#zeitgeist imagine
danishpastri · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s
BTD/TPOF As Your Valentine
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He’s surprised at first. You got him chocolates? Where did you even get them? The collar on your neck made it so you couldn’t leave, and you didn’t know your address.
He shrugs it off and starts eating the chocolates immediately. He almost didn’t see the note next to the heart-shaped box, but when he finally reads it.
He smiles, “Ah… I’m going to wreck them later.” He hums as he eats with his mouth full of chocolate.
“Ooh, this one’s filled with caramel.”
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He’s starstruck
“H-Huh? Valentine’s Day? Uhm… thank you. I didn’t get you something though. I-Is that okay?”
He’s all red and nervous, constantly fighting with his hands as he stares down at the chocolates. He doesn’t want to eat them. They were a gift from you, and it would feel wrong to eat.
So he doesn’t… he never opens the box and lets it become a decoration piece, letting it rest up against a wall.
You make a reminder to yourself to just give him a card next year.
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He’s so excited. He got you chocolates as well, fox themed.
He has a whole date planned with you. Movie time together is always fun with him, but he actually chose a romance movie to watch instead of the usual gore.
It’s a special day, one where you two can be together for as long as possible.
He’s also definitely going to give you head.
He’s between your legs with a knife against your skin, and he’s carving a heart into your upper thigh.
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“Oh? You know, I have heard of a Valentine’s gift before, but I never thought I’d actually receive one.”
He’s gives you a small kiss. “I’ll make sure to keep this for as long as I live, darling.”
You and him then proceed to have a long night filled with red wine, a fine dinner, and love making.
You wake up the next day with bruises and bite marks littering your shoulders, back, thighs, and arms.
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He got you flowers, roses with thorns. He gets down on one knee to give them to you.
He’s quite romantic, taking you out for dinner at a restaurant.
He bought you an outfit as well as one for himself. He wanted both of you to look as dashing as possible while you ate.
He’s holding your hand while you eat, making it quite hard to cut your steak.
Once you two reach home, you take a shower together then go to sleep.
But who says there weren’t naughty times occurring during that shower
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He’s astonished. He finds you laying in bed with new lingerie that he didn’t know you bought.
You don’t go on a date or anything fancy.
Just countless hours of breeding until all of your holes are leaking.
He does give you tons of aftercare, giving you a hot bath afterwards while he rubs you up and down with a towel.
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He’s going to make you the nicest steak dinner in the whole world.
He’ll eat you out afterwards too. He gets two nice meals that day >;p
Lots of romantic shit. He gets in with you in your bathtub, makes you food, makes love to you.
All the romantic date cliches
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You gave him chocolates? He’s not too grateful. You give him flowers? He doesn’t care.
“Oh? It’s Valentine’s Day? I didn’t know. Whoops, guess you aren’t getting anything ‘till next year.”
He doesn’t really care about the holiday, but he’ll still fuck you (he already does that practically every day though).
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Just like Sano, she’ll take you out for dinner. She’ll wear a beautiful dress while she does; it’s black with velvet material, and it doesn’t show much skin.
She’ll bring you home afterwards and gladly sit on your face.
You shower with her after making love, and you both can’t stop touching each other.
You fall asleep naked while in each other’s arms and smiles on your faces
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“Darlin? I’m sorry; I didn’t know it was today. I, uh… was planning to give you this on your birthday though.”
He hands you a wood-carved heart; although it’s not cute and stylistic. It’s an atomically accurate replica of a real heart but made out of wood.
He’s trying hard to be romantic. Just give him time. He’s used to only having murder on the mind.
You two will get chairs and sit by the lake, watching the sunset go down together as you hold hands and talk about your days.
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ellydraws · 8 months
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This is a piece of a commission of a character who I played in a D&D campaign called Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution who is half-my-character and half-NPC, requested by the author of the campaign for publication in another campaign set in the same world.
It is both the character Kasvarina Varal, whose story I did not write, and my own character, Summer, Eladrin bard, who over time remembered and confronted the fact that she was indeed that very same Kasvarina Varal, pictured here.
Our GM was posting updates to a forum that the author of the campaign watched and commented on, and when I came into the game a little late, the two of them decided in secret to me, and in an act I would forever consider One Of The Coolest Things To Ever Happen To Me, that my character had accidentally fit several criteria for an extremely plot-pivotal NPC, and that I would from then on being playing that NPC.
Five years later we finished the campaign and I began drawing a piece that I uploaded to the internet as a work-in-progress and I never returned to it. Three years after that, the author of the original campaign reached out to me and asked me to complete it for publication.
I was extremely happy to be given the opportunity not only to finish this piece but to give it the time and care that matched my feelings for it and this character's place in my life.
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girldewar · 2 months
when the poll ends do you mind sharing what you vs your friend thought the key hockey concept was? I'm so curious !
yes !! so skill play ended up winning, but if you combine the two categories of fighting and physical play, they add up to way more. this came up because i'm currently going through a whole emotional journey around violence in sport and the way personal choice, bodily autonomy, and the monolith of sports culture can overlap and conflict. that's not super important but i think more people should think about it because it's a really interesting and tough topic. anyway, i was talking to my friend from rural BC, and we were talking about violence/physicality as an inherent part of hockey or if there was a way to mitigate dangerous injury while still maintaining the spirit of hockey as a sport.
she was of the opinion that physical play, fighting, all of that were essential to hockey, and there was no way to play the same game without them. i'm still working on what my opinion is, but i'm finding that more and more i come down on the side of, hey, all of these injuries are unnecessary and there's no reason for hockey -- contact sport though it may be -- to be this dangerous and injurious. there's a lot of reasons i feel this way, but one of the biggest ones is that when i think of hockey -- when i think of the most important, joyous, exciting moments in hockey, moments that made me genuinely love this sport and the place it holds in my life -- i think almost entirely about skill play. what makes hockey worth watching for me is the speed, the skill, the insane passes and bad-angle goals. kirill kaprizov sidney crosby trick shot type shit. when those players have room to play, i love this sport like nothing else.
my friend, on the other hand, isn't wrong when she says that overall, the impression people have of hockey tends toward violence. even if they haven't thought about it enough to pass judgment, the vast majority of people think first of checks and fights.
the problem i have is that a lot of times, skill players are stifled by physical play. i like puck possession, but checking turns that into an almost irrelevant part of nhl hockey, and i like when superstars have space to do insane things, but if they're injured half the year because every fourth liner in the league pretty much has free reign to headhunt without the refs blowing the whistle, i don't get to see any of that. it's the same reason i'm annoyed with the way kirill's been treated in the league -- he's a phenomenal player who can do unparalleled things on the ice, but his production has been down because he got injured a couple seasons ago and hasn't had the space (or protection from further injuries, looking at you, dops) to heal it fully and get back to form. in what world is that the best that hockey can be? i'd rather every skill player gets long, obnoxious nhl careers than keep fistfights in a sport that really doesn't need them, but i'm aware i'm in the tiny minority there.
