#you have no idea how many times I’ve gone to concerts wishing I wasn’t with a parent
tolkpopfan · 5 months
Times are desperate. All of my friends in town are busy so I have resorted to asking my educational therapist if the client she once mentioned that likes kpop would be free. This kid is 14, but apparently she does stan OnlyOneOf so why not. I’m not gonna let this ticket go to waste. It’ll also probably be a good experience for me if I end up chaperoning a 14yr old and a great experience for her if she ends up getting to go to a concert with a young adult fellow fan instead of a parent or guardian.
Me, chaperoning a young teen at a concert???? Not something I ever thought I’d do but it may happen. For her sake, I hope it’s possible because I’m 100% sure she’ll have the time of her life.
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becomingbts · 3 years
Time heals (sometimes) - 1
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Summary: 6 years ago, (Y/N) thought that she was finally taking her life into her hands, leaving behind a toxic and abusive relationship with a man who taught her she’d never be worthy of love. However, it became hard to ignore his words when she met her seven soulmates who rejected her without even giving her a chance to prove herself. It took (Y/N) 3 years to realize that it wouldn’t be her end. She would live on to prove them all wrong; she would become what they all thought she wasn’t: someone worthy of love. And as she stands proudly on the stage, under the  burning spotlights and the applause and  the cries of the delirious crowd, she feels alive. Alive, just like the bond she believed to be broken.
Pairings: Y/N x OT7
GENRE: Soulmate AU!, Idol Y/NAU!, semi social-media AU!, ANGST (mainly), fluff, romance, maybe smut in the series.
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Warnings:  The series is going to be heavy with a lot of personal experiences  mixed into the fiction, so this is going to be kind of therapeutic for me. Please, consider not reading the series if you are not comfortable with: abandonment issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, self-harm (not descriptive and only part of MC’s past), suicide thoughts (in the past), toxic behavior, toxic and abusive relationship (in the past), depreciating self-talk and low self-esteem, a lot of curse, physical and mental pain, near death experience situation (in the past), and maybe smut scenes (happy ending though, but it will probably be quite the ride).
NOTE: So hello everyone, welcome to Time Heals (sometimes). Thank you so, so much for the warm welcoming, it has been my first time getting so many asks, I was honestly overjoyed. I still don’t really know what to call this part; is it a teaser? A note? A full chapter? I believe we’ll get some snapshot of memories like this one throughout the series because there is going to be a lot to unpack on both sides. I think it will be a chapter nevertheless because I have to establish some kind of order as to which parts should be read first, and I think this one is extremely important.
Thank you for reading,
Profiles #2 - here - part 2
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Her scream pierced through the air while cries broke in the frenzied arena while a single blond-haired man froze, emptily staring at the stage. It felt like his senses heightened; his skin was shuddering, his eyes were frantically searching for one specific figure while his voice was lost in his throat. The screams resonating in the stadium would have been too loud for his voice to be heard anyway. 
Jimin knew he shouldn’t be there. 
Namjoon had told them more than once that none of them should try to go to one of (Y/N)’s events. It could be dangerous and they could be overwhelmed; anything could happen to them and they would still remain a nobody who fainted in the howling crowd. Would they want to take this risk? No.
So, Jimin would have had to admit that going to her very first concert in Seoul since the pandemic sounded like a very, very, very bad idea. And to be honest, it still didn’t seem to be a bright idea now that he was actually there. 
But he still went because he needed to see her for himself; to see how she was. He had so many things he dreamed about asking her. Are you okay? Are you sleeping well? Did you eat before coming to the arena? Are you nervous? Do you... remember me? 
Maybe he was torturing himself. He kept on watching her lives, following her on all social media, always made sure to leave a sweet comment, and never miss any of her new updates... Maybe he even had a folder of pictures of her on his phone but he’d never admit it to any of his mates. Taehyung would probably take his phone away from him and delete everything and Jimin couldn’t let that happen.
He felt like it was cheating. Don’t take him wrong though. When he thought that, he was not really thinking about the boys. They did collectively agree not to follow her activities as an artist but it was getting harder and harder with how popular she got anyway. Moon was everywhere. In commercials, on the radio, her songs were on the TV… Even if she was known for refusing most of the promotional contracts that were offered to her, her image was still constantly in the media despite her avoidance of it. Ironic, but the media were trying their best to find anything about her, be it positive or negative. One day she was seen on her bike, the next, she was in a coffee shop, and it kept on going on, overstepping on her privacy as if it was just a meaningless word. 
The lockdown had admittedly played a major part in Jimin’s obsession. Being in their apartment meant quickly running out of activities, and his job as a dance teacher was not really filling his free time (a lot of his classes were also canceled). It was also during that time that (Y/N) truly blew up as an independent artist. Advertisement on YouTube started being around her channel and her music, the recommendations he kept on seeing were about also her… Jimin’s resolve honestly broke easily. It was hard not to be curious about his lost soulmate even though he didn’t feel like he had the right to be hurting. 
Anyway, to come back to his main point, if Jimin felt like he was cheating; it was mostly for her. After all, (Y/N) had no means of letting the curiosity get the best of her, to know what they were doing; to simply see or contact them. He had, at first, not really thought about that. Watching her content seemed a very innocent thing to do in his opinion; billions of people were watching her content, why should he prevent himself from doing so? Yet, Jimin could still remember one of her live she did soon after that interview she had given on this damned radio show where she had revealed who her title track ‘TIME’ was about… She had gone live the next day-Jimin had jumped on his phone because of the notification-and one fan had asked her what would she do if she knew that her ‘ex-soulmates’ (and those words left a very sour taste in Jimin’s mind) were watching her. The question had silenced a previously restless Jimin, replacing his initial excitation with dread while a lump formed itself in his throat. He had not even noticed it; he was so focused on her live and her upcoming answer that Jimin had completely missed the sound of a glass breaking in the apartment. Jimin had been home alone, so even if had indeed heard it, he probably wouldn’t have bothered to check what had happened, thinking that the wind knocked it over or something. Jimin had been so absorbed by what he had been watching that he even got surprised a few hours later when Seokjin came home and yelled at him for breaking something when he had been clearly innocent, engrossed in (Y/N)’s live (not that he could tell his soulmates about that part, but yeah). (Y/N)’s live would always be more important than some random glass breaking again in their apartment. Every object was doomed with Namjoon living here anyway.
On her side of the screen though, (Y/N) had seemed taken aback as she had read the question and had gritted her teeth gently. She had seemed to be pondering about her answer even though a lot of people in her chat were telling her to forget about the question if it made her uncomfortable (a lot were even scolding the person who asked). Yet, sighing softly, she had looked up at the screen: 
“I’d appreciate it if you could refrain from asking questions on this topic. It’s not taboo but I’d rather not remember everything that comes with it. However, to answer this-hopefully-last question about it, I’d ask them to turn off my stream and to stop watching any of my content. It would only be fair after all. I’ve been denied access to their lives six years ago, why would they get a free pass into mine now?” She had not smiled nor had she seemed hurt by her own comment, yet Jimin’s heart had shattered in pieces, unable to press the cancel button. 
Her voice had slowly faded into background noise while her words had been stuck in his head. 
I’d ask them to turn off my stream and to stop watching any of my content. 
How could Jimin ever do that? He realized that he truly should. Namjoon would even agree with you, as ironic as it sounded for Jimin. Namjoon had been one of the most adamant ones about rejecting your bond, after all. Jimin was shaking with bitterness while ‘Moon’ continued her stream peacefully with music. Jimin could only try to gulp his anger down as he remembered her crumbling features on that fateful day. 
“You’re not our soulmates. This name on our arms means nothing to us. You are nothing to us if not a hindrance. Leave us alone.” 
If Jimin could go back in time, he’d prevent Taehyung from spatting those words at her. Yet, he couldn’t do anything. Playing the scene over and over in his mind wouldn’t change anything. It wouldn’t change that she probably hated them. It wouldn’t change the song she made about them. 
And worst of all, it wouldn’t change the fact that Jimin had let himself believe that their choice had been for the best, trying to console and reassure himself, even if he had already known that it was wrong. Tears were pooling up in his eyes even if none escaped as he finally caught a glimpse of her on the stage. Suddenly brought back to reality after his subconscious memory trip, Jimin finally connected back to the world, looking around while he was still frozen on his spot. People were still screaming around him and he wondered if he looked like an intruder. Because, after all, wasn’t that what he exactly was? She said it herself that she didn’t wish for them to watch her; so what was he doing here? 
Jimin couldn’t help but stare; she looked ethereal, dressed like a queen in the middle of a sold-out arena. People were screaming her name as she yelled her infamous ‘hi people’. It was an opening sentence that Jimin heard way too many times in her vlogs and suddenly hearing it in real life seemed surreal. 
Jimin could only watch in awe, entranced with her everything. 
Screw the boys and what they would think once he’d be back from her concert. 
He had been the one to find her six years ago anyway. He had been the one to bring her to their home six years ago, hoping for the boys to change their mind once they’d meet her.
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When You Are Ready
Summary: Years after the events of the akuma Truth Luka gets a visit from an old friend he hadn’t seen in years. And they’re finally ready to tell him the truth. Inspired by S4E01 episode “Truth”.
The story below contains spoilers to the ML episode "Truth". If you haven't watched, read at your own risk.
This is for all the heartbroken Lukanette stans out there.
‘Great playin’ with you tonight, son,’ Jagged stuck his head inside Luka’s dressing room. For some reason his smile was wider than usual. 
‘Thanks, J,’ Luka nodded. Even after they managed to mend the 16 year gap in their relationship, he couldn’t bring himself to call the rockman “dad”. ‘You too.’
Jagged’s head remained at the door. 
‘You wanted something, old man?’ Luka asked. They’d been performing together for a few years already, but it wasn’t like Jagged to randomly pay him a visit after a concert.
Jagged gasped in mock offence. ‘I’m not that old, mind you. Still can kick your ass on the lead guitar, rookie,’ he waved a warning finger. ‘I’m heading out, just dropped to tell you there’s someone waiting for you at the back. I let her in because it’s raining cats and dogs outside.’
Plenty of fans loitered around after their concerts, but the security kept them in check. Who could make Jagged invite them inside despite their security policy?
‘Who is she?’
Jagged’s grin got positively sly. ‘An old friend, that’s all I’m sayin’. Just remember to show up to rehearsal tomorrow.’ He winked and shot the young man with a finger gun.
That was weird, even for Jagged. Luka quickly gathered his things, secured his guitar and left the dressing room. The corridor was dark and quiet, with most of the crew already gone, but Luka thought there was something strangely familiar in the air, like a memory of a forgotten song that suddenly slipped into his mind. He made a few tentative steps and turned the corner.
Indeed, there was a woman at the back door, leaning against the wall and fidgeting nervously. She turned a small package in her hands and tapped her foot, as if trying to gather courage. He recognized her song in an instant.
‘Marinette?’ Luka rasped, suddenly breathless.
She turned her infinitely blue eyes to him. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. When was the last time he saw her? At Juleka’s graduation? Maybe a few times after that? 
Her life was already a whirlwind when he had met her, and little had changed in the following years. She was always so busy, always in a hurry. Her song became more frantic, burdened with fear and guilt. Luka couldn’t take it. And so days of silence turned into weeks, then months and years. Despite their best efforts they drifted apart and even her occasional commissions for Jagged never served as an opportunity to meet or catch up. He got on with his life, even if Marinette always held a special place in his heart. 
‘Hi!’ She smiled hesitantly, brushing a stray curl of her hair behind her ear.
‘Oh my gosh, hi!’ Luka dropped his bag and hugged her tight. At first she went stiff in his arms, but it only took a moment for her to relax and reciprocate the embrace. 
‘It’s so good to see you,’ he said, letting her go. ‘How are you?’
It really was good to see her, although his heart stuttered in her presence. He wanted to ask an entirely different question. Why was she here? Why did she come to see him after years of keeping quiet? 
‘I’m okay, you know, just doing my thing,’ she shrugged. That obviously wasn’t how she wanted this conversation to go either.
‘So what brings you here? Still a fan of Jagged?’ He risked.
‘Yeah, yours as well, but- ‘ she paused and took a deep breath, ‘that’s not why I’m here. I’m- ugh, why is this so hard?’ she muttered under her breath.
Luka put his hands on her shoulders. ‘Easy, Marinette,’ he whispered, ‘remember you can tell me everything, always,’ he assured.  
She closed her eyes. ‘This was a stupid idea. I just-’
He waited patiently, feeling her shiver under his touch. Her song became erratic, panicked even. This was so unlike Marinette, he started to worry.
‘You said- that evening by the Seine you said, “when you’re ready”,’ she spoke quietly.
He could barely hear her, but still her words made him come back to that heartbreaking moment by the bridge, when she ended things between them even before they really began. He never found out why, never understood, but also never questioned her decision. 
‘It’s been 10 years,’ he said, more to himself and his memory. 
‘So many things happened in those 10 years,’ he mused.
‘Mhmmm…’ Marinette murmured. ‘Your solo album came out. You were on tour with Jagged. We graduated, went to university.’
‘Hawkmoth was defeated.’
‘Only recently,’ she reminded him. ‘But yeah.’
Silence fell over them. Luka still couldn’t make anything out of her presence and her reason to come.
‘You said: “when you’re ready, I’ll be here for you”,’ she repeated, louder now, more determined, as if she finally found her courage. ‘Are you?’
‘If you’re asking, if I have been in a relationship since we were teens, Marinette,’ he replied carefully picking his words, ‘then yes - I’ve been in a few, actually.’ 
But she must have known that, he’d always been honest, not only with her, but with everyone. He never hid. Not after his akumatizations. He’d learned from his parents’ and his own mistakes. 
Marinette hunched. Before she turned her face away from him he glimpsed a tear in her eye. She bit her lip.
But none of them could ever compare to you, he wanted to say. The song of her heart has changed, matured, but it was no less fascinating. If anything, he found it even more captivating than when she’d been 14. 
However, at least one thing about him hadn’t changed either. 
‘I’m a simple, honest guy, Marinette,’ he said. ‘My heart doesn’t handle rejection well, neither dishonesty. Without the truth-’ he drifted off, letting her come to the conclusion on her own. He wasn’t that cruel to say it out loud.
‘I remember what you said and I remember what I’ve done, what I’ve been like,’ Marinette was calm now, but there was strange gravity in her tone. ‘I wouldn’t have come here, if - like you’d said - I wasn’t ready. Here,’ the box she’d been playing with appeared in front of his face. ‘Open it, when you’re alone. Then you’ll understand.’
‘Understand what?’
‘Me,’ she said quietly, turning to leave.
‘What about Adrien?’ Luka remembered that thorn as well.
Marinette halted with her hand on the doorknob. ‘That’s a long story.’
‘Believe me, I know,’ Luka chuckled humorlessly.
‘Adrien’s still a big part of my life, but we’re not a couple,’ Marinette said in a colorless voice.
‘Just friends?’ He couldn’t help himself.
‘Hah,’ she snorted. ‘Best friends. But just friends.’
‘Yeah. Adrien has some stuff he needs to deal with and I- I finally know what I want and what I need,’ she turned and shot him a meaningful look. Then she left.
Luka stayed in the darkness for a while, mulling over the revelations of the past few minutes. Marinette had always cared for the truth, he knew that well. But there was a new sincerity to her today, laced with quiet determination, that shook him to his core. He wished he could comprehend that mystery.
Then his eyes fell on the little gift box and her words came back to him. “Open it. Then you’ll understand.”
Luka braced himself and slowly, carefully raised the lid. 
Inside, on blue silk lay a single guitar pick. It was red with a pattern of black dots. 
Finally the missing piece of the puzzle clicked into place. The part of the melody that’s been eluding him from the start, just out of his reach, but right under his nose. He smiled to himself as his fingers closed over the pick. And for the first time in years his heart skipped a beat.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
JK Day 2021
...and what a day it was. I know we’re a bit late with this when looking at KST but in our time zone it’s still September 1st so it counts, right? Besides I wanted to wait until the day was over for them so I could have everything the members would post for JK so I could put it in this post as memory for us to look back on in the future.
Furthermore, as extension for the celebrations, I want to finally sit down, write and post our post about JK and his bonds with the hyung line since it’s been so long since two anons asked us about that so what better time than the weekend after JK day, right?
Anyway, let’s get into it, shall we?
The day before JKs birthday he came onto Weverse and posted three different things, including a cute selca:
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Everyone of course turned up their creativity to post something for JK and also wondered among themselves what he planned on using those lyric comments for, and if he would use them for anything at all.
Sometime later before the new RUN episode aired, Seokjin appeared on Weverse and, for whatever reason, commented birthday wishes for JK under the Weverse post about the upcoming RUN episode. Because of course he did.
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More than an hour before midnight KST everyone got a notification from vlive that JK had gone live:
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And truly, considering it was about to be his birthday, I love how it felt more like it was ours with the gift that kept on giving that this vlive turned out to be. 
Lots more below the cut:
Remember those posts that JK made in the morning on Weverse? As many, including myself, had guessed, JK gathered some of the lyric comments he liked most, or thought would work best, and proceeded to turn them into an actual song right before our eyes. The instrumental was gorgeous with a acoustic guitar and ballad like melody and it was truly fascinating watching him figuring out how to sing the lines, record them, redo them whenever he felt he could do it better, add adlibs in some places, and slowly but surely a song was created with lyrics in both English and Korean.
This really was the content I’ve always craved and I’m so, so happy we got to watch JK do this instead of him just showing us the final thing. You could see him having fun, even when he got a little frustrated at times or he wasn’t quite sure how he wanted to continue or how he wanted the words to sound like, and that he really knows what he’s doing. So many claim that Bangtan have no idea about producing and recording songs, which truly is such a stupid argument to make considering Yoongi is literally Producer SUGA and we know that, if the members want to make mixtapes they have to do them themselves, which we know Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi have done. So JK doing all of that in the vlive? Checkmate against those idiots. Especially since it also isn’t the first time we’ve seen members work on tracks, like the behind the scenes of rap line working on DDAENG or Hobi working on songs, or even JK with Stay, even if we didn’t know it’s Stay at the time.
Once the song was finished JK went on to show us several more instrumentals he could’ve worked with, each one with a different vibe, before switching to singing a song by Justin Bieber saying he really loves his songs a lot. And then it was nearing midnight so he unpacked the cake he got, white icing/fondant with purple lettering spelling out STILL WITH YOU JK, very cute.
Right as midnight hit someone started to bang on the door so JK got up to see who’d come and, surprise, it was a very excited Hobi wishing him a happy birthday including singing the birthday song for him upon JKs request while JK lit up his golden heart shaped candle.
Hobi again returned two minutes after he’d left (between when at 1:18h JK mentioned that, for the first time that night, he’d do one more song to finish off the vlive, ha) to give him an ice cream cake he’d prepared, but also to get his phone which he’d accidentally forgotten in the room JK was in.
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Once Hobi really left and JK got a taste of his ice cream cake, as well as the white cake which turned out to be chocolate flavored, the vlive concert began and, at the time, none of us knew what we were in for since we all thought he’d really do one or two more songs and that would be it. And yet that very much is not what happened, at all, and I’m so grateful for it.
This might just be the funniest screenshot in existence (please take note of the time stamps):
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No wonder that, eventually, Seokjin decided to come onto Weverse to post wishes for JK a second time while also saying this (the picture is from their unit photoshoot for Winter Package):
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The imagine of Seokjin just sitting in bed or whatever watching JKs vlive and hearing him say last song every like ten minutes and every time he just kept going...and going...and going while Seokjin is just waiting...and waiting...and waiting? Hilarious. But it’s also really cute how he’d wanted to wait until JK was done to not interrupt him or pull ARMYs attention away from the vlive. Truly I adore their bond, it’s adorable and chaotic and so wonderfully them.
Yoongi also posted his wishes for JK while the vlive was still going.
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The one who waited until it was over was actually Namjoon who, with what he said in his tweet, actually revealed that he’d watched JKs vlive as well. In his vlive JK said that at the end of their concerts Namjoon used to always give his speech like a (school) principal, as in his long ending ment speeches, and that’s why Namjoon ‘signed’ his tweet with principal as well.
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Truly I love how JK was just having fun singing their songs, taking requests from ARMY, rediscovering songs, like him wondering if they really have a song called Paradise (since the Korean title is different) and finally fulfilling ARMYs wish of hearing BTS sing it live, as well as being surprised and confused by requests for Heartbeat asking himself if them really have a song like that. But since ARMY kept asking for it, he finally looked it up and his reaction to realizing that, yes, it is a real song of theirs and also that that’s the song we were talking about which he’d completely forgotten about? Hilarious but also kind of heartbreaking for all the Heartbeat enthusiasts.
Here is the full list of all the songs he sang, some for longer, some shorter:
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One thing that this vlive showed really well was just how amazing of a singer JK really is. It’s easy for people to dismiss his talent during concerts or performances, since they could always argue that him and the others get help due to the backing track etc., but here we had his raw voice singing along to their songs much the way any of us do. And he sounded stunning beginning to end. He’s such a talented singer and he’s worked so hard on his technique and voice and it’s really showing. Thinking back to what he said in his BE comeback Weverse interview about how he’d like to one day he brave enough to do a three hour concert on his own, I’d say this vlive shows that really shouldn’t be any kind of problem at all. If ARMY can listen to him essentially do karaoke for one and a half hours, then attending and enjoying a full on JK concert would be no issue whatsoever. It’d actually be amazing, I’m certain, and I’d totally be down to seeing that potentially become a reality one day in the future.
After two and a half hours, the vlive ultimately came to a close and JK said his goodbyes.
Hours later Hobi appeared on Weverse wondering what pictures of JK he could/should post for his traditional picture “spam” and everyone was immediately super excited. Hobi’s gallery holds some wonderful treasures so we all looked forward to what he would end up posting, though it would take a few hours until it would happen.
