#yuji is suffering because...... idk.
hmsmilkbone · 6 months
literal years of my life loving nanami and higuruma, and for what.
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iamumbra195 · 11 months
MY favourite bleach head canons in no particular order
1. the idea that all shinigami in gigai give off uncanny valley vibes
Basically like Isshin, whose not quite human but not quite shinigami, meets some of Ichigo’s friends when he was a kid like Tatsuki and she obviously met his mom before and she was nice so she wasn’t expecting much from his dad and then she meets him and her first reaction is ‘what the fuck is that???’
The kurosaki kids, who have grown up with their dad and have pretty high levels of reiatsu, don’t actually realize this while their human friends just instinctually avoid Isshin ‘cause they feel like something’s off about him
of course over time and with extended exposure to Ichigo’s reiatsu, the weirdness kinda fades away but anyone outside of Ichigo’s circle generally avoids all the shinigami that come to Karakura in gigai for those reasons
2. all animals hate shinigami except cats and crows
literally for no reason besides the fact that I like them
I love the idea of shinji with his creepy ass smile just perched on top of a telephone pole and if he stays still long enough, crows will start sitting on him XD
I also have cats that I love and I love the idea of Ichigo just chilling on his bed with an orange cat and doing the purring thing with it while he’s sleeping
And then when he goes to a pet store with Rukia because she wants to see bunnies, all the animals go ballistic anf they get kicked out XD
3. the visored + ichigo with animalistic traits
laying down on hot things because it feels nice on their skin and soothes something in their lizard brains
eyes that flash hollow yellow when they feel intense emotion (inspired the scene in the anime where Aizen says that hollowification is faster when agitated so emotions heavily affect their appearance
I like the idea that they get very tactile with people they care about (not in a romantic way) and they get into little wrestling matches over stupid stuff because that’s they’re idea of playing and bonding
Shinji gives cat vibes, you can’t even tell me he doesn’t just look at him. When cats make eye contact as they push something off the table- that’s him
I also really like the idea of the hollowification affecting their zanpakuto. Given that Ichigo was pretty much born with his hollow, he doesn’t notice the different the way the Visored do 
Shinji’s whole standing upside down and reversing the gravity on himself, I like the idea that it came after his hollowification and if he wishes he can do it to others
Idk if there’s any jjk manga readers her but you know that attack kenjaku has where he makes you feel like you’re falling but you’re not really? He does it to Yuji a few times when he’s fighting mahito and I love the idea of Shinji having that ability, just completely fucking up their sense of reality and direction
I haven’t thought of the other visored abilities but from my other AU that I will never write, I mentioned that Kaien was hollowified as well so I love the idea of him just being completely obsessed with everything water related and having an affinity for any water type kido and being able to control minor amounts of water without actually drawing Nejibana and being able to breath under water
4. all zanpakuto spirits do commentary in their weilders head
but only ppl like Ichigo and Toushiro who have incredibly powerful spirits that they can literally talk to in the middle of a fight can actually hear
Like Zabimaru, haineko, and all the other zanpakuto are just constantly making fun or nitpicking the way their weilder uses them
But Ichigo is the only one who has to suffer through Zangetsu (Shiro) cackling in his head while Toushiro gets useful feedback and Ichigo’s just completely done with him
a sadder headcanon: all zanpakuto spirits talk to their weilders regularly however, the Visored because of their own fear of their hollowification have estranged themselves from their zanpakuto spirits and like Shiro is hostile with Ichigo in canon, the others are like ten times worse
5. If Ichigo every actually seals his zanpakuto, he’d be incredibly sensitive to reiatsu (I forgot to add this one the first time and I didn’t wanna make another post XD)
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I personally love this little explanation of Ichigo’s powers and you know how Ichigo is just really shitty at sensing reiatsu at the beginning? Shinji commented on it a couple times and seemed pretty confused by it.
I think that part of the reason why he’s so bad at it-- especially after the SS arc ‘cause remember he was actually pretty good at sensing back then-- is because after he achieved Bankai, Hollow Zangetsu was in control rather than OMZ and with that switch in power came a significant uptick in his own reiatsu to the point where Ichigo actually feels like he’s being crushed by his own power and he can feel how close Shiro is for the first time and he’s actually scared of his own power
Hiyori even comments about how he’s scared of his own bankai because the distance between him and Shiro decreases everytime he gets stronger since Shiro gets stronger with him
Anyways, we’re not devolving into an analysis about Ichigo and Shiro but eventually Ichigo learns how to sense things properly even with his own reiatsu
So when he finally seals Zangetsu and he’s no longer covered by his own power because it’s finally sealed, he’s gonna be sensing things so much stronger and get sensory overload only it’s ✨reiatsu sensitivity✨
6. Souls in the Society age until they find an appearance both they and their reiatsu level is comfortable with (Another one because I’m an idiot and I forgot)
Excluding Toushiro’s weird case of appearanc shifting but I guess that could be attributed to his bankai’s weirdness that I don’t know much about
I don’t think we’ve gotten on actual explanation on how souls age so I’ve decided to apply this hc
Basically the reason why ppl like Unohana, who looks incredibly similar to herself from a thousand years ago, the only difference being how much less sinister she looks and how calm she looks
Plus, all the characters from the Turn back the pendulm arc barely changing over a hundred years is wild
I initially thought of it as comparing every decade a soul lives to ever year a human lives but that didn’t feel right so I chose this
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nanamis-baker · 24 days
well ! its not that they WANTED to use gojos body, but they needed to in a time of desperation. nobody is happy abt it, especially not yuuta who saw gojo as more than his body.
they all deserved better, not just gojo. but also shokos reaction is pretty on brand lol she cares but understands why it needs to be done
(sorry im rambling gege is truly evil, a genius but evil nd tbh ion think we should blame anyone there for not objecting to what needed to be done)
I am not blaming any characters here, because you are right, they all suffered in one way or the other throughout the story.
It's just the blatant disrespect of Gojo's body that pisses me off, and like many people pointed out - he was just a weapon to his own friends and his own students (except Yuta in this chapter, who still showed some concern for him and Yuji in general)
Sukuna paid his dead body more respect than that please.
