#yes they have matching chokers because everyone looks good in a choker fight me
falaffles-mywaffles · 4 years
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Idk just wanted to draw some lucky bois ready to kick some booty.  Who’s booty? That’s up for you to decide! and not because I honestly didn’t think too much about this beyond “hur Naegi and Komaeda with ripped up clothes yes”
(Bottom one is transparent but you probably already noticed that...)
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remakethestars · 3 years
❝I want to apologize to all the women I have called pretty before I’ve called them intelligent or brave. I am sorry I made it sound as though something as simple as what you’re born with is the most you have to be proud of when your spirit has crushed mountains. From now on, I will say things like, ‘You are resilient,’ or, ‘You are extraordinary.’ Not because I don’t think you’re pretty. But because you are so much more than that.❞ 
— Rupi Kaur
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Headcanon masterlist.
They’re the camp hairdressers. You need a trim? You want it cut? You want it died? You want to shave it all off? Hit ‘em up.
The type of people that will straight-up chop their hair if it doesn't match their outfit. Somehow, it always works out? I'm looking at Micarah Tewers.
They also run a secret ear piercing — or anything else you need to pierce — parlor.
Okay, but consider: children of Aphrodite that grow up to be models.
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They can charm speak the photographers into letting them pick their own poses & not make them do seductive ones if they’re not comfortable with them.
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Some create clothing lines that represent sustainable fashion & have big names but small carbon footprints.
Some are spies.
Think about it! They know how to switch subtle bits of their personality to fit in with everyone they come across, when & when not to use their charm.
The hide outfits under other outfits & can slip one off in public to reveal the other & lose a tail.
And they'd probably be great at disguise makeup. Add a prosthetic chin, contour their nose differently, pull off their wig, & they're a completely different person.
Plus, their combat training at C.H.B. makes them the perfect agent.
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The floor next to their bunk is scattered with fabric cuttings, pins, needles, their sewing machine, serger, & measuring tape.
The number of times someone's gotten a needle or pin in their foot's a tad concerning.
Will absolutely not wear a top with an overstitched collar. Fast fashion is so tacky! Understitch is the way to go, the staple of a quality garment.
Vintage is better. Not because it's in style (that's a plus, though), but because the seams are big enough for you to let out, & it's made to last.
Experts at thrifting. Not just 'cause it's trendy or whatever, but because they're excellent at upcycling & far too many perfectly good clothes go into the land fill each year.
Make stunning dresses out of Good Will table cloths & curtains.
Or stitch two items together into one better whole.
They iron their clothes; they're not animals.
Really good at getting stains out?
Totally in on the corset bustier top trend, but they're using spiral steel boning in place of zip-ties. Because, again, they want things to last & they're not tacky.
Pass each other tips. Like to tuck your top into your tights to avoid the bulge under your skirt.
Some found big-name, organic makeup companies that don't test on animals. They use packaging that can be recycled or that's biodegradable.
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Borrow their clothes, sure, whatever, but double-dip in their makeup & die. The bacteria will give them acne. (Or is it the oils? Either way, you'll perish.)
Happy to drop their skincare routine, though.
You need to cover up that tattoo you got from C7? They got you.
Flawless makeup on a budget. Expensive doesn't always mean better.
They're taking you to the pool for a first date? Take a seat, C10 knows just the stuff. They use what Disney Princesses use.
Can guess the right shade of foundation/lipstick for you on the first couple tries.
A lot of them invest in magnetic lashes because glue's a b¡tch.
Reusable makeup wipes.
Rick says C10 kids just sit around the lake & check their reflection, but consider: working out gets them their dream bod. So, yes, they do, in fact, train.
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They just do it with intricate braids/hair gel & stylish sportwear.
And if a potential partner finds it unattractive that they’re “too muscly,” they’re no longer a potential partner.
Weapons disguised as jewelry or chapstick/lipstick.
Thalia had a mace canister that turned into a spear, & I gotta say, I.D.K. how she planned to get that through security. Imagine, alternatively, a tube that appears to be full of bright red lipstick when the T.S.A. agent opens it, but actually turns into a spear when opened by a half-blood.
(I have a headcanon that Riptide would just be a pen in the hands of a mortal. Bounced around for years as random objects until Poseidon nabbed it & took it to Chiron — recall that pen you lost?)
A pink, velvet choker that turns into a kopis with a dove embossed in the handle.
Many choose to train in heels. Might as well wear in training what they’ll be wearing when attacked in the street.
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They’ve got no time for internalized misogyny. 
“C10′s weak ‘cause they like being pretty!” Good way to lose a kneecap, Annabeth. You’ve grown up in this camp, you knew Selina, & you should know better.
They confront Piper’s misogyny pretty early on after The Lost Hero, but Piper still takes some time to get over her bias toward pink.
Are we not gonna talk about Rick’s fashion choices for Piper throughout the series? “She looks so fashionable.” To whom, Rick? To whom?
You couldn’t’ve done a little internet surfing just to see what was in style? I never leave the house in anything but jeans, Converse, & a graphic t-shirt from Walmart, & even I know she’s dressed like a middle-schooler! Probably because that’s how I dressed in middle-school… That’s not the point.
The point is just because a character likes makeup or fashion or the color pink, doesn’t mean they can’t/won’t fight for their lives & the lives of their friends if/when the time comes. And it doesn’t mean that they’re stupid or judgmental.
I don’t know a lot about makeup. Hades, I don’t even wear makeup — you can’t rub your eyes or scratch your face; it would drive me crazy. I don’t know a lot about fashion either. I don’t understand it, but I can respect it.
❝‘Jesus,’ Sara says as Branley walks past us. ‘Too cold to show off cleavage, so instead she goes for jeans so tight I can see her thong.’ ‘She looks nice,’ I say, and she does. Branley always looks put together in a way that tells me she spends hours in front of a mirror before going outside. And while I don’t understand that, I can respect it.❞
— Alex Craft, Mindy McGinnis’s The Female of the Species
According to The Lost Hero, all children of Aphrodite intuitively speak French. Cool, cool, cool — but consider, all of them also intuitively speak the language of flowers. 
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They see a red rose, and they just know it symbolizes love & passion. They see an orange lily, to contrast, & they know it symbolizes hatred. 
There’s a copy of The Language of Flowers in their cabin, and it’s full of annotations, like, So-and-so gave these to so-and-so for Valentines Day! And, So-and-so gave these to so-and-so after their kiss on the Fourth of July; they obviously didn’t do their research! 
They work together with C4 (Demeter) to provide flowers for funerals & the like.
C10 bookshelves also contain a lot of romance novels. 
Beaten up copies of Pride & Prejudice & The Fault in Our Stars with faded highlighter over the beautiful lines & annotations in the margins.
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The outside walls are a dusty pink, & the wood’s stained a dark brown that goes surprisingly well with the pink.
Inside, the walls are covered in faded wallpaper.
The southwest wall has a bay window with extra storage in the seat. (There’s not a body in there; they swear.)
(That’s an Arsenic & Old Lace reference, for you youngsters.)
The curtains have one chiffon layer closer to the window & a thicker floral fabric for inside. The thick curtains are replaced based on the season & whether or not someone’s decided to make a romper out of them.
They have a real bell jar with a real rose in front of the window. Legend has it it’s from Aphrodite herself.
Said window is a stained glass image of a dove.
The chaise lounge was probably beautiful when it was brought it, but it’s got fingernail polish & makeup stains on it now. Honestly, someone should really have that thing cleaned.
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As you might have noticed, I placed a gif of swans at the top instead of a fancast for Aphrodite. This is because I think, as I believe most Percy Jackson fans do, multiple people should play her. I'd cast Arden Cho, Camila Mendes, Candice Patton, Diane Kruger, & Gal Gadot to start with.
Visit my Aphrodite cabin Pinterest board or my headcanon masterlist.
DISCLAIMER ━━━ I know I got a tad political with this one, but I didn’t & don’t intend to offend anyone. ━━━ These headcanons are what I consider to be canon in my fanfictions. They may be others’s headcanons I’ve subconsciously filed away in my noggin. If one’s yours and you want it removed or credited, please send me your post and let me know.
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
REQUEST:Hc's for 1-A reacting to getting a new student with a demon quirk? & maybe when they first meet the reader, they're wearing a mask(that sorta looks like the one the No-Face has) & doesn't have much of their skin showing, so the reader just looks very ominous. BONUS: They are fighting a villain(at night)& then, the reader takes off their mask and starts using their powers on a higher level? If that makes sense to u? Thx in advance!
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: CURSING, BAKUGOU, JUST, HIM, mentions of demons (quirk), bad writing, ewkjfdg
AN: vv sorry, writing this with 2 hours of sleep, but iTS FINE
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For real i love this request,, one of my favs dude
When you walk in, Aizawa is indifferent, but Hizashi is in the room
(Idk why hes just bothering Shota babes) and hEs the one to greet you so immideatly its just
“HEYYYYYYY!” as he reaches his hand out for you to shake,
And you decline in 
(more like move your head slightly and then walk to an empty desk near the back if the room) 
Everyones just kinda in awe???
Youve got black leather gloves on, and a choker like Tokoyami’s on, and black tights,
There is literally no sign that youre a human?? Youre not LMAOAOOAS
Aizawa’s chill with you,,,, but hizashi is so utterly confused,,,, but oh well
Deku has already scribbled down your basic appearance, the shape and coloring of your mask everything he can get
Bakugous sizing you up as quietly as he can 
Uraraka is on the ceiling
But as soon as Aizawa sensei is asleep,
Deku sribbles notes, even though youre not replying, 
Bakugou is oddly close to your mask or hes just sitting really far, theres literally no inbetween what hes doing because all of them are fawning over you for a whole class period.
Kiri, Denki, Mina, and Sero introduce themselves all at once and then struggle to sort out whos who
The rest of the dekusquad just try to stop Midoriya from muttering because fr its scary and even though you look odd,, or genuinely scary,,,,,
They would like Class 1A to be as welcoming as possible
The only person who seems to have a genuine connection without words it Tokoyami, 
Who just glances and just does a little nod, and you nod back
Best buds
Although you havent talked, youre friendly with them,,, but like physically?
Yaomomo was standing at the side of Jirō’s desk, helping with homework, and m*neta
And here is when you first showed your quirk. 
You reach your arm out in the direction of M*neta without even looking up from your desk
And from the tip of your fingers come a black gas like ooze wrap about the grape boy and yanks him back.
You just kinda flick your wrist upwards, and the black ooze sticks him to the roof before disappearing back into your fingers
Then you just
Keep working when everyones just like 
Someone jus-
Only time Bakugou respects you
That one night
Everyone was doin late night training, 
Everyone was separated very far,,,,, in order for the use of quirks and the ability to genuinely fight and train
And you were training in duos with Midoriya
And as he activated OFA at 5% a loud bang distracted everyone on the fighting grounds, everyone whipping their heads to face the sound
Gasps, small screams and Bakugous anger and absolute adrenaline could be heard
And all of you were faced with a villain, one probably lesser known and none of you cared for
But you cared for the student they lunged for,
The green haired boy,
Targeted by the LOV,
The understudy of the Allmight himself,
Midoriya Izuku.
As the villain moved towards your green haired peer, your intincts kicked in, and your breathe caught in your lungs.
You think its a Nomu, but youre unsure, and honestly couldn’t give one shit. Its eyes are trained the green boy and him only.
Your left arm moved and pushed him behind you and despite his confusion, he moved with you. You moved backwards just a little, your left hand resting of his chest. 
“Listen to me Midoriya.” You spoke to him, a smile in your voice. 
“Theres no need to break arms.”
Using your right arm, you begin to emit the same black demonlike ooze from the classroom and charged recklessly. Midoriya yelled behind you and for only a second you were distracted by the pain in his voice, and glanced his way as quick as you could.
Within the millisecond, the Nomu flung you behind him with great force. The only reason your impact was diminished so much was the demon that covered 2 thirds of your arm.
You skid across the school grass, groaning from the unpleasant burns on your knees. But you took off none the less. 
Your sneakers thud against the ground, brows furrowed and mask attached to your belt as it smung left to right.
“Midoriya! Move!” You yelled to the boy, his confusion obvious. Maybe it was the confusion on the sight of your face and not the mask(and the fact that he realizes he may be a simp), or the fact that you look absolutely angry and its no longer just one arm covered by the demonic spirit.
It was your whole upper body. Similar to Dark Shadow, but its affecting your appearance as well.
Two horns appear on the top of your head, matching the demon reaching for the Nomu in front of him. Your clothes have turned dark, your arms and torso covered by the pure essence of your companion.
Despite not ever getting a response from the green haired boy, you kept running and stayed with your plan. Within seconds, the Nomu was surrounded by darkness wrapped around its torso, and its head and shoulders burrowed in the ground.
(kid cants write fight scenes good and apologiesecsd)
Fucking stoked
Both because he still has arms, fingers and hands, but also because that my friend, 
That was hot.
He runs up to you after a moment of shock and literal terror
But when he gets there everyone else is already there so he cant get close to you,,,
But everyones astonished,,,, but
You had put your mask back on,, even though it was slightly broken.
Bakugou was angry cuz he didnt get to fight it,
Uraraka was worried over DEKU, and you- of course
Tokoyami was litERALLY JUST AMAZED and so was dark shadow (yes your demon and DS bonded that day LMAOAOKSFJN) so he was just kinda like: that was rad dude
And most? Everyones amazed.
Aizawa isnt thrilled, but hes pround you were able to take the Nomu down within seconds, 
But you know it was a weaker Nomu, probably sent to test grounds.
He still scolds you but pats your back in appericiation and just him being proud (dadzawa)
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Firstborn | ii. pact
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Summary: You make a pact with a demon, in exchange, you give him your firstborn.
Word Count: 2838 words
Page Count: 8 pages
A/n: hope you guys like the second part!
Tags: none :) feel free to ask to be tagged.
[ F I R S T B O R N  M A S T E R L I S T ]
       "We're doing this outside?"
        "Yes, [ Y/n ], outside. Don't worry, you won't melt in the sunlight. The sun is setting soon anyways." Solomon mused, taking the old path to an opening where he used to hold any summonings when he was younger, his excitement was radiating off him. The large Cajvana and Mercheasa trees clouded any vision past 6 meters, and the large roots had made the walk turn into a workout that even Adonis himself would struggle with, the fact that you carried the bag with all the materials needed as well didn't help your mood either.
        "After this walk, I better have thighs rivaling Hermes- Solomon! Don't laugh! I don't have gigantic legs like you!" You yelped, trying to catch up with your cackling younger brother, if he wasn't so tall you'd slap him upside the head.
        "Oh, I can't help it! Watching you struggle adds years to my life!" He laughed loudly, dodging the hand that swung at his head, only to run into the clearing that you finally managed to get to.
        "Hey! That's abuse! Why would you hurt your baby brother like that?" He joked, throwing his hands out to his sides, twirling around the open area.
        "I'll show you abuse! Get back!" You laughed, your intimidation falling through quickly, chasing the snowy haired man around the area. He managed to avoid you a couple times, checking you when you got too close, before he ended up tripping and falling on his ass- essentially causing you to die of laughter while you messed up his hair.
        It was a warm moment, something you were sure to think of whenever a mention of Solomon comes by, he always made you smile. He made even the worst of situations lighter, draining the dark grim smoke from the air and allowing you to breathe- your light. While you both chuckled and set up the large summoning circle he had planned, he made it seem so... natural. 
        You don't know how to explain it. This idiot- your idiot- always eased you into the wildest situations and made it seem normal.
        Like summoning a Prince of Hell.
        The second strongest one to be exact.
        Because he would be the nicest.
        What the fuck, Solomon.
        "Are you okay?" He asked, his hand pushing lightly on your back, the large bowl in your hand groaned in your grip.
        "Huh?" Looking up, you noticed the sun was going down at this point, the honey mixing into a delicious peach tone- before being kissed by the dark tears of the universe highlighted with the light of the heavens. So much color at one time, you always loved when the sun woke or went into its slumber, it was like looking at everything the universe had to offer for this short time.
        It calmed your mind. The stars never changed, they never left, always unchanging- never moving on.
        Moving on.
        Fuck, what are you going on about again? The stress must have been getting to you, making you have lucid moments that leaked into the manic ones, you just wanted this to be over. Have your family all right again. You wanted them to be safe, healthy, and live their lives. Get their jobs up and running, find someone, get married and have some kids. Live full lives.
        You wanted to move on. And you're working to it.
        But moving onto what? This new chapter in your life, in debt with a demon- tied to you with a promise to fill his greed, but that was better than now. Now it has no color. It's a cloudy night sky. Solomon is the wind, pushing away the clouds to allow the stars to bleed into the eyes of all the living beings here, he's doing what is natural to him.
        If Solomon was the wind, what are you? This demon you're summoning?
        "It's just, hitting me now, the shock has left and I'm understanding everything- this pact and what comes with it." You continued, looking up, wanting the concern to just... vanish.
        "Do you want to do this? You don't nee-"
        "Yes. I do." You cut him off, looking to the soft grass at the candles placed down sat firmly, the giant sigil decorated to accommodate the needs of Solomon and Mammon.
        "I'll light the candles, where are the matches?"
        "I usually use... magic... to light them." He laughed awkwardly.
        "Ugh. Alright." You closed your eyes, practically feeling the excitement radiating off Solomon, the man was shaking at the thought.
        "Calm down. It's simple-"
        "It's magic. Your magic. And you're using it, on your own, after all this time. I..." He trailed off, looking around as his eyes glossed up, his smile wavering slightly.
        "You've taught me so much, and after what happened with Mother, seeing- feeling your magic again just-" He took in a deep breath.
        "It's comforting. Like a warm hug, a Mothers love that I only found in you, something that makes me feel safe. You were always so beautiful when you used magic. So powerful, yet, gentle. It was- IS everything to me." He was trying to calm himself, breathing deeply as he turned from you, swiping any tears from his face harshly, turning his head down quickly to stare at a lone candle.
        You didn't know what to say, with a deep and soft sigh, you flexed your fingers lightly- warmth erupted from your nails and filled your blood, flames flickered in the air, a small figure dancing from candle to candle lighting the wicks as she went, another smaller form followed the other quickly before meeting at the candle Solomon was staring at. 
        "[ Y/n ]." He smiled, watching the two figures fly up as their flames trailed behind softly, both going to kiss each side of his cheek before fading into a small white smoke. The kiss from your pyre had him giggle, and you saw your baby brother again in a flash, before seeing the man in front of you.
        "I'll... make sure you feel that way more often. I promise." You looked at him with a smile, his eyes meeting yours, relieved you had him back.
        "Now, let's summon that demon."
        "Damn. Lay it on thick."
        "You've been chanting for an hour now." You sighed, playing with the wrap on your palm, the cut that you had made was needed though. Blood is needed for any pact, Solomon told you, and is always spilled in any formation of one. He had told you about one demon he made a pact with, Asmodeus, who made one with him by kissing your brother and biting his lip- leaving him breathless and bleeding for the demon. 
        He didn't go into detail, but the red of his ears and pink dusting his cheeks spoke for him, you only smirked.
        At least your brother had taste.
        "He's a bastard! God!" He yelled in anger, before yelling the summoning again, hands in his hair as the pact marks on his body started to glow a deep, bloody, red once again. For what? The seventh time this night? Was this Mammon demon always late? Or just doing so because of Solomon's reputation? 
        "God? Ironic." You mused, moving the bowl over and laying in the middle of the circle, your tiredness had finally gotten to you and you're not fighting the bitch today.
        "Agh!" He yelled in exasperation, his body shivering while the cold nipped at his exposed upper body, all the candles flaring up into the air a few meters high before settling down again. The flames only lived for a few seconds before getting snuffed out by a harsh wind. Darkness enveloped the both of you and neither even dared to breathe in again. You stared at the darkened sky, Solomon stared at the ground, and the change in magic was felt. The weight on your stomach was nothing with adrenaline pushing your body to run or fight, though, fainting sounded like a good option too.
        He's here.
        There's a pull. Your heart is tugging forward, your eyes wanted to follow so desperately, but you didn't want to. There's a muffled sound.
        "Hello? You humans deaf or something? I'm here! Mammon! Your deity! Your god!" His face moved to yours quickly, his lower body sat comfortably on your stomach as both of his jeweled hands came to either side of your head. 
        Oh lord, and as ironic as it was, he had the face of an angel. Well, maybe a fallen one?
        Snowy white locks were messily placed on his beautifully tanned skin, icy blue eyes sparked with a flash of gold looked straight into your eyes, his face sculpted with love and adoration. Inky black horns twisted into themselves, contrasting from his hair, you noticed the small white markings that decorated the smooth flesh under his eyes. Your face flushed heavily, and your hands found each other as your left hand thumbed at your palm, your voice in your throat.
        "You came..." Wonder was in your voice, though quiet, it was heard. A large smile came onto his face, his eyes closed, and his head tilted much like a puppy.
        "Of course! You have something to offer up right? As long as I get my payment, I'll come running, loyal as ever!" He laughed, and though it was cute, you couldn't help but deadpan just a bit. He really lived up to his title, with the demanding aura he gave, though his personality seemed... off, but he is a demon, a demon who was greedy. The air around him felt heavy, lightening up the farther away you are from him, and yet it was so alluring. His presence demanded attention, good or bad, he wanted all eyes on him and everyone to listen to what he had to say.
        "Mammon! Off my sister, you moron!" Solomon's voice cut through the moment, grabbing him by the thick gold choker on his neck, his wings fluttered and flared as his air supply was cut off. Not that he needed it. He wore long black pants, very loose and made of silk, and they hung low on his hips, being held up by a tight golden scarf to keep them in place.
        "Stop being dramatic. You're immortal." Solomon sighed in irritation, having the demon land on his ass a few feet from you, his shirt back on his torso. Rolling his eyes, he helped you up, checking you over before going to collect the items used to summon Mammon. You noticed the ivory claws that were his nails, his bare feet held the same sharp nails as well, you couldn't help but look at Solomon.
        "Solomon, because you have a pact with Asmodeus doesn't mean you can treat me as you please, be glad I'm not like my brothers." The growl in his voice was evident as he stood up. The markings covered his entire body, and what didn't have white markings was covered in jewels and gold, his body was toned and defined quite well.
        'You're not thirteen. Stop. You've seen men naked before.' You thought to yourself, looking between Mammon and Solomon, you didn't know exactly what to say. You felt the irritation between the two of them, Solomon staring Mammon dead in the eye, almost uncaring of what he could do to him, but the last thing you needed was an angry demon and a brother who practically got high off his own magic.
        "I'm sorry about him, he gets a bit protective, are you alright?" You asked him, looking to his neck to see any irritation, which he lacked. You brought your hands up in a surrendering manner, not needing a fight right now, you would play mediator if need be.
        "Eh? I'm fine. Anyways, I was summoned, and quite crudely. Meaning you need something important, and you need it quickly. At any price." He mused, walking up to your smaller form, glaring down at you with a mischievous look. Your stomach dropped, it feels like so much has happened, but here you are.
        So close. 
        You're here. This is it. You pay a price and you save your sister.
        "I need you to cure my sister. She's deathly ill, I've tried everything, and now I need your help. Can you do it? Can you save my sister?" You stood your ground, staring up at him with intensity that shifted the mood, it was so quick it almost gave the poor demon whiplash. His brows raised and the smile dropped.
        "Oh." It was soft, barely there, but you heard it. He looked into the fierce fire that flickered into your eyes, but he saw it, the familiar begging look that he saw in his brothers- in himself the most. Wanting your sister to come back, to be okay, alive and well. His heart ached for a slight moment as he thought of his brothers, his late sister, even Diavolo and Barbatos. His entire situation. 
        Damn it. He needed to stop it. Being emotional always got him into trouble, and he needed to stop, but hearing your voice.
        Oh father, he felt a tug towards you, and this wasn't good.
        "What do you have to offer?" He didn't know what to ask for, curing a human and bringing them back from an inevitable death was expensive in the Devildom, and he wouldn't let his powers go for free.
        That wasn't in his nature.
        No matter what.
        He is a Prince of Hell. 
        He is greedy.
        "I have money, some status, I... have a lot. Though, it's in the family name, not directly to me- it belongs to my siblings and I." You thought out loud, realizing, everything you had- you shared. You all shared the money, the status, the knowledge. The only way someone could gain power from your family was to be in it- something your family had done for generations, to be sure that if one person died the entire family fortune and name wouldn't disappear and be stolen.
        Damn it.
        "So, you offer me your money and status, though, it all belongs in the family, hm?" He asked, a hand coming to his chin, the other holding his elbow. The wind blew and you shivered, Solomon came up behind you keeping a distance as you spoke with the demon, everything you two needed was in the netted bag.
        You had a lot, and he wanted it all, no doubt. He wasn't going to tear a family apart though, he's a demon, not a fucking monster. He knows what it's like to have a family torn apart, and having each other is the only thing that kept them going, he was the second eldest. While Dear Old Luci was to protect their physical well being and their status, Mammon cared for them emotionally for as long as he could, trying to mend the wounds that weren't shown to the world.
        He knew that burden.
        So how could he get what he wanted?
        Well, he needed someone in the family to be his.
        "Your firstborn. I want the first child you give birth to."
        "Mammon, what the fuck."
        "That's a thing?" You asked, surprised at the request, though you did feel your heart start up again. The shock was on your face and Solomon didn't look pleased. The wind blew harshly again, and you knew it was your brother, you sighed before turning to give him a look.
        "Solomon, shut up for a moment. I'm making a pact with your sister, not you, you don't get a say," His voice was low, and the magician looked at both of your eyes, the wind calmed just a bit. You still shivered.
        "I want the right to your firstborn." He spoke again, crossing his arms, golden chains and bracelets clink together as they met.
        "The right? As in? There are many rights you can have, you need to be specific." You said.
        "Every right. The right to marry them. To take them as my own. Any right you can give me, I want it." 
        "Why? Don't you want money? Or something else? Why a child?" You were curious why he would want your child.
        "I didn't think I'd have to explain it, damn it. Think, woman. If I have every right over your child, I can use them for my needs, so that when the time comes your debt is paid." He spoke nonchalantly.
        "Your needs?" You perked up a brow, wondering if your mind just had a habit of going to dark places quickly.
        "I am not making them a slave for my sexual pleasures, if that's what you're asking. I'm Mammon, not Asmodeus, I work with money." He looked a bit irritated, though the pink that flushed his ears spoke for his embarrassment. Was... he a demon that was shy about sex? Was that a thing?
        "My firstborn, and every and any right that comes with that, am I correct?"
        "Then we have a pact."
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raywritesthings · 4 years
Happy Accident 2/3
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance, Felicity Smoak, Curtis Holt, John Constantine, Barry Allen, Iris West, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West Summary: Felicity’s punch has consequences no one intended, driving Oliver to take drastic measures with their own unexpected result. *Can be read on AO3, link in bio*
It was difficult trying to move in all this wet leather that clung to her skin like it was stuck with glue. Being cold and uncomfortable was distracting in itself; she hadn’t had any physical discomfort in that other realm, hadn’t wanted for any material need.
But now she was here in the real world, she was pretty sure. Oliver had brought her back even though she’d thought that was impossible now. “Is that a Lazarus Pit?”
“Yeah. Turns out there were more.” He pulled a big, fluffy towel out of a pack that Laurel eagerly took when he crouched down to pass it to her. He stayed there, smiling at her in a way he hadn’t for a long time, a way that always guaranteed to turn her insides to mush. Laurel tried to find something else to distract herself with.
“Who painted my nails black?” She was really starting to worry about her dad’s mental state if this was what he’d chosen to lay her to rest in.
“...you did?” A vaguely familiar voice said in what seemed to be a question. Looking past Oliver allowed her to see Curtis Holt, the man that had helped them save Oliver’s life and rescue Thea and Felicity from Brie Larvan’s attack on Palmer Tech. Felicity was here, too, staring at Laurel with an unreadable expression on her face.
Constantine had circled around to stare at her as well. “Oliver, if something’s gone sideways, I need to know.”
“It hasn’t — it’s not bad. You were right, I couldn’t find Black Siren’s soul.”
“Oh, she didn’t have one? Color me shocked,” Felicity muttered.
To Laurel’s surprise, Oliver ignored her entirely. “But it turned out that, even though her soul had fallen out of our Earth’s vibrational frequency, Laurel’s hadn’t.”
“Wait,” said Curtis. “You’re telling us this is Laurel-Laurel? Like the good one?”
Laurel raised an eyebrow at that. Since when had she been a ‘bad one’?
“Yes,” Oliver confirmed.
Felicity’s mouth fell open. “Laurel body-snatched her own doppelganger’s body?”
“This isn’t my body?” Laurel asked, her heart — or someone’s heart — doing a funny lurch. She ran both hands down her face. Everything felt like herself, except — was there a hole in her nose? She had a nose ring now?
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” Oliver promised, his hands on her shoulders helping steady her. Behind him, Curtis and Felicity seemed less convinced.
“Oh man. Oh man, this is way beyond what I signed up for.”
“Why did you grab the wrong soul? You really thought it was a good idea to just mix and match people’s souls? This could be a disaster!”
“If everyone could shut it a moment?” Constantine demanded loudly, and they did. He nudged Oliver back a couple feet and stood over her, waving his arms and murmuring what to her basically sounded like gibberish under his breath. When he at last stopped, his shoulders sagged in relief. “For better or worse, she’s stable. An exorcism shouldn’t be necessary, and it’d be damn difficult to do since she is so compatible with this body.”
Laurel leaned slightly away at the word ‘exorcism’, but felt the tension leave her upon hearing the rest. She wasn’t totally sure how she felt inhabiting what was apparently a version of her body from another Earth. And really, what had happened to the other her that had led to Laurel inhabiting this body?
“How exactly did the other me die?” She asked. She had to assume the other her had died if they’d been trying to get her back with a Lazarus Pit.
The range of reactions was something to behold; from Oliver’s wince to Curtis squeezing his eyes shut and shying away to Felicity’s stiff, “There was an accident. But that doesn’t really matter, now, because… you’re back. The real you, this time. Kind of ironic considering she pretended to be you at first.”
“She did?” Laurel really wasn’t sure what to think from the bits and pieces she was learning about the other her – though she couldn’t help thinking that real was an oversimplification of what she was in relation to her doppelganger. Her doppelganger had been real, too, had lived and died. Was it right for her now to be living in her place?
Laurel didn’t want to be dead, though. Before she had died had been some of the best months of her life; she’d finally felt like she had everything to live for. She couldn’t and didn’t want to change that she was back, as selfish as it seemed.
“It’s a long story,” Oliver said. “There’s a lot we’re gonna have to catch you up on.”
“Wish I wasn’t used to that feeling.” Laurel shifted so that she could get back onto her feet — or her doppelganger’s feet. She didn’t know if she ought to keep reminding herself of that out of respect to the other woman or if it was just going to end up driving her mad. She was a little unsteady in the heeled boots she had on considering her feet were still damp inside them, and Oliver rose to his own feet to steady her, one hand on her arm, the other supporting her back. She smiled up at him a bit timidly; that other place she had been in was beginning to fade from her mind, and Laurel couldn’t help but to focus on the last conversation she remembered having in the land of the living until now.
“I’m going to need all of you to step outside while I place the protective enchantments over this Pit,” Constantine said.
They filed out, Laurel wrapping the towel tighter around her shoulders as she was met with cold mountain air. Oliver guided her to shelter against an outcrop of rock, one hand rubbing her back to help warm her.
“So what was the plan after this, exactly?” Felicity shouted to be heard over the wind. Laurel shifted to try and make a little more room for her friend to come stand with them, yet Felicity remained where she was using Curtis as a buffer.
“I was going to call a secure ARGUS transport,” Oliver said. “But we don’t need them now.”
“We do need a way to get a legally dead woman back into the US, though,” Curtis pointed out. Laurel found herself wondering why he was here. Not that she had anything against Curtis, she just would have pictured John or Thea being the third person to accompany them on this resurrection mission. Then again, she had no way of knowing how long it had been or what might have happened to Thea or John in the meantime. That was an unpleasant thought.
Oliver nodded. “Felicity, see if you can get a hold of Cisco.”
Their friend turned away to do just that. Laurel desperately wanted to know why there was still such a coldness between the pair, and why it no longer just seemed to be on Felicity’s side of things. And why had Oliver apologized to her about Felicity? Except it hadn’t been to her, it had been to some other version of her. Something had happened that no one seemed to want to get into right now. She’d let it go for a time, but once she was warm and in comfortable clothes, Laurel wanted to know just what exactly had been going on while she was dead.
