whatever-baywatch · 6 years
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Jaime is so done with his friends
Merry Christmas @lizartgurl! I’m your secret Santa! I hope you enjoy Jaime with his... interesting friends.
Base/Pose Reference by @mapleleauf
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whelmxd · 6 years
Mortal body; timeless soul
i was assigned @the-deerprince for the yj secret santa exchange! 
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simons-saying-art · 6 years
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Companion pieces to my fic:  new_sweater.jpg
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creativityflowfics · 6 years
Secret Santa
(it’s only 10 minutes past midnight, and technically it’s still Christmas somewhere, so happy holidays to @simons-saying!! I’m your Secret Santa, and I swear I meant to have this out last night, but I’m a terrible, lazy person)
Read on Ao3!
Robin wasn’t the World's Greatest Detective, but his mentor was, and the bird had picked up a thing or two from working at Batman’s side.
So he knew that for Secret Santa, Wally had gotten Zatanna, Zatanna had gotten Kaldur, Kaldur had gotten Conner, Conner had gotten Artemis, Artemis had gotten Raquel, Raquel had gotten M’gann, M’gann had gotten Robin, and he had gotten Wally. (If he rigged the drawing just so he could get Wally’s name, no one but maybe Batman would ever know.) He also knew that Wally had been using the same old chemistry set he’s had since was 13, and that he had been eyeing a new one for the past six months. The only reason he hadn’t bought it for himself was because of the price, which Dick hadn’t even looked at before he was determined to buy it.
Wally would immediately know who had bought it for him, and Dick knew he should probably stick to the secret part of Secret Santa, but he couldn’t help himself. It was nearly impossible for him to not go all out for his best friend, and if his feelings for said friend tended to cloud his judgement, then not even Batman would be able to get him to admit it.
When the team held their holiday party, Dick hid the present under the tree when no one was looking, and then made his way around the room in search of Wally.
He found him in the kitchen, sneaking cookies and cupcakes that M’gann had spent the entire day before baking and decorating. Dick rolled his eyes before tapping him on the shoulder. “You know you’re supposed to share those with everyone else, right, Kid Mouth?”
Wally jumped and tried to hide the cookies behind his back. When he saw it was just Robin, he sighed and relaxed. “Dude, you know I can’t help it,” he tried to defend himself, and then quickly tried to change the subject. “So, who did you get for Secret Santa?”
“It’s a secret, Walls, and we all know you can’t keep your mouth shut.” Dick rolled his eyes, and Wally huffed.
“That’s not true,” Wally said, his face flushing. “I haven’t told anyone that my Secret Santa is Zatanna, so- oh. Okay, yeah, I kind of see what you mean.” Dick just shook his head and reached around his friend to snatch a cookie.
“Hey, guys!” Artemis shouted from the main room. “It’s time to exchange gifts.”
“Race you,” Wally grinned, and before Dick could blink, he was alone in the kitchen, with only cookie crumbs left behind.
He entered the main room right as Wally was starting to pass out presents. Zatanna received a deck of playing cards themed with the Flash and a toy wand, and in exchange, Wally got an elbow to the ribs. Dick ripped open the red and green wrapping paper to reveal a pair of Batman sunglasses and a new, red hoodie.
When Wally finally finished passing out presents, he sat down with his own. Dick watched from the corner of his eye while the red head tore through the silver paper. When he saw the chemistry set, his jaw went a little slack, and immediately, his eyes jumped to meet Dicks, who ducked his head to hide his pink stained cheeks, and turned back to his own gift.
“Damn, Baywatch,” Artemis laughed. “You’re such a nerd, I can’t tell if that’s supposed to be a gag gift or not.”
“It’s not,” he answered, and Dick could still feel his eyes on him.
After the party, when Artemis and Raquel had already left for home, and M’gann, Conner, Kaldur, and Zatanna were settling in for the night, Dick and Wally stood by the zeta tubes.
“Thanks for the chemistry set,” Wally told him, clutching it to his chest.
“What makes you think it was me?” Dick asked, raising an eyebrow.
Wally rolled his eyes. “Dude, you’re the only one who even knew about it. Of course it was you.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment. “Did you like it?”
“I love it. I’m going to wave it in Uncle B’s face as soon as I get home,” he smirked.
Dick grinned at that, and tried to ignore the butterflies that danced in his stomach.
“I got you something, too,” Wally confessed, causing Dick to blink in confusion.
“What do you mean?” he asked. “We decided we aren’t exchanging gifts this year, remember?”
Wally shrugged, fiddling with something in his pocket. “Yeah, well, I saw it and couldn’t resist.” His hand was out of his pocket and over their heads before Dick could really process what he was doing, and when he looked up, he could only stare.
The mistletoe was a little crushed from being in Wally’s pocket for who knew how long, but the red ribbon was bright, and the leaves a pretty green. Wally’s eyes kept darting around, and his face was almost as red as his hair, but he didn’t try to retract the plant.
“Merry Christmas, Dick,” he said.
Dick probably should have scolded him for saying his name aloud in the mountain, where Krypotian ears were just a room away, where anyone could walk in and overhear. But he just grinned, leaned over to place a small kiss on the speedsters cheek, and smiled brightly.
“Merry Christmas, Wally.”
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vwallywest · 6 years
secret santa
ayyyy, i’m three days late but, surprise!! i’m your secret santa! happy holidays @numbuh-7-knd!!! this is wally centric and features his friendship with artemis with a hint (don’t blink) of snaibsel. i hope you like it!
The first time Wally has a crush on a girl, he’s in the first grade.
Her name is Myah and she’s an angel; dark brown hair, eyes to match and always, always wearing the coolest socks.
And Wally-
Wally’s confused.
When he looks at her there’s an ache in his belly that doesn’t quite feel right even though it’s not hurting. He’s not sure what to do when she smiles at him or laughs, usually making fun of his vibrant red hair.
He’s not sure what to do about this feeling, butterflies, people tell him, so he does the first thing thing that comes to mind when her two nearly identical, chestnut-colored pigtails come into his sight.
He pulls.
  The first time Wally has a crush on a boy he’s ten.
He’s ten years old and the boy sitting on the bench at the park down the street from his Aunt Iris’s place looks lonely.
Okay, not lonely. Just-
When Wally finally gathers enough courage to approach him, the boy with honey blonde curls that bounce while he draws intensely, passionately into his sketchbook, he’s nearly stunned into silence by the sight of his eyes.
His eyes. They’re blue and they remind Wally so much of the ocean that, for a moment, he thinks he might drown in them.
Wally isn’t sure what to do about the sudden ache in his heart, or the redness- the extra redness- in his face, so he sits.
He sits and he blushes and he tries his best not to stumble over his words and he-
He watches. He watches this boy as he talks, with a voice that Wally swears could be a song all on it’s own. He watches this boy as he draws; pigeons, people, Wally.
Later, with bright eyes and a sad smile, he watches this boy as he walks away.
Wally is fourteen, a freshman in high school, when he finally says the word out loud to himself.
It leaves a weird taste in his mouth and it’s not something he’s sure about saying to someone else. But it’s a start.
Now, at sixteen, Wally watches Artemis. Or rather, watches Artemis and Zatanna. Artemis tries her best to be subtle, but he doesn’t miss the longing glances and the barely audible, yet crushingly pathetic, sighs. She argues with him halfheartedly about pineapple not being an appropriate topping for pizza and she glances, every so often, towards the corner of the Cave’s lounge where their raven-haired magician just happens to be.
