#yippee doctor trauma!!
coffee-bat · 5 months
btw did i ever mention how my first ear piercing was done manually with a needle and no anesthetic and it was kinda fucked up
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vi-138 · 5 months
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6okuto · 1 year
I saw that you did like a pt 2 for Ais... Could you do a part 2 for Kuras
Only if you have time for that!
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gn!reader | hellaur !! i absolutely can. meow
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HIS WHITE OUTFIT. man... you get your clothes dirty and bro knows exactly how to get the stains out and offers to do your laundry/teach you if you don't know how.
you ask to stick around the clinic to help out and he does a mini tour and gives you some easy tasks. he appreciates your company and rarely says no without some external factor
if you got him a keychain or trinket he'd put it somewhere he'd see it often. maybe fidget with while he's working or researching something. especially if it's like,, a pen or notebook. make sure it's good quality and he'll be using them regularly!
you know when you have Home Remedies that you have no research to back up but work for you ? kuras has to watch and respect the fact that it worked...in whatever way....but also really wants you to try the actual medicine he has. he's a doctor. please
kuras is probably The one in the cast to go to if you want to be held accountable for something. as in like, not spending more than x amount of money or studying for x amount of time. he's a mischievous guy but if you want someone to inevitably support your bad life/financial decisions maybe choose someone else
^ tbf mhin is probably also a decent choice methinks
type of guy to learn you like a book or relate to a song or character or whatever then take the time to check it out and analyze it himself. if you ever gave him an annotated novel he'd read every single note and even tell you his favourites + his own thoughts
you tell him about your favourite characters and why you like them and he's like Hm. interesting. ?! what's interesting. what deep trauma and personal history did you just dissect
bruh....kuras as a professor. the brown trench coat and glasses walking around campus in autumn Omggg
okayy cafe + library/book store date where you pick each other's drinks and books and people watch
washing his hair like,, showering/bathing together but taking care of his hair in general. smth smth nonsexual intimacy smth smth him relaxing against you and offering to do the same/something in return smth smth
i like to think he'd have a nice singing voice. like you're helping out at the clinic and you hear him humming something he heard and you're like !! woah.
sitting in silence together. yippee! you break the silence with a random thought or question and it takes him a second to process but gives a decent answer. asks about the train of thought that led you there if it's especially out of the blue
^ it's sort of soft + smooth..? like Hello There Tenor....slay that white winter hymnal. sorry that's always the first song i remember from choir
vry good if you're being indecisive about something small. like where to eat. may somehow convince you to get something that wasn't even an option at first based on what you seem to be craving
ok. actually plot related . like fine red spring studio. kuras can commit crimes and atrocities 🙄! his scam was just the beginning and he keeps up a front where that's some of the worst he'll do. when he's finally caught we're going to have to make a choice where we're afraid or choose to help him (whatever that means to you)
our faces when kuras projects his probable self hatred and belief that sins can only he repaid through suffering onto others which is what the horrible things he'll do is centered around 😂 haha that'd be crazy
anyway. whatever. as always assume i'm wrong. i'm just a girl
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@lost-lonnie @respitable @mitskiologist
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Shaun Murphey Whump - The Good Doctor
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1x01 Burnt Food - Chased by TSA, pinned down, flashbacks to trauma, abusive father, childhood breakdown, flashback to dying brother 1x02 Mount Rushmore - Flashback to dying brother 1x03 Oliver - Brother trauma 1x04 Pipes - Frantic, sweating, obsessive the whole episode, upset, insomnia, anxious, angry outburst, meltdown 1x05 Point Three Percent - Meets brother doppleganger, faced with trauma, visibly upset 1x08 Apple - Held at gunpoint, panicking, in shock, guilt, therapy, avoidance, obsessed with apples 1x10 Sacrifice - Forced to take therapy, panic attack, sweating, withdrawn, sleeps in Janitors closet, makes Melendez worry, confrontation, emotional outburst/meltdown, hits himself multiple times, runs away 1x11 Islands pt. 1 - Talks about trauma, meltdown, throws up/hungover, heartbroken 1x13 Seven Reasons - Heartbroken x2 1x15 Heartfelt - Overwhelmed 1x18 More - Extreme denial, obsessive to the point of insanity, yelled at, emotional, nausea
2x01 Hello - Avoidance, extremely overwhelmed 2x02 Middle Ground - Emotional, heartbroken, emotional confrontation 2x03 36 Hours - Heartbroken 2x04 Tough Titmouse - Punched, bruised, obsessed 2x06 Two-ply or not Two-ply - Yelled at, in shock 2x08 Stories - Obsessed 2x09 Empathy - Overwhelmed 2x10 Quarantine - Obsessed over light, overwhelmed, meltdown 2x11 Quarantine pt. 2 - Overwhelmed, stressed 2x14 Faces - Stoned 2x16 Believe - Anxiety 2x17 Breakdown - Breakdown, extremely angry, fired, rightfully upset 2x18 Trampoline - Beaten up, punched and kicked, severely bruised, hiding injuries, coughing blood, sweating, emotional, collapse, hospitalized, incubated
