#you're dealing with a spicy star today
Hello Star! Guess who’s back? I am because Loki is calling to me and I need to see the sassiest Asgardian there ever was!
Modern Loki might blow my head off but I need him in that black suit again
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Only lawyers and painters can turn white to black
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"Loki Laufeyson, attorney at law." He bows over your hand clasped securely in his. "The pleasure is all mine."
"What can this mere lawyer, not even a partner at a fancy firm, do for a beautiful woman such as yourself?"
You'd searched out Loki Laufeyson for a very specific reason. His small office is richly appointed in buttery soft leather and gleaming metals. His voice makes you shudder, a promise barely veiled in sibilant tones as his eyes seem to stare right through you.
"Your help, Mr. Laufeyson." At his slight nod, you continue. "I'm about to be arrested for the murder of a friend and prosecuted against by your father and brother."
"Color me intrigued, darling. If I take you on, what can you promise me?"
For the first time you pull your hood down, exposing your face to his keen gaze.
"An opportunity to show how much nepotism has profited in Odin's Law Firm." He leans forward despite himself. "And an engagement to me - after all, you recognize who I am. My family will reward you richly, Laufeyson. As will I."
His green eyes widen in arousal as you drop to your knees in front of him, trailing your hands gently up his thighs.
"We have a deal, beautiful. Now tell me everything."
His hand feels like sin against your neck as he feathers a kiss against your crimson lips. "No secrets, darling."
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This is one of the boards from my 300 Follower Celebration! Want to join in? Send me an ask following these guidelines!
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kteezy997 · 3 months
I’ve never seen someone do this with Timmy so :
Maybe reader is a masseur and when she massages timothée things get spicy
Oh fuck yes I love this
massage room//t.c.
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warnings: workplace smut, handjob, male and female receiving oral sex, doggystyle, cumshot
Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head when you looked at your schedule for the day. Did you read it right? Your last appointment of the day was Timothee Chalamet. As in uber famous Hollywood actor, Timothee Chalamet? Was this even real?
You peeked out into the lobby of the salon, and there he was. In the flesh. Like a tall drink of curly-headed water.
You couldn't believe it. Whoever took the call to make his appointment just jotted his name down, like it was no big deal? How was no one else among the salon employees aware of who was coming in? For he was the most beautiful and talented movie star since Elizabeth Taylor.
You were just stunned at the whole situation. But you had to get yourself and your massage room together, because his appointment time was inching closer.
You were anxious to meet him, as you had been watching him in movies and crushing on him for years now. But you drank some cold water and tried to calm yourself. You were a professional. He was only a typical client. A very hot and sophisticated client, but it did not matter. He would get the same treatment from you as any other person.
You walked out to greet your client; you saw him relaxing on one of the couches in the lobby sitting area. "Mr. Chalamet?"
He shook his curls out of his face as he looked up, smiling.
"I am ready for you. My name is y/n, you can follow me." you smiled politely back a him, trying to not dwell on his charm.
"Perfect." Timothee said, standing up from the couch.
You turned on your heels, leading the way to the back room.
You entered the room, Timothee right behind you. "Thank you for coming in, Mr. Chalamet. I hope you enjoy your experience today."
"Oh, you can just call me Timmy. And the lady I talked to on the phone highly recommended you, so you must be one of the best here."
"Oh, well, I don't know about that, but I will do my best to make you feel better." you turned to face him, "Are there any problem areas for you that I need to give special attention to?"
"Ugh, yeah my back muscles have been really sore lately."
"Okay, sounds good. I assume you've been working on your feet a lot?"
"Yes," he combed his fingers through his hair, "feels like I've been working nonstop lately. Sorry if I seem tired, it's cause I am." he chuckled.
You giggled, "Hopefully I can get some of that stress out of you and you'll be feeling more comfortable. Now, you're scheduled for a one-hour massage, so I'll be working on your full body. I'll give you a moment in private to undress down to whatever your comfort level is. And I'll have you start out laying on your front."
"Is it okay if...I'm naked during the massage?" he crooked an eyebrow at you.
You nearly blushed at the thought of him naked, then you caught yourself, "That is perfectly acceptable. It is most important that you are comfortable. I'll be back in a couple of minutes, Timmy."
"Sounds great, y/n." he smiled softly, starting to take his jacket off, his eyes wandered down your body.
You almost forgot that you needed to leave the room. "Oh, sorry." you laughed at yourself, leaving the room quickly. You could hear him chuckle lightly at you.
Timothee Chalamet had checked you out. You were certain that's what he was doing. And you were going to put your hands on his body?? NO! You are a trained and certified professional. There was nothing sexual or erotic about what was to happen in that room. This was your job. You were providing an innocent service to this man. Right?
You gave Timmy a short amount of time to get undressed and then get comfortable on the massage table, then knocked on the door.
"I'm ready, you can come in." he called from inside the room.
The sound of the calming spa music and the mist from the humidifier in the room brought you to your senses. This is what you did every day. Timmy was no different than any other client.
You found him lying on his stomach as you had instructed him. His cute little bubble butt exposed. You shook your head, getting rid of your filthy thoughts. You then took the blanket on the table and covered him up to his waist with it.
You didn't speak as you lubed your hands up with lotion. You almost always remained quiet during your massages, so that the client can be at their most relaxed state.
As you pressed your hands into his muscles, you said, "If the pressure is too much, just let me know."
Timmy hummed an, "Okay." underneath you.
You went into your massage routine, finding the hard and tender spots up in his shoulders. As you worked out his knots, you took notice of his smooth, pale skin, and his many sprawling freckles all along his back. He didn't make a sound or move at all as you got the deep kinks out, and you knew that they had to be painful. "Be sure to drink plenty of water this evening, to flush out all of those knots, Timmy." you said.
His body was built thin, but his muscles were firm. He was healthy and strong, you could tell. You moved around toward his feet to massage his legs. His calves were tight, so you gave them a good kneading with your fingers.
Next were his feet which were rather long and bony. But they weren't smelly or hairy, so you were glad. Timmy actually smelled quite nice, like soap and a little bit of musk.
"Okay, Timmy, you may turn over onto your back now. Take it nice and slow." you said, as thirty minutes had gone by, and you had finished his back side.
He did as you instructed, slowly turning over to lay on his back. As he settled comfortably, you tucked the blanket along his waistline again.
Timmy's eyes were closed, so he didn't see you bite your lip as he turned over. His chest and abs were super defined. You imagined your tongue running down the lines and valleys of his body, and flicking over his tiny, cute nipples.
You pumped some more lotion into your hands, warming the cream between your palms before spreading your hands over his chest.
You heard a soft, contented sigh leave his throat. You smiled, please with yourself at making him comfortable. Thus was the goal of the massage therapist: to soothe your clients.
"You're great with your hands, y/n." Timmy said, opening his eyes under hooded lids and looking at you.
"So I've heard." you answered, running your fingertips under his collarbones.
"Is it weird if I watch you work?" he asked.
You swallowed, continuing your hand movements along his chest. "No, this is your appointment, sir, you may do as you wish."
"As I wish?" he repeated. You could practically hear the smirk toying with his lips.
"I just mean you should do what makes you comfortable." you moved up, pushing your fingers into his shoulders. The more he talked to you, the more nervous you felt.
"Are you always so professional sounding, y/n?"
"When I am on the clock, yes, Mr. Chalamet." you answered, rubbing and massaging his upper arms.
"What if I paid you to stay after you got off the clock?"
You blushed, but kept your poise, "Well, if you're paying me, sir, am I not on the clock still?"
"Touche." he said simply, then rested quietly, closing his eyes for several minutes as you massaged his forearms and his hands.
You fought the urge to nibble and suck on his long fingers. As you circled your thumbs into his palm, you stared idly at his hands, wondering how his fingers would feel inside of you. Gently, you set his arm down on the table.
You moved down slightly to work on his abdomen, and then his lower body. You rubbed your fingers in your taught patterns along his abdominal muscles, mentally reminding yourself that you were a professional. Though Timmy's previous offer gave hints to something perhaps not so professional.
"What are you thinking, y/n?" came his soft voice, "And be honest." It was as if he had known you for years and could see right through you.
"Um, nothing, sir, I'm just working." you made a feeble attempt to resist the temptation of this man. He was winning.
"I think you're lying." his tone was slightly harsher now. "Are you thinking about my cock? Don't lie to me." He moved up, propping himself onto his elbows and looking at you.
Okay, it was time to play. "Hmm, maybe I am, Mr. Chalamet." You looked at him.
"Well, you should know that I can't stop thinking about your tits. Not even those scrubs can hide how nice they are."
"Really? You think so?" you teased, placing your hands over your boobs.
"Yeah." he replied, tucking his tongue between his teeth cheekily.
"Well, Mr. Chalamet,"
"Timmy." he corrected you.
"Timmy," pushed your hair back off your shoulder, trying to exude confidence, "you show me yours; I'll show you mine." you grinned.
"Take the blanket off me." he demanded.
"Hm." you hummed, leaning over and pulling the big, white blanket off of his lower body, leaving him totally exposed. His cock was long and half hard already. You were genuinely intrigued by the size of him.
"Now take your clothes off." he ordered, not making a move from the massage table.
"So bossy, Timmy." you teased, but shed your uniform and underwear anyway.
The instant your breasts were free, he groped them, "Fuck, they're so nice." He pinched each of your nipples between his long fingers.
You were turned on the second he touched you, and you started to get wet. "Should I massage your cock for you?"
"Yes, please." he answered, leaning back on the table again.
You got the bottle of lotion, and he watched you pump some straight onto his cock. You then set the bottle back down and wrapped your hands around his length. You worked your hands up and down on him, slowly at first.
You looked at Timmy's face as you stroked his cock. His eyes closed, lips pressed together, he let out a "mmm" sound. He began to move his hips upward to meet the rhythm of your hands.
You rolled your wrists back and forth, creating a tight friction on his smooth cock. The lotion worked wonderfully for a hand job. Timmy's cock got fully hard for you, and you had never seen a cock stand so tall. A tiny bead of precum seeped out of his tip. You felt desperate to taste it.
You leaned forward to put your mouth around the tip of his cock. You put your tongue on the saltiness of his precum, then swirled your tongue around him. You took your mouth off of him to lick a stripe from his base to the tip, then you put him back in your mouth to suck.
You moaned at how good his cock felt sliding in and out of your mouth. Timmy kept a firm grip on your hair. You gently massage his balls with your hands, then used your tongue on them.
"Oh, y/n." Timmy cooed.
You licked you hand and jerked his cock again, looking at his shiny, slick body all lubed up from the massage. You licked the head of his cock, then said, "You know, looking like that could get a man ridden to death."
"Yeah?" Timmy raised his brows, "Well, let's see." he made the "come here" motion with his fingers.
You took the invitation to climb onto him. You straddled his waist, and held his cock as you sunk your pussy onto it. His cock introduced a massive pressure inside of you. "Fuck, Timmy." you sighed.
He put his hands on your hips, digging his fingers into your skin.
You grabbed onto his abs, then softly started moving to and fro, getting a feel for his cock, letting it stretch you. You picked up speed, riding him fast, having an image of riding a bull in your mind. You whimpered at the pleasure his cock gave as it hit your g spot.
"Up and down, please." Timmy huffed out the request.
"Yes sir." you said, grinning as you bounced on his dick. You could hear the slapping of damp skin on skin, your ass hit his thighs over and over. You cursed again, tightening your hold on his body, probably scratching him, but he didn't seem to mind.
You felt Timmy's hand gripping your hips, and he slowly started to shake you back and forth as you were fucking him up and down.
The head of his cock hit your g spot with each thrust. It was immaculate. It was pleasure like you hadn't known before. You cried out, you squeezed your breasts, as you trembled on the brink of orgasm.
You knew you were coming, you stopped your movements, pressing your hands onto his chest so you wouldn't fall. You nearly collapsed onto him, huffing and puffing, trying to catch your breath.
Timmy put his arms around you and gave you a kiss on the side of your head. Without a word, he got out from under you.
You felt an instant sense of cold and emptiness once his skin was no longer on yours and you thought that he was going to leave.
Before you could even process it happening, Timmy grabbed you, pulling you to the edge of the table. You gasped as he brought your ass up.
He spread your pussy lips from behind you, and you felt his warm breath on your clit. He swiped his tongue over your pussy, his hands squeezing your ass as he did so.
Your body shook as you were overwhelmed with pleasure.
Timmy suckled your clit between his lips, then dipped his tongue onto it. He did it over and over again, in a pattern that drove you crazy. You moaned his name like he was God.
His mouth left your pussy, but he quickly replaced the sensation with a swift push of his cock all the way inside you, making your toes curl.
"Oh, my fucking god." you purred, taking a grip onto the blanket beside you.
Timmy held onto your waist firmly as he pumped his cock in and out of you. You could hear him breathing hard and grunting. "Do you fuck all of your clients, y/n?"
"No!" you cried. He thrusted deep into you, making you pause before you could say another word. "I've never done anything like this before."
He grabbed your ass by the handful, ramming you hard and fast now, "I knew you were a good girl, ahh, I could just tell." He leaned onto your body, pushed you down onto your chest, then drilled into you.
You moaned wildly; the legs of the massage table creaked as the table shook. Timmy might break the table, but you didn't care.
"Fuck." he muttered, pulling his cock out of you.
You raised up, looked behind you to see him jerking himself and he came in white streams on your ass cheek.
Timmy groaned in the most feral way. Coming down from his high, he looked at you.
You giggled as your eyes met, you couldn't believe the filth that just transpired in your workplace, and how much you loved it.
"I'll be coming back here for sure." Timmy declared.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @mel-vaz @thatoneweirdgirl17 @iwishchalamet @jindongdongie @elloise0 @rennyd26 @briefkittenearthquake @that-one-fangirl69
If you have been on my taglist before, but I have left you out, please let me know. Or if you would just like to be added, you can also just tell me lol
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
men are so annoying my god. they have some of the dumbest takes on women's sports its obvious how disingenuous they are. "wnba players are jealous of caitlyn clark" and all most of them were saying was that caitlyn has a lot to learn playing professional basketball because it's a genuinely tough game and they hope she succeeds. men just keep belittling how skilled a lot of wnba players are and have been until caitlyn clark. they make fun of the wnba without watching it and then act like they know everything and declare caitlyn the sole saviour of the wnba like we haven't had legends like Elena Delle Donne or A'ja Wilson dominating the game. EMBARASSING!
ALSO they are RIGHT to complain about the racism since most brand deals and sponsorships for wnba players are white women. im happy that female athletes are winning and getting money, but it's telling when 70% of the basketball league are black women and most of the sponsorships are held by white women.
the way these goons take out the nuance and the humanity when discussing women's sports and reduce it to infantile squabbles of jealousy just shows how underdeveloped their brains are. like i know you men like inventing drama out of nowhere, but can you just stick to discussing stats? you're so cringe fr.
I can't wait to see Stewie for New York Liberty on the court! Las Vegas Aces, Chicago Sky, Indiana Fever and the Washington Mystics are about to give us one hell of a season coming this May 14th. I'M SO HYPED!
Here are the women to watch out for (IMO because I'm biased and not in order of skill)
#1. Breanna Stewart (Stewie) (New York Liberty)
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I pledge allegiance. Sincerely. She's so fun on court and weaves between players like that scene in Korra when she had to learn air-bending by evading spinning doors. I can't wait to see her play! (Next to her wife I'm her no# 1 fan don't joke around with me). Check some of her playing out here.
Also, here's a video of her eating spicy wings and barely surviving (while telling her story):
#2. Angel Reese (Chicago Sky)
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After an amazing career in college basketball, Reese finally got drafted to the Chicago Sky WNBA team early this year. She's gotten a lot of hate for being justifiably boastful about her skills but she's remained a strong leader for her teammates and had a positive impact on girls and women everywhere. This is her first season in the WNBA and you can expect a show from her! Check some of her highlights here!
Here's a video explaining why she's so freaking iconic:
#3. Aaliyah Edwards (Washington Mystics)
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One of the top picks of this year's WNBA draft, Aaliyah has been a star player for UCONN for years. She is one of the highest rated draft picks of the season! This will be her first season on the WNBA playing for the Washington Mystics. Her rebounds and offences are amazing to witness. Watch her highlights here.
#4. A'ja Wilson (Las Vegas Aces)
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One of WNBA's modern GOAT'S. A'ja IS INSANE. She intimidates everyone on court and then the court itself. I literally saw the basketball hoop shaking when she looked at it during one of her games! I swear. It peed itself. Her wingspan and strength make her so formidable like y'all just have to watch herrrr!! Oh yeah, and she won the championship and several MVP titles. Check her out here!
#5. Caitlyn Clark (Indiana Fever)
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Does she really need an introduction? Her career in college basketball has been spectacular and special for women's sports everywhere! She was breaking records in HIGH SCHOOL! This is going to be her first season in the WNBA and more eyes than ever will be on the game because of her! Check some of her highlights playing for Iowa here.
#6. Rickea Jackson (Los Angeles Sparks)
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While playing small-forward on her college team, Rickea made a name for herself as one of the most aggressive offensive players in women's college basketball today! She's strong and fast and alert and is genuine fun to watch. You won't want to miss out on her debut into the WNBA for the LA Sparks! Watch her game highlights here.
#7. Kelsey Plum (Las Vegas Aces)
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Kesley Plum is just one of my favorite athletes of all time! She's so dedicated to her team and the people in her life and it shows. Her joy is so infectious! She is also an incredibly, impressively strong and SKILLED athlete! And she was a big reason why LVA won the season last year. (And hallelujah she's divorcing her dumbass husband rn! hopefully the dead weight makes her an even stronger player!). Watch some of her highlights here.
#8. Sabrina Ionescu
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Sabrina and Stewie are an unstoppable duo! Watching them play is electric for me! WHEW! Sabrina has made WNBA history with idek how many records! She is the top in the league in assists, triple-doubles, and steals. SHE'S INSANE!!! SHE'S FUCKING RABID!!!! See for yourself here!
Watch her break the all-time three point record like it's nothing here:
#9. Cameron Brink
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Cameron Brink debuts in this season of the WNBA for the Sparks! Cameron has had an amazing college career, but is especially known for her strong defence (and being the god-sister of Stephen Curry). She's bound to have a promising season. Watch some of her highlights here.
The strongest teams (IMO) seem to the Aces, the Mystics, the Sparks and New York Liberty. But there are also strong players in teams like Indiana Fever, Dallas Wings and Minnesota Lynx.
If you don't know which team to support, you could just pick your favourite athlete and choose their team. Some people like underdog teams and some people like top dog teams. Based on last season, I'd consider Indiana Fever an underdog team and Las Vegas Aces the top dog team (they won last season). In terms of best teams? LVA players are SEAMLESS. They move like water and it's magical to watch. But so are the Liberties and the Mystics! I genuinely don't know who to pick between those three.
If any of you gyns watch WNBA, please tell me who you're supporting this season and why!
Anybody who wants to start the season with me in May 14th, comment or reblog and maybe we can organize a discord for it! I'd love to watch this with you guys! And I'm all up for team rivalries.
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belovedmusings · 6 months
Tell me where we are in a fallen star.
Choso Kamo X You X Suguru Geto
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Explicit Themes (🚫Minors DNI🚫)
Part five of the 'Two + One' story. Click for story masterlist.
Guitarist! Choso Kamo is your boyfriend, and now you have to deal with the aftermath of his drunken confession to want to have kids with you. The only thing is, last night you almost hooked up with his bandmate, bassist and frontman, Suguru Geto. Choso doesn't know, and you're not sure that you want him to. You rejected Suguru and he's in the past now...right?
Relevant tags: sexual tension, thoughts of infidelity, characters with loose morals, sweetheart Choso, smooth-operator Suguru, slow burn, no "y/n" for immersion, reader has no defining characteristics for inclusivity, mild grinding and groping, reader referred to as 'girlfriend'
Recommended songs to listen to while reading: Violet Crazy (DPR Ian), Burning Desire (Lana Del Rey), Glory Box (Portishead)
A/N: I got waaay too busy at the end of the year so apologies for the delayed update but we're back!! enjoy! (no smut but lots of spicy thoughts and imagery ahead)
Read below cut:
You don’t leave your bedroom until Choso has left with Suguru to take him back to his car the next morning. To avoid what would surely be an awkward ‘goodbye’ with the bassist, you simply got in the shower and told Choso not to wait for you. Now, you’re dressed for the day and the apartment is empty.
