#you can hate certain characters or storylines or feel like the content is not as good as it was blah blah blah
silencingspellsongs · 9 months
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begging people to adopt the idgaf mindset i think if we all just developed a lil idgaf energy it would lead us to nirvana
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morocorra · 2 months
me: I’m fine
me, 10 seconds later: the Greywaren mind meld was sooo stupid and the worst part of it is that device Could have been implemented without it feeling like a total cop out if it was say, characters having an actual argument/conflict in some type of dream space, alternate version of reality each others memories etc. if we were actually tracking them through all that and not just “they were wanted…” as the resolution … the actuality of it was just lazy.
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stardustbuck · 23 days
toxic bwddie shippers are going to read into everything. you can’t stop it from happening. i think part of the issue is that journalists immediately started talking bwddie when bi buck came to be because it would get clicks and they knew just how popular it was. i don’t fault any of the actors for feeding into a little, they obviously thought it was fun and lighthearted to talk about, these people are not ingrained into fandom culture the way a lot of us are. what you find to be “hints” is simply an actor expressing they’d be open to a storyline if it were to be brought up. that they understand why people ship it, that the content is there and they see why people read certain scenes as romantic. sometimes two actors having great chemistry on screen is both a blessing and a curse.
tim minear is writing bisexual buck the way he wants to, not to appease a certain subset of fans. perhaps he fiddled with the idea years ago, but what we have now is bisexual buck with tommy kinard as his boyfriend. the idea of eddie and tommy was simply that, an idea, that ryan seemingly didn’t want to do because perhaps it felt wrong to him for eddie’s character. headcanoning eddie as gay or demi or anything is fine, writing him as queer is fine, but so far all i’ve heard from ryan is that he considers eddie to be a heterosexual man with an deep, meaningful friendship with a queer man and that means a lot to him considering how he feels male friendship should be.
of course buck and eddie are going to share copious amounts of screentime together. they’ve damn nearly been attached at the hip since s2 and bffs for liferz, buck and eddies friendship is important, buck is essentially christophers godfather/uncle, not his father. buck’s arc of the season was in the beginning, so we don’t focus as much on him as tommy because again, their storyline for the season was over, but tommy was brought back even just for 60 seconds to show that their relationship is still going strong, with what little time the crew had to work with this season, i think many people can agree they did a good job introducing this relationship and by the end getting people excited for season 8 to see their relationship grow and struggle with the reintroduction of captain gerrard.
but it’s clear no matter what, there is going to be people who are reading into every single thing and claiming it’s bwddie hints and well, maybe you’re right but atp im highly doubting it’s happening. especially with the way people are acting.
you’ll continue to hate tommy, you’ll continue to complain, you’ll continue to grasp at straws for how “this is how bwddie with happen still!” by the end of s8 when buck and tommy are most likely still together.
i can only hope people will come around and start to realize how amazing it is we even have bisexual buck at all and that bucktommy isn’t the evil ship you think it is now.
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cozage · 10 months
A few people have asked…
So here’s the 2.5 things that I didn’t love about the OPLA
Again, just to reiterate: I LOVED the Live Action. It was beautiful, lovely storytelling. Everyone involved put everything they had in it and you can really see that.  But there were some changes that I didn’t think were justified, and they were both in Arlong Park.  
1. The Cocoyasi Village Residents genuinely hating Nami. In the manga and anime it’s very heavily implied (and maybe outright said? I can’t remember) that the residents of Cocoyasi Village are AWARE that Nami is trying to save their town. They only act like they hate her to try and get her to stop sacrificing herself. I’m not entirely sure why the call to change that was made, but it made me really sad the way Nojiko treated her in the OPLA (especially after seeing the moment in the manga where she tells Nami that “tattoos are just decoration; they don’t actually mean anything!”). A lot of the decisions to cut scenes with young Nami and Nojiko (and just young Nami in general) really took the punch out of her backstory. 
2. Garp and Koby meeting up with Luffy in the East Blue. I actually REALLY loved the Garp/Koby/Helmeppo storyline up until the last moment. I think it added to the world building and showed us very early on how the World Government is morally questionable and how the world operates. It also helped close the gap of how Koby and Garp got to know each other and how he falls under his command. I really enjoyed following them along for the ride. Until Cocoyasi Village. There was something about that moment that felt…off? I don’t even know why. Maybe it was because Garp has NEVER approved of Luffy being a pirate. He knows Luffys resolve, but he would never say “I was testing you to make sure you wanted this path” and then basically grant his blessing. I know there had to be some kind of resolution between them, but I didn’t like the way it ended. I wish it had been more like the Water 7 moment. Garp felt far too serious the entire time (the only time i really remember him laughing was when Luffy fired the cannonball back at the marine ship).
Impel Down spoilers
2.5 This is so small but we KNOW that Buggy cannot travel without his feet (unless I’m misremembering?). He has a range and cannot move out of it. So his head hitching a ride to the Baratie is just so canon-breaking it HURT ME. I know it’s unlikely we’ll ever make it to Impel Down for that to be a problem (I genuinely think Skypiea would probably be the last arc the LA could cover, but Water 7/Enie’s Lobby could be done if the budget was big enough) but it just BOTHERED ME. WHY. WHY DID THEY DO THAT. I know there’s ways to fix it (maybe he can’t MOVE after a certain range, but can still be carried?) but STILL. 
That’s really it, honestly. I know a lot of people had gripes about Usopp and Syrup Village, but I liked the changes. I never felt like Usopp was overshadowed (plus, background character is the way he likes it honestly, keeps him away from danger). I liked that Kaya was so welcoming and a part of the bigger storyline, and I loved the way it took place in the mansion instead of on the beach. I was OBSESSED with the way they did the Baratie, Sanji’s interactions, Mihawk's reasoning for going to the Baratie, and how he left Zoro and Luffy. 
