#you even invited me to your server where i haven't talked in. in. in how long again
godbirdart · 1 year
You don’t have to answer this question as it’s probably dumb to ask…but do you know what platform(s) would be a good starting point? Particularly for original content rather then fanart? I heard deviantart is a good place where alot of ppl got there start on but there’s lots of art thrives and such.
don't even worry, it's not dumb at all! it's hard to gauge where to Begin in the vast hellscape that is the online world. i do get this question [and some adjacent questions] often so please allow me to use your ask as an excuse to post a few of my site rankings for various art things!!
for reference, these are the sites I'll be addressing because i have used them at some point within the last year. please note: my information on Cohost and Itaku specifically may be out of date as I haven't used them in a long while. naturally, this is all solely my perspective. i run both a furry/original content account and an anime/fanart account on most of these sites and run them reasonably independently from one another. these rankings are based on how well each account fares on each site.
I will be talking about Patreon and Ko-Fi as if people will only be posting paywalled content there. you Can publicly post on both sites, but for the sake of this post i'm only going to treat them as paywalled sites since well, that's kind of their purpose.
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the A-tier list sites here are the ones that are most practical, with a decent member presence and little to no algorithms impairing your reach. the only sites here with any sort of algorithm are tumblr and deviantart, but i feel they don't ruin your reach that much.
B-tier list is mostly centered around popularity. there are massive audiences on both masto and twitter. twitter can be really good if you're posting certain content. mastodon has countless instances [read: servers / subdomains, however you want to call them] that can help narrow down an audience and like-minded people. for example, i use mastodon.art whereas many furries may use meow.social. you Can be discovered by people on other servers than yours.
C-tier has been sorted in accordance to audience. this is solely in my experience, but not a lot of new people are flocking to cohost and itaku. we also just hate facebook in this house and i will never give a facebook products a high rating.
F-tier: if you are a new or growing artist, putting your art behind a paywall or making it a chat platform exclusive thing can really hinder your growth. you can still do this of course, but you won't get as many eyes on your work as you would on a public gallery. threads is there solely due to privacy issues that Cannot be overlooked. i will not recommend it.
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here's how i'd grade these sites for posting Original content, characters, stories, etc. your best sites will likely be furaffinity, deviantart, and tumblr. i've put these three here for their tag use, discoverability, and audience presence. tumblr can be a little glitchy with its tags, but they DO function.
A-tier is entirely centered around audience presence. these sites are great for showing off your work, but they don't have the same population as the S-tier. mastodon can be good as the quieter instances give you more discoverability. bluesky has been THRIVING when it comes to the furry community as of late [i'm personally on there daily] - the only reason i don't put it as S-tier is because it's invite-only AND you need to rely on your work being found through the Feeds feature if you aren't an already established artist.
B-tier: useful, but population may hinder your growth. toyhouse is GREAT for posting your original characters and stories, but it is invite-only and not necessarily gallery-focused [it can be USED for a gallery, but it's not the main purpose]. you can also post stories and lore to toyhouse. discord and telegram are Good, but again it can be hard to gain an audience through sites that require invites.
C-tier: it is DIFFICULT to grow on paywalled sites with original content. cohost [to my knowledge] has been stagnating with the release of bluesky.
F-tier: threads sucks, the end.
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S-tier here is sorted because of audience presence. while twitter does suck, i'm finding a LOT of success there with fanart. tumblr is The fandom site of course. furaffinity is great for a surprising range of fanart that isn't exclusive to furry, and deviantart's Groups feature is still going strong which can give you that extra exposure.
A-tier is: fans Go here, but the population or algorithm can make things tricky. instagram is good for fanwork but the algorithm and the speed that things are posted there can make discoverability an uphill battle. patreon; if you make comics or art with fan characters [especially 18+ content lmao] you can grow pretty rapidly there. patreon, like any other paywalled site, should be a secondary site and not your Primary posting location. artfol and pillowfort are still growing. pillowfort has a Communities feature - sort of like deviantart groups - that you can submit your art to which gives you that extra exposure. artfol is just a nice gallery site and the tagging system is,, decent enough. a little confusing because the tag system looks up keywords in posts and titles First, you have to tab over to hashtag searching specifically.
B-tier: invite only and audience reach. again, bluesky relies on your art to be picked up in Feeds, as there's currently no tag search. inkblot is growing but has a decent audience. ko-fi isn't as known as patreon for exclusive content but it's still a good site. mastodon has tagging that makes discoverability easier, but mastodon and its many servers can make things confusing for some people. itaku's not as commonly used so it may be harder to gain new eyes there once you establish yourself.
C-tier: posting fanart to these sites Can Work. toyhouse focuses on posting and sorting original characters, so treating it as a gallery site won't get your far fast. it isn't impossible to grow as an artist there, but the site isn't intended for fanart posting. i cannot say much on cohost here. telegram and discord, again, it's harder for people to discover you out of the blue unless you mention your server / channel on another site.
F-tier: fuck threads.
lastly, to address thieves,
thieves are gonna be everywhere. i'm sorry to say, but there will always be shitty people. i recommend the following:
watermark your art. not in the corner, don't just sign in one spot, place a Huge translucent watermark over the WHOLE art. i recommend making it a colour gradient too instead of one solid colour or greyscale.
also: sign your goddamned art! put your username on there!
post a low resolution when sharing online. less than 1200px wide or tall. 72dpi. JPEG format. keep the high res privately for yourself.
add a subtle noise filter over your art. it doesn't have to be high opacity, and it'll make your art a little grainy, but it's good for fucking with AI bots and ruining any print quality potential.
i hope this offers some insight! if you have a different experience on these sites, please feel free to add your testimonial in the replies or reblogs! not every artist is going to have the same experience and growth rate.
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irbcallmefynn · 4 months
Okay this is a very hard post for me to make but i feel like i have to make it. I can't be quiet about this any more. I can't keep saying it where nobody will see it because i need people to see it. If the friends of anyone mentioned in this post want to send it their way, feel free. This is not a call-out post. This is an apology, and an ask for explanation.
I want to preface what I'm about to say with: I'm not mad at anyone mentioned in this post. I don't think anybody in The Creachures is. We all miss you and wish things could've worked out. I'm sorry if what I say comes off as hostile or aggressive, I'm not great at wording this sort of thing, and it's coming from a place of much emotion.
@hexedbug @juneibyou @xxthunderthedragon @bobisnotaperson @razzytism
You five have caused me a lot of stress and anxiety in not telling me what i did to hurt you. You haven't given me the opportunity to improve upon myself or correct these transgressions, or even apologize to you. I'm sure you're all at least somewhat aware of how I handle feelings like this, and I understand you not wanting to pander to me or hurt yourself by putting up with me and my Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. But you all let me down very harshly, and I've been unable to move past what happened because of it. You've made being on Tumblr miserable, to the point you're making me consider quitting Tumblr, because being on here and seeing you constantly and feeling that sense of hatred hurts, especially when you're being closer to my friends than they are with me. I've been told you don't hate me, but it's hard to believe and accept that when, in my head, you've all decided to block me for unknown reasons, and denied me the ability to apologize.
Hexed. I understand you find what I post about weird. And I understand I was interacting with people who "dragged the server down". You're the one I understand the reasoning of the most. Not following me back because you don't like my posts is fine, though you could've just blocked tags/post content about that stuff. If I was tagging things improperly you should've told me so I could correct it, instead of letting it sit inside you until you couldn't handle it. I get I was encouraging people to vent in Tau Heximus 2, something you didn't want. But again, you should have said something, or done something. I contributed to making your server a place you didn't enjoy. I feel like you wanted both a strictly positive place, and a place where people can be honest and close, two things that don't mesh. I chose the one that I enjoyed more, a close, honest community. I'm sorry I went against your wishes.
June. When you left the server, you said that "Bug Squad" were real ones, and that you still liked us. You then went on to call us and our friends Delusional for starting a new server after the old server's death. That hurt immensely. I understand you were in an emotional place, but using a word like that is not acceptable. You also went to my girlfriend's private vent blog to target it directly. You're the only one I ever blocked, because you were being actively hateful, and betrayed my trust directly. I have since unblocked you, though, because I'm not mad at you, not anymore. You were trying to cope with what happened, and I get it. I just wish you handled things more gracefully and politely. I'm sorry for whatever I did to hurt you, besides joining a new server. Just, please, work on your emotional control some, so outbursts like this don't happen again.
Thunder. You're the one I miss the most. I felt so close to you. You almost felt like a brother to me. But the way you've been avoiding bringing up what I did to hurt you makes me feel like you either don't want me to know what i did, or don't know what I did yourself. I just wish you'd be more open to talking, so we can work things out. I'm so sorry for hurting you.
Bobbu. I thought we were still friends when you invited me to join Art and Slimes. I turned it down because I don't think I could handle a server of that size, and had already joined the new server. While we maybe weren't as close as some of the others, I still considered you a friend. I'm sorry for whatever I did.
Raz. I am so, so sorry for everything that happened. TH2 was the only place that you had found comfort and support in to such a degree, and I've been worried about how you've been without that support. I feel like you used to trust me a lot, enough to confide in me about some of your issues. I wish I knew what I did to betray that trust.
There's three others I wish to bring up that haven't hurt me as bad, but I still wish to say something to.
Mars, I'm glad we're still friends. But it feels like you're less a part of Bug Squad than you are Hexed and June's friend group. I'm always worried about the state of our friendship, since you interact with them so much more than Me, Rico, and Tetra. I just feel excluded and neglected, is all. I'm sorry.
Yaza, I don't know how to feel about you. You're clearly more of June and Hexed's friend than mine. Clearly you don't like the new server because we kept bringing this stuff up in the early days, and I'm so sorry for that. I just wish we could still be friends. Because right now it doesn't feel like you want to be my friend.
Eblu. I don't know what to think of you. You're a good guy, really. But when you say you're my friend and then turn around a few days later and say "if you're friends with [close friend of mine] don't interact with me" I have issues with that. Deciding that everyone who's friends with someone is now bad because they made a mistake is not okay. Yes, it was bad that it happened. Yes, that friend should've been more careful. You are valid for being upset by what you saw. But you don't have to declare everyone who likes that person undesirable. You took it too far.
There are two things I did that I feel I need to apologize for that I actually know of.
When Tau Heximus 2 was dying, I had said that killing the server would kill me. That was disgusting of me. I should not have said that. It was emotionally manipulative of me. I was scared, and confused, I had never experienced something like that before, the loss of somewhere that felt like home, it really felt like I was going to die, and I spoke with my heart instead of my head. If this is what I did to hurt you, I am deeply sorry for saying something so uncomfortable. I'm doing my best to keep my emotional responses under control. And I hope that should anything like that happen again, I won't have such a dramatic response.
I would also like to apologize for being so difficult to help. Whenever I'm offered advice on how to improve or fix something, I have a habit of coming up with excuses, or just flat out rejecting it. I don't mean to come off as ungrateful or opposed to your help. Stressful situations cause me to mentally shut down in a way where anything to help that takes even a slight amount of effort becomes an insurmountable task. I'm trying my best to be more receptive of help, even if it's just agreeing that it would help. I just wish I had the means and energy to actually act on the advice. I am so sorry for anyone who I've hurt by denying your help. Offering me advice does help me mentally, because it lets me know people care, but I feel terrible that I hurt people by not being able to accept and act on the help.
This isn't a call-out post. This is me asking for clarification on what I did wrong, apologizing for what I know I did, and wishing to clear things up.
Thank you for reading.
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gamerbunny1996 · 4 months
Our Secret
Warning ⚠️: mention of abuse that's all. No it's not Schlatt doing it either.
You just started streaming on twitch in the last couple months and you already have a few thousand that watch you. It's probably because your brother was a famous YouTuber after all. Your brother was very hesitant to let you stream. With lots of begging and threatening you doing it anyway because you're a grown ass adult he let you. You already help him with his stuff anyway you film and edit for him and his friends,so you can only stream once in a while anyway.
You even just got invited to join a Minecraft server. So every Friday when you're not traveling you stream it. You decided to build your house away from everyone. Not many people came and visited you and you were okay with that. You would drag your brother in your room to show him all the work you have been working on in the world.
