#young loki does glare at thor for that comment
tyrannuspitch · 1 year
i will return to this thought when i've worked exactly what i think the implications of this piece of dialogue are
but like... it does strike me as a little unfair that people keep comparing young loki favourably to young thor because of young thor's genocidal comment, when like... the first thing loki says, on hearing odin say peace ("peace") is an ongoing effort, is: "do the frost giants still live?"
which isn't quite an overt endorsement of wiping them out, but it's really heading that way imo. the implication is still that there wouldn't be a threat to the peace if asgard did commit genocide. and that that's the course of action loki would expect.
(possibly normalised by the genocide of the dark elves? in tdw they do say frigga told thor and loki that story as kids, and thor makes it sound more like a bedtime story than a Serious Talk With A Parent. like... it rhymes :/)
like. loki does have many sympathetic redeeming features but i'm just not convinced that at any age you can count "not space racist" among them. i think he and thor just express it differently because they are very different people. :/
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hail-brod · 8 months
A Chance and Beyond (6)
Previous chapter: (Chapter 5)
Series Masterlist
Loki x FReader
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A/N: Yes, 2 weeks delay. Again. I guess that's gonna be my new sched if it gets too busy.
Listening to a Norwegian folk song made this even fun to write. Man, I love upbeat folk songs. (edit:) Just figured the song's about a man in love with a woman who's betrothed to another man (note at the end of chap). It fits sm for a certain god here ehem ehem—or just in general lmao. The coincidences in life mah man.
(Ok, this is honestly my fav chap.)
Please enjoy and tell me your thoughts! ><
Warning/s: Light angst, drinking, being alcoholic to a viking level, mead, a bit of self deprecation?, mention of missing body part, nothing else probably (please tell me if I missed something!)
WC: 4.4k
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Just some Viking activities at the edge of a cliff. Or like they say in Midgard, 'Let's parteyyy. Hit it, Freddie!'. In which you spin around like a record baby, right round, round, round.
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When nightfall came, it didn't take long for everyone to start drinking as early as they can.
Instead of the usual drinking horn tankard, metal mugs clinked at each other, along with the merry cheers of wobbly ballads clashing in every chatter. Half an hour in when the sun had set down, there we're already drunk men dancing with their sons and daughters, mothers mingling with their husbands, and people gobbling down roasted meat. And on the center of it all stands the grand lit bonfire that sheltered light to the smiles of every person. You can hear the crackling and bursting flames joining the fun of your kin's roaring laughs, its shadows flickering like a raves' night befitting the dances of the other asgardians.
Just like you remembered when you we're in your early days in Vanaheim and your home-world, bonfire feasts are always a celebration never to be missed.
It almost feels like you've never truly left Asgard...
But of course, what is a night's feast without a pleasant conversation? Because when you sprung your eyes at a certain young prince being entertained by a woman offering him a mead—with a smile that you're consequently aware is intended to be suggestive, you've never felt so pleasant in your whole life.
No, you we're not glaring at the ground. No, you we're not burning a stare at the said woman. No, you we're not sulking on your wooden seat.
No, not at all.
You decided to just let yourself drown in the company of your mead, gulping it for ten straight seconds. That should do it, you think. not enough to do me in though. And in all honesty, you think of the truth. You we're never the first one to fall in in a drunken state; for as much as the people underestimate you at these things, they always lose when they challenge you so.
Maybe it runs in the family since, well, they we're almost as tolerant as you do.
But you honestly wish right now that you weren't.
You can see Loki giving out a pleasant laugh at the woman, mead weighing down on his hand as he mentioned something to her, making her shrug tentatively in a coy manner. You also soon noticed a few women eyeing Loki, both in hesitation and....desire?
Wait, what?
"Oh, mine brother! Finally, a flock of women ogling at him rather than me." Thor's voice pulls you out of your brief bewilderment as he made himself comfortable beside you. "You see, I knew he'd gain recognition amongst our people after that final battle in Asgard. I'm very proud I've proven him right, hah!"
Oh. "That's...good." you comment, trying not to let your displeasure lace out. "Does your people hate him, before all of this?"
"Hate, you say?" he says, eyes shifting to a light grimness. "My brother is many things and thus he makes many...'decisions'. Very various different ones. I wouldn't want to tell you that he was hated but, he had proven to our people that he should be. Alas, he has change their minds." he lifts up his mug over the form of his brother, who's now talking to a different woman, but you do notice his attention is placed on the singing men near the bonfire.
He has indeed.
Though, you let yourself deviate to something else now that you remembered. Some things are left to be asked later, such as, the voice in your room—well, if you ever find the chance, that is. Or if you'd even open up the courage to.
"Did...Did Loki actually vouch for me after the interrogation?" you asked.
Thor widened his eyes followed by a nervous laugh. "W-Whatever do you mean, my lady?"
"It's okay, I'm aware of your little 'spying'."
"Oh." he lets out, eyes darting back and forth between his brother and you. "Well, odd it was, but kind of him I guess. He may act stingy but there's a softness in there, and it seems like he's taken by you."
You raised a brow at that. "I doubt that. He looks rather keen on avoiding me." you say, though, the thought of him being taken by you feels a tad bit nice.
He eyes you in wonder. "Does that irk you?"
"What? Of course not. I'm- merely curious."
"Hmm," he hums, but you can almost mistake it for a scoff. "of course, curious. You know, I never got to ask you if you're somehow well acquainted with my brother in your....universe? Or was it timeline? Either of those."
You freeze, there's a sudden feeling of déjà vu. "What...makes you think that we are?"
"Ah, that my friend, that I can see." he answered. "It may not be my specialty but I can tell if someone is at least taken by someone."
Right, your mind echos. he has a flock of women over him. Your past self is certainly a proof of that.
Well, some things would've been actually different if he had learned your fascination towards him back in your Asgard. Actually, not some but everything. Because if he did, you would never be here. You would have never created that bloody Nexus event. You would have never learned about how much dominance time rules over countless of universes.
"No, because you we're meant to fall for Thor." the imposing judge towering in front of you says after stating your name. "Not his brother, not anyone. The moment you recognized your feelings on the wrong person, god, brother—whatever you call him—is when you're taken out of the equation. Pretty common mistakes of your variants, apparently. Don't force it, miss. It doesn't always end well for both you and..." she reads down on the file and mocked a smile at you. "...the 'Loki Laufeyson.'"
The past TVA made it sure to shove it on your own reality that you we're the problem for falling for the younger prince. Somehow, you're feeling sorry for doing so, for dooming your home. But you also truly don't want to regret it
You won't.
The TVA doesn't have the right to dictate that. Not anymore.
"Are you insinuating that I'm openly swooning over your brother?" you asked, playing along with him.
He laughs. "Bin-gow." you're quite sure its supposed to be 'bingo'. "I've first noticed you we're very tolerant of his antics, which many not do, so I guess I can assume."
"I'm certain I don't swoon when I'm being tolerant."
"Uh-uh. Maybe not, but don't jump just yet, my good lady." he swigs a drink from his mug. "I've never seen someone else so adoringly at eased when at the resoundingly mysterious presence of Loki other than me and- "
He stops.
You can't deny the growing fluster emanating within you when you catch his first few words, but his sudden halt confused you for awhile. His expression fades down, his mirthful smile daring to fall but it fights to keep it up. Though, you somehow feel that you know who he struggles to mention.
"The All-mother." you finish.
He flinched, eyes flying randomly at you and inhales. "Yeah." he sighs out a light chuckle. "You know your thing, my lady."
Your heart cracks.
Seeing him react that way at the subject of his mother, its inevitable to feel dread at what could've possibly happened. Just the absence of his father as the overlooking king is more than a proof of the tragic fates that have doomed Asgard. Queen Frigga was far from a stranger to you and you can proudly say that she became your second mother. Well, if you and Loki we're bound together purely from deeper sentiments, she would have been more of a close mother rather than formally your queen mother.
But you also can't imagine how that would've affected Loki.
You have much to learn in this reality. And, maybe its about time for you to let them know yours.
Even just by bits.
"Yes.... I've actually been quite acquainted with the queen herself." you humbly inform, smile tipping up. "Which I'm very lucky to have been."
"Hold on, so you are well acquainted with Loki. Well, not just him anymore but also the royal family?" he quirks his head to the side. "You're definitely not just a noble. Let me guess, a daughter in court."
You nodded.
At least he knows his princely court lessons.
"Hah! I knew it." he cheers, mug elevated high up. This caught a few eyes from the crowd which was also followed by their own cheers. Some asgardians flew their eyes over to you doing the same as you muster up a pleasant smile, an attempt at matching their jovial attitudes. Your mind wanders back to someone as you try to spot the area where you last saw him. Granted, he was still there, eyes intent on you.
And then immediately looked away with not so much of a reaction.
You certainly have your fill of mesmerizing cerulean eyes all over you today and you can't help but blush. And at the least, he wasn't handsomely giggling anymore with some woman or herds of them.
Beside you, Thor mutters something, and you catch your name. Odd it was how he managed to divert his attention on his own little world so fast."...I've surely heard that name before...where...Asgard...?"
He looks like he's partially drunk, but you know he isn't that easy to bring down. No doubt his random ramblings are just a product of nine or fourteen mugs full of mead; there's much more action than just slurring words when it comes to these gods.
The darkness clocks deeper into the dead of night and you had already downed your third round of mead. Honestly, your usual would be at six or seven before you would start to either cry or be overly social to anyone—of course, you prefer the latter. At this point, all you can feel is the faint pounding of your head and the lightweight of everything.
Feather. you think, describing. Featherful light. How very light.
You decided then and there, this would be the last round. You're very aware that your drunken state is resoundingly unsightly and you don't want that coming to life tonight. Or any night.
So as you downed your mug to the last drop, the distinct sounds of singing started to spread from another man to another. When you looked around, their chants start to gradually get louder, infectious smiles being thrown at anyone as their hands begin to clap along the beats with a bob of their heads. You yourself could not contain the jolliness they emitted as you meekly bounced your head along.
"Han leika med lente, han leika med list,"
This, of course, had awaken the presence beside you.
He jumped on his feet, mug still gripped tightly on his hand as he sang along and his other hand waving around to the tune. Just as the crown prince joined in, this boosted the morale of the other asgardians, adding more people to the high spirited singing. His eyes rest on you and he kept nodding to you, urging you to stand up and do the same.
How could you refuse?
When he had offered you his hand, you took it and stood up, finally letting yourself sing the familiar song.
"Han leika med lente, han leika med gny, Hei fagraste lindelauvi alle"
You clapped and jumped along them and laughed in joy, the pounding of your head replaced with the upbeat tune you clap unto. You also didn't waste a second drifting your eyes to Loki, who was actually gone in his spot.
Had he left? You know he's quite fond of festivities so why...
Only then did you see his form singing and clapping with the said flock of women...and men. You really have to tone your emotions down because he has every right to mingle with anyone. Your own personal feelings on the likeness of him is hardly something you should be bringing about now. Soon enough, your attention gets shifted when Thor took your hand, halting your claps as he leads you near the bonfire. You we're quite baffled, but when you realized a circle of asgardians we're forming around the flame, you know you're going to be very out of breath.
"I hope you aren't too drunk to do this." Thor grins at you, hands free of his mug and secured his hand on yours much fittingly. You feel your other hand being snatched the same way by one of the asgardians beside you as you all form in a wide circle.
"I'm more than awake and sober than you." you replied, grinning back with the anticipation of the dance, your adrenaline gradually going up.
"For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
Little by little, you all move to your right, letting the circle turn in a loop. Another step and another one, the pace of your steps starts to move faster as you follow the rhythm of the song. The footwork of the certain dance begins to come naturally to you and everyone else, lifting it down and back at the moving steps to the side. One cue in the song indicates a twirl, so you turn and clap, and another clap, and so on.
"Men då steig trolli upp or djupaste sjø,"
You can't seem to think straight anymore as your laughter and giggles along the singing fogs your brain. Then comes a chant, and more clapping, and you don't know anymore.
Everything just started to feel natural.
"Og utvinner krafti av trollenes arm For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
When the other asgardians outside of the circle started to join and slip inside, dancing; you almost didn't catch Thor leaving your side to enter the circle. And as you still moved along the loop, the said god reemerges from the jolly crowd, feet bouncing, and clutched at his side is his confused brother. It only happened in a second before you realized Thor had just threw his brother on his previous spot beside you, Loki's hand securely gripping your own through the revolving circle of people, not daring to let you trip with his sudden intrusion as he got swarmed into joining the loop.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him, and he couldn't even look away from you. As you we're kept being pulled to your sides, it was evident that he was also enjoying himself. He brings up the widest smirk at you and continues to sing with everyone else.
Oh, you we're not going to back down as well.
You squeezed his hand much more affectionately than you intended to, but fortunately he didn't whack it away; he tugs up a teasingly lofty smile and squeezed back.
You don't even know how to react anymore as you just distinctively felt the pulling of your heartstrings. You couldn't fight the widening smile on your lips any longer.
"Og utvinner krafti av trollenes arm For de runerne de lyster han å vinne"
The adrenaline of moving around and the constant claps to the beat, lungs catching the words to sing and the twirls between the loop of people, have had you all elevate for boldness as the beats starts to rapidly pace up; one step faster than the other and faster it goes, leaving you all lost in the moment of chanting breaths.
"Hei, hei, hei, hei, hei,
It goes higher and higher, constant and louder and as your voices reach the peak of the song, you're sent flying to Loki's side as soon as the circling loop of people broke off, tumbling to their sides with crazed smiles and cheers.
Though, as you tumbled beside Loki, heart ringing with laughters, his grip on your hand never left. You couldn't care much and your vision is clamped shut from all of the movement so you can't make much of anything. You we're panting hard and you know he is too—the very close distance between you has you hearing his pacing breaths. Suddenly, what made you open your eyes and look up to the said man was the dawning realization of why you feel so warmly secured.
Oh, he was holding you close, one hand snaked around your waist.
And don't even forget about how his other hand is pretty much locked with yours, as if letting you go would result in you being snatched away.
As you slowly wake up from your moment of daze, your eyes would not tear away from his own. His rising chest and yours synced like no other, and how dares he study you so intently with those gentle eyes, almost like a plea. The moment felt too long and too mesmerizing to break as your hand slowly curl further on his own, caressing.
Belonging. your heart screams between breaths. The shared look you had had you reminiscing a lot of things, a mixture of lifts and crashes dawning on your emotions. He himself contorts to a frown, taking in your conflicted demeanor—as well as your longing eyes.
I love you. you wanted to say, but you know that's bound to crush you, so you just reveled in the silence. The thought of not being able to say it clenches your heart, and you feel like tearing up.
But you resist. Contain it, woman. you order yourself. He's not even the Loki you know...
"I..." you start, wanting to get away.
But before you could gather yourself up once more, something catches Loki's eyes as he feels over your hand—he looks down confusingly. You realize his attention is directed on your hand once you felt the shift of his fingers on your own, specifically on a certain finger, one that's been severed and adorned with your golden ring.
You we're so out of it all until he breathes out his words, "You're married."
Your eyes snap to him, heart racing. He didn't waste a second catching your surprised stare. You don't know if the look he's giving you is concern or just curiousness. "N-No, I..." you stutter.
You we're not married yet—but will you ever be? Though, it seems like he believes otherwise.
"Don't." he sternly says. "Don't lie. I know that kind of ring anywhere and looking closely on it, it's a royal one."
You feel a lump in your throat as you try to swallow. It's only a matter of seconds before he's wondering which of the two princes in Asgard you we're bound with. "It is...yes. But no, I'm not married." you weakly say, feeling all of the adrenaline rushing out of you. "We never got to..." you hesitantly shrugged, trying to point out your unspoken words. "You could say I was whisked away by the TVA before it could even.... possibly happen."
You don't know what expression he's wearing but Loki seem to have caught on on your change of demeanor as your defeated form melts between his arm. You felt him stiff when he realized he hasn't distanced himself away from you, so he gently pulled his arm from your waist, leaving you to stand on your accord as you felt his other hand slipping away from yours.
Your heart longs even more.
