#youve got this champ!
prof-peach · 1 year
Hello! I love the website for your electus comic it’s so clean and easy to follow! I was wondering if you host it on a website or make it from scratch? A lot of webcomic sites don’t have any information on how they were made and I certainly don’t want to copy anyones design, I would like to start posting a webcomic online one day though. Are there any tips you could give to someone new to website creation. Right direction to start in for example?
Ah im glad its easy to navigate, but I will be honest with you, I date a graphic designer who handled the whole build for me, because I so much as look at a computer wrong and it freezes up on me :')
The good news however is I watched them make it, it seemed very intuative and simple, and they were able to teach even me the back end, so adding pages is super simple. It is hosted on SquareSpace, and it comes with templates, easy to use tools, and because its so widely known and paid for, theres SO many tutorials! It's very easy to do with a small amount of effort to wacth some videos.
You can pay varying ammounts per year (and month I believe) to host, which I do, to make it available to all who want to view it without costs to them. Its not for everyone, and is from what I recall, roughly £160/$200 a year for the domain I use, though there are varying packages and prices. Many creators choose to use comic sites like tapastic or the likes, as its a free version, but due to legalities, artists have been veering away from that to protect their creations.
Honestly, I think theres a lot to be said for youtube tutorials, people have been swearing by squarepsace for yeaaaars now, and the interface is very simple and easy compared to other web building options (wordpress im looking at you, youre terrible)
While we did not use templates or preset fonts (partner made it all custom to make it unique) the site offers SO many good options that can be edited to suit your needs, so no need for complex processes if its an option you choose to go for.
Sorry I couldnt be more help, im a huge technophobe, anything electrical seems to hate me haha
At least you have some names for things and can dig further from here, good luck bud! you got this.
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 1 year
Everyday I grieve how Belos old man baited me
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you when the old man you thought was rizzed up is a facist puritan
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agp · 3 months
so remember the dipshit asshole with the birthday party whos now asking me to call lady gaga for money five times a fucking day??
turns out it was just me his pastor and the wife that really runs the church. he insisted on paying for everyone and making me pay half cause he couldnt afford it?? and it was so dumb i tried to make the communication happen but this wannabe middle class asshole is like no no dude we need to make this my birthday party welcome to planet bourgeois i need to refuse my friends financial support and be the biggest fucking bitch in the galaxy
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theresattrpgforthat · 3 months
Hello! I have two (separate) genres im interested in recs for, if youve got them (though combined would be fascinating tbh): Horror and farming sim-like ttrpgs. Horror im sure is fairly common, just not in my circles (which are adventure fantasy based); farming sim though seems like it may be rarer? for that id be interested in either solo or with 2+ people
Theme: Horror Games
Hello friend, I’m going to let one of my older posts do some of the heavy lifting, and point you towards the Small Town Farming collection I put up back in 2022.
You are absolutely right that Horror is much easier to recommend, but I’ll also try and put some quick recs for solo-farming type games at the bottom of this post.
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1978: The Night They Came Home, by World Champ Game Co.
1978: The Night THEY Came Home is a 1-2 player horror roleplaying game telling the story of a fateful showdown between Survivor (a clever and resilient person caught up in horrifying circumstances) and Slasher (a legendary force of evil). Using a deck of poker cards, dual rule books, varied resources, and shared play space, players will recount the events of a forsaken Halloween, zooming closer into the haunting folklore of a small Midwestern town and its inhabitants, and culminating in a violent battle for survival.
Here is a game for solo gamers and folks who want a more intimate experience. If you’re a fan of Friday the 13th, this is probably in your wheelhouse! 1978 has a win condition, meaning that either the Survivor or the Slasher will come away as the victor, and the fact that this is also a game that depends on a deck of cards means that I think this might also be a good game for folks who also enjoy card games and board games.
Vast Grimm, by Infinite Black.
Vast Grimm is a stand-alone, art-filled, punk-fueled OSR role-playing game about the few humans remaining in a universe being consumed by growing parasitic würms.
Are you a MAnchiNe ravaged by war, pieced together with remnants of bots and the little flesh left of your body? Maybe you're a twisted biochemist shoving needles into your arms in hopes that this next fix will be the one that saves you and what’s left of humanity? Or perhaps you are a soul survivor, like a cockroach, doing whatever is necessary to stay alive even if it means the rest of your Legion must perish.
This is a game about survival, no matter how gruesome things get, humanity must survive.
If you’ve heard of MÖRK BORG and thought it was cool, and if you want the same kind of energy but in a sci-fi future full of mutant animals and horrific parasites, then you might want to check out Vast Grimm. Your characters will have to ration food, energy and ammo in an unending battle against the worms. This game looks to have a large amount of support, from expanded content, to a number of adventures, to an online character generator. For over-the-top violence, plenty of alien goo, and shambling pathetic characters that look like they might fall apart at any moment, try out Vast Grimm.
The Lost Bay, by IKO.
What Is The Lost Bay? The Lost Bay is a Suburban Gothic tabletop RPG se199X. The Lost Bay is also the name of the setting where the game takes place: a coastal suburb inspired by films and media from the 80s and 90s. In it you play as a young person touched by the Weird, an ancient force that gives you supernatural powers. You roam the Bay with your gang, its malls, arcade games shops, skateparks and beaches, and fight the Horror that has awakened.
