#you can have them be childish if you wish but like at least still acknowledge that they're an adult 😭😭😭
jupiterstupiter · 9 months
Every time someone draws/writes pyro tf2 as a gay trans man, or a trans butch lesbian, or a nonbinary bi or pan or poly creature, or any of these plus being aro or ace, or being just aro/ace being the only queer part of their identity, or any mixture or combination of the above or any other queer label ive not yet mentioned, an angel gets its wings <3 hope this helps
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suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! co-actor x gn! co-actor reader) (theyre co-stars who act as lovers n have to act like they love each other but they actually don't)
"but oh, darling, how i adore your face in all its glory..."
your co-actor immediately pulls away from you, face scrunching up in disgust as he completely refuses to acknowledge your presence. you do the same, wiping your hand with a cloth as you walk to the opposite side of the set.
yes, the two of you were co-stars who secretly hated each other. shocking.
to be honest, it was shocking because you didn't hate him initially. you had actually admired him and even wanted to act together in a movie! he was once your idol after all.
and by some stroke of luck, your manager had gotten you the opportunity to be a co-star on a romance-horror movie that was predicted to be the biggest film of all time.
but now that you had achieved that dream... you really wish it hadn't come true. for people's facades come down once you get to know them.
you and him did not get along at all. constantly butting heads, fighting over the littlest of things... yet, you two manage to act out the roles of obsessed lovers who would die for one another.
the fact that the movie was about how you (the love interest) and him (the male lead) were dating and how he would go crazy and stuff-
ugh you can't believe you had to act this out! you're too annoyed to even think straight now! like, what kind of false reality is this?!
well i mean, it is kinda your job as an actor to sell a false reality but still! the way you two can pull a 180 each time you have to get on set is crazy!
"oi you, don't breath all up in my face next time. yoy are repulsive."
"we're literally supposed to stand close to one another! how am i not supposed to do that-"
"then don't breathe."
"you two stop it!"
the director barks at the two of you, shaking his head as the both of you roll your eyes. seriously, to everyone else it looks like little kids who are fighting over the smallest of things. how childish!
"we're gonna be filming the next scene. get in position!"
you begrudgingly walk over to the middle of the set at the familiar phrase, getting into place as your co-star unwillingly holds you in an intimate pose. with him pressed up against a wall and you pinning him up against said wall.
you shudder in disgust as the cameras begin rolling once more. ew, you really can't understand what you used to see in him. like he's so dramatic and sassy! what-
your eyes widen as you see him shiver fearfully, a spider crawling on his head. what the hell?! where did this spider come from?!
you wanted to back away from your co-star but the second you saw how his eyes started to water, the way his lower lip trembled... you knew you couldn't just leave him to suffer. even when you hated him.
"don't move..."
you mumble, eyebrows furrowing slightly as you use a shaky hand to approach the spider. hm... it's not like you were scared it's just... why's it so big?
you gulp nervously, eyes widening slightly as you watch the spide crawl up your arm. damn, if you were a bit more of a coward...
you set the spider on a nearby desk, humming softly as you let out a shaky sigh of relief. oh well, at least it's over.
as you were drinking some water, your co actor couldn't help but feel his heart race, cheeks flushed red as he tries to regulate his breathing. what the hell? why is he getting so flustered over you getting close to him?
his eyes drift to your figure, taking in your carefree attitude. he quickly looks away as your eyes glance at his staring. hiding his face in his hands, he huffs and turns around, grumbling something about you as he feels his heart rate spike even more.
all he can think about as the rest of the shoot goes on was whether you had looked this beautiful before.
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honeycreammilkshake · 26 days
"Overall, I definitely agree with you. Gege has shown investment in Sukuna as a character, and I'm hoping he doesn't give in to fan influence to abandon the progress he's made so far. "
After last chapter giving sukuna haters funny faces that look like those edits his haters make, I'm not that hopeful anymore. Giving Sukuna an awful and humiliating death to please THAT fandom sounds really disappointing from Gege, at the very least defend Sukuna since you obviously like him, have some PRIDE, show him smiling at yuji and admitting he grew.
Meanwhile Kenjaku who cut Yuki in half as well apparently deserved a comfy fight and good ending while his sins may be even greater than Sukuna lmao. Sorry I'm just pissed, I don't want fan pressure to ruin Sukuna and Yuji forever
Hi, anon!
Yeah, Sukuna definitely has a lot of haters in this fandom, despite the fact he is arguably not the worst character in JJK. He's also one of the most dynamic and fascinating of the villains, and most of that is because of his complex relationship with Yuuji.
So far, we've seen so many interesting things that really highlight how contradicting Sukuna is as a character and that also show how much influence Yuuji has over him versus pretty much everyone else. Even if Gege decides to not doing anything with all these developments, it still doesn't change the fact that they are undeniably there.
One of the most compelling developments so far, to me, has been Sukuna's willingness to listen to Yuuji, even if he claims to despise the brat's ideals and wants to break them.
After their fight in 237-238, Kashimo asks Sukuna if it's lonely being the strongest. Sukuna's concept of love is similar to competition: By being the strongest, other sorcerers admire him for that strength and come to challenge him; Sukuna responds to that "love" by vanquishing them all. He lectures that people like Gojo and Kashimo, who lament the loneliness that comes as an effect of this singular strength, are greedy. Yet when asked if he himself was satisfied with being the strongest, Sukuna doesn't even acknowledge the question. He has no good answer for why he split his soul and became cursed objects that could "cross the ages." Instead, he replies to Kashimo's question by saying love has no worth or meaning.
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If his vague non-answer wasn't suspicious enough, he goes on further by trying to justify his philosophy as "a perfect way to pass time until death."
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The biggest thing I want to point out is how absolutely childish Sukuna's philosophy is. It's literally just indulging himself how ever he wishes, doing as he pleases, all to pass the time. Because he is the strongest, he claims to be above weak feelings like love or loneliness, but if his lifestyle was so great... why escape it by becoming a set of cursed objects in order to awaken in the future?
(Sukuna: No comment.)
He himself describes indulging in humans as "fleeting." Even if there are in fact endless flavors for him to try, none of them last, so nothing can be savored, nothing can be remembered, and nothing can truly satisfy if it's all so passing and worthless. Even him saying it's a way for him to "pass time until death" sounds so hopeless and unfulfilling.
It's seems like to me that by becoming the strongest, he's completely lost touch with how senseless his actions are. What happens when he runs out of humans to eat, or when he runs out of lands and challengers to conquer? If he's truly convinced his self-absorbed, depraved philosophy is the ideal way he should use his strength, then how come so many of the people he meets are convinced he's lonely?
And also why does someone like him elicit Yuuji's pity? Why is Yuuji the only one who really seems to get to him?
During their fight in chapter 248, Sukuna completely shuts down and starts obsessing over why Yuuji bothers him so much. Whenever literally anyone else questions Sukuna's philosophy or his motives, he disregards and mocks them for it. Yet when it's Yuuji, he's on the defensive. Yuuji really is making him reconsider things, and he can't stand it.
(btw yes that's a literal pout he's doing right here)
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When Yuuji confronts him, Sukuna has a full-out melt-down. He's literally staring into space, completely losing track of everything else that's going on. Unlike anyone else who ever questions Sukuna, Yuuji is the only one who's actually making Sukuna think for once.
When reflecting on all the other people whose ideals Sukuna was so dismissive and dispassionate about, even the King of Curses himself admits that with Yuuji it's ~different~
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Okay so... I guess Yuuji being in your way wasn't good enough reason to want to him gone? No, it's his ideals and resilience that bothers you that much. Why is that? Could it be that he's gotten too far under your skin, far enough to touch your non-existent heart?
Yeah right....
Also, this relates to how Yuuji is the only one who can come close to shattering Sukuna's hard-set ways. While there have been quite a few who wanted to teach Sukuna how to "love," they went about this in a way that's much closer to the definition of competition than what is actual love, much like how Sukuna sees it.
Yorozu became completely obsessed with Sukuna because to her his loneliness was "singular." When she is reincarnated, she believes she is the one who can teach Sukuna what "true love" is.
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Back in chapter 218, their confrontation is so much less complex than Yuuji and Sukuna's. Sukuna dismisses her so easily and hardly reflects on it. Her "love" is weak to him. Though she is powerful, she cannot hope to contend with the level of Yuuji's determination and dedication to his ideals.
Likewise, Gojo was also convinced Sukuna was affected by the same loneliness he was. He claims that he will be the one to teach Sukuna love because he's the closest - some people say equal - one can come to Sukuna's level of power.
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Sukuna, however, is not terribly moved by this. Though he has respect for Gojo's strength and says he will remember their fight forever, he is still nowhere close to being shaken... not like he is with Yuuji.
So what makes Yuuji's approach to teaching Sukuna love so different? It's because he's so much weaker in terms of power compared to any of the others Sukuna was confronted by. He comes from an entirely different perspective that no one else has gotten close enough to Sukuna to share. And because of this, he's not making it a competition. He's being empathetic about it instead.
The whole of chapter 265 is basically Sukuna actually listening to Yuuji. It's so interesting because there is absolutely no fighting going on. Usually when someone confronts Sukuna, they do so right before, after, or during a battle with him. But in this case, it's peaceful. It's completely different than any other time someone has tried to "connect" with the King of Curses.
Yuuji's approach to connect with Sukuna is to tell him his life story and show him all the places he grew up in. It's extremely casual, close, and intimate. In response all Sukuna can say to this is -
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The way he suddenly interrupts Yuuji, when before he was uncharacteristically quiet for most of the time and willing to go along with it, is very telling. He described this kind of intimacy as "creepy" to him ... which is an interesting choice of words. The mythic, immortal, all-powerful King of Curses is "creeped out" by a little oversharing and walking through Yuuji's unthreatening memories? Really?
And what's even more interesting is Yuuji's way of destroying Sukuna's world view so simply.
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He's essentially telling Sukuna that his philosophy is useless.
