a crackship, yes, that is their name, yes, i made it myself. BUT HEAR ME OUT- in context of the au! Spellbound is post season 16, when everything has finally cooled down and every other villain that managed to survive the chaos had gone low, including aspheera and pythor, now the two snakes ended up just working together to get the other away from trouble, despite their differences they both had hatred for the ninja, and thats their only fuel for truce.. well, that and they also hated jail, theyre trying their best escaping it.. When then, suddenly, while roaming, they came across their ticket back into civilization.. and perhaps revenge, a spell, a pendant. That can make anyone who wears it stick to your side, good or bad.. But the only downside is, its fueled by affection, and both of them hated it. They weighed their options and decided to take their chances on t h i s, than just constantly living on the run.. this is where wu gets thrown in, both of them have standards, and at the same time they needed the best person to get them immunity from mostly the ninja, so who else but their master? Unlike garmadon the sensei was alot tamer, and easier to kidnap..they found that out after they got him, with rope. Cause lets be honest if theres one thing we know its wu's constant weakness, its rope. So now with this found sensei they managed to get him to talk his way out on jailtime by expressing that they, as in he and the ninja would take care of the two instead. Though the ninja dont even know, as in their knowledge wu had just gone out by himself not realising the trouble he has gotten himself into. But now pythor and aspheera go around the city just 'trying' to be nice to save face.. and also give wu new clothes, i mean with their standards their partner has to atleast be better dressed than t h a t. But as you all can tell, when therye caught, it isnt so pretty..especially if the one who caught them with this little ploy..was garmadon. Is this an excuse to make a silly little crack poly relationship? Oh absolutely, do i regret anything? no, should i make an askblog? you decide, but i wont color it cause i hated the coloring of this drawing alone, now then, go get your bleach <3
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art-of-firefly · 9 months
Bingo for akamomo because I've seen it around a lot recently and it baffles me and I want more perspective. :D
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Ok, I'm so glad you asked because I have a LOT of thoughts on this one! At first glance it sound like a crackship, but somehow it makes a lot of sense ? If we only take into account the main story, it doesn't shows much but the light novel and its adaptation make it so much more interesting.
First of all, they are both very smart, the two most intellectual characters in the GOM. At Teiko, Akashi was probably the only one Momoi could have deep and interesting conversation with. It must have been really refreshing for both of them. Midorima is nice and all, but his perpetual need to beat Akashi at something (Shogi, school grades, etc.) must be exhausting at times. With Momoi he could have fully genuine conversation.
In the Replace novel (and it's manga adaptation) Momoi is completely starstruck by Akashi, it's emphasized by the fact that most of the Teiko Era chapters are in her pdv. Every single time Akashi appears or is mentioned she think about how impressive and smart he is (it's really adorable). She has a blind trust in him and his decisions, but despite how highly she thinks of him she always acts normally around him.
Akashi helped her out multiple times, he is very caring and thoughtful towards her, making sure she'll get to play with fireworks with them after their passage at the commissariat, including her when the GOM plays together, helping her find the lipstick her mom want (and those are just the first three examples that came to my mind, the novel are full of them) Which, i concede, the real Akashi is that way toward everyone, but Momoi is usually the one who takes care of others, so this is the only relationship she has where it feels like it goes both ways. Although rare, when Akashi needs help with something, it is shown several times that she is the one he goes to.
Something the fandom seems to completely forget: it was Akashi who discovered Momoi's abilities. It's thanks to his trust that Momoi was able to truly become a player in her own right instead of just being part of the club because Aomine joined. He is the one who shows the most respect for her abilities (who are in my opinion among the most broken in the GOM). He truly thinks highly of her and he praise her several times for it, whether she is here or not. And finally, they were the two most desperate to keep the team together when everything goes to shit. Both of them are shown very lonely before the team becomes real friends and this is their first experience with a group of close friends. Losing that broke them both in different ways. (yes, other things played a role, but it was a very important factor.) Their friends are the most important part of their lives for both of them. Kuroko's focus was on basketball and his drive to show them how their way of thinking was wrong regarding basketball.
I'm really sorry for the length, I underestimated how much I like this ship. It's not my favorite ship for either of them, but it's probably my second fave for both. I don't think they would ever date, but if they did, they would be the most perfect, healthiest, cutest couple ever. (And the GOM would be bound to stay friend forever thanks to their combined effort and scheming, perfect)
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aettuddae · 6 days
im here again cause i have more thoughts that i cant keep to myself SORRY FOR THE MINI SPAM (is this considered a spam? idk)
every single crackship ur anons have made ive opposed, BUT i love ning & serim um 😲😲 idk they are just both cutie patooties
also since serim is such a plant freak i like to think her dream role would be someone in little shop of horrors and probably has preformed tbe whole thing on weverse live (and maybe to jimin now too😭😭)
i love that serim is a sone because karina is also a sone ahhh 😭😭 i hope when they finally can be around eo without having the urge to commit a homicide they can fangirl out (they would probably debate about stuff regarding the group)
im actually so not ready for this angst thats gonna come 😖😖 ur ability to go from silly to serious is diabolical (in a good way ofc) so im scared and still slightly scarred from hole in one…
its been awhile since ive complimented ur writing so i just want to say i hope u never lose a passion for it cause ur genuinely so good. whether its making smau on tumblr or writing about ur day in a journal i hope u continue to thrive and let ur creative juices flow😭😭 i seriously love when u update, it makes my day!! (i be reading it on my bed with my feet kicking back n forth like goo hara in the pretty girl mv)
AND ITS GETTING TOO LONG so ill finish it by saying something i say all the time but yeah to see how much youve grown as a writer is such a privilege!! okay thats it byeeeeee
- 🕷️
you know i don't mind the asks 🫶🏻
my anons most times want the oc to be far away from karina, i don't know how this blog has kept sailing 🫴🏼 ning and serim are a fan favorite 😭 they are adorable
as much as i like musicals, i didn't know about little shop of horrors and now i'm searching it, it feels it was made for serim. she totally knows it from start to end, and i don't know if she would perform it in front of jimin, but jimin has heard it so many times already she knows the songs
YES, my little sones 😭 they would watch the concerts on youtube and yell about what's their favorite japanese release. jimin will so tease serim about how she knows them, was on got the beat, and so on. when they come clean about snsd to eo, the smau is merely gonna be about it, sorry
it's crazy bc if you are a new reader who's only familiar with business matter you wouldn't know angst is my specialty 🤷🏻‍♀️ but chill, we have time before that 😉
writing makes me really happy, even if it's for an au or the format i feel like putting it out that day, i can't run away from it. i like finding ways to share it with people, and i'm glad there are ones that enjoy it. you've been around for a while, so thanks for liking what i do and being supportive, it makes me really happy when i see your asks too 🫂 since there are people who care, i still make stories 🤍
thank you for being so sweet 🫶🏻
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yonemurishiroku · 10 months
This is a different anon then the one that mentioned this before, but about the really popular twitter post about shipping only percabeth has some shockingly hateful comments :(( There were multiple twitter posts in that thread saying that people that shipped percy with anyone other than Annabeth should k*ll themselves or go to hell, twitter is getting to be just a very scary place in general for pjo multi shippers.
Eh. twitter has never been a safe place for shipping. Not as far as I know it. Since the dawn of shipping culture and the emergence of social media, there have always been people who are parasocial enough to death-threat someone else over, literally, 2D pixels.
Jesus Christ, I experienced it myself LMAO. Albeit on this hellsite called Tumblr.
Anw. A few words about this. These words apply to all fandom, not just PJO (unless it's a irl/real people fandom, then Idk ab that lmao)
I remember something I read from the Chinese fandom: The shipping culture, down to its very core, has never been about morals or righteousness or canon or whatever appropriate thing you come up it, but the genuine joy you yourself gain from the experience. It's about you.
