#yes it's them with alternative hairstyles
9w1ft · 3 months
i declare
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thinking about the tortured poets department the song, and the charlie puth line, and how maybe like, the act of declaring he should be a bigger artist helps place the song into the greater timeline.
because it’s a sort of weird thing to say in 2024 of an artist that’s no longer up and coming.
charlie puth got his start in youtube in the late 2000’s and released his debut single in february 2015. and leading up to that he had several EP’s and promotional singles. it made me curious, at what point might the people en masse start to pay him attention? i checked google trends and as you can see here he gets a huge jump between the 2014 and 2015 data.
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(he then gets a further jump toward 2016 when he did a promo single featuring megan trainor, and then doing “see you again” with wiz khalifa. (coincidentally this song becomes one of the guest duets featured in the 1989 tour movie))
and i was looking around at articles from this time period, when i ran into this tasty morsel:
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so i clicked on through
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take a little ride with me
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so to summarize, charlie puth had his breakout star peak over the course of roughly 2014-2016, during which he was up for an award at the 2015 MTV VMAs. he doesn’t win, and in fact, he loses out to taylor herself! later on in the article it talks about him going to an after party and hanging out with taylor selena and others. so it had me thinking, i could almost imagine taylor talking with her friends that year or that night, or even declaring to charlie himself in the wake of his loss and her win, in a giddy manner, at the party they are reported as having talked at, that he deserves more success than he gets. in this way i came to the conclusion that the timeframe of 2015-ish (rather than 2023) really fits the spirit of the lyric “we declared charlie puth should be a bigger artist”
yes fam.
the 2015 vmas was that vma’s.
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that vmas.
let me pull quote an excerpt from the billboard article as i included above, just to emphasize:
4:40 PM: Charlie has the good fortune to walk the carpet in the wake of Taylor Swift’s gaggle of supermodel friends, including “Bad Blood” star Karlie Kloss, leading photographers to alternately yell “Charlie! Karlie! Charlie! Karlie!” as if it were a hectic version of Name Game. While on the carpet, Puth chats with multiple news outlets, and later he says of the dealing with the paparazzi, “It’s amazing that we view people in unnatural states and just love it. I don’t really understand it — it just makes me very uncomfortable. But, whatever. I’m so appreciative to be here.”
such a fun convergence of events, don’t ya think?
and just a few extra points i thought i’d add:
first, i don’t know how many of you remember how taylor was behaving that evening, but don’t you think she was giving major golden retriever energy??
both in how she was chasing after karlie that night,
and also… call me crazy but, her hairstyle??
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(also she’s in a houndstooth print, har har)
and i can kind of envision this taylor, who brought the whole bad blood music video crew as her entourage, having more than several bars of chocolate at hand for everyone that night, but ending up eating them all herself 😆
and another thing that helps tie the song to this time period (maybe some of you have guessed?) the line “who else decodes you?” is extra apt because… *da da-da daaaaa*
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🤗 karlie had just embarked on her coding journey!
on a more solemn note? i don’t think it requires too much of a stretch of the imagination to see “but you awaken with dread” “i chose this cyclone with you” among other lines pointing to the new layer of stress taylor probably was harboring around being with karlie in public. because this is all taking place in the year directly following kissgate 🥺
so there you have it folks! this is why the tortured poets department is a kaylor song to me 😌
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zigvolt and trappola sighting
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Saw this recently!! I believe this character is from an upcoming mobile game called Ride Kamens:
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This looks like an alternate hairstyle for Sebek (I’ll laugh if his Clubwear hair looks like this) OR his yet-to-be-named older brother…
Much like how I picture Sylvain from Fire Emblem 3 Houses as Ace’s older brother!
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Yes, I will continue to collect these face claims until TWST finally releases canon designs—
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opiopal · 2 months
Are we sure demons are even mammals? Their human forms are for hiding among humans, so they might not have the less obvious functions. We know Lucifer had 12 wings, but his angel form only shows six, implying that that is at least one more "truer" form, which could also be the case with demons. The truest form of a native demon might use an alternate method to feed their young.
this actually got me thinking more about it, so I started to think about their demon forms since that would probably give more answers,
so lucifer and mammon are birds, peacock and crow, so they would tend to eggs, so no need for breast feeding birds
levi is a serpent, yes there is sea life that are mammals, but sea snakes are def not one of them, so fertilizing eggs in bunches doesn't require breasts even after hatching.
asmo is a scorpion, I have NO CLUE how scorpions work when it comes to their young but i know for a fact that anything with an exoskeleton.. most of the time isn't a mammal. so again, eggs.
and beel is a bug, I forget if its fact that hes a cicada? thats just what I remember, and cicadas arent mammals so again, eggs
now i tried to search for what satan is since its really unclear(at least to me), if he was a bird like his dadmom then he would probably have wings, but he IS wing. and when I searched I was told unicorn and wolf(ofc his rebel teen emo ass would be a wolf) and obviously belphie is a goat/cow thing, so technically the anti lucifer league should be mammals just going off of their demon forms,
but again no nipples, belphie makes sense cause again, former angel, popped into existance, no mommy for him, but satan was born from lucifer.. technically organically...? (still cant believe mpreg basically happened) but lucifer probably was never intended to have kids from his own body so no nipples, and again satan came from wings, which yeah would all make sense, but then again I circle back to Dia
he's a dragon, yet was born not from an egg, but as a result of a live birth. which resulted in his mother passing away. so I'm still going strong on my dia's not a full demon theory(maybe royal blood makes him appear to be a pure demon?)
and I can also imagine that demons dont have a big powerful form like a "be not afraid" angel does, so lucifer and the brothers prolly had a down grade in the scary physical form factor. prolly another layer to their punishments. (ofc demons still prolly have a big scary demon form, just not as big as a flaming swords with wings and eyes and a booming voice)
and going onto other demons, I can imagine reproduction is very diverse in the devildom. demons who are more reptilian, demons that are birds, cold blooded creatures, anything that wouldn't give live birth would lay eggs, do silly little dances to attract mates, look pretty to attract mates, ect. and obviously demons that are goats, cows, deer, cat, dog, would give live birth. so maybe nipples with demons are like freckles? some people have them and other people just dont.
BUT, then again, demons could have only 1-2 animals that relate to their sin, demons of Greed could be crows and foxes, envy is snakes and sea creatures, ect. but then again mephisto is a thing, and he's a demon of pride, so that would make him a peacock like lucifer, but with a lack of a canon demon form its hard to say, but mephisto already shares a hairstyle and boyfriend with lucifer so it would just be mean to have him share even more with him. but than again he could also be a lion? but I dont think that would fit that little gay rich boy at all. But I think it would just be more interesting if a demons form isn't always directly related to their sin so they can be any animal.
all in all, the only thing I think I could come to a conclusion with is that angels aren't mammals. and ofc they wouldnt gain nipples after becoming demons cause how odd would that be? "NOO MY SISTERS DEAD AND IVE BEEN CAST DOWN TO HELL- what are those things on my chest." and with demons it could probably vary from being mammals and not being mammals. but I could imagine its like, 80% of the devildom lays eggs and the other 20% doesnt. but all in all I think demons can do either or, it just depends on what they want to do, get freaky and then give birth or lay an egg and sit on it till it hatches, but I'm sure no demon would willingly give birth if they had the option to just pop out an egg.
or maybe its just my crack theory, two demons kiss and get freaky then 9 months later a baby pops out of thin air, magic baby!
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vendetta-if · 7 months
Just wanted to say the IF is amazing, i just spent 3 days straight binging it and loved every second. Please ignore if it has already been asked but what is all the RO's preferred genre of music? And favourite songs if they have any?
Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you for the kind words! And I just wanna say, your ask is the final push for me to actually scour through most of my songs on Spotify and finish assembling playlists for Rin, Santana, Skylar, and Jackal 😆 But I had so much fun doing so and I'll keep adding more and updating all of the characters' playlists as I discovered more new (and old lost) songs that fit them.