Somehow, he had trusted his instincts once again to detect any lies as he accepted your words. "Would you have wanted that marriage?"
You fold your brows up to him, surveying his expression. But he's wearing that neutral mask again. You linger your words in your head, debating, lest you risk spilling any unnecessary sentiments. I would have love to. You open your mouth yet it closes again.
You can't do it.
"I don't know." you shake your head, letting your eyes wander away towards the mellow atmosphere that has become of your bonfire feast.
That's all you heard from him before he followed your gaze. You both shared a moment of silence, relishing in in the calmness of the aftermath of the celebration. It felt comforting—somehow.
Each and everyone have settled down on the ground, either sprawled from exhaustion and the mead, or wobbling on their seats, leaning shoulder to shoulder with one another. You don't see Thor anywhere, but when you heard your name slipping out of Loki's lips—which you wish you could hear again—one bulky arm gathers you from behind, pushing you closely next to Loki.
Thor's voice imitates his brother, saying your name.
Honestly, you much prefer the former one saying it.
You realized Thor had also wrapped his brother on his other arm, encapsulating you both in a semihug. "I can't stop thinking how familiar your name is, my lady." he says, both you and Loki stiffing at his pull. But you also felt Loki tensing at his brother's words. "I don't know why. Granted, I've surely never met you before, nor anyone like you. Must have I just forgotten then?" he scrunches his face in thought.
"Given that you are an oaf, there's no doubt your depictions of reality are just nonsense." Loki says, narrowing his eyes on Thor.
"You wound me, brother."
You awkwardly witnessed their banter; though, you can't help but tug up a light smile. "I would be wounded as well if you just bore my name in your mind but not my face."
The God of Thunder chuckled. "My bad, my bad. Although truly, that's no fact. How could I ever not bear a fairly stunning maiden in my mind such as you?"
You we're flattered—though underneath that, you can't help but cringe. You really didn't meant for it to go that way.
And Loki doesn't seem too pleased about it. "Can you not do this in front of me?"
"Do what?" Thor asks.
"Just..." Loki tries to wriggle out of his brother's embrace as he breaks away from the two of you, dusting his shoulder off. He points his brother a glare. "Don't ever bring your flirting in front of me."
"What? I am not flirting. Or maybe, I have barged in on one?" Thor eyes you worryingly and flies it to Loki, cautiously untangling his arm around you.
You we're dumbfounded for a second before it processed in your mind.
"No." you and Loki uttered at the same time, exchanging glances.
"Definitely not."
"Yes, why would we do so?"
"Exactly. Nothing of the sort."
"Alright, alright. Calm down." Thor instructs, amused by your reactions. You we're quite glad he didn't press further. "Although admittedly, your name does ring a bell—and no, I am not drunk. I am rarely drunk." he says to you.
You nod, not doubting him. "But if you say such things about my name, then I guess it's rather possible that...you've probably met a variant of me."
When you think about it, it's weird. It also feels much more awry for you to be here. If there's another you in this universe, then you can certainly feel like you're upholding your self-accusations of being an imposter. You shiver.
"But I've never seen nor recognized you, ever." Thor says.
Even as though it had prickled something in you, you just shrug. "Well, variants don't always look like a duplicate of yourself." you mention, two certain variants come to mind. "In truth, even genders could be altered."
Thor lights up with interest. "My word, that's interesting and it actually makes much more sense."
Loki hasn't said anything. It was quite odd as you noticed he stood rigidly as he listened, hands clamped over in front of him—his stance shielded, almost like he's hiding something.
That's suspicious. you think.
Thor had gone into his mind, trying to recall something, albeit in a forceful manner. He narrowed and glared at a spot before it contorts into a smooth unfolding of realization.
"Actually- "
"Brother, why don't we let the lady tire her exhaustions out for tonight?" Loki cuts him off, letting him deceive you with his composed countenance. "It has been quite the feast."
You tread on his point, concealing your suspicions. "Then, where shall I stay?"
Thor recovers, leaving his unspoken thoughts. "Of course! You can stay on either of our tents tonight," you almost break your neck snapping your eyes on him as he continued. "since I asked not to start on the royal quarters unless our people have gotten their own. So, I hope a tent would suffice?"
"I don't mind a tent but, I would hate to intrude his royal highnesses' abode." you defend, baffled.
You soon noticed even Loki had given his brother an unapproving look. "Hang on, why am I included on that?"
"Oh, come on. Aren't you a prince? Wouldn't hurt to be a gentleman from time to time can it, brother?"
Loki hesitates to speak. "You..."
You try to diffuse. "I'm alright if it's alright for...either of you. Surely, that would also mean I am to sleep separately...?"
"Yes, yes." Thor confirms. "Do not fret, my lady. I will be sleeping somewhere else. Be it a couch or a wooden skiff, I do not mind."
That doesn't make you feel any less guilty for taking a prince's bed.
You we're about to retort but the raven haired god beat you to it. "You are terrible." he mutters, directing it at Thor. He then trails his eyes on you, soft cerulean ones touching your heart. "My tent is open for intrusions. Though, I do not take kindly to people with nosy skittering hands."
"Well, would you look at that." Thor preens. Loki shoots him a stern look.
"O- Of course..." you reply, quite baffled once again. "But, what about you?"
It takes him a while to respond. "You shan't bother knowing." he says, lifting up a feigned smile. "Besides, you won't be staying here long, will you?"
Somehow, you catch his point. And you're once again pierced with the dawning remembrance of your timely task. This will only be a single night of intrusion, nothing to fuss over; you are temporarily existing amongst them. It doesn't matter who you're mending a bond with, you're not supposed to be here.
And it almost sounds like he's intending to shut you out, and that cuts something deeper in you.
"You're right." you agree.
You've been enjoying yourself too much that you forgot you'll be leaving this all behind. Once again, just another memory to be stored in your mind.
You don't belong here.
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Song inspired: 'Villeman Og Magnhild' (Villeman And Magnhild)
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Previous chapter: (Chapter 5)
Series Masterlist
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'A Chance and Beyond' taglist (you can ask/comment to be tagged!):
@oscarissac2099 @lcolumbia1988
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soul-system · 1 year
Part 3
Loki x Reader
Summary: A young sorceress finds herself locked deep inside Asgard's well renowned prison, feeling that her punishment is extremely harsh she soon realises the true intentions of the authorities and turns to the aid of a mischievous trickster.
Kind of follows Thor: The Dark World
Trigger warnings: Rape, abuse mentally and physically
I do not own any of the Marvel characters mentioned in this book apart from my oc' Zeanna'.
Next part>>. Series Masterlist.
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The pungent smell of damp hit my senses as I was dragged down the never ending stone stair case. With the same guards still in my presence I discovered that their names were Cadoc and Dakarai. When we finally reached the dungeon I was greeted with the moans and shouts from fellow prisoners. I shuddered as I was paraded between the cells allowing the convicts to taunt me. With rude, sexual comments being shouted my way, another rouge tear slid down my cheek as I arrived at my cell. I looked around the bare room, it had a single bed placed at the centre. I was unchained and thrown forward onto my hands and knees. "We'll be seeing you later, sweet" Cadoc sneered, rubbing his hands together before leaving my cell and raising the force fields. That was it, I was locked from the outside world, all alone, fearful of the guards and the men that surrounded me. More tears fell from my heavy eyes before commotion in the opposite cell caught my attention. The cell before me was now occupied by Loki. His hands were clasped behind his back and his sleek raven hair barely moved as he waltzed around his cell. A bed, table, chairs, books and many more luxuries filled the vast space and I couldn't help but envy the liberties Loki had. I dried my tears and sat on the bed in my cell, I parted my hair to the side and attempted to finger comb the knots throughout it. I then straightened my dress, hopelessly trying to cover my bare legs and revealed chest. I sighed picking at my nails. This was my life now. Complete loneliness and despair.I circled my hands between one another and allowed a gold mist to swirl in and out of my fingers, out of curiosity I pushed the power towards the force field and of course, the golden fog dispersed around the walls and seeped through the ceiling. I groaned and took a seat against the wall. "What did you expect?" A smooth voice questioned. I looked up and saw Loki looking towards me. I shrugged "With the way my lucks going, not much" I murmured. No more was said and I saw the mysterious man turn and walk away towards his bed. I too did the same and laid down, facing away from him.
With time slowly passing, I tossed back and forth on the uncomfortable mattress, with my intrusive thoughts darkening my perception of the prison, I stood up shaking my head before sitting cross legged towards the front of my cell looking contently at Loki. He sat in a chair reading, he seemed almost at peace, however he soon noticed me staring and threw me an evil glare. I looked down towards my worn bare feet, blushing in embarrassment.
I must have fallen asleep as I awoke to the commotion of guards and prisoners marching in between mine and Loki's cell. Instinctively I looked over to Loki, however this time a woman was with him. She had a kind and gentle looking face, and by associating the niceties in Loki's cell I assumed this was Frigga, Loki's mother."Odin continues to bring me new friends" Loki stated as he walked towards his cell wall, watching the prisoners walk past "How thoughtful" he sneered.
"The books I sent, did they not interest you?" Frigga asked politely. Loki turned around and walked across his cell" is that how I am to while away eternity? Reading?" Loki questioned continuing to walk to his mother "I have done everything in my power to make you comfortable Loki" the queen continued as Loki stopped before her. "Have you?" Loki began as he learnt towards her pushing his weight onto a chair " Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor? It must be so inconvenient, them asking after me day and night"
"You know full well it was your actions that brought you here" Frigga answered. I was aware I was watching the scene before me and I didn't want to seem rude, I began to fiddle and braid my hair,still, however, very much listening. "My actions?!" Loki asked with a laugh "I was merely giving the truth to the lie I've been fed my entire life when I was born to be a king" Loki finished. The man was captivating, the way he which he held himself and the environment around him was truly extraordinary. He oozed confidence. I couldn't help but feel attraction towards him, his eyes showed a soft soul yet his body was a hard shell dripping with hatred, his facial features were as sharp as a blade and you could see his fine, proud physique, even through his clothes. He truly was a God.
"A king? A true king admits his faults, what of the lives you took on earth?" Frigga pushed. "A handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself" Loki replied. "Your father..." Frigga began, "HIS NOT
MY FATHER!" Loki bellowed causing me to jump and drop the plait I had been fiddling with, allowing it to untwine and fall limp in front of my face. There was a long silence. "Then am I not your mother?" Frigga asked quietly. Another pause. You could see the pain in Loki's eyes and the regret wash over his body. "You're not" he answered. Frigga shook her head and laughed falsely. "Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself" Frigga finished placing her hands upwards in front of her. Loki bit his lip, looking down and shaking his head apologetically before walking towards his mother. He placed his hand on top of hers before the hologram of the queen disappeared causing his hand to fall. Loki looked to me with glossy eyes, he acknowledge my sad smile before sitting down and flipping through the pages of a book.
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buttybarnes1917 · 3 years
An Unexpected Party
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Summary:  When your ex, Steve Rogers, posts pictures of his new girlfriend Natasha on Instagram, initially your only thought is panic.  With your step-brother’s wedding next week, and your friends Wanda and Yelena pushing you, you ask Yelena’s cousin, James Barnes, to help you out.  You thought he was just a nerd, but what you weren't expecting was an actual Instagram model with no drive but an insane amount of intelligence.  
Will you get Steve back?  Or will the booksmart young man with a track record of giving up steal your heart?
Nerdy!Bucky x Reader
AN: New story alert!! Let me know what you think! Comments and asks keep me going :) I love writing, and I love feedback!
You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose slightly as Wanda poured you another drink.  “Christ, Wanda, I can’t stand him,” You sighed, grabbing the glass and sipping, making a face.  “What is this?”
“Something to get you drunk,” Wanda laughed.  “Do you really care?”
“Not at all.”  You said and took another sip.  “Like? Really? Look at her.  She’s fucking gorgeous,” you whined, showing her the Instagram post your ex took with his new girlfriend.  Her name was Natasha Romanov, and she was skinny, and short, and had big boobs, a nice ass, a jawline that could slice your throat open—she was an actual model and also had a degree in computer engineering.  You know that because you and Wanda did some digging into her Linked In during the obvious deep dive that happened as soon as Yelena sent a screenshot of the picture to your group chat with forty-seven exclamation points and twenty-seven question marks.
“Steve looks good,” Yelena pointed out, swiping left on the pictures.  “Like.  Really good.”
“Not helping, Lena,” Wanda hissed as you groaned again, placing your forehead on the counter.  
“What? You want me to lie? Oh he’s so ugly, god, he has so many zits and his arms are like tiny sticks that you pick up from the ground in the fall after a storm,” Yelena said sarcastically. “Look at him like.  He has a breakup bod.”
“I hate you.” You whined as you pushed yourself up, glaring at Yelena.
“No you don’t, you know I’m not lying,” Yelena retorted. “It doesn’t change that he was a piece of shit to you, but he’s now a hot piece of shit.”
“Yelena!” Wanda shushed as you groaned again, downing the glass of alcohol, and holding it up for Wanda to refill.  
“Oh my god he’s gonna bring her to Tony’s wedding,” You gasped suddenly, and Yelena and Wanda looked at each other.  “How the hell am I going to outdo a model with a fucking model, like come on he looks like he lifts 24 hours a day.”
“What about your brother?” Yelena asked Wanda and she made a face.
“Pietro?  Number one, he’s back in Sokovia, number two, he’s seeing a boy right now.”
“Thor? Or his sibling, the hot one that went to jail a few times…. Loki?”
“Thor is a himbo, and Loki’s way too much for Y/N to deal with right now.” Wanda pointed out.  “Plus I’m pretty sure they’re on parole, and they’re also seeing a guy.  I saw on Instagram.  Mobius or Morpheus or something”
“Dude how is Loki doing better than me right now.” You whined and Wanda rubbed your back gently.  
“Oh!” Yelena gasped suddenly. “My cousin, James!”
“Your cousin? The one that’s dropped out of school like four times?” Wanda snorted.
“Hey back off, he has shit going on.” Yelena said immediately. 
“Absolutely not.” You said. “I have my own shit going on.” Yelena pouted and looked on her phone.
“Just try to get some sleep,” Wanda coaxed you gently.  “We can talk about this in the morning.  Maybe we can fake that you have mono or something.”
“Say you have an STD and you got it from Steve,” Yelena suggested and you and Wanda both stared at her. “What? Why does no one take me seriously?”
“Cant imagine why,” you grumbled as Wanda helped you to the guest bedroom and tucked you into bed, leaving some Advil and water on the dresser for you.  You settled down, staring at the ceiling, remembering back when you weren’t lonely and drunk before midnight on a Wednesday night.
Your phone dinged and you winced as you looked at it.    There was a message from Yelena.
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You zoomed in on the picture, finding his Instagram and shamelessly stalking him.  You found the picture easy enough, it was his most recent post.
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Fuck indeed.  
Chapter 2
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vendettaparker · 3 years
Favorite Crime (Teaser) [L.L]
Summary: You realize that being Loki’s willing accomplice is much easier than being his enemy. 
Word Count: TBD
Warnings: TBD
a/n: i have no idea when this will be out! i just started it, but i’m super motivated right now, so it could be out in a week, but if i get busy or need a break it could be longer. it’ll be as much of a surprise to me as it will be to you guys. comment or send an ask to be tagged for this piece specifically, if you are on my permanent taglist you’ll already be tagged. reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, get hyped! (there is more after the cut, this is a longish teaser!)
“That’s terrible form Loki!” Thor yelled from the top Balcony of the palace, before jumping down and landing with a flash of lightning next to his younger brother. He smirked at you, watching from the sidelines with a book in your hand, though you were formally watching the young god of mischief, your mind now unimpressed, moved back to the pages set before you. 
“You have to be more like a boulder,” Thor explained, swiftly knocking his brother over, “you’re like a piece of parchment, I could tear you up so easily.” 
Loki huffed from the floor, his new robes now covered in mud, “I wasn’t really trying,” he mumbled, slowly getting up and dusting his bottoms off, “I just was giving it a go.” 
“Well there's no point,” Thor shrugged with a laugh, “you’re not not really that good at it.” 