One day when you were doing a chill stream just building on the world a couple others on the server came over to your area. “So this is where you have been hiding '' one of the three guys said. “Um yes it is well I mean I didn't mean to hide away” you replied back. “Wow you have done a lot” you looked at the name tag of who said that. Mikasacus the name tag said. “Yeah I play off stream sometimes I don't have a lot of time to play so I do when I can” you told them. “Well let us introduce ourselves, I'm Mika,” he said to you. “I'm Aztro," the other one said. You walked up to them, punching them away. “Hey that was rude” they punched you back. I laughed at them.
Now you know the other one, he was the one that invited you, schlatt was his name. We haven't talked other than him sending you an email about joining the server. “You should show us around,” Mika asked. “Yeah sure follow me” you started to run off. Showing the three around your base. You would catch schlatt stealing something once in a while and yelling at him to put it back. After that Aztro and Mika left to go find their other friend. “How are you liking the server?” Schlatt asked you. “I'm liking it. I should go explore more and talk with the others here as well but I like staying in my area” you told him. “I'll have to come visit more often then” he said. “That would be wonderful” you got excited that someone wanted to play with you. “Alright but I gotta go finish filming for sleep deprived talk to you later” he started to run off.
Weeks have gone by and you have been talking to Schlatt everyday most of the time you're not even live on twitch. You guys just like talking just the two of you. You found out a lot about schlatt. One, he lives where two of your brother's friends are. So you have a chance to meet him one of the times you go over to Texas to film. He also owns two cats so you two show off your cats to each other all the time. Well yours isn't well yours she is your brother's cat but you still show the little cat off all the time.
It was time for you to travel again so streaming is going to have to go on hold for a while. You leave in a week to Texas. You really wanted to meet up with Schlatt but your brother is super protective of you and you don't know how to go off without him noticing. Plus you also won't have time. So you decided to just ask your brother to stay an extra day so you can meet up with schlatt. You just won't tell him who. Walking up the stairs you see your brother on his computer.
“Hey Gaege can I ask you a question”
“Yeah what is it?” he turned around in his chair to face you.
“Can we maybe stay an extra day in Texas”
“I have some twitch friends out there I want to meet”
“No” is all he said turning around
“Why not I'm a big girl I can take care of myself” you started to walk farther into his room.
“I said no and that's that”
“Please Gaege” you tried begging
“You know why I don't like you meeting up with people without me”
“Then you can come with”
“Still a no plus I don't even know who your meeting with”
“I knew I shouldn't have moved in with you” you yelled walking back down the stairs. Walking to your room slamming the door. You can hear Gaege yelling back at you. “You would have been on the streets then” crying in your pillow. You hated how protective your brother can be sometimes. He was right though, without him you would be on the streets with no job. You're 21 years old and can't even be left alone without him there. His girlfriend is the only one that's allowed to be left alone with you.
You text Schlatt that you won't have time to meet up with him when you're in Texas. Hugging your pillow to your chest. Soon your phone went off. Looking at it, it was Schlatt replying to you. “That's gay” he replied. Laughing a little you just typed yeah and sent it. You get why your brother is protective; he doesn't want anything repeating from your past. Soon a FaceTime call was coming through. Seeing the name you answered.
“Hello” schlatt said
“What wrong”
“My brother is just a jerk is all”
“Why you say that”
“i tried to get him to agree to stay one more day so we can meet up but he wasn't having any of it”
“That's okay will meet soon”
“That's the thing he doesn't want me meeting anyone I'm not even allowed to be left alone with his friends”
“What why that's a little bit protective don't you think”
“Yeah he has a good reason though”he gave a curious look.
“Long story”
“I got all day”
Rolling your eyes “I also rather not get into it. It's a hard thing for me to talk about”
“Gotcha we'll find a way to meet I promise”
Smiling you rolled out of bed. Going to your desk you sit down in your chair. Putting your phone up against your computer screen. “It's just heartbreaking that I can't do anything”
“Why don't you just move out you a big girl”
“I would but my brother has done so much for me and I don't want to lose him because I moved out”
“Why would he be mad at that”
“Like I said he is protective doesn't want me going out and meeting people and living life”
“I really want to know why he is so protective like it's bad y/n you got to have some freedom”
“I do I get to travel a lot and I hangout with all his friends all the time”
“His friends”
“Yeah I don't have any”
“Wonder why” Schlatt sarcastically said.
“Well I got online ones”
“It's more fun hanging out in person”
“Yeah I know”
“I think that's why all the friends I do make online stop talking to me”
“That's fucked up”
“Yeah it is. It's okay I get it”
Soon you heard your brother coming down the stairs. “I got to go,” you said, grabbing your phone. “Aw fine talk to you later toots” waving bye you hung up the phone. A knock came to your door. “Come in” your brother opens the door leaning on it. “I don't like you slamming doors in my house” rolling your eyes “okay dad” you said in a sarcastic tone. “Why do you want to meet this person or people so bad” turning to look at him. “Because I want friends too Gaege” you're getting upset again. “Last time that happened you got hurt”
“I was a dumb teenager, I'm not a kid anymore, I know how to get out of a bad situation now” you tried to argue.
“Do you. You tend to hide things from me alot”
You started to cry “why are you acting like this not everyone is asseholes”
“They are to me if it involves you. I seen you so broken and I don't want to see that again you lived in an abusive relationship for three years y/n, three years you didn't come to me when you need help”
“I was scared he threatened me so many times. I was 16, Gaege I didn't know what to do”
“Who do you want to meet”
Staying silent afraid he would flip if he found out it was Schlatt. “Who please tell me” he sounded so calm. “Schlatt” you said. “Fine” is all he said walking out. What did he mean by fine you thought. At this point you had so many emotions going through you. You just cried your eyes out. Moving to your bed you cried yourself to sleep.
It was the day of your trip. You have been down a lot lately just upset with your brother. You made sure all your equipment was packed and your clothes. Driving to the airport you just stayed looking out the window not wanting to talk with your brother.
Making it on the airplane you just played on your phone texts Schlatt once in a while to help distract you. The flight wasn't super long; it was just Florida to Texas. Once landed you go grab your bags. Gaege leads you through a crowd. Seeing your brother's friends you walk up to them.
You so badly just want to jump out of this car and run to Schlatt's place. You knew better though. A notification went off on your phone looking down, you saw Gabby texting you. Looking up because she was sitting in front of you. Confused, you looked back down and opened the message. “You okay. You seem really down then normal” smiling at the concern she had for you. Typing away, you replied back. “My brother is just annoying me like a lot” looking back out the window you just watch the car drive past different buildings. Your brother and his friend was talking about video ideas they could do while we are over.
Another ding went off. Looking at the message she sent you. ��What happened?” Sighing, you replied back. “I just really want to meet a friend but he won't let me. It's annoying how he is so protective I just want a normal life” you are just getting frustrated all over again. “If I can convince Gaege to take you shopping I'll take you to meet your friend” your eyes lit up. “Really?” Gaege was now looking up at you. “What you are excited about” you tried to think of a lie. Soon Gabby buts in “I was telling her if I asked you for permission that I can take her shopping there this new clothing store nearby the house” you gave puppy eyes. “Please I'll stay by Gabby the whole time” he sighed. “Fine” you jumped in joy “yay I need so many new things” you tried to play along like you were actually going shopping. Look at your phone and you text Schlatt really quick. “Guess why we can meet up but it can't be for long and my brother can not know about this ever” you looked back out the window with a smile. “When can we go” you asked out loud. “How about once we get to the house the boys are just going to be playing drinking games plus once we come back I can bring them all dinner how does that sound” Gabby said looking at Gaege. “That would be perfect actually” you looked at your phone ready to text Schlatt where and what time to meet. “Bet” is all he said.
Once to the house you put your stuff in the spare room you're staying in and get ready to head out. Walking up to your brother you hugged him “thank you I needed this” he hugged you back “please stay near Gabby” looking him in the eyes you nodded in agreement.
You and Gabby walked out of the house and got into her car. “Thank you so much you don't understand how much I appreciate this” smiling at her “You know I need to know who your meeting” she wiggles her eye brows. Blushing a little”I just a friend I stream with” you try to dodge the question. “That not what I'm asking I'm asking for a name” you signed out “His name is Schlatt” she gives you a look “A boy ooooo. If it was a girl I feel like your brother wouldn't be as cautious but a boy he will kill him then me for taking you then you for lying” looking out the window”believe I know” well will do everything we can do he doesn't ever know about this so that means we got to actually buy some clothes” smiling at Gabby you nod your head in agreement.
Pulling up to the mall you both get out. “Okay once the two of you meet I'll just stay in the mall you can do whatever you want but message me once in a while and meet back here in two hours you hear me.” Gabby held onto your shoulders making sure you understand what she is staying. “Yes ma'am” rolling her eyes as you guys head into the store. You sent a quick text to Schlatt asking where he is. Soon you felt someone pick you up “right here” you heard the person say. You recognize that voice. Turning around once he puts you down, you hug him. “Alright you know the plan all is on my way” Gabby said heading off.
“How did you convince your brother?” asked, still hugging you. “believe me I'm just as shocked as you are but to be fair he thinks I'm shopping with Gabby and have no idea I'm meeting with you” you told him “well then let's make the best of the time we got” taking your hand into his he started to walk out of the mall. “I'll take you out to dinner then will come back and just chill in the mall until you have to leave” he told you, opening the car door for you. Getting in he closed the door and walked around getting in himself. You made it to a very nice restaurant.
Sitting at the table the two of you just talked away about different things. Ordering your food and eating. You guys just stayed and chatted for a while. Enjoying each other's company. “I told you we were going to meet one day” he said to you. Smiling you replied back “Didn't think so soon though” he ended up paying the bill to your dismay. Getting up you both left to get back to the mall. “Thanks for meeting up on such a short notice” he smiled at you still keeping an eye on the road “of course I dropped everything to come see you” you gasped “you shouldn't have done that” you looked worried now. “it's okay it wasn't that big of a deal” you smiled looking out the window soon you felt his hand grab yours.
Getting back to the mall you two just walked around and soon you saw a Build a bear. Gasping you started to drag Schlatt there. You picked out a black bunny. Schlatt picked out an orange cat. You smiled. Happy he was joining you in getting one. Once filed with the stuffing you picked out the outfits. Schlatt dressed his with a sweater and shorts with little light brown boots the bear even had a little baseball hat on. I dressed mine in a little black dress and tiny black shoes. Schlatt yet again paid for both the stuffed animals.
Walking out of the store you grabbed your bunny and handed his to you. Confused you looked at him “that one's mine” he gave you a smirk. “Well now you have something to have that reminds you of me and I have one that reminds me of you” with the biggest smile on your face you guys went to do some clothes shopping for you so you came back with stuff not to look suspicious. With a couple bags and a stuffed cat it was time to meet back up with Gabby and leave Schlatt.
You had a sad face not ready to stop spending time with Schlatt just yet. He grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. “It's okay we will meet again I promise” he gave your cheek a kiss. You started to blush crazy. Smiling at him not knowing what to say Gabby came up. “Alright time to go” nodding your head as you looked at Schlatt one last time. “Bye hope to see you again soon” he waved at you and you and Gabby left.
Once in the car Gabby looked at you “sooooo what did you guys dooooo” she said in a sing-song voice. “Um well we went out to eat then we went back to the mall and walked around we went to build a bear. Both of us got a stuffed animal and then I bought some clothes to not look suspicious and yeah. It was a lot of fun” you smiled through the whole thing. “Like the matching cat” she said looking at the road. Blushing hard, you hugged it tighter to your chest.
Picking up dinner for the boys you headed home. Walking in we set the pizzas down on the table calling the boys in. They rushed in grabbing slices. Your brother walked up to you. “How was the trip with Gabby” you looked at him “lots of fun Gabby even took me to build a bear see” you showed him the cat dressed just like Schlatt. “How nice of her, got any good clothes? '' nodding your head, you showed him the couple of bags you got. He hugged you from the side. “Glad you had a fun time” you smiled only if he knew.
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blocksruinedme · 8 months
Not to give you more hope but through some deduction work reddit thinks that the first recording of HCX is today, 7 am Pearl time. Currently, Jimmy is live, and while he may not be live until then, I doubt he would be streaming if he was in it. Martyn is also streaming at this time. Scott, FWhip, and Sausage (and Shelby, but I don't think she was in contention) are also going to be live even later from now.
The new hermit shortlist is pretty narrowed down now... and Joel looks to be free...