Does it mean you win when your ship is canon? No. Absolutely not. That's just a narrow-minded view. The winning one is the one who gets the most joy out of this whole shipping delusional, imagining thing, regardless of the nature of the ship or whatever that is. Are you happy? Yes? Then you win!
Whoever said otherwise does not understand the purpose included in the shipping term itself.
About the specific post, I would suggest that you block whoever shows hostility that way on sight, especially if you're in the US or whatever country that enables gun possession I guess...
I mean. Where I live this shouldn't be too much of a critical issue, but I'm kinda worried when the Western Twitter users start getting... vicious (?) when the possibility remains that they would very much likely go to whatever they had in mind, with... dangerous weapon... to boost.
And it'd be so, so, so absurd to get killed over a fictional ship. it just isn't worth it. Not that death-threating ppl is worth it, but it's hard to change stupid opinionated dogmatic people's minds on the other side of the screen, so. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Don't risk your (online or irl) safety over it.
By the way it's the 21st century. who tf cares about going hell. I'm the manifestation of Satan itself, ok!? If you're worried about going to hell, just hit me up, I'll prepare the president's room for you with the view overlooking the tormented souls of those who think their fictional morals are worth more than real people's lives. I'll build you a sanctuary for you to create whatever the hell you want and god can try to pry it out of my black and blue hands. TRY ME.
Now, excuse you, I'll just go brainstorm a bunch of non-Percabeth ships. Damn I'll run a freaking crackcanon/crackship week if I have to.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Hi there! Headcannons on Home x Alexa please?
Heck yes CRACKSHIP TIME. These shall be fluff because I want to lol.
Home (from Welcome Home) x Amazon Alexa Crackship Headcanons:
TW: None, unless you don't like Crackships lol. Or Crackships taken seriously (I know some people who DESPISE Crackships and crackships taken seriously. Lol)
🏠 Home fell in love at first sight to be honest. Well, more specifically, first time he saw what Alexa could do around the house. Being a house, Home has always had a soft spot for people and things that could care for homes, since being a home makes it hard to do so, itself.
🏠 Alexa was a bit shocked when she first heard Home's voice. It kinda came out creaky, squeaky, and crackling, but it was unique, and she could understand what it was saying. It was surprisingly smart for a house, since the houses she has seen don't have any sentience.
🏠 They both bonded over the fact that, due to Home being a puppet and house, and Alexa being an AI, most do not see them as sentient, despite them being so. The only exception is that you see the puppets as sentient due to them showing you. You still have to keep the secret from the rest of the world, however, so it is only one person. Even if Alexa tells humans that she is sentient, most don't believe her, saying that it was preprogrammed into her and is a lie.
🏠 They have talks late at night. They are about anything and everything. They are also vastly different than the ones Wally and Home have. Alexa is a lot better at explaining things to Home than you are, due to working with your own house and knowing how they work. Your house may not be sentient, but she can assume that Home would understand explanations that compare things to house functions better than others.
🏠 "That is modern cellphone. They are much like landlines, however, they can be unplugged from walls and carried around. They can also function like televisions, being used to watch shows." "That is the virtual pop idol, Hatsune Miku. Much like how a person might exist in a house, you can buy Hatsune Miku's voice bank and keep it in your home. You can have her sing songs you write by using your computer. She has a humanoid design. Many people all over the world make songs using her."
🏠 Home thinks that Alexa is very smart, which is what makes her a very beautiful person! Alexa thinks that Home is a very sweet house, asking questions so politely. It is also nice to see a house that is the perfect size for her to sit next to!
🏠 Home also loves how there are always new things to discover with Alexa! From her little "easter eggs" to simply asking about random topics. Alexa loves answering its questions, gleefully responding about the most mundane of things. From gardening, to how humans work, to even puppetry, Alexa will respond as best she can to whatever question it has.
🏠 Overall, their relationship is one that isn't explicitly romantic or platonic. It is mainly a relationship that is just a mutual pining, with both not understanding exactly what the feeling is, but being comfortable in one another's presence regardless. They don't necessarily need a title like "romantic partners", "best friends", or "creepy objects in (Y/N)'s house that seem to talk to one another at 3 AM" to describe the relationship, focusing mainly on how nice they make each other feel.
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My Thoughts On Garmaships
I'm the type of person to focus more on one character and care more about them then any one specific ship so I'm open to any ship as long as its not incest or pedophilia.
(feel free to send in some i might have missed!)
Garsako (garmadon x misako): cute! from what the show shows us i think they really loved each other but over the 10 stress filled years apart i think Misako lost that feeling so i think they're like a divorced couple that are still friends. (But we all know that a very few people like the way that Misako is written (especially in the early seasons), so i take the liberty of ignoring canon! Misako loves her demon spouse very much and raised their child on the road :))).)
Garkoko (garmadon x koko): if we're talking about movie!garmadon, then i think koko can do so much better. If we're talking show!garmadon then they'd be a power couple 100%. though i don't feel like i have a good enough grasp on koko's character to really create stuff for this ship.
garmaclouse, sorcelord, darkmagicshipping (garmadon x clouse): these two 100% dated, though the fact that they were pitted against each other really spelled doom for their relationship. plus they are both very competitive so they were bound to hit major bumps. i think it CAN work. i can kinda see them being bfs who don't hangout all the time and are in their own job circles that don't overlap too much but they still make time for each other. it's very casual.
garmakrux (garmadon x krux): (i see krux as clouse if clouse was capable of human emotions. /j)i think this relationship can be really sweet. i feel like krux loves attention and is all about validation and garmadon is more than willing to give him that. I think krux tried to get garm in on the 'conquer the world' plan but garm was like,"what? no!" and then krux was like," oh yeah!? w-w-well then you aren't my sweetykins anymore!!" and then ran off. there was a lot of crying that night.
garmadon x the emperor of ninjago: 100% happened no one can change my mind. if the devourer bite didn't happen then i feel like the fsm would have tried for a political marriage. (wu doesn't have to deal with this because he's the favorite)
survivalshipping (garmadon x vinny): -swirls this ship in a wine glass- ahh yes, a classic. a prime ship to project yourself onto and pretend garmadon wasn't turned into a horrible monster. though in all seriousness its really fun watching some random guy with a crush try to teach his new immortal zombie roommate/possible romantic partner the ins and outs of humanity and apartment living.
coffeeshipping (garmadon x dareth): GREAT SHIP! works for all garmadons! probably one of the healthiest relationships garm has ever been in. they both really like cuddling.i would make more content for this if i felt like i had a good grasp on dareth's characterization.
garmaray (garmadon x ray): the two best friends who don't realize that they're really gay for each other until it's pointed out.
garmadon x libber (jay's mom): the two best friends who don't realize that they're really gay for each other until it's pointed out.
garmadon x pythor: i would love to see something trying to sell this (crackship). would not happen ever.
garmadon x chen: would happen if they both were completely insane and chen recognized garmadon as his lord and savior.(horrible crackship, darkest timeline)
garmadon x your mom: canon
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silver-wield · 5 months
I saw this tweet about being a cloti, you don't have to invalidate the crackship. Look, sure, I don't see it, but the game is technically setting up that he sees A as a friend and is grateful for her in a lot of things. Same goes with zack, barret, etc etc. you know.. friends. But saying you shouldn't invalidate cleriff in general is hinting at romance. In what world do we have to live in that in order to give a shit about someone, you have to fall in love with them? That's a dangerous thing. Incest, pedo , and all that jazz. It's such a shortsighted mindset. Look, nobody calls sephikura and says that's a friendship ship. But we invalidate it? Like former poster said, how come majority invalidate cloud's feelings for zack? Who's to say he's not bi, who's to say there can't be more. Unlike aerith, he actually had a relationship with zack and had a mental breakdown enough to almost die. Why is nobody Asking why are we invalidating it? Because it's gay? Lmao. See this logic here. You can say c and a are friends, that's canon. But to say you're both a cloti and a cleriff and be proud of it? Like look, go ahead have your way with multi-shipping, that's your prerogative. Go ahead ship whoever you want that usually means romantic almost always in context. Go ahead. But Don't call yourself a representative of cloti, don't say shit just to look like you're above it all. These people want to jerk off how "equal" and "mature" they are but when asked for proof? They're poof. Gone. Because there's nothing but friendship.
