#youngest brother privileges means he's protected
ju1cyfru1t · 8 months
Gotta respect and love another writer who’s a cool writer and a minor!! Fellow writer, I present to you.. A REQUEST. I don’t really request often, cause it’s my job to make ‘em, (excuse my lazy ass, i CANT do them as much as you do cause you somehow have amazing motivation to do so??), but besides that-
How about some little sister headcanons?? Or just little sibling headcanons about reader being the most cutest thing ever, but also the most surprising turtle ever- Say sneaking up on her brothers not purposefully and scaring them, or just overall knowing a whole lot about a certain math problem Donnie has troubles on?? Idk but- Have fun with this, and remember to continue be awesome!! <33
your wish is my command 🧞‍♀️ and tysm for the request! I rlly hope you like it. <3
rottmnt x sister! reader
little sister hcs
Rise! Splinter, Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April x fem! sister! Reader
sister between the ages of like 12-15, fem! reader, PURELY PLATONIC AND FAMILIAL, contains swearing, hehehehehehheee
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- Splinter is such a girl dad and always wanted a daughter. you cannot convince me otherwise.
- You best believe if you were to ever start dating someone ALL of them are interrogating your partner. All of em: the boys, Splinter, and April.
- You absolutely have special privileges w/ Splinter. like he is letting you get away with things your brothers don’t and giving you almost anything you ask for
- ^ bc like…you’re just a little girl. his little girl. his baby. LIKE COME ON NOW-
- he truly believes you could NEVER do anything wrong
- they are all hella protective over you but he is the MOST protective over you (he’s the oldest, you’re the youngest; it just makes sense, ok?)
- when training, he really holds back and goes easy on you even if he doesn’t need to bc he couldn’t imagine hurting you in any way. to him you are precious and fragile
- iffy about letting you go on missions and patrols even if you’re absolutely ready
- ^ it’s not that he doesn’t believe in you, he’s just worried about what could happen
- Carries you :D
- Lectures you but just because he cares and he makes sure you know that he isn’t trying to be mean
- ^ apologizes profusely if his temper does get the best of him
- Yells at Leo for messing with you
- Anytime you’re in battle, he tries his best to keep you behind him if he can
- Heaven forbid you like Ms.Cuddles show
- He absolutely cannot say no to you like it just physically pains him
- Since Raph’s the oldest, he TRIES (key word TRIES) to handle all the important *cough* talks (puberty, s3x, all that fun growing up stuff) but he struggles 😭😭😭 ends up asking April or Donnie to handle it (but shouldn’t Splinter really be handling that???)
- dotes on you like you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen
- reminds you all the time that he’s proud of you
- he tries SO hard to be the “cool” brother
- will always claim and brag that he’s your “favorite,” regardless of its true or not
- teases the shit out of you all the damn time like I wouldn’t blame you if you socked him in the throat
- but he just picks on you bc he loves you
-^ and while this is true, he would NEVER let anyone besides him and your brother make fun of you in any way
- (Almost) always has faith in you. he understands what it’s like to feel like no one trusts you and he doesn’t want you to feel that way
- Listens to all the drama and hot gossip and agrees w/ you on everything. If you’re beefing with someone, SO IS HE.
- ^ that bitch Chloe who told you your shirt was ugly is 13. So what? He doesn’t gaf they are BEEFING
- teaching you things he probably shouldn’t be- NOT IN LIKE A WEIRD WAY, but like how to get away with shit and be sneaky and stuff
- there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. might not be able to give the best advice depending on your problems, but he will hold you and let you cry if that’s what you need
- calls you ‘sis’
- not the best influence 😭
- If you confide in him secrets you haven’t told your other brothers he is weeping tears of joy that you trust him like that
- also dotes on you
- competitive as hell when you play any kind of game
- if you’re a human, he’s (begrudgingly) driving you and picking you up from school. I mean, what kind of brother would he be if he let you walk the dangerous streets of NYC by yourself?
- fr though imagine your classmates faces when you pull up in that big ass turtle tank
- Regarding school, the best to go to for help with homework/schoolwork
- ^ and listen, he tries his best to be patient with you. that’s all I’m gonna say 😭
- Donnie doesn’t really treat you much differently than he treats your brothers, just a little bit more careful and EVER SO SLIGHTLY more patient with you
- will let you hang out in his lab while he works on something if you swear up and down on Splinter’s life you will not break, touch, or LOOK at anything
- If you want an honest, unbiased opinion he’s the brother to go to
- Ole Donatello is not the best at showing he really cares for you and loves you with words and actions, but just know he does and would never let anything happen to you
- Carries you on his back like he does with April
- Lectures you as well but just because he wants you to be safe and not do dumb shit (not as gentle as Raph tho)
- If Raph can’t, he’s the one protecting you and shielding you during missions
- actually the “cool” brother (Leo remains hella jealous)
- since you two are the youngest I could imagine you’d be pretty close
- always wants to try new things with you: snacks, video games, recipes, pretty much down for anything
- invites you to watch YouTube with him if you’re bored
- If you’re a turtle mutant like them, he’ll ask to paint or add stickers to your shell and plastron
- cooks for you when you’re hungry
- if you attend, he makes sure you always have an after school snack + packs your lunch
- if you’re ok with it he is super affectionate with you
- Lets you vent anytime you need to about anything! He’s always going to be there for you and is the most compassionate of your brothers.
- You, Leo, and him doing stupid tiktok challenges and trends at 2am
- Believes in you no matter what. So, so supportive of any dreams or goals that you have. :)
- hypes you up
- beware of Dr.Delicate Touch and Dr.Feelings
- reminds you often that it’s ok to be emotional and vulnerable
- of course she’s best friends w/ all of you but you guys have special sleepovers where it’s just the two of you (which your brothers probably crash if they’re bored)
- ^ obvi calls them “girls night”
- (Varies depending on your species(?)) the one to be the most helpful when you’re body starts changing and you go through puberty because let’s be real your brothers don’t know shit (except Donnie MIGHT know a little bit)
- you can always trust her with secrets or just things you don’t want your brothers to know, like you can talk to her about ANYTHING
- let’s you complain and rant about the dumbass shit your brothers do ALL THE TIME (NOT IN A MEAN WAY I LOVE THEM I SWEAR 😭)
- ^ lmao she totally joins in and agrees w/ everything you say about them
- def let’s you borrow from her if you want (accessories, clothes, jewelry)
- Mayhem LOVES you
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: dad!daemon targaryen x mom!reader
warnings: angsty, angsty comfort tho, this is the saddest this series can get, FINALLY daemon reminded that he has sons, alyssa sucks in this one i'm sorry.
author's note: there's a lot of dad!daemon coming this week, i hope y'all are ready.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon au masterlist here
gif by @torahana
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"Did I do something wrong?"
That was Daemon's first thought once he noticed that his sons were treating him differently.
Last week, he asked Maegon to make him company as he needed to go to the dragonpit to visit Caraxes, and the boy surprisingly refused, saying he was "too busy."
But then, Daemon heard your youngest son agreeing to make you company to the Septum, like he didn't have any plans.
Three days later, The Rogue Prince said to Rhaegon to fly with him to the Vale, where he would be meeting the lovely lady Jeyne.
Rhaegon refused his father, saying "When you find someone younger, maybe it's worth my attention."