(sorry if you aren't okay with me speculating in your inbox haha, just needed to share my excitement with someone and you seem pretty excited as well)
Jimmy - I have no idea why people have been discussing Jimmy. (Besides Jimmy is wonderful.) I truly think it would be a bad idea, and they all know it, especially the man himself. He'd get lost in the scope of it. He can't build big, he can't redstone, he can't automate he can't do wild games. It wouldn't be fun, I swear as a Jimmy obsessive freak it wouldn't be fun. (And there might not be enough men openly lusting for him to keep his shorts channel going.)
Martyn - Look at this asshole. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lcivLpAvC5s (him joking that he's on hc10). Martyn would be fun, but I'm not sure what he'd do? But he's a clever lad, he'd find his place. But I never considered it.
Scott - never really considered it, and honestly glad if he's out
fWhip - I'd be really into it, he's got the chops, but 1) someone told me he said he wouldn't 2) I need him running smps that Jimmy is on (he is working on one, yay. i assume Jimmy will be on because he said there's something coming, and also fwhip is obsessed with him /lh)
Sausage - what a fucking DREAM. I'd love it. I'm still going hard on my "it has to be people who did Decked Out, why would they consider or pick people and not have them over for that." People were talking on discord today about Sausage, and him and Keralis being... like that in the crossover, and I pulled out that early in Sausage's mcyt career, 2015, the coolest thing ever in his life was getting accepted to build on Keralis's server. This is a short intro video where he talks about what a sexy bastard Keralis is and how much he inspires him and gay stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjibFC5BRKQ&ab_channel=TheMythicalSausage
Shelby - First off, love Shelby. Second, I haven't seen her mentioned but idk why, is she close with any Hermits? Skill is good but they're inviting their friends, if you bring in someone who people don't jibe with, well, that's a huge fucking drain on your lives and careers
You didn't mention Lizzie, but if anyone is holding out for Lizzie, check how often she uploads. This seems unlikely. I'm told she said on her stream with Oli that she's semi-retired, which really tracks. She has fun.
If it's not Joel, I hope he's fucking delighted how much people want him on hermitcraft!
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sampersandman · 2 months
This is just to get it off my chest, and it isn't meant as an "You're stupid and I hate you" because I know you uh... probably have way too many of those already.
I'm just trying to state this for my sake, and maybe I hope that you consider this for a moment, but you don't have to, of course. Go forth and live you life however you wish. I'm probably gonna block you after sending this because I think it's just for the best.
I think you're wrong about Metalocalypse. Like on a lot sometimes, in regards to certain characters. Mainly Pickles, his family, and sometimes Abigail (this is mostly in reference to your opinions on what she represents/how she was handled). Which sucks because I really do think you provide a lot of resources for the fandom (+I really do enjoy your art)
In general you seem to just kinda not like it when people have headcannons (no this isn't about Pickles being trans/cis.) I think you can come off as super pompous and closed off in your own little world, kinda in a bad way. You seem to believe you're the "only one who actually appreciates the show for what it is" , which isn't true by a long shot dude. The other members in the fadom may prioritize things I assume you find to be small scale, but they still matter to them. A whole lot. I just think you need to try and consider the fact that sometimes people just wanna draw and talk silly stuff about a silly show! MTL is stupid and absurd, this is said with love, of course!
Long story short, I think you need to maybe take a little step back and be a little more considerate of the fact that what people are posting online is usually for fun! Maybe if you wanna get down and hash the shit with someone about the show, it's themes and whatever, join a discord server if you haven't already! I'm in one and they talk pretty much every day about the things that seem to appeal to you!
I wish you no harm or ill will, I just think that the way you're going about this could be making this the frustrating experience it is for you. Have a good day! ♡♡♡
? dunno what triggered this, I haven’t been posting much. Certainly not enough to be alarming lol
If it’s anything to do with what’s in my recent recollection atm, my explanation is that I just talk at people. I would think that if you’re posting in the main tags (and if what you’re saying is about how something is misinterpreted/unexplored by fans) then you would enjoy that sort of engagement. Especially if it’s not even combative and only really adding to the topic you had enough interest to post about in the first place
Though, now, when you talk to somebody on here or on Twitter about opinions on a show, there’s a knee-jerk reaction (some) people will have to any disagreement, oftentimes. One where they suddenly switch from talking about the show, to talking about themselves, and recontextualize the entire conversation to having been about them personally, making any observation that they disagree with out to be an attack. To me that’s very bizarre. It’s like an immediate emotional escalation just to hurt your own feelings lol. It’s also counterintuitive for another reason beyond just being messy, since I believe we should want to see things from other people’s perspective and understand them better, that that’s what we should be using media for, instead of wanting to experience something immediately relatable and applicable to ourselves exclusively. With this approach, I feel like I can relate and sympathize with a person who isn’t like me in almost every way.
for me, it’s fun to reverse engineer your way into understanding how different people operate. The logic informing their worldview and behavior. You would hope to encourage more people to be like that, so that instead of putting walls up and shutting down anything that makes you feel invalidated, you could invite a sort of mindset where you actually stand a chance at being truly understood, and feel less afraid of understanding others.
P.s. it’s fine to disagree with me or anyone else for that matter, and still use anything I post as a resource. cuz it’s not my stuff lolz
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cheerscoops · 10 months
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ship: Argyle/Chrissy Cunningham wc: 1.2k A/N: Happy December 1st! I hope you enjoy the first of my stories for the season! This one specifically was suggested by the always lovely @mothellie and is dedicated to all of my rarepair server girlies (gn) for helping me come up with ideas for this challenge and helping me work out character weirdness in my head <3
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“We can study in here,” Chrissy said as she led Argyle into the dining room. She'd invited her boyfriend over to study for their government exam, and she figured they'd be able to focus better if she didn't take him up to her bedroom right away.
They set their things down on the table, and Chrissy started to get her notes ready. However, Argyle was already distracted by a fancy looking box with numbered drawers that was on display on the room's sidebar.
“What’s that?” he asked, pointing at the box.
Chrissy briefly glanced up before turning her attention back towards her work.
“That's Danny's advent calendar. My mom pulled it out and stocked it for him last night. There's a religious element to it, but it's mostly just an excuse for him to get a piece of chocolate every day leading up to Christmas.”
“Where's yours?”
“Probably in the attic somewhere.”
Argyle looked back at Danny's calendar and frowned.
“That doesn't seem very fair on your mom's part.”
“I don't mind,” Chrissy said with a small shrug. “I haven't had one since middle school, so I don't really expect one anymore. It's no big deal. Now, quiz me with these flashcards. As soon as I get every one of them right, we can go watch a movie or something.”
Chrissy could say that it was no big deal that she didn't have her own advent calendar, but he knew her better than that by now. They'd talked at length about how she was used to being forgotten or cast aside by her parents in favor of spoiling her younger brother, but it still stung. He could see the disappointment on her face when she told him how long it had been since she last had one. That just meant he had some planning to do.
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The next day, Argyle was waiting at Chrissy's locker as soon as she got to school.
“You're here early,” she said as she stood up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek hello. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I have a surprise for you,” he told her. “And I was hoping you could come over after school, so I could give it to you.”
“A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
“You'll find out when you come over.”
“I don't even get a hint?” she pouted.
“Patience, my petite pineapple,” he said with a butchered French accent as he squished her cheeks between his hands to erase her pout.
“Okay, I'll wait,” she said between giggles. She removed his hands from her cheeks and retrieved the things she needed for her first couple of classes from her locker.
“Walk me to first period?” she asked, offering him her free hand.
He took her hand in his and gave it a little squeeze.
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“Okay, keep your eyes closed,” Argyle said as he led Chrissy back to his bedroom. He had his hands covering her eyes as he steered her around the house. “No peeking.”
“I promise I won't peek. I've been thinking about this all day, so I'm not gonna ruin the surprise now.”
He positioned her to be standing in front of his bed, and once he had her where he wanted her, he double checked that everything was where he needed it to be.
“Okay, you can look now,” he said as he took his place next to her.
Chrissy opened her eyes and took in the sight before her. Sitting on the bed were three boxes. The first was a shoebox filled with small numbered envelopes, the second one was larger and filled with brown paper bags, and the third was another shoebox filled with small packages wrapped in newspaper.
“What's all this?” she asked.
“I made us some advent calendars,” he said, looking very pleased with himself. “I know they're not as fancy as the one your brother has, but I think I did a pretty good job with what I had around the house.”
“You made me advent calendars?” She beamed up at him. Nobody had ever done something so sweet for her before, and she was touched by the thoughtfulness of this gesture.
“So what am I looking at?” she asked. “Where do I start?”
He picked up the first box and handed it to her.
“So, this one is the only one that's technically all yours,” he told her. “It's probably the closest to what your brother is getting, and since you didn't get to open one yesterday, you can open two now.”
She pulled out the first envelope and opened it to find a chocolate coin and a note that read ‘for my toasty little pizza bagel’ which immediately had her blushing and giggling. She opened the second envelope to find another chocolate coin, but this time, the note read ‘for my blushy-faced bumblebee.’
“How'd you know these were going to make me blush?” she asked.
“I have psychic powers, obviously,” he teased. “But you always blush at my cheesy nicknames. It's one of my favorite things about you.”
He poked her cheek which was still positively pink, and she stood on her tiptoes to pull him in for a kiss.
“Have I told you that you're the best boyfriend ever lately?” she asked.
“Only all the time. But it's always nice to hear.”
He gave her another quick kiss, and then she turned her attention back towards the bed.
“What's in the big one?”
“That one is the one I made for myself, but it can be shared with you whenever you come home with me if you want. Each bag has a joint and a snack in it for when the munchies hit afterwards. I call it Holy Smokes.”
Chrissy doubled over laughing.
“I love it,” she told him. “It's very you, and I will gladly cuddle up with you while you smoke and share your snacks. But maybe we don't mention this one around my mom, okay?”
“I don't know,” he teased. “I think she'd like it. It's very festive.”
“Sure, she would. What's in the third one?”
“That's another one that's just for you, but really, it's also a treat for me when you think about it. Each one of those packages has a different flavored lip gloss or chapstick in it, and I was thinking that we could turn it into a game where I have to guess the flavor you're wearing every day.”
“Oh really?” she asked with a knowing smirk. “But wouldn't it be very easy for you to guess since you're the one who made it?”
“I thought of that, and that's why none of those ones are numbered. So you can choose at random, and I'll have no way of knowing what it is.”
“Good thinking,” she said with another giggle. “We should probably get started soon then. We have two days of lip gloss for you to guess already, and who knows how long that'll take.”
“Definitely,” he agreed. “And I'm a terrible guesser, so you're probably going to have to reapply it a couple times. Just so I can be really sure of what it is.”
“Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way.”
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
I love your exploration of Minecraft mechanics in pixel imperfect it's so clever and they all make sense I want to microwave it all in my brain lskekeke is there any mechanics you have thought of but haven't had a chance to put it in a fic yet?
Thank you so much <3 I worked really hard on my worldbuilding and I'm so happy with how it came together. My strengths are in magical realism, bizarre twists and turns to attempt canon compliancy, and incredible commitment to the bit sldkfj. I'm really enjoying writing for this world and I can't wait to do more.
[ Pixels Imperfect series on AO3 for context ]
#Dog's Life spoilers + minor spoilers for Criminal Experience, but the tags probably hinted at it anyway.
Here's some stuff I haven't had the chance to delve into yet:
Soul Traits Flaring On When Flustered - I've shown Etho going into his fox traits a couple times in Dog's Life Chapter 8 (talking to Lizzie about feelings) and in "Canadian Idiot" (chewing on Joel's hand to reduce aggro urges, anxious about getting caught). His soul tail comes out and his soul ears go up. Joel's firefly soul traits also went up when he was scared during his fight with Etho in the latter story.
Usually soul traits come out under the mob-strengthening glow of the full moon. They'll also pop out when you're really flustered, startled, alert... etc. And since player souls were synced up in Double Life, that means we get gems like:
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I'm working on a Traffictober piece about that actually, where Grian slips into his parrot mindset and his influence over the soul wings is so strong that every flap knocks Scar over and he keeps tripping and fumbling while fleeing mobs, so Scar's just having a great day of feeling loved and remembered all around <3
Shower Houses - It's been hinted in Dog's Life, but Grian's the only one in the New Star Station portal hub who showers regularly. Pixel people don't sweat or collect a lot of stink, so they only wash when they need to deliberately remove dirt or mods or something. Grian just washes out of habit.
People wash so rarely that there are public shower houses in New Star Station because they weren't built directly into the apartments. This is also why there have been two private conversations in Dog's Life that were held in the shower house... it's just a convenient place to go where most people don't hang out.
