#yes my romanization spelling is not completely consistent
regnigt · 1 year
Both in the Infant Strife and the Battle of Rakuyo arc, Gintoki wins a fight against an opponent lacking normal eyesight who compensates in other ways and is still dangerous (Batou much moreso than Nizo, but Nizo does have good feats).
In both cases, not only does the narrative first fool the audience by following along with the opponent's mistaken view of reality, but when the truth is revealed it's still perhaps not entirely clear to everyone what really happened, or at least how the opponent was deluded.
And then there is what happens in chapter 703...
Was this aspect of the other two fights foreshadowing that final battle?
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bughead-fic-request · 5 years
Dorm 4H
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Chapter 1: And They Were Roommates
Summary: Omega Betty Cooper and Alpha Jughead Jones find out they are forced to share a dorm room at Harvard University regardless of their designations.
Words: 1,254
Warnings: Mentions of being in the foster system.
A/N: I am going to take a shot at something that is not a slow burn and this is my first try at an Alpha/Omega fic. I’m hoping it’ll make me want to write more. This might be a little OOC, it’s in character for me cause I view the characters however I’d like. I also edited this myself so expect some errors. I also know nothing about Harvard so let's just pretend!
Find it on AO3 here! 
Betty threw her knapsack down on the bed to the right. She had always favored the right side of any room, maybe since it was one of the only things that was consistent in her life. It didn’t matter what foster home she landed in, if she was on the right side it would always feel like her bed, her place.
She took a deep breath in and her nose scrunched at the smell of what had to be stale feet wafting from the carpet, no doubt from the countless other students who had once called this place home. She hoped after a while it would smell like her and whatever Omega she was roomed with. The sweetness of another Omega she could handle but rank feet, not so much.
Lowering herself onto her bed she couldn’t help but let out a little squeal. She had worked so hard to get into Harvard’s Undergraduate Architectural program and she couldn’t believe that she was here. Betty knew it wouldn’t be easy, Architecture was an Alpha dominated profession and they would try to force her out if she didn’t make the right friends but she was ready for it. Thirteen years in the foster system as an Omega would get you ready.
She debated whether she should close the door but leaving it open would allow the room to air out and allow her to scent the floor. This building allowed men and women and Alpha’s and Omega’s to room on the same floor but not in the same room. Boys had to room with other boys, girls with other girls and the same went for their secondary sex.
Betty would lie if it didn’t excite her. She had always dreamed of the full college experience, something that would finally seem normal in her life after so much uncertainty and knowing all the rights Omega’s had obtained over the last thirty years she wasn’t afraid to dive in.
She took out the lavender-colored sheets and began to make her bed, there was no sense in waiting for her dorm-mate, if it was a problem they could always work it out. Betty busied herself putting her few belongings away, putting up posters and tucking her clothes into drawers until she was completely unpacked.  
The room was more standard than she thought it would be. Two twin beds hugged the walls and at the foot of each bed was a desk with storage built over top. When you entered the room there was a closet to the left and a full bath to the right, which Betty was thankful for. It would help when her heats hit. There was a small fridge under a small kitchenette, no sink or microwave, just a place for cutlery and a few non-perishables.
As Betty waited for her roommate to show up she thumbed through the Harvard brochure she had clung too since she had received in the mail when she caught by a new scent, a new Alpha was on the floor. She had smelled plenty of Alphas in her time, pressed her nose to many glands but nothing smelled quite like him, this Alpha.
He smelled like the sea, heavily of salt but fresh like her lungs were opening for the first time like she had been gasping for air all these years and could finally breathe. Along with the sea, she could smell the woods, specifically pine and sandalwood. 
A flush of heat flowed through her. She wasn’t supposed to fall into one of her spells until closer to the end of the year, she knew it was probably just a reaction from a strong scented Alpha male but she didn’t like what it was doing to her. Her suppressants kept her in line, she could track her cycles and keep herself safe, she didn’t care for this loss of control.  
And then he was at her door, looking down at a sheet of paper and then again at the number on the door. He had a large duffel bag slung over his shoulder and he gripped the straps as his attention fell on her. He was tall, over six feet and was wearing a grey henley that strained against his muscular chest and covered his broad shoulders. His dark blue jeans fit him snuggly and white and black converse adorned his feet.
His thick-rimmed black glasses were falling down his roman nose and his mouth was opening and closing in confusion, his full bottom lip pursing in a way that made Betty shift uncomfortably.
His black hair had a curl and fell in front of his bright green eyes as he took a step into the room.
“Is this dorm 4H?” He asked swallowing hard as he looked back at the door one more time.
This was definitely the Alpha Betty had been smelling, the scent was overwhelming now that he was in the room with her. The odor of stale feet was gone.
She hid her unease with a smile. “It sure is, can I help you with anything?” She asked with the kindness she had adapted as an Omega. 
His eyes narrowed as he took another step towards her, his eyes closing only for a second as he took a deep breath in and flinched. “Okay, so what are you doing here?” He asked sharply dropping his bag.
Betty raised an eyebrow. “Uh, I live here. I’m dorm 4H.” She said with all the former pleasantry gone from her voice.
“Canaday Hall?” 
“That’s impossible,” he informed taking a few more steps to close the space between them. “Do you have your housing assignment with you?” He questioned.
Betty moved past him to her desk and picked it up. She pointed to her room number on the paper, “See, Canaday Hall room 4H.”
He took the paper from her hands and studied it as she looked at his assignment hoping to learn something about him.
Jones, Forsythe.
“Your name is Forsythe?” She giggled. “You hang around with a lot of Abraham’s and Ethyl’s, old man?”
He eyed her with what could only be labeled as disdain and something that Betty couldn’t place before turning his attention back to the papers in front of him. “This is impossible, I could maybe understand mixing up genders but not placing an Alpha with an Omega.”
“Well, that’s rude.” Betty snorted placing her hands on her hips.
“I have no problem with you being an Omega, it’s more for your safety. You have no idea what type of Alpha I could be.” He warned.
“Is that a threat?”
“No, its matter of fact, which is why they don’t let us room together. You’re lucky I know how to keep my hands to myself but see here,” he pointed at where it should have said Betty’s name. “Brett Cooper, I’m assuming your name isn’t Brett.”
“Betty,” she told him, “short for Elizabeth.”
“We’ll we need to head down to the housing office now, we need to get this cleared up before the semester starts.” He turned to leave the room only looking back once. “Are you coming or what?”
She can tell he’s not used to being told no, people not following all his commands. He might smell amazing but she had to remind herself that an Alpha is an Alpha.
“Yeah, okay.” Betty sighed grabbing her phone and following him out, desperately trying to keep the scent of the sea and woods close Alpha or not. 
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dungeonmalcontent · 4 years
Thoughts on Encounter Balancing and the Meat Grinder
I’ve talked about running a meat grinder, and given a brief description of what that entails. But I want to go into detail on the matter. Below the cut there will be some visuals and ttrpg philosophy discussion for how to run good and balanced encounters in 5e d&d, primarily through the use of Roll20. This is a long post. I would put it on my Wordpress blog, but that’s getting some work and requires more effort.
So what is a meat grinder?
A meat grinder is a combat only one shot that allows for variety of play at high speed. Key aspects of the meat grinder are challenging encounter composition, terrain (re-positionable), and increased difficulty with every encounter round with the players leveling up between each. Ideally, the players have pre-planned how they want to level up their characters, have a different character ready for every level, or use a character manager tool like Aurora Builder, Fight Club 5e, or DNDBeyond (which I had my players use, because they could randomize and build widely varied characters) to facilitate fast level ups.
So how did I run the meat grinder? What does it look like? How do you even start this sort of project?
Well, let’s look.
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This is the setup I used on Roll20. This is without FoW on, and I’ll zoom in on various aspects as I go on, but it isn’t that complicated. At the top we have a waiting room, where players can pick a token that speaks to them, and a “lion cage” with the tokens for each planned encounter (I deleted a few during the game I ran). Below that is the “arena,” which by itself isn’t all that special, as it was emptied out completely at the end of every encounter. At the very bottom, and pretty much never visible to the players, is the terrain room where I have shapes or tokens with terrain. My terrain was essentially just columns of various size that ran from floor to ceiling and either made walls or obstacles, but that was only because I put this together in a couple of hours.
Lets start with the waiting room.
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At the start of the game, this is all the players should be able to see. There are a variety of tokens and instructions for how players can pick theirs; which in Roll20 you will then have to assign to the player (and then ideally color code as shown with the last four). All the tokens I threw on there, and I picked for variety, were pulled from the free assets on Roll20 (though I have plenty of my own, this was faster than uploading to my library). You can add on player/character names to help differentiate, but that also takes some extra time. The important part is that the players use this space to get used to what is about to happen. I also used an airlock room attached between the arena and the waiting room, just to give them a little more immersion and warning when the next round was ready, but that’s not really necessary.
Next is the “Lions Cage,” and I call it that in the spirit of the Roman Colosseum.
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This is where I kept the tokens for each encounter. I had then arranged in rows with the first being at the top (which was deleted after it was beaten, but contained an Evil MageTM, two zombies, and two skeletons). I started at CR 1 (with four level 1 players), and went to CR 2 (animated armor and dragon wyrmling) and so on, following basics for balancing encounters based on CR. I will get into monster selection more later, but this is the room where I had all of that laid out. It is always blacked out for players. (I also had two spiderman PNGs and a barrel to use as variety tokens like Spiritual Weapon or familiars, they’re a running joke in my games.)
Now, the arena.
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This is a big empty area. Every round I add in the tokens for the encounter monsters, the terrain, and I adjust the lighting as needed. The lighting is probably the biggest brain thing I’ve ever done on Roll20 and I encourage the use of this system for any arena or massive dungeons you build on the platform. You write out “Lighting” as well as “bright,” “dim,” and “dark.” You add this text to the background layer (along with all the boxes and things you don’t intend to move). Then you get boxes big enough to cover whatever lighting options are not in use. For bright rooms where there is enough light for all characters (save those with aversion to bright light) to see clearly, you cover up “dim” and “dark.” It’s that simple and it does so much for the players too, because it gives them actual use of their darkvision and they don’t have to ask you what the light in the room is like, they can just see. If they have disadvantage due to lighting, they can see the precedent based on the setting. It’s a good system and I am quite proud of it.
As a secondary note, FoW is interesting in this room. For after round cleanup and next round setup, it is recommended to black out the arena. When starting out a round, particularly if you are using sneaky creatures, it is advised to reveal the room gradually as the characters move about it. This is a great place to use the token lighting feature thing you get with a premium Roll20 subscription, as this feature enables rapid revealing and occluding of space in the arena based on the token’s given sight range. But that costs money. I got along just fine doing it manually.
Lastly, the terrain room.
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This is just an empty space below the arena map, used to store terrain pieces. For my meat grinder I used six objects. Three squares and three circles, made to equilateral sizes with the shift function (should use high contrast colors and have both line and fill colors selected before making shapes, hence the purple and green). More shapes would have been ideal, but weren’t necessary. And shapes aren’t even required, you can add in terrain features from whatever map builder you use, but shapes are the easiest to prepare and move.
Another good option might be to add in one big solid black square to cover the whole arena and use other colored squares to represent platforms (possibly even color coding certain platforms to indicate height from a base level like the precipice of the waiting room). This adds an additional challenge to navigating the room and rewards characters with mobility based abilities like flight, or spells like spider climb. Alternatively alternatively, the room could be indicated to be submerged and the players given potions of waterbreathing, as this allows for underwater combat and aquatic monsters.
So what might an encounter look like? Here’s an idea for CR 4.
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It doesn’t look that hard, honestly. Nothing in the lineup is actually even CR 4. But you also have to remember that most classes don’t get anything interesting or impactful at level 4. Level four is the designated ability score improvement level. So they aren’t going to be able handle anything much more challenging than before, even if they all take super useful feats instead of score ups (if you use those rules). The challenge of this setup is the terrain and the cube. Gelatinous cubes are a menace in group fights with small spaces, and gargoyles and werewolves have a lot of basic damage resistance and high speed.
So, suppose you open the room like this.
“The room is dark. You can see several pillars in front of you and not much else. There are vague shapes near the tops, as though they are ornamented with some statuary that you can’t quite make out. The room smells foul, like decay, and you can hear an uncomfortable squelching noise coming from further in.”
The players guess: Well, something is clinging to the tops of the pillars, and there’s some form of ooze in there. They probably won’t split up, so they can avoid getting taken out by falling creatures, and they expect to gang up on the ooze to take care of it quickly. But the cube is a tank and they have no clue the werewolf is hiding in the shadows. They are going to get ambushed, boxed in by the cube and divebombed by gargoyles. Now, if they’re smart they will take advantage of the tight spaces between pillars and act like tunnel fighters. The center middle or the bottom right are ideal for using the cube in their favor, as it will likely absorb the werewolf or careless gargoyles on accident if they don’t all have enough space. Worst case scenario, they all fail to see the cube (which I’ve made a size larger, arbitrarily), they stay in the open and split up to get picked up by big swooping maneuvers (which I would play out to the sound of Roundabout by Yes playing in the background).
So say, you run a round and the players win easily. Then what?
When the players win a hard fought battle I give them loot. One item from each killed monster, and there is usually at least one monster per player. I used the donjon random loot generator set to uncommon magic items. In the case of an easy victory you can adjust to no loot or less loot, or maybe just non-magic loot.
The players beat an encounter. I move them to the waiting room to level up and sort loot, cover the arena back up, move tokens and terrain around, and start again.
How did I select the encounters? Why certain creatures and why put them together?
The answer isn’t satisfying. Gut feelings, matching mechanics, and CR. I like thematic encounters for the meat grinder, though those themes are sometimes very arbitrary. My CR 3 lineup was themed “This looks like the dumbest and best hippie van art ever” and consisted of a gnome bard riding a gryphon and three centaurs. It used mounted combat, high speed, and mobile casting. Terrain would be sparse and likely against the walls to make crevasses for players to trap or get trapped in. If it felt like it was going to be too tricky, I could drop one or two centaurs from the encounter.
Generally speaking a creature of a certain CR is balanced for a party of 4-5 players of the same level as the creatures CR, with “boss” monsters being occasional outliers. So typically, an encounter consists of a high CR monsters (at or just above the PCs level/CR) and some fodder minion of a lower CR. Some monsters are also designed as fodder monsters, however, so putting just a lot of fodder monsters of the same CR as the players level is also an option. The beauty of the lions cage is that it allows you to also mix and match lineups on the fly, you can add or subtract monsters easily to make it harder or easier for your players. My players got wiped out by the animated armor and wyrmling, and had I used one less armor, they would have definitely survived, but it might have been too easy if they had picked up on the theme of the round (high armor, low health, so using save spells and abilities was the most effective method).
When putting together an encounter, I start by looking at the donjon creature index (another great tool you should have bookmarked) and browsing for a key creature for the encounter. This is usually the same CR as the players level. I pick one and then build up complimenting creatures from the same or lower CR. And that’s most of it.
The beauty of the meat grinder is its simplicity. It’s perfect for practicing combat balancing, getting new players used to the mechanics of combat, or running a quick one shot with little prep. You can even adjust it into a sort of tournament arc sort of narrative or a game show sort of last man standing operation (with killed players running pvp fights).
If you read this whole thing, holy cow. You’re a trooper. I hope you learned something useful or got some ideas. If you run a meat grinder of your own, I wish you all the luck in the world. It’s fun and can be very rewarding. Think of it like the infinity train (the one from Adventure Time, not the show [I haven’t watched the show and probably should]), lots of possibility—itty-bitty living space.
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parisian-nicole · 4 years
Amends Pt 4 (Bamon Fic)
Previous Chapter: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/615052652035850240/amends-pt-3-bamon-fic
Author's Note: True BTVS fans will notice some ideas from Buffy. Well, Buffy did it first and in my humble opinion did it better. Also, no doubt in my mind the folks doing TVD got a lot of their ideas from BTVS ;) I am just paying homage is all :)
Bonnie had first been shocked and then very flattered by Damon's outburst regarding her. When he had stormed off afterward she had to fight a nearly overwhelming urge to follow him and placate him in some way. A voice in her head reminded her that Damon was the enemy, but that voice grew fainter and fainter with each passing second until finally, she decided to ignore it. So, the rest of the day had consisted of Damon sulking and avoiding everyone, with Bonnie playing an uneventful game of hide and seek to find him. With a little guidance from Stefan who had told her where he and Damon used to go when they were young to hide from their father, she was finally able to find Damon in the garden maze on the back of the property.
"You shouldn't be out here, Bonnie," He spoke out to her even though she was still a few feet behind him and he hadn't bothered to turn to look at her.
"It's fine, I'm safe. Grams said she's beefed up the protection spell so Kai can't step one foot on the grounds, and it's a really beautiful and warm night. I like to take strolls on nights like this," She spoke out as she finally reached his side and began to walk along with him.
"Just go back inside," He sighed out as he threw her a quick look and when she looked up at him, his eyes held some semblance of the 'dangerous' Damon she was more familiar with. It chilled her a little but still, she continued to walk with him.
"You're not the boss of me, so, no," She finally replied as she smiled up at him and batted her lashes playfully. Damon couldn't stop the smile that spread across his lips. He reached out and grasped her hand and quickly looped it around his arm before she could protest or recoil from his touch. To both their surprise Bonnie hadn't yanked her hand away and they walked on for a few moments in silence before Bonnie spoke again. "Why did you and Stefan used to hide here?" She questioned but Damon didn't readily reply and after a few more seconds of silence she spoke again. "I'm sorry Stefan just mentioned something about it ... I know ... it's none of my business and I didn't mean to pry."
"No, it's all right. It's just not a memory I like bringing to mind. Let's just say our father was not a very nice man," Damon finally revealed. "Most of the time I could get my father to focus his anger onto me and away from my mother and my brother. But after our mother left us it wasn't always so easy to protect Stefan from my father's belt or his fists, depending on his mood," He spoke as the cruelty inflicted by his father's hands lashed out at him from his memories. He shook his head slightly to push the memories away. For Bonnie, she felt a part of herself wanting to reach into the past and shield Damon from the abuse he suffered at his father's hands. Instead, she found herself gripping his arm a little firmer in support, "On those days I would bring Stefan here to hide," He continued his tale. "My mother designed this maze and she created some secret places just to protect us from our father, like this one," They had stopped in front of small section cut into the foliage wall of the maze, which housed a statue of what looked to be some Roman figure to Bonnie.
"I don't see anything except that statue," She said pointing to the stone-made man. "Oh, do you move it some way and it opens some secret door?" She asked excitedly and Damon chuckled a bit as he shook his head.
"No, the door is already there but hidden," He replied as he walked her closer. "You just have to know where to look," He then moved to the left side of the statue which appeared to just be more of the foliage, but was, in fact, a secret opening to an enclosed area. Damon entered first and pulled Bonnie in behind him. The space was tighter than he had remembered it now that he was a man, but it still was large enough that they both could stand side-by-side.
"Wow, this is amazing," Bonnie said in awe.
"There are 11 more areas just like this hidden throughout the maze," Damon stated as he stepped out from the hiding spot and back onto the main path of the maze with Bonnie following behind him. Without coaxing she reached up and looped her hand back around his arms as they continued their walk.
"Did your father ever find you in any of those secret spots?"
"No, but he never bothered to look for us either," Damon replied. "He knew eventually we'd return home tired and hungry. And he'd be waiting for us, but by then his focus would just be on me because I was the oldest and had been the defiant one. So, I would get the punishment, which was what I had wanted anyway."
"To protect your little brother," Bonnie spoke her thoughts out loud and he simply nodded. "I'm sorry that happened to you, Damon."
"It's all right, that was a long time ago," He said as he reached his other hand up and patted her hand that rested on his arm. Both pretended to not notice when he kept his hand there.
"But it was still amazing how you stood up to your father to protect your mother and your brother," Bonnie said genuinely impressed.
"Well, you're not the only sacrificial lamb in town Ms. Bennett."
"You keep calling me that but I have never made any grand sacrifices like that."
"No, because you're not at that chapter in the book yet, and now that I am rewriting the book you won't ever have to make them," He replied.
"But what if you can't rewrite every single part of the book and someone's life depends on me?"
"Depends on you giving your life for theirs? No, that's just not an option," Damon declared as he shook his head to the idea. "We'll just have to come up with another solution."
"And if there is no other solution?" She countered curiously though she was quite relieved to hear him defending her life the way he was. The idea of dying was not at all appealing to her.
"Then 'they' die and 'you' live, simple."
"And it doesn't matter who 'they' may be?"
"No, and I'm pretty sure I've said this already."
"Yeah you did and quite loudly too," She replied with a giggle to try to lighten his mood which she could see was souring again. "But what if it's-"
"I don't care who it is, Bonnie," He cut off her words which annoyed her a little as she squinted up at him a bit.
"Fine, but what if I'm not sacrificing myself for someone but for something. Like, what if it's an end of days type of thing, like when I destroyed hell?"
"That didn't actually kill you and you had help from all your witchy ancestors. But if it meant you dying to prevent some kind of hell on Earth, I'd still choose for you to live."
"And you'd want me to live and suffer in a hell on Earth? What kind of BFF are you?" She laughed out jokingly at the absurdity of it all.
"You'd have your mojo and me to protect you, you wouldn't suffer, you'd survive it all just fine."
"Wow, you seem to have my life all figured out for me," She tossed out sarcastically as she rolled her eyes a bit.
"Just the part where you stay alive."
"Yeah well, I won't live forever Damon," Bonnie said with a smile as she looked up at the stars in the sky, but when he said nothing in reply, she shot her eyes up to his face. "And I don't want to live forever either," She quickly added. "Oh my God, are you planning to turn me into a vampire?" This time she stopped and did abruptly pull her hand from his arm.
"What?" Damon looked over at her as if she were daft. "No, Bonnie, I am not planning to turn you into a vampire. Doing that would require me, first, giving you my blood and then killing you. Which would go against my 'Bonnie must not die' rule. And just for the record being a vampire isn't all that bad, you know. Some of the perks being that you'd get to stay drop-dead gorgeous, young, and sexy forever."
"Yeah, but by killing human beings and drinking their blood," She spat at him completely ignoring his complementary words. "So, as appealing as all those perks may be, I could never purposefully take a human life just to survive."
"What have I told you about reading weepy vampire romance novels?" Damon admonished and she blinked at him and looked as if he had caught her red-handed doing something unseemly. "Yeah, I know you read them and they're full of bullshit," He countered. "I did drink a couple of pints of human blood today, but I got it from my fridge, not from the veins of some virgin I killed," He rolled his eyes dramatically. "And there are a lot of places in the world, in Mystic Falls even, where humans and vampires meet up and the humans willingly offer their necks to vampires, and in the end both walk away very satisfied and alive," Bonnie's eyes widened and her mouth fell open slightly as she looked at him in shock and disbelief.
"You really expect me to believe that people offer themselves as a Big Mac to vampires, the vampires just take what they need, and everybody walks away happy?"
"Why not, it's not like we have to kill you, we just need some of your blood to not desiccate. We don't need to drain you dry. A couple of gulps would suffice," Bonnie thought on this surprising and rational piece of information for a second before she spoke again.
"Then why the hell do you vampires hunt and kill us for our blood, just for sport?" She questioned as she folded her arms across her chest.
"Yes, for some vampires that would be the reason, and I used to be that type. All vampires are like that when they are firstborn. It's all instinctual really never a necessity to do," He admitted freely and Bonnie didn't react negatively by the news. In fact, she was very intrigued by what she was learning. "But mostly it's because when we show our true selves humans tend to run, and scream, and bring attention to us."
"Oh, so it's our own fault for being scared and not wanting to be a vampire's dinner?" She tsked out as she rolled her eyes a bit at him.
"God, I forgot how annoyingly judgmental you used to be at this age," Damon said around a heavy sigh as he frowned up and his words made her feel slight shame. "I'm not trying to place blame or defend anything. I'm just trying to honestly answer your questions. Bonnie, there are supernatural beings in this world like werewolves, vampires, and witches who all have to survive the best way we know how. Do some vampires kill for blood? Yes, but many of us don't. Do some witches use their magic for evil and carnage? Yes, case in point Kai, but many like yourself don't. And the same can be said for humans, many of them do some sick and evil things too. They kill. So, in the end, it comes down to the individual being and where their moral compass leads them. And for the record, I haven't 'killed' a human for their blood in over 80 years now," With that said he walked on ahead and left Bonnie standing there silently watching him go. After a moment she had caught up to him and again walked along beside him. She kept her arms crossed at her chest to keep him from trying to grab her hand again. But also, to keep herself from subconsciously reaching for his arm again.
"So, why would a human willingly let a vampire bite them?" She asked in a meeker tone.
"Because we can make it feel very good for them," Damon answered but gave no further details. He honestly wanted to end this line of questioning because he felt any kind of vampire talk would just fuel Bonnie's bigotry towards him. When his goal was to win her over not push her further away.
"How … good?" She probed further coyly but sincerely curious to know more.
"Do you really want to know?" Damon asked as he stopped and turned to face her. In their other life, he would never have considered what he was thinking, but in this redo world, he planned to take advantage of every opportunity given him to get any and everything he wanted. So, he silently waited for a response from Bonnie and she stood quietly contemplating it for a few seconds and then gave a nod of her head. "Okay, and has Sheila taught you that neat little spell where you can burst the blood vessels in someone's head?"
"Yes," She answered as she eyed him warily and took a step back from him. "But why do I need that spell?"
"You don't," Damon stated as he shook his head. "But it might put your mind more at ease to know that it can put a vampire down quick. I know because you used to use it on me a lot. If you ever feel threatened by me or any other vampire use that spell. You'll never have to use it to defend harm from me because I promise you, I would never purposely cause you harm. I know you don't believe that yet…"
"I believe you," She interjected.
"You do?" Damon's face lit up at hearing this and he smiled a little.
