#yuichi is just not very bright
viveela · 2 years
Yuichi looks very cool in tmnt!. can you please show me what the rest of Usagi friends would look like in this style?
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Sure! Here's a fun little thing I did with the main four
I don't think I replicated the style perfectly but it was still fun!
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goodlucktai · 2 years
give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around
chapter seven: i swear that i would pull you from the tide
rise of the tmnt pairing: leoichi (leonardo / usagi yuichi) word count: 3k title borrowed from line without a hook by ricky montgomery post-movie
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read on ao3
Yuichi is pissed off.
It’s been most of a week since the incident at the farmhouse, and Leonardo hasn’t answered a single text.
At first, it was alarming. Yuichi’s brain went running in circles around it. Was he okay? Was he in a position where he couldn’t reply? Maybe that flashback had set back his recovery. Maybe Yuichi was the worst person in the entire universe for allowing it to happen.
Then at work Sunita told him she’d been to the lair recently and that Leonardo seemed fine. A little subdued, but not so much so that he couldn’t partake in her surprise birthday party.
Which told Yuichi two things: one, that he’d missed Sunita’s birthday, which he was going to remedy at their favorite boba place in the near future. And two, that Leonardo was avoiding him.
The absolute nerve of that guy!
First, he completely vanishes from the Hidden City after a horrifying invasion of the mortal world and leaves Yuichi wondering what the hell happened to him. Then he returns and unceremoniously takes up every single available square inch of space in Yuichi’s brain and heart, and soul, probably. And now he thinks he can just? Disappear again? And let Yuichi waste his days wondering about him again??
Well, he can go to hell.
Usagi: Hey so
Usagi: I understand that this is a difficult time for your family. And I want to be respectful of that.
Usagi: But Leonardo’s my friend and I need to see him and I am 100% willing to just walk through every tunnel in the NYC underground until I find his house.
Usagi: Or buy a spell from Witch Town to find him for me. I’m not actually allowed to go there but I will.
Yuichi is braced for a fight, or an argument at the very least. He’s pretty sure Leonardo’s family doesn’t like him very much, but he doesn’t take it personally. It really is a difficult time for them, and when he tries to imagine Botan or Sonoko in Leonardo’s position, his hackles go up immediately at the idea of some stranger waltzing in during the aftermath and taking up his precious time with them.
Still. He’s ready to do this. And he really will go to Witch Town if he has to.
But Leonardo’s sister surprises him by not only responding immediately, but enthusiastically. She even seems relieved.
April (Hamato?): oh thank GOD this boy has been driving me up the damn wall
April (Hamato?) has shared a location
April (Hamato?): here. wait topside tho the tunnels can be really confusing at first and if i let you get lost i will literally never hear the end of it for as long as i live
April (Hamato?): i’ll send angie to meet you there. when are you coming?
Usagi: Now. Thank you, April.
April (Hamato?): just get your fluffy butt down there. there’s only so much moping a girl can take
April (Hamato?): 💛
Yuichi owes her a drink. Coffee of her choice. Also, he needs her to change her contact ID.
When he pulls his bike into the sidestreet her location pin indicated and pulls his helmet off, his ears swivel immediately toward a shadowed corner of the alley, so he turns his head in that direction, too.
“Oh, wow,” a vaguely familiar voice says, “you sussed me out that fast?”
The youngest Hamato comes slinking soundlessly out of the dark, all his bright colors incongruent with the way he can seemingly disappear into thin air at free will. His arms are bandaged up to the elbows, crisp white gauze where the stark black wrappings usually sit.
Michelangelo smiles and offers a little wave, approaching at an energetic trot. He’s tiny, but his personality is huge. It’s better suited someone six times his size. Somehow, Yuichi is more intimidated by him than anyone else in Leonardo’s family.
And he’s clearly holding back from him. Even this lively greeting is restrained compared to his usual demeanor, when Yuichi would watch him clown with his brothers at Run of the Mill.
“Hi, Usagi!” Michelangelo says cheerfully enough. “April told me you needed an escort.”
“Thank you,” Yuichi replies carefully.
“She said you weren’t mad about the robot,” Michelangelo goes on. His tone is still bright, but doggedly so, like he’s doing his damnedest to be nice but he’s also ready to drop the act at a moment’s notice and square up. “Is that true? You’re not allowed to come if you’re mad.”
That’s surprising enough that Yuichi blurts, “What? Of course not. If anything, Leonardo should be mad at me.” He plucks at the strap of his helmet, mouth twisting. “I wanted him to have a good day and it turned out horrible.”
Michelangelo stares up at him for what feels like a short eternity. Then he piles forward without warning for a hug. Whatever happened to his arms, they’re still strong enough that they feel like iron bands wrapped around Yuichi’s middle.
Yuichi lets out an involuntary “oof” and stands there stupidly for a second. People aren’t exactly lining up to hug him, given how unapproachable he comes off as. But Yuichi has plenty of practice with his little cousins, and Kitsune when she’s drunk, and Michelangelo is completely little-brother-shaped in a disarming way.
So he tosses his helmet to the ground and lets his arms rest around the top of Michelangelo’s carapace. It feels strange for a second, and then that second passes.
“He likes you so much,” Michelangelo muffles against Yuichi’s shirt. “I’m glad you’re nice.”
Yuichi wants to say He likes me?? but he ignores the dangerous impulse because if he actually asked that he would have no choice but to flee the country. Instead, he says, “‘Nice’?” because that’s equally as baffling.
The spotted turtle leans back to look up at him. His eyes are a little shiny, but his smile is back in full-force. “Yeah, the kind of nice that actually matters. Anyway, come on! Let’s go! We didn’t tell Leon you were coming. That’s what he gets for trying to self-sabotage.”
Yuichi admits, “I am a little mad about that.”
“Ugh, dude, tell me about it! I was like two hours away from staging an intervention.” Those bright brown eyes dart past him to his bike. “Hey, let’s take your bike. I can show you were the garage entrance is, so you don’t have to leave it up here.”
Deciding the best thing he can do in this whirlwind is just hang on for the ride, Yuichi smiles back. “That’d be great, thanks.”
“Can I drive?” Michelangelo asks innocently.
Yuichi squints at him. “No.”
It takes all of three minutes for Michelangelo to wear him down. Yuichi resigns himself to the passenger seat and decides Leonardo actually wasn’t exaggerating about those baby brother privileges.
By the time they get to the repurposed subway station that seems to serve as the Hamato clan’s home, Yuichi is hopelessly lost somewhere in the Manhattan underground. Michelangelo did his best to point out helpful markers, but it will definitely take a few trips before Yuichi is at all comfortable managing the route on his own.
“This way, this way,” Michelangelo says eagerly. “He’s probably still in his room. He won’t come out unless Raph, like, physically carries him out.”
So—moping, according to April, and holed up, according to Michelangelo. It sounds like exactly the same way Yuichi has been spending the last several days, minus the interludes of forced productivity at work.  
On one hand, Yuichi is sort of inappropriately relieved he’s not the only miserable party here. On the other hand, Leonardo is miserable over something he had absolutely no control over, something that was in no conceivable way his fault. That’s nothing to feel relieved about.
Michelangelo leads him across the cozy, lived-in station to one of the subway cars sitting stationary on the tracks. The cars must serve as their respective bedrooms, because Michelangelo lifts a finger to his mouth in the universal gesture of be quiet, and creeps with exaggerated stealth toward the open doors.
Yuichi peeks through the long window, eager to get a glimpse of his friend’s life. There are string lights up on the walls, illuminating movie posters and colorful artwork all signed with a stylized M and a smiley. The shelves are stocked full of action figures and trophies and an even mix of medical textbooks and comic books. In one corner, propped up next to a big cabinet arcade game, sits a bright pink and blue skateboard and a battered guitar case.
Leonardo himself is on the bed, cross-legged with his back resting against the wall. There’s a human boy sitting with him. Maybe the one from the videos of the invasion, the one who fought alongside April. He’s leaning comfortably against Leonardo’s good side and holding a Switch so they both can see the screen. Leonardo is using the hand of the arm draped around the human’s shoulders to point something out.
“Shake the trees. Sometimes they drop furniture or bells. Just look out for—oops. Okay, those are wasps.”
“Sensei,” the human says, totally aggrieved.
They both look up at the same time when Michelangelo’s shadow crosses the doorway, before he makes so much as a whisper of sound. Their mannerisms are a perfect mirror of each other, which is sort of an odd thing to see in action.
Even stranger, the human goes still with surprise when he sees Yuichi. Then his whole face lights up.
“Uncle Yui!”
“Eughh boy,” Michelangelo and Leonardo say at the same time.
“Sorry, what’s happening?” Yuichi says blankly.
The human looks mortified a second later, but Leonardo tightens his arm around the boy’s shoulders and doesn’t let the silence settle into something awkward.
“Yeah, so I guess I’m a dad?” he says in a blithe tone. “Only my son is the same age as me, and from a future that no longer exists. You know how it is.”
Yuichi stares at him. This is the last thing he was expecting when he walked into the room.
“I refuse to let you distract me from why I’m here,” he finally says. “But we’re definitely circling back to—that whole situation.”
Michelangelo laughs out loud, bright and clear as a bell.
“This is Casey!” he announces. Then, as if it isn’t at all weird, or maybe because of how weird it is, he adds delightedly, “My nephew!”
Yuichi would be inclined to believe that this was just a joke the brothers were pulling, except that Casey looks earnest and genuinely happy to see him.
He’s heard stories about time gateways. Only real masters of the mystic arts can attempt those, and only with the collaboration of a Time Lord.
Casey doesn’t seem like a mystic master. He’s way too young, for starters. Yuichi wonders who opened the door to send him back. It would have had to have been someone incredible.
“Nice to meet you,” Yuichi says plainly, for lack of better thing to say.
So Leonardo’s—son??—from the future (??) knows him. And seems to think highly of him. The implications of that are doing something squirmy to Yuichi’s stomach. It’s a mostly good feeling.
“You, too,” Casey says. Since his pseudo-siblings are absolutely unwilling to let him feel embarrassed, he musters up a shy smile. “I always wondered how you and sensei met. You guys would make up a different story every time I asked.”
“Oh?” Michelangelo asks with a menacing amount of real interest.
“ANYway,” Leonardo says loudly, then unceremoniously throws the human under the bus. “Casey was just saying he was hungry. Miguel, didn’t you make him some—”
“Ohmigosh, the chocolate-banana muffins!” Michelangelo squares his shoulders and folds his arms, the playfulness bleeding from him. “Hey. Casey, when you’re hungry, you tell somebody. That was the deal.”
Leonardo interjects, “He told me, Doc. That counts.”
“Come on, Mas—Mikey.” Casey sets the Switch down and swings his legs over the side of the bed, hopping to his feet with a level of grace Yuichi doesn’t usually observe in humans. “Can you show me where they are?”
He smiles at Yuichi as he passes him, then grabs Mikey by the shoulders and carts him out of the room. He goes with a lot of unspoken trust in Yuichi’s character, like if there’s anyone Leonardo is safe with, it’s him.
The doors close behind them, and then it’s just Leonardo and Yuichi and the destroyed-farmbotto-shaped elephant in the room.
Leonardo starts to pluck anxiously at his cast. One of the glittery stickers is peeling. His golden eyes dart up, trying to read what’s on Yuichi’s mind from studying his face. Yuichi finds himself thinking, with equal parts exasperation and fondness, that he could just ask.
“I, uh,” Leonardo says, “I should—I want to apologize for the—”
“Finish that thought and I’m going to fight you,” Yuichi cuts him off plainly. “I’ve already explained this in every possible way I can think of, but I’ll try again anyway. The robot does not matter. I break them all the time and no one has ever disowned me.”
He can feel himself relenting in face of the striped turtle’s obvious discomfort. He takes a few steps into the room and sinks into a beanbag chair. Leonardo’s eyes follow him, and when Yuichi nudges their feet together, the hint of a smile touches the corners of his mouth.
“I just hate that it happened,” he admits very quietly.
Either he means the robot, or the invasion, or what happened after the invasion, or all of it all at once. Yuichi doesn’t dare interrupt, not when Leonardo has just taken this brave step forward into seemingly uncharted territory. He just nods to show he’s listening.
“And it feels like. I should, um.” Leonardo’s face twists darkly, anger and hurt and frustration, and he breathes in sharply through his nose, trying to temper it before he even has a chance to really feel it. Yuichi can still hear it in his voice when he says, “I should be better by now. I should be over it. It’s not about me.”
“What the fuck?” Yuichi blurts, sitting forward. “Yes it is.”
Leonardo couldn’t have looked more startled if someone dumped a bucket of ice-water over his head. Yuichi points right at Leonardo’s cracked plastron—that proof of his survival, the most beautiful gods-damned thing in the entire world as far as Yuichi is concerned.
“This,” he says firmly, “is yours.”
For awhile, neither of them speak. There’s music and noise happening somewhere else, Leonardo’s lively siblings hard at work breaching the peace of the otherwise silent underground.
Then Leonardo says, “I don’t like talking about it. But Mikey keeps saying I need to tell somebody. And I guess you’re volunteering.”
As if it isn’t painfully obvious that that’s what Yuichi is doing, when he’s all but begging on his knees for Leonardo to just talk to him. He heroically refrains from rolling his eyes. “I guess so.”
So Leonardo tells him:
“In the prison dimension. The—” He struggles to choke this word out, then finally manages, “The Krang. The general. He was holding me down. I was, uh. I was pretty scared. He was so mad. I don’t even know what he was saying, it was like sliding around in my brain, I couldn’t hold onto anything.”
Yuichi understands that. Those latent animal instincts overriding rational thought, simplifying everything until all that remains is the powerful urge to keep existing. To survive at all costs.
“Um. He leaned in and like—I don’t know, sneered at me—and his teeth were so close and I was so—I wasn’t thinking. I couldn’t breathe, I—” He lifts his hands, helplessly, then lowers them again. “There was rubble underneath me. Sharp metal, all in pieces, from one of his old ships. One of the pieces fit into my hand, and as soon as I had it, I just—I used it.” His voice is so small. “I gouged his eyes out. And then I found a place to hide.”
Oh. It feels like his heart is being ripped clean apart. Yuichi gets up and moves to the bed, sitting close enough to Leonardo that their shoulders bump. His pulse is flying. His stomach feels sour.
“I blinded him. His blood was oily and cold and got all over me. He screamed and rampaged for—hours? Days? I don’t.” Leonardo blinks, far away. “I don’t know. I spent most of my time there hiding. Tucked all the way inside my shell, like a—like a hurt animal. Not much of a hero, huh?”
Somehow, Leonardo is ashamed of himself for this. As if it was cowardly. As if he should have managed to incapacitate a warrior ten times his size and strength in a more honorable way. Like he wanted a nicer truth to give his family.
