#zhu bajie's tail
the-monkey-ruler · 10 months
Little Genius Hui Dou (1998) 小精灵灰豆
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Director: Liu Jikun Screenwriter: Ge Bing Starring: Ji Yuan / Zhang Meijuan / Guo Zhengjian / Gao Yang / Sun Yuebin / Wu Xi Genre: Animation / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 1999 (Mainland China) Number of episodes: 26 Single episode length: 12 minutes Type: Reimaging
Three thousand years ago, Sun Wukong led the heavenly soldiers and generals to capture all the demons in the bottomless pit, leaving behind the demon Gray Bean (voiced by Era) who was caught in the cracks of the rocks. After many years, Gray Bean jumped out from the crack in the stone and his eyes were crooked. Gray Bean realizes that its ancestors have done many bad things, and he wants to be a kind-hearted child. It meets and gets acquainted with Zhu Bajie's Tail Pangpang (voiced by Zhang Meijuan) who can change thirty-two times. The big-mouthed monster wanted to eat the little rabbit. In order to save the little rabbit, Gray Bean and Pangpang beat the big-mouthed monster away. When the rescued little rabbit saw Gray Bean, he shouted "bad goblin" and ran away in fear. Pangpang encourages Gray Bean, who is sad because he is not understood, that as long as he persists in doing good deeds, he will be understood one day. The Big Mouth Monster made the moon dirty, and Gray Bean risked his life to clean it. Once, Gray Bean and Pangpang discovered that the little golden dragon had no eyes underwater. Out of sympathy for the little golden dragon Gray Bean it put eyes on the little golden dragon. However, his own eyes were crooked, and the eyes of the dragon were also crooked. Although often misunderstood and not understood, Gray Bean will continue to do many good things for everyone as a good friend of Pangpang...
Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E7%B2%BE%E7%81%B5%E7%81%B0%E8%B1%86
Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW_GpprYhQDFjcTRF9kVPiOE7WQhO0msb
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szynkaaa · 7 days
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Zhu Bajie: do you exercise Travel Companion: I like to run away from my problems and feelings
The dialogue is based off a scene from Doctor Who. I don't think that my OC would be going with Zhu Bajie and the Destined One into the rock for the final battle (probably cause she is not able to enter) so she has to sit outside and wait anxiously for them to return.
She is happy to see them return but then also immediately notices how the Destined One's whole demeanour and aura changed. She knew that this point was going to happen where he inherits everything and becomes the new Monkey King, but I also think that she has a hard time wrapping her head around the concept of reincarnation and struggles with accepting it.
So yeah, I imagine the moment after new Sun Wukong comes out of the rock, it's an angsty moment. He just wants to see his best friend and tell her what happened, and now that he is finally "whole" again be able to propely have conversations with her and ask her about all the weird things she says and does, but instead she looks at him like she is very unsure of everything.
Sun Wukong doesn't really have the temper imo or at least here things get a bit heated and he snaps and well, she does what she is best at in situations like this: fucking book it :)))))
Obviously SWK wants to chase after her but Zhu Bajie helds him back and says "ayo kiddo give the lassie some time to process everything, she will come around" he doesn't want to but he knows that is what she needs atm.
Where is Travel Companion hiding meanwhile? In the Zodiac village, the Yin Tiger offered her a spare bedroom, and in exchange she helps around, with the crops, bringing materials back and forth and also has some good times drinking and sharing stories with the villager. Maybe also crying about her woes, and I think that the villager sharing their stories about SWK and explain more about his backstory and stuff helps the her to come around more.
also SWK knows she is there and comes by every day to get his harvest and the free medicing from your local meth dealer Xu Dog. She is hiding in Yin Tiger's lil blacksmith hut everytime he is visiting, but she knows that he knows that she knows that he is there.
And then one day when he is visting Yin Tiger, SWK sighs and goes all "hey bud can you pass this message to Travel Companion," and inserts some very sweet and sappy stuff, knowing that she is there and can hear him. Just as he is about to leave she decides to come out of her hiding spot and go "Hey... let's go talk somewhere more private".
SWK is not showing any emotions but you can tell by the flicker of his tail that he is relieved to see her. Bit worried about the dark eye circle and how not well-rested she looks like, but he will make sure to fix that soon.
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somewhat-insane · 2 months
Can we get some general jealous headcanons for Sun Wukong, Macaque and the Nine headed demon? Pretty please?
OH MY GOSH ABSOLUTELY I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE WRITING THEM JEALOUS (even if I suck at it, we're not going to talk about that)
I try my best to balance fluff and stuff with more realistic traits like the more toxic aspects and stuff, and that might not be everyone's cup of tea. With a subject like jealousy it tends to skew more towards angsty traits because all three of these men have issues.
Per usual, I'm sorry if I go off request, I can not focus while writing for the life of me and I always get sidetracked. I'm working on it though. That's part of the reason this took so long- I had to keep deleting and rewriting everything because it didn't fit the theme-
~*Jealousy SWK, SEM, NHD*~
~Sun Wukong~
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Surprisingly the least jealous of the three... on the surface, at least
Separation anxiety; he's a monkey so physical affection is really important for him
Poor clingy insecure whiner boy :(
Loves having his arms around you; will carry you if you let him
doesn't like sleeping without you close and if he wakes up and you're not there he's 100% panicking. Safe to say it will take a lot of convincing to let you leave his sight that day
He doesn't really mind much if other people flirt with you, he trusts you and doubts a couple of pickup lines from a friend or coworker or whatever will be enough to take you from him, he traveled with Zhu Bajie during the journey after all, he's used to watching people flirt and nothing come out of it
He uses disassociation as a coping mechanism so he doesn't get super upset if your attention isn't on him 24/7 because he's usually thinking about something else anyway, but in the times when he is present, he'll shut down and be pretty sad if you don't give him attention
He's a bit more... intense when it comes to physical contact though
In the case that you're touching someone else, hugging them, or patting them on the back or whatever, he'll get all pouty and won't stop looking at you like a pathetic wet cat until you give him attention instead
If someone touches you though he'll death glare them
Not afraid to show he's jealous
He wants you to know that he wants you by his side exclusively
If anything he's afraid of not showing you enough
Constantly trying to walk the line between "not being too controlling" but also "not seeming like he doesn't care"
On one hand, everything he's learned from his master tells him to take a step back and let things happen as they will, but on the other hand, he's tired of losing the people he cares about, ESPECIALLY when there are times he could've prevented it
Really just wants to be good for you
Hates the idea that there's someone out there who's better for you than him, but knows letting you leave would be the right thing to do (even if he cries about it)
~Six-Eared Macaque~
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Kinda possessive and controlling but is doing his best to improve for you
Unlike Wukong who will sometimes be affectionate with the rest of the crew, Macaque only really trusts you, and sometimes Mk (Mk's a bit too loud and energetic for him most of the time though)
Abandonment issues incarnate (though he usually displays this by pushing people away before they can leave him... just expect a lot of silent treatments from him)
Wraps his tail around your wrist or ankle to assure himself you're close. He'll wrap his tail around your waist if he's feeling particularly possessive
Prefers to have you close by but doesn't rely on physical affection as much as Wukong
Likes being in the same room as you while you both do your own things
Wants to be the first person you tell any big news to (though knowing him he already knows from slinking through the shadows...)
People flirting with you ticks him off
How could anyone else think they deserve you? (This may or may not be him deflecting his own thoughts about how he doesn't deserve you onto other people)
He loves listening to you ramble or lore dump but he'll get all tense and cagey if you start talking about something you did with someone else
Doesn't mind if your attention is on something else, but does get kinda upset when your attention is on someone else
Feels the need to one-up anyone you say anything positive about
You liked the waiter's dress at that restaurant you went to? Macaque's showing up in an even better dress the next day
Will not hesitate to bad-mouth someone he's jealous of
Sees anyone touching you as a threat and he immediately feels like he needs to protect you
Sees you touching anyone else as him not being good enough and will either close himself off for a few days or obsess over being perfect for you
Afraid to show he's jealous
Has to keep his aloof demeanor or you'll think he cares too much and you'll leave :(
Still kinda believes power and manipulation are the best way to get what you want but is working on more healthy ideals like "communicating his thoughts" and "not sending people to the shadow realm whenever they get too close to you"
Doesn't want to hurt or scare you but he will fight to keep you by his side
He'll eventually relent if you really want to leave though, I don't think he would be able to handle trapping you with him if it's not what you want
~Nine-Headed Demon~
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Pretty possessive and controlling and doesn't really plan on changing
Superiority complex
Has decided you're his and if you think otherwise you're just confused
The most manipulative on the list
I'm not entirely sure where to begin with his issues but there's definitely some insecurity
Gives you the illusion of choice and freedom
"You can choose whatever you want as long as you always choose me and no one else :)"
He knows he's better than everyone else but he's afraid of you not seeing that
Even if he's not the most affectionate person, he'll definitely get upset if anyone gets too affectionate with you or vice versa
Needs to know where you are 24/7 or he goes on a rampage in his full dragon form
Kinda the Mother Gothel of partners
If you tell him he's being too overbearing he'll get offended and try and convince you he's just doing what's best for you
He does genuinely think he's doing what's best for you
The only way he would ever change is if he failed to reach the chaos, but that's a story for another time
He refuses to admit to being jealous and instead insists he's just keeping you safe
I don't even think he knows he's jealous
Despite how much I adore NHD's design, I am incapable of writing him as a healthy partner-
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Thoughts are appreciated. I'm sorry NHD's was so short writing for Wukong and Mac is just a lot easier since we have multiple seasons worth of content with them.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Refering to Twin Sun AU:
Wait, so where's Macaque when the pilgrims meet Wukong's brother? Where's his hot goth boyfriend to show off to the pig?!(He can so get bitches, he just has an acquired taste unlike the greedy piglet!)