I have the links to their spotify playlist which contain a mix of their favorite songs and some songs whose lyrics fit them. I don't think I can link too much stuff in one post unfortunately, so I'll make a separate post to announce the rest of the characters playlists later on 😁But I'll try to link one song that either perfectly encapsulate their music taste or whose lyrics fit the character--or at least a song that they'd enjoy listening to.
Also, I basically have to split up my own music taste and favorite genres among all of my characters and I'm running out of genres 😭 But as for your question, I don't think I've answered something like that before--at least not in detail.
Sorry in advance for the long post (I just love being able to gush about my characters and music 🤭)
Ash enjoys quite a wide variety of genres, but mostly, their go-to are genres that are more energetic and/or aggressive. So, think like Rock, Phonk, Dubstep, Trap, Drum and Bass, Metal, that kind of stuff. But usually, they listen to songs whose vibes and/or lyrics kind of fit the mood they're in at the moment.
Also, fun fact, they did have some kind of an emo phase during their angsty and edgy teenage years 😂 It wasn't really too apparent (like no, they didn't have that typical emo hairstyle or wore those iconic eyeliners), but they just relate to quite a number of the lyrics of songs that can be considered to be emo anthems.
The song that fits the genre they like to listen to and the lyrics also matched their feelings and obsession love for MC is "So Sick" by Johnny Goth.
"So Sick" - Johnny Goth
As the child of a classically-trained musician, Rin mostly enjoys classical and instrumental music. One of their favorite instruments is the piano and they used to enjoy learning to play it. Maybe in the future, when they won't be so busy anymore, they can pick up their piano lessen again...
Also, they tend to gravitate towards more soothing and calming songs in general because of the headaches they usually got after using their power too much or to see to far into the future. So most of their playlist is filled with instrumental songs, either piano, cello, or violin, or a combination of those.
As for the song that fits them, I'd say "The Belt of Faith" by Jung Jaeil kinda fits their vibe and the gravitas they carry (Yes, the main soundtrack for the film "Parasite" and yeah, I can see the irony 😂 )
"The Belt of Faith" - Jung Jaeil
Santana loves that tinge of old-school songs that they were often exposed to whenever their parents listen to in the radio. So, the genres they enjoy are synthwave and retrowave songs 😎
As for the song that encapsulates their favorite genre and whose lyrics fit them quite well is "Gloria" by The Midnight.
"Gloria" - The Midnight
Skylar is a pretty chill and upbeat person who loves and enjoys nature, so their favorite genres include those upbeat summer music and Indie/Alternative Folk music. They also enjoy the occasional pop songs.
As for the song that fits their vibe and desire to just fly off and be free is "Get Away" by Surfclub.
"Get Away" - Surfclub
Luka enjoys Electronic music, including Phonk, Post-Punk, and Alternative/Indie. So, yeah, quite a variety of genres. But for one song that fits him the most, from the lyrics to even the title itself is "Everything Black" by Unlike Pluto 😆
"Everything Black" - Unlike Pluto (feat. Mike Taylor)
Just like Luka, he also enjoys Electronic music, especially Phonk. But unlike Luka, he sometimes loves Hip-Hop music as well. One of the few songs that kinda encapsulate both of those genres and fits with his personality is "Heartless" by UNAVERAGE GANG.
"Heartless" - UNAVERAGE GANG
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cerame · 1 year
I’m a really big fan of mask because my favorite game is majoris mask so could you please Draw him some
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Yes of course!
Mask might be in his edgy teenager phase, but he’s still pretty dang cool.
A few notes on Mask:
Is legally required to be friends with his Zelda
Spends most of his time at Lon Lon Ranch
Has had the same hairstyle since he was a kid
Still has the masks and very much respects them
Alternates between the biggoron sword and the gilded sword in combat, depending on the situation
He lost his eye sometime after the events of Majora’s Mask
Knows very few dances, but Kamaro’s dance is definitely one of them
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Twins twins twins
I put the O'Hair twins together because I just have less thoughts about each of them. Speaking of-
These redesigns come with a bit of a rewrite that I'll make a post for one day because I'm way too invested in the fact that this show had so much POTENTIAL DAMMIT
But the relevant thing for Poppy is the definition of a rebel. I scrapped Roybel altogether. The Rebel/Royal divide doesn't seem to actually impede friendships in most of the show, and Poppy's values all align with being a rebel. So here's my take-
A Royal is anyone who fundamentally believes that following a destiny is the moral obligation of any person who has one, and that denying that will lead to destruction, and harm other people in their story.
A Rebel is anyone who supports the idea that anyone should be able to choose whether or not they follow their destiny, and that it is morally bankrupt to force people into a life they don't want.
By that definition, both twins are rebels, because Holly supports Poppy in her decision to abandon her destiny. (Even though I forgot to put the rebel symbol with Holly) Anyways! Design things!
-For Holly I went for a ballet/cottagecore look, to balance out Poppy's more alternative look. I gave her more of a nature motif and some lettuce leaf patterns as a nod to Rapunzs name. Overall very pink, very rosy, very soft. I also changed her pet. It's originally a lion cub that magically never grows up, which is cute, but I really wanted an animal that could help her with her hair. So, I changed Clipper to a dove. He flies around and helps with Holly's hair Cinderella Style!
-For Poppy I went super alternative. Holly and Poppy are both stylists, but they go into different fields. Holly is good at classical hairstyles and decor, Poppy is very experimental with hair and fashion. Dyes, piercings, hand-stitched clothing, jewelry, the works. I also HAD to include Barber, she's so cute, I love her so much. Yes Barber helps with Poppy's ridiculously complex dye jobs.
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sixleggedboar · 1 year
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I am posting Ghost and Soap prematurely, I wanted to add the others but I am not sure if I still will.
So here are some thoughts on these two in civvies. (Important to add, I would not go as far as to say these are headcanons but more of an exploration and me having some fun)
Yes as many others I don't think Ghost would wear his balaclava in public. Tbh the mask I gave him is already pushing it, BUT I think he is enough of a little freak (affectionate) to wear his balaclava when he is home alone.
As mentioned before the initial trigger for me to draw them like this were some people convincing me that actually Ghost, as someone who wears a cape and carries replacement skeleton gloves on the field, does care about fashion.
Problem being I don't really know things about fashion myself so we have to make due with my limited sense of style.
First things first I wanted him to not look like an edgelord who just left highschool as well as actively compromising his identity whilst still keeping some of his skeleton themes in his clothes. And since the spine is my favourite part of a skeleton he DIYed one onto the back of his, according to my references, expensive coat.
Second, because I think it is hilarious to give this 6'4 man another unnecessary 1.5 inches I put him in the most fashionable item I own: converse all star lugged 2.0 plattform shoes. (We are already bonding over wearing Salomons most of the time, we MUST have the same taste in shoes, 100%, definitely, thats how it works, he is just like me fr, yes yes)
Turtleneck for all the people out there who want him to be a slut, as well as to add a sense of maturity and last but not least,
Some pants.
(I originally wanted to give him cargo pants in memory of that one picture I saw of a dude making fucking CARGO PANTS LOOK FANCY AF, but here it looked really messy so I dropped that)
Overall it is vaguely inspired by techwear without going too hard that it sticks out.
So with Soap I don't think he actually discriminates between work and normal clothes much. The main difference being that now he wears all the band shirts he has (and surprisingly still fit) since he was 14. He still sticks to the same pants and shoes (as long as they are clean of course)
The jacket is inspired by a very old and beloved jacket of mine that I have lost and am still mourning.
Tbh to him I don't have too much to say since he is imo probably the closest to just-a-dudeTM when it comes to fashion.