Yuichi closes his eyes and tries to imagine the prison dimension. Raphael described it haltingly, the glimpse he saw of it through Michelangelo’s portal. Dull grays and ghost ships and an Arctic chill, this horrible place the sun has never touched.
Now he tries to imagine Leonardo there, injured and frightened, all alone with a monster.
He wonders if he would have had the strength of heart and mind to throw himself into hell to protect his friends and family, to save that nebulous concept of “the whole world.” He likes to think he would, but he doesn’t know. How could anybody know until they were there, with the choice in front of them?
Yuichi thinks Leonardo is amazing. He has no idea how Leonardo can think of himself as anything less than amazing. He’s glad the Krang is blind. He would be even more glad if the Krang was dead.
“I don’t like to talk about it,” Leonardo says again, hushed and haunted. “I’m afraid they’ll hate me for it someday. When they’re done being relieved I’m alive.”
I’m in love with an idiot, Yuichi thinks.
Oh, wait.
He’s in love with this idiot.
It isn’t even a surprise. The truth goes down easily, because somewhere along the line he knew that already. Now he’s just—sinking into it. Looking at Leonardo and realizing what this fullness in his chest actually means.
Yuichi was pulled into Leonardo’s orbit from almost day one—the sun and the moon. Months of passing by each other, never speaking, their lives never overlapping. Wanting so badly to approach that full, lively table, second-guessing it every time, always backing out at the last second. The hours and hours he spent agonizing over it. Finally taking the leap. Rewarded impossibly by Leonardo’s interest and curiosity and his smile.
Those precious afternoons in the dining room of the restaraunt, arguing hotly from opposite sides of the same booth, leaning in to put their heads together to watch videos on Leonardo’s phone. Yuichi clinging to Leonardo’s attention, hoarding gold like a miser, because he only ever wanted Leonardo to look at him.
Of course he’d end up here. Where the hell else was he gonna go?
“They would do anything for you,” he hears himself saying. “Do you have any idea how much you mean to them?”
“I do!” Leonardo says quickly. “I just. I’m scared anyway.”
“Tell them that,” Yuichi implores urgently. “Let’s go tell them right now.”
Leonardo stares at him like he’s gone crazy. Yuichi loves him.
“I’ll go with you,” he says, offering his hand. He thinks he’s trembling. His body feels too small to contain the monumental reality he’s just discovered. “You’re not alone, Leo.”
That gets him a choked laugh. Leonardo grabs his hand and holds it almost desperately, as if Yuichi is too good to be true. As if he might do something crazy and impossible if Leonardo lets go, like walk away.
Not in this lifetime. Yuichi never wants to do anything but walk towards Leonardo for all the rest of his days.
They go find his siblings. It isn’t hard, they just have to follow all the noise.
Something chaotic is happening in the kitchen. Michelangelo is perched on Raphael’s carapace, elbows parked on his big brother’s shoulder and chin propped in his hands to watch the show. Raphael is trying to gently extract a hot pot of coffee from Donatello’s hands and Donatello is trying to drink from it directly. Casey is sitting on the counter, eating a huge lopsided muffin with an expression of doe-eyed wonder on his face.
They all look up when Leonardo and Yuichi come in. Leonardo’s step falters under the sudden scrutiny. He clutches Yuichi’s hand tighter, his grip bruising. Like somehow—somehow—Yuichi’s presence beside him makes him feel brave.
It’s okay, Yuichi tries to tell him, squeezing back. I’m not going anywhere.
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umhuhwellthen · 11 months
Self-proclaimed eldest of the girls:
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Lmao look at that pic of a Burmese I used as reference and then the canon image, tell me they are not the same i dare you(joking)
She is SO *clenches fist* I'd be shaking her if she wouldn't stab me
Her relationship with Yuichi is very much one of those siblings, "only I'm allowed to call you shit, anyone else does I'm throwing hands." Except it's usually very sharp and deadly objects in this case.
Lovingly bullies Yuichi. Auntie very much had to do the whole domesticating a feral kitten for all the ninja but especially with her.
If they had phones and a groupchat vvv
Yuichi: -hey Gen how do you quell a sisters murderous rage?
Gen: -What.
Yuichi: -time sensitive question Itsumi's trying to kill Lord Kogane
Chizu: -Let her.
Kitsune: -let her!!!!
Kiyoko: -13t h3r 1m40
Toshiko: -Let her lol
Gen: -....
Yuichi: -GUYS
Gen: -Yeah, okay.
Gen: -Let her.
Copy and pasting my rambles from notes app:
Itsumi is sooo fun. She thinks Yuichi is an idiot and is frankly astonished he's still alive and that he's lived so long(she admires him, his kindness and determination). She tolerates him as he loves and cares for all the neko ninja orphans as little sisters (he loves and cares for her). Just. She was snarky and bossy and disbelieving. And it could have just been she was a brat kid and/or a bully. Or. Or It could be that she was always trying to be the loudest among them, speaking up and speaking out to get all the attention on her, "Look at me, look only at me, pay attention to me, ignore them, leave the others alone, they are not worth your time, focus on me." And disbelieving how Hanna actually got out of the crew because she needs to nip false hope in the bud to avoid getting hurt. Because while the other kittens sometimes have a confused or concerned expression, she had an angry or sceptical one. And she was always in front while the others were at her side and a step behind. She needs to be on the lookout, she needs to guide and protect the others because who else will? And Yuichi got them out. Sure Chizu and the others helped but Yuichi gave them a home. Tells them the best napping spots. Will tell them to try and find his hidden comics on their own, but will give hints(that aren't so much so hints but their exact locations) if he feels like they might be struggling even though they very much are definitely not. Pats their heads. Calls them imouto. Lends them his old clothes, gives them his childhood toys. Became their big brother. Goofy and more childish than them sometimes, but a good and caring older brother nonetheless.
Going from living with Lady Fuwa to living with Auntie on the farm.... They were always kept in the dojo, and depending on how young they were taken in never even remembered or knew what the sky looks like, and then its shown in the show that because of the bright lights of Neo Edo you can't see the stars, and then their first night at the farm, still disbelieving that they're truly free, together in a room because there's no way they feel comfortable enough to separate, and then looking out a window and seeing a sky, blue, dark, and covered in stars.
Itsumi chose new clothes that were blue, and yes it was to copy Yuichi (she will forever deny that) but also because blue is the color of freedom, the color of the samurai who held out his hand and tried to teach them to be good, the color of the sky overhead as you realize you are free to rest your head and not worry about a demon in red coming for you and your sisters family comrades, just. Peace.
She'll never admit that though, it's more tactical now, she'll say. The blue blends in better with the night sky now that the lights are off.
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I read that you have open requests and I thought I would ask you if you could make a Shigaraki/Tenko x reader platonic! , in which AFO basically kidnapped several children to do experiments on them to make them stronger and have more quirks etc, but still have a human appearance and continue to acting like humans.Only one girl survived and AFO took her to train with Shigaraki, at that time Shigaraki would be about 10/11 years old and reader 5 and a half.Both were raised together and with the intention that they get along and that's how it was. But one day the heroes arrive and save reader (by this time he would have been about 9/10 years old)And that in the future, when Shigaraki and the LOV attack class 1-A at the UA, he meets Reader who is now in class 1-A training to be a pro hero.
I'd reader was fem! or gn! I don't know if I described what I want, sorry about that!
If you don't want to make this request it's completely fine and thank you very much in advance ⁠♡♡☆☆
At first i didn't get it but then my brain processed it. Love this idea, so I'll gladly write it for you💚
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They took you away, and now I see you on a different side.
Shigaraki x gn!reader (Platonic!)
Notes: some slight(?) angst, fluff, slight swearing. It was a little longer than I expected, but IT MADE ME CRY.
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All you could see was black, the thick fabric blocking all light from your vision. All you remember was going to a park with your mother, going down the slides, laughing, smiling... then a strange man in a suit came and blocked all light. You were only 5, your birthday was to happen in 3 weeks. Your mom must be worried, you could practically see her face filled with teary eyes. You suddenly feel forward, hitting the metal surface of the vehicle they threw you in. You heard the door slam and then another being opened with a click. "Get the kids and have the change." you were suddenly being carried by someone, your tears were absorbed by the fabric but your sniffles were consistent, and your whimpers were growing louder. "Shh, it's okay... I won't hurt you little one." The person said, it was a man. You felt that you were placed on some soft surface, like the ones at the doctors.
"i need you to cooperate with me dear, can you do that for me?" you didn't know what to do, or even what 'couhpurate' meant, you were only 5. You just sat there, sniffling. The man sighed and slowly removed the fabric covering your eyes. You were soon met with green eyes, "He said he'd take those above 7..." as he grabbed a white medical gown, you were still sniffling when he walked over to his desk and grabbed a tissue. "Blow on three okay? One... Two... Three..." you blew, he then wiped your nose with a clean tissue and disposed of it. "I'm doctor Yuichi Ishii, but you can call me doctor Yui, okay? What's your name dear?" you just stared at him with tears in his eyes, "...Y/N, where's my mommy doctor mister?" he looked away, not knowing how to tell a five year old on what's to come. "She's... preparing a... surprise party! With all your friends, and all the gifts you want!" he says with a bright smile, he felt horrible, lying to a kid. But it's for the best. "Really?! Why didn't she tell me about the old man? Why make me cry? Why-" He then hugged your small body, it felt warm, you liked warm. You wrapped your small arms around him, falling into a slumber, which was good, since he muttered, "I'm so sorry little Y/N, you shouldn't have to go through this..."
You were now 6, standing next to your 'father'. It had been a year since you arrived, you made friends but they come and go. Your only real friend was your 'father'. "Y/N dear, you'll be okay in there alone right?" he looked down to meet your e/c eyes, you responded to him with a small bright smile on his face. "Of course father! I'll be on my be behaviour!" giving him a small salute. He chuckled, he no longer minded you calling him father. But it ached his heart knowing that someday, he won't see you again.
"Were here, this will be the last test for today. Then you can go play!" he opened the door to a room you were now familiar with. The same doctors, white tile walls and floors, the machines, everything. "Good day little Y/N, you know the drill." Doctor Tsukiko stated getting her clipboard ready. "mhm!" as you entered the room, you saw your 'father' giving you a thumbs up. "Alright Y/N, prepare to use your quirk on that pile of cups in three... two... one!" you used your quirk, it eliminated the cups immediately. After what seemed like forever, the daily tests were over. You walked out of the room with a happy smile and a lollipop! You were holding onto your 'father's' coat as he led you to the play room. You expected it to be empty, but there were two people standing in the middle of the room, a man in a suit, and a boy with baby blue hair. "B-boss! I wasn't expecting a visit so soon! Let me escort Y/N out for this discussion-", "There is no need Doctor, I'm merely here to let my boy play with some other kids, if that's alright with you." The doctor looked at the what seemed to be, 11 year old boy. "Of course boss! Y/N would love too, right dear?", "Mhm! Now I have someone to do my puzzles with!" you smile grabbing his hand leading him to the puzzle table.
"what's your name? And how old are you?" You ask while picking out one of the new puzzles they brought in for you and your family. "Ten... *cough* Tomura. And I'm 11 years old." you place the puzzle in front of him, "That's so cool! Your names cool too! Wanna play puzzle with me?" He gives a small smile and nods, you guys solved three 500 piece puzzles that day.
And ever since, after you'd finish your daily test, you'd play with him. You'd play jenga, color pictures, act as detectives and sometimes your 'father' would join in too! You both were inseparable. You'd ask him about where he lives, what's it like living with your 'father's' boss, etc. It's been at least 2 and half years.
"I don't get it detective Tomu! How will we find the thief? the city is hugee!" you say, stretching the 'e' and gesturing to the city you guys built with the big blocks, "Why with clues of course! Y/N, what did we see at the crime scene?" Tomura says, pointing at the messy toy box, "... a pair of green glasses?" Tomura nodded and pointed at your father, "Exactly! And the only person who uses green glasses in the WHOLE city, is HIM! DOCTOR YUI!" he says, grinning. "Oh drat! You caught me detective..." your 'father' says with his hands up, "Now where's the item you stole! You must return it!", "Yeah! You better!" he chuckled and handed over the sparkly teddy bear, both of your smiles grew. "We did it detective Tomu! Our city is saved!!", "I couldn't have done it without you detective Y/N!"
It happened... the incident. You were just sitting in your 'father's' office when you felt a rumble. "Y/N, under my desk, NOW." He yelled, standing up, and heading towards his secret tool cabinet. "Father?", "Stay here, and don't leave unless I say the words 'apple pies, with cream" okay?", you nodded. His smile wasn't as bright as it was before, you hid under his desk as he walked out of his office. You heard loud bangs, screams, and explosions. It reminded you of older brother Hikaru, whenever it was his time to take his test, you could hears screams and explosions from his room. Until one day, he stopped coming to play time. You never knew what happened, you were told he behaved so well he got to go and see the beach and eat ice cream!
All of a sudden, the sound of the office door kicked open, followed by the voices of your 'father' and another unknown voice. "Please take them and go! They can't be here please! They are all I have left!", "Sir, we can save you as well! PLease let me-", "NO! TAKE MY CHILD AND LEAVE, PLEASE!", "father?", "Sweety, this hero will take you to your mother! You'll get to have apple pies with cream for dessert all you want!" he sounded sad, you slowly left the table. "Father? Who's this?", "Take them, please. Their name is L/N Y/N, they're allergic to pollen, and have a small phobia of needles, please, return them to their mother." The hero nodded and scoped you up in his arms, "father!" you said reaching your hands out to him. "My dear sweet Y/N, you were the only reason I stayed here in this facility. I hope that when your older, you'll understand what I've done for you." you started to cry, as he kissed your forehead, a loud bang was heard in the distance. "Go hero, and keep her safe." He removes his cloak and glasses, wrapping and placing them on you. "Farewell my dear, I hope to see you again one day."
Tomura stood next to his sensei, overlooking the chaos. "Sensei, where's Y/N and Doctor Yui?", "...Let's go Tomura.", "They aren't dead, are they?" he asks, tears slowly filling his eyes. "I doubt, but we need to go." he looked back again down at the chaos... you and the doctor weren't dead, surely! He snuck out, he had never thought he'd do this behind his sensei's back, but he couldn't sleep. He arrived at the scene, inspecting the pile of rubble and ruins. He walked towards what he remembers as the play room, he noticed the sparkly teddy bear now had lost an arm and had blood stains on it, and next to it...was a drawing of him, Y/N, and the doctor. He cried the moment he curled up in bed, hugging the teddy and the drawing close to him. You were gone... the doctor was gone... you BOTH were gone... and he didn't get to play with you one last time.