"Yeah, I do," She admitted begrudgingly. "At first I thought you were full of shit and was just messing with me. But Grams, she believes you're who you say you are and that we have a close relationship in some future I'll likely never know now. She says I need to trust you. I trust her and I always do as she tells me to, so. Also, I can see it when I look at you. It's all there in the way you talk, the way you move, and especially the way you look at me. It's so different than the way you were a week ago. You've changed, softened even?"
"Softened? Ouch," He repeated as he clutched his hand to his chest in jest. "Now, there's no need for insults, Bon-Bon," Damon huffed out as he scowled up a bit at her description of him even though he wasn't at all offended by it. Bonnie giggled a little in response.
"What I'm trying to say is that I do believe you when you say that you wouldn't hurt me, here?" She placed a hand over her chest. "But here," She then tapped her temple. "It's still a struggle and my brain has full control over my magical fingers," She wiggled her fingers for effect. "So, I may react without really meaning to and hurt you."
"I'm the blood-sucking monster who could rip out your throat but you're more concerned that you might hurt me. You know, that's something you never stop doing. That insane habit you have of always putting everyone else's well-being before your own," He stated and the way he smiled when he said it told Bonnie she should take his words as a compliment. "And remember what I told you before, always trust those instincts. If your brain tells you to fry me, you fry me, and make apologies later if necessary."
"All right, but why do I need that spell right now? Since we've just established that you'd never harm me," Bonnie said and then Damon took a couple of steps closer to her.
"Because you said you wanted to know how good a vampire's bite can feel. I'm willing to show you but I'd have to bite you," Bonnie let out a whisper of a gasp but spoke no protests to what he had said. "You can use the spell to physically stop me if you were to feel threatened by me in any way," He answered in a lowered, slowed, and calmer voice as he locked his eyes onto hers. Her eyes bulged in fear and the pace of her heartbeat doubled.
"I meant for you to describe it to me, Damon, not actually show me."
"It's a hard feeling to describe though I could try, you and I both know that it wouldn't sate your curious mind, now would it?" Her silence spoke volumes and was a testament to his words. "It will not hurt at all and I'll only do this if you really want me to. Only if you give me your consent," He continued to speak as he moved closer and somehow his voice soothed her some and she stood her ground and didn't bolt like her legs were urging her to do. "If you don't really want to know how it feels," He leaned his face down until they were almost touching cheek to cheek. "If you want me to stop just say so, Bon-Bon," Damon went on with his words and his movements. Bonnie spoke no words in reply but she still welcomed his advances by tilting her head to the side to give him full access to her throat.
"I cannot believe I am letting you this close to my neck again," She mumbled out as she squeezed her eyes shut and fisted her hands at her side, readying her magic in case she needed it.
"You're in complete control this time," Damon stated as he let his eyes trace over the contour of her face and waited for her next move. "Do you want me to show you how good a vampire's bite can be, Bonnie?" He whispered these words seductively into her ear and his breath touching her flesh made her shivered a bit as her mouth fell open in surprise at the twinge of pleasure that tickled her belly. She only nodded and he shook his head. "No, if you want this you have to say so, tell me to bite you," He instructed and she swallowed the lump in her throat, lifted her head a bit, and stared right at him. Green locked onto blue as she spoke.
"I want to know what a vampire's bite feels like, Damon. Please show me," Bonnie spoke confidently although softly and Damon moved swiftly before she could change her mind and he gently slid his fangs into her neck.
Bonnie had mentally braced herself for what she was expecting to be a bit of pain at first and she steeled her body to take on Damon's assault. But she had not been prepared for the feeling that instantly struck her as her eyes snapped open and she gasped out for the fresh air her body suddenly craved and couldn't seem to get enough of, "Oh My God!" She panted out as she now turned her body into his and gripped at his arms to steady herself but also to hold him to her. She had never before experienced such a euphoric feeling that seemed to bounce throughout her body. She was still innocent and naive in the ways of sex and until this very moment had never allowed any boy this close. Yet still, she had started practicing masturbation at the age of 13 after hearing stories during a sleepover at Caroline's house. So, she knew that the titillating pressure that had rooted itself in her center and swiftly branched out to every fiber of her being was an electrifying orgasm. And it felt more intense than any feeling she had ever been able to evoke with just her fingers or the vibrator Caroline had gifted her last Christmas. This feeling she didn't think she would ever get enough of and certainly didn't want to ever end. "Damon," She nearly sobbed out as her knees buckled a little and her body grew lethargic just as it became filled once more with the tingles of yet another mind-altering orgasm. Damon welcomed her weight and held her up securely against him.
He had willed himself not to react to the sweet and satisfying flavor of Bonnie's blood, and to ignore the heat and softness of her body now pressed against him. He had lived long enough to make his body stave off the baser instincts born from his pubescent years as a human. But his body temperature quickly warmed and his cock became engorged to the point of pain, as he drank in every minuscule sip of Bonnie's blood. Yet, he stood as still as the statue in the corner of the maze watching them. But when the sound of Bonnie moaning out his name in a delirious manner flicked his ears, he quickly released her but held onto her at arm's length so she wouldn't crumble to the ground.
He saw the frown of frustration and disappointment mar her face, as she shook the haziness from her head and the glaze cleared in her eyes which now stared up at him. When she started to steady in where she stood, Damon moved his right hand from her arm, lifted his wrist to his mouth, and bit just enough to draw a little blood.
"Here, drink," He then offered his wrist to her and her frown morphed into one of disgust. "Or don't, but it's going to be very hard to explain my bite on your neck."
"Not really," Bonnie replied when she finally found her voice again. "I could just say you attacked me," She teased around a tiny smirk and he matched it.
"You could, but you wouldn't. You are many wonderous things Ms. Bennett, but a liar and manipulator you are not and have never been. Now, please drink. You just need a little sip to heal the bite mark," He nudged his wrist closer to her, and she scrunched up her face as she pressed her mouth against his wrist and suckled a little. He tried not to let on more to just how aroused he was but the feeling grew with the pressure of her hot, moist mouth upon his skin. Thankfully, Bonnie didn't linger long and she pulled back after just a sip, otherwise, Damon was sure he would have cum in his pants. He reached up, gently touched her chin with his fingertips, tilted her head to inspect her neck and she obliged him. "Good, you're already mostly healed. By the time you get back up to the house, my bite will be completely gone," He said with a hint of sadness in his tone that Bonnie took notice of. It touched her to know that he was bereaved as she was at that moment.
"Thanks," Bonnie said as she fidgeted where she stood and tried to look at anything except Damon, which he took note of. "And thanks for showing me and ... Uhm ... for," She was suddenly at a loss for words.
"The tiny orgasm?" He finished for her and her large eyes snapped up to his.
"That was 'tiny'?" She questioned though she had only meant to say it in her head.
"Yes, I didn't want to spoil it for you when you decide to make love for the first time. And I must insist that you don't waste my kind gesture on Jeremy Gilbert, please," He spat out the name as his face held true disgust. "I honestly never understood why you lowered your standards like that when you could have literally any guy you want," He ranted on never noticing the shocked look Bonnie was sending him.
"Wait, what!? Are you telling me that Jeremy and I…" Bonnie couldn't find the words as it seemed too ridiculous. She had always thought of Jeremy as her little brother. Though she could admit that over the last year she had noticed he had sprouted up and out and had gone from awkward looking to quite handsome. She quickly shook the thought away.
"Yep, you and the more annoying Gilbert do the, do. You told me once upon a time that he was your very first, and that it was 'nice'," And again the disgusted look fell on his face.
"And what's wrong with nice?" Bonnie questioned as she felt she had to defend a choice she hadn't even made yet even though the choice didn't sit right with her either.
"Nothing but why settle for nice when you can have it so good it'll literally take your breath away? Something so intense it would cause a ripple effect that a simple touch could trigger more and more orgasms," Damon described as Bonnie stared up entranced by what he was saying. "So, take my advice and don't waste your first time on Jeremy Gilbert."
"Okay," Bonnie pushed out in a slightly pitchy voice. She had almost asked him who he thought she should waste her time on but she gulped it down, nodded her head, and turned back to the way they have come. "I…I'm going to head back in now. It's been an exhausting day, you know, working on my magic and all, and tomorrow's a school day," She stated.
"Wait, you can't go to school tomorrow, Bon-Bon, it's too dangerous," Damon said as he scowled a little at the thought.
"Yeah, I know," She replied. "Stefan says he'll go in tomorrow and do some compulsion thingy that I still don't quite understand. He says he'll make it so Elena and I can home school until this danger is over," She said and Damon nodded in agreement to that idea.
"Compulsion is another one of those vampire perks," He began to explain. "We can compel others to do what we want just by telling them to. Even wipe out or alter their memories."
"Have you ever done that to me?" She asked truly concerned at the idea that she may have been manipulated like that.
"No, we can't do it on other supernatural beings like witches or vampires. Oh, well the Original vampires can use compulsion on other vampires…"
"Original vampires?" Bonnie cut in with a question.
"Another 'Big Bad' we'll talk about once this current danger is over," Damon promised. "But right now, it is getting late and all good little witches should be getting ready for bed. So, you head on up put on your jammies and make sure you brush your teeth," He said playfully. "I'll be up in a bit to tuck you in and read you more of Wuthering Heights," He continued his teasing and got the smile he was hoping for, but not the snide remark back. Instead, Bonnie's reply left him dumbstruck.
"Okay," She said with a gentle smile and nod as she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. She then walked off and cast one look back at him over her shoulder before disappearing around a corner of the maze. Damon's face lit up with a smile that was interrupted by the hooting of an owl perched on the head of the statue across from him. It sat watching him and Damon would have sworn it was studying him. Then suddenly the owl took to the air in flight and seemed to disappear into the darkness and it also instantly left Damon's thoughts. Instead, Damon's mind returned to thoughts of a certain witch. He counted to 100 before he too moved to exit the maze and head back to the house to follow through with what he had said to Bonnie. He had stopped by the library and grabbed the first edition of Wuthering Heights before heading up to Bonnie's room. Like nearly all the books they had in their library, he knew every word on the pages by heart. But he thought it might make Bonnie more comfortable seeing the book in hand as he read her the story. Damon was sure that he could feel a shift in his relationship with Bonnie and it was a positive one. It seemed his plans to change things were actually working and in his favor.
The owl appeared at the open window and was welcomed with an outstretched arm that it quickly hopped upon.
"Well, hello Mr. Owl, glad to see you have returned safely from the reconnaissance mission I sent you on. So, what did you see this lovely night? And please don't leave a thing out," Kai said as he smiled devilishly at the bird seconds before he gripped at the squawking owl's neck and gouged out its eyes with his fingers. He then tossed the wounded bird back out he window and placed the eyes into the bowl he had prepped for a spell. He had been furious to discover he had been magically blocked from getting anywhere near the Salvatore boarding house. But he had still found a way to get intel from inside thanks to the animals he had enchanted to spy for him. His plans to get to this younger Bonnie were not going as smoothly as he had envisioned, but they hadn't been completely derailed either. He was determined more than ever to get her one way or another.
More to come soon...
Read all Chapters on FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13488758/1/Amends
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sebthesnipe · 5 years
The Dreamer by Whatwashernameagin an Analysis? Part 2
All portions:
Chapter 1: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
Chapter 2: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
The Dreamer
by @whatwashernameagain
Reminder: Spoilers under cut!
So… Where were we? Aw yes… The desperation for acceptance of a POV which is both unique and far out of the reach of the human populous as a whole. In other in other words, Logan being very lonely and wanting to share his ideas with the world and hoping against hope he will not always be alone in them… heartbreaking…
The next portion of Whatwashernameagain’s work introduces The Dreamer. Going into the work with foreknowledge of the ship and the characters within, we as the readers (or I, rather) know that Roman is The Dreamer and thus know that Logan is referring to him. So, to be completely honest I am not sure if I am imagining this next bit or if it is truly the case (hence why I have chosen to focus more on Reader-Response theory rather than some of the more closed reading disciplines). However, in Logan’s first description of The Dreamer there are a few …. Odd choices in wordings. Eva writes:
“The one thing consistently standing between him and the fulfillment of his plans had turned out to be an outrageously insignificant detail…. This thorn in his shoe showed up at the most inopportune moments, predictably puffing up his chest in his ridiculous, unpractical costume, ready to boldly reassure the public before thoughtlessly storming in to hinder his plans with his irritating presence” (Whatwashernameagain).
There are a number of things in this small paragraph that gives way to yet even more of Logan’s personality, still molding the mental image that the author is painting while still leaving the blanks to be filled in our heads. ‘Consistently’ being italicized, for example, provides me with the mental image of a small tick of annoyance like Logan is mentally hissing the word while his index finger and thumb are pressed together drawing it out with annoyance (kinda like Moriarty during the pool scene in BBC’s Sherlock). Anyways, it immediately pulls the reader back into his frustration but this time… something is different.
Lets recap a moment, So far we know that Logan is a cold calculating man with only his work to keep him company; we know that he wishes for someone to share his view points but otherwise hasn’t really shown any emotional fluctuations (he obviously has emotions, there just seem muted almost) and yet his train of thought here, indicated by the italics is fairly harsh. His choice of words far less calculated than we’ve seen thus far. Here we see him use something akin to an oxymoron calling The Dream ‘an outrageously insignificant detail’. Why would he use so many words when a simple ‘insignificant’ would work? Unless… He is compensating. Many authors will push a thought or description to further lengths than necessary to give the owner of said thoughts a unique perspective. One of the best I’ve ever seen/read would be Robert Jordan in his The Wheel of Time series. Jordan switches from POV to POV flawlessly without pausing to explain it to the reader but as talented as he is at making each so unique the reader never needs the explanation, following along without a hiccup. As much as I would love to say that Eva is there, she isnt... at least not yet… but then again, I haven’t found anyone on par with Robert Jordan’s use of POV and character development as of yet. My point is that she uses the type of flow shifting POV very fluidly without having to spell it out for the reader; and the use of the additional descriptors are a testament to that. (I hope I am making sense I am so very tired #dead).
Logan goes on to talk about the ‘puffing up’ and how ‘unpractical’ The Dreamer’s costume is and his ‘irritating presence’, he talks about grand speeches and attempting to appeal to Logan’s ‘humanity’. The tone of the paragraphs is that of annoyed humor as if it were amusing to think Logan had any humanity at all. That being said… another literary study comes to mind when reading this portion of the work. I will do my best to keep from going too much in depth but basically back in the early EARLY 1900s Sigmund Freud invented psychoanalysis with his publication of The interpretation of Dreams (Rivkin, Julie). Why was it such a big deal? Well, before the publication psychology assumed that what goes on in the mind was limited to the conscious (Rivkin, Julie). What does that have to do with Logan? Well, the revolution was a huge part of history and the strides that were made in psychology didn’t only affect the medical world but the literary one as well. Psychoanalysis wasn’t only limited to a person but the work they created as well; it began to be used as a way of studying literature, analyzing the author through their work. But… I’m veering a bit too far to the left. The reason this is important is because some of Frued’s research was based on the ‘defenses’ that the ego mobilizes against unacceptable libidianal or unconscious material (Rivkin, Julie). I.e. The mind can invert a feeling into its opposite, so that a yearning for contact can become a desire to do violence (Rivkin, Julie). That, of course, is an extreme but we see the same psychological mechanism here for Logan. The Dreamer is a man who represents the very thing Logan is determined to pull down; it would be extremely illogical to have any sort of attraction to the man. There for, to put it simply, he’s in denial. (Yes… I am aware I went into a bunch of Fruedian jargon just to say Logan is in denial and everyone already knew that… He would have approved though so I’m not editing it out. You will just have to deal with it.)
This says a lot about Roman’s character as well. Those who are familiar with the character knows how outrageous the creative man can be, but Eva writes (from Logan’s POV) ‘the idiot was actually attempting to change his mind’ (Whatwashernameagain). This give another shift in the emotional tone of the work, feeding off Logan’s annoyance and dark undertones and changing it into something more hopeful; giving us our first glimpse at the painting of The Dreamer; so far nothing but a symbol of hope (and a ‘thorn in Logan’s shoe’).
Going to reverse for a moment as well. Bringing up the metaphor of ‘a thorn in his shoe’; there is a lot to be said about this line as well. It really puts The Dreamer in perspective from The Utilitarian’s point of view…. At least his conscious one. It shows that Logan wants the hero to be beneath him, that he consciously tries to convince himself that he is. That The Dream is at his feet causing more annoyance than actually damage. I’m a sucker for a good metaphor and this one certainly isn’t a bad one.
Within the next paragraph Logan goes on ranting about The Dreamer being a nuisance, continuing on his rant that really only cements his attraction to the hero. But, once again, the image of The Dreamer is becoming more detailed. Logan describes him as ‘clinging desperately to his ancient, deontological ethics with its rules that mustn’t be broken at any cost’ (Whatwashernameagain). It sounds as if despite the way Logan whines about The Dreamer he sees him as misguided. If he truly believed that the ethics The Dreamer represents were the man’s own then we would no doubt see the frustration we did when Logan spoke about the state of the world. Instead, we see the deflection of the blame from The Dreamer to ‘ancient, deontological ethics. It is obvious that Logan doesn’t blame him but rather sees that he is attempting to simply ‘do his duty’. This provides a sense of honor for The Dreamer which is quite fitting for Roman really.
Logan only cements his denial and affection for the hero but commenting on his concern for the man’s well-being despite his inconvenient presence: “Many a times he’d foiled his operation with simple stupidity, like running into an already unsafe sweat-shop he was about to blow up in order to rescue the industrialist he’d tied up in the vicinity” (Whatwashernameagain). It is possible that he has this concern for everyone that is not directly involved in the crimes he is attempting to shine some light on but it is doubt full.
To add to the growing case against Logan’s inaffection for the man, he actually tries to defend himself! He claims that he hadn’t planned on killing the industrialist, just make a statement and ‘singe his eyebrows’ (Whatwashernameagain). I love this line; it does a lot for the story is so few words. So, first it paints Logan, the cold calculating villain, as a sulking teenager who has been scolded. I love the imagery. It also brings a bit more humor into the work than the subtle outlines of Logan’s denial had been providing. It is makes it even more clear that Logan does not dislike Roman enough to actually want to hurt him; in fact, quite the opposite. It paints Roman as someone he would like to protect, emphasizing the ‘misguided hero’ view of The Dreamer once more.
Now to the good bits: “He knew very well how much the media loved [The Dreamer] with his uniform accentuating his broad shoulders and his lush, caramel hair, his blinding smile and perfect, tan skin” (Whatwashernameagain); Really Logan? Lush, caramel hair? Who talks like that? Only someone with a crush…. And boy do you have it bad! You think he’s smexy with a capital ‘M’! I don’t even have to explain this one… we all know… We all understand.
After that oh so very subtle remark, Eva follows up with a ‘He was a nuisance, is what [Logan] was trying to say’ (Whatwashernameagain)…. Mhmmm suuurrrrree D-E-N-I-A-L. Freud would love you! Just saying!
I think from now on I’m just going to break it down paragraph by paragraph. This is getting quite long and I don’t want anyone having to jump back and forth. So:
“The Utilitarianist prided himself in his polite, calm manners, yet this – man – brought out a temper he was not fond of. How dare this simpleton speak to him about right and wrong? Despite knowing the math advised against it, he found himself drawn into moral arguments repeatedly … and had almost gotten caught by those strong hands several times due to his frustration. He found himself simply unable to refrain from correcting the man when his claims were just so utterly stupid.” (Whatwashernameagain)
We’re going to jump back into Freud’s work now… be prepared. So, obviously Logan blames Roman for Logan’s reactions, his loss of self-control. This is known as projection. In projection, we assign to others feelings or thoughts in ourselves that are unacceptable (Rivkin, Julie). What possible feelings could Logan be having that are unacceptable? Maybe it has something to do with being caught by those ‘strong hands’. -eyebrow wiggle- This is also a good example of intellectualization. In intellectualization, we avoid potentially overwhelming feelings by focusing out attention on things that allow us to exercise that part of our mind devoted to reasoning rather than emotion (Rivkin, Julie): Hence, the arguments.
Before I move on, I want to point out the author’s talent here. Writing characters with a lot of depth can be difficult especially with characters that weren’t originally yours. I say that because I do these analysis’ constantly; I do them for work, I do them for school… I obviously do them for fun on occasion… but, while talking psychoanalysis can be daunting and perhaps a bit boring; the fact that I can apply these theories to a CHARACTER not the author is astounding. That is when you know someone has a great talent for their character formations. Sure, I can slap a few fancy words to describe a character but to actually be able to analyze a fictional character’s psyche… that is when you know that they are fully formed.  
I’m afraid I will need to end Part 2 here. Once again work is approaching. I will be back with a Part 3 When I get the chance, however. Hopefully, I can get through more than 5-6 paragraphs of the work then… Some dialog is coming up so it should be a bit quicker. I am quite enjoying this analysis and I wanted to thank everyone who had read/commented/liked/reblogged Part 1; and for all of the asks I have received. I quite enjoy hearing from you and love answering questions so feel free to drop a line! Special thanks to Whatwashernameagain, as always, for writing so brilliantly and just being a genuinely wonderful human being. Until next time…
 (Please forgive any poor grammar or misspelling. I tend to run short on time so I don’t really proofread)
Rivkin, Julie. Literary Theory: a Practical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.
Whatwashernameagain. “The Dreamer - Chapter 1.” Hello Guys Gals And Non Binary Friends, 8 Sept. 2019, https://whatwashernameagain.tumblr.com/post/187581477262/the-dreamer-chapter-1.
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Rules: Answer ten questions, come up with ten questions of your own, and tag ten people.
I was tagged by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels​ and I need some creative stimulus so here we go.
1. If you were an ice cream flavor, what flavor would you be and why?
Tiger! Orange and Licorice. An acquired taste with some common and yet sharp flavours. 
2. What is your favorite mashup of genres? Like space cowboys, or a musical sitcom set in fantasy Medieval times (yes, I’m referencing two TV shows, bonus points for guessing what they are).
I mean Galavant will forever be a masterpiece. It was clever, creative, entertaining. The consistent output of bops. Alan Menkin is one of my favourites because of his simple yet memorable tunes. Plus the actors were spot on. Amazing!
3. You get to solve a mystery as the partner of a fictional detective of your choosing. Who is it and why?
My gut says Nancy Drew. She’s not overly dramatic. She solves every crime. One of us would have to change our ages otherwise I’m that weird adult who’s hanging out with the cool teenagers. (I refuse to acknowledge the new series). 
My runners-up would be Jessica Fletcher or Phyrne Fisher. They would both take me under their wing as the poor naive lamb and I would hold their bags while they solved crimes and not panic when I got kidnapped because I’m the detective’s sidekick. 
4. There are a bunch of wacky chocolate combinations out there. Chocolate bacon, etc. What outrageous chocolate-and-other-item combination is inexplicably delicious to you?
Chocolate and dried cranberries. Not that crazy. HOWEVER. Goldfish and Nutella is delicious. Sweet and salty, baby!
5. You are thrust back in time and are now in the Golden Age of Piracy! Choose which pirate captain’s crew to join. Who do you pick and why?
Gotta go with Black Sam Bellamy. Robin Hood of Pirates. Beloved by his crew. I could happily sail the seas in disguise for a few years. Take his gold when he dies. Got bills to pay.
Which god or goddess of ancient times is your patron? And why?
Not my patron but I do adore the goddess Nike and her gorgeous wings. 
Actually, the house I follow is Vesta, the roman goddess of the hearth and home. A devout virgin, her priestesses were famous in their time. She is the representation of domesticity and tranquility. There’s also deep-rooted tradition and routine involved. She also loved fire so...
Congratulations, you are now a siren! You can lure people to their deaths by singing. What is your song of choice?
Come to me. I’m a great listener. I know you have something on your mind. Tell me all about it.
A movie of your choice gets remade to your specifications or gets a sequel. Tell us all about it!
The Court Jester. An updated production with the same style of comedy. To see a brilliant group of contemporary actors execute golden age timing and physicality would introduce a whole generation to that style. The verbal sparring with hardly a moment to breathe. The completely ridiculous slapstick but it feels so smooth and natural. Danny Kaye swinging in to Angela Lansbury’s room with a rose in his mouth. The vessel with the pessel! The snaps! I don’t even know who could do it off the top of my head but I would love for more people to appreciate this movie.
Apparently turning movies into musicals is a goddam thing now. So are ‘jukebox musicals’ where you take the works of a singer and use them to make a musical. To add to this plague upon earth, you get to pick a movie to turn into a musical or make a jukebox musical using one singer’s songs. What movie/singer are you picking?
Hear me out: Burlesque the Musical. It’s already got a bunch of songs but make it a full two-act musical. Has the feel of fosse but with a contemporary setting. Strong, mostly female cast. 
I may or may not have gotten drunk with my friends once and designed this whole show.
Two-story scaffold set (the dressing rooms are up top and the “stage” is on the bottom). And everything is climbable. Otherwise, you need a bar, a bed, and a couch for set. The rest is chairs and handheld props. The costumes are fairly simple to construct though there are quite a few costume changes. Add a few more burlesque numbers. Add a few dramatic ballads. One or two more dance montages and you’re golden.
You’re getting your portrait painted because you are Tres Fancy. Which famous artist are you choosing to paint your portrait? You can pick anyone throughout history.
Jan Van Eyck. Loved the details but not so much that I couldn’t be painted in a favourable light to show my neighbours and please the church. Plus I love the muted colours and I could sit on my knees the whole time - would hate to stand for that long).
You are being held by mad scientists because of your one unique knowledge-base. What do they need your help on?
You are a deity and a devout follower uses three objects to summon you. What are those three objects?
What flavour (I am Canadian, this is the correct spelling) of M&M are you?
What one historical figure would you live with for a year?
What book kept you up at night as a child (in whatever context that means to you)?
Your life is suddenly a musical. What band/singer is your jukebox style?
What is the most realistic dream you’ve ever had?
