#you can just .......... see everything washing over him i just wanna hug him and remind him abt everyone who Does love him
ilostyou · 2 years
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“……….love me anyway”
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luveline · 2 years
miss jade your bodyguard!james example hit me right in the chest.. can I get candy apples and do you wanna dance? with a bodyguard!james au?? Where you’re dying for a sleepover with your girlfriends but he’s gotta sit in there with you and he totally gets into it gossiping and painting nails and doing face masks and making friendship bracelets? I yearn for big buff scary babygirl James and his shy little charge :’)) - happy Halloween !!!!!!! 🧡🖤
join luveline's halloween party ♡
mei my angel my literal everything best idea ever and I had to include what we talked about too, tysm for ur request baby happy halloween ♡ bodyguard!james x shy!fem!reader (also tipsy!reader)
You really hadn't wanted to bring it up but at the same time, you'd felt like you had to. James had assured you to do whatever it is that's going to make you most comfortable, even if what makes you most comfortable is actually making your new friends most comfortable.
"He... He has to come, but James doesn't mind sitting in the adjoining room. I'm sorry," you'd said.
Mindy, a friend you'd miraculously managed to make at the supermarket of all places, had given your bodyguard a once over with a huge smile. "Are you kidding? He's welcome to sit wherever he likes. He's very welcome."
You'd felt a flicker of something. Not jealousy. A general wash of embarrassment at the implication that James is, rightfully, eye-candy.
"Are you wearing aftershave?" you ask now, not a question you would usually have the courage to ask. You're shocked.
"Cologne, actually," James says.
You gawp at him.
James looks both lovely and ridiculous. He's bedecked in smart clothes, his casual civilian clothing, and it's enough to make your heart skip a beat. Tight sleeves, tight pants. He's a classic handsome on a bad day. Tonight, he's breathtaking.
Especially carrying your pink backpack.
You like how much he doesn't care about stuff like this. Your backpack thrown over his shoulder, your coat in the crook of his elbow. None of it is his job, the only thing he really has to do is stop you from getting maimed or killed, but he does it anyways.
"It's nice," you say awkwardly. What you'd wanted to say was worse. Are you wearing cologne to impress Mindy?
His smile is horrifyingly smug. "Thank you, princess. Think you should knock again?"
You knock again, your hand barely pulled from the door when it swings open.
"Hi," Mindy says, smiling as soon as she sees you.
It's such a nice thing, for your presence to make somebody smile like that, and you find yourself smiling back without any of your usual shyness.
"And hello," she adds, sizing James up with a light-hearted expression of dizziness. "Did you get more handsome, Mr. Bodyguard?"
James hand touches between your shoulders. "Maybe slightly."
Mindy laughs gleefully. "Maybe so. Please, come in. We were waiting on your before we start Dirty Dancing."
You beam. Mindy shows you and James into the living room of her home where the rest of your new friends wait. They're all just as excited to see you as you are to see them, greeting you with hugs and smiles. They say hello to James too, which is really nice. James doesn't mind, but sometimes people act as if he's not there. It's my job to sink into the background, he'd placated once.
Still, you don't like when people ignore him. This spells good tidings.
You're in very nice but comfy clothes, soft loose trousers and a t-shirt that's too big for you, because you'd thought that was what people where to these kinds of things — it's what they wear in all the movies you'd watched to prepare — so you're horrified when you realise they're all dressed in fancy blouses and fine jewellery.
"Sit down," James reminds you gently, putting pressure on your shoulder until you sit.
"Right," you say with a laugh.
"You can sit wherever you like," Mindy says to James.
He tips his head slightly to one side. "I really don't want to intrude on you girls. I can happily stay by the door."
Mindy shakes her head. "No, sir. You can protect your lovely treasure from right here."
James sits beside you.
Mindy is clearly quite wealthy. Her living room is a large space with huge couches and an impressive television bolted high on the wall, Dirty Dancing already queued and waiting to play. Before you know it you've a cocktail in hand and the lights have been turned down low, the movie accompanied by a low level of chatter.
"Patrick," Georgia says dreamily, watching as the main characters dance in the middle of an empty room.
"He's not very handsome-" Milly says.
"Let me finish! He's not very handsome in the classical way, is he? But his demeanour is what makes him so yummy."
You huff under your breath, a laugh you can't contain as they descend into a debate on all his pros and cons.
"He's more handsome because he can dance. It's his charisma."
"What does Y/N think?" Mindy asks, turning to you eagerly. You almost choke on your sip of cosmopolitan, face growing warm under their expectant gazes.
It's not entirely their fault. James turns to you to, you can feel his thigh pressed closer to yours. This isn't the kind of thing you and he ever talk about.
"Um, he... Well, I think he's-" Your voice falls to an insecure murmur. "He's not not handsome."
"I don't think he's all that," James says.
The girls roar with laughter. You turn to James to watch him chuckling, a grateful smile on your face.
"Can you dance, James?" Milly asks.
His arms burns where it touches your own. "Not like that," he says.
More laughter. You feel two things at once, and this time you're willing to admit one is some sort of jealousy. He's super funny and you love that about him, you're just not sure if you love everybody else knowing it too. But then, the second feeling, pure affection for him. He deserves droves of girls fawning over him. It makes sense that they're all so charmed.
They all sing the closing song of the movie to each other in dramatic duets. Mindy tries to include you, and then Georgia does too, but singing in front of people isn't something you do. It takes too much courage. You'd have to disregard the embarrassment of being bad, and you're not good at that. Nevertheless it's a great time that makes you laugh until your side hurts, especially when Dahlia and Darcy try to do the dangerous 'lift' dance move.
You dip your head toward James. "You could definitely do that."
He laughs, startled. "Do what, shortcake?"
"The lift."
"Only if you're the one I'm lifting," he bargains.
"Never in a million years," you say, cheeks filled with heat.
They want to do manicures after that. This is two cosmopolitans later, mind you, but you gather around the coffee table with finger dividers, and soon Milly is passing out calming sheet masks she got from the supermarket. You laugh at one another, ghosts in practice, and your laughter gets worse when James agrees to let Milly put one on him. His hair's so thick and curly that he needs to wear a headband to keep it away from his face, a salmon coloured pair of bunny ears.
You're on your fourth cocktail, a long island iced tea, by the time your nails are done, and Georgia has started retelling a story about her last date, how weird the guy had been, and how he had failed spectacularly in the bedroom.
"I mean, I probably should've known there wouldn't be much joy when he showed me his matchbox collection, but I thought he was eclectic, not stupid."
You giggle and lean hard into James side for support, your own face mask starting to slip down your face. He's already peeled his own off, skin shiny and soft, and he reaches out with delicate fingertips to pull yours away too.
"Here," he says, dabbing the excess essence off with a flannel.
"Thanks, Jamie," you say happily.
"Worst date of my life," Georgia finishes, rolling her eyes.
"I can't beat that one!" Darcy says quickly. "I was twenty, and we went to Burger King for dinner. Burger King. I was wearing a little black dress and heels. And when we get back in the car, we were supposed to be going for a film, he leans over the handbrake and starts trying to kiss me and all I could see was a tiny piece of lettuce in his mustache," — you hiccup hard and slap a hand over your mouth, overjoyed by her tortured tone — "I pulled away, obviously. And he grabs my shoulder and said, come on baby, I saw how you were looking at me back there.
Back there. In the Burger King." She rolls her eyes. "You gotta be kidding me."
The girls share their horror stories and you laugh and sigh sympathetically in most of the right places, until you're the only one left who hadn't spoken.
"What about you, Y/N?" Dahlia asks.
"Yeah, what's your nightmare date?"
You stiffen. "I mean... I... I haven't-"
"Come on, it can't be as bad as the guy who spit in my ear," Milly says.
You laugh, because ew, but struggle to come clean without sounding awkward. "I've never been on a date before."
"Oh," Mindy says, sounding not disgusted but let down. She recovers swiftly. "Well, you aren't missing anything, babe."
"Yeah," Darcy placates. "Especially if it's with a guy. No offense."
James raises a hand. "Please, it's fine. I've no delusions when it comes to my sex."
The girls continue to try and comfort you. You hadn't wanted any comfort, and every new reassurance makes you shrink. It's lovely that they're trying to make you feel better, but you feel abruptly inexperienced and ashamed about it.
"I once had a girl break an egg against my forehead," James says.
They all pause.
"On a first date?"
"Yup. She'd brought eggs. In her purse."
They gawp. You gawp. You've never heard this story.
Halfway through a dramatic rehashing his hand finds your calf for a quick squeeze. You realise he's making the whole thing up shortly after and you've never felt more thankful for him. And he once stopped you from getting tasered by grabbing the weapon with his bare hands, so.
"Aren't we a little old for friendship braceletes?" Milly asks, a practically fully-formed chevron bracelet in hand.
You struggle with your beginners bracelet made of four strands. James, beside you, is a natural. Your elbows keep brushing together, and it's a lot.
"Some of us had bad childhoods, Milly."
"Shit," you whisper, your bracelet loop sneaking out from under the masking tape anchoring it to the table for the tenth time in as many minutes.
"You're pulling too hard," James whispers back.
"Everyone's quicker than me!"
Mindy yawns and proclaims to go receive the sleeping bags and air mattresses she'd promised. "Keep working, Y/N! I want that bracelet around my wrist when I get back."
"No problem," you say easily, and then, "James, what do I do? Please help me."
James looks over at your bracelet. You've made knots on the wrong strings, the bracelet more a net than anything. He side eyes the group of girls sitting around him, all putting the finishing touches on their projects, before quietly slipping his bracelet into his lap and swapping it with yours.
"Stick it back on the table and I'll show you," he murmurs covertly.
You stick his bracelet on the table in front of you with some masking tape and James takes charge. He grabs your hands with zero hesitation and shows you how to knot the strings, the 4-shape you need to make and which strings you need to make it on. His hands are very warm, super soft, and when he lets go you feel it like an absence.
"Get it?" he asks.
Kind of. There's an obvious difference in the quality of knots made. James' are all neat and uniform, yours less so, but you chalk it upto rushing and mindy doesn't know any different, hugging you as you tie it around her wrist.
"It's stunning," she proclaims. "Where's yours, Mr Bodyguard?"
He shows your bracelet. "I had some trouble."
There's a little wave of giggles that hurts your feelings, but then Darcy says, "It's alright, James. They're really hard if you've never made them before."
"Yeah, I spent an entire summer in primary school teaching myself. That's a great effort for a beginner!"
"Practice makes perfect, anyways."
James nudges you casually with his elbow. "Thanks, ladies."
Soon, the room is enveloped by the rushing sound of the electric air pump blowing up air mattresses. They're sandwiched together, and even with Darcy on the couch and Mindy in her own bed there's no enough room.
"I'm so sorry," she says, "I didn't think about where he'd sleep."
"Technically, I won't really be sleeping," James says.
Your heart is thudding painfully against your ribcage. "Uh, well," — you're so desperate to seem cool and not cause any problems that you blurt without thinking — "it's fine, James doesn't mind sharing with me." You look up into his dazzling, sun-kissed face. "Do you?"
A flicker of surprise clouds his features. He hides it. "No, of course I don't mind."
The time approached half-twelve quickly. James is off shift at 1AM, and while he might usually go home he's already told you he'll be staying the night. He hates when you're in unfamiliar places. You don't complain, though when it's dark and everyone is drunkenly snoozing in their plastic beds, you sit up in your sleeping bag and search for his figure in the dark.
"James?" you murmur.
"What, sweetheart?"
"Is y'shift over?"
"Yeah. Mason's just pulled up outside." Mason means Jack and Jack means the night team. You roll your eyes at how ridiculously looked after you are.
"Do you want to come and sleep? You must be tired," you continue, your own voice dulcet with an obvious fatigue.
James picks his way over to you where you're nestled in your pyjamas and sleeping bag. "I can go kip in the van, if it makes you uncomfortable."
Is he kidding? He's just spent the night not only looking after you but making sure time and time again that you didn't look stupid in front of your new friends. He might be the nicest boy you've ever met, and the last thing you want him to do after all of this is go sleep sitting up in the back of a van.
"Are you crazy?" you mumble, unzipping your sleeping bag to entice him in. "S'cold in here. Your nose would get frost bite out there."
"Poor night team," he laments agreeably.
The air matress lifts you up with James' added weight. He makes his way under the unzipped sleeping back and has to cling to your hip to stop himself from falling off. You frown at his scratchy clothes.
"Did you bring pajamas?" you ask.
"No offense, shortcake, but no. Obviously I did not."
Your sleep (and cocktail) addled brain doesn't have the energy to feel offended. "Y'gonna be uncomfortable."
He doesn't speak. You assume he's done talking for the night and curl your leg up toward his thigh, when he says, "You won't mind if I take my shirt off? The fancy labels are really itchy."
"No, fancy-pants, I won't mind."
Even in your state you can feel the nervousness of being so close to him after he's peeled off his shirt. He's a huge hot water bottle beside you and you face toward him, cold but miles too shy to make a move.
It's like he can read your mind. "Are you still cold?" he asks, pulling the sleeping bag up to your chin.
"A little. My nose is cold," you murmur, eyes feeling heavier by the second.
His hand lands tentatively against your cheek. His thumb rubs against the tip of your nose. "What was it you said about frost bite?"
You genuinely can't remember. His hand is so warm, his body, his touch something you desire badly on a good day and yearn ceaselessly for on your worst. You bracelet his wrist where it rests against your neck and rub over his pulse unthiningly.
"You want a hug?" he asks knowingly.
"Just for a second," you agree. Your dignity shrivels with the speed of your reply.
He laughs under his breath and slides his arm under your shoulders. For a second it's uncomfortable and achy, and then he's pulling the brunt of your weight onto his chest and wrapping arms around you.
You shudder at how warm he is, the heat of his palms over your spine.
You lavish in his hold and steal all of his emanating heat until you're toasty as can be, sleeping bag snug over your limbs and face nestled in the bare skin of James' shoulder.
"Sorry," you mumble.
"For what?"
You're surprised he's still awake.
"For... For being so... I don't know. Because you had to save me so many times."
"Saving you from awkward situations is easy, don't worry about it. And I think you would've done better without me than you realise."
His hand creeps up the nape of your neck.
You're pretty beside yourself, tipsy and tired and tenderised by his tactile touching. He's familiar. More familiar than anything. It feels like a dream to be in his arms. It probably is.
"You're a good girl, Y/N," he says, and it doesn't feel weird at all. He means it honestly. "You're kind. You're caring. People were bound to love you eventually. It took a while, but they do."
"It didn't take you a while."
"Well, I'm smarter than everybody else, you know that," he says.
You both laugh. His hand strokes the side of your face and rests behind your ear. You can't pin point when you fall from dizzy laughter into sleep, but James can.
He watches your face relax in the near-dark, watches your shoulders settle under his hands. The whole while he's thinking God, what am I doing? This isn't professional. This is the opposite of professional.
He tries to ease you off of him and abandons all hope when you turn your face into his chest and your lips touch his skin. Each exhale a warm kiss.
In the morning, he'll likely tease you within an inch of your life. You're shy enough on a normal day that he doubts you'll survive it. But for now, he rubs the length of your back and wonders if this is how you feel when he's standing guard. So, so safe.
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spacesurfing · 2 years
I've never done this before
But can I request Sodo x Reader. They had just watched a scary movie with the ghouls, and like the reader just can't get to sleep so Sodo like calms them down and soothes them or maybe sings to them.
I just watched quite possibly the scariest movie I've seen in my time on this earth and I need the comfort...
Thank you 🐉🐉
Ahh, tis the spooky night and P cannot yet fall asleep!! I would love to write this and my apologies if it is short!
Everyone Gets A Little Scared Sometimes
Dewdrop x Reader Fluff
Summary: It is a night of horrors. And a night of refusing to pee alone.
Warnings: Fluffffff
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You were jumpy tonight, more so than you usually were. Why? Well, because your dork of a boyfriend decided to put on the single-handedly most scariest movie you'd ever seen. Snuggled into his arms, under a blanket, yes you felt safe but this feeling of paranoia was sent up your spine and engulfed you whole, making the shadows that the candle you had lit even more scary. You jumped at every noise, shielded your eyes every time suspense started building through music and audio cues.
And, every time you were calmed down from a scare, you were reminded of the fact that this was mandatory. It was a Halloween Eve tradition for Sodo to watch a scary movie, the scariest out at the time. Your boyfriend loved it, he absolutely adored the tradition, laughing in the face of a jumpscare and even joining in with the film by scaring you with fast movements while everything was eerily silent. He found it all funny and partially ridiculous.
But you didn't. Of course you believed in ghosts and demons and you believed in witches and bad omens. You were literally dating a ghoul.
The movie ended, a pan of the dead teenagers, turning to the end where a girl stood, blood covering her head to toe, smeared across her face as her deceased mother faded in behind her. The girl was pretty much "avenging" her mother's ghost because her mom wanted her to kill a bunch of people. Plain and simple.
"Why did they have to pop out so much? Can't they just be like normal people and just not be so creepy?" you whined a complain, hugging Dewdrop's arm. He chuckled, shifting his way up and attempting to stand, but he was kept down by your body still on the couch. You could say you were still with freight. Or still with the fact that everything seemed to move now.
"What? You wanna stay here and watch the credits roll with me?" he teased, poking your nose with his index finger. A shadow flickered on the wall, making you look around for intruders. Your ghoul sighed dramatically, "Well I have to pee, so if you wanna follow me, go right ahead."
And you did exactly that, following Sodo to the bathroom and standing there outside the door with your body pressed to it. You tried not to look around you, scared of what you might see in the shadows of your apartment. You let out a small scream, seeing the TV turn back onto the streaming screen with a sudden flash of light.
"Calm down out there, I'm almost done sweet girl," the fire ghoul laughed. You missed him being near you, he was so warm and safe and made you feel like you wouldn't actually be slaughtered.
Dewdrop opened the door, making you stumble a bit before he pulled you into his arms with a smirk, "I've never seen you want to be near me so much. I kinda like it."
You slapped his chest with you hand and he shook his head, snatching up the blanket on the couch you had and blowing out the candles, leaving on the nightlights in the kitchen. He let you cling to him the whole time before he started for the bedroom and you found relief wash over you.
