#you're right about the ga sometimes having better takes because at least they know that will is still struggling with his sexuality! bc
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
One of the things that i hate is people saying Will receiving acceptence from his family doesnt matter and it should be given to Mike instead.... like do you even hear yourself lmao. Ueah ofc Joyce and Jonathan will accept Will we know this but Will doesnt know that which ia why it is crucial for his arc especially when he had a father who basically disowned him when he was like.. 10 and abused him for being gay based k assumption. Mike did not experience something like that and I am sorry but Karen and Ted did not abuse Mike based on homophobia. Lowkey GA has better takes than byler sometimes and it is hilarious (aka the broken clock sometimes works sometimes 😭)
i think when people say that they mean that it's obvious to us as an audience that his family is gonna accept him because they've made it extremely clear that they're aware of the fact that he might be gay and have always loved him and encouraged him to be himself. so when people say that his happy ending is getting platonic love and acceptance it's like...he's literally had that since day one. and of course it's crucial and he needs that reassurance but we as an audience don't Need it (i mean i want it obviously) because like you said we know. or we're at least supposed to know.
and because they've made it a point to tie his struggles to his feelings for mike (it's his feelings for mike specifically that give us his saddest not ud related scenes) and had him say that he wasn't gonna fall in love in that "i'm okay with being gay but i'm also okay with it meaning that i'll never be happy like everyone else" voice, him Only getting platonic love and acceptance wouldn't be that satisfying or interesting. i'm sure you agree if you're a byler and you follow me i just mean that that's the way i understand the "will receiving acceptance doesn't matter" thing, it's not that it doesn't matter it's that he's always had it so it wouldn't be that interesting for his arc to stop there and for him to not be proven wrong and get to fall in requited love and be happy. but i get why reading "will receiving acceptance doesn't matter" would rub you the wrong way lol.
it's funny though because even here not everyone agrees on whether or not the wheelers would accept mike if he came out to them. so that at least would be more of a surprise but idk. we're definitely shown will needing that reassurance more but also we Know that he's gonna get it yk? but i do hope we get mike coming out to his mom and get a conversation that's like the one she had with nancy in s3 and a callback to the one she had with mike in s1 where he opens up to her this time.
in conclusion i agree with you. in general "it's not will that's going through this thing he's very obviously going through, it's actually mike!" takes just annoy me like at best it's both. and sometimes it's just will.
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leqonsluv3r · 1 month
Hello Queen Bee :) Your blog is awesome and Leon is BAE! :D
If you're still taking requests, can I please request headcanons for RE2!Leon falling in love with an older female cop who's of a higher rank (Sergeant or above) and confessing his feelings to her after he saves her from being attacked by a suspect?
guilty as sin?
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—re!2!rookie leon kennedy x sergeant!cop reader, a headcanon list 
masterlist taglist prompt game
an: sorry i’ve been so MIA, i suck balls ik. i love you all though for being patient and loving me anyways. this shit was so sweet to write it gave me diabetes ngl. pls reblog and like, yk the drill pookies <333
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rookie!leon who notices you the first day at his police academy training, he doesn’t notice that you seem him staring. you think it’s endearing and it’s been a while since anyone has looked at you like that. you decide to let him stare, what’s the worst that can happen?
rookie!leon who enjoys the way you always bite your lips when your worried, when your trying to have a debriefing, he knows your probably worried because of all the pressure that’s on you. but he always makes sure to give you his undivided attention and respect. it’s the best he can give you. for now.
rookie!leon who makes sure your doing okay when you work late hours, he always stops by your office to check on you. sometimes you let him come into your office, sit with you, talk a bit. something about the passion for the job in his eyes, it puts you at ease, makes you feel better. like being a sergeant was worth it at the end of the day.
rookie!leon who tries to make sure he has no problems with issuing complaints to you. he doesn’t like putting more stress on your shoulders but it’s the least he can do, you have a big and stressful job. he just wants to make it easier for you. even if it’s only a little bit.
rookie!leon who tries to deny after four months that he has feelings for his sergeant, he knows he shouldn’t. he knows you probably don’t feel the same way. but after months of getting to know you and being close to you…it was so hard but it was equally as rewarding at the same time.
rookie!leon who goes on his own patrol for the day, hearing over the radio that your taking a 10-64 (a crime in progress) which wasn’t unusual for you as a sergeant. but still, he worried even though he shouldn’t. he knew you were a strong and capable person but things still happened, things that weren’t always in your control.
rookie!leon who hears you call for backup when he stops for gas. you barely ever called for backup, but he jumped in his car as fast as he could (like he normally would’ve for anyone else) and copied on the radio. he had never driven so fast in his life with his sirens on and weaving in and out of cars like his life depended on it.
rookie!leon who makes it there, but it’s too late. you’ve been shot in the shoulder, kicked and beaten like you had gotten into a fight. he calls for EMTs and medical, holding your beaten body close to him. your in and out of it, trying to stay awake and leon does what he can. he even tries to crack those corny jokes that you swore you hated.
rookie!leon who holds your hand when the paramedics come, you hold it back with whatever strength you have left. despite the situation and the immense worry he has for you right now; his stomach flutters. he would jump in front of a bullet for you, he has a feeling you would do the same.
rookie!leon who helps you recover and heal, offering to stay with you on leave while your shoulder and bruised ribs heal. offering to do whatever and help as much as he can, he swears he’s not in love with you, but…he can’t fight the truth much longer and neither can you.
rookie!leon who rubs your back and plays with your hair when your sleeping on your couch, it’s a miracle you finally got into a comfortable position. it’s weird to think that your his sergeant, that he’s supposed to be at your beck and call but your not even strong enough to lift your shoulders. he doesn’t mind, he swears it’s platonic despite the butterflies that swarm his stomach when your around.
rookie!leon who takes you to your chiropractor and your physical therapist, desperate to help you heal. he needs you to be better again so that he can be better again, he needs that more then he needs air (he believes).
rookie!leon who keeps trying to deny it, same as you, that you both have fallen in love with each other. so when he invites you over for dinner, making his famous pasta (it’s really spaghetti), your thrilled and you accept. he’s convinced that he’s doing all this because you’re better and because your healing. but that’s his mind just trying to deny what his heart wants.
rookie!leon who cooks the dinner, watching as you arrive maybe an hour later in a beautiful little sundress. he’s never seen you dress that way, it brings color to his cheeks and makes his heart race. he doesn’t know how to react or even think straight. the scar on your shoulder from the attack is healing, reminding him that your brave and that you survived something terrible. but despite all that, your still here with him.
rookie!leon who serves you both dinner in his tiny apartment kitchen, serving you both wine and spaghetti. he tries to fight down the butterflies long enough to eat the food he spent so long on. but it’s impossible with you smiling at him like that across his small table, your eyelashes fluttering and your face cast in a warm glow. he feels so damn lucky right now to just be in your presence. even if your not aware of it.
rookie!leon who manages to eat, making small talk with you and laughing at your jokes. but when you laugh at his, he feels like the entire earth has been tilted in an axis. he’s so happy, so in love with you and it sucks because he knows you don’t feel the same. you couldn’t feel the same, your his superior, his boss.
rookie!leon who is oblivious to your touches on his arm and the way your looking at him like you want to eat him alive. he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, the sweetest man you’ve ever let into your life and you feel like your heart could escape your chest whenever you look at him. especially now, when he’s talking so adamantly about his passions and things he enjoys outside of the station. it’s like he’s coming to life in front of you in a way you’ve never seen before. and it makes your heart palpitate.
rookie!leon who doesn’t stop you when you move his small little chair closer to his at his tiny kitchen table, sipping on your wine and keeping eye contact with him. your just listening to him talk, share his story and his life, something that hasn’t happened yet.
rookie!leon who swallows when you lean in and press a kiss to his lips, his brain freezing and whatever stupid story he was telling dying in his mouth. he has a more important matter because your lips are touching his. they’re soft, they’re moving slowly and gently against his like pillows. he doesn’t know if he can get his brain working fast enough to kiss you back.
rookie!leon who kisses you back a little when you try to pull away, his hand gently coming up to hold your jaw as he moves his lips against yours. his brain and his heart cheering in succession that he’s finally getting something he desires and deserves.
rookie!leon who flushes after you both pull away from the kiss, not quite knowing how to react. your both adults here but the situation causes both of your cheeks to heat up like little kids with crushes. he has no choice but to confess his feelings, explaining things carefully incase you regretted the kiss. he just doesn’t want to have his heartbroken again, he wants you, he needs you. he’s convinced.
rookie!leon who is shocked when you confess that you feel the same, your hand moving to hold his and sooth his worries. the doubts circling his mind like water down the drain. he doesn’t mind now, now he’s got nothing to worry about now that your here. now that your telling him you feel the same. he swears he could die happy.
rookie!leon who makes it official with you two weeks after the dinner. taking you out on an official date. you both go to dinner and he drives you home. another kiss is shared on your front porch, not the first but the second and it’s even sweeter. leon is convinced he could never get tired of kissing you.
rookie!leon who’s not really a rookie anymore, after five years. he’s made a name for himself at the RPD with you by his side. the only difference now is that you both wear rings to signify your love and your carrying his child. he got what he deserved and what he wanted most and he swears that life with you is the best it could get. and he can’t wait for the rest of it.
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calmcoldevening · 2 years
Your relationships with boys (slashers x reader)
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Michael Myers
♡ This guy looks like a big black cat. He does whatever he wants; he acts according to the first dictate of emotions, therefore, if he wants something, he will achieve it, no matter how unrealistic the goals may be and no matter how difficult the fulfillment of these desires may be.
♡ At first, he does not like your affection much, or rather, he simply does not understand it because of his understated empathy (if he has it at all). Later, he begins to realize that you treat him in a special way: you cook food, let him sleep with you, bathe, if necessary, treat his wounds - therefore, over time, he begins to show you some timid actions.
♡ He often does what the voices in his head chant to him, so if he wants to touch you anywhere, he will do it; it's better not to resist if you don't want new bruises on your neck and wrists.
♡ This boy is crazy about sweets, especially chocolate. You should replenish your stocks of goodies at least once every three days, otherwise Michael will start behaving like an unsatisfied teenager.
♡ Please feed him at least twice a day (breakfast and dinner will be enough), we don't want the story of eating other people's dogs to repeat, right? And, oh my God, he eats like as many as seven healthy men, which is most likely due to his huge size. If earlier you could easily cook spaghetti and eat it for two or three days in a row, now one such pan flew away in one evening.
♡ And yet, no matter how hard Myers tries to deny it, he is pleased with your presence. When he is in the same room with you, the air is noticeably discharged, it becomes lighter and somehow softer; Michael begins to breathe more calmly under his dirty white latex.
♡ The guy has a very high pain threshold, so you shouldn't be surprised when he appears on your doorstep covered in blood, and under a blue jumpsuit you will find several stab wounds or bullet marks; he doesn't take much care of himself.
♡ Did you have a pet? Forget about him. As soon as Michael sees any cat or bird in your house, he will certainly get rid of it; the guy is extremely selfish, he does not want to share your care with someone else.
♡ Michael is the owner. Did you go to the store and someone gave you a lingering "Kitty-kitty" or hit you on the ass? Expect Michael to come home three times more drenched in blood. This scoundrel got what he deserved; even in his coffin, he will remember with fear the day he was born.
♡ He likes it when you wash his hair or just mess with it when he appears in front of you without a mask; Mike fucking likes it when you massage his scalp, especially considering the migraines from constant voices.
♡ His mom (or rather, her ghost) speaks well of you and sometimes tells her son how to behave in a particular situation, so you have a better chance of avoiding awkward moments.
♡ A massage before going to bed, if he sleeps at all, would be very useful; his shoulders are too tense after years in Smiths Grove and frequent murders.