You were sitting next to the hero who took you away from your father. He handed you a slice of apple pie, "Your dad promised you apple pies with cream for dessert right? Here! Eat up little one!" he said with a bright smile, as bright as your dads. You started to tear up, slowly eating the pie, "Hey hey! What's wrong? Is it cold?", "No.. *sniffle* you just, have the same smile as my dad..." The hero looked sad, he then came up with an idea "How about I introduce myself! I'm Fat Gum, the BMI hero!", you looked up at him, "Hero? Like a detective?", "You could say that! But I rescue people and go on dangerous missions. But you could say one of them is my hunger!" he states, while posing. You giggled at his jokes and stories, you found yourself admiring him, he saves people as a job! And his quirk was amazing! "WHERE IS MY BABY?!" You hear a familiar voice, you turn towards it, and saw a familiar face. "...Y/N?" you couldn't remember who it was "...?", "Kid, that's your mom." you blinked a few times before remembering everything "m-mommy?", "MY BABY!! OH MY BABY! I'M SO GLAD YOUR OKAY! I'M SO SORRY! OH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! MOMMY MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" she cried out, you hugged her back, letting all your emotions loose. She was constantly next to you, showering you in the motherly love you missed out on for 3 and a half years. "I'm so so so sorry baby, I should've been doing a better job at watching you...", "Mommy, it's okay, it wasn't your fault."
"Still, I'm so so sorry baby. Why don't you tell me what you've been doing these past years hm?"
It's been 5 years. You were now 16 and a half. You still celebrate your father's death anniversary, your mother allowed it because she was thankful that someone was being sweet and kind to her beloved child. She would sometimes tag along with you to share her gratitude. Your mother enrolled you into Aldera Junior High, the same school as Bakugo and Midoriya. You talked with with Midoriya from time to time, but other than that, nothing else. You only started to have full conversations with him when you found out you were both participating in the UA hero's entrance exam.
You both were in the same class, and soon became best friends. Along with the rest of the deku squad. You weren't the best student, but not the worst. Luckily the things you did during the tests allowed you to be a bit smarter. The puzzles you did, the problems you solved, the training you did, etc. You still followed the same schedule your 'father' gave you, it made you feel satisfied, and closer to him. Your quirk grew strong, very strong. It almost lost control during training, but you managed! sort of...
USJ came along, and you all were pretty excited for the exercise of saving people, maybe you could learn to become like Fat Gum! You sat next to Todoroki who was just napping, you both were on mutual terms, he even asked you to wake him up when they arrive!
But what you didn't expect was for it to become a real battle, during the teleportation, you were one of the few who stayed behind with Thirteen and the rest of your classmates. You decided to assist you teacher in anyway you could by shooting at some villains. But when that big guy came out, you had to go down and help. You left the others to help when you noticed a baby blue color flash in the corner of your eye... you turned to see the familiar hands you would see your childhood playmate have with him on occasion. "..Tomu?" "...Y/N?"
you both looked at eachother. He saw you, you were alive! After all these years of grief and guilt, he saw you alive, breathing! But, you were with the heroes, these good for NOTHING HEROES! "Why are you on the hero side Y/N?" he asked sternly. You got into a stace and sent an attack towards him. "I'm on the heroes side because a villain killed my father!", "You mean Doctor Yui? Wow, those heroes didn't even SAVE him?"
He was right, why didn't FatGum save your dad? You shook off the thought and knocked down a villian that was heading your way. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS' TOMU.", "IT SHOULD BE. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD, YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO SEND ME A LETTER, OR GIVE ME A SIGN THAT YOU WERE ALIVE." He started running towards you, your teacher Aizawa extended his scarf out to grab you but he was being held by the Nomu.
You were both now having hand-to-hand combat, "BULLSHIT EXCUSE Y/N! YOU LEFT ME, AND ALL I HAD WAS THE THOUGHTS OF YOU AND DOCTOR YURI LYING DEAD UNDER RUBBLE THAT DAY." He kicked you onto your back and pressed his foot against your throat.
"They took you from me, and now I see you on THEIR side." he said, pressing harder, "T-tomu, please..." you begged him to remove his foot, he stared down at you. "I loved our memories Y/N," he stated lifting his foot, "But next time, I won't be so nice." He then kicked you, your back colliding with a stone wall, knocking you out cold.
"Please don't interrupt our plans, I'd hate to have to take you down."
goddam, this made me cry. But yeah that's it! Hope it was to your liking!
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Samurai Rabbit - Chronicles of Usagi
A03 link here
Chapter 2 / ?
Words: 3349
chp. 1
Neo Edo
Yuichi cheers as he races down the old beaten path, the wind through his face, the speed he gains as he rushes down a steep hill.
This is great! He can do whatever he wants! He doesn't have to worry about Auntie, he doesn’t have to worry about the farm! All he has to worry about is himself and Spot! 
And Spot was leaning out of his basket trying to catch bugs as they rushed past the motorbike so super easy, “I don't know how well that will work out for you buddy,” Yuichi chuckles a bit as Spot fails to catch another bug, pouts a bit, and lays down in his basket, making a big show of how upset he is. Yuichi sighs and pulls a small treat out of his pocket, putting it into Spot's basket, laughing at how quickly the tokage lights up again.
He drives for a few hours, making stops periodically to stretch his legs and to let Spot run around a bit. During these breaks he pulls out his journal; It’s a nice way to pass the time, writing about the adventure he's been on or drawing what he’s seen so far. ( Spot is actually making a good drawing right now, sitting peacefully next to a small patch of flowers, the last of the sun making it through the trees and shining down onto him. )
But other than that, there isn't a lot to do yet, just drive, follow the path, look at the forest around him, wonder if this is actually the right thing to do, think about what auntie is going to do without him, about the friends and family he’s leaving behind in the country-
Yuichi shakes his head, no use thinking of that now, he's too far into this to leave. Not to mention the shame he would feel if he turned back now, having to look at his aunt's angry face. He shakes his head ( again ) and loads up Spot one more time and puts his bag back into the back compartment and starts the bike back up, and drives along the path once more.
The sun is fully set when he comes to a cliff face. 
And it is beautiful .
The city was bright- bright enough for Yuichi to cast a shadow behind him, spotlights rocking back and forth into the air, trying to attract as many patrons into their establishment. Buildings on buildings, skywalks, air ships, blimps, cars zooming and zipping from place to place, the colors of a grand entryway just calling out to Yuichi, begging him to go through and enter this beautiful city.
“Neo Edo…”
He jumped in place a bit, his excitement clear as he raced the rest of the way down the path. He was only about, what? 20? 30 minutes away from his new life? His new friends? His new world!
And watching that path slowly turn into a road and the buildings of the city grow and grow, it only pushed him to go faster.
( Maayyybe that 20 or 30 minute estimate turned into more of a 10-15 minutes because he got so fast but who's to say for sure? )
He drove through the gate, marveling at the city around him. People are walking through town, buying things from vendors along the street, walking into restaurants, busy people looking very busy as they sped to their next busy thing to do.
“We made it Spot, Neo Edo!”
He keeps rolling down the street, taking in everything around him.  The buildings are so tall here, it made him dizzy looking at the top of some of them. Not the ideal when driving a bike.
When he looks back down, he sees some people give Yuichi odd looks but he chalks it up to him being new in town. How many new people can a big city like this actually get?
The steam cycle flares up a bit, he gets rushed forward and Yuichi has to lift the front tire so that he doesn't lose control of the whole bike, “haha, looks like the bike is excited to be here too, huh buddy?”
He continues to drive forward, passing a small shop. He wants to stop and look around but the lights above the door start flickering a bit and the people in front of it give him a dirty look. Yuichi quickly looks away and drives past. That shop doesn't look like the best place to make a first stop.
“Oookay well, let’s find-”
Yuichi stared in awe, “Look spot! A Newsbotto! These things would show up at the farmers markets on the weekends!”
“Hey, I bet that would be a good way to make a name for myself! First day in town and I take down a bad guy?”
Yuichi walks up to a group of thugs. The leader, a large tank of a pig, looks up at him.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? It's that faaaaamous samurai everyones been talking about.”
“Your days of terrorizing the people of Neo Edo are over, Warimashi. And I will be the one to take. you. down.”
“Oh please! Like you could do anything. You're nothing but some farm boy.”
“D0 not underestimate me, criminal, I am very strong.”
“Well see how strong you are when we cut you down like a farmbotto harvesting broccoli!”
“Your farm metaphors mean nothing to me! It is time to fight!”
Yuichi kicks the pig, knocking him out instantly. He then punches the dog running at him and makes them go flying. 
He punches, he kicks, he flips and spins and fights until all of the thugs are in a pile beneath him.
“I am victorious. And now I will become a Kaikishi warrior!” 
The ki-stone is shown before him, the yellow stone, intricate with its carvings, floats before him and just about Yuichi touches the stone he-
“Hey kid! Watch the road!” Yuichi blinks back into Neo Edo, not being granted the power of the Ki-Stone, but at a stoplight and someone yelling behind him and he rushes forward.
“Why don't we go ask around about this Warimashi guy?”
Spot looks at him and tilts his head, he makes a noise and yawns, shaking his head out before hopping out of his basket.
“See that’s the spirit! But uh, we can’t just leave the steam bike lying around. Maybe there's a place to park it for the night?”
Yuichi Goes up to one of the stands on the corner of the street, the man running it sits on a stool, reading a book with someone dressed in very fancy clothing and a funny looking hat on the cover, and is selling a small assortment of vegetables on raised platforms.
“Hello! I'm new in town and looking for-”
“Follow the street for three more blocks, take a left, two blocks and then you’ll see a big  set of stairs. go up there and you'll find the Kaikishi Temple. Do you want any vegetables for the trip or are you going to keep bothering me?”
“I've barely said any-
“Look kid, I don't have time to..” the vendor finally looks up from his book, and takes a long hard look at Yuichi. “to… uh. What did you say your name was again?”
“Oh, I didn't get a chance to say my name, sorry. But I am Usagi Yuichi. I just got to Neo Edo and-”
“right right right, alright. uh. thanks kid but you might want to get going. I don't need any trouble.”
Trouble? Why would there be any trouble? He just needed to park his bike somewhere for the night. “I’m not looking for any trouble I’m just-”
“Look kid, I don't care what you're looking for, just get outta here. Don't need anything happening to my shop.”
“Uuh alright. Well, have a good night? And thank you?”
As he turned around and made his way back to the bike, Spot jumped onto his shoulders, settling down and glaring at the vendor.
“Come on spot, I doubt everyone in neo edo is that rude. We just found a bad egg, that’s all. Let's go find this temple he was talking about.”
This first night was not going as planned. 
He had gotten lost, that on its own was no big deal; He figured he could ask for some directions and get back on track. No problems!
But apparently the vendor was not “just one bad egg.” So far everyone has been either ignoring him, assuming he’s mugging them, or trying to pick a fight with him.  The worst of it was when he tried to ask an older lady for directions and she hit him over the head with her purse. 
However, after many circles and trying to read many maps, Yuichi was able to make it to a big gate leading to a huge set of stairs, at the top is whrer the temple sat, huge even when looking at it from the bottom of the hill.“Wooahh.. Maybe there's someone in there who can help me! And they won't hit me over the head!”
Yuichi parks his bike off to the side and walks up to the plaque at the bottom of the stairs, he reads ‘The Kaikishi Temple, home and shelter to the Ki-stone and its worriers for many generations. The Ki-stone provides energy to the city of Neo Edo. Please be respectful when walking through these ancient halls.’
“Woah, wait, this is the place where the Kaikishi warriors lived? How did I not know they lived in the temple? Awesome!” Yuichi runs up the many, many, many stairs and once he is finally at the top ( really who needs that many stairs? ), he falls and rests in the courtyard- the couple benches placed at the top of the stairs were very convenient for that. He looked around, the stone path had intricate designs layed out, flowing together to make a path following straight to the temple stairs. Soft plush moss grows throughout the whole courtyard, making the reds and golds on the temple seem grand and important.
The temple itself was beautiful. The intricate decorations on the walls, looking like different crystals spinning and shining, all surrounded by butterflies, clouds and animals. The mountain behind it creates natural walls, providing a sense of protection around an important and sacred place. Yuichi feels intimidated by the building, but he doesn't have other options at the moment so he walks up the stairs.
Walking into the ancient building, he feels.. energized? The walls inside are just as grand and intricate, the lights on the walls giving an orange glow to everything making the old wood seem soft and inviting, welcoming to anyone who walks through the door.
..But then why does he have goosebumps?
“Uh. Hello? My name is Usagi Yuichi. I'm looking for a place to stay tonight? Anyone?”
Spot is looking around from place to place, but keeping close to Yuichi. He’s thankful for that, he doesn't want Spot knocking something over. 
This place feels.. Really important.
Wandering around the halls, he comes across a big shiny, and slightly ajar, door down a hallway. The mountain and what used to be the surrounding area carved into it, taking great care to show even the tiniest detail of the scenery. The walls leading up to it are decorated with candles and paintings, what looks like to be the warriors that had protected the ki-stone.
“woooaaahh.. can you believe this spot? These must have been important worriers.” and as he comes closer to the door, Yuichi hears a soft humming coming from the big and fancy door. 
So he creeps closer, Yuichi makes sure to be extra quiet, not wanting to startle whoever is inside. He sees a purple light coming from the door, he puts his hand up to it and peers in-
“Who are you and what do you think you are doing here?”
Yuichi jumps back and toootally doesn't scream, no that would be silly. He's a big tough soon-to-be-samurai who doesn't get scared so easily. He spins around and is met with a blade almost hitting his face.
“Woah! hello! hi! Yes, I am! I mean uh- Hello! I am Usagi Yuichi, this is my tokage, Spot, and I was trying to look into the big fancy door you've got here.” he put his hands up, trying to put on his best ‘i promise i'm not doing anything bad i'm just here’ face.
He looks at the rest of the weapon, the blade coming out of the pole and realizes that he knows what this is, “Woah wait! Is this a naginata? These things are so cool! You have a fancy one too, wow. Love the color, looks like you have a red theme going on, personally I like blue more. Hey, who trained you how to use this? I only know so much, I was more trained on a sword but I know a little bit- anyways, I’m looking for a sensei right now because I want to be a great samurai one day but I don't really know where or how to find one but maybe-”
“ENOUGH. Wow you talk a lot.” she looks dumbfounded for a moment, shocked that someone can talk that long without pausing to take a breath. “What are you doing here-''  Yuichi was about to answer but before he could she interrupted him, “-In the Kaikishi Temple. I don't care about your whole life story.”
“OH. well, I first drove into town I-” 
“TEN. words or less please. I don’t have all night.”
Yuichi frowned and paused, using his hands to count his words as he said, “I. need. to. find. some. where. for. me. and. Spot. to. sleep. Shoot, that's more than ten words. Can- can I try again? I can think of a better sentence. Here, I-”
“NO. no I get what you are saying, but if that's true then why did you come here and not to one of the Inns in town?” she brought the blade closer to his throat, “why are you really here?”