Sukuna believes in this rigid hierarchy where only the strong can rule, and only the most selfish and heartless of the strong can sit atop that hierarchy. But what Yuuji is telling him is that... there are no set roles humans are born with. Lives aren't worthless and aren't defined by whatever "roles" they are forced into. Which means that a caste system built entirely on the "strengths" of people is about as stable as Sukuna's sanity.
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Yuuji has tremendous empathy throughout this whole scene. Instead of asserting that his viewpoints are the only ones that are right, he instead admits that maybe he could be wrong... which is far different from Sukuna, who wouldn't dare admit he could be wrong.
And the way Sukuna pauses before he says he doesn't feel anything about what Yuuji is saying and showing him makes me think he's lying or downplaying how much Yuuji is affecting him.
Although some fans might argue that the purpose of this scene was to show how irredeemably heartless Sukuna is, I just can't accept that there isn't so much more going on here than that.
So... to make a too long meta short: Whatever ending Sukuna and Yuuji get, it can't take away these amazing interactions between them that defy all the expectations we had for a "static" villain like Sukuna and a "useless" hero like Yuuji.
They will forever be one the most interesting, complex, and fascinating relationships in manga to me, and I'd sell my soul for them to get the ending they deserve.
Thanks for the ask! Sorry for the mess of this post ;-;
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yandereteentitans · 2 years
hiii do you still take request? If do, can you do a headcanno abt titans getting jealous? Thank you! Heres the daily love for you💞💝💕💘💓💖💕💘💖💞💕💖
Aw, I think I’ve done something Similar, but I love them so much :)
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Starfire [Koriand'r]
She doesn't understand her feelings, at least not at first
This icky feeling that grows inside her stomach whenever she sees you giving someone else your attention
She didn't feel this way towards the rest of the team, but why when you talked to people outside of the Teen Titans did she feel this way?
Was this a human emotion? She didn't like it. She wishes it would go away
She'll be pouty and frown when watching you
She acts almost like a child, but when you ask her about it, she'll immediately break down and tell you that she was jealous
She'll feel stupid about it, but you acknowledge that it is a human emotion, and it happens sometimes
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Robin [Dick Grayson]
I've said this plenty of times, but Teen Titans Robin would rather slit his own throat than admit he likes you
It's nothing personal, he just doesn't have a good emotional connection [thanks Bruce] and finds it hard to express his feelings
He'll just ignore these feelings, pushing them deep, deep down
He'll watch you out of the corner of his eye and if he sees you getting slightly uncomfortable, he'll swoop in]
In fact, he'll grab your hand and whisper in your ear
"Are you okay? You seem uncomfortable."
You are grateful for the excuse to leave the conversation
Hell, you'll probably never know he's jealous, but if you watch him you might pick up on the eye rolls and groans
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Raven [Rachel Roth]
She would be straight-faced, emotionless
She would be void of emotion, just seething on the inside
She might glare from afar, but you wouldn't think too much of it
Raven isn't a people person, so she won't go over to you and try to talk you out of it
She might communicate with you telepathically, but otherwise she wouldn't stop you
Honestly, she's not all good with these emotions, especially anger, because she's scared, she'll explode
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Cyborg [Victor Stone]
He's annoyed
Like whom does this person think he is?
He'll stand behind you, intimidatingly
It'll get the job done
You don't see Cyborg as intimidating, so you'll be confused why the person you were talking to seemed so scared
You'll shrug it off, not really thinking too much about it
You'll turn around and call Cyborg to come to look at something
Just a normal day
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Beast Boy [Garfield Logan]
He'll steal your attention back
He's childish and even a little cruel
He'll make snarky remarks and you'll know immediately
Or maybe you won't because he will deny, Deny, DENY
He's annoyed to the point where he really wants to slam the person you're talking to
He'll ignore you until you apologize
But why would you apologize? Whatever it doesn't matter
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just-wrting · 1 year
Best Friend?
Title: Best Friend?
Pairing: Real-life AU! Portgas D Ace x Reader
Summary: After finding out how horrible your brother is, you vent to your best friend. Turns out, he's been hiding something from you.
Word Count: 1657
Master List
A/N: Alright. I've done it. I've admitted that I'm into 2D men. This prompt is today's actual prompt due to this coming easier than yesterday's prompt. Still expect 2 fics in one day later this week.
The line between the two of you has been blurred for at least a few months. You’ve done things with Ace that you haven’t done with your other friends. Given that he lives next door, that was understandable. He’d stay for hours talking to you through the window. Other times, he’d sneak in and you’d watch movies together. The number of times you’d fall asleep leaning on him was uncountable.
Neither of you acknowledge this. You’re worried that if you say something, he’ll get grossed out. You don’t think you could stand losing such an important friend.
The sound of bickering drifts through your open window, and you know everyone is home. You wish you had their sort of bond. Your brother is your biggest problem, and you did your best to avoid him. Nothing would make you happier than him moving out.
Ace sometimes jokes about the two of you moving away from your siblings to a quiet place. While the idea is tempting, you both know that for now it’s just an idea. College is a struggle even without rent.
After the noise goes down, you watch Ace nearly slam his door shut. You can practically see steam rolling off him, and you know that the argument didn’t go in his favor. In an effort to cheer him up, you chuck a pebble at his window.
As soon as he sees you, he lights up. He throws his window open and gives you a big grin.
“(Y/N)! Don’t tell me you heard everything?”
The way the sun shines on his face makes him look radiant. He’s definitely a charmer.
“Nope. What was it about?”
He sheepishly looks away. “I don’t know what I’m going to eat. No one’s gonna cook anything since most of them are going out tonight.”
“Of course you were fighting over food. You three boys eat more than my whole family combined,” you say with a chuckle. “I’d offer for you to come over, but I’m sure that my brother would throw a fit.”
“Well let me know if you change your mind on that. You and I can go get something.”
Now you’re sporting an equally wide grin. “Tempting offer, Ace.”
“Just you, me, and some of the most unhealthy food you’ll ever see. I haven’t even taken Luffy or Sabo there.”
“Don’t tell them that. But as much as I want to, I shouldn’t. Maybe next time.”
Now, he’s pouting. Despite being an adult, he’s decently childish. In fact, he’s adorable when he’s like this and you can feel yourself caving. What would be so wrong to say yes? Why couldn’t you get the same privileges as your brother?
“You promise?”
“Of course. You know how difficult it is to say no to you,” you tease.
Your mom calls you downstairs, and you wave goodbye. Ace leans out his window, pouting the whole time. The guilt will bother you for a bit, but he’s never made you feel bad about not accepting plans.
You frown at the table spread. Dinner plans have changed, with food you don’t enjoy sitting on trivets. A smirk is plastered unpleasantly across your brother's face.
“How long have you been dating the neighbor boy? What’s his name?” your dad asks, setting the newspaper down. “Portgas Ace or something, right?”
You rest your hands on the back of your seat. “Ace and I are just friends.”
“Well, honey, it might be good for you to start dating. After all college is almost over,” your mom chimes in. “You’re only this young once.”
Your brother snorts. “Dating isn’t possible for that one I’m afraid. (Y/N) should’ve just said yes when Jeffery asked.”
Your blood turns to ice. “How did you know about that? He asked me not to tell anyone. I never even told my friends about it.”
He now looks like a deer in headlights. “Of course he told me. He’s gotta ask me first.”
“Yeah right. That was supposed to be some sort of prank, wasn’t it?” you hiss.
“You know what? Yeah! It was a prank. I figured that at the very least maybe you wouldn’t end up being single and pathetic.”
You don’t reply and just storm out the door. You make sure to slam it on your way out, and you’re tempted to swear at them. If your parents knew about it, they’re amazing actors. Their shock seemed almost genuine.
Not knowing where to go, you just start walking down the sidewalk. It doesn’t take long for footsteps to race after you. You ignore whoever it is, and keep going. It’s not until you’re spun around that you stop.
“Something wrong?”
You’ve never seen Ace look so worried. Part of you wants to have him hold you. Another part wishes he wouldn’t ask. Apparently the look on your face says enough.
“I’m still hungry. Wanna go get dinner now?”
You don’t say anything, instead just nodding. His hand is gentle as he gets you to the car. It’s an old car, but it’s comfortable and smells like him. The leather is surprisingly soft and you let yourself relax.
You watch Ace while he drives. There’s something about the wind in his hair and the sun on his skin that makes you realize just how attractive he is. The dusting of freckles across his face really highlights just how cute he is.
“Do you always watch people when they drive?” He gives you a cheeky smile and a wink. “Or am I just special?”
“You’re just special. Besides those brothers of yours, I don’t know a single person who can eat as much as you do and still look good.”
“Oh so I look good. That’s why you’re watching me.”
Rolling your eyes, you swat away his hand. “If you wanna believe that.”
Ace pulls into a little parking lot, swerving to avoid a hole. His parking is terrible, but it works. Ever the gentleman, he rushes to open the car door for you.
“I’d like to think that it's true. After all, you don’t usually give me compliments.”
The food is made fast, and the servings are surprisingly large. Despite how hot it is, Ace starts to pick at his food. He makes a face, yet continues to eat.
“If you’re gonna wait to eat, you wanna talk about it?” he asks, nearly choking on a French fry. “I’ll listen.”
“A couple of weeks ago, one of my brother’s friends asked me out.”
This time, he starts to cough. The man behind the counter eyes him for a second, but thankfully Ace is fine. You didn’t think he’d react like that, so you hesitantly start to eat as you wait.
“I told him I wasn’t interested. He asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn’t. Turns out the whole thing was a set up. After all, who’d wanna date me?”
Ace is silent. He occasionally looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t. Instead, he polishes off his food and starts to grab at yours.
“I can’t believe my brother would go that far. Like sure it can suck to have a sibling, but you and your brothers care so much about each other. Maybe it’s because you chose to be brothers.”
“To be fair, I still think Luffy is a crybaby. He’ll never live that one down no matter what he does.”
“Is there something terrible about me?” you ask. “Maybe that’s why no one wants to date me.”
Ace is quick to shake his head and respond, “There’s nothing bad about you! Anyone would be lucky to date someone like you, (Y/N).”