And yes even considering his hairstyle (this is coming from the perspective of someone who has different iterations of mohawks since he is 15), I do think he had a strong alternative/punk phase as a youngster and has some residual things like the haircut and the shirts but does not fully fall into that category anymore.
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ccoffii · 6 months
Eleceed Redeisgns
Don’t get the wrong idea I’m not trying to fix anything (despite my issues with 75% of the bestie crew having the same hairstyle) ZHENA-nim art did really well on this series and I can definitely see her improvements!!
I find redesigning characters I like as a good exercise for me since I’m trying to practice my character design skills! I’ve also added headcannons so strap in.
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First victim, istg he doesn’t even look like the same person lol.
- gave him the :3 mouth bc he has the little shit potential especially after wrapping everyone around his finger
- Longer hair comes from the hc that he is the kind of person who would hide behind it and to match his dads
- changed his hair to brown bc the blond colour blended with his skin too much (helps with contrast)
- The bag is to help him carry cats and more cat food
- Oversized clothes to wallow in, also to hide himself or something
- While Jiwoo and Kayden are implied to wear the same size clothing I still think Jiwoo’s clothes would be tight on Kayden
- It helps Kayden learn about Jiwoo as a person since he would question why his clothes were so ill fitting on him
- Colour palette was hard af, but I mostly went with warmer colours and added blue as an accent so he could match Kayden
- As u can tell the only thing that fits him perfectly is the school uniform, even then he likes to size up the blazer
- His bag would start with no buttons and over time more would be added based on where he’s been and the friends he makes
- Glasses are up for debate but they look nice on him
- gave him more down turned eyes so he could resemble Kang Daniel a little more
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barely changed, basically the outfit was the only thing to go
- He looks like the kind of kid that would wear headphones all day
- His glasses fucked off to somewhere and I brought brought them back THEY R HERE TO STAY
- The dress shirt in his casual outfit is the same one from his uniform
- Bc of his upbringing with the doctor guy I would think he doesn’t have that many clothes to begin with and sees little point in getting more
- Ofc that will change later with his friends
- His name tag says his last name is Park but he doesn’t rlly have one and the wiki says so too, so it’s just something he had to give the school or somethin
- More lanky build? Basically a bean pole.
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Again who the fuck is this
- gave him his melanin back, like all of it
- He seems more the varsity jacket type guy than Wooin
- Hair is based off Yeonjun’s lover loser era
- Tried to give him that international student type of beat vibe bc his sister is the big boss of the SK awakener scene
- i feel like with this hairstyle it’s easier to imagine him with black hair but I digress
- His jacket starts off with no patches and they’re slowly added on when he spends time with the bestie crew
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- Changed her uniform to be more fancy based off of the reaction of other students in Jiwoo’s school, the pendant on her bow is her own addition.
- No respectable Gen Z wears ripped skinny jeans… Controversial
- a converse girlie for sure
- Her hair is kinda based off the Mafuyu White Day card, either way she has to give gender
- Are they called arm warmers? They give her an interesting silhouette and very distinguishable from the guys
- Alternatively she wears a turtle neck and a sweater/large T-Shirt when it’s too cold + arm warmers just cause
Some other stuff:
- yes, all the redesigns will eventually include some element of blue like Jiwoo to help connect them and signify how close they are
- a lot of them were made with a go out shopping episode in mind to help us learn more about them
- maybe I’ll write a fic but finals r chasing my ass rn so eventually
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fandxmslxt69 · 1 year
Loki (TV): Speak Now (TV): Enchanted (part 2)
Loki Laufeyson x f!asgardian!reader
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Warnings: Lots of thoughts of insecurity, probably TOO MUCH descriptions lmao umm Loki gets a little sad :( mentions of jealousy, some swearing. Thor being Thor. THIS IS NOT EDITED PROPERLY LMAO I finished it and was Too Lazy to wait for Atlas to get available to edit and read through so thats def a big warning.
Synopsis: After that fateful night, Loki couldn't get you out of his mind, but weeks later at a different ball, he finds you again (or, alternatively, Loki's depressed and Thor Is Thor and decides to help in his special way lmao) Based on Miss Taylor Swift's Enchanted.
A/N: AHAHAHA ITS FINALLY HERE !!!! Anyway Happy Loki Month everyone (idc.) This was so....OOC. I just. Wow yeah I just have lots of things to say abt Loki to they all went here. YEAH I did give it a happy ending okay you're WELCOME. -Clem THIS IS PART 2!! IF YOU WANT THE FULL FIC, YOU CAN FIND PART 1 ON THE MASTERLIST!
Tags: Okay tryna remember everyone who wanted a tag lmao. @divine-knight-hand @the-fox-den @nyxlaufeyson @under00s616 @mischief2sarawr @saturn-rings-writes @sarahscribbles <- if, perhaps, you wanted to read the last little bit <3 If I forgot anyone, please lmk.
Word count: 3.5k (LETS GO!!)
Note: This is from Loki's POV!!
“So what just happened?” Your friends pounced on you as soon as you got settled in your room. You tried really hard, like really hard to ignore them as you carefully undid your hairstyle and brushing out your hair. 
“Whatever do you mean?” “Oh, don’t play stupid. You disappear, and then show back up looking dishevelled and flushed!” 
“I was not flushed,” You argued. They all looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “Okay, fine. I don’t appreciate this at all. You’re violating me, in my own house,” 
“Yes well, our dearest apologies,” One of them said, feigning sincerity. “Now, talk,” 
Well, who liked secrets anyway? 
*                                                               *                                                              *
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
Loki lay in his bed, fiddling with a dagger between his fingers as he stared at the ceiling. As soon as the party ended, he had left straight to his room, stripping out of his suddenly-too-tight suit and into much more comfortable clothing. He couldn’t get the thought of you out of his head. He hadn’t attended tonight’s ball with the expectations of anything big happening, and yet now it feels like his world got turned upside down. 
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"
Would she come back, he wondered. Perhaps she changed her mind. He couldn’t stop himself from replaying every second, trying to figure out if there was anything he missed- if any second, you’d come knocking at his door. Thinking back on your entire conversation together, he couldn’t stop the smile breaking across his face. 
“Thank you for the dance, your highness,” Your last words rang abruptly in his mind, immediately squashing his good mood again. He closed his fist around the hilt of the dagger and flicked it at the wall. It landed on it perfectly.  
“Thank you for the dance, your highness,” The words replayed again, and again. He groaned loudly, running a hand down his face. He rolled over, burying his face in his pillow and letting out a loud groan of anger. 
Before he could wallow in pain any longer, there was a knock on the door. “I asked not to be disturbed!” He shouted, but it came out muffled.
Then there was another knock. 
“I swear if there is another knock I will-” “You’ll what?” Frigga’s voice came calm, yet in his mind’s eyes he could see the expression of warning on her face. He did not hear the door open, otherwise he would’ve chosen his words much more carefully. He slowly rolled onto his back, his eyes trained on the ceiling. 
“Mother. I didn’t hear you come in,” “No, I doubt you did with all the wallowing you had been doing,” “I wasn’t wallowing,” 
He could see her raise a perfect eyebrow from the corner of his eye. “Really?” She walked gracefully across his room, and her hand reached for the dagger stuck to the wall. She wanked it out, then turned to look at him again. “You enjoy throwing daggers at your wall as a pass time?” He nodded, still avoiding her gaze. “Absolutely,” “Don’t lie to me, boy. I know you better than you know yourself,” 
He cringed. Frigga was kind, gentle, caring and loving. Everything he could ever ask for. But she did not tolerate lying. 
“Sorry,” He sighed heavily. “Simply a long night,” She tutted quietly, walking over to the edge of his bed. The mattress sunk a little as she took a seat, placing his dagger on the nightstand. “Well?” “Well? What?” He frowned, resting his hands behind his head. 
“Well…” She repeated. “What happened?”
