#you think you're so badass harassing me like this
everyb0dysf00l · 2 days
How the Cullens would react to you asking them to "Hold your beer"
(Gifs don't belong to me, creds to the owners)
Tag: @malindacath
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He's a mind reader, he knows what you're about to do before you do it
"No, absolutely not."
He won't be apart of your disorderly conduct
If you manage to shove the drink in his hand before he can decline, he'll just watch from the sidelines, disappointed at you
Relatively the same
He'll just look at you even more disappointed
He can't believe his partner is the one to participate in a bar fight
He might make an exception, though, if the person you want to have it out with was harassing you
He'll be proud of you for defending yourself
Although he'd definitely step in because he doesn't want you to get hurt and because he thinks he's the one that's supposed to protect you
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Isn't a mind reader, knows what you're about to do
Like Edward, she wants no part in it
She might be a bit more agreeable if the person you want to fight was harassing you
She'll stand off to the side, beer in hand, watching you fight the creep happily like it's entertainment
Doesn't want you to get into fights
Looks down on them like they're below her, which technically they are given her upbringing and background
Tries to talk you out of it but she knows you won't listen
She'll confront the person you want to fight if they were the one in the wrong
If she can't stop you, she'll just watch as you get into it with the stranger
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"Sure, dude."
Has mouth is agape, his jaw on the floor when he sees you soccer punch the person across the face
Absolutely on your side
Cheers you on
Might spill your drink a little or straight up knock it over
Don't worry, he'll buy you a new one (with whatever cash he has on him, he's still not allowed a credit card)
Pretty much the same aside from him being super proud of you
Will go around showing you off as his "badass partner"
Takes you out somewhere to celebrate you kicking the shit out of someone
If you're the one who lost the fight though, he's stepping in and defend you from the stranger
Still proud of either way though
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She sensed this was going to happen
Well, not this exactly but something along the lines that would ruin the evening
She'll try to talk you out of it but she knows you won't listen
She has experience calming Jasper down so she'll try using that
Watches from the side, kinda embarrassed with all the people looking
Finds it a little bit entertaining but wouldn't admit it
Gives you a knowing look
She knows what you're like and doesn't want the night to be ruined
"Just let it go, they're not worth it."
She'll call out your name to try telling you to stop if you go on to do it anyway
Definitely gets quiet the rest of the evening
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Grabs the drink awkwardly
He's from Texas, he knows when things are about to go down
He can also tell by your emotions what you're about to do
He'll enjoy the fight, he's never had something this entertaining while living with the Cullens to be honest
If blood spills, he's out
He still has terrible self control and doesn't want to merk an entire bar
From your emotions it's obvious what you're about to do
Takes the cup but also takes your hand to stop you
Unlike the others, he is successful at stopping you from starting the fight, much to your annoyance
He's kind of a traditional man, sorry
He thinks he should be the protector
That means he's going to step in (regardless of your gender) and put a stop to whatever was happening with you and the stranger
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She immediately accepts the cup, completely unaware of what you're about to do
Like Emmett, she is shocked when you start brawling with the person who had been bothering you
She completely disapproves of violence and will shake her head in disappointment at the way you're acting
The poor woman just thought you wanted her to hold your drink
Still as oblivious
She might start wisening up after the first few times though
Gives you "the look"
You know, the disappointed mom look
Sighs when you run off, she always ends up with that drink in her hand
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Very similar to Esme, he just thinks you want him to hold your drink
He isn't entirely shocked or surprised when your motives are sinister though, he knows you better than that
Stares at you like a disappointed father, both during the fight and when you're walking back to him for your cup
Very vocal about his dislike of your behaviour
Now knows better than to think you just want to hand him your beer innocently
Will hold you back from pursuing the person
He doesn't want you hurt or causing a scene
If you somehow manage to get out of his grip, he won't stop you from lunging at your target and fighting them
He'll just wait for you to finish and disappointedly look you over for any injuries when you return
Grabs an ice pack for your knuckles
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Pls like and reblog if you enjoyed this♥
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Okay we also see Alastor go ham and how wifey swoons over him but now what if wifey let lose, like someone threatens him or the hotel and before anyone could react she dashes forward killing them brutally and mercilessly?
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Violence, Blood, Wifey is crazy, Suggestive
Description: ☝️⬆️
Not many people know that Alastor's wife is a badass, mostly because you're content to watch and support your husband on the sidelines
But that doesn't mean you aren't your own kind of terrifying, you're a bad bitch and that's how you pulled your husband
He knows you can take care of yourself and loves it when you put someone in their place, he even likes it when you put him in his place 😏
Everyone is so used to Alastor protecting you that they never consider what you're capable of, your husband is just being a gentleman
But Alastor knows this and looks forward to the times you want to handle things yourself
Someone is harassing you on the street? Being crude and disgusting to you because they assume you're just some random dame?
Your husband simply looks at you to see if you want him to handle it or not, he would love to teach this punk a lesson for you
But he gets excited when you shake your head and start taking off your jewelry, holding his hand out to hold it for you
"Oh? Do come back dirty for me, I'll lick you clean~"
He just watches you pummel the street urchin with a satisfied smile on his face, letting out a lovesick sigh at the sound of your victim's screams
"Isn't she a vision, Husker? Look at the way the blood drips down her body~ Absolute poetry in motion~"
Husk just sighs and chugs a bottle of booze, already so done with the two of you
"Yeah, uh, she's really somethin'..."
Alastor lets out a happy hum and turns back to watch you, completely enamored by the sight of you
"She really is~"
You try to help your husband in a fight? Well suddenly its just you figuring because Alastor stops to watch the show
"Alastor, aren't you going to help her..?"
He almost doesn't hear Charlie speaking to him, a cloud of hearts practically fluttering around him as he stares at you, frozen in place
"And deprive myself of this beautiful sight? Now, that would be a true sin... Look to your left, my dear!"
He actually has to cover his mouth with his hand to hide his blush when you spin around and impale them, blowing your husband a kiss
"Thank you, darling~"
His tail is wiggling with happiness, dramatically catching the kiss and keeping it close to his heart
Charlie thinks at some point she hears him whistling at you but she doesn't want to look and confirm
Or when someone tries to hurt your family, Alastor has seen you lose your shit because you caught someone trying to assassinate him
One moment, he's relaxed and snuggling with his darling wife and the next, he hears a crash and sees you throwing the attacker across the room
And he'll be damned if he doesn't say that it does something to him to see you like that
You're practically feral as you tear apart the screaming demon, a blinding rage taking you over
"How dare you come into MY HOME! Try to hurt MY HUSBAND!"
Alastor is nearly blushing, flustered and pulling on his collar as he watches you defend him like he's some helpless little demon
"Darling, you sure do know how to make your husband hot under the collar, don't you~?"
He catches one of your hands mid strike and takes you out of your rage, unable to stop himself from kissing your blood covered face
He can't help it, seeing you so angry and violent reminds him of when he first met you-
The would-be-attacker is still alive, a weak hand coming up to grab at your ankle when you suddenly use your own powers to finish him off
You're too busy being kissed and fondled by your husband to devote any more attention to them
He hoists you up suddenly, your legs wrapping around him as he steps over the body of your victim, leaving the room to take you upstairs instead
He nuzzles his face against your neck, distracting you from glaring at the corpse in the other room
"Do you think you could toss me like that, darling?"
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Wifey is just a doll 😍
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Trapped and Dreaming Freedom
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So I've been reading these two webtoons lately about female leads stuck in very toxic and unhealthy relationships (while being aware of it), and I'm loving every second of it!
