#you are free to scream curse and cry at me i know i deserve it :)
stairain · 1 year
Bad Idea.
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You see your Professor talking to one of his co-workers, prompting insecurities about him belonging with someone his age.  
NSFW part 2
NSFW part 3
Warnings: Angst. Professor/Student relationship, 10+ year age gap (No defined ages, but reader is over 20, Spencer is under 40), suggested manipulation, strong power play/dynamic. There will be an 18+ part 2.
WC: 1.7K
You’re pacing around his living room, anxiousness coursing through your veins. You had caught him talking to one of his female co-workers, and couldn’t help but spiral. 
“Maybe this was a bad idea, Spencer.”
Your professor watches your frantic movements as he stands still across the room from you. His eyebrow raises and he moves his hands into his pocket. 
"Do you want to talk about it?” He calmly said. 
Curse him for always being mature about things when you were nothing but an irrational impulsive mess, and maybe that was a clear sign of a red flag, one that you were no doubt going to ignore, along with the rest of them.
“You deserve someone your age, you deserve someone you don’t have to hide.. to keep a secret.”
The tears brimming your eyes finally fall, cascading down your cheeks as they burn your skin. Spencer is quiet for a long moment, as you cry. And then he walks over to you and pulls you into his arms, and he holds you close, as though he wants to comfort you.
His voice grows a slight bit solemn, and his face grows some sadness, but, somehow, he manages to smile a little bit. 
"You're... you're right," he says softly, and while his voice is serious, he manages to give you a little soft smile as he does so. "Maybe I do." he adds, still softly, as a single tear falls down his cheek.
You push him away from you, raising your voice. Even though you were the one to suggest it, hearing him agree with you, it hurt more than you expected.
“I-Is that what you want..? Someone older than me, more mature than me, better than me.. Someone you can actually be seen with..” 
Spencer shakes his head slowly. His heart breaks to see you so hurt. But, somehow, he manages to give you the softest little smile. He pulls you a little bit closer and runs a strong hand through your hair, to hopefully calm you down.
“Come on, angel. You’re getting yourself worked up over nothing. And no.. No, it's not what I want. You're everything I want.." 
You allow him to comfort you, you really wanted nothing more than to scream at him, pound your fists against his chest, and lock yourself in his room. And yet, here you were, allowing him to hold you, to protect you.  
"You don't mind that I'm your student.. and we're dating? You don’t find it weird..?"
"Why would I ever mind?" 
He speaks softly as he looks down at you in his arms, right in your teary eyes. His heart beats a little bit harder, his breath grows warmer, it's clear he's being genuine with you. You free yourself from his hold and sit down on his couch, and he immediately follows you. He stands in front of you, looming over your small figure. 
"As your Professor... I'm here to support you. And I'm only human, just like you. I just happen to have a job that's a bit of a.. conflict of interest. But I always aim to see all of my students succeed, and what better way to support you, to help you succeed, than to be here for you?"
Spencer reaches out a hand to rest on your shoulder, his thumb rubs over the soft fabric of your shirt as he looks down at you.
"I-I guess you're right, Sir. I just don't want your life and career to be ruined because of us.”.
Your professor sighs before kneeling down in front of you on the couch, to look you directly in the eyes now that he was down at your level. He reaches out to you and holds your chin in his fingers.
"Look at me, princess..." he whispers, "I'm an adult. I have a PhD, a very successful career, all that... and I know what I'm doing. I'm not going to let anyone or anything, including my job, or anyone else, ruin what we'd built between us..."
The sincerity in his tone practically forces you to believe him, you felt you had no other choice at this point, you were in far too deep. You nod as he spoke, clinging on to every syllable, he really did have a way with his words. 
"There's nothing that could ever ruin that, okay?" he adds, softly... "Our love is too precious for anyone to hurt..”
"I-I don't know, Sir. I know this..”—You point between the two of you —“What we have, it's not normal. But I love you.. I'm  just terrified someone will somehow find out, then you'll lose your job, and it'll be my fault." 
You bury your face in your hands as your cries wrack through your body. Spencer sighs and bites his lip as he tries to find the right words, ones that may not be true, but at least they’ll comfort you for the time being. 
"I understand," he says softly. "That's a very valid concern and we'll.. we’ll have to figure out a way to deal with that. But even if someone were to find out, I'd be willing to lose this job if it meant I could keep you in my life. If I'm being honest, angel, there's nothing that could ever be worth as much as you, and if this is what you want, then... then I'm willing to do whatever it takes."
He pulls your hands away from your face, he takes both of your hands in one of his, and his free hand reaches up to wipe at your tear stained cheeks. 
"Can you understand that? Can you understand how much you mean to me?"
You can’t help but scoff at his words and throw your hands in the air, looking away from him. It was almost laughable how unserious he was about his entire future, just because of you. 
"Sir- I..I'm not worth losing your job, listen to yourself!"
Spencer furrows his brows and forcefully grabs your hands back in his. He never did like it when you didn’t look at him while he spoke to you. 
"That's for me to decide, isn't it?" He asks sternly as he looks at you.  
"If I say you're worth losing my job for because you're what makes me the happiest, and you're what makes me better... then aren't I the one who has the final say? I'm here to guide you, and to protect you... and what that means for me is that I'm willing to sacrifice everything, as long as you're in my life. I'm not going to let anything, anything ever tear us apart… Understood?"
You keep quiet as he mentions how everything is up for him to decide, you know he's right, and there's nothing you can say to convince him. Your eyes avert his gaze and favor looking at the way his large hand encompasses both of your smaller ones. 
"But I'm just another one of your students, Professor. I just don't think losing your job would be worth it.. Plus, what happens when the news gets to this? You'll lose your job at the FBI too.”
Spencer’s hand bumps your chin up gently, making him look at you as he speaks softly. 
"You're not just another student to me. You're not just some random face I see in class... you're someone I truly care for, someone that makes me feel very very happy." Spencer adds truthfully, and his tone grows more sincere as he continues to attempt to comfort you.
"And as I said, I would be willing to risk my job, if it meant being with you. But we don't have to make that choice, do we? We can keep it quiet, as long as we're careful, I can make sure no one ever finds out." 
You sniff and look up at him through your teary lashes. He pushes a fallen lock of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. 
"How are you going to make sure no one ever finds out, Sir?"
"By being careful, and taking our time," he explains. "But also by being smart.. by paying close attention to any signs that anyone is suspicious. And that means you'll need to learn how to be careful too.. how to be cautious" he adds. "We will keep it between us, my girl."
Spencer sits down on the couch next to you, and effortlessly lifts you onto his lap, quickly curling you up against his chest. 
"This will be our little secret, and as long as we're careful.. we can make sure no one will ever know.” 
You nod at his words and suggestions.
"I'll make sure to be careful, sir.”
He smiles down at you and coos in your ear. 
“There we go.. You’re so smart, darling.” 
His fingers run through your hair, and despite the comfort, there’s a pit in your stomach at his words. You don’t acknowledge it, why would you.
“You need to make sure you don't treat me any differently in class, Sir. You already know how much everyone in that class loves you.. If they noticed you were giving me special treatment, I’d never hear the end of it.. Wouldn't want anyone knowing I'm a teacher's pet."
You smirk as you tease him, knowing fully that’s exactly what you are. Spencer chuckles, as he nods again. 
"Of course. We'll have to act normal, and we'll have to pretend.. to be just a professor and a student at work. But outside of work.." he adds, before his smile grows a little bit wider. "That's a whole different story.." he adds, his tone a little bit lower. 
"Yeah? What are we outside of work, Professor?"
You bite your lip as you look up at him with innocent eyes.
"Outside of work.." He smiles again, as his eyes darkening with a twinge of lust. "Outside of work, we don't have to pretend anymore. We can just be ourselves all the time." 
With nothing but what you believe is love in his eyes, he cradles the back of your head in his palm to look up at him better. He looks down at you in adoration, and his gaze flickers from your eyes to your lips. 
"And.. outside of work, I get to be yours. All yours, my perfect girl." 
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 6 months
Soldat’s fairy
chapter 3
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pairing: winter soldier x reader / bucky barnes x reader
general warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! Dark Elements!! HYDRA!! (Dub Con implied but not really and NOT FROM BUCKY), Winter Solider, Mind Control, se-xual in-tercourse. forced relationship forced procreation (HYDRA!!), ANGST - (this is my first time writing something like this so please let me know if I should more warnings)
chapter warnings: non-graphic s.mut, mentions of virginity, mentions of crying, mentions of blood, injury from glass (accidental), mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy test, (+ general warnings)
words: 890+
a/n: hi everyone, thank you for showing love to this story, things accelerate quickly in this chapter but it’s shorter than the previous, thank you for your support, hope you like it. please please read the warnings before continuing.
<- Previous Chapter
Soldat kept his word, he was gentle with you, as gentle as he could be.
It hurt, more than the physical hurt it was the betrayal, the fact this was not happening willingly
You always thought your first time would be special, or at least with someone you loved but mostly it will be your choice.
“You’re so beautiful” The Man kissed you, whispered in your ears. Soldat was kind to you, he made you feel good but a part of you felt broken, and he felt something similar.
He blamed himself, if it wasn’t for him maybe you wouldn’t have to do this, maybe your life would be better. You could be free.
Soldat kissed your jaw, your neck, as he could feel his high approach, it felt wrong, but both of your bodies betrayed yourselves.
Maybe the two of you could challenge fate and take it in your own hands. That moment, even if forced, was shared just between you two. It was yours and only yours.
Soldat looked at you with kind eyes as if asking permission, you gave him a gently smile, which was enough answer for him, he leaned down and kissed you, he made sure to provide you pleasure, as the two of you reached your high, you felt full, even something so wrong felt so right.
Fate played a game with you both but in that moment, you didn’t feel betrayed, in that moment, it was just you and him.
“I’m sorry” Soldat couldn’t stop blaming himself. He didn’t look at you, lying beside you staring at the ceiling
“It’s not your fault” He wasn’t used to hearing that. After everything that happened how were you not screaming at him, cursing him or hitting him?
You looked at him as the man kept avoiding your gaze. Soldat was beautiful, you thought. There were so many questions going through your mind, what happened to him being the most prominent.
“Do you- do you think I…” You trailed off gently touching your belly. The future seemed uncertain and scary. Soldat didn’t say anything, instead he looked at your hand on your belly.
The silence of the room got disrupted when there were loud knocks on the door followed by footsteps and people coming in. Thankfully you were modestly clothed by then. Few of Pierce’s men came in notifying you that soon a doctor will arrive to check you, to see if you got pregnant.
“Soldat, come with us now.” They ordered. Soldat looked at you, saw the tears in your eyes. Part of him wanted to stay with you, but the other part felt you must hate him now, why wouldn’t you, he thought. Probably it was best to leave.
Soldat got up to leave. He looked at you one more time and you were looking back at him. What he didn’t realise was that you wanted him to stay.
All of them left the room and you were alone again. How did your life turn out to be like that? Was it your fault? Were you not a good enough daughter? Could have done something differently?
No. Suddenly all you could feel was rage. You didn’t deserve this. No matter what. You got up from the bed and started throwing whatever you could grab.
Eventually you got a hold of the glass of water which was on your bedside table and threw it hard on the floor and a tiny piece of glass cut your arm.
It was tiny, didn’t really hurt much but you felt so broke, everything added up which resulted in you sobbing on your bed. You didn’t know when you fell asleep. Losing the idea of time, you woke up hours later.
When you were given food that day, you didn’t feel like eating at all but you knew if you didn’t take care of yourself the consequence won’t be nice. You felt empty as you gulped your food down with water.
More than week passed in solitary. Your mind wandered to Soldat, wondering what he must be doing. He was not doing well either. He was sent on a mission, which he obliged like the good soldier he is but he couldn’t stop thinking about you, about the future, about the pregnancy test that was about to take place soon.
When the day came, Pierce burst into your room followed by doctors and his men. You did what they say, they tested you.
“Well daughter, in some time we’ll get to know if you are of any use” Pierce had a sickening smile on his face. You felt like throwing up, literally. And you did.
The test result - Positive.
“Now then, I’ll see you soon, after consulting our doctors and scientists. Congratulations daughter, you are gonna be a mother.” With that Pierce left your room.
Soldat was informed about the news as well. They needed more of his blood sample and run some other tests on him as well as on you to make sure you were healthy.
The next day there is another knock on your door. But no one enters without permission, which was unusual, usually the knocks were just to give you a moment, to notify then people are about to come in. But this felt different.
You opened the door to see a bloodied Soldat standing in front of you.
“We are leaving. Now.”
previous chapter | series masterlist
taglist: @vicmc624 @floralwsloki @cjand10 @420-hun @identity2212
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moremaybank · 1 year
Prompt 12 with rafe 😇 🫶🏻
"your boyfriend doesn't need to know about this."
warnings 18+, unprotected sex, fingering, creampie, squirting, cheating, language
prompt list (requests closed) / rafe masterlist
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Things with your boyfriend are tumultuous, to say the least. The two of you seem to argue at the drop of a hat. It doesn't matter how minor the issue is; it always snowballs into a screaming match that ends in both of you going your separate ways for the night.
You aren't quite sure what he does when you leave the house, but you're always quick to run out of there, finding consolation in the arms of Rafe Cameron.
Turning to Rafe when you need a stress reliever is all you crave the minute things turn sour, even if it is against your better judgment. He just scratches that itch a million times over and does it with ease.
"Fuck, Rafe."
Your nails sink into Rafe's leather seats as you bounce on his cock. Your past release is dripping down his cock, giving you even more slick to work with as you take everything you need from him.
You can't help it, but your mind starts to wander. You aren't without remorse, and as hard as you try, you can't deny the thoughts of how this would affect your relationship.
Rafe senses the energy between you shift, and his eyes flit up to yours. "Don't," he warns, "your boyfriend doesn't need to know about this."
"I...I need to tell him. Shit," you curse when he rubs against your sweet spot.
"Yeah? You wanna tell him how I'm the only one that can fuck the attitude out of you and keep you cumming 'til you're crying?"
Rafe's hand grips your throat, tugging you to him. He nips at your earlobe before his teeth graze over the shell of your ear. "Why don't you tell him how you let me fuck you in the bed where he sleeps at night? In the house he bought for you?"
His free hand finds your clit with ease, rubbing it with vicious motions. Your knees buckle, and he wraps the arm that previously controlled your neck around your back, keeping you upright. He starts to fuck his cock up into you, taking control of the situation.
"Or better yet, let me cum inside you and leave it there for him to see when he tries to make this shit up to you."
You let out a loud whine as you clench around him. "Please. Please," you beg. "Oh my god, I'm so fucking close."
"I don't like that you let him fuck you, princess. You're wasting this pussy on him," he gripes, fucking you harder. "He doesn't deserve this perfect pussy. Doesn't know what to do with it."
"I'm cumming, I'm cumming," you chant, wrapping your arms behind Rafe's neck as you hold on. He keeps up his perfect rhythm, and you squeeze the life out of his cock as you release.
"Oh, fuck."
You signal his own release, and his cum shoots into your walls. He fucks it into you with a few lazy but harsh thrusts and pulls out. He doesn't allow you to breathe, though, because you feel his thick fingers pound inside you.
"What are you doing?" You ask, eyes wide at his invasion.
"Reminding you that I'm the one that knows this pussy best. Not him," he gruffs, repeatedly hooking his fingers against your g-spot. His thumb works magic on your clit, and the overstimulation shocks you. "Make a mess, princess. Squirt for me."
