#you lose it and then you have to shopping. or shower. or make yourself food
charliemwrites · 8 months
…. So Mister(s) steal your girl, huh?
Content: Unhappy Relationship, (Brief) Gaslighting, Sad Reader
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Bombshells, you always thought, were supposed to making a whistling sound before landing. A high pitched warning of impending doom. Too late to escape the incoming devastation, but at least it wouldn’t come out of nowhere. There’d be some time to brace, for all the good it would do.
Maybe you watched too many movies.
Three months. That’s how long you got to enjoy the bliss of engagement before the world began to fall around you.
Your fiance came home and sat you down, his hand around yours. You thought he was breaking it off for some reason. What he did instead was worse.
In the aftermath you can only remember snippets of the one-sided conversation. Like tinnitus, an awful running in your ears left over from a dropped bomb.
Things like,
Still young, I want to explore…
How will I know you’re my forever unless I know what’s out there?
Last bit of freedom before being tied down…
If you love me and our relationship…
You love your fiance and your relationship. You don’t want to lose it just because you’re selfish. He’s still coming home to you, after all. You’re the one with the ring and all the plans for the future. So what if he wants to… explore? He’s even offering the same to you.
An open relationship, he calls it, like it’s some innovative idea.
You’ve heard of them before, never had much interest. Still don’t, honestly, but it was that or the desolution of 4 years.
You insisted on a long engagement. Your fiance promises that you two can revisit the open relationship when you’re married.
Within a week of agreeing, he’s leaves for the weekend. He doesn’t tell you where he’s going, who he’s meeting. He comes back Sunday evening smelling like someone else’s perfume with a hickey on his collarbone. When you refuse any advances, he sighs and says he “understands that this is a transition” and goes to shower.
It’s like that for six months. Weekends without him. Sometimes sending him off Friday morning and not seeing him until Monday evening. Lipstick on his collars, strange perfume invading the laundry. You start doing his clothes separately.
Six months. You spend months suffering in silence, sniffling through Saturdays and drifting through Sundays. Adjusting meal plans to cook for one.
The last straw is when you try to make plans on a holiday. You and your fiance haven’t done on a proper date in months. You want to go out, have all his attention on you, not shared with his phone.
“Ooh, sorry dear, I’ve already got plans with Malorie. Rain check, yeah? We’ll do something next week.”
You decide to go out anyway, sick of feeling sorry for yourself. Nothing fancy, just a bit of self care. You buy yourself a cute new outfit, put on a bit more makeup than usual, do your hair. Find an interesting little late night book shop. They serve wine and food and have comfy booths for people to read or talk or play board games.
The perfect place to be out but alone.
You’re debating the merits of a romance novel when a voice comes from your left.
“Love that one.”
You blink, glance up. Find a handsome man with eyes simultaneously so dark and so warm. Coals, you think. There’s a cheeky little quirk to his mouth as he nods at the novel.
“It’s good if you like will-they, won’t-they.”
You hum. “I’m more in the market for something… easier? If that makes sense.”
He hums, gives you a solemn look. “It does. Here, you might like this then.”
He plucks a book off the shelf and offers it for inspection. You feel awkward reading it the summary thoroughly, especially when you can feel his eyes on you. But you skim it, it looks promising, and a hot guy just suggested it, so…
“Read a lot of romance?” you ask curiously.
He ducks his head a bit, endearingly shy. “A bit, yeah. Call me hopeless.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, but can’t help saying. “I think it’s just romantic.”
His eyes light up. “Yeah? And what kind of books d’you usually like?”
Before you know it, you’re talking thrillers and horror novels with him. Recommending your favorite spooky novel and then following up that you always read a comedy afterwards as a palette cleanser.
You end up touring each other around the shop, talking books and authors and genres. Yet you’re somehow surprised when he asks if you’d like to sit with him. But you agree, a little thrill in your stomach that you haven’t felt since… a while.
You each buy a stack of books, then claim a booth and proceed to read none of them. He tells you his name is Kyle, that he’s in the military but on leave right now, stocking up on entertainment for flights or long spans of hurrying up and waiting.
You’ve never met a military guy before, and you trip over your curiosity. Trying not to pry but interested in what he does. He’s polite and patient, admitting there are a lot of things he can’t tell you but he’ll answer. You don’t stay on the subject long, figuring the last thing he wants to talk about it work.
He gets you back in the department of uncomfortable topics when he notices the ring on your finger. You’re quick to explain the situation, hot with shame all over again, eyes stinging despite yourself.
Instead of mocking you or just getting up and walking away, Kyle sits back looking flabbergasted.
“That’s fucking mental,” he says, “excuse me for saying.”
You burst into laughter. Haven’t told anyone any of this out of embarrassment, but hearing someone on your side is… good.
“I thought so too, but… he’s happy,” you admit.
Kyle frowns. “What about you?”
You blink, can’t look him in the eye. You know the answer but make a show of thinking about it.
“I’d… like to be again. This — the open relationship thing — seems to be working for him. So… maybe it’ll work for me too?” You shrug. “Worth a try.”
Kyle reaches across the table, a big warm hand enveloping yours. There are callouses you’re not expecting. Tantalizingly different.
“Would you like to try it with me?” he asks. “Don’t have to put a label on it or anything. But my schedule is a bit… it’s hard to keep up a traditional relationship, you know? But I like you, and I think your fiance is a knob.”
You snort, but flip your hand around, thumb brushing over his.
“Yeah…” you muse, and after saying it, a surge of confidence infuses you. “Yeah, I’d like to try this with you.”
His smile is absolutely brilliant. You won’t admit — not even to yourself for a long time — but you fall in love a little right then and there.
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bamfkeeper · 1 month
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RQ: 'Hi! Hope you’re having a good day! I Saw your requests were open! Would I be able to get some headcannons for Kurt as a father/with a pregnant reader? If not that’s perfectly fine!' - @cherri-leaf
Warnings: Kurt x f!reader, pregnancy topics, birth and baby themes
A/N: This is not helping my baby fever. Do I care? Nope. Soo happy to get one of these, I love writing things like this. Ignore any grammar errors bitte und danke.
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Kurt would be the best father to be. When he found out you were pregnant, he was completely overjoyed.
He would absolutely do everything in his power to make sure that you are comfortable and happy throughout your pregnancy. He can hardly wait, and he'd want you completely stress-free during.
Kurt would always ask what he can do to help, he wouldn't want you bending over or lifting anything.
Kurt is an excellent cook, so he'd be cooking a lot of your meals. He doesn't want to control you, but he only wants you to be eating the best foods he can get you. And cooking it himself, he knows exactly what is going in your body and feeding your baby.
His German heritage comes out more, he likes to feed you typical German meals, most of which are high in protein and good for your body. Lot of meat and potatoes, and lots of fruits and veggies.
He does let you have desserts too, he makes them himself though. Or if you want to bake with him that's obviously okay! He loves to bake, as long as you don't get too tired with your belly.
He loves massaging you, knowing how laborious and exhausting pregnancy can be. He always tries his best to massage parts that hurt. Kurt massages your legs, ankles, feet, back. He also tenderly will massage your breasts, it's good for milk production and to help the tissue as your milk comes in.
One of his favorite things is to sit down and lay his head beside your belly. He loves listening to your little one most around, gently rubbing over it and speaking to it. He talks in German to your little one, speaking soft and sweet, laying kisses all over your stomach.
Kurt does a ton of research on pregnancy too. Before you are even pregnant and you're both trying, he reads books and watches videos of pregnancy and what it does to your body, getting as much information as possible about it. He wants to know what he can do to take the best care of you. Plus he wants to understand what's happening to the love of his life.
Some of it makes him cringe, and he frowns seeing how your internal organs shift, or all the symptoms and mental strain pregnancy causes. "Liebe...I will do everything I can to help you. It is scary, but I will be right here." he reassures, even if you have no worries about it.
Does he go nuts over the nursery? YES. Circus themed, naturally. Without the bad parts of his youth of course. Lots of fun colors, circus stuffies, (elephants, zebras, lions, tigers, bears, oh my!), and he absolutely paints it with you.
He also loves to shower you with gifts during your pregnancy, some for the baby, but some for you too. He always makes sure your friends know what you need when the baby showers comes along.
Baby clothes shopping? He goes nuts. "Liebe, bitte, bitte our little one has to have lederhosen! Bitte!" he begs and pleads with you, and you can't resist for long.
He makes a lot of jokes when your baby moves around a lot. "Heh, takin' after me already? Mein Gott...a little acrobat you are..." he coos to your belly, "Careful now, little one, you're gonna hurt your mama." he kisses your belly where the baby seems to be doing summer saults.
Kurt does really well with your hormonal changes too. He understands, sometimes you get impatient or lose your temper, never at him, but things are so overwhelming and stressful sometimes. You get frustrated with your self esteem or the fact that standing up is always a struggle. He calms you down, helping you ground yourself. "What do you need, schatz...anything. Food, space, love?" he questions, wanting to ensure you are okay.
When you go into labor, he tries his best to stay calm but...he can't help it. He freaks out. He rushes to you, no teleporting, it makes you too dizzy. He helps you to Beast's lab, no hospitals, he heard about how they treated Madelyne, he didn't want to deal with that.
You feel better surrounded by friendly faces anyway.
Of course it's just him in the room when you do give birth, he talks you through, telling you how good you're doing...how close you are, to breathe, etc.
He is so worried, giving you lots of love and making sure you're doing okay above all else.
When your little one arrives, he is in complete awe. Imagine how you want the baby to look ofc, but come on...it's gotta be a little blue!
It is such a sweet bundle of joy, it doesn't cry more than necessary when it's first born, and you hold your baby as it's placed on you. Kurt doesn't care if it is a boy or girl, that is his little one and he will cherish it with you.
Kurt respects the motherly bonding, so he steps back and lets you hold and be the first one to cuddle and kiss, and of course warm the baby with your skin. It's a sight he won't forget.
Ideally, he'd like to name the baby a German name, but he of course talks with you if you have any cultural or personal preference. You both come to a conclusion on what to name your new baby.
He's the best after too. He does everything he can while you recover with the baby, and helps wherever is needed. He helps if you nurse, he cleans and cooks still, makes sure you have hot showers ready, anything you could imagine.
You know you and your baby will be forever and always be loved by your adorning blue teleporter ~
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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gavisimmaculaterizz · 6 months
— bother II / jude bellingham.
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summary: after a long tortuous night, jude finally decides to apologize. (part 1 here)
special thanks to @stephiii29 for the inspiration 🤍
warnings: none
jude was not the type of person to be confrontational, and so were you. the night was cold and aloof, it felt heavy and suffocating to say the least.
jude couldn’t sleep knowing he messed up real big, which was letting his anger out on you. he knew that he shouldn’t project his anger out on you, but your question made him snap, losing his consciousness and not thinking straight. all night he twisted and turned, hoping the sun rose soon to apologize to you.
he knew it’d be difficult to apologize, knowing you were not the person to express feelings. so he put his mind to think on ways to make you forgive him.
meanwhile in the comfort of the living room, you laid in the couch, still sad over the mini “argument” you and jude had earlier. you knew it wasn’t your fault, but you still felt a guilt in your stomach for causing him to snap at you. you really missed his touch, his scent, everything. it was like you were deprived for his touch. when you and him slept together, you felt like he protected you,
like your personal bodyguard.
you shook your thoughts away and checked your phone. you looked at the time and realized it was still early for your liking.
3:49 am
jude usually gets ready at 7, so you forced yourself to sleep, taking meletonin. you knew you were being a brat by trying to avoid jude, but it was the best decision you could make at the moment. you didn’t want to anger jude more, so you thought it’d be better to leave him alone to marinate in his thoughts and go to sleep.
7:15 am
jude was awoken from his short slumber with an obnoxious alarm, signaling it was time to get ready. he did his usual routine which was showering, changing, brushing his teeth, and combing his gorgeous locks. during his whole routine he couldn’t stop and think how he left you last night, he deeply regretted what he said knowing it hurt you more than him.
he left your shared apartment disappointed. before he left he stopped by the living room and noticed you knocked out. he noticed the little details in your face, especially the dried tears on your face. his heart shattered seeing you broken, all because of his words.
on the way to the ciudad deportiva del real madrid, jude stopped by a local flower shop, placing an order of your favorite flowers to give to you when he came back from practice.
thoughout the training session, his teammates couldn’t help but notice the way he was training. this wasn’t like the jude they knew, did the loss in the bernabéu last night really affect him?
“tío, are you still angered over the loss yesterday?”, asked modric.
jude couldn’t help but stare deeply into the croatian’s eyes, shaking his head, signaling it wasn’t about that.
the croatian took it as a sign to not further bother the british.
as practice finally ended, jude quickly got ready and stopped by the flower shop to pick up the flowers he got you. he couldn’t also forget to stop by your favorite fast food restaurant. he knew you like the back of his palm, he knew every nook and cranny about you that it felt like you two have known each other since birth.
1:05 pm
apon arriving at your shared apartment, jude prepared his apology, making sure to not forget why he’s apologizing.
he fixed his shirt nervously, slowly opening the door to your shared apartment, trying not to make any noise.
you were in the kitchen, cleaning up the remaining mess you left from last night, forgetting to clean the dishes up from when dinner was served. you heard his footsteps behind you, your heart beating faster than ever.
“hi my love.”, jude said softly. you couldn’t help but mentally fold because he called you my love, you always fell more in love with him when he used that pet name.
“hey..”, you said softly, copying his tone, trying to sound put together. upon your words, jude immediately hugged you.
“please forgive me for what i caused you last night y/n. i let my emotions get to me, i never meant to make you feel sad or guilty over what happened last night. please just forgive me…”, he said nervously. you couldn’t help but smile at his apology. immediately accepting it by giving him a kiss.
“apology accepted.”, you said sheepishly. he immediately gave you a kiss, later then showing you what he bought you.
you couldn’t lie, he was such a sweet person when it came to apologizing. you could apologize to him right on the spot because of his gorgeous looks.
after all you weren’t a bother to him..
a/n: ty guys so much for the support on my first fic! i really appreciate it 😞❤️!! also this is really rushed bc im kinda busy 🥲
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ranpoesgirl · 7 months
ft; chuuya, nikolai, jouno ( i, ii )
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You were currently out roaming around town with Chuuya after your guy’s mission, when passing by a cafe, you heard a voice call out for Chuuya by his name.
He turned around annoyed but that face continued to turned into discomfort, you looked to see a young boy, maybe 14? He wore a farmer boys clothing and now that you think about it, he might be the boy Chuuya talked about.
The young boy was a ball of sunshine and invited you two to join him around the market, Chuuya was quick to shut him down so the both of you began convincing the ginger.
“Come on, Chuuya! You weren’t this difficult in bed!”, the words from your mouth came so fluidly that you couldn’t stop it.
“NAME ! THERE IS A CHILD PRESENT!”, his voice cracked while his face was redder than when he was usually drunk.
“You both sleep together in the same bed? That’s very intimate, only the married slept together in the same bed back where I’m from,”
Chuuya wasn’t joking when he said there is no one as pure as him…
You were losing your sanity simply being in the same room as this man but it’s the price for the favor you were obliged to help with.
Sigma and Nikolai were going back and forth with Sigma mostly arguing with common sense and Nikolai being who he is, a clown.
“Ugh, how long have you been assisting this man?! I thought you’d at least lose your sanity and be like him not sit there filing your nails!”, Sigma yelled close to pulling his hair out.
“don’t bring me into this, how am I supposed to know that a man putting my pleasure first completely before his is not the same out of bed?”
This one came out accidentally but it’s not like you cared about the two toned man about knowing such information.
“You did WHAT?! And you’re still sane!?”
“Hey, I’m sane, but my standards in men? That’s my therapist’s problem.”
The mall was a fun and practical, you had all sorts of things in one place from clothing stores to Dior, but to go with Jouno? You were regretting every second that you ignored Tachihara’s warning…
“Those shoes are cute,” “they don’t make sizes for big foot.”
“I wonder if they sell refills for my favorite perfume?” “have you tried taking a shower?”
“let’s go to the food court, I’m hungry!” “We got food at home— also, didn’t you say you weren’t hungry minutes before we left the house?”
A pain in the ass, and not in a good way either. What you wanted to be a fun trip and where you threw all your money, is now a sad walk in silence because you’d either get judged or insulted. On the way, you spotted Teruko walking your way with her sly smile but it slowly dropped when she reached you.
“I thought you said you wanted to splurge on yourself after your paycheck?”, the red head questioned.
Jouno looked a bit taken aback before glancing at you and quickly looking away because you were slightly glaring at him. He began walking away quietly while Teruko waited for your reply even though you hinted that he was the reason.
“Honestly, what did I expect from a man who took complete control bed even while being blind?”, you whispered quietly to the girl who simply chuckled at your comment in surprise.
You swore you saw the man’s head whip so fast and began glaring at you till there were holes in your head, not like you were going to turn to look at him to confirm…
bonus; Jouno proceeded to buy you everything you needed along with your wants and was currently standing next to you with shopping bags stacked on his arm as you were forced to swipe his card to buy those shoes you found cute…
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animehideout · 10 months
I’d really like to see JJK x plus size fem reader!! also FREE PALESTINE
a/n : Thank you @sakuhannah for requesting and thank you for supporting Palestine, let's all Pray for our Palestinian brothers and sisters ♡
Warnings⚠️: fluff but with some smut.
characters: Gojo / Geto / Sukuna / Toji / Yuji / Nanami.
Its kinda long and I really hope you enjoy reading this💗.
Remember you are all uniquely beautiful, deserving of the world's wonders. Embrace your uniqueness, stay confident, and remember, you radiate brilliance just as you are. 🫶🏻
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Gojo Satoru:
One word, this man is a simp for you.
Would flirt with you 24/7, even though you're already a couple.
Obsessed with your stunning curves and openly praises them, literally in front of everyone.
“Turn around and show me that beautiful ass of yours”
He's a very confident man, so he appreciates your self-confidence and how you stand smiling in front of the mirror.
He finds your self-confidence really sexy and attractive.
Satoru enjoys shopping with you, would spoil you and buy you expensive clothes and accessories.
Turns the store into a runway “Yeah do a little spin for me baby”
Would lowkey start a fight with people who work there if you can't find your size.
Picks out skirts for you because he loves how your legs look in them.
Loves how strong yet how gentle you are.
Your duality is his weakness, he loves your soft side as much as your badass side.
Loves how you treat his students with care.
You always hang out with him and his students and he really appreciate how you are interested in the things he's interested in.
Satoru is also a sweet tooth, so he enjoys sharing sweets and candies with you.
But, there are times when you are self-conscious. He would be you're number 1 hype man.
Wouldn't let you lose your self-confidence.
Never wastes a second to shower you with sincere compliments.
“I love you for you, I love each part of you”
Shows you off a lot, but gets jealous when someone looks at you for too long.
“No one else gets to have you but me, all for myself”
Satoru adores your ass, so he enjoys having you on top while doing it.
So he can slap your ass and squeeze it the way he wants.
“You drive me insane”.
Nanami Kento:
This man right here adores you.
He finds beauty in the uniqueness of your figure and the softness of your curves.
He likes to trace his fingers on your body and your stretch marks.
“You're majestic”
He might not be very expressive with words but damn, he can't keep his hands off of you both in public or private.
He's always placing a protective hand around your waist or hips giving you reassuring squeezes, silently conveying his love to you.
Admires you with a smile on his face whenever you're standing, sitting, walking...
He loves and respect you so much.
Loves how mature you are and how you can handle everything alone without any help, even though he's always there ready to give you a hand.
Whenever you're anxious, he always encourages you to embrace yourself, reminding you you constantly that your worth and beauty goes beyond the stupid society standards.
Wouldn't allow you to starve yourself and would spoil you with homemade food, so both of you could enjoy it while watching movies.
During intimate moments, he likes missionary so he can treat you like a princess.
Also cause you're on full display for his eyes to admire.
“My lady”
He loves your boobs, so during it he would give them soft squeezes.
Or simply burying his head there, leaving sweet wet kisses while making love to you.
“You are my love, my other half, my human diary, you're my everything y/n”
Toji Fushiguro:
Toji lives for your thighs, literally obsessed with them.
