#depending on the type of affection you have for that person
deiscension · 7 months
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Type of person who says "I think my lipstick would look soooooo good on you!", gives you a kiss on the cheek, declares their lipstick looks fantastic on you and they'd like to see it on you more often, then breezes on by all those mixed signals to continue on with whatever was at hand.
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quirinah · 10 months
SLAY THE PRINCESS (chewing on drywall)
#oh my god the way this game has been festering in my brain since i watched rts playthrough of it ITS SO OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I LOVE COSMIC HORROR AND SELF AWARE TIMELOOPS AND THE ENDLESS FUTALITY OF THE NARRATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I LOVE BIRD MEN AND GIANT MONSTER WOMEN AND NARRATORS WITH PERSONALITY!!!#sorry im normal.#quirinahscreams#no but i also love the voices of the main character and how the choices you make determine which one of them shows up (saying nonsense) BUT#ALSO HOW THEY EACH HAVE THEIR OWN SKILLS? IF THAT MAKES SENSE#like the stubborn and the hunted's affinity for combat/survival in the beast route or paranoids autonomic nervous system thing#she heart on my lungs till i liver nerves#I WISH IC OULD SAY MORE BUT SPOILERS BUT ALSO RAGHHH. they werent lying it really is a love story (gripping table so tightly it splinters)#THE WAY THE FIRST CABIN RUNTHRU IS LIKE UR DEFAULT SLATE AND THEN THE CHOICES YOU MAKE SLASH HOW YOU PERCEIVE THE PRINCESS IN THAT ROUTE#AFFECT WHAT SHE APPEARS AS TO YOU LATER#EVEN DOWN TO TAKING THE KNIFE#how shes docile and initially innocent if you dont take it but calculating and dangerous if you do#or depending on how you die she reappears as vengeful or simply cruel or resigned etc and then different voices show up to compliment that#i always feel so lame giving faceless characters visual appearances though its part of the mystique intrigue or whatever#but my boring hc for the mc is that hes like a harpy. a la howl movingcastle type beat but i also love birdman mc#its just that i wasnt paying attention earlier and imagined him as like a generic fairytale prince/knight and then realized oh he has TALON#I NEED TO SHUT UP OH MY GOD BUT ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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exo-s-victory-lap · 2 years
My toxic trait is hating astrology
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mieczyhale · 2 years
"they have two hands, why can't they share"
i hate this line
so.. so much
it shows up on my dash or in tags or replies on my own shit sometimes and i simply Need to Vent
because not everyone likes that?? because not everyone is comfortable with that?? because they simply don't want to?? because it's a panic trigger based on real life experiences?? because *insert reason that’s none of your business / not that deep / other here*??
it doesn't matter how "cutely" you phrase it or how easy peasy lemon squeezy it seems to you, multishipping for a character / including a character in certain ot3 combinations (and sometimes ot3's in general) can be a hard fucking No for some people. it can, in fact, be stressy depressy lemon zesty. it can even be negative lemon anything.
the 'why' isn't actually anyone's business, the reason shouldn’t matter anyway, as long as they aren't attacking you for your ships why do you care, and if you want certain content then make it.
“they have two hands-”  yep and both are in use, holding the two hands their partner also has, or perhaps squishing their cheeks because they are cute, or cupping their face gently like the softest scene in a hurt/comfort fic. leave people alone
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ciatana · 2 years
i am going to pride tomorrow and im gonna have a good day with my friends!!!
#vent abt drm stuff ->#everyone is always very very. hasty and emotional with these things which is very understandable. but its very anxiety inducing#as somebody who really prefers to wait things out and have solid information before i form any concrete opinions#it all just depends on a bunch of stuff we dont know#im. not a drm main so this doesnt affect me as much as it affects some others#not engaging w his content wouldnt be that hard for me. sad but not super emotionally difficult#most annoying thing is i was gonna be him for halloween……… so that uh. might need to change lol#<- saying that in a strained half joking sort of tone; the way you joke when bad things happen type tone#but its just a waiting game for now as these things always are#i hope all my friends and mutuals are ok this stuff is always so exhausting#and if it ends up confirmed to be true that will be very very hard#but im not gonna worry about any of it tonight. im gonna Wait because thats the best thing i can do#and enjoy my personal life to the fullest in the meantime#im a wilburian and phil lover thats really all my blog ever needs to be about. a boober too#and as long as those three are chugging along being nice as they are then so will i!#if it ends up to be really really serious — like it seems it might be — i trust theyd do the right thing#they may be human about it and thats ok. itll be uncertain for awhile and thats to be expected#so you just gotta. be calm about it and allow the ccs their own time to handle it internally aswell#if it that ends up being what has to happen#so yeah. im like. fine to be honest. anxious but levelheaded. i dont need to invest myself in this#i keep feeling the urge to dig into it deeper but i just. dont need to do that. i dont need to torment and worry myself about stuff i dont-#-know. i feel like my personal life is way more important#so im just gonna. have fun in my real life. Touch Grass as the kids say#hope the people involved in this are doing fine#but i just gotta. draw a line yknow? im not gonna force myself to be more emotionally involved than i need to be#if i need to cut ties then when the time comes i will do it swiftly and quietly#just not worth the drama for me personally. if any of that makes sense#anyway ilysm mcytblr mutuals of all time following me on main
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first thing you might want to consider: is the pain mental or physical?
if it’s physical, what type of pain is it causing? — sharp pain, white-hot pain, acute pain, dull ache, throbbing pain, chronic pain, neuropathic pain (typically caused by nerve damage), etc
if it’s mental, what is the reason your character is in pain? — grief, heartbreak, betrayal, anger, hopelessness, fear and anxiety, etc
because your character will react differently to different types of pain
sharp and white-hot pain may cause a character to grit their teeth, scream, moan, twist their body. their skin may appear pale, eyes red-rimmed and sunken with layers of sweat covering their forehead. they may have tears in their eyes (and the tears may feel hot), but they don’t necessarily have to always be crying.
acute pain may be similar to sharp and white-hot pain; acute pain is sudden and urgent and often comes without a warning, so your character may experience a hitched breathing where they suddenly stop what they’re doing and clench their hand at the spot where it hurts with widened eyes and open mouth (like they’re gasping for air).
dull ache and throbbing pain can result in your character wanting to lay down and close their eyes. if it’s a headache, they may ask for the lights to be turned off and they may be less responsive, in the sense that they’d rather not engage in any activity or conversation and they’d rather be left alone. they may make a soft whimper from their throat from time to time, depends on their personality (if they don’t mind others seeing their discomfort, they may whimper. but if your character doesn’t like anyone seeing them in a not-so-strong state, chances are they won’t make any sound, they might even pretend like they’re fine by continuing with their normal routine, and they may or may not end up throwing up or fainting).
if your character experience chronic pain, their pain will not go away (unlike any other illnesses or injuries where the pain stops after the person is healed) so they can feel all these types of sharp pain shooting through their body. there can also be soreness and stiffness around some specific spots, and it will affect their life. so your character will be lucky if they have caretakers in their life. but are they stubborn? do they accept help from others or do they like to pretend like they’re fine in front of everybody until their body can’t take it anymore and so they can no longer pretend?
neuropathic pain or nerve pain will have your character feeling these senses of burning, shooting and stabbing sensation, and the pain can come very suddenly and without any warning — think of it as an electric shock that causes through your character’s body all of a sudden. your character may yelp or gasp in shock, how they react may vary depends on the severity of the pain and how long it lasts.
grief can make your character shut themself off from their friends and the world in general. or they can also lash out at anyone who tries to comfort them. (five states of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and eventual acceptance.)
heartbreak — your character might want to lock themself in a room, anywhere where they are unseen. or they may want to pretend that everything’s fine, that they’re not hurt. until they break down.
betrayal can leave a character with confusion, the feelings of ‘what went wrong?’, so it’s understandable if your character blames themself at first, that maybe it’s their fault because they’ve somehow done something wrong somewhere that caused the other character to betray them. what comes after confusion may be anger. your character can be angry at the person who betrayed them and at themself, after they think they’ve done something wrong that resulted in them being betrayed, they may also be angry at themself next for ‘falling’ for the lies and for ‘being fooled’. so yes, betrayal can leave your character with the hatred that’s directed towards the character who betrayed them and themself. whether or not your character can ‘move on and forgive’ is up to you.
there are several ways a character can react to anger; they can simply lash out, break things, scream and yell, or they can also go complete silent. no shouting, no thrashing the place. they can sit alone in silence and they may cry. anger does make people cry. it mostly won’t be anything like ‘ugly sobbing’ but your character’s eyes can be bloodshot, red-rimmed and there will be tears, only that there won’t be any sobbing in most cases.
hopelessness can be a very valid reason for it, if you want your character to do something reckless or stupid. most people will do anything if they’re desperate enough. so if you want your character to run into a burning building, jump in front of a bullet, or confess their love to their archenemy in front of all their friends, hopelessness is always a valid reason. there’s no ‘out of character’ if they are hopeless and are desperate enough.
fear and anxiety. your character may be trembling, their hands may be shaky. they may lose their appetite. they may be sweaty and/or bouncing their feet. they may have a panic attack if it’s severe enough.
and I think that’s it for now! feel free to add anything I may have forgotten to mention here!
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Speaking of therapy, I say, as though we're old friends, and you're not a stranger trapped in this metaphorical elevator with me and you can hear the suspension wires starting to fray.
I've been doing a lot of work recently that's focused on imposter syndrome and the feeling that no matter how well or how much I do, I'm not good enough. That I'm somehow tricking everyone into thinking my work is actually good.
Some days it's a minor niggle in my head that I can gentle and soothe with logic and affirmations. Or smother, depending on the mood. Other times it's loud and all-consuming and the mental anguish it causes me is so real I can feel it twitching in my muscles. This desperate fight-or-flight instinct with nowhere to go and nothing to fight but myself.
Anyway, because I'm several types of Mentally Unwell™, I was switching between workshop sheets ahead of next week. Filling in different forms. (Trying to get a good grade in therapy) And I got my "recognize your harmful ADHD coping mechanisms" worksheet mixed in with the "you're not actually lying to people, you just feel like you are because your brain is full of weasels" worksheet, and seeing them side by side made something go topsy turvy in my head, and I just had to sit and breathe for a couple of minutes until the urge to scream passed. Because it clicked, it all suddenly clicked.
The reason the imposter syndrome workshops and therapy sessions aren't sticking was because I do routinely trick people into thinking I'm someone I'm not.
Because I'm masking my ADHD for their convenience.
I've always known there was something wrong with me. My neurotypical peers made it abundantly clear I didn't fit in or was failing in some way I couldn't see nor remedy, no matter how hard I tried.
So I compressed myself into a workaholic box of hyper-competence in the hopes they'd stop noticing the flaws and exploit like me instead. And then subsequently lived with the daily fear that if they looked too close, they'd realize I'm a monumental fuck up with enough personal baggage to block the Suez Canal.
If you ever need someone to burn themselves to ashes for your comfort and convenience, I'm your gal.
Or I used to. Until I had a bit of a breakdown, and the rubber band holding my brain together snapped and pinged off into the stratosphere, never to be seen again.
Unfortunately, the trauma of living like that didn't also fuck off and instead left a gaping maw where my personality ought to be, so now I get to deal with that aftermath.
And it's that aftermath that's affecting the imposter syndrome shit. Because yes, I am hyper-competent and good at what I do-- but it doesn't feel real because that is how I mask.
And the truly frustrating thing is I am good at what I do. I am not pretending. I worked hard to be good at this. It just feels like I'm dicking around because 90% of my personality turns out to be trauma masquerading as humor in a trenchcoat, and having people genuinely like something weird I'm doing is so foreign my brain has decided it's just another form of masking.
I'm pretending to be a good author so people will think I'm a good author, and my brain thinks we are in Danger of being found out. We are in Danger, and writing is Dangerous because then people will know I'm Weird and not whatever palatable version I've presented myself as for their NT sensibilities.
Like the neurotic vampire with a raging praise kink wasn't an obvious giveaway.
Anyway. I got nothing else. Thanks for listening.
I'm going to go be very normal in another room and not stare into the abyss of my own soul for a bit.
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hayatheauthor · 16 days
The Anatomy of Punching a Character in the Face
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Punching scenes are a staple of action sequences in many genres. Whether it’s an intense brawl, a quick defense, or an emotional outburst, a punch can carry a lot of weight both physically and narratively. As a writer, it’s essential to understand what really happens when a fist meets a face—from the immediate impact to the longer-lasting effects on both the person getting punched and the one throwing the punch.
This guide will help you craft authentic, detailed, and believable punch scenes by exploring different areas of the face, types of punches, and the aftermath of such an impact.
1. Target Areas of the Face and Their Vulnerabilities
A punch isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Depending on where the fist lands, the consequences will vary significantly. Different parts of the face have varying levels of vulnerability, and targeting these areas produces different effects, from knockouts to broken bones.
A. Jawline: The Knockout Zone
The jawline is a classic target in many fight scenes, especially when knockout punches are involved. This area is highly vulnerable because a hit here causes the head to snap to the side, leading to a sharp rotational movement of the brain inside the skull. This movement disrupts the brain’s communication and often results in a temporary loss of consciousness—what we commonly refer to as a "knockout."
Common Effects: Dislocation or fracture of the jaw, loss of consciousness, slurred speech, and severe pain.
Visual Aftermath: Swelling around the jawline, bruising, and possible misalignment of the jaw if broken.
B. Nose: Breaking and Bleeding
The nose is another vulnerable target, known for being easily broken. It’s not just a fragile bone structure, but it’s also connected to many blood vessels, meaning a direct punch to the nose often results in immediate bleeding. The nasal bone can fracture, causing difficulty in breathing, and in some cases, the nose may need surgical intervention to reset.
Common Effects: Intense pain, bleeding, difficulty breathing, potential for a broken nose.