The Lost Bay is a game for folks who like their horror drenched in 90’s nostalgia. Characters are archetypal, and each one comes with special powers. Using your powers is exciting and effective, but also brings you closer to Scars, horrible truths about the world around you that will irrevocably change your hometown.
The Lost Bay is great for planning heists, rescuing friends, and trying to get out of dodge when the going gets rough. It’s not about fighting your way out, but more about trying to keep you and your loved ones safe. A lot of game designers have had a riot putting together adventures for this game, which you can check out in this game jam. The link above is for the Kickstarter, but in case you see this game after the campaign finishes, you can also check the game out on Itch.
Flyover Country, by Headstone Hills.
Fields of wheat and corn ripple in the wind, hungry eyes peering out between the stalks. Billboards along the road advertise strange and dangerous attractions. Smiles are too wide, manners too polite, secrets buried too deep. The neon light of a diner glows in the distance, but you may never reach its doors. An empty highway stretches out to the horizon, then wraps back in around itself. This is Flyover Country.
Flyover Country is a Midwest road-tripping horror role-playing game for 4-6 players: one gamemaster, or Watcher, and 3-5 players, or Drifters. It is designed to be played in one setting and without prep. It only requires paper, writing utensils, and a tarot deck.
This is a great option for a group where the GM is uneasy about doing a lot of prep. While one person acts as the Watcher, much of the events in this game are simply generated by drawing tarot cards from a deck. Characters will also draw from the Major Arcana to determine what their secret is - and what special ability it has given them. This is a game of hidden information, and grinding your characters down towards a tragic or grisly end.
Gravemire, by Clawhammer Games.
Gravemire is a tabletop roleplaying game about death, growth, horror, and survival, based in an original mechanical framework and set in the churning waters of the Louisiana bayou circa 1894. Players slip into the roles of outsiders arriving in the town of Scarstone, a rural outpost that has been warped by a terrible transformation known as the Convulsion. Once, Scarstone was surrounded by similar towns. The Bayou once had an end. Now, unknowable numbers of horrors seep through the uncharted backwaters, strange magic contorts reality to its whims, and the settlements that called Scarstone their neighbour jut half-ruined from the mire like bones from a wound. Times have changed.
Gravemire is a pretty brutal game, not afraid to kill your character and steal their soul. The town of Scarstone is a trap; your characters wandered in one day through curiosity or the desire for adventure, but leaving the town isn’t nearly as easy. Characters are built using a point-buy system, and as you play you may acquire more skill - but you will also acquire Aversions, which sap your Willpower and inhibit your ability to muster through the worst of what the game can throw at you.
If you want to check out an abbreviated version of the game, you can check out the Kickstarter playkit here.
Under the Autumn Strangely, by Graham Gentz.
"Under the Autumn Strangely" is a storytelling game of pastoral horror priming with anachronistic Americana set in a land that Never Was.
Inspired by "Over the Garden Wall" created by Patrick McHale, players collaboratively create a world uncanny and old. Codify and encourage tonal clash as the Three Roles meld whimsy, autumnal melancholy, and dread.
Take a wrong turn on a dusty road. Follow the sign past the red barn with peeling paint. Doubt your senses.
Get a little lost.
Welcome to the Never Was.
From what I understand about this game, it works best with three players, as there are three roles that the participants are expected to embody. One person plays the Arcadian, who embodies the landscape and setting. One person plays the Traveller, who acts as a “main” character. One person plays the Terror, which grows to dominate the story. Each role can only add to to one role’s suggestions, and can only deny the other’s. If you want to mix your horror with nostalgia and a romanticized vision of the rural USA, you might want to check out Under the Autumn Strangely.
The Facility, by Galen Pejeu.
You awaken, cold and in the dark. Fumbling around by low blue lights in a coffin shaped pod. You pull yourself out of the box, and in the dark see the faces of others. You are all wearing loose fitting white clothing and laceless shoes. Hospital patients? 
You peer into the dark, seeing little but hearing the sound of dripping, running water and distant machinery. You gather what you can, knowing that something is hunting you. It will be here soon.
Can you remember who you are?
The Facility is a game for any number of players, taking on the role of ordinary people, stripped of their memories and trapped in a hostile and insane labyrinth of machines and interdimensional weirdness.
The Facility places your crew into an unknown place full of machines that want to kill you. It’s great for high-action scenes, and since your characters have lost their memories, I think the struggle to find pieces of who you are (or were) is a great way to zoom in and make the horror personal. The game is Breathless, so expect your character’s gear and/or abilities to slowly wear down over time, and for the staked to get bigger every time you pause to try and re-stock. If you want a science-fiction twist to your horror game, check out The Facility.
You Should Also Check Out...
My Shudders Rec Post
The Curse of the House of Rookwood, by Nerdy Pup Games.
Nature, Town, Farm, Villagers, by CardboardHyperfix.
Weeds in the Waste, by Meghan Cross
The Wandering Tea Garden, by AP.
Green Thumb, by Curious Frog.
The Bonsai Diary, by Sticky Doodler.
Iron Valley, by M.Kirin.
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j0ht0-gh0sthunt3r · 5 months
Do you know about the kid that got tormented by a swarm of unown? or about the hypno in the Kanto region that has a tendancy to kidnap children? or about the Kanto champ before Red killing his brother?
well youve probably come to the right place because I know the TRUTH about this world and everyone in it.
