#zionists really do be acting like nazis
itisiives · 20 days
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For folks who keep crowing, "It can't be a genocide, because Palestine's population GREW!"
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tikkunolamresistance · 2 months
On the topic of your posts of Zionists calling Jewish people anti semitic for being anti-zionists,
I feel like they're(Zionists) own definitions of who gets to be Jewish flip flops too from post to post. (Bc they keep trying to find different avenues to try and invalidate anti-zionist Jewish people's identity, but in the end its like wait so which one of those rigid definitions do they actually believe because clearly if they're using these "standards" against others, they're not as open and progressive as they often make themselves out to be in)
Yes! Exactly this!
Jewish Zionists will accuse Jews of being phoney, that they’re “not actually Jewish” or “not really Jewish”, an accusation based entirely on someones affiliation to the separatist, racist Zionist ideology. Zionists pride themselves on the Jewish expressions akin to “1 Jew, 2 opnions”, and how diverse our people are! … But that diversity has to fit into the Zionist ideological framework, or the anti-Zionist is cut off, cast away and branded a “traitor”, a “nazi”, or just “not a real Jew”. The very act of rejecting Zionist ideology is encouraged, by religious leaders and community members; it’s an issue with deeper roots we Jews must get comfortable with facing.
In essence, you could say this propagation is an extension of the Zionist forced-assimilation that upholds the Israeli settler culture— necessitating an entire people into conformity of a particular (namely right-wing) ideology through intimidation and bullying tactics. It goes without saying, that Zionists perpetuate some of the most violent and damaging antisemitism inder the guise of “dismantling antisemitism”… their counterproductivity is only matched by their contradiction.
Zionist Jews bully anti-Zionist Jews, and historically so, to enforce Zionist ideology. It is a cycle that must be dissolved immediately, to ensure full liberation of Judaism from violent Facist ideological extremism.
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
What is there left to learn?
All you need to know of any good branch of leftism is that self determination and freedom is above everything.
We stand against so much because so much has been created to get in the way of that.
Money often gets in the way by imposing literal pay walls to basic needs so we oppose it. Racism gets in the way when racist gatekeepers prevent POC from receiving equal care, equal service, and equal access to resources so we oppose it. The same goes for all the other -isms and bigotries such as misogyny and homophobia.
Human beings come in all shapes, sizes, colors, sexualities, and genders. We are beautifully diverse this way, it's literally human nature.
And so we must learn to live and accept people different from ourselves.
Nobody has more rights or humanity than anyone else. Nobody has the right to enforce their own determinations and truths on anyone else. There is no singular way of being that is Right or makes you more deserving than the rest, that gives you the right to control others because it's just such a Good way of living. There never will be.
There is no natural way to determine what a good, deserving human looks like. And that's why leftism supports and hears all oppressed people.
Every single excuse and method that attempts to control/feel superior are all social constructs. Ex:
You're rich, fiscally responsible and think you're better than others? Money isn't natural, it's barely even real. It's something that some human made up one day to feel better than the others. It may as well be called pixie dust. And without it you're just like the rest of us.
Being White didn't mean anything before some human decided they could gain self esteem by reducing the perceived worthiness of Black and Brown ppl. Without made-up ideas of race you're just like the rest of us, made of the same hunger and thirst and love as we are.
Cis and Trans or Gay and straight are just different ways for humans to be born and exist. Some people like their bodies, some don't. Some people kiss the same sex, some dont. You aren't superior for being cis or only kissing one sex. You won't get a trophy for denying the kind of human you are or for making others feel bad about the kind of human they are either.
There is no natural test for superiority in humans because human superiority is unnatural. For any of us.
The only measure of being Better than others was how much better you were at being a community member; how much you contributed to the betterment of your peers. You didn't brag about being white, you bragged about how you killed so many deer that your people certainly will Not be starving.
We were born to share this planet and our only ACTUAL job is to take care of each other and the planet in whatever way we can. It's the only thing we've ever owed each other.
Racism, ableism, colonization, capitalism, white supremacy, genocide, Nazis, Zionists, etc.
These are not concepts that deserve to be kept alive. Anything that makes you hate someone else or makes you feel more Worthy than someone else has no place in the future.
I say all this because I feel like I'm beating a dead horse on this blog so often. I really do try to stay educational and focus on solidarity. But there's only so much that words can do without action.
And words without action are as good as dust in the wind.
I love this blog, but I'm long over this. We need to act. There is a genocide happening and I'm starting to believe that everyone who wants to stop it Already knows about it. They do not need awareness. They don't need voices. They need direction. They need community. They need support and bodies to help intimidate police.
They need us.
And instead I blog on Tumblr trying to rally people that hardly reblog a call to action.
This blog is starting to feel like a symptom of the system. A time-consuming distraction for me. And a way for you to placate yourselves while the world gets worse.
Just following leftists doesn't make you a good person. Having the Right opinions doesn't make you a good person. Even believing in equality doesn't make you a good person if you don't do something about it.
I'm tired of begging for people to organize and protest and show up for each other.
I'm convinced that if you ever had the intention of doing so then you already are. And if you're not then that's a choice you've made.
You either support genocide or you fight it, you know?
I don't know what else there is to learn or say. What are you waiting for? An invitation?
Please go fucking organize and join a protest.
In other news....I am getting closer to deleting this blog every day.
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fairuzfan · 2 months
I highly encourage blocking violent anons like the one claiming you are a nazi, using the block feature on anonymous messages blocks their entire IP address and any accounts linked to it, so it's a good way to get "a lot of anon hate" out of your inbox for good, because so many times it's just one person on a campaign trying to act like they're one of many.
In this case, I don't doubt there's a bunch of zionists all sending hate, but it really is so freeing to block one anon and watch multiple messages vanish :)
Oh I've for sure been doing that thank you for letting me know I just published that one because it was so over the top it made me laugh.