If you know me, you know I just love a badass cool female lead and I also love seeing characters stuck in very difficult situations and watching how they use their brains and/or skills to get out of it, and both comics excel at these aspects!
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First series is "Trapped", a comic about this taxi driver who got tangled by accident with a vampire who develops an obsession with both her and her blood after she manages to outsmart him a couple of times, something that hasn't happened to him in years.
It feels very "Tom and Jerry" with both characters trying to get the upper hand on their relationship, and you would think it would be super one-sided but vampires actually have quite a bit of annoying rules on how they work that severely limit their freedom and our female lead exploits as many of them as she can to make him eat sh*t! It's just glorious!
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"Dreaming Freedom" is... somehow less dark, and at the same time way darker of a series.
It's not as violent or gory but it deals with more realistic problems that hit closer to home for some like school bullying, abandonment, harassment, family abuse, and so on.
The premise is that our female lead teams up with a guy that has the power to use dreams to affect people in the real world, and they use this ability to get revenge on all the girl's classmates that harassed her, but the more our female lead does that, more the male lead gets obsessed with her and we later find out that he has some serious anger issues making him extremely dangerous.
Our lead basically goes from "I can use him to get payback!" to "Oh my God, I'm the only thing that's keeping this dude under control and away from people!"
It feels like you're being handed a living knife that you just pray won't run out of control or turn itself against you. It's so uncomfortable but at the same time so thrilling!
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While I really don't like when unhealthy relationships are glamorized and used to send some kind of "Oh, he's kinda dangerous... But at least he loves you, so it's okay, right?" message, I do like it when the unhealthiness of the relationship is the focus AND is painted as a problem that needs to be fixed.
I like how both female leads always call the male leads on their bs and keep them in check whenever they start going too far, and it's fun to see how they use them whenever they're backed into a corner by the antagonists of the stories.
Also like the themes these series explore, about how when you keep dealing with people that act like monsters you see yourself slowly turning into a monster yourself and start to attract other monsters as well, eventually making you question how far can you go? How far should you go? Can you get back from it? And so on.
But most of all, I like that both series make sure to show that these "bad boys" were their last freaking options. Not the first, not the second, but the very bottom of the barrel. They went to them only after they felt they had no other choices and were sure that nobody else would take their side.
This isn't just "Oh, I went to him because he's a hot bad boy", this is "The world turned its back on me so I'm gonna use the only cards that I have left."
They basically made a deal with their devils and now the fun is watching to see how/if they're gonna get out of it.
This is how I like to see problematic relationships. You don't paint them as something normal or something good, you paint them as a hardship that needs to be dealt with and use it to do clever commentary on the worst aspects of humanity so we can learn how to be better and as a source for good and intense drama to make us worried for the main characters and invested in seeing them get out okay.
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I mean I would argue that the dame culture presented in game is at least comparable to drag, in the way that it's a very performative kind of gender presentation that is completely unrelated to the performers actual gender, but I totally agree that om is clearly presenting the event as something other than cross dressing or the traditional understanding of drag as a man in a dress and it's really nice to see! Its like- gender performance vs performative gender if that makes any sense? Idk lol but it's really nice to see men performing femininity without any shitty jokes
Also it's really funny to me that beel keeps breaking his heels because they absolutely make heels for drag with steel reinforcements so either he's breaking THOSE (wouldn't put it past beel) or they don't have that kind of heel in the devildom lol
Sorry you're getting weird terfs harassing you :(
No I get that!! I definitely see it as being comparable to drag (which is not a bad thing! Drag is great and allows for a lot of gender expression and there's different kinds of drag) but it also feels different? I think it's because the Devildom doesn't seem to hold any of the gender stereotypes of the human world? Which affects the entire event.
I've spoken about it in my previous posts and in some that are still on queue but;
The dressing up/crossdressing is never treated as anything other than normal. Even when the brothers have problems with it it's never with the actual part of becoming a "dame" - it's things like breaking their heels or being too lazy to put in too much effort.
Being a "Dame" is a character, just like how in drag most people play characters, and a Dame is characterized by "nobility" : the Dames are supposed to be kind, gracious, selfless, poised characters
This is shown in OM! by how Mammon loses his accent whenever he's performing as a "Dame". But there's a lot of intertwining/overlap between acting the part of the Dame and the brothers' everyday gender presentation
Barbatos and Asmo somewhat put an emphasis on show makeup (aka exaggerated makeup) versus everyday makeup, they're both well versed in both kinds
Asmo wears a lot of stereotypically feminine clothes & makeup & heels in everyday life without it affecting how he views himself as a man
Mammon and Lucifer both wear heels often enough that wearing them comes naturally to them
I think there's one card where Mammon's wearing (comparatively) light makeup and honestly I see it as being something that he's used to (you can't blend your eyeshadow as well as Mammon has in his recent card and be new to it, specially for someone who's not naturally artistic)
Mammon says that what he wears doesn't matter as long as he looks like a badass, which feels like it's more than just about this specific situation where he has to act like a Dame - it genuinely just feels like how Mammon as a person would see himself
Lucifer & Barbatos (two of the most serious and badass/dangerous characters in the game) are looked up to as "exceptional dames" despite neither dressing up for the contest. They are viewed as professionals in the area. But I don't see either Barbatos or Lucifer as people who would put on a character that is significantly different from their usual selves (the way Mammon had to)
I think what it comes down to is that drag (for most people) is something that you can at least somewhat take off at the end of the day? Like for Beel, I absolutely cannot see him wearing dresses/heels while out of his Dame character. But Asmo wears makeup/heels/stereotypically feminine clothes, Mammon wears makeup/heels, Lucifer wears heels, Barbatos apparently wears makeup often enough too, in their everyday lives while still all presenting as male that at this point it moves away from being a performance and becomes just a part of them and a part of how they present themselves/their gender. And so, at this point, because makeup/heels/dresses are just things that shouldn't be assigned genders of their own it can't really be considered crossdressing anymore. And in the Devildom no one bats an eye at that.
Does that make sense?
Also, just.... these characters are thousands if not millions of years old - of course they're not gonna stick to gender stereotypes or a specific gender presentation. Objectively, I don't think it's even possible - with the way gender & gender stereotypes change with time - even if you pick one gender and stick to it, what it means to be that gender would change over time when you've lived that long. So at some point you're gonna say "fuck it, I'm doing whatever the fuck makes me comfortable"
No listen he definitely was breaking through them as well!
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thenightfolknetwork · 6 months
I don't know how to explain so I will probably ramble a bit, before, yk, actually explaining.
So, I have this friend, they are of this analogue-to-god species. They look like sapio enough I guess, I'm no expert on this subject and sapios are kind of basic.
Of course, unlike sapios, they have the typical symbols of a deity: hands with wounds, an eye on the tongue and the most beautiful horns, intertwined around the entire skull like a crown and yeah, I also think they're super badass, even without the miracles and powers and everything.
The fact is that they are having problems at university. We don't know who, but someone is filling their dorm room with these most horrible notes about them being a freak or a demon (which isn't bad, but it's said in such an offensive way) and someone just shoved all their books in one of the university lakes and now they are banned from borrowing any more books and I helped them make a formal complaint and still no one will do anything about it! My friend is incredibly sweet and kind, they can't hurt a fly, even though they definitely damaged space time when he was born, but who hasn't?
The thing is, we recently discovered who was behind it and we've come to an agreement: maybe it's time to teach them why they called us monsters in the first place. A little payback? Installing a bit of fear of god on their souls? Nothing permanent of course. Nothing that could be tracked back to us either. But if these bastards think we are freaks, well we can behave like ones.
