#you might just get me to rewatch this show hahaha~
waterfallofspace · 1 year
Another one for @onetrickponi's lovely ask
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The second idea I had for this request! from ~this list~ In celebration of you starting B/uddy D/addies, here is a little R/ei content! (Featuring K/azuki, he's the other buddy after all!) Bit of a shorter one, so hopefully you can forgive two fics for the one request (and two tags haha sorry <3) There isn't anything spoiler-wise in this, just basic knowledge of the characters, though maybe a touch of implication you'll understand after watching more of it! 1.6k words, prompt #17, story under cut! 17. "What did you do to your nose to piss it off like this?" (References to swearing, and mild violence, in case anyone doesn't like those!)
“hahh’gnnt-! eh’knngt-!uhhh” 
“Bless you.”
“hihh- dntsh’uh-! ah’gnxt-!” 
“And again.”
“Christ, Rei.” 
Kazuki lifts his eyes from the meal he’s preparing to stare at the figure on the couch. Each burst has Rei ducking into his chest, controller never leaving his hands. Despite the onslaught, he’s maintaining a solid lead in the race he’s playing. ‘It would be impressive if it wasn’t so concerning.’ 
“htxxgt-! ingdt’uh-!”
“Are you gonna live?”
“I’m f- huhh’knGDT’guhh-! fine.” 
Rolling his eyes pointedly, Kazuki lets a huff fall from his throat. Rei responds by attempting to rub his nose on his shoulder without looking away from the screen. ‘Honestly a little pathetic… Man, I wish I had my phone on me. This would look great as my new wallpaper.’ 
“Maybe I’d believe you if-”
“-You could get through the word fine-”
“-without sneezing. Or let me get through it for that matter.”
“That’s not a g- ih’gnxxt’huhh-! good system.”  
“Jeez, you sound awful.”
The silence resumes its place over the room, Kazuki trying to focus on his steak as the strangled noises from Rei carry on. ‘At this rate he’s gonna pass out. I’ve never heard him go at it this much… sure, he has a few allergies, maybe the odd sneeze here or there, but nothing like this…’
Kazuki yelps as the smell of smoke pulls him from his thoughts. He turns the stove off with a hiss, pouring the steak onto a plate. Over on the couch, Rei turns his gaze towards the noise.
“You knxgt’uhh-! burnt it.” 
“Yeah I know! I was a little distracted by your-”
“eh’dngt-! knnxxt’huh-!”
“Exactly. This is your fault, you hear me! You’re eating the burnt one!”
“No I’m not. heh’dnNT’uhh-!”
“You- Fine! But I’m not eating it either!” 
“I really hate you sometimes, have I mentioned that?”
“eh’gznGT-! Yes.” 
Rei faces back towards the game, muttering to himself as the character on screen takes a sharp turn. Kazuki feels his eyebrow twitch, his mouth hanging open at the outright disregard for his food.
‘I work all day to make a nice meal, but does he appreciate it? No! No he does not! I’ll give him the burnt one- not like he was gonna compliment my food anyways… but maybe he’ll just not eat it… then it goes to waste… what a-’ 
“------- Kazuki?” 
Pulling his attention back into the room, Kazuki attempts to decode the nonsense Rei just threw his direction in his mind. ‘Something something my name… Uh… Something about food maybe… Damn I wasn’t listening.’ His hands idly continue plating the food as he tries to recall the words.
“Bless you.”
“You didn’t hear me.”
It’s not a question, more of a statement. Feeling a heat rise into his face, Kazuki considers lying to save his pride. ‘As if there’s any left to save anyways…’ Curiosity wins in the end, and he brings a hand to the back of his neck, offering a sheepish smile. 
“No, I didn’t. Can you repeat it?”
“I asked if- hh’enDT-! eh’dxNGT’shoo-! heh’knTISH’iew-!” 
Rei brings a hand to his face as the third one breaks through, both wincing at the loss of control. He pinches his nose, Kazuki flinching again at the harsh nature of the action. With a small shudder, Rei attempts to speak again, keeping his fingers gripping his nose. ‘That’s gotta be painful-’ 
“I asked if the food was ready.” 
“Uh… Y- yeah…”
Kazuki finds himself setting the table, mind still focused on the way Rei’s nose is shivering behind his hand. ‘He should just let it out… but it’s not really my place to tell him that. I know it’s a ‘thing’ with him.’ Still, as Rei sits down and Kazuki notices the water lingering in his eyes, it’s too much for him to ignore. 
“Why are you doing that?”
“Doihhng what? nnGt-! knxt-!”
“Doing that. Stopping them like that.”
“Oh. Habit, I suppose.”
“It can’t be good for you. It’s giving me a headache, and I’m not even the one sneezing!”
“I’m not- ihh’gnt-! hH’gNxxt-! in pain.”
“Oh really? Because the way you just winced says you’re lying.” 
There’s no answer, but Rei does drop his hand, starting to cut his steak into smaller pieces. ‘Not admittance, but maybe as close as I’m gonna get with him. I’ll accept it.’ Starting to eat his own, Kazuki groans as the burnt taste invades his mouth. Across from him Rei ducks into his shoulder with a smile that gets Kazuki’s blood boiling.
“And what’s so funny?! This is your fault after all. You should be thanking me for giving you the good one! Even though I know you’re not gonna appreciate all the effort that it took.” 
“ih’tischhiew-! heh’kieshh’tiew-!” 
“Bless you.”
“Don’t think this means we’re through! Just because I still have manners, unlike some people, doesn’t mean I’m forgiving you for ruining my beautiful creation.”
“Okay. hh’keshh’tiew-!”
“I gotta ask… what’s up with that?” 
Rei gives him a measured look, raising his napkin to scrub at his nose. ‘Mental note: wash that one separately.’ Opening his mouth, likely with the intention to reply, Rei suddenly freezes, bringing his wrist up and flinching delicately in it with another round. 
“eh’tishhiew-! heh’kieshh’tiew-! ashhh’iew-!”
“Seriously Rei, what did you do to your nose to piss it off like this?”
“I don’t- ah’tishhiew-! heHh-! ih’keschh’tiew-! know.”
“What?! How do you not know?”
“I haven’t done- huh’teAZSHH’kiew-! Oh-”
“Bless you.”
“-Haven’t done anything different today.” 
As Rei pauses to scrub at his face, with his hands this time, Kazuki feels his mind start to race through the day. ‘I woke up early, Rei was still asleep in the tub. I made breakfast, everything was fine. He woke up, he was fine, we ate. He played games, I did laundry, then he chang-’ A realization dawns in Kazuki’s eyes as they widen and begin to scan Rei. In return he pauses the attack on his sinuses to meet the stare being thrown his way.
“I uh… I think this might be my fault…” 
“How? hh’keZZShh’tiew-! knnt’shiew-! ihh’nnGT’iew-!”
“Bless you. W- well, I bought this new detergent, it was on sale ‘buy one get two free’, I couldn’t pass up that offer!”
“And so I used it for the first time today… including when I washed your clothes, like the hoodie you put on about halfway through the day.”
“Oh. hH’DNtzshh’kiew-!”
“Bless you- I’m sorry, if I knew you were so allergic I never would have-”
“I’m not.”
Kazuki feels his eye start to twitch again. He tries to form words, but only succeeds in gaping in Rei’s direction, mouth opening and shutting silently. ‘He’s… is he actually… It wouldn’t be wrong to punch him, would it? Maybe just knock him on the back of the head? He’s a tough assassin, he could take it, right?’ Instead of following through, Kazuki finds himself simply staring at Rei until the other man starts to shift nervously under his gaze.
“You’re making me uncomfortable. eh’kZSHhh’tiew-!”  
“What. The hell. Do you mean. ‘You’re not’.” 
“I’m not allergic.” 
“You’re messing with me, right? Hilarious, Rei.”
“It’s not a joke. I d- heh’knNGt-! don’t have allergies.”
Standing slowly, Kazuki makes his way around the table, a smile void of any emotion starting to form across his face. Rei watches vaguely as he resumes picking at his food, until a slap to the back of his head brings his focus squarely onto Kazuki.
“Ow. What wa-”
“What the shit do you mean you ‘don’t have allergies’? Have you heard yourself? You think this is just how normal people sneeze? It’s not!”
“I’ve never been allergic hH’KEShhh’tiew-! to anything before.” 
“Are- Do you not remember the time we had that job where you had to wait in the garden? By the time we’d got the information we needed you could barely open your eyes they were so swollen.”
A faint blush starts to show across Rei’s face as he attempts to hide behind his hair, bringing his hands up again to scrub at his rapidly pinkening nose. Deciding not to wait for the inevitable denial, Kazuki stands and heads to the kitchen. Rummaging through a drawer he grabs the allergy meds, making another mental note to return the detergent and rewash Rei’s clothes. 
Returning to the table he hands Rei the pills, chuckling at the confused look he’s met with. ‘For a trained assassin who’s practically a master at his craft, man he can be dumb when it comes to… well… anything else.’ He grabs a glass of water, popping out a couple from the blister pack and grabbing Rei’s hand, placing them in it.