But the sorcerers were more concerned for Yuta than they ever were for Gojo. We barely got any reaction to his death except for Yuta and Yuji. Yes, they faced a time constraint and they needed to think quick, but gege could have given us one panel of their reaction right? The grief?
And it's not about the characters, it's about the man who wrote them. Yes maybe it's him being the evil writer, but you're telling me Yuta survived the slash for some time but Gojo didn't? Idk smells like bad writing to me.
And then Shoko, who left the room when they announced Geto needs to be killed, Shoko, who was so stressed during Shibuya that she started smoking again, and the Shoko who eagerly wanted Gojo back would just allow it? Even Gojo who generally doesn't express his feelings expressed that he was annoyed by that.
But yeah, not blaming the characters here except Gege. I get what you are saying about him, but you can just tell that this chapter was written to play with our emotions. Because i don't know, logically it doesn't make sense to me.
Also, it's just my opinion, you don't have to agree with it!
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httpsjr · 1 month
sooo.. i haven’t posted ina while, so let me introduce my jjk oc!
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Name: Yoshikage
Prns/gender: non binary, they/them (fem leaning)
personality: crazy, insane, blood thristy, loves distruction, loves building things, lives for the high of human suffering, basically harley quinn, great at hiding it under a normal human personality, childish, curious
fighting styles: uses cursed energy and cursed weapons/able to make weapons with their gears and definitaly had gears with sharpened edges used for throwing like a boomarang
LORE: Yoshikage knew sukuna and uraume before he became a curse as like friends or sum idk, and then sukuna became a curse, and then they became his servant like urame very devoted, and then during a battle they got stabbed through the heart and died, thousands of years later they got reincarnated in a 15 yr olds body but their soul was still the same so they still had the memories of the heian era, also that made them around sukunas age in the shibuya arc, they attended the jjk school a little after megumi, so before yuji, and when they met yuji they had a weird attachment (not knowing it was sukuna but they could feel hes presents) and in the shibyua arc when sukuna revealed himself after eating the fingers they were immidietly by his side and sukuna has also been waiting to reveal himself bc he could also sense the og soul of them from heian era, and when uraume came they all reunited/Yoshikage betraying yuji and the others because villain arc real.
extra: based off steampunk fashion/harley quinns personality
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neonscandal · 5 months
"Sure. So for Geto it's mostly that I don't like villains with a bigoted ideology and he's too incompetent to even fall in the "love to hate" category. Really, the worst thing a villain can be is incompetent and Geto in Vol 0 is barely better than your average disney villain. Doesn't help that he never gets pushback on his ideals. Gojo tells him in Premature Death that killing people is bad, but that's it. He spouts his bullshit about how genocide is totally necessary and Yuuta stands there like "idk you might be right, but you want to kill people I care about and that's the real crime here". Nobody really engages with his ideology except Yuki I guess, but that was before he became an antagonist. I could forgive that to a degree if he was at least a real threat, but he isn't. You don't get any of that with Geto, he's not even fun to hate because he barely provides any pushback. He's a bad villain and I dislike him as a person as well. His descent into embracing the superiority of sorcerers and resolving to kill all non-sorcerers was well written, but I don't feel for him at all. Good riddance to the guy, I'm glad he's now dead both in body and mind."
I was so sad, when reading this, what do you think?
When previously asked about JJK Antagonists I didn't mention Geto even though... he is my favorite.
It should also be said that, in terms of scary movies, I love a good creature feature or a deluge into the supernatural but, the scariest movies to me? Will always be the ones with human villains because they're far more plausible.
That summation of Geto is that person's opinion so I, personally, am unmoved by it. I've seen so many piss poor interpretations of Gojo and Geto's characterizations that it's honestly just best to let the story play out so people can retroactively come to some sort of understanding. Moreover, I think there are a lot of people who struggle to concede that, between Gojo and Geto, there was always love. Without that, you can't understand his spiral, you can't acknowledge the humanity of the villain. Moreover, to not understand Geto is to not understand Gojo. And.. since JJK seems to very much be a circular parallel between SatoSugu and ItaFushi, if you can't understand them you miss the whole story.
I'd be curious what villain doesn't have a bigoted and/or radical ideology, especially in shonen? They're meant to be horrible and hard to empathize with. Unless that person's tolerance for villainy is Oikawa from Haikyuu? Most stories hinge on the main character espousing a piece of whatever makes villains.. villains. RE: Yuji being a cursed vessel, Denji being a devil, Tanjiro's proximity to demons, Eren being a titan, Kaneki being a ghoul... I'd argue Naruto and Nine Tails but literally haven't seen the show at all to confidently compare.
Even so, let's get into Geto.
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Gorgeous, gorgeous boy. So earnest, so upright... so forged to break.
I recently went on a tirade about SatoSugu which I won't rehash here because... then I'll feel inclined to add more and no one wants to see an adult woman cry today.
As a character, Geto attempts to be incredibly principled. Design wise, he is stylized with features that liken him to Buddha which I think he individually plays into as well to give himself some sort of identity. From his long hanging lobes signifying wisdom and compassion capable of hearing the cries of the suffering, to his gentle chastising of Gojo's flippancy. He believes that the strong should protect the weak while also keeping the strong in check. But... how would a jujutsu outsider come to such a noble ideal?
We know next to nothing about Geto's parents except that they were not sorcerers and, based on his affectionate ability to recognize family beyond blood ties, I think it'd be fair to make some assumptions about what typically informs a characters predilection for the found family trope. 👀
His cursed technique, I think, creates an impetus for purpose. I don't know how he figured out he could do curse manipulation. But we know he swallows the curse, the likes of which is compared to a rag that had been used to mop up vomit, in order to subjugate it. This process, this martyrdom of ingesting the negative run off of mankind has to have a reason to justify his suffering. Because, as the only person we see with this technique, it must feel like a burden only he knows. Moreover, with a special class technique, it's not like he's given much of a choice. But if it helps people, if it has meaning, purpose... he can endure.
