#yes this looks horrible it makes it way funnier
quinn-pop · 9 months
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finally was able to catch up w yohane in time for the finale. i could not stop thinking about this
textless + original
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worstcharacterpoll · 1 year
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[Image description: A tournament bracket of 32 contenders, labeled "Tumblr's most hated." The matchups on the left are Vriska vs. Pearl from SU; Rex from Victorious vs. Rick Sanchez; Ansem the Wise vs. Gul Dukat; Kylo Ren vs. Kokichi Ouma; Scrappy Doo vs. Sheldon Cooper; Pierre from Stardew vs. Mort from Madagascar; Seraphine from League vs. Heimskr; and Jurgen Leitner vs. Andre Glacier. The matchups on the right are Walter White vs. Light Yagami; Buck Cluck vs. Ross Geller; Bramblestar vs. Starlight Glimmer; Goro Akechi vs. Pariston Hill; Katsuki Bakugo vs. Berdly; Angel Dust vs. the Impostor; Olaf from Frozen vs. Hooty; and Zenos viator Galvus vs. Tony Stark. The bracket is red on a black background. End ID]
Here is the official bracket for the most Hated Character on Tumblr! Each round will last 24 hours, with a 12 hour break in between. Round 1 should start Feb 9, 2023 at 9:00 AM CST.
As a reminder, this tournament is for the characters that you hate the most, so always vote for your least favorite of the two options. The winner will be publicly executed.
FAQ under cut:
Q: Why did you put in x character and not y character? Aren't there more hateable characters from that franchise?
A: I wanted to keep the competition light-hearted, funny, and interesting. I intentionally avoided most shitty parent characters, dictators, characters who were meant to be hated, etc., as well as characters heavily associated with bigotry and sexual assault, and gravitated towards characters that were more divisive in fandom. Exceptions were only made for characters I am familiar enough with and can use my own judgement for. Using Zenos as an example: He is a villain who is very evil and meant to be hated, which I mostly avoided when taking suggestions for things I wasn't familiar with myself. However, he's very divisive between people who think he's a good interesting villain, people who don't think he's a good villain and don't like him in the story at all, and people who want him carnally. Walter White is also meant to be hated, but he has a meme status, and as a villain protagonist I think he's more interesting than most "meant to be hated" characters. Also, there are certain franchises that I simply didn't want to include. If JK Rowling wasn't such a real and horrible political presence, owing all her influence to Harry Potter, I would've definitely put Snape on the poll. As it stands, I don't really want to give HP any attention. TL;DR answer: Because it's funnier that way
Q: But I LIKE that character :(
A: As mentioned before, I specifically gravitated more towards characters who are more divisive rather than universally hated. They are usually more interesting, and there is more variety with those types of characters - you don't have shitty dad character #1 vs. shitty dad character #2. I actually looked for "anti-(character)" tags and discourse about that character when making decisions about who to include. lol If you actually like some of these characters (uh, my condolences), vote against them in their respective matchups.
Q: Is it too late to suggest a replacement?
A: Yes.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I feed off of hatred and violence. I want to see who tumblr users REALLY hate.
Q: Why Pearl?
A: It was quite a while ago now so I get it if people don't remember, but Pearl discourse used to be a big thing and people argued that she was irredeemable for many of the things she did early on in the show. If you remember the "Pearl hates the Irish" meme, that was a parody of how much people hated her
Q: Why Hooty?
A: I haven't seen the Owl House but I'm told many people think he's annoying. Also he's voiced by Alex Hirsch and fuck that guy he did my boy Ford so dirty I'm still mad about this
Q: Why Starlight Glimmer?
A: MLP:FiM is another show I didn't really watch but she was a villain who got redeemed and became a main character and a lot of people think her redemption arc was rushed and botched and she actually made a lot of people quit watching the show. One of my close friends really really really hates her and I don't think that's an isolated incident
Q: Why Berdly?
A: Annoying. Personally I think his arc of becoming less annoying was pretty fun but a lot of people still hate him.
Q: Why Bakugo (instead of Mineta)?
A: I actually debated this a lot and held a preliminary poll which Mineta actually won. But then I decided democracy is dead because Mineta really wouldn't be as interesting as Bakugo in this tournament because he's basically universally hated. Bakugo is more interesting because people who hate him REALLY hate him, while people who love him REALLY love him. Kind of like Vriska. I think. I never read Homestuck and I don't plan on ever doing so.
Q: Why Tony Stark?
A: He's a heavily divisive character because he's a war profiteer billionaire with a superiority complex, but the narrative treats him as a morally pure hero. Also, he's MCU Spider-Man's mentor and most of MCU Spider-Man is basically defined by Tony Stark and he's not allowed to be his own character. There's a bunch of other stuff but I didn't watch and I don't care about most of the MCU. Personally I'm a really big Spider-Man fan and I despise him for what he did to Peter Parker but I shall refrain from making this a long rant.
Q: Why did you include characters that you're not familiar with?
A: I didn't want to exclusively have characters from my interests. I wanted a bit of variety. Before the poll started, I accepted submissions for candidates, and basically trusted submitters to send in decent characters. Some of the characters I ended up with may go against the vague guidelines I set for myself, which kind of sucks, but that's how it is now.
Q: This bracket sucks.
A: Make your own tournament then. I'm just some guy making a tournament on tumblr dot com for free. Don't take it too seriously.
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
yandere karaku and sekido vs yandere aizetsu and urogi fighting for the reader? (btw i’m not shipping the clones together)
Goddamn. All four of the clones… okay, okay. I’ll try this out! Probs be formatted in the same way as the ObaMitsu vs SaneKana rivalry post! I’m certain I can do this
Yandere! Demon Slayer Scenarios: Romantic! Karaku vs Romantic! Sekido vs Romantic! Aizetsu vs Romantic! Urogi
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This is… a disaster… a horrible disaster. You could have had anybody, demon or human, chasing after you but NO. You have all four of the infamous Upper Moon 4’s emotion clones lusting after you. God, you’re so screwed
All four clone brothers are equally as overprotective, possessive and delusional as each other over you. All four feel entitled to you and express their “claiming” of you in different ways, just hoping to win you over
They all believe you love him solely and hate his brothers. It was love at first sight but it is now corrupted, rotten love that won’t stop at murdering humans or spilling each other’s blood. It’s beyond insane
Urogi rubs every inch of his body all over you to mark his scent, Sekido straight up takes you away from everything, Karaku sends you a number of gifts with his name plastered on them and Aizetsu clings onto you and proclaims why he is better. All four are psycho and they play tug of war with you all the time
Urogi picks you up and flies away whilst his three other clone brothers angrily yell at him to come back with you. Urogi doesn’t even care, he just cares to have you as he possessively holds you and brings up to his little nest
Sekido is hyper aggressive towards his love rival clone brothers so he lashes out at them even looking at you. If he draws them away, you are all his and he clings obsessively
Aizetsu uses all means of emotional manipulation and guilt tripping to try get you to like him and avoid his clone brothers. It’s rather cruel how much he cries over you and how he can make you pity him
Karaku is a spoiler type of Yandere. He showers you in gifts, praise and confirmation, all as ways to persuade you to like him the most. You’ll never want another man if he treats you like a Royal, you’ll hate his clone brothers
Every situation with these four are hyper-aggressive arguments and all four suspecting you to pick them. Don’t like Sekido! Karaku is better! No! Aizetsu is kinder! But Urogi can fly! It goes on and on with all four yelling at each other to back off and demanding you pick them
All four clone brothers are so vitally overprotective over you that nobody can approach you. This is one of the only times they actively work together as they work together to ensure your safety
Yes. The four head Hantengu clones follow you around at night and sometimes, refuse to listen to Hantengu in favour of pursuing their favourite little demon. They are so much better, let them try win that little demon ever and protect them
Honestly, just picking one of the clone brothers is a difficult task. They don’t want to share you, they want you for themselves so if you do finally fold to their constant disturbance and clinginess, the other three will go batshit wild
It’s the most insane feat of rivalry and jealousy ever known to demonkind
“My darling. Why do you even look at those incompetent fools. I am very powerful, I am manly and I can provide more protection than they can, just admit you love me and not them”
“Cmonnn~! Just quit messing around with my brothers, you know, doll! I am funnier and I can give you all the love and presents and treats any demon could want~ pick me~!”
“Cupcake… do you believe my brother are better? I know you better than yourself and I understand you sympathetically… don’t leave me alone, I really need you”
“I smell a baby feather being tricked by three dum-dums! How about I show you that a big mate like myself is so much better than what they can do! Don’t you love flying~?”