“You swallow those.”
“They will help with the allergies that you refuse to acknowledge.”
“I don-”
“Predictable as ever, Rei. I don’t care if you admit it or not, I’m not eager for you to disrupt the rest of the day with that constant-”
“Exactly. You also need to change out of that hoodie. You’re literally just soaking in your ‘non allergen’. Though, the sneezes have slowed down a bit. Maybe that’s from not suppressing them into oblivion constantly!”
“You sure are a man of few words, aren’t you?” 
Rei simply grunts in response, swallowing the pills with a grimace ‘Such a child-’ before pulling off the hoodie and tossing it on the floor ‘Are you serious?!’ and curling back up on the couch. Kazuki lets out a deep sigh, grabbing the hoodie and throwing it into the laundry room before starting to clean up the plates. 
“Bless you, Rei.”
“Th- thanks…”
The response shakes Kazuki to his core, a dramatic tear starting to form in his eye. ‘He thanked me… I’m so proud! Still can’t clean up after himself… but I’ll fix that too.’ Casting his gaze back over to Rei, Kazuki allows himself to pause and for a moment, just a moment, feel content.
I’ll fix him. And maybe doing that… maybe that’ll fix me too. 
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rubyfoxfyre · 7 months
What did you base Alastors Nox Magia off of? Why type of magic is it and where did you get the ideas for a good ass fanfic?
Thank you for the question!
The answer is sort of a long story that I suppose begins with my first exposure to Hazbin Hotel in general, during a particularly doomed D&D campaign where my character basically acted exactly like Charlie did in the pilot:
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Granted, Fianna is not anything like Charlie at all, but the DM found it funny enough to send me the gif above and then everyone got distracted for about 5 minutes while they started meming.
The next day I watched the show and was completely hooked!
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I started looking into the Wiki to get a greater understanding of the world shown, read the comics (like all 20 pages hahaha), and listened to Addict while working on prompts for Charlastor Week 2022, taking a break from my regular manuscript I'd been working on for a few years (stay tuned for updates soon on that one!). I had about a month so I decided to try my hand at smaller short stories, since some of the authors I idolize are so good at short fiction, and conveying strong emotions in just a few thousand words.
I watched and rewatched the Pilot, studying the characterizations there as well as thinking about funny and unexpected scenarios the characters could get into while dealing with the concept of redemption and how to make it work (needless to say that the fact that they already had it happen was... unexpected. I have thoughts on that but will put a pin in that for now to avoid getting too distracted from your question!).
I can't remember which rewatch it was that I picked up on an interesting exchange between Charlie and Alastor that turned into a whole mess that would consume me to this day:
She tries to put a limitation on his ability to do too much, and I wondered if that could lead to a sort of interesting power-play between them (because in the end this is the part of their relationship that is fundamentally interesting - they're both powerful people with opposing moralities, having to work together to acheive a common goal). Basically, because Charlie's not precise with her language, she ends up basically not controlling Alastor at all. Which works out in its way, because she hides from her deeper wellspring of power with the aid of a gentle persona.
I liked the idea of something deeper between them and within themselves - and with them being opposing forces, I wanted to work with the idea of Alastor being associated with "night" and "dark", versus Charlie being associated with "sunlight" and "rainbows".
Shadow and Flame, only a bit less Lord of the Rings and a bit more sexy.
Nox Magia , the "night" magic, follows basic arcane principles that I've picked up on through the long and involved process of being a massive nerd and reading a lot of stuff.
For writing magic, I like looking at basic logic structures and hovering somewhere between harder and softer magic. My other manuscript that is premiering this year will be discussing some differing types of magic systems as well, if you enjoy reading Riddle and my other works, I hope you enjoy those as well!
But as for the story itself, it wasn't meant to be a story about a man falling in love... it's the story of a man being dragged into love, kicking and screaming about it. 🦌🌈
To Alastor the Hotel is about control, and his experience there is just a game not to be taken too seriously. Charlie is also about control, or rather, trying to find a way to control without breaking everything with her terrible strength.
Alastor embraces his strength, while she hides from it, and he finds that contradictory instinct in her interesting, so he comes up with the idea of a game to teach her some magic that might help her. But as with all magic, intent governs everything (even when you don't realize), and the spells he's teaching are telling a particular kind of story - you can preview what's happening in the chapter titles that have the runes' names! 🍷
❤️ Thanks so much for reading! ❤️
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galaxyseclipse · 8 months
alright, gonna try to be slightly more organized than last time about my thoughts/theories/observations about Side Order also this might be a shorter post than last time because there isn't a whole ton of trailer, it'll mostly be about the artwork tbh
so I'm just gonna start this by saying I really dislike the "it's all New 3's dream" theory, it feels like a cop-out. I'm not saying it is 110% untrue, just that I don't like it and hope it isn't
how do I explain the transition from the train to Inkopolis Square? New 3's on the train to Inkopolis Square(which is fully unlocked after beating Side Order; the option just takes you to SO until then) and falls asleep, one matrix-y transition later and we're in Eight's pov inside of whatever simulation they got dragged into. it's purely to transition the player from New 3 to Eight, and the events are completely unrelated
or I'm utterly, wholly wrong! who knows!
another thing I noticed on my millionth trailer rewatch was this
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it's just to the right of the tower in the shot where everything materializes. it looks like a filling cabinet? it's in the last trailer we got too, I checked, but not the first teaser(granted, a lot of stuff wasn't)
I dunno, probably not anything super important, but it's not there in the Square in 2, so I thought I'd point it out
edit: look at reblogs, it's probably actually a set of lockers
I've seen a shockingly small number of people bring up this guy
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so far(maybe there's more talk of them on twitter or something idk)
they're clearly pretty prominent, they're next to Acht, Pearldrone, and Eight, so they have to be important, right?
my first guess is that they're something a la CQ Cumber or ORCA, just the one who explains the rules of each level and splats you if you fail. but it feels redundant to have both them and Acht, who already knows a good amount about this place, explaining stuff to you
I dunno I also see twist villain potential from them, just because we haven't seen them before now. like, "hahaha! It was I who fucked up this place, and now that you've helped me hack the mainframe, I can take full control!" or something idk lol
I'm not even gonna try to guess what kind of sea critter they are lmao
now onto the real stars of the show
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these fuckers
hopefully y'all already know that I am a firm believer that the one in the center is Agent 4, seeing as they're the only one of the group with ears and tentacles, and those two features bear resemblance to "canon" Agent 4. the rest don't have those, so that one is clearly important, right? am I being delusional? probably
setting that aside, what are these things in the first place? they're most likely related to the fish guys in some way, both being covered in black goo with glowing red eyes
I personally think that they're either mobile versions of the copy machine from the lobby, or some weird, goopy creation of the simulation used to replace enemy Octolings in gameplay(which is a fun twist, haven't had enemy Inklings before) otherwise I have no idea lol. they're enemy units and that's all I've got
there's also this thing
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featuring a lot of Acht's head
kinda looks like the Octowhirl to me, but like, less octoweapon-y and more coral-ish, with the same red eyes as the fish; probably a boss of some stripe, or tougher enemy
something else that's probably inconsequential I noticed in the artwork
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the different colored color chips have different text on them, probably stating what kind each one is?
notably, the blue one(the one used in the trailer) doesn't have the same text on it, that moved to the red one
I think that's it for now; I have picked apart the artwork as much as I can/want
I'll bet if we get a direct before the 22nd, we'll get one more small trailer or maybe just a repeat of this one. though judging by the trailers Nintendo's been releasing lately, that feels oddly unlikely to me
but idk I'm just a weirdo who likes staring at fictional cephalopods
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whattraintracks · 5 months
Hello! I'm passing by with an opportunity to ramble if you'd like! :D I know you like Raph - what about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)? Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most?
Yes, I would actually like to do that. Thank you much!! I've been wanting to post and write more now that classes are done, and this was a helpful kick-start. A little too helpful, some might say. Very long post ahead.
What about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)?
Honestly, liking Raph took me by complete surprise. Growing up on 12 and getting back into my TMNT fixation with Rise, Leo and Donnie were my favorite turtles by far. But then I decided to watch as much as I could in chronological order. 87 Raphael was not at all what I expected, and I immediately loved him. He's hilarious and exudes the kind of sarcasm I can only aspire to. And as I began watching and rewatching shows and movies, I realised a lot of them have this dry wit that appeals to my sense of humor.
Raphs also go through so much crap internally and externally, and I'm a sucker for angst. Plus, it's so important to me that no matter how much they struggle, no one gets and loves them so well as their family. Maybe a weird example, but I love Mr. Nice Guy (1987), in which Donatello's Personality Alterator gets turned on him accidentally, and the other three freak out and send him to therapy. Like it's a silly situation, but the fact that they clock something's really wrong in the way he's not acting like himself and get him help is heartwarming.