Visual Aftermath: Blood running from the nostrils, swelling, and significant bruising around the nose and eyes.
C. Cheekbones (Zygomatic Bones): Bruising and Fractures
The cheekbones are one of the more solid structures in the face but are still susceptible to breaks, particularly from a heavy blow. Damage here can lead to not just bruising, but potentially severe injuries that can affect the entire facial structure.
Common Effects: Fractures of the zygomatic bone, swelling, bruising, and pain extending to the eye socket.
Visual Aftermath: Black eyes, noticeable swelling on one side of the face, and a sunken appearance if the bone is fractured.
D. Forehead: A Hard Target
The forehead is much harder than most parts of the face and is less vulnerable to severe damage. However, punches to the forehead can still cause pain, disorientation, and dazing of the recipient. While it’s less likely to result in a knockout, it’s effective in dazing an opponent, especially if the puncher’s goal is to create an opening for another strike.
Common Effects: Swelling, redness, and potential concussions if hit with enough force.
Visual Aftermath: Redness, minimal bruising, and a dazed expression.
E. Eyes: Black Eyes and Swelling
A punch to the eyes is particularly brutal because the area around the eyes is delicate, and the skin is thin. It’s not just about swelling but also potential damage to the orbital bones. The impact can cause "black eyes," characterized by intense bruising and swelling that may close the eye shut for days.
Common Effects: Swelling, black eyes, potential orbital bone fractures, temporary blurred vision.
Visual Aftermath: Discoloration that starts purple and turns yellowish-green as it heals, swollen shut eyes.
2. Types of Punches
Not all punches are created equal. The type of punch thrown can drastically change the outcome of the scene, both in terms of damage and realism. Understanding these different types of punches will allow you to convey more varied and dynamic fight sequences.
A. Jab: Speed and Precision
A jab is a quick, straight punch, usually thrown with the non-dominant hand. It’s not meant to be a knockout punch but more of a setup punch to create an opening or keep the opponent at a distance. Jabs are fast and can be disorienting, especially if they repeatedly land in quick succession.
Common Effects: Light bruising, potential cuts, and swelling in the area hit.
B. Cross: Power and Impact
The cross is a powerful, straight punch delivered with the dominant hand. It’s often aimed at vulnerable spots like the jaw or nose. Unlike a jab, the cross is meant to deliver a significant amount of force, and when landed properly, it can cause serious damage.
Common Effects: Knockouts, broken bones, severe swelling, and bruising.
C. Hook: Lateral Devastation
A hook is a wide, circular punch that targets the side of the head, particularly the jaw or temple. It’s one of the most powerful punches and is often used with the intent of knocking the opponent out.
Common Effects: Knockouts, severe disorientation, potential for concussions, and jaw dislocations.
D. Uppercut: Lifting from Below
The uppercut is thrown upward, usually aimed at the chin. It’s a devastating punch that can lift the opponent’s head and jolt their brain, leading to knockouts. Uppercuts are especially dangerous when they land cleanly on the jaw or chin.
Common Effects: Knockouts, broken teeth, jaw fractures, and disorientation.
E. Haymaker: Risky but Powerful
A haymaker is a wild, swinging punch delivered with as much force as possible. It’s often thrown with reckless abandon and is easy to dodge, but if it connects, it can deal significant damage. Because of its wide arc, it leaves the puncher exposed to counterattacks.
Common Effects: Knockouts, severe bruising, and possible fractures if landed correctly.
3. Punch Wounds: What They Look Like and Healing
Punches to the face leave lasting marks, some immediately visible and others taking days to fully form. Understanding the aftermath of a punch will help you describe the physical toll on your characters more accurately.
A. Immediate Effects
Swelling and Redness: Swelling can begin almost instantly, particularly in areas with soft tissue like the eyes and lips.
Bruising: Bruises start off as red, then turn purple, blue, and eventually fade into yellow or green as they heal.
Bleeding: Punches to the nose, lips, and even cheeks can result in bleeding, either from the skin breaking or from internal damage like a broken nose.
B. Long-Term Injuries
Black Eyes: Punches near the eyes can lead to bruising that darkens the skin around the eyes, giving it a purplish hue.
Fractures: Broken bones, such as the nose or jaw, may require weeks to heal, and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
Scarring: If the skin is cut open, there’s the potential for scarring, especially if stitches are required.
C. Healing Process
Bruises: These typically take about a week to two weeks to heal, with the colors shifting as the body absorbs the blood trapped under the skin.
Fractures: Healing from fractures can take several weeks to months, depending on the severity.
Swelling: Swelling can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, with cold compresses helping to reduce it.
4. How the Punch Affects the Puncher
While we often focus on the person receiving the punch, it’s important to remember that throwing a punch can also take a toll on the puncher.
A. Physical Strain
Knuckle Damage: Hitting a hard surface, like a jaw or forehead, can cause damage to the puncher’s knuckles. This is known as a “boxer’s fracture,” where the small bones in the hand break due to impact.
Wrist Injury: If the punch is not aligned correctly, the wrist can absorb too much force, leading to sprains or breaks.
Fatigue: After multiple punches, especially in a drawn-out fight, the puncher can become fatigued, leading to less powerful or accurate strikes.
B. Emotional and Psychological Effects
Adrenaline Rush: For inexperienced fighters, throwing a punch can lead to an adrenaline surge, which can cause tunnel vision or reckless behavior.
Moral Conflict: If the puncher is not used to violence, they may experience guilt or shock at the damage they’ve caused, especially if the recipient is significantly injured.
5. Psychological Impact of Receiving a Punch
A punch to the face doesn’t only cause physical damage. For the recipient, it can have a lasting psychological effect, especially if the punch was unexpected or in a vulnerable situation. Writing this aspect adds depth to your characters and shows that a punch is more than just physical pain.
A. Shock and Fear
Fight or Flight Response: Getting punched can immediately trigger a fight-or-flight reaction. Some characters might freeze or retreat, especially if they’ve never been in a physical altercation before.
Loss of Confidence: For characters not used to violence, being punched in the face may cause a significant loss of confidence. They may question their own strength, bravery, or ability to defend themselves.
Increased Aggression: Alternatively, the punch may trigger a rage-fueled response, pushing the character into aggressive, reckless action.
B. Embarrassment and Humiliation
Public Fights: If the punch occurs in front of others, there’s often an added layer of humiliation. Characters might feel embarrassed, even if they weren’t at fault.
Internalizing the Event: The recipient of the punch may carry the emotional impact for a long time, replaying the event in their mind, feeling shame, or seeking revenge.
C. Post-Traumatic Stress
Lingering Anxiety: In extreme cases, receiving a punch can cause anxiety or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Characters who’ve experienced significant trauma might relive the event through flashbacks or become hyper-vigilant, avoiding confrontations in the future.
Fear of Future Confrontations: A character who’s been severely beaten might actively avoid scenarios where they could be hit again, making them overly cautious or paranoid.
6. Writing Tips: Making It Believable
Writing a punch scene isn't just about describing the physical action. To make the moment believable and impactful, you’ll need to consider various elements—from pacing and sensory details to character psychology and aftermath. Here’s how to make your punch scenes authentic:
A. Build Tension Before the Punch
Foreshadowing Conflict: Build up the tension before the punch is thrown. Is the character agitated? Are there verbal warnings or body language that suggests things are escalating? By slowly ramping up the tension, the eventual punch feels earned and inevitable.
Use Dialogue: A heated exchange of words can make a punch more meaningful. If the punch follows a particularly cutting remark or threat, it adds weight to the action.
B. Focus on Sensory Details
Physical Sensations: Describe not just the punch itself, but how it feels. Does the skin split? Does the puncher’s knuckles scrape against teeth or bone? Is there an immediate sting or delayed throbbing pain?
Sound: The sound of a punch can enhance the realism of the scene. A dull thud as a fist connects with soft tissue, the crack of a bone breaking, or the splatter of blood hitting the floor are all effective auditory details.
C. Show Immediate and Delayed Reactions
Physical Reaction: After being punched, characters rarely shake it off immediately. Staggering, falling, or momentarily losing their vision are realistic reactions. You can also show how the puncher feels—did their hand hurt from the impact?
Emotional Fallout: Punches are often emotional events. Show how your characters feel right after—whether it’s satisfaction, regret, or shock. The emotional weight of a punch can be just as impactful as the physical consequences.
D. Consider the Aftermath
Healing Process: Don’t forget that punches have a lasting impact. A black eye will take days to heal, and a broken nose could require medical attention. Characters might have to deal with soreness, swelling, or difficulty talking and eating.
Ongoing Tension: A punch can dramatically shift relationships. A once-trusting friendship could be shattered, or a bitter rivalry could be born. Make sure to carry the emotional weight of the punch forward in your story.
7. Common Misconceptions About Punching
Many writers fall into the trap of perpetuating unrealistic portrayals of punches. These misconceptions can make your scenes feel less authentic or overly cinematic. Here’s how to avoid them.
A. The Myth of the "Clean Knockout"
Reality: A punch to the jaw might cause a knockout, but it’s not always instant. In real life, knockouts are often messy and unpredictable. The recipient might stagger or struggle before finally losing consciousness, and they could wake up with serious concussions, memory loss, or nausea.
B. Punches Always Cause Immediate Bleeding
Reality: While a punch to the nose often causes immediate bleeding, not all punches result in visible blood. Even when skin splits, it might take a moment for blood to pool and become visible. Bruising and swelling often take hours to fully appear.
C. Punching Doesn’t Always Lead to a Win
Reality: Throwing a punch doesn’t guarantee victory. The puncher could hurt themselves, miss entirely, or end up escalating a fight they weren’t prepared for. Additionally, punches to the forehead or temple might not have the knockout effect portrayed in movies—they could just make the puncher’s hand hurt more than the opponent.
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Quillology with Haya Sameer; a blog dedicated to writing and publishing tips for authors! While you’re at it, don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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cripplecharacters · 4 months
Disabilities that You Should Consider Representing in Your Writing More… part 1
[large text: Disabilities that You Should Consider Representing in Your Writing More… part 1]
While all disabilities are underrepresented in basically all sorts of media, it’s hard to not notice the trend in what disabilities make up the majority of representation. It’s especially visible when having a blog like this, where we can see what disabilities writers even consider including in their writing, and which ones never come up.
One in four people are disabled. With eight billion people alive it means there’s a lot of disabled people, and a lot of reasons why they are disabled in the first place - but this diversity is rarely represented, even on this blog, and anyone who has been following for a while has probably noticed that fact.
To be blunt: there are disabilities other than “amputee” and “(otherwise invisibly disabled) mobility aid user”. Does that mean that it’s wrong to write either of those? Of course not, and we don’t want to imply that it is. Does it mean that either of these have a ton of good representation? Hell no. Does it mean that when you are deciding on what to give your character, you should think beyond (or along! people can be multiply disabled!) just those two? Absolutely. Disability is a spectrum with thousands of things in it - don’t limit yourself for no reason and embrace the diversity that’s built into it instead. 
This is, simply, a list of common disabilities. This is just a few of them, as this is part one of presumably many (or, at least three as of right now). By “common” we rather arbitrarily decided on “~1% or more” - so at least 1 in 100 people has the disabilities below, which is a lot. Featuring!: links that you should click, sources of the % that are mostly just medical reports and might be hard to read, and quick, very non-exhaustive explanations to give you a basic idea of what these are. 
Intellectual disability (about 1.5%) Intellectual disability is a condition we have written about at length before. It’s a developmental disability that affects things such as conceptualization, language, problem-solving, or social and self-care skills. ID can exist on its own or be a part of another condition, like Down Syndrome, Congenital Iodine Deficiency, or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. This post covers a lot of basic information that you might need. We have an intellectual disability tag that you can look through!
Cancer survivors (5.4% in the US, about 0.55% worldwide) A cancer survivor is a pretty self-explanatory term. There is a lot of types of cancer and some of them are very common while others are very rare, which makes this a very diverse category. Cancers also have different survival rates. While not every survivor will have disabling symptoms, they definitely happen. Most of the long-term side effects are related to chemotherapy, radiation, and other medication, especially if they happened in children. They can include all sorts of organ damage, osteoporosis, cognitive problems, sensory disabilities, infertility, and increased rate of other cancers. Other effects include removal of the affected area, such as an eye, a spleen, breasts, or the thyroid gland, each of which will have different outcomes. Cancer, and cancer treatments, can also result in PTSD.
Diabetes (about 8.5%, ~95% of that are type 2) Diabetes is a group of endocrine conditions that cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) for various reasons depending on the type. The vast majority of people have type 2 diabetes, which can cause fatigue, poor healing, or feeling thirsty or hungry. A diabetic person will use insulin when needed to help manage their blood sugar levels. There are many complications related to diabetes, from neuropathy, to retinopathy, and chronic kidney disease, and there's a lot of disabilities that coexist with diabetes in general! You might want to check out the #how to write type 1 diabetes tag by @type1diabetesinfandom!
Disabling vision loss (about 7.5%) Blindness and low vision are a spectrum, ranging from total blindness (around 10% of legally blind people) to mild visual impairment. Blindness can be caused by countless things, but cataracts, refractive errors, and glaucoma are the most common. While cataracts cause the person to have a clouded pupil (not the whole eye!) blind eyes usually look average, with strabismus or nystagmus being exceptions to that fairly often (but not always). Trauma isn't a common cause of blindness, and accidents are overrepresented in fiction. A blind person can use a white cane, a guide dog or horse, or both. Assistive solutions are important here, such as Braille, screenreaders, or magnifying glasses. We have a blindness tag that you can look through, and you might want to check out @blindbeta and @mimzy-writing-online.
Psoriasis (about 2-4%) Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition with multiple subtypes; it can cause intense itching, pain, and general discomfort, and often carries social stigma. It’s an autoimmune and non-contagious disability that affects the skin cells, resulting in raised patches of flaky skin covered with scales. It often (30%) leads to a related condition, psoriatic arthritis, which causes joint pain, tenderness, and fatigue, among other things.