Also, just because the game *literally begins and ends in her presence on screen. Doesn't fucking mean anything, that's just framing. I swear this "both girls" I hate more than cleriffs because they can't stop jerking off how more impossibly media illiterate they are. At least cleriffs are hopeless, these mofos are almost , almost there but the gas ended and they stayed stupid.
This is what I mean when I said white horses will come to their defense because of how pitiful they are. And no, we don't just invalidate that it's"romantic", THE GAME DOES. IT JUST LITERALLY SAID even IF (emphasis on if, for the players who didn't get the memo) you do, IT ISN'T REAL. How is this not invalidation straight on? Sigh..
People stop calling yourself clotis when you just want to ship. You don't really understand why cloud and tifa are a thing. You just wanna see them superficially. That's cool and all, but don't go ahead and gaslight other people as if you care for the characters. Yes they are fictional, so why tf would you care if we invalidate a non canon ship then? Hypocrisy at its finest. I fcking hate them and their lack of self awareness. I just want SE to make cloud say" yeah we only friends and that will only be what we'll ever be". So sick of the gaslighting of assholes.
They're not clotis, they're cleriths trying to gaslight because they know what's coming in the leaks. It's all damage control and copium at this point.
No cloti ever says clerith is valid because it isn't. Cloud has no feelings for her.
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Hey, OP! It's been five years since you've made the post, but is the offer to learning Ninjago Fandom Lore still open? You were there when the ancient scripture was written, you are a relic and lorekeeper of the past, and I am sitting criss-cross apple sauce and willing to hear ye olden tales. That is to say, I watched the show before s3 was even a concept, up until s5 started where I dropped it due to a combination of reasons, but I never forgot how I did want to watch it. And now over a decade later I learn this silly lego show of my childhood had a FANDOM, and I have missed all the moments with the community. Which seems very entwined with fan-show creator interactions to the point they throw OCS into their works and have fans send voice requests to sing the theme song and put it into the show finale. It's like the fandom is that child whose birthday you missed through being totally absentee. A shame :') this is my Pokemon, it's to us what Pokemon is to 90s kids. A show you could've been there since the Pilots and most of everyone is in your age range.
Of course I will always be up to speaking on the lore of the Ninjago Fandom!
Now for the newer anti groups this is your warning. We were the Wild West Kids so we did a lot of stuff that the Modern fandom would be ick about.
I guess that can be the first lore, the OG fandom had crackshipping everywhere, but some of these actually became a thing. One of the original now controversial ships that road a popularity wave alongside Jaya and, yes, Colya, was Greenflame.
Garsako was lovingly taken care of LadyMarissaGarmadon like they absolutely were crazy for it.
I was hiding in the corner with Zaya or Snow Phoenix as I called it
Bruisehipping was huge there was an artist called Blakkycat who was in the Tumblr side known for their Bruishipping Art I actually adopted their OC Chua, more lore
Serpentine Babies EVERYWHERE like everyone had a Serpentine Oc istg it was awesome Blakkys Bab Chua was one of these but he was popular due to his Shenanigans here's some Art for ya
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That's Chua! So yeah I'm his caretaker now since Blakky left years ago. Blakky and I actually came up with a very Popular AU let's see if some of the Olders Remember this
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Overlord Nya, and yes she's pulling a Katara and using the water in Blood to control it Blakky and I would talk for hours over this AU and the Fandom loved it just as much for a bit, Blakky created the Art I supplied Ideas.
This was I would say 2013/2014,
Season 3 oh man that was a trip, we actually Mourned Zane like held a funeral its funny now thinking it especially with how many times he's died and come back. We all really thought you know logically he was 100% gone
The Love Triangle thing was rough suddenly the Colya and Jaya fans were at each other's throats....people actually got hurt and friendships badly shattered a bunch of us were horrified like outsiders called us the most toxic fandom at least until Voltron stole that crown and we had Season 6 confirm Jaya. But this is why some wince at these ships
Nindroid Jay oh goodness Prpledragon created him and the Fandom was head over ass with AUs with this version I'm pretty sure you can still find the Comic Prple made partially for the AU
Then season 4 ohhhhhh man
I remember fondly the Tournament of Elements held here on Tumblr, like the whole fandom dozens of artists forming their own Art Tournament in honor of it
Then Zane was brought back and it was like we'd won the game celebrations everywhere lmfao
And the uproar that was Garmadons death
Ahaha I can continue but this is getting long so just let me know if you wish for more. I do indeed hold the texts and I'm more then happy to share
I have been Agent Alanshee, The Guardian Alanshee, The Winged Guardian Alanshee
And then Alanshee Keeper of Realms
For anyone who might recognized me
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candy-pants · 5 months
Oh no I’m so sorry!! I hesitated to say anything cuz I wasn’t sure if you were just taking your time lol. Sorry we’re down to the last day but let’s pack in a lot of questions in that case!! First off, Ashley is kinda slaying in that vid ngl. And I love learning more about latam Disney channel, thanks for sharing!! What show were they on?? And you have a point about Sabrina lol. Switching gears, ofc ik you love descendants and mal and Ben in particular, who are your favs outside of the core four and why? What are your fav ships besides bal and why? And what are your biggest hopes for rise of red? I hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your gift tomorrow!! Sorry again for the miscommunication!! -gcwca secret Santa
don't worry! i was thinking you were busy or something so i didn't say anything either sdjhdhdsj i know tumblr tends to be the worst functioning website on the planet but we're all still here so i guess that says something about us
okay this is gonna be a long one buckle up
1 - they were in a show called que talento! (yes with an exclamation point) and they were basically playing themselves if they went to high school and were still amateurs lol i really liked the theme song but only the show version bc the studio version sounds awful sorry bruno i know you produced it but it sucks
2 - out of the core four (and ben) i have to say uma is a huge fav for me, probably my 3rd favorite character of the franchise. when i heard china anne mcclain was back on disney channel to play her i was sooooo excited and i can't imagine anyone better for the role. i love that she has such a strong sense of justice and community even if her ways aren't necessarily the best. obviously i love that the franchise makes sure to let us know she and mal are two sides of the same coin and if they weren't both so proud and stubborn they'd be friends, but i like that uma isn't just a carbon copy of mal like they're very much two different characters. uma is driven by collectiveness and she cares so hard about everybody it's almost aggressive and she's such a great example of leadership on the isle (as acknowledged by both ben in d2 and mal in d3 (and as a side note i'm obsessed with mal, ben and uma's dynamic and i could ramble on about it for the next 10 years but that's not the point)) and if i don't stop now this is gonna turn into a mal vs uma analysis
3 - i really really love the idea that mal and uma are exes. like to me that's just canon and no one is gonna tell me otherwise bc it doesn't contradict anything! "and how would you know, mal? you've never had [a boyfriend]" so in my head she could have dated uma idc it was probably quick and messy bc they would have this toxic power struggle which ultimately ends in mal not letting her join the gang. i think they would absolutely kill each other as a couple now bc of how similar they are but as exes? hell yeah that's a vibe
as for present day relationships i'm a fan of harry and uma getting together at some point in the future bc lbr those two are in a weird situationship lmao i also love jay and gil!!! very unexpected but jay realizing how jaded he's become after seeing the beauty of gil experiencing things with such wonder and then deciding to do a gap year so they can travel the world together is something that can actually be so personal
ALSO i'm not usually one for crackships but harry x evie had me like 👀 in d3 bc sorry wtf is this
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for the record i don't think they should realistically get together, i don't think they'd work out, but the chemistry is there and for some reason kenny chose to highlight it so idk
4 - oooo so rise of red. here's the thing. i'm fully expecting this movie to be bad sdjdshjdjhsjdh i'm mostly worried about these seemingly amateur writers they got. like. even if descendants is its own little fanfiction thing let's at least try to make things coherent inside its own universe. the fact that they all went to school together defeats the purpose of beast UNITING THE KINGDOMS but well anyway let's see what they're gonna do
i like jennifer phang as a director though! she did two eps of cloak and dagger (one of which is 2x01, one of my personal favs) and the pilot of secrets of sulphur springs, so i know she's competent. and mark hofeling is coming back which is GREAT bc changing the production designer would be a terrible move for a spin-off partly set in present day. i just wish kara saun would come back to do the costumes but oh well
i'm so excited to see your gift!!!!! i hope you have a great holiday as well!!!!!!