Rhaegon has never treated you like this when you mentioned his future arranged marriage, although the young prince felt like there was no need for him to marry at almost five-and-ten.
And during dinner, when you were the one who mentioned an arrangement with Lady Jeyne Arryn, Prince Rhaegon said he would give it a thought.
Today, Daemon came back early from dragon riding with Alyssa, and found you in the yard, embroidering under the tent like you seemed to be doing everyday since the start of this pregnancy.
"Where's Alyssa?" You frowned, noticing that your husband came alone.
"Went straight to the library. She said she needs some information on a dragon's life expectancy." Daemon said, taking a place beside you. "Where are the boys?"
"Rhaegon went to the Vale on dragonback, and he took his brother with him. Maegon can't say 'no' to dragon rides." You smiled.
Daemon scoffed, "Oh, he can. I can't believe Rhaegon went to the Vale. When I suggested that he should meet Jeyne, he practically told me to screw off."
You rolled your eyes, fully knowing that he was just being dramatic.
“And when I invited Maegon to visit Caraxes with me, perhaps we could ride afterwards. Apparently he was too busy to fly with me, but not busy at all to go pray with you in the Septum." Daemon grumbled, eating some grapes that resided on the table.
"My love..." You frowned, "How can you not realize they just want some quality time with you?"
"They refused everything I suggested!"
"You invited Maegon to visit Caraxes. You should know he doesn't like to go to the Dragonpit, he hates it there because he doesn't have a dragon. And Rhaegon... the only time you have a real conversation with him, in days, is to talk about an arranged marriage? Daemon, these are your sons! They're mad at you, they see how you treat Alyssa! Having a favorite child doesn't mean you can neglect the others. Are you going to do the same thing once this child is born?" You spat, placing a protective hand over your baby bump.
That got Daemon by surprise. He opened his mouth to say something, but he found no words.
"I did do something wrong." He thought.
The prince needed time to think about how to approach his boys about his absence. He knows he needed to apologize, even though deep down he was still wondering why they felt so neglected.
Daemon was the youngest son, the second one. He wasn't the special one.
He grew up with Viserys, the heir. He grew up beside the one who rode Balerion, the one who would sit on the Iron Throne, the one who the bards would sing about.
Even with all these privileges, his parents never made him feel like a lesser son. If anyone did that, it was himself. 
Daemon wasn't jealous of his brother, but he wanted to be as special as Viserys. As important as him. He thought he was the problem, and he hated that sort of feeling.
And Daemon realized that maybe he made his sons feel that way.
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Three days had passed, and Daemon still had no idea what to say to his sons.
He thought about asking you what to do, but he knew you'd probably just ignore him.
You're mad at him too. And he knew he needed to apologize to you, for letting things come to this point.
"Lady Jeyne was more interested in Maegon than me. You sure you cannot make this betrothal happen, mother?" Rhaegon smirked, teasing his brother. The younger boy tossed a piece of bread towards him.
“Quit pestering your brother, Rhaegon.” You chuckled.
"I had fun at The Eyrie. Maybe we should visit Lady Jeyne again." Maegon said excitedly.
"I could take you there." Daemon grinned, "I'm sure Caraxes misses you."
"There's no need." Maegon retorted with indifference.
"I would like to visit The Eyrie with you, father." Alyssa smiled, her voice sounding soft as silk in her father's ears.
Before Daemon could reply, his oldest son mumbled;
"I'm sure you would."
Alyssa frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"If you want to be with father, just say so. He wouldn't refuse you. He never does." Rhaegon spat.
You and Daemon crossed glances across the table. You knew the children would start arguing eventually, and you wanted to see how your husband would deal with this situation.
"Are you jealous, brother? I'm sorry if father enjoys my company better than yours." Alyssa argued. She had no reason to be this defensive, since the boys' complaints weren't about her actions, but their father's. She just chose to be rude.
"Alyssa, apologize to your brother!" Daemon demanded in a stern tone.
"Why? Am I wrong?" She asked, "You do enjoy my company better than theirs. I'm the one you take to dragon rides, horse rides, I'm the one who you read books to, who you sing in high-valyrian to, who you teach philosophy and history to. Am I wrong, father?"
Daemon clenched his jaw and swallowed hard. His throat burned like his saliva was made of fire.
"Is she wrong, father?" Maegon questioned in a whisper. His voice cracked and his little purple eyes were covered by a glossy barrier of tears.
You crossed your arms and silently watched that painful scene in front of you.
Daemon's eyes met yours, and you nodded encouraging him to say something. Anything.
"I'm sorry." The prince spoke, "I'm sorry I've been treating you both like anything but my children. I'm sorry I've put you sister above you many times. I'm sorry if– If I made you boys feel less loved. The problem, it’s me."
Daemon faced his children. Looking at Rhaegon, the prince saw his younger self. It was like facing a mirror from the past.
Maegon had his hair, and his eyes, but looking at his youngest child he saw the person he loved the most; you.
"I love you boys as much as I love your sister. You are all my children, and soon there's to be another one, who I'll love as much as you all." Daemon reached for both of the boys' hands across the table, "Can you forgive me? I promise you both that things will be different this time."
And things truly were different.
Although Alyssa remained in a place unreachable for others inside Daemon's heart, The Rogue Prince learned how to divide his free time between all his kids.
Maegon and his father went on a trip to Driftmark, where the little Targaryen boy left with a dragon; Seasmoke. He wouldn't have done it without Daemon’s help.
Now that he trusted Daemon, the young prince Rhaegon found it more comfortable to talk about women with his father than his mother.
Dragon rides with his boys became a thing, which they often did to escape from you.
And the boys never felt neglected again.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 months
Kimhan Theerapanyakul is, by far, the worst of the young heirs. This is a fact universally, quietly, agreed upon by all of the bodyguards. 
Tankhun is… odd. Eccentric. His moods are unpredictable and his punishments unorthodox. He’s vindictive but never truly cruel. Not the way Vegas is, some will whisper, trading horror stories about what they imagine may go on in the Minor family compound. Tankhun is also a safe assignment; he never leaves the tower, meaning whatever guards are on his rotation have a relatively cushy life, as long as they can put up with him. Most of them can’t, and ask to be reassigned within two weeks. You don’t become a bodyguard for the mafia because you want to be safe. 
Kinn, despite being the middle brother, is the true heir, the one being groomed to lead the family. He is serious but kind, firm but fair. It is an honor and a privilege to be placed on his detail. An honor that Big worked very long and very hard for, sacrificing his life and his body to earn the right to stand at Kinn’s side always. 
And then Tawan came into the picture. 
A conniving, jealous little creature, who had Kinn wrapped so tight around his finger, it’s a wonder he could even breathe. Big, loyal guard that he was, tried his best to protect Kinn from himself. He overstepped. He urged caution in this fledgling relationship. Of course, Kinn was young and in love, and Tawan could do no wrong, right up until he was caught selling information to a rival gang. 
Big was the one to reveal Tawan’s schemes. He wishes, deep down, that he had been the one to kill him, too. That he could have spared Kinn that pain. 
Big is dismissed from duty after it’s over. Reassigned. He has been with the family for years at this point, worked his way up as a personal guard to the heirs; he expects he will be reassigned to Tankhun. Instead, he receives orders to report to Khun Kim, who’s recently moved out of the tower and into an apartment across town. 