Constantine joined them outside. “Well, you lot got a way back yet?”
“Working on it, John,” Oliver told him.
“Then I suppose this is goodbye for now,” he said. “Laurel, always a pleasure.” The man leaned in and gave her a light peck on the cheek, which Laurel couldn’t help noticing had Oliver grimacing. “You take better care of these Lance girls, Oliver, or I might have to steal them from you.”
“Well, Sara speaks for herself, but I’m happy where I am,” Laurel said before Oliver could try to speak up on her behalf. He looked mollified by her answer anyway.
Constantine shrugged with a grin. “Worth a try. Right then, I’ll be off. Good luck in your new life!” He turned and sauntered down the mountain path, only the trail of cigarette smoke left in his wake after a moment.
“Cisco says he’ll make the breach and that we just step through,” Felicity shouted. “He doesn’t want to come to Siberia, apparently. Can’t imagine why.”
“Step through what?” Laurel asked, but then her answer arrived in the form of a strange, blue, rippling circle of energy opening up just a few feet ahead of them.
“Oh, thank you,” Curtis said before promptly running through it and not coming out the other side.
“Ollie?” Laurel asked.
“Just trust me,” he said, taking her hand as Felicity went through next. Laurel nodded and walked through it with him.
She could see nothing but blue all around them for a moment, and then they had somehow stepped out into some sort of command center of a room with computers and metal tables. Caitlin Snow and Cisco were there, along with a woman Laurel didn’t know.
“Thanks for the pickup,” Felicity was saying as she rubbed her hands together. “I was not looking forward to going back down that mountain.”
“So what were you all doing out there anyway?” Caitlin asked. She froze as her gaze passed over all of them and stopped on Laurel. “Oh!”
“Uh, hi,” said Laurel. “I’m back.”
Rather than surprise or even happiness meeting that statement, however, Caitlin paled, the unknown woman reached for a gun and Cisco sent some kind of blast of that blue energy at her, knocking her clean off her feet.
“We’ve got Siren!” He called out.
“Hey!” Oliver rushed to her side, but to her own amazement, Laurel was already shaking it off and getting back to her feet with her fists clenched. Figured this was the kind of welcome she got when coming back from the dead. “Just give me a minute to explain,” Oliver was saying.
Laurel saw a streak of lightning rush into the room straight toward her, her fight or flight response kicking in of its own accord. Without her even willing it, she released a scream like she used to with her choker device. Except instead of it just producing a noise this time, she felt the power of it rush out of her in waves that impacted Barry and pinned him against the opposite wall.
“Laurel, Laurel, stop!” Oliver’s hand on her arm snapped her out of her fighting stance, and the scream let up.
She backed up a couple steps, one hand going to her throat. “How did I do that?”
“It- she could do that,” he answered. “She was a metahuman.”
“Oliver, are we sure she isn’t still — that maybe some of her is still in there?” Felicity asked, eyeing Laurel warily.
“John didn’t seem to think so.”
“Okay, is someone going to actually explain what we’re talking about and why Black Siren shouldn’t go back in the pipeline?” Cisco asked, loud enough to cut through what seemed to be a brewing argument.
“Because I’m not Black Siren,” Laurel said. “I’m me. And I didn’t mean to do that just now. I didn’t even know I could. I’m sorry,” she said to Barry, who was just struggling to his feet with the unnamed woman’s help.
“Well, thanks for the apology,” he grunted. “But I’m not following. You’re not Black Siren, you just have her clothes and her powers and look just like her?”
“Well, that’s what happens when Oliver decides to drop original Laurel’s soul in Black Siren’s body on a whim,” Felicity remarked.
The Flash team all looked suitably stunned. Laurel shifted a bit uncomfortably. She really didn’t know what the process was for accepting that you were yourself, but slightly not at the same time. Somewhere else, the body she had always known was still rotting away in a grave. Somehow she kept whatever contents might have been in her other self’s stomach at the thought.
“So… she’s our Laurel instead?” Caitlin asked at last.
“Yes,” Oliver seemed glad to answer.
Cisco was the first of the group to approach, scrutinizing her for a long moment. “What was the thing I asked for in exchange for the Canary Cry?”
“What did I say I’d do if you showed anyone?” Laurel answered with her own question. The others looked, if anything, even more wary.
But Cisco’s face split into a wide beam. “Can I hug you?”
Laurel, who had not been hugged yet since coming back from the dead, opened her arms obligingly. Cisco practically flew into them.
“We missed you so much! I love how no one from Star stays dead!”
Cisco’s teammates were all relaxing now that he had given the green light of sorts, and one by one approached her for hugs as well, though in the case of the woman who came up after Barry it was accompanied with a, “I’m Iris. It’s really great to finally meet the you the others have all told me about.”
“Thank you.”
“And you’re a metahuman now? I mean, this is even more awesome,” Cisco was saying.
“Is no one really going to miss the other me?” Laurel couldn’t help asking. A part of her felt she ought to stick up for her not-self.
When her question was met with a round of shaking heads from just about everyone but Oliver, she cringed. She could only imagine the worst.
“So how exactly did her soul replace Black Siren’s? And how are you gonna explain Laurel’s being alive? I mean, is she gonna resume living in Star?” Barry was asking Oliver. They were good questions, but Laurel was honestly starting to feel a little overwhelmed to consider it all. She still didn’t even know how long she’d been dead for.
“You look like you could use a shower and maybe some of your own clothes,” Iris noted. “Come on, I can show you where to find stuff.”
“Thanks,” Laurel said, catching Oliver’s eye briefly as she made to leave the room. He nodded, indicating he understood where she was heading, then returned to speaking with Barry. “So, when did you join Barry’s team?”
“Oh, I’ve known for a couple years now,” Iris answered her. “But I’ve known Barry since we were kids. We finally decided to give dating a shot a couple months ago.”
Laurel returned Iris’ happy smile with one of her own. “Good for you. Dating your best friend… it’s really special.” It had been one of the happiest times of her life before it was over.
But why was it starting to feel like Oliver didn’t think it was? Was it his happiness to have her back that she was misreading, or had something changed in a way she’d never dared to hope?
Barry gestured for Oliver to follow him out into the hall since Felicity and Curtis were already talking with Caitlin and Cisco. “So how exactly did this all start?”
“That’s a long story,” Oliver said with a sigh. “But I guess it started when Black Siren really did come to town. Prometheus, another archer, had broken her out and wanted her to pass herself off as our Laurel to mess with our heads, I guess. We ended up realizing it was a trick and capturing her, only Felicity let her escape to try and follow her to Prometheus,” Oliver explained, a frown on his face as he continued, “which nearly killed a security guard and led to Siren dying when Felicity sucker-punched her.”
Barry’s eyes went wide. Felicity had killed someone? He just couldn’t picture it. “And then?”
“And then, I… I don’t know if I can explain what watching her die again was like for me, Barry. My own team doesn’t even understand it. I called John Constantine, and maybe it was rash, but when he told me there were still other Lazarus Pits out there, I couldn’t just… not when my team was responsible. Not again. I know that sounds — she wasn’t even my Laurel—”
“No, I get it. I’ve met other versions of my loved ones, too. It affects you.” He could still remember holding Earth-2’s Iris close as her Joe slipped away from them at the hospital, a lump in his throat that had made it painful to breath. “And trust me, you don’t have to explain what watching something like that does, how desperate it makes you. I know.”
And the thing was, Barry thought he was starting to get something else, too. He had heard about Oliver and Felicity’s breakup last year a month or so after it had happened. When they had all met up to combat the Dominators last month, the two had seemed on good enough terms for a working partnership, but nowhere near the level of intimacy they had had the same time last year — when they hadn’t been fighting in one timeline, Barry supposed.
So when Oliver had told him about the dream world the Dominators had stuck him and some of the others in, that it had been a perfect life with his parents still alive and him about to be married to the love of his life, Barry had wondered at the time about the lack of a name. Part of him had assumed that Felicity had been implied, yet now he was starting to think that hadn’t been correct. Especially when Oliver and Felicity hardly even seemed cordial with each other now if Felicity’s sarcastic remarks and Oliver’s clear frustration with her actions towards Black Siren were any indication.
“Thank you, Barry,” Oliver said, drawing him out of those thoughts.
“Hey, you were there for me about Flashpoint. I am always gonna be in your corner no matter what the call,” he said. “So I guess you guys went to this Pit?”
Oliver nodded. “Yeah, we met John there and restored Siren’s body to life. When people are fully killed, their souls have to be restored separately. Laurel and I rescued Sara’s last year, but when I went in with John this time, there was nothing at first. He thinks that because she was on a different world to her own, her soul was lost to us.”
“Wow,” Barry said, making a mental note never to die on another Earth. “You said there was nothing at first?”
“Yeah. But then I heard a voice calling for me. It was Laurel. I don’t know how or why they were connected like that, how she knew I was there. But I am so thankful.”
It was hard to wrap his head around. Barry was a scientist first and foremost, no matter how strange the science in his life had become. He didn’t fully understand everything that went on in Star these days any more than they seemed to understand metahumans. Though who knew if that would change now that Laurel was one.
But if Laurel was alive again and Oliver was happy, then Barry supposed the rest of it didn’t matter much in the end how it had happened. Just that it had.
“What are you going to tell people? I mean, everybody knows she was the Black Canary.”
Oliver looked down. “I wish Evelyn’s actions hadn’t made me do that, now. I haven’t spoken to Laurel yet about what people know. We’ll have to figure something out.”
Barry nodded. Anything else he might have said, however, would have to wait, as footsteps announced the arrival of Iris with Laurel. His girlfriend had supplied Laurel with the full STAR Labs apparel line, it looked like, and the two were chatting away like old friends as Laurel towel-dried her hair.
“And there they are,” Iris remarked, smiling at Barry in a way that always made his stomach do funny flips. He couldn’t help but notice Laurel’s smile seemed to be having the same effect on Oliver.
“Feeling better?” He asked.
“Yeah, now that I’ve sort of taken stock of things.”
“Well, other me clearly got into her fair share of fights judging by some of the scars I have,” Laurel remarked. “Kinda weird they’re in different places than mine were. Also, I have tattoos, now.”
“Really, where?” Oliver asked with a grin that had Barry’s mouth dropping open.
Laurel, for her part, just rolled her eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“C’mon, we better regroup with the others,” was all Oliver said in reply, still grinning as he offered Laurel his arm. She took it, and the two headed back into the cortex.
Iris stepped up to Barry’s side and slipped her arm around his back, her head leaning on his shoulder. “Aw, I’m glad they’re still cute. Teenage me’s kind of having a freak out right now.”
“Yeah?” Barry shook his head. Iris and her magazines. He much preferred her writing. Together, they followed their friends back into the room.
Caitlin and Cisco had abandoned their conversation with Curtis and Felicity to come see Laurel again.
“We have some data on hand about the sonic scream already, of course, but it’d be amazing to get a full, comprehensive picture now that you’re the one in control of it.”
“Also, I’m thinking suit update. I mean, what’s a back from the dead party without presents? If you let me keep Siren’s suit for the measurements, I can have it ready by the end of the week.”
“Thank you,” Laurel said. “That’s really sweet.”
“It is, but you guys might be getting ahead of yourselves,” Felicity interjected. “Let’s not forget that Oliver kind of outed Laurel as a superhero last year.”
Barry winced as the smile dropped off Laurel’s face while she backed a step away from the group, away from Oliver. “What?”
“Yeah, right over your grave,” Felicity added.
“There was a situation with an imposter,” Oliver explained. “I was going to tell you. I just wanted you to have some time.”
“Well, she did need to know, Oliver,” Felicity argued. “I mean, I don’t even know if Laurel can come home with us, at least not publicly.”
“We will figure it out,” he said, his voice taking on a harder edge that Barry knew meant it was time for the other person to stop pushing. But Barry also knew Felicity tended to struggle with those sorts of social cues.
Sure enough, his socially awkward friend continued, “How? This isn’t exactly something you can take back. I mean, you had a statue built in Laurel’s honor — even if her doppelganger just destroyed it — and Quentin even confirmed he knew Laurel’s identity which cost him getting his job back—”
“My dad gave up his job?” Laurel asked, looking distressed at the prospect.
“It wouldn’t have been good for him to take it, Laurel, he needed the time in rehab,” Felicity said, and though her tone was a soothing one, Laurel did not look any calmer, and Barry didn’t blame her. 
There was something about the smile playing around Felicity’s lips that didn’t quite seem sympathetic and raised the hairs on the backs of his arms. He had spent enough time over the last few years with men who had claimed to have his best interests at heart all the while that they schemed and acted to hurt him, and he had gotten good at spotting the feeling. But why would Felicity of all people be giving him that feeling?
“That’s another thing, actually,” Felicity was saying the same time that Barry’s mind raced with these observations. “If Quentin hears about Laurel being back, he’ll want to check himself out in the middle of his treatment. You really did not think through the ramifications of doing this, Oliver.”
“Felicity, that’s enough,” Oliver commanded, causing everyone in the room to stand just a little bit straighter. Felicity’s mouth, which had opened again to speak, snapped shut. “What is done is done, and whatever the complications that arise, we will deal with. I would much rather live in a world where Laurel is alive and have some issues to sort out rather than a simpler one where she is not here. I’d have hoped you felt the same way.”
There was a stunned moment of silence where Caitlin, Cisco and Curtis all stood there gaping. Iris watched at Barry’s side, her slightly widened eyes the only giveaway to her feelings on the matter and Barry himself had little clue how he looked on the outside, only knowing that he would never have thought he’d see Oliver take that tone with Felicity; not since the disagreement they had had all those years ago when Barry had been brought in on the secret of the older vigilante’s identity.
Laurel stood at the midpoint between them, her arms crossed in a move Barry recognized was far more about shielding herself than it was about projecting power. Her disbelieving gaze slowly swept in Felicity’s direction, who scoffed.
“I- of course I prefer it! I just think you have a bad habit of making incredibly impulsive decisions without considering all the facts or getting the rest of the team’s consensus.”
Oliver didn’t even bat an eye. “Impulsive decisions like going behind my back and giving the recruits separate parameters for a mission that ran completely counter to my stated directions? Or like releasing a dangerous prisoner in the hopes she’ll lead you to her commander?”
“You- you did that, too,” Felicity declared. “Last year, with Anarchy!”
“Yes, and I was wrong! Which Laurel pointed out to me, privately instead of bringing it up in front of the team or our friends, something that in all the years we have worked together, you never fail to do,” Oliver shouted. He then squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, voice returning to a normal volume as he added, “I didn’t like doing that with you, just now. I understand why you took those risks with Siren, what you are going through. I wanted to address it later, see what you needed to let the team keep working.” His frown deepened. “But you never have afforded me the same courtesy, and I am realizing that you never will.”
“I need to ask you to take a leave of absence from the team.”
“Oliver,” Laurel said softly. “If this is about just now, I’ll be fine. I don’t want people kicked off the team just because they disagreed about bringing me back.”
“If it was just that, I’d consider other options. But this has been an ongoing problem I’ve made excuses for in the past, and that’s only compounded things.”
“What, because I make my own decisions and don’t just follow your orders? That’s enough to get kicked off a team I helped build?” Felicity demanded.
“I recruited you,” Oliver said. “I thought it would be a good idea to have an expert on the computers, but that does not make you an expert in the field. A woman died a few nights ago because of an impulsive attack you made on her after Curtis had already taken measures to neutralize her threat. When that catches up with you, when you can see past the anger and grief you are feeling over Billy and think about what you did, you are going to need the time off.” The anger had almost entirely receded, and it struck Barry now why Oliver was doing this; he was trying to be kind. “When you’ve had that time, we can talk. And that will include laying some ground rules about how the team is going to operate.”
Felicity nodded, her eyes particularly bright behind her glasses in a way Barry knew meant she was holding onto her tears. “Well, I can save you the time, because it is going to operate without me.” She turned and marched for the exit to the cortex, turning once to call over her shoulder, “Good luck with the recruits since they basically all hate you.”
She left a very long and awkward silence in her wake.
“Um, for the record,” Curtis began in a small voice. “While I don’t exactly hate — it’s a strong word, you know — but I do, at times, find you extremely difficult to work with, and I’m not sure how I feel about what just happened.”
“Then take some time off to figure it out, Curtis,” Oliver replied. “I need a team that can function as a cohesive unit. We are never going to defeat Prometheus when we’re too busy with infighting. Decide what’s more important to you, and then stick with it.”
Curtis gulped and nodded.
Oliver turned out to face the wider room. “I’m sorry that had to happen in your space, Barry.”
“No, it — well, it’s probably best we know the situation,” he decided. “I guess I just hope things work out for the best.”
“We should probably get home. All of us,” Oliver added, with a look at Laurel.
“What are we going to tell people?” She asked.
“That’s something I’m working on, but I know you’d rather be in Star than anywhere else.”
Laurel’s lips turned up in a small smile, and she nodded.
“I can get you guys back to your base to avoid bumping into anybody who shouldn’t know yet,” Cisco offered. “And I’m still gonna get started on the suit.”
“Thanks, Cisco,” Laurel said, walking over and hugging him again. Barry thought his friend was quite happy with that development.
A new breach was made, and the remaining Team Arrow members stepped through, the somewhat tense and awkward air in the room breaking as the breach closed.
“Well, that was… something,” Iris commented. “I hadn’t realized things were so bad with their team.”
“Neither had I,” Barry admitted. He had always viewed the Arrow’s team as a well-oiled machine, something to aspire towards. It was almost comforting to know they had their issues the same as his team had had theirs. Barry hoped it never came to a head the way things just had between Oliver and Felicity, though.
He couldn’t help wondering, however, if perhaps that had needed to happen. The last couple times Barry had seen Oliver, the other man had seemed tired, run down, and missing some part of that unbeatable drive he brought to everything he did. Now it seemed he had regained it with new vigor, and it didn’t take a genius to guess what had caused it.
Barry only hoped Oliver did figure out some way for Laurel to return to Star City officially, and as a free woman. He needed her just as surely as Barry needed Iris. And like Oliver had just proven, even death could be conquered in the face of love.
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silvanable · 4 years
Match Up : Ikemen Vampire
Hi! 💓👋🏻I hope you have a good day! 🥰I was wondering if i can request a match-up with one of ikemen vampire boys🥺👉👈
I’m a gemini female and a Slytherin. I’m an ENTP. I’m 5'3, i have grey eyes and golden platinum blonde hair. Even if i’m small i’m very curvy (i have a pear, almost hourglass figure)
i am really sarcatisc, but not rude
i’m a drama queen
i have a dark sense of humour, but i’m also the group clown
i’m bisexual and flirty, and my friends tell me i am annoying when i start talking about my love interests
people say that i’m wild and rebel, but i think i’m quite shy when it comes to meeting new people. my parents can confirm this
i’m competitive af, but i try to not be
i got angry rarely, but when i do it, it’s like every little thing the person says is a rage boost
i’m touch starved and when i start to like somebody i become clingy, but not in a exagerate way.
i’m curious, but not persistent
i’m athletic because i play tennis and go running everyday. Because of my hobbies i like to stay a lot in nature and i don’t mind getting dirty.
i have a big apetite and i like salty things, but my favourite food is macarons. My mom is amazed that i don’t gain to much weight( in my entire life i haven’t had more than 47 kilos) and my waist is so small
when i’m home alone i like to turn on the music and dance like the crazy girl that i am, but i like the silence too. i read a lot, most likely before sleep. i like fantasy novels
because i speaked about sleep, i am insomniac, and i am hyperactive too. i just can’t fall asleep and i’m slightly envious on people that just lay on the bed and boom! they’re asleep
i like to dress in a more grunge style( chokers, rings and boots are my favourites) but i really look good in a form fitting dress (i must admit that i have a nice booty)
i love to draw and sing, even if i don’t have the best voice. i mostly draw in an anime style like, but i’m good at realism too
i was almost forgetting to say that is love PDA. i’m very open-minded and a light make out session on the street won’t annoy me, most likely will please me
i love to tease my friends, but when i’m teased i blush, and it’s not like i can hide it, because i am so light skinned. i’m mostly teased because i’m goofy and because i wear things that show a lot of my cleavage(that doesn’t affect me) , but, in my opinion, the most embarrasing thing is the first. for the second one though, the nature gave me a nice body and i must show it🤷‍♀️💦
i’m not so sensitive, but if someone is mean to me i might fight back, but most surrely i will cry after
i really love birds( especially ravens, their black feathers are gorgeous) and big cats( such as lions), but i have a lil pug named Mojo
i must say it, even if it’s not a good thing, but i curse like a sailor. yes, i curse like a sailor and my family and friends tell me that i should’ve been a boy, but they must accept me because i’m their relative/friend.
And the last thing, i do parkour. i found that passion 1 year ago and i will keep doing it. i’m an experimentalist
I’m sorry if my english is not the best, but it’s not my first language⬜. Even if you don’t answer my ask, i will always love your blog💓💕🌺! Love from Romania! ❤️❤️
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i’m going to say it now! it’s illegal to be this sweet and send so much love to my page. why? because even as big of a cold-hearted bastard i am yOU GOT ME TEARING UP AND I’M A BIG SOFTIE FOR AFFECTION–
i also apologize, i swore i queued this thing forever ago but my dumbass absolutely forgot.
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it was a tough decision but by the way you described yourself i boiled it down to our dearest leo.
absolutely ignoring the conflict and problems that are presented in his route, you two would be great.
when you first meet, you would have had your usual shyness, just because everyone at the mansion are new faces.
by the time you’re comfortable, you have lost that shy exterior and begin to show the very entertaining, strong, and wild girl underneath.
leonardo appears as a very laid back sort of person, so your personality compliments his very well with the “wild & rebel” streak you seem to possessive.
not that leo minds as he finds you have enough energy to share between the both of you.
arguably he’s an old man and is just tired and we all know it.
the major thing here is that i see you both mutually flirting with each other from the beginning.
you love to tease and that becomes a major factor.
especially because you are naturally blessed in appearance and are not shameless at all to flaunt it you go girl.
your relationship is also very flirty back and forth, especially when you have no qualms of showing affection in public either.
despite the very flirty nature of the relationship, there are very soft and mellow parts you both enjoy.
leonardo is a big napper, therefore expect lots of sleepy cuddles.
mostly because he just enjoys you being near and it is far easier to snooze when he is with you.
with you being touch starved, it’s a moment of clinginess that is welcomed for you both.
plus your love of silence and how you like to read a book before you sleep so you can unwind, it’s one of the few times of absolute silence and tranquility for you both.
lumieri is especially appreciative of the calm snuggle moments so he can join in too. cute kitty makes everything that much better.
besides that, some small things are known to come around.
walks in the garden because of your love of nature and expect dates to the bakery for your favorite macaroons ( or surprise picnic with them! ).
little surprises from you are always appreciated to.
really leonardo absolutely adores everything about you.
though admittedly he was a little surprised to find that you swear like a sailor.
imagine his surprise when you’ve stumbled and hurt yourself, only to let out a string of profanities at the top of your lungs in the middle of the corridor.
he found it quite amusing, as that was one of the many things to make you as unique as you are.
also the fact that you draw, he finds absolutely adorable.
not that he would ever make the comparison, but he is da vinci.
really he finds it intriguing, especially the uniqueness of your style and the way you draw because it’s for the purpose of your own enjoyment.
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voidlitmoon · 4 years
The Question
(Actual fanfic posted May 10th, 2019)
Ok so I've had this idea for a few days as a random thought, but I thought earlier " ehh, it's good enough to write" so.... I wrote this from 10:51 pm to 12:30 am. I need to wake up at 5 aaahhHHHHH (who's yelling at me to sleep because it's 1:09?)
Anyways please enjoy this tiredly written student mystery that's given right away by the tags, tell me if I made a mistake anywhere, good night :)
Ao3 link
Fanfic master post link
Words: 1,178
Summery: The Question
Without realizing it, theater teacher Mr. Prince, or Roman as he insisted, had The Question follow him for two and a half years. What was The Question?
Ok that was four questions, but they all surrounded one thing
Roman's mysterious partner
The Question was something that changed throughout the two and a half years Mr. Prince, or Roman as he wished his students to call him, had so far worked at Marebelle Performing Arts High School. At first it was why. Why did he teach here, working as a drama teacher, instead of performing on Broadway?
The student who had asked one day during the end of the first year got the answer with a happy laugh from the dramatic teacher.
“It’s true, I’ve always wanted to be there, up on the big stage, but then who would teach you to follow your dreams there as well? A mediocre drama teacher who doesn't care and just wants pay? NO SIR! (he said while throwing his hands up, the student informed) I wish to teach the future, the ones that instead of me being up there, I get to know I’m the one who helped you get there! My love encouraged it, saying that if I could help now, the results later would make me brighter then any stage light!”
Now with their answer, the students sighed in relief knowing that this was a teacher who wanted to help, one who truly loved his subject. The first The Question was done, until a girl spoke up….
“Wait, theater isn’t the only love in his life?”
The Question two was what? Confusion swept and sure, Roman was quite handsome (insert girls swooning for the first two weeks) but he had never spoke of a love before this. Summer started after that, leaving it to sink into all their already stressed brains.
The answer arrived when someone asked on the third day back, many kids blushing since they had all also wanted to bring it up, but had no courage whatsoever to ask something so personal, even with Roman being so open. He smiled so wide, looking off with unintentional dramaticness and eyes glazed over.
“Yes, yes he was so supportive with my dreams of teaching instead of my own high school dream of acting. I still act in smaller shows you know, and he’s always there, no matter the crowd….” he sighed not realizing that now, another question had appeared.
The Question three, one that made all those original girls swoon falter, was he gay? Sure, he gave off the vibe, but it was never right to assume. The students pondered over this for a good while before asking finally nearing the end of school again, pondering how to ask in a not rude way.
No matter the case though, Roman just shook his head with his bright, signature smirk as someone stuttered to ask.
“You are correct! But you see, I am pan, not just gay. My heart just lead me to my dream prince, not princess nor other royalty. We may clash immensely, but fit together so well.”
Later that week, he had a small pan flag necklace, the golden chain flashing in the light. He claimed that his boyfriend had got a matching gay flag one, his chain a shiny black.
Which brought up the last The Question.
Surprisingly, The Question who was not answered by a student asking. It was answered mid December by Roman himself. Roman was pacing on stage as a few students poked their heads into the theater room at lunch, wondering if they could ask a question (not a The Question) and watched him speak on the phone.
“I’m so sorry I know your writing but that’s WHY I asked you, your home. I know, I know, I just forgot the prop box on the table…. Yes I know you can scolded me to no ends tonight just can you bring it over please? Lunch is almost over” he seemed to perk up “yes! Yes 2:30 would be fine! No I swear V, I think my classes have been making conspiracy theories about you on anything I say.. Yes I’m surprised I don’t rant about you often either. No don’t whine at me! Argg VVVV. Alright see you soon. I love you darkling” he finished with a smile and quickly hung up a quiet echo of “ROMAN I SWEAR-” but the students didn't have time to focus on that. Because now they only had two hours to tell the entire class of the theater department that (now known initial) V was coming.
Roman’s love would be revealed.
Thank the Greek gods that they were THEATER kids. Because once it went out to one group, it spread like wildfire.
The Class of 2:30 as we will can them (fight me) watched as the clock ticked. Currently they were failing to practice their parts for A Christmas Carol, since one, they didn’t have certain props,
A figure entered the office box in hands, signing in as a guest and waving to his old attendant, before making his way through old halls to the theater room
And two
He walked towards the double doors, looking around as memories flashed into his eyes
He would be arriving any seco-
The doors opened swiftly “‘holy shit Ro, I swear this place has barely changed.”
Everyone’s head swerved to see a dark figure walking down the steps, box in hand while their mouths dropped. Roman perked up like no one had seen before, not even the time a student claimed and then sang as many Hamilton songs in the class time as the could, claiming they knew them all and in order.
“I mean I just looked into the courtyard where we shared our first kiss, by the way class, please blame him for me remembering, and it’s so fucked up. Like, aren't you guys always inside? Who the hell goes outside anymore? Not me” the figure smirked marching the last steps, placing the box on the stage and jumped up standing by Roman, one grinning mischievously, the other giddily.
“Everyone” Roman announced in his loud voice “this is my boyfriend, Virgil.”
The Virgil in question, or The Question still fit, was wearing a black purple patched jacket that hung of his skinny frame, a black shirt that said “I Joined the Black Parade” and black ripped skinny jeans. A shock of purple and black hair covered his head, making shadows over his heterochromic purple and green eyes, eye shadow lathered below. A black choker ran around his neck, the gay flag making an appearance. He raised his hand to brush the bangs from his eyes, showing black painted nails against pale skin, a small lightning cloud charm shining off a purple, black, and white weaved bracelet. Matching the red, gold, and white one Roman had, a crown dangling from his. A pair of black and neon purple wireless headphones laid on his neck. He was on the short side for an adult, with Roman being a bit taller than average. They were, as Roman said, complete opposites.
Virgil smirked as he turned to Roman, catching a kiss on the head. “I didn't interrupt anything now, did I Princey?”
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detachableteacher · 4 years
I decided to split the chapter
“Guys! What happened?!” I see the three students, pretty much beat up for some reason. 
Renji has his broken glasses on his pocket, Michio has scars that look like he tried to fight back, and Kyotaro is in the worst state, with the blood from his wounds staining his uniform. None of the injuries seem brutal but they’re in really bad shape.
“We were blindsided,” Michio speaks up. “Can you help us?”
“Of course, come, I’ll patch you up.” And I ask them to follow me to the door of the supermarket, making them wait outside to avoid making a scene. I quickly get some bandages and betadine, rush back to my students with the goods and little by little bandage every wound and bruise they got. “There, now let’s talk about this.”
“Thanks, sensei.” Renji winces a bit from the betadine but manages a smile.
“It’s nothing. What happened to you three?” We start walking to the park.
“We were about to go home,” Renji starts to answer. “Then suddenly these guys ambushed us.”
"What did you do to deserve this?”
“Remember that student Kyotaro had a run-in with?”
“He was part of a group in school, if I could say it like that.”
I look at Kyotaro, who hasn’t moved a bit. “Is it the one on the classroom next door?”
Renji nods. “That same one you went to. After all that we didn’t hear anything from anyone about them, then this happened, they approached us and let out.”
“Then they left?”
“Yeah. Kyotaro was badly hurt, so Michio and I helped him up and we were heading to the closest place we can get help, then I saw you.”
“Good thing none of your injuries are too serious. If they had any weapons that would be a different story. Are they Amakusa students, too?”
They all nod. Kyotaro finally speaks, “No way I’d let them lord over us.”
We don’t know how respond to that, but I try. “You sure do care about your friends.”
“They’re my only friends.” I turn to him as he talks. “I’ll hate myself if I can’t stand up for them, for us.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself.”
“Of course there’s nothing fun with being pushed around. I won’t have any of it, sensei.”
And idea sprung up in my head. I ask. “You think this won’t be the last time?”
“Of course not, why are you asking?”
“I have something planned, I think.” He turns to me. “Don’t get too excited, no one gets hurt.”
“What’s it going to be then?”
“I’ll try to make a case, with the help of a few other students, of course. I bet the case against them will be stronger if they get caught.”
“Sounds great, sensei!” Renji exclaims. “How would you do it, though?”
I spitball whatever little plan I have written in my mind to them. “We’ll have to keep watch, or this this a regular thing?”
“They just do it whenever they feel like it.”
“If that’s the case, this might take a while, but we’ll get them eventually.”
“Are you sure, sensei?”
I nod. “I’ll make sure it gets done.”
After a short pause, now that the air is less tense, Kyotaro asks, probably after looking at me a bit longer than usual. “Sensei, are you really wearing earrings?”
“These?” I take them out and show them to him up close. “Yeah, I’ve had these for quite a while now.”
“I’ve always wanted to wear an earring, but mom and dad don’t want me to.”
“Once you’re old enough, you can have them pierced, I didn’t have these earrings planned, actually. I lost a bet in college and had to get my ears pierced.”
“Oh, I expected something more awesome.”
“People get tattoos and piercings just for the heck of it, even stupid reasons count. Besides, what you should do for now is recover. Are your houses near here?”
“Yeah, sensei, we can manage our way home.”
“Alright, I should head home. You sure you can handle yourselves on your way home?”
“We’ll be okay, sensei.” Kyotaro nods at me with a slight smile.
“See you in class, then, stay safe.”
We wave goodbye and I get up, walking back to my apartment, finally making the dinner I went outside for in the first place.