Dragging you into bed with him, he covered you in blankets and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to rest your head on his chest. His hand pet your hair softly, running fingers through the delicate strands and purring at the fact that you held him like he was some sort of life support. The rumbling in his chest allowed you to calm down more, hand resting on his stomach and rubbing small circles into it.
"You know that I'll always keep you safe, right baby?" Dewdrop asked, voice startling you for a second.
"Yeah.. I'm just scared. All those things are real, Dew, things like that can happen."
He ran his hands under your hair and over your neck, trailing his hard palm to your cheek and allowing his fingers to massage your face tenderly.
"They would have to go through me. I don't think you realized that, love, I wouldn't let anything hurt you unless it killed me first. And I will stand by that as long as I am present on this very plane of existence."
You smiled into the dark, looking up to see his eager, yellow eyes glowing through the pitch black. And for the first time tonight, something so ethereal and terrifying made you feel at peace.
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Comfort After a Nightmare
Summary - Part 45 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends), Garth x Bess
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: In case I haven’t been saying it enough lately, I just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate you all: all your likes, comments, reblogs and even if you’re a silent supporter I appreciate you all the same. You guys constantly remind me why I love writing so much. So, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this week’s chapter. 
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Back at Garth’s place you and Dean unpack the groceries and then you go upstairs to check on the girls. You watch them playing with dolls from the doorway for a while before they notice you. When Destiny looks at you, you wander in and take a seat on the end of Gertie’s bed.
“Hey girls, having fun?” you ask.
They both nod and then Destiny asks, “You get everything you need?”
“Yep. Dean and I will have plenty of human food to eat. Just let me know if you girls want lunch. I’ll let you play.” As you stand up you hear a little stomach growl. “Sounds like someone is hungry?” you ask as you look between them.
They both nod again. Your heart aches a little at how good they look as sisters and you question whether or not you will get to bring her home, even with Dean finally on board. “Yeah, I am hungry,” Destiny says quietly.
“Me too!” Gertie adds.
“Alright then. Let’s see if we can find you both something to eat. Come on.”
The girls quickly pack up the dolls and then follow you downstairs to the kitchen where you find Bess already plating up some lunch. 
“Have you girls washed up? We might be wolves but we still value hygiene,” she adds looking at you. You smile as the girls run off to wash their hands in the bathroom. You stay and help Bess set the table and get lunch ready. You make sandwiches for yourself and Dean. 
Once the table is set you ask the girls to get the men from the lounge for lunch and then you all sit down for another lovely meal. 
Towards the end of the meal, you start to feel like an intruder in Garth and Bess’s little wolf pack. Destiny fits in so well, opening up slowly about some of her memories which they can understand and relate to. Dean notices you zoning out and squeezes your knee under the table. You give him a small, forced smile and start to stack your dishes. 
He leans over and whispers in your ear, “Whatever is best for her, remember. Be strong, Sweetheart.”
You nod and pull away to take your dishes to the kitchen, trying your best not to interrupt the conversations. As you start to do the dishes, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“Don’t hide in here. Just ‘cause she’s opening up, doesn’t mean her mind is made up. You need to prepare yourself for it. But don’t get too stressed or upset about it yet. Just give her a chance to adjust.”
“Thanks, Dean. I love you.”
“I love you too, Sweetheart. Need a hand?”
You nod your head in the direction of the tea towels and he helps you dry up.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Later that night, you’re snuggled up with Dean in the guest room bed. The house is quiet and peaceful. Everything feels uncharacteristically good for once as you lay on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. You eventually start to drift off, when you hear a soft knock at the door. You feel Dean’s muscles instantly stiffen beneath you. You pat his chest and get up. 
On the other side of the door, you find a startled Destiny. You kneel down to her height and pull her into a hug. “What’s wrong Sweetie?”
“I-I had a nightmare.”
You see the tears and hug her tighter. “Come here. You can stay with us tonight. And we’re here if you wanna talk about it.”
She shakes her head and grips onto your arms. You lead her to the bed where Dean is now sitting up watching the scene in front of him. He reaches down beside the bed and slips his T-shirt back on feeling very self-conscious and aware of the child crawling into his bed. 
Destiny seems to understand his apprehension and stops and stares at him. “Sorry,” she whispers, “I can try to go back to-”
He puts his hand on her knee making her stop. “It’s alright. We both have nightmares sometimes too.”
You mouth the words “thank you” to him as he looks up at you, he nods and holds the blanket up to let Destiny crawl under it and get comfortable. Once she’s settled you climb in beside her. Dean lays his left arm out across the pillows above her head to reach your cheek. Laying on your side to face him you mouth “I love you” and he smiles.
“Good night, sweet girls,” Dean says softly as he adjusts on his back and closes his eyes.
Destiny snuggles into your side so you drape your arm over her shoulders so she knows you’re there and she’s not alone. This warms your heart as you drift off to sleep, imagining the three of you as a happy family in a little house with a nice backyard. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You’re sitting on a swing chair on the patio with an open book in your lap, a jug, three glasses of homemade lemonade and a plate of fresh cookies on the table beside you. You look up and watch your husband as he pushes a lawnmower methodically across the lawn in straight lines as a little girl and a fluffy dog run around the yard dodging him. You rest a hand on your sizeable stomach as you smile at the scene in front of you. 
As if sensing your eyes on him, Dean glances over at you and blows a kiss. You blush. Then Destiny and the energetic dog come bounding up the stairs, stopping just short of the table. She sculls a glass of lemonade as the dog laps at a water dish on the ground. 
“May I have a cookie?” Destiny asks once she finishes drinking. 
“Of course. Yours are on the right, give one to Woolfie too,” you tell her.
“Alright. Thank you. Is the baby kicking?” she asks as she takes a cookie. 
“Not at the moment. I’ll let you feel next time it does.”
“Okay!” She offers the dog a cookie and then puts her own in her mouth before running back into the yard.
“Be careful running with food in your mouth!” you call out to her.
Once Dean mows the final strip he shuts off the machine and wipes his hands on his jeans. He climbs up the stairs to sit beside you. He rests his hand with yours on your belly and kisses your cheek. You reach over for a glass of lemonade and hand it to him. 
He takes a sip and then grumbles, “It’s not the same as a cold beer…”
“If you want beer they’re in the fridge. But don’t go expecting your pregnant wife to get it for you,” you tease.
“Course not, Sweetheart.” He finishes his glass and goes to put it on the floor but you take it and put it on the bench then you hand him a cookie.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A squirming beside you startles you awake. You look over at the restlessly sleeping girl beside you and gently rub your hand down her arm. As you watch her start to settle you try to reminisce about the perfect life your subconscious created. It felt so real, but also so hard to believe. You look over at Dean, still surprisingly fast asleep. You smile. Maybe you don’t need that exact perfect dream life. Maybe your perfect is right here; you’re married to the love of your life, looking to adopt a little girl and try to reduce or stop hunting. 
Destiny starts to stir again, but this time more peacefully. Her eyes blink open a few times before her gaze settles on you.
“Good morning, Sweetie,” you say quietly. 
She frowns. “I’m sorry I disturbed you last night. I…I…”
“It’s okay. We all get nightmares sometimes. Especially when you’ve been through as much as you have and we have. I know this all must be so hard for you, but you’re not alone okay. This is all very new to us but we want to be there for you and help you in any way you need.”
She nods. “Can I-Can I stay with you?”
“You don’t want to stay here with Garth and Bess and Gertie?”
“They’re nice. I can…But I…”
“How about you give it another day before you make a decision?” You sit up and she crawls into your lap. You wrap your arms around her. “I-We just want what’s best for you. If that’s with us, great. If it’s here with a pack, that’s perfectly fine too.”
She snuggles into your embrace, curling up like a ball,  making herself smaller. You feel a warm hand on your thigh so you smile over at Dean, acknowledging him. 
“Morning,” he drawls, his voice raspy and full of sleep. He sits up and stretches his arms out then looks over at you noticing the pup curled up in your lap. He fights the urge to pat her on the head, opting to keep his hands to himself. He leans over and kisses the top of your head. “I’m gonna shower and then go see about breakfast,” he says as he pulls away. 
You nod as you watch him get up and gather his things. As he gets to the door he glances back at you and Destiny. A small smirk teases the corner of his lips.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Hey 👋
Can I give you three promts for the writing challenge?
With Frank Adler, Friends to Lovers and the Dialogue "You're funny, but I can tell you’re hiding something."
Oh I love this and I haven't written for Frank for ages! Thank you for sending in some prompts and I hope you enjoy!
This is from my 2.5k Followers Creative Challenge and Exchange! If you wanna find out more and get involved, check it out here!
Locked In - Frank Adler x Reader
Summary: Your usual Friday night with Frank takes a surprising turn
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Language! Fluff! Tiny bit of Angst!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Masterlist / Challenge Masterlist
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“You’re gonna be hanging out with Y/N right?” Mary asks from her spot on the floor as she played with her Legos.
“Yeah… why?” Frank asks slowly frowning slightly.
“No reason” Mary states with a shrug of her shoulders.
Franks hums nodding his head and going back to the work he was doing. Sceptically watching Mary as she continued to play wondering if Mary was up to something.
“Is she coming here?” Mary asks after a few minutes.
“Yeah, then we’ll be going out to the bar like we usually do” Frank nods, Mary was definitely up to something but he couldn’t work out what.
“Will she be here before I go to Roberta’s?” Mary asks hopefully, Frank’s shoulders relaxing, Mary wasn’t up to something she just wanted to see you.
“Depends on when Roberta wants to take you to the movies,” Frank tells her as he focuses back on his work.
“Can you ask Y/N to come early so I can see her?” Mary asks.
Frank sighs softly “I’ll ask but I can’t promise anything okay?” He offers as he reaches for his phone.
Mary grins back at him “Thanks Frank!”
Frank chuckles lightly, shaking his head as he quickly texts you before getting back to the work he was doing.
Later that evening Frank was just tidying up the plates from dinner when he heard you knock on the front door. Quickly drying his hands he made a move to open the door but Mary flew past him and beat him to it.
“Y/N!” Mary shouted hugging you tightly before you even had the chance to step inside.
“Hey sweetpea, you alright?” You smile hugging her back.
“Yep, me and Roberta are going to the movies tonight” Mary grins.
“Oh wow, what are you watching?” You ask her with a warm smile.
“The new Lightyear movie,” Mary says making you gasp.
“Well, I am very jealous! I’m stuck with Frank all evening” you smirk glancing up at Frank.
Franks huff shaking his head “well you’re more than welcome to join them” he offers “just because you have a crush on the voice actor” he mumbles under his breath.
“I’m good, maybe another time” you grin “how you doing?” You say walking over to hug Frank.
“Good, ready for a night out,” Frank says with a tired nod of his head.
“Well it’s a good thing I’m here then” you smirk “oh that reminds me I tried to come in through the back door but it wouldn’t budge”
“Yeah the locks busted, someone’s coming out tomorrow, at least it's stuck locked rather than unlocked,” Frank says with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Yeah that is lucky, so what time are we heading out?” You ask as you put your purse down on the couch.
“Soon after Mary heads over, speaking of which, Mary have you got everything you need?” Frank calls out looking over your shoulder at Mary.
“Yep!” She calls back as she picks up Fred to give him a cuddle.
“I just need to finish clearing up too,” Frank says gesturing to the kitchen behind him with his thumb.
“No worries let me help, I’ll dry while you wash” you offer with a shrug of your shoulders, Frank goes to argue but you hold your finger up to stop him “Don’t bother telling me to relax because I’m gonna help so c’mon,” you say pushing past him into the kitchen.
A short while later Mary ran into the kitchen “Frank, Roberta’s waving for me to come over, can I go?”
“Sure thing, see you in the morning squirt” Frank nods drying his hands.
“‘Kay!” Mary smiles before turning on her heels to leave.
“Oi don’t we get a goodnight?” Frank questions, his brow raised.
“Goodnight!” She calls back as she runs out the door and towards Roberta.
Frank lets out a huff and he shakes his head “well at least we can finally get out of here” he sighs “I just gotta change my shirt and we’ll go”
“Fine but don’t put on that yellow Hawaiian one, I hate it,” you tell him firmly.
“There’s a fine line between love and hate” Frank smirks over his shoulder, earning a roll of the eyes from you as he disappears into his bedroom.
He reappeared a couple of minutes later in a light blue shirt “right let's go” he says clapping his hands together “there's a beer with my name on it at the bar”
“I’ll second that” you chuckle as you follow him over to the door.
But as he goes to open it the door refuses to open “what the fuck” he mutters trying again but with litter success.
“What’s going on?” You ask frowning in confusion.
“The door won’t open, it seems to be stuck on something,” Frank says trying to open it again with more force.
“Careful! You don’t wanna break it!” You tell him, shaking your head.
“Well, how else are we supposed to get out to the bar?” Frank argues.
“We’re not going to able to go to the bar if you break the door! Look just call Roberta, see if she can help us” you point out.
“Fine” Frank huffs patting down his jeans, frowning when he couldn’t find his phone “were the hell did i-“ he mutters as he turns around to look for his phone.
“Do you want me to call it?” You say knowingly.
“Yeah” Frank grumbles as he continues to look.
You roll your eyes as you open up your purse and start looking for your phone “that’s strange I could have sworn I left the house with it” you mumble as you put your bag down and start emptying its contents, your phone nowhere to be found.
“You lost your phone too?” Frank asks brow arched.
“No, I just forgot it clearly, look we can find yours somewhere, where did you last have it?” You ask standing back up hands on your hips.
“Um, either my work desk or the kitchen” he guesses scratching the back of his neck.
“Okay well you check the desk, I’ll do the kitchen and check your bedroom too, you might have taken it in there when you changed” you sigh heading into the kitchen.
After half an hour of searching the entire apartment, you still hadn’t found Frank’s phone. You collapse back onto the couch while Frank paces back and forth shaking his head.
“What the hell are we gonna do?” He says.
“We’re gonna have to wait until Roberta gets back with Mary,” you tell him.
“That’s gonna be hours!” Frank complains “fahk I was really looking forward to that beer” he huffs collapsing down on the couch next to you.
“Well, it’s a good thing I have this then,” you say leaning over the side of the couch to pull out a bottle of scotch.
“Why’d you have that?” Frank frowns in confusion as you twist open the top.
“Remember last Friday when we took the bottle from Fergs and promised we’d bring a full one back” you prompt taking a swig and passing the bottle to Frank.
“Vaguely” he sighs as he takes a large sip.
“Well that was the bottle, I’ll just have to get another” you shrug.
“I’ll pay for it since it’s kinda my fault we’re stuck” Frank offers.
“Nah it’s fine, it was out of your control,” you say shaking your head.
“Still fahking sucks, I did not plan to be here tonight,” he says with a long sigh.
“Yeah but it’s not like we’re doing anything different, we’re still just chatting and drinking, we’re just not in a slightly run down and noisy bar” you point out.
“True, and technically this booze is free” Frank hums nodding his head as he takes another sip of the scotch.
“Exactly and when Roberta gets back and frees us, if we still wanna we can head to the bar then” you suggest as you take the scotch from him.
“Sounds like a plan” Frank agrees holding his hand up for a high five, which you quickly give.
For the next couple of hours, you and Frank talked, laughed and slowly worked your way through the bottle of scotch. Frank got all his frustrations off his chest and you told him what had been going on at your job.
You let out a long sigh, slumping back against the back of the couch. Frank looked over at you from his position noticing the sad look in your eyes.
“Hey,” he says nudging your knee “What’s up? You’ve gone all quiet,” he says.
“Hm?” You hum looking over at him before shaking your head and waving him off “oh it’s nothing”
“It’s not nothing, my issue of trying to find a specific pony toy for mary was nothing and you listen to me rant on about that” Frank reminds you, hand on his chest.
You chuckle weakly before your smile falls a second later and let out another sigh “remember my ex that left me before I moved here?” You say looking over at him.
“Yeah” Frank hums his brows furrowing in concern.
“He’s getting married this weekend” you mutter before taking a long sip of scotch.
“Oh… I’m sorry” Frank says softly as he reaches out to put his hand on your shoulder.
“I just-“ you sniffle “I dunno I just never expected it to happen ya know… I think I was pretending it wasn’t real but then it just hit me this morning that it- it was real,” you say your hand shaking slightly as you wiped away your tears.
“Hey, c’mere” Frank sighs wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into his side.
“I mean I’m over him, but I just was so happy with him too and knowing he’s found his person and I haven’t just fucking sucks and it makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with me” you ramble.
“Hey, hey, hey there is nothing wrong with you,” Frank say pulling away enough to look down at you, cupping your cheek and tilting your head back enough so you were looking up at him.
“Then why is he getting married and I’m not” you sniffle, eyes glassy with tears.
“Because men are stupid, he was stupid for not wanting you, every man in the world is stupid for not wanting you because nobody can do better than you, you’re this amazing, beautiful, kind, caring woman and men are stupid for not…” Frank says the words dying in his throat, blinking a couple of times as he looked down at you “for not seeing what was right in front of him”
You blinked a couple of times in shock and Frank couldn’t blame you, he was in shock too. But not because of what he said, not really anyway, but because of the realisation he had while saying it. The realisation of what was right in front of him the whole time and how he never noticed it until right now.
“Frank I-“ you started but you didn’t get to finish your sentence as Frank surged forward and crashed his lips against yours.
Your squeak of surprise had him instantly pulling back. His eyes wide with worry as you stared back in shock, your hand raising, your fingers hesitantly touching your lips.
“Shit” Frank muttered “shit shit shit”
“Frank,” you said quietly, too quiet for Frank to hear you over his panic.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’m so so sorry” he continued shaking his head.
“Frank wait just-“ you say reaching out to touch his arm.
“I’ve fucked it all up, fahk” he mutters shaking his head before dropping your head into his hands.
“No frank you haven’t just-“ you try again.
“I’m so sorry and you’re trapped here, fahk” Frank groans shaking his head.
He heard you let out a small groan before you grabbed his cheeks, turned him to look at you and then crashed your lips against his.
When you pulled back Frank looked back at you in shock “you have not ruined anything Frank, far far from it” you promise him.
“I haven’t?” Frank mutters in disbelief.
“No, no of course not, I was just surprised that’s all I- I guess I never realised how much I wanted that until I got it” you admit with a small shrug of your shoulders.