He confronts her about it later, away from the prying eyes and ears of the team. She blushes and stutters and, even though there’s almost no hope for feigning nonchalance at this point, she still tries, again, to pretend she isn’t head over heels for Zatanna, for a girl.
Wally places his hands, carefully, with precision and determination, on his hips and gives her a pointed stare in an attempt to emulate his mother at her most stern mom-edness.
It works.
Her face is weird, blotchy and almost as red as his own can be, and she looks like she might cry- no, she is crying- and her shoulders have turned slightly, as if she’s one wrong move, one wrong breath, away from running away, maybe moving away. Wally can tell her mind is racing, a mile a minute, and he almost, almost falters, almost apologizes for crossing the line, for putting her on the spot like this but-
She sighs. There’s a tightness in her posture that remains and the tears haven’t really stopped but Wally can tell, Wally knows, he’s won.
She doesn’t make eye contact with him yet and chooses, instead, to stare at the ground.
“I’m bisexual.”
When she finally looks up at him, there’s something akin to anger in her eyes, a resolved hardness.
“I have a crush on Zatanna.”
Her fists clench as if she’s waiting for him to say, to show that he has a problem with it. Before she can say anything else, though, Wally blurts it out.
“Me too.”
This is the moment she relaxes. The tension seems to ooze out of her body, her eyes brighten, and the corner of her mouth tilts upwards. It’s only a split-second before she’s fully grinning at him.
His smile matches hers and, even though he really, really wants to, he doesn’t pull her in for the hug he’s sure would get him a punch in the arm.
This is cool, he thinks.
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immortalheart · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Young Justice (Cartoon), Young Justice - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Kid Flash/Nightwing Characters: Wally West, Barry Allen, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Bart Allen, Kaldur'ahm (DCU), Artemis Crock, Jason Todd (Mentioned) Additional Tags: My First Work in This Fandom, AND for this ship, I'm sorry it's sad!, why yes, I can't go a fic without mentioning Jason, breakdowns, Mentions of Blood, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad Series: Part 1 of Young Justice Secret Santa 2017 Summary:
In which Dick Grayson reacts to the death of Wally West--and it isn't pretty
For @whelmxd Merry Christmas! The second one-shot will be out tomorrow~
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simons-saying · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West Characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Other Characters Mentioned Additional Tags: yj secret santa, Ugly Holiday Sweaters, Texting, found family trope, Happy Ending Summary: Wally would almost certainly rather brave the gauntlet of overprotective siblings in the Wayne Manor if it meant he could be with Dick instead of gritting his teeth through his father’s brand of politics.
My Secret Santa gift for @pikafuck, I hope you enjoy! Accompanying art here!
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It's time guys!!!!
It's the beginning of the week to post your gifts! Remember to use the hashtag #yjsecretsanta to be reblogged here and tag your person! Happy holidays everybody!
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young-justice-trash · 6 years
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Have a Happy Spitifire Christmas!!! this is my gift to @tornad . SURPRISE I WAS YOUR YJ SECRET SANTA!!!!
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dividedwecantfall · 6 years
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Being Partners With Jason Would Include: • Finding him asleep on your couch after he walked you home • Always gossiping while patching each other up • Strange but delicious food combinations • Confiding in each other about your nightmares • Him being a gentleman even though it drives you crazy sometimes • Mocking the other members of the Batfam • Soft forehead kisses • Trying to brush his hair • Always having to buy new dishes because he drops them
For @jasontoddtrashcan
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She’s a Bombshell Blonde & I’m James Bond
Happy Holidays!!! I was @hellahousecat‘s Young Justice secret Santa! One of your prompts was a song that I love that reminds me of a character or ship. Songs always tend to remind me of characters so this was really fun to write! The song I choose was Bombshell Blonde by Owl City and it always reminds me of Wally & Artemis. I really hope that you enjoy this! Words: 2,871 Ship: Spitfire Rating: G
Wally flung the cabinet doors open and closed them just as quickly. Moving from one cupboard to the next he managed to search the entire kitchen in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, no new food had appeared from the time he checked a minute ago until now. With a sigh Wally turned to go and collapse facedown on the couch.
With his eyes closed, wallowing in self-pity, he never saw Artemis enter the room and was only altered to her presence when she tickled him causing Wally to flail off the couch. He yelped as he tumbled to the floor.
Artemis laughed as she walked around the back of the couch, reaching out a hand to pull him off the carpeting.
“What was that for?” Wally grumbled, taking her hand and letting her pull him to his feet.
“Sorry, Baywatch. I just couldn’t resist.”
“Babe,” Wally gave her his most wounded pout.
Artemis just raised a single eyebrow at him. “That face might work on Robin but I am immune.”
Wally stumbled back from her in mock surprise, he saw her roll her eyes but the twitch of her lips gave away her amusement. “The bromance is real. Don’t mock the bromance.”
“Ok, ok! I won’t mock the bromance,” she snorted.
“In all seriousness, the heck?” Wally asked, spreading his arms and motioning to the now empty couch.
“I’ve got us a mission. From Batman himself. You know, for date night since it’s my turn to plan something,” Artemis sounded smug, but her smile gave away her uncertainty at the idea. Or more specifically, her uncertainty that Wally was going to like it.
“You got Bats to ok a mission for us? For date night? Have I mentioned I love you? And that you scare me?”
Artemis smiled and reached an arm out to lightly shove his shoulder. Wally just grinned back at her. “C’mon, I’ll even buy you pizza beforehand.”
“You had me at date night.”
Artemis shook her head and grabbed Wally’s hand, pulling him through the cave to the zeta tubes.
As they sat in the little Happy Harbor pizzeria Wally inhaled an extra-large meat lovers special and Artemis outlined the mission. There was a charity gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York that night and she and Wally had tickets. What’s more is she and Wally had formal attire so that they could blend in and monitor the crowd because Batman had gotten a tip or, more likely, scared some goon into telling him that the Riddler was planning to rob the attendees. They were to stop Riddler if he tried anything but –  more importantly – catch him before he was able to put his plan in motion.
“So, wait a second, why aren’t he and Rob just handling this then?” Wally asked, with only half his mouth full.
Artemis shrugged and snatched one of his pizza slices. “He didn’t say and when I asked Rob he gave me some convoluted answer about it being out of their territory and that the night is dark vengeance, but the night also has prior commitments and a butler that could kill?”
Wally snorted and almost choked on his pizza, having to take a hasty sip of his water to keep from coughing.
“That mean something to you?”
“Only that Rob gets his sass from his grandpa.”
“Uh huh,” Artemis gave him a questioning look but decided to continue with the plan. “So, we get to dress up, play spy, keep the Riddler from ruining everyone’s night, and have some fun. If things go badly, we kick some people’s butts. If things go well, we get to kick some people’s butts.”
“Win-win,” Wally said with a grin.
Artemis smiled back at him. “You’re just excited that I’m willingly wearing a dress.”
“If I have to wear a bow tie I better not be the only one suffering.”
Artemis threw her head back as she laughed and Wally couldn’t help but smile. Sure they sparred a lot, both physically in training and verbally just about all the time, but Wally loved her. Their teasing was something that they’d both found they couldn’t live without not long after they first started dating. They had both made the conscious effort to not make their usual sarcastic quips about each other.