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h-i-raeth · 2 years
Dracula Daily continues to be Such a fun way to experience Dracula
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alphabetbill · 2 years
Axel Cluney Alphabet- Your relationship with Axel (Zeitgeist, deadpool2)
Here’s a list of headcannons from A-Z about what your relationship with Axel Cluney (Zeitgeist) would be like/include.
(Pretend Axel is still alive, and still in X-Force) (Movie version not Comic Version)
(Designed to be X reader)
Requested/suggested/inspired by @peakyrogers​ 
Note - if flagged with an *asterisk* that means it’s suggestive/NSFW
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A - Affection
Axel is affectionate, and a very silly guy. He’s not too good at being subtle and you think it’s funny.
The way he is affectionate is more casual and not necessarily intended to be affectionate, rather he just does it as an unconscious movement. Eg. sitting with one arm around you, kissing you, hugs, things like that. 
He usually kisses you on the cheek before leaving to do anything at all, even getting up to get something or do something requiring only a few seconds of his time away from you.
Axel is definitely the cuddly drunk type. When he’s tired or drunk his affection rate skyrockets and he becomes basically inseparable from you.
He has a personality that is very much like a puppy, loyal and kind, but goofy. He can be protective, and also quite attention demanding. 
Due to his ability to spit acid, he is very careful about anything he does around you and it makes him all the more sweet,
If you’re lying down on the couch, he will definitely sit on you until you move over. 
B - Buying Gifts
If Axel were to buy you a gift off the top of his head without you asking or telling him what you want, he’d know instantly what to get you. Axel pays close attention to things you look at and things you like, and makes mental notes to remember to check it out later, even after you’ve forgotten.
He’s very sweet, definitely would consider buying a slab of beer as a gift.
C - Comfort
Axel is a quiet comforter. Big hugs. He would sit down beside you and let you vent to him for hours if it made you feel better because when you’re sad it makes him a little depressed. He especially is saddened when you don’t tell him what’s wrong because he doesn’t want you to suffer in silence but at the same time doesn’t want to pressure you into telling him.
Sometimes he lays down with you on the bed and lets you fall asleep, because sometimes sleep is the best medicine for stress.
He tries to cheer you up, cracking jokes until eventually he coaxes out that smile he loves so much. As soon as he sees that smile, he knows he has a chance at making you happy. 
When Axel is tired or stressed, you like to make things easier for him by doing things he usually would around the house, and just holding him and letting him vent out his stress if he needs it.
D - Date
You and Axel aren’t particularly the type to go out on dates, but the ideal date for you and Axel to treat yourselves to would be to go out for dinner and then to see a movie, or to a bar for some drinks. Sometimes you go to arcades and compete against each other, or you go to amusement parks.
Sometimes you tag along on Axel’s missions with the X-force (even when he discourages it) particularly when he’s going to be gone for a long time.
You know how to handle your own and kick ass, but that doesn’t stop Axel from worrying about you constantly. Wade keeps nagging you to join the force and wants to recruit you, and you want to join, but Axel strongly disagrees. Maybe you’ll start your own? Who knows.
E - Encouragement 
You and Axel are both encouraging of each other and what you do, but you often worry about Axel when he’s out on missions and you aren’t there. Axel isn’t a very serious guy and it wouldn’t take much for something to go wrong with him. 
Axel adores you. Fricking adores you. His heart would stop if yours did kind of adore. He is very encouraging of your dreams and ambitions but is always worried, always keeping an eye out for you and ironically keeping you out of trouble when he’s the one in it. His position puts you at risk of harm from any enemies he may have.
Axel is usually fearless and quite reckless at the best of times, but always careful with you and wants you to be happy, but most importantly safe.
F - Fight
You don’t fight very often but when you do, it’s usually petty and because you’re both tired. You snap at each other until it gets on your nerves and you end up shouting. The funny part is that most of your arguments are completely dumb and so easily resolved but you are both too stubborn or lazy to just fix it. 
When you’re mad at him, you make him sleep on the couch. Your apartment is cold, so that is usually the best way to lure Axel back and force him to apologize to you because after one night, he already misses you.
G - Gestures
Axel usually makes you breakfast, or breakfast in bed (particularly if you’re on your period). You sleep in at every chance you get and he’s always there to hold you and usually keep you there, trapped in his arms or underneath his weight, only letting you go after you threaten to pee on him if he doesn’t let you go to use the bathroom.
You hold hands when walking, or even just when lying down or sitting next to each other, as a reminder that you’re always close.
When he’s away and you aren’t there, you talk on the phone for hours when he’s available until you fall asleep on him. 
H - How you sleep
Axel is a bed hog.
He moves around in the night and when he’s not half crushing you, he’s taking up the entire mattress until you are forced to use him as a pillow. He takes the duvet and you call him out on it, sometimes you wake him up just to let him know he’s being a hog and you want the blankets too.
When he’s not taking up the bed, yeah, he’s half crushing you. It starts out with the two of you going to bed, hugging with you against his chest and then yeah.
 Axel definitely snores. He denies it 100% even if you give him proof.
I - Impression (first impression/how you met)
You met because Wade had asked you to help organize the X-force team, despite his best efforts to get you to actually join it having failed. 
When you were sitting with Wade and Weasel conducting the interviews for the X-Force team, after deciding you had a bit of an interest for the guy, you suggested recruiting him and from there your banter turned into undisguised flirting and then yeah.
Axel thought you were hot stuff. He thought you were cute and he wasn’t going to stop until he had you under his arm. You at first had thought he was a bit obnoxious but he grew on you eventually.
J - Jokes
You guys have a few inside jokes, and always keep each other on your toes with quick remarks and comebacks. The banter is relentless but always good-natured. 
K - Kids
At some point, yeah, Axel would love to have kids with you. You dream of getting a place together and raising your children. Maybe three kids, who he can share his love with evenly.  
L - Love
Physically, Axel loves your smile. It lets him know you’re happy and content with him, and it’s always nice to know that he can be the cause of your happiness. Otherwise, he’s deathly in love with your stubbornness and your witty charm and round-the-clock ability to come up with a comeback for him at all times. 
M - Memory/moment
Axel’s favourite moment with you had to be the first time he ever slept at your house, in your bed, just holding each other. It had been a long time since he had been so intimate with someone he cared about, and he was so glad it was with someone who knew who and what he was, and accepted it.