Still, I don't know. They don't know either. When is it revenge and when is it simply survival? I don't believe that if you break a nazi's arm you're equal to one. I do believe that a Nazi with one arm has one arm less to make Nazi stuff. Anyway, we need advice.
This is an extremely difficult situation, reader, and I'm so sorry you and your friend have been put in this position. I agree, it is a ridiculous bit of rhetorical nonsense to say that anyone acting against bigoted behaviour is “just as bad” as their aggressor. It is one thing to take violent objection to a person's (violent) behaviour. It is another thing entirely to object to a person's mere existence.
All this said, I am simply not in a position to condone violence towards this person, much less encourage you to any particular act. This blog is not a private conversation, and it would be highly irresponsible of me to say anything about your situation which might be construed as encouraging violence.
I must say, I am frankly appalled at your institution's lack of response. Please do double check your university's harassment policy. You have every right to demand action in accordance to that policy, especially if you have evidence of who it is behind these attacks.
If they continue to drag their feet, you might explore other ways of putting pressure on them to act. Peaceful protests, letter-writing campaigns, or going to the press with the story of their failure to protect vulnerable students are just some of the ways you can press the issue.
I also feel obliged to mention the possibility of getting the police involved. This seems to me a rather clear-cut case of harassment, but I understand if your friend does not consider this a viable option. Goodness knows the police have done little enough to earn the trust of the liminal community over the years, and you must be led by your own personal politics.
All of this to say that there are other options here, and I encourage you to explore all of them before resorting to violence. As I said, I cannot possibly condone violence on this platform – no matter how extremely tempting it might be to do so. Besides, if this person were, for example, to suffer some kind of extremely painful and humiliating accident, you and your friend would be the most obvious suspects.
Besides, it would be extremely unethical of you to curse this person to within an inch of their life, causing them never to know a moment's peace, plagued as they are by visions of a world more horrible than they ever imagined. Under no circumstances should you and your friend stand your ground, bare your teeth, and show this revolting excuse for a human being the true meaning of monstrosity. Certainly not.
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applesandbannas747 · 1 year
Sarah Rees Brennan's additions to the Fenceverse were peppered with classism, ableism, biphobia, and racism (what else can I call the erasure of Eugene's Filipino heritage?), but one aspect of it that's at once more subtle and more obvious is Coach Sally Williams's inappropriate behavior with her students, and I need to talk about it. Fence is marketed toward a young adult audience--kids who have teachers, maybe even teachers like Williams...and, hopefully, who know to report teachers like her to someone.
Let me make clear that my condemnation of Williams as a predator is only relating to the novels. In the comics, she's fantastic and badass and caring. In the novels, she takes it too far. There are several instances of her being what I'd call a shitty teacher throughout the novels, but there is a moment in Fence: Striking Distance where she sexually harasses three of her students. Can you think of when?
If you thought of the punishment she issued to Seiji, Nick, and Eugene for failing in a trust fall exercise, you would be correct! I want to be entirely clear here; there is no question of whether that was sexual harassment against her students. It was. Definitionally, it was. That's not up for debate. Let's get into why and fill in some context that makes the whole scene even more disturbing.
Williams issued a punishment to three of her students which involved them stripping. Asking students to undress is in itself sexual harassment (unless you're a chemistry teacher telling someone to get their ass in the 'i fucked up' shower but that's basically the only exception). It is inappropriate and unacceptable for a teacher to demand their student take off their shirt. Williams does. And then dresses them in raw steaks to send running around the woods. Their punishment isn't running. Their punishment is humiliation. And she's made it a sexual thing by disrobing them and dressing them so specifically and strangely. This isn't having them put on a little dunce cap and do jumping jacks kind of thing, this is a bizarre setup that, while not written as a fetish, can certainly be read that way. For whatever reason, Williams decided to have them wear raw steaks and the only real explanation is for her own pleasure--amusement, the characters and readers are supposed see. And the readers are meant to laugh along at this strange humiliation utilizing the partially naked bodies of minors.
Let's talk a little bit more about the raw steaks. The purpose of them seems to be humiliation, and if that's where Williams derives pleasure, perhaps my next points satisfy her goal intentionally. Either way, being made to strip and wear raw meat against their bare body is bound to be a massive trigger to people with sensory issues, body image issues, and eating disorders. The unique blending of unpleasant sensory, nakedness, and food would feel gross to anyone forced to abide by this punishment, but for people with pre-existing issues, it multiplies tenfold. And it is similarly disturbing in a new way to consider those who do not eat meat being forced to wear raw steaks around their necks. There are so many people for which this punishment would be even worse than you'd think at first glance, and it can absolutely be read as part of Williams's design. If you saw reports of Willimas in real life, wouldn't you assume this was intentional?
Another thing to note here is the needless escalation of the punishment to the crime. Eugene's meant to catch someone in a trust fall but turns to try and catch someone who's actually falling--Nick and Seiji being the reason and the faller in question. It is for this crime that they are punished. And, yeah, good time to talk about how your behavior can cause real harm to others (hell, it's a great metaphor for trying to learn in a rowdy classroom--reacting to the rowdiness/trying to calm it and sacrificing the thing you were doing to manage it), but an appropriate consequence would be an apology from each to Harvard. It was not a malicious or intentional attack and didn't warrant a punishment at all beyond natural consequence. Williams took this opportunity to enforce a major punishment that is entirely unrelated to the behavior nor is it beneficial to fencing the way running suicides is. Why change the terrain to the woods? And if you want to argue for the woods, I'll even give that to you. Why require bare chests and raw meat? Those conditions in no way add anything but humiliation. And, arguably, to Williams's pleasure.
I know it's 'not that deep' -- or rather, I know it wasn't meant to be. I know that this scene was not crafted with the intent to frame Williams in such an unsavory and upsetting light. I know that to assign intention behind the sexual harassment may seem presumptuous. But if this was happening in real life? Those intentions are almost guaranteed, even on a deep 'unknown' level to the teacher issuing such perverse and power-proving punishments. It doesn't matter if it wasn't written to be that deep, it has some seriously gross undertones.
Bottom line is that Williams used her power over children who were under her charge and protection to have them undress and endure the press of raw, bloody meat against them as they ran through the woods. That's not funny. That's sexual harassment.
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isabelopaque · 2 months
hi. kicks the ground a little. maybe even roots my foot through some dirt like a horse
resident macman here.
joymac early teenage years. thinking about it. okay?
how early on do you think joyces sisters were harassing them for being fags? how do you think they coped? what about school stuff? when does mac learn shame about loving his best friend so much. how does it affect joyce immediately+long term?
and i also want your thoughts about dennis joining the group and how it affected joymac (mostly joyce.) growing up n stuff
sorry. these r things ive been wanting to ask you for a while. take your time to respond to this one, no pressure. im just eager to hear ur thoughts on so much of this ...... feel free to link other posts instead ill read those up too
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you'll never guess what I've been thinking about crazily for the last week. Thank you so much for letting me talk about this. Putting this under readmore because it got. Ridiculously long. Im so sorry
if i think too hard about early highschool years joyce i get so sad and insane. theres just something so tragic about that space in between childhood and the loss of that innocence.
the kelly sisters are probably around half the age of joyce so i think their maturity hitting right as joyce was going into highschool was kind of the perfect storm in a really awful way. i dont think they were ever close with joyce, and its not like they had family dinners or anything but i dont think they were always quite so malicious? i think they messed with her but weren't quite so. much. before their tween/teenager years, mostly just leaving her out of activities and such.
