#young jump is definitely one way to describe her
wandixx · 2 days
I'm not much for naming things but: Danny's associated with green and M'gann's a White Martian, so... Spearmint (like the green and white mint candies)? Just a thought.
Prompt: Magic removed Amity Park from the map. JL didn't notice, but in an Alderaan type moment (Star Wars ref. yay!) The martian on Watchtower monitoring duty heard the residents get silent unanimously.
Of course they need to be investigated! So M'gann gets her watch partner to take over and flies there, discovering an odd green rift of death energy doing a black hole effect and it sucks her in. Danny gets landed on/ flown into when she tumbles through the rift. She tried getting a message through to JL when she felt herself getting sucked in, but the message was not received due to ectoplasmic interference.
So Danny has to figure out how to get her AND Amity Park back home!
(Just a thought. I'm curious how you flesh it out if you do!)
This is such an interesting idea, and it definitely deserves much more story than I can write in single prompt, so this here is just a beginning and I will continue. I hope it's up to your expectations
Also, I really love the Spearmint idea
M’gann understood the importance of monitor duty in Watchtower, she really did. She also understood why they were taught it while still in this gray area between fully dependent sidekicks and fully independent heroes, that was the main reason the Young Justice Team even existed.
It didn’t make it any less boring. Even when she had a decent duty partner. Don't get her wrong, Green Arrow was a much better option than Batman or Superman, it was just awkward. At least he seemed equally done with it and didn't scold her for jumping between satellite cameras just a bit too fast to actually ‘monitor’ anything.
And it was only twenty minutes into the two hour shift.
One of the sixty (or so) screens, the one directly in front of her, blinked to the view of the American Midwest. She was about to skip further, when a sudden movement caught her attention. She clicked a few keys to review the footage and asked, still unsure if her eyes weren't deceiving her.
“Did the entire city… just disappear?“
Green Arrow nodded, equally stunned.
“I'm going to check this out” she spluttered, already flying out of the room and doing her best to get Zeta to send her as close as possible. It was a bit tricky when she couldn't see the keyboard. She managed though, so before the adult hero even finished yelling that it was above her skill level, she was out.
From there, getting to the disappeared city was a piece of cake.
She stopped right in tracks when the thing came in view. M'gann had no idea how to describe it. It was a green and white and black storm but not, glass, see-through dome but not, deep space but also decidedly not. It made her want to run away but also come closer, almost like it was tugging at her. Like some pseudo, mental in nature, gravitation.
Oh, wait, no. It was an actual, physical force that after a quick test turned out to be inescapable for her.
Green Arrow, perhaps, maybe probably was kinda right. It was so high above her skill level that a balled napkin from this height would cause serious damage. Thank Batman for comms that she could use to call a backup!
The comms, that, of course, didn't work the one time she needed them.
She sent the message anyway, describing everything to the best of her ability, even though it was only a tip of the iceberg. Just in case, if the magical storm thing just made her comm one way communication only. It was highly unlikely, but who was she, if not an optimist.
She barely closed her mouth, when she was jerked sideways before the whole world became blurred.
She later would have a hard time telling anyone how it felt, to be inside the thing. She was basically powerless, thrown around randomly despite clearly keeping all of her abilities. She couldn't see, couldn't tell which way was up and down, couldn't change direction even a little bit. The rumble of the thing was so loud she couldn't hear her thoughts, throwing her brain so off the loop she forgot what her name was. She was crying probably, almost puking, her limbs hitting any and every part of her body.
At first, she didn't even realize she was out, so dazed from the ride. She didn't even see the flying boy until a while after she crashed into him, throwing them both off the sky. Neither of them caught them before they slammed into the ground. Somehow she ended up cushioning the boy's fall. M’gann couldn’t breathe for a moment. She kinda deserved it for ramming into him in the first place though.
By the time she could use her lungs and behave like a social creature again, the boy scrambled off her and just crouched, intensely staring, anxious and awestruck at the same time. She sat up and gave him once over herself.
He was around her physical age, but much skinnier than her or anybofnher teammates, build like a twig. He had fluffy, white, almost glowing hair, caucasian complexion, and wore a black and white jumpsuit with a tool belt. Big ‘P’ on his chest indicated he was someone from a hero/villain scene, and from general vibes she got, M’gann was leaning towards a hero. He was kinda cute. She coughed awkwardly when she realized how long they just sat in silence.
Apparently it was enough to release an incoherent babbling from the boy.
“Hi, um… Miss Martian, ma'am? I'm Phantom. What are you doing here? Is the rest of your Team going to fall off the sky too? Justice League?”
“Not right now probably”
She was ignored. Phantom just kept panicking.
“Is this some of your villain's schemes? Are you alright? You crashed pretty hard, sorry I landed on top of you by the way, do you–?”
“I'm fine, don't worry I got worse”
“Sorry I threw you off the sky”
“Not your fault, really, it's fi–”
“You asked what I'm doing here. I went on my own to investigate when I saw the city blink out of existence and got sucked in. I'm not sure if my report from site made it through, but they know where I went, so they'll soon come to help, don't worry”
Phantom did not stop worrying.
“Alright, cool, cool” he ran his hand through his hair, tugging at them “The Justice League knows you mysteriously disappeared along with an entire city. This is fine, totally fine, absolutely–”
“You're panicking”
“No shit Sherlock. Someone kidnapped my city again and I have no idea how to fix it because my usual tactic is ‘punch the cause of the problem into submission’ and this time I can't punch the storm. Now you're here so if something happens, I’ll have pissed of Justice League to worry about because, of course, it will be my fault. You could be overshadowed and I have no clue what's going on but I have to fix it as soon as–”
“Breathe Phantom“ she interrupted again, projecting what the Team called ‘calming vibes’. Since it didn't involve outright entering someone's brain and humans almost didn't react to it, it was an okay thing to do without asking even on non-villains. “Remember, I'm a hero, not a damsel in the distress you have to protect non stop”
“Of course, you're not. You're Miss Martian. You're amazing, but it doesn't give me any more of an idea on what's going on nor what to do with Justice League when they come, obviously furious because everyone in Amity and their mother will testify that it was somehow my fault, especially if–”
“Hey, hey, none of that. I know you're a good guy and they’ll too. I will vouch for you if for some reason they get misled”
Phantom looked her in the eyes as if he was trying to read her mind himself without even an ounce of psychic powers. She could tell if he used it.
“I could be a bad guy,” he said seriously after a moment of silence.
“I know you're not”
“You don't know me”
“You spent almost all of our interaction agonizing over how to save your city. It's not typical bad guy behavior”
“I could be acting”
M’gann didn't even dignify it with her response other than an incredulous stare.
“ Alright, if I've been acting, I would be a lot cooler but still… I could be acting!”
“I'm a literal psychic, remember? I didn't read your thoughts, don't worry, I know it's invasive for humans. But I got a general overview of who you are, and your vibes matched pretty well with the vibes of good guys”
“Sure, of course, why not,” he muttered, taking a moment to reboot “Why is this my life now?”
M’gann decided it wasn't to her and well… Phantom wasn't wrong, she didn't know him, so however she'd try to answer it was pretty much hit or miss. But from what she'd seen of him, she was curious to learn more.
“Nevermind, let's get you a Specter Deflector before anyone tries to use you as a meatsuit” he said, catching her wrist to drag her somewhere.
She let him lead her. He still didn’t have any nefarious reasoning, and hey! Maybe she'll finish this adventure with a new teammate!
[Sure M’gann. Just a teammate. Don't worry, Danny won't be a panicked mess all of the time here]
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wileys-russo · 9 months
put a ring on it II l.williamson x reader
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lil LW6 fic based on this request put a ring on it II l.williamson x reader
"here she is!" you sung out as you launched yourself onto your friends back, alessia stumbling slightly but finding her footing with a laugh. "player of the match! player of the match!" you continued to cheer as alessia hoisted you up properly carrying you round on her back as you did your laps.
"the penalty was perfect less, see i told you they weren't cursed!" you grinned, pulling her into a tight hug as she placed you back down on your feet. "doesn't mean i'll be putting my hand up to take anymore!" the blonde shook her head, though neither of you were unable to keep the smile off her face with a 4-1 win over chelsea.
"i see now why the two of you are so perfect for each other." the taller girl laughed as you both clapped and waved to the fans, nodding toward your girlfriend who was getting a piggyback of her own off manu.
"leah's got an excuse though you're just lazy!" alessia teased, often having you demanding she piggyback you around on national duty and now you played for the same club team.
"you're one to talk! who carries all the bags when we go shopping?" you laughed shoving her, waving at a small group of girls who called out your name. "who buys the most and therefore has the most bags to carry!" the blonde countered bumping her shoulder into yours.
"thats definitely you babe, because its me who carries all the bag when we go shopping!" suddenly your girlfriend appeared, wedging her way in between the two of you with her arms slung over both yours and alessia's shoulders.
"i earn and spend my money the way i want, why all this hate!" you tutted with a playful roll of your eyes, the three of you falling into conversation as you continued on your lap round the emirates.
"heard you've got some competition for your girls hand leah!" kyra zoomed past with a cheeky grin, leah frowning in confusion but unable to ask for any further context as kyra sprinted off chased by vic.
"i didn't know your relationship was open williamson. can i have a crack?" katie was next, playfully kissing your cheek with a wink as now both you and leah looked on in confusion.
your relationship with leah could be described as private but not secret. for years now you'd posted pictures with and of one another, but paid no mind to the spamming of comments asking if you were together.
you lost no sleep to the rumours of what you two were and made no move to placate or deny them, rather just happily existing together and focusing your energy on your relationship rather than what people thought about it or assumed it to be.
however it was most certainly not open.
"what the hell is everyone on about?" leah huffed, annoyance replacing confusion as you squeezed her bicep to try and gain her attention seeing she was becoming upset. "um, i might have an idea." alessia chuckled beside you, clearly trying to cover up her amusement but failing miserably.
nudging the two of you she tried to subtly point something out in the crowd, and it didn't take very long for leah to follow along. "oh you are taking the piss mate." came the scoff and grumble as you tried to catch on, alessia rolling her eyes and moving your head so you finally spotted it.
"ohh." you sighed in realisation, your girlfriends mumblings beside you and closed off body language now making a lot more sense. "do they think thats going to work?" you laughed, which was cleary the wrong thing to say as leah scoffed again and stormed off before you could say another word.
"will you be saying i do then?" you grunted as the tables turned and kyra reappeared, jumping onto your back and wrapping her legs around your waist, vic and teyah not far behind her.
the teasing in question was all due to a large sign reading 'marry me y/n?' held up by a grinning girl who definitely looked too young for you whose eye contact you avoided as you turned away from the sign.
"someone will be sleeping with the dogs tonight!" vic roared with laughter as leah shot you a look over her shoulder and followed into the tunnel after beth.
"i didn't even do anything! this is all of your faults for pointing out that stupid sign and winding her up." you huffed and promptly dropped kyra, who swore after you as teyah helped her up and you hurried off toward where your girlfriend had dissapeared.
though before you could go after her there was a small group of fans calling your name and you diverted, spending a little while alongside laia and alessia signing and chatting things before finally breaking away and heading inside.
returning to the change rooms everyone seemed to be in good spirits and celebrations were in full swing. music was pumping and you couldn't help but laugh at some of your friends and team mates dance moves which were more than questionable.
"having fun wally?" you grinned at the poor swiss woman who was desperately trying to count heads for how many people to include in a dinner booking at one of the teams favorite pubs later tonight, with very little success.
"lee and i will be there." you laughed at her pleading eyes, kissing her cheek and searching the room for the blonde in question. "hey have you seen leah?" you asked beth who finally sat down to take her boots off and stopped singing (yelling) for five seconds at vivs pleading.
"maybe that way somewhere." beth jerked her thumb over her shoulder toward the rest of the team as you rolled your eyes. "yeah thanks beffy." you chuckled, quickly changing out of your socks and boots, a twenty minute warning given for the bus leaving you scrambled toward the showers just beating stina into the last free one.
knowing there was a line of inpatient girls waiting their turn who were only growing rowdier now someone had popped a bottle of champagne, you were fast with your shower and the way you changed into clean dry clothes in record time.
you'd think with the way the team was carrying on you'd all won the conti cup again though amusing as the celebrations were a frown was very much present on your face seeing leah was still nowhere to be seen.
you tried calling her as you grabbed your bag and filed out of the change rooms but huffed as it rang out and went to voicemail. "she's probably driving, she drove herself and laura right?" alessia tried to reassure you as your eyes roamed the carpark, leahs car nowhere in sight at all.
"yeah maybe." you mumbled, following the taller girl up and into the bus, loading your bags and settling into your seat. "ah ah no anti social behaviour we're celebrating!" you groaned as beth snatched your headphones from your hands, hanging them around her neck with a wink as jen ruffled your hair and steph smiled apologetically.
much as you did worry about leah a half hour later you couldn't help but laugh and try not to let your overthinking consume your mind too much as karaoke was in full swing and you'd almost arrived back to colney.
"macca please, give our ears a break!" alessia groaned playfully beside you, her head falling to your shoulder as the two of you plugged your ears and the older girl scoffed, making a point to saunter over closer and yell mr brightside even louder, vic belting it out from the other end of the bus.
you continued to check your phone, having still tried to call around to leah and sending her a few messages all of which had gone unanswered. "hey, get out of your head." alessia tapped at your forehead sensing the worried nervous energy pouring out of you.
"why would she be mad at you? you didn't make that sign, you didn't interact with the fan who made it, you didn't encourage anything." the girl rubbed your back comfortingly as she drew you in for a hug and the bus parked up, everyone hurrying off and agreeing to meet for dinner at seven sharp.
"text me yeah?" alessia encouraged as you nodded and sent her a grateful smile before slipping into your car and flicking through your playlists, needing the right sort of music to try and pull yourself from your thoughts as you drove home.
a small sense of relief flooded through you seeing leahs car was indeed in the driveway once you arrived, meaning at least she was home. quickly parking and shutting off your engine you grabbed your bag from the back and headed toward the front door.
though before you could even get a hand on the door it swung open taking you off guard, though the state of your girlfriend caught you even more so by surprise. "why are you-" you started, your girlfriend dressed up in a beige two piece suit with her hair done and light makeup apparent on her features.
"we're going out." leah announced, ushering you inside and grabbing your bag for you. "for dinner with the girls? i didn't think we were meeting until seven and we were just going to the local." you wandered in with a confused frown as leah shook her head.
"no, just you and i. i already called lia and let her know!" your girlfriend answered the question before you could even ask it. "but-" you started cut off by a shake of the blondes head.
"no more questions. our reservations at five and i already laid out something for you to wear. go change please darling!" leahs hands landed on your shoulders, turning and gently pushing you toward your shared bedroom. "you're being very weird williamson." you stated glancing at her over your shoulder as she waved you off and started to unpack your bag for you.
"come on babe it's nearly five!" leah groaned, still refusing to answer any of your questions as you finished doing your hair, nodding happily with the final product and grabbing your bag.
"hey thats not the bag i chose or the shoes!" leah huffed with a frown at your changes. "as sweet as it is that you wanted to dress me love, i get final say." you smiled pecking her lips and silencing any further protests.
"isn't it nearly five?" you reminded as she attempted to argue again, the blonde nodding and taking your hand, locking up after you and hurrying to open your door as you slid inside. "such a gentlewoman." you teased, the defender grinning and stealing a kiss before shutting your door and rushing around to her own side.
"will you tell me where we're going now?" you asked as leah pulled out of the driveway with a shake of her head, nodding for you to select some music. "you're an incredibly frustrating individual sometimes i leah catherine." you sighed but grabbed her phone none the less since it connected first.
"you still love me but." leah smirked teasingly, eyes focused on the road as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel in time with the music. "lee. why did you run off today?" you questioned after a comfortable silence had fallen between you, unable to ignore the topic any longer.
"i didn't, just had to drop laura home." leah shrugged it off as you gave up trying to work out where you were going as she turned the opposite way that you expected her to.
"right. only after we saw that silly sign you seemed-" you continuned softly, cut off as leah turned up the current song and started to loudly sing along, wordlessly sending the message she didn't want to answer.
dropping it for now not wanting to spoil the blondes seemingly improved mood before a meal together you sang along with her as she drove. "oh we've not been here before." you perked up as leah finally turned in and parked, not recognizing where you were.
"some of the girls recommended it awhile back, i think dean took steph here for their anniversary if my memory serves correct?" leah commented, parking up and clicking her tongue at you as you went to open your door.
"you really are something else." you smiled as she appeared in front of you swinging the door open. "i will open doors any day for you my pretty lady." leah bowed as you smacked her shoulder and the defender stood up straight with a grin, grabbing your hand and placing a gentle kiss to your interlocked fingers.
the two of you fell into step as another comfortable silence fell between you, the sun starting to set bathing you in a warm golden glow, the dark clouds from earlier today now long gone.
"williamson." leah spoke with a smile to the hostess at the front who nodded, grabbing two menus and leading the two of you through the resteraunt. "its beautiful in here lee." you squeezed your girlfriends hand with an awestruck smile at the interior.
floor to roof there were old stone pillars, painted to look washed out as plants hung from the tops and vines spiraled around them, gold edged finishing on the dark mid century wooden furniture.
"wait till you see outside." leah murmered, kissing your cheek with a smile as the two of you were lead outside, your eyes lighting up seeing a small fire pit. "here?" you asked as the waitress gestured for the two of you to take a seat, the semi circle bench with an in built table a little sunk into the ground creating a cosy but private atmosphere.
there was a live band playing on a small stage and the soft chatter from your fellow diners just added to the cosy atmosphere as you thanked the hostess and sat down, leah making sure you were comfortable before taking a seat herself.
"like it?" leah raised an eyebrow but curiously and a little nervously, the two of you were creatures of habit and seldom tried new places, rather preferring the guaranteed satisfaction of what you knew wouldn't disappoint you.
"it's perfect leah. but why?" you laughed quietly, leaning in to kiss her properly and pulling away, neither of you overly large fans of pda given your shared 'famous' status and the risk of prying eyes or phone cameras.
"do i now need a reason to take my beautiful wonderful gorgeous girlfriend out for a nice meal?" leah smiled charmingly, resting her chin on her hand. "mm no but its much less suspicious when you do have one." you retorted, knocking your knee against hers as someone arrived to take your order.
not even having glanced at the menu yet you both smiled apologetically and ordered drinks, busying yourselves deciding what to eat and ordering food once your drinks arrived.
"so this lovely spontaneous meal would have nothing to do with that sign today then would it love?" you asked with a quirk of your eyebrow, sipping on your drink as leah rolled her eyes.
"no it would not!" "you do realise i've known you for years now williamson and you are a terrible liar."
"alright maybe the sign had me a little tiny teeny weeny bit jealous. but mostly i realised we'd not had a proper date night in far too long!" she grinned at the last part of her answer, hoping you'd skip over the first bit.
"jealous i might marry a wee stranger with a sign were we? thats a bit rom com cliche for me my love." you chuckled as your girlfriend playfully smacked your leg and finished her drink, setting the empty glass down as within seconds it was whisked away by someone.
"dunno i bet if i turned up outside your window with a big speaker and confessed my undying love for you you'd be swooning quite hard darling." leah smiled, eyes ablaze with nothing but sheer adoration for you.
"that would have certainly been much more romantic." you teased, leahs cheeks flushing pink at the memory. "stop! i was young and nervous and....sweaty." the defender cringed, having practically cornered you in the showers sweating bullets with nerves and practically yelling at you to go on a date with her.
"now babe how did it go again?" you pondered as leah groaned and hid her face in her hands. "go on a date with me tomorrow!" you mocked her accent and hummed. "no that wasn't it." you stroked your chin thoughtfully as your girlfriend groaned louder and smacked your knee, hiding her face in her hands.
"date tomorrow me please really like you!" you again mocked her accent and nervous stutter with a wolfish grin as the blonde was saved any further embarrassment as your food arrived.
the two of you grew up together on the football pitch in your teen years, both growing quite close through the arsenal academy leah made her senior team debut just a season before you and you couldn't be prouder.
though the distance between you now as you stayed training with the b team meant she realised she wanted to be more than friends and harboured quite unfriendly feelings.
feelings she made the mistake of confessing to her new teammates who'd at first teased her relentlessly and then came the ongoing pushing to tell you how she felt.
leah finally cracked once you signed your own contract and were finally training by her side again, the teasing growing worse for a very clearly flustered leah, a side you weren't used to having known her to be occasionally over confident.
you'd chalked it down to nerves for the talks of her impending senior national team call up, everyone else chalked it up to her being disgustingly head over heels for you and surprisingly too scared to let you know.
this meant six agonisingly slow months passed where leah continued to be given shit for the pining looks sent your way when you weren't looking, until one day something snapped and she decided no more would she hide the truth away.
it may have coincidentally also been the day she heard rumours of you allegedly being dragged along speed dating later that night with some of the other older girls 'for a laugh'.
so swallowing every single doubt which screamed at her this was a terrible idea leah had tried time and time again that day to speak with you, but something or someone seemed to pop up and get in the way every time.
which had been what lead to the abrupt and incredibly awkward shower room incident, though really as much as leah was horrifically mortified you'd found it endearingly cute.
given you still teased her for it this day and the two of you had been dating for years and years now as leah got older the regret of how she'd gone about asking you out had begun to melt away.
"ready to go baby girl?" leah asked as your plates were cleared, the two of you practically now sitting on top of one another as you relished in the welcome warmth both from the fire pit and one anothers bodies.
"did you want one more drink?" you turned your head to question, quite comfortable in your current position. "nah, one of us has to be sober enough to drive home." leah teased, ducking her head to press her lips to yours, pulling away far sooner than you'd have liked as she squeezed your hips indicating you stand up.
making your way hand in hand through the restaurant, now both well fed and a tiny bit tipsy in your case you both cared less about the displays of affection, having been papped together many times over the years anyway but just never directly addressing anything.
thanking the hostess leah was quick to grab the door for you, your cheeks flushing bright red as she lightly patted your bum as she walked out after you, causing you to shoot her a playful glare over your shoulder.
the blonde was even quicker to pull off her suit jacket, draping it over your bare shoulders and silencing your protests that now she would be cold with several kisses, mumbling about how she was warming herself up with them causing you to laugh against her lips.
many sweet kisses and cheesy compliments exchanged during the walk back to the car you shrugged off leahs arm and darted to her door, pulling it open for her for once as she raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"must be the jacket." you teased as she rolled her eyes but slid into the car, making a point to lean over the console to push open your own door for you anyway.
finally pulling into your driveway with a firm look from your girlfriend you waited patiently for her to make her own way to your door, gasping in mock surprise as she pulled it open and once again bowed.
"sap!" you teased shoving her as you grabbed her hand and stood, leah closing the door and locking her car up after you. "okay before we go inside." your girlfriend started halting you in your tracks by the front door, causing a suspicious frown to grow on your face.
"i need you to trust me please." the taller girl took your hands in hers with a gentle squeeze as you slowly nodded. "i do."
"okay good. now please put this on then, no questions." leah reached into the pocket of her trousers and pulled out a blindfold as you raised an eyebrow but begrudgingly did as she asked, flinching as her hands fell to your shoulders once you'd heard her unlock the front door.
"i got you." she chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder and carefully guiding you inside, murmering when steps were coming or there was obstacles.
you heard the back door sliding open and felt your girlfriend carefully help you down the back steps as she asked you kick off your shoes and your feet sunk into the soft grass of the backyard.
eventually you felt yourself step onto something rougher causing your eyebrows to furrow curiously as leahs hands fell from your body and you heard some shuffling around but you knew there wasn't a point to you asking anything as she would just not answer.
"okay, you can take it off now love."
it took a few moments for your eyes to adjust once you'd pulled off the cloth blindfold but once they did your hand flew to your mouth and your body locked up, your reaction clearly amusing the blonde knelt down in front of you.
the roughness beneath you was a large aztec blanket, with two beanbags and cushions scattered all around as lanterns and fairy lights hung from the trees and on each corner of the blanket around you illuminating your backyard in a soft golden glow.
"leah..." you trailed off, shaking your head unable to find words as she sent you a soft smile and held up her hand to silence you.
