#yes; this was made after I listened to Devil Trigger
gio-scrabbles · 7 months
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It’s been a while since I drew Berserker Shadow (or any Shadow the Hedgehog vs the World stuff in general).He’s either fun or a pain to pose due to his four arms, but he always looks so cool, so it’s worth it!
Also, here Chaos Berserker Mode. It’s not as different, but he can glow:
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Edit: The bottom contains some lore about the Berserker Mode I took from a previous post/comic.
Berserker Mode: A dormant form of a Black Arms member/hybrid that makes the user more powerful in terms of speed, strength, and foresight as well as letting the user hone any chaos abilities, familiar and new, without the use of a chaos emerald. However, they are more prone to losing control as well as their sense of self due to its raw and unpredictable power, changing the behavior of the user to become more aggressive. As a result, the berserker form cannot be retained for too long. This form can be triggered either through any overwhelming and usually negative emotions or the presence of the Black Comet. The former being the most probable trigger.
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bro-atz · 10 months
Are you sure there's not gonna be part 2 for Dancing With The Devil??😭 Because that's the best thing I've ever read I'm not kidding 😭
succumbing to the angel
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in which: seonghwa's newest client saved your life because the client has a new target for him.
pair: assassin!seonghwa/afab!reader
word count: 7k
content: angst(?), smut, bedroom sex, suspense, murder, sub!hwa yummy, slightly sadistic (but not really), (light) bdsm, plot twists?, completely consensual (sex)!
author's note: the way my brain exploded coming up w the concept for a pt. 2 like not toot my own horn but i'm a fucking genius— anon you are so so so lucky that my singular brain cell was working the day you sent this HAHA so this part is... this is... well... you'll see. enjoy :-) also do listen to arriba while you read this one
tag list: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols apply for the permanent taglist here! network: @cromernet part one | part two
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“Mr. Kim?”
“Yes. Come with me.”
The two walked to Mr. Kim’s office, the door immediately closing behind them. The two sat on couches opposite each other, eyes locked on one another.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Kim Hongjoong?”
“I need you to kill Mr. Song Mingi.”
Seonghwa exhaled deeply as he leaned back into the couch. He narrowed his eyes and crossed one leg over the other, staring the lawyer in front of him down.
“You want me to kill Mr. Song.”
“That’s right.”
“Is that why you asked me to keep Y/N alive?”
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“Goodbye, Y/N.”
Gripping the gun, Seonghwa was milliseconds away from pulling the trigger when his phone rang. His tense grip immediately loosened. He looked at your crying face, the phone continuing to ring. Fuck it, he decided he would answer the call then kill you, so he picked it up and answered it.
“Mr. Park Seonghwa?”
“My name is Kim Hongjoong. You have Attorney Y/N with you right now, don’t you?”
Seonghwa looked at you with a dark glint, making you flinch. You couldn’t tell if he was glaring at you or what, but the look on his face definitely scared the shit out of you.
“…Why are you calling, Mr. Kim?”
“Don’t kill her.”
His eyes widened, and the grimace on his face turned into confusion. You, unable to hear the phone call, stared at his changing expression in fear.
“Don’t kill Y/N.”
“I don’t want to explain over the phone like this. Meet me at my office tomorrow, and I’ll explain. Just don’t kill her. Please.”
The expression on Seonghwa’s face softened. He looked at you again, but he had returned to the man that had made love to you, not the man that was hired to kill you. Still, you kept your guard up as you watched him set his gun aside and take a step away from you.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Kim.”
“Oh, one more thing.”
“Report to Mr. Song Mingi that you killed her. I know that he’s the one who hired you to kill her.”
“Good. See you tomorrow, Mr. Park.”
Seonghwa hung up and let out a little sigh. He set his phone side before looking at you. Your tears had stopped by that point, but you were still shocked as hell. You remained looking at him with a gaping jaw as he disappeared into the other room. He returned with your clothes and other clothes of his for you to be able to change into. After setting everything on the bed, Seonghwa made his way out of the room, only to stop right as he got to the door frame.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” he said, barely turning his head to attempt to look at you. “But consider yourself lucky, angel.”
Then, he fully left, leaving you alone in his bedroom for the rest of the night.
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“So, here’s the deal, Mr. Park. You keep her alive, keep the money from Mingi, kill Mingi, then get more money from me. It’s a much better deal, don’t you think?”
Seonghwa’s jaw tensed. His face remained stoic as he pondered the offer that the lawyer was making him, uncertainty swirling around in his head.
“Okay, how much did Mingi give you?” Hongjoong asked.
Holding out his hand for a pen and paper, Seonghwa leaned forward, and Hongjoong provided those things for him. He quickly scribbled down the same number he had for Mingi, folded it, and then slid it to Hongjoong. Immediately upon opening the slip, Hongjoong scoffed lightly.
“This much? Really? Okay, well, I’ll double it. Consider it fees for keeping Y/N alive and killing Mingi. Sound good?”
Seonghwa wanted to immediately jump at the offer— three times the money for one small amount of drama? Fuck yes, he’ll fucking take that deal. But, he had to remain professional. Suppressing his delight, he cleared his throat and said, “Alright,” as monotonously as he possibly could.
The two men held their hands out and shook on the deal. They remained seated as Seonghwa had a couple more questions for the lawyer.
“When do you need this done by?”
“About two weeks from today?” Hongjoong thought aloud.
“Why so late?”
“There are preparations I need to make, Mr. Park. He is, after all, the other managing partner of this firm.”
“I see,” Seonghwa acknowledged, not really giving a shit about the world of corporate law. “You just give me the green light. I’ll keep an eye on his activity for now.”
Seonghwa stood up, then Hongjoong. The shook hands one more time before Seonghwa started for the office door.
“Oh, by the way,” Hongjoong’s voice stopped him. “Where is Y/N right now?”
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Seonghwa got back from the law firm around noon, and his place was seemingly empty. He immediately walked towards his bedroom to see you sleeping in his bed— the events of the night prior completely wiped you out, and he didn’t blame you because he would’ve probably reacted the same way had he been in your shoes.
He approached the bed and sat next to you, his curious eyes observing every little thing about you. He saw that your eyes were swollen (thanks to him making you cry out of pleasure and fear all night long), that your cheeks were rosy, and that even while sleeping deeply, you still looked like a fucking angel to him. With the straightest face— not that you could see his expression even if he made one— he brushed your hair lightly away from your face and left a light kiss on your temple, the same temple that he pressed the barrel of his gun against. With that, he got up and left his room to go make dinner.
You, meanwhile, pretended to be asleep the second you heard the front door open and shut. Your face immediately went ablaze as soon as Seonghwa left the room. On one had, you wanted to fear the man because, well, fuck. He tried to fucking kill you. He was going to had Hongjoong not called and saved your ass. On the other hand, you were insanely attracted to him and his delicate touch. You wanted him to take you in his arms and make sweet passionate love that left you completely annihilated over and over again. Then again, they do say that scared is the best way to be horny. Maybe the thought of you dying in the hands of this man made you even more attracted to him— what the fuck were you thinking about? God, what was this man doing to your sanity?
You quickly shook your head and tried to get rid of all the weird thoughts before mustering up whatever strength you had in your wrecked body to get out of his bed. With the duvet wrapped around you, you shuffled into the kitchen, the smell of good food immediately hitting your nose.
Seonghwa, who heard the rustling of the duvet when you stepped, turned and said to you, “Oh, good, you’re awake.”
You offered him half a nod, to which he responded, “Sit. I’ll get you a plate when it’s done.”
Doing as he said, you sat at the dining table and waited in your duvet cocoon. You watched Seonghwa skillfully work his way around the kitchen for a solid minute or so before asking the question that had been burning in your mind ever since the previous night, “If Hongjoong didn’t call, were you really going to kill me?”
Immediately, the man froze. He turned the stove off and stopped cooking entirely to face you and answer you honestly.
“Did you want to kill me?”
“No! Not at all,” Seonghwa replied without missing a beat.
“So it really was about the job for you,” you said softly.
“That’s right. Honestly, Y/N, you have to believe me when I say this, but if I didn’t have any feelings for you, then I wouldn’t have even slept with you in the first place.”
You nodded and let the information sink in. The realization that you were seconds from death had your lawyer friend not called in time still sent you spiraling. A tear slipped out of your eye as your brain went wild overanalyzing everything, scaring Seonghwa in the process. He rushed to your side and knelt by you while saying sincerely, “W-why are you crying? Oh my God, I’m sorry! I mean it when I say I didn’t want to kill you! I—”
“No, it’s not that,” you explained. “I’m just relieved that… That Hongjoong called in time. He told me he knew that Mingi hired someone to kill me, but I didn’t realize that it was going to be you.”
Guilt crossed Seonghwa’s face briefly before you continued, “Joong and I were working together to expose Mingi for his crimes because we wanted to take him down without hurting Joong’s firm. I was doing a lot of the heavy work because if Joong was seen doing it, then it would’ve made everything go to shit because Mingi would’ve just called a meeting with… That’s not the point. The point is that Mingi hired you to kill me, and we never thought he would stoop so low.”
“So…” Seonghwa asked slowly, “You’re not upset?”
“What the fuck? Of course I’m upset! I’m just not upset with you… You were doing your job, so how could I be mad about that?”
That’s right, he was just doing his job. Seonghwa pressed his lips together and nodded briefly before going back to finish making dinner. You continued to ask him questions as he continued cooking.
“So, what are you going to do with me?”
“What do you mean?”
“I have to stay in hiding until he’s dead, so will you help me sneak out of your place and back into mine—”
“No,” he interrupted. “You’re staying right here. It’s too dangerous to go out. Don’t even think about it.”
“So I’m your hostage,” you said with confidence.
“What?! No—”
“Relax!” you laughed at the poor man when you saw the frightened look on his face. “I’m just messing with you. I’ll stay here as long as you promise not to hurt or kill me. But, I need a couple of things if I’m going to live here for a bit.”
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After you told him exactly what you wanted and needed from him, Seonghwa made all the arrangements. He brought you your clothes, your toiletries, and whatever else you asked him to grab for you from your apartment. So, you slept comfortably in his bed that night in a fresh pair of panties and a thin shirt since it was so goddamn hot outside and in his place.
Seonghwa, meanwhile, decided to sleep on the couch. He wanted to give you space because you were definitely still sore about the fact that he, well, nearly killed you.
He stared at the ceiling and tried to sleep, but he couldn’t. He kept seeing the look of completely and utter fear as he held the gun at your head, and the guilt just piled on. You weren’t dead, and he didn’t kill you, but the fact that he was going to still haunted him. At some point, with the way his brain was processing all of the information, he wondered if he felt guilty that he didn’t finish the job because he always finished the job. He didn’t know what it was that was making him feel so guilty.
With a sigh, Seonghwa rolled off the couch and made his way quietly into his room. He saw you lying in bed with the duvet barely covering any part of your body, and you were completely knocked out. He couldn’t help but eye you up and down as you slept— you were so beautiful, so sexy on a normal basis, but you were still so incredibly attractive while asleep? He couldn’t believe it.
Stretching in your sleep, you turned in the bed, the duvet completely slipping off you to reveal your barely clothed figure. Your thin shirt was riding up, and your nipples were poking through the white fabric, and Seonghwa got the most perfect shot of you, the sleeping beauty. It was such a perfect shot, in fact, that all the blood rushed right down to his cock.
Quickly, Seonghwa rushed to the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the bathtub, pulled his dick out and held the end of his shirt in mouth as he began to lightly stroke himself. He was so embarrassed in that moment, that seeing you sleeping like that was enough to drive him crazy. The way you looked the night he fucked you kept flashing in his mind, and his strokes rapidly sped up. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes, the look of fear in your eyes flashing in his mind, and that was it. With a muffled groan, Seonghwa came into his hand, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his entire body shaking as his orgasm completely overtook him.
It took a minute or so for him to cool down, and the second the tiniest bit of his sanity returned, he saw that he creamed all over his hand, and it was a lot. Seonghwa sighed deeply at the sight, his entire body slumping in disappointment.
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Seonghwa, true to his word, spent the day observing Mingi to figure out his daily routine— things that Seonghwa had to do in order to quietly and successfully kill his target. So, by the time he got home that day, it was almost ten at night. And, he returned to see you sitting in the kitchen with your legs crossed and your arms crossed over your chest.
Upon seeing you, Seonghwa got completely confused. You were wearing one of your work pantsuits, leaving him to wonder if he even brought one of those back for you when he went to pick up your belongings. That, and your eyebrows knitted together with the intensity in your body language sent shivers down his spine. For a brief moment, Seonghwa actually wondered if you were going to kill him.
“Is… Is everything okay?” Seonghwa asked slowly.
“I take it back. I am mad at you,” you bit out.
“Huh? For what? Why?”
“Seonghwa,” you said coldly, sending shivers down the man’s spine. “You were planning on killing me, so you used sex as the lure to get me alone. That’s fucked up.”
“No, wait, hold on,” Seonghwa spluttered. “I said I wouldn’t have slept with you if I didn’t have feelings for you—”
“That doesn’t matter. You were going to kill me, so why did you think it was right of you to fuck me? What, was it like some sort of final meal or something? One last good fuck before it was bye-bye?”
“Y/N, that’s not it at all.”
“Then why’d you do it?”
Seonghwa was rendered mute. He didn’t know how to respond— his feelings for you were too complicated to explain, and he was scared of setting you off by saying the wrong thing, so he thought silence was the best option.
“Are you interested in me, Seonghwa?” you tilted your head and asked him, your legs still crossed and your arms still crossed over your chest.
“I am attracted to you… And there are feelings there…” was the best way he could explain himself.
“Prove it.”
“Prove what?”
“Prove that you are attracted to me and that you have feelings for me. Because right now, I’m having a hard time believing that you didn’t intend to use sex as a weapon.”
With a soft sigh, Seonghwa locked eyes with you and asked, “How do I prove something like that?”
You smirked. You were hoping he’d ask that. You bit your lower lip and scanned him head to toe before responding, “Let me have my way with you. I think an even exchange of fear is only fair. If you let me treat you the same way you treated me, then I’ll believe you.”
Seonghwa barely agreed before you immediately whisked him away, and next thing he knew, he was tied down to his own bed with rope— where the hell did you get rope from?— wearing absolutely nothing. Not going to lie, he’s very confused, but he’s also a little embarrassed because he is completely naked and splayed out like a starfish.
“Alright, let me lay down a couple of ground rules,” you told the man after finishing up with the knot on the last rope and dusting your hands. “One: I will not physically hurt you in any way, like I won’t make you bleed, and the only bruises you’ll get are hickeys, so you better endure everything. Two: you need to take everything like a good boy— no complaining. Three: keep your eyes on me at all times. Four: you better beg and plead and cry and scream my name. Got it?”
The ground rules alone were enough for Seonghwa to regret many, many things in life. But, he had to listen to you in order to keep his money, job, and life; and if he didn’t, then you, Hongjoong, and Mingi would ruin him. Biting his lip, he looked at you and nodded in response.
“Good boy.”
That praise should not have been enough to fully erect his penis, but within seconds, it was firm and standing tall.
“Wow,” you commented as you watched his cock throb and twitch. “You like being called “good boy,” huh?”
Seonghwa’s face was completely red— not only was he turned on to the max, but he was also embarrassed as hell. He looked away from you, unable to maintain any sort of eye contact with you at that moment.
“Hey,” you grabbed Seonghwa’s face by his cheeks with one hand and turned his head to face you. “What did I say? Keep your eyes on me at all times, got it?”
Seonghwa nodded and kept his eyes on you as you stepped away from the bed.
What you wanted, what you really wanted more than scaring him and denying his orgasm, was to milk him dry. You wanted him to just keep cumming and let the pleasure drive him insane. Rather than make him fear, you wanted to drive him insane the same way overthinking him fucking you then nearly killing you drove you insane.
Making sure you were within his line of sight, you began to strip. You, still in your pantsuit, took the jacket off first and tossed it aside. Your pants were the next to go, leaving your button-up now untucked and covering a good portion of your waist and ass, hiding your panties.
You could see Seonghwa gulp— he was salivating like a fucking dog at the sight of you stripping, and you loved it. So, excruciatingly slowly, you unbuttoned the shirt one by one, revealing the prettiest grey, lace lingerie set that left little to the imagination. You watched with an amused smile as he gulped again when you tossed your shirt aside.
“Do you have something you would like to say, Seonghwa?”
“Fuck, Y/N,” Seonghwa groaned out. “You look so fucking beautiful, so fucking sexy, so fucking hot— fuck, Y/N! You’re driving me insane.”
You smiled. Good.
The second you climbed onto the bed, you straddled him, your ass facing his face. When you bent down, Seonghwa got a lovely view of your ass, and he wanted so badly to hook his finger in your G-string and snap it back onto your skin, but alas, he was still tied up. A soft little whine escaped his lips.
You, on the other hand, had your hands full with his cock leaking precum like anything. You ran your finger along the length in attempt to clean up all the precum that had trickled down, sending the man below you into a trembling fit.
“Fuck… Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you heard Seonghwa hiss the longer you teased him.
It definitely did not help him when you decided to move backwards, your ass wiggling as you moved. He was losing his goddamn mind by that point and pushed the back of his head as far as he could into the pillow when your nail scratched teasingly at his head, a long sigh leaving his chest.
“Alright, Seonghwa,” you instructed softly. “I want you to eat me out, okay?”
With one hand, you slipped the panties off, your hand still clenching Seonghwa’s dick firmly. And slowly, you lowered your ass, your pussy nearing his face. The second your wet cunt got low enough, you felt his eager tongue ready to wreck havoc. You completely shivered when you felt him suck intensely on your clit, the sound of his slurps echoing in the room.
As Seonghwa went to town on your cunt, you began pumping his cock. Lowering yourself, you took the tip in and out of your mouth, teasing the shit out of him. You could hear him let out little grunts in between his slurps, and when you squeezed his cock with the tiniest bit of force, a noise of surprise accompanied his entire body jolting. His moans continued to sound in the room, and based off the way his dick was reacting, you knew he was close. You moved away from his face and pumped him a couple more times before Seonghwa let out the loudest groan and came.
But that was only his first orgasm of the night.
Just as his dick was about to go limp again, you cooed and pet his thigh while saying, “Good boy.”
Seonghwa shivered, and immediately, his cock became rock hard once again. You held back a laugh as you watched his reaction to your tiniest bit of praise— here was the man making you scream and cry and fear for his life getting completely hard all because you called him a good fucking boy. With a smirk, you shifted on the bed towards his face and said jokingly, “I feel like you’re gonna cum if I just keep calling you a good boy.”
Eyes fluttering, Seonghwa bit his lower lip, sending blood rushing through your body. He was so fucking hot when he smirked or bit his lower lip— heck, his lips themselves were so beautiful and plump that anything his lips did would turn you on.
You straddled him once again, this time facing him. You wiped your slick off his mouth and asked him gently, “Did you enjoy your meal?”
“Yes, Y/N.”
“Good boy.”
Fuck. Seonghwa’s body trembled yet again, and this time, it looked like his cock was just ready to burst. He had to break one of your rules and squeeze his eyes shut to keep it together, so he didn’t realize that you were going to kiss him until he felt your lips overtake his. God, he forgot what an amazing kisser you were and got drawn into you completely. Your kisses were very intense, but they were nonintrusive, which made the man really want to use his hands so he could hold you close and push his tongue forcefully into your mouth and nearly down your throat, but he couldn’t do that. At least you were doing what he liked most and sucked hard on his lower lip until stars filled his vision, and the stars only accumulated when he felt you rub your cunt against his erect dick.
“Ngh, angel, I’m cumming!” he moaned against your lips.
And within seconds of saying that, you felt his cock shudder and twitch as hot, white cum decorated your back and ass. Seonghwa panted heavily and his face was flushed when you leaned back. His hair was wet and matted to his forehead, and he looked so out of sorts that it really turned you on— that, and the fact that he called you angel again.
“Hwa?” you hummed.
“Yes?” Seonghwa responded, his eyes shut tightly still as he recovered from his high.
“Keep calling me angel.”
Seonghwa opened his eyes then to see that your face was right in front of his. After kissing your nose and giving you a light smile, he responded, “As you wish, angel.”
You couldn’t help but shiver as the sound of his voice calling you angel sent tingles through your body. “Good boy,” you intentionally said in response knowing that it would just turn him on all over again.
Now Seonghwa shivered. He so badly wanted to move his hands so he could hold you, but you still had him tied to the bed. With a little whine, Seonghwa begged, “Angel, please, I wanna touch you. Please untie me. Please.”
“No,” you answered curtly. “What did I tell you? Endure everything and no complaining. You need to repent for how you treated me.”
Immediately, Seonghwa lowered his gaze, guilt washing over him once more. He only felt that guilt for about half a second until you ran your hands down his chest, your fingers going over his nipples lightly. Seonghwa’s entire body jerked as he cried, “No, wait, Y/N, I— Oh! My— Fuck!”
He absolutely lost his mind when you sucked on one of his nipples and played with the other, your fingers flicking and lightly pressing it. All sorts of whines and cries left he depths of his soul the more you teased and sucked his nipples.
“Angh— Ang-el,” Seonghwa hiccuped. “I’m so close… Please…”
“Please what?”
“Please help… Help me cum please, please, please!”
“Mmm, what would you like me to do?” you mumbled, your lips still planted to his chest.
“R-rub—” he cut himself and inhaled sharply, the stars starting to fill his vision again. “Rub against me…”
And you did as he requested. You pushed your ass towards his cock and moved your ass up and down, completely rubbing your cunt against him again. It was déjà vu, honestly. You rubbed, he threw his head back, he groaned loudly, and his hot cum landed on your ass and back again. He was breathless again, and he looked horny and dazed again.
“Y/N…Angel…” Seonghwa panted.
“Let me fuck you.”
“I wanna fill you up with my cock, please. I can’t wait any longer. Please, angel, please. I want you so fucking bad,” he begged, his mouth slightly salivating at the thought of fucking you.
“Aw, my good boy is begging like I told him to. Okay, I’ll let you put it in,” you finally conceded.
You grinned at the sight of Seonghwa getting hard again because you called him a good boy again. Climbing off the bed, you looked around his bedroom before asking, “Where are the condoms?”
“They should be in the first drawer in the bathroom.”
“Okay,” you nodded and went hunting for the condoms.
While you were gone, Seonghwa did his best to attempt to get out of the restraints, but you tied them up way too well. Nevertheless, he persisted right up until you emerged from the bathroom carrying the whole box. You peered inside and counted the number of condoms left.
“There aren’t that many left in here…” You approached him and leaned your face into his, your breath ticking his skin as you whispered, “So let’s finish all of them, okay?”
Seonghwa gulped nervously. He knew that there were only seven condoms left in the box— don’t ask him how he knows—  but seven condoms meant that he was going to be milked dry, just as you secretly wanted.
Rolling the first one on him, you got on the bed and trapped him between your knees, your ass facing the man. His eyes nearly burned a hole through your ass as he stared at the beautiful sight before him. It only got more beautiful when you rubbed the tip of his penis against your folds before sitting down slowly. He got excited thinking he was going to get a glorious sight of your pussy swallowing his hard, thick cock, but instead, you only lowered yourself so much. You only allowed the tip to move in and out, teasing the shit out of him. Your ass jiggled with every move, and Seonghwa found it so hot to the point where he felt his orgasm approaching rapidly.
“Angel! Oh, God! I’m—”
The next thing both of you knew, the condom filled up. You turned and check, and sure enough, Seonghwa had cum, and it was a lot.
“Y-yeah,” Seonghwa whimpered.
“Aw, we just put that one on… But, that’s okay. Let’s replace it.”
By the second condom, you were done teasing him. You wanted him just as much as he wanted you. You faced away from him again and sat down on his cock completely, a long, blissful exhale leaving Seonghwa’s soul. He only derived more pleasure when you clenched— you were not expecting his cock to go so deep into you that your pussy was bracing itself.
“Fucking— Y/N, you got so tight, fuck!”
You didn’t even bother responding; you were too busy trying to keep it together because goddamn, Seonghwa felt so good to the point where you were trembling. You were having such a hard time getting yourself to move, but you somehow mustered the strength to move. Seonghwa, seeing you struggle, decided to help you by thrusting upwards sharply, harshly.
“Oh! Oh Fuck!” you cried.
Seonghwa kept thrusting his hips up, barely giving you time to recover. You ended up clenching so hard that his vision went white and he unintentionally came. You felt him fill up the condom inside you, earning him a giggle from you.
“Did my good boy cum again?” you cooed knowing that your words would turn him on.
Within seconds, he got hard inside you again, and his face turned red in embarrassment. You climbed off him and turned to face him, your knees still on either side of him. You leaned forward and kissed his lips lightly, a smile blossoming on your face as you saw him all hot and bothered.
“You seriously love being called a good boy, huh?”
“I… I dunno,” Seonghwa slurred while panting.
“Maybe it’s because you spend so much of your time being a bad boy acting all cocky with that devilish smirk of yours.”
You patted Seonghwa’s cheek before moving to replace his full condom. While doing so, you looked at him and said with a soft voice, “You’ve been a very bad boy, haven’t you?”
“Very bad. Very, very bad,” Seonghwa was quick to agree.
“We need to punish bad boys, right?”
Tears in his eyes, the tied up man nodded and whined, “Punish me, angel. Punish this bad boy.”
An angelic smile appeared on your face as if you weren’t enough of an angel already, sending Seonghwa spiraling. You sent his heart racing, and he needed you to stop because, oh God, he was fucking obsessed. The obsession only intensified when you straddled him and faced him this time. You brushed your hair away from your face, and just seeing the curve of your body while your hair swayed made him want to cum again.
“You want to be a good boy, right?”
Seonghwa nodded fervidly, his hips twitching, his cock throbbing. You moved so that your breasts were right above him and lowered yourself enough for one of your nipples to reach his mouth.
“Suck my tits.”
Salivating, Seonghwa responded with a tiny nod before licking your breast then taking your nipple into his mouth. You bit your lower lip and tilted your head back as Seonghwa sucked like a baby, like the good boy he wants to be, like the good boy he is. He switched breasts after what felt like eons but was probably only a matter of mere seconds, and it was when he nibbled on your nipple that you couldn’t hold back anymore. Your breast left his mouth with a tiny pop. You reached behind you for his cock and positioned him. His cock slid into you, and you rode him, your hands pressing gently on his chest as you did so.
Seonghwa’s wrists were incredibly strained. He wanted so badly to hold your waist and move you and slam into you roughly, but you still did not want to untie the rope. You moved at a steady pace, and you rose and lowered your body, searching for the right position. You felt his cock push past your g-spot, your arms faltering and nearly dropping you onto Seonghwa’s torso. Muffled moans and cries echoed in the room as you fucked him in that position a couple more times before you came. You pushed down, the tip of his cock hitting your cervix as you same, the sensations of you clenching and unclenching at random paces sending Seonghwa over the edge.
“Hnng, Fuck! Oh, angel! Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
His head flailed left and right and his hips bucked upwards as he tried his damn best to hold out on this orgasm— cumming so many times back to back made him a little light-headed, and there was no way he was going to pass out before fucking you the way he wanted to.
And yet, when you pushed his hair away from his forehead and eyes, kissed him, then slipped your tongue into his mouth, he folded. He came so fast and so hard, his loud groan shaking you to the very core.
“Y/N! Oh, God, please!” Seonghwa whined after collecting his sanity. “I can’t take it anymore— Please just let me fuck you already!”
Luckily for him, you were losing it. You desperately wanted him to fuck you senseless. So, wordlessly, you untied his legs then his arms. Seonghwa immediately sat up and held you in a tight embrace, his lips pressing so fucking hard against yours, making you feel like he was eating you alive. His fingers ran through your hair, and his hands gripped your flesh the more he kissed you.
“Oh my fucking God,” he hissed in between kisses. “Angel, I—”
Seonghwa’s breathing hitched when he felt you slip the filled condom off and stroke his slowly hardening cock.
“There are three more condoms left, Seonghwa,” you whispered sensually. “Come on. Fuck me hard. Fuck me to hell, you devil.”
Seonghwa shivered. His brain immediately flashed to the way you looked when he was literally about to kill you, and he so badly wanted to make you look like that again but want and desire in your eyes instead of fear.
“Okay, angel. I will.”
Before you could blink, Seonghwa had you kneeling on the bed, and with a fresh condom on, he entered, his waist immediately hitting your ass. He fucked you so hard that your entire body shifted on the bed with every thrust, and if that wasn’t enough, he slapped your ass sporadically, each slap making your ass redder. Tears streamed down your face as you cried in pleasure, the pain feeling more like pure bliss.
“You like that, angel, don’t you? You like the pain, don’t you?” Seonghwa growled.
“Ye-es! More!” you cried. “Abuse me like the devil you are!”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll fuck you to the gates of hell, angel.”
Clenching your ass tightly, Seonghwa moved quickly. He rammed into you so hard that you felt his cock hit your cervix again, and pleasure completely washed over your body. Your thighs trembled and your moans got higher in pitch— you wanted to squirt so badly, but Seonghwa’s cock was blocking your release. He pressed his waist into your ass for a hot second before pulling out quickly, allowing you to squirt all over the bed. You trembled and cried loudly as you came, and your cries died into whimpers once your pussy stopped convulsing.
Watching you cum so hard made Seonghwa desperately want to cum, too. He re-entered and fucked you quickly and silly. He clenched your waist and pulled you as close to him as possible as he let out a loud groan and came, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, and another orgasm overcoming you in the process.
After fully finished inside you in the condom, he pulled out, and you squirted yet again. Your upper body collapsed onto the bed trying desperately to give you more support during this second high. You whimpered and sighed when you felt yourself finish before rolling onto your back and panting, your teary eyes trying to focus on the ceiling as you did your best to calm down.
Seeing you all fucked out turned Seonghwa on more than you calling him a good boy— this was the look he wanted, and he fucking got it, but now, he wanted to keep that look on your face as he fucked you from above. He wanted to feel you scratch his back and arms and watch you writhe beneath him with tears continuing to run down your face. Grabbing you by your neck, he guided you until you were sitting up, then kissed you roughly. You held onto his shoulders and let yourself get swept away by his plush lips overtaking you.
“Don’t forget, angel,” Seonghwa said against your lips with a slight smirk. “We still have two condoms left.”
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Seonghwa woke up first the next morning, and he woke up to a couple of things: one, he woke up to see that he had laid out new bedsheets; two, he woke up to see you in front of him. He was hugging you from behind, your bare back pressing against his bare chest. With a giddy smile on his face, he buried his face in the nook of your neck.
You, meanwhile, woke up when he started leaving light kisses on your neck, his fingers running along your stomach lightly and tickling you. “Mmm, tickles baby,” you mumbled, your voice still a little scratchy from screaming his name all night.
The man froze. Did… Did you just call him baby?
You turned in his arms and blinked the sleep out of your eyes to see his perfectly sculpted face in front of yours. You caressed his face as you whispered, “Good morning, handsome.”
“No, don’t call me handsome.”
Taken aback, you fully woke up. You were confused— here the man was hugging and squeezing you to him, but he didn’t want you to call him handsome?
“You called me baby just now,” he said.
“I did?”
“Yes, you did. Do it again.”
“What?” you were extremely confused— what was he going on about?
“Call me baby.”
Stifling a laugh, you brushed his hair away from his face and held the back of his neck before saying, “Good morning, baby.”
“Mmm, that’s the stuff!”
Happily, he rubbed his nose into your neck, his hair and nose tickling you. You laughed out loud and pet the back of his head the more he buried his face into you, making Seonghwa’s heart flutter like crazy. He was obsessed with your laugh, your fucking angelic laugh. He didn’t want to say it out loud, but he could admit to himself that yes, he was falling for you, and he was falling hard.
Holding you close, he peppered kisses along your jaw, neck, collarbones, and he was about to bury his face in your bosom when his phone rang.
“Dammit,” Seonghwa grumbled with a heavy sigh.
Ignoring the call, he pushed his face into your breasts anyway.
