#zionist aggression
plaguedoctormemes · 8 months
Real talk if you reblog shit about israel and gaza, and honestly any sort of situation where REAL LIVES are impacted and give it a cute little tag like “ ___ discourse” thats just like, absolutely disgusting and shameful. It’s like some internet debate game for you. Open a window and get some fresh air. Look at yourself in the fucking mirror. you arent helping people by tagging triggering content. If you really care you’d use normal fucking tags. Just say it like it is: What you’re really doing is creating a little shelf of posts that make you feel morally superior and justified by collecting “gotchas” over people you disagree with. A box of clout that makes you feel better about your tiny existence by having “the right opinions”. You don’t care about the people that its actually affecting. No fucking compassion or sympathy for those who are actively suffering while you argue semantics and make bad faith claims on your stupid fucking device like it’s made up bullshit on Netflix. No further introspection or questioning of values or morality.
You should probably have a little more tact and at least pretend like you dont view this shit as the same as fandom or shipping discourse. If you’re doing this i hope you know that if i knew your face, i’d spit on it.
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cheonsahs · 4 months
katie marovitch being a zionist was super disappointing. she should know better.
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casualfruit · 2 months
I'd recommend not getting a Hebrew tattoo unless you either know the language or have a connection to Judaism. you run the risk of having a typo tattooed on your body without recognising it, and potentially culturally appropriating judaism if the term of origin you're tattooing is connected to a religious practice.
the term you thought to tattoo on you, "kol ha'olam kulo [...]" is from an Israeli song that was inspired by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, I believe this song has a deep cultural significance in Israel due to its message.
sorry, idk if you're Jewish or not, but Jewish culture isn't really for goyim, you usually wouldn't tattoo yourself with a quote belonging to a minority without having a connection to that minority, because that's cultural appropriation.
Hi anon! First, I just want to thank you for making me laugh first thing in the morning, because I needed that.
Second, I appreciate you not even bothering to read my blog title, which very prominently displays the phrase “REVENGE OF THE JEWFRO”, something that should indicate a high likelihood that I am, in fact, Jewish. I’m honestly not sure how you managed to miss that while navigating to my blog to send me this ask, but congrats on pulling it off!
Furthermore, I really like how you didn’t check my blog under any Judaism/Jewish-related tags, because if you did you would see a lot of content (including a lot about me musing about my Jewish identity!) over the course of the nine-ish years I’ve had this blog.
As it happens, I am staunchly anti-Zionist, so that’s the only thing that might make me reconsider getting that phrase as a tattoo. Maybe. I might get it anyway because it’s a good message and I’m sort of collecting them on my body in various languages, and I’ve wanted a Hebrew tattoo for about five years now.
If you’re Jewish, dear anon, I’m honestly a little surprised you fucked this up so badly. If you’re a goy (which I doubt, since goyim don’t tend to use the word “goy”), shut the fuck up lmaoooo
Anyway, thanks again for this ridiculous message, and stay away from callout posts because clearly you do less than zero research before making wild assumptions about other people.
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months
People discussing Israel's racist policies and Israel's policy of fucking over non Rabbinic communities and fucking up the transmission of diaspora cultures (such as the teaching of languages) is not the time to go "we don't need gentiles in our intracommunity politics". Foundational to Israel is "maintaining a Jewish majority". These communities are attacked in lathe part because they are seen as not being as Jewish as White, Ashkie, Western European Jews (with respect to how Eastern European Jews are also often mistreated), or their Judaism is otherwise seen as deficient. The maintenance of this majority is also why Palestinians generally, cannot really get an Israeli citizenship, even if they wanted to, and sometimes even if they can prove they are of Jewish descent. "Who is a Jew and what is a Jewish culture" is a constructed boundary: for the past 70 odd years it has been a boundary used for violence. If you want anti-zionists to have politics informed by the needs of Jews, they must be party to these discussions.