“Honestly I didn’t either until I said what I said,” Frank says honestly, his hand moving to rest over yours
You let out a light chuckle, smiling warmly over at him “well thank god we got trapped here, I don’t think this would have happened if we’d gone to the bar” you chuckle, thumb stroking over his beard.
Frank chuckles before suddenly he remembers something, Mary had asked for his phone to take photos of Fred “the little gremlin” he grumbles.
“What?” You frown in confusion, sitting back.
“Mary took my phone, I’m guessing she has yours too because it’s not like you to forget it, and I bet whatever is blocking that door was put there by her when she left” he explains pointing over to the front door.
“And you texted me to come early because she wanted to see me” you add shaking your head “damn that kid is clever” you chuckle.
“God she’s gonna be in so much trouble when I see her” Frank mutters shaking his head.
“Well while her methods were questionable, I’d say she got some pretty great results” you smirk leaning closer, hand running over his chest.
A lopsided grin grows on Frank's face “very true, I’ll still be having words in the morning but in the meantime why don’t we just enjoy ourselves” he smirks.
“Sounds perfect” you grin, taking his hand and following him into the bedroom.
The following morning, both you and Frank were woken by someone knocking on the door. Frank passed you one of his shirts while he slips on a pair of sweatpants.
Frank pokes his head out of the door and sees Roberta standing by the window by the front door, peering in “it's Roberta with Mary, wait here” he says looking over his shoulder at you.
Walking over to the door he points to whatever it was that was blocking it. Roberta nods and quickly moves it out of the way, allowing Frank to open the door.
“Hey when you didn’t come over to pick her up, I was starting to get worried so popped over,” Roberta says as he opens the door.
“I know, something was blocking the door so we couldn’t get out,” Frank says looking down at Mary “what even was it?”
“A bunch of wood that you were gonna make a bench out of ages ago,” Roberta says.
“Hm interesting, you wouldn’t happen to know how that got there would you Mary?” Frank asks arching a brow.
“How would I know? I’m only 8 how I’m too small to move all that” Mary says shoving past him, going to grab Fred.
“You’re funny, but I know you’re hiding something” Frank states following after her “like where you’ve hidden mine and Y/N’s phone?”
“I dunno,” Mary says refusing to meet his gaze.
“Mary this is serious” Frank states “did you even think what could have happened if there was an emergency or a fire!”
“Frank, calm down no harm was done,” you say appearing from the bedroom.
A wide grin grows on Mary’s face when she sees you “yes I knew it would work!” She exclaims.
“So you did do it!” Frank states crossing his arms over his chest.
“Only because you two are perfect for each other!” Mary argues.
“That’s no excuse! Now I want you to go apologise to Y/N for stealing her phone” Frank says pointing over to you.
“Sorry Y/N,” she says with a remorseful sigh.
“It's okay sweetpea, no harm done,” you tell her gently.
“Now go to your room, you’re grounded for the rest of the weekend,” Frank tells her pointing to her room “no buts now go” he warns when she goes to argue.
Mary huffs in annoyance but does as she’s told, stomping off to her bedroom.
“Thanks for having her last night Roberta, hope she wasn’t an issue” Frank sighs turning back to face Roberta.
“It’s nothing, and hey,” she says before lowering her voice “if you wanna unground her, I can watch her while you two finally go on your first date” she winks.
Frank glances over at you to see a smirk growing on your face “would be nice to get out” you smirk.
Frank didn’t even need to think for a second before he called out to Mary “Mary I’ve changed my mind”
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
Masterlist / Challenge Masterlist
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hotcat37 · 5 months
@technicallycleverdetective here's the IKEA! Jance version <3
8: what happens if one of them gets sick?
Nace is a natural caretaker so he'd be running back and forth doing whatever it takes to make Jan feel better. He'll cook soup, take Jan's temperature and stay with him until he falls asleep.
Jan himself isn't used to having to take care of other people but if Nace is sick, he'll make sure that his boyfriend doesn't try to do everything himself. He'll keep Nace stuck in bed by immobilizing him with blankets (+Igor and Ollie) and take care of whatever errands Nace was supposed to do that day
11: do they try to hide their emotions if upset?
I do think that would be a bit of a struggle, at least in the beginning of the relationship. Jan already isn't the type of person to open up easily while Nace struggles with feeling safe enough to be vulnerable. They're very considerate of each other tho and they don't pressure the other into talking about their feelings if it's too soon
12: do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
This is a lill spoilery because there will be a chapter containing an argument and I don't wanna spoil their way of handling it yet haha But in general, no. Jan is extremely careful not to escalate arguments into fights and Nace is conflict avoidant so a huge fight is unlikely to occur
15: do they always say I love you before leaving?
They're the type of couple to use love confessions more sparingly so I don't see them saying it every time before leaving. Actions are a more meaningful way of showing love to both of them than words anyways
17: who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Neither are very likely to do this as they enjoy casual intimacy and don't do big dramatic acts of affection. But I can see Nace picking Jan up in an enthusiastic bear hug and giving him a lill kiss <3
20: choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby-Cigarettes After Sex (the vibes are very much IKEA Jance)
Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine🎶
22: what reminds them of each other?
Jan: Djungelskog/teddy bears in general and the color purple Nace: leather jackets and cats <3
36: who's most likely to fire up the stove at 2AM because the other is hungry
Nace <3 Jan finds it difficult to take care of himself sometimes so it wouldn't be uncommon for him to go to bed on an empty stomach only for Nace to make him some food once he's awoken by Jan's stomach growling
41: which one would take off their jacket and drape it over the other's shoulders?
Jan has the tendency to assume that he'll be fine wearing just a leather jacket instead of a coat lol. Nace will always share his scarf and jacket with him <3
44: who would dance in the kitchen making dinner?
I think they'd dance together :D Cooking is supposed to be kind of a silly relaxing moment for them so if a good tune comes on they'll each do their own groovy moves lol
51: what's a non verbal way they say I love you?
Jan comes to visit Nace at work often to give him kind of a break from an occasionally stressful day which allows Nace to snap out of customer service mode if only for a few minutes. Also he'll take small plain snacks with him in his pocket whenever they go out in case it's hard to find some place to eat
Nace is already very attentive in their day to day life, but if Jan is struggling through a depressive episode, he's got his full attention on his boyfriend. He'll wash Jan's hair when he can't find the energy to do it himself and he'll motivate Jan to go outside at least a few minutes a day. He'll just show Jan even more love than usual and reassures him that he'll stick around even when Jan isn't doing too good mentally
55: do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
They're more into cloud watching <3 They'd definitely point out weird cloud shapes to each other haha
60: who pulls the other closer when they're sleeping?
Jan finds Nace to be super cuddly so he often can't resist just squeezing his big teddy bear against his body. Nace tends to get overheated easily at night tho so the squishing might be met with a dissatisfied whine 😅
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
Where you goin, Star?  
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky when the truck hauling her show horses breaks down as she is trying to leave for an event and he works for the mechanic. Passionate, secret love affair ensues. After a confrontation with her father, Bucky decides she deserves better than a poor biker like him and leaves town with his friends Steve and Sam.
Three years later, reader is trapped in an abusive relationship and about to give up hope of things ever improving, when Bucky comes back.
Chapter 10
Warnings: swearing, angst
The next morning Star spent 2 hours with the physical therapist, who gave her stretches and exercises she could use to build her strength back up.
Then she spent an hour with a nutritionist to help learn how to gain the weight she had lost, healthily.
Then a psychiatrist who specialised in addiction and PTSD.
Each one left her with a stack of papers and scheduled appointments for the coming week.
By the end of the day she was released from the hospital and taken in Tony's car to Stark Tower. Pepper showed her to a beautiful suite with a small kitchenette, fully stocked with healthy snacks and treats.
"You can make your own meals but we have a chef who can whip something up any time you need." Pepper smiled at her.
Star teared up. It had been so long since anyone even tried to be nice to her that she felt overwhelmed. Everything felt like too much. "Thank you Pepper. I think right now I could use some sleep."
Pepper gave her a gentle hug "Of course. There's a Stark phone on the desk with instructions included. It has the numbers you will need here. Me and Tony, the chef, the detectives. That sort of thing."
She showed Star the dresser and closet, filled with clothes.
"I guessed on your sizes but these will get you started and we can go shopping when you're up to it. Try to get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow" and left Star alone with him.
Bucky sat on the couch in the living area "Do you want me to leave too? I don't wanna-"
"No, please stay" she blurted out then covered her mouth. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to be alone."
Bucky shook his head "You don't have to apologize to me, I'll be here as much or as little as you need.
I know that we need to have a talk but no pressure. I'll be here when you're ready. Do you want me to put my number in your phone? In case you need me?" He looked at her hopefully.
She handed him her phone. "I think I'm going to take a bath, wash that hospital smell off." And grabbed some pajamas.
The bath was wonderful, deep tub with jets and never seemed to run out of hot water. When she left the bathroom she saw Bucky dozing on the sofa so she gently laid a blanket over him and went to bed.
Star crashed hard but woke up in a cold sweat and ached all over, her head pounding. She shook her head, which made it ache more, and reminded herself that this was just part of the withdrawals and they will pass with time.
When Star was up to it a few days later the detectives and a couple of attorneys that Tony recommended came in to discuss her accusations against John, a divorce, her inheritance from her grandmother and her fathers fortunes. Everything was all intertwined.
The divorce papers were drawn up quickly and were very simple. The majority of John's possessions were in fact hers and she was giving him nothing since she had evidence of infidelity and abuse. She braced herself for the drama because she knew John wouldn't just walk away. The last 3 years with her father's money and connections had emboldened him. She was honestly surprised that he hadn't shown up already.
Star wasn't doing well emotionally. Going over the horrible things that John and Brock did to her was difficult and reliving it all was giving her nightmares.
Bucky held her hand through all of it, she really didn't have anyone else but the more she remembered the more questions she had for him. She wasn't up to dealing with that yet. While she felt safe in Stark tower she worried about her horses so Tony sent a security detail to keep them safe.
On the third day, after lunch, she received a text from Tony's bodyguard, Happy Hogan. John was downstairs in reception demanding to see her and Happy was asking what she wanted him to do. She called her attorneys to see if they could come in and when they both confirmed, had Happy tell John to come back in 2 hours, so she had time to eat, shower and wait for them to show up.
After her shower, Star looked through the closet to find something comfortable but not too casual. She found a short sleeved green wrap style dress and sandals, impressed at how perfectly the dress fit. She made herself a mental note to thank Pepper and compliment her eye for size and style.
Bucky had told her he had business with Tony, Steve and Sam today so wouldn't be around until the evening. She had gotten used to having him around all the time so felt a little exposed seeing John for the first time but she knew that Happy and Rhodey would keep her safe. She did send Bucky a text to let him know John was coming over.
When Happy knocked on her door she had been sitting on the couch, daydreaming about getting back to her horses and the life she wanted. None of her dreams gave her any insight on how or where Bucky would fit in all of it.
The knocking startled her out of her thoughts so she stood up, smoothed her dress down and took his arm as he escorted her down to the conference room where she saw Rhodey waiting. He gave her a quick hug and whispered reassurances in her ear.
Star took a deep breath and entered the room to see John sitting and Clint standing behind him. She wondered briefly where Brock and Jack had gone but was relieved they weren't there and figured John had fired them for letting her survive and get away from them.
John stood and smiled at her "Sweetheart I've been so worried about you" he reached towards her which made her flinch and Rhodey stepped up between her and John.
That pissed him off "Whats this about? I cant even get near my wife? What the fuck is this game, Y/N?"
Happy looked at him coldly "I already advised you of the conditions for this meeting. If you try to touch Ms Pierce again, you'll be escorted out of the building."
John tried to look loving but didn't have it in him "Ms Pierce? I don't understand. My wife has been missing for days and I just want to take her home."
"Why? So you can finish the job?" She spat at him then Star sat, with Happy on one side, Rhodey standing behind her and her attorneys on her other side.
John forehead wrinkled "Finish what job? I'm just glad you are safe and-"
"No thanks to you. Don't play innocent John. We all know what you've done. I was willing to let you walk away with your secrets but you had to try to hurt me even more."
Her lawyer, Jeri Hogarth stood up "Alright folks, lets get started here.
Mr Walker, I'm Jeri Hogarth and this is my associate Desmond Tobey. We've been hired by Ms Pierce to handle your divorce and her inheritance.
Did you receive the divorce settlement that was sent to your office?"
John nodded but before he could speak she continued.
"Good. Have you retained someone to represent you in the divorce?"
John shook his head "No one will be getting divorced here. I'm taking my wife home with me."
Y/N shook her head and chuckled.
John smirked at her evilly. "Now sweetheart, you know what happens if you divorce me. You'll lose everything. So let's go home and work this out."
Star scoffed "Work this out? You tried to kill me you bastard, there's nothing to work out."
John chuckled condescendingly "Honey, you know I would never hurt you. Your drug habit has gotten out of control and now you've brought all these other people into our personal problems, your delusions. You know how I feel about that."
Jeri interrupted "Mr Walker, unless you intend to sign the divorce settlement as is then you should hire an attorney to represent you."
John shook his head "Don't need one."
Jeri sighed "Very well then the notes from this meeting will indicate that you have declined representation at this time." She looked at her associate "Desmond"
Desmond Tobey stood "My client has indicated that the settlement as written is the only offer that she will make. If it has to go before a judge she will produce evidence of Mr Walker's infidelity and physical abuse. Meaning the media will soon have access to said evidence which will affect his current job." He looked John in the eyes "Do you understand that, Mr Walker? She is willing to air out all of your dirty laundry for the world to see. Based on what I have seen so far it would be enough to destroy your political ambitions and make finding any employment difficult."
"But her father wanted-"
Desmond cut him off "Mr Pierce is deceased and the allegations would affect the stipulations of your inheritance."
John looked at Y/N "Are you sure you wanna do that honey? Tell the whole world you're a drug addict?"
Y/N glared at him "I wouldn't have even taken any pain pills if Brock hadn't beat me until I miscarried, while you watched. I wouldn't have kept taking them if you hadn't worked so hard to make my life miserable. I've been clean for almost a week and have no desire to take them again. I wouldn't have overdosed if you hadn't had Brock drug me."
John shook his head "No honey, that's not what happened. Brock caught you when you fainted after taking too many pills and drinking alcohol on your lunch with Pepper." He looked to her attorneys "The drugs made her confused but I'm so glad you're getting clean, baby."
Jeri sighed "We have a syringe with traces of morphine and two sets of fingerprints one belonging to Brock Rumlow and the other Jack Rollins. Ms Pierce was drugged"
"I told Brock to take her to the house and meet our doctor. Brock must have done something after her left with her. I had a meeting with an important donor that I couldnt miss." He made himself tear up "He worked for her father and was her bodyguard for years. I thought I could trust him." He looked at Y/N "Baby I'm so sorry that I-"
Jeri cut him off "The NYPD picked Rumlow and Rollins up at a motel near the airport this morning. They had tickets to Rio. No extradition treaty with Brazil." She looked through some paperwork "Rumlow isn't talking but Rollins on the other hand. We'll just call him the Canary because he won't stop singing."
John laughed nervously, his face visibly paling "He's just making shit up to save his own ass."
Jeri nodded "I can see how one might think that, he has admitted to some heinous crimes but he has all kinds of proof. Claims he knew Rumlow couldn't be trusted and he wanted to cover his ass. Pictures, paperwork, recordings, it's pretty extensive."
Desmond spoke up again "Are you still sure you don't want to sign the settlement?"
John gulped loudly "I'm sure. I think you're bluffing. If you really had all that evidence then you would just arrest me."
Y/N sighed "I just wanted this over. I don't want to spend months dealing with divorce court and a criminal trial but if that's what it takes to be rid of you and keep what is rightfully mine, I'm in." She looked at Jeri "I think that's enough for today. I need to rest."
John stood and hit the table angrily "Absolutely not! Y/N you are my wife and are coming home with me. Today. Right fucking now! I don't know who you people think you are but you have no right to keep me from my wife." He reached for her but was slammed against the table, hands held behind his back before he knew what hit him.
Happy had to hold back a laugh as John started squirming and yelling for Rhodey to let him go. Clint stood back with his hands up, giving Y/N an apologetic look before quickly leaving.
Jeri looked at him squawking like a chicken and shook her head "Looks like we're done for today. Mr Walker, there are two NYPD detectives waiting outside of this room who will be taking you in to be booked. I would recommend you find an attorney asap. Tomorrow I'll be speaking to a judge about returning the Pierce inheritance and properties to Ms Pierce so if you do make bail you'll need to find a place to live quickly. If you have any questions, feel free to call me. After you get out, of course, I don't take collect calls, unless it's a client."
Y/N stayed where she was while John was handcuffed and read his rights. Someone had called the press so John's perpwalk would make it to the evening news.
Happy looked to her once John was on the elevator "You ok ma'am?" She looked at him and nodded "Lets get you back home then." He helped her up and they took the elevator up to the top floor.
When they entered her suite, Bucky was waiting at the table with take out for dinner. He looked at Happy questioningly, Happy nodded that she was ok, just shaken up and left her with Bucky.
Bucky smiled gently at her "Hey Star. I heard you had some company."
She grimaced "I knew I would have to see him again eventually but it still caught me off guard." Bucky helped her sit on the couch and sat across from her waiting for her to continue.
"John refused to sign the papers, insisted he did nothing wrong. Even when they told him that Rumlow and Rollins were arrested and Rollins is singing. He still seems to think my father will somehow protect him."
She sniffed "something smells good. Did you make dinner" and smirked at him.
Bucky feigned shock "Now Star, you know damn well I can't boil water on my own."
She giggled "I thought you might have learned something in 3 years. Poor Peggy having to feed all of you all this time."
Bucky shook his head "I'm afraid the only thing I learned was that I can't live without you."
She rolled her eyes "Yes, I'm sure you were terribly lonely. Even Dot wasn't enough to assuage your loneliness."
Bucky looked confused "Dot? Why would she be with me?"
Star shrugged "Beats me, she was with you when you came to my father's wake. Brock said you took her with you when you left town"
Bucky shook his head "We know how trustworthy Brock is. We stopped at the clubhouse the morning of the funeral, she was there and claimed she wanted to pay her respects and be there for me. First time I saw her since we left. I barely even noticed she was there."
Star rolled her eyes "I'm sure. It wasn't Dot that kept you away so long? Your letter said a year at most but you were gone 3 years."