You shake your head furiously, "N-no. I can't."
Rafe moves faster, rougher, and your legs start to shake. His free hand grips your jaw in warning as his dark gaze locks on yours, "You will."
Like clockwork, he pulls another orgasm from you as easily as his lungs pull oxygen in, and within seconds your juices pour out of you, drenching you both.
"You're not telling him shit."
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rae-writes · 1 year
falling for you
Soukoku x reader (separate + poly)
wc : 1.k
warnings : jumping off buildings for sport/fluff (chuuya), suicidal thoughts/hurt-comfort (dazai), implied suicide/angst (skk)
synopsis : falling, falling, falling...but don’t you dare fall without me.
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The tallest building in Yokohama…it used to be Dazai’s favorite place in the whole world. Ever since you came and kicked down the walls surrounding his heart, though, his favorite place began to be wherever you were. 
But you’d been gone on a mission for a week and his dark thoughts were screaming at him, demanding he pay for every wrong he’s committed. They whisper how he doesn’t deserve you, taunt that you won’t come back because you’ve finally realized it too. They were loud and it hurt. 
The familiarity of his being here hurt more than his thoughts. Dazai could only picture your distressed- broken- expression if you came back and were immediately greeted with someone from the agency apologizing and handing you his blood stained coat…
Yet he couldn’t stop his legs from carrying him to the edge (you’d be screaming for him). He couldn’t stop his eyes from taking one last glance at the pretty sky (you would’ve liked the colors). He couldn't stop his body from tipping backwards (you’d be crying because of him).
It was serene- to fall. Dazai almost wished you were falling with him, but he’d never—
His eyes snapped open, head whipping to the side to see you. “Belladonna!” Dazai almost reached out for you before he remembered; you had an ability to save yourself. “I’m honored you’d join me.”
You smiled sweetly at him, “What a beautiful double suicide,” 
His eyes widened.
“But it’s not our time, yet, my love.”
Your bodies crashed into a bouncy surface, hands finally shooting out to grasp at each other before one of you bounced right off. Dazai stared at you incredulously, eyes drifting to each of his fellow agency members.
Atsushi helped the two of you down- crying and angrily scolding Dazai- while Kunikida ushered you both to the nearby ambulance “just in case, you still need to get your vitals checked!” 
Leaning against his body, you nuzzled your face into Osamu’s neck, ditching the grey blanket in favor of wrapping him in your arms, “Knew something wasn’t right…came home right away. Local law owed us so we called in all the reinforcements.” 
The demons in his head weren’t talking anymore. The fog had dissipated from his thoughts. You were the only thing that mattered. “Bella…” 
You smiled at him again, “The dark side of you doesn't stand a chance against me. You aren’t dying till I do.”
He chuckled. “Yeah.”
The Port Mafia headquarters was one of the tallest buildings in Yokohama; it radiated power and the control it held within the city. 
But what no one knows is the view from the top is absolutely gorgeous, especially at dusk or dawn. It’s peaceful up there- quiet. 
It was Chuuya’s favorite place to be. There he could just exist. It was the one place he felt free to just let the burdens on his shoulder fall. 
He liked falling. Sometimes he’d be wired up, running and jumping off the ledge, arms out and throat burning with excited yells. Other times he’d be exhausted, stumbling up the stairs to the roof and allowing his body to just tip over. 
Right now, Chuuya was in the middle. He was jumping off the roof with a wild smile, but he was quiet— at peace. 
Or he was. 
“Come here often, pretty boy?” 
Azure eyes widened, darting around to take in the sight of you. Your fond smile and bright eyes. The way your hair blew around. And how you were freefalling beside him. 
He nearly has an aneurysm, fumbling around mid air until he can wrap his arms around you and land, accidentally forming a crater.
Meanwhile, you’re having the time of your life, cackling so loud the entire block could probably hear you over his equally loud curses. 
“What the hell were you thinking?! You could’ve died!” 
You stared at him amused, raising a brow, “s’that so?” Your body lifted itself out of his grasp, hovering a head above him teasingly, “I didn’t realize.” 
He blinks, a sheepish smile crawling up his face. “Right…your ability.” Chuuya tries to scowl, but it just turns out like a pout, “Don’t ever do that again.” 
“I will never jump off a building without you again. Even though I can technically fly.” 
Yet he still kissed you anyway.
You and Chuuya nearly slam into each other, both clutching identical notes with a vice grip. There were no words between you as your bodies began sprinting towards the stairs simultaneously; you knew.
It didn’t take long to scale the stairs, even if there were over 15 flights. Your abilities were practically made for this— your feet didn’t dare touch the ground until you made it to the rooftop. 
No one could deny that Dazai was a good-looking individual, and in the light of dusk, he looked absolutely breathtaking. The wind blew through his hair softly as the orange and pink hues shone in his earthy eyes. It was a serene moment for all the wrong reasons. 
The air nearly left your lungs as you clutched Chuuya’s hand tightly, afraid to even breathe too loud because Dazai’s feet were right at the edge. 
And Chuuya didn’t know how to act, azure eyes wide and teary. “Dazai…” his feet shifted, ready to sprint at a moment's notice, but the peacefulness in Dazai’s smile made him freeze. 
“You two look gorgeous, as always.” Ever the charmer, Dazai just keeps smiling, gazing at both of you like you’d hung the stars above his head together. “My loves…”
“‘Samu.” Your voice cracked, hand reaching out shakily, “Don’t-“ 
He gave a closed eye smile. And then he fell backwards. Yells echoed throughout the air, panicked and desperate, and yet Dazai never felt more at peace. He’d gotten to see both of you before he left...his eyes widened suddenly— 
Chuuya and you had jumped right off the ledge after him, hand in hand, reaching out with your free hands until you could grasp at him. One on his waist, one cupping his cheek. 
You gave a giddy grin, and if not for the tears streaking your face and the wind blowing past you, it almost seemed like a normal day. “We all promised, remember?” 
“Let’s stay together. Forever.” 
Lifting your head off Chuuya’s chest, you crane your neck up to glance at Dazai, frowning at the absentminded stare. “Osamu?” 
Chuuya leaned forward, making enough room between him and Dazai so he could turn his body around, “Where’d that come from?” 
Dazai looked down at you both, grinning at the sight of your bodies crowding his, “Just thinking.” He tugged you in his lap, pulling at Chuuya’s shirt until he was basically in his lap too, “Promise we’ll always be together. The three of us.” 
The red head scoffed, bumping his head against the brunette’s, “As if it was ever even a question. I promise.” 
“I promise! Why would I wanna leave you guys anyway?” your voice was teasing, lips pressing a flurry of kisses against both of their cheeks. 
Dazai laughed, loud and beautiful, “Yeah, I promise, too.” 
Dazai gasped, fingers gripping onto your bodies bruisingly, “No- you can save yourselves, just let go! You can survive with your abilities, you don’t have to die for me!” His voice was panicked and broken, hands now trying to push you back. 
“We’re not dying for you, idiot.” Chuuya smacked at his hand and brought him closer, “We’re dying with you because we aren’t gonna live without you by our side. We fucking promised.” 
The lights in Yokohama seemed to get dimmer as the ground got closer, the sun finally seeking solace out of sight as the stars and moon took over instead. 
“We promised…”
You curled into your boyfriends, “I love you, Osamu. Chuuya.” 
They exchanged their own ‘I love you’s as time finally caught up and the ground was waiting to catch you. 
…the color red was as tragic as it was beautiful.
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lazyalani · 11 months
| Blue Lock
| Them as Taylor Swift song lines
| fluffy, becuz taylor swift is life itself, i refuse to believe reo and chigiri arent swfities, swearing cuz its me, i had to redo this cuz tumblr literally deleted the first one :'), slight angst? I like the old version of this better :(
Ft. Reo, Nagi, Chigiri, Aiku, Sae, Rin, Bachira, Ness, Kaiser, Otoya, Yukimiya, Isagi
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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REO "you've got a smile that could light up this whole town" - you belong with me
Man you can't tell me his smile just not sends you to cloudnine. That one panel of him smiling at Nagi got me cursing that bitch for making Reo cry. He's so precious I'm crying. Nagi better have tripped 50 times after walking away from him. His smile is so genuine. Reo is so easy to read off field. His emotions are always easily seen based on his expressions and how he acts. Just by looking at his face and eyes, you could really tell how he feels. The way his face lights up and his eyes sparkle when he smiles got butterflies on my tummy. Fuck you Nagi.
MEGURU "we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way" - 22
Bachira is always a mix of emotions. I genuinely believes he can feel and handle a lot of emotions at the same time and still only show one, and he chooses what to show. He's always smiling or calm despite the chaos on field and everything. He's so chill. He'd be the fun person to be around everytime. He's a flexible person. He could be fun when it's the mood, and bring out his lonely feeling when you talk deep. But he's so optimistic he lits up the mood again. He's the type to just go with the flow of anything and worry about something when it's there. The fact that he finds a way to make himself kind of okay is amazing cuz I would honestly lash out on everyone in the field.
RIN "back then we didn't know, we were built to fall apart" - the very first time
Ah, he's definitely the angsty childhood friends to strangers trope. The moment Sae broke him he was bound to break everything around him. Even if he hurts people unintentionally, the damage is still done, no? He inherited his brother's sharp tongue and bad attitude so if you aren't a masochist or a simp, better stay away cuz this man could make you cry with a sentence. It doesn't really help that he literally grew up all over Sae. It's not like Rin is the type to say "go away cuz you're distracting me from my revenge" or something, but his change drives people away from hi.
SEISHIRO "it's me, hi. i'm the problem it's me" - anti-hero
Literally sucks at communicating. He'd be the person who would slack off at communicating and do whatever he wants when he thinks you know him enough. He's probably think you know he'd buy a new house when he complains about the broken cieling. You better get that laziness out of your spoiled ass and start trying harder AND IF YOU DONT WANT REO ILL TAKE HIM. Get your game face on GET YOUR GAME FACE ON. Don't confuse and play with my Reo's feelings you asshole.
HYOMA "i'm captivated by you baby like a firework show" - sparks fly
You cannot tell me you don't internally scream when you see this pretty man. I believe in Chigiri Hyoma supremacy, I believe that he gets all the attention he deserves everywhere he goes, and I refuse to believe that no one in blue lock had even a slight crush on him. He's just so pretty and gorgeous and cute and talented and fast and charming and dreamy and fast and red. Please let me touch your hair you can kick me afterwards. I went into daydream mode the first time I saw him.
EITA "goodbye, mr. perfectly fine, how's your heart after breaking mine?" - mr. perfectly fine
I don't even have to explain. I would've burned his whole soul down if he did that to me.
AIKU "long story short, it was the wrong guy" - long story short
Don't even get me started on this one. He's so obvious. Tbh, in real life, you'd be pretty stupid if you didn't notice sooner. Getting with him on a committed relationship, a fubu, or a fwb would be a risky 50/50 if you're weak for guys like him, better run, but if you're a flagpole then why not? You could fall for him for all he cares, he just wants to have fun.
SAE "why'd i have to break what i love so much?" - afterglow
Now he'd defnitely be the one to lash out. Aside from the Rin drama, if Sae had a childhood sweetheart or something like that, they would either end up like Rin or slowly experience and see the change in Sae. From his usual teasing manner to the dry, lesser and lesser text and messages. He'd be the type to lash out and tell you to go away when you pry too much for his taste. Sharp tongued, bad attitude, sharper actions, so realistic to the point that he does so much damage around him and what's worse is that he doesn't care. He knowd what he's doing and he just doesn't care enough. It's not he doesn't love or like Rin or his 'if' childhood sweetheart, it's just the way he is after his change. He's like a fire burning everything on his path, and he just keeps going.
YUKIMIYA "darling, i fancy you" - london boy
Like, have you seen this man? He's a 3 in 1. Angst, Fluff and Sm-- hehehehe. He's so pretty, soft boy at first look and then sexy at the second, then angsty health drama in the third. My yukki is so strong for handling his sickness so well :') come here and lemme give you a hug.
MICHAEL "he's so obsessed with me and, boy, i understand" - i think he knows
Ness, I completely understand, it's completely justified. This man is gorgeous and he fucking knows it. He's probably the center of attention when he walks in and he loves every bit of it. BUT THE NEXT TIME HE BULLIES NESS IM RIPPING OF THAT REMAINING HAIR ON HIS BACK :D Aside from him annoying himsagi everytime and being a menance to everyone, who wouldn't love him? Talented, handsome, and don't even get me started on that 300M.
ALEXIS "'cause darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" - blank space
Oh boy only a little more and he's gonna fucking snap and rip himsagi's neck off. His smile is so babyboy and innocent but when he closest his eyes you better run. Many people probably think he's just one of those die hard Kaiser defenders who bark and be a stupid, good for nothing moron in the field but my Ness is very strong and boy he BITES. Reo version 5. Kaiser, make up your mind seriously, I'll take him if you don't want him.
YOICHI "i swear i don't love the drama, it loves me" - end game
Pretty self-explanatory. I feel so bad for him. My boy just wants to play soccer and suddenly he's a double love story antagonist and a brother stealer :') ever since Rin and Nagi came into the picture he lost Bachira. Like, just go away and give him back Bachira. Then there goes Kaiser and Ness drama, an upgraded version of reonagi. Reonagi drama level 3. Cuz level one is them, them level two is Kunigiri. GIVE HIM THE BALL AND LEAVE HIM ALONE. Need to build a government himsagi protection squad cuz Ness is probably gonna break his legs sooner or later.
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
Baizhu, Zhongli, Xiao, Dainsleif, and kaeya (separately) x reader who has the same element or powers as them? Like for xiao another adeptus and for zhongli another immortal geo user , Dainsleif could have a reader who is also immortal and used similar powers to his? Fluff plz
Also how are you ?
a/n - I'm doing alright!! I started a job so that does monopolise my free time now since it takes up the slots I'm not using for classes but it's going well! I hope you enjoy the read - im still learning how i wanna write these charas so its probably gonna be ooc :D - also, i totally made a reference to my "series" Eternity is a Little Warmer With You bc i just had to aejiofwajw also crying shitting screaming this has been living in here for FAR too long i dont even know when it will be posted im SOBBING the same way i was when my coworker tried to put [REDACTED] in my face to fuck w me (i think shes great no worries shes so funny oawejfwaiod)
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I don't think he expected to see another Dendro user in the area, much less one with an unfamiliar face. He makes it his business to know everybody in the harbour in case they require his services.
But, when you show up one day with a minor illness and the Dendro vision hanging from your clothes it piques his interest, which led to his continued visits to you under the pretense of taking care of you.
When things begin to develop further between the two of you I think he'd love to experiment more with your visions!
I see him using his vision in conjunction with his research and when he sees how different the way you use your powers he decides to experiment a little himself and see how effectively he can mimic it.
Overall, he would be fascinated with your abilities and would love to mess around with it a little! Even more so since you're doing it with him.
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He had a lot of reservations when he first met you.
You were a terrifying anomaly to him, stirring emotions deep in his chest that he could never understand. However, with time you taught him he was allowed to embrace such thoughts and feelings,
It was terrifying to imagine a single day without your smile, but he knew that he would never wish this curse of immortality on you. He could never hurt you like that, force you to bear a burden that he was cracking under.
