#you don't need to want to bang someone to find them nice to look at
I tend to forget about Hua Cheng’s crippling self-image issues because Xie Lian is dehydrated over the man and it shows, but
Queerplatonic Xianle Quartet where HC is mostly fine around Xie Lian with his real face -- Gege loves him and loves the way he looks and sometimes remembering that is harder than others but he’s working on it and his god is always there to remind him when he stumbles -- and like, Xie Lian’s opinion is literally the only opinion that matters, so fuck everybody else. Gege likes his face. You can all deal.
Only then without him even realizing it had happened, suddenly Mu Qing and Feng Xin’s opinions do matter and he still hasn’t realized that he’s started to actually care about those idiots but he has noticed that he’s deeply uncomfortable wearing his real face around them recently. All those Oh My God I’m A Hideous Monster thoughts come bubbling to the surface and he can’t stand that he’s been walking around with his actual face out around those two this whole time.
Obviously Hua Cheng starts shifting around the two of them more and more often (It doesn’t have anything to do with them he just likes shifting shut up) and then he runs into a whole brand new wave of weirdness, because he’s used to making his forms look dangerous, seductive, dripping with sex appeal. Only, he doesn’t want Feng Xin or Mu Qing to think he’s fuckable? He doesn’t want to bang them, and he knows they don’t want to bang him. What he wants is for them to think he looks... nice? Dependable? Like he’d give good hugs?
Suddenly Hua Cheng is experimenting with forms that have kind eyes and friendly, open faces and layers of softness over muscles like iron, and Mu Qing and Feng Xin (who also Definitely Do Not Like Him And Don’t Care About Him What Are You Implying Shut Up) are suddenly having the absolutely fucking bizarre experience of wanting to snuggle Crimson Rain Sought Flower.
Feng Xin has an absolutely awful day and walks into a room to see Hua Cheng’s newest version of a papa bear form, big and broad and soft and strong, and he genuinely has an out-of-body experience over how badly he wants to just. Kind of burrow against his chest and stay there until everything is softer and smaller and quieter and farther away.
Mu Qing sees Xie Lian and Hua Cheng snuggling -- Hua Cheng’s newest form is this tiny, curvy, busty lady with a round face and big dark eyes and soft soft hands, perfect for squishing and squeezing and holding like a stuffed animal -- and he just seethes with jealousy watching Xie Lian sink his fingers into her soft soft skin and nuzzle into her soft soft shoulder. He has the thought of I bet she’d be so nice to cuddle and then he has to walk away because fucking What??
Of course this all eventually culminates in something happening and Feng Xin and Mu Qing get their shit rocked and Hua Cheng shows up in his true form to help them out, at which point we somehow get the reveal that they already associate his actual face with support and security and comfort because they know he has their back and he does not need to squeeze himself into different shapes to appeal to them. We like you for you, idiot. Yeah, really. We were shocked too.
Xie Lian through all of this is living his best life getting to squeeze and squish and cuddle with all of San Lang’s new forms and also getting to fuck them because unlike FengQing Xie Lian is sexually attracted to Hua Cheng and damn if these new bodies aren’t extremely excellent to play with. His favorite is still true form though. He’s a sucker for the classics.
Anyway tl;dr touch starved emotionally repressed idiots discover they have a nonsexual crush on their childhood best friend’s husband, said husband does the nonsexual equivalent of walking around in just a bikini, in the end everybody cuddles about it.
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gaypirate420 · 6 months
Happy birthday// Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x gn!reader.
Request: can I get a jasper wishin' me happy birthday? 🥺 Like Jas x gen. neut. reader. lots of cuddling falling asleep in his arms feelin' safe & protected from an abusive dad.
A/N: I really tried to put a lot of comfort in this one. I hope everything it's okay, anon! I got carried away with this request.
Tw: Abuse.
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Throwing your body into your bed, you buried yourself with your blankets, creating a safe fort with your pillows, stuff animals and the most cozy blanket you have.
Your hands shake, eyes welling up with tears.
Your father keeps screaming from downstairs, always getting mad at the tiniest mistake from your part.
Now your head hurts from the hair pulling and your face has another bruise.
You sob quietly against your pillow and cover your ears with your headphones.
He doesn't shut up, his voice leaking through the music. Why doesn't he shut up!?
You gasp for air, your body starts shaking when you hear his heavy footsteps approaching your door.
You hold your breath as you see his shadow pass.
A huge sigh of relief leaves your lips as he passed your bedroom and didn't bang at the door or try to force it open.
Jasper made his way to your home. A grin on his face as he holds two boxes with a shiny paperwrap in your favorite color.
Your boyfriend didn't have the chance to visit your earlier for your birthday, he sighs as he remembers that only because of his "brother" his plans for today were ruined.
But he's hoping there's still time to do something nice, maybe a nice walk through the woods at night. He makes his way into your room. Climbing up the window and open it.
You don't notice his precense yet, your eyes are wide awake and teary as you watch your comfort show with headphones on.
Someone uncovers you.
You see a pair of golden eyes looking at you.
Then a frown crosses his face.
"Darlin'?" He asks softly. Your wide eyes look up at him, your pretty face bruised and your hands shaking.
"Hi, cowboy." You smiled and try your best to sound happy and cheerful, as if that will distract him from the obvious bruise on your face.
"What are you doing here, Jazz?" You ask softly, your eyes find the two boxes he left on your nightstand, that make him frown more.
The blonde sits at the edge of the bed, his pale hand reaching for your face, he feels his blood boil when you flinch, he's mad you can see it but it's not at you, never at you.
"I...I brought you your gifts, darlin'." He whispers very softly and his finger gently strokes your cheek. It's takes you a couple of seconds but you lean on his touch.
"...today it's my birthday?" You ask in a whisper, that makes his heart break into a million pieces.
"Who did this to you, sugar?" He asked softly, golden eyes meeting yours, but there was something on his tone that was more demanding.
"....dad." You whisper, you felt like a child again, telling someone your father did something bad to you.
Your lips tremble and the welled up tears on your eyes fall down your cheeks the moment his arms wrapped around your trembling body. His strong arms holding you close.
Jasper wants to ask. He wants to know. He needs to know what happened. He knows your father isn't very gentle but he never thought of this.
He wants to know why you didn't tell him anything. Since minute one he'll have you out of your home, miles away from your father, safe and sound with him.
But your sobs makes him change his attention back to you.
His lips leave a tender kiss on your forehead, his thumb tracing circles on your back. His finger are cold but make you feel so warm. You sit there, feeling safe inside your own house for the first time in years. With Jasper here nothing could touch you.
You can breath.
Holding the scent of Jasper.
Your teary eyes look up at his golden eyes.
"....I want to see the gifts, p-please." You speak in a soft and innocent voice, almost ashamed of asking for them in this moment, but you're too curious now and you don't want to think about anything that happened today. Jasper smirks, he sits you on his lap, you felt very light when he did that.
The vampire takes the first box, it's small and it fits on his hand.
"There you go, sugar." Jasper whispers gently, your face finally has a small smile on it. You take the small gift and open it.
"It's a cupcake." You smiled softly. Jasper nodded and took the small candle that came with the cupcake, burying it on the icing. Your smile widen with every movement he did.
He could feel them, your emotions, you're still scared and anxious but they're getting replaced by happiness very slowly. He light up the candle and lean over to whisper on your ear.
"Happy birthday to you." He began to sing softly, his voice very harmonious, his accent peeking through.
A couple of tears fall down your cheeks but this one's are happy ones, you're so happy Jasper is here. Holding you. Keeping you safe.
If your father walks through that door...
You don't want to think about Jasper hurting your father or even kill him.
Could he- would he?
Do you want him to?
Well if you think about it— you shake your head from those dark thoughts and enjoy his soft singing. Jasper kisses your cheek, his cold lips leaving small kisses that make you tingle. Murmuring a happy birthday and how much he loves you.
"Make a wish, darlin'." He whispers as he holds the cupcake close. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You think about your wish for a couple of seconds and blow out the candle.
You bite a part of the cupcake, your lips and the tip of nose stained with icing. You giggle and look at Jasper, you kiss his lips to stain him too. The blonde chuckles, you lean over to fetch the camera he gifted you last year.
You turn it on and scoop even closer to Jasper, he holds your hips in place. You point the camera at you and him, it's always tricky to get him fit on the photo with the height difference between you two.
You smile, he smirks and you take a couple of pictures. He bares his fangs in one, making you giggle.
The blonde kisses your cheek once more and grabs the bigger box for you. You shake it gently, it's not heavy but it's something big. You look up at Jasper with a smile on your face, he can feel your excitement.
You undo the wrap paper in a very gentle manner, you want to keep it as a memory, like last year's. Jasper smiles at your fingers grabbing the wrap paper with such delicacy.
It's a plushie. A very big and cuddly bunny. Jasper sees you hug it tightly and nuzzling with it. It seemed to pass your requirements. Before you can tell him you love it you hear something.
Footsteps. Heavy boots against the wooden floor of your home. Your father it's shouting your name, angry. Over and over again. Screaming his lungs out, demanding you to come downstairs.
Your body starts trembling once more. Gasping for air again, your eyes are locked on the door. You hold on the plushie tightly and use Jasper as a shield.
Jasper takes a protective hold of you, guarding you with his arms, his eyes pitch black. You can feel this change in attitude in him, his fangs bare and this rumbling sound, almost an animalistic growl leaves his lips.
The shadow of your father's feet stop infront of your bedroom door.
Jasper growls.
His eyebrows furrow.
He's waiting.
Waiting for your father to dare and open that door. Waiting to attack him, to lounge at him.
Yet, his hands are soft on your body, stroking your skin in a very comfortable manner, you hide your face on his chest, soaking his sweater with your silent tears. His pale fingers stroke your hair, you flinch again but notice his touch is gentle, it feels good, soothing.
But your father leaves. Like a magical change in attitude, thanks to Jasper and his gift.
"It's alright, darlin'." He whispers and kisses your forehead. His thumb wipes your tears away, you lean on his touch and let all those tears you been holding up for so many years to fall down.
Jasper caresses your cheek, he planted soft kisses on your face, his cold lips makes you feel a little tingle. He doesn't want to let go of you now.
"I won't let anyone hurt you again." He whispers with such conviction. You believe him.
You take deep breaths, the plushie it's squeezed by your arms.
You rest your head on his shoulder, his soft sweater against your cheek. Jasper covers you with a blanket, another kiss on your forehead, today they feel more special than before, healing you.
Jasper strokes your hair, a soft yawn left your lips, you snuggle against him, the plushie in between your body and his.
Another yawn and a following sniff, his fingers on your hair just feel so good, the blanket, the way he's holding you like you are the most important thing in the world. Kisses here and there on your forehead. It's so perfect. It makes you want to cry again.
You close your eyes.
Jasper's got you. You're safe with him.
A/N: Hey, hope y'all like this, I hope I did it right. Requests are still open.
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theloveinc · 1 year
any hobie and/or miguel icks? 😟
whoever sent this: thank you + i ADORE you. i hope you don't mind i'm switching up the formatting/style a it in comparison to my older icks... shorter list, more detailed <3
(warning: some fem terms used at the end, such as “mama!”)
Miguel O'Hara
- This guy... has some long ass toenails. Type of toenails that poke you at night in bed, and tear holes in his socks.
It's maybe somewhat related to the claw thing he's got going on? Has a lot stronger and faster-growing nails than the average person... but the real problem here is that he's TERRIBLE about clipping them. Claims it doesn't bother him even remotely and that you're the one overreacting when you ask him to... but hardly anything gets through to him about it. You probably even offer to do it for him one day, thinking the offer of a foot massage would sway his thinking and that it'd actually work... but he fought you on that just as easy...!!!
...which is how you came to the conclusion that you have a man who'll even argue w/ you over toenails. Petty boy.
- Miguel is also tired 24/7. AND yeah, it's pretty hard to be un-sympathetic towards that, but he's tired in the... I'm-gonna-prioritize-this-one-last-email-over-saying-goodnight-to-you way. Which gets real irritating when you're asking him to help you out w/ anything, like cleaning up or answering a question or JUST HAVING A DAMN CONVERSATION W/ YOU and he's using "I'm tired" as an excuse when his response is shitty or distracted.
Like one of those stupid guys whose always squinting at their damn iPad when you ask what he wants for dinner... which is ironic given that he'll get snippy at you for not giving him your full, entire attention whenever he wants it. Type of man to start picking imaginary lint off your head when you're simply trying to finish up a text before engaging him so that you aren't distracted.
- Odd about Lyla. Not that he loves her or anything, but she'll like pop up to give him updates about whatever even if you're MID-MAKEOUT session and he won't change that setting. Pulling away from your lips all pouty and squinty only to glare at his watch for thirty seconds before trying to go right back into kissing you.
No. No sir.
(Lyla will also always say something to or-but-usually-and about you, which... Okay, she's an AI and doesn't Get It... but it's still weird because it feels like someone you don't know just walked into the room.)
- Picks his nose when he's too busy to find a tissue, and forgets to sanitize his hands after. Denies this when you tell him.. but you've witnessed this multiple times (he's weirdly kind of whiney for a dude and lazy for a workaholic LOL).
Hobie Brown
- Lovely boyfriend because he doesn't give a crap about your appearance or the idea of needing to "look nice" for a man... but also stupid, nuisance boyfriend because this means he doesn't give one hoot if you try to get all gussied up for him. Nags you about wasting time getting ready because he doesn't need you to do all that instead of just saying "THANK YOU, YOU LOOK NICE." Even probably complains about you feeding into gender stereotypes or w/e when you do something like shave your legs or pluck your eyebrows😭
You try to talk to him about this, ask if he even cares that you tried to look nice, and he skirts around admitting it because he has an argument for everything. "'oughta know I think you're pretty either way"-ass when you just spent an hour trying to look all good for him.
- Tries to share the most obscure music with you... which is like, sweet in concept, but weird when it actually happens since it's never like a generic love song but an eleven minute underground jam session.
Which isn't to say he has bad taste in music, usually it's fine if not fantastic... but you try to tell him you don't want to listen to some dude's first draft of himself banging on a drum set for a full album and he's like: "tsk."
(He'll also use his to get out of listening to your music. Claiming his "inconsistency" is why he liked your playlist yesterday but not today. Stop!!!)
- And you know I gotta say it, he's a punk, after all: absolutely refuses to clean his favorite leather jacket, and it smells RANK. He's genuinely sentimental about it, though... and if you even try to bring up cleaning it somehow (even if very gently), he's acting like you betrayed him. Goes through the five stages of grief over you asking him not to wear it on one of your dates, and teases you by TALKING to it:
"Mumma didn't mean that, jackie. She just doesn't understand our lifestyle, does she?" while giving you a (lighthearted) stink eye.
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aylasology · 4 months
rockstar!Robin x reader
(reader is fem)
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summary : Oh to be in a rockstar's arms...
warnings : mentions of smoking, drinking, cocaine, SMUT SMUT SMUTTTT
• You were sure you had it all figured out, a nice apartment in New York city with your best friends, a stable job, the perfect new yorker life you've been wanting the minute you stepped out your parents's home...
• until, of course, you stepped into a record store. An album and a band catching your attention.
• Take Back The Night - Hellfire
• It wasn't really the name of the band that caught your attention, there were worse names, it wasn't exactly the genre either. It was the girl standing in the front, all tall and lean. Short blonde hair teased up to the nines and bangs that draped like curtains over her blue eyes. Her arms slung on two of her members, one with long curly hair that looked like Kirk Hammett's curls, and one with much shorter hair.
• One vinyl turns into three, which then shifts to five more of the same record in different colors. You were obsessed with their music, more so on the lead singer.
• You soon learn the names of the band members and their respective roles. Robin Buckley on vocals, Eddie Munson on guitar, Steve Harrington on bass, and Dustin Henderson on drums.
• You find out that you're roommate/best friend, is covering an article on Hellfire. Getting backstage passes and two tickets to some band they're opening for.
• Of course you beg him to give you the other ticket and the extra backstage pass.
• For some odd reason you choose to go for a rather revealing look - Long leather boots, a tight red dress, and a leather jacket over it.
• It wasn't hard to keep your eyes on Robin. Wearing flare jeans, a tank top and her heartshaped glasses - a staple in her clothes.
• After the concert, you follow your best friend backstage and into Hellfire's dressing room.
• She couldn't pull her eyes away from you. How sweet and innocent you looked in your little outfit, an innocence she wanted to ruin.
• "And who's this pretty little thing?"
• She invites you to a party of theirs the minute your friend finishes his interview with them. Of course you say yes.
• The party was crowded, filled with musicians and the like. She liked having you around, making sure you were attached to her at all times.
• She definitely gropes your ass while dancing with you omgomgomgomg
• She didn't take it very well when someone pulls you away from her gaze. Some artist chatting away with you. The way her teeth clenched when a giggle erupted from your lips. She wanted that sound to come out because of her and her only.
• She pulls you into her bedroom, pinning you by the frame of the door.
• "You think you can just smile and act cute around some guy? Don't forget why you're here pretty girl."
• She kissed you powerfully, heat boiling up from your core. You moaned into it, she smirked.
• "Good girl..."
• And as much as you needed her to touch you, she pulls away. Opening the door and walking right out.
• You came home that night, lying to your friend that you had gone to a bar.
• And the days pass by so easily, getting free tickets to every gig, going to parties every single night, gaining sweet make out sessions with Robin anywhere and everywhere she wanted to have you.
• It was the 1970s of course, which meant she kissed you in bathrooms, dressing rooms, and bedrooms.
• The first time she touches you, it's after recording their next studio album, you being propped up against the desk. Hands gripped against the equipment as her fingers worked her magic on you.
• "Such a pretty little princess,"
• It's rushed, it's eager, it's hot, it leaves you satisfied right after.
• Right after that, she lets you stay over her apartment for the night
• Of course the second, and the third, and the fourth time she touches you happens there 👁️👁️
• Her touch is sweet, giving, and fucking needy.
• And the way your eyes glint and the way you beg? Gets her so turned on every time.
• But the moment you actually moan? You're just begging for it by then.
• "All this for me? Such a dirty slut..."
• "What was that honey? Use those pretty little lips of yours f'me..."
• She definitely likes sniffing cocaine on your belly, licking the skin once she's finished.
• She'd get on top of you right after, hips straddled on yours as she kissed you. Pushing her tongue in your mouth, letting the taste land on your tongue.
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kaylinlmfao · 1 year
Okay so you know the Dark!Ethan Landry x Fem!reader where he finds out she pregnant, can you do a part to if it?
the abortion (2/3)
type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark, suggestive
warning(s): smut, rough angry smut, sub space, orgasm denial/control, overstimulation, breeding, pregnancy, ownership kink, dom ethan being a cocky tease, choking, slapping, bondage, just really dirty and nasty in general, RAPE/NON CON, degradation, ethan is super experienced like a fuckboy
pairing(s): dom!ghostface!dark!toxic!ethan landry x sub!shy!reader
A/N: thank you guys so much for all the requests that have been coming in! please, keep em coming. any idea you have, no matter how dark it is, I'll write it. but just know, I'm mainly into writing for ethan (or tara and sam) and the sturniolo triplets so if you request someone or something not those people, it might take me a little bit longer to get to them but they will be written. it'll just take a bit longer. but keep the requests coming, I love them! reblogs are much appreciated but please don't repost my original work on other platforms without giving credit! I might do another part to this but idk yet. enjoy!
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I bang and pound on his back as i scream for him to put me down. "ethan! put me down right now! I don't want to "try again" you idiot! I didn't want a baby in the first place! we're only teenagers. you fucking-" he cuts off my screams by slamming me on the bed, hand gripping your throat. "fucking what, y/n? hm?" my vision was hazy as I stared into his dark eyes. "bitch" I say, spitting in his face and then starting to kick and fight him to get him off of me. I felt his leg buckle as I kicked his kneecap and I took the opportunity to roll off the bed and run to the door. as I were running, he grabbed my ankle, pulling hard causing me to fall. I let out a cry of pain and he stood and walked over to me.