She looked at him with tears in her eyes "I kept thinking you would come back and tell me it was a mistake. That you would save me. I thought you'd stop the wedding but you never did and I gave up."
Bucky reached out to hold her hand and was encouraged when she didn't pull away.  Tears forming in his eyes as he answered. "I meant to come back sooner, I just I just. Everything got all fucked up." He looked at the floor.
Star sat quietly as he composed himself. He finally looked back up at her. "I planned to be back sooner. I figured I'd get the Harley mechanic certificate and then take some business classes here.
When Wanda told Peggy about your engagement it hit me hard. I was almost convinced that you were better off with John. He had your fathers support and was on his way up. Steve and Sam talked me down after a week long bender, reminded me that it was your father telling me I wasn't good enough. Told me Brock probably hadn't had the chance to give my letter to you. I threw myself back into the classes and was really doing well.
Then you got married and it was all over the news, up and coming candidate and heiress marry, wedding of the year, fairytale romance and all the other bullshit the media put out.
I saw your wedding picture on the front of one of the tabloids. You looked so beautiful but your eyes still looked so sad. I felt like a failure. I left you to your father's devices and it was my fault you weren't happy. I told myself you had the letter but still chose John."
He stood and started pacing, running hus hand through his hair.
"I thought you deserved better than a man who ran away like I did. I knew that I would never deserve you again, could never be good enough. I dove into a bottle of Jack Daniels and refused to leave. For months I barely left the house except to the liquor store. Finally one day I saw some tv interview with John and lost it. Tore the house up, put my boot through the tv.
Peggy came home that night and that was it, Steve tossed me into the shower until I sobered up and read me the riot act. Told me that a violent, drunken asshole definitely didn't deserve you and I better get it together or I would lose the few friends I had. So I cleaned up, joined AA and haven't had more than a couple of drinks since." He paused for a breath "Ok full disclosure, I got a little drunk after I tried to talk to you at your stable. I went to your parents house to confront you and Brock but John's car was there and Nick showed up to stop me. He bought me a couple of drinks after that."
"I'm so sorry, Star. I failed you so many times that I'll understand if you can't forgive me." He sat back down and took her hands "I didn't know what to do. When I met you I was sure I'd never be able to settle down. I figured any real relationships I tried were doomed to repeat my parents history. Dad in jail and mom forever alone because she couldn't bear another heartbreak.
You just blew me away with your free spirit and how you loved me so easily regardless of the fact that I was a dirt poor biker who couldn't afford his own apartment. The world felt brighter when I was with you. I thought we had a real chance.
Then we came home to your dad and I felt like he was reality showing me how impossible we were. I tried to stay hopeful that I could make myself good enough for you but obviously didn't do a great job.
I know now that I will never be good enough in some people's eyes including my own but I'm gonna try. I realized that the only opinion I care about is yours. If you think I'm good enough then I will keep trying to be. I don't want to live without you again, even if we're only friends. I haven't touched anyone else since you and I meant it when I said you're it for me. I love you, Star and I'll spend the rest of my life showing you how much. If you let me."
Before Star could respond they were startled by loud banging on the door.
Chapter 11
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Blinky didn’t like this.
It’s cold.
I know.
He pointedly looked away from his hands as they trailed the soap down Nibbly’s skin. He kept his eyes on the wall as he talked. Nibblenephim’s hand eventually rested over his, following along with his movements.
That’s your arm. And your - chest…
Nibbly bit his lip.
Human bodies are weird.
Blinky only nodded and hummed. Nibbly tilted his head and carefully grabbed his brother’s wrist to take the bar out of his hand, contemplating.
…I think I can figure out where everything is now. Thank you.
Bliklotep took that as his cue to focus on himself. As appalling as the idea was. He reached for the shampoo bottle, and he might as well have been blind with the way he missed it a few times. He refused to take his gaze away from the grimy corner of the small shower.
He raked his hands through his hair, and they got stuck in some really bad knots. His hair was a tangled mess. Blinky fidgeted under the warm water, trying very hardly to ignore the way he felt it on his skin. Ignoring any consequences that might result from the action, Bliklotep yanked his hands down his wet hair, ripping out some strands by accident. He hissed in pain.
He just wanted the knots gone. He needed to get this over with. Nibbly stopped momentarily, jumping a little at the yell.
Are you OK?!
Fine. I’m OK. Just...hurry up. OK?
His scalp stung with the force of the pull. This whole thing was a mess. He was overwhelmed and the water was far too present - it reminded him that he had a dumb human form that he didn’t fucking like.
Blinky tried to go slower with his detangling, but he didn’t want to be in here any longer. After an unknown amount of minutes, he gratefully, gratefully, ended up with hair that was as smooth as he can get it.
The hair tickles his back and chest. It itches. Blinky lifts it and shoves it away, and it falls with a wet ‘slap’ against his back. He shivers.
Blinky? Can I get under the water? I’m cold.
Blinky sighed.
Go ahead.
They rotated, switching positions. The cold prickled Bliklotep’s arms. He hugged himself, digging his nails into his squishy upper arms, leaving little crescent marks behind. He felt muscles under his arms, and they were harder than the rest of the flesh.
Blinky cupped his hands under the offending lumps resting on his chest. They radiated an unnatural heat. They moved with his palms as he pushed them up. They protruded out, an extension of his skin, flabby, lumpy and filled with who-knows-what. When he finally took his hands out from under them, they dropped painfully, tugging at the surrounding skin. He watched them jiggle with unease.
Nibbly. Gimme the soap.
The lather clung to him, and the only solace is that he couldn’t see the skin under it. Blinky gave it back. He then proceeded to scratch and scratch and scratch at his skin in a frantic attempt to clean it. Dirt gathered beneath his fingernails. It was slightly green. His arms and legs burned up with angry and jagged red scratch marks. His stomach slid between his fingers, soapy. If he were to move his hand just a little lower…
Bliklotep leaned against the tile, but was quickly forced to pull himself away when the biting cold made his body jolt. He tried to rub the pain away, barely registering the hot feeling spreading throughout his body and behind his eyes.
It’s a while before Blinky realized that he could hear his own heavy breaths echoing around them. He blinked away a blurriness that wasn’t just from the shower water. Nibbly, washing shampoo out of his long hair, frowned. He caught his brother’s discomfort.
…Do you wanna get out now? I’m done. We can.
Blinky nodded quietly, then remembered that Nibbly couldn’t see him well.
Mm-hm. We…
He struggled to find his voice once again.
…We can’t stay long.
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jadedsnowtiger · 2 years
Part 4
The green stripes were the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes, looking into Gars stomach.  His Beast must be in control, as he pet her hair softly.
"Kitty." She looked up as he looked down to her with a grin. "You're my kitty." 
Her older mind was correcting her that he was Beast, but she didn't care.
Beast laughed at her as he nodded, kissing her head, as he pulled her close. "Baby Rea." 
Rachel nodded, as she moved, noticing the bed was wet.
"Accident." Beast spoke gently, trying to explain. 
"I pees the bed?" She looked confused, she stopped doing that when she was eight. 
"Mate sick." He kissed her head gently, "I help you."
Rachel cried, closing her eyes, as he pulled her into his arm, not caring she was still wet as she sat on his leg. 
She felt the shift, as Gar wrapped his arms around her.
"We want so much to help you." Gar spoke gently, as he took control. "How do I help you, Baby girl?" 
"I don't know." She admitted, crying softly.
"We will figure it out." Gar swore, kissing her. "You're Kitty wants to help you, but he can't use the words you need to hear. And you need to hear the words he is wanting to tell you. We love you so much."
"I love you." She looked up into his eyes as she cried.
"Wanna wash up, not a shower or bath, just a wash down." Gar suggested, kissing her head. "I have a bag here, stuff Dick ordered for you and Tim, Tim helped pick you out some clothing."
"Anything pretty?" She looked at the bag.
"There is a really pretty plaid dress in there for you." Gar spoke softly. "It's green and black, with white."
Rachel nodded. "Did they buy long socks?'
Gar pulled the bag closer to her as he smiled.
"Knee highs, two sets." He showed her the socks, as he pulled out the dress. "Wanna wear this, Angel?" 
Rachel nodded, as she reached over and touched the soft cotton.
"Okay, wash up first." Gar kissed her gently, as he pulled Rachel to her feet.
It was hard for her to allow Gar to help her, she was independent, she was grown.
"Tim wants to paint these toes." Gar reminded her, as he sat her down on the toilet, bringing a bag to her side.
"Your green dress." Gar told her gently, as he moved to get a washcloth.
Rachel just blushed, as Gar returned, washing her up, as she turned away embarrassed.
"So, we are having a quiet day." Gar told her gently, as he cleaned her up. "We aren't leaving the mansion."
"Good." She nodded, looking at him feeling slightly scared.
"Just me and your boys." Gar smiled softly. "And daddy, and Grandbat."
"Grandbat?" Rachel smiled, as Gar tapped her nose.
"Grandpa Batman." He teased softly, as he undid her top. "He's worried about you, he's just not emotional and doesn't know how to show it. He stood in the doorway of the bedroom, and watched us all sleep for a while."
Rachel just blushed. 
"You're his grand-demon." Gar smiled up to her, as he undid her pants, helping her out of them. "You are special to him, even if Bruce can't show it."
Gar looked up to her, as he stood her up to help her undress.
"You know you're special, right Rea?" Gar asked softly, as he took her chin in his hands. "So special."
She blushed, as she blinked the tears out of her eyes.
"You created a family out of ragtags, give us love." Gar smiled, as he kissed her head. "You are love, everything about you is love."
Rachel cried softly, as she hugged him close.
"You are loved, Rachel." Gar swore, as he held her close.
"Here is the Angel." Gar announced, as he carried her into the dinning room. Freshly washed up, her hair up in ponytails as she sat on his waistline. She was in the green and black dress, with her knee high socks, softly laying her head on Gars shoulder, as he carried her though the large house. 
Dick turned to her with a wide smile, as Tim tossed something at Conner. Tim was dressed just as adorable as she was.
"Tim." Bruce spoke up, not even looking over his newspaper.
Tim just smiled, as he tossed another bun at Conner, before covering his eyes.
"We can still see you." Conner laughed, as Tim shook his head.
"No, you can't!"
"Come join the madness, Timmy in a mood." Dick explained, as he took the buns away from Tim's reach.
"Tim, don't teach my Angel any bad manners." Gar spoke as they walked into the room, as Gar sat her down to her Tiger plate.
She could feel herself blushing, as she reached for her sippy cup, now matching the Tiger plate.
Tim just gave a giggle, as he tossed a piece of apple at her, Rachel looked up as he laughed, enjoying his madness. She picked up a piece of apple and smiled back.
"No throwing food, Angel." Gar spoke gently, as he placed a waffle on her plate and began to cut it up for her. 
Rachel just stuck her tongue out at Tim, as he laughed.
"Timmy." Conner came into the room, with the bacon. "Are you in trouble?"
"Nooo." Tim shook his head, as he giggled.
"No?" Conner kissed his head. "Not my baby bird, he's innocent."
Tim just giggled, hugging onto Conner.
"Sure." Dick nodded, as he stood some bacon. "The one that jumped Bruce in his sleep is innocent." 
Rachel looked over to Bruce who just smiled, watching Tim.
"I got Daddy up!" Tim nodded, turning to Rachel laughing.
"I am amazed, you didn't wake Rachel up, with that yelp." Dick laughed.
"Ninja baby." Conner took his place beside Tim.
"Sneaky." Tim smiled.
Bruce laughed, shaking his head, as Dick looked like he lost the battle.
"Can I be a ninja?" Rachel turned to Gar as he laughed.
"You can be anything." Gar knelt down by her side, holding her medication. "Can you take these?"
Rachel nodded, as she swallowed the yucky pills. At least she understood she needed them.
"Such a good girl." Gar cooed to her as she giggled  getting kisses for being so brave.
"Oh Rea, I ordered you something." Dick smiled at her as he got up, bringing a bag to her side as he pulled her away from the table.
"I found her last year, I was surprised they still had her." 
Dick opened the bag, pulling out a box, as he opened it for her, showing her the doll inside.
Rachel reached for her excited, as she hugged the doll close.
The doll was dark haired like her, with wild curls, with blue eyes painted onto her pale skin. The doll was smiling at her, as she pet it's face.
"For me?" She smiled up to Dick.
"All yours." Dick nodded, as he brushed her hair.
"What's her name?" Rachel looked to Dick.
"Annabelle." Dick smiled to her.
Rachel turned to show the doll to Gar.
"Annabella, Gar!" 
Gar smiled, as he fed her more of the waffle. 
"Hello Annabelle." He spoke as she ate.
"Daddy, can we play in the tunnels?" Tim looked up from his mess.
"The tunnels?" Bruce asked.
"Gonna look for goblins!" Tim nodded, his head.
"Goblins? In my cave?" Bruce smiled.
"Ahha!" Tim nodded. "We will need goblin spray." 
Dick laughed, as Gar nodded.
"I know the stuff." Gar smiled, as he looked to Conner. "You get the bubbles of doom."
Conner just raised his eyes, as he shook his head.
"The bubble gun?" Tim laughed, filling Rachel in. "Take out the goblins!"
"I wanna help!" Rachel turned to Gar.
"We will get them, after you eat." Gar glowed back to her.
"Okay ninjas, we are going to explore the cave." Conner passed Rachel a flashlight, as Tim stimmed excited beside her.
Conner and Gar had found hard hats, and flashlights, the bubble gun and a water bottle label goblin spray.
Both dressed in full gear to complete the look of goblin hunting.
"Now remember, we don't want to scare the bats." Gar nodded, as they looked down the tunnel, as he pointed to the roof. "So no screaming, no yelling." 
"Quiet babies." Tim nodded, as he took Rachel's hand, as she passed Annabelle to Gar to keep safe.
"This is silly." Conner shook his head, as he turned on the large lantern. "Okay, let's go find goblins." 
"All of them?" Tim giggled, as he hugged Rachel close. 
"Bat poop." Rachel smiled, as they knocked heads playfully.
She allowed Tim to lead her through the dark, as she held her flashlight close.
It was fun just looking through the cave, seeing the limestone and rocks breaking through the walls.
They found no goblins, but Tim got excited when they found fairy mushrooms in the cave.
Rachel looked around trying to make note to the place, she would collect them when she had gloves.
She pointed them out to Gar, as he understood she wanted to go back to that same spot.
It was fun to play with Tim in such a relaxed state, as he laughed freely and openly as they skipped down the cave, as Conner and Gar followed, laughing at their antics.
It smelt horrible, and she was covered in muck, but Rachel felt truly happy.
"What's that?" Conner pointed to a mess on the floor of the cave.
"Is it the goblin?" Tim asked, as he got closer.
"Be Careful, goblins eat toes." Conner warned, as Rachel moved to Gars' side, taking his hand.
Tim walked over to the mess, before breaking into laughter, as the mess moved.
"It's alive!" He laughed, as Conner moved closer to his side, sharing a look with Gar.
"Come here, sweetheart." Gar picked her up, as they watched.
"Be Careful, Tim, it could be a goblin."  Conner told him gently, as he moved to Tim's side.
"Boo!" Tim jumped on the pile of clothing.
"Gotta."  Dicks head piped out, covered in green paint as they both laughed, playfully fighting each other.
"Conner the goblin spray get him!" Tim giggled.
Conner walked over, spraying Dick, who screamed playfully grabbing Conner's leg, and dropped him down into the dog pile.
Rachel watched confused, as Gar stocked her face, as she watched the dogs rough house.
"Play fighting." Gar explained softly. "Tim's gonna fight the goblin for you."
"For me?"
"You're the princess." Gar nodded.
"Protect the princess!" Tim giggled, as he ticked Dicks stomach.
"I will eat you!" Dick called out, grabbing Tim's leg.
"Noooo!" Tim laughed, as he kicked playfully.
"Conners he's gonna eat me!"
Conner playfully tackled Dick, who dropped Tim as they played.
"See, silly boys." Gar nodded to her, as he laughed. 
Rachel found herself nodding, as Tim's laughter ran through the cave walls.
It was funny to see the boys acting out, and it filled her heart with laughter, as Rachel found herself giggling.
"I am dead!" Dick cried out, as the battle settled down.
"Want to wash up?" Gar asked, picking up Tim looking at his hands. 
The battle was long over, as Tim sat on a half dead Dick, playing out his long standing death scene.
"If he doesn't die soon, I'll end it." Gar teased, as  Rachel looked down to her hands, they were gross.
"Let's wash you up." Gar nodded, as he reached for Rachel's hand.
Rachel looked down to her mud covered boots and nodded.
"Come on Dick, god only knows what you're crawling in." Gar spoke up, moving to help Dick get off the floor with a nod.
"Up?" Rachel turned to Conner, whose arms were free, she didn't want to step on the dirt of the cave.
"There's our girl." Conner picked her up gently, kissing her cheek, as he walked her out of the cave. The rest of the group followed them.
"I need my boots off." Rachel blushed, as she looked at Conner.
"I can see your tiny feet?" Conner teased her, as they walked to the water's edge.
"Off." She smiled, pointing at her toes.
Conner sat her down, as he knelt in front of her, untiring her boots.
"Did you like the cave, Baby Girl?" 
Rachel nodded. "Why is it so smelly?"
"No air flow." Conner teased her, poking her nose. 
Rachel felt herself giggle, as Conner pulled off her boots.
"Bats don't like the wind when they are sleeping." Conner told her.
Rachel nodded, not caring what she was being told, just enjoying the attention, as Conner freed her from her socks and boots.
Rachel looked at her as a splash and Tim's giggle drew her attention to the others.
Dick was in the pond, washing off the cave mess, as Rachel stepped beside the water line.
Gar was holding a rock, as Tim stimmed away excitedly.
"Go again." Gar encouraged him, passing him the second rock. "Not near Dick."
Tim tossed it into the water, just in pure enjoyment. Rachel smiled brightly, as she watched.
"Go play in the water." Conner encouraged her, as she stepped ahead, dipping her toes into the pond.
It was cool, as she smiled down at her feet.
"It's nice." She turned around to tell Tim.
Tim only smiles, as he jumps into the pond breaking out into laughter.
"Come on, Rea, let's look for fishy!" Tim took her hand as they walked through the shallow end of the pond looking for small fish.
