#you feel like the bad guy because people don’t know how much yoi actually tried to help
isekyaaa · 2 years
“Was he okay?”
“No, but he never is.”
Is such a dope set of lines like you can get a full complete story from something so exceedingly simple. The exhaustion, the resignation, the slight bitterness…. I really want to improve in writing to reach this point someday.
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deluluass · 3 years
could yoy do please some yandere kuroo and kageyama headcanons? 💕
nsfw is welcomed 😊
My first headcanons 🤞🏽
Yandere! Kuroo Tetsuro
Content warnings: markers of a toxic/emotionally abusive relationship; dumbification; daddy kink; sex toy(s); mild public play/exhibitionism
This boy has a fascination for messy people.
And by "messy", I mean that Kuroo has a soft spot for those who put up some sort of front. A performative mask to hide their crumbling psyche.
Those are his favorites. (Especially when they're not even aware that they’re hiding something.)
Maybe it's because they're so easy to manipulate? (Or perhaps it's a mild case of schadenfreude?)
It's the instigator in him.
He knows which buttons to push and at what time to exactly do it.
Kuroo lives for being that guy who causes a full blown fight by simply dropping a backhanded comment or two.
For being the final straw that eventually breaks the proverbial camel's back.
And then slipping back into the shadows to watch the Drama unfold.
So it's not unlikely for him to form an obsession for someone who's so emotionally vulnerable.
Someone who has the weight of the world on their shoulders; who has everything locked up inside to the point of bursting.
Because then it won't take much to have them falling apart and unraveling before him.
But he's also a caretaker, you know.
He's opportunistic and covertly callous and mischievous, yes.
But you've seen how much he tends to those close to him.
So when you do fall apart, you will do it in his arms.
He will take care of you.
He'll say everything you've always wanted to hear.
You're beautiful and wanted and loved and you don't have to be brave anymore.
Kuroo's here and he understands you.
From the barest changes in your inflection to your most subtle facial expression.
Other people won't catch it.
To Kuroo, though? Tell-tale signs that you're hiding your feelings again.
He understands you in a way that no else had; that no else cared to try.
And eventually that’ll be the very thing that you’ll hold onto.
Never mind that his every word has become an indisputable fact (when it shouldn’t be).
Never mind that the line between Kuroo just being a mindful boyfriend AND Kuroo disregarding your boundaries has become too blurry that it’s impossible to tell which is which.
Never mind that your entire world has narrowed down to just him and you.
Because all your friends have, one by one, made their way for the exit.
They tell you that they're so tired.
They've warned you- begged you, actually- to end this insidiously suffocating relationship.
"I know he's only been nice to you and to us, but there's just...something wrong about that guy," they say.
But until they pinpoint, exactly, what that "something wrong" is; and until you see it for yourself, you're sticking by his side.
Damn whatever people say.
Kuroo's not the yandere who'd chain you up in his basement or something.
Not that he's above it, but because he doesn't really need to.
Not when he has you bound right where it really matters.
Kuroo has perfected being a dom down to a Science.
He knows exactly when to be mean and hurtful and sweet and kind and giving to you.
Kuroo's very generous, methinks! But only if he believes you deserved it.
So you better prove that you earned it!!
He'll having you cumming and gushing into his hand if you pleaded just enough!!
Looked into his eyes all pouty and teary and pliant to all his wishes.
Very into treating you and talking to you like you're not capable of comprehending words.
Oh, darling. I know I'm hurting you. I know I am. But you like it, don't you? That's right. Fuck yeah, you do, you fucking slut.
That's because you're just a dumb little baby, aren't you? You'd be happy as long as daddy makes you cum?
And you'd nod and say yes so obediently as he pounds your little hole even though you can't hear him over the sound of your own moans.
A FUCKINGN!!!!!!!!! TEASE!!!!
Every seggsy time is edging time!!
Has a thing for slapping your ass until your cheeks are bruised and tender under his palms.
And for sticking a vibrator inside you while you're out in public.
Just to teach you a lesson whenever he feels like you're not learning enough.
"Do you want me to come back until you're ready?" the waiter droned, obviously suppressing the urge to roll his eyes when all you did was grip the napkin in front of you.
You couldn't even look at poor kid; couldn't even make out a sound. You're too busy stifling the tingling within your walls, prompting you to cross your legs beneath the table and squeeze your thighs together.
And Kuroo's just...scanning the menu. Sitting idly before you. He's resting his chin against his open palm, long fingers brushing under his nose, while you're practically grinding down the chair.
You feel yourself leak into the crotch of your underwear, sticky liquid squelching against the crack of your ass as the toy continued to vibrate, burning you up and melting your insides, the buzzing a white noise only you could hear.
His indifference was unflappable. Kuroo even managed to call out, "Excuse me. Sorry about that earlier. We're ready now," so smoothly despite your desperate attempts to catch his attention. Then, he recited a bunch of dishes that you didn’t have the appetite for. Like you’re not outright writhing and earning a few disconcerted looks from the table next to you.
All you wanted was for him to put an end to this. You've learned your lesson. You're not gonna disappoint him again.
Instead, you watched in agonizing fear as he reached for his pocket. And immediately, without a warning, you felt the toy shake violently inside you.
"Ah!" you cried, sharply folding your arms and legs, making the plates and utensils clink against each other as your wrists chafed against your hard nipples.
Your boyfriend halted, leaned closer, and looked at you in a convincing display of concern.
"Are you alright, babe?" he muttered, caressing your knee, his nails pressing down just a tad. Not too hard. Just enough for you to hiss in a heady mixture of pleasure and pain.
You managed a small, quivering "uh-huh" as you begged him with your eyes. Conveying as much message as you could.
"Daddy, I'll be good for you. I swear. I won't lie anymore. I won't make you angry. I won't do anything that you wouldn't be happy about. Everything I do from this moment on will be just for you, daddy. I promise, daddy-"
But Kuroo only huffed out, a small, faint grin tracing his lips as he turned back to the waiter and said, "One cream pie, please."
Yandere! Kageyama Tobio
Content warning(s): rape/noncon
Fourth wall break, if you will: thank you, anon, for putting these characters together because I Believe that they’re each other’s foils in terms of yandere-isms. And this is gonna be an interesting contrast to see (at least, I hope it would be).
So Kuroo’s all subdued mind games, right? Like, you have to do a whole routine of mental gymnastics if you want to dig deep and analyze how he had your head spinning. 
But Kageyama? 
Kageyama says fuck that.
Kageyama, genius though he is, is about as subtle as a metal bat to the head when it comes to his darling.
He has no qualms about tying you to his bed once the opportunity presents itself to him.
But it didn’t start out like that.
At first, perhaps Kageyama was just an aloof classmate whose entire life revolved around volleyball.
The one who couldn’t even take a time out of his day to hang out with the rest of the class on a weekend.
Though Kageyama has a knack for attracting hostility from other people, there comes a time (rare it may be) that it is offset by people who are sympathetic to his idiosyncrasies.
His darling falls under the latter.
That's what draws Kageyama to you.
Hearing stuff like "D'you know what they used to call him before? King!" and "King because he's an arrogant dickhead who thinks he's better than everyone" are not new to him.
But hearing these are: "Stop that. It's rude to talk behind a person's back."
"Kageyama's passionate about volleyball. More than anyone we've ever met. Ok so it's alienating for us! Whatever! But isn't it admirable that he's doing his best at a thing that he loves?"
Kageyama did not get it.
You're not his teammate.
You're not his..anything.
You had no cause to try and be nice to him and defend him and..understand him, really.
So the rest was history.
The beginning might have been awkward.
Every time he tried to talk to you, Kageyama, for some reason, always blurted out the wrong things.
But you didn't mind. You just liked being his friend.
And Kageyama liked having you by his side.
Kageyama liked it, especially, when you're in the sidelines and cheering him on. (This caused quite a ruckus in Karasuno.)
It should have been weird. Kageyama had not known anything else besides volleyball.
Your presence should’ve been that of a stranger encroaching on someone else’s property.
Somehow, though, you fitted in so perfectly.
Like you’re made to be there.
So he tells you: “You’re free, aren’t you? You should be watching me play by now” and “You should be waiting for me after class” and “Stop making excuses. You’re not tired. You can still drop by practice” 
You’ve tried to reason with him. (Even contemplated about ending your friendship.)
But it’s not like you’re ever gonna shake him off.
Besides, you know that he wouldn’t accept anything less than perfect.
His darling was his first sexual experience. 
And like any beginner, Kageyama was pretty...uh..bad at it ngl.
Add that to the fact that he’s on the bigger side and your first with him wasn’t consensual.
At that time, all Kageyama knew was that he really, really wanted to touch you and kiss you and fuck you senseless until you acknowledge that there’s no running from him. 
Trust, though, that Kageyama will not settle for being bad or, heaven forbid, mediocre at it.
Not. a. chance.
Doesn’t matter that you’ve spent the entire day fucking.
Kageyama will not rest- not let you rest, until he drags out a moan from you; until you’ve ruined the sheets with how much he’s made you cum; until he has you begging for more. 
Will experiment a lot.
Will test out how fast and hard he has to fuck you to get what kind of reaction he wants from you.
Very attentive even to your quietest gasp.
If you so much as show a sign that you’re finding whatever it is he’s doing to your body pleasurable- curl your toe or arch your back- Kageyama will amp it up to the point where you’re screaming.
He’ll have this haughty, shit-eating grin while doing it too.
“Yes, you can,” Kageyama growled. “Spread those legs and show me how you do it.”
You shook your head, your body protesting at the slight movement. You’re already on the verge of blacking out. And you don’t have to check the ticking wall clock to know that, by now, Kageyama, too, should be knocked out and dozing off beside you.
But he only grabbed your wrists, making you howl in pain as soon as he touched the cuts and bruises across the skin. Remnants of the nylon rope that bound them together not too long ago.
“Touch yourself,” he repeated.
Kageyama’s voice is a rasping noise to your ears, his hot breath causing goosebumps all over you as he pressed his lips against the shell.
“No-no more, Kag-Kageyama,” you forced yourself to say, though your throat was dry and aching from all your screeching. 
He clicked his tongue. 
You flinched.
And you didn’t think it possible for Kageyama to be more frightening than he already is. Until you’d done as he’d told and, like a wolf patiently waiting to pounce, Kageyama zeroed in on how you moved your hands, his own reaching for his cock.
He didn’t take his eyes off of you, groaning as you trembled and mewled under your featherlight touch. Kageyama stroked himself, grinding into his fist until pre-cum dripped from the head.
“That how you like it, huh,” he croaked.
Before you could even reach an orgasm, Kageyama had already pushed you on your back, mimicking the way you pleasured yourself. Only this time it was rougher, more unforgiving, and indifferent to your cries of “Stop! Stop it, I can’t- Enough, Kageyama!”
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pineapple-lover-boy · 3 years
Can- can I just talk about the Victuuri relationship? Pretty please?
I just…. I’ve never seen a healthy relationship that starts from idolization and a need to get out that has ended in a satisfying way.
Let me elaborate:
We all know that Yuri idolized Victor. It’s why he was so nervous in the beginning and why it took time for them to build on their relationship, he saw Victor as a god.
Victor? He was depressed. He loved the ice so much but he longer found excitement in competitions. He didn’t have any worthy opponents that had a chance of beating him (sorry Chris).
I believe Victor “fell in love” at the banquet. He was attracted to Yuri but, even though he lost, he also saw potential in him. That night was probably the most exciting night for him in a long time. I think he felt genuine affection for Yuri but also saw a way to get out of his predicament.
Then, of course, Yuri didn’t show up the following season (a year had passed before the present timeline). He was most likely annoyed that someone who had gave him excitement didn’t show up. Did he think Yuri had a chance of beating him at first? Probably not. Did he see potential or at least someone he could have fun with during the season? Hell yes!
And then when he saw the video of Yuri skating Stay Close To Me, something that awarded him a gold medal. That’s all he needed. He saw how Yuri not only skated it perfectly but I bet he thought Yuri skated it better. Let’s not forget that emotion is a huge part of skating. If you don’t skate with the passion your supposed to hold for whatever theme you have, your performance can almost seem futile. Victor obviously won because he perfected it but if it was based on how he presented it alone, he would’ve lost. He saw someone worthy of skating an gold medal piece while also having the heart to do it. That’s talent.
Anyways, because of this, their relationship doesn’t hold well in the beginning. He’s passive aggressive towards Yuri because he doesn’t see his own talent and Yuri is just going along for the ride because holy shit it’s Victor fucking Nikiforov.
As they get to know each other and Yuri opens up more (plus Victor getting info on Yuri from the others) Victor starts to see Yuri as an actual person and not someone he can use to project himself onto and then later skate against. And Yuri starts to see him as an actual person too.
I saw on another post talking about how we didn’t see them during the summer and how the end credits of every episode suggest they got to know each other better as both in the credits and in the show they (Yuri) are able to touch each other more. I 100% believe this.
I also believe they might’ve had an argument or two on this topic. It’s not easy to switch from inadvertently seeing someone as anything but a person to an actual person with emotions and feelings. I believe Victor would’ve tried to back away from this subject but Yuri wouldn’t let him. It wasn’t big arguments like in episode 7. It was probably little quarrels that annoyed them both but after having a long conversation they finally started to become more comfortable with each other.
Yuri started letting go of the notion that Victor was a god like creature and Victor saw him as something other than a pawn. Yuri stopped getting as embarrassed with Victor touching him and Victor stopped trying to seduce him as much just so he could see the man from the banquet.
This most definitely leads the way towards a healthier relationship but episode 7 was inevitable. Yuri’s anxiety was at an all time high when he comes out on top. The fact that he needs to stay on top and not mess up is getting to him. As a person with anxiety, it’s pure hell. The thoughts of failing won’t get out of his head and even as he turns off all the monitors he can still hear everything.
Victor takes him away from prying eyes and has no idea what to do. Despite an obvious change that would’ve had to include some emotions from both occurring over the summer, he still has no idea how to help someone in distress.
Then he makes his first mistake. Yuri is visibly shaken by someone’s scores (can’t remember who) and Victor, who is at his wits end, yells at him to stop listening and puts his hands over Yuri’s ears. This tells Yuri how nervous Victor is too and despite knowing that Victor wouldn’t leave him now it shows to him that Victor doesn’t have faith in him (even if he does).
Victor tried to shatter Yuri’s heart. He must’ve expected Yuri to maybe sign heavily but tell him that he’ll do everything in his power to win (probably something that’s happened with him and Yakov). Instead he see’s the consequences of his carelessness. Yuri rightfully lashes out at him and even through all that Victor stills says “should I kiss you?”. Idk what Yuri was thinking but if I were him I would be extremely offended that Victor would try and use me like some doll he can play with and can assume that physical affection and love can fix everything, which was probably what Yuri was thinking.
There’s something off about Yuri and Victor when they emerge but Yuri is surprisingly better now. Cathartic crying can do wonders, kids. There’s also my favorite part of the entire show (couldn’t find a gif):
*head jab* “Hey, fuck you.”
*more head jabs* “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I know you don’t like this you unempathetic dicknip.”
*head pat* “You’re forgiven.”
We all know what happens next: Yuri ends his love story with Victor’s signature move and Victor kisses him out of joy and the need to one up him (with love, of course).
I’m gonna get a little sloppy here with the timeline because I have the memory of a female protagonist that needs to go back to work to get something only to accidentally bump into the jerk CEO of which she will develop a toxic relationship for fan service, so forgive me.
Gonna skip ahead to the scene where Yuri tells Victor that he’s leaving skating, and basically Victor too. (At this moment I realized I’ve been spelling Viktor with a c and not a k which is really fucking with my brain but it’s too late to go back). Victor starts crying and realizes just how Yuri felt when he was rejecting him.
I believe Yuri found some light in the situation because of that fact, which Victor was not having. They’ve been closer than ever now. They’ve kissed, they’ve also announced they they’re getting married, so what the hell?!
Yuri, as we know, feels he’s keeping Victor from the ice. Victor, while he misses the ice and wouldn’t mind being competitive again, has found meaning and if he’s going to be Yuri’s coach to stay where he is than so be it.
He wanted to coach Yuri because he wanted a worthy competitor and while he still wants that, what matters most now is his relationship with Yuri. If he stops being Yuri’s coach and Yuri goes off the ice he knows it will be the end. Yuri loves the ice too and I’d bet he’d try to distance himself from Victor as to not feel regret from leaving without actually knowing that he’s doing it.
They’ve grown so much at this point. But that doesn’t mean it’s over. After all they’ve been through Yuri doesn’t realize that consequences of parting from one another. While being too dependent on your spouse isn’t good, it’s what they both need right now. They are what caused the other person to be happy again and while I hate those types of storylines this one executed it perfectly.
I find Victor’s silent plea to Yurio absolutely heartbreaking. He knows it’s bad to put pressure on people but now he’s doing that to a 15 year old boy. He’s putting his relationship and his life into this child’s hands because he knows there’s nothing else he can do.
I do think Yurio had a crush on Yuri but even if he didn’t: Yuri has taught him so much. He, although being an ass most of the time, has really come to love Yuri as family. It’s clear that Yurio was always lonely (Otabek being his first friend and all) but once he came to Japan and lived, truly lived there, he wasn’t lonely anymore.
Yurio wins, Yuri gets silver and all’s well that ends well.
I guess my point of this was to show how well the relationship in YOI was. I could’ve included some more detail on some points but I usually write stuff in one take (it’s very hard to revise without my mind shutting on itself).
I just love how an implicitly toxic relationship can come out so healthy. They don’t do any of that miscommunication bullshit and when they do it’s because the characters don’t know what to do or how to handle something. Like humans do!
They could’ve easily made this the hot famous guy thinks the kawai girl boy is just so adorable and the kawai girl boy is absolutely infatuated with the hot guy. Hijinks ensue which includes the kawai girl boy thinking the hot guy is in love with someone else. She He gets pushed into thinking that she’s he’s more independent in the end and happily ever after for the couple that will divorce in less than five years! Yay!
Seriously, I thought that was what was going to happen but YOI subverted my expectations so much. They are people that grew from their bad mindsets. And you know what? Yuri still has anxiety! Victor is still bad with handling emotions! And that’s ok! We don’t change that quickly. It takes time and hopefully another season.
I’m definitely using this show as a template for healthy relationships. It’s so hard for me to properly write them when I’ve never been in one and I’m not given the chance to see it happen in different environments (when searching it up all I get is “they trust each other. They blame each other. They’re compassionate.” Like ok but can you show me how?)
Yuri!!! On ice…. I love you so much. You have done so much for my mental health and my writing. Thank you.
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years
𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 26th feb 2021 | part 1
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pairing : todoroki x fem!reader
genre : very fluffy, teensy bit of angst
themes : mutual pining, violence, tiny bit clichè,
request : heyy can you do a todoroki and bakugo, bestfriends to lovers troupe ? fem reader please >:)) feel free to decline or anything !!
quirk : telekinesis, you get lightheaded when you use too much and your nose bleeds
note : you are all mights neice, you live with him. you don’t have parents and in this storyline you move into the dorms after the USJ attack
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[ todoroki ]
> honestly he didn’t understand the difference between bestfriends and what he was feeling
> he thought what he was feeling for you was normal since he’s never had a bestfriend before pain
> he met you around 2 years before you got into UA
-> meeting you
> you were waiting outside of a meeting room your uncle was in and you weren’t the only one
> you weren’t allowed to actually go into the meeting room so you sat outside opposite the dual haired boy
> his hair reminded you of a candycane
> you were curious as to why you hadn’t see him there before especially if his parent is a pro
> you tried not to look at him too much but it was near impossible when he looks the way he does
> you opted to just play with your rings instead you didn’t want to freak him out
> after a couple minutes he noticed your gaze shifted from your rings to the setting sky and since you were too immersed in the red and pink clouds you didn’t notice him staring at you
> honestly i think he loved you from then, watching your eyes light up at the sky was so endearing he didn’t want to look away
> imagine someone being that in love with you i’m so sad rn i’m sorry
> a couple minutes later your uncle walked out of the room along with a couple other heroes including the flame hero endeavor
> ‘shoto i’ll be bringing you along to these meetings often!’