We've seen the perfect storm of events that, don't necessarily challenge his pre-existing ideals, but... force him to question whether the ends justify the means. We can call each of these events a moral injury and I don't think it's a stretch to say that there is a link between staunch morality and radicalism which I'm going to bastardize as saying a person may have their ideals on a righteous pedestal. Believing that if I do "A" and "B" then "C" is sure to follow and it allows them purpose and reason. But life is seldom free of other stimuli. I'm not going to go into great depth about examples of this but suffice it to say, this break in Geto's belief system caused an internal chasm we see immediately.
When Gojo asks him if he should kill the believers that applauded Riko's death, Geto said "no, there'd be no reason" which I believe is sufficient for Gojo since he readily leans on Geto as a moral compass. But Geto keeps rationalizing further, likely to curb his own impulse to kill those gathered ignorantly in celebration. OP talks about no pushback on his ideals but the truth of the matter is the biggest pushback for Geto is internal.
When he decided to slaughter that village, he didn't leave a margin of error to come back from. He had to keep moving forward, keep pushing to achieve this impossible world because to not would mean that the atrocities he committed were done in vain and we know, from his characterization, that he would not be able to accept that. Gojo speaks of Geto not starting a war he can't win during JJK0 which is empirically incorrect. When they parted ways in high school, Geto relented that with Gojo's power, his vision could come into fruition. They both knew he didn't have the means to achieve this but he didn't have anything else to stand on. So he hurled himself further and further from his previous path of righteousness and further from himself. He'd committed too great a sin to not give it meaning. To question it now would shatter him completely.
So much of what makes Geto compelling is the fact that he is inherently characterized as a good person, forthright and gentle. He'd have been a great teacher. In fact, the events that transpired between Gojo and Geto are why Gojo is a teacher in the first place. I believe he tried to be a great father figure to Nanako and Mimiko (again, let's forget the murder for a minute) because he pointedly did not raise them in the ways or traditions of jujutsu society. He protected them as best he could even though they still didn't survive their teenage years because they were ignorant about binding vows with sorcerers! Crazy when you think about it. Even what he thought to be a kindness to them cost them fatally.
Things happened to him, likely intentionally, to create this departure from reality and the jujutsu world. He was forged to break because he lacked the flexibility and nonchalance to not be overly concerned for others. He wasn't a diabolical genius, he was overly compassionate and at a complete and total loss when terrible things continually happened to good people who were already sacrificing so much. Riko Amanai was resigned to give up her short life to guarantee the future of Japan. Haibara was a ray of sunshine who, with the means to do so, wanted to help people. The twins were simply cursed to see things the other villagers couldn't, a burdensome reality that damned them to a life he was finding no meaning in, himself. His weakness perhaps lay in a weakness of character? but I wouldn't even say that, honestly. He's like placid water hiding a violent undercurrent deep below the surface.
The gap between who he was and who he died as should be jarring. It should be a demonstration of the grisly reality of jujutsu society. Where classes of 2-3 children are regularly pressed to fight beyond their means against horrors only they know. The sacrifices of the few to protect the many regardless of their virtue. That's the point. He was a casualty of a system that would always lead him toward a moral crisis.
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just-jordie-things · 2 months
Now Jordie, hold up. HOLD. UP.
You can't just write "he witnessed the boy's attempts at wooing you. and let's just say he wasn't impressed. megumi was a wreck at worst and a mess at best." and not expect me to call Gojo out on his bullshit.
We all know that man wouldn't be slick. He's pretty and he THINKS he has a lot of rizz (which is true when it comes to women he doesn't particularly care for much), but unfortunately, he's also a huge mess when it comes to the one woman he actually has some form of romantic feelings for.
Consider this, he's out with the trio and there's a random woman who is really gorgeous and yuji somehow ends up betting that gojo couldn't rizz her up. Of course gojo defends his pride, walks up to the random woman and EASILY rizzes her up. It barely takes him a minute to get her number, which obviously leaves Yuji more than impressed. Megumi just rolls his eyes cause he knows how easy Gojo's game is when he doesn't like someone. (He witnessed the trials and errors of Gojo's flirting before).
Cue a few weeks later, Yaga's niece returns to Tokyo after years of studying abroad, now she joins in Jujutsu High as new teacher and Gojo is immediately smitten. He can barely take his eyes of you, he's convinced he never saw a prettier woman, but not only that!! When you open your mouth and talk to him he's hearing heaven's bells. There's no woman with a sweeter voice than you, he'll bet his entire fortune on it, and hot damn, you know your stuff. You're so smart and knowledgable, you#re such a skilled fighter too, he's so surprised because MY GOD YOU CANT JUST BE SO PERFECT??
Well, there's one issue... him. He can't talk to you. He tries, and tries, and tries, but he always messes up. Never being able to string together a full or coherent sentence and it's getting embarrassing. In front of the students he's avoiding you. (He doesn't want them to see him failing miserably) So naturally his students think that Gojo just doesn't like you for some reason. They can't believe it, you're so sweet and Nobara instantly thought that you two would be great together because you just seemed to fit so well. (and she saw you not taking any shit from the third years, you're tough and would be the perfect match for their teacher)
The three come up with the plan to get you to interact "spontaneously", in terms of Yuji and Megumi talking to Gojo while you're just randomly walking along with Nobara and they're basically playing Parent Trap, which Megumi only begrudginly indulges.
And that's when it happens. That's when the three finally realise why Gojo avoids you in front of them as if you had the black plague, because he blushes and get's flustered and rambles and stumbles over his words and when he wants to ask for your number he stupidly says "can you give me a number" instead of anything remotely sweet. Yuji is shocked, Nobara rolls her eyes and Megumi just facepalms because he knows that the more Gojo likes someone the worse his attempts at flirting are, and the way he messes up now means you have his heart in a choke hold, you just don't know it yet.