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daphnasworld · 6 months
someone is really posting a real long text about how they were in a pro palestinian demonstration and where fished by nazis only to go on how you have to be careful as anyone is vulnerable towards propaganda and that antisemitism is wrong while at the same time literaly writing:
"They started talking about "Zionist" propaganda in the US, about how it was deeply entrenched in capitalism. Things that, on the surface, seemed reasonable but it set off alarm bells in my head."
Excuse me, but if you are talking about Zionist "propaganda" in connection with capitalism and say that it sounds reasonable, than you are in fact antisemitic. Point blank. It is just picking up the old antisemitic trope of "jews and money" while connecting it with the "jews control the world/media" trope.
You can be left all you want and believe in how good of a person you are and that you are against all hate, but you are proving with your very own words that you are not that pure of a person as you would like to be. You know that antisemitism is bad so you of course claim to be not antisemitic. But your words prove the opposite.
(It's just the same with all the racists who hate to be called racists, but have no probl3m qith acting racist.)
Many leftists are sadly very antisemitic, you just don't realise it. While far right wing people are rather open about their antisemitism the far left is hiding it behind words like capitalism and establishment - which ironically many people in the right have adopted today. So of course you are open to being fished by literal nazis and of course it takes you hours to realise it. Simply because so many of your views agree with each other. You simply believe that it is about israel, while the right know that it is about jews.
Now if you don't want to be antisemitic you really have to think hard about all your views regarding not only jews but also capitalism, the media, "powerful" people in politics and also israel. Because many people use those points to hide their antisemitism. It is possible that those people have teached amd shown you stuff regarding these matters that sounded reasonable. It is okay that you believed them. But check all of that regarding antisemitism. Really analyze them. It can be that if you deny any connection with antisemitism right of the bat or start to feel uncomfortable once you take a closer look while inforning yourself on the many forms of antisemitism, that this reactions/feelings could be an indicator for actual antisemitism.
While you are at it please inform yourself what words like genocide and appartheit mean, how the israeli army takes care of making escape routes safe and hamas doesn't and think about what other state informs the people hours if not days before in various ways where they are going to attack because someone started to shot bombs at them from there, and how you would want and expect the country you live in to react to an attack like on october 7th. If 240 people of your country - even children - would have been abducted. What would you want your country to do? And if you are asking for a ceasefire, who are you asking? Only one side or both? And if you only ask one side, why are you asking the side that got shot at first? Why not ask the side that started shooting rockets? And can it still be called a ceasefire if only one side stops shooting rockets?
And isn't it weird that apparently only Israel is commiting a genocide on the people of gaza, even though they inform them when they are gonna bomb which buildings and are making sure that the escape routes are safe, while hamas doesn''t give a fuck about their own people. How can you claim that hamas doesn't want to and tries to commit a genocide on the jewish people after even admitting it themself and constantly shooting rockets at Israel, and made all those horrible crimes on october 7th and say that they will never stop and even tell every palestinian in the whole world to take a knife and grab a jew?
Hamas doesn't care about their people. What is happening to the people in gaza is horrible. I cry with and for all the innocent people there. But hamas isn't innocent. What is happening right now happens because of hamas. That is why they attacked israel, that is why they took hostages. Because they knew that no country in the world that cared for it's own people could let it slide.
They did it so that Israel would have to defend itself - and that so called leftist would be stupid enough to go on the streets and protect hamas and spread antisemitism.
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koheletgirl · 5 months
Genuine question: do you think it’s inherently antisemitic to compare the israeli army to the gestapo/nazis? I have heard that but I’m also seeing posts that show really similar acts of torture between the two groups so I’m not sure how to respond. It’s okay if you don’t know, I just trust the posts you’ve been making and when I looked it up, I got a lot of really reactionary and unhelpful results
i don't have An Opinion on this. what i do have is my emotional reaction, and i'm afraid the main difference in my eyes is whether the person making the comparison is jewish. this isn't a blanket rule, comparisons from jews can be distasteful and sometimes even antisemitic. but as a whole, that's usually how i feel.
i also think you need to ask yourself why you want to make those comparisons. for instance, i feel like this rhetoric is justified and often useful when i see israeli antizionists talk to israeli zionists. i sometimes want to shake these people and yell at them "doesn't this seem familiar??" and i think this is the main reason people make these comparisons (rather than comparisons to other cases of genocide and ethnic cleansing), because the absurdity of jews doing this after what we've been through not even a century ago is. yeah.
but if i saw [redacted tumblr user] say the same thing, i would get really mad. sometimes people who share a trauma can say things that people who don't share this trauma simply can't. and another thing is, i feel like when you're educated enough about this you can make the right comparisons (and there are ones. i make them myself sometimes). but i don't trust random goyim online to be sensitive/educated enough/somewhat tactful about this. i don't trust them to make those comparisons in good faith. and frankly, i don't trust that they're not antisemitic anymore. i have lost the ability to trust the majority of this website to not spread antisemitic rhetoric. so i guess you can say my general advice is. if you're not jewish, just don't?
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hobbinch · 8 days
It drives me nuts how people deny and No True Scotsman away the idea of antisemitism in pro-palestine spaces, especially online. Like, tumblr is a website where a lot of christian/raised christian activists spent 2015-2023 making "punch nazis" the main pillar of their public support for Jews. When these same people are now bombarded with holocaust inversion takes and terms like "zionazi," do you really expect them to suddenly have a more thorough and nuanced understanding of antisemitism and how to avoid it? Are a huge % christian americans suddenly NOT raised to mistrust and Other Jewish people??? Fucking No! They're just going to add "zionist" to their list of People Who Should Be Punched and continue to act on that righteous instinct instead of doing things that actually like. Help stop genocide and honor the victims of genocides in the past.