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Ghostly bats and camera straps
source: #ghosts-and-bats
Danny gets stuck in Tim's camera
Tim thinks the fact that all the photos are in black and white are because he dropped/it broke, and that the people he sees in the photos but swears weren't there when he took the photo, well he blames that on a lack of sleep.
if he takes a photo of Jason's ghost following Batman around, then that's a hallucination caused by grief, nothing else
when he starts seeing neon green words begging for help on otherwise blank walls, he realises something might be up
he'll take a photo of graffiti because wow that's some pretty art of Batman and Robin and over top is just bold, neon green text saying he should smash his camera
it's all a big misunderstanding, but Tim thinks there's some ancient evil being in his camera, so he keeps it to make sure that it can never escape
his parents brought him the camera back from some place they were doing archeology things at, they didn't know it was left by a magician trying to catch ghosts in photographs
alternately: it fell out of the ghost zone and into their site
he sets it up to take a family photo and Thomas and Martha are in the back, standing behind Bruce
shows the camera to Raven or Constantine and they're like "!!!"
they ask if they can use it, and he gets oddly defensive about it
"no, you can't touch my weird monochrome camera, it was a gift from my parents!"
even funnier if some boomerang just comes out of no-where aiming for the camera
follow closely by a girl with white hair yelling, "We finally found the fucker"
Danny's camera got lost in time but they didn't know that, they've only been looking for him for like a dozen hours or so
ooh ooh what if the camera can sorta stun ghosts
Dani just stops in her tracks, staring, until someone tackles her and she snaps out of it
Tim uses the time to run away
que shenanigans of Tim running around Gotham being chased by some weird glowing girl, the only way to stop her being to take a photo of her
even funnier if he's not Robin, and Batman sees this boy running across rooftops screaming bloody murder
maybe Dani can only be seen through the camera lens?
omg she goes invisible to try and get the jump on the twerp
Sam and Tucker are in the Fenton jet and batman is like "wtf is going on here?!?! you are 100% not allowed to do that"
Sam grabs Tim by the scruff and "politely" asks for his camera
Tucker is enamoured by the Batmobile™️
Danny can only see the photos taken by the camera, there's a sudden influx of blurry/poorly taken photos of who he can only assume is his clone and his two best friends
each photo of Dani, he can vaguely make out her stunned expression
the camera takes perfectly normal photos of ghosts, so the fact that Dani comes out blurred means that Tim is not on his game
The messages on walls turn into "those are my friends!"
That doesn't help
How does Tim find out that the ghost in his camera isn't evil?
Oh! Danny is hurt really badly and suffering while in the camera and the writing on the walls is written in his ectoplasm! Just for added angst!
Poor Tim and Danny when Danny finally gets out
It actually causes Danny more pain when Tim takes pictures, but it's the only way Danny can communicate or try to reach out.  Tim would feel horrible when he finds out.
I can feel the emotional damage lol
But still
How does Danny get out?
And I wanna know how the conversation goes when they all figure out the misunderstanding.
Sidenote but I vote that we name this AU  Ghostly bats and camera straps
Sam punches Tim and Tucker takes the camera
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 9 react
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since when did shinra have blue eyes though
actually i just looked up images of him but what fucking color are those?? blue?? gray?? brown??
shinra is benedict cumberbatch i guess
also shinra beating izaya at cards (and especially poker) is hilarious i need more of that
shinra please tell shizaya to kiss. do it for me
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shizuo and izaya agreeing with each other when it comes to preventing shinra from straight up killing them lets go!!!! plus shizuo asking if shinra cheated because izaya lost ashdkgjsdkjghdssd
izaya totally cheated and still lost he's so pathetic <33333
the way he says "then" after that though like. he was actually considering dissection and money laundering PFFF
yes eat lunch together i promise it wont go horribly wrong
they've really never done this in canon though?? maybe i just read too much fanfiction about it
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oh i guess they definitely havent done it before 😭
maybe this is a start. maybe they do it every day after this
izaya's cat face is so cute rhfhrgjhhjgh
only shizuo and izaya would be so baffled at the idea of eating lunch together help
like if these were ANY other people they'd be like oh sure why not! not these losers
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watch the entire chapter just be them stalling help
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THEY FINISH EACH OTHERS SENTENCES!! married couple behavior fr fr (<-delusional)
they havent argued once in this chapter yet so im taking everything i can get ok
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the only things that will get shizaya to be on the same wavelength are eating simon's food and being afraid of shinra
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THEY'RE SO CUTE!! the holy trio of malewives
i choose to believe that was both of them saying 'shinra shut up'
meals for the family man because they're going to start a family together (<-delusional but like. more than usual)
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i sense a food fight incoming
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oh yeah this is going on my twitter banner
cant believe we have two whole chapters of shizaya cooking together in the minidura manga. out of ten chapters. probably representative of how the mangaka was cooking fr
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izaya would be the one out of the two of them to make moe anime girl noises (my entire friend group)
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honestly how has shinra not gone insane from dealing with these two for the entirety of high school
scratch that he is insane my bad
it's like herding cats, not because they keep going in opposite directions, but because they keep fighting
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of course they disagree on food tastes too. someone's leaving this kitchen with a broken spine
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ive just stopped screenshotting and started posting entire pages because everything is gold
"are you that confident in your tongue" i bet you ten bucks that i could find that line in a shizaya smut fanfiction in less than 20 minutes
at least shinra's having fun
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married couple behavior for sure. who doesnt bicker while cooking together
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shizuo would be good at cooking if izaya wasn't provoking him 😭maybe. idk the milk drinker genes might hinder him actually
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for a moment there i thought they were going to have no food at all bgkjgsjsgdk
izaya and shizuo look so cute in the back thoughhhh look at themmm
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shinra. shinra why would you say that they're going to kill each other. shinra. SHINRA
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oh nvm i guess they were too tired to argue 😭being in forced proximity for this long is literally harder than chasing each other
wait whats that psychology term for it again. group. something. group goal SUBORDINATE GOAL thats it. a goal given to two opposing groups that forces them to cooperate and will usually eventually make them like each other more (it has never worked for shizaya. see the simon chapter) (also excuse the psychology terminology i have my final test in a month or so and this is the only way i can force myself to study)
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so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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shinra sitting between them pfft
izaya's cat face actually kills me every time
either the food is amazing or the food is dogshit and i dont know which one would be funnier
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ok thats better than either of those options
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this chapter has literally just been shizuo and izaya Going Through It
"everyone should get along like me and celty" is he saying shizaya should date. yes he is because i said so
also izaya moving even further away from shinra LMFAO he'd rather be in hitting range of shizuo than have to deal with shinra's celty shpeal
there's so many good reaction pictures with shizaya this chapter ill definitely be cutting them out to make into a banner at some point
im convinced this serves as a precious memory for both of them even if they dont realize it >:)
99999/10 chapter i enjoyed every second of it
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c0rvidbones · 4 months
hello I love your art a whole lot!! tell me more about Wit (he's hot and evil and I require more juicy details) and Ruby (his design goes so hard) please?
oh my god hi i did not expect to come back to 20 notifs. (/pos) youve given me a much needed ego boost tonight thank you. is it bad i cant remember having ever posted ruby art?? ive only ever gotten One comm of him which is a crime, my violent martyr son should rly get more love than i give him 😔 but thank you for asking! buckle up this is gonna be a long fuckin post ♡ everything under the cut including relevant character art
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behold, all art of wit i have including one i havent posted here bc i never actually finished it and the wip of him being a silly giggly boy. pls know i came up with him like MAYBE a month ago. two, tops.
SO wit is actually a what-if au of another oc of mine, his name is doodle. doodle (seen below) is a very robin-hood-esque oc, honorable thief and kindhearted, swashbuckler rogue that dual wields rapiers bc hes insane. but hes insane in like a normal way. he was a horrible child but he did grow out of it and its rare to see him w his hair down so pardon me making him look absurdly pretty in that one.
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as you can see there are some (but not MANY) differences between the two. kid wit does have the starry hands/peets im just forgetful dont @ me about it djdjdj
ANYWAYS so the what-if of the au that wit is, essentially, little singular things didn't happen to people in that au world. it goes like so;
wit: never met his childhood best friend when he was a freshly injured orphan. was alone from the (elf) ages of 0-16. ended up studying magic (illusion wizard) since he didn't have someone to lean on for that sort of thing.
laika (wit's mom): never truly broke out of an archfey's madness curse. stuck with a very twisted version of the spell Tasha's Hideous Laughter burned into her mind. everything is funny and if it's scary? even funnier. she died briefly. shes back now, but still madnessed.
perseverance (wit's dad): never saved his mother from a death blow in the be-all end-all fight to save his home. was held back by someone who he thought was a friend, killed that person and then ultimately spiralled so hard that he became a lich. may or may not have accidentally killed laika.
something something one decision can change your whole life, me and my friend loved playing with that concept.
okay now that you know a lil lore/history i can dive into what wit is like.
as a kid (drawn with the short megafloofy hair) he's very mischievous and bastardly, almost always smiling or grinning but it's more to lean into the uncanny valley effect his eyes cause than out of any actual joy or anything. he doesn't Blink and he knows it unnerves people because he also has a freakishly high insight (i think its like a +9 or smth??? at level 9??). he loves to come up with fucked up spells, like. for example i saw a silly post on here the other day that was very jokingly having a wizard cast a spell of "10000 bricks until you die" but then i was immediately aware wit would (1) come up with that spell, make it functional, and have it unfortunately obliterate everyone that gets hit with it, and (2) he would call it Wit's Bricks which i think is fuckin funny. he would also come up with spells of like. cause heatstroke. boil all fluid in your body. FREEZE all fluid in your body. he's a little freak with extremely low empathy for those he isn't connected to with blood ties. that said, he's kind to his family (albeit very blunt and will call them out if theyre being stupid) and inquisitive. he DID look his dad in the eye when he met him for the first time and went "are you dead?" which. again, hilarious, but BRUTALLY blunt. he then called his dad cool because yes his dad is now a lich and therefore undead. he's a little freak but he's still a kid and that is ultimately his saving grace, what small child isn't a little freak.
as an adult (long ponytail) i get a feel of him being aro and using romance as a way to manipulate people. he's definitely still not a good person and far more stoic than he was as a child. also he most definitely maintains a constant illusion to make it seem like his eyes are always closed, which lends an air of mystery to the strange elf that seems to always be standing right behind every throne in every kingdom of faerun. i say this because i like to think he would become what's called a King's Wit, which is like a combo of royal advisor, court mage, and "guy the regent has insult other nobility since insults are beneath the reigning royal". he uses all of that to his advantage, gaining the ear and trust of every single person of noble blood that is part of any royal or ruling court, and he will bend and twist their choices so subtly that they won't realise he led them to ruin until it's already too late. which is his ultimate plan. he's STILL somewhat a robin hood style of character, but he takes it a bit further and with far less kindness to the nobility. he guts their coffers completely and every hoarded coin down to the last copper inevitably will land its way conveniently into the lap of the common folk. he does take a healthy chunk for himself - did you know being a wizard was EXPENSIVE in dnd btw? i didnt until i made wit - but most of it is for the local citizens. he does this everywhere he goes if he sees that it needs to happen. fucker topples kingdoms For Fun, because he never gets caught or credited with the ruin he leaves behind himself. he's awful. he probably still comes up with fucked up spells and he manipulates his way into wherever he wants to be. i love him.