♡ Only from your mouth "Mikey", oh, this affectionate nickname, sounds acceptable to him; Myers feels a strange calmness and warmth in his heart.
♡ He likes your style of music; the last time he heard you turn it on on your phone was when you were cooking dinner late at night, thinking Michael wasn't around.
♡ Sometimes he brings you some nice things; his mom says that girls like it when they are given gifts.
♡ You are constantly, well, or almost constantly, being watched, that's a fact.
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Bo Sinclairr
♡ A walking time bomb.
♡ Because of his frequent mood swings, you don't know what to expect from a guy, so be prepared for anything.
♡ Bo loves cookies made by your hands very much, it reminds him of the time when mom was still alive and in her right mind.
♡ No matter how it sounds, he likes it when you're in his clothes; big hanging T-shirts on your innocent body attract his animal gaze.
♡ His clothes are your clothes.
♡ Bo is pleased at the thought that you like to help him at the gas station; lately you have become quite familiar with tools and have learned something about the design of cars.
♡ You often have to stop the verbal sparring bordering on fists that arise between the Sinclair twins; Vincent is very grateful to you for this, he does not like to quarrel with his brother.
♡ If he feels bad, he will just pick you up in his arms (whatever you do, he will just pick you up from that place, whether it's cleaning, drawing or cooking soup) and take you to your shared bedroom; he will sit down and put you on his lap, burying his nose in your shoulder or hair; he can sit like this from five minutes to several hours (he will let you go, for example, if you start jumping out of his arms, feeling the burnt smell from the first floor).
♡ And yet, no matter how stubborn and uncontrollable he is, he tries to be gentle towards you. You don't know, but he often watched couples coming to Ambrose and watched for a long time how this or that guy treated his girlfriend. The behavior has always been different, strange in its own way, but Bo realized that mostly guys hug their partners, kiss them and give gifts. He tries to imitate them, at least in the manifestation of physical contact; he also tries in every possible way to cheer you up during sad periods (for example, during menstruation; these days he is especially attentive to you and every changed spectrum of your mood; sweets? no question; hugs? will it be done; hold it on your hands like a little princess girl? everything for you, honey, just don't cry)
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Thomas Hewitt
♡ At first, he really didn't know how to behave. Your relationship was strange: he is a huge maniac with a chainsaw, and you are a victim who somehow magically liked this big guy. At the very beginning, it was fulfilling your basic needs: food, security, sleep. Gradually, when you got a little used to his oppressive aura, he allowed himself to touch you: shoulder, hair, neck — it doesn't matter, just ordinary physical contact!
♡ He likes your cheeks so much. Especially when you blush and start muttering something resentfully under your nose to hide your embarrassment. He finds it extremely charming.
♡ One of the difficulties was that Tommy didn't talk much, if at all. That's why you started communicating with your own sign language. Need to bring something? You are playing a kind of pantomime. A monosyllabic answer? You stretch out your hands in front of him and give each of them a simple answer (yes/no, at home/on the street, etc.) and Thomas chooses left or right, it turned out to be very convenient. Sometimes it even happened that he took your small palm with his huge one and began to write something similar to letters on it with his finger; they were uneven; he often wrote words by ear, but this did not prevent you from understanding him.
♡ His mom didn't approve of your relationship (at the beginning). In her opinion, you were too strange, slow and timid; it would be difficult for you to live in this house. But gradually she got used to your company and even fell in love with you, damn it! You became her daughter-in-law. "My Tommy is a good boy; don't hurt him like the kids at school; take care of him."
♡ With uncles, everything turned out to be scarier, they were terrible perverts. That's why Tommy tried to be there for you all the time and protect you (a knight with a chainsaw, cool).
♡ As for the mask: he blushed terribly when you asked if he could take it off, started pulling the edge of his apron or abruptly went into the basement. After a while, he finally took it off and was surprised when you kissed every inch of his skin.
♡ The guy really likes to spend time with you. I especially like to leave the house in the evenings and lie down with you on the prickly grass a little away from the house so that neither Hoyt nor Monty can hear you. You lie with your hands tightly clasped in a lock and fingers interlaced; the grass scratches the exposed parts of your body, which sometimes makes you squirm, rubbing the earth into one of the most worn T-shirts; you look at the blue sky with pale pink sunset stripes, watching the white-sided moon light up in the distance. Thomas could start to wheeze softly, which meant his laughter when you told one of the funny stories of your childhood. Just always wait for him before the next walk; we don't want your ankle to get caught in one of the massive bear traps, right?
♡ Sweetheart, he loves you so much!
♡ Thomas loves your soft palms with slightly cracked fingertips from the heat and drought! Your hands smell of soap, with which you constantly wash dishes in the kitchen, as well as grass and cinnamon after recently cooking some simple cakes. He's never eaten anything tastier in his life! (in truth, even old Hoyt appreciated them: "Not bad for such a city girl," although you saw that he continued to stare at your ass).
♡ He likes it when you lie on his chest. He starts purring with pleasure. You can hear his measured beating, leaning your ear against his chest; now he is without an apron, in only a loose shirt and loose trousers, which you instructed him to put on before going to bed if he wants to sleep with you in an embrace. Thanks to your presence, Thomas has begun to sleep better.
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I just drank my tea and thought about these sweet boys. Well they're so cute and pretty so i like to write about them. And have a nice day <3
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houseofchalamet · 2 years
Dating Timmy - Random Headcanons
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He always eats and leaves crumbs in the bed, so... enjoy that🙃
When he's sick, you bring him anything he wants, cuddle him, and rub his back.
And he does the same for you.
When you can't sleep at night, he'll sing to you. Whatever song you want.
Except Statistics.
And Yeet.
Sometimes when you shower, he'll sit on the bathroom floor like a puppy because he just wants to be with you.
His love language is physical touch, so he always wants to kiss and hug and cuddle.
It doesn't even have to be romantic touching, it can be something as small as your knees brushing while you're sitting next to each other. Just so he knows you're near him.
When you sit on the floor and do your makeup in the full length mirror, he'll sit and hug you from behind. Sometimes he'll rest his head on your shoulder and watch you through the mirror. It's especially cute early in the morning, when his hair is messy and he's blinking at you sleepily.
Sometimes he'll let you put some blush or lip gloss on him. He's adorable.
He knows you love his hair, so he lets you do whatever you want with it. Pigtails, braids, buns... One night, he let you straighten it.
You then realized that you'd made a huge mistake and forced him to wet it so it would curl again🫣
He holds your undershirt down for you when you take his your hoodies off.
You're both very private but your relationship definitely isn't a secret.
You're both extremely busy, but you try to have date night at least once a week.
It doesn't always have to be going out somewhere; sometimes it's just sitting at the table and playing a board game, baking something, or watching a movie in bed.
Just as long as you're together.
He likes to match his outfits to yours.
On the red carpet, but also just in daily life.
He's not a jealous person because he trusts you so much and he knows you'll never do anything to hurt him.
So he loves showing you off.
He's always weird about sharing his problems because of who he is; he feels like other people have it so much worse and he should just be grateful and not complain.
So he just acts like everything is fine, even when its not.
And of course, you know him better than anyone, so you know when something is bothering him.
It can take a while to coax it out, but eventually, he'll be honest and you can help him work through it.
He feels like you always know the right thing to say. He loves that about you.
You're more "online" than he is and you like to see what people say about him. His fans are so hilarious and creative. He likes it when you read funny tweets about him. He can see all the good stuff posted about him without having to sift through the hate; you're his own personal filter.
You get him into shitty reality TV.
He doesn't see the appeal at first, but after a few episodes, he's picking sides and needing to know what happens on Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Speaking of TV, he's very good at guessing the Masked Singers.
Like he gets it right almost every time.
Sometimes when you're sad, he'll do Pennywise's dance from It to make you laugh.
It never gets old.
He has a hundred notes in his phone with random things you've said. It's usually just a song or snack you mentioned in passing and he wants to remember it for later investigation.
You both start to use the same slang, phrases and references. You're literally the same person.
And sometimes no one else gets your references but you and Timmy. So one of you will say something and you'll both just die laughing while the rest of the room looks at you like wtf..
He's very good at taking Instagram photos and he loves to gas you up.
"Oooohh damn, you're so hot. Yes, do that! That's my (girl/guy)!"
The whole time he's looking at the phone and giving you the thumbs up like a proud mom videoing her child's dance recital.
He likes to open your car door for you.
He can be forgetful when he's stressed out.
"Timmy, your phone is in your hand."
"Timothee, your sunglasses are on your head."
No matter where you are, you like to watch the sunset together.
Sometimes you'll sneak a quote of something miniscule he said in a movie or smth into a normal conversation and he'll cringe.
Him: "Teresa is going to prison on RHONJ😧"
You: "I can do prison."
Him: "eufheufh why are you like this?"
You're his person🥺
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Sinclair!Reader and a not so happy family reunion
This was particularly inspired by @loveandmurders sister Sinclair au. While I was reading it I had the thought, “what if the sister was actually happy with her adoptive family?” And then this bug was born and wouldn’t leave me alone
I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible, avoiding she/her/he/him when referring to the reader but I am fem aligned so this might lean more towards that. I also tried to avoid use of [Name] or Y/N.
Warnings: i like yanderes so there’s some elements of platonic yandere in this. If you don’t know what that is, look it up, see if you’re comfortable with reading that and then come back. Typical movie gore, since I’m not a big Sinclair Slut probably OOC, people getting made into wax statues.
Thinking about Sinclair!Reader. Being separated from your brothers when you were young and reuniting with them as a “tourist”.
But it’s not a happy reunion, at least not for you.
Sibling!Reader has vague memories of life before they were adopted.
You were only around four or five when your parents adopted you, not really old enough to clearly remember anything, especially years later. Some things stick in your mind though, no matter how much time has passed.
You’ll dream of a woman’s incessant screaming and even after you wake up the sound still rings in your head or sometimes you’ll catch a random whiff of an extremely sweet smell. The most prominent memory though is the feeling of burning pain.
Your adoptive parents don’t say much about your biological family, maybe because they don’t know or because you just never ask, but they know enough to tell you that the burns that cover the majority of your legs came from boiling wax, that the burns are why you were taken away.
The only things you have from your birth family are your first name, the memories, and the burns.
The lingering ghosts make you think you're better off never knowing. You never tell your parents about what little you remember and they never ask.
You’ve had a happy life with your family despite the circumstances that brought you to them. You’re treated as one of their own and the fact that you’re adopted is just an unimportant thought in the back of your mind.
The sky is blue, you are your bones, and you’re adopted.
Your brother, on the other hand, seems more curious about your birth family than you are. Over the years he’s tried to convince you to look for them, but you’ve denied him every time. You love your parents and you love your big brother. As far as you are concerned they’re all the family you’ll ever need. You’re more than content to leave your biological family in the past and let sleeping dogs lie.
Thankfully he respected your decision. It wasn’t like he would dig into your past without your consent, right?
You frequently take road trips with your brother. He’s the outdoorsy type and enjoys camping, and while you don’t care for sleeping outside, you do enjoy the long drives through small towns. It makes you think about how you’re passing through someone else’s life. It’s just a few miles to you, but to someone else, it’s their whole world. It’s a good bonding experience.
You’re passing through Louisiana this time around and if you’re being honest, you have no idea where you’re going. Your road trips are frequent enough that at this point if your brother tells you to hop in the car, you’d slide into the passenger seat without question and take over the radio.
You’re beginning to regret it though. Not only has your brother been oddly excited, but Louisiana is so hot and muggy, it’s almost unbearable. You’ve already ditched your pants at the last gas station for something shorter and more breathable. It’s not often you wear something that shows too much leg, the stares you get on the vast expanse of your burned skin make you uncomfortable.
Right now though, it’s just you, your brother, and the open road for miles. There’s no one around to gawk at you and that's a good thing, you decide.
