#you've heard of beach whales
cyoc49 · 26 days
Put Some Clothes On!
I’ve made my thoughts about modern young people known in the past, but you must know I really do try to hold my tongue. Even if I disagree with the way today's young adults dress, that doesn't mean I have to project it onto folks who are just trying to enjoy themselves... I mean, I very much can project onto them if I wanted to, if you've read some of my other material you've seen what I'm capable of. But doing that comes with all other sorts of consequences, which are admittedly usually very fun for me, but can be a headache to deal with. So again, I hold my tongue and silently lament the state of manners and dress in the world.
But sometimes, even I reach my limit. The other day, for example, I was going for a walk by the beach, when I came across a group of summer breakers having a party. All were dressed in far too little, but I did my best to ignore them and keep walking. Until I saw this one man. He was clothed only by the loosest definition of the word. His swimsuit was more like a folded napkin, designed to cover the bare minimum. Where did he even find a swimsuit that small? Do they sell them that small nowadays? And worst of all was the cockiness. The clear pride he felt for his body and all that he was showing. It made me sick. I could see in his eyes he genuinely believed this is what a good life was about. If I looked closely, it even looked like he had applied oil to his body to maximize the appearance of his exposed features.
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This was just too far, even for me. I felt my words wanting to make themselves known. And before I could quell my tongue, I burst out in anger
“Put some clothes on!”
The group looked at me, and several started jeering. But I only paid attention to the undressed man. He was staring back at me, and I could see a blank look in his eyes. Uh oh. This is what I was trying to avoid. But this young man had pushed me over the edge and now he was going to learn firsthand the effect I can have on people.
Suddenly the man stood up and started walking away from the group, paying no mind of any of them. He stared dead ahead, no sign of brain activity behind his eyes. He was walking like a man on a mission, until he reached what I presume was his car. He got in, still clad in only a speedo, and started to drive away.
Shoot. This was getting out of hand quickly. Before he got too far, I hailed my chauffeur and told him to follow the runaway vehicle. Roughly 10 minutes later we arrived at what I presume was the man’s house. He'd driven his car haphazardly up the driveway, leaving the car door open and keys still running in the ignition. I headed towards the front door, which had similarly been left wide open.
From what I could tell as I walked through his house, he lived alone. I heard noise coming from a room around the corner. I walked into what appeared to be the man’s bedroom, where I found him in the attached bathroom looking very different already.
True to my word, he had put on some clothes. But he’d done more than that: he’d gone into his closet and picked out an outfit typically reserved for more formal occasions. He was wearing a purple plaid dress shirt, a Vineyeard Vines whale emblazoned on the breast. The shirt was tucked into a pair of pressed white dress pants, cinched with a brown leather belt. He'd chosen a pair of brown loafers to wear with the ensemble, but had decided to forgo socks, giving him the air of someone more likely to spend summer afternoons at the docks or the country club than half-naked on the beach. To that same effect, he'd taken some hygiene measures to clean himself up all around. He had given himself a clean shave, now looking much more fresh faced than he did with the previous mustache. And he'd run some product through his hair, giving him an appearance that was put-together but not overly formal.
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I slowly approached him, taking in the transformation he'd undergone in just a few minutes. He was intently staring in the mirror, flossing his teeth. Once he'd determined that those too were spotless, he turned to face me.
I looked him in the eyes again. The blank expression was gone, and I could again see that cockiness he'd exhibited before. Instead of pride for his body, he was now showing pride for his appearance. As I looked at him, the side of his mouth formed a smirk.
"Is this alright?" He asked me, with a tone somewhere between sarcastic remark and genuine inquiry.
He'd impressed me a lot in the past 20 minutes, but this was once again a step too far. I'd already broken my pledge to keep my words to myself, I might as well finish the job.
"On your hands and knees," I snapped, and within half a second he was on all fours on the ground. Bent with his head pointed towards my feet in reverence. That was more like it. “Now look at me” I commanded him, and his eyes turned up to meet mine. I could see a mixture of emotions in his eyes: Fear for the control I exhibited over his body, fading hints of that cockiness trying to hold on, a slight arousal at his current situation. But above all, in his eyes I saw that he now understood exactly what he was: an object. His life as he'd known it was over, from now on he existed for my pleasure. He could do his little cocky hot boy act, act like he was king of the world dressed up or down, but he would always know I totally controlled him, and with just a few words I could make him be or do anything I wanted.
I stared him back in the eyes with a hard glare.
“You’re mine now, you know that right?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir”
“Say it again”
“Yes, sir”
“Say it again”
“Yes, sir”
“Who do you belong to?”
“You, sir”
“Who do you answer to?”
“You, sir”
“Whose boy are you?”
“Yours, sir”
“You love the orders I give you”
“I love the orders you give me, sir”
“You were lost before I found you.”
“I was lost before you found me, sir”
“You were degrading yourself with nudity.”
“I was degrading myself with nudity, sir”
“You were degrading yourself with vanity.”
“I was degrading myself with vanity, sir”
“You will follow a better way.”
“I will follow a better way, sir”
“You will follow my orders.”
“I will follow your orders, sir”
“I will make you into a man.”
“You will make me into a man, sir”
“A man has class.”
“A man has class, sir”
“A man should always respect himself.”
“A man should always respect himself, sir”
“A man should always dress properly.”
“A man should always dress properly, sir”
“A man should always obey his superiors.”
“A man should always obey his superiors, sir”
“A man knows his place.”
“A man knows his place, sir.”
“Now repeat it all back to me, boy, and tell me what you are in this world.”
A last trace of fear flared up in his eyes, one dying attempt of his conscious to hold on. One last breath of his old self. And then it was gone, and there was nothing behind his eyes. Just a drone’s gaze. Then, he began to speak in a complete monotone:
“I am what you make me into, sir. I was nothing before you, now I exist entirely for you, sir. I was lost, now I see my one goal in life. I need to be a good boy. I need to dedicate every fiber of my being to becoming a good boy. To following instructions. To respecting myself and other. I need to be molded into the picture perfect image of a gentleman, and I need you to do it for me, sir.”
It was done. Just like that, he was mine. I knew it wouldn’t take long to reach this point, but I did always enjoy the process. The rebellious ones are always particularly fun to break.
Now that he’s mine, I’ll need him to take care of a few last tasks.
“Listen up. I’m going to let you stand up in a moment, but you need to listen carefully.”
“Yes, sir”
“You’ve got a few tasks you need to take care of right now. Understand?”
“Yes, sir”
“Good. First of all, all this old junk has to go. All your clothes, all your furniture, it's all vulgar and unbecoming of a man. Go through some luxury catalogs and order new clothes and furniture. Everything you wear should have at least three digits on the price tag. All your furniture should be vintage. And as for that hunk of junk outside, go to the dealership and trade it for something with an Italian name. You might drain your savings doing this, but you don't need that money anymore."
"Yes, sir"
"Next, you're going to quit your job. Your friends, any clubs you were part of, any sports, it's all going away. You're not even going to say goodbye. Take your phone and throw it away."
"Yes, sir"
"Good. Once you've done all that, you're going to pay a visit to me." I handed him a card, "This is where I live. You'll be spending a good deal of your time here from now on. You'll get the chance to meet your new colleagues, other men like you who have come under my employ through one circumstance or another. They'll make sure to give you a warm welcome, as well as explain the duties and regulations you'll be expected to obey. Does that all sound good?"
"Yes, sir" In his eyes I saw total obedience, not just a desire to follow my orders but a love for my orders. He’ll make a good boy. Particularly malleable, ready to be shaped into a fun new mold.
"Good, now stand up."
He stood up and looked at me eye-to-eye again. Any of the previous cockiness was gone. I silently admired my handiwork to myself. This was a particularly troublesome man, and I had done a good job getting him into this shape. I thought about making some clever remark to him about the change he’d undergone, but my tongue had already got me into enough trouble today. So instead, I just looked at him and smirked.
He looked down, embarrassed and aroused by the power I held over him. He walked off in an extremely rigid, formal walk, picking up trash to throw away. I walked out of his home and back towards my car, where my chauffeur was ready to take me back to my home. I’d alert my other boys that they’d be expecting a new arrival tonight, and then the fun will really begin.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 10 months
I don't know if you've heard of it, but I'm watching a video of someone playing Loddlenaut! It's about cleaning up the ocean(s) on alien planet(s)! It looks really cute, so far, and after verifying (hopefully), I can confidently say that with every purchase of the game, the publisher will donate a portion to Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), and will donate the set portion from game purchases for the next three years! Even though the portion being donated is kinda... small (I think), but any amount is still better than nothing at all.