But when he told you about his curse the tears that slipped from your eyes matched with a happy smile made him take pause. He had no idea why you were reacting that way and only held your hand silently, brushing away tears with his other hand.
His hand stopped as you told him you were the same, your grasp tightening around his fingers as the realisation sunk in.
He was so afraid to hope for some sort of dimly lit future that could have you in it, intimately aware of the trials and tribulations you had to go through.
Now, with your hands joined together he can only think that eternity will be a little warmer at your side.
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Xiao was aware that not all of the Adeptus perished in the war. He's only heard of a few of the others, less famous than him but still just as deserving of the title in his opinion. After all, you both worked hard to serve your Archon and were continuing to do your best.
When the two of you first met it was simple. A nod of your heads and you were both on your ways.
Once your patrol routes began to intersect it only took time and a few conversations under the light of the moon for him to find himself endeared to you.
It was easy with your smile and lack of pretense around him, and fortunately it seemed that the humans really were capable of protecting themselves.
Both being Adepti made it easier for him to understand why you said or did certain things what with your shared background. If anything, it helped make your bond stronger because the moments of silence were filled with an innate understanding he didn't feel like he had to explain.
At its core, your relationship is full of trust and unexplained pauses that fit comfortably between the space of your bodies. He feels fully at peace with you and knows that he can trust you with his heart and life.
He's still worried his karmic debt may stain you but the soft words of reassurance you whisper into his ear calm the thundering rush of his heart.
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When Morax decided to live as Zhongli he knew that there would be things he would have to grow accustomed to as a human but also lots of things to learn.
When he first met you he didn't think he'd learn about love.
But it came so naturally to you, what with your natural curiosity and penchant for charming in the most innocuous of manners. To him, it seems human to explore the feelings you give him and so he does.
It won't stop the nagging voice in his head reminding him not to get too attached lest you slip from his fingertips far earlier than you should.
When you confess to him that you're immortal as well he does a bit of a double-take. Sure, he doesn't personally hand out visions but he thought he would have at least been familiar with a fellow immortal Geo user.
Regardless, he discloses to you a bit of his own truth with a kind smile, hugging you tightly to his body when he sees your body slump forward with relief.
Maybe one day he'll be able to disclose the other half of his secret but for now he was more than content to know that you two were going to be spending a lot more time than initially thought.
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Cryo users aren't exactly rare so that wasn't what caught Kaeya's eye.
Instead, it was the fact that you pushed him out of the way when a hillichurl came barrelling towards him so fast he barely registered it.
The cold blast of ice against his skin made him think somehow he triggered his own powers without thinking until he heard the clinking of your vision against your clothes.
From there on he decided that he'd have to return the favour, deciding the best way to do that would be training with your visions.
Paradoxically, the chill of both your cryo visions does nothing to abate the warming of your bodies as you find some sort of rhythm while sparring together.
In fact, it only serves to make you both warmer when he pins you down underneath him. His cold hands hold your wrists in place over your head with a cocky, albeit out-of-breath smirk as he tries to think up what he wants to ask of you for his prize.
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short-black-diamond · 9 months
Hi Dimond could i request a obey me x mc
Who is actually lukes older sibling?
I just feel like i would be his older sister or something like that
But like mc is a fallen Angel who only fell because an angel was bothering luke
And the brothers find out because mc got mad at a demon for doing the same
Yes kinda cringe but
I'd rather be cringe then mean
Oooooooh I'd throw hands as well if someone bothers our precious Luke Lofi, you have no idea...
Also it is not cringe, I'd kill for my little brother. It is not cringe at all to protect the people you love and please don't feel embarassed for requesting stuff like that.
Sooo...what if we bring in scary-dog-priviledge as well?
Luke with an older sister who is a fallen angel.
It was not your mistake, nor Luke's. there just happened to be this angel who didn't know its boundaries, pestering Luke about his height...then his age...and just...made Luke's life miserable.
At first, you wanted to tell it off, but Luke asked you to leave it. And you did. but still, the angel didn't stop.
And it ended in Luke's life taking a dramatic turn as the angel pestered him more and more, and even other angels started to bully him to the point where Luke felt worthless.
And that's when you stepped in as well. Let's just say...the angel was gone, and you fell from heaven. Luke didn't see you for a long time.
That was, until he saw you again, but in Devildom.
You looked...different. Scary.
Not the older sister he knew anymore. Scars adored your body, your hair had a rough change in style, and so did your clothes, and instead of your beautiful white feathers, you had the wings of a bat. you also had two horns on either side of your head.
Luke felt like crying.
It also took you a while that your little brother stood before you. You hadn't seen him since the incident, and, well, you were rather embarassed to stand in front of him now.
But you were selfish.
And utterly so.
You frowned, your underlip quivered as you went to your knees, and Luke srpinted towards you while crying your name with tears and snot streaming from his face.
He jumped, and landed in your arms. you hugged him tightly, your arms wrapping around his smaller frame as you kissed the top of his head and tried to comfort him through your own shaky voice.
"hey, h-hey...it's alright...I'm here.", you croaked as you held him in your arms, feeling his thin ones wrap around your neck tightly.
And he breathed. He felt safe again.
Simeon stood there, watching the interaction with tears starting to softly flow down as well. He actually tired to vouch for you back in heaven, but the upper angels didn't let him.
He and Luke had to watch you get your feathers get ripped out, each one a reminder of a simple rule.
Angels should help each other, and not behead each other.
You screamed and wailed in pain, and you cursed every single angel you knew, who dared to bully and hurt your little brother.
And Luke?
He tried to break free from the angels' grip, being held back by two of his own companions, having to watch you get your pride and dignity ripped off your back.
"You don't deserve to be an angel, ____. Not after you killed one of your friends.", one of the upper angels said, and you got banned from heaven, ultimately losing contact with every person you knew...
...and you landed in hell.
You noticed Simeon, and opened your left arm. He gasped before he ran to you and hugged you. You three just sat there, crying, hugging each other, and trying to calm yourselves down.
Luke just sat in your lap as you hugged him, and Simeon sat next to you after a few minutes. "We have missed you dearly, ____.", Simeon said softly after he dried yet another tear.
Luke snuggled closer to you. "mm-hmm! I missed you pretty much, ____! I wish I could see you more often...!"
"But we will, Luke,", you answered with a grin. "Diavolo wanted to create a school where demons, angels and humans can live together in harmony. We'll be able to see each other nearly every day!"
Luke's eyes sparked as he jumped up and cheered. "Yay!"
You huffed in amusement when Luke cheered away happily.
You were happy that you, Luke and Simeon would be seeing each other again.
If only there weren't the brothers...
"Ah yes, the chihuahua is speaking again," a demon's arrogant voice spoke, looking down at Luke in mild mock.
Luke winced at the name. "I'm not!"
"Heh, sure yer are!", another one cackled, pointing at the blonde. "Yer small, have a squeaky voice, and yer annoying!"
the second demon felt a chill run up his spine at your word. He turned around, only to face you right behind him. Your eyes were wide open, but your brows were furrowed as down as they could go. However, what startled him the most was your upturned smile. It was unnatural.
"_-____! get outta here! We're just teasing him!", the second demon exclaimed, shaking around his hand as if he'd be shooing away a fly.
the first one narrowed his eyes at you. "____, isn't there any other business you have to attend to?", she asked, wanting you out of sight
I huffed before I looked at Luke. He nodded with hesitation and quickly went behind me.
"Well stop it.", you said, knowing they'd as why. You hated it when 'higher' demons pestered other people just because of their status. And you didn't care about that either because you'd beat the hell outta them, making them looked at as losers and pathetic imps.
"Tch, and why would we do that?", the second demon remarked, already activating his powers to 'teach you a lesson', but you had already prepared the hour.
"Because I am his sister.", and with that, you beat the two demons up brutally. You didn't tell Luke to leave because 1. there'd be just other demons who'd bully him again around the corner, and 2. he wouldn't leave anyway.
So, he just stood there, and cheered for you.
unbeknownst to you, the brothers came, intrigued by the noise of fists clashing against something. When they saw that it was you who drilled into two lower ranking, nameless creatures, they were surprised and in shock.
Lucifer immediately acted upon reflex, trying to stop you from nearly killing those bastards. "____, that is enough! Unhand them at once!", he yelled as he tried pulling you away from them. You didn't really budge.
Mammon gulped. That was the first time he's actually seen you beat somebody else who was not bullying him. Mammon was also avictim of bullying, but it was just light teasing about him being broke, and you'd just roast the bullies to no end.
But this, with the way you hurt them...with the intention...to kill?
Yeah, he was a tad bit scared now.
Laviathan was amazed by your brute strength, you reminded him of a few fighting characters he knew from games or anime shows or manga, and he started cheering for you. "Go, ____, go!!!", he yelled, and through his and Luke's cheers, you seemed to have gained new power, because Lucifer gave up at some point and just watched you before he looked at Beel.
"Beel, take ____ away from those demons.", cue Beel walking over with a hot dog in hand.
Satan watched with an amused chuckle, enjoying all the blood and gore. you really knew how to beat somebody up.
Asmodeus, as weird as it sounded, was a little turned on. Sure, what you did was wrong and whatnot...but the way you were on top of one of the still conscious demons...glaring at them....with blood trickling down your body...asmo squeezed his thighs together as he whimpered. And...he'd be lying if he said that he wanted you on top of him, looking at him like that, and fuc-
"Let me go, Beel!!!", you yelled, being suddenly bpicked up by one of the youngest demons. "Sorry, but Lucifer told me to pick you up."
"Beel, I'll cast you a spell on this hotdog, making it regenerate itself after every bite you make, but only if you let me go."
Beel looked at you for a moment. Then he placed you on the ground again. You quickly did what you promised before you sat on top of the demon again and started to punch it again.
And Belphie...well, he cheered as well, dozing off a few times.
"____, we cannot let you go away with this-" Diavolo spoke in a sad tone, looking at you with an even sadder smile. You scoffed.
"And these other demons can? Why am I always picked out and not the bullies!? This! This is an error in your system, Diavolo!", you yelled, and the principal flinched. Barabatos' eyes widened, and Lucifer fought the urge to beat you up this time.
"____, why is that an error...?", the demon prince asked after a while. You frowned at him. "You think that only bringing one party of the scene here is going to change something? How about you tell your underlings to stop pestering my brothers for oncr, for they are the reason I started to beat them up, you know?"
He sighed. "but they're in the infirmary because of the injuries you gave them."
I shrugged my shoulders. "I have injuries too, you know?"
"Are yours life-threatening?"
"...Listen, ____, I'll do as you say. I'll talk to them once they regained their consciousness and punish them accordingly. Sounds good?", he asked, giving you a hopeful smile.
You looked to the side with a small blush. "You better..."
At that, Barabatos and Lucifer wanted to strangle you, and again, Diavolo just laughed. "I will! you're excused now, ____."
And with that, you and Lucifer left. As soon as you two rounded a corner though, Lucifer cornered you against a wall, glaring at you.
"Do you have any idea on how you acted there, ____?!", he exclaimed furiously, having felt his pride shattered when he felt Barabatos' eyes on him the entire time you spoke to Diavolo in a more friendly manner than realizing the fact that you were a fallen angel like Lucifer and not a royal like the principal.
"Hold your horses Lucifer.", you grumbled, pushing him away form you with ease, and he was sent stumbling back. His pride shattered a little more.
"Then why did you beat into them so brutally!? Couldn't you just give them a nice punch and tell them off, or, I don't know? Tell me?", he asked, trying to puzzle out the pieces on why you'd to such a thing.
You sighed before you held eye contact with Lucifer. "Have I actually ever told you why I became like you? Having lost my title in heaven as an angel and now having to rot here in hell?"
Lucifer shook his head with a little hesitation. "Because angels pulled the same stunts in heaven on Luke. Also...Luke's my little brother."
Lucifer flinched. "What? But you two don't look alike at all!!"
I "tch"ed. "And? You don't look like any of your brothers either. But tell me Lucifer. Wouldn't you do the same? I mean, you have six brothers, for fuck's sake. Don't tell me that you never defended them at least once."
The eldest brother stayed silent as he suddenly realized your reasons. He had the same rules you had.
Protecting the ones dear to oneself from all evil.
"I...I understand now, ____....I'm sorry for lashing out on you earlier.", he spoke softly. And then, you smiled. You had a rather pretty smile.
"It's alright. I'm glad to have somebody to talk to who is also an older sibling. You understood right away."
At that, Lucifer smiled back to you with a nod.
"Of course, but please. If something like that happens again, just tell one of us. You know you can count on us, right?"
"Didn't you call Luke chihuahua once as well?"
"Okay, don't ask for my help...ask Beel, or Asmodeus or Leviathan."
At that, you nodded. And wou two went outside to attend to some other business Diavolo asked you to do.
However, six pairs of ears had heard what you and Lucifer were speaking about to each other, and six pairs looked at each other then.
"So ____'s the older sister of Luke? Damn.", Mammon said, scratching his head. He had to refrain himself from calling Luke names from now on.
"What a noble reason to act like that!", Leviathan exclaimed, and Satan agreed whole-heartedly. He also loved how you beat into the demons.
Asmodeus made some perverted remarks about you having had blood all over you, and he'd give everything to switch places with the demon who laid underneath you.
Beel just bit into his never-ending hotdog with tears in his eyes.
And Bephie just laid on the ground and slept.
Huuuuuuuuuu I'm done! I hope it was okay for you, dear anon!
Read you in the next post!!
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minho-hoho · 2 years
Please, open the door
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GENRE yandere au PAIRING yandere!Jay x gn!reader WARNING cursing, suicide, typical yandere behaviour REQUESTED yes, 400 followers event WC 0.6k NOTE ok this is me writing heathers but lets look over this thx, also this has been a while since i had this much fun writing, i wrote this really fast too :> i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it :D
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you ran through the hallways, trying to find somewhere to hide. your heart was pounding in your chest. your sweat and tears now indistinguishable from each other on your face. you were out of breath but the will to live and the adrenaline were stronger and kept you going.
you looked around, hoping to find a door, but nothing. it was a nightmare. Jay's voice and footsteps could be heard, and each time they got closer to you, your heart raced and you sprinted to buy yourself some time.
you were starting to get seriously tired, your legs felt like jelly. fortunately, you found a door and used the bit of strength left in your legs and body to open and close it.
you tried barricading the door with everything you could find, but you knew that it wouldn't be enough to stop Jay from entering the room.
you held your gun tight in your hand and hid in a corner, praying to every god you knew of that he wouldn't come by this room.
much to your horror, the sound of footsteps was getting closer to your ears, and you felt your heartbeat accelerate.
you clutched your gun close to your chest, and tried calming yourself and think about your next move.
were you going to kill Jay if he came? after all, he did say you deserved to be killed, and you suspected that he also had a gun with him.
despite it being legitimate defense, you couldn't imagine ending someone else's life, but being in Jay's hands was worse than death and you couldn't let him end your life. he had no right to. only you could do so.
as the footsteps got closer your will to live only got smaller and smaller, to almost non-existent.
“Y/N !” you heard him yell, making your heart skip a beat.
“y/n, open the- open the door please” he pleaded, his sudden tone change freezing your blood.
“y/n open the door” your brain fogged as you looked intensely at your gun, hands trembling.
“y/n, can we not fight any more please? can we not fight any more...” he asked, sounding more and more desperate with each question.
“y/n, sure, you're scared, i've been there, i can set you free” he tried reassuring you. your eyes looked at the door then at the gun, not knowing what to do.