You look at the stereo that Suguru had played music from last night before you two had danced and almost kissed. It brings butterflies to your stomach and a grimace to your face.
Sighing, you walk into the kitchen and start making yourself breakfast. While you do, you think about how you’re going to talk to Choso.
The whole ‘having kids’ thing he drunkenly brought up last night is still weighing heavy on you. It’s not like you ever were opposed to kids, but right now? It seems too soon. Would that hurt Choso? Or would he even remember that he said all of that?
And then there’s the matter of having almost let Suguru kiss you last night. It seems like everytime he gets close to you, he can’t help but try to cross that line. The worst part is, everytime he pushes and prods, your own resolve weakens.
You run on autopilot through the morning until Choso returns to find you sitting in the living room, half-ass watching your way through one of your favorite comfort shows on the television before you.
“Hey,” He greets softly, locking the door and kicking off his shoes before joining you. His arm winds behind your shoulders intuitively, his lips pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “It was weird waking up at a different time than you today. I feel off-kilter.”
The words make your heart flutter. His days are so centered around you that one small disturbance does that much to him?
A pang hits your chest. That just makes what happened last night all the more incriminating. You sigh heavily, fixing him with a fond smile, a tinge of apologeticness in your eyes as you peck his lips.
“It was weird, huh?” You say, laying a hand on his before speaking again. You suppose now is the best time to bring up his words from the night before. “Chos’, do you remember anything you said last night?”
“I…I sort of remember, but details are kind of blurry,” Choso admits, “I think I cried and told you I loved you? I don’t recall much more than that. I hope I didn’t say anything hurtful or do anything to you.”
“No, no of course not,” You say immediately. “It’s just…you said…you said you wanted kids with me. Umm…now, specifically.”
His eyes widen a fraction, and in that small pause, you realize there may have been more truth to his suggestion than you’d previously thought.
“Um,” He says quietly, “What did…what did you say when I said that?”
“I told you we haven’t discussed it before. That we’d talk sober…” you gauge his reaction carefully. He nods stiffly, swallowing thickly.
“…do you…actually want that?” You question after a moment of silence. “I’m not upset either way, Choso, but…I want your honest answer. Do you want kids with me? Now?”
Your boyfriend flounders for a moment, his dark eyes darting from you to the television, to his hands, to you, and down to his hands again as he shifts beside you.
“I…well, I…to be honest, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now…”
You take a breath as it processes. “Yeah? What…what exactly have you been thinking about, in terms of kids?”
“Well, I like the idea of us having a baby together,” Choso says softly, a tender expression on his face. “I’m in love with you, and I never see myself with anyone else. Don’t you want to start putting down roots of our own?”
His hands grab yours, making your heart rate spike. He seems to be serious about this.
“Wait…Choso, you really want a baby?”
He nods. “We’re financially stable and we love each other, what more could we need? We could make a happy home together.”
You have to work hard to stay rational. It’s hard to when your boyfriend is saying such sweet things to you, but you can’t ignore the facts tugging at your psyche.
“Baby,” you begin gently, “I…I am so happy that you want that with me. But I want to be honest too. I haven’t really given kids much thought, and you’re about to get a lot busier with Curse Manipulator. If we had a baby now, I’d be home alone a lot taking care of them alone. You’d be busy with recordings, shows, tours…I don’t know if we’re at a point where we can have a family yet.”
He considers this for a moment before nodding. “You’re right…I don’t want to be an absent father. Neither you nor any of our future kids deserve that. And I also want you with me when we start traveling…I guess I got carried away last night.”
You smile, giving his hand a squeeze. “We can always decide to have kids when we both feel ready, later on. To be fair, you do avoid alcohol because it makes you really emotional. I don’t fault you.”
Your boyfriend laughs sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah, I guess I really shouldn’t drink. Sorry you had to deal with me—I felt so bad Suguru had to lug me up the stairs and sleep on our couch this morning, too.”
At the mention of Suguru, you can’t help the warm wave of nerves that tugs at your stomach. The memories of last night swarm your head, and guilt rises up once more.
But you can’t tell him. It would ruin more than it would help—yes, you know that part of this is just making excuses to save your own ass, but telling Choso how you and Suguru feel about each other will only ruin his career and the band as well. You decided last night that you won’t see Suguru anymore. So, it’s water under the bridge now. You’ve stopped it from rising, and no one will drown as a result.
For a neutral response, you shrug and say, “He wasn’t troubled by it. Didn’t seem annoyed or anything.”
“Good,” He sighs, leaning back on the couch. “He’s a really nice guy. Really kind to you, too. That makes me like him more.”
You don’t know if ‘kind’ is the right word to describe how Suguru acts with you. ‘Tempting’, ‘confounding’, or ‘frustrating’ are more like it. Choso has no idea how Suguru makes you feel, nor about just how much you’ve betrayed his trust for the bassist. Sure, physically you haven’t exactly slept with Suguru, but the moments you two have shared, the words between you, the glances exchanged, the touches given and received…it’s still intimacy.
Honestly, now that you’re thinking about it, your mind is still reeling from the kiss you almost had last night.
So many possibilities had stood on that precipice; how would his lips have felt? How would he have tasted? Would he have pulled you closer? Would you have stopped there, or kept going? How far would the two of you have taken it? All the way? And if you did, what would that have been like? Wild and passionate? Hard and fast? Or slow and taunting? What would he have done to further deteriorate your sanity? Would it have been a one-night stand or would you two have turned it into an affair?
Your mind is racing. Each question stirs up another. You will never know, because he is not yours.
Why does your heart sink at that thought?
You denied him friendship out of a burst of self-control—and denied yourself his affection as well. Self-deception is futile; you know you crave him. Like an addict admitted to rehab, you’ve cut off your supply abruptly, and now it seems like the withdrawals are setting in.
It feels like a breakup. The potential between you two will stay as potential, for the rest of your lives. That is entirely unfair. You see your life with Choso, and you want him by your side forever…
But why do you want Suguru there, not instead, but as well?
Two months have passed since that night after the concert. You and Choso are operating smoothly as normal, and he’s successful as ever with Curse Manipulator.
You haven’t spoken to Suguru at all, nor have you seen him.
Time should have made thinking about him easier, but even after all of these weeks, he’s still on your mind constantly. You miss hearing his voice, seeing his face, feeling his touch. It makes you feel crazy, because you’re still so in love with Choso, yet still infatuated with Suguru at the same time.
Was it the right decision to decline his friendship? You aren’t doing any better than if he was around. The fantasies about him haven’t stopped, and sometimes you dream of him.
On a day where Choso is at one of his brother’s houses hanging out, you’re left to your own devices in the apartment. To avoid going stir-crazy, you decide to just do the week’s grocery shopping. It’s five in the evening and maybe not the best time to go, but you keep spiraling over thoughts of Suguru, so you need the distraction.
The trip is going mundanely, your list amost completed when you’re pulled away from your focus.
“Excuse me. I wanted to tell you that you’re really pretty.”
Your eyes flit away from the shelf of canned goods to land on the stranger, a short man with an eager smile on his face.
“Uh…thanks,” is your reply, unsure what to do.
“You got anyone icing that cake of yours?”
The comment is so out of pocket that you just stare, stunned that someone would actually say that out loud.
“Sorry I took so long, honey. I couldn’t find the tea you asked for.”
A strong arm wraps around your shoulder, the voice of a familiar man registering in your ear. It’s a straight shock to your heart, and you suck in a breath as you turn your head, eyes landing on Suguru’s tight smile, aimed at the strange man that had been hitting on you. Your heart about jumps into your throat. It’s him.
A flood of emotions swarm you, making your knees go weak.
Play along, your instinct tells you, so you obey.
“Oh, that’s okay…babe,” the word feels strange as a label for your boyfriend’s bandmate.
“Is this guy bothering you?” He asks. You glance at the guy, who now looks uncomfortable. Serves the bastard right.
“What do you want with my girlfriend?” Suguru questions the man, who raises his hands in defense.
“Look, man, I didn’t know she was—”
“That shouldn’t matter, right? Whether she was taken or not. She’s not interested,” his tone is firm, and the other man just nods, backing away.
“Yeah, yeah—okay. Sorry.”
He turns on his heel and leaves swiftly, finally allowing you to breathe.
Well…sort of.
“Are you okay?” Asks Suguru, his arm sliding off of your shoulder. You will yourself not to react to the touch as you steel yourself.
“Yeah, I’m good. Uh…thanks, Suguru,” you reply, trying to keep your voice even. You feel jumpy and full of unbridled adrenaline. Where did he come from? “How are you here?”
He chuckles at your bluntness. “Well, the grocery store I usually go to is out of Larue’s favorite tea, so I had to come over here instead.”
His eyes don’t leave yours, and you can’t look away. He’s even more beautiful than you remember.
“Long time no see,” He smiles half-heartedly, trying for nonchalant, then sighs and cuts the act. “Look, I don’t like the way…we parted last time. I’m sorry for overstepping. I…I’ve really missed you, to be honest.”
So, he feels the same? It’s completely mutual. God, that notion has ‘disaster’ written all over it. But you can’t lie to him. You’ve been deprived for too long.
“I…I missed you too.”
Relief flashes through his eyes. “Listen, I don’t want to never see you again. We can be honest about our feelings without making any mistakes, we’re mature adults.”
You look at him for a moment, taking his words into consideration. You want to agree, and at this point, you know that being away from him won’t solve your problem. You like him, and as he said, the two of you should just accept it without acting on it. Maybe then, the flames of desire will calm to mere embers. You’re willing to try it, anyway.
“Yeah…you’re right. We should have a real conversation about this, shouldn’t we?”
He nods. “Why don’t we finish up shopping here first? I doubt the can aisle is where you want to have this discussion.”
You laugh softly at the quip, nodding. “Okay. I have to get my stuff home to the fridge—we can go there. Choso’s with his brothers right now anyway. Are you okay with that?”
“Yeah,” comes his reply, holding up the pack of tea in his hand. “This is all I have, so that’s no problem.”
“Okay,” you nod, grabbing the last item on your list. “Let’s checkout then.”
It’s strange; you never thought you’d be at a grocery store with Suguru. But there you are, paying for your items, probably presenting to all of the strangers around as a couple. It’s domestic, and it makes you feel weird—you don’t hate it. What does that mean?
Especially when he makes a point to carry the bags out to your car for you even though he’s parked somewhere else. It flusters you, but by some miracle, you manage to agree to lead him back to your place since he’s never driven to it from the grocery store.
He follows you in his own car, anticipation filling your veins the closer you get. You’ll be home alone with him, truly this time.
It will be the ultimate test of self-control.
A/N: pray for reader's sanity y'all. I'm still planning on cross-posting on AO3 but I was busy so now that I'm back I'll try to get that up. In the meantime, comment here or the masterlist to be added to the taglist!
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Tenoch is making a new movie and is crushing on his co-star. Just moments of them flirting and getting close and Tenoch showing his cute side and his AguaPapi side. I'm okay with a little smut too. Thank you !
I love it, thank you.
Summary: 8 cute moments between Tenoch and his co-star and 1 spicy moment between the sheets.
FLUFF AND SMUT this is a long one
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The Meet Cute
The table read is where you met each other.
Of course you had heard of each other. You knew of him because he was Namor, I mean come on who didn't know about Agua Papi. He knew about you because he made sure to look you up. Tenoch was considerate and never wanted anyone to feel like they were lesser just because they had less experience. He was surprised to find that you had some amazing credits in international productions that he had been meaning to watch. So when he did, and he was able to really know more about you professionally, he developed a little bit of a crush.
As the two leads of this venture you were sat next to each other for the table read and you noticed that, even after the initial introductions, Tenoch kept glancing at you.
You nudged him as the director spoke, and then whispered to him, "Is there something on my face? Why do you keep looking at me?"
He leaned over to whisper in your ear while still looking at your director, "I'm just wondering how I'm going to concentrate on these scenes when they got me such a beautiful wife to act against."
You gaped at him and then kicked him in the shin under the table. He jumped but still smirked at you, winking as he did.
"Tenoch, y/n, is everything ok?" The director asked,
"Things are perfect," The way Tenoch said it sounded like a purr and you hated that you thought it was cute.
You leaned over once everyone was back to listening to the director, "You're gonna be a menace aren't you?"
"And we are going to have a lot of fun together," Tenoch replied, looking into your eyes and holding your gaze until you had to look away. You covered your blushing face with the script while you tried to cool down. Tenoch sat next to you shaking from the laughs he was holding in.
This was going to be interesting.
Fight Rehearsal
" Aye pinche a la verga wey!"
"Honestly, Tenoch, I expected more from you," You taunted as the Latino man picked himself up off the mat.
"We are only supposed to be sparring!" Tenoch growled, throwing his spear to the ground, "No quiero hacer esto contigo, perra!"
"Aw, ok ok, I'm sorry. I just got excited. I've never been able to pull that move off with the stunt men and when I realized it was working I went full force. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?" You rushed up to Tenoch who had his arms crossed against his chest. You gripped his wrists trying to get him to loosen up. "I'm really sorry."
You had both been in physical training for months and had moved on to fight choreography and rehearsal. While it was fun most of the time, it hurt Tenoch's ego a little bit that you were much better at it than he was. Not that he wasn't trying but you grew up learning three forms of martial arts so you had an advantage.
You hugged Tenoch around the middle since he was so much taller than you and spoke to him even though your voice was muffled against his shirt, "I'll let you flip me into the foam pool in the big rec center if you keep practicing with me today."
"Aye, cabrona," Tenoch sighed and hugged you back, "let me throw you twice and we have a deal."
You pulled back and stared at him. You locked eyes trying to intimidate each other then you conceded, "Alright, twice."
You stuck your hand out for a hand shake and Tenoch took it and sealed the deal.
"You're lucky you're cute, hermosa, or I would have left," Tenoch called to you as he drank some water from his bottle near the training room mirrors.
You were across the room picking up your notebook to look up another scene. You glanced at him, "You're lucky you're handsome or I wouldn't be going easy on you."
"No mames," Tenoch yelled and gave chase. He grabbed you from behind and lifted you by your waist. Then got you in a head lock once he put you down. You were both laughing as you wrestled.
Gym Buddies
"Come on chiquita, one more rep," Tenoch encouraged you as you dropped into your last squat. You huffed and strained loudly.
"I can't."
"Yes you can. Just one more," Tenoch was spotting you as you forced yourself to stand one more time. Once the barbell was racked and the weight was off your shoulders you collapsed onto your butt.
Tenoch looked down at you amused then told you to scoot over so he could add his weights for his own set. You had decided to work out together today and you were regretting it. The man was encouraging but pushy when it came to weight lifting. There was no doubt in your mind that you would be sore as hell the next day.
"What happened to the tough, pendeja who keeps beating my ass on the mats every week?" Tenoch teased as he lifted you on to a nearby bench so that you weren't in the way of the squat rack.
"I am a cardio person Tenoch. This lifting weights stuff is not my happy place. I'm going to be so fucking sore and it's your fault." You complained as you gulped down some water.
"This is a good sore though," Tenoch said as he hit his set of squats.
"I can think of a better sore," You mumbled to yourself.
Tenoch racked the barbell and leaned over you with one hand on each side of you, spanning the width of the bench. God he had big hands. You looked up and his face was only inches away from you. He was breathing heavily from doing the squats and you could feel his hot breath barely blowing across your lip. You instinctively licked your lips which caught the actor's eye. "What kind of sore would that be?"
You stuttered, "T-the kind where my legs are sore from kicking you around."
"These legs?" Tenoch asked as he knelt in front of you and grasped your left thigh with both hands. He locked eyes with you as he started to massage your thigh then stretched out your leg.
Your heart raced at the feel of his hands on you. Then he bit his lip right before he made a fist and ran it firmly on the back of your thigh from your butt to your knee. "FUCK!"
It hurt like a bitch but Tenoch held your leg in place and repeated the gesture to your whole thigh, "Stop moving. This will help with the soreness."
"That fucking hurts!" Tenoch ignored you as he finished with one leg and held you down so he could grab the other leg, giving it the same treatment. Once he was done you smacked him hard across the chest, "Pendejo!"
He was laughing as he sat back, "It feels better now, right?"
You paused and wiggled on your seat realizing the tension in your legs had loosened. You looked down at your hands and quietly thanked him. He was standing now, having grabbed his things. Tilting your face up to look at him he spoke softly, "I promise the only type of sore I'll make you is the good kind of sore."
Tenoch smiled down at you before releasing your chin and heading for the lockers, "Goodnight hermosa, I'll see you next week when we start filming."
You watched his back as he left you there. He pulled off his shirt right as he made it to the locker room entrance way and you couldn't help but gasp at how good his back muscles looked right after a full body work out. You could only imagine what the rest of him looked like.
Someone got sick
"Hey Nochie!" You called as you barged into his temporary apartment. You juggled the groceries you had as you made your way to the kitchen and started unloading your haul.
Tenoch stumbled in looking like death wrapped in a bathrobe and little else. His eyes were a little puffy, he had wadded up tissues in his hands, and he was sweating slightly.
You sprayed a little disinfectant at him, "No one told you to leave the bedroom. Go back in there or I'll spray this directly on you."
"Don't be mean," from the sound of his voice you could tell he had been coughing and his nose was stuffed up. He waddled back down the hall way and you heard the telltale 'whap' as he threw himself onto the bed.
The idiot had gotten a cold. Unfortunately, his assistant wasn't much help as he was a young newbie and a man. You got to work preparing the new humidifier that was delivered and placed by the door. Once that was set up in Tenoch's bedroom you returned to the kitchen to make some soup.
You knew that Tenoch was a fan of spice but even you were a bit hesitant to use as much as the recipe called for. But your Indian friend had insisted that the spice was necessary and would burn the illness out of the actor in no time. If you hadn't experienced it yourself, you probably wouldn't have believed her. Now here you were making a home remedy for the Mexican actor.
After a week of being sick and missing your first shoots together, you were fed up. Once you realized that his assistants were useless in the realm of caring for a whiney man with the a cold you decided you had to intervene. Plus you had started to miss the man.
With some texts and coordination with his assistants you were given a key and the go ahead to help him and try not to get sick yourself. You slaved over a hot stove for an hour before the soup was ready and the steam of it was making your eyes water.
You scooped some of the steaming soup and placed it in a bowl on a tray. You pulled out some of the cold medicine that was sitting on the counter along with a bottle of water. Carefully, you took the tray in to Tenoch's room, where he was sleeping soundly. His breathing wasn't as labored, which told you that the humidifier was working. You placed the tray on a small table and went to wake him.
"Nochie, time to eat." You shook his shoulder gently and he slowly opened his eyes. You helped him sit up and handed him the tissue box on his bedside table so he could blow his nose.
"That humidifier really helped. I haven't been able to sleep like that in days," He looked at you with a soft smile on his face.
"I made you some soup. It's a friends old family recipe. It's spicy but it always did the trick whenever I would get sick during tech week in college," You explained as you set the tray on his lap.
He watched you as made sure the tray was stable and the medicine was out of it's blister packet. When you looked up you couldn't help but blush at the softness he was emanating.
"Eat this and then take your medicine, " You commanded as you started randomly tidying up his room. Before you could move too far away from the bed he grabbed your wrist.
"Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate you coming to take care of me," He said earnestly.
You shifted your wrist and took his hand, "You won't be so grateful once you try that soup."
That made you both laugh.
"But seriously it's not just hot temperature-wise. There's enough spice in there to fill a taco truck," You gestured to the bowl.
"Sounds delicious," Tenoch said as he picked up the bowl with both hands and took a big gulp. Immediately he started coughing. You deftly took the bowl away from him so he wouldn't spill.
"I told you!" You exclaimed. Tenoch grabbed the water bottle and drank from it hungrily.
Once he had recovered he gestured for the bowl again and you hesitated before gently handing it to him. This time he took a much smaller sip and made a soft noise of approval, "It burns so good."
"Don't make that face when you say that, you look like a psycho," You went around cleaning up some tissues and clothes strewn about as the actor slowly ate his soup, "Trust me it may burn good now, but you'll hate it when it burns coming out."
Tenoch whipped his head up and looked at you with wide eyes.