*N - Nudes*
Yeah. Especially when Axel is away on a mission, and is needy. That only encourages him and gives him a reason to get home safe so he can *ahem* see you.
O - Optimist level
Axel is a full time optimist even if he doesn’t seem like it. He’s optimistic but in his own way. 
The jokes and the banter are a tell-tale sign that you guys are both pretty optimistic all the time.
Between the two of you though, you’re probably the most optimistic because Axel has the habit of overprotecting you from things he even remotely thinks might hurt you.
P- Period
When you’re on your period, Axel usually cuddles up with you all day, force-feeds you pain reliver medication if you won’t take it, and makes sure you’re at maximum comfort. He rubs your tummy and sometimes plants little kisses there.
He’s kind of bewildered at the fact you have to do this every month and you don’t die????
Axel calls himself a ladies man but he doesn’t understand women at all.
Q - Quality time
Quality time is usually spent in bed, doing nothing. Doing nothing except for being there in the moment. Quality time is also spend having sex, or more precisely, *making love* to prove your bond
R - Romantic
Axel is a hopeless romantic and has no idea what the hell he’s doing but he does it anyway. Everything he does is romantic because it’s the thought that counts.
*S - Sex*
Often. Usually every night but maybe you give it a miss every now and then. It’s usually passionate and fiery and needy, but then other times it can be slow and gentle, it really all comes down to what you’re both in the mood for.
T - Trust
You trust each other blindly, but of course sometimes there are moments of jealousy or bitterness towards others who might threaten your relationship. Being away so much of the time creates room for doubt, but at the end of the day he always comes home to you and you know that everything is okay.
Axel trusts you, maybe not with your own safety, but he trusts you deep down beneath all that protective instinct.
U - Understand
There are some things in life better left misunderstood, and the things and thoughts that run through Axel’s brain might just be one of them. You understand each other’s humour the most, and since the both of you have a similar profession, you understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses and work extremely well together.
W - Wedding
Your wedding would likely be small but severely awesome. The X-force would be there, Wade might shed a few tears or a few appallingly called for jokes, a LOT of alcohol and by the end of it you’ll be lucky if you can even remember. It might be minimalistic but certainly memorable, and it will definitely be nothing short of amazing.
*X - X Rated
Does Axel have any kinks? 
I think he’d be down for a bit of domination stuff, but it would all depend on what you guys are in the mood for. He’s definitely primarily dominant in the bedroom but is perfectly happy for you to take over.
Y - Young and beautiful - how long will you last?
Oh, Axel can’t find anywhere in his list of plans where it mentions anything about letting you go. As far as he’s concerned you two a glued to the hip and anyone would have to go through hell before taking you from him. You’re the ultimate power couple and the X-force are perhaps even way more supportive of your relationship than what the two of you are.
Z - zing!
How’s the excitement level?
Fighting crime or going on other thrilling escapades together? Always on the run or always doing things that risk your lives? When does that ever NOT get hectic?
You lead a very exciting life together and it’s all very fast paced and action packed, so you had better be prepared for one hell of a ride?
Thank you for reading! 
Sorry this took so long to actually configure considering the request was put in a heap of time ago XD sorry! I forgot and I got side-tracked and y’know how it goes as an irresponsible writer. I’m hoping to re-start this list thing because I think they’re pretty fun and time-killing so keep up some requests if you may.
Want to request a Bill Skarsgard A-Z list? With your own prompt, and your desired character?
Just click here and you will be taken to the explanation page.
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gumptionauthor · 1 year
“Etherealize the Enigma: Unleashing the Mysteries of Creative Thought — Your Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your Inner Genius!”
In today’s fast-paced world, creativity has become a critical component for success. With rapidly evolving industries and constantly changing demands, individuals need to think creatively to thrive. However, creativity is not a skill that comes naturally to everyone. Many people struggle with creative blocks and find themselves unable to tap into their full potential. Fortunately, “Etherealize the Enigma: Unlocking the Mysteries of Creative Thought” is a guide that can help individuals etherealize their creative thinking and unleash their inner genius.
“Etherealize the Enigma” is a guide that provides practical advice and techniques for tapping into your creative potential. The book contains 100 words that can spark creativity by creating new neural connections. These words are carefully chosen to stimulate the mind and help individuals develop new perspectives.
Inside, the book teaches readers how to navigate the mysteries of their mind and discover the power of enigmas, serendipity, mellifluousness, ineffability, perspicacity, euphoria, exquisiteness, synesthesia, aesthetics, diaphanousness, zeitgeist, sonorousness, sublime, and conundrums. These words are not only unique and intriguing but are also useful in creating new neural connections that can lead to innovative breakthroughs.
The book also provides practical exercises and techniques that individuals can use to tap into their creative potential and break out of creative blocks. These exercises and techniques are designed to help individuals cultivate a creative mindset and embrace uncertainty and risk-taking as necessary parts of the creative process.
One of the most powerful aspects of “Etherealize the Enigma” is its focus on the power of language and mindset. The book teaches readers how to use language to create powerful metaphors, unlock hidden meanings, and explore the boundaries of their imagination. By cultivating a creative mindset and embracing uncertainty, individuals can learn to take risks and think outside the box.
“Etherealize the Enigma” is not just for artists, writers, and musicians. It is a guide that can benefit anyone looking to tap into their creativity and unlock their full potential. In today’s world, where creativity is essential for success, this book is a valuable resource for individuals looking to expand their creative thinking and take their ideas to the next level.
In conclusion, “Etherealize the Enigma” is a guide that can help individuals unlock the mysteries of their creative mind. The book contains 100 words that can spark creativity and provides practical exercises and techniques for tapping into your creative potential. By cultivating a creative mindset and embracing uncertainty, individuals can etherealize their creative thinking and unleash their inner genius. Whether you are an artist, writer, musician, or simply someone looking to tap into your creativity, “Etherealize the Enigma” is the perfect guide to unlocking your full potential. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a copy and unlock the mysteries of your creative mind!
Click below to buy!
Gumption Commander
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mcmansionhell · 5 months
we've found it folks: mcmansion heaven
Hello everyone. It is my pleasure to bring you the greatest house I have ever seen. The house of a true visionary. A real ad-hocist. A genuine pioneer of fenestration. This house is in Alabama. It was built in 1980 and costs around $5 million. It is worth every penny. Perhaps more.
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Now, I know what you're thinking: "Come on, Kate, that's a little kooky, but certainly it's not McMansion Heaven. This is very much a house in the earthly realm. Purgatory. McMansion Purgatory." Well, let me now play Beatrice to your Dante, young Pilgrim. Welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome.