He was about to answer (an answer that shows he's totally not scared or anything), but a voice cuts her off, “Chizu, who is our guest here?”
“Tetsujin!” She spins around and stands up quickly, she has an odd mixture of worry and relife on her face, “I was just trying to see who this was. He just walked into the temple and almost just waltzed right into the ki-stone’s chambers and-”
“Wait, your name is Chizu?! That's the same name as a former leader of the neko ninja! A pretty infamous one too, she did a lot of things for the clan.”
At this, Chizu's shoulders raise and the grip on her naginata becomes tighter. “Haha.. who? I don't think I’ve ever heard that before. Besides, I'm nothing like the neko ninja; They are cold and heartless people.”
“Ooo. touchy subject. My bad..” The hallway became a bit awkward after this. Usagi suddenly realized that he was in a room with strangers, one holding a weapon and he still had his bike parked outside. “Oookay. Well, um. My name is Usagi Yuichi. I came to Neo Edo to learn to be a great samurai, but I kinda forgot that I needed a place to sleep. Is there anywhere I can do that? You mentioned that there are some Inns around here?”
With that, the old bear- Tetsujin- spoke up, “you might have some trouble finding anywhere to stay looking the way you do, Chizu, will you set up a place for him to sleep for the night?”
“Here? At the temple? Sir, are you sure? I mean.. you know the old stories, is this really a good idea?”
“Sure, I know you protect these halls well. You can take care of him if anything happens."He puts a caring hand on her shoulder and gives her a smile, a bit odd when they are talking about “taking care” of Usagi but..
 Chizu is hesitant, but eventually gives in. She only nods and starts walking back down the hall. “Fine. Let's go rabbit.”
Yuichi was confused - and a little offended for a second - on why they thought he would cause trouble, buuutt, he just kind of walked in after dark and looked into the biggest fanciest door without even knowing if anyone was hooommee.. So. he doesn't mention anything and just thanks Tetsujin before following Chizu.
They walked for a while, going down different halls and passing more and more cool things. There are paintings and pottery, murals stained into the wood, tapestries hung from the ceiling. Yuichi tried starting conversations with Chizu, asking what this and that and the other thing is- what they are showing, talking about the yokai he saw and knew about - but he didn't find much luck; she was cold and closed off, and after a few minutes he finally just gave up.
They eventually get to a hallway with many doors and she stops in front of one near the back, Chizu suddenly turning around and getting close to Usagi and jabbing a finger to his chest. “Listen here, I don't know what you're really here for, but if I find anything- and I mean anything - outside of this room out of place in the morning, I will tear your ears off your head. Don't test me rabbit.” and with that, she opened a door and gestured to him to get inside.
“Sound good, hear you loud and clear. Nothing outside this room will be touched! Won't even look into the hall!” he inched his way into the room and gave a big, nervous smile.
“Good. I will bring your belongings up shortly and park your bike with the others. See to it that your tokage doesn't make a mess either.” and she borderline slams the door closed.
And true to her word, about an hour later she delivered the things in his bike to his room, along with some food and water for him and spot. He thanked Chizu and wished her a good night's rest.
Yuichi gave Spot his portion and started eating his own, “Well spot, this isn't how I thought my first night in Neo Edo would go but.. I don't know, I'm still excited, maybe we can finally start looking for that Warimashi guy? Actually start getting this samurai thing started yeah?”
Spot looked up at him, making a small noise, and went back to eating. Yuichi laughed, started journaling and went to bed for the night.
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bunnboi · 2 years
Jotaro Usagi-Hamato grew up with gunshots and death. He grew up surrounded by war and blood and battle, and he was surprisingly a pretty well adjusted kid. He grew up with war, but he also grew up with love, surrounded by his happy family, with his best friend in the whole wide world Casey Jones Jr. He was trained by his father, Leonardo, and by his Aunt Scylla. He was trained in his family’s ninpo, in an ancient martial art form lost when the last Great Dragon fell, and now he is running, running, running, lasers and bombs filling his ears as he supports his father, who groans in pain every time he steps too heavy on one of his legs, Casey next to him knocking Kraang dogs away.
    “Just a little further, Dad.” Jotaro mumbles. “Just a little further.”
    The steps of the Kraang Mechas’ feet rumble the very ground beneath them.
    Jotaro sets his father down on the ground, leaning him on a rock as Casey kneels next to them both, chainsaw in hand, Michelangelo behind them fighting off dogs. 
    “We lost…” Leonardo looks into the distance, at the Kraang Mechas drawing craters in the earth with their lasers. “The Kraang won.” He meets Casey and Jotaro’s eyes quickly, and draws a smile to his lips. “But we still have a ninja’s greatest weapon. Hope.”
    Jotaro half wants to laugh at what a cheesy line that is, but the ability to laugh right now is replaced by pure adrenaline and fear. 
    Leonardo looks over at Michealangelo, says something he doesn’t quite understand, not with the bombs falling everywhere, with the ringing in his ears. Michelangelo nods, starting to prepare to create some sort of spell. Jotaro feels his father’s huge, heavy, calloused hand on his shoulder, and sees that the other is on Casey’s. “Kids. Listen to me. Mikey is about to send you back in time, to the day that the Kraang came to earth. There’s a key. You need to find the key before it was stolen, and stop the Kraang.”
    Jotaro can hear Michealangelo groan out of pain, and looks over to see him literally disintegrating, Scylla now next to him as he smiles at them all, winks, and finishes the portal, disappearing in a burst of light. Jotaro’s stomach drops as Scylla stares at the portal for a few seconds, before looking over at the boys, kneeling next to Jotaro, Donnie’s staff still strapped to her back, as it has been since that cursed mission. She smiles at him softly through her long dark bangs, handing him a blade. Shirogane. His fur tingles on end as soon as it touches his skin. 
    “Find the key, stop the Kraang.” She says, Leo repeating it. 
    “Dad…?” Jotaro looks back at Leonardo, tears threatening to brim over his eyes. Leonardo looks to be the same. He hugs both his sons, squeezing them tight as he can hear the sound of a roaring Kraang monster, the voice vaguely familiar. Jotaro looks back to see Yuichi Usagi, his other father, dripping in Kraang slime and monstrous, charging toward them. His throat tightens with more tears, and he looks back toward Leonardo. “Dad?”
    “Kids, do me a favor.” Leonardo gets up, pushing them toward the portal. “Grab a slice.” Casey grabs Jotaro’s arm and starts pulling him toward the vortex, equally as tight throated and teary eyed. Jotaro looks back just in time to see his fathers fighting each other, blades through each other’s torso as Leonardo looks at Jotaro out of the corner of his eye and smiles, he, Yuichi, and Scylla all being vaporised in an instant by a Kraang laser just as the portal swallows Jotaro and his screams. 
    Casey and Jotaro drop into Times Square, into a huge crowd of people, where everything is too warm too loud too crowded, and Jotaro is numb numb numb and so incredibly over stimulated, and he can’t breathe, so he does what rabbits do best and he runs, runs, runs, away from the crowds, away from the too loud and too bright of the city, as Casey screams for his brother, searches for hours before he eventually decides to follow through with the mission. Because Jotaro is strong, and Jotaro will be fine. 
    Find the Key, stop the Kraang. 
    Jotaro is found by a person an hour later, with short black hair and familiar eyes, who takes him back to their apartment, despite his animal appearance. Who makes him soup and protects him when suddenly there are the Kraang again, roaming the streets again as Jotaro can do nothing but hide in the bathroom and listen to the sirens and the screams. Who recognizes Shirogane, who hugs him tight when the Kraang’s voice echoes in his ears, “WIPE THAT GRIN OFF YOUR FACE-” when he is sobbing at night because he can never go back and see his family, because his fathers would be so disappointed, because he can do nothing right.
    He hugs his best friend, Casey Jones Jr, sitting in his room and sobbing into his shoulder. As if the salty tears he sheds will repent for his sins, his failures. 
    But he knows they won’t. 
    Nothing can make up for what he did. 
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blue-nardo · 2 years
*She rings, the fact Leo is safe slipping through her composure*
I usually e- *the sound cuts and she covers her non-existent mouth, clearing her throat* sorry.
*She folds her arms behind her back*
I usually darken my pops because their too bright and loud and I don't want to hurt anyone I usually have better control over it.
And unfortunately, the cracking isn't something new. I've been like this. Get a little too nervous and things fall apart. It's nothing to gap about though. I'm just happy your safe.
Regarding Bunny boys, I was talking about Miyamoto. That's the one who saved you right? And hey look at you at you rolling a nat 20 - Glass
... Well isn't that bright news. But no worries, I've only ever died like, once, and guess what? Decided I never wanted to try it again so thanks to denial, I'm basically immortal 💅
And yeah, Miyamoto was the one that helped Venus get me out of the hotel! He's the one I sparred with and managed to convince that not only are we not actually Yokai, but we're mutants and we weren't actually robbing the Foot Clan. He said he still doesn't trust ninja - which, rude - but that he admires me as a leader or whatever? Which, good eye on his part, I am a VERY good leader ✨
... Yuichi still hates me though and that sucks.
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feralforfruit · 2 years
The Garden {Part 2}
♡︎Go read the other parts from my masterlist♡︎
Warnings: gun/knife violence and mentions of blood.
Pairings: Ladybug, Lemon, Tangerine, and Yuichi x fem!reader.
You wake up to an alarm and you get up to walk into the next room where you do most of the Hivemind work. You grab your iced coffee from the mini fridge before you sit down at your setup. You turn on the huge PC that is decorated with photos of you and the boys on multiple screens. It lights up a bright yellow in the back which causes the room to follow suit in the hue. You put on your headset and get to work.
You knew the men would have arrived at their destination by then. You text the group chat to let them know you are up and ready to go. Ladybug texts a thumbs up as a signal to connect all your earpieces to be able to communicate through the mission. You turn the devices all on, “Hey boys! You guys got there alright?”
“We’re doing okay, BB. We are outside of the HQ right now,” said Ladybug.
“This shit looks like a goddamn fortress, darling. Gonna be a tough one, innit?” Tangerine says in disbelief.
“Just how you like them, Tang.” you smile to yourself, “First what you guys have to do is get to the back fence. There should be an opening big enough for you to fit yourselves and all the equipment without getting seen. You should use the trash bins when you enter to stash anything you might need to escape.”
“What if someone takes out the trash, though, what then?” Lemon asks.
“They won’t. They have very particular hours of taking out the trash and this shouldn’t take you up to 8pm now, should it?” you chuckle softly while looking at the daylight from your window.
“Let’s go. We should not waste time.” Yuichi mutters to them. “I want to get out of this as soon as possible.” He motions to his overall look. He has a much dapper look than usual to seem like he is a professional yakuza associate.
“Oh but I want pics of your sexy get-up before it gets potentially ruined. You didn’t let me see it before you left.” you pout.
He scoffs, “Hachi, don’t.” You giggle in response knowing you pushed him a bit.
“Alright, fellas. It’s showtime.” Ladybug says as all make their way toward the broken fence. They bend their bodies halfway to get through as you say, “You guys see a gray door straight ahead? It should have a helipad sign on it.”
“Yes, ma’am. Picking the lock now.” Ladybug manages to quickly get the door unlocked as Lemon and Tangerine stash the extra weapons as you advised.
Ladybug starts to zip up his jumpsuit, getting ready for action. “Now, BB, how did you manage to get the maintenance guy’s uniform? Did you order it?”
“Oh, lovebug, you underestimate me. We have had this plan for months and you thought I wouldn’t have the actual maintenance man taken care of. How did you think I knew his whole schedule and how the routine check-up works?” you say while taking a sip of your iced coffee.
“Wow, our Bumblebee has a stinger,” Lemon says. “Damn, right, handsome.” You smooch as he chuckles in response.
The boys make their way up to the third floor of the stairs and right before they open the door you say, “Wait, guys, remember this layout. The left side of the corridor is where Yuichi has to escort Ladybug to the computer. On the right side is where Lemon and Tangerine need to sneak through to get to the last door on the left where Kuro Akuji, the yakuza chairman, is currently setting up the deal with the subordinate family of his clan. They know that there are people trying to get this deal to cease its plans of kicking civilians out of their town just so they can expand their empire with a shiny, new money-grab casino. Even people in his own clan aren’t too happy about it so there are going to be guards roaming through that hall so try to be as quiet as possible. Be invisible, even.”
“Got it, poppet,” Tangerine says as clicks out his knife before opening the door and peeking out to make sure the coast is clear for them to split up. He nods and the pairs go their separate ways. Lemon and Tangerine walk a few feet before needing to turn a corner and take a glimpse of the hallway that is full of a bunch of huge men in suits having a chat outside the doors of the meeting. “Bollocks.” They say quietly at the same time. “BB, how much are we getting paid for this again?” Lemon asks in whispers.
“The informer offered 3 million for Akuji’s death along with everyone else in the room who is involved,” you say while reading out the terms on a tab of your encrypted emails.
Yuichi frowns while still walking through empty hallways with Ladybug. “Just to kill him? What has the computer got to do with it?” he asks. 
“Oh that is a mystery mouse ka-tool that is going to help us later,” you smile to yourself. “Just stay focused and make sure you go to the black door at the end of the hallway that has a number 3 on it.”
He shakes his head and decides to not ask any more questions. Yuichi then finally spots the door you said and he looks at Ladybug before taking a sigh. He knocks three times before a tall man with bleached hair and a similar dark suit to Yuichi’s answers the door. He seems to have an intimidating ever-present frown that most large men in the yakuza always wear as a part of their uniform.
Ladybug stands there, awkwardly smiling and lifting his toolbox up as Yuichi is explaining their presence to the associate. The man lifts his eyebrow before opening the door giving them room for entry.
“Good boys. Now, Ladybug all you have to do is follow the steps I showed you the other day. Unscrew the computer’s casing and then remove all the parts so you can look like you’re replacing the PC’s fan. Snatch the original motherboard before replacing it with the extra one.” you explain before switching your attention, “Fruits, are you guys doing, alright?”
“Just fucking dandy, darling,” Tangerine says out of breath as he grunts while he slices the last huge guard in the hallway. 
“Still need to get to the Diesel, luv, but we got this.” Lemon states before grabbing a sword that is laying on the floor beside a large suited body. Tangerine looks to his brother and says, “Time for a Tail Tack, innit?” Lemon pats his shoulder and responds excitedly, “Shit, bruv, we haven’t done that in ages!”
Tangerine kicks open the door to the meeting and the twins run in shooting and slicing in direction, back up against the other to keep from throwing shots at each other. Bodies hit the ground like coins out of a pocket and not a single one with a second to process taking out their weapons. The two men take a look towards the center of the room and blow a few more shots toward the most important person in the room.