“Thor Odinson!” Frigga called from the top balcony where Thor had jumped from, “Get back up here! Your fitting is not over for the banquet tonight!” She narrowed her kind eyes at Loki, now standing, glaring at his older brother, “You too, Loki,” she chided, “I will not have my sons looking like hooligans at this dinner.” 
Loki and Thor collectively rolled their eyes, before Thor threw a playful punch at his brother, “race you!” He laughed boisterously, getting a head start and running for the entrance of the servants quarters to make his way to the top where Frigga was waiting for them. 
“There’s no point,” Loki called, but Thor was already halfway across the lawn, “you always beat me anyways.” Loki sighed, beginning his trek back to the palace. 
“I thought you did good,” You spoke up, your soft and innocent doe eyes looked warmly at Loki, “for just starting out, I mean.” 
“Pshh,” Loki chuckled, “like you could’ve done better.”
You shrugged and closed your book, brushing off his dig, knowing he was already fragile from Thor’s earlier intrusion, “I just said you did good. Learn to take a compliment.” You smiled playfully, strutting off to the far side of the lawn, away from Loki’s view. 
Loki scoffed, but your comment put a smile on his face nonetheless. Something special, he thought, I’ve just found something special.
It was two years later, at the age of fifteen (In Asgardian years) when Loki spoke with you again. But he watched you. Oh, how he watched you. The way you smiled at the baker and played with the children in the square. You always had a book, clutched close to your heart, and it was always the same strange book that he never understood. A token from Midgard with the most unusual title of Le Morte d'Arthur, from the way you smiled as you skimmed the pages, Loki could tell it was precious to you. 
“What’s that about?” He wondered aloud one day, catching you looking over the fjord of Asgard, “you always have it with you, and you smile like a silly nymphet when you read it, but surely it can’t be that good, being Midgard quality and all.” 
You scoffed and closed the book, surprised the young prince was talking to you at all, but more-so offended at his lack of knowledge regarding the intricacies and beauties of Midgard. “For your information,” You began with a playful ‘know-it-all’ smirk, “Midgardians happen to have some of the most beautiful and meaningful literature. The books in the royal library are mostly conjecture and gloom, battle plans and fighting techniques, but this,” You held the book up, proudly showing it off, “this is special.” you insisted with a proud gleam in your eye, “it’s about love and betrayal, and it’s so intricate, explaining emotions in a way that I can hardly fathom, though I know what it means all the same.” 
“Love? Betrayal?” Loki scoffed, snatching the book from your hands, “it’s a fairytale, you mean?” He asked, skimming a few pages for himself. 
“Perhaps,” You shrugged, “but a fairytale with a message.” 
“And that is?”
“Depends on what you think, I suppose.” You snatched the book back, “It has so many messages, I doubt you’d stick to listening to just one.”
Loki pondered this, taking a seat beside you in the soft tall grass of the cliff, “Will you read it to me?” He asked finally. You looked at him curiously, prepared for him to laugh at you and retract his request, but instead he smiled, “How will I know what message to listen to if I can’t hear it read to me?”
You smiled too, a glittering toothy grin that lit up your whole face, reflective of the butterflies and giddiness you felt in your gut. “Of course, you highness. How could I ever refuse a prince.” 
“Just call me Loki,” the boy shrugged, a light blush tinted in snow white skin, “I’m nothing special like a prince.”
“They don’t just give those titles willy nilly,” You argued, opening the book to the first page. 
“They must’ve for me.” Loki countered with a simple shrug.
“No,” You shook your head, “I can tell, you’re burdened with glorious purpose. We just have to wait and see what it is.” 
✧tags & moots✧ @ptersmj @princessofguineapigs @peterbenjiparker @cherrytholland @itsapeterthing @justapurrcat @thirstiestpotato @kelieah @iovebug  @waitimcomingtoo  @rosyparkers  @parkers-gal @allegra-writes @starktonyx  @celestialholland  @hollandcrush  @londonspidey @blissfulparker @spidernerdsblog @spidey-sophie @spideyspeaches @peterparkers-bad-youtube-apology @andilovetowrite @sinisterspidey @asonofpeter @westcoastcigar @arlo-sanders @love-peterparker @boiolay @letssee2468  @white-wolf1940 @fandom-life-12 @hollandsdream @annathesillyfriend @lovelybarnes @miseryholland @wierdteenagenerd @duskholland @hollandprkr @lauras-collection @arvinsescape @hollandsrecs @super-not-naturall @amourtentiaa @allthisfortommy @selfcarecap @misshale21 @morganwilliams
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Witcher reader x Loki
Part two
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Through their bickering, it was decided to take shifts throughout the night to keep watch. Loki had the first night shift keeping guard as his oaf of a brother slept loudly. Loki poked at the fire with a stick as he frowned with an elbow on his knee, and chin in hand. The orange fiery glow on his face made (Name) wonder what was going on in the complex mind of his. She was on the ground by now but stayed in the shadows as she got closer, she noticed their clothing to be strange, they wore armor but did not look like knights. Loki stopped his poking, staying completely still as if listening and sensing her presence around them. He called forth “Who goes there?” The silence was all she gave him. She watched him more intently and was shocked to see a flash of green came from his hand and daggers now appeared in his hands as he turned towards her proximity. She tilted her head in the shadow watching as he came close, his daggers at the ready, her eyes snapped to the blonde male who was still loudly sleeping with his snoring drifting through the wind. “I said who goes there? Show yourself” Loki called with more authority Stepping out she held her hands up watching him with her golden eyes. The young man was shocked but regained composure and glared at her pointing one dagger in her face as he talked “Why are you lurking about in the shadows?” he glared “Just traveling past, thought you were Knights...clearly not” she lied “So you are...sorcerers?” “Only I…” he said with his guard up “and do not lie to me you quim” “Quim? I would watch your tongue boy” she growled “with an attitude like that I wouldn’t be surprised to see your body in the middle of a lake with your head on a spike” “Charmed” he hissed out behind clenched teeth. The two in a stare-off with burning glares. A few moments later Loki lowered his arm and squinted his eyes at her for a moment “You boys aren’t from here” she commented, staying near the bushes. Loki shrugged his shoulders before a quick side glance at his older brother. Turning his attention to her yet again he noticed her unusual appearance, despite her young figure her hair was as white as Odin’s, her eyes gold as the fire, her skin strikingly pale. (Name) cleared her throat getting the man’s attention “We are from distant lands… we are seeking a witch, known as the White Wolf of Riva” Loki spoke with a bothered sigh “Riva? That town is no longer around, it was burnt down to ruins” (Name) expressed “what you look for isn’t a witch but a Witcher, correct?” “Same differences” Loki glared “Nowhere near” she corrected him “witches are healers, typically wise women. A Witcher was once-normal humans who were mutated by a combination of science and magic, which made them mutants; they are able to take potions that are toxic for normal people, they heal fast, high endurance, stamina and much more” “I appreciate the lesson, however, I don’t have time for nonsense. Where do I find this Mutant?” “Why do you seek for a monster hunter?” she asked “None of your concern. Just tell me where this thing is” he growled out. (Name) could feel his frustration and reached for a dagger feeling chaos seep out of him. Loki glared at her action and used an energy blast at her hand dropping her dagger “Well I overstayed my welcome” she hissed “why do you need a monster hunter when you are more than capable of doing it yourself” Loki glared at her but held back as what she said caught him a little off guard. (Name) stayed put and watched him carefully “What do you mean by that?” he asked “You are something different… you harness so much chaos. You could easily get rid of whatever monster that is terrorizing your town… why need a witcher?” she asked “....My father- My king’s order was to find (Name), the White Wolf of Riva. The thing that is terrorizing our people is something of this world, Our magic does not have an effect on it” he explained before raising his dagger at her again with a glare “so let me say this again, darling. Where is (Name) the Witcher of Riva”
There was silence between the two as the chilling air bit at their skin. She smirked as she stared at the strange mage, it was only then when a laugh left her soft lips when Loki pieced together what was going on. A little annoyed by being outsmarted he lowered his dagger and bee-lined to his brother and rather forcefully kicked him, startling the blonde man awake as grabbed his hammer “What is it?” spoke the startled blonde “....I found the witch..er” Loki added with an annoyed frown. Thor saw the woman and gave a large smile as he approached her, this took her by surprise as he came up to her hugging her. She was frozen then sudden friendly and warm greeting feeling so alien to her left her paralyzed in his hold. This reaction did not go unnoticed by the god of mischief “By Odin’s beard! We have found you Lady (Name) of Rivia” beamed the blonde “I am Thor Odinson, son of the Alfather, Odin” “...” “We have come to retrieve you to Asgard to deal with a beastly creature, by the request of our father.” he put her down with his arm around her shoulder in a friendly manner “Alright brother take us home, Mother will be pleased we arrived early” Loki replied shortly with a no causing Thor to question his brother with slight annoyance in his tone “What do you mean, no?” “...I can’t-” Loki was interrupted “What on earth do you mean you can’t!” barked out Thor “Whatever your Father had done to get us here used my magic as a safe vessel to get us here unharmed. So I’m currently drained at the moment, if I take all three of us back now it would be suicide!” snapped the younger male “We have the best healers of all the nine realms, you’ll be fine Loki” Thor glared “I never took you as a coward” They glared at one another with such rage that made (Name) uncomfortable feeling the energy of chaos coming off of the two men but mostly coming out from Loki “And I never took you to be someone who wanted me dead so badly” Loki hissed out “Ok boys. Let’s all calm down” she said walking to the space between the two “If you are saying you are from another world that it would be best to give Loki time to regain strength to make the journey back. But I suggest we leave now. The woods are not a place to rest especially when winter is coming” “And the closest down?” Thor asked (Name) while packing things up and getting their horses ready “At least a day or two rides. Vizima, is the capital of Temeria. It sits picturesquely on the shore of Lake Vizima in the valley of the Ismena River.” (Name) explained “Told you” Loki muttered as he fixed up his horse which earned him a glare from his brother “I’m sorry to say lady (Name) but we do not have an extra horse. If you like you may travel with me on my horse” Thor spoke with a smile while Loki rolled his eyes “Charmed but no thank you, I have my own ride,” she said turning away “I’ll go with her...we can't afford losing her” Loki spoke as he followed (Name) which she didn't mind
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imagine-loki · 3 years
What About Trust, Chapter 10
TITLE: What About Trust CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 10 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki owns a bookshop on Midgard. He had to do something there to try and avoid getting any attention. But he’s not fond of having customers, is rather grumpy and guarded. But then he meets a bright, bubbly and trusting young woman who doesn’t recognise him. To his dismay, he finds himself becoming rather fond of the mortal.  RATING: M
When Loki woke up the following morning, he had Cleo curled up still sleeping right in against him with her head on his chest and his arm was draped around her. He smiled and sighed lightly in contentment.
He just lay there in peace with her while she slept. After a while, he finally felt her rousing.
‘Good morning, darling.’ He couldn’t resist slipping his hand underneath her pyjama top and lightly tracing over her back.
‘Morning!’ She giggled and squirmed. ‘Oi, that tickles.’
Loki’s lips tugged up into a smirk. ‘Ohh it does, does it?’
‘Oh no.’ Cleo knew by the tone of his voice that he was in a mischievous mood. So she knew exactly what was coming, but she wasn’t quick enough to move away.
She screeched out loud with laughter as he slid his hand down to her side and started tickling her thoroughly. Loki laughed along with her as he moved more over the top of her, making sure to tickle her stomach and up over her ribs too with both hands, having her laughing hysterically beneath him. She wasn’t even able to be mortified when she snorted a few times with her laughter, because she couldn’t focus on anything.
‘Surrender! I surrender!’ Cleo yelled out breathlessly. She was relieved when his hands stilled on her hips, he chuckled.
‘Has anyone ever told you that your laugh is rather adorable.’ Loki grinned.
‘Oh god, no. It’s awful.’ She whined and put her arm over her eyes. Loki squeezed her hips, making her yelp and she quickly pulled her arm away to glare up at him. ‘Don’t you dare!’ She warned.
‘I love dares.’ He growled low, moving his fingers very slightly in warning he was going to tickle her again, but he didn’t.
‘You are freakishly strong!’ She commented when he rolled back onto his side, letting her go completely.
Loki chuckled softly. ‘I am a bit.’
‘You’d come in very handy on delivery day. Sometimes those boxes are near impossible on my own.’ She said as she slipped out of bed.
‘Just let me know and I will easily come give your weak ass a hand.’
Cleo gasped in mock shock. She grabbed her pillow and leaned over to whack him in the face with it, muffling out his wicked laughter.
But when the pillow fell, he growled at her and lunged towards her, she let out a screech and made a run out of the bedroom. Loki leapt out of bed and chased after her through her little flat, so it didn’t take long before he caught her in his long arms in the living room, spinning her around as he lifted her up.
‘Now you’re just showing off with your strength.’ She giggled as he placed her back down onto her feet.
‘I can’t help myself.’ He chuckled and smoothed her hair back from her face.
Cleo’s heart was beating fast in happiness with how comfortable they were together, and how playful and affectionate he was becoming with her. She slid her arms around his waist and leaned into him, hugging him tightly.
Loki smiled and buried his face into her hair as he hugged her back just as tightly.
‘I’m so glad I walked into your book shop, Luke.’ She said happily, slightly muffled against his chest.
Loki felt a pang of guilt shoot through him. ‘Me too, darling. Me too.’
Loki had a big smile on his face as he entered his home that afternoon. But he took pause after taking a few steps in. Something wasn’t right… Someone was in his home.
Dagger forming in his hand, he cautiously continued in, as quiet as a cat. He heard someone in the kitchen as he drew closer, he tightened his grasp on his dagger as he turned the corner to face the intruder.
‘THOR!’ He roared angrily as he saw his brother raiding the fridge.
Thor turned around beaming. ‘Brother! So good to see you.’ He rushed over towards Loki and pulled him into a big hug. Loki rolled his eyes and reluctantly patted his back before gaining some space.
Thor glanced down at the dagger and frowned. ‘Were you planning to stab me again?’
‘I was. I thought you were an intruder.’ Loki huffed as his dagger disappeared and he headed for the sink to get a glass of water.
‘You haven’t been to visit us in New Asgard for over four months now. I was worried about my little brother.’ Thor grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table, then he made himself comfortable on the sofa.
‘I’m just fine.’ Loki drawled as he joined him.
‘Where were you? It’s not like you to be anywhere but in your shop.’ Thor asked as he took a bite of the apple.
‘I was out.’
‘Clearly you were out. But where?’
‘None of your business.’ Loki snarled.
‘Come on, Loki… Do you have a new friend? Or a lover, perhaps?’ Thor asked, half joking but when he saw the very slight blush on his brother’s cheeks, he knew exactly what it was. ‘You do!’ He roared excitedly.
Loki cringed inwardly and he pinched the bridge of his nose.
‘Tell me about her, or him. Come on!’ Thor begged and shuffled closer, Loki looked at him with an eyebrow up and sighed.
‘If you must know, her name is Cleo. We aren’t lovers, but we are… something.’ Loki shrugged.
‘Something? Well, have you taken her on a date yet?’
‘Have you hugged her?’
‘Have you kissed her?’
‘Yes… Now stop with the questions.’ Loki hissed.
Thor was almost bouncing, he was so excited that Loki had found someone.
‘I must meet her! You need to take her to New Asgard.’ Thor said enthusiastically. Loki’s eyes widened in horror.
‘No! No, no, no. She is not to meet you, or the others.’ Loki said in a panic.
Thor frowned and looked disappointed. ‘Why not?’
‘Because…’ Loki sighed and looked down. ‘Because she thinks my name is Luke. That I’ve lived here all my life. She doesn’t know I’m a God, what I did… What I am.’
Thor felt his stomach sink, he reached out and squeezed Loki’s shoulder. ‘Brother, you need to tell her the truth. You can’t hide yourself from her. I’m sure she will understand. Surely she’d be delighted to be dating a God.’
‘Perhaps a God, yes. But not to be dating a murderous monster.’ Loki said, jaw clenched.
