#you're just a nester and all
wackybuddiemewbs · 3 months
Sooo.... Eddie having a food kink confirmed, I guess?
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9 notes · View notes
eclectickss · 23 days
Taste the Tango
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Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SoftTop(switch if you squint)!Reader, age gap (reader is of age), reader's best friend is Wanda's son, Tommy is graduating high school? (a choice that I don't think I've seen before, so let me know if you like?), Wanda is reader's former teacher, slight alcohol use, smut (fingering, oral)... I think that's everything?
Summary: You are in your hometown the summer before your senior year of college hanging out with your best friend. Unexpectedly, you also get some quality with his mom (and your former teacher).
WC: 10,350 words?!?! (a record for me)
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"Hey Y/N!" Your gaze shot up from the pavement to the open door ahead, smiling as you saw your best friend standing in the frame.
"Hey Tommy!" You jogged up to hug him, seeing as he and his twin brother just returned from a week long beach trip. You normally wouldn't be this excited to see him, but with complicated summer schedules and school across the country, it had been almost 6 months since the two of you had spent time together.
"This is crazy, I missed you so much!" He backs up and you immediately spot the sparkle in his eye that is easily recognized in the rest of his family.
"I know, me too!" You shook his shoulders and hugged him one more time. "So, you said you had something planned for today?" The two of you walked into the house and towards the kitchen. Your eyes secretly darted around the space for a certain someone, but you are slightly disappointed when you don't see the person you're looking for.
You feel guilty for hoping she would be there, since you were there to spend time with her son, but you couldn't silence your thoughts, no matter how hard you tried.
"Well I know it's kind of silly, but I picked up some rocks we could paint?" He scrunched up his face. "I don't know, I just wanted something mindless we could do while we caught up."
"Are you kidding, that sounds great!" You smiled.
"Alright, awesome! I've gotta head out by six so I can meet Ruby for dinner, but we have plenty of time," he said as you followed him back to his room. Ruby was his girlfriend of six months, so it prided you to know that hanging out with you was his priority.
The two of you made it to his room and he encouraged you to sit down as he left to get art supplies. Just before you were able to sit though, a voice reached into the depths of your mind.
"I knew I heard a familiar voice!" You turned around and there she was, as breathtaking as ever. Wanda Maximoff. The way her soft eyes met yours and her red wavy hair sat just above her shoulders made you melt. You prayed the moment would last forever, but the passing seconds were inevitable.
"Hi!" You excitedly walked over to your former teacher to give her a hug, painfully ignoring all other emotions you were feeling.
"How are you, Y/N?" She moved out of the hug, cheeks grazing, making you briefly look away.
"I'm absolutely wonderful, how about you?"
"I'm alright," she spoke as she softly smiled. "Are you excited for your last year of college?" She leaned up against the doorframe.
"I guess so? I love California, but I can hardly wait until I'm done with school already so that I can come home. Are you ready to become an empty nester?"
Billy and Tommy were three years younger than you, so they were just about to begin their college journey as you were ready to bring yours to a close. Tommy was only going to university an hour away and Billy five hours, but you imagined it would still be a lot for both boys to be leaving the house at once.
"Oh hush, dear." Ms. Maximoff playfully shoved your shoulder, a gesture you struggled to not linger on. "I don't wanna hear that talk. Let me soak in my boys being home while I can. And you being here while I can." She smiled with a small glint in her eye, but you knew she was dreading the boys' absence.
"Oh well, two more semesters and you won't be able to get rid of me."
"Perhaps it's selfish to say that we can't wait to have you back either, but I know you'll accomplish wonderful things in your last year there." She placed a hand on your shoulder and instinctively you placed your own on top of hers.
You internally panicked, worried that you were being too affectionate for a teacher/student/best friend's mother relationship, but she just moved to gently caress your cheek and proceeded to walk away.
You could hardly process your thoughts as your brain replayed the previous moment over and over, but this torturous habit is nothing you weren't unfamiliar with.
Every day that went by with Ms. Maximoff in your presence was a day to strenuously remember. You mentally recorded her words, her movements and her reactions. Time slowed with her around as you soaked in every detail about her possible.
Every day that went by without her was filled with daydreaming and guilt. You always wondered how she would react to something, or how she would respond in a private conversation. You tried to picture her thoughts and envision her smile before you. You hated how much you thought about her, yet craved to dream of her.
She was your high school english teacher, your best friend's mother, and your go-to mentor in any sticky situation.
She has already given you so much, and you despised the fact that you wanted more. You knew it was wrong, but she was your addiction.
"Earth to Y/N," A hand waved in front of your face and you quickly realized that Tommy had returned with the rocks and art supplies.
"Oh, hey Tommy!" You rubbed your eyes in shock.
"Where'd you go there?" He laughed and sat down on the floor.
"I uhh... can't remember." You lied, joining him on the floor, not letting him see the guilty emotions written across your face.
Hours pass as the two of you work on your rocks and talk.
You tell him all about your travels while he fills you in on everything that happened at the beach and on his trips prior.
You love listening to all his little stories, especially those where his mom is involved. One of your favorite stories was when he talked about her affliction with the terrible kitchen at the beach house. She wouldn't stop complaining about the quality of the stove, which you ended up finding rather funny.
You asked him if she even actually used the stove, and he said no, which made you laugh out loud. Supposedly she apologized at the end of the trip for making such a big deal out of it.
He thought it was stupid, but you found it cute.
Of course that was something that she would do.
"What else crazy did she do on the trip?" You couldn't stop yourself from inquiring about her. Tommy never caught onto your special interest as he laughed it off and launched into the next story.
"So it was movie time, right?" He starts and you nod. "Well mom and I were advocating for She's Funny That Way since we're both madly in love with Kathryn Hahn."
You cackle and quickly agree with their side. "Of course."
"But Billy and Auntie Nat wanted to watch Knives Out!"
"I thought you liked that movie..."
"Ok yes, but Kathryn Hahn or Chris Evans?"
You thought about it for a moment. "Fair Enough." This made you wonder though about Ms. Maximoff's interest in Kathryn Hahn. There's no way she's.... attracted to her, right?
If Ms. Maximoff actually liked women, the hole you've dug for yourself would become infinitely deeper.
"Anyways, so mom, out of nowhere, says, 'You wanna watch Knives Out? Well guess what, Chris Evans is the villain and Ana de Armas gets the estate and money,' and Nat and Billy were furious."
"Oh my gosh!" You laughed with your hand over your mouth in disbelief. "So did you guys end up watching She's Funny That Way?"
"Well mom and I did. Billy and Nat went off to watch something else."
"Wow! That was vile!"
"It really was intense." He laughed and the conversation paused as both of you returned your attention to your rocks. Right before your paintbrush hit the surface though, his phone alarm went off.
"Aw, shoot. That's my timer for Ruby. We gotta clean up."
"That's alright." You gave him a soft smile. "We do have the last two weeks to hang out before I go, and I understand I'm not the only important person in your life."
He looked at you and smiled. "I love you, you know?"
"I love you too, you dork. Now let's clean these brushes and get these rocks outside to dry."
The two of you were cutting it real close to six once everything was cleaned, but before you knew it, you were saying goodbye to Tommy in the driveway just as Ruby had pulled in to pick him up.
"Alright, Y/N, we'll hang out soon!" He hugged you and stepped back.
"Oh you know it."
He followed you to your car, but you quickly realized you had left your keys inside.
"You know, I think I left my keys on your floor, but don't bother waiting for me to drive away. Go have fun with Ruby."
"Alright. My mom will let you in if it's locked." He hugged you one more time and joined his girlfriend in her car. You released a breath of air and headed back to the house, happy to see that the kitchen door was still unlocked.
Ms. Maximoff was standing in the room though when you walked in.
"Oh, hey Y/N/N! Did you forget something?" She looked up from the cutting board and veggies on the counter.
"Yeah. My keys are somewhere in Tommy's room," you said as you headed in that direction.
"Oh, so you're not back because you forgot to say 'goodbye' to me?" She teased.
"You read my mind!" You yelled from down the hall, embarrassed by how quickly you turned red.
Your keys were rather easy to find, but you took a bit longer to collect yourself before exiting Tommy's room.
"So," she said as you re-entered the kitchen. "What are you doing with your last two weeks before heading back to California?"
You were caught off guard with her conversation starter, but you were overjoyed that she wanted to talk. You leaned back onto the counter to face her.
"Well, it's all just trying to hang out with friends, even though most of them are off doing internships or traveling. I'm honestly just hanging around home a bunch," you shrugged.
"What, you didn't want to travel or anything?" She said as she continued to work on the cutting board at her fingertips.
"You know me, Ms. Maximoff, I love home just a little too much." You smiled and looked at your feet.
"Wanda, dear." She stopped her chopping and looked directly at you. "I was Ms. Maximoff to you because I was your teacher, but we've been over this, darling. Wanda, please."
You sighed. "It just... feels weird!"
"Ok, well you know what we do when things feel weird, Y/N?"
You looked at her questioningly.
"We practice, dear." She stepped around the kitchen island to lean on the counter across from you, and your thoughts started to get louder. "Say it. Say my name." She openly challenged you, so you had to accept.
"W- Wanda?" Your insides were burning.
"With confidence, dear."
You took a breath. "Wanda." You exclaimed, meeting her gaze from a few feet away.
"Good girl. Now use it in a sentence."
You blushed, knowing she saw it, but hoping she assumed it was from your discomfort. "Like... what?"
"Well, I don't know! A compliment, a question, a simple statement? I don't care, just say something. Anything." She commanded as your heart was pounding in your chest.
"I think your eyes are gorgeous, Wanda." Fuck. That wasn't supposed to come out. The woman across from you seemed to freeze briefly. "I mean- your eyes, Tommy and Billy's eyes... you all have the same eyes. I think... I think they're pretty. Wanda." FUCK.
Wanda still hadn't moved, her gaze digging into your soul. She finally took a breath, leaving a long pause in the conversation.
"What do you think of me, Y/N?"
"What?" Disbelief dripping from your reply as the intonation behind her question became lost on you.
"How do you process my image? My persona?" Wanda playfully smirked. "It must at least be slightly askew since I was your teacher, but what role do I play in your life?" She moved some cooking items away from the edge of the counter, proving to you that you had her full attention.
"Do you want me to be honest or uncomfortably honest?"
"I want to know why you chose me. Why you always turned in my homework but nobody else's. Why you wrote me thank you notes and asked me to write your college recommendation letters... why you confide in me and why you respect me so much..."
You stood in shock, feeling your body start to shake from the nerves. Your shoes all of a sudden became really interesting.
"Uncomfortably honest it is, then." You gave a long sigh and glanced back up to see her eyebrows raise in anticipation.
"It was one of the first lectures you gave me in 11th grade. I had started to realize that I was more introverted than I wanted to be, so I challenged myself to break out of that shell. I started doing that by speaking up in class. You had asked a question about our summer reading, and because I already knew you through Tommy, I felt comfortable to answer.
"To my surprise, you started a debate with me... and I didn't back down... and then you applauded me for standing up for something I believed in. That made me want to pay a lot more attention to you." You paused to take a breath, making sure the other woman was still paying attention. Wanda nodded in acknowledgement, but stayed silent to let you continue. "I started to listen to every word that came out of your mouth. I memorized every piece of information you shared, I watched what candy you picked out of the bag first, I payed attention to what music you were listening to, what books you were reading." You paused. "And so I started to notice things.
"You work to understand every single story in the room. You want to help as many people as possible, and you don't let their faults get in your way. You have a passion for what you teach and you want to share it with the world. You have good and bad days just like the rest of us, and you allowed me to see that. You are kind, empathetic, beautiful, and I have a great deal of respect for the way you carry yourself, Wanda."
Your heart raced as the two of you stared at each other for what felt like minutes. You had just poured your heart out to the one person who was never supposed to know anything. Wanda was speechless, which made you nervous. You continued to ramble.
"And- and its tricky because Tommy is genuinely my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him... but if you're wondering what I think of you, I don't know what I'd do without you either. This family has made me who I am today. And it's all very complicated and confusing and difficult to navigate."
Wanda's eyes still stood stagnant, but you couldn't bear the silence anymore.
"Why do you ask?" You quietly gulped, praying some sound would exit her mouth.
"Would you like to stay for dinner? Billy is with friends tonight and Tommy is with Ruby, as you know, so I fear I have nobody to eat with." Wanda returned her attention to the preparations. The change of subject caught you off guard, but the opportunity to spend time with her was never something you wanted to turn down.
"Uh... sure! Let me just tell my mom I won't be home for our frozen pizza dinner." You made a goofy face that Wanda found hilarious after you commented on your other dinner option.
"Wonderful." A beautiful smile spread across her face as she pulled another plate out of the cupboard and set it on the dining table. "Would you care for a glass of wine?" The offer felt odd coming from the older woman, but it's easy to forget that you're legally allowed to accept alcoholic beverages now.
"That would be nice." You gave her a soft smile.
"I can't believe you're old enough to drink now... better for me so I won't be drinking alone," You both laughed. "Red or white, darling?"
"Whatever you're having." Wanda practically waltzed around the kitchen. "Is there anything I can do to help you prepare?" You asked as she handed you a glass of red.
Wanda paused her movements and looked at you with a silly yet impressed smile. "Well... have you ever made paprikash darling?" She asked and you shook your head. "Would you like to learn?"
"Absolutley." You grinned and Wanda took a sip of her wine.
"Wonderful." She held out her hand for you to join her at the cutting board. "We've got to dice two onions, one tomato and one pepper, as well as mince two cloves of garlic." She placed the kitchen knife in front of you. "I like to use four cloves of garlic though," she nearly whispered in your ear.
"Do you know your way around a cutting board?"
"Uhh... not really?"
"A teaching opportunity then! You can never get away from me, can you?" Wanda's words were spinning in your head even though you knew they were not intended to be. The older woman stepped behind you, moving the knife to your left hand.
"How did you know I was left handed?"
"I pay attention, dear." She casually replied. "Now curl your fingers on your right hand like this-" She placed her palm on top of the back of your hand. "And hold the knife like..." She adjusted the positioning of your thumb and pointer finger. "Good. This is the best way to avoid chopping an extremity off." Your eyes widened, thankful Wanda couldn't see the fear written on your face.
"All that's left to do is slice." She grabbed the readied onion and placed it in the center of the board. Before you knew it, she was guiding your hand through the vegetable while pressing you into the counter from behind. "Wonderful!" She exclaimed as the slice of onion fell onto the board. "Now you keep going!" She stepped out behind you and you tried your hardest to not sulk at her absence.
You missed Wanda's warmth, but nevertheless, you continued slicing and she continued watching.
"Good girl." She spoke the words again, nearly making you loose focus with a dangerous object in your hand. "Now you cut in the opposite direction. I was never good with onions so as long as the pieces look somewhat like cubes, you will have done a wonderful job." That made you laugh and you continued working.
"So tell me more about college! I love having you here but we never get one-on-one time like this. How is your degree path, your teachers, friends? Are you seeing anyone?" The last question was delivered in a goofy, sultry manner as Wanda pulled raw chicken out of the fridge.
You giggled and rolled your eyes. "To get the most pressing question out of the way, I am not seeing anyone. I was slightly interested in a graduate student but we decided it would be better to stay friends. Plus, who gets lucky enough to date a graduate student?"
"A graduate student, eh? How did the two of y'all meet anyways?"
"Well she used to live in the rental where I am now, so I received some old mail of hers. Who woulda thought that the nearly outdated postal service of America almost brought two women together?"
Your joke made Wanda cackle as she turned on the stove to heat the pot.
"Well, at least you have the opportunity to date women on campus, dear. That would have been so much more complicated in my day." She stirred the melting butter in the pan.
"Oh Wanda, don't say 'in my day', that makes you sound like a dinosaur!" You laughed.
"Well, honey, I am a dinosaur!"
"Oh shut up, no you're not. I am shocked every day that there aren't sad little high school boys making rude comments to your face or handsome men on your tail." The room oddly fell silent and you immediately started reflecting on what you had said. You put down the knife even though you were nearly done with the tomato. "When you made the comment about back in your day... - did you... do you wish you had the opportunity to date women?"
An all-telling silence came from Wanda.
"You'd rather have beautiful women on your tail? Is that it?" You smiled at her a little bit, just to make sure she knew that you understood.
"Well... I guess so. The whole 'men' thing only did me one good and that is my boys. Their dad, Vision, was just a good friend and it took me a really long time to realize that."
"That makes perfect sense Wanda." You almost hesitate with your next question, but it feels natural to ask. "Is there any woman that you've ever been particularly curious about?"
Immediately, you could tell Wanda had an answer, but her various facial expressions made it difficult to decipher if she was going to tell you or not. Finally, a glimmer of playfulness lit in her eye.
"Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even Tommy."
"So we both know this person then! She must be from school!" You exclaimed, getting excited.
"SHHH!" She looked at you seriously. "I always wondered how I really felt about Carol but she got herself a partner back in May."
It took you a moment to figure out who Wanda was talking about. "Wait- Carol as in Ms. Danvers Carol Danvers?!?" Wanda sheepishly nodded and you smiled wide. "Wanda, I can't blame you at all. Carol was hot at hell." You returned to your tomato, smirking.
"Excuse me!" Wanda was shocked at your remark.
"Oh, c'mon, Wanda. You must know that students talk about a few teachers. Mostly the boys... but they still talk. Danvers was a popular topic in my graduating class! Even I added a comment occaisonally..." You mumbled as you watched Wanda return her eyes to the stove with a scoff.
"Unbelievable." Fake disgust dripped from Wanda's voice as you held back your laugh. She pulled the chicken out of the pot and grabbed the onions from your board, tossing them into the oil. "You said a few teachers..." She whipped back around. "Who else was on the hot commodity list?"
You playfully scoffed. "Well there was coach Wilson amongst the girls and also Ms. Hill with the guys."
"Oh, and of course we can't forget you."
You let out an outrageous burst of laughter. "What?! All of the students fangirl over how nice you are if they aren't upset with their grades in your class! The boys love how mysterious and alluring you are and the girls think you're extremely personable, which is true."
Wanda let a brief silence fall on the conversation. "And you?"
You paused. "I already told you what I think of you Wanda." You smiled and handed her the rest of the chopped veggies. "Here you go." A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Wanda continued to work, claiming there was nothing else for you to do at the moment. Eventually, she covered the pot she had been focusing on and turned the kitchen timer on.
"We've got about thirty minutes of waiting before there will be anything else to do," she spoke as she finally poured more wine into the both of your empty glasses. "I hope you liked this red, darling. I don't know how experienced you are with alcohol yet... although i'm assuming it's more so than you should be for your age."
You giggled. "I have maybe had my fair share of underage drinking, just like any decent college kid might," you replied as you accepted the glass from Wanda and followed her to the nearby couch. You both got comfortable and you watched as the older woman pulled a blanket across her thighs. The absence of conversation began to feel a little overwhelming, but you weren't expecting Wanda to break it with the next sentence she spoke.
"You're actually the first person i've told about liking women," she began. You raised your eyebrows in shock. Not that she hasn't told anyone before, just that the first person she wants to confide in is you.
"Wow." You began. "I don't know if I'm the most appropriate person to offer this, but do you have any questions? I am comfortable answering anything as long as you are comfortable asking." You stared at Wanda as you sipped your wine, watching the gears turn in her head.
"Yes I-" Her hesitations finally diminished. "Have you ever dated a man?" You were not expecting that.
"Yes, I tried. I was in a similar situation where he was my best friend. This was in 9th grade, that is, but I still knew that I was supposed to feel more."
"How is it different?"
"Than women?" You watched as Wanda nodded. "Well there is an objective answer and a personal answer. The objective one goes to say that it comes down to the person and how you connect with them. How your life experiences tie together and whatnot. Objectively, I can't say that much because every individual is unique. Personally though, women are infinitely better."
This made Wanda laugh, which you were quickly realizing you would give anything to hear more and more of.
"They better understand your life experiences and how to navigate emotional situations, especially the mature ones. The way they display affection is usually more personable and caring, too. They also are more attentive to details, both mentally and physically."
"How so?"
You could feel the alcohol beginning to stir, making it harder for some thoughts and words to stay away from your brain. "Well mentally, women tend to catch onto social cues faster, like when their partner needs a break or needs to eat or needs cuddles or space. Physically, they pay more attention to how your lips move and how you like to be kissed, not just where." You noticed Wanda's eyes following the path of your lips and jawline, making you stammer for a moment.
"What else?"
You gulped, beginning to realize you had no idea how far this conversation would go. "Well, The body parts that they work to please are also the same parts they touch in their free time. They know how moving on something feels different than something moving on it... and so on."
Wanda tried to verbally confirm that she understood but you could tell she was a little lost in her head. She took a big sip of wine. And another.
"I was reading something the other day..." Wanda drew out and took a big breath. "Her tongue was on the...- and she had two fingers in-" Wanda stared at her hands, oblivious to the glaze over your eyes as your listened to your former teacher talk about fucking another woman. "Is that even possible?"
