thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 11 ¦ Awkward Definitely Awkward, Part Two 😭
Hanneli's POV
Hanneli: Yes! It will always be yes!
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Stephen grabbed me by the face and kissed me passionately, it was soft and slow and I was enjoying ever second of it.
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Avery: You liar!
That high pitched scream tore me away from Stephen, when I turned to look at Avery she was up on her feet and crying heavily.
Avery: You said you'll pick me! You said you were just using her, that you would give me everything. So the time we shared over the month was nothing?
What the hell is she talking about? I looked at Stephen and he looked... Sad.
Hanneli: Steph...
Stephen: I don't know what you're talking about.
The girl screamed. She reached for a box of tissues and started patting down her wet face.
Avery: So the sex was all for nothing? The conversations we had, the movies we watched, the love we made! It's nothing to you?
Hanneli: You are truly psychotic.
Avery shook her head and chuckled.
Avery: You're the psychotic one for believing every word he says. He leaves every day at nine pm sharp to be with me. It's not because he has a job idiot, it's because he's sleeping with me.
My heart shattered into a million pieces.
Hanneli: Th-that can't be true.
Stephen wrapped his arms around me.
Stephen: Let's go, she's crazy.
I pushed him off of me.
Hanneli: No! Tell me the truth right now Stephen Maxwell! Is she lying?
Stephen: *gulps*
Hanneli: IS SHE?!
Stephen: She is.
Avery: You crazy son of a bi-
Hanneli: Promise me.
Stephen: I promise you, the girl is lying.
Avery screamed again, the sound of her voice practically caused the walls to shake. She stormed out of the living room leaving me with a distraught Stephen and an obviously SHOOK Perez.
Hanneli: I need to go home.
Stephen: No I'll take-
Hanneli: I want to be alone, plus you're severely drunk.
Stephen: Fine, drive safe.
I nodded. I gave Perez a curt nod before walking out of his home. Tonight has been one of the worst and best times of my life. I got engaged... But then I'm faced with the thought that Stephen probably cheated on me this whole time. My life is insane.
Avery's POV
I've been played.
He was supposed to be the fool, but instead I'm the fool. I lost the game and he won. Now I'm labeled as the Rapist who can't keep their hands to themselves and he gets to be labeled as the poor victim who's engaged to the fake love of his life. I know that stupid bitch Hanneli hates me, but how can she not believe me? My tears were real!
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I was washing away the tears away in one of Perez's fancy bathrooms. I have never cried over a man before in my whole entire life. This whole thing is just beyond crazy. Do I only have tears because I actually loved him? I mean... I think I loved him?
I shook my head, that batshit crazy man and his gullible lover. One day I'll get the both of them.
TAP... TAP...
I rolled my eyes.
Avery: Stephen if this is you trying to reassure me or apologize to me, just know I'm not-
Perez: Is Perez.
The sound of that thick and beautiful Latin accent made my heart leap.
Perez: Can I come inside?
Avery: Go ahead, it's your house.
Perez: Oke
Twisting the knob, the sexy mysterious business man stepped inside the bathroom. When he saw my face a frown began to shape his small lips.
Perez: No tear shedding Chica. You are too beautiful for the tears.
Avery: *laughs* Okay, I'll stop crying. I'm just so mad.
Perez: Stephen was lying, si?
Avery: Of course he was. It's what he does best in life.
Perez: Oh. Stephen is bad man?
Avery: *nods* Really bad.
A new stream of tears started to pour down my face. Just great, I'm so tired of fucking crying. Perez approached me and used the pad of his thumb to wipe one tear away from my left cheek.
Perez: Stop beautiful.
Avery: I can't.
Perez: But you can.
Avery: I'm going to be alone again.
Perez: No. You have me now.
The Next Day...
Hanneli's POV
We sat face to face in his house. I haven't talked to him in nearly 24 hours, that's the longest we've gone without talking to each other for a while. Seeing his face made my stomach turn, there's a part of me that keeps telling me that Stephen cheated on me with Avery. However, my heart aches for him and it can't help but give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Avery did try to rape him?
Or maybe it was all a lie? Is Stephen a liar?
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Stephen: I'm so happy you came.
Hanneli: ...
Stephen: Do you need anything? Water? Food?
Hanneli: ...
He reached for my hand from across the table but I immediately pulled away. The touch of his fingertips made my flesh burn.
Stephen: Talk to me baby.
Hanneli: I don't know who I am talking to anymore.
Stephen: What?!
Hanneli: Did she really try to rape you?
Stephen: Why would I lie about that?!
Hanneli: Because you might be a liar, what Avery said-
Stephen: Shouldn't bother you, the girl probably lives off of destroying every relationship in her path. She's young, dumb, and bored.
Stephen: Girls like her love stirring up drama.
Hanneli: I just...
I exhaled. I don't even know anymore. I don't know what to do. Do I call off the engagement or do I marry a man who could of possibly cheated on me? The blue eyes that are gazing right on to my very own eyes could hide lies. I could marry a man who cheated on me.
Stephen: Be with me Hanneli. Please.
Hanneli: *sheds tear* I don't think I can.
Stephen: You believe her over me?
Hanneli: I-
Stephen: *shouts* LOVE ME DAMMIT.
Stephen: I want you! Only you! Don't let this obstacle stop you from seeing our bright future.
He got up from his chair and crouched down to me. He grabbed my hand, the one with the ring and kissed it.
Stephen: Be my wife.
Was I really about to risk a future with the love of my life over some gossip girl? Avery isn't my friend. She's one rude little girl, why the hell should I believe her over my own damn fiance?
It looked so real tho
I shook my head. I don't think the decision I'm about to make is gonna be bad. I think this is the best move. I'm going with my heart on this one.
Hanneli: Okay Husband.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 11 ¦ Awkward, Definitely Awkward 😬
Perez's POV
Today was the day. I was going to plan a small get together at my house to get to know all of the neighbors and look like a nice man. I don't want anybody here to think I'm bad man because I'm good man. I went to each of the houses quickly. I met Hanneli and Stephen.
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And the magnificent and sexy Avery Jones.
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I will choose her to be my wife. She is young so it will be easy to teach her to be good mother and I teach her how to treat Latino man right. She was very curvy and very nice. I think she like me. I hope she single, I will find out tonight at my party.
A couple of hours later...
Avery's POV
Perez Garcia you are one hot hot man! He's even sexier and younger than Stephen, plus I think he's rich. He came walking into my house with an expensive suit. He had a Rolex strapped to his wrist and an apple watch strapped to the other. I might have to leave Stephen for him.