In private, in public, during family gathering this man doesn't care, his hands must be somewhere roaming your clothed or exposed thighs.
His affection is straightforward and genuine.
You're literally his type.
He compliments your boldness and self-confidence.
Admires the way you carry yourself, man he loves that.. lowkey turns him on.
He's a very supportive partner, he encourages you to go to gym dates with him not to lose weight tho, but rather to so both of you can keep healthy and entertained.
He loves you the way you are.
Toji values openness, so he appreciates it when you are open and talk about your insecurities to him.
His arms would provide you comfort and reassurance.
Creating a safe space for you.
“You're absolutely stunning and you're mine, dont ever forget that.. do you understand?”
He gets extremely jealous when someone looks your direction, he would show them that you belong to him only.
When both of you are relaxing, he buries his head between your inner thighs.
His hands wrapped around them, while he nibbles on the mellow skin.
“mm I wanna stay here forever ”
During intimacy, he likes eating you out.
He likes to position himself between your legs while you wrap your thighs around his shoulder squeezing him.
“Yeah, babygirl, squeeze me with those thighs”
Ryomen Sukuna:
The moment he saw you, he knew right away you'd belong to him and only him.
Openly compliments each part of your body.
“Every inch of you belongs to me”
But his actions speak louder than his words.
Despite his demonic nature, Sukuna tends to show you a tender side of him, just for you.
When you're under his touch, his fingers would gently brush your skin while his lips leave sugary yet sensual kisses there.
Very possessive of you, literally wouldn't let a living soul look at you, he's the only one allowed to admire you.
“ You dare to look at my woman like that? do you have a death wish brat?”
He's so damn protective of you, always resting his hand on your ass, especially in public; asserting dominance.
He's an overly confident man with a high god complex, so he admires confident people.
He fancies watching you enjoying yourself, he finds it intriguing.
He values your strengths, in personality in the way you carry yourself, in the way you show off in front of him with a smile on your face, oh girl he lives for that.
He sits back watching you with a big smirk as his eyes glued on your body.
“You're so fucking gorgeous, so fucking hot”
In rare moments when you doubt yourself he would look at you in confusion.
Doesn't understand the reason of why you're feeling down cause he sees you as a goddess (you are♡).
“huh why are you sad?_this dress doesn't look good on you?? are you fuckin kidding me? or is it an indirect way to make me rip it off of you?”
He's always keeping a watchful eye on you to ensure your safety and well-being.
And if someone dares to throw a comment your way, you can consider them dead.
He'll split them in half in a blink of eye without any mercy.
“Who do you think you are to talk to my woman like that? Know your place you fool!!”
While doing it oh damn, he worships that ass.
Gives you endless spanks till it's red.
He just loves the way it feels against his hands..
Makes you feel desired.
Expect a lot of doggy.
Geto Suguru:
Suguru is the sweetest and we all know that.
He didn't even consider your weight or size when he fell head over heels for you.
You're so beautiful and he loves the way you talk so softly.
Love you from head to toe.
He's got artistic sensibilities so he appreciates the aesthetic beauty of your figure.
You would catch him drawing or sketching you, showcasing his admiration for you as a work of art.
“You're a work of art y/n”
He likes the way you think, and the way you see things.
Admires how you help people with a smile on your face.
Admires how you play with kids while in his mind picturing a family with you.
Always making sure to remind you how beautiful and worthy you are.
Loves when you buy new clothes and try them in front of him.
Helps you get dressed or undressed and leaves kisses on your shoulders.
It makes him happy when you take his opinion on what to buy or wear.
Cooks your favorite meals to make sure you're eating well and not starving yourself.
When you're complaining about your weight he pulls you to sit on his lap to prove you wrong.
Enjoys having you on his lap especially while facing him.
When you're being harsh on yourself, he gets extremely sad cause he hates it when you feel that way.
Encourages you to embrace your body with love and pride.
He's very good at comforting so he'll never fail in boosting your self confidence.
During intimate moments, he's a fan of you riding him.
He loves having you on his lap whether facing him or not.
Preferably facing him so he can admire your face and grab your chest.
His hands glued on your hips the whole time guiding you.
“I'm in love with your smile, your voice, your laugh, your body, your eyes..but most importantly I'm in love with you”.
Yuji Itadori:
He didn't think twice to fall in love with you.
This baby adores you, appreciates every inch of you.
Always squishes your cheeks and bites them softly.
Gives your tummy a lot of playful kisses and blows a raspberry to make you laugh and hear your sweet giggles.
Your laugh is music to his ears.
Loves your curves and stretch marks.
He kisses each one of them and traces them with his finger tips while staring at them in admiration.
Compliments you with an infectious smile making you feel loved, cherishes and adored.
Always hyping you up.
He loves cuddling up to your chest, it's his comfort place.
Uses your boobs as a pillow.
“They're so soft...so comfy”
His face always buried there.
Buys your favorite snacks.
He's very romantic, always surprising you with affectionate gestures whether it's a bouquet of flowers, a hand written note or simply a back hug.
Loves your confidence and loves to show you off.
Proud to be your boyfriend.
“Yeah that's my girlfriend, thats my beautiful girl”
Whenever you feel sad or insecure he showers you with empowering words and gestures.
Brings back the smile to your face in no time.
“You're my heaven on earth y/n, I love you”
“I'm so lucky to have you”
Always encourages you to follow your passions and dreams.
Carries you everywhere, so expect a lot of piggyback rides.
Thank you for reading ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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rebeliz7 · 1 year
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Natasha Romanoff x Pregnant Reader
Word Count: 1881
Request: Hey! Could you do a Nat fic where reader is pregnant and Natasha is so scared of hurting the baby that they don’t have sex anymore and reader gets frustrated?
Warning: 18+ content - NSFW
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“Are you looking for something specific?” A girl no older than twenty three asks you, and you have to admit that the look of utter kindness on her face makes you want to run in the opposite direction. 
You’re an adult for Christ sake, surely you can buy a sex toy without getting flustered like this. 
You smile at her before setting the red dildo back on the stand, and when the thing wiggles you blush a vibrant red, almost matching it. 
“Not really.” You speak, and clear your throat immediately after. God, this is mortifying! “My wife usually does the shopping.”
The girl in front of you nods understandably, and you look down at your feet hoping that the ground would swallow you whole. 
“Don’t worry.” She says, and her voice is quite soothing. You realize that she’s one of those people that makes you feel comfortable and safe, no matter the situation you’re in. “My name is Jane, and I’d be happy to help you find something, if it’s okay with you.”
“Please.” You practically groan, and as she smiles her eyes fall down on your belly for a second, and your hands immediately come to rest on top of it. “I’ll be seven months along next week.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” She apologizes quickly, and it’s your turn to placate her. 
“Don’t worry. I’ve gotten quite used to it.” You tell her as your baby begins to move, your guess is that she’s turning over. “She’s moving.” You smile, and Jane’s smile is delightful. Even more so when you take her hand, and place it on your belly. Which has become a habit of sorts as of late. Your wife’s friends are always eager to feel your baby moving after all.  
“Oh my God.” She smiles, as your baby kicks and you do too. “That’s amazing.” Jane says, taking her hand back.
“Yeah.” You nod, but the moment you look to your right and find a purple dildo the size of your arm you remember where you are, and why you came here. 
“You and your wife are very lucky.” Jane says, and you huff without really thinking about your answer. 
“I wish I was getting lucky, if you know what I mean.” The moment Jane’s eyes widen you realize what you just said, and you’re back to blushing madly. “I’m so sorry. That was so inappropriate. I don’t even know why I said it. I’m so sorry.”
“You know what?” Jane interrupts you, still cool and collected. “I know just what you need.” She says, and with a grimace you follow her to the back of the store. 
The moment you get home you’re a hundred percent ready to break in your new acquisition, and you don’t even feel bad about it. It’s been months since you had a decent orgasm, and you need it, you so need it. 
You have a quick shower, and make sure the cat has food and water before you lock yourself in your room. You turn off your phone so nothing can interrupt you while you do what you have to do. It’s a matter of health at this point, because you’re losing your mind, no question about it. 
First you sit down with your laptop to do a bit of research, and your anxiousness only gets worse the more you read the reviews on your new toy. It seems like you got yourself a very useful item indeed. 
Without waiting another second you go about undressing yourself before opening the box with the new toy in it, and if you’re blushing it’s okay because no one can see you in the privacy of your own bedroom anyway. 
“Okay. Let’s do this.” You murmur as you lay down, and  God you should be ashamed of how wet the sight of it is making you, but you’re not. 
You take a moment to rub it in your hands to warm it up, but the more you rub it the more your mind goes places, and you wish your wife was here. You wish she was kissing your neck, her hands on your breasts, her naked body rubbing against yours…
But Natasha is simply not interested in having sex with you now that you’re showing. 
“Not going there.” You murmur to yourself, because you don’t need to dwell anymore about why she’s so afraid of having sex with you nowadays. You just want to get on with it because on top of everything, it seems like your libido is off the charts too. 
Closing your eyes, you finally let your hand dip down between your legs, your index finger brushing against your already swollen clit. 
“Oh God.” You moan softly, and even more so when you find yourself dripping wet. It’s been months since you had a decent orgasm and that’s all you can think about. 
With your free hand you take the toy between your legs, letting its prominent head rub over your slit before you gently insert it. 
“Oh, God!” You scream, as it rubs you exactly where you need it. You squeeze the sheets with your free hand as your hips push against the mattress, and you push the toy a little deeper. 
With a feral scream ripping through your lips, you come unexpectedly, and so incredibly fast that you immediately throw the damn thing away in fear. 
That thing is surely witchcraft!  
“Oh my God!” You scream in your empty room as the toy hits the floor, and your inner walls continue to shiver, and clench around nothing. “Oh my God!”
Once the force of that first orgasm begins to fade away you realize that in your frenzy you completely relocated to a different part of your bed. And you’re squeezing the living hell out of a pillow but once the surprise, and slight terror of the strength of that orgasm is completely gone you decide that you want more. 
Witchcraft or not. 
It’s between your fifth or sixth orgasm that the door to your bedroom is kicked in, and your wife rushes inside with a gun in her hands, and the sight makes you come harder than any of the previous times did. 
“Are you serious?” She half yells at your direction, but not even her anger is enough to wipe the smile off your face right now. 
“I thought you were gonna be late.” You tell her, as your entire body shivers and you finally, set the toy on your nightstand. 
You’ll clean everything up later. God, you’ll clean the entire house later. You’ll cook dinner, and arrange your wedding photo album too. You’ll bake cookies, and go visit your mother too. 
“You weren’t picking up your phone. I thought something happened to you!” Natasha says, as she goes about your bedroom, gun still in her hands, swallowing thickly when her eyes can no longer ignore your naked body.
“Something did.” You smile goofily up at her. “I found the perfect dildo, Nat.” You chuckle, and she sits down on the edge of the bed, her upset slowly turning into amusement. 
“You did, huh?” She asks, eyeing said item on the nightstand as she places her gun next to it. “I can’t believe you went shopping without me.”
“It was either that, or die of sexual frustration.” You point out.
“Come on.” She says as she looks away, and you grab her arm to pull her closer. 
She leans forward willingly, her eyes taking in your chest, your lips, your glistening skin, and a spark runs in between your legs at the sight of her darkening gaze trained on your lips. 
“You don’t think I’m sexually frustrated too?” She asks softly, her hot breath ghosting over your lips as she speaks. “You have no idea of how badly I want to fuck you right now.”
“Why don’t you?” You ask, as you pull her harder, and her full lips finally press against yours in a heated kiss. 
Your breath leaves you when she kisses you like this, forceful and urgent, as if she wants to devour you. As if this is exactly what she wants to be doing now and forever. 
“What if we hurt her?” She asks suddenly, and she’s already pulling back, a deep frown forming on her forehead. “What if something happens?”
“Natasha, stop it.” You order her, and her lips fall shut but the frown on her face doesn’t go away. 
“I just don’t want to hurt her.”
“You’re hurting me!” You pointedly tell her. “I had to go to a sex shop today, on my own. I had to go and get something to masturbate with because my wife is too afraid of hurting our unborn child to even touch me with a ten foot pole.”
“You know I love you.” She tells you, pointedly too. “And I want you. You’re the only person I want to be with but...”
“When you say ‘but’ right there, Nat... fuck! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, or why I’m so horny lately. Maybe it has to do with the pregnancy or something, but damn it! I should be able to count on you. You’re my wife!”
“You can count on me.” She tells you, and you notice the hurt in her voice.
“No, Nat. I had to count on a girl named Jane who recommended I buy a freaking toy, and the reason why you’re seeing me naked right now is because you thought someone was attacking me.”
“That’s not - ” she trails off. 
“That’s what it is.” You tell her, but not unkindly. 
“I want you. I do.” She says as you sit up, and maneuver yourself onto her lap.
“Then show me.”
“Tell me you understand where I���m coming from, please.” She begs as you cup her face, and her hands fall on your waist before she’s touching every inch that she can reach. 
“I do.” You assure her, and not because she needs to hear it but because you really do. You know how fiercely she loves you, and how uncontrollably she desires you. You know because she does show you in so many other ways that aren’t sex. 
“I’m yours. Every part of me is yours. You know that, right?” She pleads to know, and God! You love her so much. Even though she’s denied you sex for the last couple of months, because of a fear that goes way deeper than what she’s letting on. 
“You’re gonna be a great mom, Romanoff.” You grin down at her, and her green eyes spark with joy as her hands pull you harder against her. 
“You just want to get laid.” She teases you, the mood changing once more. 
“Sorry, babe. But you have to know that your mouth, and fingers have nothing on that little piece of heaven.” You tease her right back. 
“Oh, really.” She taunts, and when you reach out to grab the toy from the nightstand she flips you, pinning your hands down on the mattress beneath her. “We’ll see about that.”
Ok, so maybe buying a toy, and using it home alone was part of a very meticulously thought out plan, and maybe that plan worked out perfectly for you.
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neptuneiris · 1 year
sparks (01/04)
My heart is yours It's you that I hold on to
pairing: business-boyfriend!aemond x fem!reader
summary: at the beginning your relationship with aemond is perfect and there were no worries. until he becomes the Heir of his father's company, the most important in the whole country and certain events and certain people start to interfere in the relationship.
word count: 8.6k
next part • series masterlist
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AHHH here is another story!
I'm really excited for this one especially since it's angst but in a modern world, which I haven't done since cardigan and gosh what I have prepared for this, you're going to like it a lot or that's what I hope haha.
I look forward to your comments excited, I love responding to each one of them, thank you for your support and for reading, you are amazing beautiful people, enjoy!
warnings: pure angst
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You're losing him.
You say to yourself as you read the messages from your boyfriend, Aemond.
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You stare emotionlessly at your phone screen for a few more moments as you bite the inside of your cheek, beginning to feel a sharp pain in your chest and disappointment coursing through your body.
With a defeated gesture, you turn off the screen and head to your room, starting to take off your makeup, hairstyle and also the beautiful black dress that you were so excited for Aemond to see you wearing.
You resist the urge to cry at all times, especially when you remove your makeup and look at yourself in the mirror, biting your lips and telling yourself that this is no big deal, that you shouldn't cry.
You know it's not his fault, you know he has work and that keeps him very busy, but it's not the first time this has happened.
Days before he proposes the idea of going to dinner, just you and him, to one of those fine restaurants downtown, telling you he wants to enjoy a luxurious dinner with you, making you get excited and start planning what you will wear and how you will do your makeup and hair.
And when the day comes… his work prevents him from leaving the company building and consumes more of his time.
You understand the great responsibility he carries on his back being the heir to his father's important company, preparing at twenty-three years old to become the next big head and boss by the time comes, but you never thought you would have to spend less time with him every day.
Aemond a year ago graduated with a degree in business management and as soon as he received his college degree, he started working with his father.
You met him because you both have friends in common at the same university even though you study marketing and are a year younger, yet your friends would ask you out to clubs or for drinks and Aemond would join in.
That's when the two of you started talking and getting to know each other better. And as a result of that, eventually he and you started hanging out together until you formalized everything by being in a relationship.
Not too long after that, the two of you decided to live together in an apartment near the university, which you could afford because Aemond has always belonged to a rich family and also because of your half-time job at a coffee shop.
But when Aemond graduated and started working with his father, the whole relationship slowly began to change.
You only talk when he comes home late, asking you how was your day, what did you do and you also ask the same to him, realizing that there is no day where Aemond does not go through stress.
Now you see him less time, in the evening he comes back and you don't even talk much as he feels exhausted, so he takes a shower and goes to sleep.
There are no more times where you go out to the movies, to a fast food restaurant, bowling, for drinks with friends, not even watching movies at home or eating together, be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, nothing.
Even in his days off, he is working in his home office, taking calls and so on, while you miraculously wait for him to have a little break and talk to you, but again... nothing.
That's why right now you don't want to get angry with him, because you know it's not his fault, but still... you can't resist it anymore and the first tears fall down your cheeks and low sobs escape from your throat.
You want to reassure yourself, thinking that you shouldn't cry over this, that it's not that big of a deal, but you can't stop, the tears keep coming and your sobs are the only thing that can be heard all over the room, crying louder at the thought of how much you miss him.
You continue to remove everything from your face in tears, even the hairstyle that took you hours, and then you calm down and put on your sleeping clothes.
You leave your beautiful dress on your comfortable sofa next to the window, deciding to put it properly back in your closet tomorrow, not having any more courage for this day, wanting to lie down on your bed, sleep and nothing else.
You feel sleep take you and you sink into deep darkness, resting. Then you don't know exactly how much time has passed, but a sound makes you slowly open your eyes.
You hear him start to walk softly around the room, trying not to make too much noise, feeling his gaze on you for a few moments.
You hear perfectly the sound of the door to the room and then footsteps entering.
"Love? Are you asleep?"
You hear him ask you in his low but audible and attentive enough tone, but you don't say or do anything to him.
Aemond lets out a long breath as he sees that you are asleep, feeling very tired and just as disappointed as you are, to start taking off his clothes and heading to take a shower.
You continue to lie still, turning your back to him, still pretending to sleep when you know you shouldn't but... you don't want to talk to him about what happened tonight, you don't feel in the mood.
You're tired, disappointed and don't want to get upset with him when it's not his fault, but you won't be able to help it.
And when he returns to the room already with his sleeping clothes on, about to lie down next to you, he briefly inspects the room and feels a pain in his chest when he sees two of your makeup removal towels on your vanity full of it, causing him pity.
It doesn't really take him long even though all the time he thinks about you and how disappointed you must have been, also how sad you must have felt.
But you never bother with him and that's what makes him more frustrated as he fails you once again because you understand him, you always do.
Also when he sees the black dress on the couch, he feels terrible.
Finally he turns his attention to you in bed, turning off the bathroom light and lying down next to you, instantly hugging you gently from behind so as not to wake you up and leaves a soft, tender kiss on your shoulder and others in your hair.
You still continue to pretend, enjoying his touch for a moment, but you again hold back the urge to cry all the time, feeling so good but not enough, as before.
Then Aemond drops his head on the pillow, covers himself with the sheets and finally he is carried away by the sleep, still hugging you.
You bite the inside of your cheek throughout, trying to control yourself so as not to get his attention when you've been doing so well and you close your eyes, wanting to go back to sleep
Yet there in the dark, in the place of you and Aemond, with his arm around you and holding you against him, feeling his soft breath at the base of your neck, you can't help but wonder: what if he's losing me?
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You let out a long breath as you finally dare to walk through the huge doors of the big and tall building where Aemond works.
You have been here many times before, this is nothing new to you, however you feel anxious and a bit nervous as you have decided to come here without telling him before.
So you don't know if he is busy in the middle of a meeting or if he is in his office with a pile of papers around.
You are allowed free passage as most of the people here know you for being his girlfriend, so you don't really have any problems and say hello to all the receptionists, secretaries and security guards.
You have decided to come here to bring him his coffee of choice and also food, knowing that his break time starts in exactly ten minutes.
The thing is that he seems to be still working after all so you don't know what he must be doing now.
Once the elevator drops you on the floor where his office is, you instantly greet Eleonor, his assistant.
"It's been a while since I've seen you last, Y/N!"