"now you know why i was so pissed off with that stupid bloody sign today. i've had this planned out for weeks and of course the day i choose to do it, which i promise was long pre planned, some other randoms got a sign asking for your hand and making me look like some jealous numpty whose concocted a last minute proposal just to spite some teenage fangirl!" leah scoffed with a shake of her head making you let out a half laugh half sob as her features softened.
"you're such an idiot." you managed to get out making her grin and shuffle forward a little, reaching into her other trouser pocket as your heart rate accelerated even faster if that was humanely possible.
"jesus christ." you exhaled shakily as she pulled out a small velvet box and popped it open, the ring inside glinting back at you. "not my name love but i'll take it." leah grinned boyishly as you again let out a laugh, hand still covering your mouth in shock.
"my beautiful girl. i've loved you for as long as i've known you and though it took me a little bit to realise i think i might've been in love with you that entire time too." leah started as your knees felt like buckling.
"you are the most warm, caring, kind, attentive, empathetic, passionate and selfless person i've ever had the utter pleasure of having in my life let alone the absolute honor of calling my partner in life. you've always been the one whose better with words between us but i'm going to do my very best to remember all of-" as excitement shot through your body you couldn't help but interrupt.
"yes!" you cried out suddenly, taking leah off guard as she faltered mid speech and your face blushed bright red. "yes?" leah asked wide eyed as you nodded furiously. "yes, yes, yes, a million times yes." you laughed as another sob wracked your body.
the blonde was up and on her feet within seconds and hoisting you off the ground, spinning you around as tears of joy spilt over from her own eyes and you wasted no time smashing your lips to hers.
"i had a whole lovely long heartfelt speech planned out about how much i love and adore you dickhead. i've proposed to laura, lia and beth about three thousand times now for practice!" leah laughed against your lips as she carefully settled you back down on your feet and pressed her forehead to yours.
"save it for your vows?" you smiled guiltily, biting down on your bottom lip as leah let out a pelt of laughter, letting go of you to wipe away her tears before very gently wiping away your own with the pad of her thumb, tugging you into yet another kiss.
"wait! at least let me-" she pulled away and dropped down onto one knee again, carefully pulling out the ring and placing the box down by her side.
"may i please be your wife?" leah asked, eyes once more welling up with tears as you nodded and she grabbed your hand, sliding the ring onto your finger as you pulled her up to her feet.
"you know i also had this to get to, you really are so inpatient!" leah threw her head back with a laugh, stepping back and lifting one of the beanbags pulling out a bundle of red.
as she dropped it open you let out a laugh of your own, seeing it was an arsenal jersey with williamson on the back but with your own number, clearly an indicator of the future to come.
"mm mrs williamson has such a perfect ring to it my girl, i can't wait to be your wife." "i love you so so very much, fiance." "i bet that girl is gonna feel proper stupid now." "leah!" "what? she beat me to the punch but i got the final knockout." "you're forever and always the winner in my eyes baby."
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redroses07 · 7 months
F**k It I Love You /// Michael Langdon
Michael Langdon x Fem!reader
Summary: Reader is a witch, but her and Michael seem to have a special connection. So what happens when her coven has to oversee Michael taking the test of The Seven Wonders. Will she stay loyal to her coven, or herself?
CW: Swearing, Kissing, Alludes to smut, Sexual themes, some violence.
WC: 3.2k
A/N: Hey guys!!! My first full fic after my year long disappearance!!! I really like this and I'm super excited to post it! I'll definitely make a part two if this does good, or upon request. With perhaps smut? Anyways I hope everyone is doing well!! Love y'all and as always, enjoy! ♡⋆˙
You sit in your lonely, over sized room at Miss Robichaux's academy, awaiting this afternoon's daunting task. You and the rest of the witches on the council, including Zoe, Myrtle, and Cordelia, were to visit Hawthorne school for young warlocks.
It was a place where none of the witches, including you, enjoyed visiting. Mostly due to the crude and pompous attitude of the warlocks towards you and your sisters.
It's not your fault that warlocks were naturally inferior to witches. Come to think of it you had never met a warlock who was so much as tolerable. Well...that is until a few months ago.
This particular visit to Hawthorne was something no witch, or warlock for that matter, had ever thought would come to pass.
For the first time ever, the test of the Seven Wonders will be performed on a warlock. A young man named Michael Langdon.
From the beginning Cordelia, your coven's supreme, had refused to perform this test deeming that it would be suicide. That was until Michael brought two witches, Queenie and Madison, back from the dead.
While this changed her mind, it also raised her concerns about Michael.
Cordelia had called a meeting with you and the rest of the council prior to your departure. She had described a darkness in Michael, one she had never seen in someone before. She described his energy as almost inhuman, something otherworldly.
"I am warning you all, proceed with caution." Cordelia had said.
While you smiled and agreed like you had been made to do, you had other thoughts on your mind.
You had connected with Michael from the moment you first met him, and in a way you had never experienced with another. Your fellow witches had been standoffish and dismissive to him, most likely feeling threatened by his power, you didn't feel the need.
He seemed to feel comfortable around you from the beginning. You didn't know if it was because you were the only witch who cared enough to treat him like a human being, or if there were other reasons. Despite that, conversation with Michael came easy, and the more interactions the two of you had the closer you became.
What was originally a simple act of kindness turned into prolonged eye contact and uncontrollable eye contact. The increasingly frequent visits to Hawthorne began to feel less like a punishment and more like a reward.
No matter, your sisters came first, which meant you had to push your growing emotions away.
Under any other circumstance you would be excited to see your friend, but the Seven Wonders weren't just any other event. Especially after Cordelia's warning, so unfortunately today was going to be stressful no matter what.
"Hurry up everyone, time to go!" you heard Cordelia call, annoyance in her voice.
You jumped up, not wanting to anger her further, fixed your hat, and headed down the stairs.
You, Cordelia, Zoe, and Myrtle all gathered in a circle in order to transmutate to Hawthorne collectively. Queenie and Madison also joined you, Madison wearing her iconic scowl.
You stood next to Zoe, your favorite among the council. Not that you disliked the other witches...but Myrtle was a little batty and Cordelia was well...Cordelia.
"Prepare yourselves sisters." Cordelia said softly, a serious look on her face.
Next thing you knew, your group was standing outside the strange structure that was Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men.
The six of you walked in, all trailing behind Cordelia.
You passed through the dark corridors, trying to hide the fact that you hoped Michael would appear around the corner.
When you and your magical companions made it to the room where the testing would take place you were greeted by warlock Ariel Augustus.
Out of all the warlocks you despised he was by far the worst, there was just something so off-putting about him. Yet you still shook his hand and gave him a half-hearted smile.
You gave the room a quick glance, looking for Michael.
"And when will Michael be joining us?" You asked Ariel.
"I would like to get this over as quickly as possible" You add, in an effort to seem disinterested.
Ariel looks at you with a sour face before looking over your shoulder towards the door.
"Well, it looks like you've got your wish because here comes the young warlock now." Ariel replies with distaste.
You turn around, and are faced with Michael's golden locks and icy blue eyes. He's wearing his usual, a long black cloak over his school uniform, yet he somehow manages to make the basic outfit look better than ever.
"Hello Michael." You say formally, keeping your serious composure. All while the two of you exchange a playful look, agreeing that these formalities are ridiculous.
Michael greeted you and the two of you drifted off to the far side of the room where you pretended to make small talk.
"God, this is so stressful." Michael says to you, breathing out a frustrated sigh.
Around others Michael had the tendency to put on a show, but never for you. With you, he was free of judgement.
"It'll be okay, just trust your instincts. You've got this." If Cordelia knew you were giving Michael advice you would surely be punished, but she doesn't need to know.
Michael shifted on his feet and looked at the ground, failing at hiding the blush creeping up his pale cheeks.
You almost reached out to give him a hug of reassurance but then remembered the others in the room. If you were being honest with yourself you really did have feelings for him, although reality told you that would never work out.
"Can we all just shut up and get on with this shit." Madison announced with an eye roll.
It was never a dull moment with her around.
"Yes, yes." Myrtle said.
Everyone took a seat as Cordelia began to explain the rules of the seven wonders.
You and Michael stood near each other behind a couch.
You figured since your lower bodies were hidden from the others it would be safe to reach out and squeeze his hand for reassurance.
You slowly put Michael's hand in yours and ran your fingers across his knuckles. His palms were sweaty. You truly believed you were the only one who sympathized with him on this, and you were glad you could give him that.
You and Michael made eye contact and exchanged a look of longing.
You broke the eye contact to look at Zoe who was giving you a look as if to say "stop what you're doing." She knew, of course she knew. Zoe was your best friend, of course she could tell when you liked a boy. Even if the circumstances were far more dire than your average high school romance.
You drop Michael's hand but he reaches back over and pulls it back, signaling "stay"
You sigh, what on earth were you getting yourself into.
"Okay, now if the rules are understood, we may begin." Cordelia announced, while scanning the room.
No one objected, and Ariel motioned for you all to follow him.
You felt the warmth of Michael's hand leaving you, and you were released from your own thoughts. You looked over at him to see him slowly walking towards the exit.
"Come on," Michael called back to you giving you a half-hearted smile.
You hurriedly caught up with him and the rest of the group, although the both of you remained at the end of the pack.
Ariel led you down a series of dark corridors. They all looked the same, and you began to lose count of the amount of turns you had taken.
Good luck getting out of here if you needed to make a break for it, you thought to yourself.
When you finally reached your destination, everyone gathered in the center of the large room. It looked just like every other room at Hawthorne, drab and dungeon-like. The only difference here was that it was larger and relatively empty.
Cordelia stood in the center of the room, a stern expression on her face.
"The first of the seven wonders, Telekinesis." She pointed to Michael, calling for him to join her in the center of the room.
You watched him as he walked towards her. He did almost too good of a job at hiding his nerves, walking with such effortless grace. You were almost envious.
Michael pointed to a candle hanging on the wall along the far side of the room. The candle quickly floated into his grasp.
The warlocks applauded, looking thrilled with his performance.
Telekinesis was the easiest of the seven wonders, and one any basic witch or warlock could easily achieve. So, naturally you and your fellow witches remained unimpressed.
"Next is Concilium, or mind control." Cordelia explained, gesturing for Michael to begin.
Michael also demonstrated this with ease, making Zoe and Madison perform a dance before everyone's eyes.
The next four Seven Wonders, Transmutation, Divination, Pyrokinesis, and Vitalum Vitalus, were all demonstrated by Michael perfectly. Even better than yourself you had to admit, which was odd considering how inexperienced he was.
The further the test progressed, the more concerned the members of your coven looked. You were torn, as you usually were when it came to Michael. Part of you shared your coven's concerns, after all, a male supreme would change the course of all of your lives. The rational part of you did not ever want to see a world where the powers of a warlock surpassed yours. Yet another part of you, the part that cared for Michael, wanted him to succeed despite all other factors.
Although the hardest test of the Seven Wonders, Descensum, had yet to be tested. And you knew Cordelia wouldn't let Michael get off without adding a catch.
"Today, I'm not asking you to perform this wonder...I am asking you to conquer it." Just as you had expected, Cordelia was going to twist the rules.
Cordelia proceeded to ask Michael to retrieve the long lost Misty Day from the underworld, where she was banished after being unable to achieve the seventh wonder.
You glanced over at Michael, who stared Cordelia dead in the eye. You weren't surprised that he looked unfazed, he had in fact done this before when he brought Madison back from the dead.
Despite that, the warlocks were outraged, arguing with Cordelia about the task's unfairness.
"It's okay, I'll do it." Michael said calmly and definitively, shutting everyone up.
You gave Michael a concerned look, which he combated with a soft smile.
Michael laid down on the floor, getting in the position needed for the task. He began reciting the spell, which was a jumble of Latin words.
Michael then fell into a deep trance, signaling that the process of Descensum had begun.
Now all that was left to do was to wait.
You walked to the back of the room and sat in a chair next to Zoe and Queenie. You tapped your foot on the floor nervously, your heel making a repetitive clicking noise.
You waited in silence for about ten minutes, your eyes glued to Michael just in case.
"My god how long is this supposed to take, some people have things to do." Madison huffed, and as if on cue Michael shot up into a sitting position.
You, along with everyone else, rushed forward in anticipation.
"Where's Misty?" Cordelia demanded angrily.
Michael said nothing. He stared blankly at the wall, breathing heavily.
Before you could stop yourself you leaned down to check if he was okay, but just as you placed your hand on his shoulder someone's tight grip pulled you back.
"Watch out!" Zoe yelled, as she yanked you towards her.
You stumbled over your feet, nearly losing your balance. You looked below you and your eyes widened at what you saw.
Misty had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and right where you had been only moments before.
You were in shock, and apparently so was Cordelia.
She dropped to the ground and pulled Misty into a tight hug, tears falling from her face.
You looked over at Michael, who staggered back towards a table in the corner of the room. He looked exhausted, and you fought the urge to ask him if he was okay.
Your focus shifted when you heard Misty call your name.
The curly haired woman gave you a long teary eyed hug, and you only now realized how much you had missed her. You made a mental note to thank Michael for this reunion later.
"Cordelia!" Queenie yelled, and once again you were forced to shift your attention.
Cordelia was hunched over, blood running down her nose. She looked weak, like she had after seeing Queenie and Madison return.
"What's happening?" Madison shouted.
"What happens every time a new supreme rises, the old one begins to fade." One of the warlocks said proudly.
"You're a pathetic pompous ass!" Myrtle spat, pulling Cordelia close to her.
You followed her example and stepped closer to your supreme, putting your hand on her shoulder in reassurance.
"There is no denying it...Michael is the new supreme." Cordelia huffed before nearly collapsing to the floor.
You gasped, scrambling to help her back to her feet. Once Cordelia was stable again Myrtle and Misty carried her to a private room to help her recover.
"Well...I guess we will reconvene later." Ariel announced to the rooms remaining occupants.
As everyone began to file out of the room you saw Michael head in your direction. You began walking over to meet him when Zoe grabbed onto your arm once more.
She pulled you in the opposite direction and loudly announced, "Can I talk to you for a moment."
Before you had time to object she had pulled you out of the room and down one of the many dark corridors.
"Zoe is everything o-" She cut you off.
"Do you know how dangerous what you're doing is?" Zoe scolded.
Your stomach dropped.
"What do you mean..." you replied, acting clueless.
Zoe sighed in frustration.
'I'm your best friend, you think I don't see how you two look at each other?"
Dammit. Was it that obvious?
"Zoe, I know it's wrong. I know the coven will disapprove. I'm sorry. I'll make it go away, I promise." You sounded defeated.
Zoe pursed her lips. "Listen, I'm not saying you have to stop. I'm just saying be better at hiding it. Cause you know what will happen if Cordelia finds out."
You sighed, she was right. Cordelia would be furious if she knew, especially since she was already so suspicious of Michael. It would likely even be grounds for being burned at the stake.
"I'm just saying be careful is all, but other than that my lips are sealed." Zoe said.
You nodded in agreement and smiled at your friend.
"Be safe." Zoe hugged you quickly before walking off to go check on Cordelia.
You turned on your heel and walked down the hall, a long sigh escaping your lips.
As you turned the corner you felt someone's strong grip pull you down a darkened hall.
"What the hell-"
You looked up to see Michael looming above you.
"Jesus, Michael you scared me." You gasped, hand on your fast beating heart.
"I heard everything, everything Zoe said to you." Michael said, his piercing blue eyes burning into yours.
Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach.
"Michael. She's right you know. I mean my coven hates you, what would they think?" You explained.
"Shhhh.." Michael whispered as he brought his index finger to your lips.
"I don't care, what we have is more important."
"Don't you agree?"
Michael took your hands in his and brought them to his chest. He looked at you in a pleading, almost desperate way.
"Michael, I-" You said unsure of your actions. You knew the consequences of betraying your coven, but were you ready to embrace them? you didn't know.
"Please..." Michael stammered.
You felt his hot breath against your already warm skin. The strong scent of his cologne filled your nostrils. everything about him was irresistible, it was all just too much.
"I can't wait any longer. I need this, I need you." Michael said.
That was it for you.
"Oh just fuck it." You said before pressing your lips harshly to his.
You pulled Michael down by the front of his shirt to better adjust to his height.
The kiss was short lived, but that didn't stop you from wanting more.
Thankfully Michael felt the same because he reached for the nearest door and opened it, pulling you inside.
He kissed you sloppily and hungrily as he yanked you through the doorway. He slammed the door behind you while continuing to kiss you.
"Is this a closet?" You asked, looking around at the small space.
"I believe so..." Michael replied, smiling at you.
You laughed and kissed him again.
Michael pushed you into the corner while kissing you slowly. He bit down on your lip, drawing a significant amount of blood. You let out a soft moan as Michael sucked at the small wound.
Michael broke the kiss and gazed at you lovingly.
"God you're so beautiful."
You smiled, trying to hide your flustered reaction. He made your heart do back flips.
Michael kissed you on the cheek, then your lips again.
"Everyone's probably looking for me, I can't be gone too long. After all I am the supreme now." Michael said with a smirk.
"Just a few more minutes please." You whined, pulling him into you.
'Well, I guess I can make time for you." Michael kissed you harshly as if this was the last chance he'd ever get to.
His hand snaked down your back and stopped to tightly wrap around your waist. You couldn't hear anything except heavy breathing from the both of you.
You reached up, lacing your fingers through Michael's hair. You pulled at the long blonde locks.
Michael put his hands under your thighs and hoisted you up around his waist. This gave his easier access to your neck and chest, which he began pressing desperate kisses to.
Michael nipped and sucked at your neck and parts of your slightly exposed chest. Only then did you feel something poking you beneath where your legs were wrapped around Michael's waist.
"Well someone's excited." You stated.
"What can I say?" Michael laughed softly.
You smiled, rolling your eyes at his sarcasm.
"Want me to take care of that for you?"
Michael's face turned red, clearly embarrassed. As much as he tried to hide behind his 'bad boy' persona, he truly was just an awkward guy.
"As much as I'd love that it'll have to be another time. Unfortunately I have more important things to take care of." Michael sighed.
You frowned, disappointed. He was right.
"How about this. Tomorrow night we meet, and we can finish what we started." Michael inquired, tracing his finger across your jawline.
You smiled,
"That works for me."
On that note you and Michael exited the cramped closet. But before stepping out into the hall Michael pulled you in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around you lovingly, and you sank into his touch.
"I love you." Michael whispered so quietly you could barely hear him.
"I love you too." You replied with no hesitation.
Michael kissed you on the forehead before stepping out into the hall.
"Till tomorrow, my love." Were his parting words as Michael disappeared around the corner.
You laughed to yourself, what an adventure this was going to be.
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masonmtxo · 3 months
Feels like Summer
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Words: 3k
Summary: what started out as a holiday fic turned into girlie getting broody
Notes: please leave feedback, it really means the world and is such a motivator 🩷
You'd never felt more relaxed in your life, the sun beating down on your skin as you laid on the lounger beside the pool, the heat making you sleepy, despite the chaos taking place only a few feet away from you.
A stark contrast from your pure state of bliss, Mason could only describe the fun being had in the pool as absolute bedlam. There were excitable screams from children in all directions, a niece (though he wasn't sure which one) was clinging to his back as she squealed, before her grip loosened and a little pink swimming costume clad body dove onto the unicorn float beside him. Poppy's little face spun to meet him, a huge grin on her face as he playfully grabbed hold of the float she was now sat upon, dragging it through the water behind him as his heart soared at her gleeful screams.
Don't get him wrong, he loved playing football, but the extended period of time he got to spend with his family under the sun during his summer break was his definition of perfection. Nothing could beat the feeling of spending his days being the fun uncle, acting like a big kid with his nieces and nephew, competing with his brother to be their favourite. He was in his element, splashing around the pool and playing games until they were all exhausted, heading inside for a snack and a nap. And in Mason's case, a cuddle and some loving with you. Sometimes you'd get involved in the chaos, his nieces adored you and would beg and beg until you'd jump in with them, sometimes telling Mason it was "girls time" and he wasn't allowed to join in. But for the most part you stayed in the dry, letting Mason and Lewis act as kids entertainers and tire themselves out trying to compete with each other.
You watched from your place beside the pool, eyes covered by sunglasses, exchanging words with Debbie every now and then as she sat on the sun lounger beside you.
You're not sure why you chose to blurt it out so abruptly, but you couldn't help yourself, heart soaring as you watched him interacting with his niece, "he's going to be the best dad."
Debbie took a sharp intake of breath, whipping her head round to look at you and peering over the top of her sunglasses, "are you...?"
Her words drifted off as you quickly stopped her,
"oh no, no, no," you hurried out, not missing the disappointment that washed over her face, "I just can't help but get broody when I see him with kids."
You and Debbie had always been close, she had treated you like her own from the minute you had met and over the years you had formed a close bond. There was something about the way her kind eyes bored into you that always had you opening up to her, something that her son had inherited too.
"He's in his element when he's with them, isn't he?" She smiled softly, her heart clenching as she watched you watching him, overcome with gratitude that her baby had found someone who loved him as much as you did. "He's always been good with kids, even when he was young all the littlens seemed to be drawn to him."
You nodded, taking a sip of your drink before turning to face her, breaking your eyes away from Mason as he began tossing Summer up in the air, "He keeps dropping hints about having a baby. I caught him looking at baby United kits on his phone the other day so I know he's ready."
"So what's stopping you?"
"I dunno, I guess with the move up North and having to re-jig my whole life, I felt quite unsettled for a while and there was no way a baby in the equation would have been practical," you shrugged, unable to avert your gaze from him, not wanting to a miss a second of the sweet display.
Debbie hummed in agreement, sensing you still had more to say.
Sighing, you carried on, "part of me is selfishly happy he didn't play much this season, as bad as it sounds," you were embarrassed to admit it, feeling guilty about the way you felt, but it was the truth, "It meant I had him around a bit more when I was feeling down. Don't get me wrong I'd move anywhere with him if he needed me to, but I don't think I fully comprehended how big of a change it would be for me. I've only just started making friends that aren't other partners of the players, wnd even with them it took me an age before I didnt feel like the new girl."
"Oh sweetheart," she reached across the beds to take hold of your hand, squeezing it in hers, "you know you could have always called, I would have been there in a heartbeat to come and keep you company."
"Mase did keep saying in the beginning that you would be happy to come up and stay for a bit, but I just didn't want to be an inconvenience you know" you paused, taking comfort from her warm hand in yours as you finally opened up about a years worth of turmoil, "he was the one who was getting hammered publically, he was the one who had to start off again at a whole new club. I just wanted him to worry about himself for once, not me."
"He always worries about you, he called me a lot in the first few months as he had a feeling you weren't settled but you were refusing to admit it," Debbie's voice was soft, motherly in a way that made you feel comfortable enough to divulge all your inner thoughts and fears.
"Bless him," you smiled as you turned back to look at him, now teaching the girls how to do star floats on their backs, "I remember one time l'd had a really bad day, a group of the girls who l'd been getting friendly with had met up without me and I was so sensitive, cried about it when I saw them all together on instagram," you laughed, "and he was so sweet, kept asking if I wanted to move back home and he would see if he could commute from London because he could tell I was unhappy."
Debbie laughed, shaking her head with a smile as it was something he had also mentioned to her in one of his panics. She had shut him down instantly, telling him to not be so dramatic and it was just a big adjustment.
"I think he was worried I would break up with him," you spoke softly, admitting something that you hadn't actually vocalised before.
Remembering the way he was on egg shells with you for weeks, doing everything he could to try and make you feel like Manchester was home.
Debbie didn't respond, just gave your hand another squeeze in acknowledgment. She knew it was something he had agonised over, sometimes breaking down into tears as he poured his heart out to his mum over the phone, worried he was making you unhappy by forcing you to leave your life behind for him. Debbie had reassured him repeatedly it wouldn't happen, and she had been right. It was just a bump in the road, and with his recurring injuries and subsequent time off the tearful calls had become less frequent, the extra time you had been allowed to spend together helping you settle into a new normal.
By the time he had gone back to training full time, you'd found your rhythm, making friends through Anouska who had kindly taken you under her wing and introduced you to all the best coffee places and parks to walk Ace in, the puppy Mason had bought to make you feel safer and less lonely when he was away. It had taken time, but you finally saw Manchester as home, loving the city more than you thought you would.