Stroke survivors (0.5-1%) A stroke survivor is a person who has survived any kind of stroke (ischemic, hemorrhagic, etc.). While the specific symptoms often depend on the exact location on where the stroke happened, signs such as hemiplegia, slurred speech, vision problems, and cognitive changes are common in most survivors to some degree. When someone has a stroke as a baby, or before they are born, it can result in cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and other disabilities. We have a brain injury tag that you can look through!
Noonan Syndrome (about 0.1-1% - mild is 1%, severe 0.1%) Noonan Syndrome is a disability that is almost never mentioned in any context, but certainly not around the topic of writing disabled characters. It’s a congenital condition that can cause cardiomyopathy, chronic joint pain, hypermobility, short stature, facial differences such as ptosis, autism, and various lymphatic problems among other things. Some people with Noonan Syndrome might use mobility aids to help with their joint pain.
Hyperthyroidism (about 1.2%) Hyperthyroidism is a condition of the endocrine system caused by hormone overproduction that affects metabolism. It often results in irritability, weight loss, heat intolerance, tremors, mood swings, or insomnia. Undertreated hyperthyroidism has a rare, but extremely dangerous side effect associated with it called a thyroid storm, which can be fatal if untreated.
Hypothyroidism (>5%) Hypothyroidism is an endocrine condition just as hyperthyroidism is, and it causes somewhat opposite symptoms. Due to not producing enough thyroid hormones, it often causes fatigue, depression, hair loss, weight gain, and a frequent feeling of being cold. It’s often comorbid with other autoimmune disabilities, e.g. vitiligo, chronic autoimmune gastritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Extreme hypothyroidism can also be potentially fatal because of a condition known as Myxedema coma (or “crisis”), which is also rare.
Deafblindness (about 0.2-2%) Being DeafBlind is often considered to be an extremely rare disability, but that’s not really the case. DeafBlindness on its own isn’t a diagnosis - it can be caused by a wide range of things, with CHARGE syndrome (congenital), Usher syndrome (born deaf, becomes blind later in life), congenital rubella, and age-related deafness and blindness being some of the most common reasons. DeafBlindness is a wide spectrum, the vast majority of DeafBlind people aren’t fully blind and deaf, and they can use various ways of communication. Some of these could be sign language (tactile or not), protactile, the deafblind manual, oral speech (aided by hearing aids or not), the Lorm alphabet, and more. You can learn more about assistive devices here! Despite what various media like to tell you, being DeafBlind isn’t a death sentence, and the DeafBlind community and culture are alive and thriving - especially since the start of the protactile movement. We have a DeafBlindness tag that you can look through!
It’s probably worth mentioning that we have received little to no asks in general for almost all the disabilities above, and it’s certainly not due to what mods answer for. Our best guess is that writers don’t realize how many options they have and just end up going for the same things over and over.
Only representing “cool” disabilities that are “not too much while having a particular look/aura/drama associated” isn’t what you should aim for. Disabled people just exist, and all of us deserve to be represented, including those whose disabilities aren’t your typical “cool design” or “character inspo”. Sometimes we are just regular people, with disabilities that are “boring” or “too much”, and don’t make for useful plot points.
mod Sasza (with huge thank yous to mod Sparrow, Rot, and Virus for their contributions with research and data!)
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carmelcoco · 6 months
venus notes. 🩰
Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.
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(comment down your venus sign & posts which you guys would like to see from my side in the future)
🩰 aries venus
Venus in Aries? Super passionate! Aries is all about passion and action, while Venus is love, beauty, and relationships. So, if you've got this combo, you're all in for fiery romance. You're into your partner big time, always wanting to keep things exciting and new. You might even be the one who starts things off. Quick to fall for someone, you dig that rush of feelings, especially if your crush gets all possessive. Yep, you can get obsessed too, thinking they're "the one". But sometimes, you pick the wrong ones, drawn to the drama. You dive in headfirst, but your passion fades fast if the fire ain't burning. You thrive on arguments or a partner who's a bit aggressive – it's just your style. Love's a thrill for you, so you act on impulse, not always taking it seriously. You're into the chase, but deep down, you want someone who's all in. You're attracted to ambitious, independent types, but in the relationship, you like to be the boss. Bold? Oh yeah! You'll straight-up tell your crush you're into them. Sure, you care about others, but yourself? That's priority. Sometimes, it causes issues in relationships, 'cause you fear losing your freedom. You'll find any excuse to be with your crush, even if it means dragging out a dry convo. Depending on how much you're into them, you might show your wild side early or play it cool. And when you're crushing, hygiene's on point, and you're dressing to impress. You won't admit your feelings outright, but you'll drop hints like crazy.
🩰 taurus venus
Venus in Taurus is renowned for instilling a profound sense of security, stability, and comfort. Individuals with this placement often take pleasure in savoring life's finer aspects, finding delight in material possessions and indulgences. Their relational and moral approach is frequently characterized as traditional or "old-fashioned". They tend to prioritize commitment and steadfastness in romantic connections, upholding conventional values in matters of love. Despite potentially limited romantic experience, those with Venus in Taurus display considerable wisdom in relationships. They exhibit a preference for actions over verbal expressions of affection, recognizing the unreliability of words at times. Their demonstrations of love are earnest and heartfelt, reflecting their belief in the significance of genuine affection. While they may refrain from overtly pursuing individuals they admire, they possess a magnetic allure that draws others toward them. Often possessing physical attractiveness themselves, they appreciate similar qualities in their partners, valuing aesthetics in relationships. Patience is a virtue for those with Venus in Taurus, as they are willing to await the arrival of a dependable, well-established partner. However, this patience can sometimes lead them to remain in unsatisfactory relationships or jobs due to concerns about financial security or other forms of stability. Despite their investment in relationships, individuals with this placement may harbor apprehensions about potential emotional hurt, which can result in them setting boundaries in love. Their cautious approach may deter them from readily reciprocating romantic advances, yet they remain dedicated once committed. They are drawn to ambitious individuals with financial stability, reflecting their own values and aspirations. While they maintain a private stance on their romantic interests, they are discerning in their choice of confidants. Fear of rejection and a desire to maintain a flawless image may occasionally hinder their pursuit of love, yet they persist in their quest for perfection in matters of the heart.
🩰 gemini venus
If your Venus is in Gemini, you're into folks who know how to talk the talk. You're all about people who are smooth talkers, good in social situations, and just plain smart. But sometimes, you get too caught up in what people say and forget to pay attention to what they do, which can cause some mix-ups. You're into exploring different kinds of beauty, art, and love styles, and you can find love in lots of places, not just with a partner. In fact, having a significant other isn't always at the top of your mind. You can be hot and cold in love, one day you're all about someone, the next they're not even on your radar. Commitment? It's not that you can't do it, but you're kinda wary of getting too deep. You like to keep things cool and smooth when you're into someone, remembering all those little details. You're after someone you can connect with on a brainy level, not just an emotional one. So yeah, you might seem a bit distant at times. But hey, you're charming as heck, so people are drawn to you. You're the friendly type, always ready to start a chat and get to know someone better. And when you're crushing, you want to be the one who makes them laugh, so watch out if someone else steals their attention! Before you get all chatty and flirty, though, you keep your feelings under wraps. Seriously, no one can tell you're into someone until you're ready to spill the beans. Gemini Venus adds a playful, fun vibe to your romantic life, and you're all about finding someone who can match your energy and keep things exciting. But deep down, you want more than just fun – you're looking for someone you can really connect with on a deeper level.
🩰 cancer venus
People with Venus in Cancer are super loving. When they fall for someone, they fall hard and fast. When they like someone, they're not subtle about it. They'll either come off as rude or super friendly, no in-between. But with their crush, they'll turn on the charm, trying to be adorable and impress them. They'll pay attention to every little detail and practice what to say in their head. They need lots of reassurance and security in relationships, or they'll feel unloved. But when they feel safe and loved, they're amazing partners. They remember every little thing about you, seriously, everything! Their love is powerful and nurturing. They'll do anything for the ones they care about, even if it means sacrificing for them. They crave deep connections and bonds with others, but they struggle to express their feelings because they're not used to being heard. They're sentimental beings, often getting lost in thoughts about past relationships. They're great at taking care of others, almost like a natural instinct. They have this motherly vibe that attracts people, especially kids. Sometimes they can get a bit too obsessed with the people they like, which can be intense. They're drawn to serious, protective types who make them feel safe. But if they're not into them back, it's like heartbreak city, and they'll go to extremes to win them over. If they settle down, they want stability and security. They're picky about who they fall for, but when they do, they're all in. They'll smother you with affection, wanting you to see how much they care. It's tough for them to spill their feelings, but if their crush is as stubborn as they are, they'll drop some major hints or just come clean. Patience and intuition are key when dealing with them!
🩰 leo venus
People with Venus in Leo are a tough nut to crack when it comes to commitment. They're all about knowing your value and what you bring to the table. If they don't see you giving them the love experience they crave, they're outta there. But watch out, they can fall for love bombs real quick. When someone showers them with attention, they eat it up, even if there are warning signs. They're elegant and charming, craving to be worshipped and adored. They want a partner who shows them off and takes pride in being with them. Winning them over? It's like a game, and they love the power trip. But in friendships, they're super generous and lovely. Sometimes they can come off as cocky, especially when they're trying to impress someone they fancy. But hey, they're great at planning epic dates and spoiling their partners. They're all about themselves too, soaking up compliments like a sponge. They might flirt with people they're not into just for kicks, which can lead to misunderstandings. But when they're truly in love, they're fiercely loyal and generous to a fault. They need someone with as much energy and zest for life as them to feel fulfilled. They're pretty decisive when it comes to their crushes. You'll know where you stand with them, no guessing games. Plus, they've got that magnetic charm that draws people in like moths to a flame. But here's the kicker: they can struggle with commitment issues. They're always chasing the next thrill, and if you don't measure up, they'll drop you like a hot potato. They'd rather start as friends or really get to know someone before diving in. And if they can't brag about you, it's game over. When they like someone, they're not shy about showing it. They'll playfully tease their crush to gauge their interest, and they've got a knack for remembering the little things. They might even go all out and buy them something special just because they mentioned wanting it.
🩰 virgo venus
People with Venus in Virgo can be real overthinkers when it comes to relationships. They nitpick and find flaws where there might not even be any. They're after partners who are genuinely interested in them, who notice the little things about them that they might miss. Remembering tiny details about them? That's a big win. They're all about providing for their significant other, creating stability and order in their relationships. They're not in a rush to fall in love 'cause they're pretty cool flying solo. But don't get it twisted, they're not against relationships, they just need to see the value in it. They're like detectives when it comes to the people they like, studying them inside and out to understand their feelings. They're not the most romantic folks, but they're all about giving you the kind of love that suits you best. They're pretty savvy when it comes to love, relationships, and money. They've got high standards and are picky about who they like. They want to feel special and seen by their partner. They might attract a lot of attention, but catching the eye of someone they're into? That's a whole different story. They've got a playful side, enjoying simple and elegant things. If they're not starting off as friends with their crush, it's probably not gonna go anywhere. They're all about testing loyalty before diving into anything serious. They'll get shy around their crush but will jump at any chance to help them out, just to show they care. They might seem a bit confusing, giving mixed signals, but they're just playing it cool. They won't chase after their crush forever, though. These folks know their worth. Physical touch is their love language, so don't be surprised if they're always trying to playfully wrestle with you or lend a hand. They'll take any chance they get to chat with their crush, even if it means asking to partner up for a project. If their crush can meet their needs as a friend, they'll quickly start imagining a romantic future together. But remember, with these folks, slow and steady wins the race.
🩰 libra venus
Alright, let's dive in! Libra Venus folks are like straight out of a romance novel, smooth talkers and super dreamy. They're total eye candy, but sometimes they hold back 'cause they're scared of looking too soft. Even though they might play it cool, they're secretly love gurus. Seriously, they've got this knack for loving people just right, like they've got a playbook or something. They're suckers for romantic flicks and dream of being treated like royalty. They just want to know their partner's head over heels for them. And they're not stingy with affection either, they'll spoil you rotten. But here's the thing: they're hopeless romantics. They love to flirt, but when they find someone who really lights their fire, they're all in. Love's their main motivation, and they're all about keeping things fair and making sure everyone feels seen. But sometimes, they need a little extra validation themselves to feel secure, which can make them clingy. They've got killer style, and even if they don't, they can rock any look. They're all about making others happy, sometimes to a fault. They dig people who can flirt back, have killer fashion sense, and are down for whatever. Libra Venus folks aren't about taking it slow. They're all about diving headfirst into the action. When they're into someone, they're not shy about it. They'll crack jokes about being together and go all out to win their crush over. They're big daydreamers, always picturing their crush in different scenarios. And they're not afraid to shoot their shot, even if it means embarrassing themselves a bit. If they're not sure about their feelings, they'll keep it under wraps until they figure it out. They're all about cheesy pick-up lines and making their crush smile. They'll do whatever it takes to win them over, even if it means biting their lip and winking. And if their crush shows interest back, get ready for some serious blushing!
🩰 scorpio venus
Alright, let's break it down. People with Scorpio Venus might have a thing for the wrong crowd because they're not feeling too confident. They can latch onto someone real quick and get super intense about it, but they're not easy catches themselves. It takes them a hot minute to decide if they're in it for the long haul, but once they commit, they're in it for life. They've got this mysterious, captivating vibe that draws folks in like magnets. They're all about passion in relationships and they want someone who's all in. Plus, they've got this knack for attracting romantic attention without even trying. But watch out, they can get a bit possessive 'cause once they're into someone, they're all in. They want to be needed by their partner, and they're not big on sharing. They might be into people who are open-minded and don't judge, 'cause they're not big on sharing their feelings. Or they might dig someone who's just as mysterious and seductive as they are. They need friends they can trust, and they're drawn to darker colors like black. They're not big on PDA, but they've definitely got some serious sex appeal. These folks ride a rollercoaster of emotions when they've got a crush. One minute, they're head over heels, the next, they're kicking themselves for catching feelings again. They won't make the first move unless they're sure their crush is into them too. If they do start talking to their crush, they'll try to play it cool at first, but once things are official, they're all about that energy and excitement. They're suckers for old-school romance and passion.
