writerspoeticart · 4 years
Fix For Harvestables Spilling Out Of Toddlers
Fixes an issue where if you fed a toddler with harvestables, all of the harvestables you fed them would end up on the floor if the toddler was reset.
Bug Report
@maxismatchccworld @simblrcollective
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writerspoeticart · 5 years
i am disgusting
Warm. Dancing trees. Gentle shadows. Endless sea of long grass. No one near. No one can see.
This oasis, pure and untouched by humans. If anyone saw, maybe they would think this is beautiful. It is, from far. From very far away, looked at through binoculars. But here, so close, right inside. You can see the marks of many fires. Fire supposedly cleansing but not here. Here only destroying. The weeds thrive deep below the grass. The infestation of rats. No other life. A lost cause. Something to run away from.
This is where I live. Wild. Alone. No shoes. No fitting clothing, all torn and burned and filthy. There’s no water anywhere close.  No way to clean myself. A new layer of mud and dirt appearing daily. Getting thicker, more disgusting. Vermin scratch and tear at my skin every night, every time I rest. Each mark infected and swollen.
The agitation of living here makes me shake. It never stops. I shake in the heat, ad the sweat runs and collects more grime on the way down my body. Everything aches all the time.
 People can see. A small amount of this place. From binoculars. From far, far away. They can’t hear me. They’re too far. They look and then they leave forever. Without helping, without seeing closer.
What they see from far far away is the oasis of light, and warmth and trees.
“I bet she’s loving it. So carefree. I wish I could live like that.” They smile.
 They leave.
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writerspoeticart · 6 years
Things I want to tell potential employers
Ok, ok, ok. So, for this position, no experience is required. Your exact words were “perfect for someone just out of school or out of college”. Yet you ask for two references? I have had the privilege to only work for family and friends, barre two examples. Neither of those two examples are in the UK. I don’t even know if my old boss is alive, let alone retired. I doubt he will even remember who I am. If you are happy to spend a large sum of money on an international call to disturb an old chap sipping whisky and playing with his grandkids, be my guest.
But as for your job listing, this section should be removed. This must be said. Young kids leaving high school looking for their first job would be highly discouraged by this. They will turn away and go to something easier. Perhaps waitressing. Or bartending. Imagine the creative stimulation there! This will set them back, not only emotionally but with regards to their careers and passions.  
As for me, I will put this application forward anyways (I am desperate). BUT I will find somewhere else where my voice can be heard, and my creative visions can be seen. And that TRULY doesn’t require any experience.
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writerspoeticart · 6 years
The Little Ant in the Desert
One grain of sand is so large. It seems an enormous obstacle, and can only be overcome with tremendous effort. He looks at the towering mountain before him. Can he possibly do it? 
It’s true, he has climbed over many grains of sand in the past. In fact, just recently he got over the largest dune, worth many grains of sand.
Now though, what is in front of him, seems impossible. He is in a ditch, and it seems like he is constantly sinking lower and lower as he stares ahead. 
He wonders how he managed to traipse over that dune behind him. He doesn’t remember much from it. Perhaps the glaring sun, the battering breezes and the ache in his legs are still prominent in his memory. The details of every day, though, are all blurred and obscured. Now, his vision is forward. Can he pull himself out of this hole? 
Can he cross the grain of sand?
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writerspoeticart · 6 years
Afraid by Nicole Gowar
Why have I driven myself into this hole where I am afraid, constantly afraid. Even if there’s nothing to be afraid of. Afraid of string out my comfort zone? No. Just afraid of moving from one edge of my comfort zone to the other. I’ve become stuck, too afraid to move. Because every time I move, the fear takes over. It’s a sad, tiring fear. How do I overcome it. Just by writing. Just by talking? No. It does not help. It’s a part of me now. My personality. I don’t know how I got here or where it began and my fire blew out. My wick is not even smoking. It’s stone cold. The wax hardened and dusty. As I sit, as I sit, afraid.
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writerspoeticart · 6 years
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Flower with knife. If someone would like to take this and make a better version...please do! My vision sometimes just does not transpire onto the page as I envisioned, heehee. Let me know if you can relate and have created something you’re not super proud of.