"sweetheart, I want a baby so we can be together forever. what don't you understand?" "I understand that you are a demented motherfucker who deserves nothing in life." "you're making this much more difficult than it needs to be, princess. I was gonna fuck you slow and romantic on the nice soft mattress, but you pissed me off. so now you get a rough hard fuck on the floor. we could've prevented all of this if you would just listen to me" he told me, looking at me in a way that made me almost forget what he was gonna fuck me for.
i back away as he pulled his belt off with one hand, knowing what was coming. "give me your wrists now, y/n" "no! fuck you!" i shout. "what did I say? you're just making me angrier." he grabs both my wrists in one veiny ring clad hand and wraps the belt in sort of a handcuffs thing. "get off of me ethan please. we can't raise a child." he ignores me as he begins to pull my shorts off. I whimper when I see him pull a knife out of his pocket. "ethan please" "you begging just makes me wanna stuff you with my cum even more sweetheart" i hold back a moan at his words as he cuts my shirt, bra, and panties off, laughing at the goosebumps that cover my skin at his touch.
he immediately takes one of my nipples into his mouth and starts roughly sucking and biting it. I barely hold back a moan as he travels down toward my navel and then past, to where I need him most. he chuckles lowly when he sees how wet i am. "oh princess. you're soaked. do you need me that bad? you're awful wet for someone who doesn't want this." "I don't want you ethan" "so you don't want me to do this?" he asks. I gasp as his lips meet my clit and my eyes nearly roll back into my skull as I feel a rush of pleasure.
"or this?" my clit is sucked into his mouth and I make a pornographic sound I've never heard before. "how about this, mhm?" I shake uncontrollably as he sucks hard on my clit, flicking his tongue rapidly back and forth as I get closer to the edge. he plunges his tongue deep into my pussy, in and out so fast that I can't see. right as I'm about to fall over the edge, he pulls his tongue out and backs away. I let out a loud sob as tears slip down my cheeks from being so close to my orgasm and then getting it snatched away. "oh poor baby. don't worry, I'm gonna fuck you. I'll fill my cock in you so deep you won't be able to breathe. you won't be able to do anything but scream and take what I give you. and you'll love it."
"please! please!" he tears his shirt off and I stare at his muscular upper body while he takes his pants off. I see his dick flap up and hit his stomach. I forgot how big and wide he was. at the sight of his cock and the way my pussy was throbbing so hard I almost was crying, every rational thought flew straight out of my head and all I could think of was getting his dick inside of me. "I fucking-" i scream in pleasure as ethan pushes his entire length into my pussy in one thrust. he's pounding into me so fast and I have no time to adjust, it burns. but I fucking love it.
ethan lifts my legs over his shoulders and now the deeper angle he is at he's hitting my g-spot with every thrust. my breaths keep getting caught in my throat. "ethan. please. slow. down." I make out. "oh no, I'm keeping my promise. fucking you so hard you can't breathe and then filling you up so deep with my cum that your little tummy is bloated." I scream as I cum hard from his harsh thrusts and dirty words as he pinches and slaps my tits. he flips me over onto my stomach and re-enters me so quickly I didn't even have a chance to take a breath before he's pounding into me again, his tip kissing my cervix. he's slapping and gripping my ass hard. "please!" I babble, waving my hands around, needing something to hold onto to keep me from passing out. my back is arching so far as he pulls me up so my back is against his chest.
I'm about to cum again when I feel his hand wrap around my throat as he squeezes hard, leaving me with no oxegen as I cum hard again, creaming and clenching around his dick. he flips me back over onto my back again and continues thrusting. I'm sobbing, tears and mascara running down my face as I moan and babble incoherently from the lack of oxegen and the overstimulation. "who's the bitch? any other insults? I can't hear you. use your words princess" he knows you can't. he knows damn well that there isn't a thought in your head except for him.
he's pressing hard on my stomach which is exactly where I feel him. my body tightens and I come again. but this time, I can't stop cumming. and he won't stop thrusting. he needs to stop because I can't breathe and I'm gonna have a heart attack. "please slow" "you can give one more" little does he know I'm still cumming from the last one. he finally slows his thrusts, just a little bit, but enough that I have a second to breathe and stop creaming his dick.
but then he starts pounding harder than he has this entire time. I'm on my back with my arms above my head, my fists clenching and unclenching trying to find something to hold onto as they're still tied. he pinches my clit one more time hard as I squirt around his dick. he thrusts a few more times before he let's out a groan and fills up my tummy with his cum. I take deep breaths as he pulls out of me, carefully making sure all his cum stays inside my fluttering and abused cunt, which is still clenching around nothing.
I lay there as he stares at me with dark proud eyes. my hair is tangled and stuck to my forehead from the sweat. my lips are swollen and my eyes are bright red from crying. my cheeks are red and tear and mascara streaks are running down them. my tits and neck are red and purple from his abuse and the hickeys. my chest is heaving and my thighs are shaking. I can't even imagine how my ass and thighs look from the way he was spanking me and gripping me. but he doesn't care. he just looks at me with possessive eyes as he goes to run a bath and put his clothes on. he comes out of the bathroom, fully clothed as he unties my wrists. ethan helps me stand and climb into the bathtub before gripping my chin and turning my face to look at his.
"if you aren't pregnant, its ok. we'll have sex until you are. but if you are pregnant and you abort my child again, it will be worse than this. do you understand me, princess?" I nod my head slowly, maintaining eye contact. "good girl" he turns and leaves my dorm, leaving me bruised and exhausted in the bathtub with a thousand thoughts running through my head. the first being, where can I get another abortion pill? I'll be gone before he can do anything to me, but I will not have a child with ethan landry.
1.5k words (I went way overboard)
@onedayatatime6 @ilovechickenwings @tommysaxes @layla29sworld @misscaller06
I hope you guys liked it! I went a little overboard I think and I don't really love it but this is how most of my smut will be so I'm sorry if it was too much for y'all! keep those request coming please! expect more fics with ethan and the sturniolo's (mostly dark smut) coming tonight! i am also working on a chris sturniolo ghostface fic (smut), matt sturniolo ghostface (smut), and one with all three of them (suggestive). comment on this post if you want to be apart of my tagslist for my future fics! thanks! ;) -kaylin
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archiveikemen · 9 months
'All Because Of A Slight Fever' Collection Event
Harrison Gray
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
(I guess I wasn’t careful enough during the changing of seasons, I can't believe I caught a cold…)
I was adjusting my blanket and trying to obediently rest in bed, when…
My eyes widened in surprise at the person who came into my room.
Kate: Harry? Aren't you supposed to go on a mission till late today?
Harrison: I completed it earlier than planned. I heard you caught a cold, how are you feeling?
Harry was his usual carefree self, but I noticed that his neck was slightly sweaty.
(Could he have rushed here to see me…?)
Kate: I have a fever and cough… *cough*
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Harrison: …
Harry came closer and gently rubbed my back while I coughed.
Kate: Sorry. I have this cough, but my symptoms aren't too bad at the moment.
Harrison: Do you think you’ll be able to stomach things like soup?
Kate: Yes. I think I’ll be able to handle a little bit of something light.
Harrison: Got it. I’ll get you some from the kitchen.
Kate: Thank you.
Kate: But I don’t want to spread the cold to you, so it’s best if you don’t come too close to me.
I called out to Harry as he turned on his heel to leave the room.
Harry turned around and his mint coloured eyes stared sharply at me.
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Harrison: … I want you to look me in the eyes and say that again.
Kate: E-Erm…
Harrison: Shall I guess? It’s true that you don't want to pass your cold to me. However, you’re lying about it being best if I stayed away from you.
Harrison: The truth is that you want me to stay here with you, isn’t it?
Kate: … You're right…
Kate: But how did you know I was lying?
My lover was a liar and had the curse of a fox.
He could tell whether someone was lying, just by looking them in the eyes.
(That’s why I wanted to hide my loneliness by saying that the moment he turned his back…)
Harrison: You underestimated me.
Harrison chuckled in amusement and pinched my cheek.
Harrison: I don't need to use my curse to see that you’re over exerting yourself.
Kate: Is that because… you have great observation skills?
Harrison: You could be a little bit more conceited.
Kate: … Then, could it be the power of love?
Harrison: You really say such embarrassing things so casually.
Even though there was no clear affirmation, he didn't deny it either. And that was enough for me.
Harry understood me without having to use any special power. Knowing that we had that sort of connection between us made my heart so full.
Harrison: Anyway, you don’t need to worry about that. Just focus on your recovery.
Harrison: … I don’t feel at ease without you hanging around me.
Kate: … You’re being very honest today.
Harrison: I thought I’d be nice to you since you're unwell. … You don't like it?
Kate: Fufu, I love both versions of you, Harry.
After that, Harry helped me eat and take my medicine.
Harrison: It’s still a little early, but should we go to bed?
Kate: I think we should.
(... I don’t want to make Harry worry more about me, so I’ll rest well and recover quickly.)
Harrison: Is there anything else you want before going to bed?
(I honestly wanted our usual goodnight kiss, but I didn't want to risk infecting him with my cold…)
Kate: … I want a goodnight kiss on my forehead.
Harrison: You’re the one wanting to be pampered today, huh?
Harrison gently brushed my bangs with a playful smile.
Harrison: But… I like this.
Harry pressed his cold lips onto me.
Kate: Mm… Harry, why—...
Harrison: … What?
Kate: Why did you kiss me on the lips! I thought I would spread my cold to you, that’s why I said I wanted a forehead kiss…
Harrison: Because I find it adorable that you care this much about me.
Harrison: And I’ve told you this before. I can see right through your lies and know that you care deeply about me.
Kate: Ahh… nn…
Our lips met once again, Harry’s soft tongue brushed against my lips provocatively.
I nervously parted my lips, and my breath was taken away in a deep kiss.
Harrison: Mm… didn’t you say that you didn't want to spread the cold to me?
Kate: … Because… kissing you… feels so good…
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Harrison: …
Kate: Harry?
Harrison: … I’d pin you down right now if it weren't for your cold.
Kate: !?
Harrison: Besides, catching a cold isn't too bad. There's a superstition that you’ll immediately recover if you pass the cold to someone else.
Kate: I don’t want you to be the next one to have a hard time because you caught a cold from me.
Harrison: … Then give me just half of your cold by kissing me.
As much as I didn’t want to pass my cold to Harry, I couldn't resist kissing him.
I found myself craving and wanting more. It must've been because of my fever, and my love for Harry.
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allur1ngs · 6 months
funny thought i had: Tatter deciding to get back at Lusher because she probably caused some sort of trouble like she always does by pranking her using Sowoen, telling Sowoen to pretend to want to talk to Lusher about something and tell her (all through an ear piece like in the spy movies) that she did “it” (ofc sowoen is clueless to what any of this means bc she’s our babie and the girls have done a good job at protecting her ears) and “it was so fun” and a bunch of other crazy things that just makes lusher go:
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Because who an earth dared to ruin bebe’s baby in such a way and when did she have time to do all of this???
Except this whole prank snowballs bc lusher has such a big mouth and is freaking out to everyone making absolute chaos follow 😭😭😭
NO because as bebe's second in command, lusher takes her job of taking care of soweon SOO seriously--and tatter betraying her evil twin is a monumental occasion✊
so the second she hears sowoen say on the earpiece while they're out on a mission that, "lusher-unnie, i forgot to tell you, but i did it last night for the first time! it was so good--"
lusher's mouth drops on the spot, her eyes practically bulging out of her head. she swears a bead of sweat falls down her forehead, and her vision starts to blur. "s-soweon...what did you do?"
"oh c'mon lusher-unnie, you know what!"
for the rest of the day she's like a zombie, half conscious and half gone, her mind somehow racing but at the same time so slow she can barely think.
and all of a sudden it's like she snaps out of it, hyper aware of her surroundings and what soweon has said to her hours ago.
she goes absolutely INSANE.
she bangs on bada's bedroom door, hyperventilating and muttering like a madwoman.
"what is your problem?" bada open the door, her expression filled with annoyance--she's wearing a nice and formal outfit, indicating she's probably about to go somewhere.
"you don't understand--" lusher heaves, her eyes the size of saucers. "soweon and someone else--they--they--"
"lusher, are you alright?" you step next to your wife's side, a worried look on your face.
"unnie!!" lusher cries, grabbing your hands and practically shaking the living daylights out of you. "soweon had--she had--"
bada seperates lusher from you, disapproving of the harsh way she's handling you. "spit it out already, will you?"
"SOWEON HAD SEX!" lusher screams frantically.
you and bada freeze in your spots, eyes going wide out of shock.
"what did you just say?" hyo, who'd been standing outside of the room bedroom finally buts into the conversation.
"we need to pull all our resources, find the man--woman--or whoever did this to our sweet soweon!" lusher begs. "WE NEED TO KILL THEM--"
"what's going on over here?" the other bebe girls, having followed the screaming walk over to the large group forming--
all except for one girl.
tatter peeks around the corner, her hand over her mouth to cover her her laughter.
tatter wins this round...
also i've now made a new tag for all mafia content that isn't bada x reader focused/gives insight to the plotline or story!!😚 i'll be tagging it for now on so you can click on it to find mafia related content!!
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haihaihaitani · 9 days
Cheers to the Jukebox Queen! ~ *Ran Haitani*
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Summary: You love the little dive bar you found after work one day. You're always spending time with the regulars and enjoying the atmosphere. That is, until it's disrupted by a stranger...
Pairing: Ran Haitani X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 2224
Warning: Alcohol consumption, swearing
It was your favorite place to go when you needed to get away and relax. The little hole-in-the-wall dive bar had everything you needed: excellent drinks, good food, charming regulars, and a chill vibe. It was everything you needed after a stressful day at work.
Especially on a day like today.
It was pouring, soaking anyone who went outside to the bone, even if you had an umbrella. You also just put in two hours of overtime at your job and were exhausted. That's why as you were leaving the office, you could hear the sound of a cool drink and some old music calling your name from across town. You braved the storm to get to your favorite dive bar and order your favorite drink to make you feel better.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" The crotchety old bartender chuckled as he saw you. "The usual?"
"Double it. I need something strong tonight." You sighed, slouching against the bar.
"Another long day?"
You nod, shaking your wet hair. "Always. They work you to the bone for pennies, I'm telling you."
"That's why I keep asking you to quit that dead-end, early-grave job and come work for me. Sure, you'll still be making pennies, but you won't be worked to the bone. And everyone here likes you." He explained, as he passed you your drink.
You glanced back at him and shook your head. You took a sip of your drink, enjoying the subtle sting of alcohol in the back of your throat. "Nah, I still need to pay my dues. The contract expires in three years. Then maybe, maybe I'll consider quitting my day job to come work for you."
He chuckled. "That's all I'm asking; just some consideration. And quit swinging your hair around like a wet dog! You're getting my clean bar all dirty!"
"When has this bar ever been clean?"
He threw an ice cube at you, which you expertly dodged. A laugh spilled past your lips and you took another sip of your drink. The night settled after that. You chatted with some of the regulars, talking about their day and their latest gripe of the night. All of them commiserate over your struggles at work and how you never seemed to have time for yourself. Despite all of the crap the day threw at you, you could always count on your evenings and nights to be much sweeter. This is what made working like a dog all worth it; being able to spend some good quality time with people you actually liked.
"You know, you really ought to stop hanging out with us old timers so much." One of the regulars sighed and downed the dregs of his beer.
The woman next to him nodded. "You need to go to one of those swanky clubs and grind up against someone to take home."
You grimaced at the thought. "Clubbing isn't my style. I like it here! It's super chill and everyone is so nice! Why would I give that up?"
"A pretty young thing like yourself needs to find herself some hunky arm candy." The woman laughed.
You laughed and shook your head. "The dating scene isn't for me. All the guys are whiney babies who want a mother, not a significant other."
The man grunts in response. "You got that right. You kids don't want to work for a relationship anymore."
The woman scoffed and playfully shoved him. "Like you put any work with me when we were dating!"
"And yet you still married me!"
As the rest of the bar laughed, the door opened with a bang. You jumped, spilling a little of your drink on the bar counter. There, soaked to the skin, was a man dressed in purple to match his hair. He was tall, lithe, and carried himself with such authority it looked as if he was disgusted the rain even dared to fall on him. But what struck you about him was the tattoo prominently displayed on his throat. 
Bonten. He was trouble.
Everyone seemed to sober up in that exact second. No one looked at him, finding other things far more interesting to occupy themselves. It wasn't until the bartender cleared his throat hesitantly that he was actually acknowledged.
"What can I do for you?"
"I need to borrow your phone. Mine died."
His voice was smooth and cold. It sent a shiver down your spine. You looked down at your drink as he took the phone from the bartender, leaning against the bar next to you. Though you tried really hard not to, you couldn't help but listen to his conversation.
"The car's dead. No, I didn't wreck it. Probably the battery. Just get someone down here to fix it. I'm not staying here all night. Be here in an hour or I'll tell the boss you kept me waiting."
Your heart stuttered in your chest. You didn't know who his boss was but you really hoped you wouldn't find out. A part of you wished he never walked into this bar and killed the whole vibe.
"Do you have a bathroom?" He asked the bartender, who pointed to the back.
As he left, you let out a shaky breath. The regular who was talking to you earlier shook his head. "That was terrifying."
"Shh! He could hear you!" His wife smacked his shoulder.
"Why is a Bonten executive hanging around this part of town?" The bartender mumbled under his breath, wringing his hands.
"You know him?" You ask and he winced at your words.
"Before I moved the bar here, I had a run in with their boss. He's terrifying to put it mildly, worse than that one. He let me off with my life but took everything else from me. I'm lucky to have escaped and I vowed I would never get tangled up with them again. Now they're back and I don't think I can go through all of that a second time."
The bar fell silent once more, heavy with the weight of the bartender's words. It made your stomach roll. But you weren't going to let some gang executive ruin your night. You couldn't. This place was your sanctuary. You couldn't let anyone take that from you.
Looking for a distraction, you found the perfect thing. Grabbing a quarter from your wallet, you walked over to the jukebox and punched in the correct code. Instantly, the bar was jamming to one of their favorite classic rock songs. The heavy mood lifted and you found yourself smiling once more. It was good to have the night back on track.
Everyone was too lost in their good mood to even notice the Bonten executive return from the bathroom, in a new, dry suit. You were bopping along to the music, watching some of the regulars dance in between tables, trying not to spill their drinks too much.
"What's all this?" His voice coming from behind you made you jump again. 
"Ah..." You replied, your words getting stuck in your throat. "Sometimes, we like to turn on the jukebox for some dancing. It's a normal occurrence here."
He nodded. "I'm assuming it only plays songs from back in the day."
You give a small shrug. "Yeah, but it's nice. Reminds a lot of these people of the good old days."
If you weren't paying attention, you would've missed how his eyes widened a fraction. "The good old days..."
The wistfulness in his voice that you were sure wasn't supposed to be there made your heart skip a beat. Despite your better judgment, you drank the last of your drink and held out your hand to him. "What do you say?"
He stared at you. "What? Are you asking me to dance?"
"Why not? You're waiting for your ride, right? Why not wait with some dancing?"
He continued to stare at you for a moment longer before taking your hand. His grip was strong and his skin was smooth, save for some callouses you were sure came from handling weapons. Still, you didn't want to think about that right now. You were trying to lighten the mood and you would not be frightened by this mysterious, yet powerful man whose hand you were now holding.
He was stiff at first on the dance floor, as if he had never danced to this kind of music before. You weren't surprised. He seemed like the kind of guy who would frequent the swanky clubs the regulars were teasing you about earlier. Still, with a bright smile and some good moves of your own, you got him to loosen up on you. He even flashed you a small smile which made yours grow.
"You're pretty light on your feet." You tell him over the music.
He shook his head with a smirk. "You're not so bad yourself. What's your name."
When you tell him, you nudge him playfully. "Are you going to tell me yours?"
"Just call me Ran."
You didn't need him to tell you his last name, because you already knew it. Anyone who's anyone knew the only Ran in Bonten was Ran Haitani. He was powerful and dangerous, and you were currently dancing with him in a dive bar. What a small world this was after all.
As the song started to come to an end, you grabbed another quarter to change the song. Before you could punch in the code, Ran punched one in for you. You raised your eyebrow at his choice and he rolled his eyes in response.