Like, if Mac kept going back to the mountain while he was imprisoned, even if they argued a lot, wouldn't Macaque be on FFM helping take care of their home? Wouldn't he be there for introductions after they come to apologize? Was he hiding in wukong's room with him when they first showed up and comforting his crying boyfriend? Are they official at that point or just besties dancing around each other still? Is he visiting DBK's family? Will he show up during Redson's arc? I don't think he would miss out on the chance to show up and spook Wukong's new friends if given an actually valid chance to do so, he's kinda petty like that, the sassy bitch. Where's my favorite emo monkey?!
I feel like Macaque still takes a break from FFM for a bit after a few decades to find himself artistically - in a lot of aus I have him train under the Nine-Tailed Vixen. And since Luzhen is at home governing everything (albeit with a lot of help from the Stalwarts) Macaque wouldn't feel much guilt in going on the road.
As long as he's able to return to Five Point Mountain at least once a year.
I love the imagery of Wukong running home after the White Bone Arc, believing that he's lost the closest companions he's had in centuries - only to see Macaque standing there in their bedroom, pretending as though he hadn't rushed home at the sounds of his mate's release upon the wind.
Wukong collaspes into his mate's arms, sobbing from a mixture of frustration and loss of his party, and of relief and joy of seeing Macaque in their home again.
Macaque is ready to murder that monk if he ever dares step on to their island.
Luzhen almost beats his brother-in-law to the punch with that one. Luckily the Stalwarts, Sha Wujing & Ao Lie, and Wukong himself stop that from happening.
As they're all hashing out their demands, a deep enchanting voice comes from the Palace doors.
It's Macaque, deliberately unglamoured and dressed in silk bedclothes befitting a King's spouse. His hair toussled as if he'd just rolled out of bed.
Wukong is confused by Macaque's choice in fashion until he sees Zhu Bajie's expression.
The very same pig who had goaded their master out of spite of Wukong "ruining his chance" with the White Bone Demon, was now staring jaw-dropped at who Wukong had waiting at home for him.
Wukong's face goes red from blushing, and he socks Bajie in the face for oogling his goth bf.
Macaque still doesn't trust Tripitaka. His own sense of premonition tells him that the monk will betray their trust in the future. He wants Wukong's circlet off Yesterday.
But Tripitaka cannot remove the Circlet. Only the Buddha himself can.
Macaque growls with frustration - and threatens that if Tripitaka ever uses the Headache Sutra again, then Macaque will personally take the voice from the Monk's throat before taking his mate home with him.
Macaque occasionally pops up along the Journey - whether working/performing for his Vixen mentor, or just to check that the Pilgrims are keeping their promises. Even just to step out of the shadows and terrify them at quiet moments. And ofc to smooch Wukong as they did whenever they met under the Mountain each year - the Golden-Eyed king watching his mate emerge from the darkness like he's the moon itself.
Misfortune does happen to Macaque though. Something that leaves him minus an eye. Perhaps a version of what happens in the Jttw Stone Egged au between him and the Brotherhood - the shadow far more quick to denounce his former brothers with the confidence a healthy marriage and a supportive brother-in-law has brought him.
Luzhen is very proud of how Macaque makes things up to Wukong, though he'd never say it.
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swkbiggestdefender · 2 months
Stableboys headcannons:
-wukong used to be really skinny when he became a pilgrim because of not eating anything for centuries when ao lie knew he started always giving wukong fruits or any food who know wukong would like
-ao lie love when wukong brush/groom his hair it's a big sense of comfort to him so he sometimes let his hair get messy or dirty on purpose so wukong take care of it for him wukong know but doesn't comment on it
-wukong wasn't really comfortable with physically affection at first but he always wrapped his tail around ao lie arm because of how clumsy he is
-when they sleep together in the stables laying down on the hay ao lie humm for wukong some old songs he knows wukong think it's childish but it always helps him sleep
-even when they argue wukong can't bring himself to be mean to him because ao lie is way too good for him he can't bear making him sad zhu Bajie hate his obvious favoritism about that
-they have no sense of personal space with each other especially wukong he likes laying his head on ao lie lap and ao lie like leaning on him
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googleitlol · 4 months
After Wukong rejoins the group, things between him and Dove get a lot better. Sure, it's more awkward at first, but a whole less violent. They can actually be… friendly with each other? Even though the others get used to it, the change in dynamic is almost unnerving at first. I like to imagine whenever two of them, maybe Pigsy and Sandy have a moment to talk on their own, they make sure what they're seeing isn't some hallucination. Kind of a, 'You see this too, right?' moment.
Anyway, Wukong is having a blast now. Not only is he back, but he also lets himself indulge in teasing/getting payback on Pigsy for the Bone Demon incident. One great example is when he goads Pigsy into patrolling a potentially dangerous mountain. When the pig demon goes to take a nap instead, Wukong makes sure Tripitaka knows just how much effort he put into slacking off before he returns.
And then… well, that's where the trouble begins.
Dove Masterlist:
“Wukong really is in a meddling mood today.” Wujing remarks from where he sits next to you, the two of you basking in the midday sun with Tripitaka and Ao Lie. Your group is stationed by a large tree at the base of a wide mountain, waiting the return of two of the monk’s older disciples. After being warned of the danger posed by the area you all were meant to trek through next, Zhu Bajie was sent to go and patrol the area.
Unfortunately for the pig, Sun Wukong decided to tag along. “It has been some time that we’ve been travelling since our last encounter with a demon. I think the lack of serious threat has left him bored.” You shrug in response to the river demon’s observations. “If anything that old woodcutter told us was true, his boredom may be coming to an end.” He hums, looking out towards where his brothers took off.
“I hope for the sake of my heart, it doesn’t.” Tripitaka shudders, his tired gaze turned skywards. “I have had my fair share of demons trying to eat me, this never happened back home. I just want to get past one mountain without being caught by any monsters or upsetting anyone we shouldn’t.”
You can’t help but feel sorry for the monk. In the time you’ve been in travel with him, the sheer amount of demons that have looked to make him their meal has been problematic. With how much farther you have to go, you feel like saying it won’t happen anymore would be a lie. “If you want, Tripitaka, I can use my gift for a bit while we wait for Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie to return.” You offer, getting up to offer him a hand.
The monk shakes his head, swatting at a fly too close to his face. “Thank you, I think I should be able to manage for now.”
You offer a polite smile, mimicking his actions when you hear buzzing by your ear. “Alright, just let me know if–” The insect grows bolder, fluttering about your face. “Ugh! This annoying little…”
You notice the tiny monkey’s tail before the fly lands on your nose.
Sandy’s head tilts to the side when you go silent. “What is it?”
“…Sun Wukong?” You blink, and in an instant, the monkey returns to his form with a jump into the air. The shock of the action is enough for you to shout, falling back as the demon lands.
The Monkey King cackles, crouching down when you sit up. “You caught on faster than Pigsy!” He smiles, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. Maybe Sandy was wrong in calling him meddling. At the moment, ‘rowdy’ fit him better.
“Where is he?” You use your finger to push him out of your face by his forehead, the King cooperating and stepping back to let you up.
“Still rehearsing what to say.” He answers while you dust yourself off. “He decided to take a quick nap instead of scouting, like I knew he would. I left him once he finished practising what to say in case any of us ask what he found.”
The monkey shifts into his younger brother, muckrake and all. “‘There was a rocky cave, with three sections!” He imitates, albeit dramatically. “There are wretched monsters and wild animals at every turn! We better turn back and return home, I’m sure my wife and father-in-law have been missing me.’” Sandy chuckles a little under his breath while you cross your arms. “That’s a bit dramatic of him, don’t you think?” Monkey King shifts back, seemingly still struggling to regain his composure.
It’s only made worse when Pigsy returns, spouting about the very same words Sun Wukong had already shared. He seems quite confident in himself as he prattles on. “There are wretched monsters and wild animals at every turn! We better turn back and–”
“–return home, I’m sure my wife and father-in-law have been missing me.” Wukong finishes in unison with his brother, the pig frowning when he does. The Monkey King scoffs. “Practise really did make those lines perfect, didn’t they?”
“Wha–?! But how did you…”
“Lying about going on patrol?” Wukong crosses his arms, giving Pigsy a pointed look. “I’d say that’s worth three strokes of my trusted staff. What do you say, Pigsy?” The pig demon looks at him wide wide eyes, almost shaking when he mentions his staff.
Luckily enough for him, Tripitaka intervenes. “There will be no beating anyone today.” He looks between his disciples, Wukong looking a bit disappointed while Pigsy sighs in relief. “Bajie, please go out and scout properly this time?”
“Ugh, fine.” The pig snorts, grumbling before he turns to leave back towards the mountain. The disappointment on the Monkey King’s face melts into a smug grin as he watches his brother march back to do his job properly this time.