Speaking of Stephen, we are on the best of terms now. He even told me he loved me last week. We've been together for a month and Hanneli doesn't even know! She is really dumb.
If Perez falls for me I'll dump Stephen, tell Hanneli about Stephen and then get married with Perez. What? I like drama. Stephen deserves the payback for playing me for so long, but I also played him too...
Welp, I'm gonna expose him after I make Perez marry me.
Stephen's POV
Just what I wanted... A new guy to move into town. The chances of Hanneli finding out about Avery and I just heightened to 90 percent! I have to be extra careful with her if I don't want him to find out. I'm supposed to be stopping by his house in a couple of minutes for some housewarming party. I already know Hanneli is coming and a girl like Avery will never miss out on an opportunity to show off their looks.
I slammed my hand against my head. Avery and Hanneli are definitely going to clash tonight.
Hanneli's POV
I was dressed and ready to go. I wore some makeup and put one some nice clothes. Nothing too fancy since it's just a housewarming party. I brought a bottle of wine just for the event.
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The drive was short and calming. As I pressed on the gas pedal I started to think about Avery. I had a feeling she was going to be there and I just don't know what I'm going to do. I don't think I can just simply ignore her, it's just gonna be the four of us in there. Stephen better hold my hand and keep me at least 5 feet away from her. Fifteen minutes later, I was knocking on Perez's door waiting for him to answer. I believe I'm the first to arrive since Stephen or Avery's car isn't in the driveway yet.
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Perez: Ai! Hanneli. Halo, halo.
Hanneli: Hi Perez. I brought refreshments.
Perez: I see, Thank you.
Hanneli: May I come in?
Perez: Uh huh, come, come.
When I stepped inside I was dumbfounded by how gigantic his home was. You could fit my home and Stephen's home in here! When Perez saw the look on my face he laughed.
Perez: Big eh?
Hanneli: It's humongous, how can you buy this house? It's at least 300k.
Perez: I told you. I'm business man.
Hanneli: *chuckles* I know. That's quite a saying of yours.
Perez: I know. That's business.
My heart hit my stomach, please be Stephen! Just please! When Perez opened the door my eyes reached the back of my head. Of course, she comes in here before he even does!
Avery: Hi Perez.
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Perez: Hello beautiful.
Avery: *giggles* You're too cute.
Hanneli: *whispers* How disgusting.
She walked into the household and headed straight for the living room. She sat on the couch opposite of me and didn't even bother to say hi. Whatever, I don't want that mouth opening near me.
Perez: You need anything guests?
Avery: Champagne please.
Perez nodded and smiled before turning to me.
Perez: Anything for you?
Avery: Water. Thank you.
Perez left the living room leaving Avery and I to ourselves.
Hanneli: Rapist.
Avery: Shut the hell up brat.
Hanneli: So is Perez gonna be your next victim?
Avery: You better keep your mouth shut.
Hanneli: *rolls eyes* Or what?
Avery: I'll break your little heart, your Stephen isn't as innocent as he seems.
Hanneli: Oh shut up.
Perez: Here is your drinks.
I quickly replaced the frown on my face with a big smile, Avery quickly did the same.
Avery: Thank you hottie.
Hanneli: *gags*
Hanneli: I'll get it!
Without waiting for Perez's response I zoomed to the door, I unlocked the knob and pulled it open. When I saw Stephen's precious face, I nearly melted.
Hanneli: There you are baby.
He kissed me.
Stephen: Sorry I'm late, I had to do something.
Hanneli: It's okay, come in.
Holding his hand, I led him to where everyone else was at.
Perez: Stephen! Glad you could make it!
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Stephen: You got a nice home here.
Perez: Yes, nice house.
Avery: Ahem. You forgot to say hi to someone!
Stephen: *gulps* Hello Avery.
Hanneli: If he doesn't want to say hi to you Rapist, you don't have to force him.
Perez: Rapist?
Avery's eyes widened.
Avery: Don't believe a word she says. She's a liar!
Stephen: I'm hungry, who's ready to eat?
Hanneli: Tell him about Avery almost raping you Steph.
Stephen: Stop it Nelli. I didn't come here to start drama.
Hanneli: *eye roll* Whatever, let's eat.
Thirty - Minutes later...
Avery's POV
Even though we were all drunk Hanneli managed to stay away from me. She danced in the corner while I got down with Perez and Stephen. I always win. She's such a loser.
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Perez: You sure know how to dance Chica.
Avery: Yeah, I wanted to be a stripper a couple years back. I practiced.
Perez: You are something else Chica.
Lol, Hanneli was definitely somewhere else crying. I bet she's jealous right now, she must be seething! 😂
Two Hours Later...
Stephen: Guys! I have a huge announcement to make.
Perez and I were talking on the couch before Stephen interrupted us, when we faced him he was holding Hanneli's hand in the center of the room.
Stephen: I've been waiting for the perfect time to do this and I think right now is it.
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Stephen: Hanneli Winlow, will you do me the honor of marrying me?
Will Be Continued Next Episode...
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
Links To Past Episodes Of Season 1 Of Simply Sims Tales (Time To Binge)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 5 Part 2
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 8 Part 2
Episode 9
Episode 10
Enjoy binging lovlies.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 10 ¦ It's Just Bizness 🤷🏽
Two Months Later...
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Hola, my name is Perez Garcia. I am business man. I do business. I come to Sim Town to do more business. I will move my business here to make more money. That's business.
I am 28 years old, I am single. I am murderer. I killed for business because I love business.
I am very rich man. I come here for one thing and one thing only.
Do you know what it is?
Yes. Business!
Here is house to show how rich of a business man I am.
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Big house eh? I get bigger one when I meet woman and make babies. I see three new house here, I don't see people yet. I will say hi to everybody tomorrow to see if I can make business with them because I am business man.
It's just business.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 9 ¦ That's One Pathological Liar 😐
One Week Later...
Avery's POV
My plan was working perfectly. The first time Stephen and I slept together has not been our last. Every night after that amazing night he would swing by and we would do the same thing all over again. This past week has been amazing, but I know I'm no where near having him where I want him to be. He's still tied to Hanneli and I think he views me as a side chick and I don't want that at all. I want Stephen all to myself.
I know I promised him I wouldn't tell Hanneli about what's happening between us, but that won't stop me from becoming friends with her. I just need to know where her head is at with him so that way I could hit her where it hurts without messing up what I have with Stephy Boo.
I changed my clothes into something suitable before getting into my car and heading straight to Hanneli's place.