I. ATE. UP. the zolu content during the Baratie and Nami/Zoro sibling dynamic really coming out there. Oda approved the absolute BEST changes during Baratie specifically, hes so real for that. 
I’m going to watch it again with my family, maybe I’ll feel differently after I rewatch.  Again it’s imperative you guys understand I ADORED this show, and I NEED a season two IMMEDIATELY. It was fantastic and if you haven’t watched it, go do that right NOW. 
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therealeagal · 3 months
Baldur's Gate 3 - companion ranking.
Decide for yourselves whether my list is accurate or not. Whichever you decide, please do @ me, bro. I'm interested to know who your favorite character is!
I switched up my usual intro. What do you think? Anyway. Let's begin. This is a list of the companions in Baldur's Gate 3. I think I got all of them. There's so many. They are enumerated from best to worst.
Wyll Ravenguard, the Blade of the Frontiers. Really got a stick up his ass. I try to romance him and he starts throwing out disapproves whenever I talk to someone else. Motherfucker I'm not the one flirting with them I just want to know what they're up to. Stuck up piece of shit. Also I guess he's a hypocrite that literally sold his soul for power (he says he had a good reason…) But mainly I'm mad about him being a fucking diva when other people flirt with me. Fuckin' Wyll… Wyll stans got pissy at me because they didn't get the joke. Well, his placement at the very bottom of the list was a joke. Don't tell the stans, but my review was completely accurate) What? I didn't say anything. I mean, Wyll Ravenguard is Ao's gift to humanity. There exists no person in this world that is better than Wyll. I could wax loquacious about all the ways in which Wyll is perfection beyond perfection, but I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say that no matter what Karlach's entry may suggest, Wyll is truly the greatest of the great.
Scratch the dog. Maybe it's just because I'm a dog person, but there's no way you can convince me that Scratch isn't the best.
The owlbear cub, for much the same reasons as Scratch. Although I can't say I have any strong feelings one way or the other about owls or bears...
Karlach. No question that Karlach would take the top spot if Scratch and the owlbear weren't around. As she is the first companion that is both A: a good person and B: not a prick about it on top of being irrepressibly cheerful and kind, there is no question that Karlach is the best official companion (Scratch and the owlbear are more pets/familiars than companions). I mean, Gale is also a good guy too and he's not an asshole about it, but he's kind of a tool. Karlach is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.
Editing this one in, because I FORGOT WITHERS! Rookie mistake. Sorry, Withers!
Jaheira. I never played the first two Baldur's Gate games, but I understand that Jaheira is a returning character. Either way, she's a fuckin' badass. A regular in my final party.
Shadowheart/Lae'zel. It's hard to choose between the two. They've both got excellent storylines, which are actually quite similar in a lot of ways. And they're both badass chicks. What's not to love?
Boo, the miniature giant space hamster and his human familiar, Minsc of Rashemen. Also often a fixture in my party, because he's funny.
Gale Dekarios. To be honest, I wasn't crazy about Gale at first. Kind of pretentious. But he's grown on me. Yes, he is kind of a tool, but at least he generally likes it when I'm nice to people, unlike a certain vampire who shall remain unnamed... also he eats three of my magic items. Not that I was using them but it's the principle of the matter!
(this is Wyll's true rating, but ignore it because obviously he belongs at the top of the list. PLEASE LIKE ME!)
Halsin. Ever wanted to fuck a bear? In every sense of the word? Well, have I got news for you!
The dirt.
The worms inside the dirt.
The stool of the worms inside the dirt.
Minthara. A giant asshole. Which I guess is to be expected. Still better than Solas. Yes, I know they are from two different games. Shut up. Fuckin' Solas...
The Emperor. He of the gaslighting and the tentacles.
The Absolute. Yes, the main bad guy. I'd rather hang out with the main bad guy than...
Oh, lemme edit this in. Just in case. If you, for some reason, get your dander up about the contents of this list, please refrain from reblogging this to just whinge about what a terrible person I am. Not that I am opposed to someone challenging my ideas, but the death spiral does get tedious quite fast. If you really really got an axe to grind, try the PMs. Please and thank you. :)
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redrocketpanda · 10 months
Content notice: this post is going to discuss sexual violence, sexualisation and kink related to Astarion's storyline and personal experiences
When making certain posts + writing my fic about Astarion, I knew it was only a matter of time before people would come at me for the content. It was never a question of if, but of when. Because we all know the internet lacks nuance when it comes to certain topics and there are a lot of people seem very invested in being the online morality police
Today I received the following comment on one of my Astarion posts. And whilst I don't wish to give air time to rando's on the internet and don't need (or quite frankly want) to defend myself, there are some points I would like to make in relation to this
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The first point being a big reminder that: if you don't like something, DNI. There are plenty of other posts and fics about Astarion that are all fluff and love and treating him like a pretty little princess. Currently, my Astarion content is not that. There are many reasons as to why that's the case. And, again, if you don't like it... go somewhere else cause I ain't about to stop posting what I'm posting just because people disapprove or want to label me as problematic or "not giving a fuck about victims of SA"
I hate to break to ya but life ain't so black and white. Cause here's the thing - trauma + kink are irrevocably intertwined with one another. There are a lot of academic works and smarter people on the internet who will have said this better than me, but the main point that I want to make is that people who create particular kinds of content are often playing in the spaces that they were forged in. It is in the very act of creation that we process things we've experienced, and it's up to us what kinds of narratives we want to explore/tell and what kinds of experiences we want to have (on and offline)
Not to get all TMI on main but I am someone who is actively and unashamedly engaged in many kinds of kink. Do you know what I adore? Being treated like shit in quite domineering and violent ways. Do you know what else I love? Topping little brats who need to be forcefully put in their places. And do you know what else I have? A lifetime of experience of domestic, intimate partner, and sexual violence. This is actually incredibly normal and okay. People who have experienced trauma are multi-faceted beings.
