#you would not believe how long i was scrolling for the celebrity and the outfit ones
chronicowboy · 1 year
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rules: first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pin on pinterest is your vibe
can you tell i've been cultivating my lesbian cowboy pinterest board recently??? but yeah this tracks pretty well especially the cowboy belt buckle ;)
tagged by @alyxmastershipper ily ryan (edit: @diazass ashhhhhhhh ily <333)thank you!!!! and tagging @danielsousa @shitouttabuck @jjudaslips @binickmiller if u want <333
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dokidokitsuna · 10 days
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Felt like showing off the "redesigns" of the Grand Festival outfits that I did for my most recent Today's Work video. I just wanted to see how they'd look with some colors on 'em...and they are nice. ^^ Of course, if/when I do actual redesigns, they'll be a lot more effortful than this...
I've been enjoying the Grand Festival so far, I think. Walking around the grounds and listening to the concerts is surprisingly mesmerizing; they really nailed the ambiance. ^^ It was fun scrolling Twitter during my lunch break yesterday and watching everyone scream about the merch (that they can't have) and the idols (that they've already seen performing a million times before). ^^;;; If there's one defining feature of Splatoon's fanbase, I'd say it's unbridled joy and enthusiasm~.
I think it also goes to show that building an intricate, believable 3D environment can do a lot to make players feel immersed and included, even if they can't really interact with anything. The "Cheer" and "Bounce" etc. options are also great examples of 'a little goes a long way'; they're extremely cute. ^^ I wish we had them for earlier Splatfests...
There's just one little detail of this celebration that nags at me though, to be honest...Splatoon composers, blink twice if you need help. (⊙_⊙;;;)
When I realized that they did new arrangements for the concert performances, AND some of the in-game music, AND the victory and loss music...I began to feel something I call 'consumer's guilt'. :/
Like, of course we should get lots of special music for the Special final Splatfest, but it's been like this for the whole 2 years...special music for every holiday Splatfest, special music from the splatbands for the new seasons, random single drops from the idols throughout the year, dozens of tracks just for Side Order...considering the amount of time and effort that goes into composing and producing just one song it's hard for me to believe that they've had any time to rest, or even to just work at a reasonable pace.
It's only natural for this constant demand for content to take a toll on the quality of their work, and I feel that it has...interestingly, though, I feel the lowest-quality tracks are the earliest ones. '_' Like, splatoonwiki.org has a music page, where the music for each game is separated into sections...and the Multiplayer section for Splatoon 3 is the only one that I have no interest in opening. That is to say, the music we hear most often, while playing the main attraction of the game itself, is in my opinion 90% forgettable slop.
Back when the unofficial soundtrack first came out and I listened to the first 2 hours during a long commute, I remember being really disappointed that not even one C-Side song resonated with me...and the rest to follow weren't much better. To this day, every time some Splatoon battle music gets stuck in my head, it's always something from 1 or 2 (i.e. the games I never played ^^;) I can't even recall what 3's battle music sounds like on command...I hear it every day, and yet it all just slides right off my brain. Even the tracks from established splatbands...none of their 'new' stuff hits the same.
If I had to guess, the composers knew very far ahead of time all the stuff they would have to do, and decided to rush through the generic squid-rock to focus on the interesting stuff. If I had both Deep Cut's and C-Side's music on my schedule, I know which one I would want to devote the most time to. And if I had to develop a totally new sound for Free Association (the entity responsible for the music in Side Order, reflecting its surreal techno-industrial vibes) and H2Whoa (a random new splatband that only exists to ring in Drizzle Season 2023) I know which project would be more interesting to me, and inspire more creative choices.
...In a perfect world, though, ALL the music could be of similar quality and creativity, because they wouldn't have to make so much so often! >_< I mean, I know music is central to Splatoon's identity (it's what got me into the series in the first place) but I feel like things are getting out of hand...something about this constant deluge of new music doesn't feel sustainable. I've seen composer burnout before, and because music is so important to this franchise, I'd hate to see it happen here...
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sneaking out into town, holding hands, just killing time. [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: amidst the chaos of the across the spider-verse press tour, and the unavoidable PR stunts she has to do to cover up your relationship, your girlfriend finds comfort in you.
warnings: pure fluff; a few curse words here and there; anxious hailee; PR stunts; bad descriptions of new york from someone who went there once two years ago
wordcount: 1.9k
a/n: i was supposed to post this the week across the spider-verse came out but shhh. there's so much more i wanted to add to this fic but it's already way too long so...maybe there'll be a part 2? we'll see. shoutout to this song for getting stuck in my head and inspiring most of this fic. this is dedicated to that one lovely anon who requested more hailee fluff. hope you like it!
* * * * * * *
You had never been one for fate.
You’ve always found it romantic, of course.
The idea that every step you take is leading you toward the place you’re supposed to find and the person you’re supposed to be is beautiful and downright inspiring. (You’re not a complete cynic, after all)
However, you had written fate off as something that only affects people in rom-coms and those trashy romance books that are all about how finding your soulmate will fix everything in your life.
So, yeah, needless to say, you weren’t a huge believer.
That was the case for most of your life until everything, including the planets and the stars themselves, seemed to align in just the right way that allowed you to cross paths with the most incredible woman you’ve ever met. You sincerely have no idea what you did to please the cosmos so much that they decided to put you on the same path as Hailee but you are not complaining in any way.
You would do everything all over again, including all the bullshit you had to go through, if it meant you could keep calling Hailee yours at the end of the day. All the pain and loneliness of your past fades away into nothingness every second her eyes are on yours.
That isn’t to say that the present doesn’t still have its difficult moments, even with Hailee by your side.
Being closeted is hard enough on its own but being a closeted celebrity adds a whole new layer to such a complicated situation. You still don’t fully understand why your girlfriend is so against the idea of publicly coming out (although you have your suspicions that the decision isn’t hers to make at the end of the day) but you support her regardless…even when it means spending a whole night alone…in your New York City hotel room…while your girlfriend is seen having dinner with some random guy you’ve never seen before in your life.
It certainly isn’t ideal but you know it’s just one dinner and a couple of paparazzi photos. Just something simple to take the public’s focus away from the fact that you and Hailee have been spotted together every single day she’s been in New York. Plus, with the Across the Spider-Verse premiere a few days away, and the matching outfits already decided on, it’s no wonder her team scrambled to find some way to cover up how obvious you two are getting.
You’re not the biggest fan of the idea but you would do anything for your girlfriend so you sucked it up and didn’t say anything when she left for dinner a few hours ago.
And that’s how you ended up here, cycling between paying attention to the random movie playing on TV and scrolling through your phone in an attempt to control your growing impatience.
You’re finally rewarded with the sound of the hotel door opening and you sit up from your position on the bed, eager to spend time with Hailee.
She quickly comes into view, looking as stunning as ever. She greets you with a half-smile while she begins to take off her blazer and her shoes.
“How’d it go?” You ask, your eyes scanning her face for an answer.
She sighs in response before moving to climb onto your lap once the articles of clothing are off of her body. Your arms wrap around her waist and pull her close, allowing her to rest her head in the crook of your neck. You don’t press her any further but you do run your hands up and down her back in an attempt to comfort her.
A comfortable silence settles over both of you for a long moment until finally, Hailee speaks up. “This was a bad idea.”
“It went that well, huh?” You reply in an attempt to make her laugh a little.
You feel her soft breath hit the skin of your neck before you hear her laugh. The sound brings a small smile to your face even though you feel a little unsure about what to do to help her right now.
“Let’s just say it wasn’t the best choice to make and leave it at that.”
You can tell she’s trying to poke fun at the situation but her voice lacks any real humor, leaving her words to sound more self-deprecating than anything. Your heart hurts a little at that fact although you don’t comment on it….yet.
“At least you got a good dinner out of it.”
She lets a huff of air before she lifts her head up from its resting place. You stare up at her with furrowed eyebrows while she takes your face in her hands. “I’m sorry. I should’ve just taken you out to dinner instead of agreeing to that mess.”
“Hey, you don’t have to apologize.” You lean up to place a few quick kisses on her cheek. “I’m not upset.”
“You should be. I’m a coward. I’m spending every day preaching how important it is to ‘live your life unapologetically’ while I hide who I am from everyone.”
“Not everyone,” you correct her. “And there’s nothing wrong with not being ready to come out yet. You know I would never hold that against you.”
She looks away from you, her hands dropping from your face to your shoulders as she does so. You barely catch the thin layer of unshed tears in her eyes but it’s enough to push you into motion. You reach up to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek with your hand. You don’t force her to look at you right now, you just attempt to comfort her in the only ways you know how.
“Hailee, listen to me, I love you. It doesn’t matter to me whether I get to take you out on stupidly expensive dates or not. I don’t care about the photos or the interviews or the tweets from your fans. All I care about is you. Who gives a shit if we’re the only two people who know the truth? We’re the only two people who matter when it comes to this relationship.”
A beat of silence goes by before she speaks again, the corners of her mouth quirking up into the smallest of smiles. “How do you always do that?”
“Do what, Lee?”
“You always know what the right thing to say is.” Her voice is a soft whisper as she turns to look at you again.
This time, you're the one who smiles.
You lean forward, gently wiping away a few of her stray tears until your foreheads meet. “It's my superpower. Sorry, but you're not the only superhero in this relationship.”
She laughs. A real laugh that makes the corners of her eyes crinkle in the way you love so much. You expect her to make fun of you or call you a dork like always but she doesn't.
Instead, she leans in. Her movements are slow but you don't make any attempts to rush her. You take the opportunity to let everything about the moment sink in.
The feeling of her breath against your lips, the way her eyes flutter closed, the gentle hand that holds the back of your head and pulls you in to close the few inches of space between your mouths.
It’s all beautiful and soft and full of the love you both feel.
You pull away after a moment, not wanting to ignore the genuine feelings the situation has brought out in your girlfriend. “I meant what I said, by the way. All I care about is you.”
“I know.” She gives you one more quick kiss before moving off of your lap and onto her feet. She holds her hand out for you to take, that usual sparkle back in her eyes. “Come on. We’re leaving.”
You tilt your head in confusion but take her hand anyway, already knowing there’s an idea brewing behind those brown eyes. “It’s one in the morning.”
“When has that ever stopped us before?” She replies as she pulls you up and into her arms. “We only have two days left here before we have to go back home and I intend to make the best of them.”
“Lee, it’s a business trip, not a vacation.” You attempt to keep your tone light but it’s obvious what your words really mean.
It’s not just that Hailee is here to do press, not sightsee, but it’s also the fact that going out together is always a risk. No amount of last-minute PR stunts can cover up the obvious love that flows between both of you. Especially with the heart-eyes Hailee can’t help but throw your way all the time.
She gives a small nod to let you know she understands your point but the smile doesn’t leave her face.
“That doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to have some fun. Just you and me.”
“And the hundreds of tourists walking around Times Square.”
“No one will notice.” She pulls you in closer, leaning down until her forehead rests against yours. “And it doesn’t matter if they do, it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
You're about to protest, ready to tell her she doesn't have to do anything more to prove how she feels about you when she leans down to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
Your complaints fade away pretty quickly at that.
Her next words are spoken in a whisper, her breath hitting your lips. “I just want to go out with you. Treat you like you deserve to be treated.”
You're pretty sure your heart is going to beat out of your chest if she doesn't stop being so adorable right now.
“Well…when you put it like that, how am I supposed to say no?”
You don't think you've ever seen anything shine as bright as her smile. She gives you one more quick kiss before rushing to get ready, changing out of her fancy clothes and into jeans and a hoodie in the blink of an eye.
You admire her for a few seconds before following suit, putting on the closest pair of sneakers you can find and slipping on a sweatshirt that you totally didn't steal from your girlfriend. She doesn’t say anything when she sees what you’re wearing but the small smirk on her face tells you everything you need to know.
She holds her hand out to you again and you take it without any hesitation, letting her lead you out of your hotel room and toward whatever destination she has in mind. You realize very quickly that you don’t care where she’s taking you as long as her hand stays in yours.
She ends up leading you out of the hotel and into the busy New York streets. Even in the middle of the night, Times Square is chaotic. And that's putting it mildly. It's bright and loud, and slightly overwhelming. It's a sight you don't think you could ever get used to despite how often you and Hailee end up in the city.
And yet, it's exactly that chaotic energy that makes you feel at peace. There's so much going on, so many different things to look at, that most people don't even spare a glance your way. You blend in among the bustle of the street, allowing Hailee to walk with her arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
For once, you don't have to pretend to be anything less than what you are.
You're in love.
You're free.
And you're sure there's nowhere else in the world you'd rather be right now.
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cutiegunwook · 1 year
Zero Base One
why you break up as Taylor swift songs
Hanbin and Mathew
“I never was ready so I watch you go”
Champagne problems
You and Hanbin have been engaged for the past year you held out on setting a date but it had gotten to the point where you could no longer lie to yourself or hanbin. It was time to be honest even if it meant losing the one person you truly loved “"Say it again... I think I must have misheard you," Hanbin's voice quivers, his words tumbling out. "I... I don't think I'm ready to get married... I'm not sure if I ever will be," your voice barely audible, almost lost in the air. He turns away, his back facing you, and takes in a deep breath before turning back, stepping closer, and gently grasping your hands in his.
"I thought you wanted this. I thought you were excited about planning the wedding. Did I do something wrong?" His words rush out, filled with confusion and pain.
"No, Hanbin, it's not anything you did. You're the perfect boyfriend, and you would make an amazing husband... just not for me," you utter, trying to hold back tears. Hanbin's face is streaked with tears, and he struggles to suppress his quiet whimpers.
"We don't have to get married. We can wait. I can wait as long as you need," he pleads, reaching out to caress your face.
You bite your lip, pulling away from him, your heart heavy. "I'm never going to be ready, Hanbin. I'm sorry. You deserve someone who will give you everything you want, but that person isn't me. I'll come by tomorrow while you're at work to pick up my things. I'm sorry." With a quick grab of your keys, you rush out before Hanbin has a chance to respond, leaving him behind, consumed by his emotions.
“If I never blushed then they could’ve never whispered about this”
You felt your heart drop as you read the headline “breaking! Zero base one Mathew dating non celebrity” you quickly pull up the article and see the pictures captured of you two taken on the only date in public after his debut. You were naive to think that Mathew wouldn’t be recognized in that outfit and face mask.
You scroll down and see all the comments from netizens.
“this is a betrayal to all the fans who love and support him”
“That girl definitely wanted the fame she’s not even trying to hide her face”
“Mathew should be removed from the group im worried he will bring down the group”
“He could’ve at least payed for his girlfriends plastic surgery how embarrassing she’s too fucking ugly”
In a frantic rush, Mathew raced to your house after catching sight of the news. Ignoring the incessant calls and messages from his company, you were what he was worried about he hoped that you hadn't subjected yourself to the hurtful comments, he believed that none of this was your burden to bear simply for loving him. He pounded on your door relentlessly until you finally opened it, but the sight that greeted him tore at his heart. Worry flooded his eyes as he took in your bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks “Baby, it's alright. We can overcome this," he whispered, pulling you into his embrace and tenderly rubbing your back. "No, no, no. We can't fix it now. I'm sorry for ever interfering with your career," you choked out, his chest tightened at your words. You were the person he cherished most in the entire world, and he would do anything to alleviate your pain. Meanwhile, his phone repeatedly buzzed with calls from his company, desperately trying to reach him.
You withdrew from his arms, wiping away your tears. "Mathew, tell them we're not dating. Tell them I was the one who approached you," you say, his brows furrowed with a mix of emotions. "Why would I do that? I'm prepared to face any consequences. I knew this day would come eventually, and I refuse to let go of you for the sake of my career," he retorted firmly, his determination unwavering.
"Don't be stupid... they're right. We shouldn't be together. I don't deserve you. I'm the reason you're enduring this hate. This is the last thing I ever wanted... Let's break up," your voice trembled, cracking with the weight of your last words. "No, please don't do this. We can find a way to fix this. The fans and the company will move on. I can't lose you like this... I'll give it all up. You're the love of my life, and I can't face this world without you by my side," he pleaded desperately, his grip on your shoulders tightening as he awaited your response.
Your hands pushed him away, forcefully distancing yourself. "Mathew, please leave. Don't make this any harder for me. This is your dream, Don't sacrifice it for me. I could never live with the guilt," you urged, your voice filled with anguish. "No, you are my dream! I don't need to be an idol but I need you “he said desperately, his voice quivering and his eyes brimming with tears.
"Get out, please," you pushed him roughly towards the door, your words laced with anguish. "Baby, no, please don't do this," his voice trembled as tears streamed down his face. “Go talk to your company tell them we’re not together I love you Matt and that’s why I’m doing this” you place a soft kiss on his lips before pushing him out the door you slide down the door covering your ears to block out Mathew’s frantic pleads for you on the other side This was for the best
(Should I do the other boys too?)
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yourtamaki · 3 years
history doesn’t repeat, it rhymes
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sakusa x gn!reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, elements of depersonalization, non-explicit mentions of sex
dedicated to: @onyxoverride (thank you for beta reading) & @saintdabi
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you can’t remember the last time you saw your reflection.
it wasn’t deliberate, the way you turned your back to the full length mirror in your closet every morning when you got dressed, how you usually dodged your reflection coming out of the shower like you did just now. at least, not at first. not until you realized how much better you felt now that you didn’t have to come face to face with a stranger everyday. that was the only word to describe whatever lived in the mirror. a stranger. any recognizable part of you had rotted away long ago. all that remained now was an empty husk with dead eyes and a selfish heart. the same selfish heart that set you on this path in the first place. 
was it worth it? you wanted to ask your past self. was his love worth what you did to yourself?
the very first night you met sakusa set the tone for the rest of your relationship. you’re still not entirely sure why you accepted your roommate, hinata’s, invitation to his team’s party to celebrate their record win streak. it probably had something to do with the puppy dog eyes he threw you. regardless, you went, wearing an outfit you were losing confidence in by the second and leaning against a wall as far from the drunk crowd as you could get. you never liked parties like this. too many people, too loud. but for your best friend, you were willing to grit your teeth and bare it. 
a part of you, larger than you would ever admit, wishes you never looked to your left that day. wishes that you never spotted the curly haired man looking so sullen despite half his face being covered with a mask, that you didn’t notice the way his eyes flickered from his empty red cup to where you knew the kitchen to be, how he wearily eyed the crowd of people that separated him from it. 
“i was about to grab a drink. i can bring something back for you if you’d like?” the first thing you ever said to the love of your life was a lie. you were planning on staying tucked in your corner all night, safe from the dancing drunks who had no concept of personal space until hinata was ready to leave. and yet the words were almost ripped out of you the moment your eyes landed on him, a fierce need to help the man flaring up from nowhere. you could only assume he had separated himself from the party for the same reason you had and it pulled on your heartstrings. no one ever noticed when you needed help so why not extend that courtesy to him instead? he blinked at you as though he had to process your offer before he nodded. 
“yes, please i’d appreciate it.” his voice was different than you expected it to be. slow and calm despite the way his fist clenched and unclenched.  “just water. a closed bottle if you can find it.” 
his brows furrowed for a moment when you held out your hand before letting out a quiet ah and handing you his empty cup. it was endearing how he placed it in your hand, balancing it carefully on your palm. 
“be right back.” you shot him a smile and started to make your way across the floor, getting pushed and jostled the entire way there. you made quick work of tossing the garbage into the overflowing trash bag and dug out two water bottles from behind a rack of beer cans in the fridge. the trip back was no easier and you breathed a sigh of relief when you were once again in your small private bubble with the man. the discomfort you endured, the skin crawling sensation of all those bodies too close to you was worth the way his eyes lit up when he saw you’d returned. 
he accepted the cool bottle with a murmured thanks, pulling his mask down and tucking it under his chin. handsome was your first thought and his name was your second. the two distinct moles on his brow should’ve given it away that you were talking to sakusa kiyoomi. you’d seen enough of hinata’s games, heard enough stories to put a name to the face. he held your stare as you placed him in your mind, taking a sip from the bottle as he did. an urge to say something, anything to keep those eyes on you bubbled up hot and fast and you said the first thing that came to mind. 