“y/n, don't make me come in there, i'm gonna count to three!” he yelled.
panicking you took your gun, did you last prayers, put the gun to your head.
“one!” you cried some more, your hand shaking, not believing what you were about to do.
“two!” he screamed, and you pulled the trigger, and dropped to the floor.
“fuck it!” he said violently opening to the door to find you dead, on the floor, blood running down your forehead and face.
Jay immediately ran to your side, tears spilling on his cheeks.
“no... god... no... y/n!” he said through sobs, holding you in his arms.
“please don't leave me alone,” he begged, hoping a miracle would happen and bring you back to him, “you were all i could trust,” he hung his head low, crying, “i can't do this alone...”
remorsefully, he grabbed his own gun, looked at your body laying helplessly on the ground, and without any hesitation, Jay put the gun to his own head, aware that life was now not worth living if you weren't alive and at his side, and so, he pulled the trigger, in hopes of finding you in the afterlife.
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PERM TAG LIST! : @stacey-stonem, @sh1mzu, @axartia, @echantedrose, @leeknowbuttsmasher, @nikipedia07, @deafeningballoonnacho, @sristsblog,
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miss-celestia13 · 7 months
Hold Me Down
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Jake x MC One Shot - Smut
Demons come knocking, and Jake almost lets them in, but Manon is there to coax him into the light, and remind him of what is real. You know by now that these can be read with no prior knowledge of my work. Plotless smut with feelings.
It’s another dual POV between Jake and Manon. Their names are bolded when it changes.
This will be the last one for a few weeks. At least. I have to return to Westeros and my dragons for a while now. I won’t be gone from Manon and Jake for very long. Manon doesn’t let me live in peace, she’s always yelling at me🤭❤️
“Jake! Wake up, it’s not real! Please!”
Jake heard her fierce and unyielding yelling as he glanced around his tiny dark prison for a crack of light or something that would tell him how to get out. Nothing jumped out at him, all he saw was black metal walls, a slow drip of water somewhere to his right, and his fear, a physical manifestation in the form of fanged shadows waited patiently behind him to take him down, down, down, where he belonged. She was out there, and he could do nothing, strapped and bound to a metal chair, blood rolling down his filthy face from the wound in his temple. The sleekit voices of his captors filtered through the dank air he could barely breathe in. His legs jumped and quaked, a sensation of something pressing down on his chest cut off his air, and his whole body shook again, harder this time. Rocking in time with the motion, Jake’s stomach roiled, and the buttery, iron-rich tang of blood at the back of his throat made his stomach fill with bile.
Manon’s curt tone cut through his panicking, fighting against his bonds. He snarled, biting down on his cheek too hard and spitting a mouthful of blood on the wet floor, and it bled like a bitch as he struggled to get free. Her sardonic laugh lifted the hair on the back of his neck, going very still as her measured steps came to a stop outside his cage, and she taunted the men holding him captive. Half in the nightmare, back inside that shipping container, beaten and broken, while Manon was outside, surrounded by his enemies, utterly alone. And his heart fucking sprinted in his chest as her smart-ass mouth opened, and she gifted her soon-to-be killers with a witches curse.
“Ah, I see. Thanks for the lesson, boys. I hope you get exactly what you deserve.”
No. He couldn’t take it. He started screaming. Voice tearing from him like an unearthly howl, and he thrashed violently, knocking himself and the chair over, landing with a grunting thud in a puddle of freezing, stinking, standing water. His scream echoed off the metal walls, bouncing back at him and mocking him as he lay there like discarded rubbish. Manon’s taunting laugh cut off, her silence more terrifying than anything he’d lived through. 
It was wrong. His world was her, her voice the only thing he ever wanted to hear, her fierce refusal to let anything break her couldn’t be snuffed out so easily, and a world without her wasn’t one he could endure. He was nothing if not stubborn, and he couldn’t succumb to despair now. He compelled his breathing to calm, feeling the rope binding his hands, slick with his blood as his wrists burned and rubbed raw, rope biting into his torn skin. A light appeared on the horizon, a mere pinprick, but he focused on it.
It was like swimming through molasses; the hands of darkness gripped him tight, slowing his escape, and he feared they’d drag him down forever if he let them. A gunshot cracked through the shadows, Manon’s cry of pain so real his head emptied, and everything inside him went cold, ice water replacing his blood as his mind flickered between reality and nightmares. A muffled thud and someone slapping his face, anger ignited so fast the shadows had no chance as it lit him up and he raced for the shimmering surface that would take him out of this horrid place. As a dark bedroom appeared in his vision, he swam for it and didn’t stop, didn’t allow the demons running around beneath his feet a chance to drag him back down.
Manon angrily swiped tears of powerlessness away as Jake spasmed and groaned, an edge to the fear now, her stomach a mess of acid and anxiety as his eyelids shivered and his mouth flattened, lips going white. He went still, muscles trembling as he strained. His breathing stopped, hers hitched, and hopelessness washed over her as she leaned in close, trying a more gentle route as shaking and slapping him wasn’t working. She brushed her lips over his, pressing in hard when his mouth parted, and he sucked in a breath. A relieved noise, a cross between a whine and a chuckle, slipped from her as she tried it again and tentatively pried his lips apart. 
Suddenly, he grabbed her and reared up. She was flat on her back, hands pinned above her head as his wild eyes stared through her, and she panted heavily as his weight bore her into the mattress. The dream still held him prisoner, his grip on her wrists tightening so much she winced as her bones groaned and bitched their complaints. Her heart rattled violently in her chest as no recognition shone in those magnificent eyes. Just horror and desperation, she didn’t struggle and lay unmoving as sleep cleared from his gaze and the whites of his eyes glinted brightly. 
She said, keeping her voice soft and slow, “Jake, it’s me, love. You’re safe.
The painful hold he had on her wrists slackened, recognition finally flared in his gaze, and he shuddered so ferociously her entire body shook with it. He released her, slumping back on his haunches as she eyed him, and her fingers tingled to touch him, but he scrubbed roughly at his face with a hand, silver sheened his royal blue gaze as he dropped it and he picked at his nails, wouldn’t meet her eye as his ragged voice threatened to break her heart.
“I’m so sorry, Manon. I am so sorry… did I hurt you?” he breathed, voice weak and pitiful, face drained of all color as she forced herself to smile reassuringly.
“Enough of that. I’m fine. Do you want to talk about it?”
Remorse limned every line of his body, eyes so hollow she wanted to sob as they locked on her, and the desolation in them near floored her as he shook his head and rolled off her. He sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her, shoulders curling in as he dropped his head in his hands and heaved a sigh so full of sorrow she wished she had someone to fight to make it go away. Scrambling to sit up, she did the only thing she could think to do. Plastering herself to his back, she slid her hands over his tense shoulders to settle on his chilled chest and gave him the heat of her body. Sluggish and gentle, she caressed him, touching any skin she could reach and holding her breath as he shook and leaned into it. 
His voice cracked, a lump in her throat as she listened, “No, I can’t talk about it, Manon. It’ll make it real, and I can’t – I can’t -” She thought his neck would break as he shook his head, breath bursting in and out of him, and she felt everything as if it were happening to her.
“Shh, love, okay. We won’t talk about it.” Her fingers tapped his skin, her chin on his shoulder as she hunted for something to comfort him. He looked like a ghost, and it frightened her. He was so close to locking away the last of his demons, and they were fighting back in a Hail Mary attempt to keep him trapped with them. She knew it well, had gone through it for years, and he had witnessed it more than once. Coming to a decision, she pressed a kiss into his bristled jaw and hurried off the bed, retrieving her old silk robe off the floor and slipping it on as she padded to the door. His voice stopped her, hand on the doorknob as she turned back to him, the war in his eyes driving a barbed blade into her heart.
“Where are you going?”
Her heart clenched, voice tight as she replied, “I’m going to get you something warm to drink, and then we’ll watch stupid movies in bed until the sun comes up.”
He was partial to old nineties action movies with terrible acting and cringeworthy dialogue. She would happily watch nothing else for the rest of their lives if it made the hollowness in his expression go away. She saw the words in his eyes from where she stood; he didn’t want to be alone.
“You can come with me, and we’ll camp in the living room?” She offered, smiling gently as he immediately nodded and clumsily rose to his feet.
She watched as he hunted for his boxers, shoving them on as she turned away. Now wasn’t the time to admire him. He didn’t bother grabbing a shirt as he ran a hand through his wild hair. She moved to open the door as he approached, but she was seized, hauled into him, and held so tightly she worried she would shatter as his hands roamed over her, and she had the curious notion he was searching for a wound or injury. His fear hadn’t been for him. She knew it for certain now. Clinging to him, she let him feel and closed her eyes against the searing emotion demanding an outlet as he loosed a relieved sound and three airy words were spoken into her hair.
“I love you.”
“I’m safe. It wasn’t real. I love you, too. I always will,” she replied, her voice laden with melancholia. She listened to his erratic heart beating wildly under her ear as he held her.
She studied his face when he loosened his hold; the shadows clinging to the edges of his sapphire eyes flashed and danced. She hated it. He didn’t deserve to suffer losing everything he loved over and over again, whether in dreams or real life. He’d lost enough, and she wanted to conquer the darkness in him as she took his hand to lead him downstairs. He followed like a puppy, limbs heavy and thumping as they hurried downstairs. She reached the kitchen doorway, eyes locked on the coffee machine and the heavenly nectar it could give them, but he called her name.
She turned, her brows rising in silent question, and waited as he swallowed hard. His jaw could cut glass as he said, “I need you to sit with me for a while. It’s all going round in my head, and I can’t stand it.”
Her hummingbird heart lost its wings as she nodded, hurting for him as she followed him into the living room. He didn’t let her go as he lay down on his side on the massive sofa, leaving room for her as he pulled her down. She went to put her back to him, expecting his usual spooning so he could feel all of her, but he shook his head and urged her to face him, staring right into the soul of her as she settled down. They were tangled together, legs and arms like bindings around each other, skin and silk sticking as his hands smoothed over her back.
How long they lay like that, nothing but the wind and trees shivering outside to witness as Jake pieced himself back together and needed her warmth to do it; she didn’t bother to check as he stared into her like she was the only thing keeping him afloat. The silence grew too loud, and she had to fill it, take his mind off whatever he saw, and vanquish the cloak of despair hanging over him. 
“When I was a little girl, I used to have these dreams. They weren’t terrifying, but they were for me. I would come home from school, and Dad greeted me like normal, setting dinner on the table as I did my homework. But a woman was there. I didn’t really know her, but I knew her from photos. My mother.” She whispered, unsure why she was telling him about an old nightmare when he was still living one, but he was intently focused on her, his breathing slowing as he did.
She kept going, anything to stop him from thinking he’d lost her, “She would sit beside me, and Dad acted completely normal like this was an everyday thing. But even in my dreams, I knew it was wrong. I knew she was dead and shouldn’t be there. I questioned her, demanding to know who she really was while Dad tried to pretend all was well. My mother never blinked or answered, and I remember getting so angry I’d wake up crying. Confused and terrified because no one would acknowledge she wasn’t supposed to be there. When I eventually told my dad about them, he looked so heartbroken I regretted ever mentioning it. They stopped as I grew up, and it wasn’t until I lost my dad that I understood them.” She paused, mind whirring as she willingly went back to those horrific first weeks after her dad’s death.
“I don’t need to know if you can’t speak it, Sweetheart,” he muttered, eyes softening a shade, and she smiled softly, shaking her head as she got the rest of it out of her.
“They say spirits haunt the places they lived because of unfinished business. I don’t know if you believe in that, but I do, and my dreams weren’t my mom visiting me because she never knew me. It was my own guilt. I felt guilty that I never knew her and that I was here, but she wasn’t. I saw my dad’s grief every day and how he never loved again. He only had me. And then I lost him, and he haunted my dreams. You know how that goes, but my mom… I was always told I was so much like her. It was a guilt I didn’t know I carried. I don’t know what you saw, but I know it was about me. If you’re feeling remorseful about staying with me or something equally foolish, stop it. You deserve to be happy, Jake. To be free to live how you want and do what you want. I don’t give a fuck what you do to get there. As long as I’m by your side when you do it, I don’t care. I knew what I was signing up for when we got together. Nothing will take me from you now. I think I’ve proved that.” She winked, watching as his eyes dilated and dipped to her mouth.
He didn’t speak for so long that she worried he’d gone into some form of stasis, but he blinked, licked his lips, and said, “If you got hurt because of me -“
“No. We’re not doing this again. If I get hurt, it will be because of my actions- not yours. Don’t make me thump you,” she snapped, forcing a smirk at the end to soften her words as his mouth tried to curl at the corners.
His hands slid up her back, knee between her thighs pushing hers apart as he tugged her against him and sighed, “I’m sorry. I look at you, and you’re everything, everything to me. The thought of losing you or you being hurt to get to me… Manon, I’d rather be beaten bloody daily than imagine that. You’ve bled enough. I can’t stand the thought of you giving more for me.”
Now she was angry, eyes narrowing and voice hardening as she dug her hand in his hair and pulled it hard enough he hissed, “I’ll give whatever I want for you. It’s my choice. But it won’t happen. They’re locked away, awaiting trial, and they can’t get to us anymore. It’s almost over. In a few more weeks, you’ll be free forever. Don’t worry about tomorrow when you have enough to handle now.”
The fingers on her hip cut in, his thigh rubbing between her legs, and she bit back a shiver as his eyes turned dark, and he murmured, “No matter what I say, you have an answer… I’ve been free since the day you dropped into my life, Sweetheart.”
The nickname made her blood race. She ignored it the first time as the hopeless look on his face froze it before it could take root. The life had returned to his singular eyes, bright and electric as they latched on to hers, red smoke hazing the vibrant blue. Still, she tried not to let it show, ignoring the ever-smoldering embers low in her belly as she spoke.
“If that’s true, stop beating yourself up for things we settled months ago.”
His half smile widened to a wicked grin, gaze trained on her mouth, and she had the sudden urge to plead for mercy as he rolled them, settling on top of her. Mouth an inch from hers, her nose invaded by his alluring scent, and her hands already shaking as they clung to his neck.
“You are a bossy little thing. Cheeky. Always right. And I love you for it.” He chuckled, brushing his lips over hers as she held herself still.
“Good. Prove it,” she challenged. The fire was instantly back in his eyes; it lit the flames of her desire as he licked at the seam of her lips, and she opened to let him in, sighing into his mouth as his tongue played lazily with hers. The weight of his body, the scalding heat pouring from him, and his insistent mouth played her expertly as she went pliant under him. As always, she lost herself in his kiss. Sublime heat and delicious, maddening tension built so fast she couldn’t breathe, but this wasn’t about her. She couldn’t be selfish and had to ensure he knew she was safe and loved him. Working her hand between them, slipping inside his boxers, she wrapped it around his rapidly hardening cock. She smiled into the kiss as he groaned, hips jerking into her hand.
Sex had been the last thing on her mind when they came downstairs. Still, he clearly needed to feel something other than fright. She was willing to give him her body if it would banish those sadistic shadows still lurking in his lovely eyes. She stroked him the way he liked, loose then firm, twisting her wrist as she reached the head of him and swiping her thumb over the drop of moisture already waiting for her at the tip. He came back to life under her influence, mouth crushing hers, and he tasted like home as she enjoyed the heavy, silken feel of his cock in her palm. She was happy to get him off in her hand, ignoring the desire slowly burning in her core if it would help him find real rest and relief. But Jake was never happy unless she was a writhing mess as well.