Okay this was supposed to be short and cute... idk what happened there
you hearing about gojo and his rizz and lowkey expecting the worst. but you meet him and he's almost kinda... pathetic? like who is this man?? what happened to the smooth talking bastard your uncle warned you about?
are you really expected to believe that this man who's blushing and rambling on about the most random bullshit is the guy you were warned would probably hit on you? wait, is this his way of hitting on you?
oh my god, you have to mess with him by being the smooth talking flirt !!!
also, megumi deserves to watch gojo struggle and suffer in front of the woman he's been crushing on like a child.
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astro-can · 8 months
ranking anime pt 1
ranking a few of my favourite animes in terms of plot and characters
Bungo Stray Dogs (the manga) i'm actually a pretty new fan but its def the best mangas i've ever read. and notice how i say manga, not anime. the anime actually kind of sucks. the plot is very interesting and intriguing, and all the characters are very well-written. idk where asagiri got the idea of taking historical poets and authors and turning them into hot manga characters from, but i love it. its a very cool concept. you def need to read all the side stories to understand whats happening at times, but you can easily find the side stories on sus illegal websites or just buy them (or watch the anime adaptations). atsushi is a well-written main character and dazai's personality literally has my mind running in circles. this is a manga that makes you think a lot, but if you like literature, def give Bungo Stray Dogs a shot. you won't regret it!
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun (the manga) notice how i said manga again (the anime could do so much better). the art style for this book is AMAZING and the characters are SO WELLWRITTEN. like the title is a bit weird you I SWEAR YOU WONT REGRET IT IF YOU READ IT. its literally the best mixture of romance, comedy, horror, and mystery. its sort of a slowburn and i wish hanako's backstory will be revealed soon because im literally dying to know what ACTUALLy happened between him and tsukasa. and i want to know how nene and hanako's relationship grows!
Spy x Family this is the perfect comedy-action anime to watch with your family and friends. the concept is cool and its fun to see how anya, loid, and yor's relationship grows! I want to know what will happen at the end and if loid and yor actually stay together. its a very good anime and i highly recommend it.
Jujutsu Kaisen i'm a fairly new fan of jjk but i really love it! at first i had to read it a couple times because of all the fast explanations for cursed energy and stuff, but i think i've memorized it all now. yuji is a very interesting main character, and its nice to see his internal struggles with hosting the most evil cursed monster alive. his struggles of accepting his fate and his struggles of losing the people he loves is something that i like seeing (not in a sadistic way) because it accurately shows his character development. i love the strong female characters (shoko, maki, utahime, etc etc) and the subtle inclusion of the lgbtq community (kirara, mai, megumi, etc etc). the character developments in this series in CRAZYY like i actually love it so much. what i don't like is how some of the explanations are a little nonsensical and they pass over the important stuff too quickly. but overall, its a very good series and i recommend it!
Sk8 the Infinity i was so sad when season one of Sk8 ended, because it was really good. i hope they make season two soon. sk8 is so good because it shows reki's struggles, just like how gege shows itadori's struggles. the characters develop nicely, and the relationships between the characters are shown nicely. its a very fruity anime that i HOPE will end like yuri on ice (with reki and langa getting together BECAUSE I WOULD LOVE FOR IT TO BE CANON) its short but sweet and i highly recommend!
The Promised Neverland (the manga) i CANNOT express how much i DESPISE the anime. i HATE IT SO FCKING MUCH. anyways, the manga is pretty good. its another series that works your brain a lot, and it kinda makes me sad because there are literal eleven year olds being smarter than me 😭i personally really like isabella and yugo's characters, and i sort of dislike emma's desire to save the demons. like girliepop pulled the main character card and said "i wanna save everyone so no one has to suffer!" personally i would've gone with norman and ray's plan sooooooo....i also dislike how emma loses her memory at the end. i know it was really important, but i wish she could've gotten her memories back after reuniting with them again because in the canon manga, she CANT remember a SINGLE THING which means ALL THE THINGS SHE DID WITH HER FAMILY are just GONE. i actually screamed when i read that she never got her memory back. i also wish the author had maybe specified a bit more on isabella and ray's relationship as mother and son. anyways, a pretty decent story with good characters.
Demonslayer this is actually my favourite anime. I love it so much. ive read the manga over ten times and it has tanjiro, one of my all-time favourite anime characters. the reason its ranked so low is because of how simple the plot is and how it sort of repeats the action scenes. some of the characters could def be written better, but there was a lot of very good characters as well. tanjiro's character is written so well, and so is shinobu's. i wish we saw more of rengoku before he was killed off after like thirty minutes of screentime, and i wish the author hadn't killed off obanai and mitsuri at the end. that kind of made me mad. but they were reincarnated happily, so its ok! there are some nonsensical explanations and some random things here and there. people say its only because of the animation, and even though the animation is what makes it popular, i personally think that the story itself isn't that bad. its good, and i recommend.
Haikyuu haikyuu is like THE sport anime. its good and its actually taught me alot about volleyball. its also the reason i started playing volleyball. im the libero on my team 💪 its very exaggerated, but the characters are well written and the team's struggle as a whole is laid out well. i like the concept and the main character (hinata) is acc so funny like i love him so much. its the first anime i watched, and its def not the genre i would watch as a first choice, but for a sports anime, haikyuu is really wellmade. the reason its ranked low is because i'm not very interested in it anymore/not really my thing
My Hero Academia i was OBSESSED with this last year. like it was the literal reason i was living. but now that i go back to read it again, its sort of repetitive and deku has become WAYYYY too OP. it started off with a cool concept, but the author has been dragging it out for wayy too long. the fighting scenes are all the same and deku needs to put aside his "good side" and actually take actions that will be for the better, like KILLING OF SHIGARAKI INSTEAD OF WANTING TO 'SAVE HIM' LIKE WHAT?? i also hate how uraraka's whole personality has just become "i have a crush on deku" and i kinda hate how the author portrays uraraka's relationship with toga. i actually kind of despise this anime.
and yeah there you have it :)
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arinavah · 2 years
This isn't fair, girl, you made me ship chosoyuki with your amazing arts and if she or choso or both dies....what happened to your mental bond with gege? You have to fix this😭😭😭
Guys, arc hasn’t ended yet! idk, my intuition tells me that everyone will survive in this arc (except Tengen but who cares).