While he scouts, the rest of you find yourselves waiting by the base of the mountain. You admit, being able to sit for a while instead of marching through trails of wilderness for hours is a nice change of pace. However, it quickly becomes old the longer you have to wait. Sitting with the horse, then leaning against the tree for shade, to the idle conversations that would occur between you and the others, you were getting bored.
An hour drags by, and then another. One can only admire the clouds in the sky for so long before becoming restless. Taking the horse to graze helps alleviate the itch to keep going somewhat, but it doesn’t help for long. You half-wonder if Bajie decided to take another nap somewhere else, but would he really risk getting caught like that a second time? Maybe something worse might have happened?
After a third hour passes, Tripitaka begins to voice your concerns. “Bajie has been gone for a while now. You don’t think something could have happened to him, do you?”
Sun Wukong gives out a hearty laugh from his spot in the tree you sit by with Sandy, resting on a low-hanging branch. “That pig is such a coward, he’d run at the first sign of danger.” He falls back, his tail hooking around the branch to face his master. “If he’s been gone for this long, he must be taking his time patrolling the mountain.”
“Still… something doesn’t feel right.” The monk frowns, his eyes fixed on the mountain. You frown, understanding the uneasiness in your friend. If Pigsy really was fine, would he be taking all this extra time to comb through the path? You half-expected him to return with some haste after being exposed by Wukong, to make up for slacking off.
You look over to Wukong, the monkey quickly catching your eye as you nod towards Tripitaka. “What?”
“Maybe one of us could check on Bajie?” Your brows raise a bit as your suggestion is made.
The Monkey King rolls his eyes, looking back at the worried expression from Tripitaka and quickly letting out a sigh. “How about this? Pigsy likes to move at a snail’s pace on his own anyway, why don’t we all just go and catch up with him?” He suggests, though the annoyance in his voice is far from well-hidden.
Tripitaka hums, glancing at you. “With Wukong’s logic, whatever Pigsy has covered so far should be safe.” You shrug. Even if the path isn’t safe, if something happened to Bajie, Tripitaka still has Wujing and Wukong to protect him. Between the lot of you, whatever potential trouble the pig demon might find himself in can be dealt with swiftly.
The monk frowns, deep in thought, likely thinking over the situation just as you were doing. After a few moments, he relents. “We might as well, it will be better than sitting around doing nothing.” With his word, your group gets to their feet. With the monk mounting the horse and Sandy taking the lead, you set off to begin hiking up the mountain.
A tense silence fills the space between the group as you journey up the mountain. Everyone is on alert, watching for any movements in the shadows of shrubs, listening for footsteps. Each of you prepare yourselves for some sign of your friend, some sign you aren’t alone.
A shudder from Tripitaka makes you glance back at the monk. His eyes look from one side to the next, shuddering again with a worried frown. Sometimes you forget how on edge he can get, especially when told of nearby danger.
You make eye contact with Sun Wukong, nodding over to the monk. He looks back at his master while you shift into your dove form to rest on the man’s shoulder. You do your work, using your gift to put his mind more at ease.
He notices rather quickly, cracking a small smile before Wukong clears his throat. “Master, you needn’t be so worried. You know I will not let anything happen to you while I am here.” He jumps in front of the horse while he speaks, walking backwards so as to not stop the group.
“If any demons dare to show their wretched faces, it will only take a swing of my staff to send them down to the ten kings!” He boasts, taking his staff from his ear and extending it to spin the weapon in his hands. Facing forward, he scoops up a few rocks to throw into the air and uses his staff to bat them all into a tree further ahead. When he runs out of ammo, he throws the staff itself, impaling the tree through completely.
The monk blinks a few times as his disciple retrieves his signature weapon. “I really am fortunate to have him as my disciple, and not an enemy.”
“Take it from someone who has fought him, you are lucky to have never felt the pain from that staff.” Sandy laughs, and you find yourself amused as Wukong returns, flipping through the air.
He shows off a bit more as you continue on the path, showing off kicks and punching the air. At one point, he shatters a boulder you pass by with only his head. Is it a little over the top? Absolutely, but it does wonders to lift Tripitaka’s spirits. 
By the time Wukong is finished with his demonstration, the air is considerably lighter. He takes his place beside Tripitaka and the horse, looking up at you with a smirk. You give a quiet coo in response, thankful for his help in reassuring the monk of their safety. You have to say, with the jabs between you two being less frequent and of a more playful nature, working with the Monkey King is becoming easier than you ever thought it would be. Dare you say, sometimes it was even fun.
It isn’t as though you were unaware of his cleverness before– his more impulsive actions sometimes made it difficult to remember– but you find it easy for the two of you to bounce off each other’s ideas. Sure, there are times where his plans baffle you, but you found that trusting his plots usually works out well. Whether it’s in battle or in the midst of a ruse, even with something as simple as how you worked to help Tripitaka, the two of you are surprisingly good at coordinating together.
For some time, the hike is uneventful. There is still no sign of Pigsy, but before you can worry yourself with his whereabouts, you hear a distant cry further ahead on the path. Cries for help.
“That sounds like a man…” Wujing frowns, your group quickening their pace to find the source of the voice.
Up ahead, you spot a bush, an elderly man just behind it. “Someone, please! Save me!” He shouts, groaning in pain as he keeps a tight grip around his leg. The closer Tripitaka rides, the more you can see of him. He’s on his side, his clothing scratched and torn. His grey– almost silver– hair is a bushy mess. His leg looks mangled, twisted in the wrong direction and dressed in blood. “Please, you must help me! I cannot move!”
Tripitaka wastes no time in dismounting, crouching down to the man while you return to your human form. Sun Wukong is quick to join his master’s side. “What happened to you?” The monk frowns, inspecting the elder for any other concealed injuries.
“I am a daoist from the temple just west of here. I was travelling with my disciple before he and I were attacked by a tiger.” He explains, his breathing heavy from the pain of his wounds and spent energy. “It killed him and dragged him away. It left me for dead, but I am afraid it may return. I beg of you, please help me return to my temple, and I will be in your debt!”
“Of course we will help you.” Tripitaka offers the elder a kind smile, turning to call one of his disciples. “Sha Wujing, bring my horse here for this man to ride. We can accompany him to his temple together.”
The man hisses through his teeth, clutching onto his injured leg. “I cannot ride.” He is able to shift over enough to show a gaping wound on his inner thigh, a deep cut that runs down his leg and already looks to be infected.
Looking closer, you take a step to the man. “Here, let me have a look at it.” You move past Tripitaka to crouch down, but a hand grabs you by the arm before you can.
You look back to find Sun Wukong, his glare making you freeze. However, his eyes focus not on you, but the elderly man. He pulls you closer, leaning over to whisper. “The last time you healed anything physical, you were unconscious for hours.”
“You mean when you were blind?” You match his volume, the reminder getting him to actually look you in the eyes for a moment, just to give you an annoyed look. “Why are we whispering?” His eyes narrow at the question, though he turns his attention back to the injured daoist before you can get an answer.
“Don’t waste your talents, Dove.” Is all you get before he crouches down in front of the old man himself. “If he is not fit to ride, let me carry him.”
A chill runs down your spine from his tone alone. His previously relaxed posture is now rigid, hostile. His smile to the man feels more like a threat than an invitation. You, Tripitaka, and Sandy look to each other from the sides of your eyes, even the horse looks concerned.
If the man notices the clear aggression in the offer, he does not show it.  “How kind of you, hairy-one.” Despite how uneasy you feel, you hold in a snort of laughter at the man’s words and Wukong’s look of offence.
“Hairy-one?” He frowns, the old man smiling.
“Yes, please. I would greatly appreciate it if you were to carry me.” He responds, and the monkey demon lets out a short huff.
He reaches down, getting the daoist up and onto his back while Tripitaka gives you a look. You quickly put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll keep watch. If he’s acting like this, something must have tipped him off about this man.” You keep your voice low, the monk nodding in response.
“Thank you, I just didn’t want to leave him on the side of the road. Do you think he might be…” He trails off, looking back at the disciple and daoist.
“You just stay close to Sandy, I’ll call out if anything happens. If I do, ride off as fast as you can and hide.” You instruct, following his sight to the two before Tripitaka gets back onto the horse. You and Sandy were talking about how quiet these last few days have been, maybe some monster overheard you and decided to keep you on your toes.
It’s silent as you continue westward, unease wrapping around the group as you go. You make sure to glance over to the old man every now and then, keeping him and Wukong in your sights. Even when they begin to slow a bit to readjust every now and then, you stay by their side. Tripitaka and Wujing begin to get farther ahead, which is honestly a good thing if this man isn’t who he says he is.
You catch his eyes a few times, giving you a strange look. It gives you bumps along your arms, and you tell yourself not to reach for any of your weapons. He hasn’t done anything yet. You see him give the same look to Tripitaka, making you feel even better the further he and Sandy get from the stranger.
After some time, the monk and his disciple are so far off, they are no longer in your line of sight. Wukong pauses again to adjust his grip on the daoist before humming. “Dove, would it be alright if I bugged you for something?”
“What is it?” You frown, a little put off by his cautious words. It would be more normal if he just told you to do whatever it is he wants.
He matches your pace but keeps his distance. “Sandy is with Master, and they are already so far ahead of us… I don’t want to slow us down any further but I would really appreciate something to snack on right now.”
