#you guys deserved a “i could save the earth but loose you”
maskedhatter · 9 months
I feel like "Thasmin" & "Destiel" should form their own subcategory in terms of queerbait. You know, the one where they make an lgbt+ technically cannon a few episodes before to the finale in order to bait shipper's/lgbt+ folks into watching said finale, only to do NOTHING with said lgbt+ ship and make no reference to the ship ever being a thing.
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shizukateal · 1 year
In honor of Across The Spiderverse going digital, here's the Beyond the Spiderverse Prediction Bingo!!!!
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Explanations below the readmore:
Spider Ham's Chekov Hammer: simple enough to guess, I'm just really waiting for that to pay off, preferably over Miguel's head.
Spider Noir and Hobie get along: just some good ole' fanservice.
Miles G. is actually a dork (he's just better at hiding it. mildly): Wow, great introduction Miles G.! Very suspenseful and intimidating!! Let's see how long you can carry that demeanor without breaking.
Margo / Miles (Miles G.?) / Gwen Love Triangle (Pavitr is annoying about it): Pass the popcorn everyone. How resentful will be Miles when he meets Gwen again? Is getting the spider-band together enough for him or is it just the first step into making amends? Maybe he feels more grateful towards Margo (and Hobie) and will give Gwen (and Peter B.) the cold shoulder for a while. Will Miles G. also enter the ring? Maybe this one really cute comic by @bubblypinkfreak will become true.
Jess Drew Subplot (baby is born?): REAL interested in finding out why Jess would ever follow an asshole like Miguel. Also she deserves more plot relevance. And fanart. Aaaaaand I kinda want to see her husband too.
The Spot Collapses in on himself: Gonna be honest with you, people, I have no idea how they'll fight him, this just seems like the cleanest solution.
Miguel's actually just as much of an anomaly as Miles: My own personal theory, not really based on anything concrete beyond some flags I get from Miguel and some stuff I'll explain later. Basically, I think Miguel's projecting on Miles, and that's part of why his beef towards him is so intense. The only explanation I can think of is that he destroyed his original dimension, not just the one with his daughter in it, and the serum we see him take is what keeps him "stable" and "belonging" to Nueva York. Or you know, maybe just the watch, but the serum is more sus to me.
Gwen Stacy Fall Subversion: Either Gwen completes her character arc by saving Miles from falling to his death or she saves herself, thus breaking her karmic cycle of getting fridged.
Meows Morales cameo?? Pretty Please???: C'mooooon he became instantly popular and he's adorable!!!!! <3 <3 <3 bonus points if multiple miles help out to fight against Miguel's squad later.
We spend some time on Hobie's dimension: No idea how the plot would get there, but the concept art of Hobie's dimension is fire and I want to learn more about him <3 <3 <3 tell us why you almost gave up the mask, darling, and did you kill a cop in your dimension? <3 why would you feel bad about it? <3 <3 <3 <3
Gwiles Morales (he hates that name): Apparently this is how some of the staff called him. Poor guy.
The Spider-Band fights Earth 42's Sinister Six: For those who don't know, they control Earth 42, as confirmed by the art book. Nothing better to sweeten Miles G. to our heroes' side than taking care of them. Bonus points if one of them is explicitly a fascist and Hobie and Noir punch him together.
Miguel Bites Someone: bonus points if it's hot as fuck. Sorry but it's true.
Lyla's the real bad guy (beyonder): I'm gonna let moviebob do the heavylifting here. Could tie to that personal theory I explained above.
Peter B. vs Miguel fight redemption: ok this one I'm biased for because I personally find Peter B. more morally culpable than Gwen in their whole drama with Miles seeing as he's the adult with a kid. But also yeah, good chance for him to redeem himself in Miles eyes (or not! maybe Miles wants more from him that just standing up to a bully) and take Miguel down a peg. Bonus points if he looses a leg, because apparently that's something that happens in Spidergirl's comic.
Prowler!Hobie somehow: Not saying our Hobie will turn into the prowler, just that the connection will be addressed somehow. Idk man, it just feels like positioning Hobie as another mentor for Miles is very deliberate.
Miles feels guilty about Earth 42: Juicy source of drama between him and Miles G. as well as a free character arc about how responsibility is more than just cause and effect.
Miguel tries to redeem himself by dying but Miles won't allow him to: Miguel O'hara has several problems, and I speculate they all come from his self-obsession. Everything about the spider society is about him erecting structures dedicated to his pain to turn himself into the martyr holding reality together. So if he's finally proven wrong, it seems pretty in character to me that his idea of making amends would be to do the same thing one last time for "the right cause", being the diva he is and how he thinks you can sacrifice one person to save everyone else and all. I don't think Miles will allow that, though. Bonus if the scene parallels the one in into the spiderverse when Miles returns Peter B. home.
That one @cheezthatboiii comic / Mileswitch: because what's the point of having a twin if you can't fool people about it?
Gonzalo/Gonza Morales: The correct alternative to Gwiles if anyone during production has braincells or is latine.
Margo Subplot (family issues): confirmed in the artbook that she ended up having more plot relevance than originally planned, and even if that wasn't the case she deserves it. And more fanart.
The Spot is defeated with kindness: Ok. Before I said that I don't know how the Spot could be defeated with violence, but maybe that's not needed? He is clearly a foil to Miles after all, and I think it would do him (Miles) a lot of good to practice some radical empathy, even on someone who kinda doesn't "deserve" it. This isn't so much about him being ""redeemable"" (fandom has ruined that whole concept) so much as how much empathy the narrative is willing to grant him.
Jeff meets Gonza before Miles reveals to him that he's Spiderman. He's confused by having 2 sons: this just feels to me like the most probably sequence of events given the franchise's usual use of bathos and subversion of expectations.
Spider Support Network Finale: No more spider society authority "correcting" the multiverse, every spider-person gets a watch so their friends can come over and lend a hand and prevent as many deaths as possible.
Aaron 42 gets severely injured/dies: I don't want this to happen, it just seems like a way of trimming some fat in the cast and getting some more drama from Gonza.
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vay99 · 2 years
Hades x reader
Queen of hell
Anime/Manga: Shuumatsu no valkyrie
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"The Queen of hell?" Hades raises an eyebrow, not quite getting what his nephew means by that.
"She was a Queen of a country that used to rule over most of asia and europe. Her army consisted mainly women and the wars she fought were legendary. But the winners write the stories so when she died in her last battle she got called a demon, a witch, the devil. Through out history she's known as The Queen of hell, and her empire is referred to as Hell is a place on earth. That's pretty much everything I know." Hermes concludes his history lecture.
"So she's a Queen of the underworld? Why isn't she fighting?"
"She denied the offer, she didn't give a reason." he shrugs his shoulders, watching Hades walk past him.
He was walking around the underground of the arena when he overhears an argument.
"You're just as worthless as the time you were the Queen of hell!" some guy yells while another slaps you across the face.
"You b***h, bow before us, we've killed you so you belong to us!"
"We've freed everyone from your hell!"
"Show us soms respect!" just as one of the kings is about to slap you again you block his arm, breaking his instead.
"I never liked men that force women into submissiveness. All you ever did was to drink, eat and grow fat as your countries crashed under the weight of inequality. You ruled your hell and now I'll rule mine." you spit back, walking past, noticing someone at the end of the hallway.
"You want to join them or what?"
"Well that's a way of greeting a god." Hades muses, enjoying what he saw of you so far. "The Queen of hell I believe?"
"y/n, just y/n."
"y/n... I like the sound of that. I'm Hades, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Hades? As in God of the underworld?" you ask him. "You don't take requests by humans for any chance?"
"That depends." his curiosity kicks in, interested to hear your request.
"Could you show these fckers what hell looks like? You know, the usual 'cooking them in a hot bowl' kinda hell?"
"That's an interesting picture of hell you've got there." the God laughs. "If you'd let me borrow a bit of your time I'll make that possible."
"Deal!" you agree immediately, not questioning the fact that you kinda just made a pact with the devil.
For the next 2 days Ragnarok pauses, therefore Hades fully uses those to get to know you better. He even took you to hell with him... where you immediately befriended Cerberus.
"Can I adopt him please?"
And that's when he knew.
"You've been spending a lot of time with that human." Zeus comments, watching his brother take a seat next to him, watching the battle begin once again.
"I've always enjoyed humans, the way they can turn from good to bad by a finger snap or how some don't even give up their kindness as they live through hell." he answers calmly, he was never an enemy of humanity, rather the one to enjoy watching their development. "And if you hurt her by any means I'll make sure to show you how hell looks like."
Not waiting for a response Hades leaves, him and Zeus were never as close as he was with Poseidon. "You would've understood."
"Looks like the human is gonna loose." you comment, throwing another grape into you mouth. "Want one?"
"No thanks." Hades denies your offer, standing next to you at the highest point of the arena.
"Why didn't you watch with the other Gods?"
"We have our differences regarding this fight."
"Oh right, you believe humans deserve to live." you roll your eyes, eating the last grape.
"Why didn't you participate?" Hades asks the question that's been eating him up inside. Knowing you were in the panel, with great fighting skills, you denied, and he can't wrap his head around the reason.
"What is there left to fight for? A world full of people who believe I was a monster? Rather than trying to repaint a canvas you could just start it all over again."
"So you don't want to save humanity? Not guide them onto the right path?"
"How would I know what's the right path? I only know that mankind won't change. They despised me for being a women who fought better than them. Just because I ruled over the biggest kingdom in history men decided to throw me off the throne. And they haven't changed yet. Men still try to make empires crumble that women have build. The real hell was the one they have created to tear me down."
Taking a few minutes to let your words sink in Hades starts to laugh. Which you have haven't seen him do so far.
"Something funny?"
"Yeah." he chuckles, calming down again. "This is exactly why I love humanity. Those who learn from the mistakes in the past will create a stronger future and those who don't come to hell, where I take care of them. Lately your species has too many of those for me to take care of alone though."
"Wait, so you wants humans to win so you can torture those who don't evolve?" you sum up what he just said, staring up to him.
"Yes, exactly."
"You live my dream life, damn it."
"I mean, there's a spot open if you'd like it."
"Spot open? That sounds like a job offer." you laugh. "But I'll take it."
With that you actually made a pact, which made you half human half God. You became his right hand after the humans won Ragnarok and assisted him to take all those evolutionary failures off of earth.
*Just a smaaaall time skip*
"I can't believe it's been 100 years already." you chuckle. "And you never forget to prepare the best dinner."
"It's our anniversary y/n."
"Yeah, of being the God of Hell and his assistant." you fill up your wine glass and his.
"Sounds as if you're sick of that title." he raises a brow.
"Not sick as in hate it but as in... Am I just an assistant for you?" you rub your neck, staring at your plate.
"You've never been just an assistant for me, in fact, since day 2 I knew that one day or another I'd ask you."
"Ask me what?" you look up to him, not sure what to expect.
"How about I make you and actual ruler of Hell?" he forms you a crown, matching his eyepatch from the design and color.
"Is there some form of ritual? Or is it just the regular 'I do' we do on earth?" you joke, not believing that he's serious.
"You'd become my wife, Goddess of hell."
"Wait, hold up now, I'm gonna be the what of the what now?" you take a few sips from your wine. "Hades, we aren't even dating yet, how???"
"You've been trying to confess for me for quite some time now so I thought I could sped up the process. Didn't want to propose without knowing you're sure about your feelings."
"Wait you knew?"
"It was obvious darling." he sips on his glass, watching your face grow as red as the wine.
"I'm sorry okay! Every time I tried some idiot landed in hell and started whining, or your lovely brother dropped by."
"Or you got cold feet."
"Shut up! You're the only talking! You could've confessed first, you knew for 100 years! Who waits 100 years!?" you flip it around, making Hades search for excuses now.
"You know what, I don't care anymore."
"Why? About what?" Hades eyes grow bigger, anxious he might have upset you.
"I'll become you wife so we can skip this dating part and start a new chapter." you put the crown on your head. "Now you'll be mine forever."
"That was the idea behind it." he pulls you close, adjusting a few hair stands. "Plus, you're much better at ruling hell than I am and I can't help but loving the idea of your throne right next to mine."
Pulling you into a kiss he pulls you onto his lap.
"I'd rather sit on your throne with you but having my own throne sounds nice as well."
"Anything my Queen wants."
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skiller0dani · 2 years
Secrets | Part 2
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
angst | shy!hufflepuff!reader requests info w.c | 3.3k summary | Garreth successfully drives a wedge between you and Sebastian, driving you straight into his arms. But is it worth the pain he's willing to put you through?
lemme know what you guys think! I love reading comments left on my work! :) I'm enjoying this mini-series, and it'll likely have 2 endings. One for Sebastian, and one for Garreth.
Disclaimer: You aren’t the MC from Hogwarts Legacy in this, and I’ll most likely refer to the MC as ‘MC’.
I have yet to play the game as a Gryffindor, so I'm using my knowledge of the books and movies to describe the inside of the common room. I don't know exactly how it looks in the games.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
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"Whatever it is, you can tell me." Garreth says gently, MC is sat across from Garreth, wringing their hands together. They look anxious, and Garreth knows that if he keeps pushing they will tell him what happened.
"I can't hurt Sebastian like that." They said finally and it took all of Garreth's strength not to roll his eyes. Why does everybody care about protecting Sallow so much? Is he the only one who cares about you?
"You haven't seen how he is with Y/N. He's controlling, and overbearing, gets jealous really easily. He won't even let her see me anymore. I don't want him to hurt her. Please...help me protect her." Garreth pushes, his eyes pleading with MC.
"I want to help Garreth I do, but this information...could seriously screw up his life if you decide to go blabbing it to the entire school." MC says decisively. Hearing that makes Garreth's stomach turn, what on Earth did Sallow do? What did he do with the very hands that have touched you? You're too good, too pure for him. He doesn't deserve you, he never has. Deep down Sallow knows that, which is why he's so hostile towards other men.
"I think Y/N should know the truth. How could she hope to build a life with a man she doesn't even know?" Garreth argues back, leaning forward so his elbows are resting on his knees. MC bites their lip, and Garreth can tell they're so close to telling him the truth.
"Sebastian is different now Garreth. Y/N is helping him, her love is saving him. If he looses her now, then he is lost as well."
"So you're fine with lying to her? Keeping secrets from her? She's never let anybody down, is always there when you need her. I want to be there for her, but you and Ominis care more about Sallow than anybody else." Garreth is frustrated now, leaning back on the bench he's sat on with his arms crossed tightly over his chest.
"...If she finds out about what Sebastian did...then she might never speak to him again." MC's voice is quiet, their eyes downcast. He can see their resolve breaking, he's wearing them down. They're going to tell him the truth, he won't stop until they do.
"Let her decide that...instead of making these choices for her. She wants to spend her life with him...and there are far too many skeletons in his closet." Garreth says softly, MC's gaze lifting to meet his.
"Garreth...I trust you alright? I trust that you'll tell Y/N and nobody else. If this gets out, it's not only Sebastian's reputation that will get trashed but anybody close to him will be put under fire as well. If this gets out...you'll hurt her more than anybody else." MC says, their face suddenly getting very serious. It makes anxiety rise in Garreth's chest.
"I won't tell anyone else, you have my word." And Garreth really does mean that. As much as he hates Sallow and would love to tarnish is reputation, he could never do the same to you.
"Okay...during 5th Year Sebastian began to...well-" MC took a deep breath, almost as if saying the words were too difficult. They glance around them before moving to sit next to Garreth on the bench.
"He began to explore the Dark Arts- to save Anne. He taught himself the Unforgivable Curses...all of them." MC whispered lowly and Garreth's eyes widened. Sallow knows the curses? His heart falls into his stomach, this was clearly worse than he was anticipating. You're in love with a very dangerous man.
"He...I mean it was just an accident! He- He didn't mean to do it, he just got carried away." MC began to stammer, tears burning in their eyes as they recall a memory that clearly brings them pain.
"What? He didn't mean to do what?" Garreth pushes, he's so close to figuring out why MC and Ominis keep protecting Sebastian.
"Sebastian...he accidentally killed somebody during 5th Year. With the Killing Curse. He hasn't used the curses since and hasn't touched the Dark Arts since he began dating Y/N...but that's why he's different. Why he emerged from 5th Year a completely different person." MC finally whispered, and the first tear fell. They quickly wiped it away and turned their eyes to Garreth's stunned expression. Sallow is a murderer. That's worse than anything Garreth thought MC was going to say.
"Was it an accident? You have to mean the curses when you cast them. That's no accident." Garreth snaps, his jaw locked. You're dating a murderer. A murderer who as likely touched your skin, and seen the beauty of your naked body. It makes Garreth sick, you don't know who Sallow is- not really.
"Y/N has to know what he's done." Garreth says firmly, standing from the bench and setting off to find you.
"Garreth! Please just try to reconsider- I don't want Sebastian to do something he regrets." MC says before Garreth can walk away.
"And I don't want to wake up one morning and discover Y/N is dead because her and Sallow had a disagreement. If something happens to her, and I could have stopped it, I'd never forgive myself." Garreth fires back, turning and walking away before MC can say anything else.
All MC can think as they watch Garreth walk away is what have I done?
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You had been avoiding Garreth, ever since that night in the Library. You're lucky Sebastian had been so forgiving, that he'd only been angry with Garreth and not you. You missed Garreth, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't. He was your closest friend, your best friend and you two had been attached to each other since you first met him at the Train Station in Hogsmeade. His unruly mess of curly red locks and freckles peppered over his face like constellations drew you in, his playful nature and knack for trouble made you want to know him. You admire how deeply he cares for his siblings, how he never brags about being a Pureblood, he's good and kind to everybody. You missed him, and you know it would crush Sebastian to know you feel this way.
You don't know why. You love Sebastian, you tell him that every single day. You wished you knew why he was so afraid all the time, why he was so paranoid. Eventually you hope that you can coax him to open up to you, there are secrets he hides from you. Maybe he's just protecting you, maybe he's protecting himself. You try not to think about it too much, lest you start questioning everything he's ever said or done. You doodle in your notebook, sitting in the grass and enjoying the warm breeze. You're watching Imelda fly around, practicing for Quidditch.
"Y/N, there you are." You hear Garreth say, and you look up at him with a smile. He looks out of breath, like he ran to get here.
"Hi Garreth, have you been looking for me?" You ask, scooching over on your blanket to make room for him to sit next to you. He doesn't sit, in fact he looks anxious. It makes you anxious too.
"What's wrong?" You ask instantly, standing up from your blanket.
"Remember when you told me that you're worried Sallow is hiding something from you? I found out what it is he's hiding." Garreth asked and the solemn look on his face, the pity in his eyes...it makes your heart squeeze uncomfortably. Makes your insides twist and turn.
"Please tell me." You beg quietly, and you can only hope it isn't as bad as Garreth clearly thinks it is.
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"Sebastian! Seb- I've made a mistake. I'm sorry I shouldn't have opened my mouth but I did and now-"
"What are you talking about?" Sebastian interrupts MC's rambling. He was sat in the common room, which was mostly deserted as the other Slytherin students were attending lessons. Sebastian didn't feel the need to show up for Defense Against the Dark Arts anymore. He knows how to protect himself, and he isn't afraid of the Dark Arts anyway.
"G-Garreth, he was asking questions. Saying Y/N deserves the truth! He...well I-"
"What? You what?" Sebastian rose to his feet, his entire body beginning to tremble. Silently begging that MC didn't tell Garreth what he fears they did.