Ooh! I've never heard of Loddlenaut before, sounds like a super cool premise and a wonderful way to collect money for animal conservation! Even if the amount is small; the game was developed by a two-person indie studio according to the website, with some additional people working on the sound design, music, 2D art and social media. The fact that they're donating 0.05 GBP per sale is still kind of them, given how small the team is! It seems they've also taken up other charity work too, like with Urban Beach Cleans. How sweet!
Anyway, about the game itself! It look very cute, I enjoy the loddles with their axolotl- and eel-like appearance! And their cheeks glow too, my heart... The way you clean the planet in the game looks very satisfying indeed, I ought to put this game on my list of underwater games I want to play one day!
Check it out in case you end up being interested, peeps!
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tgrailwar-zero · 9 hours
(despairingly) ... lack of funds...
... it's not even like we're overly wasteful... haven't blown money on luxuries at all... it'd be so nice... uff... seriously, why is it so hard to settle our cash...
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NERO: "Well, you are right that the Bout is rather promising in terms of funds."
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MUSASHI: "Speaking of the Bout, my match is coming up. We've gotta go-- you too, managers! Let's get moving!"
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Heading to the arena, you found yourself in the locker rooms, speaking with JAGUAR MAN.
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JAGUAR MAN: "Normally, it'd just be our lovely Samurai running solo... However, since she's a Servant and Moby Dick is considered a 'final boss-tier enemy', I figured you could come along. If you want to keep things legit, you can just sit back and watch instead of helping."
It seemed like you were allowed to come and help this time around.
Really. With JAGUAR MAN running things, the rules were more akin to 'suggestions', weren't they?
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JAGUAR MAN: "Anyways, don't die! You acted as a real promising heel during the match with the Fairy Guy, so I'd like to see more of you! Bye!"
Wasn't killing banned? Did the Moby Dick program understand that?
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Before you could ask any other questions- you were suddenly warped into the 'battle zone' along with MUSASHI. You were falling from quite the distance, the samurai flipping in the air and swooping towards you, clutching you in her arms and holding you to her chest as she touched down onto the ground, her boots skidding against rock and gravel.
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She put you down, looking around. You saw a drab-looking coastline, surrounded by dark waters and heavy cloud cover.
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MUSASHI: "...Phew... let's do this, Managers!"
It was quiet. You heard the sound of the waves crashing, before a transmission echoed over the zone you had been transported to.
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JAGUAR MAN: "Oh man, I know you've all been waiting for this! Two prime fighters! Moby Dick, our nigh-undefeatable oceanic behemoth! The Null Zero Samurai, our cold-blooded, beautiful rookie! And we have a rare guest, one of the few people who's bested Moby Dick- the mighty Jishnu has suddenly found free time during the Main Bout matches, so he's here to help with commentary!"
DURYODHANA: "Ha ha ha. Would you like to keep pouring salt on the wound, or can we get started?"
DURYODHANA: "Anyways, this is a rather momentous occasion. There aren't many fighters that I think will be able to even last 10 seconds against Moby Dick, but I have a feeling that we're seeing a fighter that will make it to the rare echelons of 'people who aren't obliterated instantly'."
JAGUAR MAN: "While Father Kotomine will be covering Adamant and the Man-Slayer, and Miss Cat will be guest-commentating on the Cuauhtli and Strong-Mask Bout, we'll be doing double-duty covering the-- huh? Hang on, the Wandering Blade just lost. That fast? Really? I guess we're just covering Moby Dick and the Samurai, then! Jishnu, do you have any last minute advice?"
DURYODHANA: "Not just anyone can fight Moby Dick. It takes a solid awareness of your surroundings, and ingenuity. Hardly anything ever works twice against that thing. But, the goal is simple-- either knock it out for 10 seconds, or get it to fully retreat. In other words, the resourceful tend to have better chances."
JAGAUR MAN: "And with that, fine people of the Solar Cell-- let's have ourselves a Bout!"
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Once it ended, you found yourself back in the eerie atmosphere of the beach, the only noise coming from the waves lapping against the shore.
Off in the distance, you heard the sound of a whale bellowing. No sights of anything, however.
The first thing that caught your eye was a small dock, and a person standing on a large ship. That was probably used in the fight against MOBY DICK, to give people a nautical advantage.
The first thing MUSASHI saw was herself in the water's reflection.
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MUSASHI: "Hel~lo there..."
...Right. The charm effect on the Mystic Code. She stood, looking at her reflection in the ocean water before a wave broke it up, MUSASHI blinking a few times before looking around.
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MUSASHI: "Oh, sweet! A ship!"
SABER beamed, rushing over.
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MUSASHI: "Yoo-hoo! Hi there, beautiful lady standing next to a beautiful ship!"
The person on the ship looked down, leaning over the railing with a disarmingly friendly smile.
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PRIVATEER: "Hahaha, what an introduction! You can just call me the 'Privateer'. I was summoned for a more flashy purpose, but this and that happened, so I'm working freelance. Anyways-- 1500 PPT, and you have a boat set and ready to sail against Moby Dick!"
Oh, alright. That made sen--
1500 PPT?
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MUSASHI: "Wait, you're charging us? Don't you work for the Bout? I thought it'd be free!"
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PRIVATEER: "My contract with the Jaguar just requires me to have a boat available for any participating fighters. Which I do. There's a free one down there. Look."
She pointed at a run-down, wooden dinghy next to the ship. It looked… stable. In the sense that it could float. And it didn't really seem to be doing that very well either.
Did JAGUAR MAN know about this?
...Actually, knowing her, she probably approved it.
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PRIVATEER: "But… A good boat, and maybe some extra help? That costs money. It's not like my price is steep, it's only 10% of the prize pot… and if you can beat Moby Dick, don't you have a solid chance at being the champ and winning all that cash anyways? Besides, I'm sure you've heard that Moby Dick is a 'final-boss tier' Enemy Program. You'll need everything you can get. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. So, whad'dya say?"
…Did you somehow find a person more shrewd (greedy) than PRETENDER? Still… it wasn't like you had to use it. It was a luxury…
…A luxury, that's all it was…
...You didn't NEED to have a good ship in order to take down Moby Dick, right?
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His song
So like... this is a long one. Hope you like it!
Warning(s): possessive yandere Jade, implied death, implied eating of human flesh, mind control(?), isolation
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No fish have been biting today. What a tragedy. You had hoped you'd get at least a nibble on your bait, but... you had no such luck.
Then, you felt a tug on the line.
You excitedly began to reel in your catch, feeling a strong amount of resistance. You continued using all your strength to reel in the fish, despite the resistance, and then-!
It was pulled out of water, and it landed on the soft sand of the beach. Except, it wasn't a fish, not entirely. The top half of it's body seemed to be human, though the skin was shades of cyan, there were fins on it's back and arms... you'd reeled in a merman!
"Oh! Um! I-I'm sorry about that!" You said, walking towards him. You placed a hand on his face to try and remove the hook from his cheek, but he dove back into the sea before you could, taking your fishing rod with you.
"Aw... that was my favourite rod, too..." You sighed.
It's a peaceful morning, under the sea. An eel and an octopus sit alone, having a conversation. All is peaceful... until another eel enters the scene.
"Jade! Azul! I almost died!"
"That's nice, Floyd." Azul continues looking over over his latest contract.
"No, really! I was almost eaten! Sick, right?!"
"What was it? A shark? Whale? Lionfish?" Jade tilts his head.
"It was one o' those huuuuuuumans!"
After that is said, Jade and Azul freeze.
"Floyd, did you just say it was a human?" Jade asks his brother.
"Yeah. Look, I even have their hook in my mouth still!"
"Ugh. Come here, I'll get it out." Azul offers.
"Ooooooookkkk... just be gentle! I might just decide to chomp down on one of those tasty looking tentacles of yours if not!"
"You do realize I'm venomous, right?" Azul asks. "I could just as easily bite and paralyze you."
"Whatever. It did really hurt though... ohhhhhhhh, if only I had a sibling who could mind control humans with his singing... alas, no such sibling exists..."