…Is this some ploy? A show for whoever this man is on his back? “Seriously? I am not your servant–”
“Please, Dove.” You look down as his tail wraps around your arm, looking back up to find a pleading look in his eye. “I think I saw some berries a little further back.” Alright, this is definitely an act. Some reason to be alone with the daoist, perhaps. Why else would he wait for Sandy and Tripitaka to be out of sight before asking? It’s clear that he knows more about the elder on his back than he’s letting on, but you trust that whatever Monkey knows, he can handle it.
“Alright, I will be back soon. Shout if you need me.” You nod, the monkey mirroring your action before you transform into a dove and begin your flight back. All you can do is hope the Great Sage knows what he’s doing.
Surprisingly enough, you do find the bush of berries Wukong mentioned. Maybe part of him really does want something to eat quickly. You start picking the berries, your thoughts drawing back to the strange daoist, the odd way in which he was looking at you and Tripitaka. Usually, it is your friend’s demon disciples that draw the eyes of strangers, not their human travel companions.
There has to be something wrong with that man. You’re embarrassed you didn’t catch it yourself, that it took Sun Wukong stepping in to tip you off. Part of you wonders how he can pick up on these things so quickly. He wasted no time in killing the bone demon when she was disguised. His ability to recognise danger on a whim is quite helpful, but you wish you knew how he did it.
You wonder how long you should take picking these berries, it’s obvious Wukongs wants time to deal with that daoist on his own. Just when you decide to head back, a thunderous boom sounds from the distance. The ground beneath your feet shakes and you stumble back, only just catching yourself. You barely have any time to regain your bearings as a second deafening crash echoes through the land, tremors shaking the earth beneath your feet even more violently than the first.
A tree crashes down to the ground, nearly crushing you in the process before you jump out of the way. What is going on?! What was that, two earthquakes under the span of a minute? Your head immediately swivels to the west, certain that whatever just happened is the result of a certain simian. That’s when you take a moment to blink, the sight before you confusing to look at. You see two mountains where the horizon used to be.
“What the…?” Did they just appear? How?! You could have sworn they weren’t there before, over where you left Wukong and the old man… There is no way this could mean anything good.
To add to your horror, a third mountain materialises before your very eyes, creating a third explosive boom. The ground shakes again, even more forcibly than before. It’s enough to knock you off your feet entirely. Once the earthquake stops, you’re able to sit up again. What the hell is happening back there?! Is Tripitaka okay? Is Sun Wukong fighting the old man now? Why are mountains appearing before your eyes?!
Your questions are put on hold when you hear his scream.
So loud, he’s yelling at the top of his lungs. Dropping whatever berries you had picked, you transform to fly back to where you left the Monkey King. He has to be in trouble, he would never shout like that if he wasn’t.
The closer you get to the spot where you left him, the closer you get to the mountains. The three are practically stacked onto one another in a cluster. They start to tremble, a flock of birds taking off from the trees on one of them when they do. Once the trembling stops, you hear his voice again, a furious howl coming from below.
Following his voice, you dive down. It takes a little while before you’re able to spot him, just his head. You land, rushing to his side before a gasp escapes your lips. Your eyes widen at the sight of him, or… what you can see of him. The Monkey King lays against the ground, his body pinned down by the newly-arrived mountains. Only his head and a forearm are visible. He’s bloodied and bruised, his head whipping around wildly and his breathing erratic.
He grunts, straining as the mountains once again shake. His hand digs into the ground for support, but his efforts are shown to be fruitless when the mountains remain, and he slumps back in exhaustion.
“Sun Wukong!” You call, rushing to his side and kneeling down. If he can hear your voice, he ignores it, his eyes darting frantically to and fro. They’re unfocused, panicked. His breaths are mercurial as he tries again to free himself, each attempt as successful as the last. He’s barely taking anything in. “Wukong– hey.”
You take hold of his swivelling head, working your gift into his mind. “Wukong… breathe.” It takes him time, each breath working to ground himself amidst his panic. He starts to slow, blinking a bit as he looks up at you. His head falls a bit, leaning into your hold as you continue using your gift. “It’s alright, I’m here.”
“Dove?” He frowns, coming back to his senses.
“Sun Wukong, what happened? Where is that old daoist?” You question, looking back behind you to make sure you are really alone, that this isn’t some trap.
Wukong growls at the mention of the man. “That was no daoist, it was a demon. I wanted to get him alone so I could deal with him myself when the coward summoned these cursed mountains!” His fist slams into the ground, the earth quivering beneath it.
You frown a bit, hoping he doesn’t cause the ground to open up under you from unbridled anger. “Why not say anything before?”
“And risk another incident like with the bone demon?” He brings up a fair point, grunting as he plants his palm into the ground and attempts to free himself once more. He grits his teeth, straining with his eyes trained to the ground as he puts his all into lifting the mountains.
You quickly turn his head to look at you again. “Stop, you’re hurt.”
“I have to get out!”
“And we will get you out, but it’s clear that these mountains aren’t moving. All you are doing is wasting your energy.” You point out the obvious, making him groan with frustration. You can’t say you blame him in the slightest. Wukong already spent five centuries under a mountain, you can’t even begin to imagine how much dread and trepidation saturate every bone in his body in this moment, having to relive it all again.
“That demon must have Master by now, and I am stuck under here!” He shouts, clenching his fist.
“Sandy is with him.” You remind the sage, standing up as you begin to rack your brain for your next steps. “I am sure he won’t let anything happen to him. Just breathe, we have to get you out of here first before we can help Tripitaka.”
You try to think of what to do, but what can you do? If the Monkey King is unable to move the mountains, what can your mortal strength do to help him? With Sandy occupied with Tripitaka and the demon on his way to steal the monk away– not to mention the fact that Pigsy is still nowhere to be found– you can’t count on them to assist. You might have to go out and find someone that could help. If this demon summoned these mountains, surely there is a way to send them away, right?
Looking back down at the monkey demon, you notice his breaths becoming irregular and crouch down to once again hold his head. “Monkey, hey. Look at me.” He does as you ask, unable to hide the anxiety in his eyes. You can’t remember a time you have ever seen him like this. You’ve seen him concerned, for Tripitaka, for you, but this is different. This is fear.
You remember a time you thought the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, held no fear in his heart. How wrong you were, then. In his state, how could you go find help and leave him here on his own? “I’m right here. We’re going to figure this out together, okay? I’m not leaving you here, not even for a moment.”
Your words seem to help, his eyes softening. He reaches up to your hand holding the side of his face, taking hold of it with a securing grip. For now, it seems the best you can do is comfort the monkey demon, despite your own worries starting to eat away at you. There is no way you can just leave him here with his anxieties to eat away at him, but how else are you meant to find a way to help him?
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
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I told myself it was going to just be a short little comic. to go to bed an hour early BUT NOOOOO.
Here’s a very sketchy comic on some of my lmk DND au
Here— Next
In case it’s hard to read i put the dialogue under the tab
Mk: I’m going to throw up
Mei: Oh, Relax Mk. You just have to survive the first 3 rounds.
Mk: Easy for /you/. You literally have a god on your side.
Mei: Hehe Guilty!
Mk: Even if I survive the arena. Zhu Bajie is going to end me.
Mei: Mk. Listen to me. You can do this.
Mei: Sure, you get distracted easily. And you are mostly self taught in an arena of highly skilled warriors..
Mei: But you’re one of the best /fighters/ i know. You got this.
Mei: Huh, looks like you’re up.
Mei: Go meet your magical biological parents!!
Mei: *whispering* I wonder why the armor they gave them has a tail slit though…
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nekohime19 · 3 months
Mini Mac # 23 : Monkey King wagging tail
They meet Zhu Bajie and Wukong has trouble hiding his feelings for our lil guy.
Sun Wukong was looking down at the monkey slumbering in his heart-pocket with a fond expression, often than not, he caressed the top of his head with the pad of his finger. His lil ears always fluttered when he did so. The sage was so focused on Macaque he didn't realize Sanzang and Ao Lie were looking at him with curious expressions.
“You really like Macaque!” Sun Wukong startled at the sudden exclamation and turned towards the pearl-white horse. It was difficult to see what Ao Lie was feeling when he was wearing the face of a horse but the golden-furred monkey believed he saw a flicker of amusement in those jade-eyes. Sanzang seemed to be equally as curious but seemingly too nervous (and perhaps too afraid) to ask, simply occasionally glancing his way.
“He's my friend.” Replied Wukong, trying to be nonchalant about it.
“Your tail was wagging though.” Pointed out Ao Lie.
“N-no, it was not.” Refuted the sage.
“I'm pretty sure it was.” Answered Ao Lie, what was the most infuriating about his tone for Wukong was the fact the dragon-horse wasn't even trying to be smug, he was simply pointing out the evidence. Wukong would never admit it though.
“You're blind then.” Huffed Wukong as he crossed his arms.
“I didn't know monkeys’ tails wagged when they were happy. That's cool.” Chuckled the dragon-horse.
“That's not–my tail was not wagging.”
“It was.”
“It wasn't.”
“It was.”
“It wasn't.”
“It wasn’t.”
“It was!” Then Wukong frowned and took some time to understand he was tricked. “You little-”
“'l-look at that! A village! Let's go.” Interrupted Sanzang with a nervous chuckle as he pulled the reins to go faster.