It’s best if Khun Kinn doesn’t see you right now, Chan had told him. That hurt worse than the dismissal. Big was only doing his job, looking out for his boss—his charge, his responsibility—and here he is, punished for it. Thrown away. Banished from Kinn’s presence entirely. It aches. But Big only nodded and bowed, and accepted his orders, because he is a good and loyal guard, and he will do as he is told. 
Despite Big’s years with the family, he has had little contact with the youngest son. The next six months show him exactly why his coworkers call him the worst assignment.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Character profile
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Face claim: Liv Tyler
Name: Kassandra
Name meaning/origin: comes from the Greek language, it means "the one who excels over men"
Date of birth: October 983 A.D.
Date of death: November 1001 A.D.
Age: has been 18 for 1009 years as of 2010
Zodiac sign: Libra (♎︎)
Place of birth: in a village now known as Mystic Falls, USA
Parents: Esther and Mikael
Siblings: Freya, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik
Height: 174 cm (5'8 ft)
Eye color: blue
Hair color: Brown
She is a member of the Mikaelson family and is one of the seven Original vampires alongside her father and siblings.
She was the second youngest child, only older than Henrik who was 13 at the time of his death in 1001. His death was the catalyst for the creation of the vampire race. 
Can speak many different languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, German, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean; can also speak Latin and of course, Old Futhark - her native language
Has a love for music. Even as a human, she had a penchant for singing and dancing. Has written many songs and compositions throughout her life.
Can play 7 musical instruments: the guitar, the piano, the violin, the flute, the harp, the violoncello, and the Guzheng - the Chinese zither
Alongside Elijah, she is the peacemaker of the family, always striving for peace and love. Hates being in the crossfires of her siblings’ disputes.
Baby of the family. All of her siblings are extremely protective of her. Has baby sister privileges (esp with Klaus)
Loves reading. Can often be found reading side by side next to Elijah.
In true Libra fashion hates picking sides, so when her siblings fight she tries to maintain her neutrality. That is often difficult when one side is threatening to dagger the other and put them in a casket for a hundred years.
Elijah is her favorite brother though she swears she doesn't have favorites.
Bonds with Klaus by spending time with him while he's painting in his studio. She's pretty good at art herself, though she prefers pencil drawings and water-based painting. She never got the hang of oil paintings like Klaus did.
She and Bekah are really close and they always have each other's back. They looove spending Klaus and Elijah's money lol
She sometimes wonders how Kol is older than her, cause she is more mature than him. He likes teasing her to get a reaction out of her.
He got choked several times for crossing the line
Just wants everyone to get along lol
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leosmasktails · 2 years
ROTTMNT Tickle Headcanons
Hey y’all, these are my headcanons for the turtle boys :)))
(Ngl these are kinda loose and I don’t follow them super strictly in my fics, but I still think they’re cute!)
(Also, I’m a sucker for Leo and Donnie being twins so I’m sorry for my favoritism showing lmao-)
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He definitely prefers being the ler
He LOVES torturing his younger brothers
(Like, he loves messing with them, it’s just the older brother privilege)
Whenever he’s in a bad mood his younger brothers’ laughter always cheers him up
He WRECKS Leo when he’s being a little shit-
(Which is like all of the time-)
Whenever Donnie gets too cocky about being a genius he puts him in his place, but Donnie gets overstimulated quickly so he knows when to stop :)
Because Mikey is the baby, he’s always the main target for tickles from Raph
He’s ticklish but not nearly as bad as the other three
His worst spot is probably his neck, but it’s hard to get to because he protects himself really well
He turns the tables so quickly
(I mean the dude’s massive, it’s easy for him-)
He doesn’t mind being tickled, especially if he’s rough-housing with his brothers
His laugh is very deep and rough, but if his brothers get him in the right spot his laugh gets more giggly
(His brothers absolutely LOVE hearing that side of him and will gang up on him just to hear it)
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Dr. Delicate Touch really lives up to his reputation
He loves to mess with Donnie and Leo especially
(Much like Raph, he also knocks Donnie down a peg when he’s being too cocky or grumpy)
Like, so well???
None of his brothers can stand his teases-
LOVES to give tickle hugs :)))
Like, he may be the smallest turtle, but his laugh is LOUD
Similar to Raph, I wanna say his neck is his worst spot
But he’s sensitive everywhere else as well
He doesn’t mind being tickled, but he isn’t touch-starved enough to crave it all of the time
Was always the target growing up because he was the youngest, Splinter had to save him from his older brothers a few times lmao
He hides in his shell if he can escape his brothers fast enough, which is usually a fifty-fifty
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His teases are literally so monotonous they DRIVE HIS BROTHERS INSANE
He’s the dude that asks, “Why are you laughing?” while in the middle of tickling somebody
He has it out for Leo-
(That boy is just asking for it half of the time-)
Being twins, they always try to annoy the crap out of each other so they just target one another all of the time-
(He gets so smug it drives Leo up the wall-)
He loves to tickle Mikey when he’s being annoying or to get him back
He definitely prefers being the ler
(He likes to have power lmao)
As much as he prefers being the ler, he’s too ticklish for his own good-
(Of course his brothers know Donnie gets overstimulated quickly so they never torture him for too long)
I wanna say the back and sides of his shell are his worst spots, considering it’s his most vulnerable area-
(Luckily he has a battle shell on most of the time because his brothers would be so ruthless)
(Like one poke and he’s SHRIEKING)
His laugh is actually really wholesome, and his brothers love to hear it because he usually doesn’t genuinely laugh often :)
He doesn’t hate being tickled but it depends on the situation and who he’s with if he’s having a good time or not
(It’s kinda hit or miss with him)
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(Like look at his fucking smirk-)
He points out the fact that his brothers are sensitive and uses that to be annoying
His teases aren’t as flustering as Mikey or Donnie’s, but HE IS SO OUT OF POCKET HE’LL MAKE FUN OF HIS BROTHERS
(Out of love of course)
He LOVES to mess with Donnie, like I said, the twins have it out for each other
(But also cheers up Donnie when he’s being edgy)
He also loves to get Mikey, he’s gotta mess with his baby bro too
He’ll get Raph if he’s feeling like being extra annoying lmao
He loves being the ler, but he’s almost always becomes the lee
Bro is too confident he’s always a target-
(He loves to poke and annoy his brothers I mean come on-)
That being said, he definitely likes being tickled, he thinks it’s fun and a good way to bond with his brothers :)
I think his worst spots are along his shell where his ribs would be and his sides
(Like its almost impossible to not smile when he laughs)
If he’s really craving it he just straight up flops on top of one his brothers and they know-
He might be confident, but he can get VERY flustered really quickly
(His brothers think it’s really funny and ironic-)
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calyxthenerd · 2 months
Simon, Nina, Gastón and Ambar
❤️‍🔥 a romantic headcanon:
Simón is the most romantic guy ever, big gestures, serenades with original songs, home cooked candle lit dinners, picnics on the beach, stargazing on the countryside, the works
Nina is a shy little thing, but she’s also a poet at heart, so she’ll say the most beautiful things in private, she also loves to hold hands while out together, not only because she’s very physically affectionate and touch starved but also because it keeps her grounded, and she loves to fall asleep cuddling too