Rachel laughed, as she found a green frog, looking around for Gar she broke into laughter, as the frog did a dance for her.
Gar was the perfect dancing frog, as she giggled her heart out. 
"Can we keep them like this?" Conner looked at Gar as they were carried back to the house. "Tim has never laughed this much." 
"Rachel has never slept so peacefully." Gar nodded. "I didn't know she giggled."
Dick joined them as they walked. "Typically lasts two to three days."
 Conner nodded, as they walked. "We got this, they keep looking for us, so we are doing something right."
"As long as they know we aren't going anywhere." Gar kissed her head.
"He's coming with me." Conner nodded. "The four, six of us can run away."
"Bart and Cassie?" Gar nodded, as if he understood.
Rachel had to admit it sounded nice, as she patted Gars back.
"Got room for me and Kori?" 
Rachel broke out into a smile.
0 notes
amberrskiies · 2 years
When they are reminded of your 'death'
A/N - decided to write angst with a dash of fluff cause I have done two fluff headcanons so time for pain! As you can see I woke up today and chose violence!
Warnings - spoilers for Lesson 16 and possibly a few other lessons but mostly the specific lesson mentioned!
Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor x gender neutral reader | Established Relationship | Separate headcanons
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He's the most affected one out of his brothers cause he was the first one to witness you looking lifeless under Belphegor's grip
It still haunts him till this day, remembering how he cradled your dead body in his arms asking you to hold on to your life
He feels terrible most of his time for being rude with you when you have been nothing but kind to him and the kindness coming fro you was a foreign feeling cause of how he is treated by his brothers
He isn't greedy for money but greedy for love from his brothers and people who is close to
Nearly losing you was one of his biggest fears cause he didn't want to lose the one person who actually cared
He has frequent nightmares that involved you and would quietly rush out of his room to check on you to see if you're still breathing
He would be filled with relief when he sees that you're okay but one day he actually woke you up by accident
"Mams? Is everything alright...?" You'd ask him sleepily as he shook his head.
"Ya don't have ta worry 'bout me human. Just came ta check up on ya. Ya go back ta sleep now." He whispered to you as he kissed your forehead and left your room, feeling more relieved.
Needless to say, he tries to get over this
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When he saw you looking still and lifeless in Mammon's arms, he didn't know how to feel other than being scared and upset
It's still a nagging thing on one side of head and it makes him filled with regret
He very much regrets nearly killing you just because of a dumb quiz show and his jealousy and the fact that he hasn't been the best with you on your first days either but it's all in the past now but it just didn't leave him fully
Whenever he is reminded of this, he can never focus on the games he plays or the anime he is watching and he isn't able to sleep well either
One day he mustered the courage to check up on you late at night to see if you were doing okay and he found you sitting on your bed with your D.D.D in your hand as you turned your attention from it to him
"Oh hey Levi! You okay?" You asked with worry as he nodded slowly
"Yeah just couldn't sleep." he confessed, putting a hand on the back of his neck
"Me neither. Do you wanna play games or watch anime together?" You asked as he looked at you before nodding
"Sure." He said, smiling a little
For once, he felt relief wash over him
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He may have not looked like he was affected but deep down he wanted to scream and cry when he saw you laying dead in the avatar of greed's arms
This makes him feel terrible about how he threatened you, tried to blackmail you and nearly killed you in the past just cause he wanted to spite Lucifer and because of his wrath
Yet after everything he has done, you still forgave him and always looked past his wrath and consoled him that he's nothing like the avatar of pride
He basically rages inside his room, knocking over his tower of books while trying to cal himself down whenever he remembers this moment
There are times he can never focus on the book he is reading whenever he is reminded of this and would throw his book at the far end of his room, making a loud noise and in the process one of his book towers falling
One time, you basically heard the noise and knocked on his room to check, which he opened to see that it was you
"Tan Tan? Is everything alright?" You asked as he didn't make eye contact with you
Instead he hugged you without saying a word, making you surprised yet confused but you decided to hug him back and comfort him
"I'm alright now that you're here." You heard him answer your question as you smiled
He'll gradually recover from all of this
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Beel just felt like he lost another family member when he saw you dead in Mammon's arms
To make it worse, it was his twin that had killed you on the spot and this made him believe he failed once more
Your supposed 'death' makes him remember how he nearly unpurposely killed you when you ate his custard without even getting to know you better
Whenever he is reminded of that day, he locks himself up in his room and just feels guilty and there were times he couldn't get himself to eat
Your death reminds him of how he lost Lilith so losing you is like losing someone important to him
One day, he headed to the kitchen to eat something even is his heart felt heavy with the memory and there he saw you restocking the fridge with food and once he entered you noticed his presence
"Oh! Good to see you Beel! I just restocked the fridge with food for dinner tonight. I also got the custard that you like to eat so you can help yourself to it. I put a label on them so nobody will eat it!" You told him as he stared at you before smiling
He liked how you always thought of him and how you never said anything about him eating most of the day so this warmed his heart a lot
"We can share if you like? I don't really mind sharing with you." He said, leaving you shocked but who are you to deny his offer.
Your smile is enough for him to forget the bad things
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When I said Mammon was the most affected, Belphie was a bigger mess compared to him
He will never forget how he had used you while you only just showed him kindness and in return, he betrays you and kills you with his bare hands
You should be hating him, he wants you to hate him but you forgave him even after everything he has done to you
It's hard for him to fall asleep because of him being reminded and this finally lead him to walk over to your room with his cow printed pillow in hand
He slowly opened the door to see you sitting up on your bed with your D.D.D in your hand as he slowly made his way to you, making you aware of his presence and before you could say anything, he sat down beside you and embraced you on the side as he nuzzled on the top of your head, making you worried
"Belphie are you alright?" You asked the avatar of sloth who stayed silent before he spoke
"... What did I do to deserve you and your forgiveness...?" he asked, his voice breaking slightly as your eyes widened at his words before you hugged him back
"Belphie... It's okay. It's all in the past now. You deserve forgiveness. You deserve me too so please don't think think that you don't." You told him reassuringly
"..." He didn't say anything other than silently breaking down beside you as tears rolled down his cheek, still holding you while muttering 'I'm sorry' a couple of times as you reassured him that everything is fine now while holding him close
It's hard for him to forgive himself like this but he's willing to do it for you
A/N - I nearly teared up at Belphie's part :'D
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
the brothers' reaction to mc telling them her father s*xually abused/harassed her
-> brothers x mc
-> angst (with comfort)
Mc is female, this is not proof read.
a/n: Hey! It's pretty obvious from the title, but this post deals with heavy topics. Please stop reading if (parental) sexual abuse/ harassment makes you uncomfortable. I'll keep it vague what Mc's dad exactly did, you can think of that yourself.
Also: If you or somebody you know is the victim of sexual assault, do not hestitate to call your national or local hotline, or reach out to somebody who can help you or them. Remember, what happened to you is not your fault, nor did you deserve it.
Content warnings: sexual abuse and harassment, trauma, crying, strong language, flashbacks, vague torture mentions (Satan's part), vague lesson 5 spoiler (Beel's part)
Time seemed to stand still as Lucifer just processed what Mc just told him. That vile man, how dare he?
'I'm sorry, Lucifer. I had to tell you. Sometimes I remember what had happened and-' the human started tearing up, and the eldest brother immediately led her to sit down somewhere.
'Shh, Mc. Those times are over now, and I won't let you go back to him.' Lucifer's voice was as gentle as a feather falling from the sky. 'Do you want some water? Can I hold you?'
Lucifer listened to every word Mc said about her father as he held her in his arms while she cried her little heart out. Yes, rage was boiling inside of him, but he kept it together. Her father would feel his wrath the next day.
'I- I don't wanna cry over him... he's not worth it, b-but...' Lucifer hushed her again. 'My dear, you're being so strong right now.' he softly stroked her head. 'Will you tell me what exactly you think causes you flashbacks? I want to get rid of your triggers.'
Lucifer burned everything that might remind Mc of her dad in the garden. The demon even told his precious human to tell him whenever she was remembering stuff so he could take her to the music room and calm her by playing the piano for her.
Sadness washes over him as he hears the news. How could a father do such a thing to his own daughter?
He tried his best to fight the tears, but he broke down when he saw Mc crying too. The human hugged him and pressed her face into his chest. 'Ma- Mammon, I'm sorry I made you c-cry...'
The demon instantly embraced her back. 'No, you didn't do nothing.' Mammon pulled himself together and rocked his Mc back and forth in his arms. 'Your dad's a huge dick, but the great Mammon's here to protect ya now!'
The next few weeks after having found out Mc's dad sexually abused her, the avatar of greed left little notes around the human's room that said sweet things. Like 'You're worth more than all Grimm,' and 'You're the best at being gorges!!' Mc would laugh lovingly at that one because of the spelling mistake Mammon made. She sometimes even wrote him notes back and hid them in his bags.
Mc and Levi were casually playing a game when the human got reminded of her past trauma. There was a cutscene in-game depicting what had happened to the human before, and she just accidentally blurted it out with the third brother next to her.
Seeing his precious Henry cry like that, Leviathan shoved all awkwardness aside and carefully pulled her into a hug. Then, he realised Mc might not want to be touched right now, so he let her shaking form go. 'A-ah... Sorry...' the avatar of envy stammered.
Mc looked into the demon's orange orbs. 'P-please... hold me again. I- I felt s-safe.' Levi blushed, but shoved his shyness away once again for his lover's sake.
Leviathan cradled Mc in his arms until she had calmed down again. During the whole thing, he couldn't help but feel useless. Was there something he could have done to have prevented the human's father from doing... that? Can he get rid of all triggers?
The third born didn't exactly know what to do, other than comforting her. He mostly communicated with his lover about what she thought might help her, but he knew he had to do one thing for sure. That is to send Lotan to flood Mc's dad's house.
First reaction? How dare that man, he must pay. Second reaction? talk to Mc.
'Mc, sweetheart. I want to hug you, will you tell me where your boundaries are?' Satan's voice was as calm as can be. He had actually read about these topics in books, but never expected his Mc would have to deal with them.
The avatar of wrath honestly expected Mc to tell him she did not want to be touched right now, but he was wrong. 'Y-you can do whatever you want...' she said between sniffles. Satan sighed, struggling to keep the anger towards Mc's dad hidden. 'Mc, your boundaries are your rights. You can tell me what you don't like.'
This. These words felt very foreign to the human. The man who was supposed to teach her this stuff violated his position, but Satan didn't. It felt weird. So she said nothing, she just cried a little bit. And the fourth born felt his heart break.
Satan then decided to kind of test where the human would draw the line in a very careful way. 'Hey, can I brush my finger against your arm?' he started out small, until Mc eventually told him she was okay with being held.
The next day, after Mc had calmed down, Satan made his way to the human world. He made sure to bring Lucifer's special equipment, so Mc's father could feel his full wrath.
He honestly has some experience dealing with such things himself. Asmo spends a lot of time in clubs, and sadly, he or his friends would get assaulted or harassed.
When Mc told him, and was reliving the moment, they were in the living room. So, Asmo carefully led her to her own room, where nobody would walk in.
The fifth born listened to every word Mc said. 'I- I don't know why I'm remembering it... It's been years a-and now suddenly...' The human hadn't thought about the event in so long, she thought she had recovered. But, this 'relapse flashback' threw that hope in the trash.
'Oh honey, it's not a reset. It's part of processing it.' Asmo spoke gently. 'Can I hold you?' Mc nodded. 'Yea, but no too much touching...' she replied. The avatar of lust got a little closer to her and slowly draped an arm over her shoulder. Thankfully, the human didn't flinch at the contact. 'Is this okay?' he asked just to confirm. Mc nodded again, and even held Asmo's free hand with one of her own.
The following days, Asmo made sure to remind Mc how much he loved her, and that she has control over her own body. He would do silly little things just to make Mc gradually more comfortable in her skin again. 'Baby! I found blue eyeliner at Majolish! Wanna see what it looks like when I color my brows with it?'
He is very shocked to hear what Mc had to go through, and he does not understand why in the three worlds her father would do sonething like that to her.
But now, his main goal is to help Mc feel a bit better. As somebody who dealt with trauma himself, Beel knows he can't fix the damage that has been done, but he can make it easier to deal with and minimize triggers.
'I'm so s-sorry... it's just, I- I saw that vase a-and my dad has a similar one an- and I-' Mc didn't even get to finish the scentence before the avatar of gluttony had thrown the vase into a nearby trash can.
'It's gone now, are there more things that remind you of him?'
He won't touch Mc or get too close to her unless she initiated the contact.
Beel understands the shock from remembering a traumatic event may stick around for a while. So, he goes to the local supermarket very often to buy some of Mc's favorite snacks and comfort food.
Suddenly, he is fully awake.
Loses control over his emotions for a while and turns into his demon form in rage. But, ge quickly changes back after he noticed he scared Mc.
'I'm scared Diavolo is going to send me back t-to him.' the human confessed. No way in the Devildom is Belphie going to let that happen.
'I'm not going to let him at all cost, even if I have to tie him up, and Lucifer locks me up again.' the avatar of sloth promises.
Belphie believes Mc will calm down a bit after a nap. So, he lets the human lie down on his bed. He doesn't get in it with her, even though he wants to. It was clear Mc did not want to be touched right now.
'Would you rather sleep in your own room?' he questioned as he sat down on the floor next to the bed. Mc shook her head. 'This is okay.' she replied, her voice a little creaky. Belphie's eyebrows furrowed. 'Alright, try to go to sleep.'
The seventh brother did not leave Mc's side until she would wake up again. When Mc would feel well enough again, you bet Belphie travels up to the human world to teach her father a lesson.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
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(Baby Daddy)
Kirishima would get sooooo soft the second he finds out you’re pregnant.
Big fat tears would fill his eyes, the big man would be still for once in his life as it sinks in “I’m gonna be a dad?”. 
Then he’s scooping you up in his arms, hugging you to his chest as he rocks you side to side in the kitchen, kissing at your hair and your forehead and your hands and anything he can reach. You’re crying too, but for entirely different reasons.
When he finally stops crying long enough to lean down and kiss you full on the mouth, he’s too rough, sharp teeth tear open your lip and you sob “Kiri, ow!”
“Oh, oh ‘m so sorry baby! Oh no, oh baby I didn’t mean to hurt you, just got too excited ‘nd wasn’t careful. I’m sorry-”
You don’t want to hear any of it, pushing at his chest and crying harder and harder with each word that falls from his mouth. 
“I promise I’ll be more careful from now on, okay? Treat you so good, keep you safe and healthy and-and I’ll rub your feet, and get you whatever you start craving!” He’s already ahead of himself, ecstatic and overwhelmed with the information, hugging you too tight and hurting your joints. 
There’s no stopping him.
The sex before was wild and rough, the definition of “bed breaking”. 
Kirishima was almost feral, ready to shove his cock into you practically at all times, horny at the drop of a hat. You have to go on your tip-toes to reach a bowl in the kitchen? Kirishima’s slamming you against the counter and ripping your shorts down your legs so he can fuck your thighs, entranced by the little sliver of skin he saw when your shirt rode up.
You’re taking a shower? Kirishima’s bullying his way into the bathroom, practically drooling as he strips down, eyes never leaving your cowering, naked form. He hardly ever preps you well enough, so it always burns when he pushes inside you, but asking him to wait never worked. 
A sex scene comes on the tv while you’re taking a nap on the couch beside him and Kirishima just has to wake you up as he pulls you into his lap. Bounces you on his cock while you cry, tired and overwhelmed, groggy and confused at all the sudden stimulation. 
Kirishima only sometimes feels bad for finding your tears hot, as you whimper when he stretches you out. But mostly he lets himself enjoy his twisted desires, tells you it’s okay to cry, lays on the physical affection (kisses, petting with his hands, holding you close) extra thick while he’s fucking you just so you’ll sob harder. It makes you clench so deliciously around his dick.
But now? Now that you’re pregnant and carrying his child, the child that the two of you made together?
The man is gentle.
No more bending you over the couch, leaving bruises on your hips, fucking your throat like you’re a cheap whore. No more growling as he ruts into you, rumbling about how you can take it, how he’s going to get you pregnant, that he’ll breed you like a little cow until his seed takes.
Now he takes everything slow, even though it hasn’t even been a month since you’d taken the pregnancy test. You aren’t even showing. But he smooths his hands over your stomach anyway, eyes soft and twinkling before he kisses you softly, watches his teeth.
Kiri makes sure you’re comfortable during sex - he only ever initiates on the bed now, where it’s cushy and soft and you won’t get bruised or hurt. He handles you with careful hands, gently moving you about. The self control he exhibits is something to behold, especially when you can see how much he’s holding back.
He likes fucking you on your side, early in the morning or late at night, when both of you are sleepy and tired. He fingers you open, slobbers all over his fingers first to make sure he doesn’t hurt you, then when you’re good and ready he slides inside carefully, watching your body for any signs of discomfort. 
It’s easy, slow rolls of his hips, a gentle buildup to his orgasm. It washes over him so slowly and so gradually that sometimes Kiri doesn’t even realize it, just keeps his rhythm and only stops when he feels his cum squelching out against his balls.
Even though you’re pregnant, Kiri still likes to breed you.
Pushes you on your back and coos softly at you as he hooks your legs over his hips, catches one of your hands so he can hold it romantically, keeping eye contact as he pushes inside you in one, fluid motion. He likes to see the way you clench your jaw, determined to not let out any noise, little huffs of air puffing from your nose. 
Likes to snuggle after he cums, soft dick still tucked firmly into your cunt. He doesn’t want a drop to go to waste - waits until he gets hard again before fucking you slowly, making sure that you’re really, truly pregnant.
He gets gross and sappy, enough to make you flush with embarrassment and try to hide your face behind your hands. Leans down to mouth at your breasts, looking at you the entire time, only closing his eyes when they flutter shut from pleasure. “Can’t wait until you’ve got milk, you’re gonna be such a good mama.”
Kiri starts to call you “mama” at every turn. His previous petnames were more cutesy, “Baby” and “Sweetie”, but he likes reminding the both of you just what you are now. 
“Feels good mama? Looks like it does-” He’ll tease, rubbing at your clit with a spit-soaked thumb as he pants above your tits, spent cock limp against his thigh, a plug nestled inside your cunt. When you clench and suck it deeper as you cum, Kiri groans, cock giving a little twitch.