At least until the engine begins to sputter and comes to an unexpected stop.
You look up from the CDs you were flipping through, “Did we just run out of gas?” You question.
Your brother shakes his head, “No way, we just filled up at the last stop, remember?”
He pops the hood and you both clamber out of the car to peer at the engine.
“What do you thinks wrong with it?”
There’s a brief silence where you both share a blank look. For all that your brother is good with his hands, he’s lousy with mechanic work. You’d be better off asking him how to start a fire with your ass cheeks than how to do an oil change.
As for you? Well, the less said about your mechanical expertise the better.
While your brother looks over the map you keep an eye on the road hoping that a stranger with better sense than the two of you would pass by and be willing to help.
Your brother seemed to have marked an area on the map. He’s insistent that you both walk there and as far as you can tell, it’s 20 miles in the opposite direction of the nearest town.
You’re sweating and in no mood to walk somewhere that’s not marked on the map.
“There’s nothing there!” You argue.
“There is! Just trust me on this, I promise you, it’ll be fine!”
You walk over to the driver's side and sit in the seat, slamming the door. “You can walk there if you’re so eager!” You say to him, “but either we walk to the town that’s actually on the map or I’m staying my happy ass right here ‘till someone else comes along.”
He begins to wave the map in your face and you don’t bother to listen to what he has to say, grabbing at it. He smushes your face and tries to push you away, “Let go! You’re going to rip it, you idiot!”
“I’m an idiot!?” You screech, “Well, then you’re crazy! The heats obviously fried your last brain cell!”
You’re leaning halfway out the window trying to smack him as he yelps when a truck comes cruising down the road, stopping a few feet away from your broken-down car.
Your brother pauses and you use the opening to give him a swat to the back of the head, quickly retreating into the car.
“Looks like we won’t have to walk after all.” You say a little smugly. He simply rolls his eyes at you, rubbing at the spot you hit.
The stranger hops out of his truck and scampers over.
He’s shorter than your brother and you take comfort in knowing that if he was a weirdo, your brother could easily stomp him.
His clothes are worn out, clearly meant for his work.
He’s awkward in his movements and if you’re being honest he reminds you of a possum or a raccoon. Some kind of critter that would dig through your trash.
He sure smelled like he did, you think privately.
All in all, he seemed nice enough.
“Y’all need some help?” He asks, a grin stretching across his face, “I can take a quick peek. See if I can’t get y’all back on the road.”
“We’d really appreciate it....” your brother holds his hand out in greeting, which the man shakes enthusiastically.
“Lester,” he introduces, “the names Lester.”
He pauses to stare at you when your brother gives him your name, like he’s heard it before.
Like he’s seen you before.
You give him a wave, hoping it’ll snap him out of whatever thought he was having.
His grin widens, showing off yellowed teeth, and he returns your wave eagerly.
He moves onto the engine.
You can’t really see what he’s doing but it probably wouldn’t make any difference if you could. You’d have no idea what he was fiddling with anyway.
“Well, there’s ya problem!” Lester exclaimed, “Yer transmission leaking!”
“Is that something you can fix here?” Your brother asks, “we really need to make it to our destination.”
“Not a chance,” Lester replies, pulling out a rag and wiping his hands of grease, “it's leaking and from what I can see, somethings wrong with the torque too.”
Your brother groans and you slump into your seat.
“Gonna have to take it to a shop. Closest ones in Ambrose, 15 miles from ‘ere. I can give y’all a ride there.”
You poke your head out the window, “Ambrose?” You ask confused, “That wasn’t on the map.”
Lester smiles at you, his eyes creasing, “Too small to put on a map. More like one of them tourist traps than a real town.”
At the mention of Ambrose, your brother's mood seems to shift.
He’s excited and immediately accepts Lester’s offer of a ride, surprising not only to you but your benefactor as well with his new energy.
You’re a little more hesitant but it’s not the first time you’re brother’s made an executive decision, so you go along with it.
When you step out of the car, Lester freezes, like he’s seen a ghost.
You assume he was put off by your scars and cringe internally. You hope he doesn’t comment on them like others have before.
He doesn’t thankfully, but he seems to be waiting for something.
You climb into the middle seat of his truck, and between the smell, your brother's weird mood, and Lester’s staring, you have a feeling it’s going to be a long 15 miles to Ambrose.
He doesn’t tell you that the door doesn’t open from the inside until after your brother has already shut it behind him.
“You two on some kinda romantic getaway or something?” Lester asks.
“Absolutely not,” you reply instantly, “we’re siblings and we’re just on a little trip.”
“Really?” Lester asks with exaggerated surprise, “Y’all look so different, I woulda never guessed y’all were related!”
“We get that a lot.” You say blandly and don’t bother to elaborate.
Lester says your name and you look at him. He repeats it a few times, like he’s testing it out on his tongue.
“How’d ya parents pick that name?” He asks.
You shrug, “No idea.” You hope the conversation drops but your brother is in a mouthy mood it seems.
“They’re adopted. They came to us when they were five.”
You shoot your brother a glare, “when they were five huh?” Lester’s knuckles whiten around the steering wheel, “Ya ever meet your real family?” He emphasizes the word ‘real’ in a way that makes your stomach churn.
“No.” You say resolutely, “don’t plan to and don’t really want to.”
The silence following doesn’t last long.
“How’d ya get them burns?” It’s posed like a question but his tone tells you he has an answer and is just waiting for you to confirm it.
You thought Lester was nice at first, but his questions make you uncomfortable in a way nobody has before. It’s like he’s putting together pieces of a puzzle you don’t even know exists and the thought fills you with dread.
You don’t plan on answering but your brother does. “The social worker said it was boiling wax. It had been treated at home but it got infected. Somebody found them passed out in the street an — “
You cut him off by harshly elbowing him in the ribs and he winces. You feel frustration build up in you, even you didn’t know that last bit, so why’d the hell he’d have to go and tell a stranger your business?
Lester seems satisfied with the answers he got and doesn’t bother you with more.
You spend the rest of the drive halfheartedly listening to Lester regale you with tales of his job picking up roadkill.
Inside you’re fuming. Your brother always wanted to know more about your past than you did. He probably took a look at your old records.
You’re gonna tear him a new one when you get the chance.
“Bo?” Your brother asks when Lester tells you the name of Ambrose’s only mechanic, “That short for something else?”
Lester glances at him, “Yep, but he hates it so everyone ‘round here just calls him Bo. Besides,” he grins “Beauregard Sinclair just doesn’t have the same ring to it.”
You don’t notice the glee on your brother's face.
Lester stops in front of a station and turns to the both of you, “Listen, Bo, the mechanic, he’s a bit uhh wary of strangers,” he tells you, “Doesn’t like ‘em, so let me go soften him up for ya. I’ll make sure he treats ya right.”
A man in blue coveralls — Bo, you assume — steps out of the shop and stands with his hands on his hips. Lester gets out of the truck, “Y’all stay put!” He tells you through the window and rushes over to the man.  Lester grabs Bo’s arm and pulls him back into the shop.
If you had been able to see the future that awaited you, you’d have slid over to the driver's side and taken the truck.
You would have driven and never looked back.
But you can’t see the future, so you don’t move from your spot.
Hindsight is 20/20
“So, what do you think?” Your brother asks in what you think is supposed to be a casual attempt. You know him well though, and can see he’s thrumming with anticipation.
“About what?” You ask.
“You know, about Ambrose? Or,” he hesitates, “About Bo?”
You give him a weird look, “Bo?” You repeat incredulously, “I haven’t even spoken to the man and you’re asking me what I think about him?” This whole day has felt like an interrogation session, you think it’s time you started asking the questions. “You’ve been acting weird this whole damn trip and you still haven’t even told me where we’re going, and don’t think I’ve forgotten how you told an absolute stranger all my business! What the hells the matter with you?”
“Don’t you want to meet your real family?” He blurts out and you feel a headache coming on.
“Oh, not this shit again. What does that have to do with anything? You know what, I am not havin — “
“I looked at your file, and I did some digging.”
“...What?” The world seemed to stop.
“I found your original birth certificate. Before our name, your last name was Sinclair and you were born at home, in Ambrose.”
A cold feeling washes over you, starting from the top of your head and spreading to the tips of your toes.
“You had three other siblings, I couldn’t find anything on two of them, but one of them was in the system too — your brother. The only difference was that they sent him back — “
You feel a growing sense of dread, “Please,” you beg, “please tell me you didn’t — “
“His name is Beauregard Sinclair — Bo.” He gestures towards the shop, “That man in there is your blood brother.”
A sense of betrayal sinks into your bones like lead, your whole body feels heavy with it. “How could you?” you hiss out. You don’t know whether you should scream or cry so you simply settle for being furious. “After I told you no! After I asked you to stop, you still kept looking and you even went as far as to drag me out here!”
You never wanted to meet anyone from your biological family and yet your brother, someone you trusted, put you in a situation like this.
“If you just tal—“
“No,” you cut him off, “you won’t say a word about what you found to anyone, especially not — Bo.” You spit his name out, “We’re getting the car fixed and as soon as he’s finished, you will take me home.”
You look him in the eyes, “This is not up for discussion.”
Before your brother can argue, Lester appears at the passenger window, Bo standing a few feet behind him, “Good news!” His joy clashes with the somber mood in the truck but he doesn’t seem to notice, “Bo’s not feeling too prickly today, so he’ll help you out and even throw in a discount!”
Lester opens the door to let you out, mentioning that he’s the one that has to go back for your car with the tow.
It might just be your paranoia but when he introduces you both to Bo, it sounds like he emphasizes your name in particular.
The smile Lester gives you is beaming as he drives away in his truck.
Bo stares intently at you — and only you.
You can feel his eyes roving over your face and scars, it’s a feeling you’re used to.
He’s not looking at you with disgust like others do though. No, the look he’s giving you is soft, and full of longing, like he’s been waiting for you all his life and can’t believe you’re standing in front of him.
Your hands feel clammy. You think that maybe he knows who you are, but throw yourself head first into denial.
If he did know and were to confront you about it, you’d firmly deny it.
Your brother watches you both, waiting for you to react, maybe have a spontaneous change of heart now that you’re face to face with your blood family.
Maybe if he hadn’t brought you here without your knowledge, if he had discussed it with you first.
But none of that happened.
So your face stays blank and you make no move to change your decision.
Bo asks questions more invasive than Lester’s, and you hope it’s just a trait all the residents of this small town have.
About your ‘real’ family, why you never went looking for them, what your childhood was like.
You feel sick, like the people around you were all in on the secret.
So, the next question he asks about your family, you snap.
You tell him you don’t care about your biological family, that they don’t matter. You already have parents and a big brother.
You tell him you only need one family.
You briefly consider asking him if he’s some kinda weirdo but decide not to insult the man that’s going to fix your car. He answers that question for you anyway, with a smirk and by swinging a wrench into your brother's head.
You stand there stunned as Bo climbs atop your brother's prone form, and continues to beat him. You watch in horror, only snapping out of it when a spray of blood hits your face.
“Get off him!” You shriek and throw your entire weight at Bo, catching him off guard. You feel hysterical, to the point where you almost laugh at the look of genuine confusion on Bo’s face. As if he doesn’t understand why’d you do something like that to him of all people.
You scramble away from Bo and over toward the only person you consider a brother. You choke out a sob when you see his face bloody and beaten. You tug at his arms, calling his name and urging him to get up, but all he does is whimper pathetically on the floor, spitting out a mouthful of blood.
Strong arms wrap around you, pulling you away and you don’t have to turn around to know it’s Bo. You struggle but his grip remains firm. “Let me go! Get away from us!” You’re full-on sobbing at this point and Bo simply shushes you as if you were a child.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay honey pie, I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” He buries his nose into your hair and takes a deep breath.