Thankfully, all the commotion isn’t heard from the opposite side of the floor, where Ladybug is finishing his work of grabbing the motherboard. Yuichi asks the associates for a lighter trying to act casual while distracting them from the final pieces of Ladybug’s movements.
Ladybug finally closes up the computer case and then gathers his tools before standing up. Yuichi notices and then makes his way up towards the exit while bidding farewell to those in the room not trying to make eye contact with the large bleached-haired man as he opens the door. Ladybug follows close behind saying his best Japanese goodbyes. They both release a breath like they’ve been holding it the whole time there as they walk back towards the same place they exited.
They meet two blood-covered twins halfway with and stare at them with raised eyebrows. “You bastards act as if you didn’t expect this,” Tangerine says annoyed at their reaction before opening the door to the stairs aggressively.
“Are all my boys together and in one piece?” you smile feeling proud of how smooth your plan played out. “Yes, we are close to the exit,” Yuichi says.
“Oh my god, am I actually going to see Yuichi come back with that delicious suit?” you ask before biting your lip at the thought.
“Not before you hose down the fruits before letting them back inside The Garden.” Ladybug cringes at the thought of needing to get the inside of the car cleaned as they crawl out of the hole in the fence. “You try looking proper when you have to fucking blow some bellend's brains out for 3 million fucking dollars!” Tangerine states aggressively as he hops into the driver's seat making their quick escape in hopes no one follows them.
“I'm sure it isn't anything I haven't seen from them before. As long as my boys come back to me still breathing, I don’t care what I have to do. But I will make it my own personal mission to see sexy Yakuza Yuichi in front of me before I deal with the twins.” you chuckle as you keep track of the traffic cameras, making sure that no one is following their location.
The boys arrive safely and you get a notification of the deposit from the informer in The Garden’s bank account just a few minutes after confirming the mission’s completion. Ladybug hops out of the car still in his disguise, with the toolbox in his hand. He opens it and passes you the motherboard. Your smile wides as he hands it to you and you give him a quick peck on the cheek. Yuichi gets out of the car and you walk up to him as soon as you notice him. You took out your phone and take a photo immediately as you squeal like a fangirl.
“You look so fucking hot! I’m so sorry, but I am going to plan more jobs that require you to be in more sexy ass suits.” you run your hand down his tie, admiring the details.
Yuichi can’t help but chuckle lightly at all the attention you’re giving him despite his aversion to the idea. “I can’t say no to you, Hachi. You know that,” he says while stroking your hair softly.
“Thank you for looking this handsome so we could have the motherboard,” you say while looking up at him sweetly.
“Why is it so important, anyway?” Yuichi asks.
“It is important because this will give us access to all the intel that Kuro Akiji’s clan had on the area they claimed to be theirs. Secret houses, plans, or info on their members that his associates held in one computer to keep things running properly in the organization. We can be one step ahead of all the yakuza’s operations. Plus, it runs insanely fast and has a large amount of space for me to do the same in The Hivemind. They had the best computer modders in the city optimize it to perfection so it has all that and more for me to play with. So, basically, you guys have acquired one of the best systems that could only be found in the black market with the same price value as what we made from just killing Akuji. Neat, huh?” They look at you in astonishment as you explained.
“You, Bumblebee, are fucking brilliant,” Lemon says. “And you, my Lemon drop, need a fucking shower. And so do you, Tang. Come on, let's go to the backyard so I can hose you, cuties, down.” You snap twice and point for them to walk to the back gate with haste.
* .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
A/N: Sorry, it has been a minute since I felt the urge to get my ideas flowing! I was really needing a day to feel like I could give you guys this sweet little bit of their dynamic on the job and today was finally that. I had fun writing this one and even though it isn't really smutty or even remotely steamy, the thoughts of how they would work together made me smile. I hope you all feel the same way.
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Singing / Dancing with Gojo Satoru
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Gojo is a millennial; therefore, I headcanon that his favorite songs are some 90s and early 2000s hits.
💙 the classic "Yesterday Once More" by the Carpenters. Both of you are in his living room when he starts playing this track. You smile and suddenly start singing with Feeling. You would both sing the chorus out loud together. Then he would stand up, hug you from behind and sway you slowly to the beat of the music while singing softly. It's canon that Satoru can do anything if he tries, so I'm pretty sure his voice is gorgeous. (His VA is Nakamura Yuichi everyone, his voice is amazing).
🌌 Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. When he starts playing this, both of you would be in a flirty mood. A bit of soft touches there. Kisses on the neck. Wine on the glass table. Soft lights playing around both of you as you stare into each other's eyes. You are both lost in your own little bubble, away from the stress and pressures of Jujutsu Sorcerers.
💙 Hate That I Love You by Rihanna and Chris Brown. You both just had an argument, and reached a rocky truce. Not something to worry about as you and he know that you're both still in love with each other.
The argument was over something insignificant and stupid, you both can't even remember how it started. The emotions just blew up and it led to a silence between both of you for 3 days until you took the first step of talking with him. He hugs you. Later that night after shared apologies, he plays this song. You look at Satoru and find yourself loving him even more.
"Why is it you?" He says out loud. "I don't really know either Toru. I just love you for you." You reply, somewhat pained. He gathers you into his arms. "I don't mean it that way. I mean, you've always been patient with me. Can't help but feel that you might leave me some day angel. But I hate that I love you so. Always have and always will". Tears run down your face and he kisses them away. Then leaning down to capture your lips, you share a kiss tasting of tears and love.
🌌 Kissing Strangers by DNCE (not an old song but still a golden one). He plays this when he wants an excuse to get more kisses he wants to role play the night you both met. Because Satoru is weird like that, but still very much lovable. "Open heart, open mind. Now give me my kisses stranger~~~" Satoru sing songs to you. "Toru that's not how the song goes. That's not even how we met lmao. It goes like- MMPHH" and he proceeds to kiss you stupid until the sun rises. Tongues fighting for dominance, his hands on your lower back moving to dangerous zones. You just get drunk and high on the flavour of Gojo Satoru.
💙 Let's Groove by Earth, Wind and Fire. You just finished cooking dinner in the kitchen and you're cleaning up. You turn the music up a notch as you wipe down the dishes. You find yourself singing loudly.
"Let's Groove TONIGHHTT~~" Satoru suddenly appears behind you and screams the song along. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT BABE!", you shriek right back at him. He really is so used to sneaking up on people out of nowhere. Satoru starts to sway wildly to the beat of the song, which leads you to quickly pushing the dishes back on the counter. "Toru, we are in the kitchen! Be carefu-", you suddenly get cut off as he grabs you towards him. "Sing with me pumpkin!", he pouts. You give a half-hearted sigh with a smirk and push him towards the living room. The high notes were difficult to sing, making you both sound like wheezing whales. You just both laugh out loud at each other.
He dances really well, lean muscles flexing and rolling. You watch his exposed arms as he removed his jacket and rolled back his sleeves. "Like what you see darling?", he winked at you. You just stared at him with a heavy gaze. Safe to say, he kept you up that night for several other reasons🤭.
✨ I want it that way by the Backstreet Boys. He plays this on a bright sunny day when you're both staying in. It's a Saturday and the flowers are blooming. You dance around each other while singing the lyrics outside. "Oh my gosh this song feels so nostalgic!" you exclaim. You watch Toru as he dances, his side step moves and shuffles are pretty smooth. "Tell me why~ Ain't nothing but a heartache~", you sing while sashaying your hips and pointing to him. His eyes are so bright and warm, looking at you with so much love. At times like these, you wish you can read his thoughts. 'Is he happy with me?' you wonder.
He grins as if hearing your thoughts and dances around you even wilder than before. "But I want it that way~~" Satoru sings out loud. You take a video of him and decide to post it on your Instagram. 'I wonder how his students will react to their teacher dancing' you giggled. Satoru strides up to you as you turn off your phone and lifts you above him, holding onto your legs tight.
You throw your arms around his shoulders and lean down to kiss him on the lips. Tracing the outline of his bottom lip with his tongue, you find yourself wanting more. Satoru's bright blue eyes mischievously shone, and then fluttered shut as his tongue slipped into your mouth. Both of you get lost in the feeling of the kisses with the music long forgotten in the background.
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blueascend · 3 years
Omura Aimi had been working at Toyokawa for roughly four days when she realized that their ace salesman, Kurosawa, had a boyfriend.
To be fair, she had been on the lookout for particular signs. Omura hadn’t been able to be out at her last job and she’d been hoping that Toyokawa would be different. She’d done her best to befriend everyone, keeping her ear out for office gossip, getting the lay of the land.
The first time she saw Kurosawa with his boyfriend, she breathed a sigh of relief. Surely, if the most popular man in the office could be himself so openly, Omura wouldn’t have any issues.
Unfortunately, it soon became apparent to her that most of their coworkers weren’t aware of Kurosawa’s relationship status. Everyone seemed to believe he was single and straight.
How? Didn’t they have functioning eyes?
It became a slight obsession for Omura over the next week, watching Kurosawa blatantly flirt with his boyfriend without anyone noticing. They even had matching red pens they kept waving at each other like the least secret signal in the world!
Then one day, someone caught her staring.
“You have a crush on Kurosawa?” her coworker, Nakamura asked. She laughed, not unkindly. “Better get in line, then.”
“Huh?” Omura furrowed her brow. Kurosawa was now fixing his boyfriend’s tie, standing way too close to him to do so. “No, not really.”
“No?” That was Chino, her voice bright and shocked. “But just look at him.”
Omura looked at her coworkers, a knot forming in her stomach as she saw their confused expressions. Uh oh. She wasn’t ready for that kind of suspicion, not when she had no idea how they would react.
“He’s not my type?” she tried. When they kept staring, she added, “I, uh, like someone else?”
Nakamura and Chino glanced at each other. “Don’t tell me,” Nakamura said. “It wasn’t Kurosawa you were looking at, was it?”
“You like Adachi!” Chino concluded.
Omura swallowed. Adachi. Right, that was the name Kurosawa’s boyfriend wasn’t it?
Well, if it would throw them off her trail. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
Both women giggled.
“He is cute, I guess,” Chino said. “And much more attainable than Kurosawa.”
Nakamura clapped her hands. “We need to get you two together! An office romance, this is so exciting!”
They were gone before Omura could object, whispering between themselves. Omura groaned. That could’ve gone better.
Someone tapped her shoulder and Omura turned around to see Fujisaki. They didn’t know each other that well, as Omura had spent most of her time with the other women in her department, but she’d heard nothing but kind things about her.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t mean to be nosy but I overheard you. Just so you’re not disappointed, I think Adachi is actually seeing someone.”
‘I think he’s seeing someone’ she said, but the glimmer in her eye very clearly stated ‘I know he is’. Had Omura misread the situation, was she actually Adachi’s girlfriend?
But no, then she would have said as much. She didn’t seem jealous or territorial either, only genuinely concerned that Omura might be in for a disappointment. How much did she know?
Deciding to test the water, Omura carefully admitted, “To be honest, I didn’t even know his name. It’s just easier to say you like someone when people are asking. I’m new here, I wanted to fit in.”
“Ah.” Fujisaki’s gaze turned curious. She looked at Omura for a few moments and Omura wasn’t sure what conclusion she reached, but she finally offered a kind smile. “I see. In that case, I’m glad I don’t have to worry.”
Omura smiled back. Maybe it was too soon to tell but she felt like she had an ally in Fujisaki. 
“Omura, you are going to love this!”
Omura looked up from her laptop, seeing Nakamura and Chino approach her. “What?”
“We’ve just arranged for a group of us to go for drinks after work,” Nakamura said. “And we got Adachi to join! This will be the perfect chance for you two to spend time together.”
Omura’s stomach sank. “You - you did?” 
“Don’t be nervous,” Chino said, misreading her expression. She reached over the desk, putting her hand on Omura’s shoulder. “We’ll be right there with you if you need help.”
Nakamura nodded, shooting Omura a finger gun. “You got this.”
“I got this,” Omura echoed faintly.
There were eight of them at the bar later that night; Omura, Chino and Nakamura, as well as Fujisaki, Adachi, Kurosawa, and two male coworkers Omura hadn’t learned the names of yet. 
Chino and Nakamura, in full matchmaker-mode, managed to arrange the seating so that Omura and Adachi sat together at one end of the table, with Kurosawa and the rest of the women on the other. 
Omura glanced at poor Adachi, who looked supremely uncomfortable to be there. Even if he didn’t know about Omura’s supposed crush on him, he didn’t seem like the type to enjoy these kinds of gatherings. Omura was sure he’d much rather be at home, unwinding with his boyfriend after work.
Sorry Adachi, she told him in her mind. She frowned, considering. But at least now I can try to find out if I’m really right about your relationship with Kurosawa.
“Have I introduced myself to you yet?” she asked him.
Even that polite question was enough to startle him. “What? Ah, I don’t think so.”
She gave him what she hoped was an encouraging smile and nodded. “I’m Omura Aimi, I started working at Toyokawa recently.”
“Adachi Kiyoshi.” Adachi nodded back. “Do you - do you enjoy your work?”
“Very much.” Omura looked over at her friends, who both gave her not-so-subtle thumbs up. “It’s a nice atmosphere, much more friendly than my old workplace.”
“I see.”
An awkward silence descended between them. Omura had a sip of beer as she wondered what to say next. She had no idea how to casually broach a topic like hey, are you gay like me? Adachi mirrored her, grimacing slightly as he drank.
This really wasn’t his scene, huh?
“What do you like to do outside of work?” Omura finally asked. 
“I, ah,” Adachi fumbled as he placed his glass down, spilling a few drops of beer. “The usual things, I suppose. I like reading, drawing, playing on the Switch.”
“Yeah? I like video games too, I just started a new save file in Stardew Valley.”
Adachi perked up. “I’ve also been playing that. I got Kurosawa to join me in multiplayer but it’s been going kind of slow. He can’t master the fishing mini game and it’s been frustrating him. He’s not used to being bad at stuff.”
Omura giggled. “I can picture that. I love the multiplayer too, especially since I can use it to get married to-” my girlfriend, she barely stopped herself from saying. She cleared her throat, smiling awkwardly. “Anyway, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Mhm,” Adachi agreed.
Another awkward silence commenced. Omura looked to her friends again but they were busy talking amongst themselves. Fujisaki met her eyes and smiled. Next to her sat Kurosawa and he was glancing between Omura and Adachi, frowning unhappily.
Maybe Omura was reading too much into it but he looked almost... jealous?
She turned back to Adachi, the desire to confirm her suspicions growing stronger than ever. Screw subtlety, what she needed was privacy.
“Adachi?” she asked. “Do you mind if we talk alone?”
Adachi stiffened, eyes widening in panic. “Eh?”
Omura stood up. “It will only take a moment.”
Reluctantly, Adachi got up as well and followed her. As they walked away, Omura could hear her friends talking, the alcohol likely making them a little too carefree and loud:
“-so bold! But I guess with a guy like Adachi, the woman has to take charge.”