“Hey pretty mama, come give daddy a kiss?” As soon as he gets home he’s dropping whatever’s in his hands to grab for you (you learned early on - come when he calls, or else there’ll be punishment). A broad hand always plants itself firmly on your ass, squeezing and kneading your flesh as he sucks at your mouth.
You hate his stupid perfect mouth.
It gets worse and worse as time goes on, as your belly and breasts swell and grow heavy. Kirishima can’t stop himself from latching on like a baby, nursing at you with heavy sucks and teasing licks. You’re so sensitive from all the hormones that you can’t stop your hips from bucking up ever so slightly.
Then you can feel Kiri raise an eyebrow, feel as he drags himself out from under your shirt to wipe away the spit from around his mouth. You don’t have to look to see how hard he’s tenting his pants. 
“Can you cum from your tits? That’d be so hot little mama, wanna try?” And then he’s diving back under your shirt, redoubling his efforts in suckling at your chest, using a hand to grope your other tit while he makes a mess of the one with his mouth.
God, he’d just be so insatiable. 
At least he’d be trying his best to be gentle.
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
you got me reading all your works from 4 AM till 6 AM today, and I have zero regrets. And I’d do it all again. I truly love all of your works, especially those that has anything to do with Bucky.
Now all I can think about is Bucky’s reaction and care to finding out that his Little got an injury—one that she been hiding from him. Omg the fluff.
Anyway, have a great day!
Pairing: Poly!SamBucky x little!f!reader
Word count: 3,381 (i know i know...)
Warnings: polyamory, ddlg dynamics, excessive, probably unnecessary, fluff no one asked for.
A/N: Nonnie, I'm honored💜. Thank you so much for sending me this, you've warmed my heart to no extent💜💜. It is everything when you tell me you like what I share with you. You're so amazing and I hope I'll always deliver and never disappoint you ily:"💜 I know you only said Bucky but I couldn't help but get Papa!Sam in there too, hope you're not mad at me?:" Please enjoy xx.
don't hide
"Oh, we forgot the toilet paper!" Sam groaned, "I'll go get it. Wait here, sugar, okay? Eyes on the bags and don't move. Papa will be right back," he said before marching back to the big store's entrance, leaving her by the car with all the grocery bags.
Papa said to wait there. Papa warned her that the ground was snowy and slippery and dangerous. Papa told her not to move, she reminded herself but she just couldn't help it. She had to grab that orange.
A bag had fallen on its side out of nowhere and an orange had fallen out and rolled away. She needed to get it before Papa came back or else he'd know she wasn't watching the bags and was zoned out instead. She'd be careful and she'd take the fruit and come back to where Papa left her and he wouldn't even know it. She'd take small steps and she'd be quick. Plus, she was a big girl; she'd never slip, right?
Before she could catch herself, her foot was slipping, her arms were flailing and she was on her back on the cold, hard icy ground. She squeaked, pain shooting through her spine like an electric shock. Through panic and pain, she got hold of the stray fruit, managing to get herself up and back to where she was supposed to be standing the whole time before Sam made his way back to her.
"There we go," Sam sighed, setting the bag with the toilet paper beside the others and opening the car.
She was silent, biting down on her lip to stifle the pained whimpers ready to leave her mouth.
"You ready to go, sugar?" He asked her as he stacked the last bag in the car, slamming the back shut.
"Yes, papa." She nodded, the bones supporting her neck hurting as she tried her best not to cry when she slightly bent to get in the backseat.
She didn't say anything. She couldn't. Daddy and Papa were taking her sledding in the park the next day and she couldn't even be good and obey one single thing she was told. They'd definitely cancel the whole day and make her stay home if they knew what she did. And not only that but she'd surely be punished for not listening and not being careful enough. She could take it. She could play, sled and smile through the pain. Plus, she was a big girl; she could handle a little fall, right?
Her back was killing her. She tried not to hiss when Papa put her seat belt on for her. She had no idea how she'd make it through the day.
"Show daddy what you got him, sugar!" Sam encouraged after leaving the bag of goods on the table for her, walking to the kitchen to drop a bunch of grocery bags
She carefully pulled a chair out and slowly climbed on top, rummaging through the bag until she found a packet of Bucky's favourite cookies. She'd pointed at them as soon as she saw them at the store and didn't stop until Papa got them down the high shelf and into the cart.
Bucky's appreciative smile lit up the room, "oh, for me?"
"Yes, daddy. Got 'em for you." She nodded timidly, playing with her sleeve.
He accepted the cookies with a giddy grin and went to store them in place in the kitchen. She giggled, proud she was the reason Daddy was smiling.
"Thank you, love." Before she could stop him, Bucky was hugging her tight, metal arm pressing on her back to pull her body to his.
The chocked whimper she let out didn't go unnoticed by the super soldier.
"You okay, doll?" Bucky raised a worried brow, flesh hand rubbing circles on her back as a sort of habit.
"Yes, daddy. I'm fine," she lied, held-in tears burning the back of her eyes. She just needed him to stop touching her spine.
"You sure?"
"Sugar, go wash your hands we just got back from outside," Sam reminded, saving her from repeating the lie to Bucky.
"Yes, papa." Her socked feet padded on the floor as she left for the bathroom.
Bucky shrugged it off for now, walking outside to help Sam with the bags. She probably wanted more candy than she was allowed and Sam refused or something of that sort.
When she was done washing her hands, she tiptoed to her bedroom and did her best to redress herself fast. Her discoloured skin looked awful in the mirror. She couldn't let her daddies see the huge bruise that was forming on her back, innocently praying it'd disappear over night so they could still go sledding the next morning.
"You changed by yourself?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing her in a comfier outfit. He knew for a fact Bucky didn't help her because he was washing strawberries in the sink behind him.
"Yes, papa," she muttered hesitantly, fearing his reaction.
"Why didn't you call me or daddy, baby? We could've helped."
"Papa and daddy are busy, didn' wanna bother you," she lied again.
"Doll, we'll never be too busy to look after our favourite girl. You can always ask for daddy and papa's help, okay?" Bucky assured her gently.
"Yes, dada."
"Good girl, here," Bucky grinned, offering her a strawberry.
"Tank you." She took it with a smile and hummed after the first bite, making Sam chuckle.
"You did a good job dressing yourself, sugar. We're proud of you." Sam let his hand cradle the small of her back so he could kiss her forehead.
She whimpered again, biting her lip hard and closing her eyes.
"Everything alright, baby?"
"Yes, papa. Strawberry tastes so good."
"Okay, baby. Go play in your room till me and daddy get lunch ready."
"Yes, papa." She pecked Sam's cheek before leaving the kitchen.
"She's lying," Bucky told his husband as soon as she got inside her playroom.
"I know."
She spent the rest of the morning suffering in silence. Her back hurt whenever it came in contact with anything. She couldn't lean forward, or backward. She couldn't even lay down for nap time, crying into her pillow as soon as her daddies left the room.
She'd try not to whine when Daddy's palm touched her upper back. She couldn't enjoy watching her favourite show on TV because she was too busy trying not to pull away when Papa hugged her to his chest while she was on his lap.
As the hours passed, she was in so much pain it was showing all over her face. Sam and Bucky were worried that she wasn't saying anything. They knew something was wrong they just didn't know what. They failed to notice her features scrunching up in pain whenever they touched her because, in their defense, they were always touching her. So they couldn't really pinpoint the problem.
"There you go, sugar." Sam handed her a plastic cup, half full of strawberry milk he'd just whipped in the blender for her.
"Thank you, papa." She smiled gratefully, stretching her neck to kiss his cheek, her face twisting in pain as a result.
"Doll, are you sure you're okay? Do you have a tummy ache? Do you feel sick?" Bucky questioned softly, all while rubbing circles on her upper back.
"No, dada. I'm okay," she continued to lie, sipping from her straw quickly so maybe Bucky would stop and let her drink in peace.
Bucky looked to Sam in defeat and the latter just shrugged at him helplessly.
"Love, me and papa are worried there's something you're not telling us." Bucky's hand caressed further down to the small of her back and she couldn't help but wince, dropping her cup.
Strawberry milk covered her chest and lap and she couldn't hold it in anymore. She started crying and apologizing, thinking there was no way out of punishment for her now. They were going to find out.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, sugar. It was an accident. It's okay." Sam tried to soothe her but her cries only grew louder as she let all the tears out.
Her body hurt so bad and it didn't help that Bucky was patting her back to calm her coughs and sobs.
"Come with me, doll. Let's get you cleaned up." She cried harder at Bucky's statement, knowing they were going to see her back now.
"No, daddy, please. Don't wanna." She shook her head, choking on her tears. She made no effort to go to his open arms like she would.
It broke Bucky's heart a tiny bit. He started to think he'd done something; that she was like that all day because of him for some reason.
"But baby, you're soaked in milk. You can't stay like that!" Sam didn't wait for her refusal, slipping his arms under her legs and carrying her body off the couch.
"No, no, papa, please." Her tears wet Sam's sweater, her thrashing hurting her muscles even more.
"Stop crying, sugar. Tell me what's wrong," Sam said, sitting down on the closed toilet lid with her on his lap.
She remained silent, her fist rubbing at her teary eye and her lips trembling.
"Is there anything you wanna tell me and daddy, baby?" Sam tried again, making brief eye contact with a worried Bucky preparing a bath.
"Wanna shower by myself," she muttered when her sobs died out, tears still leaving her red eyes.
"You know we can't let you do that, doll," Bucky sighed.
"B-But I dressed by myself," she cried more, leaning on Sam's chest.
"This is different, baby." He kissed her forehead.
"Why don't you want our help, doll? What is it?"
She was quiet again, making both men sigh.
"Alright, love, hands up," Bucky instructed but she shook her head.
"Come on now, be good. We gotta get you cleaned up, baby, or you're gonna be all sticky," Sam told her, fingers tugging at the hem of her sweater.
She gave up fighting; her back was sore and she knew her daddies were going to get her in that bath no matter what. She closed her eyes when the sweater was pulled over her head, preparing herself for Daddy's reaction.
"My goodness, doll! What happened?!" Bucky exclaimed in worry and she started sobbing again.
"What is it?"
"Look at her back, it's messed up!" Bucky gestured to the huge purple and blue bruise, whispering the last part of his sentence.
"Oh my god! How did you get this?!" Sam's eyes widened as he questioned her and she only cried more.
It broke their heart. She was in so much pain all morning and they had no idea. How could they be so inattentive?
"Hey, baby, no, it's alright. We just wanna know how you got hurt, sugar. You're not in trouble," Sam reassured, pushing her hair out of her face while Bucky ever so tenderly examined her bruises.
"I'm sorry, papa. I'm so sorry," she cried in his chest, "I- I didn' listen when you- told me to stay I- the orange fell out an- and I wanted to get it and I fell d-down an' hurt m-myself." She tried to explain between hiccups as Sam bit down in realization and regret.
"Aw, sugar," Sam sighed, feeling guilt gnaw at him for leaving her alone by the car. What was he thinking? How could he leave her all by herself like that? She was just a little baby!
"Papa's sorry, baby. Papa's so sorry he left you standing alone and went back inside." Sam apologized, kissing away the tears soaking her cheeks while she sniffled and hiccuped.
"Don't cry, doll. We're not sad with you. You didn't do anything wrong," Bucky cooed, his thumb wiping the tears down her chin and neck.
"B-But I was bad." She looked at Bucky with teary eyes.
"No, doll, you weren't bad. You were just tryna help Papa because you're a good girl." Bucky kissed her temple, holding her forehead to his cheek while he looked at Sam.
The man was zoned out, probably beating himself up somewhere in his mind.
"Let's just get you in the tub for now and then we can let the doctor take a look at your back, okay?"
"What if he gives me shots?"
"He's not gonna give you shots, doll. Only something to apply to your bruise, nothing painful or scary." Bucky promised, easing her off Sam's lap to get the rest of her clothes off.
Sam scratched his head before abruptly standing from the toilet seat, "I'll go start dinner."
Bucky sighed when his husband left the bathroom. He knew Sam was feeling guilty for their baby getting hurt and while he wanted to assure him it wasn't his fault, he had to tend to her for the time being.
"There you go, doll." Bucky carefully lowered her in the tub, letting the warm, soaped water soothe the ache in her muscles.
"Dada, can you come too?" She asked quietly, noiseless tears still leaving her eyes.
Bucky stripped himself at once, cautiously getting behind her in the tub before pressing her back to his chest. She sighed as he held her to him, Bucky's chest being much comfier than the solid ceramic of the tub.
"Is papa mad at me?" She asked Bucky, her voice trembling and breaking as she continued to cry.
"No, no, doll. Papa's not mad at you one bit, he's just worried about you," Bucky said, his hands rubbing softly on her tummy as he kissed her shoulder.
"Then why'd he leave?" Her voice was squishing Bucky's heart and he just wanted both his babies to feel better.
"He's preparing dinner for you, baby. Papa loves you; he could never be mad at you." Bucky turned her head so she could face him and wiped her tears away.
"We love you, doll. No one is mad at you. Daddy and Papa only want you to be okay. We just wanna keep you safe," Bucky told her warmly and she nodded, wrapping her arms around Bucky's neck and burrowing her face in the crook of it.
After her bath, Bucky got out first, telling her to wait while he got towels. But instead his legs took him to Sam.
"I feel like shit for not noticing too," Bucky muttered behind his spouse.
"It's not only that- what are you doing strolling around the house in just a towel after a warm bath?! Bucky, you'll catch a cold-" Sam scolded when he turned around and saw Bucky undressed.
Bucky put his mouth on Sam's in an attempt to calm his anxiety.
"I'm gonna be fine and so is she," Bucky promised against Sam's lips, cupping his cheek.
"I left her alone, Buck. She got hurt because of me."
"No, love, no. It was an accident. It could've happened anywhere any time."
"I still shouldn't have left her."
"Then we know not to do it again. Don't beat yourself up over it and distance yourself like that."
"I'm not distancing myself."
"Sam, she thinks you're sad with her. Please, love," Bucky begged, his thumb swiping over Sam's skin until the latter nodded with a sigh.
"Now go put on something."
"I thought you liked me naked," Bucky teased.
"Go." Sam lightly slapped his rear.
"I'm going." Bucky laughed, kissing Sam's lips one last time before retreating to the bathroom.
Bucky dressed her in something warm and told her to wait a minute while he got ready so he could take her to the doctor's. She peaked out of her room, hearing onions sizzling in the kitchen. She walked over to Sam as he poured tomato juice and the pot hissed.
"Papa? Are you mad?" She tugged at Sam's sleeve, red-rimmed eyes staring up at the man.
Sam sighed, turning off the stove. He took her hand in his and walked out of the kitchen with her, sitting down on the couch and motioning for her to sit on his lap.
"Why didn't you say anything, sugar?" Sam asked, putting her hair behind her ear.
"I'm sorry, papa," shs teared up, "I thought you'd be mad at me and think I'm bad and not wanna take me sledding no more."
"Baby, I'd never get mad at you for getting hurt. Ever." Sam reassured her, not letting his eyes get glossy with the tears he held in.
"If you get hurt me and papa will take care of you no matter what, doll. That's the only consequence. Do you understand me, love?" Bucky added, walking out of the bedroom with a jacket in hand.
"Yes, daddy." She nodded, throwing herself in Bucky's arms, "I'm sorry. I love you."
"We love you too, doll." Bucky kissed her head, careful not to hug or squeeze her too tight.
"Papa, will you come to the doctor wimme and daddy?" She asked Sam sweetly, leaning on his chest after leaving Bucky's hold.
"Of course, sugar." Sam's thumb stroked her cheek softly.
"And we can still go sledding in the park tomorrow?"
"Oh no, baby, we can't go tomorrow."
"But you said you weren't mad." Her lip jutted out in a pout.
"I'm not mad, baby, I promise, but you're hurt."
"But the doctor is gonna fix it," she whined
"He's a doctor, sugar, not a wizard!" Sam chuckled
"Because wizards don't exist."
"They do exist, but that's not the point," Sam argued and Bucky playfully rolled his eyes behind her back.
"But papa-"
"No buts, doll. We'll go as soon as you get better and we'll stay as long as you want, yeah?"
"Yes, daddy." She complied, knowing they were right; her back was achy and stinging.
As promised the doctor gave her no needles, only a prescription of a cream for her back and a painkiller.
"Daddy, I don't wanna," she whimpered as Bucky lifted her PJs up. She was afraid of the pain she would feel once Bucky started massaging the substance onto her skin.
"I'm gonna be gentle, doll. I promise."
"It's gonna hurt," she complained more.
"Here, sugar, hold papa's hands and daddy will be done before you know it." Sam opened his palms and she immediately put her smaller hands on top.
"There you go, all set. We're ready, daddy," Sam told Bucky, squeezing her hands and smiling comfortingly at her.
She gave half a smile back, blushing as she felt Bucky ever so softly lay kisses down her hurt back.
Sam chuckled, kissing the back of her hand. She slightly hissed when Bucky touched her skin with the cold cream, his pointer and middle spreading it around on the bruises.
"Anywhere else hurts, love?"
"Right here, daddy." She pointed to the back of her neck.
Before Bucky could, Sam tilted himself forward and kissed from the ends of her hair down to where her neck met her back. She giggled, Sam's lips tickling her. The man chuckled again, pecking her cheek.
"Papa?" She held his hands in hers.
"Yes, baby?"
"I love you." She wasn't unaware of how he blamed himself for her little accident and she wanted to let him know it was alright; she was alright.
"I love you more, sugar." Sam smiled, relieved, pressing his lips to her forehead.
"Starting to feel seriously left out over here," Bucky said, wiping his fingers on a tissue.
Sam rolled his eyes at his needy-for-attention husband before cupping his cheek and kissing his forehead as well, sending blood to his cheeks.
"I love you, daddy," she whispered, squeezing Bucky's right hand.
"I love you more, doll." Bucky echoed his partner, kissing her hand.
For the whole week, Papa and Daddy let her sleep on top of their chests, seeing as cuddling and spooning weren't options and they still wanted to be close. She'd alternate between the men as the nights passed.
Eventually, they did go sledding in the park when she healed, three days in a row. She loved it and she laughed so much till her cheeks hurt. She could handle a little fall after all; she could handle anything as long as Sam and Bucky were there to take care of her through it.