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itzsleepintime · 1 month
"Hey.... Don't let go, okay?"
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Hello, everybodyyy!!! This is my side blog (I'll consider putting my main blog here in the future), which is going to be for roleplaying, and a bit of art then and there!
Here's something about me :]
You can call me Jayden/Jay/Sleepy!
(INFP | Pisces | Atheist | Maladaptive Daydreamer | hypersomniac | selective mutism | stimmy | energetic | sensitive)
I'm an [age regressed!] adult with ADHD/who is Neurodivergent! I consider myself a hikikomori, asocial fella who suffers from social anxiety T0T also a bit touch starved hehe 👉👈
My regressed age is about 7-10! But my true age is 19 ^^
I'm genderfluid, and use any prns (She/He/They)! I'm also Greyromantic, Demisexual, Polyromantic and Bicurious!
I'm in a constant state of sleepiness, and a bit of a softie, who likes plushies, fresh/flowery/soapy/baby scents, soft blankets, feeling clean and warm, and comforting pampering ^^
I love to draw, read and listen to music in my free time! Oh, and play with my favorite plushie lol XD
My favorite animal is raven! My favorite color is red, white and black! My favorite food/drink is pasta, chocolate and coffee! My favroite music genres are classical/dubstep/breakcore/vocaloid/electronic (im srs yall i like everything💀)
Some of my icks/dislikes: feeling cold, being in public, talking when I'm sad/angry, bugs, feeling tired, (which is always😒), little children, people touching my plushie, feeling lonely, loud noises/yelling, people being inconsiderate/non-understanding/judgemental, feeling dirty
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It will mainly be self insert/OC roleplays with other characters! Slowly but surely, I will be introducing some of my characters as time goes, who I ship with and which fandom they belong to! It will be either platonic or romantic themed!!
Fandoms I'm interested in for roleplaying: Transformers, Cookie Run, JJBA, OMORI, FNAF, Call of Duty, Sonic The Hedgehog, LOTR, Skyrim, Dragon Ball, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Friday Night Funkin', Madness Combat, Deltarune, Naruto, Chainsaw Man, Monsterverse, ENA, Marvel, The Stanley Parable, HALO, One Punch Man, TADC, Fran Bow, Little Misfortune, Honkai SR, Pizza Tower, Ace Attorney (yes, a long list i know💩)
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⚠ I have age regress, so I may act brash and not so 'adultey' as I'm expected! the tone I use may be a bit too energetic, so, if you find it annoying or uncomfortable, feel free to block me!
⚠ I cuss a lot!
⚠ I can be quite forgettable! If I happen to ghost you/forget to answer/don't remember some of the things you said, I'm really sorry, it was never my intention🙏
⚠ My OC and S/I lore is very... Unrealistic, which means, they are usually non-human and/or immortal beings with a bit of overemphasized powers and such. If that bothers you, feel free to block me!
⚠ If you are easily triggered by dark themes such as d3ath/overal depression things, do not interact, it's for your own safety. Out of coping mechanism, I might reblog some jokes about those themes, so, again, feel free to block me if that is triggering for you!
⚠ Because of that, this blog is 15+!!!
⚠ It is a safe space for any LGBTQ+/Neurodivergent person, and any Race/Ethnicity/Age!
⚠ Sometimes, I will post my OC/Canon art here! If OC x Canon/Canon x Canon art bothers you, no hate, just block please!
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⚠ This blog is SFW!!! However, since I am an adult, I might be following blogs who can be BOTH SFW AND NSFW!!! I WON'T be posting anything NSFW here, but, if you are a minor, please do not interact with them, be warned.
⚠ I won't do SA, incest, minor/adult, zoophilia, etc.
⚠ If I didn't answer your ask, that only means two things: I deleted it because I felt uncomfortable answering it, or I'm too busy to answer it.
⚠ If you approach with pure hate/toxicity and act like a creep, you will be blocked and/or reported.
⚠ No drama, please. I don't want to be part of anything related/unrelated to me. Trying to start any drama results to an instant block.
⚠ Do not spam in asks/messages. Have in mind that I, and any other roleplayers, have life outside these blogs, and can be busy quite a lot if it happens.
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(Nothing here yet!!! It will be updated in the future!!!)
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[Thank you for reading <3]
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honesty-my-policy · 5 days
Oh, and I don't think you're evil. Morally bankrupt, maybe. But more likely just gullible, ignorant, and uninformed.
I wasn't going to respond to anymore of these but I'm in a better headspace and rereading this makes me just laugh. Especially when I follow up with the following asks - all on anon. So, let me properly educate you and prove that you are just regurgitating shit you've read on social media or surface level researched.
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I'm going to break this down because so much of what you've said is wrong. Including, millions of jews.
Displacement of Palestinian people comparatively to Jews? Okay, lets go there.
North Africa Jewish Population Estimates 1948: 500,000 1972: 40,000 2021: 3,000
Middle East (excluding Palestine/Israel) Estimates 1948: 300,000 1972: 7,500 2021: 400
Non-Arab Muslim Countries Estimates 1948: 150,000 1972: 100,000 2021: 24,000
Of the 900,000 Jewish immigrants, around 650,000 emigrated to Israel, and 235,000 to France. The remainder went to other countries in Europe as well as to the Americas.
Operation Ezra and Nehemiah airlifted between 120,000 and 130,000 Iraqi Jews to Israel during the massive Jewish exodus from the Muslim World started - thanks to the violent dispossession against the recently almost completely wiped from the earth Jews in Baghdad, Iraq from the Pro-Nazi Government. It took place on a Jewish holiday as well.
also for reference - https://www.docdroid.net/BZHplSm/the-complete-list-of-the-1030-jewish-expulsions-in-human-history-pdf#page=2
So if you are going to TRY and play the "this person is worse off card." fuck right off.