You save a faerie and they grant you one wish. What is it?
You find and open Pandora’s Jar but at the bottom is not Hope. It is...
How would you fake your death?
And I am tagging… @captainofthefallen​ @regardingourlifechoices @aglimpsofthestars @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @acting-nerdy @ellkat23 @wingedkiare @cynditefft @caffeinewitchcraft @gelbmantrees. If you want, of course!
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jq37 · 6 years
oh my GOD the new ep!!!! like!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH happened but then also the preview for the next ep looks SO GOOD
**spoilers for first kisses and last words**
Hoo boy this was, as I predicted, a BIG one. Not that I needed to be an oracle to figure that out since there’s only a few eps left but man did it deliver.
I still think that Cool Kids, Cold Case had the most off the wall nonsense happening in the shortest period of time but this ep I think was overall the most consistently wild ep.
So let’s take it from the top.
I think I forgot to mention it before but Adaine’s, “I go into a rage,” hardcore cracked me up.
“I have hold person.”/”I stuff a sock in her mouth.” Insult to injury Adaine. 
The entire group dunking on Aelwen, forgetting that Riz is literally bleeding out, half dead.
“sausage festival” 
Adaine really was dead serious about her snitching threat huh?
Ally miming a boom mic.
I love how everyone including Siobhan mess up Aelwen’s name or mix it up with Adaine’s half the time.
And speaking of, wow. What a rise and fall for her in 3 eps (and about an hour in game time). She’s queen of the nerds. She’s not even cool at her own school. And terrified of whoever she made whatever shady deal with. I know she literally tried to kill the whole party last ep and that she’s the worst but I almost feel for her.
“This is not on you. This is on the world within which you inhabit.”
I love Adaine’s semi-indigent, “We’re not going to kill you,” because Alwen was 100% ready to murder them which, side note, imagine how much on an international incident that would have been.
Lol at the group tag team bullying Aelwen about going to Mumple and Adaine using her magic jacket for super petty BS.
“Hey mom!”/”GodDAMMIT honey.”
The parent/kid relationships are so good in this show.
Everyone but Kristen parkouring off the roof when Sklonda specifically set up a ladder. 
“The put a girl in a palimpsest,” followed immediately by, “She went to a party,” as if those are on the same level.
Sklonda Gukgak DUNKING Aelwen into the squad car with a technical assist from Adaine. I knew she was gonna be my fave parent from her intro scene and I love her even more than I thought.
“With all due respect, (A/N: Which is none), suck my dick, fuck you.”
“She tried to murder me.”/”BE THAT AS IT IS.”
“Eh, you carry a gun.”
“No one who’s detecting maidens is a maiden.”
I feel like I’m quoting a lot today but there were so many money lines this episode. 
Everyone always loses it when Brennan starts doing the Identify spell voice and I love it. 
Adaine’s dad is T R A S H
Adaine’s mom on the other hand…I’ve been wondering about her for a little while because usually the outright emotional abuse has been from her dad while her mom is either not there or not saying anything. So I’ve been wondering was her deal is and we finally got the start of an answer. I know we only have a few eps left but I hope we go a little deeper into what exactly is going on there. It seems like Adaine’s parents are gonna be a big factor in whatever endgame is planned so fingers crossed,
Everyone cracking up as Emily backs Fig into a corner talking to Penelope. 
I love Gorgug so freaking much. Just his good natured, lumbering self. EVery time Zac opens his mouth gold falls out. 
Emily MAXED out her deception huh?
I think Siobhan must have forgotten that she took the crystal with Ostentasia away from Aelwen at the end of last ep. Either that or they willingly gave it to the cops and I forgot (but I think it’s the former because she said in this ep that it was in Aelwen’s pocket when at the end of the last ep she def took it).
My autocorrect keeps wanting me to type Ellen for Aelwen. I WISH.
I knew it! He’s a PIRATE. Suck it Fabian. (lol at Adaine stirring the pot. That was like Adaine being sincerely polite and Siobhan trying to cause problems and I love mixed motive player/character decisions). 
I wonder if the banker is named after John Hughes. 
I can’t believe the dumb bank is actually a huge plot point.
Yikes, re: Bill and Fabian. That got tense. Though I’ve kinda been waiting for some kind of blowout for a while. His dad runs very hot and cold and I figured it would only be a matter of time before we saw some of the cold.
Also, Lou breaking character in the middle of that very intense moment to clarify a plot point. 
Sidenote: For a hot sec after reading the title of the ep and remembering how Sklonda is competent to the point of (probably) breaking the original plot, I was so concerned she was gonna eat it this ep. So glad she didn’t.
Anyway, the idea of swinging sadly on a rope is so freaking funny.
Fig: Can I offer you a sad song in this trying time?
Huge portrait of Bill Seacaster in Fabian’s room. 
Adaine is gonna bring up him kissing her sister very time she needs to get out of something w/ Fabian for the rest of her immortal life. 
Another sidenote: This is a little thing but I always think it’s interesting when fantasy worlds have the same months and days as us when they’re named after like Norse Gods and Roman statesmen that wouldn’t exist in their world. Same with Roman numerals and Irish coffee. 
“Am I allowed to smoke in here?”/”Of course.”
I really like the character detail that Adaine is always really polite to everyone, including/especially people like Fabian’s maid and Basrar. People that she wouldn’t necessarily “have to” be polite to, you know? It’s like she’s trying to make up for the fact that her family is a bag of dicks. 
“Fantasy Google”
The whole bit with Fabian’s porn stash was so good. This group is so good w/ yes-adning each other.
“Privateer me a new one.” Emily is so good.
“Special investment” Suspicious  
I was thinking “I can’t believe looking at a bank’s FAQs is part of this game,” right as Brennan said it.
So I went back and watched Siobhan’s face from when Emily first mentioned Kal Vaxis to when she got the connection to KVX and it took her 22 seconds. I also missed the quick cut to Brennan when Gorgug asks, “What is Kal Vaxis,” and you can tell he knows they’re so close to breaking it with the little grin on his face. I wish we had gotten a reaction shot right after she got it. Anyway, great team solve w/ the MVP trophy to Siobhan/Adaine. 
I loved when Zac, Emily, and Siobhan all whipped out their laminated maps in tandem to figure out what was happening. 
The hard mood change from Adaine dropping the bomb about Riz’s dad and to forming a committee to help Gorgug flirt with Zelda was wild.
Kristen telling anyone to be suave is hysterical. 
What a DISASTER of a committee Gorgug’s friends are. Well meaning but so trash
Fig: Tell her you got a SICK tattoo
Adaine: Bring her to see art in the middle of the night
Fabian: You cannot date this person (Kristen: You absolutely have to)
Kristen: Actually not garbage advice but she is in no position to be giving dating advice to anyone 
Riz: Having a literal existential crisis 
“Who else is he gonna date?” WOW, savage Adaine.
I meant to say this before but I love how Adaine’s go-to is immediately ice cream and she’s always on board to go to Basrar’s. Like how when she texted everyone 2 eps ago she was like, “Let’s get ice cream now.”
Mmm, don’t love that Gorthalax isn’t answering his phone. I have been waiting for a significant adult to die for a while now.
OK, look, the whole thing about Penelope and Dayne being eternal prom king/queen. Is it wild? Yes. Is it implausible? No. No it’s not. Even Murph, most veteran player, was kind of like, “Wait, does that make sense?” Because, in this setting, it kind of would? I’m not sure it fits within the story so far and I’d have to go back and listen to the more lore-y stuff again but the conceit itself is like the exact right amount of crazy to fit in this setting? And they never cut to Brennan like I wanted so I could judge his face for any kind of tell. But anyway, you guys know I’ve been predicting a prom finale and this would fit right into a prom finale. 
The girls giving Gorgug a pep talk before his date was ADORABLE. 
Gorgug having to check his phone to remember three words, “You look nice.”
“Your friends are popular and loud” True
I know they mean ecstasy like intense emotion but I kept thinking, like, molly.
Hmm, so Penelope wanted to know if Zelda had hooked up w/ Gorgug, ie: if she was a maiden. Can they only palimpsest maidens? Or (as we will get to later) does nice guy Biz only want virginal maidens for his creepy reverse Weird Science arcade setup?
Zelda listing off every type of metal and then Gorgug’s, “Same stuff,” was perfect comic timing on Zac’s part.
Imagine the Hangman screaming down the road on fire, Zelda completely terrified. 
I love the Hangman so freaking much.
I can’t believe everyone is living at the freaking crappy apartments. I knew they were all gonna end up hanging at one persons’ house but I kinda figured it would be Fabian’s house or Gorgug’s house. 
I”m also concerned about Bill. I feel like we keep getting reminded that he’s mortal a LOT.
Did Gorgug’s parents have indoor fireworks on tap for Gorgug’s first date?
Oh my God the whole docking conversation. Never play chicken with Brennan because the dude will not blink.
“We didn’t do that.” That’s his other best comic timing moment of the ep.
“Polishing my axe”
Kristen this episode 
I really wish they’d made the roll to find Ragh later in the ep. Fig is so ride or die for Gilear now and I love it.
“I fall asleep.”
Adaine almost making her parents dunk on Gilear but then pulling back.
But also, Adaine and Gilear going off the the oracle together.
“Fig pack it in.”
Affirmations with Fig and Gilear.
Fig, do you really think platonically cuddling with Kristen is the move?
Riz setting himself up for a dramatic entrance is so fantastic.
Hmm, so Biz and Zayne were attacked at the same time. That’s why that cold pill detail was in there way back. I’ve been trying to figure out what was always planned and what was quick re-working but Brennan is so good I can never really tell.
Are multiple unrelated groups just getting into palimpsests at the same time? Or mostly unrelated groups tied to one person?
“We are not gonna get our security deposit back.”
RIZ’S DAD IS JAMES BOND! YES! I didn’t know I wanted that to be the case until it happened and now that’s the only acceptable option. 
Riz didn’t get the 20′s he needed when fighting Aelwen but man he got it at the best story moment this week.
Oh man that home movie
The pearl is grey. Interesting. 
“Mom our family is so awesome Mom we’re all so badass, I thought it was just us but Dad is awesome too, why didn’t you tell me Mom?”
Sklonda: Internally screaming. 
Man he went full Inigo Montoya.
“I’ve got nimble escape so…”
“I guess we have a two bedroom,” I think was a really underrated funny line.
Did Riz ever tell his mom about the time of death thing.
Everyone inundating Gilear with overlapping chatter.
lol the Hangman likes Zelda’s family
Ally’s panicked, “FUCK” is always hilarious. 
Why are all the adults in Gorgug’s life trying to get him laid?
OK so the elementals were conjured by Aelwn’s magic Brennan said. He said by Aelwen’s magic, not by Aelwen. I wonder if that turn of phrase was specific or arbitrary. Like, we were told where Aelwen is but we don’t know. Was she forced to do it (either by threat or by magic)? Clearly someone (Biz?) is pulling her strings to at least some degree. 
“It’s probably about marriage.” “WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED.”
That happened fast
Fun fact from my International Law class: When a government kidnaps someone, it’s called rendition. 
“There’s a war, fuck school.”
Yeah it is wild that Adaine’s parents didn’t call her.
OK so did the Elves get Aelwen back but also go, “But you still need to go to jail.” Because they cut Brennan off before the end of that sentence which might have had more clues in it.
“I text my mom k”
I also wanna know who gave Kristen a slushy marg (It’s war times. I bet things are looser now)
Murph’s face when Brennan said, “Lucky Stones” was so good. That was so Riz.
S/O to Ally for pre-casting Guardian of Faith. Good instinct. 
As I said in an earlier conversation s/o to Adaine for DUNKING on him at every opportunity because he DESERVED IT. Also, her instincts for who sucks in this game have been spot on.
Another s/o to Riz for having the presence of mind to not pull a Star Lord and to pretend to be on the bad dude’s side for long enough to gain some kind of upper hand.
OK, wow was not expecting that twist. I feel like I need to go back and rewatch some stuff to get a better handle of the timeline and stuff. Like, when exactly did the girls start going missing again? And what year is Biz? Has he been masterminding this whole thing? I feel like no but I feel like he’s masterminding his own thing which happens to a puzzle piece in something bigger? BUT IT’S A PRETTY DAMN BIG PIECE. Who opened the new arcade? Is it connected to the bank?  How did Biz get involved? Who’s his supplier? Did someone hook up Biz, Daybreak, Penelope, and Aelwen with Palimpsests to do their own separate things, hoping that at least one of them would succeed which would somehow be good for the mystery person? I am so excited to find out and I really hope Brennan and the cast do a Q+A sesh after S1 is over to hash some stuff out.
Siobhan’s face when Biz said he was going after Adaine.
ALSO, you’re just gonna TELL RIZ and you wanna PUT ONE OF HIS BEST FRIENDS into a MAGIC CRYSTAL???? AND YOU THOUGHT HE’D BE ON BOARD? Like, even if he was, what about the 4 other people who are there?????
(sidenote, wild Gorgug’s parents just left them alone, no questions asked)
Theme-wise, this is the fight ep I’m most excited for. It seems rad as hell.
All that yelling in the promo for next week. Either the raddest thing possible happened or there was a TPK. There is no other option.
Wow, that was a stellar ep and this is a really long post. I really can’t wait for next week’s!
Edit: I meant to say before, is Penelope’s FB album like…a hit list? Like does whoever’s doing the actual dirty work (Biz? S/o else?) know that whoever she takes a picture with is who they should target?
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Creatures of the Night
Chapter 38 - something keeps trying but i'm not killed yet
Back to the Beginning   < Previous chapter / Next chapter >
(TW: graphic depictions of violence, blood/gore, panic, minor character death, malnutrition, self-sacrifice mentality)
(The title of the chapter comes from “Psalm 150” by Jericho Brown)
Hey, guys. Sorry for such a long wait for this chapter. Crazy how it took getting COVID for me to finally get my crap together and write this. I’m still not completely satisfied with how it turned out, but I didn’t want to keep you guys waiting.
I’ll be posting a new work to my COTN extras series right after this chapter drops with a bunch of new worldbuilidng stuff (for all you nerds out there, like me). Included is a map of the Witchlands. Due to changes in the city’s layout, I’ve gone back and changed the descriptions of the city in past chapters (specifically, section 3 of “heirlooms from sea funerals”, and section 3 of “make it make sense to make it better”) but nothing plot-altering. So you aren’t confused with this new chapter, basically: there are trains on bridges throughout the city now.
(also also: I won't be making these changes on the past tumblr posts, so if you want to read the updated versions, follow the AO3 link)
Two weeks later...
Roman slipped inside the blessedly cool interior of a tailor’s shop and leaned against the wall, wiping his face. Each day in the Witchlands was as hot as the last, like the dead of summer back in Wakeby, but far more humid. Thankfully, he was in the East Market, an organized, well-to-do grid of sixteen square blocks just south of the Djel Triba where the arcane district’s newest trinkets often made their first stop before the mass market. The source of the cool air was a thin wooden ring set up on a stand in the corner. Roman stepped up to it, sighing as a stream of cold air washed over him. Carved on the inside were four lines of alchemy, equally spaced apart around the ring. Roman couldn’t decipher it, aside from a few letters and numbers he recognized.
“You know, if I wanted my shop to smell like sweat, I’d invite the Wall Guard in here,” a voice said, and Roman turned. A man in all black stood behind him wearing a very stylish black scarf and circular glasses tinted a few shades darker, arms folded across his chest. It was the closest thing Roman had seen to normal sunglasses since arriving in the Witchlands. The tailor looked Roman and his gray uniform up and down, pausing on the gold insignia on his left shoulder.
“Working for Val, huh?”
He shrugged. “Community service, actually.” Roman riffled around in his satchel for a moment. “I’ve got a letter from the Chief Judge to… Rait?” he said, reading the name next to the address.
The tailor cocked an eyebrow. “You got a problem with my name, messenger boy? I’ll have you know it’s a family name going back ten generations.”
Unsure how to respond, Roman held out the letter. Rait plucked it from his hand and, unsheathing a pair of ornate metal scissors, sliced the envelope open. Roman waited politely, as was his duty, in case the recipient wished to send an immediate reply.
“These are all the same,” Rait muttered as he slipped a folded piece of parchment from the envelope. “Thanks, Rait, for designing me world-class outfits, even though I refuse to wear anything but that scaly suit of…” he trailed off. His face drained of both humor and blood as he scanned the letter’s contents. Roman’s interest piqued. Indeed, most of the mail he delivered for the Chief Judge consisted of complimentary thank-you notes to government officials or business owners. Only the truly sycophantic took time to send anything back.
Rait took a steadying breath, his expression carefully neutral. His quick glance at Roman’s hand, however, betrayed at least part of what he’d read.
It was about Roman.
Valerie had agreed that adding gloves to his uniform would keep him from getting mobbed in the streets by curious—or in some cases, pious—witches, though the ones he wore now were fingerless. Roman still wasn’t completely sure what his position as the Last Heir entailed, and Valerie only answered him with vaguery. Some thought he was destined to overthrow the Djel Triba and become a monarch. Some revered the old Witch Queen herself as a lower deity or handmaiden of Kaia, and considered him a sort of demigod. Roman tried to avoid these witches as much as possible. They tended to get weepy and try to grab his hands or arms. One man even started singing in the middle of the street. Thankfully, Roman had dashed off before too many people took notice.
Regardless, it seemed gloves would only hide his identity a short while longer. Rumors were spreading.
“Right. Well, um,” Rait said, pocketing the letter and composing himself. “I won’t be needing to send a physical reply, if you wouldn’t mind telling her my answer is yes.”
“Of course. Kaia cas de,” he said, giving a slight bow alongside the traditional farewell Valerie had taught him before he’d started his job. Kaia with you, it translated.
“O de,” Rait replied automatically, lost in thought.
Roman turned to leave.
“Hey,” Rait called, and Roman stopped with the door half open. The tailor fished around in his pocket, then tossed him two silver shils. Roman caught them and tried not to gape.
“I… I’m not supposed to get paid,” he said. “It’s kind of the point of community service.”
“Just get yourself something to eat, kid, witchgods,” Rait snapped, looking supremely uncomfortable at being openly kind. “You look like you’ll blow over in a stiff breeze. And don’t mention this to Val. She’ll never let me hear the end of it… because it goes against your sentence. Obviously.”
“Right,” Roman said slowly. “Thanks.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Rait muttered and disappeared into the back of the store.
Roman stepped out onto the street, a little stunned, pocketing his new wealth. He had seen little aside from gold shils, the lowest currency, since Valerie had sent Virgil and him clothes shopping when they’d first arrived. Roman looked down at himself. Sure, he’d lost some weight since being here, but he wasn’t sickly… right? It was probably from running all over the Capital six hours a day. Nevermind that the only meal he got was at the end of the night at Goldfire. Valerie hadn’t said anything about it, and Roman wasn’t about to. She was a busy person. He doubted she was deliberately leaving him destitute. Besides, he was getting by just fine.
Unfortunately, being “just fine” rarely kept his stomach from growling. On any other day, Roman would have snagged himself some nonperishable food to keep a stash of. Today, however, the small fortune would have to go to clearing a debt that had been looming over him ever since he’d taken it out to buy that muhlte—another gamble he’d had to take to make ends meet with no income coming from his messenger work, and the reason Virgil had insisted on taking up a job of his own as a clerk for that same clothing shop they’d visited on their first day in the Witchlands. He was just thankful he was a quick learner. Amaryllis taught him to play well enough to serve as nightly entertainment for Bodbyn’s patrons and earn himself dinner each night, as well as continued boarding once their two-week window from Valerie’s favor ran out.
Roman kept a hand in his pocket, fingers tight around the two silver shils, and glanced at his satchel. He had a handful of letters left to deliver. Thumbing through them, Roman found their destinations were around the south end of the West Market—a sprawling market district nestled inside the ruins of walls from when the Witch Queen had still been around, and the Capital had been a much smaller kingdom. If Roman hurried, he could finish his deliveries and run an errand of his own before reporting back to Valerie.
Content with his plan, Roman buckled his satchel closed and jogged to the nearest boarding station.
* * * * * * * * * *
The trains were, oddly, made of pale stone, rather than the hulking metal locomotives Roman was used to. Here, people called them railcars. There weren’t any seats either. Bars lined the ceiling—and the walls for those too short to reach—as handholds while the machine moved. There was a gap in the handles, forming a kind of aisle between people so passengers could exit more freely at stops, but otherwise, they all crowded together.
Roman stood near the exit alongside three other similarly gray-uniformed messengers in their designated seating area, one arm above his head as he gripped the support. Thankfully, messengers were exempt from rail fees, which meant there was one less thing he had to worry about paying for. The patches on their shoulders indicated which judge or noble family they ran for, though Roman was still having trouble memorizing them all. He glanced at the messenger to his right, who was about his age. The gold insignia on her left shoulder depicted an open book with a pen and a chisel crossed above it. She noticed him looking and gave an awkward smile.
“Sorry,” Roman said. “I’m still trying to learn all the crests. That’s Oberon, right?”
“Oh! Yeah, it is,” she replied, brightening. “Who’re you running for?”
For a moment, Roman considered lying. Too much of any kind of attention was precarious, for him especially. Unfortunately, the patch on his shoulder would reveal the truth no matter what. “The Chief Judge,” he admitted.
The messenger’s eyes widened. “Really? I thought—well, no offense, but I’ve heard she only lets the most powerful witches run for her because of all that classified information… and you’re so young!”
Roman fought a blush. “It’s really not that big of a deal. Just thank-you notes and—”
“You never know, Maize” one messenger from behind said, leaning forward between them, “he could be a warlock. I hear they’re allowed de-aging spells.”
“Whatever, Fentril,” Maize said, rolling her eyes. “I’m pretty sure those spells are illegal, even for warlocks.”
“You guys all know each other?” Roman asked, glancing behind him. There were six other messengers on the train. All eyed him with curiosity.
Fentril snorted. “Do you know how many runners there are in the Capital? Hundreds.”
“More like thousands, Fen,” one of the runners from behind them corrected.
“We know most runners from our own patronage,” Maize explained. “Maybe a few here and there that we see on the same routes,” she said, glaring pointedly at Fentril. “How long have you been running? I haven’t seen you around before.”
“I’ve seen him,” a different runner from the back piped up before Roman could respond. He turned. It was a tall woman, taller than him, with thick braided hair done up in a top knot. She leaned on the side of the car, almost sitting against it. Roman was sure if she stood, she’d have to hunch over. He was surprised he hadn’t noticed her before. The crest on her shoulder depicted two hands grasping overlaying a star of Kaia. The crest of Alecto, that daunting, all-white witch from the trial.
“Runs the noble neighborhoods and both markets. Pretty easy to recognize, wearing those strange gloves all the time,” she said, eyeing him. Roman’s chest seized, and it took everything in him not to hide his hands and make his secret even more obvious.
“Hey, a witch’s entitled their secrets, Hava,” Fen said, then stage whispered to Roman, “Don’t let her freak you out, kid.”
Roman cocked an eyebrow at the nickname, given Fen didn’t look that much older than him, but didn’t argue the point. Blessedly, before they could ask more questions about his gloves, the train arrived at his stop. He waved a tentative goodbye to his new acquaintances, muttering a quick, “Kaia cas des.”
“O de,” Maize and Fen said. A handful of runners exited the railcar alongside him, including Hava, who had to duck through the doorway. Standing to her full height, the woman looked at least seven feet tall, towering above the crowd. The boarding station was a fully roofed building encasing a section of the railway, arching up over the passing trains and letting down to the ground through an enormous spiral staircase inside the leg of the railbridge’s arch. There were alchemy-based elevators within the core pillar of the massive stairway, but those were reserved for emergencies.
Hava gave him a sort of salute—touching the side of her fist to her lips—and bounded down the stairs, out of sight. Roman had run up and down so many boarding stations in only the first two weeks of him being here, he couldn’t imagine how many the other runners had. He broke out into a jog, spacing his stride so three paces landed on each of the wide steps, careful not to trip. Runners like him kept to the inside of the stairway, making tighter turns, but traveling less distance overall. The crowd of ascending and descending witches recognized their uniforms and knew to keep out of the way.
In all his time here, he only seen other messengers stop running when they were on a train or at someone’s doorstep. Roman wasn’t about to look lazy in comparison. Besides, he quite enjoyed the running—now that he’d started acclimating, of course. The first few days, he’d nearly vomited.
By the time he reached the exit at the bottom, Hava and the other runners were long gone. Compared to the East Market, the West Market was a bubbling stewpot of taverns, merchants, shops, and the occasional street performer. The crowded streets made random, illogical turns, and most witches he asked for directions simply said he’d get used to it eventually, and gave him landmarks to look for instead of street names. Checking the last few addresses once more, Roman had a general idea of where to find their recipients.
Eyeing the setting sun, Roman ran down the street.
* * * * * * * * * *
The sun had long since dipped below the city walls, the sunset giving way to twilight. Roman strode through the still-crowded West Market, enjoying the cooler air. Nightlife in the West Market lasted well into the night, and the streets would likely be full for the next three or four hours. He’d finished his deliveries at last, wending his way along the ancient stone wall bordering the south end of the market. Normally, Roman’s assignments never took him this close to the noke slums—where the badge on his shoulder was more a target than mere identification—but it was a risk Roman would have to take.
My shift’s over. I’ll be heading back to Goldfire soon, Virgil said suddenly within his mind. Roman nearly jumped out of his skin, garnering a few odd looks from passersby.
Jeez, Virge, he thought back, slowing his breathing. Scare me half to death, why don’t you.
Sorry. I keep forgetting you aren’t used to it.
It’s fine. If you see Bodbyn, tell her I’m running late.
A hint of trepidation shot through their connection. Did something happen?
No, Roman assured him. I ran into some extra shils and thought I’d clear my ledger sooner than later.
Alright. Just be careful.