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shoyosthighs · 3 years
1 Month Challenge
Hinata Shoyo X f!reader (SMUT 🔞)
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Sum: A challenge came up by Hinata before he leave for a month of intensive volleyball training 🤭 (timeskip MSBY Hinata)
Warnings: +18 MDI, dirty talk, unprotected sex, oral receiving (both ways), hard edging, dirty talk, daddy shoyo, 69, hard orgasm deny, creampie, basically really filthy smut
Word count: 2504 words
Author’s Note: Its been 8 years since I last written smut HAHA please spare me 😭 Im loving timeskip buff hinata currently and this plot is something similar I saw on p*rn so I decided to write it 🤭
“Sho! Have you packed all your stuff?” You shouted from the kitchen from you and Hinata’s apartment. Preparing breakfast for him before he leaves for his intensive training in Brazil with the MSBY team in an hour.
“Yes baby” Hinata whispered in your ears from behind while snaking his arms to your waist and pressing you to his chest. “Can you pass me the soy-sauce, I made your favorite” you kiss him on the cheek while preparing his favorite Japanese rice with raw egg and soy-sauce.
“What did I do to deserve you baby” he wipe his fake tear smiling at you while passing you the soy-sauce.
“Baby girl, remember to take care of yourself okay? I will be back in a month. I know your college exams are coming soon but without me reminding you to eat you wouldn’t eat, so please remember to eat okay?” You nodded while pouting, didn’t really want him to leave.
“I will tell Yams to check up on you too” he side-eye you, knowing you will forget to take care of yourself once you indulge yourself into studying. “You’re so nagging haha” you pass him a cup of ice chocolate while ruffling his hair.
“Anyway baby, before I leave let’s come up with a challenge?” he asked while helping you wash the dishes and drying it. He pulled you to the couch and sat down while pulling you onto his lap, straddling him.
“What’s up your sleeve again?” You run your hands cupping his head from behind and play with his fluffy orange hair. “You see, I will be gone for a month and we won’t get to fuck” he said in a teasing voice. Knowing him, your high sex drive boyfriend for 2 years he will be having this dirty thoughts 24/7.
“And yeah what about it?” You rest your cheek on his chest and hug his waist instead. “Don’t touch yourself for a month, and when I come back I will breed you till morning” he smirk at you. “Hey not fair, what about you?” Knowing his horny ass he will probably run to the bathroom to finish himself off, “Both of us, it’s a challenge for both of us”
“I am up for it, but can you?” You tease him back. “You bet” he kiss you on the lips while carrying you into your shared bedroom, breeding you for the last time before he leaves for training.
It was already the 3rd week since Hinata has gone for his intensive training in Brazil, he had been sending you photos of himself shirtless almost everyday, but a prominent outline of his hard dick is seen on this jersey pants in every picture.
my ninja sho❤️: Im sooo horny baby🙁 i wanna ruin you so bad 😘
you: shoyo… HAHAHAHAA just how hard are you 🤣🤣🤣
my ninja sho❤️: Just you wait, 1 more week and you won’t be able to walk after im done with you 🙃
you: 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Truth to be told, you was so close to touching yourself and relieving yourself, but you really wanted to see how long can you hold onto it. You busied yourself with studying, playing the new game you downloaded, eating lunch and having tea time with Yamaguchi in the cafe that you, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima like to hang out in your free time. Yachi and Kageyama joined sometime too but Yachi has moved to Osaka for college and Kageyama was busy with travelling because of his volleyball career.
“So how are you coping without Shoyo?” Yamaguchi stop scrolling his phone, looked at you while sipping his frappe. “What do you mean?” You acted blur, you know what Yamaguchi was implying. But you didn’t want to remember anything of Hinata that will get you riled up.
“Oh come on, you two are the second horniest couple I have know. Well Tsukki and (tsukki’s gf name) being the first” he laughed since all of you had been friends since high school years.
“Not saying anything~~~~ don’t ask anymore before I tell your girlfriend you wanna get it” you smiled not hiding the intention of killing. “Jeez ok ok im kidding” he laughed while seeing his girlfriend of 4 years outside the cafe. You and Yamaguchi then meet her outside and walked home for a movie night.
Hinata had just landed into Japan, after getting into the van with the team he texted you to let you know that he will be home in 2 hours. You were eating dinner when your phone pinged, you replied him with a ‘Okie hurry up 😭’ you had missed him, 1 month without hugs from him was quite depressing for you, the house seems quiet without him singing loudly while showering.
You had brought a white crotchless underwear to surprise him, you quickly showered, change into an oversized white t-shirt and slip on the lewd panties. You turned on the tv while watching the 7pm show that you had been chasing since last week.
Time passed by quickly but you were getting sleepy, so you grab your blanket and wrap yourself on the couch snoozing off for a bit, thinking to have a 10 minutes nap before Hinata comes home. But your snooze was interrupted by Hinata’s loud “MY LITTLE BABY!!! YOUR FAVORITE ABS IS HOME!!!”
You jolted awake and rush to jump onto on Hinata, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Luckily your shirt was long to cover your ass because Hinata’s quick reflex supported them before you could fall. “I miss you so much baby” you whispered lightly while peppering kisses around his neck.
“I miss you so much too” he put you down on the floor and wrap his arms around your waist and kisses your forehead, nose and lips. After the small reunion, Hinata was in the shower and you were on the bed thinking about the steamy night that was about to happen. Just before Hinata went to shower he whispered “Prepare to be ruin by my cock tonight my little slut” this little cheeky tangerine, you thought as you clenched your pussy getting excited.
Hinata’s hands were running up and down your body as soon as he came out of the bathroom naked, “What? Im gonna fuck you anyway, why bother wearing clothes hehe” he chuckled when you glance at him in disbelief. He was kissing you slipping his tongue in to taste you while pulling off your t-shirt, he knew you didn’t wore any bra so he when straight at sucking your nipple while toying the other, his other hand going straight down south, wanting to feel how wet you are outside your panties but was caught by surprise when he touched skin.
“Do you like my surprise?” you said softly to his ear. He glanced up at you, “You are driving me crazy holyshit” he pushed you down onto your shared bed, brought both your legs up and spread your thighs wide to look at his surprise. “You are so fucking wet, you’re literally drenched” he move down collected some of your arousal and show it to you, “Sho, stop it. It’s embarrassing” you cover your face with both hand. Who knew not touching yourself and not cumming for 1 month made you this wet just by kissing your boyfriend.
“If you don’t move your hands away now, you won’t be getting any dick tonight” he said sternly. You were quick to remove your hand and he chuckled at how desperate you are. “You better not hold back your moans if you want to get fucked tonight you little slut” he turned your hip sideways, slip your panties off and slapped your ass, you moaned feeling yourself clenched again. “Do you hear me?” Hinata slapped your ass again when you didn’t answer, “Yes daddy” you whimpered, feeling extremely horny by how Hinata is treating you. Its really been awhile.
Hinata placed you back on your back and spread your legs again, hands holding onto the back of your thighs and diving into your drenched pussy, “Oh fuck daddy it feels so good” you clench your fist onto the bedsheets, back arching. You had been eating pineapple for the past 3weeks in prepare for today, “Why do you taste sweeter than usual baby? Did you had pineapple or what?” He lifted his head up to look at you, man the sight of him wet chin, wet lips full of your juice. You just nodded and clenched your pussy feeling the lost of touch, Hinata look down and the sight of your cunt clenched while juices dripping down made him want to just take you right here right now, but he steadied himself and dive back down to your pussy slipping his tongue into your tight pussy, tasting everything you have to offer.
Not even a minute had pass but you were writhing under Hinata, “Im gonna cum daddy” you whimpered, arching your back and grinding your hips into Hinata’s face desperate for the first orgasm after a month. You almost screamed when Hinata lift his face off your wet aching pussy, “Tonight you are gonna cum on my cock and only my cock” you whimpered a small yes daddy, panicking a little. When Hinata is serious he won’t hesitate to deny you orgasm and you wouldn’t want that.
“Now come and suck daddy off before I fuck your brains out” he lay next to you and you didn’t hesitate to take his already hard cock around your hand slipping the head to your parted lips, Hinata glances sideways to see you still dripping from your pussy, he tapped your ass and you turn back to look at him, lips still on his cock. “Sit on my face” knowing he loves 69 you quickly lift one of your legs and drape it over his head. Shifting your drenched slick infront of his face you move your mouth down to take Hinata’s warm cock into your mouth, “Oh fuck, your mouth feel so good” at this point Hinata wants to see how long he and you could stand denying orgasms before snapping.
You were a hot mess above Hinata, he had denied your orgasm 5 times while you had denied him 3 because you took slower stroke to work him up. Your pussy is literally drenched and sticky, you really couldn’t take it anymore its starting to hurt and you really need to cum, “Daddy please fuck me I need your cock” you turned behind and look at him. “My favorite” he lift himself up and you got on all fours facing the headboard, back arched with your cheeks squish onto the pillow. “Please daddy i am so wet for you, I had been a good girl, I want your cock please”
Hinata thinking he too couldn’t hold it back anymore line up his cock up your pussy lips rubbing up and down to tease you for a bit, he chuckled when you whimpered another please daddy and slip in all the way. You were so tight despite how wet you was prior to the foreplay and its driving Hinata crazy by how warm and wet you felt. “Holyshit baby you are so tight and warm”
You couldn’t think straight, all you could think was if Hinata were to move a few times you will cum soon. He slowly slip out dragging his thick cock veins around your walls and then slamming it back, “Fuck daddy im gonna cum” he continue to slam his cock into your pussy and then pull out completely and look down at your pussy, you were literally sobbing by now you clenched onto nothing and grind your hips wanting Hinata to just fuck your brains out.
You subconsciously slip your finger between your legs to relieve some tension on your pussy but Hinata hold your fingers by your folds, using his hand he guide it and circle it on your hole, you whimpered at how drenched you were, “Look at you wet and horny for me, since you’re being such a good girl daddy won’t hold back anymore okay” He line his rock hard cock back on your pussy and slip in, “I want you to cum hard on my cock okay” he leaned down and you nodded, preparing for his brutal thrust. At his 5th thrust your pussy had clamp down his cock and had you squirting all over your leg, you didn’t had the chance to tell him you were coming, Hinata had to pull out and watch you squirt all over the bedsheet and thinking how fucking hot you were currently.
“Look at you, so desperate to cum that you squirted all over our bed. What a little slut” he was gripping your ass and had continued his fucking your brains out. Your pussy is clenching onto him for the 4th time cumming hard on his dick and he had emptied 3 load of cum into your womb by then, holding you down while shooting his load into you. He weren’t kidding when he say he wanted to breed you.
Your lower half was sore by midnight, Hinata was now lying down with you on top of him grinding and whimpering at how hard he still is, both of your cum making your lower body full of white stains. “Sho- I-I can’t-t im gonna cum again” you grind harder onto his cock while throwing your head back, “Me too baby” he thrust up and hold your hips making you fall to his chest taking in the loud skin slapping and wet squelching sound you both produced, “Shoyo omg please please please harder im so close” he feel your walls clenching hard on him again and you cum hard onto his cock again for the nth time tonight while he shoot his almost nonexistent cum into you again, he really unloaded everything with nothing left. Soft moans filled the room as you lift yourself off his finally limped dick and plopped yourself beside him catching your breath.
“Stay here while i prepare the bath for you okay” you gave him a tired smile and close your eyes for a bit still feeling your body hot from the activity. Hinata came back and gave you a kiss on your sweaty forehead and carried you bridal style to the bathtub filled with warm water with your favorite bath bomb scent.
Hinata was at the MSBY locker room the next afternoon for their short meeting/training regarding an upcoming match. He was shirtless was trying to put on his training jersey when Atsumu gasped, “HOLYSHIT SHOYO WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR BACK?” All he could do was smile sheepishly and said “My little cat scratch me”
You weren’t spare either, you had to call Yamaguchi telling him you were sick the next morning because of how sore you were and you were literally limping even going to the bathroom. And had to cover the hickeys around your neck before going to school.
(A/N:It’s literally almost 4am here and Im also drenched after writing this fic, I HOPE YOU ENJOY 😭😭😭 reblog and comments welcomed ❤️)
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
i'd be home with you
or alternatively, jean has a bad day at work, and you pamper him
zuzu requested: Modern AU Jean/fem reader where Jean comes home after a really long day at work (his shift ends later than yours does so you always come in a few hours before him) He's in a rly pissy mood but you think it's adorable so you give him a nice tight hug and he relaxes a bit 😭 then you coax him towards the bedroom so you can pamper him, asking him to place his head on your lap so you can rub his temples until he falls asleep...
pairing: jean x fem! reader
wc: 2.2k+
tags: fluff, some angst (?) modern! au, female reader, language, mentions of food.
a/n: this was so much fun to write, I love jean and always wanna take care of him bhsbhsbh, i changed up some things to make it fit, and it kinda got a teeeeensy but angsty but not too much. i hope you enjoy.
You outstretched your arms, eyes glancing over to the clock in the corner of the living room.
Jean should be home soon.
The sound of the ticking clock filled the room as you laid back down on the couch, the side of your face pressed against the cool leather of the armrest, fingers lazily grazing over the pale white stitches, the bumps and ridges comforting you while you waited for your husband to come home.
Not too long after, you heard the familiar noise of the keys jingle against the doorknob, prompting you to shift your body to watch Jean as he walked through the front door; your lips quirked into a gentle smile, and you got up to greet him.
However, you noticed that he wasn’t his usual cheery self today. Weariness was clear as day on his face. He raised his eyebrows at you, the only indication that he acknowledged your presence.
He struggled to slip off his shoes until eventually sighing and reaching down to untie them, hair falling in front of his face, he cursed under his breath. You let out a giggle, immediately slapping your hand over your mouth, suppressing the noise.
“What are you laughing about?” He furrowed his brows, following your eyes until he realized you were staring at the socks peeping out of his shoes.
Tiny fried eggs decorated the navy socks he was wearing. He looked back up at you, an amused expression on your face, still trying to suppress your laughter.
His shoulders drooped, and he scowled at you, “knew I shouldn’t have worn these dumb socks today.”
You frowned and made your way over to him, “aww, baby, I wasn’t laughing at you, and hey, you love those socks! You look so cute with them on! ”
Jean turned his face away from you, “I’m not cute,” your frown deepened, and you brought your hand up to his face, causing him to look at you. Your wedding band was cool contrast against his cheek.
“Sure you are, my love. Did you not have a good day today?” At that, his eyes fluttered shut. He brought his hand up to remove yours; however, his hand lingered, resting on top of yours.
“Gonna take that as a no then.”
He nodded in agreement before opening his eyes and dropping his hand. You traced your fingers on his cheek until moving your arm around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. Jean wrapped his arms around your torso, relaxing into your touch. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, breathing in his cologne, “missed you today, baby.”
You felt him release a deep breath, and you moved your hand to run your fingers through his hair. He hugged you tighter in response to your action, “missed you too.” His voice a low grumble.
Jean let go first, mumbling a quick thank you, and he gave you a slight smile, the first sign of happiness you could see on his face since he walked through the door minutes prior.
He began to bend down to finish taking off his shoes before you stopped him, “Nuh-uh, come with me.”
You gently tugged him up by elbow before clasping his hand in yours, leading the both of you into your bedroom. He opened his mouth in protest, “what are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing, hun? Someone requires some T.L.C.” Pronouncing every letter with a slight lilt in your voice, you turned your head to smile at your husband; his eyebrows were still furrowed, shoulders carrying the weight of the day on him. You knew that if you left Jean to his own devices, he would end up bottling his feelings and act like nothing was wrong.
Your feet padded gently into the room; Jean followed suit. He pulled at your hand to let him go, but you weren’t giving up that easy. He was a stubborn man, no doubt about it, but after years of being together, when it came to Jean, you were just as headstrong.
Smoothing your palm over the soft beige bedsheets, you sat down, tapping your clothed thigh, “come lay down; you’ll feel better if you do.” You watched the man in front of you clench his jaw, tired, hazel eyes gazing into yours.
“I haven’t even taken my shoes off yet.” He sighed; your only response was to tug him closer to your seated frame. Pouting your lips up at him, you watched him chew the inside of his cheek before finally obliging.
“See, that wasn’t so hard” You grinned as you saw Jean sit down next to you and lay his head in your lap, ash brown hair splaying across your thighs. He hummed in content when he felt you run your fingers through the hair near his temples. “You wanna talk about what happened?” Jean shook his head, furrowing his brows once again. You swiped your thumb over the creased skin, causing his expression to soften.
He blinked his eyes up at you, “you don’t have to do this; I’m fine.” He tried to get up, but you pressed your palm against his chest, eyes pleading. You tilted your head at him, gazing with tenderness before hunching over to lightly kiss his forehead.
“Let me take care of you, Jeanie? Please?”
He laid back down, allowing you to rub his temples, taking away the pain of the day. It was the least you could do; on days where you felt unloveable, Jean would be there for you, holding you, whispering reassurances in your ear, delicately reminding you of his love and lending his strength to you when you needed it. So, while it pained your heart to watch Jean feel less than, it was second nature to you; you would always be there for him when he needs it.
The repetitive movements of the pads of your fingers against his head were soothing him, Jean’s eyelids were heavy, the time he spent with his eyes shut getting longer and longer with each passing minute.
“Haven’t taken my socks off.” He whispered, sleep overtaking him; his speech was slightly slurred.
“Don’t worry, you just sleep.” You continued massaging his head until his breathing steadied, eyes no longer opening. You smiled at the sight; he looked so peaceful and beautiful when he slept. Pausing your movements, you bent down and gave him another kiss on his forehead, smoothing the hair on his head.
You lifted him off your lap, sliding out from underneath him, and softly placed his head down on a pillow, careful not to disturb him. He shifted, turning to face the window next to the bed. The sun was beginning to set, and the slivers of orange light peeking through the curtains dusted over Jean’s face.
“My beautiful boy.” Warmth spread over your chest as you watched your husband rest, content that at this moment, his worries were not plaguing him.
You slid off his shoes, chuckling at the sight of socks once more. Jean had called the socks dumb, but you knew that he loved them. When you got them for him for his birthday, you remembered how he laughed when he unwrapped the package; the sound rang through the air, causing you to giggle at his reaction, before he reached over to plant a sloppy kiss on your cheek, murmuring a soft thank you through a wide-toothed smile.