"I told him. About 5th Year." They say finally, and the venom in Sebastian's eyes actually scares them a bit.
"Shit! Where's Y/N? I have to find her before he does." Sebastian snaps, remembering you mention last night that you were hanging out with Imelda today. You're likely camped out on the grounds somewhere then, Imelda is probably on her broom.
"Sebastian I'm sorry-"
"I don't fucking care. You're dead to me." Sebastian seethes, darkness in his eyes as he gives MC one last look before darting up the stairs to exit their common room. MC sinks onto the couch, hands in their hair as tears stream down their cheeks. What have they done?
Sebastian has never ran faster in his life, dodging students and throwing open doors to try and get to you before Garreth does. He can't lose you, he can't. If Garreth tells you the truth, Sebastian will lose you forever. The thought makes hatred and anger swirl around in his chest, pushing him closer and closer to becoming the person he's tried so hard to leave behind. His heart is pounding in his chest as he pushes through the main doors to the castle grounds. His eyes scan the faces he sees frantically before they finally land on you and when they do...his heart stops. Garreth found you first, and there are tears in your eyes.
"My love...can we talk for a moment?" Sebastian tries, he can still fix this. He can still find a way to explain this to you, tell you it was self defense. Which technically it was. Solomon attacked first, MC and Sebastian were merely defending themselves. Your body is trembling, your back is to him. You're facing Garreth, who has nothing but hatred in his gaze when he looks at Sebastian. Sebastian grits his teeth, his palms itching to beat into Garreth until he stops breathing. Garreth is taking you away from him, stealing you from Sebastian.
"Sweetheart please, just let me explain-"
Your palm makes contact with his cheek firmly, tears flowing freely down your cheeks. At first you weren't sure about what Garreth was saying, but the more he explained what he learned...the more you believed him. Everything began to make sense, Sebastian's paranoia. Why he was so worried about who you were with, his possessiveness. Sebastian barreling through the doors frantically was the final confirmation that Garreth has been right about Sebastian all along. You wished you listened to Garreth, because now you- you love Sebastian. You love him so much, and this is worse than any other pain you've ever had to experience. When Sebastian looks back at you, there is desperation in his eyes and sadness. So much sadness.
"I never want to see you again. I-I hate you!" You cry, though you don't mean it. You could never hate him, not even if you should. You want to, right now you're so angry and you want to hate him. But you love him too much. Sebastian's eyes mist at your words, you don't hate him. You can't, he knows it's not true. He hopes it's not true. That this is just some nightmare he's going to wake up from.
"Dove, please you don't mean that. Just l-let me explain. You don't know everything-" Sebastian is begging, damn near close to dropping to his knees before you.
"Because you never told me! I don't want to speak to you ever again. Leave me alone!" You cry, sobs wracking through your body as you turn to press yourself against Garreth's chest. You miss the prideful smile he shoots at Sebastian over your head, his way of saying 'I won'. Sebastian could kill him right here and not feel a single ounce of guilt. Garreth wraps his arms around you, holding your trembling body close to his. You nuzzle against him, his warmth soothing the sadness in your heart.
"Garreth please take me away from here...I can't be near him anymore." You beg, feeling Garreth wrap his arm around your shoulder to hold you close to his side- the way Sebastian used to. Sebastian doesn't even know how to describe how he's feeling. His heart has just been ripped from his chest, by that snake Garreth. Sebastian resists the urge to torture him with Crucio, or perhaps make him torture himself with Imperio. Avada Kedavra is too quick for Garreth, too painless. Sebastian wants him to hurt the way he's made you and Sebastian hurt. You two were happy, and Sebastian would have told you what happened when he felt ready. Garreth never gave him the chance, he's so in love with you that he'll break your heart just to ensure that it's his.
And he says Sebastian is selfish.
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You haven't stopped crying since Garreth took you inside from the courtyard. You held onto Garreth tightly, your fingers curling around his robes as he walked you two inside. He needed to take you somewhere safe, somewhere away from Sallow. He could feel your body shaking through the tears and while he hates that he had to hurt you, he feels better knowing that you know the truth. That you know what kind of person Sallow really is, hearing you say you hated him gives Garreth hope that you'll never take him back again.
"Gonna take you to my common room, okay?" Garreth whispers and you can only nod, pressing yourself against him as the tears continue to fall. Garreth has snuck you into his common room before, and the two of you have been caught by the Fat Lady as well. But luckily, everybody, including the portraits, love you. So by now she usually allows you entry if you're with Garreth, and if he begs first. You keep yourself pressed against him and he tries not to feel happy about it. Your heart has just been broken very badly by Sallow, but your sadness has allowed you to drop your defenses. Allowed you to let the feelings you have for Garreth surface.
Once the two of you arrive at the entrance to the common room, Garreth says the weekly password but she merely raises an eyebrow at you.
"C'mon please? Look at her, she needs me." Garreth pleads, and the Fat Lady is unfazed. Garreth groans in annoyance, but he reluctantly releases you. He knows what she's waiting for and so he drops to his knees, putting his hands together.
"Please?" He's groveling, and seeing the irritation on his face makes you giggle through the tears. Hearing the sound of your laughter behind him makes this whole ordeal worth it. The Fat Lady smiles before swinging open and allowing you to enter as well.
"She's just trying to humiliate me." Garreth insists with a huff, reaching to take you in his arms once more.
"You do that all on your own Garreth." You say weakly, a watery smile on your face as Garreth leads you to the plush red couch placed in front of the fireplace.
"You know I didn't do this to hurt you right? I wanted to help I promise." Garreth says softly and you lean against his side, your head resting on his shoulder as you take his hand.
"I know, you're the only one who's ever looked out for me. Thank you Garreth." You whisper, feeling safe and at ease here with him. He carefully wraps an arm around you, pulling your head against his chest. You cuddle against him, feeling your chest warm when he presses a soft kiss to your head. You and Garreth have always sort of blurred the line between friends and more, though you never fully took that step over it. Tears burn in your eyes again when you think of Sebastian, his smile, his laugh. The way he held you, the way he made you feel a few days ago when he took you to the Undercroft. You gave yourself to him, all of you. He has every piece of you, your heart, right this second. You don't know if you can ever stop loving him.
"Garreth..." You whisper, fresh tears falling from your eyes.
"Hm?" He hums, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your arm.
"I...I slept with Sebastian. A few days ago. I didn't know what he had done...oh how am I ever supposed to let him go?" You cry, burying your face in his neck. Garreth wraps both arms around you, his heart splintering at your confession. So Sallow did get to touch you, get to see your bare skin. Get to know how you feel, how you sound when you...Garreth couldn't even bear the thought. He feels jealousy flaring hot in his chest again.
"He doesn't deserve you, he never has. Give it time, your broken heart will heal." Garreth reassures you softly. You close your eyes are more tears cascade down your cheeks. You know they say time can heal all, but you doubt it could heal this. You felt so connected to Sebastian that day, like you two had become one. How are you gonna live without him? Your heart is so broken you don't know how to feel. You sit back, looking into Garreth's eyes and feeling warmth bloom in your chest again. Maybe Garreth is who you were always meant to be with. Maybe you simply fell prey to Sebastian's wit, charm, and good looks. Maybe your heart has always been destined for another.
Before you can think about what you're doing, you lean forward to press your lips against Garreth's. His hands find your hips as you kiss him fervently, your fingers curling around his robes. Garreth feels like he's in heaven, you're here pressing your body against his, your lips sliding against his. But he comes to his senses far too soon, and pulls away.
"What's wrong?" Your voice is small, you feel embarrassed. Maybe you read the situation wrong, maybe you were wrong about his feelings. It seemed like he cared about you...maybe he didn't. You turn away from him, cheeks hot.
"Hey hey, don't do that. Come here." Garreth says, seeing you retreating from him. His arms pull you back to him, his hands cupping your cheeks to make you look at him.
"I want to sweetheart, I just want to make sure your heart heals before we do anything, okay? It's too soon since what happened with Sallow, your heart is still broken." Garreth explains softly, he knows that right now you're searching for comfort wherever you can find it. If you two are going to be more than friends, he doesn't want it to be some rebound for you. He wants to do it right, take you on dates, help you fall in love again. You know he's right, your heart still yearns for Sebastian. But it also yearns for Garreth, it always has a little. Maybe that's why Sebastian didn't like him.
"I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I'll always be right here, waiting for you." Garreth whispers as you lower your head into his lap. You feel drowsiness taking over, your eyes struggling to stay open. Garreth cards his fingers through your hair, gently massaging your scalp as you finally fall asleep. He smiles, lips tingling and blood pumping where it shouldn't be.
He finally has you.
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TAGLIST: @weezley @eddiemunson4ever @idcabouttumbl @saturnawa @valyrra @cerulione @dilucente @riokunova @theknightssecrets @rinascere-di-fiore @sallowapologist @kaixoly @cosmicmadwoman @turnip-milk
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ftwdb · 10 months
Don't Say Go.
Chapter 6.
Summary: Soulmates find each other through what is known as The Pull. A sense within a persons body that their soulmate is within reach that guides them to find them. You find yourself following this Pull, guided by vague dreams of a man you can't quite see, until you collapse in the wild and are found by Troy, your soulmate, who has been following the same feeling toward you for days.
Once connected soulmates are able to share emotions through their bond, as well as being able to sense where the other is. But how this force works is very much a mystery still, it can vary from soulmate to soulmate, and just sometimes a connection too deep can lead twist a bond from something beautiful to, well...
Warnings: Dark themes, sexual content, violence, non-graphic description/implications of SA, child abuse and domestic violence. References to addiction. Unhealthy love/obsession/relationships. Soulmate AU. Eventual smut.
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You hadn’t left the house straight away. When you’d mentioned that one of you should destroy the brain so Derek wouldn’t come back Troy had looked at the body thoughtfully.
“He doesn’t deserve to rest.” he’d said quietly.
You’d watched as your soulmate doused his fingertips in the man’s blood and written the word ‘rapist’ across his chest. Your gut clenched as you felt those hands on you again, heard the sound of a belt buckle. Troy’s eyes snapped to you as if he knew what you were feeling.
“It wasn’t your fault,” he told you.
You shook your head. Maybe not this time. You’d tried to be safe, cautious. If you’d known the gun wasn't loaded maybe you’d tried to run, fought harder…
The sound of Troy’s boot coming down on Dereks mouth made you flinch. Teeth scattered across the floor like dice on a board game before Troy pulled a zip tie from his pocket. He tied Dereks hands and feet before taking a step back.
“He’s a big guy, he’ll take a while to turn. He can rot here for what he did to you.”
You felt yourself begin to tremble then. The adrenaline of the attack faded as you closed your eyes, your hands coming up to hug yourself tight. You felt Troy move closer, could feel his heat so close you knew if you just bent your head forward ever so slightly it would be resting on his chest.
Troy didn’t move to touch you, and you didn’t invite him to. Instead he quietly prompted you to follow him outside as he picked up your backpack and slung it over his shoulder.
The man who had been holding the gun wasn’t in danger of reanimating, not after the damage you had caused. Troy stayed close by you as you unsteadily made your way down the steps and back onto grass covered earth.
Perhaps it was the fresh air that did it, but your stomach clenched painfully and you curled over to empty the meagre contents of your stomach onto the ground.
Again Troy was careful not to touch you other than brushing your hair away from your face as you gasped and retched.
He was saying something, mumbling it over and over as you stood on shaking legs and wiped your mouth on the back of your sleeve.
“Huh?” You croaked.
“If I hadn’t… if i’d just kept away from you…”
You frowned, confused. Had you been right all along and Troy didn’t want anything to do with you?
Why had he followed you, saved you?
“So why not just let them kill me?” You spoke quietly into the dark.
Your chest twisted into something painful as Troy looked at you wide-eyed.
“Why would I do that?”
You hesitated, feeling so so tired of your soulmates conflicting behaviour.
“Well,” you started, “I’ve seen what happens to people who loose their soulmates. I suppose you just wanted to save yourself the pain, right?”
Troy blinked at you, looking at you as if you were insane.
“I didn’t-”
You held up a hand to stop him.
“Spare me. I’m a big girl, ok. I know not all soulmates are… are suitable for each other. You made it clear you didn’t want me. Did you expect me to just hang around with you so close, acting as if this thing in my heart wasn’t calling out for you every second you weren’t nearby!?”
Troy held up both hands as if fending off an attack.
“Whoa whoa. I just saved you-”
“And how did it feel? Before you found me, when he was… when they tried to…”
You couldn’t say the words but you knew they weren’t needed. You remembered the fire in your chest as Derek loomed over you. It hadn’t been fear, or panic. It had been pure fury… fury that hadn’t belonged to you. Troy’s actions had been entirely selfish, to save himself from the pain of a lost soulmate.
“I wanted them to suffer.” Troy said so calmly he might as well have been discussing the mild weather.
Troy ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the curled strands as he closed his eyes and sighed.
“I’ve never felt anything like this…” he began.
You laughed, a hollow sound that made his eyes snap to you.
“And you think I have? Do you have any idea what it’s like to need someone so much and have them turn away from you. I’ve already lost everything…”
Troy seemed to be having some sort of internal battle with himself if the look of pain across his face was anything to go by.
You knew the strength of the Pull, the bond it could form between two well matched soulmates. Your father had adored your mother, doted on her and protected her until the very end. If Troy’s dislike of you were not stronger than the Pull it would surely leave only fierce possession in place of that desire to protect. You refused to be worth little more to him than a toy he refused to share with others. It was why you’d had to leave, no matter how it pained you.
You held your hand out for your backpack as Troy stared at you, a look of resignation on his face.
“I wasn’t talking to you back in the medical tent.” He said.
Again you frowned.
“You said I shouldn’t have come here. Who else could you have been speaking to?”
Troy’s fingers clenched and unclenched at his sides and you could feel your heart pulsing in time with his movements.
“Myself. I was talking to myself.”
You were getting bored of his frustrating inability to explain himself properly. You let out an exasperated sigh and moved to snatch your bag away.
Troy stepped back, out of reach.
“So much for the hero who just saved my life,” You mocked.
“I’m not good at this,” Troy almost shouted, making you wince.
“No shit!” You snapped back, “Now give me my stuff so I can get out of here.”
Troy moved even further away and you gaped in disbelief at his childishness.
“No. I can’t let you go.”
You wanted to cry. What the hell did he want from you. Go? Stay? Troy began to pace from one side of you to the other.
“You don’t understand because you don’t know me… you don’t know the things i’ve done…”
You glanced back over your shoulder to the abandoned house.
“How can it be worse than what I just did,” you said emptily.
Troy shook his head.
“No. That wasn’t evil. That was justice. Beautiful-”
“That was revenge-”
“They were hurting you-”
“I’m still a murderer!”
Troy fell silent, dropping your bag to the ground as he took a slow, purposeful step toward you. You stood up straight, knowing he was no threat to you as your heart almost purred in your chest as he drew close enough that you could see the stars reflected in his eyes.
“So am I.”
One hand came up to press against his chest as you considered pushing him away until it suddenly felt like your body was engulfed in fire. Every nerve ending sung as electricity ran from your skull to the tips of your toes.
You gasped out loud, as did Troy as your eyes remained transfixed.
“I’ve done things to protect what I care about. When I saw that man on top of you, when I felt your fear-”
So you’d been right. The rage you had felt before hadn't been yours. It was Troy’s. You’d felt him just as he’d felt you.
“The things I wanted to do to make him pay...” Troy continued.
You were speechless. What was Troy trying to say exactly?
“But you didn’t,” you managed to whisper, “you offered me the knife.”
Troy nodded once, solemnly.
“As much as I couldn’t stand to see him touch you, hurting you… I knew it wasn’t my place, unless you told me to.”
You could feel your heart racing like a hummingbird trapped in a cage. You could feel Troy’s too, beneath your palm, thundering strong and fast.
“If I’d asked you to do it-”
“I’d have cut him apart slowly. I'd have made the pain last as long as I could have. I’d…”
You waited, holding your breath. Shouldn’t confessions like this terrify you? Troy sounded like a madman, capable of terrible things.
But were they more terrible than the men who would rape a young woman alone and defenceless?
More terrible than a woman who reduced a man’s face to an unrecognisable mess and coldly slit the throat of another?
Troy didn’t need to tell you what else he would have done. You began to think you understood why he had been so distant, so hard to understand. It wasn’t you he hated.
“You’re not a bad person.” You said gently.
Troy’s eyes slid shut, his shoulders dropping as he let out a long breath.
“Please remember that.” He replied just as softly. “Don't ever forget it.”
You smiled then, smiled and reminded Troy of the sunshine he would see in his dreams of you.
“Does this mean…” he began cautiously.
You nodded, forcing your hand away from his chest was like ripping the skin from your hand, but you did it. Your meeting Troy had already been so messy, you wanted to get rested and cleaned up before anything else might happen between the two of you. Whatever that might be.
“Yeah. Let's go home.”
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #282: CAPTIVES
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August, 1987
Prisoners of the GODS!
In one sense, prisoners of the gods, yes, that is going on. The Avengers are clearly imprisoned by one or more gods.
But did you ever consider that from the gods’ perspective, its a gotta catch ‘em all of the Avengers?
I mean, Neptune (geez Marvel, stick to either Roman or Greek pantheons ffs) went out of his way to catch Namor and Namor hasn’t been on the team since before the Masters of Evil thing.
That’s completionist energy.
Wait... is the Collector behind this? Yeah, he died but when has that ever stopped anyone in comics for long?
Last times on Avengers: the Masters of Evil attacked the Avengers and managed to smash up the mansion and beat Hercules into a coma. There was a roster shake up as Thor and She-Hulk cycled back in, Dr Druid joined for some reason, Wasp went on a well-deserved vacation, and Hercules was in a coma.
That last point is the sticking point of this arc, it seems. Because Hermes kidnapped Hercules out of the hospital and then lured Thor to Olympus so Hephaestus and Ares could beat him up. While Hermes, Dionysus, and Artemis beat up the Avengers on Earth, partially by tricking She-Hulk into eating a drugged cherry Italian ice.
With the Avengers sufficiently beat the shit up, Zeus appeared to tell them they were on his shit list for letting Hercules make bad decisions and get beaten into a coma.
And rather than seek revenge on the ones who did the beating, Zeus is taking it out on the Avengers.
Because Zeus is a dick.
The story continues!
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The story continues with Namor minding his own business for a change, just enjoying hanging out with his new wife Marrina (oh hey, congrats!) when the ocean goes nuts with the shaking.
Namor saves some people that rocks fell on and then swims out with Marrina to investigate.
They notice some Atlantean refugees fleeing and go to help them because they’re the cool guys brave enough to join Namor in exile rather than live in Attuma ruled Atlantis.
But then Neptune pops up out of the ground, yells at Namor for questioning his will when Namor asks about the earthseaquakes, and then drags Namor down to hell.
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Saying “that happened” can be a cheap joke but really, the Atlantean refugees and Marrina standing around looking at the crack in the ground that a god popped out of and then sank back into after kidnapping their king has peak “that happened” energy.
Of course, I was joking about Neptune dragging Namor to hell.
He brings him to Hades instead.
Because god of oceans, he can just pop right out of the River Styx.
Neptune expresses some regret that things gotta be how they’re being and that Namor deserves better than this (open to debate). Why, if it weren’t for Neptune’s covenant with Zeus, Neptune never would have reverse raptured Namor to Hades.
But the brotherly covenant is a thing so Neptune turns Namor over to Cerberus to bring to Pluto.