> his voice was loud while the boy looked sick of him, he gritted his teeth a little agreeing
> so that’s why you hadn’t seen him here before
> ‘young y/n! ah this is shoto todoroki you’ll be seeing a lot more of him, endeavor and i have agreed on training you together’
> you have wanted to become a pro-hero like your uncle and since they’re busy it’d be easier having one of them take turns each week
> the heroes explained to shoto that no one can know your last name or your connection to all might since it makes it dangerous for you
> during training you noticed how similar you are, you were both quite reserved and quiet at first
> the first time you talked to him was during your 4th or 5th training session and it was because all might told you to try be more open to friends
> ‘um, hi’
> ‘hello’
> and that’s how you got here
> your friendship was one people only wished to have
> whenever todoroki came around you were both a whole new level of chaotic
> your go to was to either watch terrible films together and make fun of them or bake together
> you were watching the kissing booth and you had to pause it every couple minutes to stop yourself from cringing so much
> he laughed watching your disgusted expression
> he loved seeing your nose scrunch up at the terrible scenes
> you’re not the only one who cringed ‘y/n please pause it again, that was disgusting i need a moment’
> when baking it was usually biscuits and it always resulted in you getting flour everywhere
> ‘wait wait shoto we need to add more sugar’
> ‘uhh but we used all the sugar’
> ‘fuck’ chaos
> whenever shoto had a bad day with his father he knew your house was always open to him
> the first time he got upset he came to you, you opened the door and immediately let him in
> ‘i can’t, i can’t live in that house with him’ you let him cry in your arms when he needed to
> to cheer him up you ate soba together and devised very well thought out plans on how to annoy the fuck out of endeavor
> you went over to todoroki’s as well usually when endeavor wasn’t home so he wouldn’t make you train
> fuyumi and natsuo were the first to notice your closeness and they never made fun of you for it but often said ‘they’re going to fall in love’
> there have been moments you’ll cherish
> when watching a movie marathon there have been many times when all might has come home to your head on todoroki’s shoulder while his head is on yours, you’re both fast asleep
> he draped a blanket over the both of you before telling endeavor he’ll drop shoto off later and that you’re busy training together
> when you first joined UA he finally made a few more friends as did you, at first you were worried that you’d grow apart but thankfully yoi didn’t
> during lunch you always met up after eating, you had gotten a lot closer with the bakusquad but still found time to be together
> walking towards the lunch hall he noticed you walking with midoriya, he was about to speed up to catch up with you guys but you went into a room together and he got very confused
> he went to his usual table ( dekutable )
> when you guys came back he innocently said ‘where were you guys’
> midoriya fumbled over his words while you replied ‘had to ask all might about some homework’ since only todoroki knows about your connection to the pro-hero you had to keep it discreet
> but now midoriya knows as well since he’s the next successor, since todoroki didn’t know that he got suspicous when he saw you heading out the training rooms together, what he didn’t see was all might walking out soon after
> he didn’t understand why this affected him so much, you’re his friend and midoriya is his friend so why does he feel rage when he sees you with him
> at one point he had enough and walked into the room you and midoriya had been going to every lunch ‘are you going to tell me what you’re hiding?’
> inside was you a very scared midoriya and a skeleton form all might
> yeah you had to explain everything but all might wasn’t mad since it’s shoto he knows he can trust him, you’ve trusted him with your name and secrets and he hasn’t said a word
> let’s just say shoto slept very well that night knowing you weren’t secretly dating midoriya
> speaking of that night you walked back to the dorms together, the sunset looked the same as the day you met him
> you got back to your room and sat on your bed after kicking your shoes off
> he watched you as you picked a movie, smiling a little at your pout
> ‘why’re you smiling at me like that icyhot’
> ‘hm just, feel happy’ you looked at him and layed your head in his lap as the light through the window hit your face
> he brought a hand to your forehead and ran his fingers through your hair slightly scratching at your scalp
> you hummed bringing your arms around his waist as he smiled down at you touchstarved, same
> you let the movie play and his eyes were stuck on the screen, you looked up at him and just admired him
> you knew your feeling for him haven’t changed since you met him but that doesn’t matter as long as this doesn’t change
> ‘y/n?’
> ‘hm’
> ‘what happened to that nickname you used to call me, candy cane?’
> ‘do you want me to call you it again’ you could see blush on his cheeks
> ‘yeah, i liked it..it made me feel closer to you’
> you felt your heart swell at his words and you buried your face into his stomach as you felt it heat up
> he giggled at the feeling and pryed your face away from his ticklish stomach, he was now cupping your face
> his grey and blue eyes were stuck in your own [c] eyes
> it was as if you understood what you both wanted, he leaned down a little and when you lifted your head up he knew you wanted this too
> he brought your face towards his own and closed the gap between you both, his lips were gentle against your own
> you both smiled into the kiss
> ‘things won’t change right?’
> ‘never, we’ll only get closer’
> you nudged your nose against his and pecked him again before laying back into his lap
> you talked about how dumb you’ve both been and how long you’ve liked each other before
> an hour later you felt deep breathes coming from him, looking up he had fallen back onto the bed and was asleep with a small smile on his face
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A/N :
i will literally never find real love bexause tHIS is so hard to come by and that :) is :) pain :)
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taglist : @todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gazelle-des-pres
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taurusicorn2400 · 3 years
Did I Do A Bad?
Word count: 1027
Can also read on Ao3
"She left."
Violet and Louis froze. No, they couldn't have heard that right. AJ must be playing some sort of prank on them.
"Uh, heh, we must have heard you wrong," Louis laughs. "Could you um, could you repeat that?"
"Comic Clem left us! She left me!"AJ tried to keep his tears in.
Ok, so they didn't hear that wrong. He really said she left. That didn't make any sense. She just up and left? To where? Why. These were the questions running through Lou and Vi's, as well as all of ours because what the fuck, heads. This can't be true, but AJ doesn't lie, so it has to be. Oh god what the fuck?
Violet felt like she was going to throw up. She felt her whole entire being was vibrating and on fire. Goddamn it, it's happening again. Someone she loved left her, again. The blonde girl felt as if she couldn't breath, that her chest was about to cave in on itself and then turn inside out. Is this a panic attack? Is this what Brody went through? God, Vi is going through a crisis, but damn she has to give some kudos to her late friend for going through this. Violet doesn't know if she can handle another loved one leaving her. 
" D-did Comic Clem say why she left?" Vi doesn't know why she asked that, she isn't even sure if she wants to know the answer.
"Something stupid. That she wasn't happy. That we couldn't make her happy." AJ's tears were now freely flowing down his cheeks, the anguish being too much.
Not happy? How could she not have been happy? Was all the laughter and smiles at Louis's jokes fake? All those times where she said she was happy to him were all lies? Louis needed to sit down. The dreadhead feels like he's about to faint. His chest felt tight, and kept getting tighter as time went on. Comic Clem left because she wasn't happy, they didn't try hard enough to make her happy. Louis felt like it was his fault. That was basically his thing, making people happy, and he failed. Oh god he was gonna throw up.
"Did I do a bad?" AJ's heartbroken voice broke through their thoughts. "Did Comic Clem leave because of me?" 
Oh god, ok, they feel pity for themselves alter, but right now there is a crying six year old that needed them. "What? No no, that's, that's not it at all." Louis bent down to get face to face with the young boy.
Violet pulled AJ into a half hug. "Yeah, none of this is your fault. At all."
AJ kept crying because his heart hurty. "Then why did she leave? Why did Comic Clem leave and say I couldn't make her happy here."
Violet and Louis looked at each other, having a silent conversation. Best friend telepathic communication has its perks. They used their brain power to figure out how to cheer AJ up and to see this isn't his fault.
"Hey, little dude, look at us ok," The blonde girl kneels down next to Louis making eye contact with the child. "This isn't your fault, alright? You've done all that you could have, and that's what matters. You did your job. And nothing about this is your fault whatsoever." Violet says making sure AJ knows he shouldn't hold any guilt, wishing these were the words told to her for years.
Louis stand up eruptly with a determined look on his face. "Alright, you know what, we're your parents now."
AJ wipes his eyes. "Huh?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with the kid. What?"
"You heard me. It makes sense," The dreadhead grins. "He's young so he needs parent figures, we're the closest people to him. We work together and become his parents."
Violet looked at Louis. "Dude, I'm gay."
"No, I know! Not like that! I meant platonically. I know you're a lesbian disaster, and I have absolutely no romantic feels for you, at all. No offense."
"None taken. Relived actually."
"But yeah, I mean, we as friends, take care of the little man, so he doesn't feel….sad."
The blonde girl looks back at AJ, who still had tears in his eyes, less so than before, but he also had a bit of hope. Goddamn it, she can't say no to that. She looks back at Louis, who had the puppy dog eyes. Ah jeez, now she definitely can't say no. Don't tell no ome, but Vi has a soft spot for AJ and Louis, shhh, you ain't hear it from me. The blonde girl sighs.
"Fine, we'll friendship parent."
"Hell yeah." Louis fist pumped
"Really?" AJ asked wanting to make sure this was really real. "You mean that?"
"Yeah, we mean it."
The smile that appeared on the young boy's face was bright enough that it could light up a mansion. "Does that mean I can call you guys mom and dad?"
"Fuck yeah you can!"
"Oh god I'm a teen mom now."
He ran forward, and hugged both Louis and Violet around their waist, before running off, finding new found excitement for the world. His mind is off Comic Clementine leaving, and is now on how he has new family to look after him.
"Yeah, Vi?"
"Will we be ok?"
Louis takes a moment to answer, wondering that she exact thing. "I don't know. Maybe."
"....I can work with maybe."
"Yeah," Louis sighs. "Are you ok? With the whole….everything?"
Vi looks towards the sky, taking a deep breath. "Maybe."
"I can work with maybe." Louis grins as he tugs the lapels of his coat.
The blonde snorts, though she trues to hide it. "Shut up you idiot."
"Ah, it got you to laugh, I'm doing my job."
"How about yoy take the job of kissing my ass."
"I thought you were gay."
Violet slaps a palm to his face. "Oh my god."
"Also what ass."
"Oh my god!"
Louis laughs as he runs back towards the school doors because Violet was chasing him, probably to kill him, but hey, better than crying.
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astroninaaa · 3 years
Hot take a talk about technoblade:
Okay look I've been part of this fandom since August(thank god cuz i watched it all live and it woukd be a nightmare to caatch up) I bring this up cuz i want to discuss my problem with technos character. I have watched every single techno livestream that he made on dream smp and believe it or not i used to be a techno sympathiser that is until doomsday. (By techno apologist standards i am qualified to talk about his character hooray..)
Now techno like every character is flawed if he wasn't he would be boring fandom. One of his biggest flaws is being a hypocrite. That is not something you realise until you compare what he says all the time so you need to look a little deeper to realise it and i don't blame people for not seeing it.
This wouldn't be that much of a problem because that is a character flaw among with many others but the problem that his character has faced is that he doesn't develop much.
Now i hear techno apologist jump at me every single time noooo he isn't a stagnant character he has developed a lot. I am not saying that he hasn't developed at all the problem is that he has developed very little especially when you consider everything.
His goals his ideas his perception of the world what he believes him everything that makes his character him hasn't changed much and that is not a good thing from a writing perspective. Now why do i bring this up. Firstly I'm not saying this to say techno is a bad writer far from it he can be very good when he puts his mind to it. The problem with keeping a character in this state is that it's very harmful for said character first and to the story and other characters second. Look even at yourselves i can guarantee that you aren't the exact same person you were like five years ago for example because during that time you made mistakes learned from them and you grew. Just like in real life you also can't stay stagnant in fiction.
Okay so that's the main problem with technos character that he is stagnant as a character. Now this wouldn't be as big of a problem if he didn't have the role that he has.
You see techno both c! and cc! are very good at the game basically. Now why do i bring this up. The reason why i bring this up is bc of where this places techno whuch is at the very top of the chain don't try and seny it. This means that he is one of the most powerful people on the server if you are going to try and go against this point just look at lmanberg guys that's living proof of how powerful and how terrifying he actually is. I know a lot of you are gonna say but every can get stacked or play the game but you guys forget that even if you are stacked you just don't have the skill and cc! Techno of the best people when it comes to that which bleeds into his character. Saying that is like looking at the upper class than looking at the lower class saying just get rich like it doesn't work like that.
Because of his role techno is literally the 1% by rl standards which means he can a lit of things free of consequences bc no one can give him said consequences. The butcher army was ig an attempt at that but they failed miserably let's be real here.
Because he is in the 1% is incredibly skilled at pvp and can do anything bc no one can challenge him this places him on a pedestal and creates a power imbalance a very big one at that.
And that leads to his biggest problem he has practically everything as said by Techno himself and is never challenged, but that's not an interesting character. An audience gets tired for a character that always wins or loses. Because if it happens repeatedly it just takes all the suspense oh he will win immediately. He will go and slaughter them problem solved. That's it every time. Something that techno himself confirmed is then when he has a problem he just stabs it (both of these were said during the egg stream).
And if you are going to bring the things he went through to say he's changed don't cuz as long as he doesn't act on it it means nothing. Like examples Red festival killed tubbo an ally. Traumatic experience right? This is a good moment to develop his character and give us more insight. What happens? Techno tries to dismiss it and shows us his anxiety and gives us insight on his character Great! Character development? Starting to question himself just a bit or any sign of that event having an effect on him? Nope! Why? Cuz he doesn't act on it instead he tries to hide the fact that ever happened and changes to a different topic bc there is no justification there and he knows it. Nov 16th c!technos pov he just got betrayed caused some damage wished death upon his former allies and left. Quite a dramatic scene. He feels betrayed time for some good old character development. Him thinking about himself and his actions. Reflecting on them. Great moment! Problem: literally everything that shows this is done off camera and now suddenly he's retired... Okay you know what fine it's alright he would probably expand upon and did a timeskip to explain the ling time he didn't stream. I see where it's comming from. The butcher army ge gets hunted down bc actions have consequences techno and you can't just run away like that not after doing that. Great point from the butcher army. Go give him some consequences his character needs it. And then he gets executed alright a bit too far but i guess that's how it goes in this server. Techno gets his life back immediately.. well that was a bit pointless but alright a cool scene for the animatic fair. Then he kills quackity.. the butcher army lost.. this.. what? But this was the moment of consequences... and quackity didn't get it back like techno the butcer aemy lost more than techno what? Moving along he teams up with tommy aannnd the 50 withers are up and ready of course you didn't fully retire what was i expecting. And now team up with tommy perfect way to learn about dream and give more insight on lmanberg and how dream is a tyrant and everything techno is supposed to stand against. The green festival tommy chooses tubbo over techno techno feels betrayed understandable.... and then he teams up with dream lmanberg is destroyed and the underdogs are beaten to the ground loose everything they ever worked for and are taught to be scared of the anarchists?!?!?!?!
Okay now hold up a sec I'll have to stop you right there. What. did. you. just. do. Cuz there is a limit to the amount of stuff you can let a character get away with. The line was crossed months ago this is not good at all.
Also what are yoi guys talking about consequences. Lives? All 3 home? Right there pets? The ones that died were the ones he brought expecting to not live he brought them there on purpose so they don't count. He is one of the most wealthy peoole on the server (no one beats ranboo lol) what did he exactly loose? Friendships? Was that all the hardships you guys have?
Lmanberg lost their home their lives their wealth their pets their friend everything they loved and lived for everything they stood for they lost a part of themselves in the end.
Look at the last 2 paragraphs and how imbalanced that is. How are you guys blind to this How?! And why did doomsday happen? Because the butcher army failed. And if anything techno proved them that they should have punished him harder with this.
So what was the lesson of doomsday?
That you shoukd obey the people on top and never go against them or you will loose everything you love.
Great lesson guys this is exactly the lesson the rich class and every single tyrant tried to teach society and this lesson is being told by the anarchist great job....
Do you see the problem now. This is the reason techno needs a consequence bc if he keeps going like this he will become a Mary Sue. And that is a horrible direction for a character that has a lot of potential. That potential is why i liked his character that much in the beginning but now it's almost non existent. Anyway I'll end this now cuz this went on for too long. That's basically my opinion on it feel free to share your thoughts.
okay. okay. i read this like three times bc. because look
i agree in some very specific points, but i disagree in very broad manners.
(this entire......... essay is all /rp and /nm!!!!)
anyways. send me hot takes!!!
i like c!techno. i personally think he's one of the most fun characters to watch because i enjoy the mess, the crazyness, the chaos of it all. watching doomsday through c!tommy's eyes was painful. watching doomsday through c!techno's eyes was just so fucking hilarious and exciting and fun. he's just a fun character to watch. he's just Funny. i am a fan. however
for starters: ctechno is, 100%, out of the park, an stagnant character. he has little to no development throughout the story. we see no changes in how he acts. that's not necessarily a bad thing, but considering the type of character he is, watching him develop (be it to an actually full-fledged villain or towards a redemption arc) would be ideal to keep him a character people can actually support.
i wouldn't say he's a hypocrite. c!techno has a very strict moral code and he follows it with no hesitation, with no doubts. the point is that his moral code is flawed and skewed. that doesn't make him a hypocrite, that makes him someone with bad morals.
calling c!techno "the 1%" is a stretch. for one- c!ranboo has as much resources, if not more, as c!techno does. he has dozens of totems, thousands of emeralds, and probably has one of the higher counts of diamond and netherite on the server. why is that never brought up? because it doesnt matter. c!foolish has so much gold and diamonds and netherite and just everything, really, and it's also never brought up/a reason for people to be afraid of him. the dream smp isn't a capitalist universe, there's no "1%". specially bc there's, like, i don't know, 20 players? that makes c!techno 1/20 OR 3/20 if we count c!ranboo and c!foolish. but that's not the point at all: the point is that ctechno is feared bc he's skilled and has a relevant personality, not bc he has resources. c!wilbur has no shit and he's still terrifying, there's no character willing to oppose him. not because of resources, but because of who he is. when c!techno first fled from l'manburg into "retirement" he had no shit either, it took him a while to be rich again. no one attacked him either way.
why, you ask? bc he fought against c!quackity with a fucking pickaxe and won. that's why. c!techno doesn't need resources to be feared. the power imbalance doesn't come from his resources, it comes from others’s fear. and they have a reason for that fear, bc c!techno hasn't been defeated yet. that has nothing to do with "upper class" and "lower class". because, one, not a capitalist system and class disparity isn't as simple as that, and two, even without his "riches" he still wins, bc he's got the skill. if you take out the skill, him being rich means nothing and he wouldve been easily killed by the butcher army or c!tommy or whoever decided to kill him. a good example is, once again, c!ranboo: if he wasn't friends with everyone and someone decided to actually fight him like was done with c!techno, he would've died. easily. being rich in the smp is relative.
c!techno will be challenged when we have a character strong enough to challenge him in a way that matters. it's important to be smart about it. that's why i'd love to see, out of everyone, c!philza turn against him, but that's a how other discussion (WHICH I'M WILLING TO TALK ABOUT.......... everytime i make these and i add little point i dont elaborate on and then say i'm willing to talk about them and no one ever asks me to <//3 PAIN /nm /lh).
i do think he's a character that just Always Win in narrative ways and that's very frustrating. he does need to get pulled a few notches down. again, that will only happen when we have a character that can step up to him and challenge him in a way that matters (woooo c!philza you want to hold c!techno accountable for his bullshit so bad woooo........)
now, onto c!techno's trauma. he doesn't need to show it. he- he doesn't. that's........ not how trauma works, and that's one of the points that make his trauma so forgettable for the viewers. c!techno is, from inside out, a character that hardly shows his emotions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't display symptons of trauma. he does, they're just a lot more subtle than other characters's. that doesn't mean he doesn't have any or that he isn't affect by it. c!techno is, in a lot of ways, a lot like c!tubbo: both of them don't mention the shit they've gone through and don't react to it and bc of that some of the viewers don't see how important some traumatic events were in their characterisation. that's why you analyse those characters's trauma through behavior, not through easily seen displays of trauma.
i do think it's taken a little too far with c!techno. the way he reacted to c!tommy's death was...... disappointing, to say the least. c!techno is an underwhelming character in many ways. as said before, it's because he's stagnant. that definitely needs to be worked on.
about the syndicate? yeah, no. theyre not teaching others to fear them. others just Do That bc of their history on the server, but they have literally talked about how they want to better their reputation, bc they don't want to be seen as murderers or oppressors in any way. are they flawed? yes, very much. they have no indicators of what is or isn't a government and they show no regard around the importance of a difference between an oppressive and a democratic government.
they had no right to show up at c!tubbo's door and interrogate him, because they can't appoint themselves as government police. for starters, that's not how anarchy works (they should've had everyone's permission for that. they obviously don't), but also it's just... stupid. it makes it seem that they're trying to boss everyone around so that they live like the syndicate wants them to, which goes directly against the syndicate's own ideals. however, c!techno thinks he has that right. he thinks this is what he's supposed to do. he's just following his moral code - his moral code is just deeply, deeply flawed. what he says and what he does contradict each other but not for him, not to his interpretation. to his interpretation, he's following his strict moral code.
what happened at doomsday was horrible and c!techno has to be held accountable for it, yes, but, again, no character knows how to work around c!techno enough to hold him accountable for it. that's not c!techno's fault.
l'manburg just deserved better, honestly, but to be fair c!techno has been taken advantage of time and time again (sometimes purposefully, sometimes not) and he's fucked up in the head, god bless LMAOOOOOOO
i agree that things need to change otherwise he's just gonna keep being a stagnant character who can get away with everything. i do think he has more to him than meets the eye, tho. meh idk that's still just analysis!!! we have no way of knowing the intent behind c!techno's characterisation, at least not for now. i hope for the best tho cc!techno don't let me down <3
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
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A/n: A new chapter for those of you who were waiting for this! I hope you enjoy it 💕🖤💕 again tagging @ayocee because you were a big help in making this love u boo😘
Part 1
Part 2
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“You are too damn cute,” Daichi said breathlessly as he kissed you against the library bookshelf.