"I like this song." Was all he said before he pulled you into your next dance. 
A laugh escaped you as he twirled you around the floor. You felt weightless and dizzy, but in the best way possible. You could tell why he liked the song. It was peppy and had a good rhythm, something easy to dance to. You couldn't help but enjoy this time immensely, even as the song drew to a close.
You paused to catch your breath and take a sip of your drink. Ran ordered a whiskey and drank it slowly, his eyes on you the whole time. If he was any other person and this was any other time, you would have taken him home with those bedroom eyes. But you valued your life more than your pleasure. So instead you just winked at him and went back to the jukebox. You had one quarter left. You had to make it a good one.
After going over the choices a couple of times, you finally made your selection. It wasn't fast-paced or even all that happy. It was a song about reminiscing over your past and finding solace that the best is yet to come. It was slow, easy, and a good way to end the night.
Ran tapped your shoulder. "One more?"
You couldn't deny him. If you weren't going to take him home, you could at least dance with him one more time. As he pulled you close, you could feel your heart leap into your throat. It was intimate but not sexual. It was almost... romantic.
"How come I've never seen you at the clubs?" He asked quietly in your ear. "You have the moves for it."
You chuckled and shook your head. "Not my scene. But I'm assuming they're yours. You seem like a club guy. Ah, I don't mean to offend you or anything-"
He shook his head. "Not at all. Actually, I own a couple of clubs in Roppongi."
"Is that so? You must be loaded then. I hear the club scene over there is to die for."
"Thanks to my brother and me." He smirked and spun you, making your head go fuzzy. "Perhaps you should try it sometime. I can turn one of my clubs into a dive bar for a night, just for you."
The way he whispered that last part in your ear made you shiver. But you smiled nonetheless. "I might just have to take you up on that."
As the final song of the night came to a close, the two of you stared at each other in the eyes. There was something in him, something that was asking if he could kiss you. You wanted to give in. You were even leaning towards him-
The door to the bar opened. Everyone turned to look. It was a different man with a Bonten tattoo. Upon making eye contact with Ran, he nodded. Apparently, his ride was here.
Ran sighed. "Right on time. And I was so looking forward to cracking some skulls."
You bit your lip and hid it behind your hand. You knew he wasn't joking but you were tipsy. It was a little funny the way he said it so stoically.
He turned to look at you and pulled out a business card. "Call me, if you ever want to partake in my proposal."
You gently took the card from him and watched him slip away. Your heart was beating too fast and your head was clouded. Still, you couldn't stop thinking about the charming Bonten executive you danced your night away with.
It was then that the regular woman yelled out to you, "See? I told you! All you needed was some hunky arm candy!"
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Roommates- Jessie Fleming
Loud banging on your door woke you up from a deep sleep, the headache from earlier coming back you opened your eyes
"Jess, leave it. They will stop eventually" you said you tighten your grip on her
"You can't be around loud noise with your concussion" Jessie said giving you a sorry smile as she slipped from your grip and head towards your dorm door and open it
Your eyes widen at the voices at the door as you saw Jessie stiffen some before multiple people pushed there way through her
"Why did we have to find out through Vlakto that you were in a car accident" Megan said sternly with her arms crossed looking at you as you gave her a guilty smile
"Would blaming it on the concussion work?" You asked innocently
"How bad is the concussion?" Christen asked Jessie who looked very unsure of what she should be doing
"Grade 2" Jessie said and looked at you guilty
"So you easily could have forgot" Tobin said moving over to you and cupping your cheek as she looked at you
"Sorry for being loud. We were just worried when you didn't  show up and Vlakto said you had been in a car crash" Megan said moving and placing a hand on on your good leg
"It's okay, it's mainly just confusion and fatigue" you said giving a tight smile
You looked over a Christen who was talking to Jessie. You saw Jessie blushing and nodding to what Christen said
"How bad is it?" Tobin asked looking at you leg
"Fractured ankle" you said with a sad smile
"You'll be back before you know it" Megan said giving your leg a squeeze
"Now the question is, who are you staying with at camp. I vote me" Megan said
"She is staying with Christen and I" Tobin said as you watched them bicker, a smile ghosting your lips
"She is staying with none of us" Christen said  causing all of us to look at her in shock
"What? You are trusting her with someone else?" Megan exclaimed surprised
"Yes, her roommate" Christen said looking over a Jessie who had moved to your side causing you to smile up at her
"She will be better rested here. She will check in with the doctors here and ours. Plus, Jessie will call if she needs us" Christen said as Megan and Tobin pouted
"Fine" Megan said as Tobin nodded sadly
"We are here for 2 weeks, you guys will still see her. We are just letting her rest first" Christen said laughing at her friends reaction
"Which we are going to let her do now" Christen continued
"We just got here" Tobin said still shocked as Megan nodded to agree with her
"Out, both of you" Christen said
"Fine, see you later kiddo" Tobin said kissing you head as you smiled up at her
"Bye" Megan said doing the same thing before they both left your room
Christen moved to you to give you a hug and kiss you head before releasing you whispered "You guys are cute together" causing your eyes to widen and Jessie and Christen to laugh
"Your wearing her sweatshirt and he bed is to nicely made to have been laying in it" Christen said causing you to blush to deepen
"Are you going to tell the other two?" You asked nervously
"I'll wait til we get to the hotel" Christen said as you sent her a thankful smile
"Now rest up so you can heal. We don't want you gone for longer then necessary" Christen said
"I will" you said as she left the room
As soon as christen left the room, Jessie slide into bed next to you. You cuddling back into her side. Thoughts now taking over you mind, causing your head to start pounding.
"You need to relax and stop thinking about what just happen" Jessie said as she gently started to rub your temples
"Your realize both our national teams are going to know now because they both can't keep secrets"
"Look at how Christen handled it. That's how they all are going to be, plus a few question. But in they are all going to support our relationship" Jessie said as you looked up at her to see the truth in her statement. Causing you to gentle kiss her which you felt Jessie smile into before you then laid your head on her chest, feeling the fatigue hit you
"Go to sleep, love. You need rest" Jessie said kissing my head I grumbled causing her to chuckle as she gently rubbed your back
"I love you" Jessie
"I love you too" You mumbled as you fell asleep
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
A/N: I had to write this. I needed Nancy and Steve being parental as well as Steve being bitchy. Everyone's relationship is up in the air except for Robin and Joyce's. Joyce is clearly with Hopper. Robin is always with Vickie because people hate on Vickie for no reason. Anyways, love to all, no matter what you like. Unless you like Billy, then I'm judging you harshly.
Steve was already annoyed because his date backed out at the last minute, but now he was even more annoyed when he found out from Robin that they wouldn't be at Lucas's game. Just for one night, Lucas wasn't asking them to abandon the game completely but to take one night off. Don't they understand that this is what Lucas was afraid of? Not being able to be a jock and to be able to still be a nerd? Of losing his friends? One night wasn't an unreasonable thing to ask for. Sometimes, being a good friend means supporting them when they need it even if you don't like it or understand it, not all the time but sometimes. How do they expect Lucas to compromise for them when they need it if they never do it for him?
Steve was too in his own head to notice that someone else was striding towards the drama room. He arrived at the doors at the same time as Nancy. Their hands reached for the door handle. They stared at each other, and for a moment, Steve had forgotten what he was doing. Nancy looked so beautiful when she wasn't angry at him. Oh, she was angry. Was she angry at the same thing he was? Oh, right, Mike, Dustin, and Erica.
"You mad at the kids for abandoning and replacing Lucas, too?" Steve asked.
"Yes!" Nancy exclaimed.
"Well, let's do this together then, shall we?" Steve asked.
They opened the doors, causing them to bang loudly against the walls. Nancy and Steve stormed in, their hands on their hips.
"Hey, assholes!" Steve and Nancy exclaimed in unison.
They paused and looked at each other in surprise for a moment before turning back to them.
"Oh my God! They're together and they're both pissed!" Dustin shrieked.
"You're damn right we're pissed!" Steve yelled.
"Lucas asked for one night for you guys to be there to support him, and you couldn't give him that?" Nancy asked.
"It's not our fault Lucas went to the dark side!" Mike exclaimed.
"The dark side? So, all people who play basketball are Darth Vader?" Steve asked.
"You know Darth Vader?" Dustin asked.
"Of course, I do! I can be a little nerdy sometimes!" Steve exclaimed.
"He reads comic books, too!" Nancy yelled.
"What? Why didn't you say?!" Dustin asked.
"Whenever I try to join in on your conversations, you brush me off and scoff!" Steve yelled, and then his eyes went soft, as well as his voice. "Do you guys just think of me as a dumb jock who gives you free rides?"
"Nice mom guilt," Nancy whispered to him.
"Thanks," Steve whispered back.
"I mean, really, everything that Steve’s done for you. . .for Lucas, especially in Starcourt. He saved Dustin and Erica's life!" Nancy exclaimed. "And do you just think that all people who enjoy basketball are assholes?!"
"Nice dad guilt," Steve whispered.
"Thanks," Nancy whispered back.
"Hey, Mike, didn't you promise Will that you wouldn't join another party?" Steve asked, snapping his fingers at him.
"That's right, I mean, if D&D means so much to you, then why are you sitting here in another party?" Nancy asked.
Mike opened his mouth and closed it again, unable to find the answer. Dustin looked incredibly guilty. Good, Steve thought. Eddie scowled and stood up.
"Who gives a fuck about some stupid laundry basket game?" Eddie asked. "This is when we play. It's not our fault that Sinclair chose the wrong game."
"Lucas gives a fuck about that laundry basket game!" Steve snapped. "He wasn't asking for you to give up the game completely, he was asking for one fucking night so he that he wouldn't feel like a freak for enjoying both games! He wanted his friends to accept him for that and for someone who stood up on a fucking table to preach against forced conformity - yeah, Robin told me about that - here you are trying to force Lucas and his friends to only comform to D&D!"
Steve was pleased to see that Eddie looked like he had been slapped in the face.
"That's not - I mean - ," Eddie stuttered.
"Yeah, Robin was pretty much agreeing with you until you went after science and band," Steve said. "I mean, are you telling me that all of you have the same exact interests? Do you all like the same food? Do you all like the same music?"
"The problem isn't basketball. The problem is that every group has their assholes but they also have their good people, too," Nancy said, looking at Steve.
"And sometimes people can crossover into other groups," Steve said. "It happens."
"We didn't think Lucas actually enjoyed basketball," Dustin said.
"Yeah, he told us he wanted to stop being bullied," Mike said.
"Hm, and which group was he talking about?" Steve asked.
"What happens when one of your players gets sick?" Nancy asked.
"Well, yeah, we postpone then because it's a good excuse," Gareth said.
"A championship is a good excuse," Nancy replied. "But it's nice to know that you guys aren't completely heartless."
"Heartless?! We're not the ones beating the shit out of people because of what they like!" Eddie snapped.
"No, you're just letting them know that they're replaceable if they decide they need to explore other options," Steve said, and then he scoffed. "Can't believe I ever had a crush on you."
Eddie's eyes widened as the whole table gasped dramatically.
"You're fucking with me," Eddie said.
"No, I'm not," Steve said. "I like men and women. I know that liking more than one thing is a hard concept for you to grasp."
"That's not, I mean, you can like whatever you want, but liking basketball and D&D is different than that," Eddie frowned.
"I don't see how," Nancy said, shaking her head. "Do you guys play every day of the week?"
"Well, no," Eddie said.
"Well, if you don't play every day of the week, then it's not going to be the end of the world if you wait just one more day?!" Nancy asked.
"Okay, enough of this. I don't care if you guys come or not, but Dustin, Erica, and Mike, you guys are coming to the game to support your friend," Steve said clapping his hands.
"But - " Mike started to say.
"You heard your mother! I mean, your Steve! You heard Steve!" Nancy exclaimed, shaking her head again.
Mike and Dustin ducked their heads as they gathered their things. Erica held her head up high as she did the same thing.
"I didn't do anything wrong, they tricked me!" Erica exclaimed.
"Erica!" Nancy scolded.
As they were leaving with the kids, Steve overheard one of them - Frankie? - speak up.
"I wasn't ever going to say anything, but I, uh, kind of like watching basketball," Frankie said.
"Fine, fine! We'll go to the goddamn game," Eddie said.
It didn't take long for them to catch up with the group.
"Decided to join us assholes, huh?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, look, you were right, and Nancy was right. . .it's not going to be the end of the world if we wait one more day," Eddie said. "And of course, I know that Sinclair isn't going to turn out like those assholes especially if he has the support of his friends."
"Yeah, well, I'm not the one you need to apologize to," Steve said.
"Yeah, that's true. . . So, you have a crush on me?" Eddie asked.
"Had. As in past tense," Steve replied.
"Yeah, I suppose I deserve that," Eddie said. "I am curious to know if you are seeing anyone, though."
"I just tore you a new one," Steve said, looking at him in confusion.
"I know," Eddie grinned.
"Well, I'm kind of seeing someone," Steve said.
"Kind of?"
"It's on and off."
"Is he being intentionally vague?" Eddie asked Nancy.
"I can't say," she grinned.
"By the way, was I little too bitchy in there?" Steve asked Nancy.
"No, you were perfect. I know someone else who would have loved it like a certain someone did," Nancy said.
"Okay, you two aren't bad assholes, just annoyingly vague assholes," Eddie said, and they both giggled. "This is going to be a long game."
The game wasn't so bad as Eddie had thought it was going to be, especially when Chrissy jumped up and waved excitedly at the sight of him. He eventually got caught up with it when Lucas was sent in to play. He was glad he did come when he saw the pure joy on the young man's face when he saw almost everyone he cared about was there to cheer him on. When Lucas scored the winning shot, Eddie hugged Nancy and Steve both tightly. He needed to be reminded every once in a while that it's not just about him and what he likes. He started Hellfire to give lost sheep like Lucas a place to belong, and he almost ruined that because of a few bad eggs who happened to like basketball. Besides, people needed to know that just because you have different interests doesn't mean you have to be enemies.
"Thank you for making me come," Eddie told them. "I would have regretted it."
A week or so later. . .
"So, Nance, what were you saying about it not being the end of the world if I postponed the game for a day?" Eddie asked with a cheeky grin as he laid in his hospital bed.
"We stopped it before it could happen," Nancy rolled her eyes. "Do you regret going to Lucas's basketball game?"
Eddie grinned as he thought about the pure joy on Lucas's face.
"Well, no one stayed dead, so there's that!" Chrissy grinned.
"Well, Hopper's still dead," Steve said.
"Oh, yeah," Chrissy frowned.
Suddenly, there came a knocking at Eddie's hospital room door. Robin got up to answer it.
"Steve, you were wrong. Hopper is very much alive!" Robin exclaimed. "Holy shit!"
Robin let Hopper and Joyce into the room. Moments later, Vickie skidded in behind them.
"Hey, guys, did you hear? Someone said they saw Chief Hopper wandering the hospital!" Vickie said and glanced at Hopper for a moment. "Hiya, Chief! Isn't that crazy, Robin? He's supposed to be dead, right?!"
"It takes her a moment," Robin said. "She gets there eventually."
"Oh my God! . . . Eddie, is that your mom?"
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ourpickwickclub · 3 months
OMG someone (GR? lol) must be reporting the comments on ET's IG, cuz some of the BEST ones are now hidden. Whoever screenshots them, can you please get the hidden ones too, cuz they are too good. like these:
I think I speak for all women Gavin, you cheated we don't give two s**** about your feelings, and you get to live with that until your kids you're a big cheating loser bag.
Here's how not to get divorced don't be a whore
You cheated and how she found out about it was humiliating and you wish there was more of a connection with the person you cheated on???!!! Your narcissistic, self centred, selfish side is showing. Go back under your rock and grow a sensitivity chip. Geez
Maybe he should have kept his 🍆 in his pants!
Wasn't he banging the nanny? That's what he should feel shame about
Should have thought about that when he was cheating with the nanny! 💩
Came to the comments to say what everyone else is saying YOU CHEATED THOUGH RIGHT? Woman are not centers for broken men 🖤 men need to grow up and hold themselves accountable for destroying things. This dude is a clown and I hope he knows it.
You never thought you would get divorced? Because you thought Gwen was a slave to your blatant and flagrant infidelity? What a pompous loser!!
The man shagged the nanny and now is blaming the ex for the family break up and lack of connection 😒
Oh, please. We know this type of guy. Effing Cheater!
Stupid m fu**er 🤷🏼‍♀️and with the Nanny 🤦🏼‍♀️stupider 😩
He’s a butthole
Somebody smack the audacity out of that man.
Well duh you wouldn’t have if you had kept you 🍆 in your pants ! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Don’t be a dirt bag cheater
Then he shouldn’t have been a cheating pig! Let that be a lesson to cheaters! You ruin lives.
So while he was running around the world putting his penis in strange women, he never thought "Hey, I wonder if this might lead to a divorce for me."
You feel bad for kids. Dude you cheated HELLO. Keep it moving your a disgrace as a lil man
Oh please now you want Gwen’s attention in your life? Give it up
Such a jerk
Well, he should have kept his pecker in his pants. That was his choice.
Well maybe he shouldn't have been a whore!
Well, you f’d the babysitter. Pretty sure that was not in your marriage vows! Idiot! She is much better now than she was when she was with him.
"I never thought id ever get divorced" he almost said "I thought she put up with it and stay for the sake of the kids cause he feels bad for them how stupid is he
Cheater . She’s happy. Let it be .
Yeah, it would have been nice if you didn't stick your d inside your nanny! Then maybe you wouldn't have any shame?
Should have kept your penis in your pants . You caused the break up of your marriage and now you’re crying about a lost connection with your kids . You didn’t just cheat on Gwen , you cheated on your 3 kids .
Helps if you keep your penis in your pants too
Sir we do not give a flying fck what u have to say.
Cheaters always come back to play the victim! Boy bye Go on and join in with Jimmie Allen, I’m sure they can be cheating besties!
He’s a cheating sack of ugly it’s no wonder she left
You f U — t someone else, a lot!
These things tend to happen when you’re at dirty Cheater
Right… while he was banging the nanny
Makes me so sad... What a moron cheating on her. ESP with a downgrade.
Cheaters deserve the worst
While then you shouldn’t have cheated! Loser
Perhaps if you’d kept your pecker in your pants things would be different. I’m glad for Gwen that she’s found so much happiness and rebuilt a beautiful home. The divorce must have been a painful time for her
You never deserved Gwen you pos
Cheaters always try to find an excuse to play the victim
Just wanted to post the hidden ones here in case they get deleted, although screenshots look better...it reminds me of when Gibson was deleting every facebook comment roasting ML in their ad last year. All of the comments were pure gold, did anyone happen to screenshot them before they got deleted? They were so funny. It feels good when people get what they deserve.
Even though it can never take away the pain that BG suffered, it's nice to see so many people on the side of TRUTH and not falling for lies and manipulation.
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shoyoist · 2 years
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content: gn!reader. body/cock worship. petname 'bunny'. oral (m receiving). cum swallowing. praise. unprotected sex. possessive talk.
— . 。˚ ♡ you give reo a glimpse into how heaven feels.
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let me raise you this — mikage reo who loves when you worship him & his cock.
he sits and stares, legs spread eagerly and muscles tense with anticipation as your pretty fingers wrap around his cock, thick and heavy with your sweet kisses and touch.
there's a wild-eyed, euphoric sort of look on his face as he watches you stroke his cock and slip his head into your mouth, and he tips his head back and groans in pleasure when you lick that sensitive head of his, give it a little suck. "fuck— tastes good, doesn't it, bunny?"