Their connection faded, though not completely. If he focused, Roman could sense Virgil’s emotions. Speaking through the bond had taken Roman a good few days to get the hang of, and it still wasn’t as natural for him as it was for Virgil.
Amaryllis spent most of her time at Goldfire. After one day cooped up in their room, she’d ventured out while the two of them were gone and somehow made friends with Bodbyn, the owner. Though unexpected, the friendship certainly helped smooth things over with them not technically paying for the room and all.
Roman passed a shop selling pigment pipes as contracted brownies scampered down the street, activating the alchemical streetlights as they went. Through the store’s front window, Roman could see clouds of multicolored vapor swirling near the ceiling. A patron exited and Roman could smell sharp spices and cinnamon as the man exhaled a deep purple mist through his nose. Roman held his breath as he passed. He wasn’t sure if someone could absorb the effects secondhand, but he wasn’t keen on finding out.
Turning a corner, Roman moved away from the well-lit streets and into the shadows. Climbing a set of questionable wooden stairs on the side of a rundown tavern, he approached a lone door on the second floor and knocked.
Roman knocked again, cursing his luck. Had he gone all this way for nothing? Trying the handle, he found it unlocked and slowly opened the door. It stopped after a few inches, as if blocked by something. Roman pushed harder, hearing something heavy scraping against the floor as the door gradually opened wider. He peeked his head in to see an enormous iron hammer hurtling at his face. Roman lurched backward, saving his skull by a hair’s breadth.
“Oh, it’s just you,” a cheerful voice said from inside. Roman put a hand to his chest, trying to calm himself, as two slender hands appeared from behind the door and pried the long-handled hammer out of the hole it had smashed in the wall.
Linda poked her head out and grinned at him. “Come on in, Roman.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Logan puffed as he ran down the sandy beach, watching the morning sky lighten out of the corner of his eye. His shoulders and back ached from hauling water down to camp—an early morning exercise Mikhail had integrated into his training—though the pain wasn’t as debilitating as it had been during the first few days. It wasn’t getting easier, per se, but rather Logan was simply growing used to the physical discomfort.
Mikhail jogged next to him, not even slightly out of breath. Both the water hauling and the running were methods, according to Mikhail, of increasing Logan’s stamina and endurance. Logan didn’t know the exact distance they ran around the island’s perimeter, but it was easily upwards of ten miles. They ran barefoot, as the homemade sandals weren’t robust enough to handle such treatment. It wasn’t much of an issue, though. They simply had to skirt around the rocky portions near Eudora’s cave.
Logan’s breath had steadily grown harder, and he began wheezing as they approached the driftwood log that marked the halfway point. Mikhail put a hand on his shoulder and slowed to a stop, holding out the canteen before he could complain.
“It’s not about speed, Logan.”
He fixed Mikhail with a look, taking the canteen from him. “Says the man who could run this three times over in under an hour.”
“We both know I’m no mere man,” he chuckled.
Logan took a swallow of water and handed the jug back, fighting to calm his breathing so they could start again. Running got ten times more miserable once the sun rose and began heating the sand. Despite his fatigue, he noticed Mikhail’s eyes glaze over a bit, a reaction that had been imperceptible to Logan at first. He was speaking with the abomination.
Mikhail blinked, eyes refocusing. “Once you can run the entire way without stopping, we’ll move on, I think,” he said. “Hopefully, by then, we could spar a few rounds before you’re tired out. Have you thought over what I asked yesterday?”
“Yes. Though, I’d like your honest opinion as someone far more experienced in this field.”
“Assuming the battery theory works,” he began, “I’m fairly confident in predicting our escape from the island occurring within the next month or two. Of course, this is a best-case scenario, but I’d rather be ready sooner than caught under-prepared.”
Mikhail gave a nod, though his expression hardened. None of them enjoyed bringing up the escape, as if they still didn’t quite believe him. Patton was the one exception.
“I figure any martial discipline will take a significant amount of time to become proficient in, let alone master, and due to my lack of magical abilities, I believe it would be more practical for me to learn the use of some kind of long distance weapon, magical or otherwise.”
“I agree,” Mikhail said. “A bow, then?”
“I do have experience with archery,” he admitted, rubbing his beard. “You’re planning to use this weapon against the dragon witch, though. Arrows won’t do much to someone like that. What’s stopping her from forcing the bow away from you?”
Logan grinned. “I thought of that. When Jorryn located iron deposits for the batteries, we didn’t have Eudora extract all of it, right? There could be enough to forge a bow.”
“An iron bow? Doesn’t sound very practical. It would be extremely heavy, not to mention you’d need a bowstring that could handle that much tension.”
“That’s where alchemy comes in. I need iron for its antimagic properties, not its hardness or weight. I’ll have to ask Killian about the specifics, but assuming we could counteract the weight and rigidity of the iron, it could work.”
“And the arrows? They could easily be diverted with magic.”
“Same principle as the bow, hypothetically,” Logan shrugged. “We’ll know more once we make them and can run tests.”
Mikhail eyed him. “You really thought this out, huh?”
“We’re already building the forge to cast the battery casings,” he said. “And Killian was a blacksmith before becoming a carpenter, so he should be able to help us. It…” Logan noticed the sun peeking over the watery horizon. “I spoke too much,” he said, shifting on his feet. “We should probably get going.”
“No, let’s head back to camp. We can cut through the middle. I want to hear more of this idea of yours, te’kundi,” Mikhail said, smiling.
“It’s witchtongue. A title we give to those smarter than ourselves.”
Logan flushed, following him into the trees. “I really don’t think—”
“Take the compliment, te’kundi,” Mikhail chuckled, slapping him on the back. “We’ve got work to do.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Linda held the two silver shils between her fingers, lifting them up and admiring them like a jeweler, letting out a low whistle. She leaned precariously in a chair, feet propped up on her desk. Her infamous iron hammer lay across her desk. Its thick square head tapered down to a wickedly sharp point at the other end, the handle about the length of Roman’s arm. Iron weapons were expensive and Roman rarely saw one outside of the iron-spear-wielding Court Guard, but they were some of the most effective weapons against witches. For a non-magical witch like Linda, it was the main reason she kept her more powerful clients under her thumb.
“Well, you were right. That’ll just about do it for your loan,” she said with a sigh, tossing the coins up and catching them in a fist. Linda eyed him with a grin. “Sure you don’t want to borrow some more?”
“Not at the moment. I’ll be sure to call on you again should the need arise,” he said with a bow and flourish.
Linda’s grin split, showing her teeth, and she sat up. “That uniform’s taught you manners, I see. Shame to see you go. You’re one of my best behaved clients,” she pouted, glancing around her office. It was a wreck—like someone had tried to rob her. Or kill her. The heavy object blocking the door had been a chest made of dark wood with brass fittings. Framed maps lay shattered on the floor, drawers hung at odd angles from dressers as if someone had yanked them open, and Roman was pretty sure that was blood spatter in the corner, though Linda didn’t look injured.
“Thank you, Linda. Kaia cas de,” he said sincerely, ready to put as much distance between him and this woman as possible. She was nice, yes. But something in that smile told him if he didn’t part ways with her now, he never would.
Linda’s face softened, but before she could so much as utter a reply, the door slammed open and three people rushed into the room. Roman whirled, only to get tackled to the floor by a short, burly man. Linda leaped atop her desk, swinging her iron hammer at one of the two, cracking the woman in the head with the flat end. The other hesitated.
A fist met Roman’s face. He saw stars as the man pinned him to the floor with surprising efficiency, clamping a grimy hand over his mouth.
“You just be nice and compliant,” he sneered. “Don’t try anything, and we might let you live.”
“You killed her!” the man left standing screamed, kneeling by the one Linda had struck. He was leaner than his companion, with a purplish birthmark across his face. He reached out to the bleeding, unconscious woman with trembling, hesitant hands.
“You’re both trying to kill me, Dossen,” Linda said, rolling her eyes. “It’s basic self defence. Now, I’d thank you to leave and tell whoever sent you to come themselves next time.”
Roman’s mind raced, trying to orient himself. The right side of his face throbbed, and the man’s fingernails dug into his cheek, keeping him from opening his mouth. They don’t know if I’m non-magical or not, he figured in the back of his mind. He’s keeping me from using witchtongue. Not that he would have used it, anyway. He’d only started learning more witchtongue from Amaryllis a week ago. Roman didn’t trust himself not to overdo it again if things got ugly.
“You know that isn’t how Kildev works,” Dossen sneered, retreating from his friend’s limp form and unsheathing two curved knives.
Linda’s flippancy wavered. “Kildev? Since when do you work for him?”
Dossen shrugged. “Since he pays more.”
Roman? Virgil’s voice filled his mind. What’s wrong? Where are you?
Linda’s. The man squeezed Roman’s arms to his sides with his legs. Roman’s breath picked up through his nose even as he fought for calm. He couldn’t afford to make a scene here. He just had to wait it out and hope, for their sakes, they didn’t attack him.
Roman felt scales. He shivered, cringing.
“Vero Kaia,” swore the one holding him down. “He’s one of the Chief’s runners.”
Dossen backed toward where Roman lay pinned, not taking his eyes off Linda or her hammer. “Looks like I’ve got a hostage, and a pricey one at that.” He pointed one of the knives at Roman.
“Leave him out of this.”
“Drop the hammer.”
Roman, I’m coming. I’m coming. Hold on.
Linda charged, and Dossen yelped, clearly expecting her to have hesitated with his new leverage. Against a hammer, his close-range knives were practically useless unless he threw them. And he did. Linda barely dodged the one soaring at her face, though it scored a nasty gash from her cheek to her ear.
The other sank hilt deep into Roman’s thigh. One last-ditch effort to pull the hostage card.
The sudden pain tore through any semblance of control he had. Roman’s ears began to ring. The man atop him gasped and yanked his hand back, like he’d touched a hot stovetop. Roman surged upward, toppling the man backward. He pressed a hand against the man’s chest. Through the haze of pain, every defensive spell Amaryllis had taught him since they’d arrived fled his mind, and he growled the first thing he could think of.
A deafening crack split the air as the wooden floor beneath them buckled inward. Roman lurched forward, his hand slipping through the gaping hole in the man’s chest. He was dead instantly. Blood ran from his nose and eyes, like he’d imploded from the inside. Dossen was nowhere to be seen. Linda stood with her hammer held limply at her side.
“Mother of magic,” she breathed, staring at the horrendous sight. Roman pulled back, hand covered in gore. His glove was gone. Torn apart. What was the word for healing again? He couldn’t think straight. He was too tired and hungry.
Something shot through his connection to Virgil. A sudden, far away surge of power. Roman, what’s going on? Please, talk to me. I’m almost there.
Roman was somehow numb and barely holding it together at the same time. He couldn’t meet Linda’s eye as he extracted himself from the bloody corpse. “Isumani,” he whispered. Heal everything. Just make it all normal again.
Magic burst out of him, filling the room. The floor creaked and shuddered beneath them as it knit itself back together. Blood flowed back into the man’s body, the hole Roman had punched through him slowly healing. His own leg sewed itself shut, the knife clattering to the floor.
And it didn’t stop there.
The room began righting itself, shattered glass coming back together, frames rehanging themselves. Linda gave a surprised gasp as the gash on her face closed without leaving a trace.
The woman Linda had bashed in the head shuddered and stumbled to her feet, wound still healing. She took one look around the room and fled. Linda did nothing to stop her, staring in astonishment at the scene unfolding before her.
The man beneath Roman gasped back to life. He scrambled away, shoving Roman away. The stranger was too shocked to scream, but his eyes were full of fear. Roman let him leave, squeezing his eyes shut against the fresh memories of what he’d done. All the healing magic in the world couldn’t fix the lingering feeling of blood on his hands. The fear in their eyes.
I’m supposed to be their savior, he thought numbly.
“Roman. You can stop now,” Linda said, sounding like she was trying very hard to remain calm. Confused, he cracked his blurry eyes open to see leafy branches sprouting from the floorboards and poking through the paint on the walls. Healing magic still flowed through him like an open faucet. Strange golden light dappled the room, flickering across Linda’s face as she stared at him.
He looked down at his hands and yelped in surprise. Amber splotches of light moved across his skin like air bubbles underwater. Roman’s pulse thundered in his ears as he tried to brush the light off of him, but it just felt like his skin. The moving patches were warm and sent tingles up his fingers when he touched them. Was this some kind of magic sickness? The idea sent a stab of panic through him. He couldn’t handle one more thing to worry about. Running for Valerie, and performing for Bodbyn, and learning from Amaryllis, and keeping his identity secret, and saving all his friends, and defeating Ursula.
He was so tired.
A monstrous thud shook the roof, and Linda swore. The building creaked under a mysterious weight that moved down toward the door. Of course, Roman thought half-hysterically, grabbing his head. One more magical beast I’ve got to defeat.
An enormous feline head poked through the doorway—now nothing more than an archway of curved branches. Roman, Virgil asked, blinking amber eyes the size of dinner plates at him. Are you hurt?
Roman couldn’t form a coherent reply—vocal or mental. The branches grew thicker and longer, a multi-armed helix of trees reformed from planks of wood, a crown of greenery blossoming high above them. It all sprouted from where Roman knelt. The trees responded to his thoughts, and at that moment, there wasn’t anything Roman wanted more than for Virgil to be close to him. The opening widened, and Virgil padded past a dumbfounded Linda. Leaves sprouted from the handle of her hammer.
It’s okay, Roman. I’m here. You’re safe now. Virgil curled up around him. Roman clung to his fur, trembling.
“What’s happening to me?” he breathed, looking at the strange light taking over his body.
Your core’s showing. It’s totally normal, Roman. All witches have them. I’m in my core form right now, and I’m not too scary, right? he replied, a thunderous purr rumbling through him. Take some deep breaths for me, yeah? Everything’s going to be all right.
Roman took a shaky breath, burying his face in Virgil’s fur. He could feel Virgil’s underlying fear and worry, kept carefully in control so it didn’t freak Roman out more. It was nice, however, not having to be the mentally strong one this time.
“I can’t do it,” he whimpered.
Can’t do what?
You’re right—and you shouldn’t have to. I keep forgetting that none of this is normal for you. I’m sorry. We’ll talk to Valerie and figure something else out, okay? Trust me.
Roman, finally, relaxed. The lights across his skin faded away, and the trees around them stopped growing. His stomach growled petulantly, and Virgil’s ears perked up.
Have you eaten, yet?
Roman shook his head, exhausted. He just wanted to sleep.
Roman, you need to eat something. Can you climb onto my back?
He swallowed back a sigh and clambered up onto Virgil’s back, grabbing loose fists of his thick fur to keep himself from falling off. Virgil stood and padded to the exit.
“Sorry about all of this,” he said as they passed Linda.
Having recovered from her initial shock, she just laughed. “Are you kidding? This’ll be great for my new business!” she said, gesturing to the massive tree around her. “Now I just have to figure out what that business will be…”
“Right,” Roman chuckled weakly, feeling scraped hollow. “Good luck, Linda.”
She gave him a nod, already surveying the interior, muttering to herself. Roman turned his attention to the street below and his heart sank.
A crowd had formed around the tree. People pointed up at them, most shouting in excitement and wonder, though a thick-armed tavern keep standing atop a root as thick as his own torso looked particularly upset about the impromptu redesign of his shop. What made him the most nervous were the undeniable mutterings of “heir of prophecy” he could hear even from this distance.
You going to be okay?
Roman took a deep breath. “I certainly hope so.”
The climb down wasn’t easy, and Roman had to cling to Virgil’s back to keep from falling as they scrambled down the trunk. People backed away, clearing a spot for Virgil to drop the rest of the way to the ground, landing nimbly without jostling Roman too much.
He craned his head back and marveled at his towering creation. “At least it’s pretty,” he muttered. The experience sure hadn’t been.
A deep growl from Virgil snapped his attention back to the crowd, who had inched closer, curious.
“Stay back,” he warned, voice gravely and inhuman—similar to Dorian’s. Roman hadn’t heard him speak like this since their fiasco in the basement with Remus. It was comforting and unsettling at the same time. Thankfully, the crowd didn’t push their luck, remaining where they were.
“Is it true?” a voice from the sea of faces called. “You’re the Last Heir of prophecy?”
“He’s too young,” another retorted.
Roman swallowed, his throat dry. “Um…”
“No, no, look at his hand!”
“The Star of Kaia!”
“I want to know who’s paying for damages,” the tavern keeper said, arms folded.
“Quiet!” Virgil said, fur bristling. Everyone’s eyes went wide, mouths shutting. “The Heir has arrived, and he is very tired. So help me, if any of you disturb him, you’ll be taking your questions up with Kaia herself in the afterworld. Am I understood?”
Most either nodded or looked away, terrified. Resigned as he was, Roman couldn’t help but feel for them. They were just curious. He doubted they meant any harm.
“I’m sorry,” he said, raising his voice so hopefully they could all hear him, “for any damage I’ve caused.”
“Sorry won’t fix my ruined business!” the tavern keeper shouted. Several witches shot him dirty looks. One even elbowed him and muttered something. “What?” he said, rounding on them. “I’m just supposed to grovel at his feet cause he ruined my livelihood in a flashy way?”
Roman was so tired he wasn’t sure if he would start laughing or burst into tears. He didn’t know what to do. He was this supernatural hero who could grow mystical trees without a second thought, but couldn’t for the life of him fix what he’d screwed up.
Virgil let out a low, warning noise, and the man paled.
“Oh, stop your whining, Galphin!” Linda shouted down from the tree hollow, brandishing her leafy hammer. “Cut out a new door, or something. This witch just made your tavern the hotspot of the Capital and you’re crying like a Brownie over tarnished silver. Get over yourself.”
Galphin spluttered, face flushing red. A few in the crowd let out soft laughter. “You’ve got no right—”
“In fact!” Linda said, that same grin spreading across her face. “I’m the reason Golden Boy was even here to begin with, so looks like you owe me for the renovation.”
“Owe you? This is ridiculous. I let you run your shady little business above my tavern, noke!”
Linda laughed. “Oh, please, don’t you know the best way to get what you want is to let the other person think they’re making the deal? Now, there’s going to be a steady interest on the property tax I’m issuing, so I suggest you get to work before I call the Guard for substantial debts taken without intent to pay.” She shot Roman a look and winked.
Roman nodded his thanks, patting Virgil on the shoulder. The familiar started away from the tree, the crowd silently parting around them. He noticed a few cheeks wet with tears, and Roman desperately hoped no one broke out into some kind of religious preaching. Thankfully, they all kept a respectful distance. Roman did his best to sit up straight, despite wanting to pass out, and even managed a weak smile.
An adolescent, perhaps fourteen, reached a tentative hand out, brushing Virgil’s leg with their fingertips as they passed. Virgil looked down at them, and they instantly retracted their hand.
Be nice, Roman admonished, scratching his fingers through the fur between Virgil’s shoulders.
I am being nice, he said, tail flicking. We can be a parade attraction some other time, though.
It was a long walk from Linda’s place to Valerie’s estate. Nearly across the entire city. Roman couldn’t guess the distance, but figured at the pace they were going, it’d be at least an hour before they arrived. Thankfully, it was late enough now that the streets were somewhat empty. Roman couldn’t imagine having to make this trek in the middle of a bustling market. While the crowd that had formed around the tree incident had indeed remained respectful and quiet, Virgil’s threats hadn’t kept them from trailing behind as they made their way through the city.
The ride wasn’t very comfortable either, despite the softness of Virgil’s fur. Felines weren’t exactly meant to ferry around passengers, no matter their size. The bumps of Virgil’s spine pressed uncomfortably against him, and despite the fact that he’d removed his messenger’s jacket and bundled it up into a makeshift cushion, Roman was sure he’d be regretting it in the morning with bruises in unsavory places.
Still, he silently enjoyed the distance it put between him and the people, and despite the aches, the gentle swaying motion as Virgil walked lulled him into a kind of half-awake daze.
You should try sleeping, Ro. It’ll be a while before we arrive, Virgil said, glancing over his shoulder at him.
Yeah, he said absently, but made no move to lay down. This form isn’t… hard for you to keep up, is it?
Witchgods, Roman, just let me take care of you, he laughed, exasperated. After a moment, however, he conceded, explaining, I could stay like this as long as I wanted. It’s the transformation itself that takes magical energy.
Right, Roman said. How’s it going with Amaryllis and your talisman? They worked on Virgil using his powers without the talisman while Roman was busy playing muhlte for patrons at Goldfire, so Roman rarely saw the training himself.
She says I’m making progress, he admitted after a pause.
Roman’s head bobbed as he struggled to stay awake. That’s good… I’m proud of you…
Virgil said nothing, plodding along at a steady, hypnotic pace. Roman slumped forward, which distributed his weight and relieved some of the pain from sitting up on Virgil’s back.
He let out a tired sigh, and, at last, let his mind slip into unconsciousness.
* * * * * * * * * *
Most of the crowd had dispersed when Virgil reached the edge of the West Market, the last few stragglers only trailing behind for a few minutes more as he followed the rail lines through the arcane district—the most direct path back to Valerie’s estate. The Djel Triba came into view, and Virgil felt a measure of relief. He’d kept his worries in check as well as he could manage, not wanting to wake Roman up. But walking alone through a potentially hostile city at night, despite his current size, was paranoia-inducing. The scuttle of various city-dwelling fae in the shadows kept him on edge.
We’ll be fine, Virgil, Amaryllis assured him for what felt like the hundredth time since they’d picked her up from Goldfire.
We don’t know how Valerie will react, he said. Some of the judges wanted to throw him in prison. What if what just happened convinces her they were right?
Something’s got to change, Virgil. Roman has to master these powers in three months, and we’ve only covered the basics of witchtongue in the past two weeks. I’m sure Valerie will understand.
What if she doesn’t?
What if she does? she countered. Virgil sighed, dropping the issue. Roman snored softly against his fur, completely asleep. He had to be careful not to shift his weight too much, or he’d risk Roman sliding off his back.
Passing the Djel Triba itself, they made their way down a long cobble drive that split off every half mile or so, sectioning off the different judge’s estates. Valerie’s was in the back, a stately building of skilled stone masonry with tall, well-lit windows. Not nearly as big as Virgil had anticipated.
The two guards stationed at the front door looked at each other, confused.
“You’re… the Heir’s familiar. Right?” one of them asked.
Virgil turned a bit, revealing the sleeping Roman. He didn’t like speaking aloud in this form unless he had to. Reminded him too much of Dorian.
The two guards stiffened.
“Is he injured?” the other asked, stepping forward.
No. Let us in, Virgil snapped in both of their minds. The two of them jumped, startled.
Amaryllis floated ahead of Virgil, shooting him a chastising look that he met with defiance. “He’s perfectly fine,” she amended. “Just asleep. However, we have some pressing matters to discuss with the Chief Judge, if you would be so kind as to escort us.”
These guards, thankfully, didn’t look at Amaryllis like she was the undead scum of the earth. One nodded to the other and led them inside. The doorway wasn’t quite big enough for Virgil, but he was agile enough to slink through without displacing his sleeping witch. They were handed off to one of the house staff, who bowed silently to them and guided them down the hall. The servant was a short woman—or, at least, she looked short from Virgil’s perspective. She kept shooting glances at Roman’s limp form. He followed her line of sight and found she was interested in the gold mark on Roman’s hand hanging over Virgil’s side.
So was everyone, it seemed.
Virgil kicked himself for not realizing how overtaxed Roman was getting earlier. They shared a mental link, for Witch Queen’s sake. He still wasn’t sure what exactly had happened at Linda’s. The echo of Roman’s pain he’d felt still haunted him. Whatever had occurred, Roman had erased with healing magic. Maybe once he was awake, Virgil could pry the story out of him.
They stopped outside another large pair of doors. The servant pressed a hand against a small panel in the wall inscribed with lines of alchemy, and it sunk inward about an inch. The massive doors swung open of their own accord, revealing a spacious, but noticeably empty, sitting room. The servant strode inside and squatted near a fireplace on the left side of the room. Muttering a soft, “Merint,” a fire burst to life from her fingertips.
She stood, facing them. “The Chief Judge is in her personal quarters at the moment. Please wait here while I inform her of your presence,” the woman said with another deep bow to both Virgil and Amaryllis before exiting.
Virgil ducked through the doorway, once again careful to keep Roman balanced across his back. Amaryllis trailed throughout the room, looking at the artwork on the walls. A row of tall windows lined the back wall, revealing a lush garden lit by amber lanterns. Virgil positioned himself between the sitting area and window, giving him a good view of the entire room—doors included. He slowly lowered onto his stomach, resting, but ready to get up and run if he had to.
Amaryllis looked over. “You know, he’d probably be more comfortable on one of the couches.”
He’s fine where he is.
She conceded with a shrug. Truth was, Virgil wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his anxiety in check if he didn’t have the comforting weight of his witch on his back, his soft puffs of breath across his fur, or the occasional shifting that reminded Virgil he was still alive and well.
His ears swiveled, picking up steady, clinking footsteps growing closer to the sitting room’s open doors. Valerie appeared in the doorway soon after, in her typical suit of scaled armor. Her smile disappeared when she saw Roman unconscious, and she stepped into the room.
“What happened?”
He’s just asleep.
She relaxed a bit, folding her arms. “While I’m glad to hear that, Virgil, it doesn’t answer my question.”
Virgil vacillated on how much to tell her. He still didn’t trust the woman, though he liked her more than the other judges. There was another incident. Similar to what happened with the Captain of the Guard when we arrived.
Valerie paled. “Is anyone injured?”
I don’t think so. I wasn’t with him when it happened, but if anything, he healed things a bit too much.
“What do you mean?”
I mean you’ve got a giant tree growing in the south end of the West Market, now.
“Oh, it’s gorgeous,” Amaryllis said. “I could see it from Goldfire.”
Valerie began pacing around the room. “As long as no one was injured… Wait, why weren’t you with him? Aren’t you two inseparable?”
Virgil’s tail whipped back and forth. That’s why we’re here. You realize you left us destitute, right?