His kiss turned voracious, her every nerve electrified as his hand slid along her thigh, hooking around her knee to yank it up to his waist. Fingers slipped and skidded over her hip, around her back, and down the curve of her ass, blunt nails cutting into her skin. He taunted her folds with phantom touches, delving between the cleft of her ass to dabble in the wetness gathering amongst her folds and spreading it around, smirking against her mouth as she shivered and sighed. Her hand stilled, position too awkward to stroke his cock as he gradually rolled them, her on top as he grabbed handfuls of her ass and silently urged her to spread her thighs wider. She slid her arms out of her robe and tossed it to the floor before it could get in the way and focused back on him.
She wanted to look after him, erase the nightmare with her touch, and care for him like he did for her. Still, it was almost impossible to withdraw from his sinful mouth and talented fingers, tracing the shape of her and making more mess between her legs as she murmured and purred. Sparks, bright and fiery, shot through her veins as he scraped his nails over her ass and jerked his hips, hard cock trapped between them and slipping through her slick folds in an unbearable tease. As he menaced her tongue with his, she managed to steal back some control, breaking the seal over her mouth and backing away when he chased her lips, smirking as he narrowed his eyes at her.
Dragging her nails down his heaving chest, she cocked her head and said, “You’re always looking after me. Let me take care of you now.”
Jake fought the desire to snatch hold of her and have her twisted under him, breathless and sobbing, utterly out of control as he fucked her. But he saw the need to comfort him in her vivid gaze, a softness she rarely showed, and he found himself nodding as she leaned back in to kiss him so tenderly his throat suddenly went dry. She started slow, kissing him until he was painfully hard and gripping her hips to keep from burying his cock inside her wet heat, slick against his lower abdomen as she mouthed at his jaw. Laying a path of sucking bites, she worked down his neck, sharp teeth nipping his pounding pulse before dragging her lips over his chest and down his torso, stomach tensing and relaxing as she followed the trail of dark hair to his rigid cock.
Settled between his legs, his heart kicked up as her little warm hand wrapped around his cock and stroked. Her long hair tickled his thighs as she lowered her head and licked a stripe up the solid length of him with the flat of her tongue. He groaned, rough and ragged, as she did it again, her lips parted as she met his eye and took the crown of his cock into her hot mouth, watching his reactions as he curled his hands into the blankets on the couch. Her hand and lips worked together, cock engulfed in wet heat as she hollowed her cheeks to suck him down, and her hand slid up to meet her mouth. Her other hand pinned his hip as she worked. She hummed as he hit the back of her throat, his heart stalling and restarting so fast he near blacked out as she relaxed to take more of him, and a feral sound tore free of his chest as she swallowed around him.
Her other hand moved from his hip, cupping and holding his stones close as he sobbed. She played with his restraint as she sucked his cock into her clever mouth, his instinct to own her body almost impossible to control as she reveled in holding all the power. Heat and electricity twined down his spine, fizzing and burning as he trembled under her care and ran his fingers through her loose hair, moaning as her throat constricted and relaxed around his length. She made little noises of pleasure as she worked, driving him insane as she delighted in undoing him, and he didn’t have to look to know she was touching herself; her quivering form told him she was. The thought stole a growl from his chest, long deep drags of her taut lips along his cock and swirling tongue making his body bow as she moaned around him.
“Manon, I need to feel you.” He gritted out as she took him so deep in her throat his eyes crossed, and his vision went dark for a second. She released him with a vulgar popping sound and arched a brow.
“You already are,” she taunted, fluttering her tongue against his glistening cock as her other hand moved languorously between her thighs.
Her eyes were heavy-lidded, green irises almost swallowed by black as she teased him and herself. She was the most beautiful when like this, he thought. Unburdened, pleasure the only goal and love the only ending, he let out a helpless cry as she almost took him into her mouth whole and sucked. Gently teasing teeth, hand, and mouth, moving in tandem to make him sputter and buck his hips into her face, earning a pleased muted moan from her. Frantic and panting, he could do nothing as she held his gaze, eyes watering and breath harsh as she worked him and herself over, her body undulating in time with her next slippery slide down on his cock. He couldn’t take it; he needed to be the one to get her off first.
Manon’s busy fingers circled her clit as she hollowed her cheeks and tightened her lips around his cock, swallowing him down as he squirmed under her attention. She was so wet, turned on to dangerous levels as her empty cunt complained and clenched, and intolerable ache in her core as her skin pebbled, breath sawing from her as she chased her orgasm. His lovely cock jumped in her mouth, tongue tapping and licking as she loosed her lips to breathe, a strangled moan trapped in her throat. She managed a few more swipes, release hovering so close her body tensed in preparation, and sucked him back in her mouth, hoping she could take him with her.
The thrumming tension in him told her he was very close to the edge, her smile full of smug pride as he squirmed and sobbed. It wasn’t to last. He yanked her off him in a movement so fast and effortless she squealed in utter bewilderment. She couldn’t track his movements, only knew he made them as she threw her head back and yelled out in pain and pleasure as she was brought down hard on his cock. The world span and blurred as her body absorbed the sudden invasion, voice silenced by the overpowering sensation of being filled completely, and a chill like a many-legged insect skittered down her spine. Trapped and impaled by his powerful hands framing her hips, her fingers twitching and toes curling. The shock of it making her eyes bug, unseeing as she gaped at Jake, and her toes curled. His feral grin and eyes of blackest ardour watched her struggle, wholly entranced by her, and the hunger in them bottomless. She fell forward as if hit in the head, short huffs of air leaving her as she whined and tried to breathe through the feeling of her cunt being abruptly stretched. 
“Your face when I fuck you, I’ve needed to see it since I woke.” He muttered, holding himself still to let her adjust despite the restraint she could see falling apart with every second she pulsed around his cock.
“This was supposed to be about you,” she managed, bending to nip at his lips with a snap of teeth, nails scratching at his solid chest, and crying out as his hands lifted her off him in a slow, tight glide of resisting walls, bringing her back down with a grunt so deliciously dark her mouth watered.
He chuckled, “It still is. I need to see you come first, Sweetheart.”
She gave a dark laugh, skin too small for her bones, as she said, “You are cruel, evil, and - oh, fuck!”
He never gave her a chance to finish the thought, both moaning as he lifted her again and let gravity do the rest as she slithered back down. It didn’t seem to matter where they were or why they did this; he always found a way to take the reins and make her shatter. It wasn’t fair how simple it was for him, but it was everything she needed and she could see now that he needed it more. Still, she found the means to take back control, rolling her hips to stir his cock inside her, cunt slackening and softening, wetness leaking from her to ease his way, her thwarted orgasm was terribly close once more. He observed her every reaction closely, eyes darker than a midnight sky and lips puffed and wet from her kisses as she reared backward in an elegant arch.
“I love your filthy mouth,” he growled as she planted her hands on his marble chest for more leverage, and clawed at his skin, “But your pretty cunt is better.”
She trembled and preened, thrilled by his bold words as she moved, relentless, and determined to chase the release she could almost taste. It was utterly overwhelming, breathtaking and she had no voice, no words in her mind except one. More. Every time they were together, it felt like this, and she kept waiting for it to fade with time, but it only seemed to burn hotter. The more they learned of each others bodies, the better they could send each other into madness and delirium. He felt too good, utterly perfect, buried inside her. Made to fit her, she fancifully thought as he helped her move over him. She fell forward again, unable to stay away from his smirking lips, and wanted to taste it as she rode him. She darted her tongue inside to play with as she rocked and rolled her hips, drowning in him as her veins filled with lightning. 
Heat and nerves sparkled over her skin, stomach tensing as she bottomed out, and he was knocked so deep it forced the breath from her as her cunt fluttered around his cock. Whining into his mouth, hand scrabbling down her body to find her clit and send herself flying as his cock jumped inside her. He was holding back for her. She saw it when she opened her eyes, and his were already open, flame devouring the violet-blue as he met her next slide down with a jab of his hips. There were so many things in his gaze, awe, relief, and sheer delight at watching her come apart at the seams for him. 
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” he whispered reverently as she let him breathe and redoubled her efforts. Her release sparked its warning, and her essence soaked them both.
Her sob wasn’t entirely one of pleasure as she met his eye and saw the worship in his gaze, glued on her writhing form as her cunt swallowed his cock again and again. Fingers swirling her swollen clit, soaked in her own essence, as she and Jake moved together to send her over the edge. His tense jaw and quivering hands on her hips held her captive as she erratically bounced over him. Tension so sharp it threatened to slice her in half as her fingers worked that bundle of nerves, and his cock hit that sweet spot inside her that made her keen too loudly. His eyes held no shadows as she slammed hers shut against the onslaught of sensation he was pulling from her; only a glinting pride shone in that magnificent gaze, lighting her up inside as she gave herself over to the orgasm plucking at the delicate threads of her sanity.
It broke over her in a storm of static tingles and shocks, skittering under her skin and making her muscles jump, her release a smothered sigh as he pulled her down to his lips to taste her moan, a shuddering breath into his lungs as his hands at her hips held her down with strength and he came inside her. Everything intensified by how close he held her, as if he were afraid she’d slip away in a wisp of smoke and never return. His rippling growl under her flickering heart, his cock buried so completely she felt every twitch of his release as her inner walls grasped him in a taut fluttering clasp. She was whining in his hold, body utterly weightless but leaden at the same time, bliss and fatigue settling in as he slowly softened inside her drenched cunt. When she gathered the strength to break free of his mouth, she hid her face in his neck as she mumbled nonsense into his musky skin.
His hands smoothed down and up her back, prolonging her euphoria and the aftershocks of her release, the wicked feel of him inside her still convulsing cunt driving her to distraction. It was a long time before she calmed, and he found the strength to rearrange them. Her disgruntled moan as he left her body, making him smirk at her as he settled them in a spooning position. Sticky and exhausted, she barely reacted as he pulled a blanket over them and moved her hair away from her neck to kiss her there. Neither spoke again as sleep lured them in, and the sky outside the cabin window began to lighten from coal to gunmetal. Both smiled as they fell into a dreamless sleep.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you leave a comment or reblog, thank you for that too! It makes my day ❤️
This was from chapter 3 of Paper Rings & Dirty Dreams.
If you fancy reading the stories that these two are from, you can find the links below. Bloodstain comes first and then Paper Rings. Both are indulgent, explicitly romantic and utterly packed with smut. I should’ve been stopped, to be honest, in the first one 🤭no pressure, I’m posting the smut from Paper Rings here anyway, it’s just a lot of fun and chaos reigns supreme in every chapter ❤️
Marked Me Like a Bloodstain - Ao3
Marked Me Like a Bloodstain - Wattpad
Paper Rings & Dirty Dreams - Ao3
Paper Rings & Dirty Dreams - Wattpad
Or if you just want smut, my Masterlist contains plenty more smutty one shots!
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tweeksandturns · 6 months
After screaming about Scar and Pearl for roughly an hour, i have been convinced to share some of my thoughts. Which may or may not hurt. ALSO: secret life spoilers ahead, be wary. (all of the below entries are copy and pasted, and may not make sense altogether. some go with others, but maybe a little more of them are alone)
While Scar and Scott were half fighting with each other (Scott was trying to shoot him) he was talking about how he chose Pearl and their team over him, and Pearl and Scar were stuck together in the end, the two most wronged by their partners in Double Life (Martyn is up there, but he didn't really have it bad because he has always been a free roamer, unless he has someone to devote too) but Scott, the one who was talking to Scar about this, was also the one who left his soulmate alone. Maybe Scar saw that Scott was to blame. Maybe he saw some sort of hope in Pearls eyes that he wasn't going to tell Scott he was just playing both sides. And maybe Scar figured that she needed someone. And he could understand. They were quite similar, after all :)
Not a copy and paste but thinking about ship names (or duo name) whether platonic, qpr, or romantic, and a dear friend of mine said Moonflower, or Scarlet moon (i am a Moonflower girlie myself)
grian can go to Hermitcraft knowing that we are reaching the end of Hermitcraft (LAST SECRET LIFE SESH RECORDING was 9 days before the end and we have 5 now. how many minecraft days can our weirdo blobs fit) and he thinks, I can finally talk to scar about 3rd life because he's a winner now he remembers if we're doing backwards winners curse, and then be goes to talk to scar in scarland, but stops because. He's with Pearl. And the two of them are laughing and crying, but Grian can see just how close those two winners are so instead he turns and walks away, knowing that he's safe from the watchers with Pearl even if it hurts so badly.
AND AND. specifically. how they won. because it's not like, oh we can talk to each other and get answers from each other, its that it was the exact same method. Scott killed himself both times, and both Scar and Pearl were alone
grian can go to Hermitcraft knowing that we are reaching the end of Hermitcraftthey were both treated wrong by soulmates, (Grians cheating, Scott leaving Pearl), AND OMG that hurts so much more in that paragraph i wrote before cause what if Grian's like, i deserve it for how i treated him, because he knows that he unintentionally uses other players just so he can survive in the games (LAST SECRET LIFE SESH RECORDING was 9 days before the end and we have 5 now. how many minecraft days can our weirdo blobs fit) and he thinks, I can finally talk to scar about 3rd life because he's a winner now he remembers if we're doing backwards winners curse, and then be goes to talk to scar in scarland, but stops because. He's with Pearl. And the two of them are laughing and crying, but Grian can see just how close those two winners are so instead he turns and walks away, knowing that he's safe from the watchers with Pearl even if it hurts so badly.
quoting a friend (not the one who helped with the names) as a reply to my earlier idea of grian angst: "GRIAN THINKING HE DESERVES IT AUGH I LOVE THAT. the two soulmateless people becoming eachothers soulmates !!"
my reply to my friends words (the bit one line above this one), and the thing that really hit my the most: "no no not soulmates. that's two bittersweet for them. no they want something more fluffy, like tilly or jellie. Something like 'partners.' or 'Lovers' but never soulmates. Because really, as much as how they were treated hurt. their soulmates lead them too each other. And well, if you have a soulmate that isn't romantic, it's only fitting if they lead you to the person for you that is, whether they mean it or not.
Help i need sleep but the token semi straights are slapping me with swords-
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unorthodoxx-page · 2 years
Soooooooooo I saw this tweet
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and.......it has consumed me!  I already know what y’all are going to say!  I know I have a lot on my plate, ok 😭😭!  I’m just being hit by ideas and prompts left and right!  Sometimes I’m just compelled to write them!  
Anyway, here’s the opening of what I’m working on.
some TW: Body mutilation (missing limbs), injury, violence, cursing, war
Once Donnie took control of the Technodrome, it was frustratingly easy to take them down.  Leo doesn’t remember much of the initial assault.  He was too focused on cutting down the Kraang Generals in front of him.  They’re old, Leo can tell by the faded yellow of their eyes and the thickness of their leathery skin, but they’re the only generation left now.  The Kraang had closed ranks once the resistance shut down their birthing centers.  A Kraang hadn’t been produced on Earth soil in four years, and they’re numbers continued to dwindle with each successful attack on overtaken cities around the world.  Now, after so much death, they’re able to launch an attack on Kraangs last strong hold.
New York.  What a fucking town.  