He sighed. “Nothing happened. All’s well,” She didn’t offer a response, simply looked at him with a raised eyebrow until he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. “Alright fine. I…” He sighed again. “Must I really? This feels…embarrassing,” 
“Oh, I see,” Frigga nodded seriously. “I suppose now that you’ve grown, neither you or Thor see it fit to talk with your mother anymore,” 
A smile spread slowly across his face. “No I didn't mean it like that,” He sat up, running a hand through his hair. “Alright, well, you know how I tend to excuse myself from celebrations, yes?” She hummed. “Yes,” “Right, well, I went out to the gardens in hopes for some peace, only I…ran into someone,” Frigga straightened a little, a smile playing at her lips. “Oh?” “Stop,” He buried his face in his hands. “Stop smiling, Mother. It’s not like I’ve gotten engaged,” “Yes but, whomever it is you met certainly got into your head if you’re this worked up,” She pointed out. 
“No. No one’s gotten into my head,” He went quiet for a minute, before groaning as Frigga chuckled lightly. He threw himself back onto the pillow. Even he could hear how much of a lie that sounded. “Mother please. Is it that bad?” “No, you’re right I’m sorry. It’s not bad. But,” She suppressed the grin spreading across her face. He knew discussing this was a terrible idea. “Please, do continue,” “No, absolutely not,” He crossed his arms over his chest, ignoring the pointed look from her. He figured the more he thought about it, the worse this would get. “There’s nothing else to tell. I only talked to her to get under her skin. She was…quite agitated. But then she turned out to be amusing, and kind, and we talked, and that was it. She went home, I came back in. The end.” He wouldn’t dare mention the kiss, or the dance to his mother. He could already see her scheming just from these pieces, he refused to add to the fire. Besides, the more he thought about the kiss- the way her lips felt, the smell of her perfume, the softness of her skin, the flush of her cheeks and the way her lipstick was smeared slightly- the more dizzy he felt. 
“The end? Is that way you’re so…flushed?” Frigga leaned in, pressing a hand to his cheek. “Mm, perhaps you’ve fallen ill,” He huffed. “I don’t-” He bit his lip, deciding to just play along. “Yes, maybe I have fallen ill,” “Hm,” She moved her hand away, and he knew she didn’t believe him. He knew that she was probably thinking a million things about this and going to press later. No one ever got under his skin, or so stuck in his mind, he knew his mother would not stop until she got every last detail. 
His heart squeezed a little at how dearly he loved her. While feelings of envy and jealousy were often choking him, it was moments like these that reminded him that he still had Frigga. And that was what mattered, right? 
Frigga looked around Loki’s room for a second before getting up from the bed. “Very well. I suppose I’ll let you rest now,” She smiled softly as she walked to the door. “Rest well,” “Mm,” Was all Loki offered. “Oh and Loki, darling-” He could hear the grin in her voice. “Don’t dwell on it too much. I’m sure you’ll see her again,” 
“Good night, Mother,” He answered loudly, as if trying to block out her words and end the conversation. Frigga chuckled, and then the door closed as she left. 
He grumbled to himself as he tossed and turned in bed, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.
This shouldn’t be bothering him.
He shouldn’t be this agitated about a few simple words.
So what, if she knew he was the prince? What did it matter?
Maybe because for once you hoped someone would like you for just you, the horrible voice in his mind let the insecurities run wild. 
Maybe he would never see you again. Maybe this was a one time thing and he’d never have the pleasure to see your smile again. 
Worse- maybe there would be others. Maybe there already are others. He wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that you were exclusive with anyone- how could you be, when you kissed him? But he couldn’t help thinking that maybe your heart would- or potentially already does- belong to someone else.
It’s not like he dreamt of marrying you. He felt simply…intrigued. No one had interested him as much as you had lately, and the idea that someone else had your attention disturbed him. 
Loki was never one to plead, or even pray- why would he, when he was a prince, a god? Anything he wished was at his fingertips. But he couldn’t help the quiet whispers that escaped his lips, begging that there would be a chance to see you again- to enjoy your beauty and bask in your shine. That perhaps, in the near future, he’d be able to hear those witty remarks and feel your lips against his.
This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
 He hoped and hoped and hoped that if he closed his eyes tonight and let himself sleep, it wouldn’t mean the end. And most of all, he prayed that there wasn’t anyone else. That this didn’t happen out of curiosity's sake- that the kiss wasn’t just to brag amongst friends. It’s happened one too many times, and still he could hear the whispers of past nights when he frequently realized that no one was interested in him, simply the idea of him- the title he possessed and the bragging rights that came with it. 
He prayed silently. Although he wasn’t exactly sure who he was praying to. Did he even need to pray? But perhaps Freyja was listening, and perhaps she’d take pity on him- though he couldn’t be entirely convinced. 
But he still did- praying and pleading quietly with the stars right outside his window and the moon shining its light into his room- hoping that you saw more in him than anyone else ever did. 
Please don’t be in love with someone else
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you
Please don’t be in love with someone else
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you. 
And yet, in the dark of his room, with just his mind as company, he couldn’t help but let the horrid whispers of insecurity take over his every thought until he fell asleep doubting his every thought and emotion. 
*                                                                *                                                           *
Weeks passed before the royal family hosted another ball. It was a simple one, and there was truly no special occasion behind it. Loki suspected his mother caught wind of all his mopping and wallowing and hoped to fix it. 
Not that it was working anyway. He didn’t want to be here. He’d much rather go back to his room and finish reading his book in peace. Instead, he was forced to put on a polite face and greet guests. 
Overall, this night wasn’t going well at all. Not to mention, he still hadn’t stopped thinking about you. Every time you popped into his mind (which was more often than not) his mood instantly soured. It was safe to say he’d been in an ugly mood for a while now. 
He stood in the corner of the ballroom, drink in hand and surveying the room after exchanging pleasantries for what felt like hours. 
He really really wished he wasn’t here. Thor was talking his ear off- and while he loved his brother dearly, he really wished to be alone right now. Everywhere he looked he saw fleeting glances that reminded him of you. Stupid things like hair in a shade just like yours- a gown with a colour matching the one you wore that night- a laugh that sounded ju-
His head whipped around when he caught the sound of that laugh. His hand went up to shush Thor’s talking. 
This wasn’t possible. There was no possible way it could be you. 
And yet when his eyes found the source of the sound, his heart soared and fluttered. 
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
Suddenly, the night didn’t seem so boring. He couldn’t find it in himself to care about what Thor was asking. 
He felt giddy inside, like a child experiencing the beauty of the world for the first time, and he couldn’t stop the huge smile spreading across his face. It was you. It really, truly, was you- standing right across the room, laughing with your friends. You looked breathtaking, dressed in a beautiful gown and face shining with joy. 
“Oh,” Thor's loud voice brought him back. “Is that why you’ve been so gloomy?” Loki cringed at how obvious Thor made the statement. “Brother, I beg you, stop talking,” “Why?” Thor beamed. “Come now, we shall go over and say hello,” “No we won’t be doing anything,” Loki tried to argue but before he could even finish his sentence, Thor had already left Loki’s side and crossed the room to the group of ladies. 
Whatever it was that he was saying had the girls giggling. And, as if it couldn’t get any worse, he pointed very clearly at Loki as he talked, causing the girls to turn and see him.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
Loki gave an awkward wave at the group. Your eyes lingered on him a little after the group turned back to listen to Thor, and he flashed you a smile. As soon as you turned back around though, he ran a hand down his face in exasperation. What was Thor thinking? Marching over there like it was nothing. Did he not realize how embarrassing this was? What was he even saying to them? What if he was telling some horrible story? He groaned internally as horrible scenario after horrible scenario played out in his mind. Was he trying to serenade them? Why were they laughing so much? Why was Thor grinning like that? Oh what if he was telling some stupid tale? Or was he making up some exaggerated lie about him? And why-
“You look like you’re trying to glare a hole through his skull,”
He jumped, turned to see you smiling softly at him. When did you even get there? Perhaps he got too distracted with plotting Thor’s death. 