"mhm," you mumble, both because you know how much he likes hearing it and because it's true. "g'na give that nasty lil mouth a good load. fffuck—keep going."
gets you to babble so much praise while you're sucking him off, he wants to feel you gag on him, wants to hear you tell him just how fucking good he is and how much you love making him feel good like this.
he slides a hand around the back of your neck, fingers so nice and warm as they tangle into your hair, second only to the heat pooling at your core when you hear his moans, his husky whispers of praise. "yeah, yeah — love sucking this dick, don't ya? bunny's so nice t'me."
and when he cums into your mouth, he likes spilling his seed down your throat, milky and hot—before he pulls you off his cock and drags you in for a kiss.
he loves tasting himself on your tongue <3 "told ya, baby. tastes even better than you thought, mm?"
and when you climb into his lap, sit on his cock and ride it for him while he lays back and watches you? with your wet, hot walls clenching around him, reo feels like a god.
you're so beautiful, for one — skin glowing with sweat, peppered here and there with little bites from when you were making out earlier, eyes lidded and cheeks hot as you get off on him.
and when you keep moaning so prettily, telling him "ngh, reo—feels so good, you're so big, so good," with that pretty fucking voice of yours, he can't help but grab your hips and settle you on his lap so he can fuck up into you hard 'n fast— make you feel even better.
reo wants you messed up, blissed out and fucked dumb. all at his hands.
he needs it, needs you to cum over and over on his cock and needs you to tell him how he's so good, how you'll never find someone else like him, how you love him so much, how you'll never leave.
you're both a lover and a possession, to him — in the way that you're what he wants which he owns, and in the way that he'll never let anyone else have you.
because he loves you and your body so fucking much — more than you do his, he thinks. he loves you, needs you, and ravishes you day in and day out.
reo marks your skin, fills you up with his cum, kisses you searing and deep — and he makes you say again and again, that you're his and that you love and need him so, so much.
he fucks you better than anyone ever has and anyone ever could, and he wants you to say it to him.
and he loves it when you do the same. he loves to know. to be assured.
"yeah that's right," he chuckles. you reach over while you're busy getting bounced on his cock to brush the bangs out of his face — and the caring gesture makes his heart flutter.
he pulls you in for a kiss then, a passionate one — and he feels you tighten around him, hips trembling as he holds them, and he wants to make you cum harder than you've ever cum in your life.
"tell me who you are, baby." he asks once more. "and tell me how you feel, mm?"
"i'm — i'm yours," you choke out as you've been taught, desperate to reach your high. "and fuck—reo, reo it feels good, gonna cum, please, please. need you to make me cum, your cock's so good, nngh—!"
and reo laughs, hand slipping between your bodies to touch you and help you cum, satisfied with your lovely answer. "that's right, bunny. you're mine. all mine."
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
In every universe Jason Peter Todd dies young. It’s a fate sealed across the multiverse. Maybe he could hope that there’s one universe where he doesn’t. aka, Jason, Dick, and Bruce go multiverse hopping, and are not having a fun time. (Ps, when I started writing this fic I hced Jason as Latino, but I don't really believe in that hc anymore, so just a heads up if you don't like that hc)
TRIGGER WARNING -> Cancer and mentions of previous child death
It’s been a week and Jay still hasn’t told Bruce or Alfred.  Jason spent the first couple days walking around Gotham trying to stop his heart from exploding out of his chest. Then he beat the shit out of the training simulations– which he failed multiple times because he hit the fake version of the Joker with multiple lethal shots. 
Obviously, he has checked on Jay, and apologized for freaking out, and tried to convince him to tell Bruce, but the kid always managed to evade doing just that.
Hence why he was currently stress cooking.
Maybe four dozen chocolate chip cookies, 3 batches of blueberry muffins, and an ungodly amount of chili dogs were excessive, but he needed to otherwise he would find himself storming up to younger Bruce and just telling him. Which wouldn’t be the worst thing, but it might make things difficult.
It would be so much easier if the kid just spilled the beans himself. But Jay was holding onto that god damned can so tight. Now if Jason could just… loosen the grip…
They were all currently eating dinner on the patio, because the early April weather was nice for once. Tim was also there, because Jason had made too much food, and Alfred encouraged Jay to invite the kid. Jay had also apparently wanted to invite Babs, but obviously since Kori and Dick were engaged it would be awkward considering a version of Dick was at the manor.
Jason hummed, “I feel like we’re missing someone.”
Tim looked around at everyone, “Our Dick?” His face turned red, “That came out wrong.”
“Well, yeah, but that’s not it.” Jason knew exactly where he was going with this, but he had to play it right.
Dick grabbed another cookie, “Damian, Stephanie, Duke and Cass.”
“I’m not as close with them as you are, dude.” Jason took a bite out of his chili dog, and chewed as he pretended to think about it, “Oh! I know! Uncle Clark.”
Jay immediately sat ramrod straight. If Uncle Clark was here, he’d immediately see the giant brace on Jay’s knee. Then he’d use his x-ray vision, and he’d immediately make that face like someone kicked his puppy and tell Bruce. 
Then the anxiety washed off Jay’s face, and was replaced with a glare, “Seriously, Jason?”
Younger Bruce’s face went blank, “Clark… is dead.”
“You mean he hasn’t come back to life in this universe?” Jason… totally forgot about that. To his credit, he was in a coma at the time– or catatonic.
Younger Bruce frowned and then glanced at older Bruce, “Not that I’m aware of…”
Older Bruce grunted, “He didn’t come back until early May. At least for us. It could be different in this universe.”
God damn it.
Jay wanted to bang his head on the table hard enough to knock himself out. He couldn’t sleep a wink last night because of the incessant throb in his knee.
He gritted his teeth, “Jason Peter Todd, I swear if you play ‘Drops of Jupiter’ one more time, I’m going to–” cry. He was going to cry. That’s what he would do. He was going to cry. Who plays songs about their mother who died of cancer at 7:30 in the morning? “I’m going to kill myself and blame you.”
Dick immediately whipped his head to Jay, so he added, “Hyperbole. But I will smack my head on this granite and blame it on you.”
Jason frowned, and then wordlessly switched the song to ‘Ronan’, by Taylor Swift.
And it’s not like Jay didn’t know exactly what Jason was doing. He knew what he was doing as soon as he came down and the song started playing. God he was an asshole. 
Though… it was probably an asshole move for Jay to ask him to keep it a secret. He just needs time to…gather his thoughts and figure out the right way to tell Bruce. 
Dick patted Jay’s shoulder, “Want me to drop you off at school?”
Dick handed him his crutches and grabbed his backpack for him as he hobbled to the garage, “April’s not the best month for him. He died on the 27th, so… that’s probably what’s with the mood and the sad songs, and all the cooking.”
He felt something twist and knot in his gut. He was making Jason’s already traumatic month so much worse, and even more traumatic because he’s reminding him of Mami and–
“Jay? Are you ok?”
He nodded, “I was just thinkin’ about how Jason really is Jesus. Did he die on Good Friday?”
Dick chuckled and ruffled his hair, “I dunno.”
It took him an unnecessary amount of time to get to lunch. Not only was he slower because of his broken tibia, but crutching around had him winded. It forced him to sit with Tim and his friends, because the table he usually sits at fills up before he can get to the cafeteria.
Now he didn’t mind sitting with Tim and his friends, it just felt odd as a Junior sitting with a bunch of Underclassmen. But, they also didn’t pay much attention to him. Usually he just napped the entirety of lunch. 
Well, he didn’t nap, because he could not sleep around people he didn’t trust, but he rested his eyes, and to everyone else it probably looked like he was asleep. 
Most of the table got up to get cookies, but Tim stayed behind with Jay. Then he felt the table shift on the opposite side. Except the weight shift wasn’t as drastic as it usually is with the guy who usually sits there, so it was probably someone new. 
Jay didn’t have the energy to check who it was.
“How asleep is he?” Oh! It was Stephanie. Wow, this feels like a crossover episode.
He felt a gust of air blow on his face, and jokes on Tim, Jay’s known how to fully fake sleep since he was ten. Meaning no flinching during sleep tests, “He’s out. I guess.” To Tim’s credit he probably knew he wasn’t fully asleep.
“Ok, you’re like a Batman and Robin superfan, aren't ya?”
He heard Tim pause, “How did you know that?”
“Your screensaver is subtly Robin themed, your backpack is subtle Batman, whenever they’re mentioned you pretend to not pay attention to the conversation, even though you are, and,” She let out a snicker, “I saw the stack of photos you have of them when you let me take gum from your backpack. They’re really good by the way.”
Jay knew that Tim was beet red, “Oh. Thanks.”
“Anywho, do you know the last time Robin was seen out? Cus people have been saying the last time he’s been seen was the warehouse explosion by the docks.”
Why was she worrying? He told her he was going to retire.
He could feel Tim trying not to glance at Jay, “Yeah, That was the last time he’s been spotted. Though, I’m sure he’s just recovering or something.”
“Ok. ok.” She drummed the table with her fingers, “Fuck, can you keep a secret?” There was a pause where he assumed Tim nodded, “Alright.” She leaned closely across the table, and he felt Tim move in closer as well, “I’m Spoiler, and I kinda know Robin. I don’t know who he really is or anything, but I’d consider us to be close. He told me he was planning on retiring.”
“What?” wait, he hasn’t told Tim about that yet, “Did he tell you what he’s planning on doing? Is he gonna stay in Gotham, or move to New York like Nightwing?”
“No. He said he was retiring retiring. Like no more fighting.”
“He’s giving up being a hero?” Tim’s voice was blank, “Good for him, I guess.”
“That’s not–” She sighed, “The last couple times I’ve seen him, he’s been…tired. Not as quippy or flippy. I think… I think something’s wrong.”
There was a pause, “Now that you mention it–”
Jay picked up his head, “Ya know Barney, if you were really this worried, you coulda called.” 
Stephanie’s eyes blew wide in realization– Bruce is going to go berserk– Then she glanced over at Tim, who rolled his eyes, “Ok, I know too.” Then he turned to Jay, “Jason, why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were retiring, but you told her?”
He shrugged, “Professional courtesy. And it never really came up between us. I only told B after I got half my hair singed off. I still haven’t told N.”
“So you’re officially retired?” Stephanie raised an eyebrow, “I would’ve thought you’d make your last appearance as Robin special.”
“Technically, I have two and a half more weeks, but, uh, seeing as…” He looked at the crutches, “Can’t exactly do much.”
Tim nodded, “And as far as Gotham knows, you went out with a bang.” 
Stephanie hummed, “My mom works at Gotham General and has been talking about this kid who’s apparently obsessed with Robin. Apparently she tells the other kids stories about him. Maybe you can make that your last appearance. I can come too if ya want.”
Jay smiled, “That sounds like a good idea. Is the kid gonna be there this weekend?”
“I’ll ask my mom and get back ta ya on that.”
Jay looked at Tim, “Wanna meet your mini you?”
Tim shook his head, “I would love to, but it’d be odd for a random civilian to be hanging out with two vigilanties.”
Jason was currently in the middle of whipping up his second batch of raspberry meringue cookies– by hand– when both Bruces decided to corner him.
Honestly he wishes it was Dick. At least he could get him to eat half of the cookies to then justify Jason making more. 
“Jay, lad, your baking is really good, and we all enjoy it, but…” Older Bruce looked at the multiple tupperware and gallon sized ziplock bags filled with assorted cookies and cakes, “I think it’s beginning to teeter on the excessive side.”
He looked up from examining his peaks and determined they weren’t stiff enough, “This isn’t nearly enough. I was planning on bringing these to the homeless shelter for easter.” He continued whisking the meringue.
Younger Bruce picked up a Robin themed Peep he made and squished it, “Easter’s not for a week, Jason. You’ve also been stress cooking for a while. What’s got you all strung up?”
“Strung up? I’m not strung up. In fact, I’m Pinocchio after he got turned into a real boy. I got no strings on me.” He started whisking the meringue faster. That was probably the worst lie he’s ever lied.
There was a sharp inhale from the doorway as Jay crutched in, “If you’re Pinnochio, your nose is gonna poke a hole straight through the wall.”
Jason inspected the meringue peaks again, and was unsatisfied. “And yours could touch the moon.”
Jay froze as both Bruces immediately frowned at Jay, but Jason only needed younger Bruce to scrutinize Jay, so he gave him the boxes of raspberries, and pointed to the sink.
Younger Bruce held up the Peep, “Peep, for a peep?”
Jay groaned, “I don’t wanna Peep.” He sat down on the kitchen stool and leaned his crutches against the countertop.
“But he does have something to Peep.” Jason added. 
Older Bruce set the raspberries down next to Jason, “Can we stop saying Peep?”
Jay’s eye twitched as he glared at Jason, so Jason just grinned back. 
Younger Bruce was looking at Jay patiently as the kid played with a part of his knee brace, “I’m pretty sure I have…” He clamped his jaw, and then took a deep breath, pressed his lips together, “...no interest in finding a partner of any sorts.” He held up little jazz hands, “I’m Aro/Ace.”
Jason set his forehead down on the countertop, and banged it once, “That’s… not what I wanted him to tell you. I did not mean to out him.”
Younger Bruce ruffled Jay’s hair, “Either way I’m proud of you, Jason.” Bruce gave him a small smile, and Jay leaned in closer. “Ok, so you’re pretty sure you have what?”
Jay looked up at Bruce, “A new Robin I would like to pass the mantle to. I’m also planning on telling Dick when I visit him next week.”
Jason made a buzzer noise, “Nope, Try again.”
Jay scowled, cracking his fingers,“I also might’ve told Stephanie Brown that I was Robin.”
Younger Bruce frowned, “You what?”
“Bruce, I think she’s a really good person, and I trust her.”
Older Bruce cleared his throat, “It takes us some time, but we trust her too. In our timeline, she becomes Robin for a brief period of time, and she’s currently Batgirl.”
“I was actually debating on making her Robin. I guess she’ll be the backup if Tim says no.” He turned back to younger Bruce,“She’s a good person. We’re also planning on visiting the kids in Gotham General as Robin and Spoiler this weekend.”
Jason paused, “The kids who… have been affected by rogue attacks, or who are… sick?” Because, yeah, Jason tries to make it a point to help out in Leslies clinic, but seeing the patients who have been diagnosed with cancer is always hard. Mainly because Leslie’s clinic doesn’t have the resources to give those patients proper care.
Jay's face contorted like he ate something sour, “Fuck you.” He spat out, standing up and grabbing his crutches, “You’re not Jason Todd, you’re a shitstain of an excuse that crawled out of his grave.”
And suddenly he was 19 again. Coming home soaked in blood wondering if he was tainting his own memory. He was 18 staring at an empty grave knowing the kid who died would’ve hated the person he became. He was 17 holding a detonator in his hand; not recognizing the person he saw in the mirror.
But this wasn’t about him. This was about a 16 year old kid with cancer, who was too afraid to tell his dad about it for God knows what reason. And Jason has just been prodding and prodding, and– “Jason–”
“I don’t need a dead man’s opinion on how to live.” He crutched out of the kitchen and Jason started to follow him when younger Bruce grabbed his wrist.
Jason twisted his wrist out of the hold and pointed in Bruce’s face, “Watch the damn cookies. And don’t you dare eavesdrop.” 
He continued after Jay, “Wait, Jason, I didn’t mean it like that.”
Jay started hopping up the stairs, “I– Don’t– want– to–” He almost missed the step, but he landed on his bad leg to regain his balance. Jason supported him by the armpits and slowly lowered him to the ground before he could go crashing down.
Jay’s eyes began to water and face screwed up. He punched Jason in the chest, which hurt, but he stayed still as Jay attempted to get back up, but failed. He punched him again, “I hate you!” It could probably be heard from every point in the manor, “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” 
Each hate was reinforced with a punch, each one with less power behind it, until Jay was sobbing into his chest, “I want them here. Why aren’t they here? I just want Mami and Papi.” 
Jason felt his eyes start to burn as he wrapped his arms around the kid.
“And I-I love Bruce and Alfred, but I want them. I miss them. I-I need– I needed them.”
Jason nodded, trying to figure out something to say, but he couldn’t. His heart had crept into his throat and was squeezing his vocal chords.
He… He needs to be a real adult and tell Bruce. None of the sideways routes to get Jay to spill. He has to be direct. 
After Jay stopped crying, Jason made sure he got up the stairs safely and went back down to the kitchen where younger Bruce looked like he was having a crisis and older Bruce was staring at the cookies. He would’ve laughed at the sight if it weren’t for the circumstances.
“Bruce, Jay–”
Bruce picked up his head so fast, he probably got whiplash, “You died?”
“Yes. But Jason–”
“Died, as in, your heart stopped.”
“Yeah, but that’s not important–”
“Not important? Jason you died.”
Jason blinked, “Yeah, but you’re focusing on the wrong thing here. Jason–”
“I do not think I am focusing on the wrong thing. Why are you so calm about this?”
He groaned, “It happened like… eight years ago. This body doesn’t even have any of the same cells as the one that was buried–”
Jason threw his hands in the air, “Whadaya think Bruce did with my body? Kept it on a table for six months?”
“Six months? I thought your heart just stopped, and then CPR! How–”
“Oh so you accept Superman coming back, no problem, but when it’s me, suddenly it’s impossible.”
“He’s Kryptonian! And you–” Bruce buried his face in his hands, “you would’ve been… you wouldn’t have known–”
“I don’t understand why this is such a big deal when Jason–”
Bruce uncovered his face, leaving only bafflement, “Am I not allowed to be distraught over my son dying?”
“Yes! You’re allowed to be! But I am not your son. Your son ha–”
“But you are my son! Doesn’t matter what universe. In every universe you exist, I will always see you as my son, and I will always want the best for you–”
“It never ends well for me!” His voice cracked on the last word. 
Bruce frowned and took a step forward, “What– what do you mean by that?”
 “Fuck.” He ran his hand down his face, “You’re watering the wrong plant.” 
That seemed to snap Bruce out of his state of distraught, sending him out of the kitchen. 
Jason went back behind the counter to pipe more meringue roses, but found himself just staring at the tray.
He couldn’t even tell him.
He literally took over the Gotham drug trade before he could legally drink, and he couldn’t tell a father that his son had a tumor.
“Jason, are you alright?”
He snapped out of whatever trance he was in, “I just hate April.”
Bad news is, Bruce definitely knows something’s wrong and is very much doing his hovering but in the Batman way– thing. 
Good news is, because Jay dropped the Dead-Jason bomb, he was hovering around Jason and not Jay. 
Bad news is, Jay feels super guilty for all the things he said to him, especially considering he stayed with him while he was having his episode, and even though he’s been a complete ass about it, he still hasn’t told Bruce or Alfred about the tumor.
Good news, Bruce let him drive the Batmobile to Gotham general since grappling wouldn’t work well with his knee, and Alfred couldn’t drop them off unless they wanted to risk their secret identities.
He pulled up right next to Spoiler, and rolled down the window, “Get in loser, we’re going shopping.”
Jay was 90% sure that Stephanie was grinning under the mask as she slid in, “Wait, how are you drivin’ with your knee?”
“When your partners are generally under the age of 16, you tend to realize that autopilot features are more practical.”
She nodded and glanced at all the buttons, “I’m assumin’ you’re gonna to tell me not to touch any of them.”
“Most of them are speed enhancers or shock absorbers. You can touch them, but they won’t activate unless we’re going over 70mph.” Product of Dick’s ADHD.
“Is there an aux cord?”
“Dude, there’s bluetooth.”
Jay parked the Batmobile in an alleyway a couple buildings from Gotham General. Did that mean he had to crutch around farther? Yes. But Bruce told him he can’t just park the Batmobile in a normal parking space. Was that a while ago? Yes, and he didn’t think to ask if the rules change if he has a broken knee.
“Oi, Tinky-Winky, would ya mind grabbing the cookies in the trunk?” 
“‘Course, Mike Wazowski.” She went around back, “How the fuck do I open this.”
It took them about 15 minutes to walk into Gotham General, mainly because of Jay's incredible crutching skills, and when they got there the receptionist was not impressed.
“What’s with the cosplay kids? If you’re gonna commit to being Robin, ya gotta at least wear the short shorts.”
Jay gave the receptionist (Drew) his signature Robin grin, “I wore the short shorts for almost four years. I got the road rash to prove it.”
“Look kid, if ya wanna get your knee checked out for free and without anyone contacting CPS, try the free clinic in Park Row. Ya don’t needa wear your upcycled Halloween costume there.”
“I don’t need my knee–” Well, he does need his knee to be checked out, but that wasn’t why they were there, “I’m really Robin, do you have one of those TSA bucket things? I’m about to start pulling outa buncha bat-themed things.”