You couldn’t help but giggle, “Daichi- you’re going to get u-us in trouble.” You said inbetween his kisses, But he didn’t seem to care as he pushed up closer against you and deepened the kiss. 
That’s how the last few days had been. You had been wrapped in everything that was Daichi. And you had been enjoying every second of it. 
How did you get so lucky? Was all you could wonder. First, a random guy who is insanely hot pops up into your life and returned your precious wallet; And on top of that, he was interested in you!
And it’s been since that day you the two of you had been meeting up. 
You had been right. You did have a few classes with him. And when you saw him the next day he offered to sit next to you and walk you to your next class. To which you happily agreed.
And after a few walks around campus and late-night texting sessions, you found yourself really enjoying his company. Hints the reason why you were making out during one of your study sessions in the library 
So needless to say the two of you really really did hit it off. 
And things really had been blissful with Daichi. He really was all the things you had thought he was, handsome, charming, funny, caring. He was literally everything you wanted in a guy. 
Except there was one problem…
He wasn’t so keen on being in a relationship. 
“I just got out of a relationship Y/n…” He told you the first time you brought up being his girlfriend and making things official.
“But I do like you a lot so I can definitely see myself with you if we keep this up, ” And looking into his beautiful brown eyes you believed him. And you had hope that there was a passionate relationship in the future for you two.
“But doesn’t that upset you? It’s been like a month since you started talking. What do you wanna do? Are you going to keep seeing him? ” Your friend asked you once they knew you and Daichi had been seeing each other for a few weeks. And nothing had been declared official yet. 
“I don’t know...I mean I get why he doesn’t want to rush into anything, but I believe if I give him a little time we’ll be together...He’s a good guy.” You told her confidently. If anything you were trying to convince yourself. Maybe it was because of all those bad relationships of your past you were doubtful. "He just got out of a relationship he just needs time."
Daichi was different. He had to be. He was nice..he’s a good guy.
Her only response was a sigh, “Alright I trust your judgment. But even nice guys can have a bad side.” 
Once again you found yourself just hoping you were right. 
Things kept getting more intense with Daichi. Which was good and bad; Bad because even after seeing each other for over 3 months he still didn’t want to make it official and good because even though that was the case you still couldn’t get enough of him, he was just so good to you. He always listened to you. He was was making sure you were comfortable with him. He was literally perfect.
But you weren’t so stupid and naive, and again it might have been because of all the other times you had been used. That you had made a deal with Daichi. No sex until you were official.
The only problem with that was Daichi seemed okay with it. Make out sessions and dry humping was working for him. And he respected your boundaries, And it annoyed you to no end because the whole reason you said that was to encourage him. But that didn’t work.
There was one other issue too...His friends.
You weren’t sure if they like you or not. It wasn’t that they were mean to you either. If anything they were indifferent. Daichi talked about them all the time, making them sound fun and lively. And when you met them they all seemed great, but whenever you were around you couldn’t help but get the feeling they were all having a conversation about you behind your back. It made yoi feel uneasy. But you pushed it too the back of your mind.
“You really falling for all that? His one friend Kuroo asked you one day. After Daichi had left to do something, leaving you with his friends. Out of all of Daichi's friends he was the one that you were sure you didn’t like. As far as you were concerned Kuroo was a nerd and who was annoying and he seemed to always have something snarky to say whenever he saw you with Daichi. 
“What jealous? You can't be as charming as him?” You quipped back at him.
Kuroo snorted with an eyeroll, “Sure.”
Annoyed with his attitude you spoke up again, "Whats you deal anyway? Aren't you supposed to be his friend? Or do you just not like us together?"
Kuroo signed closings his notebook and packing up his things where he was studying, “I’m just watching this one play out. It’s a shame tho you seem nice.” He was so condensing. It was always something vague with him.  But you just roll your eyes and continue about your way, not giving his words much thought.
Having no idea what his words really meant. 
But all good things must come to an end. 
It was a random day when you saw Daichi. He had been texting you as normal all-day. And everything seemed fine. You guys even planned on seeing each other later that night to study.
But then you saw him as you were heading back to your dorm.
That itself wouldn’t have been a problem if not for the fact he told you he was still had work to do in one of his classes, and the fact you saw him with someone else. And not just anyone. Another girl.
And again that wouldn't have been a problem either if not for the fact he had his hands wrapped around her, and she him as the two of them stood there kissing in broad daylight. Not caring who saw them. Which was very different from anytime you were with him. It wasn’t like he was keeping you a secret he took you around his friends after all...but now that you were really thinking about it you never been with him kissing outside in the middle of the campus who was she?
They stopped kissing and stood there talking for a bit smiling and staring into each other eyes, just like you usually do with him and you felt the sting in your heart. You almost felt bad for just standing there watching them. Like you were invading their privacy, but they were out in public…
You wanted an answer.
You don’t know where you got the courage from but you didn’t want to be a bystander in this. So you went up to them. Praying that she wasn’t anyone serious to him. That maybe she was like you and they hadn’t been made official and you still had a chance. You still wanted hope that you and Daichi could be together. 
“Hey, Daichi!” You said in a voice that was way too high.
Daichi seemed to freeze for a moment when he saw you, “oh-Y/n...Hey..er- how have you been?” 
He really was acting like the two of you hadn’t been texting just a few hours ago. And you felt your heart sinking.
“I’ve been fine, Daichi…” You started to trail off
But the girl spoke up, “Who’s this Di?” 
He cleared his voice, “Um a girl I study with sometimes."
You couldn't believe it, Daichi didnt even have the decency to tell her your name.
Daichi seemed to pick up how that made you feel so clearing his voice he spoke up, "Y/n.."
But the girl looked at him expecting him to say more which he also picked up on, " Annnd Y/n- this my girlfriend (girls name)” He answered avoided your gaze.
You didn’t know what hurt the most that he couldn’t look at you, or that he was in a relationship when he had been leading you on all this time.
But not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of him anymore. You faked a smile, “Yeah, ummm...I-I was just asking if you had any trouble- with that problem number 4 on the test today?”  You asked him out of the blue.
Daichi seemed to sigh with relief that you weren’t making a scene, “Yeah, I did actually. But I’m sorta busy right now but we can go over it later alright?” 
You were so hurt, and you were trying not to cry, “Don’t bother...I'll figure it out” You told him before walking away.
This was a nightmare! You felt betrayed! How could he? The events of the last few minutes replayed in your head. A girlfriend? No wonder he didnt want to be in a relationship with you, he was already in one! You wished so hard that it wasnt true. That he would run after you and tell you it was a joke. That you were the one he wanted. That the last few months with him weren't a lie.
But that wasn't going to happen.
You got far enough to where you were sure they couldn’t see you before you let your emotions flow....He had a girlfriend you repeated in your head over and over again. You felt so used, and stupid. This was far worst than the other guys, Because you actually believed he was different; that he was your Mr. Perfect. 
But you were so wrong.
“Oof that was awkward,” You heard someone say besides you, you quickly tried to wipe away the tears on your face. Only to look to see it was Kuroo. Great, of course, it was him out of all people you thought.
“I bet you’re really enjoying this,” You said trying your best to sound tough as you fiddled with your clothes and tired to make yourself look like you werent crying.
But kuroo wasnt so cruel to tease you while you were clearly upset, and he knew the reason why, “Y/n, I’m sorry-” He tried to tell you but you werent listening.
"I dont need you pity kuroo," You said rolling your eyes and leaving.
 You didn’t have time to deal with another jerk. You thought you were done with them. Daichi was supposed to be a good guy. The one you could trust. The person that was going to make your life better. 
But from what you just went through and that hollow feeling in your chest, you knew how wrong you were.
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frogtanii · 3 years
i think tumblr ate the ask i sent yesterday ➖👄➖ is this what pain feels like? (its 🔮 btw HAHAHAHA)
first of all, listen bestie, i know i tell you to get enough sleep, 8 hours and all that, AND I WAS GONNA GO TO BED I SWEAR but then i was brainstorming ideas and shi, and it was 2am where im at before i realized it, and i cackled evily when i saw that you posted the new pf chapter.
i n h a l e s
this is gonna be all over the place, this is your fair warning HAHAHAHAHA.
osamu, that isnt a happy, committed relationship hun- YEAH SO WHAT IF Y/N HAS A HAREM, AT LEAST THEYRE HAPPY AND COMMITTED!
i was really feeling the chapter but then i started giggling at the 'meiko rubbing off her makeup on osamu's black shirt in an attempt to comfort him' lanzjsnsj HAHAHAHAHA.
but do i feel bad for him? yes, i do, but did he deserve that one? yes he did.
im not exactly sure why he'd blame y/n for the breach in his and atsumu's relationship? i mean, osamu is pretty nasty to y/n in front of the other members, and atsumu is a witness to how much of an asshole his brother can be towards her, so maybe his shitty attitude is the reason his brother doesnt like him?? didnt he ever consider that?? i dont recall y/n ever talking shit about the other members (except meiko, she deserves it) behind their back-
(i went, "oh, there's daichi" while reading aknxjsn)
also, i get that osamu got mad, but thats not really a reason to corner someone like that. i suppose, yes he regrets it, but that doesnt change the fact that y/n was actually, genuinely scared of him and what he could have done to hurt her in a place she could have, and should have considered a home. same goes for what the other guys did, and theyre making up for it.
"....i don’t know what’s happening and i don’t know what to tell you to make you leave me alone,” made me tear up a little, the girl seemed really scared. it sucks to think that people actually go through that in real life.
(its hella shitty to feel scared in a place youre supposed to feel safe in 🥺)
i love the character and the way you wrote and portrayed him, but good riddance, he should be ashamed. he didnt have a justifiable reason to do that to y/n.
also i want atsumu hugs 🥺 like the touch starved lunatic
NEXT POINT, that one anon is right though, and idk if i should be thanking your other anons or what, because they make me question everthing i know in pf- but WHAT IF SOMEONE HAD AN STD AND SHE ACTED AS A CARRIER AND PASSED IT ON TO EVERYONE?
#saveyachi2021, it hasnt been a full week yet has it? HAHAHAHAHAH
im gonna stop here and actually go to bed, and i dont have any headcanons at the moment, but i do have gossip about myself, lowkey a cry for help 😙✌️
i recently tried reaching out to this guy i had a crush on 2 years ago, and im classmates with him now. i have 2 friends who are friends with him and they were the ones who convinced me to chat him. obvi, its not a consistent chatting thing, its been about 2 days. BUT MY FRIENDS HAVE CONVINCED ME THAT HES LOWKEY HUSBAND MATERIAL OKAY?? I COULDNT RESIST, LIKE HE WANTS A ONE AND DONE RELATIONSHIP LASTING ALL THE WAY TO MARRIAGE OR WHATEVER attachment/commitment/abandonment issues are very confused, BUT THATS NOT THE POINT. do i want something to happen? yes, but im scared of my feelings 🤡
and they say hes nice, and hardworking, and that he and i would be a good couple but idk skndjsndjj 😭
i hope you had enough sleep! 🤨📷
and a filling meal! its good for your body 🤨📷
and some water! stay hydrated! 🤨📷 HEALTH SHOULD ALSO BE YOUR PASSION!
remember that we love yoy froggy! and im glad you decided to take weekend breaks! rest is good for the soul, mind and body 😌
much baddie energy and good vibes! 💘
HEY BADDIE KEJEK because my brain is Not Working, i can barely respond to like 90% of what u sent but!!! i read it all n i LOVE U <3333 also ooo a mans :000 i hope that goes well for u!!!! n if it doesn’t i’ll beat him up for not taking u as a catch wink wonk ;))) sending the baddie vibes right back at u <333
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gladiatortale · 4 years
My DEPRESSION BEATING, fandom obsessing, shit-tastic FANTASTIC year in review!
TL;DR: I’m fixing my mental health and figuring out WHO THE FUCK I AM one fandom filled day at a time! Thank you to everyone who’s been there for me along the way. xoxo
what’s up HEATHENS.
stating the goddamn obvious here, it’s been a HELLUVA YEAR. One emotional rollercoaster after another but we’re ALMOST DONE. I know things aren’t gonna magically get better the second it flips to 00:01 on January first, but I’m excited to put this year behind me, and (SHOCKINGLY) a bit sad to see it go.
It was a year where the whole world completely stopped, we realized what is really important, what is really worth fighting for, and took a GODDAMN SECOND to just breathe.
For me personally, the year (which I’m counting off from November 1st) started out UNBELIEVABLY SHIT. I had just been kicked out of the country I called home for the last four years (thank you Brexit), I had ZERO job prospects, my depression was the WORST it had ever been, and I just didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And in the beginning, the pandemic felt like salt in the wound, an extra kick in the teeth to my early twenties that had already “failed to launch.”
But I tried to embrace the madness, really take advantage of the world (that I always thought moved to fast) properly slowing down, and take time to try and become myself again. I wanted to figure out what I loved and try and become a bit more like the person I was before my depression got so bad.
I often say I became that Manic Trash Planet Lady™ you see in sci-fi adventure films; a bit zany to say the least, with a million ideas and a very eclectic fashion sense, but embracing the insanity as it comes...
*cough cough* audrey, get to the goddamn point!
Right. lol. THE POINT IS! 
I’m not 100% “healed”, I’m not sure if I think depression is a “oh look you’re officially cured! hooray!” type of disease, but this year I let myself ENJOY SHIT for the first time in god knows how long. I still don’t know “wHaT i WaNt To dO WiTh mY LiFe”, but I’ve got a better idea and I’m heading in (what feels like) the right direction. And most of all, I can look back and say I am better than where I was a year ago.
So I wanted to say T H A N K Y O U to the mad lads on this website that introduced me to the fandoms, shows, movies, fics... THE SHIT that made me happy this year and were there to be one (BIG) piece in my healing journey.
AND SO, with out further rambling ADO! Here are the highlights of the year marked by my ridiculous hyper-fixations and OBSESSIONS. Thanks for putting up with me ya fiends, xoxox
November 2019  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
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I had just gotten home and I was in a LOOOOOOW place. Randomly decided to download this app when it came up and it proceeded to ruin my life (and my bank account...) for pretty much the rest of the year. It was exactly what I needed to get me through a tough time and I was thoroughly, horse-blinders-up-to-the-rest-of-the-world, OBSESSED. These gorgeous magical fiends ruined me and all I could say was thank you.
Joined the fandom: November 2019 Obsession peaked: Late November Obsession faded: December 2019; I started a new job AND my bank statement came in and I realized I had accidentally spent over SIXTY BUCKS on this stupid app. No ragrets, but I definitely started to phase out at that point. Fandom friends: Velma, (@lanavxds on insta) miss you girlie xx Fanfics you NEED to read: ‘Second Mistake’ by DeathBelle on AO3, because DAAAAAYUM SON. Favourite moments: Basically the whole of the Julian arc. That gangly himbo OWNED my ass for a month.
December 2019 Hazbin Hotel (TV Series)
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Y’ALL okay here me out. Am I proud of this one? No. Is the show crass as hell? OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH. Did my angsty ass love it at the end of last year? DAMN STRAIGHT IT DID. Goes without saying, but this is NOT FOR EVERYBODY, but it definitely helped me along the way to becoming more comfortable with myself and being open about being the massive geek that I always was, and watching things I enjoy regardless of what people say about it.
Joined the fandom: December 2019 Obsession peaked: Shortly there after. Fandom friends: None. Dipped one toe in fandom discourse and then promptly YEETED the fuck outta there. Obsession faded: January 2019. Still curious to see the full series if A24 actually ever does produce the whole thing, but I have def moved away from it. Fanfics you NEED to read: Haven’t read any. Maybe I’m a pussy baby piece-o-shit, but I DID NOT want to go down that rabbit hole, NO MA’AM. Favourite moments:
Discovering the Hunicast podcast. These guys are a riot and Ashley is a flustered GEM. Even if you don’t watch the show, go watch an episode of these fucking LADS just dicking about and your day will get better.
Watching the first episode with my partner and watching him realize his girlfriend is a total freak.
January 2020 Lore Olympus (Webtoon Comic)
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*Officially* discovered this one thanksgiving weekend in 2019, but my Arcana phase was still raging pretty strong at that point so I didn’t really get in to it until later. EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER NEEDS TO READ IT. It has everything and handles the reality sexual assault and it’s aftermath EXTREMELY well.
Joined the fandom: Late November 2019 Obsession peaked: January 2020 Fandom friends: KELLEY. MA GIRL XOXOXO Obsession faded: June-ish 2020. I’m like 10 chapters behind now, but I still love this story so much. Fanfics you NEED to read: SO MANY ON MY ‘MARKED FOR LATER’ LIST AAAAAH. I have to get to that... NEW YEARS RESOLUTION lol Favourite moments: Having a drunk conversation on New Years Eve in 2019 with one of my oldest friends from high school about how much she loved it too. Helped me see how popular fandom and fandoms, are especially after feeling like I needed to hide my enthusiasm through high school and uni. (THAT WAS A MISTAKE BUT I’LL GET THERE IN A MINUTE).
February 2020 Versailles (TV Series)
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SO FUCKING GAY Y’ALL. Oh my god everyone in this show is so gay. Even when they’re not they still are a little bit. AND BEST OF ALL!! it’s very historically accurate (except for the demon satanic nonsense in season 3, what was that???)