However, after a week the rest of the team sat them down for an intervention, things just weren’t the same and Wally and Artemis knew it too. Now they still made jokes, but at their own expense and not the other’s. They had also decided that if they were teasing each other about something it was because they liked it and weren’t making fun.
Now, they both laughed more, and Wally loved it. Even though they had been dating long enough that he should be used to it, seeing Artemis laugh made him smile and his heart speed up. It was even better than running.
“You’re making that face again,” Artemis said. She swirled her straw in her milkshake as she smirked at him.
Wally felt his ears redden but he shrugged, leaning back in the booth. “What face? I thought you said that my expression was- what was it again? Eternally goofy?”
Artemis snorted, she had to purse her lips to keep from smiling and Wally couldn’t help but grin cheekily back at her. Finally, she cracked. Smiling and shaking her head at him. “Remind me again? I love you why exactly?”
“I ask myself that every day, babe.”
“Ok then Mr. Smooth Operator. We’ve got a gala to get to and I still have to figure out what to do with this.” Artemis gestured to the mane of blonde hair that was spilling over her shoulder from her ponytail.
“You could just chop it all off,” Wally suggested, digging out his wallet to leave a tip.
“Not even an option.”
“Hey, you asked and I answered.”
“Not helpfully,” Artemis leaned against the counter at the register, waiting for someone to ring up their order. The waitress came over and Artemis paid, accepting her change with a smile. She led the way to where they parked their bikes before they sped off to get ready back at Mount Justice, from there they would zeta to New York and catch a cab to the museum.
When he got to his room he was unsurprised to find a dark red suit laying across the bed. It fit perfectly, and Wally made a mental note to thank Alfred the next time he was at the manor. Even though there were no price tags on it, or the rest of the outfit for that matter, Wally knew the whole thing probably could pay for his first year at college. Still, as he tied the black bow tie in the mirror over his bathroom sink Wally had to admit he looked, and felt, a little like James Bond. Smoothing his hair Wally did one last check in the mirror. Somehow his red hair and the red suit didn’t clash, if anything it brought out his freckles and made his green eyes stand out (another point for the butler). Wally blinked at himself to make sure it was him before hurrying back through his room, slipping his goggles, wallet, and ticket into his pocket on the way out.
He was standing by the zetas when Artemis walked in, he turned to her and froze. Her dress was a single long panel of black velvet – obviously meant to coordinate with his black shirt, tie, and trim – with sleeves that reached just past her elbows and a scooping neckline that showed off most of her shoulders and collarbone. There was a slit to her knee on the one side and it gave him a peek at the bright red heels she wore, which looked deadly even from where he was standing. Around her neck hung what looked like three enormous rubies and Wally had a sneaking suspicion those were a Wayne family heirloom on loan for the night. Artemis blinked and the dark makeup around her eyes shimmered. She brushed a strand of blonde hair out of her eye, which was expertly curled and Wally highly suspected Zatanna’s magic had been involved as he had heard her cursing up a storm in the kitchen earlier. Artemis smiled shyly at him, her lips the same red as her shoes and the clutch in her other hand.
She cleared her throat before speaking. “So, uh, what do you think?”
Wally could only blink at her for a few more seconds before shaking himself. “Artemis- wow- you look- wow…”
She smiled and walked over to him. “You don’t clean up so bad yourself.”
“Remind me to hug Batman the next time I see him? Cause this,” Wally swept his hand out to gesture at Artemis, “is the best date night ever. And it hasn’t even started.”
Artemis raised her eyebrows but smiled. “I will, only because I want to see what’ll happen when you hug Batman.”
“Meanie,” Wally grinned at her and held out his hand. She took it and shrugged. Together they stepped into the zeta tube and a few seconds later they were in New York.
As they walked out of the alley Artemis passed Wally an earpiece as she slipped in her own. He took the comms and paused before they got to the sidewalk. Wally felt his eyebrows knit together as he looked at Artemis again, this time trying to ignore how pretty he thought she was and how much it made him want to kiss her.
Artemis stopped and turned back to him. “What’s wrong?”
“You don’t have your bow. Or quiver. I mean, I’m pretty sure you could kill me with those heels but still.”
Artemis smirked at him and waved him closer. Curious Wally walked to her side at which point Artemis handed him her clutch. Wally raised an eyebrow at her and she simply nodded. Opening the clutch he peered inside, there was nothing but lipstick, her phone, and her ticket. Wally looked back at Artemis in confusion. She smiled and grabbed the purse, she pulled at something inside of it and the lining he had been looking at was now pushed to the side and a miniature crossbow with dozens of specialized bolts could be seen.
“It’s a baby bow,” Wally said. He felt his eyebrows raise in anticipation of her laugh.
Artemis laughed and replaced the hidden panel. “That it is. And also, you so weren’t wrong about the heels.” She smirked and stepped out onto the busy sidewalk. Wally shook his head before following after her.
They hailed a cab and were soon on their way to the Met. They had to get out a little further down the block but neither Wally or Artemis minded, they were supposed to try and be inconspicuous after all. They avoided the red carpet and the paparazzi that came with it, being ushered in a side entrance by a security guard when they showed him their invitations.
The museum was darkened, only the halls leading through the Egyptian exhibit to the huge hall where the Temple of Dendur stood were lit with a low light. Wally squeezed Artemis’s hand as they stepped into the hall. She smiled at him before turning her attention to the stone temple that rose up before them. On the edges of the room were tables and chairs, waiters and waitresses with drinks and appetizers flitted between people dressed in fine suits and designer dresses. Many of the women were dripping jewels and Wally felt as if even in their expensive formal wear he and Artemis were underdressed.
Wally turned his head to whisper in Artemis’s ear. “I can see now why Riddler wants to rob the joint.”
“No kidding,” she mumbled back.
Wally smiled and let go of her hand, holding out his arm so that she could link hers through instead. “Shall we start mingling? Try and find Riddler? Just check out that awesome temple?”
Artemis shook her head but her grin split her face and she hooked her arm through Wally’s. “I think we shall. To the temple please?”
They made their way slowly through the crowd, grabbing sparkling cider off the tray of a passing waiter, smiling at the other attendees, and scanning the crowd for anyone in a green suit. Riddler may be a genius and a dangerous criminal but the guy was not always smart. If they hadn’t known it was going to be a sure thing Wally and Artemis would’ve taken bets on the likelihood that he’d show up in his signature green suit and bowler hat.
They walked up to the steps at the base of the platform the temple stood on. Wally held out his hand to help steady Artemis as they climbed the stairs. From there they had a near perfect view of the whole crowd. Wally paused to see if Riddler had made an appearance, but Artemis continued toward the temple.
Wally turned and followed her. “Uh Artemis? You find anything?”
She was standing in the entrance to the small temple, studying the huge stones. “Hmm? Sorry, I’ve never been here before and this is just…”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool,” Wally replied with a smile. Artemis grinned back and crooked a finger at him. Just as he began to walk towards her a scream split the air.
Artemis’s face fell. “I guess we found Riddler,” she said dryly. “Let’s go get him before anyone gets hurt.” She pulled the crossbow out of her purse, a look of determination on her face.