Gastón is more of a personal gestures kind of guy, his demonstrations are very specific to them and their relationship
Ámbar is a very protective girlfriend, she will go to battle with anyone who breathes something mean about her boyfriend, and her smiles, seeing her smiling is a luxury, a privilege, if she smiles at you, you are blessed, and if you wipe that smile off her face, there’ll be hell to pay
😭 a headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them:
For Simón, probably when his grandma, the one who helped raise him, his siblings and all his cousins, died, he was on tour when he got the news, it was awful
For Nina it wasn’t a specific moment, but the year before her parents got divorced, they were at the height of their marital problems, every day she came home to a fight, true nightmare material
For Gastón, I’d say it was when he got the news of Matteo’s accident from his father, he was heartbroken, not only that he couldn’t do anything because he couldn’t just drop his studies to go back home and because of the distance, but also because none of their friends had thought to tell him that his brother was in the hospital
For Ámbar it was definitely her first skating showcase/competition, when she saw that Sharon wasn’t on the stands, cheering her on
😇 a headcanon about their religion or lack thereof:
Simón was raised catholic, church every week and stuff, but he never really cared about that stuff, preferring to enjoy the life he has
Nina is a science and facts kind of girl, but she can appreciate all the art that came from the church and loves studying every religion she can get her
Gastón wasn’t raised particularly religion, and is a known atheist, but he loves visiting churches to see the architecture and history of it all
Ámbar has some bad memories of forcibly being taken to church because Sharon thought it was a good look to raise her christian
💔 An angsty headcanon:
Simón bakes a cake with her recipe and puts a candle on it to blow it out and sings the song she used to sing to him, every year on his grandmother’s birthday
Nina volunteers at a troubled youth shelter that she lived in for a few weeks when she was younger, and once she sees a young girl who’s parents’ divorce had gotten so bad, she ran away, just like she had done once, after she got home, she cried and cried until she couldn’t anymore
Gastón freaks out every time he sees an unknown number calling him because that’s how he found out his best friend almost died
Ámbar can’t brush her hair without thinking of everything her mother did to her and how she’ll never get her innocence back and then she cries
🧬 a headcanon about their family:
Simón has 6 siblings, three older, three younger, one is 35, one is 27, one is just a year older than him, one is 17, one is 13 and the youngest is 10, by the time the show begins
Both Ricardo and Ana were only children so Nina doesn’t have cousins which made her bad childhood all the more awful
I already talked about how Gastón’s mom, Catalina, is a lawmaker and his dad, Julio, is a baker, but what I didn’t mention is his little sister, Sofia, who is 6 and is the sassiest little thing anyone’s ever seen (she’s Matteo’s favorite)
Thinking about family headcanons for Ámbar is hard because her family situation is already pretty clear in the show, and I’m not a big fan of next gen stuff, but I think she, together with Simón, Luna and later Ramiro, after they get married, makes the mansion into a foster home
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electricfied-wolf · 9 months
Dear stex fandom please ask abt my stex ocs I want to talk abt them so so bad. But I specifically want to talk abt Greaseball's family bc they're all on my mind constantly so have the info for them: if you've read the fic of mine they're in you already know them but for those who haven't-
Sunburner- Greaseball's dad, BIG ol' union pacific passenger engine, incredibly deep voice, basically ran the yard before Greaseball grew up and took over. Very protective papa. Bridgette- Greaseball's mom, bar car, got the 50s housewife vibe going on with her appearance, MADLY in love with Sunburner you physically cannot separate these two. Incredibly doting mother, will fuss over her sons even if her middle child is 22ft taller than her. Bend down boy your mother wants to give you a forehead kiss. Skylight- Greaseball's older brother, an observation car, he has a hairstyle somewhat similar to Greaseball, just a bit more curly and kinda cloudlike. He bickered with Greaseball a lot when they were kids but he still loves em'. Poppy- The youngest brother out of the trio, and I mean youngest when I say youngest because as of the championship, he is literally only 18. He's a luggage van, has hair akin the Skylight's but it's less resemblant of a pompadour. Very bright and silly but also abuses his youngest sibling privileges to an annoying degree.
(Also these guys operate on my "trains are 11-40ft giants who work on the railways and while some have human comforts they are not human" logic, so keep that in mind if you do ask abt them)
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blossomtide · 2 months
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( murakami nijiro, male, he/him) — the halls of verum academy is home to MIHARU SATO, twenty four year old student of elixir. listen to the whispers that follow them through the door of the theory of healing arts classroom, the ones about a volatile stormy sea by a cliffside, sunlit greenhouses with tall windows, apothecary shelves packed with bottles and vials, handwritten journal with drawn plants and endless winding staircases. once they graduate, their legacy will be one that is intelligent and protective in nature, but the records will not mention that they are known to be insecure and possessive, too. they are, after all, the future of verum. ╱ rae, 26, any pronoun, gmt +7.
Basic Info
Faceclaim: Nijiro Murakami
Name: Miharu Sato
Nickname: Haru, Ruru
Age: 24
DOB: May 10th
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: Male
Orientation: ?? (he's too busy studying he never paid attention to romance)
Occupation: Student of Verum Academy
Languages: English, Japanese, Latin
Residence: Verum Academy Dormitory
Skeleton: Muse 1
Height: 165 cm/5’5”
Weight: 55 kg/ 121 lbs
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black 
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Scars: A few small cuts on his hands and arms from when he was learning swordsmanship
Aesthetic: a volatile stormy sea by a cliffside / sunlit greenhouses with tall windows / apothecary shelves packed with bottles and vials / handwritten journal with drawn plants / endless winding staircases
Familiar: ? ??
“There is an unquenchable thirst for greatness within you, one that nobody but you can fulfill. Yet every quest for glory you took left you unsated, each gulp of victory were mouthfuls of fire. And there is only a matter of time until you burn to cinders from inside out.” 
Born from one of the wealthiest and most influential families in the capital, Miharu grew up rarely wanting for anything. That is, until he became old enough to understand the sting of people’s words and venom hidden behind the sweetest smiles. 
Was very attached to his second older sibling, used to idolize and adored them a lot until the pressure of being compared to them started to get to him. Miharu is ashamed to admit that his 2nd eldest was the reason he has an inferiority complex because while he loves his sibling, being known as the hardworking little brother of a natural born genius made him miserable. 
As the youngest of four siblings all he’s been taught since young was not to bring any shame into family and that there are little to no expectations for him to live up to, no grand roles to fill in. For some people, being born with a silver spoon with no responsibilities or expectations would be a wonderful thing. But to him, it shows how insignificant he is as he’s not even worthy of being a spare for his older siblings.
Miharu is by no means an untalented or average khemia practitioner. By his own right, he’s worked hard to be where he is with or without the privilege his family’s influence gave him and he’s made a name for himself despite his age. But sure enough, the brilliance of the sun would easily devour the light that came from a handful of stars.
It was cowardly of him to run away to Cynefin in the guise of studying in Verum. Miharu needed to get away from Talcelin, from the eyes of the Capital’s high society, from his family and from his older sibling that he both loves and loathes the most. 