"Occupation" - you make me want to laugh and throw up at the same time from how ignorant you are. Let us break down this word yes?
Occupation (noun) - the act of controlling a foreign country or region by armed force.
Control (verb) -  to exercise restraining or directing influence over 
Regulate (verb) - to bring under the control of law or constituted authority
So, before this all happened, Israel had check-points set up, that is what you are referencing correct?
In 2000 Palestinian leaders launched the 2nd Intifada, which if you think that word is something nice, you really are just vomiting words back you've heard because a campaign of suicide bombings and terrorism killed over 1,000 Israeli citizens. So, to counter this Israel put up checkpoints in the West Bank instead of just starting a war. Nice of them huh? 1
Stolen their land? Eh? It wasn't their land to start with? Jews are native to Israel? Everyone is now calling for a two state solution but HAMAS, even before HAMAS, the government of Palestine at the CONCEPTION REFUSED a two state solution by the UN. The "Nakba" or "displacement" was them getting their asses whooped after thinking they could run the Jews out of Israel with the help of their Arab states, so Palestine, Egypt, Transjordan known now as Joran, Iraq and Syria all ganged up on Israel even after the ZIONIST Jews accepted the agreement. 1
Why do you blame Israel for everything bad happening to Palestine in History when if you look at a fucking map
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Look at all those Muslim/Arab Majority countries that have access to them that could be helping them? Also, the Gaza strip is connected to the sea, it's how the US Navy has built a dock just for aid! Where are the other Muslim countries? The West Bank is connected to the Jordan River. It passes by Jordan, Syria, Israel and the Palestinian trevorites. Again, if nothing else, crates of aid could be sent down this river.
If anyone is preventing them from being "self-determined" which do you know what that means?
1:  free choice of one's own acts or states without external compulsion 2: determination by the people of a territorial unit of their own future political status
Palestinians are governed by HAMAS. I keep repeating this and it just never gets through to you people.
The Israeli, American, EU, UK, Japanese, and Canadian governments define Hamas as a terrorist group.
The last presidential election was in 2005, which Fatah won. The last legislative election was in 2006, which HAMAS won. Since 2007 HAMAS has taken over the Gaza Strip as a de facto government without any free elections. Freedom House is a website that ranked Gaza Strip's electoral process with the worst score.
Human rights groups and the Gazans themselves over the years have accused HAMAS of restricting the freedom of the press and forcefully suppressing dissent. 1, 2
In September of 2007 they disbanded the Gaza Strip branch of the pro-Fatah Union of Palestinian Journalists, which was criticized by Reporters Without Borders. In November of the same year they arrested a British journalist and for a time they cancelled all press cards in Gaza. In February of 2008, Hamas banned distribution of the pro-Fatah Al-Ayyam newspaper, and closed its offices in the Gaza Strip because it ran a caricature that mocked legislators loyal to Hamas, later the Gaza Strip Interior Ministry issued an arrest warrant for the editor.
Oh, also, Palestinian HEALTH OFFICIALS reported that the HAMAS government has been shutting down Gaza clinics in retaliation for doctor strikes. Which HAMAS confirmed and justified saying "in its view, they had incited other doctors to suspend services and go out on strike."
I can keep going and y'know what, I haven't addressed the "starving" part yet. So, here.
HAMAS government members are worth BILLIONS, yet, somehow their people have lived in poverty, people love to blame Israel, yet the leader Khaled is worth (allegedly) between 2-5 billion. Invested in Egyptian banks, Gulf countries and some real estate projects.
In 2017 Palestinian ministers' monthly salaries were increased from $3,000 to $5,000 (67% raise). All the while economic hardship was hitting their people, in March of the same year the government said they'd have to halve the wages of all but the lowest earning employees, or the 40% of the workforce that takes home only $555 or less a month.
In data from 2017 provided BY THE UNITED NATIONS, using the general barometer for a country's wealth, so they used, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the (sic) State of Palestine's per capita of $2,946 per capita (per person) far exceeds, say, South Sudan ($453) and Yemen ($990) and even their neighbor of Egypt ($2,000).
How does a countries GDP manage to be so high, yet the common man so poor? Uneven income distribution. Keeping the Palestinians poor serves to exploit them for the personal gain of HAMAS aka the uber-rich.
While Egypt’s GDP is lower than that of the Palestinians, description of the poor Egyptians and rallies for their support are non-existent.
As for the bombing. Palestine has been firing at Israel since 2001, even before they declared their second Intifada. 1
I'm not going to claim that Israel has not struck back but I will ask you again, why didn't HAMAS build a defense system for the citizens they are supposed to protect like Israel did with the Iron Dome? Why do they fire rockets from CIVILIAN ZONES/BUILDINGS? Like UNRWA schools? 1
Failed rocket launches and rockets falling short of their target are a COMMON occurrence. 1 , 2
But I think this has gone on long enough and I haven't even responded to the TWO OTHER things you sent to me. Keep coming at me. I'll break these down and explain how stupid you are for being the mouthpiece of a terrorist organization that has kept the people under its control brainwashed to hate Jews, to commit suicide bombings and think that is wonderful, that child soldiers are a good thing, that Islam should eradicate every other religion in the world.
Get your head out of your ass if you can. WAKE UP or come off of anon. I'll respond to the rest later.
Also, I'm going to once again beg you to learn READING COMPREHENSION. This hellsite lacks it entirely. There is a difference between reading words and comprehending.