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It is rare to find a house that has everything. A house that wills itself into Postmodernism yet remains unable to let go of the kookiest moments of the prior zeitgeist, the Bruce Goffs and Earthships, the commune houses built from car windshields, the seventies moments of psychedelic hippie fracture. It is everything. It has everything. It is theme park, it is High Tech. It is Renaissance (in the San Antonio Riverwalk sense of the word.) It is medieval. It is maybe the greatest pastiche to sucker itself to the side of a mountain, perilously overlooking a large body of water. Look at it. Just look.
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The inside is white. This makes it dreamlike, almost benevolent. It is bright because this is McMansion Heaven and Gray is for McMansion Hell. There is an overbearing sheen of 80s optimism. In this house, the credit default swap has not yet been invented, but could be.
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It takes a lot for me to drop the cocaine word because I think it's a cheap joke. But there's something about this example that makes it plausible, not in a derogatory way, but in a liberatory one, a sensuous one. Someone created this house to have a particular experience, a particular feeling. It possesses an element of true fantasy, the thematic. Its rooms are not meant to be one cohesive composition, but rather a series of scenes, of vastly different spatial moments, compressed, expanded, bright, close.
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And then there's this kitchen for some reason. Or so you think. Everything the interior design tries to hide, namely how unceasingly peculiar the house is, it is not entirely able to because the choices made here remain decadent, indulgent, albeit in a more familiar way.
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Rare is it to discover an interior wherein one truly must wear sunglasses. The environment created in service to transparency has to somewhat prevent the elements from penetrating too deep while retaining their desirable qualities. I don't think an architect designed this house. An architect would have had access to specifically engineered products for this purpose. Whoever built this house had certain access to architectural catalogues but not those used in the highest end or most structurally complex projects. The customization here lies in the assemblage of materials and in doing so stretches them to the height of their imaginative capacity. To borrow from Charles Jencks, ad-hoc is a perfect description. It is an architecture of availability and of adventure.
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A small interlude. We are outside. There is no rear exterior view of this house because it would be impossible to get one from the scrawny lawn that lies at its depths. This space is intended to serve the same purpose, which is to look upon the house itself as much as gaze from the house to the world beyond.
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Living in a city, I often think about exhibitionism. Living in a city is inherently exhibitionist. A house is a permeable visible surface; it is entirely possible that someone will catch a glimpse of me they're not supposed to when I rush to the living room in only a t-shirt to turn out the light before bed. But this is a space that is only exhibitionist in the sense that it is an architecture of exposure, and yet this exposure would not be possible without the protection of the site, of the distance from every other pair of eyes. In this respect, a double freedom is secured. The window intimates the potential of seeing. But no one sees.
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At the heart of this house lies a strange mix of concepts. Postmodern classicist columns of the Disney World set. The unpolished edge of the vernacular. There is also an organicist bent to the whole thing, something more Goff than Gaudí, and here we see some of the house's most organic forms, the monolith- or shell-like vanity mixed with the luminous artifice of mirrors and white. A backlit cave, primitive and performative at the same time, which is, in essence, the dialectic of the luxury bathroom.
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And yet our McMansion Heaven is still a McMansion. It is still an accumulation of deliberate signifiers of wealth, very much a construction with the secondary purpose of invoking envy, a palatial residence designed without much cohesion. The presence of golf, of wood, of masculine and patriarchal symbolism with an undercurrent of luxury drives that point home. The McMansion can aspire to an art form, but there are still many levels to ascend before one gets to where God's sitting.
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trans-girl-nausicaa · 11 months
me, pensive: wet t shirt contests are so exploitative. im glad that they arent, like, part of the cultural zeitgeist any more.
devil on my shoulder: imagine a wet t shirt contest of trans women
me, so horny that i’m lightheaded: auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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So this is a weird ask but I figured an Actual Welsh Person would be the person to go to, and you've been pretty gung-ho about the language thing. So I hope I'm not bothering you with this.
Is there a cultural consensus on foreigners learning Welsh? I'm American and I don't have a single shred of Welsh ancestry. My family is historically German, and we've been here since the English Colony days, so it honestly seems really weird even to try to claim some tie to German heritage.
Anyway, my point is, I have absolutely zero legitimate claim to the Welsh language. I don't plan to travel to Wales in the foreseeable future. I have no reason to learn Welsh except that it sounds pretty and I enjoy a challenge.
Putting aside the issue of "lmao it's gonna be stupid difficult to learn an endangered language if you don't have anyone to speak it with" (I have a loose plan for dealing with that, and the experience of learning two languages to "can read most novels without needing the dictionary" level without anyone to speak them with in person already) entirely, do you reckon it's okay for me to study Welsh? I know Americans are really, really bad about just kinda assuming the whole world belongs to us, and I'm trying not to do that here. Especially because Welsh IS endangered.
I imagine your average Welsh person probably doesn't care what some random American does. But like, for people who care about the language...Would it be considered disrespectful or overstepping for me to study it? I don't expect you to speak for the entire country, of course, but I respect your opinion and I feel like you'd have a grasp on what the general feeling towards a foreigner like me might be.
Thanks for your time.
I honestly, truly, do not understand how the discussion around cultural appropriation has been twisted in the cultural zeitgeist to such an extent that people now feel anxiety about learning other languages.
This is not a personal attack on you, Anon - the gods only know that you clearly care and want to do the right thing, and that's beautiful and wonderful and also I will come back to extolling your personal virtues at the end of this post, so stay tuned. But I do want to take a moment here to talk about the broader issue at play, which I have seen echoed multiple times elsewhere, because fuck me what are we doing to ourselves.
Learn. Languages.
That is what languages are for! To be used for communication. If you don't learn languages, you are forcing everyone else to use yours. How have we somehow, as a culture, twisted that into being the less selfish option? How have we done that? I posted my favourite Welsh idiom recently, and someone reblogged it and wrote in the tags that they loved the idiom and would start using it, but they would do so in English because their "Welsh pronunciation would make their Welsh grandmother spin in her grave."
What kind of mental gymnastics is that?
How the fuck do you twist it so badly that you think taking a Welsh idiom for your own and exclusively using it in English is less offensive than saying it in Welsh but maybe a bit wrong? I've literally had people proclaim to me that they're learning Welsh on Duolingo but they never speak it because they're too self-conscious, and they tell me this not to highlight a massive flaw in themselves that they need to work on, but as though I'm supposed to pat them on the head and thank them for... still making me speak English to them.