“my roommate’s your teammate.” 
“is he? which one?” 
“hinata. shoyo.” you added as though there was another hinata on the msby roster.
“ah. my condolences.” the corner of his lips quirked up when you snorted. “i’ve seen how he leaves a locker room. i don’t want to imagine what his room looks like.” 
“it’s not pretty, that’s for sure.” you said, leaning your shoulder against the wall and taking a moment to regard him. “can i ask why you’re here? shoyo told me you don’t like crowds so a party must be hard on you.” 
“would you believe me if i said contractual obligations?” 
“nope cause i helped shoyo go through his contract and i don’t remember ragers being a part of the deal.” a small burst of pride bloomed in your chest when he laughed, a quick huff from his nose and amused eyes as though he didn’t expect it. 
“you got me.” you waited for him to explain and deflated a bit when he remained silent. that is, until you followed where his eyes had wandered. it was easy to spot hinata from across the party. he sat high above the rest of the crowd on bokuto’s shoulders, leaning back occasionally to test bokuto’s reaction time and giggling every time he was caught at the last moment. meian was trying in vain to pull the ginger down while atsumu seemed to be on facetime with someone recording the whole thing, his loud laughter ringing out clearly over the music. 
“you’re here for them?” you said just as the realization dawned on you. sakusa twitched, so small you wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t been watching him so closely. 
“spending time with your teammates promotes better gameplay on the court.” 
“i’m sure it does. but wanting to hang out with your friends isn’t a crime.” 
“we are hanging out. i’m here, aren’t i? if they wanted to talk to me, they know where to find me.” the bitterness in his tone wasn’t enough to mask the acceptance behind his words, of being resigned to his fate as the forgotten one. 
“well, i found you.” he looked over at you, something unreadable swimming behind his eyes before they softened.
“yeah. you did. you know, you’ve talked a lot about shoyo but i don’t know anything about you. i don’t even know your name.” he said. heat raced to your cheeks, flustered that he seemed to be paying as much attention to you that you were to him.
“i didn’t even notice, sorry.” you said before offering your name. he repeated it back, once, twice, rolling it around on his tongue and you watched his mouth, mesmerized by how it curled around a word you’ve heard your whole life until it sounded new again. he spoke your name in a soft, hushed whisper and you wondered if his lips would feel just as soft. half-lidded, his gaze flickered downwards like he was wondering the same thing.
the rest of the night was a blur in your mind. all you could recall was that you chatted with sakusa until the others found you and you drove a passed-out hinata home with a new contact saved to your phone.  
the reminiscing left you drained, clutching your phone in your hands, the screen frozen on that same contact as you collapsed into bed and yet you couldn’t stop the rest of the memories from flooding through your mind, the truth you’ve been holding off for too long. you’ve picked at a festering wound that was best left alone. if you didn’t think too hard about it, if you ignored how it grew and ate away at you, it wouldn’t hurt as much. right? but it was too late. you’ve pulled the string and now you’re left to deal with your own unraveling. 
you scrolled through your texts for what feels like a lifetime, the entirety of your relationship flashing by and disappearing in an instant until you could scroll no higher. of course you sent the first text. a formal message that didn’t look anything like how you actually text with one too many exclamation points in your desperation to come across friendly. 
your fingers moved across the screen and when your mind caught up, your thumb was hovering over the button to delete the entire conversation. you never wanted to see evidence of who you used to be ever again. you didn’t want to be reminded of the person you cut and broke and killed until they fit into sakusa’s neat life. but sentimentality stilled your hand, the phone dropping from your limp fingers and crashing to the floor. you didn’t bother reaching for it.
the accursed memories refuse to let you be, another bobbing up to the surface from the murky depths and pulling you under before you could stop it. one that showed what little agency you had in your own life.
it started the way it always did. you noticed him. noticed how tired he was every time you spoke. how you went from going out on dates to always staying in to maybe being lucky enough to say good night over the phone before he crashed for the day. and sure, you were lonely. so starved for him it ached. but that was overshadowed by your worry for him. you would lay awake wondering if he’d remember to eat that day, if he had the energy to clean his apartment and if he didn’t, how much was that adding to his stress? 
so you swung by his place the next morning after he had left for practice, spent the day cleaning, restocked his fridge and were nearly done making dinner when he returned. his exhaustion was truly hammered home when he walked straight past the kitchen on autopilot before doubling back, tilting his head at you in confusion. 
“what are you doing here, darling?” 
“helping out.” you turned back to the stove and busied yourself with mindless stirring, afraid that you’d been too eager and overstepped. “you seemed pretty tired these days so i wanted to do something for you but you’re back earlier than i expected so i can just go if you want to be alone just let me-” 
your rambling was cut off when a force barrelled into you and sakusa hugged you tight from behind, head buried in the crook of your shoulder. all at once, whatever anxiety had been growing fled you and you relaxed into his touch. 
“thank you.” it wasn’t the words that made your heart leap to your throat. it was the sincerity, the slight crack at the end that told you he had more he wanted to say but didn’t know how. 
you fell into a routine of going over to his apartment, looking after things, kissing him when he returned and staying over at night. at first, it was once a week. then over the weekend, then every other day. 
“you should move in.” even though you half expected your relationship to take this next step, it still took you by surprise the casual way sakusa brought it up. you weren’t entirely sure if you wanted to move in with him just yet. you built a home with hinata and that apartment meant everything to you, all your happiest memories were made there and oh no sakusa was still waiting for an answer.  
“i should?”
and that was the end of it. you were packed and out of hinata’s apartment (because it was his now. his and atsumu’s. not yours, it’ll never be yours again) by the end of the month. most of your things didn’t come with you but that was fine, right? so what if you still felt like a guest in your home even to this day with none of yourself being reflected in the apartment? you got to wake up to see the love of your life every day and that made everything worth it. 
until you started waking up alone.  
extra training, he said. the team drafted new players and he had to get used to their play style, he said. and you believed him, trusted that he’d be home with you if he could. so you took the crushing loneliness and swallowed it down like a bitter pill. you smiled wide when he came home late with only the moon to light your bedroom and let him use your body to rid the stress of the day.
the dead of night was the only time you’d have him all to yourself. you could be greedy for his attention when he was buried inside you. it was easy to pretend you clawed up and down his back because you were caught up in the moment and not because you were desperate to keep him close to you. easy to pretend the tears in your eyes were from pleasure and not from how much you missed his voice. 
and when he was empty and spent, you would stroke his hair until he fell asleep and then, only then, would you whisper all the things you couldn’t tell him during the day. small, meaningless anecdotes that you knew would earn you a wry smile if he was awake to hear them, the one he used when he didn’t want to let on how close he was to laughing. the stolen moments were a salve on your fractured heart but it was never enough to heal it. in the end, when you were once again alone in your too-wide bed, it only served to remind you just how deep the cracks were. 
maybe that’s where you went wrong. you gave away your heart to someone and got nothing in return, nothing to plug up the all-consuming void in your chest. there was nothing left of you. no, that wasn’t quite true. there was nothing good left of you. you gave him your best parts and all you had now was pure resentment that burned hot and fierce in your core, so acidic it ate everything in its path. it burned away the dredges of your soul until all you could do was allow it to climb up and scorch your throat in a silent scream. 
another memory. it’s strange what your brain chose to latch onto as you spiralled. on the surface, you remember this to be a happier time. but as it overtook you, you’re reminded almost violently that the edges of this memory are stained with the early decay of your identity. 
before the early mornings and late nights, before you got into the habit of staring at your ceiling and wondering how you got to that point, you and sakusa had a tradition. you’d both find something, a story, a movie, that you think the other doesn’t know and share it with them. that day sakusa came to you with the myth of orpheus and eurydice. 
he told you the story of a man so in love with his wife he journeys to the underworld after she dies to find her, how hades tells him he can guide her to the land of the living but orpheus must trust that eurydice is following him. if he turns around, eurydice’s fate is sealed. sakusa explained how in every version of the myth, orpheus turned around at the very end out of an uncontrollable, unfiltered love for his wife. whether it was because he was excited to see the end of the tunnel and wanted to share his joy with her or because he feared she got lost, either one stems from the love he has for her. the love that sent him to find her is the same love that doomed her in the end. but the more sakusa spoke about orpheus, the more you wondered about the other protagonist of the story. 
“why didn’t eurydice try to let orpheus know she was there? she could’ve held his hand or touched his back or something.” you asked. you were laying your head on sakusa’s chest, letting the low rumble wash over you as he read you the tale. the question had been bugging you as the story came to its conclusion though you couldn’t place your finger as to why.
“she was a spirit. she would pass right through him.” 
“yeah but…” you searched for the words to explain your confusion. “she didn’t even try.” 
“it wouldn’t have mattered either way.” 
you opened your mouth to press the issue further, too stubborn to let it go just yet when you heard sakusa sigh out of his nose. it was enough for any question to die on your tongue and all that came out was a quiet, “i guess so.” 
it was a nothing memory. an empty thing to remind you of better times that you’ve had no need to look back on. so why did that moment swirl around your head now, as you crumbled in your lowest moments? scattered pieces start to form together in the recesses of your mind but before you could call them forth to make a full image, the bedroom door swung open and sakusa walked in. 
for once, you don’t slip on your well worn porcelain mask. you don’t school your expression and force it to mold into something that couldn’t quite be called happy. instead, you sat up straight in bed, held his gaze and did nothing to hide the maelstrom of hurt that raged inside you. a sick satisfaction shot through your veins when his steps faltered at the force of your stare. 
“what’s wrong?” he asked. 
what isn’t? you thought but instead said, “nothing. i was just thinking. about us.” 
“oh.” his eyes are already sliding away from you, a quiet detachment in his voice that made you grind your teeth in frustration. 
“remember that greek story you told me about?” 
“tell me again why eurydice didn’t reach out.” there it is again. a short, sharp exhale from his nose. he opened his mouth but you spoke before he could. “humour me.”
“she was dead, darling. she couldn’t touch him, he couldn’t hear her so there was no point.” 
“no point? there was no point in trying to tell orpheus that she was behind him? he climbed into the underworld for her and she couldn’t try?” 
“could you--?” he cut himself off and pinched the bridge of his nose. “it’s late. i’m exhausted and really not in the mood so can we go to bed?” 
“doesn’t that sound familiar?” you continued as though he hadn’t spoken. “one person bending heaven and hell for the person they love while the other can’t even meet them halfway. remind you of anything?” 
now you had his full attention. his brows scrunched together and you’re not sure if he’s trying to figure out the meaning behind your words or the reason for your hostile tone. you don’t feel like helping him out either and instead watched the gears turn in his head with something akin to glee. it’s his turn to be paranoid, to overthink, to pick apart every moment of your relationship and dissect it piece by rotted piece. 
“please don’t be vague. if you’re upset with me, tell me.” it was the most emotion you’ve heard from him in so long, you were taken aback for a moment. 
“i’m a bit past ‘upset’, omi.”
“i’m sorry.”
you scoffed. “you don’t even know what you’re apologizing for.” 
“you’re hurt and it’s my fault. that's enough for me to say sorry.” 
“you don’t understand.” he crossed the room in three large strides, sitting on the edge of the bed to leave space between you. 
“then help me understand.” 
you floundered for the right words to explain the mountain of revelations you’ve uncovered and settled for, “how do i take my coffee, kiyoomi?” 
he took your use of his full name in stride. “black. one sugar.” 
“no that’s how you take your coffee. that’s the only way you ever make coffee. i had to learn to like it.” 
“what, you’re mad i don’t know how you like your coffee?” you know he didn’t mean anything by it, that’s he's always been more blunt that he means to be but it doesn’t stop you from feeling patronized and the hurt loosened your tongue. 
“it’s not about the coffee! it’s not about the fact that eurydice was a ghost. it’s the effort, omi. you haven’t put an ounce of effort into this relationship. i’m the one who has to bend. i’m the one that has to change, it’s never you.” 
“i never asked you to.” the truth of the statement knocked the air out of your lungs. because that's the worst part, isn’t it? you have no one to blame your misery on but yourself. 
“i don’t know how to love you without sacrificing pieces of myself. and i’m empty, kiyoomi, i've given you all of me. and it feels like you’ve given me nothing in return.”  
his head was bowed while he listened but from how tight he laced his fingers together, you know he was fighting to stay calm. “you know i love you, right?”
“do you? do you love me or love that i’m convenient? love that i clean your place and make you food and have a hole you can--” 
“stop.” you didn’t know it was possible for so much heartbreak to be packed into a single word. it sobered you of your venom and in its place, shame came rushing in. 
“i’m sorry. i'm pissed at myself for letting it get this far and i’m taking it out on you. i don’t regret loving you. but it feels like that’s the only thing living inside me. like i’m not even a person anymore.”
“i should’ve noticed. it shouldn’t have taken you snapping for me to realize what was going on.” 
silence, suffocating silence, stretched and morphed time until it felt like you’ve aged a decade in a moment. and then sakusa spoke.
“you’ll help a stranger just because they look like they might need it and ask for nothing in return. you’ll make someone food just so you can be sure they ate that day. you’ll tell me about your day while i fall asleep and i don’t think i could sleep without hearing your voice. you’re kind and too selfless for your own good and the best person i’ve ever met. it kills me that i’ve been the cause of your pain.”
it was strange hearing those traits spun in a good light when you’ve thought of them negatively for so long. strange knowing where you saw faults he saw things worth admiring. “you hear me at night?” 
“and you like focusing on minor details. yes, darling. every night.” 
“i understand if you need… space, if you want to spend some time apart. but give me a chance. please. give me a chance to prove how important you are to me. i’m sorry that i’ve failed you. i’m sorry i've been taking you for granted. but that ends now. never again. 
“and i can help you, too. i can remind you of all the parts you say you’ve lost. i’ll tell you all about the person i fell in love with everyday if you need it. i’d never run out of things to say. please. you found me once, let me return the favour and help you find yourself. if-if you’ll have me.” 
his small speech wasn’t the reason tears stung the back of your eyes. as he finished speaking, sakusa reached out across the space between you and offered you his hand. a lifeline that you took, the lump in your throat to keeping everything you wanted to say stuck inside you. thankfully, you needed no words for sakusa to understand you. he brought your joined fingers to his lips and let out a shaky breath against them. the two of you stayed like that for a small eternity, drifted apart yet holding together with a bridge to link you. you’ve been fueled by resentment and anger for so long, you weren’t sure if you were strong enough to let them go. but you did know that you didn’t want to try without him by your side. 
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ilici · 3 years
Summary: After bring with George for years you’re ready for the next big part in your relationship.
Female Reader
Warnings: Fingering, oral (female receiving), virginity taken
Word Count: 2838
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Y/N sighed, as she was scrolling through Twitter, seeing a lot of people celebrating Easter together. She envied the people who got to celebrate Easter with their loved ones and significant other. Yet here she was, miles away from her significant other, although they’ve been together for 5 years, she moved away to study abroad leaving her boyfriend behind in Brighton. Y/N was a well known fashion designer, and she was also known for her ongoing YouTube channel that she has had for 8 years. “This sucks.” She whined to her roommate, Lily, who only gave her an annoyed look, “You’ve been complaining for the past six fucking hours, you’re literally leaving to go see him in two hours. Shut up.” She said, while Y/N threw a pillow at her, mumbling incoherent words under her breath. “Shut up, let me mope.” She said, with a dramatic eye roll.
Getting up and off the couch, going into her room to finish packing, she grabbed her phone. “Hey Siri, call Karl.” She said to her phone, which replied with, “Calling Karl..” Hearing the ringing sound, she waited till her friend picked up, and she soon heard the ringing stop and Karl’s voice speak up. Clicking the speaker button she smiled, “Hi Karl!” She greeted him kindly, “Hey Y/N! What’s up?” He asked, and Y/N looked around grabbing some extra clothes and stuffing them into her suitcase. “I am going to go see George tomorrow, but my flight leaves tonight. I want to have a special night with him, and I don’t know what to wear. I called you because you have good fashion sense.” She explained to him, and Karl smiled, as he clicked the FaceTime option, and Y/N quickly accepted it. Karl’s face soon popped up on her screen, and he waved vigorously, “Okay, help me choose.” She said getting up from her floor and walking towards her bed.
On her bed was three outfits, all lingerie sets. “Which one do you think would be good?” She asked, and Karl examined the clothes, “Well the violet set looks like you would wear it for a kinky night, the red seems too predictable, and the blue, well I think it’s the only color he can truly see. Plus it looks the most fanciest out of them all.” He admitted, and Y/N nodded her head, “Okay, I am truly surprised you aren’t embarrassed at the fact that I just showed you lingerie.” She said to him truthfully, as she grabbed the blue lingerie set, putting it in the suitcase. Karl just laughed, “I am but a friend is in dire need of help. I also find it ironic that you are a fashion designer and couldn’t choose between them.” He said, laughing once again and Y/N just scoffed, “I got indecisive, leave me be.” She groaned, and Karl just put his hands up in defense. “Okay okay.” He said, before he looked at her, “Wait, did you design those?” He asked, and Y/N just smiled a bit.
“Yeah I haven’t released them yet, I am dropping them on the first of May.” She informed him, and he nodded, “All your designs look so cool, look I am even wearing your hoodie you made for George’s merch.” He said, panning his phone camera down to show the hoodie. Y/N smiled, and shook her head, “Looks great, well I gotta go now. I will speak to you later, bye Karl.” She said, waving to him, and he waved back bidding her goodbye as well. Now that she was all packed, she sighed to herself a little nervous about how he would react to her outfit. Shaking her thoughts away, she got dressed in a comfortable outfit to wear on the plane ride there, an oversized jumper and sweat pants that she stole from George last time she had visited him. Texting him, she told him she was about to head out to the airport. “I can not believe I will be arriving at 4 in the morning, that’s just awful.” She whispered to herself, walking into the living room.
“Are you ready?” Lily asked, and she nodded her head, a little nervous. “Sorta.” She told her, and her roommate just patted her shoulder, “You’ve got this.” She told her, and the two walked out of their shared house getting inside the car. “The drive to the airport is about an hour, are you hungry?” Y/N asked, and Lily nodded, “A bit yeah.” She said, and Y/N nodded, “We can get fast food on the way there.” She told her, and the two were now driving. “Have you told George that you are moving back to Brighton yet?” She asked, starting up a conversation and Y/N shook her head, “No, I haven’t yet. I want to tell him in person, you know?” Y/N said, and the other just nodded in understanding. “I still can’t believe you’re just giving me the house.” Lily said, still in disbelief that Y/N is signing the house in her name, “You deserve it, you’ve helped me so much when I first moved here. You really deserve it Lily.” She told her smiling at her softly.
After a much longer drive than anticipated from traffic, Y/N was now at the airport, “I’ll miss you.” Lily said, and Y/N frowned, “I’ll come and visit when I can, and please make sure to keep safe. I’m having my stuff shipped to my house in two days, please make sure that the people I hired are careful with my stuff.” She asked, and Lily just nodded smiling a bit, before she hugged her friend, waving goodbye to her. “I’ll see you whenever I come back to visit.” Y/N said, as her flight was called. “Bye Lils.” She said, and soon walked with her luggage towards her plane. Shooting George a quick text, she boarded the plane and was not ready for the long plane ride. She luckily got first class, and got her own section to herself. Getting in her pod, she settled in and quickly drifted off to sleep. Shortly after, she was awoken by a voice through the speakers telling the passengers they were landing. Groggily she looked at her phone, seeing that it was 3:57 in the morning.
Getting up she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, stretching a bit as she was in a uncomfortable chair for hours, slowly she walked out, and sleepily walked to the baggage claim. Waiting for her suitcase to appear, she grabbed it and turned around, looking for George. Not seeing him, she turned her phone off airplane mode, and saw that George texted her and said he was waiting outside of her exit. Walking out, she nearly gasped as the cold bitter air struck her face, “Sleepy?” She heard the all familiar voice from beside of her. Smiling she turned and saw George standing there, “Hi baby.” He said, wrapping her into a hug, “Here let me get this for you, the car is warm and waiting.” He said, taking her luggage from her. Y/N smiled at his kind gesture, and walked with him, their fingers interlaced. “How was the flight?” He asked, as he put her suitcase in the back, Y/N just shrugged as she got into the passenger seat, “I don’t know, I slept the entire time.” She sheepishly admitted, smiling when George got in the driver side seat.
