#you guys can probably imagine my reaction when i saw his posts
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
I literally set myself a reminder to send a submission to your askbox and forgot anyway. 😅 I would've completely missed it if you hadn't reblogged the post again. Thank you.
Honestly, I would like anything with any version of Hyrule and/or Sky. But I'm going to just put a few ideas below for your perusal.
After the events of Elastic Heart, I imagine Sky probably needs to explain what happened to Sun if he's still recovering the next time they go to Skyloft.
Someone should take healthcare Sky to one of those bird garden things where you can feed rainbow lorikeets. I think he'd enjoy it.
I also think healthcare Hyrule deserves to have a fun camping trip with someone out in the woods complete with s'mores and stargazing and hugs.
Hero of Shadows Link also deserves hugs. If I read what you wrote correctly, he literally stabbed himself in the head with a sword to escape Ganon. A nap and some soup would fix him, right?
Anyway, don't forget to drink water and eat food. Have a lovely rest of your day and/or night. ❤
They weren’t entirely sure what the newest gate would bring, but everyone was huddled closely around Sky as they exited.
This new area was… familiar. The forest was filled with something that felt far more alive than anything he could describe, and there were bright colors everywhere. The others seemed a little confused, wondering where they could be. Sky, on the other hand noticed movement and froze, trying to hone in on it. Hyrule noticed he’d stopped and immediately went on the defensive, glaring around at the tree line.
“Look at these mushrooms!” Wind pointed out. “They’re huge!”
“I wonder if they’re edible?” Wild muttered, examining the large iridescently blue fungus.
Sky gasped. “I know where we are! This is Faron Woods!”
By the goddess, they were in his land!
Then that meant what he saw was—
“Hey, little guy,” Four greeted quietly, kneeling. “We’re not going to hurt you.”
“Machi?” Sky questioned, moving towards him. Twilight and Warriors immediately hovered close to him, nearly crowding him as he attempted to reach his friend.
“Easy, Sky,” Warriors warned. “We don’t know for sure—”
“Link!” The little Kikwi shouted as he emerged from the brush. “Oh, you’re back! We were all wondering if you were okay.”
Sky smiled, tilting his head to the side as he crouched. His body trembled a little at the position, and just as he tried to speak to reassure his little friend, his knees nearly gave out. He gasped a little, but Twilight and Warriors caught him by either arm, easing him to the ground.
Time was kneeling in front of him in an instant. “Are you alright?”
Sky felt himself leaning away from the man, somewhat exasperated and more than a little overwhelmed with everyone’s attention. “I-I’m okay, don’t worry. My legs just got a little tired.”
He knew he shouldn’t be so caught off guard by everyone’s reactions. He, well, had died a few days ago. Briefly. Before Hyrule had revived him with the Triforce.
Goddess, that entire situation had been a mess. But he…
He sighed. He was still trying to reconcile what had happened. It wasn’t a surprise that everyone else was too. He just wasn’t used to so much scrutiny - he hadn’t been this overcrowded since he’d nearly died after his initial adventure.
Huh. There seems to be a pattern there.
He ignored that thought.
Oh Hylia. Oh, Hylia. Zelda!
His heart fluttered, singing with worry and relief, and he shot to his feet, catching his brothers-in-arms off guard. Legend gave some kind of scolding remark, warning him not to exert himself too much, but he ignored all of them, rushing through the woods. He knew his way from here, and perhaps—
The foundations of their little settlement was within sight after a few minutes, and Sky was so close when his body finally gave out.
He hit the dirt hard, groaning a little, before he was instantly surrounded by the others.
“Sky, are you okay?” Wind asked worriedly.
“Sky, I said don’t push yourself, why are you running, you suck at running—” Legend snapped.
Twilight’s voice was next. “Here, take it easy, I’ll help you sit up, okay?”
Sky bit back his annoyance. He was tired and he wanted to see Zelda, but his brothers had a reason to worry. He had no right to snap at them for looking out for him, even if his nerves were fraying. He let Twilight help him sit up, he let Wild hold him steady, smelling the spices the teenager used to cook breakfast. He closed his eyes to block out some of the—everything going on around him as his mind filled with the noise everyone was making.
Four pat his back. “I see a settlement up ahead. Sky, is it one you know?”
Sky nodded, trying to catch his breath, eyes remaining closed.
He felt Twilight’s arms move around him, readying to carry him, and he scrambled out of the hold. “I’m okay! I’m okay. I promise.”
Time watched him, eye discerning, arms crossed. Sky shriveled under the look a little, but he didn’t back down.
Hyrule, on the other hand, looped an arm around his. “He said he’s fine, let’s go! We have somewhere new to explore!”
Sky smiled at the adventurer, thanking him with a little nod as Hyrule dragged him along. The hold was clearly a protective one as well, but it was less… overbearing. Hyrule wasn’t a very contact oriented person anyway.
It was a testament to how paranoid they all were about Sky’s well-being, honestly. He tried not to feel guilty about it.
With Hyrule’s help, Sky made his way into the settlement without too much effort.
It didn’t take long for him to be noticed.
“Stand back! Who—LINK!”
Sky held an arm out, trying to stop the onslaught, but it was too late. “Groose, wait—”
He was immediately grabbed by the shoulders, manhandled out of Hyrule’s hold, and shaken vigorously while his friend excitedly greeted him. His addled mind half expected some kind of protest from the others, but even his friend recognized that he was ready to collapse as the world spun around him.
“Link, what’s wrong? You look almost as battered as you did after that one fight with the ugly monster—” Groose noted before cutting himself off and narrowing his eyes scrutinously. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” he mumbled, placing his hands over Groose’s to try and orient himself, but he had no time to do so before someone else had slammed into him, pulling him into a bone crushing hug.
A gentle scent of feathers, sweet soap, and steel filled his nostrils, with the slightest hint of—
“Zelda,” he whispered shakily, closing his eyes and melting into her arms.
The pair slid to the ground together gently, Zelda guiding the descent, until they were kneeling and pulled so close together he could hardly breathe.
Goddess he’d missed her.
He fluttered his eyelashes open, seeing the sunlight caught in her hair, seeing her looking down at him with eyes filled with worry and relief. She smiled when they made eye contact, and the two moved towards each other together to gently kiss. Sky felt tears sting in his eyes at the touch, the familiar sensation, the love poured through it.
He leaned against her, sighing in relief after they pulled away, letting her just hold him, wanting nothing more than to just hold her in return.
Except Zelda was just as paranoid as Groose. “Link, you’re trembling, what’s wrong?”
Sky sighed heavily. “I’m just happy to see you.”
She poked him on the chest. Hard. “What are you hiding, sleepyhead?”
He felt her jolt a little, startling him into action and sitting up. She had just noticed the others, watching them a little warily, her hold on Sky tightening.
“And who are you guys supposed to be?” Groose demanded, sword already drawn. “If we wanted a carnival we would’ve asked Beedle. And where the heck did you come from?”
“They’re my friends,” Sky supplied with mild amusement.
“Beedle’s here too?” Wild asked, incredulous. “How in the world does that man get everywhere?”
“I don’t think it’s the same one, buddy,” Twilight whispered.
“Not unless he knows poetry,” Sky noted with a tired laugh. Then he looked at his fellow Skyloftians. “Guys, these are my brothers-in-arms. They’re…”
Oh, no. Explaining it would immediately tip Zelda off. He fumbled, trying to find the right words. “They’re, ah, knights from other eras of this land’s history.”
Legend scoffed. “I’m not a knight.”
Twilight huffed in agreement.
Sky frowned at them. Work with me, will you?
“I got knighted?” Wind asked excitedly. “Haha, nice!”
Sky sighed heavily, burying his face in his hand.
“We all share the same destiny,” Time tried to explain instead. “We’re all h—”
“Heroic men!” Sky interrupted with a clap of his hands. “Wonderful, truly heroic men and I am honored to travel with them. We’re investigating those dark gates together. They appeared in their worlds too.”
Groose was immediately curious, asking a million questions of the group.
Zelda, on the other hand, only looked at Sky.
“Link,” she said quietly. “What are you hiding?”
Sky bit his lip. “I’m not—”
“What’s wrong?” She pressed, eyebrows pinching together in worry.
“Nothing,” Sky insisted gently, reassuringly, willing all his love into it as he hugged her again. He didn’t want to worry her, please not her. “I’m okay, I promise.”
He knew his best friend too well, though. She’d caught on that something was off, and she would not let it go. She watched him, her expression shifting from worry to something else. Before their adventure, it had been a discerning and somewhat exasperated tenacity that would push him to discuss whatever he was hiding.
These days, it felt far more… intense. Piercing, knowing beyond all capacity, otherworldly. It was never threatening or scary, but it was definitely… unsettling.
But it was Zelda. She could never unsettle him. She couldn’t.
Sighing, Sky knew better than to continue the fight. “I… made a bad choice. It led to bad consequences. But I… please, Zelda, I… I don’t want to talk about it right now. I just… am tired. And… it’s a lot to talk about.”