My name is Blake, and I’m a “professional” cryptid hunter, conspiracy theorist and glitchmon researcher (in my spare time).
I’ve seen the Bloodmoon Beast, I know what happened to Mike Stoughton, and I know why Mt. Silver feels haunted.
Follow if you like conspiracies, cryptids, ghosts, and cyndaquil.
And before I forget, here’s my trainer card.
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//hiii welcome to the blake blog™️ run by @xx-l0stsi1v3r-xx (follows and likes will come from there).
//this oc is very heavily based on blake snow on mt silver as well as the ‘pasta protagonist’s brother, and he basically just serves as my self insert without DIRECTLY being pokepasta related (I’m a Blake/Lost Silver fictive). it’s also kinda based on another pokepasta oc i have, but in an AU where he didnt kill his boyfriend, and they just broke things off peacefully.
//If i ever say anything bad or insensitive PLEASE dm me and i’ll correct myself.
//Blake is 17, writer is 18.
//Blake and writer are transmasc and use it/he pronouns
//Blake and writer are autistic
//I WILL be referencing some of my pokepasta ocs in some posts
//this is an unreality blog, not a literate rp blog. this is an in-universe blog from Blake’s perspective.
//idrc what u ship, but if u ship adults with children or u ship siblings with eachother GTFO
//TYPHLOSION nickname: Inferno
//HOUNDOOM nickname: Hellfire
//FERALIGATR nickname: Crusher
//VAPOREON nickname: Siren
//SKARMORY nickname: Blade
//GENGAR nickname: Violence
//anyway, blake ref ^_^
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kvvzss · 5 hours
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backstory: matt has been really distant from you, since you and him have had little to no time to be together, you became such a brat, so he treats you like a champ.
warnings: HEAVY SMUT. brat tamer!matt x brat!reader, sex tapes,mention of using belts, kinky ifykykykykkykykkkkk
matt made his way home to finally see you. you were hanging out with chris and nick.
you were complaining about how he was being super distant from you ever since they got back from tour.
„ hes barley speaking to me anymore! its like i don’t even exist! “ you complained, scrolling through videos on youtube on the living room tv, trying to find anything to find anything to distract you from the fact the love for your life is barley even talking to you.
„ girl, you shouldn’t have dated matt out of all people. that kid rarely responds to our messages alone. “ nick said, sighing.
„ yeah man, its like hes allergic to affection.” chris rolled his eyes even at the thought of it.
matt then finally made his way home, he came up to the living room, staring briefly at you. and only you.
„ get up.”
you knew he was referring to you.
„ why? youve been ignoring me all day! “ you screamed in protest.
„ i said get.up.” matt said, by the looks of it, you were fucked.
„ fuck. “ you said under your breath. as you got up and made way to the front door and to his car.
„ they are so going to fuck.” nick said, applying some of his space camp and putting it down with a concerned face.
„ right. “ chris said, going back to his phone, obviously uninterested.
when you and him got to the car, he practically threw you into the back row seats. and ripped your clothes off.
„m-matt! “ you said, seeing he was taking off his belt. that one hurt the most.
„ you thought you could get away with acting like that? huh?” he hit you with the belt, swapping from the left side to the right.
„ answer left. me. right. “
you were already a whining mess now, just from this you knew a whole bunch was coming.
„im sorry!.. i was j-just mad! “ you pleaded.
„ thats not enough. “ he hit you with it again before tightening it around your wrists, leaving you tied up and your ass stinging so bad.
he set up a camera , giving it a smile before lifting your head upward, „ say hi,slut "
you whined again in protest, shaking your head.
„ no? i think you like being punished on camera dont you? yeah? “ he said, slapping your ass as hard as he could.
he then stuck his already hard cock inside you, his girth stretching you all the way out.
„ fuck! oh god matt! im so so sorry! “
he hit you again on your ass. immediately shutting you up.
„ i dont wanna hear that, your not getting any pity from me.” he picked up his thrusting speed, his waist moving as quick as he could, ruining your insides.
you tried to pry your way out of the belt, being unsuccessful at it.
„ cant wiggle your way out of this one.” matt said, obviously getting closer and closer
he took his dick out of you, cumming all over your back and waist.
„ god ive missed that feeling.”
A/N: hi matt fic hi 🤤🤤 anyway sluts should i make a taglist
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Fell off my diet that was actually working for awhile, got to 164 from 175 and then literally gained all of it back but I swear I look bigger the second time around :(((
Anyway I need to set actual goals this time so I can stay motivated
Aiming to lose 10 pounds in 2.5 weeks (trying to be realistic)
What to cut out this time
Bread, snack foods, oils, processed foods (yes even you lovely but high fucking cal protein bars), milk/creamer in coffee (only black from now on), no more added sugars, not even 1 gram!!!! No NUT BUTTERS YOU FUCK BAG, ALWAYS TRYING TO JUSTIFY CASHEW BUTTER, NEXT THING YOU KNOW YOUVE CONSUMED AN EXTRA 500 cals!!
What to add
More veggies!! Sweet potatoes/squash/broccoli/asparagus/brussels/kale/carrots/cucumbers all the fucking veggies! All of them!!!