“Perhaps I am,” He tried to keep his voice calm, but his heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest? Could you hear how loud it was? Why was it suddenly so quiet? All he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears. Was he breathing too loud? 
Focus. He needed to focus. He’s getting too much into his head. It’s not like he was madly in love or anything- it’s a simple…interest. Yes, that was it. You simply intrigued him, nothing more. So why did his palms suddenly feel so sweaty as you grinned at him, and why was he so damn nervous? He never got nervous. His face felt like he was on fire. Was he blushing? He cursed himself mentally at least a million times. 
“Your highness?” Your voice brought him out of his head. 
“Sorry,” He mumbled. Stop overthinking it. And why did it bother him so damn much that you used that title? “What was that?” 
“I said, what reasons would you have to drill a hole into his skull?” 
Gods, you were so beautiful. How could anyone be so gorgeous? How could anyone even be allowed to be this stunning? The way your eyes shone with held back laughter, and the soft grin on your lips.
Oh good Norns, her lips. 
No. No. He mentally scolded himself. Stop it. 
“Well,” He acted as cool as he felt- basically, not cool at all. “Other than the fact that he’s my brother?” That got a laugh out of you. Loki: 1 Thor: 0. 
When did this even turn into a competition? Then again, it really did set a fire under him when he saw how easy you were around Thor. 
“Fair enough I suppose,” You shrugged. 
He couldn’t stop the question from coming out. “What was Thor telling you about?” 
“Oh! His Highness was just chatting,” 
“Mm, chatting,” He repeated absentmindedly. You both fell silent for a few moments. “So,” You started awkwardly. “How are you enjoying the party, my prince?” 
“Don’t call me that,” He said a bit too quickly- a bit too harshly. 
You blinked. “Sorry? Why not? You are a prince,” He shook his head. “I apologise, that was rather rash. I just…well,” he sighed. “That night a few weeks back? It felt…nice, to be just a stranger. You made it feel nice to be a stranger with no burden, no title, no importance. Just…another man. I hope…you would be kind enough to keep it that way, between us,” he explained hesitantly. 
“...I see,” You cleared your throat, and he could swear you were fighting back a chuckle. “So, what shall I refer to you as?” “Hm,” He grinned. “Loki works just fine, darling,”
“Loki,” You said hesitantly, as if testing it out and he nearly died right on the spot. “Alright,” You beamed. And then the silence came over again as you both watched people dance across the floor. 
But the question still ate at him. “I can’t help but ask again- honestly, what was Thor telling you? Knowing him, it was either an exaggerated lie or the most embarrassing story in all Nine Realms,” You chuckled. “Well, he was telling us a story,” That had to be the most terrifying sentence he’s ever heard. “Really? Please, do tell,”
“Well, he was telling us this story about a really handsome fellow who’s got quite the personality. He’s kind, and charming, with gorgeous hair and really pretty eyes,” 
He should just listen to the rest of the story before jumping to conclusions, but he couldn’t stop the image of Thor popping into his mind, followed by a wave of bursting fury. He had the audacity- 
“And,” You continued. “Legend has it, he met a brilliant woman- or so they say- but when she left, he fell into a horrible tragic gloom. He was all frowns and grumpy and nothing could ever break through his wallowing and mopping,” He genuinely could not listen to this anymore. His chest felt like it was going to burst from pain and he tasted bile in his throat. Maybe he was falling ill. “I’ll have you know, Thor has been all beams and grins all month,” 
Something passed over your face, and you bit your bottom lip. “Who’s talking about Thor?” “You said ‘handsome fellow’ and ‘charming and kind’ and ‘great hair’ or whatever-” “I told you I’m not into blonds,” You interrupted. 
Now what does that have to do with anything? 
“How does that relate to this conversation?” 
You shook your head, shoulders shaking with laughter. How could you be laughing right now? “Okay, I’ll slow down. Prince Thor told us a brilliant story about this beautiful man, and I came to see you immediately after…” You trailed off, as if expecting him to finish the thought. 
“Yes, you came to rub it into my face. Funny,” His tone went cold. 
You placed a hand on his arm. “Loki, you are the gorgeous man of the story,” Oh. 
And suddenly, his heart was back to pounding rapidly. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh I see,” In the back of his mind, he registered how similar this was to the night you met. 
You chuckled. “Yeah, I’m glad you got it now,” You smiled widely, your eyes scanning the dance floor before returning to him. “Dance with me?” You repeated the same words he had said. 
Oh. Oh dear Norns. His heart felt like it was gonna burst, and his face was on fire. 
He nodded slowly. “Oh. Yes, absolutely,” You took his hands and walked to the center of the room just as the music began a new tone. And as cliché as it would sound, he felt everything melt away as you began to dance. It was nothing but him with you in his arms, and the sound of music. And that gorgeous, gorgeous smile of yours. 
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
As the song ended, he held you tighter in his arms, his cheeks aching from how hard he'd been smiling. Your face was slightly flushed, and you were a little breathless, but you looked at him with such adoration his heart squeezed. 
“You, my darling,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, “are enchanting,” 
I was enchanted to meet you
And although he knew guests were mumbling at the scene, he couldn’t find himself to care. What man could, when such a gorgeous woman was in his arms, grinning at him so widely?
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M4A1, AN-94 and Springfield with a S/O who’s cooking looks absolute dogshit, but tastes like a Michelin chef prepared it?
(GFL) Springfield, M4A1, and AN-94's S/O cooking for them
Looks like it's finally time for ANOTHER T-DOLL FUN FACT!
TDFF 3: Springfield runs a Cafe on-base, and is the best baker/coffee maker of all the T-Dolls under Griffin and Kruger. She also has an adorable apron/alternate hairstyle while working in the Cafe. On that note:
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Springfield's typical smile is replaced with an expression of surprise, watching S/O emerge from the kitchen with a sludge on their plate.
She brushes her hair back and adjusts her apron as she sits down, examining the food.
(Springfield) "Oh my..."
As far as her eyes could scan, there was nothing toxic despite the appearance. Thankfully she was not human so it could not possibly kill her. Unfortunately, she still had a sense of taste built into her, to which she decided nothing ventured, nothing gained.
S/O watched with a hint of anticipation. They knew Springfield was quite serious about the food served, and would have nothing less than what her standards for the menu was.
After putting the multi-colored sludge on her spoon and tasting it, her eyes widened.
(Springfield) "...Wow, you did great, S/O!"
(S/O) "R-Really?!"
Her smile returns with gusto, putting both her hands together.
(Springfield) "Yes, and I think we can actually use the appearance to our advantage, it can be a special item! Though that being said, we do have to work on your presentation. It can potentially lead someone away."
(S/O) "Potentially?"
(Springfield) "Hm...Well, I suppose I am being a bit too generous. I think it would make some of the other girls flee in terror..."
But she nodded with a determined fire in her eyes.
(Springfield) "But I know you can do it! My darling will have the best of both worlds in my cafe!"
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(M4A1) "...Um, what is this?"
(S/O) "Soup!"
(M4A1) "According to my database, soup should not be green."
(S/O) "Oh, I just wanted it to resemble you!"
M4 stared at the green viscous liquid. It could be mistaken as acid.
With a spoonful in her hand, she reluctantly puts it through her lips and tastes the "soup".
Which to her surprise, tasted fine. In fact, it was more than fine, it was great!
M4 took another spoonful again to make sure she wasn't malfunctioning, and still it was the same.
(M4A1) "This is really good, S/O!"
(S/O) "Oh thank god, I thought you'd hate it..."
(M4A1) "I certainly do not like its look..."
(S/O) "Huh?"
(M4A1) "N-Nothing. Thank you very much for the meal."