The goddess receded from her eyes, and only his friend remained, worried and supportive. Zelda sighed a little, holding him close. “Well, let’s get you up to Skyloft. We can help you better there.”
Sky smiled, feeling her silky hair slide across his cheek as she moved to kiss him again. He wouldn’t argue over the fussing - he’d endure anything to spend time with his beloved.
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vvxdoesurmom · 2 months
My take on Till and some things about him which i observed because i don't think i can emotionally recover after R6 (Ivan is alive guys i swear)
(mind you, this is MY personal interpretation, perhaps also a bit of me being delusional (also Till is my baby))
From what i have observed, Till was treated really badly by the aliens compared to the others, even in the flashback to when Till saw Ivan for the first time in the R6 mv, you can see in the backround that on Till's glass cage thing there are signs that say that he is being sold for 50% off, to stay away, not to touch etc. He also has the muzzle thing ,which i assume prevents him from speaking, which none of the other Alien Stage members (of those that we have seen) had.
It is also shown that he was quite abused by his Alien guardian, who possibly just saw Till as a sort of lab rat (Till's rebelion probably didnt help the abuse/torture). So how i see it is that Till is simply very traumatized, and his thought process and the way he acts is probably reflecting that in some way.
Compared to him, the others were treated significantly better (from what was shown atleast) . While Ivan and Sua weren't treated particularly well, they wer simply seen as a sort of pet, perhaps like a house cat for the aliens, unlike the lab rat treatment Till got. Sua was like a little dress up doll to her alien guardia, and Ivan was just a peaceful thing for his.
Mizi on the other hand was innocent, she was relativley cared for by her alien guardian, and therefore remained pure and angelic is a sense.
I belive that Till's crush on Mizi came from a sort of need to cling onto something that was as far away from his trauma. He saw Mizi as a sort of pure angel who wasn't touched by the cruelty of the world (which was a true observation), someone who could perhaps be his savior. We can see this because any time Till remembers her, he thinks of the sweet child version of her. And that is also why he was so utterly crushed and perhaps in denial, looking at her after R1, and escpecially after R5.
And in the flashback of R6 when he imagined her, he didn't see her as she is now, insted he saw the bright child version of her, the version that was furthest away from his abuse and trauma, extending his hand to him as a sort of savior angel. He is very deeply attached to this image that he created of her to perhaps cope in some way with the abuse, and the fact that she changed, escpecially after seeing her in R5.
In R6, i suspect that he thought that he was going to lose, and probably accepted it. He was going against Ivan after all, and Ivan is perfect, and he is more liked by the audience. So i belive that Till simply accepted death by the time R6 begun. In R6 he is alot more... Depressed? His vocals are raw and full of emotion, and his eyes look like those that have given up, escpecially once they finished, he was just looking downward as if accepting defeat, and as if he saw that coming.
That didn't happen though, and Ivan FUCKING KISSED HIM (sorry i will just never get of tht kiss). Now. When Ivan kissed him, Till is not in any way disgusted or angry(which is what Ivan perhaps thought Till was) , instead he looks confused, because he is, and that is his general reaction to things, his eyes look like he is searching for answers. Because i belive that Till probabky literally had no idea or thought that Ivan possibly loved him like that:
From what i have gathered from the mvs themselves and from official posts, is that Ivan is a quirky littley guy. He has weired quirks, and he can act and talk quite funny, so if Ivan tried to tell Till, or somehow allude to him that he likes him, Till would probably assume that it's just Ivan being Ivan, and think nothing of it.
This can be kinds seen in the scene in R6 when they were in the cafeteria place. When Ivan touched Till's cut, he was probably looking to make Till annoyed or mad, which would be Till's typical reaction. He was clearly annoyed at first, but then he saw that it was Ivan and kinda brushed it off, since its just Ivan, he is just a quirky little fella.
Therefore i belive that Till would shrug off any attempt as confession or flirting from Ivan.(Didnt seem like Ivan was doing that anyway)
Any show that Ivan loved him and not just being friends happened when Till was ither unconscious, or not paying attention/not looking.
Till is a silly little guy, but how is he supposed to know or assume when there is no proper communication happening?
( he could also have been to focused on Mizi to notice)
I belive Till loved Ivan. Perhaps not in the way Ivan loved him, but he probabky loved him as a friend would, because they did spend like alot of time together.
I also belive that Ivantill can work out if they had proper COMMUNICATION, and if Till realized that his crush of Mizi was a way to try to escape his trauma and abuse and get something pure and innocent. ( I could also be very delusional )
Anyway, this is my interpretation of Till as a charecter. I do have alot more thoughts on him like his natural talent for music and composition, but my fingers are tired typing this out:)
( also i did not reread it so forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes:))) i just needed to vent a bit)
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eluxcastar · 5 months
Begging for some romantic Pierro x readers if that’s okay !! 😭💕
Domestic fluff with Pierro
── ୨୧:pierro x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: brainless domestic fluff because yes
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, they're married because I said so, soft pierro (also because I said so), pierro is so quality time love language, neither of them know how to cook either, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1.5k
ok something more chill to write. this has actually been on my mind cause I love this man sm Idk why I've got two Pierro posts back to back but this turned out way cuter than I originally thought?? maybe I just really like domestic fluff but the only thing able to interrupt that was the thought that reader is probably a dilf and/or milf and I can get behind that
side note reader would go GREAT in the little rumours fatuus pass around ruu and I were talking about because like. the instructor??? the jester's MARRIED to the instructor??? can you imagine being a fatuu in training and learning that your instructor is married to THE guy in the fatui
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Entrusting you with training new recruits was a good idea. It's a place where you are not restless but not in so much danger Pierro would worry. With subtlety and perhaps a little tapping into his knack for deceit, you had been stationed somewhere close and where he needed to travel regularly for unrelated business, usually to pass through, but the detour to see you is always a plus. 
He likes to see you working hard, especially if you clearly enjoy your work. He also likes that you take a break when he appears to spend some time with him before he goes. 
Pierro is always mindful that you have a job, much like him, and that it is of equal importance within the sphere it affects as his job is to the Fatui as a whole. If not for the two of you, the Fatui would suffer tremendously. In his mind, you're even a little more important. Your job is to weed out the weakest links into administrative duties and help the strong flourish. Without you, trainees would never get put in increasingly dangerous situations with someone strong to back them up and keep them comfortably on their feet rather than vastly out of their depth. 
Besides, the Fatui would never turn down the capable people you can produce with your methods.
Pierro seldom sees that training in operation, save for when he first arrives and just before he leaves. You spend the time he's there with him, settled inside where it's a little warmer and where you share whatever he brought for you to enjoy. For some reason, Pierro feels the need to bring you gifts whenever he visits, little things he saw that made him think of you or food he knows you enjoy but can't get your hands on out where you're stationed. He almost stockpiles them in a way and gathers them all just before he leaves.
There are a few rare times of year when all of your students are shipped off to their respective sectors of the Fatui. During that special little time, you return to your home where your husband is always waiting patiently for your return so that you can begin to interrupt his work days and bring him lunch when he tries to get away with not taking breaks.
Whenever you show up, he does almost the exact same thing you do. He drops everything to be with you, even just to talk for fifteen minutes to check up on him when you're back in Zapolyarny Palace on unrelated business that so happens to include a trip to wherever he might be on such occasion. Most of the time, that means finding him in his office where you'll waltz right in regardless of if someone's in there and who that is. If you're feeling generous, you might even kindly wait until they leave to press a kiss to his cheek and ask how his day is.
Some people's first reactions to finding out the two of you are married are…interesting. Even your students are in the dark until they start panicking because suddenly the infamous Jester is at their instructor's doorstep unannounced, and his subjectively endearing case of resting bitch face never helps that seem like a good thing.
Of course, there are the people who are used to it and positively despise it—mainly because it means they have to be on their best behaviour—but it's hard to pay them much mind when you are caught up spending what little time you can together before he inevitably has to leave. The simple truth is that caring about who is suddenly in a bad mood takes up too much of your precious time that could be better spent waving a pita pocket in his face, coaxing him to try just a few bites of it before he turns his nose up at it.
Besides, anyone who decides to interrupt your little lunch sessions is not getting through their conversation without it being interrupted by you stealing his attention a few times while the other person is still talking in the background. You'll be patient if he asks, but more often than not, the boring trifles of others can wait until he's heard what you have to whisper in his ear.
More often than not, he is a shell of himself because, around others, he is reserved and colder than in private when only you can see his slight smiles and the softening of his eyes at the sight of you. Once you return home, he behaves like you haven't been tending to training reports all day because, as long as you're loitering around Zapolyarny, that's probably what you're there for. Compiling your notes into a readable fashion for whatever miserable souls have to subject themselves to sorting through them is, unfortunately, a necessary contrast to the fun you have actually teaching. Despite being subject to many more inconveniences on your off days, he would rather make sure you're taken care of than let you take care of him, though he allows you to return the favour to a degree. 