3x01 Disaster - Complicating stress of a date, upset 3x05 First Case, Second Base - Emotional, meltdown during surgery 3x10 Friends and Family - Parents reunion, panic attack, brothers grave, traumatic memories, brothers funeral, emotional pain, angry outburst towards father, hurt by father again, guilted, verbally abused, meltdown, sobbing 3x11 Fractured - Fear of abandonment, emotional pain 3x14 Influence - Painful brain freeze, embarassed by patient, issues with fame, love triangle 3x15 Unsaid - Manipulated, broken up with, cries 3x16 Autopsy - Avoidance, emotional outburst, imprisoned, complex emotions, confesses love, heartbroken, cries 3x17 Fixation - Denial, heartbroken 3x18 Heartbroken - Depressed, heartbreaking/emotional outburst towards Lea, growing hatred 3x19 Hurt - Earthquake, desperate to find Lea, hallucinating Steve, heartbroken, aftershock, stuck underground 3x20 I Love You - Trapped in flooding area, aftershock, danger of drowning
4x05 Fault - Blames his ASD on patient death 4x16 Dr. Ted - Told his baby will die at birth, scared, told its unsaveable, miscarriage, emotional 4x17 Letting Go - Emotional outburst, bursts into surgery room 4x18 Forgive or Forget - Slips on log, falls, dislocated foot, torn artery, emergency surgery with no anesthesia, intense pain, passes out from blood loss
5x02 Piece of Cake - Overwhelmed from Ethicure changes (scrubs, hand soap/dryers) 5x07 Expired - Operates on baby, finds all supply expired, tries his best to save the baby, meltdown over change, breaks off the wedding, hyperventilating, angry, sobbing 5x08 Rebellion - Emotional about Lea, heartbroken 5x09 Yippee Ki-Yay - Guilt, quits his job 5x12 Dry Spell - Hit in the face 5x14 Potluck - One of the few sane doctors, stressed by Glassmans pace 5x16 The Shaun Show - Nervous from the cameras 5x17 The Lea Show - Panic trying to conform to Lea, emotional with Claire
6x01 Afterparty - Covered in blood, in shock, meltdown during surgery, remembers his brother, panic attack, emotional shutdown from trauma, hallucinates brother, cries 6x03 A Bad Sign - Confronted by Lim 6x04 Shrapnel - Confronted by Glassman, upset 6x05 Growth Opportunities - Relationship strain with Glassman, doubted, upset 6x07 Boys Don't Cry - 1 Year anniversary of their miscarriage, baby patient, sad 6x08 Sorry, Not Sorry - No confidence in the OR, emotionally involved in patient, guilt, emotional pain, emotional confrontation with Lim 6x09 Broken or Not - Scared of pregnancy 6x10 Quiet and Loud - Learns of another possible miscarriage, in denial, desperate, obsessive, scared, emotional 6x16 The Good Lawyer - Humiliated 6x17 A Blip - Worried, scared, emotional/cries with Glassman 6x19 Half Measures - Scared, emotional with Glassman
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theblacktigrr · 7 months
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Another one 🤲
Also I definitely probably lost my point in there lol, it's a long read so beware
The whole thing, the whole point of the series as told by Katniss is to save Prim. That is the end all be all. We start with volunteering for Prim, Katniss tries her best to save Prim. This fact is glossed over the movies, it becomes a love triangle with battles. And that's ok! It makes for an entertaining film.
But. Prim's safety was never guaranteed. The moment Katniss vowed to protect her was the moment we sealed her fate. Chapter 1, Katniss mentions that she tries to protect Prim. Chapter 2, Prim's name is called. "The odds had been entirely in her favor. But it hadn't mattered." Chance is not a thing here, it was fate. Prim had to die. She could not exist in this world. Prim represents innocence, that's no secret. More specifically, I belive Katniss' innocence. They are literally ripped away from each other during the first Reaping. Katniss is 16 at this time. She them has to endure the horrors of the games, yippee, but when she returns home? It's different. Prim and her mother are more than happy to live in the new fancy house, but Katniss is already isolating herself in the forest and their old house, she realizes thay they dont understand, Prim is safe yes but she has lost that vital connection, because of what she went through. By the time of the Quater Quell she is only 17, still just a child. And Prim is still young but Katniss notes a change in her, noticing that she is not the same frail little girl. Fast forward, to the last book. Free from the games? Yes, but now forced to be a symbol for a rebellion she doesn't want, Katniss leans on Prim like a crutch. She is clinging to the last bit of "normalcy" she has. To the idea that things can be ok, and she can be free. But now we know for sure that Prim must die. Like I said before, Peeta is now an integral part of Katniss. Prim while still beloved doesn't even portray her original ideal. Gone is the shy little girl, picture of innocence. Know we have the doctor, full of hope? Yes, but changed by the cruel reality they live in. Yada yada, she ends up in the capitol on that day, where Katniss watches her get blown up! Everything she worked to protect, the whole reason she endured this nightmare, obliterated. So that's some mental scaring, she also suffers horrible burns! Spends a while in a hospital, we don't know how long g exactly but she need skin grafts and stuff. Became temporarily mute because of the emotional trauma.