Drew rolled their eyes, then looked around and gave him one of those empty paper bins. He started with his utility belt, “Ok, so I have my rebreather, some batarangs, and my grapple gun.” then he moved to his right pocket, “Some tranquilizers, a lockpick, and a universal tool,” He reached into his left pocket, “smoke pellets, bat-bolas,” He then reached into the pocket that was near his left knee, “A first aid kit, various antidotes to fear toxin, Ivy’s spores and Joker Venom and… some bat shaped goldfish.” He grinned, “I also have some stickers in the pocket under my brace.”
They blinked, “How do you fit all of that…?”
Jay gave her a little shrug, “Because I’m Robin.” He began taking the things and putting them back in its place. 
Stephanie stole the goldfish before Jay could put them back in his pocket, “We heard there was a Robin superfan, and we just wanted to say hi.”
“Let me check with Pediatrics.” Drew dialed a number, “Hey Ruth, I have Robin and one of his caped friends down here. Think I can send them up?” a pause, “Hold up, let me ask,” They looked back to them, “How long are ya kids free till?”
Jay looked to Stephanie, “I’m free for the whole day, but I’m your ride home.”
She shrugged, “I just gotta be home for dinner.”
“Before the sun sets. We took the Batmobile.”
Drew nodded, “The kids are sayin’ around 7:30. So that’s about four hours in each unit.” Another pause, “Well, I can give ‘em the bands, but you’re gonna have to figure that out.” another pause, “I’ll send them up in like… five minutes. Oh and Robin’s on crutches.”
Drew settled them with visitor passes, and Stephanie traded them for a ziplock of cookies, and they hobbled to the elevator, and went to the pediatrics floor. 
They met Ruth, who was a sweet old lady that almost refused the cookies they had brought, but did for the sake of her colleagues, and guided them to the Medical Unit.
Jay decided to leave his crutches at the door (even though Ruth protested about bones not healing right– The bones weren’t growing right in the first place) just to preserve a bit more of the Robin magic. The brace and the limp were already breaking the illusion, he didn’t need the crutches to completely shatter that.
Maybe… maybe that’s why he couldn’t tell Bruce about the tumor. Because when they put on the capes they became close to gods. Except Jay could no longer be extraordinary because his bones were growing wrong. Something in his cellular makeup was fundamentally flawed. 
Today is not about him. It’s about these kids. And they deserved to be blithe. So Jay refused to let himself allow any negativity take over his consciousness. Not when all these kids’ spirits were immediately lifted just because Robin had come to visit them. 
And he was glad Steph was with him, because even though not many of the kids knew who she was, they ended up adoring her. She somehow knew every time when Jay’s energy started to run low and found ways to keep the kids from noticing that. 
They took a break around 2:30 for a late lunch, where Jay once again rested his eyes. 
“What’s got you so tired? I thought you were off the night shift.”
“Knee won’t let me sleep.” It’s become more of a routine. Resting during lunch because he couldn’t fall asleep due to the stabbing bone pains in his knee.
“Why not just take ibuprofen or something?”
He shook his head. Even though he took it when he had those fevers, he’s not going to take it for pain he can power through. “Even if they’re in fancy packaging, I can never really trust them.”
She slowly nodded, “I think I get it. My mom got hurt when I was younger. Now, she’s…never off the painkillers.”
“My mom–” he played with the velcro on his brace, “She, uh, she had cancer. After a while we couldn’t afford chemo. So she switched to painkillers. Every once in a while they were laced.” He shrugged. “I guess seeing that at a young age hardwired something in my brain.” He doesn’t usually talk to anyone about this. Yeah, he’s changing the topic, “The Wayne foundation has a rehab unit. I, uh, added things into the program that I thought would help. Obviously it’s your mom’s choice, but you guys can talk to Bruce…Wayne about it when you’re ready.” 
“Thanks Robin.” She placed a hand on his arm, “And I’m sorry about your mom.” She paused and frowned, “We’re goin’ into the Oncology unit next. Are you gonna be ok?”
He gave her a small smile, “It happened a while ago. I’m fine about it now.” He’s ignoring the fact that he was crying for her like a much smaller child four days ago.
He’s also ignoring genetics and how technically he’s not fine about it now because it’s really cutting him off at the knee right now. Haha, that was kinda funny.
Not really.
If the tumor grows too large he might have to get his leg amputated. Was it already too big? He… he hasn’t really been thinking about that. Mami didn’t have to get her arm amputated. They caught the tumor early enough to scrape it off and blast any of the remaining bad cells with chemo. 
…If the tumor grew too big it could kill him. And Bruce and Alfred and Dick– they’d all be– 
He stood up.“I’m gonna call B real quick. Tell him how we’re doin’.” 
Stephanie nodded, “Can I have your sandwich?”
“Knock yourself out.”
He hobbled over to the family bathroom, shut the door behind him and pulled his phone out.
All he had to do was tell him. Three words. I have cancer. That’s all. They were just three words. They were each words that have been in his vocabulary since he was little. They weren’t foreign. They were just words. 
Words are easy.
He pressed on Bruce’s number, and waited as the line rang.
He could say it.
Three words.
I have cancer.
He would say it.
“Jay, Lad. How’s the visit going?”
“It’s goin’ good. It’s goin’ good.” He rubbed the knot forming in his chest, “All the kids love Spoiler by the way.” 
Bruce chuckled, “I already said I trust your judgment, I just need more time.”
“Yeah, I know.” It’s just three words, “Hey Bruce?”
“Yes, Jason?”
Three words. He could say three words, “I… love you.”
Those… were the wrong three words. He’s a wimp. He’s a schemiel. He’s the biggest cream puff to ever cream.
There was the sound of something dropping, then a pause, “Is everything alright?”
It’s ok. He can still tell him. He can– “We’re about to go to the pediatrics oncology unit.”
“Will you be alright? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
He shook his head, “Nah, I’m alright. Besides, I still haven’t met the kid Stephanie was talking about.” Yeah, all the kids were excited to see him, but the way most of the parents acted wasn’t the way a parent acted when their child was meeting their hero. 
Wait, he’s distracting himself, “Bruce, I–”
“Do you want me to swing by?”
He paused. Letting the blood rush in his ears from the words left unsaid, “Yeah.”
“Ok. I have a couple things to finish up, but I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”
“Ok.” Jay was about to hang up.
“I love you too, Jay. You mean the world to me.”
“Yeah.” He sucked in a breath, “Cool. Amazing. I’m gonna hang up now. Bye. See ya.” He hung up and tapped his phone against his forehead. 
It’s ok. 
It was better this way. It was definitely a conversation that was better to have in person.
Obviously he wouldn’t tell Bruce in front of the kids, or in front of Stephanie, but he’d tell him.
He’d tell him. 
He went back out to where Stephanie was, only to find her talking with Ruth. Break’s over.
It was… It was a lot harder trying to stay upbeat for these kids. He was acting like a lifeboat for these kids and their parents, when really he was being pulled into the same riptide.
At least the nurse (Nancy) who was guiding them through was nice about it. She’d take a little longer while walking to the next room, pause in front of the door to tell them the kid’s name and if they were more shy or talkative. If today was a good day or a bad day. Then she’d take her time while telling the parents– she’d just give them more time.
Then Batman came, and Jay doesn’t know if that was better or worse. 
It was better for Stephanie. Since Bruce was there she let herself slip out, if the kid didn’t seem to pay Spoiler any mind. It made guilt bubble in his stomach.
Maybe it was better for Jay, because Bruce knew him better. That also made it worse. But better. It was better.
They paused in front of the only door they hadn’t been to in the wing, “So this is our last kiddo of the day, Evelyn. She’s nine and she’s a big fan of yours. We saved her for last so she could have the most time with ya, Robin. She says she met you a while back, so– well, ya know to at least pretend to remember her even if you don’t.”
He leaned his shoulder against the wall for support, “Nanc, have I let you down at all so far today?” 
“Yes. You’ve been walking around without your crutches. Giving all the medical professionals around here aneurysms.” though she said it with a playful grin, so she couldn’t be too upset. “She’s been pretty chipper all day, so, this’ll be great.” Nancy slipped into the room to give the parents a heads up. After a minute she peeked back out, motioning her head towards the room.
Jay stopped fidgeting with the end of his cape and followed Nancy in. 
He gave a little salute to the dad, and who he assumed to be her older sister, who was filming. When he was in the girl’s line of sight, she gasped, “Robin! You came!”
The memory of a seven year old girl lost in Robinson park during an Ivy breakout was brought to the front of his mind. He remembers playing on the monkey bars with her while they waited for both Batman and her dad to find them. “Of course I did.” He looked back at Nurse Nancy, “Ya may not know this, but Evelyn and I go way back.” He sat down in the chair next to the bed, gesturing to Stephanie, “This is my friend Spoiler, and you remember Batman. From last time. God, it feels like it’s been forever. Ya haven’t gotten caught up in any of Ivy’s schemes recently, have ya?”
She grinned at his recognition, “I haven’t, but by the looks of it, you have.” She pointedly looked at his knee brace.
“Puh-lease, ya really think someone could get the jump on me?” He lightly smacked the side of his brace, “This was a product of my own demise. Really I’m my own worst enemy.”
“We kinda match.” Evelyn shuffled around the blankets, showing off a yellow cast over her knee.
He froze. Huh, he guessed they did match. “Can I sign it?”
She looked at him with stars in her eyes, “You really wanna sign it?”
“What’s the point of having a cast if it’s not decorated?” He reached into his back pocket to grab a sharpie. 
Stay gold, ~Robin and then he started doodling a bunch of bats.
They continued talking– something about a tv show about a ladybug and a cat who were also magical superheroes– then she started talking about Harry Potter, so Jay obviously recommended Percy Jackson. Then she started talking about a tv show about gem people? And the universe? At least Stephanie understood the tv references and apparently her favorite stone was amethyst. Which made sense, because of the whole purple theme.
He could see the moment Evelyn’s Dad built up the courage to actually talk to Batman, “Thank you for coming. It really means a lot to my daughter and– thank you.”
Bruce hummed, turning his gaze from Jay to the man, “Robin has a big heart, so when Spoiler suggested visiting…”
“Wait, I gotta show you my drawings!” Jay turned his attention back to Evelyn as she reached for the bedside tray, but it was too far from her reach. 
She started to turn around to grab it, but her sister stopped her before she could hurt her leg in the process, “Let’s slow down a bit here. Robin’s not gonna magically disappear without saying goodbye.” Her sister moved the tray closer to Evelyn and sat down at the foot of the bed. Now that the camera wasn’t covering her face, he was pretty sure she was in his physics class. Crazy small world. Her name was Reagan.
Evelyn grabbed the papers off of the tray and handed them to Jay, “This one’s of you and me playing on the playground, because we never go to go on the slide, or the swings and those are the best parts of a playground.”
Jay grinned, “I would say the best part of a playground is the merry-go-round.” 
Evelyn’s Dad turned to fully face Bruce, “It still means a lot. You and Robin saving the little things.”
“This isn’t a little thing at all. If someone hurts Robin, I can punch them back. With this–”
“This one's you and Batman taking a vacation because Reggie says you guys really need one,”
“--You’re much braver than I am, Mr. Harris.” Bruce looked back at Jay, “I don’t know what I would do if I found out one of my sons were sick.”
“--and this one… this one is you fighting Cancer for me.”
Jay forced himself not to freeze. He kept his eyes glued on the drawing of Robin zapping a glob that was presumably cancer with the bat-cancer-be-gone ray, while Evelyn stood behind him.
Jay took a deep breath, “Here’s the thing about Cancer. Its power is that it multiplies. If I tried to fight it alone, it could just multiply and take over.” The words clawed at his throat with hypocrisy. He undid the clasp to his cape, “but if we have more people to help us, like your doctor, and the nurses, and your Dad, and Reagan helping us, and we use chemo warfare–” He placed the cape over her shoulders, blinking because the lenses of his domino were starting to fog up, “And a little bit of Robin Magic, I think– I think we can fight Cancer. Together. And win.” 
Evelyn leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his torso in a hug, “Ya really think so, Robin?”
He returned the embrace, nodding, “Yeah. You’ll win.”
They dropped Stephanie back off in the Burrows, when Jay realized they weren’t headed back to the manor. They were going deeper into the city. 
Bruce must have sensed his confusion, but he didn’t say anything to clarify his thought process. However, Jay didn’t ask, because eventually they got to Wayne Tower, and Bruce grappled them to the top, so they were overlooking Gotham.
If there was any time to tell Bruce, it would be that moment. Or maybe it was probably when they were in the car, or when he broke his knee, or right after he got that first fever. But the past was the past, and he had to tell Bruce. He’s held it off for long enough.
He kicked his leg, “Hey Bruce?”
Batman grunted in acknowledgement. Cape fluttering in the wind.
“Thanks for bein’ here for me.” He wrung out his fingers.
He felt Bruce’s gaze turn to him, “I know I am not the best at communicating, but I’ll always be here if you need me.” 
Jay searched Bruce's eyes, wishing he wasn’t wearing the stupid cowl.
It’s just three words. He could say them. He inhaled slowly and opened his mouth to–
“I’m proud of you, Jason.”
He was going to scream. He was going to throw up. The unsaid words felt like they were growing and growing and soon they would be stuck in his throat, never to escape. “Bruce, I–”
“I mean it. I know it was tough for you, but you still tried your best to brighten up each one of those kids’ day. And you did. Just like you have mine, every single day since you hit me with that tire iron. You have a big heart, Jay. One that has grown with time.” Bruce paused, before placing his hand on top of Jay’s, “I think you would’ve made her so incredibly proud. Your mother. And your father. They would be proud of the man you’ve become, and the future you’re striving for. I know I am.”
His eyes began to burn as the lenses to his domino fogged up.  No. He wasn’t going to cry. He had to be strong while he told Bruce. He had to be.
Jay scooted closer to Bruce, who opened up an arm to wrap part of his cape around Jay, holding him closer than he usually did. Like a subconscious part of him knew that Jay was slowly slipping away. “What we do– it’s dangerous. If you– If what happened to–” Bruce paused and took a deep breath, “I’m glad you’re allowing yourself to live. I am beyond grateful you’re hanging up the cape.” Bruce rested his chin on top of Jay’s head, “Though I’m gonna miss having you by my side.”
“You’ll make sure to watch your six? And not spook any kids? You’ll–” His mouth twitched into a frown, which he immediately tried to turn around, but it was like the muscles in his face weren’t connected to his brain, “You’ll be ok without me?” 
“Jay, lad, I’ve been at this for a long time. I think I’ll do fine. Besides, you said you had a successor in mind.”
“I gotta get Dick’s blessing first. Then I’ll tell you. But they also have to agree, and it’ll still take a while for them to get up to Robin standards, and—”
“There’ll be some adjustments, but you’ll still be close. If I’m ever in any real trouble, I trust you just as much as I trust Dick. Active vigilante or not.”
Jay undid the top velcro on his brace and then tightened it. He has to be strong. He has to tell him. He undid the velcro again and then refastened it. Then again and again and–
“Jason, I know you probably feel guilty right now, but you deserve to be happy. This doesn’t have to be permanent if you don’t want it to be. I want you to be happy and let yourself move forward. No matter what that path looks like, or how many times you change directions, I’ll support you.”
He focused on the sliver of golden on the horizon, peaking through the cityscape, “I need to quit. Being a hero, it just– it won’t work anymore.” He took a deep breath, trying to sync up with the rise and fall of Bruce’s chest. 
He had to be strong. 
He had to tell him. “I…” 
‘I don’t know what I would do if I found out one of my sons were sick.’ 
“...Just realized, this is our last time out as Batman and Robin together.” 
He would tell Bruce. Just not now. Not when it’s supposed to be a happy moment. 
“It is, isn’t it?”
He looked up at Bruce, “We had a good run.”
Jason wanted to go home. The longer Jay held out telling Younger Bruce that he had cancer, the more likely it was that Bruce was going to pummel him for not telling him that his son was terminally ill. And it’s not like Jason hadn’t tried multiple times. He’s tried cornering him in the study, where it just turned into another conversation about his death. He tried telling him in the Batcave, but there was an emergency and Batman was needed, and he tried telling him while Jay was visiting the hospital, but then he got a phone call and had to leave.
Not to mention, the anniversary of his death was slowly creeping up on him, and he couldn’t even be alone because they were kind of stuck in the manor until they were found and brought back home.
How long does it take to find someone? Three someones? It’s not like Tim and Babs had to build a whole new machine. Obviously, time could be passing differently for them, but the more time they took the wider his gaping hole of guilt grew.
That was why he was currently encoding a message to add to the beacon that read ‘Come quick. I keep dying. This isn’t fun anymore. ~JT”
Suddenly, a hand rested on the back of the Batchair, and out of instinct, Jason was about to punch the person it belonged to, when he realized it was just Alfred.
And then he realized it was Alfred, the person he’s been trying his hardest to avoid because he would immediately know Jason was hiding something and he would feel guilty for lying to him.
“Master Jason, when was the last time you slept?”
Jason grinned, “Last night.” Albeit, it was only an hour or two because his mind has decided he isn’t allowed any peaceful dreams, but it was the truth, “Personally, I think you should be asking younger Jason that. That kid’s eye bags could replace his backpack and still have extra room.”
Jason knew he messed up when Alfred made his ‘that is precisely the topic I wished to discuss with you’ face. “So you know what is troubling the young master?”
“I’m not talkin’ to the kid.” He felt like a stupid little kid who had just been caught and was now grasping for any excuse.
He could tell him. He could tell Alfred and then this whole nightmare would be– it wouldn’t be over, it would probably get worse, but sometimes things need to get worse before they get better. 
He took in a deep breath, “Jason–”The door of the elevator in the batcave dinged, and out came the kid in question. “...Has something to tell you.”
Why in the world could he not get the goddamned words out? It was like some mystical force was stopping him from doing so.
Jay froze and gave Jason a pointed look, but then looked to Alfred, “Yeah, I do! I was wondering if Jason and Dick could come with me to visit the Titans. Apparently Roy, Donna and Kori really wanna meet you two.”
Jason stared at Jay.
Jay shrugged all innocently, “Dick said your deathiversary was soon too, so maybe being out of town for that would be a way to take your mind off…of…it?”
Jason turned to Alfred, “Can you tell your grandson that I am not talking to him.”
He raised an eyebrow, “And why might that be? I thought Master Jason had apologized to you for his outburst from the other day.”
“He knows why.”
Alfred looked from Jason to Jay, then back to Jason, “Well, I can assure you, I am not keen on playing telephone. I expect you both to have sorted out your issues before you make your way back upstairs.”
And with that, Alfred left.
And Jason, being the stubborn man-child he was, refused to talk.
“I really am sorry for throwin’ your death in your face.”
Jason glared at him.
“Ok, I know that’s not what you’re angry at me for, but can you really be angry at me for havin–”
Jason got up to leave. Jesus Christ, was he always this difficult?
“Hold up–Wait! I tried to tell Bruce, I really did! Multiple times. But every time I tried he would interrupt me, or it wasn’t the right time, and if ya really think about it, it’s kinda better this way–”
Jason turned around, baffled, because “Better this way? Please, explain to me how letting’ a tumor grow is better than tellin’ your guardian you’re sick.”
Jay paused, “When you put it like that, it sounds bad– but if I tell Bruce now, it’ll be nothin’ but x-rays and MRIs and blood tests, and then surgery and–”
Jason was going to smack his skull open on the stalactites.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, and I will… eventually… do those things, but knowin’ Bruce, if I tell him now, he’ll make me cancel my trip to New York.” Jay dragged the stool from the workbench closer to him and sat down, “What if I can’t tour Columbia by the time it’s gone? It’s my dream school. How can ya expect me to just throw away my dreams? The moment we come back from New York, I promise I’ll tell Bruce. I just want the week with the Titans to be…normal before everythin’ falls to pieces.”
Jason pinched the bridge of his nose as his intestines braided themselves together in a knot. Why was he about to… “If you don’t tell him as soon as we’re back, I’m gonna. Are we clear?”