You hate it, and it's taxing, he will reason, as if he isn't annoyed by half of his duties either. Unfortunately, he manages to be just a little bit more persuasive than you. For better or for worse, you will be the closest to spoiled he can manage, even if it means sweeping you off your feet only to put you back down the moment his back makes him regret that. One day, he always swears he will be able to pick you up so that he can quickly get you out of any danger you might find yourself in if need be. Today, however, is still not that day.
Most of your time after work is spent making whatever you will call dinner that night, as you both pour over whatever recipe you choose and try to make something that tastes good when you're not on the verge of starvation. Neither of you are exactly in positions that allow that. Still, the experience of making the food is what matters. The taste means nothing in comparison to listening to him behind you, chopping the vegetables to add to the soup you're absently stirring while he asks some probably commonplace question about the recipe as if you're supposed to have the answer. At the same time, you talk about your respective days and exaggerate the details to sound more interesting.
At the end of it, you're met with edible food. Perhaps objectively, it isn't the best, and never in a million years could either of you work as chefs if this whole Fatui career doesn't work out, but it's made with love. What matters is that you made it together with the time you set aside for each other. Though cooking together can be entertaining, the two of you struggling to feed yourselves for upwards of an hour is not the pinnacle of relaxation when most of your focus is on not burning down your house and him not cutting himself trying to slice onions at a snail's pace.
Mediocre food and a night in are so familiar and comfortable by now, pushing work aside for some future version of yourselves to deal with, though the stories of your students and their endeavours make it in, as do those of the many characters Pierro deals with in a day. Those sources of entertainment can slip past every now and then while you laugh over the strange ideas of rookie fatuus trying to figure out the ropes.
It is softer and sweeter than anything else in your day, draped over his lap like a tired housecat while he reads you a book you found on the shelf you thought might be interesting. He'll rest the book on your stomach and somehow always manage to spot you reaching to touch his cheek or brush his hair out of his face out of the corner of his eye. 
It also happens to be one of the only things the two of you do that you could call soothing, save for a bath together or falling asleep like that. Even better, falling asleep in your bed where you should be and where you'll inevitably steal all the blankets and force him to cuddle up to you for warmth. 
Getting to wake up to see you so peaceful and safe is as good a reason as any to get up in the morning, though it certainly will not be the thing prizing him out of bed anytime soon when the option to stay right there by your side is so much more appealing.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ♡ Yeah the requests are open ♡ ! I can request headcanons from Diasonmia Boys x (Fem) Reader, where her cell phone from her other world was fixed (thanks to Idia) and in her photo gallery she has adorable photos of her as a baby ? >///< (I imagine all of them dying of cuteness)˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ (Take your time to do it, without pressure ✎◛♡)
diasomnia reacting to your baby photos headcanons (fem!reader)
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my first post of 2023, yay! \ (^o^) /
malleus draconia.
♡ malleus didn't want to admit it, but he was curious to see just what you could possibly have on that phone of yours. idia was able to fix the phone you brought from your world and now you could use it in twisted wonderland as well and you had quite a lot of interesting things to show to your friends and, of course, your boyfriend. it was hard for malleus to hide his excitement when you showed him the photos of yourself you had saved in your gallery. you look so?? beautiful?? you look even better in real life, but there's just something about these photos that makes him feel warm. like, here you are, hanging out with your friends and laughing and on this photo you're celebrating your birthday with your family.
♡ but then.. "oh, sorry, please ignore this one-" malleus couldn't ignore it at all and he noticed that some photos of you looked very different from those you showed to him. it's like you looked.. younger on them? wait, you do look younger here! you look so little?? so tiny?? malleus just realized that he never really thought about your childhood that much and even though it sounds dumb, he kinda.. you know, forgot that you also were a child in the past, just like he was. y/n, please forgive him, but he has to see those photos. he's sure you look adorable on them, there's no need to be shy, he did some.. very embarrassing things when he was a child as well. lilia has most likely told you everything about it, he started sharing even more stories about malleus's childhood when you started dating him.
♡ "fine, but only you're allowed to see them, okay?" oh, trust him, he won't let anyone else see those photos. you smile shyly and show him those baby photos you had in your gallery. and- OH SEVENS YOU REALLY ARE ADORABLE. malleus finds it cute that your smile has never changed no matter how many years passed. and he's glad that based on these photos, you had a nice and fun childhood. and yes, of course, there are some photos that you would rather not let malleus see and you try to explain everything to him by saying that your mom sent them to you and you forgot to delete them and- hey, did he just laugh?? that's it, you're going to remind him about all the stories lilia has told you.
lilia vanrouge.
♡ if malleus would have at least some kind of shame, like he would be a bit shy about asking you to show him your photos, this guy doesn't even ask your permission. you're just sitting here, scrolling through your photo gallery and lilia appears right when you least expect it. "oh, you have some very nice photos here, y/n~" you jump and almost drop your phone that just got fixed. even though you've been dating lilia for some time, you still can't get used to his sudden appearances. but oh well, at least he finds it funny and enjoys seeing your reaction- wait, that doesn't make it any better at all! and how many photos did he see while you were sitting here and not noticing him?..
♡ so you're still scrolling through your photo gallery, but now your boyfriend is sitting right next to you while resting his head on your shoulder. yes, he can see all these photos perfectly now. you can't even try to hide any of them, he will see it anyway. but hey, you don't mind showing him most of those photos. his reactions are very cute too and you can't help but blush when he compliments you and says you look beautiful on all of them. "hm? and what do we have here?" what is he talking about? you don't like that tone of his, he probably saw one of those embarrassing pics- oh. oh, he saw your baby photos. oh no.
♡ yes, this guy is still able to convince you to show him those photos because.. because he's just that cute. yeah. it sounds pathetic, you know. and now he's here, smiling and pointing at your phone screen, saying that you were such a sweet little girl and you look so adorable, he wants to squish your cheeks. wait, he can do it right now too! even though you're not so little anymore, haha. still adorable though. lilia successfully manages to distract you with his compliments and moves on to more funny and embarrassing pics while you try to take your phone back. come on, let him have some fun! and even though at first it does look like he just wants to mess with you, lilia actually finds all parts of you so interesting, he has to know more. and guess what? he will still love you, no matter what he finds out about you.
♡ the most respectful boy!! he didn't even think much about the things you could have on your phone. it doesn't mean that he's not interested, he just thinks that if you want him to see something, you will show it to him eventually. and if you don't want to show it to him, then why should he force you to do it? but he's very happy to hear that you actually do have some photos to show him and he makes sure not to miss anything. he listens to every word you say and he looks at every photo like it was some kind of a great painting, you're just that important to him. feel free to poke his cheek whenever he accidentally starts falling asleep, he never does it on purpose, he swears that he really does want to know more about you and he's paying attention.
♡ when you accidentally show him a picture of you as a child, he does get surprised for a second, but doesn't ask any questions when he notices that you're not comfortable with him seeing it. it's fine, everyone has something they don't want others to know about, even if it's not that serious. but to be honest, a little part of you wants silver to see those photos. maybe he will find them cute or funny, you don't know, but you feel like he has the right to see them. you trust him and you know that silver will never judge you, especially for something so silly. so you take a deep breath and show him those photos while hoping that he doesn't notice how red your face is.
♡ it takes a second for silver to realize what he's looking at right now. this is you when you were little. he's looking at your childhood photos. he feels honored, he's glad that you trust him so much that you don't mind him seeing them. he's very quiet and it's hard to guess what he's thinking right now, but you can see a little smile on his face. you feel more relaxed now and you start telling him all the childhood stories that you can remember and he still listens to you and he even laughs a bit at some of them. no, no, he's not laughing at you, he's just.. it just feels nice to learn something new about you. huh? what do you mean, you want him to tell you about his childhood too? well, uh.. let's save it for another day, okay?
sebek zigvolt.
♡ he's totally not interested in seeing what you have on your phone. totally. he acts like it's not a big deal when he hears that idia fixed your phone, but it's obvious that he wants to know more and he's not good at hiding his interest. so you decide to tease him a bit. "oh well, it's a shame that you don't want to see those photos. i even have a picture that i took with malleus-" ah, it worked. you try so hard not to laugh, because you never took any pictures with malleus, at least not with this phone. you don't want to disappoint your sweet but a bit stupid (affectionate) boyfriend, but you will have to tell him the truth eventually.
♡ yes, he is disappointed at first, but as you show him more and more pictures, he kinda forgets about that photo with malleus. he's so focused on learning more about you and he really does listen to your stories, you can't help but smile. you end up getting distracted and you accidentally show him a photo of you as a baby and he does notice it. you try to quickly show him a different photo, even though you know it's too late. "okay, so this is a photo of my- huh? what do you mean, sebek? you.. you don't know who that child is?" OH SO HE DIDN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE YOU. you try to stay calm, but you end up laughing so hard, sebek has no idea what's going on. of course, you can understand his reaction, you changed quite a lot since that time.. but still, this guy really didn't recognize his own girlfriend!