“Well, when we get to my house, I will let you sleep as long as you want. You must be jet lagged.” He said, pulling out and onto the main road, driving to his house. Y/N smiled warmly at him, “Sounds good to me.” She said to him, reaching over and patting his thigh. “Your glasses are really cute you know.” She said, and George just laughed a bit, “They help me see colors, hush.” He mumbled, and Y/N just nodded giggling a bit, “I know baby.” She said, before grabbing one of his hands, interlocking their fingers together. “I have missed you.” She said softly, and George’s heart melted, “I missed you too.” He said, pulling her hand over and kissing the top of her hand. Not long after, they pulled into his house, which was in a gated community. “Let’s go rest sleepy head.” He said, getting out and grabbing her suitcase. The two walked into his house, both immediately falling onto his bed, letting the comfortable mattress welcome them.
Finally, George woke up and decided he would unpack for her, as he quietly did so, his eyes widened and he felt himself blush when he picked up the blue lingerie set. Blushing madly, he placed it neatly in one of the drawers she was using, and shook her awake. “Baby, wake up, it’s one in the afternoon.” He said, and Y/N woke up and smiled at him. “Good-morning.” She said, her voice was quiet with an undertone of raspiness. “Go take a shower, I will fix breakfast.” He told her, and Y/N smiled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she slowly got out of bed, thankful that his house was warm. Grabbing one of his shirts, and a pair of her underwear, she walked to his bathroom which was open and had a window that had a view of the forest behind the house. Taking a quick shower, she got out, and walked into the kitchen in the clothes she got. “Feel better?” George asked, once he saw her enter the kitchen, and Y/N nodded her head, “I always feel so gross on planes.” She mumbled, sitting down and eating.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Y/N spoke up, fidgeting with the hem of the shirt, as George and her were now sitting on his bed. “Yeah what is it?” He asked, looking over at her, “I think I am ready.” She whispered shyly, and George smiled at her, grabbing her hips pulling her onto his lap. “Are you sure baby?” He asked, and Y/N nodded her head slowly, after she thought about it. “Yes, I am ready.” She told him, and George softly kissed her lips, laying her down on her back. “I want you to just lay there, I will do all the work okay baby?” He told her, and Y/N blushed while nodding her head, chewing on her lip in somewhat nervousness and anticipation. George looked at her for permission as he grabbed the hem of his own shirt that was covering her body, nodding slowly Y/N licked her lips, looking away. “No baby, none of that, you have to be watching me, and use your words okay?” He said softly, and Y/N let out a small embarrassed whine, “Yes sir.” she said, looking at him as he pulled her shirt off.
George’s eyes widened when he saw the lingerie on her body, looking up at her in shock, Y/N just flushed fidgeting with her fingers. “When did you put this on?” He asked, and Y/N giggled slightly, “After the shower.” She explained, and George just nodded looking at how beautiful she was like this. Slowly, he put his hands around her back, pulling her back up so she was arching her back. “Stay like this really quickly.” He whispered to her, and Y/N nodded as she felt her lingerie set being unhooked. Slowly pulling it off her body, leaving her bare, Y/N closed her legs and covered her breasts shyly. George melted at her shyness, and gave her a reassuring kiss on her neck before he slowly pulled her arms away. “You don’t need to cover up baby, you’re absolutely beautiful.” He told her truthfully, as he also opened her legs. Letting the image of her like this soak into his brain, he hooked her legs over his shoulders as he kissed her inner thigh.
Feeling herself get chills from this, she watched him, as he scattering kisses on the inside of her thighs. “If it get’s too much, your safe word is ‘red’ okay?” He told her, and Y/N nodded, and he softly tapped her thigh, “Okay.” She said, with her words knowing that’s what he wanted. Slowly, he dipped his head down all the way, softly kissing her clit, feeling her body jump at the new feeling. George, then licked her clit, before sucking on it. Y/N gasped, and arched her back slightly, letting out a surprised moan. Reaching down, Y/N tangled her fingers into his hair, tugging at it a bit, as George ate her out as gently as he could, afraid he’d overstimulate her. Grabbing her hips, he kept them down, as she tried to grind her hips into him. Pulling one hand away, he slowly inserted a finger, and Y/N winced a bit at the pain it brought.
Stopping since he realized she was in pain, he waited till she adjusted, “You can go.” She whispered, and George slowly started thrusting his finger in and out of her. Y/N bit her bottom lip, now feeling more pleasure than pain, noticing she was ready for another, he slowly inserted another finger, now scissoring her. Y/N was now a moaning mess, she was highly sensitive to the newfound pleasure she was receiving and felt something tighten in her stomach. “Feels weird.” She mumbled, motioning to her stomach as she felt it growing. “You’re close baby, it’s okay.” He told her, “Just relax.” He said, rubbing circles on her hip, with his free hand while the other worked on her. Nodding, Y/N closed her eyes tightly as she felt an overwhelming pleasure rake through her entire body. Letting out a loud moan, she arched her back, as George felt her walls clamping around his fingers. Pulling them out, he licked them clean and let her come down from her high.
He pulled away, taking his shirt off, along with his remaining clothes, and grabbed a condom slipping it on. “This will be painful, let me know if I need to stop.” He told her, aligning himself with her entrance. “I’ll be okay.” She said, giving him a reassuring smile. George reached forward, and interlaced their fingers together, as he entered into her. Wincing Y/N dug her nails into the back of George’s hand, and he took that as a signal to stop. Taking in a deep breath, Y/N looked up at him with teary eyes, and George leaned down kissing her passionately. Pulling away from the kiss, Y/N looked at him, “Okay, you can continue.” She whispered, and George leaned down pecking her neck. Finally he bottomed out, groaning at how tight she was around him. Staying still, letting her adjust to his size, soon Y/N squeezed his hands, “Words baby.” He said, and Y/N blushed biting her lip at him, “Move.” She mumbled shyly, and George slowly rocked his hips.
Arching her back, their chests now touching, Y/N let out a strained moan. Keeping at a steady pace, George kissed along her neck, keeping their hands locked together. “Faster.” Y/N moaned out, and George complied speeding up his thrusts. He wanted to make sure her first time was passionate and not sloppy, so he kept his speed but was gentle with her. Moaning loudly, Y/N leaned her head back, clenching around him. George hissed at this, “Don’t do that.” He told her, and Y/N blushed not knowing what she did. Leaving marks all over her neck with the new access, he scattered them along her jawline as well. “I think I’m close.” Y/N said in between moans, and George nodded speeding up just a bit feeling himself growing close as well. “Cum with me baby.” He whispered into her ear, whining Y/N felt herself cum, and George soon after. Pulling out he took the condom off and threw it away, gently grabbing her he walked into the bathroom.
“Let’s take a bath.” He said, setting her on the toilet, turning on the bath. “How warm do you want it?” He asked, her and Y/N looked over still a bit in a haze, “Like, hot tub warm.” She mumbled, and George lightly laughed turning the cold down a bit. Picking her up, he slowly sank down into the tub with her, letting her lean against his chest. Now out of her haze, Y/N relaxed in the water as it kept raising, “George.” She said, and George hummed, “I’m living in Brighton again.” She told him, and George smiled brightly, “That’s great news baby, I’ll get to see you more often, and sooner or later you can move in.” He said, washing her body since she had already washed her hair earlier that day. “I can’t wait for that day.” He continued, kissing her shoulder, smiling. 
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Always Yours
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Sometimes dating a celebrity is hard...but Tom & Y/N have always said no matter what happens they could get through anything. Some angst but a lot of fluff.
A/N: So sorry for leaving yall hanging! Life is just crazy right now and this blog needs a lot of TLC tbh!! Also ehh I def dont think this was my best work but enjoy?
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“Oof” Y/N lets out as she plops on to her boyfriend who was lying comfortable on the couch. Tom groaned at the impact with a cheeky smile on his face, his arms instantly wrapping around Y/N’s frame.
“Y’know..there are empty seats right there.” The soft brown-eyed boy gestured with the flick of his thick head as Y/N raises her eyes looking down at him, pretending to be slightly offended.
“Oh I see how it is then. It’s cool...Ill just cuddle with Tessa instead. I know she would welcome me with open arms instead of—” As she slowly starts getting off his chest, Tom is quick to pull her back in, securing her with his strong arms. “No baby, I was just kidding. I want you right here, and Im never letting you go.” he pleas.
The only thing Y/N could manage was letting out a fit of giggles into his chest, a sound that Tom adored and would do absolutely anything to hear every minute of every day. They stay like this for a while enjoying the feeling of each other as they both run their hands into each others hair, the feeling of their chests moving up and down, the subtle thumps of their heartbeats, and the little slips of adoration that came out of their mouths. It was peaceful. A moment that nobody could really take a way because it was theirs.
Y/N casually pulls up her phone, and scrolls through Twitter when she noticed a particular tweet on her timeline. Her eyebrows furrow, as she read the 160 character message.
Why Tom Holland Should Be With Aaliyah Cole and Dump Y/N: A Thread.
She knew it wasnt a good idea to open up the thread. She knew very well that everything within the shallow string of tweets would be a complete waste of her time because it was made up by fans who just wanted to satisfy their fantasy of shipping Tom with his co-star. Who can blame them? They always had great chemistry, but it was part of the job and thats all it would ever be.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Tom murmurs, as he places soft kisses at the crown of her head. “Whats going on?” She was lucky her phone was facing away from Tom, quickly closing the app and pretending to be on one of her many tabs in Safari.
“Mmm..nothing.” Y/N lies softly, a tight-lipped smiled plastered on her face.
“Absolute bullocks. Youre not a very good liar.” He chuckles. “Tell me darling. Whats on your mind?”
Y/N rolls her eyes in response. She’s heard that comment one too many times in her life from everyone shes known. After not giving it much thought, she gives in, sighing heavily. “Dont judge me for what Im about to say.”
“Mmm...I think it might depend on wha— Ow” Tom reacts as he playfully rubs the side of his chest that Y/N hit. “Okay too soon for jokes. Go on.”
Again, Y/N sighs as she props herself up. “Its just ... well a lot of your fans keeps talking about wanting you to get with Aaliyah.” She looks down trying not to make eye contact with Tom, who she’d imagine was looking at her with annoyance.
Tom rolls his eyes at the ridiculousness. Not so much at Y/N but the fact that some of his fans just didnt want to accept the fact that he was happy with Y/N. If it had to come from his mouth to stop the stupid rumors and give his girlfriend peace, then hed gladly yell it from the rooftops for everyone to hear. “Thats it Im making a statement about it.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in fear, scrambling to prevent him from grabbing his phone on the table next him. “No no no no.” She repeatedly declines. “You’ll only make it worse.”
“Darling, Im not going to stand here and watch you get all insecure because of their delusional ship.”
“Yeah well Im not gonna be the reason your fans hate me because Im getting in the way of your friendship with Aaliyah Cole.” She fires back.
Tom was ready to open his mouth only to be cut off once again. “And you know better. That is how your fans will always see it.”
“Okay, are you done?” He calmly asked, cautiously observing her. Rarely did Y/N ever get worked up about anything, but when she had her tangents, Tom always made sure she got off everything she needed to say before he becomes her voice of reason.
“Yeah, I guess.” she says feeling defeated. “Look its whatever and Im tired, can we just let this go and forget this whole conversation even happened?”
Tom was unconvinced, but didnt want to push her further. So reluctantly, he gave in and wrapped his arms around Y/N as they both tried to lull themselves to sleep.
Y/N wasnt sure how she ended up in the Tube. It was strange how the lights flickered off the rusted tile floor. The train was no where to be seen, but off to the side of the railroads was pitch black, she could hardly see beyond. To her right she noticed herself standing in the corner of the room, and to her surprise Aaliyah was there. Her milk chocolate kissed skin, and fashionably long frizzy hair dropped down past her shoulders. Her figure long and poised, as she wore a rain jacket and sweats. An outfit only she could pull off and make it look like she was a model for Vogue. Aasliyah smiles brightly at Y/N.
“Hey Y/N.” She says cheerfully as a genuine friend would.
To Y/N’s surprise she greeted her back in the same tone. “Hey Aaliyah...uhh whats going on?” Y/N wasnt sure if she wanted the answer of how they both ended up in the Tube or if she truly wanted to know how her day went.
“Well Im getting ready to present at the Oscars.” She replies, a smile plastered as if she was so excited about it, almost too excited like she was keeping a secret.
“Really? Oh my god, that’s amazing! Im so proud of you Aaliyah! Who are you taking?”
Aaliyah pauses for a few moment looking back and forth, making sure no one else was around. “Okay can you keep a secret?” She whispered.
Y/N nods her head slowly, not having the slightest clue of what was going on. “Im taking Tom. I think he really likes me, and well...I like him too! Do you think maybe I should ask him when we go?” Aaliyah asked genuinely. It was almost like she had no recollection of Y/N and Tom being a couple. “I think we would look good together. Everyone is already making rumors and ships about us.”
Y/N backs aways lowly only to bump into a broad figure. As she turns around she sees Tom, emotionless and almost sad. “Y/N.” He speaks out. “I dont think this is going to work out. Im leaving you.”
Y/N’s heart quickens, and her breaths become shorter as she tries to find a way to run. Running and running into the darkness, until all she could hear was Tom’s faint voice calling out her name.
“Y/N! Y/N! Baby wake up please.” Tom cries as he gently shakes his girlfriend from her disturbed sleep.
Quickly Y/N opens her eyes and clutches on to Toms hoodie firmly. Back home, and in Toms arms. It was a dream was all she thought. A sigh of relief escaping from her mouth.
“Darling...” he speaks softly, worried about his girlfriend. “Are you okay?”
Y/N looks up at him and nods frantically. “Mmm..bad dream.”
“Yeah it seemed like it. You were so frightened...I was scared. What happened?” He’s looking at her, trying to read her saddened eyes, wanting to desperately understand what scared her so he could make it all go away for her.
Y/N looks down at her fiddling hands, as she sits on the couch. “I uhh...” she lets out a chuckle, thinking of the ridiculousness of it all. “I uhh...dreamed about Aaliyah going to the oscars and saying how she loved you and how you two are perfect for each other. When I turned around I saw you but you werent happy and said you were leaving me.”
Tom doesnt say a word, all he could think about was how sorry he felt to put Y/N in this position. Though both of them knew, It wasnt Toms fault, or anyone’s for that matter. Feelings are feelings and that was okay. No human being was ever born perfect and without insecurities.
Y/N always tried to be a good sport with situations like this knowing every shippers theory and evidence were hardly ever true, but at some point there was only so much she could take before it all came out like an oil spill. Maybe it was a sign that she wasnt good enough to be with Tom if half of his fanbase thought this way as well.
Tom cradled her into his arms again, holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head. “Darling, I know youre still doubting yourself about all of this, but please believe me when I tell you that I love you so so much and no matter what happens...Im always yours.” He whispers gently in her ear. “It was only a dream and these ridiculous rumors and theories are just that. No one woman in the world could ever make me feel the way I feel for you.”
Y/N blinks softly, as she stares into space. Afraid and in a weird way ashamed, its funny how something so small and so minimal could affect her self-esteem so greatly. Tom gently brings her head up, so her eyes can meet his. He rolls his thumb on the bottom of her soft lips. “Hey, I love you.” Tom smiles.
Time stopped for the both of them the moment Y/N looked into his eyes, she felt safe. All the bad words and thoughts slowly disappear. Tom was right, none of the things that anyone said about their relationship mattered. She knew Tom loved her, and how much she truly loved him. Isnt that enough? Of course not. It was more than enough. A smile slowly forming on Y/N’s face. “Theres that smile I love so much.” He comments.
“Im sorry, for being such a —”
“No. Its okay. You have a right to feel the way you did.” He picks up her hand and leaves a gentle kiss.
“I love you so much Tom.” She says pressing her lips to his. “I dont deserve you.”
“Darling, its me that doesnt deserve you. Im always yours.” Tom proclaims as he kisses her back.
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
Love Song; Corbyn Besson
description: yeah just some good ol’ friends to lovers 😋
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Your face clenched up as the nurse swabbed your nose. The urge to sneeze came over when she tugged it out, and you quickly pulled up your mask. After a round of watery eyes and the oddest facial expression, the sneeze subsided.
“Thank you,” you told her, a laugh dancing at the edge of you tone.
Her eyes crinkled, showing the smile beneath her mask. “You’re welcome. It’ll just be a minute.”
You stood from the chair, plopping down beside Zach on the couch. He was playing on his phone, but looked up when he noticed your presence.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” He watched your hand rub at your nose over the mask.
“Uh, yeah,” you chuckled.
Zach went back to his phone and you unlocked your own, crossing a leg over the other. Soon, his name was called and he snapped off his mask. Negative.
Daniel replaced Zach in the seat beside you. You bid him hello and he said, “Hey. How are you today?”
“Was doing fine before I had to have a stick in my nose,” you giggled.
Daniel laughed as well. “Yeah, but whatever we have to do to get to celebrate.”
“New normal,” you nodded.
“Y/N!” The other nurse called out from her clipboard.
You flashed your eyebrows at Daniel and stood from the couch. Slipping your phone into your butt pocket, you walked over to the table.
“You are negative, my dear. We’re having everyone who has already been tested to stay in the kitchen.”
You took the packet of your information from the nurse, thanked them again, and joined Zach, Corbyn, and Christian in the kitchen. You slipped the pink mask in your jean jacket pocket as you took the empty bar stool next to Christian.
“Hey, guys,” you greeted.
Corbyn perked up at the sound of your voice, peaking up from his phone. He was directly across from you, leaning his chin against the ball of his palm. You glanced around at the boys, meeting his eyes over the top of his phone.
“Hey, Y/N, when did you get here?” Christian spoke, drawing your eyes away from Corbyn.
You cleared your throat and folded your hands in your lap. They were clammy now, budding heat throughout your face. His eyes.
“Like ten minutes ago. I said I was here in the group chat,” you reminded Christian.
He shrugged, “I don’t really pay attention.”
“Rip,” you laughed.
Zach and Christian went back to their conversation about the album, the only valid topic of interest for the night ahead.
You glanced back over at Corbyn, who had shifted so he could pretend like he hadn’t blushed at your presence. You sat there for a moment, contemplating saying anything at all. Ultimately you settled on tugging out your phone again.
You leaned on the counter, scrolling through people’s Instagram stories. You swiped past Why Don’t We’s shared page and fell on Corbyn’s. It was a selfie, one he took mere moments before you sat down. You flushed red, eyes gently lifting to take in how he looked right now.
His eyes.
You forced an awkward smile at the awkward eye contact, feeling...awkward.
You looked back down at your phone. It seems everyone of the boy’s friends and family members had posted about the album. Except you. You felt slightly guilty, voicing your concerns to the boys before you. Jonah and Daniel had since joined you guys in the kitchen, talking with Christian and Zach.
“No worries, Y/N. I mean, you’re here,” Jonah shrugged it off.
Zach added, “Yeah, but if you wanna post something go ahead.
“Why don’t we just take a selfie or something?” Daniel suggested, tipping his water bottle towards the phone in your hand.
“Oh, yeah. That’s good. I know it doesn’t matter, but I really want you guys to get number 1 on the charts,” you grinned sheepishly.
Jack appeared beside you, slinging on arm around your shoulder. You noticed Corbyn shift again, gulping and eyeing Jack’s arm.
“Oh, we will, Y/N, we will,” he winked at you.
You laughed loudly at his expression. “I believe in you, Jack Avery.”
He squeezed your shoulder. Everybody moved to stand around you, Corbyn ending up too far away. You tried to see where it was he was standing, just because you felt comfortable being able to see him, seeing you. But you couldn’t.
You were attempting to hold the phone out far enough to get everyone in frame, but your arm wasn’t long enough. Everybody laughed at your struggle. Jonah took the phone from you and angled it at the group. He snapped the photo and everyone dispersed.