“Baby,” you said softly. “You should answer that…”
“Ugh, fine, only because you called me baby,” Seonghwa reluctantly let go of you.
You got a nice view of Seonghwa’s naked body when he climbed out of bed and answered his phone. You chewed on your lower lip as you observed his ass— his beautiful, round ass. You wanted to bite it, and you were going to get out of bed and do so until you heard Seonghwa answer the call.
“Mr. Kim?”
You could hear the Hongjoong on the other end. You could hear him, but barely.
“Today. Do it today.”
“Where should I go?”
“He’s going to go deep into the archives to bury evidence today, so go there. There are no cameras there, and a secret door to let you out of the building. You won’t get caught, I promise.”
“Don’t tell me you’re expecting me to shoot him…”
“I want you to fucking blow his brains up.”
“…Alright, but if I get caught, you better be my lawyer.”
“Okay, deal.”
With a light sigh, Seonghwa hung up and placed his phone screen down. To be completely honest, all he wanted to do that day was stay in and fuck you even more. But, he had a job to do.
“Was that Hongjoong?”
“Yeah. I have to do the job today.”
“Can I come with?” you asked eagerly as you sat up, the duvet tucked neatly under your arms.
“I don’t know—”
“No, let me tag along, please. I want him to know I’m still alive before you kill him. I wanna scare the shit outta him.”
Seonghwa worked it out in his head— Mingi was the person who originally hired him to kill you, and since he was about to kill Mingi, he didn’t see why not. He responded to you with a tiny nod, a grin spreading across your face.
“Also,” you stopped him before he could walk away and get ready. “Do we have time for a quickie before we go, baby?”
You were pushing all of the right buttons for the man and making him fall for you even more. God, you were seriously perfect for him.
“Oh my fucking God, I wish we did. You have no fucking idea how bad I wish we had time, angel, but we gotta go.”
Seonghwa had to bit his tongue and hold himself back when he saw the slight look of disappointment appear on your face. With an understanding nod, you got out of bed completely naked. You searched for your clothes, Seonghwa checking out your ass this time as you bent over. God fucking dammit, he wanted you oh so fucking badly. But, no. Work first, pleasure later.
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You looked at the man with disgust as you watched him physically burying evidence. You didn’t know how on Earth Mingi could do such a thing with a clear conscious, especially after knowing he was working on a merger acquisition case that saved a small business from falling apart. You always knew that lawyers were two-faced pricks, but Mingi was the worst one of them.
Taking a deep breath, you walked out and up to the man, who was hunched over a couple of boxes. He took a look at your shoes and looked up, all of the color draining from his face.
“W-w-what? Y/N… You…”
“Hello, Mingi.”
“You— You’re not dead?!”
Mingi stood up suddenly, the color returning to his face, that color being red. “So that fucking asshole lied to me?!”
He lunged for you and nearly grabbed you, but you took a large step backwards, and Seonghwa kicked his knee in from behind, causing him to fall on and crush the boxes he was fiddling with. Seonghwa stepped on Mingi and put a lot of his weight on the flailing man, his chest heaving as he tried to breathe normally.
“I lied, yes,” Seonghwa admitted. “And it’s not like you’re going to be able to do anything about it because you’re my next target, Mr. Song Mingi.”
Seonghwa cocked his gun and pointed it right in between Mingi’s eyebrows.
“Wait, stop! Wait! Don’t—”
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sulani: set sometime after this
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cw: while i tried to deal with it in a light way (without trivialising the issue), this does allude to consent. nothing happens, everyone’s wishes are respected, and no one is persuaded/pressured to do anything. just in case the subject may understandably be triggering for some though.
(also while I did my best with @akitasimblr's leo harper - or rather my homebrand cc free knock-off - nothing he does is canon unless Ana says it is!)
* * *
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"Looking good, Leo. Why, thank you, you handsome devil. Have to say, Ms. “I’ve done more mucking out than messing around” was not the contestant I was expecting this call from. But we all saw her in that bikini. I would hardly refuse."
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It was at this moment, Araminta knew that she had fucked up.
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(Oooh, he is going to hate me. And completely ruin my chances with Dodo, if not my entire reputation simply out of spite. I know his type too well. Still, Minty. An explanation is owed - and an apology. You come from two long lines of royalty, so you must have a spine somewhere. Find it.)
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"I have to say, this was an unexpected surprise, but not an unwelcome one. Can I get you anything? There’s a chardonnay chilling that will knock your socks off. And a few other things too, but we can take our time with that."
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"Uh, Minty? I assume we’re on pet name terms, or we’re about to be. If it’s the chardonnay, I can have something else brought up."
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"... .... ...."
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"Listen, between you and me, when you get us five star celebrities between the sheets? We’re just Some Guy. Well, some of us anyway. I have it on good authority that Thorne Bailey for example is the worst woohoo. Like not even one star. So don’t be nervous! Assuming that you’re nervous because it’s me." 
(cue Leo's own math lady meme moment)
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"Orrrr are you nervous because you’ve changed your mind - and you don’t know how to tell me?"
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(looks up at him hopefully)
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"Well, I’m taking anything other than shoving me onto the bed as a resounding ‘no, I’m not into this anymore.’ Why don’t I check on that chardonnay, and you take a moment? If I end up having the entire bottle to myself, that’s okay."
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"See? It was fine. You are fine. Pull yourself together, Araminta."
* * *
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"I… didn’t mean to text you. Your profile pictures look exactly the same."
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"Funny how that works. So, you thought that you were texting my brother? And in spite of having at your fingertips the hottest commodity in the entire Simsverse - ie. my own personal private number - you decided that you’d rather attempt a night of passion with that doofus instead?"
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"Well... yes?"
(leaves unsaid that there wasn't even a decision to be made. also - ahem. dodo is not a doofus, thank you.)
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"But Watcher, everyone knows that I’m the sexy twin!"
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(tactful silence)
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"I am so terribly sorry, Leo. And quite frankly, mortified. I’d tear up my contract right now if I could."
"Contracts don’t work like that, Princess. Trust me. Don’t sweat it. It’s nothing to leave the challenge over. I can’t promise that I won’t laugh at you later or bring it up on the show at some point, but apart from you being a boring do-gooder, we’re cool. Deep breaths."
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"I did, er, bring some wine myself. It’s an aged Chestnut Ridge red from our cellar, and I had thought that Dodo-"
"Totally wasted on him. Give me that."
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"Thank you, by the way, for being so nice about this."
"Nice? Ha. I thought you lived on some Henford estate, not beneath a rock. But I’m not a creep. If you don’t one hundred percent want to be here, then I don’t want you here. Period. Go downstairs and get a massage or something. It looks like you need it."
"I may do just that."
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"Wait - let’s check that you have my brother’s number right. You may have picked the wrong twin, but there’s nothing wrong with your taste in wine. And if you and Dodo don’t work out, then I’m always happy to mentor a promising up-and-comer." (winks)
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"I’ll, uh, bear in mind that generous offer."
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"No you won’t. You’re just being polite. Now scram. I’d totally smack your arse on your way out, but the Watcher is too cheap for that pack. And if you ever tell anyone other than Dodo that I wasn’t a total dick to you, I’ll spread a rumour that you once drank white wine with red meat or some other shit that would totally ruin your good name within 'polite' society."
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"Plum, she really was that surprised at me being cool with her not wanting to sleep with me. The bar for men is so low, it must be in fucking Selvadorada. Here’s to being the sexy twin. And to all my daughters hopefully being lesbians."
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"Hey, this is really a nice vintage. Nice girl too, unfortunately. But I could have fixed her, Watcher..."
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unreadpoppy · 10 months
song as old as rhyme - chapter 18
{Beauty and the Beast AU - Raphael x OC (Elize)}
chapter 17
Read on AO3
A/N: TRIGGER WARNING: Violence towards women. Elize kicks someone's nuts and they beat her. If you want to avoid that, it starts after Elize says “He’s a pathetic piece of shit, that’s what he is.” and ends with the … There's also some sexist things that one character says so be mindful of that.
Taglist: @littlemoondarling
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The portal had led Elize to the front of her house. For a moment, nostalgia overtook her, tears forming in her eyes as she saw the place she had called home for the first time in months.
She wondered what her father would think, seeing her again. Elize knocked on the door, hearing familiar loud steps from inside.
“Calm down, calm down, I’m getting there!” She heard Audifax shout. “It’s late at night, who -” He stopped when he looked at her. “Elize? How-wh- what are you doing here?” He ushered her inside before she answered.
Elize noticed the worried tone in his voice. “I had a feeling that you were in danger, so Raphael let me come here”
“He let you go? How?” Audifax was bewildered.
“I asked him so, on the promise that I’d return before dawn.” She took his hands in hers. “He is not as bad as he seems, father.”
Audifax pulled his hands back, an angered look on his face. “Not as bad? He is a devil!” Pointing at the bruise on her neck, he continued. “Look, he even hurt you!”
She put a hand on the spot. “No, this isn´t a bruise, we-”
“He must have put you under some spell.” Audifax interrupted her. “It’s the only reason why you’re saying such nonsense.”
“Father, please, listen!” She tried to plead.
“You don’t understand!” He shouted. “You were not supposed to be here! We were going to go rescue you?”
“Rescue me? But I wasn’t in danger?” Elize frowned. “Father, what does this mean?”
He sighed and sat on a chair. “After I came back, everyone started to question what had happened. I told them everything, the deal I made, how wicked that devil was, how you saved me. I discovered that there were others who had also been wronged by Raphael.”
She kneeled beside him. “So…the people got angry?” Maybe that explained the looks she had seen in her dream.
Audifax nodded. “Precisely. They wanted to go after him, take you back and kill the devil.”
“But that doesn’t make any sense! No one in the village ever cared for us before.”
Audifax shook his head. “It wasn’t about you, or us, necessarily.” He explained. “They believed that if Raphael took you, soon they would take the others.”
“He didn’t take me, I made a deal with him willingly!”
“That is almost the same thing!” Audifax exclaimed. “Do you have any idea how painful it was to see you making a deal with him? Not knowing when I would see you back or what he would do to you?” He began to sob.
“Father…” Elize held his hands again. “I’m here now, you don’t have to worry.” She tried to comfort him.
“You’re here now, but you’ll go back soon, and what difference will that make, hum?”
“I’ll talk with Raphael, I’ll change the terms of my contract and-”
“No, Elize. It’s too late.” He stopped her.
“I don’t understand.”
“Since that day, we were planning on how we would take the devil down. We tried sending poison to him but he survived and-”
“Wait…did you send the Devil’s Bane to him, in a wine bottle?”
“How do you know?”
“Because I was the one who saved him from dying!”
“Elize!” He got up from his chair. “Saving a devil? What has gotten into you?!”
“Mother always taught me to save people, regardless of anything!” She stood up as well. “What did you expect? To just let him die?” She shouted.
“Yes!” Audifax put his hand on his face. “Anyways, when that didn’t work, we tried to gather more information on him. We put posters on guilds everywhere, even in Baldur’s Gate. There was even a warlock who said he had seen you cry in a ball.”
“Wyll? He spoke with you?” She asked frowning.
Audifax nodded. “He told he saw you cry, and that you had refused his help, and how furious Raphael was. He had seen the posters and gave us more information.”
“Like what?”
“Like how to make the ritual to enter his house.” Audifax put his hands on her shoulders. “We had everything planned, Elize. We would barge into his home in two days time.”
She shook her head. “But you don’t have to do that anymore.” Elize looked at the window, seeing that it was still dark. “Look, we still have time to tell them to call it off.”
Audifax shook his head. “We can’t”
“But Father-” Before she could reason with him, someone had barged into their home. She jumped due to the noise and turned around, being met with none other than Sylvester, the half elf who had once, long ago, harassed her.
She immediately put herself between the two men and huffed. “What in the Hells are you doing here?”
“I heard the shouting and came to see what had happened.” Sylvester spoke with a smug look on his face. “Imagine my surprise when I heard your voice all the way down the street.”
Elize scrunched her face up. “What do you want then?”
“I came to see how my future father-in-law is doing.”
“Father-in-law?” She turned to look at her dad. “What did you do?”
“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Sylvester spoke. “Your father spent weeks trying to convince me to join the fight.” The half elf looked at his nails. “After all, I am the best hunter in the village, but I didn’t have a good reason to go help some poor woman who had rejected me…unless” He smirked, as she turned to him eyes wide. “I received a prize in return for my troubles.”
“No…” She said.
“Oh yes, darling. And I was quite delighted when your dear old father offered to make you my bride, should I rescue you.”
“Why me?” Sylvester inched closer to her. “I don’t even like you! You could have any one in the village.”
“True. But I love nothing more than putting a woman in her place.” He wrapped a strand of her hair in his finger. “Especially those who have wronged me.”
She kicked him in the nuts, remembering how Mol once told her she was too soft and insisted on teaching the human how to throw a punch or a kick. While the man moaned, she turned to her father.
“How could you do this to me?!”
“Elize, please, he’s a good man, I thought he would take care of you after I died.” As she shook her head, he continued. “Please, I only want the best for you.”
“Good man?” She barked out a laugh. Elize turned to point at Sylvester. “He’s a pathetic piece of shit, that’s what he is.”
At that, Sylvester growled. “You bitch!” And slapped her hard across the face, sending her to the floor. Her glasses fell from her face.
“Elize!” Audifax kneeled next to his daughter and shot a murderous look at Sylvester. “How could you?”
While her father shouted at the half elf, she reached into her pocket and took out the spell scroll, trying to read the spell to go back.
“We have a deal, old man!” Sylvester shouted. “You may try to chicken out of it now, but I won’t let you.” He noticed what Elize was doing, and stepped on her wrist, making her scream and let go of the spell. Audifax tried to help but he was shoved by the younger man.
“You know, I heard your conversation, how you had to go back before the sun rose.” He took the paper in hand, looking back at Elize, who was clutching her wrist. “If you don’t go back, that devil will come here to get you, and cut us the trouble of finding him.”He then snapped the paper in half, destroying it.
“NO!” Elize screamed. She knew that Raphael would get paranoid, and she feared that would ruin what they had built.
“Now, you’re gonna be a good little bait while we wait for him.” Sylvester stepped close to her. “Good night.” He kicked her in the face, making Elize lose consciousness.
The sun had risen and Elize had yet to be seen. After Korilla, Haarlep and Mol all pleaded for Raphael to have mercy, he waited.
When the next day passed and Elize hadn’t made a comeback, Raphael knew he had been betrayed again.
He was furious, throwing things around in his room.
“How dare she!” Raphael screamed, breaking a chair. “After everything I’ve done, after what we’ve been through it was a lie?!” He breathed heavily. “I knew, I KNEW, I shouldn't have trusted her! I’ve opened my heart for her and it was all just a scheme.”
Haarlep, who was watching the meltdown, had long stopped to try and reason with his master. They were just as worried about Elize’s disappearance as everyone else, and they hoped that Korilla, using her magic, would be able to discover something.
Raphael turned to look at Haarlep, a look of rage of the likes the incubus had never seen before. “I’m going to find her, I will drag her back to the Hells and never let her go! I’ll punish her for this!” Raphael was seething, he felt as if his whole body would combust into flames. This felt worse than when Tav turned their back on him.
Suddenly, Korilla burst through the door. “Master, Elize is in danger!”
He turned to look at her. “Oh, she will be-”
“No, you don’t understand.” She took a deep breath. Clearly, she had ran there as fast as she could. “I went to the Devil’s Den, to scry on her, and I saw her in some sort of dungeon, beatend and unconscious.”
“What?!” Both Haarlep and Raphael said at the same time. At those words, the cambion felt a new sort of rage build in him.
“I think… I think the people in her village did something to her, and that is why she hasn’t returned.” The three of them looked at each other. “We have to do something now!”
Raphael nodded, jaw clenched. “Haarlep, use some other disguise. Korilla, get Mol. I’ll be needing the three of you.” He barked orders to them, and they quickly got to it. “I think it’s time I pay her father a visit.”
The cambion snapped his fingers and soon, he was in Elize’s village.
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Valentine's Day with Dante
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It was Valentine's day and Dante decided it would be a great idea to take you to an amusement park. "Alright babe, what do you wanna do first? Get some food? Ferris wheel? Or maybe the tunnel of love?" You pulled out a map of the park and showed him all the spots you wanted to visit. "No problem babe. This is gonna be the best date of your life!"
First you decided to go on teacups. Dante was fine but you were trying your best not to vomit all over him. "Why don't we try something else?" You were waiting in line for over an hour and your boyfriend was acting like a petulant child. There were 8 year olds ahead that were better behaved. "Argh Dante, we're almost there, can't you act like a grown man for once?"
His stomach grumbled. "I want pizza!" he whined. "Fine! We'll get something to eat then." You gave up on fighting him. You looked around at the different vendors. "I don't see any pizza Dante but there's corn dogs. You wait here while I go get us some." He nodded and waited for your return. He looked around and then he noticed a candy apple stand. "It shouldn't take me that long hm?"
It turns out it was longer than he thought. By the time he reached the stand he was told they just sold the last apple. Not content and willing to listen to reason, the demon slayer pushed his way inside and grabbed a metallic vault. Unfortunately he grabbed the wrong one and became shredded with cotton candy. As you made your way back you couldn't help but notice something resembling a giant pastel blob of fiberglass. "Wait a minu- DANTE!?"
"That's my name, don't wear it out." You were going to question what happened but decided against it and shared some corn dogs. "By the way, I got you a caramel apple. Turns out it wa-" Before you could finish, your boyfriend grabbed the treat from you and began to chomp down on it. You sighed. "Thanks babe, your too good for me!" he mumbled with the apple in his mouth. He went to pull the stick out but it wouldn't budge. After a few repeated attempts at removal he decided to just devil trigger and use all of his strength.
That must have been some strong caramel because not only did the whole apple come out but also a dozen sharp fangs had been ripped straight from his jaw and were embedded in the candy. You stared at Dante's bloody mouth and asked "should we take you to dentist or hospital?" He laughed and reassured you that it was like shark teeth. Another row would take it's place and in less than a minute his mouth was healed.
Now it was time to go on the bumper cars. You tried to fit together but there was no way you could squeeze past 250 pounds of muscle. You decided it was better to just get your own car and keep trying to hit Dante as payback. Before you could reach him, you noticed a small boy, perhaps 10 who would repeatedly slam his car right in front of you. You boyfriend seemed to notice your agitation. Dante then took out Ebony and Ivory and shot the tires on the kids car, along with the metal railing.
"I ALREADY TOLD YOU I WAS SORRY!" You were enraged. Not only did Dante embarrass you but he also got himself escorted out of that area of the park by security. "I just wanted a normal date and you can't even give me that!" You sighed. Dante came up behind you and embraced you in his arms. "Look, I'm sorry... Besides, the days not fully over. We still have the Ferris wheel." You kissed (noting that he tasted like sugar. You would need to brush your teeth soon). "Alright, you have one last chance. Let's go."
The two of you sat together at the top of the wheel, enjoying the moment. "Dante" He looked into your eyes. "Yes babe?" You gave him a confused glance. "DANTE" He looked at you but noticed your lips never moved. "DAAAAAANNNNNNNTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEE" "Okay if that's not you, then who the hell is calling my name?!" Suddenly he was hit in the face with a giant rocket launcher. You were lucky to survive, the worst being you got covered in ash. You couldn't say the same for Dante though. His head tore right off. Luckily this had happened before so you knew what to do. You grabbed some duct tape from your purse and reattached his head back on like some kind of Barbie doll.
After a minute he came back to his senses and noticed a certain someone down on the ground. "LADY? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!" He then jumped down from the top of the Ferris wheel into the ground. You could hear them bickering (heck, the whole park could hear them) back and forth about Dante owing his friend some debt while he was saying something about how cutting down an evil tree is enough of a reward. You were so embarrassed that you decided to just walk away when it was your turn to get off the ride.
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freakshowtwopointoh · 11 months
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Not sure if they meant this romantically but Imma do it anyways. So rivals with crushes. Pre canon. MASSIVE TW FOR SELF H@RM. I DESCRIBE IT. PLEASE CLICK AWAY IF THAT WILL TRIGGER YOU.
You never expected to still be struggling with self harm in college. But the pressure only got more intense, and all you wanted to do was prove that you deserved your spot at GodU. You'd tried to quit so many times - flushing razors down the toilet only to buy another next week. But you still were at the top of your class, so it didn't really matter. It's not like anyone had to know.
Especially not fucking Jordan Li. Arrogant, cocky, too pretty for their own good Jordan Li.
Jordan's POV
Every time you raise your hand in class, you can feel their glare on you. Every time you state your opinion, they just have to play devil's advocate.
Sometimes it would wear you down, if you're honest. You wanted them to like you, and when their eyes were on you, it made your heart flip. You'd debate back and forth, getting way more involved than necessary for your classes. But then you'd get a bad grade or be unable to complete an assignment, and they'd go in on you.
Like you didn't already feel bad enough.
You'd spent all night fighting with the demons in your head, telling you that you deserved to hurt, or you needed to cut. You'd been able to ignore them, but you'd forgotten about your assignment. You ran into them before class, clearly empty handed.
"Slacking already, [Y/L/N]? Tsk tsk tsk, I knew you wouldn't be able to cut it. Just give up now, I'll be happy to take the top rank." You did not have time for this today. You glared at them and went to the back of the room, feeling the weight of the blade in your pocket.
They hate know it all's. Fucking innocent looking show offs who act like they have no idea what they're doing. Hand always the first up, always ready to correct them no matter who's listening. Yes, they were talking about [Y/N].
If Jordan didn't know any better, she was coming for their spot.
And if Jordan wasn't lying to themself, they wanted her more than that wanted that spot. Wanted to make her shut up, make her pretty lips say their name.
They shook their head briskly. Focus, Li. Don't forget anything, look cool, make your way to the training field before your one on one with Brink fast enough and you'll have time to train.
They had a great session but couldn't keep her off their mind. They'd tell themself it's just because they want to beat her, but they knew it was a lie.
After their appointment with Brink, they made their way to the restroom. When they walked in, they nearly dropped their bag.
Why is there blood?
Your POV
You took the new blade out of its package and stared at it. You felt a little sick to your stomach, but you just wanted that moment of relief. You'd fought so hard last night, but it didn't feel like it mattered at all. Why bother fighting anyways? Jordan was right, you weren't cut out for this. You should just give up now. You pressed the blade to your wrist and cut. Over and over again, until it was covered in thin cuts and dripping blood. You wished it made you feel better. It used to, or at least you thought it did.
You got up to rinse your arm when you heard the door open and you sprinted back to the stall, heart racing.
"Hey, you ok? Need a tampon?" And before you could even register that it was Jordan's voice, the door to the stall swung open accidentally.
"Fuck." You tried to reach the door, but Jordan caught your arm.
"Don't move. I have a first aid kit in my bag." They pulled the backpack off of their shoulders as you stood frozen.
"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." Your voice shook slightly as you attempted to make your way back to the sink.
"Don't be silly, those need to be cleaned. You don't want an infection." Your hands started to shake and you could feel tears falling down your face. They took your hand and began cleaning your arm very gently.
Jordan's POV
They thanked their lucky stars they were used to first aid, because their brain was running a mile a minute while they forced themself to stay calm and collected.
Why was she doing this? They knew the science behind it, but like, she seemed like her life was so perfect. Always had the right answer in class, always looked beautiful. Kind to everyone, always smiling.
They tried to think if they'd ever seen her in short sleeves. Then they wished they hadn't.
"Sorry about this." She said softly. "I keep trying to stop but it never sticks. Don't worry about me though, I'm fine." She wouldn't meet their eyes. After they finished cleaning her arm, she pulled a bandana from her pocket and tried wrapping it around her arm.
"Let me." They murmured, carefully wrapping it around her injured arm before securing it in a knot. "And um... If you ever need someone to talk to, or just to keep you company, let me know." She looked at them, eyes still shiny with tears.
"Do you really mean that, or are you just saying it to make yourself feel better?"
"I mean it. Anytime." She held their gaze before nodding.
"Thank you, Jordan. You're not as much of an asshole as you seem." They smiled at this, and tried to ignore how it made their heart feel when she said their name.
Later that week, they were coming home from clubbing with their friends when they saw a shadow leaning against the tree outside their dorm room. It almost looked like...
They walked over in spite of themself.
Your POV
You heard Jordan call your name. You fiddle with your fingers, almost wishing they wouldn't have seen you. But you wave, and walk towards them.
"Sorry for just showing up, I meant to message you but I wasn't sure what to say." You admit.
"I'm glad you're here. I'm not ready to sleep yet." They pulled out a joint. "Care to share?" You nod and the two of you begin to walk. You start out talking about nothing - what shitty TV you like, favorite color, etc. Then, you look to the stars. You sigh at the light pollution.
"I wish I could still see the stars. It's so peaceful, staring up, finding constellations, imagining who else had seen these stars."
"I know what you mean. Whenever nothing made sense, and no one understood me, I'd go lay under the stars. Always changing and yet always constant." You both laid in silence, trying to make out constellations.
You break the silence, not looking at them as you talk.
"Everyone acts like hard work is all it takes to succeed. But it's a fucking lie. You can work your ass off and you can still fail. I always thought that I'd have such an easy time at college. More people, less rules. And yet I still feel like I'm drowning. Like everything is falling through my fingers, and if I make one wrong move everything will tumble down. I'm exhausted." You keep your eyes on the stars, terrified of what they are going to say.
"Fuck. I thought I was the only one who felt that way." They said softly. "You always seem like you have it all together. Always smiling, always pretty." Pretty? You blushed. "Meanwhile, I spend all my free time punching shit, fucking people, or doing drugs. Trying to drown my insecurities before they drown me."
"You always seem so confident. I was always jealous of that. Meanwhile, unless I'm across a classroom, I try to talk to you and my heart goes all funny and my mouth goes dry." The weed was making you over share. "Fuck, I should not have said that. Ignore that." You laugh, but they roll over onto their side, looking at you intently.
"Do you know why I debate you in class all the time?"
"Because you think I'm wrong most of the time." You laughed.
"No. Because you're smart as hell, and strong as hell, and hot as hell, and it's intimidating." They said seriously.
"Haha very funny." They grabbed your chin to force you to keep their gaze.
"I'm serious. And if I wasn't so intimidated by you, I would've asked you to be my girlfriend by now." And then (neither of you would ever admit to initiating your first kiss) your lips were on theirs and you were kissing and sparks were flying and your heart was racing. You tangled your fingers in their hair.
"Holy shit." You said breathlessly.
"So will you?"
"Will I what?"
"Go out with me." Your heart skipped a beat. After everything they've seen... Did they really still want you? You felt the real reason you'd reached out in your pocket and on your arms. You were broken. You'd only be a burden on them. Your demons were getting louder, and you pulled your legs in tight.
"You don't want that."
"Why's that?"
"I'm fucked up, Jordan. You've seen pieces of it but once you see all the broken pieces, you'll run. I shouldn't have come, I don't even know what I wanted, I don't know what I need. I should just go." You turn to go, and they grab your arm. You gasp in pain.
"Nothing you could do would scare me away. And I'm not asking you out because I pity you, or because I expect I can fix you. I just can't stand to not be there to hold you through all your pain. I understand that now."
"I do want to go out with you. But I'm so scared." Your eyes fill with tears.
"Don't be. I've got you, ok?" They usher you to their dorm and unwrap your arms.
"Oh, sweetie. Do you have a sharp on you?" You nod, and pull it out of your pocket. They put it up for now. "I'll get rid of that later. Do you have more at home?" You nod again, and they agree to help you get rid of them in the morning. They clean the rest of your injuries and wrap them carefully. They give you some pj's and you put them on. They try not to stare at the scars on your legs.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize to me for that, sweetie. It just kills me knowing how long you struggled alone." They pause awkwardly.
"You ok with sharing a bed? I won't try anything." You chuckle and blush a bit.
"Would you hold me?" The words fell out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. They smiled.
"Of course, darling." They peppered pet names in so easily, and it made your heart flutter every time. You crawled into bed with Jordan, falling asleep easier than you had in years.
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indescribeable · 3 months
Wait for your love I Chapter 1
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So I made a post about this fic a WHILE ago now but I finally got around to writing the first chapter! This will be cross-posted on Ao3 if anyone would rather read it there! I really hope you guys like this and based on reactions and my motivation well lack there off we will see how this goes. This fic will also contain a few OC's Also, I know I keep saying this but to those who have asks still pending I am SO SORRY I just haven't had the motivation but I'm sure a lot of you feel me on that one ALSO TRIGGER WARNING this fic will eventually include smut and will explore topics of abuse, PTSD and non-con and eating disorders I will put lines like this ~~~~~~~~ above and below chapters that contain those subjects so please be aware of this! <3 Anyway hope you enjoy Also Yes Wait for Your Love by Ariana is at the bottom of this post as I got my inspiration for the fic itself and the title while listening to the song so I hope you enjoy it! <3
Mika had been through a lot of hardships in her life her father’s constant abuse, Lisette’s constant abuse, Andrew's constant abuse, the depression, the PTSD, the eating disorder and anxiety, the loss of her grandmother, the loss of her grandfather and even the trauma that came from finding 5 men bleeding on the floor of her newly bequeathed mansion and then that leading to being kidnapped and almost killed by a psychotic devil and then following that up with an incredibly angry succubus trying to take her boys away from her but this, this was harder. Watching the five men she had grown to love and adore in this world find their love with others. It had been just over 2 years since she had met the boys and only a few weeks into their stay with her she started to develop feelings for all of them that she hid incredibly well even from Damien and he could read minds. Weeks turned into months, months of pain being so deeply in love but watching them drift away, watching them each find someone they loved with their entire being, months of giving advice and reassurance that they in fact could love and that they had nothing to worry about, months of helping them plan dates, helping them solve arguments, helping them pick out gifts and then eventually engagement rings and wedding tuxedos all while slowing dying inside her heart shattering into a million little pieces.
When they each left to move on with her life she stayed strong. She put on a happy face, wished them all the happiness in the world and let them go until she was alone. The house felt so empty without them it was something she couldn’t bear anymore all she was doing was spiralling into self-pity and depression so she decided that if they moved on she needed to as well. Since James the eldest of the five brothers had taken over her grandfather’s company her father had no choice but to let her choose to do whatever she wished with her life. It was something she would be forever grateful for, so she focused on something she loved that helped her get her mind off everything. Mika had been taking dance lessons since before she can remember much to her father's dismay but to appease him she kept straight A’s a 4.0 GPA and took part in whatever ridiculous company events he wished along with taekwondo lessons, her grandfather also paid for all her dance lessons so that helped but her father was never 100% satisfied, he let her continue her lessons so that was something. After high school, she had managed to get full scholarships to multiple universities but the offer that shook her the most was her full-ride scholarship to Julliard the only problem being it was in New York. Sure she had received scholarships from some of the best dance schools in the country even from schools in Chicago but she had a choice to make. The boys or her future, she was beginning to reach her limit.
The boys obviously had no idea about how she felt about them though they did love her but like a sister. As such she was invited to every event, every meal and it was getting harder and harder to sit there and endure the torment of seeing them so happy with their wives not to mention she was the only one who seemed to notice how much they seemed to hate her bar Twila who was quiet yes but friendly and honestly incredibly sweet the perfect match for Damien and that hurt even more. Each new event was becoming more and more uncomfortable for her so she decided to accept the Juilliard offer if she was going to make it through the rest of her life she needed to get away. The boys were devastated upon finding out that she was moving away but were ultimately happy for her and wished her luck. The worst part was the smug look on the wives' faces at the airport as she left and the tearful hugs shared between her and the boys but as she left she willed herself not to look back she couldn’t because if she did she would never have been able to leave so now hear she sat in her last year of university in one of the most magical cities in the world sure she was incredibly homesick and still missed the boys like crazy but she didn’t realise when she left for New york how deeply in love she would fall in over the city.