You settled into a comfortable silence for a while before Debbie spoke up again, still holding your hand in hers, "You know when you two were house hunting after moving up there he asked Lewis to find options that were listed as family homes," she smirked, eyebrows raised suggestively as you turned to look at her.
"I knew you'd want to go back to the grandkids topic," you giggled, shaking your head at her lack of subtlety, another trait Mason had taken from her.
"Can you blame me? I'll never say no to more babies in the family," her smile was infectious, making you return her grin.
"We did discuss a bit when we were house hunting. I didn't want to buy something so big to be honest, purely because the amount of cleaning it would need," you groaned, being reminded that you worry had come to fruition, "but he made a good point and said it's going to be the house we have kids in, so may as well buy one that's ready for that step."
"And are you ready for that step?"
"Yeah," you nodded, feeling sure of yourself, "he's been ready for the past few years, it's been me that's always had my foot on the break. But for the last few months the feeling just hasn't gone away, I keep going over to Anouska's just to get my baby fix with Lumie," you laughed, "and every time Stacey hands Honey over for a cuddle I struggle to give her back."
"You better hurry up and tell Mason then," she teased.
"Tell me what?" You both turned to see the man of the hour pulling himself up out of the pool having caught onto the last few words of your conversation.
Releasing her grip on your hand, Debbie shuffled up from her seat, "I'll leave you two to talk."
Watching her go, you would help but roll your eyes affectionately at the little spring in her step as she rushed over to the other side of the pool where Tony was sitting with a beer, clearly excited to fill him in on the prospect that they may soon be getting another grandchild.
Mason was watching you, taking the opportunity to drink in your bikini clad body while you were focused elsewhere, admiring the curves of your body and the glow from the sun on your skin.
"Go on then," he broke the silence, "what have you got to tell me?" His head cocked in question.
"Come here?" You asked, opening your arms to invite him to lay with you, figuring there was no time like the present and if you didn't tell him he would spend the day pestering you until you inevitability broke down to pressure.
"I've just got out of the pool," he warned, glancing down to his wet torso when he noticed you were transfixed on his body, a slight pink dusting over your already flushed cheeks.
"Don't care, want a cuddle," you murmured, smiling as he carefully plopped on top of you, head resting on your chest as his left hand trailed up and down the side of your body. His wet body cooled you instantly from the layer of heat the sun had given you, goosebumps covering your skin from the combined sensations of the cold and his gentle touch.
You sat in silence for a while, gathering your thoughts while enjoying the feeling of having each other close, the last time you had an opportunity to spend time with him had been in bed that morning. You had awoken to day light flooding into the room having forgotten to close them the night before in your desperation to get each other into bed. Your neediness hadn't passed, knowing you had to make the most of your time together before spending the day surrounded by his family. He had fucked into you slowly from behind, whispering how much he loved you into your ear until you were both spent, followed by another quick fumble in the shower before getting ready to meet the others for breakfast.
The kids had stolen him after that, so you made sure to enjoy the moments you had with him during the day, even if they were few and far between sometimes.
“So, you gonna tell me what mum was talking about?” He broke the silence after a while, fingers tracing over your stomach and you couldn't help but smile at the irony.
"I want a baby.”
His head shot up from your chest instantly, wild eyes searching your expression, "Are you serious!?"
"Yeah,” you nodded slowly, “I've been thinking about it for a while, every time I see you with kids I feel like I’m going to explode. But that's only if you're ready too.”
He laughed, the grin on his face probably the biggest you'd ever seen, happiness radiating through his brown eyes, “You know I've always been ready to have kids with you.”
“I know,” you face was apologetic, reaching out to cup his cheek and trace a gentle path across his flushed cheek, “and i'm sorry for making you wait so long, I just felt like bringing a baby into the world when I was feeling a bit all over the place wasn't the best idea.”
“No I get that, it wasn't the right time last year,” he agreed solomley, though a smile was threatening to burst through, “I know we spoke about kids and how we wanted them soon when we moved into the house but I was always happy to wait until you were ready too.”
“I felt ready all along in terms of our relationship, like if it happened accidentally last year I never would've had doubts or felt rushed. I just didn't feel ready to start actively trying you know? Felt like we had a lot going on and the pressure would've got to me I think."
"We don't have to put any pressure on it, even if it takes time," he reassured, "the baby making is the fun bit anyway." His cheeky grin made you giggle, loving the way he always knew exactly what to say to relax you and make you laugh. "And if you have second thoughts and want to wait for a bit before we remove contraception that's fine. We can do everything at your pace.”
You shook your head softly, he was so unbelievably caring you felt your stomach clench with love, "no I don't need anymore time to think," eyes flitting away from him to admire a bird circling the sky above you,
"It's something i've been thinking about for months now. I thought I’d wait and see, to see if the feeling went away once summer started and you were home all the time and I wasn't so lonely. But if anything it has got worse, I've never been so broody in my life.”
"Yeah?" His voice was soft, his eyes a little bit watery as he struggled to contain the love he felt for you in that moment.
"Yeah," you confirmed, mirroring his expression.
He rested his head back on your chest, trying to steady his breathing as his heart hammered in his chest. You were finally saying everything he had been waiting to hear for the past year, excitement pulsing through his entire body at the prospect of getting to become a parent with you.
"I want two, maybe 3 kids I think,” you murmured.
"Oh at least 3 for sure, the more you let me have the better," he grinned teasingly, his chin resting on the valley between your chest so he could look up at you adoringly.
"You're gonna be the best daddy in the world," you hummed, stroking the back of his head through his wet locks.
"And you’ll be the best mum,” he whispered, pressing a series of kisses to your chest, trailing his lips up until he reached your neck, “wanna go practice making a baby?"
"Mason, I just spoke to your mum about wanting a child, I'm not disappearing off with you, she will know exactly what we're doing," you groaned, gently grasping his face and pushing him out from the crook of your neck in an attempt to stop him getting carried away.
Mason barked out a laugh, "Babe, mum knows if she wants another grandchild we're gonna have to be having lots of sex, probably even more than usual," he wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively, trying to charm you into letting him have his way with you but you were holding firm.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean hiding away to have a shag while on a family holiday, when all your nieces and nephews are here as well."
"You let me fuck you last night," he grumbled, "and this morning."
"Yes, while everyone was in bed Mason," you chastised.
"Baby they aren't stupid, they know we don't go in our room at night and play scrabble til we fall asleep," his voice was teasing, letting you know he was only playing around with you.
"That's beside the point, Mase. If we disappear now you may as well stand up and make an announcement across the villa we're going for a quick fuck."
"I mean I wouldn't be opposed to doing that," he shrugged, playfully biting at the palm of your hand that was still cupped around his face, "at least we wouldn't be disturbed."
"You're an idiot," you couldn't help but laugh at him, flicking him on the shoulder in jest.
"But you love me and you wanna make loads of babies with me," his smirk was full of teasing, dipping his head to bite gently down on the swell of your breast knowing it would wind you up further.
"Mason, do you remember you said I could decide otherwise at any point?" You asked pointedly.
He nodded, his smile not dropping.
"Don't test me," you countered.
With another sharp laugh, he pulled you in for a kiss, cupping your face in his large hand, his lips sweet and soft against yours before pulling away, "fine, I'll wait until tonight then."
Thank you for reading! Please leave some feedback if you can, it means a lot and motivates me to keep posting!
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desi2go · 4 months
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Pairing: werewolf!Felix x huntress!reader
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, mention of blood and weapons
Summary: You were a huntress, trained by the Artemis' nymphs to hunt werewolves. However, you weren't prepared to find ,our mate this way.
Author's note: Here it is! I enjoyed writing it and I hope you'll like it too. There is definitely another greek mythology fic with Hyunjin I'll start writing now.
Wild, untameble and strict. These were the words how you would describe the goddess of hunting, the forest, birth and the moon. As well as the guardian of women and children. Artemis. It was your destiny to follow her. You and all the other huntresses who were led by her.
In the past, for over thousands of years, her adherents were nymphs, female, semi-devine nature spirits. After Artemis had climbed Mount Olympus and no longer walked in the mortal world, the nymphs trained some young women who were willing to live up to her ideals. Staying virgins and to hunt creatures that don't belong in this world.
Werewolves. Offsprings from Lykaon who was turned into a wolf as a punishment by Zeus. The trained girls hunted them until they were old. Then, the nymphs will take new girls, never older than six years old, and the training starts again. This procedure went on for over thousands of years.
And one thing they imprint in the brain is staying a virgin. Artemis rejected men and was an eternal virgin. Once, a nymph was raped by Zeus. When the goddess found out, she was furious. She transformed her into a bear and hunted her down.
You were once a young girl that was taken by a nymph to a temple and was trained. Due to the young age, most girls took over the mindset of the nymphs, adopting the goal to hunt werewolves down and to kill them. They taught the children to fight at the age of eight. At first only with the bare hands, then with weapons, especially with bow and arrow since that were the prefered weapons of Artemis.
With the age of 20, the training stops and you become officially a hunter. You travel around the world, killing as much werewolves as you can over the years. And that almost completely unnoticed from the whole society. You were trained like that.
Tracing the steps of packs, following them and then, when the time is right, you kill them.
You were now 24 years old. For four years, you were now travelling, mostly in South Korea. Currently, you traced the steps of a pack near Seoul. As far as you knew, they were only male werewolves, eight in number.
The pack alpha was just two years older than you, while the youngest was one years younger.
Right now, you followed one of the werewolves through the forest. Werewolves had an incredible sense of smell, however, the nymphs provided the hunters some sort of potion that suppressed their scent. That way, you could easily hide and shoot the male without being noticed.
Taking a deep breath and one final step, you concentrated on your target. Unfortunately, you stepped on a twig that broke. The werewolf turned around, growling at you. You let the arrow fly through the air, the moment his glowy eyes targeted.
You jumped back, back so that you could bring some distance between you and the creature. The man yelped and whimpered painfully.
Another pair of footsteps was behind you.
"Shit" of course he wasn't alone. That would be too good. You ran. When the other werewolf found you that wouldn't end well. An angry and pissed wolf is no fun. His claws ripped through your jeans, leaving bloody marks and tackling you to the ground.
You rolled around and threw a dagger at the beast, jumping up as soon as he was distracted and leaved the forest, climbing into your old car.
In the small apartment that you rented for the time here, you disinfected the painful marks and took a shower. You knew that the other pack members will now search for you. They want to get revenge. Revenge for their pack member you shot. Well, he isn't dead yet since the arrows didn't hit the heart or the head.
But the arrows are laced with a poison with silver and wolfsbane. It was extremely painful and the person will die when they aren't treated properly.
You were on high alert all the time after the that. Due to the potion, they seemed to have problems in locating you. But still, a dagger was always in one of your pockets when you needed errands and stopped by a grocery shop.
With a big bag in hand, you got out of the shop, the other hand fiddling with the car keys. You managed to get the passenger door open and were just placing the bag on the seat when a hand shut it with force. Luckily, you managed to get your hand out just before the door fell shut.
"Seriously?" You exclaimed.
Immediately, you grabbed the dagger in your pocket but the person pushed you against the car while you turned around.
Even at night, you recognized the face.
"Hello there, Bang Chan. How can I help you?"
He pushed you against the car once more. "Save it, hunter. You hit one of my members."
"Jup. That was me. So he's still alive?"
He growled low. A slight threat.
"Yes, he is. And he will stay alive. Because you are going to help him"
A amused chuckle comes out of you. "Why do you assume that I will help? I'm a hunter. Not a vet"
"You don't get to decide" Claws digged into your back as he pushed you forward into the forest.
The walk was rather short and Bang's claws nicked you from time to time, reminding you that he was in force. And the big cottage came closer. That must be their pack house. A bulky alpha stood outside, eying you sharply. You were led upstairs into one room. There was another wolf, you assumed it was Yang Jeongin, the youngest due to his appearance.
In the middle of the room stood a huge bed and you immediately recognised the wolf that layed on it. It was the male that you had shot this morning.
Well, you can't deny that he wasn't pretty. Actually your type, wouldn't he be a beast. The black hair was a huge contrast to his pale, nearly white skin. His breath was uneven and from time to time, a small whimper leaves his lips.
"Help him, hunter. When you want to live a little longer" Bang exclaimed and took place next to Jeongin.
Well, there wasn't really a chance when you wanted to experience your next birthday. You took off your small jacket and leaned over the fragile body. Wolfsbane was deadly to werewolves but even humans could die. That's why the nymphs teach you how to heal such diseases.
You touched his forehead. He felt really cold, even though he was sweating.
"Okay, he needs to get warm" The younger wolf immediately left the room, apparently to search some blankets. You lifted his thin blanket and shirt to see the wound. The arrow was already pulled out and his chest bandaged, already blood stained.
Jeongin came back with blankets and threw them over the wolf's legs. When you removed the bandage, you could see some of his veins being light purple due to the silver. As long as the silver was in his system, he wouldn't heal. You couldn't do much because it was already in his blood system.
He needed to get through it to heal. You cleaned the wound and bandaged it new. Then, you threw all the blankets over him.
"That's all I can do right now."
"If he dies, you will die as well" Bang threaded and walked out of the room. You sat on the chair next to the bed. Apparently his temperature rised to the normal which was perfect. Well, that will be a long night.
Something moving shot you out of your sleep. Apparently, you must have fallen asleep, watching the wolf over the night. You blinked a few times before you saw into the brown, more golden, eyes of the wolf. He was awake.
That's good. That means, he is definitely healing. Jeongin was soon beside you, relieved that his fellow pack member was awake now.
"Felix, how are you?" He asked. Felix, that was his name. When you collected information about the pack, you stumbled over his name a few times. He was an alpha.
"Fine, I guess. But what is she doing here?" Yeah, he was definitely pissed that you had shot him. Well, you would be too.
"I'm actually helping you. You're welcome" you grumbled and yawned. Hopefully, you could get going soon. You were starving. Hunting the wolves can wait.
"Yeah, helping me by shooting an arrow at me. How nice"
"well, that's how I am" you answered, giving him an amused smile. "Let me check a last time on you before I want to go"
You pulled the blankets down without waiting for an answer. Pushing the shirt upwards, you revealed his toned body. What a shame that he was a wolf. When your cold fingers touched his warm skin, he sucked breath in, flexing his muscles.
"Looks good. Can I go now?"
Jeongin sighed and you followed him through the house to the front.
Little did you know that soon as Felix saw you that morning, his whole life changed. It changed because of you. And not because you had shot him but because the world became just a bit brighter, more colourful. All his life he had searched for you. His soulmate, his other half.
Seeing you there, he couldn't take his eyes on you. He didn't even noticed the arrow until it hit him. The pain took over and you quickly ran away, just when Hyunjin shot through the bush.
He had felt the silver travelling through his veins, making him slowly unconscious. The last thing he saw was Hyunjin who came up to him. A cut under his eye from the dagger you had thrown.
In the middle of the night, he woke up again. The pain was still there but bearable. He looked to the side and he saw you laying with your head on his bed, sleeping tightly. When you moved you shot up. And oh, you were beautiful but he was a little bit pissed that you had shot him. That wasn't how he wanted to meet his soulmate.
After you checked on him, you quickly exited the house. Hyunjin was already beside him.
"How are you, Lix?"
"Good I think." He mumbled
"Really Felix? You seem sad" his friend stated. Well, he wasn't wrong.
"She is my soulmate, hyune." Felix exclaimed.
"Shit. I'm sorry man" Hyunjin rubbed over his back.
One week later, Felix walked through the city. He and Changbin wanted to drink something at their favourite bar. And he definitely didn't expect to find you there. Next to you a man with a nasty smile. Was that your boyfriend? Jealousy washed over him but it deflated when he observed your body language.
Without you noticing, the man mixed something into your drink. Soon, you grew tired and before the man could lay his dirty hands on you, Felix pulled you to him. You were so befuddled that you didn't even notice Felix.
When you slipped, he lifted you with a wince. His wound wasn't healed completely. The rest of the silver stopped it from healing faster. But that was irrelevant. You were safe now, in his arms.
Changbin shielded you both from the man who protested. Then, the wolves brought you back into their cottage, earning a warning glare from Chan. You were still a huntress. Deadly and if you looked closer armed to the teeth. He pulled out the a dagger and a pistol that were secured in your waistband. And in your jacket there was another dagger.
Felix layed you on his bed. The same bed he layed just a week ago with an injury. Softly he took your hand. If you just could feel the tingles he felt when he touched you. Maybe then you wouldn't want to kill his pack.
For hours, he sat next to you, admiring your face. When you relaxed, you looked so kind and young. He wondered how old you were. Around 25? But definitely not older. Gently, he brushed a hair strand out of your face.
When you woke up, you didn't even realise that he sat beside you. You let out a yawn, that Felix found incredibly sweet, and tried to hide your face from the sun. Why did you leave the curtains open?
You turned and borrowed your nose in the cushion, smelling the scent. Wait, you couldn't remember that you went home. You shot up and saw Felix watching you.
"What are you doing here?" You exclaimed, searching for your weapons. You realised you weren't even in your apartment. No, you remember that room. You watched over Felix here.
"I correct, what am I doing here? I can't remember anything"
He chuckled. "Well, you were at a bar and a creep put something into your drink. You were almost immediately out like a light. I brought you here"
"uhm. Thank you, I guess."
"It's okay. I owed you" he exclaimed and his face was decorated with a pretty smile.
"Of course, you didn't owe me anything. I just shot you" you exclaimed ironically.
"I know. But you will think I'm a liar when I tell you that I saved you because you are in fact my soulmate" he told you and got serious.
You laughed. Funny, very funny. The nymphs told you about the whole soulmate thing.
"Funny. But I'm a hunter and definitely not bound with a wolf. Humans don't get bounded with wolves"
"Your wrong. It happens but really rarely" he tried to change your mind. You sighed. That's not good if he said the truth. All your life, the nymphs told you over and over again that falling in love is something that Artemis hated. She for it it, especially with a wolf. That's suicide.
"You know I should kill ya? I'm a hunter. Keeping your pack alive is against my principles."
"And still, I'm sitting here next to you. Clearly alive" he said with a sweet and amused smile.
You rolled your eyes. You hated how amusing it was for him.
Just minutes later, you walked back home. Your head hammered and you were confused. Why would Selene, the goddess of the moon that was the cause of the wolves having mates, pair him with you? That was crazy.
Even if you two would start developing feelings for each other, the nymphs would find out. They would send another huntress to see why your presence has changed so much. There is barely a chance that they wouldn't find out.
Days passed and you tried to get your mind straight. In the meantime, you had hunted another, smaller pack some kilometres away from here. Now, you were finally back in your apartment and cleaned your weapons from the dried blood. You stilled, when you heard a knock. Who would visit you? Maybe the old, forgetful lady from above? She asks for your help sometimes.
The small dagger was placed behind your back for the possibility that it was someone else. You opened the door and Felix gave you a kind smile. In his hands, there were grocery bags.
"What are you doing here?" you asked rather fierce than friendly. Without asking he slipped into the apartment and took off his shoes.
"Courting my mate. Where's the kitchen?" He told you like it was something normal to be strolling in here. In the home of a hunter who was armed to the teeth.
"Are you crazy?" you questioned and crossed your armes as you followed him through the apartment. "Sometimes yeah. Now please tell me where your kitchen is, sunshine."
You sighed. It seems like Felix wouldn't go away any time soon. You directed him into the kitchen. "And don't call me sunshine!"
He chuckled and placed his bags down, rummaging through them. "Okay, I won't, sunshine"
"You're unbelievable" you just muttered. He placed meat and some other ingredients on the countertop.
"I didn't know what you like so I figured i would buy something simple that I can cook for you. And for the dessert, I baked brownies earlier."
While he cooked bibimbap, you observed him nervously. He pretends like he was really close to you. Like a real pair, not a huntress and a wolf. It was crazy how much he seemed to trust you when he stirred the pan, his back facing you. Theoretically, you just need to throw the dagger and he would be dead.
But you can't figure out why but something within you stopped you from doing that. That what you were trained for. Maybe it was the bond between you that made you change your mind just a slight bit.
He turned around, drying his hands on a kitchen towel, giving you a kind smile. "Can you please set up the table? The meal is nearly ready." You just nodded and grabbed plates and cutlery, placing it on the table.
During the meal, there was a silence that was really uncomfortable. It was like he wanted to say something and eventually, he initiated a full conversation with you after some time.
Two weeks passed and during that time, Felix often visited you. Soon, it was kind of normal to have him around for dinner and the cold wall that you had built up during all those years of training crumpled down and Felix got to know the real you. Someone who isn't just defined by being a huntress. You grew comfortable and even if you wouldn't admit it you loved to spend the time with him. You knew that you must move away rather quickly so that the nymphs wouldn't suspect something.
Currently, you were getting ready for meeting Felix at their cottage. You assumed that after he cooked for you more than seven times in two weeks it was just kind to return the favour and cook for him. He assured you that most of his pack members weren't there because they all had something against you. Not that this was unjustified.
A sudden knock let you slip out of your thoughts. Definitely that wouldn't be Felix since you would go to him this time. You opened the door and were shocked when you saw who was on the other side. Lila, a huntress that you grew up with in the temple. She was one of your friends and actually shouldn't be here now.
"Lila! Nice to see you again. What brings you here?" You welcomed her. A laugh erupted from her and she braced you into a warm hug. "Hello, y/n. I wanted to see you again after months of being separated."
"That's so sweet. Do you wanna come in?"
"Thanks. So how is the hunt going?" She was always like that, getting to the point of her stay instantly.
"Good. I took down a pack two weeks ago" she gave you an approving nod. "Good that. What pack do you hunt now?" What should you say? Since you got to know Felix, you weren't sure if all wolves are bad. You started to see that not everything the nymphs told you is true.
"I took some time off from hunting. I enjoy it here" you avoided the question. "Then we can take the next pack down together. I heard that here is a pack of eight" Great, that's just great. You can't defend Felix when she was here. You needed to warn him.
"Yeah, that sounds good" you mumbled. Without her noticing, you wrote Felix a quick message on your phone that you couldn't make it.
You could tell that he was disappointed but his life depended on it.
The next morning, you tried to get your mind free from all the heavy thoughts and decided to go on a quick walk. Jogging along the empty streets, you listened to your music and enjoyed the nature along the streets. Due to your earphones, you were distracted and wasn't prepared to be pulled into the woods. You yelped and held the dagger against the person's throat.
"Easy, sunshine. It's me" Quickly, you withdrew the knife and gave him a smile. "You're lucky, I didn't stab you. What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you. Why did you cancelled last night?"
"Another huntress showed up. She wants to hunt your pack. I-" you stopped when you heard the bushes rustle. It could be the wind but therefore it wasn't windy at all. With his heightened senses, Felix tried to detect what the noise was.
There was another rustle and you quickly pushed yourself over Felix, tackling him to the ground and your body above his. Just where Felix head once was, there was now a silver arrow, undoubtedly from a hunter. You got down from Felix and scrambled up to face Lila who walked out the bush with her bow aiming at Felix.
"Go away from the wolf, y/n!" She shouted.
"Lila, please. Drop the bow" you pleaded, your own dagger in your hand. You didn't want to hurt her. She was a former friend after all.
"Seriously? He is a werewolf! You used to hunt them!" She exclaimed angrily. You couldn't hurt her but you couldn't let her hurt Felix.
"I know it sounds crazy but he is my soulmate! Selene herself selected him as my other half"
"That's pathetic. Go to the side and let me take care of him. Now" her voice was cold and filled with determination. You shook your head and felt Felix trying to push you aside, giving Lila the chance to aim at his chest.
The arrow glided through the air and before it could reach it's designated target, you shielded him and the arrow pierced straight into your skin, just centimetres above your chest. The first blood drained your shirt in a deep red, a sharp pain shot trough your whole body, making it impossible to stand. Felix catched you, taking you into his arms. There where tears in his eyes when you looked into those brown spheres, they were the last thing you saw before the black void swallowed you.
Fear took over Felix's whole body when he saw the arrow piercing through your skin. He held you, shielding you from the other hunter who still aimed her bow at him. It angered him how low it affected her that she just shot someone from her group. Or she isn't showing it. He let out a low growl as a warning.
Before she could harm you in any way again, Chan and Minho came out of the bushes. He had mind linked them earlier when you had talked to her and he knew that this wasn't taking a good turn. Chan knocked her over, slapped the bow out of her hand and before she could do anything that could hurt someone, he knocked her out.