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When I got there she was already outside gardening. I stood behind her, I was slightly nervous, if I say one wrong thing I could ruin everything.
Avery: Ahem
She turned around, she scanned me up and down with a dirty look on her face.
Hanneli: Did you want something?
Avery: I'm Avery-
Hanneli: Yeah I know, Stephen told me all about your ass.
Avery: Telling by that attitude, I guess you know.
Hanneli: Yeah, I know everything bitch.
Hanneli: You stay the hell away from him! I know you're new and you need someone to lean on, but it won't be him.
Avery: *eye roll* Jealous much?
Hanneli: Why would I ever be jealous of you?
Avery: Look at me then look at you. Can't you see it?
Hanneli: All I see is a pathetic ass body botched little girl.
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Avery: The fuck?
Hanneli: Get out of my property. Now!
Avery: Fine. I only came here to try to be friends with you, but since you wanna be like that, I'll go.
Hanneli: Why would I want to be friends with the girl that is using my boyfriend!
Avery: Using? *smirks* It's more like he's using me.
Hanneli: *shrieks* GET OUT!!!
Giving her one last evil look, I sighed before walking towards my car. So I guess Stephen told her about us having sex? But why is she still with him though? Ugh, that girl is desperate.
Hanneli's POV
I know y'all missed her 😉
I was seething. How dare she step foot in my house knowing exactly what she has done to my boyfriend! She tried walking in all innocent but I know that girl is just filled with lies and mischief. I still cannot believe she tried to drug Stephen and have sex with him! When Steph came running to my place a couple of nights ago he was all distraught and hurt. She did that to him and I don't think I will ever forgive her for this.
He's such a good man, he decided to not even press charges on her. Shoot, if I was Avery I would be packing my bags. That dirty dirty girl. It took me nearly everything to not punch her in her face. I dialed Stephen's number with haste, I know he's at work but I really need someone to talk to right now.
Stephen: Hello?
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Hanneli: Oh my Gosh Steph! I'm literally losing my mind right now.
Stephen: What's wrong?
Hanneli: Avery is what's wrong babe.
Stephen: What happened?
Hanneli: She barged into my property wanting to be friends with me! That girl is crazy!
Stephen: Did she say anything else?
Hanneli: Everything else was pretty irrelevant, but still Steph, that girl is a threat. I want her out of town!
Stephen: *sighs* Damn, she just never knows when to back away. I'll go talk to her later and I'll make sure she'll never be near you again.
Hanneli: You don't have to.
Stephen: I want to.
Hanneli: I love you.
Stephen: I love you.
When the call ended, I settled on the couch and took a deep breath.
Boy, I really wanted that girl out of town. Sim Town was supposed to be my fresh start, but ever since she moved into town I have been on edge. I can't trust myself anymore, I feel like if I ever see her again she'll be dead.
More like he's using me...
Using you? You're the one that tried to drug him and rape him. I shook my head, this whole thing is just flat out crazy. I hope that girl grows a brain and decides that living here is not good for her anymore. I want her gone.
Stephen's POV
When I heard Avery's name come out of Hanneli's mouth, two ideas popped in my head.
She knows Avery and I have sex
She murdered Avery
I'm lucky she still seems to believe that Avery drugged me that night. It was the only way I could insure that if Avery were to ever break my promise, Nelli wouldn't believe her. But now that Avery is trying to get involved in Nelli's life I have to talk to her and make sure she stays away.
I know this fling between us won't last long, but when I'm with Avery sexually I feel better about myself. Yes, that's sickening but this girl really knows how to ease your nerves and take away negativity. Hanneli does that too, but she's so strict on that whole no sex before marriage thing that my needs are not being fulfilled.
Ughhh, I have so much persuasion to do.
Three Hours Later...
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Stephen: Seriously Avery, what's wrong with you?
Avery: What's wrong with me? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? She thinks I tried to rape you!
Stephen: I know, I was scared and I didn't want you-
Avery: I promised you Stephen!
Stephen: I know, but the guilt and the worry was killing me.
Avery: You're a pathological liar! How many lies are you making up right now, is your name even Stephen?
Stephen: *eye roll*
Avery: I'm not going to be labeled as a rapist here.
Stephen: It's just one person.
Avery: How about when new people move in? You think she's gonna keep her mouth shut?
Stephen: I'll force her to.
Avery: *scoffs* Yeah right, you're just gonna feed everyone with lies. All you do is lie Stephen! Grow up!
Stephen: Shut up!
Avery: Don't tell me to shut up! You know I'm right.
Avery: There's something wrong with you.
Stephen: Fuck you.
Avery: If you don't tell her the truth, I will.
Stephen: You wouldn't.
Avery: I would.
Stephen: I'll never love you if you did.
A flicker of emotion flashed through her eyes swiftly, I tried to figure out what it was but it was gone quickly. Maybe I hit a soft part?
Avery: So if I don't tell her...
Stephen: I'll learn to love you and I might just choose you.
Avery: Don't lie to me.
Stephen: I'm not.
Lol. I am. 😂
Avery: Okay, don't break my heart. I'm giving you my all.
I reached for her hand and kissed it.
Stephen: When I'm done with her, I'll settle down with you.
Avery: Like marriage?
Stephen: *nods*
Avery: You better get me an eternity ring.
Stephen: Trust me, I'll give you everything.
She cupped my cheek and kissed me.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 8 ¦ Lay Where Mistakes Are Made, Part 2
Stephen's POV
I was on overdrive. I wasn't thinking at all. My dick did all the thinking and I just let it slide. The way she got on top of me and kissed me... I-I couldn't resist. Avery is sexy, one of the sexiest women I have ever met, but you could never settle down with her. She's took young and immature.
But here I am sleeping with her. Moving in and out of her.
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This is the first time I had sex in a while, I've been dating Nelli for two months and all we've ever done is kiss. We have never done anything sexual. The guilt continues to eat me as I trail kisses down Avery's belly. Her giggles wrapped around my head and her moans filled my mind as I continued to please her the best way I could. I tried to stop but I couldn't, I was in too deep, I can't back down.
Hanneli is gonna kill me. Hanneli is gonna kill me.
Avery: More. Please!
I fed her demands and drove her over the limit. She was screaming my name over and over again. We were both on our way to finishing.
Avery: Yes.
We both climaxed, I fell on top of her and exhaled deeply, beams of my sweat landed on her bare chest.
Stephen: Promise me.
Avery: Promise you what?
Stephen: That you won't tell her. Please. I love her.
Avery: Okay, but can I tell you something?
Stephen: Go ahead.