It was getting close to Christmas so there was constant snowfall the city constantly changing between being covered in a white blanket of snow and brown and grey slush from all the foot traffic that came through it every day. Her dorm room was so nice heating and AC, crisp white walls though they were covered head to toe in posters and pictures, a lovely plush beige carpet, large bay windows looking out over the city and a decent amount of room considering the room was shared. Mika took the left side while her roommate Jada took the right. Mika was so nervous moving in and meeting her the first day but she turned out to be one of the warmest, kind and honestly badass people she had ever met. They were both vastly different but they managed to somehow get along incredibly well, Mika had a Japanese American background while Jada had an African American background, they both had very different tastes in everything from food to music but it was what they loved about each other they where honestly like each others missing halves in a way and Mika was beyond grateful for her. They spoke about anything and everything literally of course them both being witches helped that but Jada knew everything about Mika and her situation and let's just say Mika fears the day Jada ever meets the guys It’s incredibly fair to say she was not best pleased with the whole situation.
Mika was currently sitting at one of the windows in her dorm snuggled up under a fluffy blanket wearing a light brown teddy bear fleece paired with fur-lined black leggings, miss matched black and white fluffy socks and her hair was up in a loose bun. She was content happily cupping a steaming mug of hot chocolate in her hands watching the small puffs of snow flying past her window. Thankfully her ankle was now out of its cast but it still wasn't 100% yet after what happened.
Mika thanks to her father's treatment never allowed herself to rest she was always pushing herself trying to be what she believed was good enough though she’s never actually got to the point where she thought that she was enough. She had been skipping meals, overworking herself and pushing herself beyond her limits, Jada always liked to say one day she would end up working herself to death and to be fair she wasn't far off being correct in that assumption. Mika ended up truly pushing herself too far over the edge this time ultimately fainting in practice and breaking her ankle, she didn't know what was worse though a dancer hurting their ankle now causing them to have a constant weakness in their ankle broken or not or the fact that she did it 3 months before her final showcase, the showcase was basically the most important event in her life right now there would be scouts from multiple dance companies around the world coming to watch the performances, she needed to be there and she needed to be the best for her future career, the pressure was on but she could still say she was at least somewhat happy, this was something she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl and she would stop at nothing to get to the finish line if not just for her but her grandfather as well. He had been so supportive and put in so much work to help her pursue everything she wanted in life, dance her magic studies even her regular studies, the worst thing she could dream of would be letting him down and that would not be an option for her.
Before tears could start forming in her eyes over the memories of her grandfather she heard the lock to the door go before revealing a very cold and very displeased Jada. Her light blonde curly hair was shoved up in a messy ponytail the platinum locks matching incredibly well with her milk chocolate skintone. Her dark whiskey eyes were set in an unimpressed scowl though not directed at anyone in particular. Her large white puffer jacket black jeans and snow boots were covered in small flakes and her rosy cheeks were shining brightly in the light of the dormroom. Mika had to stifle a giggle at her very distressed and very dishevelled roommate.
“Someone doesn't look happy” Mika couldn't help the teasing smirk appearing on her lips.
“I HATE winter! It’s cold! And wet! And it's doing nothing for my hair!” Jada huffed the last few words struggling to rip the drenched puffer jacket off her slender frame eventually giving up sighing in defeat and blowing a stray curl out of her eyes.
“A little help over here!?” Mika chuckled before placing down her hot chocolate and untangling herself from the warmth of her blanket making her way over to help her friend escape the drenched jacket hanging it up to dry in the bathroom. Finally having escaped the offending clothing item Jada flopped onto her bed tiredly turning her head to look at Mika who had returned to her place at the window hot chocolate nestled back between her slender fingers.
“How's the ankle? Any improvements?” Mika turned to look at her in response a small smile on her face though there was still sadness in her eyes.
“It's getting there it hardly hurts when I put pressure on it anymore and I've almost completely regained my balance.”
Jada’s face lit up with one of her signature warm smiles her eyes slightly creasing at the corners. “Way to go girl! Im proud of you, you put in a lot of work but I still say you need a break” Mika scoffed turning her attention back to the window.
“I don't have time for a break the showcase is in just over a month and im completely behind on my practice not to mention that I haven't even been able to attend practice to watch the routine I planned out because Miss Sharp insisted I stay on “bed rest”.
Jada let out an exasperated sigh sitting up on her bed before getting up and making her way over to sit across from Mika at the window shoving her legs under the blanket with Mika and gently grabbing her hand with a serious look on her face.
“Look Meeks I love you, you know I do but the whole reason you are in this mess is because you weren't taking care of yourself, even if your ankle fully heals within the next few hours you still won't be ready physically to come back to practice, look you have already choreographed and planned out the entire show and Aiko and I have made sure everything is how you want it to be. You need a break. I think you should go home for Christmas.”
Mika looked as if she had been struck eyes wide in fear, Jada of course knew everything about the boys and that whole situation they had become so close to each other that they basically knew all of each other's secrets and she knew how hard it had been for Mika.
“Are you insane?! There is no way im going home.” Mikas face softened from surprised to sad “I can't do it, Jada, it hurts too much.”
Jada let out a sad sigh before lightly squeezing Mika's hand with hers. “Look I know that it's hard for you but you can't keep avoiding them forever even if they seem to be avoiding you.” The last part of that sentence was spoken with icy venom, Mika had tried to get in contact with the boys multiple times but the calls either ended up going to voice mail or somehow the boy's wives always ended up answering, she had tried their house phones, personal phones even work phones but she could never get through. It saddened her not getting to hear their voices, there were times during her stay at uni when she really needed them, needed to hear them, needed to hear their reassurance and the warmth in their voices but she was never successful.
“Girl look first things first you miss home, you miss Naomi and Suzu heck you even miss the little cafe you always used to go to, you wouldn’t just be going to see them, you can't let their dumb ass decisions rule your life plus you might be able to figure out what the hell is going on, based on everything you’ve told me I wouldn’t think they would treat you like this and that means a lot coming from me based on the way I feel about them” Jada emphasized the last bit of her sentence causing a light chuckle to pass through Mikas lips.
Mika set down her hot chocolate for the second time reaching over to give Jada a tight squeeze which was reciprocated immediately. “What would I do without you?”
Jada chuckled before responding. “I don't think either of us would like to find out the answer to that question but im gonna take that as a yes?” She finished her question with a hopeful lilt to her voice.
Mika untangled herself from Jada’s arms sitting back and giving her a gentle nod and warm smile. “Yes, I'll go home already geez I didn't realise you were that desperate to get rid of me.” At that, Jada gave Mika a light punch to the arm causing Mika to lean back rubbing her arm and feigning a hurt expression.
“Ohh, please! I didn't even hit you hard!” Both girls chuckled at finally separating for the night.
Jada headed into the bathroom to get ready for bed and Mika making her way over to her desk flipping open her laptop the blue light of the screen illuminating her face a few seconds after the power button was pressed. She searched through multiple sites for affordable plane tickets for what felt like hours, unfortunately, everything went up in price around Christmas time so it was exceedingly hard to find the ticket she wanted for a fair price. Eventually, though she managed to find the ticket she wanted at a fairly reasonable price, well as reasonable as it was gonna get at that time of year quickly purchasing them waiting for the confirmation email and then shutting her laptop and heading to bed for the night. Nerves raced through her body at the thought of going home but finally, she drifted off nervous for the days to come.
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gregorygerwitz · 1 year
Ok, so I'm new to your blog! (Sorry abt that) but I'm super interested in the super soldier and pirate au's. I tried searching your blog for more info but as we know Tumblr search is terrible, can you point me to more posts on the topic or tell me some stuff about them?
I do have a specific question about the super soldier AU; what super abilities are we talking about aside from enhanced strength?
As for pirate Au (which I am just as excited for) is this based on any source material or is it entirely your worldbuilding? I'd love to know more!
Hi, nonny! Welcome to the chaos! I know I gained a lot of followers during the first run of the firefighter bracket, to welcome to all of you! And you definitely don't have to apologize for being new here, especially for One Chicago things - I'm still kinda new here.
I did give both Super Soldier AU and Pirate AU tags on this blog in an attempt to keep things organized, but you're absolutely right. Tumblr search is a whole mess sometimes. But! Pirate AUs have a masterpost here, with a link to the tag in it, and the Super Soldier AU posts can all be found in its tag here, though it has significantly less content to peruse for that one than Pirate AU (to be fair to me, I actually have plans to write Pirate AU this year, whereas Super Soldier AU is just something I think about from time to time with no solid plans to actually write it)
As for your specific questions...
Super Soldier AU
I was literally joking last night (and this morning) that the experiments kind of just... gave Mouse more autism? Yes, obviously, there's the cliché super strength, and heightened senses, but that makes his life so hard when he already got overstimulated and overwhelmed by too much noise or a stressful day to begin with.
They also kind of reverted his brain to a few base instincts? When he's living his every day life back in Chicago again, it doesn't show, but that's because everything is triggered by stress or certain situations. Mouse was, for lack of a better word, programmed to take out threats - usually, he's explicitly told what those threats are, for the missions he went on for the army, but without that guidance, and specifically without a proper handler, it becomes this vague order that he doesn't know how to handle and process all the time.
It's what led to him doing his single handed rescue of Jay in the situation outlined in the moodboard. He saw his friend in danger, perceived a threat, and took it out, like he was programmed to do. When he's not in a war zone, it just turns into protecting his friends instead of following orders.
Pirate AU
This AU happened because I saw a picture of Sam from a short film he did ~11 years ago, where he's holding a sword? I thought it was hot, so I built an AU around it. In my defense...
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He should be allowed to hold a sword more often (yes, I watched the short film and made gifs they're very important to me they get me through rough weeks)
I kind of built the idea of Mouse as a pirate around that image, and then engagement-of-convenience Linstead happened off to the side of him, and the plot fell into place after that. And then I listened to a lot of The Amazing Devil and it's a whole world now. I don't think about Pirate AU enough considering I'm supposed to be writing it this year...
I know I haven't shared much about either of these AUs by way of like... the actually plot of Pirate AU, or any of my world building for Super Soldier Mouse, so if you have any more questions that I haven't answered yet, feel free to ask them! I love talking about these little universes! Thank you for giving me the opportunity today!
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leviiattacks · 3 years
May I request a Levi x Reader angst fic? Just barely any fluff, mostly angst going on lol. The reader is a traitor, formaly working for Marley, but betraying them in secret and putting their loyalty on Paradis. The reader is also a shifter and married to Levi for a couple of years. That love and care however is gone once readers identity is found. He truly despises them, insults them, maybe a bit violent with them, and outright tells them that they mean nothing to him anymore and hate them to bits. Readers punishment is to hand over her titan to Erwin, and they agree instantly, broken over everything, believing its all their fault. Once Erwin inherits Readers titan, he breaks down and screams, crying, because Reader was innocent the whole time. They never betrayed Paradis. Never killed anyone, never harmed anyone. They finaly know why they betrayed Marley, the abuse being to much for them, enough to just leave them behind for Paradis. Just... loving and caring as they all saw them. But now the damage is done. They wont come back, they're dead, believing that they died, hated and despised, with no one to mourn their death. Everyone regrets everything.
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author note :: i was thinking of leaving this in my drafts but i already wrote it and may as well post it. it didn’t end up going the way i hoped but yeah i hope it’s ok anon. anyways ANGST. ANGST, ANGST. as always i love feed back :-) ⟹ all of the headings with the years are just meant to mean it’s a different moment from that year so those moments don’t happen right after each other i hope that makes sense!! word count :: 7.2k warnings :: canon typical violence, death
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845, i.
Everything is falling in place when it shouldn't.
Sun never makes itself known in Liberio yet here it is shining down onto the bustling streets. You half expect for it to crash down and burn into the hundreds of civilians going about their daily business yet nothing of the sort happens. It's typical sunlight and you curse yourself silently for your sinister thoughts.
Secretly the voice at the back of your mind still whispers frantically but you don't wish to hear what it has to say. Instead you choose to drown it out with the sound of Zeke's voice. Finally deciding to pay attention to what it is he's been droning on about for the past ten minutes.
"Soon, soon, soon." He sighs dreamily looking a little delirious.
Your question catches him off guard, he lightly shoves you with his elbow scoffing in annoyance.
"Did you sit here to not even listen to me?" He turns to take a sip of whisky and the hearty gulp he chugs shows his mild irritation. You assume he's been rambling on about Marley's plan to infiltrate Paradis. You have to admit that the idea of destroying those demons from the inside is amazingly well thought out. However it's all he's been able to discuss for the entire week now and frankly you're getting a little exhausted of it.
"I zoned out..." Quietly placing your glass back down onto the wooden counter you sigh closing your eyes. It's too early to be drinking and you don't trust Zeke enough to slip into ignorance and leave yourself vulnerable. Men are to not be trusted, especially Eldian men. The thought of Eldians triggers your flight of fight response, you want to shrivel up into a cocoon and never come out until the world is rid of the monsters. The lowest of the low, the dirt in between the crevices of Marleyan soldier's boots. That is what Eldian's are.
It's ironic coming from you, your entire family labelled as undesirable Eldians yourself but you, you know you're different. An honorary Marleyan is what you will become. What you are. The treacherous imps who are but an ocean away are the true evil.
Eyes flicking to Zeke he's lighting a cigar. Old habits die hard and he's yet to quit this self destructive custom of his. You couldn't care less if he chooses to cut his lifespan short by ten years, it's his own choice to make. A disgusting cowardly choice but it's a choice fit for an untamed man like him.
The Island Devils are said to be the bad apples but you can't help but stare at your fellow citizens from time to time and wonder what it is they could be hiding. If a demon slipped through the cracks you wouldn't be surprised. Sly in nature, persuasive in tone, that is how devils go about their daily lives alone The hymns they drilled into you all the way through elementary school echo and rebound in your mind.
Locking your bitter thoughts away you have to push yourself to not punt Zeke in the mouth when he teasingly blows a puff of hot smoke into your face.
Fingertips grazing with his he freezes at the sudden contact giving you the perfect opportunity to slip his cigar away and take it in between your lips. You allow for it to linger there but you aren't foolish enough to inhale its contents.
"Zeke, my dear friend. We shall soon be met with the fruits of our own labour but I assure you that discussing Marley's plan constantly will be of no benefit for you nor I."
The day you and Zeke had met had been at warrior training camp. Zeke was a miserable, unmotivated oaf. Always tripping and falling behind the rest of the warrior cadets. You felt rather bad for him, if you were born as unskilled as him you don't know what you would have made of yourself. Zeke, the only child of his parents ironically only ever ended up rising through the ranks after handing them over to the Marleyan government. His father and mother had been conspiring an escape plan but were executed immediately alongside their fellow team members once Zeke had outted them. Unexpectedly he was spared, the fact he turned on his own parents showed where his loyalties were. To his surprise, he was even allowed to continue his training with the other warriors - only this time everyone kept an increased distance away from him. The warriors weren't informed of what he had actually done but everyone had a gut feeling. Everyone apart from you stuck with that feeling. You thought strategically, If he were to become an enemy in the future you knew being close would come at your advantage.
The day you and Zeke had met your mother died, his mother passed away the same day. At least that's what he had told you.
The two of you bonded over the little things, told each other stories about your life at home. Reminisced about what it was you missed.
Then it all came crashing down the day Zeke confessed. The day he told you he killed his mother and father by handing them over to Marley. Your knees buckled underneath you, crashing the floor he tried to grab at you but you thrashed around in retaliation kicking and screaming not understanding why he did what he did. Yes, they were traitors but they were his parents and if the monster had the nerve to turn on the people who gave birth to him who's to say he wouldn't do the same to you or to Marley.
Zeke doesn't know it but ever since then you take the opportunity to sneak the occasional glance at him. Every single time you narrow your eyes in malice. If there's a man in Liberio who you don't trust in the slightest it's him, he must think the feud between the two of you from childhood has been put at rest but it hasn't.
Zeke takes another swig of his alcohol. On this occasion he downs it entirely slamming the glass down with vigour.
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846, i.
Another day of extensive training is about to end, your back is layered in uncomfortable layers of sweat and the same can be said for your forehead. Kneeling down in the under layer of the forest you're hidden waiting to strike. Going up against the elites is nerve-wracking but you're sure you can pull it off so long as you stay calm during this game of hunters against prey.
It's simple enough if you can conceal yourself and stay out of sight. The robust trees that surround you act as decent enough camouflage and your green cape paired with them lets you veil yourself, keeping you further into the foreground, blending into the environment.
No one will be able to catch you if they can't see you.
All of a sudden your previous thoughts are thrown away when you sense something in the atmosphere has changed, the hissing of the wind behind you isn't natural.
Turning to your side you don't bother to cover up the sound of leaves rustling and branches cracking, your priority is slipping away fast enough to hide again, a tug can be felt at your cloak and your reaction time barely covers for you, your gear fastens itself to a low enough tree branch and the descent is mind numbing. Your breakfast churns in your stomach but you ignore the uneasy feeling, leaping and diving wherever you find a small enough gap. You believe you can outrun your huntsman.
That is until you sneak a glance back and your muscles nearly tense up in pure astonishment, you've been kicked in the teeth just by the man's presence. Captain, Levi slinks behind you weaving through the gaps with increasing speed, he's gaining momentum and all the while his face stays relaxed, this isn't even his full effort.
Terrified you dart upwards and then left, a corner comes into view - Levi should assume you've turned into it and so you rashly choose to dart back down. Much to your hard luck you find that his senses are well adapted, the direction of the wind is enough for him to trace your whereabouts.
The pursuit resumes, and he stays disturbingly relentless.
Arm shooting to the right you think perhaps making it look like you're aiming to fly somewhere else again will completely catch him off guard, he can't expect for you to pull the same trick twice.
Setting your plan into motion your finger pulls at the trigger but you startle when the cable doesn't come out, it's jammed. Panic seeps into you and to make matters worse your gas is running out.
Without warning you're thrust into the body of a nearby tree, the bark scrapes against you and scratches begin to form anywhere you've made contact with the jagged surface, you want to admit defeat but the warrior inside of you denies Levi the pleasure of seeing you beg. In its place you deliver a harsh kick to his thigh, you're aware he's injured it and you're certain there are no rules to say you can't play dirty. Your boots hammer against leg hard enough for him to give out and let go of your body, but then you realize you lost this game from the very moment your grapple hooks broke, you have nowhere to hold onto.
Before you can even let out a shriek of horror Levi's shot back to you, he frantically accelerates and by a miracle humanity's strongest is able to grab a hold of you again. This time you don't dig your heels into his leg and you allow for him to clutch you by the torso.
Within a minute the two of you descend towards the forest floor and Levi throws you into the dirt furiously.
"You could have died. Being foolhardy will only lead to an early death." He barks as he directs his blade towards your neck.
"Am I dead yet?" Whispering back your gaze isn't trained on the blade but right up at him.
His nostrils flare up, his hair sticks to his forehead haphazardly and the knuckles that hold his pointed blades are white in tangled dissatisfaction.
Grabbing you by the hips he flings you over his shoulder choosing to not continue with the confrontation.
"I know what you're up to." His voice is still rugged from the pursuit and it takes you a split second to register what he's said.
Your eyes widen and your breath hitches in your throat, no way, there's no way in hell he knows. He's sharp but he's not a mind reader.
Your position means he can't read your face seeing as you're facing his back, instantly steeling your features you let out a breathy laugh.
"And what may that be?" Silently you pray he's worded himself ambiguously to catch a slip up.
"Being gutsy, you think that makes you a good soldier. It doesn't."
Relief floods you. He doesn't know.
"Soldiers need to be brave." Your retort makes him grumble.
"If  you die with no meaning by being reckless what's the purpose of being a soldier?" His question has you stopping and thinking on what the correct answer is.
Unable to think of an answer you ask another question.
"Are you saying your previous comrades died without meaning?"
"No. Their deaths fueled me slay more titans."
"So if I died back there who wou-" He swiftly cuts you off showing no inclination of wanting to hear what it is you have to say.
"I'll cut your tongue off if it's stupid." He clearly isn't serious about the threat but he does mean it when he warns you to not overstep.
Despite the consequences you say what's on your mind. "I just wanted to ask who would give my life meaning if I ever died. I don't have siblings and my parents died long ago."
Silence follows and the crunch of his boots against the muddy leaves tells you he probably doesn't wish to answer your question.
"I would. I would give meaning to your life." He says it with such ease you almost want to admire the enemy but you know he's said it because he feels he has to.
"You barely know me but I hope one day you can stop thinking everyone has to rely on you." You say it with taunting understanding.
Another bout of silence follows. Only this time the two of you feel warmly comforted, he doesn't understand how you've seen through his facade but it's easy for you to spot another liar.
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846, ii.
Brows drawn back you observe your surroundings attempting to mask your scrutiny. The place is running amok with uncontrollable Eldian folk. The stench of unadulterated sin makes itself known but you seem to be the only person able to smell it. Eren bumps against the table you're sat at and your face twitches a little but you say nothing. You're yet to get used to these people's lack of manners.
At least that's how you force yourself to think. To be truthful, you don't quite understand what it is these people have done wrong. Ever since you've arrived you've been nitpicking at every single minor inconvenience or possible issue. A girl stole a potato and broke it into uneven pieces to share and you attempted to twist the story in your head to make her look like an unfair, greedy voracious demon but... you found yourself finding very little to actually be angry at. These people are essentially normal in every way of the word, they aren't demons and you can't help but feel yourself slip away from everything you once knew as reality. You're finding it difficult to believe what years of Marleyan education taught you, the hymns that were once drilled into your brain permanently are but a vague memory.
You feel disgustingly under-dressed and out of place, you don't belong here not when you're meant to hate these people, not when you're meant to despise them. You should be fighting the urge to shove their heads onto pitchforks or to skin them alive and feed them to pigs. Everyone back in Marley told you to control your impulses but now you're here and you've settled down even having the opportunity to converse with these individuals, share their pain, share their loss, share their suffering, you wonder why you have no impulses to control. Have they brainwashed you? Or is it that you're the real demon in this situation?
Fingers mingling with each other on your lap you sit hopelessly alone. Interacting with the so called enemy is much harder than you expect. Worry consistently bubbles in the pit of your stomach and every night is spent tossing and turning evaluating then reevaluating who the bad guy really is. At first the task of daily interaction isn't a big deal, you find it easy enough to approach members of the team and fake interest in their lives until the original plan falls through. You do become invested in your team members lives and stories that it comes to the point where you don't have to force yourself to smile at their jokes or to sympathize with their tales of grief. You become one of them and you swear you're meant to feel like a traitor but eerily you feel like you belong.
Nevertheless you try your best to stick with what you know. You're nothing like Zeke, you're loyal, capable, faithful and trustworthy. Never will you turn your back on Marley.
Rising to excuse yourself from dinner you think you've just about made it and escaped finally able to hide away in the confines of your bedroom but your lips form into a straight uncomfortable line at the feeling of someone's hand latching at your wrist. You're halfway down the hallway just a few more steps away from your bedroom. You hope it's one of the rookies.
"Oi, come here."
Head shooting backwards your eyes land on Levi, his dark curtains fall in front of his eyes - you note that he hasn't trimmed them as he usually does. Despite his size his grip is firm and your wrist squirms around a little trying to manoeuvre out of his bruising grasp. He seems to notice he's underestimated his strength once again and loosens his hold on you. Narrowed eyes analyse your anxious form, they're grey and in this lighting almost glow appearing silver. For a brief second your mouth is left ajar by the delicate but rough manner of his face.
"Everything Okay?" He doesn't typically seem to care very much about anyone, the question activates your senses and you're on full alert but the eye contact you make with him seconds later slows down the gears in your mind, they only whir and hum in anticipation completely coming to a halt.
"Yes, yes everything is okay." You're playing around with the hem of your shirt and you silently question when you were ever this nervous around anyone. You're a Marleyan soldier for heaven's sake not an unrestrained, unsupervised child left to play in a park.
Despite your clear inability to cushion and shield yourself from your Levi's stabbing gaze you attempt to appear as nonchalant as possible.
"I'll be going I just feel a little —" At first you had thought to fake you were ill but at the feeling of a sudden strike of pain you hold onto your stomach, the ache burns into your abdomen and without permission it travels higher up towards your ribs. "A little unwell." You manage to wheeze out. Hand placed onto a nearby cement wall your thought process is hasty speeding up by the second. Have they figured you out and had you poisoned? No, you barely ate anything today.
You hunch over feeling the bile crawl up your throat, on reflex you clamp your eyes shut not wishing to anger a superior by acting insolent and disposing of your dinner in the hallway. Shaky palms reach hesitantly for your lips and you force yourself to keep it in. Levi would commit a murder if you heaved and gagged letting it all out in front of him.
You motion towards the door trying to emphasize that you can handle yourself in the privacy of your room. Tears bite at the sides of your eyes and your vision is so blurred you can only make out the faint outline of the man who was just in front of you.
"Relax. I'll clean it." Your hair is brushed away from your face securely held back and you can't hold it in any longer, the acrid storm surges through your throat, you retch at the harsh sting it leaves behind. Breathing heavy, perturbed and anxious you gasp in all the air you can get.
"I knew you looked ill." His hands hold your jaw gently, the pads of his fingers are calloused but his touch remains soft. A tissue dabs at your mouth wiping away the excess untouched sick.
Just like the sick which surged through you less than a minute ago you feel something else entirely tear into you. You can't put a finger on it but it's dangerous for you to not feel contempt.
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847, i.
Your heart accepts what your mind has been ignoring for months on end when Levi looks you square in the eyes after a heart wrenching expedition. The vacant look on his face is enough for the guilt to consume you whole but he doesn't know that. He doesn't know of your sins.
The wagon of corpses reeks of death and desperation. It's rotten and the smell is sickening. Forcibly you  stop yourself from feeling any more grief. The despair isn't yours to go through.
Your first ever personal loss outside of the walls and you've learnt Paradis is not home to demons. Cheeks burning in mortification you can't formulate any thoughts on your own accord, instead they continuously emerge in bursts and finally a single thought sticks out from the rest - Are you aiding in the destruction of innocent human life?
The both of you are sat on guard duty with the corpses, half of the team has been wiped out in one sweep. Your trembling hands don't seem to want to steady any time soon and you sit there with your guilty conscience strangling you slowly, your airflow is getting shallower. Shorter, quicker breaths leave you. The imaginary gash in your chest is bottomless, and your lungs push and pull in a power struggle.
Levi's coarse hands abruptly hold onto yours and the floodgates open again, he doesn't know what you've done to him, done to his soldiers, done to his people. If he knew who you really were, would things be different?
"This was out of your control."
Do you tell him?
The question sits in your mind for a while until you shake your head. He takes it the wrong way and think you're responding to him.
"This was not your fault." For the first time in months you've heard his voice crack under pressure.
"Pe- Petra she- I could have taken one for the team and died instead of her." All that remains of your dear friend is her blood soaked cloak. Her body was one of the few that had to be hauled away earlier to decrease the carriage's load.
The fabric still smells of Petra, smells of honey and chamomile and the simple soap offered at the base, but it still smells of her.
Firm hands grab your shoulders and Levi's fingers dig sorely into your flesh.
"But I- I didn't contribute as much as her and she has family who are alive." Hiccuping you try to bare with the fact that you'll wake up tomorrow and not see her preparing breakfast for everyone else. You know you could have propelled her out of the way just in time if you hadn't been so taken aback by the entire situation.
"You were her comrade. She made the choice to die for you."
You want to reach out, sob into his chest and yell that you regret it all, scream and tell him about the secret you've been hiding. A sorry excuse of a comrade you are to let her die on the battlefield not knowing your true identity. The tears roll down your cheeks and Levi feels his heart constrict and squeeze as he comprehends the lack of regard you have for your life. "It should have been me." Is repeated over and over again, your eyes are raw and bloodshot, the vicious wind sinks its teeth into you.
"Then die."
"If you're willing for her life to have no meaning. Die." The words he spits out are as cutting as the bitter wind. He feels cheated and you're finally able to come to your senses.
He's faired much worse but you doubt he's ever acted out the way you have in front of another person. In this never-ending void of darkness locking away the dull ache caused by deafening loss is the best choice for everyone.
Much like the night you had been sick he takes a grip of your jaw and directs your face towards his, this time he's not as gentle as before but you conclude that it's because he's drained, completely exhausted from the battle. The eyes are the windows to the soul but Levi's window panes are shattered, completely crushed by the weight of the constant burden he has to carry.
"I'm sorry." You croak out the apology. He grits his teeth because he doesn't want you to apologize but he doesn't voice out his opinion. As a substitute he presses his arms against you, the terribly raw panic is murdering you. Levi's gruff voice is a mixture of faux irritation but mutual understanding.
"Cry." He allows for your head to loll against his shoulder.
As the dark envelopes both you and him the scent of the dead only becomes more and more pungent, recalling fond memories of Petra and the others you know your heart settles on a decision before your mind does. You're a two timing back stabbing traitor for this. What you hated Zeke for you have become yourself.
Disloyal, unfaithful and fickle.
That day you place your loyalties with Paradis.
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847, ii.
Levi's wiping down one of the kitchen tables, you're kneeled on the floor scrubbing vigorously. The others have already given up, panting they've left using the excuse of fetching water from a nearby well. Your back aches but you find cleaning reassuring and somewhat of a decent distraction.
"Why do you like to clean?" You're used to Levi asking you abrupt questions by now, after all the two of you have been acquainted for well over a year now. Through that year he's learnt about you and you about him. When in the midst of what looks to be humanity's final year's, twelve simple months is enough to form a bond worth a decade.
"I'm not good at a lot but I am good at cleaning."
"You know that's not true idiot." The tone of his voice indicates that your answer doesn't please him.
"But I do think I'm good at cleaning? Maybe not as good as you but I am half decent."
"Not that. You're good at much more than half the people I've ever met." He sneers, his footsteps edge towards you. "Purely being a good person is a talent these days."
You suppress a flinch because you aren't a good person at all. Neither are you that middle ground between good and bad. Rough around the edges and uneven, you're shards of glass ready to slash and hack away at him if Marley somehow lures you back.
The confession, if you could even call it that catches you by surprise and anger fills you. You almost want for him to not trust you and call out your bluff. It's a little unnatural how badly you want for him to realize the truth.
Your head turns up to stare at the man who's a few steps away from you. "Or am I just good at acting genuine?"
You don't even mean to snap at him and you don't even realize you have until you see his eyes widen and mouth part in imperceptible surprise. Biting your tongue your attention is diverted back to the wooden floor. Driving your washcloth into the crevices and dips of the floorboards you ignore Levi's leather shoes which now stand right in front of you.
"Are you questioning my judgement of character?"
Be born in Marley, That's what you had done, trained to destroy people you thought to be devilish entities, foolishly chose to grow attached to the so called enemy. Your mind lingers onto a specific thought and you're deathly afraid to be thinking it in the first place but there's no more avoiding it.
Falling deeply in love with Levi is your worst mistake to date.
"What I did. It was out of my control." you reply, voice hard.
"Not disclosing what it was?" He asks.
Your silence is his answer. Kneeling down to where you are he disarms you, the washcloth is taken out of your hands and he places it onto a table.
"You are a good person." His voice is brusque and he states it like it's a fact, something you should know. Hot tears threaten to spill over, he's stupidly naive for not rethinking that opinion of his. Lips thinned and eyes watering you don't know how to feel.
"Levi. I'm sure you'd like to think that but I am not."
"You love the members of the corps unconditionally I can see it in the way you look at them."
"Sometimes you look a little sad when you stare." The last sentence he adds in has your pulse racing. He's right, you often feel miserable thinking about how everyone would react knowing who you really are.
"I'm not interested in bad people." He sounds distant saying such warm words and it takes a moment for them to actually sink in. You don't quite believe you've heard him correctly. The dread sinks to the bottom of your stomach and the feelings you've buried at the back of your mind hit you like a tsunami. The thought of him feeling the same way for you, is agonizing.
"Stop being ridiculous." The uncertainty is killing the both of you.
"Loving you is not ridiculous, if you don't feel the same way you can say that and I'll step away. We'll be back to normal."
"No, no, no. You don't get it. You're just saying that." Your voice quivers and the intensity of this new revelation is too large for you to cope with.