‘You’re not a monster, Loki. You’ve made mistakes, as we all have. That’s all in the past, you need to stop punishing yourself for it all and allow yourself to be happy.’ Thor was always trying to tell him that he deserved another chance at happiness.
‘She will leave me, she won’t want anything to do with me if she knows what happened in New York was my fault. All those innocent people I slaughtered, just to try and get power.’ Loki snapped and stood up abruptly.
‘We’ve all hurt innocent people, Loki.’ Thor said, Loki knew he meant the Avengers too. ‘You weren’t in your own mind, it was Thanos. Not you.’ Thor tried to reason with him.
‘Not entirely. I even tried to kill my own race, remember?’ Loki said as he started pacing back and fore, hands on his hips.
‘Just tell her, Loki. If she is meant to be the one for you, she will understand.’
‘No. She must never find out, Thor. I mean it. You can’t turn up here unannounced again, what if she had been with me, she will likely recognise you.’ Loki said firmly as he stopped pacing and he turned to face his brother, hands on his hips.
Thor could see the desperation in Loki’s eyes.
‘Alright.’ Thor sighed. ‘Alright… But please, at least think about telling her the truth. Before you both get hurt in the long run.’
Loki looked away from Thor and said nothing. There was no way he could tell Cleo the truth… She would hate him, would never want to see him again. He didn’t want to lose what he had with her.
Even if the thought that he was lying to her every single day was tearing him up inside.
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 1
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1090
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Starting off with a bang! I keep getting ideas for future scenes and I really need to reel myself back in before I make another super long series. Tags are open!
The opportunity that Loki had been anticipating for finally arrives a few months later. 
It was late one night. 
Screams filled the silent tower that woke everyone up. He watched as Thor and the Rogers stormed down the halls towards the medical bay. Loki took his time getting out of bed. Not too concerned over whatever hero found themselves in distress. He strolled down the empty halls towards the sound of the commotion. 
Loki might not care who was gravely injured, but he was curious. 
Especially as he rounded the corner and found you in the center of it all. 
Tony and Bruce had been thrown across the room. Thor and Rogers were currently attempting to keep you restrained while Natasha tried to inject you with a tranquilizer. 
Screams tore through your throat and he wondered what madness had come to find you if you, a mere mortal, needed the strongest beings on this earth to hold you down.
“Nat, inject her already!” Tony barks at her as he tried to regain his bearings. 
“I’m trying!” she shouts back. “She keeps thrashing around.” 
A dark laugh escapes your mouth as you look down at the Widow. 
“Roses are red. Your hands are too. How many people have been killed by you?” 
Natasha tenses at your taunt but she remains focused on her task. 
“Y/N,” Steve calls out to you. “This isn’t you.” 
“Eenie Meenie Miney Mo,” you snap at him next. “Ask for a dance and then don’t show.” 
Steve’s eyes flash with pain. His hold on you must have loosened as you find a chance to slip out of his grip and shove him away as if he weighed nothing. He flies through the air, crashing against tables and equipment before finally hitting the wall. 
You quickly groan in pain in response. Eyes sealing tightly as your body stopped resisting. 
“I’m sorry,” you cry out sounding like your normal self now. “I’m so sorry.” 
Tears rolled down your eyes and you looked up at Natasha.
“Do it,” you grit out. “Do it now!” 
Natasha doesn’t hesitate and takes advantage of this small window of your clarity to stab the needle into your neck. 
You let out a sigh of relief as your eyes fluttered closed, your entire body relaxing. You no longer resisted as you were lulled into sleep by the toxin that flooded into your veins. 
“What the hell happened?” Tony coughs out as he uses the wall to help himself up. He shuffles towards the captain and offers him a hand to help him up. “What the hell did you do?”
“We were doing recon work at the museum,” Natasha explains to him. “It was meant to be simple, but then they unloaded this crate. The readings of it were off the charts so Y/N and I decided it wouldn’t hurt to get a little closer. It seems she got too close.” 
“What was it?” Bruce asks as he brushes the debris off his hair. 
“A book,” the Widow answers. “A green burst of energy blasted her and she got knocked out momentarily. I thought she was fine when she walked it off but once we got here she started to act out.” 
“A green burst?” Loki asks, finally making himself known. He stepped out of the shadows he hid in and looked at Y/N in concern. 
“Brother,” Thor greets in surprise. “I didn’t realize you were here.” 
Loki ignores him and looks at Natasha. 
“Are you certain?” he asks her. “A green burst?”
Natasha hesitates to respond but nods.
“Then she’s lucky she’s alive,” Loki murmurs as his stare landed on you. “She should be quite dead.” 
“What are you talking about Rudolph?” Tony exclaims. 
Ignoring the name-calling, Loki glanced at your sleeping face. You looked soft and quite vulnerable asleep. His hand rests on your chin and he sighs when he recognizes the power that has decided to reside in you.
“If what you said is true then that book you found must have been one of mine,” Loki explains. “A relic I thought I destroyed long ago. It seems it survived and encased a bit of my power.” 
“You’re saying this is your fault?” Tony asks. 
“No,” Loki answers with a glare. “I had no hand in this. The book should have been left alone had your little mortal agent hadn’t gotten so curious.” 
“We weren’t trying to find it,” Natasha snaps at him. “A terrorist cell recently encountered the book. Maybe we got lucky that Y/N got zapped with whatever power it held than if they would.” 
“Are you sure about that?” Banner asks nervously. “She was spouting off some rude comments before she resisted enough to get injected with the tranquilizer. Stuff that… that I didn’t even think she knew.”
“She pinpointed your insecurities right?” Loki asks them. “Used them against you?” 
They all nod. 
“The Book of Veritas,” Loki sighs.
“Loki, what does that mean?” Thor asks him.
“The Book of Truths.” 
“You tried… You tried to destroy the truth?” Tony asks with a chuckle. 
“In some manner, yes,” Loki answers with a shrug. “God of Lies remember? The Book of Truths can be used against me so I sought to destroy the thing. It seems it didn’t work.” 
“If whatever power that book held survived even your attacks, what does that mean for Y/N?” Natasha asks in concern. 
“It means she’s somehow survived a deadly burst of power,” Loki states. “One that focuses highly on the truth and if our young Y/N is now the host of it… well, the power will grow as time goes on and most likely burn out her frail mortal body.”
“Are you saying she’s going to die?” Steve asks. 
“Yes, a torturous and gruesome long death.” 
Loki notices the shared look of concern between them. He allows a dramatic second of silence before speaking up once more.
“Unless of course, I help her.” 
“Brother this is not the time for jokes,” Thor states.
“Why would I joke about such a thing?” Loki asks with a small grin. “It’s a life or death situation.” 
“Just talk,” Natasha snaps at the Trickster. “Tell us how you’re going to fix this.” 
Loki’s grin grows wider as he crosses his arms in defiance. 
“I believe this is the beginning of a bigger conversation, agents,” Loki tells them. “For in order to acquire my help to save your little friend, I will need something in return.” 
Steve looked over at everyone and sighed. 
“What do you want?”
“My freedom.”
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen​ @is-it-madness​ @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @moonlightprime​ 
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow​ @oddly-drawn-muse​ @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-njorddottir @aoirohi​ @defunctcherrybomb​ @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie​ @moonlightprime​ @badhollandfluff​
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Eye of the Storm 9
Warnings: nonconsensual sex (series), teasing, some fingering
This is dark!Thor and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a new servant at the palace of Asgard but the job isn’t so easy as you thought.
Note: Um, some stuff happens. 
(I can’t blame @lokislastlove​ but I will anyway)
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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That night was as sleepless as many since your arrival at the palace. You mourned your old life not just for its simplicity but for the restful nights, even if they hadn’t been very long then either. 
In the morning, the routine you’d formed was the only thing that kept you from stewing in anxiety and self-pity. You just couldn’t help but sink yourself further into the mud.
You took the tray from the kitchen and crept your way up the winding staircases to the upper floors. A sense of dread filled you, a cursed sense of deja vu pervaded your mind. 
You had to stop to gather yourself outside the solarium, having unintentionally taken a turn that would see you past the king’s chambers. Loki’s were just a single corridor away. Before, they’d felt like a haven but now it was like entering another snare. The snake’s tooth was just as sharp as the lion’s fang. 
You took a breath and knocked with your elbow. No answer came and you kicked instead. Still, the silence remained. 
Surely you weren’t to carry the tray all the way back to the kitchen, you knew Loki was within. So you balanced the tray against your hip and opened the door as it teetered precariously. You entered and closed the door with your bottom, jostling the lid just a little. The prince, presumably, was still abed.
You went to the balcony and set the tray in its usual place on the round table. You turned back and swept through to the receiving chamber. You listened for any stirs from the bedroom. It would be better to wait. 
The prince no doubt recalled the previous night as well as you, though he’d not have an ounce of guilt for it. In fact, you suspected he would be quite indignant on your errant tongue. His curt dismissal, still crisp in your head, assured you of that.
You didn’t wait long as you were called to attendance. Loki’s voice carried through the open door and you froze in place, only then realising how you’d been pacing around the chaise. You went to the doorway and hovered just upon the threshold of the bedchamber. 
Loki sat up as you did, his chest bare and pale as the sunlight peered in through the tall windows. His black hair was askew, unlike its usual sleek perfection, and his green eyes were slitted with the remnants of his slumber.
“Ah, timely as always,” He commented as he turned his legs over the side of the bed, the blankets pulling away from him as he did. He was naked and either unaware of it or unaffected by it. “Come here.”
He stretched his arms above him and you reluctantly obeyed. You approached nervously, your eyes on his profile as you prayed they didn’t slip lower. He reached to you as you neared and grabbed your wrist. You let out a yelp as he pulled you close and fell back on the bed with you atop him. Your eyes were wide and fearful as you stared down at him.
He smiled and chuckled, his gazed flicked down and back to your face.
“Forgive me, I did not realise--” He said. “I do forget myself.” He purred, your lips only an inch from his. “Would you be so kind as to fetch me some water?” He sat up and shoved you off of him. “I am terribly thirsty.”
You blinked and bit down on your cheek as you turned to grab the ewer of water on the side table against the far wall. You poured a cup and returned to him. He took it and drained it easily before he stood, handing it back as he sidled past you.
"If you would draw me a bath," He said as he rounded the bed and went to the window.
"Your highness," You uttered stiffly.
You left him, thankful to be away from him, and neared the pump at the head of the ebony tub. You cranked it and watched the water splash down.
You were more angry at yourself than Loki. You knew not to trust him and perhaps you hadn't but you had thought him different than Thor. Sure, he was deceptive, arrogant, and entirely self-serving, but you hadn't thought him to be... like that.
He entered and you stopped the faucet. The water had risen rather high. You stepped out from behind the tub and stared at the marble floor as you walked along the wall to the other side. Loki went to the tub and paused at its edge.
"You might set out my attire for the day. I've a council meeting shortly." He said. "If only I were king and could hold my own pleasure above the needs of the realm."
"Yes, your highness," You were quick in your flight, taking his dismissal before he could rescind. 
Even so, you were unnerved that he let you go so easily. As you were learning, Loki was patient and with time, his plots grew ever more sinister. 
You went to his wardrobe and chose one of his many green tunics, this one trimmed in silver, and a pair of matching trousers. His heavy emerald jacket was hung at the read from a hook on the wall and you laid it out next to the rest of his outfit. You rubbed your hands together as you listened to the gentle ripples of water and his movement from the next room. No doubt leaving would only make whatever torment he had planned worse. Oh how much like his brother he truly was.
When he emerged, covered from the waist down with a towel, you stood by the door. He approached the bed and looked over your selection with a haughty grin. He let the towel fall slack and bent to dry himself. You looked away and focused on the engraving of a snake hung over the desk.
“Tell me,” He said and you kept your eyes above his shoulders as you glanced at him. “Did my brother have you dress him? Well, of course that’s rhetorical. He must have.”
You pursed your lips and said nothing. The silence was your begrudging answer.
“Don’t worry, dear, I can dress myself,” He took his undershorts and stepped into them. “I will however have you accompany me to the day’s council. The king has insisted upon it though I’d rather he put more effort into his marriage. Figures he would heed his duty when another lays upon his shoulders.”
You found it hard to do more than taste the bile of anger rising on your tongue. You cleared your throat and recited a tame “your highness.”
He smiled to himself and continued to dress. Deliberate and slow, it felt like an eternity before he was clothed. He brushed his hair and glanced in his mirror. He turned his head to admire his sharp features and stood straight. He went to his desk and seized the heavy ledger and a bundle of papers. He approached and thrust them into your arms.
“Very well, let us be off,” He declared. “But I do expect you to wipe that trite look off your face in the presence of the council. I will not shy away from doing it for you should you continue to wear it.”
You inhaled and eased the tension from your jaw as you bowed your head. He stepped past you and strutted into the receiving room.
“Do not tarry,” He called to you. “Unless you do long for my remonstrance.”
You did not miss the surprise that raised Loki’s brow as you arrived at the council chamber. Thor was the first there and sat at the head of the long table. Before him, he had his own stack of papers and barely even acknowledged his brother’s presence as he perused them.
The other lords came one at a time. You’d only attended one other session and yet something felt amiss. The way the men and single lady sat wordlessly and eyes flitted here and there, never quite meeting as something remained unsaid. You glanced at Loki for any hint of what it might be and to your surprise he seemed just as perplexed.
Thor brought the meeting to order as he sat up and slapped the table. He took a breath and could barely withhold his questionable pleasure. You peeked at Loki again and then back at the king. He had effectively ignored your presence and you felt as if you should be thankful and yet it only injected you with a sense of foreboding.
“As some of you are already aware, today is more of a formality than anything. I do have a new wife awaiting my attentions and I do hate to disappoint her so early in our union.” Thor announced. “So let us get to the matter at hand.” He paused and raised a hand to Loki who shuffled a paper before him. “Brother, your paltry little gripes can wait until our next. I do not care for the tax on grains.”
Loki’s lip twitched and he merely swallowed his protest. He looked to Sif and then Hogun. They both avoided his gaze and he poked his tongue against his top lip as he thought. Something was indeed going on.
“We will be holding a vote today on the matter of at last reinstating the legacy act.” Thor explained. “Brother, I have always admired your knowledge of our legislation. Surely you are familiar with the act.”
Lines formed around Loki’s lips and across his forehead. His green eyes burned fiercely as he glared at his brother.
“I am aware of it. I am more than. I recall our father disbanded it upon our mother’s insistence and it was upon good reason that he did.” Loki replied. “The kingdom does not need a civil war.”
“Nor does it need an empty throne,” Thor countered smoothly. “My wife, should the fates bless us, is expected to provide me the heirs necessary to continue our lineage but we both know how fickle fate can prove. I should hate to leave my kingdom without a prince, or should we have one, a princess.”
“Calla is young, she has many siblings as did her mother and father,” Loki insisted. “You hardly need insurance upon our bloodline.”
“Ah, but we cannot rely on assumptions or hopes. Didn’t you always warn me of such optimism? Ever the cynic, you are, brother,” Thor chided, “I finally take your advice and you look as if you’ve swallowed your own tongue.”
Loki’s fingers tapped on the stone table and he shrugged. “Very well, put it to a vote then brother. Certainly I am not the only who sees through your foolishness.”
“Before we go forward, are all parties familiar with the contents of the legacy act?” Thor asked. All nodded, Loki with some reluctance as he looked around. “Very well, let us vote. All those in favour,” All but the prince said aye, “And against, “Nay.” Loki shook his head, his defeat already obvious.
Thor nodded and sat back in victory. Swift, neat, easy. You knew as Loki did, as he stared down each member of the council, that they had conspired without him. The prince realised all too late that his brother was just as tricky as he was. You hadn’t any idea what had been done but as the king’s eyes settled on you and he winked, you knew it could not be good.
“Maid,” Loki beckoned to you. “I do favour a walk in the woods. If you would pack my lunch in a basket and await me in my chambers, I shall not be much longer with the matters of council.”
“Your highness,” You dipped your head.
“Quickly,” He bid under his breath and waved you away.
You obeyed, eager to be away as much as he wanted you away. His urgency to have you gone was an ill omen. It confirmed that whatever trouble twinkled in Thor’s eyes would not be good for either you or the prince.