The battle passes in flashes.  Gold chains tearing through machines and alien flesh.  Red covering the sky as Raph roars through Kraangified humans and animals alike.  The green of April’s magic crushing most of the battlefield and finally, the fiery red fall of the Technodrome.  A purple beam of metal cuts the falling wiggling ship in half, creating an open for them, and ending any hope of the machine getting off the ground.  Leo finds himself in the dilapidated throne room with his family at his back and retribution in his heart.  
What stands before them is an abomination and their last obstacle to freedom.  The Kraang, only known as Prime through intercepted communications, raises a single red eye in their direction.
“Alright boys,” April says.  She swings the giant hammer until it sits heavily across her shoulders, glowing a dangerous green.  She abandoned the bat three years ago, left it buried at the base of Sunita’s grave and enchanted a new weapon from her own rage.  “Let’s finish this.”
The monstrosity kicks rubble out of its way, its face pulls into a dangerous scowl.  “Insolent worms!”  That fight destroys what little remains of the Technodrome.  They knew Prime would be strong.  It never appeared in many battlefields, but when it did decide to leave its castle, there was never anything left.  But now, Leo thinks.  He plants a foot into the flesh of the alien and stares down into hateful eyes.  
“You think you’ve won?” it coughs.  “No one defeats Kraang.  NO ONE!”
Leo doesn’t respond, doesn’t give it anything.  This monster doesn’t deserve his words.  Leo adjusts his good hand and brings the sword down with so much force that he screams.  The blade sinks deep into the mangled heart of the beast, but Leo keeps pushing.  He pushes until his hand meets the unmoving skin of Kraang Prime and then twists for good measure.  Leo yanks the weapon free of the corpse.  He falls back with a gasp.  He stares at the twisted organ these things call hearts.  Stares as it slips free of his weapon and then he’s crying.  They did it.  They did it.  They did it.
“Casey,” Donnie says.  “It-Its done.”
There’s an echo of gunfire before her voice breaks over the com with a sob.  “About fucking time,” she cries.  There’s an evil screech, the revving of an engine, and then a sickening squelch sings loudly over the com.  “Sister is dead,” she pants.  “They all are.”  
A roar builds outside the fallen ship and Leo grins at his family.  They didn’t come out of this battle unscathed.  April wraps a bandage tightly over a shaky limb.  Her hand lost to a powerful stomp before Donnie could get to her.  Raph’s right eye taken in a single swipe and the only thing stanching the blood of Donnie’s missing leg is a mystic construction that struggles to stay solid, but they made it.  They won and they’re alive.
A shoulder leans against his and Leo looks down into the face of his little brother.  He’s bleeding and leaking mystic power everywhere, but he’s grinning.  Leo adjusts his mangled right arm with a grunt but he’s grinning too.  “I don’t know about you,” he says, and for the first time in a long time, a joke comes naturally.  “But I could use a nap.”
April snorts, but her face is just as bright as everyone else.  She tightens the tourniquet and stumbles to her feet.  “Let get medical before I lose more than just this hand.”  
They fumble to their feet and it reminds him so much of old times that it hurts.  They lean on each other, Raph even pulls Donnie on his back, the big softy.  Donnie doesn’t complain, instead he laughs, and they all laugh with him.  They did it.  They spill out of the wreckage to a wave of cheers and hands bathed in blue medical gear, and Leo finally sees a future on the horizon.  
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deprivedreality · 11 months
tw: mention of mutilation, cursing in na'vi, drug abuse, torture, etc.
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𝗭𝗔𝗥𝗜 never truly understood the concept of what it is to be human. She was pure Navi, all she's ever known is that everything in Pandora has a sense of respect and understanding for all living things. That is what humans differed greatly from them.
"Speak your name." Parker Selfridge spoke, his inhumane eyes bore into the deep brown eyes of the blue-skinned child in front of him. Even if her stature and body were slightly bigger than his, it was clear who was the boss of whom. And contrary to that, the na'vi he was facing was barely even of-age. It was a Na'vi child.
"Oeru syaw Tsu'zari te Rongloa Sanari'ite."
She spoke bluntly, looking at the human in front of her with blood lust even with such a calm face. She gave him a gaze of the unwillingness to submit to him. If only she wasn't tied and held captive by a chair that was designed specifically for her, she would have easily pounced the bastard in front of her.
"Don't play with me, you ballsy little brat," Parker spoke through gritted teeth, his face spilling in frustration and anger. But after a few seconds, his face calmed down again and he smiled. "Say it. From now on, what are you called?"
Zari learned one thing about enemies. It's that they do not deserve an ounce of what they call sympathy. She learned it the hard way.
"I said, My name is Tsu'zari te Rongloa─" Zari hissed at him, bearing her canines at the man who only alerted the entire ward filled with soldiers. And before she could finish what she was saying, a strong sweep of a tazer touched her skin and charged a horrifying amount of shock to her body.
"Argh! Kal-wey-aveng!! Rahhh!" She shrieked, screaming in agony as the shock of electricity kept running to her entire body. Parker stared at her as she was being tortured mercilessly at the hands of the RDA soldiers.
"Alright! Alright! You heard me, that's about enough to tame this batshit kid." Parker laughed incredulously, as he looked down on Zari, whose face showed extreme discomfort while she heaved, holding in her tears.
She was certain she endured much more than a simple minute of being tazed by the demons who invaded her world. But she couldn't help but want to cry as she looked at them, wanting to end her suffering and be near home again. Zari was only eight years old, she didn't want any of this.
But one look at Parker Selfridge, the person who thought that kidnapping na'vi children would be a good idea for the RDA's expansion in Pandora, Zari could feel the strength and anger that all her ancestors passed onto her.
"You see this? This is a Taser, and it hurts people. Especially to you indigenous fellas, do you hear me?" Showing off a very humanoid weapon, he just oh so loved to threaten Navis with it, showing no sign of humane emotions. "Weapons like these are made specifically for disobedient animals like yourself."
"And I did not waste millions of dollars and my time just so you'd disrespect me like that, brat. I fed you good meat. I gave you everything a kid could ever want." He kept squawking, yet all Zari could interpret was the insults he keep on throwing at her and it enraged her. As a young Navi child, she's confident she's the first and youngest one to feel such an inappropriate amount of anger and resentment inside.
"Kxutu!" Zari yelled hoarsely, trying to break free from her restraint. But immediately, her queue got pulled harshly and she let out a high-pitched scream that echoed throughout the ward within the time span.
"You know, I don't really like you at all. But... I must say, I'm quite impressed that you learned your way into understanding English. The other kids aren't as good as you are, as Doctor Melendez says." Parker claims, acting like the demon he is.
Doctor Melendez was one of the few scientists to assist Parker with the project of transforming the abducted Navi children into the RDA's pets. For the past ten months, the scientist herself was the one to teach the seven hostages how to speak English and how to act 'human'
Now that Zari had the chance to think of it, the one human who was ever gentle to her and the others were just like any other human. She hated it so much that she wanted to scream. But she can't let her guard down the moment Parker started smirking as he observed her with keen eyes.
Zari's blue skin made him smirk.
"You know, I've always wondered if Earth needs Blue Bags." Zari couldn't understand what he was saying, but hearing all the humans around her laugh made her hiss at them. She tried once again to break free from her restraints but was hit in the head by one of the soldiers.
"Demon! You deserve to die!" As if she's not already been hit by a gun and being grabbed harshly by her queue, the soldiers continued to give her glares and it made her smile with insanity leaking out of her eyes. "My older brother, Toruk Makto will come and kill you!"
Mentioning the alternative name of one specific former marine somehow made the whole lab silent and Parker's face turned completely upside down. He looked as though he was being provoked. "You are the perfect example of a useless lab rat. And you speak too much, little Ziri."
Before she could react once again, Parker had already made a haste move. Ziri could feel a sharp object impaling her throat, gushing in liquid she couldn't phantom what was. It took her a minute to process what was happening, only to realize that she's been injected a drug infused medicine.
She looked at him one last time, eyes dilated and breathing heavily, she cursed. "Eywa... will... end you... humans."
"Whatever you say, monkey." Parker paid no mind and ejected the syringe from Ziri's neck. He was scared that Ziri was connected to the likes of Jake Sully, and he had no choice but to do one very last move. He looked at the RDA soldiers and motioned.
"You know what to do, put this one in cryo like the rest. We have a hometree to harvest, the project is postponed by my order."
Ziri's eyes caved, and the last thing she ever sees was Parker Selfridge's back facing her. Don't let them succeed, Ma Eywa.
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Seasoned by the covetousness of humans, Tsu'zari grew to be a child between two planets. All the happiness she thought she could have had fell into neglect and evaporated into nothing more than a hazy dream waiting to disappear. All she ever knew of her true heritage deteriorated when she was colonized and held captive for the prime years of her life. Commandeered by aliens who expect her to acclimate and adapt to their gruesome morals.
Never once again facing the land of her home, and instead kept in a metal facility where they are kept in wards filled with human soldiers. With no other choice but to speak the language of their enemy in order to survive the entirety of the day, and at night, they dreamed of coming back to their clan, connecting with the sacred tree, and reconciling with their families. But they wondered just when that will happen when Humans and Navis were far from being accustomed to each other.
Upon the abduction of Zari and other woeful Na'vi children in the year 2154, that was when she learns that their faith is sealed not by Eywa, but by the Skypeople. For months and years on end, Ziri was instructed under the supervision of the RDA along with six other Navi hostages.
Their reason? To turn these children against their own people.
Zari had dreamed that one day they would be rescued, however, that day never truly arrived. Because as far as she knew and what she believed, her clan had no possibility of knowing what could've been the reason behind her and the other kids' disappearance.
So for the next seventeen years, Zari accepted her faith in adapting to the morals of humans, surviving each passing day learning their machinery, technology, and human intent of expanding their control to the western frontiers of Pandora. With her insanity being on the brink of failure, she endured the mental suffering and awaited for her time until she sets her eyes again on the home she once knew.
But there was a catch to it.
She never knew exactly when that time will come. Or who she will be siding with. Zari and the others were frightened that they would be manipulated by the RDA to spill the blood of their own.
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ᓚᘏᗢ @deprivedreality 2023 | do not copy my works!
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bestworstcase · 1 year
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a present, for you- another salem meme! (also ironically while rewatching this episode to find a good enough screenshot i thought of salem as cain while listening to the brothers telling her about her curse; but i'm not actually a christian so you probably know what possible allusions she could have better than me)
oh the less said about the christian perspective on job the better <3
the book of job begins with the deity and the satan making a wager on the matter of job’s faith, because the deity points him out to the satan like ‘isn’t my servant job the most righteous man alive’ and the satan goes ‘of course he is, you’ve given him a charmed life, take back your blessings and see how long it takes him to curse your name’ and the deity is like ‘bet.’
so the narrative conceit here is the deity gives the satan free rein to torment job so as to reveal whether his faith is true or not: all of his wealth (livestock) is brutally wiped out or stolen by raiders who put most of his household to the sword, all ten of his children are killed, and finally he’s struck with a debilitatingly painful affliction. then his wife tells him to curse god and die and several of his friends come to sit with him in his ABJECT MISERY and that’s the end of the prologue.
the narrative proper is largely a series of discourses between job and his friends on the subject of whether or not he Deserved This.
his friends (eliphaz, bildad, zophar, and elihu) hold a belief in the absolute justness and rightness of the deity which demands that job’s suffering is either punishment for some grievous wrongdoing or else discipline meant to teach him something important.
job’s position can be summed up as “fuck you, there is nothing i could possibly have done to deserve this, i am being unfairly persecuted and because NONE OF YOU ASSHOLES BELIEVE ME I WILL MOUNT A LAWSUIT AGAINST GOD TO PROVE MY INNOCENCE”
and i just—
quotations are from edward greenstein’s excellent translation (read it it fucks)
[3:20–22] Why give light to one in travail?
Or life to those bitter of spirit?—
Those waiting for death, but there is none,
Though they dig for it more than for treasure!
Those singing for joy at the mouth of the tomb,
Who are glad to be reaching the grave.
[7:17–18] What is a mortal that you treat him as important?
Why do you pay him any mind,
Take account of him each morning,
Test him every minute?
[19] Why can’t you just look away from me,
Let go for just a swallow of spit?
[20] If I’ve sinned, what can I do to you,
O Watcher of Humankind?
Why have you made me your target?
How could I be a burden to you?
[21] Why can’t you pardon my transgression,
Commute my punishment?
For I’ll soon be lying in the dirt—
And when you seek me, I’ll be gone.
[19:21] I am innocent—I care not for my self;
I’m fed up with my life.
[22] It is all the same.
And so I declare:
The innocent and the guilty he brings to (the same) end.
[10:1] My entire being despises my life.
I would prepare a complaint on my behalf,
I would speak in the bitterness of my being;
[2] I would say to Eloah: “Do not condemn me!
Let me know of what you accuse me!
[3] Does it do you any good to do wrong?
To reject the effort of your hands?
While you shine favor on the schemes of the wicked?
[4–5] Have you eyes that are of flesh?
Do you see as a mortal sees?
Are your days like the days of a mortal?
Are your years like those of a man?
[6–7] When you go looking for my crime,
And investigate my sin,
You know very well I am not guilty—
But no one can rescue from your hand!
[8–9] Your hands formed me and made me,
Put me together—then destroyed me!
Mind now, it is you who made me like clay,
And will return me to the dust!
[13:13] Keep silent before me, so that I may speak—
Whatever may come upon me!
[14–15] I will take my flesh in my teeth,
And I will place my life-breath in my hand.
Though he slay me, I will no longer wait—
I will accuse him of his ways to his face!
[14:18–19] And yet, a cliff will fall and crumble;
A mountain will be moved from its place;
Rocks are worn down by water;
A torrent sweeps away the earth’s dust;
So do you obliterate a mortal’s hope.
[20] You assault him continually—and he passes on;
You disfigure him—and then you dispatch him.
[16:6] If I speak out, my pain will not be spared.
But if I desist, how will it leave me?
[7] By now he has worn me down;
You have devastated my entire company.
[8] You have shriveled me, and this has become a stigma;
My gauntness stands up and testifies against me.
[9] As his anger rages, he strikes a hostile pose;
He gnashes his teeth at me;
My enemy sharpens his eyes at me.
[10] People’s mouths gape at me,
They strike my cheeks to shame me;
They all form gangs against me.
[19:21] Have compassion, compassion, you my friends!
For the hand of Eloah has afflicted me.
[22] Why do you like El persecute me?
Why can’t you get your fill of my flesh?
[27:3–4] So long as there is life-breath within me,
And in my nostrils Eloah’s spirit,
I swear that my lips will speak nothing corrupt,
And my tongue will utter no deceit.
[30:26–28] For I hoped for good, but there came bad;
I expected light, but there came darkness,
My insides roil and can’t be still;
I’ve been greeted by days of affliction.
I walk in gloom without a sun;
In the assembly I stand and cry out.
anyway in chapter 30 job makes an oath of his innocence and (after a very! lengthy! interjection from elihu) the deity turns up in chapter 38 to answer job’s lawsuit by going, in essence, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I’M GOD! whereupon job is literally like
[40:3] Up spoke Job to YHWH and he said:
[4–5] Lacking respect, how can I answer you?
My hand I place over my mouth.