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behold! @polterpumpkin drew my (not very) little guy for me! this is part of a greater set but this is the fully coloured one and arguably my fave bc it captures the absolute batshit energy ruby brings to the table.
ruby is a tiefling that was born in a lab. voluntarily, his parents participated in a sort of study that wanted to eval why it is tieflings could be born to non-tiefling parents. (both his parents are half-orcs, interestingly!) he participated in it up to a certain point, before he got sick of being poked and prodded and Watched. that's when he demanded to be released and, when he wasn't, both his parents helped him escape, unfortunately leaving his other two tiefling-born siblings behind in the process. both parents Died helping him escape, and he was embittered as is by the whole study bs, and then to have his parents die Saving him? it left him with this sort of hole he didn't know how to feel.
so he fills that hole with every vice he finds agreeable. he drinks, he fights, and he drinks again. he's a drunken monk, and one full of unbridled rage and a death wish. he isn't my happiest oc but he isn't my worst off (that would be talisman bloodhunter). he's constantly seeking a grand and worthy cause to die for, literally. he's a wannabe martyr, because he doesn't think he has anything to live for. no lovers, no friends, no allies, MAYBE a coworker or two on the occasion he's needed (he is so not needed most of the time, because it isn't often any job needs an angry monk tief to glare around the place). he has just those two sides to himself - party animal and underground drunk brawler - because he doesn't want to think about the pain underneath them both. he's tragic in a very human way, hilariously enough, but he's not a bad person. even if he's being dragged by the tail to do a job, he's ultimately going to be helpful and he ALWAYS keeps his team alive. he'll grumble about it but he'll do it, and if you thank him he brushes it off, muttering something or other about how it's just his job, don't Thank him for that. i think having a friend would Fix him but fuck if i know what would get past his thick skin 😔
i dont get to play or write ruby really, not for any specific reason other than the dnd games im in have been going for So long, and that i havent really been super inspired to write him. but i love him! literally my car is named after him! i have so many feelings for him and i hope one day i get to play/write him so he can be more fleshed out.
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
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So remember Drakkon?  Tommy Oliver if he sucked?  The only thing that kept the Power Rangers side of the main series interesting?  Well he’s back!!!!  He’s back and making new friends (Kiya, who wants to kill him) and reuniting with old friends (the Coinless Rangers, who want to kill him) to fight against Dark Specter, who wants to kill all of them.  Let’s see what wacky shenanigans they get up to in Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless!
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- remember what i said about this book having old woman yuri?  yeah.
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- not to be weird but I totally get Drakkon’s smile rn.  I would also be super happy if Scorpina was on top of me about to murder me
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- you ever get saved from street execution by your ex-wife and immediately start nagging her.  he’s such an asshole
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- ignoring how he sucks this is our first confirmation that the events of DND were important to this book (Dark Specter refers to this as the first world he conquered, so I guess the idea is it’s because he was summoned through the Deadlock opening) though Evil Andros isn’t mentioned or referenced in any way.  So I don’t know if he’ll be important later or if he’ll just be quietly written off as having been killed by this point
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- Kiya just doesn’t have the headspace to even try and figure out the weird anti-divorce dynamic being laid out in front of her and I don’t blame her.  Finster-5 gets more points for literally not even listening to them (he’s been dealing with them for over a decade) 
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- "keep zombie loved one hidden as a way to keep them safe and possibly get through to them even though it’ll inevitably come back to bite you in the ass” is an inherently gay trope
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- Honestly, between the White powers being unable to be split and Drakkon refusing to give up the Green coin, this is more respect for Tommy’s powers and more analysis of Tommy’s feelings towards them than the main series have done..................since Necessary Evil 
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- yes it sucks that Zack had to be the one sacrificed here but at least it’s giving him more narrative and emotional importance than he has in ages
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- and heyyyyy we got a little explanation of where the fuck the Triceratops coin has been these past few Coinless stories!  Trini had it and refused to let anyone else take it in order to keep Billy close to her.  Simple, but effective
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- CAN YOU TWO JUST...........................I DON’T EVEN KNOW.  KNOCK IT OFF
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- you know I didn’t think you could make Drakkon and Slayer’s dynamic even funnier but turns out what you had to do was add a bloodthirsty daughter who really wants to kill her horrible new dad 
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- oh.........i hoped you would be dead, tbh 
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- remember how I said in my one ask Drakkon and Slayer get pissed if the other gets hurt by someone else?  yeah.  
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- and yeah.  This one wins though for being probably the funniest sequences of panels in the book.  Just casually stopping the fifth attempted murder of your ex that day 
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- AND YEAH.  this one is just insane though
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- oh look it’s the sequence that made me want to chew through my walls at five am on a Wednesday morning
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- HE’S SO FUCKING PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  this scene was described to me as “he said ‘it’s all yours’ to Dark Specter but apparently he meant everything except Kim” and i just GHRHGHRHGHRGHRHRH  
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- [sobbing] old woman yuri
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- tfw you acted like a dick to people grieving a lost loved one the entire book but now it happened to you and it fucking SUCKS
so yeah obviously I hate that Slayer was captured and is more than likely going to end up possessed this entire event BUT looking at it from a story perspective 
a) Slayer’s too popular and too crucial to the Coinless World for her to be killed off.  She’ll be back
b) If they’re going where I think they’re going with Drakkon’s development here taking out Slayer is the way to do it.  That page in particular was very clearly setting up that this is meant to hit him personally and possibly be the moment where he finally “wakes up” in a sense 
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darlenicy · 1 year
Okay, so I am watching season 5 and I won't hide my opinion on it
Episode 5x2
1stly I have to say, that watching this gives me physical pain. 😂 s4 was super duper good compared to this. But let's start with ep 2:
Let Musa sing, Bloom!
➡ honestly, it looks and feels so wrong to see the actual fairy of music with the angelic voice being reduced to a random band member
➡ Layla however fits the part of a drummer imo
I love how these guardian selkies are super useless but I have to admit, they're kinda cute. Better than the ugly pets anyway. And they have a task to fulfill and therefore and excuse to be in the show
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also why is Tritannus' trident just lying there? shouldn't someone like..store it somewhere instead of letting it lie there in the dungeons on the floor?
also idk what happened to the Trix but the imprisonment must have been so traumatic to them that Icy suffers from a strong out-of-character sickness
➡ everyone knows this, but I'll say it again and again: Icy was totally disgusted by Valtor turning into a monster at the end of s3 and now Tritannus does it and now she's like cool💗
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awawawa look at my girls' little faces (but it would've been way funnier if only Icy was the one who looked like that and Stormy and Darcy being 😒)
Layla finds out that Tritannus disturbed the coronation of his brother and is like: WHY DOES HE DO SOMETHING SO HORRIBLE?
➡ firstly: is it really that horrible to disturb a coronation? i mean it's not nice but HORRIBLE? isn't it rather horrible that a father imprisons his own son? And 2ndly do you really wonder about that when you too call Tritannus your psycho cousin? I'm afraid I'll found the Tritannus-Defense-Squad simply because everyone treats him like shit and this even though I don't really know what to think about him lol but this is so unfair
The oil floods the ocean ➡ Tecna: COME ON I HAVE TO FILM THIS! (this might be poorly translated in the German dub since she says in the nickelodeon version, that they had to document it but I find it kinda funny imagining Tecna to be someone who films straight away tragic events. There is car accident? WHERE IS MY CAMERA?)
another thing that makes me wonder if the script writers have actually ever thought about anything is why the oil can't harm the trix but tritannus? Any ideas? no? ok
Stormy: This guy could be our way out of here – Icy: This guy could be the guy for me ➡ stop thinking with your vagina, Icy. that’s so not you (seriously what happened during their imprisonment???)
it's kinda cute how concerned the trix look when tritannus attacked the selkies. It's not like they did the same things to the pixies already
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like Stormy is so: OHHH NOO THE POOR BBS
also tritannus looks so ugly lmao what's wrong with you, icy?
and why does tritannus want to earth? Is there a proper reason? To get the oil? Only to get the oil? He really enjoys being an ugly monster? ok
Okay, their flirting is cute, I do admit that. It's better written then skloom and that's funny.