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The funny thing is that he posted the first twt twice since the picture with Namjoon in it had Hobi’s iPhone in it which, as good Samsung representative, was a no, no, so he deleted the twt and posted it again with some stickers covering the phone. So cute. And his picture choices are wonderful. I particularly love that picture of JK in the white room dressed in black from back in 2019 when they performed Boy with Luv. And also their picture from a dinner the two of them went on together back in 2018.
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In the meantime before Hobi posted his pictures, as requested in the picture that BH had posted for JKs birthday on the staff BTS account at midnight, one of the members posted his meal though it’s unclear which one of them it might’ve been. Looks super yummy though, wow.
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And eventually the final member to come and wish JK a happy birthday was Jimin (and yes, I know Jimin’s twt came before Hobi’s but considering Hobi already wished him a happy birthday at midnight, that makes Jimin the last one):
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Trans (cr. haruharu_w_bts):
our maknae happy birthday  i wish <you a happy birthday> a lot and a lot #KkookieHappyBirthday #JIMIN #HAPPYJKDAY
Taehyung didn’t post anything but considering his track record of doing something for the members off social media for their birthday, like giving Namjoon a forehead kiss, sending birthday wish videos to Seokjin (including roping others into doing it as well), or wishing Jimin a happy birthday as part of the MOTS ON:E exhibition, I wasn’t all that surprised by this.
And with that JK day 2021 came to a close. It started with a surprise (as in both the song based on ARMY comments and also the concert afterward) and ended with one as well, as in the In The SOOP Season Two announcement.
I hope JK had a wonderful day, celebrated happily with his members, friends and family however much that’s possible in these times, as well as with their busy schedule, and that this new year will be a happy one for him full of success, personal but also career wise. I’m curious and excited to see what will happen.
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oh-styles · 4 years
A Little Bit of History: I
Alas, the moment roughly five of you have been waiting for. It’s here - half of it - but it’s here. The paternity test chapter! Is Harry the father? Who is her ex-boyfriend? Read more to find out!
26 September 2014 Manchester, UK
The truth can hurt.
It can burn and sting, seer your skin like a hot blade, so it’s little to no surprise when some – much like the protagonist of this story – will do indisputably everything in his power to avoid it; the impending, splintering and crushing truth.
It all began in the fall of 2014, nearly two years before.
We open this story in Manchester, more specifically, Arndale Market. The day was overcast, but she expected nothing less; soon enough the trees will be bare, the ground will be coated in sheets of white, and her favorite time of year will have finally arrived. She prefers the warmer seasons, yes, but once finally the weather drops, she knows its soon her son will be home for Christmas.
It was Robin who first spotted you, standing with your back to the door of Hotel Chocolat. You were stifling through your bag – you knew your phone was in there somewhere – and with a quick glance over your shoulder, Anne stopped in her tracks. She cannot recount the last time she saw you. Your hair had grown, and she swears up and down that you have gotten taller, though, looking back on it now, it could have just been your heels.
Anne is hesitant at first, watching as you laugh with one of the shop assistants, and she turns to Robin with a raise of her brow, as if to say, “Do we dare say hello?”
You were her sons first love – and as far as she was aware, her sons only love – and it was the sixteen months of loving you that made it just as hard for Anne when she learned the news that the love that had been built higher and higher, had finally reached its limit, and came tumbling down.
You weren’t to blame. Quite frankly, you stuck by his side through every immediate corner he turned, from the first audition to the first single. He no longer was yours, but someone who you now shared with the rest of the world. There are some things that you aren’t prepared to take on at such an early age, but you held onto that rope until your palms were bloody. You did everything in your power to keep ahold of that boy, but he was running rampant through his newfound fame, and you were clinging on for dear life.
It was a ticking timebomb, and Anne felt it. She watched the phone calls become few and far between, and even had to listen as you shrugged your way through conversations about how you couldn’t quite recall the last time the two of you spoke.
“A week, maybe?” Give or take a few days.
It was a Sunday morning when it happened, and even Anne felt a piece of her heart chip away. Her son sobbed through tears on the other end of the line, retelling how he wish he could have been better, wishing he could go back and start everything over from the beginning so he wouldn’t have to lose you this way.
And if Anne were being honest, she suspected if anyone were to bite the bullet, it would have been you.
But, if you love someone, you set them free.
She’s certain, even to this day, he holds tightly to the time spent with you. You were the girl who loved him before, and even more so after, and maybe that’s why no relationship now has lasted longer than a few months. She has yet to see the spark in her son’s eye return.
And now, three years later, here you were.
Anne promised herself she would go in, say hello, and wish you well. She knew you moved from Holmes Chapel a couple years ago – rumor has it you found yourself a hunky boyfriend and shared his London flat with him – so she was unsure when she would ever cross paths with you again.
You see, the world is a small place, and its moments like these that remind one of such. The 1975 would be playing back-to-back shows for the next two nights, and you were lucky to score tickets through your friend who worked at the arena. The show wouldn’t start for another few hours, so you decided you could fill your downtime with a little shopping trip, and because most great minds think alike, this is how Anne stumbled upon you whilst you did your chocolate shopping.
Inside the shop, she makes an immediate left, and standing there contemplating the bundles of cookie chocolate, there you were. Your lips were pursed together as you tapped a finger along the boxes, skipping over the boozy chocolates with a defeated sigh, and it was in that moment – after you moved your purse from one shoulder to the other – that Anne saw it; the small, but still perfectly round bump that almost looked out of place on you.
She didn’t mean to stare; hasn’t she already taught this to her two grown children? But truth be told, she was truly caught off guard. Ever since the breakup, and after you fled Holmes Chapel, you slipped away from the public eye, and haven’t been seen since. Any time a rumor that comes around is simply that, and one to take with a grain of salt. And Anne believes that if she had heard that you were with child, she probably would have just shaken her heard to that nonsense.
When she says your name, the same nickname she called you all those years before, she could sense your stature straighten, and your box of chocolates falls limply at your side. The last time she ever said it was in your last shared phone call the day before you vanished from the small town.
She doesn’t know when she’ll ever see you again, and as far as she’s aware, this could be the very last time, and she doesn’t let it slip by her how tightly you clung to her as she leant forward for a hug. You never even said goodbye all those years ago; the only thing you can recount is packing your bags in the middle of the night, and running as fast as you could—aloft, gone with the wind. You ended up being one of the biggest One Direction mysteries: What Ever Happened to Harry’s Childhood Girlfriend?
There were many conspiracy theories, for example: you joined porn. There was never any proof, but some fans claimed to have seen you in an advertisement or two. Some even claimed you shaved your head and joined a cult, and another that you simply died.
It’s been three years now, and fans seem to have let up on your bizarre disappearance, but every now and then does a new “lead” come around, and you question how far they had to go to dig it out of their ass.
“He still talks about you sometimes,” Anne inquired, holding your hands in hers. You couldn’t shake the desire to run at the mention of him, because even now, months after your last encounter, do you wish you could have ended things differently. “I’ll let him know you’re well.”
The last time you saw him was a mere five months ago, a secret rendezvous you are sure his mother has no knowledge of.
“Well, sweetheart, I better get going… Robin is out there probably wondering where I’ve gone to. It was great to see you, love.” She leans over and reels you back in for a final hug, and it’s then you realize that she never mentioned a word about your pronounced bump. “I’ll send Robin your love.”
By the next day, the news of your pregnancy will have made its way all the way to Charlotte, North Carolina where One Direction were set to perform for their Where We Are tour. Anne doesn’t ever mean to prattle, but this wouldn’t be considered gossip, would it? Not when she’s seen with her own eyes that you were with child. She only mentioned it to Gemma in passing, but only after having commented on seeing you before the concert in Manchester.
“She looks well… She’s pregnant, did you know?” And it was that little remark that sent Gemma typing away on her phone to her little brother, who was currently in Hair & Makeup at his show. “You won’t believe what mum told me…”
The last time he saw you was on the 8th of April, and even then, he hadn’t much prepared for such a confrontation. You claimed to have gotten his number from a friend the two of you shared from your childhood, and after he told you he was in London between gigs, you were quick to ask if you could come over. You were never exactly sure why you were so eager to see him, but there was one thing you knew for sure, and that was that you were lonely.
You didn’t realize how much a boy could change in only the few years, but upon stepping in his doorway, you were greeted with someone who could no longer be described as a boy, but man. His hair was longer, pulled up out of his eyes with a bandana, and he was adorned with a couple rings, and a necklace. When he greeted you, he reached out his hand before hesitantly stepping backward and inviting you in for a hug.
The last time you touched him was years before, and you believe it was him leaving once more for another excursion with the band. You probably didn’t realize that would be the last time for a long time, and you probably didn’t think the same for the moment right now. Maybe a part of you believed this would be a new start for the two of you, but has the person in front of you changed in the years since your last meeting? Has he learned to stop letting his world revolve around no one else but him?
He invited you inside and guided you to his sitting room. “Made y’some tea,” he lifted a finger up and scurried off to presumably the kitchen. You could hear mugs lightly hitting together, and it wasn’t a minute before he was back with you, setting your glass on the table in front of you. “Glad y’came… Gives me a reason to pull out the nice glasses.”
You note the fine china and give him a weak smile. “It is nice.”
“Yeah… Someone gave it to me. Can’t remember who.”
Weak small talk. You wish he had given you something stronger instead.
An hour passes, and the two of you talk about his tour, your job, and you can sense him sheepishly shy away from the topic of Holmes Chapel, your childhood, and your sudden burst into the night. He doesn’t ask you how you’ve spent your years away, if you’re seeing anyone, but the idea still makes his palms sweaty and stomach uneasy.
It was another hour before his lips touched yours, and you quickly found yourself melting in the hands of your former lover. He tasted the same, and you couldn’t deny entry as his tongue prodded out your lips, begging for just a little more. That was all it was with him, just wanting a little more than what was given. His touch lingered down your sides and back up under your sweater, and his lips trailed across your jaw and down your neck, leaving no inch of you left untouched.
None of this was your intention, not when you made the phone call, and not when you showed up in the middle of the night. You just needed someone familiar, someone—anyone. It wasn’t your intention to drop your hands into his lap and undo the button of his pants, nor was it to reach inside and pull him out, rubbing him like all the times you had done before.
Like all the times you hid under the covers at his mother’s house, your bodies wrapped together between the sheets, showing each other a love you were only just discovering. It was clear to you now, that maybe that love hadn’t drifted so far away as you thought it had.
You hopped off his lap, undoing the button of your own pants before hastily discarding them on the floor. Like all the times before. His body felt the same; a bit broader, and a litter of tattoos scattered carelessly across his arm and torso. Stories and memories stabbed into his flesh, ones you were never a part of, and ones you might never know the origin. There will be more, you know this, and you know that’ll be a part of him you never touch.
He fit in you like all the times before; it wasn’t much like a memory but more of a nightmare, for you knew this would only become something as such. You would leave in the morning with the print of his hand still red on your ass, and every time you closed your eyes you would be able to feel his cock so deep in you, you would be walking funny until the evening. The stain he leaves on you would haunt you until you found someone else to love, and even then, you weren’t so sure.
Coming here was a mistake.
But he was like a drug; you could never stay away for too long.
Henry James Collins was a few months shy of twenty-one when you met him at a pub in Brixton. He played Rugby, had a Pink Floyd tattoo, and was a student at the University of Law. He bought you a pint, called you Sweetheart, and come the late hours of the night, kissed your cheek on your doorstep with the promise to call you in the morning.
It was the summer of 2013, and you were in love.
The fleeting months carried casually on by, and most evenings you spent on the floor of his flat with an open book, his flannels draped over you like a comforting blanket, and an empty spot beside you that questioned his whereabouts.
If it wasn’t one pub, it was another, and if it wasn’t him coming home passed due completely shit-faced, it was him not coming home at all. And it was you drenched in a panic until he finally stumbled in through the front door sometime that next morning.
He called you sweetheart, and kissed your cheek, and promised with putrid breath he would be better. He’d later fuck you, which was a seal to his promise that would always come undone by the weekend.
173 days, and as suddenly as he appeared, you packed your bags in the middle of the night and ran. A week later, you found yourself on your ex-lover’s doorstep, and by the next morning you would be parading a shameful walk to the bus stop, only realizing halfway home that you left your knickers somewhere in his living room. He never reached out to you after that night. You were only to him what he was to you.
A month later you found out you were pregnant. Eight weeks, and the size of a kidney bean.
You would find yourself multiple times a day staring at your reflection in the mirror; scrutinizing over every insignificant inch of your body, forcing yourself to see any sign of change. The longer you looked, the more distorted you appeared, and each time you placed your hand over your stomach and cursed.
It was your fault; you put yourself in this situation, but you’d be damned if you didn’t let yourself feel a little remorse for the child who would grow up without a father.
You reached out to Henry twice. One, through a voice message where you pleaded to meet up for lunch, but it only began to become clear to you that he might still be bitter of your surprise exit the month before. The second time, you texted him the words you could still barely say to yourself out loud, and he was quick to reply, “Probably best if you stop calling.”
A thought crossed your mind – brief, but poignant – to swallow your pride and swear the words you clutched in your fist like a hand grenade. It would be a little white lie, a fib, but it would be the best, if not only, shot you had of giving your little Lovebug the chance of a complete family. But after a moments thought, you were doubtful Harry would even buy it; didn’t you have a boyfriend before him? How do you know the baby isn’t his?
And who’s to say Harry even wants to take on that responsibility right now? The impending downfall was tumbling, tumbling down, and you had never felt more alone.
But from miles away in his dressing room, sat a lone lad, that unbeknownst to you was writing in his journal what would be a song that the entire world would know the words to, all relating to the feeling of wanting another person’s love, even if you weren’t the only one.
Just a little bit of your love is all I want.
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actress4him · 3 years
Querencia 9 - Trying
(Day 3 of Whumptober 2021)
Taglist: @darthsutrich , @inky-whump , @lave-whump
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Fandom: Original work
Warnings: lady whumpee (no whumper), referenced fantastic prejudice, referenced panic attack, referenced homelessness, panic, touch repulsion, trauma
taunting | insults | “Who did this to you?”
Nari and Jamil sit at the kitchen table for a long time after Liliana rushes out, lost in their own thoughts. Jamil is probably berating himself for feeding the kid bacon, and Nari knows she should talk to him about it, but she can’t seem to pull herself out of her own spiral of, What do we do? How can we possibly fix this…fix her?They’re in way over their heads. Yeah, they all came into this team with their own types of trauma, but not like this. She’s not a therapist. None of them are. That’s what the kid probably needs, a therapist, but somehow she gets the feeling the suggestion wouldn’t go over well.
Jamil is actually finally the one to break the stormy silence. “Um, do you want some breakfast?”
Normally she’d get it herself but he needs something to do right now, something to make himself feel better about what just happened. “Sure. What you’re having is fine.”
He busies himself getting out eggs and firing up the stove.
“You had no way of knowing.”
He nods without turning around. “Yeah, I know. Still feel bad, though.”
“I know.” She sighs, drums her blunted fingernails on the table top. “It’s gonna take time.”
At this he spins around, still holding a brown egg just a shade lighter than the palm it’s cradled in. “What…what do you know, do you know anything more than what Quinn told us? Where she’s from, what happened to her?”
Nari shakes her head. “Nope. She spoke more this morning than I’ve heard from her so far…if you don’t count the things she was saying in the hall last night. I’m hoping she’ll open up to us eventually, but…it’s gonna take time.”
Jamil chews on his lip, thumb rubbing over the smooth surface of the eggshell. “Probably has something to do with her powers, huh?”
She offers him a small, sad smile. “Probably.”
Jamil is one of the lucky ones. He grew up in India, where the revelation of people with powers had gone over quite differently than many other countries. He has two loving parents that were happy to encourage him in exploring his powers. There had never been a day when he had to be afraid for his life because of what he could do…until he came to the U.S. and joined their team, of course. Sometimes she wonders if he ever regrets his choice. He’s the heart and soul of their little family, though. She can’t imagine not having him here.
Shaking his head, he turns back to the stove and cracks the egg on the edge of the counter. “It’s been what, two years now?” He doesn’t have to specify that he means since Frost saved that burning building and turned everyone’s view of Supers upside down. “When are we gonna stop having to deal with the fallout of people’s stupidity over ‘Nons’?”
Nari leans onto her elbow and fiddles with her eyebrow ring. “I wish I knew, dude. I wish I knew.”
Thankfully Nari is able to coax Lili out of her room for lunch fairly easily. The door opens to a practically brand-new person, obviously having taken advantage of the shower after breakfast. There are no more streaks of dirt across her face, and her once frizzy, tangled hair frames her cheeks in soft curls.
She looks like the kid she is. A nineteen year old girl, according to Jamil, who should be starting her first year of college or working at Starbucks and hanging out with her friends going to parties and concerts.
Not living on the streets. Not having panic attacks because she thinks she’s going to be in trouble for healing someone.
The only thing ruining the illusion is the baggy long sleeve tee that used to be white, and the navy blue lounge pants that are streaked with mud and pool around her ankles. And, of course, the ever present gloves, threadbare as well. Nari makes a mental note to slip some of her own clothes into the dresser in Lili’s room, at least until they can take her shopping.
Not much is said over lunch, a simple affair of various kinds of sandwiches. Liliana manages to eat one with only jelly, and the rest of them pretend very hard to not be watching her like hawks.
Nari and Alex both invite her to hang out with them afterwards, but she shies away and retreats back to her bedroom.
The next couple of days pass in the same way. They barely see her except for meals, though she is eating more and more. Jamil has made it his personal mission to come up with things for them to eat that are simple but interesting. Nari is able to get a few pieces of clothing to Lili, and, though it takes her a while, she eventually shows up wearing some of them. It’s a change that brings a smile to all of their faces. The subject of shopping, though, seems to throw her into a near panic, and Alex saves the day by quickly changing the subject before she can make another hasty retreat.
On the third evening, she finally gives in to their requests to hang out, much to everyone’s surprise and delight. They’re taking turns playing sports games on the Wii, something Quinn insists on them having because, “If you’re gonna burn your brain cells staring at a screen, you might as well get a little exercise while you do it.” It seemed like the best option for Lili, since they had no idea if she had any experience with video games.
She spends most of the time curled up in the armchair, separate from everyone, not making a sound. But she’s here. She’s present, with the team, seeing them behave together like friends, like a family, and that’s gotta count for something. Nari is encouraged by it, anyway.
She’ll get there. This is a good first step.
It seems like an even better step when Alex somehow convinces/coerces her into taking a remote and joining him in a game of archery. She looks so small next to him, silhouetted against the big screen, and her hands shake so badly for the first couple of rounds that she barely hits the target.
But she doesn’t give up. She doesn’t run away. And little by little, as they all encourage and cheer her on, she seems to even relax, her virtual arrows hitting closer and closer to the center.
It’s enough to bring a smile to Nari’s face.
Then the game ends, and Lili loses badly, of course, but everyone still cheers and she seems the most comfortable she’s been yet. Not smiling, but not stiff and cautious, either.
Until Alex puts a friendly hand on her shoulder.
In the blink of an eye she’s crumpled into a pile on the floor. Nari isn’t even sure to start with what happened, it’s all so fast, but she is sure that Lili is kicking frantically against the floor, trying to get away from Alex. Immediately he drops down to her level, apologizing, but the damage is already done, despite the fact that none of them have any idea what the damage is or means or how to keep it from happening again. As soon as she’s far enough away from him to deem it safe, she bolts to her feet and runs out of the room.
In the silence that follows her exit they all hear the quiet clicks of her bedroom door closing and locking.
“I…I don’t know…I didn’t use my strength on her, I promise, it wasn’t that hard. And I could have sworn she saw it coming, I made sure she was facing me first before…” It’s rare for Alex to be at a loss for words, but he just shakes his head and drops down the rest of the way to the floor.
Quinn sighs. “It’s okay, Alex. We know you didn’t mean to. I think it’s safe to say that any kind of touch is off limits for now, though, until we find out more.”
Nari is still staring at the doorway where Lili disappeared, her heart aching at the sudden leap backwards in progress, at the fear she had seen flashing in Liliana’s eyes in the near-darkness. “Oh, jagiya. Who did this to you?”
“I don’t know.” Jamil steps up next to her, eyes trained in the same direction. “But whoever it is, when I find them I’m gonna make them wish they’d never laid eyes on her.”
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Love in the sky
I wrote this for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers LBSC Sprint challenge - Meet cute week event and, once again, I got carried away and broke all the rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Prompt: Sitting next to each other on the plane.
Summary: Marinette is going to NY on an international flight for the first time. What she doesn’t know is that the one seated next to her is the popular new band Kitty Section’s guitarist: Luka Couffaine.
Thank you @livrever for checking it for me 💙
Marinette rushed through the aisle of the plane. She couldn’t believe she almost missed it! her first international trip to the US! Stupid alarm! Of course she was tired. She was so nervous she couldn’t sleep all night… until 5AM… and the plane departed at 10AM… and obviously she had to oversleep. *sigh*
Running, tripping and spinning on her feet, she finally searched for her seat. 38B - aisle seat. Her pink polka dotted suitcase was heavy, but thanks to the cabin attendant she could finally put it inside the overhead bin, while her backpack rested under the seat in front of her. All set, she let her weight fall on the seat at last and let out a deep breath as she fastened her seatbelt.
The doors of the plane closed, and the PA message started: Welcome on board… Security instructions… Marinette wasn’t listening. Her legs were uncontrollably shaking, and her fingers were fidgeting with the laces of her hoodie.
Those nerves and stress couldn’t be healthy.
She examined her surroundings, and, next to her, someone was sleeping. Someone, who appeared to be a young man, with a sleeping eye mask and a face mask on, messy blue hair showing under a knit hat and a blanket covering his body. Overall, it didn't give much more information about her plane's seat neighbor. Not wanting to wake him up, she focused on the rest of the passengers instead. Why were all of them so quiet when she felt her heart could burst out of her chest anytime?
The plane started its runaway and Marinette closed her eyes tightly when it raised from the lane. Once in the air, she started breathing again, but her heart was still beating fast.
"First time on a plane?" a masculine voice beside her asked.