The next day arrives, just like any other. I guess they didn’t talk much about what happened yesterday, and other than the bandages they’re going about as usual as if they simply tripped on the sidewalk.
On my way to get coffee, Yu strikes up a conversation. “Good morning, Jun! Saw you buying groceries last night.”
“Didn’t notice you, I was focusing more on buying my things.”
“Have you heard about what happened to Yamaguchi and his pals?”
I act dumb, not sure how to react. “What happened?”
“Fistfight, really bad. Good thing someone helped out.”
I give him a stern look. “Were you...”
“Don’t look at me like that! I just saw those three while I was eating at the new restaurant.” From surprised, he gets questioning. “Wait, do you know anything about this that I don’t?”
“Yeah, they saw me on my way home, helped them patch up.”
“They told you what happened to them?”
“Their wounds would’ve told me, but they did.”
“Did they tell you who did it?”
“Yeah, apparently that other student had a posse at hand.”
Yu pulls out his cellphone. “I have some idea.”
“Check these out.” He shows a videos of fistfighting. “One of my students sent me these, and there’s always the same group in every case.”
“Are they from the higher classes?” None of these faces look familiar to me.
“Yeah, this, this and this.”
“Wait a minute... I got an idea.”
“They didn’t tell me what they looked like. If Kyotaro and his friends recognize him then we have a better case.”
“I should’ve thought that myself.”
Classes are still going as planned, and everyone in the classroom I’m in is waiting for lunch to come. I’ve talked to some students and Yu on the plan and will get detailed over lunch.
Before anything, though, I immediately walk to 2-C and as luck would have it, the three friends are leaving the room.
“Ah, sensei!” Renji notices me first. “Were you looking for us?”
“Hey, I was just talking to Maejima-sensei, do these guys looks familiar?” I pull out a copy of the student pictures of the suspects.
Kyotaro’s eyes widen. “Yes. How did you-”
“Maejima-sensei and I will explain everything, follow me.”
We meet at the faculty’s small meeting room to detail what to do, with Yu bringing a few members of the student council and a couple other complainants. This surely won’t be done by today, but you can never be too sure.
“So Maejima-sensei and I have asked for your help to deal with this matter that’s happening under our noses.” I start.
“Is it Yamaguchi again?”
“No, luckily.” I answer while waiting for Yu to put up the slides. “I’m sure you’ve seen these guys.” I show some pictures.
“Isn’t he the one who had a fight with Yamaguchi?” Another student asks at the last portrait.
“That wasn’t the end of it, apparently.” I look at him, and he looks back at me. “After class this student here came back with reinforcements, these guys, and retaliated onto Yamaguchi and his friends.”
“Because of how things might happen, some of you guys will have to get the complainants to this room,” Yu continues. “And some of you will have to back us up for when we approach these guys and ask them to come here.”
And we lay out the game plan. Two teachers and four students, that should be enough. We wait on our positions and in just a few minutes, a student has cued us in to keep keep an eye on what might happen.
“Hey,” I approach the targets. “we need to talk to you about something, can you come with us to the faculty?”
“What?” Everyone’s looking at us at this point.
“Please, just come.”
With everyone looking at us, they grunt in annoyance, mumble “Fine.” and follow us all the way to the meeting room.
As Yu was already tackling all this before I heard of it, I let him deal with the conclusion. While it’s just us two teachers, a couple of overseers and some students from both sides inside the room, there are others waiting outside for what will happen.
The room would otherwise be unassuming if we teachers didn’t make it a storage room on the side. A round conference table surrounded by ten chairs are the features still keeping this room a conference room. Every chair is occupied but I’m standing next to Yu who’s busy explaining the details.
The TV screen and whiteboard blend into the wall they’re on, but the TV is being used to show the collected evidence.
Each student involved gives their testimony about the incidents in question. It starts with the plaintiffs. Questions get asked, and Yu verifies if they’re in the collected footage.
“What were you doing before this?” He asks Kyotaro.
“We had ramen. At the noodle shop by the park.” He answers. “Before that, we went to the arcade.”
“The three of you?”
“Yeah, just me, Michio and Renji.”
“Then after that, how did they approach you?”
“From behind a wall, then one of them grabbed me by the collar and talked shit at me about my girlfriend before punching me straight to the face.”
“The same one as...?”
He nods.
“And you had to punch back?”
He nods again. “I can’t remember anything after that, only the pain.”
After him, his other two mates coroborate their events, and the other party seems to be more that they’re here and not somewhere else.
“Are these you in these pictures?”
“Fuck no!” They obviously deny the accusations, and this kind of deflection went on a bit until Yu stops halfway with the back-and-forth.
“Wait, what’s this mark here...” We all look for what he’s seeing. In one of the pictures, one of the arms has a noticable mark. “Roll your sleeves up.” Yu commands the three and after that, one of them has that same mark, what seems to be a scar on the same part.
“But that doesn’t look like anything! Maybe it’s-”
“No, none of these were altered, and we have something for comparison. Jun?”
I guess he means my own scar. After a surprised blink, I take my head off, remove my choker, and reattach my head, showing my scar for comparison.
“How long have you had that mark?”
“I got this two years ago in a knife fight.”
“That had to hurt. Let me just...” Yu checks the arm scar. “Yeah, that kinda looks like the one on this footage, and your hairstyles match.”
“Is no one going to point out that he barely got hurt in a knife fight?” A student interjects.
“Let’s not. One last question, though.Who was the one that Yamaguchi got into a fight with again?”
He slowly raises his hand.
“Did you ask your mates to get even with him last night?”
“I did.”
“You could’ve just left it between the two of you.”
After filing the documents and setting the responsible parties to probation a couple of days later, some students want to celebrate this with us: Yu and me. From the looks of it we’re heading to the noodle place.
In total, a dozen people are going, and take up three tables by the time everyone gets a seat, counting us teachers on a separate table. One bowl for every one of us, each paying for his own.
“Jun,” Yu starts talking. “You sure about it?”
“About what?”
“Yamaguchi. I heard a bit about it, you’re planning to help him out yourself?”
“Yeah. I’m not saying I can fix him, but he can do better.”
“I can’t stop you, but lemme ask, why?”
I fall silent. Yeah, why am I doing this? You don’t exactly see a potential in Kyotaro at first glance, doesn’t scream out special. He fits every known stereotype about students like him, and he’s not the only one in school or class.
I muster an answer, a cliche one. “I don’t know, maybe I’m seeing something in him, as it always goes.”
Yu smirks. “I don’t doubt you, you did pull yourself up after that... thing.”
“But that’s me. Kyotaro’s different.”
“You can do it, you won’t stop, right? If a blast hasn’t, nothing will.”
On my way home after that meal, someone approaches me, it’s Kyotaro, just by himself.
“Sensei,” He looks up at me after a bow. “I’m so sorry that I dragged you into this...”
“No, don’t feel too bad about it, it should be Maejima-sensei that should be apologizing to me.”
He looks at me in surprise.
“You did great, okay? Try not to get yourself in trouble again.”
He doesn’t say anything after that, only a nod before bolting off with his friends. 
“Look at him go.” Yu says as we get walking again. “I think I’m seeing what you’re seeing.”
“You know what I mean, Jun. I’ll just let you be with what you’re gonna do with Yamaguchi, how’s that?”
“Sounds good.”
“By the way, he’s already have a girlfriend and he’s like 18. How old are you again?”
That’s definitely Yusei. We laugh it off as we continue walking.
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geekprincess26 · 6 years
The Year of Zero: Chapter 1
June 17, 908 AC
“Sansa!”  Catelyn Stark’s voice drifted over the banisters lining the basement stairs and through the crack under the firmly closed door of her eldest daughter’s bedroom.  “Come and set the dinner table, please.”
Twelve-year-old Sansa squeezed her eyes shut and sighed with frustration.  It seemed but a few minutes since she’d had to set the table for lunch, and now it was dinnertime already.  Really, she had only had but a few minutes to herself that afternoon.  She’d had to wash the lunch dishes while her mother had ferried Bran and Rickon off to basketball practice, which would have been fine except that Arya, who’d been drying the dishes next to her, had been in a hurry to head off biking with her friends and done her job far too quickly, leaving streaks of water all over the plates.  As soon as Sansa had pointed that out, Arya had begun snapping at her, and Catelyn Stark had come home to find them in a blazing row.  They’d gotten to snapping each other with the dish towels, but Sansa had had the misfortune to be the only one of them her mother had actually seen in the act, so she’d gotten the harsher punishment, along with a stern admonition to act her age and be a better example to her sister.
So now she was stuck doing the dishes every night that week, and here it was only Tuesday.  It was doubly unfair because Robb was supposed to have washed the lunch dishes that day, and he could always handle Arya and her fits and pranks and immaturity better than Sansa could.  But Robb was at day camp for football this week, and her parents could hardly deny him the chance to improve his skills and possibly earn a place on the school varsity team that fall.  He would only be a freshman, but he was tall and broad for fourteen, and Coach Cassel had told the Starks he had a real chance.  So Robb had gone to camp and agreed to do the dinner dishes that week, which now fell to Sansa because he was away and Arya had gotten off on a lighter punishment yet again for yet another fight she’d started in the first place.
Sansa sighed again and willed her eyes open.  She might yet get another page of Florian and Jonquil read before her mother –
“Sansa Lyarra!” Catelyn called, and Sansa flopped her feet off her bed to the floor.  She grabbed her favorite bookmark, the silver one with the pretty blue ribbon that she’d won for good grades last year in school, and tucked it carefully into the pages of her favorite book.  Another sigh left her lips as she mounted the stairs to the kitchen.
Catelyn barely spared her elder daughter a glance from the pot of stew she was stirring.  Sansa thought she might be able to escape to her room for a few more minutes before dinner if she set the table quickly enough, but just as she was placing the soup spoons, she heard the familiar creak of the back door and the even more familiar voices of her father and elder brother as they stopped to remove their shoes in the back entryway.
“Hey, Sans.”  Robb, hair still wet from his after-camp shower, wiggled her braid and grinned at her.  “What’s up?”
No sooner had Sansa opened her mouth than Rickon burst into the kitchen to tackle his oldest brother.  Robb laughed and swung Rickon upside-down, which earned him a fit of giggles from the younger boy and a “Robb, be careful with him!” from Catelyn.  Sansa turned back to the table, sighed again, and finished placing the spoons.
No sooner had everyone sat down to the table than Ned Stark raised a hand to ward of the customary dinnertime chatter (less chatter and more noise, thought Sansa) about to erupt from his children’s lips.
“Before we talk about our days,” he said, “let’s go over what we’re doing tonight and tomorrow.  Robb has a ball game in – ” he glanced at the clock on the wall – “about an hour, and another tomorrow night at the same time.  Rickon, Bran, you’re home with Sansa; Arya, you’ll be coming with us.  We’ll do the same tomorrow; Robb has another game from his rain delay last week.  That should be all, right, Cat?”  He turned to his wife, who kept a whiteboard calendar fastened to the refrigerator with each child’s extracurricular activities written in a different color, and she nodded.
Sansa swallowed a sip of lemonade as fast as she could.  “Daddy,” she said, and Ned turned to look at her.  “I’ll be at Jeyne’s tomorrow night, not at Robb’s game.  Mrs. Poole will bring me home by 9:00.”
“Sansa, we need you here with Bran and Rickon,” Catelyn interjected.  “The game won’t be over till after their bedtime.”
Sansa frowned.  “But it’s on the calendar, Mum,” she reminded her mother.  “You said I could go.”
Catelyn sighed.  “Sorry, love,” she said.  “We didn’t know that Robb would have his makeup game tonight when I told you that.  I’ll call Mrs. Poole and tell her you can’t come.”
Sansa bit her lip.  She did not want to rouse her mother’s ire twice in one day, but she hadn’t seen her best friend since last week, and they were going to paint their nails with the lovely indigo nail polish Jeyne had just gotten after seeing it in Westerosi Fashion Teen!, not to mention catching up on the latest episode of Jenny of the Oldstones.  
“Muuum,” she began, but her father narrowed his eyes just a bit – not so much that he was angry, but it was still enough to silence Sansa.
“Sansa,” he admonished her.  “Respect your mother, please.  We need you here with Bran and Rickon.”  He turned to his wife.  “Maybe you can go to Jeyne’s another night if Mrs. Poole says yes.”
Sansa’s shoulders began to slump.  She wanted to ask why Bran and Rickon couldn’t just have a babysitter, but she knew better than to argue.  A moment later, a new plan occurred to her, and she straightened back up in her seat.  
“Maybe Friday, after my dance recital?” she asked hopefully.  Ned threw his wife a questioning look.
Catelyn sighed.  “Oh, that’s right,” she said.  “I’d thought for a moment it was next Friday instead.  Robb’s got another game, so if she can take you there and then back to her house, that should work fine.”
Sansa’s eyebrows and nose wrinkled.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Robb stifle a grin at what he’d called her “scrunch face” since she was a baby and he was three years old.
“I thought you and Daddy were taking me,” she said, but Catelyn shook her head.
“Rickon’s got basketball that night,” she said, “so I’ll be taking him and Bran there.  Dad will take Arya to Robb’s game.”
Sansa’s shoulders dropped again.  She and Jeyne were performing the Rosy Reel with Alys Karstark and Wylla Manderly on Friday, and it was a five-minute dance, representing by far the biggest role Sansa had ever taken on stage.  Even Mrs. Poole, who had never been much of a one for dance, had been clucking with excitement over watching it.  But Sansa knew any protest on her part would be futile, so she went back to sipping her lemonade in silence with her eyes fixed on her dinner plate.
“Then Rickon ran outside because he wouldn’t go to bed, the idiot, and I told him I’d tell Mum on him, but he said he didn’t care because I couldn’t punish him for it, anyway.”
Sansa rolled her eyes as she finished her tale and passed the nail polish brush to Jeyne, whose mother had after all agreed to Sansa’s coming to their house on Friday night instead of Wednesday.  Jane rolled her eyes harder, if possible.
“Ugh,” she replied.  “I’m glad I don’t have a little brother; Elna and Freya are almost bad enough for three brothers, anyway.”
Sansa grinned.  Jeyne was almost always complaining about the antics of her twin six-year-old sisters.
“Better them than Arya, still,” she said, and Jeyne sighed.
“Fair point,” she replied.  “At least we won’t be in school with her next year.”
“I know,” Sansa said.  Her grin rose to match her friend’s.  Both had graduated from Winterfell Elementary School that spring and would attend Robett P. Glover Middle School in the fall.
“So when’s your grandma taking you for new clothes?” Jeyne asked, brushing the polish gently over the smallest nail on her right foot.  Sansa’s grandmother always took her and Arya to the mall to buy them each a new outfit for school at the end of each summer.
Sansa shrugged.  “I don’t think she’s set it with Mum yet,” she replied, and took the brush out of Jeyne’s outstretched hand to dip it in the polish bottle.
“Well, make sure she gets you something nice, not frumpish like last year’s,” Jeyne said and reached up to grab the newest issue of Westeros Fashion Teen! from her bed.  She flipped over a few pages and held it out to Sansa.  “Something like this one.”
She pointed to a picture of a grinning blonde girl in a bright green choker top and a dark denim crop skirt with an artful slit lined with a swath of green and yellow plaid.  Sansa frowned.  Since when did Jeyne use the word frumpish?  Probably since her aunt had gotten her a subscription to the magazine for her birthday earlier that year, she decided.  That didn’t mean Grandma Stark would buy her an outfit like the one Jeyne had just shown her, though.  She would probably say the skirt was too short.  Besides, Sansa had liked last year’s outfit just fine, although perhaps she could persuade her grandmother to buy her a denim skirt in a longer length instead of her usual twill pants.
“We can’t be the idiot sixth-graders who walk into a load of eighth-graders looking like dorks,” Jeyne continued.  “Or a load of boys.  Lena says most of the boys in our year are hopelessly immature, but some of the seventh- and eighth-graders will treat you properly, or even ask you to the autumn dance, if you’re dressed smart and know your football teams.”  She grinned as she grabbed a bottle of nail enamel dryer from the shelf behind her.  “Myrcella Baratheon’s older brother Joffrey is in seventh this year, remember?  I saw her the other day, and she said he just broke up with Tyene Sand.”  Her voice rose with the hissing noise of the spray leaving the can.  “He and his mates are all gorgeous.  Just think if we each got one of them for the dance!”
Sansa would have asked whether the magazine subscription had made Jeyne get so superfluous about a load of boys, but then she had met Joffrey Baratheon before, and she did have to admit he was cute.  And it would be awfully nice to get asked to the dance – maybe then she could talk Mum into getting her another new dress that way, and she’d seen the loveliest pale blue one at the mall the other day.  And if a boy as popular and cute as Joffrey Baratheon asked her to the dance, maybe Eddara Tallhart and her friends would slack off calling Sansa a nerd, geek, dork, and prissy all the time.
Sansa peered down at her toenails and smiled.  The nail polish looked even prettier than she’d thought.  Maybe that magazine had done Jeyne some good after all.
October 17, 927 AC
Sansa wiped a stray strand of hair out of her face and opened her junk drawer for its annual cleaning.  One more drawer after this, and she could drag her ancient vacuum cleaner back to the closet and call it a day.  She might even eat the whole chocolate bar sitting in the refrigerator, instead of just half, both to mark the end of such an exhausting afternoon and to celebrate the fact that the twenty-year-old machine, which she’d bought back in college and had never been able to afford replacing, was still going strong.  God only knew she couldn’t afford to buy a new vacuum cleaner if this one bit the dust.
She snorted at her own unintentional pun and reached to the back of the drawer.  Her hand closed around an address book, two photo frames, and a tiny bottle with a smeared silver lid.  Sansa put down the other items and shook it out of instinct.  It was the first thing she’d done when she’d gotten her hands on Jeyne’s bottle of nail polish that Friday night after their dance recital.  Less than half the contents remained, and over the years they had separated until the layer of clear liquid on top was almost as thick as its more colorful counterpart on the bottom.  Sansa had nearly thrown it away any number of times, but she’d stopped trying a few years back.  It was, after all, all she had left of Jeyne.
Sansa put the bottle down and reached back to empty the drawer.  Ten more minutes and she could collapse into her chair and pay today’s bill, not to mention check the total, although she already knew what it would be.  She’d calculated it in her head every day for a month now.
After today’s payment of 451.87 Lions, she’d have 40,553.50 Lions left to pay.  If she paid the same amount – the maximum she could afford – every month, it would take 89.7459 months for her to pay it.  That translated to 7.4788 years.
7.4788 years until March 31, 936.
Sansa flipped the vacuum cleaner’s power switch on.  She would definitely have the whole chocolate bar tonight.
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Duchess - 6
Chapter 6 – no, I’m a vegetarian
Work was really hard. I never actually realised how hard it was before my trial shift at The Velvet Lounge. It wasn’t like, mentally hard but my whole body hurt after about 2 hours and my feet were killing me. I was told that all I had to do was take drinks from the bar to the table which was easy enough but I couldn’t sit down until I had been there for 4 hours. It was horrible but literally everyone else that worked there was so nice! I met a few people from town and they were really friendly and funny. I had been partnered with a girl called Katherine (with a K) which had made me laugh. She said that people called her Kathy though.
At 7pm I was told that Theo wanted to see me. I dropped my last tray of drinks down to table 5 and skipped over to the bar where he had been working all afternoon, making drinks and greeting people. On my way up I saw about 4 girls walking passed me with what looked like dance bags. Weird but I didn’t think too much about it.
“You wanted to see me?” I asked Theo as I approached.
“Hey Catherine,” he greeted easily, “how are you doing?”
“Oh my feet are in so much pain!”
Theo laughed and nodded, telling me that it was bound to happen after 5 hours on my feet without a sit down.  I had nodded as more girls with bags walked by. I looked at them confused and they smiled and waved at me as they walked by. I waved back then turned back to Theo
“So,” Theo continued, “how would you feel about coming back the same time tomorrow? I’ve spoken to the other girls and some of the guests and everyone seems to really like you.”
“Really?” I asked in disbelief, “me?”
Theo laughed and nodded, “yes, you.”
“Oh gosh! I mean, yeah. Yeah I’d love too!”
“Great! You can get going now if you want, rest up a bit before tomorrow.”
“Thanks! Thank you so much Theo! See you tomorrow.”
I smiled then turned to make my way to the staffroom to grab my stuff. On my way through I saw Kathy talking to some of the girls with the bags. I told her I was going but going back the next day and it turns out she was as well. I was kind of grateful that she would be in so she could show me how to do everything again; I know it wasn’t hard but still…
I waved to them all then to Theo as I walked out the front door. It was Friday. I had been invited by Mrs Chibs to a party with that motorcycle club. I can’t believe I had forgotten about it but I guess I had been so busy with learning how to work that I wasn’t even thinking about it. As I hurried home I called Jack to tell him to get dressed because we had been invited to a party. When he asked whose I told him Jax and I could almost hear his heart beat speed up at the mention of the older man’s name. It didn’t matter how much I told him that Jax would never go for him because Jack was way too young for him and Jax wasn’t gay or even bi (we think), my brother still kept hoping he would be noticed. It was kinda cute though to be honest.
“You think I should wear my leather jacket?” Jack asked, “would it be too much? Like, try hard?”
“Uh, yeah,” I scoffed, “just wear a cute shirt and jeans. If you wear a leather jacket you would look stupid. I’m just gonna wear shorts and a cute top. You think I should wear boots or wedges?”
“I dunno. You think I know anything about girl clothes? Just wear whatever is quick to put on. What are we gonna tell Dad?”
“That we’re going to a party with Jax and his sister?”
“Uh no. You really think he’s gonna be happy about us going to a party with the people that are making him lose money? Nah. I’ll tell him I’ve been invited to a high school party and you’re coming because… I dunno, you’re worried about me drinking alcohol. I’ll tell him now, just be quick. Bye.”
I hung up and put my phone in my handbag as I almost ran back to the house. I had no idea what time this party started but I guessed these guys were big drinkers and would start early. As long as we were there between 7 and 9 we should be fine.
Finally, I got home and Jack literally pounced on me. He was already dressed and ready to go. I wasn’t even through the door and he was already pulling me up the stairs to get showered and stuff. I told him that I needed to feed Romeo and talk to Greta about my day but he didn’t want to listen to me. I just gave up with a sigh and dragged my feet towards my shower. Jack told me he was going to feed Romeo for me while I got ready. I made sure to lock my bedroom door then the bathroom door, just in case you know?
I washed away all the alcohol smell out of my hair and off of my skin. I was just thinking random things like, about how I basically had a job and Katherine with a K, Kathy. She was nice, I liked her. She showed me how to do everything and introduced me to everyone. I still wondered what those ladies with the dance bags were doing though. I loved dancing; I wanted to dance with them if that was even what they were doing.
“Come on Catherine!” Jack shouted through the door, “you’ve been in there for an hour! I want to get there early and talk to Jax.”
I laughed to myself, finished washing the conditioner out of my hair and wrapped the towel around my body only to see Jack sat on my bed and my bedroom door wide open. My heart thumped in my chest and I shouted at my brother for leaving it open and even coming in in the first place.
“Jack,” I scolded, “how did you even get in?”
“Dad gave Uncle Jerry the key,” Jack shrugged and looked up at me, “I just got it off him if I promised to bring it back.”
Why does Uncle Jerry have a key to my room? Why did Daddy have a key? Only I should have a key to my room. Maybe Greta, but not Daddy or Uncle Jerry. Especially Uncle Jerry. I looked at my door unsurely and held the towel closer to my body and shifted uncomfortably.
“Come on Catherine,” Jack sighed again, “it’s gonna take you forever to get ready if you just stand there.”
“Can you get out?” I asked, trying to hide the shake in my voice, “I can’t get changed if you’re here.”
Jack rolled his eyes and stood up, leaving the room. I heard the lock click as he locked it again. What was the point in even having a lock if everyone else but you had a key. I tried to forget about it and concentrate on getting a cute outfit together. I had literally no clue what the dress code was going to be but Jack looked kind of smart-casual. I wanted to look pretty though. I was deciding between a cute dress or a crop top and skirt combination. The second one made me look more grown up though. It was a dark red silk top and skirt, you know like matching. It was kind of slutty but I knew that Daddy and Mom wouldn’t mind that the skirt was kind of short and the top was really low cut if I wore some like, short black bicycle shorts underneath to hide my underwear. I looked kind of good once my hair and makeup was done. I added on a pretty diamond choker and some black high heels and I was good to go.
I was ready just in time for Jack to tell me that the cab was outside. I sneaked out of my room, looking around for Uncle Jerry or Daddy but they must have been in the office though because there was no one downstairs except for Jack. I made sure to collect my clutch bag with my money and phone, how was I supposed to buy myself and Jack cokes if I had no money, you know?
“Come on,” Jack stressed and pulled me outside.
((I want to split up the story but FFN will literally not let me do anything that I usually do so here))
Happy/3rd Person POV
Viv had been hassling him all day about the party that evening and Happy was getting reasonably annoyed but wasn’t brave enough to argue with her about it; he knew she would only tell him off for shouting at her.
“Are you nervous?” She asked him in a moment of seriousness, “I know you like her.”
“I don’t get nervous,” he told her with a shrug, and it was true, “and I don’t like her.”
Viv snorted with quiet laughter and he just glared at her. She shot him a sympathetic smile and put her hand on his arm, rubbing it gently. He knew that she knew that he was lying but didn’t want to say anything. Viv knew him too well, it seemed.
“She’s a vegetarian,” he told her quietly, “that doesn’t believe in killing things. That’s what I do for a job.”
The young woman was obviously speechless; she didn’t know what to say to make him feel better about that. Happy knew it was bad when Vivania, who was one of his best friends and was almost like his club mother, didn’t have any advice for him. She settled for giving him another gentle pat on the arm and a small, sympathetic nod as Chibs approached to kiss her cheek.
Happy looked away, back to his beer and sighed softly. He liked Catherine; he thought she was pretty and adorable when she got confused. Happy knew though that on the small chance that she did like him back as much as he liked her, she would run a mile when she found out what he did for a living; he was probably not even the kind of guy she would go for. She would probably go for a guy like Jax if any of them, he thought, since he was blonde with blue eyes but also charming. All the things that Happy knew he wasn’t. He didn’t know how to flirt with women, he never needed too; they just seemed drawn to him.
“Come on Hap,” Chibs chuckled, slapping him on the shoulder light heartedly, “cheer up. I’ve got a lot of money on you tonight, don’t forget.”
Happy had forgotten. One of the hangarounds had been out talking shit a couple of weeks before saying that he would be able to beat Happy in a fight but when Chibs had called him out on it, he was getting even more aggressive. Happy hadn’t even said he would do it, Chibs had just bet the guy $200 that he would be able to beat him. He hadn’t cared; he was gonna win the fight easily, even if the guy was a pro-wrestler, but now he knew that Catherine was going to be there to see it he wasn’t so sure about it anymore. Catherine didn’t seem like the kind of girl that would appreciate violence, especially when it was bare knuckle fighting with little to no rules. He just had to make sure he won by a landslide.
He tried not to wonder whether she would look after him when he inevitably took a few hits to the face. It didn’t work though. Happy was imagining her pretty eyes looking at him in the rabbit in headlights kind of way and that she always did, he thought about how she would probably be so gentle with him, she would be too gentle for a guy like him. He found himself smiling at the thought.
Suddenly, something shiny caught his eye from across the room and his mouth fell open when he saw her walking into the bar wearing clothes that actually made her look like an adult instead of a kid. She looked beautiful, he thought, he had never thought anyone was beautiful before but Catherine was. She looked expensive. Her entire outfit and jewellery probably cost more than his rent for the month.
“Hey Cat!” Jax shouted, waving and beckoning her over to where he was sat with Tig and Clay.
Clay stood up and moved to the bar when Jax had shouted the two Duke-Dillinger’s over. That left three seats. Viv grabbed Happy’s arm and pulled him over with her, pushing him towards the chair beside Catherine while her and Chibs cuddled up in the corner of the booth. Jax rolled his eyes with a smile and Chibs winked at him. Happy averted his gaze from the happy couple and looked down at Catherine. She was smiling and talking to Jax and Viv, unaware of Happy’s gaze and the looks that other partygoers were giving her. Happy wasn’t nervous like Viv thought; he just didn’t know what to say to make her talk to him. She seemed happy enough to talk to Viv, Jax and Chibs.
“Oh my gosh!” She gasped suddenly, looking down at her phone screen then back up to her brother, “Jack! Maddi Christie just commented on my new picture! What do I do?”
“Who?” Jack asked with a frown.
“Maddi Christie! You know, tall, blonde, getting married to a like, famous footballer or whatever. She was like, so popular in school. She came to my 21st birthday? We were, like, friends and stuff until she slept with Hannah’s boyfriend and there was just… all this drama. You don’t remember?”
Jack looked as confused as Happy felt. Did it matter who had commented on a new picture?
“Oh Mr Lowman,” Catherine sighed, looking at him for the first time, “what should I write? Here, look.”
Happy lent over to look at her phone to see a picture of her on some social media site or other. She looked like a model, he thought. She wasn’t smiling, looking almost seductive and sexy as she posed underneath a light that he recognised as one that was on the wall outside the club house. Underneath someone had typed “you look beautiful babe, meet up soon? xxxxxxxx” with a bunch of weird picture things and hearts. Happy looked at her and shook his head. He had absolutely no idea what any of that meant.
“What if,” she had turned back to Viv and Chibs, “I just put like, thank you and some kissy faces? You think that would be ok?”
“Yeah sure,” Chibs shrugged and smiled at her, “go for it.”
“Ugh, what if she wants to meet up though? Like, I don’t mind her coming here but I don’t know if I want to deal with all that drama, you know? Shall I just put, ‘thanks babe, lets arrange something for when I get back to la’ with kisses and hearts?”
Happy didn’t know why it was such a big deal but it seemed like it mattered to her so he decided he would take it seriously, her brother, Viv and Chibs didn’t look like they were taking her seriously. He reached over for her phone. Surprisingly, she let him take it and lent closer to him as she watched what he was doing. Mostly he was just looking through the cute little smiley faces on the bottom of the screen.
“Mr Lowman?”
“Hang on,” Happy said, concentrating on the social media.
He typed out a simple, “thanks, will let you know when I’m in LA” and put some X’s afterwards, eight like the other girl had put and showed her the screen. She looked over it and smiled with a nod before taking her phone back and showing him the things that she called “emoji’s” and told him what they were for. Happy was genuinely interested and listened intently as she talked to him as she chose the correct ones that fit the mood of the message.
When he had glanced up, he saw Viv looking at him with a pleased smile and gave him a thumbs up while Chibs and Jax talked to the teenager. Happy sent a small smile and a nod before turning back to look at Catherine’s phone.
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice said, “you a croweater?”
Happy looked up at the same time the Catherine did to see a kind of drunk man stood behind Jax and Jack. Catherine frowned slightly, clearly not knowing what that meant and Happy felt his blood boil at the thought of her becoming a croweater.
“Oh, no thank you,” Catherine said with a smile, “I’m vegetarian.”
She thought he was talking about an actual person that eats crows. Happy thought it was cute. There was a moment of quiet as her comment sunk in then everyone burst into laughter, everyone except for Happy. He saw that she was looking around at the people around the table with a blush on her cheeks and a small frown on her face and she swallowed, clasping her hands in her lap then looked shyly over to Happy and she looked a bit happier to see that he hadn’t laughed at her.
“Mr Lowman?” She asked quietly, “have I just been really dumb again?”
Happy scowled and waved the guy away angrily before turning in his chair to face her fully. She straightened up and looked at him hopefully.
“No Catherine,” he reassured her with a small shake of his head.
She smiled. She seemed to love it when he had said she wasn’t dumb just like a few days ago. He wanted to make sure that she never felt dumb because she wasn’t. Just because her dad and brother told her she was and treated her like a little kid, it didn’t mean she was stupid. She just didn’t really get some things as quickly as other people did. He gently patted her on the head, careful not to mess up her hair this time and she laughed but didn’t pull away. Her eyes were sparkling now and she looked happy. Maybe she did like him.
Eventually, Jax had taken Jack to show him around the clubhouse since the teenager was looking bored with just talking but his face had lit up when the concept of spending time alone with Jax was mentioned. Catherine had seemed to perk up after Chibs had told her what a croweater was.
“So they’re like your own personal prostitutes? But like, free?” She asked him, nodding when he did to make sure she had got it right.