You walked along just a step behind Loki as he led you through the trees, stopping to watch a passing bird or look closer at some leaf or petal. He had been quiet since his return from council. He’d not said a word as he tossed a blanket from the chest into the basket you’d packed with cheese, bread, and wine, and a book as well. You carried the heavy load along the narrow trails, the air warm as it was trapped by the thick trunks around you.
You came upon a clearing and he paced around its parameter. He bid you to lay down the blanket and as you did, he sat upon it, one leg bent and the other straight. He rested his elbow on the bent one and hummed in thought. You pulled out his lunch but he didn’t seem very interested in the food.
“Sit,” He said as he gestured beside him. You sat on your knees and stared at the weave of the blanket. “Are you going to ask or shall I take the initiative?”
You peeked over at him and he sighed. You shrugged and he pushed back a strand of his dark hair.
“The legacy act was created to ensure that the kingdom was not left without heir.” Loki rubbed his chin as he spoke. “Be it legitimate or otherwise.” The words seemed sour on his tongue as he forced them out. “It legalizes the keeping of concubines by the monarch so that he may assure himself a continued bloodline.” Loki shook his head. “I am certain you can guess why my brother did take an interest in reviving the antiquated and ridiculous bill.”
Your mouth fell open as it was not difficult to surmise. Even an uneducated servant like yourself could solve such a basic equation. Yet, a part of you still wanted to deny it. The king would not do all that because of you. He could have any woman in the kingdom; in your estimate, he had.
“I do understand.” You said.
Loki was silent and he reached for the loaf of bread. He took a chunk of bread and a piece of cheese and offered it to you. You thanked him as you accepted it but didn’t feel much hunger as that terrible feeling sunk deeper and deeper. Was it destiny or dread?
“Is that it?” You wondered. “Nothing else to say?”
“On the matter of my brother and his foolery? No,” Loki bit into the cheese.
You looked down at the food in your hand and broke off a piece of cheese and bread and began to nibble at it. You ate slowly, silently. The prince offered you more but you declined as you feared your stomach would flip. He packed up the leftovers himself but did not rise. He took the book he had slipped into the basket and sat back, his legs sprawled out before him.
“Do you like stories?” He asked.
“I suppose,” You answered as you played with a blade of grass pulled from along the edge of the blanket. “My mother used to tell us about the monsters found by the fishermen.”
“Well this is nothing so fantastical as that but entertaining nonetheless,” Loki said. “Would you like me to read it to you?”
You considered him a moment. He had tasted bitter defeat and it seemed to humble him but you did not truly believe him. How could you? He had proven himself a convincing actor. Yet, you found the question harmless enough. A story; a brief escape from your reality. Perhaps he was belittling you with the offer but it seemed your pride would be chipped away one way or the other.
“I would,” You accepted. “If it is no trouble to you.”
“Not at all,” He accepted. “Come,” He pointed between his legs, “Sit with me.”
Then it returned. That repulsive flavour, that bubbling sickness. Ridicule. Why had you thought it would be anything less than another trick? You didn’t have the energy to argue with the prince. You’d tried it the night before and found it futile. Humour him and perhaps he would lose interest. It wasn’t so amusing when your prey gave you no chase.
You walked on your knees to him and turned to sit between his legs. His hand rested on your hip as he guided you and bent his legs to cradle you. His hand snaked around to your stomach and he urged you to lean back against him.
“Do you mind if I continue from my mark?” He asked.
“No,” You said flatly. You just didn’t care anymore.
“Very good,” He praised as he opened the book with one hand and cleared his throat.
‘He’d never seen a creature like her. Never seen the coils of sheer delight that seemed to contort her body.’
You went rigid as you registered the words, the scene set without much preamble as his soft tone seeped into your ears.
‘It was at his touch that she writhed and raved. That she pleaded for more and yet, he had barely done anything more than pet her.’
Loki’s hand slipped down your stomach to your lap. Before you could press your legs together, his hand was between them.
“Ahh,” He warned you bluntly. “Just sit and listen. Don’t you move.”
You swallowed and looked at the text. You’d never learned to read and wondered if perhaps he was conjuring the words on his own. It didn’t matter. You just sat there as his finger pressed your skirt against your cunt.
‘He obliged her, his fingers moving almost upon their own accord.’ His own seemed to mimic the written scene. ‘He traced circles along her tender bud and watched those upon her chest sharpen. The way she gasped, moaned, and soon enough, sobbed had him swollen with desire.’
His fingers swirled as he rubbed you through your dress and your thighs squeezed his hand as the peculiar tingle stoked the panic only then breaking through your apathy. You touched his hand and he waved you away with a hum which warned of worse. You bit your lip without thinking as the ripples that rose in you echoed the movement of his fingertips.
‘He slipped further down and felt the sacred folds of her flowers. Two fingers sank into her, coated in her lust, and she choked upon her pleasure.’
His words faded in your mind as his hand stoked your body. You’d never felt anything like it before. You wanted him to stop and yet you didn’t. His voice carried on without a hint of what he was doing to you but you could not focus on the story. You leaned into him and purred as you felt yourself nearing some precipice you couldn’t see.
Your toes curled against your sandals and you grasped Loki’s knee without thinking as you arched your back. You let out a sharp cry as the tension broke suddenly and deluge washed over you. Your eyes rolled back and closed as you panted through the pulsing pleasure and his fingers slowed, easing you down from your peak.
When you opened your eyes, the book was closed. You felt a prodding along your lower back and Loki’s hand floated away from your lap. He felt along your side and sent a shiver through you as he leaned in to inhale the scent of your neck. His lips brushed your skin as he spoke.
“Remember this when he takes you,” He said. “Know that he will never make you feel better than I can.”
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aliypop · 3 years
It’s All Greek To Me
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Wordcount: 1,753
Warning : None
A/N: So this story is shining a light on not one but two characters Adonis and Aron!
"Adonis, watch your footwork..."   Achilles grumbled, looking down at the young warrior, his foot placement off  his body hunched over as his eyes passed on a few women walking by, "Your father nor Athena would be proud of you." he sighed, watching as Adonis turned to look back at him, 
"I heard nothing of what you said..." 
"As usual." Achilles laughed, holding onto his sword, " Women will be the same thing that gets you killed..." he looked at Adonis, perching himself on the column, "I doubt that... For I have no weaknesses..." Adonis laughed, his piercing blue eyes telling a lie that he had yet known existed, "Even the Gods have weaknesses, Tripolakis."  he lunged forward as the other man blocked, "You'll just have to find it." Adonis looked at him a bit confused, 
"You sound crazier than my father, who believes me to be king of Greece like him." 
"Is Zeus not the king of the Gods,"
"And are you not of Artemis..." 
"What do you speak of..." 
"I've said too much." Achilles gasped, "Before you ask, I can not give you the answers of which you seek." he sighed as Adonis stormed off into the palace.  Columns and paintings lined the halls as handmaids and servants moved out of the prince's rage. "What is Achilles going on about..." Adonis growled, his eyes becoming stormy like Poseidon's seas. Manolis, his father, only laughed as Varsia, his mother looked on in terror, 
"What all did he tell you..." 
"That I am of Artemis... " Adonis tensed up as Manolis chuckled, "That's foolish..." his dark curls shaking with every roar of his laughter, "You are the son of a king."  he stood up to approach his son, "The son of me, the son of Greece!" Manolis smirked, "You will bring Greece to victory just as my father before me." Adonis stood back from his father's grasp as he locked eyes with his mother. As the night fell upon Greece Adonis was restless, he wanted to blame it on the wine he had consumed or the countless women Adonis had ravished ever so great, but he couldn't. His mind only focused on what his father said and what Achilles had said. Walking out towards the balcony, he could see the stars, which were always his favorite. 
They reminded him that he was never alone in the world and that the Gods were smiling upon him. 
"Almighty Zeus, if you're listening, send me a sign to guide me as to what I should do." his bow and cape in the corner of his chambers as he laughed,  "Funny..." he rolled his eyes, walking away from the items until a thunderbolt followed suit towards them, 
"I see you were serious..." 
"Talking to the Gods again..." Adonis jumped, watching as his mother stood behind him, "You'll need this on your journey..." Varsia smiled, 
"It's the symbol of Apollo. It'll get you between realms..."
"I haven't much time to explain..."  she sighed. The two walk towards the stables, saddling up,  "I can only get you but so far to Olympus, but they can get you to Asgard." 
"Mother, you're not making sense."  
"You'll know when you'll get there." she kissed his forehead, sending him on his way.  
"He's on his way..." Hermes announced, watching from the grounds of the kingdom that was Olympus. Fixtures of silver graced the mountains as the Gods all came to surround their messenger. "A bit early. isn't he..." Chronos responded as Aphrodite chuckled, "Zeus isn't going to like this one bit..."  her arms crossed, 
"Besides, he harnesses no exceptional powers and-"  an arrow shot her way as the goddess looked towards Athena, who then pointed towards Artemis. Her arms folded against her person,
 "Apollo, send him away..."
"Again..." he sighed, looking at her, "But..." 
"Send him away!" she commanded. Apollo nodded, opening a portal to another realm, one called. 
"Vanaheim," Astrid laughed, her dark hair braided dressed in green. " You must not be from here..." she eyed the man's armor. It resembles those of a Greek warrior watching as he rubbed his head, "I must've fallen hard." he mumbled, looking around, surrounded by grass, land, deer, " A palace..."  he squinted, "And those are clouds, and this is a tree." she sassed, using her powers to help him stand, 
"And you are..."  he smirked, kissing her hand.
"Taken by Loki." she winked, removing her hand from his lips. "Come along, let's get you dressed..." walking into the palace, Adonis was taken by the beauty of colors and nature combined. It was as if Persephone and Artemis had both come together to create such a palace. 
"Aron!" Astrid called out, 
"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy painting-" 
he dropped the brush, his eyes on the stranger.
 "This is Adonis ... could you dress him." 
"Perhaps..." Aron smiled at Adonis, gesturing for him to follow him, "Oh and Astrid..." he watched his younger sister turn, "Yes, Aron..." she responded, her amulet glistening in the sun, "Isabasia and Thor are still waiting for your blessing..." Astrid only groaned, rolling her eyes as she marched off towards the throne room.  Adonis's eyes wandered over the prince's figure as he was a bit lean yet graceful. He had a smile brighter than Apollo's sun and eyes that twinkled like the stars.  
"Draw him a bath and wrap him in the finest of fabrics," Aron commanded the servants as Adonis looked at the prince, "Such power for someone so young."  he commented as Aron chuckled, making Adonis's heart melt, "Oh, I am anything but young... " he sat atop of his bed watching the servants usher Adonis towards the bathtub, 
"So tell me..." Adonis cleared his throat, "About yourself."  Aron laughed, undressing into his training armor, "Well, I'm a prince, I'm cursed, and the love of my life tried to kill me." he shrugged as Adonis laughed, 
"Women are a weakness to you too, huh."
"And men..." Aron mumbled, seeing Adonis's figure from the mirror a lump in his throat. He had the body of God, a sculpture even, and yet it was lounging in his tub. "Where I'm from, warriors bathe together..."  he turned to look at Aron, his cheeks turning rosy,
 "I should let you relax... uh peacefully." Aron ran out.
Adonis sighed, basking in the sun closing his eyes. " Great Aphrodite, what have  I done wrong... " he asked as he heard a light giggle, golden curls falling on top of his head as she squeezed his shoulder, "Terrible subtly..." she then paced in front of him,
 "Too forward... and you've only just met the God." 
"G-God..." he gulped, as she nodded, "Of nature, strength, and harvest."  Aphrodite chuckled,
 "How do you know this..." 
"Am I not a goddess myself..." she handed him a towel as he stood there awkwardly,
"I crafted you to look like that..."  she rolled her eyes, "Well, I'll be on my way." she smiled, leaving his presence. Later that night, Aron sat in the gardens of the kingdom, his hand petting an owl, watching his sister and her fiance braiding stems into flower crowns. 
"You know stars tell us we're not alone in the world..." Adonis said, startling the prince as he spoke, "Did I scare you.." Aron looked up at him, "Yes... Yes, you did..." he glared at the warrior now dressed in traditional Vanir attire, "And my owl friend..." 
"Sorry about that..."
"Why did you come here..." Aron asked, leaning in closer towards him, "Power, money, or my Mother sent you...."  a dagger under his throat as Adonis looked up at him, pretty brown eyes glistening in rage,  "I was sent here by the Gods... " he stuttered as Aron rolled his eyes,
 "Sorry to tell you, this isn't Valhalla..." he growled as Adonis's heart raced faster, 
"No, Olympus ..." 
"Oh, you have a lot to learn."
"Try to catch up!" Isabasia smirked, nearly tossing him around the training arena, "Hey, you should be lucky, you aren't sparring against her..." she pointed towards her sister, who had Thor pinned to the ground. "How can I when you have an ax at my head." he ducked, missing it right on time, "You just did." her hand on her hips as she threw a bow at him, Adonis catching it as he made an arrow appear in his hand.  "I always preferred archery," he breathed, letting the string go as it zipped through the sky, Aron catching it in his hands as Adonis waved back. Both Astrid and Isabasia looking at him. 
" I see..." 
"You see what, Astrid..."  Adonis blushed, his dark brown hair longer with a few braided strands. " You're in love with our brother..." she smirked,
"Hesitated, " Thor mentioned, holding his soon-to-be bride close. 
"Fine... yes... by the grace of Cupid, I like him..."  he pouted, a love-sick look in his eyes.
"Who's cupid?"
"Freya..."  Isabasia informed him. 
"If you want to impress a loved one..." Astrid looked over to Loki, sending a kiss his way, "Try being more gentle but brave, charming you're a prince, use it." she shrugged. "Does her advice usually work?"  Both Thor and Isabasia chuckled, "She may be the goddess of chaos, but she's right about love." She pecked Thor on the lips as Adonis rolled his eyes.  
Night fell, and Aron was sitting in the grass next to Loki,  rambling about his 90th time reading much ado about nothing, 
Which he tended to rant about Shakespear when Astrid was busy around the palace to listen, " And then-"  Aron nodded as he looked over, seeing Adonis waiting patiently for him. "I believe Astrids returned to her chambers," Adonis mentioned, pointing to her now lit room.   
"No worries." he smiled, "Is the seat taken..." 
"All yours." Aron smiled, sliding his hand on top of his, "See, you've been training a bit..."  he touched one of his muscles as Adonis flexed, "It's nothing. I used to train with all the greats, even the Amazons."  Aron looked at him, then at his lips, "You don't say." he watched as Adonis got closer, his hand resting on the Vanir's cheek, "Oh, but I do."
"You know I have a thing... for warriors..." he whispered as Adonis pulled him closer, 
"You don't say..." 
"Oh, but I do..."
"Damnit, will you two just kiss already!" both Loki and Astrid grumbled from the window, the two eavesdropping. 
"Perhaps we can take this to Asgard... We'll be ALONE there."
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Infinity War (7)
Loki & The Avengers
Summary: A work inspired by @queencfthestarsdrfoster ‘s post of the universe where Loki is alive and Thor is avenged.
Series: Will contain all- and more- that we saw in Infinity War. Will not contain smut and fluff for obvious reasons. Might contain weird humor though.
Chapter content: time to face the truth
Warnings: talk about the past
Word count: these weird dreams are getting weirder by the day
MASTERLIST & Taglist in bio, my love
"Why is he looking at me like that?" "You could have gotten a much better look if this one put in a little effort in the...aesthetic part of his armour suits. And face" Vision feels his head jerk back while he narrows his eyes at the new person standing in the room as if he owns it; him and Tony Stark. There is not even a flutter in Loki's emotions when he makes that comment but the young scientist who is analysing the internal nodal connections inside Vision is having a gala time as she watches this go down. "I am not even going to acknowledge that with a comment," Tony states as he tries he best to stand still while the Wakandan doctors work with the vibranium beads to help the man heal his wounds. "Because you know he's ugly," Loki quips and Shuri cannot help but swing her neck to catch Tony lick his lips and shift his weight between his legs.