My point is:
I think Yuki has plot armour because she will be important character at the end of the manga, if Gege made character whose goal is to get rid of cursed energy, then he’s planning something on this topic. Though I still think that possibility of her merging with Tengen is high.
Choso….has been waving death flag for more than a year, everything says that he’s a walking corpse but I still think that he has potential for development and won’t die during this arc, but he will die for sure in later arcs. Idk, killing him right now won’t be so impactful as killing him in front of Yuji, and considering that Gege likes to make us suffer, I bet he will survive this arc.
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chososwifepng · 4 months
Sukuna and Yuji HC or AU?? idk
!! not shipping btw, hell nawh imagine if during the heien era sukuna and yuji were both twin humans but when sukuna became a curse they became the reincarnates of the 2 sides of jesus christ the "human" and "divine" side of him
sukuna, being the king of curses and and curses pretty much being negative human emotions its seems to fit pretty well
yuji, the divine side has been consistently tormented because of his divine side and as such gives humanity salvation through his own suffering
anyways yuji dies, sukuna gets sealed yada yada its current time, 2018 and now its time to go through what he went through 1000 and 2000 years ago 3rd times the charm right??
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
🎙️ Favorite Sonic Voice Actor?🧸 Favorite plush/piece of merch?🎨 Favorite Sonic Artist?✍️ Favorite fanfiction?
🎙️ Favourite Sonic Voice Actor?
Sonic: For English anyway, Jason Griffith post-Secret Rings.
Tails: Colleen O'Shaughnessey.
Knuckles: Scott Dreier.
Amy: Tied between Jennifer Douillard and post-Lost World Cindy Robinson... when the latter is allowed to emote beyond sounding like she doesn't want to be there. *coughFrontierscough*
Shadow: David Humphrey.
Rouge: Lani Minella.
Cream: Michelle Ruff.
Eggman: My four horsemen of the Egg-pocalypse are Mike Pollock, Deem Bristow, Long John Baldry, and Jim Carrey. I love them all equally. (I know the latter doesn't count as a voice actor for the doctor per say, but shhh.)
Mr. Principles: someone from Mega Man X idk (this joke was sponsored by @beevean)
🧸 Favourite plush/piece of merch?
The merch I've received from @greenyvertekins and @skaruresonic :>
🎨 Favourite Sonic Artist?
(I assume this ask refers to official artists.)
The iconic and ever so recognizable style of Yuji Uekawa will always appeal to me. Doesn't matter which character it is or what they're doing, there's always a charm to it. I'll always love his work on the series.
On that note, it annoys me how a growing number of people have said that Uekawa's style is boring just because Sonic doesn't twist his limbs like they're jelly anymore. Or because he bothers to draw the characters with some dignity instead of giving them one "I just shat myself, and I liked it" face after another, as per the current standard with Yardley, Stanley and ABT.
✍️ Favourite fanfiction?
Well I don't mean to be biased but... *motions towards my friends' fics*
Outside of them... look, there are good ones out there, make no mistake, but it's been such an awfully long time since I've seen a good one outside of my friends' circle that it's partly what inspired me to pull a Thanos and go "Fine, I'll do it myself" in the first place. Because life is suffering when you're an Eggman fan who cares about whether Eggman is acting like Eggman and doing things that Eggman would be expected to do if he were truly Eggman.
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cherrys-side-bitch · 2 years
I have looked hard to see if anyone has done this request and yet no one has on this site so how about the curses being introduced to the game where everyone is a terrible person, Cards Against Humanity.
Omg I love you so much this is both such a horrible and absolutely amazing idea
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕖𝕕 𝕋𝕠 ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝔸𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥 ℍ𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪
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Slight NSFW themes because of the game
Note: I'm only doing Sukuna, Choso, and Mahito for this post but feel free to request again!
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Showing him cards against humanity is such a bad idea. He probably thought it was some weird book about cards taking over humanity or some shit-
This mf probably doesn't know what card games are unless Yuji played one after getting Sukuna
Probably thought all modern-day card games were for children so when he starts reading the cards he is more than just a bit surprised.
He's living for it though
Well make the most disturbing/inappropriate pairs you have ever seen in this game.
He's a fucking menace and I hate it
Imagine Mahito being the Card Czar and the black card he draws is:
How would you describe me, the Card Czar, using only one of the cards in your hand, which would it be?
And Sukuna pulled out the cock sucker card-
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Not enjoying it.
He just wants to get the fuck away from these two, the game isn't even that fun.
If he's not having fun he might as well try to make everyone else suffer
Choso is making the more sexually explicit plays because occasionally Mahito won't get it, since he's technically a newer curse, and it's hilarious.
I feel bad about barely writing anything for him but I need to reread the manga
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Inviting him was a mistake
Fucked up plays only, if he has a really bad card he's playing it. He gives zero fucks.
And that's a bad thing
His plays are worse than Sakuna’s but that is mainly because he has a sort of “luck” with this ig. Idk if you can even call it luck...
I can't even give a proper example because someone might take it out of context and come after me knowing this hell site
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tempenensis · 1 year
but that's the beginning of the manga, both itafushi have gone through a lot together since. i do agree yuji has absorbed the sorcerer mindset but he's also come to care about megumi a lot and it's a bit inconsistent that he was upset over hana's potential death but not the idea of killing someone he's known far longer and has more history with. i do see him reaching the conclusion that it's more logical to kill megumi to get rid of sukuna, it's the lack of any internal conflict that took reaching and accepting this conclusion that feels off ya know? like when gojo has to kill geto, we see them having a little chat and we know that gojo has been preparing emotionally to kill him for almost 10 years, so idk i think it's a bit inconsistent but like i said it'll be probably explored later and i don't think megumi is truly gone yet either.
Anon... it's a very different situation lmao
Yuuji being upset about Hana's death because Hana is still a human. Even if Angel uses her as a vessel, the Angel doesn't take over her body and Hana's self is there. Similar with Gojou and Getou, Gojou was hesitant to kill Getou because even if Getou decided to separate, he did it under his own volition, and Gojou is still a jujutsu sorcerer whose job is to protect human and society in general. Getou hasn't done anything to endanger people, so Gojou is hesitant to kill him. If hypothetically, Getou changed because a cursed spirit take over his body, it would be completely different.