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Icy: "We don't have our powers, they were taken from us" (➡ doesn't s1 show us that this is actually impossible????) But if you could ....." *fluttering her eyelashes* Tritannus: ".... restore them?" Icy: yes <;3 OKAY I admit that's cute. Their dynamic is better than skloom's ever was lmao
Tritannus is also a bitch for kajal, isn't he 👁? ⬇
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⬆ i mean look at his eyes. good for him i guess.. but look at his eyes! 🤣🤣
Darcy: What do you think? Stormy: …why not – lmao she's like "we’ve nothing better to do now”
➡ but I love seeing them kinda wondering IF they should follow them or not. Before, the trix always did follow the bad guys as a team but now Icy is doing her solo thing and Darcy is like... are we okay with that? and stormy is like: she'll get over him soon
I love the trix being able to sense the magic of the Winx on earth
why do the Winx need SO LONG to transform?? why run away like chickens? you can transform and ahjhhhhggg 🤬
WHY ISN'T ROXY WITH THEM??? Why is she left out again?? She could help! JUSTICE FOR ROXY!
Why do the Winx suddenly know how to breath underwater? Wasn't that like hard in s3? What? We give no fck on continuity? OK
icy crying for help?…………….you fkn serious? ➡ Icy, how out of character do you wanna be? Icy: YES
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lara635kookie · 10 months
I already did Maelstrom so it's time to do the other psycho/sociopath character. Welcome to my Paper Star Character Analysis.
We first see Paper Star talking to Maelstrom (obviously). He asks her to bring him the hat of Carmen Sandiego. She was holding an origami of a sheep and she makes a paper star with it and shoots it to a skeleton, cutting his head off. Then Maelstrom says:"I'll take that as a yes" and the camera zooms on Paper Star's eyes, showing a little bit of her, but still in the dark. We must notice that Paper Star has the longest villain introduction of all the operatives. Usually they just show up, their names appears on the screen with a background and you're done. As for Paper Star, the episode makes a mystery showing glimpses of her in the darkness, creating a climax and a whole vibe of danger just so she could get a more impactful villain presentation than the others. Another thing that proves her spotlight and why she's far away from all the other villains is that she is the only character besides Carmen ("Where in The World is Carmen Sandiego?") that has a theme song(I do not care if It's just a disturbing four melody high-pitched tune, a bop is a bop). Her theme might not have lyrics (besides some la la la la I guess) but the melody and the way she hums it It's absolutely creepy, scary and terrifying, I love it (God bless Kimiko Glenn for her outstanding voice acting). When presenting the Magna Carta heist plan we see the following dialogue:
Shadowsan:Would I be correct in assuming that you have a particular operative in mind for this misdeed, Professor?
Maelstrom:Well, the crime involves stealing paper, does it not? (If I remember correctly he says that and then looks at Doctor Bellum right after, which might be a hint that indicates Paper Star uses some different kind of paper that Bellum modificated its composition or something 'cause how tf paper is so sharp to the point is lethal?) (But apparently It's just normal paper since we often see her running out of her own papers and using regular papers nearby that somehow make the exact same amount of damage)
Shadowsan:She is far from ready.
Maelstrom:Questioning my judgment after my compelling intro, dear Shadowsan? (I think in some voiceovers he asks "Questioning my sanity?" which just makes it even funnier lol Maelstrom you are in fact insane and a threat to society, Shadowsan is right and should question whatever you say or do lmao)
Of course he questions your judgment, Maelstrom. He knows that Carmen can take down any other agent easily but Paper Star would demand more work from her. He knows that Paper Star is just as deadly as you and he doesn't want Carmen dead. Paper Star may be even MORE mortal than Maelstrom 'cause I don't know if that's just me but he passes me the vibe of killing quickly or having someone else killing for him and would just watch the victim die. I just have that impression that Maelstrom wouldn't want to have his hands and his fancy clothes dirty. He would like torture but it wouldn't be mandatory, a point proven as we see him using the crackle rod in the driver and letting Brunt almost die drowned in extremely cold water instead of doing something that makes the victim suffer even more. Meanwhile Paper Star, for having a cutting/stabbing kind of weapon style I think she would like killing in a slow, painful and torturing for the victim kind of way. And the more blood the better. She like big, dramatic and creative deaths, knowing thousands of innovative ways of murder with AND without paper, and some invented by herself(headcanon that you cannot convince me otherwise). I just feel like she would have killed that driver in the most horrible way possible and if Brunt stopped the car almost dying of cold, unlike Maelstrom, Paper Star would have finished the job. Her behaviour being like this is proven by her encounter in Mumbai's "historic elephanta caves" with Le Chevre, in which she tortures him with her origamis and I just KNOW she would have killed him without hesitation if he didn't give her what she wanted. If she did, she probably would call Maelstrom and invent a lie and he would tell her where to escort the papers.
Anyway, skipped ahead too much. So, back to the faculty, Shadowsan HIMSELF aknowledges the fact that Paper Star looks like Black Sheep:Unruly and another word I forgot(reckless?). As we all know all the members in Team Red have an evil villain counterpart, being:
Player:The Troll;
Ivy:The Mechanic;
Zack:The Driver;
Shadowsan:Lady Dokuso.
And logically (and canonically) Carmen's counterpart is Paper Star. So if Carmen is the most skilled person on the good side, it's only fair Paper Star is the most skilled person on the bad side. And it showed. Paper Star is like Carmen's Black Mirror (catch the reference here pls), possibly representing what Carmen would have become if she had forgotten her ethics and morals and fully embraced V.I.L.E.'s ideals. They have a lot in common, like:Both started as the youngest in their class, both showed to be prodigious thiefs with uncommon and distinguished natural talents and skills, both being teacher's pet of a faculty member(Coach Brunt for Black Sheep and Professor Maelstrom for Paper Star), both inclined to not follow rules that don't convey to them, both encounter pleasure in fighting, both with VERY sharp tongue using answers full of irony and sarcastic comebacks, both with high self confidence, both are very clever and possess an extremely high intellect and wits, both are shown to have a quick and strategic way of thinking, both are very insightful, both have very few weaknesses, etc.
So, again with the faculty:majority vote backfires Shadowsan (no one is surprised with it at this point) and Paper Star is sent on the mission, which only reinforces Maelstrom's persuasion powers and leadership over the other faculty members, given it was his idea.
We then see Paper Star singing and jumping(I have a headcanon that she has ADHD and that's why she's so hyperactive and she started origami to improve her attention) and breaking the security camera's screen with her paper shurikens. Then Carmen arrives and right after she says:"Hmmm Papers" (iconic, just like pretty much almost everything she does) she is officialy introduced. The first thing Carmen says after Paper Star is introduced is:"Paper Star, I see you haven't lost your touch." A compliment, instead of a teasing provocation, which is rare for Carmen. And the first thing she says after we officially know her appearance once and for all is:"Red is a smart color for you. It will hide the stains." Literally the first phrase she says after being completely introduced is implied murder.
This girl got so many iconic quotes besides that one, like:
"Mind your own mittens, Kitty Cat."
"Unless you care to find out who here has sharper claws."
"You should run." (Too many implied murder threats to count)
"Nowhere to hide, not very smart."
"In my world, paper beats steel." (It's Paper Star's world, we're just living it it) (Her world is crazy and unpredictable just like her)
"Such a pretty package."
"The more you struggle the tighter it gets."
"Bye bye little Black Sheep."
"But my ears were burning."
"If you insist."
"Guilty as charged, but I never come to a party empty-handed."
"Too bad I shred your pretty glider."
"I told you before:Sheep don't fly. Not on my watch."
"Oh, Is that why you want it so badly, huh?"
"Is there a point here?"
"Hum, sounds valuable."
"What are you hiding?"
"It really should reduce, reuse and recycle." (Environmentalist from the girl that kills trees, how ironic)
"You look like an operative who would get caught." (Amazing judge of character) (Goat Cheese's worst mistake was calling her Pippi Punkstockings) (I laughed tho)
"No need to speak in code." (Her absolute disdain and disrespect for the pattern protocols man) (It's really her way or the highway)
"Perhaps the fish does swim at midnight."
"It will give you a thousand paper cuts unless you tell me the last drop location." (He will bleed too much with these amount of paper cuts, she is totally capable and would have kill Le Chevre there, hands down)
"Your mastery over poison potions is legendary, Lady Dokuso. It would be prudent of me to respect my elders." (Polite Psychotic Princess)
"All this talk about the great Carmen Sandiego but in the flush you're just a paper tiger." (She is literally the only agent that has the honor to say that since, let's be real, it was easy for her, she thought it would be harder and she wanted it to be challenging, that's how good she is)
"There goes Paper Star."
"First one to bag our host wins."
"I know that voice."
"Is that what they say?"
"Oh, such a shame I don't believe in ghosts."
"Puffer fish. Very pointful."
"These brochures are chalk full of...Cutting edge information."