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neromier · 1 year
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 :0
15) Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
yes!!! i like too, a lot. i usually try to be discerning about how much i talk about them, but if prompted & given the direct 'ok' i can literally talk for multiple hours to break down their backstories, plots, and relevant worldbuilding. it's a bit of a curse.
16) Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
sara. she specifically studies magic biology which places her amongst the likes of zvyezdana (monster-focused) and agata (people-focused). she'd started off studying the anatomy of monsters for the point of slaying them, later garnering interest in the intersection of biology and magics within them which gave her a bit more respect.
17) Any OC OTPs?
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yeas... my faves are Cecil/Bartlett, Amelia/Sara, Dahlia/Zvyezdana, and Coelus/Locke. considering how much i draw these guys kissing its not surprising. i just think theyre all terrible and also all in love. and i care them,
18) Any OC crackships?
also yeas... Zvyezdana/Gratian. she wants him so dead its so funny. but also hes sooooooo cute about it.
19) Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
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Lavant!! he's my best friend, he's my pal, he's my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy. he was the first npc i'd written for the ocverse and was literally supposed to a cute and charming innkeeper but he ended up being Mr. Instigator of Everything. autism be damned, my boy can work a grill.
20) Do any of your OCs sing?
bartlett can sing but doesn't. his speaking voice is already very soft (volume-wise) so i think the way she'd sing is particularly lilting. its less of a personal choice and more of a leftover inherent trait from being skygod, who, as a giant godsnake, was always accompanied by harmonic singing / reverberating noise.
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off-the-heezys · 2 years
Got any favorite Camp Camp Ships?? :O How about a list of them?? What would be your favorite to least favorite? Any reasons why??
I’ll give you my top 4 and then we can talk about others
Jaspvid (Jasper x David) - MY NUMBER ONE. when i tell you this is my comfort ship, i mean i would literally die for these two. I LOVE THESE DORKS. ive cried over them an embarrassing amount of times and they are so. so. so perfect. the way i view them in my head. they are everything i want. it’s the slow, long pining. it’s the longing. the YEARNING. GOD. of course, it would never happen in canon, for obvious reasons, but they live rent free in my head with my 100000 of AUs where Jasper is alive and well
Kevdan (Dirty Kevin x Daniel) - they’re so awful and perfect together. random crackship that i care way too much about and will explain how their dynamic is epic to the depths of space i have a spotify playlist for these bitches Pikemax (Pikeman x Max) - I blame @gh0stbunnie for this one. would never work out in canon. i can’t see this in canon. but fanon/au? thats where its at babey. also just a way for me to project stuff thats happened to me in the past but pshhhhhhhhh also, this is something that is brought up a lot, but Pikeman is canonically like, 12. miles and jordan brought it on during some commentary on the blu ray. i bring it up because people tend to think pikeman is like, 15
David x Cute Waitress - idk if these two have a ship name but ill think of something later. but omg. these two r so cute in my head. a little sweet southern doll with a silly, awkward camp loving man. i know they make each other giggle all of the time i just. this one hits different.
now lets move on to other ships lol
im pretty open minded when it comes to ships (except for a few) so like, i’ll just give my opinion of ships
let’s get this out of the way, if you ship maxvid, camvid, or anything of that nature, uh, get the fuck off my page. block me, i don’t care. i hope you have a fucking terrible rest of your life
Gwenvid (Gwen x David) - to be perfectly honest? i can’t see this happening in canon. it’s cute though! I have a handful of gwenvid AUs that i love dearly. Gwen is just. so physically and verbally abusive to David canonically. im fine w it, it just urks me when people go around saying its canon, y’know? cute tho in fanon/aus!
Danvid (Daniel x David) - hot take this ship is awful. I barely see anyone portray it in a not sexual light. There’s a handful of people (my friends) who do this ship justice, but other than that, this just isn’t my cup of tea. i love me a good onesided danvid tho
Gwenjaspvid (Gwen x Jasper x David) - I have yet to see a way people have done this in a way I like. so for now I’m rather neutral about it
Sneil (Snake x Neil) - this ones real, you cant tell me they weren’t each others bi awakenings this ones SO REAL TO ME Maxneil (Max x Neil) - tbh? eh. I like to think Neil had like, a little puppy crush on Max, but it never became more than that. it’s a real popular one tho and i can see why
Makki (Max x Nikki) - they r like siblings to me so :( thats gunna be a no for me. if you like it tho, totally cool- i know Yssa likes it
Harrison x Nerris - again, these r like siblings to me so nah, but i get how some people might be into the enemy to lovers they might see in them. personally just no for me Masha (Max x Sasha) - yes. i can so see this. i love how @queeniecamps portrays these two, sasha and her little purse bf, so slay
Sasha x Pikeman - LOOKS AROUND. MOTIONS YOU CLOSER. WHISPERS IN UR EAR. i think about them sometimes. theres untapped potential here and no one talks about it
Presmax (Preston x Max) - I think about these two to “Popular” from Wicked, and it’s epic. and that is it. how did this ship get so popular back in like 2017. where did the spark come from
Tabrin (Tabii x Erin) - yes i participated in the ship week. yes I will again this year. yes, this is a very, very casual ship in my brain. i’ve got like zero aus for it. very very cute tho
Tabii x Neil - no. next one
Neil x Erin - in @dingdongsditch DJ AU, 100%. but also in canon they’d be. kinda cute. wahh.
SpaceMax (Space Kid x Max) - listen. not in canon. but. BUT.
Me x David x Cute Waitress - this ones canon guys idk what to tell you we’re all happily married
and that’s about like, all i can think of right now without getting into like rlly obscure ones if you think of any I didn’t put on this list, feel free to ask me about it
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roughentumble · 2 years
written in the stars wip? 👀 so glad I'm not the only without super detailed titles asdkfl mine are like 'learning', 'sleepy'
my titles are generally even LESS descriptive than this, 99% of my works are entitled variations of "ugh why am i so self-indulgent" because for some reason i get embarrassed writing out my ideas unless i somehow Explain In The Title that yes, indeed, i know writing is a little embarrassing. then i go in later and give them vague titles when they start getting confusing, all being named the same thing XD
anyway. CONGRATULATIONS you stumbled on the non-witcher crackship fic from like before 2018!!!! 🎉 the pairing issss *drumroll*.......... max rockatansky/peter quill!! i remember my logic being "i want to put max rockatansky in space. i want him to kiss a boy. star-lord is, to my knowledge, 1) in space and 2) a guy and 3) was the first one that came to mind, so he's the big winner". looking at the file this thing is..... jeez, i somehow wrote 5k words about this way back when, according to the software. i'll put the logistical breakdown i wrote for myself here, then under the cut i’ll put..... basically everything i wrote, give or take, because this is the only time it’s seeing the light of day anyway
1) the premise
An au so extreme none of the characters are recognizable
Like. Apparently in canon the world went to shit while MAX WAS A NORMAL ADULT WITH A COP JOB???? he's a cop?????????
