theonemattband · 2 years
My name is Chad, the year is 2052 and the UK has decided to wall off a section of land formerly known as the West Midlands and declare it as wild lands where no laws of society can hold you. Like a lot of people, I signed up to go. It’s a land of promise you know? It’s overgrown ruins for the most part, completely returned to nature. Wild foxes and badgers roam free, just like I’m going…
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theonemattband · 2 years
Gym Rats
Squeaky “The Cheeks” Squeakerton was your average rat in everyway but one, he was also a bank robber. Emphasis on was, because The Cheeks’ nearly ten year career of chasing cheddar was brought to an unceremonious conclusion when he was hit by the wheel of an ambulance which he would have found morbidly ironic if it weren’t for the searing pain clouding his judgement. He used the last of his…
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theonemattband · 2 years
The Cursed Blade
Many people, over many moons, have accidentally picked up a cursed blade and been beseeched by it’s wickedness, twisted by it’s cruelty and eventually driven mad by its malintent. However, only one has ever picked a cursed blade up on purpose. Crane sat in the fields of wild raspberries and nettles, being stung but not minding. He simply stared dead ahead at it. The Cursed Blade of Kraphon. It…
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theonemattband · 2 years
How I Made Over 70 Monster Designs For My RPG
How I Made Over 70 Monster Designs For My RPG
Hi everyone! Here is a new devlog all about how I designed over 70 monsters for my RPG The Rut. I go over my design philosophy, workflow and more! Stay tuned for more exciting projects soon, as game projects and film projects slowly chug along.
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theonemattband · 2 years
How I made my first RPG/Dungeon Crawler
My new Devlog about how I made THE RUT, my first ever RPG/Dungeon Crawler is out now! You can watch it here! And if you want to play the game for free, you can do so here! Please let me know what you think and stay tuned for more Games and Devlogs coming soon. 🙂
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theonemattband · 3 years
My Second Game Is Out Now!
My Second Game Is Out Now!
I have made my second video game! Dundundun. It is called THE RUT and is a Dungeon Cleaning RPG about being a knight and fixing your filthy mess of a castle with the help of your enchanted cleaning supplies! It is OUT NOW and free to play on Windows and in Browser! So please click here to give it a go! But if you’re not yet convinced, please watch the trailer and see what you can get up to in…
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theonemattband · 3 years
How I Made My First Visual Novel - Devlog
How I Made My First Visual Novel – Devlog
Hi Everyone,Here is my video Devlog for Selling Wool To Sheep. I go over how I made it, the reasoning behind the decisions I made and what I learned! Please let me know what you think and stay tuned as I make more! Matt🙂
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theonemattband · 3 years
Why You Should Play As A Half-Orc in Dungeons And Dragons 5e
Why You Should Play As A Half-Orc in Dungeons And Dragons 5ehttps://youtu.be/JQtxV_Y3O30#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #pixelart
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theonemattband · 3 years
The History Of Christmas Jumpers
Happy #ChristmasJumperDay2021 If you’ve ever wondered how Christmas Jumpers came to be, now you can find out in my new short documentary! https://youtu.be/wF9KfhXREjI🎅🦌#ChristmasJumperDay #Christmas
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theonemattband · 3 years
All MCU Heroes Hate Their Dad
Have you ever noticed how all the superheros in he MCU hate their dads? Or half the villains are just someone’s dad? Well, here’s a lizard figuring it out! Watch now!
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theonemattband · 3 years
Kickstart Your Career
Over the few months at Purpol Marketing, I have been acting as the head of the Editing Team! It’s been an absolutely fantastic experience, where I have been able to work with a great team of editors, Denise O’Leary MA FCIM Chartered Marketer and many others who have been brilliant! The project we’ve been working on has been under wraps for now… However, today that changes! You can now access…
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theonemattband · 4 years
Month 4 at Purpol
Month 4 at Purpol
Month 4 I have spent this month as: Head of the Editing Team at Purpol Marketing… How surreal! A dream come true in a lot of ways. I feel like I’ve been able to build upon a lot of my skills and develop a lot of new ones. I’m proud of the work we have been doing and am excited to make more! It’s been a good month, containing lots of challenge and learning. There are only two months left…
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theonemattband · 4 years
Purpol Marketing - Month 3!
Purpol Marketing – Month 3!
Month 3 is done, long live Month 4! Month 3 was a great time for me as I was able to act as Team Leader for a hefty project and take on a lot of video editing! It’s been a very productive month and one that I feel has allowed me to really show my worth and grow. As well as this, I got to know my new team! So that was wonderful. I think we really came together and made great work of our project…
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theonemattband · 4 years
2 Months at Purpol!
2 Months at Purpol!
I’ve completed two months at Purpol Marketing Ltd! It’s been quite the adventure so far. I’ve really enjoyed my time and working on lots of different tasks. From graphics, to white papers to video editing. I feel like this month especially, I’ve really been able to come into my own and show some of what I can do. As well as this, I got to take part in Team Aqua’s first project and have now…
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theonemattband · 4 years
1 Month at Purpol
1 Month at Purpol
Time has flown! I am now starting my fifth week at Purpol Marketing, having worked there for a month now.
So, how’s it been?
I have learned a lot about marketing using mixed media and marketing specifically for recovery. I have been able to engage in numerous activities that incorporate a broad range of skills.
From words, to data to image generation and more confidential…
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theonemattband · 4 years
On a Roll at Purpol
On a Roll at Purpol
I have recently started my internship at Purpol Marketing Limited, as part of the Purpol Kickstart Scheme, which is very exciting! So far, my experience has been fantastic. Purpol has made me feel very welcome. They have also provided me with ample training and resources that have helped me gain a new understanding and appreciation of marketing, both online and off.  I eagerly look forward to the…
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theonemattband · 4 years
The History of Pumpkin Carving
My new short film: The History of Pumpkin Carving is out now!
You can probably guess what it’s about!
Happy Halloween! I’m really proud of this one.
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