After pulling off his socks, you quietly got him out of his dress shirt and pants and slipped a pair of sweatpants over his legs before drawing the comforter over his body and placing a kiss on his shoulder.
Jean awoke to the smell of spices wafting in from the kitchen; he rubbed his eyes. It was dark outside. He wondered how he got into bed; the last thing he remembered was him laying in your lap.
The young man felt a wave of guilt wash over his body. He realized that he was wearing sweatpants, his office attire neatly hanging in the closet adjacent to him. Jean groaned and pulled the covers off his body; had he been sleeping all this time? You were working away in the kitchen, you even took off his shoes, and here he was, lazing away like a dog.
It was pathetic, he thought, making you take care of him just because he had a bad day at work. Jean stepped out of the bedroom; stretching out his limbs, he made his way over to the kitchen, the smell of food getting more robust with each step.
You turned when you heard the soft padding of his feet against the kitchen tile, “you’re awake! Did you sleep well?” You beamed at him before turning your attention back to the stovetop.
He padded over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, “you seriously don’t have to do this; I’m alright.” His voice husky, vibrating against your back.
You shifted your body to look at him, quizzical expression painting your face, “why won’t you let me pamper you? Don’t you deserve that?”
Jean was silent.
“You don’t have to be perfect for me, Jean.” Your hand left the handle of the pan and held onto the hands around your middle. “Let me carry some of that burden. Let me.”
“It’s not fair.” Jean’s eyes between yours and the food on the stove.
“What’s not fair, baby? You take care of me when I’m sick when I can barely get out of bed. Isn’t that the vow we made to each other?” You paused, watching as Jean’s head fell into the crook of your neck. “I won’t love you any less, and I certainly will not let you act like everything is fine when it’s not. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but just allow me to look after you.”
“You tell me how much you love me every day, so let me show you how much I love you through this, okay?”
Jean wondered what stars aligned for him to find someone like you. He still felt guilty, but he knew that arguing would be futile, so he finally succumbed, “I love you.”
His mouth curled up into a slight smile; he meant it every time he said it, even when the both of you had been arguing or when you left for work, he meant it every single time.
You didn’t think it was possible, but your heart grew in fondness for Jean, “I know.” You gave his hand a gentle squeeze before returning yours to the handle.
Jean’s stomach grumbled, causing him to groan. You let out a laugh, “See, I knew you hadn’t eaten at work. Go sit; I’ll finish up this Omurice.”
He slipped his arms away from your waist before going to sit on the stool near the kitchen island, head resting on his propped-up palm, watching as you plate up the food.
His eyes twinkled with adoration, the guilt in his chest dissipating as he noticed how much care you’re putting into the meal. There was a time that Jean didn’t think he was worthy of being loved, but having you in his life pieced him back together again.
You made your way over to him, handing him a fork and setting down the plate. Your husband took it from your hands, giving you a questioning look, before taking a bite. His eyes widened, “this is really fucking good, here try some.”
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, glad that he liked the food; Jean brought the fork to your lips, which you opened, the warm rice and luscious egg filled your mouth, you shut your eyes, savouring the taste, "holy shit."
Jean laughed at your surprise, taking another bite of the food. You went over to a drawer to grab a fork before sitting next to him to eat.
When both of you finished your meal, you stood up to grab the plate to clean it. However, Jean halted you before you could pick it up, "let me."
His voice came out a gentle whisper, but it was sincere; you nodded your head, relaxing back in your seat, watching as the man went around the kitchen island to clean the utensils.
He worked swiftly in silence. After drying the plate and placing it in the cupboard, Jean looked up at you, "thank you for this."
"You don't have to thank me, my love."
He blushed at your words, "still, I'm so lucky to have you; I don't know if I tell you that enough."
You stood up and made your way over to Jean, his hands rested on your hips, and you moved your fingers to brush away the few strands of hair that fell in front of his eyes. He smiled tenderly at you before pulling you closer to him by your hips.
He pressed his lips against yours, and you reciprocated the kiss, soft lips melding against each other. His hands travelled up your sides, eventually cupping your face. You smiled against his lips before pulling away.
"I'll love you always, Jean." Your hands came up to hold his, and you turned your cheek to press a kiss into his palm.
"I know."
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this !! any feedback is appreciated !! i'm really not sure what is going on with tagging, but if anyone knows how to fix the issue of certain people not being able to get tagged that would be super helpful !!
taglist: @c0urtn3y, @depressedbisexual, @dai-tsukki-desu, @clean-soap
click here to join my taglist
As always, please leave a like/reblog if you enjoyed this, I appreciate it lots <33
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spencersawkward · 3 years
top shelf//MGG - part 1
summary: broke and having a bad day, Reader runs into Matthew outside a café. after a couple encounters, his financial support and friendship become something more.
word count: 3k
content warnings: swearing but nothing else!
pairing: Fem!Reader/Matthew
A/N: hi! welcome to my new series. i don’t think this will be super long in terms of parts, but i’ll try to update as frequently as possible for you all. this chapter is pretty expositional, so i’m sorry in advance lol. also i know i made it short but lmk if you want them to be longer. also shoutout my sweet sweet angels @reidsconverse and @voidsfilm bc i would literally cry without both of you. also THANK YOU to @dr-spencerr-reidd for this concept bc i probably wouldn't have written it without your ask!! sending hugs :)
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you throw your phone down on the passenger seat with a frustrated groan. after everything that's happened today, you're now stuck on a congested street with your car barely inside the parking spot alongside the sidewalk.
your screen sits there beside you, blank and unresponsive, and you know you're going to have to go inside the coffee shop to ask to use their phone and call Triple A. of course it's not working because nothing is working today. you might as well just sit in your car and cry.
but you can't, because you have a huge project for work that you need to get done by next week, and you've already procrastinated enough. a red glow from the headlights of other cars on the street shine through your windows like melted wax, distorted by the rain. it's been pouring all day.
bracing yourself for the onslaught, you grab the old umbrella from the foot well of the passenger seat and open the door of your car. the torrents hit your body like a wall of ice, soaking you as you try to get to the safety of the café. the umbrella helps a little, but then you get to the overhang and have to actually close it before you head inside.
your fingertips slip around the metal, trying to shove the thing closed while water drips off the bridge of your nose. it's frustrating. your footsteps are still determined as they move towards the entrance, but you're distracted by the stubborn nature of the object, so you don't see the man walking out.
it's not even a bodily collision, really. it's so much worse: the sopping material of the umbrella pokes him in the stomach, knocking the hot cup of coffee all over his sweater.
your eyes widen.
"oh my fucking god, I'm so sorry--" you stutter over your words, completely at a loss. his face is twisted up in an expression of concealed pain. it can't feel good to have hot coffee seeping through your clothes after being prodded by a piece of metal. you move your wet hair out of your face in order to look at him full-on.
"it's fine, really." he gives you what's supposed to be a friendly smile, but looks more like a grimace. your stomach twists; he's hot. like, if you saw him at the bar you would stare at him all night kind of hot.
"no, it's not," your face heats up, despite the cold, damp air. "let me buy you another coffee."
"I--" he glances down at his sweater, which is knitted with cute foxes on the front, then back at you. he pauses a moment and you have to bite down on your tongue to keep from collapsing. he's considerably older than you, but he doesn't dress or act that way. maybe late thirties, if you had to guess. "sure. thanks."
a flowering relief in your chest, partly because he doesn't seem angry and partly because you'd like to look at his face just a bit longer. your eyes stay on his until someone walks through the door of the café and reminds you of where you are.
without a word, you brush past and go into the building, him trailing behind.
Matthew watches as you walk ahead, your clothes spattered with rainwater and your hair somewhat messed up, too. he smiles to himself at the way you almost bump into the corner of a table, nervousness evident in nearly every movement.
you head to the counter, setting your hands on the granite while the barista checks out your unkempt appearance.
"hi," you smile at her before realizing you have no idea what this guy wants. you turn around and see him standing slightly behind you, suppressing a smile. he can tell how flustered you are, and now you look like a fool. "what coffee do you drink?"
"can I have a medium Americano, please?" he asks the barista with a friendly smile. he's got straight teeth, dimples... holy shit. you wish he had been unappealing so that this whole situation would be less humiliating.
you pay for his drink before getting out of the way, both of you slowly walking to the pickup counter.
"again, I'm really sorry. that stupid umbrella." you shake the thing at your side, raindrops falling to the floor. you run a hand through your wet hair.
"it's okay. I appreciate you getting me another cup." he flashes that smile again and you remember that his sweater is all stained. before you can think to do anything else, you pluck a handful of napkins from the self-serve station and start to dab at the material.
he looks down at you for a second, surprised by the way you grab his clothes. Matthew feels your hand pressing into his stomach innocently, and he feels himself blush a little. it's only when you pull away that he's able to regain his head.
"it's still bad," you throw away the napkins and re-evaluate the garment. "jesus christ, it's a nice sweater, too."
"hey, it's totally fine. I can just wash it out." he lets out a slight chuckle, and the sound makes your heart flutter. he's got a dad laugh. deep in his chest.
"baking soda and water." you say abruptly. he frowns.
"to get the stain out? I use baking soda and water for coffee stains and it usually works." you explain gently, your eyes meeting again. his irises are a brownish hazel color, warm. the laugh lines by them are charming.
"oh," he grins. "do you get coffee stains often?"
you twist your mouth to the side and glance at the windows of the coffee shop. he's teasing you and you'd be remiss if you said you don't want to play along. "more than I'd like to admit."
you can feel him looking at you with that stupidly brilliant smile and it's really setting you off-kilter. someone shouldn't be that attractive; it's not fair. and yet you want desperately to stare, if purely for the sake of aesthetic enjoyment.
"I'm Matthew." he extends his hand, which is decorated with a series of rings. you realize that you don't even know his name.
"Y/N." you shake. his fingers are softer than you expected.
"nice to meet you, Y/N."
"and under such fortuitous circumstances." the corners of your mouth turn up as you relax a little.
he laughs at your words, the delightful ring of it interrupted by a new Americano showing up on the counter. he glances at the to-go cup, then at you, then goes to get his drink. you wish you knew what he was thinking, but he's not displaying anything past friendliness.
"well, um." something like disappointment settles in your stomach as you recognize this will be the last of your interaction. there's no reason for him to stick around, and you need to get back home to work, anyway.
"I'll let you get back to your day." Matthew doesn't seem nervous, just unsure as he grips the coffee in his hand. you open and close your mouth like something impressive enough to keep him here will come out. you know it won't.
and then you remember the state of affairs, the existence of your useless car and the useless phone in the front seat, how you're going to have to call Triple A and then your roommate to come get you.
Matthew realizes that you aren't going to say anything and he gives you one last smile and an awkward wave before turning to go. you watch in silence as he crosses the room to the door. two more seconds until he's out of your life forever. so of course you choose this exact moment to speak.
his head jerks suddenly to look at you. this is embarrassing, but you have nothing to lose.
"can I... borrow your phone?"
Matthew tilts his head to the side slightly, frowning as though deeply confused. and you suppose it is a strange thing to ask, especially given that you're a younger person and most people your age carry their phones everywhere. "sure." he walks back over to you, pulling his cell out of his pocket.
"I just--" you fumble with the device while you decide how to phrase it without sounding like a pathetic mess. "my car keeps breaking down and my phone battery is, like, totally fucked, so it just turns off and on constantly and it’s still in my car but it’s raining and I just wanna see if it’s back on so I can call my roommate." you immediately cringe at yourself. the rambling isn’t cute.
he’s not too bothered by your panicking, though, his mouth only forming an O shape. "it’s no problem."
you dial your number, fingers trembling while he waits. he's turned his eyes to the rest of the coffee shop, but it still makes you nervous that he's standing right there. you put the cell to your ear and pray that it rings out.
you’re greeted by the sound of your own voice telling you to leave a message. great. with a frustrated sigh, you hang up and Matthew gives you an inquisitive expression.
“it’s still off,” you explain. “I’m gonna call my roommate.”
he nods and shoves his hands into his pockets while you punch in the other number. for a split second, you peek his way and admire his side profile. he really is something to behold; a model, maybe.
"hello?" good thing Cecilia has no problem answering unknown numbers. you bite your lip.
"hey, it's me."
"Y/N? whose phone are you using?"
"uh, someone I just met--" you frown as you try to find a way to describe him without something as insulting as a random guy. "anyway, my car broke down so I was wondering if you could pick me up."
there's a pause on the other end of the line, like the movement of sheets and the slightly disappointed groan of another person. she probably has her boyfriend over again. "sure, of course. where are you?"
you give her the address and hang up before dialing the car repair company. Matthew gestures to a table off to the side so that you two don't need to stand, and then you sit down across from him. you're so distracted by the person on the other end of the line that you don't even think about it.
Matthew twists his rings on his fingers. he's fidgety and it's sort of cute. you try not to stare at his hands, at the black spot of ink on the outside of his pinky. either he writes a lot or he's an artist. you have to focus on the table in order to keep from blushing.
finally, you finish up with the phone and hand it back to him. "you're a life saver."
"do you want me to wait with you until your friend gets here?" he gestures out the window. your immediate reaction is to say yes. it'll be awkward to sit here alone without your phone, without coffee. but you don't want to keep him any longer than you already have.
"it's okay, I'm sure you have places to be." you smile accommodatingly. he chooses his next words carefully, it seems.
"I don't, really. but I'll leave you alone if that's what you want, too." the way he speaks, offering his company without trying to impose... something about it makes your heart melt a bit. you appreciate his thoughtfulness. it makes you want to know more.
"okay," you nod as you make your decision. "if you wanna stay. it shouldn't be too long."
"great," he settles back into his chair, the light from the café lights above you reflecting off the lenses of his glasses. "why does your car keep breaking down?"
you exhale sharply at the thought. "that's a really good question, because I don't know the answer. it's super old and I'm too broke to afford a new one."
he nods.
Matthew's mind turns to different avenues at this knowledge. he knows you're young and that usually means that there isn't a lot of spare income. and he doesn't know if you have a job. but what he does know is that you've got an energy about you-- a sweet, well-intentioned manner that draws him in. every once in a while throughout the conversation, you throw out certain phrases that hint at a quick-witted intelligence.
you're funny, but not boldly so. and when you two get on the topic of how you ended up rain-soaked, shoving your way into a Los Angeles café, you tell him about your day.
"--and I have this shitty job right now working for one of my old professor's friends, so it's not like I can afford to constantly repair the damages. all my money is going towards my savings so I can pay for grad school, anyway." you sigh. he listens intently to your words, and he never shies away from eye contact. every time he nods along, you practically feel your heart leap.
"what do you do?" he asks.
"I write for a wellness magazine, but I'm sort of a fraud." you joke.
he laughs. "why's that?"
"I don't know, a lot of it is about different yoga methods and meditation, stuff like that-- but I don't do any of that in my daily life." you admit. it should be embarrassing, but you don't feel ashamed of the fact. he seems to find it funny.
"working your way toward a different kind of job, then?"
"I'm hoping for a more editorial role, honestly, but..." you lift your eyes to his. they're bright, he notices; full of a deep-rooted hope. "gotta start somewhere, right?"
"very true." Matthew wants to tell you just how much he understands, about the roles as an actor he's taken and the hours he spent making films in college, just hoping that one day he'd be able to make things on his own, but he doesn't want to scare you away or sound like he's bragging. it's not your fault you don't know who he is.
"sorry," you speak through a silence he doesn't realize he's left between you two. "I've talked your ear off and you don't even really know me. what do you do?"
"oh--" Matthew actually blushes this time. you see the pink creeping up his neck. "I'm an actor."
in the same way they did when you ran into him, your eyes widen. "an actor?"
"yeah," he smiles at the expression on your face. "you know that show, Criminal Minds?"
the name is familiar, but you've never seen an episode. "yeah, of course."
"I'm in that."
you don't know a lot about the program, but you've heard it talked about and you know that it's a popular show. so this guy is an actual actor, not just some LA wannabe. that makes him about five times more intimidating. you feel even more idiotic for not seeing it before.
"oh, shit," the words tumble out. Matthew grins at the bluntness of your reaction, and you scramble to recover. "sorry I didn't know who you are."
"no worries!" he laughs it off. "it's not a big deal."
"do you like it?" you ask. "being famous, I mean."
he shifts in his seat for a second as he makes a face like he doesn't know how to answer. you wonder if there's something deeper to him that you just haven't seen, yet. secret feelings about the subject. "I'm really not very famous, but I love the work."
genuinely humble. you can see it in his face, the sparkle in his eyes. and maybe he's just charming and you're just a girl blinded by his attractiveness, but your gut tells you that he's being real.
this time, you're the one who falls silent. admittedly, you get a little in your head sometimes. and it makes sense, now, the smoothness of his behavior and the sheer beauty of his face. this is a show business city-- of course he's famous.
Matthew's phone rings and he jumps, as if jolted from a dream. your attention moves immediately to the screen and you recognize Cecilia's number. he pushes the device over to you.
"hello?" your voice sounds far away.
"hey, I'm here. where are you?" she says.
"I'm just inside the café."
"oh, okay, I'll park and come in--" you hear the click of a seatbelt and start to panic. she can't see you in here with him.
"no!" you say too loudly. Matthew's head jerks up to frown at you.
"why not?" Cecilia asks, confused.
"no reason," god, you're a bad liar. "I'll come out and we can wait for the Triple A person in your car." you and Matthew make eye contact again. he gives you an understanding smile. your stomach flips.
"sounds good." she hangs up and you grab your umbrella. time to go.
"thanks for letting me use your phone." you stand, not really wanting to say goodbye but also lacking a reason to stay. he remains in his spot, seemingly now settled into this little corner of the café. it sort of suits him, this place. all cozy and slightly strange.
“happy to help.” you notice the tip of his tongue dart out over his bottom lip as if deliberating whether or not to say anything further. but he doesn’t and you feel awkward just standing there by the table.
“I’ll, uh…” you could ask for his number. but that would be weird, right? he doesn’t really seem to have an interest, anyway. “I’ll see you around, then.”
“yeah. it was nice to meet you, Y/N.” he gives one more of those killer smiles and you turn around, almost bumping into a display of coffee beans before correcting yourself and heading back outside.
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or removed!): @la-vie-en-amour1 @reidsconverse @voidsfilm
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