So to rewind and go back to point A.
Prim had to die. Not for the shock value or some epic twist. But because that is the reality when children are sent to war. There is no happy ending where almost everyone makes it out alive and lives happily ever after. You come out scarred, and traumatized, you've lost your innocence, maybe even a portion of your humanity. There were no winners and lovers in the Hunger Games.
Only those that had to live with the consequences
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witch-without-gender · 8 months
I’m not gonna list everything that’s been going on in my life, but uh I left tumblr for a long while largely for mental health reasons. I had my first ever hypomanic episode which was extremely distressing and that ended up being the first in a string of just unfortunate circumstances for me. I’ve gotten a lot of it sorted out thankfully; being on the right meds certainly helps. I’m also finally getting doctors to take my extreme menstrual pain seriously and have an appointment with a specialist set up. I likely have either PCOS or endometriosis so that’s a cool new reality I have to face. And pay for. Yippee.
It’s not been all bad though, I’ve grown a hell of a lot as a person over the past several months. Been really digging into and working on healing a lot of past trauma because of some amazing new friends I made. I managed to finally quit the bakery job that was making me miserable too!
Anyway, hopefully things will keep getting better from here on :)
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Can i get Derek and Maya information? I wouldn't mind if you went a little bit into how they interact:)
YIPPEE! I love getting asks about my characters. OwO
Derek and Maya Info/Interactions:
TW: Small mention of Age Regression and Stereotyping
🍓Derek follows Aluminum around like a little lost puppy. It isn't because he is too shy to really talk to other people, mind you, it is because Aluminum is too scared to do so. While Derek can go up to people, get their attention, explain how his mutism makes him have to write down his words, then start a random conversation... Aluminum just can't really do that. So, Derek stands by, as one of the few people Aluminum is comfortable with, in case Aluminum wants to talk to someone. Plus, Aluminum is just an interesting fellow to Derek. He is so emotional, willing to snap at people and such without thinking, but unlike most snippy and snappy people, he will very quickly apologize for his words once he realizes he is wrong.
🦈Maya is very quiet and still, at first, but once she gets to know someone, she will turn into an energetic goofball. She will also play the most random of games, such as "slinky hunting", where she makes a slinky go down the stairs, before pouncing on it at random. Not many people like to play games with her, so she learned to play alone. Johnny likes playing her odd games, but tends to forget the rules.
🍓 Derek would probably meet Maya when Aluminum goes to the Playplace. The doctors try to keep the pediatric (child) patients separate from the adults, but the Playplace is open to everyone. Mainly kids go there, but Aluminum does visit from time to time when he age regresses, with Derek keeping a close eye so he doesn't hurt himself. Since Maya likes to play games, she often visits to calm down after doctor's appointments.
🦈 Maya would most likely be in awe of Derek, because she has never seen anyone so tall before. She had heard of the cow people, after her Mama mentioned one falling out of the sky, but never seen one. With her being a bit more comfortable in the hospital, as well as her watching Derek care for Aluminum, she would most likely end up climbing him like a tree.
🍓 That is, apparently, how friendships are made. Within the day, Derek has become a sort of big brother figure to Maya. She would say Father figure, but Baxter has already taken that role, so she said he would have to settle for brother. One of the main things that occur is Derek protecting Maya from people who are rude or causing her stress. Since many see Landsharks as "bloodthirsty, like any normal shark", people tend to make fun of her. Now, although Derek doesn't have horns, the sight of an 8 foot tall, hulking figure of a cow man is bound to at least cause aggressors to hesitate.
🦈 Maya is a bit more perceptive of small things about Derek, mostly how he seems uncomfortable with people drinking strawberry milk. So, although she likes strawberry milk, if she and Derek are eating lunch together, she'd end up choosing chocolate milk. She'd also end up introducing him and Aluminum to her uncle, Baxter, and Johnny the moth boy. Baxter would probably end up "adopting" him, much like he did Johnny and Maya.