Onsen - This one got hinted in "Canadian Idiot," but it's funny to me... Bdubs keeps inviting Etho to the onsen. In the Pix Impf universe, you can take your skin off to show your soul underneath (so you're considerably more undressed than if you'd just pulled your regular clothes off). Bdubs and Martyn, who are both huge fans of souls, enjoy going to the onsen. Etho, who does not change his skin, keeps turning them down. Although maybe someday, because that would be a fun one-shot.
I also want to point out that most of the coupons Etho keeps on his apartment counter are fake. Bdubs makes them for him because Etho has a shopping addiction and hoards them, but... they don't have a firm currency system in New Star Station because they live in a perimeter sealed in bedrock. Bdubs just makes them because Etho likes them and sometimes he can sway Etho to do stuff with him because "Your coupons are about to expire."
Testing Positive - Tango's wife once said she "tested positive" with no context and Grian congratulated her on her pregnancy... not realizing she meant she got whitelisted on a server. It was very awkward for him. Grian fumbles around with a lot of the vocab in the Pix Impf universe but he does his best.
Soul Slots - This one came up in Criminal Experience, but hasn't shown up in anything else yet. The Between dimension's gimmick is all about souls, and in that dimension, you get one "soul slot" you can equip items to. This item will teleport to you when you move a chunk away and it will even follow you when you respawn.
Impulse has a soup thermos equipped to his soul slot. He decorates it in stickers. Every time it regenerates, it respawns with a new type of soup. Also he uses it to take out traps because he'll just hurl the thermos at things and it's big and metal and if it's open then it's full of hot soup and no one ever expects to get clonked on the head with it and it's funny to me. Sir he is literally just a guy.
In Crim, he told Mumbo he carries another thermos that's full of souls. In modern times [Crim is set about 1,000 years before Dog's Life], Impulse does favor the soul thermos over the soup one. He can't risk moving far from it, though, because it'll reset to empty if he's a chunk away from it.
Grian's Watcher Status - It is canon in Grian's lore that he became a Watcher when he left EVO; it was his way of stepping back from the series. I don't draw from Martyn's personal Eyes and Ears lore though because I wanted to put my own spin on it. In my 'verse, the Grian who was born in the Pixels Imperfect universe got swapped with the Grian who was born in my Neighborhood Watch universe, so they're both socially awkward as they fumble around each other's worlds.
[ This is also why in my image above, Grian has purple soul traits instead of blue. In the NW universe, Grian's the only one who bleeds blue instead of purple... Soul swap ]
In Dog's Life, we've seen Grian struggle his way through conversations, most recently in Chapter 11 when he kept insisting to Joel that Hermes is "just an armor stand" (while we were in Joel's POV and could clearly see that Hermes was walking around like a functioning person).
Also, Skizz literally registers as a massive jumble of code in Grian's eyes and he can only see him when he's looking at his reflection. Most of the modded players are hazy to him (Joel and Jimmy aren't much because their physical forms are still close to their soul forms, but BigB's pretty blurry). Skizz is the worst because his transition from enderman to angel is so extreme and he's got hundreds of mods on at all times. Skizz looks like a biblically accurate angel but only Grian knows it. Impulse may be just a guy but Skizz is just a winged, flaming wheel.
Grian can sort of force his vision to a lower level, which lets him see Skizz clearly enough that he can see something Skizz is holding or wearing, but it takes effort so he's gotten used to having a friend who's just... a living alphabet tornado. Grian has a very hard time fighting Skizz head on- he'll blink and shake his head and falter a lot unless he takes the time to adjust his eyes, and even then it takes a lot of his energy. He'll usually back off when he's going head to head with Skizz.
Server Defaults - By default, servers are set so that everyone has their hybrid traits and hybrid abilities (Ex: Skizz may be a modded angel, but he has an enderman soul and natural silk touch).
Server admins can adjust that, however, and scale those down or disable them almost completely (i.e. setting a server to vanilla rules, which puts everyone on an equal playing field with minor exceptions. Using Skizz as an example again, on a scaled-down server, water would still be very hot to him, but it wouldn't leave burns on his skin).
Between is a soul-themed dimension, so you're stuck with traits and can't toggle them off. Some people like to play on servers with the default settings turned up to max. There are definitely days the crew just romps around and plays with their full traits out and they just straight-up fight "all natural" because it's fun, but that's very low-stakes.
They don't do that in the Life series. Even though it's meant to be chaotic fun, it wouldn't be possible for some players. Ex: Bdubs and Martyn are phantom hybrids who have to eat souls. If you threw them in the Life series with their hybrid traits maxed out, they'd be forced to either starve to death or break the rules by attacking while they're green. Not really possible in a series with limited lives.
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Phantom Feeding - Impulse (who lost his ability to pull souls out of bodies) can't play at all on servers that force those kinds of soul trait defaults unless he has someone who's willing to feed him (i.e. pull a soul out of a body and bring it to him), so he generally just doesn't play there. Skizz feeds him while they're in Between, but Impulse can't hang out in that dimension without Skizz unless someone else is there to help. If he didn't have Skizz or another feeder, he'd probably hang out around the phantom spawn temple because he'd be stuck in a starvation death loop anyway.
Phantom hybrids are flock-oriented, though, so there's usually someone to feed him... he just feels awkward asserting himself and it's easier to ask Skizz. When Skizz knows he'll be away, he'll usually prep Impulse's soul thermos. It's just awkward to do in advance because it inconveniences other people if they get left in the thermos too long. Can't get cycled back through the portal hub if you're not getting digested, y'know. It's more of a weekend prep situation, not so much an "I'm gone for a week" situation.
Bdubs does save souls for Martyn on days that Martyn's hunting ground is empty. Martyn and Bdubs may fight a lot, but they're still flockmates and Bdubs does care.
Default Trait Shift - In the Between dimension, the phase of the moon you respawn under influences how much you show your hybrid traits (a nod to the game mechanic that strengthens mobs under the full moon). Ergo, this snippet of Etho getting his ears:
There’s a rattling noise in the kitchen. Scar leans back. It’s the doorknob that leads into the apartment hall. The door slams inward a second later. A fuming, scrawny fox hybrid man looms like a silver wraith in the dark. For half a second, Scar’s not sure it’s even Etho. This figure’s got the same puffy tail, but he’s also got fox ears that stand quivering and tall on his head. Then he remembers Etho just got his vessel reset. The moon is waxing; the percentage of visible hybrid traits he shows is higher now than it was the last time he spawned.
In the example above, Etho respawned with his arctic fur, but it's fully possible for him to respawn as ginger instead.
iJevin is the poster child for this- he looks a lot like a slime because he was last respawned on a full moon night (as opposed to someone like PiglinMyNose who's also a slime hybrid, but shows drippy face traits and not the natural slime coloration). When Jevin respawns, he can come back as either blue or green, and he'll come back looking more humanoid unless it's a full moon.
Cleo's most common form is a waxing moon spawn. She gets more stitches, decorative injuries, and flowers during the waxing and full moon, but if she respawns under a new moon then she defaults to her "HumanCleo" skin. Still a zombie, just comes in various flavors of "freshly undead and basically human" to "oh, they're a corpse who falls apart easily."
Soul-Sharing - Soul-sharing is a nod to Season 8 of Hermitcraft when Mumbo ate Grian's soul (and is apparently still sharing it since he's been wearing the soul-sharing skin throughout Season 9 and even in his non-Hermitcraft content).
In the Pixels Imperfect universe, Grian is a parrot hybrid and Mumbo is a wandering trader. When they blended souls, Mumbo started growing wings and getting hazy glimpses at things that Grian's Watcher eyes can see (so he can sort of understand how blurry Skizz is, but not to the same degree Grian sees him).
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Grian got wandering trader robes, the ability to make binding deals, and a bit of inventory space (something you don't normally have in Between).
During Dog's Life, when Grian and Etho were smuggling SnifferMyFeet across the portal hub, they put Sniff in wandering trader robes and Etho's like "I'm afraid to ask why Grian has Mumbo's robes in his closet." They actually weren't Mumbo's- they're Grian's half of the soul-sharing. Sometimes Grian wears them; I just haven't found a good place to show it yet.
Impulse and Skizz are soul-sharing for medical reasons. My short story Criminal Experience opens with Impulse as a phantom hybrid and ends with him getting his soul wrecked because he'd do anything for Skizz, even at the cost of himself. Skizz would do anything for Impulse, including sharing his soul to keep Impulse alive <3
Imp and Skizz's bond is even tighter than Grian's and Mumbo's, and it's a reference to their Naked & Scared series where they regularly share hearts. Impulse and Skizz constantly feel each other's pain and they have to manually turn off their heart-sharing when they join new servers. Sometimes they forget (or just don't want to) and continue sharing.
Skizz was actually secondhand soulbound to Bdubs during Double Life, but he can't bring himself to talk about it with Impulse (a nod to IRL Skizz talking about how he hasn't watched Double Life because he knows it would wreck him emotionally). Mumbo was secondhand bonded to Scar, but he didn't feel it as intensely as Skizz did.
Impulse's soul is in tatters right now. He can't really do phantom things anymore (like pull souls out of bodies... although he can eat them if another phantom hybrid brings him one), so Skizz keeps them fed when they're in the Between dimension. Skizz [born an enderman hybrid] can filter feed from the void and he can also eat souls now. If he hadn't modded giant angel wings on himself, he'd have phantom wings.
"Can't Impulse just eat the soup in his thermos-" Not in Between; he's naturally an anivore, so when he's in the soul-themed dimension, he can only get nutrients from souls.
"Then why does he have-" Because he's petty, next question.
Since sharing with Skizz, Impulse can't tolerate water or eye contact as well as he used to, but not to the crippling degree it used to affect Skizz. He also got Skizz's ability to toggle silk touch on, but only when he's on-server (since you can't move blocks in Between unless you follow certain worldbuilding rules like having a command star or teaming up with a dragon) and only if that server allows it.
Also, Impulse sleeps in the same bed as Skizz and his wife and they literally just have to deal with this because he gets agitated and doesn't like sleeping alone... He curls up at their feet and we'll see this in the opening chapter of Dog's Life Session 3.
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I also have a Traffictober I'm working on - "Like Newlyweds Do" - where Impulse tries to adjust to sleeping in the same bed as Bdubs during Double Life (and Bdubs, the king of comfortable sleep, is horrified that Impulse doesn't like pillows). Not a very cuddly wedding night... but they still love each other sdfklj.
Impulse doesn't sleep well alone (even worse when Skizz isn't on the server) and he'll usually try to sleep on someone else's bed instead of by himself. I definitely remember him respawning in Bdubs' bed instead of his own during the Soup Group rebellion arc, which is hilarious. Oh to be a clingy yet touch-averse guy who has issues being married to a man who betrayed him in a past life but also you just crawl into his bed so you have somewhere safe to sleep.
For Hermitcraft 8 and 9, Impulse's go-to person to sleep on is Pearl (or Gem when Pearl's away for time zone reasons), but he's not picky. He just struggles to be alone because your soul flares up when you're asleep and he doesn't have a full soul, so it sends his body into a panic unless there's someone nearby he trusts.
I like to think these bed-sharing habits also influenced how he played 3rd Life and why he successfully schmoozed his way into so many alliances. You can absolutely confuse Martyn into thinking you're a close ally if you sway him into letting you sleep on his bed "for medical reasons." Scar probably let Impulse stay with him one time, but Grian would have thrown him out so fast, ha ha.
[ More under the cut <3 ]
Corrupted Player Souls - Scar has a lot of soul dysphoria over whether he's an allay or a vex, because when he looks at himself in the mirror, he can't tell. He usually identifies as a vex, but I'm working on a Traffictober piece where he turns to Grian for comfort and Grian's flustered because he has no idea what Scar wants to hear. Awkward desert duo attempted comfort, my beloved.
Sniff has a bit of dysphoria over his corruption too, but his is more along the lines of feeling so glitched out and weightless that he regularly forgets he has a physical body (which we saw in "No One Likes the Opening Band" where he slammed into a wall thinking he could go through it and died from kinetic energy). Speaking of-
Cam Accounts - There's a distinct difference between what camera accounts can biologically do vs. what players can biologically do. Cam accounts can go into spectator mode, defy gravity, pass through blocks, and they can see colors that players can't. TwoMuchGrian likes to hover over Grian without flapping his wings just because he likes to brag about how little energy it takes to float (while Grian is forced to flap to stay up). However, cam accounts can't use commands (so they can never have command stars) and they can't create their own servers.