♡ you explain to him that this child is you when you were younger and sebek's reaction is just "oh". he tries to hide his embarrassment and he says that you just look very differently now and you agree with him, but you find this situation too hilarious. like wow.. okay, this man didn't recognize you, that's it, you're breaking up, you're packing your bags and leaving. you make sure to tell him that you're just joking though, because he can and will take it too seriously. you show him some other childhood photos and he actually starts to see the similarities. even though you look a bit different now, you still have the same smile, the same energy, the same curiousity in your eyes. some of your poses on those photos are even similar to your recent photos! that's.. that's kind of cute, actually. he never says it out loud though. wait, so what about that picture you took with malleus?
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
27 ASKS! :D FANK U! :}}} 💖
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Ah! That I did. I mistook them for a bot.
Folks, you gotta put a unique profile picture of some kind and at least put in your bio "IM NOT A BOT!!-" If you have all the default stuff artists like me will assume you're a bot and just block you on sight :(
Sorry about that- I unblocked your friend. And thank you! I'm glad you like my stuff! :DD
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Well,, Seam has some permeant injuries too. :( Such as his missing eye and the scars around his neck and wrists that will never fully heal..💔
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Between sci-fi or fantasy? I thiiiink I prefer fantasy. XD And no its not just becuase of my name-
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(Post in question)
Looking back I didn't illustrate it super well- it was intended to be something less earthy, yes. Not straight black though, It was supposed to be a really dark red. It seems black.? But anything it stains is stained red. And it was supposed to be rather thick compared to human blood.
If I ever draw it again, I'll be sure to get it to look right next time <XD
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like it! :}}
Now as for Peso. I think its impossible for Peso and Barnacles to have met as kids- not only is there that age difference,, But I thought that polar bears are from the Arctic, and penguins are from the Antarctic. On the other side of the planet!
None the less- if they somehow met, I don't imagine much would happen other than them potentially becoming friends. :0 Kwazii sure ain't going anywhere, he's sticking with Barnacles family!
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Oh man, if Bibi and the gang were real they'd all be screwed.😔 I don't have what it takes to take care of them properly in the real world-
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I imagine that the Deltarune crew only really stay in worlds that seem safe. So if it looks safe? They'll stay. And probably not think too much about all the weird critters running around <XD
Not sure how the FNAF guys would react. A world where imaginary friends come to life seems impossible! They might think the imaginary friends are actually animatronics-
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The princess quest game wasn't implemented into any of my AUs,, sorry! <:/
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I've seen the game floating around, though I don't really know what its about. Also I heard whispers of a potential controversy..? Idk I'm a bit weary of the game <XD
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If Freddy had a problem where he started hoarding lost kids after hours? That would be horrible for the kids.. but pretty slick for Vanessa.. 👀
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Aww! That's so cute! I love all the different names! XD Having someone to man/assist in the cupcake factory would be really cool/useful as well! :DD
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I was thinking that no one else in the group other than Frisk remembers. But Jevil? He.. had some kind of reaction to it.
Like when the reset occurred, Jevil had this horrible spike of anxiety and he broke out in a cold sweat and shakes. But before he could even process what was wrong, Frisk swooped in and saved Seams life. Right after he was saved, the shaking and sweating began to subside.. huh, strange..
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(The second question was answered in the ask right above this one! :} )
In the comic that I was intending to draw- we would see little snip-bits of most everyone's reactions.
Jevil reacted how you'd expect.. he completely broke down. Screaming and wailing over Seams body..
Frisk froze at first, but then turned on her heel and sprinted into the woods in order to uh.. reset. No screaming, no panic. Just dead silent, sprinting into the woods..
Goner kid was freaking out so bad over Jevil screaming that when she saw Frisk run.. all she could think to do was run after her. So she did..
We don't see Grillby's face, but you can see his hand light up greenish/blue and his coat burst into flames as he realized Seam is dead..
River and Spamton weren't really meant to be seen on screen. But you can see Asgore physically become more misty/unstable when Jevil started screaming..
You know? Maybe for the sake of everyone it was better that I didn't end up drawing all that <XD 💔
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No no, nothing about tombstones. The Easter egg lies in this panel.. 👀
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F.. FANK U,,, 💖🍽
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Thank you so much!! :D
As for my brushes? I just use the standard pencil brush set to 3.0 for sketching and line art. And I use the standard pen tool for coloring! :}
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I have seen a decent sized chunk of Adventure Time yes! Although I don't really know the story and I definitely don't know all the characters,,
But out of the characters I do know? It would have to be Simon Petrikov! ✨ With Jake as a close second. Aaaand maybe Prismo as a 3rd placer? I don't know him too much but his design slaps and he seems really chill 😎
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(comic in question)
As Freddy explains, he (and the others) had a "bug" in his system. Which made his eyes purple. (Although he wasn't aware that they were purple-)
And after he crashed on stage they reset his system. Wiping the "bug" from his programming. Turning his eyes blue again :0
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I imagine that what ever it tastes like depends on my mood. Lately its probably tasted like when you just brushed your teeth and you eat an orange 😖
Also please do not eat my noggin I need that to art-
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It's been a while since I've thought about them.. 🤔 If we're using the same formula as I did before.. (the stories of the real life cars are translated to the characters).. then that means some of them aren't doing so hot <XD
We've got a few break downs, some are still broken down. A few sold to better homes.. and a few new (very old) comers! Some are back on the road and some are still on the road when they probably shouldn't be <XD
All in all, I'd say they're doin ok :}
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:DDD THANK YOU!! And don't worry, I'm sure I'll come back to it every so often. Even though I'm a bit weary of this fandom.. I cant help but love the characters and want to draw them sometimes XD
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(Kirby family in question)
<XD Sorry, no can do! I'm glad you like them! And thank you! But I'm afraid my blessings cannot be purchased.. <:/
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Yooo that is the coolest dog I have ever seen 😎
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:D Thank you! And I'm not currently into any animes.. although there are some that I attempted to watch and liked for a while :0
Such as Kirby right back at ya and My hero academia! :0
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@elegysonnet @willthemechanist (Post in question)
XD He's just embodying his spirit animal. A narwhal ✨🦄🐟✨
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What Emma Would Do
Ignore me. This is just me working through my own thoughts and feelings on this. Also I'm an idiot.
***BIG EDIT: I misread and misinterpreted. Azel was nearly drugged and SA'd, so his reaction, however cruel, makes complete sense to me. If he was real I couldn't apologize to him enough.
Moving @/caffedrine's billion-dollar comments up here.
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My original, misguided post is below the cut if you're interested.
I have to ask myself what Emma would do. Within reason. And only within the scope of this fictional game, because I'm not about to touch this topic as it exists in the real world. That's for people much smarter than me.
But for the game, my dismissing of Azel as a cruel misogynist without seeing his circumstances and worldview shuts down the conversation the same way it does when Azel dismisses a woman as a slut without seeing her circumstances and worldview.
(Did he actually use the word 'slut' or did google just translate 痴女 like that for me... I should double-check... edit: oh my bad, he calls her a "female molester", which... I can't say he's wrong considering she tried to give him an aphrodisiac...? The word also means "stupid woman", so he could very well have meant it that way too, especially for some reasons I get into later in the post.)
Soooo, he didn't actually call her a slut. I'm an idiot 😌 I'm sorry, Azel. Dunno if any of my points below mean anything, but I'll leave it here anyway:
The running theme in Ikepri is to look beyond the beast and see the human inside. To meet them halfway. To see their heart. And that heart is always so very terribly scarred. All these guys have gone through their own traumas and come out the other end behaving in ways designed to be armor, to protect themselves from any further pain.
I can only speculate about Azel this early in his story arc, but being showered with the same adoration and reverence that people only show a god, day in and day out, probably fucks with your mentality a bit if you are still only human at the end of the day. Having women try to seduce you only because you're The Living God, well, we saw what that kind of shallow treatment did to Silvio. Women see you as an object and so women become objects to you. You want to be loved, but you don't want to be hurt.
That might only be scratching the surface with Azel, though. He's also clearly jaded from listening to the same old interpersonal problems people have when in relationships. Love is actual trash to him, not even worth a single penny. It's trash because the very people who follow him prove it to him on a daily basis, I imagine.
Yet that's still not the full picture. I mean, we obviously won't have the full picture until his main route drops, but there's another key factor to consider with Azel.
He quotes Pascal in Licht's sequel. "Man is only a reed, the weakest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed." The full quote goes onto say:
"All our dignity consists, then, in thought. This is the basis on which we must raise ourselves, and not space and time, which we would not know how to fill. Let us make it our task, then, to think well: here is the principle of morality.”
(Did I read the entire context of the quote? HA! What do you take me for? A scholar or something?)