Thankfully, S/O did not notice that M4 was staring at them the entire time she was eating, trying to not see the horrific-looking soup and keep it out of mind and simply enjoy the love it was made from.
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For better or worse, 94 was very direct, no matter what the subject was.
And upon seeing S/O's food:
(AN-94) "...I do not believe this is thoroughly cooked."
(S/O) "Sandwiches aren't meant to be cooked. Well, not this one anyway."
(AN-94) "This does not fit the traditional appearances of sandwiches according to my data."
Her voice is as cold as her remarks on S/O's food, but she doesn't hesitate to taste it.
At least not before she prepared to send out an emergency distress signal should her systems fail upon consuming the food.
Instead, it was unneeded as the sandwich tasted great!...According to her sensors anyway.
(S/O) "Um...Is it good?"
94 simply nodded as she continued to eat it.
(S/O) "You don't look happy about eating it though."
(AN-94) "...Ah, my apologies. I did not think about displaying that properly, humans typically do that, do they not?"
Her soft smile puts S/O at ease as she tries her best to reassure them her feelings are genuine.
(AN-94) "Despite the concerning appearance of your cooking, it is quite delicious, thank you."
(S/O) "Thanks...I think?"
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drewsbuzzcut · 7 months
I love their romance feels realistic for their age as well. Although I would love to have a blurb of them doing LDR when he’s in the NHL and she’s in Paris. Alternatively a day of them spending in an Paris
So I haven’t actually decided if Dallas will live in Paris or if she turns down the offer. For the sake of this request, we’ll say she’s in Paris for a little bit during Nick’s first year in the NHL
warnings: minor angst
Dallas makes her way up to her tiny apartment, coffee in one hand and a roll of fabric in the other. She struggles with slotting her key in the keyhole, the shrill ring of her phone making her nerves heighten. She knows who’s calling her and she shouldn’t be so annoyed by it, but she is.
“Yes?” She says into the phone that’s now between her cheek and shoulder, voice short and hard.
Between the stress of finishing her first 5 pieces of her collection and Nick’s schedule not coinciding with hers, Dallas feels like she’s hanging by a single, tattered thread.
“Woah. What’s wrong?” Nick asks. She doesn’t even have to see him to know his eyebrows are furrowed and he’s biting at his lip.
“What isn’t wrong? My deadline is nearing its end and I still have one piece to work on. My fabric choices aren’t vast, so I’m literally hauling myself into any and every fabric store to find what I need. Oh! And I can’t talk to you right now,” she huffs into the phone, finally pushing her door open.
Her lips part to allow oxygen into her lungs. Her hair that was neat an hour ago, is now all over the place. Strands pulled out from her hairstyle now lay over her forehead and get caught in her mouth as she talks.
“Babe, it’ll be okay. You’re a fashion genius, you’ll figure it out. But, what do you mean you can’t talk?” He tries to hype her up, but he’s a little lackluster because she can’t talk.
“I already told you, Nick. My schedule is strict. I was available for a phone call yesterday- one that you were available for as well, but then you said that something came up. You’re the one who canceled our call yesterday, so yeah, I can’t talk today,” Dallas snaps, a hand pressing into her forehead to prevent the headache she already feels from draining her completely.
“I’m sorry, okay? I had something important that I couldn’t just cancel, but surely you can take a little break,” he says, trying to keep calm.
“I take a break every time I step away from the damn sewing machine to look for fabric, or to eat for fucks sake. I can’t do this right now. I need to let you go,” she rants and clicks the red button on her phone.
She inhales and exhales deep breaths and lets her tears drip down her cheeks. She feels bad for snapping at him, but he can’t expect her to drop everything when he won’t. You get what you give.
She stomps through the tiny layout of her temporary home, flinging herself on her bed and dialing Nick’s number.
“Hey,” he whispers.
“I’m sorry. I’m so stressed. If I don’t get this last piece figured out, then all of this will just be a waste of time and money. Money I can’t afford to lose out on. I can’t even begin to fathom what the investors will tell other companies about my capabilities. It doesn’t help that I miss you every single second of the day. I wish I was with you. Why did I come to Paris?” Dallas rants, her tears evident in the way her breathing stalls and her soft sniffles.
“Baby, I love you. You’re my wife and my wife is amazing at what she does. You’re having trouble right now, but you’ll figure it out. Once you do, you’ll be unstoppable. This isn’t a waste and those investor assholes don’t have any room to talk badly about you. I miss you so much, June bug. We’re going to be okay, though. Only a month left until you come back to me, or I can go to you. We can spend a week or two and do all the things you were too busy to do,” Nick soothes her. It feels like she’s being kissed through the phone.
She misses him so much.
“Promise?” Her voice is scratchy, but Nick can hear the vulnerability.
“I promise.”
“I love you, Nicky. Tell me about your day. Maybe I can spark up some up inspiration,” she allows herself one moment of peace, listening to her husband’s voice.
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coveredinredpaint · 11 months
advice for avoiding the oppressive institution that is school dress codes? /hj
hey ey!!
i gotta start this off by saying my school doesnt have a dresscode, but i have one at work so ill share my tricks from there.
to start off its important you know the rules, and know where to find them, if a teacher scolds you for something thats technically allowed make sure you can prove em wrong. malicous compliance is key here.
some things you may be able to change in ur uniform/clothing:
(ill work my way up from shoes to hair to make it somewhat comprehensible.)
-shoes: at work we gotta wear black and/or white shoes. so i changed out the laces on my sniper boots to colored ones, and attached small carabiners to the laces them, on my vans i also have colored laces and shoe wings. you can also add beads, chains or other stuff. if the rules are very lax you can even paint them or add small patches to them. also wear fun socks with fun colors and patterns
-pants: cuff them, wear (wallet) chains, slightly worn, discolored jeans also give an alternative look. cargos are in but i advise widelegged ones, if youre able to get your hands on them, vintage, they are more comfortable, better quality and have more pockets. pants with patterns from cow to camouflage. also belts!! studded or if those are not allowed you can wear multiple at the same time. you can add patches with safety pins or add buttons.
-tops/shirts/blouses: if you have to wear a uniform with a blouse, cuff the sleeves, open a few top buttons and flip up the collar. to the collar you can also add collar pins and/or put a chain between them. see if youre allowed to add pins buttons or safety pins to your clothes. maybe you can layer a fishnet under them. wear t-shirt with big prints, bandnames or vagely political statements few ppl will understand. i like to cut the sleeves off of my shirts. leather jackets or vests always add a lot to your outfit. flannels with bright colors or instead earth tones.
-necklaces/chokers: bigger chains with big charms can add a lot, i have two big bone shaped dogtags, and a big one in the shape of a clover (the playing card symbol) also military dogtags with instead of ur info, bands or political statements on them are rlly cool. you can also make necklaces out of safety pins, but be careful that they wont open by themselves. you can permanently close the opening with pliers if needed. if chokers are allowed there are often rules against ones with sharp spikes, so bare ones or piramid/cone studs can be worn instead.
-bracelets/cuffs: for the cuffs its the same as the chokers. to beaded bracelets you can also add political statements or band names. chain bracelets or ones that connect to rings always look cool. see if you can wear rings and if yes try chunkier ones with a cool shape. try fingerless gloves or armwarmers.
-tattoos/hairstyles/piercings: dresscodes are opressive bullshit but i carry a perticular hatred for ones that ban piercings tattoos or hairstyles. if theres a ban on piercings you can get ones that you can hide (horseshoe septum) or ones that can be camouflaged with flesh colored jewellry. tattoos can be hidden with the right clothing. if bright unnatural haircolors are not alowed combine regular ones, black and blonde, red and blonde, brown and black, etc. you can split dye, dye the points or roots or dye particular sections. not allowed to shave your sides? thightly braid them like those viking braids to give the effect theyre shaven. also once youve shaven your head theres nothing they can do about it. also paint ur nails.
other stuff:
you can always hide certain accesoires in your bag or under your clothes during class and wear em during breaks or free periods. also dont hestitate to try out how much the rules are actually policed.
hope this helps! if yall got more tips dont hestitate to add em on, this is just what i thought of of the top of my head.