The IRL free-cam mod lets you pass through blocks, but in the Pixels Imperfect universe, only cam accounts can pass through blocks. Player accounts can enter free-cam by roaming around in their glowy mob soul form, but they still have to go around blocks (Tango, for example, has a specific path he has to take in order to get inside Decked Out and watch people). Player accounts aren't able to go into true spectator mode, and any time they do (such as when they're ghosts watching people at the end of the final Life series episode), this is interpreted as them being in free-cam.
Players always have to deal with some kind of collision and gravity effect, and it's generally a very bad thing when they glitch through stuff (Ex: Etho was so fritzed out when his fox soul started taking over in "Canadian Idiot" that he glitched through the deck of The Relation for a second before he adjusted).
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Martyn Eating Clothes - I did show Martyn eating his sleeves in Dog's Life Chapter 6 (and he makes another reference in Chapter 11), but we haven't really delved into what's going on there. Martyn is a phantom hybrid, but Bdubs [the flock captain] doesn't let him feed on other players' souls very often [feeding meaning "this person's player went AFK so we have to log them out and send them to their offline server"; everyone comes back later and they're fine, but this is what phantom hybrids do].
Bdubs keeps Martyn hungry and gives Martyn a designated hunting ground that's Just For Martyn, which pretty much guarantees that Martyn will always eat people who wander into it. Specifically, Martyn's hunting area is the entire perimeter of New Star Station (as in, the edge rim) so Martyn's always chasing people who try to leave the station.
Martyn's not digesting cloth, but he's eating the code that connects people's clothing to their soul and/or player energy (There's an upcoming scene where he eats Scar's hat, too). If you just handed him an old shirt or a spare skin, he can't eat that because it's not currently attached to anyone and flowing with soul energy. He has to eat people specifically, or else the closest thing to a person he can get, which sometimes means chewing on his own shirt because his own clothing checks all the boxes for "attached to a person."
There are lots of twisted politics involved with Martyn's designated hunting ground being the perimeter... When he's in the Between dimension, Martyn can't gain energy from physical food, so he has to hunt people. He's always hungry and due to phantom flock politics, he has little choice but to play his role in preventing people from leaving the portal hub, which is exactly what Scott wants because Scott's so incredibly paranoid about the portal hub getting discovered by the anarchy players who've overrun outside world.
Cleo, who likes to dig because they're a zombie, is constantly trying to break through the bedrock wall around New Star Station. Huge conflict... because Martyn's insufferably curious. Martyn's constantly fighting the urge to eat Cleo and instead he just tries watching and talking to them. Martyn keeps bending the rules for Cleo because he's a little sweeter on them than he'd like to admit (hashtag it's really important to me that everyone vibes with their soulmates even outside Double Life... soulmates for a reason even if they don't like admitting it).
Which is where we get this upcoming scene at the end of Dog's Life Session 2:
“I don’t care. I have Cleo now.” “S’cuse me?” Jimmy cocks his head. When Scott stares at him, looking insulted, Jimmy says (tentatively), “How… how does that work when they’re blowing holes in your wall? Aren’t you the mayor? Or is the mayor bit just a bunch of roleplay too? I thought it was serious, but I really don’t know anything about politics.” “… When they’re what?” “Oh, that’s someone else.” I’ve messed up; I’ve really messed something up. “That’s someone else, I think. I just saw them. I mean, BigB’s always talking, you know?” “Martyn’s on wall-watch.” Scott says it like he’s holding a knife against a battered Jimmy’s throat. Scott’s staring harsh and furious, like he’d very much like to lunge across the bed, grab Jimmy’s jacket collar in his hands, and slam his head against the wall. “And Martyn’s always hungry; Bdubs keeps him hungry on purpose, just for this. If someone’s trying to find a way through, Martyn would put a stop to that so quick. Martyn wouldn’t… Martyn… Cleo would never ally with Martyn. That’s not… I’ll talk to him, though.”
We love stupidly complicated animal people politics and we love young people in positions of power making decisions out of paranoia and panic <3
I actually have several pieces I want to do about Cleo and Martyn in the portal hub, especially in regards to the bedrock wall, but I keep hesitating over whether that's appropriate for my Traffictober series because... it's not while they're on the Life series server and also it's so incredibly specific to this worldbuilding. But they are one-shots that draw specifically from Cleo and Martyn's Double Life dynamic so I guess that still counts.
I just really love dumb Zombiewood drama and I love them screwing each other over on accident even when they're just trying to hang out and be friends slkdfj. Them...
Creator Bleed / Emotion Bleed / Martyn's Sync - Creator traits that bleed over into the characterization of their little pixel character are called creator bleed. For example, Mumbo has two llamas which symbolically represent Creator Mumbo's love for biking.
Emotion bleed is when our little pixel friends can feel strong emotions through their sync-cords- for example, Joel and Lizzie can sense their creators are married because they can feel strong affection through their sync-cords and figured out it was happening at the same time.
Martyn is unique in that he does not have a sync-cord. He struggles with self-doubt, wondering if he wasn't a fun character to play and his creator abandoned him, so he lives his life constantly trying to be a fun person to play with and he takes it super personally if people don't want to be around him (so the Double Life break-up hit harder than he admits to).
Martyn not having a sync is a reference to Creator Martyn being super involved with lore, with the implication being that Creator Martyn wanted to put his little guy through The Horrors so the sync was snapped to maintain strict emotional distance. In Pixels Imperfect, this also means Martyn can pick up on things most people can't, which is a nod to his Life series episodes where the Watchers speak to him but not to others.
Besides Grian, Martyn is the only character in Pixels Imperfect who knows what kisses are. He's "out of sync" and gets influenced from the universe at large. It's like he fell out of Creator Martyn's boat and can pop his head both above and below the water, as opposed to both of them sailing on the surface together. Character Martyn uses certain words that the other characters don't, so we get stuff like this fun exchange [Dog's Life, end of Session 3]:
“I don’t know, G,” because he’s running out of doors to hide behind. Martyn fidgets with the axe. Grian’s eyes snap over. It’s exactly the chance Martyn needs to drop his gaze. “I mean… You’re forcing it, aren’t you?” “How do you mean?” “You know exactly what I’m talking about. The others aren’t like us. Their natures are ingrained; basically predetermined. They can’t go against their nature. It’s… It’s like BigB and Ren drifting back together like satellites once you’re out of the equation. They paralleled each other long before Double Life, Grian. You disrupted the storyline, but not the code of the game, and they’ll keep circling each other instead of you.” He fiddles with the axe again. He can see from its reflection that Grian’s getting irritated; the purple glow is all he needs. He’d rather not look him in the eye. “I just… I don’t know. If they don’t act on their emotions first, then maybe we shouldn’t flirt with them. They’re just following code; they’re just part of the game.” “We’re part of the game. We have code.” “It’s different. We know things.
Do with that what you will.
Calendars - I like to think that there are multiple calendar systems: one for when you're in the Between dimension and once when you're on server. There's a scene in Dog's Life Chapter 11 where Joel tells Lizzie "It's Wednesday; I'm not going anywhere" and I almost took that out because technically, the on-server Wednesday and the Between Wednesday wouldn't line up so that doesn't make sense.
The official Minecraft mechanic has the moon set to an 8-day cycle. My personal view is that the on-server calendar would have an 8-day week and instead of using day names like Monday and Tuesday, everyone tracks days by the moon phase.
However, calendars are a huge pain not just to worldbuild, but to convey to readers in a way that makes sense and doesn't come across as super info dumpy. I'm probably going to leave it and let them use words like Wednesday and treat weeks as 7-day cycles, but in my heart... in my heart, it's an 8-day week and they have moon day names like Waxnight and Newnight. Maybe someday I'll go back and edit those names in, or maybe I'll just keep that in my pocket for a personal project, who knows...
Admin Inexperience - My draft for "There Are Many Benefits to Being Corporeal" was originally going to cover an adventure between SnifferMyFeet and PiglinMyNose as they try to craft ice cream, which meant going out to get ice (and there was a big discussion about what Pig can and can't touch because he's technically a camera account).
I ended up scrapping all that because it was getting long-winded and it was a little too much effort for these two silly side characters if I wasn't even sure I was going to be happy with it, so... I let them make cake instead, which actually is craftable, so that was much less adventurous and mechanics info-dumpy.
Anyway I wanted to point this out because Sniff is the server admin for their server, but he's a newbie account who doesn't know what he's doing, so I had scenes like this:
SnifferMyFeet was blown up by [Admin Inexperience] PiglinMyNose: You okay? SnifferMyFeet: ASDSLKSJF That’s the only response he gets. [...] SnifferMyFeet was blown up by [Admin Inexperience] Sniff lies flat on his back, surrounded by woodchips, puddles, and melon rinds. Pig circles overhead a few times, swooping lower and lower on every pass. He finally lands with a pat on top of the bed. He tucks in the canary and vex wings. Sniff parts his fingers long enough to glower at him. “I don’t understand. This is so unfair. Grian and Joel both know how to use commands.” PiglinMyNose: It takes practice PiglinMyNose: And you’re not Grian and Joel PiglinMyNose: You’re Sniff :)
Sniff references this scene in Dog's Life when he talks about his relationship with Pig and how Pig was there to help him get clean every time he blew up. They're friends. Also we got to see the same vibe of Pig comforting Sniff in "No One Likes the Opening Band" so that was self-indulgent and fun <3
Some other Sniff and Pig highlights from the Corporeal draft include:
“Put me back into camera mode. You’re the admin.” Sniff’s eyes move to the glowing five-point star on the underside of his hand. It’s the command block star, and one Pig has never worn himself. He waits, lightly bouncing on his toes, as Sniff stares blankly at his wrist. “So… so an outside person has to do that to you?” “Yeah. You’re the admin.” “… And it’s all up to me to bring you back if you decide to be a player again? Like, you can do nothing? You might just be stuck as a camera forever if I don’t?” “I trust you,” Pig assures him, which sends fireworks up Sniff’s face. He quickly brushes off the loose pixels, but his hands are shaking. They’re shaking bad. “Um…” Sniff brings a fingertip to each of Pig’s temples. “Pig, I dub thee a camera.” The snort bubbles up before Pig can stop it. “Not like that!” [...] “But doesn’t that take away your voice? I don’t think I can… I don’t know, Pig. That’s a little messed up.” “Sniff, it’s okay.” Pig grasps Sniff’s wrist, guiding his cupped hand to his cheek. “I want to do this.”
Pig frowns, then projects his thoughts into the space around him. PiglinMyNose: Oh, that’s different “I knew it,” Sniff blurts. “I messed it up! I’ll put you back.” PiglinMyNose: No, no! It’s fine. It’s just that I’m a slime soul PiglinMyNose: These aren’t my slime wings Pig gives them a few experimental flaps. PiglinMyNose: Not that that’s unusual, I guess PiglinMyNose: Slime hybrids absorb traits from those around them PiglinMyNose: This canary wing is from Jimmy. The vex one is from Scar “What the heck is a canary?” Sniff asks, pulling out his sword. He glances around, lip trembling, like he expects some sort of brute to lumber from the undergrowth. PiglinMyNose: It’s a modded bird “What’s a bird?” PiglinMyNose: We’ll talk later PiglinMyNose: Practice spawning blocks PiglinMyNose: You’ve got parrot spawn eggs and stuff too PiglinMyNose: I’ll be back soon :)
Sob... they care so much about each other... I just love the ancient and experienced cam account boy and his new best friend, the incredibly temperamental newbie who has body dysphoria because he got possessed for two weeks sldkfj
Honorable mention to this snippet:
PiglinMyNose: Can you poof? Sniff glances around the area, then back at Pig. “Too scared. What happens if I poof inside a tree? I saw Cleo almost suffocate inside a tree once.” PiglinMyNose: You will respawn :) “You’re not going to even try to rescue me?” PiglinMyNose: I’m a camera “I think I’ll walk, thanks. Maybe later.”
They really are just Like That... Sniff and Pig, my beloveds...
So, those are some mechanics I haven't talked about yet!