🩰 sagittarius venus
Okay, let's break it down. These folks are total jokesters and love cracking people up, but they can also be a bit wishy-washy when it comes to their feelings for someone. They might dig folks who are a bit obsessed with them, but they also get a kick out of charming people who play hard to get. They're on the lookout for that one special someone who really catches their eye. And let's be real, they can be a bit full of themselves, especially when it comes to love. But hey, it's all part of their charm, right? When they're in love, they're all about having a good time and going on adventures. They might be down for commitment, but they're cautious about who they commit to. They need a partner who's just as fun-loving as they are, otherwise, they'll get bored real quick. They crave that thrill of love and might act on impulse when they're feeling it. They hate feeling tied down and want to keep their freedom because, at the end of the day, they belong to themselves. They're not big on emotions or emotional people, but they do want that passionate love, even if they're not ready to commit to it fully. They're drawn to independent, fun-loving folks who have a bit of influence or power. Their feelings come and go like the wind, and they can be sensitive to rejection sometimes. They'd rather chill with their friends than deal with lovers 'cause friends give them more freedom. They'll show you they care by making a big deal out of the things they think are important. They might even be open to exploring different kinds of relationships, like open ones. And yeah, men with Sagittarius Venus tend to have a thing for women from other countries.
🩰 capricorn venus
Alright, let's simplify this. So, folks with a Capricorn Venus aren't big on showing their feelings openly. They're more about investing in the relationship for the long haul. They like to feel needed and show love in practical ways, like providing security and stability.They're super loyal but can get jittery if things don't feel stable. They're not great at expressing their need for care and nurturing, but they crave it deep down.When they find someone they're serious about, they're all in. They can come off as a bit blunt sometimes, but that's just their style. They're into classy, professional vibes, and they've got a secret, wild side, especially in the bedroom.They can be a tad controlling and protective when they're into someone. They're not the type to shout their crush from the rooftops, though. They keep it on the down-low or share it with close pals.Rejection hits them hard, and they might get cold and distant. They attract a lot of friends who crush on them, but they're all about impressing their main squeeze. They'll drop everything to be there for their crush, even if it means ditching their own plans.They're not shy and will chat up a storm. Body language is big for them, and they're social butterflies who also enjoy their alone time.Spirituality is a big deal for them, and they can seem a bit distant sometimes. They're not into clingy or flighty types; they dig someone strong and independent. Their soft side only comes out when they feel totally safe and secure.
🩰 aquarius venus
These folks are pretty one-of-a-kind when it comes to love. They're into quirky and unique people, so if you're not a bit "weird," they might not be into you romantically. They're also super straightforward—they'll tell you exactly how they feel. Sometimes, they're a bit hesitant about love, but deep down, they really want it. They're more logical than emotional, which helps them see the truth in relationships. They're attracted to folks who like them for who they are, inside and out. They enjoy being with friends more than lovers and might even fall for their pals sometimes. They really value their individuality and freedom to be themselves. They can be a bit attention-seeking, but once they find the right person, they're good. They rock platform boots and oversized shirts like nobody's business! They're huge daydreamers and love learning everything about their crushes. Starting as friends is cool with them, but it's not a must. They're the type to get super excited over a simple "Good morning" text from their crush. Just remember, their crushes come and go, so be your unique self to catch their eye. They're not into superficial stuff when it comes to attraction, especially if there are no issues in their chart.
🩰 pisces venus
These folks have this whole picture in their head of what their ideal partner should be like—how they act, everything. But if reality doesn't match their fantasy, they can lose interest real quick. They're big on romance, sensitive, stable, and love creativity. They want someone who can handle a relationship but also has a bit of chaos in them. When they love, they really go all in, even to the point of sacrificing themselves. But sometimes they end up giving their love to the wrong people. They're used to attracting the wrong types because they don't realize they deserve better. They're into spiritual stuff like crystals and incense, and when they're in love, they can act all childish. Logic goes out the window when they're in love—they miss red flags because they're too focused on their ideal traits. They're also super generous, even if they can't afford it. They're great listeners and really empathize with their loved ones' problems. They might crush on someone just because they're good-looking or fit their fantasy. But when reality hits, they can turn cold real fast. They're always on the lookout for that one perfect soulmate. Pisces Venus folks are the ultimate hopeless romantics. They're always dreaming about their perfect love story, which sometimes leads them to ignore warning signs. They're all about putting others before themselves and seeking that deep spiritual connection with their partner. Being sensitive souls, they can really understand what's going on beneath the surface in a relationship.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
pics by @i04rei
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cuppajj · 3 months
Neo beasts x reader head cannons? 🥺
You know what anon? Just for you
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Beast Ancients AU - Neo Beasts x Reader Headcanons
Congratulations! Someway somehow you’ve attracted the attention—and affection—of the Neo beasts. How do each treat you?
Saint Vanilla Cookie
This implies that he’s decided not to purify you out of his intense compassion. In fact, he’s settled for something arguably much worse: saving you for last, so you can witness his deliverance.
You’re his lamb, his bluebird, and he never lets you forget how blessed you are to be one of his
He’s gentle in almost every way. Voice, touch, words. He especially likes cupping your cheek and cooing sweet little things. Sometimes they’re laced with dark promises
On his orders, the Lambs of Penance are your personal servants and won’t let any harm befall you. Cream Wafer speaks to you respectfully, but you can hear a little envy in his voice
Saint pays attention to every little detail you have, the things you like, and your wishes. He wants to see you at your happiest because a tainted soul as yourself should never feel sad. He’ll wipe your tears away
But don’t assume he’s perfect; he’s far from. Saint stays true to his personal promise that you will be safe and happy and alive until the day he finally saves you, and that means that any potential threat to you will be dealt with by his lambs. If he thinks something will taint your soul further, he’ll be sure that it’ll never have the chance.
In fact, why don’t you stay with him? In his timeless kingdom, amongst his loyal followers and all the orchids that will watch over you. It’s the closest you’ll be to the light.
Make no mistake, saint is two steps away from being a yandere. He just wouldn’t get his hands dirty, and he would never change to that typical yandere-ish behavior. The oh so benevolent saint just wants to see you safe, and if that safety is under his wings, so be it…
Dragonberry Cookie
As the Beast of Pride, the way she loves is bold and loud. She will make it known to you that she loves you pretty quickly.
While she throws parties pretty frequently already, you’ll be center stage at a lot of them with her as she makes you dance together and drinks herself stupid with a bunch of glasses poured your way as well.
If you’re the shy type, expect to be embarrassed or put in big social situations a lot since she’s a massive extrovert who would bring you along to things. Outside of parties and other events of the sort, she would also love for you to watch her spar with Wildberry and her other soldiers
She’ll also give you lots of gifts
She does have a pretty big ego though, so she expects praise and validation from you. Compliments, acts of service, things that assure her you’re not just mooching off of what she gives you. If she thinks you’re not being grateful, she’ll get bitter and confront you about it, which will or won’t go well depending on how well you can prove your point to her
She’ll kill for you 100%. She might even do it in front of you. If you get messed up from that? It’s okay! You’ll get over it in no time.
Despite all this she does respect your boundaries, she’ll give you space if you’re vocal about it. She disappears on occasions and comes back covered in battle wounds and jam anyway.
You know about Pitaya locked up in her basement but you know not to touch them, let alone try and free them if you’re hero enough. She might just have to punish you for that if she catches you doing something you shouldn’t. Don’t worry though, it’s just this once, because you’ll surely never try anything again, right?
Big hugger, her love language is touch so expect hugs and kisses and mandatory cuddle sessions. Honestly if you’re just as messed as her then she’s a pretty solid lover
Frigid Cacao Cookie
It’s hard to tell he cares for you because he’s so distant, even from you.
You’re allowed into the throne room without summons, but the furthest into it you can go is to the foot of his throne. Like everyone else in the citadel, you’re not allowed to touch him.
Your days in the citadel are quiet. The outside is cold but the hallways and your room are warm, the latter always supplied to the brim with what you need.
Tiny licorice creatures slink in and out of your peripheral vision, watching you curiously. Sometimes they slink up to you, purring and chittering, and some might even be balancing trays of food, warm towels, clothes, or other things on their heads. Little do you know that Cacao has been ordering them to take care of you
While he doesn’t forbid you from leaving the kingdom, he’ll want you to come back to him one way or another. Ideally on your own, but one of the licorice oozes that have been watching you since you left could also bring you back.
You might see him out and about on rare occasions, and he might look at you. On even rarer occasions he might ask about your well being
The only thing he’s strict about is that you absolutely cannot attract attention from the other neobeasts, especially Saint Vanilla. The beast of Penance is already curious about learning what things make Cacao go soft; he does not need to learn about you.
Also don’t bring up Choco, he has a reaction to it
Celestial Cheese Cookie
Pampers you. Pampers you and pampers you and pampers you and pampers you
Thinks you’re the sweetest little thing and pinches your cheeks and everything
She’d be more than happy to show herself off, as well as all of her achievements. She gives you treasures from her conquests regularly
She’s similar to Dragonberry though where she expects praise, but unlike her she doesn’t get as angry. She doesn’t see her gift giving as a transactional thing, she does it because she can. You just gotta tell her how wonderful she is
The oases are a popular spot for her to bring you for food and refreshments, cared for by gold-adorned servants as she gushes over the grand vision for her kingdom. She’s honestly quite excitable and loves talking about herself and her plans.
Pay no mind to the scans that are run on you while you sleep, or the diagnostics of your information that run deep in her servers. She doesn’t think it’ll need to happen soon, but she’s planning to put you in a sarcophagus and hook you into her virtual world to make you live forever. She’s not going to let something else she cares about go.
Midnight Lily Cookie
The tamest one honestly
Unlike the others, she sees you as an equal. She knows your personal space and doesn’t encroach on it too much or too little, makes sure you’re well cared for and healthy, and keeps you safe. She also lets you leave and trusts you to take care of yourself. Being Beast of Sovereignty, she encourages the people under her to do whatever they please within their allegiance to her, and this includes you.
She’ll play the harp for you and ask you how she did
You also get lots of gifts and compliments from the other faeries for being the lover of their queen
She does have preferences though. She likes honesty and expects you to keep promises, she prefers if you do something for her in exchange for her doing something for you, and to not question her motive and means to take down her other half. She will get very defensive with you and shut down the conversation pretty fast
The flora in the silver kingdom bloom to their fullest around you both, but when Lily is upset with you, they curl or bud as you pass by them.
Speaking of chlorokinesis, get used to seeing her show no mercy with her plants. Unlike Dragonberry though, she’ll do her best to help you if the sight of bodies skewered on flower stems is too much. Maybe stick to the heart of the kingdom for your own good, where you’re less likely to see how the rest of Beast Yeast challenge her kingdom.
She has a whole bunch of rules set up when Saint visits. While she’d encourage not being with him at all, if you really want to see him, she made it expressly clear to him that he cannot purify you.
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sirenscriptures · 6 months
pleasure waves (remastered)
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pairing: tengen x hinatsuru x makio x suma x reader
synopsis: after your honeymoon with tengen starts to come to a close, he and his wives plan to make your last night on the beautiful shores of cancun memorable… 4.4k
warnings/notes: fem ! reader, fivesome, soft to rough sex, LOTS of praise and admiration, semi-public sex, size difference/kink, endearment/pet names, tooth-rottingly sweet aftercare, outdoor sex, passionate sex.
* if you recognize this, it’s because it’s a rewrite of an old collab piece from one of my old blogs <3 this may or may not be a mini series in the future, just depends on what feedback i receive ! *
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a warm, kissing breeze passed over you as you stepped out onto the shore’s opening. all the noise and commotion coming from behind you began to melt into the soothing sound of the waves pushing over the sand. 
the sky was stunning, clouds gradient with purple, pink and orange hues. meanwhile, the sun was piercing as it gradually sunk below the horizon, encasing the entire beach area in a warm, dim haze. 
now away from the crowded resort, you felt your body relax. your feet planted into the freshly cooling sand, the thin cloth of your bathing suit cover freely dancing within the gentle breeze. with the heat slowly dying down, the near stifling warmth in the air began to fade into a soothing coolness. 
behind you back at the large courtyard, there was a bustling crowd watching a large fire show being performed on the side stage. large wand-shaped poles whirled all over like flags around the flashy performers, earning excited cheers as they tossed them up and the flames continued to swirl over them.
at some point, you had lost hinatsuru somewhere in the crowd. the two of you had just gotten back early from a dinner with tengen, makio and suma, and wanted to get a head start on enjoying the last bits of the resort on your last night here. 
even though the place was beautiful in and out, you had to admit the wide clearing the shore offered right outside of the resort was your personal favorite part. even if there were people all around, the serenity of the crashing waves and clear winds made it seem like pure solitude for you. 
“there you are.” a familiar soft voice from behind you silenced your thoughts.
turning around, your eyes met with hinatsuru again. her thick hair flowed down her shoulders, warm violet eyes locked upon you now. seeing her in front of you now caused you to smile. 
she was dressed in a lilac and white floral pattern bathing suit cover, one that was a similar style to yours. underneath, the wind kicked up to reveal her dark purple two piece that hugged her body perfectly. truly, she was a sight to behold. as she always was. 