“Do you think she’s going to confess already?”
Their voices faded away as they turned a corner. Omura lead Adachi to the balcony connected to the bar. It was thankfully empty and as Omura slid the doors shut behind them, they had perfect privacy.
“What did you want to talk about?” Adachi asked, clearly dreading the answer.
Omura bit her lip. How to word this? “You... we...” she rubbed her hands together, finally settling on, “I think we might have some things in common. Besides video games.”
“Like- like what?”
Omura opened her mouth to answer but before she could, the doors to the balcony were shoved open. Kurosawa stood in the doorway, looking as much a mess as Omura had ever seen - that is, still very put together, but hair slightly ruffled and cheeks pink from either the alcohol or the warmth inside the bar.
“Don’t!” he cried and this was it, as blatant a sign as Omura was ever going to get.
“Relax, Kurosawa,” she said. “I’m not going to confess to your boyfriend.”
Kurosawa blinked. “You’re not? But they just said-” he stopped himself short, clearly realizing what he’d just admitted. “I mean-”
“He’s not my type,” Omura cut in before he could panic too much. “Besides, I doubt my girlfriend would approve.”
Both Kurosawa and Adachi stared at her. For a second, Omura feared she’d really misunderstood them after all, but then Kurosawa slumped against the door in relief.
“I see,” he laughed.
Adachi looked relieved as well. “So that’s what you meant by ‘things in common’, huh?”
“Yeah,” Omura said. “But sorry if I made you nervous.”
“It’s fine.” Adachi waved his hand in dismissal. “How did you find out, anyway? Did Fujisaki tell you?”
So Fujisaki really was in the know. “No, and I don’t think she ever would. You two are just really obvious to those who know what to look for. Especially Kurosawa.”
Kurosawa shrugged, not looking the least bit ashamed. Adachi rolled his eyes fondly.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go back inside,” Omura said. “I’ll tell them I chickened out on confessing to you or something. They’ll lose interest in this whole thing soon enough.”
She passed Kurosawa, who stepped out onto the balcony as she went inside. As she closed the door behind her, she could hear Adachi teasing Kurosawa lightly:
“Were you being jealous again, Yuichi?”
“Don’t be mean. How could I help it when Kiyoshi is so cute, I want him all to myself!”
Adachi laughed but it was muffled. “Not here, someone could see!”
Omura shook her head as the doors sealed shut, leaving them to their privacy. 
She couldn’t wait to tell her girlfriend about this.
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Don’t know if this is feasible, but would you do a crossover between Build and Cherry Magic? Maybe with like Kurosawa and Adachi going over to the cafe for family dinner and they meet the whole squad, not just Sento and Banjou, but Misora, Kazumin, Sawa, and maybe even Gentoku? With the prompt “Why are you staring at me”
Darling, your brain is massive.
15. “Why are you staring at me?”
“How did you find this place?” Yuichi says as they round the corner into the little alley.
“Fujisaki recommended it to me, actually.” Kiyoshi grins up at him. “Apparently she and a couple of her girlfriends like to go here sometimes. She says the coffee’s only ok really, but the pastries are really nice. Here, this is it, Cafe,” he squints at the sign, “Nas--nascita.”
The only other customers inside are a group of people who seem to be friends, clustered around a couple of tables pushed together in one corner. Not wanting to intrude, Yuichi goes to get a table in the opposite corner, and Kiyoshi heads to the counter to order.
The barista’s a middle-aged man with a pork pie hat and tinted glasses who looks like he should be playing jazz at a nightclub, not serving coffee to bored twenty-somethings. He’s cleaning a glass as Kiyoshi approaches, and he glances up, says, “Good afternoon and welcome to Nascita, I’ll be with you in just a--” and then cuts off for apparently no reason.
There’s a long, awkward silence before Kiyoshi says, “Uh, why...why are you staring at me?”
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, you just.” The barista shakes himself. “You look a great deal like someone I--”
“Hey, do you have a problem with me or something?”
The barista looks past Kiyoshi, frowning, and Kiyoshi himself turns around and nearly runs into...
...himself. Except...different.
The other him is scowling at Yuichi, who’s looking at him wide-eyed. “No, seriously, do I have stuff on my face or something? You’ve been staring at me since you sat down, it’s making me--” He turns towards the counter, nearly runs into Kiyoshi himself, and stops dead. “Uh. Sento?”
Someone else stands up from the cluster of people in the corner and blinks at Kiyoshi several times. “Well, this is unexpected. Banjou, is that you?”
“That’s me. I thought there was only supposed to be one other me.”
“No, uh, I’m me. I’m fairly sure.” Kiyoshi laughs nervously. “Kurosawa, help.”
At this point Kiyoshi’s getting the worrying feeling that their new friends might all be insane, which makes it very nearly a relief when Sento, who says he’s a physicist and whose hair has been standing up at the back for most of the conversation thus far, says, “You must think we’re all insane.”
Kiyoshi suppresses a hysterical giggle. “Of course I don’t think you’re. You’re.”
“Oh, no, don’t worry, it wouldn’t be an unreasonable assumption. I mean, we aren’t, I promise there’s a scientific explanation for all of it, it’s just really lengthy and in some places kind of stupid.” Sento peers at him. “You look exactly like him, it’s amazing.”
“Actually pretty sure Banjou’s taller.” That’s the man at the far end of the tables, who speaks with a broad country accent and whose name Kiyoshi vaguely remembers being Kazumi. He keeps looking back and forth between Kiyoshi and his double--Banjou Ryuuga, who’s got red hair and a silk bomber jacket with a dragon on the back, Kiyoshi’s never met someone who looked so much like a comic book character--and sort of gesturing vaguely, as if he’s trying to figure out how tall they are exactly. “By, like, an inch or two.”
“No. He can’t be. Can he?” Sento frowns. “How tall are you, Adachi, if you don’t mind my asking? Strictly for science, of course.”
Next to Kiyoshi, Yuichi seems much more comfortable. In fact, he’s practically giving an impromptu sales pitch to Banjou and Sento’s friend Sawa, who’s a journalist, and who’s listening to him talk about Toyokawa’s new organizational tools with unfeigned interest. Next to her is the cafe owner’s daughter, Misora, who Kiyoshi feels like he recognizes from an idol video he saw Rokkaku watching the other day, although she’s dressed much more simply. She seems less interested in planners than her friend, and after a moment she turns to him and says, “If Sento keeps getting on your case just elbow him or something, he’s always like this.”
Kiyoshi feels his face go red. “No, no, it’s fine.”
“You know,” Banjou says around a mouthful of pastry, “under the circumstances I feel like this worked out pretty well.”
Kiyoshi blinks. “What did?”
“This whole double-whatsit thing. The Swedish word Sento used before.”
“Doppelganger.” Sento rolls his eyes. “And it’s German.”
“Yeah, that one. I mean, it could definitely be way worse. I mean, there’s the other actual me, the one with the same name, but apart from that you seem cool? Like, I’d rather share a face with an office worker than, I don’t know, a cannibal serial killer or something.”
“Was that...likely? I don’t think another version of me would be a cannibal serial killer...”
“Me neither, but you never know, yeah?”
“I mean,” Kiyoshi says, frowning absently into space, “I wouldn’t have expected to have the same face as someone who does shoot fighting, that’s sort of a surprise. Not a bad one, though.”
“Yeah, this isn’t so bad.” Banjou pauses, blinks, and then stands up. “I’m gonna be right back. Hey, babe, if Gentoku shows up before I’m back tell him I said why the hell is he late, I thought politics guys were supposed to be on time for stuff.”
“I’m not telling him that.” Sento leans his face up for a light, brushing kiss, and then Banjou’s off in the direction of the bathroom. “Besides,” called after his retreating back, “you know Kazumi’s going to say it anyway.”
Kiyoshi stares in his direction for a moment, looks back at Sento, and, suddenly, smiles. So we’ve got that in common.
The bell at the cafe door rings, and Kazumi lurches upright in his chair with an abrupt, bright smile and waves. “Hey, Beardy, you’re late! I thought politicians were supposed to be on time for shit!”
At Kiyoshi’s elbow, Yuichi says, weakly, “I’m sorry, Ms. Takigawa, is that the prime minister’s son?”
Kiyoshi looks up in alarm at--the prime minister’s son, who’s wearing a black leather jacket which he opens to reveal a t-shirt that reads:
Kazumi snorts. “Oh, poor you, you had to play tennis.”
“Fuck you too, Potato, just because you can--I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize we had compa--Banjou?” The prime minister’s son blinks several times and then shakes his head. “Did Banjou dye his hair?”
“No, I’m,” Kiyoshi scratches the back of his head, “I’m Adachi, hello.”
Sento beams up at the prime minister’s son as Kiyoshi stifles a nervous giggle and Yuichi shakes himself. “They have the same face, it’s very exciting.”
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fanfic writer tag game
tagged by @yuneyn, thanks!!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? We have favorites? I'm terrible about having favorites actually lmao, took me until I was 21 to have a favorite song and you want me to have a favorite ship?? I will say that WRed is very fun to write for though. So many feelings.
How many works do you have on AO3? 92, hopefully soon to be 94 as I have one story for a series and an idea for something I'm very excited for.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 390,528.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) Operation Get My Senpais Together: a fic about Rokkaku from Cherry Magic finally being like "hmmm maybe Kurodachi would be cute together".
2) Feelings, Failures, Adventures, Dreams: a prompt list of my own making, where I take Cameron Philip lyrics and use them to write Cherry Magic oneshots (and new song in like a day yesssssssssssssss).
3) Kurosawa Wants to Kabedon: a Cherry Magic smut fic that I'm frankly embarrassed to read now and it was one of my first smuts I think.
4) Kurosawa Kiyoshi/Adachi Yuichi: a Cherry Magic body-switching fic, as I realized no one was going to make the food I wanted. I really like how this one came out.
5) Kurosawa and Kurabe: Cherry Magic/Alice in Borderland crossover, the happy one.
Do you reply to comments, why or why not? I reply to initial comments always, and responses to comments often, unless I can't think of a response, which isn't often.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Probably a oneshot in Feelings, Failures, Adventures, Dreams, titled "good thing i cried all my tears out (it's clear you don't want me anymore)", where Kurosawa from Cherry Magic types and deletes his feelings to Adachi via Discord.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I pretty much only write happy endings so...I'm not sure. I guess my wedding fics?
Do you write crossovers? I was like KNOWN for my Cherry Magic crossovers in the early days of the fandom, and before that I wrote this giant Thai BL crossover because I like people being friends. Now I'm writing toku crossovers, if that even really counts considering Toei does that themselves.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I dunno if it was hate per se, but I got a comment about my Fourze bridal carry fic that wasn't even on the correct fic, so that was the only comment I ever deleted. But I will maintain that the Shun/Miu relationship was forced heterosexuality and Miu is better with Yuuki. And there was a weird compliment about using my idea for their fic, which, go ahead, but also why is your idea so like...out of character.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah and it's because of a very weird conversation about facials where I had to break out old prescriptions to make a point. That was the tipping point.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? If you want to steal my work....why? My most popular fic was literally written so I could get some more views (aka the Cameron Philip one), and it's STILL not as popular as other fics that were written before.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, two of them! A translation of Sometimes It Isn't Sexy (but i still love you) into Chinese for the Cherry Magic fandom, and just take a look through my eyes, everything changes (you'll be amazed what you find) into Vietnamese for the Lupat fandom.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sort of? Two, maybe three of my fics are based on convos about the show with friends that I turned into stories (with permission!), so if that counts, then yes. Otherwise, no.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? If I start a story and publish it, it's getting finished. Even if it takes a while. (Glares at Didn't You Know Love Could Shine This Bright? (well smile because you're the deer in the headlights))
What are your writing strengths? No idea I just write and send it to the void.
What are your writing weaknesses? Probably sentence length and structure. Again, I just write and send it to the void. People talk about drafts and outlines and I'm like "uhhhhhhhhhh what." I tend to go over my writing like once and then send it out and if there's mistakes there's mistakes. Too impatient to really edit very well.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I've only done that twice, once where the character is listening to Thai, and once where a character writes German on a whiteboard, and I put apologies in the notes. But also I do think if it's dialogue, it doesn't have to be perfect, because I'll be talking in English and be like "wait that doesn't make grammatical sense" but keep going. Because language.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Love Alarm, the only Korean fandom I've written for, because I was so frustrated how he looked at the other guy vs how he looked at the girl. I was just like "this is a conspiracy." Still haven't watched season 2.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Again, favorites? There's definitely fics of my own I reread and then there's fics I don't look at though. I reread my Lupat fics, and I like my Kamen Rider Bridal Carry series (which, I need to write my next one). A lot of my Cherry Magic fics are hit or miss. I dunno.
tagging: @zakuromochi @creativityobsessed @sporadicauthor and if you see it and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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secretpeachtea · 4 years
“hand over your heart”
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Scenario: Comparing hand sizes with the kings of teasing ‘cause you’ve got much smaller hands that fit real nicely in their much larger hands. You’re basically having the opportunity to hold each of their hands and interlock your fingers for a sweet moment. I don’t make the rules. (individual scenarios)
Genre: F L U F F
Pairing: (Y/N) x Kuroo / (Y/N) x Hawks / (Y/N) x Gojou
A/N: This is dedicated to both the voice actor Nakamura Yuichi and my best friend! My friend absolutely adores this VA and I wanted to gift her a little something with a classic romance cliché and whatnot with some of her favorite anime characters. I’m sure some of these men if not all of them have a special place in your heart too. I hope everyone else is able to feel something like my friend did hehe
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“So, the middle blocker-”
“Kuroo, I know what a middle blocker does.” You wave one of your hands at the tall volleyball player walking next to you while your other hand cradles a matcha mochi. “In fact, I know every volleyball position! I’ve been to some of your games, and you even made me watch that volleyball anime with you a couple years ago!”
You and the Nekoma captain are walking home after having a little group outing with the rest of the volleyball team. Today was their day off from practice, so you all decided to stop by a mochi ice cream shop after school. Kuroo was telling you about a practice game he had with Fukurodani’s volleyball team the other day. You don’t mind listening to him talk about volleyball at all, but it does get a bit repetitive when he forgets that he’s told you just about everything he knows about the sport.
“Right. Sorry, I guess I just got a bit excited to talk to you about it.” Kuroo rubs his neck sheepishly. He stuffs the rest of his own strawberry mochi into his mouth and proceeds to pout quietly.
The silence lasts for about a minute or two before you start fidgeting with your hands. It’s almost never silent when the two of you are together since you always have something to talk about with each other. You start to feel bad for losing your patience and let out an audible sigh. “Look. Sorry...I…”
Kuroo blatantly ignores your gaze and keeps his eyes forward, his bangs covering his expression. You try getting his attention once again. “I know a lot about volleyball, but I guess… I haven’t actually played before.”