She stopped, staring at him. “What? Did you not contact Bodbyn? She should have—”
She fulfilled her favor to you and let us use a room, but food was never a part of the deal. Virgil tensed, fighting to keep his anger in check in case he woke Roman. It wasn’t working very well. Roman wasn’t making any money from running for you, so he took out a loan to buy an instrument so he could work for one meal a day. I had to get a separate job just to help pay off his loan. That’s why I wasn’t with him.
“One meal a—why didn’t he tell me?” Valerie said, running a stressed hand through her hair. “I saw him every morning! I thought… I had no idea…”
He didn’t want to impose, Virgil sneered. And now, because he’s been so busy running all over the city for you, he’s wasted two weeks where he could have been learning to control his powers instead. You have no idea what’s at stake here.
Amaryllis came between them, holding out her hands. “That’s enough, Virgil. Valerie is aware of the situation now.” She turned to the Chief Judge. “We’ve come to rework the agreement. Roman needs time to study and practice using his powers, otherwise incidents are going to keep happening.”
“I agree. I’ll speak with the other judges. Hopefully, this won’t turn into another trial.” Valerie bowed her head in Virgil’s direction. “Regardless, I apologize for my ignorance, joka iskaia. It will not happen again.”
He nodded back to her, blinking slowly.
“I will have my staff prepare quarters for you immediately. You are welcome to the meals as they are served during the day—” she glanced at Roman—“but you may help yourself to our kitchen tonight, though the cook has retired for the evening. Myla, the woman who showed you here, will take you to your rooms once they are ready. Ask her for anything you may need.”
“Thank you,” Amaryllis said. “I’m sure Roman will thank you once he’s awake.”
Valerie shook her head. “He doesn’t need to. I’m simply doing what I should have from the beginning. Goodnight.” And with that, she departed.
Amaryllis turned to Virgil with a smile. “That went well!”
Yes, Virgil admitted. He may not trust Valerie yet, but this might have been the first step in the right direction they’d taken since arriving.
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“We’ll steal your disbelieving heart!”
Part 3 of edit sets for witchsona AU
**Please DO NOT edit, use, or repost any of these! Thank you!
[UPDATED and COMPLETE character profiles (codenames, outfit, awakening scene, dialogues) under the cut!]
Atsuko "Akko" Kagari
Codename: Nova (short for supernova)
Arcana: Fool
Mask: Golden domino mask with star shaped holes for the eyes
Outfit: Think Shiny Chariot just more conservative and more red, golden gloves, shine bright girl!
Persona: Susanoo -> Amaterasu, goddess of the sun and of the universe [World arcana] (second awakening)
Skillset: Strong physical attacks and resistance but lower magical defense
Weapons: Shiny Rod (but Akko swings it like a bat) and slingshot gun
All-Out Attack Card: "A Dream Come True!" written with a colorful background and she says, "Wasn't that so much fun!"
Awakening Scene:
Akko: I won’t give up! Never! If I just reach out my hand, it’s sure to begin! Thrilling! And exciting! My very own story!
Susanoo: And if your story starts only to finish too early?
Akko: That won’t happen! I won’t let that happen! I’m sure that my story will be just as bright as Chariot’s! No, much MUCH brighter! I can already see it sparkling! And I won’t let it die so easily!
Susanoo: I’ll hold you to those words. Remember, even the brightest stars have to die eventually but when you have to, do so with a bang. I am thou, thou art I… This is the start of your story. Show them just how bright you are!
Akko: I will become the brightest! I’ve always dreamed of this moment ever since Chariot came into my life and now it’s finally happening. I’ll make this the most fun story anyone has ever heard of! Shine bright, Susanoo!
"That was too easy! Ha!"
"Look at me! I’m getting stronger again! Yay!"
"New skill get! I bet it’s strong!"
"Oooh, a treasure! Quick, let’s grab it!"
"Finally! A safe room! Haaaah, I’m so exhausted!"
"Exploring is always so exciting! It makes my heart skip a beat!"
"Me? Tired? Ha! You’ve got to be kidding!"
"Uuuuugh, this is getting annoying real fast."
"That’s it. I’m out. Don’t wanna do this anymore."
"Look! An enemy! Let’s beat it up!"
"Kyaaah! We’ve been spotted! Run! Run! RUN!"
"Eh? Is it just me or was that harder than it should have been."
"Small fry? Pssh! Let’s just skip to the boss already!"
"Ehhhh, don’t they look kind of strong? Maybe we should look the other way."
"There’s no turning back from this. Everyone, let’s give it our best shot!"
"Victory! Yay! As expected from our awesome team! Let’s go, girls!"
Baton Pass: "Nova shining through!"
Protect: "Watch out!"
Endure: "I’m not going to die… not until I meet Chariot!"
Summon Persona: "Shine bright, Susanoo!" or “Dazzle them, Susanoo!”
Follow Up: "Pick me! I want to help!"
Cover Fire: "Please, please let me get a shot!"
Harisen Recovery: "Stop acting all funny!"
Low on Health: "Hey, won’t somebody heal me already? I’m kind of dying here."
Healing someone: "Pain, pain, fly away!"
Getting Healed: "Uwaaah! That feels so much better! Thanks!"
Giving Buffs: "Let’s see you go all out!"
Physical Attacks: "Homerun!"
Attacking: "Prepare to get beaten!"
Attack misses: "Huh? That wasn’t supposed to go like that!"
Couldn't finish off enemy: "So annoying! Someone beat them already!"
Fainting: "What? Already? No… this can’t be. I can’t… my story should have been happy..."
Getting Resurrected: “Thanks! Now I’m gonna make sure that THEY die next!”
Status Ailment: "Uck, being sick sucks!"
Burn: "Hot! Hot! Hot! HOT! Throw me some ice! Anything cold!"
Freeze: "Too c-c-c-cold! Achoo! Euuugh, I want a kotatsu."
Shock: "YEOWCH! I’ve already learned my lesson to not put my fingers in a socket so why do I have to get shocked all over again?"
Forget: "Chariot who? I feel like she’s supposed to be someone important..."
Charm: "Well excuse me! Those shadows probably like Chariot more than you guys do anyways!"
Rage: "Fine! If that’s how it is then I’m not gonna hold back!"
Despair: "Will I ever find Chariot like this? Maybe she’s already gone forever..."
Hunger: "*stomach growls* I’m really craving for some Japanese food right now."
Dizzy: "Hold still! How can I hit you if you won’t hold still!"
Sleep: "Zzz… Chariot is the best... zzz..."
Silence: !!!!!
Mouse: "Squeak!!!!!"
Mementos chats:
“Cognitive world? I don’t really get it but it’s kind of like world inside a person’s heart, right? So if we keep going on like this then I’m sure I’ll be able to find Chariot someday!”
“If our clothes is a reflection or something of our heart then how come I didn’t get Chariot’s clothes? Do you think if I wish with my heart hard enough, I can get an outfit change?”
“What’s with all these lame skill names though? They sound like hard to memorize spells. I’m going to rename all of mine!”
“Not only am I a Phantom Witch but so are my friends! Isn’t this the best! This is so exciting!”
“I’m finally a Phantom Witch! After all those years of just dreaming and now I’m living it! Wait for me, world, I’ll definitely become a great Phantom Witch like Chariot!”
Akko: Isn’t this amazing? My mentor in magic is also my mentor for phantom witching!
Ursula: Yes, it is amazing. I just wish you showed more enthusiasm towards our magic classes in the real world.
Akko: My feet are killing me! Professor Crow, can I hitch a ride on one of your broombas?
Croix: You could but I don’t think Bird Mom would allow you to slack off.
Akko: Just what kind of dish is "Cavendish" anyways?
Diana: ...I can hear your stomach growling. Have you eaten at all before this?
Akko: I don't get this arcana thing. Why isn't Chariot's arcana Chariot? I mean it's already in her name!
Diana: Clearly you haven't been studying. Again. If you did then you would know that that's not how arcanas work.
Akko: What do you mean this isn’t how you’re supposed to use the Shiny Rod?
Diana: Exactly what that means. Honestly how did you get it into your possession?
Akko: Isn't it weird calling out your own name when you summon your persona?
Diana: I suppose it is but I've gotten used to it.
Akko: Why would you name yourself "My asthma"? You sick or something?
Lotte: It's not "my asthma", it's mi-
Sucy: No. Don't tell her. This is funny.
Akko: Why am I not surprised that Sucy is just as creepy even as a Phantom Witch?
Sucy: It's called consistency- something you lack.
Akko: Thank goodness we have Lotte with us, she's really good at talking us out of a fight!
Lotte: Well we wouldn't be fighting so much if you just tried talking first instead of running in head first.
Akko: Hey, you're not wearing your glasses. Can you even see anything?
Lotte: Oh, actually my glasses are incorporated in my mask. It's thoughtfully convenient.
Akko: Amanda's outfit is so cool! Not like in a Chariot way but still cool!
Amanda: Thanks. It just shows how cool my rebellious spirit is. Meanwhile your outfit is... very Akko.
Akko: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!
Akko: Just how many snacks do you bring with you each time?
Jasminka: Enough for everyone... and more!
Akko: How come you guys get to ride your personas? Like Amanda can ride on hers and Constanze has a huge ship!
Amanda: You can't even ride a broom, how can you ride anything else?
Constanze (through Stanbot): Akko, basics!
Akko: Constanze has it easy, huh. We have to fight shadows while she just stands back and supervises.
Constanze: *pouts*
Constanze (through Stanbot): No cover fire for Akko!
Akko: Eh? Ehhhhhh? No way! J-Joke! That was just a joke! I was kidding!
Diana Cavendish
Codename: Empress
Arcana: Hierophant
Mask: Silver mask with intricate carvings reminiscent of crowns exuding a royal vibe
Outfit: Think Revolutionary Girl Utena just with a different color scheme, white and blue and gold, white gloves or blue to accent
Persona: Celtic goddess of healing Sirona -> Roman goddess Diana (second awakening)
Skillset: Strong heal and magic spells, high magic resistance but weak to physical and status ailments
Weapons: Rapier and Desert Eagle
All-Out Attack Card: "Battle Royal" written with a castle in the background and she says, "It was hardly a challenge."
Awakening Scene:
Diana: Is this truly my limit? A prodigy at the wand and yet in this moment, I am useless. No, I can’t let this end like this. Not as a sight so pathetic as this. I have been useless at the wand before then I worked towards regaining my worth, and I shall do the same now! I will not stand by as those before me suffer! If this is my limit then I shall just find a way to go beyond it!
Sirona: Splendid words, your highness. Your valor has not wavered a day. Helplessness is only a temporary situation, as you’ve excellently deduced. It is not permanent therefore it can be change. And more importantly, you can change. Now the question is, will you? Even if it means turning your back on the very customs and traditions that you uphold?
Diana: I will admit that forsaking tradition does not sit well with me… But these are different times, and surely there are outdated customs that need to be corrected. I won’t completely change them all but I am willing to change enough.
Sirona: And that is more than enough. Let us proceed with the pact. I am thou, thou art I… The strength to accept the old as well as to adapt to the new, is a skill you should hone. Will you rise above the challenge?
Diana: I shall do more than just conquer it. I swear upon my name that I shall surpass and master it! Dance, Sirona!
"I’d hardly call that a challenge. Let us move on."
"It would seem that I’ve gotten stronger. It’s not worth to brag."
"A new skill? Perhaps I could master it today."
"There is a treasure chest ahead of us, try to see the surroundings first unlike last time."
"A safe room. We should maximize our time spent here."
"It certainly is a different experience to explore here. I’m not quite sure how to feel about this."
"This is hardly tiring exercise, no need to concern over me."
"Hm, perhaps I may have underestimated the vastness of our excursion. Do not fret, I can still carry on."
"I apologize but this is my limit. I’ll try not to hold you back next time."
"There’s an enemy nearby. So? What is our course of action?"
"We've been spotted? Don’t let them ambush us!"
"The difference in power is palpable."
"Are you sure we can afford the time to dawdle on these weak shadows?"
"That shadow is of great adversary. We should exercise caution."
"Failure is not an option here. Only attack when you’re ready."
"Victory is ours. Well done, everyone."
Baton Pass: "Empress joining in!"
Protect: "No! Nova!"
Endure: "I will not fall here… Definitely not by the likes of you!"
Summon Persona: "Unsheath your blade, Sirona!"
Follow Up: "Would you like a hand?"
Cover Fire: "If you think you can’t handle it then I can."
Harisen Recovery: "Focus more next time!"
Low on Health: "Some assistance would be lovely."
Healing someone: "That should make you feel better."
Getting Healed: "Thank you, I appreciate the help."
Giving Buffs: "A boost for good measure."
Physical Attacks: "Fall by my blade!"
Attacking: "I will end this!"
Attack misses: "What? How could I have missed?"
Couldn't finish off enemy: "Someone, please finish this for me!"
Fainting: "Is this my limit? How pathetic I must be..."
Getting Resurrected: “Thank you. I will gladly return the favor later.”
Status Ailment: "Perhaps I should have trained my body’s fortitude more..."
Burn: "This is but a slight fever. I just need to cool off in a bit."
Freeze: "It’s quite c-cold. I don’t supposed anyone brought a sweater?"
Shock: "I can’t move! Someone get me an insulator to discharge this with!"
Forget: "Duty? Did I really have anything as cumbersome as that?"
Charm: "I have never set sight on anything as beautiful and so I shall protect them at all costs!"
Rage: "You pathetic scum! Feel the wrath of my sword!"
Despair: "What’s the point? There will always be someone better than me no matter how hard I try..."
Hunger: "Oh my, please pardon my stomach. It’s been a while since I last ate."
Dizzy: "Is it just me or is my blade softer than I remember?"
Sleep: "Zzz… No time to rest... zzz..."
Silence: ...
Mouse: "Squeak!"
Mementos chats:
“So this is the world that Chariot has seen before us? I wonder what she thought of it...”
“The shadows take the most peculiar of forms and yet their names exist among our legends. Perhaps there is a connection not known to us, hmm.”
“I’m not quite used to wearing such… flattering clothes but they’re not impractical. I might actually consider doning something similar in the real world.”
“I’ve heard of The Phantom Witch Chariot but never did I think that she was doing something like this. And never did I think that I would be doing something similar today.”
“I must say, being a witch and a Phantom Witch is not quite the same but I will gladly take both responsibilities.”
Diana: Pardon me for my intrusiveness but I can’t help but notice how reiminiscent of Chariot’s moves your movements are. Were you two perhaps close in the past?
Ursula: Eh? Really? Ahaha… I guess you could say that I look up to her… Let’s leave it at that.
Diana: Normally electronics do not function here in the cognitive world and yet you somehow managed to bypass through that… with magic?
Croix: And don’t forget science. You’re looking at the future of magic, science!
Diana: Your outfits bears quite the uncanny resemblance with Chariot’s… *mumbles* How envious.
Akko: Huh? Did you say something, Empress?
Diana: I'm still uncomfortable with the use of firearms in battle.
Akko: At least you get to use an actual gun! Why the heck do I get a kid's toy instead?
Diana: Really now. I don’t know why you’re the leader when you’re the most reckless out of all of us.
Akko: I know right? Hey, wait! That wasn’t a compliment at all, was it?!
Diana: It's amazing how there are worlds like this all because someone believes it.
Akko: Chariot was right all along. A believing heart is magic. And it's our duty to make sure that magic is used for good!
Diana: So a diplomatic approach could work just as fine... Interesting, I wouldn't have learned that from Akko.
Lotte: Yes, well you know Akko. She has her own way of dealing with things.
Sucy: It's called brute force.
Akko: Hey! I can hear you guys over here!
Diana: Night Fall…? I don’t think I recognize that book you’re bringing with you. What is it about?
Lotte: You should have been prepared if you asked that question. Let me start from the first volume!
Diana: I don’t suppose you have something in your arsenal that could cure Nova’s airheadedness.
Sucy: I actually do. But using it on her would just take out all the fun so I don’t.
Diana: Why am I not surprised that you and Nova are teamed up?
Amanda: Watch it, your highness. You don’t want me start a revolt on your case, now do you?
Diana: I have never considered a Persona to manifest in such a creative manner. Wait, I don’t remember these… did you add these here?
Constanze: *nods her head*
Constanze (through Stanbot): Special modifications!
Diana: Excuse me but you wouldn’t happen to have biscuits with you, or would you? I’m a bit peckish and I didn’t bring anything with me.
Jasminka: It’s okay. I have all sorts of happy flavors with me!
Lotte Yanson
Codename: Owl
Arcana: Temperance
Mask: Great grey owl-shaped mask but the eye holes are covered with prescription glasses
Outfit: Think traditional fantasy rpg mage but with grey feathery look, brown and a bit feathery gloves
Persona: Luonnotar, the Finnish "female spirit of nature"
Skillset: Strong buffs and support; her high affinity with spirits makes her handy to have when doing shadow negotiations particularly recruiting shadows
Weapons: Spear and harpoon gun
All-Out Attack Card: "Night Fall and Spirit Calls" written with spirits celebrating in the background and she says,"I lost my temper back there."
Awakening Scene:
Lotte: What should I do? My friends are in trouble and I can’t help them! No! I… I have to help them! It’s not a matter of whether I can or I can’t, I WILL! I will definitely help them! They’ve done so much for me and now it’s my turn to pay them back. Even if I can’t do it alone, with them by my side, I’m sure that I can do it now!
Luonnotar: It would seem that you have found your strength.
Lotte: I have. I know that I’m not the strongest and yet… when I’m with my friends, I feel strong. They give me strength. And with that strength, I want to protect them!
Luonnotar: Yes, cherish that feeling and protect it with all your heart. Let me provide you the necessary power. I am thou, thou art I… You are stronger than you think In acknowledging your own weakness, you have found true strength.
Lotte: I may be weak but I will get stronger. I will be strong enough for my friends! I call upon your name, please hear me, Luonnatar!
"Well that was a quick fight. Shall we get going?"
"Amazing! It feels so different when I level up, I feel stronger!"
"A new skill? I can’t wait to see what it is!"
"Treasure chest up ahead. Let’s scope the area first."
"Look, a safe room. We should use this to take a break for now."
"It feels like I’m in a book when we’re exploring worlds like this."
"I rested plenty beforehand so I’ve got a lot of energy with me. Let’s go?"
"Maybe I should pace myself. These places go farther than I thought."
"I don’t think I can keep up anymore. Sorry, I’m going to hang in the back for now."
"Enemy spotted. What do you think we should do?"
"They spotted us! Everyone, be careful!"
"The difference in strength is too obvious."
"There’s no need to go after those weak ones. We shouldn’t bully them so much."
"They’re too powerful! I know you want to fight but you should pick your battles."
"It feels like this is an important battle. Be sure that you’re fully prepared before facing it."
"We won! That was amazing, everyone!"
Baton Pass: "Owl swooping in!"
Protect: "Be careful!"
Endure: "Not yet… I still have much left in me."
Summon Persona: "Hear my calling, Luonnatar!"
Follow Up: "I think I can finish them off."
Cover Fire: "Would you like my help?"
Harisen Recovery: "Are you alright?"
Low on Health: "If you could, can someone please help me?"
Healing someone: "Please, hold on!"
Getting Healed: "Thank you so much!"
Giving Buffs: "This should help."
Physical Attacks: "I’ll take you down!"
Attacking: "Take this!"
Attack misses: "Sorry, I missed!"
Couldn't finish off enemy: "Please, finish them off for me!"
Fainting: "No… I don’t want to die… I… I’m sorry..."
Getting Resurrected: “Thank you. Let’s not do that again.”
Status Ailment: "I don’t feel so good..."
Burn: "It’s so hot! Oh geez, I’m sweating too much."
Freeze: "Brrr, c-cold! Not even our worst winters were this cold."
Shock: "Eep! Is this what touching livewire feels like?"
Forget: "For whose sake did I go through all these lengths for? Where are my friends?"
Charm: "Well they asked so nicely, it’s kind of hard for me to turn them down."
Rage: "You! I’ll make a net out of you with all the holes I’ll pierce through you!"
Despair: "It’s no use... In the end, I’m still as weak as I started..."
Hunger: "It’s silly but I’m suddenly craving for some homemade hapansilakka pies."
Dizzy: "Huh? I can’t seem to move my body right."
Sleep: "Zzz… Just one more chapter... zzz..."
Silence: ...
Mouse: "Squeak~"
Mementos chats:
“This is the world inside a person’s heart… As I thought, I still prefer Night Fall’s interpretation in volume 321.”
“I wonder what my Palace would look like if I had one… I’m starting to wish I had one if only it looked like something plucked from Night Fall.”
“Thank goodness that my glasses is incorporated in my mask. I don’t I’ll be of much use if I can’t see anything.”
“The objects here don’t have any spirits in them but instead I can talk to the shadows instead. That’s an unexpected tradeoff.”
“I know this is more of Nova’s dream not mine but now that I’m a Phantom Witch, I’ll do my best!”
Lotte: I’m actually a bit relieved to have the supervision of an adult with us.
Ursula: That makes me happy to hear. Unfortunately, not everyone shares the same sentiment… *sigh*
Lotte: If Crane is Bird Mom then what does that make us though?
Croix: Well I’m Crow and you’re Owl. We’re obviously unrelated to Crane aka Bird Mom.
Lotte: Really, Nova. You should think things through before acting out!
Akko: But then I won’t get to do anything!
Lotte: I’ve heard rumors that you’re well-rounded with skills but I never imagined you’d be this good with a rapier. You’re like a character pulled out from a book!
Diana: This much is just the basics, it’s nothing noteworthy. I’ve been told that you are quite the avid reader, do I truly remind you of a certain character? Perhaps you could recommend me the book, I’d like to expand my library.
Lotte: I feel kind of silly in my outfit. I'm not used to wearing something so eye-catching.
Sucy: It feels the same for me. Well the mask is more pointed but as long as it serves its function, I could care less.
Lotte: I’ve done some research and it seems that your outfit is based on the plague doctors from a different continent long ago. Isn’t it kind of ironic that rather than heal sickness, you inflict them upon our enemies?
Sucy: I could care less. This outfit is pretty efficient in protecting me from my poisons and that’s the only thing that matters.
Lotte: You look like you’re just dancing when you fight. Light on your feet but heavy when you kick. You’re amazing, Rebel!
Amanda: Aww, thanks. Just for that, I’m gonna show you some of my best combos next time.
Lotte: Isn’t it tiring to have your persona always out? If you need to rest, don’t hesitate to ask us. A small break will do us more good than harm.
Constanze: *shakes her head*
Constanze (through Stanbot): Still good but thanks!
Lotte: You're so strong! I don't know anyone else who can lift such a large weapon so easily.
Jasminka: Thank you. I don't know anyone else who can talk to spirits though!
Sucy Manbavaran
Codename: Miasma
Arcana: Devil
Mask: Plague doctor mask
Outfit: Dark cloak and robes, horns headband, black leather gloves
Persona: Maria Cacao or "Maria" for short, the goddess at Mt. Lantoy in Cebu, Philippines
Skillset: Strong at dealing status ailments and debuffing enemies; her intimidating aura helps in shadow negotiations particularly shaking down more money and rarer items off shadows
Weapons: Sickle and modified gas pistol
All-Out Attack Card: "Deadly Concoction" written in a cauldron with mushrooms in the background and she says, "Was that too strong for you?"
Awakening Scene:
Sucy: How annoying. Are all shadows this obnoxious? They talk too much, it’s a pain. It doesn’t really matter to me but… you’re in the way. I can’t let you have my teammates, I still have plans for future experiments with them. So shut up and get lost already.
Maria: As dishonest as ever. Would it hurt you to be frank with your feelings for once? Well as long as your heart is in the right place then it shouldn’t matter. After all, actions speak louder than words, don’t you think so?
Sucy: For someone who’s supposed to be a reflection of myself, you sure talk too much. Can’t we just skip to the part where you give me powers already?
Maria: Not a fan of introspection either. Very well then, let us make haste. I am thou, thou art I… Let us make the world eat their words. Talk is cheap but actions are of great consequences.
Sucy: I don’t know if I care about the world enough but sure, if you say so. Let’s see what you got, Maria!
"That finished too quickly. So? What are you standing there for?"
"Oh, I leveled up? What else do you want me to say?"
"Hm, a new skill? Ooh, this looks like it’ll be fun to use, kukuku."
"Treasure chest ahead. Ah, you have that greedy look in your eyes again."
"A safe room. You’re tired already? Lame."
"There’s not much for me to find when exploring here. Still beats doing nothing."
"I’ll join you for a while I guess. Got nothing else to do."
"Sure, I guess I can walk some more."
"This is too bothersome. I’m going home."
"There’s an enemy up ahead. Think first before you charge headfirst."
"They saw us? Why am I not surprised."
"Don’t tell me you didn’t feel that power difference."
"Wow, you must be pretty bored if you want to bully some weaklings."
"Looks like someone’s got a death wish if you want to fight them so badly."
"Remember, if we die here we die for good. So don’t go charging in like you want to die, got it?"
"Ah, we won. Well good for us I guess."
Baton Pass: "Miasma drifting in!"
Protect: "Watch yourself, idiot!"
Endure: "I’ve taken poisons worse than this."
Summon Persona: "Take them down, Maria!"
Follow Up: "Think you can finish them off on your own?"
Cover Fire: "Yeah, sure I’ll cover your back."
Harisen Recovery: "Stop daydreaming!"
Low on Health: "Huh, this is bad."
Healing someone: "Don’t just lie there, get up."
Getting Healed: "Thanks, I needed that."
Giving Buffs: "Make it count while it lasts."
*inflicting debuffs* "Let’s see how you’ll survive this, kukuku..."
Physical Attacks: "Should I slice your head off?"
Attacking: "I wouldn’t get up if I were you."
Attack misses: "Missed? Tch."
Couldn't finish off enemy: "So annoying. I’ll get you next time."