i think middle school was Bad for joymac. realllll bad. it's always the worst for everyone but it's sort of that age in 7-8th grade when you're not supposed to be that close to people you arent dating, and romance becomes important. i think for a long time mac still protected her and stuck hip to hip with her, and she never really cared about what people thought but she still could tell people judged them and didnt like it, but didnt fully internalize it like mac did.
going into highschool i think was a turning point for their friendship, a kind of dynamic switch as mac tries to add being Cool into his personality separating himself from her in that way. he's hitting that point where he's really free falling into his internalized homophobia and it's affecting his relationships. he's still close and touchy and dependent with her in private but its much harder for him to do in public, which I'd think makes her pull away in turn because that hurts y'know? people being ashamed to be her friend when she's already dealing with straight up bullying in school just feels like punching down when she's already stuck.
dennis joining their friend group is Awkward at first. its weird. i think he first meets them awkwardly trying to get weed or running into them somehow, and slowly weaves his way into their lives and it's hard for all of them in different ways? mac is overjoyed theres a cooler person in their friend group but is still closed off in a way that kind of pisses dennis off, but joyce is so open and non judgemental that dennis doesnt know what to Do with it. i think undeniably joyce is jealous as hell because in his attempt to be badass he just switches his codependency from joyce to dennis and doesn't recognize it. slowly the three of them become less of joymac or macden and just the gang, ronnie the rat dirtgrug and the golden god smoking awful weed under the bleachers but it takes work to get there. where joymac are soulmates in some way whether they want to or not, macden are connected in some fucked up way with secret whispers and linked fingers in the dark, and joyden are purposeful connection - putting effort into being kind to one another in a way neither of them normally do.
i think joyce doesn't know what to do with herself in highschool, kind of floating aimlessly during the day, eating whatever spider adriano hands her, waiting til the sun sets to hold macs hand and have him help with the homework she can't figure out how to read. in that space i think she latches onto the reynolds twins in a weird way none of them know exactly what to do with. dee and him chat awkwardly while macden are in the room alone talking in hushed tones and blushing, they sit together a kind of weird girls connection neither of them ever particularly wanted, but a connection both of them needed if that makes sense? they arent Best Friends like the others but they have some sort of understanding of their mutual ostracization from the world. mac was always there for joyce no matter what but i dont think he particularly understood some of what was happening? he knew it was bad but they were little kids with terrible guardians, but i think dennis was the first person to recognize what was really happening with joyce and uncle jack and have a like. genuine connection over that trauma no one else fully Gets, mirrors of each other in an awful way.
i think over time long term mac gets over some of his hangups, especially after graduation when the twins leave for college and its just joymac against the world again but joyce never quite is as open as when they were kids until later on. i think it takes a while to build back up the comfort levels but no matter what mac is always joyces best friend, she's just not sure she's his for a long time in those growing years and she harbors, not resentment because she could never ever hate him, but a sort of deep sadness over it. in my mind especially post him coming out and Especially her coming out they're more comfortable holding hands in public and laying on one bed together again but for a long time i think theres a sort of mutual sadness of them not being able to have what they had as little kids with no one judging them
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secretgamergirl · 7 months
Does anyone actually like the whole "this total loser is the chosen one" thing?
You start playing some new game. Immediately, you are introduced to the protagonist. He's a total deadbeat loser idiot who has no greater ambition in life beyond playing games/becoming a cool rock star somehow without learning to play an instrument or form a band/watching some TV show. But through just the absolute sheer dumb luck of being in the right place at the right time, he gets The Thing, that lets him do main character in a video game stuff. Much to the frustration of this cool competent badass woman who's actively invested in saving the world and has a concrete plan to do it. Our accidental hero can't be bothered to care about any of that, and any time she's talking he either tunes out completely or sexually harasses her. Then once she eventually gives up trying to explain him he says something like "now here's the part where I do my thing!" and you jump into the action of doing 3 hit combos to enemies or whatever.
I hate that character. I can't stand him. His presence makes me not even want to touch a game, which is a real shame because I swear the paragraph above describes like... half of them. Also most shonen anime come to think, the bulk of superhero media, and a surprising amount of fantasy stuff.
Now, I understand why we have that guy. The thinking is, he's "relatable." We're making a not particularly challenging piece of escapist media, we're assuming most people who are going to be interested are losers who just sit on their couch all day, and we're also assuming they're at-least-mildly-creepy dudes even when demographic info suggests a given genre/medium appeals primarily to women.
Does anyone actually want that, though? I'm not some pathetic dude on a couch, so I probably wouldn't get the "he's just like me!" factor regardless, but like, I remember being a small child and having media constantly cram some annoying piece of garbage kid into everything for me to "relate to" and I was never able to stand any of them either.
Like if I'm watching Transformers the Movie as a kid, I am just rolling my eyes every time we have the dorky little kid going fishing or trying to use power armor, and for that matter as an adult I'm not too big on the pink girly one playing babysitter and being flirty. I'd be cool just giving all that screen time over to Kupp and Grimlock thanks.
And really, it always seems like a huge insult to whoever you're trying to give a relatable stand-in to. Some deadbeat loser who'd just be sitting on the couch watching TV if he didn't get a magic yo-yo or whatever isn't exactly an aspirational sort of character. Even if that's where you'd picture yourself at the start of the cool action narrative, if it were you, you'd want to get your act together and live up to the heroic role you fell into, right?
Like, recently I've been marathoning through Farscape for like the 5th time because a friend had never seen it, and there's a show where the protagonist is just a big fish out of water nerd in a crazy setting constantly making obscure pop culture references that absolutely nobody else is possibly going to have the context for, and I can sure as hell personally relate to that! But the key difference is, he doesn't suck. He does his best to adapt to situations and show compassion and actually learn how stuff he doesn't get works, so he's, you know, likeable. He's not some complete loser who only gets by because he has the spoon of destiny or whatever.
Actually come to think of it, I'm really combining two separate media trends I can't stand here. Loser protagonists get on my nerves even when they aren't the chosen one, and even when they aren't a total loser, I kinda hate chosen one narratives too.
Like... have you ever played a Bethesda game? They always want to do this whole bit where you come from the humblest of roots and go on to save the world or whatever, but they just cannot for the life of them wait until you've actually started accomplishing cool stuff before everyone starts in with the totally over the top hero worship. Just, "behold! This stranger to our lands has picked up the empty soda can and tossed it in the recycling bin! Truly such a feat of heroics means this is no mere mortal before us, but the great one foretold in legend!"
Like, can we please just have narratives where the protagonist is a decent person, who accomplishes things by virtue of actual competence and/or determination, and any respect or admiration they might receive is actually properly earned? Is that too much to ask? And if that IS too much to ask from a protagonist, can we at least stop treating members of the supporting cast who pick the slack up like total garbage?
And speaking of getting treated like garbage/the concept of supporting, I still don't know how I'm going to get through the winter with a roof over my head.
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sydsaint · 10 months
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Summary: The reader enlists help from Bron when Von Wagner won't leave her alone. Her plan ends up working a little too well for her liking and she develops some mixed feelings about Bron.
"I asked you to teach him a lesson, Bron. Not hospitalize him" You confront Breakker as soon as he comes stomping through the curtain.
"You didn't hear all the shit he was saying about you." Bron grits his teeth, still high off the adrenaline from the fight.
Bron walks right past you but you follow after him with an accusing finger pointed at him. "So that gives you the right to put a man in the hospital?" You ask him. "I just wanted him to stop hitting on me. Not.....not this!"
Bron stops and turns around to face you. "I did what I had to do to keep him away from you." He insists. "Don't forget, you asked for my help because you knew I wouldn't hesitate."