Free will and independent thought is arguably the most important thing to Azel. He has no respect for the sheep who flock to him for direction (though he'll happily take their money and tributes). Even with the dancer who tried to seduce him in the prologue, when he tells her to lick up the food she dropped after he tripped her, he presents it as a choice. Nevermind that the staggeringly unequal power dynamics at play made it so this was nothing short of coercion in the end; there was no way the dancer was in a position to stand up for herself and say no, even if that's exactly what Azel wanted. But from his perspective, defiance would have been welcome. That's why he phrased it as a choice. That she started licking up the food only solidified in Azel's mind that this woman is an unthinking reed without dignity. If you're going to act like trash, he'll treat you like trash... maybe that was part of his thinking.
On a slightly different note, I think another reason he hates the idea of love so much is because love makes people lose their ability to reason, to think. I believe he outright says as much, iirc.
In the end, I don't know from where exactly Azel's fury and cruelty comes from. It could be all of these things, it might be something else entirely. All I can think is, you can't be 'God' everyday and not be scarred by humans.
In conclusion, I can't excuse Azel's behavior. I don't excuse it. But I think Emma would try to understand the why of it, like she does in any other route. The other running theme in Ikepri is that, as a certain someone would put it, the essence of all people is love. It's their environment that twists them. Somewhere in Azel is the purest kind of love. A kind that would make any god look away in shame. That's what I want to believe in, anyhow.
Also, I need stress that I was SO wrong about whether he actually called the dancer a slut or not. Google fucked me over by translating it that way! Ah, Azel, I'm so sorry!
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villainsblog97 · 10 months
Xdinary Heroes Reaction
Their S/O Being Jealous
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Hello everyone! I'm going to try to be a little more active on here! I hope everyone is doing well!
Summary: So I have posted how our heroes get jealous, but how would they react to seeing YOU jealous??
Warning: Language, some suggestive content (Nothing bad I promise)
Scenario: Romance, fluff, some comedy, boyfriend AU
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He would be going insane
Like he has a girl hitting on him
And You are quite literally all over him
He knows what you're doing too
And he's totally all for it
He loves when you get jealous
He's gonna let everyone in the building know who he belongs to
I can see him
Hand around your waist
Smiling at you
Letting all the people around him know that
Lots of kisses
Yeah you know where it's gonna end
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This man...
Okay so he notices you acting weird
Really weird
Asks you almost immediately what's wrong
You tell him you didn't like how the waitress was flirting with him
Like it was so obvious
He would smile and take your hand
"My Jagiya... don't worry, I knew what she was doing"
You'd go quiet
He would hold onto your hand and start using every damn pet name under the sun
"I think my baby needs a refill" he'd tell the waitress
Making sure he's super loud
"How is your food my princess"
(I'm melting a little)
Now the waitress is a little pissed
She'll get over it
Jungsu is yours
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I feel like at first Jiseok would be a little oblivious to the situation
Like he's confused
Why did you get so clingy all of a sudden?
But then when you explain it
Oh man
He's gonna tease you
"Is my baby....jealous??"
With that shit eating smirk
He's been hanging out with Seungmin too much
You would be a little embarrassed to admit it
But yes
You were jealous
Very jealous
Like that was your man
She could find her own
He would laugh and pull you closer
Could see him slipping his hand in your back pocket
(Stay with me guys)
Definitely letting the girl who was giving him flirting eyes the hint
He wasn't up for grabs
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We already know where it's gonna go
At first he'd probably think you were overreacting
But then when he saw the signs
He pulled you closer
"Then show her, show her just who I belong to"
You would wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into the deepest most passionate kiss
Seungmin would be even surprised
"Okay... let's go"
He would drag you away
I'll leave that for the imagination
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This face exactly is how I'd see it
Now we all know how cute Hyeongjun is
But he's also a little shit
If you disagree you're lying to yourself
He's gonna eat this up
"Babe...are you jealous?"
You get a little clingy
Like hugging his arm
Kissing his cheek
a lot
He'd finally smirk
and as you were leaning in for another cheek kiss
He'd quickly turn so you kissed his lips
And yes
He'd keep you there for a minute
until the bitch flirting with your boyfriend finally walked away
(I could see him smirking under your kiss too)
(okay bye)
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Lord help me...
Jooyeon is such a little shithead
(Yes I love him)
I think he's gonna tease you the most
Like laughing a lot
Also things like
"Nope, not until you admit you're jealous"
"Okay whatever miss (or mister) jealousy"
Basically he wants you to admit you're jealous of the person near him
You finally had enough and admitted you were jealous
"Fine Joo! Yes I'm fucking jealous right now! that person really needs to keep their hands to themselves! Happy??"
He would nod his head proudly and pull you closer
"You're so cute baby" he'd say as he kisses your nose
What a little shit....
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Hello smooches, its 🥝 anon. I'm sorry for not popping up on ur inbox for a very long time again (health issues, again.) i hope that you are doing well! I see so many Dotty's rambling when i scroll down a bit and honestly i can't wait to read all of it 🙏🛐 (and also hoping to see just a bit of Capitano content from u-)
So.. Remember when i said last time that i have a brainrot about Capitano's Childhood Crush with fragile!reader? In ur Capitano Childhood Crush fic, reader always sends a lot of letters to him but he never recieved them, right? (It was disheartening, just like what u said on the fic..) And, Well..
Imagine that all of the letters are about reader telling him about their conditions, their illness getting worse and worse, until the last one about reader wanting to see him again for last time..
When Capitano wanted to see them again, he sends some of his Fatui agents to search for reader whereabouts (since it would be too dangerous for reader's safety if he is the one who come to them, also he never see them among the crowds for a very long time whenever he and his troops came back, reader always come to see him..).
Now, imagine his reaction when his agents told him that reader is already dead a long time ago or when he finally found all of reader's letters 😔
I'm trying to make my ask not too long, æügh 😩😭 i'm sorry if its messy- 😭 anyways, sending virtual hugs for u smooches for still feeding us Harbinger content for more than a year now 🤗💞🛐 as always, bless u and ur big brain writings
-a rotten 🥝 anon
(Also recently, i saw an "early" story leak about the next region on twt that we will have Dottore boss fight in Natlan instead of Capitano. Idk if its true or not, but if its true.. then, i guess you guys Dottore lovers better prepare for him now 👀 i want to see some C6R5 Dotty mains here)
HI 🥝 ANON!! I MISSED YOU! And don't worry about popping in! I want you to take care of yourself first above all! I hope you enjoy the plentiful Dottore brainrots though :3 (and i promise to post some Capitano brainrots. Just for you.) BUT AHHH THIS BRAINROT... WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME SAD. (Yes, I remember when I put that in my fic! I can't believe it was so long ago though- you made me go back and reread it 😭)
Imagine if you live in a secluded part of Snezhnaya. It's quiet and pretty with only the servants in the house to keep you company. Capitano let you stay here instead of the mansion because staying in that big house without him would probably make you sadder. Though you are already sad without him, it's a bit better. But you spend a lot of time writing him letters. It was a habit of yours, telling him what you've done all this time even though he's not here. Some letters get sent, some don't. But you always put the happier stuff in the letters that get sent to him. He's out doing a lot of hard work, you don't want to bother him with your illness! Though anyone could see the lingering sadness in your letters. However, the battlefield is a tough place and the long distance doesn't help your case. Things are bound to get lost and go missing. So you're left waiting, and waiting, and waiting for your husband's replies that never come... Eventually, you stop sending them, instead keeping them in a box.
Although Capitano is busy with his mission, he wonders why you haven't reached out to him. Amidst the war and battle, he does look forward to your sweet letters, perhaps your handwriting may not be the best, but he loves to see how his darling is doing. He of course focuses on his duties, but he always thinks of you. So it wouldn't hurt to send an agent to report on you, since clearly communication isn't the best right now. When the soldier arrives and hears of your demise, he isn't sure how to break the news to his Harbinger. All he can do is hope that the letter makes it to him after the battle is over, so morale isn't too down. And it does. The Fatui win this battle, and the letter comes just in time. Ah, finally he can see how you're doing, Capitano thinks. But when he reads the first sentence, he's... well, I can't explain his emotions very well. Empty would be a good word. Why? Why didn't he know? Couldn't something have been done? You were find before he left, how did your condition worsen that quickly?
He won't know, because he won't ever hear your voice again.