Joined the fandom: February 2020 Obsession peaked: Like??? The SECOND I finished episode one. Fandom friends: none... WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU??? Obsession faded: March 2020. It was a fast and passionate love affair, what can I say? Fanfics you NEED to read: IF YOU HAVE RECS, GIVE ‘EM TO MEEEEE. Favourite moments: 
Showing the first episode to a friend of mine and the *ungodly GASP* that came out of her throat was... PRICELESS.
The ENTIRE throuple(???) relationship between the Chevalier, Philipe, and Palatine. PLATONIC/ ROMANTIC LOVE G O A L S.
March 2020 Yuri!!! On Ice (TV Series)
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*deep breath* ...y’all knew this one was coming.
Was I ready for this show to ruin my fucking life? No.  Am I so glad it happened??? FUCK YEAH.
NEVER IN MY LIFE have I fallen off the deep end so quickly with a fandom. HOLY SHIT. This blog didn’t have much of an “identity” before, but I you said that this is a Yuri On Ice blog now I wouldn’t even be mad (nor could I really defend myself to the contrary... bc??? like??? just go LOOK at my archive). Craziest thing is I watched the first two episodes like?? a solid TWO YEARS ago, but I didn’t continue watching because I was just not in the right head space for all the love and silliness and positivity.
I could do a whole separate post about how much this show and how this fandom has changed my life (DON’T TEMPT ME I JUST MIGHT). But I’ll stick with the highlights for now ;)
Joined the fandom: March 2020  Obsession peaked: Has it peaked?? Went straight up and it still going lol Fandom friends: Sandra, my mentor, my queen @aeriamamaduck, my fandom ride-or-die. Thank you for taking this internet bby under your wing. RACHEL @idancewiththefairies I TRAPPED YOU HERE. MUAHAHAHA xxx Obsession faded: ON GOING. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP. Fanfics you NEED to read: jfc, SO MANY.
‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ and ‘Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts’ by Reiya @kazliin​ -- Rivals AU companion pieces. Longest fics I’ve ever read and JESUS CHRIST these two fucking SENT ME. Most popular YOI fics on AO3 for a REASON.
‘Tell Me Where Your Love Lies’ by @aeriamamaduck -- Royalty AU, trope-breaking ABO. Ah sweet, TMWYLL, how you’ve killed me over and over again. This BEAUTIFUL wip has SUCH amazing world-building idk where to start (Congrats on passing 50,000 hits!) EVERYONE GO READ IT.
‘Blackbird’ by sixpences -- WWII/Coldwar Spy Fic. I don’t have enough words to describe how amazing this is. It’s elevated to a higher plane beyond fanfic. Just go read it. Thank me later.
‘Zanka’ by rinsled05 @dreaming-fireflies -- The geisha fic that ruined me. *deep breath* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *gasp* I’m fine. lol I sooooo not ready for this fic. Holy hell, Aoyagi had my heart in his hands from the first chapter. “’Please’ [...] ‘Don’t give me hope.’“ FUUUUCK.
‘Echoes’ by Reiya @kazliin -- Future fic. First fic I cried at... BOI. I was NOT ready for this. Shouldn’t be surprised given the author, but MAN. “‘A love like that, a love like what they had together, it never leaves completely.’ Yuri spoke again, eyes still staring out onto the ice, lost in memory. ‘There are always echoes.’” JUST FUCK ME UP.
Favourite moments: Oh good lord, where do I begin??
Having two (count ‘em TWO) main characters with mental health issues (Yuuri and his anxiety and Victor with burn out and depression) and NOT MAKING IT THE ONLY ASPECT OF THEIR PERSONALITY. CLAPS FOR KUBO AND YAMAMOTO!!
Everything about Yurio (ESPECIALLY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH YUUKO AND HIS GRANDPA), that tsundere motherfucker is too pure for this world.
This fandom *properly* introducing me to smut on AO3...
Thinking I was going to get Rachel to like the show... NOT being prepared for her to fall off the deep end and START LIKING REAL SKATING TOO!!
Staying up waaaaaay too late waaaaaay too often to plan out plot points for TMWYLL with Sandra. Love ya dearie.
The warm fuzzy feeling I get every time I think about Victor and Yuuri.
April 2020 Bungou Stray Dogs (TV Series)
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I had a hunch I was gonna like this show considering ALL of the characters are based off of famous classic authors from around the world... what I was NOT prepared for was just HOW MUCH I was going to love it. HOLY SHIT. The art style? Love it. The plot?? Bonkers, but so fun. THE VOICE CAST??? AMAZING. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to get in to anime, great place to start.
Joined the fandom: April 2020 Obsession peaked: Probably this summer? But we have DEF plateaued in a VERY high place. Fandom friends: FIJI. MA BOIIIII @lil-1nsane  Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Hope it doesn’t Fanfics you NEED to read: So so so many. The smut in this fandom is *chef’s kiss*, but here are a few...
‘He Works Hard For the Money’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- Sugar Daddy AU. FUCK MAN. I was not expecting to like this one, but bloody hell. This fic grabbed me by the throat and WOULD NOT let me go. Praying for chapter 16! But the author is working on another STELLAR fic so I’m okay for now.
‘Everything or Nothing’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- University AU. FUCK THIS FIC. Started reading it as I was waiting for HWHFTM to update and BOI, this fic ROCKS. The alternating POV fits so well with the enemies/idiots-to-lovers vibe. Solid 10 outta 10.
‘The City Where Wind Blows’ by @raven-rein​ -- Cancer Death fic. *pained shriek* AAAAAAGUUUUUUUHHHH *gasp* aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, FUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKK MEEEEE. THIS FIC. Only the second fic I’ve ever cried to but I BAWLED MY GODDAMN EYES OUT. FUUUUUUUCK. I was not ready, never would have been ready. This is so tremendously well done, it killed me so beautifully, 
‘Haunted by Hatred’ by DeathBelle -- Canon compliant Soukoku. It is a CRIME that DeathBelle doesn’t have more BSD fics on her page, but this one is still brilliant.
Favourite moments:
The first three episodes. Soooo many break neck plot twists.
Every insane hypothetical conversation with Fiji.
Every time Atsushi or Tanizaki is on screen bc I LOVE THESE LIL BEANS.
June 2020 Trash Taste (Podcast)
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Goddamn I love these chaotic lads so much.
As I became more and more comfortable with myself and my love for anime I stumbled upon these three goons, -- Joey, Connor, and Garnt, -- best known for there SUPER successful (mostly) anime YouTube channels. Even if you don’t watch anime, WATCH/LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. The focus is mostly on their lives and the overall expat/immigrant experience, with a bit of anecdotal anime references sprinkled in. 
This show is both wholesome and heathenous in equal measure, and after having lived abroad for a significant portion of my (admittedly still quite short) life, it was such a breath of fresh air to hear people talk so openly about how living outside your home country is both wonderful and terrifying. They’re wonderfully candid about the fact that even if you love a place dearly, no where is perfect, and you WILL hate somethings about your new home even if the majority of the experience is fantastic. I cannot rate this show highly enough.
Joined the fandom: June 5th 2020, loved it from the first episode. Obsession peaked: July maybe? I was RELIGIOUS about watching the episodes as soon as they came out. Still watch every week, but less “on time.” Fandom friends: None :( but I have tricked my partner in to listening several times :) Obsession faded: It’s dimmed from where it was, but still going strong. Fanfics you NEED to read: NONE. NEVER PLAN TO. Hard and fast rule, I don’t read fics about real people. Characters played by real people, even that’s a maybe for me. But real-real people? FUCK NO. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Any time Garnt and Connor get into a big-brain-monkey-brain argument and Joey is just LOSING his GODDAMN MIND in the corner.
Bringing a retired Japanese porn star in the show for an honest conversation about consensual sex work and showing people can have more than one career in life.
Everything about the, ‘Are Online Friends Real Friends?’ episode. GO WATCH IT, it’s brilliant.
Garnt making “chotto-THE-FUCKING-matte” an expression
August 2020 Great Pretender (TV Series)
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Spent most of the summer marinating in my BSD and YOI bubbles, until THIS BAD BOI came up on my Netflix recommendations. HOOOO BOI. This is some Anime Of The Year shit right here. Has a pretty original concept (Catch Me If You Can by way of Oceans 11-ish) but generally starts out like most other shounen (sans the super powers). AND THEN EPISODE FIVE HAPPENS. Not gonna spoil it but they TOOK THAT SHIT UP A NOTCH. Brilliant, even with a bit of an insane ending. GO WATCH THIS ONE.
Joined the fandom: August 2020 Obsession peaked: Pretty much as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: What’s up Fiji ;) @lil-1nsane Obsession faded: Naturally faded, but so glad I watched Fanfics you NEED to read: None so far! Little scared about this one, heard mixed reviews, but maybe someday. Favourite moments:
Edamame’s “madness arc” at the end of season 2. HOOOO BOY.
Laurent getting fucking WRECKED when Edamame punches him mid way through season 2, kills me every time.
Introducing my partner to anime with this show.
October 2020 Attack on Titan (TV Series)
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In my quest to find an anime that I can watch with my partner, I turned on season 1 of this bad boi. Holy hell I forgot how much I loved this show, NO WONDER everyone lost their goddamn minds when this show first aired. I NEED to catch up before all the season four spoilers come to get me...
Joined the fandom: Winter 2016 Obsession peaked: Basically as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: None yet, but I know you’re out there... Obsession faded: 2017, JUST BEFORE SEASON TWO... I should have stuck around longer I know, but it’s slowly coming back. Reeeeeally need to catch up on seasons two, three, and four. Fanfics you NEED to read: GIVE ME YOUR RECS HEATHENS. Favourite moments:
Watching my partner FREAK OUT about Eren’s “death.”
Getting in a conversation with a die hard fan after I hadn’t watched it in three years and saying... “Who’s that blond bitch that cries all the time?”/ “Armin?”/ “THAT’S THE ONE!”
November 2020... kind of. Figure Skating (Sport)
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Okay this one is a bit hard to explain. 
I have been a DIE HARD figure skating for A LOOOOOONG time. My grandmother got me a hat from the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City and I remember watching even then. But I first became consciously aware of different skaters, my faves, etc. from about 2010. I vividly remember watching Plushenko skating in 2014 while on a school trip to Hawaii, and my friends laughing at me as I yelled at the TV.
But I didn’t TRULY get involved in the fandom side of it until this year. I had all this knowledge bottled up, but didn’t have any skating friends to talk to... UNTIL NOW. Super ironic that this happened in a year with almost NO skating, but I’ll take what I can get ;) Also did I stay up until FOUR-GODDAMN-THIRTY IN THE MORNING a few nights ago to stream Japanese Nationals on my phone??? YOU BET I DID.
Joined the fandom: Three times; 2002, 2010, and 2020. Obsession peaked: 2014? 2018? Idk it peaks any time someone does something amazing. Fandom friends: Rachel, my girl @idancewiththefairies​, WHY DIDN’T I INTRODUCE YOU TO THIS SOONER??? Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Won’t. lol Fanfics you NEED to read: NOPE. NONE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. No fanfics about real people. Never gonna change that. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir doing THAT routine at the 2018 Olympics.
Rachel​ sheepishly admitting to me that Shoma may have replaced Yuzu as her favourite, and me being SO DAMN PROUD of her for growing and developing her own skating opinions apart from me.
Yuzu’s 2012 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ routine and Worlds. THE RAW FUCKING POWER OF THAT SKATE.
Plushenko, cheeky bastard, changing his 2014 Team Event routine AS IT WAS HAPPENING.
The worlds friendliest rivalry between Yuzu and Nathan.
Any thing the Shibutani’s do, and all they do to break up the stereotype that all of Ice Dancing has to be rOmAnTiC and SeNsUaL to be good.
Watching my early faves become coaches and the D R A M A.
Honorable Mentions:
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Coco (Film): I watched this the weekend I came home and I owe this movie a lot. It is so sweet an heartwarming, and it a roundabout way it brought me back to Tumblr (needed somewhere to vent my feelings considering I watched the movie a solid THREE YEARS after it came out, Tumblr seemed like the place to go lol). Watched in again in 2020 and it’s just as amazing.
Jekyll and Hyde (All media): Loved this book from the first time I read it in my first year of uni. But in December 2019, my fandom understanding reached its PEAK. The musical?? The comic?? YOOOOOO.
Dear Evan Hansen (Musical): I have BARELY engaged in fandom discourse, but the MUSIC. She fucking SLAPS.
Sirius the Jaeger (TV Series): This show is such an underrated gem. It literally has so much; "dead” family drama? Eclectic international group of monster hunters? Cowboys and vampires?? Yes, yes, and YES. And the main character has the same Japanese voice actor as Atsushi from BSD!
Studio Ghilbi (Films): My love affair with Ghibli goes back to when I was about 5 and BEGGED my mom to take me to the library so we could rent Kiki’s Delivery Service on DVD. But that love has been FULLY rejuvenated this year when I went to the Ghibli Film Festival in New York City (ironically in the last week in February). If you haven’t seen them, go watch From Up On Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart, and The Wind Rises. Spoilers, you’re probably gonna cry.
If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU FOR READING! 
And thank you to all the amazing people that made my 2020 not so horrible. Good riddance 2020, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
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sweetcheol · 5 years
college boyfriend!sehun
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—genre: fluff
—au: college, friends to lovers
—pairing: oh sehun x reader
—song to listen to while reading: fall again — klang
—word count: 2.2k
—warning(s): mentions of sex, sehunnie being the best boyfriend ever, choking on chips ??? (but it’s nothing bad, i promise)
sehun was your netflix binging partner before he was even your friend
okay ... he was your netflix binging partner before you even knew his name
you guys were in an ethics class together
and it was one of those common classes everyone in uni had to take no matter their major, so it was like 60 of you in a huge ass classroom
so you resorted to the only alternative to keeping you awake during 2 hour long, powerpoint based, boring lectures: 
yoy got the best out of your netflix subscription plan
god bless airpods bc you could just hide them with your hair and nobody ever noticed anything
except for sehun
who conveniently sat one seat to the left on the row above you
so he had the perfect view to your laptop screen
and had watched the whole fifth season of peaky blinders with you
of course he never told you bc that... that would have been kind of weird
so he just kept to himself and tried his best to keep on being your anonymous netflix partner
he had even started to buy himself some snacks to munch on during class and was truly living his best life
until you finished peaky blinders ... and were about to start watching crash landing on you
sehun just ... sehun loved that show, okay?
so when he saw the intro pop on your laptop he started choking on his shrimp chips, creating a commotion
like ... even the professor stopped talking and asked him if he was okay, causing everyone to turn around and face him
red-faced, choking him
even you, who had paused the show and turned around in your seat so quickly he thought you’d cracked your neck
and in that moment, sehun did the only thing he could think of
which in that case meant bolting straight out of the classroom coughing like a madman
and just like the concerned netflix partner classmate you were, you had walked out right after him
“yah! don’t run, let me help you!”
and tbh ... sehun had never expected to turn around and come face to face with you, holding a bottle of water for him to sip on
that alone helped him stop coughing
he reluctantly accepted the water while turning beet red in the face
so the two of you sat down on a set of stairs that were near the classroom while sehun drank his water
he was trying his best to zone you out, eyes set on the floor and only focusing on the bottle in his hand
bc that had been ... embarrassing, to say the least
and he had asked you, in the smallest voice possible to please wait until class was over to pick ur things up bc he didn’t wanna go in and then interrupt the lecture again
so you granted him his wish
and when people started piling out of the classroom, you were like well
and sehun didn’t even say anything to u before he walked back inside, took his backpack with him and walked away
so you were like ???? as you stashed your laptop in ur bag and walked back to your dorm
you didn’t see him the next class
and since the room was so big you were like wtf did he sit someplace else
you couldn’t even watch your show in peace that day bc ... what had you even done to him
the lesson after that ... you were resigned
whatever was his problem you wouldn’t mind
but then someone placed a blue thunder gatorade on your desk with a hot pink post it pasted on the cap
“spare airpod ???”
and sehun was sat on the chair next to yours, drinking from his own gatorade bottle while he waited for your response
so you fished the earbuds from your bag and extended your hand, one of them resting on your palm
sehun took it
and the two of you watched the third episode of the show together
the two of u didn’t speak much though
he’d muttered a soft “thank you” when returning the airpod when class was done and that was it
but then he sat next to you the following lesson
and the next one
and the next one
a couple of weeks after that he started giving you bags of chips and cookies alongside the gatorade
until you had finished a couple of dramas
... and the semester
the two of you were quite bummed the last day of classes
bc neither of you had seen the other one in any other classes so you were sure you weren’t in the same major
and sehun had only said “it was very nice meeting you” after the last class was over
and that was it
or u thought
until half-way through the summer, you had finally found enough willpower to clean your backpack
and had found a cute little note on the bottom of it
from none other but your cute, tall classmate
“maybe we could hang out and actually talk sometime?” alongside his phone number
and at first you were like oh a month has gone by, he won’t remember me
but then you wrote a simple “hey, it’s (y/n) from ethics”
and sehun almost ... choked once again when he read it
bc he though you just weren’t going to text him at all
and so the two of you started talking
he was very funny and easy-going, so you became friends pretty fast
you texted all through-out the summer
and ofc sehun told chanyeol, his best friend and roomate, about it
which prompted chanyeol to tease him 24/7 abt how he should just ask you out
and sehun was like “it’s not like that”
but everyone could see it was like that
so sehun was like ... okay i might
and he was like “so i was thinking ... maybe we could go to the movies”
and you were like !!!!!! red code !!!!!! alert !!!!!! oh my gOD 
bc you had been like ... crushing on him ever since the chip incident
and answered him like “yeah that’d be nice” 
a few days after you went to the movies
and were both a mess at first but the date actually turned out pretty well bc you went for dinner afterwards and everything ran out pretty smoothly
sehun was like OOOOOOH YEAH I’M UR BOYFRIEND NOW ... right after he walked you to your door
but you weren’t complaining bc you liked him a lot too
onto the relationship
ngl you are like low-key done with him the week after you start dating bc he is ... a little shit
like if he feels he isn’t getting enough attention he’ll go like “(y/n) that’s so unfaiiiiiiiiir”
but then he’ll start playing around with vivi and you’re standing there like okAY
and if you tell him he’ll get all sassy and go like “i knEW u just can’t live without me”
but then when you spend enough time with vivi and he starts running to you instead of sehun ... he goes like “wAIT (y/n) he’s MY son wtf”
but inside he’s like “that’s OUR son oh my god” 
gets low-key jealous of all the lead actors of the dramas you watch together
like suddenly you’ll turn around and he’s pouting 
but he forgets about it halfway through the episode
even though you two aren’t in the same class anymore he likes studying together
and is always buying snacks for your study dates
he’ll study for like 15 min and then will start pouting bc he wants kisses
wears a lot of hoodies and sweatpants but will also clean up somedays bc he wants to look nice for you
will very subtly leave his hoodies at your dorm
he thinks it’s romantiquè
and you’re very grateful for it bc he’s very tall and thus his hoodies are very cozy
you kinda want to kill him sometimes but he’s definitely the kind of guy that calls you at three am just because he wants to talk to you“i just wanted to hear your voice”
and he’s just laying in his bed smiling like a fool while you tell him about your day
you both end up constantly falling asleep over the phone but neither of you mind
and then chanyeol enters the apartment and sees him passed out on the couch with his phone in hand and your name on his screen 
it’s safe to say sehun’s not going to live it down
i don’t think he’d be a big fan of pda
so in public, you kinda only hold hands
he might give you a little kiss from time to time but that’s pretty much it
oh but in private ... he can’t keep his hands off you
and your butt
he gives the best hugs ever??? and it doesn’t help that he loves hugging you
forehead kisses
so so so many forehead kisses
definitely takes advantage of his height
for that, and for placing stuff on high places so that he has to help you on getting them down
lowkey touches your butt when he’s doing it
okay but when you’re ... doing the do
sehun’s a switch
i feel like he’d either be such a whiny sub or a very ... whiny dom (but he’d still be very soft ngl) 
(i mean he’s the spoiled maknae for a reason)
favorite thing ever is when you ride him and he can just hold your hips really tight and guide your movements so they can match his
moans so fucking loud you’re sure your entire floor can hear the two of you
i’m not sure he’d be a very kinky lover
like i feel he’d be pretty vanilla
but i mean ... he dances ... his hips can ... do things
so it’s not like it’s anything bad, you know ????