Ignorant of the world yet remained headstrong, Miharu, the little young master who had never even dressed himself without a servant's help before settled in the quaint little town of Cynefin at the age of 18. 
Has a lot of unsent letters addressed to his family. He might not like being sheltered under their shadow but they’re still his blood and he does get homesick occasionally. 
Hates it when someone mentions his family’s wealth/influence or calls him a spoiled young master (and they were right to call him that. He brought his fancy schmancy automobile from the capital that he rarely uses ffs. "I'm not spoiled." he says. Meanwhile, the car in question: x) 
Very hard on himself and self-critical. Has severe trust issues with people who approach him, worried they only get close to him to gain connection with his family that it’s hard for him to open up his heart for new friends.
Is fascinated with the way human bodies heal itself, hence why he picked elixirs as his major though there was another reason: because he wants to prove to his family that he’s a useful/crucial asset to the ongoing war. 
Actually has more natural affinity towards the transmutation branch of khemia but stubbornly chose to specialize in elixirs out of spite so people would stop comparing him and his other sibling who is adept in transmutation. 
Probably almost died when he foolishly tried to summon a demon to be his familiar but since it’s a successful summon he thought nothing of the danger he had put himself through. 
Sleeps with a gun under his pillows loaded with silver bullets after learning the existence of demons (after summoning one, unsure if it will even do the demons any harm but hey worth a shot).
More tba <3
frenemies (0/2) 
someone who tries to befriend him just bc he's from a wealthy family or wants to get close to him bc of one of his older siblings (0/1)
someone that he end up tutoring (0/1)
roommate/dormmate. (0/2) you've known him since he first arrived to verum. you wondered why did this foolish young master came all the way down to the little town of cynefin on his own accord and how in the world was he to survive alone. this guy didn't even know how to dress up by himself!
you found one of his journals and liked his neat handwritings along with the life-like sketches of plants and potions materials drawn in there. he isn't too happy with you when you returned it back to him though.
you found him chilling on a branch of a tall tree. the sun is going down soon but he doesn't seem like he has any intention to climb down. you have a suspicion that he's actually stuck up there and doesn't know how to climb down.
more tba
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mathiwrites · 2 months
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Wildflowers, a Tamlin x Rhysand prequel fic
Chapter 9
The middle child of three brothers, Iolin has never stood out. Loyalty is an expected trait, not a celebrated one. He lacks Enfys’ cutthroat obedience and Tamlin’s raw talent. Were he anyone else, he likes to think he would have become a gardener or a healer. At home, he used to tend to the roses his father planted for his mother, dreaming of finding a love as strong as theirs. Perhaps he already has it in the form of devotion he has for his family but love shouldn’t be so painful, torn between them. 
(Perhaps he already has it in the form of a human with rough hands and freckles that dance across her nose like flowers in the tall grass. He can never love for her safety; his own legacy, privilege and pride mean nothing. If he could abandon it all with no consequence to her or his family, he would.)
He’s heard of Tamlin’s return from Enfys. He hasn’t seen their youngest brother since his arrival in the war; both he and Enfys have their respective missions. Tamlin was deployed almost immediately without a hint of knowledge that their battering ram had been tasked with killing their peers—their childhood friends. 
Straight to the front. Remind Prythian why they need us , their father ordered.
Iolin stands as soon as the tent flaps open. He expects the usual cloud of anger that accompanies the rest of his family, draining all the energy in the room, but Tamlin simply stops and looks at him with an expression of gentle surprise.
“Oh, Io. What are you doing here?” There’s blood caking his brow, and a free-flow has dried on his face. It must have blocked his vision in battle. Mud and gore mats his pale hair. Iolin also notices a limp to the last step of his entry, as if he’d been hiding it until the moment he was safe.
“You’re hurt,” the older Fae moves to his brother’s side, guiding him to the soft cot that awaits him.
“Not the bed. Floor, please,” Tamlin asks, kindly. It happens often to soldiers, where they get accustomed to the filth and the discomfort, so much that any luxury feels… wrong .
Iolin obliges, helping his brother even though he knows Tamlin does not need it. He pulls out a satchel of herbs crushed into a paste. Each vial is laid out on an ornate night table that does not belong in the middle of a war camp, but at the end of the day, the High Lord must take care of his sons (or make it seem as if he has a heart made of flesh, not stone). He takes a damp cloth and starts cleaning Tamlin’s face, then his hands. He asks about any other injuries and is glad to find that there are none.
“Reminds me of when you were a child,” he hums, applying ointment to the cut nearing Tamlin’s hairline. “Always getting into trouble, then running to mother, even after I’ve already healed you.”
“The best remedy is a mother’s kiss,” Tamlin counters, a small smile dancing on his lips.
“Oh, I distinctly remember you sticking out your tongue at me while hiding behind her skirts.”
Tamlin grins, shrugging. What else can he say? He loves their mother. 
Iolin keeps working on Tamlin’s injuries, giving him a draught to help with the leg injury. He untangles his brother’s hair. Unlike Tamlin, Iolin’s own hair edges closer to a dark caramel, rather than true gold. Iolin had always been fascinated by his brother’s light, ever since he was born and felt protective of him. (But not protective enough, apparently.)
“I’m sorry.” He finally asks after scrubbing away a thick patch of dried mud.
“Hmm?” Tamlin’s eyes had fluttered shut. Nothing comforts him more than his hair being played with, or his hands, or his feet, or just a general full-body massage. He is long overdue. The knots are innumerable. “What for?”
The sincerity in his voice has Iolin’s heart aching. Shame haunts him. “For not protecting you. For not keeping you out of this war.” Tamlin tenses beneath his touch and he knows there is a part of his brother that is angry, even if he won’t say it.
“It’s fine. It will all work out. I need to do my part.”
“It doesn’t matter if it will work out . You’re my little brother.”
“What could you have done to stop this, Io? This war has consumed our whole lives. Enfys wants to prove himself to Father. Father needs me to fight on the front lines because I am strong and he won’t stop until he understands that I do not want to be High Lord.” Tamlin is a weapon and a threat, all at once. “Did Enfys ever protect you?”
“He was a lot like you when he was younger. Brave, idealistic and heroic. He wanted to save the world. The humans too.” The second Spring son looks into the distance, past the light fabric of Tamlin’s tent to a distant past. “It wasn’t his fault. We all do it, dream too hard and talk too much. Enfys thought he was going to be the next High Lord, so father taught him what that meant.”
They both know what father’s lessons are made of; they’re scars that will never fade.
“First, he hosted a tournament when Enfys came of age. He had Enfys visit every territory and challenge the High Lords. You know how well they take to threats in their territory. It took months for him to heal from Beron’s fire and he won’t speak of what he saw in the Night Court. Then, father had him hunt humans for a century for sport.”
None of this makes sense. No one has ever bothered to tell him these stories. “Why didn’t—”
“What is there to say, Tamlin? This is our fate, not our circumstance.” In Iolin’s mind, there is nothing to change. “Father used to have Enfys discipline me the same way he did to him. So, if you wonder why he keeps his distance from you,” Iolin trails.
Once upon a time, Tamlin had loved Enfys, sharp edges and all. His brother would always carry him upon his shoulders and take him riding through the lush forests that surround their territory. He had taught Tamlin to swim in a river of starlight and sing to the fires so they would light up the night. Those memories are what keeps him here, hoping that the brother he knew would come back once this is all done.  Then, it all changed and he never understood why.