You could’ve sworn that you saw Kuroo’s ear twitch from the corner of your eye, but choose to stay focused on what you want to say next. “We could go to the gym tomorrow and… maybe you could teach me?”
Now that definitely got the male’s attention. Kuroo’s eyes light up at the prospect of being able to play with you and teach you how to play the sport that he loves. He takes a large step in front of you and you have to hold out your arms so that you don’t bump into him. Your hands make contact with the male’s chest and you would be lying if you said you didn’t like how toned it was.
“I thought you’d never ask, (Y/N)!” Kuroo exclaims. “Let’s go right now!”
You blink twice before bewilderment casts over your expression. “Wait! Right now?!”
“Yeah! It’s too late to go to the gym, but we won’t really need anything else other than a volleyball!” At this point, Kuroo is almost hopping in place with excitement. Before you could properly react, he clasps one of your hands in his and starts running along the sidewalk.
“But, today’s your day off!” You try to find a way to slow down, but your much shorter legs are no match for his long limbs. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”
He just laughs.
The two of you stop by Kuroo’s house to pick up a volleyball and he finally tells you that he’s planning on having the two of you practice at a nearby park. Once you guys arrive, you both put down your belongings on a nearby bench and Kuroo immediately ushers you to start stretching. 
“I don’t wanna overwhelm you with serving and blocking, so let’s just practice going over some basics.” Kuroo demonstrates how to do overhead tosses and receives and you try your best to follow his movements.
When you try to stand in a receiving position, something must’ve been off because there’s a slight frown on Kuroo’s face. You watch as he walks past you and positions himself directly behind you. Without hesitation, both of Kuroo’s arms slide on top of yours and move your arms to the correct form for receiving. Your mind wanders back to Kuroo’s toned chest which is basically resting against your backside. It takes everything in you to push aside how intimate the position was since it seemed like Kuroo was purely focused on teaching. 
“You have to make sure your forearms are facing this direction or you won’t have good control of the ball.” Kuroo’s head is positioned right next to your ear and you involuntarily shiver at the feeling of his breath so close to you. You’re a little disappointed when he lets go of you and stands up straight again. Suddenly, your back misses the warmth.
Kuroo steps away from you and grabs the volleyball from the bench. “Alright! I think you’re ready to practice with the ball!”
The two of you pass the ball back and forth with overhand tosses for a bit and you’re pretty satisfied with your decent passes. Kuroo then gestures to try receiving the ball with your forearms, but then the passes start to become more unstable. At one point, you receive the ball so poorly that it flies over to an area that’s impossible for him to receive, landing on the ground after bouncing several times.
“Sorry about that!” You apologize.
Kuroo just jogs over to the volleyball to retrieve it. “No worries, (Y/N). You can’t become a pro overnight!”
The male picks up the ball with one hand and your eyes widen substantially. “How the hell are you doing that?”
“Doing what?” Kuroo stares at you with a confused expression as he makes his way back to where you’re standing.
You point at the volleyball in his arms adamantly. “You just picked up the ball with one hand!”
“Oh, it’s not that hard.” Kuroo holds out the ball so that it’s between the two of you. “Here, you try.”
For the next couple seconds, you try every method to pick up the volleyball with just one of your hands. You ultimately fail at every attempt and Kuroo begins to laugh at you in amusement. “Aw, how cute! Your hands are too small.”
You let out a little noise of annoyance. “Well, sorry if my fingers aren’t as freakishly long as yours, Kuroo. I’m quite happy with my hands the way they are, thank you very much!”
“Come on~ My fingers aren’t that long.” He then gently takes a hold of your wrist and places his hand against your own. Despite his words, your hands were significantly smaller than his. Kuroo’s hands practically engulfed your own. “They’re just long compared to your adorable fingers.”
In the midst of his teasing, Kuroo starts playing around with your fingers. You didn’t expect this at all, so you’re just left flustered at his ministrations. “A-are you trying to show off?”
The tall male lets out a quiet hum and finally interlocks his hand with yours. “Would you believe me if I told you I just wanted to hold your hand?”
Your cheeks are now fully tinted with a bright red blush. You’re surprised you could even let out a coherent sentence with the amount of blood rushing to your head. “I mean...it’s not like you have to ask to do that or anything…”
Kuroo gazes at your face for a moment in surprise, but a grin makes its way onto his lips after a couple seconds. “Oh? Then, does that mean I don’t have to ask to do this?”
He pulls your interlocked hands towards himself so that your whole body lurks forward. You stumble into his chest with a small thud and grab onto his shirt to keep yourself stable. He lays his other hand on your waist and successfully traps you in a tender hug. At first, you feel like your heart is about to burst from how fast it was beating. However, there was something so comforting and gentle about the hug that made you relax and feel completely at ease. You two stay like that silently for a bit as the evening sun sets beside you both.
Kuroo is the first to notice how late it’s gotten and decides that it would be a good time to walk you home. He begins to pull away when you suddenly tighten your grip on his shirt, your hands tugging at the hem.
“Can...can we stay like this for a bit longer?” You feel a bit embarrassed at your request, so you don’t look up at him and keep your head against his chest.
Kuroo looks down at you and smiles softly. Your hands are still interlocked and he moves his other arm so that it is now wrapped around you to pull you even closer. “Only if we can do this more often.”
A light breeze passes by, but instead of feeling the chilly air, all you feel is the warmth from both the sweet embrace and the little firecrackers igniting your heart.
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Your vision is blinded by a myriad of red feathers as Hawks lands beside you on the sidewalk outside of his agency building. You both greet each other with matching grins and it’s almost like the sun was shining brighter on this particular day. 
The two of you often partner up when going on patrol since your respective agencies are situated in the same city. After bumping into each other on multiple occasions, you eventually became good friends and have found solace in patrolling together on slow days. 
“Ever thought of walking out the front entrance like a normal person?” You ask him playfully.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Hawks just smirks as he retracts his wings. You shake your head with a small smile and make your way towards the male.
You’re a little surprised when you notice that Hawks was not wearing his usual black gloves with his hero costume. “What happened to your gloves?”
“The last villain I fought did quite a number on them and when I ordered new ones, the support company said it was gonna take about a week or so until they can send them to me because they’re a little behind on orders,” Hawks explains. You nod your head in understanding as the two of you start walking while keeping an eye out on your surroundings. Although, you’re internally celebrating about this new information.
During your patrols with Hawks, there have been a couple times when he’s left you behind to take on villains or rescue cases on his own. It didn’t bother you as much in the beginning, but you were soon getting tired of always picking up after the Wing Hero and filling in all the reports instead of saving civilians with your own efforts.
You’ve now picked up on the habit of latching onto some part of Hawks to make sure he doesn’t go off on his own, such as gripping onto a section of his jacket or linking your arms together. The one thing you always make sure to avoid holding onto, though, are his wings. You made that mistake once during a patrol when you were just starting to get comfortable around each other and he couldn’t look at you in the eyes for a couple days without the tips of his ears turning red.
More often than not, you choose to hold onto Hawk’s hands since they are one of your favorite things about him and you love playing with them. The only issue is that he almost always wears those pesky black gloves since they’re a part of his hero costume. Today seems to be your lucky day.
Your hand instinctively brushes up against Hawks’ fingers to grab onto them, but your body tenses up as the male flinches his arm back away from you. There’s a sharp sting of sadness in your heart at the idea that maybe Hawks didn’t actually want to hold your hand.
However, your negative thoughts are thrown right out the window as Hawks takes a hold of your hand and starts to squeeze your fingers back and forth repeatedly. There’s a slight look of concern on his expression. “Hey, you good? Your fingers are freezing.”
You let out an inaudible sigh of relief. “Oh, now that you mention it, it is a bit windy outside. My hand is probably really cold since I’ve been out longer than you have. Sorry about that.”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Hawks just brushes off your unnecessary apology. “Actually, you should’ve told me sooner!”
Without a moment to lose, Hawks extends his wings out slightly on the side you’re walking on, successfully shielding you from the incoming wind. He then stops his ministrations on your hand and just simply wraps his palms around it. His hands are significantly larger than yours so they practically engulf your entire hand and you feel a comforting warmth seeping into your fingers.
“Are your hands always this cold?” Hawks questions.
You shrug your shoulders. “I guess so? I don’t really notice since they’re pretty much always like this. You probably never noticed since you always wear your gloves when we’re patrolling.”
“You should invest in some hot packs or something.”
You pretend like you’re contemplating, but you already know what you want to say. “Hm...no thanks! I’d rather just hold your hand to keep mine warm!”
Hawks almost trips over his own feet at your response and his cheeks turn a little pink. In order to avoid your gaze, he lifts the collar of his jacket up a bit higher with his free hand and refuses to face you. You softly smile at his reaction and feel immensely satisfied at flustering the normally confident hero. The both of you just continue your patrol in a comfortable silence with warm hands and warm hearts.
It’s the end of the day and you and Hawks are making your way back to his agency. The two of you were still holding hands, and at some point during the day, your hands became interlocked. 
The day was pretty uneventful and there were only a few incidents, but you still needed to file reports of everything. At the end of your shift, Hawks practically begged you to help him with the paperwork. You were weak to his pouty face, so you reluctantly agreed.
As Hawks’ agency came into view, the man suddenly dropped his hand from yours and wrapped his arms onto your waist securely. 
“What are you doing?” You ask with slight panic in your voice.
“Having fun~” Hawks smirks and before you know it, both of your feet are lifted off the ground. You let out a small yelp as Hawks flaps his wings and flies you to his office balcony. 
After landing safely, you take a moment to catch your breath and Hawks makes a beeline for the couch. He plops into the plush cushions and you raise an eyebrow at him.
You make you way over to his relaxed form and cross your arms loosely. “Um...don’t you have some paperwork to do?”
“Don’t wanna.”
Hawks’ tone reminds you of a child and you just shake your head with a sigh. You know there’s no way you’re going to get him to do any work at this point, so you just join him on the couch and stare at the small Endeavor plushie sitting on one of his shelves near his desk. There’s a subtle warmth from where your shoulders are now touching and you’re almost tempted to just fall asleep right then and there. It wasn’t exactly easy for you to feel this comfortable with another person, so it’s a wonder how Hawks was able to worm his way into your heart. You definitely cared deeply for this man.
Not wanting to waste the precious moments you had with him, you just say the first thing that comes into your mind. “You know, you got pretty big hands.”
“Do I?” Hawks’ voice has a hint of amusement and you feel him shift his position so that he’s facing you. 
You also sit up and direct your gaze at him. “Yeah, I’ll prove it. Hold up your hand.”
He lifts his hand curiously but stiffens when you place your palm directly against his and add a little bit of pressure. The two of you have held hands on so many occasions, but it always leaves his heart racing every time you touch.
The corners of your mouth curve upwards slightly. “See? Your hands are a lot bigger than mine!”
Hawks takes a brief moment to just gaze at you silently. His mind takes you in as a whole and he’s reminded of how much of an impact you’ve had on his life. His pupils flicker along each feature of your face before ultimately landing on your soft lips.
“Do you wanna compare our lips too? We could use the same method.”
Despite the urge to roll your eyes, all rational thoughts completely vanish from your mind as you immediately crash your lips against his lovingly.
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“Hey, (Y/N)! Come here for a sec!”
At the sound of Gojou’s voice, you look up from your phone to where the said male was flailing his arms at you. After pocketing your device, you walk over cautiously with one hand on the hidden dagger on your left hip. You never know what your crazy companion might pull on you, so it’s always better to be on guard. You’ve only made that mistake once and it still haunts you to this day. You muster up a strained smile as you approach him. “What’s up?”
The white-haired sorcerer raises his right hand into the air with his palm facing you. “Hold up your hand for me like this.”
You raise an eyebrow at him suspiciously but still lift your hand up as he asks. Once he gets his chance, Gojou pushes his palm forward to come in direct contact with your own. You tense a bit at the sudden touch, but relax when he doesn’t appear to make any other movements. There’s even a small part of you that enjoys how warm his hand is against your colder fingers.
You open your mouth to question his motives, but he beats you to it. “Ah~ It’s a wonder how you can put so much cursed energy into your punches with hands this small.”
A small angry tick mark appears on your forehead at the sudden comment. “Are you giving me permission to punch you?”
“Now, now. No need to get all heated up, dear (Y/N).” There’s a slight shift in Gojou’s expression because he’s well aware that you’d take any opportunity to land a blow on him. However, his amusement seems to subdue any of those thoughts as his face reverts back to his usual smirk.
You tense your leg muscles to deliver a well deserved kick to his shins, but you freeze up when you realize that Gojou is slowly interlocking with your fingers. He takes his time as he gradually curls his long digits around your palm. The gesture seemed a lot more intimate than you’d like to admit.
A sudden memory takes over your mind and you huff with unease. “You better not pull any of that infinity shit on me.”
“Now, why would you assume that?” Gojou replies in a teasing manner.
You scoff. “I heard what you did to that Krakatoa* demon a while back. Right after your little hand stunt, he was practically sent flying back to where he came from.”
If he didn’t have his blindfold on, you would definitely be able to see him wiggling his eyebrows at you. “Were you jealous?”
“Shut up, Gojou.”
“With pleasure, (Y/N).”
The two of you stand in front of each other with your hands still interlocked for another minute before you finally succumb to your impatience. “So, how much longer are we gonna be doing this? Is there a point to this?”
“I just wanted to hold hands with the woman that has captured my heart~” Gojou responds with no hesitation and confidence that leaves you shocked. You begin to sputter at the sudden confession and his smirk widens.
In an attempt to keep his attention, you lower your hand along with Gojou’s to face him more directly. “H-how can you just say that?! Don’t you feel even a little embarrassed?”
“I can say more!” The man just lets out a satisfied laugh at your uncharacteristically flustered state. “You’re the apple of my eye!”
“Can you even see with that blindfold?”
“Why do I need to see when you’re already running through my mind every day?”
“Okay, that’s enough.”
“You’re the beautiful girl of my dreams!”
“Gojou! Stop that!”
You shove his shoulder a bit with your unoccupied hand without much force and even a small giggle escapes your lips in mild amusement. It seems like even you can’t stop Gojou’s charms from making its way into your heart.
“I’m only being honest~ I’m a man of truths!” The man lights up at your smile and a wave of joy falls over him at your positive response to his words.
Feeling lighthearted, you gather up the courage to make a suggestion. “Alright, Mr. Man of Truths. Is it true that we’re going to grab dinner together after the mission for today?”
You feel him tighten his grip on your hand and find Gojou even more endearing when his thumb caresses the back of it.
“Most definitely.”