Minho came towards him and you. Felix wanted to snarl at him for coming so close when his mate was hurt but he knew that he just wanted to help you. And you definitely needed that. Without moving you too much, your mate held you protectively in his arms as he ran through the woods to the cottage. Jeongin and Minho needed to get a closer look at the wound to treat you properly.
During the whole process, he sat beside you, holding your hand even though you wouldn't even feel it. But the warm skin against his soothed him even if you weren't awake. However, the skin contact reminded him that he hadn't lost you, that you weren't dead.
They got the arrow out and stopped the bleeding. With a bandage, they were finally finished and let Felix and you alone. You laid on his bed. Just weeks ago, he laid there too, with an arrow that you shot. But he wouldn't wanted it any other way. That way he got you and it was worth the pain.
When you woke up it was late at night, the moon shining through the window into the room. You felt something warm on your leg. It was Felix who slept tightly with your thigh as a pillow. Your whole body hurt but you were fine. But where was Lila? Felix seemed fine. What happened?
But that were questions for later. You were tired and didn't want to wake Lix. Tenderly, you brushed his fluffy hair out of his face, gliding through the strands and playing with them. With your hand in his hair, the dark swallowed you once more and you fell asleep.
In the morning, you woke up again. Felix still asleep and it seemed that he didn't even move. You teased his hair once again, especially the strands at his neck. It was so long, already touching his shoulders. But he seems to be ticklish and squirmed away from your hand, nuzzling further in your skin. His eyes fluttered open and he yawned.
"You're awake." He stated, his voice still deep from the sleep. "How are you? Does it hurt?" He questioned and pushed himself up, sitting straight on the stool.
"I'm fine" you said with a smile and took his hand in yours. "But where's Lila?" His face darkened and he sighed.
"Chan knocked her out and brought her here. We figured out that she is dangerous for us"
"I know. Can I see her? I need to speak to her"
"Are you sure? You just woke up." He pouted, showing clearly that he wasn't agreeing to that.
"I need to" you answered and pushed yourself up. It hurt and only with the help of Felix you reached the room where Lila was. You opened the door and walked into the room, Felix fussing over you. He was like a mom, watching carefully over his baby.
Lila sat on a stool, on the table next to her was a plate with food that she didn't even touched. She looked up when she saw you. "Hey" you said. She looked exhausted and like she didn't even slept a bit.
"Y/n, you're okay?" she asked hesitant. "Yeah. Even though you need to work on your aiming"
She let out a laugh, clearly relieved that you weren't angry. "Why did you protect him?" She asked. You walked across the room, sitting down on the other stool and pleaded Felix to let you two speak alone. He wasn't a fan of that but agreed.
"He is my mate. And I know that this felt so wrong at first but he showed me that there are other things in life than just hunting. I liked the life of a hunter but I love the life here, with Felix. And this pack is caring." You explained.
"So, you are giving the life of a hunter up?"
"Yeah. And I hope you can understand me. I'm not saying that you should agree to me but at least accept it."
She gave you a heart warming smile and nodded. "I won't say anything to the nymphs. I want you to live a happy life" you returned the smile and took her hand. "Thank you, Lila"
You escorted her out of the cottage, saying goodbye because she will return to the temple. You hugged and watched her disappear into the woods. Felix came towards you, having watched from the house, and wrapped his arms around your waist, pushing his nose into your hair.
"I can smell your scent!" He exclaimed happily. You giggled. "Yeah, because I didn't take the potion to suppress it"
He wiggled further into your hair, smelling you. "You smell so good."
"You're silly" lightly, you pushed him away to shut up his pouting with a kiss. He was shocked at first, his eyes growing double so big.
"Was that a kiss? Do it again" he demanded and pursed his lips. You laughed and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pressing his lips onto yours.
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ineffable-endearments · 6 months
The Crow Road by Iain Banks
I finished The Crow Road and had a little time to think about it. I'll put my thoughts under a Keep Reading in case anyone is trying to avoid spoilers.
As I speculated before, I think it's likely that The Crow Road is more related to Good Omens in philosophy than in plot. I mean, it's not that the plots necessarily have nothing in common, and we could be very surprised in the end of course, but now that I've read the whole book, its philosophical commonalities with GO are both apparent and kind of inspiring. Also, if I were a writer, I'd be more interested in dropping hints about what themes are important than telegraphing my whole plot ahead of time.
So here, I will describe the book and point out themes that I believe may reappear in Good Omens 3.
This is a long post. If you read it, make a cup of [beverage of choice].
Update on 4/20/2024: I made a second post: The Crow Road and Good Omens: Further-Out Thoughts
Below are mentions of suicide, death/murder, and sexual acts.
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The Crow Road centers around a character named Prentice McHoan, a university student in Scotland who starts to sort out his complicated relationship with his complicated family as he explores the mystery of his uncle Rory's disappearance. Although the book is mostly from Prentice's perspective, the narration jumps around in time with the McHoan family. There are quite a lot of important characters to keep track of; the bare-bones summary I put below doesn't even include some of the important ones. I wanted to make the summary even shorter and simpler than this, but the truth is that this book is not short or simple, and if I made the summary any simpler, it might be downright misleading.
There are at least three major cultural aspects of The Crow Road that I am inexperienced with: the overall culture in the 1950s-1980s (I was born in 1988, so of course wasn't here for the relevant decades), the international experience of the Gulf War (again, born in 1988), and the history and culture of Scotland itself (I'm USAmerican with only reading as a source). As a result, I'm sure there are important dimensions to the book that I've missed. If someone has a different perspective taking some of these things into account, I'd love to know about it.
Also, keep in mind, there is a great deal of descriptive writing in this book. There are a lot of pages about the geography of Scotland, and about Prentice as a kid, and about Prentice's father and uncles hanging out together in their youth, and about various family incidents, and about Prentice spending time with his brothers and friends. At first, these passages seem to just make things more confusing, and in my head, I accused them of being "filler." But they definitely serve a purpose. They're a way of showing and not telling the characters' attitudes and relationships to each other. More importantly, because we get to actually live these experiences with the characters, they are what give all the plot points below their deeper emotional impacts. In other words, the everyday experiences give the plot its deeper meaning. They resonate with one of the core themes in the novel: that our experiences in life, rather than any supposed existence after death, are what matters.
The Crow Road's story is like this:
Prentice is rather directionless in life, and he seems to have trouble investing any energy in his own future as he moons over his unrequited feelings for an idealized young woman named Verity. Soon, Verity ends up in a romance with Prentice's brother, Lewis, and Prentice feels that Lewis "stole" her from him. Prentice has also become estranged from his father, Kenneth, over spirituality. Prentice believes there has to be something more after death because he feels it would be incredibly unfair if people didn't get anything other than this one life; Kenneth is not only a passionate atheist, but is offended by the notion of an afterlife.
Prentice's uncle Hamish, Kenneth's brother, has always been religious, although his religion involves a number of bizarre and offbeat ideas of his own, with inspiration from more traditional Christian notions. Prentice is not really sure about this ideology, but he's willing to talk to Hamish about it and even participates during Hamish's prayers, whereas Kenneth is openly scornful of Hamish's beliefs. Hamish interprets this as Prentice being on "his side."
Prentice has a few opportunities to go back and talk to his father, and is begged to do so by his mom, Mary, with whom his relationship is still good. Mary doesn't want either of the men to give up their inner ideas about the universe; she just wants them to agree to disagree and move on as a family. Prentice says he will visit, but he just keeps putting it off and off and off.
Prentice acquires a folder containing some of his missing uncle Rory's notes in the process of hooking up with Rory's former girlfriend, Janice Rae, who seems to have taken a shine to Prentice because he reminds her of Rory. Using the contents of the folder, Prentice wants to piece together the great literary work that Rory left unfinished, which Rory titled Crow Road; however, it becomes apparent that Rory didn't turn his concepts into anything substantial and only had a bunch of disconnected notes and ideas. He hadn't even decided whether Crow Road would be a novel, a play, or something else. The few bits of Rory's poetry for Crow Road read are bleak and depressing.
Prentice also spends a lot of time with a young woman named Ash. They've been good friends since childhood and seem to have a somewhat flirtatious dynamic now, but they aren't in a romantic relationship; mostly, they drink and hang out together. Ash tells Prentice bluntly to get his life back on track when she finds out he's failing at school, avoiding his family, and engaging in shoplifting. She is a voice of reason, and when Prentice insists to her that he's just a failure, she reminds him that actually, he's just a kid.
Prentice's efforts to figure out Rory's story or location stagnate, and he continues to fail at school and avoid his father. He then receives word that Kenneth was killed while debating faith with Hamish. In fact, Kenneth dies after a fall from a church lightning rod, which he was climbing in an act of defiance against Hamish's philosophy when it was struck by lightning; Hamish is convinced that Kenneth had incurred God's wrath. Ash is there for support when Prentice finds out about the death.
With Ash's help, Prentice returns to his hometown again to help manage Kenneth's affairs. Prentice speaks with a very shaken Hamish, who is handling Kenneth's death with extreme drama and making it all about his own feelings. Hamish tells Prentice that Kenneth was jealous that Prentice shared more in common with Hamish's faith than with Kenneth's lack of faith. However, this isn't really true, and as he contemplates his father's death, Prentice begins to internalize one of the last things Hamish reported that Kenneth had argued: "All the gods are false. Faith itself is idolatry."
As the chapters go on, Prentice is compelled by some of the meaningful items related to Rory that he discovers in his father's belongings. He gains a renewed sense of purpose trying to solve the mystery of where Rory went and what happened to him. Among the interesting items are an ancient computer disk of Rory's that Prentice can't access with any equipment he can find; Ash uses her connections in the US and Canada to find a computer expert who can finally open the files on it. This takes quite a while, since the disk has to be mailed and Ash's connection is investigating the disk only in his free time.
Prentice also discovers that his feelings for Verity have changed. He no longer feels angry with Lewis for "stealing her." At first, Prentice's narration describes this as his feelings "cooling" as a result of the trauma of losing his father, but interestingly, this soon means Prentice gets to know Verity as a sister-in-law without getting caught up in jealous romantic feelings. Verity gets along well with the family, and Prentice is actually happy to discover that she and Lewis have a baby on the way. Prentice's relationship with Lewis improves greatly as well, partly because he is no longer jealous and partly because he realizes he does not want to lose Lewis, too.
Ash's connection who was looking at Rory's computer disk comes through and sends the printed contents of the files to Prentice. The files reveal to him that Rory likely knew Prentice's uncle, Fergus, murdered his wife by unbuckling her seat belt and crashing their car. Rory had written out a fictional version of events and considered using it in Crow Road. I'm not clear on exactly how certain Rory was about Fergus's crime, or whether Rory would have intentionally reported Ferg, or whether Rory even had enough proof to publicly accuse Ferg of murder, but people would likely have connected the dots in Rory's work and become suspicious of Ferg. For this reason, Prentice believes Ferg murdered Rory as well.
Prentice confronts Ferg. He doesn't get a confession and leaves Ferg's home with no concrete proof of anything; Ferg denies it all. But Prentice is soon physically assaulted in the night, and it seems Ferg was almost certainly the culprit, because he hadn't been home that same night, and he had injuries (probably from being fought off) the next day. A day or two later, Ferg's body is found unconscious in the cockpit of a plane, which crashes into the ocean. It's uncertain whether this was a suicide, but Prentice suspects it was. Rory's body is then soon recovered from the bottom of a waterway near Prentice's home, where Ferg had sunk it years ago.
As the mysteries are solved, Prentice realizes his feelings for Ash are romantic love. However, it's too late, he thinks, because Ash is about to take a job in Canada, where she may or may not stay. Prentice also hesitates to approach her because he's embarrassed about his previous behavior, venting all his angst about Verity and his father. He isn't sure she would even want to be in a relationship with him after that. But the very night before Ash leaves, she kisses Prentice on the cheek, which leads to a deeper kiss. They finally connect, have sex, and confess their mutual feelings. Ash still goes to her job in Canada, but says she'll come back when Prentice is done with his studies that summer.
The relationship's future is somewhat uncertain because something could come up while Ash is in Canada, but Prentice is hopeful. The book ends with Prentice getting ready to graduate with his grades on track as a history scholar, fully renouncing his belief in an afterlife while he acknowledges the inherent importance of our experiences in our lives now, and enjoying his time with Lewis and Verity and his other family members.
What's the point of all these hundreds of pages?
Well, look at all of the above; there's definitely more than one point. But the main point I took away is that we get this one life, with our loved ones in this world here and now, and this is where we make our meanings. There is no other meaning, but that doesn't mean there's no meaning at all. It means the meaning is here.
It's not death that gives life its meaning. It's the things we do while alive that give life its deeper meaning.
The Crow Road is described (on Wikipedia) as a Bildungsroman, a story focusing on the moral and philosophical growth and change of its main character as they transition from childhood to adulthood ("coming-of-age novel" is a similar term that is interchangeable, but more vague and not necessarily focused on morality/philosophy). And, indeed, all of the plots ultimately tie into Prentice's changed philosophy.
After his argument with Kenneth, Prentice feels childish and humiliated, and as a result, he refuses to go back home, which leads to a spiral of shame and depression. Kenneth dies and Prentice realizes it's too late to repair the relationship, which also leads him to realize it's what we do in life that matters, and that therefore, his father's argument was correct after all.
At the end of the novel, Prentice outright describes his new philosophy. However, I can't recall one specific passage where Prentice describes the process of how he changed his mind (if anyone else can remember something I missed, do let me know). There is, however, a moment when his narration indicates that Hamish seems less disturbed by his own part in the incident that led to Kenneth's death and more disturbed by the notion that his beliefs might actually be true: there might actually be an angry, vengeful God. In other words, Hamish's philosophy is selfish at its core.
My interpretation is that when his father died, Prentice realized three things: how utterly self-serving Hamish's devout faith is, how Kenneth's untimely death proves the importance of working things out now rather than in an imaginary afterlife, and how much profound meaning Kenneth had left behind despite having no faith at all. After these realizations, a determined belief in an afterlife no longer makes our lives here more profound like Prentice once thought it did.
Also, it's worth noting that this incident changes Prentice's idea of partnership, too. He loses interest in this distant, idealized woman he's been after. In love as in the rest of life, Prentice lets go of his ideals, and in doing so, he makes room for true meaning, both in a sincere familial, platonic connection with Verity and a sincere intimate, romantic connection with Ash.
But what about the sex scene?!
Yes, indeed, at the tail end of the story, Prentice and Ash have sex and admit they want to be in a relationship together. Prentice's narration describes them sleeping together and having intercourse not just once, but many times, including some slow and relaxed couplings during which they flex the muscles in their private parts to spell out "I.L.Y." and "I.L.Y.T." to each other in Morse code. This is relevant because earlier, they had been surprised and delighted to discover that they both knew Morse code; it isn't a detail that came from nowhere.
I didn't get the impression that this scene was trying to be especially titillating to the reader. It was mostly just a list of stuff the characters did together. I felt the point was that they were still anxious about being emotionally honest, a little desperate to convey their feelings without having to speak them out loud, and awkward in a way that made it obvious that their primary concern was the feelings, not the sexual performance. They cared about each other, but they weren't trying to be impressive or put on a show; contrast this with previous scenes where Prentice would act like a clown in front of Ash to diffuse his own anxiety. I've always thought that being able to have awkward sex and still enjoy it is a good sign.
Okay, so what does this all have to do with Good Omens?
Here's where I have to get especially interpretive. I'm doing my best, but of course, not everyone reading this will have the same perspective on Good Omens, the Final Fifteen especially. I believe similar themes are going to resonate between The Crow Road and Good Omens regardless of our particular interpretations of the characters' behavior and motivations, but I suppose it could hit differently for some people.
The TL;DR: I see similar themes between The Crow Road and Good Omens in:
The importance of mortal life on Earth
Meaning (or purpose) as something that we create as we live, not something that is handed to us by a supreme being
Sincere connection and love/passion (for people, causes, arts, life's work, etc) as a type of meaning/purpose
Relationships as reflections of philosophy
The dual nature of humanity
Life on Earth as the important part of existence is a core theme in Good Omens, and has been since the very beginning. We all already know Adam chose to preserve the world as it already is because he figured this out, and we all already know Aziraphale and Crowley have been shaped for the better by their experiences on Earth. But Good Omens isn't done with this theme by a long shot. I think this is the most important thematic commonality Good Omens will have with The Crow Road. Closely related is the notion that we create our meanings as we live, rather than having them handed to us. Isn't this, in a way, what Aziraphale struggles with in A Companion to Owls? He's been given this meaning, this identity, that doesn't fit him. But does he have anything else to be? Not yet.
Partnerships as a parallel to the characters' philosophical development also resonates as a commonality that The Crow Road may have with Good Omens. Prentice's obsession with Verity goes away when he starts to embrace the importance of life on Earth and makes room for his sincere relationship with Ash. Note their names: "Verity" is truth, an ideal Prentice's father instills in him; "Ashley" means "dweller in the ash tree meadow" in Anglo-Saxon, according to Wikipedia, and "ash" is one of the things people return to after death. Prentice literally trades his high ideals for life on Earth. We see in Aziraphale a similar tug-o'-war between Heaven's distant ideals and Crowley's Earthly pleasures, so I can see a similar process potentially playing out for him.
I don't particularly recall a ton of thematic exploration of free will in The Crow Road. However, there is a glimmer of something there: Prentice feels excessively controlled by Kenneth's desire to pass down his beliefs, and part of the reason Prentice is so resistant to change is simply his frustration with feeling censored and not being taken seriously. As the reader, I do get the feeling that while Prentice is immature, Kenneth made major mistakes in handling their conflict, too. And Kenneth's mistakes come from trying to dictate Prentice's thoughts. There is likely some crossover with Good Omens in the sense that I'm pretty sure both stories are going to take the position that people need to be allowed to make mistakes, and to do things that one perceives as mistakes, without getting written off as "stupid" or "bad" or otherwise "unworthy."
Suffice it to say that the human characters in Good Omens will also certainly play into these themes, but it's hard to write about them when we don't know much about them except that one of them is almost certainly the reincarnation of Jesus. This also makes me suspect perhaps the human cast will be 100% entirely all-new, or mostly new, symbolic of how Aziraphale and Crowley have immersed themselves in the ever-evolving, ever-changing world of life on Earth. Alternatively, if we encounter human characters again from Season 1 or 2, perhaps the ways they've grown and changed will be highlighted. For example, even in real-world time, Adam and Warlock have already, as of the time I'm writing this, gone through at least one entire life stage (from 11 in 2019 to 16 in 2024). They'll be legal adults in a couple of years, and if there's a significant time skip, they could be much older. If characters from Season 1 do reappear and themes from The Crow Road are prominent, I would expect either some key scenes highlighting contrasts and changes from their younger selves or for stagnation and growth to be a central part of their plot.
The more I write, the more I just interpret everything in circles. Hopefully this post has at least given you a decent idea of what The Crow Road is like and how it may relate to Good Omens.
I'll end this post with a quotation that feels relevant:
Telling us straight or through his stories, my father taught us that there was, generally, a fire at the core of things, and that change was the only constant, and that we – like everybody else – were both the most important people in the universe, and utterly without significance, depending, and that individuals mattered before their institutions, and that people were people, much the same everywhere, and when they appeared to do things that were stupid or evil, often you hadn’t been told the whole story, but that sometimes people did behave badly, usually because some idea had taken hold of them and given them an excuse to regard other people as expendable (or bad), and that was part of who we were too, as a species, and it wasn’t always possible to know that you were right and they were wrong, but the important thing was to keep trying to find out, and always to face the truth. Because truth mattered. Iain Banks, The Crow Road
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bucca2 · 1 year
angel of small death (könig x reader)
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the new recruit gets on könig's nerves.
3rd person, König's pov, she/her pronouns for reader, rivals to lovers, romance, slow burn, König does not trust pretty women who act interested in him, reader is determined to jump this man's bones
1k words
tw: none really, just swearing and König gets a boner at the end
besties I don't even know what this is. I was listening to angel of small death and the codeine scene by hozier and went "yeah we all love when König is creepy and stalkery and insistent towards the object of his obsession affections, but what if his love interest was the one pursuing him". enjoy this lil tidbit before shrike ch3! I'll probably write more about these two, it's a fun dynamic.
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König knows how to read people.
It was a survival instinct. Reading into every micro-expression, every intonation in a voice, every shift of the shoulders. As a child, it served him well predicting what torment his bullies planned to inflict on him. As a soldier, he knew how to read his coworkers and establish that he was not to be fucked with. He had a reputation, and he was proud of it. Perhaps it was a little isolating, being the giant boogeyman of the base, but loneliness was not new to him. He knew how to deal with loneliness.
He doesn’t know how to deal with her.
The new recruit flutters onto base entirely unlike a soldier of her caliber. Flutters is really the only way to describe her, regardless of the way she moves physically. She’s the definition of a social butterfly—whether her candor is genuine, or a mask to hide a deep well of insecurity and anxiety is anybody’s guess. But there’s a grace to the way she manages to endear herself to nearly everyone, regardless of the friend groups and casual cliques the soldiers have formed.
Except König.
Oh, bite him. What was he supposed to think when she full body slammed into him coming around the corner, and then looked up at him with that mischievous glimmer in her eye?
“Whoa, you are one huge motherfucker!” she says, the profanity slipping out of her without hesitation. If she were any other woman, perhaps some nice little civilian lady, her wide smile and twinkling eyes would have turned him to mush. But instead, it puts him on his guard. The boys who bullied him as a child hurt him with their fists. The girls cloaked their insults with honey, with cloying little chirps about his size before crushing what little self-confidence his height afforded him. Just some awkward lanky giant who takes up too much space.
He glares down at her, eyes boring into her from behind the hood. “Watch where you’re going, recruit.” He stalks off down the hallway, but not before he hears her tut and exclaim “what crawled up his ass?” to the coworker she was walking with.
He doesn’t want to know anything about her. He’s not interested, he tells himself, in learning about who she is. But he learns anyway, from hearing snippets of conversation around the base.
She’s on the young side for their line of work, but she’s good. She’s a dead-on shot with a gun, and a whiz with throwing knives. Her specialty, of course, is sniping. König bends the metal fork he’s eating with in his fist when he hears this particular tidbit. Of course, she has the job he wanted when he first joined special forces. Of course she would be outstanding in the one thing he wasn’t allowed to do.
He tries to avoid her—it irritates him, how goddamn pleasant she is. Friendly, outgoing, warm. All adjectives that nobody would apply to him. He was hoping his cold initial reception would keep her away, but she seems almost determined to pop up wherever he finds himself. If he’s eating with the others, she’s nearby, perched on a table and making everyone near her laugh. If he’s at target practice, she’s there, shooting bullets through the same hole punched in the target almost every time. (He has to admit, that does impress him. He knows enough to recognize a master at work.) If he’s getting coffee to stave off his sleepiness, she’s at the coffee maker, engaged in conversation that annoys him with its peppiness.
He somehow makes it a whole week without having something resembling a proper conversation with her, and he was liking it just fine that way. Alas, there’s a mission briefing, and now she’s walking up to him beaming, hand outstretched.
“Hey, big guy! We haven’t been properly introduced yet, have we?” König looks down at her hand, then back to her face.
“König.” He watches with a nasty bit of smugness as her smile falters for a moment and she drops her hand.
“König, huh? German for king.” It happens so fast, he can barely register what’s happening. She steps closer to him, her voice lowering a whole octave. “Impressive callsign for an impressive man.”
The room suddenly shrinks, and the low chatter of the others filing into the room and exchanging pleasantries fades away. She’s close, so close to him that if he weren’t wearing a mask, he’s sure she would feel his breath. She runs a single fingernail across his torso, right over his pecs, and an involuntary shudder runs through him.
“The name’s Monarch.” He watches, frozen like a marble statue, as she looks up at him through her lashes. It’s undeniably sensual, but there’s the faintest touch of venom in her teasing tone. Her eyes are still as bright as always, but there’s a sharpness to them. He’s only seen this look on her in one situation: the split second between her letting out her breath and her pulling the trigger on a sniper rifle at the range. It’s calm. Collected. The deadly gaze of a confident predator before she blows a target’s head off. He wonders if she’s imagining his head exploding right now.