She says with a loving smile, hugging you tightly and you smile hugging her back, taking care not to let the food and coffee fall out of your hands.
"Oh yeah, I'll tell you," she says pointing to all the paperwork on her desk with an exhausted look, "That man doesn't rest and you should put a limit on him," she says seriously.
"Yeah, I know," you both pull apart and you look at her without wiping your smile, "I've been really busy with college and also Aemond lately has had a lot of work so.... each one is on his own."
"You know how stubborn he is," you tell her as you shake your head in disappointment, "But anyway, I came to bring him food, is he in his office?" you point to his door.
"Oh no, he went to his father's office for some papers, but he should be on his way back by no—
The sound of the elevator makes you both turn your gazes to it, interrupting Eleonor and when the doors open Aemond appears, quickly walking out of there with his gaze fixed on the screen of his phone while in his other hand he holds a folder.
"There he is," Eleonor tells you with a small smile.
You smile back at her and turn your attention to Aemond, who looks so handsome in his office suits, so masculine and powerful, drawing everyone's attention everywhere he goes, adding to that his beautiful long silver hair.
But not only that, his sapphire eye also attracts attention.
He lost his eye in an accident as a child, however, by filling his empty socket with that precious stone, he feels even more powerful, signifying respect and endurance to him, also a form of intimidation as he will become the boss one day.
He also has a prosthetic eye, but that one he wears more when he is with his family or also when he was going to college, although already being at home, he doesn't wear anything.
You see the frustration all over his face at whatever he must be looking at on his phone screen, but when he looks up, everything softens the moment he sees you, a small smile appears on his lips, but also the slight confusion, speeding up his pace towards you a little more.
"Hey baby."
"Hi," you smile softly at him, closing the distance between the two of you.
"What are you doing here?"
He asks you without wiping away his small smile, reaching towards you and instantly leaning down to leave a soft kiss on your lips which you reciprocate, smiling.
"I came to bring you your black coffee and food too," you point to everything in your hands, proudly.
"But don't you have classes?" he asks you confused, watching everything and also you, attentive.
"In two hours"
"Oh thank you, my sweet girl," he leaves another soft kiss on your lips, taking the coffee first as he sets the papers down on Eleonor's desk to take a sip, "Uff, I needed that."
"Yeah," you let out a small laugh, "It's your lunch hour, isn't it?"
"It's supposed to be," he tells you as the frustration returns to his face and so does his bad mood, "I have an important meeting in five minutes, I just got word," he points to the boardroom with his gaze, taking another sip of his coffee.
"Oh," disappointment again washes over you, as you had hoped this wouldn't happen, "I was hoping to spend some time with you," you tell him trying not to sound as sad as you really are.
And he lets out a long breath, turning his expression of pity and concern.
"I know love," he tells you as he rests his forehead with yours, looking at you sadly and as if asking for forgiveness, "You know if I could do anything—
"No, no, I know, it's okay babe," you assure him, interrupting him, "Then I won't stop you anymore if you have to work."
You smile softly at him, though it doesn't quite reach your eyes and then take the topper where his food is, as Aemond watches you intently and even sadly.
"I'll leave this in your office until you can eat, then I'll leave."
"Wait," he stops you in a soft voice, pulling you back towards him as he takes your arm, "Y/N, about last night—
"Mr. Targaryen!"
Suddenly a female voice interrupts him and also the moment, making you both focus behind him, where a tall woman with long black hair, red dress and black high heels approaches with a rather elegant and calculated way of walking, with a huge smile on her lips.
Aemond watches you back and stands next to you as he intertwines his fingers with yours and clears his throat, turning back to watch her.
"Miss Rivers," he nods politely towards her.
"It is a pleasure to see you on this day, Mr. Targaryen," she nods her head towards him as well, placing herself in front of you both.
"It is also a pleasure."
You watch Aemond for a second and then turn your gaze to her, watching as she also watches you at about the same time and that's when he reacts.
"Love, this is Alys Rivers, co-owner of the Riverlands company," he tells you and points to you with his hand, "And Miss Rivers, this is Y/N Y/L/N, my girlfriend."
You usually meet a lot of people who are also involved in all this business management stuff because of Aemond, especially when he takes you with him to important events and dinners as his companion, so this isn't new either.
What is new is this woman... Alys Rivers.
Normally she would have been just another woman who owns a company and is doing business with Aemond for her father's company, but the way she subtly inspects you up and down, and you notice the way she looks at your joined hand with Aemond.... you don't like it.
She looks at you superiorly and as if you're no big deal, almost expectantly, her bright smile from before disappearing for a second, but then she holds out her hand to you.
"Oh sure, it is a pleasure to meet you," she says to you with the brighter smile from before, but completely fake.
You bite the inside of your cheek and since you shouldn't be rude, much less to what you think is Aemond's new partner and company, you take her hand and shake it briefly.
"A pleasure," you nod in her direction.
"We're discussing a contract," Aemond then tells you, leaning his body toward you.
"Oh really? That sounds—
"Actually, speaking of discussions," she interrupts you, catching both of your attention, "I'm sorry but could I steal your boyfriend for a moment?"
She asks you suddenly, her tone too high and mellow, completely fake, without erasing her smile, revealing her perfect, aligned teeth.
"I really don't mean to intrude," she says with a sorrow look, but you don't believe her at all, "It's just that I'm afraid your grandfather and also my uncle are already expecting us Mr. Targaryen," she turns to Aemond to focus on you again, "I'm sure you'll understand, business stuff."
Of course you understand, you know Aemond's job perfectly well and in fact you wouldn't have taken any more notice of this woman despite the fake way she acts towards you and also because of the way she looked at you before.
But... you care very much the moment she places her hand on Aemond's shoulder, exposing her perfect red painted nails.
"Shall we?" she asks him as she watches him with a certain gleam in her eyes and gaze, completely attentive and in his disposition.
Of course Aemond notices this too, who almost instantly watches as she touches him, not understanding what has happened to her to casually make such a gesture or rather what has she thought to take such a liberty, then subtly walking away from her, trying not to look annoyed.
"I'll be there in a moment," he tells her just as polite and serious as before.
But she is insistent.
"I'm sorry Mr. Targaryen but we must leave now."
"Don't worry, I'm sure my grandfather can speak in my absence."
The smile fades from her lips, but you see how she quickly pulls herself together, although you've had enough of this and you don't want to delay Aemond any longer even though you don't like this woman at all, but at least they won't be alone and there are more people involved in the meeting.
And before she speaks, you do, addressing him.
"Don't worry love, I'll be on my way," you smile at him, "I don't want to delay you any longer. But I'll see you tonight, okay?"
And this immediately gets his attention.
"Do you need someone to drive you? I can tell Cole."
"No, no need, it's fine," you assure him, "You eat this, okay?"
You point to the food then extend it to Eleonor, as he smiles softly.
"Have a good day, love you."
"You too, love you."
You leave a soft kiss on his lips and finally head to the elevator, feeling the piercing gaze of Alys Rivers, but you don't mind, since at least you weren't the fake one the whole time.
After you leave the building and head to the university, your day goes by slow, stressful and with a lot to do, until finally your class ends at almost nine o'clock at night and you head home completely exhausted.
Normally Aemond comes home at ten o'clock at night, however, you don't know why you were hoping that maybe he had come home earlier, however, when you get to the apartment everything is dark.
You let out a long breath and turn on the lights, wishing and hoping that Aemond was already here and that just for one night, he would be the one to welcome you home.
You've thought about bringing up the subject of how you should spend more time with him, how he could maybe organize his work schedule better, how you've been feeling lately and how you misses him, telling him that nothing feels like it used to.
So the days and weeks go by, nothing has changed, you are still working half days, you are still going to classes, doing projects, research and so on.
While Aemond is still working very hard at the company, both of you seeing each other until late at night when he finishes another long and stressful day at work.
However, the words get stuck in your throat as you see him coming home from work very tired, deciding it's best to let him rest and sleep.
But more and more you feel the disappointment and sadness envelop you, having to deal with it yourself because you don't want to upset him.
Then one day, everything starts to go wrong.
In the middle of your Sales and Negotiation class, suddenly your phone vibrates and while listening attentively to your professor, you briefly glance at the screen for a second, seeing that it's a message from Floris, a friend you and Aemond have in common.
She apparently sends you a link to a magazine article that you can't really read unless you open the chat, and then you see two more messages from her.
[Floris B]: you saw this??
[Floris B]: ????
This definitely gets your attention, but before you can do anything, your professor draws more attention from everyone in the class and you go back to being attentive, hoping none of it was a bad thing.
However, an hour after class ends, you finally leave the classroom and start walking down the hallway in the direction of your next class with your phone in hand, opening the curious magazine link and what pops up... it's definitely bad.
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With your thumb you read more of the whole news, where yes there are pictures of Aemond with that woman in a restaurant, just the two of them, him in his office clothes and her in an elegant dress.
You feel your breathing getting heavier as you see more pictures, where there is one in particular where you see how she has her hand on top of his, they are both obviously talking but there are also papers and folders on the table.
Again you feel that sharp pain in your chest, not wanting to jump to conclusions so fast, you trust Aemond with your life but clearly you don't trust her.
What you don't understand is why they went to a restaurant together. If they have talked business, which in fact there is no other reason why the two of them would be together, why not take care of it at the office?
You enter Safari and as you google Aemond, you see the same magazine article everywhere, instantly more magazines and newspapers advertising the same thing, all about a possible relationship between him and Alys Rivers.
You let out a long breath and finally head to your class, trying not to think about it anymore, but as the minutes tick by... you can't.
In all your remaining classes you find it hard to concentrate, you feel an uncertainty and anxiety all the time, you feel really bad and you have no idea what will happen when Aemond and you see each other tonight.
Not only Floris messages you, but also other friends that you and Aemond have in common, but you don't respond to them, only making you feel more anxious that the news is spreading fast.
Until finally you can go home and having no other choice, you wait for Aemond to arrive.
You pour yourself a glass of wine, unable to help it and wait for Aemond at the kitchen island, drinking and having the hope that this, that woman, is no threat and that what happened just happened inside the business and will not happen anymore.
Or at least it won't happen anymore in the sense that Aemond won't show up with her publicly anymore to avoid the press making speculations like this, that whether you want it to or not, they affect you and a lot.
You really don't know what is going on with Aemond in the company, you don't know what he talks about with his grandfather, his father, his mother and this woman, you don't know about his negotiations, his work and that's why it affects you, because you don't know what is happening.
Everything would be simpler if he and you had the time to talk, to share what you do, what you should do, as before.
However... you have the suspicion that this is not only in Aemond's hands, but that it is something beyond, something this woman is in control of and you don't like it at all, not since you met her and she gave you a bad feeling.
And you finally let out all the air you're holding in when you hear the sound of the door.
You continue sitting still on the stool, with the glass of wine in your hands, waiting. When again you hear the sound of the door closing and the figure of Aemond appearing, instantly he sees you.
He lets out a long breath as it finally becomes clear to him that you saw the news, he knew it before when he too saw the article in his office and officially started his stressful and frustrating day, but he didn't think it would affect you so much.
He leaves his keys on the island and then takes off his jacket with a silence enveloping you both, where he watches you attentively but you don't look back at him, still deep in thought, taking another sip of your wine.
He sees your dull look, the anxiety all over your body, the uncertainty, the sadness, the stress and he bets that your treacherous thoughts are making you believe things that are not.
He also notices how bad you must feel and how tense and distant you are from him now, and that worries him more than anything else.
"Nothing happened between me and this woman, Y/N."
Then he decides to speak, not bearing this anymore, your silence, your attitude, your distance. He just wants to hold you, hug you and kiss you, which is all he wants every time he finishes another horrible day at work.
He tells you tactfully, his voice soft and honest, firm with what he's saying, taking a couple of steps toward you, to which you continue without looking at him.
"I just want to know why you went to that restaurant together," you tell him in your voice just as soft as his, almost even sounding tired.
And he knows you too well, however, because this news is practically everywhere, being the first time you both face something like this, you remain calm and willing to talk.
And this strangely confuses and surprises him.
Although it shouldn't since he knows that you never get angry with him, at least not in this kind of situations since from the beginning of the relationship, communication has always been paramount before jumping to your own conclusions, avoiding fights.
And this gives him a bit of confidence to move closer to you.
"I just thought it would be better to take care of some business in public," he tells you honestly, "I know you didn't like her when you met her, neither did I. I also know she started to cross physical boundaries and I didn't like the idea of being with her alone in my office, that's why I decided on a public place out of respect for you," he explains, "I should have known this would happen though," he says bitterly,
You say nothing. You just listen and think.
You still don't like that he's having encounters with this woman, but if he has to do it for company business, you're not going to have an argument with him when it's just work.
And your silence begins to unsettle and frustrate him.
"You believe me, don't you?" he asks you insistently, concerned.
"Of course I do," you tell him in a murmur, without much emotion, though honestly, watching him out of the corner of your eye.
You almost snort in disbelief, of course you believe him.
Only you know when Aemond is being honest or not and you are relieved that he is always thinking of you, but he is not the problem, it's his job and this woman, that's what doesn't leave you alone.
But Aemond doesn't feel reassured just hearing that from you.
You take the last sip of your wine glass and get up from the stool to head to the dishwasher, saying nothing more, then start heading for the bedroom, causing Aemond to become more concerned and insistent.
"Where are you going?"
"I want to sleep."
He lets out a sigh as he averts his gaze for a second.
"Come on Y/N, don't be like that," he looks at you sadly.
"I'm not doing anything," you tell him, walking past him.
"You haven't even looked me in the eye since I arrived," he insists, stopping you.
"Aemond..." you finally give him a look, "I'm tired."
"Me too but I want to fix this," he says immediately.
"No, I'm tired... of everything," you clarify, serious and also sad.
He looks at you without understanding.
"What do you mean? I already explained to you—
"No, it's not just her, it's... your work and us."
You say more specifically, causing more confusion from Aemond, who watches you with furrowed brows and parted lips, attentive.
"I've wished for just one, one day where we can spend time together," you confess to him, "I don't mean fifteen, twenty minutes, I mean the whole afternoon or evening, or a day where on your days off you're not cooped up in your office."
"Y/N, I-I—
"I know you have a lot of work, I understand that," you clarify, "I don't want to harass you with this too when you have more important things to take care of, truly—
"Do you think you're not important?" he asks instantly confused, bewildered.
And you... don't really answer him.
You stay completely silent, just watching him back and nothing else with an equally sad look, to which Aemond's face becomes more worried and confused than before.
"Y/N, you are one of my priorities," he tells you hurt, "How come you don't believe that now?"
"Yes I do," you clarify sadly, "What I'm saying is that you barely have time for me and I know it's not your fault because I know your job, but..." you let out a long breath, "Not even a single day have we been able to spend together, not a single one."
He instantly tries to speak, opening his mouth to say something, but immediately closes it and struggles to be able to find the right words he wants to say, getting frustrated with himself.
He really doesn't want to tell you again what you've heard before, but he can't find another explanation because that's the only truth.
He shakes his head, letting his sentence hang in the air, watching you with sorrow, sadness and worry, failing to say anything else, as you feel tears begin to form in your eyes, your vision blurring.
"Y/N, I-I...," he looks sad, "I swear to you, if I could do anything, I would, but...
You press your lips together as you don't want to start crying in front of him, you really don't want him to see you like this, but you can't control it and in an instant the tears fall freely down your cheeks as you avert your defeated gaze from Aemond.
"No, no, please don't cry, my love."
He tells you instantly more concerned than before and you quickly bring your hands up to cover your face, completely embarrassed and trying to control yourself.
But you can't as he quickly encloses you in his arms and pulls you into his body in a protective, comforting way, while at the same time leaving soft kisses in your hair, stroking your back gently with one of his large, firm hands.
"Shh, my sweet girl," he says softly and warmly above your head, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
You instantly hug him back too and sink your face deeper into his chest, sniffling your nose and controlling your sobs, really not wanting to cry anymore.
You missed this, completely. You just wish this wasn't happening under these circumstances.
"It's just that I miss you so much," you confess, clinging tighter to him.
And Aemond's heart breaks into pieces, instantly pulling you tighter against him, hating to see you in this state, hating to see you crying and even worse.... that you're crying for him.
"I miss you too baby, all the time," he says softly, "I miss you so much it fucking hurts."
He instantly leaves more soft kisses in your hair, also on your cheek, holding you tighter against him, while you let yourself be held in his arms and continue to cling against him, not wanting to let go and feeling that if you pull away, he will disappear at any moment right in front of you.
But it's only because you're vulnerable.
You don't know how long you both last like that, it must have only been a minute, but it feels like an eternity for both of you, especially for you, finally starting to calm down.
"I'm sorry," you say in a whisper and try to pull away from him a little, lifting one of your hands to wipe away your tears, "I didn't mean to get like this," you confess sadly, "I shouldn't be selfish."
"Hey, no, look at me."
He says in soft tone, placing one of his hands on your chin to lift your face towards him and you do so, watching him with sadness and embarrassment at the same time, as he gently shakes his head in your direction.
"No, it's not like that, you've just been busy having to attend to your wor—
"You're not selfish love," he makes it clear to you, "You're absolutely right. I've been neglecting you and that's not right of me."
"It's still not right," he insists, concerned, "And to be honest, if I were you I'd feel the same way," he confesses, "But I promise I'll do everything in my power to spend time with you, baby."
You shake your head in his direction.
"There are some things you can't control, Aemond."
"No matter, I miss you too, I want to spend time with you and I'll make sure of that."
You close your eyes and bring your forehead to his, both of you sinking into a comforting silence and a moment you haven't had in a long time, where it's just him and you.
He assures you softly and the two of you say nothing more, just stare into each other's eyes for a few moments.
Then he begins to gently trace your cheek with his thumb, attentively and delicately, watching you lovingly, as if he wants to memorize every detail of your face in his mind.
"My beautiful girl," Aemond murmurs fondly, in a low, soft tone.
You smile slightly and lean your face down to kiss his lips, he instantly reciprocates, holding your waist tighter against him as you place your arms around his neck and take complete refuge in him, needing this.
Aemond holds his hand more firmly on your cheek and deepens the kiss, working his way across your lips with his tongue, beginning to explore your mouth and you respond in kind in a slow, deep kiss.
Then you both part with a wet sound of your lips, you again embracing him and sinking your face into his neck, inhaling his cologne that drives you completely crazy and the fresh scent of detergent on his clothes that at the same time comforts you.
And finally everything feels right.
You there in Aemond's arms, this being exactly what you needed along with communication.
However, as the seconds pass with Aemond still holding you and both of you in that comfortable silence, he can't help but begin to feel guilty and remorseful.
At first he thought about not talking to you about this subject, solely so that you wouldn't worry and feel bad because of him, but now that you both have spoken... he can't keep something like this from you and he knows it's the ideal time.
He calls you softly, catching your attention, still both of you clinging in the embrace and the feel of each other's body with each other close.
"Hm?" you murmur, sending a vibration through his chest.
He presses his lips together for a moment, nervous, but no longer able to bear that another minute passes and you still don't know about this.
"There's something... I haven't told you."
And this definitely gets your attention more.
You slowly turn away from his body, instantly Aemond hating the feeling, then raise your gaze to him, watching him intently and all at once realizing that it's not something you'd like to hear.
You know it by the nervous, worried look he's giving you as you both again look at each other.
"What is it?"
He lets out a long breath, looking away from you for a moment, again having this difficulty being able to say the words he wants to say, wanting to explain everything to you gently, thoughtfully and clearly.
"Y/N... I-I... none of this has really been my decision," he tells you honestly, "But... I'm afraid you'll keep seeing me around this woman."
And it's definitely something you didn't like to hear.
Aemond waits attentively for your reaction, while you continue to watch him intently, your lips parted, a little confused, but neutral, this really not bothering you... yet.
"It's all for work Y/N, I know you know that but I don't want you to think otherwise if another news like this happens again," he tells you cautiously and attentively.
"So you'll go out with her again?"
He lets out a long breath.
"The company needs to associate with hers for our investment in an extra capital, since the attempted association with the Martells didn't work out and my grandfather...he asked me to take it over."