#cipher talk#Also seeing a post like 'talking about racism in Israel feels bad bc it casts Ashkenazim as evil elites imo'#(Person saying this WAS white AFAIK and that's very funny given not all Ashkenazim are white- and most posts I've seen#Are made by Jews or POC focusing on whiteness more than 'Ashkienormativity')#Then seeing a post like 'I don't believe you care about Yiddish if you only use it to attack Hebrew >:(' is nuts#Which is it do 'gentiles' care too much about Ashkenazi culture and use it as a weapon or do they pick on them as the acceptable group of#'Bad jews' (as people like to put it)?#And ngl any white person pulling this right now definitely doesn't care that much about JOC normally. If they did they'd let them say when#They're uncomfortable lmao because thar is the point of reference you need when discussing racism here#Otherwise you're just doing the 'white person shuts down conversation about racism because they feel upset' thing that everyone does#Including gentiles. Including gentiles who belong to groups (like white Latinos white Irish and Scottish people etc) who have faced#Marginalisation discrimination and genocide#And if you as a white person aren't doing that that tells me you either don't care to pay attention or you don't talk to JOC#So you don't know when JOC are actually uncomfortable and a lime is being crossed#And that's pretty bad because there's quite a few Mizrahim who are aggressive Zionists lmao and would love for you to use them as shield
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unclemagnemite · 6 months
saw a kid today walking to school dressed in a huge watermelon costume and when I say I smiled so wide
the kids are alright
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menalez · 9 months
like zionists always leave out the part of the history where europeans created political zionist ideology, migrated to the middle east, and then decided to take over parts of palestine by force and forcibly expelled palestinians. then getting funding from powerful western nations when allies to palestine fought them for forcibly taking palestinian land. how tf were u the victim in the situation where the neighbours of a country fought you FOR BEING A VIOLENT COLONIAL ENTITY 💀
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hostilecityshowdown · 6 months
ramadan mubarak ♡
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thebusylilbee · 4 months
honestly I'm impressed by the french communist party (called La France Insoumise) these days. it's the ONLY big party in France that has consistently held progressive, humanist and anti-colonial positions on the situation in Palestine. their members of parliament are the only french public figures that don't make me want to shut down the tv/video/radio when I hear them talk about Gaza in interviews, and im seeing a lot of leftists say that they're gonna switch their votes for them this time bc they're the only ones who have had a spine since october 7
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jitteryjive · 5 months
sorry to follow up on the one aggressive post i made earlier but my biggest anathema in the world was blubbering and bitching about how israel and ‘hamas’ are complicated and how people need to stop hating on the israeli participant at eurovision because she hasn’t ’outwardly said she supports israel’s bad decisions’ and it’s ’putting down singers’ chances’ if eurovision gets boycotted. i mean it makes sense because my anathema is already an abusive racist groomer piece of dogshit but how depraved do you have to be to see literal babies getting bulldozed and watch defiled hijabis get raped and watch millions of people get brutally genocided and bombed and murdered and go ‘wahhh i want my eurovision 🥺🥺🥺’ you are a horrible fucking person if you ever act that way. i hope every zionist wakes up in an isolated medieval torture device and has to suffer the way so many innocent lives have been completely decimated by the monsters controlling israel. free palestine and sudan and congo and every place in the world where colonist bastards have everything under their disgusting thumbs
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leadrains · 7 months
i thought rage towards waititi and his zionism was the dominant opinion on this site why is ofmd trending
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amlovelies · 1 year
My most hated customer decided to go on a rant defending columbus today so that's how my first day back his going
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gryficowa · 3 months
After reading now how much Ukrainians have harmed us Poles, I shake my head
I knew about, for example, the rapes of Polish women and I had heard Volhynia (the name), but jeez, I didn't know it was that bad, it was a massacre
This explains a lot, including the reluctance towards Ukrainians on the part of Poles (Unfortunately, the Ukrainians did their job, there was a situation at school where some Ukrainian kids threatened a Polish child that they would hurt him, I thought it was because of trauma, you know, the war, but after history, it's possible that the parents were to blame… It's just depressing)