Had a good laugh earlier this week at the realisation that most Raphs are particularly sweet on kids, old blind folks, and animals. Followed a couple of days later by the thought, duh, these populations are particularly vulnerable to abuse and harm, so of course, a Raph is going to be protective of them.
Also, sai are so cool, what the heck. Can't believe I was obsessing over katana as a kid when sai are right there. With my limited understanding, they may not always be shown correctly in TMNT? But they're truly very neat weapons, and sai kata are cool to watch.
Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? 
Gotta love the classic
87 Donatello: Oh well, you know women. 87 Raphael: No, we don't!
Raphael Meets His Match (1987) is perfect. No notes.
90s Raph and Casey's first fight ("Cricket! Nobody understands cricket. You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket"), then he goes home and curls up with Splinter to cry about getting his butt kicked by Some Dude. He's quite the daddy's boy in the 90s.
Raph's voice is unfairly gorgeous in Coming Out of Their Shells. I straight up clutched my heart the first time I heard it
Mikey: Tell 'em Raph! Raph: It isn't burgers or french fries that work for turtles of our size
I love this silly line entirely because of his voice and delivery. He's also fun to watch on stage. One of my favorite bits is this backward skip he does when he sings, "And moving backwards is a crying shame!"
The one where Venus gets her name
TNM Leo: Hey, Venus! Uh, what's with the statue head? TNM Raph: Hahaha! She won it in the park, slaying bad guys.
After the TNM gang saves a baby turtle from a poacher, Raph gets on the floor to be at eye level with her
Raph: You know what, you're kinda cute for such an ugly little thing. I'm you're Uncle Raph~ You wanna go for a ride in my hog? Ayo, Donnie! Can you make her a teeny tiny helmet?
And then Donnie teases him while everyone stares, so he gets offended (read: embarrassed), and Leo teases him harder, and he gets even more offended.
Just thinking about the beginning of Meet Casey Jones (2003) makes me tear up.
The almost as funny successor
12 Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen 12 Raph: Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen? 
As a fellow biggest sibling, Rise Raph in Pizza Puffs is such a mood. Also love the scene where he eats his phone in Mystic Library.
Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most? 
87 Raphael and Donatello's dynamic is very important to me. In my heart, they're twins. Some of my favorite episodes are the ones where they pair off or take the same side of a team argument: Splinter Vanishes, The Big Blow Out, Back to the Egg, Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter, Combat Land, Cry H.A.V.O.C.!, etc. I also love this line from My Brother, the Bad Guy
Raphael: Okay, this is the point at which we get squashed like bugs, or! turn to Donatello for help. R+M+L: DONATELLO! 
Coming Out of Their Shells Sunset Duo are the besties everrrrr. Mikey raps a whole verse in Cowabunga about how Raph is his best friend and they wrote all of the music together and that is like the most epic thing ever and I love their energy and how they play off each other on stage and they love each so much I can't– 
TNM Raph and Venus!! The siblings ever, truly. So much sass. They are both overprotective of each other. They're literally the best.
03 Sunset Duo will never not be funny. Raph can be tricked into verbally affirming he loves Mikey when he thinks one or both of them are about to die. Raph is also incredibly distraught about Mikey possibly and then actually winning the Battle Nexus Tournament. Peak comedy and siblinghood.
07 Raph and Leo quite possibly make me feral. "Is he kiddin'? He's lecturing." I still can not believe he didn't know Raph was Nightwatcher. For so many reasons, but especially because some of his initial comments in that fight are pointed. I always wonder if, on some unconscious level, he did know. And then Raph goes through a battery of emotions with the katana breaking and pinning Leo and then running and all the screaming, gosh. Leo, too. They're so similar it hurts.
I also love 12 Sunset Duo, but I think I love the A-Team a little more. Honestly, their interactions remind me so much of my siblings and I. Pushing each other's buttons so hard, then taking over the world together. Actively trying to kill each other, but minutes later, they're professing their undying love. So much ganging up on their little siblings. Leo gets adorably excited with him sometimes ("Look, Raph, mouser-kebabs!"), and Raph is frequently going, how are we related??? ("Halt? Villain?? When did we start talking like that?!" and "Dude, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes"). Favs.
Thanks for asking, and I hope everyone who made it here enjoyed the ride!
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roses-red-and-pink · 1 year
I just finished rewatching the order of the phoenix with my aunt and uncle and here are some thoughts
Ron.Weasley.Supremacy. I know the movies really water him down and take away some of his core traits and give them to hermione, but I think this movie is the best for showing his true character. He stands up to everyone for Harry, he attacks grawp for hermione, he’s always looking out for Harry. when Harry says they need to go get Sirius, hermione tells him it might be a trap and Harry’s like “idc! I can’t let him die!” And Ron just immediately says “ok what do we need to do.” Gets them away from the inquisitorial squad, and Insists that Harry doesn’t need to go to the ministry alone. I love him with my whole heart! I think this movie is the best at doing him justice.
On a related note: Ron and hermione as tired parents. Harry is being angsty and angry and sad and Ron and hermione share sooo many little concerned eye glances with each other. Making sure he’s ok, setting him up with his crush, getting him to bed. They really are Mom and dad.
Romione moments in this film are subtle, but there. Hermione telling Ron he’s clever, Ron trying to save her from grawp, their mutual concern over Harry, the way she stands closer to him than Harry.
My shipper heart noticed all the subtle Hinny moments. Harry’s overjoyed and proud face when ginny used the reducto curse, the way her face fell whenever cho was mentioned. How she hung back and looked at Harry when he went to go talk to cho before their kiss. My pining girl, pretending she isn’t pining. Also hi Michael corner! He was there lol.
Big thing for me was HUGE appreciation for Harry as a character. This boy, this 15 year old boy is going through SO much. His anger and fear that it is all his fault and he is a bad person is so relatable to me right now. But when Voldemort possesses him, he can’t stay because Harry has friendship and love, and can even find it in himself to feel sorry for Voldemort. Yes Harry has deep trauma and wounds, but he also has light, and joy! He is so GOOD. He’s not perfect as we see many times. But he is at his core a good good person. And that goodness and that light carry him through these amazingly difficult things. I am just so proud of him :,)
Cho and Harry… it was so awkward hahaha. That kiss was just so stilted, the way they stayed like 10 inches apart while they kissed, I love it. It really speaks to how awkward their relationship was. Also how when hagrid came back he immediately left her to go see him. I can’t help but compare to (book, obviously) ginny and Harry’s relationship where their first kiss was 100%- no half hearted stilted kissing here! Although maybe David Yates just hates Harry having fun kisses because in HBP movie his kiss with ginny is pretty subpar too…
Umbridge was terrible as always. Also I loved Alan Rickman as snape particularly in the occulmency lessons.
Ok one more thing about Harry: he is really good at magic. In the hogs head when they keep bringing up stuff he’s done and he’s like “but I had help! It wasn’t me!” But my boy, you DID cast a patronus at 13, and you DID kill a basilisk, and you DID survive Voldemort. Sure you had help, but you’re also a pretty darn powerful wizard.
In conclusion, I love Harry. He’s amazing. Also Ron is the best friend ever.
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kiaracarrera · 2 years
OBX Season 3 Ramblings and Thoughts: Part One:
So can we all collectively agree that Big John was kind of the worst and there was way too much screen time for him and not enough screen time of all the Pouges together? - I did love that the name ‘Big John’ actually fit though and not just in a sense of ‘big = dad’ because the height on Charles Halford alone was enough to make it seem like John B was actually a child and not a grown man playing a child.
I love this show with all my heart and soul but what makes it truely magic to me is the friendships and the togetherness and the found family elements. The lack of that this season really affected my personal viewing pleasure in a negative way.
As much as I loved seeing all the duo pairings this season I am so so annoyed that Kiara, Cleo, JJ and in particular Pope weren’t part of that finale El Dorado cave treasure hunt. I don’t even wanna talk about it because it makes me so annoyed. (I will totally talk about it with anyone that wants too though hahaha)
The emotional journey I went on with John B and Topper as individuals boy oh boy.
John B was my fave in season 1 and my least fave in season 2 and this season I both adored him and he irritated the absolute shit out me, overall I think as the leading character it’s hard not to root for John B but I think his storyline will be greatly improved having Big John out of the picture in Season 4.
Topper whyyyy. I actually fully stanned Topper for like 90% of this season and I have no shame in admitting it. He was ALWAYS down to help Sarah and in turn the Pouges and while some people may find his apprehension to break the law and get himself in near life or death situations frustrating, I personally found it relatable? I’d argue that the Pouges were worse to Topper than Topper was to the Pouges for most of this particular season and the way he was adamant he wasn’t going to get into a fight with John B at Mike and Anna’s anniversary party was hot idc what anyone has to say. Of course we can’t have nice things though so Topper had to fuck things up and burn shit to the ground - literally. Of all Topper’s questionably poor choices this one’s gotta be the one he can’t come back from. I think Austin North is superb as Topper but truthfully I would have payed good money to axe a quarter of the scenes he and Sarah shared and given them to Jiara instead.