(I think I just listed almost everything she talks is the whole entire show but she is just THAT memorable and deserved more screen time)
Sadistic. Cruel. Maniac. Call her whatever you want but girl knows how to get shit done. They fight for some time("they never protect the face" Paper Star just protected her face, she isn't V.I.L.E.'s five star student for nothing)(Le Chevre, Tigress, Gray, LEARN)(But to be fair she was still at school at that time so the subjects were probably still fresh in her head) but at the end, to everyone's surprise, Paper Star WINS Carmen Sandiego, the only villain to do that so far, at least on that point on the story. She CAPTURED Carmen and stole the Magna Carta and I think y'all ignore the fact that if V.I.L.E. was competent and the cleaners were there with the helicopter, they would have got Carmen to V.I.L.E. and thanks to Paper Star we would have Evil Carmen WAY SOONER. But sadly for Paper Star, V.I.L.E., unlike her, can't do their fucking jobs right (how they survived centuries without getting caught is a total mystery to me) and the cleaners weren't there and as we see Paper Star is the type that likes doing her job by herself, she didn't have a partner and didn't seem to have any way of communicating with V.I.L.E. either so she had to improvise and ring the security alarm because she knew the local authorities would catch her and then she would be transferred to V.I.L.E. by Roundabout. I honestly believe it was pure script protection that made Paper Star, who had Carmen completely unable to move, kill Carmen right there(she made a knife and tried to stab Carmen on the neck eeatly in the fight). She would have had her hat, the Magna Cartas and would be V.I.L.E.'s savior and biggest idol. But she probably wouldn't have the A.C.M.E. card so I let it slide since they showcased how good she was still giving her a hell of a win over Carmen. I don't think she decided to not kill Carmen to obey V.I.L.E. but because she thought the cleaners would take Carmen to V.I.L.E. and she would be able to prove how good she truly was to the faculty. Unfortunately for her, that police waiting gave time to Carmen, allowing her to escape. I think V.I.L.E., even Maelstrom, underestimated Paper Star and didn't expect her first mission to go THAT WELL and didn't sent the cleaners because they didn't expect her to be able to capture Carmen. Shadowsan seemed to be the only one that realized Paper Star was a hidden gem and a rare jewel, like Black Sheep were, and she didn't want Paper Star to harm Carmen.
Much like Carmen and her risky behavior, drawing attention V.I.L.E. doesn't want on them, Paper Star is similar on that aspect, since she leaves a paper mess behind her crimes. And that's probably what made V.I.L.E. want Le Chevre to escort the Magna Carta to safety. Compared to Paper Star, who also like Carmen is a fashion icon and has a very characteristic kind of style that draws unwanted eyes(red for Carmen, neon for paper star) (and both have iconic makeup - red and purple lipstick, amazing eyebrows and eyeliner) (and iconic head things - Carmen's awesome long hair with her iconic fedora and Paper Star's Melanie Martinez hair with her iconic hairstyle), he is much more discreet. But of course Paper Star wants to prove herself and finish the job, making Le Chevre angry saying he had completed more successful missions than her. Yes Le Chevre, but have you ever been the youngest in your class and V.I.L.E.'s youngest operative, at the end of your teenage years, didn't even graduated yet but was so remarkable and gifted faculty gave you special permission to a important mission against an opponent that has defeated a lot of V.I.L.E.'s agents (including you) and not only you could steal it successfully from THE Carmen Sandiego, known for having a massive stealth reputation, but also capture her? No? Exactly. That's the point. Besides, all of the missions you completed were before Carmen. After her, you failed all of them(at least it seems like it). If Paper Star had already a level compared to Maelstrom and Carmen and was BY FAR better than all the other operatives, who unlike her had already graduated and had more experience, and her very FIRST mission was being THAT successful, being something completely unexpected for a trainee with less than one year of training, at THAT age, this girl would be UNSTOPPABLE in no time if she kept that rythm.
Like, we know by Coach Brunt that official codenames are assigned just after graduation. Until there, first names only. Yet we never get Paper Star's real name, even knowing her and Carmen had a few classes together. Also all the faculty members refer to her as Paper Star instead of her real name, which makes me think she got a codename (and probably a stealth suit too) earlier than she should. That's the power Maelstrom holds, 'cause we see Black Sheep being Brunt's favorite and Gray being Bellum's favorite and they didn't have the privileges Paper Star gets. If Countess Cleo or Shadowsan had a favorite as well(Shadowsan always pretended his favorite was Tigress) they would never be able to convince the rest of the faculty to break so many rules for an specific agent, I just know it. Paper Star clearly realized that and knew sticking to Maelstrom was the fastest way of success on that field. In my head, Paper Star always pretended to be Maelstrom's "puppet", pretended to fall for his manipulation and that she was a submissive little girl he could control, so she could win everything she always wanted and eventually a faculty member position that let's be frank Maelstrom would clearly give it to her when he dies/retires. And if he didn't, I can totally see Paper Star going on and taking it either way just because she can. She's the most qualified for it anyway. I think that maybe Maelstrom knew about Paper Star's true intentions, since he's a psichology doctor and psychiatry is his forte, and just rolled with it 'cause both of them bought mutual benefits for one another, each helping the other one to achieve their personal goals. But unlike Paper Star, Maelstrom seemed to be a little bit more aware that he's clinically insane than her.
Anyway, she almost kills Le Chevre, forcing him to tell her where to escort the magna carta and she goes by the name of "Tammy Origami". This name that no one would have in real life just shows how extra she is, just playing around and challenging Carmen to "come and get her if she dared." Unlike Carmen, for Paper Star stealing is a game. She wanted the thrill of the fight to get as many points as she could to win the game. Then Carmen keeps an eye on her on the train(Paper Star making a paper knife to eat was the cutest thing ever, prove me wrong) and then they have the gayest fight ever, almost kissing multiple times. But another thing about this fight that draws attention is how balanced it was, even after Paper Star ran out of paper. As Paper Star is that one villain with a long-range projectiles as a primary weapon, that stops you to get near her, you'd expect Carmen to easily beat her down in a physical fight, since It's not Paper Star's focus. But surprisingly, Carmen took longer in a face-to-face fight with Paper Star than with Tigress, for exemple, that has a close quarters kind of style. I think that happened not only because they were in a train in movement but also because deep down, in their subconscious, even themselves know how alike they are. Paper Star just immediately knew Carmen's fighting style, even having fought her just once, being able to think quickly, awnsering to it, just like Carmen knew Paper Star wouldn't follow the protocol.
So Paper Star jumps on those stairs with the Magna Carta and we don't mention enough that if that thing Carmen took from the train wasn't there, or Carmen hadn't thought about it, or didn't pulled that from its place in time, or had missed the shot, Paper Star would have fully completed her mission. Which means:Unlike all the other missions so far Carmen won out of pure and sheer luck. There were plenty of factors that could stop that improvised cutting boomerang or whatever of hitting its target, such as:Distance, wind power, weight, height, force applied in the arms and on the object itself. Things impossible to calculate in that speed, doesn't matter how good of quick thinker you are. Specially 'cause some of those things are imprevisible:They can change in a second. So, let's be real:Carmen had more chances of missing than actually getting it right.
Also she could have just get on the platform we see a bird on after Carmen's gone, making it even harder to Carmen to shoot that steel circle thingy but whatever, I guess you can't get everything right(My hands are itching to make an angry speech about how Paper Star only lost because Carmen is the main character, she's got plot protection and how that's a kids show so you gotta show good triumphing over evil even if it's not exactly so simple like that on real life).
Back to V.I.L.E. we hear the following dialogue:
Shadowsan:Did you not assure us that Paper Star was ready?
Maelstrom:I never instructed her to break protocol. (Another proof that even with most of Paper Star's and Maelstrom's interests colliding, Paper Star still prioritizes herself and what she wants over Maelstrom and even V.I.L.E. itself)
Paper Star walks in jumping and singing her typical horror movie kid/doll song.
Coach Brunt:Faculty only, Sassy-Pants. (I love how people aknowledge her socks) (Also yes coach Brunt, my girlie is a sassy bad bitch, the baddest badass alive, thank you for noticing)
Paper Star:But my ears were burning.
Maelstrom, standing up:You failed to complete your mission.
Paper Star:Guilty as charged, but I never come to a party empty-handed.
She shows the A.C.M.E. card and throws it on Maelstrom's direction. It's interesting to notice that while Maelstrom doesn't even flinch, Coach Brunt and Countess Cleo slightly go to the side, protecting themselves. It's funny how even faculty is scared of her. They know how powerful she is with paper in her hands(I know that A.C.M.E. card is probably not paper but I'm a firm believer that anything, even the most common things, becomes a weapon in paper Paper Star's hands, like fans, tinfoils, magazines, museum folders, etc).
They are scared like they should be scared. She single-handedly revealed to V.I.L.E. the most secret international organization of modern era. Can you relate, Le Chevre? No, I don't think so. No other operative can relate to her. She's in a league of her own. The only competent agent V.I.L.E. had in a long time.
So I guess Carmen knew that Paper Star was a worthy adversary and wasn't going to give her an easy time, since she stepped up her game on their next encounter. I think she was aware of her luck and tried to guarentee her win easily next time, considering Paper Star had very few weaknesses but using this weaknesses to her advantage in a better, yet more subtle way, that Paper Star won't notice. Yes, Paper Star it's way ahead of it's time and in a more advanced level than most, but she's still young. She's still impulsive, imprudent and has a lot to learn. Knowing that, Carmen does a better job in defeating her in Japan.