The scar is still fresh, but I prefer to look at what Ukrainians are today, not when they murdered, raped and collaborated with the Nazis (Yes, it happened, Ukrainian nationalists in short…), because they won't change it, there was no them back then, and time travel hadn't been invented, so as with Russians (LGBT+ people and those who hate Putin), I cannot hate them for something that is not their fault, your ancestors, your compatriots, do not represent you, you deserve to be safe in your home, no one should hate you for your origin, the most important thing is what kind of person you are, not where you come from, not the history of your ancestors, the most important thing is who you are, they do not represent you (Unfortunately, many people do not want to understand this)
To those Ukrainians who are anti-Zionists, I am proud of you, you have broken this chain, maybe there are few of you, but you opposed the genocide, and that is courage, when many Ukrainians are Zionists, the crimes of your ancestors must be buried in the grave, it is not that are to be forgotten, the point is that they are not to represent you, Ukraine will be free, along with Palestine, Sudan, Congo and all the rest, that's all I have to say, the crimes of your ancestors are a warning, not who you are (Unfortunately, many people forget this these days, which is sad)
Even if I understand the pain of my compatriots, I can't hate you, I can't hate people for their origins, for their ancestors, I just can't, I know that many people can do it, but not me, I hate ignorance, denial, or just support. genocide, not the people themselves, I hate Zionism because it hurts people, not only Palestinians, but also Jews themselves, it is the behavior and views that I hate, not ethnicity (Being a Zionist is not being a Jew)
I don't hate Israelis for being Jews, but for being bigots towards Palestinians and Jews who are not Israelis (Yemeni and Palestinian), their behavior irritates me, I know, it brainwashes me, but you still want to believe inside that there are Israelis what they hate Israel because they know what crimes it has committed...
This is a small hope that is not true, I would simply prefer that future generations not be associated with genocide or supporting it, because ancestors from their ethnicity committed it or supported it :/
I wouldn't want Jews in the future to be attacked for Israel's crimes, or people from different countries to be associated with supporting it, it's just something I don't want, because your ancestors do not represent you
I know, I've written a lot, but I just don't want to associate Ukrainians with what they did to Poles in the past, because many of them weren't even alive then and can't change anything about it, for me the most important thing is that you change for the better and that's it, the very fact that you are far from who your ancestors were is a reason to be proud because you have broken the chain, and that's a challenge
I also don't want to hate Russians for Putin's and earlier crimes, because many of them are not guilty, many of them are minors and that means I don't feel hatred towards them, Putin is a bad person, he hurts not only Ukrainians, but also Russians , bad people do not represent all Russians, there are a lot of bad people in my country, but it doesn't mean that I am like them, because they are not me
However, I cannot say much about people from other countries that committed genocide, because I have not met as many of them as in the case of Russians and Israelis, which makes it impossible for me to judge them as people when I say that I hate Saudi Arabia or other such countries, unfortunately I cannot say anything about the people because I haven't met them on the Internet yet, and it makes it difficult for me to look at them in the right way other than through the prism of the country, and I don't want to do that, because it is xenophobia and racism when you judge someone because of his country
When I say that I hate France, the UK, the USA and other countries, it does not mean that I hate the people (Yes, there are Americans who pissed me off, but I also met many Americans who are wonderful people), but the countries themselves and the problems they do not fight against. (Or they fight, but these are issues like women wearing hijab… Yes, I'm talking about France, where women are forced to take them off)
And when I say that I hate Poles, you have to remember that I live in Poland, so it makes more sense that I can get angry at my compatriots
Long post came out…
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sereniv · 4 months
ok for rn i am going to try and get some art done and finish this crappy audio book.
read tags i said some stuff i should have just written here
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cherrysnax · 7 months
speaking of bhm I feel like this year has genuinely been the worst.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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Daily reminder that the U.S. has been supporting these kinds of genocidal wars of aggression for 100+ years. This is nothing new and not a recent phenomenon-this has been going on for a long time.
