#young mario
multicolour-ink · 1 year
Do you think Mario and Luigi did matching costumes for Halloween every year when they were kids? (Angel and devil, Jekyll and Hyde, etc.)
Oh definately!
(Luigi would be an angel and Mario a devil no doubt 🤭)
Mario would suggest the idea to Luigi, then they would go and pester their mama to make costumes.
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peaches2217 · 3 months
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So we all know and love those two panels of Mario and Peach having dinner and then leaning in for a kiss from that one weird Club Nintendo comic, but I feel like the panels that immediately proceed them are just as cute and worthy of recognition, so please admire them with me.
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pianokantzart · 3 months
Not me thinking thinking about how good of a brother Mario is and how there's literally nobody better that Luigi could've clung to while he sorts out his own anxiety.
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Mario acknowledges that Luigi is a fearful person, but doesn't think any less of him for being scared. He doesn't see Luigi's bad luck as a burden, even when he tries to make sure he's safe and protected at every turn. Mario gets annoyed by his brother on occasion, but doesn't degrade or talk down to him– not even jokingly. He just puts up with it and forges ahead without drawing attention his brother's mistakes. Then when it comes to Luigi's victories, even small ones, he dwells on them and gets excited without an ounce of insincerity or exaggeration.
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The worst thing Mario does is get a little too caught up in his impulses and emotions to listen, but otherwise he's so rock solid, even apart from his three-day adventure solely focused on saving Luigi's life.
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svnraez · 1 year
shoutout to artists and fanfic writers, you guys really are the entire backbone of every fandom ever and i love you for it.
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microbihon · 7 months
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YOUNG NEIL MY PRECIOUS EMPTY HEADED MARIO KART BOY He's just a male Osaka tbh (which is WHY I love himb)
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orangecow46 · 4 months
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Young Neil meets a Boo? This is the best day of his young life Based on a cute random dream
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grodprinsen · 2 years
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when your bf (and love of your life) doesn‘t stop kicking ass in super smash bros but you wanna cuddle 🥺
[reference used from @/EJ_siriar on twitter]
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mathewharris7703 · 2 months
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"A young 8 year old boy, full of imagination, has met a new friend at his school. Since the start of the 3rd grade has been struggling at school with paying attention in class and having to deal with bullies that's trying to ruin his high imagination, his fixations and his sociability with others that has similar interests to him. He made a wish one night, a simple wish of having a friend that could help him through out this new year of school. The next day, a new transfer student arrived. A fun-loving, wooden doll that goes by the name of Geno. As someone who's imaginative, knowing what's true and fake, he couldn't believe his eyes that an actual talking wooden doll is the new kid. Funnily enough, everyone else in that school just didn't question it. In fact, some either didn't care that much or just simply found him cool and interesting (even loving his dress sense). To the young boy however, he felt joy. The two, obviously, got along well when they finally met in class, sitting next to each other. Geno mentions to the boy about The Star Road and how wishes comes true. The Star Road heard the wish of the boy wanting a friend and Geno, who previously heard stories of the boy's imagination from his other fellow stars, volunteered to take the form of the wooden doll once again, now dressed more casually and modern, wearing comfy clothes of a blue cap, yellow shirt, a starry blue overall dress, socks and trainers (that he really adores).
During recess, the boy and Geno played a game of Tag, where you chase one person and try to tag them so that they are it. Geno is the chaser while the boy is trying to not be tagged. With his imagination, he imagined himself flying, showing tiny little wings by the sides of his shoulders. As they both ran, happily and confidently respectively, Geno's sparkles showed from behind, speeding up. The boy is very happy to have his new friend Geno by his side and is excited to spend more days with him throughout the rest of the year!" Art by @nintendonut1
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wahooitsamee · 2 months
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how peach's backstory in the movie should've gone!!!
seriously, what was the need to get rid of toadsworth?? it's been a year and i’m still not over it.
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nullcasting · 5 months
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First bryce scene of 2024, wooo! (No title for this yet - I'm terrible at naming things. Check back in 6 months when I get a burst of inspiration and rename the bryce file :P)
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
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(Anon's other request I mentioned in this post)
⚡ Scared of thunderstorms
writing prompts
(takes place pre-Mario Movie verse)
Something cute with the young Mario Bros :)
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"Luigi?", Mario whispered in the dark.
Little Luigi shivered under his bedsheets. He was huddled up so small that he was barely a recognisable lump.
Another crash of thunder sounded, followed by a flash of lightning.
Luigi shrieked again and sobbed even louder.
Mario frowned. And then the five year old quickly got up and walked over to his brother's bedside. He placed a hand gently over the shivering lump.
"Hey, it's ok", he smiled warmly. "Want to come into my bed?"
Luigi peeked out at him with watery eyes, nodding shakily.
With utmost effort, the child cautiously pushed aside his bedsheets, and took Mario's hand in his. He gripped his big brother's hand the short distance across the room, as Mario led them back to his bed.
The two of them cuddled up as close as possible.
"Are you ok now, Luigi?", Mario asked.
Luigi nodded. And then another crash of thunder sounded, and an even bigger flash of lightning lit up the room. Luigi shrieked and clung to Mario tight, burying his face into the crook of Mario's neck.
Mario patted his brother on the head.
"It's ok, Luigi", Mario smiled gently. "There's nothing to be scared of."
"Yes there is!", Luigi insisted.