You lower your gaze for a moment, pursing your lips, processing the information, understanding perfectly well that this is solely for work and nothing else, but still... you don't like this woman at all.
"But I can keep Eleonor or Criston around if it's not to your liking," he tells you instantly, turning your gaze back to him, "I've even already taken care with our publicists to deny the rumor by saying it's all work between her and me, also we'll already be prepared in case this happens again."
"Aemond, I understand all of this perfectly," you clarify, assuring him with your tone and look, "I totally trust you but... it's her I don't trust and I don't like the way she behaves when she's around you."
He swallows hard, lowering his gaze for a moment, thinking very carefully about the words he will tactfully say to you next, not wanting to upset you.
"Also... my grandfather has suggested that perhaps it would be good and more efficient for us to partner with Riverlands sooner if I will begin to have an... intimate... relationship with her."
You feel a huge sharp pain in your chest, watching in mild surprise at Aemond, definitely not expecting that.
The silence surrounding you both only increases the pain inside you more, the sadness clinging to your heart, as you lower your gaze and part your lips, having your gaze wander to an invisible spot on the ground.
Tears begin to want to flow from your eyes, again, unable to control your overwhelming emotions any longer. As he instantly sees the sadness all over your face, the disbelief as well, beginning to worry you more.
"Of course I told him no, Y/N."
He tells you instantly, anguished and worried, taking your hands in his, but you don't react, at least not yet.
"He wants the media to start making publicity about the two of us, he thinks it will make the whole process easier and faster, that Rivers will be pleased along with her uncle. Even she...she's come on to me before but, but believe me Y/N, I have stopped her and been very clear with her about you and that I'm not the least bit interested."
"But she is interested in you," you tell her in your low, sad tone of voice, "And you won't be able to do much about it if you have to get yourself associated with her company. You'll have to keep seeing her, be in her company and be accessible to her if you want to make it."
"This shouldn't take me too long, love, I promise," he continues to tell you worriedly, wanting to make you understand, "Yes, you will see me with her but I also promise you that everything for me means work."
"But for her and your grandfather it's not only work, Aemond," you tell him a little more serious, just as sad, "She also wants to have you the other way, that's why she behaved with me the way she behaved when she met me."
You know that, totally.
"I know baby, I know," he tells you softly, "But I will never let her disrespect you, in any way."
He assures you firmly, determined.
"I don't care what my grandfather or her wants, neither what the press says about her and me, all I care about is that you understand that everything for me is work and that I would never do anything to hurt you and end everything between us, believe me that's the last thing I want," he tells you honestly, "And I also want you to keep in mind that I only want you."
You know that Aemond wants you, just the same way you want him and he loves you too, you both love each other, you love him with every fiber of your heart.
But it is all this that does not leave you calm, this is what you have never had to go through before and the insecurity along with the uncertainty consumes you as your mind is spinning non-stop, not even having the idea of what to think, with a knot forming in your stomach.
It all becomes more overwhelming and you don't know if you can get through this together, fearing for the future of the perfect relationship you had with him, the man you love.
And Aemond seeing this, just as worried, anxious and sad as you, not liking this at all either, knowing that he is asking too much of you seeing that you are thinking too fast, all the anxiety and stress through your body, instantly comes back to hug you to comfort you.
But he also does it to comfort himself.
His warm embrace feels like a safe haven in the midst of the moment you are going through, his arms wrapping around you gently but with a strength that makes you feel protected and loved, where you find comfort and his familiar fragrance makes you feel at home.
You experience the love and that connection of the two of you that seem to erase any worry or sadness you feel at that moment, also him, finding that primordial emotional support.
"I promise I will do everything in my power to make this all end soon, I promise love."
He assures you along with his gentle caresses on your back, his soothing words whispered in your ear making the outside world disappear and only the two of you exist, united in a loving embrace that makes you feel complete and loved.
And they also make you feel a sense of calm and hope that with your boyfriend's love and support, everything will be okay.
But neither of you knew what awaited you next.
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After your conversation with Aemond, there really isn't much change in the relationship.
You tried your best not to think about him and that woman, you tried not to think about the fact that she was probably in the building at a certain time and that the two of them were together, being a thing almost every day that Aemond had to be in her company.
Your job at the coffe shop helped you not to overthink and focus almost one hundred percent on your classes, although in some free hours you had your boyfriend was in your thoughts.
What fortunately changed was that when your classes were over and you got home, he was already there waiting for you, the first night surprising you and making you feel completely happy.
You both were able to enjoy sharing an extended night together, having dinner, talking about everything and finally going to bed, you have also resumed some movie nights and also the nights of intimacy have been more constant.
But other than that... everything remains the same.
You and he haven't really talked about Rivers, you don't bring it up every time the magazines announce that he and she have been seen together again, clearly because the subject has already been discussed, but still, it makes you feel weird and you really don't like seeing those articles.
But you find it exhaustive that you have to talk it over with him again, so exhaustive for both him and you, that you don't want the two of you to end up having a fight afterwards.
So until now... you can just deal with it.
Until one day in a free hour before your last two-hour class starts, when you have your phone in your hand you get a new message and when you read it, it's from Aemond's sister, Helaena.
Hel🦋: hello beautiful!
Hel🦋: omg it has been ages
Hel🦋: I'm sure the event will be less boring with you🤭
Hel🦋: I am so excited to finally see you again on Saturday
Hel🦋: see you soon!
The messages make you smile and make you start to feel a warmth run through your chest, you too have been missing Hel for a while now as she works at Highgarden as well in a company expansion on her father's.
You haven't seen her for months and clearly communication by message doesn't happen much as both of you, especially her, are just as busy as Aemond.
But the smile doesn't last long on your face as you had no idea about this event, since you know what event it is, only that Aemond hasn't told you about it.
They are one of the typical important events where all the relevant businessmen attend, where they announce new innovations, where they make partners and where basically everyone allies with everyone.
When you get home, this time you are the one who arrives first and although you tried to control yourself by not asking him anything right away, you can't hold back anymore and that's what you do after he gets home from work.
Since you and Aemond started your relationship, you have always accompanied him to these events.
And especially at this one, since it's organized by his family, but you didn't know it would certainly happen because he didn't tell you anything.
And honestly he looks surprised when you ask him why he hadn't told you about the event, not expecting that, this getting your attention and instantly you know the reason isn't good and you're not going to like hearing it.
"I did wanted to tell you because I know we always go together, love" he says to you with some regret, "But now Rivers will be there an—
"You're going with her?"
You just ask him, all starting to form in your mind, while he doesn't say anything back right away and just stares at you uncertainly for a few moments and the realization starts to become more apparent to you.
"Your grandfather told you to take her as your companion?" you ask him more specifically now, watching him intently, waiting for his answer.
And you begin to see perfectly well how he starts to get frustrated.
"Yes but I told him I wouldn't do that," he clarifies instantly, looking at you worried and honest, "That's why I decided better to go on my own if everyone will be there."
You frown slightly at him.
"And what's wrong with me going with you?"
He doesn't answer, watches you for a few moments still with sorrow in his gaze, then lowers his head, staring at the ground as he lets out a long breath and runs a hand over his face.
Then you answer your own question, understanding him.
"You don't want to take me because everyone will be there and your grandfather won't be pleased to see me with you when you should have taken her with you?"
"Love, listen," he tells you immediately, walking towards you, "It's more than that, okay?" he says attentively and distressed, "I just thought that it wouldn't be comfortable for you to go with me to that place if she will be there—
"Everyone is talking about her and you," you tell him with your most serious tone, interrupting him, "Everyone will expect her and you to go together and of course your grandfather won't be happy to see me coming with you, why don't you tell me that?"
"Okay, yes, you are right, but I don't want to go with her, I want to go with you, I have always gone with you," he says in clarification, "But on this occasion I don't think it will be necessary, besides it won't be comfortable for you."
You let out a snort.
"Do you think I won't be able to handle it?"
"No, I mean, of course you can," he tells you instantly, "But you know her, she's very reckless and I don't want us to have a fight after that."
"Then do we put a limit on her, like you have done all this time with her or not?" you ask expectantly.
"Yes, of course I have put limits on her, but in that place..." he pauses, frustrated, "There will be a lot of people, our partners, my family and the press will always be watching, everything will be three times too much. Besides I'll have to attend an announcement along with her and all eyes will be on her and me and I don't want you to feel bad."
You let out a breath, turning your gaze away from him, feeling discomfort in your body, starting to walk away from him to go to your room.
"Okay, I get it, you don't want me to go with you, just say so."
And he reacts instantly.
"Hey, no, no, no, I didn't say that," he says worriedly, stopping you and placing himself in front of you, looking at you pleadingly, "Baby, please."
You let out a long breath, closing your eyes for a moment.
"It's just that you're treating me like I don't know this... your whole world, like I haven't gone to these events with you before," you tell him sadly, "Your grandfather knows we're together and yet he's asking you for this kind of thing... like as if I were a nuisance and at the same time like if I don't exist. And it's been like that ever since she—
You stop, not wanting to say anything else, feeling the lump in your throat and how tears begin to form in your eyes, bringing your hands instantly to your face, not wanting to cry now and feel bad, telling yourself that you're overreacting.
But all of this is really how you feel and you can't help it. And mostly you don't want to show your true feelings or speak your thoughts so as not to overwhelm him.
But just as you understand him, he understands you too.
"Fuck no, please don't cry baby, I hate to see you cry."
He tells you to then wrap you in a warm, firm embrace, holding you tight against his chest where he instantly feels all the tension through your body and pulls you tighter against him, wanting to protect you from everything that hurts you at that moment.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, love."
He tells you in low murmurs as he gently strokes your hair and you let out more of your tears, clinging completely to him.
"No, it's not your fault," you tell him sadly, sobbing softly against his chest.
He lets out a sigh.
"Yes it is," he says softly, "You don't deserve any of this."
He leaves a soft kiss in your hair, still hugging you and having no intention of letting you go, while you let yourself be carried away by the comforting warmth of his body, wanting to keep feeling that familiarity and security that only he can give you, in spite of everything.
"I know things have been hard lately and I'm so sorry, but... I love you and I care about you, you mean the whole world to me."
"I know babe," you murmur back, "I love you too and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get like this."
"No, no, it's okay love," he assures you, "We're going to get through this, just like we always have, remember?"
You nod your head even though you have it resting against his chest, then sniffle your nose and raise one of your hands to wipe away your tears, as he pulls away from you a little so he can look into your eyes and leave a soft kiss on your lips which you instantly reciprocate, again taking refuge in his arms.
Both of you at that moment feel vulnerable and lost for a moment in the uncertainty of the situation, but you knew you had to face whatever it was together.
Aemond feels in control of the relationship, but you feel more at a crossroads because of the uncertain future of the relationship itself.
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roseychains · 7 months
could you maybe do relationship/nsfw headcanons for gojo and nanami. Please
Relationship and nsfw h/c for Gojo and Nanami ~
A/n: thanks for the request! This was pretty fun writing, I enjoyed it a lot and kinda went crazy ;3
C/w: fluff, sillyness. As for nsfw, written by a minor!
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Major gift giver!! It’s his love language and he certainly has the money to do so. If he sees something that reminds him of you, he’ll buy it for you. If he thinks you’ll like it, he buys it for you. If he thinks it’s a cool thing, he’ll buy it to show you
Sooo touchy. He’s clingy and cuddly. He always has his hands on you. Holding yours, snaked around your waist, hip, around your neck, on your thigh, it doesn’t matter. He needs to hold you. When he gets home from particularly draining missions, he just wants to wrap his arms around you and sleep
Speaking of sleep, he’s really sleepy. And snores loud as fuck, almost monstrously so. That’s only for day naps, at night, he won’t let himself sleep before you are asleep
He sometimes has bad dreams, dreams where something happens to you and will wake up and pull you closer. He’s gentle enough to not wake you up but holding you is a comfort to him
Loves to take you shopping and play dress up with you. He will pick out clothes with you then send you to the changing room, and have you walk out real quick to show him how you look
He loves showering together, and he loves washing your hair for you and vice versa
You play games together, and he rages. Y’all definitely have some shared concels for playing things together, and he will throw a fit when he loses
He likes helping you cook. He will get things out for you, cut veggies and wash the dishes while you run the kitchen
But sometimes he cooks for you, doing it all in an apron that says “kiss the chef” or something cheesy
Buys you the most expensive jewelry, and urges you to wear it anytime you go out
Hugs from behind!! Lots of sneaky teasing touches. Pinches you playfully. Slaps ur ass then runs knowing your about to turn around and get his 10x harder
He acts like he’s smaller than he is. Will definitely ask to be little spoon, but you end up wrapping around him like a backpack. Sits on YOUR lap, etc
Always wants a kiss. Never let’s you leave the house without a kiss, and vise versa
He will pose for you. Pose for you to draw him, pose for pics, etc
Let’s you practice hair, nails, makeup, and anything else traditionally feminine on him. He thinks he looks fabulous
Will attempt to take bites of your food when you aren’t looking
Such a gentlemen. He will chauffeur you everywhere, open your door for you, carry you when your feet hurt, pay for 100% of all dates, treats you like a princess
Speaking of princess treatment, he makes you breakfast in bed “just because”
Definition of a male wife. He does all the cleaning and helps with the cooking, always has the bed made and the house tidy by the time you get home
Brushes and does your hair for you, learned how to specifically for you
Such a romantic. I’m talking candle lit dinners, rose petals adorning the bedroom, bubble baths and more
Surprisingly super shy in public. You have to break him out of his shell a little bit
He secretly wears women’s perfume when he can. He thinks it smells so much nicer than cologne
Puts your needs first down to the most minimal details. Not making you sit next to strangers on trains, letting you get the entire hotel bed to yourself, letting you shower first with the hot water, etc
He takes any and all of your injuries seriously. Even a small paper cut he will have you wash and put a bandage on it to prevent infection
He also doesn’t take any risks. He makes sure anytime you guys are outside for an extended period of time that your wearing sunscreen. When you guys are in grass, he’s making sure you have on some kind of bug spray on your ankles
Brews coffee everymorning like clockwork for the both of you. He likes it black but bought a ton of stuff for you, so he makes your coffee Starbucks style the way you like it with cream and stuff
Watches you sleep, not in a creepy way. More in like your so beautiful he can’t keep his eyes off way
He’s super into yoga, will go to yoga classes with you. He’s so stiff he needs it
He reads a lot of books, and will geek out about them to you
Frequently accidently sleeps with his glasses on, you’ll wake up beside him and he will just. Have them on. And when he gets up in the morning to take them off he has red marks around his eyes
Such a fucking tease. He LOVES to get you worked up before giving you what you want
Edging and overstim both ways. He loves to get you so close to that edge, then pull out and make you whine or beg for it. He also really enjoys making yoy cum over and over until your crying and pleading with him to stop. As for himself, his main motive for edging himself is to help him last longer. Lord knows he can’t stand more than 10 minutes inside you without cumming. He also loves it when you milk him for all he’s worth, ridding him into tears
Absolutely into sensory deprivation. He gets a kick out of either you, not being able to know his next move keeping you in the dark, or him, being at your mercy
Speaking of sensory stuff, he fucking loves it when you wear his blindfold. Blocking your vision, you can only feel his touches and not see them
He cums so much, everywhere all the time. His favorite place to cum has to be all over your face. Have you sucking him off, but before he cums he pulls out and jerks it a few times before painting your face with his seed. It’s so hot to him, seeing you covered in it
He might even take a picture if you let him. He’s really into picture/video taking, just to have for himself. Whenever your not there, he can pull out his file of lewd photos and videos of you two
He is soooo vocal. He’s loud and his moans are whiny. He doesn’t hold back though, he has no shame. Matter of fact he wants everyone to know what you do to him
Speaking of, he’s a bit of a risk taker. He’s not past sneaking into a changing room for you to help him with the boner he got looking at you in those clothes
While he may cum fast, he can still last several rounds without break. He is the strongest, after all
Loves oral giving and receiving because it’s so messy. He loves it when your drooling all over his cock, or when his chin is covered in your slick
He’s a switch, but when he’s on bottom he’d moan if you step on his cock. Such a slutty submissive, and a brat too. He’d do things to get you angry so you punish him for it later <3
Definitely has considered 3somes with geto, but never brought it up
I can see him being into roleplay
He’s not insanely girthy, but he is LONGG and pretty. Has a cute curve at the end that’s perfect for you
He loves fucking your tits
His fingers are slim and long, and when he fingers you he will make you see stars
Thinks it’s so hot when he gets you to squirt
Somno with consent
If you need to be clean right that moment he will do so, but aftercare with him usually he prefers to cuddle up and sleep then clean up in the morning
Such a service dom. He’s a provider, and that nature sticks in the bedroom. He lives to please you, and will make you cum several times before even freeing his cock from his tight pants
He would definitely dabble in bdsm. Specifically, what he enjoys is bondage and brat taming
With bondage, he has it all. It may be a small fluffy pair of handcuffs binding your wrists behind your back, two a sturdy rope tying your ankles and wrists to the corner of the bed, to full on shibari, ropes all over your body
Absolutely uses his tie and/or belt to bind you
Brat taming was something you insisted, and when he tried it he found out he got a kick out of it too. It started with you teasing him all day, and when you begged him to be rough with you and put you in your place who is he to deny you?
Both kinks are done with upmost gentleness and care. Of course. He may also engage in light impact play, small spanks on your ass and even your clit. Nothing enough to hurt, just a little love tap to startle you
His hands drive you insane. His hands are so big, they wrap perfectly around your wrists, neck, hips, waist, etc. they also reach all the parts inside you just the way you like
While he often takes the leading role, he’s not opposed to letting you ride him to get yourself off when he doesn’t have the energy
He’s not very loud, mostly grunts and quite muffled moans come from him
So much praise. He’s constantly reassuring you through the whole ordeal, calling you beautiful, gorgeous, how well your doing, how good you are for him, etc
He would degrade you if you really wanted. Again, you’d have to tell him because he wouldn’t ever say such things to you but when your begging him to say mean things to you, he’s nothing but a pleaser
Cockwarming is a big turn on. He’s a busy man, so when he has work to do but you wanna get off, he will let you sit on his cock
Similarly, he also likes watching you ride his thigh. Your wet pussy grinding up and down on his clothed leg does something to him
Aftercare god. As soon as you guys are done he’s running a bath, carrying you to it, washing you off as you just lay back. After he drys you off, he’s carrying you back to the bed and wrapping you with his arms
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glassartpeasants · 4 months
How to Love .03
Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst
A/N: Sorry that it's shorter then normal but i can not tell you how hard i had to grind to get this shit out.
music playlist
“Law? You alive?” Soft fingers could be felt gently skimming against Law’s forehead, making him lean into their warmth before his eyes snapped open.
Jumping up, Law looks around his room before seeing you kneeling down beside his bed. His heart slowly calms before finally finding the words to speak. “(Y/N)? What are you doing in my room?”
“Well, good evening to you, too.” Rubbing his eyes, Law looks at you with a confused look.
“What? Evening?” Turning to his alarm clock, he sees it’s 8 am.
“We had a power outage due to an unexpected storm last night. I thought you might have already fixed your clock, but I was wrong.” Law jumps out of his bed and opens his curtains to see a beautiful sunset staring back at him.
“Why didn’t you wake me earlier?! What time is it?!”
“It’s currently 6 pm. Also, I thought you were actually trying to catch up on sleep.” Standing up, Law looks at (Y/N) in bewilderment before pacing around.
“I have stuff I need to do! Shit, I need to pay bills.”
Stopping in his tracks, Law stares at you. “What?”
“I said done. I paid them.”
“I also made a sheet with finances on everything I know we’ve spent at least together in the last month. I didn’t go through your mail. Went grocery shopping and cleaned the entire house. I did save some financing things so we can go through them together.”
“I did everything.” A silence covers Law and you as you both look at each other.
“You always work so hard! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sleep in once since I’ve known you! For a doctor, you think you’d take care of yourself more.” Law watches as you cross your arms.
“I…Thank you.” Law says in almost a whisper. “But never let me sleep in again.”
“But you look so refreshed! Even if you got wild bedhead.” You tease. Law grumbles before trying to flatten his hair, only for it to bounce back. You can’t help but giggle.