It's important during times like this that we make sure people don't fall down the trap of blaming everything on the so called "ZOG" or "Zionist Occupied Government" which basically leads to the brain dead and fucking utterly stupid neo-Nazi route of blaming everything on "da Joos”
The U.S. has had horrific foreign policy long before there was even a strong and influential Israel lobby.
The Korean War occurred before AIPAC existed, and during the early 20th century before Israel existed the U.S. brutally colonized and occupied the Philippines, invaded Russia right after the Bolshevik revolution to crush the communist movement there, and plenty of other examples of this kind of foreign policy. And of course during the 1800s in the era of Manifest Destiny you had the genocide of native Americans, the Mexican-American war, and so on.
The idea that this is all the fault of Zionists is an absolutely brain dead analysis. The problem is mainly just capitalism (as well as racism and other factors of course, especially during the 1800s) which is a system that always leads to the most insane people ruling over us, regardless of ethnicity.
Zionism just happens to be compatible with the interests of imperialists in the Middle East region.
Blaming everything purely on Zionism and "ZOG" is completely insane and shows a profound ignorance of the history of American foreign policy.
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opencommunion · 6 months
"Like all foreigners, the Jewish settlers sailed first to Alexandria, took a ferry to Jaffa, and were taken ashore by small boats. This mundane arrival at the shore appears in the settlers’ statements as aggressive and alien treatment: ‘Aravim Hetikifu Ottanu’ – ‘the Arabs assaulted us’ – is the phrase used to describe the simple act of Palestinian boys helping settlers to small boats on the way to Jaffa; they shouted because the waves were high and asked for baksheesh [tips] because this was how they managed to live. But in the settlers’ narrative they were assailants. Noise, presumably a normal feature of life in the Jewish townships of Eastern Europe, becomes menacing when produced by Palestinian women wailing in the traditional salute of joy to the sailors returning safely home. For the settlers this was the behaviour of savages, ‘with fiery eyes and a strange garroted language.’ Whether the topic is their language, their dress or their animals, reports back to Europe concerning the Palestinians were all about unpleasantness and weirdness. ... Again and again, Zionist settlers behaved as a people who had been insulted – either objectively in the form of a physical attack, but more often simply by the very presence of Palestinians in Palestine. ... The Zionist settlers instituted retaliation for ‘theft’, which was how they characterised the rural tradition of cultivating state land, a practice that was legal under Ottoman law. Picking fruit from roadside orchards became an act of robbery only after Zionism took over the land. The words shoded (robber) and rozeach (murderer) were flung about with ease when Palestinians involved in such acts were described. After 1948 these terms would be replaced with ‘terrorist’ and ‘saboteur’. ... Cleansing the land of its farmers and tenants was done at first through meeting in the Zionist madafa and then by force of eviction in Mandatory times. The ‘good’ Palestinians were those who came to the madafa and allowed themselves to be evicted. Those who refused were branded robbers and murderers. Even Palestinians with whom the settlers sometimes shared ownership of horses or long hours of guard duty were transformed into villains once they refused eviction. Later on, wherever Israelis would control the lives of Palestinians, such a refusal to collaborate would be the ultimate proof for Palestinian choice of the terrorist option as a way of life. ... Following the 1967 war ... both Israeli academics and Israeli media commonly used the term ‘terrorism’ when referring to any kind of Palestinian political, social and cultural activity. ‘Palestinian terrorism’ was depicted as having been present from the very beginning of the Zionist project in Palestine and still being there when academic research into it began in earnest. This characterisation was so comprehensive and airtight that it assigned almost every chapter in Palestinian history to the domain of ‘terrorism’ and absolved hardly any of the organisations and personalities that made up the Palestinian national movement from the accusation of being terrorists."
Ilan Pappé, The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge (2014)
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