Wally slipped his goggles on, gave Artemis a kiss on the cheek, and ran off towards the source of the screams. Barring the entrance to the exhibit was Riddler and his goons, and he was clad in that ridiculous suit. Glancing back at the temple he saw that Artemis had slipped a small domino mask on and was aiming her bow at the farthest goon. A second later a tranquillizer dart appeared in his neck. Wally took that as his cue and began knocking out the rest of them. Riddler watched in shock as one after another his men fell unconscious to the ground. The crowd parted to allow Artemis through. Her skirt billowed slightly and her blonde hair fanning out behind her. Wally stopped by her side, he knew that there was a goofy grin on his face but Artemis’s grand entrance was something admirable.
“No, no, no, no! I came to New York so there weren’t any superheroes!” Riddler cried, he even stamped his foot in frustration. “And who are you supposed to be anyway?!”
“Two kids playing spy who are about to ruin your night rather than allowing you to ruin everyone else’s,” Artemis smirked and lazily pointed her crossbow at him.
“If I were you Eddie, I’d let my girlfriend cuff you before she decides to shoot you,” Wally shrugged, wrapping an arm around Artemis’s waist. She smiled but never took her eyes off Riddler. Or her finger off the trigger.
“You’re from that junior Justice League! Kiddie Flash and Archer Girl!”
“For a supposed genius you’ve got an awful memory. I am a goddess, protector of maidens, personification of the moon, the leader of the hunt, what am I?”
The Riddler ground his teeth at her turning his own schtick around on him. Wally felt himself vibrating slightly he was so amused and proud. With her free hand Artemis poked him in his side and Wally knew that meant she could feel him vibrating too. And that it tickled and she wanted him to stop.
“Well Artemis,” Riddler spit out. “If you’re so determined to catch me, then try!” With that he threw down a smoke bomb and the crowd once again screamed.
Wally gave Artemis’s side a quick squeeze before racing after him. Smoke bombs might work, sometimes, when dealing with Batman and Robin but Wally had superspeed, there was no way Riddler was getting away from him. Wally already had him cuffed and was staring smugly at Riddler before the villain could even get out the door.
He let out a strangled, frustrated cry and began stomping his feet like a child when he spotted Wally. With a snort Wally pulled out his phone and began taking a video. Artemis sauntered toward them through the remaining smoke. She was chuckling and shaking her head, “Is that supposed to be your souvenir?”
“Well yeah. From the best date night ever,” Wally grinned and pulled Artemis toward him once she got within reach. Wrapping his arm around her waist again he pulled Artemis against him. Wally spun them around and flipped the camera on his phone. He ducked his head slightly as she raised hers, their lips meeting in the middle. Wally’s phone recorded their whole kiss, with Riddler’s tantrum in the background.
When they parted Artemis opened her gray eyes and smirked. “You’re never going to be able to top this, Baywatch.”
“You’re right Babe, but like a good new Bond I’m definitely gonna try,” Wally grinned.
Artemis snorted and rolled her eyes before pulling him back in for another kiss. 
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fight-me-boi · 6 years
This Could Be The Start of Something Greater.
~Short character drabbles about the twenty six members of the team. Takes place at different times through out he yj!universe. For @runningwitches . Happy Holidays. There’s a little under 4700 words tucked under the read more. I’m sorry this is so late I restarted this several times and still wasn’t satisfied, and then I got sick. Anyway. Again, I’m sorry it’s late.~
Dick loved the circus, he was taught by his mom and his aunt with his friends. John kept calling him squirt. His dad kept saying John’s attitude would keep him that height forever. The center pole was the second best place to be in the world, following the air. He was Robin. He was destined to fly.
And nothing was better than hearing the crowd’s oh’s and ah’s of the crowd as he flipped through the air and performed. Nothing beat that feeling, he was loved by his family and by the crowd. He wouldn’t give anything to change it, they weren’t rich in possession but they were rich where it mattered.
“Oh, do be careful, Robin.” Mary said loud enough for her voice to carry through the tent, she was watching her son on the trapeze with her brother in law. Dick waved down at her as John put an arm around her comfortingly.
“Come on Mary, Rich wouldn’t drop him.” John’s easy grin dropped for a second,”At least, I don’t think.”
Mary glared at him,”Don’t even joke about that Giovanni. He is little. I know you and your brother have some twisted sense of humor but if he drops our son I drop him. Understand?”
John looked nervous but nodded enthusiastically,”Yes, ma’am.”
Jack walked up beside his adopted son,”Did your wife just threaten to knock your brother out?”
“Yep,” John shot Jack a mischievous grin,” What a woman.”
“With any luck John, Dick won’t inherit Mary’s temper, or he’ll at least have your smile to hide it behind.”
Dick shot down the ladder into his dad’s arms,”Didya see? Was I good?”
John lifted his son up in front of him,”Amazing, spectacular. You might be the best out of us one day, Dick.”
Dick laughed and hugged his dad.
Kaldur knew he was one of the best fighters in his rank, if not the best. Even his magic was weapons based. His water bearers could become sabers, a mace a sledge hammer. He was proud of the fact that he was elected leader of the team, Robin would have become a good leader but he was too young, not used to working in a group compared to working with Batman.
He was heartbroken when Tula died, and when Garth went back to Atlantis. Nightwing had barely finished his undercover mission, had barely started grieving for his brother. But Nightwing was ready to be the leader, Kaldur was going to step away but finding out that his father was Black Manta meant that he needed not just time to think but time didn’t grant him that. He decided to go undercover instead giving himself a polite amount of distance from the team but able to watch over them and see them work well under Nightwing, help the “chess pieces” move to their proper location.
B03-Kid Flash
He officially had the coolest uncle ever. Not only did he fight crime as a CSI, he was the Flash. How many people could say that. He had to be his uncle’s partner. Batman had Robin, and Green Arrow had Speedy the Flash needed a sidekick, and what better than his nephew?
What’s the worst that could happen, he was a chemistry genius, and had access to all the chemicals and his uncles meticulous notes. He could recreate the experiment and then Uncle Barry would have to take him on, he’d have super powers too.
Connor loved the farm. He could lay in the sun for hours. He couldn’t fly, but it wasn’t that great and Clark wouldn’t admit it but Connor was capable of beating him. He didn’t want to be Superman anymore, and he couldn’t be a normal guy, constantly looking 16. He only looked like Clark from a distance as well. He couldn’t be Superman.
Connor liked not having to worry about missions of helping his parents around the farm,”Pa? Anything else you’d like me to do before I head back to Happy Harbor?”
“No, just enjoy yourself and give Megan a kiss from me and your ma.”
Connor laughed,”Will do. She’ll want to stop by to cook for you guys and get some more recipes from Ma.”
“She’s always welcomed.”
B05-Miss Martian
She didn’t understand what Connor’s issue was, they were bad guys. They had made their decision to be bad and they needed the information for the mission. It didn’t matter.
Connor wasn’t going to tell she had faith in him, if they had all the information Troia would be here, Jason and Tula would be alive and Garth and Kaldur wouldn’t have left the team.
She didn’t like what she was doing but she was doing it for the betterment of the world, doing the hard work to make the defensive look in Nightwing’s eyes to disappear. She’d be willing to lose some sleep to make sure they all lived to see another day. She’d be willing to compromise her ideals to help the team, it was worth it for them.
B06-Red Arrow
Roy liked the kid, he was hilarious. The jokes were stupid but the timing was impeccable. Gotham sucked ass and he was definantly going to kill Oliver for leaving him here even if it was for a day, why did Gotham’s arsonist have to fly. Robin was sitting next to him, surrounded by smoldering debris, giggling,”Cash is going to lose his mind.”