There was that post where a Deaf blogger received an anonymous ask saying learning sign language is cultural appropriation, as though Deaf people haven't been calling for Sign to be taught in schools. As though a Deaf person being entirely isolated in everyday hearing society unless they have an interpreter with them is less offensive than a hearing person being able to use BSL.
Like, these are not sacred or religious languages. The purpose of Welsh or BSL or what have you is not to perform the Eleusinian mysteries. It's a living everyday language, same as English -
Except it's not the same as English. As Anon here so rightly points out, Welsh is endangered. That means we are desperate for people to learn it. That's how it will survive. That's how we reversed it from 'dying language' to 'living language', in fact - we managed to get lots of people to learn it. You know what is a threat, though? People not learning it because, like poor Anon here, they've been somehow convinced by Western society that you're only allowed to learn languages if you personally have a historic or cultural connection to them that you can prove via six forms of ID and a letter of recommendation from a druid. Or people never using it because they're too embarrassed to try and risk losing face by getting it wrong, or maybe sounding a bit silly, and thus forcing us to use English anyway. Those are threats.
Anon. Listen to me, feel the sincerity of my words: we adore you. We adore you. You cannot imagine how appreciated it is when someone learns Welsh. You cannot imagine how touched we are that you wanted to, that you tried, that you respected us enough and considered us valid enough that you made the effort. Our closest neighbours are the very people who are still trying to stamp out Welsh to this very day. Do you know the number 1 reaction I get, by a country mile, when I tell English people that I speak Welsh? It's some variant on a scoff, and the sentiment "Why? What's the point? Bit useless, isn't it?"
By a country mile. That's the reaction I expect, and brace for, and is overwhelmingly what I get.
So when someone who isn't Welsh actually chooses to learn Welsh?
Imagine what that feels like! To go from not-even-hidden disgust, from outright mockery and often active suppression campaigns, to a foreigner earnestly telling me that they love and respect my language so much they're trying to learn it. Imagine how that feels.
Please learn Welsh. Please learn it. We will love you for it. We will build you a statue. We will bake little Welshcakes with your face on in icing sugar. We will write you poems in complex rhyme. We'll name an Eisteddfod prize after you. We'll name at least, like, three sheep after you. Thank you, thank you so much for even wanting to learn. You're a delight and a marvel and a wonder. Your hair looks great today, as it does all days. You're a strong, independent human being of immense wisdom and compassion. If this were a Welsh myth you'd be a wise salmon the heroes came to for advice. What a fantastic human.
The welcome awaits if you choose to learn
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wizzard890 · 2 years
this is my interest in Russian cultural history showing, but I think it's really fascinating that the characters in Scorsese's Goncharov exist as imagined Soviets, particularly as articulated from an American perspective in the early 70s.
Scorsese was, then as now, a great appreciator of world cinema, and he absolutely was aware of how the archetype of the Soviet man underwent a transformation during Gorbachev's Era of Stagnation. Gone was the clean-cut, traditional wartime hero, always holding Soviet values aloft. Even the fictional Soviet woman became more adrift, lost in a modern tide of isolation, loneliness, and individual despair. (This is so so brilliantly brought to bear in Katya, and really gives lie to the old canard that Scorsese doesn't imagine the inner lives of female characters.)
Goncharov is a grey, almost temporally unmoored character, one that was previously unimaginable in Soviet cinema, and what does it mean that this new archetype was articulated, by perhaps THE American director of the late 20th century, at such an intentional cultural remove?
Idk, I think the resurgence of interest in the film really gives us an opportunity to ask questions about a piece that has previously only been discussed through a broadly Marxist lens, instead of reckoning with wider forces within the Eastern European imagination. Put more simply, what did it mean for Americans to watch a transformation of the Soviet zeitgeist through a glass darkly, and what light does that shed on the "Russian" in the American mind today?
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spirantization · 4 months
I'm surprised at the hate that Sokka's character arc from NATLA is receiving. To me, Sokka's development and characterization was one of the strongest adaptations the series made.
In the original ATLA, Sokka's character arc revolves around him unlearning his own misogyny. He makes pointedly sexist comments throughout the early episodes like "Leave it to a girl to screw things up!", "There's no way a bunch of girls took us down!", etc.
Sokka's comments have a strong narrative purpose: they give a platform for women in the show (Katara & Suki mostly) to refute his attitude. Katara emphasizes traditional "women's work" (cleaning, cooking, sewing, etc), which forces Sokka to confront its inherent value. Suki is able to prove to him that women can fight too and he learns to respect female warriors. It's a great character arc and it's well-executed.
It's also characterization that is in direct response to the culture and feminism of the 90s and early 00s. The representation of women in the media at that time was...oof. It was not great. One-dimensional love interests whose only purpose is being saved by the male protagonist, mostly. Female protagonists were not as common, and certainly not ones who were depicted as being able to fight, and certainly not in cartoons. Female protagonists in animation were almost exclusively princesses.
ATLA was progressive in this regard. Katara was a complex female character in a time when there were not a lot of them, in media in general but especially in animation and kid's shows. (I grew up in the 90s; there were no characters like Katara in animation on screen for me.) ATLA incorporated the zeitgeist directly into the story, which is why we have Sokka learning to overcome his sexism in his interactions with Strong Female Characters.
If you go back and watch the original cartoon now, Sokka's sexism feels a bit dated. It's a very 90s, Girl Power, "girls can fight too" style of social commentary. It doesn't match with the media landscape of today. We've got 20 years of media with female superheroes behind us. If your message is "girls can fight too!" the response for the most part is going to be "yes, we know that. And?"
So imagine you're adapting the original ATLA for a live-action remake. You want to keep Sokka's character arc intact, but you want to update it for the 2020s. So what do you do? You look at the conversations that are happening today.
The 90s were about "girls can do everything boys can do", but the 20s are over that. The conversation is more about gender: gender expression, gender roles, gender dynamics. What does is mean to be a woman? What does it mean to be a man?
Sokka's character arc in NATLA is focused on this question: What does it mean to be a man? At the beginning of the series, it's his identity as a warrior that defines him. He needs to be the warrior, the protector, the leader. He's constantly trying to reaffirm this part of his identity, and it's completely tied up in his perception of his value as a man. Instead of his interactions with Suki being about "how could girls possibly be warriors", it shifts to Sokka saying "I'm ALSO a warrior" and trying to justify that to Suki (and mostly himself).
His arc over the series is about him accepting other aspects of himself and relearning how to define his masculinity. He can still have value as man without being the greatest warrior. He can still have value as a man by using his skills as an engineer. He can still have value as a man by offering compassion and kindness to others, like the little girl with the doll & Yue in her final moments. Instead of rigidly defining himself by a specific set of gender roles & expectations, he learns how to define himself through his own strengths and qualities.