I'll be helpful - https://www.readingrockets.org/reading-101/reading-and-writing-basics/reading-comprehension
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bunny-heels · 16 days
i saw your post about not rebloging from people who are proship and if im being honest, that mentality terrifies me as someone who just learned this word. what if there is a new word that circulates in places im not familiar in and i get blacklisted for just rebloging something specific without seeing the entire blog? i really try to stay on top of all this lingo but it gets tough. also is bdsm proship? bdsm is not a cover for abuse even if people try to use it as such, when done responsibly and in the right communities that value safety as a first rule they often are more aware of harm and the reduction and prevention of it then movements that wont allow the depiction of stories that help survivors identify their abuse. am i proship if i appreciate a artful depiction of an abuse in tv that helps me learn how to recover in a healthy way and find skills to help others not get hurt the ways i had to? am i proship for making jokes that might read as hurtful to an outsider who dosnt know my relationship to my friends/partner? im sorry i just want to understand the line here so i can understand the harm these people are actually doing.
i think youre just terrifying yourself, friend.
proshippers only have 3 terms they use, as far as i know; proship, comship [meaning complicated ship], and darkship [meaning dark topic ship].
you won't be blacklisted just because you reblogged a post created by a proshipper, especially if you dont follow the person who created the post and you didnt know they were a proshipper. stuff like that happens all the time, and not just with proshippers. lots of people unknowingly reblog from terfs, racists, nazis, zionists- hell even i've reblogged posts made by people who were like that. but if youre followers actually know who you are, then they'll know it was a mistake, and they'll likely warn you politely about it just to watch out for you.
BDSM is not proship. BDSM has to do with rough and physically tasking acts in sex that are discussed and consented on extensively. lots of people into BDSM, such as subs and doms, will tell you that they regularly check on each other and have a system to let them know if they're okay or need a break or if something goes too far.
plus i myself am into some extreme things that i would never do in real life, let alone without someones consent. its either a 100% yes or there's no doing it all.
liking media with depictions of harmful topics that put it in an educational or meaningful light is also not proship. one of my favorite indie games is My Eyes Deceive, which i find to be a beautifully morbid game that touches well on the topic of abuse towards children and shows how horrific it can really be.
not proship for making jokes either. i'm friends with a chick who we both used to date the same guy who turned out to be a pedo. we often joke about how we were victims of grooming because really, we were.
checkin to see if a person is a proshipper isnt something scary or even that hard to do you'll find. i mean, if you'd make an effort to check if the youtuber youre watching is racist or if the twitter acc youre following is a nazi, then i dont see it as a lot of work to go to a persons blog and double check to make sure they arent a creep.
which btw, you'll know instantly if they are. everyone on this site is not afraid to say what they like or what theyre into. there is a good 90% chance that if the blog youre checking is proship safe, then they will proudly say it on their pinned post or carrd or whatever they use to put their info. its not too hard to spot.
buddy, you have nothing to worry about, and i promise you its not that hard to be a good person. you see someone who has shitty ideals? just block and move on. you didn't know the person you interacted with was shitty? delete it, block them, and move on. like avoiding a food you find gross in a buffet or taking out the trash. you'll be fine.
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flowers-and-pollen · 3 months
Honestly I just hope all of you evil zionist fucks die. It's so sickening how you just lie and lie and lie to kill people who just want to stay in their homes.
It's disgusting that y'all have the audacity to use apparent antisemitism as an excuse for genocide. Anyone with a functioning brain can see that Israel doesn't represent all Jewish people.
Ok I'm going to go through this hate anon sentence by sentence. imo anon hate in general is cowardice because you'll tell me to kms but not show your face? Coward. Look me in the eyes as you threaten and maybe then I'll take you seriously.
So! first sentance.
'Honestly I just hope all of you evil zionists fucks die.'
What do you think I did that makes me evil? Or are you just saying that because you're racist?
Do you even know what zionist means? Yeah I'm a zionist, yeah I'm proud of it, no you're not using it correctly. You're using it as if it's a slur, it's really really not, every zionist i know is proud of that fact
Hope all you like it's not gonna make it a reality
If you're looking to speak to all zionists, this is not the place. I am a single person who cannot spread your message even if I wanted to
Second sentance:
'It's so sickening how you just lie and lie and lie to kill people who just want to stay in their homes.'
Tbh if i could lie online I wouldn't be here
I didn't know the act of lying was actively killing people, pretty sure that's what weapons do
You think Israelis don't want to stay in their homes?? 134 hostages in Gaza who'll be happy to be back home, even though most of their homes were burned to the ground and destroyd by Hamas. So many families stuck living in single rooms because their homes were also burned to the ground and destroyd by Hamas. People who evacuated their homes from fear of being hit by rockets sent by Hamas.
We're the liars? Check again who bombed their own hospital, killing 471 of their own people, injuring 314 more, then blamed it on the IDF. Spoilers: it was Hamas.
I don't remember myself killing anyone. Again, I am not all of Israel, I am a single person.
Onwards to third sentance!
'I'ts disgusting that y'all have the audacity to use apparent antisemitism as an excuse for genocide.'
What genocide? Do you know what genocide means? It's against a race. Not a land. The Holocaust was a genocide, because no matter where the jewish people went the Nazis followed. this isn't a genocide. This isn't against the Palestinians, if they leave Gaza they will not be followed and killed. Stop calling what's going on here by names that don't fit.
'Apparent'? It's not apparent, the antisemitism jews face all over the world and have faced all over history is very true and real and painful.
Who's using antisemitism as an excuse? I've never seen anyone do that, I genuinly want some sources for that
Fourth (and last) sentence!
'Anyone with a functioning brain can see that Israel doesn't represent all Jewish people.'
I??? Never?? Said that israel represents all Jewish people???? Of fucking course it doesn't????
33.1% of Israel's population are atheists (Hilonim), 18.1% are Muslim, 1.9% are Christian, 1.6% are Druze, 4.8% are unclassified or other. Only 40.4% are Jewish, that's less then half.