For the first time in a long time, he feels vulnerable, laid bare in this perplexing and irritating woman’s gaze. Monarch. He’d snort if he wasn’t trapped like a mosquito in amber. Of course she’d have a callsign like that. He’d thought her a butterfly this whole time: fluttery and pretty, but ultimately harmless to him personally.
Now, he feels like he’s staring down a checkmate.
“I look forward to working with you,” she purrs.
In an instant, the moment is gone. Whatever bubble she had encapsulated him in pops, and the mess of overlapping conversations and shuffling feet surges into his senses, like someone pressing the fast forward button. He blinks, and she’s already moved away, bouncy and energetic as she greets another coworker. He’s never been so confused in his entire life.
He sits down before anyone can notice his throbbing hard erection.
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if you want a visual on what I was imagining when Monarch touches his pecs, it's exactly what Black Cat does in this video (time stamped)
yes, I did at some point have the thought "this would make a really good plot with Ghost" but I think Ghost's thing is that he's stoic and keeps people at a distance because he doesn't want to get close to someone and put them at risk. with König he doesn't trust people who are sweet and kind to people all the time because he has trusted people who were kind to him before, and they took advantage of him. alas, this König did not have a Thorn in his life. but Monarch is a thorn in his side!
also. monarch. butterfly. monarch as in king. my brain is so huge (I have impressed myself by coming up with the most surface level metaphors)
I'm not overly pleased with how short this is, but I was trying to capture the attitude of these two characters, so it's kind of like establishing a certain mood. I have PLANS for Monarch though. she's a freaky little lady.
as usual, please send me your feedback, brainrot, literally anything you have to say about these two I want to hear!! I mean this so sincerely. they live in my head rent-free. (also if you want to be tagged drop a reply)
one last thing before I go: I love troubled birds so much. you can't convince me that the one in the moodboard (moodboards are so hard to make, wtf? I have renewed respect for authors who make moodboards as their fic images) and this one are so Königcore
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Surrender to the Night
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Synopsis: Y/N is looking for a safe haven from the packs of wolves hiding in the dark. In the middle of the forest she finds Hwang Hyunjin, who patches her up before stealing her away into his bedroom away from prying eyes.
Do not repost or translate my work! This work of fiction is intended for 18+ audiences only.
Content Warnings: vampire au, mentions of blood and mild violence, supernatural abilities, oral sex (m & f receiving), shameless smut, porn with feelings, creampie, unprotected sex
Word Count: 6,425 (she's long I do apologise)
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{ How I imaged Hyunjin looking in this fic }
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It's a dark and dreary Friday night as Y/N walks aimlessly through a dense forest. She'd been at a art exhibition in a neighbouring town when she realised how late it was getting, unfortunately it was so late that public transport was a definite no good meaning she would have to make her own way home 'just great' she thinks as she hugs the thin material of her baby pink blouse closer to her chest. 
It has to have been about an hour since she had left the warmth and safety of the convention hall, her phone battery long dead and her hope of finding somewhere to stay for the night was quickly dwindling. Y/N comes to a clearing with a tree stump hidden away to the side, needing to rest her feet at least for a moment she sits as she racks her brain on what she should do next, she thinks to herself it's almost eerily quiet when a howl not too far away makes her jump up from where she had been sat. 
Y/N may not know much about surviving in nature but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise she needs to leave…now. She walks off from the clearing back into the thick of the woods, weaving her way through the trees as quietly as she can. The shaken girl has her eyes staring straight ahead as she walks, more howls sound off in the distance which is slightly reassuring but they're definitely getting closer to her as her pace starts to pick up in a bid to get to some form of safety quicker. Y/N passes through another patch of tall trees and thick bushes when she looks ahead to see, what she's sure is, a very big house with one light still on. A cry of relief leaves her throat as she starts to run to the house, she almost gets out of the greenery entirely when something large and heavy jumps onto her back knocking her to the floor. 
The wolf that's on top of her body is bigger than any other wolf she's ever seen before, its eyes are dark and unforgiving as its claws slash at her arms causing thick globs of red blood to ooze through her blouse staining it red. She's crying now as she tries to push the beast off of her body, luckily she manages to find a decently thick fallen tree branch she hits the wolf with knocking it down momentarily giving her enough time to hobble over to the house. 
Holding her injured arm tightly she places her small hand on a large brass lion which appears to be a door knocker, she gives the heavy item a few quick taps but no one appears at the door. Terrified that the grey beast wasn't done with her she gives the door handle a little shake, once she knows the door is unlocked she makes her way in slowly. Y/N closes the front door behind her as softly as she can, to what can only be described as a mansion, jumping when she turns to see a young beautiful man standing in the doorway with a scowl on his face "who are you?" He asks with a look of distrust "right of course I'm Y/N. S-Sorry to bother you... I got into an accident and your home was the was the only safe space I could find" his piercing brown eyes look the small girl up and down before he slowly nods his head "I see, my name is Hyunjin" he gestures to himself as he replies before his eyes land on her arm "what happened?" Y/N moves her hand away from her arm to show the two large gashes that line her skin "I got lost in the woods and before I realised it was almost pitch black outside, a very large wolf found me... I barely got away with my life as you can see" she shrinks away at his intense gaze, her eyes dropping to inspect the intricately patterned tiles lining the floor. 
Hyunjin sighs heavily "I'm sorry that happened to you, the wolves shouldn't be lingering around here they know better than that..." His tone is cold as he looks back at her arm "you'll need to get that cleaned up, follow me" he gestures for her to walk with him as he ventures further into his home. The beautiful man's comment about the wolves gives Y/N pause 'they know better than that' what does that mean, she turns to look at the ornate door leading back outside thinking maybe she should just brave the elements and find a town to stay in like she originally hoped when a howl sounding off scares her into blindly following the taller man "come along" Hyunjin motions for her to follow him once more as they enter into a large room, he proceeds to lead her to a kitchen filled with various powders, potions, and bandages. He nods his head in the direction of a stool set in the corner "sit" she looks at the stool and blinks her eyes shocked at his cold demeanour "r-right of course... sorry" she scrambles to quickly sit on the seat waiting as patiently as she can. Hyunjin walks over to one of the cabinets and pulls out some supplies, taking them back to the table where he carefully sets them down, he motions for her to take a hold of his hand as he cuts away the shredded material of her shirt with a pair of scissors. His movements suddenly halt when he accidentally nicks her arm causing fresh blood to trickle from the wound, she winches in pain but he doesn't acknowledge her as his eyes stay trained to her bloodied arm. Y/N tries to pull her hand from his grasp but he doesn't let go of the appendage, his eyes never moving away from her body "excuse me, Hyunjin?" She asks timidly, her body growing cold as she swears his eyes glint a dark hue of red, her voice seems to snap him out of his thoughts as he clears his throat "sorry" he mumbles giving no explanation for his behaviour.
His slender fingers set the scissors down on the table "this may sting a bit" he warns her as he starts to clean the wounds with some antiseptic wipes. He makes sure not to touch her too much, knowing that even the smallest bit of contact could cause problems for both of them. As he bandages her up she notices his hands start to shake. His delicate face holds a scowl so deep she's never seen something quite like it before as his shaking becomes worse "if the sight of blood makes you queasy I can do this myself, you've done the hard part" she tries to joke as she offers to take over, a soft chuckle at her cluelessness leaves his lips at her offer, sounding almost musical she thinks, a small smile forms on his face as he shakes his head "that's not it, I'm almost done anyway so stop squirming" his eyes narrow at her. Her moments freeze as his hands tug her body closer to him to make his work easier "you sure? 'cause I could have sworn that before your eyes..." She trails off as his head snaps up, eyes cold and dark as they zero in on her own. He suddenly drops her arm from his hold "you saw nothing" he grumbles his eyes not dropping from her own "all done" he finally looks away from her as he washes her dried blood from his hands with a strained look on his face. 
Y/N gulps as her eyes stay trained on his back "right yeah of course, I'm probably just hallucinating or something from the adrenaline of the attack" she huffs out a laugh as she examines his work on her arm "I mean what average person has glowing red eyes right?" she jokes brushing off the weirdness of the situation, his body stiffens before turning to face her once again, a dangerous grin on his lips  ``actually I was wrong...we're not done here" he walks back over to her, moving until his body is inches from her own "what is it exactly you think you saw?" her heart starts to beat erratically almost like a rabbit sensing a predator is nearby "I mean it's nothing really... I just thought I sa- but it couldn't have been" she shakes her head, he simply stares at her face not moving back with an expectant look on his face "I thought I saw... your eyes turn red when you nicked me" she whispers feeling her breath come out in shallow bursts. His eyes widen for a moment as his mouth parts slightly in surprise, he takes a step back before bringing his hands up to his face, gripping the bridge of his nose "goddammit Chan is going to kill me" he curses out loud "you saw" he murmurs to himself, shaking his head in disbelief "I knew I should have just turned you away dammit, you actually saw…" he slowly turns to stare at her incredulously "and yet you didn't try to run away" he tilts his head "how curious" he smiles darkly. 
Y/N backs away as he starts to walk closer until her shoulders hit against a long cabinet "well yeah of course. I mean I figured it was just a trick of the light or something, right?" She tries to play the whole situation off as light-heartedly as she can but deep in her heart she can feel that she's treading into dangerous waters. Hyunjin chuckles softly as he leans forward placing both hands on either side of the floor to ceiling glass cabinet boxing her head in between his hands ``it wasn't a trick of the light" he says calmly, inching his face towards her slowly "but if you insist on playing innocent then fine by me" he smirks mischievously. The shaking woman musters all the courage she can looking up into his eyes "if it wasn't the light then what are you?" she asks slowly and carefully. His lips curl up into a small smile, a predatory glint in his eyes "I’m a vampire, of course" he murmurs watching her body as her eyes widen in shock "don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, if i’d have wanted to hurt you I could have done it when you opened the door to my home and entered without permission" He pauses for a moment and tilts his head to the side "it's been a long time since we've had a human here I want to savour the moment" his long and slender fingers trail soft touches against her cheek and across to her jaw as his dark eyes watch her rapidly rising chest closely "a vampire?" she questions keeping her voice as calm as she can "how can I be sure you aren't just fucking with me?" she asks with a determined shine in her eyes. The gentle fingers stop mid-touch, turning his hand so that his thumb grazes against the corner of her lips, his eyes studying her every move "you're asking me to prove to you what I am? Isn't that a little dangerous" he asks with a laugh "you should trust your instincts, they never lie. Your poor little heart has been thumping so loudly I can almost feel it in my bones" he says calmly a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth as he continues to run his hand down her cheek, trailing down her neck until he reaches her collarbone.
Y/N’s eyes drop down to watch his fingers move across her body, the air between the two changing as their bodies move closer to each other "apparently I'm in the mood for a little danger tonight" she looks up at his face as she leans close and whispers "you still haven't proved your actually a vampire" his fingers continue to trace along her collar bone slowly moving lower towards her cleavage, "Are you saying you don't believe my word? That I would lie about something like this?" he asked softly as he looked into her eyes. The look on his face was playful but there was an underlying seriousness behind it "if you're so set on this then I will prove myself to you" his soft touches are making the nerves in the body tingle as his fingers move down her chest, she's about to press him again about proof of who he is when his head suddenly lifts causing him to stand tall. His beautiful face twists into something akin to frustration as his head shifts slightly to the direction of the door before his smile returns, he wraps his arms around her waist holding her tightly "hold on tight" he murmurs into her ear as he moves them from the kitchen downstairs to a bedroom upstairs within seconds slamming the door behind them as he drops her onto a bed "h-how did you do that?" she gasps as she sits on a nearby bed catching her breath. 
Hyunjin chuckles lightly at her bewildered expression, "I've been a vampire for centuries now little one, I know how to handle things my abilities" he said with a wink, she nods as she looks around the beautifully decorated room "fuck you weren't lying then" she laughs as he shakes his head 'no' "yours?" she asks as she gestures to the room, her eyes take in the plush room decorated with vibrant shades of red and gold with a look of awe on her face. He chuckles lightly and nods "yes mine" he says smiling happily, "it holds mementos of everything i've experienced through this tediously long life" he says looking over at the beautiful furniture and decorations in the room. He moves closer to her "I live in this mansion with my brothers, I heard the youngest of us coming through the door which is why I had to bring you up here... so I can have you all to myself" she gulps slightly at the predatory gaze he fixes on her body "I didn't realise vampires could have brothers" he hums in acknowledgement at her statement "we aren't blood related but we've been together for centuries now, we're all we have left" she thinks over his words wondering how many of these 'brothers’ he has and after a moment she speaks again "am I your prisoner now Hyunjin? because I was unlucky enough to stumble onto your property, does that mean I can't leave?" she asks showing no real emotions negative or positive.
He smiles widely as he hears her questions "you are not a prisoner little one, you're free to leave this place whenever you'd like" his voice gets very low as he stares deeply into her eyes, "but why would you want to when I'm here" he smirks as he bends in front of her "you barely know me Hyunjin, why would you want to keep me here?" she asks as she subconsciously reaches her fingers out to touch his cheek, almost recoiling as she feels how cold his skin is. He laughs softly as he pulls away from her hand, "because I find you interesting little one," he whispers huskily before leaning forward again pressing himself closer to her body, "and because I enjoy being near you…" he whispers as his breath licks at her ear, "and lastly because..." he pauses for effect "you smell absolutely divine" he nuzzles his nose into her neck just below her earlobe. Y/N gasps at the feeling of his nose nuzzling along her pulse point, her hands reach up as her fingers weave themselves into his long, dark hair. Hyunjin wraps his hand around her waist, using his hold on her body to push her gently onto his bed making sure to keep his body close to hers as he crawls on top of her. Her breath hitches in her throat at his intense stare into her eyes "didn't you say one of your brothers was home? won't he hear if we…" Hyunjin smiles mischievously as he looks down at her, "don't worry about him... as soon as Innie smells your sent mixed with mine, no doubt he'll leave to snitch on me to Chan'' he says with a small laugh "we're not meant to have friends over you see" he whispers as he leaves feather light kisses along her jaw "too... much... of a... distraction” a blush creeps up her cheeks at his words. 
Y/N nods her head whilst tilting her head back to give him more access to her body "is that what I am to you? a friend?" she giggles teasingly as her friends play with his dark, silky locks. He chuckles softly before placing more soft kisses against her delicate skin "I suppose we'll see, won't we little one" he says with a smile. Hyunjin lifts his body so that he's leaning above her smaller frame with his hands splayed at either side of her head, he waits for a moment as he looks into her eyes. Sensing some hesitation Y/N removes her fingers from his hair choosing to hold onto his jaw gently giving a slight pulling motion, he lets her pull his face to her own as she places a slight kiss against his soft and full lips. He groans slightly as she pulls away from their kiss, but doesn't resist the action. Instead he leans forward pressing his forehead against her own. His voice is low and husky when he speaks again, "you really are quite something aren't you?" Y/N bites her lip as she looks at his face taking in his delicate, almost princely, features. She moves forwards catching his lips in another delicate kiss "are you sure you want this?" Hyunjin asks surprisingly softly as his eyes scrunch shut "once I've had you... I may never be able to let you go" she thinks for a moment watching as his pretty eyes flutter open at her silence, she nods her head but doesn't speak she just pulls his head back down to her own.
Hyunjin allows her to pull him close as she kisses him, this time he decides he has given her enough time to back out and deepens the kiss. He moves one hand to hold her jaw in place as his tongue slides across her bottom lip requesting entry, she smiles into the kiss opening her lips just enough to let his tongue slide against her own, she moves her hand to wrap around his wrist keeping his hold on her jaw firm.  Hyunjin feels himself getting lost in the kiss, all thoughts of trying to convince her to think this through and make sure it's what she wants disappear completely. He kisses her harder as he groans softly "you taste heavenly little one" he grins the irony of his words making him chuckle, she gasps softly as she feels his teeth nip gently at her bottom lip, she gives him one last passionate kiss before pulling away slightly "are you trying to corrupt me Hyunjin?" she enquiries teasingly biting her lip. The vampire hovering above her rubs his nose against her cheek "I wouldn't have to do much to corrupt you little one, you're already so... responsive to my touch" he winks, before leaning in to give her a tender kiss on the lips before reattaching his lips to her neck, sucking gently to leave red and purple marks littered across her collarbone.
Y/N whines as Hyunjin teases her, grazing his sharp canines against her skin "doesn't it scare you that all I'd have to do is press...a little harder and I'd be feeding on you" he asks with a dangerous glint shining in his eyes. She surprises him by shaking her head boldly "I'm not afraid" as if to prove her point she takes a hold of the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up and over her head before throwing it to the floor. His eyebrows raise at her boldness, but his smile remains wide and smug as his hand moves from her throat to her breasts. His touches are soft and teasing as his fingertips run along the underside of her gold laced bra, Hyunjin lowers his head to place kisses across her bust. He sucks the skin into his mouth, leaving his marks decorated across her body and once he's happy she's sufficiently claimed he uses his enchanted strength to snap the bra in two sliding the material down her arms. Y/N notes how careful he is as he slides the broken material over her injured arm "your paying for that I hope you know" she smirks as she watches the tatters flow to the marble floor, her nipples start to rise to attention as the cold air of the room wraps around her uncovered body. He nods with a cheeky grin on his face as he lifts her arm up to examine it closely, running his thumb across the newly exposed flesh, a small pout forming at her condition before turning his attention back to her chest. 
Hyunjin places soft kisses against each of her nipples, using his thumb to rub soothing circles into her bare skin. She waits as patiently as she can with the sexual tension building between them until he finally wraps his lips around one of her nipples, licking his tongue over the hardening bud to soothe the slight ache from the cold air. He lathers her chest in attention before moving to her other nipple once he's happy to repeat his process, Y/N tugs a few strands of his hair to get his attention "why are you such a tease Hyunjin" she whines wanting more. He smiles softly as he hears her words and then looks deep into her eyes and gives her a kiss so passionate that it makes her protests melt on her tongue. His hand moves to cup her breast gently squeezing the flesh softly "I'm not teasing baby" he replies in a husky voice "I just want to enjoy every second I have with you" his reasoning makes her mutter to herself "you make it hard to be frustrated when your answer is so rational" she rolls her eyes playfully "you're wearing too many layers" she pulls the white suspenders down from his broad shoulders, moving to tug at the hem of his white t-shirt wanting it off.
He chuckles softly as he feels her fingers tugging at his shirt "you're right, I'm wearing far too much" he says with a smirk as he helps her pull the offending material off, a gasp leaves her lips as his sinfully sculpted body is revealed to her eyes. Her hand reaches out to run her fingers down the ridges of his muscled body "who knew you were hiding this under your clothes" she smiles in awe of his beauty. Hyunjin laughs softly as he watches her eyes unabashedly rake across his upper body, he leans back so that both his hands are free and moves to unbuckle his belt throwing that to the floor too "like what you see baby?" he asks her smugly, Y/N mutters a soft 'yes' almost in a daze as she lifts herself up off the bed to undo his button tugging the edge of his dress pants down "want it off Hyun" she tells him, pushing against his chest slightly so that he can stand and remove the clothing. Hyunjin smirks as he backs off the bed standing so that he can step out of his pants making sure to take his time letting her drink in his form. Before rejoining Y/N on the bed he also pulls down his boxers, throwing them off to the side to join the clothes lining the floor. 
Y/N gulps as she watches him crawl back onto the bed towards her, his impressive length standing to attention between his thick well toned thighs "I didn't realise you were so...big" she bites her lip as she watches him smiling impishly at her "will it even fit?" she squeaks as he tugs on her legs making her back land on his plush sheets, "oh it’ll fit alright baby," he says with a wicked grin as he rocks his hips forward making a hiss fall from his lips as his member rubs against her pants. His hands move to the waistband of her pants as he grips the edges ``now who's overdressed" he breathes out as he tugs the material down her legs leaving her almost completely bare to his predatory gaze. Almost immediately his head is between her thighs as he pushes his nose into the damp spot forming on her lace panties, his eyes roll back into his head as he inhales her scent making her cover her eyes with her hands in embarrassment. Y/N wiggles her hips as a whine bubbles in her throat "please Hyun'' she pleads with him breathlessly "shhh," he soothes in a deep tone as his tongue prods at her underwear. His teeth nip at the thin material between her legs as more of her wetness coats the panties "I'll give you what you want baby if you're patient" he smirks. 
Y/N grumbles in frustration and waits as patiently as she can, spreading her thighs to give him more room. Hyunjin holds her thighs apart with his hands as the crotch of her panties is completely dripping with slick, once he's satisfied with how riled up she is he rips her panties to shreds leaving her finally completely bare. Y/N's hands fist into the bed sheets as she waits for him to make a move, with a smirk Hyunjin lowers his mouth to her damp slit and licks up the pearls of wetness that coat her folds. His tongue twirls around her clit, making her buck off the bed at the sudden stimulation. He growls in satisfaction as he watches her quiver under his attention. A keening whine leaves her lips as her head falls back onto the pillow below her "Hyuuuunnn" she rocks her hips up to meet his tongue as he licks long strips up from her weeping hole to her throbbing clit "like that baby?" He asks, his face smug, he smiles wickedly before plunging his tongue deep into her folds. He licks and sucks, flicking his tongue against her clit in a teasing manner before pulling back slightly to drag his teeth along her inner thighs, leaving small nips in his wake. He licks up the slick that has trailed down her thighs, wrapping his arms around them as he moves his tongue back to her lips. 
Y/N nods her head vigorously at his words "yes, yes" her back arches slightly off the bed as she tries to angle herself better for him "your tongue... so good Hyun" she babbles as her hands shoot down to his head, her fingers wrapping around his soft locks pulling his head closer to her body "don't hold back baby, let me hear you moan for me" he grins, his eyes glinting with mischief as he flicks his tongue against her clit in slow steady movements letting her feel every roll of his tongue. He smiles as he feels her hips bucking up involuntarily, he lifts up her legs throwing them over his shoulders as he moves one of his hands to push a longer at her entrance, his tongue rubs firm circles against her clit as he pushes his finger inside her hole. Her whines and moans increase in pitch as his finger starts to thrust at a steady rate, once he's sure she's comfortable she adds another finger pumping them into her fast curling them to hit that spot which makes her eyes roll back into her head. Her thighs start to shake around his head as she grips his hair tightly rocking her hips forward as his tongue licks up all the slick he can moaning at her taste. Hyunjin’s thumb replaces his tongue as he licks her juices off his lips seductively "that's it little one, give yourself to me" he groans as he watches the way her pussy tightens around his fingers, sucking them in deeper "can't wait to see your pretty little pussy wrap around my cock" he takes one last moment to enjoy the way her face consorts in pure pleasure before he's sucking her clit back into his mouth.
YN’s breaths come out ragged as she pants harshly "hyune, hyunnie I- I need" her fingers pull at his hair making his scalp burn slightly but it only pushes him further "you wanna cum baby?" He asks her sweetly as he watches her nod with tears streaming down her cheeks "need it...need it please" she barely knows what she's saying as her high creeps closer and closer teasing its way up her body as she chants and pleads. Hyunjin’s dick throbs at how sweet and desperate she sounds begging him to make cum, the thought alone makes precum dribble from his slit. Hyunjin adds another finger fucking her quickly as they hit her g-spot with every thrust "I've got you baby, cum for me~" her thighs cage his head against her core as they shake and tense.  Y/N cries out as Hyunjin's tongue circles her clit just right making her mouth drop open as her head and back arch, she's soundless as she cums her throat raw and tired. With a satisfied smile Hyunjin continues lavishing her clit with attention as she cums only slowing down as her body becomes less rigid and settles onto his sheets as her climax finally subsides, Y/N lays there panting trying desperately to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling heavily as she tries to regain control of herself. Her legs still locked around his head she whimpers as he finally pulls away licking his fingers clean as he does "good?" he asks with a wink and a smile
"good?" she repeats with wide eyes and her breaths coming out ragged "your tongue is... you're a fucking god" she giggles as she smoothes down the strands of hair she had been gripping. Hyunjin smiles proudly before kissing her thigh, he then begins nibbling on her inner thigh slowly working his way towards her core again. Hyunjin gives her abused pussy one last kiss before pulling back "glad you enjoyed it baby" he smirks as he admires his work, his pretty little human spread out over his bed with her chest heaving and covered in his marks. 