“We missed ya so much sweetie, we thought we’d never see ya again,” he grabs at your jaw, turning your face towards him. You can barely see him through your tears, but you can feel his burning gaze. “But you’re here now, all of momma’s kids back together,” he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “she’d be so happy. She never forgot her baby and she made sure we didn’t either.”
You don’t remember blacking out but you must have at some point because find yourself waking up in a child’s room.
You feel a bit disoriented as you sit up in a twin bed with ugly floral patterned sheets.
There’s another bed shoved into the corner of the room, having been stripped of its sheets and left bare.
The room is small and it makes it easy to notice large empty spaces. The room was clearly once shared by two children.
One grew up and moved on and the other ....didn’t
Toys are strewn about the room as if the children who inhabited it simply stood up in the middle of playing and never came back.
Stuffed toys of your favorite animals sit sadly on the shelf. Toys that have long been forgotten by the child they were made for.
There’s a sense of familiarity that comes with being in this room. It brings hazy memories that you can’t focus on, so you instead think about the morning you left home. Your mom pressing a kiss to your cheek and packing you lunch, and your dad sneaking you an extra 100 dollar bill.
The wide grin on your brother's face, promising you a trip unlike any other.
Tears well up in your eyes but you don’t sob like before. You don’t think you have the energy to. You feel drained, the day's events weighing on you like an anchor.
A loud creaking cuts through your exhaustion, reminding you that you’re not safe, that despite the familiarity this is not your home. A curtain of hair is the first thing you notice, then his posture. He’s hunched in on himself but it does little to hide his broad frame.
The man doesn’t say a word as he approaches you. You eye him warily, pressing your back to the wall in a vain attempt at keeping the distance between the two of you. All it serves to do is corner you as he comes closer, biting back the whimper of fear that rises in your throat.
You notice something off with his face, despite the faint wrinkles it’s unnaturally smooth, a mockery of Bo’s own face, you realize. You wonder if this is another unwanted brother.
You flinch as he lifts a hand toward you, but he doesn’t hurt you, instead, he begins to trace your features. His finger follows the curve of your eyes, the bridge of your nose, and the slope of your jaw.
He doesn’t speak a word to you as he does this, gently brushing away your tears when he traces your cheek. It’s meant to comfort you, you think.
He retreats from you but only for a moment, quickly invading your space again. He’s holding a box this time, and he gently presses childish artworks into your hands, colorful and messy works. His body language is expectant but you don’t know what you’re supposed to say.
He quickly runs through the drawings, the sketches improving as they go on, and at one point it becomes apparent that they were drawn by completely different people. While the childish ones depict a variety of subjects — dogs, birds, children playing — The more advanced ones only feature one subject.
You — well, you as a child anyway. You smiling, laughing, perfectly drawn portraits, like they were plucked from your family’s photo album at home.
One of the last sketches makes you pause. It shows variations of what you could have grown to look like. Each one is different but undeniably you, like someone had tried to draw you from memory. In some you have a more prominent nose, deeper-set eyes, or a weaker jaw. You, just slightly different.
He grows frustrated when you react to only one of his works. He shoves a wax figure into your hands, wordlessly urging you to take it. You hesitantly examine it, once again it’s you as a child but you’re not alone this time. You’re smiling happily between three older boys and you recognize their features. The crease of the youngest boy's eyes reminds you of Lester, the infuriating smirk of one of the older boys belongs to Bo, and the final figure you conclude is the man in front of you.
“Is this....us?” you ask, “it’s very detailed.”
His posture perks up and you turn the statue in your hand finding a signature.
“Vincent? Is that you?”
He excitedly nods his head, finally getting the response he desired — recognition.
Then Bo saunters in with Lester at his heels.
And that’s when you learn. Bo describes it much more romanticized but you can put it together yourself.
Your mother, Trudy Sinclair, was an obsessive woman.
She obsessed over her craft, her projects, and her children.
Trudy’s attention was always more focused on Vincent and, by extension, Bo leaving Lester on you with only each other for company. The day you were taken changed that.
She elevated you.
She would hammer into their heads that they should’ve protected you, poor defenseless you. Who would care for you, if not them?
“I do have people who care for me,” you hiss at them, “my parents! I had a protector until you bashed his face in!”
Bo huffs out a laugh, “Then he wasn’t a very good one sweetie.”
You avoid looking at him but he grabs your jaw and turns your head towards him. “I know you’re confused, honey. You spent too much time with those people,” Bo tightens his grip when you try to yank your face out of his hold, “they poisoned your mind, but you’ll see real soon that we’re your family.”
You imagine lunging at him, clawing at his face. You don’t do that, though, instead, you break down like a child.
“Where’s my brother?” You sob out, “I wanna go home, just let us go home!”
Bo is losing patience with you, his eyes hardening, “you ain’t never seeing that boy again,” he states harshly, “we’re you’re brothers, those people are nothing to you. After all,” he smirks “you said it yourself, you only need one family.”
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oliversrarebooks · 4 months
Brainwashing Chair CYOA - Get the mask off your face
Masterlist > Next
tw: pet whump, drugging, conditioning, captivity, discussion of brain surgery
Fighting the effects of the drug trying to turn your mind to sleepy mush, you try to rally yourself. If you want any chance of resisting this, you're going to have to get the mask off of your face as soon as possible. The sedatives are already sinking into your brain and making you feel so docile and sleepy and euphoric, and if it goes on for much longer, you're not going to have any ability to fight.
Your arms and legs are firmly strapped in, but not your head. Holding your breath as much as possible and rubbing the back of your head against the back of the chair, you can feel the strap holding the mask on shift upwards. You turn your head and push the mask against your shoulder, hoping to dislodge it. After a few moments of uncomfortable wriggling fueled by one last reserve of adrenaline, you manage to break the mask's seal around your face, pushing it away from your mouth and nose and onto your cheek.
You gasp for fresh, clean air, and your head starts to clear. There's still sedative gas pumping in from the mask stuck to your face, but you're getting a much smaller dose of it now. Your fear returns as you wake up. You knew that pet processing was unethical -- the entire reason you undertook this mission -- but you weren't expecting to be drugged and brainwashed the moment you arrived. And it very nearly might have worked, if you weren't struggling so hard, or if the workers were more attentive.
Even with your regained faculties, the straps holding your arms and legs to the chair are too strong to budge. You manage to nudge the headphones off and they drop in your lap. You know very well that you've only bought a short period of freedom.
There's nothing to do now but keep yourself awake and think about your situation. You hope at least that the footage and information will be useful to your journalist group. It's undeniable proof that the pet processing facilities use unethical methods to train unwilling pets. If you have to sacrifice your mind and your identity for this information, you can only hope that it makes a difference.
The door opens and the lights flick on, the man from earlier entering the room. You shake yourself, not sure when you zoned out or for how long. He scowls at you.
"I thought you promised you'd be obedient, and here you are with the mask and headphones off," he says.
"I'm not trying to cause trouble," you say. "I was sitting here quietly…"
He puts both hands on your bound wrists and leans in close to your face. "You think you're clever for this, don't you?" he says in a firm, intimidating voice. "Cleverness is not a trait that we desire in pets. Keep it up, and you'll be scheduled for a procedure that removes your cleverness permanently."
"What kind of procedure is that?" you say, blood running cold with fear.
"Brain surgery. I don't know what it is exactly they do, because I'm no surgeon myself, but I do see the pets go in there kicking and screaming and come out docile and compliant, with big dumb smiles on their faces. So you'd better not push your luck."
"Y-yeah." Pet liberation organizations have long suspected the use of neurosurgery in pet processing, based on scars sometimes found on pets, but the processing facilities had always denied it. They had the evidence recorded now -- at least you hope.
"I'm telling you this because we don't have time on the schedule for redoing your conditioning right now, so I have to take you to the dorms. But I'm putting this down as another strike against you, so you're on thin ice. Don't give me trouble unless you want to see the inside of an operating room, okay?"
With the leg restraints still in place, he undoes your hand restraints and easily cuffs your hands together. He keeps a firm grip on the cuffs as he removes the leg restraints and pulls you up. You still feel groggy and dizzy from the amount of sedative you absorbed, but you're mostly okay.
"Follow me. We're just going to the dorms," he says, pulling on the cuffs. "You know that resisting like this is just going to make it worse for you, right? You've already signed up to be a pet, and it'll go a lot easier and faster if you just cooperate."
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iamumbra195 · 11 months
Random incorrect Blue Lock quotes because I'm bored and this is my current fandom fixation
Reo: If Isagi and I were drowning, who would you save? Nagi: You two can’t swim? Reo: It’s a hypothetical question, Nagi! who would you save? Nagi: my time and effort.
Otoya: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Yukimiya: You’re a hazard to society Karasu: And a coward. DO TWENTY. ...
Aryu: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity? Rin: *turning to Shidou* How tall are you?
Lavinho: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Bachira: The cow??? Lavinho: What? Bachira: What?
Kaiser: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited Noa: If? Isagi: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and he might not even die.
Chigiri: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Nagi: The car takes a screenshot. Barou: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Iemon: Are you sure this is the right direction? Kuon: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest! Raichi: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Isagi: Rin, my old arch enemy. Kaiser: ... I thought I was your arch enemy? Isagi, groaning: I have a life outside of you, Kaiser
Bachira, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Igaguri: You did WHAT– Gagamaru: William Snakespeare
*During the Shibuya trip
Isagi, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Chigiri: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Isagi: Orange soda, please! Chigiri: I'll have the strawberry soda. Bachira: Me too, strawberry soda. Isagi: Isagi: You guys suck
Bachira: What’s something you guys are better than Rin at? Nagi: Video games, probably. Isagi, deadpan: Emotional vulnerability.
Karasu: What did you guys get in your yearbook? Yukimiya: 'Prettiest Smile' Isagi: 'Nicest Personality' Shidou: 'Most likely to start a bar fight' Gagamaru: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Nanase: Favorite horror movie? Zantetsu: It Shidou: Saw Karasu: Annabelle, creepy ass fuckin' doll Tokimitsu: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Rin: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck. Shidou: Who told you my secret?
Emo!Kunigami: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds. Bachira: Forty five seconds?!? Kunigami: No! I said four TO five seconds. Bachira hugging him: Too late.
Hiori: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a joke and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Nagi: You're a lying piece of shit! Barou: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Nagi: I'm leaving and I'm taking Isagi with me! Isagi, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
Karasu, in a high voice, holding Barbie: hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Shidou, in a deep voice, holding Ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids Rin: what the fuck are you guys doing? Shidou: playing systemic oppression
Lorenzo: We’re about to do the taser challenge. You want in? Barou: What's the taser challenge? Aiku: We tase eachother, then drink. Barou: How do you win? Aiku: What are you, the police? You want in or not?
Otoya: Ow! Yukimiya: What’s wrong? Otoya: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Yukimiya: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Isagi: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet? Kurona: Why? Isagi: I want to wander around playing it to annoy Kaiser. Hiori: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that. Isagi: Hiori, you have opened my eyes.
Kaiser: Be careful, I thrive on negative attention.
Ness: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine! Grimm: How can you still say that? Ness: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Ego: If you think I’m playing favorites, you’re wrong. Ego, earlier: I don’t care for Nagi Seishiro.
Zantetsu: What does 'take out' mean? Nanase: Food. Karasu: Dating Rin: Murder Shidou: IT CAN MEAN ALL THREE IF YOU'RE NOT A COWARD!
Lorenzo: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Barou: Nope, absolutely not. Niko: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Aiku: *wheezing Sendo: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Aryu: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. Barou: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
Shidou: Do you want this handful of moss? Sae: Why would I want a handful of fucking moss? Shidou: Damn, you could’ve just said no.