"Quite bold coming from you." This voice is new for Loki. So is the red hair that flows around the face seemingly carrying the weight of an entire world in her eyes. And there it is! The glare that Loki is more familiar with than his own name. "Did I hurt someone from your family too?" the voice carries a hint of tiredness yet the sharpness of the God is not lost in those words. Bruce adjusts his glasses over his nose as his eyes roll and turn to Loki. The stern words pleading him to stop for a breather seem to take a pause on the scientist's lips when he witnesses the view unfolding in front of him and others. Red and green plasmic waves float around the two magicians without either of them moving a limb. The colours seem to mingle at one point before they trace a path to the other being and try their best to find and opening. It is not as much a fight to dominate as it is a challenge to find out who is strong enough to let the other one in. "Wanda," a prayer leaves Vision's lips in concern for his love but Tony is quick to raise his hand enough to let everyone in the room know they better not intervene. Not yet. If they had not known Loki as they do, it would have seemed like an ethereal dance of two energies. And a dance it was. Loki's green waves hopped and jumped around Wanda's red akin to two plasmic entities playing tag with each other, wanting to wait it out. Now some would say great minds think alike while others can state that it wasn't as much of the minds as the hearts that making the decision today; for both Loki and Wanda let their guard down at the same time, entering each other's sacred grounds to find a piece to take with them. "Wanda," a concerned yet authoritative call comes from the other end of the room. A single tear falls off those pale and tired skins as the sole evidence of the exchange before their powers dissipate and let the room breathe. "Well, well," Loki is the first to compose himself, straightening his back while bringing his arms behind as he turns to face his favourite boy. "if it isn't the earth's mightiest hero." "Consistent? Sure. Mightiest? Ehh," Tony mutters before looking anywhere but at Captain America. Well, at least that is what he thinks he will do till his eyes catch of glimpse and then come back to properly settle on the nomad look Steve Rogers chose for his time away. Steve's brooding brows do not leave the God for a second, nor do they fluster when Steve walks down the steps towards him, clearing the atmosphere of any misunderstandings about who is in charge- to which Shuri simply rolls her eyes and fires up her system. "Not want to be a part of the sausage fest, thank you," she mutters and gets to work. Peter seems torn between helping her out- as an excuse to see her lab- and witnessing Steve Rogers and Loki go down before his mentor's piercing gaze tells him he is better off with Shuri any damn day. "I told you we would meet again, Captain," Loki smirks at Steve and bows a little. "The honour is mine as always." "You are alive right now because Bruce has put his faith in you." "I haven't killed myself yet just for having a chance to meet you." Ignoring the gasps and groans in the background Loki takes a step towards the Captain. "If you doubt me-" he raises his arms in the air as a sign to have let his guard down- "strip me away of my power and use my weakness as you may." He looks at Wanda to let Steve follow his gaze. Wanda is standing next to Vision now, trying to gravitate herself with the support of the nearest table under her wavering hands. With one satiating deep breath, she finds her ground and focuses her eyes back to the present, thanking the wide glass walls to let the Wakandan sun and greens for their part. The sternness Steve has for Loki melts the second he turns to Wanda. The shift pinches Loki but he reduces it to just another jab and waits patiently for Wanda to say her peace. Wanda brings forward her hand and lets Steve rest his palm in hers. The moment their hands touch, a sting of her pulsating power can be seen reflecting right in Steve's irises as red embers glowing intensely for a second before disappearing into the darkness they came from. Loki has seen that look before. The very look he carried when learned the truths about the world around his. He can see the similar fear-laced question in those galactic eyes of Steve Rogers as well.  The question isn't carried in words but in the shallow breaths his lungs take in and out repeatedly till they are balanced enough to take grasp of the reality. Bucky- who has been standing in the corner of the room- takes a step towards Steve only to be stopped by Sam. "He's fine," the soldier whispers while gesturing with a nod towards an equally concerned Tony who pats the Captain's back before soothing it. "You okay there, Cap?" His voice has nothing but concern for his friend in this passing moment. Everything is in the past for now. For now. Fingerless gloved hands get hold of Tony's arms and this is the second when Tony realises that Steve isn't shivering under the cloud of fear, not is he panicking under any dark spells. He is standing there with his brows constricted in a serious thought while his pupils are trying to refocus from infinity. The entire hall is silent, waiting for Steve something and yet patient enough to let him take his time. And he finally raises his head to turn towards Loki with a look no one in the room could expect. "Thanos." The word itself carries a firm note and the weight in Captain's voice can tell Loki how much this man has already understood. No wonder he is my favourite. "He is the reason behind-" "Everything." Loki walks towards Vision and stands next to him- right in the centre- to let his magic display the knowledge which is lost upon the rest of the audience. The plasmic waves form four stones in his palm with a glow akin to their original spirit. "He is the reason the universe has not known peace because of his hunger for these. And the two that are here on earth." "How many does he have right now?" Sam asks the question everyone wants to talk about. "He has Space, Power and Reality." "So we have Vision's third eye and Doctor's necklace. There's still one missing. Not to mention the crippling doubt of whether we will be able to win with two pebbles." Loki comes to stand by the glass wall overlooking the grassland spread till the mountains by the horizon. The sun rays feel calming on his skin when he closes his eyes to breathe in the peace for a second. "There is one thing that Thanos has a firm belief in; so deep and blind that even the flip of this universe will not tether that belief. The belief of being the righteous person who can set everything on its true course. Anything that does not flow as he chooses must be cleared away. He claims himself to be a God that can set the balance. The saint of saints." Opening his eyes, he turns around to face the crowd immersed in those words that have been wanting to flow for a century now. "The only mistake this saint made was walking away without witnessing me die with his own eyes. So now, I will make him pay. I have a plan. And that plan has all of you." Steve, rerunning his words in his mind while his eyes rest on the ground and his thumbs in his belt loops, wonders out loud, "And why should we trust you?" Bruce shifts where he stands, wanting to say something. "I once told my brother to trust my rage-" Loki looks down at his right hand reflecting the scars- "I now ask of you the same-" his eyes mapping the ones from this morning before turning back to the humans- "trust my rage. Trust that I will avenge my brother's death-" his plan to stay stoic is given away by the rapid blinks to wash away that dew trying to settle on the edge of his eyes- "and if need be, bring him back."
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
Odin’s Ward ~ Chapter 2
Link to previous part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/629921660092514304/odins-ward-chapter-1
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word count: 2545
Warnings: None
Y/n: 8 // Loki: 10 // Thor: 14
Loki’s POV
“Come now, brother, surely you can do better than that!” Thor laughs and swings his sword in my direction.
I roll my eyes and parry, taking a few steps backwards as I do so. “You know well that this area of fighting is not my forte.”
“And it is my job as your older brother to remedy that.”
I swing towards him this time, a blow he blocks easily. “Then why do we pay the trainers so generously?”
Thor chuckles. “It shall be one of the first things I fix when I am king.”
My grip on the sword tightens. “Perhaps Father will choose me as his successor.”
Thor laughs heartily, as though the idea is preposterous. To him, it surely is. “Brother, you must understand. Father has every intention of picking me. I am the firstborn, I am known as the golden son, and I am the strongest of the two of us. I mean no offense, but surely you must see how I am the clear choice.”
Despite the lack of malice in his voice, I cannot stop the anger that rushes through me. I reset my stance and prepare to attack again with the sword.
“Forgive me for interrupting, Your Majesties, but I am afraid I am growing quite hungry. When do you propose we return indoors to take lunch?”
There’s a silence as Thor and I stare each other down, neither quite willing to give up on the coming fight. However, Lady Y/n is waiting for an answer and we both know it would be terribly rude to ignore her.
It’s so nice out, and I very much dislike the idea of wasting the day inside. So I suggest that we have our meal brought to us and eat here.
Having grown much more comfortable with us over the past months, Lady Y/n openly protests. “Here? Your Majesty, we are on the training grounds. Surely soldiers will come here soon to practice.”
I take her words into consideration and realize that she’s right. I think through an updated plan. “Very well, then. I know of a better place. Thor, Lady Y/n, return to your rooms and change into clothing suitable for a ride. Meet back here as soon as you can. I’ll take care of the preparations necessary for lunch.”
Thor grumbles at taking orders from his little brother, but Lady Y/n’s eyes sparkle with excitement. She turns and skips back inside. Thor follows with a little less enthusiasm.
About half an hour later, everything is set. The traveling party is bigger than I would have liked, but I suppose it is necessary to correctly adhere to protocol. Our party is made up of two kitchen servants, two guards, Nanny Idsol to attend to Lady Y/n, and Nanny Freydis for me. Thor was recently fortunate enough to graduate to a manservant (who is also accompanying us), but I must continue to put up with my insufferable nanny. Hopefully soon I will be rid of her. The thought makes me smile.
Each of us is to ride on a horse, with the exception of Lady Y/n and the nannies, who have a carriage. Upon hearing this, Lady Y/n frowns. “Your Graces, would it be possible for me to ride? I was used to doing so at home, and am sufficiently skilled.”
“Don’t argue with the princes,” Nanny Idsol intervenes.
“She’s not arguing.” Although I’m young, I know well how to infuse my voice and presence with authority. Nanny Idsol backs off immediately. “If you feel comfortable,” I continue, addressing only Lady Y/n, “you may certainly ride to our destination.”
She beams and curtsies her thanks. Thor sends his manservant to the stables to procure an additional horse, and soon we are on our way.
We traverse through the city and allow the people to praise us as we go. Lady Y/n looks a little uncomfortable with the attention, maybe even frightened, and I notice Thor ride closer to her, probably offering his protection. Lady Y/n frowns a little, straightens, and seems to force herself to seem more at ease. Interesting.
After about twenty minutes, we reach the edge of the main city which allows us access to the forest.
“Oh, Your Grace, what a wonderful idea,” Lady Y/n exclaims, and Thor nods in agreement. My heart soars at their approval.
Soon, we find the spot I had hoped for—a flat space nestled in the trees on the bank of a river—and the servants set up our picnic. When we eat, they give us our space, taking up residence a few hundred feet back. The guards, however, stay close to our sides. Can’t have the three most important children in the world be killed all at once, now can we?
“Lady Y/n, forgive my curiosity,” Thor starts during the second course, “but I seem to have forgotten the name and title of your father. Could you remind me?”
I fight the urge to roll my eyes. They told us this ten months ago when she arrived. Was he not paying attention?
Lady Y/n’s answer is polite, but I can tell she is tired of recounting this information. Truly, at least once a week, someone questions the reasoning for her presence. “He is Yoldstadt, former diplomat to Alfheim and now rules as Alfheim’s regent in your father’s absence.”
Thor’s gaze sets, and I can tell he his about to say something rash. “Lady Y/n, are you sure there is not something more you can remember? I am unable to see what conditions are strong enough to assure you a spot nearly equal to Asgardian royalty.”
I literally stop breathing.
I try to communicate with my eyes how much Mother will scold him for his comment should she find out. And I’ll make sure she finds out. How fun this will be for me!
Lady Y/n’s face contorts in what I presume to be embarrassment. Quickly though, I realize it’s in anger.
“I am sorry, Your Highness, that I am not important enough to share your environment. Please, give me the resources necessary and I will quickly remedy the issue. It would be silly to ignore the significant role excessive wealth plays in your upbringing. As far as the royalty part goes, while I may not have the blood, I can learn all I need from you! Where shall I start first? Consuming an entire boar by myself? Or expanding my muscles to rival the size of my head? No, I think I’ll start with cultivating an obscenely arrogant attitude! That should make me worthy of this life. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your invaluable council.” With that, she stands up to her full height of possibly four and a half feet, shakes out the skirt of her dress, and stomps to her horse.
Thor’s face turns a lovely shade of purple and makes into all sorts of fun shapes. I grin widely and can’t help but bounce in my place.
Thor speaks through gritted teeth. “That girl—”
“—is fantastic,” I finish, getting up and running after her. “Lady Y/n, would you allow me to accompany you back to the castle?”
She purses her lips, thinking. Finally, she nods, and I offer her my arm.
Y/n: 10 // Loki: 12 // Thor: 16
Y/n’s POV
“Lady Y/n, what are you reading?” Prince Loki’s voice travels to reach me from the other corner of the room. Deep in my book, I decide to answer him after I finish the paragraph. Without warning, I hold only air in my hands. The book begins to float!
“Hey!” I stand to reach for it, but it’s climbing higher and higher, until finally, it hits the ceiling.
I glare at a chuckling Prince Loki. “It’s rude to take other people’s things.”
He grins haughtily. “It’s rude to ignore your prince. What are you reading?”
I continue to glare at him. “I was reading a history novel, but now it’s on the ceiling.”
“Hmmm, I suppose it is.” He doesn’t try very hard to sound concerned.
“Your Highness—” my teeth clench in an attempt to restrain my anger. He’s only teasing, after all. Reacting badly would make me into the rude one, and I mostly know better.
A shield hits the ceiling strategically and knocks my book to the ground.
“There.” Lady Sif had paused her sparring match with Prince Thor to cause my book to fall back to me. I curtsy and smile gratefully, then rush to grab my book.
“Thank you, Lady Sif!”
“A-ha-ha!” Prince Thor’s booming laugh fills the room, and I can’t help but smile myself. “Brother, your magic has been thwarted by Lady Sif!”
Prince Loki rolls his eyes but otherwise ignores the jab. He begins to walk away. “Enjoy your book, Lady Y/n.”
“Although he showed it indelicately, Loki does have a point, Lady Y/n.” Thor ends his sparring match with a quick nod to Lady Sif. “It would do you well to move around a bit. In fact, come over here, I could use some help with my exercises.”
I know better than to argue with Prince Thor, but I find myself stifling a groan. I don’t want to help him with his exercises. I shuffle towards the center of the playroom.
“Got you!”
I shriek in surprise as Prince Thor picks me up and holds me high above his head, beginning to run around the room. My scream quickly turns to a laugh as delight runs through me. It’s like I’m flying! Lady Sif and Prince Loki cheer us on as Prince Thor continues his course, holding me above his head as he goes. I gain courage and extend my arms to the side as if I was a bird. I gasp and a yelp escapes me as the prince takes it upon himself to throw me high into the air. He catches me with ease, and I relax, once again enjoying myself. The cheers from my friends increase as Prince Thor continues the game. Soon, I’m laughing so hard that tears come into my eyes. I’ve never had this much fun!
As if sniffing out the impropriety, Nanny Idsol stalks into the room. “Children,” she scolds. “What is all this commotion about?”
My laughter dies as do the cheers as Prince Thor carefully puts me down.
I gulp and step forward. “Nanny Idsol, we were just playing—”
“Do not interrupt me, young miss,” she snaps, fury flying into her eyes. I look at the ground, properly embarrassed. “You know much better than to behave like this!”
“If I may, Nanny Idsol, the fault lies with me,” Prince Thor comes to my defense. “I began the game. Lady Y/n was truly just going along.”
Nanny Idsol’s face softens as she looks upon Asgard’s golden boy. “My dear prince, do not feel as if you must defend this insolent girl.” Her gaze snaps sharply to me before turning sweetly back to Prince Thor, though her voice remains hard. “I have taught her better, I am sure.”
“Evidently not,” Prince Loki scoffs under his breath. Everyone chooses to ignore him.
“As for you, young lady,” Nanny Idsol sneers, “it is time you learn to act as a young lady should. Beginning tomorrow, you will spend your mornings learning the art of embroidery.” She looks incredibly pleased with herself for having conjured up this new idea.
I do not look up from the ground. “Yes, Nanny Idsol.”
“Now, to your chambers! I think you have had quite enough excitement for this day.”
I don’t look back as I leave the room, but I can feel the eyes of my friends on me. How embarrassing.
An hour or so after the playroom incident, I hear a quiet knock at my door. Quickly drying my tears, I shuffle to open it. Prince Loki stands before me, an impish grin on his face.
“Your Highness, what—”
“Shh!” He cuts me off, grinning. “May I come in?”
Mutely, I step back and allow him to enter.
He assesses my chambers, still devoid of decoration besides the standard Asgardian design. “Lovely room. Could do with a bit more personality though.”