“Why?” Roy said pulling Robin to his feet.
The police car turned the corner and a man emerged from the cop car,”Why does our arsonist have to fly?“
“Because Gotham hates you, Cash.”
“Robin, any idea where he or Batman went?”
“No, Lynns bolted and Bats went after him. Our plan kinda went up in flames.” Roy snorted as Robin was staring at Cash with a shit eating grin, and Cash looked like he’d rather be dealing with Batman himself instead of the sidekicks.
Artemis belonged on the team, she didn’t care what Roy said. He was barely even there most of the time. He did not get to say what she was capable of or what her place on the team actually was. She spent her whole life fighting, fighting Jade, her father, the bad guys before she joined the team and the new bad guys with the team and Green Arrow. She belonged on this team she earned her damn spot, she wasn’t going to let some pompous brat who wore tights and a Robin Hood hat tell her that she didn’t belong. She got enough  of that crap at school without  him weighing in.
Her Dad couldn’t be more wrong the rest  of the team liked her, who cared what Wally thought she sure as hell didn’t. He was  just mad that she apparently scared off Red Arrow but if his masculinity was so fragile that he couldn’t handle a girl taking the place of the archer on the team, he wouldn’t be able to handle being a hero. She couldn’t understand what her sister saw in Roy he was a stubborn hardass, but then again Jade was most likely certifiable.
The team didn’t care who she was related to in the long term. Right?
Zatanna missed her father, there was no other way of putting it. She wanted her dad back. There was that British Warlock that she met while traveling that said there might have been a way to get the Helmet of Fate. She didn’t give up on saving him when she found out what removing the helmet from her father would entail, she just accepted that maybe she couldn’t. Constantine was right most of the time but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.
She didn’t know why Dick wanted to stay with the team even though they were all offered spots on the Justice League. But then again people rarely knew what ran through a Bat’s brain. She decided to join the league because she didn’t want to operate from the shadows forever, she wanted to be able to help more people then she could on the team. She’d always have a soft spot for the team and would be willing to help in whatever manner they needed. But a physical glamour charm was a strange request who wore a mask or sunglasses so much she almost forgot that he had blue eyes.
Amistad loved Lian, he was a little upset that he was no longer the baby, but he took to being Lian’s “big brother” quite well.
He was often seen trying to make Lian smile, or trying to be helpful around the Watchtower. He was only three years old and kept trying to help Batman fix the tech around the tower. The team adored the unofficial team mascots and protected them.
Hell their babysitter was basically a guarantee that Deathstroke wouldn’t mess with them unless he was hired to and even then Jericho has some stories about what happens if you messed with someone under Deathstroke’s protection.
He couldn’t be there anymore, he had to leave. Nightwing And Troia left after Robin died. He got to leave, he needed to go back to Atlantis on find himself again away from the team, away from the surface. Away from everyone, even King Orin and Queen Mera.
The woman he loved died, sacrificed herself to save the world. He got to be angry about that, because if he wasn’t where would he be? Like Nightwing who went disappeared for a year and then never got closer because he’d come back and Robin had been replaced? Troia who ran back to Themyscira after Jason died and wasn’t coming back? He was going to rejoin the team, he just needed a little time to himself and that wasn’t such a bad thing.
Tula understood why Kaldur loved the surface world and the people who dwelled on it, they were resilient and capable of so much on their own. Curious as well. The little Robin would stare when she, Garth and Kaldur would use their water magic, utterly fascinated with how it worked.
Tula never regretted joining the team, learning about the world, the culture, the different types of magic. She was the most talented in that aspect out of the three of them and studying surface world magic helped grow her abilities.
Queen Mera was often adamant that all stories of the gods had grains of truth within them and you had to be able to divine the truth from fiction, from hyperbole. This story about the alien Tiamat and the Babylonian demigod Marduk was interesting but it felt like something was missing, the fact that Marduk was introduced to the pantheon of gods posthumously promoted more research. She would ask John Constantine or the Lord of Order, Nabu, about it.
Troia couldn’t handle being on the team after Robin died. Before then it felt like a game, in the back of her mind she knew it wasn’t but after seeing Jason’s body the gravity of what they did, what they were doing became much more real and all she wanted to do was go home to her mom. She loved Jason as if he was her own flesh and blood, she was his big sister and Dick was her best friend. She felt awful about leaving him but she couldn’t work above a memorial to her baby, she knew Dick understood when he left as well.
When she returned to Themyscira she practically threw herself back into her mother’s arms crying about him. Diana talked about humans being good and just. Where was the goodness in that? The justness? The man that killed him could barely be called a man. Jason was a child, he didn’t deserve that.
B13-Robin II
Jason hated the pitying and distrustful looks from the league and the team. They weren’t from Gotham, none of them have been the little guy, no one had know what he’d seen. Batman didn’t live in Gotham he spent the day in his mansion, Superman was a pompous goody two shoes from Kansas, he wouldn’t know how to Gotham. Crime Alley, Jason did. He stole the wheels of the Batmobile. He survived Crime Alley by himself for years before Bruce came along, he just had his wits, no armour, no training from around the world, no tech, just him. Jason did just fine without anyone. He didn’t need the team, or Nightwing, or Batman, you can’t count on anybody.
“Jason, you can do better. Dick does this easily. He doesn’t need to hit as hard.” Bruce said watching Jason hit the mannequin hard enough to snap bone.
“I’m not him, Okay!” Jason said snapped at Bruce,”I’ve done pretty well by myself, I sure as hell don’t need you to tell me what I am doing wrong.”
Jason stormed out of the Batcave and hunkered down against the wind, it was a long walk back to Gotham. He couldn’t be there anymore, the manor wasn’t his home.
B14-Lieutenant Marvel
It was odd being able to walk again. Especially knowing the cost, his grandfather comatose, and him a superhero. He got along well with Billy, the guy was his best friend but god was this stressful.
He didn’t want to worry about coming home alive every time he went on a mission maybe Billy thought he was indestructible and that was well and good but Freddy has had his back broken and been helpless and he doesn’t want to go back to that ever.
B15-Sergeant Marvel
She didn’t get why Billy liked this, it was dangerous and scary and she didn’t like the fact that there was the chance that one of them wouldn’t come home. She was 13 she couldn’t handle the responsibility of the team on her shoulders.
She hated abandoning the team but she wanted to come back when she was older, more responsible, more capable of losing someone. According to the young Robin, he was her age, how cool was that? Anyway she was getting side tracked, he said that losing people didn’t get easier. It didn’t matter if you were 7 and it was your mom or if you were an adult and lost your friend. Losing people sucked and Mary wasn’t prepared for that.
Barbara knew that her dad didn’t necessarily approve of her being on the team, but after realizing grounding her wasn’t going to work, he decided that Batman did a nice job of protecting her since she started. He still thought that dating Dick was the dumbest thing she could do, but he wasn’t home half the time and she was an adult.
She was still mad at Dick for lying to her about Artemis, about Kaldur. What she didn’t expect was for Dick to drunk dial her secure line from his phone and explain everything. That he was going to go back undercover, fake his death let Azrael be Batman for a bit, help Kaldur, keep Artemis and Wally out of it. She was supposed to be his contact. Artemis decided to go after knocking some sense into him.