Before you can stop it, you blurt out the question you’ve been avoiding for weeks. “Would you date me, Ace?”
You can’t even look at him as silence settles between you. His finger taps against the table, and you feel awful. The way you said it was harsher than you meant. Not to mention the fact that your friendship could be over.
“Yes. I thought we already were dating though. I was just waiting for you to be ready to kiss me.”
Looking up at him, you can see a flush spread across his cheeks and down his neck. Ace isn’t even looking at you, his head resting on his hand, turning his face away. He’s covering his mouth like he’s worried he’ll say something you won’t like. What little resolve he might have, crumbled the moment you make eye contact.
“I don’t let just anyone take my stuff or hug me or say weird things to me. I thought you’ve just been nervous this whole time.”
You think back to all of those slightly awkward moments. The times that he’d look up at you from the windowsill right before he sneaks back out, almost like he’s expecting a goodbye kiss. The moments that you’d pull him in for a hug and his hands linger even after you pull back. All of the pauses before he said your name, almost like he meant to say something else.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you prod. “If you thought we were dating, shouldn’t you have made it super obvious?”
“I thought you were taking it slow because you were scared of your family. I figured if I said something you’d break up with me.”
“So what do we do now? Even if you were wrong, do you actually want to date me? Officially?”
Ace looks more excited than you’ve ever seen him. His hand is quick to grab yours, and you’re sure if it wasn’t for the table he’d be kissing you, not that he doesn’t try.
“Now that it’s official, I’m gonna be the best boyfriend ever.”
For the rest of the night, his hand never leaves yours. Every opportunity to show you affection is taken, which leaves you flustered. Nothing makes you more nervous than having a cute guy kiss you.
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voraciousvore · 4 months
Giganterra (Chapter 19)
Prologue/ TOC | Previous (18) | Next (20)
Content Warning: Brief mention of implied vore
Word Count: 2.6k
------ Chapter 19: Discipline ------
Candy wept silently to herself as she was forced to accompany King Richard through his usual routine, while she dangled from his necklace under his shirt. Every time he walked, she bounced off his hairy chest. Whenever he spoke, his voice vibrated through his flesh and all around her. She couldn’t block him out when she was constantly pressed up to his gargantuan body. His heart ticked with the regularity of a clock, and his lungs swelled like the ocean tide. The air was hot and heavy under his formal layers of clothing, and pervaded with his natural musk. She had no respite from her living nightmare. 
As she suffered through her abnormal confinement, with the metal clasp cinching her waist, she heard a familiar giant voice reverberating from somewhere outside her prison of skin and fabric. “Forgive me for my boldness, Your Majesty, but you seem troubled today. What ails you?” 
King Richard released a heavy sigh with the force of a large waterfall. “Oh, Leon, you know me all too well.” A light shined from above, only to be eclipsed by his giant hand as he reached into his shirt. Candy squealed as she was engulfed by enormous fingers and raised into the air. His colossal fingers popped open the straps and metal clasps that suspended her from the necklace, allowing her to plop into his cupped palm. He idly played with her in his hand, as if she were nothing more than a small toy. 
“It’s my son that bothers me. Ronny is… soft. Showing signs of weakness. I’m not sure how to fix him.” His voice lowered into a deathly serious tone. “I don’t want him to become like Alessandro.” 
Leon flinched ever so slightly at the mention of the murdered prince. After his disappearance, he was stricken from the historical record. Any papers that mentioned his name, every last bust and painting that existed with his likeness, were destroyed. There was no funeral to mourn his passing and no explanation for his death, though rumors whipped through the halls of the castle like the whisper of the wind. His name was forbidden to be spoken publicly, under pain of death. He vanished as if he had never existed in the first place. 
Of course, King Richard could do as he pleased and didn’t have to follow his own rules. The flippant utterance of the forbidden name chilled Leon’s blood, but he was sensible enough not to acknowledge the king’s loose tongue. He thought for a long moment before opening his mouth to respond, but the king spoke over him before he had the chance to talk. 
“Princess Bianca is on a better path, at least. She’s demonstrated the capacity to be cruel, and doesn’t hesitate to take what she wants. If Ronny proves himself to be insufficient as an heir, I can rely on her, hopefully.” He tightened his fingers around Candy, making her yelp. His expression softened and he loosened his grip, looking down at her with tender affection. “Shhhh, shhhh…” He rubbed his enormous fingertip gently along her back while continuing to pet the rest of her body. Candy whimpered softly until she went silent again, still trembling. His touch was far from reassuring, but she didn’t wish to invoke his ire with her noises. 
“Even so, Bianca is spoiled. Flighty. Vapid. Lacking substance. She doesn’t take matters of state seriously.” He huffed with frustration. “My children disappoint me.” 
Leon bit his tongue to hold back a stinging remark. The king only had himself to blame for his woes. He raised his progeny to be misbehaved, childish monsters, by both coddling them and piling unreasonable expectations upon them. He was an overbearing presence that failed to provide them with any solid direction or guidance for positive growth. He tainted his family with his own degeneracy and rot, and there was no way to excise the poison. 
The advisor couldn’t verbalize any of these conclusions to the king, however, if he wanted to keep his head. He swallowed his criticisms and cleared his throat. “If I may offer a few suggestions, Your Majesty?” 
“Proceed.” King Richard pierced him with his pale eyes as he massaged Candy in his hands. 
Leon repressed a repulsed grimace and tried to ignore the poor human suffering in the giant’s grasp. “I bring forth the supposition to you that the prince and princess may be soft and puerile because they lack any serious responsibilities. They are both adults now. Involve them in operations of state and put them in charge of certain affairs, to allow them to become invested in the kingdom and develop their leadership skills.” 
Hardon frowned and creased his brow. “No,” he responded immediately, rejecting Leon’s postulation. “I can’t trust them to run anything. They’re not ready; they’ll muck it all up.” 
Leon inhaled through his nose to center himself. “Well then, perhaps prepare them with more formal education. Their studies have been suspended for years now, since we don’t have a royal tutor.” 
“We don’t? What happened to the last one?” 
“You, um… gave him an early retirement, sire.” 
The king curled his lips into a barbaric sneer. “Ah, yes. I do recall I found his teachings to be a bit too… progressive for my tastes.” He chuckled, his bloodlust apparent in his tone. Candy whined faintly, but he quieted her down by flexing his hand around her. 
“I would further recommend encouraging activities that build more discipline, both physically and mentally. Perhaps dancing or music lessons for Princess Bianca? I know Ronny has fencing lessons, but perhaps he needs more strenuous training.” 
King Richard nodded conclusively. “Yes. Make it happen.” Leon bowed and excused himself to carry out the king’s will. He conveyed the information to Ronny’s fencing instructor, Sir Maneater, who agreed to provide more intensive instruction for the prince. Leon suggested bringing in Squire Joey as a sparring partner to encourage a competitive spirit, since the sulky, churlish prince hated to lose. Martin had been hesitant to introduce Joey to the prince, due to the naivety of the earnest young man, but he felt his squire was ready. He needed to learn how to behave around royalty anyway, if he was to become a knight in service to the king. 
Next, Leon headed into town to find a tutor qualified for regal instruction. He pitied the poor giant who would be put in charge of King Richard’s demonic hellspawn, but either way the selected man wouldn’t be given a choice. After inquiring among the circle of rich noble families in the area, he was recommended to an erudite pedagogue of high esteem by the name of Milton Henderson. Leon tracked him down to one of the estates in the surrounding countryside, where he was currently providing lessons to an earl’s twin daughters. 
Leon passed through the gates to the property and gained access to the lavish mansion within by demonstrating the king’s seal, certifying him as an agent of the crown. The butler led him to a pavilion where the tutor was giving lessons to the two children. Leon observed the man teach without revealing himself. Milton was tall, neatly groomed, and gentlemanly in appearance and demeanor. His voice and movements were very gentle and calm, and his pacific aura had a positive effect on the children, who listened obediently to his deep voice as he lectured. 
Leon approved of the tutor, viewing him as a man of quality. He hoped, perhaps, that the new teacher would produce a similar effect on the king’s unruly offspring. He should’ve interrupted the lesson and dragged Milton off right away, since the king was waiting, but Leon hated to be rude. He wasn’t very assertive either, so he lingered in the shadow of a marble pillar until Milton concluded his lesson and dismissed the children. 
Milton moved to leave, but Leon intersected his path of travel to stop him. “Excuse me, sir! Milton Henderson?” he called out.  
Milton halted and gave him a genial smile. “How may I help you?” 
“My name is Leon, Leon Griffin. I’m the king’s advisor. He is searching for a tutor for his children. Several of the nobles recommended you.” 
“Oh, that’s very kind of them, and I’m flattered to be considered worthy, but I’m afraid I can’t take on any more students. My schedule is quite full as it is, and my next students are waiting for me as we speak, so I must go.” He took a step forward to exit, but Leon blocked him a second time with a nervous smile. 
“I do apologize for the inconvenience, but I’m afraid… service to the king is not exactly optional…” Leon fiddled awkwardly with his hands, clearly uncomfortable with his role as the king’s enforcer. “If you come with me now, it will make things much easier for both of us. Please.” 
Milton’s pleasant expression faded at the implied threat, but he didn’t resist. He followed Leon to his carriage, painted with spotless shining white and inlaid with silver trim, and joined him in the plush purple velvet interior. He folded his hands in his lap and sat with a docile hush as the horses trotted forward. The earl’s estate disappeared over the horizon as the castle loomed in the distance, waxing closer like a bad omen as its gloomy gray stone contrasted the bright sky. 
Leon cleared his throat to diffuse the tension. “I’m sorry,” he apologized again. “But… serving the royal family is certainly not a bad thing! You’ll only have to deal with two students from now on, the prince and the princess. And you’ll be compensated handsomely for your work! You may even take up residence in the castle if you wish!” 
Milton didn’t answer. His eyebrows knitted together in contemplation as he processed what Leon told him. He kneaded his hands, absently playing with the golden wedding band on his finger, a memento of his past. Leon filled the space between them with more words, as if trying to convince himself of the advantages as much as Milton. “And you’ll have access to the best resources as well! All the supplies you may need: the finest feather pens, the blackest ink, the most quality parchment, all the books in the royal library-” 
“Library?” Milton perked up. 