Jiara season baby!! LOVED LOVED LOVED the build up of their story this season, it was expected but brilliant none the less. All the almost moments, the back and forth, the ‘I’m just a loser and you’ve got your whole future ahead of you’ angst of it all 😩. Then there’s the “Like I love you dude” - it wasn’t big or grand or showy but it was Kiara and it PERFECTION even if JJ’s reaction wasn’t what I personally would have wanted to see. THE KISSSSS. No words, other than I would have like JJ to be the one to say I love you first here but anyway let it be known that I’ve rewatched that scene too many times and ‘Hanging on the Telephone’ has been on repeat all day, thanks Soundcloud. Admittedly though the aftermath of the kiss was disappointing, with over an hour left of OBX we literally were given CRUMBS of them in that finale episode which was disappointing to say the least. I also have suspicions on where Jiara might be in season 4 with that time jump at the end of the season and the uh lack of interaction or affection between them but that’s a discussion for another day.
Speaking of the time jump - did it really need to be 18 months? Like 3 months great! 6 months fine, even like 8-9 months and I would have been like yeah okay 🤷🏽‍♀️ but 18 months!? A whole year and a half!? So much can happen in that time and that’s so much we’ve missed. Most notably the starting points of Jiara and Cleope!? What do you mean we don’t get to see where their relationship went after those monumental first kisses. I get a time jump because the actors are also aging up but 18 months just felt like too much. I’m interested to see what happens in season 4 at least.
In other shipper news Cleope - loved them. So sweet and Cleo is an absolute queen. Easily one of my favourite characters this season and I really enjoyed the journey her and Pope took and in particular Cleo’s relationship with The Hayward’s as a whole. What a beautiful addition to this show.
Did somebody say toxic? Oh wait it’s just John B and Sarah. I’m sorry, I know this is such a popular ship but I just absolutely cannot with them anymore. I have been so neutral on them over the past two seasons but between Sarah’s cheating and John B’s serious anger issues, at this point I surely can’t be the only one who thinks they both (John B in particular) need time to heal on their own before they come back together (and I mean like at least three quarters of a season broken up not just three episodes). I don’t know, obviously it’s been 18 months and they own a surf shop now and they’re both free of their bad dads so maybe things will be different in season 4 but I have VERY low exceptions.
Sarah’s understandably coping a bit of flack this season but I fall more neutral on my opinion on her this season. In season one she was my least favourite and in season two it was the opposite, this season my opinion on her falls somewhere in the middle. I did love that we got to see more of her friendships with the other Pouges outside of John B though! Another reason why I think it would be beneficial for her character to not be tied to John B’s permanently going forward. Sarah and Kiara’s friendship is always a highlight for me.
Putting this all the way down here at the bottom where people might not see because I’m low key ashamed… but RAFE 🤤 I’m sorrrry he’s just so freaking fine. Well at least until he opens his mouth or you know, moves 😅. I’ve seen a bit of a Rafe/Kiara rise with the new season releasing and look, I’m not judging because their shared scenes this season showed some major chemistry but in the name of all things good and well I’m going to stay strong and say our good sis Kiara deserves way better than to ever be pulled into any storyline that involves Rafe Cameron as a love interest. A friend? Maybe, potentially, I mean for someone who swore he was going to be coming for Kiara he did approximately nothing to fulfil that - which is exactly what good enemies to friends stories are made of, but as a romantic interest I’m going to pass thanks. I’ll stick to nurturing the potential that Jiara has.
Lastly bye bye Ward Cameron. It was fun knowing you truely! What a brilliant villain.
If I didn’t totally bore you and you made it this far please let me know what your fave and least fave moments of this season were and/or who your fave and least fave characters have been!! Would love to chat to you guys about this show 🥰🥰🥰
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Guys, I’m currently defending byler in a discussion with 4 melvins/anti bylers😭💀
They’re saying the usual bullshit though:
1)If you think byler is endgame you’re not paying attention
To which I replied that byler is actually hidden in plain sight and it doesn’t take much to see that it is in fact happening. So they said:
melvin has been held as an endgame couple since s1 and that it’s very unlikely that they’d deviate from the core ship
And then I said that they already are deviating from the “core ship” and that it really does not take much to see that s4 did not end well for melvin! They have not replied yet.
2)It’s not gonna happen and I’m glad because it’s a bad ship and Will deserves better than Mike
To which I simply said that I’m not trying to be mean, but that I recommend rewatching the show if they really think Will deserves better than Mike! Though I know for a fact that it won’t lead anywhere since they’ll take everything at surface level just as they probably did the other times they’ve watched the show. They did not reply yet.
3)Mike is straight
That made me laugh hahahahhahha. I told them to get familiar with what queer coding is and how it presents itself in media. They did write “mike is straight” in all caps though so I’m very sure they’re not gonna like my answer lmao. They also did not reply yet.
4)Byler has an equal chance of not happening
To which I replied that that’s simply incorrect because with the way the narrative is built, byler is the only logical outcome. So they said:
But you can’t be sure. We don’t know what’s gonna happen in s5 so they might as well not end up together
So I recommended reading analysis/evidence/predictions for this if they want to because it would certainly make them see that byler is in fact definitely happening, to which they replied:
But if it doesn’t happen you’ve gotten your hopes up over nothing but fan theories
And I said I don’t care lmao
I will keep you guys updated hahaha (if you want me to)
I also feel the need to tell you guys that I did not start those arguments! I just commented something about byler under a byler post! And they came for me hahahaha. I’m being like, really nice though (way nicer than this small recap of what I replied to each of them), so in the end if one of them starts attacking me personally they’re the pathetic ones lmao 🤷‍♀️
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dorizardthewizard · 7 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 22 - 24
Episode 22:
Yeah Thran, you SHOULDN'T be there! Why are you with the Pirates in the first place other than you knowing the plot needed you to help out there?
I'll always love how that memory wipe device is literally just the one from Men in Black
Honestly can't believe the Xenons haven't scored yet
Oop! Spoke too soon!
WHYYYYYYYY DID YOU LEAVE SHARKY'S CAMERA INTACT!!!! He was snapping with that thing all the time, I don't believe the Pirates would fuck up that badly. Even if Harris's cat hadn't found it, Hush Sharky could've just woken up, seen the pictures, assumed he'd had his memory wiped (in season 1 Aarch seemed to have the common knowledge that Pirates do that), or he'd had a fun night lol, and then published the photos anyway! He would've spun some made up story from them! WHY IS CAMERA
YESSSSSS MEI!!!!! epic goal
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fsdkjfsdkjdfs look at this
Yeah with Vega controlling the team Paradisia girls they do feel more like androids, even if they're not supposed to be. How much of this is control and how much is their own free will? Spooky
THRAN IS ON FIRE! YOUR DEFENCE IS TERRIFIED! 🎵 Ok I guess it would be their attackers, but he's going on the offence too because he's just that cool in this match
Holy shit 4-1? Man they nerfed the Xenons. They were running circles around the Snow Kids in the first half they should have scored more than one goal then
Aww another respectful handshake between D'jok and Luur
Nork: Artegor, what are your impressions of the match? Artegor: Excuse me, but I think I have to go join my friends!
Awwww Artegor has come so far since season 1
D'jok and Mei holding hands...... not sure how to feel about this........ I will reserve judgement for now
Thran being the one to fall asleep this time I love it
Sidney and Harvey reunion! Peace and love <3
Nothing like a bit of clubbing to celebrate a victory, would be a bit weird with your parents there though LOL
Sinedd's parents live so far out they've never heard of the GF stars? Sounds a bit hard to believe in this universe I mean, I don't really care about irl football but I still know who Messi is. Also Maya STILL hasn't spoken to D'jok LMAO
Why the fuck would Adim and Aarch being in a relationship mean the Snow Kids could get disqualified. Literally the only case I can think of where they could have accused Adim of favouritism is letting them form a team way back in season 1, what else could she have possibly done to help them win? Some guy on the news accuses them of cheating, but WHAT does cheating in Galactik Football even mean????
LIKE. Look I hear all sorts of accusations of corruption and rigging every world cup but usually people actually have something to point at – poor ref decisions, easy matchups, whatever! There was none of that for the Snow Kids, I know it's supposed to be ridiculous that this is going on, but idk it just doesn't feel that believable to me as this huge deal and not like, a bit of drama that will blow over once the next scoop comes out. Sure they might lose some fans but there's no real risk of them being disqualified because for that you need concrete proof of favouritism.
Clamp spitting fax!!! Exactly my thoughts
Callie is throwing SUCH shade at the Aarch Adim scoop hahaha
Mark is having his romeo balcony moment but much more emo. It's so dramatic but whenever this happens in shows I always end up thinking about how they can't have known each other that long to be so in love 😂
RIP Brim Simbra. Didn't even get a funeral eulogy
Side note Dame Simbai's flux society shades are swag
Episode 23:
Whyyyyyyyy does Aarch have to quit because of this?? This is all.... so sudden! We've got like 3 episodes left after this one and we're having Aarch quit? Right before the FINALS? And why would you not at least discuss this with Rocket first before springing the surprise that he's gonna be the coach now in front of everyone???