Fainting: "This is it, huh? Well can’t say I’m surprised… still, how frustrating..."
Getting Resurrected: “Thank you, being dead was a nice experience though.”
Status Ailment: "Tch, I got careless."
Burn: "It feels like summer back home. Too hot."
Freeze: "Achoo! Still not used to the cold."
Shock: "I’ll only move when this gets cured."
Forget: "What am I doing here? Are there any mushrooms around?"
Charm: "Eh, I got bored."
Rage: "You don’t want me mad."
Despair: "This is all just a waste of effort, let’s just go back home..."
Hunger: "The food here is too bland, blegh. I need real food."
Dizzy: "Huh, I keep missing for some reason."
Sleep: "Zzz… Kukuku... zzz..."
Silence: ...
Mouse: "Squeak."
Mementos chats:
“I wonder what sorts of poisons are only found in the rotten hearts of people, kukuku...”
“An unlimited reserve of test subjects that I can actually accidentally kill? This whole Phantom Witch thing may be worth more than I thought.”
“Oh, this outfit is actually efficient in protecting myself from all sorts of poisons. Maybe I should consider making one in the real world.”
“If I went home and told them that I can summon our local deity then I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”
“Do whatever you want. Just don’t expect me to be as enthusiastic as you when it comes to being a Phantom Witch.”
Sucy: Still, for someone who just awakened recently, you sure do know a lot.
Ursula: Do I? I suppose I’m just more observant, ahaha...
Sucy: You look like you can handle things on your own. Are you sure you’re okay with babysitting us lot?
Croix: Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m learning much more while I’m with you. Besides, I’m just here to supervise. Bird Mom is the one doing the actual babysitting.
Sucy: Hey, Nova. Come over here so I can test out this new potion.
Akko: Don’t you already use them against the shadows here? What do you need me for?!
Sucy: The highly capable Empress taking orders from the incompetent fool Nova. Never thought I’d see the day.
Diana: Please don’t make this any more embarrassing than it already is.
Sucy: A great grey owl, huh? I thought you’d get at least a brighter color scheme given your personality.
Lotte: Oh, um, thank you? I thought you were going to say it was because of my hair color.
Sucy: That too.
Sucy: It’s annoying when the glasses fog up. I don’t know how you deal with this all the time.
Lotte: You get used to it… eventually, hehe.
Sucy: I’m surprised you’re letting the reckless Nova take the lead. I figured you’d fight over the position with her and then having it end up in Empress’ hands.
Amanda: Are you kidding me? Who else am I going to Rebel against if not the leader? Besides, I’d rather take Nova’s side than Empress’.
Sucy: Hey, can you modify my gun so that it shoots gas more accurately? Or maybe something that shoots more painfully?
Constanze (through Stanbot): Possible! I'll work on it soon!
Akko: Somehow, those two teaming up makes me feel uneasy...
Sucy: Hey, did you bring the game with you? I’m sitting this one out.
Constanze: *nods her head*
Constanze (through Stanbot): Let’s continue our last save!
Sucy: Don’t you have anything exotic to eat?
Jasminka: Say no more, I know you like frogs so I brought some!
Amanda O'Neill
Codename: Rebel
Arcana: Chariot
Mask: White mask, maybe same as P5 Joker's but edgier
Outfit: Think P5 Joker and her hair is groomed like in the Holy Grail episode, red gloves
Persona: Eris, Greek goddess of chaos
Skillset: Strong physical, high agility, most likely to do follow-ups
Weapons: Bo staff and shoes that hurt as hell, and submachine gun
Notes: Amanda has the only solo-rideable persona. It takes form of either a revamped broom or a hoverbike. She's the only one who equips two melee weapons because of her acrobatic fighting style.
All-Out Attack Card: "Wrong side of the law" written with a heist background and she says, "That all you got?"
Awakening Scene:
Amanda: There ain’t no way in hell that I’m going to lose to a creep like you! I’m done playing by your rules! Watch me break all of them and then I’ll break you into pieces!
Eris: Not so fond of authority as always. It’s a trait of yours that I don’t dislike.
Amanda: Heh, I don’t really care if you like me or not. You’re here to give me power, right? Well what are you waiting for?
Eris: Ah, and always in a hurry, as swift as you are on a broom. Good, there won’t be a dull moment with you. I am thou, thou art I… Let us break free from the suffocating chains of order and become chaos incarnate!
Amanda: You don’t have to tell me what I’m already about. Rules just cramp my style. Let’s crash this party, Eris!
"That all you got? Man, what a letdown."
"Heh, I could get used to this levelling up thing."
"New skill? Let’s test this baby out!"
"Ooh, a treasure chest. Alright, I’m calling dibs!"
"A safe room? I guess a break couldn’t hurt."
"Man, look at us! Aren’t we hardworkers exploring through all this?"
"Don’t tell me you’re already tired? I’m just getting started."
"It’s getting kind of boring but sure, I’ll humor you."
"It was fun while it lasted. Hey, when are we going home already?"
"Enemy spotted. What do you say? Let’s sneak up on them!"
"They saw us? Oi! Don’t let them hit our backs too!"
"Heh, I actually worked up a sweat with that one."
"Leave the small fries, let’s hit the big ones instead."
"Woah, those are definitely not small fries. You sure you can handle them?"
"Hey, don’t let these jerks kill you. If you do then I’m going to kill you twice over."
"We won already? No sweat."
Baton Pass: "Rebel crashing in!"
Protect: "Dammit! Watch out will ya!"
Endure: "Heh, try harder."
Summon Persona: "Shake things up, Eris!"
Follow Up: "You know you need me."
Cover Fire: "Need some cover?"
Harisen Recovery: "Oi! Get yourself together!"
Low on Health: "Um, guys? Some healing would be nice!"
Healing someone: "You’re welcome."
Getting Healed: "Thanks, I needed that."
Giving Buffs: "Go wild out there!"
Physical Attacks: "Did that hurt?"
Attacking: "You’re good as dead!"
Attack misses: "What? Missed? Don’t screw with me!"
Couldn't finish off enemy: "These annoying pieces of..."
Fainting: "Dammit... Am I that weak? This isn’t how I was supposed to go!"
Getting Resurrected: “Thanks, I’m going to make sure they end up in hell for this.”
Status Ailment: "Tch, not this annoying crap again!"
Burn: "Damn it’s too hot! Sweating bullets over here!"
Freeze: "Achoo! Seriously?"
Shock: "You know what? I’m not even gonna try."
Forget: "Break rules? Why shouldn’t I follow the rules?"
Charm: "Hey, don’t hate me for siding with the stronger team just saying."
Rage: "You bastards! Let’s see you talk shit after I’m done with you!"
Despair: "Does it even make a difference? In the end, I’m still going to get locked up over some dumb rule no matter how much I fight against it..."
Hunger: "Anyone here got any snacks on them?"
Dizzy: "Dammit! Stop missing!"
Sleep: "Zzz… That sounds dangerous, I’m in... zzz..."
Silence: …!
Mouse: "Squeak!"
Mementos chats:
“Man, this place rocks! We can practically do whatever we want with no adults to nag us! Too bad we don’t have an audience to piss. Oh wait, those are what the shadows are for!”
“And I thought I was fast on a broom. My persona’s breaking the sound barrier!”
“Stealing treasure? Don’t mind if I do.”
“I’m more of a Phantom Thief than a Phantom Witch but sure you can call me either.”
“Not really into the whole Phantom Witch thing but hey, so long as I get to do all this crazy stuff then I’m not complaining.”
Amanda: Babysitters? What kind of killjoy joke is this? With the majority of us being students, I didn’t expect a teacher to join us. No offense teach. Just don’t do cramping on our style, ‘kay?
Ursula: I can understand why you would be disappointed but don’t mind me. In here, we’re comrades of equal authority. I won’t “cramp your style” so to speak.
Amanda: You enjoy riding those flat disks? How do you even go fast on those without falling off?
Croix: Well you’d be surprised at how fast these broombas can go. Definitely faster than the ordinary broom but not as secure. Hmm, perhaps I should add some straps for safety...
Amanda: Look, let’s be real here. The only reason why I’m following you as the leader is because I don’t want to be leader. You still suck at your job though.
Akko: Hey! It’s harder than it looks, okay! Let’s see you do better then!
Amanda: Pass, you’re already enough to make fun of.
Amanda: Hey, you know how we can pull of all sorts of crazy stuff in here? And yet we still haven’t seen Nova fly a broom.
Akko: Why do you have to remind me?
Amanda: Hm? So the Luna Nova's "princess" is a Phantom Witch too. Huh, never thought I'd see the day.
Diana: I would prefer if you call me by my codename Empress but if you prefer then perhaps instead of Rebel, I should call you the Luna Nova’s “delinquent”.
Amanda: You use a rapier? You know I'm pretty badass with one too.
Diana: Yes, I'm aware. I think everyone has already heard of your infamous Appleton incident.
Amanda: Good times.
Amanda: Owl, huh? Aren’t those birds kind of nocturnal? Never figured you were the type.
Lotte: I’m not. I don’t usually stay up late at all unless… I do end up pulling all nighters reading my favorite book… and my favorite book’s fanfics.
Amanda: So ever noticed how you’re all “dark and gloomy” and your persona’s all “bright and benevolent”? What’s up with that?
Sucy: It’s not that surprising. Where I’m from, it’s the most benevolent gods that judge the most cruel punishments, kukuku...
Amanda: Flying on a broom feels awesome but flying on a ship ain’t half bad either.
Constanze: *gives a thumbs up*
Constanze (through Stanbot): You’re welcome!
Amanda: Woah! Did you just literally tear through that bag of chips with your claws?
Jasminka: Isn’t it convenient?
Jasminka Antonenko
Codename: Mishka (Russian Bear mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games)
Arcana: Strength
Mask: Polar bear mask
Outfit: Think Overwatch Mei but with a different color scheme, fur gloves with claws, could be white or light blue
Persona: Maslenitsa, Slavic goddess of harvest and witchcraft
Skillset: Good at party healing and dealing brutal AOE damage but the only catch is that she doesn't have a lot of SP so she uses a lot of items to replenish it. Most likely to give cover fire.
Weapons: Two-handed axe or hammer and bazooka
All-Out Attack Card: "Chow Down" written on a dining table filled with food as a background, and she says, "Seconds, please?"
Awakening Scene:
Jasminka: Fighting is bad but bullying is worse! Stop bullying my friends!
Maslenitsa: I must agree. Aren’t bullies the worst? Are you just going to let them do as they please and bully your friends? Stand by and do nothing?
Jasminka: No! I can’t just watch this. I have to do something! But to do that, I need to fight them on the same level. Will you lend me your power?
Maslenitsa: How can I lend something that’s already yours? Your answer has more than satisfied me. Let us begin. I am thou, thou art I… You who has been at the mercy of oppressors, do not let the same fate befall on your loved ones. Choose your battles, and win each one that you fight in.
Jasminka: I won’t let anyone else get bullied! I’m done being nice! Let’s make them regret what they’ve done, Maslenitsa!
"That went by fast. Let’s go?"
"I’m growing stronger again!"
"I learned a new skill, amazing!"
"There’s a treasure chest up ahead. I hope it’s food this time."
"We found a safe room. Who wants to join me for a snack break?"
"I make sure to bring lots of snacks enough to last every time we go exploring."
"It’s okay, I ate lots so I have lots of energy!"
"If I keep eating enough then I’ll be fine for the rest of the trip."
"Sorry, I ran out of food. I don’t think I can make it like this."
"I see an enemy. Should we pounce on them now?"
"They saw us! Oh no!"
"Did you notice the difference in strength?"
"No bullying. They’re too weak to bother with."
"They’re too strong. Do you really want to fight them?"
"I don’t want my meal to be the last supper. Let’s give it all we’ve got!"
"Victory! Let’s eat to celebrate!"
Baton Pass: "Mishka pouncing in!"
Protect: "Watch out!"
Endure: "Ouch, that hurt..."
Summon Persona: "Rip them up, Maslenitsa!"
Follow Up: "Need an extra punch?"
Cover Fire: "One shot is all I need."
Harisen Recovery: "Are you okay?"
Low on Health: "Um, I need a quick snack."
Healing someone: "Don’t push yourself."
Getting Healed: "That feels nice, thanks."
Giving Buffs: "Eat lots and get stronger!"
Physical Attacks: "Easy does it!"
Attacking: "One grand slam!"
Attack misses: "Oh no, I missed!"
Couldn't finish off enemy: "Hmm, I need to eat more."
Fainting: "This is bad… really bad… I don’t want this..."
Getting Resurrected: “Thank you, I’ll bring your favorite food next time!”
Status Ailment: "Oh, my body feels different. Nothing like a good meal to cure it!"
Burn: "It’s so hot! Ice cream would be nice."
Freeze: "Actually, it’s not that cold but some warm soup would be lovely."
Shock: "Ouch, this isn’t a happy flavor at all."
Forget: "What’s going on here? Where did all my food go?"
Charm: "Sorry but they promised me some good food!"
Rage: "You’re just a bunch of meanies! I’ll teach you how to be nice!"
Despair: "Do I even make a difference? Maybe it was all for naught..."
Hunger: "*stomach growls* Huh, am I not eating enough?"
Dizzy: "Swing and miss? That’s not right..."
Sleep: "Zzz… Omnomnom... zzz..."
Silence: ...
Mouse: "SQUEAK."
Mementos chats:
“Isn’t it amazing how food can help so much more in the cognitive world? And it’s also extra tasty!”
“I wonder why the food found here always taste so much better than the ones bought in the real world, hmm.”
“My outfit is so nice and warm and comfy! And these claws are useful too for opening persistent wrappings!”
“It’s always snack time all the time!”
“Isn’t this so much fun? We all get to hang out as Phantom Witches here even when we already hang out together in the real world!”
Jasminka: Why do the tastiest ones always have the best stat boosts? I’ll feel guilty for eating them without a good reason.
Ursula: Now, remember. It’s alright to have snacks every now and then, just save the especially useful ones for last.
Jasminka: I want to bring some cold and hot snacks too but I don’t think I can maintain their temperatures for long.
Croix: Oh, don’t worry about that. Just tell me beforehand and I’ll get a mini fridge and microwave ready.
Jasminka: Hmm, I wonder what snack should I eat next?
Akko: Ooooh! Is that a new flavor? Let me have some, please!
Jasminka: I brought tea and cups. Would you like some?
Diana: That’s rather quite thoughtful of you. Please accept my deepest gratitude.
Jasminka: The next time that you ask for items from shadows, please ask for more food instead.
Lotte: I could try but how sure are we that their food is safe to eat?
Jasminka: Oh, shouldn’t you wash your hands or at least take off your gloves before you eat? They’ve been exposed to your poisons so I don’t think that’s safe.
Sucy: Don’t worry about me. I’ve already developed an immunity to most poisons.
Jasminka: Don’t move too much after eating or else you’ll get indigestion.
Amanda: Normally I don’t like being told what to do but you asked so nicely, Mishka.
Jasminka: That’s no good, Steam. You always forget to eat. You should take care of yourself more.
Constanze: *shakes her head*
Constanze (through Stanbot): I’m okay! Thanks anyways!
Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger
Codename: Steam aka the Navigator
Arcana: Magician
Mask: Same goggles she wears in the anime
Outfit: Steampunk armor, brown gloves, the kind you use for machinery work
Persona: Baduhenna, Germanic goddess associated with war
Skillset: "Wild Hunt" which is basically ship mode and the usual navigator skills, strong gun skills, offense support type
Notes: Her persona is/can transform into a ship (like the one in the anime). Her persona also doubles as the transport vehicle of the group. She even makes "modifications" on her persona (skill exclusive to her and Croix). Upon second awakening, it transforms into Grand Charion.
Weapons: Her modified guns like in the anime; her persona also has canons
All-Out Attack Card: "Modern Magic" written on a circuitboard background and Stanbot says, "Victory!"
Awakening Scene:
Constanze: *shakes her head*
Constanze (through Stanbot): Bad shadows! Go away! Constanze mad!
Baduhenna: The opponents before you need more than just that for persuasion. What do you say? Shall we blow them to smithereens?
Constanze: *nods fervently*
Constanze (through Stanbot): Blow them up! Blow them up!
Baduhenna: Ha! Aren’t you an excited captain! With that attitude, the only thing you need now is a ship. Here, I shall give you the steering wheel. I am thou, thou art I… You who possess the power to create, let your crafts take you to farther seas!
Constanze: *raises her fist*
Constanze (through Stanbot): Full speed ahead, Baduhenna!
Quotes: (in Stanbot voice)
"Fight too easy! Finished too fast!"
"Level up! Overall capacity increased!"
"New skill! Reconfiguring output!"
"Treasure chest spotted! Initiate investigation!"
"Safe room! Time for maintenance check!"
"Sailing through! Searching for loot!"
"Energy levels at maximum capacity!"
"Halfway through the energy tank! Be efficient!"
"Running low on energy! Permission to recharge!"
"Enemy identified! Plan for action!"
"Enemy spotted us! Retreat!"
"Identifying large power gap!"
"Enemy too weak! Don’t bully!"
"Enemy too strong! Don’t be stupid!"
"Important fight! Be prepared!"
"Victory! Yay! Yay!"
Entering a battle via Ambush: “Fire in the hole!”
Getting ambushed: “All hands on deck!”
Rush: “Steady as she goes!”
Encountering the Reaper: “Walk the plank!”
Attempting to escape from battle: “Hit the deck!”
Party manages to escape from battle: “Abandon ship!”
An enemy flees in a Palace: “Fish swam away!”
Recovering party’s HP: “Be more careful!”
Recovering party’s SP: “Recharge with this!”
Giving buffs: “Buffs away!”
Bestowing Concentrate and Charge to party: “Charging up!”
Treasure Map: “Map get!”
X Marks the Spot: “More treasure!”
Know the Ropes: “Weakness found!”
Loose Cannon: “First shot!”
Man Overboard: “Switch now!”
Panic Station: “No! You can’t die yet!”
When someone’s health is low: “Someone heal them!”
When someone is incapacitated: “Witch down! Witch down!”
When someone exploits a enemy weakness: “Good job! Critical hit!”
When someone’s weakness is exploited: “Oh no! This is bad!”
When someone misses: “Miss! Lame! Super lame!”
Performing 3 Baton Passes in succession: “Go! Go! Combo!”
Announcing All-Out Attack: “Now’s our chance! All-Out Attack!”
Status Ailment: "Oh no! Someone’s sick!"
Burn: "Get some ice over here!"
Freeze: "Blankets! Where are all the blankets!"
Shock: "Shock! They can’t move!"
Forget: "Amnesia! Please remember!"
Charm: "Stop batting for the other team!"
Rage: "Calm down! No need to get mad!"
Despair: "Don’t lose hope! You can do it!"
Hunger: "Feed them! Bring out all the food!"
Dizzy: "Too dizzy! Accuracy is all wrong!"
Sleep: "Get some sleep later not now!"
Silence: "Why won’t you say anything!"
Mouse: "Can’t do anything as a mouse! Send help stat!"
Mementos chats:
“Persona is a ship! Ship is object and therefore modifiable!”
“Outfit not practical! Maybe can be scrapped for parts!”
“Constanze wonders if possible to manufacture a persona!”
“Lots of unique parts in cognitive world! Constanze is enjoying free resources!”
“Constanze is a Phantom Witch! This is amazing!”
Constanze (through Stanbot): Detecting abnormal wavelengths! Two persona signatures coming from Crame! Suspicious!
Ursula: Eh? There must be some sort of mistake. I mean, isn’t there a one-is-to-one rule for persona and persona users?
Constanze (through Stanbot): Is that new? Can Constanze look?
Croix: Sure is. Go ahead and have fun, kid.
Constanze (through Stanbot): Nonsense Nova! Stop being a reckless leader! Or else I’ll kick you out of the ship!
Akko: You’re not really going to kick me out, are you? Hey, w-w-wait a minute! Where are you dragging me to?! Okay, I got it! I’ll be more careful already!!
Constanze (through Stanbot): Staaaaaaaaaare!
Diana: Hm? I beg your pardon but is there something you need from me?
Constanze (through Stanbot): Constanze don’t talk! Owl talks but she talks to shadows! Don’t understand how!
Lotte: I’m not really sure how either. Maybe it has something to do with my ability to talk to spirits in the real world?
Constanze (through Stanbot): Bored! Want to play a game!
Sucy: It can’t be helped. I guess I’ll be your player two.
Constanze (through Stanbot): New upgrades added! Now ship is faster!
Amanda: That’s our Steam! Always ahead in the research and development department.
Constanze (through Stanbot): No eating inside Baduhenna!
Jasminka: Oh, sorry I just couldn’t wait anymore.
Ursula Callistis
Codename(s): Chariot, Crane
*NOTE for Ursula, she will have two masks: she starts out with Chariot and later on dons Crane (since the curse suppresses her powers)
Codename: Chariot
Arcana: Sun
Mask: Golden masquerade mask
Outfit: Think Overwatch Mercy just more red than yellow and minus the halo, white gloves, very magician
Persona: Astraea (star-maiden or starry night in Greek) [or second option Alfrodull, literally
sun-chariot in Norse]
Skillset: Strong bless skills, weak to curse skills. Has buff skills too.
Weapons: Shiny Rod which transforms into Shiny Axe for melee and then transforms into Shiny Arc for long-ranged
All-Out Attack Card: "A believing heart is magic!" written in the sky among the stars and she says, "I believe in you!"
Awakening Scene:
Chariot: If this person doesn’t think magic is precious then all I have to do is show them properly!
Astraea: That’s right. That’s a good attitude to have.
Chariot: What? Who said that?
Astraea: Do not be alarmed, child. I am not the enemy. I have always been with you but only now do you hear my voice.
Chariot: Who… Who are you?.
Astraea: I am thou, thou art I… There is always new wonders hidden in magic and today you have found me. You who possess a believing heart, never lose sight of it again.
Chariot: If you’re really a part of me then let’s do this. Lend me your magic and fill the world with smiles. Shine bright, Astraea!
Codename: Crane
Arcana: Hanged
Mask: Red bird-shaped mask with pointed beak
Outfit: Simple white witch outfit with bird motif and red accents, red gloves matches with mask (and hinting at Chariot)
Persona: Hestia, Greek goddess of the hearth, architecture, and the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state
Skillset: Strong bless skills, weak to curse skills. Has some healing skills.
Weapons: Eskrima sticks and a crossbow
All-Out Attack Card: "Shoot for the stars!" written with the Fountain of Polaris in the background and she says, "I can shine at least this much!"
Awakening Scene:
Ursula: Never again… Never again will I let you touch her! I’ve already lost enough... Even if it costs me my life, I won’t let you take her away!
Hestia: Have you found your resolve again?
Ursula: This voice? It’s… different?
Hestia: Just as you are also different. And yet this feels strangely familiar, does it not?
Ursula: Wait, does this mean... No, this is not the time to question this.
Hestia: You’ve changed. Just like how you changed five years ago. But this change… suits you more. I am thou, thou art I… Not all who wander are lost forever. You who have found your path again, please don’t forget to believe.
Ursula: I know that now. All this time I’ve been doubting myself… when all along I should’ve just believed like I used to. Akko believes in me. And I think, out there somewhere, Croix believes in me too. That’s why I have to wake up and start believing again. After all, a believing heart is my magic. That same magic will help me protect those who are important to me. Lend me your strength, Hestia!
"Thank goodness that was easy. But we shouldn't let our guard down."
"Did I level up? I can feel renewed strength within me."
"Oh my, a new skill. All these new spells are tricky but I'll manage."
"There's a treasure chest. I hope that it's not a trap."
"Oh thank goodness, a safe room. Everyone, please take a break and pace yourselves."
"Let's all be mindful when exploring, okay?"
"Don't worry about me, your teacher has more stamina than you think."
"I'm a bit worn but overall fine. If you want to, let's keep going."
"Oh my, it seems that I'm not as fit as I remember. I think I've reached my limit, sorry everyone."
"There's an enemy ahead. Please be careful."
"We've been spotted! Don't let it ambush us!"
"That was quite an unfair fight, don't you think so?"
"They're weak shadows and it's your call if we fight them or not."
"These shadows are stronger than usual so keep that in mind."
"Everyone, brace yourselves. This fight is not something we can afford to lose."
"We won! Good work, everyone! I've always believed in all of you!"
Baton Pass: "Crane soaring in!"
Protect: "Be careful, Nova!"
Endure: "No... I will not end here!"
Summon Persona: "Lend me your strength, Hestia!"
Follow Up: "Don't hesitate to ask for help."
Cover Fire: "I've got your back!"
Harisen Recovery: "Are you alright?"
Low on Health: "I've had worse... don't worry."
Healing someone: "Please hang on!"
Getting Healed: "Thank you, I needed that."
Giving Buffs: "You are stronger than this!"
Physical Attacks: "I hope you don't mind me being blunt!"
Attacking: "Take this!"
Attack misses: "I missed? My eyesight can't be that bad, is it?"
Couldn't finish off enemy: "I leave the rest to you!"
Fainting: "No... I failed again? I'm sorry, everyone."
Getting Resurrected: "Let's... not do that again. Thank you for getting me back."
Status Ailment: "My body has grown weaker than I thought."
Burn: "Oh my, I think I may have a slight fever."
Freeze: "C-C-Cold! I could use some hot cocoa."
Shock: "Ouch! It hurts to move!"
Forget: "Who is Crane? Where's Chariot?"
Charm: "It's rude to judge by appearances so maybe I'll give the shadows a chance."
Rage: "How dare you! I'll beat you to a pulp!"
Despair: "Why did I even come back? Am I even useful the way I am now?"
Hunger: "Hearing my stomach growl so loudly is just embarrassing."
Dizzy: "Huh? My body isn't moving like it should."
Sleep: "Zzz… Finally, a nap... zzz..."
Silence: ...
Mouse: "Squeak!"