Bron's reminder shuts you down for the time being. He's right. You did come to him after it was clear that management wasn't going to do a damn thing about Von harassing you.
You wanted the harassment to stop. You wanted to stop being afraid to walk around the locker room for fear of running into him. But you didn't want this. You didn't want anybody to be seriously hurt. But that's what you get when you enlist 'Badass Bron Breakker' to help you out.
"You're right." You breathe an inaudible sigh. "Thank you, Bron." You give him his dues.
"You're welcome." Bron nods solemnly. "And hey, Y/N, listen." He places a delicate finger under your chin and tilts your head up to meet his gaze. "I know you don't like seeing people get hurt. But he wasn't going to stop. It was necessary."
You nod and turn to head back to the locker rooms. Shame is written plainly on your face as you retreat. But it's not because you had a hand in Von getting hurt. No. You're ashamed because you can't help but find Bron hot. This animalistic anger and violence he's been embracing as of late.
In the locker room, you are greeted by Tiffany Straton once you're through the door. She notices the shame written on your face and walks over to check up on you.
"Y/N, hey girl!" Straton offers you a cheerful smile. "What's up? You look upset."
"Hey, Tiff." You return her smile. "Do I? Weird, because I feel fine." You assure her.
Skeptical, Tiffany takes your arm and leads you further into the locker room. "Are you sure?" She presses you. "Is this about Von? I saw that match with him and Bron. It was brutal."
"Yeah.... It's kind of about that. I guess." You scratch the back of your neck.
"Did Breakker ask for something he shouldn't have for helping you?" Tiffany gets to her feet, ready to fight on your behalf.
You crack a small smile at the blonde's determination to defend you if you've been wronged. "No, it's nothing like that." You shake your head. "I just...I feel bad. I asked Bron to help me. But I didn't think he'd go that far."
"Yeah, it was pretty intense." Tiffany agrees. "But you can't blame yourself, Y/N. Von was harassing you and wasn't going to stop. You did what you had to do to make it stop."
"I know I know." You nod. "But that's only part of the reason I feel bad." You admit.
Tiffany tilts her head and sits back down. "Well then what is it?" She asks you.
"I thought it was hot, okay!" You blurt out your shameful answer while staring at the floor.
Silence falls over the room for a moment. Then it is followed up by Tiffany bursting out laughing. You narrow your eyes at her as she laughs at you.
"Tiffany! It's not funny!" You whine at her.
Tiffany gets in a few more laughs before she finally stifles her laughter. "It's kind of funny, Y/N." She insists. "Why are you being so hard on yourself? It's no big deal."
"Yes, it is!" You protest. "It's not...that's not who I am Tiff." You let out a loud sigh.
"Well the fact that you're into him says differently, N/N." Tiffany giggles.
You put your head in your hands and drag them across your face in frustration. Tiffany sets a hand on your shoulder and makes you look at her again. "Look, Y/N. I get it." She smiles at you. "Bron is an attractive guy. He's not my type sure, but he's obviously yours. And he stepped up to protect you when no one else would. So why wouldn't you be into him?"
"Yeah...I guess." You nod.
Fed up with your moping around, Tiffany pops to her feet and grabs your arm. She hauls you to your feet and drags you out the locker room. You dig your heels into the floor to try and stop her, but they don't call her the Buff Barbie for nothing.
Tiffany drags you all the way down to Bron's locker room and knocks on the door with her free hand.
"Yeah?" Bron opens the door and finds Tiffany standing in the hallway.
"Bron!" Tiffany grins at the champion while still holding onto your arm with a death grip. "Y/N here is super grateful that you helped her out with that icky Von Wagner. Plus she thinks that you're super hot and hunky! So here you go! You two have fun! Toodles!" She gives you a shove toward Bron.
Your words get stuck in your throat as Tiffany shoves you into Bron's chest. You regain your balance and watch Tiffany skip off while laughing to herself before you turn back to him.
"Ummm, hey." You blink a couple of times sheepishly at Bron.
"You look cute when you're being shy." Bron flashes you a sincere smile. "Come on in. Let's talk for a while." He offers.
You look inside the spacious locker room and nod. "Yeah, okay."
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jaozendry · 1 year
Robby Keene x M!Reader: Meeting
Pairing: Robby Keene x M!Reader
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Warnings: psych ward mentions, juvie mentions, bullying, suicide attempts mentions
Summary: After getting out of the psych ward, you meet Robby, who's also getting out of juvie. You decide to pick him up after a taxi runs late.
"45 minutes late?!" a blond boy screams on his phone.
The both of you are in front a juvenile detention center. Your car was making weird sounds and wasn't working properly, so you decided to park in front of this very center. Unfortunately for you, that was the last straw for your vehicule: it decided now was a convenient time to stop working entirely. You spy this boy, who looks like he smashed his face into a wall on multiple occasions. He looks a little older than you, but not by much. That's all you know about him so far. Wondering if you should help him, you decide to wait and hear more of what he has to say on the phone.
"I'm not waiting 45 minutes and still paying you! You know what? Cancel it!" He angrily hangs up the phone and sighs his life out.
Your generosity gets the better of you and you decide to walk up to him. It should be fine, you're around the same age range. Maybe the two of you will connect, right?
You walk towards him, hands in your pockets and staring at the floor to avoid his seemingly harsh gaze.
"Hey, I just heard what you were saying on the phone and I... uh..."
The boy looks at you, tilting his head, wondering if you're insane. Your shyness fades away the moment you get to see how beautiful this guy is. You scratch your head and stand straight. You can see the confusion in his eyes, but that won't stop you: you'll ask him if he wants to get a ride. To anywhere he wants, even if it's at the end of the world, you'll get him there. That's a promise you made to yourself.
"I was just wondering if you needed a ride." you continue, cringing internally at your own words.
"Uh, sure, I guess. Thanks." he replies, still confused.
"My uh... my car's over there." you say nervously, pointing at the old pack of metal you call a car.
"But like, I don't know, there's a problem with it, it's not starting. I'm probably out of gaz. I can call us an actual taxi if you'd like-"
As you foolishly stumble over your words, the boy interrupts you.
"There's probably something wrong inside. Let me check." he says, opening to see the mecanism. You silently watch him work in admiration for a few seconds.
"There, it should work now." he adds, closing the cap and looking at you with a slight smile.
You enter your car and as soon as you put in your car keys, it starts running. The boy smiles and gets in the front seat.
"So, where to?" you ask in a friendly manner. The boy hesitates for a little while but finally comes up to a decision.
"Uh, Cobra Kai dojo." he replies.
Your mind goes off to an entire other dimension after hearing that word. It's the dojo you've been thinking about joining after being bullied for being gay, after all. You've been beat up and chased down. One day, you decided enough was enough. After recovering in the hospital, you thought about fighting back for once. That's when Cobra Kai popped up in your mind. You've seen all these badass clips of kids fighting like in the movies, you thought that, maybe if you knew how to fight back, you wouldn't be harassed anymore. You thought about it long and hard at the psych ward, but you came to a conclusion: you will join Cobra Kai.
"I- uh- alright. I live near the dojo anyway." you reply nervously.
The silence during the ride is almost deafening. Your nervousness went wild, especially after hearing where he wanted to go. You want to know more about the man, what was he doing in juvie? Why does he want to go to Cobra Kai? Is he part of it? A million questions fill your mind. In all your glory, you decide to break the silence:
"So, uh, may I ask why you were in juvie?" you ask, stumbling over your words again. An awkward silence occurs and you're wondering if even talking was a good idea.
"I, uh, I don't want to talk about it. I'm not in the mood to talk." he replies coldly, crossing his arms. You nod in understanding, but inside you're screaming. Why would you bring up the subject? He sighs, still crossing his arms.