"Why would, you," He begins, voice just above a whisper, "ever think that way?"
"Why would you even look twice at me?" You reply.
"Because I worry for you."
"You worry for everyone."
"I worry for you the most."
Instead of letting you respond to him this time he carries on speaking.
"We both know we feel the same."
You already knew you were in love with Levi, you didn’t need for him to tell you. You knew you were in love when you tried to memorize his facial features, you knew you were in love when his laughter was the cause of your laughter, you knew you were in love when you threw yourself in front of that abnormal for him.
That's when you begin to understand what all his signals meant. You now knew why he'd let you stare so intently, you now knew why he laughed particularly hard when it was you who had made a joke, you now knew why he scolded you and nearly broke down at the sight of your injured arm after that specific expedition.
You know it. He knows it. You both know what this will lead to.
But you still lunge onto his lap, you still press your wobbly lips against his. You still choose to surrender yourself to him and he still reacts by taking a hold of your shaky hands which lay on his chest. He envelopes them in his warm grasp. Slowly but gradually the ice thaws and dissolves. Heartbreak, anguish and suffering when one of you loses the other will be the end of your romance, you're sure of it. Hell, the both of you are in the middle of a war but your heart flames up thinking of all of the possibilities.
Perhaps it'll play out the one way you wish for it not to.
Could your ending be in betrayal?
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848, i.
"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded hus-"
"Cut the crap and kiss me." Levi's crude interruption isn't appreciated by Erwin but everyone knows Levi doesn't care all that much for formalities and hates being in the spotlight for too long.
Gripping him by the collar of his suit your lips are a centimetre away, he stops you tightening the hold he has on your waist. His lips gently press against your collarbone and his breath meanders towards the shell of your ear.
"Swear you won't die on me."
Gulping you look away apprehensively. You know you can't promise that.
“Oi, I’m expecting an answer.” His voice flickers slightly.
Forefinger holding your chin up you see your soon to be husband close to tears, he valiantly blinks them away. Levi has never been one to make his pain public and your heart twists in your chest as you realize just how much of a hold his feelings for you have over him.
"I can't promise that, you know it'll only hurt more." The strange bitter taste in your mouth won't let you comply with his request and by measuring his reaction you see his eyes cloud in an unidentifiable emotion, you're sure it's nothing positive.
"We may not have a happy ending Levi but we'll always have a happy middle."
Levi scoffs in derision, he has to think your attempt at being meaningful is ridiculous.
You lean into him and it's all so heart-wrenchingly familiar yet foreign. His body sags comprehending that not everything will go the way he wants it to. One of you is guaranteed to leave first.
Hands finding purchase in the cloth of his white dress shirt Levi doesn't cringe at you creasing the fabric as he usually does. He allows for you to call the shots this time, your lips brush faintly against his before you nosedive into him. No resistance is felt and he replies almost immediately. Everyone applauds as his fingertips press into the back of your skull and you find that this is all incredibly hideous. The innate disloyalty you feel, you throwing your entire life away for this man but you find yourself not caring. To hell with that miserable life crammed with sin.
Levi smiles against your mouth, you assume you're meant to magically smile back but you can't make yourself. It's uncomfortable relishing in the undeserved happiness knowing it won't last forever.
The world you live in isn't ideal nor is it forgiving.
Momentary joy is all an antagonist can hope for.
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849, i.
Jean can’t take his eyes off the newly weds.
You’re cooing into your Levi’s ear gently, his cheeks flush scarlet at the feeling of your hot breath against his skin and he scolds you for having the gall to rile him up in public.
Jean sniggers finding some sort of odd delight from the interaction - he’s never seen the Captain this content and at ease.
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849, ii.
You don't know why you've dragged yourself out of bed just to stare at your husband's face but you have, despite the toll life has had on him he seems sound for once. His breathing peaceful yours is anything but that. When it's dark the weight becomes heavier, your skin tingles and your throat burns aching for release.
Eyes blurring your hands shake reaching out for him but you can't find the courage to make contact. Nothing will ever warrant plaguing him even more with your existence.
The memories become increasingly bitter.
"If we make it out of this alive we'll have children and they'll look just like you."
"I want them to look like you." had been your reply.
Levi winced not seeming to like the idea.
"No, I want them to look like you. You're beautiful."
How wrong he was for thinking that.
You, beautiful? He'd stab himself ten times over if he knew just who exactly he had said those words to.
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850, i.
Zeke had betrayed you after finding out who you were to Levi but you half expected that he would tell him the truth at some point regardless of that fact.
Tear stains travel through the mud and grime on your face, Levi's eyes are indifferent as he twists his wedding ring off his finger flinging it into the surrounding rubble.
Without your permission he yanks your arm forwards intending to take your matching ring away but you hold on digging your heels into the dirt beneath you.
"You disgusting bitch. Give me it."
You scream, high and awful, he continues jerking at your arm the muscle throbs crying out for him to stop but he doesn't and no one steps in to put a halt to any of it. Levi having had enough grabs at your neck ruthlessly. In any other circumstance he'd be labelled callous or cruel but everyone on the battle field shares a similar empathy for their Captain. Neither they or Levi had expected your disloyalty.
"I said give me the ring if you know what's good for you." His fingers slide around your neck, his seemingly low words cling onto the little respect he has left for you.
"No." Your defiance has his eyes hardening in and posture tensing. "I'm not handing it over."
Levi says nothing, he only holds onto your throat tighter, if he really keeps at  it your windpipe will be crushed in no time. You know he's holding out on purpose, he's still giving you a chance. He expects for you to stand your ground, say you never deceived Paradis, say something, anything to make him let go of you.  
"Marrying you... It just happened somehow. I know it was selfish of me." He squeezes harder. "I know it was. I'm sorry Levi." Gasping and breathless you clench and unclench your fists finding it too difficult to explain.
Your mouth opens, you want to tell him you haven't seduced him like he thinks you have, tell him you dropped that plan of yours long ago but then you falter at the last second.  It's typically hard to tell when Erwin's infuriated but it's painfully obvious when you make eye contact with him over Levi's trembling shoulders. It's enough to tell you to give up. Enough to tell you that you're beyond redemption, you've ran and hid long enough.
"Hand over your titan." Levi says nothing to Erwin's proposition, the hold he has on your neck loosens but his silence is sickening. It means he agrees.
This is fate's idea of a cruel joke.
But you agree, on the basis of one condition.
"Fine but-"
Levi cuts in, all regard for you devoid from his system.
"You're in no place to be making demands." He snarls, his patience quickly running thin.
However Erwin urges you to continue speaking taking you aback.
"If it's not too much maybe we can accommodate your final wish." Erwin had always been thoughtful in nature and you thank him for even bothering to show you a sliver of benevolence.
Everyone's looking, all eyes are on you. Some are blinking away tears, others are disgusted unable to stare at you for more than a few seconds at a time. Levi falls into the latter.
Brazen with not an ounce of shame you mention the ring again. "Let me keep it." Your left hand covers your right and underneath the flesh is the last symbol left of your union with Levi.
Whispers and murmurs orbit you, none of them are kind and Levi loses it.
His reflexes are paralyzing, he's back at it clawing your neck mercilessly but you don't scream or shriek as you did previously. You take it, you let him unload his frustration.
"Levi. Let it go for the sake of humanity." Erwin says pointedly. Irritation pricks him, he wants this over and done with and your rebelliousness doesn't look as if it'll be tamed any time soon unless you're given what you want.
Levi's face is crimson, the fresh blood from the expedition still steaming. "Y/N, I'll saw your arm off if I have to." But, you know he's already given into Erwin's orders when he throws you to the ground letting you crash and wheeze for breath.
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850, ii.
Levi's been appointed to guard you for your final night alive. The room feels wistful as you think back wondering if the life you lived was respectable.
"Why did you stare at me when I slept? Did you think of killing me?" Half commanding and half pleading his voice cracks. He coughs attempting to cover it up.
You jolt not expecting the interaction at all and you're not the slightest bit surprised that he had seen you all those nights staring so deeply. He'd always been a light sleeper. You turn your head up hoping he's looking at you.
He isn't.
"I wanted our children to look like you. I think you're beautiful."
It's now his turn to recoil, only he does so in repulsion remembering the familiarity of those words. They had left his own lips not too long ago.
"I'd never have children with the likes of you." He sounds tense then.
You understand. No one would want to have children with someone as hated and as despicable as you.
"I know." You whisper faintly.
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850, iii.
When Erwin's eyes glaze over unable to focus on anything in particular Levi assumes it's him growing used to the titan powers. What he doesn't expect is for his Commander to bang his head against the floor unrelenting screaming your name.
Pairs of hands move to stop him but he thrusts them aside wailing. Levi stresses trying to figure out what it is you could have done in the wake of your death.
But Erwin Smith. Courageous, brave Erwin Smith, who never cracked at loss of life for the sake of humanity, who always eloquently spoke to everyone around him at all times, finds himself slumping down to his knees and weeping for you.
The warm blood from his self inflicted assault still trickles down his nose, a tremor shakes through his entire body when he thinks of breaking the news to Levi.
The edge in Erwin’s voice grows dangerous.
"We made the wrong choice."
Erwin can't word it any better than that.
But Levi understands right away, he wishes he didn’t, he wishes he was ignorant enough not to.
Hange sticks an arm out aiming for his shoulder but he stumbles away nearly falling back into the floor not wanting to be touched by anyone.
He finds that he is not human enough to cry. It’s that or he’s not human at all without your presence.
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854, i.
Levi has grown old without you, lived to see months and new seasons without you by his side. Over time his eyelids have become heavier, the corners of his mouth naturally droop and he remains perpetually somber.
Sometimes you visit him in his dreams, each time you make a silly comment about how his grey eye bags make him look like he’s been punched in the face. “Levi Ackerman, I swear if you don’t sleep soon!” You cushion the blow by whispering sweet nothings, reassuring him that you still think he’s beautiful. 
Occasionally you add in that you don’t blame him for the past, but those conversations only last for a few seconds at a time.
“I don’t blame you.” It always starts off with the exact same phrase. 
“I should have listened to you.” Levi’s tone is stern and uncompromising .
“Lev, I was never going to tell you to spare my life. You tried to listen to me, I could tell you wanted me to deny it.”
Levi refuses to answer you, he still thinks he’s at fault.
Not a day goes by where he doesn’t think of that ring. He regrets throwing it away recklessly into the rubble.
Some day he’ll return to Shiganshina to find it. The idea sounds laughable but he has to find a reason to smile as he fights for his life.
That is what Levi thinks as two set’s of jaws snap shut onto his legs, a flurry of red surrounds him. His throat constricts at the feeling of his thighs being ripped away from the rest of him.
“I tried.” He whimpers to no one in particular, eyes blank and losing meaning.
“I know Levi, I know.” The same voice from his dreams soothes him.
“Do not despair. Find me again in another world.” The biting wind adds in.
Levi’s eyelids flutter shut unable to do much else.
He’s unsure if he has the courage to face you again in another lifetime.
2K notes · View notes
alluringjae · 3 years
until dawn - ljn
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part I | part II
⤑ summary: basic number one rule of the museum is not to touch the art. but no one told jeno that falling for one of them isn’t allowed either.
⤑ pairing: jeno x female reader
⤑ word count: 14k
⤑ genre: fluff, humor, angst | broke architecture major!jeno, historical figure!reader, college!au
⤑ warnings: jaemin mentions onlyfans as a joke, references to actual historical figures (some try to flirt with jeno lol) and literature, explicit language
⤑ author’s note: wow, i’ve had this idea for almost two years! this one was inspired by one of my favorite childhood movies, night at the museum. it definitely required a lot of research and brainstorming, and finally i brought it to life! it was so fun to play around with the characters, and even if majority of them are real people, this is all still fiction.
i also wanna mention one of my moots, marge for enlightening me about her life as an architecture major.
⤑ taglist: @renjunniehome​ (dm me if you want to be added) 
⤑ leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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Dormitory rent was another thing to worry about aside from the inflated university tuition per semester. Although he’s lucky to have his parents backing him up already on it, paying the monthly rent for his dorm was the remaining objective on Jeno’s list.
Plus, money for food. The man was a heavy eater, following the whole “gym is life” mantra.
Splitting it already with two of his dorm mates turned best friends, Renjun and Jaemin, his plate felt lighter. But the question still lies: where on earth was he going to get the money?
He’s practically checked out every available part-timing job in university and anywhere near campus. Barista at the same café Jaemin works at, teaching assistant for an art school for kids, convenience store cashier, library assistant, all taken in a heartbeat. The burden of his friends paying his debt these past months took a toll on him, almost to the point he almost considered making an Onlyfans.
“Yah, just find something else! Part-timers are in demand right now!” Renjun intensely closed his laptop before his older friend gets any suggestive thoughts.
“I mean, you didn’t work out your body to look the way it is for nothing.” Jaemin pitched otherwise, lifting the front back up. “When do you want to start filming? Loads of chicks would dig a piece of you!”
The contradicting opinions of his friends were like the devil and angel debating on his shoulders. Useless, he gave this worry a rest and returned to drawing new plates. A common thing when you’re an architecture major. Those deadlines were nearing. Looks like he’ll pull another all-nighter again.
Good thing most of his classes were late in the morning until 6 pm.
As if someone from above heard his petition, Jeno saw a help wanted sign posted on the bulletin board outside of the university museum. He initially went there to document some artwork and architecture models from Greek and Roman times, further analyzing how they’re still apparent in modern buildings.
The sign explained the need for one part-timer from any college to cover the night shift of the museum due to the current night guard’s full semester absence. He only had to come in 3x a week, choosing his days since he was still a student. Even the pay was above average, considering that most part-timers never go beyond midnight. Jeno would, on the other hand, always staying for his projects or gaming with the boys. Drinking sometimes during late-night Fridays with his entire college crew.
The pay would leave him a load of extra cash for himself, thus he sent an application to the museum office right before he left. A week later, while he was out with the boys, he got a text from the office that they wanted to meet him again for a final interview first thing on Monday.
Perhaps it was having architecture as his course and a healthy physique that landed him the part-timer position. Mainly, the latter because guards required strong endurance and fighting skills when worse comes to worst. It would start at 9 pm until 6 am the following day, and there was a designated uniform of it too. Blue blazer with matching trousers, white dress top, and loafers.
Aside from the typical museum etiquette the head director instructed him about, there was an unofficial list of tips written on paper given from the night guard on leave when the director handed you over his box of office-related things.
Only read at the night guard office once you’re the remaining staff left.
He did as he was told like an obedient son, flipping the succeeding page.
 To my temporary replacement,
This part-timing job is nothing regular than the other jobs. You’ll witness things as you’ve never imagined them to be, almost like witchcraft. You’ll be lost and maybe frightened, or that’s how I felt the first time because no one led me through it all those years ago. Lucky for you, I made this small guide on how to properly take care of the place that the other staff doesn’t know about.
Before you proceed, I request you take a 5-minute stroll around the lobby first to understand what I’m talking about. After such, go back to the office or somewhere quiet then browse through the guide as quickly as you could.
Art is timeless here, so they need to be taken care of.
Good luck!
 Park Sanghoon
Night Guard on Leave
 Nothing could’ve prepared Jeno for what’s to come once he unlocked the office door. They say that art brings so much color to our life, allowing us to feel all sorts of emotions in a glimpse. But no one ever interpreted art to be literally alive and walking in the halls.
Behold, random wax figures and marble sculptures that he’s seen in the past roamed the hallways, as well as the paintings were interacting with each other side by side. Even the standee of a puppy from the entrance played fetch with one of those sculptures. He swore he looked like Hermes the messenger god from his arrow headpiece and sandals.
It made more sense why the guard on leave explained his feelings during the first day because it resembled Jeno’s. But unlike that guard, Jeno sucked it up. No one ever does well on the first day, even if others say otherwise. The first day was a learning experience, so he collected his thoughts even though the goosebumps triggered his body during that one rotation.
There was an indoor garden, already locked by the day guard earlier. The only room without any art piece, where students lounge to study the plants or relax in nature.
The sculptures section ahead, showcasing various fictional figures specifically from Greek mythology, chattered away about family drama and beliefs. The sculptures of Hades and Zeus, according to their title plate, argued relentlessly about power while Athena always intervened by shouting or even throwing arrows or daggers to any of the lightbulbs there.
That was one rule in the guide, but Jeno didn’t know yet until he came inside the room and swerved the attention of the arguing duo.
“Well, what do we have here?” Zeus, in the center, straightened his posture on his throne to present himself in a more regal way. “Are you perhaps the temporary replacement of Sir Sanghoon?”
“Sir Sanghoon’s stand-in is rather good looking, don’t you think?” Hera mused, stepping down from her throne beside Zeus to take a closer look at the taller male. Her cold fingers trailed his jaw until his chest, where his heart was beating intensely. She even pinched his toned bicep, mouthing wow.
“Truly handsome you are, my dear. So full of life, please introduce yourself to us.”
While Jeno introduced himself to everyone in that room, he answered any sorts of questions they had for him too. From his age, educational background, hobbies, Aphrodite just had to ask him if he had a girlfriend because he was that handsome.
“Nope, I’m single. With my degree in architecture, the requirements are so heavy I can’t even try dating.”
Mentioning his degree excited the gods, telling him how their people created and designed all these temples to house them and perform rituals. They loved it so much. This was a copy-paste of what Jeno learned from his history classes, and for a first, he’s hearing the perspective of the Greek gods.
Mind-boggling that he hasn’t fully freaked out yet. That’s what Athena anticipated when Sanghoon told her about his short leave, putting her in charge of everyone for the meantime while the replacement settled down.
The college museum was built during the late 70s as a gift from one of the alumni. It was for the purpose to preserve history and educate college students outside the classroom. The Greek mythology exhibit was the oldest one, making Athena have more seniority. Over her stay, she’s seen every new guard lose their senses during the first night. Some not even returning for a second night. She got used to every outcome, and so far, only 8 people lasted after the first night. A couple of students in the 70s and 80s, Sanghoon in the 90s, and now Jeno was one of them.
“Jeno, aren’t you terrified by us? You just got a job in a museum that comes to life every night, and it’s not a normal thing.”
“Well, I’m still shaken up about it. But it’s my first night, and it’s when I learn everything about the place from head to toe. Plus, I really need the money.”
“Money for what? But you’re young, a student even!”
“Yes, I am. However, I do pay for the rent in my dorm. So, this job is like my first big responsibility, and I want to perform well.”
Athena commended his sense of authority, capable of leading himself. She noticed how well-spoken and poised he is, respecting and listening to everything the gods and goddesses said even if they were nonsense. She never liked to compromise with her power, taking a while to like Sanghoon back in the day. Though Jeno looked like a natural leader on his first night. If he could take care of himself well, he’s skilled to take care of the rest in the museum as well.
Plus she had full control on the nights he won’t be there, especially the weekend.
With his potential, Athena mentored him the entire night about the gist of the entire museum. Every upcoming leader needs an intelligent mentor, right? She was naturally gifted with worthy leadership skills, managing Jeno like her own child.
Athena explained how the museum came to life, which was through a royal golden plate from the Oriental room. It was a gift from a popular sorceress in China to an affluent family from the Han dynasty, who wished them a long life after she was saved from invaders due to them. The plate preserved over time, becoming an artifact. Its power remained immortal, mutating to bring life wherever it goes. In this case, the museum since its arrival in the late 70s as well.
“That’s why the Oriental room must be locked always so no one could touch or break the plate.”
After she ordered Jeno to lock the mentioned room, alongside the Foreign Art Exhibit Room which he checked out for his class, she led him to the best view of the entire museum. Center of the second floor, where stairs were on both sides. Jeno marveled at the vivacious atmosphere, witnessing actual art living, breathing, and enjoying themselves.
“Unreal, right?” She leaned in the railing, scanning through the chatty paintings.
Jeno also leaned down, deep in thought and wonder. “Absolutely, Athena. How come no one knows about this? Art coming to life? It’ll invite more students to the museum.”
“That goes against a golden rule as a night guard in this museum.” She replied bluntly. “The life that goes on inside this museum at night must remain a secret to the public.”
Jeno predicted this kind of response, having watched too many films where anything supernatural mustn’t be revealed. Although he liked the advantage of knowing something this powerful, he’d never abuse it.
Athena’s intellect was beyond the world, seamlessly reading Jeno’s expression and what he was thinking. He had good intentions even if he’s a bit mischievous. She needed to keep a keen eye on him, but for now, he needed to explore on his own.
“Anyways, Sanghoon still left out some other details. So if you have any questions, I’ll be at my exhibit trying to shut my father and my uncle up again.”
“Can you not use any weapons to do so?”
“Can’t make any promises, Jeno.” She slyly cracked her knuckles and neck as if she was fighting another battle.
Jeno was silently left with himself, finally browsing through Sanghoon’s guide while seated in one of the museum benches.
It consisted of 25 rules, wherein the first two rules consisted of locking up. One, for the doors and gates of the museum, so no art piece could escape. If they do, they will turn into dust when the sun is out according to Athena. Two, locking the Oriental and Foreign Art Rooms, which was already done.
Rule #5: Let Mochi the puppy from the lobby tag along with you; feed him treats if you have any.
On cue, the little guy barked from the corridor and raced to his side. Jeno carried him, babying him for a little and letting him lick his face a few times before putting him back down. He’s surely going to the pet store first thing in the morning with the museum allowance the director gave him.
Since he was on the second floor, he read and followed the rules that fit in before returning downstairs. On the other side of the floor were the wax figures exhibitions: one for prominent men in history while the other for prominent women. Well, more people to get acquainted with.
It’s the exchange of gasps and profanities he received when he chose the latter room. Seeing their faces, these were women he’s learned in school and online. Now in the (fake) flesh. Except for one girl he’s never heard of, unbothered in her corner sketching her life away in a sketchpad. But before he could check who she was, a suggestive touch on his arm distracted him.
“My, oh my, Hera wasn’t lying when she said that the new night guard was a fine specimen.” By her dark blue eyeshadow and eyeliner with the snake-like crown, Cleopatra studied him like he was one of the most renowned art pieces. Even patting his chest, abdomen, and arms with both her hand, Jeno caught a suggestive glint in her eyes and a smirk across her red lips.
Rule #13: Reject Cleopatra’s seductive advances at all costs.
“Goodness, Cleopatra. It’s only his first night, and you’re scaring him.” With her accent, round eyes, and a chic formal outfit, she carried a posh aura while unhesitatingly scolding the Queen of the Nile.
“Come on now, Diana. He’s stunning, who wouldn’t go after him?” If no one knew her, you’re not reading up on your world history. She’s said to have been a lovely and intelligent woman, gone so soon. Jeno definitely understood why after she detached Cleopatra’s raging hands off him.
Rule #14: Treat Princess Diana and Hera like your own parent.
“Your highness.” Jeno nodded at her out of respect, only making her chuckle uncontrollably.
“No need to address me like that, love. Now, come here.” She widened her arms for Jeno, hugging him amiably. He sensed her motherly warmth, accepting such a gesture. “You remind me so much of my youngest son, Harry. Welcome to the night shift of the museum, love.”
Similar to the Greek mythology exhibit, he introduced himself and responded to any questions that the women wax figures may have. Good for him, they weren’t crossing any borders and kept him at ease.
“A student like you working at night to pay rent?” Katherine Johnson, an African-American NASA mathematician whose calculations led to the success of a lot of famous spaceflights, cannot believe her ears. Students must only focus on school, nothing else. “What about your studies, boy?”
Rule #15: Engage in academic discussions with Katherine Johnson whenever you can.
“Most of my classes are in the afternoon, Miss Katherine. So I’ll sleep in the entire morning later and study during my breaks.”
“Mr. Jeno, what do you like to do outside of work?” Anne Frank, a German-Dutch teenager whose revolutionary diary that documented her life in hiding from the Nazis gained popularity worldwide after publication dreamily asked from her section of the exhibit. Her life was robbed of greatness merely because of her religion and war.
Rule #16: Bring delicious food or gifts to Anne Frank.
“Well, I like to bike with my friends, exercise, and draw whatever comes into mind!”
Everyone he’s met so far acquired pleasure in knowing about who he was and his passion for architecture, ridding the “freaking out” phase Athena assumed he had. Yet not everyone in this exhibit bothered to give him a shot.
Jeno’s attention from Anne talking about her crush towards Peter van Daan, a teenage boy who lived with her, switched to the section beside her, where an unacquainted figure was zealously sketching as if something was due to the following day. It reflected how he’d look when he’s cramming one of his plates due to first thing in the morning. While he properly excused himself, he quietly gazed at the way this woman scrunched her eyebrows when she erased something then drew it again. She was someone he’s never seen or heard before, reading the information plate in front of him about her.
 (Y/N) (Y/L/N), Explorer and Author. (1854-1900)
 Wealthy women in the Victorian Era only served one purpose in society: marry a man from a prestigious family, have his children and join whatever interests they have. However, for (Y/N), she wasn’t going to conform to those standards.
Born into the affluent house of (Y/L/N), she was the youngest of 8 children. She was said to be the kindest and sweetest sibling out of everyone, not capable of hurting anyone or anything. She said it herself that she can’t throw away a dying flower because it’s too painful. While 5 of her older brothers were sent to school, she stayed at home with her 2 older sisters Cecilia and Amelia where she learned how to play the piano and take voice lessons from impressive teachers. Due to the huge age gaps between them (12 and 8 respectively), she never felt close with them. She was only closest to the 6th and 7th siblings, her twin brothers Benjamin and Liam whom she only had a 2-year gap. She was also best friends with one of the scullery maids her age, Lily, because she found her amusing that than the boring rich girls her mother forced to interact with.
The moment it bothered her that she wanted to live a more meaningful life was when Amelia got married. She was 12 years old at the time, and it left her as the last unwed daughter in the family. Badly did she want to revolt, which she gradually did. Instead of practicing piano, she’d sneak in to read every book in her father’s office. She secretly studied the notes of her older brothers from school and even dressed as a boy numerously thanks to Benjamin and Liam to join their classes or field trips.
This was her routine up until the age of 18 when she stomped her foot down and expressed to her parents that she wasn’t going to let Victorian society dictate her. The night before her parents were bound to send her to her great aunt’s home down South to sort her out, she successfully snuck out her house thanks to Lily, Benjamin, and Liam. It’s another good thing that she saved a lot of money for that moment.
Off she went across Europe first, then sailed to America and even parts of Asia. Initially under the name Lilibe, coined from picking the first two letters of her brothers and best friend, she documented her days and nights through her journals and sketches. Over time, she sent them to her brothers for publication. It started the franchise, “The Adventures of the Young and Free Lilibe”. There are 10 books under it.
She learned French, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean by herself as she made friends from those places. It was rare of someone like her to be fluent in Oriental languages, surprising locals every time she spoke to them. She was the only explorer to vividly describe life in different Asian lands in English, talking about their history and culture. With her accurate drawings of diverse citizens and their daily lives, it educated a lot of those living back home in Europe about them rather than speaking lowly of them.
In Seoul did she stayed the longest until her death from pneumonia at the young age of 46.
In her posthumous work, Finding Me, did she reveal her real identity, dedicating it to her parents whom she apologized and expressed her love for them despite everything that occurred between them. She talked about the last years of her life in Seoul, how locals were so nice and inviting to her, and how she adopted kids instead of having her own through the years.
“It’s not because I never found love in men. It’s more like I found love in doing things I’m passionate about. Traveling, learning new cultures, it outweighed the human need of romance.”
Due to her thrill in taking risks and embarking on wondrous adventures, it brought inspiration to a lot of young girls pressured to marry at that time to pursue what they really want.
 A remarkable background you had, Jeno contemplated. How come no one discussed her in his classes?
You kept brushing the bangs of your hair back as it fell repeatedly. But you got irritated instantly because it sabotaged your drive, you brought out a hairpin from her desk and attached it on both sides. But when you shifted your angle of focus, the corner of your eye locked with Jeno’s attentive gaze.
He didn’t flinch, even he should’ve. He wasn’t one to linger his look on anyone’s physical appearances, but your story and the passion on your face as you sketched mesmerized him. He was charmed, to say the least.
“Uhm, hello there?” You broke the silence due to your uneasiness about it. What’s his deal?
Jeno bowed, reintroducing himself to you. As soon as his presence settled in the room when Cleopatra attempted to hit on him, you could’ve cared less. Though this man was a first for you, a first in a long time as all guards would feel intimidated by you during the first night. Even your sharp tongue didn’t faze him. “Staring is rude, sir. Didn’t your mother teach you manners?”
“She did,” He wandered through the exterior of your section, by the fence that separated you and him. Not breaking eye contact, his eyes turned into moon crescents as he smirked with trouble. “Though she also told me to appreciate the art too.”
Snorts noisily exhaled from Cleopatra, who took the center section of the exhibit, succeeded by Princess Diana’s whispered gasps and Katherine’s side-eyeing Anne beside her while she taught her math. That was an odd way a guard conversed with you, but Jeno was merely doing what the rules stated. Partly, he was impressed with his cheesy pick-up line, partly embarrassed because he’s never spoken like this to anyone.
Rule #17: Act playfully around (Y/N) (Y/L/N) to break the tension; she’s a harsh one.
There was irony between the information he read about your life versus the wax model. Even when you faced sexism and ran away according to your history, never were you impolite to anyone in your life. You couldn’t even kill a lurking fly when it roams around your food! It showed Jeno a possibility that as much as you’re just a wax version of someone famous in the past, maybe the external environment around you had a heavy influence too.
“You fool!” His confidence exasperated you, urging you to persistently throw balls of paper with your failed sketches at him. No one dared to talk to you like that, most especially a night guard. “Take that for your comment!”
If you thought he’d scram away and act repentant, you were proven wrong. His reflexes were parallel to a spider, capturing every single paper ball without fail. Up and down his body went, one arm held on to them and no more were left on your part. Never a single defeat during the first meeting in years, but that seemed to alter now.
“Give up already, Ms. (Y/L/N)?” Jeno remarked vibrantly as he discarded your mess in the trash bin behind him. If he managed to get everyone to like him tonight, he wanted to make sure to have you onboard too.
Whatever agenda he had, you weren’t up for it. You’d treat him the same way you usually treated Sanghoon for the past 20 something years: cold and ignorant. From your stool, you left your comfortable position to come face to face with this man. He better be grateful for that barrier in between you, or else you would’ve caused mayhem.
“Never in your wildest dreams, Mr. Lee.” Your mouth gave a half-smile, clenching on the bars to liberate your annoyance. Before you could fend back, that’s when Princess Diana intervened between your heated dialogue.
“Oh heavens, children!” She stood by the barrier, mostly to protect the newbie Jeno with her body. “(Y/N), he just wanted to know you. Must you be so cross?”
This Princess Diana embodied all the traits the real one had: soft-spoken, intelligent, and protective. She’s gotten so used to your gradual temper, staying on standby whenever anyone tried to mess with you. Even if it was harmless, you could get so mean!
“Diana, he was mocking me! Saying such a sleazy phrase as if to amuse me, ha! Not a chance, I hate people like that.”
“Not us women though; you just despise men in general.”
“And you’re absolutely right!” With a smug smile, you greedily rejoiced. “Anyways, escort this disgrace out. I’m not in the mood to get angry when I have a lot of inspiration on mind right now.”
While you resumed your sketching to let go of that extra steam, Jeno was left with Diana who apologized on your behalf. Your pride was too high to do that, and as the motherly figure among them, she always took care of things in your exhibit.
“I’m so sorry for that, Jeno. She’s not really like this, but I know how much you tried your best. It was quite a fresh spectacle honestly.”
Whatever was responsible for your abrasiveness, Jeno yearned to know. He couldn’t understand who you were yet even knowing your life story. All he wanted was to get along with everyone. It was the key to successfully maintain his job for the next 6 months.
“How can I make her come around then?”
A demanding question that no one had a solid answer to. Diana recalled how much Sanghoon didn’t let your dislike for him get to him, maintaining a respectful boundary in between each other after his past attempts. Though with Jeno, observing how he riled you up and your focus entirely on him, she hasn’t seen anything like it since the 80s.