"Uh- um- yea- yes. It is. It takes a little bit of practice to figure out how to do it comfortably but - yes."
It was now your turn to take a big sip of wine.
"Oh I see."
"Do you have any other questions?" You know you shouldn't, but you wanted her to say yes. Your heart was racing and you could feel a velvety slick form in your pants.
"How are your classes going?" Her tone changed but she was still focused on her hands.
You let out a big gust of air from the tension you were feeling, semi relieved that the conversation had changed but also slightly confused. "Uh, classes are good. I've got most of the hard ones out of the way, so it's really just the fun ones left."
"Like what?"
"Well I have a science elective left so I'm taking intro to geology which is supposed to be wonderful. I've also signed up for a Shakespeare lecture that should be phenomenal too. It's being taught by my favorite professor, so I can't wait to have her again."
Wanda's eyes glanced up at that. "Again?"
"Yeah, I had her for my ethics class in freshman year and she was excellent. One of those teachers whose work I actually enjoyed doing. She really understood the students and designed her class structure to fit our interests."
Wanda didn't want to address the confusion that she was experiencing... almost jealousy, but the next question did not hesitate to fall from her lips.
"Do you have a picture?"
This caught you off guard. "Uh, yeah, I bet I could find her Linked-In or something." You pulled out your phone for a quick internet search. "Here she is on the school website."
You moved your phone in front of Wanda, not realizing until now how similar the two of them looked. Wanda also took notice.
"Was she on the list?" Wanda asked. "The list of teachers that students would talk about?"
"Oh, ha, no she wasn't." This line of questioning was risky, but you continued producing a response. "She was only part time and besides, that's more of a hormonal high school thing."
A brief pause entered the conversation. "Well, would she have been?" Wanda was speaking softly.
"Well, you were in high school once. What do you think?"
"Me?" Wanda's eyes widened and you nodded. "I think she would have been," the older woman drew out.
"I think you're right, Ms. Maximoff." You smirked as you took your phone back.
The two of you spent the rest of the half hour dancing around dangerous conversation, the mood lightening a little bit. You gained some insight into how the high school was holding up, and even heard some gossip about the faculty which made you really excited. You told Wanda more about what you were studying and what your plans were for after university, as well as how your summer was.
When dinner was finally ready, Wanda topped off the wine and the two of you sat down together to eat. The food was phenomenal and the company even better. The two of you went back and forth sharing memories from high school, true feelings about teachers and students being poured out. Wanda also got to know you more as you shared what books you had been reading and shows you had been watching.
Eventually, the room had quieted down as the two of you were focused on finishing the rest of your food.
"The food was astounding, thank you so much Wanda." You smiled as you set down your utensils and the older woman took her last bite.
"Mhm..." She swallowed, covering her mouth. "I would say 'you're welcome' but you helped me cook, dear, so I should really be saying thank you."
Your eyes met as the two of you stared, an odd silence threatening the conversation.
"So, clean up! What can I do to help?" You asked, standing up from the table with your plate.
"Oh, no, dear, please let me take care of it!" Before you knew it, Wanda had snatched your plate out of your hands.
"Are you-"
"Yes, yes, just sit down honey." She smiled at you as she moved around the kitchen, swiftly cleaning the mess from dinner. "So what has been your favorite class so far?" She asked as she worked. "Besides- besides that class with that teacher you like." The comment unintentionally sounded bitter, and the idea of Wanda being jealous entertained you.
"Well, besides ethics, I actually really liked my required fitness class. The semester I dedicated to the credit was a popular fitness semester, so finding an open section was hard, but I was able to get a seat in ballroom dance."
"Interesting! I didn't take you for much of a dancer." Wanda looked up at you from the sink, smiling.
"Neither did I, Wanda." You heard her lovely laugh again. "And I was not the star student in the class either, but I think I liked it the most."
"Oh yeah? What was your favorite dance?"
"The tango," you replied as you smiled, some bout of confidence overcoming you. "Would you like to learn?"
Wanda paused what she was doing then looked up at you with a smile. "Bold of you to assume to I don't already know it, but you would also be right. I would be open to it." She replied and you giggled, pulling out your phone for some music.
"Oh, now?!" Wanda watched as you stood up. "Honey, I-"
"No better time like the present!" You held out your hand for her to join you, the alcohol adding to your charm and boldness.
"Ok..." Wanda mumbled, wiping her hands off on the closest rag. She joined you in the open space, placing her hand in yours and you guiding it into place.
"Now the tango is a walking dance, so it is perfect to take it slow and steady. There are 5 basic steps, but i'll keep it simple and teach you two." Wanda nodded as you pressed play on your phone. "Now, screw traditional roles, but for the sake of simplicity, I will be the man and you the woman." You locked eyes with Wanda as she smiled, but you could see the looming intimacy behind her eyes. You could feel it too, standing this close to her body as you placed your hand on her back.
Teaching the first step was easy - Wanda was more inclined to the movements than you thought she would be. All you two were doing was striding in a circle, but every step you took became lighter and relaxing into each other was easier. Her nose tilted further towards you and yours towards hers - and for a moment, nothing else existed in the world.
Wanda was staring into yours eyes and you could barely breathe. Staring back was difficult - you kept averting your gaze to the floor or elsewhere in the house, desperately trying to comprehend the situation. But it was magical. Once you discovered though, that Wanda's piercing green eyes were the most relaxing thing to focus on, you were stuck.
And then you stepped on her toe.
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, tripping as Wanda struggled to keep you from falling.
"Are you alright?" She asked as you composed yourself.
"I should be asking you that! I'm sorry."
Wanda laughed. "I'm perfectly alright darling. Now what's this about a second step?"
You blushed, Wanda essentially admitting she was enjoying this and wanted to continue. This was bizarre.
"Uh, it's pretty much the same for me. You get to shake it up a little bit."
"Oh?" She smiled and held her hands back out, awaiting the comfort of your return. You stepped into her grasp. "I can't wait," She winked.
This woman was going to be the death of you.
"Uh-m... - good!" You swallowed. "This is essentially the same as the last one, except now you're pivoting into me instead of pacing." You returned your hands to their proper placements.
"Like this?" She attempted a few steps with you.
"Almost. You don't need so much power to twist. Try again?" The two of you resumed stepping together.
"How's this?"
She almost had it, her knees just weren't getting the proper guidance. You dropped your hands down to her hips.
"Oh-" You froze. "May I?" Your hands were softly touching her jeans. You found Wanda staring, eventually returning a nod. Gently, you applied more pressure onto her joints and resumed stepping. Now, you could easily move her hips, and she quickly picked up the proper motion. "There you go." You looked back up at her eyes. "You're doing so well, Wanda."
She was speechless as you moved your hands back up to their proper position, rarely letting your fingertips leave her surface. It was easy to assume that a lot was going on behind her eyes... the step became mindless to her as she continuously scanned over your facial features.
She snapped out of it and ended the dance just as the song ended. "Thank you for teaching me, darling." She smiled softly. "That was wonderful." She returned to the kitchen in silence, leaving you alone.
"You were able to pick it up rather quickly. I was surprised." You said, following her to the kitchen and leaning against a counter. You could tell though that there were still gears turning in her head, so you let her be the one to talk next.
This allowed for a moment of quiet as you watched her finish cleaning the pot from dinner. Her back was to you as she washed and rinsed, softly humming the song from the tango.
When she was done, she still hesitated to turn around.
"Y/N?" She finally spoke, still away from you.
"When I asked you what you thought of me, you said...- you said you thought I was beautiful."
You quietly laughed. "Out of all that I said, that's what you took away?"
"Darling, I-" she hesitated again. "Did you mean it?"
You did not wait to conjure up a response. "I meant every word of what I said. I mean... I have practiced telling you all of that nonsense for so long even though I never thought it would happen. I just want you to know that... that I care about you. And I do think you're beautiful, Wanda Maximoff. Without a doubt."
"You think I'm beautiful?" She tried not to choke on her words.
You took a deep breath, having done all possible damage already. "Yes, yes I do." You hesitated before speaking again. "I think that you are beautiful. Inside and out."
Wanda finally turned around, and her response was something you couldn't have predicted in a million years.
"I... I think that you are beautiful too."
You stared at her in disbelief.
"You do?"
"In every single way, you are beautiful." She paused. "The way that you carry yourself... the way you smile, the way you laugh. The moments you hold onto and the memories you make. The way your eyes shine when you're proud of something... all of it is beautiful."
She pushed off the counter and walked towards you as a tear formed in your eye. Her hand reached up to brush it away as it rolled down your cheek, but instead of placing it back at her side, her hand stayed cradling the side of your face. Your eyes raced as you traced every line and mark on her skin, noticing how her green glazed stare wouldn't look away.
The two of you stayed like that, simply staring at each other, hearts racing.
"Y/N?" Her eyes didn't leave yours.
"I'm going to do something really stupid."
For the first time in what felt like hours, her eyes left yours, and instead went to your lips. She met your gaze one more time before slowly leaning in, closing the distance between you.
You couldn't believe what was happening as everything in your body burned. She used her hand to tilt your lips in her direction, and before you knew it, her mouth was on yours.
You initially didn't return the kiss, but before long, her sensation became addicting and you needed to know what more felt like.
Your lips were now pushing back on hers with curiosity and interest, slowly working through the feelings coursing through your entire body. Her mouth only briefly left yours before you were returning to another delicate kiss, delighted to see that it was being reciprocated with the small swipe of a tongue.
You let her into your mouth, eager to know what it felt like.
And whatever she was doing... well... it rocked your world. You caught yourself about to moan, which quickly brought you to your senses as you pushed her away.
"Oh my god." You took a deep breath and stared at the floor.
"You kissed me." You looked up and found her gaze full of lust; dark eyes roaming your body unapologetically. You couldn't believe that look was real, but the excitement consumed you.
"You kissed me back." She said, finding your stare again. The only thing worse than her intense gaze was the fact that she was right.
You were finding it very difficult not to pull her back on top of you. "Shit."
"Did you- were you ok with that?" Wanda asked nervously. She seems as nervous as you were, almost as if she couldn't believe what was happening either. Neither of you knew that you wanted this, but everything feels right now that it's there.
"Fuck, yes." You rubbed your face in frustration, struggling to function in the current situation. The nerves, heat and alcohol were all mixing together and before you knew it, the real uncomfortable truth slipped out.
"I'm fucking obsessed with you, Ms. Maximoff." You held your breath after messing up on her name, but instead of correcting you, her jaw slightly dropped at your desperation.
Out of some bout of confidence, you stepped into her space, backed her into the counter and dismissed every reason why the two of you should not happen. Her eyes stared you down with anticipation and desire. You brought your hands up to her head and wove your fingers into her hair, craving to feel her again.
"It's my turn to do something really stupid now, ok?"
She nodded slowly, afraid to avert her gaze.
As you leaned in towards her mouth, she took a deep breath and shuttered. Her hands moved to hold your hips just before your lips met, and this time, it was her turn to freeze once your mouth touched hers. You immediately began to panic, but just as you pulled away, she pulled your hips into hers and met your mouth with haste.
Immediately melting into her touch, a soft moan quickly escaped your lips as you tugged on her fiery locks. She gasped in return, giving you the chance to slide your tongue into her mouth and elicit a sound off of her shaky breath.
After all of your longing and pining and secrecy and wishful thinking, she was yours. Right now, as her fingertips were feeling your body for the first time and her sensation was consuming, you were struggling to believe that everything was real.
But the warm skin touching your side was undeniable. The wet tongue that was gently exploring your mouth was unquestionable, and the moans that were escaping the woman in front of you were unlike anything you could conjure in a dream.
One of your hands shakily released its grasp on Wanda's hair and made its way around her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. When your action resulted in a smooth moan from the other woman, you smirked, not expecting that in a million years. You brought that hand down to her waist so you could hold her body as close as possible.
"You liked that, Ms. Maximoff?" You breathed into her mouth, knowing she could sense your heated grin.
"Shut up and do it again."
You lightly laughed at her begging, but you were desperate to please her. Leaning in to kiss her again, you pushed your hand on her waist from her belly button back up to her neck, this time squeezing harder. She threw her head back from the pleasuring pain, which you saw as an opportunity to turn your mouth's attention to her neck. As your warm lips met her skin and your hands went to roam her curves, she audibly gasped, and you were soaking up every reaction that you could drag out of her.
Wanda's hands found the back of your head as she encouraged your sucking and biting, careless of how aggressive you were being. Your own fingertips began to entertain the rim of her jeans, testing the waters as you caressed her lower back. You were itching to move lower, but every aspect of the current situation was territory that you never imagined you would be in before.
"Where can I touch you?" You whispered under her ear.
She laughed, followed by a soft moan as you bit her lobe. "Oh, detka, we've moved way past that line of consent," She replied as she grabbed one of your hands and moved it to her ass. "I want to feel you. All of you."
"Yes ma'am," You smirked and returned your kisses to her neck, placing both hands on her ass and pulling her hips into you. A groan reached your ears as your tongue met the base of her collar bone.
With your mouth now at the top of her shirt, your hands traced her sides as you bent your knees to meet her clothed belly button. Grasping and lifting the bottom of her shirt with your fingers, you began to stand back up, slowly kissing and licking a straight line up her front to where her bra connected in the center.
"Wait," She said as you were about to teethe the fabric, immediately dropping the shirt and standing all the way back up. Your heart was racing, unable to predict what she was about to say. She looked as if she was genuinely questioning the situation, and you were terrified. "Bedroom. Now."
Before you could process the sense of relief that washed over your body, Wanda was dragging you towards the hallway that led to her room. Even though you'd been in her space several times, the idea of fucking her in her own bed was driving you mad.
Before either of you could make it two steps into the room, you shut the door and placed her up against the wood. For a moment, all you could do was stare into her eyes, and all she could do was stare back. This was crazy. Her hand twitched on your back, and you lost control.
You immediately pressed your lips back onto hers, lifting her wrists up and holding them against the door. She groaned as your tongue explored her mouth, your hands eventually finding their way back to the rim of her shirt. Now wasting no time, you lifted the article of clothing off of her body as she gladly held her arms above her head.
After tossing the shirt aside, you found yourself taken aback by her body. Her simple, red bra complimented her soft skin, hugging her gently. The stretch marks that remained from her pregnancy were like highlights of the moon reflecting off of the ocean, and the way her breasts moved with her heavy breathing had you in a trance.
"Holy shit," you whispered, slowly moving your mouth towards her sternum, beginning to place soft kisses in a line.
"What?" Wanda asked.
"You're breathtaking."
"Well, I'm not what I used to be."
Your hands roamed her back as you continued your delicate kisses on her breasts.
"I don't want what you used to be, Wanda. I think you're perfect the way you are now." You said as you unclipped her bra, slipping the straps off of her shoulders. The two of you locked eyes as you slid the article down her arms. Her swollen lips and wondrous gaze were stuck on your being as your lungs seemed to be missing air.
To your surprise, Wanda's next move was to lunge at you, forcing you to walk backwards as her tongue explored your mouth and her hands worked to remove your shirt. You jumped when the backs of your knees met the bed, but Wanda didn't seem to notice as she pushed you back and climbed on top. Distracted by the feeling of being in her bed and her tongue beginning to explore your chest, you tangled your fingers into her hair and tugged.
"Fuck," She moaned, looking up at you, and you froze. A pair of of desperate green eyes and wet, swollen lips were staring up at you, and your english teacher had just moaned a curse word. You felt like you were on another planet.
"Shit, you're attractive." You mumbled and the older woman blushed. "Tugging hair, choking... this is only the beginning, Wanda." You smirked at her from under her body, and her only response was kissing you deeply.
You used this moment as an opportunity to push her on her back, quickly mounting her before she could protest, although you don't think she would have. You took the moment to drag your fingertips down her front and run each nipple over with your thumbs.
"Oh, Fuck, babygirl, you're driving me-" You eagerly latched your mouth onto a breast, receiving a heavy gasp from the woman below you. You continued on with your work, playing with the free nipple in one hand and stroking a thigh with the other. Her fingers were dancing across your back, eventually making their way to unclasp your bra.
The moment you felt the relief, you gently bit down on her delicate nipple, causing Wanda to arch upwards and rake her nails down your back. The pain caught you by surprise as you leaned into her and moaned into her ear. You could feel her smirk against your skin.
"Shut up." You groaned.
"Make me." She replied, trying to tug your bra down your arms.
You sat up to fully remove the article of clothing, entertained by the hands that were running up your side to cup your breasts. You rested for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Wanda's massaging.
"Is this what you wanted from me, detka? Is this what you picture when you think of me?"
"To be honest, I never let myself consider it. But I always wondered what it would be like..." You smirked and placed your hands on her stomach. "Why? Is this something you've fantasized about? Having me on top of you, topless and moaning?" You leaned back over her body, your hands moving to massage her breasts and your breath teasing her other nipple.
"Oh honey," She laughed and moved her touches to and down your back. "I've thought about all of this. What your mouth on my tits would be like, how your fingers would feel inside of me..." Your movements stopped as you stared at her. "How hard would you fuck me and with how many fingers and how much tongue. How much would you edge me and make me crazy. What you would look like in-between my legs with my cum dripping from your lips? I'm simply curious, darling." Her hands cupped your ass as you worked up a response.
"Well aren't you lucky, Ms. Maximoff," You began with a shakey voice, one hand holding you up and the other teasing her stomach. "Cause you get to find out." You moved your fingers to the top her jeans and you popped the button open. "Have you ever pictured me rubbing out your cunt?" Wanda simply stared. "Well, we should probably start there." You slid your hands into her jeans and started making circles over her clothed pussy, watching as she took a deep breath and opened her mouth. You could feel her slickness in the fabric.
"Fuck, Wanda, you're already drenched." You groaned as you finally placed your lips on her other breast. Her wet cunt was already coating your fingers and you realized that you were so close to tasting her. "You're so wet for me, I've hardly done anything."
"Darling, you've done more for me than anyone else ever has." She groaned.
"Do you want me to do more?"
"Baby, please."
You immediately took your hand out of her jeans and turned your attention to taking them off entirely. You could hardly contain yourself as she lifted her hips and helped you slide the denim off of her skin, her now drenched panties completely visible.
"Wow," You whispered, crawling back on top of her body, bringing your face up to hers so your noses could meet again.
"Hi," She smiled sheepishly, and you gave her a loving kiss.
"Gods, you're stunning. I can't wait to be inside you." You kissed her again.
"I want to touch you too, babygirl." Wanda whispered and you smiled.
"Touch anything you'd like, Ms. Maximoff."
Wanda's eyes scanned your body. "I also want these off." She pulled at the hem of your pants then dragged her fingernails up and down your sides.
Shivering, you dismounted Wanda and stood up, putting on a show of you taking off your pants.
"You mean these old things?" You bent over so Wanda could see the fabric sliding down your ass, taking your time even though it was painful.
"Detka, you're killing me." Wanda sat up to watch as the hem dragged down your legs, revealing your most flattering panties. The attention she was giving you was lighting you on fire. You heard her audibly gasp when you started to pull at the final piece of clothing, but you instead let go of your panties and turned back around, smirking.
"Now, Ms. Maximoff, I can't do all of the work for you." You waltzed back over to the bed, remounting the older woman. You watched as her eyes followed the dark spot on your only remaining article. Grinning, you leaned into her ear. "Ill touch yours if you touch mine."
"Please, baby." She whispered. You sat up so she could see all of you again, this time reaching a hand down to where your panties covered your pussy. Making sure she was watching, you pulled the fabric aside.
"Go on, Wanda, it's all yours."
She slowly reached a hand to your slickness, and the moment you finally felt contact, you took a deep breath. At first, she just held one finger there, but eventually, small movements began to circle your clit. You moaned. "Good job, M- Ms. Maxi- mo--" She slipped a finger into you. "FUCK. You feel so good. You're doing so good." You noticed Wanda's eyes were glued to her finger moving in and out of you, trying to fill in the picture that was still hidden by the thin fabric.
You opened your eyes just in time to see her pull out her finger and bring it up to her lips, sensually sucking you off and whining at your taste. Excitedly, you let go of your panties and leaned down to taste yourself on her tongue.
"How did that feel, Wanda?" You smirk, coming out of the deep kiss and pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 
"God- babygirl... you- you're driving me crazy." Her hips softly rolled under you as she pulled your head back down for another aching kiss. You ran the hand that wasn't supporting your weight over her breasts and down her body, scratching at the skin below her belly button. "Please, honey... I..." She mumbled in-between kisses, you hardly giving her a chance to speak. When you finally pulled away a few inches, no more words were leaving her lips as her chest heaved for air. 
"What is it, Ms. Maximoff?" You smirked, playing with the elastic around her waist. 
"I need you to touch me." 
"Yes ma'am." You watched her facial expressions as your hand finally dove into her panties, the moisture immediately apparent. Her eyes widened when your pointer finger found the velvety slick and you immediately knew you would do anything in your power to make sure she knew how good another woman could make her feel. Your digit slowly started exploring the rest of the area, soft moans escaping the older woman as you glazed over her clit and entrance. 