It's NOT the only solution Aarch this is so dumb 😭😭 It's not like they even went for an arc where he realises it's time to pass on the baton and settle down into a new life of whatever, it had to be with the drama
I do like that it didn't end in Adim quitting her position though
And now they're throwing in like two lines about Aarch being happy about his decision and moving on, but there was no build up or arc about him needing to quit coaching!
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Work it, Magnus. Of course Artie and Bennett can't stop themselves from cracking up hahaha
Clamp getting the recognition he deserves <3 Sorry Aarchtegor fans, he was not included in this goodbye speech. We can't have it all
Ooooo Tia's dad mentions he's the ambassador of the Obia moon, not specifically Akillian. Was Obia mentioned specifically prior to this season I can't remember
Geez Sinedd is the spitting image of his father
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Hey check it out, this is almost a looping gif! This is not sped up, the animation really is this goofy 😂
Sooo this flashback thing Maya communicates to Sinedd's mother through mind-meld confirms D'jok and Sinedd used to be friends, which is something we'd been wondering about for a while. It would make sense why Sinedd is so hung up on their rivalry.
I headcanon that he got jealous of D'jok's life (having a parent, being really good at football etc.), feeling worse about himself, especially with him never getting an adoptive family. Maybe he even was the first to start playing football, but felt like D'jok was surpassing him and this was another thing taken from him. So he starts putting down Micro-Ice so he can feel superior and challenging D'jok, who eventually ditches him. It's an interesting dynamic, would have been cool to see some full flashback scenes about this.
Yay more Elektras water skating!
Awww rip Elektras :( Their friendship and support of Yuki is so cute I love them
Bwuh???! Where on Akillian did Rocket get the idea to recruit Sinedd back??? Like sure the audience knows he has the potential to develop into a nicer person and actually work in a team with the Snow Kids, but Rocket doesn't! Like, in my head I'm imagining they had interesting interactions in season 2 during the whole Netherball thing, but we were never shown enough of that on screen for this to make sense.
Like. With Aarch gone Rocket seems to think they need a change? HOW DOES THIS SOMEHOW CONNECT TO GETTING SINEDD TO COME BACK??? And so close to the final? Changing things around like that last minute is crazy. I just... SINEDD COMING BACK TO THE SNOW KIDS AFTER THREE SEASONS SHOULD BE A BIG DEAL WHY IS IT SO RUSHED 😭😭😭 I mean I know why it's rushed, the showrunners knew they probably wouldn't get renewed so tried to tell as much of the story as possible, that's just how it is unfortunately
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BWAHAHAHA why is Sonny just hiding directly behind Magnus during this call instead of... anywhere away from the camera ahahahaha that's so stupid Sonny there is NO NEED stop being so dramatic
Rocket (to Sinedd): We need you to beat team Paradisa, you can make the difference!
Again, WHAT DIFFERENCE? Why is he so sure they need an extra player all of a sudden, are team Paradisia THAT good? The Snow Kids have been training hard with this lineup and they're two-time champions. Sinedd is a great player sure but... WHY.
On the other hand Rocket is the first guy on the show to be like: hm... maybe we SHOULD have at least one substitute for our team huh?
Rocket: Deep down, you're a Snow Kid too. Rocket: You come from Akillian, and you've mastered the Breath
UHHH, HAS HE? I'm pretty sure he left before he even got to use the Breath, actually
Sinedd is so quick to consider this offer FSDJKDFSKJDFS THIS IS DONE SO BAD I'M SORRY 😭😭 Like the concept is fine, I really like that it's Rocket calling him back (as someone who also needed his team to bring him back once) but it's just... the pacing is so bad and Sinedd's development was so all over the place that it just doesn't seem believable that he would take up this offer right now, especially with D'jok on the team
Episode 24:
Callie I know it's for your “a day with the Snow Kids” report but maybe at least knock first?
Neither Mei nor Tia are morning people lol
Oh of course Mark has a cup of tea for breakfast XD Or maybe it's coffee, idk.
The way Rocket bats the camera away 😂 Isn't it weird to do this report right before the final, and broadcast it live? Aren't training sessions supposed to be more secretive at this time?
Aw Sinedd's sister is cute
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Micro-Ice: Yeah well, Tia is by far our best captain in ages, because D'jok- D'jok: Oh, yeah?
Besties! <3 No I still haven't forgiven how quickly D'jok was accepted back into the team <3 Also yeah D'jok wasn't a great captain <3
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Callie why are you sitting like that. Rocket get her a chair
Oh wait there is a chair
Aww Lun-Zia's little high-five with Luur. Fun training session!
Wow we really sped through Sinedd meeting his real family huh 😭 And just like that, he's back with the Snow Kids because his little sister wants to see him play. Let me guess, Rocket didn't discuss this with the others first?
This is making me want more sports with the flux. Just imagine, galactik volleyball! I have a whole AU in my head and I will draw it one day I swear ToT
If Sinedd isn't a hologram, then why does he spawn into the holo-trainer like that? They've done that animation a couple of times in this season and it doesn't make sense considering how we've seen the holo-trainer work before. It's not them teleporting in, the holo-trainer manifests itself around them and... wait, how DOES the holo-trainer work? My brain hurts just thinking about it
Oooooh Rocket didn't discuss this with anyone and just gets Sinedd to join in the middle of a practice what a surpriiiiiise, there is no way this could go badly whatsoever /s
D'jok accepts that Sinedd is back way too quickly, I get that he messed up too but he immediately switches to “ok you're on the team, but remember you're a substitute, bitch <3” (Mark: Well thanks)
I'm still sad we don't get a scene of Sinedd leaving the Shadows, I mean the guy played with them for yeeeears they must have had SOME sort of connection. He calls them family earlier!
I like this sequence where Sinedd's flux keeps switching between the Breath and the Smog. I imagine that with the Smog being so powerful, and it lending itself to Sinedd's emotions more, it's gonna be hard to give it up.
Bennett is once again trying to find the location of a bomb hahaha
I was about to comment on how cute it is that Aarch can finally spend more time with Norata but JUST as Aarch starts relaxing, Clamp tells him there's a multi-flux bomb on Akillian LOL. Guy can't catch a break, he really didn't sign up for all this shit
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watchingspnagain · 6 months
Rewatching Good God, Y'All
Welcome to “But Does One Simply Drive an Impala into Mordor?: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e2: Good God, Y’All.
The boys are worried about Bobby, who has lost the use of his legs and won’t speak. Dean shows off an x-ray of their very pretty carved ribs just before Cas calls Sam to find out where they are because, oh right, the pretty ribs mean they’re hidden from *all* angels, even pocket angel. Cas reveals that he’s cut off from Heaven and thus can’t heal Bobby (who has something to say about that—yay! He’s talking!) because then they couldn’t save healing him for some more dramatic time later on. Cas wants Dean’s samulet because it supposedly glows hot in the presence of orcs God. Dean doesn’t want to give it up, but Cas Dom-Voices him into it. Rufus calls Bobby for help in a town overrun by demons. The boys go to check it out, running into Ellen and Jo, who are hunting together now. Seems like everyone in this town thinks everyone else is a demon. Turns out no one is. The first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, War, has arrived, and he’s making different groups of townsfolk think the other groups are possessed. Sam and Dean each figure this out independently because they are both smarties. They cut War’s ring from his finger, vanquishing him and gaining a piece of jewelry that, huh, seems like maybe it might be important later. At the end of the episode, Dean confesses that he's not sure he can trust Sam anymore, and they decide to go their separate ways. Uh-huh.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
oh, you’re a sword, DeanDean, don’t fight it
oh good. Jo.
I bet Dean gives extremely good back rubs
they're xrays, Sam. says that right there
god, even their flipping ribs are pretty now
omg is this the scene where Misha falls to the floor to disappear?
I think it is!
"Say again."
remind me what’s wrong with Bobby?
“I heard that” HAHAHA
he's paralyzed from the waist down but I kinda forget why already? (Ed: We remembered eventually.)
cripes, Cas is extra gorgeous here
oh Cas, oh honey, you're so earnest, baby
"no he's not on any flatbread"
“literally at the end of days” oh Dean, you’ve got, like 10 years left at least
I love that Dean is SO anti-God all through but later when he actually meets him and confirms that he does not in fact care, it wrecks him so much
get a little closer there, Cas
he's SO STERN i cannot
OMG that LOOK when he turns to Dean
“NO”… “alright I guess”
that didn’t take long
"may I borrow it?" "NO" *VOICE* "Dean, give it to me" *dean does*
that’s not exactly how you play hard to get Dean
“now I feel naked” “I’ll be in touch” NICE
"now I feel naked" haaaahahahahahah
"tell him to send legs" HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
I refuse to believe that they did not know what they were doing with Dean and Cas right from the start
meh, I think the writers are mostly idiots, to be honest, and stumbled onto the good stuff. the rest is all on Jensen, Jared, and Cas as amazing actors
lolololol I love the establishing shot: snowy mountains, must be Colorado, right?