Instead of just running away with the sword, Paper Star chooses to hide in its box with it waiting for Carmen for the sake of her presentation. Girl gotta make an entrance. She wanted to fight Carmen and this time around Carmen was more prepared since they met before in a place, when Paper Star shredded her glider and they fought on a rooftop. Back to the present fight, it goes on a little bit with the fans and right when Paper Star is about to use the sword, Carmen steals it from her(still mad Paper Star couldn't use it). Carmen not only did what she did before(getting her out of paper, which works but not alone) she took her to a place the paper that was there was a glue trap that make her stuck. Way to go, Carmen!
Her third appearance was with Tigress on Halloween and I think y'all remember how that went. I don't got much to say about it but let's go. First:Girlie must have something against skeletons. If I had a nickel for everytime paper star cutted a skeleton's head I would have two nickels. It isn't much, but It's weird it happened twice. Second:Can't you see she's dressed as Melanie Martinez anime girl version? Third:You cannot convince me Tigress didn't fought Paper Star 'cause she knew Paper Star had the sharper claws there. Paper Star clearly wears the trousers in this relationship. Paper(Top)Tiger(Bottom). Jokes aside, they also have a mission to complete but if Tigress also wanted it, Paper Star would have killed Tigress right there. Prove me wrong after everything I previously stated(spoiler:you can't). Fourth:We see Paper Star saying she recognizes the chef's voice and Tigress saying she recognizes Carmen, which only highlights so far who's more committed to the mission, even Paper Star being "the plus one", since Tigress was the one that got the party invitation. Fifth:I like how Tigress is the one that sprays him and how Paper Star is the one that catches him when he falls. I expected to be the other way round, considering the fact the chef was a pretty big guy and Paper Star is pretty short and slim. We stan a strong queen. Speaking of which, love how Tigress says:"WE only play with the wicked witches" instead of "I only play with the wicked witches", including Paper Star, already falling for her charms lmao(they are so in love your honor, it makes them look stupid lmfao). Btw they should have worked together more often. I wished both of their characters were more explored, even though I don't like Tigress that much. They fought Carmen really well together. Carmen clearly couldn't handle both of them at the same time. She only won because Paper Star and Tigress mostly attacked her individually, after the other. We see this because the only time they attack together is on the very beginning of the fight. Paper Star shoots her shurikens and Tigress avances, being able to break her broom. If they had a better teamwork as a duo this episode could have had a different ending. Sixth:Paper Star is apparently a sponge 'cause girlie got soaked and then appeared all dried out on the next frame like it was nothing(I know it's just the animation but still, it was funny). Seventh:We got a compensation of the way we were robbed on season two:Paper Star finally used a SWORD! A tinfoil one. Not an ancient one way more cooler but I'll take what I can get. Eighth:Paper Star wanted to stab Carmen so badly. I remember the only other operatives that tried to actually kill Carmen were Spinkick and Flytrap when they followed Shadowsan with the tracker/locator in South Africa and cutted the head of a scarecrow with a red fedora thinking it was her(Gray didn't tried to kill her in the train, only tried to make her unconscious to take her back to V.I.L.E., argue with a wall). And that was on V.I.L.E.'s orders. The other operatives only kill when they have too, when they need, when it's something necessary, but still last case. Paper Star kills for fun. The only persons who tried to kill Carmen a couple of times and almost did it was her and Coach Brunt. Her evil counterpart and her former mother figure. Coincidence? I think not. Nineth:Tigress saying:"She was cramping my style anyway" lol bitch Paper Star's got more style than you. At least she ain't a furry. Tenth:My personal theory is that Paper Star read the recipe on the paper and thought V.I.L.E. could make money with that recipe, since she probably knows V.I.L.E. is going through a financial crisis(that isn't hard to figure), their rice is horrible and everyone loves this guy's secret recipe, so even though that paper had no material value, V.I.L.E. could make a little bit of money out of it so they can at least recover a little bit of the damage Carmen had caused.
Her fourth(fifth if you count her brief appearance in the steal or not to steal interactive special, but I don't because she doesn't appear in all routes) and last apparition was in the last episode, when we see her tied up with red strings in front of a museum. Two years later, Carmen finally got her. The fact she's the last villain we see Carmen capture speaks volumes. The fact she was the one chosen to be in that position instead of any other villain we see in that screen of villains A.C.M.E. hasn't located yet says something. Again, similar symbolism with Chief and Maelstrom. The most powerful hero defeated the most powerful villain(Just remembered Paper Star still owes both Maelstrom and Carmen a hat btw lol).
A curious thing about her character is that we tend to like her and hate Maelstrom(at least that's the case for me). So why that happens? For many reasons, such as:Paper Star, even appearing less than him, we know more about her. She's got more personality. She balances the evil with her cute and colorful style. People tend to underestimate her, like:"How dangerous can she even be?" and she proves them all wrong. Also because she's a very good villain. She's one of the reasons we like Carmen so much, because she makes Carmen not to look like a Mary Sue that wins all the time(I mean, she kinda wins all the time but Paper Star at least gave her more difficulties). With all the others I go like:"Carmen can easily win." With Paper Star(and Coach Brunt, but I also hate Coach Brunt for pretty much the same reasons I hate Maelstrom and Roundabout)(I kinda like Countess Cleo and Doctor Bellum tho)(And I love Shadowsan)I go like:"She can win, but definitely not easily." If Paper Star existed on real life I would hate her and be scared of her but we should normalize liking the villains because they are good villains. Because they move the plot and without them we wouldn't have the story we like so much. Paper Star actually represents a real threat to Carmen. It's good seeing Carmen fighting with an equal, someone who ACTUALLY has chances of winning her. So refreshing and revitalizing because if Carmen just wins easily every time the story gets repetitive, predictable and boring. So the villains are one of the factors that allow the storyline not to fall into boredom. And Paper Star is just so interesting everything she touched became too and we love her for it, so thank you Paper Star.
So, again, why is Paper Star so impressive? Because she had so much potential that was wasted and even still managed to be one of the best characters in the series. And because the first time we see her she didn't even had her graduation day yet, but she was so good and full of potential that they granted her permission to have an important mission and she was not only the closest to defeat Carmen being V.I.L.E.'s youngest operative and at least one year younger than Carmen, and even failing at her mission she still had a victory over Carmen, and a HUGE one:she revealed the most secret organization of actual days, A.C.M.E. We must not ignore the fact that if it wasn't for Paper Star stealing Devineaux's card, A.C.M.E. would still have the advantage of V.I.L.E. not knowing they existed. She successfully was the ONLY PERSON that could steal from THE Carmen Sandiego. That's worth more than the Magna Carta if you ask me(and the wiki I'm using information from agrees with me). And girlie still survived on her own for two years after V.I.L.E.'s take down, what a queen. Everything indicates that she was one of, if not the last villain captured because they show a screen with all the villains A.C.M.E. already captured with a red X and Paper Star wasn't one of them so I believe she wasn't one of the villains who were captured and then escaped but someone who survived without V.I.L.E. two years, proving her superiority. I believe that because they mentioned people who would hide in the dark just doing secret jobs like the cleaners so I believe that was also the strategy Paper Star sticks with. Also, they really missed an opportunity there:Everyone would love seeing an epic battle between these two and instead we just see Paper Star tied up in front like a Museum. Like, C'mon give me more. Carmen is the best but Paper Star got CLOSE. Like too close for confort. She got caught but I believe she's gonna escape just like it's said a lot of villains are doing. A.C.M.E. ain't enough to contain her. And that's it. Let's wrap it up for today. Bye!
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apphiarothowrites · 10 months
I don’t know what’s funnier
(1)Marco being the accidental love child of rocks and whitebeard through some trans magic and phoenix fuckery
(2)Or Marco’s mother being alive, known as “auntie” to all the white beards and coming aboard the moby to visit her son
(1)Because on the one hand you have Ace going “my dad was a monster” and Marco just being silent like… yeah that’s rough buddy (and goes along with my personal headcanon that rocks was the last user of the tori tori no mi, and ended up going insane because of the phoenix) Marco looks like Wb except for the eyes (rocks had the prettiest eyes)
(2)On the other hand you have this random lady who boards the moby every once in a while who is a carbon copy of Marco except bigger tiddies and longer hair who is absolutely adored by all the crew. Who will in all of her 5.9 glory cuss out whitebeard for hours while brandishing a chancla (thatch will be lovingly kicked out of the kitchen post hast during her visit)
In both of these scenarios Ace is permanently flabbergasted and I can’t decide which to choose
(Sorry if I’m spamming, I just really wanted to share this)
1 is interesting because it would actually make Marco a couple years younger than in Canon to the same age as Shanks or he'd have to have been at most 6 years old on the Rocks Pirates ship (current speculation is that right after the final battle of Rocks D. Xebec, the God Valley Incident, Roger found newborn/infant Shanks in the aftermath and adopted him right there then found buggy not long after).
The "my dad was a monster" relatability but it'd make for a *fascinating* case of nature vs nurture. Same "nature" for them both but whereas Ace was raised believing his blood is cursed and his dad at least was a horrible person, Marco was raised believing his blood doesn't matter its what you do with your life that does (and that his dad wasnt evil, just hugely ambitious which led him down a hard path) (also makes marco's lack of ambition thematically similar to Ace's lack odlf desire to be pirate king). Phoenix notwithstanding of course (bonus for marco if eating the fruit was a complete accident that nobody planned for him and WB had to remove himself from the situation at first because he was laughing hysterically).