(Maybe—Maybe if Tamlin gives them the victory they want so badly, he can finally bring them home .)
“We forgot ourselves when you were born. It had been so long and we learned to keep the status quo.”
“But you never stopped looking after me.”
“That’s because,” he starts, then shakes his head. Iolin bites back his tongue; too much time spent with their father and brother has taught him that his opinion means nothing. He is just another general, and if he does not constantly prove his usefulness, he will be discarded. If Enfys is the Heir and Tamlin is the Spare, then Iolin is disposable.
“I’m sorry.” Iolin pauses. There’s a lot to be sorry for. He figures he could have a little humility and a little honesty, for once. “For being weak. For being a brother undeserving of you.” 
“Io,” Tamlin frowns, a gentle coax for him to stay. “You’re the best brother I could ask for.” His words don’t seem to matter. Iolin offers a respectful bow and starts to leave. Not an ounce of strength exists in the hand encircling Iolin’s wrist, he could break free if he really wanted to.
“I don’t need you to protect me, but Doe—”
“Don’t. Not here. Don’t say her name.”
Tamlin nods. “She’s the one that needs you.” If there is a time for Iolin to come through—to show up as High Fae and the son of a High Lord, it would be for her. “I don’t even understand why you’re here .” Iolin should be fighting on the side of the humans; he’s always had a soft spot for them, their arts and their knowledge. He learned the value of them through Doe.
“It’s taken care of, Tamlin.”
“I said it’s taken care of ,” Iolin snaps, eyes narrowing in his brother’s direction. Rarely does he ever show himself as possessive or even angry. Iolin is the mild-mannered middle brother. The true perfect child who never causes a fuss. He swallows back the shameful display of emotion. “I just came to check if you’re alright. Take care of yourself, Tamlin. I don’t know if we’ll see each other again.” He's sure his youngest sibling will survive; that's not what he's worried about. If there is one thing Iolin still believes in, it's Tamlin.
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limitlessscion · 2 months
Family Headcanons
Satoru is the youngest of three siblings. It's one of those things that most in the Jujutsu world are aware of but quickly forget, with him overshadowing not only his immediate family but his whole clan in the eyes of others.
The eldest, Katusmi (克己) is a Grade 2 Sorcerer; by all means, in all other contexts when not compared to his brother, a strong and respectable rank, especially for one without a true cursed technique. He too had inherited Limitless but without the Six Eyes it is all but unusable.
Their relationship was strained as children, the older boy jealous of Satoru's special treatment. Resentment grew in the shadows he inhabited while Satoru hardly acknowledged his existence.
As they grew older though the elder mellowed out, accepting his own lot in life and coming to understand that Satoru's privilege and burden wasn't one that he truly wanted for himself.
The second sibling is named Hisako (寿子) never pursued becoming a true Jujutsu Sorcerer, though Satoru would guess she'd likely be an average Grade 3 if she did; again, by all measures, not weak at all. Her technique was the ability to control the perception of time, something that would require a great deal of creativity and talent to turn to something useful for exorcising curses.
She works in administration at the school, and is rarely sent out into the field as a Window. Satoru pulls some strings to keep that to a minimum, and she accepts his protection gladly. Their relationship is much better than Satoru's with the eldest, the two having at least been close when they were very young kids.
She was involved in helping Satoru end Megumi's sale to the Zen'in clan and procuring the funding to support the Fushiguro siblings using her position at the school.
The parents were originally a side branch of the Gojo family, their relationship with the head of the family a few degrees removed. Their status improved dramatically when they produced the heir to both Limitless and the Six Eyes, becoming second to the clan head.
Satoru's relationship with them is fairly neutral. They are cordial and only really keep in touch out of familial obligation, and there is no true bond. As a child, Satoru spent more time with nursemaids and tutors than his own parents, his upbringing more of a formal clan affair than a process between parents and child.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
The Chessboard Of Monarchical Power
by havitbeeac
Lena is the twenty-one-year-old daughter of a nobleman from 14th-century France. It's a time when children are not seen as cherished and loved individuals, but rather used as pawns and bargaining chips on the chessboard of control and privilege.
She is married to a prince in the country of Krypton, a Gaelic-speaking island nation near Ireland. Kai, her fiancé, is next in line to assume power when the beloved King Zor passes away. Or is he?
Karak, the youngest and only daughter of the royal family, has been raised as one of the king's sons her entire life, for reasons she never fully understood. A natural fighter, she was raised to be a warrior and the head of the Crown's Elite Guard, assigned to protect her boorish brother Kai.
Forced to step in for her brother in an unexpected turn of events, an instant attraction between Karak and Lena develops. In a game of thrones filled with deceit and betrayal, even the most secret love can mean death.
Words: 2559, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Zor-El, Lena Luthor, Kai, Zor-El, Lionel Luthor, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Kara is Karak, Mistaken Identity, Androgyny, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Warrior Kara Zor-El, Princess Kara Zor-El, Slow Burn, Angst
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/7vLDPN9 via IFTTT https://ift.tt/7vLDPN9
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princesspuresarahk · 1 year
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Paulina Maria Sanchez is a student at Casper High of Caribbean and South American, is the most popular girl in school being a cheerleader of the football team while being a bully(later on former) towards Danny and her friends, she is the little sister of Pedro one of the most popular guys. she cares about fashion, popularity, beauty anything in pink and cute cuddly things and looks up to her older wanting to gain his popularity level , she really admires genuinely thankful to Danny Phantom for saving her, and likes her beyond just his good looks and popularity, but also her heroism and kindness. yet she had pick up bad habits by her brother from bullying others being vain, stylish, and insensitive who usually thinks she is above anyone below her social status, with moments where she can be very cold and serious, such as treating Valen Gray negatively after he and his father become poor and have no issues taking revenge,in who wronged her. despite being  described as "shallow" by Sam, Paulina is able to be nice and friendly on occasion. being revealed when her and Danny ended up hanging out together for the whole summer as in the beginning of Summer it turned out Sam and Tulip were both going to be on vacation with their families Sam on a 3 month cruise with her parents (she had no choice but to go) and Tulip will be visiting family in another state leaving their friend Danny on her own and having to deal with the ghosts by herself for awhile. Meanwhile Paulina was going through problems of her own as well as it turns out she livid in a bit of a traditional home with being the only daughter/youngest she has few privileges in her family that Pedro gets to do but Paulina can’t due Papá being protective of her and stern when it involves her neglecting schoolwork and education(her parents are unaware of her and Pedro’s bullying), when her her family found out about her failing grades that year she would have to take 3-4 weeks of summer school in order to catch up and prevent her repeating junior year if she wants to make it to senior her family was very strict about it while her older brother and their friends got together on a big long summer trip while she stayed home. while at the Nasty Burger Danny was taking a break after dealing The Box Ghost (again) notice Paulina at one of the boots looking down in the dumps and seem to be