Jonah ended up in the seat across from you, Zach next to him where he had been. Daniel, Jack, and Christian decided to start pouring drinks, since it was nearing 11 pm. Corbyn stood there for a minute, contemplating running off the edge of the world.
He settled in the seat beside you which drew your attention from your phone. You had been captioning the Instagram post, struggling to come up with something interesting.
“Hey, Corbyn,” you weakly smiled.
He smiled. “Hey.” His voice made your knees weak.
You flashed the screen at him, pushing down the red blush willing itself to paint your face. “What do you think I should caption it?”
“I don’t know,” he let out a breathy laugh, “uh, maybe a joke. Like, track 4 was written about me.”
You shared a laugh with him, happy nothing felt stuffed of weird energy for even a mere few minutes of conversation.
“That would be really funny, but probably cause some drama. How about, like, ‘dibs on Love Song?’ Because I genuinely feel like that ones gonna be so good.”
Corbyn gulped, “I wrote that one with Daniel.”
“Oh,” you breathed. “Then, I call it.”
Red cheeks all around.
You quickly posted it. Soon, the room was engulfed with music, the 3 singles the boys had released filling the air. There was a single camera on the band, standing around the kitchen island you had once been sitting at.
You stood to the side with Anna and Kay, a glass of champagne in your hand. You had since abandoned your Jean jacket, revealing the flowery, thin strapped corset that left your midrif out in the open. You felt really hot, be it because of the outfit, your sparse interactions with Corbyn, or the alcohol beginning to take hold of your bones.
See, there was something there with Corbyn, something nobody really even knew about. In fact, you didn’t even know if Corbyn himself remembered.
You had been good friends with the entire band since they moved to LA, attending concerts when you weren’t in school and hanging out constantly. Of course, as any pathetic pining story went, you’d been in love with Corbyn since you’d met him, but his heart had always belonged to Christina.
When you discovered they broke up, you felt elated for half a second. Then, he called you in tears.
“I know we’re not expectionally close, but I need somebody. The guys, they just don’t understand.l
Since that moment, you guys had been attached at the hip. Quarantine had been boring at first, terrifying, even. But, then you’d begun to spend every waking moment with Corbyn. You were the one who suggested he dye his hair black, had helped him do it. you’d gone with him when the tattoo shops opened again and helped him pick which one looked best. You’d helped them move into their new house, helped Corbyn decorate his new space. Hell, you’d even suggested a song lyric or two when laying on Corbyn’s bed, listening to him across the room on his guitar.
And then, on your birthday a few months ago, you had gotten exceptionally drunk to drown the sorrows of lusting after your best friend. When the clock struck midnight, Corbyn had already hauled down a taxi from the bar, slung your arm around his neck, cradling your waist as he tried to get you inside.
Out of nowhere, the sky began pouring buckets of rain. You fell against his chest, laughing hysterically at the ironically cliche moment. Corbyn somehow nuzzled his nose into your neck, giggling along with your drunken haze.
You pulled back gently, the closeness emitting a fierce confidence in your gut which enabled you to lean up and kiss him. He kissed you back, but when he remembered how drunk you were, he tugged away.
“I can’t do this,” he urged, but you mistook his respect for consent as rejection.
You mumbled, “But I’m in love with you.”
You didn’t remember for a few days after, what had happened that night. All you knew was you had woken up in Corbyn’s bed, his clothes on you, a headache in your head, and your dress soaking wet over the bathtub.
Then, a few days later, when you were perched on Corbyn’s bed, watching an episode of Big Mouth, he made a joke about how, “in love you are with,” him. Your eyes widened, breath hitched, and a memory pulled itself from your brain. You suddenly stood up, his arm dropping to the comforter since it had been around your shoulders.
You made some excuse about homework, though you both knew you had finished your finals the night prior. Since then, neither of you had really spoken at all.
You clenched the champagne glass between your fingers, turning them white from frustration. You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning towards Anna.
“Everything okay?” She glanced between your eyes, noticing the tears welled up there.
You sniffled and blinked the tears away. One dribbled down your cheek. You quickly wiped it away. Anna’s bottom lip jutted out in a pitiful expression and she pulled you into a hug. You wanted to collapse into her, sobbing your way through the album’s release. But, you squeezed your face shut and grabbed the composure that was running away from you.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you tugged back and set your glass on the table beside you. You quickly strode to the bathroom, shutting it behind you.
You wiped under your eyes with a wet cloth, salvaging your eye makeup. Your eyes were still red, though, red and pupils blown up in a sad countenance.
There was a knock on the door and you tensed up. Daniel’s voice came from the other side of the door, soft and sweet.
“Y/N? Can I come in?”
You already knew he had seen you crying on Anna, and probably watched you storm away as quietly as one could when they were this upset. You were taking him away from his night and that made you feel just horrible.
“Yeah,” your voice was weak.
Daniel gently opened the door. He didn’t try to hug you or tell it was going to be okay. Instead, he cradled your face in his head, pushing the hair back from your cheeks.
“I know. You don’t have to explain or try to push me away. I just know. All I can give is the fact that we wrote these songs about our lives. These songs are personal.”
You met his eyes, swimming in the undemanding answers he was laying in front of you. “What do you mean?”
He gave a warm smile, “Corbyn got really good at songwriting. Just listen.”
You hugged Daniel quickly before shutting off the light. He slung his arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the kitchen. Everyone counted down for midnight and soon enough, the new songs were blasting through the kitchen.
You anticipated Love Song through the entirety of Be Myself, barely paying any attention to the song that you knew Daniel wrote exclusively by himself. Soon, Daniel’s voice was dancing through the speakers in an upbeat rhythm, singing the literal love song.
Right after, Corbyn’s voice came again.
“You came out of nowhere like a hurricane.”
You perked up, holding yourself together with your arms. Daniel caught your eyes and nodded firmly. Your eyes flickered across the room and met Corbyn‘s. He’d been watching you for a while, you settled. Though his band mates and friends were dancing around the kitchen, he was solemnly drinking his own champagne. His hair was damp from the bottle Jonah had cracked open at midnight.
“Pulled me in and kissed me in the rain. And I fell for you.”
Your breath caught in your throat. You found his eyes again, your face bright red. An overwhelming grin came over you. Corbyn smiled in response, a dry chuckle shaking his shoulders. He shook his head, finally relieved.
You set down your glass again, tapping Anna on the shoulder. “I’ll be back, k?”
She squeezed your shoulder again, still feeling sympathetic. You looked to Corbyn and nodded towards the back door.
You slipped outside, taking a seat on one of the pool chairs. It was dark outside, only the light from the kitchen washing through the glass sliding doors.
You heard the doors open and close again, looking up from your shoes. You stood up, breathing in deeply. Corbyn stopped in front of you, fingers squeezing each other.
You nervously smiled up at him. “So...” you ached, “so, um, I guess I really did call track 4.”
Corbyn laughed, his hands coming around to your back. He pushed you into his chest, yours going up around his neck.
“Yeah,” his face drew back, “and it was about you.”
You grinned, pursing your lips to try and push it down. But, you were tired of pushing it all down, so you let your lips widen before landing themselves on Corbyn’s.
“You could be the one, girl you’re driving me crazy.”
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donutdrawsthings · 4 years
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I thought I had already been clear on what my stance was on the matter, but after today I feel like I need to yell it off the top of my lungs. I SUPPORT ROETVEEG PIET AND BLM. LISTEN TO BLACK VOICES AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR WRONGS.
(Information about the Dutch holiday and why it’s racist under the cut! includes extern sources and images!)
Sinterklaas is a Dutch tradition that starts at the first Saturday after 11 November and ends at 5 December. A figure called Sint Nicholaas comes on a boat from Spain to the Netherlands to celebrate his birthday on the 5th with his little helpers, the Zwarte Pieten. The Zwarte Pieten give candy to the kids and on the 5th kids get a gift from Sinterklaas.
The Racism (Black Pete)
All sounds fairly innocent, until you see what the Zwarte Pieten look like.
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These are the traditional Zwarte Pieten (it translates to Black Petes btw). These individuals are usually played by white people and are purposely darkened to black with red lipstick, black curly hair and sometimes golden earrings. I have always been told the dark skin was to represent “soot” from the chimneys, however, up until recent years there was no effort made to actually appear as smeared. In fact, a lot of effort was put into making sure not a single speck of light skin was visible because that could ruin the illusion. (the illusion being, hiding your identity behind blackface.)
These characters are also played to be playful, hyperactive, carefree, happy to do their work and often praise Sinterklaas himself. Which are all traits often depicted alongside the “happy slave” stereotype from way back when and the S*mbo stereotype.
other racist depictions are also on display in stores and houses (often on display near a window for kids to see) in the form of little Black Petes, most of them resembling the G*lliw*g. (first image is a common window prop during Sinterklaas, the second image is the racist G*lliw*g)
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This very outdated depiction of black people only really started being questioned in the early 2010′s. However, support for questioning Black Pete only started to become somewhat acceptable around 2016/2017... And even then the public has been largely Pro Black Pete until 2020, after the Black Lives Matter movement also started to become a valid topic of discussion in the Netherlands.
The Transition
Between 2010 and 2020 a lot happened since Black Pete officially got taken into question and talk about whether or not Black Pete should be changed started to become a genuine topic of discussion. When the question first rang, the majority of the Dutch folk were against the change. I was against this change as well. I think I should note that I was around 13 at the time and it is a very common phenomenon for kids to mimic the opinion of their parents and teachers. But this indeed a genuine opinion I had at some point and I acknowledge that with full responsibility. 
The main reasons everyone was against this change was because we did not see it as racist and were convinced the “goal” with this movement was to entirely remove Pete from the holiday or remove the holiday as a whole from the list.
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I would also like to note that the Dutch folk’s opinion on what is and isn’t racist is very outdated as well. (As I write this now in 2020 it is still not a whole lot better but around the 2010′s it was definitely worse.) As this topic gained attraction, jokes about black men having huge dicks (the m*and*ngo stereotype), “watering the Africans” and much more were made to me and other people regularly enough to be normal or at the very least, were seen as a bit of a cheeky thing to say. And despite being a multicultural country, Asian people were still referred to as “Chinese”, Native Americans as “Indians” and Islamic women as “Penguins” as well.
But back on the topic. As the years went on, more and more protests against Black Pete gained attraction and by now parents started to use these protests as another reason to be against the change because “they are ruining it for the kids”  White parents would also start to praise the word of their 1 black colleague/friend for being against the change as well.
When the topic started to become more prominent, people made the attempt to change the Black of a Black Pete to another colour. This created the short lived bizarre creation of Rainbow Pete. (also seen in the picture above)
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Rainbow Pete was a very short lived idea and was considered weird by many. However, I personally do believe this was an important step in the transition. Rainbow Pete took the depersonalisation tied to Black Pete and quite literally, showed its true colours. It’s ehhh hard to explain what “A Pete” is in English. But growing up I never considered them as human, nor were they ever explained to me as ACTUALLY being human. They are just described as a Pete, and a Pete is all they are. They aren’t people who can have other jobs in Spain or can travel the world to find something else to do. They are a Pete, and therefore they will always be with Sinterklaas in Spain, making toys for us, giving us candy and then going back to Spain with Sinterklaas again.
And that’s why I think this odd colour change was so important. Because by making them green or blue or pink it properly showed how ALIEN Petes felt. Like a whole other species. It tied a certain uncomfortable environment to the depersonalisation and after it’s short lived appearance, Soot Smudge Pete was a much easier step to make
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Soot Smudge Pete, or in Dutch known as Roetveeg Pete, is the most recent and most inclusive variant of the Petes. This Pete only requires a few dark smudges to mimic actual soot and can be played by all races.
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in 2018/19 Soot Petes started to become more present in the official parades, which a lot of parents were rather disgusted about. I personally think this is the period in which a lot of people just straight up outed themselves as racist, actively being against “White Pete” and actively longing for the “Real Petes” to return. Even with these Petes slowly becoming more popular, it is still not safe for most people who are against Black Pete to discuss the matter with Pro Black Pete individuals in this time period. Pro Black Pete individuals (often family or coworkers) more often than not become very heated when the topic arises and I cannot say I’ve ever seen the same attitude from people who are against Black Pete.
Present Day
In 2020, thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement, it has become way more socially acceptable to support Soot Smudge Pete. Parents who are still Pro Black Pete are still vocally voicing their disgust every time Soot Petes are present instead of Black Petes and much like what happened to me back then, their opinions also seep through onto their children. With these people still present in Sinterklaas spaces it also sadly occurs they press their believes on Soot Petes by giving them too much soot and still giving them a black, curly wig.
However, with the way things are going right now and the positive, multicultural depiction present in the media, I believe we are finally on our way to a more positive environment for kids of all kinds of backgrounds!
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This whole post sparked after I dealt with a nasty situation myself while playing a Soot Pete at my old Elementary school. I really wanted to play this role to tie a more positive view on Soot Petes with all the parents creating such a negative environment around the Sinterklaas times and thought I could take matters into my own hands. However, I was Sooted up by a Pro Black Pete mother and thus, nearly got as dark as my brown hair. (besides that I also have gender issues and despite the school knowing I’m called Josh, put me in a dress outfit,, but that’s a more personal issue) I was able to wipe most of it off by the time the kids came in, but not without sharing some discouraging words with my mother, who told me to “just suck it up”.
It’s really important to me for people to know how Bad stuff like that still is in this country and I just... don’t understand why people would still support Black Pete after all this time. These people are either friends, family, or just kind people I know and love who around November open their mouths to say the most vile things and create such a sour situation for everyone involved. And after Black Pete is proven to be racist time and time again, still supporting it... It makes me wonder if this has to do with pride more than anything.
No one wants to be called a racist, but is it really that hard to acknowledge some of the shit you said and did was just plain wrong to the point that you’re taking your opinion to new extremes and decide to die on a sinking ship..?
I’ve said racist things. I have compared the curly black hair of a Black Pete to black classmates. I have compared Black Pete to black classmates. I have joked about them not needing to be face painted to be just like Black Pete. I have made those connections and I’m ashamed I did. But you do what you can to deal with it and become better for those around you. You listen to black voices, support black artists and black businesses and become better as a person. We need to start acknowledging how much our society is actually structured to belittle and undervalue black people and you can’t do that when you’re THAT far up your own ass. 
phew... anyways. Black Lives Matter! Don’t use tradition to defend racism! Fijne Pakjesavond!!
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Part 2/2 of Nice Things
“Come on, we’re going to be late.”
“Five minutes, sweetheart. Please.”
Gavin rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed with a thump. The day had finally come when the human was more punctual than the android. He sniggered at the thought but refrained from saying it out loud. Nines looked far more serious than he ought to for a Friday night.
“Babe, it’s just the guys. And Tina.” 
Nines ignored him in favor of twirling a mascara wand through his lashes. 
“We’re literally going to Abick’s. That’s like the oldest, grungiest cop bar you can-”
“It’s not the place or the company, sweetheart.”
Gavin watched Nines finish off with eyeliner. Somehow even androids’ mouths hung open in concentration while doing that. 
He stood up from the little pouffe and shook his long hair out with a flourish. Taking that as his cue, Gavin got up and pressed himself up against his lover’s back. He curled his arms around Nines’ trim waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. 
Their eyes met in the mirror of the wooden dresser that Gavin had built for Nines.
“Whatchu so gorgeous for?”
Nines tried, but couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
“Shut up and zip me up.”
It wasn’t like he couldn’t reach behind himself and do it on his own. The RK900 model was supremely dexterous, flexible to the point of double-jointedness. 
It was more of an implicit request for the human’s approval of the outfit. Nines didn’t need it, but he asked anyway… just like later that night, Gavin would ask him if it was okay to splurge on a bacon cheeseburger or order an extra shot in his whiskey coke… 
They were codependent like that.
Gavin left one hand on the android’s stomach and placed the other on the small of his back, just at the opening of the dress. His thumb grazed the zipper, but he didn’t demonstrate any further intent to pull it up. 
“You said we were going to be late.”
Gavin swept the dark curtain of hair aside and pressed his lips to the exposed skin at the nape of Nines’ neck. When he spoke it was a whisper.
“Why’s my babydoll looking like something out of a movie for my dumb little promotion party?” 
His hand slipped into the open flap of the dress. It was a simple knee-length a-line. Fairly modest, but something about it set Gavin’s heart racing. Perhaps the colour. A vibrant, lusty, sexy, show-stopping red in sharp contrast to the milky white synthskin.
Nines couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him at the touch. Sighing, he tipped his head back and let Gavin nuzzle his neck. 
“Now we’re really going to be late, sweetheart. Zip… hhhhh… zip… me up…”
“Come on, doll. I don’t want someone accidentally spilling beer or mustard on this pretty little thing you got on. It’s just gonna be a chill night out with our friends. They demanded a treat for my promotion, and Hank said he’d come too, so I picked a place he’d be more comfortable at, and I realise that’s not exactly your scene, but I’m glad you’re coming with me, but I really gotta say this dress-”
Nines turned around in Gavin’s grasp and silenced him with a kiss.
“It’s not the place or the company,” he repeated, putting his arms around the human’s neck. 
“It’s your promotion party. It’s about your achievements, your hard work, YOU. And in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the most important person in my life. My partner in more ways than one. My everything.
Your rise in stature means as much if not more to me than my own accomplishments. I’m not the RK900 with the impeccable solve rate. I’m Sergeant Reed’s better half. 
If I had it my way we’d be doing something much grander, but this is how you want to celebrate and that’s fine, but please don’t stop me from dressing for the occasion.”
They looked at each other for a long moment. Steel blue and storm green locked in stalemate. 
Then Gavin pulled Nines into a tight embrace. He released him abruptly and spun him around, zipping up the dress in a flash. Avoiding eye contact lest the tears pricking his eyes betray him, Gavin caught the android’s hand in his and marched out of the apartment.
Connor greeted them at the entrance of the bar and waved them over to where the motley crew sat, already well into their first round of drinks.
Hank raised his beer glass in greeting, wearing an orange striped shirt he apparently deemed worthy of festivities. Tina enveloped Gavin in a giant hug. For a good thirty seconds he could see nothing but flannel. Then Miller, Person and countless other officers took turns congratulating him and bringing up past cases or incidents they couldn’t believe hadn’t held Gavin’s career back. 
Nines extricated himself with an artful wave of long fingers and settled onto a bar stool beside his older brother Sixty and his husband Allen. Serious, snarky and clad in their usual black leather, these two were more Nines’ speed.
Ignoring Sixty’s irritated grumble, Nines took a sip of his thirium drink to see if he liked the taste and ordered one for himself. He was prepared to spend the rest of the night sitting still and not touching the many sticky, greasy surfaces in the bar. It wasn’t his idea of fun, but he was happy to let Gavin and his friends do their thing.
Gavin, however, didn’t seem to be in the mood. He humoured his friends (many of whom were now his direct reports) and played along with whatever they insisted on doing, but Nines felt his partner’s eyes on him the entire evening.
“You punishing him?”
Sixty was squinting at him shrewdly.
“For coming to this shithole to celebrate. That’s why you wore this? Poor bastard can’t keep his eyes off you.” 
Nines swatted his brother on the chest. 
“I don’t play games like you.”
“Who says I play games?”
Allen shook his head but didn’t look up from his phone.
“I have a fashion sense, Six, not an agenda. I’m not punishing him for anything.”
“Well, you’re certainly distracting him. Reminds me of the time Allen said something stupid while we were getting ready for a shift so I put on lingerie underneath my gear. He nearly fell off a roof that day.”
Allen buried his face in his hands while Nines laughed out loud. 
“Shiiit. Your guy looks fucking lovesick. In front of all his staff too. They’re gonna think he’s a total sap. A new authority figure like him has got to show some grit.”
“Six, your husband follows you around like a lost puppy but that hasn’t interfered with his ability to lead your unit. Gavin will be fine.”
Allen didn’t know whether to consider that an insult or a compliment and settled for sipping his drink in silence.
“So what are you gonna do?”
“Make the torture worth his while.”
At that exact moment, Gavin gave Nines a look from across the bar that could have only one interpretation. Sixty noticed and barked a laugh. 
Nines self-consciously tucked his hair behind his ear and smoothed down his dress. If he were human he’d have blushed bright red. 