There was something in Jeno that may just get you to warm up and return to your kind nature.
“Aside from acting playful, as Sanghoon recommended, I can think of two ways, love.” By the doors of her exhibit, where Jeno was already waltzing the corridor to visit other rooms, she suggested smartly. “One, argue back to her opinions. She hates whenever anyone tries to get her way, but boy, you’re just as wise as her. No one was brave enough to peeve on her until you came.”
“How about the second way?”
“Do your research, love. Aside from libraries, you have those small technology devices that allow you to search up anything.” She tousled Jeno’s brown locks as if it were her actual son’s. Some habits just don’t die when you do.
“Brush up on your history, Jeno. Not only will it help you with (Y/N), but it’ll serve purposefully with the other art pieces here.”
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Boy, he was ready to crash in his bed for a few hours after all those interactions. His introverted nature required to be revitalized.
Towards the last hours of his shift, the art pieces who’ve strolled in the first floor lessened his plate by not leaving any major clutter behind. As if she listened to him, Athena didn’t break any lightbulbs too.
His main highlight would be meeting the men of the historical male section, who flaunted a more humorous ambiance. Freddie Mercury from Queen insisted he drink a glass of his wine and to bring more wine next time, which he denied since it would against Sanghoon’s rules. King Sejong the Great and Martin Luther King Jr. argued back and forth over the most random things (pineapple on pizza specifically), while Steve Jobs mediated whenever one crossed the line. Meanwhile, William Shakespeare was too preoccupied in his writing and speaking to himself about his books, wondering how to improve them.
During one of his breaks today, he multitasked drawing a new plate with his research on every art piece to know them better. He started with the exhibit of sculptures of the Greek gods and goddesses, which were Zeus, Hera, Hades, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Artemis, Dionysus, and Circe. They weren’t the complete roster because the rest were in other museums across the globe, as said by Athena before sunrise. The majority of them he knew what they were in charge of, but the rest were foggy to his knowledge. Typing away and jotting notes down, he started downloading his favorite jazz songs too.
Rule # 4: Play jazz music to the paintings on the first floor so they can relax and dance within their frames.
Circe is a minor goddess, the daughter of the sun god Helios. She’s recognized for her versatility in incantations and herbs, capable of transforming people into animals. From Jeno’s perspective, she’s mostly within her space with her journals and magic wand, trying new spells or combinations of herbs. For the latter, he had to keep a closer eye on.
Rule #9: Don’t let Circe, god of potions, into the Oriental Room to get plants and herbs.
He discovered that Dionysus is the god of wine, happiness, and theatre. That’s why every god in the exhibit had full wine glasses during their gathering. It also added up why Freddie Mercury always comes to him when his bottles run empty, though he mustn’t go overboard.
Rule #18: Make sure Freddie Mercury doesn’t get too drunk from the wine of Dionysus; he might make numerous scenes if he does.
After his lone studying session, he took a short trip to the pet and convenience stores to buy food. He got a dumbfounded look from Jaemin back in the dorm room, who was studying for one of his quizzes in Biology in a couple of hours.
“Woah what’s with this stash? Is it for yourself or something?”
“The museum surprisingly has a lot of tasks needed to be done at night. And no, not from my wallet but the allowance they gave me before you get a heart attack.” Jeno plopped on his solo bed, covering his face with a pillow.
“Thank God.” A relaxed sigh escaped Jaemin’s lips, taking back his balled-up fists meant for his roommate. “I think I would’ve stormed that boring museum if they made your broke ass spend a cent.”
“Boring?” Jeno removed the cushion hastily, eyeing his busy and coffee-high roommate. The scent of black coffee from his mug spread in the room, assuming that this upcoming test was testing his roommate’s patience again.
Not even trying to look at Jeno while reviewing his handwritten notes, Jaemin continued giving his opinion. “Museum culture is dead, Jeno. Not everyone has the time to roam around one, plus people can always look up the artifacts online these days.”
People were entitled to their own opinions on numerous things, though Jeno begged to differ with his roommate’s. Especially after witnessing the magic of the night shift, you shouldn’t merely judge a book by its cover. In this case, you shouldn’t judge an artwork or art piece merely on its history and legacy.
Maybe because his roommate was in the science department, he thought this way. A lot of art students regularly visit the museum both for fun and for their classes, and Jeno was one of them. Though he was too sleepy to explain his side, he let it slide for now and snoozed throughout the late afternoon.
An hour before the start of his shift, Jeno promenaded the emptying museum to inspect anything else he might’ve missed out on from last night. There were two areas according to his rotation, both in the first floor.
One was the Diorama Room. Divided into 4 sections, highlighting some of the well-known ancient civilizations in world history. Ancient Egypt and Ancient China to your left, Ancient Rome and Ancient Maya to your right. They acted as if they were the actual people during those times, giving Jeno a laugh when they cracked jokes in between. Such tiny figures, yet the rule for them said otherwise.
Rule # 7: The small figurines in the Diorama Room are feisty, so make sure they don’t fight with one another again.
The remaining room left was the Theater Room. He’s never been here, though his art friends have for film festivals held by the university.
The interior of it was set to look like an actual cinema place you’d see in a mall. There was a mini lobby with a few posters of iconic films over the years. Singin’ in the Rain, Back to the Future, Titanic, those were some framed and hung on the wall. There were two other doors there: one leading to the chairs and the other where the movie projector was. The latter room was pretty riveting, wherein you can choose to watch old short films through an 88mm film projector or switch to a cd player for the newer releases.
Back to those posters, they weren’t an exception to the magic and a simple rule was left for Jeno to do.
Rule # 10: Chatter with the movie posters in the lobby of the Theater Room; they love meeting new faces.
Since there wasn’t anyone checking out the Art Rooms on the second floor, he closed them. Though as he was about to lock the Oriental Room, the ravishing plants around the royal plant appealed his interest. Said to hold magical properties from his research, Jeno was reminded of another rule to keep in mind for later.
Rule # 3: The fake flowers in the Oriental Room come to life too at night, so when no one is lurking, water it diligently.
Instead of lounging at Sanghoon’s office first, he brought his important items to the front desk of the lobby and continued sketching his plate. He wanted to watch the art come back alive with his two eyes. Usually, he’d have coffee when he does his work, but due to another crucial rule in the guide, he’d rather not take the risk.
Rule # 6: The lobby room can get rowdy, so keep any drinks away from important items.
On the dot, the cries and yawns from the art pieces around him reverberated. Closing his sketchpad, his night guard mode was on. Connecting his laptop on the aux cord of the museum speakers, he tapped play on his playlist of jazz music that’ll last for the entire shift duration. As the first notes flooded the entire vicinity, sounds of joy left the lips of each painting. Some were humming, dancing, and even singing along.
“You can never go wrong with Frank Sinatra!”
“This Jeno lad really did the heavens’ work quick!”
Having the sense of accomplishment on his sleeve, the small barks of his fluffy pal reached closer to him. As he kneeled to find him, he was only taken by surprise as Mochi excitedly jumped on him. Tumbling over, Jeno chuckled innocently as Mochi licked his face numerously. This puppy was friendly, easily liking everyone at first sight. He wasn’t as choosy like Daegal, the puppy of his friend Chenle studying Business Management.
Once he composed himself and cradling the dog like his own, he fed him a dog treat from the desk.
“Good boy, Mochi!” He rubbed his fur while the puppy happily munched on it, ready to fulfill more of his duties.
He skipped the Greek mythology exhibit since Athena was doing a good job not letting anyone go overboard with their powers, though he’ll check in again in a few hours. He met the posters of the theater room, who were celebrities he grew up watching on tv. Sanghoon was right; they were the kinder group in the entire museum because they were more laidback.
On to the second floor, all the female wax figures lounged by the male section due to another lecture from Shakespeare. Although the guide informed him that most of the time it could get boring, this lecture was more stimulating. On his platform, he elaborated with conviction the lines of one of his famous books, Romeo and Juliet. A must-read book back in his high school days, there’s no way Jeno could’ve missed that out.
From the looks of it, Jeno perceived that Shakespeare was performing spoken word poetry due to him reading only Romeo’s lines while Cleopatra read Juliet’s beside him. This kind of show was one of the sources of entertainment to these figures, so Jeno leaned by the side of the door to listen. After all, the famous author of it was a few feet away. Cleopatra channeled such a naïve character to her ability, absentmindedly saying as she clutched her chest.
“O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet.”
“Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?”
“'Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose-”
The flow of an engaged Cleopatra was abrupted by the loud yell from Shakespeare in front, specifically to an amused Jeno. “Jeno, my boy! Welcome back!”
Such an announcement diverted everyone’s attention to the back, some running to Jeno to give their respective greetings. It’s rare for everyone to feel at ease with a new guard, taking them weeks to approach them due to the intimidation. Though Jeno’s bright presence felt welcoming, so they accepted it. Perhaps it’s because of his youth, it reminded them of theirs too.
Shakespeare highly requested (or forced) Jeno to take his part as Romeo, intrigued to watch someone younger read his lines. Since most of the male wax figures were aged, it never satisfied Shakespeare so he jumped on this opportunity as quickly as he could. With the roaring cheers from the other figures, Jeno might as well give it a try. It wasn’t like his friends were here to clown him like they usually would if he did something humiliating.
Jeno shockingly liked this activity as he wasn’t much of a performer on stage, but someone who does the behind-the-scenes of it. He realized as he read the lines from the book Shakespeare asked him to follow along with why people held university-wide spoken word shows a few times per semester. He was no actor, but it’s delightful to have tried it at least once in his life.
“O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?” As if the edge of the platform was the balcony of Juliet (or Cleopatra rather), he knelt as he ardently spoke his lines. He’s emphasizing this rush of uncontrollable desire for her, rambling whatever he would do to get the girl.
“What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?” Cleopatra questioned from her chair, inching closer to the young boy. Even outside character will she attempt to charm Jeno, but Jeno was quick to catch it and kept his distance.
“The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.”
“I gave thee mine before thou didst request it, and yet I would it were to give again.”
“Wouldst thou withdraw it? For what purpose, love?”
“But to be frank, and give it thee again. And yet I wish but for the thing I have. My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.”
Everyone was condensed by their top-notch acting, as if this was the actual play unfolding before them. Jeno wasn’t so sure how he got himself in character without preparation, yet he felt what his character felt. He comprehended the material a lot better now than when he was still in high school.
However, there was always that one killjoy to ruin the heartfelt mood.
“How dumb is it to say that you’re in love after the first glance?” You opposed, putting the spotlight on you. This book was said to be a classic in literature, but as you matured physically and mentally, you could no longer agree with it. “Isn’t love the same thing that killed Romeo and Juliet in the end?”
Remembering what Princess Diana told him, he wasn’t going to let this pass. He wanted to give a piece of his mind too, caring less if the show must be paused. “Love is an emotion we don’t ask to feel. It’ll come to us when we least expect it, even when the timing of it can be crucial.”
“Of all the people Juliet could’ve gone for, it just had to be the enemy.” In all the years you’ve been brought to life, no one dared to test your opinions because they were aware of your intelligence, from the streets to the books. When someone bark, you’d bite back. Hard. “With all due respect, I love your works, Shakespeare. Yet the fate you’ve given these two at a young age was grave, could’ve you given them a better outcome or another character to love instead?”
“Giving them extra characters to love won’t address the horrific life fact that love can be dangerous. Regardless of what status you’re in, you can’t stop the attraction towards someone. The heart wants what it wants.” Jeno pressed his hand to his chest, pumping it a bit. Unknown to you and him, the audience found more entertainment in your argument. Anne, who was munching on the popcorn Jeno gave her earlier, passed the snack to Katherine who just couldn’t stop watching.
If this man wanted a challenge, you’re all ears. Who was he to compete with you? Was he not intelligent to know who you are?
“So are you insinuating that we just go with the flow? Be a slave to our emotions too and let them dictate our next motives?”
“Slave is such a strong word to use, (Y/N). But it’s not like we can’t choose who want to love because we actually can. In this case, Romeo chose Juliet and vice versa.”
“But what happens if the person you choose doesn’t choose you in return?”
“At least you tried your best, right? It’ll hurt like hell though, but it won’t last forever.” From his kneeling position, Jeno strutted his way with confidence. Trying not to let it mess with you, your extreme stare at him as if they’ll shoot lasers. Inches away from you, Jeno declared. “Love always has risks, that’s a given. Romeo and Juliet still tried and followed their hearts despite the downfall. But it was a needed downfall to get the message across.”
“No one would be that foolish to risk their lives for love though, right? Life is so precious, why would they do such a thing?”
“Even if they knew what their lives were without each other, they still preferred living a life where they were both in the picture. Therefore, they tried all they could that time because the regret of not doing anything at all carries a heavier burden.”
Whenever anyone argued with you, their debating points they spat back would further piss you off because most of the time, it never made sense. Back when this rude man told you to go home and be a wife in your earlier years of exploring, you civilly told him to fuck off, kicking his balls because he cornered you in an alley. For the first time, a man who tried to challenge you actually made sense. Was it because he lived in a modern time, where minds were more open? Because of the amount of sexism you faced in the past, you’ve turned a blind eye to the current period.
But your high pride maintained, not submitting into anything he said. “I still think it’s stupid to risk your life for love. There’s no such thing as having only one true love anyways, and you have to be alive to see it.”
“Fair point, but again, the feeling of regret and carrying it your entire life doesn’t fade easily. It’ll make you reflect on the what-ifs, and it’s heart-wrenching.” Jeno digressed, walking around you in circles. He’s intentionally trying to drive you mad, but he could care less. He wanted someone to put you in your place and open your mindset. “The question stands: would you rather try and go for it even knowing its risks or regret not even trying for the rest of your existence? Quite ironic for me to ask you that, don’t you think?”
Past the information board, Jeno researched more of your life history online. Your whole life was grounded on risks, from breaking the standards of your society, leaving your family and home country, to fending yourself from disrespectful men. Rather than living the original life expected from you, you chose not to because it didn’t make you happy. Such a risktaker he knew you are, but with the topic of love, he wondered why you were on a fence with it. Though some records stated you’ve had rendezvouses with a few men in your journeys, love was never in the equation. The single life was what you chose and you were more than satisfied, plus your adopted kids filled that supposed void anyways.
This man may have studied your history, but so much he still doesn’t know. Information that never made the books because you chose not to write or tell anyone about it. Aside from the discomfort growing in your chest, everyone else felt the awkward tension when you were lost for words.
Never been defeated in an argument, until tonight. Your mind lost its drive and willpower.
“Touché, Lee Jeno.” Indeed, his name you’re acquainted with. Numerously passed around in your exhibit, mostly from the lips of Cleopatra, who’d fantasize all the graphic things she would do to him. Too much information, least of your interest. “Please excuse me. I’d like to work on my sketches to ease my mind.”
As you quietly exited the room, an all too familiar sculpture leaned against the railings overseeing one side of the museum. Just like you, she hated accepting defeat or compromises. She always rooted for you to win. With a faint chuckle, “Facing a loss for the first time, I see.”
“Don’t even lecture me about it, Athena. I’m still fired up, and I need to relax.”
“Jeno is a different breed, isn’t he?” She stuck to your side, strolling wherever your feet led you.
“Different as in he’s a man? Yes. What else is there to it?”
“Men these days aren’t as trashy as those back in the day though. Shouldn’t you give him a chance?”
“Last time I did, it destroyed my heart. I’m not allowing myself to let men in even as a friend, Athena.”
She knew exactly what you were referring to, not touching on it further. No way will you let heartbreak or disappointment from men bother you. Even Sanghoon’s sweet company took a while to tolerate. You really needed to sketch this out on your pad right now, excusing yourself from Athena’s presence. Isolation wasn’t new to you; it’s what’s protecting your entire being. Immortal as you are, you had to recover from the past pain so the next decades won’t feel as brash.
You hoped to return to your old self when you were a fresh new figure in the 70s. So naïve, only proud of your accomplishments, and purely happy.
While Jeno continued to finish his scene in respect to Shakespeare, he received a standing ovation for his mini-show. Cleopatra didn’t expect such talent from him, growing fonder of the younger male. Whether she seduces him or not, he was never afraid to try new things and she liked that about him.
“Bravo, love!” Princess Diana praised, clapping at him.
Although Jeno appreciated all this positive attention, his thoughts bounced back to your and your stance on love. The debate earlier was just out of being playful, interested to hear your opinions. Though, he’s worried that he might’ve offended you. It may have been time to finally witness something like that, but then again, he was sure he touched something personal to you. No matter how you tried to fight it off, your eyes can’t lie. Staring down at him, there was pain beneath it. Your eyebrows scrunched to the center, thinking deeply yet remained utterly speechless.
A win he didn’t feel good about.
“It’s time she encountered something new in the years she’s been here. Give her some space tonight, then try again to reach out to her. Kindly this time; I’m not in the mood for another brawl that could end up like the Greek gods’ past fights downstairs.”
These clever words shared by Katherine loitered his mind for the rest of the night, eventually going back to finishing his current plate since everyone was behaving well. As great it is to get the approval of the majority, he tried brainstorming ways to make you like him too.
He understood the whole “men are trash” concept in today’s modern society, but if he could prove it wrong to at least one person, it would be you. Whatever is holding you back, he only hoped that you’d let it go. Questionably unsure as to why he was so persevering, he concluded that it was so he could perform his job better as the night guard. Set higher standards than Sanghoon even.
Nothing more, nothing less.
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Weeks passed, and his attempts continued to be unsuccessful.
The capability for you to ignore his efforts remained strong, whether he was pestering you over small things or debating with you again about anything. Life, books, morals, the two of you always head butt each other. Anything good he did, you searched for a flaw in it. Whatever acts he’s tried and continued trying, not one flinch from you ever.
Even if that’s his state with you, his job no longer felt stressful nor strenuous. He’d try to sleep more on days he was off-duty. Although the fatigue of staying beyond his usual sleeping time was inevitable, he compromised to take a nap lasting an hour or two when the art pieces weren’t acting frisky.
Plus, there have been multiple times they adapted to any alterations so his physical well-being wouldn’t fall sick. Per order of Princess Diana and Hera, who by instinct became his motherly figures here, only wanting what’s best for the kids.
He became accustomed to everything that went on at night, discovering things on his own without Sanghoon’s guide. Anne talked about how much she missed biking in her neighborhood, so one night, Jeno snuck his bike inside and let her use it around the first floor. With proper monitoring so none of the paintings would be unbothered or pieces wouldn’t tumble.
Hermes the messenger god was fluent in every language possible, so every so often, Jeno would freely speak to him in Korean because sometimes he felt he could explode by the amount of English he used every night. Bilingual things, you know. He knew you were multilingual too, but for obvious reasons, he couldn’t converse with you.
Because Jeno was heavily favored, that should’ve been enough to push through his night shifts before the end of the semester. In addition to that, the hourly rate was above the average of whatever Jaemin or Renjun was earning. For the past 2 months, Jeno paid upfront first, even paying back all his debts. It almost made Renjun want to switch jobs with him.
“Trust me, Renjun. You don’t want it, being the lowkey scaredy cat you are.”
Work no longer felt like work, and that’s what everyone aspired to feel. Nevertheless, he tended to worry over you mid-shift, glancing at you from his side view. Sketching, reading, and writing were your default actions. No matter how many times he said to himself not to let your dislike for him affect him, it’d always backfire.
Why were you so cold?
What made you lose your fire from all the research he did about your lively personality?
When morning arrived and he gathered his stuff, you’d be the last thing he’ll check on. Frozen in your standing pose, smiling as you held a book and a pencil, he detected how fake it was. Bystanders would only assume your happiness was from your achievements, though Jeno’s gut firmly pried that something grand overpowered that happiness. And definitely, not in a good way.
Out of all the art pieces, he investigated on you the most. Skimming through every material in the library, endless searching on the net, even asking professors from the History department thanks to Renjun, he did whatever he could. People may already think he was obsessed with who you are, but only little did they know.
Another plate was done and submitted, and he promised himself to look you up one last time before surrendering. For someone who’s rarely given up on a challenge, this one was really out of his control. Maybe he should follow Sanghoon’s footsteps now.
You lived centuries before him, and there’s limited material of you left. Rather than learning of your adventures again, he dug through what things you liked over your life. Maybe by giving one of them, it’ll lessen the tension from a 100 to 99. Maybe you preferred gifts over words, he’ll never know until he tried.
According to one of your journal entries, there’s a fond liking you’ve acquired for lavender roses from Benjamin and Liam when they visited you in Paris in secret because of how much you missed them. It went both ways, praying your family ties could be recovered.
It’s a good thing he needed to refill his stock of items for the art pieces so he could pass by the flower store a few blocks away from his dorm. That night, without further words, he graciously offered you a fresh lavender rose in between your new sketching session.
“I may not know exactly why you’re spiritless around me, but with this rose, I hope we could work something out.”
Your frigid face of disdain, keeping your chin high and squinting your eyes with judgment, began to crumble down.  Of all things as a peace offering, he gave you that? Then again, it’s not like he knew that an item you liked so much became something you’ve grown to hate and why so. No history books could teach him that.
Vulnerability was a normal thing, yet feared by many. Once one uncovered your weak spot, they could harm you. You still couldn’t trust Jeno fully, not willing to show your helplessness nor were you ever going to tell him. Hidden from his knowledge, everyone else including Sanghoon were familiarized as to why this kind of flower tormented you.
You sprinted like thunder out the exhibit room to wherever it’s private to control your senses. You may not have a physical heart, but your emotions were just as actual as a human’s. You needed to regulate your panting breath. In the past decades, you’ve not shed a singular tear but the cycle broke when they streamed out your miserable eyes like a flowing river. Quiet sobs, an empty corner near the fire exit was where your wobbly legs faltered, the painful memories of the past replayed in your head. Once beautiful, but now an agonizing reminder of what could’ve been.
Katherine, Cleopatra, and Anne were swift on their feet to hunt you down, anxious of what you may do next. Seeing or the mention of these flowers still affected you despairingly. Sanghoon must’ve forgotten to write them down, or perhaps he didn’t know either about this fact during all the years he’s worked there.
It’s one of the biggest secrets of his museum. By the clueless face Jeno had with his eyebrows raised, mouth, and small eyes slightly open, he repeatedly asked what he did wrong and adding that he never meant to harm you. Indeed, they knew that yet what occurred involved a secret in the list of museum secrets. Confidential only between art pieces according to Athena, none of the male wax figures spoke a word, only pitying the boy.
“I wasn’t here yet that time, but they said that it was once beautiful, but now it’s a rough period.” With hesitation, Princess Diana chose to reveal it to rid Jeno’s misery. She didn’t mind having to argue about it with Athena later on, as this may further affect the two of you later on.
“A long time ago in the early ‘80s, there was a night guard around your age named Junmyeon. Also, a college student, trying to make ends meet. He did it for 3 years until he graduated. Though within his stay, not only was he such a delight to everyone, he broke a golden rule in the guide. I believe you do know the guide much more now, Jeno?”
“Yes, I do, Princess Diana. Memorized it even, but which one specifically?” Jeno’s desperate eyes pleaded, only hoping for the best and to fix what he messed up.
“You can form friendships with the art pieces, but nothing more.” Princess Diana replied bitterly. “Junmyeon was an aspiring painter, a different path from his business-oriented family. He was seen as the black sheep. She resonated with him, sharing the burden and lifting it by doing whatever fun they could in the museum. In time, they both fell in love with each other; they were each other’s first loves.”
“Why must something beautiful like love be broken? It’s not like you can control it. That golden rule makes no sense.”
“It does, unfortunately. Wax figures like me cannot age, while humans like you can. None of them could accept the reality, always pushing it away. Until Junmyeon’s last week in university, he broke it off with her unexpectedly. From there, (Y/N) was heartbroken for decades. With heartbreak, giving the cold shoulder and bitterness followed. Then with the lavender rose you gave that she used to love became a flower that she associated with Junmyeon too because he gave her one almost every night for those past 3 years.”
Things finally added up, and the guilt in Jeno’s gut expanded. His major lightbulb moment was a major failure.
“Has Junmyeon ever returned to try and win her back?”
“Well, there was one time he did come back for an art exhibition for his paintings in the 2000s. I was already here, then he had a woman around his shoulder with an adolescent boy holding his hand. He roamed around our exhibit and kept gawking at (Y/N). We may be asleep, but we remember the conversations exchanged in the room. So, his son then asked him if he knew who she was.”
“What did he respond?” Jeno attentively listened, on the edge of such a hurtful tale.
“He knew her name, praising her for historical achievements. However, nothing as a former friend or lover. From what I predict, he ingested one of Circe’s potions.”
“But I thought Circe isn’t allowed to make potions for actual consumption. She’s not even allowed to enter the Oriental Art Room.” Jeno pointed out, overwhelmed at the puzzling past. Princess Diana was mindful that she had to stop spreading too much information, so she had to end her discussion with the lost boy.
“There are a lot of secrets about this museum, Jeno. Unfortunately, I cannot reveal to you to protect our peace.”
With due respect, Jeno quit his follow-up questions and concerns. The only thing he wished to do was mend his relationship with you. As vague as to where you even stood in the first place, he unintentionally crossed a line due to his selfish intention to befriend you.
“What can I do now, Princess Diana? You know I’d never push her buttons like that, even if I’m a whimsical person.”
“Oh, my boy.” Princess Diana soothed, holding both her hand on his sweaty palm and cupping his cheek. “For the meantime, give her space. No taunting for a while, and just observe her from a distance. Though do not fret the slightest; I’m sure she’ll be okay again.”
During that interval, you were hunched on the wall, bawling and weeping like the wound was brand new again. While Katherine and Anne stood by your side, on the lookout for anyone who’d be spying on you, Cleopatra knelt in front of you as your infinite tears gushed down.
“My dear,” She tried to wipe some of them while holding your hand. “It’s been years, and Jeno didn’t know a single thing. He didn’t mean to do it.”
“I don’t care, Cleopatra! He should’ve stopped trying to socialize with me because I won’t ever live down my experience with Junmyeon.”
“As if crying like this will bring Junmyeon back to your life,” Cleopatra exclaimed, holding in her temper. Acquainted with heartbreak, it’s awful that it changed you entirely, but you should’ve found a way to heal. Throughout your attitude change, it’s mostly you in pain, not those you inflict it to. “My dear, I love you a lot. But this Jeno boy is different, and you know it.”
“He’s still a nightguard, for Christ’s sake, Cleopatra.”
“You shouldn’t generalize that all night guards are bad just because of one encounter that occurred at the wrong time.” Brushing some strands stuck by your wet visage, she professed to you bluntly. “You’re never going to know how good Jeno is unless you slowly open up again, (Y/N). Not forcing you the slightest, but healing started once you’ve acknowledged the past and move on from it.”
“But I’m scared, Cleopatra.” You restlessly admitted, hunching even more against the wall. Your poor, metaphorical heart could only take so much. You barely expressed sorrow towards others as you always held a strong exterior, only letting it out alone. Not holding back anymore, Cleopatra brought you in for a hug. The last time she did that was the first night after Junmyeon left, calming your intensified emotions so you wouldn’t do anything dumb that night. No violence, just pure sorrow.
“My dear, it’s alright.” She whispered while stroking your back upwards. “But you’re a risktaker; that’s how people remember you. Now, you must challenge yourself to move on from things that didn’t work out. Because once you do, it’ll put your heart and mind at ease.”
“Do you think I’ll be okay again?”
“Yes, you will be, my dear. You are not alone, and never will be.”
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Acting like the dutiful son he always was, Jeno distanced from you.
He still cracked jokes, chatted with the art pieces, and followed the rules, yet never did he utter anything to you. You’ve proudly anticipated it since day one, not wanting him up in your business or teasing you ever. But this time, it felt odd.
On nights he didn’t report, you’ve unconsciously wondered what he may have been up to. A job like this at his age was just as Sanghoon once said: nothing in the regular.
Was he with his friends?
Was he resting well?
From the moment you chose to let go of your limitations and old thoughts, it included your grudge against past guards. Asking for forgiveness to Sanghoon when he returns was on the top of your list, however, that’ll take a while to happen. In the start, you’re baffled as to why he no longer picked on you like every night he’s been present. Somehow, it became a habit you’ve gotten used to, having so many comebacks planned to fend yourself. But you didn’t want to concede to it, maintaining what was left of your pride since that breakdown.
While on the subject, you suspected if anyone told him anything that night because that also indicated the last time he reached out to you. By anything, it would be your unwritten past with Junmyeon. A part of yourself in the museum that you didn’t want to disperse like rapid-fire again. It would be the last thing you wanted Jeno to know.
To your misfortune, Princess Diana came clean due to your growing concern over it. Although your attitude changed and people got used to it, you could only blame yourself that you were responsible for Jeno’s change.
“All he wanted was to understand and enlighten us with his likable presence. Then with you, you were his challenge because of your high walls. Out of everyone, he tried to learn everything about you. From my observation, whenever he has a goal, he’s determined to achieve it.”
“But I’m trying to be better now, Diana. Why did he stop?”
“He may have determination, but he knows where the boundaries lie.” Princess Diana patted the side of your arm, giving you a half-grin. “It hurt him when he hurt you, even if it was accidental. So he opted to give you space; that way, you could catch a breather and he wouldn’t harm you anymore. It was what you wanted from the start anyways, right?”
A hard pill to swallow, though it was a fact. It’s just that now, you’re slowly willing to release yourself from the dark. It’s been decades, and more to come. Nothing can move on unless you do.
“Where is he, Princess Diana?”
Just as she predicted right on the edge, Diana completed the grin on her face and led you to the entrance of your exhibit. She may be younger than you, but you’re reverted in your twenties while she remained in her mid-thirties. Gaping the wide museum from the railing, starting from the painting exhibit in the lobby to across the other side of the museum, Diana spotted the black hair of the boy in the Foreign Art Room.
“Over there.”
Observing where her eyes focused, you caught a glimpse of a recognizable side profile. The owner’s eyes were completely taken by whatever he was drawing on the fold-up desk he brought out from the storage room. By the tedious action of his right hand going up and down, you’ve gotten so used to his part-time identity as the night guard to entirely dismiss his current status as a university student.
Architecture specifically as he first introduced himself to you. The same path your oldest brother, Christopher, worked in. The look of tenacity Jeno presented as his eyebrows continuously scrunched, his crescent orbs hastily spied his work for any unnecessary details and his veiny hands brushed his already messy hair, you were profoundly reminded of Christopher when he was designing his possible future house. You were 8 years old, and he was 22, who just got married. He explained how many floors it’ll have, what rooms to put and what extra furniture he’ll place to make it feel more at home.
Seeing how exceptional his art skills were, you started to sketch like him. With flowers first, it turned into bedrooms and sceneries of your neighborhood. You felt your shoulders rise in accomplishment when you were able to accurately draw people. As much as you credited Benjamin and Liam the most in your works, it’ll only be within yourself to know that you also held a soft spot for Christopher.
Excusing yourself to Princess Diana, you bravely yet quietly ventured into the Foreign Art Room. Hiding first from one of the cement columns, you resumed watching him sketch. Instead of a pencil, he used a black pen with a tip as thin as a pencil. Your assumptions would be it was for a class, basing it on him informing everybody earlier that he’ll be inactive for the remaining hours of his shift to focus on his midterm requirements. That must be difficult to balance, yet he still does everything expected from him. Maybe the second cup of iced coffee beside him stimulated his bones and mind, letting his imagination free.
Through the limited space, you tiptoed whilst holding the side of the column to make up his work. There were 2 and a half rectangular shapes stacked on top of each other, the third one he was still tracing. A sign encrypted with tiny written words you couldn’t decipher, the beauty and modernity of Jeno’s plate cannot go unappreciated.
“That’s absolutely beautiful.”
Sweet words you didn’t think would bounce back in the room, Jeno’s pace ceased whilst you hid again. Art pieces capable of walking weren’t allowed here, he locked the door even beforehand! Or he thought as he was rushing to get his work done because one of his terror professors moved up the deadline to tomorrow morning. Not even 25% finished, he petitioned for everyone’s cooperation just for tonight.