Kink is often a place where people can safely experience untold levels of catharsis (and by extension I am including writing + gameplay in this too). This isn't the case for everyone, though it is certainly true for me, and ofc there are healthier and unhealthier ways of doing this. There was a period of my life not too long ago when I was putting myself in very risky situations to get my kicks, and now I write about fictional characters experiencing these instead bc that's what I want to be doing with my life right now
And nobody gets to tell me shit about what I enjoy, or tell me how to enjoy it, or try to make me feel guilty for it
When I say that I get off on seeing Astarion bloody and bruised, when I say he deserves to be punished and write fic about that, when I play in the space of ownership and toxic relationships, I do so from a place of lived experience. I do so from a place of being well-read and well-practiced in kink. I do so from a place free from shame and fear of what other people will think. Because I have every right to say what I say, to write what I write, and to enjoy what I enjoy. And actually, it doesn't and shouldn't matter. Even if I didn't have those experiences or knowledge, I'm still allowed to create whatever the fuck I want to create and it doesn't make me a "bad person" bc it doesn't subscribe to this puritanical moral agenda that's been seeping all over the internet (Side note: I put this in the tags but it bears reiterating here. This also reeks of the kind of shitty comments that get made about how dom's are perpetrators of abuse and violence, or that subs are victims who are being taken advantage of, which I don't even have time to go into here bc there is a lot of history behind that. but just fyi. don't. just... don't. and if you wanna know why go ask google)
I also say/write/create from a place of my personal interpretation that I think Astarion gets off on masochism too. Have you met the guy? There's so much in his character that indicates that he likes to get slapped about and teased. And yes, I do know his story, I know his background, I know him. Because there is a lot about Astarion which is a mirror of myself. And I am playing with that reflection in lots of different ways (yes, that's an Astarion joke)
There will be a time when I have a very different kind of romance with Astarion, but that's not the kind of experience I want to have right now and maybe, in some ways, I'm not ready for it. Just a few weeks ago I wrote the below piece at 3am (which is now part of a sakuatsu piece about self-acceptance and love) when I woke up crying my eyes out and needed a creative outlet for how I was feeling at the time
Not that he calls it quits. Because the messages never stop coming, they flow freely from the tap. Anytime, anywhere. Whenever he wants it. He's always in demand. Because they all want him, they all want something from him.  But he doesn't care. Sometimes he loves it, gets off on it, can't get enough of it. Sometimes it leaves him feeling cold and empty and broken. At the end of the day, what does it matter? It's all that he's good for anyway
And tonight I got hit with Astarion essentially saying something very similar:
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The moment I met Astarion, I knew that what we were seeing is a cleverly constructed performance. It's a facade, stitched together of hypersexualised behaviour, witty banter and a charming smile. I would know that performance anywhere, because it's one I've been playing for over a decade. It's a survival mechanism, a mask; something which endears you to others, which makes them like you, sometimes even love you. This performance is something that Astarion has become so very good at that it's become etched onto his soul. He doesn't know who he is without it, he doesn't know what he wants. But now he has the chance to find out.
And here's the thing: he doesn't have to suddenly become some super reformed character or stop getting his kicks in sadomasochistic ways. You can be all about bodily autonomy, self-love, and healthy boundaries, and still also have big ole' ownership, degradation, pain, and praise kinks actually. And there sure as hell ain't nothing wrong with that. Because, again, people are multi-faceted.
There is space for people who want to give Astarion a hug and tell him that he's loved, to have a really tender soft romance with him. And there is space for people who think that Astarion is a horrendous little man who is in need of objectification and punishment. Both of these stances are super valid and fun.
So now, if you'll excuse me, I shall depart from this very long personal essay (that probably no one will read, but which needed to be said anyway). I've got a dungeon scene that's not going to write itself.
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ladymorghul · 20 days
Hi! First of all, I want to say that this is one of my favourite hotd related blogs and I really enjoy reading your analysis on characters and storylines. Keep up the good work and don't pay attention to hateful anons:)
I have one question. Since we barely got any Helaena content in the promos and the trailer, do you think that she will die at the end of like some people speculate? Or if she doesn't, that she will have like 10 min of screentime being depressed and catatonic after B&C. I would hate both scenarios even though the second one is very likely and "book accurate" . The thing is, they already have deviated from the book and if certain theories turn out to be true (e. g. Rhaena getting Nettles storyline, Baela at RR, Rhaenyra fighting in the war ) they at least could give something to Helaena. I have very little hope that Helaemond will become canon, but aside from the ship, can she at least have something more to her than "poor depressed victim" ? Ofc, she doesn't need to be a warrior queen or "girlboss", but there are other options as well to ampliate her story. They introduced her as a dragon dreamer, but I fear that she will mostly be ignored and misunderstood by everyone around her, even Phia said something similar in one interview. Idk, I'm probably being too dramatic and pessimistic about the whole thing, but nevertheless, would like to read your opinion.
hey there! thank you so much, i'm glad you enjoy my blog!
well, i'm late to the question and we have half an answered confirmed. that being said, i have trust issues with ryan so you decide how you take his words.
i'm not sure if you saw but he said we will spend more time with helaena this season and that some people ARE paying closer attention to her. the obvious answer here seems to be aemond for me, but there could be someone else too.
i also kind of don't believe she'll die in season 2. it feels early still and i feel like there's no need to kill her character just yet. she's beloved by the fandom and she's a dragon dreamer. no need to rush to her death just yet.
my hope is that her presence at the riot in kl means she wont'spend the rest of of the season post b&c in her room.
personally i think it'd be a bad look for ryan to say he cares about the female pov of the dotd and then ignore helaena.