AND YEAHHH i saw that leak too but. To be honest i don't really believe it, a bunch of story leaks have turned out to be trolls so tbh i don't really pay attention to them anymore, especially when they're so far into the future 😅 But my c6r1 Arlie savings are going strong right now! (400 wishes >:)
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lividria · 3 months
Funny Story: The Thousand-Year Door (Part 2)
Yea, remember the time I made a post about how everyone associates me with this game's Vivian because that's also my name, I'm also trans and my OC persona character looks similar? I have now beaten TTYD and I already wasn't opposed because I liked the character but I used Vivian for literally as much time as possible once I got her so uh
Here's some of the highlights of my playthrough, spoilers obviously
In the chapter 8 Shadow Sirens rematch (I know they're the Three Shadows now but I'm used to the old name, fight me), I had Goombella out to get tattles, tried to switch over to Vivian, and the FUCKING GAME CRASHED? Which I interpreted as Beldam getting so pissed it broke the space-time continuum, thankfully I saved right before and Vivian later dealt the final blow to Beldam to win the fight when I tried again
Shadow Queen kicked my FUCKING ASS HOLY SHIT, it took me 3 tries, I feel like if I were to rematch Prince Mush they would be so much easier than SQ it wouldn't even be funny AND THEY'RE A SUPERBOSS, I WIPED THE FLOOR WITH JUST ABOUT EVERY PRE-CHAPTER 8 BOSS BUT THEN THE FINAL BOSS WRECKED MY ASS LIKE SHE WAS TACO BELL
One of my friends hyped up Bonetail as being even harder when I immediately went to do the Pit after the credits, I JUST beat them without using any items (Though I did eat a couple in the earlier levels of the Pit) and it was so much less intense than what I expected, especially because I got really lucky with bingos and Pretty Lucky (badge) so I was never in any danger
Yes I know about Whacka, yes I know what I have to do to fight them, yes I'm gonna try them, but that's for tomorrow
I was actually trying to get 100% tattles this playthrough but only realized far too late I didn't get the tattles for the scripted Shwwonk Fortress encounters (Not the Golden Fuzzy, though, I got them & their Fuzzy horde) and I don't know if those guys respawn or are anywhere else so uh fucking whoops
I laughed my ass off when the Atomic Boo had it's own battle theme, that was the most unnecessary thing ever
Chapter 3 made me absolutely lose my shit because all I did was do all the Trouble Center side quests before that and I was somehow hilariously overpowered (I actually got a Power Plus from was their name Dazzle or Sparkle? So that's probably why) I destroyed everything and everyone, I knew about the poisoned cake but I didn't know leaving it killed that poor Koopa, I was completely floored by Bowser not having his boss theme (It's used in the Chapter 8 fight don't worry), and laughed for like a half hour straight at Grubba actually just dying at the end of the chapter after confessing to murder, can you actually find him anywhere after that because I never saw him ever again and Jolene said he was out of the picture so I choose to interpret that as Mario just straight up killing the guy
I fucking hate Rawk Hawk, I rematched him a couple times, all of them unintentionally besides for one time I was like 2 points off a level up, he goes down so fast it's so cathartic, I got an e-mail at some point from him that looked like he was saying he's a better fighter now, I'm gonna go beat his ass right now to prove he ain't
I somehow got Vivian into that bucket in the hidden part of Rogueport Harbor, she teleported out before I could screenshot it, I open Tumblr and first thing I see is that one post that's art of bucket Vivian, reality is taunting me I swear
For the several years on Discord I've always made it a thing to exaggerate some personality traits whenever it'd lead to funny jokes, so I have this entire gag persona I'll put on sometimes where I'll act like a narcissistic asshole out of nowhere (which is pretty easy because I'm incredibly easy to anger and thus act like a jerk more than I should), and it's some of the same people I do that with that compare me to TTYD Vivian sometimes, so imagine my reaction when I see the dialogue implying Vivian has a crush on Mario when I always switch out the player character with myself in my head, Vivian has a crush on essentially herself
I never used Zess T. once throughout my entire playthrough so imagine my horror when I check the requirements for 100%ing the game and seeing the recipes are there in the Journal menu, yea fuck no lol, I don't even know if I'll get all the Star Pieces & Shine Sprites but I am definitely not catching up
So uh yeah really good game
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rzyraffek · 2 years
YANDERE THE MAN HUSH DUDE HEADCANONS BUT THE READER LOVES HIM BACK?? Btw they make tiktok vids together or share the same humour, They make vids about jokes or making funny vids by reacting or making someone read something & forcing to watch the vid with their reaction lol.
YANDERE the man (John) x reader
Headcanons, filming vids together or forcing each other to react to a weird video or doing weird funny stuff, if you want you can add anything else and yeah lol
Woah that is a long letter u wrote there
I LOVE THE IDEA OMG PLUS THEM PRANKING EACH OTHER omg BUT U FOROGR TO SAY WHAT PRONOUNS TO USE😭*exploes* gonna use she/her :) , there is some dialogue John is green and she is pimk
(Swf)(Request open)(TW:yandere,stalking,bulling people on tiktok)
Yandere silly dude from Hush (le josh) with as silly s/o
When he saw her first time he was sure that he will stalk her a little, spook her with some dead bodies, and kill her (his average sunday)
But after a while he kinda realised that he kinda likes her?? But he didnt pay mind to it(just yet) he still will try to commit crimes
He probably tried to stalk her while she was out in city but she bumped into him and he just 😳🧍 she probably started apologising while he tried to catch his breath.
And imagine if she decided that hes cute and invite him to some cafe. This guy went on mission to gather info to kill her, now He sits there drinking some tea and talks about some drama with her.
He will kinda find her funny, she seemed to have similar sense of humor like him. Then he decides to slow down his kill evil plan and gives her a chancs
His yandere type is defo "youre mine and only mine" but if she gets along with it, he is the biggest cuddle bug and shmol bean ever.
John wont tell her that he loves her (even if she is visably in love with him) and probably plan some evil kidnapind plan(super epic) So yeah he invites her to cute trip in forest total cute, then he ties her arms, then he yeets you in his car (he expects some sort of fight tbh) and drives you to his hause. While she just vibes to songs in radio.
"This is your hause now, try to escape and you wont be so happy" "cool, do you have wifi here" "🧍yea"
God zamn John prepared so hard!! Duble locks on doors, windows with super hard Glass, ect. He was prepared for game in cat and mouse and she just vibes on couch?
"I ordered pizza honey:)" "I cant eat it, I have ligma:(" "whats ligma" "😈 ligma bools"
Shes lucky he loves her because after limga joke he accualy regreted sparing her in first place
Also she would show him the most gen-z memes you can think of and record his reacion "Who is 🤨 among?"
He would blush like crazy when she wears his shirts, he will cuddle her a lot
He works out a lot, and eveytime after, he feels super strong and he just picks her up or play catch or just play-fight
'Damn babe somone just posted rat stealing whole bag of chips, wanna see?" *sees the video* "damn, so us"
He will say stuff like: slay, common W, most sane person in Ohio. This Type of stuff, im sorry if this bothers you
He will give headpats
If shes like tiktok famous and posts funni shit daily, she will try to inculde him. At first only as the guy holding camera or something. But later she will do stuff like "my bf reacting to my skincare routine!" Or "puting make up on my bf! (Not click bait) (he is shocked)"
But if they dont mind its win-win because its free comments and likes (and in big scale it means money)
I wanted to post memes at the end but tumblr doesnt like so I prolly post meme right after posting it
Also reader sending him funny shit while he is 'at work' *she sends funny rat meme* "honey i litteraly shoot somone leg off wtf is that" "hehe funi rat"
He loves walks in forest, with hand holding ofc. Also He has ps5 and he will play with her some silly games
Overall 9/10: pros:you get free food, and u dont have to work, u get hugs 12/7. cons: u get kidnaped
I hope its up to ur standards, i made it a little long, john>>
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commsroom · 2 years
a few days ago i saw this post, thought about how similar it was to writing advice given by gabriel urbina, and had pretty immediate answers to all of those questions for eiffel. so i'm using this as an excuse to talk about eiffel.
• go-to drink order? (assuming café) i'm a big fan of his canon appreciation for triple white chocolate mochas with whipped cream, but i think it's 50/50 on whether that's a usual order for him or just a craving he had. it tells you enough about his preferences though. he would drink starbucks dessert coffee all the time if he could justify it, but he can't, so his most common order is actually just plain coffee that he pours an ungodly amount of creamer + sugar into. he drinks a lot of flavored coffee, but from, like. 7-eleven. (assuming restaurant) i feel in my heart that he's a dr pepper guy, but he's fine with coke.
• grooming routine? he doesn't have one. ... okay, it's like: 3 in 1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash; stands under blistering hot water while half asleep and spacing out; shaves haphazardly and whatever he misses he just leaves like that. his hair takes forever to dry and he gives up partway through and ties it up instead.
• most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? his most expensive purchases have probably been necessities more than like, for fun, but he does have personal radio equipment and that can add up to a lot, so... if i had to guess. and his disposable income is like 75% takeout food 25% physical media.
• any scars or tattoos? a lot of minor scars from a lot of really stupid things, all over his hands in particular, but surprisingly few major ones. it's something that feeds into his guilt complex, that he walks away unscarred from things he feels he shouldn't. i think he's probably broken his nose before, though. he's got a low pain tolerance so he wouldn't subject himself to the process of being tattooed if he was of sound mind about it, but i also wouldn't be that surprised if he had an embarrassing one he only half-remembers getting. (once zach answered that question with "eiffel's got a tramp stamp that just says 'tramp stamp'" and that got exactly the mix of disgust and resignation as a reaction that you might imagine.)