“Not for me Lass,” Chibs laughed, “I’ve got my girl here. She would kill me if I went with anyone else.”
“Uh huh,” Viv agreed, “the other girl too.”
“What about you Mr Lowman?” She asked, turning to him, “do you sleep with them?”
Happy didn’t know what to say, just gulped and blinked at her.
“I’m not gonna judge you Mr Lowman,” she clarified, putting her hand on his arm just as gently as he imagined she would be.
Happy looked up, panicked, at Viv and Chibs who were smirking at him.
“Yeah,” Happy admitted, “sometimes.”
“Cool. Hey Mr and Mrs Chibs? How long have you been married? You’re like super cute together and I am so jealous.”
They laughed and Happy felt a small sense of relief when she turned back to the couple. She was looking at them with a kind and warm expression that Happy couldn’t stop looking at. Chibs and Viv laughed. They loved her.
“We’re not actually married sweetheart,” Chibs told her, then lent forwards when Catherine looked embarrassed, “but we might as well be right Sweet Girl?”
Viv smiled with a nod, “yeah. We’ve been together for a couple of years now.”
They started telling her about how they met and Catherine was on the edge of her seat with her hands covering her heart and smiling the entire time they talked through their memories together, leaving out all of the illegal and potentially scary details of course. A couple of times she would wipe tears away from her eyes.
What is happening? Happy thought, why was he so captivated by her?
“That’s so cute! I can’t believe how cute you are! I’m literally crying!”
The couple laughed with her and Happy couldn’t help but feel jealous how easily they were talking to her. He was content just listening to her though.
((I want to split up the story but FFN will literally not let me do anything that I usually do so here))
Catherine POV
I was literally in love with Mr and Mrs Chibs. Mr Chibs was such a dad and Mrs Chibs was so obviously such a mom kind of person. I wanted them to be my parents. They didn’t get angry when I was being stupid; they were just really nice and patient and I think I could trust them a lot. I think Mr Chibs looked like he would be really clever.
“Hey, Mr Chibs?” I asked him, interrupting his conversation with Mrs Chibs, “do you know lots of stuff?”
“Uh, that depends sweetheart. What do you need?” Mr Chibs asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow while I shuffled in my seat.
“Well,” I looked around and saw that Jack was still talking to some people at the other side of the room, “I- ok. Do you know anything about like… locks and stuff?”
“What kind of things about them?”
“Like, changing them. I have a lock on my bedroom door but Daddy and Uncle Jerry have a key so when I go to bed and stuff, I lock the door but then I found out that they had a key so there was kind of no point in it, you know?”
I looked between Mr and Mrs Chibs to Mr Lowman. Mr Lowman was looking at me kind of angrily and I shrunk away from him, not wanting to be looked at like that.
“Why are you locking your door sweetheart?” Mrs Chibs asked me, “has something happened? We’re not gonna tell your dad or brother, don’t worry.”
I swallowed and looked away. I didn’t want to tell them about how I was scared of how Uncle Jerry had grabbed my leg and how I was scared of what else he might do or be doing if he ever came into my room at night. Mr Lowman said my name and I looked up at him. He was looking at me kind of concerned and I found myself spilling out all my worries to him and Mr and Mrs Chibs; telling them all about it and even pulling up my skirt to show Mr Lowman the darkish bruise on my upper thigh. I tried not to cry but I couldn’t really hide it.
“Oh sweetheart,” Mrs Chibs said gently and put her hand on mine, “we’re gonna see what we can do ok?”
I nodded and thanked her a lot, like way too much and she smiled at me with Mr Chibs nodding thoughtfully and when I looked over to Mr Lowman he was still looking at my leg and frowning. I went to recover my thigh with my skirt but he put his hand on my leg to stop me. he tugged it back up and held my knee, moving it so that I was facing him and he could take a closer look at it.
“Mr Lowman…” I mumbled, “it’s not that bad, right?”
“He grabbed you here?” he asked, putting his hand over the obvious finger marks on my leg.
I swallowed and looked at him in shock. I had been scared when Uncle Jerry had grabbed me but when Mr Lowman had, I wasn’t. It was kind of weird but I think I knew that Mr Lowman was a good man, you know? I mean, he saved a dog’s life. I mean, I thought that Uncle Jerry was a good man too though. When I realised I hadn’t actually replied to him, I nodded silently.
“It’s ok though Mr Lowman, don’t worry. Uncle Jerry hasn’t ever done it before and I’ve basically known him since I was born. He sees me like a daughter, I think anyway,” I said quickly, “and he’s always been really kind to me. It was once though, you know? I probably should have just done as I was told and not have tried to leave, ok?”
Mr Lowman shook his head angrily and I looked back down to where his hand was still on my leg but Mr Lowman put his hand on my cheek. I jumped slightly and felt my face go red and I think I stopped breathing when he forced me to look up at him. His face was kind of hard to read but I think he was angry. I don’t think he was angry with me though.
“No one is allowed to do that to you,” he said quietly, “you’re an adult. You do what you want. No one controls what you do.”
I felt tears in my eyes and running down my cheeks. No one had ever said that to me before.  Daddy always told me what to do and I did as I was told. That’s just how it was. I lent forwards slowly and put my arms around his neck; pulling him so that I was hugging him tightly. The only other person that I had ever hugged (other than Daddy and Uncle Jerry) was Jax that one time after that meeting. I was nervous but just kind of buried my face in his shoulder and sighed.
“Thank you Mr Lowman,” I whispered to him, “but Daddy said that when I get married-”
“You don’t belong to anyone,” he said to me, reading my mind, “you belong to you.”
I was about to pull away from him when his arms went around my waist and one of his hands stroked my hair and patted the back of my head gently. I think he was maybe nervous about hugging me too? I don’t know but he was kind of hesitating when he was doing it. I liked it though. He was strong feeling, you know? I felt… safe. I don’t know what I felt safe from.
“Hey Hap- oh shit, sorry. You ok? The ring is all set up for you…” it was Jax.
I pulled away from Mr Lowman and looked away embarrassed and red faced. I don’t know what they were talking about but when Mr Lowman took my hand in his I looked up. He wasn’t looking at me though; he was looking at Jax. I blinked, shocked when he stood up and gently pulled me up with him. I followed him wordlessly as he dragged/led me through the crowd and smiled when he noticed me almost running to keep up with him so he slowed down.
“Mr Lowman?” I asked him quietly, “where are we going?”
“The ring,” he said with a shrug, “I’m fighting tonight.”
“Really? Are you gonna win?”
He looked down at me with a small smile and nodded. I grinned up at him and let go of his hand to link my arm through his as we walked outside. He led me to the boxing ring that I hadn’t noticed before. I had worried that maybe it was too cold but I the small cool breeze was kind of nice on my skin. I watched as he climbed up the small steps to the platform, about to step back into the crowd when he started speaking.
“Come on,” he said with a smirk, “you’re gonna be my cheerleader.”
“I was head cheerleader in high school!” I told him, laughing and trying to hide my blushing cheeks with my hair.
I followed him up the steps, grateful of my safety shorts, and blushed even deeper when he took his white t-shirt off and threw it to me. I gasped when I saw his body. He wasn’t like, over muscly like the guys I had seen on Venice Beach but he looked… strong. I tried literally so hard not to stare at him but I couldn’t help it. He was just covered in muscle and tattoos and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him; he was beautiful
“Ready Hap?” Mr Chibs asked from beside me.
I jumped. I hadn’t even seen him come up with me. Mr Lowman nodded and jumped over the ropes into the ring and Mr Chibs followed him; I guess he was being the referee.
“This way Cat,” Mrs Chibs said, took me to one corner where we stood for the whole fight.
Mrs Chibs was shouting and cheering for Mr Lowman and telling her husband (or not husband I don’t know) to be careful. I couldn’t look away from the fight no matter how many times Mr Lowman got hit in the face, stomach and chest. It was violent, way more violent than the fights that Daddy watched on the TV. It was so scary but the way Mr Lowman moved around the other guy, in the same way I had seen tigers on documentaries do, made me feel kind of… warm I guess. I swallowed and flinched as Mr Lowman hit the other man so hard in the mouth that he spun around and fell to the floor in a heap. The roar from the watching crowd was deafening and I had literally forgotten that they were even there.
I joined in, clapping politely as Mr Lowman lifted his arms in the air in victory. He was covered in sweat and blood which I would have usually found disgusting but I was mostly worried about him. He looked bad even though he didn’t look like he was that concerned about it. When he walked over, leaning against the ropes in front of me and breathing heavily, I looked down at his bloody knuckles then back up to his face.
“Mr Lowman,” I whispered, looking up at him with wide eyes, “you’re… you’re beautiful.”
He looked surprised then let out a small sigh.
“Mrs Chibs?” I asked her, “do you have a first aid kit? I think Mr Lowman needs medical attention.”
“Yeah of course. Come on Hap.”
((I want to split up the story but FFN will literally not let me do anything that I usually do so here))
Happy/3rd Person POV
It was everything Happy had wanted it to be. Catherine hadn’t shied away from him after the fight and she didn’t look too scared. She actually looked impressed and she had called him beautiful and now she was tending to his many wounds gently and carefully.
“You’re doing pretty good there Lass,” Chibs said, sipping his whiskey.
“Thanks Mr Chibs,” Catherine said with a smile but didn’t take her eyes off of the cut on Happy’s temple, “I was trained as a paramedic, you know? Surprised? I volunteered with an ambulance crew for like, 2 years after high school but it was so stressful. I hated it. It was useful though you know? Jack used to get beaten up a lot.”
Happy and Chibs exchanged looks; thinking the same thing. That it would be extremely useful to the club and its members when they were ever in trouble and couldn’t get to a hospital/if Tara wasn’t available. Chibs nodded, signalling that he would speak to Clay about it.
“No way, how are you so innocent?” Viv asked her from where she was sat on Chibs’ knee, “you’re a vegetarian; you’ve never dated and you volunteered to help sick and injured people.”
Catherine shrugged like it was nothing but Happy had been thinking very similar thoughts. He felt kind of panicked when Chibs and Viv stood up and left to sit with Jax and Jack; letting him have some time with the girl they suspected he liked.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Mr Lowman, but you’re kinda scary. Not really scary, but kind of scary. I’ve not offended you right?”
Happy shook his head, wanting her to explain.
“Ok cool because that’s not what I mean, I don’t know what I want to say. I just- I don’t know.”
“I’m different,” Happy nodded in understanding.
“Yeah! Yeah no totally! You’re literally so different to everyone we knew in LA, you know? Like they were so… empty.”
“Empty?” Happy chuckled and she nodded with a small laugh herself as she sat down in the chair across from him.
She reached out and hesitantly put her hand in his arm to trace his tattoos gently. If she noticed him tense at her touch she didn’t show it; instead she gently turned his palm upwards and followed the lines with her finger.
“Plain,” she murmured with a nod and looked back up at him, “no tattoos, you know? No personality and stuff. I didn’t realise until we came here that they were so boring. Everyone here is so... interesting.”
“I’m interesting?” Happy asked with a laugh.
“Yeah totally! You don’t think you’re interesting?”
Happy shook his head. She was still holding his arm in her hand with her fingers on his palm but she didn’t look like she noticed and he wasn’t going to pull away; she was so soft and warm. She looked at him with... sympathy, almost like she felt sorry for him.
“That’s ok,” she giggled, “I’m not very interesting either. We’re just two boring people sat at a table.”
Then, despite everything, he found himself laughing with her. He could see Viv and Chibs cuddled up in their booth smiling over at him. Viv gave him another thumbs up and Happy rolled his eyes but smiled down at Catherine.
“I don’t think you’re boring,” he told her with a nod.
“You don’t?”
He shook his head at her; he found her very intriguing and wanted to know everything about her. She was still looking at him with a smile but then it fell away from her face when she looked behind him towards the door. When Happy turned to look where she was, he stood up immediately in defence of her as Mr Duke-Dillinger and who he assumed was Jerry stalked into the room towards her.
“Catherine Duke-Dillinger,” Jerry bellowed across the room, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
Happy saw her flinch out the corner of his eye and felt himself bristle up; ready for another fight. Before Jerry could reach her, Chibs and Clay had stepped forwards, stopping him and talking in low, threatening voices.
“Thanks for a nice evening Mr Lowman,” she said quietly and ducked around him to go to her dad who was now roughly dragging Jack away from the pool table towards the door.
“Catherine stop,” Happy said quietly, “do you wanna stay?”
She looked conflicted between him, Viv and her dad. Viv had come to stand beside her and put her arm around her while she watched her own dad and her man arguing with the two business men.
“I need to go, Mrs Chibs,” Catherine said softly and pulled herself away, “I can’t make a scene. I’m sorry. Tonight had been fun though. I’ll probably see you around.”
As soon as she got close to Jerry, he grabbed her by the arm so hard that she yelped and tried to move away in pain. Happy stepped forwards but Viv grabbed onto his arm, looking up at him and shook her head. He could tell that she was heartbroken about Catherine being in pain, especially since Viv’s own childhood was full of that kind of thing.
“You’ll get her in more trouble. We’ll see her soon though, ok? We need to fix the lock on her door. I don’t want her in that house without a safe place.”
Happy watched as the two Duke-Dillinger kids got marched out of the clubhouse. It looked like Catherine was crying.
“I’m gonna kill him,” Happy growled and let himself get pulled back into the chair while Viv patted his shoulder gently.
Clay ordered all non-members out of the clubhouse, excluding his daughter, and told the members to get into the chapel for an emergency meeting. Happy stood up and rubbed his face, ignoring the stinging on his skin.
   I’m sorry!!! – I didn’t desert you I promise! To make up for the lack of activity on here, I made this chapter extra extra long! How interesting that she has some medical training huh? How convenient. She isn’t as dumb as we may think she is!
Also apologies because this is gonna be a slow burn romance story! I think it’s the best option since Catherine is so innocent and nervous and Happy doesn’t know how to express his feelings for her even though he is so in love already, lets be honest!
I kind of love the part where she was showing him emojis and how he took her interests seriously! I think it was really cute!
Anyway, the writers block has gone! I love the way this story is going and it’s inspiring me to write more and more! 
Thanks for being so patient. See you on the flip side
Lots of love from Doe xxxxx
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crown-queen-bambee · 7 years
Before Love - Chapter 1
Hey Loves, this is a story about Bambee’s (my simself/rp) past. Basically you will see her relationships before Johnathan and also when the two met. You get a peek at her family, friends and job/career. Pretty much you get to know her. This is what I will be working on during my hiatus. I hope you all enjoy. Feel free to comment, I love reading ya’ll sweet comments. Thank you for the support.
Chapter 1
I’m just your average girl from the south, North Carolina born and raised. Now I live in California with my loving husband Johnathan, our twin boys Kahim and Rahim, and now our baby girl Nahri. Over the years I went from local music artist to makeup artist. Now I have become a beauty mogul and music artist to my husband’s recording label. He started with nothing and now he is a successful music artist and CEO. We put my oldest and closest friends on our team and twins with great talent. It felt like we became celebrities overnight. Everything is surreal, feels like a dream. To be honest life was never hard but that doesn’t mean I had it easy. My name….is Bambee, some call me Big Mama. Here is my story.
                I got my start as a rapper and singer back in high school, I would freestyle and sing at lunch. That’s when I felt free…. other then in art class. I was a shy girl not many friends. No guy paid me any attention. I guess you can say I was unpopular. Honestly who wants fake affection and attention. All that fades after high school. Let’s fast forward a little. I was on the corner, freestyling with the fellas. I would just do it for fun but that day….my life would change. As I was rapping, this big guy walks up to me smiling.
                                “Hey, you got some skills.” He smiled at me, for some reason I felt like I could trust him. I don’t know, he had a good vibe about him. Despite his “thuggish” appearance, I felt like I come…. dare I say it…trust him.
                                “Thanks, I try…. I guess.” I sized him up and he just laughs.
                                “You’re welcome…. I should introduce myself. My name is Diamond Shaw…. but most people call me Big Swift or Swift. I’m a music producer and rapper. I think you are just want my group needs.” Swift smirks and hands me his card. I take it, looking over it carefully. It seems legit but hey what do I know. I never had a “music producer” approach me. “Give me a call if you are looking to go farther with music.” Swift walks to his car waving to me before driving off. The fellas were asking me questions like “Are you going to do it?” or whatever. I look at the card again…. hmmm this might be a good opportunity to make some real money.
                Later on that day, I go home because I had to go to my father’s new club opening event. He is like a local celebrity because he owns one of the hottest clubs here in North Carolina. Now he is opening another one to expand business. He is so pressed for me to run a club but that’s not what I want. I don’t want to be his shadow, I have my own dreams. This is his not mine. I go in his office just to see if he would at least try to be open about this music thing. He was looking over some papers while his body guard and right-hand man; Scar was there. My father greets me with a smile. I want to give this music thing a try. I doubt he will approve but I should at least put it out there…. right? If all works out I can put money into being a makeup artist, my real dream. Of course, my dad is not into it, he never been into my goals or dreams. He would rather me get married to a rich man and own one of his future clubs. I build up the courage to even say hey.
                                “Hey dad, how are you?” I smile.
                                “Hey BamBam, how was your day?” My dad continues to smile as he puts his papers away. I sit in one of his big chairs in front of his desk. I was so nervous. I really want to ask but I couldn’t find the words.
                                “Good, I just chilled with friends.” I bite my lip from being anxious. Ah…. dad….” I take a deep breath.
                                “Yes baby?” He comes from behind his desk. My dad leans on it as Scar gives him a cup of whisky. “What’s up?”
                                “Well, I met a music producer today. He said I was good and he wants me to meet him at his studio. Can I…. please?” I got scared. My dad just chuckled as he puts his cup on his desk.
                                “Absolutely not……why would you come in my office with that stupid mess? Music? You will run one of my clubs in the future. Now get out and get ready for tonight.” My dad walks back to his desk looking serious.
                                “But dad, please?!” I stand up a little frustrated.
                                “What I just say Bambee?” My dad gave me a look and I just walk out. He is so unreasonable. I just want to do my own thing. I don’t want to run a club. I want to make my own way. This is his dream not mine. I got in my room slamming my door in frustration. I’m not going to any club event, I rather stay home. He can go by himself I say to myself. If he can’t at least support me, why should I support him.
                As I was laying on my bed, hugging my pillow. There was a knock at my door. I say, “Go away.” The knocks kept going…. “ugh why won’t they go away?” I go to open my door and there was Scar. He stood there with a warm smile. I look him in the eye…. yes…. eye. He lost his eye in a bar fight in my dad’s club. All there is left is a Scar…. that’s how he got his name but his real name is Yoshi. For years he has worked with my dad. He was nice….and handsome……He stood there in all black with his hair pulled back. Scar is quite muscular with some tattoos.
                                “Yes Scar?” I said smiling to hide the fact I wanted to cry.
                                “Are you, all right?” Scar said making his way in my room.
                                “Yeah…. I was just about to get ready for tonight.” I say turning my back to him. Honestly, I really wasn’t but I am sure my dad probably sent him to my room to make sure I was getting ready. As much as I don’t want to go, I know I have to. My clothes were already laid out for me anyway. “It’s whatever…. “I could feel Scar move closer. He gently put his hands on my shoulders and leans in.
                                “I will talk to him….” Scar leans in closer to my ear. “I hate seeing you upset….” Scar backs away then leaves my room. Scar is sweet, he always tries to do what he can to make me not feel so bad when my dad yells at me or upsets me. Anyway, I better shower and get ready for tonight. I lay out my makeup before going to my bathroom.
                After taking my shower, doing my makeup, hair and getting dressed. I put on or at least try to put on my diamond choker my father gave me. I only wear it for special events to be honest but I love it. Probably one of the most expensive things I own. It also has matching earrings and bracelet too. I was struggling to get my choker on when I heard a voice.
                                “Let me help you.” The voice said. It was Scar, he was dressed looking great but he always looks good to keep it real with you. He had his hair down and he had on his eye patch. Scar wore his expensive watch and chain.
                                “Yes please, I can’t get this on.” I hand Scar the choker and turn around. He gets closer to me.
                                “You look beautiful by the way. But you always do.” Scar smiles as he puts my choker on. “You are really wearing that outfit.” I was wearing a black crop top and pencil skirt set with wedges. My makeup was on point and my edges were laid with my ponytail. I don’t want to go to this club but I will show out you feel me. “I might have to keep my eyes on you. I don’t need no man pushing up on you.”
                                “Scar, you are so silly.” Little did I know he was serious. Scar chuckles and get my choker on. Everyone was already to go so we headed on out to the club. People were still lined up outside trying to get in. My parents, my twin brother Jarrod, Scar and I walk in the club. The music was loud, people are dancing, some were eating and drinking. We all go to the VIP lounge where my best friend Emani was at. My dad always allows me to invite her to special events since we’re basically are like sisters. Honestly if she wasn’t there I would most definitely not come.
                                “Okay miss Bambee, you’re looking cute.” Emani hugs me.
                                “Thank you, you look so pretty.” I smile as we sit down. My parents and brother leave to go mingle. I just stayed in VIP with Emani and Scar but he shortly left too. I told her about what happened today.
                                “Your dad is so stubborn. I think it is a good idea, you just need to be there with someone.” Emani sips her drink.
                                “True but my dad won’t let me go.” I sigh.
                                “Girl bye, you are grown. You need to just do you and not let your dad control you. Go for your come up, he has his.” Emani was right but I never did anything on my own. At least not anything like this. We talk some more and leave VIP for a little. Guys kept coming up to us but most of the guys wanted to talk to Emani. If you know her well enough, you know she was uninterested. It was funny because the guys would try so hard. I was sipping my drink when Emani tapped my shoulder. “Don’t look now but Scar is staring you down.”
                                “Huh? Don’t be silly. That man is not thinking about me. If anything, he probably making sure no guys are talking to me. You keep attracting them over here.” I laugh.
                                “No…. he is really staring you down like he wants all that thickness.” Emani smirks. This girl a mess, Scar would never find me attractive. Plus, he works close with my dad so he would never. We talk some more when Scar starts to make his way over to me.  For some reason I felt nervous. He was looking me up and down as he bites his lip.
                                “Hey beautiful.” Scar sips his drink.
                                “Hey….” I was getting chills but not in a bad way. I mean Scar is attractive. I would be lying if I said I didn’t think he was.
                                “Are you enjoying yourself?” Scar sits his cup down.
                                “No, you know I rather be home.” I fold my arms. Scar pulls me close smiling.
                                “I’m going to give you two some privacy.” Emani walks off. I wanted to pull her back because I don’t know if I can handle being alone with Scar right now.
                                “I hope you’re not talking to those boys.” Scar whispers in my ear.
                                “No, I’m not….” I get shy. I think he had a little bit too much to drink. He never acted this way before so I took his cup away. “No more for you, all right.” Scar nods looking at me with his eye low. He was about to say something but someone walks up to me. They say hey to get my attention. I look at them and realize it was Swift. He had two other guys with him.
                                “We meet again.” Swift smiles and Scar puts his arms around my waist from the back putting his head on my shoulder. Swift just chuckles not being phased by Scar.
                                “Hey Swift.” I smile.
                                “Here to party?” Swift tilts his head as he folded his arms.
                                “Nah, I’m here to support my dad, this is his club.” I laugh even though I’m not happy being at here.
                                “Oh, I see. Well, I am happy to see you. You look beautiful by the way.” Swift grabs my hand or tries to. Scar pulls my hand back. Why is he acting this way, I wish he stop at least for right now. “I want to talk to you in private.”
                                “You can say what you have to say in front of me.” Scar lets go of me then gets in between Swift and I.
                                “Scar, it is fine. Relax please, go look for Emani to make sure she is all right.” I say nervously. Scar turns to me looking me in the eyes. He nods and walks off. “Sorry about that.”
                                “I guess boyfriends can get like that huh?” Swift chuckles.
                                “He is not my boyfriend. I don’t even have one. He is my dad’s right-hand man and he watches over me sometimes. I don’t know he seems extra protective tonight. It’s nice seeing you again.” I smile shyly.
                                “Is this the girl you were telling us about. She is cute….and single. Hey love my name is Yuki…. Yuki Cartel.” Yuki grabs my hand and kisses it. Swift quickly smacked the back of his head. I couldn’t help but laugh as Yuki rubbed his head.
                                “Stop being a flirt.” Another guy said as Yuki sucked his teeth. “Hey, I am Carlos Santo but you can call me Santo.
                                “Nice to meet you both. I’m Bambee.” I was nervous. They were all so tall and muscular looking. Probably shouldn’t have sent Scar away.
                                “So, are you going to meet with me at my studio?” Swift was looking serious.
                                “About that…. My dad said no….” I sigh.
                                “That’s not what I asked you. I asked you not your father. Meet me at my studio tomorrow when you are ready to stop being daddy’s little girl.” Swift and the others started walking off. Yuki hands me a card with his name and number on it as he months “Call me”. Dang Swift is kind of mean…. Or he means business. I don’t even know what to do. I want to check things out but my dad would be so pissed off if he finds out.
                The event ended at 2am, honestly I am so tired. I’m ready to take off my makeup then shower. Scar backed up a little but I think it was because of my dad being around me. I don’t know why he started acting this way. I want to ask but it could have been the alcohol. I started to get ready for bed when I thought about Swift. I’m going to meet with him tomorrow. I want to try this, I will just have to sneak and be careful. My anxiety is running high but I’m going to do it.
                The next evening, I got ready to meet up with Swift. I had called him earlier to get the address and tell him what time I will be there. I’m not going to lie…. I am very nervous. I never done anything like this. Part of me is saying don’t go but the other part saying do this. Do this for you…. I am going to listen and go. This could be the only opportunity to break away from my father. As I was packing my bag to leave, there was a knock at the door. I say, “Come in” …. I wish I didn’t. My dad walks in smiling. Dang it, why did it have to be him.
                                “Hey baby girl, hmmmm where are you going?” My dad looks over my shoulder at my bag.
                                “I’m going over Emani’s house for a little. I’ll be back later.” I smile sweetly.
                                “All right, you have fun and be safe.” My dad kisses my forehead then leaves. I sigh in relief because that was close. I finish getting my things together and make my way out the front door. Before I could even get to it. Scar stops me to ask where I was going. Honestly, I can’t completely lie to Scar.
                                “I’m going to meet Swift. Please don’t tell my dad.” I grab his hand.
                                “I’m not going to allow you to go alone. It can dangerous. I’m going with you.” Scar said putting his other hand on top of mine.
                                “Fine, you can come.” I nod. Scar and I then leave in his car. It was quiet in until we reached a stop light.
                                “I care about you….” Scar said looking straight ahead.
                                “What do you mean?” I look at Scar, he showed no emotion. He never answered, he just drove to Swift studio when the light turn green. I know I could reading too much into what he said but it is the way he said it. No doubt in my mind Scar cares about me. It just felt different if that makes sense. We get to Swift’s studio, Scar puts the car in park.
                                “I will stay in the car. Put my number on speed dial. If you call, I know to go in there. You have two hours.” Scar looks at me. I nod then make my way into Swift’s studio. I knocked on the door and Yuki let’s me in.
                                “Hey cutie…. Swift is in the booth. Just go in that door.” Yuki points and walks behind me as we make our way in. Swift was rapping over a beat. The beat sampled Coolio’s “Gangsta Paradise”. Santo was smoking then smiles when he sees me. Swift notices me then tells Santo to stop the music. He walks out the booth.
                                “So, you actually came.” Swift looks down at me smiling. “Give us a minute.” Swift gets the blunt from Santo as him and Yuki leave. It was just me and Swift. We sit down as he takes a puff of the blunt. He tries to pass it to me.
                                “No, thank you. I don’t smoke.” I shyly said.
                                “Such a good girl…. Bambee, I think you have talent. You have potential.” Swift blows out smoke. “I really want you on my team. But you work with me, you can’t be scared. Your dad and anyone else does not matter. You understand.”
                                “Yes.” I can tell Swift was serious. “I’ll give you my all.”
                                “You better.” Swift smiles. “So when can I get you on a track. I want the people to get excited about you. Better yet…. you are going to do this track with me. This is what you are going to do. I will send you this beat and you are going to come up with a verse. To be fair, I will give you a week to work on it. You come back and show me want you got.”
                                “All right.” I nod. Swift gave me what I needed.
                                “Don’t worry, I will protect you. If you need anything, just let me know.” Swift looks at me.
                                “I will……Swift, why are you so nice to me? I mine I appreciate the opportunity but why me.” I don’t really know what made me ask but I did.
                                “You got something I been looking for. Looking in your eyes I can tell you want to break free. The way you freestyle is so opposite of your demeaner. You got something special about you.” Swift gets close to me. “I won’t hold you up. I know your little bodyguard waiting. Next time tell him to just come in.” Swift smirks. “We will talk later. You go work on your verse.” Swift turns his back to me as he takes another puff of his blunt. I walk out to Scar’s car. He gets out to open my door to let me in. Scar then gets in the driver seat and pulls off. It was quiet in the car again, I wanted to say something but Scar beat me to it.
                                “So how did it go?” Scar said as he kept his eyes on the road.
                                “It went well. I got a verse to do. Swift going to put me on his song. I’m nervous, I never done a song in the studio before. I hope I won’t disappoint.” I sign when Scar stops the car. I look over at Scar because I was confused as to why he stopped. He was looking at me. “What’s wrong?” He never answered, Scar just looked at me as music softly played in the background. “Scar say something?”
                                “I’m happy things went well….” Scar was about to start the car again but I stop him.
                                “Scar, is everything all right? You have been acting differently lately. Please talk to me.” I was pouting. Scar puts his hand under my chin.
                                “I hope you know I don’t like you pouting.” Scar said as he leans in closer. Our lips were almost touching. My face was getting hot. “Do I have to do something to put that smile I love back on that beautiful face?” I said nothing, I was too stunned. What is going on? What is on Scar’s mind? He backs away then drives me to my house. Scar parks in front of the house. He goes to open my door, I step out.
                                “Thank you, Yoshi.” I said then I feel Scar put his arm around my waist.
                                “Yoshi huh?” Scar whispers in my ear.
                                “I mean Scar.” I felt chills up my spine as Scar chuckles. What was really going on?
                                “Do you need me to walk you to the door?” Scar said with his arm around my waist and whispering in my ear. I just shook my head no. I make my way to the door. When I get halfway there, I look back at Scar. He was looking me. I turn back around and walk in the house. Tonight was overwhelming, I’m so ready to go to bed. I make my way in the house and was about to go up to my room when I heard my dad call my name. I’m not going to lie, I jumped a little. He wanted to ask me how was my night with Emani. I lied and told him it was fun, we just ordered pizza, talked and watched a movie. My dad smiles and continues to do what he was doing. I make my way to my room and get ready for bed.
                The next morning, I go in the kitchen to get something to eat. I have work in a few hours. I work at a M.A.C store in the mall near me. Of course, my dad rather me work at one of his clubs or give me money, so he is not the happiest about my job. I can care less though, I love getting to do makeup and helping others. It’s my piece of freedom. Anyway, I fix myself a bagel and green tea when my dad brings in a big bouquet of deep red roses. I’m thinking he got them for my mom but I was wrong.
                                “Who the fuck sending you flowers?” My dad said angrily as he puts the flowers on the counter.
                                “Those are for me?” I said confused.
                                “Yes! Who sent them?” My dad moves closer to me.
                                “I don’t know.” I back away. Dad was looking so mad but I seriously don’t know. I’m not dating or talking to any guy. Scar walks in the kitchen smiling and says good morning.
                                “Is everything all right?” Scar says and sees the flowers. “Metro, you got the wife flowers?” By the way Metro is my father’s name.
                                “No, Bambee here got men sending her flowers.” Metro said upset.
                                “Metro chill, it’s flowers. Does it even have a card?” Scar said looking for one. “Oh, found it…. “Hope your day is as beautiful as you are. Your secret admirer.” See the guy didn’t even sign his name. Nothing to get mad about. Bambee never misbehaves, relax.”
                                “I know but you know I don’t like guys talking to her. She’ll be marrying a rich guy of my choice.” Metro faced eased up. “Get these flowers out of here.”
                                “They are so pretty, please can I keep them.” I smell them and smile. “I never get flowers.”
                                “Fine…. Keep them.” Metro sucks his teeth and goes to his office. Scar looks to see if my dad was far away from the kitchen. He looks at me smiling at the flowers. I never gotten flowers before, I can’t wait to put them in my room. Scar walks over to me.
                                “You like your flowers huh?” Scar smiles.
                                “I do, they are so pretty. Thank you to whoever sent these.” I sniff the flowers again.