Still stunned by his presence here, I answer automatically. “I don’t have many personal items since my father sent me away so quickly.”
“Ah,” is his only response. Once he’s done glancing around my living space, he turns to look at me. Upon focusing on my face, he leans in and furrows his brow. “Have you been crying?”
“No,” I answer defiantly, loathe to admit to my tears.
He straightens and nods sharply. “Good. That dreadful woman isn’t worth crying over. I don’t know why Mother and Father continue to employ her. She’s just so unpleasant.”
“She is,” I agree emphatically before reminding myself that it is rude to speak badly of others. Even if they are mean old ladies.
Prince Loki takes a seat at one of the tables in my room and I’m drawn back to the situation at hand. “Your Highness, might I ask…how are you here? There are guards in the halls at all times and Nanny Idsol would be horrified to know that we are in each other’s presence unaccompanied.”
He grins, his eyes alight with mischief. “Don’t worry, Lady Y/n, no one will find out.” He leans forward conspiratorially. “I slipped by the guards quite easily due to this new teleportation spell I’m learning.”
“Teleportation?!” My eyes shoot open and I plop into the chair across from him, my excitement effectively erasing any notions of following protocol.
His expression turns smug. “Yep. I’ve been working on it for a few months, but it wasn’t ready to show you. But now…” His eyes light up again. “Would you like to see?”
His smile widens and he grabs my hand, pulling me to the center of my room. He takes a place about three feet in front of me. “Ready? Don’t close your eyes.”
I nod and work hard to keep from blinking. He squeezes his own eyes shut, mutters something unintelligible, and within the next second, he’s gone. There’s a tap on my shoulder. I whirl around to find him standing nowhere near where he was a second ago, arms spread out wide as if saying ‘ta-da!’
“Oh, wow!” A delighted laugh bubbles from my mouth.
He walks back to the sitting portion of my room and I follow dutifully. “I can’t do it too often because it makes me tired,” he explains, slumping into a chair. “I just thought you ought to get to see it.”
I beam. “I’m so glad you decided to show me.”
“Mother says that as I get older and become better at magic, I won’t get as tired and I’ll be able to just think the spell rather than saying it aloud.” A wistful look crosses his face. “I can’t wait for then.”
I cross my arms over my knees, wanting to reassure my friend. “You’re going to be amazing, Prince Loki.”
Surprise colors his features. “What makes you say that?”
I shrug. “I just know.”
A/n Here’s chapter 2! Let me know what you think and if you would like to be added to the tag list :) I also have another Loki x Reader up called The Queen. You can find it on my page or on my masterlist! 
Link to next part: https://bonjour-rainycity.tumblr.com/post/630010330649706496/odins-ward-chapter-3
Tag list: @80strashbag @dark-night-sky-99 
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hitbythunder · 4 years
Among the Gods of Asgard -2
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A dark!Thor x Reader, minor Loki x Reader story with all the drama and angst you’re craving. Including Alexander Skarsgard as Balder.
–> Read also on AO3
Summary: The gods are being loved and feared in equal parts by their subjects, more the latter by the thousands of slaves working for them. Ten feet tall, powerful and immortal are the rulers of all beings within the Nine Realms. You, the daughter of an Asgardian merchant, fancy the three handsome princes of Odin - like any woman does - and dream of actually meeting them instead of watching them at public events. That is until, as a consequence of Loki’s tricks, you are being forced into slavery at the royal court. Amidst this harsh new reality, you catch the attention of the god of Thunder who then seeks to make you his alone. You are nothing but a toy, a puppet, in the god’s eyes and he will use you as he pleases.
Do not hope for mercy.
**** WARNING: dark story, manipulative Thor, heavy rape/non-con elements, no happy ending in sight
From the window of her room upstairs, ________ watched the four palace guards arriving at her family's estate, the stomping of the hooves being audible from afar. Her eyes were dry and swollen. The moment her father had handed her the royal decree stating his punishment, the young girl had been paralyzed by shock so that the parchment had slid through her soft hands. Then she had snapped out of her trance all of a sudden and had begun to shout angrily, throwing harsh words at her father. Harald didn't respond much since most of her accusations were true, painful statements of how he had failed his daughter. Even if her servitude was limited in time, the girl would be marked as a slave forever. He had ruined his daughter's life and future perspectives. Thus Harald had let her rage like a storm inside the luxurious living room, not caring much when she had smashed one or two vases. All the wealth Harald had heaped over the years wasn't enough to buy back ________'s trust and forgiveness.
After a night of weeping, shedding all her tears in desperation and sorrow for herself, _______ had mentally arrived at the bitter resignation to her fate. Almost ghostly calm and reserved, she had hugged her mother and brother goodby when the time came. Harald only received a cold glare as she picked up the one trunk she was allowed to bring along. _______ kept her head up as she rode among the guards towards the golden palace, her heartbeat quickening when the large gate came into view between the noble houses and mansions. Nevertheless, the young Asgardian girl took her last steps as a free woman full of dignity and confidence, entering the home of the gods.
Centuries of experimenting and practice had transformed the slavery-system at the palace into one of an elaborated, well-structured design aiming at high efficiency.
According to individual capabilities, age and gender, the slaves were divided into different categories with certain tasks and duties. Young healthy males would be assigned to hard work like construction or field work and such, while the elderly as well as females and children would serve as cooks, maids and valets. Upon their first day of servitude, each of them received a magical tattoo of a ring adorned with Norse runes on the right upper arm. The different colors of the tattoo as a whole and the symbols inside the glowing ring indicated their status within the slavery-system.   A white and empty ring was for the general staff, the type of work being resembled by a matching symbol inside the ring. For example, a field worker had a sickle inside the white ring, while a cook had two crossed spoons.  Whenever the wearer was assigned to serve a specific single god, the ring would change to the color and be filled with the personal sigil of that deity. Then the slave would have to tend particularly and firstly to this one god's needs while still obeying the orders of other gods.
 _______'s father had dishonored the God of Light and so she was bound to serve as Balder's maid. Thus after a short tingling as the magical needle pierced her skin, a lilac ring with the image of a flying dove appeared on _______ 's right upper arm. The tattoo would last until the final day of her servitude, a special rune beneath it showing that she was not a permanent slave. However, heretofore were 49,999 and a half days more to endure.
 Aligned in a straight row the maids stood in the salon of Balder's chambers, their gazes glued to the floor and their mouths shut tightly as the royal abigail Gerlinda surveyed them thoroughly. The grey-haired woman was a member of the small part of Asgardian nobility that had the honor of serving the gods as special staff such as abigail, teachers or advisors. After decades of experience at the court, Gerlinda knew exactly how to train the slaves efficiently and her 'management-style' was rather prominent and feared.
“Remember to always show respect and submission to the gods!” she hissed in a raspy voice as she swiftly straightened one of the maid's skirt.
“Some of you already know what happens to foolish girls who dare to disobey.” A few maids shuddered slightly in response as Gerlinda examined one girl after another, tugging a loosening strand of hair back into the tight braid or checking wether the fingernails were clean.
“As for you, new-one....” the abigail paused in front of _______, her stern gaze resting fully on the younger woman who had no clue what awaited her in the weeks to come, still naive and hopeful. Eyes sparkling with innocence and life's joy, a young and lively spirit - Gerlinda had seen so many pretty girls like ________ joining the ranks of the maids. Ultimately, over time the strain of the work, both physically and mentally, had broken them all.  
This one wouldn't be an exception. Gerlinda thought to herself as she continued. "... Keep your mouth shut, watch and learn!"
 _______ only nodded in response and showed some fake respect, hoping the abigail would continue to pace the room instead of lecturing her. Gerlinda then noticed the special mark beneath the girl's tattoo and was about to comment on it when suddenly the large double doors of the adjacent bedroom opened. The abigail stepped back immediately, the new girl and her tattoo already forgotten and all women present bowed in respect as the second prince of Asgard entered the salon.
 "Scolding the girls this early, Gerlinda?" Balder asked in an amused tone as he approached the group with large strides, his bare feet smacking on the cold marble floor. Since he had just risen, he only wore a night garment out of thin silk which probably was worth much more than any dress _______ had ever possessed.
 "Perfection is attained through repetitive practice and discipline, so that we may serve you as best as possible, your highness!" Gerlinda replied humbly and only when she straightened up again, the maids did so too. Having laid eyes upon the gods only from afar during public feasts, _________ was impressed by the sight now that she was this close. The god of light was tall and lean, tight muscles being hidden underneath the white fabric with delicate golden trimming, which matched his blonde straight hair reaching past his ears. Hard lines painted his oval face, especially the straight nose, but the cerulean blue of his sparkling eyes kept the balance and gave him an overall tender expression. The young girl couldn't help but stare at the handsome giant, regretting her bluntness immediately when said blue eyes fell onto her.
"I see..." Balder's attention had already been caught by the unfamiliar face at the end of the row. Sensing the pair of cerulean orbs resting on her, _______ quickly averted her gaze in a naive attempt to fade in with the other maids or perhaps with the luxurious furniture surrounding her and vanish from the god's sight. But it was too late. Balder already made a step towards her. Then another and he was right in front of her.
"This one I haven't seen before." he assessed in a cool tone as he towered over the small girl with flattering amazement written plainly across her face. Not fear like so many other slaves.   "She was brought to service this morning, your highness!" Gerlinda piped from the side while Balder surveyed the girl and came to notice the rune beneath her tattoo. Non-permanent... "You are Harald Leifson's daughter?" the god concluded and his eyes narrowed at the thought of the sly merchant who had embarrassed him in front of everyone. "Yes your highness, I am ________ Haraldsdottir and I shall serve you to purge my family from the shame my father brought upon us." she replied like the well-educated woman from nobility she was, her eloquence surprising the abigail and the other maids.   "All others out, I shall have a word with _______ alone!" Balder ordered then, which only added to everyone's surprise but they all obeyed. Because to a god they must always obey.
Silently _________ watched the god making himself comfortable on the large couch in front of the fire place, his large body draped languidly across the plush covers. Once fully relaxed, Balder broke the silence between them. “Has your father told you about his crime?” he asked calmly, his gaze wandering somewhere in pretense of not watching her, which he very well did from the corner of his eye. “Yes, your highness. He was a fool to try and cheat you.” Curt and polite but honest, attributes the god favored in a servant. “Good. You ought to know the reasons that brought you here although I have to admit that I am not a friend of slavery.” the god replied, still not looking at her directly but noting her growing stiffness nevertheless. Then why again am I here?! _______ wondered, the question burning on her tongue but her manners kept her from ushering a single disrespectful word. She just nodded and let the god continue. “But justice must be upheld and your father made me look a fool in front of the gods, the nobility and thousands of Asgardians!” Balder clenched his fists as he remembered the hot shame and embarrassment he had felt that moment. Even if his mother had already forgiven him, the others wouldn't forget so easily, especially his dear little brother. The Trickster would chaff him about it for centuries. The blonde was so occupied by his pondering that he almost didn't hear the quiet voice of the girl in front of him.
“If I may ask, your highness, why not punish Harald himself for his actions?” _______ knew the question was risky but she simply couldn't resist now that they were in privacy. Besides, the whole topic made her want to cry and shout at the same time. Balder sensed as much, not only because the girl had addressed the merchant by his name, and since he was familiar with daddy-issues he didn't mind her asking. In fact, he admired how composed she remained in this unfortunate situation. “You, his only daughter, being here is his punishment, the worst a father can imagine.” he looked deep into her watery eyes, cutting off whatever she was about to retort.
Now her shell has cracked. “But it's not f-” “Do not question the All-Father's decisions!” Balder admonished in a stern tone, his cerulean orbs narrowed and sparkling threateningly. He wouldn't tolerate any offense against his father, especially not from a mere mortal girl.  Staring bluntly at the god, _______ barely managed to keep herself together as emotionally shaken as she was right now. But she had to be brave. They may have enslaved me, but they will not break me. _______ swore to herself, her breath calming as she focused. Balder watched in amazement how the girl swallowed her anger and frustration, her expressions turning almost emotionless like the ones of a pretty doll. “Yes of course, please forgive my offense, your highness!” she said then and bowed her head in respect. The god was impressed.
Perhaps she will endure longer than I thought... “Listen closely, ________...” he began more friendly as he leaned forward on the couch, resting his strong arms on his thighs and drowning her in this orbs as marvelous as the bright sky on a summer day. “I promise not to have you do anything undignified or unbefitting of your former social status. In return I expect diligence, respect, honesty and absolute obedience. Am I clear?”
“Absolutely, your highness.” _______ replied without breaking the eye-contact with the handsome prince, wondering how in the Nine she had managed to screw such a promise out of the god on her first day.
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alirhi · 3 years
it's back XD
I know no one cares, but I'm enjoying this fic, so I'm gonna keep writing and posting it as long as it keeps bringing me joy.
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 11/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable. WARNINGS: not much, just some swearing and a little silliness. Notes: Here is where I offically say "fuck the canon." Just so we're clear. XD
Never before had Loki been so grateful that his brother was an idiot. While Thor returned to Asgard with a powerless double, Loki made his way to New Mexico. He'd thought to slip away to Siberia and go straight for Bucky, but he was too tired and in far too much pain to fight again any time soon. Besides, he'd been away from his sweet baby for nearly a year; he needed to check on Eira before he did anything else.
"You could have at least signed it!"
He smirked, not even lifting his head from his daughter's tiny shoulder and he squeezed her with all his might. "And risk you refusing to care for her?"
Darcy huffed, crossing her arms. "I wouldn't do that. She's an innocent baby. But some warning that she's not human might've been nice before she started teleporting!"
"I figured the fact that she materialized on your doorstep would have prepared you for that."
Though he could see a thousand retorts dancing behind those fierce blue eyes, the fight seemed to drain out of her and she sighed, sinking down into the nearest chair. "Are you okay?"
"Not even a little," he admitted, nuzzling Eira's chubby cheek and smiling as her giggle soothed his frayed nerves. "But I will be." Smile fading, he looked directly at his daughter's unwilling caretaker for the first time since his arrival and murmured, "Thank you, Darcy. Eira's... She's everything to me."
The soft, somewhat reluctant smile Darcy gave him warmed his heart, just a little. "She looks just like her daddy."
"Yes, she does." Loki finally eased his grip on his daughter and let her step back a bit, more so he could look at her sweet, cherubic face than for Eira's comfort. "Hopefully soon she'll get to meet him."
"...What? So she's... she's not your daughter?"
"She is. I'm just not her father." Even exhausted and aching in every inch of his body, he found such immense joy in something as simple as a human's hilariously baffled face. "I'm her mother."
Darcy stared at him for a moment in silence, and then stood abruptly. "I need a drink. You want a drink? I think we need... just... all of the drinks."
Reminded of Stark, he chuckled and nodded. "That would be lovely, Darcy, thank you."
Once they each had a frosty glass of vodka in hand, Darcy invited Loki to join her in the living room and they settled side-by-side on the couch, with little Eira curled up in her mother's lap. As she turned on the TV and began channel-surfing, Darcy stumbled across a news report on what had just happened in New York. Loki flinched as his own face flashed by on the screen. Setting the remote down, she closed her eyes, sucked in a deep breath, held it, and let it out in a frustrated whoosh. "Please tell me there's some sort of explanation."
"There is." He didn't offer one; he waited for her to look at him, met her eyes, and then glanced down at the top of the fluffy black head he'd been absently stroking. Catching Darcy's eye again, he waited.
It didn't take long. She was sharp, for a human, and she winced as the dots connected. "Who?"
"It doesn't matter. He won't come after her now." Even as the words tumbled out of his mouth, he realized with a sinking feeling that he might. Thanos hadn't gotten what he wanted out of this insanity. The Avengers had the Tesseract and the Glowstick of Destiny – even in such stressful times, that moniker made him smile. The smile didn't last long as he realized that his double had likely already dissipated and now Thor, and soon Odin and then the Avengers, would know that Loki was still free. "...Fuck."
"Really? Language like that, in front of a little kid?"