"Have you ever been touched like this, Wanda?" You whispered into her ear, making a few nips at her lobe.
"N-no..." She sighed as you began intentionally circling her clit. 
"Nobody to notice what you like... what you want. This wet, pretty pussy wasted on cheap condoms and a quick fuck."
A sinful moan left her body as your lips once again returned to her neck, you quickly learning where her sensitive spots were. "Shit, baby." Her nails were digging into your shoulder blades. 
"Nobody to know how warm and soft you are," You said, shoving a finger into her entrance, groaning as she gasped. "And it's a damn shame, cause you feel so perfect, Ms. Maximoff." You met her eyes when you could see the surprise on her face at your last statement. Your finger started moving slowly in and out, trying to map out every dip and line you could feel. "So perfect." 
You once again reattached your lips to hers, feeling the vibrations from her moans on your tongue. You could stay like this forever, you felt. But Wanda did not. 
"Detka, I need more. Please." Her slight accent slipping through, reaching down to your core. 
You pulled your finger out of her and she whined, fearing her pleading made you step back. Little did she know, but she would be getting exactly what she asked for. 
"I would love to give you more, but these are gonna need to come off." You dragged your soaked finger down her stomach to grab at her panties and she frantically nodded.
"Yeh- yes please. I want to feel all of you." 
You smirked, moving back to finally drag the rest of the fabric down her legs. When you finally brought yourself to look at the painting between her legs though, you could hardly breathe. Her folds were swollen and soaked with her wetness, slightly moving with her body as her chest rose and fell. You felt so divided, debating consuming her immediately or taking your time to work her up. 
You realized while the first option was so tempting, the second would give her the full experience. You slowly reached your fingertips to graze over her thigh, small whimpers coming from the older woman. 
"Oh, Wanda, you are divine." You muttered, now dragging both palms up her waist and down the sides of her ass as you repositioned yourself closer to her core. Eyes dragging up and down her person when you spotted the wetness that you had left on her stomach earlier. You leaned down to clean it all up, finally getting to taste her tanginess on your tongue. You moaned into her skin.
"Detka..." She gasped as you moved your mouth down to her inner thighs and you hands to grip her waist. Her smell was driving you crazy as her taste lingered in your throat. You began to slowly suck at the warm soft terrain, finding it easy to pull the skin between your teeth. A hand was placed on your head, pulling on your hair in a desperate attempt to get you closer to her core. You simply laughed, leaving red spots everywhere in-between her thighs.
Despite your grip on her hips, she still found some movements, directing your attention to the quiet sticky sounds coming from her pussy. You watched in a daze as her small twitches pushed around the slick, begging to be touched again.
You couldn't take it anymore, fully embracing her wetness with a torturous lick up her core. The groan that escaped Wanda was heavenly as she tried to tug you back onto her. You complied, picking up a slow routine of collecting her mess into your mouth. You dug your fingers deeper into her sides, addicted to her pain response. 
"Oh, good girl, baby. That, wow." She said as you began to suckle on her clit, striving for every reaction you could get out of her. "Holy fuck."
You smirked, finally sliding a finger back into her dripping hole and continuing to work on her clit with your mouth. You knew this pace you were making would not be enough, but you wanted the older woman to beg for it. You could tell she already wanted to as your hair only got tugged harder and finger nails started scratching at your arms. 
After only a short time, you decided to amp up the teasing with another finger into her entrance, but you would not change your pace. You took breaks on her clit when you felt she was building up too many knots, paying attention to her audible sighs as if she was taking a cold plunge and making sure her lungs were still working. 
"Darling, please... oh-"
You blew on her clit as you watched how your fingers slid in and out of her, collecting up her slick.
"Baby please make me cum. You feel s-so good but you're destroying me Y/N/N."
"You want me that bad, Ms. Maximoff?" You grinned. 
"Darling, its not a want. It's a need. Now. Please."
"Ok, as long as you look at me as I fuck you clean. I want you to know what good love feels and looks like." You smirked as she pulled a pillow under your head, elated when she gasped at the image before her... your chin soaked, eyes hungry and smile cruel. You kept eye contact with her as you sunk back down to her core, living in the light of her stare. You began to continue the licks and pumps, but she let her eyes roll back, which you hadn't told her to do. 
"Eyes on me, Ms. Maximoff. I'm in charge right now." You couldn't believe those words had just rolled off of your tongue, but clearly she hadn't either as your gazes reconnected. 
"You little sl-" She went speechless as you started a more aggressive pace, ensuring her green glare was on you. Once you had decided she would stay like that, you moved all of your attention to her pussy, finally tying all the knots together in her core. Her moans and whimpers were everything to you, even when you noticed her upper body was becoming too weak. You decided to let her finish, knowing she more than deserved it. 
"Detka, I think I'm gonna cum- I" 
"The stage is yours" You mumbled into her, internally grinning. You pumped a few more times and the next thing you know, Wanda has thrown her head down and arched off the bed. You could feel her cum as you watched the sight before you, the older woman unable to control her high. 
You stared in awe as your fingers worked her off her high, chest heaving and hands rubbing her eyes. You slowly pulled your fingers out of her twitchy hole, making sure her eyes were back on you as you raised your digits to your lips. 
"Wow, babygirl, that was... amazing." She pulled you over for a kiss, adjusting to her taste on your tongue. "Thank you."
You giggled. "You know, Wanda, another nice thing about women is that they have the stamina to make you cum more than once in a night... if you're interested." You smirked.
Her jaw slightly dropped. "More than once?"
Thanks for reading!
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Midterm Madness
Luke Hughes x OC
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"Babe?" His rough, sleep-filled voice mumbles, rolling over in our bed. "What are you doing up?"
"Oh God, did I wake you?" I answer instead, dulling the screen of my laptop that sits in front of me. "I've been trying so hard to type quietly." Okay, that wasn't the answer Lu was looking for, based on how adorably confused he is right now, curls everywhere.
"It's- two in the morning Baby, why aren't you asleep?" He tries again, pulling the textbook off my lap, "And what is this?"
"I have a midterm in the morning, I was just studying now since I didn't have a chance to today at the hospital and then I got home with barely enough time to make dinner before you and Ja -"
"I wish you would have told me Baby," He interrupts, rolling on top of me and preventing any further studying. "I don't want you to feel like you have to cook for the Jack and I when you spend the night here, especially after a shift or on an exam night."
"But I enjoy it, it's like sitting down to family dinner and I don't get those when I go home," I can't help but remind, because it's the truth. He was there during my parents divorce last year when my sister left for school and made them an empty nester. He knows what was lost, and the Hughes family did their best to fill it in.
"How can I help with..." Are the next words out of his mouth, his strong arms pulling my back into his chest, holding the textbook in his hands as if he were reading. "Biochemical reactions?"
"I appreciate your efforts baby but you have practice tomorrow, and-"
"And nothing. Come on, if you're up, I'm up, and we're going to overnight this like when we were in Michigan," He demands, moving from the bed and taking all of his warmth with him. Throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, he tosses me his hoodie, my favorite one, and holds out his hand, taking my books and computer from me. "We're going to make some tea, settle down at the dining table, and get this shit done, okay?"
"Okay, I can agree to these terms," I can't help but agree, seeing the soft smile he's using on me, pulling his sweatshirt over my head and throwing my hair up. "We've got this."
"Hell yeah we do," Lu assures, leaving me to follow him as he exits his room, sprawling all of my things across the table, only pausing when another male voice interrupts the silence of the room from the couch.
"Moose? Mayday?" Jack's voice is the one to call, his head ducking up over the back of the couch, game controller in hand and brows in the sky. "What are you two doing up?"
"Mae has a midterm in the morning so we're going to study for it," Lu answers, turning to me, "Want to grab the snacks and drinks? You need fuel if we're going to survive this."
"Yes sir," I answer with a mock salute, wandering away with the boys chattering in the back ground. It's on my return that I pause, seeing both boys sitting at the table with their noses in my textbook. "Boys?"
"Can't have my future sister-in-law bombing an exam now can I? Who else is going to patch me up when I get into another fight?" And while it's a joke, you can see in his body language how much he does care.
"What fight? I thought that brawl with Aho wasn't a fight?" I can't help but chirp, his eyes rolling and Luke laughs, pulling me down to sit next to him, his lips meeting my forehead.
"Yeah, you think you're so funny Doc, now tell me, what's the golgi apparatus?"
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sugar-omi · 6 months
Dilf!Cove spicy headcanons… crumbs for the masses please… 👀
but no bc why did this actually get outta hand.... um. anyway.... may or may not fix the format bc there's a lot going on but.. enjoy :)
tags : NSFW, DILF!cove, headcanons, multiple choice dialogue, dilf!cove is just frisky okay you just gotta read it, bit of bottom/switch cove, lots of service top cove
synopsis : nsfw dilf!cove headcanons
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big. big man. big, beefy, squishy, thicc man with PROMINENT VEINS IN HIS (BIG) HANDS and he KNOWS ITS HOT and he ABUSES IT BC HE KNOWS YOU LOVE IT
constantly grabbing you, rubbing your thigh and back and shoulder...
can't drive properly unless he has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his
don't be afraid to smack his hand away, because thats how you end up giving truck drivers a show on the highway bc your nasty ass husband is fingering you or jerking you off until you're sloppy
like i think a few truckers know you by now....
he's so bad for yalls reputation</3
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also you can't pay him enough to button his shirt up all the way.
minimum 3 buttons undone.
usually has 4-5 buttons undone and when he bends over you can see his (pierced) nipples and all the bite marks n hickeys you left behind last night
sleeps in less and less clothes
remember how someone (on twt i think? maybe it wasn an anon tho) said smth about why does cove wear long pants n shirt when he doesnt like layers?
well he had that epiphany too
and at first it was pants and tank top, or long sleeves n shorts
then tank and shorts... then just his boxers....
but now, he'll sleep full on naked
ofc if you're uncomfortable with it, he won't.
but who doesn't want their sexy husband to sleep naked?
it leads to interesting mornings too..
cove's hard length pressed up against you because he can't sleep without holding or being close to you
and for weeks, the morning starts with lazy hand-jobs, frisky blow-jobs (especially when he's sleeping, something you surprised him with when he said he dreamed about that yesterday)
and then it ended up with you or him on top of the other, your/his hips never too far away and you're lazily kissing..
or cove cuddling you in the morning, and you slip him inside you or he slips between your thighs.. cove loves it when you do that, pushing your ass back on him and he can just hold you while you fuck yourself on his cock
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loves to take you on vacation or lil getaways
you're kids are grown and you're empty nesters, even if theyre still at home for college, they dont necessarily need you now
so if cove takes you away on a beach vacation, surprising you with a boat for a week. thats great!!!
and you promise to send your family pictures, but please be careful...
because that picture of the view through the window? you can see your naked husband in the reflection
that picture of you laying in bed with breakfast? you can see his soft cock laying on his thigh...
besides those photos, maybe think twice before sending the 'safe' ones or prepare for comments telling you to get a room (or your kids sending sick emojis or something bc cove is being touchy in the photo)
bc cove is either grabbing your butt, chest, his face in your neck, and/or he has you on his lap, and you can basically see the nasty thoughts in his head or his look of satisfaction or his hand is (once again) in a dangerous spot...
everyone jokes abt you 2 having the time of your lives over there, especially away from the kids
kid: please leave the sexual tension at the door BEFORE YOU GET HOME!!!! ✋️✋️
which they'd be right abt, because that selfie of you guys using the mini-bar in the backyard?
cove bends you over the mini-bar and sucks you off / eats you out until you complain abt the surface hurting your back and then he picks you up and brings you inside
that selfie of the two of you or one of you in the infinity pool, both of yall in your cute new swimsuits you bought for this trip, having a drink?
after that picture, cove has you leaning back on your elbows, the water splashing and clapping between you as he fucks you
or you'll be trying to take a selfie and he swims up behind you, and fucks you from behind.. your body squished between his body and the wet tile as he tells you how good you look in that swimsuit...
yeah definitely fucks you in the pool or hot tub several times.
while sitting in the hot tub, he has you in his lap and he's thrusting up into you, your arms wrapped around him and he's sucking on your chest
that picture of you guys in your formal wear, about to go to dinner?
you were so late that your table almost got given away, all because cove begged you to let him give you head after you got ready and dolled up
and you aren't even gonna mention how he stopped in the middle of getting ready himself to fuck you over the bathroom counter after you got out the shower
yeah, everyone sees you guys absolutely glowing when you come back, and there's definitely a mark or two on each of you that isn't hidden
mmm this is why I can see cove buying a boat
sometimes you can't afford to take a whole trip abroad or outta state
so why not spend the day on the boat, and maybe.. just maybe... you can sunbathe, sip mimosas, let cove give you head.... sounds like a great time <33
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omfg surprises you with lingerie
buys himself something risque and lays out a trail of petals to the bedroom from the front door, and there he is, on a fluffy bed with more petals, laid/sat up all pretty
surprises you with toys too
even if its more of a gift to him, it benefits you <3
who wouldn't wanna pleasure their stressed husband after a long week, using whatever vibe, dildo, plug, or fleshlight that he picked out for you to use on him
even begs you to fuck / peg him, he really just wants you to take care of him
or if you let him, he'll fuck himself on your cock (or your mouth) until he feels better
also does it for you
buys you cute lil toys to use on you alongside his mouth or cock
no matter what, loves to pleasure you, especially with his own body
constantly using his mouth or fingers on you, he lives for it
also buys you lingerie if you'd like it
but mainly buys you clothes. be it formal, casual, or whatever
likes to dress you up period, especially for dates
ofc there's always a surprise in there :)
which always leads to you rushing home or sneaking into the bathroom at the restaurant n one of you tugging at the others clothes
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omfg nudes and taking pics/videos...
by this point, cove will send you a cheeky nude or video while you're at work just to make you rush home or call him on your lunch break
loves it if he gets to come to your work and you ride him in the parking lot, growling about how dirty he is
if you send him a nude or video while he's at work, fuck he's in pieces
needs you to come fuck him or suck him off, or even let him get you off (he'll definitely jerk off while giving you head)
sometimes he just can't help but wanna take a picture of you and/or him during sex
you just look so pretty; covered in sweat n hickeys (and his cum<3), stuffed with his dick, or your head thrown back from pleasure when he's going down on you.
or his fingers stirring up your insides until all you can hear in the video is your sloppy insides, loud moans, and occasionally cove's dirty talk n babbles about how good you are for him
also wants to commemorate you or him looking pretty in lingerie
poses all pretty for you, shows off his fat ass in his lacy undies... he's just so cute
so not only do you guys have a lovely memory of a spicy anniversary (or random tuesday) night, but you also have material for the spank bank
because when you're away long enough, you can expect a naughty call from cove in the middle of the night
someetimes he sends you a text to please call him, he needs to hear your voice... or you catch him in the middle of reminiscing
he's all breathy and panting, tries to act normal but after the first few times, doesn't even bother trying to pretend his not rutting up into his hand or fucking himself on one of his favorite thick dildos<3
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thelastofhyde · 7 months
no-outbreak!joel miller whose brother hires him a topless maid.
for tommy, it’s meant to be a double-edged dig, a mockery of joel’s lack of sex-life and a commentary on the slowly worsening state of his house. (with sarah moving for college last month, he’s just not used to being an empty-nester yet, spiralling into a bought of depression as he realises just how much his little girl did around the house for him.)
for true-southern-gentleman joel, it's the most embarrassing, pearl-clutching thing that's ever happened to him since he got a bloody nose in the middle of his first ever blowjob (which ended the moment the girl noticed blood dripping onto her forehead, storming out the locker room and leaving him there, cock-out and balls dangling-). but he doesn't tell tommy no, no matter how much he pretends to protest.
so when you show up at his door, all pretty and doe-eyed, asking if he's mr. miller like you're not the embodiment of his personal all-american, girl-next-door fantasy, he's too flushed in the cheeks to protest as you step inside.
what follows is an incredibly awkward, painfully hard sequence taking place over an hour, where joel tells himself he's definitely watching the game playing on his tv and not at all noticing you, now topless, cleaning around his house.
you dust, and brush, and polish. and joel doesn't watch any of it, not a god-damn thing you do. christ, you're half his age and he's not trying to be an old creep.
but it's not his fault when you're right under his television unit. down on your knees, brushing out dust from beneath the old furniture, spine curved to help you reach further under, your whole upper body pressed to the floor.
he has no choice but to look right at you, and your pretty, smushed-against-the-floor tits; and your skirt that's slowly, slowly sliding up and over your ass, presenting him with the delectable sight of smooth thighs and a baby pink thong resting neatly over your asshole.
one of the football teams scores, but joel's too busy sliding his hand under his grey sweatpants to notice who. blushing and with just a touch of a fire he's not felt in a few good years burning in his loins, he works over his cock as discreetly as he can, all the while you sway back and forth in front of him, presenting yourself like a feast he just can't have, won't allow himself to have.
no matter how easy it would be to mount you from behind, tug that lacy thong to the side to reveal your no doubt perfect pussy and have his way with you. fuck you so good you make a mess all over the floors you'd just cleaned. maybe he'd make you lick his cum off it after, polish it with your tongue before he grants himself a taste of your asshole-
joel miller, fifty-six, father of one (two, if you count that foster girl a couple streets over, ellie, who insists on crashing his movie-nights every goddamn friday) cums in his own pants, muffling his own groans by biting into his hand so hard he draws blood.
and you, this pretty, sweet, polite little thing, have absolutely no clue. you just stand up, dust off your knees, get yourself dressed again and thank him for being such an easy, kind client. just as you're about to step out his front door, you look at him in a way that makes his cock twitch inside the sticky-mess of his sweatpants, and say...
"so what time do you want me here next month, mr. miller?
joel doesn't know whether to thank or curse tommy for paying for a whole year of your monthly cleaning services.
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tbzhub · 8 months
Just Go Fuck Him
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Pairing: photographer!Lee Hyunjae x afab!reader
Summary: Hyunjae moves back into his childhood home and old feelings and memories come up.
Warnings: MDNI, reader has scars, brief mention of childhood trauma, brief mention of surgeries, flashbacks, a smidge negative self-talk, hyunjae is the rizzler, smut... creampie, pet names, yada yada
Rating / Genre: M, neighbor au, childhood crush au, fluff?, slight angst (it’s really not THAT bad), lots of pining
WC: 8K (2K+ words for the smut scenes)
Artist Note: @everynewiee Enjoy! Special thank you to @the-boy-meets-evil for reading this and giving me the best fucking commentary. You're a gem and I probably would not have posted this if you hadn't stroked my ego. Love youuuuuu. If there's a typo I'll get to it eventually
m.list tag list
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The living room was quiet in its typical offputting fashion as you sat around with your parents; no one saying anything as there were no conversations to be had and nothing playing on the television since no one would pay attention anyway, a phone captivating its user as everyone sat in their respective places. Any interaction at this point would feel almost disrespectful and annoying, disrupting the usual routine of your and your parent’s day. 
Your favorite place to cocoon was on the right side of the sofa, wrapped in a plush blanket while you doom-scrolled until you eventually needed to walk the dogs. This is how your days were spent since your college graduation, making your parents the only ones on the block who weren’t empty nesters. Maybe that explained why you never went out—  there was no one to go out with. Everyone else seemed to blossom rapidly, moving away and starting lives too hectic to return to their childhood homes on a regular basis while you sat at home, wrapped in blankets, feeling left behind.
Feeling left behind wasn’t inherently a negative thing, though— and it wasn’t really a feeling either. Acknowledgment: that’s what you’d describe this part of your life as— the acknowledgment of being a late bloomer, the acceptance of being the last flower waiting to bloom. The last person to leave the nest, as some would say, and that fact was totally okay with you because, in truth, it was okay for you to spend your days the way you pleased. There was no reason to run out and chase after what everyone else was doing just to keep up, to avoid loneliness at the risk of getting hurt. 
Maybe it wasn’t just an acknowledgment; perhaps being a flower that’s yet to bloom guaranteed safety from a world so wide with new people who didn’t know you and old people who’d changed so much that you didn’t know them at all. You certainly weren’t close with anyone that you’d grown up with, and when you’d run into them at the odd holiday party that you were forced to attend, that fact was always highlighted awkwardly and sometimes painfully. There’s something to be said about standing silently in a circle full of adults that you used to run around outside with as a child, as wild stories are passed around, and accomplishments are one upped by additional accomplishments. You’ve watched enough cliques coalesce in real time, cliques that you were a part of as a child but somehow couldn’t squeeze into as an adult… and to say the least, it gets old. Thus, you cocooned, you doom-scrolled, and you became content with the silent life you’d curated with your parents.
So the living room is as quiet as it always was, and the day would drone on as it always did, and you’d be just fine not rocking the boat until it was time to go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow.
But sometimes the boat needs to be rocked, and the loud knock that’s heard does the trick in making your mom flinch in her seat, and your father crane his neck to the rather unexpected sound.