“Oh, yes! The royal library is truly a remarkable sight to behold! There’s a wealth of information contained within, in thick tomes of knowledge, with the greatest literature, tales from foreign lands, historical documents dating back centuries… a marvelous treasure trove of the written word! And with the position of royal tutor, you’ll have unlimited access to it all!” 
Milton brightened over the prospect, and Leon was finally able to give him a genuine smile. The carriage stopped within the courtyard, near the stables, and the king’s advisor led the new tutor through the pathways lined with lush gardens to the castle. Milton surveyed the art and architecture with interest when they entered the luxurious structure. Leon had to herd him forward, as he kept slowing down to take in all the magnificent details. 
The transient cheery goodwill between the two giants dimmed as they approached the depths of King Richard’s lair. Milton had never met the giant king, of course, but he knew of his bestial reputation. He experienced an irrational, instinctive chill, like being doused in a cold stream, as he entered the king’s presence. His bowels squirmed like snakes and his clammy skin slithered over his muscles, which were twitching with a sudden powerful urge to sprint in the opposite direction. Milton was disquieted by the extreme visceral response of his body, as if his flesh knew of the danger before his rational mind. He almost failed to show the proper deference, but he mustered up the presence of mind to copy Leon and bowed deeply, with his head down to his knees. He stared at the floor as a bead of icy sweat dripped off his forehead. 
“Leon! I see you’ve returned with a tutor! Let me see this man.” Milton barely managed to repress a flinch as the king seized his chin in his hand and tilted his head up to examine his face. He froze like a prey animal as he was pierced to his soul by pale blue eyes frigid enough to cause frostbite. Although Milton was a very large giant, taller than the king, he felt puny in the man’s malevolent presence. Hardon smirked, reveling in the anxiety that always drowned men of lower status in his vicinity. 
He released his chin with a flick of his fingers. “He’ll do.” Milton gasped slightly and stumbled back a step. Leon subtly pressed a firm hand on his upper back to steady him. Milton uncurled his spine as he struggled to regain his outward composure. He could still feel the slimy touch of Hardon’s strong, bony fingers on his face. 
“Don’t you think so, my sweet little Millie? Hmmmmm?” the king sang in a more tender tone. While Leon had been gone, he’d traded out Candy for Millie. He poked his fingers under his tunic and plucked out the thin, petite women attached to his necklace. Milton’s eyes widened with wonder. He’d never seen a real live human before, only illustrations in books. She was incredibly small, yet so delicate and pretty, like a fairy. She shined with the lovely glow of a pure heart, despite the unfathomable depths of sadness that ate away at her form, leaving her pale and hollow in appearance. 
The human’s eyes turned to glance at him, and he was struck by how brightly blue and full of life they were. They evoked within him strong emotion, like gazing upon a beautifully rendered work of art. “Yes, Your Majesty,” she said softly, with a melodic voice like the notes of a flute. 
King Richard chuckled. “I knew you’d agree. I’d ask Candy her opinion, but she’s... indisposed at the moment.” His lips stretched into a vicious sneer as he stroked his full belly. Milton believed, for a moment, he heard faint screaming, almost indistinct, emanating from the man’s gut. 
“Have him come back tomorrow morning for his first lesson,” he commanded Leon. “You’re both dismissed.” 
The advisor nodded. “Yes, sire.” He guided Milton, who was limp with shock, out of the room and down a long hall. Several minutes passed before Milton became aware that Leon was speaking to him, explaining and gesturing with his hands. 
“...And as I told you before, Milton, we can give you a room in the castle to stay in, if you wish...” 
Milton licked his lips. His mouth was exceedingly dry. “No, that won’t be necessary,” he hastily interjected. He felt like he was suffocating, the stone walls crowding around him and grinding him into a powder. He needed to get out of the castle, now. 
“Very well. Do you have any other questions for me?” Milton, not wanting to prolong his stay any longer, shook his head vehemently. His mind was in too much turmoil to think of any questions regardless. Finally, they reached the entrance, and Milton was relieved to imbibe the refreshing air of the outside world. “Report here tomorrow bright and early, and I’ll help you get set up.” 
Milton nodded half-heartedly and hastened away. Leon called out one last message. “Do NOT neglect your duty to the king, Milton! Make sure you are here!” The tutor shivered, wrapping his arms around his torso. He didn’t want to come back, not at all, but he feared he didn’t have a choice. 
Chapter 20
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kitsunesfandomtime · 1 year
Treasure Vault - CH 4
Characters: All for One, Yoichi Shigaraki, Second One for All User
Relationship: All for One & Yoichi Shigaraki, All for One & Second One for All User
Warning: Platonic Yandere, EXTRA Disturbing behavior, Vault time, Force Feeding, self-imposed starvation, AFO being surprisingly nice with kids
Summary: All for One has had enough of his little brother's rebellious nature. He can't afford to risk his little brother's life by letting him continue this. If he has to commit cruelties to keep his brother safe, then so be it. What's one more sin on the pile?
It has been months since Hisashi entrapped his little brother in that vault that had never been intended for this. Each day grew longer as it felt like the ghost of his victims lingered longer than it should. Wondering if the guilt of everything was truly driving him mad and now had tried to do some 'negotiations' with the Vigilantes.
They were becoming an annoyance and while had been tempted to just get rid of him felt as if could win them over. Maybe he can use that as leverage to show Yoichi he isn't just a monster and has got some heroes on his side. Well, that was the intention but it was clear upon first meeting the leader was... Well, they certainly had quite a look.
Those red eyes and rugged looks would be quite charming if it wasn't clearly looking like he wanted to shoot him with his quirk. Likely only held back because is still startled at the sudden peace treaty. The very same man who laughed and cheered after slaughtering men was also trying to reach out to the ones who hated crossfire.
"You must have lost your mind considering you haven't exactly been 'kind' toward my group," the leader, uh was it Kenji? Kaiji? Some other third thing? Ugh, he's terrible at names well he will just call him Gearshift since it's his quirk.
"But you still accepted the offer to talk," Hisashi points out with a smile as knows it means the other is hoping for some kind of avenue. As even the leader must know when it comes to a one-on-one confrontation with All for One it was a death wish. Though he didn't respond to that seeming to be waiting for him to offer, such a quiet man.
"You must be really popular with the ladies," Hisashi notes with a sigh as he shakes his head. Holding his wine glass that had been poured the other wasn't touching his offered drink. As if expecting him to poison him, "I didn't poison it. Trust me if I want you dead you wouldn't be standing."
The man's eyes narrow as if to say he didn't believe him as he moves the drink farther from him, "I rather not drink during negotiation."
Negotiations are going to be quite difficult. He could at least make an attempt to try and smooth things over.
"Fine, more for me then," he answers with a shrug. Knowing the man likely thought of him as childish as if the bastard had any right to judge him.
"What do I have to give for you guys to ally with us and help us dismantle the government?" He might as well cut to the chase. Watching the man's lips turn into a sneer guessing didn't like how he went for the point.
"When you stop so casually getting people hurt in the crossfire and gloating how great you are," Was all Gearshift answered as stared intently at him with pure contempt.
This cheeky bastard. A part of Hisashi wonders if Yoichi would even actually like the man or would only like what he represents. He grits his teeth just a hint but it turns into a smile as he looks at the man. It was unbecoming to get upset over such things he knew this going in the other already had a negative impression of him.
"You do realize I'm in a war against the government itself right? Most fault is in them they don't even acknowledge me," he points out as he leans back in his seat. "I've had 'civilians' be contracted to try, capture, harm and poison me. I'm just trying to survive and most of the people I take in are metahumans or former ones who been hurt. I'm not the villain you think I am and you can ask anyone working for me."
Gearshift certainly seemed quite a stubborn man but even he should at least see he isn't all evil. Slowly All for One leans on the table as he stands up allowing the other to see his full height as he looks him down with a coy smile.
"So tell me, what will it take?" He purrs at the other as he holds out a hand toward the other. That is until the other let out a loud laugh making him recoil in confusion because what was so funny?
"You seriously believe that you can just buy me? That I sell my soul to you just because in your delusions you believe you're in the right? That the amount of people you've murdered in your quest is justified?" Gearshift looked amused as if wanting Hisashi to admit it. "I may not like the government but if you end up in charge I already know there will be no future for Japan."
There is a pause as the great symbol of evil slowly registers that the other truly believed that. This man would prefer a government that is in martial law, abusing its power, while being too slow to do anything. Worst there was no fear in this man's eyes simply staring him down despite likely being aware of what he could do. This insignificant man was acting as if was some how equal to him in threat despite the fact at this moment All for One could easily kill him and he be helpless.
Seems like this meeting was pointless. A pity.
A heavy sigh escapes him as he slides back into his seat more than able to tell that since the start the man wasn't here to negotiate. He was here as a courtesy and to make it clear where he stands. Hisashi tilts his head just a bit as he stares intently at the man who seemed to think the conversation was over. Slowly getting to his feet there was one more thing that needed to be said.
"You're a killer too," Hisashi speaks calmly watching the man tense up. "You've murdered my men and stolen from the government. Play pretend all you want that you're some hero and I won't do anything now. This is neutral grounds, but next time you get in my way..."
His malice, his hatred as he grits his teeth at the hypocrisy of this man acting as if he was something above the rabble. This hero was a man carrying out his own sense of justice no different than his own. His hands were not clean and he won't let him leave thinking he is, "There won't be any mercy."
It was a promise.
"You never show it to anyone. So I expected nothing less," was Gearshift's own response. Though as he got up he suddenly got really close to All for One's seat moving in close to stare him down. "And you don't scare me."
His last words before he leaves.
All for One and the 'Vigilantes' failed to make an alliance. But he knows next time he will make sure to wipe them out now that he knows who they are. With a leader like him they can grow into a challenge, he needs to be careful.