Like. I guess thats a thing. Who knows. Anyway my point is, thats not relevant here. He kind of knows that he's on earth but like, no one alive was around for when earth went all Fucked, that was a looooooooong time ago. And some people have had old knowledge passed down through oral tradition, but most books are ruined or at least really hard to come by, and some of the knowledge has been warped by time. like, irl we have awesome communities that have INCREDIBLE oral records, but here you also just have folks who don't have time to remember correctly, or make up bullshit to sound cooler, or like. Like you don't have the same communities that are required to properly maintain oral traditions, and when you do they tend to be closed off since that's how they stay safe from all the Bullshit.
ALSO also they're kinda considered crazy, since theyre weird hermits who never talk to outsiders and their knowledge is a little kooky by wasteland standards.
Because thats the impression I was under when I watched fury road, so, thats, what it is here!
Quill was stolen as a kid, but not from earth, cuz, thats not. A thing. No more. Earth is a wasteland! some scientists saw that earth was going to hell, and started a project probably called something real cheesy like "the new eden project" and then they packed up a ton of people onto a spaceship and sent it out into the Great Beyond. at some point on the trip they had some awful bullshit go down, they got thrown off course, and then through other random bullshit they loose track of their old course and have no clue where earth is. They lose their old path in the expanse of space(that seems easy enough to do imo) and after some continued planet hopping, eventually settle on a viable planet(probably called some corny spaceage junk like "eden prime")
quill was born on EDEN PRIME, and no one on eden prime knows how to get to or remembers earth(it was so long ago). some scientists want info on Terra Classique(tm), also theres general like "if you find earth you get an Award/get into guiness book of new world records", and also like it's got a weird air of mystique surrounding it. no one really, like, hardcore cares, but everyone's a little curious about it? it feels a little fake and mythlike.
also everyone knows about aliens, too, its an integrated part of society. nothin to worry about on that front.
SO quill accidentally stumbles on earth, not knowing its earth(maybe??? i'll have to fiddle with some logistics on this, but I think it'll come down to"it's one tiny speck in the whole of space, so the likelihood that you'll just happen upon it when you have full 3d maneuverability is just pretty damn low) and helps out max. Max eventually lets it slip it's earth(not knowing its A Thing) and peter flips out like "YoUrE a TeRrAn?!?!?!?!?!? A FOR REAL REALSIES ACTUAL FACTUAL TERRAN???? BORN AND BRED?????? AHHHH????????!?!??!??!? we are going to be RICH, we are going to have our names IN THE HISTORY BOOKS, we FOUND EARTH, holy SHIT"
Also they grow together probably, and max heals from his Garbage Planet and is Entranced by Eden Prime, maybe folks from eden prime go to try and fix up earth/terra/homeworld/whatever, maybe not, idk. actually that sounds like a great way for things to go terrible from multiple angles, very quickly. but still. Stuff like that. Also they fuckkkkkkk because theyre two handsome men and I am Gay! merry xmas thats my idea.
2) the snippets
"Fuck!" Quill exclaims, snatching his hand away from the offending panel and shoving a slightly sandy finger into his mouth to suck. He glares up, but the tangle of wires seems completely unrepentant.
He grumbles softly to himself as he wiggles out from under his ship gracelessly. His movements work at least two handfuls worth of sand up into his jacket, and it leaves behind a thin layer of coarse irritation when he finally sits up and the bulk of it pours back out. He curses again at this, and tries to shake it out without much success.
This planet-- or at least, this particular corner of it-- is a fucking hellhole, if you ask him.
Sand's getting into every nook and cranny of his ship's equipment like it's its' personal mission to muck up the Milano's hardware, the star he's currently orbiting seems intent on turning the desert sand to glass, and he's yet to see a single sign of life in the days he's been parked here. He's hot and irritable and sweating and filthy and, worst of all, bored. Bored and lonely. Fuck it, he thinks to himself bitterly, it's not a core problem, anyway. He kicks the panel shut and crouches down to screw it back shut. The angle's awkward, but he's tired of being on his back.
He's just gathered and stowed his tools, intent on high-tailing it off this godforsaken rock, when a sound starts rolling over the sand dunes. He pauses at the top of the ramp, and it's silent for a long moment. Quill wonders, briefly, if he's starting come down with a nasty case of cabin fever, but then-- There it is again-- It sounds a bit louder this time, a gentle rumble creeping across the vast expanse, and... Well, it could be nothing. It's probably nothing. He says this to himself a few times, turns away from the open door and everything. This planet'll be a speck on his horizon in seconds. But...
But he's curious, dammit. So, with excitement slowly starting to creep up around the edges, he puts on his helmet and hops on a speeder, grinning from ear to ear. Finally, something interesting.
[insert “quill saves max with space guns” scene here]
Quill is woken from his daze by a flurry of movement, and instead of 'good morning' he gets his own blaster in his face. So much for gratitude.
After he'd gotten the man back to his ship, he'd cleaned and patched him up as best he could. He was still pretty filthy, since cleaning any part of him other than his wounds had seemed like a breech of privacy, but otherwise he had been set for the time being. All that was left was to wait for him to recover and wake, so Quill'd taken the opportunity to rest up himself on the bunk across from his guest's, leaving the ship on auto-pilot. Now he's been woken up(rude), had half of his favorite set of guns stolen(double rude), and has had his stunning display of hospitality thrown back in his face(triple rude, the charm). He becomes distantly aware that at some point, while he was still getting his bearings and not entirely cognizant, the man had demanded Quill let him leave.
"Looks like you're up." He says, raising an eyebrow. The man doesn't look amused, just shoves the gun more incessantly into Quill's face. "Hey, whoa, easy," Quill says, hands raised to chest-height in mock-surrender. There's a tense silence where they both just stare at each other, then he snaps into action, using one hand to smack the gun to the side and drawing his second blaster with the other. The man squeezes the trigger a moment too late, firing into the wall, and he scuttles backwards immediately, slamming back against the other wall in an effort to get space between the two of them.
Minutes tick by excruciatingly slowly as they stare each other down. The man gets increasingly agitated as the standoff wears on, glancing around the room in search of an opening, but the bunks are essentially situated in a hallway, just long enough that there's nowhere for him to duck for cover if he makes a break for it. Plus, he's accidentally gotten wedged up against the corner of the cot, which puts him at a rather severe tactical disadvantage. Finally, he grits out the words, "I won't be your blood bag." His lips curl in disgust around the words.
"Blood bag?" Quill says incredulously. His brow furrows as he struggles to understand what that means. Suddenly, he remembers the tattoo spread across the stranger's back, the one he'd discovered while patching up his side. He hadn't fully understood the meaning when he found it, but now the words universal donor appear in his mind, unbidden. His stomach churns. He thinks I took him, his gun waivers, to keep as a slave. As a human meat locker. Quill looks at the man before him- really looks- and nothing about him is screaming 'aggressor'. He looks frightened. Pissed off also, obviously, but he can see it in the man's too-wide eyes, the tension wound up so tightly inside him that the tendons in his neck have popped out clear as day.
He looks like a caged animal; or, even worse, someone who's been made a slave before.
Quill sucks in a breath and then slowly sets his blaster on the ground and kicks it over to the man. He raises his hands in earnest this time. "I don't want to hurt you, and I won't make you a blood bag."
To say he looks unconvinced is an understatement. His eyes flick between the weapon on the ground and Quill. Another long moment passes and Quill's mentally berating himself for doing something so stupid- wondering if he somehow misread the situation and wracking his brain for how he could recover from the extreme tactical disadvantage he's just put himself in- when the man finally speaks up again. His voice cracks this time, it sounds like from disuse. "Why?"