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Greek god dammit, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, are there no monsters of myth you won’t just turn into a grimacing dude in Kirbarian armor??
Namor comes to while I Refuse To Call Him Cerberus is hauling him across the dismal fields of Hades like a sack of damp potatoes.
The Abstastic Avenger slips loose and tries to choke Not Cerberus with his shackles despite the dude wearing a helmet that covers his throat. And Cerberus just breaks the chain anyway so the whole exercise was a little pointless.
Well, almost pointless.
Namor was looking for answers and he got answers and stepped on to boot.
Namor: Tell me now -- who are you? Where am I? Why have I been brought here? Speak!”
Not Cerberus: “You think to threaten Cerberus?! Truly you are bereft of all reason! Know ye, mortal, that Cerberus is guardian of Hades, land of the unliving! ‘Tis there you be... by the grace of my Master Pluto and the will of Zeus!”
Namor throws Not Cerberus off of himself and then decides that really what he needs to do now is take a nice refreshing dip.
Except the nearest water is the River Styx and its full of monsters and it flows into the River Phlegethon WHICH IS ON FIRE!
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He’s having a bad time.
Namor washes up unconscious on the shore observed by a shadowy figure.
But this is apparently one of those beneficent shadowy figures because when Namor regains consciousness again, he finds that his shackles are gone and burns that should have taken months to heal have gone away with a quick nap.
(Is Namor an JRPG character?)
The shadowy figure introduces himself, or rather doesn’t introduce himself, but at least announces his presence and explains to Namor that he healed him with various poultices.
Oh, I see. Just an ordinary doctor passing by, is it?
The mysterious cloaked figure who pointedly does not tell Namor his name also tells Namor that he was brought to Hades to join the Avengers in captivity and WOULDN’T YOU KNOW IT, the Avengers are being held in the garrison of the accursed Fortress Tartarus just to the right.
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Can’t miss it.
Then the mysterious cloaked figure vanishes into the mists rather than answer any more questions.
Mysterious cloaked figure, vanishing into the mists: “I can say no more. The fate of the Avengers now depends on you! Do not fail them, Namor... do not fail”
I guess people don’t become mysterious cloaked and/or shadowy figures unless they love drama.
Namor heads to the doom fortress and finding no entrances makes one by punching the crap out of a drainage duct.
Where he immediately runs into some soldiers of Hades. Who he immediately beats up because he’s Namor. He also steals the armor off of one because yes, we’re going full... whatever you call this. Death Star infiltration? Its a trope and it definitely predates Star Wars.
Before long, Armored Variant Namor finds the deepest dungeon that the Avengers are being held in.
And I guess the order of the day is just random torture? The gods beat up the Avengers and threw them to Hades and now they’re just being randomly tortured?
Captain America is attached to a big wheel, Dr Druid is here for some reason and hanging from shackles, Captain Marvel is in a metal sarcophagus which is blocking her powers, and in an effective but cruel twist She-Hulk is chained to Black Knight.
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Maybe the dungeons of Hades didn’t have anything strong enough to hold her but by chaining her to Black Knight, they made it so the only way She-Hulk can bust herself loose is to tear Black Knight in half.
Afraid of the torturers using the imprisoned Avengers as hostages, Namor pretends he’s just another guard who wants to steal the spoils for himself.
He punches all the guards who are pawing over what they took from the Avengers, claims that its all his now, and dismissively throws away Cap(tain America)’s shield as gaudy.
It just so happens that the throw bonks the shield off the chains holding She-Hulk and Black Knight together but nobody notices that over what a dick disguised Namor is being.
His secret superpower is taking up so much oxygen in the room that nobody notices anything but ‘and now here’s this asshole.’
The torturer that was about to torture Black Knight goes to attack disguised Namor with Black Knight’s blade but freed by the shield bonk, Black Knight does that thing he can do that he doesn’t get enough chances to do.
He summons the extremely cursed Ebony Blade out of the torturer’s hands and into his own. And then he knocks out the torturer with the flat of the blade.
While She-Hulk joins disguised Namor in beating the crap out of the guards, Black Knight rushes over to cut Cap(tain America) loose from the big wheel. But Cap(tain America) tells him to free Cap(tain Marvel) first instead.
In fairness, she’s maybe their biggest gun.
Black Knight figures that the metal sarcophagus is probably enchanted to contain Monica but luckily Black Knight’s extremely cursed sword can cut through it.
Captain Marvel is ready to get some revenge for being locked in a box but She-Hulk and Namor didn’t leave any guards left unpunched.
But the breakout isn’t complete as Dr Druid notices that Thor isn’t in this dungeon so now they gotta go find him.
Of course, that just makes Namor wonder ‘hey actually what the here is going on here?’
Because he still has no idea what the plot is. He’s just been acting on punchstinct.
Of also course, the Avengers had no idea they were in Hades so everyone is a little surprised right now.
Captain Marvel does her Avengers chairperson duty of expositing the previous issue, to fill in Namor.
Actually though, the recap is only one panel and one additional narrative caption. The rest of the flashback is new content.
Pretty neat although it does mean that the entire previous issue gets smooshed down to ‘Hercules’ family ambushed us and took us to Olympus so Zeus could yell at us. What a dick.’
And yeah, what a dick.
When Zeus blames the Avengers for Hercules’ condition, Captains America and Marvel defend themselves by saying it was Hercules’ own dumbass that got his dumb ass beaten to near death.
Which... maybe not the best tone to take to a grieving, vengeful father?
Zeus: “Lies! I have learned how Hercules suffered your taunts and torments! I will not hear the lies of mortals!”
Thor suggests that maybe the truth will sound more believable coming from a fellow god and longtime friend to Hercules like.... well, Thor.
But Zeus takes the bold move of claiming that Thor isn’t Thor because hey what’s with that new armor. Also, even if you are Thor, screw you Thor, mighty Zeus don’t listen to a god that’s “so servile to mortal beings”.
Thor gets angry at being called servile and just FLEXES out of his bonds, then runs over and punches Ares who had the misfortune of being the wrong extremely punchable face at the wrong time and place.
But Zeus just zaps Thor, which I presume freezes or knocks out Thor. Dunno, flashback ends.
Either way, that’s how they got from last issue to now. And the bonds the Olympians put on the Avengers prevented them from using their powers. The Olympians knocked them out and then next thing they knew, they were in a dungeon.
Namor blames himself for being absent because maybe if he’d been around, Hercules wouldn’t have gotten so hurt.
Which Black Knight dismisses as ‘no, dumbass would still have managed it.’
The Avengers run into a massive army of Hades’ soldiers? Goons? Guards?
Why does Hades have so many employees??
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The Avengers start making short work of them because c’mon. They’re a faceless army of mooks. They exist to make the Avengers look cool.
She-Hulk even hits one dude with another dude.
The only thing they have going for them is numbers. Thousands of numbers.
But that’s just a ‘don’t let them surround you but do keep doing your cool moves’ moment, not a ‘we should retreat because we’re massively outnumbered.’
Dr Druid even gets to make some of the warriors see an illusory image of him to get them to hit each other.
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Pretty good.
I like that his powers require him to be a little creative.
Black Knight continues being a dude with a sword who doesn’t like hitting people with a sword. But he can hit other peoples’ weapons with your weapons to break their weapons.
The things that cannot be cut by his Ebony Blade, forged by Merlin, are next to none.
Captain America takes a moment out of punching dudes to watch Namor punch dudes and pines for him to rejoin the Avengers.
I swear, nobody likes Namor more than Captain America does.
And She-Hulk punches dudes but then grabs one and demands to know where Thor is.
This is the army of the dead so do they have anything to fear from her? I mean, aside from pain. Nobody wants to be punched by a Hulk multiple times.
Apparently the guy does tell She-Hulk where Thor is because the scene cuts to where Pluto is keeping him prisoner by having a giant rock block placed on top of him.
Is this comeuppance for all the people he’s pinned under Mjolnir?
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Also, like many fictional depictions of Hades/Pluto, he is just a jerk.
Pluto: “It has been centuries since brother Zeus allowed me any new subjects to do with as I wish! Having you at my mercy is a treat far sweeter than this honeyed wine, Asgardian -- you’ve interfered with all too many of my plans!’
Dang, Pluto Hades hasn’t been the same since his wife left him, I assume.
(It’d be funny if Persephone was around and was like ‘you’re doing great, dear’)
The guy I will never acknowledge as Cerberus comes in and tells Pluto that Namor jumped into the Styx so is probably super dead and Pluto calls him an idiot for just assuming that a guy called the Sub-Mariner wouldn’t survive being dunked in a dangerous river.
Instantly proven correct because the Avengers and Namor bust in right after Pluto tells Not Cerberus to go find Namor. Namor and She-Hulk punch Cerberus and knock him out and right on top of Pluto.
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Black Knight breaks the giant rock block on top of Thor with a pretty sweet sword throw and Captain Marvel CHOOMs Thor’s shackles off.
Captain America notes that Thor doesn’t seem alright lately and Thor decides to confide in his best mortal friends, the Avengers and also Dr Druid who is there for some reason.
You know the deal or should if you’ve read Walt Simonson’s run on Thor, which you should.
Thor: “The death-goddess Hela has put a curse ‘pon me... rendering my bones brittle and unable to heal, while granting me life eternal... so that I would have no escape from the pain! In recent days, I have known agony beyond imagining. I created this armor to hold together my shattered body, that I might still function as befits a son of Odin. I... regret I did not tell you this before.”
Pluto, who of course is still in the room and hasn’t even been too inconvenienced by having a not-giant not-doggo dropped on him comments that he wished he knew about Thor’s curse so that he could have arranged more painful accommodations than just putting a giant rock block on him.
Thor warns that Pluto’s power is second only to that of Zeus (wow, get fucked Neptune Poseidon I guess) which the Avengers doubt until Pluto shoots some pew pew blasts at them.
Its not really selling the second only to Zeus who is equivalent of Odin thing even if he says he’s trying to torment them, not kill.
Either way, Captain Marvel blasts the ground so Pluto loses his footing and then everyone RUN AWAYYYYY on her command.
Fall back, technically. Its the more tactical version of FLEEEE but either way its a retreat which Namor hates but does anyway.
And She-Hulk busts the door on her way out so it’ll be harder for Pluto to chase them.
Because yes definitely the room only had one entrance and I bet he can’t just OH YEAH through the wall, being second only to Zeus and all.
Since Mjolnir is trapped on Olympus and none of the other Avengers have portal powers, the Avengers head towards the only path between Hades and Olympus.
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Its called a pathway, Thor calls it a bridge, and Black Knight calls it a stairway to heaven.
But it looks like a particularly wide ramp.
Cool of Olympus to be wheelchair accessible.
Maybe the grade is too steep? I really can’t tell.
The Avengers set up? down? the PATHWAY OF INFINITY! Thor tells Captain Marvel not to fly too high above the path because it is all the links the two realms of Hades and Olympus and to stray risks becoming lost in the abyss.
And Monica has gotten lost in an abyss enough for one life, thank you.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take Pluto long to catch up with his hell army and his giant hell tank and his giant hell tank blows up a portion of the bridge (he calls it a bridge. Can a pathway be a bridge? I swear, it looks like a ramp).
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The Avengers all stand near the broken portion discussing how they don’t have time to fly or jump across before the army of Hades is upon them.
Maybe if you spent less time verbally establishing that fact and more time hustling?
Also, the bridge looks a lot less wide now for some reason.
Thor volunteers to stay behind and hold off the hell army.
Which has to be reminding him of something in his recent past. I mean. A bridge. A hell army. Is he thinking of Skurge right now? Thinking it should have been him instead?
Didn’t Skurge bonk him on the head and send him away with the others at the time because he felt Thor was less expendable? Could be a survivor’s guilt thing.
I don’t know if that was on Roger Stern’s mind when he was writing this though. Could be a coincidence.
Anyway, Captain Marvel, as leader, tells Thor fuck that idea. They’re not leaving anyone behind.
Captain Marvel: “Stand or fall, we’re all in this together!”
Thor: “I cannot dissuade you? Then, so be it! Though every demon in Hades rises ‘gainst us, let the Netherworld rock with the power of the Avengers!”
Heaven or Hell, Lets Rock!
Gosh, how will the Avengers get out of this one?
I mean, the hell army is no big deal. They’ve already beaten up thousands of Pluto’s guards.
The big man himself and his big tank are more of a concern.
Follow @essential-avengers​ to learn the answer for why Pluto has a tank. Just kidding, I have no idea! Like and reblog please!
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sun-daisies · 1 year
fic snippet | mcu | monsters of men
since ao3 is down for who knows how long I figured I’d dig through some abandoned wips and post some snippets of fics I love but never got to share. feel free to do this too - we can keep each other going until ao3 is back up and running!
Once upon a time, an American hero shielded the world from evil. 
Once upon a time, an iron soldier rose from certain death as a new man. 
Once upon a time, the god of thunder came to Earth. 
Once upon a time, a marksman joined the military.  
Once upon a time, a monster and an assassin chose a different path. 
Once upon a time, aliens rained down on New York and once upon a time, machines gained sentience and once upon a time, a Titan wiped out half of humanity and every single time, the heroes vanquished the bad guys. 
Stories don’t end where they should, wrapped up in a neat little bow, all loose ends tied up and everyone smiling happily together as they walk into the sunset. You want a happy ending. You want to watch the underdog rise to the occasion and achieve their destiny. You want glory and grandeur. You want something extraordinary. 
You want a band of larger than life champions coming together to save the world, and you want the happy ending. 
That’s not what happens. 
Once upon a time, a bunch of misfits, human at their core, made mistakes. Argued. Lost everything. 
Natasha fights. She fights for freedom, she fights for justice, she fights for her family, she fights for the world. Maybe she fights for herself, too - maybe she wants to prove that there’s something good in her worth fighting for. 
(She’s tired of fighting.) 
But when the air chills and the ground is hundreds of feet below her, she doesn’t fight her own death. It’s as simple as letting go, and when it comes down to it, she can’t think of a reason to dig her heels in. 
(Somewhere across the universe, her sister screams until her throat is raw.) 
And Wanda died somewhere in Sokovia a couple decades prior, buried under the ashes of her childhood home. Or maybe she died in her Hydra cell. Or maybe she died fighting Ultron; at the Raft; at the hands of Thanos. 
(The stench of blood follows her everywhere she goes, the bodies trail behind her. And when she returns home, what does she have left?)
Regardless, she hides her grief behind laugh tracks and smiles for applause. She is nothing but a character pretending to be what they need her to be. Maybe someday she’ll get to write her own story.
There’s a mournful stillness as Pepper sets a wreath of flowers adrift on the lake, crowned with Tony Stark’s own heart. His daughter watches with huge, watery eyes, and Pepper holds onto her like she might slip away at any moment. 
Perhaps they will drown in Tony’s absence. He saved the world, but the empty space he left in doing so is too great. He was a husband. A father. A friend. Iron Man. 
This is the fate of heroes - to fight, to lose, to die. They signed up for this. 
(None of us ever wanted this, Clint thinks bitterly.) 
Peter still has that optimistic smile, hope glimmering in his eyes. He’s probably kinder than any of them have ever deserved, and surprisingly light on his feet for someone with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
His hands are tainted in blood long washed away and he’s surrounded by ghosts. He feels he’s lived a hundred years despite being gone for five. And all eyes are on him, watching, waiting to see what he does next. 
(He could never be Iron Man and he can barely be Spiderman but Peter Parker isn’t enough, either.)
He can still try.��
Once upon a time, the heroes sat around a table at a party, giddy and elated, making fun of each other the way that friends do. The world stops for a moment and they allow themselves the little luxuries for once. 
It won’t last. Aliens have rained down from the sky and they will come again. Sentient machines will rise and throw morality to the wind. Half of humanity will disintegrate, and five long years will elapse while they desperately claw for solutions. 
(It is inevitable.)
But let them have this. Before the next apocalypse, just let them have this. 
And what is left in their wake? A great niece left to scrap together some semblance of a life in Madripoor. Communities of displaced refugees fighting tooth and nail for those left behind, forgotten. A man with a vibranium shield he’s not certain fits quite right on his back, a survivor of war desperate to atone for the sins he was forced to commit. 
You want to believe that Sam doesn’t look at the shield with a lump in his throat. You want to believe Bucky doesn’t cry when the lights go out, terrified to close his eyes. 
They do. 
Countless iterations of these stories exist across societies all over the world, but no one will ever know what really happened. Their names are thrown in the news and plastered on billboards, their likenesses on hoodies and action figures. A little boy will hold a plastic shield on Halloween and Bucky’s stomach will tie into knots. Wanda will be painted as a villain. Tony Stark, a martyr. 
History is a tale spun by the victors and watered down into easy, digestible facts. And by the time it reaches the youth whose story even is it anymore? Whose truth is told? 
To be a hero is to be a tragedy. 
Heroes die. They sacrifice. They suffer. They mourn. To be a hero is to be destined to lose, lose, lose, even when they’ve won - especially when they’ve won. And how can they live with themselves knowing that they’ve lost everything? Can you really blame them for letting go? For wanting to live in the past? For losing hope? 
Is it their duty, or a destiny we thrust on them? What do they want?
Pietro. Vision. Natasha. Tony. For better or for worse, they die. They can’t help it. They just die. 
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 12/7
You trying to tell me these 3 hens speak French??
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It’s Only Teenage Wasteland #1 (of 4) -  Curt Pires & Jacoby Salcedo
When his parents go out of town for the weekend, Mexican-American high schooler Javi decides to throw a party-one that'll launch him and his buds into popularity! Or at least get them noticed by some girls. But when things take a turn for the worse, Javi and his friends are thrust into a situation and future they could have never possibly prepared for. For fans of The Nice House on the Lake and What's the Furthest Place From Here? or other comics with really long titles and cool high concepts.
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Radiant Pink #1 (of 5) -  Meghan Camarena, Melissa Flores & Emma Kubert 
Life is good for Eva. Ever since teleporting superhero RADIANT PINK (her secret alter ego) started guesting on her streams, her view count has skyrocketed-and fame and fortune are surely close behind. But when a charity appearance is interrupted by a squad of mercenaries hunting for the Radiant that powers her, Eva will find herself very far out of her comfort zone.
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All Against All #1 (of 5) -  Alex Paknadel & Caspar Wijngaard
In All Against All, it is the distant future. Earth is long gone, but a race of alien conquerors knows as "the Operators" have preserved its most savage animals in an artificial jungle environment they barely understand.
With no bodies of their own, the Operators move from world to world, harvesting bodies for the organic exosuits they use to wage their endless wars. Ignored and underestimated by his captors is the habitat's sole human specimen, Helpless. However, when their efforts to find and harvest an apex predator intensify, he gives them far more than they bargained for.
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Hexware #1 (of 6) -  Tim Seeley & Zulema Lavina
Why sell your soul...when you can buy a new one?
In a corporate-ruled world where class inequality is greater than ever, a desperate, lonely populace is drawn to neo-spiritualism and hedge magic. When their teenage daughter is murdered, the Marks family is left asking the gods what they did to deserve this. But their android maid, Which-Where, has a different approach. Perhaps if she asked the devil...
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Know Your Station #1 (of 5) -  Sarah Gailey & Liana Kangas
The wealthiest people in the solar system abandoned the Earth for a private sanctuary in space, leaving the rest of us to die amidst cataclysmic climate change. But the 1% won't be safe for long...A murderer is on the loose, specifically targeting the super-rich. Soon Elise, an employee of the billionaire's space station, is wrapped up in a deadly investigation, with each issue featuring a new, diabolically different kill!