struggling a bit with the assignments she was given despite Danny not liking her with her at times she couldn't help but pity Paulina and decided to see if she could help her, Paulina at first was shock by Danny wanting to help her and wasn't sure as she was mean to Danny and her friends but when Danny explained no should have to struggle and be alone on summer she decided to give her a chance and was amazed when she learned Danny knew the subjects she was studying pretty well and offered to help tutor her seeing this as a opportunity to get through summer school and make her parents proud she accepted and throughout them coming to study together as Danny helped her Paulina really got to know her and began liking hanging out with her as she got her grades up and succeeded in her schooling during those weeks,seeing Danny was a really sweet kind, easy-going, helpful, and compassionate person being clever and emotional towards the people the ones she cares about while having a love for puns and witty when she wants to be (making her laugh and giving her a friend she could really talk to with both understanding their struggles at home-life) having Paulina realize she be a better as she slowly stopped being less shallow that there’s more to popularity and beauty as her and Danny’s friendships grew they had sleepovers and hang out in cool places together from shopping,going to the salon,going to a movie,swimming at the pool and even bowling, as Danny secretly fights ghost along the way and as time went on Danny considered telling Paulina about her(secret) on day if their summer ‘friendship’ will last which to her surprise did(but that is a story for later)
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
Cater x Maria kids
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Dual Vanrouge
Gender: Female
Age: 1-14 years old
Hometown: Valley of Thorns
Birthday: Jan 17th
Dominant Hand: Left
-Lilia Vanrouge(Adoptive Grandfather)
-Thea Vanrouge(Adoptive Grandmother)
-Cater Diamond(Father)
-Maria Hopps(Mother)
-Conny(Older triplet brother)
-Azure(Older triplet brother)
-Livia Garcia Vanrouge Howl(Adoptive Mother)
-Jack Howl(Adoptive Father)
-Ramona Howl(Adoptive Sister)
-Clover Howl(Adoptive Sister)
-Elijah Howl(Adoptive Brother)
-Dandi Howl(Adoptive Brother)
-Anne Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Hunter Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Daisy Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Hina Dragon(Cousin)
-Cedar Dragon(Cousin)
-Other family relatives
Hobbies: Finger Painting
Pet Peeves: Conny's bluntness
Favorite food: Sweet potatoes
Least favorite food: Spicy ramen
Talent: Climbing things
Personality: Dual is a hyper young girl that enjoys running about even though she could get in trouble due to it. As the youngest she does get some baby privileges, being babied and protected by her elder brothers. Easygoing like her father, she's very good with her words but can go a little overboard and hit a sore spot without meaning to at times, becoming guilty and apologetic when it's pointed out. When she's older and finds out who her parents are, she becomes somewhat meaner and cold towards her adoptive parents and bio parents, finding comfort in solitary areas so she could keep her thoughts together.
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Conny Vanrouge
Gender: Male
Age: 1-14 years old
Hometown: Valley of Thorns
Birthday: Jan 17th
Dominant Hand: Both
-Lilia Vanrouge(Adoptive Grandfather)
-Thea(Adoptive Grandmother)
-Cater Diamond(Father)
-Maria Hopps(Mother)
-Azure(Older triplet brother)
-Dual(Younger triplet sister)
-Livia Garcia Vanrouge Howl(Adoptive Mother)
-Jack Howl(Adoptive Father)
-Ramona Howl(Adoptive Sister)
-Clover Howl(Adoptive Sister)
-Elijah Howl(Adoptive Brother)
-Dandi Howl(Adoptive Brother)
-Anne Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Hunter Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Daisy Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Hina Dragon(Cousin)
-Cedar Dragon(Cousin)
-Other family relatives
Hobbies: Archery
Pet Peeves: False accusations
Favorite food: Carrots
Least favorite food: Any flavor cookie
Talent: Shooting moving targets
Personality: Conny is cold towards those not part of his family. He prefers to not talk to them, and will walk away ignoring them if they call out to him or tell him to show some respect. Blunt like his Uncle Shadow, he won't hesitate to put someone in their place regardless of who they are or where they're from. He is a justice seeker, unwilling to let falsely accused things go without a proper investigation. He finds out early who his parents are and shows no care about it, claiming that Livia and Jack were his real parents, even seeing no need to get close with Cater and Maria.
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Gender: Male
Age: 1-14 years old
Hometown: Valley of Thorns
Birthday: Jan 17th
Dominant Hand: Right
-Lilia Vanrouge(Adoptive Grandfather)
-Thea Vanrouge(Adoptive Grandmother)
-Cater Diamond(Father)
-Maria Hopps(Mother)
-Conny(Younger triplet brother)
-Dual(Younger triplet sister)
-Livia Garcia Vanrouge Howl(Adoptive Mother)
-Jack Howl(Adoptive Father)
-Ramona Howl(Adoptive Sister)
-Clover Howl(Adoptive Sister)
-Elijah Howl(Adoptive Brother)
-Dandi Howl(Adoptive Brother)
-Anne Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Hunter Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Daisy Schoenheit(Cousin)
-Hina Dragon(Cousin)
-Cedar Dragon(Cousin)
-Other family relatives
Hobbies: Stitching
Pet Peeves: His grandfather cooking
Favorite food: Sweet pears
Least favorite food: Lilia's cooking
Talent: Fast runner
Personality: Despite being the oldest child, Azure is a total crybaby, clinging to his adoptive mother whenever he bursts into tears. Although capable of scaring people and keeping his siblings safe, he prefers more peaceful solutions, only using physical means if his words aren't getting through to whoever he is up against. He's nicknamed the "Rabid Bunny" by others once he's older due to the warrior training his grandfather gave him, giving him the power to deliver powerful kicks with his legs that can knock out even an elephant.
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress
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(It took me two hours to answer the questionnaire. Hope it isn’t too off-putting that I addressed it directly to AfO)
1. My eyes are mostly greenish-blue with yellow in the center.
2. Sure, he can experiment on me, as long as he can give me T during or after he’s done.
3. It’s not like children choose how they look anyway. What does it matter to me if you have more control?
4. Obviously you need to be able to track the little ones. How else will you keep them safe? Cameras are the logical next step—you can’t be with them all the time, and if something does happen, you need to know the details of the situation to keep them safe. It is a bit stifling, though, so if they’re old enough and can protect themselves (like the eldest sibling) they can earn the privilege of not being watched.
5. Of course! I hardly have reason to leave the house anyway, as long as I have a suitable level of entertainment. Watching the kid(s) will be so much fun!
6. Well, we can’t have just one kid—the dynamic of Younger Brother Yoichi must be preserved. The only question is if we should have more. They could be helpful in your business, yes, but they could also be on Yoichi’s side. But if Yoichi is less isolated and we meet his social needs in the vault, he may be less inclined to leave. I believe more children is better. Doesn’t matter to me if they’re biological or adopted.
7. I can’t cook either way but I would be willing to learn, especially with my husband providing for me.
8. I hardly ever realize I’ve finished a book until there’s no more pages left to turn or episodes to watch, but I do feel a need to stop a story from ending.
9. Of course not 😔 they either make one look too serious if the tie is solid or too silly if the tie is patterned.
10. At least the Demon King acknowledges that everyone has darkness in them, unlike Captain Hero, which has overly restrictive and unforgiving morals. Like, he won’t even let a little theft go unpunished.
11. Only if it’s the wrong sort of love, but your brotherly love for Yoichi is obviously not the wrong sort of love.
12. That sounds like great parenting practice to make sure I provide Yoichi the best care. I’d like to be allowed to keep the ones I like.