“i was certain i lost you in there,” she took your hand into hers, gently grasping it, gaze turning to the sight of the now dying sun on the shore in front of the both of you. “good thing i know this area well by now.” she chuckled. 
you admired the softness of her palm intertwining with yours. the two of you stood together, watching the gentle waves roll by as night fell over the sky. 
slowly, her arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to her. the rhythmic, whispering crashes of the shore kept both of you practically hypnotized in your embrace. 
it was amazing to think such clear waters and light air could have such a beautiful affect on you and all the people here. it was almost as if this entire shore, this entire city was something alike to a dream. which made sense, due to all the people who came here every year for vacation. 
yet, your reason to be here felt so much more special than anything else. being married, especially to tengen and three beautiful ladies, was a different type of love. 
it felt deeper, and certainly more adventurous than any other relationship you’d been apart of. even after the wedding, which was relatively private, it was a lot for you to get situated with. 
even though you felt like you were finally breaking through the ice and getting used to being with all four of them, there was still something lingering inside you. something that just wouldn’t go away, no matter how many times you tried. a nagging feeling of what you could best describe as anxiety. 
even if you did feel good and relaxed around them, especially during this amazing week vacation, there was always something you felt you were unnecessarily worried about. as if something was missing, or just not right within your mind. 
while you knew it could just be overlapping thoughts, it still didn’t stop you from lying wide awake at night, even with both of tengen’s arms snaked around you, his other wives sound asleep next to you as well. 
it took you a few moments to notice hina staring at you as you zoned out into your thoughts, a visibly concerned look dressing her expression.
her hands slipped up beneath your chin, hands directing your face to look at her.
“are you alright?” she asked, feeling how the heat increased in your cheeks. “you’ve barely said a word since dinner.” 
you let out a small sigh. it’d be no good to just nod and say yes at this point. she knew you too well for that by now.
“i just haven’t felt my best, specifically today.” you admitted. 
her hands lowered to grasp your own, tilting her head curiously. “how so, love?”
your eyes averted, glimpsing the early sprout of the full moon deep in the horizon ahead of you. it was near splintering to try and voice your feelings, yet you knew you had to. otherwise, this feeling would only fester onwards. 
“well, i know its early on…but i don’t really feel like i’m really married to you.” 
hinatsuru’s taken aback expression that followed your words was what made you panic instantly.  
“n-not that i don’t want to be married to you! that’s not it at all! i just don’t feel completely–” 
you were interrupted by her laughter, hina playfully swatting at you. she abruptly cleared her throat and met your confused expression with a soothing smile. 
“[name], you’re too cute..” she murmured, stroking your now burning face with familiar tenderness. even if it was amusing, she remained with a certain seriousness, even with such a gentle personality. 
“you know that’s normal, right?” she said, thumb gently stroking the surface of your cheekbone. “i can tell you, since i felt that exact same way when i first married tengen.” 
you shot her a confused look. out of what you’d seen, her and tengen’s bond seemed to be so deep. even though he adored every single one of you the same, he and hina were another kind of bond that you didn’t even fully understand when first getting together with them. then again, you figured that would come with time.
“i never quite knew why, but it never felt real.” she said, turning to look at the dazzling moon above you now, its light glittering upon the water. 
“it felt a little isolating and even scary at first, but that was normal at the time.” she turned back, still smiling at you. “you’re still so new to this. so don’t stress yourself out for not feeling all there.�� 
it was like a completely different weight had lifted off of you now that she’d said that. you couldn’t help but smile at her, your hands intertwining together again. it all made so much sense now, thankfully. 
“there’s my girls!” you heard a familiar, booming voice call from behind you both. 
turning around, you glimpsed tengen and makio walking towards you both, suma dashing ahead of them through the sand to come greet you.
suma’s eyes were lit up with that same fiery excitement as she ran towards you both, arms bundling you and hina in a large embrace. the three of you were left giggling at the sight, struggling to recompose yourselves. 
though, suma pulled back with a slight pouty look on her face. 
“now why did you head off without us?” she asked, hands now on her hips. “you know this is a honeymoon, meaning we’re supposed to be spending time together!”
“oh, give them a break, suma. can you blame them? this view is incredible!” makio exclaimed, eyes wide with amazement as she looked at the sky. “plus, we’ve had all week together.” 
suma admired the view with a smile. “i guess you’re right, then.” she rolled her eyes playfully. 
“well, it's our turn to enjoy it now!” she chuckled, running ahead to enjoy the rush of the shore alongside makio, where they proceeded to remove their bathing suit covers and venture deeper into the shore together. 
you glanced back behind you, eyes meeting with tengen’s. he stood in front of you and hina, that same handsome smile across his lips. his longer hair was barely past his shoulders, giving him that naturally scruffy look you loved so much. 
he leaned down suddenly, hands bringing your face to his, kissing you warmly. the gesture admittedly took you by surprise, the warmth rushing to your face again. 
tengen pulled away gently, eyes still staring into yours with a soft intensity, paired with something else you couldn’t quite read at the moment. 
“how are you?” he asked quietly, thumb gently rubbing against your cheek.
“i’m good.” you murmured in response, trying to suppress the tremble in your voice. 
beside you, hinatsuru was smiling tenderly at you two. even if you were still struggling to find your true place of balance with them, she trusted it would all melt away tonight. after all, they had all arranged for this night to be all about you, the new wife. 
but, you didn’t need to know that. not yet, at least. 
the whole time the other two wives messed about in the shore, tengen had you wrapped in his arms as hina laid snuggled beside you both. being the new wife, they wanted to make sure you were prioritized, especially on the last night of the honeymoon. 
the sound of the gentle waves paired with the darkness of the sky was so soothing. you could feel yourself practically melting into tengen’s chest as you laid on top of him. 
he smiled down at you. “you look so good in that bathing suit,” he murmured. 
you gushed at his sweet words as his hand tenderly stroked your inner thigh. 
“you really know my style by now.” you replied. 
he hummed gently, fingers running through your hair. that familiar mischievous glint appeared back in his eyes as he admired you. one of his calloused hands momentarily tilted your head up by your chin, warm breath on your cheek.
“it’s too bad i’ll have to tear it off you.” he teased directly in your ear. 
slowly, his hands begin to wander even more. from your thighs to your waist, he made sure to thoroughly caress every part of your body. his hands seemed so large compared to practically all of you.
thinking about how much strength he had, he could simply wrap a single arm around you and be able to carry you perfectly anywhere he wanted. you were so delicate that it was obvious when he was holding back when touching you. it was so easy for someone of his size to accidentally hurt you if he were being careless, which he was the complete opposite of, thankfully.
you felt your breath hitch as his hands traveled to your protruding nipples, pinching them in between his fingers slightly. his large fingers kneaded carefully around your areolas, admiring how his touch made you squirm against him. 
you let out a small whimper, his hands proceeding to massage and grasp at every part of you that he could. the more you responded to his touches, the more he wanted to do to you. in the midst of laying with two of his women, tengen had honestly forgotten that there was a chance anyone could walk by and see, even though this was a more private side of the shore. 
“tengen…be gentle with her.” hina spoke softly, her hand interlocking with yours from behind you. 
even though you only caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of your eye before she positioned herself closer to you, you swore you could see a flash of protectiveness, or…was that envy in her eyes? you never knew hinatsuru of all people had a territorial side such as this.
“she’s our new jewel, after all.” she said proudly, eyes glimmering within coming into contact with yours. 
suddenly, her lips collided with yours. while this wasn’t the first time she’d done this to you, it always managed to send a plethora of sensations through you. this was especially prevalent now, for you had to hold back a staggered moan when her soft lips mashed against yours. 
she tasted so sweet. with her tongue slipping in and out of your mouth, you could feel your mind blurring as if the amount of pleasure had given you some sort of fever. honestly, you wouldn't be surprised at this point if you’d caught a temperature. 
hina pulled away from you eventually, her warm gaze greeting you once more with that same sweet smile. at the same time, tengen’s hands continued to roam your body, the same smirk lacing his lips. 
you could feel your entire body heating up even more. having the both of them praise and caress you at the same time was almost overwhelming, yet you relished the feeling and how it began to leave a generous slick of fluid within your bathing suit bottoms. 
tengen chuckled in response, turning your face back to his. now, you could really glimpse the hungry expression forming in his gaze. 
“yes, she is…so precious too.”
his lips once again interlocked with yours, tongue teasing the inside of your mouth. his kiss was much heavier than hina’s, the intensity of it managing to make you let out a choked moan. meanwhile you could feel her hands from behind you taking to massage your breasts, her tender lips laying kisses along your neck. 
you knew very well this whole time you were making him wait. this whole trip, you’d been so nervous around him. as if you weren’t already married to him, and like it was the first time you’d met him. you’d acted the same way in front of the wives from time to time. but it was much more intense around tengen. 
but now, he craved to see your true wild side. what was it like to see you in your messiest, loveliest form? you could tell hina and possibly makio and suma would want the same. 
they had only one way to find out, and what better way to do it on the most romantic beach at night? 
“well well, starting without us?” makio’s voice sounded from above you. her playful smirk was directed right at you, marveling at how you were already a melting mess in between them. 
suma was behind her by a few steps, peeking down at you with an aroused curiosity. “as always.” she scoffed, half-jokingly.
looking up at them, they were dripping wet from the shore that was now whispering away in the distance. you could see the sun’s golden hue beginning to cast ripples of color over the darkening water as it slowly set, the cool air fully sweeping over with the moonlight beginning to sneak in. 
but you had every night to see that sunset on this vacation. what really caught your attention were the two wives in front of you. they looked so beautiful as always, just even more so now. the slight golden glow of the disappearing sun emitted a beautiful hue on their mostly bare bodies that seemed to shine with droplet marks from the sea. while suma was more bashful and trying to cover herself, makio stood unabashed with her hand on her hip, wrinkled bikini top dangling out of her hand. 
tengen glared at them with the same playfulness, hands not stopping from running all over you. 
“don’t complain, you just weren’t paying proper attention,” he teased. “you’re here now, after all.”
suddenly, he began to sit up, gently guiding you to do the same. tengen’s hands remained on your hips, leaning himself close to your face. 
“sit and face me.” he murmured.
you immediately obeyed. now sitting in front of him, your gaze pointed up at him like you were awaiting his next command. 
he shook his head at you, amused. “on my lap, princess.” 
even though you were growing shaky, you obeyed. now straddling him, you gently rested your arms on his broad shoulders for a little bit of support. 
you watched as he undid his robe, revealing his enthralling muscles. even if you already knew what he looked like shirtless, this was even more of an amplifying experience. 
you could see how there was a faint remainder of the oil previously lathered on his skin at the beginning of the day gleaming on his skin. you could see every faint scar and mark of his perfectly displayed for you to admire. though it was futile to just stare in silence, since your awe-struck expression caused him to chuckle, even earning a slight giggle from hina and the others. 
“see something you like?” he chuckled, hands running up your bare waist. 
before you could react properly, you felt makio’s hand from behind you abruptly untie the string of your bikini top in a singular motion, taking advantage of you being distracted. the initial gesture caused you to jump. 
before you could stop it, the thin fabric had already fallen to the ground. the heat in your body now felt blistering as you were almost completely revealed, especially out in the open like this. 
as you initially scrambled to cover yourself, tengen stopped you, a dazed yet still focused look in his eyes. you could almost see every want of his coming to light now. every craving, every ache he’d had for you and your body was becoming so clear now. 
“don’t.” he said gruffly, placing your hands back where they were. 
“you look so pretty, hun.” makio purred from behind you, embracing you by your upper waist, her lips grazing against the back of your neck.
“why would you ever want to hide this?” she admired everything from your thighs to your breasts, making you shiver even with her lightest touches. 
you let out a whimper as makio continued. as if it weren't enough, both suma and hinatsuru now moved even closer to you. at this point, it was all such a collective blur that all you could feel was their hands touching you, without being able to discern who exactly was touching what in the moment. 
desperately, you started to grind down on tengen’s erection through the thin cloth of your bikini. even with the slight separation, you could feel just how big he was growing beneath you. his gaze was still so focused, even though you could feel his breath growing even more labored on your skin. 
though, you swear you could feel hina’s eyes burning into you. even as she patiently watched you, inside she was reeling at how good you looked. so entranced and in a pure, euphoric state. this is all she wanted for you, for you to experience the best pleasure from all of your lovers at once. 
you couldn’t even gather what had happened in between, but the sound that dragged you from a near pleasure-drunken state was the sound of fabric ripping. looking down, you saw the mangled pieces of your suit bottoms in tengens hands, effortlessly ripped away to reveal your ass, along with your now soaked cunt.
before you could even move, you let out a gasp as you flinched, feeling makio’s fingers swipe over your slick wetness, admiring how a generous amount of it glistened on her fingertips.
“well, what do we have here?” makio teased. being the closest to tengen, she extended her hand to him, a knowing look in her eyes. 
you could feel yourself pulsing as he took her fingers into his mouth, tongue lapping up all of your fluids from her fingers. from there, something was set ablaze in him that even he wasn’t fully prepared for. 
“shit…” tengen groaned under his breath. his fingers dug into your hips, lips beginning to leave a trail of kisses on your neck. his breath was rough and hot, teeth occasionally sinking in and marking you up as he pleased. 
throwing your head back, you could feel everything from his shaft rubbing against your folds, to your wives’ hands roaming and groping you all over. some were in your hair, some squeezing your ass, and some even snaking around your stomach to tease your sensitive bud. 
in the midst of the entanglement, you could glimpse hina kissing up your stomach, or what of it she could manage to get in contact with while your husband suckled at your sore nipples. 
her eyes had the same look of craving that tengen had—but it was so much softer. she gently caressed your face in her hands as she admired your beauty again. once more, her lips collided with yours. through her kisses, you could feel yourself instinctively squeeze your thighs together as your tongues teased one another. 
in between hot kisses, you heard her say ‘i love you’ which almost made you tip over the edge, until tengen caught your attention once again. either way, there was no way you were cumming only once tonight.
you could see he was getting restless now. his hands were starting to leave deeper marks on your hips, and it was evident he wanted all of you to himself now. laying you down beneath him, the wives knew to leave him some space. they still remained close, of course. 
seeing as you were already trembling and even had a few tear streaks staining your face, your wives and husband did their best to make sure you were fully relaxed. 
while tengen let his cock rest at your entrance, he slowly massaged your lower pelvic area with care. hina and suma were above you: suma taking to massaging your tense shoulders and hina gingerly running her fingers through your hair. meanwhile, makio worked her hands into massaging your legs and feet. 
he smiled softly down at you, the tip naturally plunging in slightly due to how wet you were. his hand caressed your face, thumb brushing over your lower lip. 