🍓 Due to Derek being 8 feet tall and a little on the heavier side, he doesn't fit into any of the patient gown s that the hospital has. There are a few other patients in the same situation. So, because he doesn't fit into any gowns, they gave him scrubs to wear, instead. There is talk that the reason they don't have big enough gowns, even though they have scrubs that fit, is because the hospital assumes that every sick patient will, naturally, be skinnier. Either way, due to Maya's trauma regarding healthcare workers, it was a large part of why she had to observe Derek before greeting him. She thought, due to his scrubs and him following around a patient (Aluminum), that he was a nurse, doctor, or another type of worker at the hospital. Once she realized he was a patient, she gave him a little, handmade strawberry pin to wear so she doesn't lose him in crowds of workers.
🦈 Maya is so tiny that Derek sometimes picks her up when they get in a crowd. He thinks that, if he doesn't, she'll get crushed. There was one time where Baxter lost Maya in a crowd at the lunchroom, causing him to scream "Where's my baby?!" In response, Derek stood up, put Maya on his head, and had Aluminum shout "There she is!" Due to him being the tallest in the room, Baxter quickly saw her and calmed down.
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moroneur · 2 years
Gaster x Yn but..
Yall i literally dreamt about this. MC and YN are 2 different people. Basically YOU Yn are supposed to be the side character of MC's Story where she dates all the skeleton boys (og + alternates) and you kinda just.... third wheel at them all. Like imagine theyre at a beach that MC invited Yn to and no one is paying attention to them or eve hanging out with them bc The skeleboys just cant help but gush over their s/o. Which is fine, theyve got a healthy relationship and all but like why invite yn when ur not even gonna hang out with them amirite.
SO even while the skele-household decided not to mess with the mashine anymore (as it has been years since the start of these transportations and everyone kinda gave up) tHE MASHINE STARTS WORKING AGAIN and this time is spews out the original Gaster, but he's in a form of a puddle and Y/n gets invited to the skelehousehold for an event or whatever and Y/n just decides oh ok this piece of puddle is my friend now i shall call it 'Doctor' and gie it a tour of the house and try and feed it yep.
OFC Gaster doesnt really stay a puddle, he rehabilitates himself and evoles into the melted form we know from the game. He doesn't really go outside of his room, focused on making his form evolution or whatever go by quicker but Y/n is curious and decides to check in on him. Oh shit.jpg he starts speaking windings and ur like oh shit new language let me learn and he kinda teaches u wingdings?????????? He just shows them the alphabet and they just write it down on their laptop with pictures! aand they learn that way. yes. Y/n is a college dropout and works as a photographer but can learn some real good shit when they want to and are actually interested in the topic.
Maybe this'll be a slow burn..... like AN EXTREME slowburn...
His next form is a younger version of himself. Looking very young there my sir hohohoo anyways-- He starts calling Y/n his assistant and they become close acquaintances, with Gaster being set on being on good terms with u. One day y/n's over and he figures out that NO ONE TALKS TO THIS MAN. it has beeen months and none of the other skeletons other than the original just-- dont fucking speak to him?? so Gaster is lonely in a full house of skeletons instead of alone in the void and u decide wtf thats not how you treat my homie so you decide to confront the hosuehold and WOW the rough skeles have some trauma bc of their shitty gaster well ok wow how does y/n work this out??? WHY OF COURSE LET'S BAKE COOKIES GASTER HAHAHAHA!!!!
My guy immediately agrees but is also set on figuring out the ABSOLUTE BEST recipe for cookies, that everyone would like. So he spend one entire day researching what ingredients are best and which amount and which way of baking it would be ideal-- HE WENT ALL SCIENCE RESEARCH ON THIS SHIT. ok ok ok ok wow thats so cool1!!!! Next day they bake yippee!!! Mid first batch u get a call from ur roomate who tells u they broke ur laptop and u just go irrationally apeshit and MC being so close to u knows how to comfort u so gaster and the skeles have a chat while u and MC work things out hahahahaha THERES MORE IDEAS THAT I HAVE BUT THIS WILL BE ALL FOR NOW I WAS ALSO THINKING ABOUT GASTER MEETING THE EX KING AND QUEEN AND STUFF YEYEYEY
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kits-ships · 6 months
3, 8, 12 for the end of the year ask game :)
♡ eternally-smitten
thank you !!!! <3 <3
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3.) did a relationship with an F/O change in a major way (i.e. you started dating a platonic F/O or realized you prefer a formerly romantic F/O to be a friend, got married/engaged to an F/O, etc)? if so, did it happen more spontaneously, or was it something you had planned for a while?