Isagi: My head hurts. Rin: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
that's it for now lol
Also no one can look me in the eye and tell me that Ego isn't Nagi's biggest hater cause every time we see this man talk about him, he's alway judgy af lmaooo
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amethystina · 9 days
hello :] !! i read ‘who holds the devil’ last month, it came to me when i was having a hard time in my life; when i was in a desperate need to forget everything around and ahead of me…your story did JUST THAT i was so utterly mesmerized and invested in your incredible storytelling and the absolute justice you did to complicated characters such as our yohan and gaon. i’ve read your snippets of yohan’s povs too and i really hope you write them more in the future, it’s so interesting to see his brain work and just how different his understanding of their relationship is…
i haven’t been able to stop thinking about your fic and i’ve already re read it countless times (like i kid you not i wake up every day and check if you’ve updated i’m that down bad) i just wanted to thank you for creating such a masterpiece, you’re a blessing and i hope you’re doing well 🫶🏻 i’m eagerly waiting to see what gaon and yohan has in store for them !!🫶🏻
I'm so sorry to hear that you were having a hard time, but I'm glad that my fic was able to offer you some comfort, at least. Sometimes, it really does help to have something else to focus on when things are rough. I hope things are better now, at least 💜
One of the main reasons why I even started writing this fic was because I realised that I wanted their story to continue but also that I had such a specific idea of how I wanted it to play out — and how I wanted the characters to behave — that the only way for me to get that was to write it myself. And I just love the characters so much that I couldn't help wanting to explore them and their story further, with as much detail and accuracy as possible. We were left with so many possibilities after the end of the drama! And so much trauma to unpack and heal from! I had to see how that would play out ;)
I'm glad you like Yo Han's POV 💜 Unfortunately, I'm not sure how much of his POV I'll write for that particular story since showing his thoughts kind of ruins the suspense of it all. Like, a part of the mystery is that Ga On doesn't know what Yo Han is thinking and, by extension, neither does the reader. Yo Han isn't supposed to be an easy man to read. Also, while Yo Han's POV is a lot of fun for me to write, it also makes me nervous. Because he's a lot of people's favourite character and my interpretation of what his thoughts and actions are like might not align with their ideas. Which is totally fine! We can all have different opinions. But some people can get pretty heated if he's not written in a way they approve of, or if he's portrayed in a way they don't think is flattering enough. So it's just less drama for me if I don't write Yo Han's POV too often xD
But I agree that it's very interesting! He does view their relationship quite differently and, just like Ga On, he has a lot of struggles and things he's feeling insecure about (especially right now considering everything that's happened). His doubts are just not as apparent since we don't see his thoughts. But trust me when I say that he has a lot of thoughts.
I almost feel like I should apologise. I swear I'm not trying to make you all so addicted to this fic, it just seems to happen x'D But I am of course delighted to hear that you're enjoying it! And I'm very grateful that you took the time to tell me. It means a lot 💜
I'm not doing the best, unfortunately, but I'm hanging in there. And I'm hoping to be able to write some on chapter 42 this coming weekend, in between all the household chores I have to get done. We'll see how it goes!
Please take care and thank you so much for the lovely compliments! 💜
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eightfifteen · 2 years
Omg i'm so angry right now. I was on youtube and a short called "the old Mike cared so much about his friends" was recommended to me abd it was about Mike jumping to save Dustin and all the comments were about what a shitty friend he is now, how he doesn't care anymore ... EXCUSE ME DID ANY OF THEM CARED TO ASK HIM HOW IS HE DOING? sorry, but i did read Lucas on the line and Lucas at a point even comments on how he prefered the shitty mopy Mike better than the real Mike. Eleven cut him short and just invalidated his feelings and experiences, Dustin sees Mike's sadness as whining. Do they know what is happening to him? No, and they don't seem to even care. The only people to ever aknowledge that something might be up with Mike
Karen - but most of the time it feels like she is doing it because she is supposed to
Hopper - because he understood the damaged he let Mike go throw with for a year
Will - and this one is the worst, because Will told him everything Mike needed, and he has been there for Mike to open up and try to share what is actually going on with him (at least a part of it) and then he said those feelings were from the person who invalidated him.
You know what? I'm starting a crusade against everyone who is against/hates Mike Wheeler. Now it is personal.
This made me go on a rant about Karen for like 500 words but dw i put it in a different post. Anyway, you're so right and I'm with you 100%. Mike wasn't even with his friends for most of season 4 - don't tell me he doesn't care about them or i'll literally break your legs.
The audience reaction is so sad, specifically because the reason they miss Mike's feelings and dismiss his struggle, is because he's always in the scene with someone struggling more obviously than him. The reason people think he is doing fine, is because in any given scene he's helping someone who's struggling more than him, pushing his own inner struggles aside. He's either with El or with Will, both characters having gone through some of the worst shit in the show and both in love with him and "suffering by his hand".
So, his feelings get dismissed even when the scene is about him - like that one scene in the junk yard when they talk about what Mike should have said and Will says that line about "sometimes it's scare to open up."
That scene was supposed to be a window into Mike's character and issues, but the GA still focus on Will because he's dealing with something more obvious/more complicated/more painful(?). People who take it at face value as him literally just talking about El, think Mike isn't suffering as much as Will is so they think it's a scene to set up Will's feelings and don't bother looking at Mike who's screaming for help.
Which is why I think those "Mike and Lucas getting into a fight in s5" ideas have such a huge appeal - because Mike, as usual, is going to be in the scene with someone struggling more obviously than him, and they're going to dismiss Mike's feelings and pretend like he's been fine this whole time even though he's literally been feelings exactly what Lucas is feeling for FOUR SEASONS STRAIGHT. But this time Mike isn't going to stay silent and the audience can finally go oh.
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badlibbing · 2 years
Initially I was gonna talk about this in my fandom list post, but figured it needs its own separate post because it's a doozy.
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Have you heard of Mortasheen? Now you have! The official website is here, but if you're short on time I'll give you a rundown. Think D&D plus Pokémon, but with wacky mutant monsters and way fewer rules. It's an open-ended RPG with endless possibilities. Take your squad of weirdos across a surprisingly ecologically diverse world in the distant future, and try not to die while doing it. (No pressure, though; if you die you can just come back as a zombie, although there are some downsides to that...)
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And now for a summary of each monster class!
Bioconstructs: The absolute base class of monsters, this is a broad category encompassing man-made abominations that don't fit into the more specific man-made classes. Just about every function you can think of is covered here— it's got fighters, sentries, laborers, livestock, entertainers— you name it, there's probably a Bioconstruct for it.
Arthropoids: Bug people!!! Possibly the best class overall, everyone else go home. But yeah, it's exactly what it sounds like. This specific category of man-made monsters consists of arthropods (and sometimes panarthropods) combined with human genetics, resulting in some versatile and badass creatures.
Vampirics: Ah, our first class not spawned by human shenanigans! These ancient abyssal assassins have risen up to stake their claim on our world, and they're not nice. But who knows, maybe you'll get one on your side?
Botanicals: These odd organisms of man-made origin are mixes of plant, fungus, and animal. Their unique physiology makes them quite resilient to physical damage, but be sure to keep them away from fire.
Ectosaurs: Powerful ghostly entities of uncertain origin. Most of them will only see you as prey, but if you play your cards right, they can make great allies.
Zombiespawn: Remember those zombies I mentioned? Sometimes they try to make babies, and usually that doesn't go too well, and we get these gross things as a result. What else would you expect from a barely-functioning body in a state of perpetual decay and regrowth?
Jokers: Despite not having man-made origins, these guys have a conspicuous resemblance to our idea of clowns and related goofy concepts. Oh, I'm sure it's just a coincidence... still, these gas-filled tricksters are a force to be reckoned with! It's better to have them as allies than enemies.
Unknown: Hey, where did these come from??? Nobody really knows, but they're strange and often dangerous. Watch your back.
Devilbirds: Ancient relics modeled after common human vices. Personally one of my least favorite classes due to (in my opinion) a lackluster execution of an interesting concept. Eh, they can't all be winners. In any case, don't get your hopes up for recruiting one of these monstrosities; most of them are pretty heartless!
Biomecha: Plain old Bioconstructs are sooooo last millenia... combining flesh with machinery is where it's at! That's what some monster trainers are saying, anyway. Time will tell if they're right.
Wormbrains: Now, this one is my actual least favorite class. It's just flesh puppets controlled by brain flukes. Credit where credit is due, the designs of some of these monsters are really cool (there's even some Junji Ito references in there)! I'm just not a fan of the concept.
Fectoids: These neat little guys are the ultimate bioweapons, able to shift between multicellular monster and microscopic swarm, taking on whichever state best suits the situation. It's fascinating! Hard to appreciate the ingenuity when you're being infected, though.
and last but not least...
Garbage: Well, some people would say they're the least, but I for one have a special place in my heart for these children of pollution and experiments-gone-wrong. We don't have mistakes, just happy accidents! Besides, this class holds perhaps my favorite Mortasheen monster of all time...
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the Agblap! Lookit this little guy!!! Ain't it just the cutest thing?
Now that you're familiar with the basics, why not take a look at the website and see which monsters are your favorites? You can also check out the creator's main website for all kinds of interesting content! I don't know how to wrap up this post lol bye
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Eddie and Rosie
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Papa!Eddie Munson x plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Thanks for reading the first chapter. Here's the next one. Hope you like it.
Warnings: Language, mentions of child loss, violence, and not proof read and no word count.
Summary: all things aside Eddie was happy you were around. But it seemed like you needed him and Rosie more than they needed you. And he would be more than happy to make the hurt in your heart go away as much as he could.
Chapter 2: Loss
After that night Eddie barely saw you. You had gotten voted into a new role in the Mills union. So during shifts and after work you were working with other union members on the upcoming years contract. Fighting for better wages and more vacations and sick leaves.
You worked so much that Eddie actually started to miss you. He literally waited by the phone with Rosie at exactly 7:59, because you would call every day at 8 when you couldn't see them. Just to say goodnight to Rosie. He could tell Rosie missed you too. Every time she was in her playpen that was set up in the living room, Eddie noticed that she kept looking at the door. His daughter was getting used to you being around. He didn't really know how he felt about that. He liked you, but as a friend. He wouldn't allow himself to have feelings for anyone. The only person he needed to focus on was Rosie.
Yes he noticed how beautiful you were. Your wide hips and plush thighs that rub together. How your stomach looked like the best pillow in the world. How your breasts looked like they would fill his hands perfectly. But he also noticed how you were so nice and caring. How you looked and treated Rosie as if you loved her how he loved her. It was weird but he really wished Tina would have been like you. Because you were a good mother and that was what Rosie needed. Her mom to treat her how you treat her.
He really didn't know how to feel about the situation as a whole. He wanted you around because he liked talking to you and you were so good with Rosie. On the other hand he wasn't sure if he was totally comfortable with you and Rosie getting so close. What if you left? What if you decide that being around Rosie made you miss your son too much? What if it hurts so bad that it causes you to backslide? He couldn't do that to you. You were way too important now.
One day Eddie was changing Rosie and he noticed a red scaly rash forming in her diaper area. He freaked out. He immediately called you and asked you to come over. It was a good thing too because you were at the pharmacy.
You came right away with ointment, and cold compress for her. You had Eddie explaining to you what it looked like over the phone so you knew it was a diaper rash. Well at least you thought it was.
" Have you changed your detergent?"
" Nope"
" Is there anything you've changed lately?"
" I don't think so." He said as he put the ointment on Rosie.
He pulled out a package of wipes and began cleaning her. You were outside his room waiting. Eddie looked down at the wipes. Those were different. He had ran out of the ones he usually got and picked these up from a gas station. He went to the door and handed you the pack.
" Just these"
You looked it over and saw it had fragrance.
" Eddie I think she's allergic to these" you said when Eddie went back to the room to dress Rosie.
He picked her up and went with you to the living room. Taking a seat on the couch.
" Babies can be allergic to them?" He looked worried.