Back to idly scrolling through his phone, Allen spoke without looking up.
“Let him do whatever he wants.”
Nines’ eyes widened. Sixty nodded wisely.
“His imagination is probably running all over the place right now. All you have to do is let him act on it and you’ll make him the happiest man on earth. It’s his promotion. You should be the prize.”
Allen put down his phone and scooted closer to Sixty, wrapping his arms around the android. They both looked at Nines with identical expressions that were anything but innocent. 
“Yeah, Nines. Dress like a present, expect to be unwrapped.”
Raucous cheers erupted as Gavin lost yet another game of beer pong. The new sergeant barely noticed and took the shot glass thrust into hand by a very jubilant Connor. Nines raised his glass in a silent toast and the two downed their drinks together.
The rest of the evening was an exercise in painful self-restraint. Gavin entertained various playful requests and posed for photos and thanked each and every one of his colleagues for their strong support. Hank clapped him on the shoulder proudly, and Tina even teared up at one point, emotionally overcome with happiness for her oldest and closest friend. Nines watched it all quietly from his perch beside Sixty and Allen.
As soon as they slid into an autonomous taxi, Gavin’s lips were on his, smothering him in heated, demanding kisses. Intoxicated and utterly uninhibited, the human put his hands in Nines’ hair… all over his body… and up the pretty red dress. No words were exchanged the entire ride home. 
The fact that android skin could not be marked or bruised was the only thing that let them walk through their busy lobby and ride the elevator up with dignity intact.
As soon as the front door slammed shut, Gavin was all over Nines. He touched and groped and claimed and conquered. 
The dress zipper was pulled down as quickly as it had been pulled up before they left for the bar. Nines stepped out of the puddle of red fabric as delicately as he could and pulled Gavin’s shirt off too. It was only the high quality gyroscope of the RK900 model that kept them from crashing to the floor before making it to the bed. 
Nines allowed himself to be pushed onto the bed and parted his legs for Gavin to easily settle between them. From there, he expected things to go at lightning speed… for Gavin to plough into him and come with a loud roar after a couple minutes, finally sated after a night of frustration.
The exact opposite occurred. 
Even after all the tequila shots Connor and Tina made him do, Gavin was somehow still lucid enough to put his lover’s feelings over immediate physical needs. 
“Babe, I… am soooo… sorry…”
One hand wound up in his hair and the other gripped his hip. 
“Like.. you dressed the phck up… like you looked soooooo damn beautiful, baby… I’m gonna cry.”
For a moment, it honestly looked like that was a possibility until Nines reached up and stroked the human’s stubbled cheek.
“I know Abick’s is kinda crusty but you came anyway… looking like a million bucks but I didn’t spend a second with you… T and Con and the crew… they kinda took over…”
“It’s fine, sweetheart. It was our whole team’s night as much as yours. I’m glad they all had their fun.”
“I didn't. Have any fun.”
“Really? Not even when Chris did that Fowler impersonation?”
“Couldn’t stop… thinking of you… you’re so damn good to me… and I…”
“I was fine. You invited Six and Allen to keep me company and it was fiiiineee.”
“You sure?”
“Positive. Now come on, sarge. Show me who’s boss.”
Nines rolled his hips against Gavin’s and that was all the conversation there was to be had for the night. They were both still getting used to having nice things… but they were doing well.
Inspired by @marndraws
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eisheartoffantasy · 2 years
Entry #4. The Girl Whose Instagram Page I Can't Stop Checking
Wow, third entry within the span of two days. I've really been having a hard time mentally, haven't I?
Just now I was scrolling through a girl's Instagram page for heaven knows how long, and for about the tenth time this month. No, she's not someone I have a crush on or someone I dislike. She is simply a former friend.
I have lots of former friends, as I'm sure many people do, so what is it that makes this girl special?
In short, I consider her my savior of some sort.
You know how after going through some amount of pain, a specific part of you dies? Around this time last year, one part of me was what I considered permanently dead. But then, someone unexpectedly enters your life and revives that dead part of you. This girl was that someone.
I'll refer to the girl as Emily for the sake of convenience — don't worry, that's nowhere close to her real name and despite how common the name is, I've never had an Emily in my close peer group.
Due to the circumstance of our relationship, we were pretty much forced into spending quite a lot of time in each other's presence. Emily and I are so very different in pretty much every way possible: her a social butterfly, me a hermit; her gossipy and bubbly, me taciturn and cynical; her affectionate and naïve, me stone-faced and untrusting. To put it bluntly, she was the type of girl I never would've considered a deep friendship with — I'd take one quick look at her and instantly conclude that she was too "mainstream" for my liking. I took no interest to befriend the average popular girl whose Spotify playlist consists only of the current top 50 songs by artists whose images constantly appear in ads I never asked to see.
Emily, on the other hand, seemed enthusiastic from the beginning. "Let's hang out before I go meet my friends today!" She said something along those lines the second day we met; before that she had already brought me greeting presents. "Let's hang out" — such a common phrase for most people, yet something I rarely heard anymore. Only out of politeness, I agreed.
"I like your outfit, it looks 'boujee.'" "I can't believe we're physically here! It's like I'm in a dream!" "This girl I'm gonna meet, she's just so cool. I hope we'll become best friends." "Ran into this celebrity today, my friends back home will go crazy." The way Emily spoke always felt uplifting and bright, even when it was about things I saw no significance in. Is this really how average college girls talk? If so, I must've always surrounded myself with "weird" crowds, for I had never walked side-by-side with anyone who spoke like that.
And just like that, slowly, Emily started to grow on me.
"Oh my lord, that guy we met today turned out to be a total weirdo. You won't believe what he asked me," Emily ranted one evening. I turned to her, half-sympathizing and half-amused, "Oh, I will. He looked weird to me since the beginning."
"WHAT!? How could you tell?"
"From literally his entire existence," I had to suppress a smirk, for I didn't want to come off as making fun of the poor girl's lack of judgement. "You really suck at reading people, don't you?"
She really did. As I already stated, she was affectionate and naïve, anyone who was nice to her face would easily win her trust — at least on the surface level, I noticed; it's not like she wouldn't have doubts, but even when she did, she didn't let it show in consideration for the other person. She was childlike that way and I, a self-proclaimed expert at reading people, felt an urge to protect such a childlike quality.
Perhaps that was how Emily's arrival in my life happened to bring the dead part of me back from its grave. In the brief, luxurious few months we spent together, my life was brightened up by this girl whom I would've unhesitatingly rejected under different circumstances.
My friendship with Emily came to a rather unfortunate end. On one night where my mental health was at a low point, I let Emily see...what I consider a shameful part of me. It was too much for her untainted eyes, I assume, and Emily decided to exit my life within a matter of days.
At that point, I was long used to losing people; but losing Emily hit much harder than I expected. I kept asking myself: so what? You didn't care about girls like her anyway, your personalities already determined that the two of you won't share the same path. Why bother crying over losing a friend you were never meant to have?
But no matter how hard I tried to kill off the part of me Emily awakened, it seemed to have officially come back as an undead, set on haunting me forever.
Do I resent Emily? I want to say no, because rationally speaking she didn't do anything wrong — neither did I for that matter; it was a situation where nobody wanted to hurt anyone, yet the hurting was done. I wanted to reconcile with the undead part of me, this time more than ever as I knew it was here to stay, so I made many attempts to have a talk of closure with Emily — a major difference from how I'd dealt with ends of friendships in the past few years — but Emily seemed to have grown scared of me and avoided me. Or, who knows, maybe she was genuinely busy.
When that part of me died the first time, I vowed to not linger on past friendships ever again. But since it's now sticking around as the undead, I check Emily's Instagram page every now and then, frequency depending on my mental state.
I have no other intention than satisfying my own curiosity — I would just like to stay somewhat up-to-date with how Emily is doing now. She is well, living her naïve happy life, the seemingly unlimited brightness in which must have cleansed her sight of the "taint" I left in her. And I'm glad.
Stay this way, Emily. The world needs more untainted individuals like you, and fewer like me.
With warmth and hopefulness,
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hualianff · 3 years
More Than This VI 《V》
It’s no surprise XL gains his own taste of fame after walking the red carpet with one of the most sought-after actors in the country. He doesn’t mind it, going as far as to create a few social media accounts to interact with fans and scroll through their photos and edits of him. He has a few fan sites too, but only for fancy events where he chooses to be recognized in public.
XL and HC agreed before sharing their relationship with the public that they would maintain a strong sense of privacy when it came to their personal lives. They only share what they want to. The paparazzi who manage to take photos without permission are immediately disciplined so it doesn’t happen again.
(“I can’t believe you did it.”
“Hmm, Gege said he was okay with it.”
“I know! But I didn’t expect you to actually....” XL stares at a recent selfie of them HC had posted on his Twitter, taken the night HC won his award. “We look like we just had sex.”
“Nobody’s gonna know.”
XL raises an unimpressed eyebrow at his boyfriend. HC insists again.
“Nobody’s gonna know-”
“They’re gonna know,” XL says with a sigh, pointing to the hickey marks clearly visible on the photo. HC rolls over closer to XL in their bed, scrutinizing the image on XL’s phone.
“Oh, I didn’t see those when I posted the photo.”
“San Laaang!” XL cries, pushing at the taller man’s shoulder before burying his face into his pillow. HC makes XL breakfast in bed as an apology and promises to not drunk-post anything again.)
Eight months after officially dating–which is over two years since they met–HC asks XL to move in with him. XL doesn’t even need to think about his answer, a simple “Yes! Yes please!” escaping his lips. Both HC and XL’s faces light up with overjoyed smiles.
They seem to have had the same idea about where to live, purchasing a home they’ve been eyeing for months! The best aspects include a massive yard (front, side, and back) for XL to tend to, a hot tub, and a spacious living and dining room area to entertain guests. It’s not the grandest or most impressive residence by size or feature. In fact, the first months have them living in a half-finished, rusty house with the prettiest garden you’ve ever seen.
It gradually gets better. HC and XL knew they would have to do a lot of work to improve the shape of their home. Over the next year, they repair and remodel the house themselves, simultaneously adding value to the property and curating the style to fit their dream home. XL makes sure to post progress photos on his social media. His most recent selfie of HC and himself in hardware glasses got over 500k likes! He pinned HC’s comment that said, “Gege is my own very handyman!”
(HC, in a sleeveless tee, shorts that show off his ass, hair pulled back into a high bun: “Gege, you’re the boss now. Tell me what to do.”
XL, struggling not to gawk at HC’s side boobs: “O-okay, first, can you smash those cabinets-”
Cue them making out against the counter when it’s the only part of the kitchen that is fully done.)
Having a partner who considers the outdoors as a second home is a special experience. XL often takes HC on dates to national parks and plant nurseries. They go on weekend camping trips where XL teaches HC how to properly filter water, summit long stretches of terrain, and stay warm during cold nights with below-freezing temperatures.
(HC, trying to fit into XL’s sleeping bag: “Hi, gege-”
XL: “San Lang, you have your own sleeping bag that you can actually fit in.”
HC: ‘But I’m cold. Gege helps keep me warm.”
XL: “Fine. But let’s use yours because it’s bigger.”
HC, kissing XL’s forehead: “Thank you, my love.”)
On their hikes, XL points to different plants, explaining their origins and why he finds each one particularly beautiful. At first, HC picks up random flowers on the way home and then he asks XL about what flower fate gave him that day to gift his beloved. (“San Lang, that’s not allowed!”) HC eventually stores all the random facts in his mind, always eager to listen to XL talking about his passion. He also learns to keep his hands from digging up “poor, helpless plants from their home soil.”
However, this unfortunately doesn't prevent HC from accidentally squishing some plants in their yard that he thought were just weeds.
(HC, thinking he’s a good partner: “Get out, stupid weeds. CHOP CHOP!”
HC: “Gege always works so hard. I just wanted to help you in the yard today because you deserve it.” 🥺
XL: *sigh* “I appreciate the gesture, San Lang. But those particular grasses took months to grow, and you just killed them-“)
Countless media outlets try to stir up trouble like they typically do with celebrities. Especially when HC has roles that involve romance, articles claiming HC and XL are on the brink of breaking up receive lots of attention. However, what gains more attention are the videos the couple posts on Youtube or Instagram live of their reactions to their “scandals.”
(XL, reading a headline: “Actor bachelor Hua Cheng and co-star Yushi Huang seem to be cozying up after a late-night shoot.’”
HC: “I’m not a bachelor, the fuck?”
XL, smiling: “You could be. Me as well. We can be bachelors together.”
HC, chuckling: “All right. If gege is, then so am I.”
The comments: “That doesn’t make any sense!?”
HC, reading another headline: “HC’s lover found with a mysterious third party??”
XL, exclaiming: “Oh, that’s Shi Qingxuan! You know, the designer for all our red carpet outfits!” 🥰🥰
HC: *nodding along*
XL, cheekily: “-and my secret second-lover”
HC: *blanches* “What.”
XL: “Kidding!!!! San Lang is the only one for me, hehe.” *kisses HC’s cheek* “Okay, next one!”)
Everyone watching the videos is 50% confused and 50% entertained as HC and XL make light of any drama the media portrays them in. Viewers accept that of course, the rumors aren’t true; HC and XL are still very much in love.
They’re in love with each other and will continue falling for many years to come.
HC doesn’t like watching himself on screen. However, he does enjoy previewing his own movies for the first time with his boyfriend.
While XL watches the new movie, HC observes XL’s reactions. It helps that XL is a conversational movie watcher too. XL’s narrations consist of horny comments during the sexual scenes (“Ooh, that’s hot. Nice tongue.” “Thank you?”), side remarks about the plot and characters (“San Lang, your character is very rude.” “...”), and dramatic reactions to the huge reveal scenes where HC becomes a human punch bag. (“Oh my goooosh, San Lang!! It was him all along- AHH!!”)
As a perfectionist, something you have to be in HC’s field of work, HC is incredibly self-critical of his performance. Which is another reason why it’s nice to have XL watch alongside with, who never has a shortage of praises for his boyfriend.
(HC: “Fuck, why did they leave this shot in the final? I’m supposed to be mourning for my dead lover but instead, I look like I’m crying out of daddy issues. Why did no one tell me!? It looks so bad-” *pointing to himself on the screen* “-stop looking so constipated-!”
XL, squeezing HC’s nape and massaging his shoulders: “San Lang, no one thinks that except for you. You did everything perfectly. Please acknowledge your hard work and just enjoy the movie.”
HC: *sigh* “You’re right. Okay. Thanks, gege.”
A beat of silence. HC cuddles closer to XL.
HC: “Love you.”
XL: “Love you too.”)
XL now knows HC’s movies well enough to quote HC’s lines in his movies to make him laugh. HC happily indulges him, questioning after breaking character, “Gege, are you sure I’m the actor out of the two of us?”
One time, HC and XL are in their kitchen re-enacting a scene with HC as the investigator going to a bartender for more information on his suspect. HC has XL caged against the counter, asking in a teasing manner, “How can I repay you for your help tonight?”
XL lowers his eyelids, looking up through his lashes, flawlessly depicting his character. “Any restrictions on your offer?”
“No, darling. Name a price, a brand, a desire. Right now, anything is on the table,” HC says huskily. XL slyly bites his lip.
XL brings a hand up to cup HC’s jaw, then smooths it down his neck, traveling down his bare chest. XL tilts his head to expose his neck, wanting to build up his boyfriend’s anticipation. But before he can say his next line, HC effortlessly throws XL over his shoulder like a bag of rice.
“San Lang, wait, this is not how it went in the movie!” XL shouts, a little dizzy from the sudden lift turning him upside down. HC takes long strides to their bedroom, plopping XL on their mattress and blanketing him with his larger frame.
HC only utters a husky “we’re improvising” before diving down to devour XL’s lips. XL’s arms hook around HC’s neck, holding him impossibly close.
After a filming shoot where HC’s character gets beaten up–HC performing his own stunts–he heads home beyond exhausted. He just wants to take a relaxing shower and cuddle his boyfriend in their warm bed.
HC arrives at their house a little past midnight. He opens the door and finds XL’s back facing him, quietly humming a song as he takes care of the vase in the living room. The sight makes HC smile.
However, as XL turns around, the vase slips from his hands and explodes into pieces on the ground.
“San Lang! What happened to you!?” XL cries out, the panic in his voice only comparable to the day he had confessed. HC stands in the doorway confused. Was something wrong with his appearance?
XL is on him in an instant, his pupils shaking as he frantically asks, “Does it hurt a lot? What happened!?”
HC blinks, expression blank as he still doesn't understand what has freaked XL out. But as the shorter man gently caresses HC’s face, it suddenly hits him.
The make up!
HC urgently starts rubbing the fake bruises off his face. “Gege, I’m okay! It’s just make up, none of this is real. See?” He holds his hands out for XL to see as the pigment stains HC’s palms. “I’m so sorry! San Lang is dumb, he didn’t mean to make you worry,” HC murmurs as he takes XL between his arms. He really loves this man too much.
XL’s teary eyes shine glimmer as HC embraces him. “Y-you’re sure you’re okay?”
HC nods, leaning into the slender hand that cups his cheek.
“Thank goodness,” XL breaths out as he buries his face into HC’s neck. His next words are slightly muffled. “It looks…so realistic.”
“Yeah, the make up artists are all quite talented, aren’t they?”
XL clings tighter to HC.
“Very much so. Let’s shower so we can properly wash it off.”
“All right,” HC says. “Wait, we?”
XL tugs HC toward the master bathroom.
“Hush, let’s go.”
They lay in bed together after four long months of separation. Both of them had been in different parts of the country; HC filmed a drama series while XL traveled for several high-profile projects. Their respective busy work schedules limited communication to brief video chats and text messages, which never seemed enough.
Now, with his head resting on HC’s chest, their legs overlapping comfortably, XL finally feels like he’s where he belongs.
“Why did you choose me?”
Tactical fingers massage XL’s scalp, lulling him into a serene state of bliss. XL nuzzles further into his boyfriend-sized pillow.
“It’s not like I can choose who I fall in love with, Gege,” HC states with a light chuckle. “But if you want an answer, it’s because you are everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner.”
XL looks up at his boyfriend, mouth forming a shape of an O.
“That simple? Even when we made a deal to have no strings attached?” XL asks. HC groans at the reminder of their initial agreement.
“Yes, which was a dumb decision on my part.”
“I agreed to it too. We were both dumb.”
They are silent for a moment. It’s not the first time they’ve talked about or referenced their insecurities when it came to confessing their feelings. XL’s luck when it came to dating someone who could love him for every part of him was practically nonexistent. HC’s constant grappling for his self-identity and worth rendered most of his relationships superficial. And temporary.
Always temporary.
“I can’t believe you thought I didn’t like your plants though. They’re so pretty. And fascinating.” HC says, breaking the silence.
“They take up half our living room space.”
“So? You work with plants all day. They’re bound to be a part of your personal life as well.”
XL’s heart bursts with a sudden fondness. It’s a wonderful thing to be appreciated for the little things.
“I’m glad you think so,” he says happily. HC hums in response, sending vibrations to where XL’s cheek lays on his chest. “I can’t believe I didn’t know you were a famous actor for the first three months we…”
“Met up for sex?” HC finishes with an impish grin.
“Yes,” XL laughs.
“It was nice not to be recognized for once. With you, I could just be myself,” HC says with ease he never thought he would be able to do. He’s struggled with letting himself be vulnerable his whole life. It turns out, HC just had to find the right person. And thank god he did. XL is more than HC’s outlet from his career. He’s become HC’s closest friend who knows him the best; he is HC’s number one supporter in any endeavor he pursues; he makes HC feel important. XL sees and loves HC for who he is. No amount of fame or wealth could come close to comparison.
“Does it ever bother you that my life is always everyone else’s business?” HC softly asks.
“Well, the fame can be a bit…uncomfortable,” XL admits. “But you’re an amazing actor. And a remarkable person. I can’t blame your fans for loving you so much, you know? I also got to ride in a limo-“
“Which you rode very well-”
XL flicks his boyfriend’s forehead.
“You’re so predictable.”
“You would’ve said the same thing given the chance. Don’t lie, gege.”