2 is just plain funny. Amazingly embarrassing mom who mothers the whole crew and actually guilts Pops into being more conscious of his health because look what that stress is doing to her precious boy!!! Thatch evicted from the kitchen so Auntie/Mama Bird can feed her boy and all his friends? I'm crying that's so fucking good.
Ace gets his cheek pinched, his ear grabbed so he can be dragged around, and a lecture on wearing shirts because he'll catch his death of cold if he doesn't before getting drowned in soup. Meanwhile Marco is just "yes mama"ing his way through her visit (yes mama I'll write more, yes mama I'll make an honest man out of ace, yes mama I'll make sure my cousins are invited to the wedding). 🤣🤣🤣
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cerine0357 · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes
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*Odelia helping Lucifer learn words he struggles in while speaking or writing English:
Lucifer: A theif. Odelia: Thief? Lucifer: Theif. Odelia: I before E, except after C. Lucifer: Thceif. Lucifer: No.
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Myhilara on her period like:
Satan: What is your biggest weakness? Myhilara: I can be uncooperative. Satan: Okay, can you give me an example? Myhilara: No.
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Lucifer trying to stop Odelia from murdering a lower demon for insulting one of her sisters/ sister-in-laws/brother-in-laws:
Lucifer: Odelia, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Odelia: Well of course I have. Odelia: Have you ever tried going mad without power? Odelia: It's boring.
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Aurelesia mad at Belial because he ate her mochi:
Belial: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Aurelesia: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
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Lucifer at one of his parties:
Lucifer: Welcome, fellow idiots Odelia: Hello, Lucifer Lucifer: No, no, not you my dearest, you're not an idiot Odelia: You underestimate me, my darling......
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Mammon and Aurmelle.....Just Mammon and Aurmelle:
Mammon: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Aurmelle: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Mammon: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
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Lucifer and Odelia being themselves:
Lucifer: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you Odelia: 10 times 0 is still 0 though Lucifer: Jokes on you, I can't do math
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Belial hates everyone, except his wife:
Mammon: That bastard isn’t answering his phone Aurelesia: I’ll call Lucifer: My lady, all my brothers, their wives and I have all tried six times each, what makes you thi- Belial: Hello?
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Lord.Diavolo mad at Lucifer for being a wimp:
Lucifer, trying to ask Odelia out: Would you like to stay for dinner? Diavolo: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?
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Mammon X Aurmelle moments:
Mammon: Change is inedible. Aurmelle: Don't you mean inevitable? Mammon, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
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Aurmelle is 20X dangerous than Mammon:
Mammon: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? Aurmelle: You mean literally or figuratively? Mammon: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
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Late night thoughts with Mammon:
Mammon: What if the 'g' in 'gif' is silent? Aurmelle: Go the fuck to sleep Mammon: What gif I don't want to? Aurmelle: Fuck You
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Mammon when asked to go to a royal interview:
Mammon: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Don't wake me up....
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Mammon is also avatar of Narcissism...Apparently:
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Mammon* Mammon: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
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Lucifer, being twin-deprived....:
Lucifer: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait. Belial: You and me!!! Lucifer, tearing up: Okay.
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Belial, the advice giver:
Lucifer: How do I deal with my enemies? Belial: Kill them Lucifer: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution?? Belial: Kill them only a little?
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Lucifer doesn't like stubble and hates to shave:
Lucifer: Belial! My face is on fire! Belial: Lucifer! Are you ok?! Lucifer: Oh yes, I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly. Belial: But your face is on fire. Lucifer: Yes. It's much faster than shaving.
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Lucifer hates being healthy:
Lucifer: You're my darling twin and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Belial: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Lucifer: Absolutely not.
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Lucifer and his stupid, literal dad jokes:
Lucifer: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Belial: Belial: Lucifer, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Lucifer: *Sips coffee from bowl*
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two hot and dangerous wives:
Myhilara: Someone will die. Aurmelle: Of fun!
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tag list: @writerig @dxmoness @roseadleyn @orlic1a @salvatvre @honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe @crownxie @gallahxn
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
Thinking about pocket Suit Saeran, and how he would be the angriest tiny creature in existence. He will become SO much more expressive with his frustrations because now you won't take him seriously, and he tries to compensate for his small size with his body language, but it only makes him look even funnier. It takes all of your willpower to stiffle your laughter ('cause you feel kind of bad for him and try to act like he is just a little bit scary, just for the sake of his wounded pride) as he is full on stomping his small feet and waving his arms around like a cartoon character. He is trying to look intimidating but he fails, and he fails hard.
Thinking about gently scooping him up into your palms, all while ignoring his numerous protests and bites. Yes, he will bite your fingers. Yes, it will happen constantly. No, his bites do not draw blood (partially because he hates the taste of it and partially 'cause he's actually scared of angering you in case you decide to hurt him :c ). He's actually kind of cute when he wears himself out and stops practically jumping up and down from pure anger. It's a rare opportunity for you to tap his cheeks and ruffle his hair with the tip of your finger. Nothing outlandish, but you can't miss this opportunity to dote on him without fearing any retaliation (besides his bites of course).
Thinking about the way that his transformation makes him realize he's in the wrong for hurting you way sooner than in the game. He is so small and helpless... He called you such horrible things, did all he could to make you hate him... Yet, all you do is smile at him and treat him with kindness and patience he does not deserve. If you wanted to take advantage of him, you would have done so already. But, if what he was taught to believe is true... than, why won't you take this opportunity to destroy the one thing that caused you so much suffering?
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captaincassianandorr · 5 months
Australian Survivor: Titans V.s Rebels Ep 3
-Middle Aged Mafia is a cool name for an alliance honestly. -Also Peta tattoos are not that intimidating really. Between her and Kelli my nerves are grating -Omg Kirby I love her. "This is not Love Island. This is Survivor." -I'm loving the tribe dynamics and how normally what would happen is the young people would band together and vote out the weak and on both tribes, it looks like the older people are banning together (banning? banding?) instead. Which I love to see. -Peta "Come into the majority," to Kirby. Peta...you are FOUR out of TWELVE. 4/12 is not a majority. -Purple edits do make me sad. We've not heard ANYTHING from Scott, Aileen or Kitty really. I mean I know Kitty is there but I don't know anything about her REWARD -Viola is a beast. I love watching her in competitions. -Battle of the Speedos here with Nathan and Alex. Nathan was so quick there. -I like Feras more than I thought I would. I thought I would hate him from the bios/videos lol. -Mark was so quick there at the reward. -Lol Nathan saying it's his charm that's helping him in the game. Haven't they written your name down twice? -And Peta finds an idol. -Immunity challenge time. -AND we actually hear from Garrick! He speaks! And Aileen speaks! (briefly no confessionals yet) -Rebels trying to throw the challenge but doing horribly at pretending they are not. It's not usually a very smart idea to throw a challenge. -Jaden just went through the bag like it was nothing. -And the Titans still almost losing even though Rebels are trying to throw the challenge lol. -Tobias also doing awfully on the slingshot challenge. -Kirby <3 Doing what a guy couldn't and shooting the stacks of blocks down easily. -LOL this is so chaotic and funny with Rebels trying to throw it but Titans possibly ruining their plan. But the Titans win immunity for the first time. -"We threw the challenge," Yes yes you did Alex, but you almost won it anyway which made it funnier. -Trying to get rid of Kelli does make sense to me in a way. The way she talks about the guys is just a bit ick. -Garrick is definitely suspicious about the throwing of the challenge saying that he and Feras were the only ones pushing the cart. And he got a confessional! -Loving this blindsides. Actually all 3 of these episodes vote outs have been fantastic. -Kelli is not the best actor in the world. Had to agree with Garrick when he said she's hopeless mate lol. But on the other hand I'd usually prefer chaotic/hopeless players over boring ones. -Peta asking if she's missing something. Yes, you are missing something. 4 is still not a majority. -I'm loving Kirby's gameplay here. Sneaky and puts her in good position in both the cuddle crew/the other alliance. -Kelli's bad acting at the tribal omg. no one is safe. I hope Peta doesn't play her idol -Feras is interesting me. He's so chaotic and thriving in the chaos. -Time to vote. -HEHEHEHE a blindside coming. I love a blindside. -Raymond is so awkward "I hope it's not me going home." Well I did see a few votes for him in the votes -The editing of these vote readouts is beautiful because it makes it seem like Kelly/Raymond are going home and then Peta gets votes lol. -And then the cuddle club was 3/4 (learn what a majority is guys) -Oooh the preview for next episode ahhh how can I wait until Sunday for that? WHAT IS IN THAT BOX? I want to know! Never seen that before on Survivor. -And Peta saying the "minority" rose up to take control lol Peta no you were in a minority but thought you were in a majority.
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darkclouud9 · 7 months
uh... hey.
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Stress: oh FUCK!! is that your blood?
Etho: ...not my blood.
Stress: then... what is it??!
Etho: ...FULL MOON
extras under the cut I'm gonna ramble
okay okay so what does Full Moon mean?
I have a hc that Pearl's eyes (that have no pupils) change (in size) depending on the phase of the moon. her eyes are largest during full moons. (or ending of s8, but thats just a one time case.)