Fruit, grapes, berries, oranges, lemons, pineapple
zero cal yogurts for nearly every meal, high protein, low cal, good for gut health and good source of calcium
Green tea, or even matcha, just fit it in somehow!
Laxatives, to keep things moving along the less you eat :))
And NO EATING PAST 10:00 YOU LIL FUCKER, with your late night snacking bullshit, I’m sick of it, we’re changing it starting now⭐️💫✨
I want to cut myself so fucking bad for allowing myself to gain it all back but I’m not going to, partially because I’m super fucking tired today and even called off of work for the first time ever cause I just could not get myself going but also because I can’t be harming myself now that I’m restricting again, I need to preserve all the energy I can to get through work and get my steps in! I used to walk 20,000 no problem and now I can barely hit 10,000, AND when I was doing 20k I was also lifting weights and doing full body workouts like a fucking champ, I was still plus sized but I looked fucking fit so no one seemed to mind, goddamn I need to get skinny and toned, I fucking need this to work, I can’t keep spiraling out of control, food is so fucking overrated, I need to be strong and resist😭🙏💪
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eldritchmochi · 10 months
okay so, to have a place for consolidated information for the next little bit, since i'm sure folks have QUESTIONS given my incredibly aggressive gallows humour
if you got here via a link, follow this link instead for the latest update here's updates 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 !
tldr ive been getting a number of recurrent small bowel obstructions located in my duodenum (first part of the small intestine, connecting the stomach to the rest of the bowel) due to external pressure on the duodenum around the 3rd to 4th (of 4) section. what's causing the pressure?? no clue actually ive done a bazillion scans and none of them have been quite clear enough for a real confident dx so i get to have surgery about it at some point in the near future
current theory is the pressure is from some sort of non-cancerous tumor mass and the plan is to cut me open nice and big, look about, and remove both this mass and the affected section of the duodenum (.5 of an organ) at a minimum, but may involve fully bipassing the duodenum when my guts get hooked back up to my stomach which could (would???) also require removing my gallbladder (1 and 2 organs respectively) (i'm having so much yanked out of my abdomen this summer jfc)
atm i'm still waiting for scheduling to give me a call to set things up. surgeon's estimate was 4-5 weeks from now (8/17 when he called). from that point i'll spend a week-ish in the hospital to make sure all hoses are firmly affixed, and then i'll have a month at a minimum before i'm reasonably healed and can go back to normal life
i have good insurance and the luck (????) of being incredibly ill at the best of times, so i've already hit my out of pocket max and thus this WHOLE THING even back dating to my first er visit end of june will cost a whopping 189$ that i've already paid. i also should qualify for my states paid medical leave and my wife will get a hefty chunk of change for living expenses via student loans. however, both those things won't hit until late september at the earliest
long term, im not expecting much of a financial burden, but short term we could use a hand with groceries and similar while we wait for my backpay and my wife's student loans
for venmo and paypal: i am @/sumomomochi for both and either is fine, though pp is labeled as a business account so pls mark f&f if you can
i also have this amazon wishlist ( https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/N1NSTH3JPCX2?ref_=wl_share ) that is like 90% meal replacement shakes and bulk shelf stable snacks, but also has a couple of other useful things like bathing wipes since i am unlikely to be able to shower well post surgery, pj pants for when it cools down (i went up a size with t because my ass and thighs got just so beefy and thus have one pair that fits rn lmao), and cat food for the penni (gotta keep my nurse well paid)
uuuh what else
like i said, i'm incredibly ill at the best of times so i am a champ at weathering this sort of stuff its nbd. "i'm sorry"s are not helpful, i'd much rather have people ask direct specific questions, either about my health status or things i'm doing to keep busy (ie "any new and fun things causing tummy issues?" or "hows your battle vest coming?" or "whats your fav line youve written this week?"). engagement and entertainment is Important to keep me from climbing the walls but i swear i will bite at straight sympathy
things ive been doing to keep me out of the er include: laying on my left side or stomach (The Digestion Position; helps get food past the squished part); eating a semi-liquid diet (hence ensure, jello, pudding, the like, though its important that i also eat solid food as much as is tolerated, which is such a delicate balance. this is why i cannot currently work); going on stupid little walks for my stupid digestive health (honestly the most important thing i can do, which im mad about, because it requires pants, but not only encourages guts to digest but also will help me not decondition, which i have already done a lot of :I)
things YOU can do to help (because i know *i* am a helper but also what is actually helpful??): financially with the above deets (no pressure); asks, comments, and other conversational interactions (i am absolutely chill with basically any kind of question and i dont mind dms if youd prefer privacy, just dont pedestal me i promise i am just A Dude); fanart for my fics (i do not care if you "cant draw" i will still love it); prompts for fandom but not necessarily fic projects (wardrobe moodboards/meta for characters, playlists/songs, smut writing how to questions, cosplay progress/plans qs, those "what was x's pov in this scene/what specifically happened between x and y in this fic?" qs andor other ask meme things idk dude i haven't been able to do shit for almost three months im booooored)
in conclusion
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nurse penni says do not worry about herb patient, he is in good hands, just be sure to offer regular enrichment
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orangesideirrational · 6 months
drabble (technically 4) inspired by @cartilagehumdrum 's horror mvt au!