Once Y/N regains her composure she lifts herself up to rest on her elbows with a sneaky smile on her face "your turn Hyunnie" she pushes him down so that his back is on the bed and she's crawling on top of him, she smirks at his surprised face before lowering her face to place kisses over his shaft. She licks up the length of his dick circling her tongue over his slit lapping up the precum that had dribbled out. Hyunjin gasps as she takes him into her mouth, her warmth and wetness driving him crazy. His hands clenched into fists as he tries to control himself, every lick of her tongue on his cock sending waves of pleasure through him. Hyunjin hasn't been with anyone in a while making his sensitivity shoot through the roof, he whines prettily as his hands grip her hair "Y/N baby...n-need you to stop" she hums but doesn't move off of him instead she takes the head of his cock into her mouth sucking and licking as she moans at his taste "hm why Hyun?" she questions with a smirk dancing over her lips. She rubs his cock head over her tongue a few times before taking him back into her mouth slowly sinking deeper, she uses her other hand to hold the base of his cock pumping what she doesn't have down her throat. 
Hyunjin gasps as she takes him in deeper, the feeling of her hot mouth on his cock making him clench his fists into the sheets and his head falls back onto the pillows. His hips start to buck up into her throat without him realising what he's doing, whines and moans tumble out of his throat as he pleads with her "p-please baby, wanna cum in your pussy" his hand grips her head in an attempt to slow her down "if you don't stop now I'm gonna... gonna cum" his brows furrow as sweat clings to his bangs. Taking pity on him Y/N gives his shaft one last suck before pulling off with a 'pop' and a smirk, she watches as his breaths even out and he glares at her, with no real malice in the action, as he picks uses his increased speed to pick her up and throw her onto the bed with her giggling at his behaviour. Hyunjin gives Y/N a quick peck on the lips before he asks her "you ready?" She nods her head mumbling a soft 'yeah' before looping her arms around his neck to pull him to her body. Hyunjin gives his cock a few quick pumps before spreading her thighs and lining himself up with her pussy, he gives her one look before pushing in slowly letting Y/N feel every inch he has to give her as he fills her up completely pushing in to the hilt they both let out a long moan at the way he stretches her walls "fuck Hyun" she whines as he gives them both a moment to adjust. 
Once he's certain he won't hurt her he starts to shallowly thrust building up a steady pace as she digs her nails into his back. Hyunjin bites his bottom lip as he starts to speed up his thrusts, burying himself deeper with each passing minute. He can feel his climax approaching as he feels Y/N's pussy tightening around his dick; her walls clenching around him like a vice with every thrust, making him feel like he's being consumed by her. Y/N throws her head back exposing her neck as she is rocked back and forth, sweat slicked to their bodies "you feel so good Hyun" she whines as he drills his cock into her pliant body, his headboard knocking against the wall with each rough thrust. Hearing that only makes him go faster, pounding away at her even harder than before, feeling her tight cunt gripping his cock with every movement he makes. He can hear her moaning below him as he leans down giving her a deep kiss. His tongue pushes past hers to taste her sweet saliva as he continues to fuck her, her scent envelops his body making him feel almost feral. 
Having his senses invaded by her body makes his mind conjure sinful thoughts that he dare not act on, his sharp eyes trained on the veins throbbing in her throat as he pounds into her almost like she can read the thoughts racing through his mind. Y/N slips her hand between their bodies rubbing quick circles against her clit "F-fuck Hyunnie, bite me" she moans out as his cock hits her g-spot roughly. His hips stutter at her request "w-what? Baby no I might hu-" she grips the back of his head giving him a passionate kiss "you won't" she assures "wanna feel you bite me as I cum" she whines as her fingers rub faster. The sound of her pleading voice sends shockwaves through his body, his dick twitching at the request. With a deep growl, he lowers himself down, his fangs extended as he bites down on her shoulder causing her to cry out in pleasure. Her sweet blood fills his mouth, making him moan with need as his fangs pierce her skin and his cock throbs against her walls pleasure shoots down her limbs "I-I'm gonna cum Hyunnie" with a final thrust and rub of her clit she falls apart in his arms, cumming hard with his name falling from her lips. Feeling her pussy tighten around his cock makes him slam his hips forward, burying his cock inside her pussy as he paints her walls with his cum. Hyunjin's fangs stay attached to her neck as he finishes feeding while they come down from their highs, panting harshly Hyunjin licks over the two small puncture holes left in her skin. 
Hyunjin places a soft kiss on Y/N's nose before pulling out of her walls "you might be a little tender for a few days sorry little one" he bites his lip looking worried for her, he licks over the wound one last time before settling down with her in bed "my saliva should help them heal faster at least" she shakes her head at his worrying "I'll be fine Hyunjin I promise" he nods gently, kissing her forehead softly before turning off the light and snuggling close beside her. His arm wraps tightly around her waist protectively "that's my good girl" he says, running his finger through her hair in thought. Y/N's eyes close for a brief moment as she enjoys his body against her own, Hyunjin nuzzles his nose against her own as he smiles "I want you to stay here tonight regardless of what happens between us, it's too dangerous to be out in the woods, especially at night" Y/N nods her head smiling at his concern for her safety. Hyunjin kisses her forehead ready to get some rest when an door slamming shatters the tranquility "Hwang fucking Hyunjin! Get your ass down here right now!" Y/N's eyes widen as Hyunjin shakes his head with a frown on his face "aaand Chan knows your here" he huffs out a laugh as he gathers his clothes starting to redress "I'll fix this mess baby don't worry" a yawn tumbles from her lips as she snuggles into his soft sheets "okie Hyun" the dark haired vampire smiles at her sleepy form before quietly leaving the room. Y/N's eyes are about to drift shut when she suddenly hears her vampire lover whine loudly "I know we aren't meant to! But hyung she's so pretty!" Shaking her head she giggles at his words, a smile etched across her face as she drifts off into a peaceful sleep. 
Banner by: @cafekitsune 💙
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svltzmans · 1 year
invisible string - c.h.
cassie howard x hockey player!fem!reader
a/n: i've been thinking about this figure skater cassie x hockey player reader au for so long and i finally am writing it!! i hope you all enjoy it <3
warnings: mutual pining, just super fluffy :)
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y/n's skate blades dig into the ice beneath her with every stride, propelling her to the other side of the rink within seconds.
hockey had always been one of her passions from a young age. her father had originally taught her how to skate, hoping she would take up figure skating.
needless to say, she took a different path, but he was just as happy.
passing the puck to her teammate, y/n takes a quick glance at the clock. she sighs with relief when she sees practice is coming to an end.
she loves hockey and her team, undeniably so. but she's so exhausted that she might just love her bed a little bit more.
finally stepping off the ice, she hobbles to the locker room, quickly changing into her most comfortable hoodie and sweatpants. she's practically yearning for her bed at this point, throwing her equipment and skates into her bag.
saying her goodbyes to her teammates, y/n starts the walk to her car. she notices a group of figure skaters walking through the front door, which she recognizes as the same skaters that practice in the rink opposite to her hockey team.
except among them is a girl she has never seen before, her thick blonde locks tightly pulled into a bun. her eyelids are perfectly painted a glittery blue that compliments the costume she and the rest of the group are wearing.
y/n is gawking over this girl, and she knows it. she's never seen anyone quite like her. she feels what can only be described as a driving force pulling her toward the mystery blonde.
reluctantly, y/n heads for the door and starts her drive home once the figure skaters make their way into the rink. her thoughts are entirely taken over by a girl she has never met, and she's not upset about it.
cassie's figure skating career started when she was young, and she feels like it hasn't slowed down since. tournaments, competitions, practices. her life revolved around skating, and she didn't mind. the ice was her safe place, where she could forget about everything that bothered her and just skate.
every day she would come to the rink to practice a new routine, whether she was with her group or not. she's always been entranced by the way she feels when she lands a jump; as well as the feeling of the speed she picks up that makes her feel like she can fly.
cassie celebrates to herself as she lands her hardest jump yet. she had been practicing it for weeks, with many hours of her day being spent at the rink. with the routine finally complete, she allows herself to go home and rest her aching body.
exchanging pleasantries with her fellow skaters, cassie excuses herself to the locker room to finally sit for a moment, putting on a pair of comfortable shoes. contemplating what to eat when she gets home, she makes her way out of the rink.
as she walks out, she makes eye contact with a few members of the hockey team that plays at her home rink. she had always imagined she'd fall in love with a hockey player - it only seemed right to her. the intimidating, muscular, athletic hockey player and the dainty, delicate, beautiful figure skater...
her eyes land on a member of the team she's never seen before, carrying her hockey bag to the exit. she's shocked, having never seen such a beautiful hockey player before. having never seen such a beautiful girl playing hockey.
cassie debates on saying hello to the girl, but eventually decides she's too nervous, and the girl she was staring at had already walked through the doors of the rink into the parking lot.
after a much needed night of rest, y/n wakes up to a text from her coach.
"Practice is canceled today. Rest up and I'll see you all on Monday."
y/n sighs with a mixture of disappointment and relief. she could definitely use the rest day, but she misses the rink each day she's not there.
her mind jumps to the figure skater she had seen the day before, and she can't help but smile. she'd never been drawn to someone this way before, and she almost wasn't sure what to do.
except, of course, go to the rink.
walking into the rink without her hockey bag feels weird for y/n. she almost feels naked, or like she's missing a piece of her.
nonetheless, she makes her way into the neighboring rink, taking in the new environment. she'd never skated on this one before, knowing that it's usually reserved for figure skating practices.
and that was exactly what was happening, and what y/n had come for. she settles into one of the freezing seats, wrapping her arms around herself and pulling the hood of her sweatshirt on.
she spots the blonde skater, flying across the ice in a way that looks completely effortless, even though y/n knows firsthand it's far from it.
y/n is floored by the talent the skater is showing, watching every move intently. she feels like she's in a trance, only able to focus on the skater and the sounds of her skates landing on the surface of the ice.
time flies by, quicker than y/n can keep up with, and she forces herself to leave the rink. she has no idea how long figure skating practices go, but she does know that she has to eat lunch.
she almost finds it hard to leave. she isn't sure why, but she feels the same force drawing her to the still unknown figure skater.
cassie is exhausted, and she knows she can't skate the second she wakes up. she had taken it just a tiny bit too far the day prior, and her body is sore enough to keep her in bed for the day.
reminiscing on her practice the day before, she remembers the hockey player who had her stunned. she imagines her on the ice, moving in tandem with her team.
before cassie knows it, she's en route to the rink, knowing the team is practicing based on her own schedule.
walking into the familiar building, she finds a seat close to the ice, waiting for the team to start their practice drills.
her eyes land on y/n immediately, "y/l/n" inscribed on the back of her jersey. she watches in awe as she somehow moves so graciously in such a non-gracious setting.
cassie has never learned more about the game of hockey in such a short period of time. she watched so intently that she's sure she has the whole rulebook of the sport memorized.
she decides to wait until the team comes out of the locker room, forcing herself to at least try to talk to who she thinks may be the girl of her dreams.
y/n walks out of the locker room, ready for the best nap of her life, when she sees her favorite figure skater walking up to her.
"you're a pretty good skater for a hockey player," she flirts, smiling in a way that has y/n's heart racing faster than ever.
"you're not so bad yourself. i watched your practice yesterday."
cassie feels herself blushing at the fact that her new crush had watched her skate.
"i'm cassie, by the way," she says simply, struggling to find any other words.
"y/n. you really are an incredible skater, by the way. figure skating is so beautiful, i could never do it though."
"i think you could, you looked pretty graceful out there given the circumstances."
cassie laughs, and y/n joins her. sparks fly between them that they both can feel, their conversation feeling like a scene from a movie.
"would you want to... hang out? maybe we can skate together?" y/n asks, struggling to not hold her breath as she awaits cassie's response.
"that would be really nice. maybe you can teach me how to score a goal?"
"only if you teach me how to land one of those jumps you do."
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rogerswifesblog · 9 months
2 - The Devil I Desire
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A/N: hi! The second chapter is here-warning, it’s literally just smut with plot.
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Warnings: age gap, Steve is a dick, dom / sub, no safeword discussed, Sir kink, daddy kink, use of good boy/ pretty boy/ little slut, choking , protected sex, anal, anal fingering, size kink, bondage (belt use), subspace, domspace, domdrop (idk what else)
When they entered Steve’s home he helped Bucky take off his jacket and hang it up, doing the same with his own afterwards. „It’s a nice place“, said Bucky, looking around a bit, before letting Steve lead him to the living room.
When they sat down Steve immediately sat closer to Bucky, letting their thighs touch, his arm lazily draped over the couch rest and with that around Bucky.
Not that Bucky minded.
Steve felt warm, solid and smelled incredibly good, rich and sweetly in a way that he couldn’t describe.
“Do you want to have a drink? Maybe something stronger than at the bar?”, the blond asked, watching Bucky shake his head.
For a second Bucky felt a bit anxious. Was Steve trying to fill him up? ��It’s fine, I’d rather just…spend a nice time together talking”, he smiled, making Steve internally roll his eyes. God, he really didn’t need to know everything more about Buckys degree or that damn cat that he had been talking about all the time.
No wonder the young man couldn’t find a good partner if he talked about a cat all the time.
But he’d manage to finish what he started. Ha. Finish. That definitely.
On the other way he noticed he couldn’t sweet talk Bucky into bed, which meant he needed a different approach. It might hurt the young man a bit after, but come on, who thinks leaving a bar with someone you just meant ends in a night of talking and not…doing other stuff? He couldn’t really have hoped it’d be something serious. Especially considering the age gap.
A relationship between them would be laughable.
“So, what do you think, when can I meet the famous Almine?” Bucky immediately looked up with a bright smile. “Maybe we can go tomorrow after breakfast to my place and you can meet Alpine”, he pronounced the name a bit slower.
Right. Alpine. Not that Steve needed to remember it.
Once again Bucky pulled out his phone, showing more pictures of alpine dressed in ‘cute Christmas outfits that she got from her auntie Wanda’. “Very sweet.” Steve mumbled, leaning a bit closer to Bucky under the impression of wanting to see the picture better.
When Bucky lifted his gaze his eyes met Steve’s blues, making his own breath hitch quietly. They were so close, the younger man noticed. So close to kiss…
And as if Steve knew what Bucky thought about he leaned forward and kissed him.
Bucky enjoyed it for a moment before collecting his thoughts and moving a bit away. “Steve I…haven’t done such things, I don’t know how-“ “don’t worry, I’ll treat you real good…and tomorrow we’ll go on an official nice date in a really nice restaurant”, he whispered in Buckys ear. “Tho I can’t promise you I’ll wait for the dessert till after the meal”, he bit gently into Buckys earlobe before suckling at it gently.
A quiet moan escaped Buckys lips as he listened to Steve’s words. God, he really tried to be strong. Really tried to resist this man’s charm, but in the end he was the one who pulled Steve back in for another kiss, grabbing at his collar like it was the only thing keeping him from drowning.
Maybe it was.
Steve’s hands slowly roamed along Buckys midsection, before pulling him with one smooth movement over his lap, before deepening the kiss.
His hands grabbed onto Buckys ass, squeezing harshly and making him jump in surprise, accidentally pressing his already hard cock against Steve’s midsection. A raspy chuckl escaped the older mans lips. “I see, you’re not as shy as said in the bar, hm?”, he grinned, slowly kissing down Buckys throat, before pushing up his shirt, taking it off with one smooth motion.
“Hm, how cute…so smooth”, Steve kissed Buckys chest. The younger man looked good. He had some muscles, but still seemed lean with only a little bit of fat around his stomach, but his chest was nicely sculpted. His gaze fell onto his shoulder and then the rest of the arm. Ah. Bucky said he had scars, but he hadn’t expected them to be so bad. A rough texture of scartissue that was-
“So…yeah, welll…”, Buckys whispered a bit anxious and self conscious not knowing what to say while trying to cover himself when he felt Steve’s gaze on himself. The lights were dimmed, but he still felt bad having himself half naked, especially with Steve’s hand slowly stroking from his side to his shoulder. The left one.
But he let him touch the scars. Steve was gentle.
And he could see it in Steve’s eyes-pity, curiosity and also some kind of…interest. Steve wanted to know more about it. But he knew he shouldn’t. He shouldn’t feel interested in Buckys backstory. In Buckys life. He wouldn’t see him again, so why bother?
He grabbed onto Buckys hair and pulled him in for a rough kiss, before standing up with him and walking with Bucky on his hips to the bedroom, while Bucky clinger onto his with his arms and legs, moaning when his hardness pressed against Steve’s body, “where are we-ah”, he gasped in surprise when Steve threw him onto the bed.
Before Bucky could process what was happening Steve unbuttoned his shirt, throwing into onto the floor, doing the same with the white undershirt-not even giving Bucky time to sprechen the view . Jesus. This man looked good in a wife beater shirt-that was impossible. And should be illegal, seeing how huge his biceps looked. Bigger than Buckys head.
But seeing him shirtless was an even better view.
Damn. This guy couldn’t be 40, right? Not with that body…
“You like what you see?”, Steve chuckled confidently, before opening his belt and throwing it onto the bed next to Bucky. Maybe he’d use it too.
Bucky looked at the belt for a moment before back at Steve, blushing a deep red. “Yeah..” “that was a rhetorical question. I know you like it”, he grinned, opening his pants, but not taking it off yet. First he wanted Bucky to be naked.
He leaned over the younger man, opening his pants and pulling them down to his ankles. „Can we kiss again?“, he asked, his cheeks blushing a deep red. Steve chuckled, kneeling onto the bed and kissing Bucky for a moment. He trapped his arms around Steve’s neck, sighing when Steve’s hard crotch pressed against Buckys.
“Please take it off”, Bucky whispered, pushing against Steve’s jeans.
So much for he wasn’t someone who’d have sex after the first meeting, Steve thought amused while taking off his jeans and boxershorts, his hardness not even being able to stand straight from the weight of it.
Bucky swallowed hard, “maybe we can just keep it simple with a bl-“, he thought about his chances of swallowing that dick or choking on it- “with a handjob?”, he decided would be smarter.
Steve only chuckled, wrapping his fingers around his hardness and stroking over his length. “Now come on, underwear off”, he didn’t leave any room for discussions.
Not that Bucky wanted to discuss. Hearing Steves demanding voice was making him…
It was really doing something to him.
“Yes”, he whispered, hesitating before pushing his boxershorts down. His cock was hard and leaking, leaving a pool of pre-cum on his lower belly.
Steve smirked, leaning over him and kissing him on the lips passionately. “From now on you address me with Daddy or sir and nothing else”, he whispered in his ear, biting down on his earlobe till Bucky whined quietly.
“Yes…Sir”, Bucky felt a bit shy saying it out loud, not being use with anything that was happening right now. (Tho he had watched enough porn to know Steve must be seriously into BDSM. He was mostly curious about the belt that was brushing against his thigh.)
Steve let go of his own cock so he could play with Buckys instead. The younger man’s moans were like music to his ears. Even it was only for tonight, he loved pleasing other people. It was always giving him so much pleasure.
„Good boy, looking so pretty“, Steve mumbled, stroking the younger man’s cock a few times, watching him shake beneath his palms.
Before Bucky could come-which he was pretty close to doing-Steve grabbed his hips and turned him around, pulling his hips up in the air, but pushed his head back down when he wanted to lift himself on all fours.
“Steve-I mean Sir-I have never…-“ “I know, I know. Don’t worry. I’ll make it good for you”, he interrupted Bucky, giving him a kiss on his lowerback.
Bucky could hear Steve open the drawer next to his bed before throwing lube and condoms onto the bed. It immediately made Buckys heart pound. So it was really happening? He’d have his first time with a man he met only a couple hours ago?
Tho he really felt like it meant something. Everything they’d done tonight was special. They met for a reason.
A gasp escaped his lips when he felt a lubed up finger rub over his tight ring of muscle, making him shrink away in surprise. Steve clicked with his tongue, “where you goin’ pretty boy?”, he teased while grabbing both of Bucky's wrists and holding them behind his back with one of his hands.
With the other hand he took the belt before wrapping it smoothly around Bucky's wrists. “Good?”, he asked, pulling a bit at the belt, making it even tighter. “G-good”, Bucky answered quietly, feeling completely exposed in this position. He wasn’t able to do anything besides just accepting whatever Steve wanted to do to him.
“Good, Sir”, he repeated, this time adding a quiet Sir at the end like Steve had asked him to do. “That’s good, because I wouldn’t have changed it anyway”, Steve chuckled before slapping Bucky lightly on the butt. It was more like a pat, in his opinion, but Bucky twitched surprised anyway.
He pushed Buckys legs further apart, not seeing the deep red blush that crept onto Buckys face. Steve rubbed more lube along Buckys hole, slowly pressing the tip in, before pulling out again and massing the muscle more. His other hand kneaded Buckys meaty ass. He had such a pretty round peach.
Gasping Bucky pressed his face into the pillow, feeling incredibly exposed and shy-but he wasn’t able to move away from steve…not that he wanted to. Especially not when Steve’s finger pressed deeper into his hole, curling against what seemed to be his prostate.
“Fuck”, he whispered in surprise, precum dripping onto the sheets when Steve started to move his finger, intentionally pressing against his prostate over and over again. It was such an unusual feeling. He had never felt like this before-of course he had tried to finger himself a few times, but he had never managed to find his spot.
When Steve added a second finger Bucky felt like he might burst any minute, even though he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to come without having his cock touched. (Which Steve wanted to achieve of course.)
“Such a good little slut, already drooling”, Steve watched Bucky close his mouth quickly, turning his face into the pillow, only making Steve push against his prostate harder and quicker. “Come on, don’t be shy. Let daddy hear how much you like it”, with that he rubbed against Buckys spot, hearing a quiet moan against the pillow.
Steve knew he should’ve used one more finger to prepare Bucky but he just couldn’t wait anymore to stuff this virgin ass with a real cock. So instead he pulled his fingers from Buckys hole, chuckling when Bucky whined in protest. “Don’t worry sweetheart you’ll soon feel something much better”, with that he ripped a condom open and rolled it over his hard cock.
He stroked himself for a moment before coming closer to Bucky, pressing his tip against Buckys fluttering hole for a moment. But before he could push in he thrusted between Buckys round globes, watching how big his cock looked compared to the counter man’s ass. When he placed his hands over his ass he could grab his cheeks in one hand each, even though Bucky had a nice juicy ass.
Jesus. Bucky wasn’t a small guy-he wasn’t what you’d call a twink, he had some muscles, some fat and was quite tall…and yet Steve was huge compared to him.
And Bucky felt it too. He knew Steve could pin him with his body weight. Cover him completely with his broad frame. And with those arms? He could choke him with his bicep.
Then he felt Steve’s tip pushing into his hole, not stopping until his thighs were flush with Buckys. Even though he tried to do it slow, Bucky was panting and shaking just from this alone. Fuck. He was so responsive.
“Good little slut…so hungry for my cock. This virgin ass is taking me like a champ. Like you were made for me”, he moaned while slowly starting to move, listening to Buckys quiet whines and moans, “already cock drunk baby? Can’t talk?”, he chuckled deeply, quickening his peace when Bucky didn’t answer but only drooled over his pillow.
He grabbed onto Buckys wrists with one while holding his hips with the other one, this way he was able to move Bucky against his own hips movements, pounding him even harder than before, slowly losing himself in pleasure. “Feels so good”, Bucky whined, not even noticing it himself.
“Yeah, I can tell. Look at your pretty cock. Making a mess all over the sheets, so good for me”, he moaned, grabbing Buckys hips harder. Both of them could tell it’ll leave bruises but they didn’t care.
Bucky didn’t care about anything anymore. It’s like his brain was…mush. He had no idea when it had happened. Or what had happened, but he wasn’t thinking about anything anymore. He was just enjoying everything. The tightness of Buckys hole, his quiet whines whenever he grazed his prostate.
Fuck. It felt so good. And Bucky was so sweet, shaking and drooling over his pillow, sometimes biting into the material.
When Steve felt close to coming he grabbed Buckys throat, pulling him up with one hand and pounding into him harder, quicker, while still holding his neck and squeezing more.
And Bucky took it. He couldn’t do anything else. Just take whatever Steve wanted to give him-and it was a lot. “Come for daddy, little slut”, Steve grunted under his breath, wrapping his free hand around Buckys hard cock and stroking it quickly.