He used up his 2 days of not having the night shift for other projects, and not wanting to ruin his perfect attendance, he proceeded to show up.
The voices from the foreign paintings around him hushed for him out of respect. So possibly someone snuck in, his head looking around for intruders. But only did he quit it when he saw your blurry reflection leaning against the column. The glass windows slightly mirror back what it sees, without you knowing that.
Not to mention, the small bit of your lilac dress was left out. Of all people, it was you?
“Do my eyes deceive me or is Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N) inside when she’s not allowed so?”
To break the killing tension, he tested the waves with an innocent taunt. Never did you reach out to him, so least to say he was entertained whilst keeping his distance.
Fixing your proud stance, you responded in a low baritone voice you used to persuade numerous men in her adventures. “Uhm no, I don’t know who she is.”
As intelligent as you were, Jeno was a few steps farther than you this time. Educated about the risky ways you’d get around and one of them was changing the pitch of your voice, he heartily laughed at your unsuccessful attempt.
“Okay don’t lie, (Y/N). I can see a trail of your dress and your cloak. Oh, your reflection too.”
Damn, you peeked a little to realize that he was correct. Hauling your dress back in to readjust your outfit, you pushed your hair back before appearing to him. Though when you did such, you didn’t suppose that he was practically beside you the entire time. Bumping into his towering stance of 5’10 while the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up, your proud posture loosened up. He even discarded his blazer. A few more inches, he could’ve cornered you on the column if you didn’t take another step back.
Has he always been this tall or were you so used to your boots having high heels under? Oh wait, maybe because you wore flats this time because it’s making your toes sore. Your head bowed from struggling to maintain eye contact with him, your palms caressing your cheeks that suddenly heated up. Clearing your throat, you straightened your back again like nothing happened.
Jeno thought otherwise, shrugging his shoulders as he chuckled. He’s never seen you get shy, not that it was a bad thing either. The temptation to play around it more was there, but he was running out of time for his assignment.
“Come in. I’ll let you off the hook this time.” His arms opened up, allowing you access to such a wonderful exhibit. Paintings from different European periods, miniature versions of famous infrastructures inside glass containers, and replicas of Greek columns in the front entrance, no wonder it’s important to protect them all.
“Are you sure?” Watching him return to his spot, which was a bench in the center of the exhibit with a table in front, it didn’t process that you were gawking at his toned back. His broad shoulders and the evident muscles in his arms while he stretched, your eyes were speedy to look away when he tried to take a glance at you.
“I don’t think the paintings here and I mind.” Sitting down again, he tapped the vacant space beside him. “Feel free to watch me draw if you want to.”
Settling by his side, he recommenced where he left off. Now with a closer view of his piece, it did look like a building as you thought. He was sketching the remaining outline of the 3rd floor of this hypothetical place, continuously checking his ruler to monitor if the lines were consistent. Able to pick up on the words of the sign beside the building, you wowed with one hand on your lips.
“You’re redrawing Seoul National University Museum of Art?”
“One of my plate assignments was to visualize a renovation of a certain place, so I chose the museum.”
“Why so?”
“Well,” Jeno shook his pen so the ink could come out. “This entire place comes to life with the royal plate, so I think we should expand the space and bring in more art pieces to life if we add another extra floor. A rooftop area for visitors and events would be fun. And definitely, we should modernize the exterior and interior a bit because it looks outdated personally. That’s also what my friends think too.”
Noticing the minor details of his plate whilst removing any unnecessary pens so it wouldn’t smudge, “Huh, I quite agree with you.”
For the first time since his night shift, you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), came into an agreement with him. He became so accustomed to clashing opinions that now, you had no contrasting points to make at all. A good change perhaps was what he’s witnessing.
“Woah, who are you agreeing with me and where’s (Y/N)?” He creased his brows whilst locking eye contact with you. This time, you didn’t wince away and just nudged him on his shoulder to get back to work.
“Hush, Jeno. Isn’t that due later? Get to work, I’ll roam around here for the meantime.”
After decades in this museum, you’re enlightened with the foreign paintings in which some you’ve heard of in your younger years and some that were created beyond your time. The Birth of Venus, Liberty Leading the People, Girl with a Pearl Earring, there’s an advantage of learning about their stories that humans couldn’t interpret. Logical that this section must be off-limits because these pieces were extra special, yet there’s so much more than what meets the eye.
There’s peace in silence while you wandered around, though it doesn’t hinder only at the art. Jeno hasn’t uttered a word since he got back to drawing, and once you asked him what’s doing now, still no answer back. Odd, he’s constantly awa-
Oh, my. You must’ve jinxed it.
Your eyes laid on Jeno leaning forward on his desk with his arms serving as his pillow, resting his head sideways. Soft snores and minimal movement in his upper body to shake the growing cold temperature of the room, he was sleeping like a log.
Putting into perspective, he hasn’t acquired enough rest specifically this past 2 weeks. The endless number of plates due making him work extra during his shift rather than sleeping in the slightest, exhaustion must be an understatement. Coffee no longer pushed him to his maximum for this week even.
But this was the path he chose, and it’ll have its challenges. Still, if you could relieve the stress in any way, you would. This would be one of the ways to repay for all the rudeness you’ve passed on him. Scurrying to his side, placing the plate on the side with his other things. You returned the caps of his open pens so they don’t spill. They must be expensive, recalling how Jeno shared the cons of being an architecture major to Princess Diana. One was the pens needed for sketching, and any tiny damages to them meant buying them again.
With his watch on clear display, he only had 2 hours left until his shift was done. Then, 4 hours until his plate assignment was done, and his current plate was far from done.
The blunt impulse to wake him up slithered your mind, though his calm state deflected your duty. As if you were on board a ship again for your explorations, you paid attention to the view with a relaxed mindset.
Lee Jeno specifically was the view.
His coffee-stained lips were parted and his sharp nose breathing in and out at a relaxing pace, he must be dreaming a happy moment the way half his lips curved into a smile. If he’s resting well, then you too would be calm.
Because of your past disinterest in him, only at this moment did you observe how sharp his jawline was and the cuts on his arms he sought refuge in. No matter how many times you tried to deny Hera’s compliments of him on the side, you couldn’t.
Lee Jeno embodied attractive features; both physical and emotional.
Back to his plate, it’ll put him at a disadvantage if he submitted the way it looked before he passed out. But you remembered all those extra details he mentioned and wanted to add to this project. Being an explorer, you documented all your ventures through words or drawings. You’re fast to adjust to anything new too.
For all the good he’s done for everyone, he only deserved some help in return.
Your version of help was sketching the remaining details of this plate, using other pens for more emphasis. It’s a risk also, but no way could you turn a blind eye on Jeno this time.
Around 5:30 am, Jeno’s eyes blinked open due to a brightening light from the outside. Stretching his limbs, he finds a velvet cloak wrapped around him like a blanket. But before he could question it, he pulled his arm in to see the time on his watch.
“Fuck!” He cursed, realizing that his so-called 10-minute snooze break aborted.
“Oh my, you’re awake!” From his frazzled state, there you were. So put together yet active, some strands of your hair falling down your face even with your hair up in a ponytail. “How was your sleep?”
This whole time he could’ve been woken up, yet you chose not to. You’re aware of his deadline, yet you let him rest entirely. He could’ve burst out in stress, yet he didn’t. You and he may have started on the wrong foot, yet it’s impossible of you to do such an evil thing. He’ll just have to tolerate the outcome later today.
“Refreshing. I really needed it.” Packing his things in his bag and closing the table, you trailed along as he exited with you. Locking up, he has 30 minutes left to accomplish the cleaning. A long good morning indeed.
But his worry of that vanished when you admitted that you had it all covered.
“Everyone helped out in cleaning, plus there are no damages made either.” From your hand, you returned one of his keys that was on his guard blazer. “I double-checked the Oriental Room and locked the doors again.”
“Why are you suddenly so nice to me, (Y/N)?” He questioned with confusion, wearing his blazer again and patting away any creases. He placed your cloak over you again like a true gentleman.
Without a word, you simply invited him to walk you back to your exhibit as parts of the sun began to rise. As you returned to your section, your fellow figures readying themselves to pose again,
“It’s my way to apologize for my very rude first impression and the succeeding moments after. I was too cooped up in my past that I was too afraid to let humans in again, night guards in particular.” You admitted, removing your cloak and placing behind your chair like always. “I’m so sorry, Jeno. Everyone was right about you and your kind heart.”
“About time.” Cleopatra’s sultry voice cut in, laying on her day bed.
Before you had the chance to flip off, Jeno mediated swiftly. With a gentle smile, “No worries about it. I’m just happy you’re okay, after all you’ve been through.”
“Can we start over then?”
“Absolutely.” With his free hand, he brought it out. No matter what kind of introductions, shaking one’s hand was the best way to start a friendship. “Good evening. I’m Lee Jeno, the new museum night guard.”
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), explorer and author.” Sighing at his humor, you still replied by shaking his hand. “And I believe you’re mistaken, Lee Jeno. It’s a good morning.”
Seconds after, you imitated your typical pose and smile. Only now, the latter was more genuine. Finally, a fresh start to end your agony.
Once the sun fully revealed itself, every figure including yourself froze back to sleep. Something Jeno wished to catch up on if it weren’t for his damn plate. He was so screwed, already contemplating his next steps if he does fail this class. The possibility of getting delayed in all aspects, he dreaded it already.
Heading back to his dorm, where both his roommates completely passed out from soju on the couch, he sat by his work desk and turned on his night lamp for more light since the sun wasn’t strong enough yet.
With another cup of coffee, he cracked the joints of his knuckles and laid out his pens. He had 2 hours left to submit this plate, and at most he should accomplish 50% of his initial plan. However, he didn’t anticipate such a gorgeous outcome when he brought out his plate.
Picture perfect of every detail he desired, even adding a rooftop area with that he’d love to have if ever the museum does go under renovation one day. Rather than setting the plate during the day, it was at night as the skies were dark and bright specks of yellow inside the building symbolized light.
So much for wasting coffee, he’ll just give it to Jaemin when he wakes up later. Below the final product, a note written in cursive was stuck on it.
 I knew you wanted to get this specific plate done, but you mustn’t compromise your sleep for it. It’s your inhumane professor’s fault!
To make up for my faults, I wanted to help you out. I paid extra attention to the details you spoke highly about, so I only hoped that I interpreted it correctly. It’s risky, but as someone who researched so much about me, would you be surprised that I did such a thing?
PS: Get back to sleep. I’m quite sure your desk is laid out the same way in the Foreign Art Room.
 Turning off his lamp, Jeno jumped the covers of his bed to continue his lost sleep. Without an ounce of care that he hasn’t changed into cleaner clothes, he’s relieved that he won’t flunk his class.
Most of all, he’s relieved that you’ve melted the ice in you and allowed kindness to come in. Jeno may never understand how hard that must’ve been for you, yet he raved you for it.
“Oh, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Surprise is an understatement when it comes to you.”
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peachyyykid · 3 years
Deceivers Ch. 11 - Revenge
Word Count: 4089
Chapter 10 - Parting
Chapter 12 - Daytrip (nsfw)
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Disclaimer! tw: y/n is having a panic attack
As someone who experienced panic attacks before, I realised that writing one invested me a lot emotionally. If a detailed description of a panic attack triggers you, you might want to skip that part. Also, everyone experiences them differently and coping mechanism differ as well. Just remember that all of these experiences are valid and that you are loved! :)
You didn't question the urge to run into his arms, but you didn't expect him to catch you either. But he did, and as his non-metallic arm pulled you into his chest, you felt something you hadn't felt in a very long time: safety.
You clawed at his fur coat, muffling your sobs with the soft fabric.
"What did he do to you?", he whispered into your ear lowly, while his angry eyes never left Deku, who was scrambling around on the floor with his trousers undone.
"G-get off my ship, p-pirate scum", he stuttered, visibly scared of the huge pirate that just sent his door flying.
"I will", Kid snarled at him, "but you're joining us."
And with that he extended his metal arm by adding more and more random metal, grabbing Deku's throat. He tried to get away, but to no avail. Kid strengthened his grip and he let out a gargling sound, kicking his legs in the air.
The redhead spun Deku around and hurled him right through the empty doorframe towards his ship. Killer was waiting on the other side and knew exactly what to do. He caught the flying man (who was looking awfully pale) and slammed him down on the deck. You heard a faint scream in the distance, right after Deku's body hit the ship.
After making sure that Deku couldn't run away, Kid looked down at you, wiping away your tears with his rough fingers. He had let go of all the metal, but his eyes were still angry as he took in as much of your face as possible.
"Tell me what happened", he whispered in a commanding tone, and you sniffled before you spoke.
"W-we fought, and he said awful things to me, and then he tried to rape me and he... he had my parents killed. K-kid, he's responsible for all this. He killed my parents!"
You started sobbing desperately again and your knees felt weak. They gave in and you sunk towards the floor, but Kid picked you up. He pressed your trembling body against his and held you safely while he jumped aboard his own ship, the cold air cooling your tear-stained face.
Deku was trembling as well, but for different reasons. Killer was towering over him with his arms crossed and the rest of the crew was shooting him intense, blood-lusting glares. No one in this world would want to swap with him.
Kid landed and gently placed you on the deck. You slumped down to your knees immediately, staring into the distance with blurry eyes. The sun was setting already, painting the sky in beautiful red and orange hues. It would have been a wonderful start into a new life, but Deku took all that from you. Your body felt weak and lifeless, your arms hanging down your sides.
Kid kneeled down in front of your trembling frame and looked at Deku, who was sitting a few metres away from you. He was whimpering pathetically, looking for a possibility to flee, as if Killer would let him.
"Wire, take some men and ransack the ship. Then sink it", Kid commanded.
"Roger, Captain", Wire's calm voice answered, and he and most of the guys entered Deku's ship.
Then his face turned back to you. He gingerly took your jaw in his big hand and brushed your cheek with his thumb, just like he did in that one night.
"Look at me", his rough voice told you, and you obeyed.
Seeing your puffy eyes and your tear-stained face awakened something deep inside of him, and he wanted to destroy whatever was causing you this kind of pain. You looked at him like he was the only one who could make it all better, and he understood, his face absolutely serious.
"Angel. I want to hear it from you."
His amber eyes bored into yours. They were full of rage, but not because of you.
"Do you want me to kill him?"
Killing was wrong. No matter what kinds of horrible things someone had done, killing wasn't the answer. That's what a previous version of you would have said. But looking at Deku, you only saw a monster. A deceiving monster that had dared to take your life into his hands. You wanted to hurt him like he hurt you, he didn't deserve forgiveness.
Kid knew exactly that you couldn't do it yourself, so he had asked you if you wanted him to do it for you. And you really wanted it. There was not even a hint of compassion that you could spare for this man.
You looked at him, his eyes were pleading with you. Kid had asked you to make a decision. You could easily show mercy and say no. Deku mumbled apologies directed at you, rambling about how he shouldn't have overreacted and that he would treat you well as a mistress.
With empty eyes and the calmest expression on your face, you took in the satisfying sight of Deku shaking with fear.
It was merely a whisper, but everyone on the ship was silent. The only sound to be heard was Deku's pathetic whimpering. You didn't take your eyes off him, not even when Kid stood up slowly, revealing his full height again. The setting sun stretched his shadow, and it swallowed Deku's body whole.
Kid slipped off his coat and put it over your sunken shoulders without saying a word.
His shadow was coming closer to Deku with every heavy step he took, and he anxiously scrambled away from him, only to bump into Killer's legs. He was cornered between the two men, and he yelped in fear when Kid took the shiny knife out of his bandolier.
The knife fell, and Deku probably thought that Kid had dropped it by accident, because his eyes widened, and he opened his mouth when the knife didn't hit the ground. It hovered under his chin instead, the blade forcing him to look up at Kid.
"W-what kind of magic is that?", Deku screeched.
"It's a devil's fruit you moron", Killer mumbled and shook his head in dismay.
"I'm just making sure that you know who's the boss around here", Kid growled and pushed the blade a little further into Deku's skin, drawing a thin line of blood.
"I really wonder what she saw in you", he scoffed.
"P-please I will do anything... y-you can have the 15 million b-berry! You can have e-everything, just let me live!", Deku pleaded, trying to grab Kid's trousers. He looked up at him with doe eyes, in a futile attempt to gain his pity.
Kid bared his teeth and kicked off Deku's hands as if his futility was contagious, while an array of swords gathered behind his tall figure. They hovered in the air, framing Kid to make him look even more dangerous.
"You're not even worth listening to. Just by looking at your stupid face I can feel the wretchedness trying to rub off on me", Kid growled.
His signature smirk was back, and with a flick of his hand, all the sword's blades turned towards Deku. They made a clunking sound that filled the silent air and seeing their reflection in your glassy eyes gave Kid the final push.
With another flick of his hand, each and every of the swords sped towards Deku's trembling body, swallowing his cries for mercy.
He screamed in pain and desperately tried to protect his body, but there were just too many blades impaling him. They pinned him to the ground in an upright position, covering him in his own blood. His breathing became more and more shallow, and he looked at you with pain-filled eyes.
You watched the sight like in a trance. You felt inner peace for a split second, but then
Nothing at all. It was gruesome to look at, but it didn't bother you the slightest.
With wheezing breaths, Deku's life ended in front of your eyes and your face didn't show any signs of remorse.
"Feed him to the fish", Kid growled and then blocked the space between you and Deku's body so you couldn't see him anymore.
You snapped out of your trance and realised what had just happened. It was good that you didn't see your ex-fiancé's dead body anymore because your stone-cold facade might have faltered.
Kid kneeled down in front of you again and you finally looked at his face. His frown was back, but his eyes were almost too soft for someone who just murdered a man without hesitation.
"Thank you", you mumbled flatly, but he didn't say anything.
"I'm going to take a bath", you added instead, sounding absent. Your body was there, but you felt like your soul was just hovering over it. The bath didn't actually matter, you just wanted to get away.
You tried to get up, but your legs were still too shaky. Kid was watching you for a few seconds, huffing at the fact that you couldn't take even a single step without tumbling over.
Suddenly, Kid flung you over his shoulders without a warning, ignoring your shriek.
He just scoffed and carried you to the cabin's bathroom, placing you in the empty bathtub. You raised an eyebrow at him when he sat down on the toilet, making no move to leave the room.
"I'm really thankful that you took revenge on my fiancé for me, but that doesn't mean you can watch me bath... naked...", you said quietly.
"There's no fiancé anymore. You're single and I saw your tits already", he smirked.
Although you couldn't deny that, it wasn't the best time to point it out and no excuse to creep on you in the bath.
"That's not the point."
"Then leave on your underwear, but I'm talking to you right here and now", he demanded with a growl, and you were too worn out to discuss and you knew that he wasn't really the patient type anyways.
Your gut didn't give you any warning signals either, so you just rolled your eyes and slipped of your shirt, shoes, and socks. The bra that Charlos had given you didn't cover anything and didn't give you any hold, so you had gotten rid of it immediately. Once your training had started, you made your own bra out of bandages from the infirmary, so this was what you were wearing at the moment.
Not ideal, but better than being naked.
You let the water run into the bathtub under Kid's watchful eyes, and when it was half full and after you put a nice foamy soap into it, you realised that you could have taken a bath later, after Kid was done talking to you. But it was too late for that now.
You watched the foam floating around on the surface for a second, thinking about the events of today with a frown.
"Where do you think you're going next?"
His question caught you of guard and you blinked some tears away that you couldn't really prevent from building up.
"I don't know. I need to see my brother."
What happened with Deku today absolutely destroyed your chance to be reunited with Tenmon and it became painfully clear to you right now.
"And where do you think you're staying until you find him?"
"I don't know", you said again.
He was quiet for a second and then displayed his signature smirk.
"If I promise you to help you find your brother, you will stay on the Victoria Punk as our doctor."
You shot him a sudden look and raised an eyebrow. Why did he offer you so much help out of the blue? Suspicion rose in you, and you narrowed your eyes.
He just scoffed in response.
"That's it, sweetheart. There's no catch. I will protect you until you find him, and you'll protect my crew in return."
You thought about his offer. If there was no catch, you could only win. And you had to be honest with yourself, there was no way you would even last a day in the New World on your own.
He held out his hand and you looked at it before you slowly put yours in his. Your hand was tiny compared to his, and you studied all the calluses and the roughness on them. It was obvious that he had worked hard with these hands, and it just added to the fascination that you already felt for him.
Suddenly, as soon as his hand enclosed yours, he pulled you towards him harshly. The water splashed against the edges of the tub and Kid's grip was strong around your hand. You let out a startled yelp and to your dismay, you felt your face redden.
His face was so close to yours now. It had become a familiar feeling to you, just like the smell of expensive rum, mint, and metal. He licked his lips and pulled you even closer. Your tits were pressed against his hard chest, and he placed his mouth next to your ear.
"We're gonna be a great team", he purred into your ear lowly, his breath tickling your neck.
You prayed that he didn't see that you had goosebumps all over your body. Your face felt so hot that you were sure you looked like a tomato and a tingling feeling spread from your chest to your stomach, to your crotch, and even into your thighs.
What the fuck is that?
Who were you kidding, you weren't stupid and not as innocent as Deku and your parents had wanted you to be. Just because you never experienced lust, didn't mean you wouldn't recognise the feeling if it ever came. You were sure that this was it, but why today and why with Kid?
He leaned back and your heart told you to pull him back, but the rational part of your brain interfered, so you just sat in the tub dumbfounded.
His smirk didn't falter, and something told you that he knew what an effect he just had on you. How embarrassing, you thought and slowly turned around, facing the wall.
He chuckled and finally left the room, and once the door was closed you took of the makeshift bra and let yourself slip under the water surface, mentally cursing yourself and Kid until you had to come up for air.
You stayed in the bathtub for as long as you could justify, to avoid Kid. You hoped that he was either not in his room, or already fast asleep. You dried yourself extra slowly and scolded yourself for not having asked Killer for another shirt.
You tried to put on the white button-down but as soon as the material touched your skin you had memories of Deku leaning over you and pinning you down flashing through your mind. You shuddered and bile rose up in your throat.
You looked at the shirt and felt new anger and sorrow in your heart. With gritted teeth and a frown, you pulled on the sleeves as hard as you could and ripped the shirts to shreds. Seeing the heap of white cotton pieces gave you a small feeling of victory. You couldn't let a dead Deku control you like that.
After putting the bandages around your chest again, you took a deep breath and slowly opened the door to the bedroom.
Kid's back was turned towards the room, and he was breathing steadily, probably meaning that he was sleeping. As quiet as possible, you made your way to his desk. There must have been a place where he stored his clothes, but the desk was really the only option in this room. Actually, thinking about it, you had never seen him with a shirt on.
You carefully pulled out one of the bigger drawers and to your surprise, you saw a few neatly folded shirts in there. All black.
I bet Killer folded these...
You grabbed the first one and couldn't resist taking it up to your face. It smelled as you expected: Fresh laundry and metal. It smelled comfortable.
You shook your head rapidly and slipped the shirt over your head. You looked absolutely lost in it, but it would do for sleeping.
On tiptoes, you neared the bed and slipped under the covers. You didn't feel the need to roll one of the blankets into a sausage anymore, and you looked at the ceiling wondering why. So many thoughts were ghosting around in your head...
Why do I trust him all of a sudden?
Just because he killed someone who did me wrong?
He didn't just do me wrong though, he literally had my parents killed.
But still, why would Kid kill him? There's no personal gain for him.
Why is he so keen on helping me lately?
What's in it for him?
Does he still hate me? He's still complicated, but it feels different.
He could have done unspeakable things to me the last week, but he didn't.
Don't even get me started on the other night... or today.
How he touched me. Like I'm precious.
I haven't felt precious in such a long time.
And why do I get butterflies when he touches me?
Why the fuck did I feel lust when he touched me tonight?
Oh my God, what on earth is wrong with me?
Your eyes widened almost comically when another thought hit you.
Do I like him?
You covered your face with your hands and tried not to scream into the quiet room. You gave yourself a small slap, but you couldn't deny that Kid was... interesting. He definitely was, but that didn't mean that you liked him.
Yes. Yes, that's the point. He's interesting, but that's it. It's just a very stressful time I'm going through. Of course I would feel fascinated by someone like him.
You sighed in content. You found an explanation that was fitting your narrative.
The mattress shifted abruptly, and your heart jumped, thinking that Kid was awake. But he had just turned around and his face seemed peaceful, the kind of peaceful look that one could only have while sleeping.
You couldn't turn your face away without studying his. You took in the sight of his sharp features and his fluffy, red hair. It fell on his forehead because it wasn't held up by his goggles, making him look a little younger. It was refreshing to see him without his furrowed brows.
You couldn't resist the urge to take a strand of his hair into your hand. You never touched it before, and it was just as soft as it looked.
It was also the first time that you could look at him without him noticing. There was no smirk, no angry eyes or frown.
He didn't look like a pirate anymore, just like a young man. He almost looked vulnerable, and you realised that he must have seen a lot. You wondered about his motivations to become a pirate and if all the things he had experienced left marks on him, inside and outside.
Like you said, he was fascinating.
You watched him breathing calmly, the blanket raising and lowering in a steady pace. It hit you like a brick.
"You saved me so many times", you whispered so quietly that he couldn't wake up from it.
You were right when you thought that killing Deku had no personal gain for him. He could have taken his ship and his belongings anyways, but he made sure that you decided Deku's fate and then acted accordingly.
It was a twisted sense of justice, but you had to admit that you didn't care.
It had been another hard day that left you absolutely drained. The knowledge about the circumstances of your parent's death scooched in between the thoughts about Kid and became prevalent.
You never got to say goodbye and they died without knowing what had happened to you. They never got the chance to see Deku's real face. You regretted not telling them about the conversation in the garden back then, maybe everything would be okay right now. Deku's words were ringing in your ears.
You chose to disrespect me that night, so I made you pay.
Yes, your parents wouldn't have backed out of the marriage deal. Deku had them wrapped around his fingers. He had buttered them up completely to make sure that anything you would say about him would fall on deaf ears.
You tried to steady your breathing when you felt hot tears forming in the corners of your eyes. The insufferable feeling of guilt washed over your whole body. Throughout your childhood you had learned how to speak to a future husband, and if you hadn't decided to throw all that courtesy stuff overboard at some point, your parents would still be alive. Of course, your life with Deku would have been horrible, but at least your family could have been happy.
Screw you for becoming your own person with your own wishes and morals.
Deep down you knew that it wasn't your fault, but the guilt felt so strong. It was crushing you, causing you to question every decision you ever made.
Suddenly, your heartbeat was picking up. It happened so rapidly that you were scared it would rip your chest open, so you clutched at your shirt and pressed your hand down. But feeling your speeding heartbeat like this made it even worse. It made your chest hurt like someone had punched you. It tightened and it was becoming gradually harder to breathe, a lump of suppressed tears forming in your throat. Your body felt hot, and you couldn't move, only shake. Your eyes darted around frantically and breathing felt more like choking. You wanted to get up, get fresh air or a glass of water to calm you down, but you were losing control over your body. Wheezing breaths mixed with the sound of quiet sobbing, while your vision blurred. Every cell in your body was screaming for help. You tried to get at least some air into your lungs, but it felt like they had shrivelled up.
You weren't in the right headspace to think anything of Kid opening his eyes suddenly, now looking at your shaking body while you still fought for air, your sobbing and whimpering filling the room. He let out a low growl and moved his hand towards you.
You tensed up immediately but surprisingly, his touch didn't scare you at all. As soon as he saw that you didn't flinch, he grabbed the small of your back and pulled you into his chest, enclosing your trembling body with both of his arms.
"Breathe with me", was all he said.
Your chest was flush against his and you could feel how he inhaled and exhaled slowly, in a steady pace. His heartbeat was calm, and you tried to concentrate on his breathing, mentally counting the intervals between each breath.
After a few more ragged breaths, your heartbeat synchronised with his and you followed his breathing pattern. You were still shaking a little, but the scariest part was overcome. Soon, the sobbing died down as well.
With each inhale and exhale you got calmer, and soon you felt like you were in control of your own body again. Hesitantly, you wrapped your arms around Kid's body as a silent thank you.
He stiffened but didn't push you away. He expected you to let go at some point, but you didn't. You didn't want to. You experienced the same feeling as earlier this evening when he held you after saving you from Deku. It was a comfortable feeling of absolute safety, like nothing in this world could do you any harm.
You wanted more of this feeling, so you kicked off your blanket and went under his instead, entangling your legs with his. He let out a breath he had been holding and snuck his other arm around your head to place his hand on it, brushing your hair with his thumb.
There was no empty space between the two of you, but at this very moment this was exactly what you needed. You forgot about all the pain and guilt in his embrace and enjoyed the comfortable feeling of warmth and safety.
It didn't take him long to fall asleep again, and you followed soon after.
Memories of the last week rushed through your mind and you realised that being here wasn't all that bad.
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Dante and Vergil Showing Their Sin Devil Trigger To Their S/O For The First Time  
TheLastCrusader Requested:
“Good morning/afternoon/night!
How have you been? I hope you are fine!
May I request some headcannons for the Sparda boys (Dante and Vergil)? In which their S/O see their devil form for the first time. If you put some purring on it, I would love you forever.
Lots of love and thank you for listening to this old lonely lady.”
Most likely you brought it up, asking to see him trigger. He agrees and takes you somewhere roomy to avoid any damaged ceilings or walls. 
He triggers and immediately after the size difference you two have increased exponentially. 
He makes sure you are well-distanced away from him, giant wings flaring from his back.
“Oh him big. Him very big.” You think to yourself, craning your head to meet eyes with him. 
He poses and chuckles, crossing his arms at your awed expression. You do a circle around him, laughing at how thick he is.
“Hey! I’m more than a piece of meat, babe.” 
“I’m looking respectfully!” You yell back, fascinated by his sharp fangs curling into a smile. 
He lowers a hand to scoop you up and you note he runs incredibly hot in this body. 
You rub the scaly skin he has now, the ridges firm with little give. You wonder if demons like scratches. 
You manage to scratch a very specific part of his neck that causes him to erupt into a symphony of purrs. He pushes you away with a laugh, claiming to at least buy him dinner first. 
“You wanna fly?” He offers. 
Wings flapping, you take to the sky with Dante. His hands are incredibly protective of you, making sure you won’t fall. 
You continue to fly in circles around with Dante, an aerial version of all the motorcycle rides he gives you. 
Seeing Dante’s devil trigger was a very fun experience, although you are quite certain you got a bug in your mouth. Gross. 
“Pretty cool, huh?” Dante offers as you try to neaten your wind-swept hair, sitting on his palm. You peck him on the leathery cheek, feeling his purrs rumble through you. You have nothing but praise about his demonic form. 
“Alright easy sweets. You make me not want to change back.” 
Seeing Dante’s Sin Devil Trigger is informal and delightful.
With Vergil’s SDT, it’s a little bit different because he has a doppelgänger which he only uses for fighting. 
One day after seeing Vergil decimate an entire horde of demons using his doppelgänger, you finally ask him why he has never triggered in front of you. 
“It’s a means to an end.”
Your curiosity is evident on your face and Vergil sighs. 
It isn’t until a demon tries to kill you that Vergil triggers in the most desperate time. 
In a flash of blue, Vergil changes. He’s powerful, muscles strong and claws sharp. There’s very little need for the Yamato yet he holds onto it, slashing through the demon while shielding you. 
His tail wraps around you securely, pushing you into his shroud of protection. 
Eyes wide, you finally see him triggered in the flesh. He looks down at you even in his crouching position. 
“Well?” His voice is like multiple people are speaking, with a demonic tinge that is well-liked to you. 
You were just nearly beheaded and the shock stifles your speech. 
“Pretty” is all you can say. Vergil stifles an echoing laugh at your buffoonery. He is not pretty, he is dangerous. He slaughters by the handful with each swipe of his arm. He literally just cleaved a devil in two. 
A means to an end. 
Vergil breathes relief, glad to have made it in time to protect you. He stiffens when he feels you climb your way up to his face, his hand coming up to support your ascent. 