Before entering the village they crossed paths with Gao Cai, a youngster looking around for someone strong enough to kill a demon. According to Gao Cai the village was called Gao, and he was sent by the elder of his family, Old Mr Gao, to look for someone powerful. Old Mr Gao was tricked into marrying his daughter to a villainous fiend after the fiend in question disguised himself as a handsome fellow. Sanzang felt compelled to help them and as such Wukong promised he would take care of this matter. They went to Old Mr Gao's house and met the daughter married to the fiend.
Macaque stretched and woke up as the golden-furred monkey was prying information from the daughter.
“What's going on?” Asked Macaque, his lil eyes dropping from drowsiness.
“Demon problem.” Briefly replied Wukong, he entertained the idea of disguising himself as the daughter and tricking the demon but then he looked down at Macaque and bit his lips… No, he didn't want to do that, especially not if Macaque could watch. He couldn't disguise himself as someone else's spouse, what if Macaque got the wrong idea? Sun Wukong decided instead to confront the demon upfront.
The golden-furred monkey carefully took Macaque and gave him to Sanzang. The monk took the lil monkey and gulped at the sage heavy gaze.
“You protect Mac… and Master I guess.” Said Wukong as he turned to Ao Lie. The dragon-horse (who returned to his human form) straightened and nodded, but then his feet got caught in his overly long robe and he fell face first on the floor. Wukong pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“You're okay?” Called Macaque with an amused smile.
“Ouch, I just fell down and bonked my brain cage.” Chuckled Ao Lie with a good-natured smile.
“Well… You sound okay.” Snorted Macaque, he then turned towards Wukong. “Don't go overboard.”
“I never go overboard.” Replied Wukong, he shrinked a little at Macaque's heavy gaze. “Maybe I did go a little overboard with the Guanyin Hall on fire incident buuut, technically, I wasn't the one who put it on fire. But, okay, I will not go overboard, I promise.”
“Good. I'll groom you after, you need good grooming.” Sun Wukong chirped happily at the prospect of Macaque grooming him, his tail wagged a bit.
“The tail is wa-” Sun Wukong put his tail on Ao Lie's mouth to stop his blabber.
After this, Wukong waited for the fiend and attacked him at first sight. It was a pig welding a rake. He was a surprisingly sturdy foe, even if he tried to flee when he first caught sight of Wukong. Somehow, after battling for hours and chasing after the pig, they both realized the pig was also chosen by Guanyin as a companion. Wukong doubted Guanyin's taste in companions but he pulled the pig by the ear in front of Sanzang nevertheless.
Zhu Bajie, as the pig was called, joined the pilgrims and gave up on his wedlock. He whined about it the whole time they left the village.
“Ah, my poor wife. I will miss her.” Whined Bajie as he clutched his rake in misery.
“I doubt she'll miss you.” Grumbled Wukong under his breath.
“What's that, Monkey? You got something to say?” Replied Bajie with a glare.
“I'm saying your ex-wife will not miss you.” Answered Wukong with a smug smile.
“What do you know about a wife's feelings? You’ll never get married.” Snorted Bajie. Wukong narrowed his eyes, angry, because he did want to get married, just not with a wife. But the sage didn't reply, instead he turned away with a huff and enjoyed Macaque's grooming. The lil monkey was sitting on top of his head, grooming his fur with his lil paws. “Your tail is wagging.” Pointed out Bajie with a raised eyebrow.
“Ah ha ! The tail is indeed wagging.” Exclaimed Ao Lie with a smug smile, Sanzang hid his snorts with one of his sleeves.
“Don't worry, Wukong. Wagging tails are cute.” Reassured Macaque as he patted Wukong's forehead.
Wukong just hid himself in his hands, embarrassed by his treacherous wagging tail.
+ memes
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+ cut scenes
Bajie *seeing Wukong wagging tail and how Wukong is more kind to Mac* : Ohhh, I see how it is now 😈
Wukong : why do I have chills? 😅
Ao Lie *to Wukong* : Can I braid you like Macaque does?? 😆
Wukong : no 🙄
Macaque *to Wukong* : Can I teach Ao Lie how to make braids with your fur?
Wukong : yes 🥰
And so Ao Lie learn how to make braids with Macaque by using Wukong's fur.
Sanzang : Ah, now with one more companion things will get easier! 😊
Wukong and Bajie bickering and running after one another, causing chaos.
Sanzang : 🥲
Macaque : don't worry kiddo. With a bit of luck they'll tire themselves before going to bed. 😌
Sanzang : They're treated like children. 😭
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
hi can I request monkey king reborn sun wukong x fem artest reader where the the the reader was doing a sun wukong sketch on their Journal and the group were busy to notice it accept sun wukong that he was looking above the tree he was in and sun wukong grabbed the journal and started looking in the journal as sun wukong was teasing reader but he was blushing the rest I don't know but you can change it donI 't mind
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Female
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Monkey King-Sun Wukong
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After a long walk, the group had decided to take a long needed break. Sha Wujing was setting the camp up and Tang Sanzang was meditating, while Zhu Bajie and Wukong had gone to get food.
Meanwhile, you were tasked with getting some firewood, which you had just finished.
So now, you were sitting under the shade of a large tree, drawing the one and only Sun Wukong.
That grumpy monkey, always making you feel such strong emotions. From happiness, to anger, to sadness. He just seemed to become the center of your world.
He made you feel like you were the only girl that mattered in his life, and he never judged you for your appearance.
Maybe that's why you began to draw him so much?
To help alleviate and pour your feelings into something?
You knew that Wukong wasn't one to worry nor care about love, always calling it useless, unnecessary or even weak.
It hurt to hear him say it over and over again, but even so, you were happy to be by his side.
Maybe one day you'd be able to get over your feelings.
With a sad hum, you looked over the page, unaware of the newcomer.
"Drawing again, are we Princess?"
Your hands quickly pulled the sketchbook towards your chest, hoping that the being in question hadn't seen the drawing.
At that moment, you thanked your body for being more voluptuous, allowing the sketchbook to be more hidden.
You looked up, seeing Wukong rest comfortably on a branch right above you, munching away on an apple. He expected an answer, but you turned away, trying to hide your nervousness.
"It's my little secret."
You stood up, trying to get away, but before you knew it, your sketchbook was snatched away. Wukong took the book from his tail, now on a higher branch, and began looking through each page with curiousity.
Said monkey turned his attention to you, only for it to quickly go back to your sketchbook.
You shrieked when he began flipping through.
He had always been curious about what you drew, since you never showed anybody. You would always get embarrassed when someone asked to see it, always downplaying your skills. But looking at it all, he knew he was right.
It was all beautiful.
Everything was drawn so well, with details and shading making it look much more realistic.
Especially his portraits.
Seeing how much more detail went into his drawings made his ego shoot up.
Of course.
He WAS the best looking one of the group.
Who wouldn't want to draw him?
As he continued to look through the book, you were scrambling up the tree.
"I didn't realise I was such an inspiration for you. "
You picked up the pace, now cursing your plush and less athletic body.
You'd definitely have to improve on your tree climbing skills later.
"You sure do like drawing me alot~."
Finally reaching the top, you snatched the book, holding it to your chest. The hue of red that had washed over your face became much darker.
Just how much had he seen?
"Not bad at all."
You're a bit shocked at the comment, expecting something a bit more harsh-
"But you didn't capture my brilliance enough~."
You yelped, not expecting him to whisper so closely in your ear, and unconsciously turned around. The shit eating grin on his face made you stutter, and you proceeded to climb down before embarrassing yourself even further.
Wukong couldn't help the laugh that left him.
He'd never say it out loud, but he enjoyed teasing you, seeing that blush cover your face when you became embarrassed or listening to you stumble over your words.
It was cute.
You stormed off, mumbling under your breath, unaware of the small blush that covered Wukong's face.
It was there and then that he had decided.
He was definitely going to amp up his teasing.
You were the first woman to ever give him those type of nervous reactions, to ever catch his interest.
You're the first woman he's ever fallen in love with.
And hopefully, if those drawings meant what they did, you felt the same.
Maybe he could make you his wife?
Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors!
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starsfic · 1 year
Fluffy fic idea: One night on the JTTW, Zhu Bajie plays a slow, calm song for the group. Everyone thanks him for the song except for Wukong. When Tripitaka is about to scold him for his lack of manners, he notices that the song actually lulled Wukong right to sleep.
Nobody was sure where Zhu Bajie had got the pipa.
It was just there one day. “To help with morale!” the pig claimed, strumming the strings. “You can’t say no to that, elder brother, can you?” Sun Wukong, who had first noticed the thing, had simply groaned.
And then Bajie had started singing songs about the women he had bedded and it took all of Tripitaka’s strength to not let Wukong bash the blasted thing over Bajie’s head. Instead, he had allowed Wukong to threaten Bajie into playing something else. War songs were not exactly what he imagined, but it did have a rhythm and beat to it he could match Ao Lie’s steps to.
They had stopped to rest and, in the light of the fire, Bajie had returned to playing songs about women. Except this was softer, gentler, more of a song of love then passion. Tripitaka could feel the pig’s longing for whoever this song was about. As the song came to an end, he couldn’t help it.
“Thank you, disciple.”
“Yes, thank you for the song!” Sha Wujing boomed, eyes glistening. “It was beautiful.” Ao Lie snorted in response, as if also thanking Bajie.