                                “You’re welcome.” Scar puts his arms around my waist.
                                “Huh?” I said as his lips get close to my ear.
                                “I sent those to you. Glad you like them.” Scar whispers in my ear. He then let’s me go and walks off like nothing happened. I don’t need this right now. Is Scar just being flirtatious or genuine? I wish he would be honest about what’s on his mind. Regardless, I love these flowers and it was sweet but foolish of him to do. He knows how my dad gets. Anyway, I better get ready for work. I have a long day today. I go in my room to get ready.
                So I finally made my way to work being greeted by my sales manager. I put on my brush belt and start my day. I already have clients booked today even though it’s Monday. The day was still pretty chill so far. I did my first two clients of the day then went into the mall for lunch. I was just glad it wasn’t crowded or at least not as crowded. I go in the food court just to see what I might be interested in. As I look at my options, I hear someone call my name. I turn my head and see Swift, Yuki and Santo.
                                “What’s up ma?” Yuki said smiling.
                                “What are you doing here?” Swift said calmly.
                                “Oh I’m on my lunch break. I work at the M.A.C store.” I show them my brush belt.”
                                “So, you do makeup you all legit with your belt. That’s what’s up.” Yuki smiles as he nods.
                                “Yes, I want to be a well known makeup artist. I love makeup, I had two clients today already. So, I get pretty busy.” I then notice Swift smile at me.
                                “That’s cool. Hey, let us treat you to lunch.” Santo smiles and the guys find us a table. They ask me what I want then they get in line. I sat at the table playing on my phone. Then this guy comes up and sits next to me.
                                “Hey cutie.” The guy looks me up and down. I didn’t say anything, I honestly couldn’t because Swift jack the guy up out the chair so fast.
                                “Get ya ass away from here.” Swift said as Santo sat next to me handing me my food and drink. Swift and Yuki sat across from us. We all talked and got to know each other. It was nice, they are all very sweet. Even though Swift was a little mean to the guy. I couldn’t stop laughing with them, I started to feel more comfortable.
                                “You three are really nice. What do I owe you for the food?” I grab for my purse but Santo stopped me.<>                                 “We are treating you.” Santo laughs.
                                “Thank you.” I smile. It was almost time for me to go back to work so they offer to work me back. I finish up my day, like I said it was very chill. I get home, take off my makeup and got in comfy clothes. I got started on my verse for Swift. After getting to know him and the others, I got inspired. I want to impress them and make them proud. Swift sees something in me so I don’t want to disappoint him. As I was writing I look up at the flowers Scar sent me. I need him to tell me what it on his heart. I don’t want to assume anything, you know?
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cyb-by-lang · 7 years
OSF AU - “On the World Stage” (Extended Trailer)
So there is a slightly longer section for this, where editing is a bit choppy. But here you go anyway, for now. :p
Marineford was a nice place. Large, dignified, polished…brimming with eager soldiers of all ranks and plenty of guns pointed toward the sea. Battleships bristled with cannons and the sound of human activity carried along the wind and up through the island’s structure. The sea breeze on the edge of the Tarai Current was refreshing, particularly after days of travel to reach this particular, fortified spot. The base buzzed with nervous energy as the garrison prepared for a war that could shake the very foundations of the world. Almost literally, when one accounted for the possible presence of a master of the Gura Gura no Mi. The Marines were ready. The war would not find them wanting.
It had every quality Kei could hope for in a big, fat target. It even had a beautiful clock tower that she would be overjoyed to see used as Matatabi’s newest toy.
Three o'clock approached, and with it Ace’s scheduled execution.
“Any word from Han or Kokuō?” Utakata asked Yugito, as the only member of the team who hadn’t met either of them in person. Not yet, anyway.
Below, the soldiers arrayed themselves in a defensive formation. Facing the sea. Giants in front, skilled Marine captains filling out the ranks. Three admirals, five Warlords out of a theoretical seven, hundreds of fodder Marines and various flunkies that’d last four seconds in a fight, and a whole complex of people who couldn’t spot a genjutsu if their lives depended on it. Reporters, too, with visual transponder snails. Because of course this was going to be a show.
Oh, they’d get a show. Just not the one they were planning on.
“Not yet,” Yugito replied, watching the army move as though they were ants.
Because it was an army the four of them would be facing. Command structures, machines of war, impossibly dangerous individual powerhouses… Really, it was an admirable setup. The Marines were in the center of their power, and Whitebeard would not be. This tens-of-thousands-strong force might be able to hold off the Emperor that was undoubtedly heading right for the killzone if they managed to keep all of their advantages. Numbers among them.
The Marines still should have brought more men.
As she turned her head, Yugito brought a hand to the side of her throat, where a communication seal made a very fancy choker for instant communication without Tailed Beast intermediaries. The system Kei had worked out wasn’t perfect, and the earpieces were a little soft, but it was amazing what a little input from a Lightning Release user could do for inspiration. As long as she used Yugito’s chakra in the Lightning seal aspect, Kei could get the four seals to talk to each other. It’d be a mess once more jinchūriki joined the fray—and doubly so for when the Tailed Beasts cut loose—but for now Team Jinchūriki were all connected.
Still, it didn’t hurt to check in with those who couldn’t wear the fashionable new accessory.
In position yet? Kei asked Isobu.
Almost. Ten minutes more.
She drummed her fingers on the edge of the roof, impatiently counting down the minutes until showtime. Gonna let Saiken and Matatabi have all the fun until then? Not to mention Yang Kurama...
Hardly. I expect to draw vicarious enjoyment from what you do before you call the others in. Perhaps you’ll even go past V1.
Kei made a barely-audible neutral noise. We’ll see.
“When do you want me to move, Kei-sensei?” Naruto asked from next to my left elbow.
“As soon as Whitebeard appears, get to his ship,” Kei said, resting her head on her upturned palm. “You’ll be helping us coordinate with him.”
“And I’ll be out of the way,” Naruto complained, but not seriously. While he was young, he did have a decent grasp of the weight of being a soldier. His parents wouldn’t have allowed him out of the house without a thorough education. As he bounced his knee and the newly-stolen and newly-named Akamushi bobbed along, Kei knew the argument was already over.
“If you were really ‘out of the way,’ you’d be in Yang Kurama’s stomach,” Yugito told him, shaking her head slowly.
Naruto scoffed. Peering over the edge of the roof, he scowled. “That’s him, then? The big head honcho of all of this?”
“If you mean the man with a seagull on his hat, yes,” Utakata said, trying his best to glare a hole through the back of Sengoku’s head while looking through a spyglass. Without a word, he passed it to Naruto and returned his attention to the coral bubble wand Kei had grown for him.
Kei’s Coral Palm technique was better for large, sharp objects that she could see imperfections in if she wanted to correct them. It was why she had a coral sword strapped to one hip and Vista’s contribution in the sheath. But for Utakata, Kei had managed something considerably more useful for his soap bubble ninjutsu—a bubble wand the size of a quarterstaff, topped with a head in the shape of a carnation bloom.
“It doesn’t matter how big it is,” Utakata had said while Kei was molding the weapon. “I learned staff fighting from Yagura.”
It was a touchy subject for both of them, but Yagura was ten years dead and his plots were finished. On the other hand, Akainu was alive and in dire need of a face-rearranging session, so they could put their differences aside and concentrate on someone else he hated more.
The snail on Naruto’s leg opened its eyes and said in a deep voice, “Men, I have something critical to tell you all…”
Speaking of.
“Something about the true meaning of Portgas D. Ace meeting his end here today.”
“Is he gloating?” Yugito hissed, her nails sharpening to points over her pant leg. Though Naruto rested a hand against her arm to try and soothe her, Kei felt everyone’s hackles rise. Yugito was just the most obvious.
“Shh,” Kei reminded them, though they were still sheltered under Matatabi’s heat-based genjutsu as well as Isobu’s water one. The four jinchūriki didn’t want to give the Marines any hint of their presence until they were ready to put an end to everything.
“Ace.” Sengoku’s voice still made Kei’s teeth grind, but she could deal with it. She had to. “Tell me the name of your father.”
Kei blinked, trying to process the outrageousness of the demand. What did it matter who Ace’s father was? Ace was a world-class criminal on his own, or so his bounty proclaimed. That alone earned a public execution.
But across from her, Yugito’s eyes had gone gold and green, with each pupil vanishing under the glow. Likewise, Matatabi’s low growl seemed to echo through our little genjutsu camouflage. Utakata hadn’t pushed his hair back, but his eyes were twin pinpricks of red light. His chakra alone was a maelstrom, bubbling to match Saiken’s out in the bay.
“My father?” Ace’s voice asked, in a tone that was disdainful at best. “At a time like this…”
Kei closed her eyes as Naruto squeezed her hand. At least he was still talking. He was alive. But this…
“My father,” Ace said slowly, taking a shallow breath, “is Whitebeard.”
“He is not!”
Sengoku can fuck right off, Kei thought. Right off a goddamn cliff.
“Yes, he is! Whitebeard is my only father!” Ace snarled back, as loud as he could. “I have no father!”
Naruto’s grip tightened around Kei’s fingers as her eyes itched, settling Isobu’s eye color and pattern over hers. Over the gold that already overrode her ordinary black, even, as the implication sank in.
This execution wasn’t business or justice. This was politics.
Sengoku’s exposition voice washed over the four jinchūriki on that rooftop, droning on and on. Without a scrap of audible conscience, he spoke at length of child hunts and a worldwide crusade to find one man’s unborn child and whatever woman had been unlucky enough to bed a wanted man. Even after his death. Hell, from the sound of it, the Marines had only dared to begin the search after the father was out of the picture.
When Kei looked up, Utakata’s expression alone said he wanted nothing more than to reach through the snail and tear Sengoku’s tongue out of his mouth.
“...Your mother’s name was Portgas D. Rouge!” Sengoku continued, building volume as he came to the meat of it. The reason he’d put on a performance like this. “She performed a feat that we could never have hoped to imagine. And out of devotion to her child, bore him in her womb for a full twenty months!”
Naruto practically burrowed into Kei’s side as he looped his arms around her ribs and squeezed, though Kei leaked Isobu’s chakra like a nuclear waste spill. As a fellow jinchūriki, he would be fine. But as a child, he didn’t need to hear this and Kei hated that he would have to. For the sake of burning this place to the fucking bedrock.
No loose ends.
“And when the birth finally came, her strength all but spent,” Seagull Head’s voice went on, spewing from Akamushi’s mouth like bile, “she left the world as you entered it. One year and three months after the father’s death, a child was born bearing the most accursed blood in the world. That child is you!”
“This guy’s a monster,” Naruto said softly, staring at the snail in naked horror. “Just… How can they say things like that? Kids don’t choose their parents!”
“I know, Naruto,” Kei whispered, holding herself still as best she could while shaking with suppressed rage. Not yet, not yet…
“The old man goes on the list,” Utakata said in a low, deadly tone. His chakra boiled inside his coils. “He’s not walking out of here alive any more than Akainu is.”
Yugito pressed her lips together hard enough that they seemed to turn white as blood left them. Then, “As another ‘cursed child’—as a jinchūriki—I say we burn them all. But the admirals are a good start.”
“Your father is none other than,” Sengoku’s voice said in a voice that rang with utter truth, “the Pirate King, Gold Roger!”
Kei took a deep breath, staring directly at the little red snail mimicking Sengoku’s expression.
So this was the secret that had been hanging around Ace’s neck like an anchor. It explained why he had been so reluctant to talk about his past, especially if this was how people on this thrice-cursed ocean reacted to sharing blood with the wrong person. He obviously empathized with jinchūriki, even though their average upbringing had a better-than-even chance of resulting in something terrible. And just before Kei, Yugito, and Ace went to confront Teach, just after saving Utakata’s life, Ace had almost said something. Kei had to wonder if this was what he’d meant to confess back then.
Sengoku appeared firm in his beliefs. Justified. Confident.
Kei’s fingers itched with the need to push their plan into motion and revel in all the destruction that would entail. To render the Marines into as many itty-bitty pieces as they had done to victims of a Buster Call time and time again.
But not just yet.
“Saiken just spotted pirate ships,” Utakata interrupted quietly. When Kei looked at him for a further explanation, his eyes were shut. “Forty-three in the fog bank. Three below, in bubbles.”
That was probably as close to a cue as they would get.
“Naruto, head to the bay,” Kei ordered, but her voice remained level. “Yugito, go with him.”
Yugito raised an eyebrow.
“Naruto can’t use genjutsu as well as you can. Get him there safely and hurry back,” Kei clarified. As the two of them took off at a blistering speed to make V2 cloak jinchūriki everywhere proud, she said to Utakata, “I can sense four more chakra signatures heading this way.”
“Chōmei and Shukaku?” Utakata asked, cracking one eye open. His iris still glowed with red light.
“And their partners,” Kei confirmed.
They had only planned on two people showing up besides the Whitebeards, at least of the list of candidates that were worth calling to this soon-to-be hell. Four, however, was even better.
At the beginning of this journey, Kei couldn’t have imagined that they—Yugito, Utakata, and her—would end up at the same spot and on the same side of the impending conflict. Kumo, Kiri, and Konoha shinobi all pointed at a mutual enemy? Impossible, she would’ve said, unless the enemy was Uchiha Madara and thus in possession of a reputation somewhere south of “Satan made flesh.” No one and nothing could force the villages to cooperate otherwise.
But Kei and the others weren’t their villages. They were jinchūriki. People who may not have been born with cursed blood, but often lived cursed lives. People like them had to stick together in a world that would gladly rip them to pieces.
As the three huge ships with whale figureheads exploded out of the water in Marineford’s semicircular bay, Matatabi and Saiken’s chakra flared for a split second. They’d seen the ships pass and would soon want to know who and what they would be encouraged to kill in order to facilitate the mission’s success. Since Saiken had seen a mechanism in the bottom of the bay that looked rather suspicious, that was his first port of call. Matatabi’s would be the Marine ships floating here and there, like sitting ducks. They were under no obligation to play fair, and would probably only make a token effort to avoid casualties on the Whitebeards’ side, but…
Kei smiled without a hint of mirth.
The party was about to start.
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taes--suga--kookies · 7 years
Spirit Week
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: Mild swearing
Word Count: 2179
Genre: Angst with a fluffy ending
~Admin D
Saying ‘Kim Taehyung’ was like vinegar on your tongue. Even hearing ‘Kim Taehyung’ was like someone had just stabbed at your ears. Seeing him was like someone taking a razor blade to your eyeballs. Needless to say, you despised his existence. At least, during spirit week, you did. During any other time of the school year, you got along very well. You even had a small crush on him. But you and him during spirit week were like two countries at war, neither of you backing down from the fight.
For each spirit week, they had a winner for the most spirited and it was either you or him. Your rivalry had started during freshman year when you almost won, but he overdid the theme the last day, earning people’s favor of him. It made your blood boil when he took your crown. The next spirit weeks were battles between you two, seeing who could outdo the other.
The theme for this week was vs week. You smiled when you heard about it, planning to do the opposite of Taehyung each day.
Monday was cowboy vs rockstar. You knew Taehyung enough to know he picked rockstar, so you dressed as a cowboy, even going as far as to get a little sheriff badge pinned on your shirt and gun holsters on your hips(with no guns though, since the school wouldn’t allow it).
You walked into the school building, smiling as people nodded at you in approval for your spirit. That smile dropped when you saw Taehyung, dressed in a cowboy outfit. You frowned, you thought he would be a rockstar. When he turned his head towards you, his smile dropped, too.
You both walked up to each other and crossed your arms over your chest.
“What do you think you’re doing, Taehyung?” You asked him bitterly.
“I’m dressed as a cowboy. What are you doing?” He squinted his eyes at you in displeasure.
“I’m dressed as a cowboy, too.” You glared at him. “I thought you were going to be a rocker, so I went with cowboy.”
“Well, I thought you were going to be a rockstar.” He crossed his arms over his chest, matching you.
“Well, I’m not, as you can clearly see.” You rolled your eyes.
“Whatever. I’m still better dressed than you, anyways.”
“Oh, please. My grandma can pull off a better cowboy outfit than that…thing you have on.” You looked him up and down in disgust.
“Actually, that’s where I got the outfit. See, these cow prints had to come from somewhere.” He smiled cockily.
“Are you calling my grandma a cow?” Your hands curled into fists.
“(Y/N), come on. It isn’t worth it.” One of your friends pulled you away from Taehyung after seeing your red face in anger.
“I just hate him.” You groaned.
“Yeah, I know.” Your friend sighed.
The following day was nerd vs jock. You thought that since Taehyung thought you would choose opposite of him now, that he would choose the one he wanted, which was jock, so you went nerd. You had on suspenders and big nerdy glasses and even went as far as to get a nerdy looking book bag to carry.
You walked into school, relaxing at everyone nodding at you again. As you continued walking, your shoulder was pulled back by someone. You turned around to see Taehyung. He looked like a severe nerd, the same as you.
“Dammit, Taehyung!” You shouted as you saw him. “I thought you were going to be a jock!”
“Well, I thought you were too! I figured you were thinking that I wanted to go jock, but wanted to be opposite of what I actually wanted.” He explained.
“Well, we were both wrong, yet again.” You mumbled the last part to yourself.
“Whatever. I don’t even care about being the opposite of you anymore.” He sighed.
“Fine with me, because either way, I’ll still win.” You retorted.
“In your dreams.” He smiled cockily.
“Don’t get your hopes up, Taehyung, I’m only going to destroy them.” You smirked as you walked away.
The day after that was punk vs rapper and you went with punk. You put on a black band tee, a leather jacket, ripped black jeans, combat boots and tied a flannel around your waist along with putting on tons of bracelets. You had even gone as far as to put spray hair dye in your hair and fake gauges and piercings to complete the look to look more like a punk.
You went to school and had a few people staring at you for the new look. Taehyung waited for you by the doors and started walking with you.
“Are you supposed to be a punk or did you get thrown up on by Hot Topic?” Taehyung smirked at you. He went as a rapper today. He had a bandana tied around his forehead, a oversized tee shirt with holes in it and baggy jeans that were sagged just a bit for effect. He also had on chains around his neck and wrists, a chain hung from his belt and went into his back pocket, and he had on large rings on his fingers.
“I suppose you’re a rapper, but you just look like you were dragged through a garbage dump from the early 2000s.” You cocked an eyebrow at him.
He let out a quiet laugh. “Fair enough.” He said as you stopped by your locker. “What are you going to do tomorrow for superheroes vs supervillains?” Taehyung leaned on the locker next to you as you opened your own.
“You’re going to have to wait and see, Jay-Z.” You gave him an innocent smile and grabbed your textbooks from your locker.
“Well, then I won’t tell you what I’m doing either.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“I wasn’t planning on asking anyways.” You closed your locker and walked off in the opposite direction from Taehyung without looking at him, but he followed you.
“I think your outfit is changing you into a meaner person.” He said.
You stopped in your tracks and turned towards him. “Oh, no! You’re not going to tell me what you’re doing for tomorrow! I might just start crying! Whatever shall I do?” You exaggerated. “Was that better for your highness?” You raised your eyebrows as you composed yourself.
Taehyung just rolled his eyes and walked away.
“See you tomorrow!” You called after him jokingly.
Thursday had come and it was superheroes vs supervillains. You decided to go as a supervillain. You tried to do a Harley Quinn outfit that was school appropriate. You had on the tee shirt, shorts, jacket and choker from the movie, but put on white tights under the shorts so it wasn’t against dress code. You put your hair in pigtails and used colored hair spray to add the blue and pink at the ends of your hair. You added the smeared makeup as a final touch.
You walked into school with people turning to look at you.
You went to your locker to get your books out again when you heard a familiar voice behind you.
“Hello, darlin’.” Taehyung.
You turned around and saw Taehyung dressed as the Joker, complete with the makeup and green hair. “You have to be kidding me.” You sighed.
“What’s wrong, honey?” He smiled.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be dressed as the Joker. Why must this happen to me?” You looked up, pretending to be talking to a higher entity.
Taehyung just laughed. “Why don’t you give your puddin’ some love?” He joked.
“In your dreams, ‘puddin’’.” You started walking away.
“You don’t want me to be your ‘puddin’’?” Taehyung teased as he followed you.
“Not right now.”
“So you’re saying you’ve wanted me to be your ‘puddin’ before?” He smiled.
“I’m not talking to you anymore.” You blushed as he teased you.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Have a good day, baby.” He said before leaving your side.
You continued on with your day, trying to forget about Taehyung calling you pet names and teasing you for liking him. You hoped he forgot about it by the next time you saw him.
Friday was class vs class. It was seniors vs juniors vs sophomores vs freshmen. You were a senior along with Taehyung, so you knew you’d be put on the same side. Seniors were assigned to wear black. You had on a black tee shirt, black jeans, black boots and a black homemade tutu over your jeans. You had black beads around your neck and black bracelets and earrings. You even had on black makeup, including lipstick and even put a design on your face with black face paint.
You showed up to school and saw that more students had participated today than any other day. You saw Taehyung waiting at your locker. He had on the same outfit, including the tutu. It was like a tradition for the students to wear tutus for their class color on the Fridays of spirit weeks. You continued to your locker and pulled out your books.
“Ha! You didn’t outdo me this time!” Taehyung cheered when he saw you.
“We’re wearing the same outfit, Tae. You didn’t outdo me either.” You rolled your eyes.
“Maybe it’s fate.” He shrugged.
“What are you talking about?” You closed your locker.
“Nothing. Are you ready to find out who won the most spirited this week?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’m ready to find out that I won the most spirited this week.” You smiled before walking away.
“What are you talking about? I’m going to win most spirited.” He said as he walked beside you.
“Keep telling yourself that, Tae.” You patted his arm comfortingly.
“I’ve won it before, I know I can again.”
“I’ve won it before, too. And what makes you think you’re going to win it this time?” You scoffed.
“Did you not see my outfits? It was the best of everyone I had ever seen.” He said smugly.
You chuckled. “Is that what you believe?” You smiled.
“It’s what I know.”
“Alright, Tae.” You said sarcastically. “I’ll see you at the assembly and we’ll know who won this time.”
“I already know it’s going to be me. You had a good run though.” He said before walking away.
You dropped your backpack and books off at your first period class and then you were released to the assembly when they gave the announcement. You went to the side that said ‘seniors’ and saw Taehyung. You sat down besides him and waited for your group of friends to join you.
“I’ll apologize now for your loss.” Taehyung said.
“Why are you apologizing? I’m not going to lose anything.” You smiled.
“Hold onto that positive attitude because you’re going to need it after this assembly.” He said as your group of friends started sitting down in the seat around you.
You didn’t say anything more to him about who’s going to win as you waited for the assembly to start. Once the assembly started, everyone hushed and listened. It was like all your other assemblies, and the winner wasn’t announced until the end. You waited through it, crossing your fingers.
Finally, the student president went up to announce the winner. “And the winner for the most spirited student goes to-drumroll please…” The students stomped their feet on the ground to create a drumroll sound. “(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) AND KIM TAEHYUNG!” The student president shouted.
You both looked at each other confused as you stood up and made your way down to the speaker with everyone cheering.
“We normally choose one, but you two got equal votes this time and we decided to make both of you the winners.” The student president cleared up.
You got your awards and crowns while everyone cheered.
“Thank you for showing your school pride all four years at this school and going all out on the themes. It’s amazing how much work and dedication you put into each day of every spirit week.” The student president continued. “Give it up one more time for (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) and Kim Taehyung!”
While everyone was clapping, Taehyung pulled you close to him and kissed you for a few seconds as everyone awed at you. When he pulled back, he had a smile on his face while you were shocked and both of you were blushing a bright red. He laughed at your expression and hugged you to him before walking you back to your seats.
“What was that for?” You asked as you hid your face in your hands.
“For me to show you that I love you and want you to be mine.” His arm was around your shoulder as you both sat back down. “So, will you be mine?” You looked up at him to see him looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“As long as you’re mine, too.”
“I think I can do that.” He smiled and chuckled as he pulled you closer to him.
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nitelotus · 7 years
It was supposed to be another ordinary night. Annie chuckled. Ever since she opened Sanctuary, her club 5 years ago, nothing has ever been ordinary. Well, not this particular bar. Sometimes she did wish for the ordinary. Opening up, the usual bar fights in the middle of the shift and closing down to only open for the next night. But working for a large company as an executive assistant has given Annie all the lifetime of ordinary she can take. 
So what makes her bar different from just the normal dive that one goes too? I'ts a neutral zone for vampires and humans. Where both specie could mingle without fear of retaliation. Well, that was the ideal anyways. Annie could not even remember how it came to be. But when everything was said and done, she had struck a deal with the vampires’ current leader in Tokyo. It was never really advertised to the humans about the existence of the vampires. It was something in the works. Besides, most of the humans who go there only get to come in because of an invite. For tonight, Annie stuck to her usual robe. Denims and a sleveless black top. The silver dragon choker glittered on her neck. It made managing much more easier. She wasn’t really all for the frills. Comfort and efficiency was what mattered in running a club. “Hi, boss,” someone greeted behind her. Even before she could react, Annie was hugged from behind.
“Mike!” Annie glowered. Mike was her head chief of security in the bar. As was usual garb of her security, he was also dressed in denim like hers but with a black button down shirt. It was toned down but still classy. Mike wore his dragon pendant and his hair slicked back. It was also in the hush that they were dating. Annie didn’t like mixing pleasure with business but so far, Mike kept his promise. He was always professional at work but a fabulous lover during off work. For just a second, Annie itched to run her fingers through his carefully manicured hair. He released her as soon as Annie gave him the “I-am-the-boss-look”. Mike gave her one of his killer smiles to diffuse her. Which Annie knew it work. “Are we ready for tonight?” He glanced at his clipboard. “Ready as we can be.” Thunder could be heard from a distance. Annie loved stormy weather. But in her lifetime, stormy weather also brought with it some surprises. She shivered but tried not to psyche herself out. “We have a new employee coming in tonight. Tali will handle her.” Mike nodded in assent. “If there’s nothing else, let’s open this place.”
That night the bar was packed. Bodies were everywhere dancing to the awesome beats that the DJ was playing. The DJ that Chinnen has been searching for years. He was worried he would not fit in this club. His usual attire was a suit plus a trench coat. But to wear that to this venue would certainly make him look suspicious. So he opted for a white collared shirt and frayed denim with sneakers. Chinnen observed her from a distance. A dragon tattoo, not sure if it was permanent, snaked around her left arm. Emma wore a golden yellow sequined top with skinny pleather slacks. Her chucks finished her ensemble. Finally his labors paid off and he found her. Not that she was hiding. Emma disappeared from her parent’s house in the US and the last picture they provided him was of a sweet little girl. Her parents were both entrepreneurs that gave a lot of funding for this expedition. Chinnen guessed that probably being the only daughter from such respectable parents came with certain expectations and responsibilities. Instead of facing them, Emma chose to run away. All the way to Tokyo. But the search ended tonight. He made his way to the bar where two ladies were manning it. “What ya having?” one of them asked. From his research, the woman who just asked for his order was named Tali. She wore a grey tank top and jeans with spiked black boots. The other woman was Chri. She differed from her partner with the style of her clothing. It was the same color of gray but it was a halter top and open at the back. Her slacks were loose paired with strappy gladiator sandals. Both women wore silver dragon pendants on their neck. “Rum and coke please.” As Tali processed his order, she asked, “You’re not from around here, are ya?” She put his glass in front of him. “3.60,” not waiting for his reply. Chinnen set the money in front of him. “So what time does she get off?” He nodded towards Emma. Tali shrugged. She was always wary of strangers asking questions. “You have to ask her.” Chri nudged Tali. “He’s here!” she giggled excitedly. Chinnen turned his head sideways as two men approached the bar. “Hi, Pi! Thanks for your hard work today!” Chri greeted the man with the blonde hair. The man named Pi reached over and affectionately pinched Chri’s cheek in greeting. Chri and Pi actually met on one of his shooting locations. Chri wasn’t an extra but was a help on the set. She wasn’t part of the crew since it was only one of her many side jobs. Even though Pi was an idol, Chri acted normally around him. Annie was also pretty selective of her guests. Besides Koyama which he gained permission for, there was not a lot of his idol friends that were aware of this bar. Pi was able to relax without fear of being exposed to media and nobody seem to notice him in this bar which sometimes disturbed him. “Hi, Ms. Tali. You look nice today,” Koyama greeted. Tali gave him a cursory look. Pi always looked fashionable with his black fedora hat, v-neck white shirts and jeans. Koyama was a bit more formal with a plain white tshirt inside a red plaid on top plus brown slacks. Both of them wore sneakers. He seemed unsure of himself. Chinnen soon understood why. Tali arched one eyebrow. “Just today then?” Koyama sputtered his excuses. Tali just laughed. “You are way too easy Koyama. Way too easy.” Chri joined in the laughter as Pi elbowed Koyama on being teased by a girl. Chri wanted someone for Tali since she considered her as her best friend and wanted her to be happy. Plus it was awkward when Tali was the third wheel. Chri liked timid Koyama but wondered if he could match Tali’s outgoing nature. It took months for Tali to even say a couple of words to Koyama, let alone acknowledge him in any way. Well, there was no rush. She figured they would both find their own groove. “Girls, you are still working. Save the flirting for later,” Annie chastised. She then gave a nod toward Pi and Koyama. “And you better not disturb my girls. At least go order something and make a profit for me!” Annie took a second glance at the man at Koyama’s right. “Your new friend?” Before Chinnen could reply, something caught Annie’s attention as she disappeared into the crowd.
They simply could not get enough of each other. It did not help that the photoshoot was for a lingerie advertisement. Ikuta Toma and Lillith were both models in the human world. But both of them had two secrets that they both shared. They both have a taste for blood and their relationship was a secret to the human world. Outside Sanctuary, they were both the most sought out male and female model. But due to their nature, both have mutually agreed not to see each other in public. Everyone speculated, of course.
Lillith pressed herself closer to him in that dimly lit corridor. It was a good idea to wear that skirt tonight. Her dark blue corset hugged her torso. The high slitted silver gray skirt with the electric blue high heeled shoes finished her outfit for the club. Toma on the other hand wore stripped slacks with a black vest that held a white button shirt rolled up to his elbows. He was created during the roaring 60’s and missed his mobster days. The base from the thumping music at the main hall reverberated through the walls and corridors. She anchored herself to his hip with her left leg. Toma dropped a soft kiss on his lover’s neck. “Have you heard all those silly talk behind our back?” she asked as a soft chuckle escaped her lips. It was a hypothetical question. Both of them has excellent hearing due to their vampire nature. Toma raised a hand to slowly caress her exposed leg. “Yes, sweeting. But you shouldn’t humor them too much.” Earlier in the photoshoot, Lillith tried to pick a fight with him. It scared the staff for a bit but he calmed her down eventually to finish the job. “You are such a diva, Lillith!” Toma teased. She only answered him with a laugh. Somebody cleared his throat. Toma immediately released Lillith from his hold but just enough to situate her by his side as they faced the owner of the voice. “My liege,” Toma greeted and bowed. Matsumoto Jun held out his hand with the ring that had the ancestral vampire family crest. The symbol of his power. Even over his brother. Toma kissed the hand. “My liege,” Lillith followed suit, curtseying while kissing Jun’s hand. “You really both should get a room,” Jun said derisively as Lillith finished greeting him. “Why should they? They already have to hide their love from prying eyes, let them be open here at least,” someone argued. Nobody can disagree with their liege except for one person. Her name was Selina. She was Jun’s lifemate and she was still human. Selina stepped out from the shadows. As natural as breathing, Jun gathered her close to his side with one of his arms and pressed a soft kiss on her temple. The pair looked stunning. Only Matsumoto Jun would be able to pull off dark violet velvet shirt paired with nicely pressed black slacks. It had been awhile since he cut his hair. It was past his shoulder and curled at the ends. He kept it tidy with a black satin ribbon. Selina was entirely opposite from his dark, imposing garb. Her haircut was pixie short. She wore a kimono sleeve white satin blouse that had lotus flowers print. It was completed with bright red skinny jeans and kitten heels. “My lady,” both Toma and Lillith greeted. “Oh hush. No need to be so formal with me,” Selina replied with a smile. She nodded at Toma but hugged Lillith. Selina would have done the same with Toma but she learned real fast that giving hugs to the male specie brought out the possessive side of her mate. “Selina, what did I tell you about disagreeing with me in front of my subjects?” Jun teased. He liked being playful with her. She pinched him on his side. “Don’t call them your subjects, dear! Toma is your younger brother and Lilli is his mate. They are your family, right?” She turned towards them for support. Toma and Lillith just embarrassedly agreed. Before, they were skeptical of a human being their liege’s mate. What could a human do to be a partner to one of the vampire race’s most powerful leaders? They were not deserving. Humans were just food. But with her own determination and Jun’s support, they were proven wrong. It still worried them that Selina would not agree to be turned and decided to keep her humanity. With her by their liege’s side, Jun has become gentler along with rising to more power. He ruled more efficiently and yet, with mercy. They both adored and loved Selina for that. Toma refused to even think what would happen if anything happened to her. At that point, Annie arrived to find the two couples along the corridor. She acknowledged Jun with Selina. “Same room then?” Jun usually had a conversation with her prior to their departure from her club from the wee hours. Annie understood he was pretty up there in terms of authority in his specie that he really was in no obligation to touch base with her. It was all because of the woman beside him. Annie wouldn’t even have considered the idea for her club until Selina approached her. “Thank you, Annie,” she responded as Annie coordinated with someone to prepare their room.