“Maybe if you take a shower, it’ll fix it.”
“Alright. Now get out.” You can feel Law push you out of his room before closing the door.
“What? No ‘Thank you for waking me up (Y/N)?’” You say sarcastically.
“I would have said that if it wasn’t 6 pm!” His voice rang from behind the door.
“So ungrateful!” You chuckle before walking away towards the kitchen. The smell of dinner is too much to resist.
As soon as Law heard you walk away, a loud crash and curse left your lips.
“Fuck! Bepo, no!” Law quickly put on a decent shirt before running out to the dining room. His jaw dropped as he watched you holding Bepo, who had a whole grilled fish in his mouth.
“Spit it out! How dare you eat my fish, you asshole! I thought we were cool!” Law was speechless, so he watched his cat and roommate fighting over fish.
Turning your head, you saw Law just standing there. “Law! Help me! Little shit has my food!” You get a good grab on the fish, and just as you think you’ve gotten it, Bepo takes another bite.
Law can’t help but stiffle a laugh as he watches you fight with Bepo. When you finally lost grip of the fish, Bepo made a break for it, which led you to begin chase.
“Damnit, cat! Give it to me!” Law hears you yell from down the hall. Chuckling, Law moved to what used to be the dinner you made. Paw prints everywhere as well as nibble marks from Bepo’s teeth. White cat hair covering every inch of food.
“He’s never jumped on the table and ate our food before. What’s gotten into him?” 
He could hear you stomping and cursing your way back to the kitchen, telling him that you were unsuccessful in your mission. When you entered the kitchen, you stood beside him and looked at the mess Bepo had reduced dinner to.
“Looks like he ate good tonight.” Law chuckled, trying to lighten up your now-soured mood.
“He probably just gained all the weight we’ve worked so hard for him to lose! Why would he do this? He’s never done this before!” You whine. With a frown, you begin to clean up the ruined dinner.
“This fucking sucks. I spent so long on this dinner for you, and he came along and ate it!” Law’s eyes widen upon hearing your words.
“You made it for me?” Law watches you stiffen before going back to normal posture.
“Yeah, I did. I wanted you to have a stress-free day, but Bepo decided to be an asshole and destroy dinner!” You sigh as you throw away the destroyed food before putting the dishes in the sink to wash.
“I don’t wanna order takeout 'cause I know you don’t like fast food. I just…” You sigh as you try to figure out what to do.
“Takeout is not that bad. We can order something and watch TV…together?”
Feeling your heartbeat pick up its pace, you gulp before answering. “You sure? I don’t wanna force you to eat food you don’t like just to cheer me up.”
“I’m sure we can find something. I think Olive Garden delivers?”
“Olive Garden, huh? Never took you for a pasta fan.” You joke, trying to lighten up the mood.
“I’m a sucker for restaurants who put actual effort into making their food.”
You laugh. “And our old classmates said you weren’t funny.”
“What? Who the hell said that?” Law’s offended tone made you smile.
“Doesn’t matter. You're a doctor making big bucks and saving lives while they're cleaning Mcdonald's bathrooms for quick cash.” Law couldn’t help but feel a slight smile tug at his lips from your words.
A laugh escapes Law’s throat. “I guess if you think so, that’s all that matters.” Law pauses as soon as he realizes what he’s said. Yet he doesn’t see how his words bring a smile to your face.
You can’t help the smile that sticks to your face as you work endlessly to fulfill customers' orders. Your mind is running with the thought of Law and his smile.
“What’s got you all smiley?” Killer asks you as he cleans the counter.
“What? Am I not allowed to smile?”
“You are, but that’s not a regular smile you got on your face there.” His words make you stop in your tracks as you snap your head in his direction.
“You have someone on your mind, don’t you?” You can practically hear the smirk behind his mask.
“You don’t know what the hell you're talking about, Killer.”
“I bet it’s Law, huh? Doesn’t shock me. You’ve been his roommate for about five months and went through a breakup together.” You hit Killer in the arm.
“Shut up! What if someone hears you!” You whisper with a burning face.
“Afraid he’s gonna show up and hear me saying the truth?”
“Killer, if you don’t shut up, I’m going to murder you.” Killer only laughs as he looks at you.
“Yeah, okay (Y/N). Whatever you say.” You huff as you look down at the clean coffee machine in front of you. Killer’s words bouncing in your skull. You didn’t want to admit it, but maybe Killer was right. Perhaps you were falling in love with him again.
“I did have a thing for him in college. Before dating Eustass. I ended up falling for him during our time together working on that project.” Killer stops cleaning as he looks at you. Silent but wanting to hear your words.
“I don’t know what it was about him, but by the end of the project we were grouped together for, I had ended up falling for him. Hard. It took me a lot of convincing, but I thought that maybe he liked me too.”
“Did he?”
You stay silent before answering. “ I guess not because my best friend asked him out, and he said yes.” A deep pang shot through your heart as you remembered.
“She had told me afterward that she liked him since we started college but never told me until I talked to her about asking someone out. I didn’t say Law’s name, but he was the one I was talking about.” Sighing, you grip the counter.
“Her telling me she’s liked him since we started college broke me. How could I try dating the man I liked for a whole semester while my friends liked him from the beginning? It broke my heart to hear him agree to be her boyfriend. Having her bring him around was like torture the first few months.”
“While I, of course, never acted out of place with Law while he was with (.....), I only managed to get over him when I heard him say ‘I love you’ to her. That was when I knew I had lost. After a few months after that at graduation, I begin to date Eustass. After that, we slowly stopped talking and only saw each other when it was with (.....). Until five months ago.”
“When you caught Eustass and (.....)?”
“Yeah…When I caught them.” Your heart burns at the memory, but not as bad as it had been before. What used to be a stab in the heart now felt like a bee sting.
“How am I supposed to tell him that I’ve fallen for him again? What if he doesn’t feel the same? How am I supposed to live with him? Not to mention, ruin a friendship.”
“I suppose that does complicate things.”
“I don’t understand. How come this has to happen? It’s like the universe is doing this to fuck with me. Shoving something in my face that I want something I can’t have.” Killer stays quiet as he listens to you speak.
“It’s easier just to shove them down before you end up hurt.”
“Is that a smile on our grumpy doctor's face? What’s got you all happy?” the charge nurse teased Law.
“Your the second person to tell me that, and it’s annoying me.” The nurse chuckled.
“Oh, please, Law. Everyone can see you’ve got something on your mind, or is it…someone?” The nurse watches as Law tenses, and his cheeks dust pink.
The nurse squeals. “It is!” She claps her hands in excitement. "You have to tell me! I promise I won’t tell anyone!”
“No! I’m not telling you anything!” Law whisper yells.
“Aw, why not? I could give you advice!”
“I’m not telling you about my personal life! So stop asking!”
Huffing, the nurse gave up. “Fine! But here, there is a 3rd-degree burn case in room eight. Says a new co-worker turned up the coffee machine too high, and when it accidentally spilled on her hand, it scalded her.” Law snatches the clipboard and narrows his eyes at the nurse before making his way to room eight.
Opening the door, he expected anyone but the person before him. “(Y/N)?!”
“Hi, Law,” you chuckle nervously. “I didn’t know you worked in the ER.” Law can hear the nervousness in your voice. His eyes scan your body before seeing your bandaged hand. He carefully grabs your hand and looks at it.
“How did this happen?”
“A relatively new co-worker put the coffee temperature too high, so when I went to pour it and accidentally spilled some on me, it got all over my hand and burned it. I didn’t think it was that serious initially, but Killer made me come in. And now it turns out I have a third-degree burn.”
“Does it hurt?”
“No. Not really.”
“Well, you're an idiot for not coming in sooner.”
“It didn’t hurt other than the initial pain of being burnt!”
“That’s cause it burnt away your nerves!” Your shocked expression told him all he needed to know. Law sighs as he examines your burn. 
“It’s definitely a 3rd-degree burn; you're gonna have to keep it bandaged and change it at least once daily. It’s not big enough to need surgery, but it’s still gonna scar. Drink a lot of fluids. I’m prescribing you an antibiotic to prevent infection.”
“Alright. Good thing I live with you. You can help me with it all.” You say with a smirk, causing him to roll his eyes but with a smile. 
“But forgetting about me, how’s your day going? Did you drink your fluids?”
“I’m the doctor, and you're the patient. Don’t try that with me.” Law chuckles.
“You seem to be popular with the ladies' Law. A lot of nurses are looking at you from outside the room.” Law’s head snaps to the doorway to see a few nurses sticking their heads into the room through the doorway.
“I’ll be back.” You giggle as Law walks away and out the door.
Leaving the room and closing the door, Law turns his head to the nurses. “What are you doing?!” Law whisper yells at them.
“She’s the one that's got you all smiley, isn’t she?!” The nurses squeal.
“No, she isn’t! She’s just my roommate until she finds a place she can afford!” Law tries to defend himself, but the pink that swarms his cheeks tells the nurses everything.
“She is! And you're even roommates with her! That’s perfect! Come on, you have to ask her out on an official date!”
“That’s not happening! God, you people are so nosy!”
“What’s stopping you-”
“I’m not her type, alright?” Law snaps, causing the nurses to hush.
Running a hand through his hair, Law sighs. “I’m not her type, so even if I did like her, she wouldn’t say yes.”
“How do you know?”
“I went to college with her. That’s all your gonna get.” Law runs a hand through his hair.
You rotten his brain and wormed your way into his heart. Somehow, in the semester-long project he did with you all those years ago, he ended up gaining feelings for you. There was just something about you. The way you laughed, your smile, how you always seemed as happy, the list could go on.
He was sure you liked him too. How you looked at him couldn’t be anything other than it, right? You’d scoot closer to him when you both worked on the project—texting him about things other than the project. Bringing him food you had made.
He wanted to, oh, how he desperately wanted to ask you out. So when he got a note on the desk he always sat on had a note that said to meet him at the park, he was so sure it was you. It had your handwriting and everything. It had to be you. And when he saw (.....), your friend instead of you, he was shocked.
She had told him that you had written the note for her cause she was too scared to do it during school hours. She had even joked about a double date with you and a guy you were thinking about asking out. He felt his heart break when he heard it. Did he really jump to conclusions and think you liked him when you could have just been friendly?
All these thoughts ran through his mind that day. He didn’t know why at the time, but he did say yes to (.....) asking him out on a date. Possibly to forget the pain he felt? A distraction? He didn’t know.
But now, those feelings he thought were snuffed out reappeared stronger than ever. He wanted to be with you all the time. All he could think about was you. Even worse than college. His dreams were filled with images of you. He heard your voice when you weren’t there. Almost everything reminded him of you. He could look at a cloud and somehow be reminded of a memory you two shared.
Ever since you moved in as well, his diet has gotten relatively healthier. While he still drank coffee and energy drinks nonstop, you always ensured he ate. Hell, you’ve even started making him lunches to bring to work two months ago when you found out he usually didn’t eat anything during his shift. He couldn’t help but chuckle cause with every lunch came with a terribly drawn Bepo picture on whatever color sticky note you had. Each one he kept in his desk drawer.
“Law! What do you want for dinner?” You yell through the rooms door to Law, causing him to be pulled from his thoughts.
“Just roommates, huh?” One of the nurses asked with a smirk while the others held smug grins. They could easily see through the stoic doctor's facade. 
“Just roommates.” Law glares before entering the room to answer your question.
“I give it another month before he caves.”
“I say two. He seems to be pretty worried about his friendship with her.”
“True, I say three, though. Gotta give him time to boil in his feelings for a little longer.” The nurses converse with each other as they try to sneak peeks at the doctor and the cause of his smile.
“Law, hurry up! It’s about to start!” You yell to him. The sound of his footsteps rings throughout the apartment, letting you know that he heard you.
“I’m coming. I’m coming. Give me a second.” Chuckling, Law sits down next to you on the couch. 
“I’m so excited! I can’t believe they’re making a Sora: Warrior of the Sea show! You know what that means, right?” You squirm in your seat in excitement. 
Putting his feet up, Law looks at you. “ What does it mean?” He says with a smile.
“That means every Thursday we get to hang out and watch a new episode! Doesn’t that sound awesome?” You can feel your heart beating out of your chest from happiness as you smile brightly at him.
Law looked down at you and felt his heart leap. You were so excited to be near him. Telling him how you couldn’t wait for it to be a common occurrence. Despite him telling himself not to go down this road again. He couldn’t help but imagine how it’d be if you two were an actual thing—feeling your warmth against his cold frame, holding you close. Laying down next to you at night, hearing your soft breaths. Being able to admire your calm features as you sleep. And even feel your lips against his.
Law could see you sitting next to him, so close your thigh touched his. You didn’t seem to notice or care, which made his heart beat in his ears. He couldn’t even pay attention to the show, as he was more focused on you and how close you were to him. There was an itch inside him, telling him to do something. Now would be the perfect time to make a move, even if it was small. So, taking a breath, he took the risk.
Law moves his arm up slowly before laying it behind you on the couch. His heart beats rapidly, as he pretends not to notice he’s done it, giving you quick glances to see if you’ve noticed anything. So far, to him, you haven’t
But you noticed right away.
You were screaming internally with excitement and nervously biting your tongue. Could it mean he liked you too? Was it an accident? Either or made your heart beat against your ribs. Your head spins as you try to act cool and not show how excited you were to have him so close to you.
If he had made a move, then who were you to ignore it? So, with an internal deep breath, you lean back against his arm. His warmth makes a shiver run across your spine. It felt as if your face and body was on fire from his skin touching yours. You curled your toes in your socks as you tried to contain a steady breathing.
You take a swallow the lump in your throat as you decide to take a jump of hope. With a sharp intake of breath, you lean closer into Law, placing your head on his shoulder. His cologne flooding you like a calming aroma. In his arms felt like a dream come true. Laying against his shoulder as his arm laid behind your head. 
Even though the you told yourself that you wouldn’t fall for Law or act on your feelings, sometimes it’s okay to lie. Even if it’s to yourself.
@yuki190 @stachelrose @loraleiii @axcel-lucci @st4rfevrr @rexspersonalhell @nanapurinpurin @elen-alambil @starlightkitten19 @bby-deerling @queenofthekill @chaes-tea @emmaiscool22 @shuujin @augustanna @likeliterallywtf @iraaiitz @cherrybomb5000 @lavenderkaye106 @jabean @wrennyx @jamaicaa-blakee @ashortdork @kat2tired @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @getsue @kaptain-rebekah @reigenmagnet @rebeccawinters @keenzinemugstudent @mydearlybeloathed @firefistussy @throne-inmyside @littleleelee @thepurpleempath @yuji4lierrr @whodissbitj @slut-for-buck @ihatespidersdie @bluebunny002 @gabi-moureira @blairbellerose @luciledreamz @mrstraffy @yukiyury @lunalovesthe-moon @kenqki
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star-hoon · 4 months
VERSION OF ME — (p. sunghoon)
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pairing: sunghoon x fem reader (oneshot)
includes/warnings (16+):  comfort/healing from dark past! au — fluff, angst, profanity, comfort, implied reader has scars, mentions of food/eating  (let me know if i missed anything!)
word count: 1.8k [not proofread]
synopsis: you and sunghoon have been dating for a few months now and he is the definition of your prince charming. but you are finally forced to uncover what you've been hiding from him, and it makes you fear you’ll lose him.
DISCLAIMER: this fic does mention/imply reader has SH scars. it is mentioned without detail and sunghoon is comforting reader about them. *as someone who used to SH, i would never ever mean to trigger anyone. so if this could potentially trigger you, do not read/please proceed with caution.*
author’s note: omg thank you to everyone who read my 'obsessed' & 'intermission' AND for over 110 followers!
i hope you're all okay with this fic idea even its a little on the darker side. but i promise its fluffy n hoon is a sweetie. this one is dedicated to all of you out there who have overcome hardships in the past or dealing with hardships right now, with physical or mental scars. you are so strong, beautiful, and loved!! <3
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it was yet the end of another long and arduous day at work. you dragged your feet into the doorway of your apartment, hanging up your bag on the hook in the entry way and removing your shoes that you could feel were forming blisters on your heels.
sighing, you make a beeline to your bedroom. nothing sounded better than a hot shower to change into some comfy clothes. well, maybe one thing sounded better.
cuddling with your boyfriend sunghoon. and his deep voice and hearty laugh. and his silly puns and dad jokes. and him getting so excited talking about film cameras. just—him.
you had never been one to be very clingy nor dependent with your boyfriends. you just valued your own time and pursuing your own goals, but that doesn't mean you care about them any less.
that's why when you and sunghoon started dating 4 months ago, you felt something click in that regard. he fully understood your introverted ways and wouldn't be like the previous guys and complain about feeling 'neglected' or that you were too cold because he knew exactly how it felt to need alone time/your own space and he respected it.
but even still, when you are together he treats you like an absolute princess. carrying your purse for you when you go shopping, opening the car door for you, standing on the side of the sidewalk that faces the street. he also emotionally cared for you, listening to you rant about things big and small and always reassuring you the day before you have a big presentation at work. you felt so deeply cared for and understood, it made your affection for him blossom even more every day.
today was a day that both you and sunghoon had busy schedules so you weren't going to see each other. but you missed him and wanted nothing more than his comforting presence to fill your currently empty apartment.
you made your way to the bathroom, removing your uncomfortable work clothes. as you stood there uncovered you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. you stared down at your arms, the dark marks that littered your skin. you knew you couldn't hide this from him forever.
before you could let any more negative thoughts consume you, you hopped into the shower hoping the hot water can wash away your stress and worries.
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after your shower that probably lasted a little too long in some water that was probably a little too hot, you heard a knock at your front door. you peeked to the corner of your phone amidst the tik tok scrolling 10:38 pm.
considering how late it was you were suspicious so you tiptoed to the front door, glancing through the peep hole. it was sunghoon. even though you should feel giddy and excited at the sight of your boyfriend, a twinge of panic arose. you were just wearing a tshirt so your arms were fully exposed, not expecting company. you ran and grabbed the first hoodie you could find. it happened to be one of his.
you opened the front door and there sunghoon stood as handsome as ever, with a bouquet of flowers and a takeout bag. you pouted at the sight in front of you—you were the luckiest girl alive. this was exactly what you needed after a day like today.
"hi hoonie" you softly greeted him, gently hugging him and he leaned down to give you a peck on the cheek. "...what's all this?"
he spoke as he took off his shoes and made his way into the kitchen. "sorry for dropping by so suddenly, i knew weren't planning on seeing each other today but i knew you had a long day and you were gonna be home late so i thought you would want some food. it's your favorite from the restaurant downtown." you nearly started crying, how could be so sweet?
"don't be sorry. thank you, you are seriously the best hoon i missed you a lot today."
"i missed you too. just sit and relax baby, i'll plate everything up for you" sunghoon always insisted on plating food even if it was takeout. he believed it made it taste better, the notion always made you laugh.
despite offering to split the meal with him, he insisted he didn't want any saying he ate dinner earlier. but as you two sat at the dining table chatting about your day, you fed him forkful after forkful anyways.
after finishing the meal you convinced sunghoon to let you wash the dishes. he eventually complied, standing next to you at the sink drying the 3 total dishes you had to wash.
no matter how small the gesture sunghoon was willing to do anything and everything to make it easier for you. you were convinced he came straight out of a fairytale—but your fantasy was going to come crashing down.
"y/n...why do you never roll up your sleeves when you wash the dishes? they're gonna get all wet!" his tone playful.
"i-its fine hoon, these are just a few dishes anyways" you try force a small laugh as a chill runs down your spine.
"come on sweetheart lemme roll 'em up for you..."
"i said it fine-"
his hand reaches towards your sleeves, pulling them up your arm slightly. you reflexively move away from him, your mind went into overdrive.
"SUNGHOON STOP! I SAID IT'S FINE!" your arm harshly shoved his body away from yours, the glass you were holding flying out of your hand. the sound of the glass shattering on the kitchen floor seemed to echo in the room.
silence fell between you two. your eyes wide and brimming with tears, your chest heaving from your heavy breathing. all you could was cup your hands over your mouth, your eyes looking at the broken glass a few feet away from you and then to your boyfriend. his expression made you sick. he has never looked at you this way. you couldn't tell if he was scared, angry, sad. it didn't matter.