13. There’s no need for someone like him. If someone needs protecting, they can look to their older sibling or husband or leader that they’ve sworn loyalty to.
14. All that spiky hair does is make the wearer look like a thug or a slob depending on if it looks artificial or natural.
15. C. Multiple vaults are obviously necessary if you need to vault two people at the same time that shouldn’t interact, as long as you have rooms that aren’t vaults. I need to be able to get midnight snacks.
16. I’m not sure how to answer this question. Both of your extremes are true, and bad.
17. Obviously not A. An age difference by itself isn’t bad. Not C either—surely you agree that some people (cough All Might cough) wouldn’t get wiser with age if they were a centenarian. Therefore, B.
18. My first instinct is obviously C, but wouldn’t it make it so much easier to stop the other kids, like Yoichi, from wanting to be a hero if they had a sibling who could personally tell them how unsafe it is?
19. C. Physically hurting them is counterintuitive to keeping them safe, and I’m not raising a spoiled kid. Vaulting is the best solution
20. A, B, and C are the best name, but having multiple children with the same name may be a bit confusing, so it should be saved for the youngest one, the one most worthy of the name.
21. I am incapable of coitus, but if you do that while we’re cuddling, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. You can do all the trash-talking yourself—as the one who’s interacted with him, you would obviously be much better at it than me.
22. (See answer to previous question) Not opposed to it in general. Something like more limbs means better cuddles, or if you could put me to sleep with no fuss, well, that would be ideal.
23. Depends on the supervillain. Overhaul, if one stretched the definition of supervillain, would get A and B, but for you? C.
24. I always wear black, all black, and only black.
25. B, obviously. Who wouldn’t want a lover who would resurrect them? Gigantic green flag.
26. Your love for your brother is heart-warming, you’re so handsome, you can protect me and provide for me, the majority of your opinions are correct (one can’t be right all the time), you’re intelligent and you have a lot of power.
All for One appreciates being addressed directly, as he is always the most important person in the room.
Your opinions on childcare are very sensible, especially older sibling superiority. You seem like you’d be a good influence on dear undead Yoichi.
All for One would be happy to provide you with cooking classes. Naturally you can keep any orphans you want. There will always be more children to kidnap to turn into Nomu.
Yes, people with spikey hair are thugs, All for One is nodding his head. Not the useful type of thug he employs, just brother thieves.
The surprise trashing of Overhaul is even more welcome. It’s true, some villains are just embarrassing.
The majority of your simping was correct (except for the part where you dared to say that sometimes All for One is wrong). That one sentence alone put you solidly on the B-list, but now the field is open to more All for Ones across my AUs, the others will pass your number to someone in less good standing with the club. You might get one of those semi-redeemed All for Ones who are more open to constructive criticism.
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
I feel like William as an heir and not the "spare" could not live life as Harry got to. He had to be publicly perfect from the get go. Kate too and I remember the press being really harsh on her for so long. She even had topless pictures published ... So much for being protected.
It only stopped when they got Meghan as a new prey. And then they used racism and Kate obviously never had to face that. On that side there is no debate and it's sad that the focus is taken away from that.
William lived the same experience loosing his mum. But being the first born he had to the grown up right away.
It seems Harry got another privilege on top of everything else and it was that he could live his life as a "bad boy" "cool guy". His brother has to be king. So it could be great for social media if he was cooler but I guess you don't lead a nation on TikTok. They are not Hollywood stars. They don't get to be famous and just enjoy it.
Harry really is a spoiled brat type. And Meghan will come off as one too because of that. Except she has a good reason to be angry. She faced racism from the press and supposedly from the Royal institution as well. But on that front we don't have any more informations so the book and TV show really are just for the views and money ?
I haven't read the Diana and bald thing stuff. But if it is true ... Man that's so low how can the man be taken seriously ? English people must be glad that guy is not the first born !
Yeah — I think the firm was harmful to both William and Harry, just in vastly different ways which Harry doesn’t seem to grasp.
And like — this dynamic between Harry and William isn’t something completely unique between the two of them, my youngest sister and I have a comparable (as comparable as it can be) dynamic where she feels like our family structure growing up benefited me the most (it definitely didn’t) and I escaped without trauma (not true). Like a lot of things Harry has said are a lot of things that my sister has said about me so like I guess that’s probably why I tend to sympathize with William, the eldest brother so much.
But yeah, it’s a shame that Harry is apparently so selfish that he’s turning the attention of what his wife has gone through and turned it into something that most people are not taking seriously which means they aren’t going to take Meghan seriously either (not that they were before but). I think that is what pisses me off the most — Harry somehow thinks all of this is protecting his wife but contradicting her and trivializing their experience feels quite the opposite. I dunno.
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ttoca · 2 years
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Cao Miaoji, Zhang Chunhua and Ding Lushi Character Design
Cao Miaoji is Cao Cao's younger sister and the youngest child of Cao Song. Far more quiet and gentle than her older sister, Boshi, Miaoji is someone all her siblings band together to protect when the time comes. For as she matures, she presents a prospect to the family and her father's eyes turn to the power of the consort clans and in Miaoji he sees an opportunity to attach his household as directly to the Imperial family as will allow, a position that comes with endless privileges...and just as many risks.
Zhang Chunhua, the daughter of a Magistrate in Weijun, finds herself thrust into the chaos of the Yellow Scarf Rebellion when her father's seat is surrounded and swarmed. With a cadre of her father's finest guards, she's sent to the Imperial Task Force garrison in the capital region where she fast proves a young spitfire, declaring her father gave her the authority to act as Weijun's voice and any who can't muster the spirit and forces necessary to save her father's hold from the rebellion has no right calling himself an officer or even a human being. Her abrasive and somewhat pompous personality grates on others and not even Cao Cao is safe from her dressing down and dreaded 'pointy-finger'. Young Sima Yi, however, shows unusual shyness and inelegance around the young lady, a fact that goes unnoticed by her but not, by any means, by his fellows.
Ding Lushi, daughter of Ding Gong, brother of Ding Chong and child of the second most influential clan in Pei, finds herself married to the already infamous Cao Cao in order to unite their previously warring clans. This arrangement pleases neither husband nor wife. Around Cao Cao, she is cold, aloof and will point out his shortcomings as often as she can. Cao Cao in response will call her out in turn. Yet somehow, they seem more at home insulting each other behind closed doors than feigning affection in public. While the two would never admit to loving each other, there emerges, to some extent, a certain respect the two have for each other's wit and sense of endurance in each other's company. Despite how much he loathes living with her, Cao Cao would never call Ding Lushi a hateful woman. She is simply how she's been raised, largely neglected by her father and taught to hate the Cao who always plotted against the Ding clan. Never having been taught social skills beyond female etiquette, she finds it impossible to make friends in Pei, particularly among Cao Cao's laid-back colleagues. The only one she gets along with in the Cao household is Cao Cao's first wife, married to him on the same day as Ding Lushi was, Lady Liu Kuaihe.
With Miaoji and Lushi, I hope to examine how cutthroat and materialist marriage culture was at the time.
With Zhang Chunhua, I just hope to make everyone laugh as she yells at anyone and everyone. I’m taking heavy inspiration from Veronica from Dragon Quest XI.
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