Jun cannot keep his eyes off his mate, the love of his life as she joked with his younger brother and his mate. Never in his life has he encountered anyone like her. Selina was no hysterical female but she was not naive either. He could clearly remember meeting her at that fundraiser that she managed all in her own. Orphaned at a very young age, Selina grew up in the tough streets. Fortunately because of the right set of foster parents, she turned out alright. Now she manages a foster center for troubled teens and established a safe house for troubled vampires. He really admired her generous nature. Jun was enchanted when he first met her in that fundraiser. She solicited his aid seriously but immediately rebuffed his advances when he asked for her price. Then that one fateful night, Selina got attacked by one of his own. But instead of demanding answers from him, she calmly listened to his explanation. After that, he invited her out to dinner. Selina was his perfect match, looks and character-wise. “I’m just going to say hi to the ladies at the bar,” Selina said as she stood up from his side. Instantly, Jun felt bereft without her presence beside him, even if it was just for a second. “Lillith, go with her. “ “Oh hush, Jun. I’ll be fine. No need for Lillith to come,” Selina chided. She knew how protective he was of her ever since that one attack. Not everyone welcomed her presence in his world. He made sure that there was someone he trusted always with her. It did not help her reputation that she refused his “gift”. Lillith still could not believe that a mere mortal could joke this easy with his liege. She had never seen his liege this content or happy. She glanced at Toma, her own mate. It was a miracle itself to be bonded to another being. If Selina made his liege happy, then Lillith along with Toma and the rest of the race will make sure it remained that way. “We both need a refill anyways. Let me come with you, Mistress.” Lillith gathered Toma’s glass and hers and followed Selina down to the first floor. “Don’t call me Mistress!” Selina pouted. “I feel old!” Lillith laughed. “Not older than me, I bet!” Jun smiled once more that night. It was indeed a miracle that he did not have to go through eternity without her. Maybe it was her humanity he envied the most. He wished that he could convince her to live that eternity with him. Jun would be given that chance tonight. Emma had just taken a break and joined the girls at the bar. They were discussing some sort of party for Toma’s birthday. No one could anticipate the explosion that started from one of the exits in the room. Selina’s laughter was the last thing Jun heard before all chaos broke loose. 
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kieran-holt · 7 years
chatzy | winter ball
Date: 01/05/17 Characters: All campers About: An elegant winter ball devolves into fights and drugs. Warning: drugs
L pulls up with Rosie wearing matching friendship chokers. She touches Rosie's cape softly. "This is funky."
Rosie swishes her cape around a little bit. "I'm bringing them back." She looks around, not being able to make out certain things that are red or orange through her glasses, but willing to sacrifice that for a few minutes to make a proper entrance. "Tonight's gonna be a fucking blast."
L laughs. "Were they ever ​not​ in style?"
Rosie twirls so she can see her cape fly out. "Good point, sunshine. Where's the punch?"
Rae joined the chat 45 minutes ago
L grins as she watches Rosie and her cape. "Probably at one of the tables."
Parker was timed out 36 minutes ago
Vienna joined the chat 36 minutes ago
Malia was timed out 33 minutes ago
.Malia joined the chat 32 minutes ago
Caine walked over to where the ball was being held with Fizz by his side. He adjusts his tie and then looks over at her. "How do I look? Compared to you, I know not ​that​ good because, well, you look really good." He commented and then dropped his hands to his side.
Cyrus joined the chat 28 minutes ago
Fizz let out a laugh. "Oh hush up, you look great," she said, slapping him slightly on the shoulder. "Thank Alec, though, he helped me get ready and vice versa, we had some sibling bonding time."
Rosie holds out her arm for L. "Let's go get some!"
Avery joined the chat 24 minutes ago
.Chase joined the chat 24 minutes ago
.L joined the chat 24 minutes ago
Ashton joined the chat 24 minutes ago
Caine smiled when Fizz let out a laugh and slapped his shoulder. "I'll be sure to do that," He chuckled and then nodded. "It's always nice to spend time with siblings, I'm glad you got to do that with them," He said and then stood on his tip toes for a moment. "I'm glad you two went with converse instead of heels."
Lulu joined the chat 23 minutes ago
.Parker joined the chat 23 minutes ago
Lulu: omg way too close to l
Lulu: better?
Lulu: omg
Lulu: im just gonna do green
.L grins at Rosie and takes her arm. "Okay!"
Ellie joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Blue joined the chat 21 minutes ago
Victoria joined the chat 21 minutes ago
Blue is with L and Roise as well and is doing whatever they're doing
Rosie skips over to the punch and pours a glass for L. "Blue! Want one?"
.L: blue and rosie are wearing matching chokers c':
.Chase: no
.Chase: L and rosie
Fizz shrugged. "Standing on my toes in pointe shoes I can do, heels, hate them," she said making a grossed out face.
.L takes a glass from Rosie and flashes a smile at Blue.
Blue: blue is too c: it's canon now
Blue "Fuck yes. Is it spiked?"
Rosie winks at Blue and pulls a small bottle out of seemingly nowhere. "Not yet. Is anyone watching?"
Blue glances around and huddles closer. "Nope. Hit me."
Victoria straightens Cyrus' tie. "There now you have a straighter tie than my sexuality," she said jokingly, looking at the door. "I need pictures of this moment, mostly for blackmail, y'know with the whole actually dressing up."
Rosie "Think I can get away with spiking the whole bowl, or too early in the night?"
.L "Maybe wait until people have a chance for regular punch."
Caine "Yeah, I never will understand how you can do pointe but refuse to wear heels," He chuckled at her grossed out face and then let his vision move out to see who else was here. "Should we get a drink?" He asked Fizz.
Blue sighs. "Always the level-headed one," she says, putting her arm around L.
Cyrus groans when Victoria straightens his bowtie. "You're the worst," He claims and swats at her hands. "You know I only did this for you," He comments. "And you're lucky that I'm so photogenic or else I would be pissed that you're taking pictures," He chuckled and shook his head. "Should I pose?" He asks.
Rosie nods at L and just splits half the bottle between two cups, slipping the bottle away and filling the cups up the rest of the way with punch. "Here ya go."
.L smiles at the both of them and nods at Rosie's compromise.
Fizz "Definitely, you don't care that I'm not drinking tonight right? Alec and I made a pact that we wouldn't drink at the party tonight," she told him.
Victoria "We'll just take a selfie for my instagram," she said with a bright smile, before posing with him and taking a photo. "We should probably go in, get this party started."
Caine shook his head as if to say that her not drinking didn't bother him one bit. "Any reason for the pact? Or just not feeling like drinking tonight? Should I join your pact too?" He asks, curiously.
Cyrus "Okay," He agreed to the selfie and pouted with a big overdramatic frown when she took the picture. He laughed afterwards and then nodded. "Yeah, after all, we're the life of the party," He points out and then offers his arm out for Victoria to take. "Shall we?"
Fizz shrugged, "I just wasn't feelin' it tonight, I just asked Alec if he wanted to join. You can if you want just don't tempt me," she teased.
.Malia shows up incidentally with all of her siblings.
Victoria "Yeah, life of the party," she mumbled, thinking back to the campfire the other night, her face dropping but she covered it up with a smile. "This time we don't even need a spell to spice things up," she tried to joke.
.Parker feels fresh to death as he walks in and sees that he and his siblings are the Best Dressed there.
Alec wanders in while chattering away on their phone.
Vienna enters the scene with her siblings surrounding her and hasn't felt this put together in a long time.
Caine "No, I don't think I'll drink tonight either. I'll join your pact," He commented with a shrug too. "I don't need to drink to have fun. Let's see if the punch is still untouched and then find Alec?"
Kieran strolls in alongside the others, wearing his sexiest nonchalance.
.Parker: omf
.Parker: we all know u like romcoms kieran
.Malia looks around for her boyfriend and, when she doesn't see him, sticks to Parker's side.
Kieran: Malia: "u can be my bf ha ha jk i would never"
.Malia: i h8 u
Kieran does the same, flanking Parker's opposite side.
Cyrus laughed. "If you ever want to do a spell again though, maybe we should practice next time," He said looking over at her. "Or not, you know I'm always up for anything," He responded and then saw Rosie near the drinks and smirks. "We need to dance at one point tonight." He added.
Rosie chugs half of her drink and then spins around again. "Let's find trouble. Or people!"
Fizz "I highly doubt it, I mean how long have you been at camp," she joked, raising her eyebrows. "When isn't the punch spiked is the better question."
Kieran left the chat 6 minutes ago
Kieran joined the chat 6 minutes ago
Victoria "Oh, I'm not doing magic on anyone for a long long time."
Casey joined the chat 5 minutes ago
.Parker: fUCk
Caine "It's not even that deep into the night. If the punch is spiked this early on I will be shocked. I'd bet you, but I know you'd win somehow."
Cyrus "Well, you always can do magic on me. I won't get pissed like everyone else because I'm not a baby," He responded. "How long is a long long time? Because you can't not use your magic forever."
Jack joined the chat
Vienna is on the opposite side of Kieran and pulls out her phone and begins to text.
Fizz laughed. "I wouldn't win," she responded. "You're right, it is early. It'd be a useless bet. I've just been kind of out of it today, feels later than it is."
.Parker looks between Malia and Kieran and smiles at them both. "We all look great."
Victoria "It's not like I won't use magic, just not on like everyone at a party, at least until I have some more practice."
.L smiles. "People with trouble. Troublesome people."
Kieran grins. "Yeah, we do."
Caine "You totally would win!" He chimed back with a smile. "You win everything against me," He chuckled and then shrugged. "It's fine, I had a weird day today too. Anything in particular on your mind?" He asked as the arrived at the drinks table.
Kerri joined the chat
Fizz shook her head. "No, it's just an off day I think," she replied. "Come on, let's go get drinks."
Alec wanders over to the drinks table now, still on the phone.
Zoe walks into the ball, looking around for someone she knows. Seeing Caine, she grins and hurries over - as best as she can in heels, meeting him and Fizz at the drink table. "Wow, I can't believe I ran into you here." She giggles. "What a small world."
Zoe: ;aaaaa;
Caine runs into Zoe when he's at the drinks table and smiles widely. "Hey, Z," He greets her with a wave. "You look nice now that I see you all finished," He comments and pours a drink. He holds it out to Zoe. "Want one?"
Fizz sees Alec at the other side of the drink table. "Al!" she called out, shortening their name just naturally before waved him over. She smiled when Zoe hurried over. "Hey Zoe, you look amazing tonight as always."
Cyrus "All right," he nodded. "I understand," He said and then smiled, looking over at her. "The worst part of the night is that this is all inside so I can't smoke whenever I want and will have to leave. They do this just to fuck me over, you know." He pointed out to Victoria.
Alec grins at Fizz when she calls their name and waves enthusiastically before holding up a finger in a 'just a minute' gesture. "Gotta talk to you later honey bee, bye bye!" they say to their phone, making a kiss sound before hanging up and basically bouncing over to Fizz, Caine, and Zoe. "Yo!"
Zoe "Yes please!" She happily reaches out and takes the drink her brother offers her. Hearing both his and Fizz's compliments, she grinned. "Oh, thank you, both of you look fantastic!" She turns her head when Alec calls out, smiling and waving in greeting before taking a sip.
Victoria "Oh yeah," she replied with a roll of her eyes. "Because ever party planner in this camp just hates that you smoke and will do anything to plan a party around that," she said sarcastically. "At least you have me to go out and hang out with you."
.Chase: vic cast a spell so cyrus can smoke in his own bubble
.Chase: don't kill him in the process tho
.Chase: xoxo
Victoria: omg
Caine is still smiling when Alec joins them and flashes his teeth over at them too because he wants them to feel included. He even makes room in the little group they were standing in for Alec and Zoe. "Thank you!" He says to Zoe, taking the compliment. "I told Fizz we should match but we already had our outfits picked out before we got to talk to one another."
Vienna finishes texting and slips her phone back into her clutch. "We should have gotten a group photo before leaving the cabin, damn, why did I not think of that?" She looks at the siblings and then realizes that Malia would probably be the only one up for it and sighed.
Ariana enters, smelling of weed, and heads to the back of the room and takes a seat.
.Parker "It's better here because we can get someone else to take a picture of us, and then it's not at a weird angle," he says to Vienna.
Cyrus "I'm tellin' you! Chiron has it out against me," He pointed out, still smiling even as Victoria rolled her eyes. "That's true. What would I do without ya?" He asked and then heard the song change and grinned. "Wanna dance now? Or are you too sober?"
Rae feels very much at ease and excited, walking into the ball with Hazel next to her. "This was like, the most perfect timing ever. I'm so glad you get to be here for this."
Fizz "Thank you," she said to Zoe with a smile. She then blushed a little at Caine's matching comment. "Psh," she tried to pull off as if they haven't made a mistake, "matchings overrated."
Victoria "Be lonely outside," she replied with a shrug and a smile. "Hey, I can dance sober," she said with a smile, throwing her shoes off already, taking Cyrus' hand, and dragging him to the dance floor.
Vienna "That's true," She chimed. "You'd be up for a group shot?" She asked Parker.
.Parker bobs his head and smooths his jacket out. "Yeah, especially when we all look this good."
Hazel walks in with Rae, arms linked. She let out a small laugh at her best friends comment and excitement. "I'd be lying if I said I was expecting a ball while I was here." She looks over at Rae with her eyes narrowed, playfully. "You did not mention this on facetime."
Alec "You guys all look so cute!" they exclaim.
Rosie points at L totally on time. "Yes! People who are trouble."
.L bites her lip as she smiles at Rosie. "We have to find another you."
Rae raises her free hand innocently, "Hey, I totally forgot this was even happening, we're lucky I even had stuff for us to wear."
Cyrus is now on the dance floor with Victoria and he's just bopping along to the music and having a great time tbh.
Caine pours another drink and offers it to Alec. "Thanks, you too," He compliments and then hands out the cup. "Want to take a sip of this and see if it's spiked?" He asks.
Alec beams at Caine and takes the drink. "Okay!" they say easily and take a sip, considering for a second before shaking their head. "Nah, it's not."
Zoe eyes widened a bit when Caine mentioned it being spiked, slowly lowering the cup from her lips. "I can say I don't think it is yet." She smiles at Alec again. "Thanks, you do too!"
Rosie laughs loudly. "You flatter me! Where are my sibs?"
Vienna "Great!" She clapped her hands together. "Now we just need someone to take it." She began looking around.
Miranda walks in as if Rosie summoned her.
Victoria dances with Cyrus, twirling and just having fun yay.
Hazel rolls her eyes, smiling. "I'm sorry, am I suppose to be surprised you had two dresses just laying around somewhere in your closet?"
Fizz "You already saw me," she said to her sibling. "But you also look amazing."
Keaton walked in the door, his arm around Rory's waist. "Wow, there's so many people here already," he commented.
Rosie waves her free arm in the air to try and catch Miranda's attention.
Rae "Um, half of my closet is Lilly Pulitzer dresses, okay? If I was that sneaky I would've convinced Wyatt to get down here by now too." She laughs.
Kieran has settled by the drinks and is sipping something bubbly and non-alcoholic.
Alec spins in a circle and does a mini bow. "Thank! Especially to you, Fizzy, never seen me in these clothes before, eh?"
.Malia: wow kieran we're trying to take a family photo
.Parker: kieran can take them
.Parker: "this is for saying u aren't our brother. cheese!"
.Malia: omfg mal would do it if she wasn't trying to make nice
Rory looks around, her arm resting on Keaton's back. "Oh wow, way more than expected honestly."
Miranda sees Rosie and lifts a hand to wiggle her fingers, moving around people to slide up to Rosie and company. "Why hello there, hottie."
Miranda: hotties* sorry
.L greets Miranda with "You look so pretty!"
Rosie strikes a pose, and then takes off her hat and holds it to her chest. "Miranda, we are so lucky being hot as fuck runs in our family."
Hazel "Again, should I be surprised?" She sighs a bit when Rae mentions Wyatt. "I was going to try and see if we could come down here together or something but we were both way too busy with tests to even think about it."
Kieran: omf
Kieran returns with a drink in hand.
Caine pours another drink and hands it to Fizz and then pours one finally for himself. He sips it happily.
Kieran: fixed it
.Chase: o chase can take their pic
.Chase pulls up alone bc he has no friends and walks past the Aprodite cabin looking subpar next to them.
Fizz takes the drink with a smile before taking a drink. "Oh me?" she joked to her sibling. "I've never seen you like that before, must be thinking of another Fizz."
Rae shrugs and waves it off, because, lbr, she talks to him everyday, "It's all good, he's home for break and definitely needs it. Meanwhile, you and I get to party like old times."
Miranda winks at L as a thank you for the compliment, before dramatically flipping her hair over her shoulder at Rosie. "Better fucking believe it does, chica." She looks at the others. "All of you look fab by the way."
.Malia "Chase!" Malia grabs his hand and kisses him on the cheek. "My secret favorite Morpheus boy. Can you take our picture?"
Casey walks in with Jack, who is borrowing his clothes.
Macey joined the chat 8 seconds ago
Rosie drains the rest of her drink and lowers her cup, trying to be subtle about pulling the bottle out of the bag under her skirt and pouring more into the cup. "Everyone looks pretty sick tonight. Can't beat my cape– Oh!" Coming to a realization, she just hides the bottle under her cape as she pours more.
.Chase laughs and grins widely at Malia. "Okay, but you can't tell Jesse that I'm your favourite. Unless he's mean to me tonight."
Laurel joined the chat
Vienna is happy that Malia knows literally everybody and grabbed Chase to take their picture.
Alec "I've never had to stumble back to Tyche cabin drunk, but y'know, I was thinking, it'd be easy, eh? With all the lights and stuff."
Hazel grins. "You have no idea how little of my semester was spent at any form of party that didn't involve textbooks. So, we are definitely doing that."
Miranda eyes the bottle Rosie is attempting to hide and moves around them to grab a cup and holds it out to her sister. "Don't tease me, Ro. Share the liquid wealth."
Rae puts a hand over her heart and groans, "Laaady, someday you'll come visit me at some big-ass southern school and you'll come to all the sorority parties. But for now this will have to do."
Caine "I've stumbled back drunk to the Tyche cabin before," He confesses. "It's pretty easy to find, yeah," He chuckles. "Me and Fizz have lots of stories." he grins and takes a sip.
Zoe just stands there, sipping from her cup because lol shes never been drunk
Fizz laughed at Caine. "I remember that, I slept on an extra bed that night because I made you fall asleep on mine because I didn't even want to attempt getting you back to your own cabin." She pointed to Alec, with one finger from her hand she was holding her cup with. "Hey you better not be stumbling back drunk, Imma smack you if you do, we made a pact."
Rosie snorts. "I would never hold back from you, sis." She takes the cup and pours some into it under her cape.
Hazel laughs, walking towards the drinks. "I am soo holding you up to that when that happens." She mock sighs. "Though I knew the freedom I was giving up when I declared my major, it was a major sacrifice."
Fizz: ^^ me when i took up biochem
Keaton "Yeah definitely," he replied back to Rory. "What do you want to do first, should we get drinks?"
Caine just smiles as Fizz rehashes that night and nods approvingly. He looks at Alec then. "Oh, yeah! The pact!" He chimed. "I joined the pact too, by the way."
Alec shakes their head vigorously. "Not tonight, Fizzy! Not a drop of alcohol will pass my lips. I'll be as not-buzzed as a dead bee."
Alec grins at Caine and holds out their fist. "Sweet!"
Rae "Yeah, someday when you walk on Mars it'll all be worth it." She gives a cheeky grin and guides them to the drinks.
Caine bumps Alec's fist with his own fist and grins while he does so.
.Malia "Oh, of course." She laughs and hands him her phone. "Okay, pose! Vienna next to me though."
Ellie walked in awkwardly, with a small bit of her lip, she stood on her tiptoes, being only in vans and 5', trying to see anyone she knew.
Macey walks into the ball late with Brent—to which no one should be surprised—looking and feeling like a golden goddess. Which is a change from the mess that has been her life lately. She grins, "This is like, my fave dance of the year, like, barely inching past Halloween."
Vienna "Yes, come here, babe," She comments and slips next to Malia and poses for the picture.
.Parker isn't sure which side to get on and ends up standing next to Vienna, hoping that Kieran will move to Malia's side.
.Chase takes her phone and waits for them to get settled.
Rory looks at Keaton, still pleased she doesn't have to look up in her heels. "Yeah sure." She sees the large mass by the drinks and leans a bit closer to him. "How many do you think are trying to spike the punch?"
Zoe tilts her head slightly. "What pact?"
Keaton "How many Hermes kids are there?" he asked, jokingly.
Laurel arrives with Kerrigan by her side. "Think Rae and Hazel left already?" She asks.
Macey: "scUSE YOU KEATON" - macey
Miranda: rUDE
Keaton: hES JOKING
Keaton: oH PLEASE
Keaton "and then add my sister."
Hazel laughs, bumping Rae with her hip lightly as they walked. "Talk to me in a year and we'll see about that, I might crack."
Kerri "Um, not sure, there's lots of people here. Besides knowing Rae, I'm sure they're in here somewhere."
Miranda glances around as Rosie spikes her drink, stopping as she catches sight of Macey and wolf whistles across the room.
Rory laughs. "Okay so then way too many."
Keaton "Some one needs to decide on who is spiking the punch, because somehow it always ends up just spiked by everyone."
Rosie looks over when Miranda whistles, and then rolls her eyes when she sees who it's to and goes back to pouring the drink.
Keaton: omg rosie
Rory "You would think they have like a rotation or something at this point. I feel like that would be helpful."
Miranda: lol when you have no idea your sisters are fighitng
Rae "Girl, you're the one who wants to work at NASA and shit, you can always suffer for a business degree instead like I'll do, eventually."
Macey blows a kiss at Miranda.
Hazel rolls her eyes, unlinking arms with Rae to grab two cups, passing one to her best friend. "Oh please, like I would ever work a desk job. I'll take a hard pass on that."
Caine hears Zoe ask about the pact and raises his brows. "Oh, we just all made a pact that we weren't going to drink tonight. Well, it was Fizz and Alec's idea, I just hopped on the bandwagon." He explains.
Keaton "Would be smart," she said. "Is Amber coming? It's weird not seeing her at something like this."
Miranda waggles her eyebrows when Macey looks at her. She holds up her drink and wiggles it in the air, as if she can tempt her sister over. She bumps Rosie lightly once the bottle's hidden again. "Thanks, chica."
Rosie snaps her fingers at Miranda, but her mood has been killed. She doesn't bother adding punch to her cup, taking the shot straight, and then puts her cup down on the table and grabs Blue and L's arms. "Let's go start shit."
.L laughs and lets Rosie pull her wherever.
Rae "Hey, a business degree can get you more than a desk job, hun.
Rae: shit
Blue drains her cup and tosses it on the table. "Hell yeah."
Cyrus "Let's find Rosie or some shit? You wanna?" He asks Victoria, still dancing but slowing down.
Rory "I think so? She was off with Jesse last I checked, they probably lost track of time."
Victoria "Sure," she replied before seeing Macey, "Oh, there's Macey
Miranda laughs at Rosie. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. I'll catch ya later." She gives her sister another wink before walking over to Macey. "Look at you looking all sexy and shit."
Rosie grins at both of them and puts her hands on her hips, looking around. "Where's Cyrus?"
Rae "Hey, a business degree can get you more than a desk job, hun." She takes the cup from Hazel in thanks, "Isn't this weird? To be talking about college in the middle of camp right now?"
Kieran sees what Parker does, breathes in, and stands beside Mal.
Cyrus sees Macey and waves at her. "I'm looking for Rosie though," He explains. "Macey's probably busy."
Victoria "Okay, I'm sure she's here somewhere," Victoria said, standing on her tip toes to look for the Hermes girl.
Hazel thinks for a second before scrunching her nose. "A little, yeah. I didn't think about that until now."
Miranda: hermes kids: nah not macey
Miranda: miranda: mACEY
Miranda is clueless about everything
Kerri pointed to Rae and Hazel, to show Laurel. "Found them."
Rosie spots Cyrus and starts towards him, putting her hat back on her head. "Cyrus!" she calls out, louder than necessary, as per usual.
Keaton "Yeah, true, I mean it's not like they'll miss much, at least I hope so. Lately, the parties have been dramatic."
.Malia "Don't look so stiff," she comments to him under her breath, posing for the picture. "Chase take like, ten."
Jesse wanders in with his hands in his pockets, smiling to himself.
Kieran smiles and puts an arm around Malia, posing for the camera.
Avery skipped into the party, literally. Tripping and nearly falling on her face with her heels. She straightened up, patting down her dress, acting like she didn't just do that.
Cyrus "There she is!" He shouts loudly too and points at her so that Victoria can see too even though Rosie is heading straight toward them. He takes a few steps to meet her. "I was just looking for you." He grins.
.Chase laughs. "Pretend you like each other," he jokes and takes a bunch of pictures at once.
Ellie turned toward the door and saw Jesse. With a smile, she rushes over. "Oh thank Gods, I thought I'd have to just sit in a corner with cookies and avoid everyone."
.Chase may actually know abt the aphro cabin problems bc of Mal but who can pass up that joke lmao
Rae "Like, we're so ​old​? Look at us? When did this happen?"
Fizz "Yep, I wasn't feeling the alcohol tonight and Alec decided to join me," she added to Caine's statement totally on time.
Rosie smiles more at Ellie. "Hi!" He hears Avery trip beside him and turns, worried now even though he doesn't really know her. "Uh– you okay?"
Rosie: no
Jesse: smiles more at Ellie. "Hi!" He hears Avery trip beside him and turns, worried now even though he doesn't really know her. "Uh– you okay?"
Jesse: on
Jesse smiles more at Ellie. "Hi!" He hears Avery trip beside him and turns, worried now even though he doesn't really know her. "Uh– you okay?"
Jesse: it begins
Rory "Yeah I know, I'm kind of glad I forgot that the campfire was going on after hearing about it."
Victoria followed Cyrus.
Rosie is pulling L along behind her and expects Blue to follow as well. "Wanna help me liven up this party?" she says in greeting to her brother.
Macey gives Miranda a hug and takes Brent's hand again, "Um, you better be talking about yourself because ​damn​, you're lookin' flawless."
.L gives a little wave to Cyrus and Victoria with the hand that Rosie isn't holding.
Avery put her finger up to her mouth saying 'Shhhh' as she backed away from Jesse, heading for the drinks right away, nearly falling again.
.Malia waits for Chase to lower her phone before moving out of the line. "Thanks, cutie." She takes her phone and looks at the pictures. "Guys, we look so good!"
Avery: avery: is great at gymnastics, also avery: can't fucking walk in hells.
Avery: *heels
.Malia: hells, heels, same thing
Jesse watches her go to make sure she isn't going to die, and then turns back to Ellie. "Sorry, hey. How's it going?"
Ellie watched Avery and then looked back at Jesse, letting out a giggle. "I pretty much just walked in and went like straight to the corner. I found out maybe I should wear heels because being five foot also means you can't see over anyone's heads."
.Chase winks at Malia as he hands the phone back and walks over to his own siblings, grinning at Jesse when he's close enough. "Where were ​you​ all day?" He asks like he already knows.
Keaton "Wish, I forgot about it," he replied. "How about we go get a drink, the dance floor is kind of crowded right now.
Keaton: "
Jesse laughs at what Ellie says, and is about to reply when Chase comes up to him. He blushes. "Don't say it like ​that​."
Cyrus nods quickly. "Yes, please. I'll help in any way," He assures her. "Did you have something in mind?" He asks Rosie.
.Chase laughs when Jesse blushes and then nods at Ellie in greeting. "He was with ​Amber​."
.Chase is in middle school
Victoria "Liven up the party how?" she asked.
.Parker smiles as he looks through the pictures. "Damn. Let's have these framed."
Rosie wraps her cape around herself. "I think it's been long enough that we can spike the punch now. But after that, we gotta stir up ​drama​." She ignores Victoria, addressing it all to Cyrus.
Ellie "Oh," she said, looking to Jesse again. "What were you doing with Amber?"
Jesse "We made cookies," he says in reply to Ellie, though it's clearly directed towards Chase.
Ellie "And she didn't come?"
.Chase whispers, "That's code."
Alec spots another one of their friends and grins at Fizz. "I'll catch you later! Gotta fly!" They start making their way through the crowd to the gathering of Morpheus children.
Rosie flushes more. "They burned, so she's making more now." He shakes his head at Chase.
Rosie: noooo
Jesse flushes more. "They burned, so she's making more now." He shakes his head at Chase.
Ellie "How do you burn cookies? You just have to follow the recipe," she said before spotting Alec, walking straight toward them.
.Chase winks at Jesse. "I got you."
Cyrus "I'm living for this look, by the way, Rosie. This cape-thing or whatever you call it is epic," He compliments her, clearly distracted by the cape. "But, yes, let's spike the punch!" He claims with a grin. "And a ball without antics isn't a ball at all. People should know this by now." He chuckles.
Caine waves goodbye to Alec and then looks over at Fizz and then Zoe, smiling the whole time.
Jesse "We went for a walk while they were in the oven," he says, rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding looking at Chase. "Where's Mal?"
.Chase notices Alec walking over to them when Ellie does and has a second to decide how awful of a brother he's going to be tonight. "Alec!" He waves at them. "Don't they look cute tonight?" He says to Jesse and Ellie, but mostly Ellie.
Alec bounces up to Chase, Jesse, and Ellie and splits into a wide grin. "Greetings, pals!"
.Chase nods to where Mal and her siblings are. "Over there with the rest of her cabin. I took a picture for them."
Kieran looks over Parker's shoulder at the pictures and laughs. "They're not ​that​ good."
Ellie blushed at Chase's comment, giving him a slight glare before turning and smiling when Alec approached. "Hey Alec, enjoying the ball tonight?" she replied
Fizz "Wanna go dance?" she asked Caine and Zoe.
Brent joined the chat
Miranda is now the one to blow a kiss to her sister. "Thank you, beautiful. Rosie was just saying about how lucky we are hotness runs in the family." She looks over her sisters outfit and grins, looking over at Brent. "I'm pretty sure Pretty Boy here will agree with me if I say you have me beat, Mace."
Rosie swishes her cape now and strikes a pose like she's a superhero. "Thanks! I can't see a lot through the glasses, but, y'know, haute couture or whatever." She snaps her fingers and points at Cyrus. "Spiking punch, then antics. It'll be easy enough to find tension in this room."
.Chase grins widely at Ellie and then nods to Alec in greeting. "Sup?"
Zoe looks at Fizz and nodes her head happily. "Yeah, sure!"
Jesse spots Mal, but decides not to interrupt sibling time. He smiles and nods at Alec too.
.Malia "Shut up Kieran, they look cute." She deletes one picture that has a slight difference from the rest and favorites another one. "Okay, I'm gonna find my boyfriend now. Catch you later."
Alec holds out their fist to Chase. "You look sick tonight, I love the pants. And you two look great as well!" They beam at Ellie. "I'm having a blast!"
.Parker grins at Mal and Kieran because that's normal sibling bickering. "Have fun!"
Ellie smiled. "Thanks," she smiled. "You look amazing, also."
Rory nods her head, starting to walk over towards the drinks. "Sounds like a plan to me."
.Chase hits Alec's fist with his own and then strikes a pose. "These old things?" He laughs. "Thanks." He turns to Jesse. "Did you have flashbacks just then?"