"I was already planning on doing so." Jade smiles. "Azul, Floyd, we'll be having human for dinner."
"Must the two of you solve everything with violence...?"
You walked along the shoreline as the moon reflected on the water.
You're not sure why you were doing it. Maybe you wanted to apologize to that merman you caught earlier, or maybe you wanted to get your fishing rod back, or maybe...
...someone is singing.
Someone is singing a song... a beautiful song you've never heard before... you were almost entranced by it.
Whoever was singing had a powerful voice. It was as if he were purposefully singing loud enough for you to hear, but quiet enough for nobody else to.
You needed to find this person.
You continued walking along the shore for what felt like forever, until eventually... you saw someone- or something- sitting on a rock. His top half looked human, but his skin was shades of cyan... he had fins on his back, arms, and where his ears should be...
Wait a second... that's the merman you accidentally reeled in earlier!
"Hey! You!" You yelled to him. He turned around, looking surprised to see you. "I-I'm sorry for what happened this morning! I didn't mean to scare you, I was just trying to get the hook out of your mouth."
"Hm? What are you talking about?" He asked. "Ah... you must be thinking of my twin brother. I suppose that would be confusing for you."
"Um... were you the one singing?" You asked.
"Why yes, I was."
"It sounded really nice!" You told him. "What's your name?"
"My, my... carefree, aren't you?" He asked, amused. "I suppose I may indulge you. My name is Jade Leech, and you are...?"
"What a lovely name." Jade said, smiling. "(Y/N)... could you come closer? I'd like to see your face."
You did as he asked. You stepped into the water, towards the rock Jade was sat upon. He grabbed your face with his wet hands, observing every little detail of your face. In turn, that allowed you to better see his face as well. His eyes were an olive colour on the right, and a vibrant yellow on the left. His hair was turquoise, with a long strip of darker hair on the same side as his yellow eye. He had markings beneath his eyes, and on his shoulders... he was beautiful.
"You look quite lovely, (Y/N)." Jade told you. "...for someone with legs, that is." He looked away from you.
"Thanks, Jade...!" You said. "It's getting really late, though... I should get going. Could we meet again tomorrow night? I'd like to get to know you!"
"Oh my-! Um, yes, of course, (Y/N)."
"Thanks! See you tomorrow!"
As Jade watched you run off, he couldn't stop thinking about the conversation he had with you.
"Why... why didn't I drown them...?" He asked himself.
When Jade returned, Floyd was quite disappointed he didn't get to eat a human.
Over the next nights, you and Jade would continue meeting each other. He would bring you many gifts; seashells, sunken treasures, and even the fishing rod you lost!
Jade seemed to like you. He really seemed to like you. You, on the other hand... you just saw him as a weird friend. So, one night, you told Jade that you were dating someone. And, the next night...
"Ah, (Y/N), apologies for being late! You must understand, I was taking care of some very important business."
Jade's face was covered in blood... and you could see bits of flesh stuck in his teeth.
"Wha... w-what did you do...?" You asked, terrified.
"Oh, how rude of me, to not clean myself before our meeting." He said, creepily smiling, showing off all of his bloodstained teeth. "Well, you see, you told me you were seeing someone other than me, and... mhm, I simply couldn't have that!"
"Y-you're a monster!" You yelled.
"Indeed I am, (Y/N)~"
You stumbled backwards in fear, and then... you ran. Jade wasn't too worried about that, though.
He began singing once more...
And in that very instant, everything stopped.
The only thing you could hear was his song... and the only thing you wanted to do was to return to him.
And that was exactly what you did. You walked back to him, you walked into the sea, into Jade's arms. He trapped you in a tight hug.
"Humans are such simple creatures." He told you as he stroked the back of your head. "All I need is to sing to your kind and they throw themselves into the water. It's impressive how easy it is to manipulate their minds, wouldn't you agree?"
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" You tried pushing him away, but he kept a tight grip on you.
"(Y/N). Why are you trying to leave?" Jade asked. He dug his claws into your back, causing you to wince in pain. "It's a kill or be killed world, where I come from. I could never knowingly take you into my world... so we must make a compromise."
With a tight grip on you, he swam away from the shore. You were held under the water while he swam, the freezing cold water.
Before you knew it, you were above the surface again. You were in a cave on an island far away from your home. You were shivering, and coughing up the water that you swallowed.
"Now, (Y/N), please stay here. For your safety." Jade said. "I'll return here tomorrow morning. I'm planning on introducing you to my family."
"N-no-! Please, d-don't leave m-me here...!" You cried.
"Ah..." He reached his hand out of the water, placing it on your cheek. "You're quite cute when you're scared, (Y/N)."
"I d-don't want to b-be alone here..." You begged, shaking both from fear and the cold. Yes, you were scared of Jade... he was a monster that killed and presumbly ate your partner... but you knew him. He was the only thing you knew here.
"...fine." Jade smirked. "I suppose I could stay with you the night." He crawled out of the water, and wrapped his arms around you once again. "I'll keep you warm. And I'll keep you safe, (Y/N). I love you so much... isn't it wonderful, this life we'll live together?"
Even if you wanted to escape, you can't. Your home is too far away, you can't swim that far...
You can't survive in his world. So, soon enough, you will rely on Jade entirely.
"Would you like me to sing you to sleep, (Y/N)?"
He will keep you safe no matter what. You're his perfect little human, the love of his life...
You're his, now and forever.
"Good night, (Y/N)."
As you srifted off to sleep, the only thing you heard was his song.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 6 months
Mermaid Bal childhood friends au part 2 please
Hi! Finally got around to this, hope you like it!
Per clarification in DM's, this is adult Goldenheart who were previously childhood friends. The one that takes place when they were friends is Part 1
Enjoy 💛
Ballister yawned and flipped his tail in the water. Ever since Ambrosius bought that beach side cottage, things were so much nicer. They could spend time together whenever they wanted, it was private, secluded.
Ballister looked up at the sound of shuffling sand as his lover approached him, and sat next to him on the beach. He dunked a towel into the seawater and laid it over Ballister's back. “Come on, Bal, you can't be out of the water for so long. Your skin will get too dry.”
“Oh, well.” Ballister had learned to talk above water as he grew from an alevin into a man. It always sounded raspy, his voice was never as pretty or smooth as it was underwater, but he could at least do it. It meant he got to hang out with Ambrosius more.
He plopped his face into the man's lap. He once found these human bodies so interesting and strange, but now it was all familiar to him. Ambrosius once set him up in the back of something called a van filled with seawater, and took him for a ride around town so he could see the human society. Then, a few times, he'd wear something called a diving suit, and Ballister was able to introduce him to his family. He snorted. It has taken so much begging to keep his adopted sister from chomping up the tubes.
“I'm thinking of installing a big saltwater pool in my house, with a tunnel to the sea. Would you like that?”
Ballister laughed. “From what you've told me about money and how it works, won't that take a lot of it?”
Ambrosius snorted. “I'm rich, Bal. And at this point, all my friends are merpeople. It would be worth it, honestly.”
Ballister hummed sadly. “But I'd be in a tank.”
Ambrosius looked flustered. “I wouldn't keep you there! The door would always be open, and I'll put stuff in it, like rocks and plants so it won't be so empty and you'll have somewhere to sit–”
“That's not what I mean.” Ballister blinked up at him. “I wouldn't be able to kiss you from inside a tank.”
Ambrosius blushed and looked away, then pressed a kiss to his lips. Even they no longer tasted strange, and his partner seemed equally accustomed to his slippery aquatic mouth and sharp teeth. “I wish I could stay down there with you. The reef is beautiful. I'm rich up here, but–” he shrugged. “That's all I am.”
Ballister sighed. He'd never wanted to join Ambrosius's world, but he always wanted to be with Ambrosius. “It's a much different life than up here. You'd need to learn to hunt, you'd need to watch out for sharks and whales.”
“I would do all of that, if I could live somewhere beautiful with you.”
Ballister flipped his tail. He wondered. He'd heard of a magician who had turned humans into merfolk when they fell off of ships, so they wouldn't drown. There were rumors that his sister, who had appeared from thin air one day as a young child, had been transformed and rescued after a shipwreck.
Maybe he could figure out a way to make this work, but Ambrosius needed to mean it.