I know there are a lot of people who are upset at this change to Sokka's characterization, and the most common thing I see is that it results in changes to Katara's character and her anger in response to Sokka's comments. I think there are valid criticisms to be made about how the show handled the adaptation of Katara's character, but I won't go there with this. In terms of Sokka and his characterization, it was well-done and thematically consistent with the original. It's not an exact port, and it never needed to be. It's still a feminist arc that centres on unlearning harmful misogynistic worldviews, but the focus has shifted from external (roles of women) to internal (his role as a man). And his journey is one that people would benefit from seeing represented.
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rthko · 7 months
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Someone left this tag on one of my posts about bathhouses and the excellent addition from @drdemonprince and I have to say I'm touched. Bathhouses and other sex-on-premises establishments are discreet by their very nature, to protect their clientele and skirt around legal gray areas. But they're still here. They're not a relic of a naive time or a mistake to be rectified. Marcus Mccann wrote the following on the subject of park cruising, but it still applies here: "We cruised through winter. We cruised through police raids. We cruised through the AIDS crisis. Reagan is dead and we are still cruising." But it is true that bathhouses are not as common as they were in, say, the 70's. The catastrophe of AIDS did bring the promiscuous zeitgeist of the Gay Liberation era into question, but others have argued that it was this very promiscuity that helped queer people mobilize, educate, and build networks of support. Medicine and awareness regarding HIV have changed, but the ordinances in many cities have not caught up. If you hear less about them these days, there's often a reason.
Sex is at the center of an alleged generational war within the queer community, but this framing is misplaced. We might roll our eyes at talk of the "good old days," and sometimes we're right to. But older gays who talk this way are often expressing melancholia for a world, both real and imagined, that some would rather zone, gentrify, and police out of existence. Young adults are told that if the bars or the baths shut down, this is just the will of the free market, or the triumphant end of gay history. But we're sick of the apps. Many of us can't host, and we want more options than just "your place or mine." History finds a way.
I will not simply idealize the past, but José Esteban Muñoz describes queerness as an "ideality that can be distilled from the past and used to imagine a future." If marriage promised to temper gay sexuality, Grindr promised to privatize it. What if something else was possible? What if chemistry worked in different and unexpected ways when you're face to face and everything is right in front of you? What if it were easier to strike a conversation when there's no ice to break? What if this world had a growing place for trans men, men who would face language barriers in a bar setting, and in some venues people who aren't men to begin with? It might not be utopian, it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is something to be said for pleasure possibilities that have been wrongfully declared obsolete. If any of this sounds appealing, go for it.
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 21: The Concert
Every time they're not on camera I simultaneously feel so relieved for them and so upset that I don't get to watch. Messed up of me, but hey. Remember that slightly disturbing quote where Paul said he actually does believe he's kind of public property and he's fine with that?
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He looks so determined. Like the fairy tale prince staring down the dragon or Enjolras about to hijack a funeral (Literally my baby was conceived after I watched this in IMAX so if that tells you anything about my feelings . . . I'm going to be annoying I'm sorry I can't help it)
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Her legs look so good in those tights! I love that Mo came not because her boyfriend needs his mommy but because she wants to see them perform! Kissing her on the mouth right now.
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Danger boy Paul!
Fun fact, I was this John for Halloween in 2021 to a college party. My hair was already like that, and I had dirty white keds and black jeans, so I just did fake sideburns, fake glasses, and a fake fur coat. I tried to get my best friend to be Paul. She wanted to be a hooker, and I was like “It’s the same thing!”
See, look at him and his whorish ways!
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John’s little lip-bit smile. He’s so happy with himself nailing that solo. Cutie. 
Cocky boys. As they should be. I love when they’re proud of their work together. Get Back is 95% just Looks between John and Paul, isn’t it?
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John and Paul instantly jump into their little “humble working class entertainers” act. You know what just occurred to me? You know how they talked about the “rattle your jewelry” comment backstage and Paul dared John to say it? I wonder if they talked about the “audition” comment too.
It really is a beautiful thing they’re doing. It’s lovely, watching everyon leave their desk jobs and their shopping and whatever else to sit in their fire escapes and congregate in the street and huddle together on rooftops. It really is just like the happy end in a sixties zeitgeist movie. 
All the girls nervous to be too enthusiastic after years of being made fun of themselves and watching others like them being mocked on TV. Let girls like things, damnit!
Mo jamming! I’m in love.
John mouthing Paul’s lyrics.
“Paul McCartney singing that. What a voice.” Literally me if time travel existed. 
“And if SOMEBODY loved me like she does,” Well, it is good manners to look at the person you’re talking to, I guess. But you do have an audience, John. And a mic and a camera. 
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“Absolutely disrupt all the business in this area.” Yes! Get those blue meanies, boys!
“No lay rishi gahd blay bloojaygoo” should replace all the stupid quotes the Lennon estate puts on everything they sell. Then I’d actually want their shit. Paul trying to magic the words from his head into John’s there. Successfully, though.
That “Pleeeeeheeeeease” is one of the prettiest beatles vocal moments. I love it with all my heart. And clearly, so does Paul. Doing that thing he does, inappropriately thrusting into his bass. 
Oh my gosh it’s the song Paul and John do together on tour right now!
That “Yyyyyeeeeeah, yeaaaaaah!” (I mean the whole song, the whole concert, but especially that) does things to me. 
John’s extremely blurry, because he turned his head quick enough to give him whiplash there, sorry everyone. But look! They’re having the time of their lives! They just love performing together so much!
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Everyone goes to check on their accumulating audience. (except Paul. Wonder what that’s about.)Ringo’s little pleasantly surprised smile is so so sweet!
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It must be so fun for them to be performing One after 909 again after all these years. Bitter sweet with everything that’s changed since then. 
LMAO Kevin thank you for your service!
He’s a silly cutie.
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The mic in the street asking that girl if she’d like them to come back every lunchtime. Imagine if they did? How cute would that be? Like back to their cavern lunchtime shows. Maybe that could’ve saved them.
Them playing God Save the Queen reminds me of that story where Brian was like, “This bigger manager wants to buy your contract from me, and I just wanted to be straight with you. They could probably get better deals for you.” and they were like, “If you sell us to him we’re only playing God Save the Queen from that moment on.” It’s probably a fake story, but that’s what it made me think of. 
I always think that quote of Paul’s is so strange, where he was like “I never got the chance to watch John while we were playing.” Like. What are you talking about, baby?
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Literally “Uh. Yeah. Uh. Yeah.” Fucking his bass. Staring at John. Okay? And I’m not supposed to take that and run with it? I’m not supposed to assume from that that you want to fuck your songwriting partner?