There are 6.3 million Jews in the USA, that's almost half of the total 15.7 million in the whole world. Israel itself has 7.2 million Jews.
Then this means that a great chunk of the worlds population don't have a functioning brain, seeing the fact that jews all over the world are receiving hate, threats, and violence because of what's happening in Israel and Gaza
What I really wonder about here is that you said that anyone with a functioning brain can see that, yet you can see it even though your brain doesn't seem to be functioning.
In conclusion:
Go outside and touch some grass, pet a cat, watch the sunset, take a shower, take care of yourself, go to therapy, and for G-d's sake, stop spreading hate and misinformation. You are not immune to propaganda.
ובנוסף, לפחות תעשה קצת מחקר לפני שאתה פולט שטויות מהפה שלך. אתה סתם מפזר שנאה בעולם שלא צריך עוד ממנה. צר לי שהחיים שלך עד כדי כך עצובים שאתה מחפש לריב באינטרנט סתם כי אתה משועמם, חסר חיים, וגזען. אני באמת מצטערת בשבילך, צר לי שמישהו פגע בך בצורה בלתי הפיכה שגרמה לך להיות איך שאתה, אדם שונא שהעולם כנראה יהיה יותר טוב בלי. נראה אם בכלל תלך לגוגל לעשות לזה תרגום, מגיע לך להבין את זה. אבל בכל זאת, תודה ששלחת את זה. זה עזר לי לבריאות הנפשית. לצחוק עם חברים על כמה מטומטמים פרו פלסטינאים יכולים להיות, רוב החברים שלי התפקעו מצחוק כבר במשפט הראשון. תענה בתוך עוד שאלה אנונימית אם אתה רוצה, אני אפרק אותה משפט-משפט בדיוק כמו שעשיתי עם זאת.
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iraqueer · 5 months
thinking about Yemen and how they're the poorest arab country(in money, definitely not in morals or having a fucking spine) and how when they were on the security counsel while the US was making the case to invade Iraq they were the SOLE dissenting voice and how the US blocked any aid from entering the country in retaliation
how this created a manmade famine the saudi was only happy to continue(yes I know this is because they wanted to "defend their borders" from Irani affiliated houthis but how cutting off food and medicine to civilians protects your borders from Irani influence is beyond me)
how because of their (the houthis btw not the Yemeni govt one could argue the US is collectively punishing a civilian population for the actions of a so called terror group that they have nothing to do with. how fair is that i wonder) stance to block any ship coming from or going to Israel made the US fucking deny them aid again.
like it's fucking cargo ships its not hurting anyone. it's MONEY it's fucking an economic sanction
money! people are dying in gaza they're being murdered in the most dehumanizing way possible split up into a grid districts and bombed with a computer program!
and the biggest stance any supposed barbaric west Hating arab terror group is doing is just economic. rerouting ships ffs and now Yemeni people are going to starve
thanks to the US. have we paused to think why do many "terror" groups are taking root in the Mideast? why do so many of these terror groups call for a death to America?
yesterday I watched a doc on Yemeni jews. how a lot of them were expelled from yemen around the 40s 50s around when zionism and the occupation of palestine started. (same thing happend in Iraq btw) how many yemenis fled fearing for their lives to Israel where they had their kids taken from them and lied to about it and they were given to European Jewish people who fled to Israel. like they were supposed to be safe there and they had their kids taken from them.
I think about how Jewish people lived in arab countries for a long time and were expelled after Israel came to power because those countries feared that their colonial overlords would do the same to them, since a lot of the Mideast came under control of Britian at that time, and Britain is the ones who did that to palestine. (anecdotally my great grandmother's dad would have my great grandmother bring over food to their Jewish neighbors every Saturday as a child, and now my great grandmother is very antisemetic, really shows you how hate isn't like in our dna it was a response to fear(not unfounded, but still not right) of occupation) like it feels sometimes like we get called the antisemitic and are paying for the crimes of the nazis. but like we're not the ones who did the holocaust, we're not the ones who expelled Jewish people out (until the establishment of isreal and again I don't agree with what arabs did, but I'm just adding context) But somehow we're the antisemitic ones for hating our aggressors.
like it looks to me like Europe (led by the british) let their Jewish population be exterminated and then wanted to get rid of them and preyed on their trauma and fears and pushed them to a land they already felt they owned, just another part of their empire. aided in the extermination of the native population. and we're surprised they would hate their oppressors (the zionist, the British and then the
should the Jewish people living in these arab countries for generations have been expelled because of the acts of an outside colonizing population(that just so happens to be Jewish, that benefits from weaponizing the fact) ? NO! they aren't associated with each other! and many Arab Jewish people have suffered because of zionism. Palestinian Jews face discrimination in israel! I feel like this is more a traditional colonization, just this time it's not Christian missionaries involved it's a Jewish European population.
I know this fucking essay seems unconnected. tbh I'm not trying to make an informative post. it's just a few of my thoughts as an arab. seeing how people talk about us. that post about the houthis taking a ship and seeing people demonize them calling them extremists and terrorists when it's a fucking ship. (not to say houthis haven't hurt and shot at and terrorized the Yemeni population they are by no means innocent freedom fighters) like these groups get labeled terrorist so that it instills post 9/11 fears in Westerns when they are not threats to the US but when the us labels them as such the US is justifying the use of force against them. and like??? are we not allowed to resist? are we not allowed to fight for our land?