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i dumped matt mur/dock...... im so sorry matt but you were not healthy for me/holly
he's still so handsome though......
i also figured out qpp's !! i struggle with understanding my own emotions so this was a big win for me omfg. now i have sarah, jamie, and river <3
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8.) in which ways did your F/O(s)/selfshipping help you this year?
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i made a selfship tumblr and got more online friends!! yippee!!
ive also used my ships and oc's to explore aspects of past trauma so i can work through them and better understand myself :3
they also help w/ general coping ofc! (campbell's my emotional support boyfriend rn)
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12.) if you have spotify wrapped, were there any songs related to your F/O(s)/selfships in your top 100? if you don't, were there any songs you listened to a lot this year because they remind you of your F/O(s)?
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nowadays i solely use spotify to listen to my oc/selfship playlists so yeah there were a LOT...!! i'll list the top picks but i gotta sort through the random music i listened to in psychosis hffjdkgf :3
songs under da cut
#7 was pomegranate seeds by julian moon ! i mostly associate it with the master but it also works with 🌙✂️ !!!
#19 is a CLASSIC... i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie !! it's a good general song to have Big Emotions to but hm... i associate it mostly with azi and crowley, the doctor, and 🌙✂️ (again) !!
#25 is THE olive x master song. its where i got their tag from and agh!!!! its so cute. hypnotized - alani d. <3
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headfulloffantasies · 4 years
Birds Fly the Nest
Read on Ao3
Jim Gordon faces the unquenchable interest of the Gotham’s rogues into the romantic life of his daughter
Jim Gordon heard that the Batmobile had soundproofing. That once a villain sat secured in the backseat, Batman drove in brooding silence. Gordon’s police cruiser was not the Batmobile.
Harley Quinn warbled into her hundredth verse of “One Million Bottles of Beer on the Wall” as the car sped towards Arkham at increasing speed. Montoya had a lead foot at the best of times. With a crazy clown singing off key in the back? She became a NASCAR racer. 
Gordon twisted in his seat. “Can you please stop?” He ground out at Quinn.
The clown grinned manically. “You’re no fun. I’m entertaining myself.”
Gordon rubbed his aching temples. “If I tell you a story, will you be entertained enough to shut up?”
“Yippee!” Harley bounced and clanked her handcuffs together. “Story time!”
Gordon cast his mind for anything at all to chatter about. “So, my daughter,” he starts. “Brought a new boy home last weekend.”
Montoya met his eye in the mirror. Gordon grimaced. 
He continued. “This kid is perfect. Like a glossy magazine, you know? Firm handshake, scholarship awards, good job, good family. But something about him felt odd. You know when you meet someone and you know they aren’t being genuine? And I think I’ve met him somewhere before. So I look him up. He’s a circus freak. Used to perform trapeze with his parents until they got murdered.”
Montoya raised an eyebrow. Harley gripped the caging between her and Gordon, utterly rapt.    
    Gordon swallowed and went on. “I like the kid, really. But what kind of guy can go through his parents’ murders and still be okay? Something has to be wrong with him, right? How can I let my girl keep seeing a guy like that?”
    Harley hummed. “D’you want my professional opinion?”
    Gordon faltered, forgetting that Harley had once been a renowned psychiatrist. 
    “I think,” Harley said. “That Papa Bear is too protective of his little girl. You gotta let a gal have her space. My daddy didn’t let me date. Not one boy ever looked at me my whole life living under daddy’s roof ‘cause they knew what daddy’d do to them if they tried.” Harley sighed. “I ran away from home, did you know that? I wasn’t there when mama died. And I missed daddy’s passing too. You gotta keep those ties if you don’t want to regret them.”
    Gordon suddenly viscerally remembered that Harley’s father had killed his wife and gotten the electric chair for it. He swallowed hard. “Right. Thank you, Doctor Quinzel.”
    “Oh sugar, call me Harley,” the clown laughed. She rattled the caging. “Are we there yet? Nine hundred thousand ninety- nine bottles of beer on the wall-,”
    Gordon groaned and buried his head in his hands.
    As the arresting officer, it fell to Gordon to interrogate Harvey Dent once he’d been cuffed to the table in police headquarters.
    Gordon set a cup of horrid cop coffee in front of Dent and took his seat across from the gangster.
“Harley says your daughter’s stepping out with some circus freak,” Two Face sneered. 
    Gordon slumped in his seat. What had possessed him to tell Harley Quinn, gossip extraordinaire, about Barbara and Richard? 
    “I remember your little girl,” Dent said. “You still keep her photo on your desk?”
    “Of course,” Gordon snapped. 
    “You ever lie to her, Jim?” Dent asked in a low growl. “She ever lie to you?”