I have spoken once and I will not repeat;
Twice—and I will (speak) no more.
who else is doing it like job
and then—well the standard translation reads job’s final statement as repentance but this is notoriously a difficult passage, and as a matter of narrative and the context of the chapter as a whole i think greenstein’s reading makes considerably more sense—anyway job goes:
[42:1] Up spoke Job to YHWH and he said:
[2] I have known you are able to do all;
That you cannot be blocked from any scheme.
[3] “Who is this hiding counsel without knowledge?”
Truly I’ve spoken without comprehending—
Wonders beyond me that I do not know.
[4] “Hear now and I will speak!
I will ask you, and you help me know!”
[5] As a hearing by the ear I have heard you,
And now my eye has seen you.
[6] That is why I am fed up;
I take pity on “dust and ashes!”
(in 42:2 job is echoing the language the deity uses in genesis 11:6 in reference to the builders of the tower of babel; ‘dust and ashes’ is an epithet for wretched humanity and also occurs in chapter 30.)
imagine being so DONE that you have the wherewithal to be scathingly sarcastic TO GOD’S FACE
and then the deity praises his honesty, scolds his friends for bleating platitudes instead of speaking the truth, and restores everything that was taken from job and more THE END.
/lies down
read job. theodicy of all time
one day i am going to calm down about job enough to finish my actual. coherent salem-as-job screed instead of just firehosing out half the passages that make me DERANGED but DO YOU SEE. DO YOU SEEEEEEEEEEE
horrific torment at the hands of divine beings for the pettiest of reasons. unspeakable anguish. isolation and exile! desolation! absolute certainty that his suffering is cruel and unjust! utter scorn for deceit and falsehood! he cannot rest because the deity will not let him die no matter how he begs for death! his wife his friends his community all turn against him, repulsed by his agony! he sues god!! he tells god i hear you, i see you, i feel fucking sorry for all of us who mean nothing to you!!!
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vbecker10 · 2 years
I'm Here (Part 2 of 2)
Part 1 here
Pairing: Jotun Loki x gender neutral reader
Warnings: touch of self doubt, bit of angst, fluff and happiness as promised
POV: Y/N pov & Loki pov
Summary: After a string of terrible blind dates, Loki is pushed into trying online dating and despite his doubts, he meets you. The two of you become fast friends and soon you find yourself falling for him completely. After a few months, Loki begins to ask if he can visit you but every time he does, you come up with an excuse to keep him away. Eventually, Loki decides it's worth the risk and goes to Norway to see you, but will you be excited to see him?
Word Count: 4k words
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(Y/N POV - the next day)
You come home after work and kick off your shoes as you sigh loudly. You check your phone again and throw it on the couch, Loki still hasn't responded to your last message and why would he. Sinking into the couch, you put your hand over your face and feel the tears begin surface again, you were so tired of crying but you couldn't stop. You can feel your heart breaking into pieces, Loki had finally given up on you and you only had yourself to blame.
(Y/N POV- the night before)
When you told him he couldn't come, he said you he understood like always and then he quickly changed the subject. Everything seemed fine, he had just gotten back from a mission and you were thrilled he was safe and you could to talk to him again. After about half an hour or so he told you he needed to take care of a few things and he would talk to you as soon as he was free. A few hours later he finally sent you a text, but you weren't expecting it to be this.
"Y/N, can we talk about why I can't visit you? I want to understand. I care about you so much, you know that, and I want to be with you. I want you to be mine and I thought you felt the same. Please, just tell me the truth, why don't you want to see me?" the message said and you could feel your chest tighten.
Your fingers ghosted over the keypad as you tried to tell him what was going on in your mind. Your inner voice screamed, telling you that you weren't extraordinary enough for him... he was an Avenger. You didn't deserve to be loved or cared for by him... he was a prince. He would leave as soon as he realized you were beneath him... he was a god. You were deeply in love with him but you the voice would tell you that you would never he his.
You try to respond but you can't get your thoughts together. It must have taken you too long because your phone chimes again and your heart sinks. "I'm sorry I keep asking, I won't bring it up again," you can barely hold yourself together when you see those words.
You stare at the phone, your hands shaking slightly and you write back, "Loki, I'm sorry." He didn't reply to you again that night, you laid awake holding your pillow tightly as you cried and cursed yourself. When the sun rose, you were still awake and there was still no response.
Your phone chimes and you pick it up, smiling through your tears when you see a new message from Loki. Maybe he hadn't given up on you completely, you hope when you open the text.
"Hi love," it says and you wipe your eyes, letting out a small sigh.
You reply back quickly, "Hi Loki, I've missed you. I'm so sorry about last night."
Those stupid dots appear and disappear several times and your anxiety starts to rise. Was he going to end things officially, is that why he messaged you? No, you try to reason with yourself, he called you 'love', he wouldn't if he was upset with you, would he? You bite your lip and wait for him to finish typing.
"I missed you every second. I'm sorry I didn't respond to you last night, I have a surprise for you but it took a bit longer than I thought," he replies.
"A surprise?" you ask curiously. He had a sweet habit of sending you small gifts when something reminded him of you or he saw something he thought you would like. What kind of surprise would have kept him from talking to you for so long, you wonder.
"I'm here," he types and your mind freezes.
You stare at the words, finally writing back, "Where is here?"
"I came to see you," he texts back and you put the phone screen down on the table quickly.
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You pace back and forth at baggage claim, waiting for a response. Peter had told you not to come but after Y/N wouldn't explain why they didn't want to see you, you bought the first ticket you could. You couldn't wait any longer, you needed an answer.
After a few minutes without a reply, you text again, "Y/N, I know you told me not to come but I want to talk to you, please answer me."
You feel yourself holding your breath as the message remains unread. You wander slowly through the airport and take a seat at a random gate. You put your face in your hand, realizing maybe you had made a mistake. Y/N didn't want you here. Your phone vibrates and you open it excitedly but it's a new text from Peter. You sigh, not in the mood to tell him he was right, you lock your phone again.
You feel something bump into your leg and you look up, seeing a happy couple walk past you. The man apologizes to you with a smile, his arms wrapped tightly around his partner's waist. You nod to him and sit back in the seat, looking at your phone again. You unlock it and decide to send another text.
"I'm sorry for whatever it is I've done to make you not want to see me. I'm going to try and book a ticket back home," you hit send and stand up. "I won't try to visit again, but we can still talk if you want to," you text, feeling your heart tear in half.
You make your way to the ticket agents and stand at the back of the line, your phone on your pocket. Each time you move forward, you lose a piece of hope until you finally reach the counter. You purchase a ticket to go back to New York and lean against a wall, taking your phone out again. The messages you've sent are still unread. "My flight is in an hour, I'm sorry I came," you type slowly then rest your head on the wall.
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You sit on the couch, your arms wrapped around your knees as your phone continues to chime on the coffee table. You put your head on your arms and cry silently as your thoughts keep you from responding to him. Your phone chimes again and you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand, slowly reaching for it. You see four new messages and you take a deep breath as you open them. You read the last message and stand up quickly, he was leaving. Suddenly your only thought is that you needed to stop him. You click on his image in your phone and do something you've never done before, you call him.
Racing to put your shoes on and grabbing your keys, you hear the ringing continue. Please pick up, you say out loud and finally you hear him answer. "Y/N?" he asks in a low voice.
"Loki, please don't leave. I'm sorry, I'm coming. Please wait for me," you say quickly as you get into your car, breathing hard from crying.
"I'm still here love," he replies and you start your car. "Take your time Y/N, I'm not going anywhere," he tells you in a soothing voice and you let out a small laugh between tears. You had hurt him yet again today but he was still worried about you as he told you to drive carefully. You hang up and try to focus on the forty-five minute drive you have ahead of you.
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You call Peter and let him know Y/N is on their way, he sounds so excited for you and he wishes you good luck. You purposefully leave out the part where Y/N ignored you for so long you bought a return ticket. It just isn't something you want to talk about right now. You decide to sit in the waiting area for about half an hour then you make your way towards the exit.
Standing outside by the line of cars waiting to pick up friends, family and loved ones you begin to search their faces for someone you had never seen. You start to feel your hope fading again when you realize its been over an hour since Y/N said they were on their way. Had they changed their mind at a red light or were they here and still unwilling to meet you, you can't help but wonder. You close your eyes and lean against the facade of the building, trying to hold onto your last bit of hope that they will be here.
"Loki?" you hear a voice call to you.
You open your eyes and stand up straight. "Y/N?" you ask, coming face to face with them for the first time. They nod slowly and smile, their eyes are red and their cheeks are streaked with tears. Without thinking, you move quickly, pulling them close to you as you wrap your arms around them tightly. Their body is tense but you feel them relax against yours as they exhale deeply and grip the fabric at the back of your jacket.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Loki," they mumble into your chest and you shake your head. You release your grip slightly and touch their cheek, wiping away the fresh tears.
"Look at me love," you say softly and they look up cautiously. "You're here now, that's all that matters to me," they nod again and wipe their eyes on the back of their hand.
"I'm such a mess right now, this isn't how I wanted you to see me the first time," they say as they look down again. They pull at the sleeves of their jacket and you smile at how cute they look when they are awkward.
You take one of their hands in yours, running your thumb over their knuckle and they look up at you again. "I think you are perfect Y/N," you tell them, then you lean down and softly kiss their forehead. You are afraid if you move too quickly they will run even though you desperately want to feel their lips on yours.
They blush and you stroke their cheek again, wiping the last of their tears with your thumb. "Norns, it is so good to finally be close to you. To hear your voice, to see your smile, to hug you tightly. I've wished for nothing else since we began talking."
Y/N smiles and looks up at you, "Thank you for not listening to me."
They hug you tighter and you want nothing more then to never let go of them. The two of you stand with your arms wrapped tightly around one another a few moments longer and then they pull back slightly. You can feel yourself tense up, worried about what the next steps are now.
"Um.... so, did you get a hotel or...?" their question trails off.
"I wasn't honestly sure what to do about my sleeping arrangements. If you are more comfortable, I can get a room somewhere nearby," you offer.
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You pull into your driveway and turn off the car, looking over at Loki you smile nervously and he squeezes your hand. "Well, here it is," you tell him and he looks out the window at your small, one story house. You get out of the car and begin to worry he is going to regret not staying in one of the high end hotels in the city. He's probably used to such lavish and extravagant things whereas you're idea of luxury was using your dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand. "I know it's not a palace or a super high-tech skyscraper but-" you start.
"It looks like a home," he says, then he looks back at you and smiles. He takes his bag and then holds his other hand out for you. You interlock your fingers with his and you instantly begin to feel calmer. "Shall we?" he asks and you nod before you can change your mind.
You open the front door and as you let him in you feel extremely thankful you are a naturally tidy person. Keeping your hand in his, you give him a quick tour of your home, guiding him through your living room into it dining room and kitchen then finally your bedroom. He walks over to your bed and he runs his long fingers over the soft green blanket he had sent you. You watch his face light up when he looks around the room and sees all the things he sent you displayed proudly. You cherished every gift and you were glad he could finally see how much you loved the books, the stuffed animal and the postcards of various places in New York you had wanted to visit.
Loki sits on your bed and looks over at you, his smile fading slowly as you sit next to him. He sighs and places his hand gently on your knee, you put your hand over top of his.
"Can we talk about why I wouldn't let you visit?" you ask quietly and he nods. You take a deep breath and look at the floor, unable to look in his eyes. After a moment or two, you finally open up to him, telling him all your fears and negative thoughts. You feel the tears slowly building again and then his hands touches your face softly making you look at him.
"I wish you had told me this before," he tells you in a caring voice. He shifts to be closer to you, one arm around your waist and his hand still on your cheek. "You are everything I have ever wanted and more. I would never change a single thing about you love, you are perfect in every way," he tells you and you begin to smile but you notice a sadness in his eyes.
"Loki, what's wrong?" you ask.
"You aren't the only one who has doubts about worthiness," he says and you ask what he means. "There's something I have not told you, I wasn't sure how to. I'm not... I'm not who you think I am, I'm not an Asgardian," he tells you and you look at him questioningly. He lets go of you, bringing his hands together to fidget with his fingers. You sit quietly and listen to Loki as he looks at his hands, telling you about Odin, Laufey and Jotunheim. When he finishes, you put your hand over his and he finally looks up at you.
"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, you didn't deserve to be taken or used by them. But Loki..." you make sure he is still looking at you. "None of that changes how I feel about you. I'm sorry Odin made you feel like you were a monster but he's wrong. You are kind and patient and loving, you didn't deserve to have him as a father."
He smiles a bit and then he lifts your hand to his lips, kissing it lightly. "Besides, I don't think I could tell an Asgardian from a Jotun if my life depended on it," you joke but he shakes his head.
"You would be able to tell," he says and you ask how. He is quiet for a moment, then he gestures to himself and says, "This is all an illusion... I've never shown anyone what I truly look like."
You keep your fingers intertwined with his, "I would love to see the real you but you don't have to if you aren't ready."
He looks worried but says, "I want to show you, I just don't want you to be afraid of me."
"I could never be scared of you," you tell him and he nods.
He looks down at his hand in yours and his fingers slowly turn the most beautiful shade of blue you have ever seen. The color gradually moves up until his arms, neck and face are blue as well. Thin ridges form in intricate patterns on his arms and face. When he looks up at you, his eyes are as red as rubies. Without even thinking, you slowly reach out with your free hand and trace one of the raised lines on his cheek.
"Is it ok?" he asks and you smile back at him.
"Of course it's ok Loki. I told you, you are not a monster. You are stunning and you have the most striking eyes I've ever seen," you tell him and he smiles. You feel yourself lean forward suddenly and you press your lips to his quickly, before pulling away and hiding your blushing face in your hands.
He looks at you almost as if he is in shock and then he chuckles a bit. "Not in a million years did I think you were going to kiss me first," he says, the smile on his face growing.
"I didn't think I was going to do that either," you say from behind your hands.
He laughs again and reaches to take your hands away from your face. You lean back as you laugh and end up with your back on your bed. You feel the space on the bed next to you sink and you lower your hands slightly to see Loki lying on his side next to you. He props himself up on his elbow and he smiles warmly at you. He touches your cheek lightly and his skin feels cold but not uncomfortably so.
He looks at you for a moment, his fingers tracing your jaw as you look up at him and says, "Y/N... there is one more thing I need to tell you." You feel yourself holding your breath, unsure what his last secret could be. "I am completely and utterly in love with you," he tells you as you look into his deep red eyes.
You exhale with a smile and say, "Loki, I am madly in love with you. I have been since we first started talking."
You place your hand on the back of his neck and gently pull him towards you. He presses his lips to yours, softly at first then you feel him put his arm around your waist. He shifts onto his back and pulls you on top of him, never breaking the kiss. One of his large hands rests on your lower back, holding you tightly to him while his other hand cups your cheek. You feel his tongue run across your lips and you open your mouth, moaning softly as his tongue meets yours. Your fingers run through his long, raven curls and you bite his lip lightly as you finally break the kiss to catch your breath.
"Y/N," he kisses your nose softly, "I still can't believe I'm here with you."
You rest your head on his shoulder and listen to his heartbeat with a smile. "I can't either. I've dreamt about laying in your arms for so long, I never thought it would actually happen," you tell him.
He kisses the top of your head and runs his fingers up and down your back. "You're stuck with me now," he jokes but you shake your head and hold him tighter.
"You're going to have to go back," you say quietly.
"Not yet, we have two weeks love," he reminds you of how long he told Stark and the team he would be away. "We will figure this out. I'm not going to be able to stay away from you for very long."