• the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? depending on when this question is being asked, uh... yesterday? an hour ago? he's pretty regularly crying tears of frustration and general oh-god-why-me, but he doesn't really break down and cry very often. and despite the emotional openness he encourages in others, i don't think he's keen to cry in front of people. he broke down soon after getting back the hephaestus post-mayday, but only when he was alone in his quarters and everyone else was asleep.
• oldest, middle, youngest or only child? only child. there's no doubt in my mind.
• describe the shoes they’re wearing. on the hephaestus? mostly, he isn't. he doesn't really wear shoes on earth either, if he can help it. he'll check the mail in bare feet and get glass in his foot and he won't learn anything. he's got an almost inhuman ability to wear holes in his socks. he has three pairs of shoes total: sandals; sneakers he's had for a decade where one of the soles is falling off; and semi-practical workboots that are structurally fine but otherwise just disgusting. he sees nothing wrong with this.
• describe the place where they sleep. (on the hephaestus) maybe has a few things taped to the wall, maybe torn out of some of his magazines. canonically keeps one of his tool bags under his bed. (on earth) mattress on the floor in the corner of his room. he actually does have shelves for the stuff he values enough to not want to risk stepping on, but there's junk everywhere all of the time. he's never made his bed in his life.
• favorite/least favorite holiday? canon answer: least favorite holiday is easily christmas, at least one of his favorites is thanksgiving. i think he's also partial to a good 4th of july barbeque. he's obnoxiously american.
• what objects do they always carry around with them? (on the hephaestus) usually has one of his portable comms transmitters on him, but otherwise only whatever he needs at any given time. he used to always have a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, but minkowski confiscated so many of them he stopped taking them too far from his comms room stash. (on earth) some combination of: keys, wallet (contains, among other things: a picture of his daughter, his old blockbuster card, and a lot of unsorted receipts that are overflowing into his pocket), cheapest smart phone he could acquire (would still probably be using a flip phone if it hadn't become inconvenient), at least two pairs of ear buds that only work in one ear each, cigarettes, lighter, gum, gift shop swiss army knife he's surprisingly resourceful with, whatever other junk he has crammed in his pockets. every time he leaves the house, he forgets at least one of the things he actually needs.
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
My Thoughts in Real Time as I Watched Episode 13 of Love in the Air That Absolutely Nobody Asked For:
- I can’t believe this is the (second to) last time I’m gonna see this intro, I already want to cry
- Fucking Sig, I love him so much.
- Can we get a spin-off just dedicated to Sig?
- Rain, you nosy motherfucker. We love you for this.
- Also, I’m so totally here for Sky finally not holding back his emotions. Agreeing to give Pai a ‘prize’ if he wins? We love to see it.
- Prapai’s posting picture of Sky on his Instagram? I’m fucking dead.
- These episode names are too much. Can’t do it!
- Aww, little baby Sky.
- Sky smoking? Oof. I don’t care how gross it is, smoking is hot. Sue me.
- If that was really the first time Sky took a drag of a cigarette, he’d have coughed it all back out. The first few cigarettes as a new smoker suck, and they fucking hurt.
- On that note, don’t smoke, kids! It’s bad for you!
- I knew that it was gonna be Gun, and as soon as I saw him, I honest to god growled. Fucker.
- Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. (To myself and to Sky)
- Listen to your friends, Sky!
- Okay, smoking’s not hot when this fucking dickbag does it.
- This should go without saying, but for everyone out there reading this, don’t let anyone take advantage of you or hurt you unless you’re into it. Don’t go along with shit you’re not comfortable with just to prove that you love someone. Fuck them, fuck their feelings, protect yourself.
- Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now.
- Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I don’t wanna watch this.
- I can’t imagine how hard this was for Peat. The reaction video is gonna hurt.
- Fuck, I hope someone kills this fucking asshole.
- I know this is an emotional scene, but I’m losing my shit over Pai calling Sky ‘baby’
- Take your fucking eyes off of him and wipe that smirk off your face, you shitbird.
- Fluffy PrapaiSky will be the death of me.
- I’m so proud of Sky for not being afraid and being able to admit how he feels. My sweet baby has come so far!
- The look of terror on Sky’s face when he didn’t know who was hugging him is just one giant foreshadow and I hate it.
- “My lucky star” 😭😭😭😭
- Payu is 1000% done with Pai’s lovesick ass like he probably wasn’t just as bad a few months ago.
- We need more Payu/Sky and Prapai/Rain. The boyfriend/best friend dynamic is so freaking cute.
- Every time I see that bastard, I get so fucking angry.
- I was gonna yell at Sky to run as soon as he saw Gun, but I remember when someone who looked like my abuser walked into my job and I shut down and just completely froze, so I understand why he couldn’t run.
- It’s absolutely killing me that Pai knows that Petch is a slimy little snake, but that he doesn’t know why.
- Yes, Sky! You stand up for yourself! Your man loves you, and don’t forget it!
- Rain, I know you’re trying to be helpful, but I kinda wanna smack you.
- Rain really is a gold(fish)en retriever, isn’t he? Head empty, no thoughts, attention span that only lasts two seconds, but damn it, he’s a good boy that’s trying his best.
- I feel nauseous watching Sky walk into that apartment.
- You fucking liars. I’m so angry.
- I’m so glad that Sky doesn’t believe them. It’s amazing to see how much he’s changed.
- Sky Protection Squad in full force, yes! Go rescue him!
- Where the fuck are Rain and Payu while Pai and Gun are in the bedroom? Are they just making tea with the other assholes that were in the apartment? Come on, guys.
- Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him.
- Love him to death, but for the love of method acting, someone please teach Fort how to properly throw a punch.
- He should have killed him. And Payu should have hit Petch, too.
- I don’t know what hurts more, Sky being catatonic and not being able to cry, or Pai sobbing for him.
- He brought him home. Like, home, home.
- That picture of the two of them on Pai’s desk, I could cry.
- I don’t even have any more thoughts, I’m just happy that Gun and Stop are gone, all four of my boys are happy, and that Pai knows everything about Sky now.
- There are a bunch of scenes from the novel that I’m sad were not in the series, but that could be a whole separate post.
- Aside from finish KinnPorsche (I still have two episodes left), catch up on Remember Me and Between Us, binge all the other shows I have on my To Watch list, and tear my hair out waiting for Just Say Yes.
- Excuse me while I rewatch the entire series over and over.
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atwas-meme-ing · 1 year
Forgive and Forget
I still haven't tried for a full character analysis, but I was thinking all day about Espio, and I realized... he HAD to save the flicky.
So, Espio honestly thought he was supposed to shoot Sonic with a blowdart, right? He's a ninja and a detective. He knows how blowdarts work. Heck, he may have even used one before. Even if he hasn't, they're not hard to use. You just have to be able to hit a target. Being a ninja, Espio probably has good aim (ninjas use shuriken, for example).
So, anyway, as I mentioned in an earlier post, Espio doesn't seem very social. He's highly intellectual, but a person can't fully understand how something works if he's never experienced it. He's probably not terribly familiar with party games. So when he received instructions saying to hit Sonic with a nonlethal blowdart, he thought he was supposed to follow thru. Oh, it's a nonlethal paralytic. He'll be fine, no big deal.
And then he proceeded to use his remarkable intellect to cover his tracks. And he did a really good job- except that Tails was too clever and figured him out.
I think we can all agree that Espio took his role a bit too seriously. Even going so far as to recite [really bad] poetry at the drop of a hat. (BTW, I want to add that Espio is not the only person at the party who was guilty of taking his role too far- I will have to cover Blaze's involvement in Rouge's heist in another post.)
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Judging by Espio's expression, it seems that Amy's reaction is enough to make him begin to realize that maybe he took things a little too far, although he doesn't yet understand why, he thinks it was all just a game. After all, he only shot him with a sleep-inducing paralytic, he knew Sonic would be all right.
He didn't realize what was really going on, or that no one was supposed to get hurt, until after Sonic told everyone that the train was a badnik. Espio knows nothing about party games, he was just following instructions.
Can you imagine what was running through Espio's mind at this moment? Look at his face.
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It wasn't supposed to go like this. I was only supposed to pretend, I wasn't supposed to hit him. Oh, my gosh... what if that thing had lied to me? What if that hadn't been just a paralytic?
He feels so bad. He's a ninja, he a criminal detective, he was a high-ranking Resistance leader in the war against Eggman, he's disciplined and well-trained and very intelligent, he's SUPPOSED to be one of the guys that STOPS evil. And yet he was conned by one of Eggman's robots, nearly killed one of his best friends, and nearly got them all killed or at least delivered to Eggman. He feels like he's become one of the criminals that he's supposed to bring to justice.