“Yes.” Relief flooded onto Jay’s face, “Thank you.”
(Author here! We’re about to go to Titans Tower, and I’ve been re reading comic storylines and I don’t know what lineup I want, so, I am mixing and matching, so please don’t come at me. Also, my main knowledge of the Titans come from the show Teen Titans, so just a heads up if they’re not how they are in the comics. I also really wanted Raven in this, but if timelines are timelining, she should be evil right now, so… I guess that works in my favor plot-wise, but gosh darn it, I really wanted Raven in here. Oh well)
Out of everyone, Jason was pretty sure Dick was the most excited to see the Titans, which made sense, because Jason barely knew them at this age, and Jay had the impending doom of talking to Bruce about cancer. Jason also had the impending doom of getting the snot beaten out of him.
Still there was an odd energy about Dick. Like he didn’t also fully like the idea of seeing the Titans again. Which was somewhat understandable, because Kori was his ex and yada yada yada. Also, something about the wedding not working out because Raven went evil and crashed the whole thing. Maybe Dick should’ve given them a heads up on that, but also, props to Raven. It was pretty badass. Apparently Dick and Kori were still together, from what Jason could piece together, but honestly, he barely tried to understand their relationship on a normal day, and he wasn’t going to start trying now.
They were in the elevator when Jay’s eyes blew wide and he started digging through his backpack, pulling out a bottle of cheap cologne and spraying it on his chest and the backs of his knees. 
Dick coughed, “That’s a bit too much there, Jay. Are you trying to assault Gar’s nose?”
Jay raised his eyebrows, “Yeah, actually.” 
The elevator door dinged open and they walked into the living room of the Tower, just as Jason realized Jay was doing it to get Gar off the cancer scent. 
He scanned the room and groaned when he realized who was in the room.
Jay followed Jason’s gaze, smile immediately dropping into a scowl, “What are you doing here?”
“Kyle! Hey, what’s up, man!” Dick strode over to shake Rayner’s hand.
“Nothing much,” Rayner light heartedly clapped Dick’s back,  “Got back from the Oa a couple days ago.” He turned his gaze to Jason looking him up and down, before turning to Jay, “There’s no way your five foot ass grows to be that.”
Jay crossed his arms, “I am five foot four, Elphaba.”
“Jason.” Dick gave Jay his ‘be nice’ look.
Jason nudged Jay, “Yeah. Don’t disrespect the Witch of the West like that.” He gave Kyle a wicked grin, causing the dude’s mouth to open slightly, “Besides, he’s like Rango.”
Kyle’s ring dimmed, before he grit his teeth, causing it to brighten again, “I’m gonna get dick– or Donna. I’m gonna get Donna.” and then he sped off.
Jay grinned and held out a hand for a low five, which Jason obviously returned.
Dick looked from the door Rayner exited from to Jay, “Hold up, why don’t you like Kyle?”
“He doesn’t like me.” Jay moved to sit on the couch, “If you’re asking me to be polite with him, I’m not gonna. I don’t owe him nothin’. In fact, he–” 
Suddenly a toddler came out of nowhere running straight for Jay, “JAYBIRB!!” 
Since when have there been toddlers in Titans Tower? 
Jay’s face immediately lit up, “Lian! H–ow, watch the knee, how have the Tiny Titans been?”
“Miwage dwowned in da toiwet.”
If that was Lian then…Jason and Dick immediately turned to the door, “Roy!” 
Roy grinned and walked over to ruffle Jay’s hair, “Hey guys, how're you liking our reality?”
Dick leaned against the couch, with a grin, “It’s a lot better than most of the realities we’ve been to, that’s for sure.”
Ya know who’s going to actually beat up Jason? Dick. He was going to pummel him for not telling.
Roy turned to Jason, “Puberty hit you like a freight train.”
“It was the forbidden Mountain Dew.”
Roy nodded, “Dick said something about a Lazarus Pit. He was ranting about Talia when he came back last month.”
“Oh my god. Did he say anything about her kidnapping me? Because she didn’t.”
Roy looked to Dick, who nodded and mouthed the words ‘she totally did.’ 
“If you continue to scorn her, I will tell Damian, and we’ll both stab you together.”
Jay looked over the couch at them, “Who’s Damian?”
Dick opened his mouth to respond, when Victor and Gar walked in, causing Jay to sit in a way that was forced to be casual, “Hey guys!”
Gar immediately sniffed, and then sneezed, looking at Jay with a frown, “Are you wearing Nautica?”
He gave him little finger guns, “It’s… Adidas.” Jay grinned, in a ‘my lies have worked’ sort of way. 
“It’s… too much, that’s what it is, Brah.”
“You vaguely smell like the boy’s locker room.” Victor went to sit next to Jay, where Lian immediately started playing with the blue lightbulb things in his cyberskeleton. “I saw videos from you visiting that hospital. Is Robin taking a more domestic approach to vigilantism?”
“Sure,” Jay crossed his arms, sank deeper into the couch, and gave Victor a half smile “But not in the way you’d think.” Just then, younger Dick and Kori walked in. Minus Donna, Jason was pretty sure that was the current Titans lineup, so… Jay snorted, “Looks like Kyle’s officially useless.”
Younger Dick looked like he was about to lecture Jay about being nice but his expression turned to concern, “Have you been eating enough?”
“Hi Kori, hello to you too, oh least favorite brother of mine.”
“I–” Dick frowned, “Did Bruce adopt another one?”
“Nah. Not yet at least.” Jay carefully stood up and gestured to the rec room “I actually wanted to talk with you about something.”
Jay crutched over to sit on the armchair in the rec room as Dick closed the door, “Is everything ok?”
The concern on his face was clear as day. And Jay knew before coming that he would notice something was up. He was sure the only reason he had Bruce and Alfred and everyone in the manor relatively fooled is because they’ve seen him every day while his health declined. Dick on the other hand– the last time he saw him was a month ago while he was dancing, flipping, and singing on stage. Now, Jay could barely make it up a flight of stairs without being winded.
But this was supposed to be a fun, happy trip. For his future. He doesn’t want to think about a stupid tumor that will be gone hopefully before Christmas. 
Maybe he could write his Common App essay on it.
“Jason?” Somehow Dick had made his way towards him and was now sitting on the arm of the couch Jay was on. 
He blinked. Thoughts. Right. Words, “Whaddya think about Tim?”
Dick tilted like he didn’t understand what Jason was getting at, “I think he’s nice. I’m glad to see you making friends.”
“Ok, cool. That’s great. So, I’ve been trainin’ him, but not like too much, with simulations, I haven’t told Bruce yet, but I think, he’s a good fighter and–”
“Time out,” Dick held up a hand, “I think you’re forgetting to mention a couple of things. What are you training him for?”
“To be Robin. Duh. What else? I’m askin’ if ya think he’d be a good fit. Cus ya know, you’re the first.”
There was a pause, “Did… Bruce fire you again?”
Jay shook his head, “Nah, I’m choosin’ to retire. That way things’ll be smoother when I start che…ollege. College.”
Dick smirked, “So you’re planning on filling Bruce’s nest before it becomes empty.”
He tilted his head side to side, “More or less, yeah, but I wanted to get your… blessing? Yeah, blessing, to pass down the mantle.”
“Look at you.” There was a soft smile on his face, “All mature and grown up.” He paused, “But you’re not allowed to be taller than me.”
“Dude… No need to rub it in. I’m not planning on swimming through wiper fluid anytime soon. Or ever.” 
“What, Little Wing? Don’t want eternal youth? Ra’s skin is just glowing. Maybe radioactive, but glowing.”
Jay grinned and rolled his eyes, “But seriously, do you think Tim would be a good fit? Cus, if not, I dunno, you can choose–”
“I think Tim’s a great choice. Mainly because the alternate versions of us seem to already know him, but also, you’re the one who currently has the yellow cape. If you think it would fit around Tim’s shoulders, then I support that.”
“...technically, a nine year old has it.”
Dick chuckled and ruffled Jay’s hair, “Then he’s gonna have to get that kid’s approval.” He slid down the arm of the chair so they were both sharing the armchair.
Jay shoved at him, “Get off! Your giant tushie is crushing me!”
Dick, like his namesake, just made himself even more comfortable, “So, are you planning on joining the Titans? Got a new name picked out?”
Jay tried again to make more room for himself to no avail. And God was trying to fight with Dick tiring, so he just crossed his arms, “I told ya. I’m retirin’. No capes. No kevlar. Just Jason Todd-Wayne.”
Dick looked at him like he didn’t believe him, “Like… no more vigilantism. Period.”
“Mmmhm.” he tightened the velcro to his knee brace.
“Are you sure everything is alright?”
He nodded, shifting under Dick’s scrutiny. There’s no way Dick could actually figure out Jay had cancer, though. He might be having the same train of thought older Dick had, but Dick didn’t have enough context clues.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but I’m here if it’s something you feel like you can’t talk to Bruce or Alfred about.” Dick paused, “Or if it’s something you should tell Bruce or Alfred, but just… can’t.”
He could.. 
Jay had to be the one to tell Bruce. He had to hold it together for him. He couldn’t act like a scared little kid who needed to hide behind his older brother, “I’ve just been pretty stressed recently. And I know that my workload is just gonna get heavier, and I love helping people, and I loved being Robin, don’t get me wrong, but… I can’t anymore.”
“Jason, I’m not going to get angry at you for growing up. I just wanted to make sure you were doing it on your own accord. Not because someone was forcing you to put down the cape.”
“Bruce didn’t fire me again, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“Well, yeah, but also, do you want blueberry pancakes?” Code for ‘are you being blackmailed.’
He gave him a small smile, “I’m retirin’ on my own accord. I was plannin’ on doing it eventually, but…” He shrugged, “Universal signs and all that jazz.”
Dick gestured towards the knee brace, “Was it the dislocated knee?”
“Actually, it was getting three fevers in one month.”
“So that’s why you look like a sick Victorian child who just recovered from scarlet fever.”
Jay huffed and leaned back into the couch, “Well that wasn’t a nice thing to say.”
Jason does not understand why he agreed to come here. Yeah, he was kinda friends with Roy, and Kori, and Donna, but not this version of them, and it is so weird being about the same age as all of them. 
Currently, Jay, Dick (the younger one) and Donna were touring NYU. Dick (his brother), Roy, Lian, and Gar were outside teaching Lian how to do cartwheels, Kori was out running errands, because now the Titans were throwing Jay a retirement party, and… he had no clue what everyone else was doing. 
Doesn’t matter anyways. He was in his own little bubble re-reading A Death in the Family by James Agee because Jason was a masochist and wanted to see if the comic from that one universe drew inspiration from the novel or if they just used the title.
He heard someone entering the room, and based on their gait, it wasn't Cyborg, who tended to have a heavier step, so process of elimination, “Skidaddle, Rayner. You’re infecting the room with green vibes.” Now, did Jason have a reason to hate this version of Kyle? No. Not really. But Jay obviously had his qualms against the dude, so Jason did too.
Rayner, like the nuisance he was, sat down on the couch perpendicular to Jason, “Are you magic or something?”
Was Kyle trying to condescend him? Not him, but Jay, but that was still him. Jason looked up to fix him with a deadpan stare, “Take a wild guess.”
That got Kyle to slightly shift in his seat. Wimp. This wasn’t even his half deadpan. And contrary to popular belief, Jason could be nice, so he went back to reading.
Except someone obviously didn’t take the hint that he didn’t want to be bothered and he could feel him staring at him. Back during his multiversal game of cat and mouse, usually when Rayner started staring at him, it ended with fists flying.
“Do I have something on my face?” He asked without looking up from his book. It was probably such a Bruce move, but oh well. Some Batman things work.
“I’m just confused on how you’re supposed to be Robin.”
He raised an eyebrow, “What, picturing me in the green shorts?”
“I wasn’t.” A pause, “It’s just, primary colors don’t seem to fit the ‘Angst Ridden Bad Boy’ aesthetic you’ve got going on. At least the younger Jason’s a theater kid, so it makes–”
Jason side eyed Rayner, “I will smack you back into orbit, if you do not shut your trap.” It was typical of him to somehow jab at him and Jay at the same time.
Kyle just shrugged and flipped the pages of a sketchbook, “Feels like an empty threat, but ok.”
Before Jason could prove him wrong, the elevator opened, and Dick, Donna, and Jay poured out. 
“.--the Bobst library was… It probably holds more books than the library on the Watchtower.
God, it was behemothic.” Jay crutched over to the couch Jason was sitting on, handed his crutches to him, and then flopped onto the couch.
Jason balanced the crutches against the couch, “How was NYU?”
“Huge. And… pulchritudinous. In a modern art-deco sorta sense. There’s a lotta windows.” Jay was forcing himself not to breathe heavily, but so he probably wasn’t letting on how tired he actually was.
Dick definitely picked up on it, because he handed Jay a water bottle and sat next to Kyle, catching a glance at his sketchbook, looked at Jason, and then frowned like he was mentally adding a conversation to be had.
Donna sat next to Jay, “The tour guide was nice. She made sure to stop and talk at places where there was seating in case Jason needed a break.”
“Which, I didn’t, because I’m a vigilante, but I took them because a normal civilian wouldn’t have my stamina.”
Dick leaned forwards in his seat, “Sure, Jase. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Except, Jay couldn’t sleep at night. The throb in his knee was pretty much unbearable at this point. The pain was alway worse at night. 
He left Dick’s room as quietly as he could– since the guest room had been built, he’d been sleeping there, but since older Jason and Dick were here, he was fine with going back to rooming with Dick. Pillow walls.
He didn’t even know what he was gonna do, walk it off? He could barely do that. Honestly, it made his tibia feel even more like a crispy sponge, rather than a bone. God, that’s basically what it was. 
He probably wouldn’t even have his leg for much longer, would he? It’s been at least two months. What if it–
Nope. It probably didn’t. Otherwise he’d feel worse. Right? 
Jay was so lost in thought, he almost walked straight into Gar. Who was looking at him like he’d just been shot or–
“I knew it was smelling off earlier… you– Jason, your scent is off.”
He felt his ears start to ring as the blood rushed from his face, “I mean I… am going through… puberty.”
His face contorted into something on the edge of worried and confused, “Jason, you smell like… you smell like a tumor.” 
“Maybe… someone on the tour had cancer.”
Gar sniffed again, and slowly shook his head, “Maybe we should go sit down, and then I’ll get Dick–”
“No! Don’t tell him!” It was a whisper shout, but even he could hear the panic in his voice.
He frowned, “You know?”
Welp, there goes plausible deniability. There goes hoping it wasn’t actually cancer and he was just overreacting. “Well… I assumed? I wasn’t fully sure. But I guess, now I know.” He hated the way his voice cracked on that last word. He couldn’t even get angry to get Gar off his back on this because his knee fucking hurt and he just wanted to sleep, but he couldn’t because cancer is stupid. “Just– please don’t Dick. I haven’t even told Batman about it yet–I’ll bake you cookies or something. The jam-filled ones that you like?”
“Dude, you–” Gar covered his face with his hands, and–
This was going to be the end of it wasn’t it? He doesn’t know how he managed to get Jason to agree to keep quiet, but he has a strong feeling he accidentally manipulated him. And currently, the only way he knows how to manipulate Gar is by bribing him.
Gar took in a breath, “When are you planning on telling your boss?”
“When I get back.” He saw him glance at Dick’s door, “Please, Gar. I know that once I get back to Gotham, it’s just going to be test after test, and then treatments until… December at the earliest, and… I just… I need this week to be normal.”
Gar stared at him– no, not at him. Through him. “Ok.” Gar sighed and ran his hand through his hair, “I… I get wanting that week of normal, and I know the testing sucks, but the sooner you start those treatments the sooner you’ll get better, dude.”
“It’s just three days.” Jay of all people knew how much could happen in three days. How things could go horribly wrong over a weekend, “I don’t wanna cause him any grief. Please.”
Gar took one long look at Dick’s door, and then turned around to head back towards his own room, but paused at the door, “My mom bought a box of Hertzoggies after my dad cured me from Sakutia.” He looked back at Jay, “We can share a box of cookies together next year.”
Jay gave him a small smile that hopefully said I don’t think I could ever repay you and I’m sorry for manipulating you even though it was a complete accident and I didn’t know.
He was in a room full of a mountain of red, green, and yellow. But the colors were dull. They weren’t as bright as they should be. They were muddy, and brown and… covered in blood. 
Bruce was carrying bodies. One at a time. Each of them in a pristine black suit, placing them each in a coffin. When he looked back to the pile of suits, they were all lined up, each in cases on display. Like a museum of dead robins.
It wasn’t just a museum of dead robins.
It was a museum of dead Jasons.
Each with a plaque at the bottom saying a good soldier, a good soldier, a good soldier.
A uniform too tattered to even tell it was a Robin suit. A uniform covered in ice. A red vest covered in track marks.
A yellow cape with red staining the collar. A case filled with dirt, green gloves barely peeking through the surface. A hollowed out red shirt, intestines still spilling out. 
A costume the size of a toddler covered in cocaine.
Why at the bottom of this case was he still a good soldier?
He closed his eyes. He’s seen too much yellow. He’s seen too much green. He’s seen too much red. 
It’s too much red.
He bumped into Bruce assembling a case. One that didn’t have a suit inside of it. At least not yet. 
Not yet.
Jason was on edge. In all fairness, it was the 26th. But he was going to blame the nightmare and just forget the major trauma anniversary, because hell yeah.
He forced himself not to bake, because younger Dick had put him on cake duty for Jay’s surprise retirement party tomorrow. They’d get the tower ready while Dick, Donna and Jay were touring Columbia. 
Honestly, Jason was glad for the distraction planned tomorrow, but that didn’t help him with the fact he needed a distraction today. 
He found Jay in the living room, half curled up on the couch, a book close to falling out of his hands, because he was asleep. Didn’t even wake up with Jason’s approach. 
He carefully placed a pillow under Jay’s head, and moved  the book on the coffee table. Where, from underneath, a green dog was looking at him. But Gar’s body was angled towards the entrance to the living room.
Kinda like he was guarding Jay.
Hold up, Jay wasn’t wearing any cologne to mask the scent of the tumor. So Gar knows. Did… he tell Dick? Because Dick would probably immediately call Bruce, and thank fuck.
But if Dick knew, he would probably call off the retirement party, because lowkey, it’s a happy cancer! Party with context.
So Dick probably didn’t know. So why was Gar keeping this?
He debated asking, but then Rayner walked in the room, looked like he was going to say something, but immediately closed his mouth when Jason shot him a glare– No. When Gar let out a low growl.
Yup. Gar definitely knew. And if that was Gar’s reaction to someone about to get into Jay’s space while he was sleeping, he was trustworthy enough. 
Jason exited the living room, dragging Rayner by the upper arm, as they made their way to the stairs, “Wanna spar?”
Kyle frowned and then shrugged, “Ok.”
Boom. Distraction found. And he gets to beat up Rayner. 
The next day, Jason was slicing up bananas and a pineapple to go in between the layers of the hummingbird cake he was making, when (his brother) Dick wandered in to check on him. 
“Need any help?”
Jason’s knee jerk reaction would’ve been to say no, but something about how close he’d gotten to Dick in the past few months made Jason hold up a banana and the pineapple, “Which would you like to cut? The bananas, or the ananas.”
That caused Dick to grin, “English is so weird. They just had to be special with their pineapple.” 
Jason looked at the fruit in question, “It is pine-y, I’ll give it that, but you can not tell me this looks like an apple in the slightest.”
“It's fragrant, and an excellent fruit. Ananas fit so much better.”
Dick took the pineapple and one of the heavy duty knives, and started chopping it up.
Jason finished slicing the bananas, so he moved onto the cream cheese frosting. 
Dikc had finished cutting off the peel and had moved to quartering the pineapple, “Do you remember the first time we cooked together?”
“The time when we made the sarmale mofongo fusion, just to see if they’d work out, but then the bat signal went off, so we were rushing to finish off Killer Moth before accidentally burning them?”
“That was one crazy night, wasn’t it?” Dick chuckled, “No, I’m talking about the time we were cooking here. I think you were thirteen? Maybe you had just turned fourteen. It was over that summer.”