Avery: You'll forget about her, you're gonna be with me.
Stephen: Avery-
Stephen: Sshhh. Sleep.
I slept.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 8 ¦ Lay Where Mistakes Are Made 😕
Stephen's POV
It was ten minutes until nine and I was still at Hanneli's house watching a movie with her. I know, I'm a crazy cheater who wants to head over to someone else's house instead of staying with my very own girlfriend. You just have to understand that Avery is alone, when we first met I can tell she's young. Like really young, and I do not intend to be with her romantically. I just want her to know that I got her back. She is really flirty, but I think once I set up some boundaries she will understand and we'll stay as friends.
Just friends.
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Hanneli: Whoa, look at that!
She pointed at the screen giddily.
Stephen: What am I supposed to be seeing here?
Hanneli: A Nunda TX 1000 Aircraft! How do you not know this Stephen?
Stephen: I'm not into aircraft like that Nelli.
Hanneli: *shrugs* At least you like my cooking.
Stephen: *chuckles* Yes I do.
Ten Minutes Later...
I was getting anxious. Avery was waiting on me and I didn't want to disappoint her. But at the same time, I was having fun with Hanneli and I didn't want to leave her side.
Sheesh, why does life have to be so damn complicated.
Hanneli: Are you okay?
Stephen: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
She touched my arm.
Hanneli: Are you sure? You feel tense.
Stephen: *blurts* IGotToGo
Hanneli: Huh?
I took a deep breath.
Stephen: I have... T-t-to go.
Hanneli: Why? It's nine! You're said you were gonna stay with me tonight. 😡
Stephen: I know, but I got plans.
Hanneli: To do what?
Stephen: Business.
Hanneli: Business? You're a guitarist! What are you going to do at this time Stephen?
I can't believe I have to lie again, but I just can't have her finding out about Avery and I or my weed business until I'm ready.
Stephen: I'm meeting with a manager. I might get a contract.
Quickly, Hanneli's frown turned into a huge smile. She jumped up and down whilst brining me in for a hug.
Stephen: I dunno, it's not that important.
Hanneli: *rolls eyes* Of course it is. You're gonna be a star!
Stephen: I guess so. Okay, I really got to go. I love you.
Hanneli: I love you too. Good luck.
Stephen: Sleep well.
Hanneli: *nods*
Avery's POV
It's thirty minutes past nine.
He's not coming.
Shit! I can't believe he stood me up, how can anyone stand up a hot ass chick like me? I'm sexy as fuck, I have an ass, big fucking tits and a pretty face and not to mention I had curves! I'm curvaceous. How come he didn't want a bite of that?
I rolled my eyes and took a seat on my lounge chair. I can't believe I wasted an hour putting on makeup and throwing on a sexy outfit just for him. Stupid idiot. If a girl throws herself at you, you take advantage! What kind of man is he?
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Ugh, and I spent money on some condoms too. Shoot! I'm beating his ass tomorrow.
Stephen's POV
I was extremely late, I hope she doesn't think I stood her up. That makeout I just had with Hanneli ended up being longer than I anticipated, but I'm not complaining. I absolutely loved every second of it.
I walked all the way from Hanneli's house to Avery's. The walk was only ten minutes long.
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Pulling up to the front of her house brought my jaw to the ground. This thing is so huge! I should've asked what she did for a living, she has to be some type of doctor to have a big house like this.
I circled around her house to take a closer look. Okay, so it wasn't that big, but damn it was bigger than mine.
I jogged back to the front of the house and knocked on her door. Im begging in my head that I open the door to a happy woman and not a pissed off one. I already feel bad enough, I don't need anyone to make me feel any worse than I already do.
Avery's POV
A knock disturbed my angry thoughts. Could that be Stephen? Did he really come to see me? He didn't stood me up!
I ran quickly to my main door, I nearly tripped on something on the way there because of how excited I was.
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Avery: Stephen! You made it!
Stephen: I did.
Avery: I'm so happy to see you! Come in.
Stephen: Okay.
He walked right on in, as he moved past me I could smell perfume... Was he with another girl? I know there's a third neighbor here but I didn't see her as a threat at all.
Avery: How come you're so busy?
Stephen: *mutters* I was caught up with something.
I approached him.
Avery: You mean someone? You're a man Stephen, I don't think you'll purposely spray some cherry blossom perfume on you before coming here.
Stephen: *gulps* No one important.
Avery: Do you have a girlfriend?
Stephen: Yes.
Avery: You could've just told me that, I don't really care. I just want to be friends.
Stephen: Really?
Avery: *nods* Yes. Now come follow me, we have a movie to watch.
Dang. This guy just had to get a girlfriend. It's gonna be more difficult to have him fall for me. Maybe if I persuade him to sleep with me tonight, I could have him. I just got to bring my A game tonight. We settled on my couch, the movie started playing and swiftly I laid my hand on his lap. He flinched a bit but he got used to it and made no move to remove it.
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We didn't even bother to watch the movie. We were just talking, and I made sure I flirted with him throughout our whole conversation. He did seem to like it.
Avery: A handsome guitarist. That girl of yours is lucky.
Stephen: Nah, I'm the lucky one. Hanneli is just perfect.
Avery: *rolls eyes* I'm sure she is.
Stephen: Yeah and she's an awesome cook.
Avery: I'm a good cook too.
Stephen: Yeah?
Avery: Yup. I aced culinary class back in High School.
Stephen: *laughs* Cook for me one day.
Avery: I'll cook for you everyday Stephen.
I laid a hand on his chest and scooted closer to him.
Avery: I've never met someone so hot Stephy Boo. If only I had met you first.
Stephen took a deep breath.
Avery: Let me have you for one night.
Stephen: But-
I straddled him. My crotch right on top of his. I planted a small kiss on his lips before letting go, still on his lap.
Avery: Our little secret.
Stephen: Hanneli... She'll kill me.
Avery: She won't know Stephen.
I then proceeded to grind on him, I was riding on him nice and slow, encouraging him to pursue me. His smile grew bigger and I could see he was giving in.
Avery: Let's head to my room.
Stephen: No...
Avery: Yes baby. Yes.
I got up and walked to my room, seconds later he was inside. We looked at each other for minutes until he rammed into me and kissed the hell out of me. I gripped on his hair while he held me by the hips. His lips were rough as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth, I moaned into him, pulling him closer and closer.
Avery: Bed. Please.
Will be continued next episode...