As he downs the rest of his drinks knowing he could have done better. He knows what people want and yet he couldn't bring himself to do it. Something about him, those eyes that looked down at him despite their differences created a visceral response. That made him want to forgo using a quirk and grab his hand around that man's throat to wipe that look off his face.
He is much too emotional for the role he wants to become.
"And I still have to visit Yoichi," he mutters as he gets up guessing there was no point in avoiding it.
His little brother has been suffering hallucinations and delusions since being trapped. Claiming things that Hisashi knows for a fact did not happen like hurting him and constantly insulting him.
Yes, he has called him some names but Yoichi acts as if he would spend every visit just beating him down verbally and bruising him. Even Hisashi can't tolerate being that terrible his little brother is already trapped, why would he do that?
It seems like a waste of energy so can only assume Yoichi is hallucinating such things. Was it concerning? Quite a bit so a part of him is wondering if he should take him to a doctor. Since it made his brother even more hostile than normal toward him randomly and bruises have started appearing on his brother likely self-inflicted.
Still, he doesn't stop his usual routine of making his baby brother's food by hand. Bringing in more food knowing it would be wasted and having to force-feed him it was his attempt at showing he still cares. That he will even accept even a pleasant lie-
Only to have to sidestep a tray being flung at him as if Yoichi had spent all day just waiting for him to arrive.
"Have you really resorted to throwing food?" Hisashi speaks almost exasperated at the other's action.
"Just let me go dammit!" Yoichi shouted before covering his own ears as if to ignore anything he wanted to say. Those green eyes were now shut as looks away despite the assault as he was curled on the bed. At least he was using the bed instead of being on the floor and here he thought he slept on the floor.
"Stop that. You go and then what?" Hisashi sneers hating every time the other talks about leaving. He places the food on the table as he watches his little brother curl up into a ball on the bed. Knowing for a fact the other doesn't actually want him gone at this point his resistance is nothing but a show.
A way to make himself feel like he was still following his own moral code and not throwing way too long of a tantrum. Hisashi watches his little brother not move and takes that as a sign to approach. Even though he recoiled when he felt the bed shift Hisashi makes sure to move an arm over his other side.
Trapping him beneath as he stares down at the young man who kept his eyes shut and a small hum escaped him. This is the closest he has gotten in a while that didn't earn a violent reaction. Slowly he leans down and presses a kiss against his little brother's head hearing a sharp breath from the other.
"Shhh I'm not going to hurt you. You know that," he whispers as the male seemed so exhausted and weak. Though Hisashi can't help but feel pleased when the other doesn't lash out like he usually did. It was a triumph, or well it would be before he heard a growl and then felt teeth dig into the arm he just put over the other.
Hisashi winces but guessed he should have expected it as his little brother has been becoming more animalistic in this place. Though he doesn't remove his arm as he feels those teeth dig in as at this point his brother was pitiable.
"You've become just an animal," he sighs it no longer hurts him as much that his brother hates him now. Though as he stares at his little brother memories of how they would hide in bed together return to his mind. Their fights that used to be playful were now violent as he could feel his brother's teeth pierce his skin.
Able to see those green eyes staring at him as if daring him to insult him or aggravate the situation. Unheroic and an absolute mess but he was still his adorable baby brother despite all that.
"Have you gained a taste for human flesh? You can have a piece of myself inside you forever," Hisashi teased knowing before he reacted a bit more violently but he wasn't showing it. Though seem his words worked as Yoichi seemed to realize what he was going on and released the bite trying to move away from underneath as he wiped his mouth of the blood. Snapping out of whatever he was in.
"You're disgusting," Yoichi mutters. Whether it was because he teased wanting a piece of him literally or was trying to imply it actually tasted bad he isn't sure. He hopes it's the former he hates to actually learn he tastes like shit this way.
"I'm disgusting? Have you looked at yourself? You literally bit me," Hisashi taunts as he sits upright with amusement as this was the closest they had returned to their old selves. With his brother acting annoyed and grumpy as hell about whatever Hisashi did.
Yoichi looked ready to retort only for the male to seem to realize he was giving him what he wanted. Shutting up instantly and stopping all conversations, is a pity.
"I had a meeting with the Vigilantes," Hisashi notes casually watching those eyes look a bit surprised. Was it really such a surprise to hear that he opened his hands to some small little militia?
"I decided to try for a 'treaty' but it seems they already have me as the bad guy in their mind. Next time will be a blood bath," he informed and of course, Yoichi's expression changed back to annoyance. Clearly not pleased at being informed of this likely thinking they must be right. As if ready to start another argument.
"Do you wish me dead as well Yoichi?" Hisashi questions casually watching his brother look gobsmacked. Whatever statement his brother had cooked up in his mind suddenly screeched to a halt. How adorable.
"Stop asking me that," Yoichi mutters as clenches at the bed sheets. "That is NOT related to anything we are talking about! Stop trying to act like some victim!"
Ha! A victim? He's many things but he knows more than anyone he is no one's victim maybe in his youth but he has since gone past that.
"Oh you misunderstand Yoichi," he purrs as he reaches out and grabs his little brother's face with his injured arm. Earning a hiss as he forces the younger male's head to look up at him to make it clear to look at him. To stop turning his head away and running from him and truly face him.
"I just want to know how far gone your mind has went. Heroes aren't supposed to be murderers you know but everyone has killed. No one hands are clean," he speaks with clarity as his free hand tucks some of his hair back behind his ear. Before he taps the others heads almost mockingly, "Now tell me... How would you have helped people? I'm curious if you ever had any ideas or you were just content in telling me I'm wrong, hero?"
He couldn't help but mock the young man as can still recall the others attempting to help with no ideas or anything. Yet more than content to snap or call him out on doing what he thinks is best all by himself. The very man who has been trying to take care of Yoichi despite everything.
"I-" Yoichi seemed to be trying to think of an answer. Something that likely would somehow convince Hisashi he was wrong. But maybe because of the state he was in nothing seemed to come out as frustration showed in his brother's eyes. But Hisashi wasn't at all done with this conversation.
Does he think he can allow him to wiggle out of this suddenly acting docile now when they are having such a pleasant 'chat'?
"Answer me," he sneers as he tightens his grip on his brother's faces watching him wince in pain. Here he was giving him a chance to show him the errors of his ways to actually tell him why he was wrong. "What would you do if men you thought you could trust betray you? If the government wished you dead or rather to turn you into some helpless experiment? You aren't an idiot, you've seen how people treated us so tell me YOUR big idea? Or... Would you have rather been some pathetic bystander?"
Yoichi's mouth still held his blood and seemed to have difficulties speaking despite his attempts. So Hisashi decided to grant him mercy as he released his face shoving him back against the bedpost.
"Would you kill me to be a hero?" His voice was low as he stared at his brother's eyes as if waiting for him to say it. To say that after everything that had happened, he would throw his brother to the wolves. Or if really had some ideas it be nice to have some honesty for once.
"Stop it. I don't want you dead dammit," Yoichi whispers... Hisashi did not expect him to still hold onto that belief. Looking almost stunned as didn't detect any lie despite everything that had been done. His brother... Truly was an enigma.
He isn't even sure if it's Stockholm or weirdly genuine. The way his brother had tears in his eyes was puzzling after everything he had done yet had strength in those words. To make it clear that he didn't wish his big brother dead despite how much of a monster he was.
"How can you think that and yet not join me. You make no sense," he sighs wondering if isolation has truly messed up his brother's mind he definitely needs to talk to the doctor. Moving his hands into his coat to take out the bag of food. Watching his little brother's eyes dilate with fear at the sight.
"I wonder how long before that changes," Hisashi speaks as he pins his little brother down as he smiles down at his little brother. Coming to enjoy making sure his little brother eats and stays alive, "It is time to eat, my hero."
He speaks mockingly as he continues this cycle and the guilt he has is slowly disappearing. It was all he could do to keep his little brother alive able to see his brother's will is weakening.
Soon they will be a family again.
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hoghtastic · 10 months
I think the nun costume stories are from different days.
I have no idea if this counts as off topic but I wish the one fan account that went offline a year ago was still active during a time like this. The one with the funny content. Often a lil cheeky. I think she/he left because of Mexico and the politicians. She/he didn't pander to Alex like others. No fan account was like hers or his? I really have to say there are great fan accounts, whether they like his gf or not, but I think there are also really bad ones that are borderline cheap. One of them is particularly inferior to the others. 
At first I was confused because I thought the funny account was back under a new name, but at some point I realized that the content was just much worse. Maybe she just wanted to copy the other account's style? The original account never sexualized Alex as much. Then I knew OK, it had to be someone else. I was a little disappointed not gonna lie. I was a bit shocked at how much information I got when I briefly asked what others thought about the account I’m referring to. 
Supposedly it was already a topic on the old blog. She's into private information about Alex and sticks with people who can give her private videos. I heard that she gets really excited when Alex's parents or others see her stories, supposedly she thinks that Alex watches all of her stories with a fake account. About that I wasn’t as surprised, you notice very strongly that she desperately desires acknowledgment and likes from Alex and his gf for her comments and captions but masks it as support. She likes his family’s comments under Alex gf’s comments and tries to involve in everything Alex. But her captions and comments for Alex are borderline obsessed. You could think Alex is a god and not a human being when you see her comments. But again, many of her comments are aimed at her hoping or thinking that he and others of his people see her stories. 
She is the type of fan account that likes to allude to hate towards his gf in her captions in order to portray herself as a true fan. She also gets attached to better fan accounts, actually a really REALLY good fan account that has good content, seems to be close to her. It's crazy how extreme some fans see Alex. He’s only human. Seriously, I would also like to watch private videos but this kind of worship is delusional.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, anon. 😊 I believe that, as long as there will be celebrities, there will always be the extreme fans who put them on a pedestal, to whom they can do no wrong. However, it's important to understand that they're only human, like the rest of us, who happen to have made some career choices which gave them more exposition. However, they still have their flaws and are far from perfect. And this is why I disagree with the "censorship culture" I've seen on some Alex fanpages, especially since he started dating Johanne, where people were called out and deemed "not true supporters" if they dared criticize him and/or her. Not everything they do is bad, obviously, but they're not perfect either, and if people would like to comment on it, as long as they keep being respectful, they should be allowed to do so.