She turned to her side, and looked at the person seated next to her. His eye mask was over his head now, and she could see his blue eyes clearly, while his blue bangs partly covered his eyebrows.
“Y- yes!” she squeaked.
“You’re making me nervous too. Calm down, it’s going to be ok” he assured.
“I- I know!" She said, but her body wasn’t obeying. “I’m sorry...”
The young man sighed. “Look, I’ve been on a plane many times. It’s safe. Why don’t you try to sleep? It’s going to be a long flight.”
“I- I can’t! I’m too nervous! I’ve never traveled alone before, plus my career depends on this trip! I can’t stay calm!”
“Why don’t you try listening to some music, then? It always helps me relax” the young man offered her a sympathetic look.
“Music…?” she blinked. ‘It could work’.
She plugged the earphones and put them in her ears. Then, she scrolled through the music programs on the touch screen in front of her. Classical music? For some reason, it only made it worse. Country music? Not her style. XY? Hell, no. Her eyes stopped at the name of a fairly new band: “Kitty Section”. She played the video called: “Kitty Section's Paris Live Concert”.
“Good choice” the man next to her said when the title started showing on the screen.
Marinette had heard about the band called Kitty Section. They had featured in most of her favorite magazines after they won Eurovision several months ago, but she wasn't familiar with their music. In less than a minute, she was hooked and forgot completely about her surroundings or her nerves.
“Wow!” she mumbled, mesmerized, and the man next to her let out a snicker.
The music was amazing- the rock vibes, their stage presence, the vocalists’ cuteness and high ranged voice, the accurate and insane drums, the gorgeous purple haired bassist… all of them sounded incredible. But the guitarist… the blue haired guitarist was extraordinary- unbelievably good. Not only talented, but also powerful, charismatic and incredibly handsome.
“They’re good, huh?” The man beside her commented and she nodded. She could tell he was smiling under his face mask. She nodded in agreement.
“I had never heard them properly before but damn- they are incredible” Marinette answered, and he laughed. Her fingers tapped rhythmically, following the beat of the song.  “But…" she continued, observing. "I think they could do better. There’s a margin of improvement,” she said with judging eyes.
“Oh, really? How?” The blue-eyed man asked, curious, resting his elbow on the arm rest to get a closer look.
“The costumes,” Marinette pointed out. Then, she reached her backpack under her feet and took out a sketchbook and a pen and started drawing. “The outfits could be improved if they added this, and this” she signaled. “And this-” She kept scribbling while the blue-haired man observed and listened to her suggestions. “And ta-da! Wouldn’t they look even better if they were like this?” She proudly showed him her designs, only to realize she was being embarrassing towards a stranger. “Ah, sorry- I got carried away…” She apologized. But the man took the sketchbook in his hands.
“Let me see,” he said, and she saw how his eyes examined every detail of her drawings. She gulped nervously. It felt like her skills were being tested. But the man took his face mask off and smiled. “Wow, that’s impressive. Fresh, charismatic, unique- and perfectly according to the band's style. I love them" he returned her the sketchbook. "You’re very talented. Are you famous? Do you take commissions?” He asked, and she looked at him speechless.
“I- I’m still a no-one… Is it really impressive?” She looked at him and blushed at the compliment.
“Yes, I think so. What would you do with this outfit?” He asked, showing him a photo of the same band on his smartphone. Her inspiration overflowed as she kept drawing and explaining her ideas. They kept discussing costumes and visual aspects of the band and chatted comfortably for a long time.
"I think Rose should go with something more… daring, bolder. She looks innocent but she's fierce inside. Of course, cuteness is her main trait, so I think she should combine both" she explained, coloring her design with colored pencils. "I think something like this would be perfect for her" she showed him her sketchbook and he was impressed. “As for Juleka-” She continued, turning to a blank page. “She’s so beautiful. I wish she didn’t cover her face so much, even if the mystery look is really attractive too…" She stopped drawing for a moment to admire the bassist on the screen. "Gosh- She's so gorgeous! I wish I was that beautiful” she commented.
“I think you’re even more beautiful than her, you know?” The blue-haired man casually said, and she shyly blushed with a 'no way' frantic arms movements. “What about the guitarist?” he asked, raising an eyebrow with a smug smile.
“Luka Couffaine? OH LORD SHOW MERCY- Have you seen him? And his eyeliner? It should be ILLEGAL to be this HOT” She said, convinced.
“Hmmm… So you like him, huh?” He teased, his smile widening.
“Who doesn’t, really?” She shrugged. “He’s literally the SEXIEST man alive. His eye contact with the camera could kill! Oh, and whenever he gets shirtless on stage or photoshoots? GOD- I almost get a nosebleed EVERY FREAKING TIME! He's TOO DAMN HOT" She fanned herself at the image. "Don’t you agree?" She asked and he blinked twice. "You like him too, right? You have so many photos of them in your phone! I bet he’s making you question your sexuality too, like he does with all my friends! How could anyone resist those blue eyes and his manly features, his soft looking blue hair and- his tattoos..." She looked away from her seat neighbor's blue piercing eyes, and focused at the smartphone screen again, to a close-up photo of Kitty Section’s guitarist. "How did you get these close-up casual photos...?” she asked, and then she noticed the tattoo on his neck. She looked back and forth at the man seated next to her and the one in the picture. ‘It couldn't be, right…?’ And at that moment, when he had a knowing smile on his face- one she knew too well-, she realized who he was seated next to on the plane. Her eyes opened as big as plates and she overheated. He was smirking amusingly at her reaction. “You- You- You are-? Lu-Lu-Luk- It can’t be…”
He nodded to confirm her suspicions and her jaw fell to the floor. “Hi. I think I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Luka. But I think you already know that. It’s nice to meet you.” He chuckled, straightening his hand for a handshake.
“Oh God, kill me now...” She mumbled, sinking on the table. Luka snickered.
“What’s your name?”
“Ma-Ma-Marinette… I mean- Marinette!” She felt his eyes on her and panicked. “Excuse me- I- I need a moment... This- This is too much- Oh My God...” She stood up and rushed to the end of the plane, not without tripping twice on her way there.
While Marinette was gone, the two ladies in front of Luka and Marinette’s seats turned to Luka. “Having fun?” They smirked, knowingly. He was chuckling, having real trouble to keep his laugh from escaping.
“Oh, God, Yes. This is so much fun." He wiped the tears that were forming on his eyes. "I think I’ve found our potential new costume designer” he continued laughing under his nose.
“Only that? I think there’s more...” Juleka smirked, and Rose giggled in agreement by her side. He couldn't deny it: his sister was totally right.
Behind Luka's seat, Kitty Section's drummer, Ivan and his girlfriend Mylene had been enjoying the show the blue-eyed pair had been giving. It was definitely more entertaining than any movie. It would have been perfect if they had popcorn to accompany their fortunate first row seats to the hilarious show. They also approved Marinette's designs.
Luka took the chance Marinette wasn't there to freely stand up, go talk to their managers and stretch his legs for a bit.
Back at the end of the plane, Marinette drank some juice and moved to the bathroom. She was panicking in front of the mirror, talking to herself.
“OH. MY. GOD. I’m seated next to Luka Couffaine! For at least… 5 hours more!? And I just called him hot! And- And- he said I’m beautiful and talented! And- Oh my God, he asked me for commissions, right? This can’t be real- I-" her feet wiggled uncontrollably and she let out a long squeak. "Ahh… Calm down, Marinette! He’s human- A sexy human, but still human! He’s famous but very friendly, kind and nice. And fun! It’s going to be alright. Just- Avoid his eyes. That’s it. It’s dangerous. Don’t fall in love. You’re not a teenager anymore, you’re over that stage, right? Only a few hours more. You can do it. I CAN DO IT!” She convinced herself with a confident nod and returned to her seat, only to find Luka was gone.
She looked for him from her seat, at her surroundings, but he was nowhere to be found. She sighed in both relief and sadness as she seated.
For some reason, she was missing him. Which was stupid, considering they had just met! But his company was certainly enjoyable... And, moreover, it was FUN. More than she ever remembered having. And not only because she was passionate about fashion or music. It had to do with his aura, his personality, his gentle manners- just... Luka.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be back in a moment” A voice said from in front of her. “My brother is stupid, but he’s a decent person. Treat him well” The purple haired lady winked, beside a petit blond lady.
“Jul-!” She covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from yelling her name. “And Rose-!?” 'Oh, no! They might have heard what I said too!' She panicked again and the ladies giggled amused.
“Ignore my sister and her girlfriend” Luka returned, and her face flustered when she noticed how tall and well built he was (not that she didn't know that, but it hit differently in first person). “Can I get back to my seat?” He politely asked, pointing at the window seat.
“Ah-! Yes! Of course!” She stood up so suddenly she tripped and fell on Luka’s chest. She immediately moved away in embarrassment, falling back instead, and Luka had to hold her again to avoid her imminent fall. “I’m sorry!”
“Are you ok?” He asked in concern, and she shyly nodded. Luka reluctantly let go of her and returned to his seat and Marinette settled back to hers.
Wait- Was that a blush on his face?
“Here” Luka offered her an envelope. “I don’t know what your plans in NY are but, here’s a VIP pass to our concert next Sunday. There’s also our contact card inside. I want you to consider the idea of working for us. Your costumes are impressive. We discussed it, and we want you in our team” Marinette had no words- totally speechless. Could she be this lucky? “What do you say?” Luka asked with a hopeful tender smile that made her weak.
“I- I’ll think about it. And- Oh God- I’ll totally be there for your concert” She blushed and Luka smiled kindly at her. Suddenly, she started searching inside her backpack, and took out a business card she offered him. “This is my contact. I- I have a fashion event next Monday. I would love you to come, if you can make it. Send me an email and I’ll get you some passes”
“Wow! That's impressive. I'll try to make it. Thank you, Marinette”
Marinette could hear her heart beating faster. No looking in his eyes, dammit. They kept talking for a while, enjoying their time together until they fell asleep out of exhaustion, Marinette’s head resting on Luka’s shoulder. He woke up earlier than her, but didn’t have the heart to wake her up until lunchtime. She looked like she really needed that rest.
When he left half of his lunch untouched, Marinette scolded him. “You have to eat! You’re too thin! Those abs and arms need consistency! Proteins!” She pointed at a photo of him shirtless and flustered again in embarrassment in realization. “Ah-”
Gosh- it really was fun, Luka thought, chucking. It was hard not to laugh out loud. Everything flowed so naturally it was unbelievable.
Damn. He didn’t want the plane to ever land.
“Marinette” he called, during their coffee time, and she looked back at him, redness still on her cheeks. “The plane will land soon but- Even if you don’t accept our offer… Is it possible for us to meet again? Out of business? Like this?”
Marinette flustered at his implications. “Do- Do you mean-?”
“A date. Would you go on a date with me, Marinette? Or just as friends, if you prefer. I like you, and I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun with anyone else” He took Marinette’s pen and one of his ‘Kitty Section’ contact cards and wrote something behind it. “These are my personal telephone number and email. We'll be in NY until Friday next week. It would make me very happy if you contact me, whenever you prefer, anytime” He said, securing the card in her hands.
Marinette blushed, looked at the card with glowing eyes, and then at his honest loving stare. Was it even possible that the man everyone was gushing about was asking her out? But this had nothing to do with his stage persona. Luka was someone she more than enjoyed spending time with. Naturally, quietly, assuring… She had no doubts about her answer.  
“I want to meet you again, too” she stated, and wrote her personal number under his wristband. “I’m free on Wednesday” she shyly smiled, and his smile widened.
“Wednesday is it, then. I'll manage to find the time. Just for you." He smiled happily and only then she realized how deep she had fallen.
Ah- she hadn't wanted to fall in love. What a way to fail her own determination… But she couldn't complain, not at all.
And he felt the same way.
Luka and Marinette's hands locked together, and they lost themselves in each other’s eyes, smiling at each other.
“Why don’t you kiss her already, dumbass?” Juleka called, and Marinette blushed. “He won’t kiss you if you don’t give him proper permission, you know? He’s very considerate despite his looks. Tell him already”
“Jules… Why don’t you mind your business and make out with Rose instead?” He shushed his sister and Rose giggled, embracing Juleka. Luka returned his attention to Marinette. “Sorry about that”
“It’s ok… I-” She started, looking at his thin lips. “Will you kiss me if I want to? Because I think I do...”
“You do?” he asked, and she shyly nodded and he smiled softly, making her heart flutter.
She closed her eyes and he leaned closer to give her a sweet kiss on her cheek. She pouted a little, in disappointment, but he told her that, if she really wanted to kiss him, that would be the perfect excuse to meet him again and make it more special, like a beautiful lady like her deserved. Marinette understood his reasoning and agreed with it, despite the slight disappointment she felt she would have to wait a few days to get the chance to kiss him. Nevertheless, both of them happily smiled while their fingers remained interlaced, chatting and enjoying their time together the rest of the flight, until the plane landed and they had to unavoidably say their farewells.
“Thank you for everything, Luka. I forgot how scared I was of planes thanks to you and- I’ll see you soon?”
“I really hope so. I still owe you something, right?" He winked and she blushed happily. Luka gave her a final discreet and quick kiss on her knuckles. "Gosh- I miss you already...” He added, and Marinette felt the urge to cry. She dropped her bag to hold him in a needed embrace. He gladly reciprocated her gesture. Despite neither wanting to separate, they forced themselves to. "I hope I see you soon, Marinette"
"Me too, Luka…" she wiped her tears and waved, as the band started walking away.
When the arrivals doors opened and all the camera flashes blinded her, she understood why Kitty Section members always wore sunglasses in airports. They were more popular than she could have expected. She understood why he had refused to kiss her outside of the plane, but he still saluted her before disappearing in the multitude of fans and paparazzis.
On the other side, Sabrina, Audrey Bourgeois’ assistant, waited for her. She had almost forgotten about her own business. But now, she found the motivation she had lacked. If she was willing to be with Luka, she had to become the best. She wanted to make a name of herself, more than ever. And her meeting with Luka certainly boosted her confidence.
Unexpectedly, her trip to NY had already become one of her most memorable experiences yet. And it had just started! She couldn't wait to spend the rest of the week in the city.
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mc-lukanette · 4 years
Luka had never thought of himself as particularly attractive, though it wasn't like he thought he was unattractive either. He just didn't have any opinion on his looks overall. He knew his mom had a "unique" style and that his sister was more specifically "pretty" (a fact which he was sure to tell her whenever she doubted it), but as for himself, he never really cared; he looked how he looked and that was all there was to it.
Other people seemed to have different ideas. Luka had what he eventually learned was the "bad boy appearance"; the highlights, the piercings, the distressed pants, and the untied shoes apparently all contributed to it. It was also something "alluring" and "attractive" to certain people, and Luka had definitely had his share of those certain people flocking to him, thinking he was someone completely different from who he actually was.
Under normal circumstances, he was never noticed unless he wanted to be. He had a presence similar to Juleka’s that didn’t make him stand out in any particular way, but he could “turn it off” if he so wished, leading to people thinking he had snuck up on them. When strangers did finally take him in, it led to the misunderstanding and - if they were interested in him because of it - was swiftly followed by disappointment.
It made sense in a way, how his lack of presence combined with how people's first impressions seemed to come from appearance, but it was one of the few things in his life that truly upset him. Of course, he wasn't going to change his hair or how he dressed, refusing to give up what he looked like just because of other people, but he still wanted the misunderstandings to stop.
As he sat on the Liberty, contemplating the issue and playing a melody to keep his mind off things, he suddenly heard a voice call out behind him, cutting his song short with an, "U-um!"
He raised a brow, then turned and propped his arm up on the edge of the Liberty. There was a girl standing a small distance away, shifting on her feet and keeping her hands behind her back. Her black hair nearly shadowed out her eyes, but the bright blue shone through clear as day.
He noticed the blush on her face next and tried not to look put off by it. He'd been through this sort of thing before, and far too many times to count. He expected this to be no different, where he'd have to explain how he wasn't in any gangs, why his outfit wasn't making some sort of rebellious statement, and that his motorcycle was actually just a dorky bicycle (which he was proud of, thank you very much).
What he wasn't expecting was for the girl to pull a decently-sized gift box out from behind her back and throw it onto the deck of the Liberty. He stared at it, then back at her while wordlessly asking a question, which she responded to with a quick nod.
He'd never gotten an actual gift from an "admirer" before.
Looking down and setting his guitar off to the side, he slowly got off his seat to pick up the gift, then sat back down so he could put it on his lap. He undid the thick ribbon, a strange curiosity filling him as he lifted the top of the box to look inside.
He gaped at the contents. The box was absolutely filled to the brim with goodies, like things an acquaintance would know to give him: stickers for his acoustic guitar, a pack of replacement guitar strings, and a set of empty CD jewel cases with blank CDs inside, all resting on top of a few layers of sky blue tissue paper. He almost felt a little spoiled getting so many things in one package, especially since he was used to just buying such things himself.
He turned back to the girl questioningly, to which she shyly gestured at the walkway above the one that the Liberty's gangplank would connect to.
"I go all over Paris to get inspiration and I-I sometimes sat up there to draw," she explained. "I heard you playing such beautiful music and I've seen you at other places by accident. You're always so calm and nice and I just—" She pressed the heels of her hands to her forehead, closing her eyes and taking a sharp intake of breath as if to steel herself up. "I'd... I'd like to go out with you?" Flinching, she looked back at him and flailed her arms in defense. "N-not—! Not like an official boyfriend-girlfriend thing, because that'd be weird! I want to get to know you, but maybe also get you to know me?"
She slumped, and he could vaguely make out a mumble; something about a "disaster."
He tried to get a word out, but she beat him to it, standing straight again to point at the box. "Look! There's... a surprise at the bottom of the gift, okay? I'll be there, but—i-if you don't want to talk with me or want me there at all, that's fine—you can just say so and I'll go! Okay-bye-now!"
She waved frantically as she sped to the nearest set of steps to leave the general area the Seine was in. Luka was stunned silent for a few more seconds, then looked back at the gift she'd left him. He moved around the contents, not finding anything at first, then noted the tissue paper and dug underneath it, his fingertips touching something small and rectangular. He gripped it and gently pulled it out, careful not to damage it in any way.
His eyes widened as he realized what it was: a front-row ticket to Jagged Stone's next concert. It didn't surprise him that she knew he liked Jagged Stone - literally anyone who saw him knew that, he paraded Jagged's symbol on his shirt after all - but he couldn't believe she'd just given him a front-row ticket like it was nothing when it was very much something.
He took a quick glance around the area to see if the girl was still there, feeling a hint of guilt that he immediately judged her due to his exhaustion with other people when she'd clearly gone through the effort to know him just from the brief glimpses she got. He'd always hated the fact that he got misunderstood, but maybe he misunderstood her too?
Taking one last look at the ticket, he safely slipped it back into its original spot and closed the box, standing up with a look of resolve.
He'd find out the truth on the day of that concert, and there was a part of him that was looking forward to it. She might've heard him playing beautiful music when she'd first seen him, but he felt like he'd heard beautiful music coming from her just now as well, and he hoped he was right.
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purrincess-chat · 4 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH5
Aaaand it’s finally time. Surprise! Work has been kicking my butt the past couple weeks, so I’ve been really tired and writing has been slow. But we are still plenty ahead of schedule on this project, so don’t worry your pretty little heads! You’ll still get a chapter every Friday! We’re getting closer to the big shifts. Only a couple more chapters until the real fun begins >:)
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Chapter 5: when the party’s over
“Good morning, sweetie.”
“Morning, Mom.” Marinette made her way down the stairs, carrying her boots in one hand. She yawned and stooped to kiss her mother’s cheek.
“How was the concert? Did you all have a good time?” her mom asked.
“I had an amazing time! We got to stand backstage for the whole performance, and you’re not gonna believe it! I fixed Jagged's jacket, and to thank me, he invited me to sing a song with him!” Marinette relayed as she grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
“Oh, how exciting!” her mom said. “I always knew you would do something amazing.”
“If Eliott hadn't suggested that I ask for tickets, Jagged would have canceled the show. It was really lucky that I was there,” Marinette said, ripping the peel.
“So, I take it everything is going well at your new school?” Her mom took a seat across from her.
“Yeah. I'm making new friends, and I helped someone with their bully,” Marinette answered around a bite.
“Are you happy?”
Marinette slowed her chewing as she mulled over an answer, and sensing her hesitance, her mom placed a hand over hers.
“I know there are things you don't tell me, but I can tell when you're upset,” she said. “You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. All I care about is that you're happy.”
“It's just that…” She took a deep breath before spilling everything. Following Lila and Adrien, the situation with seats, Lila's threats in the bathroom, Alya's akumatization.
Once she started, she couldn't stop. Words tumbled from her mouth in a rapid current until hot tears spilled down her cheeks. Her mother moved to hold her, rubbing her back and kissing her hair.
“When you said you wanted to transfer to this new school to focus on your talents, I had no idea you were leaving behind so much,” her mom said. “You've been carrying all of that weight for so long.”
“I didn't know what else to do,” Marinette whimpered. She sniffled against her mother's shoulder.
“Look at me.” Her mom lifted her chin. “You do so much for other people, and that’s wonderful. But I think it's time that you focus on what makes you happy.”
That was the understatement of the century, but Marinette wasn't going to say as much.
“Your father and I raised you to always help others when you can, but we never wanted it to be at the expense of your own happiness. Sometimes it's okay to do what's best for yourself, and I think that changing schools was a smart decision.” She brushed a tear from Marinette's cheek with her thumb. “I know you're hurting now, and if you ever need anything, Papa and I are always here for you.”
“Thanks, Mama,” Marinette said.
She hugged her mother tightly, her worries washing down her face in thin streaks. For once, she wasn't a superhero with the weight of the world on her shoulders—she was a young girl, abandoned and hurt by the people she once trusted. There wasn’t a clever solution to fix everything. No lucky charm to get her out of a messy situation. It was the hardest lesson she'd ever learned. That sometimes there was no magic to reset everything. Some wounds didn't heal, and some bonds stayed broken.