"Don't worry, your cold will get burned away too. The hour or so on the toilet will be worth it. Anyway, I'm gonna head out. Good luck, handsome." You couldn't help but cackle loudly as you left the actor alone.
Hours later
TH: I hate you
YN: You love me
TH: I'm dying.
YN: Can you finally breathe through your nose and mouth at the same time?"
TH: ...yes.
YN: You're welcome.
TH: <3
Filming together for the first time
Due to Tenoch's cold the entire filming schedule got so turned around that it was 2 months after filming had started that you finally had your first scene together.
Although you had rehearsed fights and other scenes together, this was the first time you were seeing each other in full costume and makeup. It was quite honestly intimidating how good the actor looked in a well fitting suit and perfectly trimmed hair.
"Oh ho, look at you. Aye que bonita. Who knew you could clean up so good?" Tenoch said taking your hand and making you do a little twirl.
"Don't pretend like you haven't thought I was stunning since the moment you met me," You teased as you struck an exaggerated seductive pose.
"The color suits you, hermosa," he kissed your cheek in greeting and you did the same to him. The crew was still putting the finishing touches on the scene and directing the extras. It was a party where the two characters had agreed to meet for a covert deal. It was extravagant.
"Thank you, Tenoch. As always you look handsome as ever in that suit. No wonder they call you Agua Papi," You teased knowing that he always got flustered when you brought up the fans' nickname for him.
"Aye mujer, stop calling me that," as expected the actor was blushing.
You leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Don't pretend you don't like it. Every guy likes being called 'papi'."
He grasped your waist and stopped you from leaving his side, he leaned down and whispered in your ear, "I prefer it in private."
A shiver ran down your spine right between your legs as you looked into his eyes. You both glanced at each others lips. You chuckled, "Save it for the camera or your fan girls might try and poison my water."
You gestured to some of the extras that were staring at the two of you across the room. Two in particular were glaring daggers in your direction but it didn't bother you. The director called for 'places' and you went your separate ways.
Acting together was electrifying. Your chemistry seemed like second nature. Even when you both decided to move the scene in a different direction it was seamless. Everyone on set could feel it. That this was a dynamic duo in the making. Having an actor vibe with you so well was a rare gift and you enjoyed every minute of it. There was a challenge there as well as trust that gave you the confidence to explore versions of the scene that you hadn't thought of during rehearsal.
Tenoch felt the same way. Acting with you was fun and natural. For every cross he made you had a counter-cross. For every push there was a pull. It was energizing. When you had practiced together it was peaking through, but once you were both fully committed to the scene, in character, in front of the camera where it mattered most, you both thrived.
When the shoot ended for the day, Tenoch impulsively hugged you and kissed the crown of your head, "Mi compañera! This is going to be an amazing shoot."
You laughed at his exuberance and returned the hug, "You felt it too, huh?"
"Electricity! You're like my soul mate. Oscars here we come!" Tenoch cheered as you both made your way out of the studio arm in arm. You didn't want to think too much about how Tenoch calling you his soul mate had made your heart skip a beat.
Kissing Practice
You were pacing back and forth in one of the waiting rooms of the studio. You were incredibly nervous for a very stupid reason. Today you would be filming the first kissing scene. Not only was it the first kissing scene of this film but it was also the first kissing scene you had ever been asked to film.
That is how Tenoch found you. Pacing a path into the floor as you worried about your upcoming scene. "Que pasa mujer?"
You stopped in your tracks and looked at the actor. He was dressed in fitted black slacks and a satin button down that was only half way buttoned, showing off his sculpted chest. His sleeves were rolled up , exposing his strong forearms and the fake tattoos they had put on to them. You blushed, thinking about the scene and how you were supposed to throw yourself at him.
"Hi Tenoch," You replied nervously, not able to meet his eyes.
Tenoch tilted his head in confusion, "Que chingados? Quien eres? Who are you and what have you done to my co-star?"
"Oh shut up," You shot back as you continued your pacing.
Tenoch followed your path, watching you, "Why do you look nervous? You never look nervous."
You turned on him, "I'm allowed to be nervous!"
"Of course you are but why are you that way?"
You sighed, running hand through your hair while fidgeting with your skirt's hem. "I've never shot a kissing scene before."
"Ah, okay. What can I do to help?" Tenoch asked sincerely.
"Wait, you're not gonna make some joke about it?" You looked up at him.
"Of course not. I remember how nervous I was the first time I had to kiss someone on screen. Kissing is nothing in real life. It's natural, you don't have to worry about if you bump noses or close your eyes too soon, or purse your lips too much. But you can see all of that on screen. It's intimidating," he explained.
"Oh god, you can purse your lips too much? I hadn't thought of that," Your mind was racing with what else you could have missed.
"Oh mierda. Come here," he guided you to a chair and sat you down. "Calmate. Stop worrying. We can plan it right now ok."
"Plan it?"
"Yes. Like who tilts right and who tilts left, where our hands go, what kind of kiss it is. We can figure it all now and even practice if you want. It's just a scene like all the others. We can rehearse it." Tenoch took your hand and squeezed it.
He looked down at your face and realized just how vulnerable you felt in this moment. You had been confident the entire shoot until now. Reliable and trusted by everyone. You didn't want to disappoint anyone. He stood and pulled you to your feet, "Yes, really. So stand here and I will stand in front of you. I know in this scene you're supposed to jump into my arms. But we will get to the jumping later. Relax first."
You shook out your arms and slowed your breathing down.
"So obviously you jump into my arms so I will immediately wrap them around your waist," Tenoch did just that, your chest pressed together. Damn he smelled good.
"Thank you, you smell amazing too. But focus," Tenoch chided with a cheeky grin. You blushed red not realizing you had said your thought out loud. "Alright now you're in my arms. Obviously since you jump you will be more at eye level with me so let me lift you up, wrap your legs around my waist while we figure out the rest."
You followed his command and tried not to let your thoughts fly directly into the gutter at the position you were in. His arms felt strong around your waist, and you could feel how firm his muscles were as you wrapped your legs around him and, in turn, wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Alright did you want to keep your arms around my neck, or did you want to grab my face?" Tenoch asked like it was a normal every day question.
"Uh neck is good, especially if I'm throwing myself at you. If I try to grab your face I might poke your eye out." You explained finally getting yourself to think about the scene.
"Good call. Alright so I would suggest that we tilt right side respectively. And we keep that angle no matter which camera angle they use, for consistency," You followed his directions and tilted your head to the right and he did the same on his side. Your lips were millimeters apart. "Ok see that will eliminate any nose bumping. Now what kind of kiss?"
"Well it's a passionate one. She's giving into her attraction after putting it off and it's her way of asking for comfort," You replied, really digging into the context of the scene.
"Alright so passionate as in open mouthed, tongue, full on devouring?" Tenoch asked, rubbing your back slightly.
"I think open mouthed, with a little tongue at the end. Since he would be surprised at first and then realize what is happening and reciprocate," You reasoned.
Tenoch smiled and let you down on to your feet, "That sounds perfect. So are you ready to practice?"
"Right now?"
"Yes. Look we have figured out the logistics but if the first time we kiss is when the cameras are rolling it may turn out awkward. It's also your first kissing scene and I know you want to do well. " Tenoch told you.
"Right, ok. So, um, I just run at you and do it?" You were nervous again.
"No," Tenoch had found a spot across the room and had his arms folded. His demeanor was shifting from the helpful senior actor to his debonair character, "Get into character. The last three lines before the kiss then run."
In the blink of an eye Tenoch was gone and he was replaced by his character. The way he held himself changed, his expression, the twinkle in his eye, everything was different.
The electrifying feeling of acting against someone so skilled returned. You walked across the room towards him and with each stop you melted into your character.
"Quit looking so damn smug."
You clenched your fists in frustration as he smirked at you.
"You think you know everything but you know nothing,"
He looked away, uninterested. But damn did he look good.
"Look at me."
He turned back to you with a cocked eyebrow and made a dismissive 'hmph' noise. Then you ran the rest of the way into his arms, and your lips found his.
Tenoch hesitated as your lips moved against his and his arms wrapped around your waist. You were flush against each other. He finally started to reciprocate and you felt yourself melt. You moaned into the kiss and almost pulled away when you realized but Tenoch turned and pressed you against the wall, deepening the kiss and pushing his tongue into your mouth.
Reluctantly you both pulled away. Tenoch was towering over you with his arms against the wall, caging you in between. You both were out of breath, eyes dilated, and slowly coming back to earth.
Tenoch cough and took a few steps back from you, "Um that was good. You're ready for the shoot I think. I-I'll see you later."
Then he was out the door leaving you flustered and wanting more.
Last day of shooting
The tension between you and Tenoch had been building ever since that first kiss practice. You both only really saw each other on the days you were shooting scenes together. The production had been asked to speed up to make a certain date so you were all swamped and working constantly.
The tension worked well with your characters and as always you acted well together. While on set you both were very aware of each other. Still joking and flirting but there was an undercurrent of desire beneath it all. Every kissing scene felt a little to needy and desperate to the both of you. The few moments you were alone together you didn't speak much. Instead you both would catch the other staring, it was obvious that the attraction was becoming unbearable.
It was the last day of filming and everyone was saying their good byes. Unfortunately, you couldn't find Tenoch anywhere. You considered texting him, but you were already overthinking and overanalyzing. What if the attraction was something you made up in your head? What if he was avoiding you because he could tell you were infatuated? What if he had actually left without saying goodbye? You knew you would probably see him on the press tour, but that was months from now.
You walked dejectedly to your car in the studio parking lot. You had told your manager to go on without you, after all you were on vacation for the next three weeks. When you turned the corner to where you knew your car was, you were surprised to find Tenoch parked next to your SUV, standing between the two cars with his hands in his pockets.
"Tenoch? What are you doing?"
"Aye chingada madre. Took you long enough. Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting for you," Tenoch was startled by your sudden presence.
You walked up to him and immediately began smacking his shoulder, "I thought you left without saying good bye you bastard!"
"Hey! Hey, stop it." He grabbed you by the wrists, "Why the hell do you think I would do that?"
"I don't know," You replied softly.
Tenoch cupped your cheek and looked into your eyes. "I can't leave without asking this hermosa to let me take her out on a date."
"You wanna go on a date?" Your eyes widened in surprise.
"That's what I just said," he was smiling his most charming smile.
"I'd love to," You returned his smile ten fold.
The date
Tenoch had insisted on waiting until you were both in Mexico to have the date. One, because his flight was already booked, and two because he wanted to cook for you.
So two weeks later, you found yourself in Tenoch's house, in a pretty sundress, drinking a margarita as the man in question cooked for you. He was preparing four or five dishes and was entertaining you immensely with his running commentary.
"A man who cannot cook is a man who will never find love. That is what my mother always said so I made sure to learn how to cook," Tenoch recounted to you.
"It all smells amazing, but please don't make it too spicy. You know I'm a baby when it comes to spicy food," You commented as you leaned over the counter to look over the dishes he was plating.
"Yes, for the baby I have cut the spice level to 50 percent. Scouts honor," he leaned forward and kissed the corner of your lips.
"I don't think you were ever a scout. Do they have scout's in Mexico?" You asked as he circled the counter and started setting the table.
"Of course we have scouts. But of course I was never a scout," he winked at you as he pulled out your chair, then poured you both a glass of wine.
"First a margarita, and now wine? Are you trying to get me drunk?" You teased him,
"Drinking is a time honored Mexican tradition, hermosa, it's part of my culture," He took his seat and started serving you portions of food.
You couldn't help but laugh. He was so charming and looked so handsome, and he could cook. You thanked whatever gods brought you here.
"Cuisine a la Mejia, now being served. Enjoy!" And you both did.
You insisted on helping him wash up after spending two hours talking and eating and sharing everything you could about each other. In between all that casual chemistry you had always had together was a growing desire. You both snuck kisses in between conversations. Held each others hands, and found reasons to touch each other.
It was only natural when Tenoch pulled you into a hug from behind as you finished washing the last of the dishes. You both were a little buzzed, warm to touch, and feeling relaxed. He started peppering kisses from your ear to your neck, hitting just the right spot to make your legs weak enough that you had to hold onto the counter.
You finished the last dish and set it to dry as Tenoch continued his ministrations. He pulled your dress strap down your shoulder and laved, and sucked at your skin. Your hand came around and pulled his waist closer to your body. A low growl emanated from him as he pressed up against you. You could feel his arousal tenting his pants.
You turned your head and captured his lips in a searing kiss. His hand found your hair and pulled it loose from the bun on top of your head. Gripping it tightly in his fist, he grinded up against you.
"Tell me to stop and I'll stop," He whispered into your ear, afraid of hurting you.
"Don't you dare," You replied desperately.
Tenoch captured your lips again and grinded against you. His hand reached down and flipped up the skirt of your sundress. He kissed his way down your back, leading with his hands so he could slip off your panties. He let out a groan at how wet you were. The actor was on his knees behind you, spread your cheeks and started lapping at your wet pussy.
Your hand gripped his hair behind you as you grinded against his mouth. Your moans filled the kitchen as he devoured your dripping cunt. He spread your legs further and pulled his tongue away from your center making you cry out in protest.
"Ssshh, I'm not done," He whispered as he slowly pushed a finger and then another inside of you. He stood back up and fingered you with a steady pace as he undid his belt and zipper.
You rocked back into his hand chasing after the orgasm that you were teetering on the brink of. Then his fingers left you and you moaned in frustration. "Please, I'm so close."
Your whimpered plea was met with Tenoch rubbing his tip against your soaked folds, "What do you want?"
"I want you to put your cock inside, Tenoch, please."
He slowly, agonizingly did as you asked. When he started thrusting you clutched the counter tightly. He was kissing your neck again, hand wrapped in your hair as the other guided your hips. He pounded into you relentlessly, giving into months of desire and attraction.
Your orgasm hit you like a train and you gasped as he fucked you through it. You felt wetness flow between your legs as he continued thrusting. Tenoch pulled you up to him for another wet kiss as he followed you over the edge. He grunted as he emptied into you. Slowing down and peppering every inch of skin he could with kisses. His hand gripped and rubbed your ass cheek affectionately.
The sheets
"Come with me," Tenoch said as he took your hand and led you upstairs. You were both still coming off the high off your coupling in the kitchen. It was spontaneous and passionate and so right. He had tenderly helped you clean up and righted your clothes afterward. Giving you water and asking if he had been too rough.
When you walked into his bedroom you were surprised to find it to be so clean and airy. The large bed was the center point but the rest of the furnishings were a light wood and his curtains were gauzy. The sun had long since set and instead of turning the lights on, Tenoch started lighting candles.
Once the candles were going, Tenoch stripped down to his boxers and then found an oversized shirt and a clean pair of boxers for you to change into. He helped you undress, kissing you on your neck, arms, cheeks, back and shoulders as you went. You felt absolutely adored.
Tenoch turned down the bed and gestured for you to join him. When you did, he wrapped you in his arms and kissed you slowly, nuzzling you between languid kisses. You cuddled and shared intimate caresses as you fell into an easy pillow talk about everything and nothing.
Tenoch had his head on your shoulder as you stroked his hair. His arm was slung across your waist and your legs intertwined. You could have fallen asleep then but his hand found the hem of your shirt and he pushed it up to reveal your breast.
You bit your lip as he suckled on your nipple. His hand kneaded the other and rolling the nipple between his fingers. You arched into his touch as his hand slipped past the band of the borrowed boxers you wore and found your clit. Tenoch teased you with his fingers and his mouth until you were pulling his lips to your own in a hungry kiss.
As you kissed you pulled his boxers down and palmed his cock in your hand. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and jerked it a few times, letting the pre-cum spread. He bucked into your hand as he sucked your lip. Eagerly you pulled the shirt and boxers off between kisses then wrapped your legs around his waist.
His hand supported him above you while the other caressed your jaw. Tenoch reached between you and lined himself up before thrusting into you, balls deep. You arched into the feeling of his cock inside of you. The actor pulled your arms away from the sheets and pinned them above your head as he drove into you.
His hips snapped into yours as he thrusted deeply into you. The bed shook with the force of it and the sounds of your fucking filled the room. Tenoch leaned into you and captured your lips. Your hands, now free, found his back, dragging your nails along the contours of his muscles. Moaning into your kiss he gripped the backs of your thighs. He sat up and hooked your legs around his forearms changing the angle.
With increased vigor he fucked you, hitting a spot inside of you that had your mind reeling. He held your legs to him as he continued his rhythm and circled your clit with his fingers. You moaned his name over and over like a prayer as you felt that tell tale knot coiling inside of you. It released and you came, convulsing with the waves of your orgasm. Tenoch slowed down to kiss you as you came down from your high.
"Turn over, mi amor," Tenoch whispered as he gripped your hips. With his help you found yourself chest first into the bed. His big hands caressed your ass cheeks before he lined himself up and plunged his cock back into your glistening pussy.
His thrusts were relentless as he gripped your hips and moaned words of praise. You were lost in the pleasure of it, rubbing your clit as he rutted into you. You hit another peak just as Tenoch's hips stuttered and he groaned with his release.
The actor collapsed next to you. You looked over at him and you both smiled satiated smiles. You could tell he was barely staying awake like you, but he still got up and brought a clean wet cloth to clean up the evidence of your love making. He was gentle and continued to whisper words of praise and adoration as he helped you get dressed and tucked you in.
You were barely conscious as he blew out all the candles and then climbed into the bed behind you. He pulled you to him, kissed your temple, and you both fell asleep.
I was on a roll and I literally clocked out of work but stayed in my office for an extra hour to finish this. No, proof reading right now because I need to drive home so forgive me.
You're welcome
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Beomgyu x reader
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Pairings: switch!beomgyu x switch!fem!reader
Warnings:smut...like hard core
Genre:friends to lovers, childhood friends, smut
Themes: blow job, public sex, oral sex, based off the song by Ayesha Erotica
Word count: 2,150
A/N: this actually sucks...I really don't like it. I feel like the descriptions for the spicy time sounded weird no matter how I tried to describe it? Idk let me know if you genuinely like this lol
You leaned against the wall of the bathroom in the mall as your friends gossiped. There wasn't anything too interesting going around lately but according to your friends there was a lot. You kept an ear out as your friends dolled themselves up in the mirrors. Of course when gossip is being talked about boys come up.
One of your friends, kizzy, brought up her boyfriend and added on some info you really didn't need to know about him. But your other friends seemed to enjoy this topic. It was strange to say the least, you're all from the ages 19-21 so all this sex talk is completely normal yet you always felt out of place. I mean it's not like you haven't thought of anything like that but it's still odd to talk about.
Your thoughts got interrupted as the girls started discussing their next shopping destination.
"Hey, Y/N you haven't picked a place yet! You should choose the next one," Sissy said with a smile, her shining pink lip gloss drawing attention to her lips.
"Um, I'm good. I don't really care where we go haha, we all like the same stores anyway," You said with a shrug and a complimentary smile.
"That's true…" Kizzy said as she thought to herself. "Alright so how about Spencer's? What do ya think!?" She said with a clap of her hands, it echoed throughout the (hopefully) empty bathroom.
"Oh you whore you just want to go to the back section," You commented making everyone laugh as they packed up their makeup including Kizzy.
After getting to Spencer's the girls all roamed around the store in groups of two, you were with Sissy in the LGBTQ+ section. It didn't take long for the girls to get bored and head to the store across from Spencer's, hot topic.
"So what's the deal with you and that boy," kizzy nudged you with her elbow. Of course you didn't forget that Beomgyu works there but you pretended to act dumb.
"Who?" You said widening your eyes.
"The cute boy with the long hair. He works here?" She said as we walked in.
"Oh him yeah. What about him?" You said as you automatically followed Kizzy to the anime area.
"You get closer to him?" She said with excitement on her face.
"I mean I can't really get much closer, we've been friends since first grade," you said with a shrug. Kizzy just nodded her head and sighed. That's when Sissy, Abigail and Minnie came over. They had a ton of things with them already and we'd only been there for five minutes. They were showing Kizzy everything they found when Abigail showed her a pair of strawberry earrings and a cute strawberry dress. Kizzy flipped out and asked her to show where they were. All the girls giggled off to another area, you kept browsing around when you heard an ever so familiar voice.