"hoon i-i'm so so sorry, i didn't mean to push you. fu-fuck the glass i'm sorry i'll clean it up" large streams of tears flowed down your cheeks and you managed to get the sentence out in between sobs.
you felt yourself spiraling. you dropped to your knees and crawled towards the broken glass. the sight of the the pieces blurry from your tears and you picked up the pieces with your hands and putting the shards in your palm.
sunghoon was more confused than angry at you, it all happened so fast he barely had time to react. but seeing you pick up the shards of glass with your bare hands snapped him back to reality. he dropped down in front of you on the floor.
"baby stop! what're you doing?! you'll hurt yourself" his voiced laced with concern. he put a hand on your arm and cupped the side of your face with his other hand, wiping the tears away with him thumbs.
you couldn't stop the tears from escaping you. you couldn't believe what you just did. sunghoon was just trying to do a sweet, innocent gesture for you and in the end you hurt him. you didn't deserve him. you knew you couldn't hide it from him forever but you didn't think it would all end like this.
he leaned his forehead to yours, searching to meet your eyes. you just couldn't look at him.
"please y/n, what's going on?" his eyes wide and he pleaded for an answer. catching your breath after what felt like countless sobs, you gently placed the shards back on the floor.
"i need to tell you something hoon."
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you followed sunghoon's order to meet in your room as he swept up the broken glass. you sat on your bed as you prepared how you were going to explain all of this.
you didn't want to lose him. he was the best thing that has ever happened to you. all you could imagine was his mortified or disgusted face when he sees your arms. the thought made all your tears resurface. sunghoon sat down next to you on your bed.
"i'm sorry for pushing you hoon. i shouldn't have done that." you took a deep breath before continuing.
"i-i've been hiding something from you since we met. i knew i couldn't h-hide it forever, but i never knew how or when to tell you." you didn't know what else to say to explain. you silently pulled up the sleeves of his hoodie you were wearing.
your arms illuminated by the lamp on your bedside table. silent tears ran down your face as you exposed yourself to him. you have never felt so vulnerable, bare, and scared in your entire life.
"sunghoon i-" before you could say anything else, he pulled you into a silent embrace. one hand pushing your waist to be flush against him, and the other to the nape of your neck.
you eventually muster up the courage to pull away to look up at him. silent tears flowed down sunghoon's cheeks. your eyes widened, sunghoon never cried. your lip quivered at the sight. it was your turn to wipe the tears from his cheek as he did for you earlier.
"um i don't really know what else to say but this explains why i've always covered up my arms around you, why i never was intimate with you...even though i really really wanted to..." you let out a chuckle through your cries trying to lighten the mood.
"...i-i'm sorry i'm such a mess. i know you probably didn't want this going into the relationship. i just- i'm so sorry hoon... i get it if this too much for you."
"you don't have anything to be sorry for y/n..." he grabbed your hand to lace it together with his.
"...this is definitely not an easy thing to share. it just breaks my heart to see someone so kind, smart, and beautiful could do this to herself" he kissed your lips, one of his salty tears landed on your lips.
he used your currently intertwined hands to lift up your arms, placing gentle yet tender kisses to each mark on your arms, your breath hitching at his every touch. this was the first time anyone has been so close, seen you at the most vulnerable. and yet he is treating you like you are made of porcelain.
"this isn't too much y/n. i still think you are the most beautiful person i've ever met—inside and out. this is just a reminder or how strong you are and you overcame whatever you faced in the past. i hope one day you can open up and confide in me because i'm here for you baby. through the good and the bad, especially the bad. because i love you."
your heart melted at his comforting and sincere words, now shedding tears of joy.
"i-i love you too hoon, thank you"
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taglist (open!): @laylasbunbunny @blackberryrains
ramblings: this made me so soft and healed my past self 🥺 would you guys like to see more full fics/series or oneshots like this?
thank you so much for reading, please let me know what you think <3
reblogs, likes, & comments are always appreciated!!
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electroluv12 · 1 month
obey me all characters relationship headcanons
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He always spoils you, gifts, jewellery, clothes etc.
Always cuddles, even when he's working he always has you on his lap giving you affection
if your a troublemaker he's always covering you up lol
Loves taking you out to restuarants
Normally goes for walks with you around town <3
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Loves doing favors for you like helping you with homework, baking you desserts and fancy snacks
When Dia gives him breaks, he likes to take you to look at clothes with him.
He likes to sew with you and make you clothes <3
Always giving you his jacket
His kisses are so nice because his lips are so soft
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Loves listening to music with you
plays piano for you
like Dia, he will have you on his lap when he's writing on his paperwork.
Takes you to expensive resturaunts and shares his Demonus with you
He isnt one for PDA though
Treats you so well with gifts and love like he literally showers it down
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Takes you to casinos with him, you need to make him feel better about it when he loses.
Acts big to make himself feel better when he gets flustered and then feels embarrassed about it later lmao
does the yawn and shoulder thing when you guys watch movies.
steals peoples money to buy you things, rings, necklaces, jewel(s)lery.
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he gets so flustered when he sees you, he runs away, its like pokemon you have to catch him
He likes gaming with you all the time but he's really shy to ask you for anything
likes cuddling but you have to initiate it
shows you new games or merchandise he finds, and he gets really happy about it
really interested in you!! tell him so much about yourself!!
sends you cute memes like things that say ily but with a video game reference
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He reads books to you when you go to sleep
takes you out to cat cafes all the time
he likes to cuddle with you while he reads in bed, like you spooning his side is ideal for him.
You help him calm down alot when he's angry or upset, you have to hold him and kiss him. He does the same for you when you feel like that.
He's always there for you no matter what <3
When your sick he tries to help you with spells.
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Gets you to try perfumes so he can remember what smells you like so he can get you products like that later.
So touchy and handsy, always has an arm around you or your hands interlocked wherever you two go
Loves kissing you, will pepper your face with kisses and normally he leaves lip gloss stains.
Takes loads of selfies with you and posts them on Devilgram
Takes you to try out desserts from new shops, then you guys go shoe shopping or just shopping for new clothes.
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A literal giant teddy bear, gives you the best cuddles
Takes you to go for food but ends up eating it all. He is very sorry afterwards, makes up for it with ice cream, which he eats aswell.
He bites you. You cant tell if its hunger, playing or affection, it might just be all three all together
You have to hide him while he raids the fridge by standing infront of him pretending to he on your phone lol
Likes going out with you and Belphie, it makes him very happy!!
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If your not busy he cuddles with you in bed literally all day, even if your hungry his weights to heavy to lift off of you so you cant really help it at all
Makes the best pillow forts ever, thinks its the shit and it really is.
Watches movies with you but sleeps as soon as it starts then pretends to know what happened lmao
He sits in the planetarium with you, gazing at the stars and giving you affection while he does
Falls asleep on your shoulder all the time especially in class. its a bad habit.
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always asks to bake with you and it ends up heavenly
if your sick he always takes care of you, coming over with soup for you.
He gives you alot of hugs and kisses, his lips are so smooth so it feels amazing
helps you with homework when your stuck and even buys you food, he doesnt want you getting hungry <33
reads TSL to you if you ask him to and he really enjoys it
Shows you new spells all the time, even shows you how to cast them
constantly getting you out of trouble, he's always got an excuse ready for when you need it
takes you to cafes for coffee <3
likes going for an extra walk with you when you both leave RAD at the end of the day
always giving you his jacket or scarf, but he still hopes you get sick so he can be your knight in shining armour and cast a healing spell
If anyone makes you upset their getting jabbed with a spear
He invites you to play board games with him, Solomon, Luke and Simeon at Purgatory Hall.
goes window shopping with you down town all the time
if you tell him you want something he'll remember and surprise you with it
always worrying about you no matter what you tell him
listens to piano pieces with you, tells you which ones are his favourite
spoils you with gifts even if you say he doesnt have to spend money
if you ask him to cuddle he pretends to be disgusted then begs you to cuddle him
likss kissing your nose, cheeks and hands, it makes him feel like a gentleman and trust me he is
takes you to restuaraunts and buys you wine
watches movies, secretly gets scared at the horror ones
Very protective of you at RAD, he doesnt trust anyone except Diavolo and thinks you shouldnt either.
LIVES for pranking people with you at RAD
Takes you out for drinks alot
likes hug tackling you. And kiss tackling.
literally everything with her is a surprise attack
if you get hurt by her pranks shes very sorry.
you HAVE to go to amusement parks with her plzz shes gonna beg you
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buckyarchives · 2 years
metal arms and short skirts | bucky barnes. [3.]
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summary: waltzing in as the new head of the Avenger's medical division, impressing everyone, and... scaring Bucky with your incredibly short skirts. while bucky's having a hard time looking at his arm as anything other than a deadly weapon, you're more than happy to help him.
word count: 4.9k
a/n : i started this with an upload schedule but it went completely out the window, oops. and i’m taking request for bucky onshots rn. not beta’d/brief proof reading
outfit reference here
story playlist here
read on AO3 | masterlist
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Bucky woke up the next morning happier than usual, more excited to start the day, just wanting to see you. Even if it was just a moment in the hallways while you busied yourself with work. A part of himself was relieved at the fact he didn't have to purposely injure himself just to see you, Natasha was starting to get suspicious when he took hits or pulled punches.
As he woke up, Bucky planned it all out. Sam was going to come by soon to go on a run, then Bucky would take a shower (he also decided midst his sleep he needs to make himself more pretty for you), grab some food and coffee and drop by the lab.
Enduring all the teasing by Sam towards Bucky while making laps around the compound, they both easily made it around the new recruits. Shower, done. Bucky thought about you the entire time, not in a creepy way, it was endearing. He took a much-needed walk through the city nearby; you can only spend so much time in the compound without feeling suffocated, and found some hipster coffee shop that reminded him of you. Bucky thought about taking you on another date, hopefully soon. Grabbed some pumpkin bread and a coffee that he totally didn't have to ask Natasha about. Back in the 40s, bucky can't remember coffee being made any other way than just– one way.
Bucky walked back into the compound with a little skip in his step, which didn't go unnoticed by the others. It wasn’t every day that the infamous winter soldier didn't trudge around the compound - scowl permanently on his face.
The familiar head of hair showed behind the panels of glass, vaguely showing into your lab. Bucky's steps falter slightly as he observes you at work, so focused and concentrated on whatever task was in front of you. Bucky admired your intelligence and confidence far more than he had expected. You had practically swept him off his feet with it.
Trying not to startle or disturb you, Bucky slowly slid the door open, balancing your coffee and food in hand. You were balancing on a small stool as you reached for some hidden files at the very top of a bookcase.
Bucky opened his mouth to greet you, and just as the first syllable came out. You let out a high-pitched yelp and flinched back, the files dropping from your hand and falling all over the floor. Bucky watched as your chunky heel caught on the stool, losing your footing and now free falling. But bucky was quicker, he dropped everything and brought his arms out to catch you before you fell backward to the floor.
A metal arm wrapped around your upper waist and flesh hand steadying your legs on the ground, so they don't give out. You're perfectly placed hair now messy, and bucky looking down at you with wide eyes.
“Shit–” he breathed, “are you okay?”
You don't say anything at first, you are caught starstruck staring back up at bucky. A dazed smile grows to your ears. “I am now.”
Bucky can't bite back the giddy smile that grows on his face. “You should be more careful.”
“Why would I when I have a night in shining…” your bright eyes look down at the arm that wrapped around your body. “Metal watching over me?”
Bucky grows red at the acknowledgment of his arms that are still wrapped around you, and the closeness between your body and his. Only a few inches separate your lips, and bucky's eyes go wide from embarrassment.
“Oh, I'm sorry!” he panics, slowly letting go of you. You stand up straight now and gaze going straight at the large puddle of spilled coffee across the floor, next to the file you dropped.
“you, uh– dropped your coffee.” you point out.
“Christ, I'm so sorry.” bucky says, flustered to hell as he instantly goes for a roll of paper towels sitting on the table. God- he feels like such a mess. So much for the plan. “Fuck, really I’m sorry. I went all the way across town to get coffee for you, and I wanted to surprise you with it– fucking hell, I had to ask Nat what your order was, and then I just spill it, making a mess of your space. I’m such an idiot, I'm… I'm rambling, sorry.”
You looked stunned and dazed with towels in your hand, stopping when you began to listen to Bucky's rant. Slowly growing flustered. Bucky turns around, worry laced on his face as he waits for your reaction, expecting you to lecture him for making a mess. He feels so stupid–
“You got me coffee?” your mouth gapes open and bucky can't help but think you looked adorable standing in front of him.
Rising to his feet, a sheepish smile on his face as he goes faces you. “Yeah and, uh, bread. Pumpkin bread.”
“Is the bread okay?”
Bucky turns his head to where he stood only a few minutes ago, eyes landing on the bag. Bending to pick it up to see a perfectly good loaf, only a little smushed on the bottom. Bucky forces a smile as he hands them to you. “Still edible.”
“Thank you so much.” you beam up at him, quickly grabbing the bag. Quicker than Bucky can think, you close the distance between you and him, standing on your toes to give him a peck on his cheek. All happening so quickly that bucky got whiplash, blinking rapidly to himself as you walk past him to clean up the rest of the mess.
“Hey, no. I got it.” bucky objects, grabbing the towel from you. “It's my mess and you might get your outfit dirty.”
It's then when Bucky notices your outfit today, a baby blue dress that he can only think matches the shade of his eyes (whether it was intentional on your end or not: but it so was), strapless and fitting your body nicely. Stopping at your mid-thigh– which felt expected now, but bucky still grew a little flustered as his eyes lingered. Your usual white goo goo boots, which had resulted in your fall.
“Thank you, bucky.” you smile, going to gather the files spread out on the floor.
It doesn't take long at all for Bucky to clean up the floor and follow you to one of the less crowded areas of the lab, you were almost messier than tony- almost. You’d pulled a chunk from the bread and offered him some, which bucky took gladly as you ate your own piece.
“So what brings you here besides spilling coffee and giving out bread?” you start, looking at bucky with the softest eyes ever. Successfully pulling at bucky's heartstrings and leaving him breathless.
“Maybe I just wanted to see you.” Bucky shrugs.
You smile sweetly, “then I'd say I'm glad, because I wanted to see you too.”
Bucky leans back from the edge of the table, biting the side of his cheek. “Well, I don't want to hold you up.” bucky silently motioned to the door, but your hand goes to him before he can move.
“Stay, I'm not busy.” you smile.
Bucky blinks once, twice before he leans back in. “okay. You sure?”
You bit the bottom of your lip and nodded, a giddy smile on your face. Bucky can't seem to grasp how he could have made you smile like that, so beautiful.
“Last night was fun.” you start, gaze not leaving bucky.
Bucky nods in agreement, not noticing the way you stepped a few inches closer to him. “I'm glad.”
Your eyes flickered to bucky's lip and he swears he stopped breathing at that moment, his body moving closer to yours. A part of bucky doesn't understand how you could make him feel this way, how you can light a spark in him that he was so positive burnt out decades ago. Make his heart thumps so loudly you didn't need to be a super soldier to hear. How you could make him blush so easily and seemingly command his body closer to you.
Now bucky's eyes catch your lips, and your hand ghost above his waist. Faces only a few inches between them and bucky's senses are on overdrive as he can smell the vanilla and lavender on your body. Bucky closes the space between you two, slanting his lips on yours. Tasting the pumpkin spice as you kissed him.
A smile graces his lips as you lean into his touch, now snaking his arms around your waist. Your hands are brought up to his jaw and around his neck. Bucky is in a pure state of bliss and he’s sure his soul is ready to leave his body.
“Hey! No making out in the lab, especially with my best worker.” Tony's Starks shrill voice breaks the two of you apart, drowning in your own pools of embarrassment. A coldness washes over Bucky's body.
“Tony! Jesus Christ, what is it with people sneaking up on me today?” you think out loud, and collect yourself and stand up straight. “What brings you by?”
“You got a meeting with Dr. Pym at 4 and Helen is flying in at 7 to do some test of the new regeneration project.“ Tony hands a folder to you, a thick one with large, red letters spelling out ‘[Classified]’ on them. Tony's eyes catch bucky’s, a smirk rises to his face. “And Barnes, maybe ask your girlfriend about that thing tomorrow night.”
Your eye perks up and beam towards Bucky, Tony sending a quick wink toward Bucky as he continues down the hall. “What thing?” you ask him.
“This gala, it’s at the Stark tower on Saturday. Natasha says it's just PR for the most part, to talk to politicians and press mostly.'' Bucky starts, realizing what Tony meant now, starting to fidget with his fingers.
“Would you like to go with me? As a date?”
You blink once, twice, and stare in awe as bucky's nervously darts his eyes around the room, avoiding your gaze. “Really?”
“Yeah, if you're busy though-”
“Yes.” you smile brightly, leaving bucky breathless once again.
Bucky chews on his cheek, “really?”
“Yes.” you begin to close the gap again, “I’d be more than happy to go with you.”
Bucky starts to realize how much control he lacks around you, the constant feeling in his heart that tugs him towards you. He feels lighter; yet more nervous around you. Your eyes follow him, and bucky’s tongue swipes across his lips for a quick moment. Close enough to feel his breath again.
“Can I kiss you again?'' Bucky asks, almost breathless.
Your lip quirks up into a small smirk, playfully narrowing your eyes in his direction. Your chin raises up high to reach him. “Hmm, can you? Don't you have somewhere to be, sergeant?”
Bucky's heart flutters at the use of his rank, the way your voice sounds smooth as honey when you teased him. A part of him wants to just take you now, in the middle of your lab, with the risk of anyone walking.
“I don't know, do I?” bucky plays dumb, attempting to match your playful tone.
You lean in close and give bucky a quick peck on his lips, far too short for bucky to be satisfied. Maybe even lighting a bigger flame in his stomach, aching for more of you. “Maybe a mission?”
Bucky groans, his head falling limp and his long, brunette hair falling in his face. “Don't remind me.”
“Come on.” you smack your lips, wrapping your hands around his face as you push his head back upright. Revealing a dopey smile, warmth courses through bucky at your touch. His worries simply melt away: as if it's that easy. Your thumb lightly caressed his cheek. “I’m sure Steve is looking for you, go kicks some Hydra agent's ass so you can come back and we can dance at a fancy gala.”
“You make it sound so easy, doll.” bucky sighs, his mouth pouts as he leans into your touch.
You pull his face in, kissing him once again. With a sweet and innocent kiss, bucky's hand raises to ghost over your waist before you pull back. “Go be a hero for me.”
Bucky wants to protest, but you are already playfully pushing him near the exit of your lab. A grin is painted on both of your faces, and bucky's gaze is dripping with adoration for you.
“No, I want to stay.” bucky wines, lingering at your door. “Don't get rid of me.”
“Get back safe for me, yeah?” you spoke.
Buckys exhales, studying your face for a moment. Memorizing your features, almost as if he'd forget. A smile grows as he pecks your lips once more. “Fine, get rid of me.”
“Tell the other I said ‘have a safe mission’” you say, as bucky steps out of the lab. Giving you one more sweet smile.
“Will do!” bucky shouts, just as you leave his sight and head back into your lab.
Once the sliding glass doors close and you have a moment to yourself, your hand clutches your heart. Feeling it pound rapidly against your chest, your face feels warm. Bucky's touch lingers on your waist and lips, already missing him.
Dust filled bucky's lungs as his eyes began to flutter open, coughing roughly as he regained his consciousness. A sharp pain shot through his entire body, and bucky tried to flip to his side but he couldn't seem to move. Bucky’s eyes scan the area, and black spots filled his vision, but he could see the remains of the hydra facility everywhere.
Only a few moments ago, bucky stood close to Steve and Sam as they searched through the supposedly abandoned facility. But their intel was either wrong or the mission was compromised because a group of a dozen agents crashed through one of the doors.
Ending up in a fight, separating the three, and just as bucky had one of the last agents pinned down by the throat, he pulled out a beeping device. In red digital letter counted down to zero. Before Bucky couldn’t yell out to take cover, everything went up in flames with a ground rattling boom. Bucky must have hit his head and fallen unconscious for a moment, only now waking back up.