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coolyturtles · 5 months
Whales Gold Coast: FAQs Answered for an Unforgettable Experience
If you're planning a trip to the Gold Coast, chances are you've heard about the mesmerizing experience of Whales Gold Coast. Whale watching has become one of the most sought-after activities for visitors to this beautiful region. Before you embark on your adventure, let's answer some frequently asked questions to ensure you make the most of your whale watching experience.
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What is Whales Gold Coast?
Whales Gold Coast refers to the thrilling opportunity to witness majestic humpback whales in their natural habitat along the coastline of the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. This experience allows you to observe these magnificent creatures up close as they migrate along the coast during their annual journey.
When is the Best Time to Experience Whales Gold Coast?
The whale watching season on the Gold Coast typically runs from June to November. This is when humpback whales migrate along the coast, making it the perfect time to catch a glimpse of these incredible creatures. However, the peak season is usually from July to October, offering the best chances of spotting whales during their migration.
Where Can You Experience Whales Gold Coast?
There are several tour operators along the Gold Coast that offer whale watching experiences. These tours depart from various locations, including Surfers Paradise, Main Beach, and Southport. Each tour offers a unique experience, with some providing luxury cruises, while others offer more adventurous options such as high-speed boat rides.
How Long Do Whales Gold Coast Tours Last?
The duration of Whales Gold Coast tours can vary depending on the operator and the type of tour you choose. Generally, tours last between two to four hours, allowing ample time to search for and observe whales along the coastline. Some operators may offer longer tours or combination packages that include additional activities such as snorkeling or sightseeing.
What Can You Expect to See During a Whales Gold Coast Tour?
During a Whales Gold Coast tour, you can expect to see humpback whales breaching, tail slapping, and displaying other fascinating behaviors. These magnificent creatures are known for their acrobatic displays, making each sighting a memorable experience. Additionally, you may also encounter other marine life such as dolphins, turtles, and seabirds during your tour.
Is Whales Gold Coast Suitable for Everyone?
Whales Gold Coast tours are suitable for people of all ages, including families with children. However, it's important to consider individual preferences and comfort levels, especially for those prone to seasickness. While whale watching is generally a smooth and enjoyable experience, it's advisable to take motion sickness medication if needed and dress appropriately for the weather conditions.
Embarking on a Whales Gold Coast tour is an unforgettable experience that allows you to connect with nature and witness the beauty of humpback whales in their natural habitat. By addressing these frequently asked questions, you can better prepare for your whale watching adventure and ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience on the Gold Coast.
0 notes
fairyshuuu · 4 years
watch out: splash zone
Okay rant time.
I’m gonna sound like a right fucking ass but atm i truly don’t care because I’m tired, fed up and if I don’t say it now I’ll probably keep going down this road for another few months without complaining until I get so fed up I up and dip without a word. I don’t like complaining about the lack of feedback. I really don’t. It’s annoying for me as well as for you guys and though I don’t care about a lot of things deeply, I don’t really want to show up on yalls dash to nag.
But I’m really fucking frustrated. Some of you might follow my blog for the things I reblog, in which case I can’t say too much about that, but I think the large majority is here for the content I create. I love writing. I adore it, I love sharing it, love hearing feedback and making people happy or sad with something I did. It’s one of the few things I feel proud to say I’ve grown at over the years; so much so that there’s people who follow me for it! That’s amazing.
I am unbelievably thankful for every person who does leave a reblog, a message, an ask or a post, it might not sound like it since I’m bitching but I truly from the bottom of my heart am so thankful for those who took some time out of their day for me. But you have no clue how fucking disheartening it is to spend hours on something and having it flop completely. And when I say completely:  I have 3300 followers and my latest piece gets 6 notes. That is not 10% of my audience, not even 1%. It’s 0.18% of my audience who apparently can be bothered to click a heart button.
Tumblr doesn’t allow you to see how many people clicked on your post. There might have been 300 people who read it and just didn’t like, reblog, comment etc. but I don’t know that. I can’t know that. It’s the same with my more popular posts too. I’d say Wild valley is one of the most loved-on series on my blog. People send me messages about it, ask how it’s going, and I feel like it’s so loved. Which is great!! The first part has 457 notes, what a stupid big number. But then the next only gets 170, and then 120, then barely 80. Can you see how that is discouraging as a writer?
Also, Wild Valley is officially my most reblogged series ever. In numbers, the first chapter got 40 reblogs! 40 reblogs out of 457 notes... out of 3300 followers. A bunch of them are my own reblogs in hopes of sharing the thing around, and a lot of them are of my amazing friends who are the most supportive, lovely beings in the world. I know you’ve heard this a million times because writers are always saying it but that writers are always saying it, over and over and over, might mean something. Likes don’t mean anything on tumblr. It doesn’t do anything. It allows you to keep it in your likes, sitting there, doing nothing.
You can read it again if you want. That’s it. Reblogs give people more space on the site, allow them to be seen by others. It’s the only thing that gives creators exposure. That is why we’re always fucking begging for reblogs. Please, please please please reblog things of content creators so that they might be seen by others. Reading something and not liking it, dick move but at the end of the day I can’t see you anyway so why should I care, right? Getting likes is such a nice thing at first because it means that people are enjoying it, but your hard work still disappears into the void.
Me not posting my writing on here anymore won’t effect me that much. I’ll still be writing. I could focus my efforts on things that could better me financially. Could write personal commissions and put everything behind a paywall. I’d still be don’t what I love and I’d get money for it. But I never considered doing that because I wanted to share my work, for free, with like minded people who’d enjoy it. So if you enjoy it, then show people that you enjoy it. Reblog their things, share it around. What good is a piece if it’s pushed in the far corners of your mile-long ‘liked’ tag?
This isn’t meant to be a beg for attention. I don’t suddenly want a surge in notes in an attempts to soothe me or some shit. I want you all to sit with this and realize that it really, really means something. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about numbers in any other circumstance. But I don’t appreciate the blatant -I’m genuinely sorry to people who’ve been here supporting me, you know who you are and I love you for dear life- leeching happening on my blog and many of my friend’s blogs.
If the writer-reader mentality on this site doesn’t change, I am going to leave. That’s not a threat or smt, it’s just the truth. I don’t spend hours working on something I’m so excited about for it to get 6 notes. And if I go I’m taking my shit with me, so that’s that.