Also, here are some of my favorite worldbuilding details that already have made it in (#Dog's Life spoilers up to Chapter 11 + references to my Traffictober one-shots)
In the Pixels Imperfect universe, no one has blood. This means they can't blush. They also can't cry because they don't have tear ducts. Both of these body reactions will make them spark and fritz pixels instead. However, they do have lungs (because breathing is an official game mechanic) and they have spit (because llamas can spit, so therefore spit exists in the game). It's an interesting worldbuilding switch for me because when I write my Fairly OddParents 'fics, the fae have blood and tears but they don't have lungs, ha ha. Massive brain switch I have to do when picking out the body language for these two worlds. Technically they don't have genetics, nor does evolution exist in this world. Why did Jimmy imply blaze and ghast have a common ancestor when he shouldn't have any idea what that means? idk, I was aware of the irony but it was funny to me sldkjf
Not a mechanic, but a canon part of the worldbuilding for the Pix Impf universe is that Grian built a Mumbo shrine on his AFK server. It's a reference to things like the escape room video where he just straight-up built a creepy Mumbo room because he missed him, and also he gets the itch to connect with Mumbo sometimes because they share a soul. I just think it's funny.
Anytime he's in Between (i.e. off a server), Martyn has constant vertigo. He tries to push through it, but it's always kind of draining his mind. This is a reference to creator Martyn's personal lore, where his character is constantly falling until he wakes up in a new Life series.
Joel's hair stripe is coded on. He changes color by tweaking his code (and/or messaging Scott to change his code). If he were to use flower dye, it would wipe out every time he leaves a server because you more or less can't take stuff from on-server into Between. Technically he could take tiny drips of it, but nothing useful (same reason you can still have scratches, dirt, and splinters but you can't take a full wood block).
Calendar times are super messed up. I use the official Minecraft conversions, so each Life series play session is 9 in-game days [3 hours IRL] with a bit of spill over the sides for resource gathering and clean-up. Time moves differently in the Between dimension vs. the Overworld (and that's not even accounting for how hard it is to track time in the Nether and End). When I write my FOP content, I'm incredibly nitpicky over the timeline, right down to making the effort to assign every single episode for all 11 seasons to a calendar day just so my fanfic timeline would be "perfect." It's hilarious to go from that to this where I deliberately make no attempt to match the years up because everyone's personal timelines are scrambled from jumping in and out of servers. I know there are timeline inconsistencies and I just choose not to fix them because I think it's part of the charm of this particular world. Yeah Grian's only been here 250 years, yeah Scar's somehow known him since he got here but also only for 200 years, yeah Martyn arrived after Grian and has somehow been here for 300 years, what's your point? One of them spent longer on-server and one of them spent longer in Between so it screwed up their mental math. Also BigB and Cleo were simultaneously married for 4 years but also 6 years but also less than 24 hours. Yeah Double Life lasted for a year but also for 6 weeks but also the gap between LimLife and Dog's Life is somehow only a few months despite it being a larger gap than Double Life's entire run-time. They literally just live like this. Time isn't real in the Pix Impf world.
The admin for a server will always have a command star on their hand, which gives them the ability to use admin powers. The Between dimension is not a server and the only way to get commands in that dimension is to slay a spawn dragon... or slay whoever currently has the star. Only two people have command stars in Between. One of them is Scott [who has the Allay Dragon's star] and the other is Herobrine [who has the Cluckshroom Dragon star]. My favorite joke is that Herobrine doesn't even do anything in Dog's Life - he's just chilling in the background lore - but there's this creepy reputation associated with having a command star and Scott just has to deal with it. There's this super messed-up power dynamic anxiety in general with "Scott is super on his toes because anyone could just straight-up kill him for his command star, and the Allay Dragon is dead so Scott will perma-die instead of respawning like everyone else" and it's. very dark and fun for me. He literally can't get rid of that command star even if he wanted to because someone would have to kill him and that's too much of a risk.
The characters who are anarchy refugees can use metaphors related to things outside the portal hub (I think Lizzie used syrup once and Etho described SnifferMyFeet as a meerkat). Scar's worldview is much more limited because he's never been outside New Star Station and his metaphors reflect this.
Generally, mobs are referred to as "it" and only gendered on occasion. I actually thought long and hard about sexual dimorphism before deciding that yes, when Jimmy started taking on chicken traits in Dog's Life, he needed hen feathers, not rooster colors, because all the Minecraft chickens are hens. Mobs can come in slightly different colors (Dogs, cats, horses can all have domestic patterns - Lizzie being a calico cat in Empires Season 2 is a good example of this making sense in universe, as is Skizz's mod that makes dogs look like his IRL dog) but something like rooster coloration is too extreme. My Neighborhood Watch universe does have sexual dimorphism, so they breed cows with ravagers and they also have roosters. I actually have to keep words like "rooster" and "bull" out of the Pix Impf universe because no one except Grian would know what those words mean.
BigB used to be an Illusioner before he got moth mods. He lost his ability to see through blocks and he's kind of grumpy about it. I play him as a nosy guy largely because of the Nosy Neighbors schtick he had going on in LimLife, but also because his moth mods give him incredible hearing and he was just plain nosy because of his Illusioner code even way back in the day. It's weird to live 2000 years being able to see through blocks and then that gets taken away from you.
In Dog's Life Chapter 11, Grian brushes loose pixels off the bed and then dumps them in a jar before he comes back to bed. Those pixels can be reused to rebuild your body and it's the same wavelength as what Joel did in "Canadian Idiot" when he cut some of Etho's hair and used it to rebuild his chewed-off fingers.
Also in "Canadian Idiot," Joel talked about how you don't want to use lava as a fuel source inside a tight space or else you'll make your build smell like sulfur. I really wanted to give the characters whose strengths lie in building some things that they knew more about compared to the redstoners, who traditionally prioritize efficiency over aesthetic and comfort. Everybody's smart in their own way.
In "Shack Up Like It's Summer 2022," Tango accidentally washed plates in an infinite water source block and then he had to spend time getting the crumbs out because... he ruined the drinking water.
In "Dog Biscuits," Ren put a cover on the crafting table before he pushed it down. It had measurements on it and the cover just keeps stuff from splattering when you squish it. Ren's not sloppy; he does his work with attention to detail.
One more detail from Dog's Life to wrap things up, but Impulse has actually been dealing with weird brain influence for more of Dog's Life than he hasn't been... it just didn't get brought to the forefront until Chapter 11 because other people were also having problems. As early as Chapter 4, Skizz noticed he was acting off. Later at Jimmy's party, Impulse stood to the side and kept rubbing his eyes. Over the next few chapters, several people note that Impulse is being "unhelpful" in texts because he's only asking about where Bdubs is. Bdubs even straight-up told Etho that Impulse tried to fight him but they just brush it off because they don't think it's important, and then you get midway through Chapter 11 and all of a sudden it's Very Obvious that Impulse is Messed Up and no one noticed until now, and now everyone is locked in their own servers and none of the programmers can reach Impulse and look at his code, so Impulse is just suffering (TM) for the next month or so that he's locked in offline status. There's definitely a worldbuilding thing going on about why Impulse specifically is suffering, and we'll delve into it later... Idk, I just really like how it came together, with Impulse getting overlooked... I think it's funny. I love Impulse; he's my favorite.
Thank you for enjoying my worldbuilding and my work! I love writing for this series and I'm so happy to hear you like it <3
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dreamsculptor · 7 months
It hasn't been quite a year, but I looked back here and saw my last pinned post, and thought I might make another.
I was reading over my last pinned post and it's funny how much better things have gotten since then. I don't have the same job, I work somewhere else now, and it shows me how much better things can be. I was holding my head above the water with the last team I worked with, but now I have coworkers and managers that care about and support me.
Last time, I mentioned that my birthday had passed, and that just a small few friends came by for a little while but had to leave. I was happy for it but this year was so much better and it was what I had hoped for last year.
I had most of the same, I just invited my coworkers and friends to come hang out, have cake and food and such. A bunch of my coworkers came by and stayed well until 10 or 11 at night before everyone started heading home, and it was so much fun, and so fulfilling. It took 24 years but I finally have what I wished for all along: people that I can physically be with, that I have some kind of tangible love with. Life is full of hits-and-misses and attempted connections and bitter failures, but eventually you do get your chance. It was all worth it in the end.
I finished FFXIV, too, which is fun! Now I'm part of the crowd waiting with bated breath for the next expansion, but now that I have finished it, I find myself needing new ways to fill the time that used to be playing FF. I've picked up, played, and even finished some handful of games; Palworld, Vintage Story, a bit of Transistor, and the ever-beloved Sims. And in every game I play I find myself delightfully driven to create and write and join in on the world.
I managed to find and join a company in FFXIV that's focused on roleplay, and I've been having a lot of fun with Sye, but I've also created Takumi now too! They've got all their bits and pieces in motion, but aside from that, I also reached out to and joined an RP-focused Vintage Story server. It's been a lot of fun finally getting to indulge these things that I wanted to do for so long, but tried and failed so many times.
I've also been befriending my company mates, many of whom also love to write and draw and otherwise create. I got to read the draft of the first chapter of my friend's book; I am proofreading and editing for another one of them; and yet another has given me a link to their old D&D information for me to go read. I've made new friends, in and out of FFXIV, and even they have tons of amazing art and writing to share. Even in other games, like Vintage Story, I'm playing with friends and forming towns where we actually work together and delegate specific tasks to people who want to do them. It feels like all of the joys I experienced as a kid are finally being re-ignited in the best way possible.
I haven't written too much - if you don't count roleplay posts - but I have been indulging the ~egotistical~ love of my own voice. It's been fun making pseudo-audiobooks of the fics I've written and singing all of the songs that I love and getting to talk and laugh with my company mates and other friends.
All in all, I think I can say I'm happy with where my life is right now. I'll leave this with a pristine verse from Kristoff Krane this time:
Making love, making friends, no doubt I make a difference There's positive and negative effects of my decisions And although my dreams are selfish, I hope you can relate May my attempts at being honest resurrect the fact I'm fake
Instead of albums, this time, I leave you with songs:
Passing Through - Kaden MacKay Thank You Energy - Kristoff Krane Doing My Thing - Kristoff Krane Knocking on Wood - Spose Okay - Atmosphere
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verminviscount · 1 year
ive been made aware that i have strong opinions on my personal ranking of percy jackson characters so im making a post about it. bc thats what we do here on tungle.hell. experiencing brain worms? spread the word. @garecc i invite you to include your own brain worms here
for those who may not know, which i expect is most of my followers here, Travis (garecc) and i go way back to the days of a trials of apollo discord server that has since crumbled under the weight of various discourse and does not exist at this time. so if anyone understands pjo brain rot, its him.
ONTO THE RANKING. ill be focusing on main characters bc if i include side characters we'll be here all day and Sally Jackson would be every character in this top 5.
1. Hazel Levesque. Deserves better in the eyes of fandom. Gained pretty good control over the mist within one book. Has a cool magic horse. Similar tragic backstory to Nico, but not sulking about it. No shame in sulking, but its cool to see someone go through bad shit and come out still feeling mostly okay.
2. Will Solace. Unfortunately for me, I haven't finished the trials of apollo series yet, so i dont know THAT much about Will as he's primarily a background character. But Apollo kids and medics both get my utmost respect and appreciation, always. and he's a little bit of a sarcastic little shit, but the kind where people dont get annoyed with you bc its almost always funny and lighthearted. i know from hearing people talk about tsats that he's also a Sad Boy (which is to be expected as a demigod, tragedy physically cannot leave you alone.), and im excited to read about someone with my personality go through a mental breakdown :D!
3. Frank Zhang. Listen to me. How can he not be this high up. I don't even know where to begin with this guy, he's so gods damned cool. He's just such a good character and a good dude too! I'd love to be his friend. What a sweetheart, iirc he was the only person at camp jupiter who wasnt freaked out by Nico? he's so nice. children of Ares/Mars are usually mean, and he's so nice. i love him so much. also his life force is connected to a chunk of wood, which is kinda neat. he's a legacy of poseidon. he's canadian. im pretty sure his first name is Westernized bc his grandma calls him Fai, my last name was westernized when my great grandparents came over so i sort of get it though not nearly to the same degree. I ALMOST FORGOT HE CAN SHAPESHIFT!!! DUDE what a cool guy. we gotta move on, i gotta cut myself off. give him more attention in your fan works
4. Nico di Angelo. obviously a fan favorite, but im talking canon Nico here. im not talking about an uwu soft emo boi. im talkin about a sarcastic, pessimistic, deeply insecure little dude. listen, im not gonna talk about the things i love about nico because its been said a million times. its nothing new. im just gonna say that i love reading about characters that go through awful awful trauma and still overcome and find joy on the other side.