Caine "Yeah, I'll go with you two," He agrees to joining them on the dancefloor and then finishes his drink and throws the cup away. "Let's go?" He asks, taking a few steps in the right direction.
Brent puts a hand to his chest. "You think I'm pretty?"
Victoria "Hey, um, Cyrus, I'm going to get some air, let you all to your antics," she replied.
Jesse laughs and rubs his temples with one hand. "Maybe a little." He looks over at Mal again and smiles when he sees she's done, lifting a hand to try and catch her attention.
Keaton "Okay, how long do you give it till drama starts?" he asked, mostly joking.
Macey laughs. "He is kinda pretty, I guess."
Cyrus gave Victoria a weird look and then shrugged. "All right, if you say so," He says to her and then looks back at Rosie. "You ready to head over to the punch?"
.Malia catches sight of Jesse and walks over to him. The heels put her at his height so she doesn't have to lift up on her toes to kiss him. "Hey good looking."
Alec doesn't get the joke but laughs anyway. They spread their arms when Ellie compliments them. "Thanks! Fizz helped me pick out clothes. I feel cool."
Ellie "Why would he have flashbacks?" Ellie asked Chase, with a smile totally on time oops
Hazel shakes her head. "Oh gods, don't even say that, just thinking that is weird enough." She takes a sip from her cup, grabbing Rae's hand and pulling her towards the dance floor. "I refuse to focus on this conversation."
Rosie also gives Victoria a weird look, but hers has a touch more contempt to it. "Totally!" she says to Cyrus, looking back at him with a grin and starting back towards the punch. "Hey, think I could get away with it if I taped liquor to the inside of my hat?"
Miranda winks at Brent. "Well you have to be at least a little pretty to be in this family. So congratulations."
Ellie laughed a little a Alec. "Well you certainly look very cool."
.Chase shakes his head at Ellie. "Just.. Mal's brother was really awkward with him once. It was funny."
Jesse smiles at Mal and rests a hand on the small of her back when she pulls away. "Hey. You look amazing." He doesn't even hear Ellie's question.
Rae "We're OLD, Hazel!" She laments with a dramatic flair, letting her pull them towards the dance floor.
Victoria walked away, heading outside to get some air, a small sad look on her face.
Rae is also totally joking
Brent "Y'know, I've been worried I wouldn't make the cut," he chuckles. "So I'm glad you approve."
Kieran takes a long drink of his beverage, wishing it was alcoholic, then turns to Parker. "I talked to her."
Brent: here's a question did macey tell miranda about julian
Brent: and brent
Macey: oh
Rory grins. "Hopefully after we leave."
Brent: getting it on
Macey: that's a good question
Miranda: [stares at macey]
Miranda: does miranda literally know nothing
.Chase: did brent tell macey abt them /getting it on/
Macey: not yet cc:
Miranda: whaT
Macey: but also....the gif chat hasn't been finished yet so
Brent: we'll see how this dash convo goes
Macey: could happen who knows
Brent: when i actually......... reply
Macey: [looks @ alli]
Hazel "Piss off with that talk, I'm not listening to it."
Keaton laughed. "Well, I've been told I needed a break from the forges," he joked, nudging her a little before pouring a cup of punch and handing it to Rory. "I'm almost done with what I've been working on though, I think I should be able to finish it after the dance."
Alec "Thanks! Everyone here is so hot, though, I'm not cool at all. I'm pretty warm." They laugh at their own joke.
Macey: regardless, by now they'd be okay so
Cyrus follows his sister in the direction of the punch and listens to her newest idea. He thinks for a moment. "Yeah, probably. When we put our minds to something, it'll sure to get done," He comments and then shrugs. "What do you have on you tonight?" He asks, wondering where she was keeping her alcohol.
.L oh on time followed after Victoria, giving Rosie a small salute as she went to go get some air as well.
Rosie wiggles her shoulders so her cape falls over her hand, which she uses to cover up the fact she's reaching under the side of her skirt. She pulls out two mini bottles of vodka. "Vodka," she says so she doesn't have to put them in the open.
Victoria leaned over the railing looking out at the sky, picking at the nail polish on her fingernails.
Miranda laughs. "I'll be sure to make you a trophy or something to make it official."
.Malia "Thanks," she said, kissing him again. "What did you do today?"
Macey "You probably have a better approval rating than I do." She shrugs, hoping the joke worked.
Macey: macey: is upset, macey: lets make a joke about it
Rory "Good, does that mean I'll finally be able to see my boyfriend without having to go looking for him through everything in there?" She raises an eyebrow at him, but it's clear that she's joking
Miranda looks at Macey, rolling her eyes and waving a hand. "Don't be dumd, Mace. You're always number one on the ratings."
.Chase laughs at Alec and raises his eyebrows at Jesse when Mal asks him the question.
.Chase: dumd
Rae laughs, "Fine, then I guess we're gonna have to move on to me asking about any new men in your life. I know there's gotta be some hot scientists over in the Ivy Leagues."
Ellie laughed at Alec's joke. woo totally on time
Jesse smiles more. "Not a lot. Amber and I were making cookies, that's why I was late, sorry. Oh! I went for a really nice walk, too."
Alec looks delighted when Chase and Ellie laugh.
Macey raises an eyebrow, "Have you talked to Rosie lately? Because I'm definitely not."
.L twists the charm on her necklace before walking out after Victoria. "Hey! Some party, huh?"
Hazel loses a little bit of pep that she had before. "Come on Rae, you know the answer to that. I'm not interested in that stuff right now."
.Chase smiles at how happy Alec looks at them laughing at their dumb joke and then makes a face, pointing at Alec's shirt. "Were you drinking anything earlier?"
.Malia eyes brighten a little tiny bit at the mention of Amber. "How's she doing?"
.Malia: mal: i love my bf
.Malia: mal: my bf is hanging out with his ex omg i ship it
Cyrus "Nice," He comments, approvingly. "Sure we should share with others? And not just keep it all to me and you?" He asks, slyly.
.Chase: i love her
Keaton laughed. "It's not even that much of a mess down there, we usually keep it clean so it not unsafe when walking in there," he replied, taking a cup of punch himself. "Yeah, soon you'll have me all to yourself and we can play monopoly till we can't keep our eyes open any longer, how about tomorrow, after I finish, we can head out to that board game cafe in the city again and play monopoly and have dinner? Sound like a date?"
Miranda "What kind of question is that? Of course I've talked to her, I was literally just with her before I came over he- wait, back the fuck up, excuse me?"
Rae "Hey, just needed to ask, as your best friend it's a required thing to do." She takes Hazel's hand and twirls her, "Lighten up, chickadee."
.Parker wOw responds to Kieran on time, "Really?" He looks excited. "What happened?'
Victoria looked around first before realizing L was talking to her. "Oh, uh, yeah. A bit crowded though," she said with a smile, trying to cover up some of her hurt.
Rosie "Hmm, tempting." She squints at the punch bowl. "But I still have rum left. And think about how much easier it'll be to stir shit up if people are drunK!"
Alec blinks, and then looks down at their shirt.
.L chews on her thumb nail and nods. "Yeah."
Hazel rolls her eyes, her smile coming back when Rae twirls her. "I know you are. It's still just weird for me, thats all."
Jesse gets a bit of a faraway expression. "Good, good. She's still making cookies, we burned the first ones." He blinks a couple times and focuses on her again. "What'd you do?"
.Chase slides his pointer finger up Alec's chest to their nose. "Ha!"
Victoria took out a flask from her purse, taking a drink of it. She holds it out for L. "Would you like some?"
Rory nods her head, smiling before stepping closer to him to give him a kiss. "Sounds like a great date."
.L blinked at the flask, not expecting it for some reason. "What's in it?"
Kieran shrugs. "I apologized. She accepted."
Keaton kissed Rory back. "Perfect, how's leaving at around three work for you?"
.Parker nods slowly. "Ah. You don't sound too happy about it?"
Macey makes one of those clenched smiles, "Oh, shit, I totally thought she would've talked to you. Whoops." She shrugs, glances at Brent, then returns to Miranda, "Apparently, I'm too mature and no fun anymore. Also, supposedly I care more about this one," She jabs a thumb at Brent, "Than you guys. So now she's ignoring me, it's great."
.Parker: i thought blue was kissing rory for a second i was like PLOT TWIST
Keaton: omg
Blue would totally kiss rory to be clear
Blue is not kissing rory tho :(
Rory winks at Blue
.Parker: C:
Blue blows kisses from across the room
Ellie laughed and shook her head at Chase. "Don't feel bad, he does that to pretty much everyone."
Kieran smirks. "Yeah, well. Neither was Malia." Kieran shrugs again. "I don't think she actually cared."
Cyrus "True, true, we'll save the rum for us and get everyone else drunk off the vodka," He said and nodded with a smile. "Will you do the honors?" He asked, motioning to the punch bowl. "I'll cover you."
Victoria "It's some white wine, I don't remember the kind."
Rory "Works great for me. Make sure you don't lose track of time though, you have a habit of doing that in there, Keat." she teased.
.Parker "Hm," he makes a face. "So it's the same as it was?"
Caine oh is dancing still with zoe and fizz probably idk
Keaton "I'll be at your door at 2:55, you have my word. If I'm not, you have every right to kill me if you'd like," he replied with a small smile.
Casey is dancing near Caine and Zoe and Fizz.
.Chase: [eyezooms keaton]
.L tilts her head from side to side and then nods, taking the flask. "Okay, thank you," she takes a sip, then hands it back to Victoria.
.Malia shrugs off her fangirling about Jember and sighs. "I hung out with my family? Which was ​so​ awkward."
Alec starts laughing. "Oh man! I can't believe I fell for that!"
Miranda stares at Macey for a minute, super confused, before opening her mouth again. "What. The. FUCK. How long has this shit been going on??? Cause no one fucking told me." She looks over at Brent, pointing a finger at him. "Probably a dumb question. Did you fucking know about it?"
Rosie "Hold out my cape for me like a curtain!" she suggests, but pours the vodka into the punch bowl before he has a chance.
Kieran "I don't know." Kieran looks around for Malia. "I'll try. It's up to her."
.Chase grins when Alec starts laughing and then winks at Ellie. "Only because everyone falls for it."
Jesse raises his eyebrows. "Was it okay? I know they keep showing up at our door."
Rory smiles. "Don't tempt me."
Brent: shit i had a reply written and didn't hit enTER
Brent: dammit
Macey: pull urself together
Rory: allison pls
Jack sits in the corner of the room, feeling awkward in Casey's too-big shirt and his own black skinny jeans.
Victoria takes another drink before putting it back in her purse. "Are you having fun?" she asked L.
Rae smiles, "But you're making progress! And all progress is good progress, I'm proud of you." She glances to where ever the ring used to be oh Hazel
.Parker "Hm," he repeats. "Maybe I'll talk to her?"
Zoe oh whoops yeah is dancing
Ariana is sitting somewhere near Jack.
.L shrugs. "Blue and Rosie are fun. What about you?"
Kieran "Please don't. She probably already thinks I only did it because of you."
Ellie "One day, I'm going to have something actually on my shirt and I won't believe you and I'll go around with this thing on my shirt because I though you were tricking me," she said.
Hazel sees Rae looking towards her hand and lets herself feel a weird sense of pride for it not being there. "Thank you, darling." She twirls Rae around, smiling a little brighter
.Parker frowns. "Okay."
Victoria "Cyrus is great, we came together today," she explained. "Makes the night less boring, y'know? But I figured he should have time with his sister." That was a lie, she was a bit annoyed but she was trying to ignore it.
.Chase laughs. "You mean like, right now?" He points at Ellie's shirt.
.Chase dress*
Macey "Literally only like, a few days." She says before Brent responds to Miranda's question.
Ellie shook her head, "Oh no, I'm not falling for it," she replied, with a smile.
.Chase shrugs. "Okay, that's gonna be pretty embarrassing though."
Alec laughs and glances down at Ellie's dress, and then stops. "Oh, actually, that might stain. You might wanna get that out."
.L nods at Victoria. "Yeah, but I don't think Rosie minds sharing him, if that's what you're worried about."
Cyrus "Ah!" He yelps as Rosie begins to pour and then takes her cape and holds it out like a curtain. He has a hard time not laughing and then drops it when she's done. "Perfect," He grins. "Should we taste taste it? And by that I just want to drink already," He groans and pours himself a glass and begins chugging it.
Kieran "She laughed at my comment earlier today. Maybe that's progress." Kieran finishes off his drink. "Or maybe not, because I'm fucking hilarious."
Ellie got super self conscious especially in front of Alec, she looked down quickly, terrified there was actually something on her dress.
.Chase brings his finger up to her nose, then holds his hand out to Alec for a high-five. "Amazing! We should be a team."
Fizz oh right is dancing haha and probs slayin it
Miranda "Why the fuck didn't you tell me though?" She looks around the room for her other siblings. "And don't worry, you're not the only one that's gonna hear this shit. Wait until I find the other two idiots."
Alec laughs and high fives Chase back. "You fell for it two seconds after saying you wouldn't!"
Brent "Uh, yes." he says on time
Brent: jfc sorry i am dropping the ball tonight
Brent: (((((get it))))))))
.L: the,,, ball
.L: i get it
Ellie blushed. "You guys ganged up on me, that so doesn't count! You got me paranoid!"
.L: they are at a ball
Ariana sees Jack and realizes that he seems just odd enough. She gets up and walks over to him. "Hey, you smoke?" She asks him.
Rosie pours herself a glass as well and starts chugging it because she has to beat him.
Jack smirks. "You could say that."
.Parker shrugs at Kieran and laughs. "Mal's petty enough to not laugh at someone if she hates them, so it probably is progress."
Victoria shrugged. "Oh, uh, no," she replied, almost too quick. "It just didn't seem like they needed more help, I wouldn't be doing anything anyway, it's fine."
Miranda hears Brent and points to him again, not even bothering to look in his direction. "You're lucky you're not a sibling, it makes you slightly off the hook."
Macey grabs Miranda, suddenly a little nervous and serious, "No, no, no. I'm giving Rosie a minute to chill out. I'm gonna talk to her soon."
Alec grins at Ellie. "It was funny! So what'd you two do today? How late do Morpheus kids sleep? Are you night owls because you sleep so late, or do you go to bed early too and just sleep more than the average human?"
Avery showed up near Macey, Miranda, and Brent. "Do you need a sibling of his? I'm free? Do you need me to beat him up?" she joked, trying to lighten their moods just looking at their faces when she showed up.
.Chase sticks his tongue out at Ellie. "It counts. I now have a sidekick."
Cyrus realizes that Rosie is chugging as well and he tries his hardest to finish before her.
Ellie looked to Chase. "I don't know Chase, do we sleep a lot?" she asked with a smile.
Ariana gives him a narrow-browed look. "I'm not talking about cigarettes." She hints.
Rosie almost chokes but powers through it and finishes her drink, looking over at him to see if she won, which she didn't. She refills her cup. "Wanna get fucked up tonight?"
.Malia laughs. "I need to tell them to cut that out. Um, yeah, it was fine. Weird but... yeah, I kind of enjoyed it."
.L nods slowly, and pauses for a moment. "Everything okay?"
Miranda was going to reply to Macey grabbing her, but stops and looks at Avery. She raises an eyebrow at the girl before looking back at Brent and Macey, daring them to say that she knew as well.
Victoria "Oh yeah, everything's dandy," she said smiling, lying through her teeth.
Jack laughs. "Neither am I." He stands up. "Are you offering?"
Macey immediately smiles at Avery, "Nah, Miranda was just giving us shit, we're good." She turns to look at her dress, "You look so adorable! I'm so here for the flower crown."
Kieran shakes his head, still smiling. "Great. It really is a new year."
Jesse smiles again. "Are you and them... okay now?"
Keaton "Oh come on, you wouldn't be able to kill me, you love me too much," he teased.
Brent wraps his arm around his sister. "Please, Avery. I'm still recovering from the last time," he joked.
.Chase grins at Ellie, then looks at Alec. "Well, our father is the god of dreams, not sleep, so I bet we sleep less than any child of Hypnos does, but since Morpheus is also a child of Hypnos, we do have that sleepy quality, right? Overall, I think that we can sleep more or less than the average human, but we sleep at odd times. Maybe it's related to how trippy your dreams get when your sleep schedule is off, and so we can never have a normal sleep schedule, so we always have exciting dreams. Or, maybe we all just sleep at weird times because we're so used to sleeping at weird times in the cabin." He shrugs
.Chase: my god
Avery "Thank you, thank you," she said with a smile. "You look absolutely dashing tonight, Macey, you all do." She leaned into her brother a smile and patted his chest lightly. "Yeah, don't you forget it," she joked.
Cyrus finishes his drink too but before Macey does. "Hah!" He claims and then refills his cup as well. "You know it," He chimes back at her. "How fucked up are we talking?"
Macey: freudian slip cyrus??????
Macey: do u feel bad abt something?????
Ashton: omg
Miranda catches on that Avery in fact does not know, and lets herself calm down a bit. She looks back at the younger girl. "He doesn't need to be beat up this time, but stand by on that, I might need your talents."
Cyrus: omg
Ellie laughed at Chase. "Sometimes we have adventures with each other in our dreams. Cas can pull off a great night hike in his dreams."
.Malia "I don't know, maybe? I think we're getting there." She smiled, maybe a little sadly. "Do you think the punch is spiked by now?"
.L blinks, not wanting to push Victoria. "Okay."
.Parker laughs and nods. "I think she'll come around. She actually hung out with us today, and we all showed up together."
Rosie takes a sip of her drink. "Not like, unable to stand and can't remember tonight the next morning. But a step below that."
.Parker: rosie is me
Victoria twiddles the necklace she shared with Cyrus in her fingers. "Okay, maybe not, I just don't what to make you feel uncomfortable," she admitted.
Alec nods along with everything Chase says. "Do you always lucid dream? Or sometimes are they just weird dreams? If you can travel into other people's dreams, does your dream have to start off lucid? Also, what if part of why you sleep so much in your cabin is just because it's really comfortable?"
.L presses her shoulder into her cheek as she shrugs. "I came out here."
Kieran nods. "That was lucky." Kieran looks around. "Do you think the punch has been spiked yet?"
Jesse looks genuinely pleased by this, if a little bit sad as well that Mal will probably soon be moving out. "There's two Hermes kids right beside it, so probably."
.Malia laughs. "Very true. Let's go."
Cyrus "Okay," He sips his drink too. "That's a decent amount of fucked up," He wonders something and then rubs at his nose. "Should we even suggest playing a game?" He asks. "Or should we just stir up drama in another way?"
.Chase smiles at Ellie and then nods at Alec. "I always know when I'm dreaming, but I can't always control the direction of the dream, especially if it's someone else's. I've actually accidentally traveled into other people's dreams, which is how me and my sister discovered we had the power in the first place, and I don't always know who's dream I'm going into, though I have a way better handle on it now." He laughs and then looks at Ellie. "Well, our cabin is basically a giant pillow fort."
Jesse holds out his arm for her with a smile. "To the punch bowl."
.Parker laughs and looks over at Rosie and Cyrus. "I think if it isn't, it's a miracle."
Rosie looks around at everyone. "Got anything in mind?"
Alec "Do all your powers work the same way? Or are they different between you?"
Brent scoffs in mock offense. "I'm hurt you think so lowly of me, Miranda."
Macey smiles, "I don't think anyone's gonna need to kick his ass any time soon."
Cyrus rubs his nose again. "Um, let me think," He looks around at everyone too. "Know of anyone who likes anyone? We could try and play matchmaker, that always ends in disaster." He grins.
Avery "Hey, I wouldn't be all high and mighty Brenny Brent, I don't need to be told by Miranda to beat you up," she joked.
Kieran "Great. I have a loaf of bread in my room and I'm past ready to get mildly intoxicated." He starts toward the drinks.
.Chase shrugs. "Me and my sister Koda have basically the same powers, and there's a lot of overlap, but they manifest in different ways, I'd say," he looks at Ellie for confirmation.
.Parker laughs and follows after Kieran. "Did you save the bread for this specifically?"
Rosie wrinkles her nose. "No one interesting that I care about. At least, not that I can think of." She continues looking around the room, and then spies two separate duos heading for their newly spiked punch bowl. "Yo, is Malia still fighting with her brothers?"
Alec looks to Ellie as well. "What can you do?"
.Malia takes his arm, kisses his cheek, and makes her way to the punch bowl.
Ellie nodded. "Yeah, I'm not very good at it. Well the dream travelling part," she said, "I can lucid dream. I started out having the boys come into my dreams but then I figured out how to go into other people's though I'm still terrible at it. But that's all I can do I believe. I'm still pretty new to this whole demigod thing so I'm still discovering things."
Kieran "Not specifically." Kieran cuts through the crowd. "Or maybe I did. I don't know the exact order of things."
Cyrus "Me neither," He sighs and then looks over at Rosie and then over at the duos heading their way. "Uh, I don't know? Maybe? Why? Is that head of yours scheming something good?" He asks.
Ariana answers Jack on time. "Yeah, I'm offering. Are you taking the offer?" She asks, putting a hand on her hip.
Victoria "It's just not surprising to me, Cyrus does this a lot. We plan to hang out and then he kind of ignores me and goes with Rosie instead."
.Parker snorts. "Well, it's either pretty lucky or a good idea."
Rosie rubs her hands together. "Just think about all the potential. Malia and her brothers. Parker and that dude Amber dated. Kieran and anyone."
.Parker: learn jesse's name rosie
.Malia: #LearnJessesName
Macey looks between Brent and his sister, in hopes of moving past her and Miranda's conversation, "Would either of you two lovely people like to dance with me? Or both of you."
Alec: she says she will when he does something interesting
Caine: laurel from the back: its christian y'all
Macey: grjefwslakdfjgf
Alec: LMAO
.Malia finally makes it to the drinks table and smiles at Rosie and Cyrus. "I'm gonna be blunt, did you spike this? If not, can you spike my cup?"
.L hums. "It probably isn't on purpose. People are just closer with their siblings." She half-smiles. "If you want, I can distract Rosie and you can go with Cyrus."
.L: omfff
.Malia: LOL
Alec: #learnchristiansname @ camp
Ashton: omg
Alec "That's so cool! they say to Ellie. "So when you go into someone else's dream, do you see what they were dreaming about? Does their dream automatically become lucid? Can you control it?"
Jesse presses a hand to her chest. "I'm hurt! Wounded! Such an accusation, that I would have been at a ball this long and ​not spiked the punch​."
Jesse: my god
Rosie presses a hand to her chest. "I'm hurt! Wounded! Such an accusation, that I would have been at a ball this long and not spiked the punch."
Jesse is just there doing nothing
Cyrus watches Malia with a certain gaze while she's talking to Rosie.
Victoria shrugged. "It's fine, trust me, it's fairly hard to separate those two," she replied.
Ellie "Um, some Morpheus children can I s'pose but I haven't figured that out quite yet.
Ellie: "
Caine joined the chat
.Malia laughs. "I knew I could trust you." She helps herself to some punch. "Want any?" she asks Jesse.
Hermes Jesys joined the chat
Ellie: [squints] which caine
Caine: Narnia Caine.
Ellie: omg
Kieran: omg
.L: "Which caine?" "the blue one" "[squinting]"
.Malia: whispers can we do initials for the caines
Caine: im cACKLING
.Malia: or v different colors lmao
.Malia: it's too late for these guessing games
Danny joined the chat
Caine M. joined the chat
.L nods a bit more. "Yeah, I feel it." She offers her a smile. "We can hang out while they do, though."
Victoria smiled. "I'd like that," she told L.
Rosie "If you want any more added, just let me know," she chirps. "I just want everyone to have a good time tonight!"
.L grins widely. "Cool!"
Victoria "So, did you come with Blue and Rosie tonight?"
Jesse shrugs one shoulder and smiles at Mal. "Sure, why not."
Hermes Jesys changed name to Maverick
Alec nods slowly as though Ellie has imparted some great wisdom.
.Chase jumps in after Ellie. "We can help people with their dreams and the understanding of them, but we can't necessarily make them lucid. We can work with people while in their dream, but dreams are actually pretty complicated."
.Malia waggles her eyebrows and adds some more punch to the cup. She takes a gulp and then hands the cup to him.
.L bobs her head. "We all got ready together and everything."
Caine changed name to Caine P.
Macey drags them both onto the dance floor before she can get an answer.
Rosie looks to Parker and Kieran when they get close enough. "Drinks, gentlemen?"
Kieran raises a brow. "Are you going to pour the drink for me?"
.Parker winks at Rosie. "Well, we just came for the company, but why not?"
Jesse takes the cup and takes a small sip, then another one before lowering the cup. He looks a bit nervous when he notices Kieran and Parker are also heading to the drinks.
Alec "So if someone told you about a dream you could tell them what it means?"
Rosie "Well now, we wouldn't want you getting calluses on your dainty little fingers." She pours a drink for each of them.
.Chase nods. "We have a better time interpreting dreams. And we do a lot of reading on the subject for stuff that doesn't come naturally to us. Or some of us do, like our brother, Jesse, who was here before, but isn't now."
Cyrus nudges Malia. "Hey, you," He says and steps closer to her as Rosie enteritains Parker and Kieran, his voice kind of low so that only she would hear. "I brought some stuff tonight if you're in the mood." He tells her
Kieran watches Rosie carefully for any slight of hand, but doesn't see anything. He accepts the drink with a small smile, but waits to drink it.
Victoria "That sounds amazing," she replied. "My cabin was empty tonight so I just got ready alone and then met up with Cyrus to come here.."
Macey: macey says she'll adopt you victoria ccccc:
.L: omg
.L "Maybe you can get ready with us next time."
Alec rocks back and forth on their feet. "Where's Caspar the Friendly Ghost tonight?"
Rosie gives Kieran a wide grin and then adds more to her own cup. "If you want it any stronger, I gotchu covered."
Maverick sneaks a sip from his flask as he fluidly makes his way through the crowd of as he snags a misplaced tie and someone's discarded wallet chain. It had no real value at that moment, but that was easy to change. Pocketing the random items, he scanned the room looking for the next familiar face who'd get his attention.
Ellie "Again, I'm horrible at it," she said, to add on to Chase. She smiled, "Oh he's at the cabin now, probably sleeping, he was pretty tired earlier."
Kieran grins. "I'll be fine. I don't plan on dying tonight."
.Chase nods at Ellie and then laughs at Alec. "Is that is name now?"
.Chase then clicks his tongue at Ellie. "Please. You're just not practicing enough."
.Malia hears Kieran and Parker behind her and looks over her shoulder. "You guys following me?"
Ellie shrugged. "There's only so much you can read in a short amount of time."
.Malia then turns to Cyrus and taps the cup-- their code for "text me."
.Parker takes a large drink. "Damn, Rosie, just how much punch is in here? A drop?" He looks over when he hears Mal and laughs.
Victoria smiled, "That'd be really great," she replied.
.Malia takes another drink from the cup and hands it to Jesse. She pulls out her phone and quickly texts Cyrus 'what kind of stuff?'
Rosie laughs at both Kieran and Parker. "I make it for a good time, not the taste!" She watches Mal.
Alec grins at Chase. "Fits, eh? White hair and all."
Jesse automatically glances at Mal's phone, but looks away quickly when he has the cup, not wanting to pry.
.Malia closes her messages and shows Jesse the picture of Chase. "Look at what your brother does when I ask him to take a nice picture of my family."
Cyrus winks at Malia and then slips back over to Rosie's side. He takes a gulp of his drink and then feels his phone vibrate. He slips it out and reads it and responds with 'your favorite club drug, malia :p what else,, you've got me pretty hooked on it'
.L smiles more. "Yeah!" She licks her lips. "Do you want to go back inside now? We don't have to go back to the other group, but it's kind of chilly."
Macey is dancing somewhere i guess
Maverick appears behind Chase suddenly, but looks disappointed down at his hand at the two pieces of gum, one of which has wadded up game on the foil. More impressive what the half a penny he managed to pick pocket. "The hell dude, I've never been depressed so depressed from a score before. It's not even tuuti fruity."
Victoria "Uh yeah, sure," she responded, quickly taking a drink of wine and putting it back in her purse again. "Let's go."
Jesse looks back at the phone and laughs. He takes a sip of the drink before he responds. "That's a common Chase move. Like telling you you have something on your shirt then hitting your nose."
.Chase laughs and nods at Alec and then turns to look at Maverick, raising his eyebrows. "Back from the dead only to steal from me? Nice," he sounds somewhere between joking and bitter.
.Malia lets him look at it for a total of five seconds and then pulls up her messages again. 'lmao. yes but idk how i'd get away from everyone?? parker and jesse all over me about it :('
Ellie "So, uh, can you like do thing with luck or anything?" she question Alec.
Rosie watches Macey, then nudges Cyrus. "Wanna mess with her?"
Kieran sends a smile in Malia's direction then takes a sip of his drink. "Holy Jesus. That's a drink."
Macey: macey has brent and avery with her
Rosie: even better
Macey: also idk how much longer i'll be awake
Macey: tbh i'm barely....hanging on
Rosie: ah okay c:
Alec "Sorta?" they reply. "Don't really know how yet, just happens.""
Rosie: ignore the last rosie thing
Rosie nudges Cyrus. "You gotta keep up, dude. I'm a cup ahead of you."
Macey: sorry D:
Rosie: omg no it's fine
Rosie winks at Kieran. "You know it."
Ellie "I'm sure you'll get the hang out it," she replied with a wide grin. "Like Chage said, it just takes practice."
Ellie: omg *chase
.Chase changed name to .Chage
.Chage: c:
.Chage changed name to .Chase
Ellie: omg'
Cyrus reads his text and responds with: 'damn all right i'll be looking for a way we can sneak out, until then try and get away from them???'
Cyrus also is nudged by Rosie and groans. "Damn it!" He chugs the rest of his drink and then pours himself another one.
.Parker laughs at Kieran. "A loaf'll be enough for you?" He takes another sip.
.Malia 'awesome i'll see u soon ;)'
Kieran laughs. "I'll go slow."
Ariana is outside smoking that good kush with her new friend jack
.Parker: i lvoe ariana
Ariana: omg ;a;
Rosie scoffs at him. "Aren't you here for a good time?"
Rosie: wait
Rosie: yeah u know what any misunderstandings are on rosie's part
Maverick rolls his eyes, "I don't see how it's my fault you faltered in your faith of your best friend's awesomeness." He shrugged with his typical grin.
Jesse holds the cup out for Mal again. "You can finish it," he laughs.
.Malia puts her phone away and kisses Jesse as she takes the cup from him. "Sorry about that."
Cyrus "No, I'm here for a ​great​ time," He corrects with a grin and then looks toward the entrance. "How fucked up did you say you wanted to get tonight again? Like, more than alcohol fucked up?" he asks
Victoria oh yeah walked back in with l
.Chase crosses his arms. "Maybe I found new friends while you were off being awesome," he points his nose up, but sounds more on the side of joking at this point.
Rosie drains the rest of her drink, starting to feel lightheaded. She cocks her head at him. "What kinda fucked up are you talking?"
.Malia spots Maverick across the room and chugs the drink because wow
.L: omg
Jesse smiles at her again. "Don't worry about it." He looks around the room when she does. "It's kinda weird how many people have been returning to camp lately."
Cyrus "Do you wanna get high?" He asks, spotting Victoria as she entered in again but he looked away from her and back at Rosie.
Alec "Hopefully! But also hopefully until then I don't need it for anything important."
.Chase: ok alec,,,,,
.Chase: sweet child
.Malia reminds herself she's here with Jesse and puts the cup on the table. "I know. It's kind of fun, though. Like a little reunion."
Rosie happens to glance at Macey right when Cyrus asks, and straightens up before looking back at him. "Yeah, sure."
Victoria: [eyezooms alec]
Jesse "I didn't really know any of them, but I think Chase is happy he has an old friend back."
Alec: c;
.Malia takes her phone out again, texts Cyrus: 'ask me to dance in like 2 min'
.Malia nods. "Speaking of his old friend, I'm gonna go say hi to him!" She kisses him on the cheek. "Be back soon. Parker," she turns to her brother. "Can you keep Jesse company without making an ass of yourself?"
Ellie "Yeah, maybe that's when it'll come out those most though."
Cyrus has his phone in his hand tbh and reads it before answering Rosie. "Sweet," He grins and texts Malia back. 'Got it ;)'
Cyrus "Malia is coming too," He tells Rosie and then looks around for Malia.
.Parker blinks at Malia and then at Jesse. "Uh," he chugs the rest of his drink. "Sure."