That's probably why he's so surprised when Sonic rescues him.
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Now let's look at the final boss and the rescue of the flicky.
I couldn't figure out why they kept coming back to Tails' lore card and his character's ex-partner, the flicky.
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It's because- are you ready for this?-
(Also, notice who's standing next to Tails in that picture, looking rather angry? It's Espio's detective partner and best friend, Vector.)
So when they saw the flicky powering the train:
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Espio is the one who steps up and saves him.
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Espio felt so bad about becoming Eggman's pawn that he felt like, maybe Sonic wouldn't want to save him. He felt like he'd betrayed everyone and he was the reason they almost all got killed. Saving this little bird was his redemption arc. He HAD to be the one to rescue the flicky, after all the trouble he'd caused.
At the end, Tails, Espio's accuser, is the one who congratulates Espio for rescuing the flicky. Amy has cooled off now that they've arrived safely and she acknowledges that Espio was just following what he thought were legitimate instructions. Sonic can't help ribbing Espio a little bit:
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While Espio is able to joke a little, he still feels a little bad, even after having redeemed himself, and continues apologizing. Knowing Sonic, he probably started feeling a little uncomfortable with the continued apologies and decided it was time to let it go. "We're cool, and now that we're all safe, it was fun!" Espio is forgiven.
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rosyrosethorns · 1 month
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(i may hate dabbling in toxic f/o romance, but i tend to dabble in toxic f/o friendships sometimes… im still a bit nervous about posting this since its a little more ugly than what i usually post but i had the idea for a while and only recently got more courage to write it)
୨ ——- ♡ ——- ୧
"... I don't wanna do this," Madi grumbled as she and the Pied Piper approached the town. Her mute lover raised his brow as he inquired why she was hesitant through briefly playing his flute.
"Mm... The guy in charge is... WAS... a friend of mine, but he said something sexist once and I'm mad at him," she replied. "But I still feel like I gotta do this, so... I wanna do it quick."
The Piper had a sympathetic expression on his face as he followed her to the town entrance. Honestly--this rope fencing and the mascot head at the front made her feel like this village was a public attraction... Probably because that was what its ruler wanted it to be.
୨ ——- ♡ ——- ୧
"Well~... Look who has finally graced Duloc with her presence again~"
The girl winced a little as she saw Lord Farquaad approaching her. He hadn't seemed like he changed a bit since their last encounter... And not just his height, though that wasn't the problem here either way.
"Have you finally found it in your heart to forgive me, my dear?~" the coy man inquired. A gloved hand raised to take Madi's... But the irritated girl's brow furrowed as she pulled her arm away.
"No," she huffed; crossing her arms and averting her eyes. The Piper looked awkward as he observed this tense interaction...
Farquaad was stunned by her reaction, but attempted his sweet talk once more: “Madilyn… My dear; I can’t imagine another reason why you would be here other than—“
“There is, dumbass,” Madi interjected. “It’s just… It’s just that, unfortunately, you happen to be… the only one I can go to for help with this. It… It involves Jack Horner…”
… The small man’s lips curled into a smirk before he chuckled in reply. “Ohh, of course it’s Mister Horner,” he remarked snidely. “That brute doesn’t know how to treat a woman even with pointers—“
To everyone’s surprise, Madi suddenly whacked Farquaad over the head; causing the man to exclaim in pain as he abruptly reverted to his ghost form.
“Listen before you jump to conclusions!!” the irritated girl snapped. “I’m concerned about him! He finally got his wish but he’s still unhappy, and when I tried offering to help him figure out why he pushed me away instead and told me I’m not gonna be a manager anymore!”
Although still stunned by the whack on the head, it didn’t stop Farquaad from making another comment:
“Well, of course he would do such a thing. When was the last time this so-called ‘friend’ of yours actually did something considerate for you? And those pies shouldn’t necessarily count—if you were forced to prioritize for him so often the baked goods seem more like bribing to prevent reconsideration of your position, don’t you think?~”
… Madi fell silent as her eyes averted to the floor; thinking heavily on what he said. It was true… Jack’s strong desire to get his wish left the girl desperate to fulfill it as a desire to see her friend happy for once. But instead of admitting it to the ghostly lord’s face, she glared up at him before attempting to hit him over the head again.
“Ah ah ah; you got one in already, remember?” Farquaad reminded her as her hand phased right through his translucent form.
“That was completely unwarranted!” the girl snapped.
“Oh, but you do realize it’s true, don’t you?—that brief melancholic expression said it all, dear~”
Irritated, Madi averted her gaze once again… But a gentle hand on her shoulder caused her to look up, and her expression softened as she saw the Piper standing beside her for reassurance. This was a difficult situation for her, and he could easily tell.
“… Look,” the girl grumbled as she turned back to Farquaad, “I’m still mad at you. But, like, I did not give you a physical form to swap to just for you to take advantage of my generosity—you owe me a damn favor. I… I need you to help me figure out why Jack’s still unhappy, especially since… I don’t think he wants to be friends with me anymore and you being a ghost gives you stealth advantage.”
“Hmm…” The ghost raised an eyebrow as he tapped his chin. “Does this mean you’ll forgive me for that little remark if I comply?~”
Madi’s stubbornness baffled Farquaad. “Oh—What would you expect from me to be able to dismiss such a thing?!”
“Well, a change of attitude, mainly—and I don’t see that in you right now.”
An annoyed growl escaped the ghost as he crossed his arms. “You are persistent, aren’t you?” he scowled in response. “I don’t understand how your boyfriend can deal with such pettiness.”
A shrill note on the Piper’s flute caught everyone’s attention. He seemed visibly offended by the comment.
“… Fucking hell—forget it, then,” Madi grumbled as she turned to leave. “I’ll figure something else out—“
“Oh, now, hang on just a second!!” Farquaad suddenly seemed desperate as his spectral form flew in front of her… Realizing he was being snappy, he hurriedly changed his tone with a stutter before he continued: “Madilyn, my dear, please give me another chance; I do solemnly swear to never make another remark concerning the hierarchy of men and women in your presence again if you don’t walk out this time. Why, I’ll even do you this one favor if it’ll convince you to stick around!”
… The girl and her mute lover exchanged glances. This ghost was so full of himself, neither of them could trust his word. But a part of Madi still quietly cared about him… and jabbing a finger towards him, she gave him this blunt reply:
“You’re on thin ice, Farquaad.”
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 10 months
Brainrot a bit with us about Eren starting going to the gym, getting hot and muscular and Mikasa, his best friend, sees him taking off his shirt and sees his six pack for the first time
UGH love it. I imagine her reaction being similar to how we all probably reacted when we saw post-time skip Eren all dripping wet in the mirror 😭😭
Let’s make this a full glow-up situation. Normie Eren has always been kinda scrawny, kinda annoying, and definitely unassuming. His mom still picks out his clothes. But he’s decided that he’s had enough, especially since he’s been noticing the types of guys that Mikasa has pictures of taped up in her locker: not exactly BULKY guys, but they have broad shoulders, nicely defined arms…
He whines to his mom about getting some dumbbells at home lol. He starts off by running around his neighborhood, doing strength workouts that he found on YouTube and TikTok at home. But he eventually starts meeting up with Reiner and Bertholdt at the gym after they cross paths during a weekend run. They spot each other while doing chest presses, compare macros, and share protein shake recommendations (lol).
Armin and Mikasa think it’s weird, especially when Eren starts skipping out on some after-school hangouts with then because he has “something to do with Reiner and Bertholdt.” Mikasa eventually confronts him, and he tells her that he’s just been trying to exercise more “because I’m not getting any younger, so might as well work on my health.” She grumbles that it’s no excuse to blow her off, so she insists that she’d like to join him on his run.
He shrugs and sneers a little bit. “Okay, but I do at minimum three miles. Think you can keep up?”
Mikasa rolls her eyes and reminds him: “I’m an Ackerman, Eren. I’d easily lap your three miles without breaking a sweat.”
She joins him after school at a trail by his house. They share AirPods, so they’re listening to the same music as they run. Mikasa is elated because it’s a new activity that they can do together; she wants to propose making this a regular thing for them after school. When they’re done running, Mikasa offers to help him stretch — can’t risk shin splints.
“Yeah, but fuck.” Eren gestures to his sweat-drenched shirt. “Gimme a sec; I swear to god I run too fucking hot.”
He yanks off his shirt and uses what little dry fabric is left to mop his face. And Mikasa turns BEET RED because she didn’t realize how jacked Eren has gotten — hard to tell while he’s wearing clothes: sculpted shoulders, defined arms, strong pecs. She wants to run her finger across all his abs and along his Adonis belt, only visible bc his shorts are hanging so low. She should feel guilty but she’s practically drooling; it’s like her brain has short-circuited.
“Mikasa, you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Sorry,” she croaks. “I think it’s just the sun.” 🥵🥵
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