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 7 ¦ Operation Seduce The Man Is A GO 👏🏻
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Driving to Stephan's house was so much fun! Even though he lived right next door I decided to take a little detour. The whole town is practically empty so I took it upon my self to swerve the lanes, do a couple of donuts, and speed through the roads before I arrived at Stephan's house.
Once I made it - in like an hour - I skipped my way to the entrance and knocked on the door hard like a little school girl. In a few minutes, the man opened the door.
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Wowza! He was pretty hot for an old looking dude. I do have a thing for blondes...I could see muscles bulge out of his shirt and little veins pop out of his strong and burly arms. Ugh! Just looking at the guy was a total turn on.
Avery: Hey Hottie. I'm Avery, you're new neighbor next door.
Stephen: Hottie?
I cleared my throat, maybe he wasn't into that sweet talk?
Avery: You must be StephAn?
Stephen: It's StephEn. Not StephAn.
Avery: Oooooo, my bad.
Stephen: So...
Avery: Mind if I step inside?
Stephen: Kind of, but you can come in I guess.
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Stepping into that house was literally my worst nightmare. It stank of pure must and the carpet was dirty. Ugh, who uses carpet anyway? Plus, the house in general was really small. This guy isn't rich at all, he's totally poor.
Stephen: Well this is my home, temporally that is.
Avery: Temporary? You're gonna move out of Sim Town?
Stephen: No, when my career launches off, I'm going to live in the ocean side. I'm stacking up some cash for that one day.
I rose an eyebrow. Hm... This could be interesting.
Avery: Are you making money now?
Stephen: A little bit, but soon I'll make it to the big leagues.
Avery: What is your profession?
Stephen scratched the back of his cute little head, he looked like he was about to lie, but who would lie to an innocent little cutie like me?
Stephen: A guitarist.
Avery: *smirks* That's hot. You should write me a song one day Stephy Boo.
I grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him close to me.
Avery: We are going to be great friends Stephen.
Stephen smiled awkwardly. He shifted his stance to his other leg and touched my arm.
Stephen: Look Avery, you seem like a pretty nice girl but-
Did that sound like rejection? Oh no no no.
Avery: Let's get to know each other. I'm lonely here Stephen, I need a friend.
I pouted while giving him my big sad puppy eyes.
Avery: How could you say no to me? All I'm asking for is a night out with me. Swing by my house later today. We could watch a movie at my place.
Stephen: Just a movie?
Avery: *nods*
Stephen: *shrugs* I think I have time to visit later. How about tonight at nine?
Avery: That's just perfect Hottie.
Stephen: What's with the hottie?
Avery: What? I can't find a man like you attractive?
Stephen: I mean you can but-
Avery: Sshh...
I put my finger to his lips and looked him right in his baby blue eyes.
Avery: I'll see you tonight Stephen. Be prepared to get... Loose.
Stephen: Uh... Okay?
Avery: Bye Hottie!
I strutted out of his home with a kick in my step. I made sure I flaunted my ass so he could see what I was packing. I need a lot of money to survive this town and I think Stephen might just do it for me.
I can't wait to be a sugar baby.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 6 ¦ Hot Strawberry Blonde
One Month Later...
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Hi! My name is Avery Jones! Ah! I'm so excited to be here in Sim Town and away from my parents! I just graduated not too long ago from High school, I'm nineteen years old. I came here to get a degree and become a fashion designer. Or to just marry a really rich hot guy. Lol! 🤣
My parents didn't want me to leave but I have to grow up and get out of that damn house and find me a man. My last boyfriend broke up with me because he thought I was using him... Which I was not. I was simply using too much of his money, but I still loved him! The money was just a plus 😉
Anyways, with Daddy's credit card I was able to buy this house, wanna see?
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It's so freaking huge!!! But Daddy's house is way bigger, ugh I'm still upset that he couldn't give me a bigger house. I expected a mansion but I guess this will do. Oo, I almost forgot to mention that Daddy also got me a hot new ride.
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It's so sexy, and he knew red was my favorite color! I love my dad.
I realized that there is two other people who live here too. I'm just hoping they're not total asshats, but I did see this one guy, I think his name is Stephan? He looks hot and I think he's secretly rich. I might have to get with him. I plan on stopping by his house tomorrow to say hi and to seduce him... Hehehehe.
Okay, Bai!
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 5 ¦ Date Night, Part Two
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Stephen's POV
Hanneli: Stephen.
Stephen: Yes?
Hanneli: I think there's a chance that I'll fall in love with you.
Stephen: Really?
Hanneli: I'm so serious, I don't know how you do it, but I'm head over heels for you.
Stephen: I feel the same exact way about you.
My heart skipped a beat when she said those exact words. She's falling for me? No one ever falls for me. I'm a low life, a pot head, how can someone as innocent and beautiful as Hanneli fall for me?
Maybe because you lied about who you really are..
I sighed. I can't keep this act up for long, but I might as well enjoy it. I'll let her know the truth before it's too late.
Hanneli: I wanna kiss you.
Stephen: Then kiss me.
Hanneli got off of her lounge chair and took me off of mines, she fisted my shirt and smashed her lips against mine. I was taken aback by her rough actions, this girl wanted me. She wanted me bad.
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I was getting so hard right now, I bet she can feel my boner pressed against her, but I don't think it bothered her. I think it motivated the fuck out of her because the next thing I know, the girl has her hands in my hair and her lips down my neck.
Stephen: *pants* Fuck.
Hanneli: You like that?
Stephen: Y-yuss..
Chef 2: *clears throat* Are you guys done here?
Quickly, Hanneli pushed herself off of me.
Hanneli: I'm so sorry! I got caught up, and distracted, and really-
Chef 2: I think it's about time you guys leave.
Stephen: What?
Chef 2: You're time here is overdue, unless you'd like to pay for another hour.
Stephen: Fuck this. Let's get out of here Nelli.
Chef 2: Fuck me? About you fuck yourself!
Stephen: I already do! I do it every damn night woman!
Hanneli cringed.
Chef 2: You sad, sad man.
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Stephen: Sad? Masturbating is completely normal!
Chef 2: It is sick and absolutely vile!
Hanneli: Be the bigger man and walk away Steph, I wanna go home.
Stephen: Not until this bitch gets what's coming for her.
Chef 2: SECURITY!!!
Stephen: Yeah, let's head out.
Thirty Minutes Later...
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I drove Hanneli back home right after the argument, on the way she didn't seem too happy with me. Once we got inside her house, I poured my whole heart out.
Stephen: I'm sorry I ruined this for you. It was supposed to be perfect Hanneli, I just don't know what got over me.
Hanneli: Sshh...
Stephen: I'm trying to apologize.