For the first time since she became Ladybug, Marinette didn't have to carry anyone's burdens but her own. For once, she could just cry.
♪♫♪ When I’m Gone ♪♫♪
“Well, class, by an overwhelming majority, I’m happy to announce Lila as our new class representative!” Mlle. Bustier said.
“Mlle. Bustier, I would like a recount!” Chloe demanded.
“You only had two votes, Chloe. I don’t think a recount is necessary.” She gave her a sympathetic smile.
“What? That’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe folded her arms over her chest.
“Can you blame us?” Alya asked.
“Yeah, Lila is way cooler than you.” Alix shot back, a sentiment echoed by several others.
Chloe slouched in her seat, seething. “Well, at least Sabrina recognizes my natural leadership,” she said, but her bff averted her gaze. “Don’t tell me you voted for her too?”
“Sorry, Chloe.” Sabrina shrank when Chloe gasped in disbelief.
“Are my ears deceiving me? How dare you!” Chloe slammed her fist on the desk as the whole class erupted into laughter.
“Wow, even Sabrina is tired of you,” Nathaniel said.
Chloe’s jaw clenched, cheeks burning angry and hot. Even the shrimpy comic book nerd was laughing at her. What had the world come to?
“I don’t want to cause any trouble, but I did win fair and square, Chloe. I hope you aren’t too mad at me.” Lila curled her shoulders. “The last thing I want to do is make another enemy like I did with Marinette. I just want to do my best to make your lives as easy as possible here.”
“See? Now that’s natural leadership.” Alya smirked.
“You’re all so lame. I wouldn’t want your votes anyway.” Chloe glared at Lila as class resumed and clicked her stylus pen. Lila wasn’t some nobody like Marinette. She was going to be harder to push around. Regardless, if there was something Chloe wanted, she always got it.
♪♫♪ I Don’t Care ♪♫♪
“Congrats on winning class representative,” Alya said at the next class change. “I can go over all of your duties with you this afternoon if you want. Marinette and I used to discuss things over ice cream.”
Lila suppressed an eye roll. The sooner Alya stopped talking about that brat, the better. Things were working out in Lila’s favor already now that she was gone. Pretty soon she’d own this school, and no one would even remember Marinette’s name.
“Actually, I’m recovering from tonsilitis, so my doctor said I’m not allowed to eat any dairy.” Lila touched her throat delicately. “Besides, you and I should pick our own rituals and forget about Marinette.”
“True, I guess.” Alya pursed her lips, and Lila placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I know it’s hard to move on, but honestly, Marinette is nobody,” Lila said. “Though not many people can say they saved an entire village from a stampede, so I guess I shouldn’t be one to judge.”
“Not all of us can be so amazing.” Alya chuckled good-naturedly. “I guess part of me just wishes that Marinette could have gotten to know you and seen how cool you are.”
“Her loss.” Lila shrugged as they entered the locker room.
“Did you see-”
“Is that for real?”
“No way!”
“What’s going on?” Alya asked Adrien and Nino.
“Marinette sang with Jagged Stone last night at his concert here in Paris.” Nino explained, tilting his phone toward them.
“What?” Lila snatched it from him.
“Miraculous, yeah I got this! I gotta confess I feel so strong!”
“She asked him for tickets yesterday on Instagram, and he gave her backstage passes,” Mylène said.
“She looks so happy and confident,” Rose cooed.
“Wouldn’t you be if you got to sing with Jagged Stone on stage?” Alix said.
“I miss her.” Rose slumped, and several classmates followed suit.
“Yeah, me too,” Max echoed.
“Hey, Lila, since you’re such good friends with Jagged Stone, do you think you could get us tickets to his next show?” Kim asked.
Every eye turned to her expectantly, and her annoyance flared. Of course Marinette wouldn’t go quietly. That stupid brat was causing her problems even after she was gone. Lila wasn’t worried though. This situation just needed a little precision…
“Well, I would love to, but celebrities like Jagged really don’t like to give stuff away for free. It’s kind of taboo to even ask. I’m sure Jagged only complied this time because he wanted to save face. He cares about his fans so much, but it’s actually very rude to ask someone for special treatment,” Lila said. “I feel really bad for Jagged being put on the spot like that. She could have ruined his reputation.”
“Wow, I guess I didn’t realize…” Kim rubbed the back of his neck. “I’d hate to put you in that position.”
“I can’t believe Marinette would do such a thing.” Nathaniel glared down at his phone.
“Yeah, way uncool.”
“Everyone, please don’t make a fuss and blame Marinette. She isn’t used to dealing with celebrities. I’m sure she meant no harm.” Lila assured them. “If only she were still here. I have so much I could teach her.”
“We’re so lucky to have you, Lila,” Nino said. He draped an arm across her shoulders.
“Yeah, thanks, Lila!”
“You’re the best.”
Lila smiled as the bell rang, and everyone shuffled off to class. Marinette wasn’t going to get ahead so easily. Everyone was still exactly where Lila wanted them, and she’d make sure it stayed that way.
♪♫♪ Primadonna ♪♫♪
Later that afternoon, the girls gathered in the bathroom to comfort Mireille who was crying over some stupid argument she’d had with her boyfriend, not that Chloe cared. All she wanted was to find dirt on Lila, so she slipped in unnoticed and hid in an empty stall to listen.  
Nothing was right in her school anymore. Lila was stealing away everything she’d worked for, and while everyone was too busy paying attention to her, Chloe barely had anyone to boss around. Something needed to change. Fast. She would have to be smarter if she wanted to dethrone this queen, but she’d have order restored in her kingdom soon enough.
Chloe peeked through the crack in the door as Alya and Lila entered. She was going to find Lila’s weakness, then she was going to take her down.
“What’s going on?” Lila asked.
“Mireille and her boyfriend got into a fight, and she’s pretty upset,” Mylène said in a hushed tone.
“Marinette used to give advice to everyone and help them stay positive.” Rose glanced up at Lila. “Since you’re the new class representative, you can help, right?”
“Well, Mireille isn’t really in our class,” Lila said, but when Mireille let out a loud sob, she scrunched her nose and knelt beside her. “Hey, there’s no sense crying over some boy. I’ve had my heart broken before too, so I know how it feels. Boys are dumb. He’s not worth your tears,” she said. “If he really loved you, he wouldn’t have argued with you, and if he doesn’t love you, then you shouldn’t waste your time crying over him. I think you should move on because there’s no better revenge than finding someone cuter.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Mireille sniffled and ran a hand across her cheek.
“We can get some ice cream later if you want.” Alya offered.
“Thanks, girls.” Mireille smiled. She turned to the mirror to fix her face as the bell rang.
“See you later.” They all waved goodbye, shuffling to their next class and leaving Mireille alone.
Drat. Chloe would have to figure out another way to get to Lila. Everyone had a weakness, and Chloe would find hers if it was the last thing she did. But first she needed to get out of the bathroom stall.
She peeked through the crack in the door, but Mireille was still pouting over her lock screen—a picture of her boyfriend hugging her lovingly. Too preoccupied with her sadness, she didn’t see the little black butterfly land on her charm bracelet.
Chloe gasped as Mireille transformed before her eyes, closing the stall door before she could be noticed. She hated to admit it, but she actually missed Maribrat Dupain-Cheng. At least with her around giving pep talks to every miserable face she came across, akumas had reached an all-time low at their school. Where was Ladybug when she needed her?
♪♫♪ Listen ♪♫♪
“So, you really saved his whole show?” One of Marinette’s new classmates asked as everyone crowded around her.
“I’m sure they would have found another solution but-”
“Oh, don’t be modest!” Eliott cut her off with an eye roll. “She totally saved the whole show.”
“Yeah, Jagged Stone adores her.” Macy added with a giggle.
“I still think it should have been you up there, Macy. You’re a much better singer than I am.” Marinette rubbed the back of her neck.
“You have such a cute voice! We should sing a duet together for our next art project,” Macy said, and several classmates agreed, much to Marinette’s chagrin.
“Alright, class, everyone take your seats,” Mme. Allard instructed as she strolled into the room. To Marinette’s relief, the group surrounding her dispersed. “Today we will be discussing themes in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. Now, who can tell me-”
When Marinette’s phone buzzed in her bag, she checked it under her desk. “An akuma alert!”
“What’s that?” Eliott leaned over.
“Is something the matter, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng? M. Chasse?” Mme. Allard paused her lesson and quirked a brow.
“Uh, there’s an akuma loose in the city, ma’am. Shouldn’t we evacuate?” Marinette held up her phone.
Mme. Allard removed her glasses to read the report. “It says here that lockdown orders are only for the area surrounding Notre Dame. We will continue our lesson until it becomes a threat on this side of town,” she said. “Now, put your phone away. They are prohibited during instruction.”
“Yes, Mme. Allard.” Marinette tucked her phone back into her bag and exchanged a nervous look with Tikki. “Actually, Mme. Allard?”
“What is it, Marinette?”
“Can I be excused to the bathroom?”
“You just went before we got here.” Macy gave her a quizzical look.
“Do you have a documented medical condition that requires you to frequent the restroom, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng?” Mme. Allard asked.
A few classmates giggled, and Marinette’s cheeks burned.
“No, ma’am,” she mumbled.
“Then I think you can hold it until the next class change. Now don’t interrupt my lecture again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She lowered her head, shooting Tikki an apologetic wince.
Her foot tapped the entire lecture, fingers drumming, pen tapping, eyes watching the clock. Part of her hoped the akuma would make its way to their side of town, but she wasn’t so lucky. When the bell rang, Marinette jumped from her chair and stuffed her tablet into her bag.
“Uh, I’m not feeling too well, so I’m gonna go see the nurse,” she said.
“Do you want us to walk with you?” Eliott offered, but she shook her head.
“I, uh, think I might be getting the flu, and I don’t want to infect you guys, so I’ll see you later.” She raced up the hallway.
The third-floor bathroom was empty when Marinette burst through the doors and ducked into a stall—her first stroke of luck all day.
“Your new school is so strict,” Tikki said.
“We can talk about it later. Transform me!”
Dashing across the rooftops, she hurled her yoyo as far as she could. She just hoped Chat Noir managed to show up and keep things at bay. When she made it to the school, she swooped down just in time to deflect an attack before it hit Chat Noir.
“Oh, nice of you to finally drop in,” he said dryly.
“Sorry, kitty, I got held up,” she said. “You okay?”
He relaxed and offered her a wink. “Better now that you’re here. You had me worried.”
“I’ll try not to make a habit of it.” She vowed, readying her yoyo. “In the meantime, I think we could use a little luck to get us out of this mess.”
“Be my guest.” Chat Noir bowed.
Her magnifying glass made quick work of Heartbreaker, and Mireille blinked in confusion as Ladybug purified the akuma.
“What happened?” Mireille asked, dazed.
“You were akumatized.” Chat Noir explained.
“Oh no!” She covered her face. “I got so angry…Now Jean will never take me back!”
Ladybug placed a hand on Mireille’s shoulder with a reassuring smile. “Hey, arguments in relationships happen. I’m sure you both said things you regret, so why don’t you try talking to him now that you’ve both calmed down?” She advised. “I’m sure you can come to an understanding.”
“I will. Thank you, Ladybug.” Mireille smiled. She waved as Ladybug and Chat Noir vaulted off.
“Thanks for your help, m’lady.” Chat Noir kissed her hand.
“Sorry it took me so long, kitty. I’m glad you were able to manage,” she said. “I’ll see you next time.”
“Don’t be late,” he called as she swung off.
Landing back in the bathroom, she leaned against the wall with a sigh. That was too close. She’d have to figure out a better way to escape to fight akumas, but at least she made it in time for this one.
She slipped into her desk in physics quietly and leaned over to Eliott. “What’d I miss?”
“I thought you had the flu?” Eliott recoiled.
“False alarm, just allergies,” she said.
“Oh, we should go to the spa later! The sauna is really good for your sinuses,” Macy whispered.
“Uh, sure.” Marinette nodded, shifting in her seat as they tuned back into the lesson. She relaxed when no one seemed suspicious of her.
Being a superhero just got a lot more complicated.
♪♫♪ Delicate ♪♫♪
“How is your new school?” Adrien asked that afternoon over tea and cookies.
“I’m…adjusting.” Marinette pursed her lips. “How is the old school?”
“Well,” Adrien drawled. “Lila is the new class representative, and she may have convinced people that you almost ruined Jagged’s image.”
“What a brat.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “She’s really class rep?”
“Don’t look at me, I voted for Chloe.” Adrien held up defensive hands.
“Somehow I don’t feel like that’s better.” Marinette leaned against her fist with a smirk.
She fixed her gaze on her cup with a sigh.
“Rose said she misses you.” Adrien offered. “Before Lila convinced her you were clueless about dealing with celebrities.”
“I miss her too,” Marinette said. She traced the rim of her cup with a finger. “I miss everyone, but…”
“I know.” Adrien winced. “For what it’s worth, I thought your performance with Jagged was awesome.”
“It was pretty awesome,” she admitted with a giggle. “And I got you an autograph!”
Adrien pressed his palms together appreciatively as she retrieved a signed poster of Jagged’s face from her desk.
“You rock, Marinette!” he said in his best Jagged impression, then more sincerely added, “I’m glad that you’re doing what’s best for you. If there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word.”
“Thank you, Adrien.” Her cheeks warmed as he held her gaze, her mind clouding into a lovestruck haze. She almost got lost in his gorgeous green eyes, but footsteps pounded up the staircase, breaking her trance.
Marinette jumped as her trapdoor swung open, and a familiar pair of icy blue eyes poked through. It was Chloe Bourgeois, and she was pissed.
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ladyanput · 4 years
Spots Drawn in Marker Pt.1
Based on the AU by @miraculous-of-salt
(I promise this isn't full on bashing.)
Marinette sighed ever so softly as she tapped her pencil against her sketchbook. Today was not seeming to be an inspirational day and she had a portfolio to finish by the end of the month. 
"And I just couldn't believe that Jagged's concert was almost cancelled. But he called me and I filled him with such inspiration and determination that he just couldn't help but rock out." Lila spoke in an airy, wistful tone that Marinette had no doubt she practiced to get just right. "He said I could even get VIP passes to his next show, thanks to what I did, as many as I want."
Well there goes any and all hope for any inspiration this morning. Lila just leeched any creativity out of any room she's in.
"Do you think I could get one?" Alya piped up, beaming over at Lila as she recorded the entire conversation. "I mean, since we're besties, I'd love an interview with Jagged. Lately he's been very tight lipped about a lot of things."
"Of course, Alya, anything for my second best friend!" Lila hugged the girl, beaming brightly as Alya began posting the recording on her blog.
Marinette merely rolled her eyes and settled back in her seat in the back of the class, going back to sketching her ideas for the morning. A beautiful scarf, maybe a nice warm sweater… Marinette was quickly lost in a world of design, a world she could have control of. It was something she had often turned to after Lila had caused her life to go spiralling into a pit where her friends brushed off her concerns for the lies of a shiny new toy.
Marinette was so caught up in her sketching, that she didn't notice when Miss Bustier came in, guiding along a girl who shared a wink with Lila. If only she had noticed.
"Class, we have a new student joining us today. This is Rébecca, she just transferred to our school today. I hope you will all give her a warm welcome." Bustier beamed at her class as many of her students mumbled clumsy, half-hearted hellos.
 Marinette glanced up from her sketchbook and took a good, long look at the new girl. She was tall, slim, with dark bluish-black hair that reached her shoulders. Marinette could tell by looking  at them that her clothes were Gabriel brand, the skinny jeans clinging to her long, long legs like a second skin, the leopard print top accentuating any curves the girl may have had. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Lila has told me so much about you all!" Rébecca beamed at everyone, and that instantly made Marinette narrow her eyes a fraction, while Rébecca strode over to where Lila and Adrien sat, sending a flirty little smile to the model. "And I heard you're quite the helpful one, of course. I'm so glad you volunteered to show me around today."
Oh, that was it. Lila brought along a croney to try and manipulate Adrien some more, maybe help granduerize her stories. Well, this was certainly becoming a fun class. Marinette pressed her lips into a thin line as Rébecca sat down next to Adrien, causing the boy to be uncomfortably sandwiched between the two girls. It made Marinette's blood boil at how the two girls kept pawing at the model, who clearly wanted to get away, while Alya and the others just cooed and urged it on.
Honestly, this entire class has gone crazy.
Marinette made a move to go down there and get them to stop, but Adrien had looked back at her and given her a look that pleaded that she didn't. That's what he wanted, for her to sit down, shut up, and not cause trouble. It took everything in Marinette not to snap her pencil as Miss Bustier began to lesson.
Adrien didn't quite know how to feel about this new girl hanging off of his arm, seeming overly cuddly with him, fluttering her lashes and trying to get most of his attention.
"How exactly do you two know each other?" Alya had asked when she and Nino sat down with the duo and Lila. Lila had only perked up, and got a somewhat secretive smile on her face, while Rébecca let out a soft giggle.
“All I can say is, Alya, that Rébecca is my best friend.” Lila boasted, giving Alya an overly obvious wink. Alya stared at Lila, as if slowly digesting her words before her eyes lit up and her hand shot for her phone.
“You’re serious?!” Alya began to open an app on her phone, but Rébecca reached out a hand to stop her, then gave Adrien a pleading look.
“Adrien, I’m very parched. Do you think you could grab me a soda, please? I would greatly appreciate it.” She slid a hand slowly along his arm, giving him a smile then when their eyes met. 
Adrien opened his mouth, but then nodded and made his way to the lunch line, which had grown fairly sizable as lunch was halfway over.
“You’re Ladybug?!” Alya beamed as she reached out and took Rébecca’s hand, an eager gleam in her eyes. “I knew Marinette was wrong about everything! Can I see the earrings?”
Rébecca nodded and pulled aside her hair from her ear, showing off the black spotted red earring, making Alya practically squeal with delight. 
“I just want to say that I’m so honoured that you chose me to be Rena Rouge.” Alya took Rébecca’s hand, so awestruck that she missed the surprised look Lila and Rébecca exchanged. 
“Well it was Lila that gave me the glowing recommendation.” Rébecca grinned as Alya began practically bursting with excitement as she began dumping question after question on Rébecca, who answered every one with ease, puffing out her chest with pride. Nino even seemed to get into it, thanking her profusely for allowing him to become Carapace, thankful he was able to protect the people of Paris.
    All the while Marinette was seated on the other side of the cafeteria with Rose and Ivan, trying her hardest to design something new for Kitty Section’s concert in a month, completely unaware of the imposter across the room. She was merely smiling as she discussed with Rose the possibility of adding more sparkles to the outfits, while Ivan was increasingly pleading for them not to.
 “Oh come on, they won’t be that bad.” Marinette smirked up at her distressed classmate, playfully sticking out her tongue. “Maybe I’ll even make the costumes neon orange.”
“Don’t you dare..” Ivan growled softly, but any playful banter was cut short by an explosion nearby that shook the school. Many students let out surprised screams as trees seemed to burst from the floor out of nowhere. 
“Hello Paris, I am Dryad, prepare to start tossing away those construction sites you use as excuses to cut down my precious trees!” A voice called out, echoing across the area, and it was then a panic began. Students cried out and began running in various directions, as the branches stretched from the trees and began snatching up various people. 
Adrien ducked off into an alcove, and thinking the coast was clear, transformed and took off, completely unaware of Rébecca watching from around the corner, a stunned look on her face.
As soon as school was over, Marinette stretched and let out a soft groan. Her body felt so stiff from that akuma battle earlier, Dryad had been an eco-activist who had been angry that her favourite park had been dozed over to make room for a spa, so she had been an easy target for Hawkmoth.
“Mari, I have to tell you something.” Alya ran up beside her and grabbed her arm, stopping her friend in her tracks. Marinette gave her a smile, though silently wished she were heading home right now for a nap. She just felt so drained after the day, and she wanted to relax with a nice cup of hot cocoa and some cookies with Tikki. 
    “Oh, did you get a new scoop?” Marinette’s smile widened when she saw the eager look in Alya’s eyes, the slight bounce in her step. She knew right away that the young reporter had quite the story if she was stopping Marinette right outside of school. 
    “I sure did, and it’s all thanks to Lila.” Alya grinned, but it quickly dimmed when the smile fell from Marinette’s face. She then huffed and crossed her arms, cocking a hip. “Marinette, this jealous streak of yours is getting annoying.”
    “I’m not jealous, Alya, I’m just tired of you believing her lies, which are so obvious.” Marinette crossed her arms, her own annoyed expression matching Alya’s. 
    “God, I don’t know why I even try with you. You’ll see soon enough what a fool you’ve been, never giving Lila a single chance. When you see my interview tomorrow, you’ll be begging Lila for forgiveness.” Alya said this in the most confident tone she could ever have spoken, making Marinette’s frown then press into firm line. 
    “Alya-” Marinette’s words died as soon as Alya held up a hand and began storming away. The young girl felt a heavy weight in her heart as she watched her best friend walk away. Why did it feel like she was about to walk away from their friendship..?
Marinette shook her head. No, she wouldn't let it come to that! Whatever stunt Lila was trying to pull, it wasn't going to work, Mari refused to back down and let her win, because if Lila won, she'd oh make things worse. She's hurt Marinette's friends, keep using them like she had. And she might even get her hands on Adri-
Adrien. Oh no, that new girl was trying to sink her claws into Adrien too, wasn't she? It just hurt to think about how those two would try and manipulate Adrien. But he wouldn't fall for it right? He knew Lila was a liar, he wouldn't fall for any tricks..
Marinette made her way home, tightly gripping the straps of her backpack, an uneasy feeling rolling in her stomach.
Adrien frowned as he was dragged off by Rébecca, who was clutching his arm like a vice.
"Rébecca, what's this about? I have a modeling gig in a few hours, so I can't stay very long.." He tried to point out, stumbling slightly when she abruptly stopped and turned to him, realizing the two of them were in an empty classroom. "Rébecca, is something wrong?"
".. I can't believe it. My Kitty has been before me this whole time.." Rébecca blushed as she slid her hand down his arm, gripping his hand lightly. "I've been so blind."