5. Rachel Elizabeth Dare. so my impulse is to put Leo here bc i adored him when i first read HoO. and if i didnt really think about it, i wouldve put him. but... Rachel!! how can you not love her! a mortal lady who can see through the mist, she fought with a hairbrush, she's the liveliest and loveliest oracle of delphi camp halfblood has ever and will ever know, she’s from money and hates it, she's an activist, an artist, way more helpful than the last oracle for sure. the mummy in the attic just left you to fend for yourself, Rachel will at least try to help you interpret what a prophecy means. she's blunt and talks a mile a minute, i love seeing my "flaws" represented positively in media.
honorable mentions: Leo Valdez of course, easily my number 6 spot. Apollo/Lester, we love seeing immense character development. Grover Underwood, probably the first time i ever had a definitive favorite character. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, romance would be dead and we wouldnt have a series without them.
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beverlychills · 1 year
Introductory Post
PLEASE at least skim through the tags. Navigating this autism castle I've built may get difficult if you don't.
Also see below: Guide for takedown requests
Hi there, call me Taffy! (Any pronouns)
I'm a neurodivergent fella obsessed with Lethal League. I'm also obsessed with archiving things, and I have a dedicated personal server where I collect all the LLB fanart I can.
For a while I've been wanting to give other people easy access to all this old and new content, but I don't want to invite people to the server, and booru-making is closed right now, so this—an account made to reblog every LLB post I can find—is the next best option.
For now I run this account alone, and my archiving only encompasses things on tumblr, this may change later but I can't say for sure.
I plan to keep this archive going as long as possible.
Despite my wants to preserve everything Lethal League, there are some artists I refuse to archive due to personal convictions, or being personally asked not to archive their work.
The amount of these people is presently in the single digits, and probably won't impact the rest of the blog much.
If you want a particular post(s) taken down, or would like to be blacklisted, please DM me. Please note you may have to prove your identity to do this, in whatever way you can (so long as it does not compromise your safety or super-personal information).
If you have a Lethal League post to contribute that I haven't found yet, send me the link. Even things from deactivated accounts can still be preserved if someone else reblogged them. Or I guess if you have a screenshot.
If there's something down the list you don't wanna see, just filter the tag
Warnings: #suggestive Including but not limited to - Discussion of NSFW, off-camera lovemaking, skimpy clothing or poses... whatever you older internet denizens might call "sin." NSFW jokes are judged on a case-by-case basis Overly graphic stuff, minor x adult, or straight up p0rn if there's any left, will not be included in the archive for obvious reasons #thirstposting Any rare case of people getting a bit too excited over a given LLB character. If hypothetically seeing people talk about how much they want to bone their favorite dapper googly eyed fuck wouldn't be your jam, you might wanna filter out this tag. #nudity Tasteful nudity. Think the Statue of David. #blood For when insides become outsides, but it's not straight up gutspill. #feels Because some of us don't wanna deal with angst. #emeto Vom. #eyestrain Ouchie ow oof bright colors. ^ #aberration Chromatic aberration #gore #bugs #death #eye contact #dereality #drugs #weed #body horror #loud #flashing
Please note; Despite my headcanons, character interactions will be judged through the LLB story at face value. This means ships involving Switch will not be counted as minor x adult, because he is a robot, 5 is only how long he's been manufactured, and his mental age is not entirely clear (beyond him obviously not having the mind of a toddler). This also means things like Raptor x Switch will still be archived, since although some headcanon them to be found brothers, this is not canonically confirmed.
Content type: #art Including but not limited to - Drawings, physical crafts, music, etc. #fanfic Fanfiction, whether linked offsite or posted directly to tumblr. #animation Encompasses gifs, animatics, animation memes, PMVs, the works. #modding Stuff like retexturing, 3D model editing, or even Mung Daal in Room 21 #gameplay #shitpost #textpost #cosplay
Characters: #raptor #switch #candyman #dice #jet #doombox #grid #nitro #latch #sonata #dust #ashes #toxic #dummy #mc inferno #safety league
Unlockables: #ballhead #strait jacket #zoot suit #l.2 full mecha #domino #dynamic #detective nitro #jumper cabler #safety weapon #chain engine #iron grip
DLC: #galileo #firefighter max pressure #volt (Neopolis Devastator) #ivory puppet killer #insectoid loneriding mechranger #stereo overdrive #shining gold winner #gigahertz visualizer x #nuclear nourishment #late stage illmatic #heavyduty r evolution #master of the mountain
Fandom culture: #headcanon #theory #review #ship #ship neg #oc x canon #oc #au #askblog #humanized #crossover #fusion
Archived posts will not be tagged as #ship unless the OP states so, or it is very explicitly intended to be ship art—flirting and kissing and stuff. Ships will be tagged as the involved characters' names in alphabetical order, in lieu of affectionate shipnames. This is to avoid creating extra things for you poor soul to memorize. Also, negative content about any given ship will have "neg" tacked onto the end. ❌ #candylatch ✅ #candyman x latch 🔘 #candyman x latch neg
For OCs, search their name, and for specific artists, search their blog url. ie: #cue #klayfruit Furthermore, fanon interpretations of LLB characters may be tagged like this: #henry #candyman
OC x canon shipnames will not be tagged, despite how few there are in retrospect, because I think doing that would drive me nuts.
If two OCs happen to have the same name, the name will be followed up with the creator's username depending on which OC is being referred to. This also applies if an OC name overlaps with a warning tag;
#ember sampleusername - #ember gridsbignaturals #bugs sampleusername
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ljf613 · 1 year
B, Q n Z?
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. Hmmm... I've talked before about how @it-is-sooz-again and @orangepanic got me into JetLee and Irosami (respectively), but as for something a bit more recent, I'd have to say Isamilo. Honestly, I wasn't even thinking about them, and then I just happened to stumble across winterpetals's Through Whispers and the next thing I knew I was obsessed.
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. I don't know that I've ever really abandoned a ship, per se. I've had ships where canon completely messed them over, but I still liked the ships themselves... I suppose I did ship Grayza for a hot second when I first watched Fairy Tail. But then Juvia and Jellal showed up and I started shipping Gruvia and Jerza, instead. I still think the ship is cute, but I'm not particularly invested in it.
Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it? I usually don't let tumblr dictate what I ship, but I suppose I'd probably talk a lot more about BruMira if I didn't know just how much backlash I'd get for it. (Let's be honest, they're so romantically-coded it's insane. But woe betide anyone who dares actually mention that!) (Rumor has it there's a BruMira discord server, but I haven't found it yet-- anyone want to DM me an invite link?)
Ask me about my fandoms!
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piastrinorris · 2 years
I know one of the prompts is "your irl/tumblr crush" meaning us, the askers, but do YOU have a crush? IRL or otherwise?
i have two! they're in my url hahahahaha
(all joking aside, i do have one 'crush' but that word sounds silly considering i am a whole 29 years old. and since i don't think there is anybody here that could get this back to them, and also i'm bored as all hell, i guess there's no harm in telling you)
we met, would you believe, in a fucking twitch chat. imagine if it all ever went anywhere and someone asks how we met. it was the chat of a streamer i mod for, and he came in and was just. immediately fun to chat to from the get-go. when i modded for this person, i loved being the person to keep chat going, and even though he was a new chatter, he was engaging with everyone as if he'd been there for months. my favourite kind.
then he joined the streamer's discord server and there's a card game bot that we play in there that he started playing, too. here's where we come to the ultimate barrier between me and him, friends: he's fucking australian. but that means that there was always a sweet spot when all the americans were asleep and i was working day shifts at the time, so it used to just be me and him every morning, dropping cards in the game and nabbing all the good ones. sometimes we'd just start talking a little bit, too, since there weren't other people to drop cards and push the conversation away.
after a while, enough people in the server, myself included, had said that we'd never played dnd before and couldn't find any campaigns near us. he said he's been a forever dm for years and that he could easily drum up a oneshot for us to play. that was when i saw his face for the first time. before then, i was thinking i might be catching feelings but also he'd never posted a selfie so i just thought i was so attention starved that i was caving at someone simply just being nice to me, lol. but he was right there and he was so cute. and his accent was so. yeah <3
anyway. i told a select few friends who were also in the server that i fancied him and they encouraged me to slide into his dms. i sent him a meme, we had a little conversation, it dwindled. i felt like i'd failed, they told me it looked like it went well. i tried again, same thing happened. i told myself to wait it out, if he never dms me again, that't that i guess. he sent me a meme about bloodborne being an england simulator. and we haven't stopped talking after that. from the moment one of us wakes up to when the other one falls asleep.
my friends later encouraged me to invite him to a movie night "date" which he agreed to, except it was right after some of my first night shifts, we didn't finish the movie since conversation kept derailing (a common theme) and the call lasted for 10 hours. i'd been up for 26 hours by the time the call ended, and also it was 4am for him when it did.
he is a very very good friend to me. he's always encouraging me to vent to him if i need it, he remembers tiny little things that i've said months ago, he constantly tells me to move out/leave my job lol. and he sends me pictures of his cats because he knows they always make me happy. also when my friend wanted a specific bluey toy that was exclusive to australia and sold out in every online store, he went round and looked in stores himself. he's a good egg.
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sakunyas · 2 years
JOASJDFIAFJSDFS OMG YOU REMEMBER <333 new years resolutions its coming back to me, a little, iz , familiar aojofsfsfsdf
yah i have, so many blogs,,, like with this one reblog with another, or this one, idk,,
:0 TO ME YOU'RE THE COOL MUTUAL HELLO i thought your blog was super pretty and organized and everything and the content so good,,
HELP i still feel like smol blog somehow even tho im gonna reach 1k ?? whenever i do?? i dont post much genshin anymore its like a monthly thing now so my notes are. not high anymore HAHA i actually used to write for hq and epic 7 and then genshin at one point all 3 it was a mess you have a right to fear me for that i weather through all 3 of these insane fandoms
:000000000000 PLEASE I adore you and your blog like im going up for a hug rn its so snuggly and cozy
AHAH EVERYONE'S FIRST IMPRESSION OF ME IS THAT IM SERIOUS AND PROFESSIONAL its a little funny because im trying to be less serious and professional and nowadays i fear that i look like a robot uee
yes i remember me asking about what everyone had planned as their new years resolutions and you mentioned nazuna smau or something like that? it caught my attention dfgdfg i was also surprised that a "genshin blog" (omg it sounds so bad but you know what i mean) would be interested in enstars because as far as i knew it was. pretty niche. luckily i was wrong <33
i think i said this over at nyaitsu before but!! i almost ended up being a genshin blog. but i'm too traumatized and scared of the fandom to try so what i do think about, i keep it in my mind ehehe i do remember reading some of your stuff (surely childe. yes. i always read about the scrimblo) and thinking "wow. they're so cool and so pro and" yeah you get where this is going dfgdfg but omg 1k.... that is. that is a lot. like that's 1000 people that's a lot of people congrats!!
i get you on the fandom jumping part a bit too. i thought about genshin. i also thought about hypmic back when i was super into hypmic and i was looking for very specific content of my favs. mrmmm. tears of themis too.... at least 2 or 3 different otome games..... yes i think a lot but i never do a thing </3
and you ARE very professional. i think that seeing someone with a pretty theme and an aesthetic layout, who tags their stuff in a cool way and talks with a lot of people and does a lot of things-- somehow makes you think that that someone must be serious so they can deal with all of that at the same time? even when it's not the case www
now you're nazupyon's wife. rabbits protector. an actual sweetie that keeps everyone in enstarsblr (and everywhere she goes) happy and motivated and super excited. enstarsblr wouldn't be what it is now without you <3
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balillee · 4 years
tommy's character gets far too much shit.
hi tumblr. i'm gonna need a few bitches to spread this post everywhere, essentially because i want someone, or just tommy really, to see it. so if you really want, you can screenshot it and post it on twitter, reddit, link it everywhere - go absolutely buck wild. i know he reads the VODS comments a lot, but they're chock full of people just insulting him, his character, his writing and everything about his story in the dream smp simply because they don't understand it and because they refuse to acknowledge his character's perspective (mainly because they only care about the pig). reading that many critical comments on something you've created can only make you feel worse about it eventually, and in light of all the awful techno apologist takes on his character, i wanted to basically just word vomit about how wonderfully crafted c!tommy is, as well as compile some other tumblr posts about his character.