He hugged Mario tighter as the thunderstorm raged more fiercely.
"Thunderstorms are so scary!", Luigi wept. "They're big, and noisy. And they can hurt us!"
"It won't hurt us, Weegie", Mario insisted. "I won't let it."
Luigi looked at him astonished.
"Are you sure?"
"Yep!", Mario smiled and nodded.
Luigi frowned.
"But the thunderstorm is so big. How are you going to beat it when you're really small?"
"I'm not small!", exclaimed Mario. "And besides, nothing or no one is big enough if it means I get to protect them from you."
Luigi sniffled.
"I wish I was as brave as you..."
"You are brave, Luigi!", Mario said. "You're brave in your own way!"
Mario shifted a little so he and Luigi were positioned more comfortably, their heads close together and their hands clasped.
"What would you do if you had lightning powers?", Mario asked.
Luigi blinked.
"Lightning powers?"
"Yeah!", said Mario. "What would you do if you had them?"
"Well...", Luigi furrowed his brow. "I don't know...m-maybe....power Mama's washing machine?"
Mario laughed.
"That's pretty cool! Ok, what else would you do with them? What if you were a super-hero?!"
Luigi laughed this time.
"A super-hero? Those only exist in stories!"
"No they don't!", Mario exclaimed. "What about the guy who came to fix the TV?"
"Well...he did call himself 'Mr Electric'...."
"Exactly! So...what else would you do if you had lightning powers."
Luigi turned himself over so he was facing the ceiling.
"Well...I would want to shoot lightning! It would help keep the bad guys away."
"That's cool", smiled Mario. "What else?"
"I would want...to be able to create a lightning shield."
"Lightning shield?"
"Yeah!", replied Luigi. He turned to face his brother. "It's so I can keep you safe too."
Mario smiled and patted his brother's shoulder.
"You don't need to worry about keeping me safe, Luigi. I can do that for both of us. But having a lighting shield would be so cool! Would it come out of your mouth or eyes?"
"Nope. My hands", said Luigi, holding them up. "It would be so awesome! I could charge up my power and hurt anyone who tries to grab me. Or blast anyone from far away!"
"So cool!", Mario gasped.
"What would your power be, Mario?", Luigi asked curiously.
"My power...?"
Mario frowned.
"I think I would like to have fire!"
"Yeah!", said Mario. "Fire is awesome! And strong!"
"Would it be like my lightning?"
"Oh yeah! But it would be even more strong, to protect you."
"Would they have names?"
"Hmmm...not sure...Maybe Firebrand for me! It sounds cool!"
"Then mine will be...Thunderhand!"
The two brothers were so engrossed in talking that they hadn't even noticed that the storm had subsided. Eventually they both got tired again, and cuddled up close to each other.
"Goodnight, Luigi", Mario smiled.
"I'll keep you safe, always."
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author's notes under the cut
Hooray another drabble! Sorry this one took a while. I wanted to do something cute from Mario and Luigi's childhood, and I hope it sufficed.
Take care everyone <3
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wariofranchisefanblog · 4 months
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It's so genuinely wild to have a WarioWare character talk about Mario.
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pianokantzart · 7 months
Bowser in fanon: Fantastic dad, great with kids, dotes on all his children and does everything he can to protect them
Bowser @ The Koopalings in canon:
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porto-rosso · 10 months
for science
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emily-mooon · 6 months
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Hopping on the swap AU train with my personal favourite swap I’ve seen: Young Neil and Stacey.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 months
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The second and final batch of Warioware characters, and also the final batch overall! 68 FUCKING CHARACTERS IN 18 DAYS. INCREDIBLE. Anyways, let's get to them! (Pyoro and the Fronks were not redesigned because they're already perfect creatures)
Young Cricket and Cicada, the martial artists! They're both still under Master Mantis' tutelage even now that they're in college, and Mantis is very unsure on which will succeed him. Design-wise I kept them more or less the same - only bulked them up a bit and inverted Cicada's color scheme from magenta/orange to orange/magenta.
Master Mantis himself also didn't get too many changes, only modifying his side buns because they confused me. He's paired with Leo here because I didn't want anyone to have a picture to themselves lol - he's still a bit of a jerk but he gets along better with Kat and Ana, enough to be part of their team now. Like the other 2 he's in elementary school now.
Gamer Mom 5-Volt! (real name Farah) For her I made her look just a bit more mom-like and removed the apron. I also changed her colors because she had the same pallete as her son. Then we have 13-Amp! (real name Amparo) she's now in her latter years of highschool but she still find time to hang out with 9-Volt and 18-Volt. Really the only change I made to her is that she's a baby butch now lol.
Witch Ashley and her assistant friend Red! Since Ashley's now older I just went and made her a casual goth kinda person lol. She also made an actual friend in Penny! Neither of them know how it happened but they hang out now (they sometimes invite 13-Amp along too). Red didn't change much other than being given a shirt and not being as chibi.
And finally, Penny and Lulu! Penny's making great strides in her goal of becoming an idol, and has at least self-published her first single. I based her new look on Magilumiere Co. Ltd.'s transformation look, which fitted Penny extremely well. As for Lulu, she pops by from time to time from Luxenville still to hang out with the rest and she's slowly but surely becoming Wario's successor/assistant despite the two of them denying it lol. That's also why I gave her Wario's original color scheme of yellow and magenta. I also gave her freckles!
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