" Yeah sometimes they can be allergic to the fragrance. Always get non-scented and sensitive ones. They are the best bet when it comes to that kind of stuff."
" Damn it! I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm such an idiot."
" No you're not. Don't say that. You wouldn't have known she was allergic until it happened. But you should definitely read up on some stuff."
You dug into your purse and pulled out a book. When you did that a pill bottle fell out. Eddie bent down to pick it up. He saw the name before handing it back to you. He didn't know you took Zoloft.
" Uhh thanks. Umm here I picked this up a while ago. There's a lot of good information in there." You said handing him the book and tickled Rosie.
Before he took it, Eddie handed Rosie to you because she was reaching for you.
He looked it over. " What to expect in the first year"
" Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't get one sooner." You said while playing around with Rosie.
He felt so stupid. He should have gotten one. But it never came to mind. " I swear there needs to be a book for dummies"
" There is one. But you're not a dummy. Huh princess? Your daddy isn't a dum dum." You looked at Rosie and she was just laughing away.
He loved hearing his daughter laugh like that. She only giggled like that when you were around.
" I doubt that. Umm do you want to come with me to get more wipes? Maybe food afterwards?"
" Sure. We can take my car. Want to drive?"
Eddie's eyes widened so big you thought his eyes were gonna pop out of his head.
" Are you serious?"
You giggled. " If you're scared that's ok. I know Shadowfax is a bit of a boat. But he's my boat."
" You named your car Shadowfax?!"
" Uhh yeah. He's fast like Shadowfax. I just wished the colors matched"
Eddie could have lost his shit right then and there. But he didn't want you to think he was a dork.
" No I think Shadowfax should have been shiny black like your car. But hey I'm not scared. Your car is badass."
" So you think you can handle him?"
" Most definitely."
You laughed and put Rosie in the car seat. Once she was in he beamed a smile at you. You tossed him the keys. He went to grab the car seat and you followed him outside. Eddie stood there in aww of your car. It was a beautiful all black 1967 4 door Chevy Impala with chrome rally wheels. It was his dream car well other than the Delorean.
He was so excited. He had been wanting to drive it since he saw it in the parking lot at work. Once Rosie was buckled, he got into the driver seat.
" Ready?"
" Onward Eddie. The adventure awaits us."
Eddie grinned and took off. He pulled up to the market and left you and Rosie in the car. When he came out you were in the back making her a bottle. He opened the door to placed the bag on the empty seat.
" Sorry she was hungry."
" Oh my princess couldn't wait for some fries huh?" He said giving her a kiss. Rosie just cooed in response.
He went back to the front and started to drive to the diner. Looking in the rear view mirror every once in a while. He couldn't help the smile on his face seeing you play with Rosie's little brown curls while you held her bottle for her. He loved the way you looked with her. Your eyes met for a second and you smiled. But when your smile instantly turned he looked at the road. A car came straight on, driving on the wrong side of the road. He tried to swerve but the car hit the passenger side.
When the car came to a stop Eddie was white knuckling the steering wheel. Breath hard, he turned around to see your body covering Rosie. He was shaking so bad that it took him a minute to get out of the car. He pulled the back door open and pushed you away to look at Rosie. When he saw that she was ok. He went to the other vehicle.
" Eddie stop!" You yelled.
He didn't acknowledge you. He was gonna kill that son of a bitch.
" Eddie don't. She's ok! Look she's ok!" You said jogging so that you were in front of him.
He wasn't looking at you though. He was looking at the guy who hit you guys stumbling out of his car. When Eddie saw the beer cans fall out with the guy. He saw red. He pushed you aside and ran to the guy tackling him.
You watched in horror as Eddie beat the living shit out of the guy. You put Rosie on your hip and grabbed Eddie's wrist. He pushed you causing you to fall backwards. You tried to move Rosie as far away from the ground as you could. As you landed on the curb, you put your arm up to break the fall. A sudden excruciating pain filled your arm.
It was when Eddie heard Rosie cry that he finally stopped hitting the drunk driver. He turned to see you on the ground holding Rosie to your chest writhing in pain.
" SHIT! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He got up and went to take Rosie out of your arms.
He looked Rosie over and wiped blood off her face. He didn't see any cuts or anything. That's when he finally looked at you. The side of your face was cut up with little pieces of glass embedded in them. Tears rolled down your face as you held your arm.
" OH FUCK! Y/N I'M SO SORRY!" He sat down next to you.
Sirens could be heard in the distance. He held Rosie in one arm and held you in the other.
" Don't worry y/n. Help is coming."
He was in the emergency room waiting to hear about you about an hour after the accident. He had just gotten Rosie checked out when a police officer approached him.
" Mr. Munson. How are you?"
" We're ok."
" Good. Good. So I wrote a report, leaving out the part of the beating. I understand why you did it. I have a kid of my own. I would've done the same thing."
Eddie gave him a weak smile and held tighter to his baby.
" Umm the insurance company will need a copy of the report in order to make a claim. Also, did you know that the car seat was recalled for faulty buckles?"
Eddie looked down at Rosie.
" Yeah I bought the same one for my girl. So you don't want to use that anymore. Lucky for your daughter that Miss L/n was back there. The belt was broken when we did our inspection."
Eddie's eyes began to water. Seeing you cover Rosie like that saved her life.
" Mr. Munson, are you okay."
" uh yeah." He said wiping his tears away.
" It's ok son. All of you are alive."
Eddie nodded and kissed Rosie on her head. The officer handed Eddie a copy of the report and left. Eddie waited for what seemed like hours before the doctor came out to talk to him.
" Mr. Munson?"
" Yeah." Eddie said standing up.
The doctor came and motioned for him to sit down.
" Hello Mr. Munson. I'm Julie Krause. Your wife's doctor."
" Oh uh she's not my wife."
" Oh I'm sorry. Umm is there a family member here I can speak to?"
" N-no it's just me."
" I see. Well Mr. Munson I'm not allowed to give out any information about Miss L/n to anyone that's not in close relation to her."
Eddie didn't know what to do. He needed to know if you were okay. So he lied.
" Uhh she's her mom." He nudged towards Rosie.
" Oh ok. Well umm then it should be fine. So she has multiple lacerations on the right side of her face, a few bruised ribs and 3 fractures in her left forearm. But other than that she is completely fine. She's just getting a cast put on right now. She should be out in just a bit."
" Thank you."
" Cute little girl you have there. She has your eyes."
" Uhh yeah...she does."
The doctor took Rosie's little hand. " It's okay sweetie. Your mommy is going to be just fine."
Eddie gave her a thin lip smile before she left. Eddie felt awful for not checking on you after the crash. But felt even worse for pushing you. He didn't mean to hurt you. He just wasn't thinking. Eddie called his uncle to tell him what happened. That's when he saw you walking out. He hung up and went to you.
You gave him a small smile and and kissed Rosie on her hand.
" You ok princess?"
"She's fine are you okay?"
" Yeah I'm good. Just a little banged up."
" I'm so sorry Y/n."
" Eddie it's ok. I'm not mad. I don't know what I would have done if it was me driving."
Eddie hugged you kissing the crown of your head. " my uncle's coming to get us. He's gonna pick up a new car seat first."
" Okay. I'm gonna sit down."
Eddie followed you to a corner where there wasn't anyone close by.
" I'm really glad she's okay." You said holding Rosie's hand.
" It's because of you that she is."
" I just did what any person would do. It's not a big deal."
" Well it is to me."
You gave him a halfhearted smile. But he couldn't return it.
" If I would have just gotten the right baby wipes this wouldn't have happened. Your car wouldn't be totaled and you wouldn't be hurt right now."
" Stop it. It was an accident. This isn't your fault. The only person to blame is that guy."
" Still. I should have-"
"No Eddie" you cut him off. " Don't question yourself. You are a good dad okay. Don't ever doubt that. You are doing such a good job with her....just maybe stop the cussing. You don't want her first words to be S.O.B."
Eddie laughed. " Right if it's anything it would probably be S.H.I.T"
You giggled and held your ribs. Eddie's smile faded when he saw that. He sat quietly looking at you. You had been tickling Rosie's feet, making her giggle like crazy. Even though you were hurt you still were happy being around them. Eddie could feel something grow in him that he had to force away. He couldn't. He just couldn't fall for you. So he swore he wouldn't. Rosie had to be the only girl he cared about.
Over the course of a few weeks Eddie would go to your place and help with whatever you needed. Which wasn't much, because you did everything you could. With occasionally asking for help with opening a jar or two, you guys just hung out talking and trying to get Rosie to say dada.
Eddie had come over one night bringing the movie Lost Boys. He was so appalled that you had never seen it. As soon as you opened the door he handed you a bag of goodies and went straight to your TV with Rosie on his hip. You popped a bag of popcorn from the bag Eddie gave you and grabbed drinks. You had cut up some grapes for Rosie before you got comfy on the couch.
" Ready for this? It's so good. Wait til you hear Cry Little Sister." Eddie pressed play and sat on the opposite side of the couch.
" I'm ready good sir." You gave him a grin and chewed on a red vine.
But the moment he sat down Rosie started to whine and pointed at you. " No princess. Y/n is trying to watch the movie baby."
"Eddie sit closer to me. I'll hold her while you feed her grapes" you said finishing the licorice.
Eddie did so and helped you and Rosie get in a comfortable position. Once there Rosie was happily nuzzling her face into your neck. Eddie's heart skipped at the sight. He pressed his lips and started giving Rosie grapes. He accidentally grazed your chest but you didn't even notice. He saw you rest your head on Rosie's and it took his breath away.
He pushed those feelings away and tried to concentrate on the movie. When you leaned into him, his arm went up and around your shoulders out of instinct. He didn't want to move. But he had to.
" I uhh. I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick."
You nodded and leaned back. He got up and locked himself in the bathroom.
" Fuck. fuck. Nope. nope. Hey Vlad, you need to chill." He said under his breath talking to his dick.( He named it after Vladimir the Impaler) It was the smell of your hair that got a rise out of him.
He just had to smell it. You always smelled so good. But tonight your hair smelled incredible. It wasn't even the smell of shampoo that got him. It was weird. Like your pheromones or something. Whatever it was. He loved it.
After a minute he splashed cold water on his face and thought about the old lunch lady back in school. He pictured her naked and he was good to go. He looked at himself in the mirror.
"Don't. She's just your friend. Nothing more."
He took a deep breath and walked out. Rosie's head shot up from where she was resting it on your chest. She looked right at him.
Eddie froze and you sat up slowly.
"What did you say sweet girl?" The excitement in your voice brought Eddie back down to earth. " Who's that?"
" Da.da."
You looked up and met Eddie's wide eyes with ones of your own.
" Did she just-"
"Yes daddy. She did, didn't you princess?"
That threw him for a loop. He was now confused and horny at the same time. He kept repeating the lunch lady's name just to stop from growing. But Rosie kept saying Dada and he just went to you two. He kneeled down and kissed Rosie's cheek. He found your beautiful eyes staring at him. There was a moment. Just a second that he thought. Maybe. But he kept hearing ' Don't. She's just a friend'
Rosie said it again, breaking the stare off. You handed her to Eddie and he lifted her into the air spinning her around.
" That's right princess. I'm your Dada."
Since you couldn't work until your arm was healed you offered to watch Rosie so that Eddie didn't have to pay a baby sitter. He agreed but he would still leave money for you on the counter though. But every time he got home he would find it either in the diaper bag or in Rosie's pockets.
He decided to surprise you with dinner to thank you for everything. He got Erika to come over to watch Rosie for a few hours. He showered and got dressed while Erika sat in the living room playing with Rosie.
" Alright Sinclair. How do I look?"
Erika looked up and gave him a once over. " Spin around."
Eddie did a small circle with his arms out dropping his hip as he came to a stop.
" Ehh not half bad. But I thought it was just dinner."