“Aww, thank you brothers!” Bajie cooed. As he accepted thanks, Tripitaka noticed something. One voice hadn’t spoken.
“Disciple Sun,” he called. Wukong hadn’t said a word. “Don;t you think Zhu’s song was wonderful?” There was no response. “Wukong, it’s very rude not to say anything.” When not even a response came from that, Tripitaka sighed, glancing at the river demon that sat between them. “Sha Wujing, can you poke your brother?”
“Sure, master.” Wujing turned to poke Wukong. "Older brother-" he began, but paused. Awe filled his eyes. "Master, he's asleep."
"What?" In all his time knowing the stone monkey, Tripitaka had never known him to sleep. He was a ball of energy, zipping from here to there, never stopping. Even in meditation, he moved with slight taps of his tail or the tapping of his fingers against his knees. He had asked him once if he slept and Wukong had said "I don't."
Wujing shifted so the monk and pig could see.
Except now Wukong slept. Stretched across Ao Lie's body like it was a pillow, the amber-furred monkey slept. His face had lost any tension it had, smoothing out into peace. For a moment, Tripitaka wondered if he looked like this, back at his home.
The next moment, he whispered "Good job, disciple."
Bajie snorted, the surprise at Wukong's state turning into pride. But instead of bragging, he strummed his pipa. "Go to bed, master and brother. I will stand watch."
Tripitaka nodded and stood with Wujing. He prepared to grab his blanket and stretch out. Instead, he found himself watching Wujing, who grabbed a blanket. He tiptoed by Wukong's side, whispering "Sorry second brother," to Ao Lie, before lying next to the monkey. The horse barely made a noise. The river demon stretched the blanket across him and Wukong and was soon out.
The monk considered this.
Throughout this journey, he had always slept on the ground. Now, however, as he watched Wukong's ease and how easily Wujing slept, he found himself pausing. It did look comfortable, he had to admit.
Tripitaka tiptoed over.
Wukong's eyes did open when he settled on his other side, gold and red briefly appearing, but Tripitaka gently patted him on the back. "Go back to sleep," he whispered. "Third disciple is watching."
There was a brief grumble and those eyes slid shut. Tripitaka couldn't help a fond chuckle as soft music began to play again and he leaned against Ao Lie.
The last thing he felt was a tail wrapping around his wrist before sleep claimed him.
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Journey To The West International (2014)
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Date: Nov 08, 2014 Platforms: PC Developer: XiaoYou Information Tech Co. Ltd. Publisher: Cubizone Genre: 3D, MMO, Adventure, RPG, Fantasy, Fighting Theme: Fantasy Type: Retelling
Journey to the West International is a free to play MMORPG based on the well-known epic of the same name. The game involves players directly in the storyline, and includes a unique psyche combat system that allows players to take the form of the elements and a transformation system with dozens of forms to change into.
Source: https://www.onrpg.com/games/journey-to-the-west-international/
Link: https://www.onrpg.com/games/journey-to-the-west-international/
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666herescared · 1 year
Imaginary Shadow Dad)Ch.5: Grief Stricken
  Notes: He’s out of time. (I’m so fucking sorry)
  He was running out of time. His healing was slowing. He was on the verge of not healing at all. He was spreading himself too thin. He had started letting the twins train Xiao-Xiao so he could rest, and it was getting harder to join their games. Xiaotian was really worried for him. The cub had started wearing the extra limbs whenever he was over once he'd learned how. His tail would wrap around the adult’s as he hugged him on the couch or in a nest, and his ears would droop with fear when his dad zoned out.
  Shadow Dad had been struggling to breathe every time he made a hard impact and the twins had been having to snap him out of it when he dozed off. He was trying to rest more, but whenever he rested, he would zone out and scare his kids. He knew it. He was running out of time.
  As he was watching his kids play, he knew his wounds were hurting again. His right eye felt hollow and the band on his tail was squishing it again. The twins and Xiao-Xiao all noticed, but they were trying to keep positive. Xiaotian was doing amazing with his training. His blocking with his hands was perfect, he had mastered summoning basic shapes and physicalising them, and his acrobatic skills were fantastic, with or without the staff. 
  Shadow Dad’s perfect little boy. He was so damn proud. “Are you okay, dad?” Savage asked, floating next to the adult in the shadow realm.
  The original opened his eyes with a deep breath. “Yeah.. No need to worry, Savage.” He had to stop to breathe. It was hard to comfort any of them when they were smart enough to know what sickness looked like.
  “Don’t lie to us! We can tell you’re sick! How do we fix it? You need to heal!” The other teen exclaimed, exasperated.
  “Rumble, you can’t fix it!” The adult started, stopping for breath. “My physical form hasn’t been healing nearly as fast and I’m using too much energy! I-... I’m gonna need to find… someone else… to take care of him.”
  “YES, Savage! If I keep tak-..” He started coughing very suddenly and had to calm his breath before continuing. “If... I keep taking care of him… I’ll wind up.. Well… you both know..”
  The twins both gave each other a solemn look and had to admit it to themselves. If he didn’t take a break, he might never fully heal. “Then let’s go looking for somewhere safe.”
  “We can’t leave Apricot Boy in that environment.” The twins agreed, knowing it was better to do that much, rather than leave their baby brother in such an awful household.
  And thus, they began their search for a safer home. Every time they were called by the youngest, they spent time together simply relaxing, but the moment they left, it was back to the search. Oh well. It was gonna be fine. At least Xiao-Xiao was okay.
  Shadow Dad stopped to peek into one of the homes he saw and watched a conversation between a pig and a scholar. 
  Pigsy placed a bowl of noodles in front of his husband, a deep sigh coming from his lips. “What is it, Pigsy?” Tang asked, wanting to know what was making his partner upset. 
  “Just thinkin’..” The chef dismissed, glancing back to the photos on his wall. “I want someone to pass this onto. I can’t let my grandma’s legacy die out with me.” He explained, staring at the wall of photos.
  Tang sighed sympathetically. “And I would love someone to tell stories too, but we don’t have the funds. Not to mention the logistical difficulties we would face. Gay same-species couples already struggle to get approved, and demons are rarely allowed to adopt anyone.” The human lamented, wishing the world was kinder.
  The shadow on their wall stared in, starting to consider them for his Xiao-Xiao. “I think it’d be worth it..” The pig grouched, still staring at the wall. Shadow Dad could tell these two were reincarnations of Zhu Bajie and Tang Sanzang, respectively, but he could tell these lives were very different. 
  The scholar adjusted his glasses and looked at the wall himself. “Well, either way, we don’t have the funds, so we can’t do that for a while.”
  Funds. Shadow Dad could help with funds! They seemed like they’d be a safe place for his son to go, so if he could get them funds, he’d be able to leave his son with them. Hold tight, Xiaotian! Dada’s gonna find somewhere-
  (*SMASH!* “Mommy! Plea- AGH!”)
  Somewhere… safe. The shadow rubbed his ears, wondering what that was. Was that a vision? He hadn’t had one of those since when he… had that bad break up. He slipped deeper into the shadows and dipped all the way down to his storage space. Being a public figure had its perks.
  He even had temples of his own. Plenty of people were willing to give something up valuable if it meant getting in on a secret. Though there were two temples made by people he knew personally. One was even made with the express purpose of helping him regain strength. Anyways, expensive offerings! 
  It was… somewhere in the northwest pile. Well, the thing he was thinking of. He called the twins from their search. “Rumble. Savage. Help me find that set of ancient vases, please.” He explained once they were by his sides.
  They made questioning chitters, but shrugged and started digging through the northwest pile. Shadow Dad joined the search moments later and dug through the stack, looking for the set of vases an emperor had given him in exchange for revealing the other side’s battle plans. It was valuable back then and it’s surely valuable now. 
  Digging through the pile, the trio found almost twenty pie tins and thirty necklaces. That idiotic king kept giving him those. Well, the tins had pies in them when they were left on the altar, but still, he kept leaving those to the shadow. 
  Shadow Dad wasn’t sure why, but he felt like he had to hand the set over now or something would happen to his Little Sky. He wasn’t sure why-
  (*THUD!* “Did ya’ hear me, twerp?! How about you run along and let whoever’s been giving you those things have ya!?”)
  Oh.. Right. That’s why. He started speeding up with his digging, thinking about what he’d heard. Weird.. Was that Xiao-Xiao’s… He doesn’t deserve Shadow Dad’s title. Was that Xiao-Xiao’s sperm donor? He needed to hurry up. “RUMBLE! SAVAGE! HURRY! WE GOTTA DO THIS FAST!”
  The twins saluted from where they were and dove back into the pile, Savage immediately popping back up with the set in it's hands. "I found it!” A shadow whip wrapped around the set and pulled it to the adult’s hands. Shadow Dad portaled to the couple's building again and placed it on their doorstep, feeling the pull of Xiaotian’s lantern a moment later.
  He knew it would be hard to explain, but- He saw his son; his perfect little boy, covered in bruises and cuts and barely awake when he arrived. One tiny smile grew on his face, before he passed out. FUCK.
  Shadow Dad ran to his son’s side and wracked his brain on what to do. How was he gonna-! You have healing, moron! But- He doesn't have enough energy for that! If he uses that..
