thebattlebard · 4 years
I just remembered this one time - I was at a party in an apartment and the host had to leave to grab the pizza from the main floor. I immediately rounded up the guests and staged a "disappearing act". We crammed into the closet, shushed, and waited. And waited, and waited... until someone mentioned having beans and we all came tumbling out in a big laughing pile of goof. Turns out the host had head my rallying cry before they had even locked the door and was taking their sweet time.
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thebattlebard · 5 years
I was quite proud of this sign I made at work!
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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I drew my friend's D&D character for them. Introducing Deathcap the fungus necromancer goblin!
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thebattlebard · 5 years
Although a bowler hat is a good thing, it still is not a substitute for a top hat. Any time I manage to find a nice, decently priced top hat, it is way too big for my head! XD
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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I did a thing.
My buddy from work and I have been playing little drawing games lately to spur forth our creativity. This one started by him drawing a series of random lines and shapes and I had to turn it into something. :)
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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So, I have recently started working at Rock Universe in Kitchener. We now have 2 sidewalk chalk board to decorate and try and entice people to come into the store, so I could not help but get creative with them! These are a few of my recent drawings for them.
We heard that this weekend was a Pokemon GO raid and that there would be more foot traffic in the area because of the players, so we set up a vote for what team is the best, Instinct, Valor, or Mystic! If you happen to be in the area come pop by and vote. :) The winner will be the main feature of the next chalkboard sign.
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thebattlebard · 5 years
There are a bunch of us that frequent our local karaoke bar. This week they had a competition going. I had to pick one song to sing and then was told by the hosts a second song that they wanted to hear me do. They chose "Fuck Her Gently" by Tenacious D (one of my long standing regular tunes) so I of course had to ham it to the nines for the competition!
Please enjoy me embarrassing myself. :)
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thebattlebard · 5 years
Recent Events
I found out that I have two good sized cysts on my innards. It was a long and painful day at the hospital and I think the most dissapointing part was being told to go home at the end. Although everyone at the hospital did their best to make my 8 hour adventure less terrible it was still a major let down to go through so many tests and be told that I just have to tough it out and wait.
At first I did not really understand what a cyst was and panicked. I mean, what else are you supposed to think when a doctor tells you that there are lumps growing inside of you? At this point I had already had quite a cocktail of pain killers and was anxious and jittery.
I got sent off with fancy painkillers and a note for work, estimating anywhere between 3-7 days before my pain would subside. Although I am slowly feeling better the last few days have been a drug induced haze.
The initial pain had me limping and unable to walk. When my partner found me the morning of I was doubled over in pain crying on the floor. I was terrified that something really serious had happened.
It is terrifying to know that something so small that developed from within myself could cause me so much pain.
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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As much as it would be nice to be able to afford some nice minis and battle maps, it is so much fun to do D&D on a budget! We got creative with some pipecleaners as little toppers to identify which little foam guys were the party vs NPCs, we made some moveable trees for visual flavour, and then our DM popped out the best looking giant constrictor that I have ever seen!
Googly eyes make everything better, and for a conatrictor the pipeclean worked excellently for wrapping around a piece when it attacked!
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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Screams were heard from a nearby farm building as we rushed to save the mother and child trapped inside. The lizardfolk had them cornered so our main attack squad bounded in to save them.
I am sad to report that the pile of bodies in the middle of the floor ended up being our own.
We almost TPKed. We managed to scare off the lizardfolk just before we were doomed. It wad an intense battle but we managed by the skin of our teeth!
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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I was asked by our DM to make an Aztec snake hideout enterance, so here it is! :3
We can have a skirmish out front, the trees are free-standing and moveable for future setups, and the head bends back so character reps can fit down the enterance. I will most likely end up building more for the insides of the snake but I was told that until we get there in game I am not allowed to know what it looks like inside. XD
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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Our healer had a wonderful roll that left us all chuckling. It was completely off the table supported by nothing but the character sheets, and it was a heavy metal die too!
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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The boat has grown... :3
I am really excited to be playing D&D regularly again! It gets my crafting juices flowing.
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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This is the kind of makeup that I love doing. ❤ I had an amazing time this past weekend at Kitchener Comic Con rocking another full gore outfit. I even got to "sign" my bloody hand print on our table poster. :3
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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Kitchener Comic Con anyone? I have a gorey Saturday lined up followed by Riddle on the Sunday. Come say hello if you are around. :) I got invited as a guest so I will be a part of a few panels too!
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thebattlebard · 5 years
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I am the adultiest of adults, and no one shall take away my fun. :3
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thebattlebard · 5 years
I know that I am not alone, but it is always nice to get affirmation.
Sleeping is a wonderfully welcome but terrifying and dreaded experience. I am always exhausted and yet when I crawl into bed my mind begins racing and I feel like I just slammed back 12 packs of soda pop.
It takes a lot for me to coax my mind into sleeping some days and even once I get there I begin to feel like I am drowning. I wake up panicked and feeling alone no matter where I actually am physically.
Who else out there wakes up in the middle of the night in a panic wondering where they are? Do you have any dreams that cause it? What do you find haunts you from inside the most?
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