"Wait, what are you talking about?" Adrien blinked in surprise as the girl set her other hand on his chest.
"Don't you recognize me, Chat? Don't you recognize your Ladybug?" She whispered, biting her lower lip. "I guess without the mask, I'm not so special anymore.."
Adrien felt his breath hitch at her words, his mind racing. No, she couldn't be.. Could she?
"I accidentally saw you detransform when I was trying to sneak back into school after our fight with Dryad. I'm sorry, but I thought since I knew, it was only fair to tell you.." She whispered, looking away as if in shame. Rébecca was internally thankful that Lila told her everything she needed to know about Adrien and the class, and was even more grateful she had given into Lila's silly little plan to try and trick the class more. Being Ladybug could be fun, afterall, she always wanted to be famous.
"What, no! M- my Lady, that's not true!" Adrien blurted out the words before he could stop himself, alarmed at the sight of the tears beginning to stream down her face.
"The.. the reason I've been rejecting you is because I've been in love with you, Adrien. And when I found out that you and Chat Noir were the same person, I just couldn't believe it, but it made so much sense" Rébecca leaned closer, their bodies pressing lightly together. "You're right, kitty, we are meant for each other, I was just simply blind to it.. Do you think I could get a second chance, please? I love you, Adrien."
Adrien was silent for the longest time, his mind trying to process all of this. This was Ladybug..? His heart began to pound as she poured her heart out to him, his hopes skyrocketing. She loved him, she really loved him! It felt like his dreams were coming true! Grinning, Adrien leaned close, their foreheads pressing lightly together as he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, eyeing her earring before chuckling.
"I love you too, my Lady. We're soulmates, something silly as a misunderstanding could never tear us apart." He murmured, and both of them leaned closer and shared a soft kiss, Rébecca practically preening as she ensnared the gullible model.
Marinette huffed softly as she stared at her essay. School had to be built to torture people, there was no way these institutes built up every person of every walk of life, because these essays and term papers were a pain in the butt.
"Tikki, I think my eyes are going to explode.." She groaned as she closed her eyes and rubbed them, feeling the beginnings of a migraine beginning to form.
"It's probably because you stayed up all night." Tikki scolded her, the alarm clock next to Marinette suddenly going off, making the girl jump in her seat.
"Oh no, I'm going to be a total zombie in school today.." Marinette groaned as she put her face in her hands. She hadn't even realized she had stayed up so late, but she had really wanted to finish this dark essay before it became a bigger problem than it was worth. She should have been more mindful.
It was then that her phone beeped. When she looked at the notification, she realized Alya had published that interview she had mentioned yesterday.
"Well, since I'm up on time, I can watch it while I get ready." Marinette shrugged and tapped on the video to play it, and began getting dressed.
Alya was seated in her room, beaming proudly as she sat between Lila and Rébecca.
"Hey guys, it's Alya your lovable Ladyblogger here. I'm here to give you guys the scoop of the century! Over the past year, you've all come to know my amazing best friend, Lila, and her amazing exploits!" Alya grinned as she wrapped an arm around Lila, giving her a quick side up before sitting up again. "Well, Lila has managed to convince someone very special to give me an interview at long last, without her mask."
Marinette watched as she brushed her teeth, raising a brow as she took in Alya's words.
"Everyone, I'd love you to meet our very own Ladybug, finally showing her face, right here, on my blog!" Alya grinned like a cat who had cream.
"I have to say, it's an honour to finally reveal myself to all of you, especially on one of the most important blogs ever. Without you, Alya, I think I'd be lost. You always do the best detective work, and give everyone the greatest stories." Rébecca praised, carefully stroking Alya's ego. "Lila finally convinced me to show myself to the world. You're right, Alya, the world has the right to know.'
Marinette felt the toothbrush drop from her mouth as she stared at her phone screen, the blood beginning to pound through her veins.
"Tikki.." She croaked out after she spit her toothpaste into the sink, her body beginning to tremble. "Oh God, Tikki, she's lying.. She's- she's claiming to be me!"
"Marinette, you need to calm down!" Tikki flew in front of her Chosen's face, panic making her gasp as she saw the tears beginning to well up in Marinette's eyes.
"Why would Alya do that?! I've told her time and time again that I want to keep my identity a secret! It's important to me, it keeps everyone I love out of danger, why would she do this?! Now Rébecca's family could be in danger!" Marinette pulled at her pigtails as her mind began to race.
"Marinette, please, calm down! Maybe you can tell Alya these things at school today! I'm sure she'll listen if you calmly explain these things to you, I'm sure she'll fix it." 
".." Marinette sniffled and wiped away the tears. "You're right, Tikki. Alya has to at least think this is strange, it would be out of character for Ladybug to suddenly out herself like that.."
But when Marinette got to school and tried to talk to Alya, the girl merely cut her off and gave her a glare.
"I told you that you'd regret it, Marinette. I told you to try, and look at how things are now, even Ladybug herself thinks you're being unreasonable!" Alya snapped, motioning to where Rébecca sat with Lila, the class all overjoyed to have their wonderful hero Ladybug in that very room! The sight made Marinette feel ill.
"But Alya, Ladybug is always saying how she wanted to keep her identity a secret. Why would she suddenly start exposing herself, while Hawkmoth and Mayura are still at large?" Marinette held out her hands, trying to get Alya to see some kind of reason.
"You know what? I can't believe you're being this selfish right now. Honestly, this is the biggest story I've ever released and you're trying to ruin it!" Alya threw her hands up, catching the attention of a few of their classmates.
"Alya, we're best friends! Please, I just-" Marinette began,but was cut off again by Alya jabbing Marinette in the chest with a finger.
"Exactly, which is why best friends call each other out when they're being unreasonable,when they're making a complete fool of themselves! Look at you, you aren't even looking at the facts, Marinette, this jealous vendetta you have us ridiculous!" Alya snapped, then turned on her heel and stormed away. Marinette was left standing by her desk, her stomach coiling into a nervous ball.
Adrien entered the class not long after, a wide smile on his face. Before he could say anything, he caught Rébecca's eye. The girl stopped talking and abruptly got to her feet and rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as the two shared a passionate kiss.
Marinette felt her heart fall to the floor and shatter.
"Whoa, dude, didn't you two just meet yesterday?" Nino looked confused, as did the rest of the class. Inside, Lila was seething with rage, but she maintained a small smile.
"It may seem like that, but.. We've known each other for so much longer. I've been in love with Ladybug ever since I first met her. And it turns out, she felt the same way." Adrien beamed, lovingly kissing Rébecca's cheek.
Marinette began running before she realized she was doing it. She ran passed Alya, who gave her a look that screamed 'you took too long to confess, this is what you get', a confused Adrien, and a grinning Rébecca. She ignored the shouts for her to come back as she ran and ran, the tears streaming from her eyes.
She didn't have the proof, because the last time she had outed a lie as Ladybug, it had had disastrous consequences. And nobody believes her! No one saw the truth!
Marinette ran from the school and kept running, her lungs soon burning, her muscles soon aching, before she found herself into one of the small parks, which was completely deserted.
Marinette fell to her knees beside one of the fountains, burying her head in her arms as she rested against the basin, crying so hard, she soon passed out.
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omniscientwreck · 3 years
Day 7: Bread & Soup // Creation
Here we are! Finally finished Day 7! I’ve never completed anything like this before so I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey with me! Thanks to the folks who organized @shadowgastweek and I’ve loved seeing everyone’s contributions. Here’s hoping this Thursday is a good one for our boys <3 
As always please let me know what you think, this is unedited so proceed with caution, and stay tuned for the college AU I’ve been working on. 
Day 7: Bread & Soup // Creation
Essek knows that, providing he says yes, the moment the Nein find out they are engaged all hell will break loose.
Essek knows that, providing Caleb says yes, the moment the Nein find out they are engaged all hell will break loose. He’s not a particularly conventional or traditional man and a few short years ago he would have never paid mind to the idea of getting married one day.
Things have changed, he’s changed quite significantly. Every day he spends with the copper haired wizard who calls him sweetheart and angel the more convinced he is that they should never be apart.
If simply having the Nein for friends had changed him, loving someone and being loved in return had made him a new person. The simplicity of having someone to come home to, someone to make noise in his previously empty tower. With the relinquishing of much of the privilege of the Thelyss name, they’d taken up residence in a less auspicious district of the firmaments, outside of the gated community in which he’d been raised.
It felt good to be closer to his friends, a few streets down from the Xorhaus, and it felt good to build a home with someone. Caleb hadn’t moved in immediately of course, it took a year or so before they progressed enough in their relationship to feel comfortable sharing a life. That doesn’t mean Caleb’s tastes hadn’t influenced Essek’s decisions, and when he moved in they continued adjusting and changing until they both felt they belonged there.
He asked Caleb to marry him on the anniversary of their first date. After defeating Lucien they’d gone back to Aeor and studied and after a while the tension built. There were small touches, lingering glances, at first Essek attributed this to how Caleb treated his other friends. But as time passed eventually they would reach for each other’s hands, if there was a breakthrough Caleb would press their foreheads together and hold his face and the closeness was intoxicating.
They would have discussions late into the night, discovering and learning. They told stories of their pasts and eventually Essek opened up to Caleb completely, there was not a secret of his the wizard hadn’t heard and Caleb returned the trust in kind.
They worked hard over months and when they were done and had a reason to part ways, Essek found he couldn’t. “I have something to ask of you, it is just a question and any response is acceptable of course. I do not want to pressure you.”
Caleb turned and leaned down, catching Essek’s eyes from the spot on the ground he’d been intently staring at, “Of course, you can ask any question of me.” He was clearly confused but trying to reassure Essek with a small smile.
“I have had, to be honest, a wonderful time studying with you here. Not just studying but talking, getting to know you. I have come to realize that I am quite fond of you Caleb Widogast.” Words tumbled out of his mouth and if he stopped the momentum at all he would lose steam and walk back his confession, “I was wondering whether, when we’re back in Roshona, or anywhere really it matters not to me, if I may buy you dinner. Or we could go do something else, take in some theatre, a concert. I care not what we do I simply wish to be there with you.”
He was out of breath and he knew the effort that had taken cause a deep flush on his cheeks. He searched Caleb’s face and his heart fluttered as his companion’s smile widened, “Yes,” His voice was tender as he closed the distance between them, “That would be much to my liking. I’ve enjoyed spending time with you too Essek and I’d like to see where this road may take us.”
“Well I suspect dinner will the the first place.” Caleb nodded and grabbed for Essek’s hand and they walked together to the Xhorhasian base to leave for home.
Their first date had been everything Essek expected and more, they went on more and more dates, spent time with each other studying, talking, enjoying music and art, and taking physical comfort in each other. It had been unlike anything he’d ever experienced. To miss someone when they were away, to feel like two people with one goal, one project, beginning to build something together that was intangible and entirely personal.
It wasn’t long after they’d begun cohabitating that Essek had though of marriage. It’s interesting how casual a thought it had become in the past few months. Considering Caleb might be his husband, to willingly join himself to another. To never be alone again.
The night he asks, Caleb has just come home from a trip to assist Yussa. They worked together on occasion and whenever Caleb went to his aid he was gone for an extended period. They’d been working on something to do with the folding halls and Caleb has begun telling him all about it. Whenever he tells Essek of these projects his face changes completely, there’s no hint of the sorrow that’s weighed him down for so long, he uses his hands to talk and his features are bright and animated.
He realizes a little too late that his mind has completely wandered off and Caleb is trying to get his attention back to him. “Schatz, what is that faraway look in your eyes? What are you dreaming of?”
Before even realizing the word he’s forming he’s already spoken, “You.”
Cheeks burning, he feels himself beginning to flail at the sweet look on his lover’s face, “Caleb I know we have talked about this before and I know the consensus wasn’t entirely clear but it’s been some time and I love you deeply. Everything we’ve been through together has strengthened us. You’ve made me a better man, taught me so much about life, we’ve conquered so many seemingly insurmountable tasks side by side and with the aid of our friends. We have walked through hell and back and I know that together we can do anything we set our minds to. I love you wholly and without hesitation and I would be honoured if you give to me the greatest happiness of becoming my husband.”
At that he pulls a ring he’s been saving from his wristpocket. It’s simple and silver, two bands side by side that cross over three times at the top of the ring, polished and clean. He holds it to Caleb who is beaming and holding out a simple golden band to Essek, it’s thin and polished with a flat top and a small red gem. “Mein Engel I could not possibly say yes fast enough, I have, I will admit, been waiting for the moment for quite some time. As usual you beat me to the punch.”
Hands trembling, Caleb allows Essek to slide the ring onto this hand and in turn does the same. Essek strokes Caleb’s face with the back of his hand and they embrace, hands entwining into each other’s hair, he holds Caleb as close as physics will allow but finds even that is not close enough. They stay like that for a long time before Caleb breaks the embrace, “We had better tell the Nein, Jester will throw a fit if she finds out we made her wait.”
“Tomorrow, tonight is for us and then tomorrow we can plan.”
They kiss again and the night is filled with sweet affirmations and poetic words.
The Nein arrived a week before the date, promising to help with any preparations needed. Though Essek is no longer integral to the Den’s society, there are still certain expectations. They have ensured the correct people are invited without expanding the affair to be too overwhelming, Essek will have to endure his family but small inconveniences can be tolerated for a greater good.
His mother is, of course, scandalized but he pays it little mind. His brother is surprisingly ecstatic and takes a larger role in planning than Essek would have initially anticipated. He helps them find venues, flowers, caterers (though Jester, as a wedding gift, takes care of the cake and pastries). It’s strange to reconnect properly with his brother after so long apart, but it’s comforting that his attitude towards Essek hasn’t changed much. Growing up had done them both good.
They have asked Caduceus to perform their ceremony which he readily agreed to. They do away with anyone accompanying them to the alter, decide that they will walk out from opposing sides of the backyard layout they’ve planned, and join in the middle. As Caleb puts it, “This decision is mine and mine alone. I love my friends but it is important to me that I am not being given away and that I stand alone and commit myself to you.”
“Of course, I understand, anything you want my love.”
When Essek had explained the bread making ritual that is a part of most Xhorhasian weddings, Caleb had been more than accepting. “It’s customary for us to choose three people to make the bread, I have one person in mind that I would particularly appreciate being a part of that process. My brother has been an immense help to me and I know he particularly enjoys this tradition.”
Caleb nods, “Of course, of course. I think that I would like to ask Veth. She has been by my side for years and is my closest friend.”
Essek nods, he has an idea for the third person and judging by the look on Caleb’s face he has similar thoughts, “Jester?”
He laughs and nods, “Jester indeed.”
They ask their family and are met with whole hearted agreement. Technically the betrothed aren’t supposed to be there but Caleb wasn’t about to miss the chaos. Verin was guiding Veth and Jester through the kneading and they didn’t take long to begin discussing decorations. They decided on a pair of birds for the couple with a bird surrounding them for each of their friends and family, wheat for prosperity, braided strands of dough to represent the joining of lives, different varieties of flowers native to Xhorhas sculpted for long lives, good health, and strong commitment to another. Verin taught them the traditional songs as they worked and soon before long the three of them sang together, Jester inserting profanities whenever she forgot the words.
Seeing them work was complete chaos but soon the couple was shooed out as they got around to sculpting decorations, “Brother you know this must be a surprise. We have to stick to our roots just a little.”
“Yeah plus we need to gossip about you with Verin and learn all of your secrets Essek.” Jester drawls teasingly.
They leave and go about other preparations. Yasha and Beau are arranging flowers outdoors and for awhile they chat idly while following Yasha’s instincts. Beau and Caleb head inside to get some receptacles for the ever growing pile of stems and leaves accumulating on the table on which they worked. “Do you love him?”
Yasha stared intently from her position beside him at the table, having paused in her work. She’s never been talkative but he believes they understand each other, “Yes. I love him.”
“Good. I just wanted to see you say it for myself. The two of you remind me of something I once had. A beautiful moment in a very bleak past.I was lucky enough to find it a second time, and I pray that you never have to search for this again. I hope that your happiness transcends seasons and years and spreads farther than the horizon.”
She’s soft spoken, but he can tell she means it, “Thank you Yasha, I appreciate that very much.”
She smiles, and her eyes light up as her wife and his betrothed return. They talk and laugh through the day, finishing the decorations for the following day’s ceremony.
The day of, Essek can hardly contain himself. It’s unbearable that they have to go through the whole day before they can finally relax and just be married already. He’s had his own suit and robe custom made, Caleb hasn’t seen it yet and as he lays it out on the bed. Caleb is getting ready at the Xhorhaus which the Nein keep for emergencies such as this and is undoubtedly surrounded by the Nein fussing over him far more than he’d like. Their abode is quiet, Verin is getting ready in the guest room and is likely much less tense than Essek finds himself. He prepares in silence, going over his vows and wondering what Caleb will wear. He himself has a clean black suit, embroidered on the lapels in the same style as his preferred cloak. The cut is slim and it fits perfectly. The shirt is a deep plum and he has a silken black tie and pointed, shined black shoes. He wears the stole of his Den, his mother’s only request, and begins to properly prepare himself. He adorns his features in black and silver makeup, elongating the eye and adding a little drama. This ritual always calms Essek and today is no exception.
He’s taken his time getting ready and as he fastens his earrings in place, he’s alerted to a presence at his home. As he’s about to move to get the door, Verin calls out that he is taking care of it. Not long after, there’s a knock at his door, “Essek, it’s Veth. I know it’s getting close but may I speak with you?”
Veth. The one it’d been hardest to get to come around. Eventually she seemed to have let go but she still made Essek quite nervous. Far more so than even Beau, “Yes of course, come in.”
He turns to face her, she’s in a beautiful pink dress, makeup done and hair braided elaborately and adorned with flowers. “You look lovely, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?”
“You don’t have to be so formal with me. I just wanted to, I don’t know, speak with you briefly.” He gestures for her to sit in the twin chairs by the window, normally reserved for him and Caleb.
As they sit he folds his hands, trying to hide his fidgeting, “What is on your mind?”
“Well, I know this is a bit of a cliche, and the others have probably already talked with you but I feel I have to say it myself. It took me a long time to trust you, after what you did to my husband and then when we found out about the war crimes, I honestly wanted to be rid of you.
“I promise it gets better, just hear me out. I’ve been through a lot with Caleb. I’ve been by his side for some of his biggest moment and he’s been with me through some of the hardest times of my life. Our bond is forged by fire and nothing will break it. I care about him more than I can describe, he’s my boy and I am his protector.
“You have proven yourself to be worthy of him. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, I’ve heard his stories about you, about your life and what you are building together. I don’t know that I entirely understand, but you make him happy in a very profound way and that’s all I want. You two fucking nerds are clearly very much in love and anything that can make two people so happy must be good. It’s what we fought together for, so that these moments would continue, and for as long as you make Caleb happy I will be thankful for your presence in our lives.”
There’s a long pause as Essek collects his thoughts, “Veth Brenatto I thank you immensely. There is not much more I can say but please know that this is not something that comes easily or lightly to me. I am making a commitment and I keep my promises.”
“I know. But now you’re not only promising to him, you’re promising to me. You’d better make good on that promise or I swear I will make your life a living hell and you know I can.”
“Like I said, I never break my promises. I wouldn’t stand a chance against you.”
She laughs, “Oh no, you’re weaker than Fjord it would take me about a day.”
He smiles back at her, “People will be arriving soon, I’d prefer to continue alone if you don’t mind. Please, feel free to stay and wait if you’d like.” She nods and exits the room and he turns back to the mirror and makes a few final touches before heading down to nervously await Caleb.
The ceremony begins, Caduceus stands at the head of the aisle, the Nein and their loved ones are seated, and music from the hired bards begins to soar over the yard. His mother is at the very back, she will be first to see him and likely first to leave as well.
He tries to stop thinking about her and keeps his eyes on the ground. They promised not to look until they were to begin walking and it was taking all his discipline to keep his eyes trained on the grass. It’s dark in Xhorhas but the flower fixtures and garlands are accentuated by globules of light, he’d allowed Jester to place them to create the best atmosphere. She took great care and her sensibilities had always been spot on.
The song changed and finally, Essek could look up. Just seeing Caleb he felt tears stinging at his eyes. Clean shaven, auburn hair braided back with carefully placed flowers accentuating his bright eyes, lit up with wonder and excitement. He’s wearing a traditional wizard’s robe, it looks like he went to the same tailor who did his own embroidery. The robe is a bright white and adorned with gold thread, intricate designs spiraling across the edges. It’s slightly parted in the front to reveal a well fitting black suit, deep red tie, and a flower with a small white ribbon tied to it fastened to his lapel. As they walked towards each other, joined hands, and stepped together to the altar, Essek couldn’t take his eyes away. Approaching Caduceus they dropped each other’s hands and stood on either side of the Firbolg as he touched their shoulders, initiating the ceremony, and began to speak.
“Hey everybody, we are here today to join these two wizards in marriage. Never in my life have I met two people more in need of love and more transformed by it. I don’t want to prolong this more than necessary, before me are two people who are so in love they’re letting us see it plainly on their faces and I think making them wait would be grossly unfair. So Caleb, your vows?”
Caleb unfolded a small piece of paper from a pocket, “I have a near perfect memory but, I want to get this right,” he mutters, he looks at Essek like he’s worried the bubble will burst at any moment and continues a little louder, “Essek Thelyss, you and I we have been through a great many things. We have stared armageddon in the face and we have walked out hand in hand. Through any trial, through any day good or bad, I know that if you stand at my side we can, together, face anything that comes our way. I look forward to the rest of this day and the rest of the days to come and I know there is no place I would rather be than at your side through battle, study, hell or high water. I love you, Essek Thelyss and I will never tire of telling you.”
All Essek can do is watch, he doesn’t fidget, he nearly forgets to breathe as Caleb’s words wash over him and he smiles. He hardly even cares how he looks to those in attendance, for once he can’t mitigate the lopsided grin that comes naturally to him and though he hasn’t cried in years he is having trouble holding tears in now.