"Need any help Y/N?" He said with a smirk. You looked up to the source of the sound and viola Beomgyu standing over you. Today he was wearing about a thousand layers of black clothes. A my chemical romance tee, with a baggy fishnet over top of it, he also wore baggy and slightly ripped jeans. As for accessories he wore a black choked with some small spikes, a cross necklace, a skull necklace, a metal star belt, tons of rings, snake bite lip piercings, and a nose piercing. His make up was Suttle today, just some cloudy black/blue eyeshadow.
"Oh Beomgyu you scared me!" You said with a slight jump.
"I'm not that scary looking!" He said, crossing his arms and tipping his chin up. You laughed as you set your hand on his shoulder. You sighed and started stretching. All this walking around was making you tired.
"Getting too old for this already?" Beomgyu chuckled lowly.
"Hey! No. Just these girls move faster than sonic when it comes to clothes and cute boys,"
"So that's why you're all here," he said looking down at you while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
"Yeah they somehow always find the cutest things here,"
"What can I say, it's in my genes," beomgyu said, flipping his hair. You laughed at him and he grinned as well. His dark bangs hung in his face as he laughed. "Anyways, do you want to sit for a minute," he said gesturing to the back of the shop.
"Yes please," you laughed. He led you to the back of the store and you sat behind the counter with this other girl who was wearing a very scene fashioned outfit. She was very kind and bubbly but you seemed to forget her. You sat awkwardly as Beomgyu and the scene girl chatted. It was quite the awkward angle, but Beomgyus Jean's did fit on him nicely. Your cheeks were red at your dirty thoughts. You patted your face trying to snap yourself out of it. You looked down at the floor and saw Beomgyu wearing some new boots.
"Gyu, are those new?" You said pointing to his shoes. He looked down and nodded.
"Yup I actually got them from here," he laughed. He then bent down to your level, looking you in the eyes. You blushed and tried to keep eye contact, he rested his arms on your bare thighs. You jumped slightly at the cold feeling of his bracelets. The look in his eyes suddenly turned you on so much causing you to reflexively rub your thighs together. Doing so secretly so Beomgyu wouldn't notice anything. "Are you alright? You seem off," he said looking up at you with lustful eyes.
"J-just hungry," you avoided his eyes. He grabbed you by the wrist and said
"Alright, I have some snacks in the back," he said looking up at the scene girl.
"It's fine your shift is almost over," she said with a wave of her hand. He took you to the very back of the shop to a door. He opened it and dragged you into the pitch black room. It was a little closet filled with some random trinkets they might need. He shut the door tightly and turned to you.
"So what do you feel like eating," he said with a smile as he turned the lights on. You looked at him suspiciously.
"Um, maybe a bite of you," you said jokingly. You laughed while Beomgyu gave you a bit of a peculiar stare. He inched closer to you as he rested his hands up aimlessly aiming for you.
"Gyu?" You said as his lustful gaze burned through you. You put your hands on his boney shoulders, the feeling of his warm body on yours. You then found your back against the wall as Beomgyu's hands were placed on the wall. Pinning you to him.
"You aren't actually hungry are you?" He said with a smirk.
"W-what?" You stuttered as your cheeks heated up. There's no way he actually figured you all out! Right?
"A minute ago you said you were hungry, but I think you actually meant to say horny," he said with a small smile. Your eyes widened before looking away from him. He just got closer to you, close enough to kiss you. His addictive scent filled your nose as his hand gently swiped some loose strands of hair behind your ear. "God you're so pretty," he said as his lips came closer to yours. Your eyes started fluttering shut while Beomgyu looked down at you. He stood there waiting for some kind of permission to kiss you.
You grabbed him by the shirt harshly and pulled him in for a rough kiss. It was messy and uncoordinated. Hands and tongues roaming heated skin. Moans and hums filled the small closet. It wasn't long before your curious hands found their way down to the zipper of Beomgyu's black jeans. You used your middle finger to rub up and down the zipper line. Beomgyus hands went up to your hair and played with it. You broke the ongoing kiss to breathe. Without any thoughts inside your head besides wanting to hear Beomgyu moan your name you went down on your knees. His hands still held onto your hair as you started undoing his jeans. Beomgyu panted above you as his hair hung in his face.
"Y/N what are you doing?" He said with a quivering voice. You pulled down his pants to see his hardened member before you.
"Getting a snack," you replied before wrapping your lips around him. He gasped before throwing his head back and covering his mouth. You slowly moved your mouth up and down his length before letting go for a quick breath. As you moved back, strings of his arousal connected with your saliva. Beomgyu looked down at the beautiful sight below him and he basically started petting you while praising you. You slipped your lips back around him and started going at a quicker pace using your spit as lube. Beomgyu bit his lip as he muffled his whines and moans.
"So good, so good," he kept whispering as you started using your hands for extra support. His moans started getting louder and more frequent as he bucked his hips into your mouth. Gyu then started speaking nonsense. A mix of "I'm so close" and "I'm gonna cum," and not surprisingly he was right. Your mouth filled with salty yet sweet and warm liquid. You choked slightly, making you cough, letting some of his cum drip from your lips. Beomgyu then fell to the floor in front of you. Shock was very present on his face along with the black strands of hair. He panted as some drool fell from the corner of his mouth.
Meanwhile you swallowed everything and started crawling over to him. You kissed him passionately as you fell to the floor. As he entertained your mouth his hands went to your ass abruptly moving his hands around. His hands traveled up to your waist before tugging and the hem of your skirt. He swiftly pulled them off as you took a breather.
"Now that I'm thinking about it," he started as he sat up straight, allowing your bare legs to rest on the floor. "I'm getting hungry myself," he said, pouncing on you, landing on the floor. He placed some hickies all down your jawline and neck. He pulled off your shirt before tracing more kisses, bites and hickies all along your body down to your tummy. He locked in between your thighs and over your still clothed pussy. You moaned and whined throughout the whole process.
"Beomgyu please, stop teasing," you whined as your hands found their way to his hair.
"Alright, you've been a very good girl," Beomgyu said, pulling down your undies. He quickly used his whole tongue across your whole entrance making you moan and squirm. He wasn't messing around when it came to giving oral, apparently. He ate you out like you were his last dessert to ever enjoy. He collected every last bit of your arousal. Beomgyu's long fingers then found their way inside you making you moan before covering your mouth. Gyu quietly hushed you before continuing to venture inside you. His fingers quickly moving around inside you to find that specific spot that'd make you scream his name. He decided to go as deep as possible into you and he found one spot that made you jolt up to him. You mumbled out "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my fucking God," a bunch as he kept hitting that same spot over and over.
You then felt your walls tighten around his slim fingers and your legs quivered. You warned Beomgyu about your high before his fingers were coated in your juices and his ears filled with loud moans. After you released everything his fingers went to his mouth, cleaning up all the mess you made on them.
"You taste so good," he moaned as he bent back down to your clit and started licking it. That's when the door burst opened.
"Alright Beomgyu get out your shifts over," the scene girl stood there not even phased by the situation at all.
"Close the door! My girlfriend doesn't want the whole world seeing her naked!" Beomgyu yelled and the girl closed the door.
"Fair. But Beomgyu if you don't get out I'll pull you out by your choker," she said outside the door before walking away to help some customers.
"Girlfriend?" You asked as you put on your clothes with Beomgyu.
"Oh um yeah," he said awkwardly as he slipped his jeans back on. "I thought since you just gave me a blowjob you'd want to be my boyfriend…" he said awkwardly as his cheeks filled with blush.
"Haha of course, babe," you said with a smile.
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grailfinders · 1 year
Brute Grail Front Review #1
today on Fate and Phantasms we've got a special treat for y'all. since this event doesn't have any boosted servants, we're instead going to take a look at each grail front's roster, assess how well they work as a team (in D&D), and which servants I'd suggest taking to counter them. cool? cool.
The Enemy:
now I'm not including caesar himself in any of these since he's not really a "fighter", so our first lineup includes Robin Hood, Nero Claudius, Okada Izou, and Sakamoto Ryouma/Oryou. the first thing that jumps out at me about this party is simple- it's super unbalanced. three of the four servants are rogues, meaning they aren't the toughest bunch around, but they hurt when they hit.
the obvious synergy here is how Ryouma and Izou can team up to completely read an opponent in a minute, learning most, if not all, of their relevant stats and weaknesses. then it's just a matter of trapmaster Robin setting up traps to prey on said weakness. while Nero doesn't quite fit into this setup, she's actually the most dangerous one on the field, and not just because she's a level 20 caster with level 9 spells. okay that's mostly the reason, but hear me out.
Foresight is a very dangerous spell to be fighting against. on Nero it's not great for us, since anyone forcing disadvantage on all attacks against them and getting advantage on their saves and check and attacks is always bad, but remember- she's in a party with three rogues. if those rogues have Foresight, they have permanent advantage, meaning permanent sneak attack. that's terrifying, especially since that rogue will still be harder to hit thanks to the one spell.
Who to Bring?
first and foremost, we need someone who can take out the rogues' gallery fast, before they can sneak attack our team to death. rogues as a rule are tough to hit with regular attacks and anything with a dexterity save, but they do have one weakness- constitution saves. rogues don't get proficiency in those, and they're usually squishy besides, so the cold is one of the few things that can really bother them. that's why my suggestion for the caster slot of this grail front is Anastasia.
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she comes packing with plenty of constitution-based spells to bring the hurt, as well as defense-piercing attacks to cut through whatever nonsense Nero conjures up. the one flaw here is she's not a tank. we need someone who can take those sneak attacks on her behalf, as well as shut down whichever rogue's been foresighted. there's plenty of berserkers who are physical tanks, but that latter part is pretty rare to come by, and since we already have one 5-star I'd like to keep the other servants on a budget.
with all that in mind, my pick for berserker is none other than Spartacus.
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the man's got an obscene health pool, can rage to cut down on sneak attack damage, and specializes in taking one person out of the fight so his party can deal with the others. with him pinning down the foresighted rogue we've basically forced Nero to waste a ninth level spell, on top of whatever she uses to try and pry Sparty off her teammate.
finally, we need to end this fight in a timely fashion- we only get ten turns to finish this, after all. what we need is a roamer, someone who's fast enough to chase down stragglers and tough enough to fight a rogue or bard one-on-one. that's why my pick for lancer is Cu Chulainn.
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he's fast, he's tough, he's so accurate even rogues have trouble avoiding his spear, and his Diamond Soul means he's unlikely to be swayed by Nero's tricks.
Now we've got a spicy grail war brewing! of course this is just talking about D&D- we were able to solo this fight with just Spartacus, so don't stress too hard about who you're taking to the front. still, we hope you've enjoyed this, and stay tuned for tomorrow's grail front!
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archivalofsins · 4 months
Heya @rainbowghostcat I hope you're having a good day! Also thank you very much for tagging me!
Last Song: Rookie Deco*27 and Cat (Milgram) Before today I'd been looking into song for Star and I's oc prisoners which has been an interesting endeavor!
Favorite Color: Blue is always on top. It never goes out of style. My other favorite colors are black, red, pink, and earthy browns. Earthy browns are a more recent interest.
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Savory, there's nothing like a well-cooked cut of meat, filling leafy greens like spinach, rice, potatoes.... Though if we're talking about flavors that aren't here I love bitter and sour or tangy stuff as well.
Last TV Show: This one is hard because I really don't remember. It's been a bit since I've watched a tv show. I'm looking for new ones. What I'm interested in right now is- Oh wait I remember Star and I restarted Classroom of the Elite and caught up on Abbott Elementary. I would recommend Abott Elementary if you're interested in seeing a bit more about the American school system. The newest season has been really good so far.
The other things I've been into right now are Dungeon Meshi and Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete. I caught up to the manga for the Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete it's pretty good. But I'm having a hard time getting into the manga for Dungeon Meshi because I started with the anime and don't have the patience to catch up to where I am there in the manga.
Last Film: Every Secret Thing if we're talking about movies I watched completely. It's free on YouTube but it may not be available depending on the country you're in. It was really good and definitely showed off how easy it is for some people to lie and manipulate others. Second one I started to watch today but haven't gotten the chance to finish (because I passed out due to allergy medication not because it was boring or anything) was Play or Die.
Last Thing I Looked Up Online: Marcille Dungeon Meshi wanted to make sure i was spelling her name right.
Current Obsession: Milgram, Harley Quinn there's this new book coming out that I'm trying to preorder at my local comic shop but it's too early too. I'm also looking into Poison Ivy comics. Got this new comic called Crave too the first three issues were good. Though it deals with sexual themes. I've been getting more into comics lately. I'm also interested in finding This Ends Tonight.
There's also a list of comics on the Image Comics website for women's history month that look interesting.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Hey, why the hell aren't you watching Fuuto PI right now!? ...oh, haha, right, you're listening to me talk about Pretty Cure. Haha, sorry, I didn't realize, haha~!
It'd be a real rude thing to do not to check in on our Delicious Partiers, yeah? What sort of wacky adentures do you have for us today, Pretty Cures? ...ohhhhh, 23, this is the one with Kokone's parents. ...this should be interesting, right?
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yuin, good evening! It's sauce time.
-Lost in the sauce with Ranchi.
-Koko-neechan! You're the star of this episode~!
-I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but one of the funniest anime tropes ever is when a mom looks only like five years older than their kids, maximum. Now I'm not saying that this is a real bad thing, but like, even by anime mom standards, Mrs. Fuwa seems like she just willed herself to forever be in her early-mid twenties.
Kokone: "My parents raised me to be a lone wolf. I can take care of myself." Amane: "But like... don't you get lonely like that?" Kokone: "...maybe."
-"Mama?" Ohhhhh, my heart! Kokone, you're killin' me here!
-Meet the Parents. That's one of my favorite Ben Stiller movies.
-I do my sauce like that too.
-...man, Hatsuko has a very lovely design.
-"Huh... my daughter never smiles like that."
-Oh, hello Daddy- er, Daddy- er... Shosei-san.
-Hey now Kokone, be glad he didn't mistake it for wine.
-...though then again, could you chug it?
-"Oh fuck, soup. That's as good as water in my book!"
-...man, this is so awkward.
-Awwww, Kokone-chan... :(
-Hug her, Pamu!
-At least they're trying to reconnect, that's a good thing.
-...after 47 episodes of Revice, I don't think I can really take much more family-related psychic damage.
-Yeah, having similar interests would help, huh?
-...Ran, what the fuck are you implying about Amane?
-Ah c'mon Kokone, you were a little kid. We all did shit like that at that age!
-Oh, her aunt just happened to be there, huh?
-"Don't bully your parents."
-No doughnuts.
-Kokone Fuwa took a thing she was lightly scolded for super seriously, and
-...yep, that's an autistic child alright. Welcome to the club, Blue Dog Gal.
-She got the bottle after all.
-...man, that's nice :)
-Grandma Nagomi once said... "Angels descend during meals. Therefore, it's a sacred time."
-Secretoru checkin' the Ubau-zo catalogue. What will she order?
-Godatz is very disappointed in you two.
-Aww, he was concerned :)
-He's still pretty evil though, so...
-"Let's eat the doughnut holes together... as closure :)"
-Recipoppy Pipopapo
-The Genius Taster.
-"Ohhhhhhh, balls~!"
-...Doughnut holes?
-Makin' it personal by messing with her mom, huh Narshe?
-Yeah that's my new kinda insulting nickname for him. Just like the mining town of Narshe in Final Fantasy VI, he's cold, the site of some real memory issues and thievery, a pain in the ass to deal with later when you've gotten to know your party, probably has a giant snail, some Moogles, and a super-strong yeti locked away somewhere...
-...oh yeah, there's a big rolling pin and... pumpy thing.
-I... don't think I've ever seen one of those.
-Wow, Pamu's unfolded state looks... weird, I just realized jhkklj
Narshe: I will make you proud of me so you will call me your little pogchamp, Godatz-sama!
Finale: only saw z who dat?
-Noooo, Spicy!
-Oh hey, it's the mysterious black pepper man.
-Go for it, Koko-neechan!
-"I will lay down my life, if it means protecting the doughnuts."
-Damn, putting those heels to good use, huh gals?
-What even were you, Motto Ubau-zo?
-"Aw man... I'm not gonna be Godatz-sama's little pogchamp..."
-Awww, he knew!
-Shush, Pamu. This is a moment.
-Eat them doughnut holes!
-Yeaaah, reconnect!
-That was nice :)
-Sammiches, Spicy-style.
-That's a cute smile :)
-Yeah, that's nice.
-Mmmm... Orange Juice...
-Yeah, that was a fun episode. ...I realize that perhaps this isn't my most interesting liveblog series, but this is just a very fun and lovely time!
-"Kome-Kome Sucks! And So Does This Pizza Party!"
-Okay, you're dismissed~! ...GO WATCH FUUTO PI RIGHT NOW YOU MOTHERFU-
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dark9896 · 2 years
You dare? [Steven x Reader]
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While the request asked for fem s/o, I'm going to keep descriptions closer to gender neutral for simplicity sake. I hope you can still enjoy it and I thank you for understanding.
This spicy little fluff fic was requested by @anonymous-104
Zapp had been pushing his luck flirting with you, especially since you were already dating Steven. Both of you felt weird about being open with the rest of the office, but everyone beside Zapp knew anyways.
Klaus and KK were usually in the office before you and due to Steven's bad habit of not taking care of himself, you developed a habit of bringing some kind of breakfast for everyone. Since Steven was the one who asked them, it was simple math. Chain, Zed, and Leo had asked to hang out after work occasionally, and since you felt you could trust them, you stated that you had plans with Steven. They didn't kick up a fuss, so you didn't worry.
Zapp on the other hand, would be insufferable over it. Tormenting both of you endlessly for dating each other, you really wanted to avoid that at all costs.
And yet, here you were, trying to help with paperwork. It was a calm day, except for Zapp doing his best to flirt with you....again. You hated being combative in social situations, and Zapp would keep at it if he could get a reaction out of you.
Today, Zapp crossed a line by putting his arms around you, "So, you doing anything later sexy?"
You couldn't help but blush at the closeness, but not because of Zapp, your own imagination was trying to beckon you into a daydream of Steven doing this later tonight. It left you feeling guilty due to the cold reality you were in.
You pried Zapp's arms off, "Hands to yourself please." You put a couple steps between you two, "And I have plans tonight."
Zapp thought your vague answer and blush meant he was getting somewhere, and he loved a good game of hard to get.
Steven on the other hand, could tell you were getting uncomfortable. He couldn't help but feel pissed at Zapp for putting his arms around you, which was why he was keeping a close eye on you right now. He wasn't sure if he should try to interfere, you were a shy sweet person in his eyes, a blunt response was asking too much.
Zapp put his hand on your waist, pulling you closer and trying to tease you by wiggling his fingers so his hand would crawl up your side.
Your shudder made Zapp think it was working, but really you wanted him off you right now. And Steven couldn't agree more.
"Aaaw, C'mon. Live a little. Don't tell me you're afraid you'll like it?"
That had been the last straw. Between the uncomfortable look on your face, Zapp's overall sleasy behavior, and Steven's own jealousy clouding his judgement, he had to act.
Steven crossed the office in 3 seconds flat, intent on putting a stop to this.
Zapp let out a yelp of surprise and pain as Steven was grinding his wrist bones together, an icy chill seemed to freeze the office. Only Steven was capable of moving.
"She said hands off!"
With hardly any effort, Steven had tossed Zapp's arm away, the rest of the tanned man following. Tripping over his own feet and falling on his ass. A few seconds of stunned silence while Zapp rubbed his wrist, and then....
Steven had dug this grave himself, he barely regretted it and could only hope you'd forgive him later. He draped his arm casually across your shoulder, almost like a seatbelt around your chest.
"Because, she's mine."
Your face was red, your feeble attempt to hide your sudden embarrassment and desire wasn't working. Steven wasn't a possessive man and yet your mind was racing with unholy thoughts of him telling you this in a more appropriate, private setting in a much more intimate way.
Zapp however was turning pale. He was lucky Steven hadn't used Blood Freeze on him. Not to mention the death glare he was currently under, he really had to thank his lucky stars he was just dealing with minor pains.
Everyone else was just shocked Steven would do that at all, he wasn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve....let alone openly state his love life.
The day went on as normal, except Zapp didn't dare even look in your general direction and KK had clung to your arm squealing about how you had 'melted scarface's heart'. You were glad it had only been the two of you in the break room when she did that.
You, Steven, Klaus, and Gilbert were the last ones in the office. The day had been fairly normal and you were just putting some papers on Steven's desk for tomorrow when you heard him walk up behind you.