Jesse nods, trying to ignore the part about Parker. When she leaves, he sighs and looks back at the others.
.Malia grins at the both of them and rushes off to Maverick. "Hey, you."
Rosie "Sick." She looks between Jesse and Parker. "So how's Amber?"
Casey realizes that he has been dancing for a long time and goes to the drinks table to hydrate.
Victoria: omg rosie
Maverick stares at and shakes his head, unable to really hold back his amusement, "If that's the case, you've been hanging around some really shitty liars with how unconvincing that was. I'm ashamed how out of practice you are..." He chuckles before glancing just slightly around the room, noting each sibling, old friend, and also the lovely Aphrodite girl with a curly haired sch-- oh hey, shiny. He glanced toward another brightly dressed camper before back at Chase, "I think something fun is lacking here..."
Kieran tags onto Parker and Jesse's "conversation", not knowing where else to go.
Alec spots Casey and pats Ellie's shoulder. "I'm gonna go say hi to someone else!"
Blue skips over to Casey. "Can you dance really fast? Like, how fast is the beat?"
.Chase laughs, somewhat offended. "Hey! I ​do​ have friends besides you." He rolls his eyes and follows Maverick's gaze. "What do you mean?"
.Parker coughs. "Uh, she's good."
Casey turns to Blue and laughs. "I could? I mean, about as fast as you could, I guess."
Jesse rubs the back of his neck and looks at his feet. "Yeah, good," he echoes Parker. "Baking cookies right now."
Ellie "Oh okay," she responded, "have a great night."
Ellie: #niceflirtingellie
Alec "Catch ya later!" They slip through the crowd towards Blue and Casey.
Maverick pleasantly surprised by Mal and his grin grows, "You didn't forget my name again, hm, beautiful?" He teased, "Hey, yourself. You seemed occupied a moment ago." He mentioned, but he honestly just enjoyed being around those he deemed his favorite people. Not that he was good at narrowing that down.
.Parker nods at Jesse. "She said you were helping her today?"
Jesse "Uh, yeah." He coughs and looks up at Parker. "But we burned the first batch, that's why she's, uh, not here right now."
Rosie wishes it was more awkward.
.Malia grins. "I'm pretty popular. Listen," she leans in and whispers to Mav. "I'm going to get high with Cyrus right now if you want to come with."
.L notices Blue, Casey, and Alec together and tilts her head at Victoria. "Wanna go hang out with them?"
Cyrus spots Malia. "I see Mal, I'm going to get her," He says to Rosie and begins to head over to a new group and walks over to her.
.Parker nods and looks at Rosie. "Is all of the punch spiked?"
Victoria "I actually have to talk to Cyrus, if that's okay," she told L.
Rosie watches Cyrus walk away then looks back to Parker. "Oh, yeah. Why? You not feelin' it?"
.L nods. "Yeah, s'fine. Good luck!" She walks over to Blue, Casey, and Alec.
Ellie pces tbh because imma just focus on one character before i leave.
Casey turns to Alec and L as they walk over. "Hey!"
.Parker pours himself another glass. "Not enough. I will soon."
Victoria hurried over to Cyrus. "Hey, Cyrus, wanna go and dance?" she asked him.
Blue grins. "You wanna make that a bet?"
Kieran keeps sipping his drink.
Blue she says on time
Alec grins and waves at both Casey and L, and Blue for good luck.
Rosie "Want some more? I still got some left."
Casey laughs. "I won't turn down a bet."
.L flashes a smile at them all. "Hey."
Cyrus is over by Malia and Maverick now. But just as he's about to ask Malia is she was ready, Victoria walks up and asks him to dance. "What?" He asks, slightly annoyed. "No, I don't."
Jesse doesn't even have a drink to hold onto now and shoves his hands into his pockets.
Cyrus turns to face Malia.
.Parker nods, but then looks at Jesse. "You want any?"
Victoria was a little taken aback but not too surprised. "Y'know Cyrus, I'm just going to head back to my cabin."
Jesse blinks a couple times. "Um, sure," he says even though he doesn't.
Victoria oh and she rolled her eyes tbh
Rosie looks between them and then pulls the rum bottle out of her bag. She doesn't even try to hide it now, holding it out to Parker. "You kids have fun. I'mma go see if Cyrus wants to dye someone's hair green tomorrow."
.Malia looks at Cyrus. "You ready?"
Caine P. walking alongside Danny toward the Ball, tugging at the slightly high collar on his black dress shirt as if it would somehow turn it into a t-shirt. This was probably a first as far as going to an event like this where he didn't feel forced, it had been wow... years since he'd gone with just another friend to one. "You want to take bets on who's already passed out on the dance floor?" He offered with a half-smile until he noticed Danny hesitated not far from the entrance, "C'mon, Danny... We'll both make a better looking wallflowers inside than out here."
Cyrus hears Victoria and turns around to face her again. "Wait, why?" He notices her roll her eyes. "That's ridiculous. Don't leave."
.Parker laughs, takes the bottle, and winks at Rosie. "Have fun, make sure it's not me." He looks at Kieran as he starts pouring liquor into a cup for Jesse. "Do you want any more?"
Victoria "Well you've done nothing but ignore me tonight," she told him, to be honest it probably was long overdue.
.Malia sighs when Cyrus looks away again.
Rosie heads over to Cyrus and Malia and that whole gang.
Maverick smirks at the offer, "I'm more than up for it. Granted, I already kinda beat you guys there." He looked to Chase, "You want in?" Mav couldn't help but offer, but he was already offering Mal a definitive nod.
Jesse watches Parker pour the drink, and then turns to look at where Chase and Malia are.
Kieran watches Parker pour the drink and shakes his head. "Not yet."
Kieran: omg theyre so in sync c':
.Chase nods at Rosie in greeting, then tilts his head at Maverick. "What are we talking?"
.Malia "Coke," she says quietly. "But please please please don't tell my brothers or Jesse. They're gonna flip out."
Cyrus hears Malia but doesn't look at her. His attention is on Vic. "Ignore you? What are you talking about? You left to get some air? That's not me ignoring you."
Maverick shrugs, "Well, I'm sure MJ's on the table.. I have a friend named Molly as well."
Maverick his eyes light up, "Even better."
Victoria laughed, rolling her eyes. "Are you kidding me?" she asked him. "Yeah and what about before that. We found Rosie and the minute you got together with her it was like I wasn't even there. What? Am I delusional or something?"
.Chase laughs at Maverick and then looks back at Malia, serious. "If Jesse doesn't ask, I won't tell him, but.." He shrugs, "I dunno." He looks back at Maverick. "You're going?"
Rosie shows up in front of Victoria and Cyrus with her usual timing. "'Sup, bitches?"
.Parker hands Jesse his drink and then sips his own. "So what's up? Besides baking?"
Danny chuckles, looking down at his shoes. "Sorry. I just need a second." Danny tries to remember the last social event he had attended. Memories past the year prior don't come easily, but Danny recounts a distinct image of Colin laughing at something he had said. Taking a deep breath, Danny pushes the image from his mind and looks up to see Caine waiting for him. He offers a careful smile and an outstretched hand. "Let's go."
Jesse looks back to Parker and takes the drink. "Thanks. Uh–" He tries to think of something not to do with Amber and Malia. "I don't really do a lot. Uh, dream interpretation. Archery. Normal things." He coughs and runs a hand through his hair. "You?"
.Malia nods, figuring Jesse won't ask. "Fine." She looks at Rosie. "You coming?" She looks at Cyrus. "Meet us outside." Then she looks back at Maverick. "I need a not suspicious reason to go outside. Want to escort me?" she asks him with a small smile.
Cyrus listens to Vic with narrowed brows. "So I like hanging out with my sister, that's not a crime," He claims and looks at Rosie.
Cyrus: shit i hit enter too soon
Maverick nods, "Of course. In fact, I can only see greater things happening with a bit of a kick like that." He also added a slightly warmer smile, "Plus, when was the last time we were totally fucked up together... far too long ago." His eyes skirted toward Malia momentarily, stealing a good angle to admire the object of his past flame before he returned to looking at Chase, expectant and already smiling at his friend.
Cyrus He rubs at his nose because he feels a tickle and then looks at Victoria. "Maybe you are delusional. Because I hang out with you all the time." His nose has started bleeding and he's clueless to it as he continued on, venting his annoyance.
Victoria "Hang out with me all the time?" she asked not noticing his nose at first. "When ever you hang out with me you ditch me to hang out with Rosie? Do you not ever realize it?"
Jack is high as life outside the Rec Room.
.Chase clicks his tongue. "Man, you're right. I've been an angel without you around, it's kind of awful."
Rosie snaps finger guns at Malia to say yes to the question, then looks to Cyrus and Victoria, eager to hear the drama she's somehow a part of. She clears her throat and nudges her brother, tapping her nose to try and warn him of the blood.
.Malia hooks arms with Mav. "Okay let's go before people start staring at the argument happening right next to us."
Maverick couldn't help fighting back a small snicker, "Me? Suspicious? Never." Nodding again, he offered his leather jacket clad arm as he feigned chivalry, "I'll protect you the whole 25 ft journey." He teased before he glanced right to Chase, "Exactly, I'm disgusted hearing it. So, I'm taking that as a yes."
.Parker nods, sipping his drink quickly so the drinking will hit him all at once. "I train a lot too, but I use knives."
Cyrus feels Rosie nudge him but tries to keep his attention on Victoria for the most part so he doesn't see the nose tapping. He laughs bitterly. "Maybe I do," He admits. "But that doesn't mean I don't like you? I can't hang out with my sister now? Is that what you're saying?"
Blue omg hugs and kisses L when she came over
Maverick pauses a moment, considering if he should intervene, but that would jeapardize their distraction. "Sure, let's go." Leaves with Mal and them whenever someone leads.
Kieran snickers and takes another sip of his drink. "That's right. He uses knives."
.Chase nods on time to Maverick and follows after him and Malia, but not too closely.
.Malia exits into the hallway and then makes a beeline for the big gender-neutral bathroom. "How much you take?" she asks as she opens the door.
Victoria "In what way did I say that, I'm just saying that she kind of brings out the worst in you," she replied, then made a small face knowing that wasn't much better. But everything came out so quick, she was finally venting it. "It's like you don't even notice that she treats me like I'm worthless and that you don't even know that you let her and ignore it. I don't care if you hang out with your sister, but it'd be really freaking nice if you didn't ditch me to do it half the time."
Casey notices an argument bubbling up across the room. "I think someone's pissed."
.L beams at Blue and then tilts her head at Casey, turning to look at Victoria and Cyrus, then making a face.
Rosie hears all of that because she's literally a foot away. "Wait a fucking second there princess, what'd you just say about me?"
Rosie "Care to repeat that?"
Victoria doesn't break eye contact with Cyrus. "Am I wrong though?
Victoria: "
Jesse takes another long sip from his drink. "Knives," he echoes, not really knowing what to say to that. "Cool." He glances over again and frowns when he sees that there's three fewer people in the room.
Cyrus listens to Victoria and then wipes at his nose, getting blood over his hand. He notices the red and has to break eye contact with Vic and freaks out. "What the fuck? I'm fucking bleeding," He groans like it's happened before. "Damn it!"
Rosie shoves Victoria's shoulder when she doesn't look at her. "I'm talking to you." She glances back at Cyrus. "Go get some toilet paper or something."
Cyrus looks at Rosie, knowing that he's bleeding but there wasn't much he could do at the time. He blinks as Rosie shoves Vic's shoulder. "Hey, no, don't shove her, Rosie. That's not cool."
Caine P. nodded in understanding, he'd been fairly careful not to press anything. Afterall, he was aware why Danny asked him along, or atleast of the reason he'd been given and Caine would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the prospect of mending the bridge that had never been given the proper time to ever be built completely when it came to both of them. Plus, atleast he knew the son of Demeter wasn't among those he had to wait out and decide if he trusted them, what had ever obscured any chance at friendship was gone and he'd decided not to dwell on those past excuses. "Take your time. This is suppose to be fun." He wasn't entirely convinced how yet, but he was determined to ensure it atleast wasn't just a parade of bad memories. That being said, Caine had never thought much about it when it came to contact with his friends, he'd always been incredibly close with his siblings and what few friends he did have, so the outstretched hand was taken without a question as they entered the camper crowded hall. Even he felt momentarily puzzled, but it was alleviated by the reminder that eyes being on him weren't his concern tonight. "Drinks first. Yeah?"
Victoria "Yeah, but am I wrong? You treat me like I'm nothing," she responded looking at Rosie.
.Parker laughs at Kieran and shakes his head, then nods at Jesse. "We got dressed with Malia today," he says proudly.
Rosie turns on Cyrus now. "What, you're gonna just let her say all that shit about me?" She rolls her eyes at what Victoria says. "Oh, like you're that special. I don't even fucking know you, what do you want me to do, chat about all the good times we've had?"
Maverick smirked, " A few lines, or whatever we're splitting up. I have stuff to share too if need be." He nodded, before pausing, "We going to wait on, Cy...?"
Victoria "I don't know, maybe fucking acknowledge me," Victoria replied. "I'd like to be on good terms with you but it's obviously not that easy."
.Chase isn't sure whether she's talking to him or Mav, but is pretty sure it's the latter, so he lets Maverick speak for him.
Jesse reassures himself that they probably just stepped out for air, and believes it since Chase is with them. He looks back to Parker. "Oh, yeah, she mentioned!" He smiles. "That's nice you guys are, uh, getting along again."
Rosie faces Victoria fully now. "Then maybe do something that's fucking worth it!"
.Malia "Nah, that Hecate chick seemed pretty pissed." She fishes her bag of stuff out of her clutch, thankful she forgot to unpack it, along with a small hand mirror. "Let's just go around until we're feeling good."
Danny The ease of having Caine by his side almost immediately dissipates when Danny walks into the Rec Room. The crowd of campers and the sound of an argument in the distance puts Danny on edge. He looks to Caine and nods. "Definitely drinks first." Danny starts his way around the masses, afraid he'll be pulled into a conversation if he cuts straight through.
Cyrus "No, I want you both to stop it," He explains to Rosie and Victoria. He looked at Victoria. "You're too good to me. I'm shittier than you think," He claims and then looks at Rosie. "And you're a bad influence, own up to it."
Victoria: oh shit
Blue "When isn't there an arguement?" She sighs loudly. "Whatever. Casey, have you ever tried your power with someone else? Or could that kill them?"
.Parker looks at Kieran and shrugs. "I guess." He takes a long sip of his drink before saying, "You and Amber too. But, I mean, that's been a long time coming."
.L raises her eyebrows. "What power?"
Rosie throws up her hands when Cyrus speaks. "I know I'm a bad influence! But she's acting like you're some goody two shoes that I'm dragging to the depths of the underworld with me!"
Casey furrows a brow. "What do you mean?"
Kieran "Malia mentioned? What did she tell you?"
Victoria "He's not a fucking goody two shoes," she said and then pointed to Rosie. "And you, you're not the worst person I've met. This had nothing to do with you. I just thought this time was different, that maybe he wouldn't do it to me again," Victoria said and looked straight at Cyrus again, "I guess I was wrong." Victoria took a step back to back down. "I'm done, I'm leaving. Have fun with your sister."
.Chase nods at Malia. "I'm gonna bow out quickly. I haven't done this shit in so long."
Jesse nods at Parker with a small smile, the tips of his ears turning red. "Yeah. It's nice to be friends again." He looks surprised when Kieran addresses him. "Um. She said it was kind of awkward? But she, uh, also kinda enjoyed it?" He rubs the back of his neck and hopes it's not betraying Mal's trust to say that.
Cyrus groans when Victoria tells him to have fun. "I can't do this right now!" He yells loudly at both of them and then storms off to fetch something for his nose.
Kieran hides a smile behind the rim of his glass. "Great." He takes a sip.
Victoria leaves to her cabin because she's pissed and i'm tired af
.Malia sets up a line on the hand mirror. "That's fine. I guess I should take it easy, too." She tries to keep the fact that she's betraying Jesse's trust out of her mind and takes the line. "Okay, one of you hold the mirror while I set up the next."
Rosie is ready to go for her throat but they both leave before she has a chance to do anything. "​Fuck​ this," she exclaims, stomping her foot, and shoves her way back to the drinks table to find Blue.
Blue waves Rosie over. "Everything gucci?"
Rosie takes a cup and grabs the rum back from Parker, filling it almost halfway. She downs a good third of it in one drink. "Just ​incredible​."
.Parker rolled a die. The die showed: 4
.Parker lets Rosie take the rum and talks to Jesse over her, feeling warm. "That's just how it was!"
.Chase takes the mirror from her.
Blue "Wasn't that the crazy girl who magic-d everyone last week? What's her deal. Oh! This is Casey. Casey, this is my girlfriend." She grins.
Jesse smiles at Parker and Kieran and takes another small sip from his drink. He glances over again at where Mal and Chase were. "Speaking of Mal, she's been gone a while?"
.Chase: omg is brosie #official
Blue: blue fuckin wishes
.Parker blinks when Jesse says this and turns around, looking around the room. "Really? When'd she leave?"
Maverick almost ignored the comment about going easy until it clicked, the question was almost out his mouth until another loud shout from the distant fight distracted him. Once Mal sets it up, he takes the mirror from Chase and teases, "Ladies, first. Kidding, all you, bro."
Casey gives a smile and a wave. "Hi."
.Malia sets up the line. "Go for it," she says, handing him the rolled up bill.
Rosie finishes her cup already and slams it down on the table. "Yeah! Apparently she's got some weird fucking problem with me for spending time with my brother. Should've slapped her." She nods at Casey, still basically vibrating with rage. "'Sup."
Jesse "Uh, like five minutes ago? Ten?" He blinks at his cup. "Chase and Maverick are gone too."
.Chase rolls his eyes at Maverick and takes the bill from Malia. "Wow, I've missed you. When are you leaving again?" He laughs and takes the line, then tilts his head back and blinks rapidly.
.Parker frowns deeply, then looks at Rosie. "Were you with Mal before that girl flipped on you?"
Casey joined the chat
Casey presses his lips together and ever so slightly takes a step back.
Rosie looks to Parker now, her hands still in fists. "I was in the area 'cause I wanted to ask Cyrus about a prank. Not that ​that​ worked out. I think they went for air, dunno where Chase went."
Blue "Casey, if you're looking for someone to go at you with sharp objects, Rosie is the girl. She'd love that shit."
Jesse frowns more when he hears Chase isn't necessarily with them.
Casey laughs. "I believe it."
.Parker makes a face and looks at Jesse. "I didn't even know Maverick was back until like, today. I thought he died."
Rosie hits one of her fists to her chest and looks to Casey. "Yo, shit, I'd be all over that." She pauses. "Not you specifically."
Casey shrugs. "Let me know if you want to blow off some steam. I've been itching for a fight."
Blue "Oooh, what if we tag teamed against you? Extra challenge."
.L is following this conversation with a lot of confusion bc she doesn't know about Casey's power.
Casey puts a finger to his lips. "Never done that before." He looks at the two of them side by side. "But I'm down to try."
Rosie "I should fight ​someone​ before the rum hits and I go to that witch girl's cabin."
Caine P. cant't help but nod as they manage to side step the crowds where they can, Caine breaking proximity when he sees a opening near the refreshments, looking to Danny is confusion as he gestures to get some kind of answer as far what he wanted in the first place. Once he did, he offered a full glass to Danny while the blond was already nursing his drink. "I don't know why, but... I didn't expect quite this level. But, maybe I just was thinking of when we were way younger and like hardly anyone was ever here during Winter Break... y'know?"
Jesse "So did Chase." He frowns and looks at the door they left out of. "Should we be worried about Mal?"
.Parker bites his lip. "You know about Maverick and Mal? And like... how they were together and stuff?"
Maverick takes the mirror, "You want to set up for me, or you wanna see how it's truly done." He winked, teasing slightly as he made it obvious there was no difference as he waited on Mal, tweaking with the rolled up bill.
Jesse doesn't quite know how to react to that. "I do now."
.Malia rolls her eyes. "Don't question an expert," she teases, setting it up for him. "Next time we'll try it your way with your shit."
.Chase looks at Mal and raises his eyebrows. "Expert?"
.Parker makes an "uh-oh" face and feels the alcohol going to his head, and his mouth. "I mean.. Like, well," he groans. "Why were ​you​ worried about her?"
Danny laughs, taking the drink in his hands. "I remember." He takes a long sip. "Camp wasn't nearly this big, either." Danny looks around at the chaos in the room and wonders how long camp has been this way. "This room used to be a lot smaller. And shittier," he laughs. "I always thought we needed a bigger place like this. Now," Danny gestures at all the ruckus, "I'm not so sure."
Casey "Fight me," Casey offers enthusiastically. "Bet you won't win."
Jesse chews the inside of his cheek and puts his cup down, doubting it'll do anything to stop the slight ache in his chest. "'Cause of what we talked about before." He looks to the doorway again. "I'd rather what- what you're implying. 'Least it's not as dangerous."
Rosie "Seriously?" She squints at him. "You got some kinda freaky power shit? I don't even care, let's do this."
.Parker looks at Jesse with unfocused eyes. "What, we talked.. about." He hiccups and then his eyes widen in realization. "Oh. ​Oh​. Fuck. Oh fuck. Shit, yeah, that makes sense too, uh?" He looks around, "Where did they go?"
Jesse frowns at Parker's expression. "Are you okay? Maybe you shouldn't have any more to drink."
Kieran "Where else would you go to bump coke and fuck around?" Kieran doesn't wait to put his drink down and head out of the main room.
.L looks between the two of them and looks alarmed. "Maybe this isn't smart."
.Parker follows after Kieran clumsily.
Casey smiles at L. "Probably not. But it'll be fun."
Alec has been there the whole time. "Can I watch?"
Casey turns to Alec. "Will you bet on me?"
Alec "Yeah," they say easily.
Blue "Oh hell yes, this is gonna be so dope L, lookit what he does."
Casey laughs. "Then yeah."
Jesse sighs and follows Parker, keeping a foot behind him so that hopefully if Parker trips he can at least keep him from getting a concussion.
Kieran feels a rush as he strides to the bathroom.
.L "But you're not gonna hit Rosie, right?"
Kieran and not that kind of rush either
.Malia shrugs. "I've been doing this a while. Go for it, Mav."
Rosie looks to L. "It's chill."
.L nods at Rosie and takes a step back.
Casey notices L step back and looks at Rosie and Blue. "Right here, then?"
Maverick rolls his eyes, "See if I give you any freebies talking like that." Mav shrugged in turn, doing the line himself as he tilted his head back, as his encouraging the drip to onset quicker before he swallowed from habit. "Mmm... I think I could literally go pulls some Jedi shit... what about you, Chase?" He joked, looking back to Malia, "Thanks. As always, you know how to highlight a guy's night."
.Chase laughed at Maverick and nodded. "Nobody is gonna be looking for these droids tonight. Mist the fuck outta everyone I can."
.Chase: why did i switch tenses
.L: he's that hifh
Rosie looks to Blue. "You good with right here, babe?"
Blue "I'm good for anytime, any place."
.L is glad her girlfriends are bonding.
Rosie: HAHAH L
Blue winks at Rosie so she knows that has multiple meanings.
.L: c;
Rosie grins and looks back at Casey. "Yeah."
.Parker runs after Kieran, spilling his drink on the floor as he does so.
Jesse walks faster so he isn't left behind.
Kieran stops at the door and looks back at Parker and Jesse. "Well?"
Jesse swallows, hoping no one is in there. "Is it open?"
.Parker blinks in confusion and then walks past Kieran and knocks on the door.
Casey smiles and widens his stance, fists up by his chin. Time begins to slow down, the roar of the crowd melting into a slow, ethereal hum.
.Malia winks. "Thanks for the excuse to bump this." She sets up the next line for herself and takes it quickly, balancing the mirror on the edge of the sink. She tilts her head back and sniffs. "Oka—" She freezes when she hears the knock and mouths a curse.
Caine P. nods, thinking back a bit though his thoughts are easily distracted by the bickering teens on the floor. By nature, he just wanted it to stop and to help, however it was always those kind of gestures that drew too much attention and often led to him embarassing himself when he got flustered. It was the last thing he needed especially when he kept getting confused by people calling after some Poseidon kid who stole his name. "It is crazy... I mean, the Arts & Crafts Pavillion used to be just like.. a 1/4 size classroom... atleast that's the first time I saw it. I just never imagined somethings changing the way they have... especially this one." He winced slightly at a shout that was simply too close, which irritated him enough to feel a slight surge of confidence to shut them up-- but, he had promised himself to make this about helping Danny have a decent night out. "The one that still gets me is how Capture the Flag has only become more intense... and nothing has even changed."
.Chase 's head turns quickly to the door, eyes wide. He looks between the other two and then at the window, then back at the door.
Blue is practically bouncing with excitement. "Watch this," she exclaims to Rosie and throws a punch at Casey.
Rosie watches.
.L watches as well.
Casey bends easily out of Blue's range, sliding to his right with a grin. He quickly passes his gaze to Rosie.
.Malia covers her mouth to keep from laughing and gestures for both of the guys to climb through the window.
Rosie "Holy ​fuck​."
.L blinks, feeling like she missed something. "Speed?"
.L: no, coke
.Malia: no co--
.Malia: c:
Rosie: LMAO
.Parker frowns and knocks again, then tries the knob.
.Parker: C;
Danny tries to tune out the din of the room with another sip of alcohol. "Well, some things have changed." Before he can complete the thought, the memory of holding a sword, facing down another camper, comes to mind and Danny flinches away from the thought. "Were parties always like this? Was that just us and we never realized how obnoxious we were?" He laughs bittersweetly. "I always thought I was being cute. I really hope that I didn't come off like this."
.Malia hands Mav her drugs and mouths 'hurry up," her grin widening. "Hold on!" she calls to the door.
Maverick raises an eyebrow, then following Mal's gestures and Chase's he was confused why they were even still there. Sure, he hesitated over Mal not being the one to go, he had more than enough excuses, but mouthing to Chase, he nodded toward the window, "Race you, pansy." Mav smirked before skillfully and quieetly scrambling out the window.
Maverick and took the drugs and stuff Mal gave him.
Jesse frowns when he hears Mal's voice and leans against the wall.
.Chase has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing and then follows after Maverick. He doesn't yell back at him simply because of the situation they're in.
.Parker groans. "Mal! What are you doing?"
.Chase also goes out of the window with less skill than Maverick but still manages c:
.Malia waits until they're out of sight and then flushes the toilet and runs the sink for an appropriate amount of time. Then she opens the door. She's surprised to see Parker, Kieran, and Jesse there and he smile takes on a hint of confusion. "What's going on?"
Kieran replies suspiciously. "You tell us."
Jesse doesn't look at Mal.
Casey flashes Rosie a smile. "Try to hit me."
.Parker raises his eyebrows at her.
Rosie doesn't even wait for him to finish his sentence before she swings.
Maverick somewhere in the distance, he laughs at Chase for sucking at his own name before offering a high five before eventually asking why they ran away.
.Malia 's smile falls. "What?" She looks at Jesse and then back at Parker.
.Chase flips Maverick off and then shrugs. "Because we can't have people catching us doing that shit, duh."
Casey is caught off guard by Rosie's initiative and more narrowly avoids her swing, ducking to the left with a roll of his body.
Kieran sighs and tries to push past Malia to see what's in the bathroom.
.Malia lets him.
Jesse bites the inside of his cheek again and looks at Parker, then turns. He still doesn't look at Mal. "I'm gonna go. To bed."
Rosie takes a quick few steps forward so she doesn't fall when she misses. "Whoa!"
.Parker furrows his brow. "You know what, Mal."
.Chase rolled a die. The die showed: 2
.Chase: FUCK
Kieran: oMG
Rosie: OMG
Kieran rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Kieran: c:
.Chase: wait wait
.Chase rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 17
Maverick rolls eyes, "I meant who the hell were we running from. You guys looked so scared like Chiron was after us. Not your curly haired McDerp brother." Maverick continued, "We could of claimed we were doing anything but what it was and it's not like he could of done anything... or... wait... she doesn't actually tell him her hobbies... does she?" He asked, more amused than he thought he could be,
Kieran: okay okay
.Chase: [squints]
Kieran rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 15
Kieran: ooooh you lucky duck
Maverick rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 5
Caine P. rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 6
Caine P.: dats bull shit
.Chase tilts his head. "My brother? I didn't know who was there, it was Jesse?"
Kieran moves toward the sink, looking around for any paraphernalia, but doesn't see anything.
Casey reaches out a hand to help steady Rosie. "Got it?"
Rosie straightens herself up with a grin. "That was sick."
.Malia immediately moves for Jesse. "Wait, Jess. Don't." She grabs his hand. "Jesse, I wasn't doing anything."
Jesse looks back at Mal when she grabs him, then down at their hands. He swallows, not sure of what to say or if he believes her or not. "Where are Chase and Maverick?"
Kieran comes out of the bathroom and gives Parker a shrug. "There's nothing."
.Malia pretends very convincingly to look confused. "I don't know."
.Parker stands by Kieran, letting Jesse and Malia have their moment.
Jesse looks up at her face, trying to judge if she's lying or not. He can't tell, so he gives her the benefit of the doubt. With a sigh, he squeezes her hand. "Okay. Sorry. Overreaction."
.Parker frowns at Kieran and then looks back at Malia. "I want to see your purse." He frowns more. "Please."
.Malia shoots a glare at her brothers before looking back at Jesse. "I'm sorry. I was gone longer than I said I'd be. We went outside for a bit because there were people arguing next to us. But I don't know where they went after I came back in."
.Malia hands Parker her clutch without looking at him.
Kieran eyes Malia suspiciously.
.Parker takes her purse and rifles through it, frowning, then hands it to Kieran.
Jesse runs a hand through his hair, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. "No, should've trusted you. Sorry, it's been a- weird night."
Kieran trusts Parker's search and holds the clutch down at his side, even though the leather clashes against his velvet.
.Parker: omdf
Casey beams. "Yeah. Thanks."
.Malia sighs. "It's okay." She squeezes his hand and looks back at her brother's. "Can I have my clutch back?" she asks icily.
.Malia: brothers* plural not the possessive
Kieran hands her the clutch.
.Parker frowns at her.
Jesse still feels weird about the whole situation. "I think I'm still going to go to bed now."
.Malia nods. "Okay." She kisses him on the cheek because it feels like the most he'd be comfortable with right now. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
Jesse nods and gives her a small smile. "Yeah." He takes a step back. "Uh, night Parker. And Kieran." He hesitates as if he's not sure if he's meant to do something else, then turns and walks away.
.Parker gives Jesse a small wave.
Kieran gives Jesse a small wave.
Kieran: oMG
Jesse: om
.Parker: oh my
.Malia watches Jesse leave and then turns on her brothers. "What the fuck is your deal?"
.Parker scoffs at her. "​You​ asked me to hang out with him."
.Malia "I'm gone for, what, 20 minutes and you managed to convince him to completely distrust me? If that's all you're going to do, stay far away."
.Parker scoffs again. "It was ​his​ idea that you were here! Maybe you're the one convincing him not to trust you."
.Parker: slap him mal
.Parker: do it
Caine P. notices the slight flinch, his expression furrowing momentarily as he worried over whether he'd caused Danny discomfort, but he found a better option as the other continued and allowed Caine to respond and hopefully carry the conversation toward something hopefully less memory littered, he could hope. "You'd know better than me." Caine laughed, I wasn't really part of many 'real' parties here, unless we count the random campfires. I've only ever been to some when I left camp..." He shrugged a bit, "But, the rare times I was around, I'm pretty sure you never hit this level of douchery or annoying. " He said with a warm smirk curling at his lips, obviously meant to be encouraging and friendly, and with any luck, he hoped it was funny since he figured Danny may know how easy it was to be on Caine's shit list thanks to the one simple deciision many campers made regarding when they talked to him and quickly earned his ire. "I'm half sure we could play Go Fish while smoking hash and it'd be closer to a party than this anarchy."
.Malia despite the ramping high of the drugs, that comment hurts too much and her expression crumples. "I guess so," she spits back, but there's not a lot of fight in her voice.
.Parker suddenly feels more bad for Malia than mad at her and frowns, expression softening. "I'
.Parker: wow
.Parker "I'm sorry. You weren't doing anything, but we were worried. You were gone for a while."
.Malia "I get it," she mumbles glumly. "I'm gonna go to bed, too, I think."
.Parker sighs and looks at Kieran. "Same."
.Malia doesn't wait for either of them before turning around and walking back to the cabins.
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