Bucky attempted to get up again, but his left arm wouldn't budge. Between heavy pants, his gaze fell down to his arm. The sharp pain coursing through his body came from the nerve endings from his still human shoulder being pushed up against his metal arm, being crushed from the biceps to his hand. Stuck under a huge slab of concrete.
Trying to pull it out of the rouble, flinching as he feels the metal connecting to his shoulder strain. His shoulder muscles feel like their being torn apart at every single flinch or small movement. A strained groan escaped his lip, attempting to push the concrete away with his right, but it was too heavy.
Bucky hears the faint sound of dragged footsteps, the dust still swarming through the air. Only seeing a figure dressed in black slowly get up from the crash. Bucky narrows his eyes to try and make out who.
“Sam?’ Bucky's voice is graveled and quiet. Followed by a choked cough.
The person did not respond or turn to bucky, bucky's vision starts coming back slowly. The man that stood across the room was not Sam or Steve. With a tentacle tattoo peeping from his collar, bucky's heart picked up, the man's gun cocked back and pointed down to the floor. Just above a passed-out sam, blood soaking his shirt.
Bucky's gun stood a few feet away from him, panic coursing through his body as he tried to reach for it. With his left hand stuck under the rubble, he couldn't move. Bucky braced himself, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to slide his arm out. He winched and cried through bared teeth as he pulled, and pulled. His shoulder felt like it was being torn apart, because– well, it was.
His hand touched the gun and with absolutely no hesitation, Bucky aimed at the Hydra agent's head and pulled the trigger. The man's body fell limp and hit the ground with a thud before he could set fire to Sam.
A heavy exhale left bucky's lips, relief coursed through his body knowing Sam wasn't in immediate danger at the hands of the agents. Bucky's head turned back towards his arm, his breath hitched at the sight. His metal arm was torn in half, severed wires spark at his biceps where it was torn.
Bucky's breath picked up and his chest heaved, anxiety coursing through his body as flashbacks from the alps came crashing in. blood and nazis standing above him as they found him barely alive, the cold snow soaking through his uniform as they dragged him through the canyon.
Black spotted his vision again as he tried to gather to his feet, he needed to check on Sam, he’s bleeding– Steve, wheres Steve? Are all the agents dead? Bucky's chest felt heavy, and his head lulled around as he grew dizzy. Fuck– his shoulder hurts like hell. Where is his comms? Are they damaged? Did agent hill hear the place blow? Is someone coming? Get up, Barnes!
Bucky choked on his own thoughts, his knees giving out before he couldn't even stand fully. He hit the ground, and everything went black.
“So you and bucky? How'd the date go?” you could hear Natasha smirk from behind your back. She sat on a counter of your lab, hanging around just as Helen arrived.
“Did you melt the poor old man's heart?” Clint added, who also followed Natasha in here and decided to hang around. You enjoyed the company as you worked.
You smiled ear to ear to yourself, flipping through your files on some Stark tech you were assigned to look at. Trying to bite back the grin as you turned to face the two, a poor job as well considering Clint didn't miss a beat at teasing you.
“It was good, better than I expected,” you spoke. “He asked me to the gala tomorrow night.”
“You're welcome,” Natasha smirked, bringing a bottle of water to her mouth.
“I can’t believe you're actually taking time aside to date, you've never batted an eye towards romance while working before,” Helen adds.
“Well, it's a lot easier when he's at your work.”
Clint opened his mouth to say something, probably some teasing comment. But it was abruptly cut off by the loud shouts and cries of your name down the hall. Everyone in the room perked their head up, Natasha was quick on her feet to crane her neck out into the hallway.
A gasp escaped Natasha's lips as her gaze fell on whoever was yelling, instantly rushing out of the lab. You dropped everything as another cry for your help echoed through the compound.
Into the hallway stood Steve, holding onto a half-conscious Sam with a trail of blood in his wake. Close behind stood a grimey bucky, down an arm and in obvious pain.
“Shit!” you gasped, turning to Helen. “Sam's critical, get out a stretcher and an IV.”
You rush down the hall, your heel echoing as you stop to pull Sam over your shoulder. Examining the wound as best you can as you help Steve drag him toward the lab. It looks to be a large gash on his right side, and an exit wound. Which was a good thing considering what could have been.
“I need to get him steady and into surgery asap!” you shout down the hall toward Helen, “what the hell happened?”
“Ambush, they blew the building before we could even think to take cover. I think Sam fell on some metal rod.” Steve spoke through heavy pants.
“He’ll be okay, he’ll be okay.” you repeat, almost as if you're speaking to yourself. Steve helping you lay Sam over the stretcher as they wheel him off into the surgery room. you leave him in Helen's hands as she and Steve follow him. You fall back and turn to bucky with worry laced in your features.
“Holy shit, bucky.” you gasp at the sight, blood soaked his clothes; unsure if it belonged to him or not. Grime and dirt painted his skin, and his arm was gone. Wires severed and sparked as the metal panels were crushed and cut into sharp edges.
“I’m okay, doll. It's not as bad as it lo-”
Bucky can barely finish his sentence before you're aggressively grabbing at him and shoving him into the lab. “Are you hurt? What happened– holy shit, are you okay?” you rattled out faster than you could think. Eyes frantically checking over bucky as your hand's ghost over his body.
“My shoulder feels like it's on fire, but i'm okay.” he looks down at the blood-soaking pants, bucky sighs. “none of this blood is mine.”
“Get on the table, please. Let me look at you– fuck, are you sure you’re okay?” your practically push him onto a bench, already tearing at his jacket to take a look at your shoulder. Bucky can't help but think under different circumstances he'd enjoy this. Ripping off the fabric and seeing the scars around the metal, all raw and distressed from the pulling.
Bucky winced when your hand grazed above the scars, you instantly recoiled with a slew of apologies. Your gaze lands on the severed arm and crushed metal.
“I'm gonna have to reconstruct an entirely new arm, there's no way I can build off this. Especially since it's a foreign design.” you sigh, a small light clicks and you begin looking up into the wiring. Bucky listens intently, trying to ignore the sharp pain coursing through his shoulder and chest. “I'll need to get you into a chair and probably sedate you so we can remove the rest of it.”
Bucky flinches back from your touch, his breath hitches at your words. “What?”
Between the flashbacks and the mention of the chair, bucky is finding it too easy to fall back into that old mindset. Even the mention of the chair brings back the tingling feeling of electricity coursing through his brain just to break him down, only to attempt to build Bucky into something else. A monster.
You notice bucky’s change in demeanor, the way he curls into himself and closes off from you. You step back and away from his bubble to give him space. “I have to get this done soon, okay?”
Bucky is hesitant in his response, too distracted by the heavy breath as his panic sets in. the room feels too hot and suffocating. He notices the blood on your baby blue dress and bucky over the edge as he looks at you in horror, beginning to mix reality and flashbacks as memories of Hydra shake him to his core.
“Bucky? Talk to me, please. Breathe.” you speak softly, attempting to bring him down from his panic attack.
You crane your neck to meet his gaze, icy blue eyes brimming with tears. Slowly, you bring your hand up to graze against his cheek, giving bucky enough time to reject your touch. He doesn't, slowly bucky leans into it, chasing after your warmth and comfort. His breath starts to steady.
Bucky hums in response, “I’m sorry.”
“Please don't apologize.” you sigh. “I just need to get this fixed, and soon.”
Bucky hesitates, “I trust you.” is all he can manage to say.
You nod, making sure Bucky saw your movement. “I won't have anyone do anything to you that you're not comfortable with, yeah?” bucky nods, your hand planted on his shoulder and back; guiding him to an area to get him ready. “I’ll go get some anesthetics for you, make a few calls and we can get started. Just you and me.”
“Just you and me.” bucky repeats under his breath, following you with no hesitation now. His hands shook but his features were more at ease.
Bucky would be okay as long as it was you.
Many hours later watching over an unconscious bucky as you worked on totally getting rid of the hunk of metal, and having to reprogram the nerve endings to connect with an entirely new one. You had to rush to get a few messy doodles and designs that you'd done on your own time to be completed, as well as calling a few favors from the Wakandan research center and waiting for the shipment to come from the princess of Wakanda herself, who is also a close friend of yours. And conveniently owed you a few favors.
Helen and Tony offered their help more than enough times but you kept up Bucky's deal, despite how cramped and tired your hands got, just you and him. You had to respect that.
Sam was in surgery and already making good progress. a part of you thanked the timing for Helen being here because she is a far better surgeon than you, you were better with things made of metal or had programming, not human bodies. Sam would not be having as good a recovery under your hands. You were sure Natasha and Steve were doing their rounds to both Bucky and Sam, every 20-30 minutes one of the two would check in on the super soldier. Steve would linger longer with a sympathetic look casting over his face, you didn't mind the company.
Some small part of you grew relieved as you took away the red star from him, knowing his past and some of your own personal run-ins with Hydra. Feeling pride knowing you could give him an arm he'd feel less disgusted with, attempting to tend to his jarring scars that connected man to metal. But some were just too healed to do anything about it.
Bucky lay there for hours, a peaceful look as his features softened making him look a few decades younger. You wondered if this was the longest he’d slept peacefully in a while, no twitching of the eyebrow or jaw indicating a nightmare or waking. He looked happy, younger– your gaze lingered far too long a few times, Natasha having to snap you out of your stares with a snarky comment. Bucky began to resemble the boy in the photos hung around the Captain America exhibit.
Your fingers traced against the gold lines as you finished, feeling the sleek black vibranium against your skin. It was cold, yet to be warmed by bucky's body heat.
Grabbing a bottle of water that sat to the side, one Clint dropped off in the middle of a very intense moment in rewiring the arm to his nerves. Taking a few sips as you stretched your legs and began to clean your area, expecting bucky to wake soon. You'd be here when he woke up.
Until you looked down at yourself and realized you still wore the blue dress with Sam's blood stained all over it, some dripping down to your shoes. A frustrated groan escaped your lips, calling over Steve to watch over Bucky so you could change. Wondering why no one had half the mind to point it out.
You had a small locker reserved for you at the compound, you didn't use it much since you didn't live here. Only a few extra toiletries for overnight jobs and workout clothes, settling on grey sweats and a tight-fitting grey crop top, long sleeves, and an interesting cut-out around the neck and shoulder.
Your steps didn't echo like they would with your heels, slightly startling bucky at the sudden change when you walked into the room. Your eyes met him as he sat across from Steve, flexing and squeezing his vibranium hand. His head perked up once he noticed your presence, you smiled at him to ease any worries as he adjusted to the new arm.
Steve read the tension in the room, smacking his lips. “Well, I'll leave you two for a moment,” he said before slipping past you to leave the room.
“You feel okay?” you asked, instantly coming to Bucky's side.
Bucky looked down wide-eyed at the pitch-black vibranium, his mouth gaping open slightly as watched the panels move and adjust in amazement. “Yeah, different.”
“It should take a little to adjust to the feeling, I tried my best,” you responded quietly.
“Best?” Bucky's eyes met yours, “this is amazing, it looks like a piece of art– like it deserves to be in a museum and not me.”
Your cheeks warmed at the compliment, shying away from bucky. “It deserves to be on you, and I just made the design just for you. The Wakandas produced most of it– which by the way, they have legal ownership of your arm technically since it's vibranium.”
Bucky's eyebrow quirked up. “Is that something I should be worried about?”
“Oh! No, just don't piss them off or they might take it back.” you laughed, bucky smiling along.
“Okay, do the arm thing,” you said, your back sitting up straighter with an amused smile painted across your face. Bucky rolled his eyes and reluctantly did it.
“Anything new I should know about?”
You hummed, thinking for a moment. “Not that I know of, I didn't want to do anything without your permission. I’ll look over the files Shuri sent with it later, you can look them over too.”
“Okay.” bucky nodded, looking back toward his new arm. Running his right hand along the golden ridges on his palm. “It's beautiful really, thank you.”
“Anything for you,” you spoke, sinicerity in your eyes.
Bucky's heart warmed at your reply, trying to bite back his smile; but ultimately failing.
🎞️tag list : @matchat3a @sebsgirl71479 @heavenswrld @ivywasmaroon @nt-multi-fandom @michaelfuckinglangdon @fand0mskullfa1ry @lilliarussell @athenabarnes @almosttoopizza @genlovesdcb
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lizz-crimson · 8 months
So No Head? (Shinnok's Head X Reader Part 3)
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We back!
Summary: Shinnok spirals as he realizes he actually does things for you, even when you don't ask.
Tags/Warnings: Cursing, knife wound, Deliberate decapitation, Shinnok spiraling, Netflix, grocery shopping, Two Johnny Cages oh god, goofiness, Shinnok eats a lot, gender neutral pronouns (please let me know if there's any mistakes!)
Words: 2149
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
It was an odd thing. To see a once powerful Elder God scarf down so much food. Apparently, losing a chunk of his power had made Shinnok's apatite skyrocket. As he savored every bite of cheap, frozen eggrolls, you hoped he didn't mind they'd come from the main back of your freezer. He'd eaten you out of house and home, and it had only been a couple days since he regained his body.
As you finished up your own meal, you asked," You get enough to eat?"
Shinnok, with a mouth full of eggroll, nodded. You nodded in turn, sitting back in your chair with a sigh. Your fridge was empty, as were your cabinets. All except for a small container of cinnamon, which Shinnok practically hissed at once he tried some.
Besides the food, Shinnok had behaved okay. He slept on the couch, quite a bit more entertained now that he could scroll through Netflix himself. You two argued over what to watch now and again, but you both ultimately settled on animal documentaries each time. It was hard to find the fallen Elder God intimidating when he was so enthralled in lion pride dynamics.
"Y/n, what are you making for dinner?" Shinnok asked.
You huffed, sitting up. Shinnok's bottomless stomach was slowly killing you. And considering he ate a whole cake, it was probably doing the same to him.
"Water soup," you replied curtly. Shinnok raised a finger, about to ask, but you cut him off with your hand. "You've eaten everything. There is no more food."
"Lies. I know you must have something."
"I don't."
"Then what will I eat?"
"We. And nothing." You push yourself up and out of your chair and start doing the dishes, taking Shinnok's empty plate. Shinnok sputtered as if your lack of food was a malicious joke. You again raise your hand, splashing him with a bit of soapy water. "There is no more food. I'll buy more tomorrow."
Shinnok groaned. He used to be all powerful, feared, and worshiped. Now he had to conform to a mortal's schedule. "Fine, I will accompany you," he huffed. If he was made to wait for his meals, then he'd at least get to pick what he wanted.
"Yeah, that's a hard no," you said.
"What? Why?" Shinnok asked, his voice daring to grow angry when he looked like a hellish priest.
"No offense, Shinnok, but not even Wal-Mart would let you inside the building," you replied, now drying the dishes. "I'll go by myself. I'm sure I'll be back with something you'll like." He'd eaten everything else; no doubt he'd eat whatever she'd bring home.
Shinnok pushed himself up from his chair, his hands going behind his back. "Bah.." he grunted, then sat on the couch. You rolled your eyes and started putting the dishes away. He was a whiny sonofabitch. Still, you two tolerated each other.
Shinnok wasn't accustomed to all this, and even with his body back, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. Damned Quan-Chi for taking his throne like that. He ought to just kill him himself. Even so, as he looked your way, he stared. You'd become so… normal to him. Even though you went against literally everything he originally stood for. He didn't mind waking up to the loud music you played while you took your morning shower. He didn't mind watching the apartment while you were at work. He didn't mind 'earning his keep' by doing chores. He'd become some kind of well-treated servant. Some butler. Some… what was that one anime called?
He quickly scrolled through the shows he'd watched on Netflix, and the anime he was thinking of came into view. Ah, yes, househusband; that was the word.
As the anime played automatically, Shinnok's brain seemed to let the word sink in. Particularly the husband bit. He glued his gaze to the TV, praying to himself that the warmth on his face was from embarrassment and nothing more. Maybe talking to you had damaged his brain, as he thought would happen originally.
Suddenly, your body landed beside his. "Is that 'The Way of The Househusband?' Move it; I wanna watch!" you said, nudging Shinnok aside with your hip. The fallen Elder God sputtered and nearly jumped to the opposite end of the couch.
"Don't just-!" He was cut off by a Coke being shoved into his hands.
"Found one for you," you said, your eyes on the TV.
Shinnok's nose curled. He snapped his head back to the TV, about to open the can, but paused.
"You didn't shake this, did you?" he asked.
"I might have."
The next morning, you were at the grocery store as promised, list in hand and mailbag on your shoulder. You'd started using it as a plain old purse after Shinnok got his body back. Since he was no longer a head, you figured it could be of better use that way.
Which is probably why you didn't notice the familiar weight in the bag.
"[Y/n], are we at the store yet?"
"Oh my god!" you yelped. You frantically open the bag and see Shinnok's re-decapitated head looking back at you. "I-what-are you serious?!"
"Shhh!" Shinnok shushed you. "Someone could hear!"
You were appalled. Quickly, you covered Shinnok up and dashed into the bathrooms. You're quick to lock a toilet stall behind you.
"What the fuck?" you ask, pulling Shinnok out of your bag. He looked just like he did before he got his body back.
"What?" Shinnok asked, not understanding your confusion.
"Where's your body?" you asked through gritted teeth, prying anybody else in the bathroom just thought you were high or something.
"Back at the apartment," he replied similarly.
"What the fuck do you mean 'back at the apartment'?" you laugh out of shock.
Meanwhile, a beheaded Shinnok lay limp on your couch, covered completely by a blanket. You just thought he'd been sleeping..
Shuttering at the thought, you placed Shinnok back in your bag.
"Let's just… Lets just get this over with…"
During your shopping, Shinnok bombarded you with many questions about all the different foodstuffs he spotted while peeking out of the mailbag. Luckily, it was early, so there weren't many people in the store yet. You tried to make the shopping trip go by as quickly as possible, and any time you spoke to Shinnok, you put your finger to your ear as if speaking via Bluetooth call.
You groaned as you looked at the prices of all the fresh produce. Prices had gone up lately, and you had no interest in paying five dollars for a head of lettuce. You pushed your cart on by.
"I thought vegetables were important for you humans?" Shinnok said, raising a brow.
"They are, but the price is awful, so we'll wait for a sale," you said. "I oughta just grow my own at this point."
"Why don't you?"
You sigh. "We don't live in the countryside, Shinnok. Don't you know how much space you need to make a garden?"
"Then move there?"
You caught the attention of a few staff members of the store when you straight-up belly laughed. You were quick to shut up and push your cart along. You lowered your head, whispering.
"Believe me, if I had the option to, I'd be deep in the Appalachian Mountains by now. I'd rather deal with cryptids than New York as a whole."
You spent the rest of the shopping trip explaining what cryptids were to Shinnok.
Later, you're carrying two mountains of groceries to your apartment door. When you finally unlock the door and push it open with your forehead, you were frozen in place as Shinnok's body hung limply off the couch. The blanket that had been concealing him had fallen to the floor. You close the door behind you quickly, making sure nobody sees. You fling your bag onto the couch, with Shinnok groaning in displeasure as he rolls out.
"I assume you can attach yourself back, right?" you asked, hands on your hips.
"Yes, yes.." Shinnok rolled his eyes. "Come. I'll need your aid."
You nodded and picked Shinnok's head up. "Now what?"
"Just hover my head over the stump of my body, and I'll reattach," he instructed.
Lowering yourself to your knees, you set Shinnok's body up a bit, then hover his head over the stump of his neck. At least he hadn't bled all over your floor..
A red glow appeared between Shinnok's two body parts and began to swirl around, engulfing both his head and his neck stump. You closed your eyes when the light blinded you. When it died down,… Well, when it died down, you were still holding Shinnok's face, attached to his body once more.
The two of you kind of just.. looked at each other for a bit. Shinnok, feeling a rather uncomfortable sensation in his chest, broke the silence when he couldn't take it anymore.
"You can let go now."
"Right, sorry!" You snatched your hands away. Shinnok stands along with you. Both of you kept your heads turned away, as you do. Luckily, your gaze fell to the mountains of groceries, and you used that to transition away from this awkward situation. "Come on, let's put these away," you said.
Shinnok grunted curtly and began helping you put all the food away.