His posture was unusually awkward and nervous, one hand rubbing the back of his neck, the other in his pocket, "Hey [Name], listen. About this morning.... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by uh...."
Steven was at a loss for words, you couldn't believe it. You closed the gap between you with a hug. While he was taken back by the gesture, he really appreciated it. A small moment of sincerity that explained everything without words. Steven patted your back just before you let go, relived it wasn't a big deal.
"Its fine, as long as it doesn't happen every other day."
Steven nodded with a small smile. Then in a very Zapp like way, had pulled you close by the waist to whisper in your ear.
"So, you doing anything tonight?"
You smacked him in the chest, meaning to be playful, "STEVEN ALAN STARPHASE, I SWEAR TO GOD!"
His devilish smirk was soon dusted with a light pink blush as you both heard Klaus chuckle from his desk.
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jd-loves-fiction · 3 years
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➤”I’d like one order of Mando adventure angst with a side of fluff and a dash of spicy bickering. Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers flavor (whatever’s on the house) and a nice hot bowl of ‘there was only one bed’
Give my compliments to the chef”
➤ genre: Fluff, Adventure, Comedy(?), Enemies to Partners, Angst
➤ wc: 4.9k (holy shit might be my longest request🥴)
➤ 🌙 Requested: @batarella ❤
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"Listen, buddy, I got here first." You attempt to reason with the wall of beskar currently pointing his blaster directly at you.
Maybe not the smartest thing to say when first meeting someone of his reputation, but he can only be doing this for one reason. 
He's after the bounty squirming nervously at your feet. And you're in the way.
Why else would he be out here, in the middle of a rocky desert on some faraway planet?
"Step away from him." The voice you hear startles you with its modulated dept. It's more surprising that he even spoke at all, given what you'd heard of the Mandalorian. Although his stature and the silent tension he brings with him is no doubt intimidating, you will not give up so easily after following this bounty so far out from the nearest town. “No.”
His visor tilts to the side, like a frustrated twitch, at your answer. “Maybe.” You rectify, which makes him raise his head in interest. “Do you have a fob?”
“No, I don’t.”
Not that it matters anymore considering yours is broken, but at least now you know he can't follow you if you make a break for it with the bounty. 
“How did you find us?”
“I have my ways.” You nearly roll your eyes at his cryptic response, not like you expected anything else from a Mandalorian.
“Do you know why they sent you?” Knowing your employers, you had a clue on what the reason was. They got impatient.
They’d been pretty determined to get a maximum time needed out of you. You’re almost sure you overstepped it.
But to send a Mandalorian? Seems like a bit much.
“They were afraid you’d run off. That you gave the bounty away to the Resistance.” Of course, those bastards can barely trust themselves, let alone a foreigner.
“Well I didn't, and I won't. So you can lower your blaster and we can do this together.” You offer amicably, not yet loosening your grip on your weapon upon his lack of movement.
“You’re out of time. Your deal is off.”
“That’s just-!” You're cut off by a shot buzzing past you.
"Last warning."
Your jaw drops. How can someone be so damn cold?
You raise your finger assertively, about to give him a piece of your mind, when you notice something move by his hip.
And it's green. With gigantic ears. And huge dark eyes that blink at you curiously.
Your head tilts, mirroring the creature. The Mandalorian follows your eyes to find you looking at the child he’s supposed to be caring for.
“Huh. And who is that cutie?” The blaster already pointed at you raises from where it had begun to slouch, alert and cautious. Noticing this, you readjust your grip on your own weapon.
You and the creature continue to study each other, until the Mandalorian pushes the brown bag to where it rests behind his body protectively.
“Are they yours? I mean, doesn't look like the ears would fit.” You speak just to make conversation, stepping closer with miniscule steps. His gloved hand tightens around his blaster, hoping to remind you that he can still shoot you point-blank.
But he hasn't.
"Can you really do much in front of a kid?" You challenge smugly, still advancing slowly. 
"He's seen me do worse."
"That right?" Another step. "You planning to shoot me today or would tomorrow work better?"
"Are you always this difficult? Just put the gun down-"
You jump towards him, hooking your foot around the back of his knee which makes him fall to the rocky ground immediately, dropping his blaster. Unfortunately, taking down a Mandalorian is no easy task, so he takes you down with him.
He throws his satchel to the side in the nick of time, it lands on a sand pile. His other arm grabs hold of you to pull you down with him.
You point your blaster at him as he lays beneath you, except it is no longer in your hand. Shit. He punches you in the face hard enough that something will turn black soon enough.
As you fall to the ground he gets on top of you, or tries, as you place your feet against his firm chest to keep some distance. You kick him in the helmet, silently thanking the stars your shoes are steel toed.
Your hand only scrapes against dry, red, sand covered rock as you search for a blaster, either would serve. Despite your momentary advantage in light of the Mandalorian’s confusion after being kicked, his hands quickly come down to cover your throat. You feel the creases in the leather as they’re pressed against your skin, and the beskar over the back of his hands against your chin.
But you still attempt to reach a weapon, a rock would do at this point.
Your arms flail wildly with no real direction, only the need to stay conscious, as if movement would help it. You do, however, notice that he’s purposely avoiding your traquia.
He still does not want to kill you. How sweet. Probably just wants to take you back to the bastards who hired you. They’d surely kill you, and much faster too.
Just as the spots in your vision start becoming overpowering, his grip loosens. You inhale greedily, desperately, gasping and coughing at the released pressure. 
You can see his visor move to and fro, searching for something. Once you look to the side, you the child safe in its pile of sand, so it can't be that. 
"Dank farrik! He's gone." The bounty. Right. Shit. 
"Now," you pause, heaving as your lungs struggle to fill up again, "what?"
He places his hands on his hips, thinking for a moment, before turning his visor to where you lay clutching your sore - but not yet bruised - neck. "I'm going after him."
"I'm sorry-?!" You cut yourself off with a cough as you sit up, feeling grains of sand make their way inside your boots and other places. "You're going after him? This is my bounty! I had him, and I would've been fine if you hadn't shown up."
He keeps his stance, probably glaring disapprovingly beneath his helmet. You huff at his unyielding silence, getting up in his personal space and jabbing a finger into his chest plate.
"I'm about to give you a piece of my mind, so you better listen very carefully. I had it! It was my catch. And from what I can tell, it still is. So you better back off, Mando." Venom drips from your lips as you glare at the tin can on his head as if you could put a hole straight through it.
He relaxes, raising his hands again peacefully, palms up, "Alright, I get it. But do you think they'd take him from you now? Let alone later when you actually catch him? They seem pretty vindictive."
"Well, what do you suggest? You're not going on your own."
"And why not?" He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans towards you.
"You don't have a tracking fob." You retort, leaning towards him as well with your hands on your hips.
The Mandalorian pats himself down where he believes to have stored the small device, only to find all those pockets empty. "You little thief!"
"And you're a liar! Plus, you think I'd just let you take my credits? Come on, with your reputation, you should know better than that." You shrug and suddenly Din is acutely aware that the beeping now comes from your hip instead of his.
"Alright, fine, let's do it this way. We'll look for him together and once we catch him, I'll hand him in and we'll split the reward." He explains slowly, carefully, afraid to set you off. 
"Seems good to me." You speak resolutely, thrusting your hand forward firmly, expecting a handshake. 
His helmet tilts down slightly as he looks down at your hand, before he reaches out with his own. Just as the leather meets your skin - in a now less life-threatening way - a coo sounds from somewhere at your feet, making you both look down to see the little green creature looking between the two of you curiously.
You look back at it, mirroring it once more, before it smiles wide revealing its tiny little teeth and, oh, your heart might just actually melt. 
It's large eyes move down from your face, towards your hands.
You suddenly realize neither you nor the Mandalorian had let go of each other's hand and that a large grin has formed on your face due to the adorable baby. It is promptly wiped off as you pull your hand back just as he does. He looks away while you shrug at the child's inquisitive stare, unaware that the bounty hunter had been watching you and marveling at the bond you'd both formed already.
And so you set out together to look for your target, back towards town, where you had begun your chase.
He can't have gone far or in any other direction, not with the unbearable heat and certainly not while handcuffed. He'd die for sure, you just have to hope he's smart enough to know that. 
You walk through town with the fob in your hand, just out of sight. No need for unnecessary attention. The town is tightly crowded, much to your chagrin, so you move slow and are barely able to see over the moving bodies. There’s just too much going on, too many people moving back and forth, shoving past you rudely. If it’d been anyone else - not an experienced bounty hunter - you would have probably been knocked down by the last two men that had scurried past you in a rush.
Without warning, you feel a hand grip your bicep. You immediately ready yourself for a fight, before you realize it belongs to your associate. Once he has your attention, Mando nods towards the edge to the street, against red stone buildings, urging you to follow him. You do, nudging anyone out of the way as you walked against the crowd’s stream.
You’re about to shout over the noise to ask just what the hell he pulled you aside for, considering you’re running out of time, before you follow his visor. Right to a wanted poster of a very familiar scoundrel. From the Resistance? Wanted alive for 8,000 credits?
“That’s one big fish, huh?" You continue to shout in order to be heard over the crowd, which you immediately regret, looking around, paranoid. "Must be important." You comment to yourself. 
You look up to see the Mandalorian's back disappear behind the corner. You quickly follow, catching up to his long strides, "What are you thinking?"
He ignores your inquiry, continuing to practically stomp his way through town. "Hey. Hey!" You call out to no avail. Well, you asked for it.
You reach out, grabbing the man by the back of his cape, tightening it around his neck and making it so he had to lean back to follow your hand in order to keep breathing. Your heart beats faster at the rush of power you feel for a moment. "You better tell me what you're thinking, or this is not gonna work."
He taps your hand repeatedly until you let go, rising to his full height and you're back to feeling slightly intimidated as he stares you down, silently.
"I'm thinking that with a price that high you might actually take the bounty yourself."
The tracking fob. The small object suddenly burned a whole in your pocket. 
"Oh come on! You were trying to kill me!"
Your voice raises, arms flailing about. You know you're making a scene, considering this street is so much emptier and therefore quieter than the main one, but for the moment, you don't care. Right now, all you want is to put Mando in his place. Something you know is foolish given that he nearly killed you before and could actually do it this time.
"Yes, but it's still stealing." He spoke with that know-it-all, I'm-better-than-you, tone that just gets on your nerves. Bastard.
You raise a finger in the man's direction, fully intending to continue this conversation and clear your name in his eyes - the reason why is unknown even to you - when a shrill giggle cuts through the air. You look to Mando's hip, where the creature (who's name you have yet to learn) sits, pointing ahead to the entrance to the cantina. 
Right at the man of the hour.
What? How?!
The man looks back at you and Mando for a moment, eyes widening as he recognizes you and the fact that this might be it.
Before he takes off running. 
You start running before Mando does, easily catching up to the stout man, who's no longer in cuffs. As you get too close to his liking, he takes out a blaster (that you know isn't his) and tries to shoot you in the head. Only to miss and hit your forearm instead. 
Hurts like a bitch, but it's better than death. 
Out of the corner of your eye you see a steel rope of some kind shoot out and wrap around the fugitive's leg, sending him stumbling face first onto the ground. 
Mando walks over to him, barely winded, standing over the panting man and blocking the sun with his body. You can only imagine the man's terrified expression. 
You quickly take care of your wound as Mando ties the man up enough that he can't move, wincing as you look at the damage made on your skin. The burning nearly stops the bleeding and it hurts so bad you can barely process it, so you don't think about it, you simply level your breathing while wrapping a cloth around the wound and hope for the best considering it's not too big. 
You clutch it to your chest as Mando approaches, pointing at your arm, intending to ask you if you're alright, but you move it to your side before he can. "Are you-"
"We should give him to the Resistance." You speak resolutely, holding back from wincing as your injury rubbed against your pants. It hurt even from beneath a (barely) protective cloth.
“I said ‘we’, so don't you start giving me shit, alright?” You tell him sternly after he crosses his arms, probably getting ready to call you a thief again. “You can't give him to the Resistance because they’ll arrest you, correct?” He nods.
“Well you know bounty hunting isn't exactly legal.”
“You don't have to tell me that, Mando.” You remind him firmly. “So, if we give him to them, we can ask for them to clear your name! And we’ll get double the reward. Two birds with one stone!”
“Do you really think they’d just do that?”
“If someone’s paying 8,000 credits for one guy and specifying they want him alive, then I’d bet they’d do anything to get him, even something as seemingly insignificant as clearing your name.” You explain, gesturing avidly as you do.
A long moment of silence passes before a modulated sigh crackles through Mando’s helmet. “Fine. I’ll go get the Crest.”
“Wait, woah woah woah. Why are you going? How do I know you wont leave me out here?”
“How do I know you wouldn't?” You take a moment to consider his words. He did lie to you, but you did steal from him in a way.
You look down in contemplation, eyes meeting the creature’s. Right, Mando has the kid, who probably isn't fit to be out in this heat for as long as it has.
“He got a name?” You point to the child, who smiles and giggles gleefully.
“Grogu.” You nod, sighing and rubbing your temples. Stars, it’s so hot it feels as if your brain is melting and you can feel a headache coming on.
“You can go. But I want you to swear on your,” You pause for a second, searching for the right word, “honorable code. Swear you’ll come back.”
“You-” The Mandalorian starts, before giving up on protesting at your determined stand, crossed arms and raised chin. “OK, alright. I swear that I’ll come back for you and the bounty. That we need.” He whispers the last part.
“Get to it then. I’m sweating bullets in this heat!”
You sit, back against a nearby rock, searching for as much shade as possible. You don't want to move the bounty back into town for a multitude of reasons, so now you’re stuck just outside of town. Sweat making your clothes stick and it gathers while the headache gets worse and more blood soaks your makeshift bandage, but at least it's silent. That's what you thought about 20 minutes ago, now, you’ve changed your mind.
“The hell did you do to get 8,000 credits on your head?” You ask suddenly, seemingly startling the man who seems to have accepted his fate already.
He sighs, probably just as bored as you, “I have some information they want. That's why they want me alive.” You purse your lips in interest, humming in understanding, before silence falls over you two once more.
Stars, it's hot.
You could cry from relief once you hear the sound of a loud engine getting closer and closer. The 'Crest', as Mando had called it. 
You grab the bounty by the shirt, hauling him to his feet rather roughly and shoving him towards the flying hunk of metal that had just landed. 
The ship. Mando doesn't come out to greet you. 
As the ramp closes and the air is blanketed in a sheet of silence, your mind starts to wander without your permission. You know he has to be handsome under there, what with his broad shoulders and slim waist, deliciously thick thighs and a wonderfully smooth and deep voice that seems to caress your very soul as you hear it. You caught a glimpse of his skin when you pulled at his collar, delightfully tan just begging for you to sink your teeth into it. 
Must be the heat. Surely that is the sole reason why you're fantasizing so vividly about a man whose real name you don't know, whose face you've never seen and oh, a man who tried to kill you. But didn't. 
Sick of your own thoughts and the loud snores of the bounty, you rise to your feet, climbing the ladder that leads to the cockpit. You wince as you put part of your weight on your injured arm, deciding to climb the rest of the ladder one handed instead.
“Are you decent?”  You shout through the thick metal door, hoping Mando can hear you inside the cockpit. When the heavy doors hiss and open, you’re sure he must be.
You sit down in the passenger seat silently, looking up at the stars above for a long moment. The mesmerizing, endlessly dark sky is all that you see at first, from being partially blinded by the fluorescent lights inside the Crest, before the stars come to you, bright speckles that dust the planetary systems all around you. Breathtaking. 
You look back in front of yourself to find Grogu already staring at you, head tilted with a smile that shows the slightest hint of tiny teeth. You smile, leaning forward with a raised brow. He leans closer to you, eyes lingering in the side of your face, the one already darkening from Mando’s blow, before dipping down to the arm you hold close to your chest. You let go of it immediately as he does, wanting to shield him from seeing the blood you know can be seen through the cloth.
The child steps closer, as far as he can while up on the dashboard. Mando has to be avoiding you, before he would've seen that movement otherwise.
It reaches out his small hand, squeezing his eyes as tightly as possible while the green limb twitches. You furrow your brows in confusion, what?
The ache on your skin lessens gradually, as if the wound was being lifted from your skin. You can feel it on your arm, it tickles as your skin connects itself around the wound while the burn disappears as if you’d just placed ice over it.
At some point, your eyes close, lulled nearly to sleep by the lifting of the pain, the feeling left behind makes your skin tingle with energy just beneath, your head feels light for a second, as if the blood moved from there down to heal the wounds.
When you open your eyes, you’re met with Mando’s visor trained on your face, silent in a way you can tell he’s speechless. “Eyes on the road, Mando.” You tell him cheekily, voice cracking unexpectedly.
He turns back forward, pausing his steering to pull Grogu forward and away from the edge, before his hands return to the commands. “So, is it far still?”
“No, just a few more hours. The closest Resistance base is just on the next planet.” His fingers flick switches and pull levers, before he seemingly puts the vehicle on autopilot and turns to you. “You can take the cot, you must be tired.”
You blink at him, “And what about you?”
“I’ll be fine.” He answers gruffly, not sparing you a glance.
“No, it’s gonna be a few hours, and you’ve been awake for about as much as me so if anyone is taking the cot, it’s you.” You argue back firmly.
He sighs, loosening the cape around his neck as a way to calm himself down, you and your selflessness.
“Alright. No promises that I’ll sleep though.” He acts like it’s a huge burden, as if it pains him deeply.
He takes Grogu in his arms and towards his sleeping nook. The small child smiles at you from over his guardian’s shoulder, and you smile back.
Once he’s safely put away and the bounty checked on, Mando leads you to a space just off the main hull space, where a bed - with the thinnest mattress you’ve ever seen - is pulled from the wall. Oh boy, you can already feel your back aching, but it’s better than sitting in the cockpit on those hard chairs.
So you lay down your weapons while he takes off the bulkiest of his armour. You lay down, curled on your side and away from him, knowing he’ll have to cuddle close to fit. You feel his warmth against your back, but you don't feel his touch quite yet, only the ghost of it. Your gut tightens with pity as you know he can’t take his helmet off. That has to be very uncomfortable.
The lights are dim enough that there is no shadow from your bodies on the wall. You can tell by the space he’s put between you, that he’s about to fall off.
“Are you scared of me, Mando? Can I call you Mando?”
“Sure and no.”
“Which one?” You ask mischievously, smirking to yourself while knowing full well what he meant.
He sighs in exasperation, so you let him be. For only a moment before you're back to being snarky. "Surely you've been this close to another human before, perhaps in a more compromising context."
"Yes and it's usually quieter." You think he might not realize what he just said.
You snort, "Must mean you're doing something wrong."
"That's not-! Just, get some sleep." He says tiredly, giving up on the banter you're pushing. You do as he asks, closing your eyes as you feel the heat of his body move closer to you.
You wake up to a rough whisper of your name and a shaking of your shoulder. Eyes open slowly, squinting against the light shining right at them, before something blocks it and eases your discomfort. The large hand on your shoulder doesn't yet move from its place, gently perched and waiting for you to wake up fully. 
You look up to see Mando's helmet over you, seemingly way too close (not that you're complaining), as you can clearly hear him breathe through his modulator. "We're here and we need to talk before you go in."
You follow him to the hull without question, stopping just before the door that leads to it. You rub the sleep from your eyes before blinking up at the bounty hunter, trying to nonchalantly fix your messy hair. 
And though he'd never tell you, he thought you looked adorable in that moment. Rosy cheeks, a faraway gaze, lips pursed to hold back a yawn as you brushed down your hair. He was certainly thankful for his helmet in that moment, considering the heat he felt crawling up his neck and settling on his cheeks. 
You clear your throat before speaking, "Right. So, it's easy." You raise a hand to his face when Mando sighs deeply. "Simple, really. I go in, tell them I have the bounty and ask for a little something as compensation along with the credits. See? Easy and simple!"
"Do you think they'll take it?" It doesn't sound as skeptical as you would've expected from him. It's sort of hopeful. Even Mando has to admit to himself that getting chased around and having to avoid and run from x-wings at every turn, got pretty exhausting. 
"Let's try it before we start getting doubts." You tell him, determined. "Besides, nothing to lose if you stay hidden, right?"