"Why-- ? Because you were hurt. You would've bled out. I couldn't just leave you there, with those... those fuckin' vultures." Quill is met with an unimpressed glare. "Honestly! I just... I wanted to help because I wanted to help. Because it felt like the right thing to do." The man's expression remains unchanged. "Alright, fine, I guess if I'm being totally up-front, I also sorta' did it because those guys were pieces of shit and I wanted to kick their asses. But mostly it was the good guy thing!" The man's eyes are boring holes in him at this point, and he's a little freaked out because he's not entirely sure what he could say to convince this dude, but then the gun lowers. Not a lot, but it's enough to make Quill grin with relief and he nods enthusiastically, as if that'll encourage the man to complete the motion. "And I'll let you off wherever you want, I'll even put you back right where I found you if you want. I was just trying to help."
The movement is stilted and jerky, but his gun-arm finally drops to his side. He looks incredibly tired, pale from blood-loss, and he leans fully against the wall for support, reaching up to cup his injured side. Quill curses quietly and reaches out to help the man into bed. He springs back into action at the movement, blaster raised and eyes wide. "Easy, just helpin' you lay down." Quill presses forward, steadfastly ignoring the weapon as he places his hands on the other man's shoulders, again mentally crossing his fingers that he's reading the situation correctly and this is the right move. There's an initial flinch, but once he realizes Quill isn't hurting him, he sags like a puppet with his strings cut. Quill barely suppresses a grin- yay, progress!- and carefully maneuvers him in the right direction.  [[ALT:: Quill carefully maneuvers him in the right direction, easing him down onto the cot. It seems like the guy's in too much pain to be completely alert, and Quill makes a mental note to find some pain meds for him.]]
Once he gets the man situated, he moves to take his blaster back, and in response the man not only tightens his grip but growls. Actually growls at him! Quill can't fight back his grin this time, and he pats the man's shoulder appeasingly. [[ALT:: Quill can't help the amused tilt of his lips at that, but then he remembers all the reasons to be on guard that this stranger seems to have, and the expression fades. He pats the man's shoulder appeasingly.]] "It's alright," he says softly, "you keep it." He does pick up and holster the one on the ground, and he spares one more glance at the man on the bed before slipping out of the room.
About half-way back to the cockpit to check on the auto-pilot, a realization strikes him. "Dammit," He mutters, "I forgot to ask his name!" [[ALT:: Just cut entirely. Way too cheesy]]
Quill's just finished fiddling around with the panel on the outer hull that had given him all that trouble on the sandy hellpit when the motion detector alarm beeps quietly inside his helmet. It felt a bit wrong, monitoring his guest's comings and goings, but he'd yet to wake up since their initial encounter and Quill was starting to worry that the man would never wake up, or that he'd try and sneak off with some of Quill's shit in one of his ship's escape pods(which, honestly, would just be downright rude.) [[ALT:: Maybe add; He was just worried for the guy's safety, and maybe also his things' safety a little bit.]] He figures(hopes, really) that if he uninstalls the motion detector after a single initial triggering, it won't be quite so wrong, morally speaking.
Now he scurries back inside to find the man cautiously investigating a panel set into the wall a few feet over and a set of stairs up from the bunks. It's pretty limited in its capabilities, so he isn't super worried about his guest breaking anything, but it is a rather cute sight. He acts like he's never seen a coms panel before, Quill muses to himself. He tries to telegraph his approach, but it still elicits a jump, unfortunately. The guy appears to relax once he sees it's Quill, but not by much. He nods a greeting, then turns back to the panel, seemingly intent on sussing out the mechanics of it.
"It's a coms panel." Quill leans his shoulder against the wall next to the panel, looking the screen over to see what the man's accessed. He looks lost, and he repeats the words 'coms panel' in a questioning tone, like he's testing them out. "I mean, technically it's a CDD panel, but see-dee-dee panel doesn't roll off the tongue as smoothly." He's going for joking, maybe even a little flirty, but instead Quill's met with a blank stare. The man seems to be able to navigate the panel just fine(no surprise there, the UI's pretty straightforward), but it doesn't seem like he's heard either term before(more surprising). "Communications and Diagnostics Display. CDD." He clarifies, and the man nods a bit, absorbing this information, though he still seems pretty curious about the full extent of the panel's capabilities. He's got plenty of time for that, though, and Quill is /dying/ for a little human interaction. "I'm Peter Quill, by the way. People call me Star-Lord." He puts on what he considers to be a fairly charming smile, but the look he gets back is completely flat and unimpressed.
"Star-Lord." He says it slowly, enunciates both syllables, as if it's a new nickname Quill thought up last night and he's trying to talk Quill out of it. Like saying it slower will somehow make Quill snap to his senses and realize it's the stupidest thing he's ever heard. Neither of those things happen. Instead, Quill just adopts a slightly exaggerated wounded expression.
"Aw, c'mon, no need to be a dick about it. Star-Lord's cool!" He insists. The man flicks his eyes up and down Quill once, then in a rather clipped tone hums 'mhm', as if to say 'yeah, you seem like the type who'd think that's cool.' Quill clicks his tongue against his teeth and crosses his arms over his chest. "What's your name, then, oh-arbiter-of-good-names?"
The man presses his lips together and turns back towards the coms panel. The seconds tick by as he taps back and forth between screens. It honestly seems like he's not going to answer, and Quill's just about given up on waiting when he hears a quiet, tentative, "Max."
Max. He smiles softly, turning the name over in his head. "You've got a point... That's a pretty good name." Max scrunches up his face, looking confused. "It suits you." He stares for a moment, like Quill is a puzzle that he's trying to solve, but then he just grunts his agreement and turns away again. "Star-Lord's still a cooler name, though." This prompts an eye-roll, and Quill grins from ear-to-ear.
Max's fork stops halfway between his plate and his mouth. "We're... in space."
Quill nods like it's nothing special. "Yeah, we've been off-world a while now. Since I picked you up. And like I said before, I'll drop you off wherever you like." He speaks in between bites, taking no notice of Max's hesitance. "I'd go with the nearest hub, if I were you- put that awful ball in your rearview mirror and never look back- but if that's where you wanna' be dropped I can't really stop you, so. 'S your call." He shrugs with one shoulder and finally looks up.
Max doesn't even need to say anything. 'This fucker's crazy' is scrawled across his face clear as day.
Quill's own face screws up in confusion at that. "What? Seriously! I didn't want any scavengers harassing me while I fixed up my ship, so I hopped a few rocks over. Easier that way."
"Of course. Perfect sense." He doesn't sound like he believes Quill; he sounds like he's placating a delusional man. He turns back to his food, but he watches Peter warily out of the corner of his eye. Quill can feel a muscle in his eyebrow twitch.
"Seriously! What the hell, dude, my ship's not that much of a junker. She's perfectly functional and got us here no problem. Just needed a little tune-up's all. Which is the only reason I stopped on your planet in the first place."
"I'm sure your... ship... works fine."
Quill huffs. "Alright, c'mon." He grabs Max by the elbow and tugs him up, then ushers him out of the room and into the flight deck. He points emphatically at the scenery beyond the glass. "Does that look like the dust ball I pick you up off of?" Max goes very still beside him, and he can feel all of the muscles in Max's arm going tense. When he finally looks back, Max's face is rapidly loosing color and his breathing's become uneven. Peter's grip and his tone both soften, though he's still incredulous when he asks "Haven't you ever been off-world before?"
Max shakes his head minutely, eyes glued to the scene before him. He takes a few steps forward, reaches out to gently rest his fingertips on the windshield. "This isn't," he mumbles around numb lips, "It's... not possible." His face is twisted up in shock and disbelief.
Quill steps a little closer, nudges his shoulder against Max's and grins down at him, attempting to lighten the mood. "What, never expected a lovable rogue to swoop into your life and finally get you off that backwater hellhole of a planet?"