  No. Stop! Don't be selfish! it's better that he's okay and doesn't know what happened instead of him being dead. He readied himself and let his ears start their glow. He held his hands an inch above his cub’s form and started to repair him as best he could.
  His own form couldn’t remain solid even after only healing half of his son’s wounds and he had to pull apart the mini lantern to gain its power. Once he realized that, he picked his son up and brought him to the building he'd picked. His magic healed the boy as he held him close, wanting to hug him as long as he could.
  Once his cub was fully healed, he summoned the twins to say their goodbyes. As they cried over their baby brother’s form, he thought about his visions and made his decision. 
  The boy’s sperm and egg donors were in for a world of hurt.
—Shadow Staff Era, End—
  Xiaotian's eyes opened softly, confusion showing quickly. Where was he? He looked around for a moment, before seeing a sign. 'Pigsy’s Noodles' was written on the front. The little boy stood up, staring at the restaurant, before checking his pocket.. He checked the other. He patted every part of his outfit and couldn't find it. Where was his lantern?!
  He started hyperventilating and ran around the corner, hiding from the pig demon who stepped out shortly after he'd moved. Where was his dad?! He needed him and he wasn’t there! What happened? He held his forehead and was relieved when he felt the headband was still there. At least he had that.
  "What is it, Pigsy?" another voice came from inside, causing more fear in the kid’s eyes.
  "Thought I heard something..," the pig- Pigsy, muttered, before looking around. He walked over to where the boy sat. Come on, Xiao-Xiao! Calm down! He's gonna find you- "What the- What are you doing out here alone?"
  The demon kneeled down next to him, reaching out towards him but not touching. "Leave me alone." The child mumbled, still holding his headband.
  Pigsy sighed and lowered his hand, before saying quietly, "Well, if you're hungry, come in and we'll warm you up, alright?" and walking back into his shop. Xiaotian uncurled and looked toward the warm light. He was hungry… and cold.. and wet.
  He kept holding the headband as he walked back around the corner, stepping into the golden glow and feeling the homey atmosphere the moment he entered. "Holy- 300,000?! Who just left this here?" A human said, sitting on a stool with a bowl of noodles in front of him and a set of pottery to his side. He was texting someone. Probably an appraiser.
  Pigsy poured a bowl of noodles and placed it next to the human, gesturing Xiao-Xiao over. "Someone stupid, probably. Either way, there goes the money issue!" The demon exclaimed, smiling at his husband while Xiaotian walked in.
  He got on the stool and smiled slightly. “Hi..” He waved as the pig placed a pair of chopsticks in front of him.
  The human seemed confused, but he waved back, just to be polite. “Hello there.. Where are your parents?” Xiao-Xiao turned his face toward the ground with a frown and the man panicked. “Oh!- I- I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were an orphan! Uhm- uh- ah- Food? Wh-What’s your favorite food?”
  The little boy laughed at the awkward man, a lot calmer, but still holding his headband tightly. “Um… I dunno.. Congee, probably! Shadow Dad always makes that!” He exclaimed, noticing the other’s face shift to confusion again.
  “Wait. I- aren’t you… an orphan?” The adult asked.
  “No. Shadow Dad is gonna come back! I know it! It… He must have just… forgot. He’ll be back any minute!” Xiaotian tried to stay confident in his parental figure, but… Right here, Xiao-Xiao.. It… was hard. He scratched his leg lightly when he felt something touch him through the skin. 
  Pigsy looked between the child and his husband as the boy started eating. The adults had that odd mind link and realized in sync that the cub had been abandoned. “Yeah.. Well.. What’s your name? We can… take care of you till he comes back.” The demon offered as his husband smiled and nodded along. 
  “I-I’m Qi Xiaotian. And… you?” The Little Sky introduced himself, trying to force a smile. 
  “I’m Pigsy.” The demon stated, smiling at the kid to comfort him. 
  “And I’m Tang. Nice to meet you, Xiaotian.” The human said, taking another bite of his noodles. 
  Silence fell as the humans sat there eating and the pig wiped down his tables and counters. Right before he turned off the TV however, he saw what they were reporting on and paused. "News has spread about local parents, Qi Yang and Guo Jiao. Apparently, they have disappeared from their home, despite the fact that no one has been seen going in or out the whole day. This has caused the police to suspect that a demon has committed this atrocity, but so far there is no hard proof. Now, onto the weather.."
  The boy looked shell shocked by this development, but said nothing until the TV was off, at which point he let out an airy laugh. “Shadow Dad can be my actual dad now! I just need to wait for him to come back… and that shouldn’t take too long! He should be back tomorrow!” he claimed, though it was clear he wasn’t sure. Xiao-Xiao.. The loss of his lantern meant a loss of control, and now that he thought about it, everything was too bright. Could they turn the lights off?
  He blocked his eyes from the light and got back to his noodles, not noticing Pigsy taking the scholar a few feet away for a private conversation. “Okay. So the kid was abandoned, right?” The demon confirmed, waiting for his husband to nod before he continued. “And from what he was saying, it sounds like his parents went missing, and he’s talking about some mysterious Shadow Dad,” Tang nodded, wondering where the pig was going with this. “And he expects this, “Shadow Dad” to come back, but he doesn’t even sound sure.”
  The human had enough of this and butted in. “Pigsy, where are you going with this?” he asked, hoping his husband would get to the point.
  “Xiaotian is an orphan… who walked into our lives… the same day a package of valuable vases appeared on our doorstep while we were talking about adopting. Do you know what that means?” The pig began, getting his partner’s trademark, ‘Get on with it.’ look. “C’mon, Tang! You’re the one who’s into this spiritual mumbo jumbo!”
  “Are you saying a god literally dropped a child on our doorstep?” 
  Pigsy face-palmed and stared at his husband, before explaining to the flustered scholar, “No. I’m saying that this “Shadow Dad” guy dropped his son on our doorstep. My guess as to why is as good as yours, but still, the kid is an orphan and we have money now, so… y’know..” 
  Tang sighed and stepped towards his bookshelf, picking the first book of JTTW off of it and returning to his husband’s side. He gave a sympathetic smile to his partner and tried to let him down easily. “I know you’re excited, but where would we even keep a kid? Not to mention, adoption interviews are an integral part of picking a kid to adopt- Yes, Xiaotian?” The boy tugged on his sleeve and interrupted him.
  He was staring at the book in the scholar’s arms with stars in his eyes. “Is that the book Monkey King’s from?” He asked, still staring at the book, then he glanced up at Tang’s face and flinched away at the pointed look he was given, though he couldn’t tell the emotions behind it.
  And so he was baffled when he was lifted into the human’s arms as he started talking and walking towards the door. “Come along, my dear Pigsy. We cannot allow this boy to fall into a home where his mental dexterity will not be nurtured!” 
  “What is happening?” The child asked, before hearing the pig snort out a laugh.
  “Tang- Tang, sweetie. It’s eleven P.M. No ones open!” Tang stopped when he brought it up, and then walked back over to the stairwell. One set went up to an office space and the other went down to the couple’s own home. Yes, they lived in the basement. Do you have a problem with it? No? Good.
  “Right! Sleep, breakfast, then foster.” The adult said, walking down the stairway to his home. The first room you saw was the living room, which was fairly simple. A deep red sofa, redwood coffee table, and matching TV stand and carpet! (Though the carpet had a golden edge)
  There were also a few bookshelves behind the set up. It was clear to see that Tang designed this room. To the right of the door was the bathroom, and on the other side of the TV was the door to the bedroom. Where’s the kitchen and dining room? The fucking restaurant, of course! 
  The scholar placed the boy on the couch, turned on “Monkey King: The Animated Series” and then went into the bedroom to get a blanket for their guest. He helped Xiaotian get comfy, and then went to bed with his husband. “Heh. And you were thinking we wouldn’t wanna keep this kid.” The pig joked, getting changed into his sleep wear. 
  “It may be a logistical nightmare, but if there’s a kid who’s willing to hear my stories, it will be worth it.” Tang stated,taking off his glasses and changing into his nightgown. 
  As the two got into bed, Pigsy added, “And if he’s willing to learn my recipes, it will be worth it.” The partners agreed that night. They were ready for this kid, because the boy they found was willing to learn. 
  Shadow Dad watched from the darkness, proud of the boy he’d raised, and happy with his choice of host family.
—Purple Bo Staff Era, Start!—
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I am so fucking sorry, y’all. It’s called Imaginary Shadow Dad for a reason. (I’m not saying the shadow fam was imaginary, but… Well, you'll understand when you read the next few chapters.) 
Welcome to The Five Chapters of Grief, everybody! Next time, Ch.6: Denial. 
Have fun, and happy scrolling!
(Also, surprise! There are eras!)
Prev- Chapter 4 and Next- Chapter 6
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moobloom-mention · 9 months
I've Worked So Hard For This (And You Expect Me to Let It All Go?)
Summary: Wukong's long turned his back on the chaotic life he once lived on Flower Fruit Mountain. Who knew it'd only take 500 years and four new "friends" to change his perspective on life?
The only issue is that the ghost of his past won't stop haunting him.
Content Warning(s): Angst, Implied character death
Word Count: 901
Just a little warm-up I did focusing on how Wukong would respond to Macaque trying to get him to ditch Tripitaka and the gang.
Wukong always thought himself to be a master of spontaneity.
He’d once had a shadow to correct him, whose voice would huff out utterances of something called “improv”.