About the private videos, I believe they're private for a reason. Most of the time, they belong to people who are not public figures, and therefore such content should never be downloaded nor shared among fanpages. If not illegal, it's at the very least morally wrong. And even if people don't straightforwardly share it, just "hinting" at having them and/or knowing private info, to make themselves look more important or "better fanpages" is just childish and a desperate need for attention, in my opinion. (It reminds me of those irritating kids in elementary school, "Ooh I know this and that, but I won't tell you! Haha! 😜". Like, either share it (knowing it's stolen, private content and therefore you shouldn't be doing it) or just shut up and keep it to yourself. 😆)
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dimity-lawn · 2 years
As a fellow acuphilliac, I find myself rather confronted by the idea that pins are a childish hobby. What if I don't want to move on to stamps? They're sticky, most of them smell of cabbage and the mark of a truly "great" stamp is when it has a mistake printed on it!!! You don't get that kind of nonsense with pins, I miss opening up a copy of Total Pins and settling down to do some polishing, what are your thoughts on this new fangled "stamp craze"?
A fellow Pinhead
Dear Fellow Pin Enthusiast,
I disagree with the idea that pins are a childish hobby. After all, where would the sewists and needlefolk be without pins? I dare say that without pins we would all be running around clad in the altogether! What a shameful thing indeed! And where would those sewists and needlefolk be without the community of pin enthusiasts? Someone has to know what's what in the world of pins, someone has to know what a proper needle should look like, and someone has to maintain standards! If it weren't for pin enthusiasts, the sewists and needlefolk would be in a sorry state indeed, with no one to correct their bent, blunted, and rusted pins. They might even go around using the wrong pin for their project or using a pristine collectors pin without appreciating what they have!
You needn't move on to stamps if you do not wish to. I wouldn't advise someone to trade a hobby they enjoy for one they find disagreeable or even loathsome. There are still those of us who are still "pinned" on pins, and there will surely be more in the future.
However, I don't believe that I would describe the traits you mention in stamps as nonsense though. You must consider that the pin and the stamp are entirely different items. Stamps are sticky because they must be able to stick to a letter. How would you feel about a blunt pin? As for the scent, perhaps cabbage isn't a favorite fragrance among the people of this city, it is nice that Mr. Stanley Howler was able to celebrate the local agricultural industry. And while I suppose it does seem odd that the mark of a great stamp is a mistake (because how are you to know if the stamp is real or fake?), but don't some pin fanciers enjoy an amusingly mis-made pin or imperfectly marked pin? These can make the rest of a collection even more special.
The loss of Total Pins is truly unfortunate, for you don't often find someone so knowledgeable in matters concerning pins as Mr. Howler, and perhaps we never will again. I do believe, however, that we should try to consider ourselves fortunate for the guidance he did offer us as well as the information he shared with us, and that we should try to be happy for him in his newfound interest, as well as acknowledge how his work with stamps has helped our city. At least there are other pin focused publications to read, and you can still settle down to do some polishing.
I suppose my thoughts on this new craze are thus: everyone may find their own interests and hobbies as long as it does not harm another person. While perhaps it was wrong of them to say that pins are a childish hobby, they certainly were not the first to say so, and I think it would be best to not retaliate with rude statements, but to try to reach a mutual respect for each other. And who knows, in the end this new craze may be merely a fad. In the meantime, think of it this way: the people changing from pin enthusiasts to stamp enthusiasts will likely be getting rid of their collections, so now may be a good time to add to your collection, whether by finding a specific item, a bag to sort through, or both, not to mention pin papers, polish, and other such things. Furthermore, some of those pins may be in need of a good polish.
Best Wishes,
Dimity Lawn
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cyaniiiide · 2 years
[Pokemon Reborn] Replay Thoughts
I love this game so, so much. (Spoilers for Pokemon Reborn below so be warned!!)
I first started it back when I was in high school, and now, I've probably replayed it, like, 5 or 6 times by now? It's not a short game haha, but I love the story-based plot + the Pokemon gameplay formula itself is just so hard to beat. I've always wished the main series were more difficult and had a better story and characters, so this game is honestly perfect. <3
Plus, my shitty computers through the years have been able to run it perfectly. xD
Reborn recently released E19. I used an old save file which had finished E18 to play through the new content first a couple months ago. I had missed a couple of Anna points here and there, so I got the Lin ending. Which, I enjoyed a lot! Idk how the Anna ending stacks up since I haven't played through it in comparison. Anna is one of my least favorite characters... though I still like them all.
I started a new playthrough a couple of days ago out of boredom + to see what changes E19 brought.
Some thoughts so far in no particular order (just completed the Beryl Bridge scene):
A lot the main cast appears earlier in smaller one-off scenes in the game, so that's nice to see. I wonder what someone going into the game blind would think -- most of the time they say something cryptic and/or depressing and leave (except for Taka who is the best. And maybe some other characters I'm forgetting lol). I think it's nice to have more points of comparison with them at the start of the game to the end, though.
I liked the additional Corey scenes in particular. It really shows how he helps the community, as how torn he must've felt -- seeing the destruction Meteor causes, trying to help out where he can, and yet still loathing himself for continuing to work for the team. The extra dialogue between Corey and Lin, and Corey and Heather, as well as in Beryl Bridge scene also help to show how trapped he felt (and was), and why he chose to jump.
So far I'm not really sure what to think of Ace -- I think they have an interesting design, but I don't know a lot about them yet other that they like wordplay, and they don't like infighting. xD
Fern is significantly less of an asshole. I remember his dialogue in the old Beryl Bridge scene was way worse. It's still pretty bad, especially when "wow, what a moron" is what you hear right after Corey's heartbreaking monologue, but he at least acknowledges that he must seem rather callous, and from his point of view, yeah, I guess Corey was just "the enemy." His other scenes are also toned down a bit (granted, I didn't fall through the Nuzleaf pit so idk about that) but in the jungle, he at least tried to be reassuring lol.
Zel ordering Lin around like that... at this point in the story, is Lin still lower ranked?
Julia's fight was toned down a bit too. At least, there were fewer exploding Voltorbs than I remember. xD
Heather's characterization is also much better: in my first playthroughs I just remember her as "bratty and we spend half the game saving her" but here, she comes across as friendly, well-intentioned, stubborn, and very childish (which she is a child, so that's fine haha).
Corey's battle is also a lot easier than I remember.
I really, really like the new additions to the game with the Remote PC, early Itemfinder, and Magnetic Lure.
The updated areas of the game (Obsidia Slums, Rhinoceriousexpyaladocious Jungle, Obsidia Park, and some others I'm probably forgetting) all look great.
Victoria's dialogue in the slums in the little different (I think?) IIRC in the original she fights you because the slums are dangerous and she wants you to prove that you can make it through. Here it's more about training, though it might also be because she just wants to take her mind off things.
I got normal/flying from the type quiz which is kind of boring, but I'll take it. xD I like flying types anyways. I wonder if this quiz'll affect anything in the future.
The Underroot + Rhinendocrinesystem Jungle are also way more fun to explore than I last remember. I forget if we were forced into falling down the Nuzleaf trap to progress the story or not in the original.
Amaria's monologue to Corey is a lot more heartbreaking when I remember what she's going through, and how she probably tells herself the same thing every day...
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wxtchpilot · 1 year
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[ I'm actually very very sleepy and intend on going to sleep but needed to get this off my chest first.
Thing about all this stuff about the pacing issues? I totally get it and think people's opinions about it is valid. There are things that I agree haven't had time to breathe and that there's a lot of things that have been introduced where we don't have any sort of time to explore, as well as things passing by rather fast in some aspects.
Like, I totally get it, and I can understand people being upset about that.
Yet, I find myself sad about it instead of mad, like I see everyone else. Again, fine if they get mad, I feel like I get sad over it instead because I simply wished we all could have had fun with it instead haha. It sounds really childish, at least to me, when I say it like that which is why I avoid stating how I feel about it all now.
Guess because I really do love the show, I love the plot points and lore, I love the characters, and I adore Suletta to pieces, she's the reason I gave the series a try. So to see how things have evolved between the first part and the second part kind of just makes me sigh a bit, especially in terms of fandom opinion/atmosphere.
Now I can still find enjoyment despite the obvious pacing issues, yet I don't want people to think that because I still do that its me just ignoring any glaring issues. Yet I don't want it all to be about what I didn't find enjoyable and be negative about it.
Because yes, I also realize that even if we do get more of the series after the finale next week, the second part is still paced awkwardly and nothing will change that.
Trying to explain how I feel really is hard since I'm probably making things a bit more complicated for myself than need be. Guess the main thing is I wish part 2 was just as fun to enjoy with people as the first part. Of course I have specific friends that I talk to to help with that, but sometimes I let even strangers and their opinions get to me and if they aren't having fun, then it's a bit of a bummer. Its even worse when close friends aren't having fun, and again, I totally get why and I'd never want to force them to enjoy something that they clearly aren't.
One thing about media that gets me nowadays is that there never can be a neutral side. Sometimes it feels like people either make you love something entirely (judge you if you don't and possibly even ignore the flaws), or you have to hate it with your whole entire being, seeing nothing BUT the flaws. It feels like there's no in between sometimes, and most of the time, I'm in the middle where I acknowledge the issues yet still have fun with it. And I mean this with anything, not just G Witch.
It kind of makes me feel isolated in a way since I'm not one to state deep opinions like most, at least in terms of things I don't like since I don't focus my energy on that side of things a lot (again, that's just me, doesn't mean people who voice their opinions, negative or not, are bad).
I know the second part could have been better if they were able to pace things out better. There are things that I'd love to see more information on, or having plot points having the time to simmer and breathe. Yet at the same time, there are parts I find enjoyment in. I can even say that with how things are in the anime industry is the reason why the show is (so far) much shorter than apparently other Gundam shows(?) but then I know some people would be saying that's just an "excuse", or "coping" as the cool kids say. Lol.