"I accidentally kicked a kid off the second floor during a fight." he admits with regret in his voice.
"And, uh, the black eye?" you ask out of curiosity.
"Juvie. Some guys were giving me a hard time." he replies, as cold as ever.
"Where did yours come from?" he asks out of spite.
"Got beat up on the street." you say, obviously telling a white lie.
You finally arrive at the dojo, where he picks up his bag and leaves the car as soon as possible. He nearly forgets to thank you and rushes back before you leave.
"Oh, and, thanks. I'm Robby." he tells you with a subtle smile.
"Y/N. Nice to meet you."
You shake hands through the window and wave goodbye. Before you depart, you stare at the Cobra Kai sign and wonder if it's really a good idea to join it. You do need a way to defend yourself, right?
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callmearcturus · 2 years
I feel like people find you intimidating because you're confident and because you have firm boundaries and will quickly block people for crossing them or being assholes? All of those are good things, but communicating online is hard and there's a lot of room for misunderstandings. I've seen people being frightened of people who interact with randos and first-offense block assholes, not because they intend to say anything assholish, but because they're afraid of accidentally saying something that reads differently than they expected and never having a chance to apologize or continue to interact.
Also so many people who interact with a lot of randos are entirely terrified of the people following them and that's extremely unhealthy but it's so much the norm that someone who isn't afraid of the opinions of their followers can stand out as some kind of iron-willed badass. That may also contribute.
I mean. That tracks, all of that is accurate. I've been on the internet for a long time and my boundaries are extremely well fortified at this point. Tumblr and fandom broadly are a huge part of my life, so imo the safety rails are necessary. I do recall being younger and less aware of that necessity, and it was much less fun.
But also, I cannot overstate how people cannot control my blocking, lmao. I think the last person I blocked was on one of my How To Read Whomstve posts talking about Well Actually The Epilogues Where Good And yadda yadda i blocked them, because funnily enough I don't think we need to interact further. XD I don't think I'd like their content and they wouldn't like mine.
The idea of being an iron-willed badass is fun but also a little sad. People who make you uncomfortable in fandom have no right to access to you, and once you start ignoring or blocking the folks who incite that reaction, you will be demonstrably happier.
All of these are not easy lessons. I had to go through a lot of fucking vicious harassment before I learned. Hell, the harassment I got from sw/amp wi/zard and their cronies last go-around shoved me back in the fucking closet. That ain't no joke and it sucked. So, we learn from that shit, hopefully. I just hope everyone else out there gets to learn it without the vaguely traumatic harassment campaigns. That'd be sweet.
One more thing: I know a lot of people feel more comfortable using anon to send messages. I leave it on for that reason. But I do want everyone to know that when you use anon, you are assuming the same greyface of every person who has sent me suicide baiting and threats and harassment. There is inherent baggage to hitting that 'anon' switch that you are opting into. I've said before that Anon Isn't. It isn't "anonymous," there is a collective identity to it. So I am more likely to nuke someone sending me a bad anon message.
On the flipside, when you sign the message and don't use anon, you both enable me to reply to you privately if that is more appropriate/comfortable to me, and you automatically get a cache of Good Faith that you absolutely do not get from being anon. I don't expect explaining this will cause ppl to collectively stop using anon, but I think it's important context to keep in mind.
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hi 👋🏽 I really like your stuff! I was wondering; could we possibly have some platonic headcanons for Husk where he has this unspoken kind of parent-kid relationship with the reader?
And the funny thing is that some of the others speculate that it’s no coincidence that the reader’s weirdly good at cards. Like, the reader doesn’t look exactly like him per say, but they bare enough of a resemblance to him that it has the other wondering is Husk could have possibly (unknowingly) had a kid while he was alive. No one knows. Not even us.
♦️ plz, and thank you ♥️
This is so fucking cute!!
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Husk X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Reader being a sad baby, Kidnapping, Underage drinking, Harassment, Reader needs help fr
Description: ☝️⬆️
Sure, technically you were an adult but you're also still just a kid
You thought you knew everything, you thought you were grown and didn't need to rely on anybody
You didn't need to open up to anybody, you grew up tough and went out like a badass
You weren't hurt or angry at the world at all
It's your attitude towards these things that makes Husk look out for you, keeping a watchful eye on you even when you don't want him to
You're trying to get a drink at a bar?? He's dragging you out and telling you that you're too young for that shit
Fucking hypocrite you drink all the time
You're getting into a fight with someone 10x your fucking size?? Husk is there to tackle them and take you home
Lectures you the entire way back if you're the one who started it
Some sleazy motherfucker is hitting on you?(Or even if it's not someone sleazy really) He's there to tell them to keep walking
Even if you don't want them to
Even the others at the hotel slip up and call him your dad which just pisses you off even more
"Angel! Let me have a drink!!"
"No way, kid! Your pops would totally kill me if I let you get wasted!"
Definitely causes some arguments between you two, the kind that makes everyone else in the hotel scatter
"You're not in charge of me, Husk! Just leave me alone!!"
"You think you got it all figured out, don't you? Well you fucking don't! You're not the biggest baddest thing out there! Hell, you're not even the baddest thing in this hotel!"
Not Alastor giving you cheeky wave as he walks by
Once the fight reaches it's peak then you storm off, fed up with being treated like a child
"I don't need a father so just back off!"
Husk needs a drink
Fine, let's see how you like it when nobody is looking out for you
You and Husk don't speak for awhile after that but you're too stubborn to admit that you miss him
You begin to act out whether you realize it or not, wanting him to come and yell at you like he used to
It was actually nice having someone who cared enough about you to fight with you over your choices
So you take your newfound freedom and sneak into a club that you've been trying to get into for awhile
You meet some fun people and party with them, drinking every drink they slide your way, dancing with whoever grabbed you
After awhile though you begin to feel dizzy and sick, you desperately need some fresh air
And some water
"Hey where you going, squirt??? We're just getting started!!"
Hey let go-
Ow! That hurts! Why are you grabbing so hard!?
I said let go of me-
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
You nearly cry at the sight of him, fur bristling with anger, wings spread out, arms crossed
You break away and run to him immediately, hugging him tight and relaxing as he wraps a protective arm around you
You'll blame it on the alcohol later
"You okay, kid?"
You don't see how he never takes his eyes off your friends turned attackers
You just nod and hide your face in his chest, squeezing him tighter
"I wanna go home..."
Husk immediately softens up and carries you home, making sure nobody follows the two of you
He takes care of you the entire night and has a hangover remedy ready for you in the morning
No lecture from him this time, he just quietly takes care of you then leaves
Charlie and Vaggie will later tell you that he stayed with you the whole night, refusing to leave your side
You'll have to seek him out on your own once you feel better, sitting on a bar stool and clearing your throat
"I'm not going to fix you a drink so just forget it-"
"Thank you...for...you know..."
Husk visibly softens up once he registers your words, sighing as he sets his rag down
It takes all of his strength to power through his next words, looking embarrassed and uncomfortable
Telling you that he's not trying to baby you when he stops you from doing certain things, or when he tells you that you're too young
He's just trying to look out for you because he cares about you
And no matter how angry with him you get, he'll always come bail you out of trouble and you can always come to him with anything
Sure, he might not be your father but he's definitely your daddy
Wait fuck that came out wrong
It sounded cool in the movie!!
It's not that funny!! You are ruining the moment
Husk is so fucking embarrassed now, forget he said anything
Freezes up when you suddenly leap across the counter to hug his neck, squeezing him in a way that makes his heart melt
Hugs you back while awkwardly petting your head, feeling like his old heart is about to burst
"Thanks for everything, Husk~"
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I GOT VERY CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS I'M SORRY!! I hope you still enjoy it!!