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Quested #1 -  Michael Calero, Thomas Parson, Kit Wallis & Kim Jacinto
Quested fuses the attitude of Hellboy and the fantasy-adventure spirit of Legend of Zelda as it follows the questing misadventures of pawn shop owner and morally ambiguous hero-for-hire, Jinx, through a world filled with lizard henchmen, dungeon-bosses, and unicorn burgers! "Episode 1: Faux Highness" When a plan to take advantage of a desperate king trying to protect his daughter goes wrong, Jinx and his two accomplices (I mean guild members!) find themselves actually having to save the princess.
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Dahlia In The Dark #1 (of 6) -  Joe Corallo & Andrea Milana
A washed up hitman, Donny Dahlia, takes one last job transporting a package cross country in the hopes of seeing his estranged daughter again. Little does he know this job is going to get him caught in the middle of a war between the fairy realms that could determine the fate of humankind. Dahlia in the Dark is a fast-paced, action, fantasy thriller about family and hidden truths.
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Rainbow Days GN Vol 1 -  Minami Mizuno
These four friends couldn't be more different: Natsuki Hashiba, a dreamer who longs for love, Tomoya Matsunaga, a self-centered playboy, Keiichi Katakura, a winsome guy with a hidden saucy streak, and Tsuyoshi Naoe, a socially awkward nerd who loves anime, manga, and games. Together their high school days are as vibrant as rainbows!
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Gargoyles #1 -  Greg Weisman, George Kambadais & David Nakayama
One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was THE AGE OF GARGOYLES. Stone by day, Warriors by night, they were betrayed by the humans they had sworn to protect...frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years. Now, here in Manhattan, the spell is broken, and they live again! They are Defenders of the Night! THEY ARE GARGOYLES!
Series creator GREG WEISMAN and illustrator GEORGE KAMBADAIS reintroduce the Manhattan Clan, a family of Gargoyles at full strength, though modern New York City is full of attractions and distractions, and each member of the clan has begun to go their own way. But their bonds will be tested, when nefarious factions from all across the world attempt to steal that rarest, most precious of possessions...an unhatched Gargoyle egg!
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Yakuza Fiancé GN Vol 1 -  Asuka Konishi
Yoshino grew up as the yakuza princess of the Osaka Somei crime family. Everyone left her alone due to her sharp gaze and mobster ties. But when her grandfather signs a truce with the Tokyo-based Miyama crime family, she's offered for betrothal to the Miyama leader's grandson, Kirishima. At first, Kirishima seems amiable and polite-but when he shows his dark side, he proves to be more disturbing than any gangster Yoshino has ever met. This engagement is sure to be a wild ride for a tough yakuza princess and her twisted yakuza prince!
Whatcha picking up this week, Fantomites? 
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spacebird-diaries · 2 years
I just realized I wrote myself into a corner, and the only way out was some very in-character hoop jumping on Bailey's part
Don't know if I can explain it well, but:
Bailey gets the armor, and elects to be a hero with her civvie ID a secret. She has family she wants to keep safe and far away from this danger. Niblings who deserve to grow up living normal lives and not having a crisis about being part space-alien and free of the responsibility that acknowledging their superpowers would give them.
The armor is reported lost, and likely stolen after the fight at the end of Takeoff (I'm working on it, I promise) wrecks the museum.
Bailey is now running around as Golden Eagle, helping old ladies cross the street, saving kittens from trees, and foiling the occasional Rogue's plot when she gets the chance. (You can't swing a cat without hitting a speedster in Central-Keystone. Not a lot of space to do the hero thing...)
Unfortunately for Bailey, she's forgotten one loose end. Nightwing had offered to help figure out this mystery, via a "contact" he was enlisting.
So now a new superhero shows up on the scene, in armor that seems awful close to Bailey's descriptions of the missing museum piece. Dick has seen connect-the-dots pictures on cereal boxes that were less obvious than this. But... There's always room for an incorrect assumption, as he's learned. And what would he even say? "Hi, I know your secret identity?" No! He has to be subtle about this.
Bailey is grinning like an idiot in the face of victory, when Nightwing melts out of the shadows like the weirdly attractive vampire he is and scares the daylights out of her. And then he's questioning her about the armor, where she got it, when she got it, does she know about the recent events in Keystone...
Bailey panics. I can't tell him the truth! The more people who know about Bailey Adler, the more danger my folks could be in. Besides, what if he thinks he has to reciprocate? That's way too much trust and responsibility, he doesn't know me, I don't know him, nope, no way, time to lie my ass off. Sort of.
The armor is hers. (Technically true!) She decided Earth was a decent place to live during the Thanagarian Invasion and decided to stay. (Also true! It just implies a Big Fucking Lie!) She's been quiet until now because... none of your business?? Why do you want to know her personal life?? She has to leave now for totally non-suspicious reasons that don't have anything to do with anything. Goodbye and good day, sir!
...Lying to him would be so much easier if her brain worked properly when he was around. Stupid charming jerk with his stupid pretty hair and stupid fucking smile... Ugh.
Dick, a little relieved by the fact that she has some kind of cover story and/or improv skills even if he doesn't understand where this sudden hostility came from, decides to try and have her defend from the other direction as well. He shows up at her apartment in Keystone with everything he can find on this new hero, the armor, Thanagar, and Andrew Fell.
Bailey tries to kick him out because she still can't stand Richard Fucking Grayson, but relents when he points out that he crossed half a continent on the request of their "mutual friend" -- not Wally, the other guy -- and gives him the space of a cup of coffee to make his elevator pitch.
And suddenly (because like hell is this jackass gonna figure out her secret identity) Bailey has to start insisting that there's no connection between Thanagar and her family, the necklace and the armor were a funky coincidence, such a shame it was stolen after the museum exploded -- no, no, it didn't look anything like the armor the lady in the photos is wearing, something was clearly lost in the game of telephone, oh look your coffee is empty time to get out of my house forever goodbye now!
...Dick conveniently "forgets" the file on Fell as she scoops up his papers and shoves him out the door. He does want to help, even if she doesn't want to let him, and damn it all... It's been awhile since he's gotten under someone's skin like this without actual violence being involved. She's... kinda fun to annoy...
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enigmaticvariation · 4 years
Who’s the traitor?
Here’s a legitimate analysis of who I think the traitor might be instead of me just being nostalgic for SMP Earth. The only thing we have to go by right now is that it’s a person who’s siding with Pogtopia and it would be surprising. I will be going through all the relevant people and ranking them from least to most likely, (in my opinion.)  Let’s get started.
Quackity - This is objectively the worst option. Quackity’s entire arc is about how he just wanted to make a change and improve society but instead got trapped in a toxic relationship where he was mistreated and not taken seriously. He’s left that behind and is trying to move past it, so to just have him go back to his abuser would just be shitty writing and kind of gross. 
Eret - This just makes no sense. He’s already betrayed L’manberg once and he clearly regretted it. He’s been very vocal about wanting to fight against Schlatt, and it would just be out of character.
Ponk, BBH, Awesamdude - While these guys are slowly becoming more plot relevant, I seriously doubt it would be any of them. The traitor is almost certainly someone with more plot relevance and emotional ties to the main characters. if any of them betrayed the main characters it wouldn’t feel much like a betrayal.
Niki - Niki has been one of the few characters in this story who has opposed Schlatt all along. She has been incredibly vocal about this, and has rebelled against him since the moment he took office. It would be surprising sure, but incredibly out of character.
Wilbur - I feel like despite being such a loose canon of a character, he would be a fairly unlikely option. I was watching from his perspective and he seemed genuinely surprised when Dream was talking about the traitor, and really annoyed that Dream wasn’t on his side any more. It also wouldn’t be that good of a twist, considering his constantly fluctuating sense of morality.
Fundy - This would make sense character wise. Fundy’s been scorned and shoved aside by his father his whole life. He was spying for Schlatt as a way to make his father proud, but when he gave his father the materials to defeat Schlatt he was shoved aside once more. He’s bitter. Also, he’d probably rather side with his fiancee who loves and respects him rather than his shitty dad. The only reason he’s so low down is because it seems to expected. One of those things Tumblr and Twitter predicted 2 months ago. While I wouldn’t necessarily mind this, I feel like there’s a better option.
Tommy - Tommy has a lot of reason to betray Wilbur. He’s been treated pretty badly and his opinions have been ignored. I can easily imagine a world where he would make a deal with Dream and help him as a way to get L’manberg back. He could also be trying to get the discs back, which is ultimately one of the things he cares about the most. I’ve seen lots of great analysis on this. It would also be a good, surprising twist, the scorned hero turned to the dark side. I’m not convinced it’s him though because he is a very black and white thinker, he firmly believes in good and evil. While he has a lot of reason to, I don’t know if he would actually betray his friends. 
Technoblade - This is one of the most likely options but simultaneously one of the worst options. Wilbur has been convinced that Techno was going to betray him since day one and Techno literally said that he wouldn’t hesitate to betray Pogtopia just to make the final battle a fair fight. Every single person in mcytblr instantly predicted that Techno was going to betray Wilbur and Tommy, literally the moment he joined the server. It’s very likely, but it would be a bad twist. Dream said that the traitor would be the person we would least expect, so while Techno is a very likely option, it would be very much expected. I really don’t want him to be the traitor. I would take almost anything over him, I want a good twist.
Philza - I know a lot of people are saying that it’s stupid to think that he’s the traitor when he isn’t even whitelisted, but hear me out. We all want Phil on the server, we want him to beat some sense into Wilbur and save Tommy and Tubbo from the war zone they had been trapped in. Imagine though, if he joined the server and immediately sided against Wilbur. It would make sense though, he’s been very resistant against Wilbur’s actions. I think it would be most likely if he was the traitor along with Technoblade. It would be a nice call back to SMP Earth and Phil and Technoblade are an incredibly chaotic duo when they come together. It’s a bit unlikely, but it would be the best twist and a great opportunity to get Phil on the server.
Tubbo - Tubbo is the most likely traitor in my opinion. Despite his common front of being a sweet and naive person, he is one of the most morally grey characters on the smp. He will not hesitate to mess with people, destroy things, and is generally a pretty good liar. It would also be very in character. He’s been manipulated and pushed around by practically every person on the server, and he’s surely about to snap. He’s been treated just as bad by Wilbur as by Schlatt. He also lied about having the discs, which was quite suspicious. One of the few reasons why Tubbo might not be the traitor though is Tommy. Despite being morally grey and also lying about the discs I’m not sure that he would betray Tommy.  They made a pact that they would always trust each other and generally have a very codependent relationship. That is why I think that the true traitor is not 1, but 2 people.
Tommy and Tubbo - I said Tubbo was the most likely traitor, but I think that Tommy and Tubbo together would be the best option. Dream said there was a traitor, but as far as I know he never explicitly stated that he was talking about just one person. They would probably make a deal together with Dream either for the discs or to get L’manberg back. It would also be very likely that they would work with Dream but betray him as well. It would be a Good Omens situation, Tommy and Tubbo being their own side and not strictly aligned with the already established sides. This would be good, Tommy and Tubbo were thrust into a war zone at a young age. They’ve spent the entire story being lied to and manipulated by the adults in their lives, and I think they deserve to go apeshit and fuck those guys up, you know, as a treat.
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We Need You
Bucky x reader
Word count: 1901
Summary: Bucky comforts a reader with imposter syndrome (inability to believe that one’s success is deserved)
Warnings: imposter syndrome, low self worth/self esteem, feeling worthless, slight angst, mostly comfort
A/N: I have issues that present similarly to imposter syndrome, but I don’t experience it fully or severely. You belong and wherever you are, you fucking earned that. You worked hard to get where you are. I hope this fic can bring you some comfort, I apologize if I did not serve the topic justice. Sorry it took so long! As always, if anyone needs anything from me or just wants to talk and vent, I am ALWAYS here! <3
Tags: @buckys2thicc @buckfics @thatfangirl42 @mardema @barnesplums @bucks-bunny @stucky-on-spiderman @peggycarter-steverogers @freigeistundanderes
Add yourself to my taglist! Masterlist
You were calm, cool and collected. Smart, dedicated, and hard-working. You were an Avenger, one of the more valuable assets to the team with your training in hand to hand combat and knowledge of weaponry. 
At least, that’s how everyone saw you. Everyone except you. 
Every “job well done” translated to “I could’ve done better” for you. Compliments in a way felt like pity to you. Like it was all a lie or something. You could’ve been better, you didn’t think you were anything special. 
Anytime someone gave you praise you would wave it off with a small smile. Everyone saw it as you being modest, but internally you just couldn’t accept it. You couldn’t accept praise knowing you could’ve done better.
Settle for nothing less than perfection. But nobody’s perfect.
You were endlessly grateful for your team, your family, but you couldn’t help but feel like you didn’t deserve it. You had so much good in your life, but you felt like you had to keep proving yourself. 
You had everything you could ever want, but you still felt like you had to earn it. 
You thought you had done a good job at keeping it hidden. Imposter syndrome you had heard someone call it at one point. You had looked into it, realizing more and more of it resonated with you. You didn’t feel that you deserved your spot on the team, even though most of the team could agree that you were one of their best fighters. 
You were also one of the kindest people on the team, and everyone enjoyed being in your company. Again, you wrote it off as them feeling obligated to talk to you rather than them choosing to talk to you. 
Everything you thought about yourself, the degrading names you called yourself, and the way you waved off all of your achievements didn’t match up at all with the way anyone thought about you. 
It went unnoticed to most. You would put up a front, small smiles and thank you’s occasionally. There would be small side comments that you would make occasionally, but it was nothing that would cause red flags to arise. 
It’s nothing, really.
I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done.
It’s no big deal.
No worries
That’s why I’m here I guess
Compliments were deflected. Whenever you received criticism you would internalize it even though you knew it was nothing against you. Friendly advice to improve job performance. But for you, it reinforces the thought that your performance needed to be improved.
No matter what you did, you would never be good enough. You used to chase achievements, telling yourself that if you did well enough, if you did good things, that you would feel a sense of self worth. That maybe if you achieved things you would be filled with a sense of pride.
Instead you were left feeling as though you didn’t deserve any of the recognition you received. In a way, it made you feel even more insecure.
You thought that if you accepted the praise you would seem self indulgent or boastful that if you said what your achievements were you would seem prideful. So you accepted them with a small smile and thank you. At least until people moved onto the next topic and you drop the smile when it seemed safe. When no one was watching. 
When you thought no one was watching. 
Which is how Bucky had come to notice the discomfort you had.
When he had first joined the team, he was very quiet. He did a lot of listening and observing, not wanting to speak much himself. That was understandable to anyone. So when you had been introduced to him and your skillset had been mentioned and you waved it off saying no big deal, he had noticed how you shifted as if you were uncomfortable and your smile dropped as soon as the attention was on someone else. 
He didn’t think much of it. If anything it had to do with being uncomfortable around him. 
But as time passed he started relaxing around everyone too, especially you. He was still accepting what he had done and who he was now. He was still reserved but he wasn’t silent. The two of you had become good friends, being two of the quieter personalities on the team. 
Now you had someone to keep you company when you stayed at the outskirts of Tony’s parties.  
But as more time went on, he noticed small things that you did. Behaviors you had, things you said. Clutch phrases. The way you would seem embarrassed when people complimented you. The way you would say that there were no worries even if you were the only reason that a mission was successful. 
Sometimes when you thought you were alone or no one would hear, he would catch you mumbling things to yourself. Things like yeah right to compliments before giving a genuine response. The slight shakes of the head in protest. The nervous habits you had when you got a compliment. The little things that others were too distracted to notice, too small to 
Bucky was an observant man. 
Which is how one night, you hadn’t realized him come into your room to talk to you about something that Bucky completely forgot about once he saw you. You were sitting down at your desk, head in your hands and rubbing your eyes. 
Jesus why am I so stupid
What the fuck is wrong with me
They don’t mean what they say
How could they like you?
I’m worthless
Just like everyone else
I don’t belong here
You were so trapped by the marathon of degrading thoughts that you hadn’t heard Bucky come in. He stood beside you, concern etched on his face. 
“Y/n?” you jumped slightly and took your hands away from your face, blinking in surprise. You had been crying. Why was he here?
“Y/n what’s wrong?” he asked, coming over to you. 
You shook your head and shrugged, wiping a few loose tears from your face. “‘M fine Buck,” you whispered, struggling to keep your emotions out of your voice.
“Y/n,” Bucky said, crouching down in front of you. “You wouldn’t be crying if something wasn’t wrong. It’s okay to be upset, there’s nothing wrong with that. Just tell me why you’re upset.”
You shook your head again. “Really Buck, I’m fine.”
“Y/n, I may not be able to read minds like Wanda, but I know something’s bothering you.it’s okay.”
You sighed, taking a breath before looking at him. “Do you guys really mean it?” you suddenly asked meekly.
Bucky drew his eyebrows together in confusion. “Mean...what?” 
“After missions, when you say I did the right thing, that I did a good job, that you guys need me - do you mean it?”
Bucky looked more puzzled now. “Yeah, of course we do. Why else would we say things like that?”
“If you thought you were supposed to.” you said suddenly. “Or if, you know, you wanted to be polite, or you thought I wanted to hear it, or you didn’t really mean it I don’t really know I -”
“Y/n, hold on, slow it down...What?” Bucky said. “Why on Earth would you think that?”
You crossed your arms and shrugged. “I dunno, I just don’t really feel like I’m all that valuable to you guys here. I don’t do anything you guys couldn’t do without me. I make so many mistakes all the time and no matter how hard I try I just don’t feel like I belong here.”
Bucky took a minute to look at you. He had known you doubted yourself but this was beyond what he had thought. To think that you, y/n, weren’t valuable to this team was a crazy idea to him
To you it was the truth.
“Y/n, no, we need you. Why on Earth would you think you don’t belong?”
“Because I haven’t earned it. I’m on the team, I fight with you guys, but I still don’t feel like I should be. The mistakes I make all the time, the wrong calls, the selfish calls, bad judgements...I could go on. I just...no matter how much good I do it doesn’t make the mistakes go away.”
“Y/n, you are one of the best people we have, we -”
“No I’m not,” you said firmly, surprising Bucky. You shook your head. “You guys don’t need me. I don’t deserve to be on this team.”
“And I do?” Bucky asked.
You looked back at him. “What do you mean? Of course you do. Your the best fighter we have, Steve's best friend, we need you.”
“But I’ve made so many mistakes. You know all of the horrible things that I’ve done y/n. I was made into a weapon.” he said.”
“Bucky you know that wasn’t your fault. You didn’t choose that and you would've done anything to stop it. That’s different. You’re a great fighter and a good person, Bucky.”
“So are you.” he stated simply. “Do you believe that?”
You took a deep breath.  “I believe you believe that. But that doesn’t mean it’s true.”
Bucky put his hands on your shoulders. “You are a fighter. A hero. You’ve saved so many people doing things that some of us couldn’t or wouldn’t do. People out there remember how you saved them. How you protected them and gave yourself to them. That was you, no one else. You are a part of this team, you help make it what it is. We would be lost without you. You put your blood, sweat, and tears into this team. You give your heart and soul to this team. You’ve earned every goddamn bit of praise you get and more. You fought your place onto this team and you deserve to be here just as much as everyone else here. So when your head tells you that you don’t belong or that we don’t need you, tell it to fuck off. Because you’re one of the best people we have.”