    A shiver ran down Gordon’s spine. His mind flashed to purple bruises and shoddy excuses. “I don’t want to talk to you about Barbara, Harvey. Let’s talk about your attempted robbery.”
    Dent grunted. He leaned his elbows on the table. “You gotta be two-faced about men seeing your girl,” Dent advised. “Smile when she’s in the room and give him the what for when she’s not around.”
    “Thank you, Harvey,” Gordon said. “That’s very insightful.”
    “If you don’t, he’ll get the idea no one’s watching,” Two Face went on. “Think he can get up to something, if you catch my drift.”
    “Harvey,” Gordon forced his voice to remain even. “My daughter is a grown woman. I’m not sabotaging her relationships just because the guy is a freeloader.”
    “Freeloader?” Two Face laughed. The sound rasped between the halves of his ruined face. “You let your girl go out with a tramp?”
    “No,” Gordon corrected himself. “His family has money. He doesn’t work. He has a trust fund or something.”
    “That’s worse,” Two Face hissed. “Nepotism. Elitists!”
    Gordon abandoned Dent to his rant. He got up and walked out of the interview room. The door shut on Dent’s shouting.
    Honestly, it was Gordon’s own fault. He leaned against the side of the police cruiser while he and Montoya waited for the arresting officer to bring Catwoman out of the museum. He complained to Montoya while they waited, not taking note of the approaching feline criminal with her escort.
    “This is the third time we’ve scheduled dinner with Richard, and he bailed every time. Last time, he got called into work. Tonight it was a family emergency. What did I say the first time was?”
    “Food poisoning,” Montoya responded automatically.
    “Sounds like a jerk,” Catwoman purred. 
    Gordon spun around. The arresting officer loaded the lady in her black catsuit into Gordon’s car. Gordon shot Montoya a panicked look. She returned a face that said “You started it.”
    Gordon got into the passenger’s seat hoping against hope that Catwoman wouldn’t feel up to chatting after her disastrous encounter with Nightwing.
    “Tell me more about Richard,” Catwoman suggested.
    Gordon groaned. “I regret every word I’ve ever spoken with Harley Quinn.”
    “So do I,” Catwoman grinned. “But tell me more anyways.”
    “I’m not discussing my daughter’s life with criminals,” Gordon said resolutely into the windshield.
    “You’ll tell Harley, but not me?” Catwoman pouted. “I’m hurt, kitten.” She leaned forward. “I’ll tell you this for free. Any man who can’t be bothered to meet his girlfriend’s parents is a cad. Break them off now.”
    “I said,” Gordon repeated. “I’m not discussing this with you.”
    Catwoman hissed. If she could, Gordon bet she’d dig her claws into his neck. Instead, they drove on in silence. 
    Gordon placed a hand on a cuffed Edward Nygma and guided him into the back of the police cruiser. 
    Nygma flashed Gordon a grin over his shoulder. “Riddle me this, Commissioner. What has two sides and has everyone in Arkham talking?”
    “What the hell, Ed?” Gordon rubbed his eyes. “I don’t even want to guess.”
    “Spoilsport,” Nygma pouted. “I’ll tell you, but only because I am also curious about this scoop. Everyone wants to know about your sweet daughter’s trashy boyfriend.”
    It’s like playing that stupid telephone game, Gordon thought. Nothing he said came out right on the other end. “He’s not trashy, Ed. He’s bougie.” Gordon preened at his correct use of the hip word Barbara had taught him. 
    Ed scoffed. “A classist? You allow your daughter to date a class traitor?”
Gordon leaned his head against the car door. “I don’t want to get into it, Ed. I’ve had a long night.”
“So have I,” Ed shrugged. “Batman kicked my face in and I’m going back to prison. But your little story is much more interesting.”
Transporting Poison Ivy gave Gordon the creeps. She was a literal walking biological weapon. The faster he could get her to Arkham, where they knew how to deal with her, the better. Gordon flipped the sirens on and stamped on the gas. They tore through Gotham, just Gordon and Ivy in the police cruiser.
“So,” Ivy purred from the back seat. “I hear there’s another ginger causing you trouble tonight, Jim.”
Gordon’s hands flexed on the steering wheel. “I’m not talking about it with you.”
“I would never let my daughter date someone I didn’t like.”
“You don’t have a daughter,” Gordon reminded her.
“But if I did-,”
“Heaven forbid it.”
“James, that’s unkind,” Ivy pouted. 
“Shove it where the sun don’t shine,” Gordon ground between his teeth. 
    “Do you fear losing your daughter to another man?” The Scarecrow’s soft voice rose the hairs on the back of Gordon’s neck. Gordon gripped the steering wheel tighter. It was a long drive to Arkham. He’d rather nip this conversation in the bud.