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Hey!!! I’m curious to know, why don’t you like Bryce or CC? Personally the first book was better than the second book but overall, the series hasn’t been too bad (minus the whole crossover thing)
You want to ask me, on this our first day of elucienweek, why I hate Bryce and CC? ESPECIALLY when you admit you like them? Oof.
I mean, I'll share but I'm not interested in changing my opinion or like, softening this.
First of all, and I will die on this hill, Bryce is a fucking pick-me of the HIGHEST order. This is a problem with the narrative and not so much her, but if I wanted to read endless prose on how fucking hourglass, Kardashian hot a woman was, I could pick up a Branden Sanderson novel. EVERY SINGLE MAN has to simp for Bryce, including Ruhn who has a very uncomfortable passage in the first book where he is looking her up and down in her tight jeans. Bryce can't walk down the road without being sexually harassed and she seemingly likes it. Who's fantasy is that? What in the wattpad is that?
Second, every single man in the book is standing in a line behind Hunt to fuck Bryce. IDK what your experience with this is, but I have some personal experience with men pretending to be your friend so they can have a shot. It never reads as genuine but OF COURSE Bryce doesn't mind that they all openly and desperately want to fuck her. We're treated to thought after thought about her body, looking her up and down in a way that feels very "through the male gaze" and I was just over it 400 pages in. WE GET IT. Oh my GOD.
SJM loves to do this thing where she puts you in the POV of a character who has knowledge the reader should know and instead will use that POV to lie in order to create some big reveal. 500 pages looking for a missing child? LOL Bryce figured that out on page 26 and this whole side quest has been a massive, frustrating waste of time. Of course she did, she's so smart. She suffers from Aelin syndrome where she just keeps secrets from EVERYONE because, presumably, no one can be trusted? For ReAsOnS that made me want to slam the book to the ground.
Of course Bryce is also the main protag so we're told over and over she's smart and talented and whatever but OH MY GOD everything she does is STUPID AS SHIT. This was my issue with TOG. Aelin was the best assassin, according to the narrative but every time you saw her assassin-ing, she was pretty bad at it. Or how Cassian/Azriel are elite warriors but endlessly injured. Like, either make your characters NORMAL or make them REALLY badass. Bryce isn't particularly smart, she's impulsive and makes endless bad decisions and it's just fine.
The whole "we're better than the humans thing" was a choice. That whole plot, in book 2, where Bryce is just 'meh' and treats the rebellion like they're beneath her was a really bad look. Was it supposed to convey she's better than them? Because honestly, both books give off this supreme sense that Bryce thinks she is just better than everyone else and she does not need to treat the people around her well. She's shitty to Lebehah (or whatever her name was) and that creature literally DIED for, why? She's shitty to Ruhn who is endlessly going to bat for her, she was unnecessarily bratty with Hunt in book 1 when he was trying so hard to help her with Danika, like this is a pattern of behavior for Bryce.
And unlike Feyre and Aelin who like, grow and learn, Bryce gives off this aura of "I am fine as I am" girl you are easily the worst of the three. Like I get it, party girl roped into shenanigans but we are 1600+ pages into this story and Bryce is just stagnant and not particularly fun when you're trapped in her headspace. I read book 2 because twitter spoiled the ending and I knew I was going to have to read it in order to continue ACOTAR, but honestly if SJM wasn't doing this cursed crossover, I would have DNF'd.
And if you liked it, I'm not saying you're wrong for it or whatever. I know a lot of people prefer CC to ACOTAR and TOG. I think it suffers from all the same problems as SJMs other series but her protag isn't half as likable. Her side characters are. My love of Ruhn is decently known. Ultimately there are too many problems with the convoluted narrative that don't make it enjoyable for me.
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sol-consort · 5 months
Man FUCK that bitch ass fucking assassin motherfucker I hope he rots. Sorry he pissed me off to no end.
Also yeah FemShep’s VA is considered the better VA of the Shepards which makes sense MaleShep is voiced by Mark Meer who hadn’t done much voice work before, his biggest role being Cyric in Baldur’s Gate II, and FemShep was voiced by Jennifer Hale who had been at it for almost 20 years at the time. It wasn’t just Jennifer Hale either, Anderson being Keith David and Joker being Seth Green who had both been doing it over 20 years. I liked MaleShep’s voice though and never had a problem with it because it’s very main heroy and recognizable like I’d instantly know that it was Shepard if I heard it.
I knew that the series wouldn’t be exactly up with the times because it was 2007-2012 but Jesus I had no idea that FemShep gets harassed so much.
I didn’t get a reconcile scene on the Citadel since I didn’t romance anyone in ME1 I went into the series with Tali on my mind as my definitive romance.
I don’t think Thane praying for you instead himself is unique to his romance? Or at least I remember something similar happening maybe it was his son.
You can’t hit on EDI as MaleShep I’m pretty sure don’t remember that being an option however you can still hit on Joker as MaleShep I remember seeing that option and going “why would I say that?” Also I’m surprised you never mentioned the Joker segment of Mass Effect 2 where you sneak around the ship as Joker that section surprised the shit out of me.
Oh yeah a fun little fact, remember the show Once Upon a Time I’ve mentioned a couple times when talking about fairy tales? The actor who plays Kaiden was in that show and played the show’s version of Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio. I don’t remember what happened to Cricket in the show though. He may have just stopped being relevant so they never brought him up again since the show just fucking loved doing that.
Is the hot assassin guy supposed to be unlikeable? I liked him so far, like ngl, plus he's pretty cool. Evil living weapons of destructions, my beloveds.
And yeah, i really like femshep, but it is pretty cool of them to give maleshep VA a chance for such a big character. Sure, it could've been better, but he probably did the best he could with the skills he had at the time, and it did appeal to some people!
And man I'm just lucky I actually enjoy these things ingames, like I am down to being a whore and flirting with everyone so it doesn't bother me when the npcs forcefully flirt with you bc you picked a woman. What bothers me is that the fact it's only bc you picked a woman, and just because I wanted it doesn't mean other people do and it might make them very uncomfortable. There are several mods to remove the sexual harassments femshep gets, I wish there was one to remove it for EDI tho.
We should all have a choice, is what I'm saying. It feels like femshep was made to appeal to straight guys who might play her as an outsider observer. Same with some lesbian characters, too, ngl- not all of them, but the game has its moments where it makes me realise oh this was put here for a straight dude to gawk at. Meanwhile, maleshep feels the proper self insert badass at times. Really hate that.
That's why I like picking NB options whenever they're present, you're free from expectations and the devs aren't sure what to make of you so they don't try to appeal to a certian demographic and just write your character as a character.
You did Tali romance? Hell yeah she is an amazing character and her relationship with Shepard feels phenomenal. Like a scientist princess and her knight in shining armour, amazing. Plus she is all adorable when she talks about engines and how we get to help her so many times.
Apparently her and Garrus end up together if you don't romance her, but I haven't seen it yet. She always felt close to Shepard, especially in the second game where she is the first friendly face you see.
I haven't met her yet in ME3, still doing side errands. I am very very broke and everything is very very expensive and I miss sugar daddy illusive man pls take me back, the alliance became more stingy than I remember or inflation is hitting hard.
Fuck I hat like 999999 something credits in the first game, why couldn't it tranfer over??
And Thane!! My heart! He even prays for you when he's not romanced??? That's it, he is legit the most precious character and no one else comapres. I would die for Thane, I would kill everyone on the Normady for Thane.