By now you had tears in your eyes again, but not ones of shame. Ones of appreciation and relief. You had wanted to hear those words directly for so long and to be affirmed in that way was something you needed. “Thank you Bucky,” you said softly, giving him one of your first genuine smiles at a compliment.
He squeezed your shoulder reassuringly. “Anytime. Anytime you want a reminder, you let me know. I’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it before you can start to believe it for yourself.”
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Inherit the Earth” and the Fakeout
Absolutely genius.  Amazing, iconic, legendary, something only our showrunner Andrew Dabb can pull off.
"But Lilly, the episode was so bad!  It was just the brothers, they didn’t look for Cas and Eileen!”
Let’s get into it.
An empty world.  No one left but Sam, Dean, and Jack.
So Dean ran, he somehow managed to pick himself up off the floor of the dungeon and meet up with Sam and Jack.  That jacket was this silent reminder.  Remember what I’ve been saying, Cas has occupied the negative space all season, this is no exception.
Dean can’t look either of them in the face, he’s doing that thing, where his eyes move everywhere BUT where he should look. 
“I couldn’t save anybody.”
Sam couldn’t save the world and Dean couldn’t save the one person that means the world to him.
“Where’s Cas?”
I think it’s there, in that pause where Dean tries to push down the emotions, continue the fight, not think about the memories he left in the bunker, that Jack realizes what must have happened. Jack is the only one that knows about the deal, he has to know what Cas not being there must mean.
“He saved me.  Billie was coming after us.  Cas summoned the Empty.  It took her...and took him.  Cas is gone.”
This may shock you, but I am GLAD they didn’t talk about Cas, especially with what happens at the end of the episode.  Cas is allowed to just take up unsaid space.  It’s obvious he’s missing with the way they blocked things, obvious he’s missing here.  This whole “oh well they don’t care about Cas because they didn’t talk about him”?  Malarkey.
“Jack I’m sorry.”
Guilt.  Regret.  Pain.  Dean will carry this with him for the rest of his life.  Not only that he lost Cas, but that Sam lost Cas, that Jack lost Cas.
That SHOT, with the distance between Jack and Sam where Cas is SUPPOSED TO BE, and then a zoom out to...THE WORLD.
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Okay, as usual, Bucklemming has the subtlety of a sledgehammer lmao.
Jack crying???  Praying to Cas????  Bruh?????
Also it’s just straight-up frightening for everything around my boy to die he is my baby son.
Also not to point out the incredibly obvious, but Dean starts drinking immediately, and continues drinking throughout the whole episode.  Grief arc 2.0 babey.
“We can what, Dean?  There’s no one left to save!  Everybody’s gone!”
“You can’t just give up.”
“What other choice do we have!”
Idk why, but for Sam, who’s the constant, the one who’s always had hope, through everything, through all these years, when he finally says this, when he finally loses his hope?  It hits the hardest.  Sam is the leader, so not only is he grieving the loss of Eileen, he is a general grieving the loss of his soldiers, his friends, the world that he feels the duty to save.
When they go to meet Chuck, I just can’t get that image of Dean, leaning against the car, handprint still on his jacket, staring at the ground out of my head.  It takes him a few seconds to catch up to Sam, like he’s pulled out of thoughts like deep dark water.  Remember friends, it doesn’t have to be loud to be powerful.
Chuck wearing BLACK?  FEAR.
“That’s right, the whole Cain and Abel thing.  Us dead, whatever.  I’ll kill Sam, Sam’ll kill me, we’ll kill each other.  Okay, you pick.  But first?  You gotta put everything back the way it was.  The people, the birds...Cas.  You gotta bring him back.”
Willing to kill his brother.  Willing to die.  Tears in his eyes, begging God to bring Cas back.
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And Chuck?  Chuck doesn’t care about their surrender, he knows he’s already got them beaten.  He cares about their pain, he cares about them suffering, because to him?  That’s the entertainment.  He’s not entertained by their found family, by their happiness, by their joy.  He wants them to suffer, all of them.
“Eternal shame.  Suffering.  And loneliness.”
And he leaves them with just that.  No hope, no family, just the three of them, broken, alone.  Jack locked in his bedroom, Sam trying desperately to make life “normal” again.  And Dean.  Dean who drank so much he passed out on the floor.
He doesn’t feel terrific, he feels like shit, because not only is he dealing with the shame of an empty planet, he’s dealing with the guilt of being back in the place where the Empty took Cas.
This whole thing with the dog was just absolutely heartwrenching shit and if I didn’t hate Chuck before, him snapping Miracle right in front of an already fragile Dean would seal that deal.
I just want everyone to know that this is a Jake Abel stan account.
“Daddy’s boy” is a big insult for my boy Dean to use considering his own past with his trash abusive father but I’ll allow it.
I do think it’s interesting, ending of his arc aside, that Michael is willing to help them now.  What changed?  Sure, he ended up trying to help Chuck, running back to his father, but why get back in the game?  I wonder if it has anything to do with the loss of Adam.  It’s an interesting parallel, a man loses his angel while an angel loses his human.
Everything is so DARK in the Bunker now too, even the lighting is loud.
When I tell you I lost my shit when I saw Cas was calling Dean, when I heard Misha’s voice??  I knew it didn’t make any sense but I didn’t care, I would’ve been one step behind Dean as he sprinted towards the door.
Fuck you, Eugenie.
I mean it’s torture not only to Dean, who looks beyond fucking crushed when it’s damn Lucifer at the door, but for us too.  Who the FUCK wanted Lucifer back?  And to tease Cas???  Garbage.
I mean...fam.  Listen, we know who’s writing this episode, this whole Betty thing is just like blatantly unnecessary but again, Eugenie loves Lucifer, gotta distract her with a shiny toy lmao.
It was cool to see Michael and Lucifer onscreen together.  It was a cool dynamic that we rarely got to see.
The whole episode is just twist after twist.  Listen, it’s their last episode so I guess they needed to fit in a season worth of twists in one episode.
Bye Lucifer.  We know Eugenie can’t bring him back.  Blessings to all.
This scene with Adam is the FOURTH scene where Dean is drinking...big yikes to my guy’s liver.
Here’s the thing about Michael.  He’s a mirror for Dean in season 5.  Loyal to an absent father.  He has never changed, but Dean has.  Dean is able to acknowledge now, the trauma that his father put him through, he was able to move past the need for pleasing him at any cost.  Michael and Chuck?  Are John and Dean, if Dean had never been allowed to grow.  And Chuck proves, like John did, that he would always put his wants (in John’s case “the mission”) over his children.
Also not to beat a dead horse but Michael’s death was also peak Eugenie.
Sam getting to punch Chuck in the face?  Thank you, he deserves that.
Obviously I don’t love any scene of my boys getting brutally beaten.  But what I love, what I will always love about them, is what Chuck hates about them:  they won’t ever give up.  They know they won’t win against him, they don’t even land any hits, but that’s not what matters.  What matters is their controller doesn’t control them anymore, that they really are free.  No matter how hard they get hit, the get back up.  It is their choice to stand up to him, no matter the cost.
The moment where Sam and Dean are supporting each other, covered in blood, and they look God in the face, and they laugh.  That is why I will love them unconditionally for the rest of my life.  That is who they are, they will never cow to the villain, whether that’s Azazel or Alastair or Zachariah or Lucifer or Amara or Death or Metatron or Cain or God.  They will always choose to stand up.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because.  You lose.”
Chills.  What a line.
And Chuck is left, small, human, no longer a villain, no longer anything.
Gotta be real, woulda been nice to, idk, not see all this essential plot in a flashback, but I know I can only ask so much of Bucklemming.
For Dean to walk away from killing Chuck, right after he’s called him “the ultimate killer” is quite simply the most beautifully heartwrenching thing I could ever ask for.  Because that’s who Dean was under Chuck, that’s who Chuck wanted him to be.
And he would have before:
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But he’s heard some things since then, heard some things about how others see him.  Not as the killer, not as a monster, not as angry and broken or his daddy’s blunt instrument:
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I’m not saying that Dean doesn’t kill Chuck for Cas.  He doesn’t kill Chuck because he doesn’t think he has to anymore, he doesn’t kill Chuck because he listened to Cas, he took Cas’ words to heart.  He made the choice not to be the killer.
“See that’s not who I am, that’s not who we are.”
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And Chuck is angry, because he thought, after everything, even after losing, that he would still know Dean well enough to know that he would kill him.  But Chuck has never really known Dean, he has never understood where he’s really come from.  Cas understood, Sam and Jack understand, but Chuck never did, and writing off Dean as angry and broken is his biggest mistake, because that’s never been Dean.
“It’s not his power anymore.”
And it’s not just his physical power, it’s his power over the story, over the boys that’s the real power taken from him.
For Jack to be the one to bring everyone back, for him to be the hero of the story?  That’s poetic right there.  Now, I will say, I don’t think this story ends with him as God, because for him, the child, to take on this burden, it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me for his arc, but we shall see next week.  It felt pretty tied up, but there’s one major loose end: and that’s Jack seeing Cas again.
“Just you and me, going wherever the story takes us.  Just us.”
“Finally free.”
This doesn’t feel triumphant to me, it doesn’t feel like relief.  It feels like they’ve settled, like this is the best they’re going to get, so they might as well make the best of it, at least they have each other.
For Cas and Jack to be carved into the table?  I cry.
And for the montage, very similar to “Swan Song” to be set to “Runnin on Empty”?  Sorry but that’s just too sus to be ignored.
They packaged this episode as an ending, because for many, it might be.  The season’s story, the season about fighting Chuck is over.  So, you might be asking (or, well, screaming, judging by my replies lol), what’s left?  And that’s a good question, Chuck has been defeated, so what is left?  What’s left is what’s really mattered all season: the relationships that have been crafted over the years.  Dean and Sam’s unhappiness at the end of the episode, where “just you and me” sounded more of a grudging acceptance than anything else, is one of the clues that has to be looked at.  Why didn’t Sam find Eileen, why didn’t Jack bring back Cas?  Those two characters specifically are the ones we need to watch out for.  As I’ve said over and over again, peace, contentment, satisfaction, those don’t come from Sam and Dean on the open road together anymore.  They have a family, more of a family than they did when they started hunting together all those years ago, and that family is what holds them together.  They need each other, of course, but each other isn’t enough anymore.  Sam needs Eileen, Dean needs Cas.  That is where they will find their peace.
This episode, as many written by Bucklemming was sloppy, rushed, packed full of shit, and had little gems that we can talk about forever, but that was the end of the season, and next week?  Andrew Dabb brings us home, where Dean and Sam will finally be able to choose what they want for themselves, and that, my friends, is Eileen and Cas.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
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*gifs not mine*
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Note - this is inspired by a hc @sweater-daddiesdumbdork once wrote me and gave me a frigging murder kink. Life ruiner😡😡
Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
Summary - Steve saves you and plans on never letting you go again.
Warnings - 18+ only, smut(m/f), kidnappings, being held hostage, murder, blood, non descriptive violence, captain kink, slight murder kink.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 6.8k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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One of the most amazing thing about living with you was that Steve never had to come home to an empty house. He was now responsible for you, he’d have to shoot you a text message, he had gotten pretty good at texting, thanks to your guidance, or call you, he definitely liked calling and hearing your voice better. He’ll always be old school.
You’d get that slight waver in your voice as you tried to pretend that you weren’t sad, he could see your cute little pout through the phone. And while he would never want to cause you any sort of pain, knowing that you’d be waiting for him, that you’re missing him when he’s away, made him feel wanted.
That even someone like him deserved love and happiness and a safe, boring life. That may be there was a reason he died only to wake up again in a strange new world.
That wasn’t to say you didn’t come with your own set of challenges. You were messy if anything, leaving clutter everywhere and putting off doing your dishes and laundry for days. Maybe not the most practical but definitely the cutest roommate in the world.
He’d learn to put up with it because it was worth it. Maybe, he could even learn to 'let loose' a little as people always recommended to him.
At first, he couldn’t wait to ask you to marry him. He had even impulsively bought a ring with your birthstone, he knew you were obsessed with them and astrology and maybe even dark magic. But then you surprised him with a date to an old diner and introduced him as your boyfriend to your friends.
He liked your friends quite a lot, he couldn’t really understand what they were talking about half the time. From what he could tell - by their fascination with his muscles and all the touching and squeezing to his biceps, them wanting to hear about his life before the ice - it seemed that they liked him too.
But hearing you call him that, your guy, your boyfriend, your beau, as your friend Stacey had put it, he decided that he wasn’t quite ready to let go of this blissful courting period. He was rushing things.
He needed to live in the moment and just enjoy being your boyfriend for now, he had all the time in the world to wife you up - preferably not to late though.
He was so unbelievably happy, ecstatic to see you, to surprise you, his mission ending a week early he got home as soon as he could. He thought of maybe taking you to Vermont for the weekend, he had never been but Nat told him it’d be a nice little getaway and that you’d love it.
His wide smile slowly fade away as he looked at the state of his door - the latch broken. Forced entry. Somebody broke his door in. He pushed the door wide open and made his way in.
He knew what was to come next but he willed that thought away. Maybe you kicked it in yourself, maybe you forgot your keys. He kept telling himself that because he was terrified of thinking the alternative.
He stepped in as soon as he was able to shake himself out of his haze. Looking at the state of his, and your, apartment. A broken vase, and the coffee table smashed in.
Crouching down to take a closer look he saw some blood on the ceramic. Whoever did this to your home, better hope that it’s wasn’t yours.
He got up, directing his simmering rage towards his new mission. He didn’t panic, not yet, he couldn’t give himself that kind of luxury. His mind coming up with ten different to find you and make the bastards who did this pay.
NOBody can hurt the people he loves, especially his girl, and get away with it.
Your eyes fluttered open before scrunching shut to adjust to the harsh fluorescent light. You blinked, looking around you while squinting.
Some sort of empty grey room... a window to the side but it was dark outside. You dress sticking to your skin as your whole body was covered in a sheen of sweat.
Three men in a corner, one for them shouting at the others in a foreign language.
You felt a yip of pain radiating in your arms and then realised they were tied up behind you - strapped to a creaky chair.
You tried to shake free of them, by wiggling your wrists but then winced at the burn it caused, capturing the attention of your kidnappers.
One of them smiled at you, walking towards you.
“Finally awake, are we?” he asked in an abnormally chirpy way. “You were out for quiet some time. Did you sleep well?”
He squatted before you, you could see his face, his cold grey eyes betraying the warm smile that graced his lips. Many white scars littered over his jaw...
And then you remembered.
How you rushed home when you felt someone was following you. Locking the door, you tried to call Steve but couldn’t get through to him.
And then your stalker broke into your home. You tried to smash his head in with a vase but couldn’t really do any real damage. Everything was hazy after that. Maybe he drugged you - you couldn’t recall.
You exhaled shakily when you realised he was watching you both from the corner. You could never forget his dark hoodie and hair. Or fresh cut on his forehead. You had never so much as hurt a fly or even slapped anyone. How you managed to smash his head in you’ll never know.
You looked at the man before you again when you heard him calling out your name, his smile haltered for a moment as he looked back to your stalker.
“I’m sorry about that, he’s a rookie. He’ll be reprimanded soon enough. This wasn’t exactly our plan but we’ve decided to improvise.”
You tried to speak but with your throat and mouth dry and your mind in shock the words wouldn’t come out.
“Oh, that’s alright, don’t struggle. We don’t want anything to do with you, you’re just a normal plain Jane going about your life, aren’t you?”
You could only give him a weak nod, still trying your best to shake yourself free of your bounds without him noticing.
“That’s right. You haven’t done anything wrong, you don’t deserve to have anything bad happen to you, do you?”
You nodded again. Your breath hitched when he got closer to you, in your face, his hands planted on your bare thighs with your skirt pooled just below your hips.
“But we don’t always get what we deserve. You’re close to the Captain, that’s right Michael’s told me all about how taken he is with you. I mean... I never would’ve imagined Captain America would pick someone like you but to each their own,” he cupped your cheek, the cracks in his palm harsh against your soft skin.
“What do you want?” you asked, not looking away from him.
“I want justice. For things to be in the right order. You’ll have to suffer for it, but know that it’s for a good cause.”
“You’re wrong,” you shook your head, “he’ll come for me.”
“We’re counting on that,” he snickered.
You’re not sure what came over you, all you knew was that you wanted his disgusting hands off of you, “He’ll come for me, and then you’ll regret ever touching me.”
“Uh, I don’t know about this,” you pulled on a thread from your skirt with your right hand, your other hand in Steve’s as he held onto your waist, pulling you into his side. “It’ll be inside me?” you shuddered.
“Yes, but,” Bruce scratched his head, he was adorable like that. You never would’ve imagined him to be the hulk, a 'rage monster’. “it’s not as bad as you think. You won’t even feel it. All shield agents and Avengers have one. Except Thor, because that wouldn’t be of any use. The radius is only on earths surface. You would’ve thought that would be enough,” he chuckled.
You pressed your lips in a thin line, looking at the chip, smaller than an acrylic nail, watching Bruce load it up.
“I know it’s not ideal, doll. But I’ll feel much better knowing I can find you, in case something goes wrong.” He kissed your temple, as you braced yourself.
“Will it hurt?” you gulped as Bruce lined the shooter or gun, by the looks of it, to your forearm.
“Just a little. You’ll barely feel it.” He gave you a sympathetic smile.
“Look at me, pup,” Steve gripped your chin, moving your head till you looked into his blue eyes, he pressed his lips to yours, massaging your tongue with his to distract you.
“Mm,” you winced and moaned into his mouth when you felt the piercing pain. It was like getting a flu shot but you had never having been a huge fan of needles either.
He released his hold on you as Bruce worked on cleaning your the blood seeping through your pierced skin. “You did good.” Steve said.
“Do I get a sucker?” You asked Bruce and he chuckled - as if you were joking, you do not joke about candy, “No I really want one.”
“Let’s keep this between us.” Steve told you both.
“Of course,” Bruce nodded, “I can keep tracker dormant till we need it but are you sure?”
“I’m not sure who I can trust.” But he knew he could trust his teammates.
You sniffled, keeping your tears at bay because really something so little shouldn’t make you cry, rubbing your hand over your wounded bicep as Bruce handed you some gummy bears.
“They’re Tony’s. He leaves snacks everywhere, it’s annoying.”
“Thank you.” You blinked up at him and offered some to Steve.
You never thought you’d need it. Until now, you were sure your friends or your mother would notice that you’ve been gone and Steve will find out and track you down. You knew he would. He had to.
He frowned, his nails digging into your cheekbones, pluckering your lips, “Where’s all that confidence coming from?” he quirked a curious brow up, “He’ll walk right in and pay for everything he’s done,” he snorted.
“You’re way underprepared to take someone like him on,” shut up, shut up, shut up, why the fuck are you egging him on? “He’s strong, he’s a survivor.” Even without the serum, he survived an abusive household, being bullied, being sick, and you knew how protective he could be. To the point where it was downright irritating.
“We’ve got all the time in the world to prepare, you should be worrying about yourself,” he spat.
You had always been bold, even in the most inappropriate of situations. Like when you lectured a boy for over an hour on respecting boundaries for throwing spitballs at you, in kindergarten. Steve even said that he fell for that ‘spunk' in you.
‘Well-behaved women rarely make history’ your mother had told you.
And really, you liked that about yourself as well. You liked that you found a man that would encourage that side of you instead of calling you ‘difficult’ or ‘bossy’.