“Is this what you meant before?” 
“I only trigger when I have to.” 
Vergil eyes you placing your hands on his face, noting the differences between his projected doppelgänger and the real deal. 
“You’re my knight in shining scales.” You kiss him on the cheek, at least where you think it is. 
“Thank you for protecting me.” Your words are awfully heartfelt, staring right into the demon. 
A purr rumbles through Vergil. 
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whet-ones-appetite · 3 years
JJK students pranking you with a fake cockroach gone wrong + extra
SFW — Yuji + Toge + Yuuta + Megumi + Nobara + Maki
Trigger Warning — None!
Itadori Yuji
• This boy would never do anything that can cause harm to you or to anyone
• But he also wonder what are the things you’re afraid of aside from loosing him
• Because you always look so cool and sweet at the same time
• Then he saw this video about a couple where the other pranking the other one with a fake cockroach and ended up hugging the other
• So he decided to give it a try
• He is planning to do it inside his room, making sure that it’s only you and him
• He hid the toy beside the tissue dispenser
• He bought food and he knows you’ll ask for them later on
• “Hey, you got tissue?”
• And you did, he tried his best not to be obvious so he just didn’t look at you as he try to make his voice as normal as possible
• “Yeah, it’s right there”
• He watched you as you make your way to the tissue dispenser
• He counted 1 to 3 inside his head and then...
• He heard nothing. Did you not see it? He made sure to put it where you can see it
• He quickly turned his head to stare at his food before you turned around as he silently questioned himself what did go wrong
• “Hey, Yuji”
• “Yeah?” maybe he answered too quickly here and turned his head too quickly it hurts
• “What is that? Is that... a cockroach?”
• He turned his head to where you are pointing at and there is a cockroach, beside him, only an inch apart from his uncovered legs
• He’s in your arms as quick as he turned his head when you called his name earlier
• Poor boy looks very terrified as he try to hide himself inside your arms
• It didn’t take too long before he hears you laughing, throwing your head back while hugging him and he stopped screaming, looking at you weirdly
• “Wha-“
• It took him 10 seconds before he could process what was happening. The cockroach was too stiff to be real then he realized it was the toy that he bought
• His scared face is now close to crying out of regret because of his attempt of pranking you came back at him
• He is embarrassed and hate his self for putting himself in this situation
• “Sorry, Yuji. You’re just too cute. I’m sorry don’t cry. Come here let me hug you”
• And he did. All the negative feelings is fading as you rub his back. This is what he wanted after all but the other way around
• I guess you’re not really afraid of anything
• “I was planning to prank you like the video I watched the other week. But you didn’t got scared.”
• “I know, I’m sorry. But at least you got to hug me right?”
• “Yeah”
• He said with a sob but he is grinning as he tightened his arms around you.
• You both didn’t know how long you were hugging each other before Yuji decided to continue cuddling in the bed, the food and cockroach long forgotten
• Maybe deciding to prank you wasn’t bad at all
Inumaki Toge
• Don’t think he’ll never prank you
• He may look harmless but he’s also a little devil
• So he decided to do this harmless prank on you one day because he feels like teasing you a bit
• Because who is not scared of cockroaches right?
• He just wanted a payback for the thing you did to him the other day
• You put a wasabi paste inside his onigiri
• Because he is so cute and you want to bully hin sometimes
• So one day when you’re both finished training, chilling under the tree, trying to make a bet with him to give you his last candy
• “Come on, it’s just paper rock scissors. It won’t hurt. Please”
• He knows that you’re definitely up to something
• But how could he say no? With how cute you look pouting while begging him
• But he has a goal and he is determined to teach you your lesson today so he agreed
• “Really!? Yey!”
• His lips curved upward a little as he saw how excited you are. But it faltered when you suddenly kissed him in the cheek
• Then he remembered that he should focus and this is just another one of your antics to distract him so you could win
• At first round, he didn’t let you win just to prove that your antics aren’t effective
• On the second round, he let you win so he could do his evil plan
• “I win!”
• “What would you get out of this? Just asking.” he typed on his phone
• “A candy. Plus I get to kiss you as an excuse.”
• “Is that another one of your ways to distract me?”
• “Of course not! I’m telling the truth. And I win. So time for my prize.”
• “Close your eyes and extend your hands forward, palms up.”
• You’re not exactly sure why you have to close your eyes. It’s more like being punished than being rewarded
• He slowly put the fake cockroach to your hands with the candy
• “Salmon”
• Your once full of excitement expression turned into a scared one as you saw not only one but three cockroach sitting on the palm of your hands
• You jumped on your seat, standing up, throwing the cockroaches everywhere
• Toge silently laugh like he was satisfied with your reaction. And he is
• The satisfaction didn’t last when you realized what happened and glared at him
• It lasted for three seconds until you felt your eyes watered and you started sobbing as tears streamed down your face
• He panicked and wiped your face with the sleeves of his uniform
• “Mustard leaf?”
• He ask as he hugs you. And you hugged him back. You’re angry because you didn’t expect him to pull that kind of thing but you think you kinda deserve it
• “I’m fine. I just didn’t expect you to pull that kind of prank. It’s ok I guess I deserve it.”
• “Salmon”
• You chuckled and hit his arm
• “Shut up.”
• But it didn’t stop you both from pulling pranks on one another. One time when you finished training with Maki and Nobara, you saw him wearing your dress while posing.
• He is a dork. That you are sure of.
Okkotsu Yuta
• When you look at him he seems like the sweetest person on earth
• And he isn’t capable of doing something evil that could hurt someone
• But you’re wrong. You’re totally wrong when he decided to prank you with a fake cockroach
• It was a peaceful day, with a nice weather for training in the field
• But you can’t go because there’s a cockroach inside the pockets of your jogging pants
• It feels pretty stupid if you’ll ask Maki or Nobara to take it out for you, you think
• You’re not sure how it got in there and what is a cockroach doing inside your jogging pants
• It seems pretty cozy in there because it’s not moving
• Dead or not you’re not touching it
• You were starting to panic on how to get it out when someone knocked on the locker room.
• “Y/N? Are you done changing?”
• You ran and opened the door with wide eyes
• “Thank God, it’s you. Can you help me with something?”
• “Sure, what is it? Is there a problem?”
• “Yes. A big one. There’s a... cockroach inside the pocket of my pants. And I can’t change my clothes.”
• “Really? Then I can remove it for you.”
• “Thank you, Yuta! You’re the best.”
• You hugged him first before leading him to where your pants are
• You turned around, not wanting to see the cockroach
• On the other hand, Yuta was trying to suppress his laughter because he was the mastermind of this
• He just wanted to tease you a little because you seem so stress lately and wouldn’t spend a little bit more time on him
• After he got ‘rid’ of the cockroach he came back to you with your pants
• You thank him and quickly got changed
• After getting changed, you both walked to the field where the other students are training
• “I owe you that one, Yuta. Thank you so much”
• “No problem. But you can do me a favor.”
• “Sure. What is it?”
• “Come out with me this weekend. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You need some time for yourself too sometimes. So please?”
• You sighed. You’ve been spending less time with him lately because you want to improve
• “Fine. You’re right. Let’s go out this weekend.”
• You smiled at him and he smiled back at you. He gave your hand a little squeeze.
• “Ok! That’s a plan, no take backs.”
• He might’ve have not noticed but he’s hopping as he walks, and it made you smile even bigger
• But something fell out of his pockets and you were about to pick it up when you noticed that it was a fake cockroach
• You stepped back but the longer you stare at it the more it looks familiar to you
• “Hey, are you ok?”
• “You- it was a fake cockroach? Did you put it in my pants on purpose so you could take me out this weekend?”
• “No! I mean yes, but my intentions aren’t bad! I can explain!”
• He looks like he doesn’t know if he should touch you or not
• “Be honest. It was Gojo sensei who told you to do this, right?”
• “Y-yes... I’m sorry. I just really want to take you out to spend time with you.”
• “I know that. But don’t ever listen to him again ok? You know how he is.”
• You said to him and your voice was soft this time so he thought you weren’t angry now and tried to reach for your hands
• But you hit his nape playfully before he could reach your hand and ran
• “See you this weekend.”
+ the line who I think wouldn’t even dare to prank you and the reason why
Fushiguro Megumi
• You see he is too serious in life to even think of pranking you
• And he doesn’t want to scare you because he’ll gain nothing from it too
• But when you get pranked by the seniors he is ready to rescue you
• He’s ready to tell them to stop but when he sees that it will not offend you or you’re having fun too then he’ll just watch
• He doesn’t notice but he smiles when he watches you and they will tease him instead
• Sometimes you tried pranking him but it was always a fail
• You still do it tho even if he doesn’t give you any reaction because he knows that you’re up to something
• And you just want him to give you head pats when you’re disappointed
• He secretly enjoys it too because he likes to see you enjoying his company and making you happy
Zenin Maki
• Like Megumi, she is pretty serious too
• And I don’t think she’ll even think of pranking you because she’s busy with her priorities and that is not one of them
• But you are one of them tho
• The students wouldn’t even think of pranking you because, hello, your significant other is Maki no one will dare
• But when she’s not around, Panda, Inumaki, and Yuji will prank you in different ways
• They still do it tho even if they end up getting hit in the neck by you
• And it makes Maki smile on how you don’t let others intimidate you
• One time you tried pranking her but you failed and you never dared to try again because she took her revenge when it was training time
• She said that you should lend more time in training than in useless things like that
Kugisaki Nobara
• She wouldn’t even want to look at a cockroach
• She thinks it’s gross and thinks of using her hammer and nails sometimes to kill it but the cockroach probably doesn’t deserve that much effort
• The students sometimes think of pranking you, but they like to prank her
• Probably because she gives more satisfying reactions to pranks
• So you would be the one to comfort her even though you were laughing with them too
• She can’t get angry with you because you look too cute when you laugh and she secretly loves it and the attention you give her
• When they prank you she will come after them instead and beat them up for you
• You think that sometimes she uses it as an excuse because she just like to beat people
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
reality vs fantasy 
bonus part 3.5 of the noritoshi kamo story; im just spoiling u brats enjoy [passes holy water] thread lightly, sexual content ahead
tagging: @unabashednightmarepizza @sassyeahhhh @dok-ja @sukirichi [bold means i cant tag u idky :( lemme know if wanna be tagged in the next part] directory: read the first part | second part | third part | bonus
“does that feel good?”
he asked as his lips traced her sharp jaws, spreading kisses as his hands steadied her hips. she took a sharp breath, nodding in pleasure as moans escaped her parted lips as she lowered herself down back on his hard dick. through his opened eyes, he watched pleasurably as her tight cunt swallowed his dick inch by inch so easily, like she was moulded to fit him and only him. her long hair covered half of her face, as she flipped it to the side, sweats dripping down her chest glistening her swollen breasts. 
she looked so ethereal riding him. 
her pace was slow, and his hands were roaming all over her body. 
he whispered encouragements, how beautiful she looked sucking in his fingers hungrily, her perky titties and the way she hugged around his length made him feels so good made her roll her eyes back to her skull. feeding her kink so well. pulling her against him, her back resting on his chest, she let him take over the pace, loud moans fillers the room as the sound of her skin slapping against his with wet squelching sound echoed their bedroom. 
“you’re so needy, my wife.”
she was beyond needy, she was desperate for release only he could give, “fuck me, please, just fuck my brain out.” grabbing her chin, he smiled pleasingly as he kissed her lips so passionately. his rough hand palmed her breast, nipple swollen and hard it made her legs bucked.
“you want me to fuck you?” he teased.
she nodded vigorously, trying to move her hips to meet his pace. his other hand moved lowered below her slightly bulging abdomen, finding her swollen clit immediately. 
“please just fuck every inch of me,” she cried out, tongue lolling out, her eyes stared deep into his eyes, “i’ll be very good, i promise.” with every bat of her eyes, he couldn’t decide whether she looks adorably innocent or just a devil in disguise. 
but when he had her pressed on all four, begging for all holes to be filled, he couldn’t deny his wife’s wishes.
she panted. sweaty and sticky, she looked down on the pillow tucked between her thighs. her face flushed red as guilt washed over her. the effect of the orgasm had left her legs shaking and she cursed.
noritoshi had not returned to their house for almost three days. 
she missed him dearly and she was losing her mind slowly. 3 days alone to heal from the mess from the attack at the stadium and to deal with the fact that she’s growing their child inside her reduced her to nothing but a mess. she fell on her side, pushing her sweaty hair up as she kicked the pillow soaked with her fluid to the floor. she fixed herself, not that it helped with anything; she lowered his shirt down her chest back. she has been wearing it for 3 days straight. 
enveloped by everything that reminds her of him but not able to have him physically hurt her chest. he hadn’t call, text, or even send her a letter. she was alone. 
whenever she missed him, she hid in their walk-in closet, nose buried in whatever that belong to him that her eyes caught first. when she has enough energy, she would brew the tea just as he likes it, sat at the balcony, and just not even drink it. she isn’t even a tea person; she prefers coffee but holding a cup of warm tea during the cold night makes it feel like he’s around.
she’s an addict but the drug is gone.
she felt tears prickling the corner of her eyes and before she knew it, she was sobbing on his side of the bed. she remained there, beating herself for being stubborn, blaming herself, blaming him even every single god that existed in the world for fucking her life up. she missed him; his smile, his voice, his touch, his kiss, she missed everything about him. 
shoko explained that she was 7 weeks pregnant, and her baby is as big as a blueberry. 
“i think the period you are describing last month might have been implantation bleeding, something normal that might be mistaken for period. you need to listen to me. your body is adjusting, you should stay home and rest. don’t stress yourself out.”
she felt wave of nausea bubbling in her belly triggering her gag reflex. kicking herself off the bed, she made it to their bathroom, throwing her head into the toilet and she quickly emptied her stomach out. they should rename morning sickness because the sickness haunted every single hour of her day. she spent more time in the bathroom, head in the toilet than the other part of her house. she stared through her teary eyes at the content of the bowl, clear disgust on her face when she realised it was nothing but the liquid she’d been having. she has been struggling with food, only able to tolerate porridge and juices and she was growing tired. 
weak, her mind mocked. 
she unlocked her phone and dialled gojo’s number. she waited for him to pick up, breaking into sob as she felt so exhausted, she couldn’t even move. 
“gojo, i’m in the toilet, i just can’t get up anymore i feel horrible i want to eat but i can’t i want to get out of here please-”
she startled.
there was a lot of cum.
noritoshi was glad that he chose to release his pent-up stress in the bathroom, feeling the water showered down all over his body. all cooped up in their room back at the kamo estate for almost three days, he didn’t expect to feel a sudden wave of horniness crashing over him when he accidentally turned over to her side. 
it’s not like he wasn’t already thinking of her. she was literally all he could think about. 
her scent overwhelmed him even when he tried to push the thought of her away; but she’s still his beautiful stubborn wife and his heart ached when he thought of her. he always has a good control of himself, he believed that sexual urges should just be solved by a traditional fucking but for tonight, it was just him and his left fist. 
the way she smiles, the way her body moves, the way she ties his bangs or the way she always makes sure he wakes up with a cup of tea waiting by the bed; she missed every single thing she does. the way she teases him and the way she begs for more and more always reduced him down into a simpleton. 
he wished nothing but to run back into her arms. 
he quickly washed up, removing traces of him from the floor and exited the shower immediately. his phone suddenly blowed up. without thinking, he pressed the green button and what greeted him surprised him. 
“-the toilet, i just can’t get up anymore i feel horrible i want to eat but i can’t i want to get out of here please-”
his breath hitched and he stood there. “y/n?” he called, and he could feel the slight tension in the air. she had realised her mistake. 
“m’sorry, i-i want to call satoru. i didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“are you okay?”
he sat on the edge of the bed; phone pressed hard against his ear. talk to me, their hearts screamed. she let out a nervous laugh, trying to mask the sniffles, “i-i’m okay. i’m sorry for disturbing you. i thought you were gojo.”
gojo had been telling him how he has been taking care of her. told him that she was more than weak, could barely hold her food in without gagging. 
“she’s miserable. she’s 7 weeks pregnant. we suspected that the reason her body didn’t fully succumbed to the poison that cursed spirit had infected her with was because of the the baby. the higher up thinks that it’s carrying the same inherited technique as you. the fact that it was able to protect its host; your wife is impressive.”
he rubbed his forehead, nervousness overwhelmed him, and he felt like a child about to ask his crush out.
“you’re not disturbing me. you don’t need to call gojo, i can come over,” holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder, he immediately slipped on his pants, “do you need anything? are you hurt?”
“i’m just stuck on the bathroom floor. i can’t get my ass back up and out of this bathroom.”
“you called gojo for this?”
her face reddened, “i get overwhelmed easily. i’m sorry,” she rambled, “you know what? forget i called. bye,” she ended the call immediately. she slummed her head back against the wall, groaning at the discomfort of her abdomen pressing on her bladder whenever she sat wrongly. she closed her eyes, covering it with her arm before soft snore escaped her lips. she’d pass out on the floor of her bathroom. it felt like hours until she heard soft pitter patter of feet on the cold cement, arms around her body lifting it up off the floor. she was too tired to open her eyes, soft noise coming out of her lips as the arms laid her on the soft bed. she sighed in relief; the cold bathroom floor was giving her back ache. 
she opened her eyes and she let a nervous laugh. her shaky hand reached out to touch his cheek, it felt soft to touch, too realistic. no, he’s gone, he won’t come home, you’re not real, she reminded herself. “my hallucination is getting realistic nowadays” she stifled a yawn. 
he smiled, his finger brushing her stray hair back, revealing her watery eyes, “you think of me often?” 
“don’t you?”
she gasped when his warm hand cupped her cheek, another touched her neck as he straddled her. boldly, she tugged on his leather jacket, pushing it off his broad shoulders, confused when the jacket fell on the floor with a loud thud. this sounds too real. the feeling of his breath tickling her cold skin, his lips tracing kisses after another, she was drowsy. 
“i’ll take care of you,” he whispered, “i promise, i’m here.”
“nori,” she called out eagerly.
“yes, my wife?”
the hair on her body stood, shivers caused her back and toes to curl in pleasure. she couldn’t differentiate if it’s just fantasy or reality; not with his hands roaming all over her bare skin. 
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Crawl Home to Her
Tumblr media
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem BAU Reader 
Warnings: Religion is mentioned, slight mention of supposed homophobia, drug use, death and thoughts of dying, kidnapping (it’s Spencer’s POV of Revelations)
Author’s Note: I was listening to Work Song by Hozier and felt like it fits PERFECTLY for what Spencer was going through when he was kidnapped by Tobias. I took some creative liberties, but much of the plot lines up to the show’s episode. I linked the song if anyone wants to listen to it before they read or after, it’s such a beautiful song. Hozier is in my top three artists; his voice is just so beautiful and soulful. 
Summary: The only thing that’s keeping Spencer alive is the memories of his Heaven. Maybe someone how a faithless man will escape Death’s grasp on faith alone. 
Word Count: around 3.2K
Category: Angst 
Crawl Home to Her
When Spencer comes to the first thing he notices is the smell of burning. The stench permeates the air around him, filling his nostrils. The second thing he notices is breathing. Breathing that is not his own. A man stands before him and it takes him a second to piece it all together. The throbbing in his head takes much of his energy. He can feel the blood drip down the back of his neck and cake onto the collar of his work shirt. Strangely, all he could think about is the time his father told him a respectable man never wore a spoiler shirt. Well dad, look at me now, Spencer thinks grimly. He hates that his father occupies his mind even when he’s about to die. He has much more beautiful things to think about than the man who called him a failure.
“They’re gone,” the shadowy figure tells him. Tobias, Spencer thinks. Tobias is the unsub. 
“Who are they?,” Spencer asks, his voice must sound as cowardly as he feels. He hopes that Tobias didn’t get Y/N. He can’t live with himself if he let his partner, in more ways than one, get hurt. 
“It’s just me know,” Tobias answers, in such a way that it’s almost obvious. 
“Who...Who are you?” Spencer croaks. The lightbulb hanging above his head taunts him. He has the lightbulb, but where’s the ideas? Where are the answers? Where is the light of safety? 
“I’m Raphael,” Tobias says, standing to his full height, towering over a trembling Spencer. 
Raphael... The angel...Spencer’s mind turns but is halted by the horrible smell coming from his side. It invades his mind and nothing seems to make sense. 
“What’s that smell?” he asks.
“They’re burning fish hearts and livers. Keeps away the devil,” Tobias or Raphael answers, Spencer is not too sure who he’s even talking to at this point.
“They say you can see inside men’s minds,” 
“That’s not true, I-I study human behavior-” Spencer reasons, but is cut off by Tobias/Raphael’s passive shushing. 
“I’m not interested in the arguments of men,” Raphael tells him. He turns around to rummage in his pocket for something that Spencer can’t make out in the dim light of the shed. Between the lightbulb blinding him and the stench of the liver burning, Spencer’s senses are overloading themselves. Focus, Spencer, focus, he begs of himself. 
Don’t let him win. Don’t let him win. 
Tobias pulls out a revolver and a bullet. He toys the bullet in Spencer’s face, asking him “Do you know what this is?” 
He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t blink. He doesn’t breathe. 
“It’s God’s will,” Tobias says rationally. 
The cocks the gun and aims it towards Spencer’s head. If he pulls the trigger he’d shoot him straight in his head. Staring down death, all Spencer can think about is him suggesting that they split up. He was the one who left Y/N, he’s the one that’s responsible.
“You don’t have to do this,” Spencer tries to reason. 
“I’m just an instrument of God. This is your salvation, this is time to repent for your sins,” Tobias says, pulling a chair to sit next time. It’s strange, Spencer thinks, Tobias is not that much older than he is. This job has forced Spencer to think of the countless paths that he could have gone down. Part of him thinks that could have easily been on the other side, the angry part of him, the broken and sad part of him. 
“Tell me your sins, and may God forgive you,” Tobias says, his voice almost as fearful as Spencer feels. 
Spencer closes his eyes, trying to think of all the things he’s done wrong in his life. All the people he’s hurt or the mistakes that he’s made. But at this moment there’s nothing running through his mind by the thought of Y/N. The way she’d hold him after a case or the way that she’d listen to him with light in her eye’s. It’s nice to have someone who cares, Spencer thinks. Or at least it was. 
“I’m a good man, Tobias, I’m a good man. Like you, we catch the bad guys, Tobias--we are the same. We catch the sinners.” Spencer professes, trying anything to get out of here alive. He’d do anything to get back to Y/N. To get back in her warm embrace. 
“We all have our sins, including you. You just need sometime to sort them out,” Tobias says, and like that he’s gone with the wind. 
It’s early morning when Spencer wakes up, the sun bleeds through the cracks of the wood panel door. His clothes are caked in his blood and dirt. His hair is stringy and the blood from his ear clogs his hearing. But he’s alive, he's still here, breathing the same air as Y/N. Somehow that’s enough to keep him hoping that she’d find him- save him. 
The door opens with a sudden slam, Tobias walks in carrying a load of logs. There’s something different about him. Spencer thinks that there’s an air of arrogance, an air of superiority in his walk. 
“What are you staring at, boy?” Tobias- or at least the man who looks like Tobias Hankel asks. 
“You’re not Raphael?” Spencer reasons. 
Tobias throws the pile of logs into the box on the floor of the shed. He stands up to his full height, but there’s something that’s taller about him than last night. There’s something more intimating about the man standing before Spencer. 
“Do I look like Raphael to you?” Tobias asks, the sneer so apparent. 
Spencer decides to ignore that, answering this person, whoever he is, is not in his best interest. 
“Thank you for burning these, for keeping us safe,” Spencer says, trying to get on his good side for his sake, so he can go back to Y/N. 
Y/N. If Spencer can just close off his mind and focus on her, he’d be okay. He’d get through this. If he can just close his eyes he can just feel her touch or taste her lips against his. If her kisses make him a sinner then crucify him. Least he’d die a happy man, with the promise of tomorrow with her endless love. 
“Don’t try to trick me, you’re are filthy liar, you’re a disgusting sinner,” 
God, Spencer thinks, waits until he hears that he’s from Vegas and fell in love with a man. Spencer focuses on breathing, not the itch from being dirty with his own blood or not the thought of impending death. 
“It will be over if you confess, boy. Confess your sins!” Tobias yells. 
“I’m not a sinner,” Spencer says, almost defiantly. There’s a surge of strength in Spencer, and he swears that the small memories of Y/N makes him a stronger person. 
“We are all sinners” 
“The Lord spoke unto Moses saying, ‘speak unto all the congregation of the children of the lord’  and say unto them, ye shall be holy, for I, the lord your god, am holy,” Spencer quotes, the fear somehow seeping back into his voice. 
“You know Leviticus,” Tobias says, almost surprised. Yes, Spencer thinks, even heathens can quote the Bible. 
“I know every word of the Bible, I can quote it for you?” Spencer pleads. 
“Even the Devil can read,” Tobias tells him. 
Spencer’s wound bleeds down his neck, the throbbing almost pounds to the beat of his heart.
“It’s time to confess, Spencer Reid,” Tobias whispers, leaning into Spencer. 
“I’m a good man, Tobias. I finally found someone who puts back the pieces. I found someone who loves me, and I can’t leave her like this. I can’t do that to her.” Spencer confesses. 
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs,” Tobias quotes, and as he does his face seems to drift off. It’s like he's there with Spencer, but not there at the same time.
“First Corinthians, Verse 13,” Spencer recites. 
“Hmm, so your parents did raise a believer,” Tobias reckons. 
More or less, Spencer thinks. He might not believe in God the Almighty, some entity in the clouds watching over him, but he does believe in love and maybe even an afterlife. He has to believe in an afterlife, because if he doesn’t he’d fail to give Y/N forever. 
“Yes,” Spencer says, settling on playing the part of a righteous believer. 
“Yes, my parents read me the Bible. They are good people too,” Spencer tells him. 
Spencer’s not really sure what happens next, but the blow to his head makes the world go black and the sweet memories of Y/N fade into the distance. 
A cool rag presses against Spencer’s head, where he figures where “Tobias” hit him, or whoever was there with him. 
Dissociative Identity Disorder. DID. DSM-5. 300.14 (F44.81). Tobias has three personalities, Spencer thinks. He remembers the day vidily. Reading about DID with Ethan, they sat on the lawn of the park near school. His memories are distrubed by a very confused looking Tobias, who hold bandages and a wet rag. 
“What’s your name?” Spencer asks, hoping that whoever was there last night is gone. 
“Tobias,” he says, almost meekly. Spencer recognizes something in that, somewhere deep inside him, he recognizes the fear that Tobias wears like a shield. The man here last night must have been his father... 
“Who was here last night?” 
“My father, Charles,” Tobias says. “I’m sorry if he hurt you.” 
Tobias turns to reach in his bag, he brings out a vial of clear liquid, a needle and a long piece of cloth. He ties the long piece of cloth around Spencer’s arm, who with a sudden realization fights to get away from Tobias. 
“NO! Please, NO!” Spencer yells, trying his hardest to fend off the inevitable. 
“It helps, Spencer. I’m trying to save you from him! It’s gonna help, it helped me,” Tobias tells him, continuing to tie the fabric in a tight knot above Spencer’s elbow. 
“Please! I don't want it!” Spencer pleads as the room folds in one him, the darkness is not welcoming, it's suffocating. It’s sucking the life out of him and he can’t escape it’s clutches. 
There’s another person in this shed, Spencer thinks. He tries to strain his eyes to make out who it is. It’s not Tobias, the shadow is too short for him. 
She’s wearing a dress, the blue dress that she wore on their first date. He loves that dress on her. He’s sure he’d love any dress or anything she’d put on to wear for their first date, because well, it’s their first date. 
“Spencer,” her voice is even more comforting than usual. It’s syrupy sweet and he feels like he’d get a toothache just from listening. 
“Sweet Spencer, you need to come home to me, okay? Come home to me baby.” 
He tries to call out to her, but it’s futile. She's a ghost, but she looked so real. Maybe he’s the ghost and his eternal damnation is to haunt her. He’s able to see her, but never able to get close enough to feel the way her hands caress his checks or the way her eyes light up at his touches. 
The spooky beauty of his girlfriend is whisked away with the familiar shoots of two tall, skinny figures. His parents. His father sits there on the table with a sneer on his face. His mother has this faraway look on her face. Spencer’s twelve again, listening to his father yell and slam the bedroom door as he rushes out the door, never looking back. 
The shadowy figures are gone as soon as they came and are nothing but a reminder to Spencer that he’s not worthy of love. He feels guilty. He really does, but the needle going into his vein brings back Y/N and for now he wants nothing more, but to see her, even if it’s not real. 
Spencer’s not sure if he craves the clear liquid in the vial because he gets to see Y/N or if he craves to see Y/N because gets to the liquid coursing through his veins, the slightest reminder that he’s alive. 
He’s alone in the shed, but there’s a bright green light blinking. A computer, he wonders. Is this the way from the Ninth Circle of Hell? Is this his way home, his way to Y/N? 
His thoughts of home and of their warm bed are interrupted by who he can only assume is Raphael, enough time has passed for him to be rising to the surface. Part of him misses Tobias, they’d probably would have been friends growing up. Two outcasts raised by a parent who meant well, but did do irreparable harm in the end. 
“It’s time to choose,” Raphael announces. He points to the computer screen, which lights up. Spencer can only assume that his face is being streamed across the internet. Garcia, and probably the entire team are watching this, watching him at his lowest moment. He swore that he’d never show Y/N himself like this, even though he knows that she’ll love him still. 
“Choose a member of your team to die. You are all sinners in the end, but it’s time for you to choose who dies.” Raphael tells him, his voice booming, a stark difference from the nervous murmurs of Tobias. 
“No,” Spencer shouts. “Kill me, kill me instead!” 
“Choose or they all die!” Raphael yells. 
Think, Spencer. Think. He looks around at the shed, trying to think of an out. His eyes latch on to the shovel sitting in the corner of the room. That’s new, he realizes. A cemetery, a grave... 
“I choose Y/N,” Spencer says, not truly believing what he’s saying, but praying that she gets the message. 
“Why?” Raphael asks. 
“She’s prideful and careless,” Spencer reasons, trying his hardest to appear nonchalant. 
“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall,” Raphael quotes. 
“Yes, John 14:27,” Spencer says. And with that his fate and Y/N is sealed. It’s funny in a twisted way, he always knows that his fate would be forever linked to hers, but not just in this way. 
“Come on, boy. Get up,” Raphael orders him. 
Spencer makes it to his feet and the pair make their way into the night. 
Spencer’s not sure how far he’s walked, but his feet are numb and he can’t feel anything in his arm. The inside of his arm is littered with marks, a constant reminder of the cravings he’s feeling. No, he tells himself. What he craves is Y/N. He makes his way up the rocky terrain of the cemetery, hoping that she’s on her way to rescue him, hoping that she’s there to wash away the dirt and kiss his scars. 
Raphael is at his side, pulling him along. It's a strange similarity to Dante and Virgil and their journey to the depths of Hell. Maybe in this scenario Spencer isn’t Dante, maybe he’s Beatrice waiting for his Dante to rescue him. 
“Please, I need rest. I’m exhausted,” Spencer tries to argue, but it’s no use. Raphael’s grip on his arm only tightens. 
“Keep moving,” 
They arrive at the cemetery. Spencer is not ready to die. He’s not ready to die and leave Y/N. He wishes he really did believe in God because maybe, maybe he wouldn’t be as scared as he is right now. 
“Dig,” Raphael tells him, tossing the shovel on the ground at Spencer’s feet. 
As if he’s shaking Death’s hand, Spencer reaches down for the shovel and starts to dig. Each deposit in the mountain of dirt is a cry for help. Each time he cracks his neck in pain or rubs his hands in exhaustion is a goodbye kiss for Y/N. 
Spencer stands to his full height. He’s nearly as tall as Tobias, somehow he still feels like a child. 
He suspects that Tobias feels the same way. Maybe one day Spencer will come to regret his choice. Maybe one day Spencer will be grateful that he reached into the very depths of his strength to fight to the very end. 