”She, she said it’d be less painful. We couldn’t lose another-” Dick already sounded near tears as his breath hitched but his voice now made Barbara’s heart clench,”Jason. We couldn’t lose a bat. She’d retired it wouldn’t be as painful for the new members, and Tim he’d be alone. No Robins.”
His voice sounded like cracking ice,”You should delete my number. I understand if you never want to see me again.”
Barbara didn’t delete his number but stopped by his apartment and unlocked the door, coughing reflexively from the dust that had gathered over the 6 months that he was Batman, Nightwing and team leader. She didn’t stay very long but rearranged his photos so the photo of Catherine was no longer next to the Graysons but next to Jason like she was looking at him, the photo of her and her dad was switched with the photo of a blonde boy with a mass of curly hair and an Asian girl with silver hair with their arms around Dick smiling.
One of her best friends was superhero. That was so cool. And she got offered an internship under Dr. Raymond Palmer! The Atom! She would get to be a superhero and study under one of the best minds in molecular physics. She was so excited. She couldn’t wait. But for a superhero uniform, like that Nightwing guy said, go with your gut. It’s usually right.
Bumblebee wasn’t a bad idea, she’d been playing with the idea since Dr. Palmer offered to teach her. Wings, the independent mobility would help when she was smaller. The energy pulses or “stingers” could be used offensively and being able to shrink would help with espionage like the team was meant to do.
B18-Lagoon Boy
La'gaan didn’t know how to feel on the team, he was the only Atlantean on the team. Kaldur left, he was a regular fish out of water. He needed to prove himself. Show them that he was better than Kaldur, not a replacement. Especially Miss Martian. She was really pretty, and had a nice laugh.
The more time La’gaan spent on the surface world the more he felt out of place. He couldn’t spend time with the team without hiding how he looked he didn’t blend in as easily as Kaldur did or was able to shapeshift like Miss Martian or Garfield could. He just was there, and it was trying hard to find his place on his team besides just the water guy.
B19-Beast Boy
M’gann was really upset about something and she wasn’t talking to him about it. Maybe it was something to do with getting kidnapped by Deathstroke and he was a lot scarier than Sportsmaster. La'gaan said he was a lot faster than Sportsmaster and stronger too. When M’gann got kidnapped and La’gaan broke his leg. Lagaan said that Deathstroke said something more chilling then Sportsmaster ever could,”Now I hate to see any poor animal in pain, but you aren’t on the Light’s list. How about a little anesthetic for the pain?”
Nightwing, Dick, said he was lucky to be alive and to just have a broken leg with a few bruises. La’gaan kept arguing with Nightwing about going to save M’gann, while Nightwing remained adamant about doing things his way, Gar couldn’t help but to agree with La’gaan, that was his sister, and he needed to get her back safely.
B20-Robin III
Nightwing and Robin were gone, Jason died. Tim knew that much, it was all over the news. Bruce Wayne’s ward Jason Todd murdered in Ethiopia by the Joker. Nightwing stopped patrol with Batman after that and Dick stopped going outside, stopped being seen around Gotham altogether. People at Gotham Academy said that he had a mental breakdown or tried to kill himself. Tim knew better, knew that Nightwing, Dick, left for a reason he wouldn’t just abandon Batman.
So Tim waited for months but he watched as Batman began to deteriorate. Read the stories about the criminals begging to be takening straight to Blackgate just don’t let Batman get at them. Then Tim had to act, Batman was going to kill someone or get himself killed. So Tim broke into the batcave, and offered to make himself Robin, he was denied. Then he followed Batman in a homemade Robin costume, telling Batman he needed a Robin and Tim was willing to fill that role for the time being, just until Nightwing came back.
B21-Wonder Girl
She was on the team! How cool was that! Nightwing was her boss, and he was so nice. A little sad and guilty but really nice. Anyway, back to the real point, she was related to Wonder woman, not like cousins or her mom married Wonder Woman’s brother or something. Her dad was Zeus, making her Wonder Woman’s little sister.
Kiran was going to be so jealous when she heard about it. She got to fight bad guys while her mother explored ruins. She met Superman. This is officially the best day ever. And Batgirl. The Batgirl, the only way this could get any better is if she met Robin. The first sidekick, the best one in her opinion.
B22-Blue Beetle III
Jaime thought the team was so cool, real live super heroes to help him use his powers. He was a little disappointed that he didn’t have someone familiar with the scarab like the previous Blue Beetle.
Everyone on the team was really nice but it felt like the senior members where hiding something. Besides the whole secret identity thing. Khaji Da said that you could tell what people were hiding by cold reading them but to Jaime that seemed like a bigger invasion of privacy then having an annoying bug trapped to your spine. “Jaime Reyes, our partnership can be seen as symbiotic.”
“Yes, because I have an annoying little voice second guessing my every move.”
“I do not second guess, I analyze and offer alternative courses of action. Take another look at the Red Arrow and the Nightwing. They seem to be arguing something.”
Nightwing seemed to be switching apathy and frustration, Red Arrow seemed to be concerned and had Nightwing sort of boxed in, he wasn't touching the younger vigilante but he wasn’t letting him escape either. Nightwing eventually pushed Red Arrow away from him, and Jaime caught the last part of the conversation,”I feel bad because of what I did not who it was done too. Batman should have left it alone, it’s my guilty conscience not his.”
B23-Impulse/Kid Flash II
It was terrible, the future, having to scavenge for parts, for food. One of the reasons he talked so much was because the two men that he worked with bordered nonverbal. The blonde was mute due to the large scar that crossed his throat, the one who wore a helmet would speak but hated to show his face so he wore a mask of poly-carbonate. They were built by the Hood when he saw that Bart was having trouble using his speed, so he based them off Kid Flash’s old lenses. Bart was going to go back to the past before the Reach invaded to prevent this future, his grandfather dying started this whole mess. If he saved Barry Allen he saved the world. Neutron was the chronal expert in the operation. The Hood was the engineer and tactician. The mute guy was the best scavenger and could find out any information you wanted, no one knew how or wanted to know how.
Hood looked up from the meal he scavenged for Bart,”You sure about this, kid? If what Nathaniel says is true. You won’t be coming back. If you are successful this time line will cease.”
The mute came back carrying the pieces of what’s going to be the time machine’s energy source, and looked at Bart expectantly,”I’m fine with it. This really isn’t a future worth coming back to.”
“Ain’t that the truth?” Hood let out a hysterical laugh,”Hey, Jericho you got some blood on your collar.”
The mute made some motions with his hands, the Hood’s tone was mocking,”Oh, it’s not yours. That’s reassuring. Well it was a pleasure working with ya.”
Jericho motioned to Hood, his version of agreeing, Bart shook their hands,”May we meet again in the past. In the future and the life after that.”
Mal finally understood what Nightwing meant. The rush, the feeling of adrenaline coursing through your veins, the feeling that you were doing good. It was addicting.
When he first joined the team he wasn’t wearing the Guardian helm, he helped Nightwing run missions and coordinate communications between the team members. Finding out that the guy with the big blue bird on his chest was the first Robin, the first sidekick. The reason there was a team.
If it wasn’t for him who knew what would have happened, the team might not have existed. Connor might not have come to Rhode Island, he wouldn’t know about M’gann. He may not have been still together with Karen.
Mal didn’t have many regrets since he met Connor and M’gann but one of them was not picking up a suit sooner.