You nod hopefully and close your eyes. You aren't sure how long you two stayed like that but you must have fallen asleep. Loki's strong arms are still wrapped around your body, holding your back to his chest as you both lay on your sides. You readjust a little, pressing yourself closer to his body and he smiles in his sleep. "Y/N..." he whispers softly, and you kiss his cheek before closing your eyes again.
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(LOKI POV - the next morning)
You open your eyes to an unfamiliar loud beeping and groan. "Sorry, it's my alarm," Y/N tells you as the turn it off.
They kiss your cheek and move to slide out of the bed but you keep your arm around them. Pulling them back to you, you shake your head. "No, stay," you mumble.
Y/N giggles and says, "Loki, I have to go to work. I'll tell my boss I need to use my vacation time for the rest of this week and next week but I have to at least go in today."
You groan again but know they are right. You couldn't really expect them not to go to work, especially since you had come without warning them. "I'll be home around six, ok?" they tell you when you loosen your grip to let them out of the bed.
"I like that," you smile, sitting up a bit.
"Like what?" they ask.
"You coming home to me," you tell them as you get out of the bed.
Y/N smiles as you walk over to them. "I like it too," they say, you put your arms around them. Leaning down, you kiss them and then go into the kitchen to make coffee for both of you while they get ready.
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(Y/N POV - night before Loki leaves)
Loki lays on his back and you curl up against his side, resting your head on his chest. You put one arm around him and he holds you close. You look into his glowing red eyes and smile. You were so happy he felt comfortable enough with you to remain in his Jotun form while you were in the house, you wanted him to be himself completely.
"I love you," you tell him as he shuts off the light.
"I love you too," he says, placing his fingers under your chin to tilt your head towards his. He kisses you and you kiss him back. "Goodnight love," he says and you can hear the smile in his voice.
You tell him goodnight and close your eyes but you know sleep will be hard to come by tonight. It's your last night together for who knows how long, months most likely but how many? Three... four? Would it be another six months before he can come back? You don't want to think about how much it will hurt to see him leave so you try to focus on all the memories the two of you made while he was here.
You remember when you came home from work the day after he arrived. You walked through the door and there were candles all throughout the living and dining rooms. A large vase of fresh flowers sat in the middle of the table and there was soft music playing. He greeted you at the door with a warm smile, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed you and told you he missed you. He kept an arm around your waist as he took you to the dining room, pulling out your chair like a true gentleman. He had cooked dinner for the both of you and you admitted to him that you were shocked he knew how to cook.
Over the next few days, the two of you took several trips into the city. Visiting museums, bookstores and even seeing a movie. You had taken him to your favorite park and he told you about the gardens on Asgard. No matter what you did or where you went, Loki never let go of you. He always held your hand or kept his arm around your waist and you loved every second of it.
At the beginning of the second week, it began to snow so you stayed home together. You lit the fireplace in your living room and curled up on the floor in front of the couch as Loki read poems and short stories to you. You would close your eyes and listen to the sound of his voice as you played with his long hair. When the snow got higher, you had a snowball fight then built a snowman before coming inside for hot chocolate. You taught him how to make smores and they quickly became one of his favorite foods.
The more time you spent with him, the deeper you fell for him which you didn't think was possible. Loki was the most amazing person you had ever met and you were terrified to say goodbye to him.
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(LOKI POV - night before you leave)
Your eyes flutter open and the room is still dark. You listen, trying to figure out what sound woke you. Feeling Y/N shake slightly in your arms, you realize they are crying quietly.
"Y/N, love are you ok?" you ask in a whisper. They sniffle and you can feel them shake their head 'no'. "What's wrong?" you ask but you have a feeling you know.
"I don't want to do this. I can't say goodbye to you," they say quietly. Y/N rolls over so they aren't facing you, trying to hide their face in the pillow. "What if you can't come back to visit again or..." they don't finish their question.
"Y/N, I don't want to say goodbye to you either. I would stay here forever if I could," you tell them honestly. "Look at me," you say softly, putting your hand on their shoulder as you sit up. They roll back towards you and you lean down, kissing them deeply. "I love you more than anything and I promise we will be together," you say. You hadn't figured out how it was going to work but you knew you would do anything to be with Y/N.
"I love you too Loki," they tell you but you can hear the sadness in their voice.
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(LOKI POV - two weeks after your trip)
You sit in your armchair by the window, reading a new book, trying to distract yourself from how much you miss Y/N. As much as you enjoyed the phone calls and video chats, nothing would compare to physically being with them. You found it difficult to sleep without them cuddled against you and waking up alone gave you an empty feeling.
Your phone vibrates on the side table and you smile. "Hi Loki, I missed you," the text reads.
"Hi love," you type back. "I missed you too. How was work?" you ask, knowing it was a little after six there.
There is a pause for a few minutes then you get another message that simply says, "I'm here."
"Y/N, where are you?" you ask, standing up slowly, putting your book on your chair.
A picture loads and you nearly drop your phone. Its a selfie of Y/N smiling as they stand in front of a large steel and glass building. You recognize it immediately, it's Stark Tower.
You make your way down to street level as quickly as possible and see Y/N waiting for you just outside the doors. You throw your arms around them and hug them tightly, lifting them off the ground. Y/N giggles and you set them back down, still holding them. They reach up and touch your face softly then guide your lips to theirs.
"What... what are you doing here?" you ask, you are confused by you can't stop smiling.
"I didn’t want to say anything because I didn't think it would work out but... I applied for a job here a week or so before you came to visit," they point towards the tower. "And they called me a couple of days ago."
You can barely believe what you are hearing, "You... you're going to work here? And live in New York?" you ask in shock.
They smile and nod then say, "I haven't actually had time to look for a place yet-"
"Move in with me," you say without even thinking.
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Y/N reaches up and kisses you, their hand on the back of your neck, your hands still firmly around their waist. "I would love to," they answer.
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onginlove · 11 months
Captured 2
Part 1
Summary: After Y/N being left alone with the old man and soldiers, she finally gets saved.
Ratings: PG 13?
Warning: slight fluff, cursing, slight angst, mentions of death
a/n: decided to change my format color hehe
“It’s been 11 minutes. Gave him an extra one.” The middle-aged man said. “Well, it’s time for the fun to begin.” He said, smirking.
Next thing I knew, I was dumped with water. Not sure how that’s punishing though. I was planning on going to the pool later on so I guess this is a free dip?
“I just want you to remember, pain makes you stronger.” Sure, idiot. I thought.
Bucky pov
“Have you found it yet, Tony?” I asked, pacing back and forth, worried about Y/N. “Almost. It’s like the location they’re at doesn’t exist.”
I started to worry even more. Sure, I was quite an ass to Y/N, but she was with HYDRA. She could possibly die because of me.
“Found a location. Well, it’s a possible location.” I quickly ran up to Tony’s computer to see where she was. “I know that place.” I then walked to get my weapons and headed to the door, only to be stopped by Steve.
“Wait, don’t you want us to come too?” He asked. “If I do then I will put you all in jeopardy. I can’t do that. They only want me.” “At least let me come as backup.” “No Steve.”
I ran out the door. I needed to hurry and reach her.
As I ran, I whispered a “Please be ok.”
Y/N pov
I grunted as they put another slice in my thigh. They ripped the tape off my mouth. “Feel any pain yet?” He asked from afar. “Not even close.” I said pausing in between each word.
“Bring her to the machine.” I heard him order them. They unlocked my hands and feet and walked me to the machine. I tried throw a punch but I was too weak from all the cutting into my skin. Now, I have a lot of lines on my arms and legs.
They placed me down in the machine and turned it on. The machine started wiring and moving. Then, I felt a shock. No, not a shock, the power of 100 lighting bolts. I guessed it was an electrical chair but it would’ve killed you.
After about 5 minutes of screaming, crying, and begging for it to stop, the machine stopped. I was trying to catch my breath. Next thing I knew, I passed out. Again.
I woke up in the hand and leg chains like before, giving up the 0.01 percent of hope I had for Bucky coming. I was so weak and could barely move. I think this is the end.
I heard some grunts and screams from outside in the hall. Some soldiers went to go see what it was and I saw one flying across the hall.
He came! Oh no. He came. I see the middle-aged man go into the corner. Guessing they were trying to ‘surprise attack’ him.
I saw him walk in front of the door and saw me. As he was walking towards me, I screamed “Bucky no! Get out of here!” About 15 soldiers ambushed him but he seemed to make it out. He quickly ran to me and broke off the chains.
He was looking all over my body, seeing what they did to me. “Oh lord..” I heard him say. He picked me up and ran, trying to get to safety.
He set me down on Bruce’s table for him to examine me. “The only thing she needs is time for her body to heal. She’ll be fine.” Then, Bruce walked out the room.
“God this is all my fault.” Bucky said, putting his hands on his face. “You got hurt because of me. You could’ve died because of me!” “Bucky, none of this is your fault.” I say, trying to speak.
“No, Y/N. I left HYDRA and you had to pay the price.” He backed himself in a wall and slid down it, covering his head in his hands.
I walked up to him with all my strength and sat down next to him, with a grunt as I fell down. My body still needed time to heal but it was more important being with Bucky.
I went and hugged him. He looked up at me and I saw tears. I quickly wiped them. “It’s not your fault.” I said once again. “I’m so sorry Y/N. You deserve bet-“ He was cut off by me cupping his face and kissing him.
I parted our lips, wiping off more of his tears. “I’ll be ok.” I rested my head on his shoulder while he hugged my side.
I love you.
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thegreencanary · 2 years
Evil is Everywhere (5) [End]
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This is it! The end is hereeeeeeee. I appreciate all of the love I’ve gotten on this series. I like writing dark stuff but I’m a sucker for a happy ending so here comes the fluff
TW: Mentions of torture, Mentions of Abuse, Cursing, Smoking,
Summary: Billy has you back, but he wants to make sure you’re still you. FLUFFY FLUFF FLUFF
Paring: Billy Hargrove x female reader
“Can you drive ANY faster??”
Billy was impatiently tapping his foot as he directed Hopper to the shack. Loch Nora was full of rich assholes, so they all had property along the river and the lake. There was a shed that was technically off the property and public but not a lot of people knew about it. Billy found it when he stormed out of the house after a fight with Neil. He’d go there to relax, but once he started dating you he didn’t need to anymore. Andy must have found it around that time.
“If we turn the lights on and sirens he’ll kill her. We’ll get to her Billy. You shouldn’t even be in the car with me.”
“Turn here.”
A stressed smirk found it’s way onto his lips. Hopper needed him to find the cabin. He had to be in the car. They started off roading and Billy called it when they needed to get out.
“It’s just past that turn.”
He almost jumped out of the car. Hopper stopped him.
“Listen kid. We have to do this PERFECTLY. He needs to go away for life and if we fuck it up he could be set free on a technicality. Do NOT come in until we say. Okay?”
It pissed Billy off but he understood. Andy never deserved to take another breath but Hopper wouldn’t let him kill the guy, so life in prison would be the best option.
“Got it. Now go.”
Billy followed the police as they walked up to the shack. He heard what was happening inside. He heard Andy was screaming, and Billy wanted to run in and kill him; but Hopper was right. Billy slowly walked around and he heard the cops go in, and Andy hit the ground. Hopper cleared the place, he didn’t mean for Billy to go in because he didn’t want him to see you but Billy came in anyway.
He saw you, naked, bruised, malnourished, frozen and bleeding. Rage boiled up inside of him but your soft voice saying his name before you passed out centered him.
“Don’t touch anything Billy. The paramedics will be here soon. Just hold on for a bit longer. She’s safe now.”
Billy went out of the shack and screamed. He started punching a tree trunk trying to get out some of his anger. His fists started to bleed but he didn’t care. He was going to do that until you were in the ambulance; which showed up roughly 30 seconds later.
“Sorry kid family only.”
“I’m her fucking husband. Let me in.”
The EMT looked at Hopper who had come out with you and Hopper nodded. Billy jumped in and held your hand all the way to the hospital. This was the worst night of his life.
Groggy was an understatement, you woke up feeling like you were still asleep. Groaning you felt a weight next to you shift.
Billy’s voice was distorted as fuck but it was definitely Billy. You moaned in response and he wrapped his arms around you. He didn’t say anything, you couldn’t really speak yet, but holy shit you were so happy. Your body fuckin hurt but you didn’t care. You didn’t know how much time passed but the haze began to lift and the pain set in.
“Billy…it hurts.”
He let you go and looked you up and down.
“You’ve got a few broken bones, sorry I shoulda been more careful. I just…fuck Y/N. I’m so happy you’re alive.”
He wanted to hug you again, you could tell he was holding back. You offered a weak smile.
“I knew you’d find me.”
Billy started crying. He set his head on your shoulder and you let him cry. You weren’t surprised, he tended to bottle up his emotions because he didn’t feel safe showing them to anyone but you.
“Billy…I’m sorry you had to see it.”
“No. I needed to. I needed to know what happened. I need to be able to be there for you…I can still protect you.”
“Oh baby, you’re the reason I’m still alive. You kept me safe while I was in there.”
Your heart broke a little. He was upset he didn’t protect you, but he had no idea that the memories you two had together were what kept you going.
“You remember that picnic at the lake? I thought about that a lot. How happy you looked, how much progress you’d made. I was so proud of you, and that kept me going. I couldn’t give up, because I want to watch you do amazing things. You’re gonna get out of here, own your own shop in California, you’re gonna be a kick ass surfer and I can’t miss that.”
Now you both were crying, Billy had slowed significantly but you were weeping. He pulled the photo he kept in his wallet out.
“I promise I will always find you.”
He gave you the photo and your tears kicked into overdrive.
“I promise I will always be there for you.” You tried to match his promise but god damn when he wanted to be romantic there was no beating him.
The nurses came in and did some routine check ups. One of them mentioned how your husband had been here since you both arrived with the ambulance. You smirked and saw Billy wink at you from the corner of your eye. The doctor came in and explained the usual, no heavy activity, plenty of rest and slowly eating day by day. You had to stay a few more days for observation and Billy kicked his legs up.
“I’ll get the twerps to bring us some good food.”
“Thanks husband.”
Billy laughed and shrugged as he got up to leave, there was a pay phone just outside he was gonna call the rounds to let everyone know you were awake.
“They weren’t gonna let me in unless we were family. Hopper backed me up, I wasn’t leaving you. And I’m going to be right back after I call the dorks. I’ll get ahold of your dad too.”
He started to head out but stopped when he heard you call for him.
“What’s up?”
“I love you.”
The smile he gave you could have erased any bad memory you ever had. He walked over and kissed your forehead.
“You better.”
A laugh came from your gut as he joked with you. Softly he kissed your lips and whispered on them.
“I love you too.”
Everything was going to be okay.
The End!! That took a lot longer than I wanted because I almost made it 7-10 parts. I’m sorry it’s so short. I kept trying to add bits but that would add literal chapters 😅
If I get enough kind feedback about it being poor, I’m willing to do a re-write. Just please be nice about it!!
Thanks for all the love on the series!! I’m gonna start slowing my Billy requests down a little so I can show the other two boys some love. The requests are still open, I’m just slowly working through them! Thank you so much ❤️🖤❤️
Tag list: @innercreationflower @foxxymunson @ciphertheclock @apollyonsdarksecrets @alainabooks143 @cole22ann @ghostqueenofthedamned @slytherinroyalty16 @lia275 @joeyfilth @whyisnicole
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