“Tell Tobias I’m sorry,” Spencer says, the tears flooding his eyes. 
Spencer bangs the back of the shovel against Tobias’s head. His limp body falls to the ground and suddenly he’s terrified that Tobias is somehow still alive. Spencer scrambles for the gun and pulls the trigger. He’s not even sure how many shots he fires but the body is punctured with bloody holes. Spencer, clutches are Tobias’s lifeless body. As if he can squeeze him back to life. 
He thinks he’s imagining it. He thinks that he’s on the brink of death. There’s a light, a soft yellow light beckoning him home. A voice calls out to him, clear and strong, it’s drawing him in and Spencer is crawling from his own grave to the voice that he could recognize anywhere. He’s teetering between Heaven and Hell. Y/N’s voice and light tether him home. 
“Spencer!” she calls. Finally, he thinks. Finally, she’s close; he lets himself believe he’s safe. 
“I’m here!” he shouts, surprised at the force of his voice. 
“Oh Spencer,” she says, running to him. 
She falls to the ground next to him. Spencer is scared that she’s not real, that it’s the drugs in his system again making him believe that she’s nothing but a cruel figment of his mind. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I knew you’d find me. Please forgive me, I didn’t mean it,” Spencer cries, his face tucked into the crook of her neck. 
“Shhh, baby. I’d find you anywhere. Hmm, let’s get you out of here. You are safe now Spencer,” she tells him softly. 
Spencer may not be a man who believes in God but he has to believe in Heaven, because Heaven is holding him in her arms. 
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! 
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austarus · 3 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader Ballistic Confrontations (3/3)
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*A/N: The picture/edit/gif belongs to me!
**If you understand what I’m referencing to in the end, well the Kudos to you. You win 85 Stardollars.
***Trigger Warning: Scars from mentioned self-harm
****Please don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog. It means a lot to content creators of all kinds!
Word Count:  6397
Part 1   Part 2
Eobard said nothing. Instead, he disregarded your look as his gaze locked back onto Kara, as the Kryptonian woman threw him a hateful look. The futuristic genius did not care. His baby blue hues jumped back to where you stood before stepping away to the side tables. Now we proceed, the speedster mused to himself, picking up a scalpel and arranging his surgical tools. The stage needed to be set tonight. All the actors were in place, and he needed to complete his role. A delicate procedure, if you will. But he needed to be bought some time. Surely, Barry and the others would be back by now from Earth-X. He was, in essence, reluctant to cut up the Earth-38 Kryptonian for he held no malice towards her. She was just an unnecessary casualty in all this. And after all, if Barry Allen were to die it would be at his hands. Not on some tainted Earth at the firing range. You’re centuries late, Mr. Allen. As always.
You glared at your genius scientist for not cluing you in on whatever it is he had planned now. What was his plan? Play along until ‘Uh oh, it’s too late to turn back’ and ‘Oh, look. We’re doomed’? A grunt caught your attention, Kara was trying to break out of her restraints again. “Kara,” you whispered, now standing beside her. “Save your energy, please.” She eyed the restraints on you before taking a slow breath in. Kara wanted to throw her guts up, but she pushed back the bile caught in her throat.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”
“Honey, you are looking anything other than fine.”
Kara pursed her lips, feeling fatigue wash over her once more. “Where… where are the others… that were here- at the labs? Are they…?” There it was, always concerned for others when she should be concerned about herself.
“No, no they’re fine. They’re in the pipeline. Iris and Felicity-” You stopped yourself, noticing Eobard’s head snap towards you. A pang of guilt echoed in your body. “They’re being held there too,” you lied, giving her hand two small squeezes for her to indicate the lie. If he held things back from you to entertain the Earth-Xer’s with legitimate reactions, then so would you. Supergirl nodded her head subtly in understanding. You were too focused with Kara; you didn’t notice Eobard move. “You’re going to be fine; the others should be back. They wouldn’t go out just like that.” Iris, Felicity, where’s that help? Just where are you guys? You couldn’t leave if you wanted to. Not with the others lurking around. Not when there was a chance you could tip them off about Iris and Felicity, then there was Eobard. Overgirl would instantly go after him for betrayal.
“I… I really hope not. Alex-” Kara trailed off; her eyes drooping shut as her shoulders sagged. Her hand went limp in your cuffed ones.
“Kara?” You looked up to see a tube in Eobard’s hand with a syringe in it. Empty as its contents have already worked its way into Kara’s system. “What are you doing?!”
“I’ve given her a mild anesthetic,” you pursed your lips as his statement. Eobard sighed, “Not to worry, that should have her out for 30 minutes. Strong enough for a Kryptonian, but not strong enough for too long even with the red sunlight on her.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because I needed to talk to you without anyone listening.” You followed how Eobard’s eyes glanced at the door. Outside stood two more Nazi guards.
“You could have just pulled me to the other room,” you whisper-yelled at him.
“No, I couldn’t have.” He crossed his arms at you, replying in his own gravely hushed tones. “I needed to keep up the image of the bad guy in front of Kara.”
“Why? Why, when she could understand that you’re not really with them? Why let her also think of you as one of those heinous monsters?”
“Because her opinion of me doesn’t matter. Not hers, not the Earth-Xers, not anyone else.” Eobard punctuated his words before taking your hands in his, placing a gentle kiss on the back of one. The intensity in his eyes never broke as he spoke once more, “Only your opinion of me matters. You matter.”
You pursed your lips, your eyes unable to leave his heated gaze. Oh, if only we weren’t in this mess. If only we had more time… Kara crossed your mind once more, the ominous thrumming noise that came from the machine that generated the red sunlight. A frown found its way onto your face. “Wait, you said 30 minutes? Shouldn’t she need time to recover from the anesthesia to be given another one?”
Eobard sighed, letting go of your hands. He crossed his arms. You weren’t going to like his answer. “No, not in this case.” Dread welled up in the pit of your stomach.
“The General herself requested, more like ordered, me to have our Kara awake during the… transplant.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You responded slowly. Your eye slightly twitched as anger started to consume your thoughts. You wanted nothing more than to rip your friend’s doppelganger apart.
Eobard very well sensed your feelings, he always hated putting a frown on your face or seeing you upset to this extent. “Look, I don’t want to do it either,” the speedster retorted hastily as he unfurled his arms, his hands gently grabbed your shoulders, “but I can’t defy their word especially with you around.”
“Why? Am I suddenly a liability?”
“Never, but they’ll figure something is up with you here with me. Conspiring against them. You already saw how easily Oliver-X caved to his Kara regarding who you are to me.”
Technically, that’s my own damn fault, but a calculated risk to get to Eobard. I can live with the repercussions. “But that’s technically what we’re doing on the downlow, Eo.” You echoed one of the lessons he taught you years ago. “One weakness is better than none, it can be essential to creating the downfall of another.” He had mainly told you that regarding Eilling, who hadn’t ceased to stick his nose into Eobard’s lab experiments and projects. The general had eyed you as a means to get to him, but in reality you were a strength to Eobard. Not a weakness. And the speedster very well knows you can handle your own; after all, the both of you trained constantly. Pushing each other’s limits. Though where you hesitated to kill, he compensated on that, especially in the right moment. “We can have the Dark Archer on the ropes. If anything, he’s made it evident that his wife is a liability to his rational thinking.”
A proud grin ran along his handsome face. “Exactly, my little bird. But they will hurt you, even if you can hold out against them you can’t take them both on.” Even I cannot, not with where I’m at with my speed. Not with the slight dampener they have on my suit. The potential self-destruction if removed from the emblem by my own hands, is a heavy weight on my chest. If I can get rid of them, I can defuse the detonator.
“I’m not worried about me; I’m worried about you! I can’t- I can’t be the one to lose you again.” Eobard shifted his gaze away from you. “Look it’s not going to come to that.” He knew what you were suggesting. “Ok? Worst comes to worst I cause a distraction.”
“No, over my rotting corpse.” 
That sounds eerily familiar.
“We don’t have a choice, if it buys us time then I’ll be damned not to try!”
“That’s why we adapt to the situation and find alternate routes to keep off their radar. I know what I’m doing.”
“Precisely. Adapting. So let me do what I can if it comes down to it.”
“No!” You bit back a retort at the way he raised his voice. “Just trust me.” He wasn’t asking you to.
“Kinda hard with your track record,” You deadpanned, and Eobard just rubbed his face.
“Have I ever lied to you?”
“Is that a question you seriously want me to answer?” A small cheeky smile made its way to your face. You couldn’t help but tease him right now, of all times.
Eobard huffed out a chuckle, pulling out some white surgical clothes from a drawer. Have those always been there? “Just follow my lead, ok? Whatever happens stay on their side, whatever happens to me stay with Barry and the others.” Eobard gloved his hands while the guards re-entered the medical room along with Oliver-X and Kara-X. Speak of the devil. You pursed your lips and held a stoic expression even as Kara-X sauntered to her respective gurney, smirking widely before a violent coughing fit erupts from her. You didn’t miss how Oliver-X moved towards her, yet you averted your eyes to the protruding machines the other soldiers were bringing in for the ‘necessary’ operation. Two guards held you by the arms where you stood. You swallowed thickly as everything was being sterilized and prepped.
Harry caught the ball once more after it ricocheted back to him. He’d been letting his frustration out on it towards the cell wall. Something didn’t feel right. He cursed himself, knowing he should have been carrying some weapon or breaching device to have gotten away from the Dark Archer. Or any intruder for the matter of this invasion. Yes, he pushed the emergency labs alarm, but he still got whacked and dragged to the pipeline. He could have done more damage to these damned Nazi’s, but he was helpless. I should have carried my gun or my pulse rifle, what was I thinking? His hand gripped tightly at the ball as regret never left his side. I should have seen this as a possible attack. It’s a simple strategy. Divide and conquer. Yet they were all too fooled, too hasty to attack to even logically see this move by the Earth-Xers.
“Wait, Thawne’s here?” Cisco’s outburst broke the Earth-2 genius out of his thoughts. Harry cracked his neck and directed his attention back to Cisco’s squabbling from the cell near him. The Wells doppelganger was getting pretty tired about hearing of Thawne. A feeling of dread picked at his insides, his thoughts going to you and what Barry had discussed vehemently earlier.
“Yeah,” Caitlin responded. “I haven’t seen or heard from her. We only briefly got a visit from Iris and Felicity not too long ago. But they didn’t know where she was either.”
“Do you think maybe she… you know?” Cisco made an implication. “I mean, does she know?”
“I don’t know,” Caitlin trailed off. “But Iris had said that she left them in the Time Vault to buy them time. Whatever that could mean.”
“Well, on the one hand, they either got to her and are holding her hostage somewhere or, on the other, she rendezvoused with Thawne and now they're going all Mengele on Kara.”
Harry rubbed his face irritably at Cisco’s words, by now you would have known. There’s a high possibility. Whether it’s from seeing Thawne face-to-face or by overhearing someone. By now, Harry’s sure, you would have made a choice. Where did you go, though?
The lights flickered in the pipeline before shutting off as Caitlin finished. A dull blue tint lit up in each individual cell as the pipeline was divulged into a dim darkness. The emergency lights were the only things on. Every person was on high alert at this point.
“Ohohoho, my girl Felicity definitely pulled that one!” Cisco chirped, making a loud clap.
Dinah tried her canary call again, but to no avail. The cell would not budge. Harry narrowed his eyes; he knew she’d try again. But Cisco had crafted these cells with Thawne cautiously for metas. Practically indestructible unless you’re a Time Wraith.
“I wouldn’t try it again if I were you.” Harry finally spoke. Dinah paused, the silence daring to be her question. “These cells are reinforced to withstand any form of meta-attacks generated within. A backup generator still supplies the power dampeners with energy to preserve the cell.” Harry looked out his cell and towards the darkness. “All we can do is wait.”
You took a breath, smoke and blood and electricity filled the air. Your eyes didn’t miss the rush of electricity in the distance. Red and gold, the Speedforce of the only two speedsters here. Swallowing thickly, your attention was diverted to the Waverider being chased by another. Well damn, I think someone’s having a bit too much fun. Raising an eyebrow, you watched both airborne vehicles zig-zag through the air. You hooked up your earpiece and headed for the nearest skirmish to help out. A grin plastered itself on your face when you heard Cisco on the comms arguing with Harry. I guess they’re the ones taking the Waverider for a joy ride.
You pressed the button on your communication device, “Any chance I can hop on?” You sucker punched a Nazi. “Oh, I’ve been wanting to do that all day.” Cisco laughed, weaving through the air as if he’s directing a Strike Fighter.
He’s totally Luke Skywalkering his way through this.
“Girl, where you been?”
“Let’s just say,” you huffed, generating electricity in your palm and slamming it into the chest of another soldier. “I caught some unwanted attention, and they were reluctant to release me.” In actuality, Eobard had sped you away from the Labs once Ray made a dramatic entrance to save Kara. He’d sped you to where the battle would be, at least to where the Earth-X forces would arrive from. Telling you to run and appear at an opportune moment. Meaning, go hide while the battle thickens so your disappearance doesn't bring up too many questions from your friends. “Is Iris with you?”
“Yeah, she’s in the back with Felicity, we’re still trying to maneuver in the best position possible to take down their shields.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, thinking back to her stunt with Felicity to sabotage the surgery. “So, how about that help?”
“Hmm,” Harry spoke up, pushing his glasses up. “Unless you have the capability of overloading and shutting down the entire Earth-X Waverider system without passing out, be our guest.”
“… I mean I could try.”
You pouted, punching another soldier, this time in the nose. Someone’s particularly grumpy right now. “It’s honestly not that hard, I would just be out for a couple of days and probably on life support.” The line was quiet meaning that Harry chose to ignore your comment. Rude.
You took in a breath and reduced your being to an electrical form, traveling up some buildings to gauge the situation. Kara and Kara-X were facing off at the moment. Eobard was naturally keeping Barry busy while Oliver and Oliver-X were in an intense hand-to-hand-to-bow combat. Yeah, their fight wasn’t as impressive as the other two. You took in a breath heading back down to the fight, this time getting closer to Mick and Leo Snart, who you found to be the Earth-X resistance fighter and doppelganger to your dead ex-boyfriend.
What goes around comes around.
“Where were you?”
Turning back from where you sat, you sent a questioning look to Barry and pointed to yourself when no one had responded. He had specifically prompted you with the question. The look in his hazel-green eyes were distant as he leaned against the front of the Cortex desks. You recognized that look from a few years ago. The silence in the Cortex was sliced amongst the team. DeVoe was still out there, scheming. Some stopped what they were doing to gauge what would happen, others (mainly Harry) kept working away but inclined an ear in case either of you were to do something rash.
“What do you mean?”
“Come on, (Y/N). You’re not that dumb.”
“Excuse me.” You narrowed your eyes at the scarlet speedster.
“Barry,” Iris whispered to him, but he shook her off as he folded his arms.
“Where were you after you left Iris and Felicity?”
Ah, of course he wouldn’t miss that. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse.
“I went to go buy them some time.”
“Buy them some time or buy yourself some time? To see Eobard.”
Your heart hammered tightly in your chest, but you made no move to indicate what you had done. In a sense, you did both. You protected Iris and Felicity while keeping Eobard company.
“Why would I want to see someone who’s allied themselves to a Nazi regime on a different Earth, Barr?”
“Why wouldn’t you do anything to see the one you once loved?”
“Are you talking about me,” you tilted your head to the side, taunting him now, “or yourself?” You referenced the events that happened last year. Barry was more than aware of what you were indicating. Flashpoint. Savitar. Iris’ predicted death, HR’s sacrifice, his time remnant’s downfall. But you’ve been wanting to add kerosene to the flames. “Are you referring to your mom,” you turned your head to Iris, “or to Iris?” If looks could kill, you would have been reduced to ashes under Barry’s gaze. Cisco put down his tools and Caitlin glanced at her friends from where she sat beside Iris. Harry capped his marker but turned his eyes towards you. “Like I said, I caught some unwanted attention, and they were reluctant to release me. How is that any different from the others getting stuck in the pipeline?”
“You left Iris to defend herself.”
“Oh my god! Barry!” You rolled your eyes at his statement, deflecting your own questions. “Iris this, Iris that. Iris is a big girl with nearly perfect marksmanship as Harry. She’s more than capable of taking care of herself. I know that. She knows that. The same goes for Felicity as well. But do you know that?” Divide them, fester the idea of unreliability between those two. After all, it’s because of Barry’s decisions for Iris that everyone gets screwed over. It’s one of the reasons for the resentment and bitterness that grows within you. Only they can be happy, no one else can.
“You left Iris and Felicity while this place was crawling with Earth-Xers just to see Thawne!”
“Fucking prove it, you dickbag,” you screamed back at him, “if you’re so certain. Prove it, because contrary to your belief, I was fighting beside you and everyone else that day in the city once I managed to escape. Ask Cisco and Harry. Ask Sara. Hell, even ask Mick and Leo.”
Barry shook his head with a cruel smile, “Do you wanna know how I know?” The speedster took out his phone and started it up, showing the screen of your location. “Careful what you wish for.” Dread gripped your heart as Barry chuckled to himself. “That’s right. I chipped you, that night I pushed you against the doorframe before leaving for the warehouse fight. I chipped you. I already had Thawne chipped earlier that night. On his suit, when I landed a few hits on him. He doesn’t know or… not until recently.” Barry did a search for any pings, but there were none except for yours. “You asked me for proof, here it is.” He slid his fingers on the screen showing a timestamp and your location pinged with Eobard’s at the labs.
“This means nothing.”
“It means everything!” Barry stepped closer to you, anger in his wake. “You left us for him.”
“Yet I still fought with you guys because it was the right thing to do regardless of how I feel for him. You don’t understand nor will you want to understand. You’d rather label us as 100% on the wrong side without acknowledging that we can dwell in a gray area. The world isn’t just black and white, Barry. Or have you forgotten about your own morally gray decisions?”
Sparks crackled in the air, whether it was from you or Barry, no one could tell. Harry took a subtle step towards you from where he stood at the glass board a few feet beside you. He was the only one that can calm you down from this, maybe Iris too, but most definitely he himself. But Harry wasn’t quick enough because the Cortex monitors went haywire while the room darkened. You and Barry were nowhere in the room.
“Barry!” Iris screamed a second after he had sped you away.
Eobard raked a hand through his dark locks, analyzing the future article again. He fiddled with his rightful Reverse Flash emblem in his hands, his fingers tracing over the single lightning bolt. It took the genius a full day to extract the SS emblem from his suit, but with your help he was able to detonate it a safe distance away in some open fields. While the people of Central City slept and you had assured Eobard that the Labs were vacant, the speedster had rushed into his old office and compiled all the documents he needed to keep out of Barry’s hands. He’s honestly surprised Team Flash hadn’t rifled thus far into the records he kept. The only things missing were speed theories and the equation escalation to the Speed Formula. Although, he had solved that issue for Barry two years ago when he had traveled back in time for an answer on getting faster.
Still such a naïve child, not at all like the Flash from my future. Arranging some papers together on his new office desk, without meaning to Eobard had knocked over a picture frame. The breaking of glass caught his attention, craning his neck to see the fallen frame. The frame held a picture of you and him from before the Particle Accelerator exploded around Christmas. Before you had known his secret. But now the frame was adorned with a fierce crack through you. Eobard’s mouth went dry, knowing that superstitions were just superstitions, but he couldn’t exactly place the rush of fear welling in his body.
“Gideon, pull up (Y/N)’s location.” Eobard pulled his glasses off smoothly as the AI did as told. She was at the labs. “Access the live feed cameras.” Gideon pulled up holo-images 8x8 of what seemed to be a further escalating scene between you and Barry through STAR Labs. Gritting his teeth, Eobard summoned his suit and launched himself forward into it. The Negative Speedforce fueled by his anger and hate pumped dangerously in his veins.
Barry Allen will regret the day he dared to lay a hand on you.
“You’re a traitor!”
“Speak for yourself.” You grunted against the wall, your electric blade dissipating in your hand. It was getting harder to breathe, to keep up with his movements. With speedsters, you preferred long-range combat, but you had to make due at times. “You’re the one who betrayed everyone first for your own selfish desires. Flashpoint, the cause of so much pain and misery. In the end, there was so much collateral damage, and you were the cause of so many lives lost.”
“Flashpoint should have wiped you away. You should have been thankful. We helped you,” Barry fumed, pressing his forearm harder against your throat. “We stood by you.”
“They stood by me.” You tried channeling your electricity, even to siphon off a lick of his in order to produce a dagger, but to no avail. Only sparks flickered from the tips of your fingers, “You couldn’t stand the sight of me when you brought me in.” You had no grievances towards anyone else other than Barry. Not Iris, not Caitlin, not Joe, not Cisco. Certainly not Ralph simply because he’s new. And not towards Harry and Jesse. Iris and Caitlin were the two people who kept you the most grounded to the world for they understood the loss of a loved one and the process of moving on.
“You’re damn right I couldn’t. I was wrong to have let you stay around after Iris and Caitlin rehabilitated you.”
“That wasn’t your decision to make, now, was it?”
“You’re a monster just like Thawne. You’re not a hero.”
You simply spit blood in Barry’s face. “I’m neither thief nor hero.” You were kind of enjoying pushing his buttons, releasing all those pent-up emotions and frustration over the years. Wiping his face clean with his sleeve, the speedster sped you out of the room, throwing punches and kicks at you. He had run you through the entirety of STAR Labs. You siphoned off passing energy from computers and lightbulbs to throw at him Palpatine-style when there was distance between you two, but there was only so much you could do in your current condition. You were getting tired; you couldn’t keep up. Every burst of electricity that burned him had drained you. Blood continued to trickle from the side of your face and sweat glistened on your skin. You healed fast, but he healed much faster.
“Barry, stop! You’re going to kill her.” Iris shouted with a gun in her hand, the others piling into the room. Cisco threw a wave blast at Barry and Frost aimed a couple of icicles his way, but the speedster had dodged them. The scarlet speedster tossed you to the ground like a bag of peanuts before turning to the others. You skidded to the side, breathing in deeply then coughed up some blood into your fist. Blood continued to trickle from the side of your face and sweat glistened on your skin. You could feel your cheek swell as well as an ache form in your chest, maybe a few cracked ribs. Could potentially puncture your lungs if this didn’t end soon.
“And why shouldn’t I? For all we know, she could be spying on us for Thawne.”
“Barry killing her won’t solve anything,” Harry shot at him with his pulse rifle to create some distance between you two before training it on you. “It’ll just make things worse.” You met his eyes, and you could see the disappointment in them. A tinge of guilt hit you, but you pushed past it as you stood on unsteady feet. Your body felt like it was made of lead, but you continued on. If this is how things are to be, then so be it.. You leaned against the wall, cradling your damaged ribcage, as Harry continued. “Regardless of her actions, she did keep Iris and Felicity safe in her own way, she still stood by us.” You were finding it extremely hard to breathe, to stay conscious. Your breathing slowed, the noise in the room between Team Flash was reduced to murmuring to your ears. Did I burst an eardrum too?
“Are you kidding me, Wells? How can you say that when-”
You blinked before collapsing onto the ground, a streak of red had filled your vision. Eobard pinned Barry to the wall, his hand squeezing at his throat while red hot anger filled his vision. “Good to see you again so soon, Flash,” the yellow speedster drawled with a rough grin in his distorted voice. “It seems like you overstepped your boundaries.” Eobard kicked Barry in the ribs and landed a few speed punches, the scarlet speedster already exhausted from his fight with you. “Isn’t this position nostalgic?” Barry was clawing at Eobard’s firm grip, suspending the young hero in the air against the wall as he had done years ago.
“I- had a feeling... you’d show up, Thawne,”
Licking your bloodied lips, you groaned as you leaned up with hoarseness in your voice, “Eo, don’t.” The man in yellow stopped, slowly turning his quaking gaze towards you. You held his gaze for as long as you could get the message through to him. “Enough.” Eobard retracted a fist that was to make contact on Barry’s face, but not before squeezing the scarlet speedsters throat tightly and throwing him towards the upper part of the speed lab. Eobard took off his cowl and generated his speed to be by your side, eyeing every cut and bruise on your broken skin. Your eyes drooped shut when he brushed the back of his gloved hand against your unwounded cheek. His eyes softened, but his insides clenched. Iris and Caitlin had run to where Barry laid while Harry and Cisco monitored Eobard with caution as he gently scooped you in his strong arms.
Standing up with your limp form, the speedster disregarded Cisco, yet glared coldly at his supposed doppelganger. The future genius then turned to them and spoke, “My love for her is what stopped me this time. Next time,” his eyes landed on Barry, “you won’t be so lucky. Lay a hand on her again and I won’t hesitate to end your miserable life, Flash.” His eyes flashed red as they met Barry’s for the last time before taking his leave in a wake of red electricity.
Eobard stopped his vibrational intimidation once he made it to your temporary home, Gideon had already prepared the necessary diagnostic tests that would need to be conducted to assess your health. Laying you on the gurney gently, he kissed your forehead before proceeding. The speedster had cleaned you up, replacing your burnt clothes and scrubbing the dried remnants of blood on your skin. His heart shattered. His blood turned to ice. Eobard’s baby blues scanned every part of your marred skin. Lines that tallied up right after another, scars that were too stubborn to heal correctly as if trying to serve as a reminder. Eobard’s mouth had dried as his thumb made featherlight touches before injecting the needle into the correct vein. The speedster opened his mouth and closed it, but he could not register any other emotion other than anger and guilt. His thoughts funneled fluidly, emphasizing that one certain cause that led to this escalation. His death had been the cost of your mental and physical state.
Never again. The speedster peppered kisses along your arms as all the implied images ran through his mind. A tear slipped out. It fell from his face onto the scarred tissue. My love. He needed to get back to work. With classical music dancing in the background, Eobard conducted a blood transfusion in order to replace the blood you had lost as well as administering IV fluids. He had to steal the materials from a hospital nearby in Keystone. They won’t be missing it. 
“According to my current readings, copious amounts of stress have been exuded onto her heart allowing her to retain a constant distressed state.” Gideon rattled on as Eobard sat next to you with a sleeve rolled up. He glanced over at you as the AI continued. “The X-ray scans have also been completed. She’s suffering trauma in her ribcage, a few cracked ribs, however none are broken. CT results also conclude a mild concussion.”
She’s lucky her lungs hadn’t been punctured. His hate for Barry Allen grew with every second that you laid unconscious.
“How long until a full recovery?”
“Physically it could take up to 3-6 weeks regarding her ribs. The mild concussion will take approximately almost a week and a half. Her heart might take longer. Therefore, she must avoid extraneous activity.” 
“Such as using her powers and so on.”
“Yes. Shall I assist you with anything else today, Professor Thawne?”
Eobard ran his fingers over his lips before taking his glasses off and throwing them onto the side of a nearby table. “Keep tabs on Barry Allen’s movements, I want to be alerted if he comes near Keystone or has any intention of it.” The AI nodded before shuttering away into the plinth. Yes, the speedster had been smart to chip him, something Eobard had easily gotten rid of. But to chip you as well, Thawne cursed himself for not seeing it coming. Too preoccupied with the timeline and it’s malleability. “Hopefully DeVoe will keep him away long enough.”
Your eyelids felt like they had been cemented shut, the stinging smell of antiseptic slapped you right in the face. Am I dead or in a hospital? A groan left your lips, your throat dry as a desert and craving any drips of water. I hope I’m not in a hospital, I hate those places. The nice thing was that a light wasn’t blinding you, at the very least not piercing through the darkness supplied by your shut eyelids. It was oddly soothing. Your mind finally processed the dull ache residing in your bones, the softness beneath you and the slight chill in the air. Maybe I am dead. Taking one slow breath in, your blood vessels throbbed louder with each fluid pumped through and the humming of machines finally registered to your ears. You didn’t want to open your eyes; you were content with just laying here.
“…” You frowned, the sound of mumbling coming to you. Who was that? “Gi… ru-… I-.” Death, perhaps? You twitched your fingers, a numb sensation set in both your arms. If I’m dead, how can I still feel? It took a moment for your brain to catch you up on how you’d been reduced to such a state. Barry… killed me? No, that’s- Eo was… You shakily formed a fist only to feel something cool against your skin. Felt like another hand. Not bony. Maybe Death gave the appearance of a human for us to pass.
“Mm,” you tried clearing your throat, but it hurt each time, inducing a coughing fit. Blinking wearily, you looked around, your vision blurry until it settled on the being the hand had belonged to. “Mm, I…”
“Shh,” the deep voice cooed. You could hear much more clearly now but couldn’t make out the image of the being. “I have some water for you,” you felt a straw tap your lips. “Drink up.”
Why is Death being so kind to me? I thought Death was swift. You drank a sip at a time before pulling back and shutting your eyes once more. The somatosensory neurons on your arms brushed against some coarse material. A blanket? That same cool touch caressed your cheek. You blinked your eyes open a few times, dizziness ensnaring your mind, but your eyes met icy blue ones. “Eo?”
“I’m here,” he whispered in a gentle tone, standing up from where he sat next to you.
“I’m not dead.”
“No, you’re very much alive”
“Barry, he��”
“I’ve dealt with him. He won’t ever hurt you again.” You watched as he kissed your bandaged hands, each finger receiving a kiss. Cracking your neck, your realized he had changed you into fresh clothes. The scent of faint lavender hung onto the fabric.
“How long was I out?”
“Two weeks.”
It hurt your head when your eyes bugged out. You patted your temples lightly. “Two weeks? What- I-I need to get back. They were going to confront DeVoe. Harry and-”
“No,” Eobard pressed his palm against your shoulder when you tried to sit up abruptly, “You need to rest. Screw Team Flash. For once, just let them be so you can recover.” The speedster did not ask for what had happened to you, knowing the implications in his mind were too strong to be false. Rather, he’d make sure it would not occur a second time
“It’s not that simple, Eo.”
“It really is,” the yellow speedster sighed to himself, rubbing his face. You gestured to the water, and he handed the cup to you. “You’re in no condition to go back there, not after what happened. Your powers and your fight did a number on you. I-…. Your heart stopped a couple of times.” You almost choked on your sip. “I had to jumpstart your heart and keep it going.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For worrying you.” For being a liability that Barry can use.
“Don’t. This,” he gestured with his hands between you and him, “is not something to apologize for. Ever. If anything, it was smart of him to use you for bait as I had used Iris and Eddie.” You pressed your lips into a thin line as your mind started to wander.
“So, we wait?”
Eobard nodded as you ran a hand through you knotted hair. Need to brush that out asap. “We wait until it’s time to strike.”
“Until it’s time for you to strike. I’m remaining neutral in whatever it is between you and Barry in the future. Even if he might not see it that way.” Tipping the scales, balancing good and evil natures in the forces of the world. That’s what He told me my role in the multiverse is along with...
“I know, my love.” I don’t know how to break this to her. “But until then, rest.” If I ask her to come with me, would what I orchestrate then work?
“Hm?” Eobard knew he needed to go back to sort a few things out. Chances of getting caught were roughly 30-70, but not zero.
You shifted over to make room for him, patted the spot next to you. “Stay.”
Or would she become collateral damage?
“Always.” The speedster leaned down to kiss your lips before moving in beside you. You laid your head on his chest, minding the slight tremors of pain. Eobard kissed the top of your head and you shut your eyes. You’d go to the ends of the multiverse for him, but you’d also protect your friends. Being at odds with Barry wouldn’t stop you. He just needed to learn to live with your choices as everyone else has had to live with his.
Eobard’s mind ran through every scenario, deciding it’s best to tell you what he intends to do. He’d rather you decide for yourself what to do. The negative speedster respected the position you held onto. Neutrality wasn’t always an easy feat, but he admired your devotion towards him and the ones you love. Eobard was just selfish enough to only want and care for you. He didn’t need anyone else. He certainly didn’t need camaraderie. Tomorrow, he’d tell you. Tomorrow, he’d make sure to take the first step towards ensuring the future.
Betrayal is a fickle thing, Barry Allen. A lesson you will learn again.
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