Hanneli: You don't have to. Tonight has actually been one of the best nights of my life.
Stephen: *shakes head* Don't lie to me Nelli, I can handle the truth.
Hanneli: I'm not. Tonight was incredible, no one has ever done something so nice for me. I didn't expect a whole dinner at Langdon's Palace!
I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, my cheeks must be flushed!
Stephen: I'm happy you had fun. Can I take you somewhere else soon?
Hanneli: I'm free tomorrow if you want to do something.
Stephen: Good. I'll be there.
I'll always be there.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 5 ¦ Date Night 😘
Hanneli's POV
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I've been staring at myself for the past hour trying to get ready for my date with Stephen. I took out my best dress for tonight, I wanted to impress him. After that kiss we had yesterday, my mind would only think about Stephen. Even if I tried to completely focus on something else he would still be in my mind.
That kiss was amazing. I had my fair share of kisses but that one was just flat out fantastic. I wanted another chance to feel his lips again, it was so smooth and soft.
Damn, I hope he kisses me again.
Stephen's POV
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Tonight has to be perfect.
I reserved a private dinner at one of the most prestigious restaurants known to man. I hope she has a taste for the finer things like I did. It's the only reason I invested in weed, getting money was quick so I could easily get to expensive things.
I straightened my tie at least ten times, gelled down my hair about twenty times and adjusted my cuflings about twenty five times before I was a hundred percent satisfied with my look.
It's go time baby.
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I knocked on the door once and immediately she answered. When I saw her dress and her beautiful face, I almost fell on my knees.
Stephen: Oh damn baby
Hanneli: *giggles* Hi Stephen.
Stephen: You ready for dinner?
Hanneli: Absolutely.
I held her hand as I walked her to my car. I made sure I opened the passenger door for her and made sure she sat in safely. I couldn't help but kiss her cheek before I shut the door. I ran around the car and sat in my seat, I put my hand on her thigh as I drove around the area to get to the restaurant. When I made it, I could see her eyes light up just by looking at it.
Hanneli: We're going to Langdon's Palace?
Stephen: Yup.
Hanneli: But this place is so expensive, how could you afford it?
Stephen: I have connections.
Hanneli: *smirks* Okay then.
Hanneli's POV
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We stood in front of the door for a few minutes to talk and get the jitters out of our systems before we walked in. I still can't believe we got a reservation for Langdon's Palace. This guy must be loaded.
I can tell he could sense my excitement because he decided we should head inside. He opened the door for me and let me walk in first. Quickly, we were welcomed by two chefs.
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Chef 1: Welcome to Langdon's Palace!
Chef 2: Are you Stephen Maxwell?
Stephen: Yes, that would be me.
Chef 2: Perfect, let us lead you to your table.
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Chef 1: What would you like?
Stephen: What are the specials today?
Chef 1: We have the soup Coma Zou, it's this special fish soup that taste excellent.
Stephen: I'll have that.
Chef 2: And for the lady?
Hanneli: You guys have steak around here?
Chef 2: Umm... Yes, but it comes with a Tris Rice Meal.
Hanneli: I'll stick with that.
Chef 2: Anything to drink?
Hanneli: Red wine.
Stephen: Scotch please.
Chef 1: Great. We'll have your order ready soon.
The chefs gathered around their cooking area leaving me and Stephen slightly to ourselves.
Hanneli: Really? You ordered the Soup Coma Zou?
Stephen: What? It sounded good.
Hanneli: Everyone knows the special is just rotting food. It's called specials so they can get rid of the items before it completely rots. You fell for it.
Stephen's eyes widened in shock.
Stephen: Are you serious?
Hanneli: Yes! It's common knowledge.
Stephen waved his hands dramatically at the cooking chefs while yelling "Hey! You Hoo!" One of the chefs turned around and he looked annoyed.
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Chef 1: Is there a problem?
Stephen: Yes. I would like to change my order. I want to have terrakyi chicken, just anything with terrakyi chicken in it.
Chef 1: Fine. I'll serve you our special-
Stephen: Nothing with specials in it!
Hanneli: *snickers*
Chef 1: Sure, I'll just hand you our deep fried home style terrakyi platter.
Stephen: That sounds good.
Chef 1: We'll have it ready for you right away sir.
Stephen: Thank you lad.
The chef walked away.
Hanneli: Lad?
Stephen: I'm a fancy man Nelli.
Twenty - Five Minutes Later...
Stephen: You What?!
Hanneli: I sent dog crap to my ex friend, she set me up for failure so one day I set a paper bag filled with poop on her door. I lit it up on fire, knocked on her door, and ran away. When she opened the door, she saw the fire and started slamming her foot on the bag. Little did she know she just stomped right on top of dog crap.
Stephen: That is so creative, I might have to use that tactic one day.
Hanneli: You should.
Chef 1: Your terrakyi styled chicken and Tris Rice is ready for you.
The chefs laid out our dinner right in front us. Just by taking a whiff of the meal I was already intoxicated. The meal looked absolutely perfect. When I glanced over at Stephen's meal, I couldn't help but sneer. His chicken was glistening like crazy! Damn, that looks good.
Chef 2: Enjoy.
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Stephen's POV
We both scarfed down our food quickly. Damn, this terrakyi chicken was just plain delicious and just by looking at Hanneli's steak I could tell it tasted good as well.
Stephen: This is so delicious. I'm in love.
Hanneli: Wait until you get a load of this.
Just as I was about to take another bite of my chicken, Hanneli shoved a peice of steak in my mouth with her fork. My eyes widened at the action, I can't believe we're getting closer. I chomped on the steak and let go of the fork with my lips, Nelli put the fork back on her plate and waited for my reaction.
Stephen: Wow, I should've got the steak.
Hanneli: *giggles* I told you, it's so juicy right?
I could think of other things that will be juicy too.
Stephen: Yes.
The way I said yes alarmed Hanneli. I darted my tongue out and licked my lip hungrily. Her titties were on full display with that sexy tight dress she was wearing, and those lips, I can't believe I had the chance to taste them yesterday. I have to try to kiss her again today, I can't go to sleep without tasting those beautiful lips again.
Chef 2: Are you ready for the barbecue course outside?
Hanneli rose an eyebrow.
Hanneli: Outside?
Stephen: Yes, I thought it would be nice if we got a chance to look at the stars and talk in peace with the smell of barbecue.
My beautiful girl grinned.
Hanneli: I am liking you more and more everyday Mr. Maxwell.
With a smile, I took Hanneli by the hand and followed the female chef to the back of the resturaunt where the barbecue was at.