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writerspoeticart · 6 years
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Heart on firrree.
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writerspoeticart · 6 years
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What goes on in my head is sometimes a bit CRAZY.
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writerspoeticart · 6 years
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A colourful key. Pretty self explanatory.
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
What is so bad about wanting to be alone? When you need space away from people everyone assumes there is something wrong. Can I not just be alone without having to make an excuse?
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
Secret Thoughts
I close my eyes and I'm 17 again. Lying on my bed in the warm winter sun of my familiar room. In my familiar surroundings. Nothing is of concern. I'm still 17 inside. I haven't matured. I haven't grown. Inside I'm stuck there- in those familiar surroundings. That's where I am inside whereas outside is a hurricane of change. I am no longer basking in the winter sun of my familiar bed. But on a cold, sunless and stark space of unfamiliarity. Things have spun around me on the outside, spun out of control. Whisked me up in its madness. Pulled me along on the outside, but on the inside I'm still longing, still waiting for familiarity. Waiting for that calm afternoon in the sun. In my own space. Without a care. Without a worry. Without the pressure of the outside world. Without intruders. And now I'm stuck. I'm stuck between the inside and the outside. I long for change, yet I long for sameness. I wish to be confined, yet I want to run free. In this place where dreams don't dictate your future, and rather the endless rattling of time dictates your dreams. Pull me out of this contrasting world. Take me back to the safe place, where I could dream. Take me back to where my dreams could dictate reality, and reality wouldn't fight back.
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
By Nicole Gowar You slithering, babbling fool Do you see passed your nose? Do you see into the eternal abyss right before your eyes. You grotesque, arrogant ant How small you are, how small your views are Do you hear the distress you cause? You mindless, gluttonous pig Where do you stand, against the sword? Let alone the written word. Cover your eyes in horror Cover your ears in shock For I have revealed you as a pestilence and a curse. These words can stab. I intend them to. Feel the pain. As I have from you. Melt away, in your sarcastic facade. No one cares. If you die a fraud.
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
By Nicole Gowar Help me I'm drowning Caged And corned like an animal I can't breathe I can think straight Are my thoughts even my own They are just an indecipherable mess My head aches With anxiety Please Release me Give me back my freedom Point your weapons elsewhere So I have room to breathe So I have room to think How do I cope With weapons trained on every move How do I cope While being caged How do I cope When all I can do is drown.
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
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By Nicole Gowar
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
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By Nicole Gowar
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
Words Are Not Enough
By Nicole Gowar
How can I speak When words are too few Oh how futile words are! In this chaos! That I alone have caused
Forgive me, forget me Make me feel the pain you hold Make it so I can see Make my skin grow cold
What a mess this is My mess, so typical I’ve hurt the heart, once his It’s turned him so cynical
How can I speak When words are too few Oh how futile words are! In this chaos! That I alone have caused
Stab me in the heart Kick my spine repeatedly Maybe it will help you part The pain I gave so conceitedly
Pierce my eyes with yours Bring the mountain of guilt For I deserve it all For this heartache I have built
How can I speak When words are too few Oh how futile words are! In this chaos! That I alone have caused
Make me feel small As I am worthy to receive There is nothing more I have come to believe
Finally you can do this You can break me apart Into something you will never miss As I soon as I depart
How can I speak When words are too few Oh how futile words are! In this chaos! That I alone have caused
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writerspoeticart · 8 years
I'm a monster
By Nicole Gowar So I crushed you With words and actions How did you stand me? Still being so friendly I was a monster Which is still partly here I was harsh, and cruel Oh, what did I do? So far I pushed Emotionally twisted you And stabbed you in the back You should never forgive that Please bestow your pain Please give it to me Don't hurt anymore I can carry it all Why am I a monster Writhing and seething pain Why did I become what I hate To someone so immeasurably great Give it to me to carry Don't hold it anymore Please set it on its way Do it this very day And forget about me Only remember as a stepping stone A learning curve It's the kindness you deserve
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