Shinnok couldn't help but look back at you, sneaking glances. You had been good to him. Something he didn't deserve in the slightest. And as he put the spices in the order you told him to, arranged the frozen foods in the freezer, and helped you cut up pork for dinner,… he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't doing enough.
He hated that feeling. Why? Why did he want to do something for you, his jailer? Why had he still been teaching you dark magic? Why had he not returned to the Neatherrealm and overthrown Quan Chi? Why did he want to sit next to you on the couch? Why does his fucking chest hurt?
"Shinnok?" Your head snapped in his direction. He'd been cleaning the dishes. It was odd, as you hadn't even asked that time. The bit of blood on his palm and the kitchen knife on the floor alerted you, and you went over to him.
"I'm fine," Shinnok said. He was about to put his hand away, but your own hand took it before he could. He froze.
"Always do knives by themselves when doing dishes, okay?" you said, taking a mini-med kit from the counter and dressing his wound.
There it was—that sensation in his chest again. You bandaged his hand so skillfully. You'd done this before, clearly. Likely to yourself. Stupid mortal. Stupid mortal, with your gentle hands and good food. Wretched mortal for the kindness. Abhorrent mortal for the.. the.. well, everything!
"…Right," he replied.
That night, Shinnok lay on the couch. You'd long been asleep. You had work tomorrow, after all. Shinnok already agreed to vacuum the apartment while you were gone.
Damn it all. He wasn't helping himself by doing all these things for you. He felt like it wasn't enough, which he hated.
After another hour of spiraling down a tunnel of why, how, when, and curse words, he came to the decision that he would need to do something else for you. Something other than doing dishes or helping cook. He needed something big, something that would sate his desire to just do things for you.
You'd left your phone on the kitchen counter. Shinnok had a pretty good idea of how to use it. It turns out Netflix can teach an old god new tricks. Now… where was he?
Chats: Two Johnny's, One [Y/n]
[Y/N]: Johnny Cage.
Annoying Johnny: Yo, [Y/n]! Dude, you will not believe the hottie I have in my bed right now! Wanna pic?
[Y/N]: This is Shinnok. I have no interest in your hottie. I need something that requires your wealth.
Old Man Johnny: Woah, what? What the hell are you doing with [Y/N]'s phone?
[Y/n]: Why are there two of you?
Old Man Johnny: Long story now what the hell do you want?
Annoying Johnny: Chill out, old me! Clearly Shinnok saw my new movie on Netflix and wants in on the next one!
[Y/n]: No. That film was horrendous. I demand you both listen to my words!
Shinnok growled at the phone screen. Two Johnny Cages… What was his mother thinking?
He jolted when the phone began to buzz in his hand. He quickly tapped the green symbol and put the phone near his ear, like he'd seen in the movies.
Johnny Cage, the older one, spoke.
"What the hell are you planning?"
"Something for [Y/n]."
There was a pause on the other line.
"For [Y/n]?" Johnny asked.
"Yes. For them," Shinnok replied.
Johnny rubbed his temples.
"Okay. Hit me."
Shinnok: ew feelings *barf emoji*
Heyo, hoped you liked this part! I plan on one more part to this so stay tuned! Also this story is now on my AO3 account! The link is on my pinned post! This part will be added there soon!
These vine reference titles are getting outta head *bu-dum-tis*
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Oil At The Coffee Shop X
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Summary : The morning after your first time and someone comes to visit.
Word Count : 2.1k
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Warnings : Not proofread, fluff, swears, kisses, talks of sex, no actual smut, just cuteness.
Fic Masterlist
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Waking up with a beautiful ache between your legs, you hummed as you nuzzled into Eddies warm chest. His fingers ran up and down your back gently, lips pressing against your head. “Good morning,” he said, voice groggy.
“Morning,” you spoke, kissing his chin. He hummed, pulling you closer, which made you giggle as you were practically on top of him. “What time is it?” you asked.
“Almost time to get up,” he sighed.
“Why the sigh gorgeous?” you asked.
“I could happily lay here all day with you. We could play hooky.”
“We can’t and you know it.”
“When does the business owner, get time off?” he asked.
“When their employees aren’t two 18 year olds.”
“What if I don’t let you leave the bed?”
“They’ll send out a search party and let’s be honest, you’re scared of Max.”
“That’s true.” You laughed at him, kissing your chest and then pushed up so you leant on your elbows. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything Sweetheart.”
“What are we now?” You felt shy, asking something like that, after the date and last night.
“Well I’d really like it if you would be my girlfriend, but I get if you want to think about it or if you don’t,” he rambled, but you pressed your lips to his. “I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
The grin that lit up his face was contagious.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A few days had passed and Eddie had come over after work most days. Not just for sex, but for company, to help you in the kitchen (though he was more of a distraction who ate your cake batter).
It was nice, having someone to spend the evenings with, though one of the nights you almost throttled him when he went to sit on your couch in greasy overalls. You made up for that in the shower.
Humming to yourself in the kitchen as you made an order of soup and a grilled cheese, Max walked in. “Hey, there’s someone here for you,” she said.
“I’ll just be a minute,” you spoke, chopping the food.
“I’ll take this,” she smiled, “Table 6 right?”
“Yeah, thanks Honey.”
During this week, El and Max had also told you their stories. How El was taken from her mother, her real name was Jane, she had powers and lived most of her life in Hawkins Lab.
Max told you about her brother Billy, losing him, Vecna, the headaches, her almost dying, losing her sight temporarily. Then they told you about Will, and what that horrible place did to him.
It made you feel for the kids even more, made you heart hurt. When you saw Steve again, you wrapped your arms around him tightly - you had found out what the Russians did to him.
Walking to the front you smiled, there leaning against the counter was the one and only, Eddie Munson.
“Well hello there Sweetheart,” he smiled.
“Hi gorgeous, what can I get for you?”
“The usual, but I have an add on today.”
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“A kiss,” he leaned over the counter before you could say anything, stealing a peck from your lips. “Eddie!” you scolded with a laugh, “I’m working!”
“Sorry sorry, you just look so beautiful.”
“Hush up you sweet talker, does Wayne want anything?”
“Coffee please Sweetheart.” You nodded walking to make the drinks in the few remaining orange cups from halloween.
Along with that you wrapped up a turnover for him and Wayne. “Here you go,” you smiled, he tried to hand you a $10 bill, but you ignore him completely.
“You, Sweetheart, are a pain,” he said.
“Hm I know, but you adore me.”
“That I do. I have to get off, I’ll see you later.”
“Sure,” you smiled, leaning over the counter to kiss him cheek.
“You’re working!” he mocked, making you laugh as he left the shop. “Sooo~” You turned to see Max and El leant against the wall, grins on their faces.
“Not a word,” you said.
“But-” El began.
“Nope, I’m going for my lunch.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The shop was now closed and you’d sent the girls on their way, wiping down one of the cabinets due to a very crumbly batch of cookies.
The bell rang on the door, “I wasn’t expecting you until later,” you said, spraying down the glass. “Well I can leave and come back if you want,” a voice spoke. That wasn’t Eddie.
“Scottie!” you squealed running to hug your brother. “Hey little sister,” he smiled into your hair. “What the hell are you doing here?” you asked.
“Well the kiddies and Di missed you so thought I’d put them out of their misery.”
“Just the three of them?” you teased.
“Okay I might have missed you a bit,” he said, squeezing you.
“Where are my little monsters?” you asked.
“Just having dinner, they don’t know this is where you live, wanna surprise them?” he smirked, you nodded straight away, grabbing your keys and heading out of the shop with him.
Arm and arm you when, walking down the road and catching up. “How’s business?” you asked. “It’s good, got a new guy working for me.”
“Oh yeah? Better than me?”
“Nowhere near.” You laughed at that, “The shop looks great.”
“It is, I love it.”
“We’ll come tomorrow, get some cake. The kids will love it.”
“How long are you staying?”
“Just a couple days.”
“Well we’ll have to make the most of them,” you smiled, leaning your head on your brothers shoulders.
You soon made it to the restaurant, spotting Di and the kids from the window. She met you eyes, unable to keep an excited grin from crawling on her face.
The pair of you entered, Scott speaking to his wife and children. “Hey guys I’m back, and guess what I found an amazing person who wants to have dinner with us. What do you think?” he asked the small kids.
They turned to look at your and confusion turned into ecstatic realisation. “Hey Bud, Hey Munchkin,” you smiled, the two kids through themselves at you.
“What are you doing here?” Matthew asked.
“This is where I live, in this town!”
“Wow!” Jenny cooed.
“Look at you! You’re so big!” you beamed at the little girl, taking her in your arms.
“Excuse me! No hug for me?” Diane asked, raising her brow in a teasing way. “How could I forget you my love,” you laughed, squeezing her tight.
You tried to think about how much you missed your family as little as possible, but now after months of not seeing them it all came forward. A phone call wasn’t the same at all. It was so nice to have them back with you.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“So how’s Hawkins treating you?” Diane asked, helping Jenny scoop her peas. “It’s great, I’ve got wonderful friends, some me and Scott met as kids. It’s nice.”
“And what about the old love life?” Scott looked up from chopping a piece of Matts food, very curious. “Uh … well I um ..”
“What’s his name?” the woman asked.
“Eddie,” you smiled, face flushing.
“And you’re dating?” your brother questioned. “Mhm.”
“How long?”
“Just under a week, but I met him the day I moved here.”
Diane choked on a laugh, “You move fast.”
“He’s a mechanic, my car broke down.”
“Mhm, whatever you say hun.” She was teasing you relentlessly for the rest of the meal.
You didn’t really date, or if you did. It didn’t go well. Eddie felt different. Eddie felt right.
“So do we get to meet him?” Scott asked.
“Meet who Daddy?” Matt questioned his father, looking up at him with big eyes. “Just a new friend of your aunties.”
“Maybe, if he’s up for it and he’s not busy. Wouldn’t want to stress him out and scare him, would we Scott?” you prayed your brother would be nice.
“Of course, unless he-“
“Shush!” his wife laughs.
“So tell me more about this Eddie.”
This is gonna be one hell of a meal.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sat in your apartment, the kids lay on a beanbag you had, eyes fixed on the movie playing in front of them. “I’ve missed this,” you said softly. “We have too. All of us,” Di sighed, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
“What’s your plan for Christmas?” Scott asked. “I’m not sure yet, I’ve gotta figure out a time table for the shop. I’ll make sure to come home though. Have to see you and the kids and Gran.”
He nods, knowing that if you say you’ll come home you will. A knock on the door breaks the peace. Shit. Eddie. “Uh I’ll be right back,” you said, almost running to the door.
Opening it you were met by your beautiful boyfriend. “Hi Sweetheart,” he said, trying to step into your apartment, but you pushed him and yourself out.
Pulling the door too, he furrowed his brows, “Uh hi? Is everything okay?” he asked.
“My family’s here, I just um … I didn’t know if you’d feel comfortable meeting them so soon. You know we only started dating a little while ago and it’s a big step and-”
He took your face in his palms, “Baby, calm down. I would love to meet them.”
“Okay,” you smiled softly, instantly feeling calmed by him. Leaning down Eddie pecked your lips.
“Let’s do it then,” you said, taking his hand and waking back into the apartment. Four sets of eyes looked at you. “Everyone, this is Eddie, my boyfriend. Eddie this is my family.”
“It’s nice to meet you all,” he said politely, trying not to come across as an asshole. Scott stood up and held out his hand, “I’m Scott, her brother. Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” the pair shook hands and Diane came up to say hello too.
Introducing herself, she whispered in your ear, “He’s cute!” You chuckled and walked over to where the kids were, “Eddie this is my nephew Matthew and my niece Jenny. Can you guys say hi?”
“Hello,” Matt smiled, it was gappy but cute, whilst little Jenny waved around her blanket and pacifier. “Hi guys,” Eddie smiled.
Okay it went okay, now what. “So Eddie, what are you intentions with my sister?” Shit. “Oh Scott hush, he’s only teasing. It is really nice to meet you Eddie, you’re a mechanic or so we’ve heard.”
“Yeah, I have a shop with my uncle. It keeps me busy and I enjoy it so, it’s a win.”
“And you met my sister how?”
“Her car broke down coming into town, I was called to pick her up and I fixed it. We met again through our friend Steve.”
Scott nodded, it was a good enough answer, but he was still in overprotective big brother mode. “How’s your business going?” he asked Scott, which seemed to take him by surprise.
They actually got on really well, Eddie taking a seat beside him, the pair chatting away happily. You felt your hand being tugged. There was Jenny.
“Hi munchkin,” you smiled.
“Cuddle?” she asked, big doe eyes like her mom. “Sure honey, come here,” you lifted the small girl up and leg her cuddle into you.
Pulling her blanket up to her face, she rubbed her finger up and down her nose in a soothing way. Her eyes became heavy. “I think little miss might be ready for bed,” Diane spoke quietly, nudging her husband.
“And Matty too,” The bean bag was by your legs, the young boy snoozing away on it. “How do they alway fall asleep so well when you’re around?” Scott asked.
“Where are you staying?” Eddie asked.
“A small B&B, a few streets over. We better get going actually. Get these two to bed.” Diane yawned at that, “These three,” you laughed.
Handing Jenny to her mom, Scott lifted up Matthew. “It was lovely meeting you,” Di spoke, kissing Eddies cheek as she passed by, giving you a squeeze.
“We’ll come by tomorrow,” your brother smiled, giving you a one armed hug as his son lay in the other. “Eddie, I hope to see you again soon.”
“You too,” Eddie spoke sincerely. The pair of you watched them down the back stairs and to their car. “So that went better than I thought it would,” you exhaled.
“They’re nice. You’re great with kids,” he complimented. “Thanks, it’s only those two though, I have a soft spot,” you laughed.
“It was sweet to see.”
“Did you want to stay?”
“Oh after that, there’s not a chance I’m going anywhere,” he grinned, pushing you back into the apartment. Hands on your hips and mouth on your own, making you giggle as you went.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : i can’t believe we’re coming to the end of this story
Thank you so much for reading 🤍
taglist : @corrodedseraphine @flawiette @witchwolflea @emxxblog @plk-18 @vintagehellfire @lma1986 @squidscottjeans @eddiesguitarskills @nanas-lasagna @halialex1119
let me know if you want to be added 🤍
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etherathena · 4 months
100 things to do instead of eating
look in the mirror
play an instrument
scroll on tumblr, twitter, tiktok, insta etc
add to ur th1nsp0 pinterest board
look at photos of megan fox (shes so beautiful)
look at photos of adriana lima (shes also so beautiful)
make your bed
watch mukbangs of WAY too much food (dont make yourself more hungry!)
enjoy the sick hungry feeling
eat gum
drink a lot of water
girl blog / shitpost
read fanfic lol
take a shower
go for a walk
work out
watch a movie
play a videogame
make yourself in the sims but skinny
learn a kpop dance
do chores
watch YouTube
do a face mask
think about why you want to lose weight
think about how gross you will look and feel after eating
delete emails
talk to your skinny friend
listen to a new song
online shop
do as many push ups as you can
go to the gym
drink 0 cal drinks (coke zero, etc)
eat ice
0-5cal jelly
do makeup
do skincare
walk your dog
play with your cats
read a book
watch a show
talk to your family
facetime someone
make a playlist
make a vision board
touch some grass
try to lick your elbow
try to tie a knot with a shoelace in your mouth
buy a piercing gun from temu and pierce your ears
do 5 star jumps
try the le sserafim workout (not for the weak 🙏🏻)
stan txt
write self insert fanfiction
read old diaries
clean your room
clean your car
stalk someone on facebook
create a wishlist
try a new hairstyle
learn a language
do a puzzle
plan your week/month/year
look at air b&bs and flights and pretend you have enough money to go on a trip somewhere
get a job
go to school
start a bullet journal
write a story
write a letter to your future self
try to travel back in time
try reality shifting
clean out your camera roll
physically clean your phone (its probably gross)
change your passwords
"take me to a useless website"
watch cartoons
paint your nails
dye your hair
do a hair mask
pluck your eyebrows
shave your legs
buy yourself flowers
clean your makeup brushes
ride a bike
go for a swim
go to the beach
learn a magic trick
play a card game
play a board game
invent a new language
do yoga
think about how your life will be when you're skinny
still hungry?
do it all again.
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
Hewo again! I love the way you write Bo! Could I have some angst with him like s/o is really sick/bad fever and Bo is super worried? Because of how sick s/o is, they sleep a lot and wakes up once or twice for medication and water. One day, s/o doesn’t wake up and sleeps all day, and it scares Bo half to death. He stays by their bedside, holding their hand, maybe cuddle, refusing to sleep/eat for a while until s/o wakes up, or until Lester takes his place for Bo to work and take care of himself. When Bo is alone in the garage, he ends up getting upset and throws/breaks things— he’s angry that s/o won’t wake up but he’s more angry that he didn’t take care of them when he first noticed s/o getting sick a couple days before all of this.
Yes! I’m gonna do a happy ending though cause yeah :3 but angsty too obviously
In Sickness and in Health: Bo Sinclair x sick!reader
A/N: sorry it’s short I’m still not used to writing angst, was happy I got this request so I could practice!
Warnings: Angst, Bo freak out,
You’d been in bed for days, you didn’t do much. Ate soup, went pee, slept. You showered once in the last few days, and your fever didn’t go down a bit. You’d told Bo you easily got sick and took a lot more time to recover unlike other people. This was due to your low immune system.
Of course Bo didn’t have a clear understanding of your situation until now. He’d been at your side to help with everything. If he couldn’t be there for some reason, Lester was there.
Bo lays next to your sleeping form. He sighs and buries his face into your neck and cuddles into you. Your breathing is soft. You didn’t wake up at the same time you usually did, Bo tried to carefully wake you but he couldn’t go any farther than a nudge, barely even raised his voice. He was worried but you looked peaceful. Your soft breathing pulls him into a sleep.
Bo wakes hours later, you still haven’t moved from your spot and Bo’s stomach drops a bit. It’s 6 pm, you haven’t gotten up to even pee yet. He pushes you slightly, but all you do is mumble and curl up. He frowns and gets up to make soup for you.
It’s been two days. You haven’t gotten up but your fever did break.
Bo’s been in the shop distracting himself while Lester watches over you. He fumbled with a screw driver and while trying to catch it Bo smacks his hand onto the engine of the car.
“FUCK!” He backs up and slams the hood of the car shut. He growls pushes his tool box to the floor. “Goddamnit. I’m so fucking stupid! Should’ve been better to you. You’re sick and I can’t fucking do this! Can’t live without you! I want you to feel better! I haven’t been able to function or anything. What the hell did you do to me?!” He takes the screw driver and throws it against the window, it shatters and Bo’s knees buckle.
“God, why am I attached to you? I can’t do shit without you here. Without you I’m fucking nothing I’m a goddamn mess. It’s been almost a week. I finally do some shit on my own and I can’t. I can’t go back to the way things were. I need you to get fucking better or I’m gonna lose it.” Bo mumbles. A tear falls down his face, his breath shakes, angrily he rubs his eyes causing stars to cross them. He slams his fist into the ground and lays there.
Your eyes flutter open, you’re groggy but are starting to feel better. “Bo?” You run your eyes to get the boogers out. He’s not there. You shrug and get yourself up from bed. You pee and walk downstairs to get some food. You grab crackers and soup and start to eat quickly.
It’s hours before Bo is back home. You took another shower and laid back down. Decided to turn on the radio to soft music and play it.
Bo walks upstairs and comes across you laying down, eyes open, wide open. Not even tired. He jumps into bed and squeezes you. You hack trying to cover your face.
“You’re awake! Holy shit!” Bo kisses you all over and you furrow your brows and laugh.
“Yeah, I told you what happens when I get sick silly. Need to rest for awhile.”
Bo looks at you and frowns.
“I-I know but you’ve been sick for a week and it worried me. A lot. You didn’t wake up for two days and it scared the hell outta me… I didn’t think you’d ever wake up.”
You chuckle and shake your head. “Oh hun, I’ll always end up waking back up. For you okay?”
You cuddle into Bo and hum.
“God I’m so happy I can finally sweat this shit out. I hate being so sick.”
“I hate you being sick too.”
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