I'm also not a fan of "comparisons", where people compare something (most of the time it being something they don't enjoy) to something else (which they DO enjoy) and just say "this show did it SOOOO much better" because it's like...just admit that the story they're telling, and the way they're telling it, isn't for you. It's totally fine if that's the case, your feelings on that way of thinking is valid. Comparing shows, even if they're under the same umbrella (aka the Gundam series), doesn't benefit anyone since every single entry tells a different story in a different way. I say this for seasons as well. If it's not for you, then it's not for you, and that's totally fine.
I've been exposed to a lot of the Gundam fandom by getting into this show, and while I don't regret getting into the show and loving it, a part of me is glad that it isn't huge on here (in terms of RP) and a lot of the people I've met are really nice and understanding people, regardless of opinions or even what we write. I've seen that its just too big on twitter, and I'm never truly on "a side", when people make it feel like you should.
But at this point, I'll just be repeating everything in circles. I'm sure there's some other point I forgot to make but it slipped my mind.
I should head to sleep, and I thank anyone that read this and dealing with my whole random "rant" haha. I'll try not to keep bringing this up. And also for interacting with me and following me.
I'm off work tomorrow so I'm going to try and be around more for interactions. Thanks once again for all the patience. ^^ ♥
Hope you all have a fantastic night/day, depending on time zones. Lol. ]
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Far From Final Thoughts
Summary: Jake's thoughts while Doug Judy is being arrested.
There were still times Jake wished things could be simple, no matter how much he didn’t want to admit it.  Was it dangerous and irresponsible to pretend all of the harm the police did didn’t exist, now that it was far too obvious to ignore?  Yes.  Did that mean there weren’t still days he wished he could?  Nope.  He’d been forced to learn a lot of really difficult lessons really quickly, and it was hard not to wish for how simple things had once been.
But it turned out, the world was a lot more complicated than Diehard made it seem.  Criminals weren’t necessarily evil, being guilty didn’t automatically make you a bad person, and Jake was finding himself having to relearn and rephrase how he thought about almost all of the choices he made.
It seemed rather childish, in retrospect.  He’d always known that dirty cops existed, but for some reason, he hadn’t been willing to give criminals the benefit of the doubt unless there was a chance they might be innocent.  But it turned out, real life was a lot more complicated than he thought, and maybe being a good person was a lot harder too.  He wasn’t sure he knew how to be a good person in a world so full of shades of gray, but he wanted to try and figure it out.
This was what was going through Jake’s mind as the backup he’d called for was cuffing Doug Judy for a crime he committed years ago, before he’d grown as a person and built a new life for himself.  He wasn’t a danger to anyone anymore.  He shouldn’t have to go to prison.
But Jake was the one who called for backup.  He’d lose his job if Doug Judy escaped on his watch, and he didn’t want that either.  Maybe it was foolish, but he liked to believe he could still do good as a detective.  That he wasn’t a bad person for being involved in a broken system, even if he might have made some mistakes himself.
Jake walked over to Judy as the cops finished cuffing him, still trying to decide how he felt about any of this.
“I’ll take the prisoner,” one of them said, which was moving way too fast for Jake’s conflicted thoughts.
“Can you actually give me one second?” he asked.
The cop nodded and walked off, and Jake nodded with a thanks.
“Look, Doug,” he said, turning back to face his friend.  “I’m sorry it’s gotta be like this.  If you’re mad at me, I get it.”
“I’m not mad at you,” Doug said.  “I’m mad at myself.  I should never have become friends with a cop.  I mean, how’d I expect this to end?”
Jake sighed.  That was fair, though it didn’t really fit with the shades-of-gray world Jake was starting to discover.
“Well, regardless, thanks for saving me back there with the Estelle Minderman thing,” he said, because Doug more than deserved his gratitude.
“I wasn’t gonna let them hurt you, Jake,” Doug said.  “We’re PB & J.”
Jake smiled a little, despite himself and despite the conflict still warring within his chest.  “We’re PB & J,” he agreed.
There was a moment of solemn silence.
“I want to hug you, but you’re cuffed,” he said after a second.
Doug looked down, then back up at Jake with a small shake of his head.  “You can hug me,” he said.
Jake stuck his hands in his pockets for a second as he tried and push down a lump in his throat, and found his pen there.
Barely acknowledging to himself that he’d made a decision, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Doug.  A second later, he stepped back slightly, and under the guise of a final friendly pat against Doug’s arm, he slipped the pen into Doug’s pocket.
He stepped back and nodded at the cop.  “Okay, you can take him,” he said, before turning to Doug with a final, “I’ll see you soon,” though he had no idea if he would ever see him again.
Doug turned back one last time, then away as he got in the cop car.  Jake blew out a breath as if to psyche himself up, wishing he felt even the slightest bit less conflicted, but he didn’t.
Man, shouldn’t trying to be a good person at least feel a little better?  Shouldn’t he feel more sure about this?
Well.  He was sure Doug Judy’s life would be better, wherever he ended up.  Maybe that was enough.  Maybe it was enough just to try.
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sometayrecords · 2 years
After listening to Midnights so many times, I now have a very different view of a lot of past eras. I wanna share some thoughts of mine concerning John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal that I find important to be pointed out.
We know how hurt Taylor was after her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal. The thing is that Jake hurt Taylor with being all about himself; he would always look down on her, as if she was a kid, and would not take her, or the things that she liked, seriously, because he believed that him, his interests, his views, were all so much smarter, cooler, deeper, more mature and such. He would even consider Taylor's feelings childish. And he sure was a big jerk for all that.
John Mayer was way worse in my opinion. He saw the innocence and naivity in Taylor, but in contrast to Jake, he didn't stop at consider her "a kid he wouldn't take seriously"... he tried to take advantage of her in all ways, by manipulating her, and turning her feelings and hard work against her.
We can see the difference between these two men by noticing how everyone in Taylor's life would view them:
Jake was "charming", everyone loved how nice, funny, and cool he seemed to be. The big problem with him was how he treated Taylor. And more like, the things he *would not* do: He failed to be there for her, to be supportive, to even acknowledge the things she cared about, no matter how "small" they looked to him.
But with John, that was not the case. People on Taylor's life would see the red flags on him, even when she didn't. They tried to warn her to run and she didn't listen. We have even heard him saying things about Taylor in interviews, that a decade back people thought were just funny, but now, as a society, we can clearly see how problematic they are.
And lastly there's the age gap. John is older than Jake (for a few years, but still) and was dating Taylor when she was younger than when she was dating Jake. And there is a significant difference, in my opinion, between dating someone in their late 20s when you're on your early 20s, and dating someone on their early 30s when you're on your late teens.
Now, more than a decade after everything, we can see the impact each of these relationships is still having on Taylor:
On Maroon we see her realizing that the relationship she had was something beautiful at first but ended up toxic. She could not see it back then, she now knows better and has grown because of it, and she basically seems to accept that heartbreak as a part of life's journey.
On Would've, Could've, Should've she deeply regrets everything that ever happened to her. She says she wishes she had never had this experience, she's still haunted, and realizes she was in an abusive, to say the least, relationship.
And now that we have this image, I believe that if it wasn't for John, her breakup with Jake would not hurt as much. Taylor has dated and had her heart broken before, but as a teen, we could see that after a while, even though she was hurt, she would keep her confidence in herself.
After Jake, she was crushed. She would feel like she lost a part of herself, a part that included her wonderment over the world. John had manipulated, abused her and scared her in a way that made her to already be vulnerable while she was dating Jake. And after having been with a grown man who tried to take advantage of her personality and use her traits against her, being with a person who would not take her seriously enough because of the same things just hit so much harder.
That's why, that time, she could not get up on her feet as easily as her teen self would do. Because that time, the parts of her that would give her happiness in the good days to have strength on the bad ones felt like they were ripped off her. It was more than disappointment, sadness, anger, and missing someone you used to care about at the same time. That time, it was herself that she lost. And that's why, all of her next 3 albums were about finding who you are. About changing yourself, about how others see you, and about how you choose to define yourself at the end of the day.
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kindchenschema · 4 months
greysanon again and tysm for answering i love talking about this stupid show lmao
okay agree about s12 it’s actually my ideal end point for the show after s8 and the magmeldith (i love maggie—she’s over hated and all the hate is over shit other characters would easily get away with but they come down extra hard on the black woman for some reason🤨—and im a sister lady chief stan idc that it’s corny i loved how snarky and close and fun they were in this season) everyone finally moved on from the derek stuff and they’re all learning now to be okay again it’s so good and endearing🥺
yeah! simone is so adorable and kind! she even made lucas tolerable but he’s annoying af and drags her down. he needs to leave her alone and they need to write in a new guy for her that adores her. honestly wish lucas was leaving the show and not yasuda but greys loves to disappoint.
speaking of yasuda, why has the chemistry between her and jules been so good these last couple of eps lol like when they woke up together the energy was giving GAY lol. they should bang before she leaves for good honestly
same for amelia and beltran who finally acknowledged the thing between them. i still don’t see sparks but i was charmed by beltran this week (spoilers for ep8) and i loved that amelia asked her out. idk why she’s always attracted to these emotionally unavailable women (addison is my top 5 greys women but sorry to say ive never sparks between her and any of the other women except maybe callie? i just don’t get a femslash vibe from her at all she gives me super straight wasp vibes srry lmao but she’s super hot and brilliant) but it’s good drama when they put in the effort to write it. seems like she could be sappy but like in erica hahn way (another fave idc that she was mean and arrogant she was right and they wrote her off so stupidly) where she’s still kinda cold to everyone else but sweet with amelia and honestly that would work for me because i love that dynamic for women. imma need a kiss by the finale to really solidify my interest tho.
but yeah no this season is so bland the show itself has become so low stakes and formulaic it’s like they’re afraid to actually take it in a compelling and dynamic direction because they don’t wanna alienate their old ass fans in middle america but what about us young fun dykes lmao. what if we’re tired of weekly hetero complications like we wanna have fun too!