Chef 2: Please sit on the lounge chairs as I prepare your barbecue dinner.
I nodded.
Stephen: Thank you.
Will Be Continued Next Episode...
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 4 ¦ Reunited and It Feels So Good 🎶
One Week Later
Hanneli's POV
For the past week, I haven't left my house at all. I didn't even sit by any of the many windows in my house to look outside, and it's all thanks to freaking Stephen and his disrespectful little butt. I never wanted to see his face ever again! So if that means I have to stay in my house all day long then so be it!
Welp, that didn't last for long. By Friday I gave up and decided to make a run for the park. I made sure I got out of my house at the right time. Stephen is so interested in gardening, he has a dozen of the same plants in his back yard. He practically lives outside which makes everything worse for me.
After three o clock, he finally decided to head inside. Once I heard his door shut close, I dashed straight to my car and drove all the way to the only park in town. I always wanted to go, but I never managed to find a great time for it until now. I made sure I brought my yoga mat so I could do some yoga.
When I arrived at the park I was mesmerized by its beauty. It was so simple yet so inviting and exotic at the same time.
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I spotted a gorgeous water fountain by the edge of the park. Maybe I could do some Tai Chi over there, I could use the exercise.
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Stephen's POV
Did the girl die? It's been days since I last saw her outside. Her trash is cluttered all over the front of her yard and I could see her roses beginning to die in her garden at the backyard. I hope me calling her a bitch didn't literally break that heart of hers.
Why should I care anyway?
Because you're not a heartless human being.
True, but Hanneli specifically said to never step foot in her house ever again. So - as the kind gentleman I am- I'm simply following her instructions.
I carried on with my week as usual. I woke up, made breakfast, tended to my weed garden, went back inside, watched a movie and went back to sleep. It was like that everyday and I was completely fine with it. So what if my routine is undeniably tedious? I'm going to be making big bucks soon and I'll probably use it to get the future ladies who step on this town in the future.
By the fourth day of the week, I began to panic.
What if she's dead? Did I kill her? Does she need help?
I couldn't eat or sleep. I only talked to her once and now I suddenly feel protective of her, what if someone did get to her?
Day 7 and still no sight or word from Hanneli. That's it! I need a break, it's about time I visit that park they have around here. I need fresh air and a break from this house, the smell of weed is becoming intoxicating.
When I made it to the park, my heart dropped.
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She's here and she's safe.
I calmly stood behind her and watched her sleep for a few minutes, her tiny little snores brought a smile to my lips. She looked so peaceful and extremely hot, just by looking at her I could feel a hard on coming on. The size of her breasts were just perfect, I could practically imagine my hands cup and squeeze them.
Argh! I should stop, she doesn't feel that way about me so I shouldn't feel that way about her.
But I can't stop.
I took a few steps closer to her until I was directly behind the bench she was resting on. I laid a finger on her chocolate brown skin and slid the digit down the side of her soft cheek. As soon as I reached down her neck she began to stir. I stepped back immediately but I ended up tripping on a rock.
Stephen: Ow!
Hanneli: Huh?
Oh shit. She's awake. The girl whipped her head around to see my stupid ass on the ground staring right back at her.
Hanneli: What are you doing here?
Stephen: Uh... I wanted to look at the scenery.
Hanneli: Did you touch me?
Stephen: No.
Hanneli: Liar! I felt something slide down my cheek and I bet it was your crazy ass.
Hanneli: Ugh! You pervert!
Ouch, that hurt.
Stephen: I didn't mean to. I was just so captivated by-
Ignoring my words, Hanneli marched right over to me and slapped me right on my cheek.
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Instead of feeding into my anger, I replaced it with peace. I grabbed both of her hands and held her still.
Stephen: Listen to me.
Hanneli: No! Let go of me!
Tears started streaming down her face as she tried to let go of my grip, but I wasn't having it.
Stephen: I spent the last few days hell bent over your well being. You didn't come outside for days, I thought you were dead. The guilt ate me alive!
Stephen: I don't know why, but I just can't get you out of my head.
Hanneli: Stop-
Stephen: Give me one more minute Nelli, if what I say next doesn't change your mind, arrest me.
I can feel her resistance against me slow to a stop, she nodded slowly and let me hold her.
Stephen: You're one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in my life. I'm interested in you Hanneli. I want you and I to get to know each other, I feel that I can be perfect for you. We're both alone in this neighborhood. You need someone to be there for you.
Stephen: Let me try to be that person. Please?
Hanneli: *sighs* Let go of my hands first.
I let her free and for some odd reason, it pained me to let her go.
Hanneli: You barely know me. Are you only interested in me for my looks? Sheesh, I'm not even that pretty.
Stephen: Yeah, you're not.
Stephen: You're sexy and your looks are just a plus compared to all the other things I adore about you.
Hanneli: What else do you like about me?
Stephen: For one, you make a mean burger and fries. Like damn, you're an amazing cook.
Hanneli: *laughs*
Stephen: Secondly. Who wouldn't fall in love with that smile of yours. People would kill to have a smile like that.
Hanneli: *blushes* Oh stop!
Stephen: *grins* I'm serious! Oh, and plus you give me hard ons.
Hanneli: WHAT? 😳
Stephen: It's true. Just looking at you right now I'm getting hard.
Hanneli: Uh, goodbye.
Hanneli turned around and began walking away. Quickly.
I rushed right in front of her and blocked the exit.
Stephen: Sorry. That was really inappropriate.
Hanneli: Yup. I didn't need to know that at all.
Stephen: I'm weird and I don't usually do these type of things, I have no idea how to get a lady to go out with me.
Hanneli: I see.
All of a sudden a strange idea popped in my head. If I do this, I could jeopardize my whole chance with her.
Eh, fuck it.
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The taste of her lips were fruity, I could taste strawberry and a bit of vanilla as I sucked on her lips and tied my tongue with hers. Not one slight of reluctance came from her as I kissed her. I felt her hands travel up to my neck and wrap themselves around it. I took the initiative to plant my hands on her curvy waist.
Kissing her was the most amazing feeling ever. She knew exactly what she was doing as our heads bobbed back and forth and in and out. I inhaled her scent, the smell of her beautiful skin and the the way her crotch was right in front of Mines made me kiss her harder and stronger.
Just before I reached for the buckle of her pants, she stopped.
Hanneli: Already trying to get in my pants and you didn't even bother to take me out to dinner?
Stephen: *smirks* So that's a yes to taking you out?