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*Krakatoa: Reference to a volcano in Indonesia, a children’s novel that I once read in 6th grade (The Twenty-One Balloons), and that one hero episode of SpongeBob
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2p-hcmaker · 4 years
Congrats on 100 followers! For a royalty au what would the muses wear to a very fancy ball? -u-
Thank you very much Lovely, and congrats to you on your blog! You are picking up steam! 
2p Royalty AU outfits for a ball 
2p Italy: Black and Gold, honey. 
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Black gives an air of mystery while the gold gives sophistication and class. A ball isn’t just a time to dance and have fun, but to show off rank and hopefully impress the upper class. Luciano is very interested in climbing the social ladder, and getting a lady to fall for him is the easiest way to do so. 
2p Romano: Bright, eye-catching, and different. 
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Flavio is more inclined to have fun, seeing as he doesn’t feel the need to gain any more social status. He show’s off his newest designs, making good impressions on possible costumers. He promises his future clients they’ll get one of a kind work, and that he’s walking proof of that.  (Drawn by Rika-Dono)
2p Germany: The best he’s got. 
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Luther, in working as a guard for the kingdom, doesn’t really get invited to many balls. For this reason, he doesn’t really have any fancy clothes. The best he’s got is his uniform, but boy does that work wonders. Ladies (Single and otherwise) flock to him, enchanted by the muscles and tales of an “army man”. (Drawn by YuiChi-tyan)
2p Prussia: He’s not going. This is the opposite of anything Gilen would rather be doing, and no amount of pressure or persuasion will get him to go. He’s perfectly content with staying in his little cabin in the woods, away from any and everyone. 
2p Japan: His uniform, but with power.
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Kuro works as an intelligence officer in the royal army and has worn his uniform to the ball too. But unlike Luther, Kuro knows the power his clothes holds and uses it to his advantage. Kuro never stops working, and the gossip he picks up from balls can be someone of the best information available. (Drawn by Karjin-s-Basement)
2p America: A bit dressier than usual. Allen is not the dress-up type, but he knows the importance of a first impression. Getting invited to a fancy ball is a once in a lifetime opportunity for him, and he’s sure to do his best. But, on that note, he refuses to be someone he’s not, so he still humbles his outfit to be fitting. (Outfit on the right, with Red Sash) (Could not credit)
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2p Canada: Meh. This is about what he usually wears, although the vest is new. He’s not one to dress up for anything, but like Allen, he understands how important of an opportunity this is. He’s going and trying to be somewhat presentable but isn’t going to try too hard. (Outfit on the left, with Blue Vest) (Could not Credit)
2p France: Stealth mode activated. 
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He was most certainly not invited, but spite alone fuels this man. This outfit is a bit dressier than his usual garb, and more for blending in with this flashy environment than his usual haunt.  It does a good job because he’s able to sneak around and eat as much food as he wants. (Drawn by Colorfuel) 
2p Russia: Also a uniform, but not the one you are used to. 
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Viktor is a “for-hire” general, so his uniform is different from Kuro and Luthers. He specializes and less than favorable weather, and although his uniform isn’t practical, it certainly adds an air of mystery to him. He’s able to procure clients at this sort of ball, much like Flavio.  (Drawn by Karjin-s-Basement)
2p China: This outfit is much more than just some pretty clothes. 
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He’s wearing a design back from his kingdom, far far away from this one. He wore it to stand out, and the exotic vibes from the design are like bait on a lure. He’s in direct competition with Luciano to climb the ladder, and much to Luciano’s dismay, Xiao is winning. (Could not credit)
2p England: There are other ways to win people over. 
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Oliver isn’t the richest of men and his clothes reflect that. They are nice, but he wears it a lot. As much as balls are places to show off your wealth/status through appearances, Oliver is hoping to make impressions by talking to people and charming them. If he can hook someone into a conversation with him, he’s got a new friend. (Could not credit. No cape variant.)
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diobrando · 4 years
I have brain rot.
I have been thinking about this on and off for years because I love Disney (unfortunately) and Disney’s Pixie Hollow. Anyways, I’m just going to list Bleach characters and a few talents I thought they would likely be classified under if they were fairies. It’s only a few characters because I didn’t want it to get too complicated especially if they’re all supposed to coexist.
Ichigo Kurosaki - Light, Protecting
The protecting one is obvious. In all honesty, I figured that Ichigo would have the same talents as his mother so I’ve gone ahead and made them overlap. Protecting because he is the one who protects. Light because he would have some of her radiating charisma (even if it’s not obvious from a quick glance). And ngl the orange hair along with an ability to bend and brighten light is so fun to me. Also light talent fairies derive strength from the phases of the moon and I think it’s a neat way of tying the rain to his ability.
Karin Kurosaki - Scouting, Rare-Item Finding
Karin would be suited for something more exciting. She could also fall under the protecting category, but scouting seems more fitting. She would have the more dangerous task of protecting against immediate threats. She is brave and always on the lookout in case danger is looming nearby. As for the rare-item finding talent, I thought she would have a great time with her other friends just flying off and discovering the existence of new items.
Yuzu Kurosaki - Kitchen
In the series Yuzu is forced to grow up quick and take on a lot of the domestic work but for this, she would have a keen passion for cooking, baking and all other kitchen related tasks. She would take pride in her work and pour all her love into the food she makes for everyone.
Isshin Kurosaki - Performing, Protecting
He is still a dad that seems to care about his daughters safety so protecting is a generous talent that I don’t necessarily want to give him. Performing is more up his alley since he’s always putting on a show for his kids in order to cheer them up. Performance and lying go hand in hand so this dad has it in the bag. 
Masaki Kurosaki - Light, Protecting
I put protecting because she was willing to sacrifice herself for others. She died protecting her son and would do the same for any of her children or for those she loved. I think light fits her better because of the way Isshin describes her as the center of their universe. She shines bright for her family and she would shine brightly for everyone else, too. Light talent fairies are also honest and like to be the center of attention and she would definitely shine brighter in the eyes of others with this talent.
Orihime Inoue - Healing, Dust
Our healer with the healing talent. Very original. But still, she would gently tend to the injuries of her fellow fairies and everyone would leave feeling a million times better. The dust talent fairies must package, ration, and deliver pixie dust to all fairies, an extremely important and essential item for all fairies to function properly. I can see Orihime delivering pixie dust to everyone and bringing immediate smiles and relief. One of the most important jobs in all of Pixie Hollow and you can’t convince me she wouldn’t do a terrific job.
Tatsuki Arisawa - Protecting, Dust
I do not like to separate Tatsuki and Orihime so the dust talent would be the one they share. An important job which Tatsuki would also be efficient at carrying out. She would be more serious about making her rounds while Orihime would be more relaxed. The protecting talent is because I NEED Tatsuki to also protect her friends. Remember how she vowed to protect Orihime? The princess and the dragon will get their moment here. Tatsuki along with Ichigo and Chad as a group of protecting fairies that make sure their close friends and family are never in danger. Tatsuki offering Ichigo and Orihime dating advice because she’s known for years that Orihime has had a huge crush on him. Tatsuki tells Orihime stories about how Ichigo screws up when they’re doing a task. Tatsuki just being included more because I NEED IT.
Yasutora Sado - Animal, Protecting
What did his grandpa say? Something along the lines of that strong body of yours is meant to protect not hurt others... He has a kind heart so he’d like to protect his friends. If Ichigo has the same talent.. c’mon!!! They must not be separated! AND since he is very kind hearted and depicted as loving cute things, he would also likely be able to speak with animals. Remember how he went through all those hurdles to protect Yuichi Shibata. Damn, just going harder to reinforce that he would def have a protecting talent with that...
Uryu Ishida - Sewing, Scribe
My man Uryuu would be so happy to just sew for days. Did you see him in the series just silently begging everyone to compliment him when he made clothes? He’s too proud to admit it but he’d be so happy to make cute clothes for everyone. The scribe one is an afterthought tied to the fact that he is ranked #1 in his class. I wanted to put healing too since he does become a doctor but the sewing one is such a fun talent for him to have. Get that boy some fabric and some thimbles he’s got some dresses to make.
Rukia Kuchiki - Glacier, Snowflake, Ice
Rukia in all honesty just has to have an ice related talent because her entire character is kinda centered on the beauty of her zanpakutou. Sode no Shirayuki is ice so she gets ice too. I would have put art because she seems to enjoy it, but it is a running joke that her art sucks. Then again, art is subjective so it really doesn’t matter all that much.
Renji Abarai - Fire, Protecting
Renji is similar to Ichigo where he wants to protect those he cares about the most. I also decided on fire as a joke. He is terrible with kido but can handle the explosive blast of his own attacks during his fight against Szayel Aporro so I figured it would be funny to have him actually control fire. The fire is also me making fun of his hair.
Rangiku Matsumoto - Storytelling, Singing
She would be talented with her words. There is something soothing about her singing voice or something so extremely captivating when she decides to share a story with everyone. She’ll probably sing for you if you offer to take her and her friends out for drinks.
Hisagi Shuhei - Scribe, Scouting
Hisagi would be the type to put himself in danger to protect those around him (he also puts himself in danger just to look cool with those explosives on his arms and neck). He’d be quick to act and would not panic at the sight of a threat. He would look so cool in the scouting outfits, but he’d still be a pushover when Rangiku is around.
Yoruichi Shihoin - Fast Flying
She is so fast. She wouldn’t be antisocial like Vidia, but people would still get a little annoyed at her when she flies by super fast and almost knocks their stuff over.
Sorry. This is long but I have ideas that no one wanted to know about which is why it’s under a read more. Literally no one is expected to read this so if you do hit that mf like button or reply with a funny joke.
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creepy-crowleys · 4 years
The door handle twisted easily in Crowley’s hand, and her heart plummeted. She was too late. Again. She stepped into the upscale apartment, resigned to the expectation of finding Naonomi Tanaka’s corpse splayed out across the polished wood floor.
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But Naonomi stood, alive and whole and wine glass in hand, at the window, gazing out at the Filth-choked city beyond. She turned dully towards her uninvited guest, looking her over with alcohol glazed eyes. “Oh,” she said, with a drunken giggle. “You are not who I was expecting.” She waggled the wine glass in Crowley’s direction, turning to face her more fully with a lopsided grin. “But the Messiah warned us about you,” she singsonged. “‘Ware the faceless shadows. Do not heed their whispers. To the starving they offer poison as sustenance. To the defenseless they offer slavery as protection-”
“To the dying they will will offer suffering as solace,” Crowley finished, taking a step back as Naonomi encroached on her space.
“Do not heed their whispers.” Naonomi nodded to herself, studying her guest more closely than was comfortable before wobbling back to her window. “Even the devil may quote scripture. See? We were warned.” Crowley trailed quietly after her to keep her from falling. “When things fell apart, we knew you’d be coming.” The drunk woman grinned at her, leaning back further than necessary and forcing Crowley to support her. “What took you so long?” she giggled.
Crowley gently ushered Naonomi to an expensive-looking chair and eased her into it, the other woman snuggling against her with every step. “I need to talk to you about Fear Nothing and the Morninglight. Can you tell me anything?”
Naonomi sighed into her. “The plan was almost perfect,” she began, twirling her glass. “We brought them in, shepherded them, the lost and lonely. And they fell in love with the faith. Some of them even fell in love with me,” she preened. “Did that matter? No.” 
Naonomi took a long sip of her wine while Crowley considered her. She was very pretty, yes, but Crowley had little doubt that the pockmarked scars on her face and hands had been a sticking point more than once. Having the undivided attention of a group of vulnerable teenagers? Crowley was skeptical of her claims about how little she cared. 
A thought struck her and her brows furrowed. “Was Yuichi Nakahara one of them?”
“Yuichi…” Naonomi rolled the name on her tongue before smiling. “Oh, Yuichi. I thought he was the one.” She swirled her glass, staring into the spinning liquid. “He was the perfect candidate - lonely and paranoid, detached and in desperate need of a friend. I became everything to him.” She sat back in the chair, fondness dissolving and completely oblivious to the growing ire of her guest. “...But in the end, he was just too afraid.”
Naonomi gestured with her glass, waving it as she thought. “But then we found John. The perfect man to spread the Great Message.” Fear and reverence spread over her features. “He’s still out there. Waiting in the spaces between the silences. I can feel him watching me in the static on the screens and telling me the mission is nearly over. The message is almost free.”
“What is the message?” Crowley asked coolly.
Naonomi blinked up at her, wide-eyed, a manic grin pulling at her lips. “You want answers? Look no further than the Orochi.” She waved to the window, to the great glass and steel tower in the distance. “We suckled at their teat, and we grew fat on the darkness that they were hiding. Riddles within riddles, cults within corporations, and everyone with their own agenda. And at the top of their dark tower? Lies.”
Crowley stared up at the tower as Naonomi cackled to herself. Morninglight hadn’t just infiltrated the Orochi Group through some high-ranking official, they’d been a product of it. Was she getting that right? But then the Morninglight had gone rogue.  The Orochi Group had created a monster and lost control of it, just like-
“John was the only way to save them from themselves,” Naonomi continued, unaware or unbothered by Crowley’s thoughts. “I was his handler. I prayed with him, I guided him, and I prepared him for the new dawn. But something went wrong,” she murmured, staring into the distance. “The new dawn is coming, but it has not come yet.”
“Ms. Tanaka?” Crowley questioned in the ensuing silence.
Naonomi started, shaking her head and reaching for her handbag. She pulled a slip of paper, a card, and held it out for Crowley to take. The bright pink of it stood out in the gloom, just like the building it came from. “This is where I took John, before it all began,” she explained. “I know he’s still watching out there,” an oil slick chill dripped down Crowley’s spine. “,waiting for a sign. He will have the answers we both seek.”
Crowley turned the card over in her hands before tucking it into her pocket. “Thank you.” 
Naonomi waved her off, taking another long swallow and emptying her glass, her eyes clouded with fatigue. “You should leave now. Orochi vengeance is coming,” the corners of her much ticked up with bitter amusement, “and it is wearing bunny ears.”
Crowley regarded the drunk woman slumping down in the chair, weighing how many lives she’d ruined, how little she cared, how much of a threat she still was… “I’ll send for someone to stand watch.” she promised. Naonomi simply hummed in response.
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Crowley had barely made it to the apartment’s entrance when the dull thump sounded behind her. She whirled on the intruder, hands flying automatically to her weapon-
And stopped.
The White Rabbit stared back, just as frozen.
Crowley’s fingers flexed. She didn’t… have to fight the Rabbit, didn’t have to try to save Naonomi, someone who had exploited so many vulnerable kids and played such a significant role in the death of the city. She had what she needed. She could just… walk away, let Orochi have their vengeance, leave Naonomi to the fate she’d already accepted. No one would know. No one would even question.
Saving people had never been her job.
Her hands lowered, and the Rabbit gave her a quizzical tilt of the head.  She offered the assassin a polite nod in greeting, a gesture the Rabbit returned, and left the apartment, trailed by the soft pops of a silenced pistol.
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