The thing with Sukuna is, the only one who can suppress him (becomes a vessel without the body being hijacked) is Yuuji. Fushiguro's self has gone even if the remains of his soul is still trying to fight against Sukuna. And this is Sukuna, the King of Curse himself. Yuuji has long struggled with the sin of killing innocent human that he doesn't actually do, but still bear because he is the vessel for Sukuna. This is why he wants to go far away from Fushiguro, because no matter what, if he is still near, Fushiguro would still suffer because of Sukuna
And now the nightmare that Yuuji doesn't want to happen actually happen. The soul of Fushiguro must've suffered to see the destruction that his body causes
So you need to highlight the difference; is they still a human, or no longer one
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Hello so I would like to make a "Matchup" request after finally understanding wht it actually is-
So here is mah jjk matchup request
So my personality is-
Huge Extrovert, Loves Gossips, Talkative, Cannot sit in one place like noo let me move from here to there, Childish ( I am an ENFP wht else do u expect-) , Loves video games, Gets flustered easily , Have a HUUUGE sweet tooth, Energetic , Likes to Give gifts , Loves adventure, Talks on completely useless topics (for eg- i once discussed with a boy tht whether ALIENS WILL WIN OR GHOSTS n u won't believe this turned into a debate n like 8 more ppl joined in-💀) ,Sensitive,Has a special place for certain ppl in my heart but will never tell, Hides emotions- , Wants to help people, Puts others before myself, afraid of being alone, Talkative, Listens to my heart more, Randomly dances, Funny(said to me by many ppl so), DIRTY MINDED(idk if I was supposed to add this but I did so-) U will nvr know wht is going inside mah head, jumps from one topic to another, Sub, Chaotic human, looove the life of party, Lights up any room, Have a Huuuge grp of friends, Loves to hangout and Is Tiny like just 5'0ft (whyy)💀
So I think tht is enough soo- waiting for ur response :)
(Hope I didn't mess up💀)
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is:
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I know that maybe you didn't expect it, but after analyzing your description, I see your behavior more like Yuji's behavior.
He is a very energetic boy who does everything around (if he can)
He is everywhere, he tries to help others, he likes to play and laugh a lot. His smile is like a radiant sun.
If someone told him to sit in one place while someone else was going somewhere, he wouldn't be able to stand it. Once this boy gets pumped up, he'll happily run and jump around, and there's no stopping him from doing so.
Besides, he'll agree to the weirdest plans that seem cool to him. He is gullible if his loved ones tell him something. He doesn't think much about what it might look like. He does it because it will be fun.
He wants to keep a smile on his friends' faces.
If that's even going to mean he has to make a fool of himself. He does everything that will be fun.
The wildest trips where he can laugh with his friends.
He'll talk about anything, especially if it's something that will make someone else smile.
He's not ashamed of making a fool of himself.
He had a hard life...
He has promised to protect others because he is strong.
He protects people, and puts their safety above his.
The last thing he wanted was to lose everyone he cared about.
If he had to choose, his life or the lives of his loved ones, he would choose the safety of his loved ones. If only they were happy.
Yuji would take all the suffering and misery of the world just to know that he helped someone while doing this...
• As I mentioned, you will always have wild trips. If you don't go out, you stay at home. It can be wild there too. A pillow fight can turn into a real war. And anyone who enters the room at that moment is under fire.
If you're going out somewhere, it won't be a boring place. What he loves: amusement parks, arcades, cinema, maybe some food. Even walking may not be boring.
A circus where he would do everything.
In the amusement park, he will always win prizes for you. You'd come home wrapped up in mascots, food, and more.
• Talking about something you both like? Of course! Your conversations on such topics can last for hours. Same with topics you both don't like. You can talk about people, things, food, anything else.
Each time you talk longer, your topics will branch like this, that at the end of your hour-long conversation you won't know where your conversation started.
Something like, "What was I talking about in the beginning?"
"I don't know. We started by talking about the food we ate."
"Huh? Fine. So... Oh yeah! Did you hear they're opening a new Ramen bar?"
Themes are constantly changing. That's why your conversations can last for several hours. And if you have snacks around, whether sweet or salty, it will last that long.
• He is your perfect partner for everything. Whatever idea you have, it will be with you. The weirdest conversations, he is. Dances or video games, he is. Even if he is able to forfeit so you don't get nervous.
Making you happy is what he likes to do.
He will never leave you alone for long.
Even if he is somewhere else, he will call and do everything for you.
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sasudou · 2 years
right so, i don't have that many strong opinions on side characters tbh, but i really do agree with what the op on reddit said regarding people getting too attached to quirky characters and expecting them to be something big later in the story even though they were never intended that way. i think personally for utahime (i'll get to shoko in a sec) is that majority of her fans want to see more of her simply because they ship her with gojo, even though that pairing has no basis whatsoever nor any proper foundation to make sense in the entirety of the jjk plot. i don't think utahime was created to be gojo's extra or whatever, i think gege created her with the purpose solely to show how gojo is being treated and percieved by those around him, he is annoying, plenty characters react differently to his antics. shippers ofc will treat this differently because tsundere is such a major thing in anime, needless to say i think it's wrong because utahime is an adult who has had to put up with gojo's bs for over 10 years, and regardless what some may say, i don't think they are close friends, or friends even, nothing in the show says this, i think they work together and trust each other simply because they have same positions in the school, same as kusakabe. now i think utahime could do anything in the story, if gege wants her to, but i dont think she's gonna be doing anything big because as the op on reddit said, if she did bare minimum then she'll continue to do so, her and anyone else. perhaps her role was to root out the mole and be done with it, perhaps later in the story she will suffer the consequences if the mole is revealed and for being in cahoots with gojou. other than that, gege just brought yuji and megumi back after almost a year i think? nobara still nowhere to be found, status unknown or know (dead?) manga is fast paced. shoko is supposed to be important because her skill is very valued as she's a rare technique healer, however she's also nowhere to be seen, there are theories that she could be the second traitor but im not sure? she's not in the higher rank nor is she a higher up so? she used to be trio with gojo and geto, they shared some experiences together but all that is just sidelined and exists/ sashisu fanarts are great i love them but i think they are deluding people in how close these three may have been if they even were.