The planet you landed on is small and green - perfect cover for a Resistance base. You walk along the dirt path leading to it and away from the Crest, coming up to a clearing where you can see the humongous metal doors of the base which seemed to have been dug into a small mountain. 
"Stop! State your business." A voice says through a speaker once you get close enough. 
"I've come to deliver a bounty!" You keep it simple, no use even attempting to be charming with these folks.
Not long after, the doors part to let someone through, who you presume is a general or something of the sort given their intimidating presence and the flock of guards with their weapons trained on you that follow them. 
"We have your credits. Thank you for bringing him to us." You keep your face neutral even as it urges to tremble beneath the pressure of their gaze. You feel the man in question squirm against the arm that grips his bicep. Must really not be a fan. 
"That is not all I want." The supposed general, no need to try and figure that out considering you don't want them to remember you more than necessary, raises a delicate brow. "I would like for you to clear someone's name."
"That is not what we agreed on."
"Yes, well, I didn't agree to it myself, so." You shrug, impressed that the general's face remains stone cold, especially considering how much they probably would like to dispose of you given you're dragging out this exchange for longer than what's really necessary. 
"You are in no place to make demands." One soldier tells you, pulling out his blaster and pointing it at you, getting more of a reaction from the bounty than from yourself as he flinches. 
"Oh, I am in the perfect place to be making demands." You tell him venomously, grip tightening on the man's arm.
"We have you surrounded."
"Just the way I like it." You respond with a wink just to hear the person's stuttering over the modulator on their helmet.
"Very well." The general calls out in order to gain their minions' attention, "Just tell me what name they might be under in our system."
"The Mandalorian. Mando for friends."
"Fuck! Shit, fuck! What was I thinking?!" You yell out in frustration, standing before what remains of your ship, the rest most likely taken by Jawas, who must be long gone by now. "Of course someone would take it apart, why not?! Oh, stars." You wail miserably, crouching into a ball in search of some comfort. 
"Hey, it'll be alright. Don't panic." Mando tells you gently after pulling you to your feet and grabbing your shoulders tightly to ground you. "There's two ways we can do this: we go after those Jawas, get your pieces and fix the ship or," Mando hesitates for a moment, fingers drumming along your skin as he turns the words over and over in his tongue until he feels as if he'll get them right once he says them. "you can come with me until you get enough credits for a new one. 4,000 might not be enough yet, but it's a pretty solid start."
His rare optimism brings a small smile out of you and makes your anger settle down almost completely. You'll no doubt have an even deeper hatred for the little shits, but you don't feel as if you'll punch the next living thing you see.
"I guess catching a ride with you can't be so bad, huh, Mando?"
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Emmm 👉👈 can i request Gavin's spring festival date analysis?! Ehem especially when Gavin said "I've waited a long time for today.." 💙
But Of course if you're not busy.. I'll wait patiently.. I just.. love read your analysis 💙 like i can feel your love and dedication for Gavin.. a lot of Gavin stan is very smart and loyal.. just like Gavin itself
Hello nonny and of course you can! Thank you for your lovely ask and reading my posts. It makes me really happy to hear this 💞 I can also double up what you've said, Our birdcop is smart and loyal and I really love being a part of Gavin-standom which includes so many talented writers, artists, analysts and it has @cheri-translates! There are so many great posts from various accounts and one can feel the love, passion and loyalty towards Gavin in all of them! 💫
An analysis on Spring Festival date is so overdue, so it is me who should apologize for not having written this before. I will more than gladly include your request scene, I hope you enjoy it ^_^
MC Testing Waters: Spring Festival Date
At the beginning of the game, MC is a young woman with lots of love in her heart, however without much experience in love. Fortunately this starts to change when she meets LIs as adults.
Spring Festival Date takes place after Firework Date and before the Romantic Date, although the timeline is quite messy, which I will come to by the end of this analysis.
If you look closely, you can see MC checking Gavin's romantic feelings towards her by using this "boyfriend game" and also uses the opportunity to get beyond his hardened exterior and touch his vulnerable side 💗
Spoilers start below this line
This date comes to, because MC lies to her aunt about having a boyfriend to avoid arranged blind dates and even promises to visit her on New Years with her boyfriend. Speculatively it seemed like a solid play, until...the time literally came.
Thinktanking about a way out of this with Kiki and Willow, they weight different options as to tell them she broke up with him, leave the city or call in sick but then the best wingman on earth Minor saves the way and suggests that she just takes a "fake boyfriend" with her, surely enough with Gavin in his mind.
MC goes through her contacts list to search for a suitable candidate, but her heart Whispers her the answer by skipping a beat as her fingertips scroll down to one name.
... Gavin
As such... MC has chosen her player for the game and Gavin's Heart Trial with MC's family commences...
---Press Start---
Creativity Test
Unluckily Gavin actually shows up for this highly important date late, with his phone off! From the storyline he arrives a couple of minutes late to MC’s aunt's place, thus starting the game one point behind. He was late because he was buying presents for the whole family! With the spot on gifts which are well received by the family because they're expensive, imported goods, limited products, cute and thoughtful he makes up for the lost points.
But it's just the first stage and he has 3 more stages to clear, the pressure is slowly rising.
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This gray suit has a lovely story behind it, which you can find by the end of the story.
Decision Test
Gavin has passed the creativity test with flying colors, but in the second stage more challenging questions are on the menu. The eldest aunt wants to know Gavin's age, occupation, salary(?!) and possessions(?!). The last two questions are fairly over the line and is a no-no in my country. Asking people about their financial status as well as bragging about it is perceived as rude and insolent, that's why the way Gavin answers these questions skillfully without bragging about his wealth adds just another brick on my Gavin-temple.
Age: 24
Occupation: Police Officer
Salary: Covers the bills
Possessions: A flat in the city and a motorcycle.
In my Prank date analysis, I've mentioned about Gavin's ability to deal with impertinence and also here, he stays friendly, but only answers the questions necessary to get through with the situation. MCs family is checking whether he's wealthy enough to take care of MC (which is sad that in the 21st century that in some countries women need to be financially secured by men). So Gavin just gives them just the right enough of information to pass the test and pass he does.
There is another aspect to his way of answering though. You see, Gavin is an unmaterialistic man. He doesn't care about money or any other meta. He doesn't touch upon the fact that he's coming from a wealthy family, or that he inherits his grandparents house or that he can afford designer dresses, overseas travels or gems without giving a second thought. That shows just how humble Gavin is and I love him for it. What defines him is not his wealth, nor does he allow anyone define him on his financial status. It's his character, the values he stand for, the vision he embodies, the way he treats MC.. Ehm.. And.. His champion body and drop dead gorgeous looks (comes as an extra;))
But the game is far from over, because the family council is now going to challenge him on...
Affinity Test
This is where things get rosy as the family would like to know how they've met and whether they've been together since high school.
Look, Gavin is actually not playing a game, but living the moment. He is well aware of the fact that once he and MC become an official pair, he will be standing on the same spot a year later. He is serious...
So when they ask about their affection, he gives them his genuine answer and confesses his crush on her during high school and says that they've been going out since fall. This dazzles MC, as if she hasn't been dazzled enough lol.
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The three glasses of drink he gulps surely has a role in this sincerity and taking three glasses of a drink as a punishment also becomes a tradition for MC and Gavin in the future.
And so, he proudly passes the Affinity Test with flying colors, effortlessly. Only one more stage and he's done it!
Execution Test
Every hero has his moment, when the fight takes a gloomier turn against his favor and the odds don't look good as before when he gets a strong blow, that is when the family hits him with the question "Don't you get alone well with your family?".
This is Gavin's weak spot, his cryptonite, his bleeding wound and MC's family just pressed on it. What makes this scene so heartbreaking is not just the topic itself and we know why it is a sensitive topic for Gavin but also that Gavin actually tries to signal them that this is not his favorite topic. He tells them he doesn't go home for holidays (friendly warning number 1), the aunties pushes by telling him to take some meal with him to which he replies "Thanks, but that's okay. I've been away for a long time" (friendly warning number 2) the family pushes further and as a one last resort he tells them that during college he rarely went there and spent holidays working afterwards (friendly warning number 3). Sadly the auntie than ignorantly ask whether his family doesn't worry about him and now because he's given three fair warning shots which, he downright gives them a brief and resolute answer:
- No.
That's usually the latest where people with common sense stop digging in further. Unfortunately then the auntie asks whether he doesn't get along well with his family to which Gavin no longer responds. This is the perfect way of dealing with such people and Gavin has a very intuitive talent for dealing different people from different mindsets. Give them three friendly and fair warnings, still pushing? Then give them a last chance by one final brief and to the point answer, they choose to ignore the signal? Stop interacting, you can only waste time beyond this point.
The only problem with this situation here, is that these people are not just somebody, Gavin wants to win these people over, so he cannot just ignore them. But also he cannot do it without a timeout, so he goes to grab some wine. (God it makes me so sorry everytime he has to face his family drama or is misjudged. I just wanna hug him bring him hot cocoa, give him a backrub and bring spicy food for him. Luckily he has MC ^_^)
But let's not talk only about about Gavin, because MC is struggling too. And we should recognize her stick up for him with the most cherishing words:
-Auntie, you got it wrong. He is a decent and pure man and has come to my aid many time and in quite dangerous circumstances.
When she comes back however cannot find Gavin, once she does, a heartwarming moment blooms between them.
This scene is very crucial in Gavin and MC's relationship because this is the first time MC sees Gavin tired and flustered. She feels sad for him but also happy for herself, for she feels as though she gets closer to him, thus seeing the real Gavin. By the way she show him her genuine care, Gavins heart melts and kisses the back of her hand as a gesture and so the first intimate moment involving them having a kiss ensues. Furthermore, they show each other their mutual care, which brings them one step closer and this gives Gavin the only courage he needs to tackle the situation.
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When our hero gets the courage and the stamina he need from his girl, nothing can stop him now. Having gatherer his strength, Gavin returns to the dinner table:
“I am so happy to be here with you all today. In fact, I haven't felt this atmosphere of family in a long time. I have a very strict father and a brother I seldom see...I don’t even know when I turned into such a loner. Eating alone, sleeping alone, doing everything alone...until I met her. It was a beautiful autumn day. The gingko leaves were floating in the wind. I was also going through a pretty dark time. But she saved me before I hit bottom...It’s she who told me I could live a stronger life. And it’s also she who told me I could live a more tender life. I never felt lonely before, until I met her. I started to get used to star-gazing with her, having dinner with her, spending the New Year’s with her. In the future, I'll give it my all to stay with her, to take good care of her and love her. I wanna make up many times over for all the times I wasn't there”
MC’s heart stopped, aunties eyes teary, the elder Aunt want his actions to back up these words and thus Gavin has a pass from MC's family. Now that he's won the game, it's time to collect his prize.
After they leave MC's aunt's house, our lovebirds walk together in the night full of fireworks and Gavin tells Mc that Minor has mentored him on being the perfect son-in-law, hence he was late. He also asks her what she would do if he didn't show up, to which she says that her intuition says that he won't fail her and he murmurs quietly:
- I've waited a long time for today.
Of course he doesn't repeats himself when MC asks him about what he just said. But that's what kept him going all night long.
He has waited for six whole years to meet her again, to stand by here, take good care of her and love her. Tonight, he could do them all by being her "boyfriend", giving his word to her family and having their blessings. He could see that she also cares a lot for him, worries about him and wants to be there for him. He landed his lips for the first time on her delicate skin and could give her warmth.
He could finally confess his feelings for her and say the genuine things he will only say to her.
So yes, he has waited for a long time for this moment to come and when it came, he made sure to grab it tightly.
Timeline issues:
- The order of the dates in the game doesn't always reflect the real course of events. The grey suit that Gavin wears is actually bought after Romantic Date, which takes place after this date.
-Even though MC plans this whole game to avert blind dates, but she still gets set up later on a blind date by another aunt lol.
Thank you once again for your patience nonny and I hope that the analysis proves to be worthy of your wait 💗
For MC's confession let me take you here
For Gavin and MCs relationship milestones here
For a fun trivia about this date you can click here
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malaks-perch · 4 years
a war of tea and pastries
nadia satrinava x reader
both you and nadia are in for a couple surprises
warnings: it get spicy, sfw?? fluff make heart POOM
a/n: i really meant to post this yesterday, forgive me. part of #31DaysofArcana, follow for more during this awesome week!! check out the first tag to find more content for this event on my blog and all of tumblr!'
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this was definitely a sight for any vesuvian to see. countess nadia satrinava was doing anything and everything she could to find the slightest bit of work. from asking servants left and right what there was to do on that day to asking her right hand about any particular events there were today. but unfortunately for her... there were none.
at this very moment, the elegant countess of vesuvia was pestering portia about anything that might be going on in vesuvia. any. thing.
"milady, I must insist that there is nothing to do." portia smiled to herself as she went about her cleaning in the palace library. nadia was over her shoulder trying to steal a rag away from where they were perched on portia's arm.
both were fairly agile and when nadia would reach portia would make a valiant and subtle pull far enough away from the countess to clean something elsewhere. for good reason, of course.
last tome portia allowed nadia to help in her duties she was chewed out by one of nadia's pesky advisors. they meant well because nadia did end up cutting her palm when she broke a dish in the kitchen. nadia chastised herself for breaking it and apologized for being so clumsy. (it literally slipped into the sink off of the counter, but nope, not according to nadia).
so when portia sent you a distressed look over her shoulder, you knew exactly what to do. turning your head and looking up before slamming a hand on a nearby desk.
"oh my stars!"
nadia was at her post immediately, wrapping an arm around your waist and scanning the desk for a potential problem.
"i will take care of it, darling. all you need to do is tell me what is troubling you." nadia pressed her cheek to your shoulder, violet eyes scanning your face as her thumb came to rub across your jaw.
it almost made you feel bad for what you were about to do.
"you have tea with one of the palace representatives! they were busy tending to one of your family's royal courts!" you groaned, leaning over and rubbing your temples as if it hurt just remembering the information.
nadia rubbed her skilled fingers over your shoulders, "don't worry, my love." she assured, hands threading through your hair in the way she knew that made your body go lax. "portia, we have work to do."
nadia left, eagerly ordering the palace staff to decorate the veranda. plush cushions and fabrics being laid out around a table for maximum comfort.
you laid on your shared bed, watching as nadia came in from her baths. through silks you could see she was freshly lathered in oils that made her room smell that much sweeter.
"maybe you should tell that pompous ambassador to wait." you huffed watching nadia's robe fall away as she disappeared into the closet.
a gentle laugh sounding from within. nadia poking her head out, an arm braced to the doorway hid the modesty of her chest. but it didn't stop you from looking.
"if you want to go deal with an arrogant politician tomorrow, then you may show him to a room upon arriving." she raised a brow with that sexy smirk on her lips.
you practically launched off the bed. murmuring praises to whosoever turned this day in your favor.
oh? that tone never escaped the bedroom. immediately you spun on your heel to find nadia challenging stare. the lifted brow, the smirk, the smile...
you went over to nadia's side of the bed and plopped down, sprawling out and propping up on your elbows so nadia could see your ever growing smirk.
the countess of vesuvia blushed and quickly disappeared into her closet.
a laugh sounding from you upon seeing the same woman who so handed her ex-husband his ass flustered from seeing you kicking back on her bed.
"i'll be good," you promised as a few servants came in the room to help the countess pick an outfit for this grand occasion. "as long as you promise to relax a little with that arrogant ambassador."
the servant girls stifled their giggles shooting you smiles of their own. nadia was dressed up in white silks that clung to her chest and flowed behind her as she crossed the room. shooting a brow to the girls before climbing up to stradle your lap.
you raised a brow, letting your hands settle on nadia's waist in an effort to get her to stop cutting those tyrian eyes at the poor girls.
"my, my... it seems you girls have riled up my lover." you hummed before nadia turned to you, tracing her hands over your shoulders before she returned your smile.
"please summon portia." her tone sharp as she leaned down to trace her lips against your neck. a light hum left your mouth as the nervous girls disappeared out the room.
you laughed, rubbing nadia's back as she leaned back to observe sly grin on your face. "they were here to help you dress. you'll keep driving the new ones off if you keep doing that."
her fingers roughly tilted your head back as her lips ghosted your neck, "then they shouldn't be undressing you with their eyes."
nadia's hands trailed a little lower than usual and you flipped her so she was beneath you. trying to laugh off a moan as you met her gaze. "you have to meet that ambassador."
she gave a sly smile despite how her wrists were pinned to the bedding. "let them wait~"
her breathy reply sent shivers up your back, but you quickly regained yourself and pushed off her to stand at the end of the bed post.
"you're not playing fair, beloved." you grinned upon seeing her roll over so she was laying on her stomach.
"neither are you," she sighed, getting up to trek over to you. "will you not join me to see the ambassador?"
you grinned and wrapped your arms around her waist, "maybe. i'll have portia announce my arrival."
nadia satrinava poked her lip out then. pouting at being away from you.
"don't look so down," you smiled as she pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "i'm sure you'll have fun. i have to visit asra anyway."
nadia gave a sigh, untangling from your arms and walking towards the closet. "of course, send him my regards."
you watched as nadia, whether she meant to or not, her hips swayed in the slightest, but you were quick to put some distance between you both or neither of you would make your.. appointments.
portia squeaked upon seeing you in the hallway. you'd dressed up in silks most similar to those that hung over nadia's bed. fabrics curled over your shoulders and wrapped around your waist leaving a large gaping 'v' to show off your chest. paired with the genie pants, you certainly did look foriegn to what might've been normal to prakran visitors.
portia was loving it. rubbing her hands up and down your exposed arms as she smiled up at you. "you really didn't have to do this—"
"nadia was begging for something to do." you smiled as portia showed you to the veranda where a warm breeze flowed between the palace columns.
"it's a good thing you chose the gazebo out there then." portia giggled as she walked further into the palace.
"why?" you called after her, turning only to find her giggling with the servant girls.
"because she's going to jump your bones."
you set a hand over your mouth, stopping any stuttering from embaressing you any further. as you walked through the gardens you found nadia settled.
ludovico gave a nod, unable to help his smile when you motioned to the gazebo where nadia's back was turned to you.
"introducing! the representative of prakra's royal court and vesuvian politician—" nadia pushed the silk aside and stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing your smirk. "the palace magician, y/n l/n."
"what?" nadia gaped as you stepped up to stand on the stairs so you were eye level. tapping her chin with a finger and nodding to ludovico who went back to his post.
"i am one of prakra's royal court representatives, aren't i?" you smiled disappearing into the gazebo to lie down on the plush cushions laid out for you both.
"vesuvian politician?"
"i am a major influence amongst where and how the vendors run their trade." you smiled as your fingers danced around a few pastries only to pop a sugar cube in your mouth.
"arrogant ambassador?" she finally smiled raising a brow.
"as a resident in our shared bed, i consider myself a powerful diplomat in the bedroom."
nadia laughed and sat down next to you. taking your hand in hers as she gave you the warmest of smiles. "so all that talk of a foreign ambassador—"
"i'm as foreign as vesuvia gets, lovely."
nadia laughed, leaning forward to pour tea for the both of you. relaxing even more as you let her hair down and played with the ends.
"now countess, i would like to discuss the restrictions of my territories." you teased upon receiving tea from a smirking nadia.
"is that so?" the countess took on her best pokerface, the same one used that would win most negotiations with politicians and leaders from different countries. "do you not have enough power in your dominion?"
"i do, countess." you set a hand over your chest, tipping your head back like a snobby royal would. "but it's come to my attention that you are hogging everything from the ocean to the covers at three am."
nadia straight out laughed. head tipping back as the medolic sound shattered the pokerface she put up so well. it was nice to see her like this, so carefree. you sipped your tea trying your best not to let any choke you up as you watched nadia.
"and you wonder why you aren't allowed at my important meetings." she smiled pecking your cheek.
"i'm not allowed because someone is jealous of all my admirers." the choked noise nadia made forced you to bite back a smile as you pretended to look over pastries. "i will not name anyone, but—"
"says the one who burned lucio's painting right in front of him." nadia smirked upon seeing your head whip around.
"he was being a royal pain in our asses." the comment made nadia laugh. When your fingers pulled her so she was staring into your eyes— she nearly froze up all together. "no one deserves that kind of treatment."
her fingers cupped your face, smiling as she let her forehead rest upon your own. the faint blush on her face didn't go unnoticed. "hence why i no longer tolerate his behavior."