Jason frowned, trying to remember, but he couldn’t. If this trip was teaching him anything, it was that he didn’t remember as much as he thought he did. He shook his head.
“We made tochitura together.” He could see Dick smile at himself, “You had to climb the counter to reach the cornmeal for the polenta. And, I had made tochitura with Alfred, and on my own, loads of times before then. And I loved Alfred’s cooking, but there was always something missing.” Dick stopped chopping to look at him, “I’ve had this conversation with the Titans in the past, and I guess the feeling is like missing your parent’s cooking.”
Jason nodded, though he doesn’t think he could remember missing their cooking. Just cooking with them. 
“Whenever I cook with you it tastes like… it tastes like them. It tastes like Haley’s. Like a rest stop in the middle of nowhere, and coming back to the stove every five minutes asking when the food will be ready. It tastes like family.” 
“Oh.” Jason suddenly had a really dumb thought, “You had a ratatouille moment?”
Dick blinked, “Oh, fuck you, yes. I did. But I was actually getting somewhere.”
“That was the moment I knew you were my family. Just wanted to let you know. And, I’m glad you’re alive.”
“Oh.” Jason cleared his throat, and dipped a spoon into the cream cheese frosting, holding out for Dick. “You’re a good older brother.”
The Columbia Campus was supposed to be smaller than the NYU campus. At least that’s what he read online. So It should be less tiring. Which was why Jay decided to leave his crutches in the car. Dick was starting to suspect something was up with him, and he had to prove to him he was ok.
Not prove per-say, just… show.
And ignore the glare Dick gave him when he said he’d be fine without them. What a hypocrite. When he came to yell at Bruce last year, his leg was hurt and he definitely wasn’t using crutches.
The tour group was much bigger than their tour group for NYU, and the tour guide was definitely giving the vibes of not wanting to be there.
Jay, Dick, and Donna, had started off in the front of the tour group when they were at the Manzanita Welcome Desk, but now that they were fifteen minutes into the tour, they were starting to trickle towards the middle.
He had run around the entire city of Gotham while he was homeless. He was not getting tired walking around 32 acres.
He picked up his pace. 
A mother of a kid on the tour glanced at him in concern, and he gave her a little smile. 
He didn’t need pity. He didn’t need his memory of visiting his dream school to be tainted with the fact that–
No. He’s not even going to think about it right now. He’s just going to finish this tour, talk to some of the academic advisors for the pre-med track, and then, take a big fat nap.
He let himself trickle towards the back of the group, so he wouldn’t hold anyone up. Dick and Donna followed suit.
Donna frowned, “Are you sure you don’t want me to go get your crutches?”
“I’m fine.” but his breaths were coming out heavier. And they were more than a couple steps behind the group now.
The group started to slow as they passed the Alma Mater statue.
The mother from earlier glanced back at them, and then looked at her son pulling out her phone, “Can we pause here? I want to get a photo of my son with the statue.”
The guy’s ear turned pink, “Mom…”
Jay knew she was just being nice. And he was grateful for it, for the wiggle room. But he wasn’t helpless. 
He was Robin for crying out loud. He was fighting 4 rogues a week two months ago. He was doing six flips a night six weeks ago, while dancing and singing. He was carrying bodies out of a building rigged to explode less than a month ago.
Yet he couldn’t even keep up with a stupid tour guide who didn’t even want to be there. 
He was dully aware of the fact that the mother had finished taking pictures, and they were starting up again.
He was panting, like he’d just run a marathon, and both his legs were aching, and his heart was pounding, and–
How much has his health regressed in the past month?
How close was he to–
He felt the blood drain from every limb in his body, leaving his ears ringing. 
The concrete beneath him began to feel like he was lost out in the sea. Tilting from left to right–
Something gripped his upper arm, as he buckled into something firm. Something steady. And he thinks that firm-steady thing was guiding him somewhere.
But he couldn’t breathe. Something was in his trachea and was stopping him from breathing.
What if it was the tumor?
There was a light thumping under his hand, as it slowly rose and fell. “Alright Jason, breathe with me so I don’t look like an idiot over here. In…” His hand rose, “and out…” and fell. 
He tried to take a deep breath as his hand rose, but his breath hitched, causing him to fully break down. All he could hear was the static-y sound of blood rushing back into his ears.
“I can’t…” 
“You breathe every day Jay. In fact–”
“W-What if I can’t. What if it metastasizes? What if I can’t– what if I can’t go here, and, and never become a doctor and–” He let himself build dreams and he could hear the castles crumbling in the distance.
“Jason?” Dick’s voice was quiet, and barely audible. Dragging Jason back to the present.
They were sitting on the steps next to the Alma Mater. Their tour group was farther off, but not close enough to where they could hear them, and Donna was gone.
Jay wiped his cheeks, frowning, “Where’d Donna…” He trailed off when he saw the look on Dick’s face. When he realized the words he’d let slip out. 
“She, uh, she went to go get your crutches.” Dick swallowed, “Jason–” His voice cracked, and his eyes turned glossy. He opened one arm for a hug
Jay’s eyes began to burn again, as he dove into Dick’s embrace, “Please don’t cry.” he mumbled into his shirt.
“I’m not gonna– it’s just allergy season.” though, he could hear how fast Dick’s heart was beating. How short his breaths were. 
“I–” it was just three words. Why could he never bring himself to say it? “My mom… she had cancer.” 
Dick’s heart changed pace, but his voice was even when he next spoke, “I didn’t know that. What type did she have?” 
“Wanky janky bones.”
He felt Dick nod his head slowly.
That was supposed to make him laugh, why wasn’t he laughing?
“Are you sure?”
How much he wished he could say ‘no, I’m not sure, actually, I could just be overthinking’
Jay assumed Dick took his silence as a yes, because he held onto him tighter.
Dick pulled away, to look Jay in the eyes, incredulity clear on his face, “Bruce hasn’t noticed yet, has he? There’s two of them in the manor, how–how’d you get away with– did you not get an x-ray of your knee when you dislocated it? Fuck, you broke it– Is it the same one that’s been bothering you since the musical?”
“...yeah.” Jay undid the velcro to his knee brace and then tightened it. “Uh, I think Bruce forgot about that.”
“Bruce? Forget? We are talking about the same man, right?”
“Yeah…” To be fair, older Jason’s dissociation face was one of the most uncanny valley things Jay’s seen in his life.  “To be fair, I am a master at distraction.”
Dick raised his eyebrows, “Is there a reason you’re not telling Bruce?”
“Well, I…” rip, stick, rip, stick. “I dunno. At first I was makin’ sure everything would be in place so that it wouldn’t be like I was… pullin’ the rug out from under Bruce’s feet.”
Dick looked like the puzzle pieces were falling into place. “So… things will be smoother when you start… chemotherapy.”
Jason nodded and started picking at a hangnail, “And once I got everything in place…I just, I could never find the right time to tell Bruce.” Jay chewed the inside of his cheek, “I was close to tellin’ him last week. Back when we were visitin’ all the kids at Gotham General. And he was talkin’ to one of the dad’s and I don’t think there’s gonna be a way for me to tell Bruce without completely throwing him off kilter because he said– Bruce said, ‘I don’t know what I would do if I found out if one of my sons were sick.’ How am I supposed to tell him now?” He leaned into Dick’s shoulder, “I want to tell him. I need to tell him, but–”
“Jason. There’s no ‘buts’ here.” His voice was soft but firm, “Tomorrow, we’ll go back to Gotham together. We’ll sit Bruce down, and if you can’t bring yourself to tell him, I will. Ok?”
Jay nodded. Throat closing up with another whimper he refused to let out. 
Dick moved his arm so he was holding Jay more comfortably, and rested his chin on Jason’s head, “Te iubesc.”
I love you.
“Dick…” His eyes burned as he lost any semblance of composure he had gained. As more hot tears rolled down his cheeks. As he buried his face in Dick’s shirt. “I’m so scared.”
“Atunci te voi proteja, aripa mea mică. Mereu.”
Then I’ll protect you, my little wing. Always.
Dick called Donna  to ask her to bring the car closer to the Low Memorial Library. They didn’t finish the tour, nor did Jason get to meet with an academic advisor for the pre-med track, they ended up going back to Titans Tower earlier than they had planned
Dick got out of the car and went to help Jay, but he brushed him off, “I’m tired, not helpless.”
Dick opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but stopped himself before he could
This week couldn’t have just been normal like he planned it to be? Why couldn’t his bones just… be normal, and grow how they were supposed to? Why…
Why couldn’t he just have a normal life? 
The doors to the elevator opened and suddenly confetti was littering the air, and the first thing his eyes caught sight of was a banner that said “Happy Retirement!”
He could feel the twin cringes from both Donna and Dick. And, since he was an actor he had to play the part. He turned around with his hand covering his mouth, “You guys… you didn’t have to do this for me.”
But, maybe Dick and Donna were way too visibly anguished to the rest of the Titans, to just brush it off, because they had various levels of confusion and concern written on their faces.
Kori was the first to speak up, “What’s wrong?”
Neither Dick nor Donna answered her question, and Jay shrugged and started crutching towards the couch, “Ooh! Cake.”
Almost immediately after he sat down, Lian came running towards him, and pounced, “Happy we-tiwerd-mend!”
Except, she had jumped right onto his knee. Causing numbness to buzz the area before crackling white hot pain took over. And his stupid dry eyes decided they were going to tear up, again.
Suddenly, Roy was squatting in front of him, like he was a little kid, which he wasn’t. He wasn’t. “Are you ok, Jace?”
“Yeah.” He angrily scrubbed at his eyes. He’s been through worse pain, why was he acting like such a baby now.  “Tibias are so futile.”
Roy looked confused, but still nodded.
He glanced at older Jason, and– “For fucks sake, half of you already know.” He buried his face in his hands. “One of you guys can share with the class.” 
There was a beat of silence before Gar cleared his throat, “Jason, um… Jason has cancer.”
Everyone was frozen in place. Except for Lian, who tugged his sleeve, “What’s cancer?”
Jay gave her a little smile, “It just means I’m sick.”
“Does your tummy hurd? My tummy hurds when I’m sick.”
Jay let out a little chuckle, “Nah, my tummy doesn’t hurt. But I’m a lot more… tired than I used to be.”
“You do look weally tiward.” 
“Thanks, Lian. Now that that’s settled, can we have cake?”
No one answered, except for Lian, “I wan cake too!”
He scooted around Roy so he could reach the coffee table and cut a slice for himself and Lian. And sometime while he had moved to cut the cake, everyone had unfrozen and started to move, but he was ignoring them. He was going to enjoy his cake and ignore the pity. He doesn’t need pity. 
They were currently back in the guest room where Dick was passive aggressively packing his things, “Why did I think this universe would be any different? This whole time–”
“Oi! You say that like he’s already dead.”
“Positive vibes, my ass.” 
“Well, forgive me for trying not to lose my mind while watching different versions of myself die in every single universe we go–”
The door opened, then closed, and there stood younger Dick, “Excuse me, what?” Then he shook his head, “You know what, I– that’s not what I wanted to talk to you guys about, and I’m going to assume that was a hyperbole, and please don’t tell me because I will not be able to focus on what I wanted to talk with you guys about.” He took in a deep breath, “How, in a house filled with detectives, did no one figure out that my brother was sick?”
And that was Dick’s ‘I’m about to beat the shit out of someone’ voice. Jason was going to get the biggest ass beating of his life by Dick– by both Dicks. 
Older Dick sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through his hair, “In hindsight it was so obvious, and I thought something was up a month ago, but I thought he was just depressed. I checked in with him and– I knew something was wrong, I just didn’t think it would be…”
Younger Dick’s eyes flickered towards him and then he frowned, “But you knew.” 
He was going to die again, this time by his brother's hand. God, he always thought he was Cain. “I did try to get Jason to tell Bruce himself. And when it was clear he wasn’t going to do it, I tried to tell Bruce and Alfred myself. It's just… It was like there was always something stopping me from doing so. Either Bruce would cut me off with matters he thought was more important, or something would come up and he’d have to leave.”
“Why–” Younger Dick’s phone began to ring, eyes narrowing when he saw the caller ID, and then cut the call. “It was Bruce. Why–” The phone started to ring again, and Dick hung up again. Then it rang a third time. 
“For fucks sake,” Older Dick answered the call, and motioned for him to answer.
Younger Dick put the phone up to his ear and then frowned, “You’re not my Bruce.” a pause, “Yeah, they’re both here with me right now.” The amount of guilt laced in Dick’s expression could probably fill up an entire swimming pool, “Yeah, he probably didn’t pick up because he’s taking a nap.” Dick handed the phone over to Jason.
He frowned and glanced at Older Dick. Why would Bruce want to just talk to him? “What’s up, Old Man?”
“Nothing really. I just wanted to check in with you. Are you… are you doing alright?”
“...Yeah? Why wouldn’t I–” And then it hit him, “Oh. I forgot it was the 27th.” 
He saw the Dicks sign something back and forth between each other– Older Dick explaining what’s up with the 27th. Minus the death part.
“I suppose that’s most likely because it’s not even April in our universe.”
“Yeah. Probably.” Jason paused, “Are… you doing ok?”
“Of course.”
“...ok… I’m gonna give the phone to Dick– Like, our Di- Richard.” he handed the phone over to him.
Younger Dick made eye contact with him and signed, Clearly a retirement party, today of all days, was just a bad idea all around.
Jason shrugged, You didn’t know.
I should have.
Stop with the guilt. Doesn’t create solutions. 
“--Ok, Bruce, I’ll– yeah. Can you give the phone to other Bruce? Dick needs to talk to him.” Younger Dick made a deer in headlight look and Older Dick signed, Tell your B-R-U-C-E that you’re coming. Give him a heads up.
Younger Dick flipped him off and took the phone, pausing for a minute. “Hey Bruce.” his mouth was pressed into a tight line, “We… had to leave earlier than we planned.” Dick’s knee started to bounce, as he looked down to his shoes, “No. There wasn’t any attack or anything. Have you… have you noticed anything about Jason recently?” Dick’s eyes turned glossy, as his face scrunched up, and he looked up at the ceiling.“No– well, Bruce he’s–” Dick sniffled, while older Dick went to put a hand on his shoulder, “Bruce, he–” a tear escaped from his eyes, and he buried his face in his hands, “This… this isn’t really a conversation to have over the phone. I know you’re probably thinking of the–” Dick paused, “No. It’s urgent, but not that urgent. We’re leaving tomorrow anyway.” He let out a shaky breath, “Yeah, I’m coming back to Gotham. For Jason. He wants to tell you. So when he tells you, can you just listen to him? Please?” a watery smile appeared on his face, “Yeah, I’m ok. I’m ok. I didn’t think I would– ugh.” He wiped his eyes, “This is embarrassing.” His eyes began to water again, “I-I love you too. Yeah. See you tomorrow.” Dick hung up and rubbed his eyes pretty aggressively, “Fuck.”
(Author here, I was debating whether or not to include this scene, but yk what, I will)
Jason shouldn’t have expected anything else from Younger Dick. Or any Dick for that matter
It was the next day, and the four of them were currently in the car, with the Dicks in the front, (Dick was driving) and the Jasons in the back. (Jason had lost the battle for the passenger seat.)
Jason glanced at Older Dick who was tapping the steering wheel while humming.
“And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end; Masters of the scene; We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more.”
And then he turned back to Jay and Dick who were both fully into the song, pointing at him with a huge grin on his face, “You know what I mean”
Honestly, it was really fun if he ignored the impending doom of death lurking in the corner.
He grinned, and sang along “Voulez-vous (aha)”
Maybe the sooner they left the reality, the better chance it gave Jay of beating cancer. 
“Voulez-vous (aha)...”
Incongruities must be purged. Jesus, that voice was getting too loud. Where’s his mind-muffler?
The song ended, and– “Is this real? Is this a fanta–” Then is skipped to the next song. 
By Richard, and his little driver’s seat skip button.
No one skips Queen. He was glad Jay was on the same page as him.
Older Dick glanced over, “Dick, I’m begging you, please don’t. Please. If I have to listen to Jason belt Bohemi–”
Jay looked at Older Dick, through the rearview mirror with hurt laced in his expression, “Are you saying you don’t like my voice?”
“No! Not yours–”
“But… we’re the same person.”
“Bud… you’ve barely hit puberty.”
Jay’s jaw dropped, as Jason had to turn to the window too conceal a laugh.
Jay gave younger Dick’s shoulder his ‘kicked puppy’ expression (that Jason could no loner pull off) and Dick changed the song back. 
“NO!! Wait! What about–”
“Is this real?”
Younger Dick patted his shoulder, “How bad could it possibly be?”
Jay and Jason turned to eachother,“Is this a fantasy?
Older Dick glared at him, “It’s only bad with context–”
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality”
Jason smirked, “But Dick, Now you have more context.  Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see; I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy; Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low; Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me.”
Older Dick knocked his head against the steering wheel.
“Mama, just killed a man; Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead; Mama, life had just begun; But now I've gone and thrown it all away”
Dick looked back to him, “Holy fuck, Jaso–”
“Mama, ooh, didn't mean to make you cry; If I'm not back again this time tomorrow; Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.
“Too late, my time has come; Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time; Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go; Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.”
Jay grabbed his arm,“Mama, ooh;I don't wanna– dude… get a therapist.”
Younger Dick looked between Older Dick and Jay, “Am I missing something?”
Jason shrugged, “I see a little silhouetto of a man; Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?”
Jay… was going to throw up. He was going to puke. Yeah, the car ride was a great distraction, but as soon as the Gotham air hit, it was like a tsunami of anxiety decided to wash him clean.
Alfred met them in the garage, where Dick (his brother) immediately wrapped him in a hug, “Master Dick, it’s lovely to see you.” 
“Yeah, Alfie, you too.”
Jay tried to crutch past the two, but Alfred obviously noticed, “Ah, Master Jason. Master Bruce wishes to speak with you in the library.”
He was going to scream. He was going to scream. He was going to scream. “Oh. Not the study?’
“He specifically requested the library.”
A place where he would be comfortable. Does Bruce know something was up? “Ok.” He glanced at Dick, who gave him a pressed smile and followed him to the library.
And there Bruce was waiting on the couch. With his look of concern slightly masked, “Hello boys.” he was sitting on the corner of the couch, so that Jay could sit closer or farther from him if need be.
Jay sat right next to him, “Hey, Bruce. How was your week with Bruce?” A decent amount of the poetry books they usually read out of were stacked on the coffee table, along with a pot of tea, and some cups. So Bruce knew something was wrong.
He felt the couch dip on the other side of him, and knew Dick sat down.
Bruce moved his arm so that it was behind Jay, resting on the back of the couch, “I suddenly understand why the both of you dislike it when I only communicate like a caveman.” A joke. To lighten up the mood. Bruce barely ever cracks jokes. He cleared his throat when it was obvious the joke didn’t really land, “I couldn’t imagine what losing you would–” Bruce cut himself off. 
Jay looked back at Dick who was making his ‘Wrong step!’ face. 
So… had Dick already told him– no. 
Bruce would’ve had him go straight to Leslie’s clinic. He reached for one of the poetry books on the table. One from “Goblin Market and Other Poems” By Christina Rossetti. Jay leaned his head against Bruce’s chest, and flipped to one of the pages marked with a post it note.
He smirked up at Bruce, “My secret I tell my secret? No indeed, not I: Perhaps some day, who knows? But not to-day; it froze, and blows, and snows, And you're too curious: fie!You want to hear it? Well: Only, my secret's mine, and I won't tell.”
“Jason, you have to tell him.”
“Richard, it’s what’s written on the page.” Jay cleared his throat and looked back down at the book “Or, after all, perhaps there's none: Suppose there is no secret after all, But only just my fun. To-day's a nipping day, a biting day; In which one wants a shawl, A veil, a cloak, and other wraps: I cannot ope to every one who taps, And let the draughts come whistling through my hall; Come bounding and surrounding me, Come buffeting, astounding me, Nipping and clipping through my wraps and all. I wear my mask for warmth: who ever shows, His nose to Russian snows, To be pecked at by every wind that blows? You would not peck? I thank you for good will, Believe, but leave that truth untested still.