a huge fan of hickeys
but on more ... private places
like he’ll never leave one on your neck
but your chest is a completely different story
bc he doesn’t leave them so that people can see them
he leaves them so he can see them and remind himself that you’re his
that you chose him
that was really sappy
he’s a dance major
and he’s always asking you to go with him to practices
both bc he loves being with you and bc he likes it when you watch him dance
he’s a tease and we all know it
he’d run his hands over his hair and smirk all the time bc he knows you’re looking at him
sometimes he even takes off his shirt and acts like it’s just bc of the heat
and you blush so hard and he’s just like 😌
but also when he has a show or presentation or something
he gets so so so so nervous
but then he spots you in the crowd and just smile a bit bc you’re there, supporting him, and that’s all that matters
his phone background is this selfie the two of you with face masks on
you had your hair up in a bun and both of you were lounging in sweats
you had been playing around with snapchat filters and accidentally took the sweetest photo ever
so he asked you to send it to him
and he set it up as both his lock screen and his home screen
yours is a mirror selfie you took when you were watching him practice
you were taking a photo and when sehun noticed he came to give you a kiss on the cheek
and it was the sweetest thing ever
he literally sends you each and every selfie he takes
and sometimes goes like “hey does this look okay?”
and sometimes it’s more like “your boyfriend is so hot wth”
and just as he takes so many selfies so he can send them to you
he also likes taking photos with you
literally everywhere you two go
he either takes a selfie or asks someone to take a picture of you
and everyone he asks always thinks you’re the most adorable couple ever
bc the love you two have for each other is like so obviously there
and he gets so soft whenever people tell him that
even when it’s chanyeol who says it
truth is chanyeol loves you because of how happy you make sehun
he once told you when you got back home from a club
and like ... you were kinda, slightly, a little bit drunk
and hearing him say that only made you feel like you were walking on clouds even more
bc if anyone asked you to describe just how happy sehun made you ... you were sure you weren’t going to find enough words to describe the feeling
even though he usually is like hell yeah i’m a cool bf
he gets really sappy at night (and when’s drunk) 
and goes on and on about how much he loves you and he’s happy he found you
bc you always get that look in your eyes that make his heart melt
bc he’s the sweetest boyfriend ever
and it doesn’t help that he’s my ult bias bc i reallyyyyyyyy wanna date college!boyfriend sehun 🤧
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Twin Snowflakes pt9: Phased
“Veronica! Hurry up!!!!!” The most common words to have come out Yang’s mouth in recent days. Day, evening, or nigh, Yang was calling her name through their living room and dining room that was completely littered with clothes on top of suitcases. “Getting dressed!” A younger voice yelled from upstairs.
Yang:Why aren’t you dressed already!?!?!
Veronica:I was, but I forgot the socks that went with got dirty.
Yang:So you changed the whole outfit!?
Veronica:Why do you sound surprised by this!?
Yang:Veronica if we miss our boat to anima I swear-
“Gah!” A curtain of blonde hair with several dark strands of black hits her face and got all in her mouth. Yang immediately backed up and looked towards the ceiling with a slightly irritated gleam in her eyes. Both of her arms went to her hips. “Really Veronica?” The young girl was trying to keep a straight face which was incredibly hard when looking at her ma’s trade mark stare upside down. Frankly she was impressed Yang wasn’t laughing at just seeing a blinking head.
Yang:Are you dressed yet?
Veronica:Almost. Can you hand me that top behind you. I’m not decent.
Yang:I hope you mean the purple long sleeve because the only other shirt I see is the white v-neck that I’d find hard pressed to call decent.
Veronica:You fought crime in incredibly small tights, a small jacket, and a tube top. You’re going to give me flack about a v-neck?
Yang: First of all, they were compression shorts. Second, are you trying to wear it with the black miniskirt.
Yang:*smirking* Thought so. You’re getting the long sleeve.
Veronica:*folds ears* Mom! Your wife is being grumpy!
Yang:Blake! Come straighten out your child!
Slow footsteps came creaking around the corner to show the tired faunus in her nightgown stumbling a bit. Her long hair a total mess and waving her ears hello at both bundles of fiery passion. Veronica’s arm came through the ceiling to wave back in rhythm with her own ears. Yang walked over to kiss Blake’s cheek and becoming a post for a Blake to lean on.
Yang:Sorry, didn’t realize you were still sleeping.
Blake:Stayed up.....to finish some papers. Why are you two arguing? Actually, why are you still here?
Yang:Your daughter-
Blake:Our daughter.
Yang:She’s yours when she gets like this.
Veronica and Blake:What, you mean like you?
Yang:H...Hey! Can you just tell her to dress conservative while we’re going to the coldest place ever and hurry up.
Veronica:That ship is literally here for us; they won’t leave us behind. Also please explain to ma how my outfit choices are fine.
Blake:Can I make tea first? Also talk to both of you at ground level? Veronica just throw on something, or nothing at really. You came out of me. I’ve made everything you got.
Veronica:Eugh, mom can you not phrase it like that?
Yang:Right? I mean I helped a little.
Veronica:Really!? Right in front of me? *leaves*
Yang:Old enough to where what you like but can’t handle a little adult humor. Oh how I mess being sixteen.
Blake:I don’t.
Yang:I doubt any member of a radical group would. How would you like your tea? Please say with honey.
Yang:Booooo. One day you’ll join the honey team. *grabs kettle*
Blake:Between your jokes and scuffles with Veronica about clothes I hope you know that you sound just like your dad.
Yang:Good! He raised two badass daughters. I got my hands full with just one.
Veronica:I’m coming down. Mind your heads!
Blake moves a chair and the surrounding clutter as Veronica’s legs start coming through the ceiling; shortly followed by the rest of her. She lands softly with no sound what so ever. Despite the talk about the so called compression shorts that Veronica tried to call out, she was now wearing them along with a tank top. Her tail slides up the front of it to rub her stomach.
Veronica:Geez guess I should really put all of theses actually in the suitcases now huh?
Yang:Ya think?
Blake:Do you really have to take so much clothes and fabric with you?
Veronica:Of course! I know the change of scenery will inspire me to come up with a new design. Can’t let the ideas escape from me because I’m unprepared.
Yang:You do remember you’re also helping set up and manage the tournament right. It’s not a vacation. *hands Blake a cup of tea*
Blake:*grabs entire tea pot*
Veronica:*smiles* It might not be a vacation but it’s definitely a breath of fresh. I plan to capitalize on it and that starts with attire.
Yang:Fair, just not that v-neck.
Veronica:Hmmmm, what’s stopping me from grabbing it right now and running away?
Yang:What’s stopping me from cutting off all the lights and wrestling you?
Veronica:I hope all the stuff on the ground. We both can’t be fumbling around in the dark.
Yang:I like my odds.
Blake:*wiping mouth* Ooooorrrrrr you can let me take a side like you both called me in here to do.
Veronica and Yang:.......Did you drink the whole pot?
Blake:Oh, sorry, I didn’t ask if you wanted any.
Yang:That’s not the issue....
Veronica:Wasn’t that scolding?
Blake:Eh. Let’s focus on the problem at hand. Yang?
Blake:If Veronica were to walk around as she is right now, would you think that is appropriate?
Somehow there was a trap in this question, but Yang couldn’t figure it out for the life of her. She turned to Veronica to exam her. The girl truly was blooming just like Yang had around that age. Toned body, a healthy smile, hair, dramatic lilac eyes, and a figure that somehow managed to take a decent amount of the best parts from both her and Blake; just proportioned to the girls slightly leaner and shorter build. Yang would be over the moon that somehow every Xiao Long kid made out to be basically a bombshell. Too bad it came with constant supervision to spot the wondering eyes of others. ‘I gotta remember to treat dad to something. How’d he do this like it was nothing?’
Yang:Well.....it’s not exactly inappropriate but I wouldn’t be comfortable with it.
Blake:*Smirking* Why?
Yang:Because you know how people are! Who knows when creep might pull a stunt or she might get unwanted attention. Girls might hassle her and guys can be excessive. I just want you to not have to deal with all that because if I see it then I might fight a kid.
Veronica:I fight my own battles you know? I mean it would be pretty lame if I couldn’t. You don’t exactly pull your punches in the ring. Or anywhere for that matter.
Blake:Now for the final question. Yang, do you remember what you were when we first met?
Yang:.......I was 18
Veronica:Wait, what was she wearing?
Blake:Exactly what you have on right now.
Yang:But I was 18!
Blake:With no super vision, in a public area, and you had no care in the world. Were you worried about anyone making a pass at you.
Yang:No, anyone who tried something would’ve gotten beaten u-
Yang:Blake! I thought you were gonna be on my side!
Blake:She might not be 18 but she’s also not alone. Plus yoy have worn far less.
Veronica:Did not think I’d actually win this argument. Thanks mom.
Blake:I’m not finished.
Veronica:Should’ve known....
Blake:Yang, can I talk to her one on one really quick?
Yang:Okay? I guess I’ll just go pack up then? *slowly walking out*
Blake:Wanna tell me why you’re throwing a fuss about not wearing a purple top; you’re favorite top I might add?
Veronica:No particular reason. I just don’t like feeling confined.
Blake:We are your parents. We’re supposed to impose limits and you only have a couple. Clothes suggestions have never gotten under your skin before.
Veronica:Yeah well I suppose that’s changed a bit. What’s the point of designing clothes and going to school for it if I can’t diversify my style. Let people be left in awe by me.
Blake:Is Nicholas one of those people?
Veronica’s eye went wide before her face flushed a rosey red. Blake had hit a soft spot and she knew it. She stood up to walk towards her daughter who had crossed her arms and turned her head away to avoid looking directly into those amber eyes that always seemed to cut right through her defenses. That didn’t stop Veronica to allow Blake to pull her into a gentle embrace.
Blake:I’m surprised. I half expecting my arms to go right through you.
Veronica:Yeah well...I like your hugs.
Blake:And I like knowing your okay. I’m positive you’ll get more interest out of him by being nice to his sister then showing skin
Veronica:One of those things is far easier.
Blake:Please be on your best behavior.
Veronica:I always am. What happens is up to her.
Veronica:I know. Inhales...... I know. Hopefully we’ll both be too busy to interact much and we don’t have to socialize.
Blake:That’s not really what I would call a solution. Going was your idea so I expect nothing but good news. I’ll be there when the actual tournament begins and I can’t wait to see how you added style to the arena.
Veronica:I gotta get there first. Which means I really need to pack all this up and get dressed.
Blake:Is that your way of saying “Mom please let go of me?”
Veronica:Such intelligence. No wonder you are the greatest high leader Remnant has ever seen.
Blake:Pfft whatever you know it all. *lets go*
They share one last look before Veronica grabs her purple shirt it winks. “What can I say? I looks amazing on me.” Blake playfully rolls her eyes and watches her daughter leap into the air and phase through the ceiling.
Blake:Hehe we have stairs!
Veronica:*muffled* And they look lovely!
Blake:Yang you can come back in!
Yang:*peeks around corner* Why do I always have to leave the room?
Blake:Because she thinks you’re strong and amazing like how you think of your dad. We both know how much you feel frustrated whenever he sees you get emotional.
Yang:*red* He’s seen me soft too many times. I’m grown.
Blake:Only proving my point dork. I know I probably spoil her too much but let Veronica spread her wings a bit. She rarely gets to do that around here.
Yang:*frowns* I know. I’m just worried she’ll spread those wings too far. There might not be enough room for anyone else. Atlas might have a new ruler by the time tournament is over.
Blake:Atlas’s loves Nick and Summer too much for that.
Yang:I never said she’d do it easily. I can see it now, a turf war that shook the world.
Blake:You’re so dramatic.
Yang:That’s why you married me.
Blake:Certainly wasn’t for your tea making skills. *darts off smiling*
Yang:What!? My tea is fine! Blake! *runs after her*
Winter:That was some sneeze. The weather getting to you?
Summer:No. I’m not sure where that came from.
The two of them had landed down on the Mantle wall for several minutes now. Both under the wing of the summoned nevermore to avoid the light rain. Little was said between them after their embrace in the sky. Words was never Winter’s strongest skill; even after all these years. It was more comfortable watching the warm glow of the city lights in silence, but Weiss had given her a task. See if Summer was truly okay.
Her earlier actions definitely raised a few unsettling flags that Summer tried to ensure where just in Winter’s head. Still, Summer’s face, Winter couldn’t help but notice how solemn it was. The girl had already faced trials and tribulations no one should at her age. Winter took ahold her hand which made the girl jump slightly. She had completely zoned out for a moment but now looked at her aunt perplexed.
Summer:Yes auntie?
Winter:You were lost in thought. Where you having a conversation again?
Summer:No, I had enough of Shiva’s comments for one day. For a lifetime actually.
Winter:I cannot imagine what’s it’s like going through that. Especially for so long.
Summer:It’s no different than enteral monologue really, or the voice people have when they’re silently reading to themselves. Only mine has a will of its own. Not to mention the space I seem to find myself in whenever things get out of hand. I guess that part is a bit different from most people.
Winter:The mind is a complex thing to say the least.
Summer:Yeah, and mine is broken.
Winter:Your mind is not broken Summer.
Summer:Feels that way sometime. There’s still so much I don’t fully understand about what’s happening. Even after all this time.
Winter:That’s not a fault on you. Science is merely trying to catch up with such an unorthodox event. Just the other day Oscar and Qrow went off to find answers just for you. I believe even Adrian tagged along.
SummerReally!? Where are they going?
Winter:To see if anything can be learned from the Gods. If they manage to find them that is.
Summer:That’s....a tall order. All that for me? I’m the one who should be going through that trouble. It’s my problem after all.
Winter:This is something everyone has to deal with.
Summer:Oh.....sorry. *frowning*
Winter:That’s not what I-.....sigh, what I meant is we are all family. If one of us has a problem then all of us do and it’s no big deal for anyone to try and resolve it.
Summer:That doesn’t make it less frustrating for me though. I know you all care. I do, but there’s just something. Like a gap I can’t seem to close between myself and the rest of the world. Like I never really left that lake.
Winter:....Then lets go back.
Winter:It’s somewhere down here right? Maybe going there will spark something.
Summer:An answer?
Winter:Perhaps, or closure.
Summer:Closure huh? (Maybe that is what I’m actually missing.) I will think about it. First things first, I actually came down here for a reason. Despite the bond and resources between Atlas and Mantle growing, there’s still plenty of people that still live on the streets. I tend to donate money when I can also sometimes I just go around the city to go buy food or warm clothes to whoever I find.
Winter:I had no idea you kept a close eye on these types of things. How often do you come down here.
Summer: Enough to hurt my grades it seems. You are the first person to catch me chain grinding attempts. Can’t believe you saw the worst one though. That’s embarrassing to say the least.
Winter:Attempts? Summer I know you’re smart enough to know what you’re doing is extremely dangerous. Not to mention illegal. What if I hadn’t caught you?
Summer:I would’ve just....it’s actually easier to show you. If that’s okay I mean.
Winter:*raises eyebrow* Is it safe?
Summer’s face scrunches up as she wobbles her hand up and down. “Safer than most of the things involving the cold. I can control it just fine.” Now it was Winter’s turn to look skeptical. This could potentially be a slippery slope their playing with. However, it was hard not to notice the slight excitement in Summer’s voice. “If you really can control it...then I suppose there isn’t any ha-“
“Yes!” Summer bounced a little at the thought of showing off. She removed her cloves and tugged her shirt down for more air flow. Winter stood beside her and watched carefully. Shiva and her powers over ice weren’t anything new but this pseudo form that rest in between the full transition had her attention. It was easy to tell Summer had been hard at work trying to find a way to turn this accident into something useful without succumbing to it. At first glance anyone wouldn’t notice the flickering in her eyes or the subtle color shifts in at the ends of her hair.
She watched her niece clap her hands together then pull them apart slowly as the cold itself seemed to be drawn into the middle. Ice crystals grew larger while expanding length wise. Summer had created another snowboard in no time at all. It might’ve been second nature to her fall all Winter can tell. And yet....“You sure I don’t have to worry this time about catching you?”
“Follow behind me if it makes you feel better. I’m heading towards the dust facility down here so keep up.” Summer said with a thumbs up and took a running start before leaping off the wall. The Nevermore swooped Winter and took off. Tailing Summer like instructed. Winter was quite surprised to say the least at what she witnessed. The rain around Summer turned to slush and ice that trailed underneath her. More and more swirled down by the base of the bored each way swayed it. Summer was snowboarding in midair and that was something Winter admitted to herself was worth showing off. From behind her it was still easy to till Summer was enjoying herself, yet also not quite how she usually would. The essence around her felt more...invigorating. Winter couldn’t help but wonder.....where exactly do Summer’s actions end, and Shiva’s begin?
Gym Teacher: Mr. Schnee I appreciate your enthusiasm but don’t you think this is a bit much for you to handle?
Nick:Come on Coach Bree. Aren’t you always telling me to get my striking speed up?
Harriet: Yeah but...
The both of them stare at the giant track field at the back of the school. Easily three miles long and leaving plenty of space in the middle for games such as soccer or football. Also the giant paladin that is currently setting his laser sights on Nick.
Harriet:Beating a Paladin alone is a tall order. Why not take the regular physical exams like everyone else?
Nick:My schedule is busy as it is! I can’t waste two class periods on doing them when I can take the expedited test and pass automatically; plus it’s good training for the tournament. It’s just rubber bullets and lasers set to stun.
Harriet:With concussion grenades, thrusters for speed, it’s made of the finest metal, and designed to be on destroy Goliaths. Seniors have difficulty with this. I’ll admit you have skill but not that much skill.
Nick:You just don’t feel like writing a incident report.
Harriet:What teacher does!? Plus I don’t feel like getting yelled at if you can’t participate in the tournament. I’ll never hear the end of it.
Nick:Ugh, and after all that work I put into finishing that science test early.
Harriet:Sorry kid. Like I said, seniors have trouble with this. I actually let them team up for it.
Nick:That tough huh? Oh! If that’s the case then can I take it with others!?
Harriet:I’d might consider it but there’s a problem. No one your age is crazy enough to attempt this. Most of them are still working of the fat from winter break.
Nick:No one crazy enough. I think you underestimate Valerie.
Harriet:She already took the first half of the regular exam so good luck making her decide to switch up.
Nick:Crap, I forgot she had P.E. already. Man this sucks!
Harriet:.....I tell you what. Your sister didn’t show up today. Despite her absences....
Nick:*flinches* Hehe see about that... she ate waaaaay to much Christmas ham and-
Harriet:I’m in the loop on her reluctance to attend my class genius. Your mom called earlier to give me a heads up that I’d only be seeing you today. That girl is really started to throw a wrench in my planning.
Nick:I’m sorry....I know she feels awful about it.
Harriet:*scratches head* Doesn’t change I need numbers for her. Putting in zeros in grade books is easy. Putting them in battle info makes it extremely hard to plan proper routines that are challenging but not suicidal. But since you’re determined about risking safety anyways. If by some miracle you can convince Summer and Valerie to take this with you, then I’d feel more confident that I won’t send a student home with broken bones like last time.
Nick:Really!? Alright!
Harriet:That last part just didn’t matter to you did it?