I think he genuinely wants to get arrested. I really do. I think he wants them all to get arrested so they can finally be alone in a room together. A lovely cell for four. Just shimmying at them. And Billy looking at him like, Bro. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Paul’s “woo” and shimmy :: John’s “woo” and weird little kick move. And Paul looks so fond, of course. 
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God bless Mal for stalling those little fucks as long as humanly possible. And Debbie! “Don’t actually go on the roof because it’s overweight.” Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss!
Absolutely LOVE John and George turning their amps back on. That’s right. You guys are what’s keeping the country going at this point, so if you want to play on your roof they better let you play on your roof and say thank you.
All the times when they just simultaneously turn to each other. Like, yes, this is our que to stare hungrily into each other’s eyes. 
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My stomach just dropped at those words across the screen. “This was the Beatles’ last public performance.” We know, Peter Jackson. You don’t have to remind us. Jeez. 
John and Paul’s two very different but equally important leadership roles in the band at work here at the end of the concert. John delivers his iconic line, makes everyone laugh, and seals the band’s last performance with a very tight bow. Meanwhile, Paul’s climbing the gate to bypass the crowd and schmooze the police out of arresting Mal. 
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THIS is sooo cute. Heads buried together and John’s very sweet, “‘s’matter? Hmm?” 
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George is so cute here in the control room afterward. No wonder they don’t listen to his not wanting to do things, honestly, if he acts like this after. “What’s the law say why you can’t do that? Well how disturbing the peace? Yeah, I’m for taking over London. And every rock group in the world all on different buildings, playing the same tune.” Adorable.
Poor John. It breaks my heart that he doesn’t think his little lyric flub is funny. He’s disappointed in himself. I wish he could see that that’s one of the things everyone loves about him. George was grinning ear to ear about it. For fuck’s sake, that’s one of the reasons Paul fell in love with you in the first place. If only John could see himself the way we see him, you know? 
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This little moment cracks me up. John always has to be mommy’s naughty little boy, and Yoko does a very sweet job of playing her part here. 
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Linda and Paul are so touchy and clingy and it’s very romantic and I love that Ringo joins in and makes fun of them.   
The whole after-show glow for everyone was just so palpable and fantastic. I wish they could've gone on performing together. Clearly it made all of them very happy.
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waitmyturtles · 8 months
Well. Big deep breaths. I spent a lot of time on a show that had been marketed as not-a-BL, that ended as a BL. As a mom with not that much time to spend on watching and writing on dramas that were marketed incorrectly, I am feeling some kinda way (fucking pissed off).
So many people had amazing takes yesterday, on both sides of the aisle, regarding how the show ended (pro-ending here, anti-ending here, here, here, here, here, and here, and my dear friends @neuroticbookworm and @lurkingshan did heavy lifting on reblogs yesterday, so stroll on over to their blogs for more).
I want to set up a constellation of points to touch upon before I get into the meat of this post.
1) I referred quite a bit to my review of Theory of Love throughout my watch of Only Friends. In that review, I meditate on how the majority of the general global public judges sex, and casual sex, and people who have sex and/or casual sex. Generally speaking -- even in countries that makes as progressive art on sex and sexuality as Thailand and the United States -- that's a rule of thumb that I can rely on. Sex is judged by the majority of the global public.
2) I hate to say it. I cannot believe this happened. But I was right about monogamy being an ultimate theme in Only Friends. Not just a theme, fam. A theme by which people judged others for having open, casual, and consensual sex. Queer sex. Queer sex that is so very often had outside of the constraints of a monogamous relationship.
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There was a reason why that holiday party was populated by couples, except for Boston, and Boston had to grovel to them in apology for their friendship. In Only Friends: monogamy wins, and casual queer sex loses.
3) Unfortunately, in part though an analysis of Cheum inside of last week that I accidentally started (ha), I see that points 1 and 2 come together to have created a fabric and framework of judgement that Only Friends ended on.
The last paragraph in this excellent post by @benkaaoi notes that the assumption by a large portion of the OF fandom that the creative choices that were made to end this series were designed to save the sanctity -- economic and otherwise -- of the shipped pairs of ForceBook and FirstKhao. This rings true to me.
Most of the BL shows that I've watched this year are older shows, through my Old GMMTV Challenge, in which I've been studying the changes over time that GMMTV and other Thai networks, have made towards their editorial choices, attitudes, and risks in producing BLs. I included Only Friends on this syllabus to note the show's impact as a kind of zeitgeist measure of how much heat and literary controversy GMMTV could take in airing increasingly progressive queer media -- even though Only Friends wasn't originally intended to be a BL.
To the theory that Only Friends needed to save the ships... and to another theory that the ships needed to be saved in the most moralistically judgmental way that I could have ever imagined (I was actually blown away by how heavy-handed this messaging was) -- I look to the ending of 2gether.
The majority general reaction to the ending of 2gether from within the existing BL fandom in 2020, was one of guffawed incredulousness. BrightWin/SarawatTine did not kiss in the first season of 2gether. It took Aof Noppharnach to come in to make Still 2gether to indicate that these two young men may have been at least vaguely sexual with each other throughout the course of their fictional relationship.
Yet, 2gether was a massive success. Many theorize it was because 2gether was the first big BL to air during the start of the COVID pandemic, and new BL fans had time to be at home and watch shows. But I posit in my 2gether/Still 2gether review that 2gether was also successful PRECISELY BECAUSE IT LACKED SEX (and by sex here, I mean plain old kissin').
As I stated earlier: sex is judged by the majority of the global public. With BrightWin NOT kissing, new fans who may have been implicitly and/or explicitly turned off by physical depictions of queer love could glom comfortably onto 2gether, and watch a BL without the "threat" of physical depictions of two men expressing their love to each other.
Subsequently, BrightWin gained massive social media followings, 2gether made GMMTV buckets of money, and GMMTV went -- well, hot diggity.
Many of us had impressions of Only Friends as...something else than it ended up being. Early on, Jojo Tichakorn, for instance, cited an early non-GMMTV, non-BL show, Gay OK Bangkok, that he and Aof Noppharnach worked on in 2016 and 2017, as being referential to Only Friends. Gay OK Bangkok centered on a group of queer friends, mostly cisgender men with Jennie Panhan in the mix, as they lived their lives and dated away in Bangkok.