“Spring's an expansive time: yet I don't trust; March with its peck of dust, Nor April with its rainbow-crowned brief showers, Nor even May, whose flowers; One frost may wither through the sunless hours.
“Perhaps some languid summer day, When drowsy birds sing less and less, And golden fruit is ripening to excess, If there's not too much sun nor too much cloud, And the warm wind is neither still nor loud, Perhaps my secret I may say, Or you may guess.” Jay looked up at Buce. “Does the self proclaimed world’s greatest detective have a guess?”
Bruce hummed, deep and rumbly to the point where Jay could feel the vibrations, “You’ve decided you want Tim to be the next Robin… because you’ve been tired recently?”
Jay nodded. He could hear Bruce’s heartbeat. Even and strong. His, on the other hand, was racing like a rabbit. 
He flipped the pages to the poem Mirage, “The hope I dreamed of was a dream, ⁠⁠Was but a dream; and now I wake; Exceeding comfortless, and worn, and old, ⁠⁠For a dream's sake.
I hang my harp upon a tree, ⁠⁠A weeping willow in a lake; I hang my silenced harp there, wrung and snapt, ⁠⁠For a dream's sake.
Lie still, lie still, my breaking heart; ⁠⁠My silent heart, lie still and break: Life, and the world, and mine own self, are changed; ⁠⁠For a dream's sake.”
He felt Bruce’s heart do a weird ker-sloosh before evening out again, “Jay… Lad, you don’t have to tell me right now, or at all, if you don’t want to. If you’re not ready to.”
“No. I have to tell you. Cus it’s been at least a month and–”
“At least a month?” Oh, that was his Batman growl.
Jay sat up, “I dunno, I was tryin’ to ignore it, but…”
Dick covered his face with his hands, “Holy… wrong conclusion, Batman.Also, this is a Bruce issue. There’s no one to punch, ok?” He crossed his arms over his chest and sank down into the couch, looking Jay in the eye, then to Bruce, then at Jay’s knee.
He continued flipping through the book, “I’ve been, uh, I’ve been thinkin’ about my mom recently. Kinda because I didn’t realize how many of her mannerisms I have until seein’ ‘em in other Jason. And he’s hers in the ways that count, but he wasn’t even born of her womb.” He cringed at that phrasing, “Not like I was.” He looked up from the page he landed on, tracing the design of the rug with his foot, “Remember when I got that first really bad fever? And then another one and then another one? I– I didn’t want to– I–” He cut himself off as his throat began to close up. 
He already cried in front of Dick, which was bad enough. He had to be strong about this. For Bruce. 
He looked back at the page, “I have no wit, no words, no tears; My heart within me like a stone; Is numb'd too much for hopes or fears; Look right, look left, I dwell alone; I lift mine eyes, but dimm'd with grief; No everlasting hills I see; My life is in the falling leaf:O Jesus, quicken me.
My life is like a faded leaf, My harvest dwindled to a husk: Truly my life is void and brief; And tedious in the barren dusk; My life is like a frozen thing, No bud nor greenness can I see: Yet rise it shall—the sap of Spring;” He took in a deep breath, “Gar basically confirmed it when I saw him, but I kinda knew before.” 
Three words. 
He could say them.
Dick grabbed his hand.
 I…” He felt his lips start to pull down, so he bit the side of his cheek, and looked Bruce in the eyes. And he knew that look. Bruce had put it together, but was just waiting for him to actually say it. To confirm. 
His eyes started to burn, “Dad.”
His vision was too blurry to actually see Bruce’s reaction, but he felt his arms engulf him. He heard his heart against his ear. He felt his hand smooth out the curls on the nape of his neck.
“We’ll figure this out, Jason. I promise.” Bruce murmured, “I promise.”
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shakespearseclipse · 1 year
No one has to know what we do
Summary: Kinda just a prologue, there is not a lot happening, basically reader is Azriels sister and its a modern!au
A/N: Hi guys! My first acotar fanfic wow! I just NEEDED to write for our Highlord. There are not nearly enough fanfics about him and Im so seriously in love with him its not healthy. As always, constructive criticism is appreciated!
Anyone interested in me posting a part 2?
Being Azriel's slightly younger sister, you were not a stranger to his two best friends, well, they were more like brothers really. Cassian and you had always had a sibling-like relationship, but it has always been different between Rhys and you.
When all four of you were children, you would steal both Azriels and Cassians things without even thinking about asking them. When you wanted to borrow something from Rhys, however, you would put on your cutest face, eyes wide, lips slightly curved into a smile, and ask him nicely.

When the four of you were growing up, your three former best friends and you drifted apart slightly. You quickly found your own friends and didn't spend much time with the trio. But the separation did nothing to end your little crush. Quite the opposite happened, whenever you would see Rhys, you would become overly nervous and giggle.
The year you turned eightteen and the boys turned nineteen was horrible for your relationship with Azriel. It was the year you brought home your first official boyfriend. You had given up on your stupid fantasy of Rhys falling for you and decided to move on. Your parents weren't overly interested in your boyfriend and you were stupid enough to think that your brother wouldn't either.

One evening, not long after introducing him to your parents, thinking you were home alone, you invited your boyfriend, Tamlin, over. At first, everything seemed to be going well. The two of you ending up on the couch with him on top of you, kissing slowly.
"I still don't get how exactly you managed to tear down the building at the lake, Cass, but-"
Rhys deep voice was silented pretty quickly, when the trio entered the living room, taking in the scene before them, all of them seemingly in a trance. Their expression of utter shock would have been funny, had you not been in a compromising position underneath your boyfriend. You quickly pushed him off, standing up and clearing your throat.
"Hi", you croaked out.
"Hi? Hi? That's what you say after I find you with his tongue down your throat?", Azriel practically spat out, trying and horribly failing to stay calm.
"I think it's best if you leave", you quietly said to Tamlin, trying to get him out before your brother would do something he'd regret.
"Why should I leave? I'm not scared of your brother."
Idiot. Stupid Idiot with a death wish.
Before Azriel could react to the most stupid thing anyone has ever said, Rhysand stepped forward, radiating just as much rage as Az, but seemingly keeping it concealed beneath calm exterior.
"Maybe you should be. If you think you'll win this fight, be my guest. I won't be the one wearing a body cast.", he casually shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips as he imagined your boyfriend in a cast.
Apparently, Tamlin wasn't as fearless as he claimed to be. He swallowed heavily before looking to the floor and leaving without another glance in your direction.
The second Tamlin had left the room, three pairs of eyes strayed to you.
"Since when do you have a boyfriend?", Cassian asked in as nice a tone as he could manage. He didn't exactly love the image of you making out with someone, but he did wish to ease the horrible tension which had befallen the room.
Clearing your throat, you answered: "I've known him a few weeks now."
"Who cares? Why are you going around kissing people? When I was your age-", Azriel started
"Oh please, when you were my age you practically banged the whole neighborhood.", you said, getting slightly agitated with your older brother. The hypocrisy!
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to do."
You could feel three disbelieving stares on your back as you left the room. Just before closing your bedroom door, you could hear Cassians booming laughter.

"Oh she's definitely going to be a lot of trouble for you, Az. When did she become so feisty?", Cassian managed to get out before continuing to laugh.
"Shut up."
Rhysand stayed silent. His mind was jumping back and forth between being pissed about you kissing someone else and the way you just left the three of them standing there afterwards.
"You both have to promise me something.", Az said slowly.
Cassian had managed to stop laughing by then and both Rhys and him were looking at their brother with a question in their eyes.
"No matter what fucking happens, neither of you can ever start anything with my sister"
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hikarry · 4 months
So, while I was sick I was cooking up some ideas so let me throw this imagine at you. I won't be as nice as the others because jello brain, but follow me!
After Season 3, like, way way way after. 30 years after, perhaps. Let's pretend Crowley and Aziraphale didn't destroy Heaven and Hell or turned (argh) humans and that Gabriel is having his happily ever after with Beez, yes? Crowley and Aziraphale are living in the South Downs, Muriel is taking care of the bookshop and Michael is the new supreme archangel, yes? Fantastic. Let's go.
So, Aziraphale is in the workshop working on some book and Crowley is yelling at his plants outside the window when someone calls. Crowley quickly lifts his head and looks at Aziraphale through the window. The angel just waves his hand and goes to the living room where his old phone still is. It was Muriel, once again asking for help.
"Of course, dear. I'll be there in a jiffy." He answers, as per usual. "Crowley, my dear?"
"Yes, angel?" He yells from the garden.
"Can you take a quick break and take me to the bookshop?"
"Argh. You have a bloody license."
"...Do you...want me to drive her?"
"...Gimme a minute!"
It's just the time for Crowley to clean himself and fix his hair (took longer than he would ever admit. Aziraphale was expecting it), and off they went, back to Soho.
"Will you come in, dear?"
"Nah. With luck, it's the same problem as last time and it will take you both hours. I'll make a reservation at the Ritz, go to that bakery you like and-"
"Oh, yes! Please buy some-"
"Chocolate croissants, I know. Anyway, I might pass by the plant nursery and then I'll come back. It takes me a maximum of half an hour. Would you like something to drink?"
"No, love." He leans over and kisses Crowley on the cheek. "I believe Muriel has a lot of tea inside. Mind how you go."
Crowley nods and gives him a quick kiss before Aziraphale leaves the car.
Once inside, with Crowley gone, the bookshop was darker than he expected.
He took a couple more steps when the bookshop's doors closed with a burst of wind and the unforgettable smell of ozone invaded, right before Michael, Muriel, Uriel and Sandalphon appeared in front of him. Muriel looked terrorized. Aziraphale tried to move in their direction but found his hand hit against an invisible wall. A trap, really? He opened his mouth to talk, but after Uriel snapped her fingers he fell unconscious.
Aziraphale woke up in some sort of old building. He was laying on the floor and his head hurt considerably. He tried to move his hands to try and help himself to his feet, but felt a sharp pain on his wrists.
Demonic handcuffs.
By that logic, he couldn't touch any of his power or call for his wings.
Great. So stay on the floor he would.
Bellow him there was an angel trap, with his sigil on it. Which made this much more complicated indeed.
Aziraphale managed to get on his knees and finally saw a window on the other wall in front of him. From this perspective, he was surely not on the first floor. He started banging with his chains on the invisible wall in front of him. It wouldn't do anything, obviously, but he would be damned if he just stayed there doing nothing.
Putting demonic chains on him was a low low blow, even for them.
After a while he started getting tired and sat back on his legs, sighing
"Mr. Fell?" A whisper came from the closed door.
"Yes. It is me. I'm so so so so sorry I tricked you. I tried to say no but...the supreme archangel asked. Are you...alright?"
"It's alright, dear. I'm...fine, considering."
"The supreme archangel is infuriated. She yelled at everyone and said that she would punish you at nightfall. I'll try to get some help."
"No, don't do that! They will punish you if they find out! I can handle them!"
"After I let them take you like that? I can't. I'm sorry, Mr. Fell. I feel too guilty. I need to help you."
"...How long have I been gone from the bookshop?"
"...3 hours, I believe."
Aziraphale took a deep breath.
"Right. Crowley is probably panicking flying around like a blind eagle. If you can get to a phone, try to reach him. If not, run. Go to Nina and Maggie's or to our house, alright, dear? Don't let them catch you. Don't get in trouble."
It was less than 2 hours when the doors opened. The first to walk in was Michael, followed by her two minions.
"Very well, Aziraphale. Are you prepared to return to Heaven?" Michael said.
Aziraphale chuckled.
"You must have lost your mind, certainly. Crowley and I made sure you all would leave us alone. So-"
"That's because we didn't have other choice." Uriel interrupted. "Now we have the Programmer." Aziraphale raised an eyebrow in confusion. "We can reprogram other angels to their original position and manipulate their memories."
Aziraphale got to his feet and flinched back. Now, that wouldn't do.
"We have already lost Gabriel, Metraton. We need you back. Especially away from that demon pet of yours. You're too powerful together, as shown by the way you almost blasted the whole of Heaven."
"And the machine is running, ready for you-" Sandalphon entering the circle, and held him by the arm. "-my dear." A fist was raised, but before it could collapse into its target, there was a very loud screech outside.
The angels looked amongst themselves and Sandalphon left to check on all the noise with Michael.
They listened to multiple voices outside. They were speaking so loud none was really distinguishable.
"You are going, not even if I have to take you myself!"
Uriel crossed the circle, making the lil mistake of erasing a part of the circle with her shoe. Enough to let Aziraphale go. He stepped out of the circle, but Uriel followed him, grabbing him by the lapels and pushing him against the window, that broke against his elbows and back.
Now the voices were more clear, and one of them was, without mistake, Crowley. He took a quick peek outside and there he was, fighting both the archangels.
Right. He had to get a wiggle one.
"I'm sorry, dear girl." He swung the chains towards Uriel and she fell to the floor, sluggish.
Quickly, he turned around and looked down. He was on the third floor with two archangels and a demon blocking the exit.
"Crowley!" The demon's head snapped up in between the confusion that was him and the archangels.
Aziraphale climbed on the window and sat on it. He still couldn't use his wings so all he could hope for was Crowley's pristine timing. With his eyes closed, he took a final last breath and leapt out of the window. Within seconds he felt arms holding him and the unmistakable sounds of wings flapping.
"Are you insane?! You could have been discorporated! What would have happened if I didn't catch you, eh?! There's no other corporation, angel! You have to stop-" Aziraphale giggled, wrapping his arms around Crowley's neck, trying to get in a better position. "What?"
"Thank you for the timely rescue. Again."
"Why are you laughing? This isn't a laughing matter! I'm gonna kill those-"
"Crowley." The angel put his hands on his face, forcing him to slow down and face him. "Let's just go home, yes, my dear? There's a lot to discuss and I need a cup of tea for that." Crowley took a deep breath and smiled down at the angel. "Muriel found you?"
"Yes, they called. I told them to go to the cottage and stay put. I came as fast as I could but they literally dragged you to the middle of nowhere."
"Oh!" Aziraphale looked over Crowley's shoulder. "What about the Bentley?"
Crowley laughed, looking in front once again and picking up speed.
"She's on her way back home, obviously. She ran as soon as I caught you."
Of course she was. Why was he even surprised, he thought with a chuckle.
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aduckinpain · 6 months
I was tagged by the amazing @paint-it-red-and-black for this and I found it so adorable I had to do it!
Use this link to make your own F1 Wrapped!
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1. Charles Leclerc
The world may be unraveled and built again and I will still choose this man as my top driver. While admittedly at first I was captivated by his looks, I soon started genuinely enjoying this sport. Doing so allowed me to look into his story and by God is it something straight out of a book. His mentality to learn and remember everyone he's lost and fight for them while selflessly sacrificing himself for their wishes is something I couldn't fathom in a lifetime. And yet he does fight for himself and he does it viciously. He is one of the best, one of the only who I think with a competitive car could give Max a fight and win, and I need to see him spread his full potential. I am convinced that if this man doesn't win a World Championship then F1 is unachievable and Ferrari will destroy their own legend. You cannot just find another Charles Leclerc.
Also his dichotomy is insane. He's so chaotic it makes him incredibly entertaining.
If Charles Leclerc has one fan, it's me.
If Charles Leclerc has no fans, I'm dead.
2. Lando Norris
Admittedly I completely overlooked this man for about 2 months. Absolutely no second glance he wasn't interesting enough for me.
I repent for my mistake as he's consumed my waking days and nights. An absolute talent that stemmed from hard work. His second part of the season was to die for, I believe he as well, is one of the people that could fight Max for a championship. So young as well, and even if he managed to get there slowly because of his father, he tried to make it as realistic as he could. Staying a year just getting coffee orders while he's shaking in his boots for every interviews. A genuine sweetheart that deserves every good thing. I hate how self-critical he seems to be . He needs that win, he CAN win. In 2024 maiden victory for Lando Norris come on.
3. Max Verstappen
Everything, and I mean everything that this man has achieved, is deserved. Every win, every record broken, every championship was his. Because he is a generational talent, he is someone worthy. His past absolutely destroys me, especially seeing that he is in contact with his father still, but I can understand the way he thinks. Still what he went through in childhood is no excuse for the success he has now. This man is the sweetest, kindest person I've seen. He's grown so much over the years from what I can tell and he treats everyone so equally. From past temporary teammates, to rivals. A genuine joy to be around I want to give him a hug every day and tell him that he is special. Red Bull's second golden boy but also mine.
4. Oscar Piastri
At first glance, according to people I know, I look like this man. The bangs don't help, neither does the fact that I act similarly. However I will never complain if it means I can work hard and earn the success he's had in his first year in F1. When I say wow for him, I mean it. Showstopping performance. This man will be a Champion one day he has to. Absolute down to earth guy as well but I love when I see his competitive spirit shove its head between the calm walls. It's always the quiet ones and I'd know as I am one.
5. Alexander Albon
For fifth place I could've chosen a lot of people as I genuinely really like the current grid (with a few exceptions). But Alex is amazing. Truly believe that if you put him in a competitive car he'd bring miracles. He's put that Williams in places it never dreamed of driving around. One of the most talented drivers on the grid and his personality is to die for. So so nice and lovely genuinely.
1. Las Vegas
I hated Las Vegas. Honestly still kinda do in a lot of aspects. But the race was the best. Charles definitely deserved that win and Max's penalty was too little, but a race is a race, it doesn't matter how you win it as long as you do. Charles' driving however was absolutely phenomenal. That overtake on Checo was borderline the most exhilarating thing I could ever feel. I was so shocked when I saw it, it took me a good 5 min to collect myself.
2. Singapore
While Carlos may not be on my list, the win he had in Singapore was well-deserved and amazingly iconic. I don't think I'll ever get over my confusion of hearing this mf say it's on purpose corresponding to Lando's DRS. that's the sexiest thing this man has done. That Carlando podium added extra years to my life. Their hugs and the champagne were the sweetest things ever. And Lando's pics from the podium were very um.......👁️👁️
3. Mexico
Very simple. Lando P17 to P5. Phenomenal driving. After the Austin GP disqualification. Charles Leclerc and Lewis Hamilton on the podium? Exactly what I wished for. Brought my boy back from the slump that's called the 2023 F1 season.
4. Qatar
Now to be clear, I hated Qatar. I will hate Qatar and I hate Qatar. It was absolutely inhumane and there should've been different precautions or the race time should've changed because I don't care that these drivers are trained, that was actual torture. So when I say Qatar as my 4th favorite, I mean the sprint race.
Oscar Piastri the man that you are and the man that you will be. Rookie season and won a Sprint race. I know you will be great and I cannot wait for your future.
I do dislike how they overshadowed his win with Max's championship. While I understand the celebration, he was going to celebrate at the end of the season as well. All in all, I'm happy for both of them.
5. Suzuka
My reasoning for this is even simpler. If you ever need to know my weak point, just look at the number of reoccurring driver things I have in my room. You will find an outstanding amount of Sebastian Vettels everywhere. On a shirt, in my phone, on my phone, on my wall and more to come. My reason for this is just his little bee project and how much I adored seeing him in his little corner waving his flags and the bee activity he did the day before. Everybody loves Sebastian Vettel. As they should.
Now I got into F1 during the summer break, which is the reason I wasn't able to see half of the races. However I am grateful purely because I don't think I could've experienced Charles Leclerc losing his grasp over the championship and Sebastian Vettel's retirement in 2022. That would've been my actual breaking point. And I saw a Max dominant season yes, however I saw half of it and most of the races were very entertaining still. I love Max too so.
My genuine choices for this were McLaren, Red Bull and Williams.
I went for McLaren because of their amazing driver lineup, improvement over the second part of the season and really cool pit stops.
Red Bull however has been unbeatable and I will give them all the credit. The strategies, the pit stops, the wins, everything. Phenomenal
Williams grew on me quickly after Qatar. While the car may be frankly, shit, the team seems incredibly put together and I adore that they gave Logan a second chance. Also that they put the well being of their drivers first. James Vowles adopt me.
Thank you so so much for this, it was incredibly entertaining!!
If you want pushki do the same @h4mmert1me . I know most of your opinions tho <3
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