“take a deep breath, baby.” he said, face close to yours now. “i’ll start slow, okay?” 
you could only meekly nod at him as suma and hina both held onto each of your hands now. 
he let out a low groan as he almost immediately slipped balls-deep into you. your head threw back, a shaky cry escaping your lips as he was already stretching you out so much. you could feel your legs trembling uncontrollably, as you were already so close to an orgasm. 
even though his starting thrusts were slow, you could feel them pick up quite fast. you could almost feel how pent up he’d been with each thrust.
tengen drove himself further into you by lifting you into a mating press, the slaps from his thrusts getting louder the faster he pounded into you. in response, your hands messily grasped around his neck, struggling to find your balance as his length fucked deeper and deeper into you. 
“tengen…s’feels so good,” you slurred, the slapping only getting faster the closer you grew. 
with the way you tightened around him, he could only respond with feral moans and growls, words barely stringing together as all he could think about was making you come. 
“that’s my angel…taking me so well,” he panted, thrusts now growing sloppy as you clenched around him even more, your breasts bouncing with his rhythm. 
his eyes, while set ablaze with something so primal, still managed to have that soft undertone to them as he looked at you. it was so clear how much he adored you, and he would make it known. he let his fingers dig back into your tender flesh, ready to spill everything he had to give inside of you. 
his forehead was against yours now, both of your moans breaking up into shaky, desperate noises. 
“cum for me, sweetheart,” he hissed passionately, the final thrusts becoming so deep you swear you felt like you were about to burst. 
“show me that you’re mine.” 
it only took a few more pumps of his cock inside of you before you cried out, louder than you ever had before. your climax had caused almost full-body convulsions, and you didn’t think you’d be able to function properly if it weren’t for your wives soothing you. 
you still remained laying on your back for a while, letting hinatsuru wipe the hot tears that streaked down your cheeks as suma kissed and massaged your body, and makio helped you get your breathing back to normal. 
tengen, while still in a daze himself, still fetched you cold water and wasn’t about to let you walk back to the resort. come to think of it, he probably wouldn’t let you walk for a while after this. 
after a while, the group of you sat out on the shore admiring the crashing of the waves along with the beautiful stars that now blanketed the night sky. 
you laid with your lovers, head resting against tengen’s chest while your wives surrounded you in a sort of “pile” of cuddling. of course, hina was closest to you, her head resting on one of your shoulders. 
“I think that was a pretty good trip, hm?” tengen asked, smiling specifically at you. 
you could only give an exhausted smile, hand rubbing against one of his arms that surrounded your waist. 
makio let out a yawn. “it’s only good if we can stay here forever.” she sighed dreamily, resting her head on one of his shoulders. tengen chuckled, laying a kiss on her forehead. 
you glanced towards hina, a sleepy figure of suma rested against her thigh. hina looked back at you sweetly, her hand rubbing over yours. 
“do you feel better?”
you couldn’t help but giggle a little, thinking of how different you felt a couple hours ago compared to now. 
“so much better.” you murmured, circling your thumb over her hand.
the smile you gave hina in that moment seemed to solve something within herself she even didn’t know needed solving. she figured it was because you and her lovers brought her so much peace, which was something she always found herself needing more of in her life. 
after a honeymoon like this, all of you collectively felt like nothing could ever come close to this moment: watching the stars with your lovers as the waves crash in the distance. 
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
💔Chiron In the Houses💔
Chiron in your chart can tell you which part of your life is a touchy subject for you. Depending on the house it’s in, it can reveal the themes of your life that may have affected you greatly, or an area in your life that you may be insecure about.
Chiron in the 1H🧍🏼‍♀️
Something you may have struggled with through out your life is your appearance/self esteem. Those with this placement may have been bullied for their looks or something about them physically has been commented on/brought attention to plenty of times. The type of person to invest in plastic surgery they may not even need, or lose/gain a few extra pounds when their body is fine as it is. This placement, ironically enough; is found in people who overdo themselves with enhancements/plastic surgery/makeup etc even when it’s unnecessary. Prone to facial/body dysmorphia. What I find interesting however is that this placement usually naturally glows up at some point in their life as they get older, but the scars still remain; so they usually can continue being insecure for a long time and/or can seem to accept or believe any compliments given to them until they heal.
Chiron in the 2H💴
Similar to chiron in the 1H, this placement struggles with self worth/self esteem to a heightened degree, however instead of stemming from appearance it stems more so from financial instability/self worth in general. This placement could have grew up in a financially unstable environment and family where money wasn’t always present, and their needs were barely met; let alone their wants. These are the people who didn’t grow up with the latest video game, the newest car, the nicest house, expensive clothes/shoes. These were the people who had or barely had enough to get by growing up. Growing up they could have been surrounded by people who had more than them, or at least had more basic necessities than they did which in turn caused them to get judged or bullied. This is a placement that people are looked down upon for not having/affording nice things. This placement usually makes one an extremely hard worker growing up so they can have everything they didn’t have when young and not have to deal with it again. Without healing this wound however, these people could be prone to growing up superficial and judgmental just like their bullies in youth. They can start judging others who have less than them, and assessing others worth by what they have materially; because this is how they were treated growing up.
Chiron in the 3H🧠
These people could have struggled in school and may have been held back in grades. A slow learner, to say the least. They may have had a hard time learning and/or dropped out of high school or college. These people also may struggle with speech difficulties, could have grew up with a stutter or wasn’t able to speak/process things properly throughout their childhood and they could have been bullied for this. They could have been made to feel “stupid”, “slow” or “dumb” to their peers or family. They also may have simply grew up naive or very child like, maybe even sheltered and people could have traumatized them once they discovered the real world. This placement could also NOT get along with their siblings. People with this placement I know have been taunted, mistreated, or on the receiving end of jealousy by siblings both in childhood and adulthood.
Chiron in the 4H🏠 TW: ABUSE
These people could have had a very negative upbringing or family life. Home life was unstable, the father or mother could have not been very involved. I’ve noticed people with these placements could have been physically, emotionally or even sexually abused at home. Could have had a step parent that was abusive or one or both of the parents could have passed away. Some people with this placement could have been in foster care and/or traveled house to house to live with relatives/others who will take them in. They could of grew up with a lot of fighting in the house, I also noticed people with this placement could of had a parent that had an affair and this could of changed the whole trajectory of the home. If no abuse, then these people could have also been heavily mistreated or neglected in their family and almost treated like a stranger, and very outcasted within their family as well. These are the people who usually move out as soon as they can as they grow up and cut all contact immediately from family. Family could used the individual for personal gain. The family could have been extremely toxic, misogynistic, racist, overtly religious and/or diagnosed with mental illnesses such as NPD.
Chiron in the 5H🧑🏻‍🍼
These people struggle to be themselves and step outside the box. This placement is one where you’re afraid to accept any praise, as you feel you’re undeserving. These people usually feel like they’re not supposed to be happy or have nice things. They could have grew up with a negative, bitter family who influenced them to be overly humble to the point of self hatred. These were the people where the family could have threw things that they do for them in their face, even those it was basic necessities. “I put a roof over your head and food in your mouth!” this placement could of grew up feeling like they owe their parents something for bare minimum treatment. These people weren’t allowed to express themselves, to be themselves or to make their own decisions growing up. They were almost always practically controlled by their parents into being their personal robot. They feel guilty for enjoying themselves, loving themselves, having a good time or even just being happy. This is the ultimate placement that’s giving “If I can’t, why should you”. Not that it’s their fault, but I’ve never met a person with this placement who wasn’t the ultimate party pooper. Without healing, these people could grow up to become judgmental and bitter towards those who are living their best life. They could also struggle with fertility issues as well.
Chiron in the 6H🖊️
I feel like this placement is ridiculously hard on themselves no matter what they achieve in life. These are the people who I can honestly say are over givers, yet they feel like they’re still not giving enough. They could have struggled with keeping a set routine for themselves or even practicing basic hygiene growing up. But this is because this placement is a placement where nobody taught them anything that they know, they had to learn everything on their own. These people could be called lazy for wanting to take a simple break. Their lives usually revolve around work or doing their job. They can also be the type of people who is always trying to make everyone else happy except for themselves. I usually see people with this placement get taken advantage of because of their overly giving and forgiving nature. The reason these people are the way they are is because they grew up in a household that never gave them anything they have. They always felt like they had to prove themselves to others that they’re worthy of basic human decency. They do their best to help and do nice things for others because they were practically on their own soon as they came out of the womb. :(
Chiron in the 7H👩‍❤️‍👨
Oh boy, this placement is harsh. Those with Chiron in the 7H are people who have been deeply traumatized by love/relationships. These people usually end up with really bad partners who end up cheating, using, degrading and/or abusing them. I find this placement similar to Saturn in the 7H, however Chiron here is way more intense. These people feel like they keep going through the same cycle over and over in regards to love. They could have been traumatized by multiple relationships but the people I’ve met with this placement usually have that 1 relationship that changed their whole outlook on love in general. This is somebody who’s went through so many manipulative mind games in love that they start to lose hope. Once healed however, those with this placement end up becoming very mature and healthy individuals in regards to love and relationships. These people usually find “the one” once they start healing from the trauma of this placement. If unhealed, Relationships/marriage to people with this placement slowly start to lose its appeal once they get older because they put it in their mind that every man/woman is the same. Unfortunately, people who have been disappointed enough times with this placement start to turn so bitter that they become a misandrist/misogynist at some point in time. That’s why it’s important to heal if you have this placement, because it’s a harsh one that really starts to affect the mind internally.
Part 2 is on its way ☺️
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verstappen-cult · 3 months
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INTRODUCING THE BOYS. lando norris. charles leclerc. oscar piastri. max verstappen. alex albon. daniel ricciardo. mick schumacher.
GWEN’S MESSAGE. hi besties! this is based on this request: ‘a headcanon type blurb thing with the drivers reacting to you using your safeword?’ sorry it took me so long!
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Lando’s sitting at the foot of the bed, watching you as you try to regulate your rapid breathing. He wants nothing more than to hold you and let you know that everything is okay, but when he tried to touch you, after you whispered your safeword in between sobs, you pushed him away. Lando knows you need a little space to feel safe again, so he stands up very carefully to grab one of his shirts to give to you. His heart breaks when you avoid making eye contact, just whispering a simple ‘thank you’.
He doesn’t know how much time passes, but he hears your voice. “I’m sorry.” It’s the first thing that leaves your mouth, followed by: “I just – I was too in my head and I couldn’t keep going. I’m so–” Lando climbs on the bed but doesn’t move closer to you, he waits until you’re the one reaching for his hand. He spends most of the night reassuring you that he’s not mad and everything is okay.
Charles stops immediately, reaching for the glass of water waiting on the nightstand. Your face is flushed and there are tears in the corner of your eyes, one falls down your cheek when you make eye contact with him; when you open your mouth to speak, Charles stops you with a hand on your shoulder and a shy smile. “What have we talked about. You don’t need to apologize for anything.” It doesn’t matter how many times he says those words, you have a hard time believing them.
He knows you need to feel him closer, that’s why he lies down next to you, letting you rest your head on his chest so you can feel his heartbeat to relax. You stop crying and shaking eventually, thanks to your boyfriend taking such good care of you. Charles makes sure you feel comfortable.
Oscar is a bit shocked when he hears the words, not knowing exactly what to do more than stop and pull away. You’re the one reassuring him that things are okay, even if you feel a little too lost in your head. It’s only when he sees you trying to cover your body with the sheets that Oscar snaps out of it. He asks if you need anything and makes sure you feel comfortable and safe with him around. It’s cute how he doesn’t know what to do but tries to do anything just for you.
You reassure him that it has nothing to do with him, so he doesn’t need to worry or overthink anything. Oscar listens attentively to what you have to say and makes sure you know that he doesn’t care about anything more than you and your safety. You two fall asleep hugging each other.
Max makes sure you’re cuddled and warm in the bed, feeling safe before sprinting out of the room to get you a cup of tea. He comes back with a frown which makes you want to cry even more, but he’s immediately climbing on the bed and wrapping his arms around your body. Feeling his warmth and affection is exactly what you need, Max also knows you need to hear him say that, “I’m here with you, okay? Nothing is going to happen.”
You really don’t know what you did to deserve such a gentle and caring person, but you’re so thankful for Max. He knows you better than you know yourself, and never judges you. Not even when you’re in the middle of it, and you blurt your safeword. No matter how many times it happens.
Alex apologises like his life depends on it, panicking to the brink of crying because, “I didn’t want to hurt you, love. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” And you need to stop for a second and reassure him that it’s okay, that he didn’t actually hurt you. But Alex just keeps rambling and waving his hands and you find it somewhat funny.
He peppers your face with gentle kisses, making you both laugh. Alex ends up helping you to change into some of his clothes and you order something greasy to eat in bed. He doesn’t leave your side the whole night, still whispering little sorrys.
Daniel holds you close against his chest as you try to get out of your head, his voice soothing, enough to calm you down. When you open your mouth to apologise, he beats you to it. “Do not apologise. There’s nothing to be sorry about.” You hum weakly and just let him hold you for as long as you need.