I MEANT Jensen and Cas
omg DUDE we BOTH called Misha Cas haaaaahahahahaha
oh AHA! well yes then
omg the tone of the music with the destruction
quality soundtrack choice
omg I LOVE when music goes from undiegetic to diegetic
“hello boys” NOT YOUR LINE, ELLEN
okay there it is. jeez
hahahaha the slap
I don’t like her, but I do like that she calls Dean “kid"
and the "yes, ma'am"
agreed. I always love it when someone treats him like they love him, especially WHILE they are tearing him a new one, but Ellen as a character? meh
just because she’s a pregnant woman, Dean, doesn’t mean she can’t handle herself. Jesus.
although I do suspect that THAT pregnant woman might not be able to
well sure but I’m trying to make a point here, Lor
I DO apologize. *drags over a box for you*
that canned soup probably has enough salt in it to be useful
*checks to see if box has cookies in it before realizing it’s full of soap*
*hands you another, smaller, box, this one WITH cookies*
Sammy, no. Don’t lick that.
look, in GENERAL, Sammy, don't like knives
*lick. dammit
like them all you want
WHY is it that every pregnant character on the screen is constantly holding her belly. NO ONE ACTUALLY DOES THAT
ooooof, Dean
I feel like if I had ever been pregnant, I would have used the shelf as a good place to rest the snacks
been there
I mean, the boobies work, surely the baby bump would too
works pretty good until the kicking starts
now I'm picturing chips just like flying out of the bowl
ope, fret boys
not really any of your business, Ellen
okay, so Sam is incredibly hot when he gets angry and shoves people and Dean is incredibly hot shoved up against a wall. it's fine. I'm fine
also SOME GIRL? Have you met them? They never like the same girls
and girls are always about one of them or the other
right?! she’s a dummy
oh Dean
"random's good"
"this isn't x-files, pal"
Ellen really should be a great character. strong woman and all, but she just… sucks. and I can’t really figure out what it is about her that doesn’t work
right? she should be great but she's just kind of annoying
is it the actor? the writing? maybe a little of both
lol the poor pastor
yeah, probably a bit of both
War is excellent, on the other hand
War’s a daddy and I’m okay with that
“that’s adorable” HA
Oh Sammy, don’t listen to him
look at those puppy eyes
army dude is also a cutie
he really is
“genius” I love it
Rufus is master-level snark
"stop firing usually means stop firing" I LOVE HIM
Frodo of the niiiiiine fingers
War calling them kiddos to parallel Ellen
omg Dean’s LotR reference!
You two
"so pit stop at mount doom" DEEEAN
Oh Sammy, I love you just the way you are
well of course
omg Dean's squinty face before he agrees
and his freeeeckles
you KNOW you don’t want to be apart, boys. just STOP
maybe someone should knock their heads together
OMG offering Sam Baby
"you too, Sammy" OMG BOYS STOOOOOP
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chanceofwhat · 1 year
I have a cold and I’m miserable so I’m rewatching my favorite childhood show, Phineas and Fuckin’ Ferb.
I’m low key live-blogging to my bff so I might as well put some here. I started at season 2 because that’s what google says is the best season and I think it’s right.
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- Doofenshmirtz has so much trauma and OWCA agents are therapists. He just sits there and eats wings with Perry and talks about how sad he is that he can’t come up with anything evil, then in the aglets episode Perry gives him the delete button to get rid of the embarrassing video, and when the evil plan doesn’t work he comes right back to Perry and says “I have an ouchie… in here” pointing to his HEART IM GONNA CRY DOOOOOOF
- Perry the Platypus makes that little sound intentionally. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a sound. Like when I hum at people. It has no translatable meaning, just tone.
- Candace is so stubborn. But she does love her brothers. She gets so mad about the aglets thing, but with Nessy Nosie, she looks at her brother’s puppy eyes and immediately agrees to throw away the evidence she wanted. Then she meets the ACTUAL MYTHICAL MONSTER and doesn’t even care, is just stubborn about it.
- “HAHAHA, IT WORKED! Your miracle growth elixir has turned you into GIANT NERDS!”
- I do enjoy the flawless girl thing. Beauty/cosmetic thing with a whole bunch of cosmetics to make insecure teenagers feel the need to buy a whole bunch of products to look “perfect” but it’s very hyperbolized so it’s clearly visible to be bad, and I’m sensing a moral about that as well. Heck yea. As I’m typing, we’re reaching the end of the episode and yea, “you both make money off of people’s natural insecurities!” Good moral.
- “Oh, that’s our sister… our -chuckles- Big sister.” (She drank the growth elixir)
- (she shrinks back while approaching her mom) “I’m back to normal!” “Normal being a… relative term.”
- why are Baljeets parents so… the way they are. I feel so bad for Baljeet. He’s got that Smart Kid Pressure ™ and can’t escape from it. Except in that one episode… but I haven’t gotten there yet.
- “oh my gosh, the square root of soon… is never.”
- “doofenshmirtz 🎶quality 🎵bratwurst”
- “Make this fish put me down!” “It’s a mammal, Candace!”
- “Your hot dog is no match… for my BRATWURST!” (No but the way Perry just keeps a hot dog in his hat that he summoned like a wizard summons a broom) (the way they’re swordfighting and Doof just takes a bite of Perry’s blade)
-Ferb is so autism
- “You know what they say: if you love something, set it free.” “We do that every day with Perry— oh, there you are, Perry!”
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airenyah · 1 year
Hi, fellow ace enjoyer of JoongDunk here! I'm also nearer to the sex-repulsed end of the spectrum yet wanting to see JD in something saucier! Kiss scenes generally gross me out, but for some reason, I can watch Joong and Dunk kiss just fine. They're like the ship equivalent of a cheat day — a Cheat(?) Ship.
omg hiiiii, high five ✋ glad i'm not the only one hahaha
personally, kiss scenes in media generally don't bother me or gross me out, in fact, often i like them even! but if it's like a (heavy) make-out scene, those often kinda just bore me, especially if they go on for a long time. i might just end up sitting there like "aight i got it, they're slobbering all over each other. now can we move on with the plot, please?"
that being said, i have watched and rewatched the end of hidden agenda ep8 multiple time already! there's something about it that i really like but i can't put my finger on what exactly it is. part of the reason why i've rewatched it a couple of times was to figure out what exactly about it it is that i like so much, but i just don't have an answer. idk, maybe it's just the vibes 🙌
though i feel like sometimes the reason why kiss scenes bore me might also just be a problem of the acting. and that actually includes some of the hidden agenda kisses...
for example the first kiss scene from ep4? i really like that scene up until the moment they start kissing. like, they're just kissing for a while and absolutely nothing changes?? the tension and the emotions, the urgency, all of it just stays the same for the entire time. i can't even pinpoint what the characters are thinking or feeling in that moment, which is quite a shame considering this is their very first kiss, aka a very significant kiss. we've got zo who is in the middle of trying to figure out his feelings (i wanna know: how does he feel about the kiss? is he into it? is he nervous? is he having a realization? does he start to regret it while still in the middle of kissing? all of the above? WHAT is going on in his head, show me!!) and joke who is being kissed by the person he's been crushing on for a while now (again, i wanna know: how does he feel about the kiss? is he excited that what he's been dreaming about is finally happening? is he nervous? is he maybe not entirely happy with it since zo's feelings are unclear? all of the above? again, WHAT is going on in his head, show me!!). and i'm just not getting much out of it apart from the fact that "yay they're having their first kiss". now compare that with the ep8 [4/4] kiss scene that starts out slow and soft and tentative almost and then goes up in tension to then slow down again and keeps being broken up by dialogue. idk i just think it's neat. or also the ep7 yank kiss yeet scene!! there's so much urgency behind that kiss, it feels like it really matters. i love it!!!!