(i originally shared this in the discord server)
(if you see red throughout this then its a break in the text to explain smthn rq/ break up the different drabbles because its 4am lol)
be warned- gore? kinda? vauge depictions of gore.
you dont need to have read mvt horror to understand this, but it will definitetly make far more sense if you do
edit- sorry for forgetting but this entire thing is inspired by this post!
sorry about all the spelling errors and i hope you enjoy!!
'benny...' champagne started. benny's heart quickened and he just knew that champagne could hear it.
'whasup, champ?' he grinned unsteadily.
'can i.. have something? of yours?' champagne asked, with a voice that suggested a deep hunger. benny stepped back, not letting his smile dip but feeling fear pulse through him.
'well ya already got 3 of my ribs and a kidney, what more do ya really need?' benny asked lightheartedly, trying desperately not to let the fear infect his voice
'i was thinking...' champagne said slowly, stepping towards benny smoothly in a way that made benny's heart skip with something other than fear for a moment.
'maybe.. i could have your heart?' benny was sure champagne had somehow stopped it for a moment as he said that, because he was suddenly breathless. and very very aware that he was pressed against a wall, face an inch away from the doctor's, in a room alone with a quite-possible-psychopath that had already stolen several of his bones and an organ.
'd-dont i need that o-one t-ta survive?' benny stuttered, trying not to look at champagne's lips because that was not appropriate when his life was being threatened. even if the guy threatening him was very attractive.
'oh, ill keep it safe.' champagne assured, placing his hand over benny's chest but not touching, like if he did he wouldnt be able to stop himself from just reaching in and just...
benny took a stuttering breath and-
sterling came crashing through into the room calling for benny before stopping and making champagne leave the room.
'you ok benny? i know that guy gets to you a lot.' sterling asked. benny nodded shakily and assured him that he was fine, he would be ok.
what terrified benny most, however, was that before sterling came running in the word on his lips was yes
and champs pov-
(for this- bold= emphasis italics= flesh)
'benny...' champagne started. his heart thudded in his chest and champagne relished in the sound. it was so melodic. so pretty. just from champagne saying benny's name. now how fast can you make it go?
'whasup, champ?' benny's smile was so pretty. maybe you can take some teeth next! champagne felt a familiar hunger that wasnt his brewing as he stepped forward towards benny. just like a beast hunting its prey!! ew, hunt.
'can i.. have something? of yours?' why are you asking permisson? thats so boringg. just reach in and- champagne almost shushed it, but felt it might ruin the moment.
'well ya already got 3 of my ribs and a kidney, what more do ya really need?' oh he was so cute. his fear is so so fun! so sweet and nice and-
'i was thinking...' champagne drawled, smoothly stepping towards benny thats not all fear though- ooh this makes it MUCH more fun! and letting a smile crawl across his face, showing off his sharp teeth.
'maybe.. i could have your heart?' champagne was asking for so much, and benny didnt even know it. its not that much, just another- delicious, mind you- organ he had trapped benny, now, against a wall. he would back off when benny said no, because he would almost certainly say no, but for now this was fun. not in the normal flesh way either. this was fun for him.
benny stuttered something out, but champagne was distracted by the way his eyes ew. eyes. kept flicking down to champagne's lips. champagne didn't kiss him, it likely wouldnt be a pleasent experience for either of them i mean youve never really TRIED, but he really really wanted to. in a midly terrifying way (and not in the usual terror-filled way, either)
'oh, ill keep it safe' champagne assured. he needed benny to let him have this. his heart. yum. not to eat. he wasnt lying. he was going to keep it safe. he promised.
then someone came crashing in and ruined it.
champagne didnt hold grudges per say but if that guy was the next to be turned into a dinosaur it would be his own damn fault.
he was sure benny would say no, but the moment itself felt special, somehow.
heres also a few versions of 'if sterling didnt interrupt!' (he is being attacked by moths)
benny took a stuttering breath and swallowed a lump in his throat.
he should say no. he has to say no. this is crazy. he should just say no. or maybe dont even say it, just push champagne away and run. SAY. NO.
'sure.' benny said, breathless already. champagne blinked. was he surprised?
'oh, are ya surprised?' benny grinned, pretending his heart wasnt going a mile a minute and his throat was dry and he was bracing for sweet pain and that he wasnt so in love with this insane doctor that probably wouldve had his medical lisence revoked if this wasnt the literal apocalypse
'really?' champagne sounded breathless too, like they had both run a marathon and were now here. with benny agreeing for champagne to take his heart oh god this was insane-
'sure. as long as you put it back before i die.' benny smiled, heart going insane (just like he did. he mustve gone insane. champagne mustve made him insane because there was no way he had just agreed to let someone LITERALLY BORROW HIS HEART-)
'of course.' champagne seemed shocked and pleased and hungry and dangerous and- and beautiful and benny felt a hand cup his cheek before he passed out.
champs pov
(again- bold = emphasis italics = flesh)
benny's shuddering breath landed on champagne's neck and it felt so human that for a moment the flesh didn't exist and it was just them and-
'sure.' benny sounded breathless. champagne blinked. YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT GIVE IT TO US CRUSH IT IN YOUR HANDS GIVE IT TO US- benny was supposed to say no
'oh are ya surprised?' benny snarked acting like champagne couldnt feel his heart beating and hear its beautiful melody and like he couldnt feel their chests heaving why are you so worked up? it should be us because were about to get FOOD
'really?' champagne breathed and ignored bennys snark. because he had to be sure before he took his heart. WHY DO YOU CARE? JUST FEED US FEED US FEED US FEED US FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD-
'sure. as long as you put it back before i die.' benny smiled and champagne disregarded any idea of stealing teeth the flesh ever had because holy shit champagne was in love.