However, you immediately regretted everything you had said. Not because it was untrue, but because your captor took out a sharp pocket knife, a dark glint in his eyes.
“We only need you alive,” he said as you gulped, “I suppose, it wouldn’t matter if you’re missing a finger or two.”
You frantically shook your head, choking on a sob. “No,” you pleaded, “you’ll... he will find me and you will - ”
“Go to prison at best. It’s a risk we’re all willing to take,” he put the blunt end of the knife against your cheek, “We have to do something to kill the time.”
You couldn’t breath, your heart hammering in your chest, what if he doesn’t come for you? You won’t be able to do anything about it. It wasn’t like you could protect yourself, at least in this situation, all you could do was wait for him.
You shut your eyes, and braced yourself for the pain. Except... it never came, you simply heard someone fall down, some sort of clattering sound.
Upon opening your eyes you saw one of his friends face down before your in the corner, the other guy, your lovely stalker, drawing out his gun, looking at the only window to your left. You swore you a saw a glimpse of a flying disk knocking your stalker out.
The man before you cursed under his breath, “Get. Up. Come on!” he ordered.
“Yeah, if I could do that I probably would’ve,” you snarked, still trying to get your aching wrists free.
You barely even registered - who could only be your Captain - sneaking up behind him, snapping his neck with his hands in a matter of seconds. He collapsed on the ground and you could finally see Steve.
His clenched jaw and cold eyes softened up on seeing you, you couldn’t help but let out a sob as you realised you were going to be free.
“You’re okay, sweetheart, it’s okay,” he soothed you, kissing your forehead before swiftly free your hands.
You stood up on wobbly legs, holding onto his arms for support, “Steve,” you breathed out, “you came for me.”
“Of course I did,” he sighed, gently pushing your face against his chest as he hugged you close to him. “As if I’d ever abandon you,” he smoothed a hand over your back and decided to not dwell on your comment. This wasn’t about him, you were in shock.
“I was so scared,” you sniffled, “he said, he - ” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as you broke down in a fit of sobs and hiccups.
“You’re safe now,” he promised.
“You - did you kill him?” you pushed away from him to look up at his face so you could take him in.
You had never seen him in his uniform. Only ever seeing him on the news but he had his cowl on and a suit that was much more on brand for ‘Captain America’ than the darker one he had on now. It made him look bigger - if that was even possible. Bigger than the shield now strapped to his back.
His usually clean shaven face had the faintest shadow to it while his hair was slicked back. He looked beautiful, so soft and innocent, definitely not someone who’s capable of hurting anyone.
“He hurt you,” he replied, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your bruised wrists, “and so many others, he got what was coming to him.”
“You knew him?”
“Yes. He got away the last time we tried to catch him - but we don’t have to talk about that right now. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
You shook your head, “No, I’m just thirsty and I really want to lay down,” you murmured, resting your head on the star in the middle of his chest.
He pressed a hand to his ear, letting his team know that he had found you. You vaguely saw agents clad in black gear storm the room.
“We did a sweep of the place. No one else is here,” Natasha said. “How you doing?” and then frowned when you didn’t respond.
“She’s tired. It’s okay, love,” he kissed your temple, snaking a hand under your knees and picking you up with ease.
You weakly nodded, wrapping your hands around his neck, glad to be babied by him because you didn’t have the strength to stand.
“They didn’t give you anything to eat?” Nat scoffed as you shook your head.
“How long have I been here?” you looked at Steve, struggling to stay awake.
“A day and a half. We’ll get you fixed up,” he swore, carrying you towards the quinget.
“Where are we?” you nuzzled your nose against the rough kevlar of his suit.
“Bermuda,” he said.
“Oo, I’ve always wanted to come here... just maybe not like this,” you chuckled but Steve didn’t find it all that amusing. You cupped his cheek in your palm, hoping to maybe calm him down a bit before falling asleep.
You vaguely heard a familiar voice calling out your name, you’d recognise it anywhere, it was one of your favorites, one you’d known your entire life.
“Mom?” you muttered, opening your eyes and looking around the room to look for her. You smiled when you saw her sitting on a chair just beside your bed, the faint, annoying beeping told you that you were probably in a hospital.
“Hey there, honey,” she smiled back at you, her eyes misty as she pressed her lips to your cheek. “Do you have any idea how much you scared me?”
“I’m sorry,” you tried to sit up as she fluffed your pillow up to support you. “I was... um... kidnapped.” Saying it out loud made it feel so ridiculous. Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought.
“Yes, Steve filled us in on everything. So, Captain America, huh?” she raised her brows.
“Yeah,” you chuckled nervously. Doing a once over to your large, mostly white room to look for him. He wouldn’t just up and leave you, would he?
“How long has it been going on?” she asked.
“Um, three or four months?” you winced when you realised just how much trouble you were in.
“And, you live with him. Linda filled us in on everything. You’re quitting your job too now.”
“It’s - it’s not as bad as it sounds...”
“Never mind that, you need to rest. Then you won’t have to worry about all this. I’m taking you home with me. And you’re never coming back here again.”
“What? No! I still have over two years of school left.”
“You can do it online! You can find just as a good a job in Queens.”
“No! I’m not coming,” you whined.
“Well, you’re not living with a man you barely know either.”
You were interrupted by a knock on the door. A doctor entering, apologising for disturbing you and Steve right behind her. He still hadn’t changed out of his suit.
He stood at the end of your bed, squeezing your foot to let you know he was there for you as your mother glared daggers at him.
“Looks like you’re doing good. Blood sugars back to normal as well...” the doctor said, “You’re free to go home.”
“Really?” you smiled. So done with everything. Sleeping in your own bed sounded like heaven.
“Yes, let us know if you need anything.” She looked over your chart again and then left.
“Good then, you can come home now.”
“No! I’m going to my apartment in Manhattan, the one I share with Steve.” You rolled your eyes. Pleading Steve to back you up with your eyes.
He cleared his throat, “Um, ma'am, you can come stay with us, if you like.”
He held your mothers gaze, to let her know that he was serious and earnest.
He knew he wasn’t perfect by any means. He had a million flaws and cuts that ran deeper than anybody would ever know but he always thought, or maybe arrogantly assumed, that if nothing else he was someone ‘you take home to mama’ as Clint had once put it. He thought that your parents, like most, would like him. That he’d easily get their blessing to be with their daughter. He was known to be America’s golden boy after all.
But your mother had ripped him a new one as soon as she saw him. Accusing him of abusing his power to woo you. That you were here because of him. That he’s not worthy of you.
And all he could do was stand there and take it because everything she had said was the truth. He didn’t deserve you, you were captured and possibly traumatised because of him.
At the same time, he couldn’t just let you go. Not till he gets to the bottom of who had hurt you and makes sure that you’re safe from now on.
“No, thank you.” She scoffed, looking back at you and shaking her head. “What are you doing with your life?”
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes but being with Steve definitely isn’t one,” you looked over to him, he looked just as tired as you, “I just want to go home. My home with Steve.”
“Fine, I’ve always let you make your own decisions.” she sighed, finally giving in.
“And I’ve never disappointed you.”
“That’s debatable,” she snorted, “I’ll come check on you tomorrow then. Maybe send me your address. You know? Something you should’ve done months ago.” She returned to glaring at Steve.
“I’ve only been living with him for a month!” you tried to defend yourself.
“I can take off my own clothes, Stevie,” you giggled, him kneeling before you to help you out of the sweets the med bay gave you. Your dress was dirty and ragged now. “I really liked that dress though. I don’t have many like it. You think we can get it back?”
“Maybe, I’ll see what I can do, doll,” he kissed your bare thigh before rolling your panties down your legs.
“You’re kinda dirty too,” you remarked, sniffing him. He didn’t smell bad, as if Steve would ever smell bad to you. Just a bit of gunpowder, like that of firecrackers, a bit pungent instead of his normal piney and woodsy scent.
“Thank you,” he deadpanned before cracking a smile, “I was just excited to see you. Or I would’ve showered before coming home and then I didn’t get a chance to.”
He worked on unbuttoning your shirt He insisted on you getting a button up instead of a t-shirt considering how sore your arms were from being toed up for so long. Tied up... like an animal.
“Hey,” you whispered softly, caressing his cheek, “come back to me.”
“Sorry, I’m just... I don’t know,” he shook his head. He couldn’t let you know the guilt and despair he felt, you’d end up comforting him instead of the other way around. “It’s just been a long day.”
“Yeah. Still can’t believe any of this was real.” Running your hands up and down his suit, the feel of the material almost soothing to touch. “You wanna shower with me?”
“Don’t know, doll. That showers pretty small.”
He did have a pretty generous salary but opted to live in a more modest apartment, he never took more than he needed anyway, with a small shower. Not too small, but definitely not big enough for you both.
“We’ll make do, come on. I’ll make you squeaky clean.”
He took over ten minutes to get rid of the suit. You watched intently as he removed more latches than you could count.
“Is it bulletproof?” you wanted to know.
“Yes. But probably not as good as a vest. I’ve never been shot so I wouldn’t know.” He answered, taking off his undershirt.
“It’s funny because I always thought y’all were naked under there,” you chuckled, and then your jaw dropped as he took off his briefs.
You had never seen his cock while it was soft before. He was always more than excited when you got to him. It was amazing how pretty he looked either way.
“You and so many other people,” he almost shuddered at the thought of having been asked the same question so many times.
After making sure the water was hot enough, you both stood under it.
You took some of the lavender wash you had bought from lush, squeezing it on your sponge. Steve, bless him, was amazing at so many things. Shopping - it seemed was not one of them. All he had in his bathroom was a bar of soap, one toothbrush and a vintage straight razor.
Which just won’t do for you, so you took it upon yourself to stock the whole place up with your favorite stuff. The lavender being Steve’s favorite, you remembered how flustered you got when he told you that you smelled good. And then tried to explain that you always smell good while turning redder than a tomato.
You did his front, asking him to bent his neck a bit so you could wash his hair because he was almost a foot taller than you. You were about to do his legs, you’d take any excuse to feel up his thick thighs but he told you he’d do the rest himself.
Taking the sponge from you, he ran it under some water, working on cleaning you thoroughly. Under your arms, your breasts, your stomach, between your legs and then your legs.
You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen - he knew that since the moment he had met you. But something about washing you up like that felt so intimate even though there was nothing erotic about it.
After washing you thoroughly he wrapped you up in a towel, “My cute lil' burrito,” he booped your nose.
You puffed your cheeks out, you weren’t sure if you liked that nickname. Observing just how gentle he was with you, helping you into a cotton nightie, as opposed to drying himself off hastily and carelessly before pulling some sweats and briefs on.
“Don’t wear a shirt,” you pleaded, he looked amazing shirtless, but that wasn’t the only reason, you really liked feeling his skin on hours, pressing kissing on his perfect, smooth, golden skin, ”pretty please.” Right now, he’d give you anything you wanted and you intended on milking that as much as you can.
“Alright, doll,” he replied, pulling you up in his arms again as if you were his bride, as you giggled so sweetly, “now, what would you like to eat? No take out, it has to be healthy. And remember my culinary skills are limited,” he said, carrying you to the living room and putting you on the couch as he started working in the kitchen.
“Stevie, I’m not hungry. Well, that’s not true, I’d like some ice cream,” fluttering your lashes at him, “Mint chocolate chip? I’m pretty sure we have some.”
“Of course, puppy,” you smiled, at the prospect of getting a sweet treat and the nickname, “as soon as you eat something.” He added and you huffed in annoyance.
He whipped up a sandwich for you, two for him because he was starving, some peach iced tea so you wouldn’t eat his ear off while complaining.
You only picked at your food, giving more than half of it to him. You truly didn’t feel like eating, instead craving some cuddles with him.
You tried striking up a conversation with him multiple times. Not because you didn’t like silence. You did when it came to him, you could go hours without talking and it would feel so serene and perfect. You never had to talk just for the sake of it when you were with him.
But you had come to read Steve pretty well. He seemed distant and closed off. The air around you both thick with tension. You tried to ease it while telling him about how brave you were while quitting and didn’t cry at all, how Tony dropped by and was apparently stalking you - which was a bad idea because it seemed to make him angry, clench his jaw tight, his brows furrowed as he placed your plates in the sink.
Unsure if you had done something wrong or were mean to Tony, who was technically his boss, you twiddled with your fingers, “Um... I - I’m sorry,” you stuttered, trying to hold back tears. Spending the night at your mom’s house sounded like the better choice now.
“Hm?” he looked back at you, he could do the dishes tomorrow, “what for?”
“I shouldn’t have been snarky with Tony. I know he’s your boss and all that but he’s kinda cocky... And I got really mad when I found out he did like a ‘background check' on me. I mean I get why he would but still. I can apologize to him.”
“No no,” he shook his head, kneeling before you, taking your hands in his, “you misunderstood, love. I’m not mad at you, I could never REALLY be mad at you. It’s Tony I’m angry with, he went behind my back, ambushed you at work.”
“To be fair, you did the same when you asked me out,” you snickered as a blush crept up his neck.
“Right.” He finally cracked a genuine smile placing feather light kisses on your knuckles and the to the bandages on your hands.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” you asked, running your hands through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly with your nails.
“It’s probably better if we don’t talk about it,” he said, laying his head on your lap. Your slight scratching massaging his never-resting head.
“I think we should. My mom said I don’t know you. And to some extent, she is right. I don’t. Maybe I’m just imagining things but... sometimes it feels like you’re holding back.”
He gathered enough courage to look up at you, your almond shaped eyes looking down at his and he knew that he could talk to you about anything. He did. But there will always be that little voice that tells him that he shouldn’t. He would only trouble you.
“Don’t you pride yourself on being honest?” you caressed his scratchy cheek.
He snorted. He really was dense enough to think he was the perfect son-in-law package.
“I just, the way you looked at me, when I killed that man, I’m afraid that you’re scared of me now. That’s the last thing I want. It’s my worst nightmare really.” He leant into your touch.
“Steve, that wasn’t because I’m scare of you. It was because I’m fond of you. You were so strong and brave and you saved me. I liked being the damsel in distress more than I thought,” He chuckled at that, his doubts a bit relieved, “that’s... not all though.” You murmured.
“What is it?” he wanted to know.
“You, um, the fact that you would do that for me... it’s just. I never thought anyone would love me that much.”
“I only regret doing it in front of you. I’m sorry you had to see that or go through any of that.”
“I’m not a child, Steve,” you rolled your eyes.
“Of course not, but you’re you. You’re pure and an angel. I - I’m tainted - tainted by blood, tainted by war - ”
“Steve, that’s not true. You’re not, you’re the pure-est person I know. War and - that doesn’t define you.”
“You wouldn’t feel that way if you knew about all the things I have done, sweetheart.” The sweet nickname he had for you, which now he used in a patronising tone, “I let my best friend die. And I couldn’t do anything about it.”
“What’re you talking about?” you frowned. You heard about Bucky from him and your history textbooks but you don’t remember reading anything like that.
“It’s... something I’m not ready to get into.” He put his forehead on your knee. He knew you loved him but there was only so much baggage you would be willing to accept.
“Okay. You can take your time and tell me if and when you’re ready, baby.” You went back to idly playing with his, “But I need you to know that I love you. Nothing you could ever say will change that. To think that... for a second I thought that you wouldn’t come for me.”
He snapped his head back up, “What?”
“I thought, that you’d be busy with your mission. You wouldn’t even find out I was missing or... you just wouldn’t care enough to come yourself. I mean, I knew you would come, obviously. But you have other more important work...”
“No,” he shook his head, “How could you ever think anything's more important to me than you and your life?”
“Yeah, I was being stupid.”
“You can be a bit silly sometimes, doll.” He nuzzled your tummy, making you giggle. “I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I was so scared I’d never see you again,” he confessed against your nightgown.
“That’d be a bit hard to do. Keeping an eye on me like that. But if it means I get to spend more time with you then I’m down.”
You convinced Steve to let you have some ice cream. He only let you have half a scope, telling you that you’d have trouble sleeping otherwise.
“I’ve been sleeping for most of the last two days.” You tried to argue but it was hard to change his mind once he had it set on something.
You both brushed your teeth together and he stared at you as you went about your night-time skincare routine.
Cleanse, serum, moisturize, sleep mask.
All he did was wash his face and he still looked fucking perfect.
He stayed true to his word, sticking by your side to the point where you had to kick him outside to have some privacy to pee in peace. He was right there waiting for you when you opened the door.
Finally, you were in your cosy bed. Light’s off and cuddled tight with your boyfriend. Your stuffed unicorn and your Captain America plushie to your other side.
With your legs tangled together, you rubbed your feet up and down his legs. Which were unfortunately covered with his sweats.
“Steve,” you whined.
“Take off these damn pants. They’re hurting my skin. So friggin' prickly.”
“Sorry, doll. I know how precious your skin is.” He sounded like he was mocking you but he followed, pushing his pants away.
“Good?” he asked holding you close to him again.
“Mm-hm,” you hummed against his naked chest. “Let’s sleep like this everyday, please.”
“Sure.” He replied. He liked being a ‘human furnace' for you.
He wasn’t going to fall asleep. Not after everything that happened. He hadn’t slept well in the past week but he was afraid that if he’d shut his eyes for a single moment and you’d be gone. This time, he wouldn’t be lucky enough to find you.
He hadn’t been to crunch or even prayed in a while. Losing his faith a long time ago after all the terrible things he had seen. But he had prayed when he came back found his home to be wreck. He prayed that you’d come back to him because there were some things he just could not control. Nobody could.
After a while he lowly whispered your name. “Are you awake?” he asked.
It was silly but he missed you. Even though you were laying right next to him in his arms - the safest place you could be.
“Yeah. I can’t sleep. Even though I’m so tired.” You yawned. “You okay?”
“You sure?” You snorted. “You’re not a good liar, Steven.”
“Can I ask you something? And you can say no if you want I won’t mind.”
“Sure, shoot.”
“Can I, um, have you? I just need to feel you, sweetheart. After everything – I need to know you’re really here.” he was cut off by your lips crashing on his.
You winced when your teeth clamped together but he soothed your upper lip by nipping at it with his tongue.
“Steve,” you panted as he broke awake, shifting under the sheets and pushing the helm of your gown up.
He placed quick open mouthed kisses all over your thighs, over your stretch marks, spreading your thighs further to accommodate his broad shoulders, he made sure to check in with you again.
All you did was push his head towards your heat, begging him to eat your pussy - as if he needed to be told twice.
Swirling and spreading your glistening juices of arousal around your weeping lips, he dove in for his prize. Drawing patterns on your bundle of nerves before sucking at it harshly, he plunged his tongue inside. Lacing his fingers with yours and pinning your hands down by your hips.
You kept desperately pushing your hips up, wanting more. Arching your back up and holding onto his hands tightly as he lightly grazed his teeth over your clit.
“Say my name, sweetheart,” he demanded against your heat, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure up your spine.
Your orgasm washing over you in waves, electrifying every nerve in your body as you clamped your legs around his head, holding onto him.
He kept lapping you up through it, taking everything you’d give him.
He loved worshipping you - spending as much time as he could between your legs - because you were his goddess but right now, he just needed to feel you.
He climbed up the bed, hovering over you, he pushed two thick fingers inside you mouth till the second knuckle.
“Get them nice and wet, doll.” He instructed.
You moaned around him, making loud suckling noises, “Yesh, Captain,” it came out muffled, what with your mouth full.