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fleursbending · 1 year
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⤷ please read this before requesting anything, and also to be aware of the general rules surrounding my writing blog specifically !
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✿ there will always be an indication on my pinned post, which is my navigation - whether or not requests are open if you do not know where to look!
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✿ my ask box is always open ! feel free to talk to me about anything, it doesn’t have to be request related. whether it is about life, or sending me a rec of something ! i love u all <3
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d1nnerd0g · 9 months
Hey it's that anon again. y'know that one from like a day ago. or a few days ago I don't have a good sense of time. it could be 2030 for all I know
I think my most major like, post-canon take is that I'd probably sorta hate it if I were treating it as a real completely serious canon continuation of Homestuck. Instead I read it more like fanfic than anything, just slightly more Creator Approved than most fics.
Not to say I lack standards of quality for fanfic, but I am more open to certain character alterations and interpretations (there are still more than a handful I don't like in post-canon) because I am more cool with seeing it as someone else's vision of a character rather than them being "utterly ruined" in canon or whatever.
I think it also helps that I read all of Homestuck a couple years after HS^2 paused so I wasn't in the active fandom during all of that (I almost was! I originally tried reading back in 2011 but I fell off of it within 500 pages because I had bad taste) so I didn't actually have my opinion particularly swayed by outside influences and was just more willing to give it a fair reading.
My next most major post-canon take is that, as an epilogues and HS^2 liker, the most recent upd8 is quite literally the best I've actually felt about the writing in ANY post-canon content. I think even if I DISLIKED HS^2, I'd still be interested in seeing where it goes from here, after that.
Hi! I waited til I read all of HS2 to reply so I actually know what I’m talking about. I get you on the benefits of backreading, reading this thing in one go I cannot imagine waiting month-long pauses in between scenes, boy can you really feel them in the text (in a way that wasn’t true in the original comic.)
I don’t find that either the AH-lessness or the divisiveness of the postcanon stuff changes the fact that this is the de facto continuation of the canon storyline - it is the reason any of us are reading it. Them framing the epilogues as an AO3 fic doesn’t make them any less on homestuck.com, rejecting this continuation is an active choice you have to make as a HS reader.
Anyway reading HS2 I was surprised both by how little plot occurred (except in Candy, ironically -- oh my GOD I cannot believe Meat decided to do 3 more years of The Yard/Meteorstuck) and how overall unobjectionable it was? This comic’s just been a lot of really nice art and decently written character banter, and that’s essentially it. Then both took a shocking nosedive in ch15/16, the worst writing I’ve seen in all of HS/postcanon, which was so egregious that I think… if the New Team honestly cares about this project shouldn’t they at the very least go back and revise some of that? At least fix the numerous typos?? Instead we get Terezi offering wry meta commentary that this time she’ll “do it right”, which already communicates a dismissive attitude I’m not impressed by. But hey all we've seen so far is two new conversations, everybody loves Sollux, let’s see if JR can fanfic his way into a compelling story.
…Seriously tho anon, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I absolutely just used your ask as an excuse to bitch some opinions out. It remains true there’s nothing in HS2 that I like that hasn’t already been done or done better in fanworks, except drawing Jane looking extremely bangin I guess, but I haven’t sought that out, as a fan, so it’s like the gift I didn’t even know I wanted, and didn't want
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stonedregulus · 2 years
hey! i’m cis and i was just wondering if you have any tips for writing non-cis characters? i’m sorry if this is rude or stupid i’m just kind of new to writing and i wanna make sure i’m as inclusive as i can be and accurate in what i’m writing, i wouldn’t wanna say something wrong just out of pure lack of knowledge and the way you write is really cool and i admire it a lot
so if you have anything to share about like how to go about writing non cis characters into a story in a way that doesn’t come across blaring obvious as like AHHH look at this!!!! a diversity card character!!!! cause i would hate that, and i just wanna be as respectful as possible :))
(and if this makes no sense or is rude i’m rlly sorry, feel free to ignore it)
Definitely not rude, I would do much rather you ask for help than possibly do something offensive without knowing, you know?
Thank you for complimenting my writing 🫶🏻🫶🏻 I hope this list helps you!
This has become a really long post, so I’m putting tips under the cut :)
I recommend talking to your friends or online acquaintances about their experiences with their gender. Are certain words/topics triggering to them? Personally, I have a hard time reading/writing about body dysphoria. It makes me super uncomfortable, especially when I know the person writing it is cis it just… it feels wrong to me. I want trans content, and I think everyone should be able to write it, but there are certain ways I feel like in general (and I’m being very broad here) when cis people write trans content they tend to use terms and phrases that they think is how we feel, when in reality it’s just rude and has a transphobic edge to it.
Find a sensitivity reader. There are some discord servers that offer sensitivity reading as a role and there are tons of people who will offer to help you out. Please just do it. I lost a friend over this. She had plenty of noncis acquaintances at her disposal, was in multiple discord groups that had sensitivity readers available, and yet she didn’t utilize them. She wrote an extremely transphobic fic that she thought was fine due to the time period the fic was set it, and while yes, technically it was, because she didn’t have a sensitivity she had no one to point out the flaws. When she posted, it lacked several critical trigger warnings, and unfortunately myself and several of my friends were sent into dissociating & dysphoric spirals that lasted for several days. All of it could have been avoided with a sensitivity reader, is what I’m saying. Even if you’re not writing something extremely dark, it’s important because they can catch the little phrases you might use that to you are totally fine, but to someone who is not cis sets of alarm bells.
trigger warning the shit out of your work. this is for everything: it’s always better to over warn than under warn. but, if you are writing a noncis person who is having even the slightest bit of dysphoria(their shirt just doesn’t sit quite right because of their body shape and they decide to completely change their outfit)—trigger warn it, being misgendered—trigger warn it, being dead named—trigger warn it.
do not give your characters dead names unless you are having another character dead name them and it is absolutely essential to the storyline (i.e. orion with regulus in wyidias). they do not need a dead name. your readers don’t need to know it. you don’t need to know it. it does not matter because it is not their name.