The audacity of Nightwing to kick him off the team after he rescued everybody. He's just so infuriating, he belonged on that team his clone was placed n that team. He earned his spot, more than the rogue Blue Beetle did, or the time traveler impulse. Where did Nightwing get the authority of telling him what to do? He was just one of Batman’s apprentices. Hell Robin had been in the game longer then he had, and yet there he was differing to him, like NIghtwing was the alpha dog.
“I can’t believe him.” Arsenal said storming into Red arrow’s apartment.
“Can’t believe who?” Red Arrow looked up from holding Lian in a Nightwing onesie, Arsenal could not escape the guy. What made him so great anyway?
“Nightwing, he kicked me off the team.”
Red Arrow sighed,”What happened?”
“Blue Beetle turned on us so I opened the airlock, and he started to take us out. Superboy provided a distraction so I could escape.” Arsenal sat down on the couch as Red shifted Lian so she was laying on his chest,”What’s his deal anyway? He seems to have it out for me after we went to Smallville.”
Roy pursed his lips,”Was Robin in any danger on the Warworld? In Smallville?”
“No, I had it under control.” Arsenal said crossing his arm.
Roy rolled his eyes at the moody teenager on his couch, he knew why Nightwing kicked him off the team. He didn’t want to get Tim killed like Jason, even though the only person you could blame for Jason’s death was the Joker, ”Nightwing’s brother died. He blames himself. He doesn’t let Robin be put in danger and when he is, he’ll remove that threat or protect Robin anyway possible.”
“Robin’s been around for 10 years, he can handle himself. Nightwing doesn't need to interfere.”
“Nightwing’s nineteen and buried his brother before he could vote, hell the Robin you know is the third one. Nightwing was the first. Part of him will always be that scared little kid, he didn’t mean any harm by it. He's trying to protect his family.”
“I didn’t know.” Arsenal said, feeling a little sorry.
“Most people don’t. They think there were only two, and it’s gotten to the point where it’s easier for Nightwing not to mention the second one. He’ll come around just let him mellow out.”
Virgil joined the team because what else would he do with his powers. Black Lightning offered to train him and he was excited about that. This team was full of skilled people who would have his back at the expense of him having theirs.
He liked the team, sure he was a little bristly toward Nightwing after he fired Arsenal but he hung out with the older vigilante and he was always willing to give advice or training, and Arsenal said he was Robin, the first Robin. How cool was that?
“Hey Nightwing?” Nightwing looked up from his tablet and Nightwing did not look thrilled at what was going on on the screen,”Oh am I bugging you?”
“Nah just discussing how to best piss off an assassin, what’s up?” Nightwing said turning the tablet off.
“You think you could teach me how to fight?” Virgil saw how Nightwing fought he had a lot of skills, and if he was Robin he was used to fighting people bigger and more dangerous than him.
“Of course, lesson 1. There is no dirty tricks.” Nightwing stood up and stretched,”Lesson 2 and Robin taught me this, if someone is bigger than you hit fast. You hit hard. Then run as far away as you can.”
“Wait, Robin who’s dating Cassie?”
Nightwing’s easygoing grin faltered, but then he shrugged,”Could have been Troia, black hair pain in my side. Who knows?”
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immortalheart · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Young Justice (Cartoon), Young Justice - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West Characters: Dick Grayson, Wally West, Tim Drake (Mentioned), Jason Todd (Mentioned), Bruce Wayne (Mentioned) Additional Tags: Dick needs to stop overworking himself, Seriously how do you forget your own birthday, In celebration of Dick's birthday, Which was in like December? Oops, Fluff, And More Fluff, It's really adorable, Wally West is Alive, Cuz fuck that noise yall need happiness after the sad fic yesterday, author needs to stop abusing the tags Series: Part 2 of Young Justice Secret Santa 2017 Summary:
In which Dick Grayson forgets it's his birthday--and get's a wonderful surprise.
Merry Christmas @whelmxd! Hope you enjoy the final part of your gift <3 
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bloomingwings · 10 years
Dick Grayson walked down the hall of Wayne Manor, heading into the kitchen where their butler, Alfred Pennyworth was working diligently to prepare dinner.
“Smells good Al,” he said, raising his nose slightly to smell the honey-glazed ham cooking in the oven. He frowned as he tried to figure out what else he could smell. “Ham, mashed potatoes… is that chicken casserole?”
“Indeed, Master Grayson,” Alfred said, not turning to meet the man who was almost like a grandson to him. Dick smiled, leaning against the counter to observe Alfred for a few minutes, enjoying the calm that came from him.
“What about your cookies? Damian will be disappointed,” Dick said, chuckling to himself. The boy couldn’t keep his hands off of those cookies despite his usual bravado.
“That boy has forced me to become more discrete while baking,” Alfred responded. Dick laughed.
“Good luck with that Alfred. If you need any help, you know where to find me,” Dick said, clapping Alfred on the back.
“Pardon me for asking, Master Grayson,” Alfred started, turning towards Dick. “But does Master Wayne know of your plans for the evening?” Dick smiled smugly.
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if he did, would it?”
The Christmas tree was sparkling next to the fire, and Dick had to admire his handiwork. He had planned out the whole evening, with some help from Alfred of course. It had been awhile since the Wayne family had had a nice, quiet Christmas Eve together… well, even Dick couldn’t remember one of those. But he was determined to get the family together for this.
“What was I called here for, Grayson?” a childish voice determined to seem adult asked. Dick turned around to see Damian standing in the doorway, staring at him. Every now and then, Damian’s eyes would flick to the Christmas tree and the fire.
“Christmas Eve. We’re surprising Bruce, and it’s mandatory you come,” Dick said. Damian crossed his arms.
“Who said that?” he asked.
“Me. And you’re going to do it, capisce?” Damian shrugged.
“Since I have nothing better to do tonight, I’ll let you do whatever this is,” he said, though Dick could see through Damian’s indifference. Damian sat on the couch, throwing his hands behind his head. “Who is all invited to this… thing?”
“Who do you think? The family!” Dick said. “We’re his sons, really. We need to be there for him.”
“Don’t tell me that that Drake guy is coming,” Damian said.
“Tim is invited. He’s as much as a son as you are, despite your feud,” Dick retorted. “Honestly, Damian. You need to relax. Sit down, drink some hot chocolate. Maybe it’ll loosen you up a bit.” Damian opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by the doorbell. A minute later, Tim Drake walked into the living room.
“Speak of the devil,” Dick said, walking over to Tim and throwing an arm around his shoulder. “Good to see you Timmy.” Tim smirked and ducked under Dick’s reach.
“Don’t call me Timmy,” he said, though he couldn’t hide the smile. Tim looked over and saw Damian on the couch, who was pouring all his attention into the ornaments on the tree.
“Wayne,” Tim greeted without any love in his voice.
“Drake,” Damian greeted in reply, his voice equally monotone. But Damian did spare a second to send a glare to Tim, to which Tim rolled his eyes. Tim walked over to Dick, pulling out a nicely wrapped box from his coat pocket.
“I brought this for you. Bruce’s is in my other pocket,” he said. Dick took it and placed it under the tree.
“Good. Bruce should be down soon, and Alfred is almost done with dinner,” Dick said as he walked.
“Did you invite… you know who?” Tim said, opting to not speak their ‘brother’s name. Dick shrugged.
“Like I said about you, he’s as much of a son to Bruce as we are. He was invited, though I don’t know if he’ll actually show up,” Dick said.