They go back and forth a little longer, never once creating unnecessary distance between each other as they roll around until they’re on their sides. Facing each other in their bed that’s been vacant for months, HC and XL are inseparable.
“As I was saying, fame is something that comes with your job–your passion. You can’t control it, nor does it solely characterize who you are. Besides, I get to be a part of your life! That’s all that really matters,” XL continues. He shifts forward so their bodies are closely pressed together. XL plants a kiss on HC’s chin, then whispers a confession that tilts HC’s entire world on its axis.
“I’ve been waiting my whole life for someone like you.”
HC’s world spins and spins until all that he sees is his beloved, gleaming brighter than all the galaxies without the power to disrupt their orbit. He wraps his arms around XL and kisses the top of his head.
“Me too, Gege.”
HC watches wearily as XL salivates at a showering scene where HC’s bare ass flashes in the frame. XL turns to HC with a serious look in his eyes.
“San Lang! Hiking has done your ass wonders.”
XL sneaks a grope to a meaty cheek. HC chokes.
“You can’t be late to your own premiere!” XL cries incredulously.
“Try me,” HC purrs into XL’s ear, delicately kissing the lobe.
XL gasps as teasing hands roam around his torso, one of them slipping down to cup his behind. He vaguely thinks about how SQX is expecting them in the next hour to help with their red carpet outfits. But when hungry lips attach to the sensitive column of his neck, XL is a goner.
“Gege doesn’t have to do any work. Just lay back and look pretty.”
(Brainchild with @no-one-says-hi!)
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broadstflyers · 3 years
Tumblr media
A/N: Alright, here it is! Chapter two. Thanks for the support on the first chapter! As always, you can add yourself to the tag list for this series or give constructive feedback here. This chapter is still in the past tense. This one is a longer chapter, sorry! Although I have a feeling most chapters will be this long. If you like this series and want to read more, give it a like or reblog or pop into my asks, it encourages me to continue. any feedback is appreciated :)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: None
Summary: They say at fourteen you’re too young to know you’re in love. But what if you aren’t?
Navigation: chapter one
Grade: 9
Age: 14
Ever since that class, you and Joel became inseparable whenever you were within talking distance. You just seemed to gravitate towards him, and he seemed to do just the same. When you needed a pep-talk before a big test, he was there. Whenever you needed a laugh, he was there. He seemed to just always be there. He even noticed when your hands started to slightly shake before a quiz or test. How would he respond? He’d do what any nice, respectful, and caring teenage boy would do: goof off. The way he did so was completely up to how rambunctious he was feeling that day.
Would he throw crumpled up paper at his friends and just smile as the teacher yelled at him?
Or try and balance the close by meter-stick on his head (that was soon taken away after)?
Or would he possibly take a different turn and re-explain a topic you were still shaky on?
He was just unpredictable in that sense.
Now how were you feeling about this newly kind Joel?
“Your face is the reddest I think I’ve ever seen it,” Luna teased while you both walked out of the classroom after the bell rang, “and if I held up my bright red backpack to it, I don’t know which one would be redder.” She was on a roll that day.
You scratched your eyebrow in a lame attempt to hide your glowing cheeks. See, on that day, Joel decided to calm your nerves by drawing a star on your hand. Yes, your hand. It went sort of like this:
Your right hand was resting on the table so the back of your hand was facing Joel, who was also on your right. He was messing around with an orange marker, threatening to draw it on his friend just a table over.
“Draw one on y/n,” the friend slyly suggested with a devilish smirk. Joel’s eyes widened to the size of hockey pucks and he whipped his head around to look at you. He glanced down at the marker and then regained his cool facial expression.
Meanwhile your blood ran cold and your head started to pound uncontrollably. You glance at Luna and she nods vigorously. You ball your hand into a fist and shakily stick it out, the adrenaline causing your hearing to slightly go. He offers a light smile, and you swear you can see him slightly exhale from relief. He positions the marker in his hand to get a good grip on it, because if he was going to draw on your hand, it had to be perfect.
He rested his hand under yours to hold it steady. Yes, his hand. He cleanly knocked the breath out of your lungs. You could feel the warmth radiate from his hand. He carefully and neatly (well as neat as a fourteen year old boy can) draws an orange star on the center of your balled up fist.
When his hand finally let go of yours, the touch felt too brief but also like forever.
You literally wanted to jump out of your skin. A mix of different colors felt as though they were swirling around your head in an intense blur. You wanted to throw up color and those sickeningly sweet feelings.
At this point, unlike the first time you guys were civil to each other, you surpassed the point of being screwed.
No. As soon as he touched your hand, you knew one thing for certain: you were in love with Joel Farabee.
“Now that’s one perfect good luck charm,” he says with a smirk.
Man, you just wanted to kiss that stupid smirk. That stupid yet adorable smirk….
And that’s how you ended up almost falling over in the hallway with Luna. In the hallway, she takes your hand and looks at the perfectly messy star.
“You’ve got that boy head over heels for you,” she sassed and laughed.
You playfully shoved her, but your heart skipped a beat.
You couldn’t help but wonder, did you really?
“LOVE?” Luna practically yelled in your room. Your parents let you guys hang out after school that very same day because it was yet another Friday. Which is how you ended up with Luna screaming at you on your bedroom floor.
“SHHHHH,” you aggressively said as you tried to calm her down. You pointed downstairs to your parents. You had told them earlier that Luna drew the star on, not Joel. They didn’t even know Joel existed.
“Sorry,” she whispered, “but LOVE? You’re in love with him? Are you sure? Aren’t we too young for that? At least, that’s what my mom says.”
You sigh deeply. “Look, I know, Luna. But there’s just something so different about him. Something I can’t explain.”
“Okay, but you also haven’t liked more than two people,” Luna counters, “and we’re fourteen.”
“But have you looked into someone’s eyes before and felt safe? Have you wanted to cling onto them and never let go? You’ve got to listen to me, these feelings are so intense that I want to throw them up in a glittery mess. He runs in circles around my mind 24/7. I wonder how his hugs feel, I wonder how I would act if I met his parents.” You pause for a moment and stare her in the eyes.
“I barely understand how I feel, myself,” you whisper. “I am so screwed, Luna, but I don’t care.”
Her face relaxes and she slowly nods her head. She breaks out into a smile.
“I hear you,” she calmly states as she takes one of your hands. “I will be here with you while we figure this out, okay?”
“Okay,” you nod in a soft whisper tone.
Maybe it was the cumulation of him constantly caring for you in his own way. Maybe it was the way he never made dumb jokes at the expense of your feelings. Maybe it was the way talking to him came so easily and naturally to you, like you’ve known him for lifetimes. Or maybe it was just the fact that you were young, like Luna said.
But you knew deep down you couldn’t wholeheartedly buy into that logic.
Because in the end, you knew you were right.
You turned fifteen on November 25, so you’re always exactly three months older than Joel, which he definitely did not appreciate. He found out when the teacher wished you a premature Happy Birthday the day before Thanksgiving Break.
“I cannot believe you,” he said in a mockingly defensive manner.
“Joel, I can’t exactly control when I was born you know,” you jokingly shot back. The playful banter was your favorite part of the day. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t look forward to it now.
“Well, how am I supposed to wish you a happy birthday when we won’t be in class?” He dramatically pouted.
I could give you my number, you thought. You’d never actually say that, though.
Suddenly, he turned and snatched a random piece of paper from one of his friends, and judging by the sharp “Hey!” that came out of the friend’s mouth, it probably was of some sort of importance. He grabbed your pencil and borderline slammed them down in front of you.
“Here, write down your number and all of our problems will be solved.”
Did he just? Did what you think just...happen? Fourteen year old you was absolutely dumbfounded.
“Sure,” you said as nonchalantly as possible, when in reality you were about to black out.
You scribbled down your number and handed it to him.
He opened his mouth to say something, but the bell rang, and you both scrambled for your things in the midst of chaos.
“I will be looking forward to that birthday wish,” you called out as he headed for the door. At first, you didn’t think he heard you, but at the last moment, he turned around and winked before stepping out the door.
You would have melted onto the floor if it wasn’t for Luna squealing in your ear like it was a holiday morning.
November 25 couldn’t come soon enough. Yes, you were excited to turn fifteen, but now you had another reason.
The question was, was that a good thing?
November 25
Age: 15
Grade: 9
You woke up on your birthday morning with adrenaline coursing through your veins. After a fun Thanksgiving with family the day before, you were excited to finally celebrate your birthday with just your mom and dad, like you always did.
You’d be lying if you said the first thing you checked was not your phone. But, It was the first thing you reached for on your nightstand. Not your glasses, like normal.
You quickly scrolled through your notifications looking for an unknown number. There’s a text from your aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, cousins. Your heart sank when you reached the end. Nothing from him.
You placed your phone down and shook your head to clear out the negative energy that engulfed your body.
It was your birthday, you weren’t going to let anyone ruin this day for you. Even him.
It was after dinner, which was your absolute favorite meal. You had gone to the mall with your mom and dad for some birthday shopping, a tradition you were very grateful for.
On the way home, you were happily thinking about the new outfits you were gifted, until your phone buzzed. Your heart quickened.
Luna!!: did he text you yet?
You exhaled sharply.
You: no, he hasnt :(
Thanks for the reminder, Luna.
Luna!!: bummer. i’m sure he will soon.
Luna!!: he’d be an idiot not to, don’t worry, love!
You mindlessly stared out the window of the back seat, hoping the blur of the trees would take your mind off of him.
You could sense your dad glancing at you using the rearview mirror.
You turned to look at him. “What?”
“Everything okay?” He asked.
You plaster a huge smile on your face and say yes, of course, because your parents have done so much for you that day that you should have been fluttering from happiness. You mean, you were happy. You couldn’t have been more thankful. Your heart just yearned for him to fulfill his promise.
Because you didn’t know what school was going to be like if he didn’t, and you weren’t ready to face that reality.
That night, you brushed your teeth and got ready for bed. Your heart felt heavier each time you checked your phone and “No Older Notifications” was displayed instead of seeing the one you longed for. You glanced at your clock on your nightstand. The bright red numbers glared at you. It was close to 11:00.
You sighed and spun your phone around in your hands as you thought. Call it delusion, but you refused to put your phone down. You knew he was going to follow through.
Did you know why you knew? Not a clue.
Without warning, your phone vibrated in your hands. You couldn’t have flipped it upright faster if you tried.
Maybe: Joel
Maybe WHO?
Maybe: Joel: Happy birthday math partner 🥳
Maybe: Joel: This is Joel by the way, that’s probably important to add
Maybe: Joel: Although you do only have one amazing math partner
You really thought you died there for a second. They were, like, a handful of words (excluding the Joel part) but they were enough to make you hug your pillow from overload.
You spastically texted Luna.
She must have been waiting for this text all day, just like you. She responded right away.
You: Happy birthday math partner with the 🥳 emoji and he forgot to say his name until the second text lmaooo
Luna!!: aww thats so cute! he sounds like he has an empty head but you go hon!!
Luna!!: now text him back idiot before you forget or he goes to bed
You: yep one sec
Your thumbs circled aimlessly around the keyboard. You wanted to say so many things. You settled on this:
You: thanks, math partner :)
You hit send on that, hesitated for a moment, then typed:
You: and yes you’re a pretty great one
You took a deep breath and pressed send. You changed his contact to “Math Partner”
You wanted to throw up, but in a good way? You sighed into your pillow. Almost as quick as you sent it, you felt another buzz.
Your hand shot out to grab your phone.
Math Partner: Hey, anytime you need a star, I’m here
You glanced down at your hand, where the orange star was just a few short days ago. It was gone. You wished it didn’t fade.
You: the orange one has already faded :(
Math Partner: Well, to make up for the late birthday wish, I can give you another one once we go back to school since we have another big test
You nodded vigorously, as if he could see that through the screen.
You: maybe in red this time? it’s my favorite color
Math Partner: Whatever you want, birthday girl
What a simp, you thought. Also, you were surprised you still had a pulse at that point. Birthday girl?
Math Partner: I have to go now, I have hockey super early tomorrow. Goodnight 😁
“Hockey?” you whispered to yourself.
You: yay, thanks :) and goodnight!!
He plays hockey? you thought. Shouldn’t you have known that?
You frantically Facetimed Luna and whisper-yelled every word you two exchanged. Luna beamed with so much happiness that you could have sworn she was getting the guy.
“This is literally the best thing EVER,” she quietly exclaimed.
You just laughed a giddy yet nervous laugh. You still had no clue what was happening, but you were ready to embrace it.
January 25
Age: 15
Grade: 9
When the teacher switched around the seating charts during the year, she mostly kept you and Joel within talking distance each time. If that thing about teachers sensing when kids like each other was thought to be true, she definitely proved it to be so.
Thankfully, she kept this trend going when she switched the seats around on Joel’s birthday. She moved you guys back next to each other for the next quarter. Before, she briefly separated you guys for about two weeks (when Joel wouldn’t stop yelling to his other friend who was near him). During that time apart, you both were noticeably droopier and mopier than normal. He still joked with his friends, but you only heard his loud laugh a handful of times instead of….too many.
As for you, some kid you’ve never even talked to asked you if you were okay. The answer was of course no, but you couldn’t say that.
So when the brown haired boy sat down next to you for the first time in two weeks, it felt like the day he drew the star on your hand all over again. You wanted to reach out and hug him so he’d never leave you, much less say something, anything, but you just couldn’t still. Thankfully, he did the talking for you.
“Miss me?” he joked with his trademark smile.
“Very much so,” you said with a balance of sarcasm and lightheartedness. “Happy birthday, by the way.” You lightly shoved him, not entirely knowing where the guts to do that came from.
“Thank you, thank you. Did you get me anything?” he teased. He lightly shoved you back.
Your heart beated frantically. Your impulsivity urged you to do something you never would have a few months ago.
“Actually…” you paused for a moment. He raised his eyebrows. You reached for an orange marker and uncapped it with a pop.
“May I?”
He could hardly believe it.
“Do what?”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Draw a star, dummy.”
“Ohhhhh,” he said as he connected the dots. He stuck out his clenched fist as he fought back a huge grin.
You couldn’t believe you were actually doing that.
You tucked your hand under his to keep it steady, just like he did with your hand a few months back. You took your time making sure each corner was connected precisely. You also didn’t want to let go of his hand, like, ever.
You finished way too soon for both your likings. You pulled away and closed the cap.
“Happy birthday, Math Partner.”
“Thanks,” he said. He had his eyes glued on the star you just drew. He didn’t even try to fight the grin that was creeping on his face.
Now you were the cause of his smile. Warmth flowed through your body. You just wanted to keep him that happy forever.
That night, Luna called you on Facetime because apparently talking about those events in the hallway afterschool wasn’t enough.
“What’s up?” you calmly asked, as if you didn’t know why she was calling.
“What’s up? What do you mean what’s up? I mean, first you lightly shoved him. Yes, I saw that. But then you draw a star on him? I don’t know where this confident you came from, but I am living for it. I am so proud of you,” she sincerely said through a smile.
“Aw thank you, I appreciate it. Yeah, I don’t know either, honestly. He just brings out this good side of me now.”
“I can see that, and I love it. So...” She dragged out the “so,” and that was never a good sign.
“So?” you asked.
“What are you going to do about it?”
“About what?” You played dumb as best you could.
She didn’t buy it. “Oh come on, y/n. You know you love him, why don’t you tell him?”
You shuttered at that idea. By doing that, you risked losing what you’ve created so far. You were texting him roughly once or twice a week at that point about random stuff and talking to him in class every chance you got. Losing that was just something you were not prepared to face. And you told Luna that.
She (mostly) understood.
“I respect that,” she said. “But if you guys don’t hang out in the summer and keep this going, I will kill him.”
You snorted. “Me too, honestly.”
Could you guys keep this going for that long?
Only time would tell, you told yourself.
Grade: 9
Age: 15
Every time you saw Joel, you came home with a pep in your step. It was like clockwork. You would bounce into the house with a grandiose “Hello Mother” and hum a song stuck in your head. Today it was “Love Story” by Taylor Swift.
“How was your day?” your mom asked with a hint of suspicion. After months of letting your intriguing happiness spell go, it was too obvious for her to ignore.
“Good,” you said. You didn’t really want to tell her much about Joel because you knew she wouldn’t believe you if you told her how you really felt about him. Those strong feelings didn’t waiver once over the last few months. Okay, maybe once on the day that he accidentally spilled water on your homework. But you couldn’t stay mad at him after he willingly placed his own homework in the same water.
“You’re very happy today. Anything happen in particular?” She prodded.
“Nope,” you pop the letter “p”.
“Who’s the boy?”
You froze. “Boy?”
“There has to be, you haven’t been this happy to go to school pretty much ever.”
You sighed. It was your mom after all. Maybe she would believe you if you told her.
“His name’s Joel, he’s in my Algebra class,” you mumbled.
“Is he nice? Is he smart? Does he play hockey?” The questions flew from left and right.
“Yes, he’s nice. He’s really sweet to me. He is way better at math than me. Yes he does,” you rattled off the answers to her bombardment.
“Excellent,” she smiled. “You like this boy?”
“Yeah, I really do. A lot actually.”
She raised an eyebrow. “A lot?”
“Yeah, honestly, I might love him.”
That confession froze the kitchen over. She paused.
“Honey, you’re too young to know that,” she tried to reason.
Your chest stung. “What if I’m not?” You questioned.
“You’re fifteen.”
“I know Mom, I know.” She opened her mouth to talk, but you said, “I have to go start homework.” You charged up the stairs and crashed on your bed.
So what if you were fifteen? You didn’t care how old you were. Call it being naive, but you were sure you knew everything when you were young.
You just had to wait for timing to fall into place to prove everyone wrong.
tagging: @teamcanadasimp :)
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nightfrostshadow · 4 years
Prompt by @nuttynutcycle 
The hero tapped their fingers against the table, glancing at the clock ever so often. How long were you supposed to wait for your date to show? An hour? Did the limit change if it's the first date?
Romance is a minefield. Hero thought, absentmindedly scrolling through the news app on their phone. It wasn't like Villain to be late, especially after they asked Hero out so eloquently... Their mouth twitched at the memory.
A live news report popped up, drawing Hero’s attention. They froze at the headline: Villain On The Run With Fifty Grand. Police In Pursuit. 
They ground their teeth.That fucker. Hero grabbed their coat and stormed out the door to confront their 'date'. 
 Hero arrived just in time to see Villain jump into her sleek automobile. Sighing, Hero didn’t even bother chasing because he knew once she got in that car there was no hope of catching her. He was in for a surprise as Villain waved at him with a grin and yelled “What are you waiting for? Hop in!” Hero jumped in without realizing why he actually listened and then remembered that he was angry, very angry with Villain. He glared at her. Villain who was busy driving was focusing on the road when she saw hero all puffed up like an angry little bird. She almost laughed. How cute, she thought to herself.
“What’s wrong little hero? What ruffled your feathers? Disappointed because you think your date was fake? “ she asked with a knowing gleam in her eyes. “Shhh, listen to me first”, she shushed hero who was about to argue. “Don’t worry I always keep my word especially since I can see the effort it took you to dress up for me”, she smiled. Hero felt his heart leap and wondered what was wrong with him. Had he actually fallen for Villain? His face was flushed as he remembered the amount of time he had stared at his wardrobe searching desperately for a cool outfit. In the end he had finally decided after calling his friend over. Not that he would ever admit it to Villain. Judging from the gleam in her eyes and her knowing smile he didn’t have to. She could tell.
“Don’t worry” she laughed,” I won’t tease you anymore. I did mean it when I asked you out except hmm what should I say, I wanted a more memorable event and venue.” Beaming, she said “Don’t you think this was good? A thrilling chase and now off to a lovely place for dinner. I booked the entire restaurant just for us. I also got them to decorate it a bit more.” Hero stared at her with amazement and happiness in their eyes. So, she had actually meant to ask him out. Suddenly it felt as if a burden was lifted off his chest. He hadn’t realized how nervous he had been and how he had feared it was a trick and he certainly hadn’t realized he cared so much.