Please don’t use transphobia as a plot device if you can help it. i know in some situations it’s not entirely avoidable, but there are times when people just seem to think sprinkling it in adds flavor when really all it does is ruin it.
Do your research! It’s soooo easy to find information and terms and blogs that talk about experiences, you just have to take the time and do it!
Reread, edit thoroughly, have a beta if you can, and give yourself grace. You know how many times when I set a characters pronouns as they/them in a fic, I fuck up? The answer is a lot. I’m writing multiple fics where one character is he/him in most fics but they/them in the final. I fuck it up. All the fucking time. I edit and miss it. My beta edits and misses it. It happens. Someone comments on my fic “hey dude you missed this pronoun in this sentence” I curse, stamp my foot, fix it, and thank them. It happens. Don’t beat yourself up over it too much, you’re trying your best, and I’m just excited you want to be more inclusive in your writing.
Last but not least, I would probably put a disclaimer at the beginning of your work just stating that you are cis and if anyone sees anything wrong to bring it to your attention because you don’t want to upset anyone.
I hope those helped!! 🫶🏻
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911whatthehell · 2 years
Lets talk about ”bullying” in the 9-1-1 fandom and how people who have been called out for their racism are so quick to cry about being bullied.
Calling people out, creating block lists to allow for people to curate their fandom experience and feel safe, having open discussions on why YOU might not feel as though you are being racist but you are; none of this is bullying. No one has sought out these blogs or these writers and invented ways to read into the things they say. No one wants to log onto this site or any site and see some hateful, awful things being said.
We are going to talk about the latest story in question because we don’t need any manipulation to point fingers and say this is what bullying really looks like. The account was created the same day as the story was posted and clearly with the aim to hurt an entire group of people. THAT is bullying. Purposely setting out to create a story that manipulates a character of color into an abuser and further causes direct harm to any abuse survivor. The tagging of Maddie/Chimney, their characters and then Doug Kendall with the content tag of Domestic Violence was a purposeful baiting technique. No one would have looked at that story and believed Chimney to be the abuser until they read it.
The ”evidence” using season one, then skipping straight into the charger joke in season five, displays an ignorance and blatant disregard of nuance and character complexities, storylines and development with the sole purpose to create a version of Chimney that does not exist. To pretend as though he has markers of a violent abuser, because anyone can twist anything to suit their own agenda. That much is clear in these claims that certain people have that they are being bullied.
And then you have the comments - a lot of us fed up with this constant spite filled, racist stories alongside people asking for it to be tagged due to the triggering nature. And then we have the people hiding behind anon to tell the writer to report the bullies because sure, we are the problem. Not the purposely badly tagged fic designed only with intention to create harm.
The only bullies in this fandom are them. A bully seeks to harm, intimidate or coerce, that is their main intention right now. They want for us to feel hurt, one of them has stated this. Calling out racism is not bullying, as much as the people who have been called out want to believe.
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ariesbilly · 1 year
Pushing aside for once everything that went wrong after S3 with Nancy, do you still can like her from what she was on S1 and S2? this is with no purpose to make discourse, i promise. I know you've recently been getting people from her fandom trying to argue you about your takes but i'm just curious on that
oh yeah. as far as im concerned what she was in the first 2 seasons is how she still exists in my mind. ad if you see me reblogging nancy posts itll generally only be from those seasons lmao i'll allow some season 3 content in but not if it includes some bullshit. i dont know if ive reblogged anything season 4... but if i have its also selective
when i say i LOVED nancy those first two seasons.... terrible that i dont hold those feelings anymore because of the fandom worship over how stupid her storyline has gotten like i just cannot separate everything. i am but human. but i can separate enough where like if im writing her its not coming from a place of me hating what shes turned into, despite what certain anons want to believe, like you can write characters having beef without it meaning you personally hold those beliefs but anyway! side tangent lol
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aliferous-ly · 1 year
I know nothing of DSMP but I would love to hear how the ending/story/characters/creators were mishandled if you’d like to rant/ramble
I didn't watch the ending. I barely knew the ending was happening, because by the time it happened I was so disenchanted with the whole dsmp that I didn't really care. so I heard through the grapevine (Tumblr dashboard) that it was like.. everything blows up we're starting over and everyone's memories are wiped.
Which. Is a choice. But is a particularly horrible choice when one of the people roleplaying.. died, and would therefore "not be remembered" (with no new content). The people close to this person confirmed that dsmp 2 would continue technos legacy and that they wouldn't forget him, but the fact that it needed to be said in the first place is just. An awful feeling. like, none of techno’s actions would have any bearing on dsmp2...?
So fuck the ending, who even cares about it. The beauty of the dsmp is supposed to be the many interlocking characters, since they're all roleplaying to have fun with this comedy/serious rp. But the creators (read: the main creators slash writers of the arcs) would often ignore other creators on the dsmp and their role. Niki frequently was talked over and ignored. Her and puffy planned a dsmp lore stream only to cancel it because dream scheduled a server-wide event for the same day (literally the day before). eret regularly planned lore and streams, but received rare replies in the discord. they were the first villain character and received so many death threats for the arc that really kick-started the serious storylines, and then their character was mostly forgotten by the other big creators. I understand the improv of rp, but the streams started becoming more and more planned, and eret wanted to be in them! And as the original traitor, having her as a staple would have been INTENSE. but she just kinda.. dropped off. Anything to do with the egg was vastly considered uninteresting and therefore lesser to the "main" characters, which is, of course, tommy and dream. which sucked because I didn't care about tommy and dreams storyline and I liked everyone else's 😭😭 (this is more neg for the community than the creators, but whatever)
Another thing I hated was when the creators would joke about how cringe people getting invested in Minecraft RP is. stuff like that. because it shows that at a certain level they're ashamed of creating it? They're embarrassed of it. And so they disregarded their audience and fucked up the storyline and now dsmp 2 is never happening because who's gonna watch it? their scorned audience? like holy shit, guys, you were getting 200k viewers a stream because people liked the story. people like stories!!! the medium doesn’t MATTER.