Mementos chats:
"Crane, huh? I wonder what happened to the Chariot inside of me."
"I still have yet to regain my full strength but I won't let that hold me back."
"Maybe I should bring Alcor with me next time. Oh, but he doesn't have a persona. Should I make him a mask then?"
"To think that I was given another chance to become a Phantom Witch again. I won't waste this chance, I promise."
"It truly is better doing this with company than fighting alone. I'm so happy that there are so many Phantom Witches with us now."
Ursula: What are the odds that our outfits are both bird-themed? This reminds me of the saying, "birds of the same feather flock together".
Croix: Except we're both literally different species of birds.
Ursula: No, we are not naming our group "Murder". We're not here to kill people.
Croix: I meant "murder" as in a group of crows but I like your definition better.
Croix: Don't you want to find out who would win in a birdfight, a crane or a crow?
Ursula: No. Let's not find out. Ever. Can't we just find out which bird has better manners?
Ursula: This is more exhausting than I remember.
Croix: It's okay, Crane. There's nothing to be ashamed of with age.
Ursula: That is! Hey! Aren’t you the older one between the two of us?
Croix: Ah but do you see me complaining about aging problems? Checkmate.
Croix: I thought I'd be fighting with Chariot but Crane isn't half bad.
Ursula: Is that genuine praise I hear coming from you, Crow? I wonder what you need from me this time.
Ursula: Did you just... kiss me?!
Croix: What? No. It's called a peck.
Ursula: If our power is a manifestation of our rebellious spirit and if that is supposedly unique to each individual, then I wonder why Nova and Chariot share the same weapon.
Akko: Hey, does that mean that I'm kind of like Chariot in spirit? Wouldn't that be awesome!
Ursula: I feel proud but also a bit embarrassed when a student of mine does better than me. I hope I'm not lacking as your professor.
Diana: You don't need to concern yourself with that. Regardless of your performance, we will always hold respect for you, both as a Phantom Witch and as our professor.
Ursula: It never occurred to me to try and talk to shadows. We don't have to fight every battle thanks to you.
Lotte: Well I don't really want to fight unless I have to. I'm glad that some shadows think so as well.
Ursula: Some of those poisons are dangerously lethal. I hope that you exercise caution when handling them back at the real world.
Sucy: Oh, don't worry. I never use the dangerous ones on Nova.
Ursula: Your persona is so convenient. Not having to walk all the time sure saves us a lot of energy.
Constanze: *gives her a thumbs up*
Constanze (through Stanbot): No problem!
Ursula: I've heard how you were good with a broom but those talks don't do you justice.
Amanda: Well have you heard of how much trouble I stir up?
Ursula: Your party heal saves lives every time. I just hope you don't overwork yourself.
Jasminka: It's okay. As long as I eat after, I will heal everyone as much as you need.
Croix Meridies
Codename: Crow
Arcana: Moon
Mask: Black bird-shaped mask with curved beak
Outfit: Same as anime but maybe edgier and more black accents, black gloves or maybe red or white to contrast
Persona: Morrigan, Irish mythology of a crow goddess --> Branwen, Welsh goddess of love, means “blessed raven.” (second awakening)
Skillset: Strong nuclear and has curse skills, weak to psychokinesis. Has some buff skills.
Weapons: Gadgets linked to her smartphone and sniper rifle
All-Out Attack Card: "Sorcery Solution System" written on a smartphone interface background and she says, "Your magic is outdated."
Awakening Scene:
Croix: Finally! I’ve been waiting for you for years!
Morrigan: It is you who have kept me waiting, milady. And to call me through such unconventional methods, you are quite the interesting master.
Croix: Yeah well you didn’t exactly come when I called for you all these years, did you?
Morrigan: There are reasons why you could not meet me back then. But I know that these are of little importance to the present matters. Let us form the contract. I am thou, thou art I… You who are not bound by convention and the like, spread your wings even farther!
Croix: With you, I can finally reach places previously inaccessible to me. You shall be my wings to help me soar. I will soar high, higher than Chariot ever did! Take flight, Morrigan!
"Too easy. I haven't even stretched my wings yet."
"Power level is rising once again."
"Hm, a new skill? Heh, you learn something new each day."
"Treasure chest up ahead. I could use the extra funds."
"Good, a safe room. I want to analyze my findings so far so go on and take a break."
"Isn't this exciting? There's always something new to discover with every exploration!"
"Don't underestimate the stamina of a veteran."
"You girls walk ahead, I'll be riding my broomba."
"Tch, running out of charge so don't think I can go full power."
"Enemy spotted. Shall we ruffle their feathers?"
"We've been spotted? How could you let your guard down so easily!"
"The power gap is too significant to ignore."
"They're not even worth the magic expense, don't bother."
"The enemy's power level is off the charts, you sure you want to pick a fight with them?"
"We cannot afford to lose here. If we're going to fight then we must absolutely win."
"We won. Don't act all surprised, it's only natural that we'd win."
Baton Pass: "Crow flying in!"
Protect: "Dammit! Nova!"
Endure: "I can't die here... I won't die like this!"
Summon Persona: "Take flight, Morrigan!"
Follow Up: "Perhaps I could be of assistance."
Cover Fire: "I'm a good shot, trust me."
Harisen Recovery: "Get yourself together!"
Low on Health: "Tch. Don't look down on me."
Healing someone: "Don't die on us just yet."
Getting Healed: "I appreciate the help."
Giving Buffs: "Updating stats."
Physical Attacks: "This will only hurt... a lot."
Attacking: "Good night."
Attack misses: "What the? The accuracy stats are off!"
Couldn't finish off enemy: "They're more tenacious than I thought!"
Fainting: "Dammit... I was so close. Was my life truly this insignificant?"
Getting Resurrected: “Thanks, version 2.0 me will repay you later.”
Status Ailment: "To think that my body was this susceptible, urk!"
Burn: "Overheating over here! Someone turn on the AC!"
Freeze: "Brrr, it’s too c-cold! Is the thermostat broken again?"
Shock: "Years of playing with live wire and still my body can't get used to this."
Forget: "Why did I do all of this? What goal could have pushed me to get this far?"
Charm: "If I'm going to fight then I might as well fight for the winning team."
Rage: "You insolent garbage! I'll show you my talons!"
Despair: "Do I even make a difference? Maybe it was all for naught..."
Hunger: "Where's a cup of instant ramen when you need one?"
Dizzy: "The controls are going haywire!"
Sleep: "Zzz… Gotta recharge real quick... zzz..."
Silence: ...
Mouse: "Squeak!!"
Mementos chats:
"It's fascinating to theorize just how the cognitive world physically manifests. If we discover enough then the possibility of deliberately creating our own is out there!"
"What? Me? Cheating? You have your weapons and I have my convenient gadgets which do the work for me. All is fair."
"To think that my rebellious spirit would manifest into this outfit. I can't say I dislike it. After all, a crow is much more intelligent than it lets on."
"It took me years before I could return to this world but now that I have, I finally have become a Phantom Witch."
"I always knew that I'd be a Phantom Witch. I just never accounted for the possibility that I wouldn't be working alone... Heh, it's not so bad."
Ursula: So your codename is Crow and your persona looks like a crow... not to mention the fact that your real name sounds like...
Croix: You're just jealous because I have a theme.
Ursula: I think Crow is a good fit for you. They're known to be quite the smart animals that have good memory.
Croix: You know what else crows are good at? Murder.
Croix: It's such a shame that I can't bring back shadows to the real world.
Ursula: It sounds like you already tried. You wouldn't do something that dangerous for the sake of research, right? ...Right? Crow, answer me!
Croix: Instant ramen has never failed me. Even here in the cognitive world, this is the most convenient and most satisfying meal to eat to go.
Ursula: Cup noodles again? That's all you ever eat, that can't be healthy. Next time I'll bring better food choices for you.
Croix: Fun's over, kids. You all heard Bird Mom.
Ursula: Did you just call me Bird Mom??
Croix: If I fold you a thousand origami cranes then would you grant me a wish?
Ursula: You don't have to do that. I'll gladly help you in achieving your wish with all my power.
Croix: You truly are interesting, Nova. The way you wield the Shiny Rod is unlike Chariot's and yet it is just as effective. Who would have thought?
Akko: Really? Are you saying that I'm just as strong as Chariot? No way! Chariot's way better than me!
Croix: I've seen how you wield a wand but I've never seen you wield a rapier before. Excellent skills as expected.
Diana: I'll accept that praise but I still have much to learn.
Croix: Oh, is that a new upgrade? I see... increased efficiency. It looks like you did a pretty good job as always! Do you mind if I take a closer look?
Constanze: *shakes her head*
Constanze (through Stanbot): Constructive criticism please!
Croix: Well aren't you quite gifted? Two-type weapon fighting style and a rideable persona for added maneuverability. I can't say that I'm not jealous.
Amanda: Heh, you're just overselling it now, teach. But you're not wrong.
Croix: Maybe Crane was onto something. Instant ramen isn't as filling here as it is in the real world, not like I’d admit that to her face.
Jasminka: Would you like some of my snacks? I brought extra.
Croix: Amazing. Your innate power to summon spirits in the real world could manifest into the ability to negotiate with shadows over here. Tell me, what is it like?
Lotte: Well the shadows are surprisingly more like people, once they start talking that is. Sometimes they talk too much though.
Croix: Correct me if I'm mistaken but are you using different poisons each time?
Sucy: Shadows are convenient test subjects. Well I still use Nova sometimes.
Feel free to edit or add to this AU. Have fun!!
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fatecaster · 7 years
21 Wicca and Pagan Symbols in Everyday Life - Reblog
Find the original blog post at: http://ift.tt/2w9H3Qh
21 Wicca and Pagan Symbols in Everyday Life
As a proud practicing Wicca, I am often faced with misconceptions about my religion and its symbols. The truth is that Wicca and Pagan symbols are already heavily integrated into modern society, but many people are unaware of their deeper meaning. I've compiled this list to give anyone that's curious about Wicca symbols or Pagan symbols a comprehensive guide. Read on for examples of the 21 Wicca and Pagan symbols' usage followed by their greater significance.
A Peaceful History of Wicca and Pagan Traditions
Some people hear "Wicca" or "Pagan" and automatically think "Satanic." Pop culture has long perpetuated this misunderstanding of the peaceable religion of Wicca. While Wicca is a relatively new religion, it is based on a belief system that dates back to the Stone Ages. At the heart of the religion is a pair of gods, commonly called the Moon Goddess or Great Goddess and the Horned God or Great Horned God. 
1. The Horned God Is Not Satan
The Horned God has spurred many comparisons between Wicca and Satanism. Horned gods predate Christianity, and the vilification of them likely started with that religion as it sought to separate early followers from their Pagan roots. You have no doubt seen a lot of horned gods in the fantasy genre (as minotaurs, satyrs, fauns, etc), but these are rarely representative of the Wicca Horned God. Our Horned God is a noble figure. His depiction as part beast and part man represents the unification of nature and humanity.
​​​​​2. The Pentagram in Wicca Culture
The pentagram is another important Wicca symbol that is highly misunderstood. Five-pointed stars are strongly associated with Satanic rituals or with dark witchcraft. While many Wiccas do practice a craft of sorts, it is never with intent to harm. A Pagan pentagram represents the five elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit. It may be used to channel energy, as demonstrated in the bookstore scene in The Craft. In the 1999 film Sleepy Hollow, Katrina Van Tassel draws a pentagram as a protective measure which is initially misinterpreted.
3. Witches and Cauldrons
Cauldrons have a long association with witches, though of course there was a time when virtually everyone cooked with one. This Wicca symbol is just one of many that J.K. Rowling appropriated for use in the Harry Potter universe. In Wicca culture, a cauldron symbol most often represents elements like fire and/or water. Old-fashioned practitioners may also use a literal cauldron in their preparations.
4. The Wicca Besom/Broom
You know that no witch costume is complete without a broom. The Wicked Witch of the West had one in The Wizard of Oz, and all three Sanderson Sisters had them in Hocus Pocus. Why do we associate witches with brooms? In Roman times, midwives used ceremonial brooms to symbolically clean a home of an evil presence before and after childbirth. As a Wicca symbol, the broom represents your ability to move beyond earthly limitations (or to fly, if you prefer).
​​​​​5. Black Cats - Friends or Foes?
Black cats have gotten a bad rap outside the witching world. They are often used to represent bad luck in popular fiction. Cats represent something else entirely in Wicca culture. Their otherworldly nature makes cats of any color a popular companion. In the movie Constantine, the title character uses a cat to visit Hell.
6. Who Is the Greenman?
The Greenman, or Green Man, is a leafy face often seen in Medieval architecture and later in Victorian-era furniture and hardware. It is widely believed to be derivative of a Celtic Druid-era deity. In Pagan culture, the Greenman has been adopted as a symbol of indomitable nature or male virility.
​​​​​7. Mano Cornuto vs Sign of the Beast
The mano cornuto symbol is also known as the "horned hand." This symbol was commonly used in Italy as a ward against the evil eye. In the 1980s, a variant of it was embraced by heavy metal music fans who copied the gesture from the artist Dio. It was through heavy metal that it came to be called "sign of the beast" or "throwing horns." In Wicca culture, this symbol has no association with Satan. Instead, it may be representative of either the Horned God or the Moon Goddess.
8. Boline vs Sickle
A boline is a small crescent-shaped knife, often mistaken for a sickle. The sickle is associated with Communism, and the related scythe is heavily symbolic of death. In Wicca culture, the boline has no political or spiritual meaning. It is a common tool, and its use during ceremonies is strictly tied to the physical realm.
9. Quoth the Raven
In pop culture, any mention of a raven is sure to be tied to the eponymous poem by Edgar Allen Poe. They are also featured heavily in Game of Thrones, where the seer Bran Stark has come to identify himself as the Three-eyed Raven. The raven is a powerful Wicca symbol because it represents your ability to move between the physical and spiritual realms.
10. More Than One Wand
Depending on your age, your first sight of a magic wand might have been in The Sword in the Stone, or it might (yet again) have been in Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone. In popular fiction, witches and wizards typically have only one wand. In Wicca culture, the "Book of Shadows" by Gerald Gardner identifies many different wands with many different purposes. As an everyday Wicca symbol, it may represent the element of air or transformative power.
11. Binding Spells vs Voodoo Dolls
Binding spells are sometimes mistaken for voodoo dolls. In movies like The Witches of Eastwick, the three witches create an effigy and use it to inflict pain upon Jack Nicholson's villainous character. While ancient binding spells may have some relationship to voodoo dolls, in modern Wicca binding spells are used strictly for protection.
12. The Moon
The moon has many occult associations. You've no doubt seen plenty of it in werewolf and vampire movies, but Wiccas take the moon very seriously. There are few symbols as sacred as the moon. To Wiccas, the moon is symbolic of the Moon Goddess. It is the beginning and end of all life.
​​​​​13. The Meaning of the Candle Illuminated
TV shows like The Vampire Diaries like to romanticize common witches' tools but often get their significance wrong. For example, Wiccas do not draw on candles for power. Small candles represent our connection to the divine while large candles may represent the Moon Goddess. Candles also help us to focus our mind and energy on the desired outcome of a spell.
14. Witches and Crystals
Modern witches of all religions and associations acknowledge the power of crystals. Many New Agers that are otherwise unassociated with Paganism also use crystals. It's common to see a hippie in a movie wearing a big chunk of quartz. Wiccas also acknowledge the power of this mineral and often place it on their alters as a symbol of the element Earth.
​​​​​15. Athames - Not Your Everyday Kitchen Knives
You may not be familiar with the word "athame," but you've no doubt seen this ceremonial knife in movies about witch hunters. The athame is one of the most important Wicca tools, and yet in movies it is more often depicted as a weapon to be used against witches. Usually the knife has a black handle. While it features in many Wicca ceremonies, it is never used to draw blood. In "Book of Shadows," Gardner uses an athame as a symbol of the element Fire, but other Pagan practices may use it as a symbol for the element of Air.
16. Book of Shadows
Now's as good a time as any to address the aforementioned "Book of Shadows." While Wicca traces most of its modern roots to the "Book of Shadows" written by Gerald Gardner, there are as many books of shadows as there are Wiccas. "Book of Shadows" is not one tome but any collection of writings and spells created by a Wicca. Many Wiccas use theirs as a sort of journal. Some people use the term "grimoire" as a synonym for a book of shadows. The show Charmed featured a family Book of Shadows in nearly every episode.
17. The Ubiquitous Evil Eye
The Evil Eye symbol is not limited to Wicca and Pagan symbols. In fact, it is one of the oldest known occult symbols in existence. It traces back to an all-seeing goddess but later became representative of any ill-wishing glare. In pop culture, witchy glares abound, and yet an all-seeing eye symbol is more frequently used in movies referencing Freemasonry and the Illuminati.
18. Why Wiccas Love Stars
Stars are one of the few Pagan symbols that are consistently well-received. You've probably wished on a star before. The act may be more innate than you realized. Wiccas view stars as a promise of their potential to reach divine heights. Five-pointed stars are also used synonymously with the pentagram.
19. The Friendly Spider
Spiders are often associated with witches, but you might be surprised to know that it's not for sinister reasons. Many Pagan religions view the spider as a symbol of creation. In Wicca, the spider also represents re-creation, or a Wicca's ability to redirect energy and even to change fate. 
20. Light as a Feather?
The "light as a feather" chant from The Craft quickly became a cult classic at slumber parties. Does it have any basis in Wicca though? Yes and no. No one is using the symbol of a feather to attempt levitation (outside of the Harry Potter universe, that is). That said, feathers are frequently placed on altars to represent the element of Air. They also represent your ability to fly between realms.
21. Blood Magic
Shows like Supernatural have strengthened the association between witchcraft and blood magic. In truth, the only type of blood used in Wicca rituals is Moon Blood (aka menstrual blood).
Did you recognize some of the pop culture appropriations of Wicca symbols?  I hope this list has been educational. Maybe it's even given you a new appreciation for the depth of Pagan and Wicca culture. 
Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings below and to pass this along to curious Wicca and non-Wicca friends alike.
But, actually, that's not all! Drop your email address and get the full article with extra 5 symbols in PDF for free!
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theticklishpear · 7 years
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(A table of contents is available. This series will remain open for additional posts and the table of contents up-to-date as new posts are added.)
Part Eleven: Companions From Myth
The scale of creature companions can be measured in all kinds of ways, from non-talking to talking, small to large, minor to major characters, and mundane to mythical. As we’ve progressed through the series and talked about all kinds of things to keep in mind as you go about creating and writing with your creature companions, I’ve touched somewhat on the extra considerations needed when your companion is a creature drawn straight from the pages of myth, but these unique and long-standing legends are just a bit more complex than picking up your average draft horse and shoeing them into the story. First, as stated in Part One, this series is dealing specifically with mythical creatures that do not share body shapes with your humanoid characters. We’re not talking about satyrs and minotaurs, naiads and harpies; we’re talking about chimeras and hippogryphs, dragons and phoenixes. Aside from should they exist, what their physiology is, what abilities that physiology gives them, and the general advice on writing characters not cardboard, what else could there possibly be to cover with mythical creatures?
Yes, That Research Word Again
As a fantasy reader and writer, a lot of my advice steers toward the fantasy side of things, which has brought in a lot of fantasy-oriented authors. This leads to lots of ideas and inspiration drawn from all kinds of places across the globe. As great as it is to start seeing more creatures than the standard (often) Roman and Greek mythos, writers hoping to incorporate these creatures should be doing as much research and reading as they can. Maybe you don’t plan to stick that close to their origins, or maybe your world has different circumstances for their creation, or some of their abilities/powers function differently than they do in the legends, or maybe you’re afraid that filling up with the origins will taint or diminish your ideas for what you really want to do. I still advocate for taking a look and reading some of the myths where these creatures appear. Knowing the baseline for what your audience is going to be expecting when you say the name of your creature will help you better meet or completely twist those conceptions. What’s the saying? Know the past so you can avoid it in the future?
Research will also afford you a really interesting view into how a creature has made the rounds across the globe. Have you ever looked into gorgons and naga, let alone the hundreds of different ideas about dragons and Bigfoot and yetis from across the world? There’s a global disparity in how each of these creatures are believed to exist and function. If you’re able to kind of put aside what your expectations are and open yourself up to learning about some of the variations, you may find yourself flooding with new ideas to work with, providing a welcome twist on an old subject.
Remember, too, that your audience’s knowledge of these creatures will have come not only from ancient stories, but also from modern interpretations. Much in the same way that donut has become an accepted spelling of doughnut through media and marketing, so too have pegasi and other creatures changed over the years from perpetuation of an idea that went over particularly well (think Tolkien and elves). Research will help you discern the differences that have arisen through the years between the original and the modern interpretation.
Establishing Your Mythos
With your newfound awareness from your research and before you begin writing your mythical creature, it’s your turn to decide what stays and what goes from the original sources. This creature is coming to life in your world, not our world, so the associated historical mythology that comes with the creature changes. In essence, you are creating your own sets of history and mythology taking place in the world you’ve created for your story. You get to decide how they work, where they come from, how many there are, and how their abilities/powers will work. Maybe much of it remains the same, maybe not. It’s up to you, but it needs to be consistent.
Sirens were birds who threw themselves in the ocean when Odysseus resisted their song, not the dangerous merfolk we think of now. So, metaphorically, what does “siren” mean in your world? To be more clear, what is the essence of the creature you chose within your world’s setting? What are they? What kind of creatures are they and how do they function in this world that is not ours?
Take notes, make rules, and stick to them. Just like with magic systems and deciding what kinds of creatures have the ability to talk, for your mythical creatures to work and function as believable races, there have to be certain things about them that are unique identifiers to their race that are consistent within their race. Let’s say your sirens are merfolk. This means that every time they appear in your narrative, they should be the half-fish, half-human merfolk of your world. You shouldn’t have sirens that are also elfish, nor dragon-sirens unless you’ve established that the “siren” ability to draw people with your voice is an ability that anyone could have rather than a racial/creature function. In other words, know your world! The basic ideals that create good, understandable, relateable worlds apply to your mythical creatures, too. Be consistent, know what you’re writing, and don’t deviate from the rules you’ve established.
Drawing a Character, Not a Caricature
Look, half this series has been about making sure your creature is more than just a side character or a gag. If you’re going to have these creatures, they need to be characters, too! The same goes for your mythical creatures, but with an even heavier emphasis. These creatures come with preexisting ideas and it can be very easy to just say, “It’s a unicorn! You know everything there is to know about them already! Moving on.” And sure, you don’t need to spend 20 pages explaining what they are and how they came to exist, but you do need to remember that these creatures are more than their lore. They’re more than a horse with a horn. They’re more than symbols of innocence myth has painted them to be. These are characters first and foremost.
It’s possible your creature may be the main character of your story, but maybe not. When you’re writing, be sure the focus is kept on what’s really important to the story. If that’s not the horn on your unicorn’s head, don’t start your paragraphs pointing it out. Put the focus where the focus belongs, even if that means paying less attention to this super cool creature from myth because your main humanoid character is the focus at the moment. You send your audience messages through the amount of time you spend on things: in short, just like with class lectures, the more time you spend talking about A Thing, the more your audience pays attention to It and takes note that perhaps this Thing will be important later. If it’s a false signal you’ve given because you wanted to spend time talking about this very different, very new, very unique creature instead, and it never does really “pay off” later, then you’ve created a sticking point for your audience that never resolves and never feels cathartic.
It’s an easy trap to fall in, especially since we have a tendency to describe things which are out of the ordinary and skip over the things which are not. If a character goes to the bathroom and it’s not plot-relevant, we don’t describe it. We assume our characters do certain things and that there are certain setting pieces included when we say “in the library” without always describing those. However with a mythical creature present, everything about them becomes new, shiny, and extraordinary. We’ll always describe their webbed fingers when they come on screen, or mention the sharp edges of a claw digging in the dirt. Those details can be great, to a certain extent, but it can also become overwhelming and a word sink. Keep yourself aware of the picture you’re drawing of the creature with your words. Are you over-exaggerating certain features or physiology on accident because saying, “It walked with them,” felt too understated when dealing with a sphinx?
Finally, your book is not a history lesson. Any world lore (from our world or yours) that you want to include should be fully integrated into the story, not a word-dump on the page. Just like with the tumultuous history of a key trade city, you don’t want to just give its history on the page. Integrate the information into the story in ways that make the information natural to what’s going on. And if it never comes up? Don’t force it. Conversation, action, and observation are great ways to build natural segues for your world-building, so use your imagination and ingenuity to find ways to feed those details in where they’re necessary for the understanding of the story. Be discerning and take a long, hard look at whether the information really is required. Your audience is smart; don’t underestimate them.
Next up: Creatures in real estate!
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How to Write a Resume
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's easy to forget that it's
a recent invention.Of course, how recent of a creation it is depends on what you specify as a"resume". The word originates from the French résumé, meaning"summary". If we define a resume as a summary of job abilities and experience, then the very first resume dates from a letter that Leonardo da Vinci wrote to a prospective employer between 1481 and 1482. Resumes as we understand them today, nevertheless, didn't come into presence up until the mid-twentieth century. By the 1970s, they looked much the method they do today: professionally formatted summaries of skills and experience that were expected with any task application. Prior to this point, resumes did exist, however they were far more casual, typically doodled on scraps of paper. They likewise included information that would be, well, unsuitable on a contemporary resume such as height, weight, marital status, and religion.To read a complete, ahem, résumé of the resume's history, check out this timeline from Service Expert. So what function does a resume serve these days? Afterall, can't prospective employers simply look up your abilities and experience on your individual site or LinkedIn profile?They can, and in some cases job
applications will need you to apply with your LinkedIn profile. And it's constantly a great idea to include a link to your personal site as part of individual blog or website where you can showcase your work to any interested party.Above all, just take notice of the requirements for the specific task-- they'll indicate whether you require to send a resume, portfolio, or other materials.2. The length of time should my resume be? I understand, I understand
, you read College Info Geek. Which implies you probably have more badass accomplishments and experience than the typical individual. However that does not imply it's alright to create a 5-page resume
... and even a 2-page one.For a lot of people reading this
website, your resume should be one page, no longer. If you have more than five years expert experience, then it can be suitable to add an extra page, however I 'd avoid it in many cases.