Etho and Pearl are half siblings.
they both have a different kind of form for when these full moons occur. I'll definitely add more to these designs, don't count on these being the only changes
the scene shown is Stress finding Etho in his Full Moon state (which is funny bc she's literally his cousin, and she has a Full Moon state so she should also be in it but I didn't think of that until I'm here writing this all up, which, even funnier, I thought of her state while drawing this, shut up)
I've claimed the family as the Lab(-Moon) family.
the family consists of Etho, Pearl, Grian, Stress and Cleo. (Etho and Pearl are half siblings. Pearl and Grian are half siblings. Etho and Stress are cousins. Etho adopted Cleo as a sibling. this main au of mine is old as)
they each have a Full Moon phase, what Grian and Cleo's are, I have no idea yet.
also the pictured Full Moon is the FIRST time ETHO had been spotted with. which is before Etho and Stress found out they were cousins even. (separated when young plus neither look like they used to, my only public fic explains only Etho) this was probably the first time anyone on HERMITCRAFT had been spotted responding to a Full Moon. also this is s7.
^ basically the way Stress finds out Etho's her cousin is bc they're both have the same weird blood (cyan and glittery. ice cold.) so of course, before she finds that out, she's going to assume Etho's blood colour is normal, and thus red. when it's not.
not pictured but I forgot to draw it - the weird... thing on Etho's face is sticky (only from underneath. if someone touches it, their finger won't get caught) and it actually holds his other eye shut. his eyes normally can't open so wide but his other eye is basically held open permanently by his state, until the full moon ends. yes it is painful. and yes in the second picture his eye is all static-y. he can make it go static-y on will but most times it does it automatically. it's based on the mood really.
I think I got everything?? I'll reblog if i want to add on.
also fun fact, the purplish grey on Etho's face is actually Pearl's colour (yes I obviously have assigned colours for everyone)
feel free to ask questions if something's worded horribly or if you're curious on something.
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
If Billy Loomis gets sick(and I mean sick in the worst way possible as in looks like he’s about dead, vomiting, having trouble staying awake) what will the other slashers do?
Oooh, interesting. It would be a dumster fire, that's for sure (being the chaotic freaks they notoriously are) 😅😅😅 Its lucky they have the other horror villains- but imagine that the other horror Villains were all gone for the week Billy gets sick XD Because it's funnier XD
Chucky: *Is put in charge of watching Billy while he sleeps so he doesn't die* *Can't help himself* *Reaches over and squeezes Billy's nose closed so the poor bastard wakes up with a horrible start* *Promptly wakes up the rest of the house with his obnoxious cackles XD*
Freddy: Yes he basically raised himself, yes he had a child- but he's super unwilling to be helpful in any manner. It is not his style 😅 Does not fit the vibe. So he's just, sorta, there the whole time- watching everyone else fails so badly and laughing about it.
Jason: *Wrapping Billy up in all the blankets he can find* *Trying to keep everyone else from killing Billy* He may not know much, but he does know BLEACH is not the way to go, Chucky- no, Michael, don't you encourage him-
Michael: Being entirely unhelpful. He probably knows a thing or two, growing up in a sanatorium, but like Freddy he has absolutely zero urge to be helpful. In fact, Michael will be actively a problem. If he's in charge of sitting with Billy at some point, he will use Billy's unconscious body as a table. Also may come up with some opposite to helpful suggestions if he finds it humerous- like Stu days Billy's too hot and Michael promptly holds up a bag of ice.
Stu: *On the phone with Carrie or Jerry asking what the hell to do* *Trying to follow the instructions* *... doesn't know how to make tea*
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safyresky · 1 year
Dani: reblogs a thing about ask box shenanigans
Me: M Y T I M E H A S C O M E
It's a me. Lurking. About to hop on that art train when I spotted the post. You don't have to do all of them but here are a handful of fanfic titles that I wanna see what your vague ideas about them would be
Happy meal
The footloose sensation
Paranormal piracy
The golden ticket
Four eyes
The shortest day of the year
Anyway, I hope you're doing well my friend and if you aren't I hope it gets better for you! 🤗💕
(cracks knuckles, stretches neck) HERE WE GO
Happy Meal
In which Fino and Fiera's attempt to go buy themselves happy meals goes very, very awry!
They decide to go to a mall to get their micky dee's and get very horribly distracted, and also, they are on fire. This is a normal human mall, btw. The Magical Bureau of Investigation has their work cut OUT for them lmao
The Footloose Sensation
I have never seen Footloose, and after reading the plot page for it I'm like "oh my god I cannot believe this is a real movie based on a real town" so here's THREE IDEAS for you
Footloose the movie craze hits the North Pole. Shenanigans ensue
A hypothetical experiment goes wrong, and now everyone is dancing to the Footloose song and it's really getting in the way of the day's work tbh (or any song. Maybe it's like the SINGING episode of shows, but with DANCING. Jack's like MY TIME HAS COME and single-handedly navigates them all through the final dance number of footloose to break the dancing curse)
A Bad Santa bans dancing. Elfsburg Footloose parody/rip off ensues 😂😂😂
Paranormal Piracy
Well past her days of Piracy, Jacqueline finds herself in WAY over her head when a ship of ghost pirates kidnaps her, hoping the famous Bruexa de la Niege can help them navigate through and onto the perilous, once thought mythical, Endless Winter Island to find the supposed lost treasure that resides there that would surely set them up for the rest of their (after) lives.
Do they know they're dead? I am unsure at this time, but it is somehow FUNNIER if they DON'T. I know for certain though that Jacqueline very much thinks the entire time, holy snowballs, I hope this treasure is real so that when they find it they can move on to the Great Beyond and I can go back to bed.
The Golden Ticket
A teleporting mishap lands teeny-bopper Jacqueline in a secret room of the family home. A secret room that is a treasure trove of magical knowledge. For the briefest of moments, she has her brother back.
Four Eyes
Fino's magic school frenemy gets glasses. Everyone teases the poor orc until he snaps and accidentally makes a magical beast with four eyes that attacks EVERYONE. He and Fino team up to stop the magical beast, and put some bullies in their place!
The Shortest Day of the Year
Winter sleeps through her own birthday 🤦🏻‍♀️.
People keep trying to talk to her. Blaise has to fend off a LOT of people to make sure she gets her rest! winter wakes up, realizes she slept through the entire day, shrugs and goes "Well, I've had thousands of birthdays, and there's plenty more to come, I'm sure." Meanwhile, her hubby looks like he has fought a whole entire second and third war while she slept.
Thanks for sending one in! And for others who are like "tf is this ask box shenanigan?" send me a made up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write :)
(thoughts and general musings under the cut)
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Meant to post yesterday but got distracted by errands, and today we tackled the Fear Ladder I created to get over a new fear of driving on the highway thanks to the dealer comparing my car to a sick PUPPY that needs to be put down--and yes, they said puppy. IT'S BEEN. AN EXPERIENCE, THIS WEEK! DON'T GO TO DEALERSHIPS IF U CAN AVOID IT. FIND URSELF A GOOD MECHANIC THAT WON'T TUG AT UR HEARTSTRINGS WITH PUPPY METAPHORS.
But yes things are going okay and I think I've got the wedding invites almost ready to go which is a RELIEF ANYWAY, YOU DID NOT ASK FOR MY WEEKEND LIFE STORY AND YET. MY MOUTH IS A MOTORING. AS PROMISED, MUSINGS:
I got stuck on the golden ticket one and had to do a think and a half, lmao, but then it popped into my head yesterday before bed and I was like "oh god the angst. the hurt comfort. holy fuck."
I may actually write some of these up??? ANYWAY the musings I promised:
please someone ask me about Fino's orcish rival I am BEGGING i could go ON (I say that now but in the event someone asked I think I'd be like ... uhh. he exists??? but i love him even tho he is a hazy concept)
y'all don't even KNOW my brain has been PLAGUED with thoughts of Frost kiddos and their SOs, specifically the twins
i have no idea if there is a dance number in footloose, but given the titular song i have to believe there is, y'know? and I HAVE to believe Jack knows it and to defeat the dancing curse they gotta reproduce the number PERFECTLY. Jack's like "MY TIME HAS COME"
Fino and Fiera get HELLA DISTRACTED at the mall and it is chaotic as FUCK. Fino walks by an electronics store and is like "I am going to fiddle and click every button". Fiera keeps running into the little like, hallmark esque shops like "is it magic or not" and BOTH kids meet their doom with clothing, oh my god. they didn't even KNOW they liked nice clothes until the moment they lay eyes on the pretty dress shop! Shame ordibeing clothing isn't usually fireproof ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway they 100% get banned, 3 fire trucks and several casualties later
AND to tug at ur heartstrings: I realized that once Jacqueline found Jack's secret library, she had like ALL of his magical knowledge at her disposal and could KEEP TRAINING PAST THE WINTER MASTERY WINTER KNEW?! So now when she says "I learnt from the best!" she truly does mean it bc even tho he wasn't there she STILL learnt from him
and u bet ur ass when they reunite and he picks up that she learnt from his shit Jack's like "cool! ur form is sloppy and that's not being done right" and helps her refine her skills, yo
i am SOFT for these siblings
anyway ty again for the ask andie! also, LOVE that u love the shenanigans tag lmao. i dont even remember how I came up with that one but my GOD shenanigans is such a fun word
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