You, on the other hand, do not react because a knock at the door— regardless of how foreign, is never for you. The shifting of your parents getting out of their seats and the creaking of the floorboards underneath their feet does nothing to pull you away from your phone because, again, no one is knocking on the door for you, and you’d never entirely inherited your nan's natural curiosity.
It’s not until your mom comes back into the living room with her head peeking out from behind the foyer wall as she calls out your name that you finally get up from your favorite spot on the couch. The action is done begrudgingly, but your mom swears someone is here to visit you, and her smile is vast, so at the very least, you would appease your mom and be polite.
The thing about people-pleasing was that you never knew where you’d end up. You could set out to be polite to some unexpected guest to appease your mother and end up staring face-to-face with your childhood fucking crush. This wasn’t hypothetical; this was actually happening, and you were currently wearing drab black sweatpants.
He says hi first, hugging you at the front door as your parents invite him in for tea, and you stand there looking like a fucking idiot troll whose soul has just left their body. Specifically, you were internally screaming as you said hello and tried not to look like you were combing through your hair with your fingers.
“It’s been so long, Hyunjae. How’s your mom?” Your mom asks as she heads into the kitchen to start the kettle, and you look down at your hands as he responds to her. 
He’s still just as polite as he used to be when you were kids, and that pisses you off.
“It’s so lovely of you to visit,” you hear your dad chime in, and you want to scowl because you felt quite the opposite. Who visits someone they haven’t spoken to in well over half a decade out of the blue without even a single warning? How were you the only person put off by this rogue visitation?
“I thought you were a travel photographer. What are you doing back here?” You ask, and really, you wish you could tell him to leave because this was too much, and you could feel the memories starting to stew inside your brain. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you looked up at his ever-charming smile, and all you wanted to do was flee to your room.
“I moved back. I missed home.” 
Hyunjae’s return meant your parents weren’t the only non-empty nesters anymore, which should make you feel better about yourself, but it doesn’t. It makes you feel like a child again and not in a way that should feel safe or warm and fuzzy. It makes you remember your childhood with him as your next-door neighbor. It makes you remember your childhood in general, and it makes you remember all the shenanigans that the two of you got up to together. All the silly poems and doodles you’d write about him in your journal growing up start to whisper around in your mind. All the conversations you’d have in your backyards pull to the forefront of your brain. Core memories flash like you’re watching a synopsis of your life thus far when you close your eyes after turning in for the night. 
You slowly began to remember just how easy it was for you to grow attached to the boy that lived next door…
Hyunjae was a few years older than you, but he was always sweet, unlike the boys his age who lived in the neighborhood. Even in your younger years, it was his kindness that really set him apart in your mind. He was one of the few older kids who played nicely with the younger kids instead of ditching or excluding them or stealing their toys. 
When you fell and scraped your knee trying to ride a bike for the very first time without any training wheels, he was quick to run inside his house to get a bandaid and a small bag of ice. He had kissed your bandaid-covered knee in hopes that it would get you to stop crying, and at the time, you thought the gesture was ludicrous; he wasn’t a mom, so there was no way that he could have the ability to wipe away someone’s pain with the simple press of his lips. 
That was the day that you learned it wasn’t just mothers who held such a magical power
So you were putting effort into your looks to walk the dogs now... Nothing crazy— just making sure your hair wasn’t frizzy and that your clothes weren’t wrinkled before you left the house. You hadn’t run into Hyunjae yet, but it was bound to happen, and you wouldn’t be caught off guard when it did.
The dogs were slower than usual to round the block this afternoon, but you didn’t mind, enjoying the album you were listening to as you admired the cotton candy-like clouds dashed across the beautiful pale blue sky. For someone who spent such a massive chunk of their time indoors, you really did appreciate being outside.
Apparently Hyunjae felt the same way. You saw him outside for the first time since he came back, sitting on his front porch with a camera in his hands as he presumably took shots of the sky above. This was perfect actually. You could skitter by unnoticed. With your headphones over your ears and a fancy digital camera concealing most of his face, there should be this shared agreement that deterred one from interrupting the other for the sake of exchanging pleasantries. 
As you move closer, your house getting more prominent in your field of view, you’re reminded that dogs don’t give a fuck about made-up social contracts. Yours pull on their leashes to get to Hyunjae, one barking, and that’s enough to steal the man’s attention away from snapping the shutter. 
Damn. Your streak of avoidance shattered.
He smiles when he sees it’s you and waves with the most earnest expression on his face, and for a brief moment, you forget how to walk like an able-bodied person, legs feeling like mush and mind going blank as his inviting eyes settle on you and your dogs. 
“One foot in front of the other. Smile like a sane person. Don’t let him sense his sheer power over you.”
You repeat the mantra in your mind as you let your dogs pull you closer to him, nearing his front porch with bated breath and a weak smile. It's those wooden steps at the entrance of his house that get you, the ones that harbored far too many sweet core memories. As you sit beside him on the landing, you can’t help but think of every single time that you’ve sat here in the past.
“Hey,” He says, wrapping his arm around you briefly in a friendly, one-armed hug before he sets his fancy digital camera far away from the dogs’ reach.
Your hello is soft and shy, but you didn’t stutter at the physical touch, so you’d consider that a small win.
“So you came home just to take pictures of the sky?”
He snorts at your question, “I already told you why…
“I got tired of the world at large. Plus, there’s more than enough beauty around here. The familiar things deserve to be photographed, too.” He admits simply– as if the sentiment is genuine common knowledge. He’s smiling down at you, and for a second, maybe it was a delusion, but you honestly felt like he was talking about you specifically.
“Watch. I’ll show you what I mean.”
He reaches out for his camera and begins to snap pictures of your dogs, petting them and scratching behind their ears. One of your dogs must secretly be a Hyunjae simp because he can capture her dopey smile perfectly.
You silently watch as he goes through the pictures, his smile widening, and he leans close to show you the one that must have tugged at his heartstrings. It’s a picture of your dog, face cradled in Hyunjae’s large hand, her eyes practically shining with glee, and she has the cutest doggy smile to match.
You giggle, face breaking into perhaps its first genuine smile in such a long time. “This is perfect. I have to show Mom. I’d love a copy if you don’t mind?” 
When you look up from the camera, you notice just how close you are, invading his personal space unwittingly, and a blush rises in your cheeks as you quickly lean away to create some tangible distance.
He only hums in agreement before shutting his camera off again and making eye contact with you. “I’ll send you a copy later tonight. Has your number changed?”
When you finally get home, your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard, and the spring in your step is undeniable. You let the dogs off their leashes and put away your headphones before practically skipping to your bedroom.
You flop on your bed, feeling weightless and energized from the crumb of interaction... This could become a problem, an addiction— could a person become addicted to another person? Regardless of the answer, you squealed in bed, covering your face in your hands as you let every single positive emotion flood through your body. Your legs kick in the air, and you feel giddy, high on the love and infatuation of a crush a decade in the making.
Oh, you were so fucking doomed. Hyunjae needed to either move away or express his intent to marry you as soon as possible because every feeling you’d shoved down had come back in full force, plus interest.
A knock on your bedroom door makes you freeze mid-tizzy, and as the door creaks open, it's your mom’s head that peeks into your room, and the smile that graces her lips looks nearly childlike. She wanted to gossip, you could tell.
“I saw you sitting over at the Lee’s. It’s been so long since I've seen you two sit outside on his porch steps like that.” She says, and immediately, your face goes blank. Any traces of giddiness is sucked right out of you in exchange for bashfulness. 
Vibe ruined. You felt so exposed.
“What? I’m happy. You two used to be so close growing up, and he was such a sweet kid. It’s just nice to see…” she trails off before finally taking the hint and leaving you alone to writhe in your newfound angst and embarrassment.
Your mom was right, though. You spent ample time on the Lee’s front porch growing up.
When everyone had gotten old enough to where the playing field was level, and the neighborhood kids could all get off the school bus together, it was common to hang out in a large group after school. Sometimes, this entailed sitting around and talking. Still, most of the time, this led to adventuring around the block and getting into what could only be labeled as dumb, child-appropriate shenanigans.
It didn’t take long for you to bow out of these afternoon activities in exchange for seclusion, sat at your front door doing your homework, reading a book, or maybe drawing. You didn’t want to partake in what everyone else was doing.
Hyunjae had been the one to start the unspoken tradition by randomly sitting on his porch one day instead of running out to play with everyone else. You noticed him outside, but your head is inside a book about horses, and frankly, what someone else did on their porch was none of your adolescent business.
But that day, he called you over, asking if you wanted to sit with him, and when you explained that you were reading a book, he was quick to respond, saying the same thing.
“We don’t have to talk. Just sit next to me.” That was his persuasive pitch, and it worked.
That day, you sat side by side on his front porch steps, one reading a picture book about horses and the other reading a Spiderman comic book. When he noticed you struggling to sound out an unfamiliar word, he broke the comfortable silence to help you.
That's how it started, the many sessions of keeping each other company on his wooden steps. That’s probably the true catalyst of your friendship, him calling you over and you obliging his request, sitting side by side on wooden steps instead of running around with the other neighborhood kids.
Gradually, this evolved from a mini reading club to you bringing art supplies over to paint together, him helping you with your math homework when it got tough, or even him simply reading a chapter of his library books to you with your head laid against his shoulder, eyes closed as you pictured the fictitious world that Hyunjae was describing to you.
The Lee’s front porch steps slowly became a second home to you, and as you both grew up, experiencing life in new and complicated ways, sometimes the only thing that helped you get by was sitting on those steps with Hyunjae by your side.
The coming days felt slow; your typical routine of couch cocooning left you unsatisfied, and you found yourself counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds until you could walk your dogs outside. Which was silly because you were a grown adult; you didn't need to find an excuse to go out… but you did want an excuse to run into Hyunjae again.
Which again— you were a grown adult, and you could take life by the balls and knock on his front door, say hi, and invite yourself in. You weren't going to do that, but at the very least, you acknowledged that plan as a viable option: baby steps and all that.
In your defense, though, you didn't want to make a fool of yourself, and you were scared. So much has changed over the years since you’d last appropriately spoken. You had so many unanswered questions, and you felt like the elephant in the room, the elephant that you’d birthed, still hadn't been addressed… You didn’t think that you’d earned the right to rogue, unannounced visitations in the same way that Hyunjae did.
As of right now, you are settling on the waiting game. Hyunjae sent you the picture of your dog, just as he’d promised, but you haven't seen him outside since. At this point, the ball was in the universe’s court, and you hoped to be favored kindly.
Today, you decided to bring your pinning to a different location, settling on cleaning your bedroom instead of wistfully thinking about Hyunjae as you stared out your living room windows. You would give your room a real deal deep clean; organize and clean out your closet, vacuum, feather dust, wipe down your bedroom windows, and toss out anything that hadn’t been used in three years— the works.
You were moving through these tasks with music on blast, shimmying and singing along while you harbored a spray bottle in one hand and a cloth in the other. No area was safe for dirt or dust in your room. You were intent on cleaning until your room was interior design magazine-level spotless, and the next inanimate victim was your window. You pushed back the curtains and drew the blinds to reveal the dusty glass pane.
Wow, this should get done more often.
You attacked the window pane with cleaning spray and started wiping, swaying to the beat of the bass-heavy song that played through your speakers, and soon you're doing more dancing than wiping. You get lost in the song, singing into the window as if you were in a music video as you run the cleaning cloth over the glass like it was a prop.
Then you notice Hyunjae standing in his bedroom window, and you halt. How long had he stood there? How much of your theatrics had he witnessed? You remove your hand from the glass, and your face twists up in humiliation. 
He crosses his arms, eyebrows arching upwards, but the rest of his expression seems impassive before he finally bursts into a fit of laughter, causing you to do the same. Your embarrassment dissipates as he claps his hands to applaud you for such a lovely showcase, and you playfully bow. 
This moment wasn’t the first time that one of you has gotten caught being weird in the recesses of your bedrooms by the other, but it’s been so long that you can’t help but giggle. Some things really don’t change, and you’re glad that, at this point, getting caught by Hyujnae feels the same way as it did when you were younger. No judgment, just a short shock of embarrassment followed by playfulness and laughter shared between good friends. 
Hyunjae’s been back home for over a month now, and you were still… dragging your feet when it came to acknowledging the obvious. You were being stubborn, and you were starting to annoy your mother. She, so badly, wanted to play matchmaker. Yet, you wouldn’t give her the satisfaction, insisting for the nth time that you did not like Hyunjae and that he did not like you. She’d roll her eyes and drop the matter, but she always muttered something under her breath. Then you’d act like you didn't hear, just like she’d act like you hadn’t spewed such a bald-faced lie.
You did like him, though. You more than liked him, and that’s what startled you most. To want someone in so many ways... The concept was so new to you, and Hyunjae made pining over him refreshing. 
There were parts of it that were innocent and parts that felt like carnal desire. You wanted to talk to Hyunjae every day like you used to— to spend time with him every day, just like when you were kids. There was this familiarity in his presence that was soothing, and yet most days, he left you feeling drunk off the feelings and needs that you’d developed for him. 
He was sweet, and he made you laugh, but at his baseline? Hyunjae was a flirt that left you flustered all the time. 
It’s the looks he gives you, the curve at the corner of his lips when he’d notice you short-circuit from one of his sly compliments, or the intense eye contact he’d give you while you spoke. It was the way he’d playfully nudge you as you sat beside him on his porch steps, and it was most definitely the cheeky smile he'd flash at you when he was jogging around the block with his shirt off. With all of that, you were starting to look at him differently, and you found yourself appreciating him in ways that you’d never paid attention to before.
When had he gotten so irresistibly attractive? Has he always been this undeniably sexy?
He’d gotten stronger, bulkier. It only took a few shameless glances in his direction while he was outside, gearing up for a run, to notice just how toned he was. His back muscles were lean. His arms looked so firm… like he could protect you with them or wrap them around you as he drilled nothing but raw pleasure into your body. The thought alone made you shiver, and it was becoming damn near impossible to look at him in a friendly way. Exceptionally not with his lips so perfectly crafted. He had lips that could easily hypnotize you— and they did often. You’d try your hardest to focus on his words just to fantasize about how sweet and kissable his lips were. 
Right now, you were stuck between reality and a daydream as you stood outside listening to Hyunjae speak. You’d crossed paths as he was coming in from a late evening jog, and you were heading out to walk the dogs. You watched the way his tongue ran along his bottom lip slowly, and then your eyes began to trail down past his bare chest. Before you could fall deeper into your thoughts, heat spread across your chin, and your face got tilted upward for you to meet Hyunjae’s gaze.
“Like what you see?” He guesses, calling you out playfully, and your reaction time is slow to it all. 
You barely register getting caught as you focus on the sudden physical contact, the way his hand cups your chin firmly, and the warmth that his fingers provide to your skin. His touch lingers as you stare up at him with a facial expression displaying nothing but need. How could such a simple gesture cause you to buckle so intensely? If you tried to speak right away, you might let out a moan. 
You have to take a step back to regain your composure, and your hand tightens around the leash that you're holding. 
For a moment, you’d even forgotten all about your dogs. They needed a walk, and here you were eye fucking Hyunjae outside his childhood home. Your words are mumbled and short as you try to slink away, stepping to the side to get around him on the sidewalk.
“My bad.”
That’s all you could say. It was the lamest thing to come out of your mouth in a while, but your dogs could be your escape from such an awkward situation. 
His hand grabs your wrist, though, stopping you from completing one of your little vanishing acts. You can barely hear him over your rapidly beating heart. All you can make out is that he’ll text you when to come over, and there's something else about going for a drive.
Hyunjae kept taking casual side glances your way while you sat together in his car. No one was talking, and you could tell he was gearing up to say something ridiculous. The smirk that graced his mouth was your leading indicator, and the suspense killed you. The lull in your conversation only heightened your anticipation as you tried to relax into the passenger seat, sitting silently and with thick tension.
“You never answered my question, you know.” His words come out so nonchalant that you nearly misunderstand him.
But you could play coy, too, so you take a long sip from your drink to keep him waiting.
The eye roll he gives you is comical and dramatic, and he feigns offense as his hand covers his heart.
“You forgot that fast? Wow, dude. Check me out, and then forget all about it. I feel used.” Even as the words pass his lips, he’s smiling, his eyes creasing, and the rise of his cheekbones are very telling. Hyunjae just loved to see you squirm in the hot seat.
“I don’t know what— did you just call me dude?” His phrasing finally registers, and you scoff. Was this a date, or did you just get painfully friendzoned?
His eyebrows quirk upward, and the smirk along his lips turns devilish momentarily as he hums, eyes intently on your own.
“I’m sorry. Would you prefer something more forward? I could call you baby… there's also babe, angel, sunshine. Buttercup if we’re feeling frisky. Darling is a favorite of mine, but anything’s on the table, really.” 
Your nose scrunches up at his blatant teasing. The man was straight up toying with your emotions. “Just f-forget about it.”
“Whatever you say, Sweetheart.” 
His words bounce around the car before striking straight through you. The cup in your hand clatters clumsily into its holder as you drop it.
So much for keeping it cool.
“Ooooh, so that’s the one. I’ll remember that.” He says through a chuckle and a smug grin as he reclines further in his seat.
“You know you didn’t have to bring me all the way out here to tease me. You were doing a pretty good job from the comfort of your own home.” 
You tried to sound dry and aloof, but you started to buzz with anticipation. The feelings that you’d kept hidden, albeit poorly, would be pushed and prodded to the surface, thanks to Hyunjae and his charming smile.
“That’s not why I brought you out here. I actually wanted to talk. I’ve missed you.” He admits, reaching out to touch your shoulder tenderly. 
“Hyunjae. We’re neighbors. You see me every day.” You assert, facial expression going deadpan as you stare back at his unwavering flirtatious gaze.
He sighs at that, mind seeming to go to a faraway place before he speaks up again.
“It’s more than that. I miss how close we used to be. We haven’t hung out alone like this since the summer before my senior year of high school. It feels like decades have passed and…
“It felt like it happened out of nowhere. It was like one day, we were close. I’d say we were best friends, and then the next day, you woke up and decided that wasn’t the case anymore. Why? What did I do?”
There was a gleam of hurt in his eyes that caused your bottom lip to jut out as guilt struck you. Hyunjae was right. You were close. He was your favorite person, and you were his. He was ever-present throughout much of your life, and then you ghosted him. You could pinpoint the exact moment when things changed, and you’d decided to stop being his friend. 
You were a teenager riddled with insecurities, and instead of talking to him about it— or talking to anyone for that matter, you’d made the conscious decision to become reclusive. You thought that you needed to detach from someone that you, for the longest time, considered was your one and only gift from the universe growing up.
You purse your lips together before opening your mouth to speak, but doubt settles and seeps into your bones. “I don’t know how to explain this without sounding dumb.” 
Hyunjae shrugs, “Just say it. Dumb or not. We’ll piece everything together as a team.”
His eyes were soft, and his hand went to rest on your knee, giving you all the comfort and safety that you needed to explain yourself.
“Um… obviously, I have a crush on you, right? Like, let’s move past that fact fast.” You pause to read Hyunjae’s reaction, but he only gives you a small smile while his hand reaches for yours, lacing his fingers through your own.
“A-and… I guess I knew that even back then. I mean, yeah. I had a huge fucking crush on you back then. Oh god, it was bad. It's just as bad as it is now, honestly. But when we were in high school, I started developing all these insecurities. I started noticing that other girls looked different from me. They didn’t grow up getting used to the hospital like I did. They didn’t have these long surgical scars on their legs like mine. You remember that part of my life, right? Your mom let you visit me after my first surgery when I was super young.”
Somewhere along the way, you shifted in your seat to stare out the window as you spoke, unable to hold eye contact and show vulnerability simultaneously.
“I didn’t realize it then because I was so young… I just wanted to feel better, but my body was branded with all this trauma. The scars on my thighs documented it all. It was hard going to gym class. The locker room was awful; I’d feel so insecure, and then I’d have to think about you constantly. All the girls knew you, and they’d talk about how hot you were. All. The. Time. And because I was your best friend, they’d ask me about you all the time. I was ‘popular’ but only because they wanted something from me. I couldn’t deal with it. All these beautiful girls with perfect, flawless skin constantly asked me about the guy that I’d liked for so long.
“I could not deal with another school year being seen only as the gateway to Hyunjae. I spent that summer in my room crying and wishing that things were different. That I was different, that I'd wake up and these scars would be gone. That I could finally get the guy that I’d wanted for so long… Obviously, that never happened. So I thought that if I put you and our friendship behind me, maybe I could, at the very least, move on because why would a guy like you want someone so far from perfect.”
You did it. Hyunjae is finally caught up and no longer left in the dark. All that was left to do now was listen to his response. You feel firm hands grab at your waist, and you're awkwardly pulled out of your seat until you're straddling Hyunjae’s lap.
“Thank you for sharing all of this with me, but… is that what you really think? That I wouldn’t want you because of something like that?” He’s looking up at you with tears threatening to spill from his eyes, and all you can do is nod meekly.