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kylos-starlight · 1 month
Character Chart for Azie (James Echo)
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Character’s full name: James Echo
Character’s nickname: Azie
Reason for nickname: No one knows his real name. He used to have bright azure hair as a teenager, so people called him Azie, and the name stuck.
Birth date: October 31st
Physical Appearance
Age: 29
Height: 5'8"
Body build: Slim
Shape of face: Thin
Eye color: Normally brown, but wears purple contacts
Skin tone: Pale
Distinguishing marks: Star tattoo on the left side of his face, nautical star tattoo on his left hand, cherry tattoo on his neck, beauty mark by his right eye.
Hair color: Blue (dyed)
Type of hair: Thin
Hairstyle: Short and messy
Voice: Smooth
Usual fashion of dress: Punky-casual
Favorite outfit: Hoodies
Jewelry or accessories: Rings
Good personality traits: spontaneous
Bad personality traits: emotionally unbalanced, guarded, distrusting
Mood character is most often in: Alert
Sense of humor: Dry, sometimes cynical
Character’s greatest joy in life: Getting what he wants
Character’s greatest fear: Being held accountable
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Being brought in and held accountable for his actions
Character is most at ease when: He's in his hideout
Most ill at ease when: His sister is in town
Enraged when: Interacting with his sister or if someone tells him what he should and shouldn't do
Depressed or sad when: He thinks about his past family life
Priorities: Survive
If granted one wish, it would be: To not be born into the life he was thrown into
Why? His parents were emotionally and physically abusive, favoring his twin sister Clara, who was their pride and joy. Azie was treated like garbage for being born a boy.
Character’s soft spot: Foxes
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes
Greatest strength: Adaptability
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His deep-seated guilt and fear of being caught
Biggest regret: Setting his family home on fire
Minor regret: Not running away sooner
Biggest accomplishment: Surviving undetected for years
Minor accomplishment: Successfully hiding out as a fire lookout for an entire summer
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: His failed attempt to fully disconnect from his past, leading to continued fear and paranoia
Why? It reveals his ongoing vulnerability and the fact that he hasn’t fully escaped his past
Character’s darkest secret: He set his family home on fire with his parents inside, killing them
Does anyone else know? His sister.
Drives and motivations: Survival, avoiding accountability
Immediate goals: Continue to evade capture and live quietly
Long term goals: Fully escape his past and find a semblance of peace
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By staying off the grid, changing his appearance regularly, and avoiding close relationships (wink lmao)
How other characters will be affected: Those who care for him will be kept at a distance, leading to strained or superficial relationships
Type of childhood: Traumatic, abusive
Pets: None
First memory: Hiding from his father during a violent outburst
Most important childhood memory: The night he set the house on fire
Why: It was the turning point that led to his current life on the run
Education: Dropped out of high school
Religion: Atheist
Finances: Poor, lives day to day
Current location: Unspecified, moves around frequently
Currently living with: No one
Pets: None
Occupation: None, lives off the grid
Finances: Minimal, lives a frugal and resourceful lifestyle
Mother: Deceased, emotionally abusive
Relationship with her: Resentful and fearful
Father: Deceased, physically abusive
Relationship with him: Hateful and fearful
Siblings: Twin sister, Clara
Relationship with them: Strained and antagonistic
Color: Pink
Least favorite color: Brown
Music: Alternative rock
Food: Cherries!
Literature: Horror novels
Form of entertainment: Watching old horror movies
Expressions: "Better safe than sorry."
Mode of transportation: Walking or hitchhiking
Most prized possession: A locket from his sister (before things went bad)
Hobbies: Painting his nails, sketching, people-watching
How he would spend a rainy day: Hiding out, reading, or watching the rain
Spending habits: Frugal, only buys necessities
Smokes: Occasionally
Drinks: Rarely
Other drugs: None
What does he do too much of? Overthinks and worries
What does he do too little of? Trust others
Extremely skilled at: Disappearing, survival in the wild
Extremely unskilled at: Socializing, forming lasting bonds\
Nervous tics: Tugs at his sleeves, bites his nails
Usual body posture: Slouched, defensive
Mannerisms: Fidgety, avoids eye contact
Peculiarities: Always keeps his nails painted, obsessively checks his surroundings
Resilience: Having survived an abusive upbringing and the trauma of setting his family home on fire, Azie has developed a strong sense of resilience. This enabled him to adapt to new situations and recover from setbacks quickly.
Resourcefulness: Living on the run and having to constantly reinvent himself makes Azie highly resourceful. He is adept at using whatever means available to him to survive and achieve his goals.
Secretive: Due to his need to hide his true identity and past, Azie is naturally secretive, revealing very little about himself to others unless absolutely necessary.
Observant: As someone who values vigilance and has a history of looking out for danger (as evidenced by his time spent as a fire lookout), Azie is extremely observant of his surroundings and the people in it.
Independent: Azie's experiences taught him to rely solely on himself. He would prefer to handle things on his own rather than seek help, valuing self-sufficiency.
Protective of personal space: Given his past, Azie is particularly protective of his personal space, as it represents a boundary that was once violently crossed.
Tagging @heatobrienswife cause you wanted lore!
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van-yangyin · 6 months
I said I wasn't going to do anything for April Fools but I lied, I'm going to start doing only CC for female gender, but without anything for Occult ones, that is in trend, of course. With a lot of top crops exclusively for female gender repeated one with another and also hairstyles that are always using as a base the meshes of game with a simple small variation, that I can't miss and put them in permanent paywall. All my gameplays and stories will be exclusively of cishetero and cisgender sims with beige or white aesthetics, no colors, women with dresses and skirts and men with suits and all of them exclusively with very white skintone and thin, no variety. Also there will be no Occult sims of any kind. !!APRIL FOOLS!! (Disclaimer: Nothing against people making and liking that kind of gameplay/stories and CC, but it's not my cup of tea).
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Luka: Porque coño soy tan blanco y tengo los ojos azules? Además, parezco un puto cliché con el pelo corto y repeinado... ¡y soy de ascendencia asiática! 😫 ~Translation~ Luka: Why the fuck am I so white and I have blue eyes? Also, I look like a fucking cliché with my hair short and slicked back…. And I'm of Asian descent! 😫
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Luka: ¡SÍ! ¡Esto está MUCHO mejor! Mi pelito, mi tinte azul, mis ojitos verdes avellana, ¡mi todo! ¡Estos yos de mis diferentes universos alternativos SÍ me representan! 😌 Ese de arriba no... 🖕 solo en mis peores pesadillas... 🖕 ~Translation~ Luka: YES! This is SO much better! My hairstyle, my blue dye, my almond green eyes, my everything! These myselves from my different alternate universes DO represent me! 😌 That one on top doesn't... 🖕 only in my worst nightmares.... 🖕
And this is my April Fools' Day, although I'm more of a Día de las Inocentadas person.
Slightly inspired by occultradio's post, thank you 🙇💓
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octuscle · 8 months
Really awesome work with Justin Bieber. Is it possible to use a chronivac program or a luggage to live an alternative live of justin drew bieber?
The case you get looks pretty used. Cheap imitation leather. Lots of suitcase stickers. Most of them super old-fashioned. Pan Am… TWA… Damn, how long have these airlines been out of business? According to the luggage tag, the suitcase definitely belongs to a John Daniel Bieber. And the last address is the YMCA in San Francisco.