Nick:No offense, but we are eople with gold and silver medals for combat related activities should be just fine. Tomorrow it is! Before or after school?
Harriet:I’m not waking up earlier to call an ambulance. After school or if you all so happen to have a free period around the same time.
Nick:After school it is! I got a good feeling about this!
Valerie:You are insane...
“SSSSSHHHHHH!!!!” Multiple students stared at the boy annoyed as they were peacefully trying to read. He had forgotten where he was for a moment and quickly hid his face behind a book before the librarian started skulking around. Valerie watched the boy’s eyes peek over the top of pages and waited for him to continue to make his case. This time in a whisper.
Nick:Pretty please?
Valerie:No. I had to spend my time in that stupid dressing room and listen to dumb girls have a contest over who was hotter. That is sanity wasted if I switch up now.
Nick:That’s ridiculous.
Valerie:Their arguing or my complaining? Choose carefully.
Nick:The fact that they’re fighting about who’s the prettiest when you’re in the room.
Valerie:Well played. Still not doing it. Why am I a requirement.
Nick:*grabs her hands* Because without you we’d be hard press to find someone else our grade to keep up with us. Only you can do it. You’re awesome. We both know that.
Now he’d done it. Valerie was never a person to care about compliments yet Nick’s were a bit different from most. Maybe it was that Arc charm at work or seeing Schnee eyes look so soft, but his compliments always felt incredibly genuine. It was irritating after all this time he was as good with words as she was. Murmurs reached her ears as more students started watching the two. More importantly, their hands. He still hadn’t let go. How long have they been like this?
Val’s face got a bit stern and she shook her hands free. She brought her right one up to thump the poor boy right in the nose to wipe that puppy dog look away.
Nick:Ow...still no?
Valerie:.......Fine, but I’m only saying fine because I’d be road kill earlier without you. Then we’re even.
Nick:You’re still thinking about that? I wasn’t gonna hold saving your life over your head by any means but if it makes you feel better then okay. We’ll be even.
Valerie:Good. I guess I can make a peace of my day completely irrelevant now.
Nick:You’re the best!!!
Nick:Whoops! I should go. Thanks again!
Valerie:Sure th-
Nicholas went in and hugged her fast before pulling back and showing a gleeful grinn. Before she could say anything he was running off out of the library and more importantly, the studying students. Some of them turned their attention to her so at least she could feel their frustration. Even the Liberian shot of look of displeasure which only increased the embarrassment on her face. She had no choice but to bury herself into the text book she had been reading before things got loud. It did not stop the feeling of them staring behind it, or her face from turning red.
Valerie:(Damn it Nicholas. I’m totally getting you back for this somehow!)
Yang:*tapping her foot* (I swear this girl) Veronica in a second I’m just gonna lea-
“I’m ready!” The girl came sliding into view with her luggage in hand. Yang couldn’t help but smile as it seemed common ground between them was found. Her daughter wore black flats accompanied with black thigh high socks and the skirt mentioned from earlier. A gap between the two showed some skin but not crazy in the slightest. The purple long sleeve shirt was worn with pride and Yang couldn’t help but notice Veronica had taken the time to make hair a little crinklly.
She paid no mind to her mother as she strutted passed her mom with her tail pulling her luggage along. Veronica was too busy already opening up her journal and going over unfinished designs.
Veronica:Let’s get to it Ma. Ship won’t wait forever right?
Yang:For your sake I hope you don’t have to kick anyone.
Veronica:Already got it covered. A little thing called compression shorts. It’s hard to tell because I’m not only wearing them. Thought it should go underneath something.
Yang:I’m gonna have to deal with that the whole ride huh?
Veronica:Oh yeah. *closes door*
Part 8
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starkerfortwo · 5 years
OKAY im sorry thi sis late to be posted but I’m really busy at the moment. These prompts are for @swankyspankyhankypanky panky i tried reallyhard to come up wih a good story line for you! Happy valentines day! @starker-valentines
So I know this isn't exactly the original prompts, but I'm a bad writer and before I knew I had written this, I'd already done it, so I'm very sorry, hope you enjoy this though!!! Prompt 2
Tones Hey sweets, I'm picking you up at 7, be ready!
Peter Oof, wish I could, but I'm at the library with Ned and MJ studying for midterms. I'm free at nine tho
Tony sighed and switched his car onto automatic.
Tony Really? Okay, I'll pick you up at nine outside the library, where'd you wanna go?
Peter sure and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe Delmars? Pretty pretty please with sugar on top
Tony How can I say no to you? If you want to then sure, but if that cat bites me one more time
Peter You'll do what? Go all IronMan on a cat's ass? Pshhhh okay, now stop distracting me I rly have to study
Tony But bothering you is so so so so fun. But if you insist. I love yoy
Peter I love yoy too Tony. Yoy, im dead
Peter laughed at his phone and slid it back into his pocket. "Did Tony say something hot?" Peter looked at Ned with a disgusted face "Ned, gross dude. And no he just made a typo" MJ rolled her eyes "You two are gross, but It's kinda cute so I feel you" Peter smiled and picked up a textbook. "So, what's the sweetest thing Tonys done?" Flash asked hooking his arm around Liz's shoulders. "Sweetest? I don't know man, on our first date he serenaded me with a song" "That's not sweet. Come on! What was the thing that you couldn't stop smiling about for weeks afterward?" Ned asked leaning forwards.  "Well, our first time do-" "STOP" Flash shouted covering his ears as Peter chuckled to himself.
Peter Pls save me, they're all asking me about our love life. It's excruciating
Tony Want me to come and blow them away with my awesomeness?
Peter Yes please, I managed to shut them up by talking about our sex life but Ned seems to be plotting his next question.
Tony I'm parking the car
Peter looked up to the door and smiled at the sight of Tony Stark walking in. "I believe people were talking about me" He smiled sitting down on the chair next to Peter. "Hey, Mr. Stark," Ned said flashing him 'Please accept me for an internship' smile. "Relax, Ned, I shouldn't tell you this but you got the Internship" Ned let out a scream and was quickly hushed by the librarian "So, Mr. Stark, what do you think is the sweetest thing you ever did for Peter?" Flash asked returning his hand to Liz. "Hmm, I think It would be the night that Peter called me Tony for the first time"
"Mr. Stark I'm a big boy I don't need you to keep on saving me from fights," Peter said in protest, landing on a rooftop in downtown New York. "You're a baby, and that wasn't a fight, that was an attack that was specifically planned to target you" Peter tensed his face up "You could've taken those guys on so why can't I?" Peter argued ripping off his mask and letting the brown curls fly around his face. "Because I'm more experienced than you and I have an iron suit. Yours is... spandex" Tony pointed out stepping out of his suit and onto the ground as Peter took a step back. "You helped me create this suit so technically It's not my fault that I don't have a stronger suit. And that's not what you said when I fought Captain America" "I've said this before and I'll say this again, if Cap wanted to take you down, he would've" "Yes but he didn't. Can you just accept the fact that I might be more mature than you think? Why won't you let me fight the bad guys? I took on Thanos when we were stuck on Titan!" Tony scrunched his face up "Because Peter, I can't lose you again! I watched you die in my arms and I was waiting for the time that I would go and help save you in any other fucking world that you had gone to, but I didn't! I couldn't save you Kid, I never want to lose you again, you mean to much to me!" Peter stared at Tony. "I'm sorry, I am, you just, you need to let me do this stuff okay? If I'm really in danger, Karen will let you know" Tony didn't say anything just embraced Peter in a hug "Don't die, kid, please don't. I can't lose you too" "I won't Tony"
"That wasn't something sweet that you did, that was just a sweet moment between us" Peter scoffed turning to Tony. "I saved your life! I think that counts as being sweet" Tony argued turning his head. "Okay then, Peter, what was the sweetest thing you did for Tony?" MJ asked, suddenly intrigued in their love lives. "Oh, for sure the time that Tony said 'I love you peter Paker' for the first time"
A year earlier.
"Wassup Tony," Peter said sliding on the hard wooden floor in his pink fluffy socks. "Morning Peter, why are you in such a good mood?" Tony asked pouring himself a cup of coffee "Well if you must know, I have a date" Tony's heart dropped to his ass, figuratively but still, as peter announced he had a date. "Cool cool, who with?" Peter smiled "Quinten Beck, I met him on Tinder and he's hot as hell!" Tony covered up his disappointment with a smile. "I'm happy for you kid, I'm going down to the lab"
three hours later.
"FRIDAY has Peter returned from the date?" Tony asked attaching a string to a door and slamming it shut making a crate fall "No, he never left the tower, he is sobbing on the couch upstairs" Tony paused "He's what?" He asked again unsure if he heard her right "Sobbing upstairs" Tony left the crate and rushed upstairs. "Peter? Peter, what's wrong?" Tony asked trying to console the hyperventilation young adult on his couch. "Beck canceled the date, he told me that I was ugly and too nerdy" Peter sobbed, resting his head in the crook of Tony's neck. "When I find that lil bitch" Tony whispered. "Why am I not good enough? Is there something wrong with me? Why does no one like me?!" Peter shouted sobbing harder. "Oh Peter, you're good enough and everyone is crazy to not see that, you're perfect peter" Tony whispered, "Then why does no one like me?" He cried out "They do" "Who Tony! Who likes me?! I'm just some ugly person" Peter screamed coming up for some air "Me Peter! I like you. No actually. I love you, Peter Parker. I always have and I always will"
"That was sweet, but that wasn't something you did for Tony" Nd pointed out, yawning in his seat whilst Betty rested her head on him. "Yeah I guess it was, I don't know actually, either I'm a shit boyfriend or Tony just doesn't tell me when I'm sweet" Tony laughed and pecked Peter's cheek. "I know what one of the sweetest things peter ever did was."
one month earlier.
"TONY!" Peter screeched from the lab. "BOI IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS VERRY FUCKING SECOND I WILL END OUR RELATIONSHIP!" Tony raced down the stairs and into the lab where he was met by Peter standing over an Iron Man suit "Yes my love? Something wrong?" Peter's eyes went soft at the sight of Tony's sleepless eyes and dropped shoulders. "Baby, when was the last time you slept?" Peter asked moving slowly towards Tony. "Like, seventy-two hours ago" Peter sighed and took the white blanket off of his shoulders and wrapped it around Tony's shoulders. "Come on, let's go to bed" Tony sulked and let Peter lift him off of his feet and carry him upstairs. "You know what's not fair" Tony yawned "What?" "The fact that you're younger and smaller than me, yet so much stronger than me" Peter laughed "Blame the radioactive spider for that one" Tony chuckled and felt his body sink into the memory foam mattress "I don't want to sleep" Tony sighed sleepily barely able to keep his eyes open. "Why?" Peter asked wrapping his arms around Tony "Because every time I close my eyes I see you slipping away in my arms. I can't keep reliving that Peter" Tony cried pulling Peter down to his eyesight. "Tony, hey Tony, look at me." Tony brought his eyes up to look at Peter. "I'm not leaving. I'm never leaving. You are my home, I love you and I always will. You're not going to lose me again. We won. He's dead." Tony sobbed quietly "I love you" He whispered falling asleep. "I love you too" Peter whispered back.
"Yeah, I have to admit that was pretty sweet of me to do" Peter laughed resting his head on Tony's lap. "It was, so tell me, what midterm do you all have first?" Tony asked gently caressing Peter's hair. "Peter has Law then Bioengineering. I have Law and physics, MJ has human relations, Liz has technology, and Flash has English Lit" Ned explained yawning gently. "That sucks for all of you." Tony laughed "Hey if we leave now we can still make our reservation" Peter whispered looking up at Tony. "You sure?" Peter nodded and looked up. "I hate to cut this short, but me and Tony-" "Tony and I" "Yes, thank you MJ, have a dinner reservation to attend, so we will be fucking off and I won't see you for the rest of this night" Tony smiled as Peter grabbed his hand and ran out the door. "I love you" Tony whispered "I love you too Tony" Peters's lips met Tonys in a sweet sensual kiss. "Come on, let's go"
Prompt 1
"Good morning handsome" Tony smiled as Peter rubbed his eyes. "Mornin' what time is it?" "The time is currently twelve minutes past nine in the morning" Peter rolled his eyes and slumped his head back on the pillow but evidentially rolling over and burying his face in the crook of Tony's neck. "I'm tired." He whined, feeling Tony's arms wrap around him. "I know, but, guess what" Peter looked up at his boyfriend "You're taking me out of college and whisking me away to a holiday in LA?" Tony smiled and kissed the tip of Peter's nose. "Nope, but I am taking you training today" Peter groaned again "In what universe is training better than a holiday" Peter deadpanned sitting up straight and pulling one of Tonys AC/DC shirts over his head "My universe. Hurry up, Peppers gonna be here in five" Peter whined for the fifth time in the time-space of an hour and sulked his way over to the chest of drawers currently holding all of his things. Since Peter and Tony had started dating, Peter had been slowly moving objects from his room into Tonys. A couple of CD's stacked up on the desk, along with some chemistry books, and some clothes. So far they hadn't been caught. Plus, they only had three months until Peter's twenty-first birthday when they could finally announce that they had been dating.  They just needed to keep it a secret for now. "Hey, I love you" Tony smiled lifting peters head up by his chin and kissing his softly "I love you too. I'm gonna shower though because I smell" Tony laughed "Yeah, you do" They stayed there for a moment, staring at each other and smiling. "Tony! You need to sign off- oh hi Peter" Both men separated quickly trying to cover it up by Tony fakely handing Peter a biology book on cells and reproduction. "Um hi Miss Potts I was just getting a book from To- Mr. Stark" Pepper smiled fondly "That's okay Peter." Peter smiled meekly at Tony and Pepper as he slipped out the bedroom door. "Fuck" He breathed out.
Peter dodged a punch and swung from one corned to the other. "Come on, babe, you can do better than this" Peter panted and landed on the floor next to him "Nope, I'm out" Tony smiled and pulled this small boyfriend up. "Come on, one more round and we can relax." Peter pulled himself together and nodded. "Okay, I can do this," He said dodging a kick and other suits that came flying past him. "One more!" Tony said cheering him on from the sidelines, "Fuck, Tony I can't do this" "There's no such word as can't" Peter smirked t himself "Nope, but there is a word called cannot and I cannot do this" H said turning his back as Tony shit down te simulation. "What's going on? You're usually so much better than this" Tony asked as peter layed his head on his lap. "I don't know, I've been in a funk ever since we lost the Titan battle" Tony frowned. "I'm never letting you go okay? I love you, Peter Parker. I love you so much. And that shit that happened with Thanos was not your fault. You were fifteen kid and were already conquering so much that I couldn't even do at fifteen. Don't beat yourself up because of one mistake" Tony leaned down and kissed peter's lips passionately. "I love you too Tones, and guess what day tomorrow is. Valentine's day" Tony rolled his eyes "Ugh, don't remind me" Peter laughed "Ill remind you in my way" Tony raised an eyebrow "Kinky" "That's not what I meant and you know it"
"Mr. Parker, you have a meeting in five minutes downstairs" FRIDAY chirped from the speakers in the kitchen. "SHIT! FRIDAY can you remind me when to take the cookies out of the oven?" He heard no response but figured that FRIDAY heard him. Peter raced over to his bedroom and pulled on one of Tonys' old AC/DC shirts and a pair of ripped skinny jeans before jogging down to the meeting room. "Good morning Mr. Parker, so nice of you to join us" Tony smiled sarcastically swiveling around in his chair. "Uh sorry, I was baking" He replied Shiley taking a seat next to Tony. "Baking?" Tony whispered moving his chair closer to Peter's "Yep, made some peanut butter cookies" He smiled. "Damn, get you a man that can cook" They both laughed a little before turning their attention to the man presenting as he 'cleared his throat' "Something funny?" The man asked, obviously tired of having to stop his presentation. "Nope, just laughing about the world" The man rolled his eyes at Tony and continued presenting his slideshow on 'Why Peter Parker should not take over SI' which wasn't the name but Peter thought that it might as well be the name since he was droning on about how someone with a manufacturing and technology background would be more suitable. But still, peter being peter he just sat quietly and held Tony's hand underneath the steel table. "Pete, you okay?" Tony asked quietly looking at the boy "Yeah, I'm just focusing on how many ways I could walk out the room right now" Tony laughed "Don't even walk, just jump out the window and let the suit catch you" Peter burst into laughter and fell on the ground wheezing. "What the fuck is so funny Mr. Parker? This is a serious meeting" Peter laughed as he stood up and regained his posture and self-control. "Nothing nothing, just thinking about a vine" He chuckled sitting down in his seat again. "What vine?" Tony asked playing along with the Vine story. "Is that a chicken?" He quoted not even missing a beat. "Kyle Jenner please report to the foyer," Tony said finishing off the stat pf the vine. The man presenting looked unamused and closed down the PowerPoint. "When you two can stop behaving like children we will come back," He said walking with his men out of the room. "Think we broke him?" Peter laughed spinning in his chair. "Nope, but you're gonna break your back is you don't stop spinning on this chair" Peter giggled and continued to spin on his chair until the chair gave way and he fell on Tony "Hi" He grinned dopey "Hi, think you can-" Tony was cut off by the man walking into the room again causing both men to jump and Peter to fall on the floor with an "Ouch" Along with Tony. "Never mind" Tony watched as the guy left and turned his head to look at Peter. "You okay?" He asked helping Peter stand up and regain his balance and confidence "Mhmm, are you okay?" Tony laughed at Peters's kindness. "I'm not the one that just fell off of a chair and hit my head on the floor" Peter smiled and rested his head on Tony's shoulder as Tony helped him into the elevator.
An hour had passed and the two lovebirds were sat on the couch eating Peters cookies and watching 'Burlesque' on Netflix. "I'm tired." Peter sighed wrapping a blanket around his cold body "If you wanna go to bed by all means go, I just wanna know if Jack and Ali will start dating" Tony smiled ruffling Peters's hair, "They do, now will you please come to bed with me?" Tony gasped "You just spoiled the movie" Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, come on just cuddle with me" Tony pulled peter towards him on the couch "I don't wanna" "Stop being a child Tony" "I'm not being a child" "Yeah? Then come to bed" "No" "Come to bed, Tony." "No" Tony, come to b-" Once again, they were interrupted by Natasha walking and Peter rolling off the couch. "Sup, what are we watching," She asked grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoveling it into her mouth. "Nothing, I'm gonna go to sleep. Night" Peter gave a 'Bed now' look to Tony who acted like he didn't see it and carried on watching the film. "Child" He muttered under his breath.