“I hate that, you know. I hate knowing that you spent an entire summer crying, and I was right next door, and I didn’t know.” His hands fall to your thighs, squishing them in his hold gently as he processes all of this information.
“I can’t even joke about how down bad we’ve been for each other because right now I’m shocked.” He goes on, sighing heavily before chewing on his bottom lip.
“My mom raised me right. I can reassure you that I would never care about something like that. I know, all too well, how to appreciate and treat a good woman. You’ve always been beautiful to me, and you’ll continue to be. Always. No matter what. Those parts of you are gorgeous, too, because they’re a part of the bigger, breathtaking picture.
“I don’t want to miss out on any more time, okay?”
Before you can grace him with a response, his lips are on yours, and his hand is pressed against your back as he pushes your body closer to his.
It was the kind of kiss that made you realize just how lonely you’d been. Urgency and desire ran straight through your veins to pool at your center, and you felt like you were melting into the man below you. You could stay like this forever, straddling Hyunjae’s hips while your tongue collided beautifully with his. He kissed you like a thirsty man dying for a drink. Faint gasps leave your chest whenever he pulls away to breathe to dive back in and fuse his mouth with yours again. 
So this is how Hyunjae’s lips feel. This is how it feels to be kissed by him.
You both become lost in the kiss, and his hands begin to roam. Warmth spreads across your lower back as one of Hyunjae’s hands snakes its way underneath your shirt to caress your skin, and a shiver flows up your spine. Your fingers tangle into his hair, anchoring yourself to this moment as your hips roll. That’s when you feel it.
“Oh.” You breathe out.
The tent in his pants nudges against you perfectly as you're coaxed into a steady grind by the firm hand pressed along your back.
“Feel good?” He asks, pulling away to look up at you with glossy lips and messy hair. Your nod is an eager one as you try to lean down, eyes closing as you search for his lips again while Hyunjae leans into you, pressing kisses to your neck instead. 
You feel his free hand creep up to your thighs as you continue to chase after the friction his crotch provides. Your skirt slowly becomes bunched up, cool air hitting your thighs, and you freeze, shyness and insecurity washing over you.
“J-jae…” You stutter out in a whisper, grabbing his face in your hand to stop him from looking down.
There’s a look of understanding on his face, but you also see a glint of something else in his eyes. “Wanna come back to my place, Sweetheart? I can think of some ways to help you get comfortable.”
As promised, Hyunjae made you feel safe and comfortable. He asked for permission before peeling a new article of clothing away from your body each time. He litters soothing touches and gentle kisses to any freshly exposed skin as he gets you undressed fully. When you’re completely bare, he’s keen to comfort you, making a point of looking you in the eyes before sneaking a glance down to your chest briefly.
“Just focus on me, okay?” He says, voice as soft as cotton while his hand comes up to stroke the side of your face sweetly.
He leans back to take off his shirt, and even though you’ve seen him shirtless more than a handful of times, you can’t help the whine that leaves you. Your eyes trail down his toned torso and settle expectantly on his hands that fiddle with his jeans. You were about to learn something new about Hyunjae, and you were paying very close attention.
He was big, and you sink your teeth into your lower lip to stop the moan that tries to punch out of you. Your heart pounds heavily in your chest as you stare blatantly at every part of him before your wide eyes finally lift to meet his gaze.
“It’ll fit.” He reassures smugly, and you roll your eyes at that.
“When did you get so cocky?” You sass through a tease as you're pushed backward onto his bedsheets.
“Don’t be jealous, Sweetheart. You’ll be full of cock soon.” He tosses back, causing you to shudder. 
He hovers above you for a moment, caging your body in between his strong arms as he looks down at you with fondness in his gaze while he admires your beauty. He leans down to kiss you on the lips before moving down your body.
His lips press against every part of your body on his trek down your chest and past your stomach. When he gets to your thighs, he takes his time, closing his eyes as he kisses every spot, running his tongue along the blemishes that make you doubt yourself. He alternates his love and affection as he slots himself between your legs, nipping at one thigh before pressing a wet kiss to the other.
You feel weightless already. There's not an ounce of nervousness in your body as Hyunjae worships the parts of you that you thought you disliked the most. You felt cared for, cherished, and like you were the most enticing person in the world. The tingling sensations travel closer and closer to the apex between your thighs until you let out a gasp that quickly morphs into a whimper.
You're cut off by a moan as Hyunjae’s tongue swipes up your wetness in one languid motion, causing a jolt of pleasure to dash through your body. He hums into your pussy as he runs his tongue from side to side, parting your folds and tasting you hungrily before he slots your clit between his lips. You lurch forward, and he reaches one arm up to press you back into the bed, resting his hand on your stomach. He pushes your thighs farther apart with his free hand; his grip is tight around your thigh while he buries his face further into your pussy, tongue unrelenting as he sucks on your clit in tandem with the flicks of the wet muscle.
You didn’t know how to move through life after experiencing something life-altering like this. Hyunjae’s mouth made you feel unreal. His tongue could easily be labeled the 8th wonder of the world. All you could do was softly moan his name like you were reciting a prayer as he worked you over. 
The bed dips as he shifts his positioning, stopping his ministrations for a minute, and when you look down, you notice just how drenched his chin is because of you, and you shyly close your legs.
“Y-you don’t have to contin—
He cuts you off by forcing your legs apart and looking up at you purposely while he settles between your thighs again. 
“Why would you deny yourself something we both know you want?” He challenges, tongue sticking out to ghost over your glistening pussy, and the delicate warmth that the barely-there touch provides is enough to have you whining in need. You push his head back down, hoping he’ll just shut up and go back to town. He does, but not without having the last word. 
“Knew you couldn’t resist me,” he teases, words slurred as he tries to talk between sloppy licks. His tongue remains flat as he laps at your pussy to make you fall apart. 
When you seem close, with moans flowing out of you ceaselessly, he sinks into you, tongue massaging your spasming walls as he fucks you with his mouth, and that’s all you need. Your face grows hot, and you start to quiver; your thighs begin to falter, and Hyunjae has to hold them steady with his large hands as your orgasm swallows you whole.
“Oh FUCK.”
You will never be the same. Your body throbs with pleasure, and you shake through the most powerful feeling that you’ve ever encountered in your life. You’re speaking only in incoherent babbles as Hyunjae continues to tongue fuck you until the sensation is far too much for your pussy, and you have to push him away. You look up at him breathlessly, eyes unable to stay open for more than a few seconds at a time as you come down from such an intense finish.
“God bless you, Hyunjae.” You finally say, still twitching from your nerves getting lit on fire.
“I take it I did pretty good, hm?” He points out with the cockiest grin while he wipes his chin, coating the back of his hand in your essence. His eyes drift away from your face to check you out, and his face melts into a genuine smile.
“Your body is perfect to me, by the way. Every single part of it. Every minor detail.” He reassures, voice coated in sincerity as he trails his hand along your thigh, thumb running across a faded scar.
Goosebumps rise on your skin as you turn your face away from him, with a blush peppering your cheeks. “It’s your turn…” You add, letting your legs fall open for him.
“Our turn,” He corrects as he turns your face to look up at him. 
“You ready, Sweetheart?” He asks while he hovers above you, and you can feel how warm and heavy he is against you, prompting you to nod your head yes.
Hyunjae sheathes himself inside you slowly, causing you to groan blissfully as your eyes fall closed. He feels so good. The stretch is just right, and as he buries himself deep inside you, it’s like you’re being split open, but in the best way. Your hands rest on his shoulders as you adjust to his girth and length. When you finally open your eyes, you're met with the sight of the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen trying his hardest to hold himself together.
“You okay, Darling?” You ask in a teasing whisper while you take in Hyunjae’s state. He looks tense, his teeth are abusing his bottom lip, and for shits and giggles, you clench around him and he hisses.
“You’re incredibly tight.” He says through gritted teeth before he exhales. He rears back, his eyes flutter closed for a moment, and you hear him curse under his breath.
“I-it’s like your pussy is choking my cock…” He mumbles before he leans down to kiss your neck and tries to press forward again. You hear him whimper softly, and it’s the most alluring sound you’ve ever heard, and it's all because of you.
“I feel good?”
“You feel so. Fucking. Good.” He praises through a pant. 
His hips start to roll against yours as he finds a steady pace to fuck you with, and soon his bedroom is filled with a mixture of moans and skin slapping against skin. His body weight presses you further into the bedsheets, and you feel like you’re being surrounded by love and warmth as every fantasy that you’ve ever had comes true. 
Hyunjae’s strong body lays flush on top of yours, and his fingers lace through yours while he rocks into you harder with precise movements. His other arm goes under your body to tilt your pelvis upward as he begins hitting you at a new angle that pulls a cry out of you. Your legs tighten around his waist, needing him closer and deeper as you’re fucked into oblivion. Each powerful thrust has you sliding up the sheets, and your pussy clamps down on him whenever his cock drags out of you. You felt stuffed, filled to the brim, and you missed him when he reared back, leaving you nearly empty for half a second at a time.
Praises were mumbled against your skin while he plunged into you. You had the best pussy. You were doing a good job; you’re taking him so well. You felt incredible. Hyunjae’s words sent you to the edge, and all you could do was gasp and moan as you came undone. Your walls flutter and spasm as you arch your back, screaming his name out for the neighborhood to hear.
“J-Jae,” you whimper, lip trembling as Hyunjae molds your body to his fat cock.
“I know, Sweetheart… Relax and enjoy it.” He coos softly, coaching you through your second orgasm.
His hips don’t slacken; they do the opposite, speeding up as he hammers the sweet spot deep inside you repeatedly until something inside you snaps. You writhe underneath him, and your fingers tighten around his own as you fall into bliss. Hyunjae’s eyes are glued to your face as your mouth drops open, and a long, drawn-out groan leaves your body.
“That’s right, baby. Keep going.” He says through a grunt as he starts to chase his high.
He shifts, lifting you into his arms while his cock stays buried inside you. You're positioned upright, body going limp against his muscular thighs as he continues to drill into you, massaging your walls at a merciless pace. One large bicep stays wrapped around your waist, and his free hand snakes between you both to rub against your clit as if he could get you to cum a third time. You’re just a brainless lump of whimpers at this point as your head rests against his sweaty chest.
“I’m close, Sweetheart. I know you can do it again, come on, baby.” He pleaded, voice ragged as his thrusts turned desperate. 
His moans get more prominent, and when you look up to meet his gaze, Hyunjae looks fucked out beyond belief, lips parted, and hair a disaster on top of his head. You muster up enough energy to kiss him on the lips, swallowing all his pretty noises and whimpering against his plush lips. You feel his hips stutter. Then heat spreads inside you, and you shake as he fills you with cum while you experience another earth-shattering orgasm.
You're both tired and sticky. The bed sheets are hardly halfway on the bed, twisted onto one side, but neither of you seems to care. You collapse onto the bare mattress with Hyunjae’s cock still hidden inside you. When he finally pulls out, your dripping pussy adds to the mess on his bed. He lays down beside you, immediately pulling you in for a cuddle.
“You’re going to stay here, right?” He asks, looking down at you with a hopeful gleam.
“Of course. Even if I wanted to go home, I couldn’t deal with a walk of shame right now. My legs don’t work. I’ll leave tomorrow afternoon when I have to walk the dogs.” You answer through a giggle.
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Hello Angel!!!
Perhaps Cowboy Sev breaking older Vi and Jinx out of jail. After so many years Sev would be so rusty that she needs reader to help too. Go wild with the shenanigans they get up too. Could bring back Silco and the boys to help legally maybe. Hilarious if somehow Vi got in trouble trying to impress Caitlyn and somehow managed to get Jinx involved. Also funny if Sev and reader meet Caitlyn as Vi’a girlfriend during this break out HAHHAHA
Pls I’m obsessed with cowboy Sevika HELP ME
Thank youuuuu
this is SOOOOOO cute such a good idea i'm crying.
men and minors dni
ten years into marriage, fifteen years into your relationship, eight years with the girls, five with them legally yours, and sevika finally retires.
there was no need for her to work at the ranch in the first place. the amount of loot she'd stolen and stored in your inn (both in your room hidden beneath the floorboards and in the rafters, and buried beneath your side garden) was enough to take care of you for ten lifetimes to come. but, sevika was used to spending her day on shimmer's back, and she needed something to do with her free time once she gave up her life of crime.
but now, things have changed. sevika's ready to settle down and spend her days in the inn with you. the girls are growing up, vi being sixteen and powder being twelve-- they'll be living their own lives soon, and sevika wants to be around to keep you company as you transition into empty nesters.
shimmer died last winter. the four of you spent her last days cuddled up beside her in the stable, feeding her sugar cubes by the handful, saying your final goodbyes to sev's trusty mare. she rests behind the side garden now, marked by a big stone vi and jinx engraved.
old man ernie died too, leaving his ranch to his son. when he took over, he offered to let sev keep her job, but she declined. she was ready to retire.
she's been adjusting to retired life really well.
she loves working behind the bar in the evening, chatting with locals who stop in for a drink and swapping stories with some of your shadier guests in the in.
she's gotten really into reading-- especially smutty paperback romances.
when she gets restless cooped up in the inn, you send her out to ride the new foal-- a sweet young horse the girls decided to name teddybear.
it's been great having sev around all the time. especially for your sex lives.
speaking of your sex lives, you and sevika have been having a particularly fun week. the girls took teddybear out on a trip to a town two days ride south. they're meeting up with mylo and claggor there to catch the traveling circus. and it's summer time, which is always your slow season, and as of two days ago-- you've got no guests. you and sevika have been having a fucking blast, fucking on any and every flat surface you can find. your legs have been like jelly all week long.
it's been paradise.
"what're you smilin' at?" sevika mumbles from her side of the bed. you grin, turning on your side to stare at your sleepy wife. it's the crack of dawn, not even the rooster is awake yet. just you and the crickets, singing through the open windows.
"you're awake." you say. sevika smiles.
"i am indeed. c'mon, what's got you smilin' all pretty, darlin'?" she asks again, yawning to punctuate her question.
you scooch forward to kiss her nose, and sevika grins, her eyes scrunching closed.
"what i've been smilin' at for the past fifteen years, baby." you say. sevika chuckles.
"havin' sweet dreams about me?"
"more like flashbacks to last night." you say, waggling youreyebrows salaciously. sevika laughs.
"mmm, knew we'd break the bedframe one'a these days." sevika says with a proud little smile. you giggle and sit up on your elbows to look over at the broken bedframe stacked against the wall beside where the two of you sleep-- on the mattress on the floor.
"shit, sev that was oak, can't believe you fucked me through oak." you laugh. sevika nods cockily.
"damn right i did." she says. you giggle and fall back down to bed, snuggling against her chest. "how're you feeling?" she asks.
you snort. "well, i don't think i'm gonna be able to walk straight for a few days, and i woke up giggling, so... i'm better than i've been since our honeymoon." you say.
sevika grins, her sweet little gap makes your heart melt, and she smacks your ass.
"fuck, i love you." she sighs. you giggle and kiss her neck.
"love you too."
you guys drift off to sleep in each other's arms.
an hour later, the rooster crows, and you both wake up smiling again.
"morning." sevika mumbles. you kiss her lips.
"i'll fetch some fresh water if you start breakfast?" sevika offers.
"will you let the chickens out?" you ask. sevika nods.
"duh." she says. you grin.
you guys move slowly, lazily rubbing your eyes and yawning as you wash your faces and brush your teeth, stretching and kissing between each article of clothing you pull over your naked bodies, luxuriating in the slow morning all to yourselves.
sevika laughs at the limp in your step, and you pinch the bruises you left on her shoulders in revenge.
you fry up some eggs and hashbowns, watching through the window over the stove as sevika pumps fresh water from the well, watering your garden, the chickens, and finally lugging two buckets inside for the two of you to share.
you guys eat breakfast on the front porch, cuddled together on the porch swing violet 'found' for the two of you a few years ago. (you're pretty sure she stole it off sheriff marcus' front porch, but violet hasn't admitted it yet, and the sheriff's still too scared of you and sev to say anything.)
"how do you think the girls're doin'?" you ask as you sip your coffee. sevika snorts.
"i knew you were gonna ask that." she teases. you roll you eyes and sevika leans over to press a kiss to your temple. "they're fine. you know they're fine." she says. you huff.
"i know, i just miss 'em." you say. sevika laughs.
"i do, too, darlin'." she says.
sevika leans in to kiss you, and you sigh against her, quickly melting against her lips. she licks against your lips and you hum, opening your mouth for her to slide her tongue into your mouth--
"ahem!" a voice calls.
you and sevika pull apart, necks snapping to the stairs in front of you where a teenage girl stands, blushing and rubbing the back of her neck.
sevika clears her throat in embarrassment. you giggle.
"how can we help you, honey?" you ask the girl. her eyes dart up to you, quickly shooting between you and sevika, back to you, and then sevika again.
"uh..." she chokes out. she squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, before taking a deep breath. "s-sorry to inturrupt ma'am, i just-- d-do you happen to know a mylo and claggor? or violet and jinx, percha-"
"oh fuck." sevika groans. the girl squeaks at the curse, and you chuckle. "what did those shits get themselves into now?" she asks.
she blinks. "uhm. jail, miss." she says.
you blink.
sevika's jaw drops.
the girl clears her throat. "a-about thirty miles south of here in a small town call--"
"what did they do?" sevika groans. "i trained them for every scenario, how the fuck did they get caught?!" she whines.
you blink again, spots in your vision popping up.
"uh... they shot the sheriff?" she says.
you gasp.
sevika laughs.
"shit." she says, somewhat impressed. "on purpose?" she asks, her eyebrow raising.
you feel lightheaded.
"n-no ma'am. accident. he's still alive-- but he's sentenced them to hang at the end of the week..."
that's the last thing you hear before you black out.
you wake up in bed, sevika nervously hovering over you, pressing a wet cloth to your forehead.
"you passed out."
"jinx and vi--" you snap up in bed, scrambling to your feet. sevika's beside you in an instant, steadying you as you're knees threaten to give out beneath you.
"it's oka--"
"sevika don't you dare say 'it's okay' to me right now!" you snap. she shuts her mouth.
footsteps start up the steps, and you look over your shoulder, where the teenager from before appears, a fresh bucket of water in her hands.
she freezes at the top of the steps, taking in the tense environment she walked in, then turning red as a tomato when she tries to avert her eyes from you and sevika, and makes direct eyecontact with the broken bedframe behind the two of you.
you would laugh at the poor, flustered girl. now though, she just reminds you a bit of the first time violet saw you and sev kiss, and that just makes you want to vomit.
"caitlyn, here," sevika starts in an irritatingly annoying voice, "was hanging out with the kids at the circus, right cait?" sevika asks. caitlyn nods.
"i live in town." she explains.
"and when they got arrested, cait was the only one who got away. violet told her to come get us, right cait?" sevika asks again. caitlyn clears her throat.
"i rode through the night. i also sent a telegraph to a mr. silco?" she says. you blink.
"right. and we're all gonna meet in town, and we're gonna figure something out, okay baby?" she asks. you gulp.
"honey, i'm not gonna let anyone put a damn finger on our kids." she says firmly. you look away from the teenager to take in the steely sincerity of your wife's eyes, and you gulp. she gently reaches up to cup your face. "c'mon, have a little faith in me, darlin'" she coos, melting into a soft smile. you sigh shakily. "i'm the fuckin' weary woman of the west-- what's a little jailbreak, huh?"
you take a deep breath and lean forward to press your forehead against hers.
"we're gonna need a few horses." you say. sevika grins.
"i'm way ahead of you." she says.
grayson was happy to lend you two horses and buggies, almost crying at the thought of the girls in trouble. she promised to come over every day to care for your chickens and garden while you were away, and you thanked her profusely before riding the animals home faster than you've ever ridden-- anxious to get back.
when you arrive, it's to caitlyn and sevika waist deep in the dirt behind your garden, a few yards away from where shimmer lays. for the first time since caitlyn's arrived, you laugh.
sevika's pulls a crate out of the ground prying it open with a crowbar. as she opens the crate, she reveals dozens of sticks of dynamite, and she grins up at you with a proud smile. you giggle, and roll your eyes. caitlyn shoots out of the hole, terrified by the explosives.
"i'm gonna pack up some food for the trip." you nod to your house. "come help me kid." you say. the girl nods eagerly, sprinting away from the dynamite. sevika laughs.
you guys pack quickly, visiting the cellar for cans of food, gathering the essentials for travel, a couple blankets and quilts, a pack of matches, canteens and jugs of water. while you're folding some clothes, both for you and sevika as well as jinx and powder, you break down into tears.
caitlyn flounders around you for a few seconds, and you try desperately to collect yourself, but you can't quite manage.
the girl gently, awkwardly pats your shoulder.
you turn around and hug her impossibly close to your chest. she squeaks.
"fuck. shit." you cry. you take a few deep breaths, squeezing the girl in your arms, before letting her go. "sorry." you say, dropping your hands at your sides. "thank you." you sob. "for coming to get us."
caitlyn blinks, then wraps her arms around you, pulling you toward her this time. you giggle through your laughs against her shoulder and she gently rubs your back.