Like.. okay. There's some really good characters in the dsmp. Schlatt, I think, had the best character, because he was cohesive and had an arc -- he entered as a villain against wilbur and tommy, was further corrupted by power, physically crumbling from his poor choices, was super horrible to quackity which set up quackity’s arc & insecurities... and his death was interesting! nobody killed him, he just succumbed to his own problems. I still think techno is a good character, because he stuck to his thought processes and morals (which was basically, governments = bad, people = good. with a dash of extremely violent inclinations). Whether or not you liked him. His problem was his innate existence as unkillable (technoblade never dies, he won a battle against the whole server, etc), because then it can get tedious, but he'd been planning to have cyberknife the Government Lover to counteract this (god, I miss him).
Dream is... Dream, I guess. Sam has a good character, very nice corruption arc (everyone literally hating him in his chat was annoying though. Like guys, you're in sam's chat, you gotta root for SAM. go to Tommy's stream if u wanna be a little bitch). also sam’s arc had everything that dream apologists wanted with dream’s character, lol. dream had no regrets and was a horrific abuser. sam started good and slowly corrupted to evil through “the ends justify the means” choices, which is FASCINATING, because by the end he was a mess of ethics and trauma. I love Niki's arc, but I wish she could have had more closure with Wilbur, because he was huge for the beginning of her arc. Hannah, bad, ant, and punz had this super cool thing with the egg (bad and skeppy was WILD) and I loved the fantasy aspects and that it didn't take 4 fucking hours to do the climax, with like 1 hr of actual action. (the egg was like... a fungal infection came to the dsmp and infected various characters to do its bidding by promising whatever they want most. and bad wanted to be with skeppy, who is his actual in-canon soulmate, since bad’s CANON LIVES were tied to skeppy’s. meaning he never lost a canon life unless skeppy did. fellas...)
I guess overall it's like... the main creators didn't communicate and plan enough with many of the people who wanted lore and arcs. Foolish, quackity, purpled, Sam, and Charlie did really well at the end, I loveddd the whole purpled defecting and shit. charlie’s arc was incredible. and they COMMUNICATED in the discord to make this happen. 
Dream, sapnap, and George just had no handle on the storyline they were trying to construct. And it's their server. They needed an ending. Something satisfying, cathartic, something where tommy finally gets the chance to heal which might only happen alongside dream's death-- and the servers getting blown up by a nuke okay sure that works too I guess.
I’m so, so upset by the lack of happy ending for tommy. like, the cc wanted to move away from dsmp, so they could have written an ending for the character and then he could ease away from the server and lore. it didnt have to happen Like That.
Also, if dream wanted to play a different character, then Do That. He could pretend to be a shape shifter who liked the original dreams form, or the original dream could be a shape shifter who copied dreamXD (the literal god of the server, which I feel like was not mentioned more that foolish had regular interactions with them?), or just, anything. but the constant evil!dream abusing tommy was getting a bit much. it was just never ending.
Like.. they had three "canon" lives. This happened because the original roleplay was Not Serious, it was just them fooling around. They would kill each other to steal their stuff. Everyone died all the time. And I don't remember the specific inciting incident.. it might be as far as tubbo getting executed on stage? but suddenly This Death is far more important than all the Other Deaths, so they have to separate them and add some significance, but tubbos back now and technos not apologizing which is a whole thing (oh nooo techno didnt save tubbo from being executed despite not receiving any communication), so tubbo is alive, so this death is Significant (but he's still alive) so. three canon lives. Which is dumb, because the only thing (seemingly) signifying a canon life loss is that it's literally written into the plot. (Which, jack manifold dying to techno and then falling into a glitch and respawning, to then claim that he lost his third canon life but through pure determination to kill tommy/techno crawled back out of hell, is metal as fuck). which takes out a lot of the improv, makes things a lot more staged. But it's canon, in the lore, that sometimes people die and they don't lose a canon life. It's just.. so bizarre. (Phil having one life to show that he's from a hardcore world is also, however, very cool).
it makes the whole thing a bit meta, using terms like “canon life” within the actual roleplay. the only bandage I could think of would be coming up with unique ways each specific character could die. Like, tubbo can only be killed via explosives/fireworks. Tommy and Dream can die by axe. techno’s is unknown, until tubbo infiltrates phil’s house and finds information that techno can be killed by being crushed. this would cause some other brand new problems, though.
Anyway. Wilbur's plots were well written, but disregarded Fundy (his canonical son) and mostly Niki, too (who he brought into the server). George obviously didn't give a shit about lore, bc he was never there. Sapnaps lore is meh, even though he has, arguably, one of the most interesting relationship webs of the server (his best friend became this abusive pos, his parents are skeppy and bad, he’s off-and-on dating quackity and karl, both of which have their own crazy shit going on. god, i didnt even talk about karl). Tommy's was very well done even though I personally didn't like his character.
Like... These people just didn't know what the fuck they were doing. Which could have been fine, if they didn't try to capitalize the fuck out of the views lore streams could bring while also ridiculing their audience for liking this sort of thing, and then attempted to tie it together into some sort of ending to the tommy / dream arc. Like, new arcs can happen, sure, but things have to end! They have to!