The contents of the suitcase are absolutely great. Everything you need for the next flower power party. From the 70s boots to the comb for an afro hairstyle (which you don't have), it's all there. Yes, the suitcase smells musty and the polyester shirts reek of sweat. But you can wash them all. You'll have a look at it tomorrow. But for tonight, it's enough for you to put on one of the cool chains. Looks great. But now you're tired and you have to get up early tomorrow. So you go to bed and fall asleep almost immediately.
It's 7 a.m. when you are woken up by noise in the dormitory. Blimey, he's already getting up at this time?!?!?!! A group of backpackers pack up their things and noisily leave the dormitory. If you're already awake, you might as well piss. You jump out of bed naked and shuffle towards the washrooms. Peter is standing next to you. Also naked except for his sunglasses. And except for a joint in his mouth. He lets you take a drag. Okay, the wake-up call wasn't that bad… Nevertheless, you go back to bed slightly stoned and sleep until your morning boner wakes you up almost painfully. You always get the best erections after smoking weed.
You look in your suitcase for reasonably clean clothes, get dressed, pick up your guitar and head towards Union Square. The bourgeoisie are about to break for lunch, so you can get a really good deal. Thank goodness you have enough time to grab a coffee at Compton's Cafeteria on the way.
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JD has had the most success with young female office workers. But there were also plenty of younger and older men who were his fans. His guitar case quickly filled up with coins and dollar bills. Tonight he and his buddies would be able to have another hot evening. And who knows, there might even be enough for tomorrow and the day after…
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kayetra-spade-queen · 2 months
Time for another ramble.
This time, it's about Arjun, Prince of Bali. Some things that bothered me as an Indo.
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Look, I know the show had long ended (with only 3 years of runtime and it has been 7 years since it had ended), but the show is surprisingly underwhelming, and I'm saying this as someone who used to watch some of the episodes that showed on TV (dubbed in Indo obv) when I was younger, and also as someone who's taken the time to watch the episodes in order or not.
Keep in mind, I'm not here to bash the show. I liked this show, because it's actually interesting if you actually took the time to enjoy it. It's just that my overanalyzing ass couldn't stfu, so that's why I'm whipping this up out of my ass. It's my job dawg- ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
They lack Indo names. Like, ok. Aci and Ayu are there, and ig Wangi is also there. But like how their names are pronounced are butchered, especially the twins, they're so Americanized in terms of their name pronunciation.
Tanya is questionable cuz that's not even an Indo name. Tanya in Indo means question, and idk wtf came over the king and queen's head thinking naming their child Question is a good idea.
Everyone else had Hindi names.
I'd propose alternative names for Wangi and Tanya (personally, the name Wangi, wrongly pronounced or otherwise is weird, just saying-).
Funnily enough, I've searched up Balinese names, and I read names are supposed to be given depending on their birth order.
Meaning, if Arjun isn't name the way he is, his name could be Wayan due to being a firstborn child.
Tanya could be named Ni Luh, as a firstborn daughter. Yes, she's a second born, which also give her the option of Ni Made. Honestly it depends, it could be either of them, but my point still stands.
And for Wangi, I'd give her the name Bunga instead, meaning flower.
Lack of Indo Language Overall
Look, I know it's an Indian cartoon, but if you're going to put a set in other places other than India, might as well do proper research.
Like, I get it, Balinese is especially a difficult language, and I understand as a Javanese and Maduranese who doesn't understand squat of Java at the slightest.
But at the very least, you could use normal Indo. But then again, I think they'll butcher pronunciation regardless if they did or not, looking how they ruined Aci and Ayu's name.
All I'm saying is that, yes, although the overall language use is Hindi, at the very least, use some Indo words in there, even if it's just a little bit. Music, clothing, and architecture isn't the only thing that should be shown, our language, the local or the country-wide one should be represented as well. But I guess it's hard given that there's literally no Indo person in their team.
I get that Arjun and Tanya are biracial, and Hindi also had the right to be represented even if the setting isn't at India. But my point still stands.
Arjun's Lack of Hair Care
Listen, Arjun probably had the most flawless hair known to mankind, and I think he knows it, so that's why he's embracing it. But the point is, similar way of how Bheem's dhoti never got in the way of his fighting, Arjun's hair also never got in the way of training and fighting.
Realistically, he'd tie it up so his hair won't block his view. But god forbid that times of he did get his eyes blocked from view, it won't because of his hair, more like it's from other things like blowing leaves and flying papers.
I would personally love to see more of Arjun looking like this more.
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That hairstyle is equally gorgeous as his free hair. He'd still look girly either way lmfao.
Look, he deserve his own column due to reasons.
First and foremost; he's a ginger, so are his father. Having a hair color other than black and brown in Asia is rather unusual unless his father had like a foreign lineage. Not to mention they're weirdly pale as well. I have red on my hair naturally, but he's literally just straight up ginger dawg-
And what is this obsession over getting rid of Arjun so Khojo could become prince instead? Like, I get that Arjun is an heir, but isn't usually if the heir couldn't take over or just no more at all, shouldn't the other borns took over instead? If in the events Arjun is to be eliminated, Tanya would be successor instead. Why would a Minister's kid be appointed as prince instead? Like, I don't know if it works like in other countries (I'm not familiar with Indo royal hierarchy system, much less Bali), but just saying that appointing someone who's not even part of the family as an heir when there's clearly someone else other than the initial heir who could take over and is part of the family.
Take is from Bheem for example; sure, he's not royalty and not even part of the royal family. But he was appointed as a substitute king for a while because both the king and the princess are absent. Bheem is appointed to be king because he's trusted and can protect the kingdom just fine.
Khojo is different, and even if scenario plays in a similar manner but still differs; like if the king and queen ceased to exist anymore, Arjun would assume the throne from the get-go despite how still very young he is. If Arjun is also ceased to exist, Tanya would assume the throne. There's literally no place for Khojo at all, and even if Tanya is also gone, I don't think Khojo or even any of the Ministers are gonna assume the throne regardless, especially Khojo's father. Khojo's father literally once planned of Arjun and Zimmbu's kidnapping and tiger-napping all for the sake of getting his son to the seat of prince, yet that is literally not how it works. Who would even trust the throne to him dawg?? Arjun isn't the only child royalty in the family, Tanya is still there. If Arjun is killed after he got kidnapped, she'll assume to be heir right away.
Oh, and he's trying so hard for Tanya, even though she's not interested. He's so desperate for what?
Now I'm moving onto something I don't really wanna bitch off of, just wanted to point things out and maybe throw some scenarios here and there because I think it's neat.
Arjun As A Girl In Disguise
Tell me if you see this pic out of context, you'd tell me whether this kid is a girl or a boy;
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Anyways, my point is, if you give him more feminine clothes and he wears it, 100% he'd be mistaken as a girl. And if situation requires it, he'd effortlessly lie that he is a girl, and no one will suspect shit.
He's not even just androgynous anymore, he's straight up feminine, and I liked it that not all men should all look broad and jacked. They could be feminine asf and still look badass.
Both Arjun and Tanya Represents Arjuna of Mahabarata
Now, what do I mean by that?
We all know Arjuna's personality. Arjun had the exact same personality as Arjuna (hence literally being a spinoff version of Arjuna himself). From enjoying attention, how girls fall for them, even as wielding the same weapons (bow and arrow). I think Arjun represents Arjuna in the warfare aspect.
And where do Tanya fit into this?
See, Tanya is more artistic; she danced and done more things in the arts compared to when she actually did anything relating with combat (mentioning the times she once did archery and another episode where broke into Arjun's room with Wangi to get his weapons to train while Arjun is away). Tanya represents Arjuna who were taught and enjoys dancing and music aspect during the exile.
Now I just want answers to my questions;
Who tf is Sankat? Ik he's also a prince, but I can't tell if he's related to Arjun in some way (I don't understand Hindi)
Why is Wangi even in the forest?
Why is Wangi blue?
That's probably all. If there's more I want to talk about, I'll add it in a reblog.
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