Peter sighed as he pulled on a pair of pajamas and slipped under the blue silk sheets of Tony's bed. "It's so cold, FRIDAY turn the heating up" and just like that Peter felt as if he was in Spain, relaxing on a beach and letting off steam. That was until he felt a dip in the bed and muscular arms cover his body and held him tight. "Let's go" Peter turned around. "What do you mean?" He questioned rubbing his eyes "You said you wanted to go to Spain right? Then let's go, let's spend Valentine's day in Spain" Peter smiled and hooked his arms around Tony. "Okay. I'm down for that. when are we going?" "Right now, get some clothes on, we'll buy whatever we need when we get there" Peter squealed and jumped out of the bed grabbing some jeans and sliding himself into them. "You're not getting changed?" He questioned looking at Tony. "I already am" Peter rolled his eyes as Tony flipped away the covers to reveal a fully tailored suit on him. "When did you have the tine to get fully charged? A second ago you were in a tank and sweat pants" "I have my ways. May i just say, you look ravishing" Peter blushed "I'm wearing an oversized shirt and Khakis, how is that ravishing" "Because it's my shirt that you're wearing" Peter rolled his eyes. "You're incredibly predictable Mr. Stark" Tony scoffed "No I'm not, you don't know what I'm going to do now" "Yes I do, you're going to pick me up and run with me in your arms to the helipad" Tony paused fr a minute "No I'm not." "Then what are you gonna do?" "I'm going to pick you up, and run with ou in my arms into the living room" Peter sighed "Wow, big difference" Tony smiled and grabbed Peter before running down the corridor. "Oh my god, Tony! Peter squealed "Put me down! Put me down!" Tony laughed and placed Peters feet on the floor kissing his 'Button nose' as Tony liked to describe it "I hate you" Tony shook his head "No you don't, you love me" "Unfortunately yes, yes I do, and it's a shame because I can never get mad at you" Peter smiled and kissed Tony passionately. "Don't eat each other's fucking faces" Both of them jumped to see the room filled with the avengers and Rhodey. "Uh, we can explain" Peter sighed pulling away from Tony/ "We can? " Tony questioned. "No, I'm out." Rhodey sighed. "I told you they were dating." "You knew?" Tony asked, shocked and in disbelief, thst they're amazing (Terrible ) attempts of covering up their relationship didn't work. "We all knew, you two cant keep a secret for your life." Tony scoffed at Natasha "Yes I can, I kept being Iron Man a secret" Peter scoffed this time. "No you didn't, Rodey and Pepper organized an entire speech on what you should say so you wouldn't reveal that you were IronMan and you still got up on that stage and said 'I am Iron Man' " Tony ignored the comment and looked at the group. "Yes, I and Peter are dating, but as of this moment we are going to Spaun to celebrate our first Valentine's day together" Tony picked Peter up and in a squeal, they were both gone from the eyesight of the other. "Damn, they're cute you've got to admit," Bruce said from the back. "They are, also who said they were eating each other's faces. Because Props to you" Rhodey smiled at Pepper. "All me, the look on their faces were priceless, I wish I had taken a photo" "I have taken a video of the moment and sent it to all of your phones" FRIDAY spoke chirpily, she wasn't a human, but goddamn could she sense when people liked her.
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
In the middle of a jungle lone wolf and omega Tony Stark meets con artist and play boy Bucky Barnes.
The two start off hating each other as they navigate through the jungle. One looking for his pack and the other running from his.
After a day of arguing the two find an abandoned hut where they spend the night.
In the middle of the night they are attached by a Savage wolf baring the Hydra mark. It's bad timing as Tony goes into heat and gets injured. Bucky puts down the wolf and decides that he needs to protect the stupid omega from trying to fight when he's in heat. Tony angrily heads back into the hut and says that he's gonna sleep the heat away. Hes done it before and he'll do it again.
On the third day of Tonys heat and Bucky taking down unwanted wolves, the leader of Tony's pack, one Obidiah Stane along with some Henchmen try to take Tony. Turns out Obie had joined Hydra and was trying to make Tony not only the alphas omega but also a Hydra super soldier.
Tony who looks pale and sick crawls out of the hut and turns into his wolf form. He struggles to stay standing but refuses to give up.
Bucky growls at Tony before quickly transforming as well getting ready to protect the stupid omega. They are just about to start fighting when arrows come flying through and movement in the trees alerts everyone. Obidiah flees knowing it's a losing battle swearing he will get Tony back.
As soon as Bucky turns back to his human form he turns just in time to see Tony drop in his wolf form.
"shit! Clint a little help here"
Clint drops through the trees and raises a brow.
"I'll explain later. Can you carry him back?"
Clint sighs as he passes his arrows and bow over to Bucky.
"Steve isn't gonna like this"
"I know"
Clint turns into his wolf form and Bucky helps put an unconscious Tony onto Clint's back.
"but he's in heat and it'll be a bad idea for me. Just be grateful you're a beta because this guy is doing wonders to me"
As they make their way back to their pack Bucky explains what had happened and promises that next time he will listen to Bruce and make a crumb trail.
As soon as they arrive Bucky tenses and doesn't understand why as Steve raises a brow and walks over to them.
Bucky explains the situation and asks if Tony can stay there until his heat is over. Steve says no.
"but why?"
"because he belongs to another pack. Another pack who have joined Hydra. Not only that, he is an unmated omega in heat. We have several unmated alphas here Buck. Dont do that to him"
"oh come on. I trust everyone in our pack and i know you do to. Besides, I can guard him until he gets through it. We have beta's as well"
"uhhh Bucky?"
Bucky and Steve look over to a shakey Tony shivering on tje ground as he transformed back to his human form. He's curled against Clint and whining in pain. Steve is horrified.
"Jesus Bucky! When you said Tony, i didn't realize you meant Tony Stark. Wait! Did the alpha of his pack say his name?"
"uhhhhhhhh I think Tony said Obie or something like that"
"fuck. That means Howard is dead. Shit. Clint take Tony to Bruce. He'll help out. Bucky get everyone together, it's time for a group meeting."
Later on once Bruce has Tony settled down and asleep he heads out to the pack meeting. Bucky looks over and asks if Tony is alright. Bruce nods and watches Bucky, Clint and Steve relax.
Steve stands in front of everyone as the huddle around the campfire.
"before Hydra turned me into a super soldier I had met a friendly couple. Howard and Maria Stark. They helped me out with alot of things. After I got super serumed they had saved me and brought me into their pack. After a long while I left the pack and started looking for my own pack. I met you guys and then we brought back Bucky from Hydra."
Steve rubs his face and takes a couple of deep breaths.
"while I was away doing some recruiting I stumbled upon Howard again and met Tony. The packs second omega other than Maria Stark. I also got to meet Obidiah who is nothing but a manipulative asshole. He had started getting cosie with the Starks and tried to get them to join Hydra right from the moment he found out how smart Tony and Howard are. I'm guessing they must have said no and all this mess happened. I will have a chat with Tony as soon as he is better. In the meantime I want everyones senses heightened because Obie is a sneaky bugger and with Hydra on his side, that makes him dangerous. Don't let your guard down. Everyone is dismissed."
Steve heads over to Bucky, Bruce and Clint.
"only the 4 of us are allowed to be in the hut with Tony. Do not let anyone in. Bruce, Clint i know you beta's aren't really effected by omegas and alphas but if it does get too much then call me or Bucky. We will make sure at least one of us is here at all times."
Everyone nods and just as Bucky is about to say he'll take first shift, Clint gets in there first.
"Bucky get some sleep. I'll take first shift, if anything happens then I'll let one of yoy know. I can cuddle him, it'll probably make him feel slightly better"
Bucky once again feels tense like what happened with Steve earlier. He blames it on being tired agrees. Something in him calms down when he realizes that Tony's hut is right next to Bucky's.
The next day Tonys heat subsides and is surprised when he wakes up to find Steve standing in front of him.
"hey Tony"
While Steve helps wash Tony and change the sheets on the makeshift bed, Clint helps feed Tony while Bruce checks over him. Bucky sits in the corner and tells Tony what had happened since his heat came along. Tony smiles at him and thanks him as well aas everyone else in the room.
"Tony we need to talk"
At that moment a redhead walks into the hut.
"hey Steve I wa- Tony?"
"hey Nat, long time no see"
Nat rushes over to the bed and pulls Tony into a bonecrushing hug.
"oh god Tony. I heard about your father and when i couldn't find you I freaked"
"wait did you"
"yeah I got Rhodey, Pepper and the kid. They're safe"
"that's all that matters"
"wait what's going on? How do you two know each other?"
"I've known Tony for a while. Met him through the kid. Peter Parker was taken from Hydra until I saved him and a few others. Then I met Rhodey and Pepper. Then came along this annoying brat"
"hey I resent that"
"resent it all you want. Still doesn't change the fact that you are still a brat. Now tell me what happened and why Steve looks like he knows you"
Everyone explains everything together while Nat listens in. Afterwards Nat kicks everyone out so she can spend some time with Tony. Also because they needed to have a talk with the new people she rescued aka Tony's friends.
In the next couple of days everyone starts getting annoyed because tony and Bucky still aren't talking. Well Bucky is trying but Tony is still annoyed with him. Just to annoy Tony further, Bucky tells everyone that he'll be Tony's protector here on out. To say Tony was pissed was a bit of an understatement.
Weeks later word gets out that Hydra is making an army and they plan on taking Tony as well as everyone else that is proven useful along the way. They also found out about Steve's pack through a spy that no one realized wasn't actually apart of their pack. Everyone comes together as well as the newbies so they can rescent each other.
Later that night an argument between Tony and Bucky breaks out in the jungle as the two are sent out to grab some resources. They had to navigate their way out of the jungle and into a close by town to stock up. Lucky for them Clint and Nat go along as well. As soon as they get into town a storm hits and they have to get a motel room for the night. Nat gets two rooms. One for her and Clint and another for the two boneheads that havent stopped arguing since they left. Nat shoves the two into the room and closes the door before making her way to the room four rooms down.
Meanwhile Tony and Bucky's fight gets real heated and soon clothes are off and they're having angry sex. Multiple times. The last one is the one that surprises them both. Tony growls out "oh please. Fine yes you are. If you do have the balls to do anything then prove it"
As they reach their climax Bucky bites down on Tony's bond mark and in retaliation Tony bites his one back. Once they finally start to calm down they realize that not only did they bond but also Bucky knotted Tony. This starts a whole new round of arguments and soon they resume fucking each other's brains out in anger.
2 days later the storm clears and the 4 get to stocking up food. Clint groans how tony and Bucky are still arguing while nat just shrugs and says that at least they aren't arguing over something stupid o-
"wait come again. You two are what now? And did what now?"
Tony glares at Bucky while Bucky looks like he is 5 seconds from running away in order to save his life.
Steve steps foot outside his hut while his omega Sam is asleep to find Clint helping Bucky who looks like he is in pain while Nat is carrying a distressed Tony.
"well at least they brought the supplies"
He makes his way over and grabs the cart that Clint was pulling while taking Clint's place holding up Bucky.
"do I want to know?"
"oh god"
Natasha turns around and glares at Bucky while yelling out for the whole world to hear what exactly Bucky and Tony got up to while a blushing Tony whines for Nat to just shut up. Clint groans out a "not this again" as he walks over and clamps his hand over Nat's mouth. He glares at her saying "I'm not scared of you". After a bit she promises to stay calm so Clint removes his hand.
Steve let's out a heavy sigh as he leaves the cart outside the big hut used for storage and then taking Bucky over to medical so Bruce can look him over.
Meanwhile Nat takes Tony to his bed and cuddles him saying that she is keeping him in her sights until she calms down which will take a few days. Tony just sighs before cuddling up and falling asleep.
The next day Obie finds the pack with the help of the spy and storms it with a small army. People are killed and the village is burned to the ground.
They captured Tony, Bucky, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Pepper, Clint, Rhodey, Natasha, Peter, Happy and Coulson.
Obie is pissed because he can smell a new pack all over Tony and wants to murder Bucky as hr claimed his Omega. Tony was his dammit.
"isn't there a way to break a bond?"
"no sir. Not through death, not through brainwashing. This bond is like no other"
"how do you mean?"
"I saw that their bond marks light up a blue color"
"no. It can't be"
"yes. They're soulmates. Thought I would never see true mates ever but here they are. There's nothing we can do"
"fine. In that case torture and brainwash them all. Completely wipe their memories. If I can't have tony then no one will ever remember having him. Even though they are mated I'm sure I can still fuck the bond right out of him. I will fill him with my pups. Show them exactly who tony should have belonged to"
Everyone including Tony go through painful torture over the next few years. Then the wiping begins and soon they are brainwashed into working for Obidiah. Obie makes them watch as he fucks and knots Tony.
After weeks of doing this Obie begins to get annoyed that Tony hasn't gotten pregnant. After going to medical, it turns out that Obie will forever be shooting blanks. He rages and heads over to Bucky before beating the shit out of him.
Something happens as he does that. He looks on in shock as Bucky's bite mark turns blue and soon Bucky is fighting back. Bucky goes on a rampage and takes down half of Hydra until he stops at a room. He kicks the door down and the growling stops as he looks at a smaller man baring the same glowing mark stands up.
He growls out as he rushes over, grabs the smaller and fucks him like their lives depends on it. He scents and bites the smallers mark while growling out for him to do the same. He keeps going until all he can smell on the smaller is himself. He knots him on the smaller and lays on him, covering and protecting him.
A while later he carries his mate through the building looking for an exit. He sees a room full of cryochambers and a feeling inside him tells him that he needs to save these people. He takes one step before feeling a needle and then blacking out.
Bucky wakes up to a new room. His memories are back and mixed in with the memories of what happened in hydra. He sits up quickly and panics. He calms a bit as he feels a hand. He looks up in desperation
"Stevie wheres Tony?"
"calm down Bucky. He's here and he's safe. We were saved by a group of people called Shield. They created a machine and serum that helps restore memories in case hydra got a hold of people. You were the last to wake up"
"I need to see him"
"okay. But be warned, he's a bit hectic right now"
Flashbacks hit Bucky like a truck and he starts having a panic attack. Memories of what Obidiah did to Tony in front of everyone flashes right before him.
Steve tries to calm him but it's no use as Bucky stands up and rushes out. Bucky doesn't trust Tony without him by his side protecting him. He sniffs tony out and finds him shaking, crying and screaming. Bucky growls at everyone to leave before racing over and plastering himself against Tony. He cuddles and calms the irate omega down while keeping an eye on his surroundings. He knows Steve is outside thr door so he growls out a "I don't trust them Stevie. I must by Tony's side at all times or no one is allowed near him"
He somewhat calms down before cuddling Tony tighter and drifting off to much needed sleep. His heightened senses keep him on high alert and he is prepared to look after his mate no matter what the cost it. Tony is his and no one is allowed to take him away from him ever again
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my-muses-in-op · 5 years
Loving is the hardest thing to do
It wasn’t easy, even if it sounded like it. Marco did give her proper medication to ease her anxiety, depression and stress. They changed their schedule, so he would train her, something he hadn’t really had time for when they were still sailing. Now he had and he would help her strengthen herself in a positive way. Talking alone didn’t help, Ann was a physical woman, who needed to blow off steam a lot.
Ann glared at him, as he smugly grinned at her. Sure she had manage to make him hiss, thanks to her Haki, but Marco was a good Haki user himself. She had to get her own Haki stronger than his. Or else she couldn’t defeat him and she wanted that. If she couldn’t deafeat him or at least be as strong as him, how could she protect her crazy little brother?
“Not bad. You’ve improved, but there’s still something holding you back, Ann. Aren’t you convinced you can defeat me? Be stronger than me, yoi?” It wasn’t a taunt, but more him helping her to questioning her actions and thoughts. She kept glaring, but knew what he meant and she also knew the answer already.
Defeated she flopped onto the gras, staring at the vast blue sky. What would Ace think of her holding back? She didn’t fear to hurt Marco, he was capable of healing himself after a blow. No, she feared to know her true strenght, because she would then start asking questions she didn’t want to ask.
Marco sat down next to her, worries in his eyes. Even if Ann had opened up to him, he knew there was still some things she never even touched in their conversations. He’d guessed who it was she had loved or might even still love. Something in their conversation had revealed it, even though she had never voiced it. Just the way she avoided speaking too much of that person. It saddened him, because he then also knew she would never know if that man felt the same way. He didn’t knew it, as it wasn’t something they had talked about. In fact, Marco knew little of the romantic feelings of anyone of his family and it had never bothered him until now. What if there had been more who were unhappily in love?
A sigh left her, knowing she would have to go down the hard road. Marco had taught her that what she thought was the hardest road, probably was the easiest for her. Ignoring and hiding everything actually made things much harder and she had to admit he was right. She had been hiding and ignoring so much while training with Jinbe and while she had gotten a lot stronger, it couldn’t even compare to how strong she had gotten the few weeks she’d trainined with Marco.
It could be that Marco was so much stronger and she didn’t really have to fear hurting him badly, but she knew that some of it came with her talking about her insecurity and him helping her overcome it. She gazed at him. He did remind her a lot about Thatch, just calmer, more experienced and with a silent approach to things. Still, Marco managed to keep her calm and level headed most of the time and that was not easy.
“What if I had known all this sooner and gotten this strong much sooner? Would they still be alive?” She mused, staring back at the sky. Marco sighed lightly. “Who knows? We will never know for sure, so we should try hard not to think about it. What if’s are dangerous questions to ask. If I kept asking myself that, I would go insane. Ann, I know it’s hard, but you can’t keep living in the past and think you did something wrong or were too weak. You gave your best and you know what else? They all died, knowing they were loved and people would miss them. And remember, they are truly gone when you forget them, yoi.”
They knew they had been loved. It filled her with sad happiness to know that Ace had found an answer to his question. That it was gd he was born and in a way it also meant it was good she was born. She still had to prove it though. Ace had died for Luffy, their precious little brother, who they loved with all their heart. Her death, when it was time, should be at least just as Ace’s. To protect the people she loved.
“You’re right as always, Marco. I should learn not to ask these questions. What I should be asking is how do I get strong enough to learn from my past mistakes and protect those I love?” She sat up and looked at her hands. “Because in this world, Luffy isn’t the only one I love. I love my family. Even if I’m not with them, they are still dear to me. Besides...” She looked up, staring at the scenery in front of her. “Maybe I am worthy of romantic love... I could learn to let anoher man into my heart, accept it and go for it, right? This time at least.”
Marco was slight surprised she touched the subject he had thought she wouldn’t touch this early on, but it did make him smile. “You are worthy of it. To be loved and have a romantic relationship. No one should hold you back or questioning it. If they do, tell me and I’ll kick their asses. No one steals the happiness from the people I love, yoi.” He took her hand and squeezed it lightly.
“Do you think ... I know I’m touching the what if again, but I just want to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think he could have loved me if I aallowed him to? If I had allowed myself to follow my heart, would I even had have a chance?” She wasn’t looking at Marco, as she was afraid to see his emotions. “I don’t know, as you haven’t told me who he is or was, yoi.” Even if he got a pretty good guess, he wanted her to say it. She hadn’t even written it, so it was a secret and fear that was still hidden.
She closed her eyes, tears slowly falling down, as she knew that his answer would upset her. “Thatch...” His name left with a soft whisper, as if she was afraid to speak, but managed to find the courage to say so. It was the first time she loudly had acknoweldge that it was him, who had stolen her heart. She never had told anyone or written it down. This knowledge had been only in her mind.
Marco put an arm around her. “Maybe. With Thatch you never knew. He was definitely a passionate guy and you could have had a chance with him. However, not only him, Ann. If you have had an open heart and allowed yourself to see it, you would find that there were others who were head over heels in love with you and I’m sure you will find some who still are and some might fall in love with you now. Love is a wonderful thing and not something you should deny yourself, yoi.”
It did hurt and upset her to hear that Marco did believe that she could have conquered Thatch’s heart, even if he knew what blood floated through her veins. However, it also made her happy that Marco believed that people would fall in love with her, even if they knew who her father was. Maybe it was time to leave the insecure, angry and hoteheaded child behind. It was time to embrace the world, show it and everyone that this was one stubborn demon child that won’t let anything get in her way of happiness.
“I will always love him, he was the first person I fell in love with, but I will learn to love and allow that love to fill me again. Loving is the hardest thing to do, but with your guidance, I am sure I can do it. After all, you hold true to your word and no matter how much I’ve yelled at you, how hotheaded I was and how much I tried to push you away, you still kept being there for me. You always have. And I love you for it. I can see now that Ace wasn’t the only one that had my back. You had it too and you still have it. Thank you, Marco.”
She leaned towards him and gave his cheek a soft kiss. It was the first time she had giving this affectin to anyone who weren’t Ace or Thatch. She had been scared to show affection to others, fearing they would misunderstand. Ace was self written to why he got cheek kisses. Thatch got it for two reasons. One he handed out these kind of kisses himself and two, she loved him.
Marco chuckled and kissed her head lightly. “You’re welcome, yoi.” He didn’t need to say more, didn’t have to explain to her why he did, because he knew that she finally had understood it. That she now knew why he did all this for her. And it made him happy. Finally she was understanding that love was also for her.