the US can get involved in every conflict around the world in the name of "human rights" and "global security" and create the conditions for these "terrorists" groups but we have to quietly watch Palestinians get slaughtered and if anyone does anything they're a terrorist. if hezbollah tries to reclaim lebanons land its a terrorist. if yemen tries to stand up and help palestine they're terrorists
that term is a cudgel used against resistance to western imperialism and its always used in a biased manner
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mycomori · 6 months
the anti zionism = anti semitism laws just passed by the us house of reps is fuckin terrifying and i hate it so much and the worst part it is, aside from palestinian americans, if will overwhelmingly effect american jews protesting the use and equation of their religion to the war crimes of the zionist regime of israel. this law will put palestian americans and their allies protesting the genocide of their people at risk just as equally as the jews around the world protesting the zionist state of israel and their utter disgrace to the jewish faith. zionism is a disgrace; an utter spit in the face of the jewish faith, and yet they have the audacity to cry anti semitism when someone criticizes their over a half century of war crimes. when jewish people around the world from leaders to casual observers agree this is a fucking disgrace and it’s disgusting and anti semetic to equate the zionist state of israel w the jewish faith. that’s the kinda shit neo nazis want. they want to paint the jewish people as nothing it war criminals and use israel as a so called example. when really all israel is yet another demonstration of the united states control in other countries and purposefully keeping them unstable through consistent colonial expansion and us backed support of these so called governments. they’re scared of the internet, just like they’ve always been scared of knowledge. because knowledge is power and they rely on ignorance and desperation and keeping people in such poverty they don’t have the energy to focus on anything else. we’ve proven we can make a difference. that’s what scared so many people in the filling class about the pandemic. everyone was out of work so they actually had time to think as process and feel and act on their beliefs. it’s what they hate it’s what they do their god damn best to surprise and guess what thinking it at all is an affront to them. fuck them. i grew up in the catholic church. i know better than anyone how deeply the depravity runs. our country is brain washed so deeply we can’t even recognize it cause it’s been goin on for so many years. the world hates and laughs at us for fully understandable reason. we hate and laugh along too. except we’re stuck here. cause our parents or grandparents though the us was a place to prosper. a place they could escape their decades of poverty. but it didn’t turn out dod it? if i was my nonni id be a pissed ass ghost. all that work to give your kids a better life and it’s just more bullshit and suffering. fuck it am i right? if i could talk to nonno and nonni as teenagers now i would be lost forever speaking a them. i never even met nonno armando. but i wish i could. i’ve always wished i could. if i click ahve super power it would be to speak with the dead. nothing much else just sit down and converse w them and pass along messages between them and the living. i would hope someone would do that for me once im dead too. but its sad innit. we’re a sad sad sad family. we all suffered and continue to suffer so much. but the living of us push forward despite it all. hit it sucks. it fucking sucks. to mourn both the dead and the living. to mourn at all. it breaks my mind.
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nottsangel · 7 months
I don’t get why people hate on people who don’t deserve it Elaine has done horrible things and pretending like she hasn’t is insane to me not only is she racist said the n word plus played Nazi vs Jew beer pong shes also made cutting her wrists jokes she’s been exposed on all social media accounts expect maybe ig actually no ig as well for being racist Pinterest showed her liking slut shaming photos and pro life photos on her she would comment on fics about jj and get mad when people would say they were uncomfortable both her and Rudy block and unadd comments about her being racist on ask.fm account she was exposed for being a bully she still acts like a mean girl also I really don’t care but what people think videos of her and Rudy that have come out looks like she’s pulling him and if you think that man doesn’t look drained asf now it’s not about thinking they have a chance with him at all cause they know they don’t it’s about how her actions effect people and all the people defending her saying treating her like a normal human we are normal people get called out all the time proof is all over social media also the whole Madison and Elaine thing that happened Elaine posted the your confused I’m fucking confused on ig then deleted it after people saw it and posted a pic pretending she was in nc then someone did the thing where you can see what day it was taken and it was taken weeks ago and Odessa is a Zionist so if these two girls are people you willing support that says more about you then then the “pick me girls” who are actually just calling them out on what they’ve done no one thinks they have a chance with any of those guys plus proof of how horrible they are is all over the internet
gonna reply under the cut. bear with me.
you obviously did not get my point. i was talking about the girls thinking they know rudy and drew and everything about their lives and think they have a say in who they date or not, acting like they’re their mothers and taking it way too far with invading their privacy.
yes, i completely agree with calling people out when they do horrible things. but acting like you’re in their inner circle saying that they’re a bad influence or ‘draining him’ like please. he is not a baby, he is a grown man. if there was something bothering him in the relationship, i’m sure he would communicate that with her like a mature person, and that’s not up to anyone else, especially not outsiders they don’t even know. i genuinely do not understand why people base their entire relationship off some videos and pics. like how do you even think that is a real representation of them
what i also don’t understand is why people are so obsessed with them. if they’ve done bad things, fine call them out and hold them accountable, but be for real, aren’t there bigger problems in your life? it just baffles me that the people saying they hate them are also the ones following them and keeping track of them 24/7 like how does that work. that’s just an obsession. move on with your life. they’re not gonna break up because some random person on the internet told them to
and please, you’ve got to admit that there are plenty of girls hating on elaine and odessa just out of jealousy. we can all see it.
also, i am not defending their actions, at all. i didn’t even know about them, actually. why? because i have better things to do than obsess over every single part of rudy and drew’s life.
all in all, there’s a difference between holding someone accountable and hating and obsessing over them. besides, drew’s and rudy’s private lives is just a line you shouldn’t cross, in my opinion. like i said, they’re actors doing their job. that does not mean their private lives are any of your business.
edit: also i dont know why you think i support them. my whole point is, why are people so obsessed with their lives. i never said i supported them or their actions, because i simply don’t care.