As Caleb finishes and Caduceus gestures to him he begins to speak, “Caleb Widogast, this kind of thing does not come easy to me. I am not used to speaking directly and for a long time I couched my feelings in metaphor praying you would understand without my full commital to how I felt about you. Now I can plainly say that I love you, I have loved you for a long time. You have fundamentally changed me as a person, you’ve helped me understand a great many things and I am better now than I have ever been because of you. Through you I learned friendship, patience, happiness, and love. You and your friends well, I don’t know that I can explain the effect you’ve had on me but I am freer now than I have ever been. To you I promise my unending support, my aid in anything you should ask, a partner in your pursuits, and your life. Come what may, I will always love you.”
A few tears had escaped and Caleb’s eyes glistened back at him. They both looked to Caduceus who looked truly proud as he looked back and forth between them, he posed a few questions standard in both the empire and in the dynasty and at the end he declared, “This union is not the ending of two separate lives, but the joining and creation of one life shared by two. I know I speak for everyone when I say, finally, I pronounce you wed.”
A warm breeze blew through the yard, carrying the sweet scent of flowers and tousling Essek’s hair, and as Caduceus’ hands left their shoulders Essek wrapped his arms across Caleb’s shoulders as his husband pulled him in by the waist and their lips locked in a kiss. Jester broke the silence, cheering loudly as their friends and family joined in, the Nein far rowdier than the rest who clapped politely. They shakily added rings they’d picked out weeks ago, matching and complimentary to their previously decided on jewelry.
As they pulled back, Essek looked at Caleb who had tears running down his face and Essek swept them away as Caleb leaned up to kiss his forehead. Their family began to gather around and offer congratulations but Essek’s eyes couldn’t leave Calebs as the human cradled his face and whispered a simple, “I love you.” and Essek returned, having practiced the phrasing and pronunciation meticulously to get it right, “Ich liebe dich.” Caleb smiled and kissed him chastely again, before they opened up to their friends and began the nights’ festivities.
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strawberry--cream · 3 years
Obey Me! Satan x MC
Title: Guardian
Pairing: Satan (and demon bros) / MC
Word Count: 1,633
Summary: MC is hiding something, and Satan wants to find out what.
A short story I wrote in the middle of the night (which is where most of my stories come from these days). It isn’t the greatest, but I just wanted to get the idea down before it left my head.
(y/n) = your name, (e/c) = eye color
Today was a normal school day in the Devildom. Beel was eating anything he could get his hands on. Belphie was sleeping in the middle of class. Someone was angry at Mammon for selling something of theirs. A completely normal day.
Well, it would’ve been if it wasn’t for one factor.
“Oi, (y/n), why’re you wearin’ that mask?”, Mammon asked out of curiosity. She never wore masks, not unless she was going to a concert with Levi.
“Oh, um, I-I think I’ve caught a cold, s-so... I’m wearing this mask so I don’t pass it on to anyone else,” she said.
“Oh... okay.” While Mammon was suspicious, he knew she was also kind enough to do such a thing. It’s too bad he wouldn’t get to see her smile today, though. Of course, he’d never admit that…
(y/n) sat at her seat next to Satan, setting her bag on the table in front of her. Satan was suspicious, as well. But he wasn’t as dense as Mammon; he was thinking there was something more to what she was saying.
- - - -
When the brothers and (y/n) arrived at the House of Lamentation once the day was over, (y/n) wasted no time going to her room. Once she went in there, she didn’t come out, not even when they called her for dinner.
“What’s up with Resuri?”, Asmo worried. “Wasn’t she doing fine yesterday?”
“It’s not like her to act like this...”, Levi added. He sighed. “And we were supposed to play games today.”
“Why didn’t she just tell us she had a cold, huh?”, Mammon said. “We can take care of her if she needs it!”
Lucifer, Beel, and Belphie were silent, but you could tell by their expressions that they were also concerned. Beel wasn’t eating his food -- which was unheard of -- and it was rare for Lucifer to show so much emotion…
Satan suddenly stood from the table.
“I’ll bring dinner up to her since she’s not well,” he said. He grabbed the plate set for (y/n) and headed up to her room.
- - - -
Once Satan arrived, he knocked on her door.
“... (y/n)?”, he called. “I... brought dinner up for you. May I come in?”
He heard a clatter. He rushed in, then saw (y/n) on the floor. Her hand was over her left cheek, as if she hurt herself. When she saw Satan, she quickly grabbed her mask and put it on.
Satan set down the plate on a dresser and went over to help her up.
“Are you alright? What happened?”
“Um... I fell... I’m okay now, though, so... thank you for dinner. You can go back downstairs.”
He hesitated, but let go of her arm. She sat down on her bed, and Satan brought the plate over, putting it on her side table. Then, he sat beside her.
“(y/n)... I know you don’t have a cold. You’d show symptoms beforehand, and you’re perfectly healthy.”
He saw her face turn sad, and grew even more concerned. Then, she started crying.
Now he was angry. Who was causing her pain? He was going to make sure whoever caused (y/n) to cry would suffer.
Unless... he was making her cry. If he were ever to scare (y/n), he’d never be able to live with himself.
“Sorry, I... did I say something...?”, he said quietly.
“... No, it’s not you, it’s just...” She hesitated.
“... What happened, (y/n)?”
She shrunk down, as if embarrassed. But, realising there was no way out of this now, she slowly took her mask off. She turned towards him…
“What... Who did this to you...!?”
She had a wound on her face, from her left cheek down to her mouth. It was too big to be a scar or a scratch; this was inflicted by someone.
Satan was livid. Why anyone would want to harm (y/n), the nicest person in the world... that was unheard of to him. He was going to make them pay for doing this to the one he cared about the most in the world.
“Satan... if I tell you, can you promise not to hurt them?” Tears flowed from those beautiful (e/c) eyes of hers. How could she still be kind to someone who had hurt her?
It took everything Satan had to push down those angry feelings. He held her hands in his as a gesture of comfort.
“... I promise,” he finally said.
She smiled. That was the smile that melted his cold demon heart from the first time he saw it; the time he fell in love with her.
“Thank you, Satan... I know I can trust you.” She gently released Satan’s grip on her hands, then looked down. “... It... It was... the new transfer student...”
“... What? When did you...”
“... He asked to talk with me after school yesterday. He seemed really nice, and he said he wanted to know more about how I’ve managed to stay here for so long without getting killed or... eaten. But... when I went to meet with him, he had two demons with him. He started calling me names, saying I felt entitled because I live with the student council. That’s when he... p-pulled out the knife...”
She started crying again, unable to continue further. Satan hugged her, cradling her sorrowful form. He’d heard all he needed to hear. Even though Satan made a promise not to hurt the transfer student…
That only meant physically, right?
- - - -
Satan had read many books on different methods of torture; mainly because it was interesting, but also to give him ideas on how to prank Lucifer next.
There were many ways to mentally, emotionally, or psychologically torture someone, but he didn’t want to do something so damaging that (y/n) would notice something wasn’t right. He just had to scare him. He wasn’t sure intimidation from himself would work, however…
As much as he hated it, Satan only had one way to do this.
“Lucifer,” Satan said, causing Lucifer to turn his gaze towards him.
“... What is it, Satan?” Satan rarely ever talked to him so abruptly, so he was caught off-guard.
“Can I… talk to you about something? It’s… about (y/n).”
Lucifer’s expression turned serious.
“Of course. Let’s talk in my office.”
Once they reached his office, Lucifer closed the door. He crossed his arms, waiting for Satan to speak. Based on Satan’s tone, he could tell something wasn’t right. He had a feeling this was about (y/n)’s recent behaviour.
Satan sighed.
“Believe me, I didn’t want to tell you this, but I have to,” Satan said. “It’s about why (y/n) has been wearing that mask and hiding in her room. It’s because… someone hurt her.”
Satan could tell right away that Lucifer’s demeanour changed. He was trying not to change into his demon form with all his might, but this was the angriest Satan had ever seen him; it was even worse than when (y/n) told Lucifer about Belphie.
“... And who… is this someone?”, he said darkly.
“... The new transfer student.”
This made Lucifer even more angry. The transfer students were picked based on certain criteria. They had to be an upstanding citizen -- or, at least, someone with good grades -- and now one of them had gone and hurt (y/n)? They’d gone too far.
“Lucifer, wait.” Satan stopped him before he left the office. “(y/n) confided in me because she trusted me not to hurt him, but… I took that to only mean physically. I want to hurt him some other way, intimidate him. That’s the only reason I told you this. If there’s anyone in the Devildom who can intimidate a student, it’s you. That way, he’ll never hurt her again.”
Lucifer stopped, then calmed down a bit. He could see where Satan was going, and he wanted to be part of it. He smiled a devilish smile.
“... Very well, then. I will help you. We both wish for the same thing: to protect (y/n),” he said.
“Thank you for understanding,” Satan said with a smile. If there’s anything the two could agree on, it was how much (y/n) meant to them.
- - - -
The next day, (y/n) no longer wore her mask. Satan had helped her not feel embarrassed about it anymore, so instead of wearing something like a mask, she had put a bandage over the scar. Despite the scar being so large, it worked.
Whenever anyone asked her what had happened, she explained she had a mishap in the kitchen. She originally thought of going between multiple stories, but was worried people would trade secrets and figure out she was lying. She didn’t want any of the other brothers to find out, in case they decided to act rashly.
“(y/n),” Satan called in the school hallway. He walked up to her and smiled. “I’m glad to see you’re not wearing that mask.”
“Y-Yeah,” she responded with a smile. “Um… talking to you really helped. I’m not as ashamed of it anymore, but… obviously I don’t want to flaunt it, y’know?”
“Of course.” He paused. “I… talked to the transfer student about it.”
(y/n)’s expression grew concerned.
“You didn’t… hurt him, did you?”
“No, I only talked to him. He shouldn’t bother you anymore.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, she thought Satan had betrayed her trust.
“I’m glad. Thank you for honouring my words, Satan. I knew I could trust you on this.”
He smiled; he was happy he could finally see her smile again. It made him even happier that this smile was only for him.
The transfer student wouldn’t be bothering her, or anyone else, for that matter. If he did… he’d have to answer to Diavolo himself.
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All the Love {Thranduil x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @queenofmankind​ Wordcount: 3296 Summary:You show up uninvited to a grand affair, hosted by King Thranduil. There’s been some things left unspoken.
No matter how ornate your gown, or how beautifully braided your hair was, attention always went to the necklace that rested between your breasts. Silver, twisted into branches to make a teardrop like shape, framed the four pointed star within. It hung off of a delicate looking chain, but it was one which was extremely hard to break. Throughout your long life, it had never broken once, not even when you were a child and not as careful as perhaps you should have been. It was not only a beautiful piece of jewelry, but it was a sign of your life force. It was realized that if you were ever seen without it, it meant that you had fallen in love. Many elves had tried to have the privilege by courting you, but you remained stubborn and so the necklace had stayed. There was no one you had yet met who you would give your heart, your life to. The keyword in this being yet.
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The rain was falling when you reached Mirkwood. You never minded the rain, but nonetheless, it was a relief when you were under the thick canopy of trees rather than out in the open. It was only when you saw the lights floating among the trees that you even realized you had reached your destination. A blonde haired elf approached, his hair as straight as the tree trunks around you. “Welcome, Lady y/n,” He said with a bow of his head. You chuckled, your fingers playing at your bottom lip.
“After all of the playing that we had done while you were a child?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “You should know better than to call me a Lady. We both know I’ve never acted like one.”
“Calling you a mudcrab wouldn’t have been as nice a greeting,” Legolas said with a smile, welcoming you into his arms. He still smelled of the deep forests, you noticed. Your oldest friend had not changed much over the years, though perhaps he had gotten a little more serious. It seems like it had just been yesterday when you had been one of his carers, and walked him through these very woods to help him appreciate nature. It was something that he was born with, but you had helped him to look beyond the trees. To respect the soil as well as the roots, and the birds as well as the leaves.
“Might have gotten a few looks for that, you’re right,” You smiled. You weren’t opposed to getting dirty when you went on your little adventures. It was why he called you mud crab - because you would wander into the lakes and come back looking like some sort of creature. He let go of you, and you let go of him, once the timing was on the verge of being inappropriate. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“He’d want you to be here,” Legolas said, taking you from your guards to lead you to where you would be staying.
“He still has no idea, does he?”
“He might. One of his spies might have already told him that you’re here.” Legolas was, of course, talking about his father. Thranduil, King of Mirkwood. The most noble and regal elf that you had known, except for perhaps Elrond. “He claims to know everything that goes on in here, but we still have some secrets.”
“That’s good. I would hate for him to know what we used to call him,” You whispered the last bit in case there were, indeed, spies about. Legolas smiled, and stopped in front of a archway.
“This will be your room,” He told you, bowing his head as you walked inside. It was a bit dark, but airy. Little fireflies were buzzing their way around, landing on the wooden headboard. Not much had changed in the millenia that you had been away. You could well recognize that it was the same room you used to use.
“Of course,” You said, your guard coming behind you, bearing your things. He started to unpack on your behalf. Gowns came out of your bags and were hung from a thin but strong branch, coming in from the outside. An owl flew in and perched on it, keeping its wide eyes on what was happening. “Where is your father now?”
“There’s a concert in the main hall. The first of many, I expect. I remember the celebrations for his 6000th birthday, and there was a lot to sit through. This year is meant to be more spectacular.”
“Well, it’s not everyday that a King makes it to seven thousand years old, now is it?” You said with a faint smile. You had come for the last large birthday, and the one before that. Back in the days when there was a Queen, Legolas’s mother, before she had passed. You had been a friend of hers from childhood. That was why you were selected to be one of her son’s caregivers after she was gone. You could tell him stories that Thranduil could not, and help him to forge a relationship with his dead mother. “I’ll freshen up and then I’ll go down. See if I can give him a little surprise.”
“I’ll be watching for you,” Legolas said with a grin. He left you and your guards to prepare for the night ahead. The first thing that you did was change out of your traveling attire into a more respectable gown. You chose something in a muted gold, floor length, with a slit in the front to make walking easier. It was a bit low on the chest to show off your necklace, but had long sleeves so it was still modest. With your hair tumbling down, you thought it was most appropriate for the beginning of a long birthday festival. Your guards gazed as you finished getting ready, bringing on a sort of confidence in you. You weren’t one one of the royals, but rather the daughter of a noble and thus you didn’t get much attention. You were only invited to this because of Legolas but - perhaps, you might look like you belong.
“You look beautiful, y/n,” Your closest friend and bodyguard told you, taking a seat on the floor. There would be more than enough protection in the concert hall. He and the few others would stay in your room until you returned, then find lodgings as close as they could be.
“Thank you,” You said with a curtsy. You wished them all a good night, then followed the few stragglers left to the grand hall. It was the sound of the music that guided you more than the elves. It was far from happy, but rather, a tragic sort of song, a longing sound coming from violins. Leave it to Thranduil to be dramatic.
You spotted the King as soon as you walked inside. He was sitting on his throne, hair draped over his shoulders, attention on the band in front of him. Standing to his right was Legolas, with his hands clasped in front of him, playing the part of the Prince. He caught your eye and let go of the facade for a second, sending you a smirk which you returned before standing on the sidelines to watch the band. You nudged yourself in beside Haldir, who smiled at you, and indicated that he was pleased to see you without verbalizing in it. It would be a very bad idea to interrupt the music.
The song came to an end, then something more upbeat started. “Would you like to dance?” Haldir asked, holding out his hand to you.
“I would be delighted,” You said, taking a hold of it. It was not a slow dance, but it was not as if elves were known for jigging the way that other races did. But you gave it a little of your energy, eyes sparkling bright as you did a spin. He was a beloved friend from years ago, but it had been centuries since you had seen him last. It was wonderful to be in his presence once more.
“First, you show up uninvited,” A voice drawled, bringing your attention to a figure standing beside you. You stopped mid-spin, frozen in spot at the stares this brought. “And then you don’t even come and say hello when you do get here. I must say, you are one of the rudest houseguests that I have had in quite some time. And to my birthday, of all occasions.”
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“Now now, Thranduil,” You said, letting go of Haldir’s hand so you could give a proper curtsy to the King. You noticed his eyes trail to your cleavage, but stopped at the necklace. It made you feel a little warm. “I wasn’t going to interrupt the experience of such a lovely band. I plan to stay for as long as you will have me, and would have come to you at an appropriate time. And as for being uninvited, I think you should ask your son about that.”
“I think I will,” Thranduil’s eyes flickered to his son who was still standing by the throne. I noticed him look uncomfortable at the glance, and walk to find someone to dance with. Some things never change. “You look well.”
“I am well, thank you,” You said with a smile. Haldir excused himself from his position beside you and went through the throngs of people who were still dancing. Even with the music still playing, some of the elves looked a little antsy for the King’s attention. It was a special celebration in his honor after all. “And you - you haven’t changed at all.”
“Older and wiser, though perhaps those are things that you cannot see,” Thranduil snapped his fingers and the band began playing another tune. One that you recognized as his favorite. You had heard it many times while you worked under him. “Would you care to dance?”
“It would be an honor,” You accepted his hand and fell into a perfect harmony with the King. And an honor it was - he could dance with anybody here. No one would dare to reject him, even if they had wanted to. They were all here for him, and here he was, picking you. The uninvited former nanny. A singer came onto the scene and gave a powerful performance of some passages, which you noticed Thranduil singing to as well under his breath. Where his hand and yours were clasped, you began to feel warm. And where the necklace sat upon your breast, that too was beginning to feel warmer. When the song came to a close, he bowed his head to you, and you curtseyed back to him.
“I’ll be just a few moments,” He said, barely moving his lips as he told this to you. No doubt you were the only one who could hear it, even with the enhanced ears of the others in the room. “I expect you to wait here for me.”
“Years, if I have to,” You risked saying, the tips of your ears growing red. A smug smirk went across Thranduil’s features, and you had just enough time to catch a glimpse of it before he headed back towards his throne to make a speech. He thanked everyone for coming out, he was honored to have them in his home, enjoy yourselves but follow the rules - the same speech he had given last year, you recalled. An elf came to you with a glass of sparkling water, which you accepted and sipped at while watching the display. Thranduil really was a good speaker, keeping eye contact with the adoring crowd throughout. He spoke about how everyone here was vital to his success as a ruler, and you thought - perhaps it was an illusion - that he looked at you as he said those words.
After the speech, the music picked back up, and finger foods started to arrive from the kitchens. You looked at the snacks with a sparkle in your eye but did not venture forth to take anything. You had been told to wait here and thus you would. You were as obedient as a perfect child, you thought, and your heart beat inside of your chest as you thought of what he might want from you. Elves were known for being aloof, nonchalant, emotionless.  Some certainly were, including the King that you were waiting for, while others had more man-like emotions. Like Legolas, who was still discovering his own. You were in the latter sort. You felt, and you felt things strongly, and you weren’t ashamed of that. Standing here, feeling like your heart was going to beat out of your chest - you never felt more alive.
You remained silent as you waited, though a few had asked you to dance. You only shook your head politely and sipped at your water, smiling softly at anyone who tried to get your eye. Thranduil had disappeared briefly, as had his son, but when they reappeared, it was not to the throne but it was to beside you.
“Why don’t you find someone to dance with, Legolas? I do recall that I had Lady y/n here give you lessons as a boy.”
“Yes, I hope you’ve kept up with those lessons,” You said with a mischievous look. Legolas looked a slight bit uncomfortable but he did give you a smile and a nod.
“I am a prince, of course I remember how to dance,” He protested, before going through the crowds to find someone to partner up with. Thranduil lightly touched your arm, the bell sleeves of his cloak almost enveloping it from sight.
“I wish to speak with you alone,” He commanded rather than asked. He turned on his heel and walked out of the grand hall, leaving all of the food and friends alone. You looked over your shoulder to see if anyone was paying attention to you now, but everyone was so excited over the delicacies, you didn’t even get a second glance. So you left as swiftly as the King did - for you knew that it was far easier to do as he said than deal with his temper tantrums. There was a reason that you and Legolas had called him King PrissyPants.
You saw the tail end of his cloak spin around a corner, and so you followed it cautiously until you found yourself by the dungeons. “Are you really this upset that I came uninvited?” You asked, feeling nervous.
He finally turned to look at you, with eyebrows furrowed. Why, it even brought a wrinkle to his otherwise ageless appearance. “Yes,” He started. “Tell me - do you know why I didn’t invite you?”
“I didn’t really think about it much,” You admitted. “I didn’t take it personally, is what I mean. Perhaps because I’m just a former nanny?” You weren’t regretting coming at all - seeing Thranduil and Legolas was worth this grief, but you were starting to think it might not have been the best decision you’ve ever made.
Thranduil took a deep breath in, and then a deep breath out. It was really weird seeing him out of sorts like this. “No - that is not why,” He stared at you, hard. You could physically feel it. “It is because I do not plan on getting married ever again because of how heart breaking it was to lose...” He couldn’t even say her name, and you could not blame him. You felt sorrow for him, until you remember how this conversation had come about.
“What has that to do with my being here, Thranduil?” You addressed him by his name, rather than just his title. It felt more personal. This whole conversation felt more personal.
“When I watched you raise my son, it brought something out of my heart that I was never ready to admit to. Even now, I do not wish to say anything out loud. To me, the years since I’ve seen you last were long, but I was ready to move on, to attend to my duties as King. To focus all of my energies on Mirkwood. But then you came along once more, ready to ruin all of that.”
Damn your human-like emotions! You were close to a faint with all of the words that he spoke. Never had anyone come across as so romantic while so angry before. And angry he was - you could see that he blamed you rather than his own heart for these feelings. “I know you have cared for others in your long life, so you are more than capable. But has it really become so foreign to you that it infuriates you? Have you forgotten that love can be such a beautiful thing?”
“I have not forgotten, but neither have I forgotten the feeling of losing it.” Thranduil’s thumb grazed against his lower lip. It took restraint not to kiss him there and then. You weren’t just here for a good party, you were here to see him, and what he was saying - why, they were things you felt when you lived under his canopy centuries ago.