I would be sorry for sounding like a total bitch whale but in all honesty, it’s been a long time coming so
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perpetuallylocked · 4 years
Tag Yourself: Nancy Drew Game Aesthetics Edition
SCK: opening a new book for the first time, the nostalgia of VHS tapes, coca cola in a glass, remembering your locker combo, letterman jackets, watching true crime documentaries, empty high school hallways, 1950s diners, cramming before an exam
STFD: boxes of chocolates, tape recorders, the click-clack of typewriter keys, catching a taxi, shadows on the wall, stained coffee cups, sitting down to rewatch a tv show, perfume bottles, 1990s fashions
MHM: the sight of dust mixing with light, sightreading old sheet music, crystal chandeliers, old floral teacups, crystal balls, old rotary phones, grand staircases, intricate wooden floors, never-ending house projects
TRT: the glitter of diamonds, worn chessboards, snow-covered gardens, ink-covered hands, butterfly collections, cold tile floors, dull suits of armor, dusty history tomes, footsteps muffled by carpets
FIN: plush red velvet, the scent of popcorn, drawing art deco designs in the margins, worn carpets, old playing cards, the feeling there is still magic everywhere, meeting a childhood idol, movie posters on the wall, catching up with a childhood friend
SSH: jade carvings, steep stone steps, chocolate bars, being the only person in a museum gallery, clean lab coats, amazing sights through a microscope, visiting the hospital, remembering facts you've only heard once, checking the mail for your package
DOG: log cabins, the flapping of bird wings, the distant howling of dogs, the odd sensation when you can see the moon during the day, the scent of pine trees, old glass bottles, strolls along the lake shore, admiring 1920s fashion, long walks in the woods
CAR: antique roller coasters, old postcards, the golden light at dusk, loud band organ music, sounds of a carnival at night, ice cream sundaes for dessert, the delight of riding the carousel for the first time, paint-stained clothes, winning a prize from a carnival game
DDI: a steaming mug of tea on a foggy day, sea caves, light from a lighthouse piercing the fog, messages in bottles, approaching deep water, the sound of seagulls, vintage blue bicycles, spotting a whale on the horizon, crumb-topped blueberry muffins
SHA: worn plaid shirts, sunsets on the horizon, the clip-clopping of hooves, antique blanket chests, forbidden romance, mason jars of flowers, brown and blue eggs, playing piano by ear, faded rugs
CUR: leather-bound books, small potted succulents, curving staircases, old portraits, family secrets, four-poster beds, hearing strange sounds at night, food cravings, spending all day on your laptop
CLK: the ticking of an old clock, pearl and cameo jewelry, the scent of a pie baking, the whir of a sewing machine, reading in a window seat, flouncy dresses, bridges over creeks, driving around a small town, reading Shakespeare for your own enjoyment
TRN: ballet slippers, snow mixed with smoke, faded pastel embroidery, the far-off sound of train whistles, old parchment and wax seals, unwrapping a piece of salt water taffy, quirky local museums, organizing your collections and belongings, light shining through tiffany lamps
DAN: light streaming through stained glass windows, bold red lipstick, freshly baked cookies, tales from your grandparents' youth, long-lost love, twirling in a tulle skirt, the overwhelming desire to visit paris, planning out your outfit for the next day, park benches
CRE: wind in the palm trees, footprints in the sand, rustling in the jungle, small seashells, rope bridges, fruity shave ice, waves tickling your toes, the tangy taste of pineapple, watching surfers from the beach
ICE: frozen lakes, sitting by a crackling fire, snow-covered piles of logs, worn leather ice skates, paw prints, staying in bed after you've woken up, seeing your breath in the cold air, unexpected snowball fights, leather-bound journals
CRY: shadows emphasized by candlelight, dirt-caked fingernails, exploring a cemetery at night, wrought iron fences, the smell after it rains, shelves lined with tchotchkes, going back for second helpings at dinner, moonlight streaming through the window, a grandfather clock at the end of the hall
VEN: gelato cones, orange and brown buildings, soft italian songs, gold lockets, buying flowers for yourself, cobblestone courtyards, leaning over the balcony rail, the overwhelming desire to reinvent yourself, dancing like no one is watching
HAU: ocean waves hitting cliffs, hanging herb bundles, old stone fortresses, white lace and promises, wilting flower bouquets, whistling to keep yourself company, distant celtic music, simple diamond rings, sitting in a peaceful garden
RAN: old gold coins, wading in the cold ocean, a slow-moving hourglass, seeing where the sky meets the sea, old pirate legends, sand between your toes, looking down through clear water, buying yourself new clothes for vacation, eating fruit salad for breakfast
WAC: exploring a college campus, old trophies, distant cello music, milk and cookies, cardigan sweaters, texting your friends, bare tree branches, anthologies of stories, school supply shopping
TOT: wind rustling through wheat fields, creaking wooden staircases, white curtains on the window, golden hay bales, old fences lining the road, watching a storm from the porch, buying a new camera, hanging out in your favorite professor's office, sitting on a tire swing
SAW: the faint scent of cherry blossoms, origami cranes, taking a bath, hearing a new language for the first time, shards of glass, seeing your reflection in the water, buying a new stuffed animal, trying a new food on vacation, listening to your grandmother's stories
CAP: rereading favorite fairy tales, blood-red garnets, red hair in braids, mist in the forest, local legends, playing board games on rainy days, remembering your make-believe games of childhood, puffy-sleeved blouses, watching glassblowers make magic
ASH: blue roadsters, rapidly melting ice cream cones, white picket fences, pastel shop awnings, hand-lettered signs in front of shops, the act of simply being with your friends, revisiting your childhood bedroom, spending all day in an antique shop, visiting your friend's house for the first time
TMB: wind-blown sand, straw sun hats, the warmth of the afternoon, chipped statues, well-used research books, having an egypt phase as a kid, planning your next adventure, drinking cold water on a hot day, pushing your hair out of your face
DED: pencil-covered hands, well-oiled gears, the crackling of electricity, eating your favorite flavor of gummy bears, group projects, keeping to yourself at work, unironically wearing ugly sweaters, publishing your research, organizing your messy desk
GTH: peeling paint on a once-grand house, angel statues, sheet-covered furniture, porch swings, lit matches, lace masquerade masks, grand ball gowns, drinking a hot cup of tea and lemon, looking for treasures in the basement
SPY: old leather suitcases, distant memories, the lingering touch of your true love, piano keys, adrenaline rushes, popped trench coat collars, hugging your mom after not seeing her for ages, looking out the window on a train ride, hearing movie soundtracks in your head
MED: the view from the top of a mountain, the rushing sound of waterfalls, freshly dyed hair, shooting stars, wandering off the trail, vintage comic books, philosophical thoughts, binge-watching reality tv, feeling the sense of deja vu
LIE: hands coated with clay and paint, laurel wreaths, pomegranate juice, books of Greek myths, gold sandals, memorizing a monologue, flowing white gowns, spending all day in a museum gallery, exploring ancient ruins
SEA: the twinkling sound of old music boxes, a night shining with stars, cozy knit sweaters, curling up with your dog, model ships, old barrels, learning your town's history, watching gently falling snow, the beauty of the aurora borealis
MID: the dark colors of herbs, edison bulbs, copper kettles, slowly changing leaves, road trips with friends, carving a jack-o'-lantern, exploring cemeteries at night, small shops surrounding a courtyard, thinking you saw a ghost out of the corner of your eye
237 notes · View notes
seditionsaurus-rex · 3 years
I took vacation from work last week and we went to some really stunning outdoor places less than 30 minutes from my front door because it be like that when you live in the Pacific Northwest.
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I live here! I was born and raised here! I'm so lucky! I didn't even realise how lucky I was until I was a whole adult! I have rivers and mountains and trees and fields and flowers and green and blue and even beaches and desert if I go just a little bit further than I did last week!
I took my partner because they're from out of state and they love the landscape here. I'm not convinced they didn't move here more for it than me (jk jk 💚) I took my kids because, my god, it's awe inspiring and makes you feel both so connected and so insignificant in a really good way, I want them to see it.
I want them to see it.
I want them to see it before it's gone.
When I was a kid way back in the early 90s I remember in school they really harped on recycling and global warming and the hole in the ozone layer and science and about how we had to work really hard to save the world and none of it seemed real. None of it seemed real while we had a foot or two of snow a couple times every winter and summer days sometimes dipped below 70 degrees and every spring and fall was so full of precipitation I never batted an eye about wearing flipflops in a thunder storm.
It was 116 degrees yesterday.
That's the hottest it's been here, ever.
Which would just be a wacky thing that happened in a storied history of wacky things happening here like mountains blowing their tops or exploding whales or bigfoot.
Except now every time something like this happens I go over the frightening and lengthening list of all the wacky climate-related changes that have happened since I was a kid with my kids who have been here only a decade give or take and my partner who has been here less than a year.
Because I need them to know.
I tell them about the mountain in the first picture (and it's cousin, Mt. Hood, not pictured but also visible from my every day life) almost always being covered in snow before. How eerie it's been maybe the last five years to see the snow almost gone by mid-June and not return until the middle of winter. For the snow to go so fast this year that it was only a few cloudy days where it was invisible and when it reappeared it had transformed.
That there were wildfires down the river a couple years ago so near to where the second and third pictures were taken that I wouldn't have been able to take them that year. When it rained ash from the fires so much people compared it to the aftermath of the explosion of Mt. St. Helens in the 70s. I had never seen ash raining in my life before. That I wouldn't have been able to have driven east past the freeway exit I take to pick my one kid up from their other parent's house because the fires were that close.
The second picture was taken from past the next exit east.
And in the third picture there are brown patches I'm not convinced aren't scars from those fires.
And those weren't even the fires last year that choked us so bad they closed school right after it had re-opened from COVID.
As a kid, I never got to stay home from school due to air quality so bad we didn't have a scale to measure it.
As a kid, I never heard on the news about cities who's names I knew and who's streets I had set foot on being evacuated due to wildfires.
Or destroyed.
As a kid I never had to leave my house because the air was so bad and the edge of the evacuation map for the local wildfire kept inching closer and closer to my address; leave to go stay with family on the west side where there were other wildfires also burning worryingly near. I never had to do that like one of my children did last fall.
Those are the big ones among the hotter and hotter summers, the drier and drier winters, the strangely off-season March snow flurries, and all the other little changes I've seen happen in about 20 years.