Hanneli: Yes.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP. 3 ¦ Stephen Visits Hanelli For The 1st Time 😥
After knocking on the door for the past ten minutes the woman finally answered.
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Hanneli: Um...
Stephen: Hi.
Hanneli: Who are you?
Stephen: I'm Stephen Maxwell, you're new neighbor next door.
Hanneli: Oh, okay then. Bye.
Stephen: Excuse me?
Hanneli: I'm not one to talk, you made a nice gesture but I think it's best if you go on your way.
Stephen: About a no?
That's when I decided to just walk right into her house without her permission. There's no way she was gonna get away with being rude to me. I was being friendly and she wants to reject me? Who rejects the innocent fisherman neighbor? I know I wouldn't.
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Stephen: Nice place you got going on around here, way better than my flat.
Hanneli: I'm calling the police!
Stephen: *laughs* I wonder how you're gonna do that, the nearest police station is thirty two miles away.
Hanneli: And how would you know that? 🙄
Stephen: *Clears Throat* No reason.
Hanneli: Please get out of my home.
Stephen: Why?
Hanneli: You're making me super uncomfortable. Like what stranger barges into someone's house like that?
Stephen: I was just trying to be friendly.
Hanneli: How is barging into my home in anyway friendly?
Stephen: I guess things are just different here. If I knew you'd react this way I would've never done so.
I lied, I just didn't want to get on her bad side so quickly.
Hanneli: *Sighs* Whatever, I guess I can forgive you. I do need a new friend around here. It gets pretty lonely.
Stephen: You moved here all by yourself? A pretty girl like you should have a boyfriend with her.
Hanneli: Nope. Single.
Stephen: Well trust me, you won't be single for long.
Hanneli: *quirks an eyebrow* Is that so?
Stephen: Maybe... Maybe not.
Hanelli: *chuckles* Make yourself at home. I happen to be a great cook by the way. Are you interested in some burgers and fries?
Stephen: Count me in!
Stephen: Oh, and can I get a name?
Hanneli: *Smiles* I'm Hanelli Winlow.
I settled down on her couch and kept myself busy with a boring documentary on Sim Presidents. Hanneli was in the kitchen cooking me up some grub. She's a lot prettier than I thought she'll be, she'll make a great distraction for lonely nights. If I had my way with her, I'd do so many things with that body of hers.
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Hanneli: It's done! Come on in to the kitchen!
Stephen: I'll be right there.
I waltzed right into the kitchen to be welcomed to a perfect platter of burgers and fries. The smell of them made my nose tingle and my mouth water. The fresh aroma reminded me of that burger restaurant I loved back home.
Stephen: That looks good.
Hanneli: Wait until you try em!
For the remainder of my time there, Hanneli and I sat and ate and continued to talk about each other. Throughout our small time together, I have begun to realize how much of a beautiful girl she was inside. Her smile lit up the whole room as she talked about her life before she moved here. By the time she finished talking, I knew these things about her:
Her mom is a total tool
She adores animals
She loves gardening (Maybe I can get her into weed)
She's really shy
Aspires to be a teacher.
Hanneli: So, why did you move here?
Of course she asks that one question I've been trying to avoid. She can't know about my weed selling livelihood, maybe I should lie to her. I did hear that this town was gonna build a musician building soon. I wasn't that bad at playing the guitar, I'll just stick with that.
Stephen: I wanna be a guitarist. I heard there were gonna build some kind of musician building here soon.
Hanneli: Ah, you wouldn't mind playing a few notes for me one day?
Stephen: *laughs* I might even write a song for you.
Hanneli: I'd love that.
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Hanneli: It's getting pretty dark out.
Stephen:Are you trying to kick me out?
Hanneli: Sorry, I really want to get to bed.
Stephen: You shouldn't be here by yourself, especially at night. You never know what might be lurking in the shadows.
Hanelli: You're the only other person who lives here Steph.
Steph? She already has a nickname for me 😏
Stephen: Trust me, I'm not some psycho killer.
Hanneli: I don't know that. We've only talked for one day Steph, for all I know you could be an axe murderer!
Stephen: ugh! Fine, I'll go, but wait.
Hanneli: What?
Stephen: Will you go out with me?
Hanneli: Hell no!
Stephen: Wha-
Hanneli: Please leave my house.
Stephen: Fine bitch, you're not even that hot anyway.
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Stephen: *rolls eyes* Whatever, bye.
What an asshole, I could never see myself talking to her ever again. A simple no would have sufficed but then she just had to add hell to the beginning of it? Crazy motherfucker.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S2 ¦ EP. 2 ¦ New Boy Toy In Town 👅
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Hi. I'm Stephen Maxwell, I'm 32 years old and I'm a fisherman who loves smoking pot. I decided to to move down to Sim Town because it was new and barely anybody lived there. Especially the authorities. I decided that I wanted to get into growing my own weed for profit.
I'm not a drug lord or anything, I'm just a marrijuana lover looking for some cash.
I couldn't afford a decent home so I just settled with this simple flat. Not much, but I'll live.
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I have a neighbor who lives right next to me, I plan on visiting her soon just to say hello. I saw her watering her plants one morning and I caught a glimpse of her body. She wasn't gorgeous, but she was pretty. I'll just swing by so I won't seem too suspicious. No one can find out about my weed.
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
S1 ¦ EP.1 ¦ Pilot 🛩️
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Hi, my name is Hanneli Winlow. I'm 24 years old and I am currently a firefighter of Sim Town. I currently live alone, this place is a ghost town. All the other houses around me are empty and they are many closed places all around the area. It's going to be my first day in my brand new home and I feel really scared. What if there's someone creeping on me?
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The front of the house seems pretty nice. I like the flowers out front but the exterior walls are plain. Too bad I don't have enough money to change that, maybe in the future I will.
I basically did nothing today. I just did the same old boring stuff I usually did before I moved here, but I did take on a hobby of cooking. It's sort of soothing.
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I also watched some TV.
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Played some games on my ratchet ass computer
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And called my annoying mother who hated the fact that I moved out. She wanted me to move out because I was moving on to become a doctor, but my dream is to become a teacher. She absolutely hated that. My dad and mom are both doctors so they expected me to become one also. I feel like the field of medicine is just not for me. Teaching kids is way better.
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After showering, I went straight to bed. I ended up enjoying my first night here. Hopefully, there are more good nights to come.
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For Next Episode:
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thesimsbuzz · 6 years
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New Sims Drama coming soon. It is a collection of stories based on the Sims in this game. Be apart of their lives and witness heartbreak, marriage, scandals and death! App: Sims Freeplay.
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