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“As a King, I understand that you sometimes must dwell on the shadows for it helps you to find the light once more,” You said, your own hands going to the back of your neck, fiddling with the chain. “The sun always rises again, you know this as well as anyone. So I am going to give you a little something which I hope brings the dawn.”
The necklace fell loose against your chest. You kept hold of the chain, and held it out to Thranduil to take. He did not do so, but regardless, it wrapped it around his wrist with the pendant resting on top. “I’m not sorry that I came back for the celebration. I’m not going to apologize for coming back to you. I think that she would have wanted me to take care of you, as well as Legolas. So take this, and know what it means.”
You patted his hand, leaving the necklace with him, then turned and quickly went back to the party. You couldn’t make eye contact with anyone when you returned, your nerves were buzzing with the possibilities. Thranduil was a King - surely he would not want the heart of someone like you.
“Where is your-?” Legolas asked upon approaching you, but you hushed him, just like you had done when he was a child. You didn’t want any of Thranduil’s subjects hearing what he was going to ask.
“Hush now,” You said, taking his hands and leading him into a dance. “We’ll find out sooner or later, won’t we?”
It was sooner rather than later. Thranduil returned to the party after a few more songs. Around his neck, in a place of high honor, was your necklace. The pendant that meant your life, your love, your being, was close to his heart. He saw you dancing with his son and sent you a rare smirk as he took his seat upon the throne. That alone was enough for now. That was a serious sign that feelings were returned. If he did not return them, the necklace would have been sent discreetly to your room.
“I’m not calling you mother,” Legolas said seriously, once he saw what you had been looking at.
“I wouldn’t expect you too. Mud-crab is always fine by me.”
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blu-joons · 4 years
He’s A Single Dad ~ Park Jimin
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His eyes watched on as the viewer count grew, fans quickly hurried to click on their notification when they saw BTS went live. He was alone at home, his daughter was fast asleep in bed, the house was silent, the perfect time to take some time for himself and speak to all the fans. The first few moments were always quiet, but the questions still began to flood in.
“Hello,” he waved, brushing his hands through his messy black hair, “how are we all doing?”
Responses soon came, most of them positive, but a few mentions of hard days which brought a frown to his face, he’d had a bad enough day himself, this was the one thing he could rely on to try and cheer himself back up.
“I’m Jimin from BTS,” he chuckled, his introduction never really changed, he still liked to introduce himself as if people were watching him for the first time.
The rise to stardom the band had carried him on was something he was never quite able to come to terms with, he never imagined he’d be selling out stages, meeting thousands of fans, all with his daughter at home, building a future for her.
The usual questions about his daughter soon began to appear, the fans loved to see her and interact with her, she loved all the attention she received from them too, the smile on her face whenever a fan would speak to her when she was with Jimin made her happy.
“Y/D/N’s sleeping,” he answered them all, giggling as the screen then filled with emojis of sad faces, and requests for him to go and get her anyway so that she could feature. “I’m not going to go and wake her up, it was hard enough to get her off to sleep tonight.”
He sighed heavily, resting his head in his hands, the fans could quickly tell that something was wrong, perhaps being live wasn’t the best place for him to be right now, they could tell that there was something playing on his mind.
The concern of the fans in the comments eased him a little, through all of his troubles, the fans were a permanent fixture who could help him when he was sad.
“She’s been missing her mum a bit today and I’ve not really known how to cope,” he finally began to tell them, “she has good days and bad days when she struggles to understand why she’s different.”
The fans loosely knew about his situation at home, he was private for the sake of his daughter about her life, he didn’t want fans to intrude, or for fans opinions to change on you, they knew one day you disappeared, but it was always too hard for him to be entirely honest.
“Trying to explain death to a three-year-old is hard,” he then added.
He hadn’t quite realised what he’d said until the comments filled with mentions of your name, figuring out finally what it was that had happened to you. It was hard for him to fight back his tears as demands of the truth filled on the screen, for so long fans had blamed you for running out on your family, when all along this wasn’t the case.
“I’ve never really wanted to speak about it because it’s quite a private matter for us as a family but seeing as I’ve just ending up telling you all anyway, I might as well explain properly. Y/N was ill for quite some time, Y/D/N was still so young, and losing her terrified me. I didn’t want to be a single father, because I didn’t think I was capable of it.”
The first day without you in his life will always be the hardest day of his life, not having you there to help him with breakfast or show him how to use the washing machine, he had no idea what to do, and a demanding toddler by his side trying to figure out where her mum had gone.
“It’s still so raw for me to deal with the fact that Y/N isn’t around anymore, my heart still misses her greatly, she’s someone in my life who will never be replaced, no matter how hard I try. I wish that things could have been different for our family.”
The comments he received brought him great comfort, a slight smile appeared on his face as the fans assured him that they would all be there for him and support him.
The long days were always the hardest, like today, trying to answer her questions the best he could without breaking her heart. One day he’d have to have a conversation with her, but now wasn’t the time, she wouldn’t understand what was going on around her just yet.
“Any of you who have lost someone close to you will understand how it feels,” he whispered, “I miss having someone with me to support me, especially in parenting, I’m forever doubting myself that I’m doing the wrong thing. I’ve always got a firm eye on her because I’m too scared that if I do something, I’ll end up letting Y/N down.”
He’d left you with a promise that he would take the best care of your little girl, that was what scared you the most, leaving your daughter without a mother, but Jimin assured you that he’d try and fill the void that you’d leave behind.
“Sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re doing the right thing.”
Beside him, his phone buzzed, he looked down to see a text from Taehyung telling him he was watching the stream and would be on his way over as soon as Jimin was finished.
The boys were the greatest support he had throughout this time, he would have never been able to get through things so well without them all encouraging him and making sure that he remained positive for his girl’s sake.
“My bandmates are just incredible, Taehyung just text me to tell me that he’s on his way over soon and I really need to see him today, I’m very lucky to have such a great support network around me, when I know so many people aren’t anywhere near as lucky as I am.”
He thought back, remembering his front door was unlocked, Taehyung could walk straight in when he arrived, which Jimin knew would be soon.
“I hope that all of you will continue to be there for the two of us through all of this, it’s hard trying to balance everything, and sometimes I might be tired at concerts, but I’m trying hard for you all, and my family, one day I’ll be able to do it all.”
As he finished talking, he heard the front door slam shut, Taehyung padded up the stairs, smiling across at his best friend, walking into the room, sitting beside him on the stream. “Hello army,” he waved, resting his hand on Jimin’s shoulder.
“I think I might end this stream now, and spend some time with my brother, and speak to you all soon,” he whispered, reaching across to turn the camera off.
As soon as the camera went off, Taehyung’s arms wrapped around Jimin, he knew how hard this was on him, and how brave he’d been through it all.
“You did a good job Chim, Y/N would be so proud of you and what you’re doing.”
“I hope she would be too.”
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janicho88 · 4 years
Come Back
Paring- Dean x Reader
Summary- You push Dean away when a monster attacks, and end up with a small injury instead of him.  How does Dean repay you? By telling you to get out.  Where will you go, what are you going to do now?  Will you find your way back, or does fate have other plans? 
Warnings-Lot of angst, Little, I mean little fluff in this one. Language, just a few words.  Angry Dean, upset reader,  Major character injury and hospitalization, possible brain injury.
A/N This story decided to take its own course.  It was only going to have a smidge of angst, and well this happened.  I’m sorry. There will be a part 2. 
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It had been a rough hunt, you all thought you were on a salt and burn for a vengeful spirit terrorizing a retreat. Turns out it was a couple of werewolves changing their tactics, picking off the participants.  One of the werewolves took you all by surprise when it snuck up behind Dean and grabbed for him. You quickly pushed him out of the way as the werewolves claws came down, tearing through your side.  The boys quickly fired off shots taking out that one. Turning they quickly got its friend who came at you next
Dean never spoke to you as you all cleaned up the mess and left.  Sam had helped you quickly with your cuts and you headed back to the bunker. Exiting Baby, and walking inside you barely made it into the War room before Dean started yelling at you.  He told you how reckless you were, how you were going to get them hurt, and you were in the way.  They would be better off if you weren’t hunting, or around anymore. When you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore you responded with a ‘fine’ and headed to your room.  You collapsed crying on your bed, you just hadn’t wanted Dean to get hurt.
It was well past midnight when you had calmed down, you began gathering your belongings in your duffel bags.  If they boys didn’t want you here, you would leave.  You left a note for Sam that just said, Be safe.  Heading to your car, you tossed your things in and took off for Jody’s.
A week later Jody had heard the boys were on a case nearby.  You didn’t want to chance running into them so you left quickly to take a hunt in Washington. That had been the last time you talked with Jody.  You didn’t want to risk talking to the guys friends, and making Dean even madder at you.  Since you left neither of them had tried to contacted you. 
You were on your own taking hunt after hunt, to the point you didn’t care if you made it.  You had been friends with the guys since you were kids, had moved into the bunker two years ago, and been fighting your feelings for Dean for years.  It had been just over two months since you left, that was the longest you had ever gone without talking to one of them, it definitely hit you hard.
You were in Minnesota, and had to break down and ask Donna for help with a Vamp’s nest.  Donna hadn’t seen you in a while and when you got out of your car at the motel, she had to hide her shock. There were dark circles under your eyes, it looked like you hadn’t been sleeping much if at all,  and you definitely had lost weight.
“Hey lady, how are you doin?” she asked.
“Fine, Donna.  Thanks for the backup on this.  How have you been?”
“You Betcha! Good, all good. Saw Jody and the girls last week.”
“How are they?”
“They’re all good.  So um have you talked to the guys..”
“Don’t go there Donna,” you interrupted.
You two went to the office and got a room to share. You had a little bit of work to do on the case before you could hit the nest.  After splitting up and gathering information from police and victims you met back at the hotel.  Putting everything you had together you were ready for the next day, and Donna went to sleep.  While she was out, you sharpened your machete, and looked over your plan again before crashing for a few hours.
The next morning went well in regards to you both making it out alive, uninjured was another story. You only made it out because Donna had quick reflexes.  After beheading 5 vamps you were slowing and missed one behind you.  Donna turned just in time to take it down.  Neither of you had any serious injuries, a few bumps, bruises, and you had minor cuts where one of the vamps had gotten a hold of you and bitten.
 Cleaning up back at the hotel Donna got on you about taking better care of yourself.  You told her you were fine and walked into the bathroom shutting the door.  Donna was asleep when you came out after your shower.  You wrote her a note thanking her for her help and telling her you were sorry, but had to get on the road.  You walked out and hit the road alone again. 
It was a few weeks later when you got a call from Jody.  Alex’s birthday was coming up and they were going to have a party at Donna’s cabin.  She really wanted you to join them.  You told her you would try, but were unable to make any promises. You weren’t going to bring them up but had a feeling the guys would be there, and you weren’t sure if you were up to seeing them.  Sam had texted you a few times, but you hadn’t responded.  Dean never tried to get a hold of you.
Day of the party you pulled up to the old cabin, sure enough, Baby, was parked amongst the other cars.  You sat staring at the cars debating what to do.  Go in for Alex, or let the fear of running into Dean keep you away.  A tapping at your window had you jumping in your seat  Turning your head you saw Sam standing outside your car.  Opening your door you exited the car.
“Hey, I wasn’t sure if I should come out or not. After a half hour passed without you getting out I figured I would come see you before you just drove off again.”
He gave you a hug and you said “Hi, Sam.”
“That’s all I get, hi?  You have been gone four months without a word.  How are you, where have you been?”
“I’m fine, been here and there.”
“Y/N, come on.”
“What do you want me to say, Sam?  I was told to leave, that you both would be better off!” 
“You know how Dean gets after one of us gets hurt, especially if it is to  save him.  He was worried, yes, he took it out all wrong.  He misses you, we both do.”
“I highly doubt that,” you respond walking past Sam toward the cabin.
Entering the house Jody and Charlie were the first people you ran into. The fiery red head quickly wrapped you in a big hug, Jody quickly following.  You spoke with both of them for a few minutes, catching up on what you missed over the last few months before moving further into the cabin.  You were searching out the birthday girl when you headed toward the kitchen.  As you rounded the corner you saw Dean in there and quickly turned the other way.  Back already turned, you missed the way Dean’s head shot up with a hopeful look that fell swiftly when he saw you were retreating from him.  
Walking back into the living room you saw Donna talking with Alex and Claire and joined that group.  Donna and Alex both giving you a hug, while Claire gave you a “what’s up runner?”.
Claire had been talking about a hunt she went on with Jody, while Alex filled you all in on her classes and work.  When Donna went to check on Dean who was in charge of the grill, and Claire was occupied by Castiel, Alex asked if you wanted to join her out front.
“What’s wrong birthday girl?”
“I just needed some air, too many people in there for me.”
“Well it is a party, you know, for you.”
“It’s a party I didn’t want.  Love you all, but I’m not the big party type.  You are the reason for the party, my birthday is the excuse to get you here.”
“What are you talking about Alex?”
“We all know what’s going on with you, you are avoiding everyone.  So we came up with a reason to get you to come around.  Jody bought me concert tickets to agree.”
“I’m fine, there was no need to do this.”
“Yes, there was.  We are all worried about you, Dean especially.  He’s constantly talking to Jody and Donna about you, a get together was his idea.  We just added the why.
“Dean made it clear, he doesn’t want me around.  The man never even tried to contact me, and you and Sam want me to think he cares about how I’m doing.”
“He really does.”
“I can’t do this,”  You turned and walked back in the cabin to grab your coat and keys, it was time to go.
Donna and Sam were standing near your coat when you went to grab it.
“Hey where are you going?” Sam asked.
“Time for me to go.”
“You barely got here, it’s Alex’s birthday, stay awhile.”
“Right it’s her party you apparently threw because of me, I need to go, don’t worry about me anymore.”
Dean saw you grabbing your things and heading outside.  “Y/N, Y/N wait please!”
“I don’t want to talk to you, why should I Dean?”
“I need to talk to you please, stop!”
You stopped walking, but didn’t turn around.  “Why know, after four months, why do you suddenly care about talking to me?”
“I have always cared about you, I didn’t think you would have left or ignored us for the last four months, I never thought you would have been hunting on your own.”
“You told me you were better off without me!  Did you really expect me to stick around?”
“I was an idiot, I figured you would have ignored me for the night, maybe the next day.  When Sam said you were gone I called Donna and Jody, and Jody said you were at her house.  I thought you would stay there for a few days, then come home.  We took a hunt close by, I was going to come get you and apologize, but you were gone.  You’ve been running nonstop, you need a break! You and I both know you shouldn’t be hunting alone.”
You just stood there with you back to Dean, not answering him.
“Forgive me, don’t forgive, hell don’t even talk to me anymore!  I don’t care as long as you come back, and I know you're safe and not hunting alone. Please Y/N!”  You turned around when you heard the break in Dean’s voice, and there were tears on his face to match.
“Please, don't run again, let’s go back inside.  When we leave tonight, I wish you would come back to the bunker.  If you can’t do that at least go to Jody or Donna’s, don’t go back on your own.  I need to know your safe,” he begged.
“Why do you care about where I am now? You said it yourself, I’ve been gone four months, if you really wanted to know where I was or talked to me you could have tried calling.”
“Sam called you, you never answered.”
“Right, Sam did.  But never you, you didn’t care where I was!”
“NO! I was worried sick about you! If you’re not going to answer Sam, why in the hell would you answer ME? I called other hunters and asked if they saw you to let me know without telling you.  I went after you so many times, but by the time I got the call and got there you were gone.  That Vamp’s case you took with Donna?  I woke her up at 2 am pounding on the door, but you had already left.”
“You wanted me to leave, and I didn’t want to stick around your friends get yelled at from you again.  I don’t want to put them in any more danger by being around me like you said.” 
“I was mad that night because you got hurt.  You got hurt trying to save me.  I would rather a monster went after me than you any day.  It would kill me if I lost you.  These last four months have been worse than my four months in hell, but at least I knew you were alive.”
Stepping closer to him you asked, “Dean, why do you care so much about what happens to me, Sam I get, he’s your brother.  Me, I’m just your friend.”
“You used to be me best friend, then I did something stupid.  I fell in love with you.  I couldn’t do that to you though.  You deserve better, and if I ever did anything about those feelings you would have a big target on yourself.  Not to mention I couldn’t lose my best friend, when she didn’t feel the same.  So I did what I needed to keep you safe, I tried to push you away.  This last time I pushed you too far, I never wanted to push you out of the bunker.  I hated hurting you, but I just couldn’t let you get close.  Then I lost you anyway.”  Tears were falling from both of your faces now.
You walked closer to Dean, putting your hand up to stop him from talking, “Can we go back to the part where you said you fell in love with me?  Do you still feel that way?”
Instead of answering you Dean moved your hand and crashed his lips into yours.  Neither of you pulling away until you needed air.  “Does that answer your question?  Does that mean I’m not the only one who feels this way ”
“Yes to both.  But it also doesn’t mean you're off the hook Winchester.  When I leave here, I’ll do what you asked, and not go off on my own.  I will go back to Jody’s.”  Dean’s face fell at that.  “I won’t shut you out this time.  I think we have some talking to do before I come back to the bunker.”
“You’ll come back?”
“Eventually, I think so.  I’m not going to promise you something I don’t know if I can keep.”
“Why don’t you just come back now?”
“I know you, you know you, I come back now and we don’t settle anything.  We get back to the bunker and we end up falling in bed. You hurt me Dean, and I’m not over that yet.  I need some time to process all this, we need to work through this before jumping in.”
The two of you headed back inside to join the others.  Sam came up when Dean went back to check the grill he abandoned.
“Does this mean you are coming home with us?” Sam asked with a smile.
“Wait, what?  I saw you two outside.  It looked like everything was good between you?”
“Okay, one, you really need to work on this peeping Tom thing you have going on.  Second time today you’ve watched me through a window buddy.  Two, things are better.  I’m not ready to come back yet.  He hurt me, and I need to work over everything he said to me today.  When we leave I’m going to go stay with Jody.”
“Please don’t shut us out this time.”
“I won’t, your brother and I have a few things to talk about.”
After the party you headed for Jody’s.  Claire rode with you, while Alex was with Jody.  
“You know he is crazy about you right?  He was driving everyone crazy when you went off on your own.”
“What?” You had been lost in your thoughts and missed what Claire had said.  
“Dean, he went nuts when you left.  I know you two talked, Sam said you were making out.  So why are you coming home with us?”
“I need a little more time Claire.”  The rest of the ride was silent except for the radio.  
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You had spent almost two weeks at Jody’s. Dean had called you every day to talk, the two of you talking about the day, hunts the guys took, one you went on with Claire, much to Dean’s dismay.  You had talked a few times about the fact Dean really didn’t want you hunting, but that was only because he was worried you would get hurt.  Almost every call ended with him apologizing for what he did, and telling you he hoped you would come back soon.  A few days after you arrived a bouquet of flowers was delivered, white and pink roses with carnations of the same color.  All your favorites.  The card said, ‘I can’t wait for you to come back home. Love Dean.’  
Jody had sat you down to talk about the whole situation with you.  You admitted you had forgiven Dean for what he said, and you understood why.  You were afraid to go back to the bunker, you just didn’t know why.  Talking over everything with Jody helped you see, you were scared to go back knowing how Dean felt about you.  Up until this fight Dean had been the one constant in your life, well except for his time in hell, and purgatory.  You knew how you felt about him, but worried that his feelings weren’t going to last.  Then what were you going to do?  Have to leave the bunker and lose your best friends again? You really did love Dean, and you owed it to him and you to give this a chance.
You had been putting your things back in your duffle bag at the end of the second week, it was time to go home.  Your phone rang, but this time it wasn’t Dean on the other end, it was Sam.  
“Y/N, Dean’s in the hospital and I can’t reach Cas.” was all you heard before dropping to the floor, Jody took the phone and Sam filled her in.
 Dean had been hurt on their last case.  They thought there were four demons, they had those taken care of and cleaned up.  They were back at the motel when one smoked into the little cleaning lady and grabbed Dean.  Sam had gone out to grab dinner and came back to a trashed hotel room and Dean gone. Luckily his phone was in his pocket and he could trace it.  By the time he found him the Demon had beat him up pretty bad.  He had multiple cuts, and bruises, they were worried about internal injuries and were running tests now. 
The hunt was in Nebraska, just a few hours south of where you were, you grabbed the bag you had been packing and ran out to your car.  Jody wasn’t even out of the house before you pulled out of the driveway.
You made the drive much quicker than usual, a call to Sam gave you the floor and the room number Dean had just been transferred to.  When you arrived up there Sam met you in the hall Dean was on the ICU floor so only family was allowed in the room.  Sam had told the nurses you were his wife so you would be able to enter. 
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Walking up to his bedside you could feel the tears sliding down your face again.  Talking to Jody yesterday you were so worried about what would happen if a relationship didn’t work and you lost your best friend.  You should have been thinking more of what you guys do, and how that could take Dean from you any day.  You had been in love with Dean for years and wanted this more than anything, why had you fought it.  Now you might never get that chance.  Sitting down in the chair beside the bed you grabbed one of Dean’s hands with one of yours and the other ran through his hair.  Leaning up slightly you placed a kiss on his cheek, careful to avoid the tube running out of his mouth. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t come home with you when we left Donna’s.  I was fighting us, and I never should have done that.  You are it for me Dean Winchester, I just need you to wake up now.  Please Baby, can you wake up for me?”
The only response you got was the steady beat of his heart on the hospital machines.  Sam came in and sat in the chair on the other side of the bed, both of you waiting for any sign of Dean waking up. Sam told you Dean had gone into surgery before you got here.  They had found some internal bleeding which needed to be repaired, he had lost a fair amount of blood and also needed a blood transfusion, it didn’t appear any organs were damaged.
 A neurologist came to talk to you a few hours later.  Both the MRI and CT scan of Dean’s head showed slight swelling around the brain.  This could just be bruising and go down before Dean wakes up, from a concussion, or something more.  They would be keeping an eye on him, but until he woke up there was no telling how bad it was.   