"you are a queen, nadia." you cupped her face in your hands and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. "you deserve to be treated as such."
"what?" you pulled back to find her already smiling.
"if you'd like to address me, do it right." nadia tapped your chin, quirking a brow up as she picked up a pastry. "empress."
you flicked one of the jellies from a black raspberry up on her nose. "and i'm supposed to be the arrogant ambassador."
her mouth dropped open and she flicked apple jelly in your direction. landing it on your cheek making you shriek. nadia laughed again and you took the opportunity to shove a pastry in her mouth.
the countess squeaked in surprise when you grabbed a couple handfuls of pastries, setting them in the crook of your arm.
"countess, if you choose to retaliate. i will be forced to gather troops from the country of my cold bedside to reign down on hoggersville for crimes of thievery and having impossibly beautiful hair."
nadia stood up without a word, grabbing the tray of cookies, and staring you dead in the eye. she launched a tart in your face and from there it was chaos.
tea spilled into cushions and pastries thrown to stain the wine colored silks that hung from the gazebo. clothes were stained with jellies and creams while faces were painted with smiles and warmth.
somewhere in the war of pastries and tea, you'd tripped and fallen on top of nadia. catching yourself just barely only for nadia to swing you both around and stradle you.
you groaned as she panted above you. a blueberry tart in hand as she raised a brow.
"surrender and i, the empress of impossibly beautiful hair, will allow you to thrive in hoggersville."
you grabbed her wrist, a soft smile growing on your face as she stared down at you. "i would lay my life down rather than let my people suffer another cold night."
nadia set the pastry aside before leaning down to peck your lips sweetly, "that is why you will rule beside me."
you froze and nadia seemed to notice, only waiting with an expectant look that consisted of a small smirk and a raised brow. "what did you say?"
"you heard me."
nadia satrinava. hair elegantly draped behind and framing the smeared jelly on her face. clothes stained with blues, purples, and golds that were once in pastries. the impossibly beautiful countess-
"did you just propose?"
she smiled and cupped your jaw, "would i choose anyone else?"
it took a moment for everything to catch up. out of everyone in vesuvia- nay, the world. nadia satrinava wanted you to rule beside her in vesuvia.
"you want me to.. you want to marry me?"
"no one is as worthy as you," nadia pressed a kiss to your cheek only for you to bolt up and crush your lips against hers.
upon breaking the kiss, she pulled back, tracing your jaw with a smile.
"so is that a yes?"
"if you'll have me."
she pressed her lips to yours in a softer kiss, caressing every inch of skin softly. making her way down to her shoulders when she shoved you back into the cushions.
you would've questioned her had it not been for the predatory look in her eyes.
you were screwed.
nadia leaned down brushing your noses together, "but for future reference, as a resident in our shared bed—" nadia pecked the corner of your lips, but her dangerously violet eyes never broke the gaze she'd locked with yours. " — you have no power as an ambassador."
a grin took her lips as she entwined your hands together, hovering over you.
"this is a dictatorship."
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chibi-beaver · 3 years
A Romantic Night in
Rating: Mature/Explicit (It straddles the line a bit)
Words: 3.7K
Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Relationships: Hunter/Reader, Hunter & Omega
Characters: Hunter, Omega, You
Tags: Domestic fluff, Romance, Porn with plot (but like it's not terribly explicit most of the time), no y/n, little to no angst, FLUFF, female reader, established relationship, movie night, modern AU
Summary: You and your boyfriend Hunter have a fun night in after picking up Omega from soccer practice
(I don't usually write smut but it kinda just happened and I shocked myself with it lol)
Fic under the cut
You and Hunter were preparing your shopping list for the grocery store, going through the cupboards, seeing what was running low.
"I have an idea!" Hunter said.
"What is it?" You ask.
"You know you've wanted to have another date night, but we also have Omega tonight?"
"Yea" you respond. Omega was shared between Hunter and his brothers. She typically lives with Hunter but the others also get her throughout the week. She just spent Friday and Saturday with Tech and Wrecker, who recently moved out into their own apartment. You had a feeling that Tech thought the house was too full now that you were living there too. She also spent some time with Crosshair on Wednesday but his schedule was quite busy so she only spent time with him whenever he was not on a business trip.
"We should have a fun night in, we make some food, watch movies with Omega until she gets tired, and then after she goes to sleep, we can have our own movie date," Hunter said, as he hugged you from behind.
"That sounds like a great idea!" You say, turning your head to place a kiss on his cheek.
"We'll go pick up some stuff to make our favourite nachos, and some popcorn for Omega along with the rest of our groceries, then pick her up from soccer practice at 6:30, get her some dinner, and then we change into our PJs and watch movies," Hunter said. An ear-to-ear grin formed on his face as he described the plan. You smiled back as you felt some heat enter your cheeks. You then check your watch.
"Let's head out then, seeing as it's 5:30 and it takes us 20 minutes to get to the grocery store," you say.
"Yea, we should," Hunter said as he got the grocery note and the keys.
You got into the passenger seat while Hunter took the wheel. You plugged your phone into the AUX and started to play your favourite music.
"I didn't expect all this traffic at 5:30 on a Sunday night," Hunter remarked.
"Me neither," you said as you looked out the front window at all the cars.
"BUDDY! COME ON!" Hunter frustratedly said at the slow driver in front of him.
"Who does 45 kilometers an hour in a 70 zone?!" Hunter said.
"That guy apparently," you said as Hunter pulled into the other lane and passed him.
The rest of the drive to the store was relatively peaceful as Hunter's road frustration faded. He found a place to park and he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Happy to be off the main road?" you asked.
"Yes! I hate slow and incompetent drivers," Hunter said as he turned off the car. The two of you got out, took your bags, and went into the store.
"What's on our list?" you ask as Hunter gets a cart.
"We need chicken, milk, popcorn, peppers, some fruit, yogurt, cheese, salsa, sour cream, and tortilla chips," Hunter said, reading off the note.
"Sounds like a plan," you say as Hunter walks closely behind you, pushing the cart as you start looking for the various items. You start in the produce section where you get your peppers and some of Omega's favourite fruits. She was in a strawberry phase lately so you made sure you picked up strawberries.
"We need to get her something new too," Hunter said.
You noticed some blackberries nearby.
"Has she tried blackberries?" you ask, gesturing towards the half-pint of blackberries that are on sale.
"I don't think," Hunter said as he saw them too.
"Let's get them," you said.
"Ok," Hunter said as he let you put it into the cart.
You then proceed into the aisle with chips in it.
"One-stop shop it seems," you remark as you see chips, popcorn, and salsa in the same aisle.
"Mild or medium?" Hunter asks as he looks at the salsas.
"Medium, I need a little kick damn it," you say.
Hunter chuckles. "Remember the last time we had medium salsa?" he asks, clearly teasing you.
"No, nothing out of the ordinary happened," you insisted.
"Pretty sure last time you were begging for milk because it was too spicy," Hunter said as he stepped closer to you.
You knew what he was referring to but you decided to take it in an entirely different direction.
"Are you referring to the outcome of our last movie date?" you ask with a smug look on your face.
Hunter's cheeks turned bright red.
"Uh, well" Hunter said, not sure how to finish that sentence. You knew that was not the direction he was taking it. The last time you had medium salsa was a while before your last movie date with Hunter. You tried it for the first time and couldn't handle the spice. The outcome of your last movie date, however, was certainly not appropriate to discuss in a public setting such as aisle 1 of a grocery store.
"Don't tell me you're trying to make a sexual innuendo out of that," Hunter whispered.
You simply smirked and winked at him.
"Let's just say that two can play that game, cyar'ika," Hunter whispered as he put medium salsa into the cart and started to take the cart further down the aisle to get some popcorn. Your cheeks soon matched the colour of Hunter's. You can't help it but you also can't explain why when he says that word, you become putty in his hands. Especially after you learned what that word means. It did something to you, in a good way of course.
You catch up to him as he is looking at the prices of the popcorn.
"Should we buy the bigger package or the smaller one?" Hunter asked.
"The bigger one is obviously the better deal," you say.
"Yea but we don't use a lot of popcorn," Hunter said.
"It's not like popcorn is a perishable item though," you counter.
"True," Hunter says as he puts the bigger package into the cart.
Your next stop was the meat and dairy sections of the store. You pick up a package of fresh chicken breasts. It was bigger than what you needed for your nachos but you were going to use it for meal prep for the week. You tried to bring lunch from home as much as possible to work, and you were hoping to pass that way of thinking to Hunter too.
Once you got to the dairy section, you were disappointed to see that the yogurt you and Hunter like is not in stock.
"Damn," you say as you look at the empty shelf.
"You got that right," Hunter says.
"I guess we'll need to look somewhere else for it another time," you say.
"True, just not tonight," Hunter says while chuckling.
"Yea," you reply as you pick up the sour cream and Hunter picks up the milk.
"Last item, cheese," you say as you proceed further down the dairy section and find a block of cheddar cheese on sale.
"Let's get this checked in," Hunter says as you proceed to a self-checkout.
You get out of the store in record time. Bless those self-checkouts, you thought as you got into the car. The next stop was to pick up Omega from soccer practice.
The traffic seemed to calm down a bit while you were in the grocery store, with the main roads only about half as busy. It took no time to get to the field that Omega goes to for practice.
"Just in time," Hunter said as he looked at the clock in the car, 6:20. You got out of the car to join some of the other parents who had just gotten there to pick up their kids. You could tell that Hunter was feeling a bit anxious. All the other parents, you could tell were actually the parents of their kids while Hunter was in a different situation. He and his brothers took up the mantle of caring for Omega because their mother works so much and their dad died before she was born. It's gotten so bad that Hunter and his brothers were made her guardians and their mother only shows she's involved by sending Hunter, his brothers, and Omega money. While Hunter was quite a bit older than his sister, he wasn't quite old enough to be her dad without someone questioning his age when she was born. Hunter was 17 when she was born and she's 8 now.
"Hunter!" Omega called out after her practice ended.
"Hey kid," Hunter said as he collected her.
"How was practice?" he asked as the three of you went back to the car.
"It was good. I scored a goal today!"
"Really? That's awesome! Wanna get a happy meal to celebrate?" Hunter said.
"YES YES YES!" Omega said.
"Glad to hear it, let's get to McDonald's," Hunter said.
"Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What can I get for you?"
"Hi, can I get a McNugget happy meal," Hunter said into the drive-thru window.
"Yep, would you like the girl toy or the boy toy?"
"Which one do you want?" you whispered to Omega.
"Boy toy!" she said.
"She wants the boy toy," you relay to Hunter.
"Boy toy please," Hunter said.
"Great, your total is $5.51, drive through."
"You get to the first window.
"I can pay," you offer.
"No, I'm paying," Hunter insisted.
"You just paid for groceries, I can pay," you said but it was too late, Hunter had already tapped his card. Looking at you the entire time with a smug look on his face.
You rolled your eyes as he pulled up to the second window and got the food. Omega was elated to get her nuggets and fries and immediately started eating them.
"Mind giving Hunter a fry?" Hunter asked.
"I do mind," Omega said as she kept eating her fries. You laugh as she says this and she joins in.
"Wow thanks," Hunter said sarcastically before saying "it's a long walk home," referencing that he's driving the car. You knew he wasn't being serious based on his tone of voice. He was just playing around.
Omega had finished her meal by the time you three got back home.
"Make sure you bring your garbage in," Hunter reminded Omega as he turned off the car.
Once you got into the house, Omega got into the shower while you and Hunter changed into your pajamas. Hunter quickly changed into his favourite pajamas, a black t-shirt with dull red camo pajama pants while you sifted through your pajama only to put on a pair of white shorts and a bright red t-shirt that had a faded logo of something on it. Omega still wasn't done in the shower when you both changed so you went downstairs and started making the nachos.
Your nachos called for grilled chicken breast that was liberally seasoned, diced bell peppers (colour doesn't matter), onions, jalapenos, and of course, lots of cheese. You started the chicken and grated the cheese while the chicken cooked. Meanwhile Hunter prepped the veggies. Hunter stole a few shreds of cheese before you smacked them out of his hands.
"That's for the nachos!" you replied.
"Party pooper," Hunter said with a pout.
"It's better melted, trust me," you said.
Once the chicken was just cooked, you got the sheet pan ready with parchment paper and made a layer of chips. You put a thin first layer of cheese before adding the chicken.
"You got the veggies ready?" you asked.
"Just about," Hunter said.
Hunter then added the prepped veggies before you added a much thicker layer of cheese on top before sticking it into the oven.
"I love cooking with you," Hunter said as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Me too, when you and your big appetite aren't stealing some of the ingredients," you joked.
"You clearly haven't seen Wrecker's appetite."
"Fair enough," you replied.
"You know you love me anyways," Hunter said.
"I do," you said as Hunter left a few kisses on your neck.
You giggled as you heard Omega come downstairs. You pulled away from one another immediately.
"You wanna watch some movies wiht us?" Hunter asked.
Omega nodded her head.
"You want some nachos with us or do you want some popcorn?" Hunter then asked.
"Popcorn!" she said.
You smiled. You thought the kid was so cute sometimes.
Hunter put a bag of popcorn into the microwave, entering the time it says on the bag.
"Wanna help pick out a movie?" You asked.
"Sure!" Omega replied as you and her went to the couch and turned on the TV. You let her pick which streaming service she wanted. Of course she picked the one that had the most kids movies. Omega had her own kid friendly profile on every service you were subscribed to. She picked the same movie she always picks.
You got up for a minute to check on the nachos.
"I bet you can't guess what movie we're watching," you say, teasingly.
"It's the one about the lions again, isn't it?"
"Yep," you said as the microwave beeped. The popcorn was ready.
"I'll bring the popcorn in, you watch the nachos?" you ask.
"Sounds good babe," Hunter said as you emptied the popcorn bag into Omega's favourite bowl. This bowl was white with red stripes all over it. You think it might have been a Christmas bowl at some point with the candy cane like aesthetic. You put the bowl on the coffee table, closer to Omega in order to make room for the sheet pan of nachos. Hunter brings in bowls of sour cream and salsa before going back into the kitchen. You hear the oven open, meaning that he's bringing in the nachos.
"Wanna put on the movie?" you ask Omega.
"Yep!" she says as she picks up the remote and puts on her favourite movie.
Hunter sets the sheet pan down and sits on the right edge of the couch and puts his arm around you. You looked over at Omega, who seemed to be enjoying the opening scenes of the movie while eating her popcorn. You left Hunter's arms to take some nachos.
"mmmm" you quietly said as you ate your first bite.
"You're quite the cook," you whisper.
"Will there be any kisses for the cook tonight?" he whispers back.
"Maybe later," you say with a wink.
About a half hour later, Hunter noticed that Omega was out of popcorn but was looking at the nachos.
"Want some nachos?" he whispers.
Omega tried the nachos but didn't seem to be a fan of the peppers and picked them off.
Once the nachos were all gone you snuggled into Hunter for the rest of the movie. He kept his arm around you, rubbing your shoulder every once in a while, presumably to keep his hand from falling asleep. You rested your head on his shoulder and he started to play with your hair.
The movie ended about 1 hour and 40 minutes later, after which Omega wanted to go to sleep.
Hunter went upstairs with Omega while you cleaned up all the food. You groaned at the thought of washing dishes so you put them in the dishwasher instead and turned it on.
"That's a job well done," you say before heading back into the living room.
Hunter soon proceeded downstairs.
"You put her to bed?" you asked.
"Yea, she was quite tired after soccer practice and a movie," Hunter said.
"I'd say, hopefully she gets enough sleep so that she won't be tired at school tomorrow,"
"I hope," Hunter says as he sits back on the couch with you.
You pick up the remote and went into your own profile. Scrolling through movies before you and Hunter finally agreed on one. It was an action movie about a superhero. As the movie starts, Hunter wraps his arm around you while you rest your head on his chest.
Hunter kisses your forehead. You look up at him and kiss him on the lips.
"Finally some kisses for the cook?" Hunter asks.
"You betcha!" You said as you raised your self to be closer to Hunter's level to make kissing him a bit easier. He kept his arm around you but lowered it slightly so that his hand was toying with the bottom of your shorts. You run your hand through his hair as he moves his hand under your shorts, massaging your butt.
"Someone's feeling a little frisky tonight," you remark as you adjust your positioning to be straddling him. He allows this, guiding your legs into position.
"How can I not be?" he says once you're in the desired position.
His cheeks are growing redder as his hands explore your body. He has one hand holding your waist while the other is making its way under your shirt. He plays with your tits for a few minutes before moving that hand to your waist too. He holds onto you as he plants some kisses to your neck. You softly moan as his lips hit all the sensitive spots that he knows gets you off. He leaves your neck as you coax him back up to kiss you on the lips again. Neither of you hold back with the kiss, exploring one another with your lips and tongues.
Once you pull away from one another, you remove your shirt. Hunter collects the shirt and throws it on the floor before taking off his own shirt, with your asssistance. Your legs start to hurt from being bent for a while. Hunter notices this.
"Wanna switch around?" he asks.
You nod your head as the two of you get up from the couch. You get back onto the couch, this time laying down while he finds his way between your legs, placing himself on top of you.
He kisses your lips for a bit longer before going lower. His lips move to your neck, then your chest. He stays there for a few minutes, kissing your tits and using his hands to get you off. You could tell that he liked pleasing you. Every time he tried something, he gauged your reaction and continued accordingly. You could also feel him getting harder against your pelvis.
He moved towards your stomach and soon reached your pelvis. He put his hand down your shorts and searched for your clit. You'd admit that he wasn't perfect at finding it but at least he tried. You removed his hand for a minute to take off your shorts and throw them to the floor as he did with your shirt. You soon tugged at his pants strings.
"Go ahead cyar'ika", he said.
"You know I like it when you call me that," you admit.
"That's why I do it," he whispered.
You take off his pants and put them on the floor with your own clothes. He moves your panties to the side and starts kissing you more. You moan softly as he does that, tyring not to be too loud as to not wake Omega. Instead you ran your hands through Hunter's hair, grabbing some of it.
Hunter chuckled before saying, "I see someone is enjoying themselves."
He puts your panties back where they're supposed to be once you decide to return the favour. You pull down his underwear and let your lips and tongue do the work with your hands being of assistance at times. He too softly moaned as your tongue hit a sensitive spot.
"How does that feel, cyar'ika?" you ask. Hunter chuckles and you soon realize that you kinda butchered the pronouciation.
"I butchered that, didn't I?"
"Yea but I like it, maybe I can teach you the proper pronounciation sometime," Hunter said.
"I'd like that," you said as you moved upwards from your current position, placing your head level with Hunter's.
"I'm sure you would, cyar'ika," Hunter said as he kissed you on the lips once again.
You then removed each other's underwear. Hunter teases you for a few moments before giving you what you want. You wrap your legs around him as he moves in and out of you.
However, the couch is nowhere near the size of your bed and as you move around to change positions, you fall off the couch. Hunter soon also falls and lands next to you, moving the coffee table slightly so that he didn't hit it.
"Hopefully Omega didn't hear that," you say as you lay next to Hunter.
"I don't think she did, she's sound asleep by now," Hunter said.
The two of you then laugh at the predicament.
"You wanna keep going?" you ask.
"Definitely," Hunter said as he sat himself up against the couch. You decide to straddle him once again. You position yourself onto him while he pulls some couch cushions down and places two under your knees. He places his hands on your ass as you control the pace this time. He raised his legs to make you and him more comfortable. You lean down to kiss him. He reciprocates the gesture, meeting you halfway. The kiss becomes pretty deep before he pulls away and out.
He soon finishes, with your assistance. You sit on the floor next to him afterward.
"It seems this movie night ended similarly to last movie night," you comment.
"I certainly don't mind this outcome," Hunter comments.
"Of course you don't you dog," you tease.
"Don't lie, you're just as naughty," Hunter teases back.
"We should probably clean this up and go to bed," you say.
"I couldn't agree more," he says as the two of you get up.
The curtains are closed so you don't mind not putting your clothes back on as you and Hunter repositon the coffee table and put the cushions back properly before heading upstairs and quickly heading to your room. The two of you then get into bed. You lay on your side and Hunter soon joins, spooning you. You turn your head around to face him for a moment. He leans in and kisses you softly.
"Good night cyar'ika".