'of course.' champagne promised. he didnt care how loud it screamed he was going to keep that FUCKING promise. he cupped benny's cheek which was a mistake because now he really wanted to kiss him-
and benny fell to the floor. champagne followed and ended on his knees next to an unconcious benny and the flesh was going insane.
champagne wasnt going to hurt benny. he wasnt going to crush his heart in your hands then eat it then feed it to us then then then oh my everything the possibilities GIVE IT TO US GIVE IT TO US GIVE IT TO US hurt benny.
champagne reached his hand into benny's chest and it was warm and beautiful and TAKE EVERYTHING WARP IT FEED US WAKE HIM UP AND MAKE HIM SCREAM so human that champagne almost felt jealous as his hand closed around benny's heart and he didn't even want to disturb it because of all the stupid human poetry about love and all that shit and champagne blinked back the red red red that was seeping into his vision because he was not the flesh and he fucking promised and he withdrew his arm from benny's chest and he closed his hands around his ears because he didnt care what they screamed he was going to keep benny safe- his heart. he was going to keep his heart safe.
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steelycunt · 5 months
hihiiii !!
26 andddd 30 for the ask game :)
hii hello!!
26. three favourite non-English songs
la seine / vanessa paradis: i dont know why but i went through this short phase of being weirdly obsessed with the animated childrens film a monster in paris when i was little. like i really dont know why i remember virtually nothing of it now apart from this fucking song. which i think still kinda bangs idk..
moi c'est / camelia jordana: dont even remember where i got this from its just in my library...its good though..
les champs-elysees / joe dassin: i think this song is just so nice and sweet and i got it from the soundtrack to the wes anderson film the darjeeling limited : ^ )
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
helicopter / xtc: just think you should all generally listen to xtc and this is perhaps a great place to start it is everything i love about an xtc song i love that bouncy little tune i love to imagine them bouncing up and down when recording it its so ridiculous i love it
the warmest room / billy bragg: its got some of my favourite lyrics in a song just ever full stop. like. i cant wait till we take our blood tests, oh baby, lets take our blood tests now. im also deeply in love with billy bragg hes my celebrity crush then and now
drumset / fiona apple: idk how i feel about putting a fiona apple song in here bc i mean she is pretty well known esp on here so chances are youve already listened to it. however this one in particular...i dont know why its not the only song we're ever talking about ever. i can never listen to it just once it has to be minimum twelve times it just sends me fucking insane frankly
three songs ask game!!
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cowvboyenema · 6 months
==> you take a second to think about the kid without a dad
you hate thinking about a kid without a dad because frankly you have your own kid without a dad who fucking resents you for it man
you struggle with his resentment and you struggle with his desire for you to be exactly what you god damned are
the end of the world is kind of sick in the way where every so often instead of having to work yourself to death it slows down and leaves you putting your head in your hands at your desk, forced to do jack fucking shit
and wait
there are four daves snapping out of existence, without you being aware of them existing in the first place, and there is a pile of completed paperwork on your desk youre kind of hazy about that the throbbing in your head and stuffy nose that sort of smells like blood wont allow you to think about
instead you have to think about yourself without dirk again
its an easy game to put all your feelings on a shelf and pat some younger version of you on the back and call him champ but when they start extolling shit about their Bro or your brother it sort of weighs on you
you hadnt considered any of this when you invited dirk to stay around you for a while, and how it would kind of make you flinch having to see his expectantly skittish eyes working really fucking hard not to linger. dirk is a connoisseur of hiding his feelings but you are a god damned artiste at it
if you have to actually face them youll talk yourself into a circle until nobodies quite sure what soul crushing truth you just exposed that will leave you feeling bared and humiliated, which is one of the few merits to actually doing the damn thing
but otherwise with your general nature of just going with the flow, getting a pin on whats true and whats just a boldly made up metaphor or some one off joke you thought would be funny is hard
and even after ditching the shades you make sure your eyes dont linger
or if they do nobody can see you
you died man
youve thought a lot about your death
you planned it several times
youve gone on three missions in your life with the sole intent to die on the battlefield, the fourth was supposed to succeed and you chickened out
you resent that youre a little jealous of the alt of you that got to take the out
who didnt stand there battling a fleet thinking about letting his sword falter and this guys mace bludgeon the responsibility away
he got to slip just a little once and then stop moving and you were there too but you had to brace your arm and take a hit that would have you removed from battle service it feels like indefinitely
you didnt even like the battlefield but going home to a starry eyed brother and a john who would gnaw his lip when he thought your eyes were ever off him, and who would pat your head and tell you good job and to be safe and whatever else he worried about
it was nice
you miss his hand being so big
you wish you didnt resent being a guardian a little bit
you love your brother but you really cant help but feel like youre dragging a story out that should have just been finished already
every life saved, troll housed, tea party attended, every measure taken is just wasted time where you should just be able to die off and let the world crumble
this is, decidedly, NOT the mindset of a hero
its why youve always hated that title
youre a fighter for sure but a hero does it for a reason other than fuck man im just doing my job
you suspect they put you here because rose is worse about these things, you both have a ruthless streak in you but rose tends to take it a little too far
you grab a book a lob it at my face
==> stop being the camera
you look at the shattered remains of a camera you always knew was there and grumble about how you could feel it doing some dumb shit and call desiree in to come clean this shit up
you dont think you can wait much longer, youll need to find something to put in your schedule
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vatican3 · 2 years
hiiii imp and ghost nihil anon here. glad to hear im not insane for thinking ghosts and ghostly organ stroking are hot. delving deep into said ghost heavy petting, i kinda got away from myself writing my thoughts on the matter so stop me if youve heard this one.