And now it was 116 degrees yesterday and it's real. This is real. Climate change is real and I don't know how anyone who thinks it isn't can be taken seriously and given a platform.
I had to bite my tongue and fold my hands tonight to keep myself from grabbing my kiddo by the shoulders and looking in his eyes and scaring him by telling him "Look! Look at all these beautiful places we go! When we have picnics! When we go on drives! Look at the trees and the water - you've touched the water! The cold, cold water! It's amazing! It's so amazing and wonderful and there are people who want to take it from us. From you. From your children, should you have them. From tourists who come to see it and are humbled by it and better for it. From our friends and family and neighbors and all the people who will move here and grow to love this land as much as we do because of how majestic it is. We have to do something! We have to save it! I'm so sorry we didn't do better before! Maybe when you grow up you can save the world!" Because if I want him to grow up well adjusted enough to have a chance to be able to do anything about any of this a good place to start is probably not being an unhinged, frightened parent shouting at a 9 year old about climate change.
Which I guess is probably what my teachers were trying to say almost 30 years ago.
Which is why I'm making this post. Because I need somewhere safe to be a little bit unhinged about how all of this feels.
Because I need you to know.
I don't have any answers. That's not what this post is about. Recycling and unplugging our appliances and driving our cars less aren't going to do it. COVID proved a lot of the "start at home" tactics are futile. There are a handful of entities doing this to the world and with a pretty cursory Google search you can find out who. If you're in the US, write emails or letters or place phone calls to your elected officials at every level of government. Call out idiots who are trying to protect financial interests and not the livability of our world. Write emails and letters and place phone calls to media that give those idiots platforms. Vote. Go outside and touch grass and look around you and see what you have to lose. Don't lose hope, Science(TM) keeps saying this is reversible.
I'm sorry to my, like, 8 followers this was so long... I just had a lot of feelings tonight ❤
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Whalien 52
   Many others have discussed this song and done it well, but Imma use it to start our move into BTS' music and symbology. Because, to my mind, it's one of BTS' best songs ever and embodies everything that's so special about them. First, let's look at the lyrics. I'll write the translation out here and not repeat the refrain, for space purposes. I'm using Genius English Translations. I'll also indicate which rapper sings which part, so you know what they wrote, basically.
Yeah, the most lonely creature in the world
Eh, do you want to know my story?
I've never told this to anybody
Yeah, come on
In the middle of the vast ocean
One whale speaks softly and lonelily
The fact that no matter how much they shout, it won't reach
Makes them so gravely lonely that they quietly shut their mouths
Of course i don't care what's the matter or what I've now become
When loneliness is the only thing that stays by my side
I've become completely alone. It's a lock that fills sadness
Someone says "Bastard, you've become a celebrity"
Oh fuck that! So what?! Nobody remains by my side and I'm fine on my own
These words that are easily said towards me quickly becomes a wall
Even loneliness turns into something you can see
Even if my breaths are blocked
Because I'm confined in that wall
Head towards the surface of water above
Hey oh, oh hey oh yeah
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Sing alone like this!
Will i ever shine so brightly like a remote island?
Lonely lonely lonely whale
Like this, try calling once again
Until this song that doesn't have a response
Reaches tomorrow
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
An endless signal will reach someday
Everywhere, even to the other side of the earth
No more, no more baby
No more, no more
Even the blind whales will be able to see me
Today i sing again
The world will never know
How sad i am
My hurt is oil and water that can't mix
So only above the surface of the water do I
Breathe, and the interest ends
A child in the lonely ocean
I want to make it known too
My value, Everyday
I become sick with worry, the sticker always beneath my ear
Never end... Why is there no end and always hell?
As time goes by, it's a Neverland in a cold abyss!
But I always think, now
Even if i sleep a shrimp's sleep, my dreams are like that of a whale's
The upcoming big praise will make me dance everyday
Like me, Ye I'm swimmin'
I go towards my future
That blue beach and
Believe in my hertz
Hey oh, oh hey oh yeah
Mom said the sea is blue
She said to let out your voice as far as you can
But what do i do? It's so dark here and there are only different whales
 speaking entirely different words!
I just can't hold it, ma! I want to say I love you
Alone, I look back at this music sheet that's like a rotating song
This ocean is too deep
Still, I'm lucky
(No one besides me knows of these tears.)
I'm a whalien.
   Chorus to end
   Wow, really strong moving lyrics. Just by reading, you can feel the pain and loneliness that they've experienced. Now add the music and voices. Even down to Adora's adlibs in the background, reminiscent of whale songs...
(Adora is a long-time producer with BigHit, in case you were unaware.) And the way they use the "radio sound" to make RM's voice sound further away. And lonelier. The credits for writing this are Kim Namjoon, Min Yunki, Jung Hoseok, Brother(?) Su, PDogg, Hitman Bang and Slow Rabbit. They are the dream team, when it comes to some of BTS' best songs.
   Then you figure out that the basis of the song is the 52-hertz Whale, the loneliest whale in the world. The story goes, a scientist discovered a lone whale in the Pacific who sang at the frequency of 52 hz. And whales can only hear up to about 40hz. So none could ever hear it sing. But it sang its song throughout the ocean, nonetheless.
   What genius! Why aren't there more songs about this?!? Isn't it the perfect basis for a song? Then, they added alien to the word! The very spirit of feeling disassociated, unfamiliar, remote... unheard. The incredible word play that BTS is known for, on full display. How could you not love this song? It's not a trite boyband love song, but rather, a scream from the soul, much like whale song. Reaching out to those around the world who can "hear" this level of loneliness and want. And doing what BTS has always done... Letting the listener know they can "hear" you, too. And they share your fears. And they're in this with the rest of the world. But we are together. Our lonely songs in the dark aren't in vain. They will be rewarded with time, as in all else. Keep singing, no matter who hears, because your song is also valid and necessary in the world.
   So, if you haven't heard this song, it's off of their HYYH (The Most Beautiful Moment in Life) pt 2 album. Released all the way back in November, 2015. Go listen immediately. It's obviously one of my favorite songs in the world. And I would love to share it with everyone. Even while we're all singing our own songs. ❄👸
PS: if you have any questions about how we interpreted something, or just want to relate interpretations of your own, feel free to let us know. Here or on our Instagram page 🙏
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bicoltouristspots · 2 years
They say a way through a people's heart is through their stomach. And that food is a reflection of a culture, heritage, history, and people of a particular place. Have you ever heard the word food tourism?. When we say food tourism it is the act of traveling for a taste of place in order to get a sense of place. It is special for those people who has interest in food and primary reason for why they travel to certain areas. Food tourism is also known as culinary tourism or gastro tourism, though with culinary tourism it only focuses on the food product itself while gastro tourism extends beyond what we eat. It includes how we eat, where and when we eat, and the reason behind eating a particular food. Food reflected to tourism usually allows the traveller get the desired goal of relaxation, escapism, and excitement through indulgement of food. And that food tourism is not necessarily about dining luxuriously, but more about eating adventurously to seek out new culinary experiences. So if ever you are some of those people who has heart for food here is one of the best place to experience one or get your taste buds exploding. A land of the uragons, Bicol. Also known as the adventure capital of the Philippines, it is well known for its active volcanoes, tranquil whale sharks, secret beaches, and of course their spicy food. But beside of those it is also famous for its use of coconut cream and chilies in their dishes. Bicol is a place that offers a exploding variety of flavors and culture reflected in that unique cuisine which is exclusively found in the quaint little town and barrios. So now is the time to grab a pen and list the variety of native delicacies you should try and where to find them. Bicol flaunts delicious native delicacies and it's what make the travel experience so unique and memorable. Bicol express, laing, sinantol, pansit bato, halo-halo, pili roll, you name it. All of these names is something that seems oddly familiar to some And you've probably already tried and remade some of the dishes at home. But nothing can truly beat the experience of getting to tey and taste it from where it really originated from. Sure on the top list is the "Bicol express". Nothing beats the authentic Bicol express dish. It is also known as the "sinilihan" and is a mouthwatering, spicy delicacy made from siling mahaba, cocunut milk, and pork. It is a flavor combination you would never thought would be a peefeclty match together. Another one is the what we call "Laing" or "pinangat" another popular dish that consists taro leaves and meat. Prepared in a creamy thick coconut cream spiced with labuyo chili And etc.. Both can be paired with rice and is very affordable. Best you can find these dishes are in Naga, Camsur, and Albay. And if ever you are not a fan of spicy food Don't fret because there is an alternative and there are still plenty of choises tou can choose from. Pancit bato, pili roll, halo-halo, and many more may be the answer for you.pancit bato is a noodle like dish popular in the Philippines and an all time favorite merienda. While pili roll and halo halo is a bicolano dessert you can try and everywhere you go there is a variant of it. Don't miss out and try this must-have delicacies for your travel experience to be complete. Must visit restaurants such as colonial grill is also one place to go restaurant that are suggested to tourist for it's famous dishes and delicacies that have loved up to it's name. You can get to taste and find the Bicolano dishes lang, pinangat, and bicol express on this restaurant And the experience will only get better for their famous sili ice cream which every tourists gets crazy about. 21st amendments, big's dinner, small talk cafe and many more of these restaurants in bicol can give you a new and better experience on food. -regala, anna maria ab lit-3b
0 notes
tristinleighhh · 5 years
✨☀️ my heart & soul are so full.