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writerunsolved · 6 years
The Drunken Mistake - Ch. 1
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: F/M
Fandom: Real Person Fiction
Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Reader
Genres: Fluff and Humor
Language: English
Chapters: 3/?
Summary:  You're a young up-and-coming singer based in London who has just released her first album.
After a wild night at the VMAs and some heavy partying and drinking at the afterparty, you write and publish a drunken tweet about a certain celebrity and one of their friends. You only realise what you've done the next day when a slew of texts and calls wakes you up to a dreadful but expected hangover. You immediately delete the tweet, but you're left to deal with the consequences. A public apology would probably be enough to make everything go away if you hadn't been invited to a movie premiere where said celebrity is most certainly going to be.
You decide that the best course of action will be to try and avoid them, but your plans almost never go the way you want them to.
Chapter One - Never Tweet Your Deepest Fantasies
The light streaming in through the window right onto your face, though annoying, wasn’t what woke you up.
It was instead the insistent vibration of your phone, sitting deceivingly innocently under your pillow and making your brain rattle in your skull. The frankly inordinate amount of alcohol you had consumed the night before certainly wasn’t helping, either.
Resigned to having to face your hangover eventually, willing or not, you finally took out the phone and through bleary eyes, you saw you had a disconcerting number of missed phone calls and messages from your manager; in addition, your phone kept blowing up with social media notifications in your hand.
Panicked and confused, you tried to remember the night before.
You’d left the house quite early in the afternoon, dressed to the nines and wearing make-up, all thanks to your stylist Nadia and your make-up and hair expert Linda, and a car had picked you up to bring you to the VMAs where the red carpet had been waiting for you. When you’d first started attending big events like this, you had soon realised what a long day they made: the red carpet usually started pretty early in the afternoon, and by the time the actual event took place you would have been standing on high heels for several hours already. You’d grown tired of wearing them almost immediately, so now when you attended events of this kind you would usually swear off the stilettos and go for a trendy pair of flats.
This time had been different, though. It was an important night, and you wanted to look your best. Moreover, it had been a while since you’d worn heels, and you’d forgotten the actual pain they caused you. So, as with any other event, you’d been dropped off at the venue and walked the red carpet while a never-ending number of pictures of you was being taken and after what felt like an entire day and night, you’d finally gotten off your feet and taken your seat in the audience, not too far away from the stage.
You could still feel the phantom pain of the shoes where they’d scraped off your skin behind your ankles, you reached your hand to lightly touch the spot and moaned in pain, both because of your feet and because of the sharp pang the movement caused to your hungover brain.
You laid back down with your head on your pillow and tried to go through the rest of the night. You immediately remembered winning the award for Best New Artist and happiness pervaded you once again, you still couldn’t believe that had happened! You sought to remember where you’d put the award. You looked for it around the room and noticed it on the floor, right next to the door, propped to keep it open. You reflexively slapped your forehead in reprimand - which only worsened the headache - that was no way to treat your first important award!
After receiving your reward, and hopefully not making a fool of yourself during your acceptance speech, things got a little muddled. You remembered wanting to celebrate and leaving with some of the guys in your staff and some other artists who’d been attending the event. Drinks had begun flowing, which was exactly why your memories were so hazy.
You attempted to squeeze more memories out, but you’d drank so much your brain must have gone into overdrive at some point. Normally, you weren’t one to overdo it with alcohol, but it had been a special night and the award had come as a huge surprise, so it hadn’t been hard to convince you to make toast after toast. Everyone around you had been having fun, it was only natural for you to get carried away with the euphoria of your first real award.
You couldn’t remember anything else after that, so you still had no idea what the reason for your social media blow-up might be. You reassured yourself with the thought that it would just be some kind of article full of embarrassing pictures of you completely dishevelled and visibly drunk. Sure, it wasn’t ideal and it would leave you ashamed for the rest of time, but it would blow over in relatively no time when one of the Kardashians would be spotted buying a pair or jeans or something equally trivial. You shot a quick text to your manager Nina to let her know you were awake and alive, and resolved to find out what was going on as soon as possible. You were just about to open up Twitter when another text from Nina made the matter that much more pressing. It read: “You need to take that tweet down RN!!!!!!”.
You immediately sat up, headache be damned, and scrambled to open the Twitter app. Without bothering to scroll through your timeline, you went directly to your own profile and right there it was, mocking you and punishing you for your questionable life choices, your most retweeted and liked tweet:
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[ID: Displayed name: A WINNER @ THE VMAS
Twitter handle: @trebledwoman
Tweet content: h cmoe on who wpldnt want 2 be RAWED by t hiddleston &chremsworth at the sme time?? ? ? if yoy wouldnt ure either a coward or yur lyin]
Dread immediately filled your lungs, you wanted to close your eyes and stop seeing what you’d done but the sheer disbelief kept them wide open, staring unblinkingly at the screen while your brain tried to process what was happening.
You couldn’t fathom doing something so stupid and reckless. It was one thing to be caught after a night of enthusiastic celebrations, but involving others in the show business industry was an entirely different ordeal. Bigger celebrities than you had gone down for much less and putting your whole career at risk because of one night of heavy drinking was the stupidest thing you could have ever done. Seemingly on their own, your fingers started scrolling through the responses you’d gotten and you could see people responding with memes, some even hilarious, but you weren’t really in the mood for a laugh at the moment. Others loudly announced having taken screenshots and having saved the tweet on the internet archive. You weren’t exactly surprised, the internet was forever after all. Even though several hours had passed since you’d posted it, and it was obviously too late for it not to have already spread all over social media, you deleted the tweet without a second thought.
You exited the app and called Nina.
“Jesus, finally! Have you taken that shit down?!” was her answer.
You brushed back your hair restlessly and replied with a sigh “Yes. God Nina, that was so stupid!! What am I going to do? This is a disaster, right? How could I possibly recover from this?! And I just got my first award, too, why did I have to drink so mu-”
“Honey, honey, listen to me. You need to calm down.” she interrupted you “People seem to have taken it as a huge joke, and there was no public reaction from neither Chris Hemsworth nor Tom Hiddleston.” she laughed nervously “I know it was up for several hours, but it’s good that you deleted it, and you will have to publish an apology as soon as possible.”
You took a deep breath and tried to unclench your jaw. Finally, you closed your eyes and said “Okay, so that’s our action plan for now? A public apology? And then what?”
“And then we hope the Buzzfeed articles will be humorous rather than accusing, and we keep on making music, ok?” you could feel and picture her warm smile through the phone “Seriously, we can get through this. Your career has just started and I have no intention of letting you go just yet.”
You’d really lucked out with Nina, she was such a supportive and incredible woman. As soon as she’d discovered one of your songs online, she’d seen a talent in you that not even you’d known you had. You felt a wave of guilt come over you, this was going to affect her too. “I’m so sorry, Nina. I shouldn’t have put you through this.” You shook your head resignedly “It’s one thing to make a mistake, but to let it reflect so badly on everyone around me… I really hope you can forgive me.”
“Oh, sweetheart…” he voice was kind “Don’t say that. I told you, we’ll recover from this. It’s not as bad as it feels right now, and don’t doubt for one minute that I will eternally make fun of you for it.”
That pulled a laugh out of you, she joined in then continued “Tom Hiddleston, though, really? I can understand Chris Hemsworth, he has muscles for days, but I would never have guessed you would be into the unassuming British type.”
A blush stained your cheeks, you were grateful she wasn’t there to see it or she would have never let you live it down. “Hey now,” you started defensively but with mirth “he’s cultured and polite. Plus have you seen his pecs? I bet you haven’t, you huge lesbian.”
Nina let out a rambunctious laugh that lasted several seconds, then said “Oh well, I guess you’re right.”
There was a beat of silence or two, then Nina concluded “I really have to go now, honey.” you never got tired of the pet name “As soon as you’re done writing down an apology, send it to me and I’ll let you know if you’re okay to publish it.”
You nodded, then remembering she couldn’t see it, you told her “Will do. Thank you so much, Nina. See you soon.”
“Later, sweetie.” with that she hung up.
You sat there for another beat, legs still half-covered by the duvet and phone in hand. You took a huge breath that filled you up from your shoulders to your abdomen, trying to gather the energy to face what was showing all the signs to be an interminably long day.
Your head was swarming with possible ways to go about apologising, you wondered whether to address part of it directly to the objects of your tweet or if it would be better to keep it vague and only concentrate on your behaviour. On one hand, you felt like you owed an apology to Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth for objectifying them like that, on the other you were conscious of the fact that that wasn’t the only reason why you were so ashamed of the tweet.
You regretted drinking so much. In hindsight, you realised that you’d put yourself in danger by being so reckless and that if you intended to pursue your career seriously and to win more prestigious awards, you couldn’t resort to that kind of behaviour again. At least it was a lesson learnt.
You put those thoughts aside, dwelling on guilt wasn’t going to help matters. For now, it would be better to concentrate on the task at hand and to look to the future. Lesson learnt, lesson ended.
You got up from the bed and crossed the room barefoot, on the way outside the bedroom you grabbed the award from where it was still standing up propped against the door and brought it with you to the kitchen through the dining room. The first thing you’d done with the earnings from your first album under your new record label had been to buy a small apartment in a building not too far away from central London. One of the things you’d hated the most about renting was the uncertainty of not having a real home that was your own, the possibility that at any moment you would have to pack up all your stuff and move away and start all over again. Furthermore, you loved reading and owning books, and when you were still renting it was impossible for you to maintain a decent library.
You thought back to first joining your sister in this great big city, and how terrified of the future you were. To be fair, the fear had never really gone away, but that was just the kind of person you were. Your sister had already been living in London for several years, she had a great job and all her life together, and she’d been pushing for you to move here too almost since the beginning. You had preferred to wait, though. You’d only just finished university and felt like you needed more time to figure yourself out, but eventually, the time had finally felt right and now here you were.
The small planner you’d been looking for was exactly where you expected it to be on the kitchen counter. You’d left it there before leaving for the VMAs and in it was basically your whole life. You had a detailed calendar of all your work and social commitments and several blank pages to use should the need arise. That was exactly why you’d been looking for it. You knew the apology would have to be published online and rewritten digitally, but pen and paper always helped you to better put your head in order.
You put down the award you still had in your hand right next to the planner and started idly flipping through this month's appointments, searching for a blank page to use and already wording the beginning of the apology in your head. You’d calmed down quite a bit since first waking up, and even your hangover headache seemed to be dwindling down on its own, so you felt much more centred about your current situation. And then you saw it -
September 4th - precisely one week from now - “New Marvel movie premiere”.
It came back to you in a flash, and really it was entirely your fault for forgetting, that in a week you would have to attend the premiere of a new Marvel film for the soundtrack of which one of your new songs had been chosen. How could you have possibly forgotten having written a song for a Marvel movie?! Alcohol was officially cancelled.
You felt a wave of nausea hit you, either from the residual hangover or from the realisation that you would come face to face with the flesh-and-blood consequences of your actions in a week from now. You couldn’t remember specifically what movie the London premiere was for, but even if it wasn’t another Thor movie there was simply no universe in which Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth wouldn’t be attending.
You grabbed a glass from where it was drying on the side of the sink and filled it to the brim with the coldest water that came from the tap, and while you were downing it in one single go, you made a resolution.
There was absolutely no way for you to skip the premiere, but you had to avoid Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth at any and all cost.
Chapter 2
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years
Seeker’s luck (James Potter x reader)
A/N: So I finished this imagine, which I kinda feel a bit insecure about. I really hope you like it because I fixed it and rewrote it so many times. (requests are open).
Requested by @harrypotterlovi : Hi so yoy asked for request and I have one you want to make it .One with James Potter where you are a amazing gryffindor quidditch player and after the practise he sees u changing clothes and he 's like really awkard and he admits his feelings out of blue.
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It was early in the morning and you heard a big rucus coming from another end of your room. You groaned of anger and rolled over your bed. 'Just a minute of sleep. One minute is all I ask for. It's Saturday.' you tried to comfort yourself and prayed to fall back asleep.
The what you thought was possible was impossible, so you quickly gave up and looked at your clock. "7.30." you mumbled. You laid on your back and streched your arms. You looked at the ceiling, still listening to Lilly's and Marlene’s usual arguments about borrowing clothes. "Wait a minute." you said quietly as you sat up and looked at the clock again. You took out your Remembrall, your mom bought you, and looked at it. The ball turned red and now you were certain you forgot something. 'But what?' You wondered, meanwhile playing with the ball hoping to get an answer from it. " Useless, stupid Remembrall." you said angrly and threw it on your Quidditch uniform. And then it hit you. "7.30! Quidditch!" you shouted across the room and quickly got up. You searched your warderobe for some fresh clothes but as any other girls problem "I have nothing to wear!" You stood in the middle of the room, still a bit confused since you just woke up. You looked over to your nightstand and saw the clothes you worn yesterday. You put them on, not even bothering to brush your teeth or your hair and ran down to the Great hall to see the whole team gathered around the table and eating breakfast.
"How is it that every day, when we have practice you are always late, (y/l/n)." said James not even bothering to turn around.
"I'm sorry James. I totally forgot about it. There was this argument in the room, Lily and Marlene..." you tried to explain but he turned around with a wide grinn across his face and his mouth full of powered donuts.
"I don't want to hear your excuses." he said overdramatically. He walked towards you and started waving his donut. "See I knew you would be late, so I asked dear old Minnie if we can just have it around 9.00 and she agreed." he then turned around and walked over the table again. He took a bite of his donut, leaving traces of the powder all over his lips. "I just told you it was at 8.00 because of your amazing punctuality." he said, showing his usual sarcasm.
" That's....actually pretty smart." you said, feeling what you thought was rage slowly disappear into thin air.
He turned back around, that stupid grinn still plastered on his face and full of donut powder. "I know. I mean look at me. I'm the smartest and the most intelligent student here. " He boasted and patted the seat next to him. "Sit, my lovely, always-so- punctual Chaser."
"Yeah right. Tell that to proffesor Slughorn and your exploading Girding potion." You chuckled and sat down next to him.
Before you grabbed yourself a plate you took another look at your captain. He was laughing with the others, his hazel eyes beautifully matching his black messy hair. His tight T-shirt showing his strong shoulders, leading down to his biceps and big hands, that would perfectly fit with yours. You quickly shook your head. 'He's James Potter. Stop checking him out in front of everybody.' you warned yourself, feeling a small rush on your cheeks. You took another look at him and as you were observing his hair you noticed white dust spread all over them. "Do you have donut powder on your hair?" you asked him.
He looked over to you and the whole team started to crack up. "I don't know. Let's see." he smiled before shaking his head and spreading the powder everywhere. He stopped shaking it and looked at you again. "Guess it was."
"You are so weird." you giggled before stuffing yourself some eggs and bacon.
You walked on the pitch, brooms in your hands and ready to practice. The whole team was still teasing James because of his donut powder and you were walking in front of them. James ran over to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. The guys behind you started whistling and tease the two of you. "Looks like our Seeker is seeking for love." said one of them earning a middle finger from James.
"They are never going to forget this. Why did you have to point it out?" he asked.
"I will answer you if you tell me how in hell did you get donut powdef on your hair." you answered.
"Touché." he said as you walked in the middle of the pitch. "So are you ready?"
You took his arm off your shoulder and started walking backwards. "I was born ready, baby."
He chuckled and clapped his hands together. "Okay team! Next week we have our first match! Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor! " everybody started cheering. "A lot of people think Ravenclaws are not that good. But they are smart! But of course not as smart as me." he started to boast again. "Anyway. I observed them at their practice and please do not ask how. I saw they have a new Chaser. She's good. She's really good, which makes them really good. So everyday till the match, we will train and we will work as twice as hard and twice as much! Do you copy!"
A loud cheer came from the team and James suddenly turned to you. You walked over to him and ruffled his hair, barely standing on your tiptoes. " Don't worry Potter. We got this."
He turned his head, your eyes meeting and a weird feeling appeared in your stomach. You quickly let go of him and backed away. "I am not worrying. I have the best Chaser in Hogwarts." he smiled and sent you flirty wink.
The practice went great. You scored more than 60 points until James caught the Snitch. Few Bludgers almost knocked you off your broom but you survived. You quickly gained back your balance and continued the game. After the whole morning and afternoon of Bludgers, Quaffles and brooms, you finally finished and went down to the changing rooms. Since you were the only girl on the team, you always waited for the whole team to change first before you started undressing. You took off your sweaty uniform and fixed your ponytail.
James just left the changing room but felt like something was missing. He stopped for a moment only to remember he forgot his broom. "Oi, guys. I forgot my broom, meet you at the common room!" he yelled just before he ran back into the changing room. He walked in looking for his broom and he found you instead. You were only in your bra and panties and was just about to put your sweaty clothes in your bag. He couldn't say a word, only observe how you slowly put on your tanktop and brushed a dry towel over your skin. He knew he liked you and he knew that what he was doing right now wasn't right but he just couldn't take his eyes off of you. You were just so perfect. After you spent the whole afternoon training, you didn't show any sign of exhaustion. You simply glowed.
You put a shirt over your tanktop and suddenly felt a strange feeling like someone was watching you. You turned your head only to see gorgeous hazel eyes observing every inch of your body. There was a strong silence, where the two of you were just looking at eachother.
James tried to create a sentence, but how could he do that when he forgot every single word in his vocabulary. "Uh..er..." he tried to speak, but his tounge was tied.
You put on your trainer and crossed your arms. "Drooling much?" you smirked at him.
"Uh...I-I forgot my-my-my broom. I just went to-to come and get it." he stuttered. "I swear I-I didn't mean to stare." he looked away while you took your jacket and put it on.
"Is the James Potter stuttering?" you teased him. "I didn't think that was possible."
"I-I mean I don't usually stutter but you know I saw you and you were so beautiful. I somehow forgot how to blink and you know I-I am..."
You felt a tingle in your belly again. The same tingle you felt before. You stood up and slowly walked over. "You-you think I'm beautiful?" you said quietly.
"Well of course, why do you think I had a crush on you for the last 4 years." he blurted out and stopped talking. He felt his cheeks heat up and he quickly turned away. "You weren't supposed to know that."
You were honestly caught off-guard. How could you not be. The James Potter had a 4 year lasting crush on you and you had no clue. It was your turn to say something, but the words just got lost.
"Oh, Merlin." he said, running his fingers through his hair. He then glanced at you and started pacing left and right. "Here goes nothing." he mumbled quetly before turning against you and fixing his posture. He took a deep breath in. " (y/n). Since I already blurted my feelings and probably ruined our friendship at least let me tell it properly. I fell in love with you from the moment you got on that broom and knocked me off mine. Litterally. You have the most amazing personality and the fact that you oversleep most of our practices makes me like you even more. I love seeing you smile and laugh, even if the joke is on me. You brighten my day with your bad jokes and when you come to class or to practice late with your unbrushed (y/h/c) hair, put up into a messy ponytail you still look beautiful. " he spoke without even trying to breathe. He took your hands and another deep breath. "So, I know it's a long shot but... (Y/n) will you go on a date with me?"
You were...you were...I mean even I don't know how to explain this but you were taken back. "Holy shit." was all that you could say.
He was confused. What was that supposed to mean?Did you like him? Do you want to go on a date with him? Did he just ruin everything? What?! He needed a proper amswer.
You looked a way for a moment, still shocked of what just happened. 'James Potter just asked me out.'
You looked back at his hazel eyes, which were searching for an answer. He tried to figure out what you were thinking and after a while, when he saw you smile, he felt relieved. You looked down to your hands, which were holding his and chuckled. This boy just poured out his deepest feelings for you. The boy who you thought as your friend for so long, until today when you got that weird feeling in your stomach. The feeling that you actually liked and the same feeling you are feeling right now. You looked up and smiled. "I like you too. I would love to go on a date with you, James Potter."
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