i like to imagine at first its a sort of violation to abruptly enter into her, maybe its a simple bump by mistake but imp takes the ghostly chill running up her spin like a champ. hes apologizing, bashful and embarrassed to tread past her boundaries emotionally and physically, but she firmly tells him to do it again. and he slowly reaches back into her and plucks at her heartstrings (literally).
i think theres a sick feeling to a ghostie playing in your guts, a shifting, squelching feeling. she can feel The Effects, even if her skin remains undisturbed. nausea as he runs his hands along her stomach, stealing her breath away as he passes through her lungs and squeezes at her esophagus. the bubbling fear and feeling of butterflies as he sinks his hands into her intestines, twirling them around like spaghetti on a fork. and he is devouring all of her reactions with his wide, white eyes, a hungry look.
she reaches out to grab at him, gasping, to get any control back or even just a comforting embrace through this rollercoaster of sensations, and her arms pass through, cementing that she cant do anything to stop him from continuing to play with her, but she wouldnt want him to stop anyway because what a smorgasbord of feeling. hes stimulating her in ways shes never been stimulated, even in her age. shes grabbing anything she can to steady herself, dragging a lamp off the side table, but she wishes she could hold him.
nihil gets bold after that, shes in contorted bliss and agony and he dances his hands over her womb, her bladder, right over her clit and she goes CRAZY. this old man just won bingo. hes watching her squirm and moan and he cant get enough of it. he can feel her excitement warm his hands and arms like radiating heat, his ghastly cold form drawn to the scorching lively heat that is imperator like a moth to a flame.
it draws him closer until hes slipped his entire body into her, slotted himself firmly in imps body as if it was his own, their sex aligned and he fucks her from within. he can feel her writhing as his own, his pleasure working like a cascade as it effects imp and then in turn, her own pleasure spills off into him. they both feed off each other's mounting pleasure until theyre well fucked and spent and imp has to catch her breath, fucked out of her mind and body.
I am once again jumpscared by the idea that either of them is cis HOWEVER. I HAVE NOTHING I COULD POSSIBLY ADD THIS IS MAGNIFICENT. YEAH…. YEA YEAHH! YEAH.
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bittersweetblasphemy · 5 months
😝 deeper daddy maddy lol
Its more like senpai pls notice me imtimidating, but also from what youve show some of yourself, you seem like you could kick the shit out of someone
Id never actually fight anyone im actually a huge wimp but you inspire that feeling
lol your senpai is a sopping wet cat cringefail edgelord type guy who's half decent at writing niche porn. but genuinely i'm flattered
and, eh, im not as strong as i used to be. not by a long shot. but i like to think id give any motherfucker who tried a run for their money purely bc i fight dirtier than my porn history. like the last time i got stuck in a headlock i wedged my chin down and bit the idiot so hard he cried.
(not a serious fight btw, just sparring but the dickhead was ignoring that i tapped out... y'know. bc he had me in a fucking headlock. was worth it just to see his popular preppy peaked-in-highschool jock ass get butthurt when when he tried to whine about it and nobody took his side but his Karen mommy.)
it's all good and the bit about not going after people wasn't aimed at you. I just felt the need to put that out there out of how often i see people attacking others within minutes of them saying something "wrong" (whether it be a misconstrued inside joke or something genuinely mean) like they'd been champing at the bit to have an excuse to bully someone.
💁remember, y'all! bullying as a kink is fun✨ and 🙈sexy! bullying for real is 🙅not. kill the cop👮🔨 in your head that 👀looks for "acceptable" targets🎯 and contemplate🤔 why you want to harass others so badly.
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"I can't stop actually. I need my exercise Cerebros." Eject was as deadpan as he ever was as he observed the damage he did, holding the football just out of reach. Hm...more overall damage than the baseball [broken visors got him a genuine scolding from Max] but less than the soccer ball.
Look at him. "Look at you." He was in no good shape. "You're in no good shape." Not at all. "I'm doing you a favor. You can repay me later."
The cassette stood up, tossing the supposed murder weapon up in the air and catching it. "Too bad we don't have an on-site medical professional."
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transarchivist · 4 years
that animatic got me listening to the jekyll & hyde musical again and man . jon vibes...