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confluence-and-drift · 3 months
I know this is hardly an original observation, but upon checking out some zionist blogs just to see what kind of talking points are going around, it's nothing but *whataboutism to justify genocide*, *killing people is bad so the palestinians should stop and we blameless jews will consider doing likewise*, *some of the most sickeningly virulent racism concievable*, *as above regarding dead children this time*, *bad faith argument x, *bad faith argument y*, *something that shows the op is either a bloodthirsty monster or a fucking idiot *, *their pathetic little victim complex being used to justify crimes against humanity, AGAIN*, *calling anyone who thinks genocide is bad a nazi, see even Germany agree*, *israel isn't bad YOU'RE antisemitic n+1* ad nauseum.... It's such delusional bullshit that it goes past being sickening and gets into the surreal. And these are just the english stuff or that where the hebrew text could be highlighted and copy-pasted into google translate. Imagine the sheer scale of the violent bloodthirst that they're NOT openly expressing, ie. how violent bloodthirst is typically expressed. I know, objectively speaking, what we're observing is the effect of a 'nation-state' founded on lies, genocide and propaganda to justify it afterwards, and that survives due to lies, genocide and propaganda to justify it afterwards, but seeing the sheer brutality playing out whilst they bleat and whine about being the perpetual victims whilst gleefully celebrating the mass slaughter of innocent civilians who they've subjected to a long, slow apartied and ethnic cleansing over 70 years...
It's...pretty fucked up, ngl. I mean, it's not like a country being full of delusional morons is hardly new, I live in the UK, but the zionist entity really is a different beast, where the more you learn the more horrifying it gets and to add the fucked up cherry on the fucked up cake, you get the zionists bleating about they're so good and perfect and if any of our leaders dare say otherwise, well then a quick word with the zionist lobby later and they'll have changed their mind somehow... The shameless weaponising of antisemitism, the even more shameless usage of deliberate paralells to antisemitic acts in order to have a pre-loaded riposte to anyone who points out that making a game out of sniping pregnant women and children in the head (and manufacturing and distributing t-shirts boasting of their kill count...like consider how fucked a society has to be before that is even possible...) is kind of fucked up. It's like getting a glimpse into a sick, parody universe full of some of the most heinous bullshit imaginable and then some, insulting to the memory of those who survived the holocaut, you know, the genocide that they use as a convieniently universal and all-encompassing cassus beli ...... and we're just supposed to pretend this murderous little ethnostate is a normal country otherwise we're the bad ones? Otherwise we're the ones desecrating the memories of those who paid the ultimate price fighting facism?
No. Fuck that, that's utterly perverse and I refuse to play along with the sick pantomime that western geo-political interests demand that we do.
*sigh* Basically, I'm feeling sickened and despondent and am going to go relax after the recent additions to the zionist blocklist (I said I'd read what they think and try to understand them, not that I'd subject myself regularly to the putrid drivel that they mindlessly regurgitate - remember, block and don't engage, these people need genuine experts to deprogram the racist hatred that they're taught virtually from birth. (no seriously, reading the translations of some of the stuff they're taught in nursery/kindergarten is fucking chilling). Now for the obligatory disclaimer; I'm not a bigot nor whatever else the usual cadre of braindead scum would accuse me of. In fact, some of the people I respect the most are those citizens of the zionist entity that refuse to participate (5-15% of the populace, depending on sources, though most are towards the lower end of that) and seek to document and inform the world of the crimes of the land where, by accident of birth, they're forced to live. My heart genuinely goes out to those young kids whose choices are conscription (a fucked up and unethical concept even in a normal country...and they're not in a normal country) and carrying out genocide and ethnic cleansing or jail time. And the fact that there are young folk, teenagers, who look at this, the MASSIVE societal pressure, the ostracism, the violence they themselves are subjected to and choose the jail time, understanding that said jail time is a paid holiday compared to what your average Palestinian is subjected to by the occupation. They're folk who had the integrity to realise "Never Again" means "Never Again for ANYONE", and that makes them bigger heroes than any uniformed murderer posting snuff videos and 'trophies' to tiktok. Going to end this here, as having a rant about everything foul and perverse about the zionist entity and it's genocidal actions is an entire academic discipline's worth of writing and far more eloquent folk than I have made that point/written those books, and it's better you go read some of those. One day, in our lifetimes, Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea.
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weiszklee · 10 months
Recently watched this JohntheDuncan video, and it gives some great insights into what I too see as a very real and very worrying trend, of queerphobia in general and lately transphobia specifically acting as a sort of uniting cause for many rightwing groups, from neo-Nazis to Evangelicals to radfems to zionists to garden-variety conservatives to liberal capitalist institutions.
And I too don't think this uneasy alliance is a coincidence, and I too don't think it's just strategic either. All these groups really do pursue transphobia for its own merits, so to say. Transphobia is right at home in all these disparate ideologies. And it's easy to find examples of people migrating from one of these to the other, already made acquainted via transphobia.
But I don't think Duncan's ultimate thesis here is correct, that all these different ideologies are mere offshoots of some nebulous but all-encompassing historical force of white-supremacist cishet-patriarchal colonialist capitalism. I just don't think reality works like that. If you widen your view that much, all you're left with being able to say is either untrue or trivial. The goals and the role that transphobia plays in these groups is just too different, and you lose all this important specificity if you try to paint such a huge universal throughline for all of them.
Different groups adopting similar narratives just doesn't actually tell you all that much about these groups. Some narratives are just so convincing or so present within wider society for random reasons, that it's easy to land on them independently. So I can't give too much credence to Duncan's presented evidence of the presence of narratives around infiltrators and so on.
Trans people themselves are very capable of producing these very narratives as well, see for example transmedicalists and queer inclusionists accusing each other of being infiltrating agents of the patriarchy. And no, I don't think these accusations are expressions of white-supremacist colonialist capitalist brainwashing or whatever. It's just a pattern of thought people tend to fall into sometimes, especially under stress. And it's a pattern often fostered and exploited in the process of radicalisation, so we shouldn't be surprised to see it so prominently and loudly repeated over and over by so many different groups. It doesn't mean much. It especially doesn't mean that all these groups grow from the same root.
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