“Captain?” he smirked. You had only ever called him that as a joke, he never knew being called that in a salacious way could stroke a fire inside him. Making him them painfully hard in the confines of his tight briefs. He pulled his fingers out of you, pushing his hand down till it was between your legs. Nudging your entrance with them.
“Sorry, it slipped out.” You were too unabashed to feel guilty. 
He scoffed, “Say it again.” 
Pushing his fingers inside you. Pumping them at a fast pace before you even had a second to think. It was desperate and fast so unlike how it is usually between you both. He needed to be inside you but your needs would always come before his. 
“Captain,” you mewled, chewing on your lower lip and holding onto his face. You couldn’t see him clearly in the dark but you still need to look at him. “I told them my Captain would come for me. And you did...” he swallowed your screams with his mouth as you clenched around his fingers. 
“That’s right,” he groaned, sucking your slick off of his fingers, “I’ll always protect you. I’ll do anything for you.” 
Shaky fingers working on taking his cock out of the hard confines of his uncomfortable underwear. He didn’t waste a single second before sinking inside you, as deep as he could. He moaned into your neck, “So fucking tight, doll. Like you were made for me,” he bit your neck. 
Drawing his hips back he thrusted inside you, brushing against your g-spot, making you keen. 
He stopped immediately, propping himself up on his elbows he looked down at your hooded eyes. “You alright, sweetheart?”
You nodded, “Yes, it’s just so good,” as if to prove it you clenched around his length, to make him feel all of you just as he was doing to you. 
He groaned at that, his balls already tightening, aching for release, “What’s the safe word?” 
“Mm... buttercream.”
“That’s right, good girl,” he cooed as you whimpered at his praise as he withdrew his hips again, loving you in a slow soft way. 
Pushing your gown up till it was above your breasts - he didn’t really have the patience to properly take it off. He sucked a spot just above your breast, so you’d remember his love every time you looked at it. Your nipples pebbled and goose bumps painted your skin, with your cunt tight around him he knew you were close. 
Wrapping his mouth around one bud, He pulled and pinched at the other. He stopped his ministrations, he needed to look at you as you climaxed. To know that you needed him at least half as much as he needed you. 
Your face scrunched up as you met your bliss, your nails drawing blood from shoulders - not that he cared in the slightest. 
His hips retracting and thrusting as he lost all sense of rhythm and finesse chasing his end as you laid boneless beneath him. He kept fucking into you, filling you to the brim. 
He heaved above you, making sure not to collapse on top of you. Reluctantly he pulled himself out of you. 
Pulling you close to him, his lips pressed up against the crown of your head, he whispered sweet nothings to you. “My brave girl.” He kissed the tip of your nose. “You’re so strong, sweetheart.”
“Stronger than the hulk?”
“Yes, definitely,” he replied, tracing the bandages wrapped around your wrists. “Now try to get some sleep.”
“Oh, I’ll sleep alright. Thanks to you.” You giggled. 
tags will be in the reblog.
this was my longest fic!i know it wasnt the best conclusion to something i drew outover 4 chapters but its the best i could do. sorry for weird format tumblrs mad i had too much fun lol. comments and reblogs are really appreciated!!
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five-rivers · 3 years
Pennywort and Swallowtails
For @phantomphangphucker :)
Prompt:  Flynn, due to being Phantom’s aka the Ghost King’s family and part of the Zone’s society, receives a Prince title and is now getting crowned.
Flynn couldn’t put his finger on exactly why, but the Ghost Zone seemed different lately.  There was something in the atmosphere, almost.  It felt… lighter, maybe?  
He didn’t like it.  
After all these years in the Ghost Zone, he’d come to regard any change from the norm with suspicion.  The tendency had saved his life multiple times.  Usually, such changes were caused by a nearby and powerful ghost.  Or, on rare and terrifying occasions, a not so nearby and obscenely powerful ghost.
For example, that Pariah Dark guy he’d heard about from some of the ghosts he traded with.  Flynn sure was glad someone else had taken care of him.  Not that Flynn was much good in a fight against any ghost more powerful than that annoying one in overalls that showed up whenever Flynn so much as thought of making anything even vaguely box-shaped.
Which wasn’t that often.  Flynn had never really nailed the whole carpentry thing. Ha.  He’d never been super great at the whole square thing either. Because he wasn’t one.  Skipped school and everything.  The whole high school experience.  Ha.  
Sometimes he really cracked himself up, but only in the most depressing of ways.  
He sighed, heavily.  Maybe he should think about spending more time in his hideaway cave, under his cottage (aka his shack, it was a shack, who was he kidding).  Stock up on supplies.  Get ready to weather a storm.  Literal or metaphorical.  
But hiding out in the cave was so boring.  There wasn’t anything to do down there. Except try to design better grass shoes and to patch his increasingly ragged clothing with limited amounts of thread. He preferred being outside greatly. Even if it was just on his little floating island, messing around in his little garden, growing potatoes and blood blossoms, digging for those crystals ghosts seemed to fear and desire in equal measure.
Flynn was peripherally aware that he was supplying the ghosts he traded with the equivalent of ghost uranium (one of the few human-world things he’d picked up was a middle school science textbook), but…
Yeah.  Guy had to eat, and the Ghost Zone didn’t exactly have cops running all over the place, or the United Nations, or… yeah.  Honestly, the Ghost Zone didn’t have much of anything, at least not in these parts.  It was pretty empty around here.  
Just like Flynn’s heart.  
Yeah.  That was a good one.  
Eh.  Life wasn’t so bad.  He was sort-of-kind-of friends with half a dozen undead monsters of questionable morality, had his own house, most of his teeth, and copious free time.  Plus, it had been a while since the ‘rocks from nowhere’ decided to trash his roof.  Which was bad for the sport he had invented (Chucking Rocks into the Misty Void), but good for roof integrity.  And not having a concussion.  Or losing any more teeth.  
But, back to his original topic.  
Flynn glared absently at the Zone at large. Okay, yeah, something was going on. Was it Flynn’s problem? Maybe.  Was it directly Flynn’s problem?  No.  The day was otherwise clear and ‘normal’ (the term being used loosely in the Ghost Zone), so he might as well go about his day—
The sky tore open in front of him.  
Flynn recognized that.  Before he knew what he was doing, he threw himself away from the portal. The last time he’d stepped through one of those—
The thought crossed his mind that this portal might lead back to Earth, back home, back to Mom.  But he knew from his ghostly friends how unlikely it was that the portal would put him anywhere near his home physically, not to mention temporally. It might not even lead back to Earth for that matter.  
He took cover behind a boulder, cursing his blasé dismissal of potential danger.  Who knew what could come out of a portal?  At least according to the ghosts he talked to.  Hopefully, nothing came out that he couldn’t beat into submission with his ectoranium staff.  
This was going to suck so much.  
The portal disgorged three floating eyeball ghosts in voluminous robes.
(One of the other books Flynn had gotten his hands on was a dictionary.  Which he had read.  Twice. Living on a tiny floating island was boring when it wasn’t terrifying.)
Ah, heck.  He could take one ghost.  Three? Yeah.  Not a chance.  
Maybe they’d leave?  They couldn’t know for sure he was here.  With how unpredictable portals were, and all.
“Flynn Walker,” intoned the central eyeball ghost with a great deal of gravitas.  
Flynn’s body did something between a cringe and a blanch.  
He was never trusting Globithar the Lapidarist’s tall tales ever again.  He wasn’t going to give him any more discounts for them, either.  No way to control a portal his scarred left butt cheek.  
“Flynn Walker,” repeated the eyeball ghost, now with a touch of annoyance.  
“In accordance with the laws of the Infinite Realms,” said the leftmost ghost, in a higher-pitched voice, “we call you to take up your position in the Court of the King of All Ghosts as a member of his family.”
Ah, that ectocontamination Aunt Maddie had sometimes talked about had finally caught up with him, and he was hallucinating something fierce. Either that, or these ghosts thought unbelievable jokes were good bait.  They weren’t.  Flynn would know.  He’d made many unbelievable jokes.  They’d never attracted anything but groans.  
“This is ridiculous,” hissed the third ghost.  “He isn’t even a real ghost.”
“He’s more ghostly than Phantom’s sister,” said the second.  
“We don’t have any choice about her, though.  Can’t we simply… not tell Phantom about this Flynn? Especially if this cousin of his is so craven as to hide at a moment like this.”
Rude, but accurate.  
“He’ll find out,” said the first eyeball, tiredly. “He always finds out.  Damn Clockwork.”
This was officially too weird for Flynn.  Why were they cursing out clocks?
“Because they’re petty and don’t have anything better to do.”
Flynn may or may not have shrieked like a little girl at the voice behind him.  The uncertainty was mostly because Flynn hadn’t seen or heard a little girl since he was in the vicinity of his cousin, Jazz, which was years ago.  At least a decade.  
But he did scream.  Loudly.  Which he really should know better than to do, living in the Ghost Zone and all.  He brought his staff up defensively, too, though, so his self-preservation skills hadn’t completely shorted out.
“Clockwork!” chorused the eyeball ghosts.  
“Yes, yes,” said the ghost who’d snuck up on Flynn, flicking imaginary dust off his robe as he smoothly, and dizzyingly, shifted between ages.  “I’m sure you’re all very shocked that I’m here, after you just finished complaining about how much I know.”  He examined his fingernails.  “Now, Mr. Walker—”
“Walker?” shrieked one of the eyeballs.  
“Yes, he is related to our illustrious sheriff. As I was saying, I am here to bring you to your cousins, who have risen quite a bit in this world.”
“It is, indeed, rather surprising,” said Clockwork. “To those who cannot see the twists and turns of fate.  Or those who are willfully blind to those twists and turns.”  He eyed the eyeballs.  
“What,” repeated Flynn, more forcefully.  
“Clockwork,” growled the lead eyeball.  
“Allow me to explain,” said Clockwork.  “Do you recall your youngest cousin, Daniel?”
“Uh,” said Flynn.  He adjusted his grip on his staff.  “Vaguely?”
“He was crowned King of All Ghosts a few weeks ago. As a member of his family and an active participant in ghost society, you are automatically a member of the court. Assuming you wish to be, of course.”
“You- You’re saying I have family here.”
“Like, Aunt Maddie?”
Something odd passed over Clockwork’s face.  “No.  Your cousins. Daniel, specifically.”
“Wait, wait, he was a baby.  Wouldn’t he only be, like, ten or something?”
“Fifteen,” corrected Clockwork.  
“How did he die?”
“You will have to ask him that,” said Clockwork.  He raised an eyebrow.  “If you would like, you can sleep on this and I will return tomorrow.”
Flynn bit his lip.  Hard.  Okay. He wasn’t dreaming.  And- And this ghost didn’t seem to be lying. What would the point of that even be, anyway?  Flynn was nothing.  He didn’t have anything they could possibly gain by lying like this.  
“I’ll go with you,” said Flynn.  
“Excellent,” said Clockwork, clapping his hands.  “Then let us away to the castle.”
Well.  That was certainly a castle.  Or a palace? Flynn wasn’t sure of the difference. The ghosts hadn’t lied about that, at least.  
It was a big step up from Flynn’s house.  Which, honestly, more deserved the title of hovel. Or perhaps shack.  
Or even hole, when compared to all this.  Dear god, this place was fancy.  
Flynn hunched his shoulders, feeling out of place even as Clockwork led him deeper into the massive edifice.  
Come on, Flynn, he thought furiously at himself. Some of these people aren’t even wearing skin.  You are not underdressed.  
Clockwork brought him to a normally sized (which was, incidentally, not a given in this place, which contained both huge and tiny doors) door with understated but elegant carvings.  “Here are your rooms,” said the ghost.  “You will find a selection of clothing in your size in the wardrobe, and the bathroom is fully stocked and human safe.”
“Human safe?”
“Human safe.”
That was ominous.  
“There is a bell in the room that will summon a servant should you need one.  I will collect you for dinner in three hours.  Long enough for you to relax, I should hope.”
Or long enough for him to worry himself into pieces and chew on their curtains.  
… There would be curtains, right?  This place had to be fancy enough to rate curtains.  
He opened the door.  
Lots of curtains.  Lovely.
No, really.  It had been so, so long since he’d seen curtains.  He might be crying.  
Oh, gosh, that bed looked so nice and soft.  He wanted to—
Wait, no, he was filthy.  Filthy.  Covered in years’ worth of grime.  He hadn’t had a proper bath since he’d still been living with his mom.  
Pathetic, right?
There was a human-safe bathroom in here somewhere. Beyond the snark, he was looking forward to having a human-safe bath.  He was craving a human-safe bath.  With clean water and soap.  
Could the bathroom also have toothbrushes?  Toothpaste?  Unrestrained luxury.  
The bathroom door was in the same style as the outer door, but the handle was different, lighter.  The inside was tiled and surprisingly modern.  
There was a sink.  
He played with the sink faucet for several long minutes before remembering that he’d come in to take a bath.  
He spent several minutes playing with the bathtub faucet.  
Then he got into the bathtub and experienced a half hour of combined panic (he didn’t really know how baths worked anymore, and the sensations were weird) and nirvana (the sensations were also good).
He had to keep cycling the water.  Because he made it so, so dirty.  He sank into the water, up to his chin.  
When he got out of the water, he decided his hair was a lost cause.  Because it was always a lost cause.  Only, it was even more of a lost cause now, because it was also wet and had been stripped of its usual protective layer of oils.  
There was a variety of toothbrushes and toothpastes available.  He tested them out and discovered that he would probably need the services of a dentist. A good one.  Were there ghost dentists?  There had to be ghost dentists.  They had a lot of teeth.  A lot of teeth.  Sharp, scary, teeth.  
Ugh.  His baby cousin was a ghost.  He’d probably have teeth like a shark.  When he’d last seen him, he’d hardly even had any teeth at all.  Because.  Baby. Little, tiny, baby.  
Who Flynn barely knew.  
Why did he even want Flynn?  Or was it just some weird ghost tradition thing?  
Ghosts were weird.  Anything could be possible.  
He flopped face-first onto the bed.  His bed?  His temporary and maybe permanent bed.  If he was allowed to stay here.  
Oh, gosh.  Clockwork and the eyeballs seemed to know how to make portals.  Could they make a portal back to the human world? To Earth?  
To Flynn’s proper time?
To Mom?  
He missed Mom so much, even after all this time.  
(Dad?  Not so much. He hardly remembered the man.)
He wouldn’t know until he asked, he supposed.  But asking maybe-royalty would be scary. Talking to all these powerful ghosts was scary enough by itself.  
Ehhhh, he thought he’d gotten rid of his more cowardly side by now.  He was living in the scariest place out of the world.  
He crawled out of the bed, dragging his nice, clean self to the wardrobe.  Oh, boy. Many clothes.  He hadn’t even seen so many clothes since the last time he’d been in department store.  Incredible.  
They were so fancy, too.  He didn’t know how to choose.  
He didn’t even know how to wear half of these things. At least half of them.  
He began to tease lengths of fabric from the wardrobe and lay them on his bed.  Some of them looked cool.  And also the kind of thing that he’d destroy just by touching it.  
Except he had already touched them, and they hadn’t been destroyed yet.  Yet.
Oh, cool, there was underwear.  Wow.  It had been a while.  
Okay.  The bed was incredibly nice, but somehow too nice.  Like, no nap nice.  
He wanted to take a nap.  
But no nap was occurring.  
The bed was too soft.  Ugh.  This was like the thing in that one war novel he’d read when he was probably way too young to read it.  
He groaned.  He hadn’t thought that was real.  He’d thought it was an exaggeration, or just drama.  Or something.  
He crawled off onto the floor and the wonderfully plush carpet.  
Maybe he could sleep here.  
He woke up to a faint knocking sound and rolled sideways under cover.  What cover? Oh.  Bed.  That was the bed.  He was in the room.  In the castle.  The ghost king’s castle.  
His baby cousin’s castle.  
He was going to cry.  This was so weird.  
Embarrassed, he rolled back out from under the bed and threw on the first clothes that came to hand.  Which.  Might not have been the best of ideas.  But, hey, he was dressed now.  
He stumbled over to the door and spent several long, embarrassing seconds sleepily remembering how to open doors with this type of handle.  Eventually, though, he managed it.
Clockwork was standing there.  One of his eyebrows went up.  “Interesting choice.”
Flynn looked down.  Orange and green went fine together.  What was he talking about?  
Forget it, he wasn’t about to develop a sense of social shame after living in a hut for a decade or so.  
“Come, now.  Your cousins are expecting you.”
Flynn briefly considered ducking out, phasing through the floor and out of the castle using a tangibility trick he’d picked up a couple of years back.  At least, that would spare him from this ‘diner’ he was rapidly approaching.  
He decided not to do that.  Running away wasn’t his style.  
(Who was he kidding?  That was definitely his style.  He would have run away so, so much if he had anywhere to run to.)
(It wasn’t like he could exactly fight ghosts on even footing.  Each and every one of them had Martian Manhunter’s powerset.)
“Don’t be afraid, Flynn,” said Clockwork, looking back over his shoulder.  
“Do you, like, read minds?”
Clockwork chuckled.  “Only the future.”  He swung the large, gilded door open.  
Inside, there was a long table, set with silvery plates.  There were a small group of children beyond it.  One of them waved at him.  Was that Danny?
Flynn took a deep breath and walked forward, back to his family.  
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Adoration - Part 3
Summary: You are loosing your control and things are going bad...
Warnings: non, just fluff and feels
Pairing: Bucky x angel!reader
Author’s note: Thank you to everyone who’s reading my story. Currently going through a tough time, so your kind words are making me indescribable happy. English is not my first language but I hope you will enjoy it anyways. :D
Part 1 and Part 2 
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Bucky didn’t sleep well this night. He lay down in his room and soon fell asleep but his nightmares were already waiting for him. He watched the Starks begging for their lives. A young and innocent man trying to get into his hotel room- scared for his life. Suddenly the surrounding changed and Bucky found himself standing in a meadow. The grasses were tickling his hands and he felt the sun shining on his back. „Bet you can’t catch me.“, sang a soft voice and Bucky looked for the source of the voice. He narrowed his eyes to a slit as he tried to focus on a person. Bucky saw a woman waving at him. Her long hair was blowing in the wind but he couldn’t see her face. Bucky knew this place. He has been here before. He started running towards the woman but she ran away, he heard her laughing. He almost reached her but suddenly she faded away. The sky darkened and an uneasy feeling settled in Bucky. „I can’t see you, I can’t feel you. Buck, where are you?“ The soft voice sounded desperate, almost like crying. „I’m here. I’m here.“, he screamed. The wind got stronger and he had problems standing. „I’m here.“, he whispered. 
Bucky woke up soaked with sweat. The alarm let him know that he only slept for half an hours even though it felt like an eternity. His hands were hiding his face, trying to catch his breath. As his feet hit the ground he was greeted with coldness ensuring him that he was back to reality. He trotted to the red couch in the common room, hoping that you were right and that he can sleep on it without having nightmares. 
You were laying on your bed, sleeping restlessly. You were back in heaven, surrounded by dozen of angels all observing you with interest. A man was chained in the middle. You squinted your eyes to try to identify his face but you couldn’t. „I can’t. I can’t do it. I love him.“, you said, dropping your sword. A loud voice was mocking you. „Love? We are angels. Archangels. We don’t love. We adore Him and only him. You know the consequences, (y/f/n).“. You nodded. A murmur went through the crowd. „You won’t be welcome here anymore. You will be a fallen. You will forget most of this and you will forget him.“, The voice is hard and unsympathetic. „I accept the consequences. Just… spare his life.“
You woke up, breathing hard. You didn’t dream, you remembered. Your head was aching tremendously and your throat was dry like the dessert. You decided to spend the night on the couch but you realized that it’s already preoccupied by a handsome man. 