" It is just dinner."
" Sure....then why are you dressed like you're going on a date?"
Eddie looked down at his button up and slacks. The only thing that actually resembled him was his Reeboks.
" I should change right?"
" Uhhh yeah...not unless you want to give her the wrong idea."
" Wrong idea?"
Erika scoffed. " Really Eddie? 21 years old with a baby and you still can't tell what's going on between you two?"
" There's nothing going on Sinclair. Y/n is just my friend."
" Yeah right. Whatever you say." Erika looked back to Rosie.
He wanted to argue but he didn't want to be out too late. So he went to change into some faded black jeans with his only good white shirt that didn't have any stains on it. He grabbed his black leather jacket and kissed Rosie goodbye.
" Erika I'm trusting you with my offspring. Don't give her any-"
" Pop because she won't sleep. And don't let her touch any outlets." Erika said while rolling her eyes.
" Hey remember....have fun ok. But not too much fun."
" Munson if you don't leave. I will."
" uhhh. Bye princess. I'll see you later." He gave Rosie one last kiss and headed out.
He had picked up a pizza and a bottle of wine. He knocked on your door and heard music playing. But after a minute you didn't come to the door. He knew you were home because the lights were on in one of the rooms. He kept on knocking. But you didn't come. He pulled on the handle but the door was locked. He went to the window to look and see if you were in there. The blinds were slightly open. He saw you in a rocking chair holding what looked like a teddy bear. He could see that you were crying. He knocked on the window. You looked up wiping your tears away. You got up and pulled the blinds back. He lifted the pizza and the bottle of wine. You nudged your head to the door. Eddie heard the music being turned off before you answered.
" Hey Eddie. What are you doing here?"
" I wanted to surprise with you dinner?"
"Oh. Uhh. Please come in."
Eddie followed you and set the pizza and wine down on the counter.
When he turned around you were there handing him a tape.
" umm I saw this in the record store the other day and thought of you."
" Uh thanks." He looked at the cassette. It was Black Sabbath's new album. " Oh shit! I was just going to buy this. Hey...How did you get there?"
" The bus."
" You should have called me. I would have taken you."
"No. I can get around. It's just a broken arm. I'm not handicap. Besides Rosie was sick. No way was I gonna ask. You needed to be with her. How is she by the way?"
" She's good. Much better now. How are you?" He asked because he had just seen you crying.
You turned and went back to the room. He followed you. You were standing in a room that Eddie never saw in before. The door was always closed when he went over. The walls were a powder blue color. There wasn't much in there. Just a rocking chair with the teddy in it, a crib and a small dresser.
"He would have been a year today."
Eddie's heart broke for you. He didn't know that. He didn't even know his name. He has known you for 3 months. And in those 3 months you only brought him up once. But not to him. Just to Rosie.
" Y/n?" He spoke softly. " What happened?"
You didn't look at him but he knew you were crying again. Your voice broke a little as you spoke.
" I don't know... Bastian was just sleeping. He was fine all day.... I had just put him to sleep....I woke up around 2:30 like I always did to feed him. And .... He was cold.... An-and i tried...I tried to warm him up, but...he wasn't breathing and-and I tried to wake him. I-i gave him CPR....But he just didn't wake up. Eddie....he was so cold. I-i should have known....I should have known not to lay him on his stomach."
Eddie went to face you. " Hey hey. No. Come here." He pulled you in his arms and let you cry into his chest. " You couldn't have known y/n. How could you? It's not your fault."
" I should have Eddie."
" No sweetheart you can't blame yourself. Please don't do that. You are a good mom. I know you are. You didn't do anything wrong...please...please stop crying."
" I just...I can't."
Eddie pulled you out of the room and led you to your bedroom. Laying down and pulling you so that your head rested on his chest.
" I'm never gonna see him grow up. I won't see him graduate or-or walk him down the aisle."
" Shhh. Don't think about it right now. Just let me hold you. It's okay. It's going to be okay."
Eddie couldn't help crying too. But he tried hard to remain silent. He couldn't imagine what you were feeling. Heaven forbid if he lost Rosie. But if he did, at least he would have his uncle. You though, you had no one. No one to help ease your pain. No one to tell you it wasn't your fault. But he was there now. He and Rosie would be a part of your life whether you wanted it or not. Even though he knew you would. He wasn't gonna let you go through this alone anymore.
After a bite, your cries turned into soft whimpers. Then it stopped completely. Eddie could hear your stomach growling.
" Come on sweetheart. Let's eat."
" Okay. I'm just gonna freshen up real quick."
You got up and went to the bathroom. Eddie asked through the door if he could use your phone.
" Go for it. Make yourself at home."
Eddie went to call home and his uncle answered.
" Hey old man. What are you doin' home?"
" My machine broke down so they let me clock out early."
"Oh cool. How's Rosie?"
" She's good. She's watching TV with Erika."
" Okay. Umm I might be a little longer than I had planned. Uhh.." he began to whisper. " It's her son's birthday."
" I see....Stay as long as you need too. I'll take Erika home."
" Yeah? Great thanks"
" Want me to bring Rosie?"
" I don't think that's a good idea." Eddie said when you came out and stood in the kitchen.
" Umm could you watch her for a while?"
You shook your head and motioned for him to bring her here. Mouthing it was ok.
" You know what? Nevermind. You can bring her. Y/n wants to see her."
You gave Eddie a small sweet smile. He watched you turn around and pulled out a couple of plates and cups.
" Are you sure son? You don't think it will be too much for her?"
" Yeah it's fine. You know I don't like being away from her that long on my days off." He tried to play off his worries for you.
"Ok. Be there in 20."
Eddie hung up the phone and saw you pouring wine.
" Are you sure it's ok that she comes?"
Your eyes met his. " Yes Eddie it's ok. I miss her."
Eddie nodded.
" I'm sorry Eddie the pizza went cold. I'm just gonna pop it in the oven for a few."
" No it's cool. I actually like cold pizza."
" Really? Huh....Me too. I don't know what it is. But it just tastes so much better."
You guys ate after Wayne dropped off Rosie.
"Look at you sweet girl. You're getting too big too fast."
Rosie smiled when she saw you. Her one tooth peaking through. After dinner Rosie was so sleepy that you and Eddie laid down in your room with her in the middle. Rosie was fighting her sleep but you rubbed her tummy and she knocked out.
" How did you do that? Are you some sorta enchantress?"
" Please...I'm more of a rogue ranger...I uhh just noticed she likes the contact. Next time she cries just rub her back Or massage her feet. Or so this." You grabbed his hand and guided his fingers to massage Rosie's tummy.
Eddie was surprised by the things you had in common. Your hand was small and soft and warm. It was such a contrast to his big callused hands.
" That's it. Do it just like that." You pulled your hand away and let him do it on his own.
Eddie saw you close your eyes. And before he knew it he was hearing yours and Rosie's soft moans. He smiled to himself. This was what he always wanted since Rosie was born. In this moment, he was happy that it was you laying with him and Rosie and not Tina. He and Rosie needed you. But he didn't know until now. That you needed them too. He went to sleep hoping there would be more nights like this. And maybe, just maybe he could let himself feel what he has been ignoring.
@salenorona23 @b-irock @browneyes528
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@modestmuses said: Before Jack can cross the threshold of the door, Silco grabs him by the wrist, frowning deeply, lines of worry etched into his forehead. "You're not going into work today. You're not going into work ever again. I don't care if there's no one else to cover your shift. Let the place sit empty. To hell with them."
Jack freezes up, mostly unintentionally, when Silco grabs him by the wrist. The older man’s grasp isn’t rough or painful by any means, but the unexpected touch still catches him off-guard. He relaxes quickly enough, though. Silco is one of the few people who can do that, who can grab Jack unexpectedly, in part because he so rarely does. More often than not, he makes sure Jack is in control of when and how he is touched, which is something Jack very much appreciates.
Which means that he knows immediately that Silco is very serious when the older man grabs his wrist, gentle but firm, and when he turns his head he sees an expression of blatant worry on his face. The words aren’t exactly unexpected--he and Silco have been talking about him quitting his job at the gas station for some months now, after all. He knows how Silco feels about the gas station well by now.
What is surprising, though, is the urgency behind those words. Jack meets Silco’s eyes as he looks back, and though he can only maintain the eye contact for a few seconds before it becomes overwhelming, he knows his partner isn’t going to let this go so easily.
Immediately, Jack feels terrible, because he knows Silco has a real point in all of this and many very, very good reasons to want him to quit. Even aside from Jack’s general stagnation throughout his twenties, his job at the gas station has put him in the direct line of fire of so many people and entities that want him dead (or worse, even). Especially in the last two years or so, Jack has been in peril more often than not, and he knows that his life would be significantly easier and safer if he did just as Silco is saying right now and never went back. Perhaps not totally safe, but definitely better than he’s doing now.
But it’s not that easy. Jack knows he doesn’t have a choice in this, not anymore (if he ever did).
“I-” Jack swallows, biting his lip. “I have to,” he says, the words sounding hollow, even to him. “I don’t want to go back, but I have to. I-I mean, I’m the one the owners trusted to take over after they died.” Sure, they didn’t tell him as such, and they were usually pretty shitty to him when they were alive, but he thinks that being the only person named in their will, at least where the gas station is concerned, means a lot. He knows Silco understands this kind of loyalty and obligation--he has to… right?
“If I just don’t go and let everything fall apart, then i-it feels like everything’s just been for nothing. I owe them. I-I mean, yeah, I wanna quit, but then they left it to me and now I have to make sure it keeps going.” Jack doesn’t want to fight, but the idea of just… not going back, at least not without making sure things will be okay without him, is enough to make his head swim and his skin itch unpleasantly. He can’t do that to them, he just can’t.
“I have to go,” he says again, more to himself than anything. Yet, he makes no move to try and remove Silco’s grip or leave. His eyes fall to the ground for a second, then he looks back up at Silco, his expression deeply conflicted.
“I’ll be okay,” Jack says softly. As he’s prone to do when he gets nervous, he soon starts babbling. “I-I mean, we do keep a shotgun in the store now, so if anything happens I can protect myself. And, besides, I’m not working alone today--Jerry’s gonna be there, too, so unless he wanders off to go smoke weed in the woods or something then it’ll be okay. ‘Cause, y’know, Jerry’s kind of a coward sometimes but he’s usually pretty good in a crisis, at least when he knows what’s going on.” He cuts himself off there, not wanting to go into the million and one excuses and justifications hiding right behind his teeth.
Because he knows, at the end of the day, none of them really matter.
Jack takes a step closer to Silco, tentatively resting his hand on the older man’s own where it’s still gripping his wrist. Jack’s hands are cold, as they always are, but his touch is gentle and, he hopes, reassuring. Not that he thinks it's going to make Silco feel better about all of this--he knows it won't be that easy. But Jack truthfully doesn't know what to do here. He is well and truly out of his depth.
No, Jack doesn't want to go back, and he wants to leave it all behind and be fucking happy and safe, but the obligation he feels to the owners and the gas station as a whole means he can't just back down from the job they left him.
It's almost funny, but Jack can't find it in himself to laugh right now.
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thefakerachelray · 2 years
Since it’s fall, aka prime Camping Season, and some people may be trying tent camping for the first time, here’s some Basic Camping Advice from me. (Keep in mind this is all aimed towards recreational camping in an organized campground and not all of it applies in all situations.)
Book campsites ahead of time if you can, especially in the fall when they’re busiest. Halloween is the absolute busiest time of the year, and sites need to be booked months in advance at some campgrounds.
Halloween is fun though! People decorate their campsites and golf carts (yes, a lot of campgrounds have golf carts for rent), and there’s trick or treating. Some even do it for a few weekends before Halloween.
Advice on picking campsites: notice whether your campground differentiates between tent and RV sites, and decide if you want your campsite to back up to the woods or not (woods give you privacy but you might also be further from amenities).