This was truly the best experience of my life. Envision is something else. I danced and sweat out every negative energy that I had stored away before I came here. I feel like a new person..
🌊 I loved the whole vibe of the Uvita area. Everyone was so nice. I've missed the salty air in my hair and on my lips. Being surrounded by the jungle and the ocean is a euphoric feeling. 🐟 I ate a lot of good fish outside the festival and I am definitely missing it. I loved the fresh fruits and coconuts everywhere 🥥🌴🍍🍌🍓
🏕️ our air b&b was just a couple minutes away from the festival and our host Jose was the nicest human ever. He was constantly making sure everything was perfect for us and coming back to get sleep in the ac was prime. I'm very glad we did that. Cabinas yuriel 💛💚❤️☁️
🐳 we went on a whale watching tour and we're blessed to see a male and a mama and her baby playing around! Humpback whales are my flavorite animal and I haven't seen them since I was in Hawaii so it was an epic treat.
🌄Then Dan and I watched our last Costa Rican sunset for the trip and took a nice stroll home. On the way we saw a sloth in the tree, a crazy poisonous snake and a gnarly looking centipede. 🐍🌙
I have fallen in love with envision and everything it stands for and for the beautiful country of Costa Rica. I will be back there's no doubt about that. I want to explore everything. Thankful for this trip and all the lessons learned and friends I met along the way. Until next time 🥥✨ Pura Vida ✨🥥
✨ Top Envision Moments & Music ✨
🔥 the sunset and fire spinners on the beach with the drum circle. I had hoped to spin some fire down there but I'll be a little more prepared next time.. you walk up the path onto the beach and you are met with various vendors with cool bones and jewelery, cheap beer and food as you emerge into a sea of people on the sand. The sky was on fire and the vibes were hiiiigh. The drum circle was tribal and euphoric. Looking around me being surrounded by jungle and ocean and beautiful people was straight bliss.
🍄 seeing Paul staments talk about mushrooms. I only caught one but it was so cool to hear him share his stories and experiences with us.
🍽️💦the dishcoteque
The waste at this festival was pretty much non existent. It always makes me sad how people can leave a place so destroyed and covered in trash. I had to pick up no trash from the ground and all the volunteers who were picking up trash barely had anything in their buckets. When you got food at any vendor here you received an actual dish, bowl, silverware or cup. When you were done you'd bring it to the "dishcoteque" and recieve a voucher for your next one. No plastic at all barely any paper products besides some paper straws .. the bathrooms also did not have toilet paper in them.. you had to get it from the outside and bring it with you so they were not overflowing with paper and and overuse of products.
✨🎨✨ the art & the stages
There was so much phenomenal art. I was blown away by the murals everywhere and the art gallery was bursting with talent and creative energy.
The bars and booths were all made from the materials surrounding them. Everything was made from the earth. The Sol stage was surrounded by a beautiful design with a big screen in the back that had really awesome visuals on it
The lapa stage was filled with house n deep techno vibes all day and night. It felt like something out of an epic movie in there with all the mist and the lights. The entrance to the beach was right there too. It was a great place to go to just dance and chill out.  And finally... The Luna stage. W o w. The most incredible stage I've EVER seen in my life and I've seen quite a few cool stage setups. It was a huge tower of Earth and wood and vines and beauty. There was a portal where people danced behind. The lighting was a1 from the lasers to the mapping on the funktions. It was truly other worldly there.  I will be riding the high of that stage for a long time. There was water refill stations in all the right spots which made staying hydrated in the jungle heat so easy.
🌮🍓🍦🥑🥙 the food
It's usually hard for me to eat at festivals lately because I don't eat meat anymore. Chicken fingers was always a go to for me but I've sadly become very picky. Everyone was pretty accommodating to my needs ( I wish I thought about asking for no cilantro before the last day 😞 I hate that shit )and everything was so nourishing and healthy. I have not been eating well lately and I feel so nice and full after all the smoothies and juicy goodness I ingested over the weekend.
🕷️ the huge tarantula like spider that happened to wander through the crowd of people dancing with the bass vibrating the floor and onto our blanket. It was SO BIG how did you even make it through the crowd?! Stealthy dude. That was wild.
☕🍵The tea party!
I went to the bathroom and I came across a tiny but huge tea party. Everyone had tea cups along a very small rectangle table/stool and they were singing jungle tea time jungle tea time and cheersing to life it was so cute
🎭🤸‍♀️🔥💃 the performers...
Wow. I haven't seen performances like that ever. Every collective blew my mind they all had a vibe of their own and absolutely slayed it on stage. Serious inspiration
🎶🔊 the music
Every set was so good. Nothing was like oh that was cool .. everything i was was so we'll put together and everyone definitely out out jungle vibes.
I'll just put this first in case you don't want to read all the way cause this was my flavorite part 💓
👽 Tipper 👽
This was my 30th show.. in the jungle...and the Luna stage couldn't have been any better. He played so many fat unreleased tracks and vips I have never heard before. Serious deep jungle vibes. I can honestly say that was my flave set I've seen by him so far. There were no visuals but I was so okay with that. the lights were so on point and the performers were so freaking good and well paired with what he was putting out. I am sooooo freaking thankful for that experience and to have had it with all my tipper family. This community has Brought me all over the country and now out of the US. I am constantly overstimulated and it's just getting more intense as I get older so traveling can be difficult for me. The high energy if the airport is a lot for me. Music festivals are even a lot for me but I eventually get comfortable..I just love the epic moments of euphoria through music and these experiences that I'll push myself through the rest of it. The way tippers music makes me feel is so worth trooping through a sea of energies to get to that moment. It's truly beautiful for me and I know others feel the same. Blessed to be alive for the making of tipper music
✨ the first real full set of music we saw was jpod.. someone ive never listened to and I'm so glad I know about him now. It was so fun I found all my friends and it was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.
✨Naughty princess was someone I didn't know as well and she threwwwww down a dirty heavy dubstep set. It was proper as fuck and she looked like a boss in the dj booth.
✨Honerable mention to Govinda and an-ten-ae
✨🔮Clozees first set on Friday night was so surreal. Seeing her live is a true experience. It got so heavy and blissful it was by far my flavorite set I've seen from her. She's so humble and cute and beyond excited to be doing this for us. When she plays she emmits such a powerful feminine vibe. The high that gave me was super intense.
✨ Honerable mention to
Stylust beats with the filthy dubstep set
Nico luminous
And attya to close was super smooth
✨ The funk hunters played two sets. The but their Saturday night set on the Luna stage was so fire. They're so fun and energetic
✨ Random rab was so beautiful. Probably the most beautiful performance I've seen by him yet. His voice is absolutely amazing.
✨LAZY SYRUP ORCHESTRA...... If you don't know them please go listen to their sets on SoundCloud. The sun had risen and the people were vibin.. 6am set - ???? It was so freaking good ahhhh words can't even decribes
They're all so talented I want to return to that moment forever.
Going to the beach and jumping in the ocean after that was so freaking cooooooool.
✨Honerable mention to symbolico for throwing down two dope sets & moontricks on the Sol stage
✨ Drrtywulvs ... Wowza. That was so fun and uplifting.. all the booty shaking..I love his music and all the noises. It always makes my body move in the weirdest of ways.
✨SUPERTASK..he's one of my flavorite artists ever and he threw downnnnnnnnn such a dope set in the jungle.