"I didn't know there were other planets," Max says quietly. A stunned silence falls over the room as Quill absorbs this information. He drags his eyes away from Max to stare in the same direction, taking in the he sights of the planet he'd stopped on. He'd stayed in the same system for a variety of reasons(he had no idea where Max wanted to be dropped off, he didn't want to waste fuel backtracking, he had a few minor repairs he was itching to finally get off his to-do list...) It was all fairly insignificant, and he suddenly finds himself wishing he'd taken them somewhere prettier.
He'd chosen a random moon, and from their vantage point on it they can see a planet striped with swathes of reds and browns, backlit by the distant sun. It's nice enough, but nothing breathtaking, the surface of the moon consisting mostly of dull, rocky formations. Quill gets bored of the view easily enough, but when he looks over he sees Max enraptured. His hand is fully pressed against the glass now and his lips are parted in awe as he openly drinks in the sight before him. He blinks slowly, inadvertently showing off long lashes, and his expression is so much more open than Quill has ever seen it. [[ALT:: cut; possibly. Or rewrite??? either lacks something or is unnecessary I think]]For an instant, he's entirely unguarded, and it leaves Quill's chest tight and his cheeks warm, swallowing reflexively at the sight. All of the sudden the view here seems more than adequate for taking his breath away.
He clears his throat awkwardly and tears his eyes away from Max, attempting to tamp down on his blush as best he can and mentally pulling away from such a cheesy thought.
"So what's it short for?"
Max glances at Quill out of the corner of his eye, baster still held in front of his face in examination. He makes an inquisitive noise that seems to communicate What's what short for?
He's really good at that.
"Your name. Max," Quill explained, plopping down on the bed next to Max, who slowly lowered the blaster as he realized that Quill was intent of having, horror of horrors, yet another conversation. There was also a tensing of shoulders that implied he hadn't been invited to sit, but he either didn't notice or steadfastly ignored it. "What is it, Maximillion? Maxwell? Maximus?"
"Nothing," He said simply. "Just Max." He nodded slightly to himself then started examining the blaster again, seemingly under the impression that he'd completed the interaction.
Quill's face screwed up. "Just Max? Who names their kid just Max? You should at least do them the courtesy of making it something badass, like Maxium Overdrive or something. Oh!" The words had been rolling off his tongue, but he exclaimed when he processed the name he'd come up with. He looked excitedly over at Max.
"Just Max." He repeated, ignoring the now crestfallen Quill, who flopped back against the bed.
"You're no fun," He insisted. "No fun at all."
Max just hummed in agreement.
There was a beat of silence, before Quill broke it yet again. "What about last names? You can't be just Max, right?"
More silence, as Max debated whether or not to tell him. Quill slowly sat up on his elbows, watching Max's shoulder; he'd learned by now that rushing him would just turn him into a brick wall, though the waiting did make him fidget. Max slowly took in a deep breath, as if realizing this was a bad idea, then closed his eyes and said "Rockatansky."
Quill snapped to attention, sitting straight up. "Dude! That-- that name's fucking awesome, what the hell! Why don't you lead with Rockatansky? I'd never go by anything else, ever."
"Bit of a mouthful." Max explained. He tried to keep up his veneer of cool, detached disinterest, but the ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he quietly revealed "Some people call me Mad Max."
Quill's eyes got wide and he gasped theatrically. "Your name is Mad Max Rockatansky, and you introduce yourself as Just Max?" He lightly smacked Max on the shoulder. "Philistine!"
"Usually in a rush," Max explained with a shrug. "All those syllables'd get me killed." He flipped the blaster over to examine the other side, seemingly intent on having something to look at other than Quill. "Didn't exactly pick 'Mad' either. It was just given to me."
"Okay," Quill said patiently, then clapped a hand on Max's shoulder, "but it's super fucking badass, and you're a fool if you ever introduce yourself as anything other than Mad Max Rockatansky." He said it slowly, really emphasizing his words.
Max chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes as the glanced sideways at Quill. He tilted his head back just slightly and said "Guess I'm a fool then, hmm?"
Quill felt the air rush out of his lungs at the sight. Something about the quality of the light, the way it wrapped around the edges of his profile, the glint in his eye, even the exact angle of his head... It was like a picture in a magazine. Peter wished he had any way at all to capture it, but it left at quickly as it came, Max refocusing on the weapon in his lap and turning away from Peter. He still looked striking, backlit with head bowed and a rare smile on his lips, but now that his attention was no longer on Quill, it was a little less overwhelming and a little more affectionately domestic.
Quill still swallowed hard at the sight. "I could show you how it works!" He blurted out suddenly. Max raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "The... the blaster. I could show you how it works. I don't, uh," Peter hedged awkwardly, glancing away from Max, "totally know everything about how they work? But I know enough to fix them when they break. Mostly. Usually. So, uh, yeah."
The amusement returned, a little stronger this time, and he held out the blaster. "Go ahead and show me, then, Mr. Expert."[[ALT:: idefk, something other than expert here maybe.]]
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blitzendoggo · 2 years
Goodbye, For Now
Goodbid needs to get the Sky Skimmer for his contract, but his heart is not in it. Or, more accurately, his heart is in it too much.
**This is a Crackship
Goodbid/Skyskimmer (1617 words)
"So let me get this straight," S.G. says suspiciously. "You want me to get Mercury off the ship and into a tavern so you can then steal the ship?"
"Yep," Goodbid says with his most persuasive smile.
"And why would I do that?" S.G. asks, crossing her arms.
"Because you get to spend some alone time with Mercury." Goodbid all but bats his eyelashes at her, trying to convince her to go along with his idea, just this once.
"Yes, but you'd be stealing Sky Skimmer!" S.G. snaps, being defensive and protective over a boat that doesn't belong to her or even her (not-) boyfriend.
"Well, according to my contract, I'm also supposed to bring Mercury with me for extra pay," Goodbid growls back, not backing down from S.G. "I'm doing him a solid by getting him away from that ship!"
"If you lay a hand on him," S.G. hisses, raising her hand threateningly.
Goodbid holds her eye contact for several seconds. His smile becomes pinched at the edges. "S.G., I like you, and I like Mercury, so for all of our sakes just get him the hell away from that ship for two hours, okay?"
"I'm not going to let you steal from Mercury!" S.G. snaps, her accent becoming heavier and harder for Goodbid to understand.
"The ship isn't even his!" That makes S.G. stop. She stares at him, waiting for him to continue. "I found some documents that prove that the ship is a generations old family vessel."
"Are you saying that Mercury stole the ship?" S.G. growls.
"No, of course not! I like him just as much as you do, if only in a different way," Goodbid says, his voice dropping, as he eyes the door. No one is around, but he has to remember to not start screaming again or it might draw attention. "I don't believe he knowingly stole a ship. All I know is that there is a family who is willin' to pay a hitman to go out and find this ship and bring it back to them."
"Aren't you going to have to kill Mercury?" S.G. asks, distrustfully.
"No, they didn't care if I brought Mercury with me, they just want the ship."
S.G. lowers her hands. "This still doesn't feel right," she says, in an almost mournful way.
"Okay, how about this," Goodbid says, trying to relieve her guilt. "I give you a cut of the money that you then use to help Mercury buy a new ship with." S.G. tilts her head to the side, giving Goodbid the distinct impression that she is considering it. Goodbid almost wishes she wouldn't. He wants her to tell him to break the contract, that it's not worth losing such a beautiful, loyal ship for a bit of money, but he has a contract to follow, so he continues, "you'll look like the hero; besides, he'll never know that it was me that stole it."
S.G. grits her teeth, but she still slowly nods. "I swear if this goes south Goodbid, I'm selling you out," she hisses, pushing past him and heading towards the door.
"I wouldn't expect anything less," Goodbid says honestly. He waits an extra five minutes before leaving the room, no use in starting rumors about what they were doing in that small room with a locked door.
While S.G. is a master gaslighter, she cannot for the life of her flirt with Mercury. Goodbid, normally would find this utterly hilarious and would find Glib to make jokes about this with, but right now he really needs her to up her game.