    “No,” Gordon bit out.
    “Really?” Crane hummed. His handcuffs clinked together. “It would be normal for a man of your position and power to fear losing control of a loved one’s life. Especially one who has been dependent on you since her birth. You raised her. She’s your flesh. Yet she deigns to place her life in the hands of another man. Does that not scare you?”
    Gordon ground his teeth. He didn’t answer.
    “From what I hear,” Crane continued. “Your daughter’s new man has more money than you’d ever make. More prestige.” He paused. “And more trauma. Does it not scare you to think what kind of monster lies under his skin?”
    “He’s not a monster,” Gordon insisted. 
    Crane chuckled. “We’re all monsters, Commissioner.”
    Gordon swallowed hard.
    “I’m shocked you let her date him.”
Gordon slammed on the brakes. Traffic screeched around the police cruiser. Gordon spun in his seat. He stuck his finger in Crane’s face. “Listen up. I want you to deliver a message down your Arkham grapevine. Word for word, got it? My daughter is her own woman. She makes her own choices. I am not her keeper, her warden, or her owner. And if even one of you could get it through your fat skulls that people are not puppets to control, then I would weep for joy.”
Gordon got the call just as he was leaving the office. Victor Zsasz was terrorising Nightwing and Batgirl downtown. Gordon grabbed his coat and raced for his car. 
He arrived just as the ambulance pulled up. Gordon’s stomach dropped. Zsasz had a terrifying body count under his belt. If anyone needed the ambulance… Gordon shuddered. He unclipped his gun, ready to storm the building. 
The door flung open. A hogtied Victor Zsasz tumbled down the stairs into the street. The other officers on the scene swarmed him, shouting and making the arrest. 
Gordon looked up. Batgirl stood proudly at the top of the steps, her hands on her hips and chest puffed out. She noticed Gordon standing there watching. She waved him over. 
Gordon trudged up the steps. A dark smear of blood stained Batgirl’s purple sleeve. 
“Commissioner,” Batgirl saluted Gordon. 
“Good work,” Gordon said.
Batgirl swallowed hard. “I need your help. Quietly.”
Gordon agreed without thinking. “What can I do?”
Batgirl grabbed his arm and pulled him with her back into the building. She led him through a series of business offices into a janitor’s closet. Even in the dark, Gordon noticed the drops of dark liquid on the floor. 
Batgirl pushed aside a rack of cleaning supplies. 
Nightwing slumped against the wall, his legs spread over the floor. He clutched a wound in his side bleeding all over his uniform. He didn’t look up when Batgirl knelt at his side. 
Gordon cursed. “Is he-?”
“He’ll be okay,” Batgirl promised.
Gordon wasn’t so sure. The blue bird emblem on Nightwing’s chest hardly rose at all with his breathing. An overwhelming amount of blood pooled underneath him across the linoleum floor.
Gordon reached for his radio to call the EMTs in. Batgirl snagged his wrist.
“He can’t go to a hospital,” she said. 
Batgirl interrupted. “If I can get him home, he’ll be fine. I need your help getting him to the Batmobile. Please.”
Gordon nodded. He passed a shaking hand over his brow. “Yeah, alright.”
Gordon crouched and lifted one of Nightwing’s arms over his shoulder. Batgirl kept her hands pressed against the bloody hole in his abdomen. Gordon couldn’t stop his mind from swapping the young man with Barbara. What if it was her bleeding out on the floor? Would he so callously help a vigilante sneak her out the back door to receive questionable medical assistance?
Together they half carried Nightwing out to the alley behind the building. The legendary Batmobile sat purring on the asphalt. The chrome gleamed under the streetlights. The canopy of the Batmobile slid open when Batgirl pressed her hand to it. 
Gordon grunted as he helped lift Nightwing into the passenger seat. The kid roused enough to meet Gordon’s eye through his mask. 
“Hey, Mister Gordon,” he said. 
“It’s Commissioner to you,” Gordon grouched good naturedly. 
Batgirl hopped into the driver's seat. 
Gordon reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “I’m proud of you,” he said.
She quirked a smile. “Thanks Dad.”
He wished fervently he could hug her right now. But Gotham had eyes everywhere. He settled for another squeeze of her caped shoulder. “Just take care of your boy. Tell him this isn’t an excuse to miss Sunday dinner.”
Barbara’s laugh as she drove off was worth it. 
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Random Character Facts/Bios (Iolite Hospital)
Random info dump for my OCs! Yippee!!!!