"violet told me you'd freak out." she says... "you remind me of my mom."
"oh, fuck, do your parents know where you are?" you gasp, pulling away. caitlyn laughs.
"yes." she says. you raise an eyebrow at her and she sighs. "okay, no. but they think i'm safe, at the circus, they won't be looking for me for a while." she swears.
"you stupid fucking kids." you groan.
you leave town at noon, and ride until midnight. the trip is solemn, nobody tries to talk much.
sevika's got this look in her eye, something you haven't seen in a long time. she's up to something-- something more than her usual mischievous pranks and jokes. the gears in her head are grinding, you can practically see her run scenarios and outcomes back and forth through her mind's eye.
it's a little scary-- you forgot how focused and intense she gets when she's plotting something. it's mostly hot though.
but you can't really say that-- not with caitlyn lurking. still, sevika catches your eye a couple of times and smirks, like she knows just how hot she looks as she rides beside you.
caitlyn's a good navigator-- apparently she's a junior guide up and down the river, so she knows the route to town like the back of her hand. she gets you around mountains, avoids most hills, and knows the best spots to stop for when the horses need to rest. sevika's impressed. the two of them chat over the campfire about the surrounding areas, comparing notes and shortcuts they've learned over in their travels. it's so cute it breaks your heart.
it's a dry, warm night, so you sleep beneath the stars.
you don't sleep.
sevika doesn't sleep.
you just stare at the sky while caitlyn and the horses rest.
at one point, sevika reaches over and grabs your hand. "it's gonna be fine." she says. tears well up in your eyes.
"i love you so much." you say. sevika squeezes your hand so hard it's painful, and she replies shakily.
"i love you too darlin'."
it's silent long enough for you to think sevika's fallen asleep, but then she speaks again. "betcha five bucks caitlyn's vi's girlfriend."
you burst into laughter, smacking your hand over your mouth as you laugh. caitlyn stirs beside you, and you can feel sevika's silent, mischievous laughter beside you. you nudge her with your elbow.
when you catch your breath, and caitlyn's snoring returns, you whisper to your wife. "you have way too much faith in your daughter."
she snorts.
you get to town by noon, and sevika sets you and caitlyn up in a the saloon that was the address caitlyn had telegraphed to vander and silco. she takes off to scope out the police station.
it's a pretty gritty place, and you look around it with a raised eyebrow, then look down at caitlyn. she's sitting with perfect posture, dusting off her tailored riding coat.
"you hang out in this saloon?" you ask. she blinks up at you and then sighs.
"well, no... but it's where all the shootouts in town happen!" she says. "it felt... good for planning a crime?" she tries. you laugh.
"sevika's gonna love this." you say. she grins. "what do your parents do?" you ask. caitlyn gulps.
"uh... oil?" she says.
you burst out into laughter.
"shit you're an heiress?" you ask. she nods. you shake your head. "no way vi's bagged you yet." you mumble. caitlyn blushes bright red and clears her throat.
sevika comes back before sunset, sitting beside you at the table and scrawling away in her notebook little sketches of the prison, mumbling to herself, occasionally looking up to ask caitlyn questions.
surprisingly, cait seemed to know a lot.
"do you know which cell they're in?"
"the one on the far end here." caitlyn says, circling a part of sevika's diagram.
"and who else is being held right now?"
"nobody. the sheriff's been itching for some action."
"how do you know all of this?" you ask. caitlyn blushes.
"it's good to stay up to date on local going ons." she says. you chuckle.
she's a dork, you think fondly. she's perfect for violet.
sevika returns to her drawings and you decide it's time to interrogate your daughter's possible future girlfriend.
"how exactly did the kids shoot the sheriff?" you ask. caitlyn blushes bright red, and you raise your eyebrow.
"uh. well..."
sevika looks up from her notebook, intrigued.
caitlyn gulps, then looks away. "it might've been me." she whispers.
your eyes widen.
"what?" sevika asks.
caitlyn blinks, then speaks so fast it's almost impossible to make out. "violet was showing off all the cool things she could do, and i had packed my gun to bring to the circus because they've got contests for clay duck shooting and you can win twenty bucks if you make it to the tournement and i'm a really good shot--" she sucks in a breath, tears bubbling up in her eyes "so i wanted to show off my shooting skills and vi told me to shoot the big roasted hog in the food tent and i did right through the eyes! but i didn't see the sheriff on the other side of the pig getting himself a serving, so the bullet went straight through his shoulder." she finishes, gasping for another breath.
"how did--"
"and before i could even do anything violet was already taking the gun from my hands and telling me to run and i'm so sorry--" she starts to sob.
"shit, relax, kid, it's okay." sevika says, reaching out to pat caitlyn's back. you smile. "it's fine, we're not mad." sevika says. caitlyn gasps, her eyes shooting up between you and sevika.
"you're not?" she asks. you shake your head no. "o-oh." she whispers, wiping her eyes. you ruffle her hair.
silco and vander arrive quickly after. they took the train, and they clearly left the moment they got the message-- wearing day old wrinkled clothes, no luggage, just pistols tucked in every pocket on their bodies.
silco's greeting is a gaurentee that he's going to kill the kids before the sheriff can, and vander's apologetic assurances that his husband is only joking. silco's appearance seems to ease something in sevika, and the two of them quickly fall into a hushed conversation as sevika discusses her plan with silco. caitlyn's right beside them, a little furrow in her brow as she absorbs their hushed discussions.
vander, cordial as ever, gives you a hug and presses a solid kiss to your scalp.
"how're you holding up?" he asks.
"better now that you're here." you respond. he laughs.
"can i be honest?" he mumbles. you nod. "silco's not gonna get the chance to kill the kids, i'll have already fucking done it." he whispers. you laugh. "we're not young and spry like you and sev-- we both nearly had heart attacks when we got your message." he groans. you rub his shoulder as you laugh.
"you wanna hear somethin' that'll make you laugh?" you ask. he nods.
"violet's got a crush on the girl here." you say. vander raises his eyebrow, looking over at caitlyn, who's absorbed by the diagram of the prison, pointing and mumbling to an interested and engaged silco and sevika. "an oil heiress." you say. vander chuckles.
"huh. well are the feelings mutual?" he asks. you laugh.
"they better be. violet got all our fuckin' kids arrested for her ass." you whisper. vander groans and rolls his eyes, grabbing his chest.
"oh, don't tell me these things." he begs. you laugh.
"you're lucky you don't have girls." you say.
you wait until midnight to start your plan.
you split up into three groups.
silco and vander are the horsemen, both of grayson's and cait's, plus teddybear, who they found outside the jail, wrangled up and tied to the two carts-- ready to get out of town fast once you break the kids out.
sevika's on explosives, obviously.
you and caitlyn have to find a way to communicate with the kids.
you're helping wrap a bandanna around the lower half of caitlyn's face, tugging an old hat low on her face to disguise her as best as possible. she grunts and squirms.
"quit movin'. you're a fuckin heiress, everyone knows your face. you can't be seen breakin' kids outta prison." you say. she sighs.
"fine." she grunts as you wrap a scarf over her neck.
"okay." you whisper, satisfied now that she's bundled enough to be indistinguishable. "show me this window."
caitlyn guides you around the back of the jail building, and quietly points up to a cell window about fifteen feet off the ground, iron barred.
"take the beef jerkey." you say, shoving the paper package in her hand. she pockets it, and then you crouch. "stand on my shoulders." you say. she nods, clambering on top of you.
once she's steady, you groan as you stand to your full height. with caitlyn on your shoulders, she can peek through the window.
the window, apparently, sits above the sheriff's desk-- likely where he's in a whiskey induced coma now-- sleeping away the pain of his shoulder. oppisite his desk, are the iron bars holding your children.
the sheriff's got a dog, hence the beef jerkey.
caitlyn whistles into the window. you cringe.
the sheriff snores, and the dog whines. you can make out the plop of a piece of jerkey, and then caitlyn's whispered, "hi doggie!"
you bite back your smile, and almost collapse when you hear jinx's voice.
"oh for fuck's sake-- violet!" she whispers."your stupid fucking girlfriend's here!"
you grin, tears welling in your eyes at the sound of your kid.
"caitlyn!" violet exclaims. you take a shaky breath.
"we're blowing the back wall down." caitlyn whispers. "you need to shelter on this end."
there's some shuffling as the kids wake up and run over to the oppisite wall, and you grin at the pitter patter.
the sheriff gasps, and you freeze. caitlyn bites squeaks.
and then he's back to snoring. you sigh shakily and squeeze caitlyn's ankles.
"stay there. we'll see you on the other side." she whispers, then she jumps down from your shoulders.
the two of you take off for the oppisite side of the building where sevika's waiting for the two of you.
she grabs your hand as she lights the line to the dynamite. you hold your breath. the line sizzles, sizzles, sizzles, quickly reaching the sticks at the base of the wall, until it... fizzles out.
sevika holds her breath. you hold your breath. caitlyn gasps, "oh fuck-- what do we do no--"
she's cut off by a BOOM!
the ground shakes, dust goes flying, and the wall comes tumbling down.
as the dust clears, a small fire illuminating the inside of the cell, you grin as the kids start hooting and hollaring in amazement.
"THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!" jinx and claggor shout at the same time as they all come sprinting out of the cell.
sevika snorts, then smacks them both upside the head.
"fuckin' stealth mission, assholes!" she whisper-scolds. mylo cackles.
"sorry sevika, but the stealth went out the window with that wall!" he laughs. sevika snorts and wraps all three of them up in her strong arms.
beside you, violet gasps, tears streaming down her eyes as she reaches up to pull caitlyn's bandana away.
"you came back." she whispers dramatically. you roll your eyes at the pure corniness, and then melt at the sweet sight of caitlyn darting forward and pressing her lips against your daughter's.
it's clumsy and quick, and they're both pull away bright red and gasping. you quickly look away when violet's eyes dart toward you, pretending like you weren't looking.
it doesn't seem to matter though, because next thing you know you have an armful of violet, sobbing into your shoulder. you squeeze her tight against your chest, and press a kiss against her head.
"you're in so much fucking trouble." you whisper against her hair. she giggles between her sobs.
"i knew you'd come." she whispers. you laugh.
"duh, dumbass. we need someone to take care of the chickens every day." you say. she cackles.
a gunshot rings out, and you all jump, turning around to face the now- open cell.
the sheriff stand sin the debris, a shard of wood speared through his unshot arm, his gun held weakly in his hand at his waist.
you push violet and caitlyn away to run grabbing their hands as you sprint down the street. beside you, sevika's got mylo under her arm, and calggor's got jinx on his back as they sprint, screaming and laughing down main street.
as the sheriff chases after you, unloading his gun at you, a bullet grazes violet's arm. she gasps in pain, and you gasp in horror, and before you know what's happening you're spinning on your heel and stopping dead in your tracks, reaching for the pistol you'd tucked into your waistband this morning.
you take a deep breath, and close one eye. lining your barrel up with the sheriff's bald, sweaty face.
he gets closer. he gets closer. sevika notices you're missing behind you, screaming your name, and the sheriff's right in front of you.
you shoot, and he crumbles to the ground.
it's quiet, and then your ears start ringing, and then, as the music fades, the sound of jinx's celebratory hoots fill your ears. you grin and turn back around, jogging to catch up to your family where everyone besides jinx (whose dancing in celebration at your shot) is frozen in place and gawking at you.
you smack sevika's ass as you pass her, grabbing jinx's wrist as you continue down main street, toward where silco and vander were waiting.
"c'mon y'all, someone's gonna check in on all this commotion soon!" you call over your shoulder.
shocked laughs fill the dusty main street as you and your family flee.
the ride back to your inn is mostly spent in long lectures, hilarious re-tellings of the kids' experience in jail, and tears and kisses being pressed to cringing children's heads.
but when you get back home to your inn, on your turf, all the anxiety and stress from the journey wear off, and you can finally relax.
you set up vander and silco and the boys in three rooms. violet eagerly volunteers to host caitlyn in her room, which makes you all laugh, (jinx groans in disgust) and you allow it.
and then, after scrubbing down with a washcloth, you fall crawl into the mattress on the floor beside sevika.
she's been snoring since you got back. she woke up for dinner, then fell back asleep after. but the second your weight hits the bed, she's blinking open, a smile on her face. you snort at her.
"what's that look for?" you ask.
"y'know that was the hottest thing i've ever fuckin' seen?" she whispers. you laugh.
"oh yeah?" you ask. she nods.
"didn't think you had it in you." she says, smirking. you just shrug and wink at her.
"you woulda done it anyways, i saw that look in your eye." you say. she grins and nods.
"yeah, but i didn't even have to try. my fuckin' outlaw wife killed the sheriff for me." she says, a blush working up her cheeks. you grin.
"now you know how it feels." you say. she laughs and you dart forward to kiss her forehead.
"i love you." she whispers. "i'm gonna fuck you through the floor tomorrow morning." she mumbles as she drifts off to sleep. you laugh.
"not happenin' babe." you say, kissing her forehead. "the kids are underneath us."
sevika groans. "those stupid fuckers."
you laugh and kiss her again. "i love you, sev."
"you owe me five bucks." she says.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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acesofspadess · 10 months
Tag You're It
a/n: couldn't help myself with these pictures
summary: you give harry a nice place to be... Harry
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It was a fairly nice day in London, you took a walk or run everyday and you were glad today was a nice day. You changed into your running outfit and sneakers and headed out of your house and down the main street. The streets were busier than normal and you knew why. Harry Styles was playing Wembley. Of Course tourists were out on the streets in hopes to run into him before their show. You lived in a private neighbourhood and always thanked the gods above that you found this place. You were definitely the youngest person in your neighbourhood as a 27 year old. Most of your neighbours were empty nesters or young grandparents.
You had reached your first break of your run around a fairly empty park compared to the busy street the way you came. You checked your watch to see your vitals which were still good. You were getting ready to take off again when you saw two people running towards your direction. You had never seen any other runners around this time so your attention was drawn to them.
And who else would it be other than the most important human on planet earth. You had a good assumption that his personal trainer was with him and while he was English he clearly did not know where he was going if he was headed the way you came. Your anxiety bubbles in your chest when getting ready to go talk to someone who probably did not want to talk to you. You jogged over to them slipping off your headphones and seeing the way both of their faces put up some sort of guard. It made your anxiety all more present. 
“Um i know you probably don't want to be bothered right now, but the way your headed has swarms of people and guessing by the way you put a front up as soon as you saw me you probably dont want this encounter again but with 100x the people.” you managed to get that out in one breathe and saw their faces change as you called them out. “But I never address a problem without a solution, so I live in that direction in a very quiet neighbourhood that would be perfect for your little outings, no one there would know anything about either of you. There is a back road if you take the little outing over there,” you pointed to a dirt trail that led to the park behind your neighbourhood. “It will take you to this small park and you can just run around that and the houses. It's about 10k from the park around the houses and back. And your shoes are untied.” you pointed to Harry’s shoes.
He looked at you confused as he had never seen you look down to even notice that his shoe would untie. You smiled politely and slipped your headphones back on and started a light jog. While waiting for your music to play, the men say. ‘She seems nice.’
Two days later you had decided to run around the park as you had just come back from yoga with your best friend. You put on a random playlist and started your jog. When you turned the corner you were not expecting to see the person you ran into two days prior. He was sitting on a bench facing your direction and you were glad you didnt take out the extra water bottles in your bag. You continued your jog while manoeuvring your bag around to grab the water.
You adjusted the headphone so one of your ears were void of music before tossing the tiny bottles at his laps with a ‘think fast’ before you laughed at his surprised faces adjusting your headphones back on before taking off again. What you weren't aware of was the boys following you until a song changed and you heard footsteps. You stopped abruptly and felt a body collide into yours sending you down into the grass. It didn't hurt so you just laid there laughing. 
“If you wanted me to fall for you, you could've just shown off the dimples.” you propped yourself up on your hand deciding the grass was more comfortable than standing. Harry looked down in shyness and embarrassment. “Can I join you?” You realised this was the first time you'd heard him talk in your past two meetings. You patted  the grass as a welcome and he sat down next to you.
“Y/N. '' you offered out looking at him quizzically. “I'm sure you know who I am, but I'm harry.”
You shook your head with a small smile before adjusting your bag to lay on. You took off your headphones to adjust your head to look at the boy.
you watched him look down at you after some time and you both held contact. “I'm sorry.” you whispered. “For what?”
“I just realised how hard it must be for you sometimes. And I'm sorry that your so-called ‘fans’ can't respect that you are just like us. With a little more musical talent and 3 grammys. No major difference.” you could never stay  too serious. He let out a small laugh accompanied with a shrug. “I've gotten better with learning how to say no. it's all a part of the job though.” he seemed to close off a bit and the phycology major in you wanted to break it all into tiny pieces. But you remember him saying he tried to keep his personal life separate from his musician side.
“Why did you decide to trust me?”
It was a loaded question.
“I didnt. I wasn't here yesterday. Had my manager send some people out to make sure it wasn't set up. When he said you were right, I trusted him. Just now, when you came past, I saw you turn the corner and spot me. I wasn't planning on following you and putting you on the floor, but I saw you listening to one of my songs. It was me telling me to get up and do something. I would've said thank you no matter what- please don't let that pass.” he turned off realising he had gone on.
“Do you trust me now?”
“I have no reason not to anymore don't i? 
“A philosophy like that will get you hurt. I want you to trust me because you believe I wont cause you harm. Not because you have no reason to not trust me.”
He looked at you for a moment before his phone started ringing. He answered and you tuned it out knowing you would have to sign some NDA if you listened in. “I'm sorry but I have to go.”
You looked back at his solemn eyes. “Pop star things and what not right?” you wished this could continue. He stood up first before offering a hand out to you. You walked in silence in the direction of your place before there was a car honk and Harry looked up. “That's me then.” you smiled before realising you had never let go of his hand. He seemed to notice as he brought it to his lips. “Thank you.”
“This is gonna be like a tag isn't it?” he looked at you confused. “I'll see you then you'll see me so on, but never will the game end. Because one of us will always be chasing.”
He looked down at your entwined hands. “I-”
“It's okay. Here's my address if you ever need some water on a run.” you slipped him a piece of paper you wrote when he was on the phone. You unlink your hands and begin to walk away. “Oh Harry,” you turned back around. “I'll see you tonight.” you turned back around as you saw a smile begin to form on his face. 
The next day as you were heading out to go on your run you saw flowers and a card on your doorstep. You opened the card and read the handwritten letter.
‘I hope you enjoyed the show last night. I'm sure you're probably going on a run right now so do make sure to stay hydrated. I want to see you tonight. Here is the pass. Be there at 3 and give anyone your name they'll know what to do. Let's end this chase before it begins.
-H. Xx
P.S. Tag, you're it.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender - Ch. 13
Joel learns something big that changes everything. A continuation of Lavender Ch. 1-12, found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Miscarriage (mentioned and referenced, not described); suicidal ideation. Some smut. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 4.4K
A/N: GUYS THIS IS A HEAVY CHAPTER. Full explanation in the notes at the end of the chapter, with some spoilers. Scroll to the bottom and read that if you're worried about this chapter. It's not graphic but it's emotionally VERY heavy. Take care of yourselves and all the love in the world <3
Saturday, July 4, 2009 - 3 months later 
“What’s Steve gonna do?” You asked, legs stretched out alongside the small table in the break room of the clinic. 
“Hopefully act like an adult for a change,” Andrew smiled. “Get his own place. He’s gotta grow up sometime.” 
“Aw, you’re going to be like empty nesters,” you teased. He laughed. “Moving in together… big step.” 
“Right?” He shook his head. “Might as well call it marriage.” He turned his bottle of water in his fingers, watching the plastic fracture the light. “I’m not making a mistake, right?” 
“You love her?” You asked. 
“More than anything,” he said. 
“Then no,” you smiled. “Not making a mistake. Jess is… she’s the best. Truly. You’re lucky she had a lapse in judgement that lasted long enough to start seeing you…” 
He lightly kicked your leg and you laughed. 
“I’m really glad you figured your shit out with her,” you looked at him and smiled as he nodded. 
“You and me both.” 
After meeting Jess at the speakeasy just after Joel and Tommy made it to the QZ, Andrew just… kept bumping into her. When he went to the warehouse to pick up supplies for the clinic? She was there. At the market? She was there. At the speakeasy? She was there. And he kept watching her, out of the corner of his eye, like he thought no one would notice. But you did. 
“Are you going to actually talk to her again or are you going to just pine after her from afar because you’re hung up on her name?” You asked him eventually when she passed on the street and the two of you were walking to the clinic. 
“I can pine all I want, thank you,” he huffed. 
“I don’t think you want to just pine, bud,” you replied. He sighed. 
“I just can’t…” he looked up at the sky for a moment. “How am I supposed to get through the day if I’m always reminded of her? I mean I know I only knew her for a week but fuck…” 
“I don’t think time matters as much when you’re trying to survive,” you shrugged. “By the time we got to the QZ we’d known each other, what, three weeks?” 