Unless you're a senior-level executive, your resume ought to not go beyond one page.If that feels too short, then don't fret. We'll resolve how to make all the relevant experience fit in a bit.3. How"imaginative" should my resume formatting be? In an attempt to stand out from the crowd, some trainees will print their resume on fancy paper, add colors and graphics, or even provide their resume by means of provider pigeon (alright that last one may be a stretch, but you never ever know).
There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of these techniques per se,
however in basic I 'd suggest you avoid them. If you're a designer and know how to make a file that looks great and is simple to read, then by all ways get innovative with the design of your resume-- it can be a possibility to display your style skills.For most students, however, I suggest you stay with black Arial or Times New Roman on a white background. Particularly if you're submitting your resume digitally, this guarantees that the possible company will have no problem reading it.In some cases, obviously, the job application will ask you to consist of an unconventional resume such as a video or web page. If that holds true, then go all out!(even if it's" optional ").4. How need to I format my resume?I stated you ought to choose black Arial or Times New Roman on a white background, however that ignores all the other information of formatting the resume.
How should you structure it? What size font should you utilize? Do you put your contact info at the top or bottom?Instead of trying to provide one "best"response to these questions, I'll recommend that you utilize
among the thousands exceptional resume design templates that are already on the internet. Here are a few that will work for practically any task: One final formatting suggestion: unless the task application shows otherwise, submit your resume as a PDF. This will ensure that the recipient can view it with the format you planned no matter what os or
software application they utilize to open it.5. Can I recycle the same resume for different task applications?Well, yes and no. It's fine to utilize the exact same template and structure for various job applications in order to conserve time. You must always tailor your resume to
the specific job.In reality, not customizing your resume to the particular position is one of the most typical resume errors. Employing supervisors can identify a generic resume from a mile away, so put in the effort to consist of experience and skills appropriate to this job, not any task.6.
What should I consist of in my resume? I currently informed you your resume should be simply one page, so what do you include? Taking all of your experience and condensing it into one page can be overwhelming.
The key is to select the most relevant experience.For example, let's state you're obtaining an internship at a law company. Naturally, you won't have actually worked in a law practice in the past-- that's the whole factor you'regetting the internship.But you can consider your previous tasks and how experiences in them would connect to what you would do at a law company internship.A job working the front desk in your dorm, for example, has within all of it sort of potentially pertinent experiences. A job like that teaches you how to be expert, how to answer the phone, how to handle conflict, and how to keep a disciplined schedule. All of which could be pertinent to the law practice internship.7. What is a skill?Okay, so no one has ever straight up asked me this concern, but there's absolutely some confusion about what a"skill" is when it concerns resumes. So let's get something clear
: a" ability"is a particular technical capability you have.These are not abilities: Yes, they may be soft abilities, however your resume is not the place for soft abilities. Show off your soft abilities in the interview. These are abilities: If you're not sure if something is a skill, then leave it out.And please, please don't consist of an ability you do not have. Your employer will find out and it will be uncomfortable. Specifically if it's declaring you speak a specific foreign language at an "innovative"level when in reality you took one term of it as a freshman.8. What if I do not have any experience? When trainees state" I do not have any experience", that's hardly ever the case.
Unless you really did spend all of college sitting in your dormitory eating tacky puffs and playing Overwatch, you have something you can talk about. Sometimes you just need to think beyond the box.Here are experiences/positions that could all be relevant
to a resume:
Now, in many cases if you're finding that you simply do not have the right experience for a particular task's requirements, then it might be worth considering a various position.That being stated, I motivate you to apply to tasks you do not think you're received. The worst thing that will happen is the company will say no( or never return to you). If this occurs, you haven't lost your time-- far from it. You have actually gained important practice in obtaining jobs, and you've likewise acquired a concept of the skills/experience that would make you a better prospect in the future. As long as you learn from these experiences , they're beneficial. How to Develop an Exceptional Resume We've currently covered a lot about the art of developing a great resume, but I desire to conclude with a list of things that will make your resume stick out from the rest of the stack(in an excellent way).1. Proofread This ought to go without saying, however you need to proofread your resume. Spelling mistakes and typos make you look careless-- and no one wishes to hire somebody who's careless.Go through all of the following proofreading steps:2. Look For Specialist Help What if I told you that you could get a trained expert to read and critique your resume at no extra cost to you? Would not that appear too great to be true?Well, you remain in luck, because that's exactly the service you'll discover at your college's career center. Registration at your university entitles you to free, generally unlimited aid with making your resume the very best it can be. You're already spending for it, so you 'd be a fool not to benefit from these services.Not to mention that the profession center can likewise assist you discover jobs/internships, perform mock interviews, and typically offer you guidance on your post-college plans. Pro tip: Make certain that you get assist with your resume well before the application is due. That way the great career preparation folks will have a lot of time to help you.3.
Take advantage of Your
Network Naturally, the best individualto examine your resume would be somebody who currently operates in the company or market to which you're using. Discovering this sort of individual might seem impossible, however the secret is to look to the connections you already have.There are a few methods to discover market professionals to evaluate your resume:1. Asking household and pals You 'd be surprised at the people your loved ones members know. Just shoot a quick text to your parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, whoever would want to help.All you have to state is "Hello there, I'm getting a task at NAME OF BUSINESS in NAME OF MARKET. You wouldn't happen to know anybody who operates in a similar job?"If they do understand someone, then get them to introduce you and go from there.And do not think requesting help in this method is annoying.
As long as you're courteous and genuine, individuals constantly like to assist out college trainees and recent graduates.2. LinkedIn I only discovered this recently, however if I 'd understood about it when I was a trainee I totally would have
used it.First, log-in to LinkedIn. From there, click on"My Network". Click"See All "under"Your Links". Next, click on "Browse with filters". From there, you can filter your connections by all
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keithmccartymccarty · 7 years
31Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.
32For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on:
33And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again. Luke Chapter 18/31-33 Holy Bible KJV
25Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:
26Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?
27And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.     Luke Chapter 24/25-27 Holy Bible KJV.
  39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.     John 5/39 Holy Bible KJV.
  46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. 47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?      John 5/39 Holy Bible KJV.
  21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:
23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.     1 Peter 2/21-25 Holy Bible KJV.
  34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.     Matthew 10/34-36 Holy Bible KJV.
  The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) consists of a collection of writings dating from approximately the 13th – 3rd centuries BCE. These books were included in the Jewish canon by the Talmudic sages at Yavneh around the end of the first century CE, after the destruction of the Second Temple. However, there are many other Jewish writings from the Second Temple Period which were excluded from the Tanakh; these are known as the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha.
The Apocrypha (Greek, “hidden books”) are Jewish books from that period not preserved in the Tanakh, but included in the Latin (Vulgate) and Greek (Septuagint) Old Testaments. The Apocrypha are still regarded as part of the canon of the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, and as such, their number is fixed.
The term Pseudepigrapha (Greek, “falsely attributed”) was given to Jewish writings of the same period, which were attributed to authors who did not actually write them. This was widespread in Greco-Roman antiquity – in Jewish, Christian, and pagan circles alike. Books were attributed to pagan authors, and names drawn from the repertoire of biblical personalities, such as Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Ezekiel, Baruch, and Jeremiah. The Pseudepigrapha resemble the Apocrypha in general character, yet were not included in the Bible, Apocrypha, or rabbinic literature.
In eleven caves near Qumran north-west of the Dead Sea parts of more than 700 ancient Jewish manuscripts were discovered in 1947. These had been written in the same period as the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, mostly in Hebrew, with a lesser number in Aramaic and even fewer in Greek. The Dead Sea Scrolls, as they came to be known, are assumed to have been the library of a sectarian community at Qumran.
The Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) is one of the original seven Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran in 1947. It is the largest (734 cm) and best preserved of all the biblical scrolls, and the only one that is almost complete. The 54 columns contain all 66 chapters of the Hebrew version of the biblical Book of Isaiah. Dating from ca. 125 BCE, it is also one of the oldest of the Dead Sea Scrolls, some one thousand years older than the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible known to us before the scrolls’ discovery.
The version of the text is generally in agreement with the traditional version codified in medieval codices, but it contains many variant readings, alternative spellings, scribal errors, and corrections. Around twenty additional copies of the Book of Isaiah were also found at Qumran.
From: Jewish Holy Scriptures: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha; Jewishvirtuallibrary.org (edited).
  The books that are found in the Bible were selected on account of their divine inspiration. These texts have become a governing guide for the Jewish people. Nevertheless, there are numerous other texts that never made it into the Bible, many of which are lost today. This choosing of texts for the Bible is referred to as canonization, a method of measuring a text’s importance. Canonization is the long procedure of collecting and sequencing of the texts in an order of authority and importance.
The Pentateuch (Torah), as we know it today, was completed during the Babylonian exile, by the time of Ezra. The Neviim (Prophets) were finalized during the Persian era, approximately 323 B.C.E. The conclusion of the last section of the Bible, ketuvim (Writings) is debated; however, a majority of scholars believe its final canonization occurred in the second century C.E.
The canon of the Hebrew Bible is somewhat different than that of the Greek Bible (which is the basis for the Christian Bible). The Greek Bible includes several additional books, which were not accepted into the Hebrew Bible. These texts include – 1-4 Maccabees, Judith, and Psalms of Solomon. Furthermore, the two Bibles differ in their sequence of the texts and writings, as well as the order of importance in the placement of texts.
Jewish Holy Scriptures: Canonization; Jewishvirtuallibrary.org
  1Behold, I am sending My messenger to clear the way before Me, and the Lord whom you seek shall come to His Temple suddenly. As for the angel of the covenant that you desire, he is already coming.     Malachi 3/1 Tanakh JPS 1985.
  22Be mindful of the Teaching of My servant Moses, whom I charged at Horeb with laws and rules for all Israel. 23Lo, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of the Lord. 24He shall reconcile parents with children and children with their parents, so that, when I come, I do not strike the whole land with utter destruction. Lo, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of the Lord.     Malachi 3/22-24 Tanakh JPS 1985.
  10But the Lord chose to crush him by disease, That, if he made himself an offering for guilt, He might see offspring and have long life, And that through him the Lord’s purpose might prosper.     Isaiah 53/10 Tanakh JPS 1985.
“For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again.”
The Tanakh, Great Scroll of Isaiah, Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha are all of the possible scripture that Jesus could be referencing and not one Book mentions a Son of man (which means a person of mankind), G-d’s righteous servant of Isaiah 53, a son of G-d, a man who is G-d or any other man to be delivered to the gentiles, mocked, scourged and put to death.
“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.”
The Tanakh, Great Scroll of Isaiah, Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha are all of the possible scripture that Jesus could be referencing and not one Book mentions a human son of G-d, a man who is G-d, a man to be delivered to the gentiles, mocked, scourged and put to death, a man who dies for the sins of other men, any man who is to rise from the dead on the third day, or a man who is sacrificed or made to sacrifice himself by G-d.
After the death of Jesus Apostle Peter taught that Jesus was the man described in Isaiah 53 saying:
“For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin (53/12), neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled (53/3), reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not (53/7); but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously (53/11): Who his own self bare our sins (53/5-6) in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed (53/5). For ye were as sheep going astray (53/6); but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”
Jesus does not fit the most important verse of Isaiah 53 and Peter did not know that Isaiah 53 describes Elijah of Malachi 3.
G-d’s righteous servant of Isaiah 53 is made suitable for G-d’s purpose which “might” prosper and that purpose which “might” prosper is found in Elijah who shall reconcile parents with children and children with their parents by being mindful of the Teaching of G-d’s servant Moses whom He charged at Horeb (Sinai) with laws and rules for all Israel, so that, when G-d comes to return to His Temple it has been rebuilt and He does not strike the whole land with utter destruction.
Elijah is to reconcile the Jewish people one to the other through Judaism and HaShem and if Elijah does not do this G-d’s purpose in having His Temple rebuilt and return to it quickly to dwell on earth with the Jewish people again on His Holy Mount Zion will not prosper. In the time of Jesus and John the Baptist G-d was dwelling in His Temple. The purpose of Isaiah 53 and Malachi 3 was for a time when the Temple was to be rebuilt.
Jesus had nothing to do with this purpose of G-d that might prosper of Isaiah 53 and Malachi 3 saying:
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”
The pivotal and most important verse of Isaiah 53 is verse 10: But the Lord chose to crush him by disease, That, if he made himself an offering for guilt, He might see offspring and have long life, And that through him the Lord’s purpose might prosper.
Jesus was never crushed by disease and there are no testimonies in the New Testament that Jesus offered himself for guilt to G-d and he did not have children or a long life.
I offered myself for guilt to G-d and the offer was accepted. I did not know what an offering for guilt meant at the time G-d began speaking to me and revealing His power and the weight of His presence. G-d had to teach me the scripture first. One night G-d told me to read Isaiah 53 and when I finished He asked who I thought that was. I said I did not know and G-d said that is you. From there we went back to the first verse and He began to show me how I fit the description and Jesus does not
I cannot begin to describe how painful it has been and I have been through cancer and many injuries and sorrowful times. I became guilty of sins that were not my own and G-d sentenced me to maltreatment, chastisement, crushing, bruising and punishment by His hand, power and words until suitable for His purpose.
My Midrash of Isaiah 53: Suffering Servant Jesus Christ, Suffering Servant Israel or G-d’s Righteous Servant Keith Ellis McCarty (Elijah) discusses each and every verse of Isaiah 53.
Jesus said “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” and  “For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.”
The scriptures do give eternal life but they do not testify of Jesus and Moses did not write a single word about Jesus.
I am G-d’s righteous servant of Isaiah 53 the teacher of righteousness. The scripture testifies of me and Moses wrote of me. I am the prophet like Moses. I speak to G-d face to face, G-d speaks to me as one friend to another, G-d speaks to me whenever He so desires, I speak to G-d whenever I so desire and I write His words exactly as He speaks them. Just like Moses.
That includes all of the commentaries on this wordpress site. G-d teaches me the material and then dictates the commentary which I type. He makes it a very involved process with many edits and changes to make me feel that I am participating but when the “publish” button is pressed it is at His command and the writing and commentary is all His.
This is scripture that has not been canonized. Scripture written not by divine inspiration but written at the command and direction of G-d. Just as The Torah was written by Moses. The Writings and The Prophets were written for the most part in the same manner.
After World War II, the Jewish Publication Society began to consider a new edition of the Bible and the concept of a completely new translation gradually took hold and the task was begun in 1955.
Harry M. Orlinsky, Professor of Bible at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (New York) was editor-in-chief along with H. L. Ginsberg, Professor of the Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Ephraim A. Speiser, Professor of Semitic and Oriental Languages at the University of Pennsylvania, as fellow editors.
Associated with them were three rabbis: Max Arzt, Bernard J. Bamberger, and Harry Freedman, representing the Conservative, Reform, and Orthodox branches of organized Jewish religious life.
Copyright @ 1985 by the Jewish Publication Society.
The Scripture Before Canonization in the New Testament and Today 31Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.
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thementalattic · 8 years
The Holy Grail War on the Moon Cell is over and you’ve won, but victory is short-lived as a new threat looms on the horizon. This is Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star.
Genre(s): Tactical | RPG
Developer: Marvelous
Publisher: Marvelous
Release Date: Jan 2017
Played: Full game.
Platforms: PlayStation 4
Purchase At: PSN Store, Marvelous
Source: Review Copy provided by Publisher
Fast paced.
Characters have unique playstyles.
References to other Fate media.
Convoluted plot and setting.
Repetitive narrative.
I’ll be honest, I had no idea what kind of game Fate/Extella was going to be, but the one thing I did not expect was a Dynasty Warriors-style tactical title, where you focus on liberating zones from your opponents while wreaking havoc among their troops. But you know what, it works. It really does.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Fate/Extella is different from other games and media in the Fate series, taking place not on Earth but in cyberspace, in a constructed reality on the moon controlled by an ancient machine called the Moon Cell. Humans discovered it but it predates them, its role to chronicle Earth’s history, particularly that of humanity.
She looks familiar, are you sure you’re not Arturia? No? Ok, you’re Nero then!
Your protagonist is the winner of the Holy Grail War in the Moon Cell’s cyberspace. The machine summoned Wizards to its artificial world, granted them Servants and pitted them against each other, the winner earning the Regalia, the symbol of authority over the Moon Cell, which basically means they’re system admins.
Oh also, they’re Wizards but in truth they’re closer to characters in The Matrix, people who can manipulate the forces of this Cyberspace, than they are to the traditional spellcasters of the Fate series.
Combat basics are simple but with lots of depth
As with other titles in the Fate series, Fate/Extella doesn’t have one story arc but several of them, like each other but with pointed differences, such as the protagonist and some events, with the arcs building the overall plot through these divergent points of view.
The first arc stars Saber, who looks exactly like the one from Fate/Stay Night but is not Arturia Pendragon but Nero Claudius, a not-so-nice Roman Emperor played here with something of a romantic look.
All hail the winner of the Holy Grail War: Lawful Geek!
At its opening our main character wakes up near his Servant without any memory, apparently in reaching the Moon Cell core to receive his prize for winning the war, he came under an attack that left him with amnesia and severely weakened. And to complicate matters further, it soon becomes clear that the character’s been split into three parts: Mind, Soul and Body, because apparently that’s how their cyberspace bodies work, their life uploaded to the Moon Cell and composed of these three elements, the first representing passion, the second instinct and the third merely a vessel for the other two.
As you battle your enemies, a new threat emerges, that of the Umbral Star and its herald, whose mission is to destroy the Moon Cell so the Umbral Star in the real world can find Earth and destroy it.
If any of this is sounding a bit too convoluted even by Type/Moon standards, then don’t worry, because it is.
Fate/Extella does a very poor job of conveying the base elements of its setting, particularly the timeline, which, as you play the game, you realise is crucial. This forces players to look up the included Encyclopaedia AKA Glossary for all the terms, backstory and details to start making sense of things.
The story of Fate/Extella isn’t bad. Once you go through all arcs and understand how it all fits together, it’s a pretty good story, predictable as all hell and sometimes even cheesier of course, particularly anything involving Saber and the Mind, but considering that all Fate stories are essentially romantic ones, it’s something you have to accept. It’s the admission price, dealing with some overwhelming soppiness.
Even Elizabeth Bathory shows up!
But where it fails is in the narrative. It spends little time setting up the basics to understand the setting as I mentioned, but then it repeats itself across the story arcs, forcing you to listen to the same exposition each time, which grows a bit annoying to be honest. What makes it worse is that sometimes they repeat the dialogues and monologues verbatim.
Characterisation is solid though, as Type/Moon has always been very good with writing compelling characters that mix history with fantasy. Despite the cheesiness, I loved Nero (Saber) the most, because while they do romanticise the life of the emperor somewhat, to make her seem like a more grandiose figure, they do acknowledge the things the character did, with Saber describing herself as a tyrant at one point. But even the murky past feeds into the character’s ideology of seeking greater pleasures and following her passions.
Every servant gets their own Side Stories. I’ve yet to unlock the last one, the wielder of Excalibur!
I do want to say that the character of Altera, the character who pretty much drives the central plot, is the weakest of the bunch, her personality almost cookie cutter anime protagonist, with very little depth to her. Typical case of cold character with cute mushy core.
Speaking of characters, one thing fans of the Fate series will love about Fate/Extella is seeing so many characters from the series show up, from both Fate/Stay Night and its prequel Fate/Zero, in all their glory and with their original voice actors. Trust me, if you’ve heard Iskandar or Gilgamesh speaking once, you never forget their voices. Best of all, they often drop lines and hints that reference their source material, such as Rider mentioning the city stage giving her an advantage because of how familiar she is in stalking it.
When you clear the side stories, the Servants get costumes. This one fits wonderfully!
And as a follow-up I think one of the strengths of Fate/Extella is that you can use those heroes as well, instead of the game locking you to using solely the protagonists. There are “spells” in combat that you can use to switch the main character with a secondary one and each of the other Servants has their own side-story-arc which you can access from the menu, giving you a chance of seeing other stories, some of them alternatives to the main plot, and controlling these wonderful characters. My favourites while playing were “No Name,” the Archer from Fate/Stay Night, his combination of swords and bows plus his Noble Phantasm “Unlimited Blade Works” just filled me with fandom giddiness, and Lu Bu because he’s kicked my butt hundreds of times in Dynasty Warrior and as Berserker he’s unstoppable.
Every character in Fate/Extella plays completely different to each other as they all have different combos, timings to their attacks, strengths and weaknesses, so there’s a bit of a learning curve when you switch between them, but as you level up in combat, the unlockable moves help the weaker characters stand a chance. For example, Caster is pretty slow and her moves tend to push the enemies away, which is terrible for building combos, but her other skills make up for it, giving her powerful AOE.
Yes, you fight other Servants, because if you didn’t we’d all be disappointed!
The only downside I see here is that some characters start out with a wider range of combos than others. For example, Lu Bu starts out with more options than Caster or Archer, who resort to spamming their regular attacks without any moves that combine those with heavier attacks.
But one thing I will give the game is that levelling up is not essential, you can still defeat enemies and clear the game at low levels. I cleared Lu Bu’s story barely levelling a couple of times, because he’s a beast…well, a Berserker.
Extella Maneuvers help clear out large and heavy Aggressors!
Speaking of combat, the basic gameplay in Fate/Extella consists of fighting in small zones, held by your enemy’s forces or your own, trying to conquer theirs and defend yours. The point of this is to build up the Regime Matrix. Once filled it summons the area’s boss, another servant to defeat. Each zone has a given value, with higher ranked zones having more Agressors, which are heavier attack units you must defeat to claim the zone. Servants, of course, also count as aggressors—and some of them are hardcore—and often defeating them is the objective in the mission.
Your Servant fights with combinations of light and heavy attacks and combos build up two gauges, the first one allowing you to unleash Extella Maneuvers, fast rushes that deal damage in an area and massive damage to the first enemy you hit with it—and probably the origin of the game’s name. And the second unlocking a “boost” mode that pierces enemy defences and increases your damage by a ton.
Installing skills earned in battle boosts character stats. I always boosted normal attack damage and Extella Maneuver gauge build!
While you can equip skills to boost the recovery of these gauges, they are resources you must handle carefully, especially when fighting other Servants, who will trigger their own boost when at low health. You can counter it with your own or wait until theirs runs out, at which point you can use your Extella maneuver for big damage. If you use it during their boost, it’ll deal minimal damage.
You of course have the Noble Phantasm as well, the most powerful attack for the Servants, tied to their own legends. Nero’s is an attack carrying the name of the Golden Villa, Domus Aurea. Iskandar’s Ionioi Hetairoi summons his entire army, every member of which is another Servant, a Heroic Spirit. Gilgamesh takes out Ea, his prized weapon and Archer goes for “Unlimited Blade Works.”
I would have preferred the Noble Phantasm unlock the more you fight, yet another gauge to fill, because I am not a fan of the way you use them in Fate/Extella, where you need to collect three “Phantasm Chips” found in red items boxes spread around the zones. Once you do, you can use the phantasm once and that’s it. I get the decision to go this way, considering how powerful they are. Still, if they unlocked by just playing the game normally I believe it would’ve been much much better.
I really like the visuals, I love how bright and colourful the environments are and how, by cleverly using their skyboxes and backgrounds they make even the smallest of battlefields feel large instead of claustrophobic. Character models are fine, with very fluid animations save for the face, where they’re barely capable of smiling, which isn’t a problem for Fate/Extella as it uses visual novel styled hand-drawn portraits with dialogue to show character emotions. Still, it’s somewhat disconcerting when the stellar voice acting and expressive art contrast with the dead faces.
I enjoyed the soundtrack very much, particularly the themes that play when you fight Servants and those of the last stages, which ramp up the epic feel to eleven. The opening song I’m not a big fan of, but overall the music is solid as is the voice acting of course.
The writing goes the full range between solid and wonky, with lots of corny moments in between!
When you conquer a zone, all enemy units die
Missed a bit of dialogue? No worries!
Fate Extella gives you the characters’ True Names in most cases.
You can use points earned in combat to craft new suits for the Wizard, granting you different support spells.
This little ring is the Regalia, a central plot McGuffin
Still not good enough!
In the Gallery you’ll probably go to the Encyclopedia!
Gawain is amazing!
If you have the spell equipped, you can switch out your main character for a secondary Servant
Build up the boost gauge for a giant boost in combat. Saber and Caster even get a different move set
That good, yes!
Killing aggressors grants you more Install Skills to use and combine!
Yes, I’m that good!
Aggressors are the key to clearing out enemy areas.
The sword of Mars looks like a rave glowstick, but it’s awesome
Super warrior in skimpy clothing, check! Also, that probably offers just as much defence as the full armour!
He’s such an ass, but we all love him!
Love the character designs
In case you missed it, yes, Nero is the new Heroine Saber
I’ll be honest, I didn’t think Fate/Extella’s fusion of Dynasty Warriors-like gameplay and visual novels would work, but I must admit it really does, even when it goes full corny in the conversations to raise companion affinity—which I’ll admit is pretty cool as it has a definite mechanical benefit! Gameplay is really fun and with multiple characters to explore their side-stories and use them in combat, there’s plenty to come back to.
4.5/5 – Amazing!
I gotta say, #Fate #Extella is pretty damn fun! Our review! @marvelous_games
The Holy Grail War on the Moon Cell is over and you’ve won, but victory is short-lived as a new threat looms on the horizon.
I gotta say, #Fate #Extella is pretty damn fun! Our review! @marvelous_games The Holy Grail War on the Moon Cell is over and you’ve won, but victory is short-lived as a new threat looms on the horizon.
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