Honorable mention for ponk who regularly streams earlier than I watch but consistently was on the dsmp. He kept that shit alive. He was the og. His tree jumpstarted the lore. Much love for ponk and many wishes for future successes for that man.
Also it was really weird how the dsmp was primarily white men because it originally was just dream and his friends, which obviously is fine ur not gonna intentionally diversify your minecraft server for friends, but after people started pointing out that most everyone being added was a white man and the only defense was that it's dream and his friends became.. thinly veiled. Because he started adding people that hes not like, close friends with, but they were also white men. Like I'm so sorry Michael mcchill I love you and your energy is fantastic but this is about you and manitreed and foolish and and and. There were like 30 people on the server and like 6 poc. maybe 6 women. (Shout-out to Tina, lmfaooo).
idk. it’s a storyline that was wonky and weird at its base, so the viewers were willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for a lot of things, because we knew that it was improv and sometimes things dont go your way. and they had this massive, growing, beautiful thing at their fingertips. and wilbur said “yeah i’m not writing this arc” and communication became nonexistent and everything collapsed. the server literally NUKED ITSELF. OK . holy shit.
that being said i immensely enjoyed my time in the dsmp fandom. it helped me through covid, it inspired me, i’ve written quite a bit of fic for it. i loved the dsmp. there are aspects that i still love, and will love forever. but holy shit. we were not treated well.
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
1 and 3 for whump ask game? :)
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game 1. )
I love whumpblr as a community - by this I mean the people in it, and not necessarily just the content. Everyone is incredibly kind and supportive of each other, and the fact that we all share a pretty specific set of interests with one another makes us feel like family. What I have to say about not liking whumpblr is not based at all on the community or people itself, but the content or aspects of content that I personally don't enjoy. With that disclaimer out of the way, I can't stand when characters are labelled whumpee, whumper, and caretaker. Lmao this is probably the biggest pet peeve that gets aggravated on the daily. I like characters, and to me, whump isn't very special when enacted on random cardboard cutouts of stand-ins that just illustrate the scenarios. I can't enjoy whump if there's no personalities involved. So I go for the committed storylines with named, fleshed-out characters, because that's what makes the whump actually hit. I just don't understand the appeal (past the initial story prompt for those writing whump who want to find scenarios to use) of a personality/gender/backstory stripped scene with stand-ins we don't care about getting beat up.
It just takes away the entirety of the impact. I could read about the absolute worst torture happening to "whumpee" and just not feel a thing, but give me the same scenario happening to either a character I know from media (in fanfiction) or an OC of the author's that I've come to learn about and love, suddenly everything means 200x more. And you can make use of such subtle horrors (I'm big on subtlety, which is another reason I hate the use of the literal roles being the names given to the 'characters' lmao xD) when it's a fleshed-out human.
But that's just me! Plenty of people seem to love it, or else they find other uses for it and push aside whatever qualms they have with the non-character approach. There are also some posters who do put personalities into their whumpee and whumper, but like...what is the POINT of naming them like that if you're going to treat them like a character?
Anyways. xD There are plenty of other things I don't like about whumpblr because I am a very picky person, but that's the biggest thing, and I don't want to gripe and complain about everything that gets on my nerves about it. Besides, I can overlook anything I don't like just for the simple fact of everyone being SO kind in the community. I don't care what you write if you're just a great person behind the scenes. Never stop. Enjoy yourself. Draw your crowd. I think it's wonderful that people share and get supported, even if I don't personally enjoy or understand the appeal. :)
Oooh! This one highly depends, because though there are certain tropes and/or whump actions that I enjoy, some are incredibly tough to write and others are ones I'd only read about, and would never try writing myself because I don't think I'd be good at it. More than that, there are also ones that I fall to all the time because I can't get enough of writing it, and it's a main coping mechanism for me.
To break all these down, I'll start with my top favorite, which is whipping. I find it frustrating as hell to write whipping scenes, but goddamn I eat them up in media, whether movies, books, or Tumblr posts. I mean it's also my top BDSM kink along with rigging, so it relates most to that. Plus the SOUNDS? *Pounds table*
I wish more whump included spanking/belting, because that's usually seen as a sexualized action, but I'd like to see it performed non-sexually as just a humiliation tactic. I loooove belting. But it's also another frustrating thing to write, so I can't provide my own version of it with much motivation.
A trope that draws me in rather...violently and unexpectedly is the "rescued whumpee" trope. So a "pet" character who was previously abused coming to a new owner, expecting mistreatment and being met with a kind, caring master instead. This is perhaps the most magnetic one to me, and whenever there are scenes where the whumpee gets scared into panic attacks by either the owner losing their cool or accidentally bringing up a traumatic memory, BRO I FUCKING DIE. Whumperflies go off the charts. And in general I love the pet whump and how it differs from the sexualized BDSM play of the same style, because it offers the slavery fix and the owner/obedient submissive dynamic that I love while staying away from things that I don't quite love about pet play (the animalization part LOL, which is not sexualized in pet whump and feels more comfortable to me as a dynamic).
I find myself writing this sort of trope more or less, especially with the trajectory of Dancing With Death and the third party (Emery) witnessing the abuse of the pet character (Angel) while also trying to find a way to eventually rescue or at the very least offer comfort and protection. My favorite is the abuse continuing and the third party only being able to offer background help. You get the constant hurt/comfort that way.
I again don't want this to be too long so xD I will end it with my absolute favorite trope to write, which is the kidnapper/kidnapped trope. My pet way of writing it though is to explore first the abuse, the psychological manipulation, and then the eventual breakdown of both parties, which is the key element to me. I like a kidnapper who is secretly insecure and needy/lonely, and a kidnappee who slowly finds the ways to get to the kidnapper's depth, whether meaning to or not. But if you've read my Sinner fanfic, you'd already know that. ;D
I enjoyed answering these! Sometimes it's just nice knowing there's at least one person who wants you to spill the beans about your personal opinions, and to be able to unload without hating yourself for it. So thank you, anon! <3
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jlushie · 2 years
Ah yes, it’s time.