the only female character that i like is maki, she has had the most development but a part of me still does feel like gege doesn't treat her that well either. idk, i wish i could know why but maybe again it's simply because it's shonen. jjk has a very limited cast and mostly what i see some people talk about is which ship is gonna be canon and which characters have most chemistry, i dont think this matters people will always ship no matter what. i just find it hilarious how on twitter people come up with 50 pages of essay trying to convince people why two characters that had the barest minimum of interaction need to become a thing at the end, especially when said characters hadn't gotten along for a decade. gege literally said that he cannot imagine gojo being sincere to any woman/ that alone is enough to confirm that his main character will not have a romantic subplot, at least no more than the one he "had" with Geto i imagine? dunno, the subtext is there. lastly i just don't care, if people wanna ship this or that, the main issue here is character utilization or better yet are they even supposed to be utilized more than what they already did. i think there's also a pretty good chance that many of them will end up dying, gege literally said no one can return to their normal daily lives after shibuya. needless, i think wanting to see a character more in the story simply because of the ship is a petty reason and just somebody having a wishful thinking that desires a wish fullfilment because characters serve as a projection.
idk, i hope this gives u some insight on what i had in mind but well, if u have more to share please do so! i enjoyed reading ur thoughts :)
yeah i don’t think utahime and gojo are that close lol. i don’t think gojo is that close with anyone—at least, not anymore (rip to my man geto). (this also ties back to a post i made previously about the interview you mentioned)
people in fandom will always ship (hell, i ship characters), but i think people need to learn how to enjoy a piece of media without constantly involving them. it’s totally ok for you to like a ship and want more content for it, but it sometimes gets to the point where they completely misunderstand/misrepresent the two characters and stop viewing the manga as a manga. writing is a form of art that has purpose, themes, symbols, metaphors, etc. it’s meant to be analyzed. you can have fun with it as well (shipping is often harmless) but that’s ultimately not what the manga is about. have fun with fandom, have fun with shipping, but remember to take off your shipping or fanon lenses when reading/analyzing the actual material.
i also don’t think utahime is meant to have a big role. her fans wishing they had more content is perfectly fine, but sometimes side characters are just side characters. like i said before, not everyone has a big role to play, and that’s completely normal. the best part about fandom is that you can produce content. write fanfics, creat art, think of headcanons, etc. if you like a character that doesn’t have much content, then make some yourself (which is what majority of utahime stans do, at least from what i’ve seen).
i don’t have an opinion on utahime. if i had to, then yeah i can imagine a situation where she might become relevant again, but i don’t particularly care one way or the other.
oh!! i also don’t think a majority of the characters will be alive at the end of the manga. gege loves his angst, he loves his character deaths, which is an aspect of his writing i love so much. i feel like a lot of manga authors (especially after gaining popularity) are scared of killing off characters or get stopped by their editors. there’s also an interview that states “among gojo and the first years, either one person will die or everyone will die except one person” and i can’t wait to see which one it is.
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barbiegirldream · 4 months
Tbh, I think geto is so popular because of Gojo and whatever weird relationship they had. Like gojo knowing Geto was around after like a decade of not seeing each other because he recognized getos smell.
Plus the parallels to whatever itafushi have going on where one is definitely doomed and the other is a rising star (though megumi is a bad trip away from ending it all lol)
Also, off topic I saw a tweet about itafushi applies to Yuji and megumi and their dads which is a cursed vision
oh i'm aware why geto is so popular. but he's only superficially popular. getting the backstory geto definitely did not like gojo as much as gojo liked him and gojo only liked a version of geto in his head where they were both the strongest together. while geto was both trying to humble gojo and as we saw from their confrontation in the street bitter about how strong gojo really was. at no point did geto even consider asking gojo to go with him whether it's cause geto knew the answer would be a resounding no or if he didn't want him there well does it matter you know. their entire relationship had real bite to it and that gets ironed out by the fandom to give gojo a family friendly non racist wizard nazi boyfriend
I think that they don't really parallel itafushi very much. neither geto nor gojo at any point fulfilled yuji's role of new to the world confused but well meaning and self sacrificial. and neither can really be megumi because neither of them was limiting their own powers and at best the star plasma vessel they failed to protect is at best a mix of megumi's feelings for yuji and tsumiki but that isn't a great fit. And neither of them relied on adults the way Gojo has made it possible for the kids to rely on him.
Gojo and Geto were never going to have a "As long as I'm around you will suffer" "so start by saving me" moment.
or a "it might be better if Fushiguro and I were on separate teams... sukuna" "stop being selfish" "Selfish !?? I'm being considerate to you" "are you going to say that everytime? I can't be bothered it's a waste of time" moment
Like Gojo and Geto just don't have the 'i don't want him to die' 'live a long life' energy idk
More 'Stop saying crazy bullshit to my students' 'Saturo long time no see' 'Get away from those kids Suguru' energy you'd expect from a teacher to a cult leader
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nhinxsworld · 3 years
I love pet play so here is me doing pet play scenrios ♡♡♡♡ just some thoughts what pet i think they would have and what they'd do uwu
my list!
Characters: Gojo Satoru x reader ; Megumi Fushiguro x reader ; Toji Fushiguro x reader ; Naoya Zenin x reader and Itadori Yuji x reader
warning: nsfw ; petplay ; dom/sub ; humiliation ; dumbification and idk???
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Gojo Satoru
He peaks as the soft/slutty bunny type of guy or a cunning fox
Honestly his white hair just gives me snow bunny vibes, but any kind of bunny would be cool with him.