Both you and Sam spent the night in the hospital, with no changes appearing in Dean.  A nurse and doctor came to check him over and asked the two of you to step out for a few minutes.  Sam convinced you to go to the cafeteria to at least get a coffee or something.  Walking back to Dean’s room with Sam’s coffee and your hot chocolate, you saw the doctor leaving the room.  When he looked up and saw you he came over to talk to both.  
“His vitals are getting stronger, still weak but better than yesterday.  We don’t want to take him for another CT scan right now, so I can’t tell you if the swelling has gone down.
“When will he wake up?” you asked.
“That’s hard to say.  If he keeps fighting it could be a few days, although if he takes a turn there is a chance he may not wake up.”
Sam had to grab you with his free hand to keep you from falling when your knees buckled. Dean, might not wake up.  That couldn’t happen, he had to come back to you.  The two of you headed back into the room to sit and wait.  Going back to your chair you grabbed Dean’s hand in yours once again, and pleading with him to please wake up.  It had fallen to Sam to keep Jody, Donna, Charlie, and Garth appraised of Dean’s condition.  They would have been there in a heartbeat to see him, but wouldn’t have been allowed into his room.  You couldn’t bring yourself to talk to anyone.  Although you kept praying to Cas, who had yet to appear. 
The fourth day sitting in the hospital you caught Sam watching you.
“I’m just wondering what you are going to do when Dean wakes up?”
“What do you mean?’
“Are you going to run again?  I don’t know if Dean could handle that.”
“No, I was actually packing my bag to come back when you called me.  He’s it for me Sam, I can’t lose him.” you tell him with tears in your eyes once again.
Two days later your head was laying on the bed, with your hand holding Dean’s when you felt movement.  You jerked up so fast Sam jumped at your reaction.  Looking down at Dean’s hand his fingers were starting to move.  
“Dean? Baby can you hear me?”
“Dean, it's Sam and Y/N, can you hear us?” Sam ran to the hall to get a nurse or doctor.
“Please, please wake up Dean.  Come back to me.”
Sam came back in the room followed by a doctor and nurses, who pushed you back from Dean.  He was slowly becoming more coherent, when he started fighting the tube in his throat they pulled it out.  Sam and you were in the corner watching, hoping this was it, Dean was finally coming back to you.  They checked his vitals, everything looked good.  Someone went to get him ice chips another got him readjusted.  Since he was awake they were moving him to a room soon, and the neurologist would be in to check on him.  Dean had yet to say anything but you all figured it was because his throat was so dry from days without drinking.  You took the ice chips from the nurse so you could give them to Dean.
Watching the last of the medical staff clear out you gave Dean an ice chip and turned to him with a smile.
“I am so so happy to see you’re awake and okay! I was so afraid I had lost you,” you tell him as you lean down to kiss him.
“I’m glad you're excited to see me Darlin.  Um..  Who are you exactly?”
Part 2
Tags- @talesmaniac89 @malfoysqueen14​  @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @emoryhemsworth​  @superfanficnatural​ @flamencodiva​ @winchest09​ @deanwanddamons​ @katehuntington​ @anathewierdo​
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kiwi-bitchez · 5 years
Can you do a frat Tom story, where he’s a cocky player and y/n hates him? One day, they get stuck at the campus laundromat together, so they start talking and Tom is actually funny and nice. Y/N lets her guard down and they start kissing. And then Tom takes advantage of the moment and his cocky side turns back on and he starts dominating. He takes her to the back and makes her get on her knees to blow him and he makes her gag for him and he's boasting and dirty talking.
Rinse and Spin
OOF This suggestion is HOT. Thank you!!! Honestly this had me sweating. I tried my best! Requests/suggestions are always open!
Summary: basically above, you and tom get stuck in the laundry room together and some smutty fun ensues. College!AU, Frat!Tom, Lowkey enemies to lovers
Warnings: Smut, mentions of alcohol, mostly smut, it’s all smut. 
College was an exciting new chapter for you. Last year when you started school you were bright eyed and bushy tailed for all the new possibilities and independence that college brings. Living on your own, studying at your own pace, meeting new people, it all excited you. 
However after a few semesters had gone by the excitement slowly wore off and you fell into a regular routine. You didn’t dislike school by any stretch, but you have always been keen on seeing things as they truly are.
One of the aspects of college that had really excited you was the idea that everyone would shed their immaturity from high school and grow up quickly. You hoped to meet people who took school seriously and didn’t have that unattractive immaturity that so many high school boys had.
This was all a fantasy in your head of course. There were still many people who disrespected professors, slept through all their classes, and acted like sixteen year olds who had been finally let loose from their parents. You assumed the freedom and expectations of college would cause everyone to grow up, but a girl can only dream.
The worst was Tom Holland. You had been partnered with him last semester for a group project and he lives up to all your expectations of a typical asshole frat boy.
He never bothered to learn your name, just calling you “babe” or “love” in that cocky way that probably worked on some girls, but not you. You ended up doing most of the project yourself because the idea of meeting up with him outside class seemed unbearable. 
After that it was like you couldn’t stop running into him. At parties, in class, at the coffee shop, he was like an irritating bug that you couldn’t seem to squash.
He was the type of guy who loved being the center of attention. It came as no shock to you that he was the president of some stupid frat on campus, the one that threw the biggest parties. In your eyes frat boys had nothing filling their heads other than cheap beer and objectifying women. You tried your best to stay away from them, but did get dragged to the occasional party. 
You had luckily found a group of friends that lived up to your expectations of mature college students, they were funny and smart and you were lucky to have them. The area you weren’t so lucky with was dating. You had a few hookups at parties but nothing worth writing home about, and most of the boys you met either bored you or fell into the asshole frat boy category.
You look around your small dorm room and decide to straighten some things up. You had finished all your assignments and your friends didn’t get out of class for a few hours, so this seemed like the perfect time to do some laundry.
You toss your dirty clothes into your hamper and head down to the communal laundry room in the basement. You didn’t bother changing out of your pajamas, some loose shorts and a t-shirt sans bra, you figured you’d be back in your room soon enough. 
The door was open a crack, so you slip in and put down your heavy hamper next to an open washing machine. You notice someone sitting across the room out of the corner of your eye, it wasn’t unusual for students to wait for their laundry to finish. 
However, the creeping feeling in your stomach, the way the hair on the back of your neck stood up on end gave away quickly who the figure was. Ugh, Tom. He had headphones on and seemed to be minding his business, so you hoped you could get your laundry in and leave before he noticed you and said some snarky remark.
That was the thing about Tom, you were one of the only girls who didn’t buy into his smooth accent and pretty face. You would call him out for his bullshit and tell him he’s a creep whenever he made a pass at you. You could tell he liked it though, the back and forth of you telling the other how much you despised them, he liked that you could dish it back.
You manage to get your clothes into the washer, but quickly realize that you left your laundry card upstairs. You dig around your wallet for some quarters, coming up with just the right amount. Jamming them into the busted machine you quickly lose hope of them working, realizing you’d have to go back up for your card. 
“Need some help there sweetheart?” Tom asks from across the room.
Your hope of going unnoticed was shattered. Taking in a deep breath you roll your eyes and turn around to face him.
“No thanks sweetheart, machine won’t take my quarters,” you quickly turn back around, hoping that would be the end of the interaction. 
You start to gather your things to head back upstairs when you notice that he’s left his spot and is walking up behind you.
“Here just use mine,” he holds his card out.
“No thanks Holland, not taking any favors from you.”
“Really, it’s no biggie,” he taps the card against the sensor in the machine and pays the $1.25 for your load, “it’s the least I can do after you got me that A on the bio project last semester.” 
You were surprised that he even remembered that. You hold out your handful of quarters to pay him back.
“I don’t want your coins,” he chuckles.
“Well you certainly aren’t getting anything else from me,” you head towards the door, not knowing what to make of that interaction.
You needed the laundry card to swipe the door open, and it had been open a crack when you had come in.
“Hey,” you turn back around, “mind lending me that again so I can open the door?”
He runs up beside you and presses the card against the sensor, getting a little closer to you than you would have liked. The monitor turned red and starts blinking, indicating the card wasn’t working.
He tries again, “Strange, worked just a second ago.”
“Stop fucking with me Tom,” you grab the card from his hand, but it doesn’t work when you try either.
“Why do you always doubt me,” he takes the card back and examines it, “it’s not like I want to be stuck in here with you either.”
“Did you have the card near your phone?” you ask.
He realizes he had put the card back into the wrong pocket after paying for your laundry. The cheap cards are sensitive to technology and can get messed up if they get too close to a phone. 
He takes his phone out of his pocket, “oh my god, of course you’re the type of person who doesn’t put a case on their phone,” you roll your eyes again at him. 
“Guess you’re just gonna have to wait here with me until someone else can buzz us out.” 
“Damn I better start screaming for help then.”
He lets out a chuckle and returns to his seat on top of one of the dryers. You might as well take a seat too, it may be awhile before someone comes to release you from this hell. You hop up onto one of the dryers across the room from him, desperately wishing you had your phone or anything to distract you. 
“Cute shirt,” he comments.
“Shut up,” you realize he was probably commenting on how you weren’t wearing a bra. 
“No, I mean it,” he sounded a little hurt, “that band is really cool.” Referencing the band logo on your tee.
You give him an inquisitive look, trying to read his motives.
“Last summer I worked security at a small concert venue downtown, got into a lot of cool shows for free.” 
You would usually take this as him bragging, but he actually seemed interested in talking to you. He told you about some of the shows he worked at and you told him about the music festival you had gone to. 
After talking like civilized humans for a while he decides to ask, “Why do you hate me so much?” 
“Hmm?” You look up from the hem of your shirt that you had been fiddling with.
“It just seems like you hate me and you don’t even know me.”
“I think I know you well enough to know that we don’t get along.” 
“That’s not true at all, you don’t know the first thing about me!” He got up from his spot and moved closer to you.
“I guess I just don’t want to bother getting to know some egotistical frat boy who thinks every girl wants his dick, you’re just like the rest of them. Even worse, you’re their freaking leader! What do you want me to know about you huh? How much beer you can chug? How many girls you’ve fucked? I’m not interested.” 
“Wow, harsh,” he was actually a little hurt by your comment, but kept the smug grin plastered on his face.
“See, you’re not even listening to me. You just smile and nod until a girl opens her legs for you, so move on cuz I’m not buying it.”
“Oh, you think you’re so high and mighty because you stay cooped up in your dorm room studying like the perfect fucking princess you are,” his tone was mocking, “some of us manage to have fun and get good grades, you’re not special, doll, you’re just a buzzkill. I bet you’ve never even been to one of our frat parties.”
“I’ve been to a few,” you mumble defensively.
“So what, maybe it’s all kegs and tits some of the time, but we also do a lot of really cool stuff too.”
“Oh yeah, like what?” your voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“We do a lot of charity type shit around campus, hosting events and stuff.”
“Charity type shit,” you mocked him. 
“Last semester we did this event where we set up these big tables and just handed out free dildos and condoms and lube,” he started explaining.
“Wow, so charitable, your frat gives out free sex toys to get girls attention, sorry I ever questioned you Mother Theresa.”
“Hey, let me finish,” he puts up his hands, “we were petitioning against campus gun laws. We were trying to make a statement about how some sex toys are against campus rules but there are no gun laws.”
“Oh,” you felt really stupid, “that actually is pretty cool.”
“See, you always are so judgy, if you just listened to me for three seconds then maybe you wouldn’t hate me so much. You just jump to conclusions about people before even talking to them.” 
“I guess,” you turn to him, now sitting next to you on the dryer, “Sorry.”
“See, I like cool music and dildos too, we aren’t so different you and I,” you still wanted to wipe the grin off his face. 
“You don’t know that about me,” you say flatly. 
“Okay well I do know that you are into that one band,” he gestures to your t shirt, “and you are really good at bio… and you do your laundry at weird times of the day…”
You turn to him and lower your eyes, giving him an exasperated look. 
“And I know that you like coconut milk in your coffee, and you always get those chocolate pastry things…”
Your eyes widen a little, realizing how closely he must have paid attention to you to pick up on those things. You let your guard down for a second, giving him the benefit of the doubt for once. 
“And I know that you look really good in just your pajamas,” he nudges your side, “and I know that… you have really pretty eyes…”
His eyes meet yours, and you suddenly felt so vulnerable. 
“Shut up,” you whisper.
“I’m just telling you things that I know to be facts,” he whispers too, his face was very close to yours, and strangely you didn’t mind. 
Your mind went a little fuzzy as you stared into his coffee colored eyes, no longer trying to read him and just appreciating their color. A magnetic pull drew your face to his, almost like something you couldn’t have stopped even if you had wanted to. Before you could even realize it, your lips were firmly planted on his, hands frantically coming up to the sides of his face. 
Tom would be completely lying if he said he knew this would happen. He hadn’t been trying to win you over, smooth talk you like he did to other girls. The two of you had just been having a normal conversation. 
He was taken aback because rarely was he the one being kissed, usually he was the initiator. It only took seconds before he kissed you back, lips moving in synchronicity with yours. Your tongues connected harshly and angrily. He couldn’t tell if you liked him or still hated him, but by the way you felt in his mouth he didn’t care.
Your eyes flutter open, mind finally processing your actions. You harshly pull back, hands quickly moving away from his face and grabbing down onto the edge of the dryer. Your eyes grew wide and a look that could be mistaken for terror flashed across your face.
“Um- I…,” your tongue felt dry and heavy in your mouth, like you were suddenly having an allergic reaction to what you had just done.
You couldn’t come up with anything to say, and before you could his lips were on yours again. He pulled you in by the back of your neck, tongue moving over yours quickly resuming where you had left off.
Neither one of you could reason why this was happening, but it felt too right to care. You let yourself get lost in the kiss, ignoring how crazy and stupid and strange you felt. Suddenly you were leaning back, letting him pin you down against the cold metal beneath you. His hands gripped your sides with purpose and certainty, something you hadn’t ever felt from someone.
His teeth lightly graze your lower lip, pulling it slightly from your mouth. You let out an unexpected whimper, it was quiet and quick but you were sure he had heard. He did. It drove him fucking crazy.
He felt your body writhe underneath him, back arching slightly as his hands slid up your sides. Quickly realizing that the top of a washing machine was not the best place for this, he lifts you up, moving you so you were now straddling his lap.
A small gasp escaped you, surprised at how his strong arms swooped you up so easily. You let your whole body weight sink down onto his lap, pressing your chest tightly against his. Now it was his turn to let out a groan that wouldn’t go unnoticed.
He somehow slides off the machine and stands up, keeping you wrapped up against his torso. He moved with purpose across the small room, slipping into the small back room where no one could see you.
You were lost in the movement of the kiss when you feel your back firmly press against the wall, his body leaning into yours, the kiss getting hotter and wetter. You involuntarily roll your hips towards him, searching for some friction.
“Tell me you want me,” he groans into your mouth.
The way he looked at you like a hungry animal made your breath catch in your throat. His mouth moved to your neck and he buried his head there, kissing and sucking at your soft skin. The haze in your mind cleared for a second of clarity and you spoke with more conviction,
“I refuse to be one of your sexual conquests, Holland,” you continued to roll your hips against his, “You don’t get to tell everyone you fucked some nerdy girl in the laundromat.”
“Our secret,” he moves back to your lips, “but I need to hear you say it.”
“I want you,” your voice shrunk to a whisper.
One of his hands comes up to your chin, angling your head so he has full access to your neck. His tongue works against your pulse point as his hands come down to your things. Your shorts were a thin material, and he could easily feel you through them.
He squeezes your upper thighs, slowly moving up to your hips, pulling you into him.
“Tell me what you want,” your eyes roll back as his hands creep towards your dripping center, “tell me where to touch you.”
“Please,” you felt pathetic, but you press your hips further, trying to make contact with his hand, “I need you to touch me.”
His fingers dance under the hem of your shorts, moving up to your damp underwear.
“Is this all for me?” he says, almost mockingly, “I did this to you?”
You could only moan into his mouth as his fingers slipped into your underwear and moved against your wet folds. You tried to grind into his hand, but his grip on your hip kept you firmly planted against the wall.
“You act like you hate me, but you’ve been dripping for me this whole time haven’t you?”
He slipped a finger into you, curling it perfectly against your inner walls. He could feel you squeeze against him, your arousal starting to cover his whole hand. You couldn’t answer his question, rhetorical in nature, only gasp into his parted lips as he added a second finger.
 He lowers his head to nip at your chest through your thin t-shirt, teeth grazing your nipple through the fabric. You manage to slip out of it, still pressed against the wall, legs shaky under you.
His mouth comes down to attack your chest with bites and hickeys as he continues pumping his two long fingers into you, thumb moving tight circles on your clit. You were slightly embarrassed at how quickly you felt your climax nearing. You had always thought of him as a cocky player, but at least this boy knew exactly what he was doing.
You moan out his name with a slew of profanities, eyes closing tightly. His lips move up to your ear, speaking directly to you as you start to shake under him,
“What is it?” his tone was arrogant and knowing.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come soon,” you squeak out.
“I’m going to make you come,” his hand suddenly moving faster and harder.
“Mmmhh, yes Tommy, you’re making me feel so fucking good.”
“I want you to come on my fingers, and then I want you to get on your knees and suck my cock with those pretty lips of yours.”
Your moans were getting higher pitched, his words only intensifying how good he was making you feel.
“I bet you’d like that huh. You wanna feel my cock in your mouth?”
You bite your lip and nod, feeling yourself tip over the edge with a cry of his name. His thumb moved quickly against your clit, fingers plunging a little deeper as he felt you contract around him.
You collapse forward, grabbing onto his shoulder, biting down on his skin to silence your own screams. You catch a glance at his face, that stupid cocky smirk still plastered onto him. In this moment you couldn’t bother to care, you could only focus on staying standing as waves of pleasure crashed over you.
When your eyes finally came back into focus, he was pulling his fingers from you and slipping them into his mouth. His thumb brushes across your jaw, migrating to press into your lower lip. You let your mouth slip down onto his digit, your tongue pressing against his thumb.
“Look at you,” he pulls his finger back, dragging your lower lip with it, “so fucking good for me.”
You give him a wide eyed look and start making work of his belt. His cock is hard and firmly pressed against the inside of his jeans. You palm him through the thick material for a second while dealing with the button and zipper.
You sink to your knees, fulfilling his request from earlier.
“Wait, here,” he grabs a towel off of a nearby machine and places it on the ground in front of him, “for your knees, the ground is really hard.”
It made you laugh how he had been so cocky one second and thoughtful the next.
“Thank you,” you say softly as you pump the shaft of his dick, looking up at him with big eyes while bringing your tongue out to lick a stripe up the underside.
His shirt was off now too and you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his body was. You had always recognized that Tom was conventionally very attractive, but suddenly he was fucking hot to you.
You swirl your tongue around his tip and watch as his head tips back, causing him to let out a groan. You take his hand and move it to your hair, giving him permission to hold it.
He twists your hair into a makeshift ponytail, brushing the stray pieces back from your face. He grips tightly, pulling a little. You give him a moan and a nod, letting him know it was okay to pull harder.
He moves your head back and forth to meet your movements, hips moving slightly in the process. You gag a little as he hits the back of your throat, but continue bobbing your head, letting him slide down your throat a little every so often.
“Fuck, you look so good on your knees for me, gagging on my cock,” he tightens his grip on your hair, “taking me so well.”
The sight of you on your knees for him, lips wrapped perfectly around his shaft sent shivers down his spine. He watched attentively as his cock slid in and out of your mouth, your saliva leaving a wet trail around his length. What killed him was when you would look up at him through your eyelashes, big doe eyes begging him to fuck your face. 
You dare to move south, taking one of his balls in your mouth as you continue jerking him off. You moan into him as he pulls your hair, vibrations adding to his pleasure. 
“Fuck y/n, you’re fucking dirty aren’t you?” He was a little surprised at how aggressive you were taking him, shoving his cock deeper and deeper down your throat. 
“I bet you’ve thought about this before, being a good girl on your knees for me, taking what I give you.”
Your eyes flutter shut as you flatten your tongue against his shaft, letting his hips do the work. You surely had never thought about him in this way before, that he was wrong about, but you surely would be thinking about sucking his dick all the time from now on.  
You feel his cock twitch in your mouth, swelling a little at the feeling of your tongue. You knew he was close by his grip on your hair and his hip movements. You take him deep down your throat, sucking and lapping up his shaft. 
“I’m gonna come y/n,” he warns you, although you already knew.
You continue to suck vigorously, swallowing his come and continuing to suck on him until his legs are shaking a little under your grasp. He lets go of your hair, which messily falls down around you. You release his dick from your mouth with a pop, admiring your work as it was red and twitching. 
Tom slumps down against the wall and sits on the floor, meeting you at eye level. You look at him for a second, unable to read his reaction. You knew he liked it by the noises he had been making, but he sat across from you running his hands through his hair. 
“What the fuck was all that.”
“I don’t know! You tell me!” you say defensively, “You seemed to like it.”
“Well yeah, you seemed to like it too,” he retorts, “actually, you seem to like it much more than most girls like sucking cock in my experience.”
“What can I say, you have a pretty dick.”
“Only pretty cuz it fits in your mouth so well.”
What were you doing? Was this flirting? You stand up and shake yourself off, walking over to where your clothes had been discarded. You start to slip your underwear back on. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Tom jokes, also getting up from the floor. 
“Someone could walk in, plus I have to switch my laundry, gonna need your card again by the way.”
“This is some kind of fucked up trade off if you ask me,” he jokes. 
“Still hate me?” He quips, always cocky.
“Jury’s still out,” you start to move your clothes into the dryer, “I’m gonna need to see more of what you have to offer before I decide.” 
“Well, the dryer takes about an hour and I was hoping to make you come a few more times. Wanna see that pretty look on your face again.” 
You sit up on top of the dryer and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Let’s see what you’ve got.” 
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