„I thought, you don’t dream?“, said Bucky, opening his eyes. „I don’t. I just remembered something from the past.“ He threw back the covers and patting on the couch to his left, indicating that you can sleep there too. „I don’t want to invade your personal space.“, you said. „I will just go back to my room.“
„Don’t be silly. C’mere. The couch is big enough for both of us.“ You grinned and lay down. „For an angel, you have really cold feet.“, 
„Sorry.“ You snuggled into Bucky, definitely invading his personal space but calming down as soon as you smelled him. Bucky was your drug and you were addicted to him. „Do you want talk about what you dre… I meant,  remembered?“, he asked, caressing your hair. „I remembered my trial. It was horrible.“ Your hand clutched on Bucky’s shirt. „What about you?“
Bucky looked outside the window „I can’t remember my dream.“ He lied.
The next morning, Bucky woke up from a dreamless sleep, only to find your hand clenched to his shirt. Sweat had formed on your forehead and your face was twisted in pain. „(Y/f/n).“, Bucky tried to wake you up. „(Y/f/n), wake up. Wake up!“, His voice got louder and more desperate. Steve stormed into the room. Bucky looked helpless as he shook you. „She isn’t waking up.“ He screamed
You began glowing, finally opening your eyes..
You fell on your knees, your long (y/h/c) hair were hiding your face. A small silver diadem was on your head. You didn’t wear your pajamas anymore, instead a long white, silvery dress
A long and heavy sword laid next to you. But the most intimidating thing were your wings. Bucky was shocked and perplexed. They were gigantic, reaching the ceiling and went from one side of the room to the other. The wings were white with small golden sprinkles but the tips were ebony. He had never seen something so beautiful. You pressed your hands on your face. „Something’s wrong. I can’t control it.“ You sobbed 
Bucky walked slowly towards you and kneeled to look directly in your face. 
He touched your cheeks softly in an attempt to calm you.
You couldn’t see Bucky anymore. Instead you were sitting on gras. Another person was there, but you couldn’t see his face, even thought he was so close. „It’s my last day here. Tomorrow I’m going to war.“ The voice sounded proud, but also extremely devastated. „I wish we had more time.“ You said. „We will. When I come back, I’ll never ever leave you again.“ He said, taking something out of his pocket. „If I could, I would marry you right away… You know that, don’t you? But I want to give you the wedding you deserve. I want to be the man you deserve. So, (y/f/n), I’m asking you to wait for me and I’ll promise to give you the life you deserve.“, The man said, opening his palm. A small thin ring was lying in it. It had a tiny stone in the middle. „It’s beautiful.“, You blushed. „I would wait an eternity to be with you.“ You kissed him softly. 
The picture changed again. „Throw that pathetic ring away. You’re delusional and acting childish. Forget it. Forget him.“ You weren’t on earth anymore. You played with the ring every time you felt lonely which made your brothers and sisters aware of it. „I will.“ You answered the commanding voice. You took off the ring, but instead of throwing it away you morphed the ring into a small necklace. You put on the necklace and hid it beneath your dress's collar. 
You blinked, finally gaining your control. Your hand searched for the small necklace on your neck. Relief went through your body as you found it. Slowly your sword and your wings disappeared. You leaned against Bucky’s broad chest as you looked like the girl minutes ago. „I’m loosing my mind, Buck.“, you mumbled and then being greeted by darkness as you passed out. 
Bucky carried you to the couch and lay you softly down. „What happened?“, Nat and Steve looked expectantly in Bucky's direction but he just shook his head. „I… I have absolutely no idea.“
„Maybe I can help?“ Said a fancy voice. A woman stood in the entrance. She was tall with brown-chestnut hair that were put in a neat bun. 
„My name is Rahel. I’m here for protection. I’m like her.“, She explained, nodding her head in your directions
„Do you know her?“ Bucky didn't trust her and he wouldn’t allow her to come any closer to you.
„Well not personally but she’s an icon. Her story is legend. 
(Y/f/n) was one of the four most powerful archangels. She fought in every war, sometimes leading the soldiers. She was extremely powerful and kind. After the rebellion she started to visit earth more often to learn more about humans and humanity. And then on one mission she walked into this man. Well he was more of a boy back then.“ Rahel laughed like she was there when it happened. „It was love at first sight. She stayed on earth for months. But both were soldiers- she was needed in heaven and he was going to war as well. However, she always kept an eye on him. And when he was in a life-threatening situation she came to save him. She left her position to safe him. When other men came she thought he’d be safe but they were evil. They captured him and she was absolutely miserable. She tried to ease his pain with her powers but one day she decided to end this torture. So as he was fighting against ... well ... the  good guys she made sure that those would recognize him and help him. And they did. The archangels were furious. She wasn’t just ignoring her war but she was also changing destiny. They burned out her memories of him and gave her two options. Kill him and stay in heaven or spare his life and fall.“ 
„So you know who he is?“ Steve was suspicious of this woman, not entirely trusting her either.
„Of course. Every angel does.“
„Tell us.“ Bucky commanded but she smiled smugly
"No. I can’t and I won’t. Forgetting him his her punishment. I can’t ignore the instruction.“
Rahel was slowly walking towards you. „I can feel her inner disunity. She is trying to remember but she won’t find more memories of him in her mind. They aren’t there anymore.“ She touched you on your forehead that made you wince. Bucky was rushing towards you but Rahel was stopping him with her hand.
„No, you stay away from her. It was you that made her lost her control.“ 
„What? Me? I didn’t do anything.“ He said in defensive and insulted.
„Your soul is calm but your mind is pure chaos. You will trigger her. She’s in a very sensible state right now.“
Bucky felt horrible. He was the one that made her relive her worst moments. 
You slept for more than a week in your room till you woke up. Your headache was killing you and your whole body hurt. 
„Are you going somewhere?“ You were shocked to see Bucky with a packed backpack sitting on the couch waiting for something.
„You’re up.“ His relief was indescribable but you were crossing your arms.
„I’m leaving for Wakanda. They offered me to get better. And that’s a chance I’m definitely going to take.“
„Without saying goodbye?“ You were hurt that he wanted to leave while you were passed out. You had the feeling that he was stealing himself away. 
„I…I didn't want to hurt you again.“ He whispered.
„You never hurt me before, Bucky.“ You wanted to touch him but he took a step backwards.
„No. You can’t touch me. Rahel said, that I was the reason for you to be in pain and I'm sorry for that.“
„Rahel said that? Interesting…“, you said this more to yourself. „Buck, I can assure you that you were not the reason. If anything you were the reason to calm me.“ You tried to assure him but he didn’t look convinced.
„I want to give you something.“ You unlocked your necklace and put it on Bucky.
„I’ve heard that humans believe in lucky charms. So maybe this could be yours? It may or may not have a bit angel power in it.“ You smiled.
„It’s beautiful.“ he said as he touched the small pendant.
„I will become a good man.“ He promised; omitting the words For you 
„You already are a good man.“
„Can I kiss you goodbye?“ You nodded. Bucky leaned down. He pressed his hard lips on your soft ones. You closed your eyes, hands resting on his broad shoulders. He wrapped his arms around your waist, securing you and pulling you closer to him.
„Wait for me, yeah?“ He whispered against your lips. 
„I would wait an eternity for you.“ You answered, getting the feeling that you have said those words before.
Bucky, Steve and Rahel arrived in Wakanda the next day. Over the past week Bucky got the feeling that Rahel and Steve got closer, that Steve trusted this chick even though they knew nothing about her.
Bucky lay down as Shuri was running some tests. „Is the girl outside the room your girlfriend?“, she asked curiously. Bucky was surprised. He turned to his left only to see Rahel’s eyes fully trained on him. „No, she’s just an acquaintance.“ Bucky answered, mindlessly playing with the necklace. „Ah, I get it. The girl who gave you that is your girlfriend.“, She nodded with her head to his necklace, smiling sincerely.
When Steve and Rahel came back from Wakanda you were already waiting for them. Your sword lay next to you but otherwise you looked normal. 
As Rahel walked through the door you held your sword’s blade against her throat
"Who are you?“ Steve had never heard so much authority and power in your voice.
„(Y/f/n) what are you doing?? That’s Rahel. She helped you.“ He said shocked
„I may have forgotten a lot of things but I know that Rahel died years ago in the big war. You locked me into my mind for a week and you told Bucky that it was his fault. So, I’m asking you again. Who are you? Reveal yourself!“, you commanded.
„Good to know that you haven’t forgotten everything, sister.“ Rahel’s beautiful face changed and a man was standing in her spot. Steve looked disturbed and disgusted while pursing his lips.
„Nathaniel, what are you playing at?“ 
„To make sure that history isn’t repeated. That you come to your senses and face the consequences. There is war up there and its entirely your fault.“ He shouted angrily.
„What? What war?“
„Like a civil war. Angels against Angels. Adoration versus human love. You choosing a mere human over heaven had dozen of consequences. You are a constant danger, a constant threat to heaven. You are the face of the revolution and I will no longer allow it.“ Before he could touch his weapon your sword already cut his throat. Orange light shone brightly and then it and his body disappeared. 
“What the heaven?!”
@jessyballet​  @geek-and-proud​ @xlostinobsessionsx​ @cataves​ @intothesoul​ @beminetokeep @ebxny27 @ceo-of-daichi​ @bluemoon-icecream-blog​ @peterbparkersbae​ @bbl32
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whentheynameyoujoy · 4 years
Yup, Sure Was a Finale
I had an epiphany. The reason why I never re-watched the final two parts of Sozin’s Comet even though I’ve popped in episodes at random many times over the years isn’t that I can’t bear the sadness of seeing one of the best, most engaging narratives out there come to an end.
It’s simply that the finale isn’t all that good.
Some honorable mentions of what was enjoyable.
(+) This
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Just this.
(+) The Church of Zutara has another convert
“Are you sure they don’t get together?” Hubster, 2020
(+) The tragedy of Azula
And the fact that it’s acknowledged as such. I hope Zuko will do his best to get her help and have a relationship with her…
(+) Sokka being a big bro
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And the whole airship sequence in general. It’s wonderfully paced and plotted, with moments of humor, real stakes, Toph being both badass and a scared crying kid, Sokka strategizing and protecting, Suki saving the day, and non-benders being instrumental in thwarting the bad guy firebender’s plans. Would be shame if Bryke never portrayed them this capable ever again…
And now for the main course.
(-) Blink and its over
The wrap-up feels too quick (hashtag Needs More ROtK-style False Endings). A part of this is due to how fast the story goes from the thick of the action to hastily tying up a bunch of loose ends, but the larger issue is how Book 3’s uneven pacing comes home to roost. After spending half a season on filler episodes that at best subtly flesh out established characters while dancing around a huge lionturtle-shaped hole, and at worst contradict the theme of “no one is born bad” with “you’re a hot mess because your great-grandfathers didn’t get along too well”, the frantic “go go go” rush of the second half screeches to a halt with “they won and everyone was happy because now the right people have power and it will be all good from now on yup nothing more to deal with baiiiii”.
Yes, I know, it’s a kids’ show. But goddamn, this particular kids’ show has proven so many times it can do better than the expected tropiness. Showing the characters in their roles as builders of a new world was the least that could have been done.
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Oh well!
(-) Ursa
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We’ll never know. There will never be a story that delves into this. Yup. Shall forever remain but an intriguing mystery. Is good, though. Mystery is better than a story where Ursa shares her son’s penchant for forgetfulness. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. Speaking of which…
(-) What does Mai see in this jerkbender?
Look, I like to harp a lot on the mess of inconsistent writing that’s Mai but let’s unpack this scene from her perspective, shall we?
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Zuko forgot about her! It totally slipped his mind that the one person who prioritized the safety of his dumb ass was rotting in the worst prison in the Fire Nation—because of him! And she was rotting there long enough after the final Agni Kai for the news of Zuko’s upcoming coronation to spread and her uncle to feel sufficiently secure to release her. But then the coronation scene is attended by every single member of Gaang & Friends that was imprisoned?
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So what this tells me is that either a) the invasion force had the ability to break themselves out the whole time and for some reason decided not to exercise it until after the war was over, b) Zuko forgot about them as well and no one thought to remind him there were prisons full of POWs until Mai arrived, or, and that’s even better, c) Zuko took care to free every single resistance fighter while making sure Mai would be the one to stay behind bars.
Never thought I’d say this but Mai? Honey? You deserve so much better.
(-) “What does Katara want?”
Asked no one in the writers’ room ever, apparently.
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This is not so much anti Cataang as anti romance stories that pay attention to the needs, opinions, and wants of only one partner in general. Over the previous 60 episodes, Katara actively expressed romantic interest in Aang exactly, wait for it,
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And it got retconned out of relevance by the following two interactions where the possibility of a romantic relationship came up, making the Headband dance pretty easy to reclassify as just one of those examples where Aang “teaches” Katara to have fun (as if one of the main obstacles to her having fun wasn’t him constantly fooling around and offloading his duties). And because the writers not only didn’t succeed in portraying Katara’s internal state of mind, but also failed to root her reluctance to pursue a relationship in outside circumstances that could change, her sudden state of unconfused once Aang steps into the spotlight has a single canonical explanation that as much as approaches coherency.
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The fact is, though, that trying to interpret canon Cataang from a Watsonian perspective is an exercise in foolishness. Because there is no Watsonian justification for the ship and never has been. Bryke simply conceived of Katara as nothing but a tropey prize for Aang, never saw her as anything beyond that, and were perfectly happy to go on and immortalize her as a passive broodmare for the rest of her life.
And I fully intend to die mad about it.
(-) Iroh dips
OK, it’s been long apparent that the show doesn’t intend to do anything about Iroh’s complicity in AzulOzai’s regime in any meaningful way, and that his sole motivation for doing anything whatsoever is Zuko whom he views as a replacement son which is supposed to be good for some reason. But the finale has him abandon even that, and instead turns him full-on YOLO, idgaf anymore. It really throws Iroh’s supposed love for Zuko into doubt when his last act in the entire show is to take a half-educated 16-year old with no political savvy or an heir to secure a dynastic continuity and plomp him on the throne of a war-mongering imperialist regime where the entirety of the militarist and ruling class is guaranteed to fight him tooth and nail for power.
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(I sure hope Mai’s ready to start popping out babies by tea-time otherwise the whole country is fukd in about a week)
Christ, how hard would it be to have Iroh keep the throne warm for a few years while Zuko is getting ready to succeed him? Not only would it make the whole FN reformation bit quite likelier to occur, it would require Iroh’s hedonistic ass to actually sacrifice something for once. And not having Zuko ascend to power, instead spending some time bettering and educating himself first, would be a wonderful message that no matter what you endured and overcame, you never stop growing. A kids’ show, remember?
(-) The conquering of Ba Sing Se
Gee, I feel so blessed to have my attention diverted from battlefields which actually matter to an old dude vanity project I would have been perfectly happy to assume resolved itself off-screen.
The White Lotus in general just bugs me. I was fine with the individual characters and their overall passivity when they were portrayed as lone dissenters living under circumstances where it wasn’t really possible for any single person to mount a meaningful resistance. But as members of a far-reaching shadowy organization that’s left the real fight to a bunch of kids for 59 episodes straight and didn’t turn up until a perfect opportunity presented itself to take control of the largest city in the world and bask in the spotlight?
Yeah, no.
Similarly to the lionturtle-ex-machina, the White Lotus represents a huge missed opportunity for a season-long storytelling. Here’s just a brief list of what they could have been doing throughout Book 3:
orchestrating a Fire Nation uprising;
gathering those directly persecuted by AzulOzai’s regime to help Zuko keep his hold on power once he’s crowned;
establishing themselves as a viable alternative to Ozai;
sabotaging Fire Nation’s war efforts from the inside;
countering Fire Nation propaganda (Asha Greyjoy’s pinecones, anyone?);
running a supply network to alleviate the suffering of Earth Kingdom citizens.
Instead, they sit on their asses until the time comes to claim personal glory.
You know what, good on Bryke for making me conclude that in comparison, the Freedom Fighters were perfectly unproblematic, actually.
(-) Fire Lord Dead-by-Dawn
Yes, a kids’ show, I know! But ffs, this is the same kids’ show that came up with Long Feng and portrayed courtly intrigue, kingly puppets, secret police, spy networks, and information wars. Was it really too much of me to expect something other than “enlightened despot solves everything”? Especially if said enlightened despot has persisting anger issues, no personal support system, no base of followers, and no political experience whatsoever?
If Zuko’s actually serious about regaining the Fire Nation’s honor (i.e. by dismantling the country’s military machine, decolonizing the Earth Kingdom, paying reparations to everyone and their lemur, and funding any and all cultural restoration projects Aang and the SWT come up with), then there is no way, no way in the universe that he doesn’t face a civil war, deposing, and execution within a month.
One reason why his future as a Fire Lord seems rather bleak is that little’s been shown about the actual subjects of AzulOzai’s regime. While we get a vague reassurance that “no Toph, they’re not born bad” (le shockings), they largely remain a voiceless uniform mass of brainwashed clapping seals. What is their view on the Fire Nation’s crimes? Do they associate their condition with their country’s war-mongering? How will they react when Zuko starts dismantling the country piece by piece to rebuild it, bringing it to economic ruin? What will they do when noble Ozai loyalists come out of the woodwork and begin rounding them up under the banner of “Make the Fire Nation Great Again?”
I have no idea, and Zuko doesn’t either because he’s unironically more qualified to rule the Earth Kingdom than his own people.
You know what would have been better? Fire Lord Iroh, White Lotus pulling the strings to maintain the regime, and Crown Prince/People’s Champion Zuko travelling the Fire Nation with Aang and an army of tutors to promote the new boss, only to realize that absolute monarchy is kinda crap for the people he’s one day supposed to rule and gaining their support by ceding some power to them.
I’d laser holes into my TV due to how much I’d enjoy watching that.
(-) All hail Avatar Rock
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Literally and metaphorically. Aang doesn’t sacrifice anything, gets everything, and the clever solution of going about getting said everything is handed to him on a silver platter, requiring no active participation on his part whatsoever.
He doesn’t work to unblock his chakras, spiritually or physically.
He only speaks to his past lives to get a pat on the back and a bow-tied solution he could mindlessly follow.
Energy-bending doesn’t require any sacrifice from him, leaves no lasting marks, and only serves for the narrative to praise him as the rare individual that’s unbendable and thus so very very special.
The most infuriating thing is, however, that Aang is clearly shown as being able to beat Ozai without either the Avatar state, or energy-bending.
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And he chooses not to. From this moment on, Aang no longer fights to save the world. He fights to preserve his beliefs, going directly against the instructions of his past lives and effectively reneging on his duties as the Avatar.
It’s not like you can’t portray Aang’s faithfulness to his spiritual beliefs as the key to beating Ozai and saving the world. But that’s not what the show did. There is no link between Aang sparing Ozai and securing a better future, quite to the contrary—Ozai’s survival ends up being a massive problem for the continuation of Zuko’s rule, and consequently a threat to the world at large. His survival benefits Aang and no one else.
Aang’s spiritual purity and his status as a savior of the world are allowed to coexist only due to a deliberate stroke of a writer’s pen.
And I hate it.
Welp, nothing to do about it now except to bury myself up to my tits in fix-it fics I guess.
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