On one side he likes to corrupt the innocent looking ones, cute little bunnies who get feral horny with him. Pretty costumized bunny ears for his pet, he can afford it. Pretty pillow princesses he fucks stupid, in any position, but it's a plus if he can see that soft pretty tail.
Or maybe just the classic playboy bunny type, model body. Curvy, pretty ones, the nice lips, nice everything with those skin tight skimpy bunny suits. Fishnet or nylon doesn't matter, he'll rip them apart, he loves that clean sexy look, before he messes everything up.
Why fox? He just peaks me as somewhat you know special out of the usual. Foxes are rather rare for pet play since they aren't the average pet either. Though I can imagine a pretty fox, who would tease him back and is playful would keep him interested. He just might put a collar on you and tugs you around for the fun of it.
He thrives at any title master??? fuck yes baby push his ego. Sir??? hell yeah push his authority might as well call him sensei. daddy?? sure as classic he'll call you little one and other sweet nicknames
Really depends on his mood that day or what you'd want him to do, he can do anything, if you're a good pet for him he'll praise you, if you want to be degraded sure he'll call you his slut and spits on your face.
You just want to fuck ? Sure, he'll fuck you stupid and breeds your bunny/fox hole/cunt. You want him to actually treat you like a pet?? Yeah sure he'll put down a water bowl and all that shit down for you to use, he'll give you hella foreplay.
jokes about animal abuse in the end lol
Megumi Fushiguro
He is my baby, but if I had to pick for him? I'd just say puppy's. Megumi is a confirmed dog person, so yep I think he'd like obedient puppy's. Probably blushes when you put on the ears and the tail, at first he was like nah he isn't into it, but now it gets his dick hard.
He is very soft and sweet, so I can imagine that he'd get along with a playful and obedient puppy's. Loves it when the soft fur of your tail brushes against his skin and how the cute puppy ears peak through your hair. He'll praise you and would call you his good pet as he fucks on all fours. Probably wouldn't tug too much on your collar and leash, it just looks pretty on you.
Would get so flustered at the beginning if you want to call him titles, even if his name is girly, he'd probably still likes the intimacy when you call him by his name between titles.
probably thinks it's a bit weird at first, but you can ease him into it, and he'll tell you what he likes or and what he doesn't like
Toji Fushiguro
I'd just like to think the bias towards dogs runs in the family if not I think he's just the basic cat type same shit but calls you kitty
unlike Megumi, Toji isn't soft. He probably wouldn't care if you'd wear gear or not, actually he might tease and bully you, if you want to wear pretty puppy ears and a tail. Would call you slutty and weird, but he'd still fuck you. He is probably older so he'd just might call you childish and the whole 'You want to be a what kid??' Other than that he wouldn't always call you a good puppy, he'd call you his dumb fucking mutt. Just lives to degrade you and call you stupid. If you want to wear a collar and leash he'll fucking yank you with it, piss him off, and he will choke you with it.
He will literally choke you when you call him daddy. It's unknown of whether he likes or he hates it, he'd just allow it. Sir might be too formal for him a lot of people call him that probably since he is a bit older and works at weird places where he doesn't give his name often. Probably doesn't like master as it might be too touchy towards his family issues back when he was a Zenin.
If it's the cat type he probably is an absolute brat tamer, if you're an egoistic little kitty you're fucked. Get down on your knees for him, he'll fuck your throat until you cry. Be a good kitty for daddy, milk him. Behave and he just might help your little drenching pussy out.
He is just here to fuck, but he would humor you a bit with dirty talk, if you do well, and he likes you. Otherwise nah he wouldn't really go deep into petplay. He is an adult man who was married to what it seems a very normal women so he probably doesn't want to do something super wild or new.
Naoya Zenin
hmmmm I think it's a bit difficult because one dogs are obedient, but they're also often considered dirty mutts I feel like he'd rather like something expensive like one of those white beautiful fur blue eye cats (lmaoo gojo) though cats are seen as arrogant, and he wants his to submit to him fully
probably looks and acting wise he'd like cats but he'd go for dogs too
He just seems like the type to degrade you, and it's easier to insult a dog than a cat y'know?
LMAOO FORGET THE GEAR WITH HIM you won't ever get to ask him to put on ears. He is a traditional man, the max he'd put on you is a collar. I just don't see him wanting to take you on your suggestions and I don't see him suggesting it himself.
If you're very, very, very well-behaved he just might call you a good dog. Yep, don't expect him to call you something cute like puppy. Probably the type to not let you wear any clothes, but your collar. Makes you crawl around with a leash attached, he wants to see you suffer, he wants to dehumanize you. He fucking owns you, he does whatever he wants with you. You're here for his pleasure not yours and he gets off to you being embarrassed and humiliated.
Bark back and he'll put a muzzle on you.
Don't even hesitate to lick the floor he walks on, don't look at him, when he doesn't allow it. He will punish you upon misbehaving and his punishments are real torture.
With him, you need to be well-trained and groomed, a dirty disobedient pet isn't going to stay anywhere near him. Be a good pet, and he just might let you sleep next to his bed, if you do very well and present yourself well in front of his family he just might treat you well and allow you to sleep on the bed.
This isn't pet-play to him he is just an asshole. If he makes you eat face first from a bowl like a dog, he does it to humiliate and laugh at you. Calls you pathetic.
Yuji Itadori
lmaooo its said he is mixed between dogs and cats, but I think he'd have a cat lean when it comes to pet-play
it's just the whole catgirl/catboy/catenby on the internet for him, he thinks cat ears are cute
would totally be exited if you wanted to wear cat ears and tail, he'd just be fascinated about them for while, thinks it's super cute nothing weird at all
hell he'd love it if you wore the cat ears outside bedroom activities too
Would coo and praise you, goes pspsp and all the shit like you're a real cat
wholesome sex but would get horny af if you meow while he pounds you
absolutely mad horny when your collar jingles around while he fucks you, it's too cute
Thinks it's super fucking cute would totally be intrested to look further for fun, probably would platonically treat you as a pet too. Calls you kitty outside the bedroom.
Neck scratches !!
Calls you his pretty kitty, would be down to do anything.
He is your biggest simp :)
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