actually i have a similar problem with bad buddy. idk if you've seen it (if not, feel free to skip this paragraph), but the ep11 kiss at the beach is just so boring. they do get a little faster when they go back to kissing after they separated for a moment but there's aboslutely no urgency behind it and that just results in the opposite effect of making me feel like the characters want to be doing this, that it matters to them. it just doesn't feel like that at all. meanwhile the rooftop kiss... god, the rooftop kiss. that one is SO important and they let you feel it. the longer it goes on the more the tension rises and the more urgent it becomes and you as a viewer are just left breathless. the rooftop scene is a thing of beauty for so many reasons and this is one of them
oops i went off on a nerdy tangent.... sorry about that 😅
aaaaanyway, as i've mentioned before, kiss scenes are usually ok for me. it's the sex scenes that i'm a bit wary of, especially the more explicit they get. the more clothes come off and/or the more the kisses get further and further away from the head, the more likely i am to feel uncomfortable watching the scene. and if moaning is involved, that's usually the point where i'm like "ok i'm out". (and before i get an angry anon in my ask box telling me i'm being homophobic bc "yay gay sex" – i do not give a single fuck (quite literally) about the genders of the people involved in the sex scene. i find watching straight sex just as icky kjdfjkdg. ideologically i'm all for normalizing gay sex, put practically i'm just simply not the right target group fjfjhd)
though i have to say, it's gotten a little better now, the older i get. i guess i'm just getting used to those scenes. it's a slow process, but still, i find myself getting less uncomfortable now at age 26 compared to when i was, say, around 20
like, only friends has mostly been ok for me to my big surprise?? well, that bostontop scene in the car was a bit too much for me (and a definite skip on rewatches) and so was the sandray scene in the camper from last episode, like, i didn't really need that to watch that, while other scenes i'm having an easier time with (i haven't yet been able to figure out how a sex scene needs to be shot in order for me to enjoy it)
but even if i don't get uncomfortable as quickly anymore, i still don't really actively seek out media with overly sexual content/plots. UNLESS. i have a reason to do so like, uh, first kanaphan. (ngl if it wasn't for first, i probably wouldn't be watching only friends at all. i would have watched the trailer and been like "ok this show is too horny for me, i'll let the others have fun and maaaybe follow the show via gifs on my dash at most")
or, you know, joongdunk 😂😂 although i have to say that in reality i actually want a saucy/sexy series (like an only friends-style series) more for them rather than myself! i feel like they'd have fun with it. there's just something about them doing dum dum for lol fanfest and that choreography ending in some neck biting action and them having the idea to switch up who bites who for day 2 in order to surprise everyone. there's just something about how they kept talking about how hidden agenda is more mature than star in my mind and how there were some scenes that they'd never done before (here is some of that interview with eng subs, but unfortunately it's heavily edited rip). there's something about the way the two of them actually sat down together and did a whole ass instagram live in which they watched, reacted and provided commentary to the entirety of hidden agenda ep8 (as far as i'm aware of they didn't go live on instagram for any other episode. and i'm 1000000% sure they chose ep8 specifically for the love scene and the love scene alone fkfjjfjf). not to mention how joong immediately went "episode 8" when asked for his favorite episode and grinned and looked at dunk and when dunk was like "i'm thinking either 7 or 8" joong repeated "eight" and when dunk still didn't get it joong nudged him and firmly went "eight!!" and then dunk went "oh yeah, ep 8"
so yeah. i want a sexy joongdunk series for them, for their sake. i think they'd have a blast with it djkfgjkdkjd
#SexyJoongDunkVampireSeriesWhen #JusticeForJoongDunk @ gmmtv
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marionsravenwoods · 1 year
So I'll send you an ask here so as not to clog-up the lawandordersource blog with my love for Mike and Connie. But yes! I did catch the how the board had Mike and Connie and, much like you, I now headcanon it that Mike and Connie are back in the office somewhere. From what I've read, most DA's offices have a Chief Assistant DA that acts more on the operations and administration of the office and is more traditional the office's second-in-charge. There was a character in SVU, Chief Assistant DA Charlie Phillips and he mentions that he gave a case to an appreciative McCoy (was a slam dunk) to Cabot in some talk they were having, And there was statement by Cabot that it was rumored he would run against Nora Lewin.
But I headcanon that after Mike's stint as SVU Bureau Chief and his prior experience as... I think it's now all but confirmed that the EADA on the mothership is the... Homicide Bureau Chief that Jack promotes him to Chief Assistant to handle the administrative end of the office and Connie came back as a Bureau Chief (hey if they can bring back Jamie Ross as an ADA, let me have this people).
I kinda hold out hope that if/when Sam leaves the show, they'd bring back Linus Roache as the DA with the justification that operationally and with his prosecutorial experience, he's best equipped to handle a smooth transition.
Plus I just want to see Cutter tear into Price.
No shade against Hugh Dancy, but when Price said he was the best after Jack says there were 20 other homicide prosecutors that could have taken the case (and should have!) I said to my friend as we were watching, "In a ranking of 21 Homicide Prosecutors, I'd rank you 22 Nolan."
Sorry for the long ask again but that's just how I headcanon that board (changes be damned).
hehehe we can be on that headcanon bandwagon together! (i just feel like it'd be in character for the two of them anyway—Mike would definitely be a lifer in the DA's office, and i can totally see connie returning in like a "oh, i can't stay away from you, manhattan!" scenario, lol.)
it's easy to envision Mike in that kind of second-in-command position for jack the way you described (it's funny but i just started a rewatch of the early SVU seasons and i just saw the episode where they introduce Chief ADA Charlie Phillips. very funny to see him show up periodically in the original later in the run as a different defense attorney, haha.)
and yeah i feel like enough time has passed that both mike and connie could easily handle those respective positions (would love to have seen Connie as a lead prosecutor at some point on screen—she nails that closing in the season 17 finale—but i think that might be beyond what the writers on the revival are capable of delivering right now, ugh.)
[side note - THANK YOU for pointing out that weird thing with Jamie!!! they're telling me that she was a defense attorney, then an ada, then a defense attorney again, then a judge (okay fine, i'm still on board, this is a somewhat normal career trajectory so far) and then SHE BECAME AN ADA AGAIN???? who goes from judge back to being an attorney??? i was happy to see her again but then just make her the trial judge!!!! please l&o i can be your continuity person, you need one]
HAHAHA i've had SO many laughs with my roommates (we watch the show every week anyway and play a drinking game called "Claw & Order" named after the White Claw seltzer) about Price (no hate to Price fans, he's just not my cup of tea) doing bizarre things or totally bungling cases. maybe he's "the best" because he screws up royally in nearly every episode and then still wins almost every case???
i would LOVE to see Linus come back as DA Mike, i could definitely see him as being more of a hardliner compared to the revival's characterization of Jack (when they feel compelled to write him any dialogue, lol). (and i wouldn't mind seeing him rake Price over the coals hehehe. i can't tell you how many times Price gets reticent about prosecuting or something and i'm just like "Mike would be foaming at the mouth right now LET IM AT EM")
for the record, long (or short) asks about l&o are ALWAYS welcome!!! i feel like i'm just finding the l&o contingent on tumblr (especially the seasons 18-20 gang) so it's always a blast to chat about it with people who clearly know their stuff and have great takes.
once again, here's to earnest civil servants!!! (i made this gif for the last ask you sent in to lawandordersource and i feel like i'm already getting a return on my investment hahaha)
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tartrazeen · 9 days
So I'm rewatching the show (again), and I'm just jumping around episode 11 "Dragon's Fury." There's a part where Angus and Deirdre find a bunch of Temrans fiddling with the plants that are driving Pyre nuts, and they're like, "Hey get out of Kells."
The Temrans reply to this by saying, "We don't take orders from women or thieves."
At first, I was gonna be like, "Well, at least Angus being a dick about girls doing anything isn't just him. He's the worst about it among our main cast, and it's one of his biggest flaws (even at the time), which is the point, but at least they're showing us that others in this world have the same sexist opinions about women. Whether or not it's historically accurate gets kinda nixed by how there's a fucking dragon, but it's good world-building." Y'know, my ususal cope for when Angus goes, "hahaha you're a girl lol."
(also he follows it this time by calling Deirdre a 'lady' so i think that's pretty cute uwu)
But then I thought about it for a second.
And it's like...
... Angus is nothing. 🤨
In a "Ummmmm, what's the world-building behind this, exactly" way.
Deirdre's a girl. You look at her and you can tell. The Temrans don't need any outside information for that. They also obviously picked at her weak point, because she's wearing a crown, and they don't say, "You're just a princess" or anything. It's targeted and it's clear.
With Angus, same thing: they call him a thief 'cause that's his weak point. He hates it. It's totally true and he still steals shit all the time lol but he absolutely loathes being called that. So it makes sense they'd throw that at him here.
But how the hell do they know?! He's not dressed any differently from other non-royals, and we've seen his old friend-thieves, who are dressed differently enough from him to not imply some kinda Thieves Dress Code. He's nothing. He's nobody worth knowing about, he's got nothing that gives it away, but the Temrans can take one look at him at clock whatever-it-is about him that says it?
I tried to guess, "Well, maybe they just know who he is because he's a Mystic Knight, so his reputation's gotten around." Because fine - totally fair... except in the sixth episode of the whole show, the Temrans are already calling him a thief! Torc brings it up to Maeve! Why would TORC know, when he has such a high rank that he doesn't need to have those details?! It doesn't change whether or not they kidnap him or where they put him after, because he goes into a regular dungeon cell either way.
But it does get me thinking :3
The first thing I'd do if I kidnapped a Mystic Knight is find out how hard Kells is gonna fight to get him back. Deirdre's the princess, so they obviously wouldn't drop it if she'd been kidnapped instead. Ivar's royal too, so maybe there's something to worry about there from his kingdom. Rohan's not revealed as Draganta yet, so he and Angus are on basically the same level of importance.