But he also thanks you for being honest which makes you feel a little better after ruining the night. You don’t say that out loud because you know what he is going to say, and you really don’t want things to get awkward. Daniel massages your arms and back, with some kisses in between, helping you relax and release the tension.
Mick holds your face and wipes your tears, a frown adorning his handsome features because you don’t stop apologising and, “It’s all good, sweetheart. You did so good, I’m proud of you.” You stop rambling and crying eventually, and it’s then that Mick leaves you on the bed to go prepare you a hot bath.
He picks you up very carefully and helps you get in the bathtub filled with your favorite bathbomb and perfumes. Mick doesn’t pressure you at any moment and just stays there, helping you bathe.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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lunarianscorpio · 8 months
Courtship: Venus Signs (part 1)
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Earth signs Desire commitment and a lasting partnership.
♑︎ Capricorn Venus:
Loyal, protective, quietly romantic, reserved, thoughtful, and considerate in matters of love, romance, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Practical about themselves, understanding their worth in the material world and how others perceive them.
May appear aloof, but knows precisely what they want in a partner.
Will patiently wait for the right person who fulfills their needs and standards.
Prioritizes career or finances during single periods.
Potential imbalance if partnered with a water Mars sign, as they might yearn for love despite being comfortable alone.
Speaks highly of you, openly expressing affection and admiration.
Brings up your name in conversations, showcasing a deep pride and love.
Holds themselves to a standard of perfection, pushing for continuous improvement and sometimes feeling resentful for falling short.
Learns that self-worth is a gradual process, not a forced ascent.
Refined aesthetic taste with a strong inclination towards the arts, especially visual arts.
Enjoys concrete and physical expressions like sculpting, painting, and escaping into books.
Looks for love when it aligns with life plans and flows naturally.
Enjoys darker colors, earth tones, and may favor black without flashy appearances.
Dresses in a reserved, chic, professional, or vintage-inspired manner.
Appreciates rich earthy smells like coffee grounds, vetiver, and rainy woods, as well as clean spicy scents.
Loves food, particularly rich dishes with sentimental value.
Very good with money, enjoys it, and doesn't require much assistance.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to corporate types, mysterious, closed off, enigmatic, classy, and practical individuals.
May be drawn to businessmen, morticians, older people, architects, and mystics, venus in taurus, virgo, capricorn, scorpio & aquarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Takes love seriously with a guarded heart, feeling deeply in love.
Very romantic but often feels like gestures aren't sufficient, leading to inaction.
Shy and rarely flirts, but when they do it's straightforward and to the point.
Indicators of interest include trying to impress through achievements or appearance changes.
Finds dating challenging and tends to avoid it.
In relationships, seeks reassurance of worth, cherishment, and likes to be in charge but remains loyal for the long haul.
♉︎Taurus Venus:
Intense, sweet, amorous, dependable, highly romantic, and artistic in matters of money, self-worth, and relationships.
Struggle with self-worth, often comparing themselves to a mental aesthetic and others' looks; need to recognize and appreciate their internal and external beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, particularly art in all its forms, including poetry and fashion; may also have a love for cooking and music.
Craves pampering and security for genuine romantic love.
Adores style and cultivates a unique, expressive fashion sense rather than following trends.
Good with colors, with a preference for all colors, avoiding overly loud or aggressive shades.
Prefers luxurious and flavorful foods, often indulging in sweets; enjoys rich and intoxicating smells like vetiver and Spanish moss.
Envisions an ideal partner but may find it challenging to meet someone worthy.
Values luxury and comfort in relationships.
Willing to test suitors to identify the one truly devoted to love.
Surprisingly, adept at managing money; understands when to save and when to spend, with purchases typically substantial.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for well-dressed, classy, debonair, and sturdy individuals who are reliable and appealing; may also be drawn to the starving artist.
Finds bankers, farmers, businesspeople, artists, singers, and chefs interesting romantically, as well as venus in capricorn, taurus, virgo, pisces and cancer.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and reticent in matters of the heart due to intense and deep feelings of love.
Signs of a Venus in Taurus crush include becoming soft-spoken, gentle, touchy, or direct stares.
Prefers silent coaxing and seduction, often not outwardly showing intentions but putting extra effort into appearance.
Enjoys giving little gifts and favors to catch someone's attention.
Loves being pursued, feeling special, and indulging in classical romance with all senses involved.
Like Capricorn, can wait patiently for the right match.
Envisions a future with you and strives to bring joy into your life.
Unable and unwilling to imagine a moment without you, showcasing deep emotional attachment
Craves physicality, contact, and commitment for a stable relationship; highly responsive and respects differences to achieve a harmonious equilibrium
♍︎ Virgo Venus:
Analytical, helpful, idealistic, altruistic, and witty in dealing with aesthetic, self-worth, money, relationships, and romance.
Struggles with self-worth due to intense analysis of aesthetic and high expectations for perfection in artistic endeavors.
Needs to learn self-love by embracing flaws as part of the mortal experience.
May avoid Venusian activities out of fear of not being good enough, despite possessing skills in art, especially in sculpting, painting, gardening, and fitness.
Enjoys soft colors reminiscent of spring, woody browns, and greens.
Dresses in a conservative and professional style, conveying their identity concisely.
Prefers smells associated with comfort, cleanliness, citrus, vanilla, or fresh sheets.
Health-conscious and selective about food, considering taste and health reasons.
Analytical and good with money, excelling in facts, figures, and understanding the monetary value.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to practical, healing, intelligent, logical, and detail-oriented individuals.
Finds mechanics, scientists, doctors, researchers, and teachers attractive, venus in taurus, capricorn, virgo, cancer & scorpio.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and hesitant to initiate, prefers being pursued in romantic relationships.
Not inclined towards overt displays of affection or emotional expressions.
Tests partners subtly for devotion; silently contemplates moving on if betrayed.
Displays profound kindness, aiming to enhance your days with subtle yet impactful gestures.
May struggle with dating due to the ability to magnify minor flaws in others.
Indicates a crush by offering help with projects or problems, showing a genuine desire to assist.
Craves deep unconditional love and struggles with criticism due to self-critique.
Needs reassurance and to be cherished, emphasizing the existence of perfection through love.
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Fire Signs: Seek thrill and excitement, desire an intoxicating romance.
♐Sagittarius Venus:
Happy-go-lucky, adventurous, moralistic, and charitable in matters of self-worth, love, money, aesthetic, and romance.
Generally maintains a healthy self-worth with contagious perky confidence.
Enjoys flirting, playing the field, and has a childlike spirit, but must avoid becoming overly cocky.
Fondness for literature, poetry, spoken arts, and may engage in creative pursuits like music.
Views love as a game for entertainment.
Needs freedom; relationship flourishes with the right balance.
Prone to boredom and drawn to creative, unattainable partners.
Loves games, including sports or video games.
Looks for love randomly but avoids feeling tied down, keeping options open during the search.
Enjoys dramatic and vibrant colors that evoke a happy or jovial vibe.
Dresses in a comfortable and interesting sporty or hippy-esque manner.
Willing to compromise, recognizing the importance of give-and-take in maintaining the relationship.
Prioritizes the relationship over the desire for control.
Finds mentally stimulating and "foreign" foods delightful, especially spicy dishes.
Prefers earthy and floral smells, like fresh-cut flowers.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to different, free-thinking, scholarly, and jocular individuals.
May be drawn to professors, older people, athletes, large individuals, or sages, venus in sagittarius, leo, aries, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Doesn't take love too seriously and sees it as something to be enjoyed.
Expresses crush openly or tries to make the person laugh if attracted.
Enjoys dating, meeting new people, and tends to grow infatuated quickly.
Needs space and time to feel independent in romance.
Requires expansive and big gestures for true fulfillment.
Dislikes clichés, dense individuals, and clinginess.
Seeks a partner in crime and confidant for genuine engagement in a relationship.
♈︎Aries Venus:
Pioneering, vivacious, unapologetic, and feisty in matters of self-worth, style, money, and relationships.
Healthy self-worth, with Venus influencing interests and self-definition.
In the arts for making striking, edgy statements rather than adhering to traditional beauty standards.
Fond of debate and mental combat; values independence and security for genuine love.
Striking style, athletic/provocative appearance, or an appearance that appears indifferent.
Fondness for warm colors and simple, comfortable fabrics; may enjoy spicy food and earthy smells.
Not overly concerned with money, views it as a necessity; can spend on expensive hobbies and toys.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for spontaneous, fun-loving, extroverted, and exciting lovers; may find quiet but in-control individuals appealing.
Attracted to athletes, soldiers, mechanics (technical thinking), rebels, lawyers, construction workers, and rough individuals romantically and physically, venus in aries, leo, sagittarius, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Driven, direct, and open in the arena of love; willing to try anything once.
Sign of a Venus in Aries crush is teasing in good fun; loves to show off and impress the object of affection.
Enjoys the chase and seduction, though may grow bored quickly; awkwardly romantic and wants to pamper loved ones.
Enjoys the chase but may get bored once the conquest is achieved.
Requires physical and mental stimulation to stay in love.
In relationships, desires independence and control; dislikes being told what to do or competing.
Needy romantically, vocal, and somewhat pushy in expressing desires; values feeling appreciated and being treated as number one.
Reveals their vulnerable sides to you, emphasizing transparency and reciprocity.
Demonstrates an all-encompassing love once they've truly embraced their feelings for you.
♌︎Leo Venus:
Bright, magnanimous, fun-loving, romantic, and superfluous in matters of self-worth, love, relationships, money, and aesthetic.
Self-worth can vary from low to overly high, often compensating and may appear arrogant.
Requires constant reassurance of self-value, sensitive to insults, and hides struggles behind a smile.
Enjoys the arts, excelling in activities where they can be in the spotlight, including sports and physical activities.
Seeks love when feeling unappreciated but waits for genuine needs.
Dresses in a sporty, casual, flashy, professional, or debonair style with a fondness for bright colors, gold, red, and occasionally black.
Enjoys giving attention and expects occasional reciprocity.
May become overwhelming when self-absorbed, needs grounding.
Loves spicy aromas, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and clove, as well as smooth scents like vanilla.
Enjoys indulging in various foods, especially childlike treats.
May spend generously, particularly for the enjoyment of others, requiring assistance in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to showy, artistic, athletic, charismatic, and powerful individuals.
Loves glamour and grandiose declarations in relationships.
Seeks a loyal and committed partner who enhances their ego.
May find appeal in bosses, artists, actors, soldiers, royalty archetypes, and athletes.
Romantic Approach:
Goes all out in love, courting, pursuing, and wooing simultaneously.
Enjoys spectacular romance and is not shy about dating or the dating scene.
Expresses interest by going out of their way to impress and compliment, may straightforwardly communicate their feelings.
Desires to be treated like royalty, pampered, and made to feel special.
Expects reciprocity in passion, intensity, and drama to keep the relationship fresh.
Dislikes feeling unimportant and needs consistent expressions of love, yet maintains independence.
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Water Signs: Seek a fairy tale romance, searching for a Prince or Princess.
♓︎Pisces Venus:
Dreamy, romantic, loving, creative, and fantastical in matters of love, self-worth, money, relationships, and aesthetics.
May have a deluded sense of self, occasionally needing help to see themselves clearly.
Shy but enjoys occasional flirtation, especially in a playful context.
Attentively listens and remembers your words, valuing communication as a way to understand and love you better.
Enjoys hearing you talk, using it as an opportunity to deepen their understanding of you.
Enjoys art, particularly music, dance, and literature.
Often seeks love, viewing themselves as a part of a whole, searching for a profound connection.
Shy in pursuing but makes subtle gestures to be closer.
Needs to occasionally be more selfish in relationships.
Vulnerable to being taken advantage of due to an overly loving nature.
Loves colors reminiscent of the ocean and the sky, including dark to light blues, greens, purples, and black.
Fashion style can vary from free-flowing, ocean-breeze attire to trendy runway looks or understated appearances to avoid attention.
Enjoys aromas like the ocean, fruit, and candy.
Has a big appetite and loves seafood, sugary sweets, and food from different cultures.
Not overly materialistic but acquires money effortlessly, often spending it on loved ones.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to mystical, aloof, artistic, emotionally expressive, and structured individuals.
Compatibility with sailors, psychics, healers, artists, or therapists, venus in pisces, cancer, scorpio and maybe taurus.
Romantic Behavior:
Shy yet not afraid to initiate romantic gestures.
Signs of interest include leaving messages unread (a commitment test) and engaging in deep conversations beyond typical bedtime hours.
Prefers soulmate connections over casual dating.
Needs lots of love, affection, and care in a relationship.
Dislikes being perceived as overly dependent and can be disillusioned if their idealized image of a loved one shatters.
♋︎Cancer Venus:
Affectionate, sentimental, sweet, romantic, and receptive in matters of self-worth, money, style, aesthetic, partnership, and love.
Healthy self-worth usually influenced by family perceptions and upbringing.
Tendency to become engrossed in memories, potentially distorting them, leading to psychic disharmony.
Enjoys emotionally fulfilling hobbies such as reading, acting, cooking, baking, gardening, and finds stimulation in architecture or interior design.
Looks for settling-down material in love, avoiding games.
Assumes the role of the nurturing mother in relationships.
Magnetic and alluring, attracts partners effortlessly.
Analyzes and evaluates relationships; values security and harmony.
Style may not always be fashionable but holds value and meaning, either following family styles or changing frequently to keep up with trends.
Fondness for pastels, silver shades, especially purple and blue, preferring a dapper look without being overly flashy.
Delighted by scents from home, ocean breeze, or a forest after rain, with a preference for earthy and fruity smells.
Loves cooking and food, attached to traditional dishes, with a craving for sweets and creamy treats.
Excellent with money, skilled in investment and business ownership.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to emotional, trustworthy, familiar, and loving individuals.