"It was appropriate for the moment." With a wince, he eased himself back against the back of the couch and dropped a hand over his eyes. "He wouldn't have come after her, if that absurd errand he'd sent me on had been successful. It had no chance, of course, but still... Darcy, I may need you to watch over Eira a little longer." Something twinged painfully, making him hiss, and he grudgingly added, "And me."
"Nope. No way in-" She stopped, glanced at Eira, and growled, "heck. No. She can stay as long as is needed, but you're a walking bulls-eye and you need to go."
"Darling, I'm rather incapacitated at the moment."
"You shouldda thought of that before you blew up New York!"
"It's not my fault 'Earth's mightiest heroes' couldn't get themselves motivated fast enough! That portal never should have had time to open!"
She blinked and inched back, looking stunned. "You lost on purpose?"
"More or less." Great, now something else was locking up painfully. Loki cringed, shifting position to try to loosen it up, only to have the bruises across his back press too firmly against the couch. "Damn it!"
Darcy bit her lip, lovely blue eyes scanning him frantically. "You really got your ass kicked, didn't you?"
"Yes," he snapped, closing his eyes again. "Thank you for pointing that out. It's very helpful. If the beast – what do they call it? The Hulk – if he'd slammed you repeatedly into a concrete floor hard enough to make craters in it, you'd be paste. I think I'm allowed to nurse a few bruises without judgement."
Mercifully, she didn't comment on his little rant. All she did say was, "What's your name, anyway?"
That was the moment he remembered that they'd never actually met. She'd heard of him, and he'd seen her when watching his brother, but she didn't know who he was. With a soft chuckle that his aching ribs turned into a low groan, he grumbled, "Loki."
The throw pillow that hit his face a second later startled him more than he'd ever care to admit.
"So, what? Was my town just a practice run for New York?!"
"No, it just happened to be where my adoptive brother was when I was trying to kill him." The pillow hit him again, and he snatched it from her. "Stop that!"
"Does your world have some equivalent to Child Protective Services?" she snapped, glaring at him. "Because that little girl deserves better than to be raised around that much violence!"
"Eira had never seen violence until the mad Titan showed up to torture me," Loki growled, hastily covering his daughter's ears so as not to traumatize her any further. The thought occurred to him to send her off to play, but he couldn't bear letting her out of his sight for even a second. Besides, she was such a curious child, she'd likely just eavesdrop, anyway. "I am not proud of how things turned out, but I've never done anything without a purpose – usually the same purpose that's been driving me for decades – and since she was born, all my daughter has ever seen me do is love and protect her."
"What purpose?"
He almost didn't answer, but it occurred to him that as long as he held Darcy's attention, she wouldn't kick him out. At least, that was what he told himself was the reason he was suddenly being so candid with a relative stranger; the truth was, no one but Bucky had ever cared enough to ask why he did the things he did, much less listen to the answer. Grateful for the connection to another person, though he'd never admit it, he murmured, "Love."
While Darcy stared at him in awe, he hugged Eira tight and told the entire tale of his star-crossed love with a young human soldier. By the time he got to Eira's conception, he was fighting back tears, and both Eira and Darcy were hugging him tight. The pressure on his bruises hurt like hell, but he didn't care. The rarity of someone giving a damn about him was too beautiful to let anything else ruin this moment.
Next Masterlist
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fanfic-collection · 5 years
Loki x Reader: Quarantine
Please comment
‘And this is Captain America, signing off, reminding everyone once again, stay safe, stay strong, and stay true to America. Please, buy only what is necessary, if you’re quarantined, stay home for the assigned days, get a lot of rest if you’re sick, take the necessary precautions, and we’ll get through this, we always do.’ Steve smiled, saluting the camera on his laptop then looked at Bucky.
Bucky gave a tired thumbs up.
'Signing off, I’ll see you all tomorrow.’ Steve clicked the end transmission button and the feed ended. 'That was really good Bucky, I really think we’re making a difference, I hope we can keep people calm in this trying times.’
Bucky raised his eyebrow and leaned back in the seat groaning as he covered his face, 'Are you seriously going to drag me through these podcasts every day?’
Steve stood up and stretched, 'Until the quarantine ends, it’s the least we can do for the public, so yes, yes I am.’
You snorted into your vitamin enhanced energy drink, watching the two super soldiers across the counter.
'Don’t start.’ Bucky muttered, looking at you, raising a warning finger.
You set down your glass and held up your hands defensively, 'Not a word.’
'It’s day two and I’m stir crazy already.’ Bucky groaned, running his hand through his hair as he stood up and began to pace.
The big screen turned on and Tony appeared, poolside with a margarita in hand, shades halfway down his nose as he squinted at his phone to see the three of you in the kitchen. 'Cap! Other soldier, teddy bear.’
'Why does he call you teddy bear again?’ Bucky asked, glancing at you.
You sighed and shook your head. The automatic kitchen doors slid open and the two norse gods walked, mid conversation, stopping only when they saw Tony on the monitor.
'Oh excellent,’ Tony continued, 'thunder bros, anyways, Steve, loved the pep talk, my stocks stopped their nose dive, they’re still dropping but not nearly as bad, I heard one of the local grocery stores even had toilet paper on the shelf too.’
Steve rolled his eyes, 'What do you want, Stark?’
'Can’t I check in? One quarantinee to another?’
'You’re pool side in Malibu.’ Bucky grumbled.
'And you’re in Stark tower with tons of friends in New York, your point?’
'Tony? Lunch’s almost done!’ You heard Pepper call from somewhere within the house.
'Yea just a second honey.’ Tony grinned, 'Quarantine is awesome, am I right?’
Thor grumbled, 'I don’t see why I have to be stuck in this building.’
'Thor, we’ve told you countless times, people are worried you could transmit the disease.’ Steve replied.
'No Midgardian illness is a match for me.’ Thor replied, fist on his chest.
Loki rolled his eyes, 'And yet, the disease may cling to you and travel to the mortals, brother. How our physiology is compatible to theirs is unknown, must we go through this again?’
You made eye contact with Loki and smiled softly.
Loki’s irritation seemed to fade somewhat and a faint smile touched the corner of his mouth before he turned his attention back to Thor, folding his arms.
'So are you guys going to have a party then?’ Tony asked, 'Wait, where’s Hawkeye? Two of you are missing.’
'Hawkeye and Nat are around.’ You replied. 'Nat was taking a nap last I knew and Clint’s… lurking.’
Tony shook his head before abruptly touching his phone, 'yes, what is it? Kid, I told you to only call in emergencies. What, wait, say that slower. You’re quarantined? Do you have enough supplies to get you through the next two weeks, just calm down. No, I’m on the phone with the other Avengers. Yes, most of them, the ones that are quarantined at the tower. Yes that includes Loki. Why do you call him Mr. Loki. Kid… Focus. Yes, ok good, you have supplies, yes you’re not sick, I know, Aunt May is pretty young, yes I know, she’s fine, you’ll both be fine, it’s just a quarantine, keep entertained with Cap’s podcasts, they’ll keep you calm, he posts them each day, yes you’re talking too fast for me to understand you. Kid. Peter. Listen to me.’ Tony sighed. 'Kid.’ He sighed again. 'Listen. I will hang up on you. Kid. Listen, stop it. Stop. I’ll send over a suit with groceries. Yes, I’ll send toilet paper. Yes, I know all the stores are out, I have connections.’ Tony smiled weakly, 'I got you covered, you’ll be fine. You’ll get through this. Now all of you, I’m hanging up and getting lunch with my hot date. Bye.’ The screen went black.
'That spider kid got quarantined?’ Steve asked, looking around the room.
You blinked, 'I guess so.’
Loki crossed the room, moving away from Thor and came over to sit beside you. He left a respectable distance, peering into your glass curiously before easing himself into the chair next to you.
'I could bring him supplies.’ Thor grumbled.
'Brother we have dealt with plagues, as has humanity before, if their response is to lock themselves away to deter the spread of it, we are not to interfere. Their healers, doctors, have made their demands,’ Loki looked up from your drink, 'We do not interfere.’
'We are protectors of humanity, we must safeguard the realm in whatever way possible.’ Thor urged.
'You cannot fight a disease with your hammer.’ Loki replied. 'Or are you suggesting culling the sick to limit its spread?’
Thor creased his brow.
Loki raised his eyebrow, 'Such action has been taken in the past and will likely take place in the future.’
Steve and Bucky watched Loki uneasily.
Loki continued coldly, 'Tell me brother, would you risk more lives or take them because you are uneasy with patience?’
'Loki���’ You said slowly.
Thor growled softly before turning and stomping from the room.
'He’s never patient.’ Loki muttered, shrugging.
You sighed and touched his forearm hesitantly.
Loki glanced down at you somewhat surprised. You slowly pulled your hand away as Loki’s eyes trailed your hand, watching where you had been and slowly staring at your hand where it lay a few inches from his arm.
Steve cleared his throat. 'Well I was thinking I might start drawing again, I haven’t had a chance to sit down and just sketch in a while.’ He managed a smile, 'Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe I’ll do some skylines…’
Bucky sighed, 'I haven’t had a lot of time to hone any hobbies.’
'Well now is a great time to start!’ Steve clapped Bucky on the shoulder, 'C'mon, Stark is bound to have plenty of things lying around this musty old tower. Let’s go digging.’
You finished your drink, staring at the empty mug. 'Do you think there will be a culling?’ You asked, looking at Loki.
Loki shook his head, 'Not at all. Thor is too quick for action, this disease is easily controlled by your mortal means. Stay clean, take care of yourself and avoid too many people. The spies staying to themselves are smart, the three of you are the only regular humans in this tower, otherwise it’s nearly empty on the top floors. Between the soldiers and myself and my brother, you’re the only mortal really.’
You nodded slowly, staring at him with concern.
Loki carefully touched your hand, a bit of color rising to his cheeks, 'I doubt with the chemicals running through their bodies and my brother and myself and our genetic make up, we seem to be safe from this disease. I fear only for you falling ill, but we will keep you safe and even so, there are many more cases of recovery than there are fatalities.’
You nodded, 'Yea, you’re right.’
The black screen flipped on. 'What motherfucker, is stealing all of SHIELD’s motherfucking toilet paper?’ Nick Fury’s voice roared over the speakers as he glared out around the screen, staring down at you and Loki. 'Where is Rogers?’
You blinked, quailing beneath his glare. 'He went looking for art supplies, sir.’
'Someone got it in their funny little head that it would be a good idea to ransack the SHIELD bathrooms for toilet paper and now I got nothing to wipe my ass with. HILL, get me Hill on the line.’ Fury continued, barking orders at someone out of view.
Loki rolled his eyes, 'I don’t know what you expect us to do about it, we’re under quarantine.’
You snickered, fighting back a laugh.
Fury looked down at the two of you, 'Oh right, I’d forgotten.’ He sighed, 'Do I have any Avengers or SHIELD agents I can call into duty?’
'Not that I know of, sir. I’m pretty out of the loop.’ You waved your hand, indicating the quarantine.
'Fine, fine, carry on.’ The screen blanked out again.
Loki looked at you and you looked back at him before the two of you started laughing weakly. You both quickly looked away.
'Want to go check out the library? It’s going to be a long quarantine.’ You offered your hand to him.
Loki looked at your hand hesitantly before taking it, 'Certainly.’
It might be a long quarantine, but perhaps not a terrible one.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Poppins, Mary Poppins
TITLE: Poppins, Mary Poppins
AUTHOR: Solaramoonset
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki bringing a little girl to Thor and making him apologize for scaring her to bits with his thunderstorms whenever he’s in a grumpy mood.
RATING: Everyone
NOTES: Written on cell phone. Eighth part in the Marionette Tales Series. First part was based on the Imagine.
It wasn't long after the trip to Disney world that dad and I started to watch Disney movies together. I guess he was curious about the characters after our trip. For the most part, we'd laugh at the movies. In both of our lives, we'd come to learn happy ends weren't real. Because things don't end. It sounds weird to be so morbid about life at a young age, but you'd have to have been there, lived in an orphanage, seen other kids get picked over you, find a family only to get sent back. It makes you a little cynical. I was good at hiding my cynicism from everyone except dad and Bucky.
 It was rather unremarkable Tuesday when we sat down to watch Mary Poppins, had my Uncles known, none of them would have let dad watch the movie.
“I'm beginning to notice a theme with people randomly bursting into song. These movies are ...different… overly happy maybe.” Dad was carefully putting the movie away. 
“Life would be pretty interesting if people really did burst into song and dance. At least it be entertaining to watch Uncle Tony try to dance.” We both paused and looked at each other. Smirks grew on our faces.
“I'm sure I can whip something together.”
“It'll have to be a day when everyone's here... or … we could invite everyone over...”
“Marionette, for you, they'd flock over. But bursting into song isn't enough. If were going to do this, it must be extraordinary. What else should we try? Popping in and out of paintings? Flying with umbrellas?”
“No... When you laugh, you float up!” I bounce around dad. He patted my head.
“Call your Aunts and Uncles. I'll have the spells ready by the time they arrive.”
That evening everyone had arrived at the upstate facility for our “picnic”. Uncle Steve brought a new avenger, Sam, with him. Even Peter Parker had been invited. I slowly made my rounds giving everyone a glass, making sure Stormie was the last to get any. Dad had said he'd be able to taste the potion in the drinks. Dad was right.
“LOKI! What foul magic are you trying to conjure tonight?!?” Stormie threw his glass to the floor. I jumped and hide behind Bucky. Sam, seeing me hide, scooted closer effectively blocking me behind him and Bucky. Uncle Steve slowly slid towards Dad and Stormie.
“Who's to say the magic is foul?” Dad smirked at Stormie. I shivered as Stormie glared. I could feel a storm building. I gripped the back of Bucky's pants. Storms still terrified me. 
Uncle Steve wound up being our first victim.
“Calm down, we don't need your rage.
Your anger is just setting a stage,
to scare those of a young age,
Calm down, we don;t need your rage.” The room turned to uncle Steve as he began to sing. He clapped a hand over his mouth and his face turned red. I began to giggle. It wasn't long before I was floating up to the ceiling. I laughed at the stunned looks.
“What the fuck?” I heard Sam's harsh whisper.
"Wilson get your wings." Bucky snapped back.
“LANGUAGE!” Uncle Steve's voice was muffled behind his hands. Dad chuckled and he too began to float.
“We love to laugh...” Dad sung softly in between his chuckles.
“You two watched Mary Poppins, didn't you?” Aunt Nat Smirked up at us. I nodded.
“Reindeer games, Kid, what is going on?
I thought you called us for a picnic, but right now,
I'm glad we're not out on the lawn.” Uncle Tony was the next to sing. Unlike Uncle Steve, he laughed at his small melody. I gave him a fist bump when he met us on the ceiling.
“Right now, I'm glad we're not out on the lawn” Bucky, Sam and Peter harmonized. They looked at each other in shock. Clint tried to run from the room.
“Uncle Clint don't go outside!” I sung at him.
“Don't you, go out Clinty
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't you, go out Clinty .” Aunt Nat called. She laughed softly joining us on the ceiling.
“Don't you, forget about me
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't you, forget about me” He corrected. I didn't get it, but at least he was singing too. Dad Took my hand and spun me around.
“Stubborn heart, gypsy soul
Tell me where does the time go
Gonna dance with my daughter
Spin her around under the lights
'Cause I'm just a father
Making the most of this moment in time” I was giggling as dad sang and hummed to me. I was too little to notice the parts of the song he cut out. There was a flash next to us as Uncle Tony took pictures.
“Totally going on the Avengers' Instagram page. Now if we only had a tea set.” he muttered.
It took about three hours for the spell to wear off. By then everyone was on the ceiling, and had belted at least one line in song. While Stormie was the most jovial singer, he was hardly the best to listen too. Surprisingly dad had the best voice Uncle Steve somehow had the best dance moves. I'm not sure who was more surprised by that, him, or the rest of us. At one point, dad and I sung 'You can fly!' and started chasing Sam around the ceiling. He made a comment about bringing his nephews to our next picnic.
As the magic was ending, Dad sung lullabies to me in Asgardian. Stormie had a tear in his eye the entire time. Neither would translate, only saying they were the ones their mother used to sing to them.
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