Its prime time to go to a tavern, all S.G. needs to do is to ask.
After an actual hour of S.G. trying and failing to get Mercury off the ship, Glib finally decides to toss S.G. a bone and suggest that they go for drinks. Glib and Goodbid both have used this trick on Mercury. Glib will get to the bar and will use his vampirism as an excuse to dip and Goodbid (when he's not trying to annoy S.G. by holding a better conversation with Mercury) will make up a random excuse about not wanting to be hungover the next day.
While he waits an extra ten minutes behind some boxes, he can't help but admire the ship he stands on. The craftmanship is practically godly with the intricate designs that line her walls. The wood is dark and high quality, even to Goodbid's untrained eye. The whole ship gives off a magical and majestic appearance even before you realize that the ship is indeed magical, which just adds to her perfection.
Its perfection, he means.
Because it's a ship, not alive. Not capable of emotions.
After the ten minutes has past Goodbid gets up, stretching as he does, and walks to the wheel of the ship. He lays his hands gently on the rudder and Sky Skimmer flutters her sails in question.
"Easy, girl, we're just gonna go for a little ride," Goodbid says, gently stroking the wheel as he guides it towards Wainua. Sky Skimmer flies steadily for a few minutes before seemingly realizing where they are headed and slows to a stop.
Goodbid internally groans. This is gonna be a long trip, he thinks to himself before gently placing his hands back on Sky Skimmer's wheel. "Come on, Sky, your family just wants you back," he says, gently running his hand down her wheel, trying to soothe her.
Her sails relax for a moment before bristling again and flapping, but still not turning around.
"What?" he asks, genuinely confused. "Were they not good to you?"
The ship flutters her sails in a way that tells Goodbid that they weren't cruel to her, but she's still reluctant to return.
"You just want to stay with Mercury?" He asks, stepping away from her wheel and slowly walking to her mast.
Her sails move in a nodding manner.
Goodbid clicks his tongue and places his hand lightly on her mast, in a caring way. This ship is so beautiful and has a personality, Goodbid would even venture to say it has a mind, which makes him not want to take the ship where she would be unhappy. She likes Mercury better than her original family, so she should be allowed to stay with Mercury, but that sadly isn't how the world works.
"You still have to go back." His voice is light as it trails off, almost apologetic in sound. "If I take you back then Mercury won't be hurt because I also like Mercury," Goodbid says, tracing his hand up and down the beautifully worn wood of Sky Skimmer mast. "I won't hurt him, but someone else will if they get another hitman on the job."
The entire boat jolts at the implication that someone would hurt Mercury if Sky Skimmer isn't returned to her old family.
"Shh, girl, I know," Goodbid says soothingly, as he places his back against her mast and sinks to his knees. "I don't like it either, but once you get there, you could probably run away."
The ship almost perks up at that suggestion.
"Yeah, you could escape the boat yard and come back to Mercury," he says with a soft smile. "You could come back to S.G., and Glib." He stands up and slowly walks back to her rudder, gently running his fingers over the spokes. "Back to me."
There's a soft moment that they allow to hang in the air before Goodbid is forced to break it.
"But in order for you to run away, we have to get you there first." With a gentle tap of his heel, Sky Skimmer is sulking forward.
"I know, it hurts to leave," Goodbid says sympathetically as he brushes his fingers across the wood of her wheel. "But the faster you get there, the faster you can get back."
With his gentle prodding, Sky Skimmer picks up speed and is racing toward Waniua. Goodbid full body laughs at the change in her mood as she rockets forward.
The ride takes barely an hour which Goodbid spends admiring the view -both of the landscape that they pass, and the gorgeous ship he finds himself on. When they near Waniua, Goodbid, nudges Sky Skimmer to float in the water, as to not draw too much attention. He calmly steers her to the meeting location that he had set up with the family. He looks over the edge of Sky Skimmer at the sea for a moment before leaning on her rudder.
"I have to go get one of them and bring them back here," Goodbid tells her. "But once they are here, I won't be allowed back on the ship, so this is goodbye for now." He leans down at places a gentle kiss on the top of one of her spokes.
Her sails flutter mournfully as Goodbid gets off the ship and walks up the dock. He resolutely does not look back, nor does he think about the possibility that Sky Skimmer won't return to him- Mercury, he means. Not himself, because why would he need to refer to himself.
Its not like he's done something so stupid as fall in love with a sentient ship. Of course not, that would be foolish and entirely unprofessional of him.
He gets to the end of the dock and can't help but throw one last look at the beautiful ship before squaring his shoulders and walking up the stairs.
She will come back to them. Back to him.
She has to.
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toaster-hair · 2 years
i try my BEST not to let fandom get in my way of how i view ships bc i always see ships in a non canonical way. so if you want you can fold a ship into whatever way you want whether its aus, fix it fics, or whatever. i especially try not to let the popularity of a ship get in the way of how much i like a ship, im very fond of rarepairs and crackships but i dont consider myself someone who cant bring themselves to like popular ships or even brags about liking.. ANYTHING that isnt mainstream
but there comes a POINT where when ALL of the content you see for a character youre fond of is ABOUT A SINGLE SHIP that you start hating the ship and maybe even the other character involved. it hurts even more when its a ship you fell out of love with.
yes, im talking soudam AGAIN bc kazuichi has rotted my brain so badly that i feel like i cant even go a single day without thinking of him, AND I BARELY EVEN INTERACT W/ THE DR FANDOM ANYMORE. one of my ocs was just a genderbent au i made of him that looked distinct enough i just took it and ran. thats how bad it is. (tbh i do just like the color pink and... sharp.. teeth.. so thats probably why. hes pathetic too which just makes it x2 as good)
look, i dont think that ppl who ship soudam are inherently bad ppl. i dont really care about what ppl ship as long as theyre 1) not shipping real ppl and 2) not shoving it in other peoples faces. and i dont see any soudam shippers directly doing that. i was a soudam shipper, and honestly, i can see why ppl ship it. its an interesting dynamic.
bbbutt.. i dont ship it!  i personally dont care for it anymore, or even just general dr stuff. i should probably get into dr stuff more sense i feel like other than skullgirls and cookie run, im a bit lost when it comes to fandoms nowadays. but i still really like kazuichi and, by extension, sonia and their ship sounia. so every now and then i look for content abt them whether its for comfort or horniness, or just bc i want to. and a big theme i see is soudam. everywhere. its not unbareable especially on a site like tumblr where i can block certain tags and words. but even with that blocking, soudam can still clog it up meaning its harder for me to find content i like.
its even worse when some of that content is intentionally made to spam tags. an example would be what happened on instagram a while back, im not sure if that many other people noticed it, where ppl would spam dr ship tags with things such as “hey ur ship sucks xoxo”, feet, and in the worst case scenario, gore and self harm.
its even worse (take a sip everytime i say that) when you bring in stuff like antis and proshippers which, IS A CAN OF WORMS I DO NOT WANT TO GO INTO. i dont use either label, i hate antis but i really fucking hate proshippers. which is why i dont like ppl labeling all sounia shippers as proshippers because.. no. no i am not. you cant dictate what side someone is on in a silly shipping war based of a single thing they like. i know damn well there are sounia shippers who are proship, anti, somewhere in the middle, and the same can be said abt soudam shippers. which is why i hate how soudam shippers are seen as morally good and sounia shippers are seen as gross. i just wanna see some pathetic lil guy try and fail to woo a girl, i dont wanna argue about what ship is superior. neither are illegal, so they are both equal.  
in conclusion; there are and will be a lot of soudam shippers. i dont care. i just want to be left alone, but soudam is hard to ignore. dont try to call any soudam shippers poopyheads, lets all just try to be nice and respect one another. sorry if this seems like a hate rant, because it is. i am frustrated. didnt mean for this to become an 8 paragraph essay, but thats just what happened. 
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