May also be drawn to sailors, travelers, royalty archetypes, poets, bodybuilders, and comedians, venus in cancer, scorpio, pisces, taurus and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Shy but can pursue if necessary, values traditional romance and believes in love traditions like meeting the spouse's family.
Takes relationships seriously, finds letting go challenging.
Signs of a crush include blushing, bashfulness, attempts to talk, and revealing something emotional
Will push back if being used, prioritizes home harmony.
Invests considerable time in your company, fostering comfort and mutual ease.
Their presence brings a soothing calmness, contributing to a deep sense of connection.
Desires a fairy tale experience, appreciates sentimental mementos, and values cherishing shared memories.
Craves emotionality and feels hurt if emotions are disregarded, but can become clingy and manipulative if not moderated.
Extremely loyal and willing to weather the storm, not easily bored.
♏︎Scorpio Venus:
Possessive, secretive, romantic, intense, loving, and creative in matters of self-worth, money, love, relationships, and mystique.
Tendency for relatively low self-worth, feeling unattractive, and presenting a facade to compensate, emphasizing the seriousness of love.
Craves cherishment and security for a safe and healthy self-worth.
Subconscious and energetically seductive, attracting both desired and unwanted things.
Displays creativity, viewing destruction as a form of creation, especially in music or activities involving breaking and destroying things.
Enjoys sports, video games, and may have various artistic talents.
Desires to merge and feel complete, often seeking love but may struggle when needing support.
Appreciates a variety of colors, with greens, purples, and blues drawing particular interest.
Dresses in a sporty, dark, artsy, or blending-in manner.
Prefers hypnotic and deep smells like dark chocolate, wine, and musky sea scents.
Enjoys spicy foods and exotic tastes that mentally and physically engage them.
Skilled with money and investing.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intriguing, mysterious, closed-off, powerful, and emotionally intense individuals.
May find interest in surgeons, doctors, researchers, mystics, sailors, and chemists, venus scorpio, cancer, pisces, capricorn and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Takes love seriously, aiming to make their significant other happy even if not overtly romantic.
Signs of a crush may include slight rudeness or playful power games, seeking attention harmlessly
Tests partners to determine worth, with potential psychological challenges.
Struggles to trust, but deepens emotionally when in love.
Sensitive to your emotions, quick to notice when you're feeling down.
Focuses on understanding and meeting your love language needs, especially during challenging times.
Serious about love, dating can be challenging.
Needs a partner who understands the intensity of their passions, values trust, and avoids deception.
Loyal and committed once invested in a relationship.
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Air Signs: Seek innovators and intellectual connection in romance.
♒Aquarius Venus:
Impersonal, creative, original, universal, and shocking in matters of relationships, love, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Usually has a healthy, if not detached, self-worth.
May distance themselves from the concept of "the self," which could be psychologically challenging.
Friendly and may unintentionally flirt; aesthetic taste is intriguing, embracing individuality and the arts.
Finds beauty in dreamy, surreal colors like pastels and neons.
Enjoys music, visual arts, poetry, and activities involving the mind like video games.
Looks for love when feeling a lack of a true community and seeks one-on-one connections.
Dress style may be striking, eclectic, modern, or fitting a group aesthetic with a hint of a hippy flair.
Enjoys scents like the ocean, clean, light, breezy, and sweet aromas like cotton candy.
Appreciates complex and unique flavors for mental stimulation.
Good with money but prone to sudden spending sprees.
Preferences in Others:
Likes individuals who are aloof, idiosyncratic, distant, unattainable, intelligent, and humanitarian.
Attracted to musicians, scientists, researchers, astrologers/mystics, and philanthropists, venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, aries and saggitarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Cerebral about love but values its importance.
Indicators of interest are sporadic and confusing, ranging from acting like you don't exist to wanting to hang out.
Struggles with the balance between independence and craving companionship
Craves stability and loyalty despite a logical façade.
Expresses feelings through late-night texts, sharing thoughts they might hesitate to say in person.
Fickle in courtship; captivates with eccentricities.
Values freedom, loyalty, and stability; may become depressed without them.
Not particularly fond of dating and may see it as a waste of time.
In a relationship, seeks reliability paired with excitement and random, unexpected events.
Once committed, tends to stay, being a fixed sign.
♊︎Gemini Venus:
Charming, poetic, sociable, witty, and cunning in matters of self-worth, love, aesthetic, finances, and relationships.
Self-worth tied to communication skills and fitting into the community, needing to learn that being liked doesn't equate to true beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, including dance, music, poetry, and a genuine love for conversation; may also have a fondness for sports.
Requires stimulation in a relationship, finds love more fun than necessary.
Trendy in fashion, stylish, adaptable to changing trends; values fashion as a form of communication.
Likes bright colors, especially various shades of blues, and tends to shy away from dark colors.
Enjoys a variety of food, likes to be intellectually engaged with what they eat, with a fondness for sour and childlike sweet foods.
Attracted to citrusy, sharp, and clean smells, such as fresh sheets.
Doesn't overly focus on money, invests well, and can be impulsive with hobbies or travel urges
Thrives on communication; requires mental stimulation.
Loses interest if not intellectually engaged.
Easily uses people for temporary connections until captivated elsewhere.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intellectual, well-informed, sporty, suave, and aesthetically pleasing individuals; may appreciate the "wholesome person next door" aesthetics.
Finds PR people, librarians, professors, bosses, writers, actors, athletes, or local individuals attractive, compatible with venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, sagittarius & aries.
Romantic Approach:
Flirty, fun-loving, and eager in romantic relationships.
Displays goofiness or attempts to make the other person laugh when they have a crush.
Enjoys intellectual play and wants a partner who can match their quickness.
Thrives on humor, eureka moments, and engagement of the mind.
Enjoys the thrill of the chase but may grow bored with monotony; long-distance relationships can work well.
Loves learning about their partner, so keeping them guessing and engaged is crucial.
♎Libra Venus:
Harmonious, diplomatic, balanced, romantic, and idealistic in self-worth, money, love, and relationships.
Self-worth is influenced by how others treat them, seeking approval and universal love, but can struggle with feeling not good enough.
Needs to learn self-love and not rely solely on others for integral well-being.
Enjoys flirting and charm, finding exhilaration in social interactions and fun with potential mates and friends.
Naturally gifted in the arts, excelling in fashion, architecture, and textiles.
Actively looks for love, deeming it important and feeling lonely without it.
Ruled by Venus; loves beauty, luxury, comfort, and diplomacy.
Attracts potential partners effortlessly due to appealing qualities.Has varied color preferences based on cultural definitions of balance, avoiding reactions in people.
Trendy and hip in dressing, adapting to current aesthetics without growing overly fond of styles.
Enjoys bright, sunny smells like orange and mango, along with fruity, gentle, and sugary scents.
Adores sweet foods, indulges the senses, and may overspend on luxuries, requiring help in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to polite, intelligent, artistic, and politically savvy individuals.
May find interest in lawyers, decorators, doctors, venus in libra, gemini, aquarius, leo and sagittarius.
Romantic Approach:
Ruled by social convention, enjoys romantic gestures seen in movies and media.
Can be passive romantically but enjoys playing cat and mouse games, flirting, and having fun, even if shyly.
Signs of a crush include compliments, offers to help, and extending invitations to social events.
Needs a fun, light, and very romantic partner to feel complete.
Values trust in friends and lovers, seeking someone to share both joy and dark times
May withdraw if harmony is disrupted; values care and nurturing.
Can harbor deep rage if pushed to the limit in a toxic relationship.
Communicates emotions through their eyes, conveying the depth of their love without words.
Enjoys the dating scene, finding joy in getting to know potential partners.
Dislikes crass or unpleasant partners who embarrass them.
Lives in a realm of pure ideals, exhibiting prince/princess charming-like qualities.
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tim with hannaki disease
spending his childhood choking on flowers
Barely able to breathe rejection after rejection
Jason is attacking him at the tower and he can’t stop coughing out flowers
when dick gives Damian Robin, Tim leaves the cave spitting out petals
imagine if he died of suffocation during the Bruce quest
Fuck. I love hanahaki disease.
Tw: death, blood, asphyxiation, fictional disease, dead body description, gore
For those of y'all unaware, it's a completely fictional disease where having unrequited love results in the person growing flowers in their chest. It's usually romantic, but I prefer the platonic versons (especially child-parent angst, holy fuck).
I've seen two types of hanahaki:
The love is actually unrequited
The person only perceives the love as being unrequited
Either way, the progression is as follows:
Person coughs up one petal
They start coughing up more and usually blood
They cough up an entire blossom
They die trying to cough up the entire flower (blossom and stem)
There are four outcomes to hanahaki disease, depending on what rules you are working with:
Love becomes requited
Person dies
They have a surgery to remove their ability to have feelings
They lose (voluntarily or not) their memories about their unrequited love
Some people play with flower meanings of the petals being coughed up. I fucking love those versions so much.
Let's get into the AU! The timeline is mine to fuck around with, so excuse any non-canon progressions.
Tim has chronic hanahaki disease from his parents. They visit often enough to quell the worst symptoms and mitigate the damage, but they don't stick around enough (or show enough constant attention) for the petals to go away.
Janet once asked Tim if he'd like to get the surgery. Tim said no. Janet respected that choice and never asked again even though Tim was like nine at the time. It also becomes a fear of his. He wakes up in cold sweat at the phantom idea of just not being able to love anyone. It terrifies him, even if the feeling of asphyxiation is the only other option.
When Janet dies and Tim becomes Robin, he does his best to hide his condition from Bruce. It worsens, from the way Tim adores and loves the Bats, but Tim manages.
It's a rough few years, but slowly, the ice begins to melt. The Waynes show Tim more and more affection. YJ also shower him in so much care to the point that Tim has days of uninterrupted breathing.
It's a novel but welcome feeling.
Jack waking up from the coma complicates shit. His condition worsens again, but it's manageable.
Until Tim's sixteenth birthday.
The teen will never admit, but that test nearly fucking killed him. Bruce never finds out how close he was to killing his Robin, but Tim knows. He'll never forget how thorns scraped along his throat at the idea that he can't trust anyone. He'll never rid himself of the intimate knowledge of how blossoms taste in his mouth and the sickly sweet smell of blood mixed with flower petals.
Tim has to quit Robin, for his safety, health, and as a "fuck you" to Bruce, but realizes he can't keep in contact with Dick, Alfred, or Barbara without it. He can't contact his team.
He has to go back, so he does.
Tim's not sure if it's better or worse that Bruce didn't know about the hanahaki. If the man did, would he still have done the test? Due to him never showing remorse or guilt for his actions, the teen doesn't know.
The question pesters him even when his dad finds out about Robin.
It plagues him through Steph becoming Robin and dying.
It festers into his bones when, while wearing those same damn colors, he hears his father die.
That is one or many reasons "Uncle Eddie" was created.
Tim can't quite trust Bruce, but he finds himself still loving the father-like figure in his life. He finds himself forgiving him. He leans into the hair ruffles, shoulder pats, and gruff words of affection. He lets himself be loved.
Then, an undead asshole in a gleaming red bucket comes to kick Tim's ass. The teen can't help but laugh at the way his life bounces between breathing and dying at the drop of a hat.
He's just barely able to hide the flowers from both Red Hood and the Titans.
A little assassin appears, and each attack brings a petal.
Each new death hampers Tim's ability to breathe. Tim tries, but it's so fucking hard. How is he supposed to live without them?
With the ticklish scrape of petals, Tim doesn't think he's supposed to.
Bruce isn't dead. Tim knows, with every fiber of his being, that Bruce can't be dead. Tim won't survive if he is.
Even if Tim loses everything, even if these damn fucking flowers consume him, at least his death will have a purpose.
That's what he tells himself as he lies in a pool of blood beneath the stars. The sand at his back is soft in comparison to the stem piercing his throat and tongue. The sound of his choking is joined by the bubbling wheezing of Pru.
Ra's peers down at the body already set with rigor mortis. Tim's jaw is pried apart by a bouquet of yellow carnations dripping in blood.
The demon head hums at the sight, a dangerous gleam to his eyes. With the flick of a hand, two assassins grab the young detective's corpse. The other three bodies are taken as well.
Tim's eyes fling open as the teen gasps for air.
It's wrong. It's wrong. It's all wrong. He's empty.
He's surrounded in green.
Oh fuck.
For awhile, Tim just soaks in the soft expansion of his lungs. He marvels at their capability.
He can't remember a time when he's been able to breathe so easily. It's enchanting and allots the teen a giddy sort of relief.
Through the destruction of both the Spiders and the LoA, he finds himself taking small moments to just breathe. It's a simple joy he can't help but partake in.
Tim logically knows there's a price. His breaths cost him, though he doesn't know their price. He should be dead and buried within the flowers.
He is neither.
He is alive. He is free (from the petals. It takes him a little bit to become free of Ra's).
Tim brushes aside these valid and alarming concerns to focus on his goals: escape, take down Ra's, and derail whatever retaliation occurs.
So that's what Tim does. He ignores the insistent sense of wrongness and focuses on the task at hand. He coordinates his friends and family. He faces down Ra's. He gets kicked out of a window.
With a grim smile, his body goes lax and his eyes flutter shut
He's done.
When Tim springs up from unconsciousness, Steph's voice reassures him he's safe. She tells him he's in the batcave.
The tension to bleeds from his body as Damian mutters a demand. Tim's eyes dart from Robin to Batgirl to Batman (Dick) to Alfred.
That sinking feeling of wrongness returns.
Dick's eyes are trained on the teen as he asks Tim, "How did you know I'll be there to save you?"
It's obvious the man is worried. It's obvious he's so fucking glad he caught his younger brother.
The lie falls from Tim's lips as smooth as any truth, "You're my brother, Dick. You'll always be there for me."
Dick's face brightens with fond relief.
Tim watches. He observes the reactions of his older brother. He catalogs the effect of his words on the man he's admired and loved for thirteen years.
He notes all of this.
And he feels nothing.
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