“But why did you have to steal something he asked completely bewildered. You could have just told me to meet you here?” Villain laughed,” There’s no fun in that. This is way more exciting. Besides how else did you think I’d pay the restaurant for their special services? I’m not that cruel, I could never eat for free and leave without paying them.”, she pouted, “I can’t believe it. I thought you knew me better.”
Hero was stunned. He had no words to say. He sighed and just went along with it. He could try reasoning with her later.
It was starting to get quite dark outside now that they had finished their dinner. Villain was driving him home. Hero had to admit it had been the best date they had ever been on. Even if it was also the only date he had ever been on, he had thoroughly enjoyed himself. Villain was genuinely nice to talk to and had a great sense of humour. He had had a really memorable evening. “Hero?” He hadn’t realized he had been in such deep thought until Villain’s words brought him back to reality. He looked up at her.
Villain smiled at him.” In honour of our first date I’ll do something that I’m sure will make you very happy. Look where we are.” Hero looked out of the window. He had been so deep in thought that he hadn’t even realized they were right outside the bank that Villain had stolen from.
Villain winked at him” Give me a moment I’ll be right back.” She grabbed the bag full of stolen money that was still in the back seat after she had pulled out quite a few notes to pay the restaurant. She was gone before he could say anything. She came back empty handed and smiled.” There you go Hero I returned the extra money. Sneaked in and put it right back into the vault. Does that make you feel better?” Hero couldn’t believe his eyes. “Thank you?”, he wanted to say more but knew that returning that money was already a big deal he couldn’t ask her to completely give up crime today. There was no way she would do that.
By this time, they had already reached Hero’s home. So instead, while he got out of her car, all he did was thank her for the wonderful time he had had even though it had started with a robbery it had been a memorable evening and one he would never forget.
Through the window, Villain’s eyes sparkled.
“See you next time my dear hero. Here’s a tip! “I’ll be at the ice cream parlour to celebrate my next successful robbery!” She drove off with a grin without giving Hero a chance to reply.
 Villain smirked to herself as she waved her hand and the bag full of money appeared in her back seat exactly where it had been before. Untouched. Her powers were illusion after all. She could fool absolutely anyone with her illusions. It was extremely useful in most situations.
She laughed when she thought of her darling little hero so cute and so naive. First impressions? It was true that they were important but perceptions could change, after all, all that mattered was a lasting impression. She had absolutely nailed it that evening. Hero would always remember that day.
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Saving the world (Double booking pt 2)
I was asked to write a second part, and as inspiration struck, well… here it is.
They've shared a room. Now what?
If you like it, let me know :D
Word count: 5655
Part 1
The light is seeping under the curtains, dragging you back to the conscious world, but you're not ready to get up just yet. So you squeeze your eyes shut and stretch your back. It's stiff as a board, and your cheek has seemingly set in a permanently squished position. The room feels stuffy and warm, and there's a soft noise you don't recognise at first. But when you finally open your eyes, you can't help but smile.
Everything's a bit blurry without your glasses, but there's no mistaking the man sleeping in the bed next to yours. His arm, which you suddenly notice isn't gloved, but a prosthetic, is hanging over the edge of the bed, and if you strain your imagination, it's almost stretched towards you.
It looks like he hasn't moved at all during the night. Neither have you when you come to think of it. When you stretch again, your neck cracks as if you were eighty, and it's a struggle to lift one leg over the other, though that might just be that you're still half asleep.
As you fumble for your glasses, Bucky opens his eyes and gives you a sleepy smile. "Good morning."
Your heart skips a beat, and it's as if you've forgotten all suitable responses to such an innocent greeting. "Yeah." That's what comes out of your mouth, and you groan.
"You sleep good?" He yawns and props up on his elbow.
"Mhm. Like a baby."
"Me too."
You grin and roll over on your back just as the loudest growl erupts from your stomach. Heat creeps up your neck and ears, and you mutter a soft "Sorry."
Bucky laughs. "Don't apologise for being hungry. What do you say we go get some breakfast?"
"I could eat."
After a quick shower and a couple of frustrating minutes picking an outfit, you really don't want to look like a slob in front of Bucky, you're both seated in the restaurant, devouring the bacon and eggs like your lives depend on it.
The conversation is light. You're slowly getting to know each other. "I'm freelancing for the government," Bucky says and gulps down his orange juice. "It's all really boring, though."
You nod and stuff your mouth with bacon. "I'm sure it isn't. But paperwork, am I right?" you add with a chuckle.
Nodding, he wipes his mouth and takes another bite. "Mhm. How about you?"
"Oh, it's not very interesting. I freelance too, I guess. Right now I've been hired to design a calendar with paintings from the city. It's not well paid, but it's fun."
"So you're an artist? May I see some of your work?"
Suddenly you feel a bit self-conscious. That's weird. You haven't had doubts about your art in forever. "I've got some photos in my phone." You hesitate for a second, then fish it out and unlock it. Scrolling down, you find the series of paintings you did last spring. Green and lush, you get a pang of longing for the fresh air and colourful flowers. The contrast is vast from the grey city.
"Wow, these are good!" Bucky exclaims and starts gushing over your lines and colour and the composition, and you feel your ego inflating with every word. All you can do is sit there with a stupid grin on your face, and a pulsing heat in your cheeks, while he builds you up like he's a professional.
You've totally forgotten the time when the staff tells you that the restaurant, unfortunately, is closed now, but that you're welcome back for dinner later. With many an apology, the two of you get up and head to the lobby, where you stay, talking for almost an hour before you remember why you are here in the first place.
"Sorry," you say, and mean it. "I need to get some work done before the light goes. I was thinking of heading down to the harbour today. See if the water can inspire me."
"Oh. Yeah, I guess." Bucky looks down on his feet and gives you a small smile. Then he looks up again, his eyes shining, competing with the glorious smile that grows on his lips. "Do you mind if I come with you? I mean… you don't have to say yes, I just…"
"No, of course." You're relieved that he asked, letting you out of asking him yourself. "Some company would be lovely. Just gotta get my stuff. Meet you back here in ten minutes?"
He nods and sighs almost imperceptibly once you've turned away, watching as you almost skip towards the elevator. A tiny voice in the back of his head warns him that he has tripped and is going to fall hard if he doesn't get a grip soon, but he ignores it. The feeling is too pleasant to care just now.
The next few days you establish a routine of sorts. Bucky knocks on your door, asks to sleep next to you, you say yes, and you wake up, turned towards each other. After breakfast, you head out into the city, sometimes he's leading the way, sometimes you have a plan, and you spend the day drawing and talking and without realising it, falling hard for him. Every evening you have dinner in one of the restaurants near the hotel, and every evening you forget what is happening around you, and all you can focus on is Bucky.
The sun is shining. A bird is singing in the tree behind you. You can barely hear the traffic from the road outside the park. Bucky is lounging on the grass, chewing on a straw, and you've been drawing him in secret for the past two hours, your original subject completely forgotten and rejected. When he looks up at you, his face is filled with happiness. "This is nice," he says, careful to mask his full joy.
"Yes, it is," you reply, quickly hiding the drawing under a sketch of the bridge and skyline.
He sits up and looks like he wants to say something, but he closes his mouth instead. After a small pause, he gets up and holds out his hand. "Let's go grab something to eat."
"Okay," you whisper, breathless from the feel of his hand in yours. "Lead the way."
He takes you to a small café at the edge of the park, explaining that it's famous for its fries, and they've got the bestdipping sauce, you just have to try it.
You're in the middle of the meal, laughing at a joke, when a shadow interrupts. Looking up, you hear Bucky mutter a curse under his breath, and you feel a pinprick of fear in your neck. He's glaring at the stranger, and the stranger surprisingly returns the look.
"Um…" You look between Bucky, sat at the table with a curly fry sticking out from the corner of his mouth, staring daggers, to the man who just interrupted your lunch. The truth smacks you in the head with force. Holy shit! That's Captain America. Captain freaking America! And it slowly dawns on you who Bucky really is.
The glass you just picked up slides back to the table, sprite sloshing over the sides as it hits, but you don't realise your hand is cold and wet. All you can focus on is that your roommate for the last week is… Bucky Barnes, AKA The Winter Soldier. Yeah. You try very hard to swallow the food in your mouth, but it's so dry, and forcing it makes your throat ache.
Said soldier quickly chews the curly fry and swallows thickly. "What do you want, Sam?"
Sam hands him a pad, and upon reading the contents, Bucky's frown deepens.
"It's very nice to meet you," Sam says, his shining smile lighting up the whole room. "I'm Sam, by the way."
"Y/N," you reply, still unaware that the hand you're using to shake Captain America's hand with is wet and slightly sticky. Actually, you're kinda unaware of your surroundings altogether.
Sam laughs, making Bucky look up from the message, scowls at Sam, then returns to his reading. "So you're the one who's keeping Bucky busy, huh?" He winks, and you feel that heat creeping up the back of your neck. "From the look on your face, I'd say you didn't know who you're having lunch with, right?"
You nod, squeaking a confirmation.
Sam laughs. "I thought after the whole Flag Smashers case, everybody knew who Bucky was."
Your ears burn, and you breathe a little faster now. Of course, you've been to the exhibit at the Smithsonian, and of course you know about Steve Rogers' best friend, it just never connected in your brain that this super sweet man is a WWII hero and assassin.
Your eyes flick from his prosthetic arm and up to his face. "Uh… I'm just not super into the whole celebrity thing?" you offer, blurting out the first thing that pops into your head.
Snickering, Sam turns to Bucky. "And you didn't tell her?" There's a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Bucky picks on a stain on the table before setting up a defiant face. "It didn't come up." And he wants to add And by the way, how do you go about saying Oh, and FYI I'm a former assassin and murderer, to a woman you really want to get to know better?
He looks so uncomfortable, you get a strong urge to hug him, but now you're uncertain of all this. What if the two of you are against the rules? Wait, what are you, really? Friends? Accidental roommates? You like Bucky. You really like Bucky, and you had kinda hoped it would grow into something… more, but now… Swallowing the lump in the back of your throat – that was an unexpected reaction – you smile flatly. "Are, are you allowed to, to… I mean, can you be friends with…" You swallow again. "Civilians?"
Sam's eyes widen for a split second, and somehow you feel as though he can see right through you. Then he laughs, and all the tension around the table dissipates. "Of course. We're human, Bucky's human, as difficult as that is to believe. Of course we're allowed to have friends, relationships, family. Wouldn't be much of a life without it, would it? But expect them to do a background check on you, hell, they probably already know what you ate for dinner on your twelfth birthday."
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I'm afraid I have to whisk your boyfriend away for a while. There's a situation."
"We're… we're not…" You have to admit that thought feels good, but really, any hope you had has been well and truly smashed.
Bucky gets up and smacks the pad at Sam. "I'll see you later?"
"I'll be here," you reply with fake confidence. "Please be safe. Both of you," you add with a small smile.
"You too," Bucky says softly. "Be careful if you go out after dark. It's not as safe as you think here."
That makes you snort. "It's me. I don't even like people, what am I supposed to do outside after dark, huh? Don't worry. I'll probably stay in my room and paint all day anyway."
He mutters something that sounds suspiciously like "good", but it's hard to hear over Sam. "I'll take care of him," he laughs, ducking under Bucky's hand as he swats at his head. "Come on, Buck. Let's roll."
"Be safe," you mutter again, looking after them as they head to the black, unmarked car waiting by the flower shop on the corner. It's as if all colour drains from your vision.
The first sip of coffee feels divine; just what you need to wake up after spending another night without Bucky. It has been another restless night. You tossed and turned and couldn't settle properly. And the dreams… You'd rather not think about them. Never before has your brain produced such chaotic absurdities, such eldritch horrors, but to be honest you're not really surprised. Sleeping next to Bucky; something just clicked. You smile into your cup, feeling calmer just thinking about it. It's weird how quickly you got used to his presence, and how wrong it feels when he isn't there.
But you don't get to enjoy your drink for long. Before you've even finished the second sip, someone shoves you hard from behind. The coffee spills over the sidewalk, painting the concrete and splashing all over your shoes. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" you bark, turning to confront whoever pushed you. But before you can even see them, they pull a bag over your head.
Panic rises in you, and you scream until your throat feels raw. Someone smacks you across the mouth, and the shock and pain shuts you up. Your lip thumps: it's split, you can taste the blood now. Tears stream down your cheeks, the soft fabric of the bag clings to your skin. Feeling the darkness caress your mind, the world starts folding in over itself. Still you possess enough awareness to kick the person holding you. They yelp and swear, resulting in a sharp rap over your ear. Your head is ringing.
A pair of strong arms pick you up as if you weigh nothing, and haul you along, struggling with your flailing arms and legs. There's a metallic clang, like a van door opening, then you're half lifted, half pulled up, all while screaming and cursing, hoping someone – anyone – will hear.
Someone speaks a language you don't recognise; your sleeve is pushed up and there's a sharp prick in your arm. Seconds later your brain starts spinning. The faint light that seeps through the weaving of the bag blinks like a starry sky.
You sway back and forth, feeling off kilter and fuzzy, as the voices around you grow all garbled and muted. Someone pushes you backwards, but before you hit the floor, you're out. As the world fades from your consciousness, you just wish you could have seen Bucky one more time.
When you come to, your head is pounding, your mouth is dry, and everything is dark. You try to move, but your hands are shackled, and your feet are bound to whatever you're sitting on. At least you're right side up, you think, before the situation dawns on you, and the contents of your stomach threatens to make an appearance. You swallow thickly. God, your mouth is so dry. Your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth, and there's not enough liquid to even wet your lips. All you can do is grimace, feeling how they crack and pop. It stings. The taste of metallic, rusty blood coats your tongue.
Your throat itches, so much so that you can't even speak, but you can cough. Hard, like explosions in your head, and it's enough for you to lose your breath.
Something floppy is shoved into your hands.
"It's upside down, you idiot!" someone shouts, and the paper is turned.
Panic surges through your body, and your throat constricts, increasing your coughing. Your heart is racing, but everything happens so fast you just can't process it. Someone removes the bag from your head. The light burns in your eyes, and the shock stops your coughing instantly. Everything is white. There's voices, and movement, but you can't see anything clearly, and for a moment you wonder if you've lost your contact lenses. Slowly your vision returns, but they all keep to the shadows, and they've covered their faces, so you can't make out any details. The buzzing in your ears almost drown out every sound in the room.
"Look straight ahead," they command, and by some miracle you actually manage to move your head. "Keep your eyes open. Ready!"
There's a bright flash, someone else yells "Got it!" and then, in a flurry of motions you're untied, dragged through a dark hallway and unceremoniously dropped on the floor. The door clangs ominously behind you, and you freeze, waiting for someone to grab you or hurt you. There's no one in the room, but you remain in the floor, rubbing your wrists and trying to calm your breathing.
It's cold in your cell, room, whatever people call it, but at least you've got a blanket, and they've fed you, so there's that. But no matter how many times you've asked, nobody tells you anything.
You're over the initial shock now, and the fear has begun to settle into anger, but you're too numb to react.
"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? I'm no one, never been important in my whole life, hey, someone please say something." Silence. You bang on the door, not sure what you're hoping for. In the back of your mind you know it's risky, but you need to know. The silence is making the walls come closer. You lick your lip. It's bleeding again.
You figure your friendship with Bucky has something to do with your current predicament, but you're not sure exactly what they hope to achieve. It's not like you're best friends or anything, but maybe what you have is enough for him to come for you. That thought sends an electric jolt straight to the small of your back. For a moment you allow yourself to hope, to imagine him blasting through the door and marching in with murder in his eyes, angels singing, and the light surrounding him like a halo.
You laugh grimly. What are even the odds of him finding out where you are? Does he even care? He is the Winter Soldier, after all. He's probably got better things to do, he's busy saving the world, no doubt.
Bucky smiles as he walks through the hallway, the ugly carpet muting the urgency in his steps. He can't wait to see you again. It's only been four days, but it feels like forever so the moment he got the all-clear after mission report, he made Sam drop him off at your hotel.
A short walk later he's standing outside your room, heart in his throat and arm outstretched, ready to knock. His stomach dances, pure happiness courses through him. It's been so long since he felt like this; he swears he can almost feel it in his metal arm.
A soft knock. No answer. He knocks again, harder this time. Still no answer. It's only a few minutes past eleven, you won't be asleep yet. You never fall asleep before midnight.
Suddenly it's like someone's poured a bucket of ice water over him. Putting an ear against the door, he listens like some kind of creep, but the room is silent. Maybe you're out. But that doesn't make sense either. It's too dark to get any proper work done, and you're not one for night clubs, or so you've said. Could you have checked out? Bucky's heart skips a beat. What if you're gone? But… wouldn't you at least have left him a message?
Turning on his heel, he marches back to the elevator as if he's got the devil on his tail. There's a really nasty feeling growing in his gut, something he just can't afford to think about now.
He presses the elevator button multiple times, but it takes its sweet time, so instead, he heads to the stairs, taking several steps at once, then skips the steps altogether and jumps over the railing, landing with a heavy thud on the ground floor.
There's a tenseness to his stride as he walks to the front desk, feeling more and more anxious with every breath. He never thought he'd feel this way again; that pit in his stomach and the growing stone in his chest. Last time, he was on a plane, heading for Italy in 1943, not knowing what was waiting for him.
"Excuse me," he says, rather gruffly, spooking the receptionist, though how she didn't hear him stomping through the lobby is a mystery. His own ears buzz loudly, and it's a miracle he can hear her at all.
"Good evening. How may I help you?" She smiles in that professional way people do when they're interrupted and don't really want to talk.
Bucky glances at the reflection in the glass wall behind her. Solitaire. He shakes his head to clear it a bit. "Um, yeah. Is there a message for me? For James Barnes or maybe Bucky."
She looks through the papers on the desk and shakes her head. "Sorry."
He closes his eyes and breathes through his nose. "Okay. Don't suppose you could tell me if Y/N has checked out of room 508?" His brows furrow, but he tries to smile anyway.
Another head shake. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm not allowed to disclose that kind of information." She looks briefly at her screen, then back up at Bucky, fake smile plastered on her face.
Bucky bites his tongue and swallows the rage that's building in him. It's not the receptionist's fault. She doesn't understand. But then he gets an idea. "Right, of course," he says, making his voice sweeter. "But maybe you will allow me to leave her a message?"
"Certainly. Let me grab a pen and paper for you."
So you haven't checked out. From the look on her face, the receptionist doesn't realise she's confirmed his suspicions. Well, he'll leave a message just in case, but it's time for drastic measures.
Outside it's dark now. Low clouds are threatening with rain. No one sees the dark figure slipping around the corner and jumping to grab the lowest rung of the fire ladder. Bucky easily hoists himself up, and climbs to the fifth floor, keeping to the shadows and making as little noise as possible. He knows where the window to your room is, and in less than a minute he's standing on the tiny balcony, peering in.
The room looks untouched. The bed is made, your stuff is all there. There's an almost finished portrait on the sketch pad on the desk; a smiling, content picture of himself. Nothing is missing except you. Bucky is three seconds from losing it.
A cold raindrop hits the back of his neck, drawing him from his haze. Soon the sky has opened up, and he's blasted with icy water. It soaks through his jeans, and drips from his hair into his eyes. Without looking back, he slides down the fire ladder and lands in a puddle. He doesn't know what to do next. Maybe Sam knows, so he ducks back into the hotel to get out of the rain, but before he can make the call, he's interrupted by the receptionist.
"Mr Barnes, I apologise. I didn't see this before. Someone left this for you." The woman hands him a large, brown envelope. All of a sudden he's transported back in time; drowning in flashes of memories of past missions, but he shakes himself out of it. Leaning on the column by the door, he opens the envelope.
There's nothing in there but a photo. It makes his stomach turn, and for the first time since he's been free, he has to fight the rage of the Winter Soldier, expanding, threatening to explode and send him on a vengeance fuelled killing spree. "When? Do you know who delivered it?" His voice is darker than usual, and the woman steps back just from the sound.
"I'm sorry," she squeaks. "It's been here for a couple of days, I think. I wasn't here when it was delivered." She hurries back behind her counter, putting a safe distance between them.