“Shit,” he sighed. “Yeah.” 
“It’s just different,” you shrugged. “I was ready to claw someone’s eyes out for looking at you wrong.” 
“I punched Elias for not letting me see you for five minutes,” he winced. You looked up at him, shocked. “Oh yeah, that was when you weren’t responding to anything. Forgot you didn’t know about that. He forgave me pretty quick.” 
You shook your head.
“Point is,” you said. “A week is plenty when you’re relying on each other to stay alive. You protected her. You were there when… Anyway, it makes sense is what I’m saying. But that doesn’t mean it needs to hold up your whole life, you know?” 
“So you think I should talk to her.” 
“I think you need to get your head out of your ass or you’re going to watch her fall in love with someone else and be pissed at yourself about it and I’m going to be the one who has to deal with you.”
For a change, he took your advice.  
Introducing you to Jess had been a process. Andrew had - apparently - talked about you. A lot. And she’d seen you with him around the QZ. He’d set up a night at the speakeasy, just the three of you. You got there early. Andrew came over and hugged you, whispering in your ear “I’m so fucking nervous.” You gave him a squeeze. 
“Jess this is…” he held his hand out to you, frowning. Like he couldn’t think of how to qualify you. 
“I’m the outbreak survival partner turned best friend,” you smiled, holding out your hand. “And you’re the girlfriend!” 
“Hi,” she smiled, taking your hand and looking relieved. 
You talked for a while, getting to know each other. She had been a junior in college when the outbreak hit, studying psychology. She worked doing psych evaluations for FEDRA now, but wanted to try to get some kind of mental health system set up in the QZ eventually. She was sweet, smart and obviously very into Andrew. When he left to go get drinks, she watched him go before turning to you. 
“Oh my God,” she sighed and then laughed. “I’ve been panicking about meeting you, you’re very intimidating! He doesn’t really have any other family or people besides you and he talks about you all the time. I’ve been hoping you’ll at least tolerate me! I feel like I’m meeting the parents and the big sister and the best friend at the same time… I’m so glad you’re nice!” 
“Oh hon,” you laughed and put an arm around her, giving her a squeeze. “I don’t think I’ve ever intimidated anyone so thank you for that! You’re lovely, I’m now going to require him to bring you around as much as you’ll stand us.” 
“Then expect to see me an awful lot,” she smiled, looking back toward the bar. “I’m kind of crazy about the guy.” 
It helped that she went by Jess. It helped more that she was able to exist as her own, separate person with no ties to Jessica the more you were around her. She even understood when you or Andrew needed the other when things got hard and no one else understood.  
Moving in with her was the right choice.
“You and Joel any closer to…” he gestured vaguely, eyebrows raised. 
“Let’s not talk about my slowly devolving love life,” you took a drink of water. 
“I will kick his ass,” he said. “Just say the word.” You rolled your eyes. “Seriously though. What’s going on? I thought things were a little better after you actually told him what happened…” 
“It was, for about five minutes,” you sighed. “He’s only slept over three nights in the last week…” You swallowed the knot in your throat. “It’s like he’s looking for an out. I keep trying to ask him if something is wrong or if I did something… It reminds me of the last time I visited him in Texas, before the outbreak. He broke up with me a few weeks later and, in hindsight, that whole trip felt like him saying goodbye.” 
You sighed, finishing your bottle of water. Joel had slept over the night before and it was like his body was in your bed but the rest of him was gone. 
He’d been lying flat on his back and you wrapped around him, stretching up and kissing his cheek. His arm never went around you to pull you closer like it usually did. You tried to press yourself against his side, tried to soak up as much of him as you could. When you kissed the side of his neck, he turned his head and lifted your chin, crashing his lips into yours. His kiss was harsh, consuming. He all but tore your tank top and cotton shorts off your body, leaving them in a heap on the floor. 
His fingers dug into your flesh, into the spaces between your ribs, into the soft fullness of your breasts. You clumsily worked your hips against him as he ripped his own clothes off, too, before he pushed two fingers sharply into you, making you gasp. 
“Always wet for me,” he said it harshly, almost judgmentally. You moaned, a knot in your stomach that didn’t usually exist when he touched you. “Always fuckin’ wanting it…” 
“Joel,” you whimpered and he kissed you, his tongue shoving your mouth open as he pulled his fingers from you and pressed his hard length against you. He entered you with one firm stroke, forcing your walls apart, making you gasp against his mouth. 
His hips snapped into yours, his cock slamming into you with each stroke. He bit your neck, took your wrists in his hand and held them down when you tried to run your fingers over his back. Your body kept trying to hold onto him, keep him close and he refused it. You came only seconds before he went slack on top of you, panting for breath. 
He slid out of you and collapsed next to you in bed, not touching you. You just stared at the ceiling for a moment, feeling him leaking out of you, slipping away. He was gone when you woke up. 
“He’s not the only man on earth, you know,” Andrew was watching you. You frowned a little but nodded. “Steve’s always had a bit of a crush on you…” 
You snorted. 
“Steve needed me to teach him how to boil pasta.” 
“Yeah, he’s got mommy issues,” Andrew half smiled at you. “It explains everything.” 
“Doctor?” Marta hung her torso into the break room, her black ponytail swinging over her shoulder. “We need you.” 
“We’ll just have to fix my love life another day,” you drummed the tabletop for a second and gave Andrew a small smile before jogging over to Marta and following her to the exam rooms. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, fidgeting with your stethoscope. 
“Pregnant woman, thinks she’s about 10 weeks?” She passed you the chart. “Says she thinks something’s wrong but hasn’t given me many specifics. Wanted to just tell the doctor.” 
You stopped at the exam room door. 
“Thanks, Marta,” you gave her a tight smile. “I’ve got it from here.” 
You knocked on the door once before stepping in. 
“Hey Doc,” the woman smiled. You’d seen her a few times in the clinic through the years for the usual basic things. Coughs that wouldn’t leave, a broken finger, stitches once when she cut her hand as she fell at work. You glanced at the chart. Penelope. Penny. That’s what she’d told you last time. 
“Hi Penny,” you smiled back, setting the chart down and going to the sink to wash your hands before putting on gloves. “What seems to be the issue?” 
“I slipped at work,” she winced. “Yesterday afternoon…” 
“They still letting you on ladders with your track record?” You teased, taking some notes on the chart. She laughed. 
“Right?” She said. “You’d think they’d give me another job after a while… Anyway, something’s felt… wrong ever since. And this afternoon I used the bathroom and there was blood in my panties and…” 
Your stomach turned and you fought to make sure it didn’t show. 
“Let’s take a look.” 
Joel showed up at the clinic at the same time as Andrew’s girlfriend. He fought the urge to groan. She was a sweet enough girl but he’d never really taken the same liking to her you had. She was young, naive, a little too content to hang on Andrew’s every word. But she was insightful enough to know that he wasn’t about to start a fan club for her, just giving him a tight smile as they both went into the waiting room. 
It seemed quiet, at least. Something Joel was relieved for. He kept trying to get some distance from you and then something would pull him back in. You’d smile at him in just the right way, kiss his neck when your body was against him, have a bad day at the clinic and look so exhausted that all he wanted to do was wrap you up and hold you close. It was easier to keep his distance when you didn’t need him. He couldn’t resist you needing him. 
“Hey guys,” Andrew sighed, coming out of the back. Jess’ face brightened into a real smile then, looking at her boyfriend like he hung the moon. She put her arms around his neck and he kissed her, long enough that Joel cleared his throat to remind them that he was there. Jess blushed and wrapped her arms around his waist. “It’s going to be a few minutes…” he lowered his voice. “She’s busy with a rough one.” 
“Oh no,” Jess frowned. “What’s happening?” 
“Miscarriage,” he sighed. “Which is hard on her for obvious reasons…” 
Jess just nodded and pressed herself into his side but Joel just frowned. 
“What’d you mean, obvious reasons.” 
“Well, you know,” Andrew shrugged. “During the outbreak.” 
Joel’s stomach dropped and, after a moment, Andrew’s eyes went wide. 
“Oh shit,” he breathed. “She didn’t tell you, fuck, she said she’d told you everything, I thought she told you, I swear she said she told you…” 
You came out of the back, looking sad for a moment but your face brightened when you saw Joel. You came up and stretched up to kiss his cheek. 
“Just need a few more minutes,” you said. “Just waiting for Kristen so I can go over some overnight care instructions for a patient. Let me tell you, I really need that drink…” 
“What the fuck is Andrew talking about?” Joel asked, looking down at you. You frowned. 
“I’m so sorry,” Andrew whispered. “I thought you’d told him, you said you’d told him everything, I thought you’d told him….” 
Your face fell, looking between Andrew and Joel. 
Joel stormed outside. His head was spinning. Something Andrew had said the night that he got to the QZ came back to him, something he’d heard that he wasn’t meant to hear. 
“So that’s the dad…” 
He’d thought he was talking about Sarah. Who else could he have meant? It would have made sense, you explaining your connection through his daughter…. 
“Hey,” you were walking quickly, almost jogging, to catch up to him. He was panting for breath, the haze of twilight on the horizon. “Joel…” 
“Were you pregnant?” He demanded, spinning to face you. You startled back from him, like he’d slapped you. You didn’t answer. “Were. You. Pregnant.” 
You stared at his chest. 
He turned away from you for a moment, trying to get his composure before he turned back. 
“It was mine?” 
“Yes,” your voice was wet and thick. 
“What happened.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you answered. 
“They were going to shoot Jessica,” you whispered. “I didn’t know it was transmitted through bites, they were just going to shoot her and I had to stop it and they hit me and… Joel, I’m sorry, I tried, I tried so hard…” 
You’d been on your own, been with two teenagers you’d taken charge of and his child inside you and he’d been across the country from you, not able to protect you, only able to fail you, only able to fail you both…
“When did you know?” 
You were quiet and he ground his teeth. 
“The first day of school,” you breathed, glancing up at his face for a second before looking straight ahead again. 
He felt like he was going to be sick. 
“You knew,” he said it through clenched teeth. You winced but stood your ground, your arms crossed over your stomach. “You knew for weeks. WEEKS. And you didn’t fuckin’ tell me?” 
“I’m sorry,” your voice was shaky. “I didn’t know what I was going to do at first, I didn’t know if I was going to keep it and once I decided I wanted to keep it I didn’t know if I was ever going to tell you…” 
“You were going to have my fuckin’ kid and you weren’t going to tell me!” He was screaming. You wanted to cower from him, he could tell. Your body shook with it. But you weren’t backing down. 
“I decided to tell you the day before the outbreak,” your eyes met his then. “That’s why I texted you. I didn’t want to just tell you over the phone, that’s why I asked if you wanted to have coffee… I wanted to come up with a plan first to make sure you didn’t need to do anything you didn’t want to do, I didn’t want you to feel like you were stuck with me and a baby you didn’t want and I…” 
“You should have fucking TOLD ME!” He couldn’t look at you, putting his back to you. His stomach twisted, his chest tightened. 
He was running through everything that happened the night of the outbreak. He couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop it once it started. The phone call from Tommy, leaving Sarah alone at the house. Coming home and finding her at the mercy of the infected. Driving, running, holding her…. 
It all would have been different. If he’d known, if you’d just told him, it all would have been different. 
“We’re done,” his voice cracked. 
“What?” You sounded so small, so weak. It reminded him of the time you called him for help, when on a date with that handsy guy. You sounded scared. “Joel, please…” 
“Do you understand what you did?” He rounded on you, towering over you. You flinched back, like you were afraid he was going to hit you. “None of it would have happened this way if you’d just fucking told me you were pregnant with my goddamn kid!” 
“She’d still be here!” He screamed it. You stepped back from him then, sobbing now. 
“You can’t know…” you choked on it but he cut you off. 
“Yes I can,” he said. He was seething. “If you’d just fuckin’ told me, we wouldn’t have BEEN there! We would have been in New York with you or you would have been in Austin with us and I wouldn’t have left her alone that night, you would have been with her and known what to fuckin’ do, she never…” 
“You can’t…” 
“She died that night!” He yelled, getting in your face. He’d never told you this. He’d never told anybody this. “Shot by some Army fuck and it never would have happened that way if you’d just told me you were pregnant with my fucking kid!” 
He straightened, running his hands through his hair, desperate for something to hold onto. It was like losing her all over again, like there was a gaping hole in his chest, like someone had cracked open his ribs and started taking him apart. If you’d told him, Sarah would be alive. If you’d told him, he could have saved your child. If he’d just known, it would all be different. He wouldn’t have failed you. He wouldn’t have failed you. 
You were just standing there, your face wet, arms tightly around yourself. You hadn’t even moved to wipe your tears away. 
“Please,” it was barely audible.
“We’re done,” he said it again, his voice flat. “I wish I’d never fuckin’ met you. I never want to see you again. We’re done.” 
He turned and left you there in the haze of the streetlights outside the clinic. 
Joel wasn’t sure how long he walked. He wasn’t sure where he ended up. He didn’t fucking care. He almost hoped someone tried to talk to him. He wanted to hit something, he wanted something to hit him. He wanted to hurt, something on his body needed to hurt the same way his soul was hurting. It wasn’t right that the pain wasn’t spread out, that it wasn’t all through his body, too. 
Tommy was out when he got home. For a moment, Joel’s eyes drifted to the floorboards where they’d stashed their weapons. He wouldn’t flinch this time. Your voice wouldn’t pull him back this time. 
He went for the liquor instead. He drank until he passed out. He didn’t move for two days. 
You couldn’t seem to stop crying. You stood there, watching where Joel had gone, like you were waiting for him to come back for you. He wasn’t going to come back for you. 
“I wish I’d never fuckin’ met you.” 
“Don’t let anyone take you from me.” 
“I never want to see you again.” 
You had a patient. 
You forced yourself to turn and walk for the clinic. You hadn’t gone far, only about 50 yards, but it was apparently far enough that no one inside had heard the commotion outside. That was good, at least. Andrew noticed you first, his hands on your shoulders before you really realized he was even there. 
“Hey,” he said, stopping you. His voice was gentle, so gentle compared to Joel’s. You kept your arms around your waist. “What happened? Are you OK?” 
“I’m fine,” you said, even though you were still crying. “Is Kristen ready for care instructions? Have you seen her?” 
“She’s still in back, what happened?” He asked. Your eyes were having a hard time focusing. His chest was just a gray blob in front of you. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing,” you answered. “It’s fine. You guys should probably just head over to the speakeasy, I think I’m just going home…” 
“What did he do to you?” His hands went from your shoulders to your face, tilting your head up so you were forced to look at him. You closed your eyes, unable to bear the idea of really looking at him. 
“He left,” you said, voice cracking. “Said he never wants to see me again. I’m fine,” you said it quickly, before Andrew had a chance to argue. “It’s fine. I understand it, I deserve it, I’m fine, it’s fine, I just need to give Kristen the care instructions…” 
Andrew pulled you against his chest, his lips finding your hair. 
“I’m so sorry,” he breathed. “I didn’t mean to, I’m so sorry…” 
“Not your fault,” you were getting his shirt wet with tears. “It’s OK…” 
“Doctor?” Kristen called. “Everything OK?” 
You pulled back from Andrew and sniffed, trying to compose yourself. 
“Fine,” you said. “Just a long day. Let me go over this with you…” 
You were numb as you went over protocols, noted medication and amounts, making sure to triple check everything because you didn’t really trust yourself but you didn’t have another doctor to hand Penny’s care off to. 
Andrew and Jess were sitting in the waiting room when you finished. You frowned. 
“I thought I said to go on ahead,” you said. 
“We’re not just going to abandon you,” Andrew looked at you, incredulous. 
“I just want to go home and be alone,” you looked between them. “Really. It’s fine.” 
“Well then we’ll walk you home,” Jess said, chin jutting out defiantly, almost daring you to argue. 
You let them. They walked you all the way to your door, but wouldn’t let Andrew stay. 
“I’d feel a lot better if I just slept here,” he was frowning, his hands in his pockets. 
“I just want to do this on my own,” you couldn’t look at him, staring over his shoulder instead. 
“Are you sure you’re safe to be on your own?” Jess asked, her voice soft. You nodded, not looking at her. 
“I just need to cry for a bit,” you said. “I’ll see you at work on Monday.” 
Andrew ground his teeth for a moment before pulling you tightly against him. 
“I love you,” he said. “Wouldn’t be here without you. Don’t go doing anything stupid.” 
You hesitantly put your arms around him. 
“Love you too.” 
He and Jess left, Andrew giving you a lingering look as he closed and locked your door behind him. You looked around your apartment for a moment. One of Joel’s shirts was hanging on your closet door. The picture of you, him and Sarah was still on your nightstand. The book he’d been reading was on his side of the bed. 
You left it there, going to the bathroom and running a bath in the tub that was a little too small for an adult to take a bath in but you didn’t care. You took off your clothes, folding them and putting them in a neat pile on the toilet seat, your body on autopilot. 
He’d been right, of course. If Sarah had died that night, it would have been different had you told him. If you’d just opened your fucking mouth when you’d found out and told him instead of mulling it over and being too anxious… 
You slipped into the water, body too numb to really notice the temperature of it. You stared into space for a while, just letting yourself cry until it seemed like there was nothing else left in you to cry out. 
For a moment, you wondered what it would have been like if you’d just told him. It wasn’t the first time you’d imagined something like it. Pictured Sarah chasing a toddler around your grandmother’s back yard or holding a plump baby with a bucket hat on their tiny head as they kicked their little legs in the Millers’ pool. You’d pictured what your child would look like so many times. Boy or girl, they always had Joel’s hair and eyes. Sometimes they got your nose, sometimes his. They sometimes had the dimple he got on one cheek when he smiled. 
It had always been a sad impossibility before. You could have done things differently that day, done what you could to change Jessica’s fate, made it so you never got hit but, after years of playing it over in your mind, you knew there wasn’t much you COULD have done differently. Your child was something that just wasn’t meant to be, something that got taken away before you had a chance to really love it and hold it close. Now, it was a choice you’d made. Another mistake born of a mistake. 
You’d never really been meant to exist at all. Your parents never meant to have you, they’d left you with your grandmother who had stepped up out of obligation to her flighty daughter. You’d done nothing but fuck up everyone’s lives since day one. 
“Don’t let anyone take you from me.” 
“I wish I’d never fuckin’ met you.” 
You slid below the water, lying flat on your back in the bottom of the tub. You held your breath. You opened your eyes, the stained ceiling rippling overhead. Your lungs burned. The ceiling blurred. Your hair swirled in the water around you. You didn’t move when your body forced you to inhale, sucking water into your lungs. But your body wouldn’t let you stay still, making you shoot up, coughing and choking, gasping like you had anything worth living for. 
You cried again, staying in the tub until the water turned so cold that you could feel it. You went to bed alone, wishing the water had swallowed you.
A/N: Hi y'all. For folks who skipped to the end for a spoiler-y warning: FMC treats a patient who is having a miscarriage, Joel finds out about her miscarriage, freaks out that she never told him and leaves her.
I KNOW I'M SORRY I REALLY AM. Here's why it's working this way: 1) Joel after Sarah is largely defined by his inability to allow himself to love fully and honestly. Until he's forced to work through his shit, his trauma will not LET him love anyone. It's not safe. For him, loving someone will lead to his death. He can't do it yet. HE WILL EVENTUALLY. But he can't yet. Remember that the choices made by this Joel are literally life and death for him. After what happened with Sarah, he can't approach these choices any other way. 2) These characters are going to grow and develop along largely parallel paths for a bit and we're going to see them over the next few years where their paths cross until the day that Ellie shows up. Joel wouldn't be Joel if he was just happily with her for 15 years and she wouldn't be who I've been building her up to be if she was with the love of her life for 15 years. Their journeys are going to be separate for a bit but we're still going to see them together, I promise.
Thank you so much for reading and interacting and sticking with the story even though I throw SUPER SAD SHIT in all the time. I have a taglist now, so if you're interested in that, please let me know. I love you all like crazy!
Taglist: @paleidiot
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So Nester was the only one who actually made it safely back to his kingdom while the others got royally screwed in their own ways (for some the pun is intended) so it's just-
Agamemnon: So what happened to you guys?
Diomedes: I got replaced by my wife and was kicked out of my kingdom. It's cool though, I just started one of my own instead. What about you?
Agamemnon: Similar to you, I got back and found out my wife replaced me as well, but then she also killed me, so
Diomedes: Yikes... that explains the whole- ghost thing-
Agamemnon: Yeah I think they got that. Anyway what about you little Ajax?
Little Ajax: I don't want to talk about it..
Little Ajax: .....
Diomedes: Well that one explains why you're also a ghost. What about you, Nester?
Nester: Actually I made it home in only four days and I'm living a fine and peaceful life with my family.
Agamemnon: Well jeez no need to show off like that to us "less fortunate"
Nester: But-.. but I wasn't-
Agamemnon: Anyway what happened to good old Odysseus? The father of Telemachus?