Bucky slowly felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen and blood flow from how strong Steve was squeezing his throat, using and moving him like a living sex toy. It made his brain even foggier than it had already been-making him not noticing his own orgasm.
Mewling Buckys cum shot all over the sheets and himself, somehow even hitting his chin. He felt overstimulated when Steve kept on stroking and squeezing his cock, but he couldn’t even say anything, already feeling how he was close to blacking out, “fuck, so good for daddy”, Steve moaned, letting go of Bucky and pushing his head into the pillow, now chasing his own orgasm.
His thrusts made the whole bed shake, the squelch and sound of skin slapping against each other filling the room. “My perfect boy toy”, Steve moaned, watching his own cock disappear in Buckys puffy hole, abused from the rough fucking. And Bucky was still sweetly whining from pleasure.
“M gonna fill your pretty ass till you’ll be leaking”, Steve wasn’t even listening to his own words anymore, not noticing what he was saying at all, since it didn’t make much sense-but in his foggy brain it was all he was thinking about. Filling Bucky. Making him his. Marking him. Bucky was his. Only his. He didn’t even see the barrier of the condom between them anymore-he just wanted to come.
His mouth fell open in a silent moan when he finally reached his peak, still pounding into Bucky before dropping his whole weight over Bucky, covering him with his broad frame, panting and leaving kisses against Buckys neck behind. “So good”, he whispered, only now feeling the younger man’s wrists still being tied behind his back.
He undid them quickly, but not even moving away from him for a second. Bucky sobbed quietly while Steve kissed all over his neck and back, comforting the younger man in a way. “So, so good for daddy”, he whispered into his dark hair, slowly pulling out, quickly throwing the condom into the trash can next tk the bed, before laying onto his back and pulling Bucky over himself. He didn’t care about the mess between them. He didn’t care about anything.
He didn’t even want Bucky to leave.
So he didn’t say anything. Actually…he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to say anything, he just whispered comforting words into Buckys hair while hearing him still sob against his chest. “You did so well. So perfect…perfect for daddy”, he kissed Buckys forehead, now feeling his own eyes being filled with tears.
Steve had no idea what was happening to him. Everything was so much. Too much. He wrapped his arms tighter around Bucky, pulling him even closer against his chest, Buckys tears wetting his skin.
Feeling Buckys tears only made Steve’s tears pour quicker over his cheeks. He felt awful. And incredibly good. He didn’t know what he was feeling.
He didn’t even know why he cared about Buckys well-being. It was only sex-but it was-but-fuck
Steve let out a quiet sob against Buckys hair. He felt like he had hurt him, like it was all too much-especially since it was Buckys first time. Fuck. He had messed up.
But he shouldn’t care about it. Why did he care about how Bucky felt?
But then Bucky looked up at him with his teary eyes, pupils blown wide and a goofy smile on his lips before kissing Steve softly. “Thank you Daddy”, he whispered, quickly hiding his face against Steve’s neck.
Even though it was a lot, Bucky felt euphoric. He had never felt as good as he did now. He felt light. Loved. Cared for.
Steve was holding him in a tight hug, kissing and whispering sweet nothings in his hair, while they slowly fell into a deep sleep.
Steve never let anyone stay the night at his place after a one night stand. He really hadn’t planned to make an exception, but…it just happened.
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Thank you for reading! I’d appreciate some feedback ❤️
What do you think why Bucky knows Steve’s surname?👀it’ll be important later on….👀
Taglist: @ozeriterchick @guiltypleasureisfun @ayronren @gracescor3 (I’ve decided to tag some people that might be interested! )
All posts taglist: @rogersbarber
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maxiel01 · 9 months
Top Gun Maverick - New Blood
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Pairing: eventually Bradley Bradshaw x female reader, Pete Mitchell x female redader (parental figure)
Summary: When Lieutenant Y/N Y/LN is called for a special mission to Top Gun, she doesn´t hesitate a second. After her last deployment, she is longing for friendship and finding a family. Will it happen? Or will she be alone again?
TW: not much yet, potentionally mental health issues, anxiety, panic attacks, angst, inaccurately described military environment
Lenght of this chapter: 3561 words
AN: Hello guys! I´m sorry it took so long, but I had a lot of things going on with school etc. BUT here is the second chapter. Hope you will like it and once again, be aware of potential grammar mistakes. Also, any form of constructive criticism is always welcomed. Have a wonderful day and happy reading!
2nd Chapter
The walk from the Kazansky household to The Hard Deck wasn´t exactly a short one. You walked for about forty minutes when you finally saw the building. It was looking rather nice, and it certainly belonged to that spot. You saw a few cars outside, but not much. Well, it was about 5:30PM so it was a little early to be in a bar. Still, there were some people and after a few seconds of hesitation you made your way inside.
If you thought that the exterior was nice, the inside was even better. There were pool tables, boards for darts, jukebox and even a piano. Overall, the bar had a nice vibe and you weren´t surprised that a lot of people would come here. You slowly made your way to the bar, where you jumped on one of the barstools. Before you could check your surroundings, a voice startled you a bit. "Hi, can I get you something?" said an older man behind the bar. "Oh, Hi, yes, do you have something non-alcoholic, like a fruit beer or something?" you asked. "Well, we certainly have something, but I will call Penny for you, I´m more in an alcoholic beer and spirits department." he smiled and disappeared in some room. You had some time to look around the bar. There were some people in civilian clothes like you, then a few in a military outfit straight from work, and then two men in an official navy clothes. They were looking young, not as young as you, but they were definitely on the younger side. They were playing darts, and it looked like that the one was losing by a lot of points. Before you were able to read the names on their patches, a very nice-looking woman stood in front of you.
"Hi, I´m Penny, Jimmy said that you would like something with no alcohol." she said while smiling kindly at you. “Hi, yeah, yeah that’s me.” you said smiling as well. “Well in that case what would you like, I can make you some mocktails, or we have a lot of soft drinks.” she offered. “I would take you up on that offer of mocktail, please.” you replied. “Okay, is there anything particular you would like to have, or do I have a free hand.” she said with a mischievous grin on her face. “I will give you a free hand.” you smirked at her. “Alright, alright, any food allergies I should be aware of?” she asked kindly. “Not that I know of, fortunately.” you answered and smiled at her. “Okay, I will make you my daughter’s favorite. It’s not too sweet but not too bitter, well you will see for yourself in a minute.” she smiled as she was leaving for something in the back room. “I’ll be right back.” she called behind her back and disappeared.
You wanted to watch the pair of guys who were playing darts, but you suddenly felt a presence next to you. "Hey Jimmy, can you get me a beer please?" came the voice from a man that sat down on the barstool next to yours. "Coming right up." Jimmy said and started to serve the beer. You slowly turned your head to see the man next to you. He was wearing a leather jacket and a simple shirt. He had short dark brown or black hair, and you caught a glimpse of his green eyes. Before he could see you staring at him, you turned your head back and looked for Penny.
"Oh my god, you´ve got to be kidding me." said Penny as she suddenly reappeared. "Pete, what are you doing here?" she came again when she was standing right in front of you and the man sitting next to you. "Penny? What are you doing here?" said the man. "I bought this place three years ago, I should be asking that question, but let me guess… You pissed off another admiral?" she asked with a mischievous look in her eyes. Admiral? Well, that meant that he is from the navy as well. What was weird, was the fact that he wasn’t wearing any uniform or civilian outfit off the navy. People from the army more often than not wore uniforms on the daily basis, just that people would immediately see who they were. You guessed that this man was probably different. He and Penny were talking for a bit before she rang the bell and then realized that she was still holding your drink.
"Oh no. I´m so sorry, I´m such an idiot. There is your drink, sweets." she apologized immediately and put the glass in front of you. "That´s okay, it seems like you two have a lot to discuss." you smiled and waved your hand in dismissal. "No, no, no, I´m really sorry...It´s strawberry daiquiri, non-alcoholic of course, hope you will like it." she said with a wink. "Oh, I don´t doubt that, it looks amazing." you said and took a sip. "And it even tastes amazing, thanks." you added with a smile. "Oh, I almost forgot, your name´s Penny Benjamin, right?" you asked suddenly. She stopped wiping the beer glass, to give you her full attention. "Yes, that´s my name, why do you ask?" she asked curiously. "Don´t worry, it´s just that I was told to tell you that Tom and Sarah Kazansky say hi." you said, and she immediately smiled. "Thank you so much. If you see them again soon, tell them I say hi as well please.", "Will do." you assured her and took another sip.
"Excuse me, but you know Iceman?" asked the man next to you. You snapped your head in his direction and smiled at him. "Yes, well I mean just a little bit, why do you ask?" you said curiously. "Well, Iceman is my friend, so I was just curious." he answered and returned the smile. "Oh, that´s cool." you said, not knowing how exactly you should keep going. Penny then returned and struck a conversation with the man again. Suddenly, you heard a female voice shouting from across the bar. "Bradshaw!" You and the man both whipped your head to the front door. There stood a man with aviators on, white shirt and unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt over it. He had a moustache and some scars across his face. You couldn´t deny it, he looked good. Then you remembered. Bradshaw, that was one of the names Tom was talking about. "Well Penny, thanks for the drink, I think that it´s time to meet some new people. Wish me luck." you said nervously and smiled at Penny. "You got it, girl." she encouraged you.
You felt the eyes of the man who was sitting next to you following you for your whole way to the other side of the bar. You were met with a sight of about eight naval aviators, judging by their clothes, and then the guy with a Hawaiian shirt. "I´m very good Rooster, too good to be true, actually." one of the guys said. You recognized him as the one who was playing darts when you came into the bar. They all exchanged weird looks and Rooster, which now you were certain was the guy in the Hawaiian shirt and a girl you saw for the first time, whispered something between them. "Well now or never." you said to yourself and took a deep breath. You made your way over to them. Before you managed to come just next to them, you saw a guy with glasses sitting on one of the barstools alone. You felt like it would go easier with him, since he was already alone, and you wouldn´t interrupt any conversation. You came closer to him.
"Hi, can I sit here?" you asked and pointed to the stool next to him. "Yeah, yeah, sure." he was a little surprised but let you sit next to him. He then nervously looked over at you. "I´m Y/N, but you can call me Moons or Moonfoot, I don´t really mind." you smiled and offered a hand to him. He looked at it for a while and then made an eye contact with you. "I´m Robert Floyd, but you can call me Bob." he smiled and shook your hand. "Well Bob, it´s really nice to meet you." you said and chuckled. "Same goes to you. I guess you´ve been called back to Top Gun as well?" he asked. "Oh, well, not really. I´ve never been to Top Gun before, but I was called there, yes. Some special mission or something, I don´t really know much." you answered honestly. "Then we are on the same boat Y/N. All of us..." he then made a motion with his head. "...were called for a secret mission. Looks like you are stuck with us." he added with a smile. "Yep, seems like it." you nodded. "So, are you a pilot or WSO?" he then asked. "It´s kinda weird but..." before you could finish your sentence, a girl’s voice interrupted you.
"Bob, who is your friend?" asked the girl from earlier. "Oh, this is Y/N." he answered with a blush. She looked at you and smiled. "Well, it´s nice to meet you Y/N, I´m Natasha and this is Bradley." she then pointed at the guy next to him. "You can call us Phoenix and Rooster." she added and offered you a hand. "Nice to meet you too guys, I´m Moonfoot, I´m okay with Moons as well." you said and shook the hand with her and then with Rooster. "Guess you are here for the mission?" asked Rooster. "Yes, yes, we are on the same boat." You smiled. "That´s for sure." snickered Phoenix and all of you laughed for a bit. She then started to talk with Bob, which resulted in you staying in a weird silence with Rooster.
"Hey Moons, can you play the piano?" he asked suddenly. "No, not really." you answered honestly. "Can you sing?" he tried again. "That I can, I mean, I don´t know if it sounds good, but I can...I also can play a bit of a piano, but not much. And now I´m talking too much, sorry." you sighed. He just chuckled in response. "Doesn´t matter, come on." he then grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the piano. He sat down and pulled you down on the seat next to him.
"Alright, well do you know Great balls of fire?" he asked looking at you through his aviators that he putted on again. "Not really..." you sheepishly smiled. "Oh my god, woman, where do you live? Under the rock?" he exclaimed dramatically, and you laughed. "Well, it´s an old song, isn´t it? Sorry, I wasn´t living in the States, I know mostly the well-known ones." you try to defend yourself. "What are you waiting for, then? Search it on your phone and let´s do this." he chuckled again and pushed you a bit by his shoulder. "Okay, okay, calm your jets, I´m looking for it." you sighed and tried to find the song. "I got it Bradley." you smiled when the site loaded, and you were able to read it. "Finally, thought that we would grow old before you find it." he teased you a bit. "Whatever chicken." you fired back, at which he turned at you with a mock hurt. "Ts, you will take that back, but first, disconnect the jukebox please." he motioned with his head to the plug. "Oh yeah? And someone will throw a glass at me." you laughed but went to do it anyway.
Neither you nor Rooster saw, that the man who was sitting next to you was looking at both of you with a fond smile on his face. When you unplugged the jukebox, there was a lot of noise of complaint. You quickly went back to the piano and slid over next to Rooster. "I´m not doing that again." you exclaimed, which made him chuckle. "Yeah, yeah...let´s tune this baby." he sighed excitedly and played some of the keys. That attracted the attention of the crowd and in a minute came Phoenix, Bob, and Fanboy and all of them stood around the piano. You suddenly heard the crowd going "Overboard, overboard!" you looked at Rooster to see his reaction. It seemed like he didn´t pay to this any attention, so you didn´t react as well. He suddenly looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "Are you ready, Moons? Even with your little helper?" he chuckled and motioned to your phone. "I was born ready chicken." you fired back, and he laughed. Then he started playing the song and you sang along with him.
"You shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain.... Too much love drives a man insane, you broke my will, but what a thrill, Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" you sang along and enjoyed every moment of it. Sometimes during the song, you and Rooster made an eye contact and smiled at each other. Again, neither one of you saw the man looking at you from the beach. The only difference was that now, he wasn´t looking at you like before, with a kind expression, now it was with pain. After the song ended, you stayed there with Rooster for one more song. He then bowed to the crowd and plugged the jukebox in again.
You didn´t even notice that all of your fellow pilots already left. Now it was just you and Rooster and some other people around the bar. You looked at your phone and gasped when you saw that it was almost midnight. "Well, as nice as it was, I should head home. We have to be up and ready early tomorrow, and I don´t want to fall asleep during the first lesson." you laughed and putted on your hoodie. "What? It´s already almost midnight? No way...Well, let´s go." he grabbed you by your shoulders and both of you exited the bar. "Hold on, hold on Rooster, where do you think we are going? I need to go the other way." you laughed as he was pulling you over to his Bronco.
"Do you have a car?" he asked, not answering your question. "No I don´t, why?" you responded. "Well, then I´m taking you home." he added. "No, that is okay, I can walk, it´s only like twenty to thirty minutes’ walk." you assured him with a smile. "It could be a ten-minute ride. And you are insane if you think that I would let you walk alone." he said sternly. "Okay, okay, thank you." you thanked him with a smile. "That´s more like it." he said contentedly. He opened the doors for you, and you sat inside. "You have a nice car, I love it." you looked at him. "Thanks, it´s my dad´s." he replied. "So… where to?" he asked. "I will give you directions along the way, just head to the main street to San Diego." you said. "You got it." he started driving.
"So... you live on base?" you asked while looking through the window. "Nope, I´m living in a house here. My parents actually lived here, when my dad went to Top Gun. They loved it, the beaches, sun and so on, so they bought it." he said. "Oh that´s cool. Your dad was at Top Gun? So, you are walking in your father´s footsteps, right?" you smiled. "You could say that yeah. Now it´s my turn to ask questions. How come you can play only a kid’s song on a piano?" he smirked, and he was alluding to the conversation you two had in the bar.  "Oh, come on! Look, I´ve tried to teach myself how to do it, but I can only play the flute and read tones." you described. "Well, you must be a pretty shitty teacher, then." he laughed.
You didn´t though, you knew that it wasn´t meant to hurt you, and it was only a joke, but it struck you straight into your heart. It felt like you were back home. Bradley must have sensed that something wasn´t right because he looked over at you and started apologizing. "I´m sorry, I didn’t mean it badly..." he tried, but you caught him off. "No, no, no, you are right, I couldn´t taught myself to do it no matter how hard I tried." you chuckled, and it was certain that he was relieved.
"If you would like, I could teach you how to play." he then added. "Really? You would do that?" you asked immediately. "Of course, I have a piano at home so..." he assured you with a smile. "Thank you, you are amazing, Bradley." you said and smiled. "Do you, by any chance, know if there is some store that is still opened?" you asked after a minute of silence. "Well, there is one...Do you need something?" he asked and turned right. "If you wouldn´t mind?" you sheepishly said. "I don´t mind, really. But let´s be quick, okay? I´m kinda tired." he said with a yawn. "You didn´t have to take me there Bradley, now I feel bad." you said. "No, don´t feel bad, it was my idea, besides I need something as well." he assured you as he came to a stop in the parking lot.
You then split up and made your way through the shop. You thought that you could bake something real quick for tomorrow morning, so you grabbed flour, eggs, sugar and some other things. Also, yeast and milk for bread that you wanted to make. Then some essentials and after a few minutes you were by the cash register waiting for Rooster. After you paid for your stuff, he came out. "Well, well, well, you told me to be quick and look at you, it took you longer than me." you taunted him which resulted in him sending you a sarcastic smirk. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, would you like to walk home now miss." he fired back as you approached his Bronco. "No, thank you, sir, even though it´s a fascinating offer." you laughed as you closed the door on the passenger’s side.
You were talking for the whole ride home, you were laughing so much, that it made you think when was the last time you laughed that much. Probably during your college or even before that. "And that´s it, that´s my house for the next couple of days or weeks or who knows." you smiled. The Bronco then came to a stop. "You´ve got to be kidding me." he exclaimed, and you looked at him confusedly. "What? Is something wrong?" you asked. He then started to laugh. "No, no, nothing´s wrong, it´s just...you see the house at the end of the street." he pointed at one of the houses. "Well, yes, I do." you said confusedly. "Well, I live there." he said and looked over at you. "No way! Now that´s cool." you laughed as well as you were exiting the car. You took your shopping with you and walked over to the driver’s side of the car.
"Well, thank you very much, kind sir." you smiled at him. "You are very welcome, miss." he replied. "I´ll pick you up tomorrow morning, well I guess today around 6:30 okay?" he then said while looking at his watch. "You don´t have to, really, I can probably walk there or something." You really didn´t want to cause any trouble to him. "Look, if I didn´t want to, I wouldn’t have proposed it. So just be ready by 6:30 or I´m leaving without you." there it was again, his smirk. "Oh, you wouldn´t dare." you laughed. "Would you like to test the theory, miss?" he smirked again. "We will see tomorrow sir, goodnight." You said and made your way to the front door. "Goodnight little miss." you heard him say and speeding away with the Bronco, which was comical, because no longer than 5 seconds later he had to brake and park his car by his house. You chuckled again and waved at him, since he could clearly see you. He caught your wave and waved back.
After that, you unlocked your front door and stepped inside. You immediately locked the door behind you and checked if the house was safe. Talk about overthinking and anxiety. When you made sure that everything was okay and no one was in, you made your way to the bathroom. You took a quick shower and then walked back to the kitchen. You cleaned up the shopping and decided to make something for breakfast. After ten minutes it was in the oven and you´ve decided to make a snack for tomorrow, you didn´t know if there would be any chance to get food, so you wanted to be prepared. After half an hour, you packed everything up and cleaned after yourself. You looked at your phone and saw that it was already almost 2 AM. You quickly brushed your teeth and made your way back to the living room. Furthermore, you unfolded the couch and took your duvet and pillow from your upstairs bedroom and putted it on the couch. After that you sighed, set up an alarm to 6 AM and laid down. You were tossing and turning for a while, but after some time you finally managed to fall asleep.
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Mahito goes to kindergarten
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Kenjaku walked down the sewers until he found what he was looking for.
The curse glanced up. He had a paper in his hands and had just finished drawing something.
"Oh, hey Geto! Look at what I made!"
In Mahito's hands was a crudely drawn picture of some blue kind of creature, coated in armour. The words "happy birthday to me" plastered above.
"Is that your fursona? Actually, never mind. I have other matters to discuss."
"Like planning my birthday party?"
"You're only a few months old, it's far too early for that. Speaking of, shouldn't you be at school?"
"What's that? It sounds boring!"
"Jogo and I have already discussed the issue. You're young and need all the learning tools you can get. Mahito, you're being enrolled into kindergarten."
The curse jumped up and stomped his foot.
"No way!"
Suddenly Hanami showed up with Dagon and Jogo.
Now there were flowers blooming everywhere and Mahito had calmed down considerably. Hanami had also sprouted some hemp plants which Jogo promptly set on fire just as a backup plan. The curse was now high as a kite and was lacking his usual murderous aura.
"How do you feel?"
"Like I'm walking on clouds..."
Mahito then started playing with Jogo's face.
"No way! I never noticed that you have one eye. I'm gonna call you Mike Wazoski from now on!"
"Geto, get him off of me!"
"So it's settled. You'll be joining your classmates tomorrow morning."
"Don't think this changes anything! I want a birthday present and it better be a PlayStation 5!"
It was the next day and Mahito was donning a blue uniform and a yellow hard hat.
"Are you sure they'll buy it?"
"Of course. Now run along and don't forget your lunchbox."
Kenjaku had specifically chosen an area where citizens were more likely to be able to see cursed spirits. He could have told Mahito to change his souls structure to resemble a child but he wanted payback, and had told the teacher that his "son" had a learning disability that caused him to be held back.
Mahito began to open his lunchbox.
"Lunchables, awesome! By Geto, see you later!"
He then ran off with a piece of toast in his mouth like it was a 90's anime.
Jogo then spoke up."Why are you really doing this?"
"Because he called my son a failure."
"But you always call your sons failures."
"Yes, but not Yuji."
"Now children, we have a new student joining us today. Please say hello."
"Yo. My name's Mahito and I can do this really cool trick!"
He then began to vomit up transfigured humans. The classroom began to scream.
"Mahito, would you like me to take you to the nurses office?"
"It's fine. I'm not injured and if I was I could just change my soul."
She then began to sweep away the strange "candy" that her student puked up.
"You may sit down wherever you'd like..."
The next thing she knew and Mahito was now sitting on her desk, causing the previously scared children to now laugh.
"Mahito, that's not a seat..."
"I guess you're right. Okay, I'll sit here then."The curse was now sitting in the teachers chair.
"Mahito, you need to get up!"
"But you said I could sit down anywhere!"
"Yes, but I meant in one of the seats over there."
She was now pointing to where the rest of the class was.
"Fine..." he angrily mumbled. He was definitely putting a whoopie cushion there later.
After taking two hours to teach Mahito the alphabet (Hiragana and Kanji), it was now time for art class.
"Teacher, there's a problem!"
"Now, now, what is it?"
"It's the new boy! He keeps hogging all the crayons except for the white ones! I can't see my drawing even if I wanted too!"
"Let me deal with this."
She then went to find the trouble maker.
"Mahito! We need to have a discussion."
"Aww, but I'm busy!"
She looked down at the curse. He had just about every crayon you could imagine. Beneath her was a drawing of a girl who was missing an eye and a man that could only be described as a burn victim.
"W-what..., what is that?..."
Mahito was now grinning with joy.
"Sorcerers. I can't be bothered to remember their names though."
"Give me the crayons..."
"How about no!"
She tried to grab them but it was too late. He had swallowed them all in one gulp.
"...Alright everyone, it's time for recess!"
While the teacher was trying not to have a nervous breakdown, Mahito began to take note of his surroundings.
"Sweet, bubbles!"
He then began to blow some of the mixture.
"Can I try some?"
Another child had made the grave mistake of talking to Mahito.
The curse then threw the liquid into the child's eyes.
The teacher could hear screaming and then swallowed another asprin.
"They said this job was supposed to be easy!"
By the time she had made it outside, Mahito was using a jump rope as a whip while running after a group of children.
Now it was lunch time and Mahito began to open up his lunchbox.
"Yay, lunchables!"
Then he looked closer.
"Wait a minute... This is kid cuisine!"