But I know Thane would forgive me If I picked Grunt over him bc my son which just makes Thane the most amazing man ever, DRELL ARE SUPERIOR I TELL YOU.
Also so far Drell worship Hanar (kinda) and Hanar worship protheons (kinda) and Javik likes humans(he is all current protheon population)
So by association! Drell and Humans are conncted, and no, I will not give up my tank of copium. Go buy your own. Idk what overdosing is, I have insomnia I forgot.
And aww we can't hit on EDI :( i would've treated her better than Joker.
Yeah I had the same reaction to the flirting with Joker line but just went for it because what's the worst that can happen? He says no and we laught it off.
Imagine if the worst was him retiring from being your pilot and you get soma rando driving the Normady around who now runs at half the speed and takes twice as much gas plus occasionally breaks down and you have to pay 100k credits for repairs.
Oh also then there is this one thing I am sure is exclusive to femshep.
You can sleep with Javik. The protheon. Yes.
But it's not a full romance :"(
He has four eyes I wonder if he has four-
I heard about once upon a time, the show. But never watched it.
I did however watch a random person talk about it in a video essay because I prefer that over watching shows.
This one.
It was fun, I'm not big on fairytales but I enjoyed hearing about it.
The Joker sneak section in ME2 didn't resonate with me much for some reason. It was nice but I didn't feel the pressure at all and with EDI constantly talking it got annoying and I just wanted it to be over.
His jokes were nice but the moment of trusting EDI didn't hit the same way it should've. It didn't feel endearing or earnest.
The sudden flip in their relationship afterwards was too jarring.
I prefer ME3 EDI and Joker dynamic over ME2. However I hate how EDI is becoming a "born sexy yesterday" character by the game when her core as a character is so profound and genuine. She wants to know her purpose, what it means to be alive and all the other characters mention about her is her body which is bleh.
Even some of her dialogues with Joker is just overplayed sex jokes. It's all of her amazing writing vanishes the moment it's not just her and Shepard in a conversation.
Kaidan's voice actor is great! He even stood out to me in the first game. You notice how much more convicnising and immersive his delivery was over the other characters, almost outshined ME1 femshep even.
It's like the dialogue and the way he delievers it fit perfectly. If I just read it, then I get a completely different impression.
The game doesn't have bad voice actors it just has very bad delivery from some characters. It's when someone keeps a constant tone and doesn't portray any emotions or adds any personalisation into the dialogue. It feels tone deaf a lot when what the character is speaking about is something intimiate, yet it sounds the same as asking about the weather.
Still, it is nostalgic in a way, this was extremely common in older games.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
I wasn't expecting much from the mall today--Spencer's and Charlotte Russe in particular didn't have any new merchandise--but I did a double take when I walked past the "skate shop" and saw this in the front display.
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I've never seen Rick and Morty merchandise in that store in the past, which makes me think "Damn, you guys aren't counter-culture if you don't carry Rick and Morty merch." Then I remember that they can't be counter-culture because they're a store in the mall.
Still, I went inside and found this surprise: a Rick and Morty Members Only jacket!
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The plastic-y material made it hard to take pictures, so I found these on the store's website:
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Yeah, the colors are way more vibrant in person.
Boxer shorts displayed way too high for me to reach:
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Anyway, stores like these make me roll my eyes a little because they're full of weed socks, skateboards, stickers on the walls, scuffed floors and handwritten signs, but they are literally a store in the mall. This one in particular is even a chain store.
Doesn't matter how many weed stickers you stick on the wall: if you're a mass chain store in the mall, you are not a rebellious counter-culture store. Posers!
Reminds me of Spencer's and their obnoxious 10% discount for cops and military members. "We're Spencer's! We're REBELS and BADASSES who mock society and don't care what anyone thinks! We do what we want, when we want! Our store has spray paint on the walls! Anyway, here's a 10% discount to thank 'the man' and government lackeys for harassing unarmed black teenagers."
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cookies-are-nice · 6 months
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Content : Mikey x Sachiko(OC), typical tokro revengers shananigans
Notes : English is not my first language and there are probably a lot of mistakes in here :'D. Also, I need to stress how cringe the first part of the story is but trust me, my writing gets better as you read😭
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Chapter 1 : Rose of Tokyo
-ˋˏ ❀。* ✿˚* ੈ ‧₊*❈꧁🥀꧂❈ * ੈ‧₊ *₊° ❀ ˎˊ-
"Have you guys heard of the 'Rose of Tokyo'?" Akkun asked with hesitance.
"What kind of name is that?" Makoto asked mockingly.
"OK, WE GET IT" Yamagishi was quickly cut off by Takemichi.
Despite that, he continued, "You are a disgrace to the brotherhood for not knowing that such a badass delinquentress existed."
"You are one annoying fanboy"
Yamagishi and Makoto get up to square up with each other, while the others continue to chill at the park.
*Sigh* "Those two are so annoying,"
Takemichi chuckles.
"But why did you ask us about her?"
"Oh, I want to know who she was."
"Akkun? I didn't know you were a fan"
"What no! I just wanted to thank her in person for helping my sister get out of trouble yesterday,"
"why can't you just find her and tell her,"
"she always runs away when someone tries to talk with her,"
"oh I see"
"WAIT, did you think WE of all people knew?"
"I thought Yamagishi would've found out by now."
He yelled from a distance.
Akkun left Takemichi and joined in on the fight.
<what a hypocrite>
Takemichi thought to himself as he glanced at the time displayed on his phone.
"Uh, I have to leave now, it's about to be dinner time."
His friends whined in disappointment. They bid farewell and Takemichi headed home. After walking for a while, he finally reached home. He swung open the door, threw his bag on their broad couch and rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Emerging from his room after showering, he walked toward the sofa and flopped on it face down, not even making an effort to complete his schoolwork. Suddenly, he heard the house door being unlocked.
"Oh hi sis"
Sachiko comes in with some kfc that she bought for dinner.
"You got a 67% on your Math exam so I figured you should have a reward"
<I really shouldn't award him for this but oh well>
Takemichi exclaimed as he grabbed the bag of the finger-lickin' good fried chicken and dug in. While enjoying their dinner, Takemichi suddenly brought up a question.
"hey sis, have you heard of 'tokyo rose'?"
"or something like that I probably messed up the name,"
"OH, you mean 'Rose of Tokyo' ? The one who goes around saving girls from getting harassed or something?"
"Why does everyone know who she is?"
"cause she showed up like 1 month ago I think."
<1 month 2 weeks and 4 days>
"oh really? I only found out about her recently, "
"huh, I didn't expect that from you, Takemichi,"
"what do you mean?"
"Oh cmon you know what I mean!"
An awkward silence filled the room—that was until Sachiko started eating again, Takemichi followed, not making eye contact.
"So uhm why did you ask me about her?"
<damn this feels like déjà vu>
"uh Akkun wanted to thank the girl for helping her sister"
"She already thanked m....." She mumbled then slowly trailed off.
"O-oh I was saying his sister probably already thanked the girl"
"He wanted to thank the girl formally, "
"She really doesn't want it, I mean she doesn't do what she does for something in return, she does it because she wants to help out. Plus, she'd feel way too bad if she hadn't interfered with the situation."
"wait a minute"
"How do you know that much about her?"
Sachiko jokingly forces Takemichi out of the house and smiles to herself thinking how lucky she is to have a brother this stupid. But he was right about one thing, she really needed to be careful when letting rumours about her spread.
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more notes: AHHH THAT WAS SO CRINGE. I'm so sorry😭😭 I wrote that shi a year ago. I promise the next chapters will be better🤞
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