Nester: Huh- I actually I don't know-
Little Ajax: Don't look at me, I don't know where he is
Diomedes: ....
Diomedes: Why is everyone looking at me all of the sudden?? I don't know where he is
Agamemnon: ....
Nestor: ....
Little Ajax: ....
Diomedes: ....
Diomedes: Well if he isn't dead and he isn't at home then where the hell has that man gone to!? Did his hubris misguide his sense of direction!?
~~Meanwhile, on Calypso's island~~
Odysseus: *Litterally crying on the shores of the island feeling broken and with no sign of escape, then is set free only to end up having to fist fight a literal whirlpool monster*
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We are still looking for a house and there is just NO inventory and I know that part of the reason is that interest rates are so high, so if you currently have a house you bought 7 years ago at 3% interest rate, you're not going to buy a house now when housing prices are higher AND you'd have an 8% mortgage.
but the other thing, and this is maybe particular to towns like mine, idk-- is that a lot of the 4bedroom houses are being sat on by empty nesters, because there is nowhere for THEM to go. They've built so many condos in my town, theoretically for retirees!, but they cost 700k. If you have a house for 700k already filled with your shit, why are you going to move to the same thing!! that gets you nothing! But like, houses are meant to turn over! 4 bedroom houses should have 4-5 people in them! And yet my mil lives in one alone, my fil lives in one alone, adam's aunt and uncle live in one alone, our next door neighbors, 4 of the 5 houses at the front of the subdivision across the street-- all empty nesters in giant houses.
Let us live in your house!!! We will buy it!!
It's so so frustrating. Also they don't vote for bond measures for the schools bc it raises property taxes, so then our schools are still un air conditioned and don't have cafeterias. GAHHGHHAGH I am so frustrated about this. Move to fucking buffalo grove like you're supposed to!!!
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theplottdump · 2 months
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Hinoki: Dahliaaaa!
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Poppy: Poppy.
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Hinoki: 𝗣𝗼𝗽𝗽𝘆!
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Hinoki: I have a million questions baby! Poppy: Yeah - uh, well that's something we might have in common.
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Hinoki: What are you doing all the way out here? And why are you wearing 𝘬𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘪?
You don't need money do you?
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Poppy: No Mom- I'm ugh, I'm working. Hinoki: I thought you were a flight attendant? Poppy: Now she remembers something.
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Hinoki: Appleeeee! There you are! You remember my daughter right? Poppy this is my personal assistant Appleeee. Poppy: Hi Billie. Billie: Hey Poppy.
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Poppy: Where's Dad? And why did you drag poor Billie out here? Hinoki: Appleeee. Whenever your father and I go on our spirit journeys we like to go by something more ~𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭~ which is why you can call me 𝘔𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯! Poppy: Mom you're literally named after a tree.
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Hinoki: And your father is recovering from his ball lift surgery. He has to lie very, very, still for the next week and a half. Poppy: Okay, Ew. Hinoki: So I asked Apple to come instead! She's in charge of keeping me from tweeting "politically charged takes" on the internet.
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Hinoki: But they're not even that bad! Apple: You said the tents under the bridges in Del Sol Valley added "𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘮."
It doesn't even matter anyway. I haven't been able to get a single bar the entire time we've been out here.
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Poppy: Mom- how long have you been out here? Hinoki: A couple days, why baby what's wrong? Poppy: You can't be here, it's dangerous. Hinoki: 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵. Poppy: What? Really?
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Hinoki: I didn't realize there'd be so many young hot people at this retreat! Usually it's just a bunch of us empty-nesters with leathery taints and no real summer plans. Poppy: You know you don't have to say every thought that pops into your head right? Some can stay inside.
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urhoneycombwitch · 22 days
thinking some thoughts about Dad!Steve
he wants kids so bad and his baby fever gets crazy the older he gets, especially as his Kids™ start to grow up and graduate and live their own lives so he's basically a 25 year old empty nester vibrating in his skin when he sees a baby in the grocery store or a little kid getting ice cream in their little baseball gear
he reads baby books and the like "What to do when you're expecting" pregnancy advise books, even before having the serious conversation with his partner that he'd like to start trying. I think it settles in pretty quick for him that even though he supplies half of the DNA, he doesn't actually do any work during the 9+ months of pregnancy and he really buckles down to help as much as he can. You ever watch Father of the Bride 2 when Steve Martin takes care of his girls and has the house the perfect temperature even though he's freezing and runs around all over town at different shops for takeout cravings? Yeah, that's Steve. Reader can't eat certain foods due to them making her nauseous/for health reasons like gestational diabetes? Steve isn't eating them either. Like he's fully committed to suffering alongside his partner and doing everything he can for them because he got them pregnant and that's his love, why wouldn't he??
And oooh, he does not stand for anyone putting down his partner and/or the baby? He lets his parents into that part of his life as a second chance, but the moment his mom or dad start to become monster in laws- nope! He packs everyone up in the car and cuts his parents out because no way are you gonna fuck up being a grandparent/in-law like you fucked up being a parent. Like he absolutely takes no shit when it comes to the people he loves.
He's just so Househusband/Dad like that's his destined role and he's so excited to fill it. Some people have dreams about riches and big houses, but he'd trade all that in a heartbeat for a family of his own - a house full of giggles and stains instead of pricey things just for decoration.
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theramseyloft · 4 months
hello, a friend was asking me about actual sources pertaining to the claims that pigeons benefit from living with humans. is it ethical to just scoop one off the street? i personally believe it is, but i also think it's totally fair to want a credible source and not just "i read it on twitter". the work you're doing is great, by the way!
That's honestly a really complex question.
Feral Pigeons (Columba livia) in North America, South America, and Australia are the descendants of birds brought from Europe that had already been fully domesticated for thousands of years at the time.
The Rock Dove from which the domestic birds descend is native to Asia, Europe, and parts of Africa, and on those continents, there are still wild populations that can mix with the domestic ones, and the type of habitat to which pigeons are adapted for feral or semi feral pigeons to return to and live out their lives.
Feral pigeons in these locations may be treated as wildlife.
But feral pigeons in North America, South America, and Australia do not have the wild Rock Doves to interbreed with or access to natural habitat that would allow them even the most remote chance of 'reverting' to something like the wild baseline.
Domestication is achieved by breeding wild traits out.
However many generations any number of dog breeds may be allowed to mix, no litter will ever result in wolf pups, unless full wolves are reintroduced to the breeding population.
The same logic applies to feral pigeons.
You are never going to get wild Rock Dove out of a feral clutch.
So, I honestly apply the same morals in regards to feral pigeons that I do to feral and stray dogs.
They are so human dependent that they can't survive anywhere that we aren't.
Concrete buildings, bridges, signs, and barns are the closest thing to natural nesting habitat available to feral pigeons, who are cliff side crevice nesters.
Food they would be able to forage for in the wild isn't really available to ferals.
In places where feeding them is banned, populations die out because they starve to death.
Feral pigeons eat garbage out of desperation, not because they can actually digest any of it.
So the question to whether or not they benefit from human care is a resounding "Yes!!".
They genuinely do need us, and do suffer if we just ignore them, unlike actual wildlife, which thrives when left alone by humans.
I could die happy if street pigeons were taken in like stray dogs are in the US.
But with out enough shelters or homes, the moral issue of whether or not to bring any given pigeon in off the street comes down to answering: "What will do the most good and the least harm?"
Taking a healthy adult off the street is usually stranding a mate and offspring regardless of the time of year.
Pigeon babies eat SO much that both of their parents can lose a LOT of body mass!! The adults tend to end up weighing significantly less than their offspring, even in a situation where food is always abundant.
So removing one healthy parent is extremely likely to cause the starvation of one or both offspring and severe malnutrition to the other parent, directly causing more harm than good over all.
An adult caught in something or tangled in string with no serious injuries probably still has a mate and young. The best thing for them is to be detangled and released.
A severely injured or sick adult cannot take care of partner or young, and in the time it takes to heal a serious wound or treat a severe illness, chances are that their mate will have taken them for dead and found a replacement.
I keep birds that came in this condition, though they are not likely to ever like me or any other human.
No harm is being done to other pigeons in the flock of origin, and that individual will live a longer, healthier life in an outdoor loft with a constant supply of food and access to medical care when needed.
I would consider it more cruel to release disabled adult pigeons or young in any condition than to keep them as pets.
Remember, they are already domesticated, and physically adapted to human care. Young birds and disabled adults adjust very well to human households.
So, my advice to some one wanting to rescue and adopt a pigeon off the street is to check local laws and make friends with a local flock in a place where there are no regulations against feeding them.
Lost performance breeds can often be recovered from the outer edge of a feral flock, and birds who know you as a food source will be more willing to approach or desperate to eat if they have an injury or illness that makes keeping up with the rest of the flock difficult.
It puts you in the prime position to rescue a bird who definitely needs your help.
Anyone looking to take on the responsibility of rescuing a pigeon directly off the street needs to expect there to be vet bills!
Make sure you have access to a vet who will see pigeons, and specify that the bird is your pet, not a drop off you plan to just leave with them.
If you want to rescue, but do not think you can afford immediate trips to the vet, take a step back and reach out to a rescue organization.
The birds they have available will already have been treated for what ever injuries or illness got them there.
Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue is pretty solid, and you don't have to live in the Great Lakes region to adopt from them.
I previously butt heads with Palomacy on two serious issues, but the facts remain that the birds there need homes, food, and medical care, and having allowed that to prevent me from pointing Californians looking to adopt a pigeon in their direction was frankly petty of me.
@shayvaalski States in the comments: "Palomancy states very clearly that "Pigeons were the first domesticated bird" and "They are domestic and unable to live in the wild." While they also say that they don't think birds should have been domesticated, they also uh, understand that they were and talk about street birds as feral. They do not recommend parrot feed. They say "Pigeons eat seeds and grains and you can buy pre-mixed blends called pigeon feed"."
Both of these are changes since my last interactions with the organization, so I appreciate the correction.
For further reading, Rosemary Mosco (who writes the adorable Bird and Moon comic) wrote a fantastic book detailing our history with pigeons.
Hope that helps. ^v^
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buddiebeginz · 22 days
you are so right about eddie! the way he more or less deliberately self-sabotages to avoid thinking about or dealing with the actual root cause of his problems (shannon and his sexuality) is just so poignant and will make for some delicious episodes.
Thanks Anon and thanks for taking the time to read my post. ❤️ I'm hoping that we're going to see Tim and the other writers really take this cheating arc somewhere meaningful for Eddie eventually hopefully leading to his queer awakening.
I remember back in like season 4 when there was that scene when Buck talked about the universe screaming at Eddie and I think the universe has been screaming at him for a long long time now that he's not straight. So much of Eddie's story would make so much more sense if they can connect it to him being in denial about his sexuality.
I'm not happy they're doing a cheating storyline but I do think it has potential especially for a character like Eddie "I'm a nester" Diaz where it feels so against who he is as a person. If you're going to take a character so far in the opposite direction from where they would normally go you really need to have a good reason for it. For me that can't just be Eddie grieving Shannon because we're in season 7 now the time to do a storyline like that was years ago and they already kind of did that with the street fighting stuff.
I'm not saying you can't still be grieving someone you loved years later or that the trauma from a death like Shannon's wouldn't affect someone years on. I just think it doesn't make sense for the show to wait five years and then do a storyline that is exclusively about how Eddie isn't over his dead wife especially the way they've chosen to do it too, there has to be more going on here and it feels like there is. This all feels like it's leading somewhere with Eddie especially since Buck has been brought into this story too. We also know Buck is going to be a part of things even more as it plays out since he's going to have a scene with Kim and from interviews it sounds like some kind of issue is going to come up between Buck and Eddie likely connected to all this.
So just like they connected Eddie to Buck's bi awakening and his relationship with T*mmy I think they're connecting Buck to what's going on with Eddie which I think will eventually lead to his own journey of self discovery.
Sorry this got rambly I started to have more thoughts as I typed stuff out. Message anytime :)
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shayyprasad · 5 months
i love you peter b. parker | peter parker
pure angst. that's it lololol
summary: you knew you wouldn't be around forever, and you wanted to leave a piece of you behind for him.
i had this idea in mind for some time but i'm only now just writing it but fr i legit almost cried writing this
we love delulu peter
tw: sad peter
angst (for me) isn't easy to write, but i tried my best here. did you like it???
he knew you were sick, he knew you would leave. but it never really hit him that you would be gone someday, that is, until you were gone. terminal kidney disease wasn't fun, and it most definitely wasn't easy. it didn't matter though, because as long as you had peter by your side, you were sure that nothing would go wrong. that you'd be able to fight through it, because the love of your life was fighting alongside you.
peter was always used to saving everyone, so he felt so utterly useless when he found out. he tried to make you as happy as possible, and to help you do everything that you wanted to do most, and make the most of the time you had left.
he remembered the day he asked you out, and you warned him about the sickness, that you wouldn't be here forever, and that one day, he would have to leave you. no, that you would have to leave him.
but peter being peter hadn't thought that far into the future. he was only 16. he didn't know that he'd grow so attached to you, that you become the one for him.
no. that thought had never occurred.
you had passed in your sleep, at least, age 19. it pained him so much to think about everything you had in store for you.
everything we had.
a life, a future, just waiting.
for all he knew, you were his life. you were his future. so how would he go on? how would he do anything without you? especially when you were his everything?
peter stood next to his aunt, clad in all black, watching your mother scream and cry into your father's shoulder, repeatedly begging for you to come back. he watched her lean down next to the coffin and kiss your hair, whispering sweet nothings. the boy wasn't sure if he'd be able to look at you, to say his goodbyes. because it didn't feel real to him. you couldn't be gone. how could you be gone?
"go, peter," aunt may whispered. "you'll regret it if you don't," her voice was fragile, and he could her the pain in her voice.
"no, no, no, i-i can't-"
"you'll regret it if you don't," she repeated.
so with shaky hands and a heavy heart, he walked over to the black box. there you laid, and he tried to convince himself that you were sleeping.
just sleeping.
he got down on his knees and and looked at you. your hair was perfectly laid out, nails freshly painted. the smallest bit of makeup was on you, but you were a deathly pale. your eyes were closed, but he'd give anything to see those gorgeous hues again, lit up by the liveliness behind them.
"hi, angel," he whispered softly, a strangled sob rising up his throat. "your mom is crying. you should wake up now. didn't we talk about getting more sleep at night? so you wouldn't fall asleep all the time during the day?"
peter chuckled quietly. "baby, i remember that time you fell asleep in mr. nester's class. and you snored? it was so cute. and funny. but mostly cute. they're soft and quiet, but if you're listening, you can hear it. your snores are adorable, you know that? it's hilarious because you always say you don't, y/n, but you do. always. yeah. you always snore. why- why aren't you right now? y-y/n?" he asked, panic creeping in through his words. "why aren't you?"
"y/n? y/n? angel? b-baby, wake up, wake up, it isn't funny anymore, stop it, j-just wake up now, please. please!" he was shaking you now, making the coffin rattle. "aunt may? s-she won't wake up! may! please, wake her up... she- she isn't..." he went off again, murmuring things to himself, all incoherent. "i love you! i lo-love you, y/n!"
they had to drag him away.
months later, he wasn't any better. he could hear aunt may at night sometimes, talking on the phone.
"it wasn't like this with ben," a pause, "no, dr. winston," another pause, "he talks to himself. stays up all night. talks to himself, dr., and not even in the way you might see a little kid doing... no... y-... he always looks scared," peter stopped paying attention at that point. "yes, thursday is fine. thank you."
no, he thought angrily, he didn't need a doctor. not some psychiatrists or psychologists. he needed you. but when he closed his eyes and saw may's pained face, he thought that he'd give it a try. for her. for you, right?
then, it had been a year. he was doing a little better, but barely. peter ate more. slept more. had less nightmares.
but he still didn't have you.
some nights he would stand on the top of his apartment building, right on the ledge, and debate ending it all. that way, he could be with you. and then he remembered may. and ned. and mj. how they'd already lost you, and how they didn't need more grief. those nights he'd go back into his flat and lock himself in his room, crying the rest of the night.
another year passed, and he stood in front of your house. your parents were finally cleaning out your old room, and they'd asked him to come over and see if there was anything he'd wanted. they let him in, giving hugs and greetings. peter trudged up the stairs and into your room. he closed his eyes and inhaled, remembering your loving scent.
but he didn't cry. he'd already done that. peter had no tears left. he was empty. numb.
as he analyzed the room, he saw many boxes, and noted that the bed was gone. some frames were still up, and many decorations were removed. on the dresser there was a photo of you and peter. your head was thrown up as you laughed, and peter was staring lovingly at you. it was a picture that neither of you knew was taken, but when you saw it, it became your favorite.
he'd told a lame joke, and you'd laughed. no one else laughed at his jokes, which was one of the reasons he fell in love with you. here, you were at the carnival with peter, ned, and mj. it was a blurry, side-angle picture, slightly grainy as the lighting was terrible. ned had taken it, and while it wasn't the greatest quality, you had adored it, repeatedly thanking him.
peter sat down and pulled the nearest box closer to him, taking out the first item he grabbed. a purple... journal? there was "to peter parker, the love of my life" written on the front cover in sharpie.
your handwriting.
your. handwriting.
he carefully flipped to the front page.
never mind. he did have tears left to cry.
entry 1:
okay, yes, i know, this is silly. and i doubt you'll ever have to read this, but if you are, it means i'm not here anymore, or that you're going through my stuff again without my permission. in which case, put this down.
he felt tears cascade down his cheek, and he sniffled softly.
peter b. parker, i love you. i have loved you since the day that you bought me that coke when i was a quarter short. luckily, you loved me, too, and now we're together. i wanted to do this because i know i won't be around forever. and before i die (if i do) i want to give you a piece of me, and this is how i'll do it.
i love you, peter b. parker.
he flipped to the next page.
entry 2:
in a world of endemic sickness, where cruelty is the cause and love the antidote, the patients declare themselves doctors and seal the fate of the world.
i love you, peter b. parker.
so he kept reading.
entry 6:
because your love is so whole, my missing pieces appear. because your touch carries such passion, what was scarred becomes soft once more. because you are steady and patient, my open wounds have time to seal and vanish.
perhaps that is why they say love is such magic, this gift from the universe, this sweet addiction to the man i was born to find. for with my twin soul, the only other born in the same flame as i, we are able to bathe one other in warmth and light as easily as we breathe, immune and oblivious to darkness.
i love you, peter b. parker.
entry 14:
i love you like you're the last of my kind. it is as if you speak the same language as i, yet no other is able. to be around you is like finally not being alone - as if all my life i've been isolated, in a windowless room, in a doorless room...
and then suddenly you walk in as if strolling over a summer meadow. how is that you are so much more than sunshine? how is it you breathe life when no other can? why is it you are my medicine? who could love me more than you? so, my love, know this - while i breathe i am yours in mind, body and soul.
i love you, peter b. parker.
entry 27:
you said that meeting me wasn't like a new song, but like opening a book and finding a language you'd never seen before. i want you know that i feel the same way. your love is something beautiful; meeting you is like meeting an enigma.
i don't know how you exist in this world yet you do. so let me tell you now - i will always love you in mind, body and soul. you are the trap i've been wanting to fall into my whole life; liberty from you would simply be an infinite prison. i am the softness you seek and you are the cradle for my head and heart.
i love you, peter b. parker.
entry 42:
love quotes inspire, golden strands of truth in an age of cynicism. yet for me they can never adequately capture the strands of emotion that tumble through the air whenever my my heart turns to you.
love after all transcends time, distance and even mortality. love is the greatest wonder of our age, weightless and invisible as it is. the wordsmith brings a beauty to the love, elevates it yet sometimes this very pedestal brings us to romantic notions too heady for ordinary life.
i love you like the nascent leaves of spring love warmth; i love you like the ancients loved the night sky; i love you like a cool draught of water on a summers day. love cannot be fireworks for an entire lifetime, though we've had our share. love must flow quietly, peacefully, always remaining strong.
love is nothing like finance, we don't give a certain amount to get something back; we simply give. love doesn't lead us to chide or sulk when we feel the lack of it from our partner. it shows us how to bring life and fire back to their soul, to love them back to their true selves and wellness. so, do i adore quotations of love? i do; but for me love is more... it is the greatest power we can ever know. anything else is a cruel and empty distraction.
i love you, peter b. parker.
he let himself get lost in your words, in your love, paying no attention to anything else.
entry 136:
if any one moment in time anchored my soul, creating a tether to this plane of reality, it was the moment i fell in love with you. i realized that i had a protector born of pure love and how could i not love that? how could i not love all that you are? you are the rope and knot to this vessel now in safe mooring. for that, i will forever be yours. in these words i hope you find your truth.
i love you, peter b. parker.
entry 200:
i love you, peter b. parker.
and that was the last page. he took two things home that day. the photo and the journal.
"i love you, too, angel," he whispered on his way back home, to no one really. maybe to the wind, but either way, he knew you heard it.
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