Bucky adjusts his stance, and forces his voice to sound kinder. "Thank you. Is there somewhere I can make a phone call, undisturbed?"
She nods and points to a nook behind the oversized fern in the corner. There's a sliding glass door that will provide some privacy.
Turning the envelope over in his left hand, Bucky is careful to not leave any more fingerprints on it. It is unmarked, but he knows people who can read things that no one else can see.
Whipping out his phone, he dials the first number in the contact list. He doesn't realise it, but he's shaking. The four seconds it takes for Sam to pick up are an excruciating eternity, and Bucky grips the door handle to keep himself from running off without a plan.
Before he can even say hello, Bucky wheezes: "They've got her, Sam!"
"Y/N! They've taken her!" He closes his eyes. The photo has burned into his mind.
"I'm on my way."
Bucky relaxes his grip on the door. There's a dent in the metal, and that makes him even angrier. They've made him lose control. He curses as he exits the tiny room, pacing over the floor, waiting for the voice of reason to arrive.
Being Sam, being Captain America, opens a lot of doors, so when he shows up at the hotel, requesting to look through the surveillance tapes – though it really is a demand; he's got a way with words, Bucky muses, thinking back to when he realised that what he first took as being soft, really isn't soft at all. Anyway, they all fawn over each other, fighting to be the one to give Cap access. Bucky can hardly watch.
"Give us a few minutes," Sam says with a smile, settling in front of the computer.
"Of course." The manager bows and closes the door.
Then Sam turns to Bucky. "Okay. When did you see her last?"
"Four days ago, right before we left on that goddamn mission." He wants to beat himself that he exposed you to danger, and he resists the urge to take out his irritation by slapping Sam over the head. Instead he settles on a flat, emotionless that he hopes conveys all his frustration.
"Right, so somewhere after last Thursday, then." Sam pushes a button, selects the right floor and presses play. Nothing happens for a while, and he pushes a new button, making the footage speed up.
"There!" Bucky shouts, pointing at the screen. There you are. Leaving your room with a large bag over your shoulder. Bucky smiles in spite of his fear. A soft expression on your face and your trusty art supplies at your side. Everything looks normal.
Fast forwarding through the footage, nothing out of the ordinary happens. You return around seven, looking a little bit tired, but happy enough. Food is brought to your room an hour later, and you don't go out again that night.
"Sensible girl," Sam comments, drawing Bucky out of his thoughts.
"Yeah. But she didn't know how much danger she was in."
The night passes in a blur. A drunk couple stumbles through the hallway around two in the morning, but other than that it's quiet, until you leave again around 10am, again with your bag over your shoulder. You look tired, yawning and dragging your feet. The bounce in your step is gone, Bucky notices, and he wonders if it has anything to do with your abduction.
They keep fast forwarding, but when the time stamp shows 11.30pm, Bucky's chest plummets. He knows you're not coming back.
Sam looks at him. “Calm down, man. You look like you’re about to explode!” he hisses, putting his hand on Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky shakes him off and glares. “Because I’m this close.”
“But that won’t do her any good, will it? We gotta keep our cool, don’t do anything rash.” Sam's voice is still calm. Bucky doesn't know how he does it.
"Fine." Bucky takes a deep breath, just how his therapist taught him. "Show me what direction she went."
Sam clicks and drags the front camera onto the screen. You stop outside for a few minutes, then head down the street towards the city centre. They follow you on the screen until you disappear from view.
There's a shoe shop on the corner where you turned, so after thanking the hotel manager for the help, they follow your moves through the city. The shoe shop doesn't have a quality video, but it's enough to recognise you. Tracking you through the streets feels like an endurance hunt, Bucky thinks, impatient to find out who took you and where you are. That's all he can focus on: to get you back. And god have mercy on your kidnappers if you're not okay. Eventually Sam and Bucky stop at a small restaurant, but they don't have surveillance at all.
"Okay. Let's head to that Starbucks," Bucky says, nodding across the road. "They're bound to have surveillance, right?"
Sam rolls his shoulders. "Let's go."
The video shows three large figures, lurking in the shadows in one of the side streets. They're watching as you enter the café, and when you exit with a large coffee in hand, the gang is ready. The footage jumps a bit, but it captures the terror in your face, and Bucky feels like throwing up. You're hauled into a waiting van, it's an unmarked, normal van, but as it speeds away, luck strikes. The camera got a clear shot of the number plate.
Bucky lets Sam handle the rest. He can't shake the guilt, the pit in his stomach that grows larger and larger. And his anger grows too. Why didn't anybody react, nobody can convince him that nobody heard or saw anything. He watches as Sam talks on the phone, already mentally punching your kidnappers to a pulp. The metal arm flexes involuntarily.
Sam puts down the phone and turns to Bucky. "Okay, so here's what they told me: The van isn't connected to anything, they didn't even have a name for me. It's probably a fake number plate. But they said it's been spotted driving to and from a warehouse not too far from here. Let's go suit up while we're waiting for the address."
Bucky exhales. They better hurry up with the address. You've been in captivity for far too long already.
It's quiet in the building now. You don't know what time it is; they've taken all your stuff, but you know it's late. Your eyes sting, both from exhaustion and from wanting to cry, not to mention your contacts are getting dry, but you refuse to remove them – not being able to see would terrify you. But neither sleep nor tears come. Sitting on the cot, wrapped in the blanket they thankfully provided, you are too wound up to relax enough to sleep. What if someone comes in while you're out? There's not much chance to defend yourself, but at least if you're awake  you can try to put up a fight.
How long have you been here? It's hard to tell. After the first shock they've pretty much left you alone. Except for the interrogation a few hours later. They kept asking you about where Bucky is, what he's doing, details on his mission, but you told them, truthfully, that you don't know anything. And they seem to believe you. But they still won't let you go. You sigh and pull the blanket tighter around your shoulders. Even if you knew everything you wouldn't have told them anything, but you didn't say that out loud.
Suddenly there's a loud bang reverberating through the walls. Instinctively you flinch, trying to make yourself smaller. Your blood roar in your ears, and it feels like your heart is trying to beat its way through your rib cage. There's a pause – the silence is deafening, then someone yells. You hear gunshots. Heavy boots rush past your door. It's torture just listening to the fight, not knowing what will happen. What if there's a fire? Or what if you're abandoned here? Is this how you're gonna die?
The fight is getting closer. You drag the blanket over your head, locking your arms around your neck. Unfortunately it doesn't mute the sounds, and you have to remind yourself to keep breathing. Slowly the fight dies down, and for a moment everything is calm. You feel woozy, grateful that you're already sitting down, and you steel yourself for what comes next.
The door opens. Heavy boots slaps against the hard floor. Someone blocks out the light, and you feel a gentle hand on your shoulder, making you flinch and whimper.
A soft voice whispers in your ear. "Y/N?"
You forget to breathe again.
"Y/N," the voice repeats, coaxing you out of your makeshift cocoon.
You look up, and into the eyes of the man you never thought you'd see again. His face is blood-spattered, and his expression is a murderous rage, but the moment your eyes meet, he softens. "Bucky," you breathe, folding yourself out, and reaching for him like a toddler.
He scoops you up, holding you close as you begin to sob into his neck, and he rocks you back and forth until you calm a bit. "Are you hurt?"
Shaking your head, you climb down from his lap and looks over at Sam, hovering by the door. There's a look in his eyes that you can't quite decipher.
"You're bleeding," Bucky says, touching your lip gingerly.
"Oh." You don't know what else to say, as he helps you up on your feet. His arm stays around your shoulders all the way out into open air, and you lean into his embrace. The building is littered with bodies, some are definitely dead, others are being detained by soldiers dressed in black. Your knees buckle from the sight.
"Hey, I've got you," Bucky murmurs into your hair.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For coming to get me."
"Of course," Sam says, offering you a reassuring smile. "Why shouldn't we?"
You exhale shakily through your nose. "I thought you were busy saving the world and all."
Bucky pulls you closer.
"Don't you know?" Sam asks quietly, so no one else can hear. "You are his world."
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dclsbaby · 4 years
mykonos-crossed lovers (part i) 🦋
🎶 playlist for part i
part ii
part iii
part iv
Summary: When you drunkenly book a girls trip to a tropical Greek island to help mend your broken heart, you would never for a second think it will take you exactly to where he is. Him. A tale of the right person at the wrong time, an overused cliché made into plots of movies you never thought would live through in your reality. Two people, still madly in love with each other, hearts still broken, suppressed by the alcohol and distractions consumed on this trip. Will they let their egos get in the way, protect what’s left of their already broken hearts, or will let their hearts speak?
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: angst?
Author’s Note: hi everyone, thank you so so much for the responses to the prologue! I am so overwhelmed and did not expect to receive so much kindness it makes me wanna cry hahaha 🥺 thank you a thousand times over! and if this is your first time getting to know the fic, I highly suggest you read the prologue before diving into part 1! This chapter is sort of a filler chapter (I know it has 2.6k words lol), it shows how (y/n) have been doing since the break up & how the trip came about, I hope it’ll make sense once you read it 🤍 thanks for reading x
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It’s been months since you last spoke to him. Him. The thought of him still hurts. The idea of him existing without you, hurts. As much as you try to fight it, you still remember him like the back of your hand. You could draw on paper the contours of his face by memory, by instinct, like remembering your way home. He was a love you have never experienced before. Something about his magnetism seemed impossible to resist.
You and Dominic broke up nearly half a year ago. Your hopes of an amicable breakup were destroyed by him. His confusion, his anger, his frustration made it impossible for you two to stay friends. He couldn’t even begin to imagine being just a friend to you when his entire heart belongs to you. He called you selfish for leaving, he called you stubborn for having your mind made up without letting him put up a fight when he was ready to battle anyone, even you, to save your relationship.
The first few months were difficult, but the first few weeks were excruciating. You barely ate, as the numbing in the pit of your stomach constantly made you nauseous that your body couldn’t digest anything you ate. You couldn’t bring yourself to shower and get dressed, and spent days laying in bed, wallowing in sadness. Overtime, you just learn to live with the pain.
Since then, you’ve had good days, and slowly but surely stopped faking smiles and replaced them with genuine ones. But your bad days felt like hell, with your mind often teasing you with memories of him that you’ve suppressed enough to compartmentalise, then it comes back to you all at once, and consumes your entire soul. The pain is suffocating, like being crush by tidal waves, leaving you no time to run for shore, the waters dragging you, pulling you in many directions. All you could do was be still, stay paralysed, and pray that it goes away. That’s what remembering him felt like.
Then on other days, you often wonder how you were able to manage all this, with the pain still fresh whenever you think about it, but I guess we’re all guilty of pushing our feelings to the side and pretending that everything’s alright, when it’s the opposite. You’re still alive, despite it all. But you want to live, not just survive.
The truth is, you did not leave because you fell out of love. In fact, you were too in love—it’s a crime. He was your entire life. Days were spent waiting for him to come home from training and matches. Missing him during away games. Your entire happiness depended on him, and that terrified you. You weren’t happy with yourself either, and expected more out of your life. The burden of having a prosperous career, a stable income, a life for yourself that you loved, becoming too heavy to bear. You had all these dreams and goals set for yourself that you never got to actualise so you could be by his side. Your love for him was insurmountable, that you couldn’t accommodate anything for yourself. No matter how hard you tried, you will always put him first. It was natural. Even though he never asked for all your attention, you couldn't simply choose between yourself or him, because you would always choose him. Over and over.
So you did what you had to do, break your own heart, and his, to love yourself.
Since your breakup, you finally moved out of your friend’s place and got yourself a nice two-bedroom flat at the city centre with a stunning view of the city. You landed yourself a job as a junior editor for British Vogue that demands commuting to London several days a week. As you thrive in difficult situations, the breakup forced you to submerge yourself in work, mainly to avoid the pain, but it propelled you to get to where you are.
Trying to get over someone who is in the public eye was a different battle. It seemed as though everywhere you went, he’s there. You see him on billboards, TV screens, his face painted on murals, quickly becoming a tourist site. Occasionally, you would watch his games out of habit, and listen to the prideful Evertonian crowd chant his name. You witnessed his first England senior team debut, and tuned in to England v. Wales on the TV for old time’s sake. You watched him score his first senior England goal behind a screen. Your eyes welled at sight of him living his dream, poaching the ball into the net, scoring the first goal of the game, making his country and family proud. You feel the rush of adrenaline he felt as he ran to his teammates and celebrated. You can’t help but share this sense of pride, as you’ve watched firsthand how hard he has worked to get to where he is.
But on days where he isn’t on your mind, you do not want to be reminded of him. It’s difficult to cope when you encounter pieces of him that takes you back to the worst day of your life, and his.
Like last night, for instance. You had been scrolling on your social media when it was brought to your attention that a magazine had published an issue with your ex on the front cover, spotted on a night out with a blonde you don’t personally know but you could’ve sworn you’ve seen before. Perhaps another one of those so-called “influencers”, you thought to yourself. You know that you have no right to feel jealous or upset, as you broke up with him and this was bound to happen, but selfishly, a part of you had hoped that he wouldn’t find anyone else, or at least not before you did. You’re frustrated at yourself for letting him have this effect on you even months after your break up.
Succumbing to your bad habits, you give in to your impulses and pop open a bottle of red wine to calm your growing anxiety. Two glasses of wine, a takeout, and a season of Gossip Girl later, you find yourself slightly drunk, nerves calmed, and a little drowsy so you quickly change into your satin pyjamas and tuck yourself in bed.
You decide to turn on the TV for some background noise and quickly close your eyes. By some twist of fate, you hear a painfully familiar voice giving his thoughts at the end of a game he’s won. The sheer volume of his voice on the TV causes a sharp pain in your chest as you scramble to reach for your remote in the dark, with your eyes half opened. and change it to anything but a sports channel. That’s it, you thought to yourself. I need to get the fuck away.
Still drunk and not entirely aware of what you’re doing, you reach for your laptop on the nightstand. The brightness made your eyes squint a little bit, but you managed to type out a link and open a travel booking site, and scroll through different pictures of tropical islands you’re longing to get to. Anywhere but here, you thought. You selected options that you thought looked the blue-est, the most expensive, a party town, and had the most five star restaurants.
By the end of it you have booked a return flight to Mykonos for 5 people where you will be staying at a grand, luxurious 5-bedroom villa located at the party central of the island. You couldn’t be bothered to check how much it cost you. All sense of ration gets thrown out the window when you mix heartbreak with alcohol. When you told your friends of what you had just done, it was safe to say that they were surprised but absolutely ecstatic that you have booked a much needed getaway with the girls. With a three-day notice, you all quickly scramble through your closet and go on an online shopping spree to pick out your outfits for the holiday.
Days later, you find yourself landing on Mykonos island on a sunny afternoon.
“I can’t believe you’ve managed to pull all this off within days,” your friend says as you all walk through the pebbled entry way of your villa, and open the door. “Holy fucking shit,” another friend says in awe of the sight. The villa was filled with white interior, bright lights, wooden tables that give off beach vibes, and an infinity pool where you could swim as you watch the sunset, with a view of the blue sea. With 5 bedrooms to choose from, your friends collectively decided that you should take the master that had direct access to the pool, which you happily accepted but it wouldn’t matter anyway, as you’ll all probably stay in one room.
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Once you’ve unpacked, you pull out your white cardigan and make your way out the terrace to catch a view of the sunset and have a moment by yourself. You take a deep breath of the fresh air with a hint of sea breeze as you try to take in the stunning view of the island. You are filled with gratitude as you bear witness to something so beautiful as you watch the sun sink into the blue Aegean Sea. Despite the peacefulness exuded by the view, your heart can’t help but feel Dom. You remember when he had brought up wanting to spend this exact summer in Mykonos with you, but life had other plans.
Dom was laying in bed with his laptop screen on his chest, an arm to support his head as he scrolled through the travel booking site. He had been looking through different options, but he has his mind set on a lovely town in Greece, Dubai’s overrated after all, he thought.
“Me, you, blue skies, tanned skin, bike rides around town, what do you think love?” asked Dom. “Where’s this?” you ask, moving closer to him as he shows you his laptop screen. “Mykonos. It’s not too far away, I’ll have enough time to rest before pre-season starts,” he replies. “That sounds like a plan,” you smile at him. “But we’ll book it closer to the summer, yeah? In case anything comes up,” you said as you plant a kiss on his cheek. He nods as he bookmarks the site and drifts off to sleep with you shortly after.
Unbeknownst to you, later that night he quietly opened his laptop and quickly booked the trip for you two as a surprise. Anything that will come in the way will just have to be compromised. He was adamant to make sure he gives you the best summer of your life, it is what you deserve after all, he thought.
You had forgotten about your conversation with Dom until you stood on the island. Your thoughts were interrupted by your friend’s footsteps. “Hey, you okay babe? You’ve been out here for a while,” she asks with concerned eyes. “I’m alright,” you said. “Or I will be,” you add, giving your friend a forced smile. Your friend wraps her arm around your shoulders as you two make it back inside to have an early and quiet night with the girls, exhausted from all the travel.
The next day you woke up a little late, with only several hours to tan before having to get ready for your dinner reservation at one of Mykonos’s famous restaurants that looks over the sea. A little frustrated at yourself for sleeping in, you went to the bathroom to wash your face, put on some light makeup, and change into your swimwear.
You join your friends who are sprawled on the sunbeds. “So, where is this place again?” you asked your friend who booked the dinner. “A restaurant by the sea located at party central babe. Everybody, I mean everybody goes here. They’ve got the best food and music,” she replies. “Think of Mamma Mia 1,” another friend chimes in. Your eyes widen at the imagery. “Better have some great alcohol too, I’m desperate for some,” you laugh. “That’s my girl,” your friend says.
By the late afternoon you and the girls are getting ready for dinner. Makeup bags and its contents sprawled on the floor, you had to tiptoe around makeup products and brushes, careful not to step on them. After long deliberation, you decided to dress up in co-ord that hugs your figure and fits you like a glove, paired with your favourite heels, settling for an elegant yet fun look. You decide to keep your hair down and put on some natural makeup to balance out the bold colour. After about 30 minutes of taking pictures of each other and some group photos, you finally made it out the door.
The location was spectacular. The ambience was complemented with bright lights to lighten the dim Mykonos sky that has turned a shade of dark blue, almost purple. The food was divine, a little overpriced for your liking, but it was worth it. The restaurant turns into a nightclub close to midnight, and you and your girls were eager to start your first round of drinks. Fruity drinks were passed around, made with fruits freshly picked from the gardens. Watermelon margarita was your drink of choice, partly sweet, partly sour, and just enough tequila as your first drink of the trip.
The restaurant was packed, you could’ve sworn you had seen a star of a Spanish series you’ve just finished watching on Netflix. The guests were well dressed, many had bravely eccentric taste, mixing patterns and sparkly jewellery, paired with funky footwear to add some flair. In Mykonos, you will not encounter the same judgment as you would walking down the streets back home.
Your friends stood up to dance the second the alcohol kicked in. You took your time, savouring your drink, wanting the night to last. You smile at the sight of your happy friends, so full of life, not giving a single care in the world. As you’re sitting there, observing people, you suddenly feel your chest get heavy. It’s hard to put into words what this feeling is like, but it pushes you to shut down in social settings, overwhelmed by strangers and loud music that makes your ears ring. It is a feeling of unexplained anxiety, where you need a second to correct your breathing, and calm yourself down. Not now, you thought, not here. You often feel these random bouts of emptiness since you left Dom. You try to push the discomfort away, and think of anything else but him. You stood up and walked to the edge of the restaurant by the white border wall to get some fresh air, and take in the view of calm waves under the night sky to collect some peace of mind.
You place your elbows on top of the border, and rest your head on the palms of your hands. A bystander would think that you’re a scene from a movie, a damsel in distress, longing for her love interest. But this was no movie, no fairytale, no knight in shining armour to protect you, no lover to sweep you off your feet.
Or so you thought.
Your focus on the sounds of splashing waves was interrupted by familiar footsteps, getting louder and louder as it creeps its way closer to you. The scent of the sea began to mix with an all too familiar scent of tobacco vanilla. Only one person came to mind. It can’t be, you thought.
“(Y/N)?,” his voice breaks.
It’s him.
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