there is a massive fuckin community of people who enjoy the character of tommy, because the character is incredible. i myself have made post after post after post commenting on and analysing tommy's character because i find that there's so much to pick apart. but that enthusiasm for his character only seems to be found on tumblr. reddit and twitter seem to hate his character, the VODS seem to be filled with comments from people who only care about techno's perspective (and treat techno as a reliable narrator, which, is the furthest thing from the truth - that guy lies through his teeth all the time), and the smp wiki is a hellscape of godawful takes and mistruths, not even on just tommy's character.
c!tommy is brilliantly acted and brilliantly written, and almost everything he does is either justifiable or has been rectified or admitted as a mistake. you can clearly make connections as to where he got his conclusions from. you feel what his character experiences, as a member of the audience, vividly.
if you look in the more objective sense, c!tommy, and this is especially in the context of him being the youngest character, is a scapegoat. people claim he's awful and destructive when in reality he's a lot less destructive than most characters on the server. a moment that comes to mind is where he diverts schlatt and quackity's attention from pogtopia by breaking part of the flag in manberg, and then replacing it so as to buy tubbo some time - he literally monologues after it about how he doesn't want to destroy but instead rebuild, and how he feels as if nobody else seems to understand that.
his arc in season two was incredible. it was very character driven, and it gave a spotlight to his motivations. at the start we see him in new l'manberg, and he's enjoying his time there, he's skeptical of his friend's presidency, but his main goal is to get back the discs so that he can stop dream and eliminate that threat. he made one screw up that didn't even matter to george, and he paid for it tenfold, even after dream had spent a while with puffy griefing the server and framing it on tommy - what tommy and ranboo did was convinient. then, in exile, we see c!tommy straight up get abused. he's gaslit and conditioned into being c!dream's friend, and in his brain he teaches himself that those acts of abuse are moments of bonding, and it eventually brings him to the point of wanting to end his own life - he's been torn away from his friends and his support system, and nobody will visit him consistently anymore because they only showed him pity, and all he had left was dream, who had hurt him.
but he doesn't die there, because while he didn't understand the full gravity of it back then like he does now, he recognises that dying isn't an escape, and he can beat dream, even if he doesn't know how. so this is where he goes to techno's place, and here's where the fandom starts to misinterpret the situation wildly.
it's the problem similar to when your parents tell you that they're owed something back because you put a roof over their head, despite that being Not How It Works. techno took tommy in and severely mistreated him emotionally. sure, and i understand this, c!techno is a bad communicator who isn't really that empathetic to anyone who isn't phil or wilbur, but that doesn't excuse the blatant lying to c!tommy's face, the guilt tripping, the friendship buying and the degrading. the day before the festival, tommy finally does something violent in his interrogation of fundy, and only then does techno tell him,,,,
that tommy's not equal to him, that techno doesn't respect him all that much, and that they're not friends.
from techno's perspective, and at the time, this was viewed as a positive development in their relationship. oh, he's starting to warm up to tommy! this friendship could really blossom!
no. from a more objective standpoint, what techno has just said to tommy is : 'i respect you only a little bit more now, because while you're starting to act more like me, you're still annoying and a burden.'
and i haven't even touched on the whole 'erasing the words 'Destroy L'manberg' from techno's to-do list' thing, because that instantly refutes the point of 'techno was upfront with his intentions the whole time' - because he wasn't! he may have said it the first time, but you also know what else he did? he repeatedly told tommy that they'd 'air the details out later' whenever the discs were brought up, and from a tommy viewer's perspective at the time, it was framed as if techno was no longer going to do that.
and i also haven't dared touch the 'i would have fought them all for you', because that's major guilt tripping if ever i've seen it.
so, the day of the festival comes, and here's where c!techno and his apologists completely misread c!tommy's thought process, and why he makes the decision he does.
tommy instantly regrets valuing the discs over tubbo, and it's framed as the culmination of tommy having become all the people he said he would never want to be like. and what does he immediately do? he tells tubbo to give up the disc, and he sides with tubbo. he puts his value in his friends, and, by proxy, l'manberg. and when he betrays techno, he tells him 'i'm sorry'.
from a more objective standpoint, tommy's time with techno is him valuing the discs over almost anything else. so, in leaving techno to be with tubbo again, he is valuing people above the discs. so when, on doomsday, techno says his 'discs aren't people' line, what he doesn't realise is that he himself fueled tommy's valuing of discs above people when attempting to fuel tommy's vengeance against tubbo and l'manberg. techno doesn't realise that he was an unhealthy presence for tommy, and an even worse influence.
what techno also doesn't seem to understand is that tommy never hated tubbo or l'manberg - tommy recognises, now at least, that his exile wasn't a product of tubbo, but a product of dream's manipulation, likely in part because at the time, especially with dream lying about tommy blowing up the community house, tommy was the only one who could see it because he had experienced it firsthand. so when techno sides with dream, it's like kicking tommy in the teeth.
and i want to mention that betraying someone doesn't necessarily make the person who was betrayed good, or in the right, or even justified, because tommy was entirely justified to leave techno. you know who else was betrayed? schlatt. but i don't see many schlatt apologists around angry at quackity for joining the rebellion.
tommy stole the axe of peace? good. it was a moment of tommy defining his self-worth, instead of having it defined by others. gone is the age of c!techno belittling him and deciding how much c!tommy should be respected. NEXT!
here's a moment i wanted to talk about that will forever be funny to me.
'i am a person.'
techno's very famous line from doomsday. techno says to tommy that discs aren't people, and that tommy should value people, despite not understanding that by leaving techno, he did just that. and what does tommy say in return, which has been omitted from every c!tommy-critical analysis, and every animatic?
'yes you are, but so are we.'
an acknowledgement of techno's hurt, to which tommy has already apologised for. a statement that says 'your hurt does not excuse, nor justify, the hurt you have inflicted onto us.' an acknowledgement that tommy has already learnt the lesson techno seems to be trying to 'teach' him. but you can't teach him anything by destroying.
c!tommy has had almost everything he has ever owned or built either taken from him or destroyed. ranboo even points out that the only two things of tommy's left standing are his house and his hotel, and if i'm honest, his house is dissheveled. it's a labyrinth of terror due only to how many times it's been torn apart. l'manberg being blown up didn't teach anyone anything about anarchy, or about valuing people over possessions. logstedshire being blown up didn't teach tommy to be obedient.
i could honestly ramble for ages about how nuanced tommy's character is and how much depth and complexity there is to his character's process and his relationship with others, but more than that, c!tommy is forgiving. he invites almost everyone who hates him to the grand opening of his hotel - if that isn't an indicator that he just wants friends, and not to be treated like the embodiment of evil, then i don't know what is. he holds grudges, but he doesn't really actively hate anyone, other than c!dream. but, we'll let him. c!dream deserves nothing but to be pummeled into the floor.
tommy doesn't spoonfeed his character nuance, and he doesn't really spell it out for his audience. he'll mention things like trauma and triggers in passing, but a lot of analysis on his motivations has to be picked up from what is said in passing or from what can be seen in between the lines.
i'd be here for hours if i were to talk about everything i love about c!tommy, because honestly he's one of my favourite characters, and there are so many angles you can look at his character from in terms of his age, his relationships with others, his motivations, his personality, his character arcs etc etc. so instead of doing that, i'm going to compile some much more specific analysis posts below to skim through because they highlight so many good aspects of his character.
^^ A thread about the 'yes you are, but so are we' line.
^^ About how shit the VODS comments are.
^^ A comment on how c!Tommy is actually pretty peaceful, and is actually less destructive than most characters on the server.
^^ Possibly the best c!Tommy analysis thread I've ever seen in relation to his trauma, which gives multiple perspectives.
^^ About how c!Tommy is treated as a scapegoat, and how, from an objective standpoint, he is no more violent than any other character, it's just that the little violence that is committed is blown far out of proportion.
^^ Tumblr user flypaw being a bad bitch, as per usual.
^^ c!Tommy being incredibly intelligent, and talking about wanting to rebuild and not destroy. A very underrated monologue of his.
^^ Something short about c!Tommy and c!Wilbur's relationship in Pogtopia.
^^ Less about c!Tommy, more a meta on L'Manberg. Really interesting to think about.
^^ A take on Doomsday.
I'll add some more posts in a reblog in the notes, but if anyone's post(s) is on this and they want me to take it off, let me know and I'll do that for you! Feel free to add your own banger c!Tommy takes or ones that you've found.
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daemonoferror · 3 years
I have y'all played Scarlet Hollow bc like- *you should play scarlet hollow, I'm obsessed with it rn*
It's a super cool game and the first episode is free on steam. It's a graphic novel game with a really unique style-
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(This, for an example-)
And all the characters are super interesting and unique- like this ^^^ is probably my favorite character, Tabitha, who's your cousin who invited you to town for your aunt's funeral, even though your mom kinda up and abandoned the family before you were born. Tabitha runs the family coal mine, and comes off as really cold and closed off, though she has her quirks- like being obsessed with banana chocolate chip icecream and mac and cheese. And owning a snobby french cat named Frou-Frou.
How do I know the cat's snobby and French?? Because there's a bunch of traits you get to pick from at the start of the game that effect your game play!! You can pick two, and I found out an hour ago that I'm a basic bitch bc I always pick mystic and talk to animals-
Along with Tabitha, there's also-
Stella, a YouTuber who hunts cryptids and has an elderly pug companion
Avery, a super cool server at their aunt's diner, who's a musician and an outsider in the town. (And they're non-binary! And you can make your character non-binary too!! It's so fucking COOL)
Oscar, a dilf librarian whose house is probably haunted
And more that I don't feel like coming up with fun descriptions for!
I don't want to spoil the story much but it's rad- you go cryptid hunting with Stella to find skunk ape- just for you to NOT find skunk ape-
it's cool though, you find something else instead, and what choices you make impact the story in a *BIG* way- and this is jusy talking about ep. 1. In a lot of choice games, normally your choices are just thrown to the wind by the next episode, or they feel very choppy and weird. This game so smoothly supports my dumbass decision from the end of ep. 1 and I genuinely forgot that there was any other option to make that would've changed my game completely.
You'll also get the opportunity to romance a bunch of characters in later episodes
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(This bunch, specificly, left to right: Avery, Stella, Oscar, Keenka, and Reese)
And honestly I have no clue who I'd choose- I'll probably just play the game 5 times lol.
All of the stories and characters are so unique, and you get cool opportunities to customize your character- not exactly clothing ot appearance wise- but besides picking your name, home town, snd traits, there's moments like with Stella where she'll ask you about your occupation and living situation, and it'll make it feel more personal for you-
And while we're talking about it, the humor in this game fuckin' SLAPS sometimes, mkay?
Like I told stella I live with a difficult roommate, one a past roomie left me with, who disrespects my boundaries, goes mental when doors are closed, steals my food, sleeps naked on the couch, and will miss the toilet and pee on the floor-
And if anyone does play the game, PLEASE try to get the patient zero achievement. It's my favorite lmao
In conclusion: I love this game a lot, I wanna draw an OC for it and maybe some fanart.
(I'm sorta convinced Stella and Tabitha used to date, or at least had feelings for each other-)
And if you haven't played this game... you SHOULD.
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demisexual-kingdom · 2 years
Hey, I just found this blog and figured this would be a good place to let out a bit of these thoughts i’ve been having lately.
So i’m 23 now and I would say I started thinking more about my identity when I was 16-18ish and now would say i’m more than likely demisexual and biromatic. But because I started thinking about these things so late and never dated or cared in highschool I never got to really talk about my orientation at all with anyone because everyone else seems to have it all figured out already and I don’t know how to bring it up. Even if I do it still makes me uncomfortable to even talk about sometimes. I was just wondering if you had any advice or thoughts on talking about/through your identity with your friends and what not.
Sorry if this ask is long and annoying!!!
Hey anon! Same boat here, I'm 25 and even if i started questioning at around 20, I'm still figuring new things out
First of all there's really no age where you should have things figured out, people come out past their 20s and later all the time
Feelings are complex so it's totally normal to take a while to figure things out or for things to change over time!
As for talking with friends, i haven't come out to many irl friends but talking with online friends, aces or not has helped me figure things out about how to approach the subject.
Do you feel like you'd want to try a closed and possibly smaller space to talk with others about all this?
I started modding a discord server for aro and ace people last year, if anyone wants to join feel free to send us a DM or a non-anon ask so i can send the invite privately
~Mod Ruadhán
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