"You're gonna keep calling me that now, aren't you?"
"Yep. Goodnight. I love you."
"Goodnight, I love you too," you say as you begin to drift off to sleep.
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dayasbun · 5 years
Fame - Angus Cloud (4)
Summary- a luckily timed audition leads to you falling for your new and unexpected co-star.
Warnings- okay HI welcome to my first multi chapter series woah?! this is actually so exciting for me like wow especially since angus doesn’t have any fics yet im just really really excited- so warnings! smut for sure, bad words, lotsa fluff, angst- everything in one basically. here comes a ride and I hope you enjoy :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 {reading now}
“Fuck right there- Oh my god please-” You moaned holding his hair. “You never had anyone eat your pussy like this before right?” he said eating deeper as you moaned and squirmed. “Only you baby, this pussy is only you-”
“Yo wake the fuck up, you making weird noises and shit.”
You sat up taking in a deep breath and inspected your surroundings. There stood a worried Angus with a mug in his hand. “I'm fine...” you said quite unconvincingly.
“You sure? I went to make you some tea and came back to you rolling around and groaning and shit, thought that strange netflix monster had come to you or sum.”
“The demogorgan-”
“Yeah that shit!” He sat next to you on the edge of the bed. “Nightmare?” he asked softly as he handed you the tea.
“Well not exactly...” You took the warm mug and took in a long swig of the warm goodness. It's not like you were just going to openly tell him ‘Oh no, I just had a dream about you eating me out and I loved every second of it.’ “Actually yeah, a nightmare.” you lied.
“I hate those, what was yours about?”
“I...a monster ate me alive and I couldn't stop it.”
Angus shook his head. “Damn mamas, I’m sorry. Those suck, I know its like 2 pm, but let’s eat some breakfast and try to forget about it.”
You nodded standing up and stretching “Thanks...for the tea.”
“Of course, don’t girls love tea? Ion know, I don't really be sleeping with girls that often.” He chuckled walking into the small kitchen.
“Tea is amazing!” You exclaimed, following him and sitting on the counter. “I love tea in all seasons, it has so many benefits.”
“Yeah? What’s some of them benefits.”
“Well green tea has amazing antioxidants, and is a more naturally caffeinated drink than coffee- with not as many negative results. But don't get me wrong, I really do love my coffee- anyway! Tea can help straighten and strengthen bones, brighten your smile, and help you lose weight!!”
“Oh wow.” He laughed “I didn't even care about all that tea shit, just wanted to hear your voice. But it was actually kinda interesting.”
“Yeah- and don't worry about a lack of my voice, I never shut up.”
“You right about that; but before you get all defensive, its aight. I like hearing you blab off about random stuff ion care about.”
You felt your face grow hot as you stifled a giggle that wanted to come out. “Thank you. I think I talk too much, but hey, can't really stop it y’know?” Angus nodded as he cracked 5 eggs into a pan. “You just be going off about stuff- actually you was sleep talking a little bit.”
“Yeah? What was I saying?” you asked innocently, hoping he didn't say what he was most definitely about to say.
“Well it was when you had that nightmare. Was the monster a cow or sum? Cuz you kept saying ‘Angus’ so like.” He turned to look at you “I figure it wasn’t me, but it was probably like...some beef monster.”
“Oh yeah, for sure a beef monster.”
“And that beef monster was eating you huh?”
You smoothly tucked your hair behind your ear and nodded with a sweet smile “Mhm.”
Angus gave you a quick up and down look before turning around and continuing to scramble the eggs. You had to change the current topic or you'd die of embarrassment, so you decided to bring up the topic of the show instead. “Do you know which scenes we’re filming tomorrow?”
“Yeah, no sex scenes until next week. Tomorrow they finna do you coming back and me reminiscing on the old times.”
“Okay cool. I have those lines down, pretty simple...” You mumbled.
“Yeah me too.”
A butcher knife couldn't even cut the tension in the room right now. Fuck, a chainsaw couldn't either.
“So like... I’m gonna go change and I'll be right back? Sound good?”
“You can wear summa my stuff. If you want- you don’t got to i'm just offering.”
“Oh that'd be great thanks! You know my trailer is just so far away!” You joked, knowing that it was only next door. You hopped off of the counter and followed him back into the room you two had just come out of.
“You just want one big shirt? Girls be doing that alot nowadays.”
“Yeah, thanks that'd be great...”
“So the biggest shirt I got got some barbecue stains on it- ignore it. I just went off on some spicy wings the other day-”
You burst out laughing and sat on the bed “Gus it’s fine, gimme!” You pulled your shirt off and held out your hands. He turned back around to find you only in your bra and shorts.
“Its fine, we have to be completely naked with each other next week. Titties are just titties.” You took the shirt out of his hands and put it on. After pulling off the shorts that you wore underneath the shirt; that was more like a dress- and folding them, you walked back into the kitchen and reclaimed your spot on the counter.
“Well I know one problem we won't have!” You stated with a smirk.
“Yeah, and what's that?”
“Drake was worried you wouldn't be able to ‘get it up’...but honestly, I don’t think it'll be too hard.”
“Why you think that?”
“Look down.”
Sure, Angus wouldn't let you live down the wet dream you had about him for quite a while, but you'd never let him live down the boner he got- just from seeing you in a bra.
“So. Let's get to the real real.” Storm said pulling her knees up to her chest with a grin. “What the hell is going on with you and Angus?”
You, Storm and Daya were hanging in your trailer. You three were the only girls that didn't have scenes to film right now, Alexia, Barbie and the rest of the female cast were shooting night scenes. They had helped you set up the place to seem more homey, and now the newly formed trio you were a part of was in your bed with microwave popcorn, juicy juice, and twizzlers.
“Nothing Storm! Actually nothing I-”
“Nope, don't do that.” Z quickly cut you off. “Everyone can see it, it’s like what everyone on set talks about.”
“Plus, he talks about you too much, and you do the same with him! Earlier I said I wanted to pop some microwave popcorn and you started telling me about some conspiracy he told you about popcorn and microwaves, how they’re a secret way in for the government- like girl! Don't tell me you're so whipped that you're out here believing this stuff!”
“OKAY! Okay! I get it...look Gus is-”
“Gus?! You call him Gus?”
“He literally hates that nickname with a passion. He gotta love you.” Storm chuckled grabbing a handful of popcorn.
“Okay well Angus is cute. He’s sweet and funny and caring- BUT. I won’t let anything happen between us, it’s like...business. This field is acting- and I don't think it would be good for us to do anything more, especially during filming.”
Z sighed. “Falling for your costars is weird.”
“Yeah.” Storm chimed in. “Our girl Daya been there and done that...but it never really affected her acting. She's so talented that she could keep it hidden off screen and focus on her character. I mean I know you talented Y/N...but you not my big sis like Z, so I don't really know how you'd be able to deal with it yet. Drake already seemed a bit iffy about it because he could tell you two had a little something going, but the thing comforting him is y'all are talented. So he knows you can do it- I know you can too.”
“Yeah he sent us a letter about it...it's just hard. I can't lose this role, I've come so far.”
“I don't think you’ll lose it. I think you'll be fine. Just keep a business mindset when on set. What goes on off screen and behind closed doors is your business, girl. Drake or nobody can stop that- Jesus can't even stop that!”
You and Storm giggled at Zendaya’s last comment. “Yeah yeah yeah...okay I get it guys. I got this- period.”
“Period...So were you one of those girls that watched all the Fez scene compilations on Youtube and drooled?” Storm teased you.
“No!” You said firmly, knowing you were lying.
“Oh she definitely was.”
“I wasn't!”
“I just don't see it! Angus is just not attractive to me, he looks like one of those guys that stop you at the gas station with a ghetto ass group of friends- he rubs his hands together and then screams ‘Hey baby lemme get yo numbaaaa!!!!’“
In response, you practically fell over laughing “Stoppp no!”
The rest of the night was filled with giggles and whispers, and by 1 AM, you, Z, and Storm were all huddled up in your little twin trailer bed. They snored softly but you couldn't seem to sleep. Just as you were .1 seconds away from drifting off, your phone buzzed next to you.
Angus☁️: u uppppp
-oh wow yeah that's not the most fboy thing ever to send at 1:27 am
Angus☁️:  see all you had to say was yes you didn't have to do allat
-can i help you mr cloud
Angus☁️: what typa help you offering?
-whatever help you need.
Angus☁️: you finna have some more beef dreams tonight?
-you finna get a boner if you see me in my bra again?
Angus☁️: maybe.
-then i'll say maybe too.
Angus☁️: you're too much
-i know i am, did you film today?
Angus☁️: ye i had some scenes wit jacob
Angus☁️: leave me alone
-you texted me
-and wow you sound really mature rn not at all like a five year old
Angus☁️: if i was w you rn id make you regret that
-was that supposed to be a threat or a way to try to make me sext
Angus☁️: both
-you should go text all the hoes you have waiting for you at home
Angus☁️: im texting them at the same time
Angus☁️: im plAyin
Angus☁️: only you :)
-getting soft???
Angus☁️: no and i wish this was instagram dms so i could unsend it fuck
Angus☁️: thats another thing you was saying during your ‘nightmare’
Angus☁️: yeah i know you wasnt lmao i just like messing w you
-you can mess w me whenever you want to
Angus☁️: oh bet????
-goodnight angus
Angus☁️: nah i want you to tell me about me messing w you
Angus☁️: damn you really left
Angus☁️: thats wrong 
Angus☁️: doing me dirty
Angus☁️: then put it on silent?
Angus☁️: ill stop being annoying if you come over here
-i cant, im w z and storm too
Angus☁️: shit okay well it was worth a shot
-why, what was you planning to do
Angus☁️: cuddle
-its fr time for you to go bed, i think your sleepiness is making you too soft and taking the hood away
Angus☁️: goodnight
Angus☁️: gn
Angus☁️: night
Angus☁️: night
@nikkixostan @melaninmarvel @celiajrs @siriuslycollins
394 notes · View notes
Superheroes with Secrets: Comics Gollum (Fic part 54) (Set in 2001)
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places.
Tags: @piratewithvigor please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts
‘Giantess’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
Reference Posts: Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms
Kirby ‘The Blacklight Bandit’ Roussimoff
Photo References 1
Notes: The story is set in 2001, which would make Helms 27 and Kirby 31. This story also blends Kayfabe and Reality. Certain people speak in different colours, Mainly: Helms is Green. Kirby is Orange. Kane is Red. Undertaker is Purple. Big Show is Blue.
Other members of the BSK are also in purple.
Other women are in Pink.
"Thinking Thai Would kill for some spicy noodles right now."
Kirby nods in agreement and they get some Thai food, Helms gets spicy noodles and a coca cola, Kirby gets a mango and papaya smoothie and some Thai BBQ pork skewers.
"Training diet of the champions." He chuckles.
"Yeah," Kirby chuckles, "whatever the heck we want."
"But after this, gotta get back on the veggie train."
"Maybe you do, but nah, not the way I eat, gotta know that at least one thing I eat in a day is meat based."
"Me too. Unfortunately, McDonald's has meat in it. I can pretend it has protein. Can't pretend a pickle is a vegetable."
"Don't eat much takeout, I try and cook things that are healthy for me, but ya know, when you're on the road for ages, it's pretty tempting."
"Jeez, besides the time at the ranch, don't think I've had anything but takeout and room service since joining the company."
"It's why I try to be home as much as I can, the last five or so years I haven't been able to be home as much."
"I hope you'll be able to more often in the future."
"I want to be able to do the job and have my time away from it, ya know, but where do you find the time?" Kirby asks as they grab their food and walk to a table that's mostly hidden from view.
"Unless you're a mega star and can afford to be gone for a few weeks and have people still remember you, you don't have the time."
"Exactly, and I ain't a mega anything to be honest."
"You're a mega hottie."
Kirby blushes as she takes a sip of her drink, trying to avoid eye contact with Helms.
"You can hide from me. You can't hide from the truth."
"Shuddup and eat ya food." Kirby murmurs.
"I can be annoying and eat at the same time, it ain't hard."
"Don't burn your tongue off either." Kirby jokes.
"I can handle spicy noodles, don't worry about me."
"You do realise that you ordering a cola isn't going to help you. That's why I decided on the smoothie, it's a better way to deal with spicy foods." Kirby explains.
"This ain't my first spicy food rodeo, sweetheart."
"Just saying" Kirby sighs as she gets through her food rather quickly.
"I appreciate you looking out for me like that."
Kirby nods, placing her arms on the table and putting her head against her elbow.
"You okay?"
"Just need a breather." Kirby murmurs.
"Too spicy?"
"No, I'm not used to being out in public like this" Kirby admits, sheepishly.
"That's what today's for. Being a normal couple who do normal couple things."
"I haven't done anything like this since high school, and back then I'd be alone because dad drew too much attention." Kirby takes a long sip of her smoothie, stretching her free arm (the injured one) over the table to Helms' side.
He takes her hand to hold it like it's second nature.
"I love you, so much" Kirby whispers.
"I love you so much too. More than anything."
"We got the whole mall to look through, so, where next after this?"
"Somewhere to add some Hurricaney Flair to the ranch."
"Think I saw a comic book store and a home goods store on the map of this place," Kirby murmurs as she pulls out the map of the Galleria and hands it to Helms.
"Babe, you had me at comic."
"I also think there might be a jewellery store somewhere here ... and a baby goods store too" Kirby whispers.
"God, we could get everything."
Kirby's phone goes off in her bag, Grace by Jeff Buckley, the song Kirby assigned to Lita, "oh, babe, Lita just texted me, 'Hope all is good, Heard that you were at the Galleria, Matt says go to the jewelry store on the ground floor'."
"Think she can drop hints hard enough?" He chuckles before thinking through the words. "Wait, oh shit, we gotta go right away. Matt said he'd get me that message at some point in Texas."
"What message, babe don't do all cryptic on me?" Kirby questions as she stands up, grabbing her drink and her bags.
"He swore me to secrecy but... Dammit, it's too exciting. It's the ring he's proposing to Lita with. He ordered it like a year ago and asked me to pick it up and hang onto it when the time came. I'm like a sleeper agent."
"Good thing I need new stuff then, ain't it" Kirby whispers, kissing his temple and holding his hand in her free hand.
"You can still see it. But if you say anything to Lita, he's going to make me a lot less cute."
"I wouldn't dare."
"Good. Cause I like how cute I am."
"I also like how cute you are." Kirby whispers as she kisses his forehead.
He goes a little pink and smiley as he kisses her cheek quickly. "Alright. Now I just hope the ring isn't ugly."
"You get the ring, I'll look around for stuff for us."
"Good call."
(pic 22) Kirby starts looking through the store, "oh, these are nice." She murmurs.
"Goth." Helms chuckles.
(pic 23) "What about these?" Kirby asks gently.
"Iridescent goth. And darn cute."
(pic 24) "Think this would suit you well, I know you have a belly button piercing." Kirby suggests.
"Yeah, think I might need that one."
(pic 25) "Or this one" Kirby laughs.
"That one's speaking to me even more."
"Heh, babe look." Kirby giggles as she shows him the frog choker (pic 26).
"We gotta get that one."
"Oh my goodness, they're so cute" Kirby squeaks as she shows Helms some rubber duck earrings (pic 27)
"Can we share that pair? I wear one and you wear one?"
"Oh, definitely mon ange." Kirby whispers.
"Bitchin." He grins.
(pic 28) "Oh, that's cool."
"Very very cool."
"Oh, wow." Kirby whispers in complete awe (pic 29).
"That one. That's the ring I want to give you at the altar."
"Well, if you want to give me that one, then my natural instincts say to give you something silver and orange."
"Wouldn't complain about that at all."
(pic 30) "Ooh, Shane, this one, it glows in the dark."
"Think we could get it customized to be your heartbeat?"
"Maybe, we'll have to check."
"It would be so perfect"
Kirby pulls Helms into a gentle kiss, "you still waiting on Matt's ring babe?"
"Yeah. They're looking for it now."
"Ooh, Shane, look at this." (pic 31)
He squeaks quietly as he looks it over. "Wow..."
"Everything okay, or have I set you off again?" Kirby questions teasingly.
"I can handle it, I'm fine."
Before Kirby has a chance to tease him further, the store clerk returns to the counter with Matt's ring for Lita (pic 32).
"Oh man, she's gonna love this." Helms grins, sliding the box into his zippered pants pocket.
"I dare say that madam is too, well endowed for such a harness, may I suggest something similar but better fitted, such as this one?" The clerk suggests, holding up the mannequin for them to see (pic 33).
"I do always like a good black harness." Helms comments, trying to gloss over the clerk's comments towards Kirby's chest, hoping they were made in good faith as part of his job.
"I overheard sir mention an altar, may I suggest this green and black garter for the tall madam's thigh?" (pic 34)
"Well gee, we uh, we don't really have a dress picked out yet. Kirby, what do you think?"
"Well, we're the only people who would see it, so, maybe." Kirby murmurs.
"It's definitely beautiful..."
"If you wanna go with it, we'll get it." Kirby whispers.
"I'd love to see you in it."
"We'll take it, as well as these." Kirby states, placing her small collection of items on the counter and paying for everything before Helms can stop her.
"Eventually, you'll have to let me pay for things."
"Not if I'm fast enough, mon amour."
"Guess I gotta work out to be faster."
"Or just kiss me at random times to surprise me enough to keep me from paying." Kirby jokes.
"That'll work too."
"So, where to next?"
"I remember you said something about comics."
"Yeah, it's like right between the international sweet store and," Kirby clears her throat and lowers her voice, "the store we fucked in."
"Well, may as well get some sweets after, right?"
"Yeah, tell you what, you go run rampant in the comic book store and I'll look through the sweets."
"Good call. You don't need to ruin your street cred being seen in there with me."
"I don't mean it like that, I mean if I go in there, there's nothing for me to get as I have stopped collecting comics." Kirby murmurs. Kirby sighs as she looks down at Helms, "alright fine, I'll join you in the comic book store."
"Sweetheart, I'm just messing with you. I promise you're not gonna want to see the man I become when I have comics to buy and too much money to spend." He laughs.
"Oh, trust me, you just made me want to see that side of you" Kirby whispers as she kisses him gently.
"Then let's go, cause I've been waiting too long already."
Kirby smirks as she takes Helms to the comic book store, "go wild, mon sauvage." Kirby whispers as they reach the entrance.
He enters the store like a bat out of hell, flipping through the stacks like a madman. Kirby smirks as she watches him, turning her back on him to look through posters. When she turns back a few moments later, he has at least a dozen more comics in his arms.
"Oh my good lord, Shane, how many comics are you holding, and how?" Kirby asks gently as she walks up to Helms.
"Thirty-six. And cause I want them." He says, his voice sounding eerily like gollum.
"Okay, easy there Gollum, do you need the precious?" Kirby jokes.
"Need the precious." He nods, adding another to the stack.
"Shane, look at me, look at your loving fiancée for a second." Kirby murmurs, making sure she looks as perfect as possible as well as slightly risqué.
He pauses in his scavenging and looks up at her.
"You can text me when you need me." Kirby states flatly as she turns around to leave the store.
Seeing her turn and leave seems to snap him out of his idiocy. He sets down his stack and rushes to grab her hand. "I didn't want you to see me like this..." he whispers.
"No, no, it's alright, I know you love comics and I can deal with you being a fan of them ... it's just, it seemed like you had more love for the comics than... oh forget I ever said anything."
"Than for you? Kirby, I would burn this shop and everything in it to the ground if you asked it of me. Hopefully not with people inside, but you get the point I'm trying to make, right?"
"I get the point, just, please don't go full gollum again." Kirby murmurs, Kirby sighs and stays close to him as he goes back to his stack.
He keeps it down to just a quiet excitement as best he can. Kirby smirks as she spots a She-Hulk comic, leaving Helms' side for a second to thumb through the stack. Eventually, Helms has gone through the whole store, keeping his stack to 40. Kirby is still, slowly going through the various Hulk comics and female Marvel character comics like Elektra and Black Widow. Kirby lets out a small and somewhat defeated sigh as she walks back to Helms' side.
"I promise I held back really hard."
"I'm not upset at you, babe."
"Are you sure?"
"They've started to make She-Hulk less, I don't know how to explain it, less monstery, she's not as badass as she was when I was a kid." Kirby explains.
"Where's the fun in that?"
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