But that importance is, "We're the magical warriors keeping Kells alive." It's almost definitely why King Conchobar says they can't send a bunch of soldiers 'even for Angus' (with a pinch possibly because Deirdre's already being like 🥺 and he doesn't want to disappoint her further): Angus matters to Kells' survival enough that they can't casually lose him, which would be enough to warrant some attempt to get him back. Just being a thief doesn't change the Mystic Knighthood. Only being a thief might be worth discussing, because - again - it puts him on Rohan's level, not Ivar's. But it's useless trivia at that point.
Torc would say it to be a dick either way, but for how he'd know in the first place, he most likely heard it from the other Temran soldiers as they were bringing Angus in and was just happy to enough to mock him for it.
But then why do the Temran soldiers know? 🤔
I could see it being one of two main things:
1. Angus, hilariously, is tormenting the Temran soldiers off-screen, and they have first-hand experience with his shenanigans. I love that so, so much, but I'm also a little iffy on it 'cause he gets caught by the Kells' guards in the first episode. We don't know how, exactly, and later on, the guards make a point of showing they have first-hand experience with him, so maybe they were a lot more motivated to hunt him down. But on Temra's turf, it seems way too risky for him to be doing that. Before he was a Mystic Knight, there'd be nothing to gain from capturing him, because he isn't even one of them. He's from Kells (as far as we know 👀). And he doesn't seem to be much of a cheat or conman, so I don't think he was hustling soldiers out of their coin 'fair and square'.
2. Angus has SUCH a reputation among Kells that Temra heard about it reeeeeeal quick when they went to look for him. The imposter guards say to Deirdre in that episode, "Have you seen Angus?" So they were going after the guy by name. No description or anything, just a name. And everyone's just supposed to know who that is.
Btw, THEY DID. Rohan points them immediately in the right direction. And do you know how common the name 'Angus' is over there?! Like... uh... very! But Angus + "Who's asking? A bunch of guards" is the ultimate shortcut to being like, "Oh, him." Asking around for who set a bunch of huts on fire for when he gets framed for arson? That needs a description and witnesses and a line up and testimony. But just, "Hey, we're looking for - yeah, him. Cool, thanks"? All you need for that is the right uniform and everyone else will figure it out.
And from there, Temra just kept remembering it lol. Angus is a Mystic Knight, and it's not hard to remember that one of those four happens to be a thief. It's the dark-haired one. The other one from Kells. Bam: that's Angus.
I'm going with Option #2. #1's funny but not likely. Even then, holy helllllll, how much chaos has Angus caused in his life that he's on enough of a first-name basis with Kells' guards to ALSO be known by name among the Temran soldiers?! 😭
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allthebestcowgirls · 2 months
omg girl finally someone also obsessed with lost but pls tell me the two last seasons get better bc i ended up not continue watchinh bc it felt sooo confusing and the plot all over the place (might be a skill issue on my part so iff i just need to get over myself and watch it please tell meee) all of your lost takes are so real btw. i see you
hmmmmm lost has been a very dear friend to me since i was young so just know that im very biased. but i like the last couple seasons of lost! personally season 4 is one of my favorites bc from what i remember (it's been a couple years since ive had a full rewatch) but its pretty tight and they're working towards one end goal. after that tho......😬HAHAHA like honestly yeah they do kinda just go crazy w it towards the end of the show LOL i personally love that but it's not for everyone! part of it is tho that u just kinda need to be okay going along for the ride :) i do think it's worth it tho bc even if it's confusing or all over the place it's never boring
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illbestarryeyedforyou · 5 months
I'm depressed and I can't see a way out.
Anon —
I don't know if you sent this just to send it to someone and/or if you would like my support or advice, but I'm going to choose to do that regardless.
I'm really sorry you're feeling depressed at the moment, but I need to understand and know this: there is a way out; and sometimes you have to create that way out yourself, but there is a way out.
I don't know if you have friends and/or loved ones to reach out to, but please try to do so, please. You don't have to go through this alone. A simple reaching out to them that you're feeling depressed and need support could really go a long way.
However, if you do decide to go the lonely route, then please try not to hurt yourself on that journey. Give yourself a reason each day to give life and yourself a chance.
Try to find one thing to be proud of or thankful for each day. It could be from doing laundry, cooking yourself a good meal, going for a walk, rewatching your comfort shows/movies, showering, or even getting out of bed in general. I don't care. I mean I care, but I meant it in a "it could be anything, as long as it's positive". I promise you that it will help you so much.
There's this saying that I read and I might have to paraphrase it because I couldn't find it to share it with you, but it goes along with "a negative mindset will never lead to a positive life". Something like that? Now to me, it means that you can't keep dwelling on your sadness, depression, regrets, and past. You gotta breathe all that in and exhale hope, forgiveness, curiosity, determination, kindness, courage, love, and gratitude. Move forward.
Good or bad, life is life. You have to try each day to do your best in showing up for yourself.
I really hope you have people in your life whom you can reach out to. There's nothing shameful about asking for help. And if you are reading this saying "well I've always done things on my own" etc, cut the fucking bullshit. We all need love and support. I need it as well. So grow up and be vulnerable to those selected few you have allowed into your life. It's okay to be intimate and open about your struggles and needs.
It's okay to get rejected from getting help as well, it will help you understand your place in other people's lives. However, I'm confident that your friends and loved ones won't do that to you. Please also consider therapy, okay?
This is coming from someone who chose to do things without considerations of others and I will forever be remorseful of that because I know I hurt others in that process and— I'm extremely sorry about that. But I have to forgive myself for that and learn from it. I will be a better person, brother, son, and friend because of it.
Sigh. Everyone is sad here, huh? Hahaha.
Boy, I do not know how to stop talking.
Okay, um, Anon - I'm rooting for you. Life is... something. But it's still worth living for 😊😊 I hope you know that you matter. Go be amazing 😊😊😊
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fujunfuren · 8 months
[One Million Yen Girl]
oh, so you re-watched. I was running out of things to watch and I took a liking of the actress's expressions/acting when i saw a short video on Instagram. the acting was good, the setting was quite natural.
it was a wild start. the first 15 mins, i couldn't help but laugh cuz she went thru a lot of bad things without a break. poor her.
it wasn't relatable for me but i was continuously curious and nervous about her journey. i was on guard while watching her encounters. i think i was all about the risks and her reaction to unfamiliar environments and people.
the brother was so annoying in the beginning. i can't stand nosy and arrogant characters (the girls on the street belittling her made me almost stop watching) but both the brother and the movie turned well later.
it was interesting to see their stories take turn. we briefly watch him endure the abuse and we move on to her current situation. it was also interesting that he was cruel/rude to his sister but completely powerless towards the kids bullying him and being skeptical about his worth and the validity of his actions. my heart broke seeing him still doubt his final response to them.
the ending. i wasn't ??? but i was feeling uneasy in the last 15 mins because my mind was going back and forth between "is he using her?" and "is he doing it to prevent her from leaving?". as a hopeless romantic, i sensed the reason behind what he was doing (though it was not the best way) but they also hinted that he might be a player. his true intention was going to either hurt my feelings or make me happy. the reveal was weak imo but at the end he wasn't a player, however, most importantly, this movie wasn't about them. lol i got neither hurt nor happy (but a secret third thing.....)
her being able to say whatever was indeed a step for her so i won't and can't call it a bad ending.
i don't know if you see it in your second watch but my one of the favorite things about this movie was the curtain. she brought the curtain she sewed with her everywhere. i enjoyed watching her hang and remove it each time. i'd love it to have a gifset or a series of screenshots.
but overall, i felt that i didn't get the intended message. hearing out another person's perspective would be more than welcome. so thank you for sharing.
[TMTYLM] it wasn't a bad ending but the final week's episodes weren't as rich like the previous episodes. I enjoyed the journey more than its final part. i'll give it a good re-watch later!
have a lovely day/night.
[One Million Yen Girl]
i love aoi yu so much! her acting always amazes me <33
ikr, why is everything going against her, poor girl just trying to survive quietly.
i was ready to fight her brother for being so rude, like i know he's projecting his inability to fight off his bullies to his quiet sister but when he tugged on to her shirt after seeing her fighting off her bullies (they can go to hell lol) and then they held hands and walked back home tgt, him telling her to write to him..he's a little boy indeed.
"this movie wasn't about them" HAHAHA you are so right. when it was revealed why he behaved that way, im just, dudeeeee you showed like you're a bright red flag, i'd leave too if i was her. And the ending when she saw him but shrugs it off, i feel like because so many bad things happened to her, she just dont want to believe that he was actually running after her but nevertheless i think good for her lol.
frienddd i wanted to gif this show so bad after rewatching. and yes! the curtain is so dear to me. but alas, i cannot torrent and the dl link is broken. so until i find a good link~~~~
kinda difficult to find kdramas with an impactful ending nowadays yeah hahah. but glad to know it was a good drama for you!
You have a good week ahead too :))
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