“I don’t see why Todd should be invited,” Damian said, standing up. “It’s not like he really cares about Father. Or any of us, really.”
“You wouldn’t know, would you Wayne? All I see over there is a ball of hatred raised by the League,” Tim said. Damian’s fists balled, and Dick had to put himself between the two.
“Hey! It’s Christmas Eve! Can we not fight for one night?” he asked, looking back and forth. After a moment, both of the boys nodded. Dick sighed a breath of relief. “Tim, put the presents under the tree. Damian, go get Bruce down here. Make up an excuse, but don’t tell him what’s really going on.” Damian nodded, leaving to go find his father.
Tim walked to the tree, gently placing the gifts for his family under it. “Do you think Jason will show?” he asked. Dick shrugged, looking down at the floor.
“Who knows what he thinks about? I, however, intend to not let myself worry about anything tonight, and so should you. It’s Christmas Eve, we’ve got most of the family together, and we’re going to sit down, eat dinner and open some presents,” Dick replied, strutting over to where Tim was standing and, before Tim knew it, placing reindeer antlers on his head.
“Hey!” Tim shouted. Dick laughed as he put on a Santa hat, trying to add on to the Christmas spirit.
“What’s all the racket?” a deeper voice asked as its owner walked into the room to find the two boys laughing. “Dick? Tim?”
“Hey Bruce,” Tim managed between laughs. Dick waved, laughing too hard to respond.
“What’s going on?” Bruce Wayne asked, narrowing his eyes. He hadn’t expected Tim to show up that night, so something had to be going on. Dick walked over, and began to push Bruce to the couch, waiting for Damian to enter. Once he did, Dick turned to Bruce as Tim and Damian placed themselves at his sides.
“Tonight,” Dick began, “is Christmas Eve. You are going to stay in tonight, with us, and have a nice… well, probably not quiet dinner and you are going to open presents and you will like it.” Bruce stared at him, and eyebrow raised before he got up from the couch.
“Dick, I don’t have time for this. There’s too much to do tonight,” he protested.
“Sucks,” Dick said, shrugging.
“Master Grayson,” Alfred said, opening the door and entering the room. “Dinner is ready to be served.” Dick looked over from Alfred to Bruce.
“You wouldn’t let a good dinner that poor ol’ Alfred slaved over go to waste, would you?” Dick asked, going to stand by Alfred. He almost added ‘Brucey’ to the end, but he didn’t want to die that night.
Bruce narrowed his eyes at him again. Tim looked at him, waiting to know what the answer would be, and even Damian was more than curious as to what would happen. Dick just hoped he didn’t die.
“Alright,” Bruce finally said.
  “And you’re not allowed to go out as Batman afterwards either,” Dick added. “It’s Christmas.” Bruce stared at Dick, and even Alfred couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
Tim clapped his hands suddenly to break the tension. “Well! I’m sure hungry.”
“Right this way, Master Drake,” Alfred said, leading the four into the dining room where a small feast was laid out.
“Looks delicious Al,” Dick said, taking his place at the table. Damian and Tim followed suit, but Bruce paused by Alfred.
“Did you plan this?” he asked him, low enough so the others couldn’t hear.
“Just the dinner, sir. Master Grayson was more than capable to make arrangements,” Alfred said. Bruce nodded, and took his own seat at the head of the table.
Dinner progressed uneventfully (well, accept for an almost-food-fight between Tim and Damian, who resorted to keeping it under the table instead of upsetting Bruce or Dick), and soon enough it was time to open presents. The four, along with Alfred, gathered in the living room with the Christmas tree, and Dick passed out the presents to the family members. Damian was about to dig into his presents when the doorbell rang. Alfred turned to leave and answer it, but Dick volunteered instead.
Running to the front room, Dick opened the door. When he saw who was standing there, he grinned. “Hey Jay,” he greeted, letting his last brother enter the house.
“Hey, uh, Dick,” Jason greeted in reply. He stood outside a moment, hesitating as if he didn’t know whether he really wanted to be there or not. But Dick knew that Jason knew that deep down, this was where he belonged on a night like this.
“Come on in,” Dick said. He knew that Jason had shared his differences with practically everyone in the house, but he hoped everyone was willing to forgive for at least one night. “You missed dinner, but present-opening is about to start. I think I even saw one with your name on it.”
“Dick,” Jason interrupted. “Don’t try to make this anymore awkward than it already is, okay? I know I’m not everyone’s favorite person, but Roy is will Oliver and Kori-“
“Just relax, dude,” Dick said, taking his turn to interrupt. He gave a small smile. “Come open presents.” Jason pursed his lips, but nodded to Dick, following him into the living room.
“Guess who made it,” Dick said as he entered. Jason followed behind, giving a small wave to the people in the room. Alfred was the first to greet him, giving a slight inclination of his head.
“Master Todd,” he greeted. Jason felt a small smile play on his lips. Even after all the crap that had happened, Alfred still treated him as part of the house.
“Todd,” Damian sniffed, giving him the same treatment he had given to Tim earlier. Jason rolled his eyes and turned to Tim. The two had always had an awkward relationship, having Tim be Jason’s replacement after his ‘death’.
“Hey Tim,” he said, subconsciously trying to throw him off. Which worked, somewhat, as Tim raised an eyebrow to Jason before replying, “Hi.”
At last, Jason turned to Bruce, who had long since gotten off the couch. The two stood there for a moment, before Bruce made the first move towards Jason by using one arm to pull Jason into a hug. Jason stiffened at first, but slowly wrapped an arm around Bruce as well.
“It’s good to see you,” Bruce said. Jason smirked. Good to see you when we’re not fighting as Batman and Red Hood, you mean he thought, but didn’t say. Things had been going smoothly (well for his usual) and he didn’t necessarily want to ruin that… yet. If at all, but he couldn’t be too sure.
This time, it was Dick’s turn to interrupt the moment. “Alright, I think it’s presents time. Damian, since you’re the youngest, you get to go first.” Damian reached down, grabbing the present from… Tim. He shot Tim a look before slowly unwrapping the gift. As he pulled it out, a look of puzzlement came over his face.
“What the hell is this, Drake?” he asked.
“Putty. Fart putty,” Tim said, shooting him a look of bewilderment. “You mean you’ve never played with fart putty? What kind of childhood did you have?” Damian narrowed his eyes at Tim, but before a fight could break out, Dick thrust a gift into Alfred’s hands to stem the anger.
“For me, Master Grayson?” Alfred asked, eyes wide.
“Duh. You’re part of the family too, Alfred,” Dick said, smiling. As he opened his present, Dick couldn’t help but stand back and admire the scene. It was a nice change from the fighting and the rivalry that the men normally experienced, and though Dick didn’t know how much longer it would last, he couldn’t help but have some satisfaction in his accomplished work. Tim and Damian were keeping their fighting down, Jason actually showed up and was acting civil, and Bruce was sitting down on the couch for a quiet night in.
Maybe Christmas miracles were possible.
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yjsecretsanta · 12 years
Ok Now I just sent all the remaining info messages
If you didn't get one and you got a confirmation message when you signed up please message me.
ALSO if I gave u a name that doesn't exist anymore the person probably changed it for Christmas so message me and I'll find their current one :)
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WHat do we tag the work/s as? its been a while and I've gotten ill so my brain is terrible. sorry for bothering you
That's ok! Just tag it with #yjsecretsanta
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