This seems obvious but CHECK THE WEATHER and be prepared. Camping is no fun when you're freezing or wet or both.
BUG SPRAY. Bring it. Use it.
Believe it or not, you CAN pitch a tent! Most modern tents are fairly easy to set up as long as you follow the directions that come with them.
Make sure the corners of your tent are spread out as much as possible before you stake it down. You don't want to lose space.
Bring a hammer. Sometimes the ground is soft enough to drive the tent stakes into with your hands/feet, but it's better to assume it won't be.
You'll want to face the opening of your tent away from the fire so smoke doesn't get inside, and you probably want to set it on a flat, grassy area.
Listen to me. Starting a fire is harder than movies make it look. Make sure at least one person in the group knows how to build and safely start a fire. And no, you can't start one by rubbing sticks together. You need a lighter. Preferably one of those long ones for candles, not a cigarette lighter.
Fire starters exist and they’ll make your life so much easier. We use these.
Most campgrounds sell firewood at the camp store, and pretty often grocery stores and gas stations nearby have it too. Your best bet is to have some with you before you ever get to the campground, in case the camp store runs out.
Speaking of firewood, you probably need more than you think you do, and you want a mix of sizes. Big full-sized logs will keep burning longer, but smaller kindling and split logs will catch faster and are good for starting your fire.
Wear gloves when handling wood as well, to avoid splinters. And sometimes spiders.
Smoke is inevitable. The smell of it will get into your hair and clothes. It will blow in your face, and as soon as you move, the wind will change and it will blow right towards you again. Just accept it. It’s part of the experience.
Please be careful around fire. Again, that seems obvious, but I can’t stress enough how much you don’t want to get burned. Also keep in mind that metal conducts heat, plastic melts, and paper ignites when they’re near fire, and those things can burn you too.
Seriously, it’s so important I’m going to say it again: take fire safety seriously. Be VERY aware of your surroundings any time you’re near a fire. That goes double if you’re drinking alcohol.
If you get air mattresses (and you’ll probably want to, they're much more comfortable than sleeping on the ground, even with sleeping bags), look for Coleman or another brand that specializes in camping gear. They're designed to stand up to the outdoors.
Make sure you have a way to inflate your air mattress too. Some have built in pumps, but not all. Inflate them while it’s still light out so you can see if they’re leaking air.
Trash bags are a necessity. I recommend at least one per day. It sucks to forget trash bags and have nowhere to put your garbage, which I know because I Have Done That.
Also, check the rules about what to do with your trash, especially in places where there are bears. I don’t think I have to explain why those campgrounds have strict rules about how to store food and dispose of garbage.
Disposable plates, cups, and cutlery are also nice to have. We keep some in our “camping box”.
Pay attention when cooking. It’s really easy to burn food over an open fire.
Reese’s Cups, especially Reese’s Thins, are great on s’mores! The classic chocolate bar version is always good too.
As my dad once said, “battling The Dark is one of the biggest challenges of camping”. Bring plenty of flashlights and a camping lantern if you can get one, and make sure they have batteries.
On a similar note, make sure your phone is charged when you get to the campground in case of an emergency. You may or may not have access to electricity at your campsite, and you’ll at least want your phone as a backup flashlight.
Campground bathhouses aren’t always very clean. Like smoke, this is just a fact of camping that can’t be avoided. You can’t really avoid going in them anyway. You’ll have to go to the bathroom at some point (and probably shower if you camp for multiple days), so it’s just a thing you gotta deal with.
Camping can be really fun, just make sure you’re prepared!
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Why does everyone else win??? Everyone is so fuckng smug using the system against me??
They won't call me by my name while in the same breath tagging my social media handle with my NAME in it. I got an email saying oh sweetie you're still wrong :) but I pity you so I'll fix it (which might just be a I refuse to admit I'm wrong but to STILL take the high and mighty route? As a PSYCHIATRIST?)
There's nothing I can fucking do! Every ones right, it hurts me instead. And I got double charged for my car payment and now! I have no grocery money. I have nothing. I'm glad I filled my car up with gas yesterday at least that's something.
I got a dog who was supposed to be well trained and would help me, except this fucking dog is a NIGHTMARE. Barking and whining (she is a 65+ lb dog. They are LOUD), even if im fucking next to her but not giving her attention. She jumps on me, scratches me, ripped out one if my nails because she is god awful on a leash, absolutely graceless and tangles herself up in the leash and breaks things running into them for absolutely no reason (seriously. I have her sitting in front of my bed and seconds later shes slammed into a bookshelf on the opposite side of the room for no fucking reason).
Im going insane and i KNOW shes better trained, she shows it sometimes. I know im being tested, but WHY. What about me makes animals AND humans not take me seriously?
I have anger issues. You think ill be responsible? No ill stab you (not the dog, the dog will likely be returned)
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a huge amount of sales on all sorts of vehicles one of them is so surprise are the Chinese American dirt bikes motorcycles and we're starting to see why they want to get in here and they want to have something above something below and they want to go for fueling and stuff like that and we agree now they want to get us some money and boy was that a challenge what a challenge now he has to move and I can't even to Miami so I was trying to think of ways to get him down there and the brutal and they said why not just get him something to do and some fun to go there like the tourist and so they're working on that and these guys will be thinking of that. And now these guys are thinking it's a job because it really is so they're trying to figure out what to do and Stan is too and our son says, like a scooter motorcycle packs to paxter 300 she says right it properly Pagsta and then she says add 300 so we just did and she said no okay Pagsta 300. Well kind of laughing it's better for them than a Honda they'll know it like Peggy three or whatever they say is this weird thing so she's saying that's a good idea and you and Ken can go pick him up sometime and you get some money and be able to do that cuz per year it's at least like $400 in insurance plus gas feel like 30 grand or 40 Grand minimum but then it'll be nice you don't have to walk around practically walking on that bike and he could load it up with stuff and then unload it and it would be a decent time but you move around a lot and a lot of gas money she's trying to think of electric and that would be the Chinese American motorcycle company and that's her that's what he's thinking at first and that would be even better and it's a nice bike but we're worried about him on a motorcycle so I'm worried about that kind of stuff and other things you could do would be to get the ace and he can afford it and it would sell just so many it would be a heartbreak and we do need to do that and we're getting people signing on and we're trading and it's going to be a lot of people and return to a military economy and that's what we're going to do and it might have to turn earlier to it in the area where people sign on if you have 50% you might have to start turning over and we know that and we're going to do that it's true we have experienced areas doing real quick. But this is great so I think he's right he needs some kind of vehicle and he says the electric light prime cycle motor car and say no I don't think so. So you're still thinking of it you have a quad motorcycle and still kind of dangerous and kind of dangerous enough but this other reasons to go over there and he's trying to think of them is Comic-Con you can take a bus it's a load ken up load ken on. Hey hope she doesn't turn into pendido it sounds like a Mexican monster that's why I pick the name. But they need them over there for at least a day or two and then back and then over then back and the max one I'm over there and they're talking about it been around it was not ready for that kind of action it's kind of a liar so we understand what the same it's a risk for over here they say but they kind of be going with him.
Still working on it very hard now and it'll probably make John remillard pay well we don't think so it's going to be social security and they have money they will send and he did apply and he couldn't remember the years they experience that a lot and Garth is thinking about it. Now Garth is getting it and Biden Camilla starting to work way Chan Lynn finally and jet Li so it might be a go and Tommy f is looking at it and says it's better than just sitting here and watch it all go and they want to go over there and stop people
Thor Freya
It's quite incredible they're all yelling about it and they understand it and they are Asian it's a big group of them and some of them don't look at it but they are Filipino and and more so it makes sense to him it won't let them do the clearing anyone let Jeff do it and they're not doing it it's kind of upsetting so and here we go it's a good time
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
Damn, what a rude anon lmao. but if it's okay, how would all you're ocs react if darling said they want to break up because of their yandere tendencies (I followed you're old blog and adored you're writing!)
(A/N: Awww, thank you and welcome to this blog.Hope you enjoy your time here)
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Yandere OC's darling breaking up with them.
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❧If you catch onto his yandere tendencies, he will act all confused about why’re angry and upset because he’s only doing this to keep you safe.
❧He is also the most amazing person, so breaking up with him is kind of sometimes out of the questions even his yandere tendencies can be explained because well he is a mafia.
❧But if you still try to break up with him, he is going to let you go first, but only a week later you’ll wake up in his room tied to his bed.
❧Reo mostly keeps in arm’s length at all times, even when you both are home.
❧He has such a tough, loyal and strong security so escaping him is almost impossible
❧This Reo is way more clingy and a more of a sweetheart than regular Reo, so after a few weeks or two you’re gonna fall for him yet again, but he is going to keep testing you to make sure you’re not doing this to escape or something.
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☸Hmm, this one is gonna be hard because she shows little to no yandere tendencies.
☸But if you still break up with her, one of her family members is going to knock you out in a few minutes.
☸Not to worry, she is not gonna go crazy or anything, in fact she will pretend to fight her family members so you can trust her.
☸She will pretend that her clan had kept you captive due to their fear that you saw some illegal work they do and decided to lock you up, but don’t worry she’s going to try and help you as much as she can.
☸She will say that if she helps you escape, they’re going to try and kill Ceseline, so since you’re in love with her you will stop trying to escape.
☸She will eliminate any people, who you might try to contact, so you can escape along with her or you might try to contact the police.
☸Also escaping her will only be possible if you are extremely smart because her family knows ways ad have ties with many people, so trusting anyone is going to be hard because you don’t know who is working for the Lynea clan who is not.
☸Also she uses her power to keep you still if you ever try to escape.
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⌘ The only yandere tendency Allistor shows is that he is super protective and always keeps you in arm’s length also breaking up with him is hard because he can create a harem with his personality, so you probably love him a lot.
⌘If you still break up, you’re going to faint right then and there because he does have the ability to transform oxygen into any gas he wishes and he chose fainting gas.
⌘If you treated like the best woman in the world before, he is going to be even better than before after he kidnaps.
⌘The way he handles you and rets you makes you wish that you can ascend to heaven already because he is too sweet.
⌘But still every yandere has their down points, he does not allow you to get more than 20 minutes of alone time.
⌘His punishments does include forced sex, but it’s also leaving you lone in a locked to starve and waits until you break and apologizes to him.
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♔She won’t leave you alone for a single second. So say goodbye to personal space for the rest of your life.
♔Her punishments are the worst one you’re ever find, she will be torturing you into apologizing to her, the harder she will go if takes longer for you to say sorry to her and she won’t even give you food for at least a week after that.
♔If she catches you escaping you, she will most definitely force you to have sex, while she tortures you, it’s scary and horrible to say the least!
♔Your feet will most likely be broken and every time they come close to being healed, she will break them again.
♔She will definitely carve her name on your stomach, her full name from her first name to her surname, so good-luck on surviving her.
♔Now just because her punishments are bad and the way she keeps is bad, doesn’t mean she is rude and horrible. She will cook you your favorite foods every day, healthy food more often.
♔She looks after you all the time and gives you hugs and kisses, around 10,000 times a day.
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☣ Breaking up with him is one of the hardest thing to occur, because you know how his mood-swings get and you were right about them, because you ended up getting shackled to his bed.
☣He has worked in the poison, toxic substance industry, so he knows the perfect poisons which aren't going to kill you but make you faint, which one makes you tired, which one makes you hungry, which one makes you more bubbly, etc.
☣He looks after you better than anyone you have ever seen, like everything you want is here with him.
☣He is going to carry you around in his arms half of the time, so no escaping because he too strong for you.
☣He persuades you to have sex with him, somehow you never understand how he did it because you don't even pay attention to him.
☣Somehow you never want to leave him again, it's a shame even if you try to run away, he is going to bring you back here.
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