greys anon bestie!! hi <3
girl you are so right, Maggie get behind me 🤺 I really love Maggie and I do agree that a lot of the hate she gets is due to misogyny and racism, and she was kind of put in a shit position being "the other Lexie" by the writers. (I personally never minded the recycled half-sister storyline but Lexie was a precious babe so of course people are going to be territorial.) the thing, to me, about Maggie, is like. yeah. she's a little bit annoying. but we have to remember she's an ex gifted kid turned gifted adult, she went through puberty and like pretty much all major "age-related" (mental) changes surrounded by people much older than her and she was also bullied, plus she grew up an only child who was very much the center of her parents' lives. like, yeah, when a person like that grows up, she's gonna be a bit childish and self-centered (for the RECORD I can name at least ten characters who are way worse in that regard starting with the ugly little gnome George o'malley) (also Maggie is extremely emotionally intelligent when it comes to judging situations/dealing with conflict but due to everything in her life just not happening at the "average" time and being so focused on her studies she's just starting to develop an adult sense of "self-awareness" when we meet her - and that is OKAY). tldr Maggie is an angel and the minuscule amount of flaws she has just make her a real, three-dimensional, complex human being, and I wish people would get over the Lexie thing so they could appreciate this wonderfully written and played character.
same I loved sister lady chiefs so much!! I had genuine Amelia/meredith brain rot a few years back 🤭 when Amelia was curled up at the foot of Meredith's bed and then when they were at the table and Meredith reached out to pet Amelia's head - I have a lot of Thoughts about how much of a puppy Amelia is but I don't know if this is a safe space so I'll shut up now 😭
simone is good at many things but nothing and no one can make Lucas tolerable to me, every time he is on my screen it makes me want to kill myself. I wish he would leave and from a show writing standpoint I don't understand why yasuda is leaving. it just feels like everyone is coming and going as they please, couldn't they hire main characters who actually want to stay on the show for more than three seasons? because I'm sorry but what is this?
anyways yes in the very beginning I thought they would make yasuda and Jules a thing... I do think they would be good together in the time yasuda has left (in the show haha) but I found the storyline with her fight with Taryn very dissatisfying and just... meh, I guess. (but that could be said about any storyline at all of the past five seasons so)
okay enough of me being a hater!! I am a lover now. Love ❤️
okay I lied I still don't like Beltran and I want her to go away. I do agree with you that the badboy who's sweet to one (1) person in a lesbian dynamic is top tier, but regardless I do want kai to come back to Seattle and also their senses and for them to confess their love to Amelia. as an alternative I would settle for seeing addimelia scissor on national television. but that's beside the point.
anon have you watched private practice? if you like Addison, you should!! she's definitely a wasp but she is a lesbian i know it!! (source: delusion)
honestly I really wonder how their more conservative/republican fanbase feels about the general tone of the show now (I mean the hardcore alt-right people probably stopped watching a long time ago haha) because even though I'm anything but conservative I find it very disrespectful. I mean, you can't have every main character parroting one political standpoint (in ear-cancer inducing twitter lingo might I add) and the faceless "bad guys" saying the other. like with the roe v wade storyline - obviously I'm pro choice, but there could've been something way more interesting. instead of "bad guys throw brick at good guys" (Kwan). something to reach people on both sides and have an actual nuanced conversation - what if a woman who was a protester had gone to Addison for an abortion? for example
dude imagine if we were writers on the show... every character would be a dyke. Addison dyke, meredith dyke, Amelia bisexual(no one's perfect), NICOLE HERMAN!!! DYKE. Owen? dyke! you get it
thank you soo much for these anons they really make my day :'') as you can see I am a bit obsessed with grey's (I also write fanfic) so I'm super delighted to yap about it with you <33333 (but I promise I'm normal otherwise 😭 I go to school, I have friends, etc no basement dwelling going on here no ma'am 🫡)
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crowleaf · 9 months
Also my mother finally acknowledged that my aunt (her sister-in-law) is probably emotionally abusing my uncle.
(tw cw: emotional abuse, spousal abuse, toxic relationship, controlling behavior)
I've been saying this for at least ten years. I've taken note of how he's gradually changed from being this weird nerd, who I always looked forward to seeing on holidays to talk about whatever new shows or movies he'd pirated and to exchange recommendations and to show him whatever recent Zelda game had come out (because the graphics of each new game since Ocarina would blow his mind), to being withdrawn and indifferent to things.
He wasn't watching anything new because his wife said he spent too much time in the basement (where the computer is, where he would pirate things). He lost all his friends (and only had her friends to socialize with) that he used to hang out with, who were all into classic cars, after she said he spent too much time going to car shows with them, and made him sell his Firebird (or Thunderbird. Can't remember which he had because I hadn't seen it since I was like, 12). He wasn't even 'allowed' to show an interest in video games because he was in his late 50-early 60's (at the time) and his wife thought it was childish and a waste of time.
Now he doesn't come to family gatherings anymore, because his wife prioritizes her family, always, and we've caught them (her) lying to get out of plans made with our family so that they could go to hers on holidays. Like, why lie? Just say you have other plans. (I should also note that his wife has no kids, not with him or anyone else; the family they visit are random extended relatives of hers)
The other day is what really got my mom to understand what I've been trying to say for years.
She called him, and he was in the Walmart parking lot in the car alone, and before my mom could even say much, he hurriedly said "(wife) just got out of the store, I gotta go." I didn't hear this call obviously but my mom said it was really weird, like he was anxious.
And before that, on a different call (that had been on speaker phone on his end...it always is, his wife always has to hear and be involved in the conversation) my mom asked if he was retiring because he'd just quit his job.
He said he wanted to, and his wife, from somewhere in the background, screams "He is NOT RETIRING!" to which my uncle replies "We'll talk about it later." During the short Walmart call, he told my mom he is not going back to work. He's 65, and he's had back problems since I was a kid. If he has the means to retire, then he should absolutely do so. So why the fuck is his wife so anti-retirement?
Because it means he'll have alone time, without her. Because she still works, and the job he just quit? They worked in the same school together. Where she could presumably 'keep an eye on him'. Why does she want to keep an eye on him? Fuck if I know! He's never cheated. He's never done anything to deserve her suspicious behavior.
It's fucked. I really wish he could get help. My other uncle has already given up on him because he doesn't understand that his brother is being abused, because they're all boomers (young boomers, but still) and their generation cannot fathom that a woman can abuse a man (my mom gets it, she just didn't realize it was happening to her own brother until all of this).
So I really hope when he retires and gets some fucking alone time while his wife is at work and not constantly listening in on his phone calls, that maybe my mom can call and ask if he like, needs help. Wants help. Wants out. But the men in my family, (myself included, I'm a man sometimes), are prideful idiots who have a hard time reaching out for or accepting help. So I don't know if he would even accept help if offered, or if he would just try to grit his teeth and suffer through this shit marriage until one of them dies.
It just kills me knowing the last 20 years or so of his life have been spent living under such controlling, abusive conditions. It breaks my heart to see how much he's changed. I miss my uncle, and I'm worried for him. I would help if I could, but I don't have the means to do anything.
It's getting worse though. It's the little things that make it obvious. For example, every year, even if they didn't come to holiday gatherings, I would get a Christmas card in the mail from him (signed by them both) full of scratch-offs. I actually won like $40 from them last year. I didn't get a card this year.
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melapisdeagros · 10 months
So Vivziepop just posted a new song, and one of my friends mentioned that they liked Helluva Boss and was surprised that I liked it too (which is somewhat fair; it's a little out of my usual range, but cmon, just because I don't want THEIR brand of weird stuff honest mean I don't like SOME bizarre stuff - I'm friends with them for crying out loud). And I always listen to them info dump about whatever play through, manga, video game quest, or kin characters cause I want to be a good friend. No one ever heard me info dump about this sorta stuff (mainly cause I would little rather kill myself than amidst half the shit I'm into, let alone the detail level I know about it). I always try to be as into it as I can, right??? Like, I don't actually find this shit exciting or fun or see any point in being into it. Still, IF MY FRIEND LIEKS BY God, I'm GONNA LISTEN AND MAKE INTERESTED NOISES AND ACKNOWLEDGE AND ENCOURAGE THEM IN THEIR EMOTIONALISM OVER IT CAUSE I GET IT!! And I rarely (even still) offer any of my content or info dumps (and believe me, I could go for days) because I'm still lingeringly embarrassed and have the lifelong instinct to hide my interest, hide the things that really make me happy, cause people will either mock it or disparage it or just not be entered or care enough. It's all so fucking stupid anyway. And getting shut down HURTS. So I just don't offer anything in return, which makes all my relationships unbalanced, and I get frustrated. Long story short, I tried telling them about the song, but they were tired from a concert, and then I tried showing them again, and they said they hadn't been that into Helluva Boss in a while and they "didn't care, I sorry." MOTHERFUCKER YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT HALF THE SHIT YOU SHOW ME???!!!! NOOO. NONONONONON. NO SIR, NO MA'AM, NO HUMAN. I DON'T GIVE A SINGULAR FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR WRITING CHAINS, OR YOUR MINECRAFT PLAYTHROUGH, OR ROLEPLAY EGG DADDIES, OR SPLATOON, OR MIKU, OR HOMESTUCK, OR ANY OF IT. IT'S DUMB AS SHIT, AND SO FAR FROM MY INTEREST, I'm HONESTLY SHOCKED WE'RE FRIENDS. YOU MENTIONED BEING SLIGHTLY INTO A THING I LIKE, BUT WHENEVER I TRY TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH YOU, YOU DON'T WANNA. Harry Potter? You hate it now. PJO? You seem to be over it in that you've gleaned every bit of literary knowledge and now consider it childish. Helluva Boss? Paternity, you're so over it. You said my actual nightmare sentence. Don't you care about what I'm showing you? That's fine. I do watch what you show me. But at least I try. I let you talk to me for hours; I allow you to share your interests, listen to your music, and watch the animations you show me. Because I want to be a good friend and try to enjoy the things that bring you joy. Wish you could do the same fucking thing for me once in a goddamn while.
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