TW: Chronic Illness, Hospital Settings/Doctors, Death/Embalming, Nihilism, Age Regression Due to Trauma
THE MORTICIAN: New boi! His name is Baxter and is Maya's uncle. He is a "land shark". Land sharks have a few defining features - floofy shark tails, short claws, paw pads and "toe beans" on their hands and feet, three fingers, and sharp teeth! Baxter loves death in the oddest of ways (he sees it as the most important thing in life, and uses it as a motivation to live how he likes). He is very excited over the prospect that EVERYONE will die, NOBODY will live to see their legacy, and as such, he believes that NOTHING matters. Unlike most, he fears never being forgotten after death. He is a hopeless romantic, falling in love quickly, easily, and obsessively. He currently has a crush on his assistant, Elizabeth. When "lovestruck", little hearts with X's for eyes will float around him, chirping out pieces of his thoughts. So he's just standing there, hearts in his eyes, as little hearts float and chirp things like "CUTE!" "PRETTY LADY!" "BEAUTIFUL VOICE!" "PERFECT!" His tail also wags when happy, the end of his tail curling to form a fluffy heart. Oh, he can also just like... Pull off a mean Charleston out of completely nowhere, with no warning. He'll be embalming a body, then just start dancing for no reason. He didn't even know he had a niece until Maya was admitted to the hospital. None of the doctors are really allowed to leave the hospital, instead just living in their offices. Only Dr. Cogsworth is allowed to go outside, because he is essentially an experiment on creating an artificial human. So, his creators want to see how he interacts with the outside world. Baxter is jealous of him. The only person he feels conflicted about dying is Maya, due to her both being related to him, as well as so young. So many things could happen in the Iolite Hospital that could hurt her, or worse...
ELIZABETH: She's a transgender woman, MTF. She's an Eyeless, much like Aluminum and many of the other doctors at the Iolite Hospital. She is very uh... off put by Baxter's nihilism. Not necessarily about the idea of nihilism, just by how enthusiastic and happy he is about his beliefs and obsession with death. She is also pretty conflicted by Baxter's feelings towards her, both from how off put she is by him, as well as the fact that her family isn't very accepting of relationships between land sharks and an Eyeless. Actually, they don't really accept relationships between any being with many animalistic features, such as tails, ears, and such, due to those animals existing separately (as in, normal sharks exist, too, alongside land sharks). So, despite the fact that land sharks are just like them with different physical features, many find them, alongside other animal-based beings, to be an odd choice to have a relationship with. Elizabeth never really denies his affection, and doesn't tell him to stop, either. She just finds it odd.
ALUMINUM: My baby boi. He's transgender, too! Specifically AFAB, agender, and he uses he/him they/them. He has allergic reactions to apples, cherries, and a few other fruits and veggies. This has caused him to just stop eating the majority of them, due to fear that it will make his esophagus more inflamed and narrow. So, his diet is mainly meat, bread, and dairy. He rarely eats nuts, due to them getting stuck in his throat. He is very particular about his meat, wanting it to be SOFT so it doesn't hurt. He needs to be able to turn it to mush with a fork. Dr. Cogsworth plans to try to convince him to go on a puree diet. Aluminum's favorite drink is strawberry milk, with his favorite food being cheesecake (but only the filling. He hates the crust). This has led to awkward moments where Aluminum will say "I love strawberry milk", then loudly slurp on his milk, with Derek standing right next to him, looking absolutely horrified, as Aluminum is confused as to why he looks so concerned. His room in the hospital is filled with plushies, sensory toys, a few baby bottles and his baby blanket from when he was a baby. That blanket is kind of a security item for him.
Derek: Strawberry cow boi. He is disturbed by the fact that people drink strawberry milk, but won't judge you for it. It is just odd to him as to why someone would WANT to drink the milk produced by his kind? He doesn't understand that, in the hospital, they don't go up to strawberry cows and milk them, and instead use powdered flavoring to make strawberry milk. Or that the carton milk isn't harvested from strawberry cows, either. Because he is so tall, when Aluminum is age regressing, he will just pick him up like a kid and carry him around. He also sleeps in a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor, since he doesn't fit in the hospital beds, and it reminds him of the hay nests of his home.
Dr. Cogsworth: He can't eat. Which is ironic, because he works with the digestive system. He didn't get to choose to be a doctor, due to him being built to be one. Due to this, he has always lived in the hospital, finding that he is both physically relaxed when in it, but also a bit stir crazy. When he goes out to meet with Father Cosmos, or to get supplies, he often invites people to stay in the hospital. He is always confused when they say no. He doesn't entirely understand why his patients are upset, but can see the small signs that they are. He just... Cannot comprehend not wanting to be in the hospital, but wants to help the ones who don't leave.
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^Here's a little bonus pic of Baxter being a loveable simping dork, taken from my phone's potato camera. Also, he calls Dr. Cogsworth Coggy just to annoy him.
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