I'll tell ya, GOKB didn't end the way Only Friends did, and I'll get into that more in a bit. I believe @benkaaoi, @lurkingshan, and others are absolutely right that the ultimate moralization on casual sex that this show depicted -- and how Only Friends punished Boston for his casual sex -- was an economic decision designed to reflect on the sanctity of monogamy that shipped couples like ForceBook and FirstKhao can sell back to their fans, fans that may have actually flocked to GMMTV shows from 2gether, and that demand a fantasy of devoted monogamy from both fictional characters and professional actors who are actually only just doing fan service to earn their livings. GMMTV has known for a long time how to make money, and money the network doth has made from Only Friends, and from shipping their ships around the world to service the growing fandom.
Casual sex in fiction, casual sex that breaks up the ships.... fucks that economic shit all up.
GMMTV has taught us our lesson, a lesson that we had already learned from the no-kissing rule of 2gether. Loose lips shall not sink ships at this network. And I think we lost a chance for a big and progressively artistic zeitgeist that GMMTV could have taken risks on, if it had the courage to risk depicting something truly novel.
I want to note quickly another framework that I dug into while I was watching this show. I sent a flare to @lurkingshan before I started watching the episode that I was going to, in part, watch this last episode from my personal Asian lens. I wanted to ask myself, as I was watching this disaster -- is there anything happening here that strikes my heart with fear and doom as an Asian?
Indeed, yes. I didn't expect it, but there was a dialogue on individualism vs. collectivism.
Boston. My dear, sweet Boston. Boston, named after a city so very distant from Bangkok.
Boston was punished by his group of friends because he didn't adhere to the rules of the group. His individualistic actions and preferences -- his preferences to "roll alone," as Nick stated, would not work in the frameworks of either monogamy with Nick and/or the group dynamics of the hostel crew.
The link I linked above is an amazing answer to an inquiry I posed to dear @absolutebl last year about how Asian social collectivist paradigms are depicted in BLs. In that question-and-answer dialogue, I asked ABL Sensei about the motif of queer revelations in BLs, and how seemingly straight characters respond in kind to being approached with a proposition to a queer dalliance and/or relationship. Generally speaking, the Asian collectivist mindset is to at least attempt to respond in kind to those kinds of propositions, as one's behavioral habits are designed to be responsive to others instinctually, as opposed to only servicing oneself. To only service oneself is not only seen as selfish, but also as disturbing to the general flow of public existence among one's societies. To respond in kind means that you will not cause potentially disturbing angst to another individual or group. (Collectivism explains why Asian countries performed much better with mask mandates during the pandemic than we in the States did.)
So -- Boston filming Ray, Boston sleeping with Top, created waves in the friend group. He was so severely punished for it.
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And the show iterates, and repeats, Nick's preference that Boston move forward alone in Boston's life, because of Boston's tendencies to make decisions that suit himself. As an Asian-American, I mutter to myself: god forbid.
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Nick will not commit to Boston -- and yet, will also condemn Boston for making his own decisions outside of the specter of a monogamy that does not exist between Nick and Boston, and that Boston will still get judged for, as referenced in the Sand/Nick conversation depicted above.
In other words: if Boston makes a decision for himself? That's punishable. Because it might hurt someone else's feelings -- a someone else that actually hasn't committed to Boston, and/or allowed Boston to commit himself to.
This group caught Boston in a moralistic and collectivist catch-22, the likes of which I just would have never expected from Jojo and team, even if the creative team faced the economic pressures of the GMMTV bigwigs. I'm sorry to state that I am beyond disappointed in this condemnation of individualism, sending Boston alone, judged, and friendless, off to New York City to live in, what, the immoral boundaries of Chelsea? Homey, get a fucking SWEET-ASS PAD, and FUCK THESE LOSERS, leave 'em BEHIND in your cloud of airplane gas emissions. See you at the La Quinta rooftop bar on 32nd Street, friendo.
Only Friends could have ended so much better. And I understand that in the Only Friends novel, published AFTER the script was finished, that it did end somewhat better for Boston (cc @jinitak, reporting from Thailand, thank you for this heads-up about the novel!).
So. Any-fucking-way. Do y'all know how Gay OK Bangkok ended?
Of many lovely endings for the various GOKB characters, an older main character, Aof, was dating a much younger character, Big. (CC to @neuroticbookworm for our quick convo on this last night.)
Aof was sex-averse. Big wanted lots of sex. Big slept with a lot of people. He loved Aof. Aof couldn't handle Big having sex with other people, and they broke up. It was a lovingly handled break-up, written just gorgeously by Aof Noppharnach.
After their break-up, I thought Big would disappear from the show. Instead. Instead! Nong Big, the little brother to the core group of queer friends that centered GOKB, was welcomed back with open arms. Arm, Pom, Sathang (played by an effervescent Jennie Panhan), and others toasted to Big, telling him he would always be family, no matter if him and his ex, Aof, had broken up. In the queer circles of friends that I'm a part of, exes are not as commonly excommunicated as they are in straight circles.
Only Friends could have been this. Something, a little something, like this.
Instead, Only Friends punished a friend for acting outside of the rules of their group.
Boston was punished because.... because Only Friends had to end up being a BL. For the sake of the moolah, for the sake of collectivism, for the sake of the shippers who'll buy tickets around the world to see ForceBook and FirstKhao perform fan service on stage.
I just didn't think that the show would be so brutal, on so many levels, in the end, to people who want to have casual sex. I don't think any of us expected this. But, it's over, it's done, and the piece has been said -- GMMTV said, no casual sex today, and here's how we actually feel about it.
I'll see you over on Gagaoolala for Playboyy. Deuces, OF.
(It was an absolute pleasure writing meta with the Ephemerality Squad -- onto the next one! @lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @ranchthoughts @twig-tea @slayerkitty @thatgirl4815 @distant-screaming @clara-maybe-ontheroad)
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metfell · 5 months
it genuinely baffles me that dsmp was such a cultural zeitgeist from 2020-early 2023 but now im seeing people who have no idea who cranboo is. who ctubbo is. do people even know ctommy? its crazy how rapidly something that could have been remembered forever like homestuck got completely nuked from discussion. i mean, understandably so given the rancid ending, but it still shocks me that there are people who watch dsmp streamers but dont know about dsmp.
and even people in the dsmp fandom talk about it like its dead. "i miss ctommy" "i miss dsmp" "i miss cwilbur" as if you cant go back and watch vods. why do people treat dsmp like you cant rewatch episodes??? you dont have to miss any character just go watch them again theyre not dead and if they are no theyre not.
sometimes i catch myself going "god. i miss cbeeduo" and then i remember there are so many vods and youtube compilations i could go watch immediately. imagine if i went "i miss yami yugi :(" and then didnt go watch yugioh episodes like thats how that feels to me
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gumptionauthor · 1 year
Need a way to break through creative blocks and tap into your full potential? "Etherealize the Enigma" is the guide you've been looking for.
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