I wanted to make a fanfiction blog for awhile, filled with whatever people desired and what I desired. I’ve had a bad few days so this might cheer me up, maybe I’ll cheer people up with my writing! :D
So, here are the fandom I’ll write for, plus some general rules and such that I have when writing. I also color coded it for convenience. I may add more fandoms and such later.
When you’re done reading, feel free to request whatever you want to your hearts content! You can ask for up to 10 characters and I would be pretty relaxed with it (Though, I’d prefer if it were from the same fandom so I don’t have to skip from character to character :,]). But I want you to know I’m here to make you happy. <3
Blue = I love writing this one in particular!
Purple = I’m pretty happy to write this one!
Green = I don’t mind writing for this one.
Orange = Not my favorite but I don’t mind.
Fandoms I’m Writing For:
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
My Hero Academia
Demon Slayer
FNAF {Really only Security Breach}
Marvel Characters
Attack On Titan
Stardew Valley
Undertale and AU’s (+BHC)
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Hunter x Hunter
Mystic Messenger
Studio Ghibli
Monster Prom
Dead By Daylight and/or Slashers
What I Write:
Fluffy Fluff (I adore writing fluff)
AU’s involving these fandoms
Platonic and Romantic relationships with the reader. Can be more than a single person (Like poly’s or separate scenarios).
Limes maybe?
Both serious and memey storylines
Yandere type of story lines
Maybe some full on big, multi-part stories depending on if people want me to go on with a certain plot
What I WILL NOT write!:
Anything hateful towards any race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality.
Anything forceful.
Your specific OC.
If I forgot anything I will add it later!
Please don’t spam me! If your requests go with the rules, then I will try my best to get to it! Have fun!
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
I hope your doing well on this fine Monday Van (I absolutely loathe mondays myself) 😂 I have sent you this message in hopes that you can help me with a problem I cannot seem to solve. You see I really enjoyed the dynamic between your own Tatyana (I’m not a crazy fan of her or anything but I do agree she is a fascinating character with a unique backstory. Kudos to you Van for the terrific storyline with her) the relationship or dynamic she has with Wanda intrigues me. You see I’m working on my own story where my main characters villain is her 10th great grandmothers sister, it’s a very supernatural story that has its roots in medieval folklore and so on. The whole idea of “my blood runs through your very veins yet you steal my birthright and have my very privilege at your feet” vibes. The main character has certain gifts (her ancestor’s sister had the very same yet was to selfish to master them) so it’s a very hateful, toxic relationship between the two. Tatyana and Wanda don’t interact too much yet when they do it is very interesting to see there dynamic. My question is how to I make the relationship between my main character and her ancestor villain feel real and tangible? I want to make the pain feel real and the anger between them both feel true. The betrayal, even though it was the villains fault for not mastering the job. The hate that the villain feels for this person who is there blood but to them as done some unthinkable crime against them. The way you write Tatyana’s emotions is truly amazing, any pointers? I hope this made any sense at all Van 😂 and hopefully you got an answer.
hiyaaaa! Mondays are actually pretty okay for me! hope it went well for you :)
I think I am having trouble understanding what the turmoil is betweeen your MC and villain is. I know you talk about them having the same powers and they're supposed to master them but why are they supposed to master their power? What is the job? Why is that a contention point?
The whole idea of “my blood runs through your very veins yet you steal my birthright and have my very privilege at your feet” vibes.
The hate that the villain feels for this person who is there blood but to them as done some unthinkable crime against them.
The betrayal, even though it was the villains fault for not mastering the job.
These are are conflicting points to me. The first two sound like the MC has stolen the ancestor's powers and some sort of "job/birth right". But the last point makes it sound like because the ancestor didn't master their powers, the MC is unwillingly stuck doing their job.
Once again, I don't have the full grasp of the details, so it's unclear to me specifically why they have hatred towards each other.
In BTL, Tatyana and Wanda are opposing forces because they're both vying for the same person and it's not about their magical powers.
Within Tatyana's character, she is egotistical and therefore sees Wanda as an inferior version of herself despite being her descendant. This is because it's hinted that Tatyana doesn't hold any familial ties even before she met reader. And what is inferior doesn't bother her.
But on top of that, Tatyana also feels that Wanda is kind of like an extension of her because they're related. It's why she feels more threatened by Nat than by Wanda. Tatyana can almost reason that reader "choosing" wanda is almost like choosing her.
Tatyana is more experienced about their magic and she has see something in Wanda that Wanda doesn't realize yet (which is being the scarlet witch) but it's not something Tatyana desires because she knows she can't become the scarlet witch.
Therefore, all their drama centers around who Reader wants to be with. Tatyana can see that reader has feelings for Wanda (and nat) but in her mind, it's all circumstancial. In her head, it's "she loves Wanda and Nat because I wasn't there for her to love. If we had just lived in peace—if what happened between us didn't happen, then we'd still be together and she would've never looked at anyone else."
I created Tatyana with her entire purpose being she wanted to love and be loved by reader due to the shared history between them. Tatyana had only ever gone against the humans because they were inteferring with her peaceful life with reader. She had only wanted to accumlate more power for reader. This history and background context creates a deeper turmoil between Tatyana and reader and also creates the hate Tatyana feels towards Nat/Wanda.
So, I think you need to decide in more depth the 'why' for your antagonist and MC. Why does the ancestor and MC want (or not want) this birthright/power? There has to be more background context for there to have deeper emotion.
Hope that helps!
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