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
— embarassing sex stories
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𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤: 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕨𝕝 𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕕𝕚𝕖 <𝟛 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: 𝕤𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥, 𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟, 𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕕 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕, 𝕡𝕦𝕜𝕖 (𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕔), 𝕧𝕚𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪, 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕟 𝕨𝕒𝕪 :’), 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕦𝕟 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕡𝕤
𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝟙𝟠+
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Todoroki Shouto:
so there shouto was holding your legs wide and beating that pussy up till it was red
you were very exposed and you queefed here and there but it was more of something that you felt rather than heard
that was until a bunch of air got into your vagina
and you let out the biggest queef of your life 
shit sounded like an atomic bomb
your bf paused 
todoroki made a sound of surprise as you gasped
you were aboslutely horrified 
you did not just let out a queef that big 🙃
it was a natural thing but that didnt make it any less embarrassing 
“i am so sorry” you said, unable to hide your giggles bc of the sheer embarrassment you felt 
and ofc shouto’s dumbass thought you actually farted
“um no. it’s okay. if you need to go to the bathroom, we can stop,” he politely said 
he’s such a sweetheart omg 
you laughed harder, hiding your face in your hands
youve never wanted to end it all so badly 
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Midoriya Izuku:
sex is really wet and slippery if you’re doing it right 
usually that works in your favor
but this time, it worked against you
izuku was kissing your neck as he lined himself up at your entrance 
he wasnt paying too much attention as he was too wrapped up in your moans
when he pushed his hips forward, his dick slipped and the tip went into your butt
you let out a scream of surprise 
and then you fucking blacked out 😭
the shock of it was too much for you and you were dead weight in his arms 
a minute later, you regained consiousness and saw him crying, pleading for you to wake up 
you tried to calm him down and get back in the mood but he was too freaked out to continue 
it was a total turn off but a funny story to tell your friends
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo’s favorite position is doggy style
there’s something about the way your ass slaps against him that drives him insane
you don’t really care for the position bc “it was just too much dick” (actual words) but you let him hit it from the back when you felt he deserved it
so bakugo was going crazy that night
the man was basically jackhammering into you 
and ofc he made sure you were enjoying it as much as possible 
so as you were getting into it, he keeps going faster and harder 
until he gets a charlie horse in his hamstring 
he curses really loudly and falls on top of you, gripping his leg in pain 
you try and get up to see what was wrong but he just pushed you back down and shushed you
“just...don’t move,” he hissed
so you two literally lie there for a whole 60 seconds before it goes away
you defintely laughed in his face for what seemed like forever and he was red for the rest of the night 💀
katsuki makes you swear never to bring it up again
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Natsuo Todoroki:
you and natsuo had a two week dry spell bc of classes
when you finally got the chance to get together, you got straight down to business
one of your legs was over his shoulder and the other was wrapped around his waist
he’s got you in the ✨baby making position✨
youre having an out of body experience before you notice that your bf slows down to a stop 
you look up at him with confusion and ask why he stopped 
natsuo presses his lips in a line and his eyes flicker between where you’re connected and your face
it’s a hot second before he goes, “don’t freak out but, i think...i think you’re bleeding” 
in the next second, a metallic scent hits your nostrils and you nearly shrivel away in horror 
you were so desperate for some dick (like the whore you are) that you completely forgot that you started your period today 
you wanted to die from the embarrassment 
you both stopped and showered deciding to end it there for the night
natsuo was very sweet about it and assured you that he didn’t care 
meanwhile, you couldn’t look at him even as you cuddled 
“dont worry about it, babe! it kinda felt cool. like i was in a can of hot soup!”
you pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned
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Tamaki Amajiki: 
it’s no secret that tamaki’s got a huge dick 🥴
like that thang be thanging yfm?
and that’s cool and all, but it almost killed you 
you were going down on him with that triple gwak gwack 4000 combo houston texas style 
tamaki was on cloud nine 
this was possibly some of the best head you’ve ever given him--and you give good head 
so as you’re throwing neck, his fingers are gripping your head 
he’s usually pretty good about not forcing you down bc he never wants to hurt you
but he was just so overwhelmed by the pleasure that he accidentally shoved your mouth further down his dick
and when it hit the back of your throat w that much force, you kinda threw up 🤧
you jerked your head back and covered your mouth
it was only a little bit that went up your throat and you swallowed it down before it came out but you still felt horrified
tamaki didnt care about the puke part but was all over you, asking if you were okay and profusely apologizing 
you said you were okay and tried to go back to what you were doing, but he said that he didnt deserve it 
bless his heart 💀
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Sero Hanta:
it was your first time and you were nervous as fuck
and hearing stories of how badly your friends’ first experience with penetration hurt terrified you
sero knew you were scared and did his best to prep you 
he kept asking if you wanted to continue and you said yes 
you backed out like four times before and decided tonight was the night
when it got to the part where he puts it in, you clenched up like a clam
he couldnt put the tip in even if he wanted to  
“babe, i know youre nervous but you have to relax,” he chuckled
“i know i know. okay, just give me a second” 
scary ass 😂
you took some deep breaths and relaxed a little 
he kissed you to help distract you
then he proceeded to slowly enter you
he didnt even get the head fully in before you felt a sharp pain that made you gasp
then your overdramatic ass deadass punched him straight in the chest 😭
you swore it was a reflex
sero nearly flew off you and doubled over 
once you realized what you did, you frantically apologized
he took it like a champ
“nice punch,” he coughed. “I think you just concaved my chest in”
it’s something you laugh about now 
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