Mahito took the box and flung it.
"Too bad. I wanted to know what lead tastes like..."
He then decided that he was going to go swiper the fox style and sneak parts of other kids lunches when they weren't looking.
"All right, let's see what I caught!"
Enclosed in his hands was a button, some rice, a bandaid and a candy bar. He put his lips around the chocolate bar and began to bite it in half (not unlike how Gege killed Gojo). He then felt something sharp pierce his tongue. He pulled out the item and noticed that it was a razor blade.
"Wow, I didn't know KitKat's come with prizes now."
Mahito began to notice children taking out blankets.
"What are they doing?"
"Don't you know Mahito, it's almost nap time."
"Nap time? No way, I wanna keep playing with the fidget spinners!"
She had finally had enough.
"Mahito, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
"What's chloro-"
The curse was now knocked out and the children began to clap.
"The evil is defeated!"
When Mahito came to, he could hear parts of a conversation.
"I'm sorry but I can no longer teach your son. I reccomend that he be held back to preschool."
"My apologies. I know that he can be a bit of a handful."
Mrs. Crandall lit her cigarette. Oh yeah, she was definitely getting wasted tonight.
"Hey sleepyhead. It seems like you're all tuckered out from your first day of school."
"Yes, I didn't forget about that. Let's get you home first."
The disaster crew were now seated as they waited for Geto. The door opened and the man had a large box in his arms.
"As promised, here's your reward-"
Mahito cut him off immediately and began to tear it open.
"Huh? What is this!?"
Jogo peered his head into the box.
"I don't understand all this technology but even I know math. Isn't this what you wanted?"
In the box contained a PS2 that was taped together to a PS3. There was also a copy of Knack for the PlayStation 4.
"I hate you!"
"The feeling is mutual. Happy Birthday!"
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Outside the Fox
OT7 x Reader - BTS (3076 words)
Chapter 3/21
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
"If you guys don't hurry up I'm going to be late" Jimin whined through the house. 
He was met by varying groans of acknowledgement. He shook his head and checked his hair in the entry hall mirror again, licking his fingers to smooth down that one impossible cowlick at the back. Jungkook slid along the old wooden floor in his socks just as Jimin was about to yell again. He collided with the older man, messing up his hair completely. Jimin growled at the young bunny before fixing his hair for what he'd hoped would be the last time. 
The youngest grabbed his chunky black boots from the rack behind Jimin. He sat on the second to last step of the staircase, blocking the way just in time for Yoongi to trip over him. Luckily the agile jackal gracefully jumped over the last two steps and swept through the hall to collect his own shoes, kissing Jimin on the cheek gently as he passed. 
Namjoon was last, as always.
The bear was terrible at keeping track of time at the best of times, let alone when he was trying to fight off his hibernation instincts this late in the year. Jimin checked his watch and sighed, only met with shrugs from his other packmates. Resigned to his fate, he gave up rushing and lent down to help Jungkook tie his ridiculous laces. 
Eventually, Namjoon stumbled blearily down the steps, meeting each of his waiting packmates with a peck and a sheepish smile knowing Jimin was fuming. 
"Sorry Chimmy," Namjoon ruffled the red panda's hair affectionately, not quite catching on to the fury behind the younger man's eyes at the usually welcomed gesture. 
Yoongi stifled a laugh as he reached out to help Jimin fix his hair yet again while Joon found his shoes. By the time they made it out of the door, Jimin was already five minutes late with a 20-minute drive to go. 
You heard Jimin before you saw him. That man spoke a million words a second and his volume only seemed to have an increase button. 
You had to admit you had spent a long portion of the morning glancing towards the door waiting for his arrival. So far you had managed to make a few acquaintances that morning, but they all seemed to be battling with the same anti-sharing problem you were having so they weren't particularly entertaining relationships as of yet. 
You'd thought maybe Jimin would come along and you could listen to him talk about his pack some more, see if he could offer you some advice on what to do next if he had been through a similar restart to you. You hadn't really expected him to come in with three other hybrids. Definitely not the three men he had described to you yesterday. It was impressive how well he had detailed each of them, and yet it still hadn't done them true justice. 
The tallest of the group exuded confidence in the most bizarre way. He clearly didn't mean to command the room around him but still, everyone moved subconsciously out of his way. Yet his face was the kindest you'd ever seen. He bowed to everyone around them as he walked, paying special attention to Jimin's colleagues. 
Your eyes drifted to the bunny drooped over his arm. Clinging to their leader like his world might fall away if he were to let go. It was odd when those around him looked so at peace. His eyes darted around the room and his long grey ears perked up listening for every sound in the room. 
The third man had the cutest grin. Or it might've been the cutest if it weren't for his glistening fangs on display among his gummy smile. His shoulders were relaxed and he seemed comfortable in his surroundings. He held lovingly onto Jimin's hip and you couldn't help but feel a little jealous that you didn't have a love like that.
Your eyes land on Jimin only to find him already watching you, waving like a madman. You glance around to ensure it really is you he is gesturing for. Coming up empty for an alternative you return his enthusiasm with a weak smile. He wriggles free from his mate to hurry over to you.
"How did you sleep? How was your first night? I hope no one was rude... I know it's difficult having to share a room like that for the first couple of nights, with so many strange noises. Although I suppose I don't know yet, maybe you've spent nights in a similar situation." The excitable man doesn't pause for you to answer once. 
You try to remember every question he posed, and figure out which order you were supposed to answer in. Before you get a chance, his pack catches up and he is being pulled back by his collar by the man that had been holding onto him originally, although now it was definitely more restraint than a loving embrace. Each of them bowed to you politely and you followed suit, eyeing them cautiously.
"Y/N-shi, Jimin was so excited to tell us about you when he came home, we had to come to meet you. I hope you don't mind the sudden intrusion." The clear leader explained. "I am Namjoon, this is Jungkook, and Yoongi." He gestures to his companions accordingly. 
Of course, just from their descriptions, you had guessed their identities.
You try to muster up a warm response but only manage a half-assed hello and a bow. Jimin gestures for a mostly empty seating area across the room and the five of you head in that direction. You allow them to go ahead of you so you can study them further. Something about their demeanour seems odd. The rabbit seemed too intent on clinging to Namjoon, almost as if something bad might happen if he were to let go. Jungkook's head flitted around the room and then back to Namjoon in a constant rhythm.
It made your neck ache just watching him.
"I hope this isn't too inappropriate." Yoongi falls back from Jimin to match your pace. 
You turn to look at him. His hair is so pretty, the length frames his face perfectly, its ebony colour highlighting his unmarred skin. He looks like a character from a fairytale your mother used to read to you before bed.
"Not at all I'm just surprised. Jimin was very kind to me yesterday, but I didn't think I'd left an impression that warranted an introduction to his family... And judging by your apologies this is something he does often just to be nice?"
"No, it isn't. But he was rather insistent." Yoongi admits.
This does nothing to assuage the dread that had sunk into the pit of your stomach. They were obviously singling you out. The special treatment that you hadn't asked for.
When the men sat down, Jungkook sat in Namjoon's lap despite the abundance of space left for him on the sizeable sofa. Jimin and Yoongi sat in armchairs opposite one another on armchairs, leaving a chair in their circle for you. It felt more like an interrogation set up than a conversation. 
Still, you took the seat they presented you with, fidgeting slightly as each of them stared at you. It was clear they meant well but you were still exceedingly confused as to why three grown men had taken time out of their, presumably, very busy lives just to meet you on a whim. 
It felt like being back in her old life, her husband's friends staring at her, delighting in her pedigree more than her personality. Being a cross fox was a great rarity, especially around this part of the world. It had been a difficult hybrid to manufacture and therefore anyone who possessed one had been someone of great power before the laws regarding hybrid ownership changed. Still, many humans took great pleasure in pursuing romantic relationships with rarer breeds to maintain their status. Much like your husband. 
He was a kind man, and he loved you. But it had never been abundantly obvious as to whether that was as a person, or as a possession. 
Being the centre of attention this way brought up too many memories regarding your old life that you weren't ready to face just yet. Being cornered always set off your fight instinct as a fox, lashing out instead of thinking it all the way through. So you brought up the only other topic you can think to.
"Do you make him do that?" You gesture to the bunny in Namjoon's arms.
The entire group tenses and Jungkook hisses, turning his face into his companion's neck to hide away.
"I'm sorry to overstep it just seems odd that you would make your most vulnerable packmate cling to you in that way, I thought that dynamic had faded out years ago." You can't stop the words tumbling free after you brought it up.
It definitely seems like you may have made a mistake. Yoongi's eyes are narrowed into slits directed at you, Jimin is glancing back and forth between you and the clearly offended bunny, and Namjoon is trying to smooth down the raised hackles. 
"Jungkook doesn't do well in large, unfamiliar settings." Namjoon explains. "He just really wanted to meet you at Jimin's request... perhaps we should've thought of a better venue but clinging like this usually helps him."
"Maybe we should have thought through another plan." Yoongi sighs, eyes returning to normal as he turns to Namjoon.
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing Yoongi." Namjoon shrugs. He pulls Jungkook back so he can meet his eyes. "Bunny I need you to go with Yoongi, you two can go decompress in the car okay?" 
Yoongi stands and helps Jungkook up. You all watch them retreat waiting for them to be well out of Jungkook's hearing range.
"Sorry Y/N I should've warned you, he is very insecure about his little anxiety problem." Jimin says
"Seems like more than a little problem... Also maybe a warning at all would've been nice..." 
"He is working on the anxiety." Namjoon's tone suggests the topic is no longer on the table for discussion.
"I really didn't mean to offend, I will be more careful if I meet him again." you bow sincerely. "Do you have time to stay? I understand if you need to go to him."
You aren't really sure what answer you are hoping for. It seems much more manageable to have a conversation with just Namjoon like this, but you really are concerned about the state of his packmates.  Namjoon shakes his head and the warm smile he had entered with returns to his face. 
Jimin tries his hand at asking you questions again, all of which you manage to turn around on them in some way. Desperate to form some kind of connection today, you open up a little more than yesterday. You tell them about what you hope to achieve in the coming months, your plan to get an amazing job and leave the shelter as soon as you can manage rent somewhere. You ask Namjoon what he does, even though Jimin had already told you. 
It's amazing to see the way his eyes light up when he speaks about his writing. He has the deepest dimples you think you've ever seen, dimples you find yourself getting lost in as he talks. Every word that comes from his lips sounds almost poetic, it really is no wonder he ended up in his line of work. When you pull your attention away, you can see the true devotion in Jimin's eyes, hanging on the same way you were even after they've been together so long. 
Another pang of jealousy hits your stomach as you see what they have together, a relationship you would give anything for. 
After about 20 minutes Namjoon wipes his hands on his jeans and moves to stand up.
"I really should go and leave Jimin to actually do some work." He laughs at himself as the redhead sticks his tongue out. "It was nice meeting you Y/N, I hope we cross paths again soon. If you need anything please call me, and if you ever want a place to stay that isn't here I'm sure we could find space." He hands you a card.
A beautiful velvet finish business card with his name and number on one side, and an indigo cytograph with author written in the middle on the back.
"Thank you for the offer, but we've only just met. We are practically strangers." You try to hand the card back but he won't take it.
"I have a feeling our paths will cross a fair few more times if Jimin has his way, definitely not strangers." He winks at you and then kisses Jimin goodbye before making a swift exit. 
You both watch as his broad back disappears through the front door. Jimin lets out the kind of sigh you've only ever heard teenage girls make in films before now. The kind of sigh that they release as the handsome male lead leaves the room. You stare at him, focusing on the complete adoration across his features. 
He snaps out of it when he feels you staring, physically shaking himself. He tries to give you a supportive look and claps his hands together to announce him standing up.
"Next time will go a lot better... I promise not to ambush you." His eyes practically squeeze closed as he grins before heading off into another room.
Next time...
You'll have to meet them again.
Jimin's interest in you is confusing at best. He doesn't know who you are or where you've come from, and yet he seems eager to become your friend. A genuine friend that's interested in your life and wanted you to know about theirs. Something you weren't quite used to and definitely weren't sure you trusted. 
You sat and contemplated the pack's intentions for a while, watching the busy shelter move around you.
Everyone seemed so settled in their routines. People came and went. Some stayed to play games. Kids were dropped off in the care of the elderly who had come just for a day out. Many went out to work, and a few stayed behind and studied. It was peaceful to just observe. A few hybrids made eye contact with you, smiling in the most inviting way. You made a mental note to attempt to get to know them when they finally stood still long enough for you to try. 
"You’re in my space." A gruff voice came from behind you.
You turn to look only to be met with the woman from the dorm. From this angle, you could see she was a lion hybrid. She had sharp claws that she clearly hadn't cut in a long time, fangs that she hadn't retracted, and a tail that swished violently back and forth.
"I'm sorry, I thought this was a public space?" You answer not willing to let someone bully you.
She growls in response, turning a few heads in the room.
"It's mutually understood around here." She claims through gritted teeth. "First your stink ruins my bedroom, and now you've taken my chair too. I ought to do something about you.
You roll your eyes, instinct raising your attack response yet again. This only seems to aggravate the lioness further. She grabs the back of the chair and pushes you onto the ground.
"Oi! Lyra! Too far. The newbie didn't know, just let it go will you." Another woman yells.
She comes over to help you to your feet, letting you brush yourself off as she confronts the lion.
"Just because no one else like your lumpy-ass chair doesn't mean we've agreed it's yours you psycho." The newcomer admonishes. 
The lioness just climbs smugly into your newly vacated chair and settles in.
"No one asked you pipsqueak." She sneers, and opens her phone signalling she was moving on. 
Part of you wants to push the subject but the look in your rescuer's eyes suggest that may be a bad idea.
You take her in properly now the room seemed to be returning to its own business. Pretty round ears and small features betray her as a mouse hybrid. Surprising for the amount of courage she showed compared to the rest of the room.
"Noelle, pleasure." She holds out her hand for you to shake. "You arrived yesterday, right? I saw you talking to Jimin! He is super nice."
"Yeah, he got me all set up... What's her problem?" You ask.
"She isn't quite used to being bottom of the pack. She won't tell us her full backstory but my guess is she got overthrown in her hierarchy and decided to lone wolf it." 
Noelle gestured to a telltale scar poking out of Lyra's collar. The wound still looks extremely fresh. 
It's rare now that hybrids will fight for hierarchy, more of a natural given now that so many different breeds interact so freely with each other. Plus it's a more latent instinct, bread out by the scientists that created them hundreds of years ago. But some of the bigger predators still had to fight the instinct, and occasionally lost...
"Honestly she should know better. She is on her final strike warning here, she has been a bit of a bully to more people than you..." 
Noelle manages to move you off the topic after that. Instead, she tries to get you to talk about yourself, and when that doesn't work she suggests a game. The two of you spend the afternoon teaching one another card games and discussing future plans, something you are more than happy to receive advice about. It turns out the little mouse is very well connected with people inside and outside of the centre. 
She mentions a firm where she knows the mail room guy, they were looking for a receptionist with a position that might be ideal for you. It doesn't take belong to have an interview set up for you at the beginning of the next week. At dinner time she walks you through the protocol of the canteen, and by the time you two finish talking and you return to your dorm, your vicious new bunk mate is fast asleep and none the wiser to your arrival.
I'm posting early as I'm away this weekend, I actually not back until after the next chapter is supposed to be due so I might not be able to post at the right time until feb, but then we should be back on schedule. Sorry, it isn't Beta'd, it's been a very busy period for me and my Beta, I'll replace it when I get the chance :)
Outside of the fox masterlist
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retrogamingloft · 30 days
Ico is an action-adventure title developed by Team Ico and released by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 2 in 2001. Directed by Fumito Ueda, it tells the story of a young boy named Ico, who is born with horns, considered a bad omen by his village. As a result, he is taken to a remote, castle-like fortress to be sacrificed. However, Ico manages to escape his confinement and begins to explore the eerie castle. During his exploration, he meets Yorda, a mysterious girl who is also trapped there, and together they form a bond as they work to escape.
The gameplay centers around exploration, puzzle-solving, and escorting Yorda through the castle. Known for its minimalist design, the game avoids traditional HUDs and complex mechanics, instead telling its story through the environment, character actions, and atmosphere, with minimal dialogue. Puzzles are largely environmental, requiring players to navigate obstacles using both Ico's abilities and Yorda's unique powers. Ico can jump, climb, and fend off shadowy creatures, while Yorda can open magical doors that block their progress.
One of the defining characteristics of the game is its emphasis on atmosphere and emotional depth. Through the use of light, shadow, and a haunting soundtrack, it creates a melancholic and immersive experience. The relationship between Ico and Yorda is at the heart of the narrative, with much of the emotional impact coming from the player's efforts to protect and guide her to safety.
For me, Ico is one of the greatest video games of all time, definitely in my top 10. I praise it for its artistic design, innovative gameplay, and emotional resonance, and I credit it with influencing many subsequent titles, particularly those that emphasize atmosphere and storytelling.
Going deeper, I don't just see this title as a game but as a work of art. In gaming conversations, I often refer to it as "gaming poetry." This term captures the game's ability to evoke deep emotional responses through its minimalist yet profound storytelling. The combination of its ethereal atmosphere, subtle narrative, and unique gameplay mechanics creates a sense of artistic expression that I have rarely seen in video games, especially at the time of its release.
The relationship between Ico and Yorda, and how it develops through gameplay rather than dialogue or cutscenes, is another aspect that drew my acclaim. Players must physically hold Yorda's hand to guide her through the castle, which not only functions as a gameplay mechanic but also deepens the emotional connection between the characters and the player. This level of interactivity in storytelling was groundbreaking, and it's what initially led me to describe the game as a "poetic" experience.
Again, referring to "poetry" is the best way for me to encapsulate what Ico represents: a rare and delicate blend of gameplay, art, and emotion that resonates with players on a deeper level, offering an experience that is as much about feeling and interpretation as it is about action and challenge.
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marta-bee · 1 year
@amberly333 asked for more about Ashtoreth and why I found it so interesting Crowley chose that name when he worked as Young Warlock’s nanny. So let’s do that.
Ashtoreth is either a variant spelling or one of the related gods later culture rolled into one (depending on who you ask) with Astarte or Istarte. Small-g god, to be sure; unlike the Israelite God, she was one of many. I’d hesitate to describe her or most of the pagan gods in the region as actually evil. It’s more that they’re false gods, and the worship of them lured Israelites away from worship of the One True God. But if Crowely needed a feminine name associated with evil he’s sadly not suffering for a lack of options. Eve, certainly, or even Adam’s first wife Lilith. Delilah and Salome also jump to mind as interesting options. As I said, it’s a bit of a list.
What’s interesting, though, is all these women are sexual temptresses in some sense. Lilith you can make the case her sin was more about refusing to submit than seducing a man, but it’s a bit ambiguous and depends a lot about which version of the story you read. Ashtoreth is different. For one thing she’s from outside the Jewish and Christian pantheons. so she’s not evil in the sense she’s openly rebelling against god. She’s just this person other peoples are wrong to think exist. She’s not even particularly associated with the demonic (her sometimes-consort Baal was, at least in later times). She just kind of.... is.
Nor is she particularly erotic, much less seductive. I see from Wikipedia she was later syncretized with Aphrodite which, yeah, definitely argues against this point. But again, that seems controversial, and Astarte in particular seems less wedded and/or bedded than warrior-queen. Believe it or not, I’m not actually an expert in near-east pagan cults of antiquity, but I do think if Gaiman wanted to call to mind something in the mold of Leta or Zeus’s other conquests, or even Helen of Troy, he certainly made an odd choice with this namesake.
Also, she’s associated with the dove, that famous symbol that the Great Flood was at last over. Given I’m not even sure if the Noah scene from the miniseries was in the book that may be a complete coincidence, but I for one am enjoying the connection.
The most important things, though?
1) Not actually evil.
2) Not getting in trouble for shaking her groove thing.
3) Not even kicked out of the Garden for refusing to submit.
And if that’s not Crowley in a really interesting way, I don’t know what is.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
ARC REVIEW: A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland
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4.25/5. Releases 4/9/2024.
Vibes: sapphic fairy tales, selkies, feminine rage, small magical towns by the sea
Heat Index: 2/10
As the village midwife, practical and prickly Jean lives a lonely existence--until the night she finds a young woman by the sea, hours from giving birth. Her name is Muirin, and after Jean helps her deliver a son, their connection seems natural. Less natural? Muirin's relationship with her odd, domineering husband. As Jean becomes convinced that Muirin is in danger, she hatches a plan to help her escape--not realizing that there is much more to her new love's presence than a bad marriage.
I love selkies--always have. They're very much a part of my childhood, which is why it's so frustrating to see them, very frequently, done wrong... And it's such a relief to see them done right. This is a lyrical fantasy romance rooted in history (think a nineteenth century fishing village) and folklore. It's queer--and not just in the sense that it's about two women falling in love--and longing is braided into the narrative.
Along with a heavy dose of rage against men who would trap and control women. Which. Is something I think a lot of us can relate to.
This is the kind of story that sucks you in, to the point that you can feel the sea salt, the stolen kisses and unraveling secrets. It's simple, but lovely--and I'd like to see more of its type.
Quick Takes:
--There's something delightfully whimsical and angsty all at once to Muirin and Jean's romance. Like, the framing is obviously angsty. They meet when Jean delivers Muirin's baby, so it's clear from the jump that Muirin is married to a man she doesn't want to be with. The novel doesn't shy away from subjects like domestic violence (though you see very little of it on the page), marital rape (though it's only alluded to), and homophobia.
Yet for all that, this isn't a story about suffering. It's ultimately a story about love--not just Muirin and Jean's though that's a gorgeous, sweet romance that feels like it's as much solace for Jean as it is for Muirin. it's also about the love between Jean and her found family, like the midwife who mentored her, and her friend who happens to be a gay fisherman. (The queer found family vibes are stroooong in this one.) It's also a story about reclaiming agency and throwing off oppression, and that is so deeply, deeply satisfying. "Satisfying" is literally how I would describe this narrative. Towards the end, I was just nodding along like "YES".
--Going back to the romance aspect... Yes, there's caretaking, there's solace found, there's catharsis. But there's also a lot of playfulness to it. Muirin is super flirty and openly interested in Jean. While Jean is understandably hesitant to engage at first, Muirin is just inherently endearing. You definitely get a bit of grumpy/sunshine here. Jean is never grumpy towards Muirin, but she's so guarded and frosty towards the world in general (with good reason) and Muirin is just so bright and charismatic and desperate to connect with her on every level.
And there is such a deep... womanliness to this romance. Like, this is obviously a book about two women falling in love. But it goes into the societal roles of women in this book's world. The midwife, the wife, the initial meet cute being a labor scene. There's a very real depiction of the kind of husband who is inherently afraid of his wife just like--making friends with another woman. Because even if Jean and Muirin weren't falling in love, Jean would represent an alternate life, options and a path beyond him.
--Another aspect I found immensely compelling was the midwifery of it all. You don't ever get the sense that there's anything twee about birth, but it's also not a ridiculously melodramatic horror show. It's a fact of life, and Jean's good at her job, and she treats it like a job. She cares, but she's also as practical as ever. Her practicality--and the way it melts away as she falls in love with Muirin, and really as soon as she becomes emotionally invested in her--is so endearing.
--Obviously, a baby is born almost immediately in this novel. Sutherland keeps the baby in it enough for him to be cute, but not so much that he takes away from the story. He adds to the stakes--he is not the only part of the stakes. What is happening to Muirin isn't just important because she has a baby. The baby is just another person impacted by what is happening to her.
--The selkie lore is great. One scene in particular towards the end had me clutching my face. it was just so beautifully done. Apparently, this all kicked off with an ancient Tumblr post I'm pretty sure I saw back in the day? Huh! Who knew? Yet another thing Tumblr has contributed to society. I do kind of wish that the lore side of the story had unfurled a little faster, but I get why it played out the way it did.
The Sex:
There is sex; it is entirely closed door. I could've done with some stuff on the page (always) but I didn't feel robbed.
At last, those crying out for a lesbian selkie story have found their hero. Read on any day, but especially a day when it's storming outside, or you're close to the sea, or both. Keep your eye out for mysterious seals who may or may not be beautiful women in disguise.
Thanks to NetGalley and Dell for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Preorder here:
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