✨ SOOHAN was everything I wanted. His music makes me dance in all the best ways
✨🌄 Clozees played a sunrise set @ 545 and it was beautiful. She was very downtempo and played a lot of slower vibe songs.. it was perfect and blissful.
✨ and finally emancipator. They are forever one of my flavorites. They played at 7 am and closed out the Luna stage with the most magical morning vibes. I feel like they played a lot of new music and it was a perfect way to bring down the high energy from the night
✨Honerable mention to dirtwire on the Sol stage who pulled me out of my funk bc of the rain I love their music so much and Seeing them live is a huge treat.
If you've made it this far thanks for reading! Envision is my new flavorite place and I am already counting down the days until I can go back. ✨🥥
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Perfect Girl| Life is Strange Nathan Prescott x Reader
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Author's note: I'm sorry if i go a little overboard on Nathan's character ot god knows what else, i just had a small plot in my head and decided to use it and it will follow the timeline of the game and it may be seperated into different parts, in any case i hope you enjoy my drabble.
You were what people called the 'perfect girl'. Not because you were the girl every guy wanted, or because you were popular, but because you never attended parties on your own accord and you always stuck to your work. You wanted to focous on your writing career and become an author, you already had an idea for a story worked out, but it just didn't know if you wanted to take a chance and try to make a comic or actually write a book. Just because you wanted to become an author doesn't mean it has to be limited to a book filled with words, but you also knew that words are the most powerful thing to humans, it describes scenarios, allows you to give detail and can make a story feel alive, but a comic can allow people to see the action and not have to look up so many big words. You remember those days before you learned so much, you figured you may as well put it to use. 
As you sat back in your dorm, listening to some music to help bring your story some light, you heard a loud knock on your door. After pausing your music, you got up and opened the door and was greeted by Dana's annoyed face. "why didn't you hear me knock? Blasting your music again?" "yeah, I've been working on a character for my story and i needed some music to help me gain ideas" you nodded as Dana sighed "imagination isn't bad, but you should come out with Hayden, Juliet and i tonight, we're gonna go to the beach for a little and have a small party." "no thanks Dana, maybe if i get a date or convinced I'll consider the vortex club's 'End of the World' party." Dana sighed and nodded. "alright then (y/n). But if you do want a date come hit me up and I'll hook you up with someone." you giggled at Dana's response "I'll keep that in mind Dana, but for now I'll stick with my fanfics." "alright then my little nerdette, but you'll have to come down from your tower someday." "maybe if my knight in shining armor shows up." Dana grinned and giggled "you would even turn down your prince? That's sad, but your also a fighter at heart and he'll have a lot on his hands, i wish you luck." smiling, you told Dana that one day you'll find your 'prince' and that she better hurry and meet Juliet and Hayden. Once you closed your door, you were alone again, in your perfect room of solitude.
As you sat in the back of the class barley listening to what Mr.Jefferson was saying, you glanced around the class and ended up resting your gaze at Nathan Prescott. You have no reason to talk to him, let alone think about him, but from what you know about Nathan and have seen, you know he's an asshole, but it's sad. If you had the courage you would try to befriend him....But you've had too many experiences with guys like him and most of them attached themselves to you, you were like their 'angel' that they couldn't let go. Despite your past, you wouldn't mind getting to know Nathan although, it would be dangerous, and take forever to pull him out of his shell. As the class continued while you were taking notes and drawing small pictures and symbols all over your spiral, a crumbled note landed on your desk from god knows who. As you looked up at Mr.Jefferson who was too busy talking to pay much attention, you grabbed the ball of paper and carefully unfold it that had told you to meet at the Two Whales diner after school and to sit in the back near the Jukebox, but the writer is still unknown. The rest of the day went on as usual until you arrived at the Two Whales diner.
When you arrived at the diner you sat in the back near the jukebox as the note instructed while you waited for your anonymous sender. We're you worried? Well, worried was an understatement, you were kinda scared especially since in a town like Arcadia Bay where there are mostly druggies, even most students were into that stuff and who knows if a druggie or a dealer comes in for you for anything they want. Your worries we're washed away as Joyce came to your table to take your order, and to make yourself better you went with a strawberry milkshake. You sat and looked out the window as you heard the bell hanging above the diner bell ring, it was nothing unusual until you spotted Nathan walking towards you in an assertive manner. As you turned your head and watched as Nathan sit on yhe opposite side, he told you that his time better not be wasted by meeting with you.
"why do you want to meet with me?"
"don't ask questions, i don't want anyone to assume anything between us and meeting here is a bad thing anyways, so don't ask questions and be thankful that it's not an alley!"
"alright, i won't ask anything. Now what do you want?"
You watched as Nathan glanced around the diner and turned back to you and saying in an almost whisper
"i need someone to help cover for me at the next Vortex club party and you would be a good candidate."
Now you were worried 
"I'm sorry Nathan, but why me and not someone lile Victoria?"
"because, you are the good girl, you don't wanna get into trouble and you barely join any of the parties so you can make up for me being gone, a lot of people in the Vortex club watch what you do and a few of them swear that your a better dancer than most of the girls in the club especially after you drink."
"so...What your telling me is that you want me to attend a Vortex Party on your behalf because I'm the talk of the campus?"
"pretty much, and if you want i can pay you-"
"i don't need your money, and if i would go to the party i would need to be heavily persuaded, amd not by money."
As you sat back and watched Nathan's face turn hard, Joyce came back with your milkshake that you gladly accepted. The ment that Joyce left Nathan spoke in a low, harsh tone.
"if you don't do this I'll make sure that your out of Blackwell!"
"why should i worry when i pretty much have my degree? I'm only staying for the next year or two for any extra degrees i want."
You could tell that Nathan was gonna go ballistic, but Nathan didn't do something that you ever thought he would do, bargian.
"fine- if that doesn't work, then what would it take?"
"hmmmm... If you can fimd me a date by Thursday, I'll go and make it worthwhile and I'll habe more leverage for the Vortex to talk about."
Nathan grinned, he had to admit that for a good girl who studies hard and doesn't care to party, you know exactly how to gain people's attention.
"you have yourself a deal (y/l/n), i already have a few people in mind that will be perfect for you. And you may as well stay in contact with me too just in case."
"what for? In case i change my mind?"
"if you find someone other than one of my friends for the dance."
You nodded as Nathan put his number into your phone and put yours in his. You have no other choice than to agree.
"alright then, i guess I'll see you in Photography."
"don't worry, you'll see me a lot more than just in photography."
As you watched Nathan walk out of the diner you knew you sold your soul to the devil of Arcadia Bay, and that the week was gonna be a long one.
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cart-track · 8 years
Percy: What did one ocean say to the other?
Jason: *Trying to keep the mast up during a storm* I'm a little busy here Percy.
Percy: *Ignores him* Nothing, they just waved.
Jason: *Succeeds* Oh that's nice. You're funny.
Percy: Did you SEA what I did there?
Jason: Yeah I got it.
Percy: Are you SHORE?
Jason: Yes.
Annabeth: Stop tormenting Jason, your jokes suck.
Percy: Don't be such a BEACH.
Annabeth: Percy. Don't.
Percy: Water you saying?
Annabeth: Percy, I've heard all of them. You've told me each one more that ten times. Now STOP and help out or just do something productive.
Percy: Fine. If that's what you want, I'll just go KRILL myself.
Annabeth: ....
Jason: How long do these usually last?
Annabeth: He's not even halfway through.
Percy: None of you seem to care about the fact that I just TIDE.
Leo: Noooooo I FISH you'd come back.
Annabeth: I'm done with life. I had better hopes from you Leo.
Jason: Why dude. You have a better sense of humor than this.
Percy: I was going to stop but since Leo is a good friend, I SHELL continue.
Leo: Let's SAND the ones with no sense of humor away.
Jason: .......
Annabeth: Are you telling me they've never done this to you before?
Jason: Nope...
Nico: Damn, you're lucky.
Leo and Percy: *at the same time* THAT'S WHAT ONE RIVER SAID TO THE OTHER.
Annabeth: NICO.
Percy: Are you guys tide of these jokes? Because i understand that after a whale they're kind of predictable.
Leo: Nah man I think they have their own porpoise.
*Five minutes later*
Annabeth: They haven't changed, have they?
Jason: Nope.
Annabeth: *sighs*
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