It’s expression feigned boredom, corrupted only by the frustration told in the way its hand crushed a piece of parchment that’d once resembled a script of sorts. “You really can’t stick to lines, can you?”
And proud as ever, Wukong had merely shook his head, popping the “p” in his responsive “Nope!”
But what can he say? He’s a creature that likes to keep others guessing. A ball of energy that sinks its fangs along the line that separates formality and its opposite.
You can’t think too hard about manners when in need of improvisation.
It calls for movement without thought behind it.
And it’s why Wukong finds his mind scattered and frayed when his muscles freeze and throat dry at the scene before him.
Because after the hundreds of years spent trapped beneath a mountain, and the many in counting ever since beginning his journey, how would he ever think…this would happen?
“Wukong?” the voice calls, lifting onto the balls of its feet in a familiar tell of anxiety. “What is it? You look like you’ve just seen-”
A ghost.
Ah. That’s the word he’d been looking for.
Wukong’s lips dare to tug upward.
He never thought he’d see a ghost haunting him.
Because that’s what Macaque is, isn’t he? Even as earth crunches beneath black fur, there’s something missing about the stage teller he’d grown up with. Black shoulders crowd into one another, eyes flitting about the clearing as though concerned something will steal Wukong away.
It’s so unnaturally Macaque.
“You found me,” he manages through a strangled voice. Heavens above, he hasn’t felt this dazed since his first taste of sunlight at his Master’s side. “How did you-?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Macaque deflects, his six ears distracting as they swivel northbound to south. It’s subconscious, surely- Wukong had left when the other still hadn’t a grasp on how to control them.
But Macaque’s eyes flash and suddenly his ears are still, satisfaction and triumph compiled into a single expression. “I finally did it, didn’t I?”
Wukong’s eyebrows furrow. Finally?
Just how long have I had a shadow?
It couldn’t have been for long, Wukong’s certain of it. He’d gotten paranoid over demons following his troop, concerned that any snap of a twig could be someone hoping to kidnap his Master and finally obtain immortality.
Macaque should’ve been the one found. Not Wukong.
Still not powerful enough, he swears, tail twitching in fury. Wukong had already been nervous to send Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing to follow their Master to a close village, but to think it’d of been more dangerous if Wukong went?
Now that’s an insulting thought. For Master to be better protected in the company of Zhu Bajie than the Great Sage Sun Wukong.
What would his Master think of that?
To return and realize that-
Wukong blinks.
His Master would return and see Macaque.
Would see the temptation of returning to a chaotic life splayed in front of his disciple like a prize. Wouldn’t see this as a test of loyalty, but as a betrayal already set in stone.
His head aches.
The grand monk will return.
“We can finally go home,” Macaque murmurs, his voice almost a whisper as though he couldn’t believe it himself. So terribly does Wukong wish to lean into it- to demand Macaque says it again and again until it becomes a mantra.
His head aches once more and dirt sprays from where his staff embeds itself into the earth. The dampness of the reddened wood is a grounding sensation, the scene before him far too familiar.
A demon stands not far from Wukong, demanding of his attention in its own unique way.
Only this time, his opponent takes a step back.
It’s strategy. But not one born of self-preservation.
Macaque treats the battlefield like politics. His only prerequisite is a simple step back.
But Wukong isn’t called the god of spontaneity for nothing. The battlefield is where he thrives.
He forces himself to squint, the grass beneath his feet making it easier to reminisce of a simpler time. When the battlefield was nothing more than a lengthy patch of grass perfect for sparring.
“Maybe follow a strategy this time?” Macaque would offer, a flash of fang nothing but a playful gesture.
“Nah,” Wukong would laugh. “Unpredictability guarantees a struggle-”
He blinks and the scene vanishes amidst the gentle haze of the forest’s fog.
But this isn’t like a sparring match, is it? The environment reeks of uncertainty. Of caution. There’s so much fear in the voice he’d grown to know like the back of his hand.
It’s a horrid mockery of how his name should sound on Macaque’s lips.
But it’s also a horrid assumption of Wukong’s desires.
Maybe months ago he would’ve said yes. Would’ve given into the concept of “home” and echoed apologies for ever tempting the Heavens and leaving behind the clear skies of their home.
But today, the sun is dull, overcast by fog and clouds. Today Wukong doesn’t want Flower Fruit Mountain. A chaotic life of playing Devil’s advocate isn’t as appealing as the concept of enlightenment.
The staff’s weight feels familiar in his grasp.
“I’ve worked too hard for this to just go back.”
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dragon-ball-meta · 1 year
How influential is Journey to the West to Dragonball? I know Son Goku is based on Son Wukong to a certain degree.
How do the parallels run and where is it different?
Well on the more obvious front, yeah, Goku is literally named after Wukong, or his Japanese name at least. It's also the inspiration behind Nimbus, the Power Pole, the monkey tail and Oozaru form, even the shape of the Saiyan space pods is thought to be a reference to the magic stone that Wukong was born from. Goku and his mischief with the gods and quest to master Ultra Instinct (which can be read as parallelling Wukong attaining Buddhahood) are also taken from it, so the series is still drawing inspiration from the story to this day. And even some of the movies appear to borrow from it. The devices used to control both versions of Broly may be inspired by the gold circlet used to control Wukong if he got out of control in JTTW, and the fruit of the Tree of Might MAY have been inspired by the Peaches of Immortality. In terms of other characters, Ox King is based on the Bull Demon King, Tien is based on Erlang, Roshi on Subodhi, Yamcha on Sha Wujing, Bulma and Krillin both have aspects inspired by Tang Sanzang, Oolong is a pretty direct reference to Zhu Bajie right down to being a pig-man, the list goes on. There's actually quite a lot of JTTW in Dragon Ball's DNA.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Macaque, making his grand entrance wearing one of his best outfits just to flex: Now, what is all this rackets!?
The group turns to see a drop-dead gorgeous goth monkey with shouldering eyes, Wukong can feel his face heating up as he realizes that's his shirt. Luzgen realizes what his brother-in-law is doing and starts to grin. Baije is currently having a huge gay existential crisis because while he may be straight, he also has eyes!
Luzhen: Nothing of note, dear brother-in-law! Wukong's companions have come for a visit and to ask he return to the journey the Bodhisattva had task him with.
Macaque turns a regal eye over them as all of them except for Wukong, who is still shellshocked at the sight of his mate looking downright divine, have the sudden realization that Wukong didn't just have a brother. He has a husband, one who looks as though he would feed then to the lions at a moment notice: I see... well then I suppose I shall join in this conversation. Considering it involves the fate of my mate and king.
And then Macaque makes sure to kiss Wukong upon the cheek, causing the already blushing mess of a king to go into an overheated state as he stammers in a flustered manner, tail wrapping around Wukong's waist to pull him close.
Luzhen smiling deviously at Macaque's performance. If its one thing the two agree on, it's their sense of humor.
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Wukong blushing and stuttering like a malfunctioning computer at how enchanting his mate is looking right now. This monkey has been in jail for 500 years, his brain is overheating. Only reason he aint doing something unholy rn is cus there's baby monkeys and a monk present.
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The Stalwarts are smiling deviously in their own ways - you know they helped Macaque prepare for this introduction.
Each pilgrim has their own reaction.
Zhu Bajie's is the loudest. You can hear his jaw drop and the gears turning in his head as he realises "Thats a guy!?"
Tripitaka is Terrified. One cus attractive people scare him, and Two because Macaque really does look ready to toss the monk into the ocean for making Wukong sad.
Sha Wujing politely covers his eyes and says a cheery "Hello!" He does not wish to look disrespectfully.
Ao Lie doesn't even act surprised (horse or not). Brother Wukong spoke so highly of his mate that the dragon just assumed he'd be as drop-dead gorgeous in person. Lie does however giggle behind his sleeves at Wukong's love-struck expression.
As Macaque's kisses his mate's cheek and wraps his tail around him, Wukong can only reply with a sound akin to steam escape a kettle. And with the near-instinctual wrapping of his own tail around Macaque.
It all sends a very clear message to the Pilgrims that the bodyguard they took for granted has many very good reasons to drop his employment at any time if he so wished.
And that theres someone very willing to cut them all down if they ever take him for granted again.
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greatdevourer1231954 · 4 months
Can you tell me more about Sun Wukong in your au?
First thing, i would like to point out that the voice actor who would play him in my AU is Sean Schemmel, who also voiced Son Goku on Dragon Ball Z.
My Wukong in terms of story, personality and powers are pretty much close to the myths.
Born out of a stone, gaining a powerfull staff, angering, trickiring and messing with the gods, being trapped by Buddha in a mountain and then joining, Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and the White Dragon Horse to the Journey to the West.
Not a lot to say, besides that he is one of my God of War OC's (Which by the way i will make a post about it) most powerfull allie and a great Brother-in-Arms.
In terms of appereance, Wukong is a mix of many monkey species from asia(China to be specific).
His torso, legs and tail are from a  Arunachal macaque.
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His arms and shoulders from a Siamang gibbon (And yes he can inflate his neck like Siamang gibbon's do) 
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Lastly his face resembles that of a golden snub-nosed monkey
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Other than that, my Wukong in my God of War AU is pretty powerfull guy, but also a nice guy to hang out with (Just don't threat anyne he like or else he will crush you like a peach fruit).
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