elitemartinc · 3 years
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It’s been a while since I posted. It’s been a heck of a time. However, I am glad to be back, not to mention, we’re now traveling.
Where are you traveling to? Well, the picture is very self explanatory. Las Vegas Baby!!!! ✈️🏙
City lights, spontaneous adventures, dinner bites, not to mention their amazing drinks? Have to love them.
So I decided to make the best decision ever made in my entire life, to travel to Vegas!! With anyone you may ask? Perhaps not. I decided to stop by to the city in my own company. Intimidating decision perhaps? I’d say so. I do not regret making it if I may add.
Sometimes, we as humans need out own individual divided time to get to know ourselves. What we enjoy doing, what we enjoy eating, perhaps it may be traveling, moving to a new state, or going on a long mile car ride. Where am I going with this? Self love ladies & gentlemen. We need to not forget about the amazing things that we enjoy doing. Perhaps working a Full time 9-5, kids, etc May stop us or put on us on hold on the amazing things that we enjoyed doing in the past. We need to find out selves & do the things we love doing, perhaps we may find out the amazing things it may be new to us, that we may find joy-able.
In this case, I encountered that traveling is a new roundly hobby that I enjoy doing. Vegas, has been an amazing spontaneous adventure. Will keep on making spontaneous ideas for traveling? Absolutely! Will I try to keep posting on here about my traveling adventures? Definitely!
So everyone. I encourage you all to travel, find a favorite hobby, play golf, enjoy baking, working out. At the end of the day “Do not lose in touch of yourselves” because self love, IS VERY IMPORTANT. ❤️😍🥰
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elitemartinc · 3 years
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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It is fine to have hard days. what importantly matters the most, is to come back from them. we are strong warriors. we can overcome anything. we can stay optimistic. it is our choice to choose our own destiny. we can overcome it, or failed it. which choice can we pick? fight it!
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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julia (@woodfolkk)
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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Business Casual.
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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Fashion #OOTD.
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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It has been forever since I last made a post. My Apologies to anyone. Gosh, where do I start with the amazing news?
FASHION ! I know right? I’ve been in a really great kick on the new fashion trends going on, more precisely since fall is literally right around the corner.
Our fellow peers, tend to forget how beautiful the fashion industry is really like. that may start from a beautiful hat, to a small accessory hanging around your neck, or even a small pin, snugged into your button down shirt.
I’ve been really into new leather goods, sweaters wrapped around your neck, and even stepping a bit out of my comfort zone and trying bandanas, wrapped around my neck.🥰
Long story short. Fashion can be ANYTHING that your heart desires. It may be personalizing your leather jacket, adding a few studs in your button down shirt, heck, it can even be a DIY distressed jean. Go crazy! be yourself, be YOU.
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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Gave birth to a new baby. Louis.💕
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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This will be a very nice & short post. (also, because I’ve been slacking on the blogging😅) Today has been a very nice, Minute-to-myself kind of day. Finally I have a day off (besides my weekends) in the week. Usually I always work on Wednesdays. However, my doctor is now allowing me & my colleague to alternate on Wednesdays. So YAY!!!. I woke up, in such a positive, great mood. I was able to clean up my apartment, make a very, healthy yummy lunch, And now I am able to start on my blogging post. 🥰
It feels great to just have a day for yourself, to just catch up on shows, write a blog, go out for a jog, or even to try a new restaurant for yourself. ☺️
The moment you start to appreciate the littlest things in life, is when you are instantly a WINNER!. now, you guys know, that I am a huge advocate on Self-Appreciation & love. But, I just love emphasizing on this topic. It is what you manifest in life, that comes back in return. 🥰 Give out positivity, you will receive positivity in your life back. 
Life is beautiful. We do have our moments where we may fall. However, it is always important, to come back from them. Jump start to keep on pushing forward. It is okay. ☺️💚
Question Of The Day.
Do you enjoy Summer? Winter? Fall? or Spring?  🤔
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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Saturday. It is the day of the beginning of the weekend. Woohoo to that. 🥰
On today’s topic. Lets learn about one of my personal favorite new hobbies of mines, which is something called. “Journaling”.
What is journaling you may ask? well, it is as simple as the assumption of what you, perhaps are already thinking off. It is a journal where you are able to write down with whatever your heart may desire to write about. that may be such as writing your personal “to-do” list that may help you get your errands done efficiently. Perhaps it may be such as writing a diary? (yes, they do still exist, Bahaha.😂) or you may even use it to write down your personal feelings, such as a “self-Gratitude” message, of what you may be grateful about.
You can make your “journaling” basically into anything you want it to be. 
Why am I writing about this topic you may ask? well, hear me out.
We as humans, already have such a productive lifestyle. Perhaps it may be working on a Full time 9-5 scheduled job. It may be that you are a parent, driving your kid to school, back home, making dinner, (Oops! we forgot about the soccer game!!! 😂.You may be a video director, and you may be busy filming a film. Where am I going with this? We humans, sometimes, perhaps always. forget to have a minute for ourselves to just...breath.it may be having a minute to just sit down, and just value all the objects we have.
Journaling, may just come in handy for you. Take 5-10 minutes for yourself, and try to have a minute to just breath. Writing down how you are feeling. It may be similar,  as speaking to a friend. I promise you, it will do amazing things for you. (Especially your mental health.🥰 Sure, it may not be easy to do it during the day. You may also do it, before you go to sleep. It may help you get a kickstart to your day, heck, perhaps even for your new week. It will improve your overall profile, especially getting you prepare for your errand.
Journaling is such an amazing hobby. Personally, it has helped me SO much. It has made me feel so sane, and in peace. I love using it as a journal for my recovery. As a journey to writing how I was able to do things, that I wouldn’t have done before. Also, I love to use it, when I take a minute to do “Self Gratitude” Think of it, as having a counselor at the convenience from your own home! yay to that!.
So I HIGHLY recommend on starting a journey with your journal! Fill it up with amazing colored ink. To make you want to keep on doing it. Go ahead, draw on it as well. Trust me, it will do you WONDERS! 🥰💚
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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Ah! I missed almost a week of blogging. HOWEVER! as long as you come back, and continue back to regular programing schedule, you're good to go. Right? haha.
Ah! Where do I start? well, I decided to dedicate this “aesthetically” Post, as an appreciation post. (Perhaps, it may also be the wine typing haha)
It’s wine Wednesday guys! a day to grab a cup in, and just have a “chill” night. 🥰
It Is very important to ALWAYS (I emphasize on important) take a minute FOR yourself. wether that is taking a minute from your family, significant other, friends, etc. To just get to know you inner self. that may be listening to music, drawing, or playing a favorite video game, (heck, maybe even a wine date, haha) There is nothing wrong with having a minute for yourself. we as humans, sometimes need some alone time. to just relax, and regain energy for ourselves. If you have ever stopped, and took a minute to think. sometimes, being surrounded by people, drags our energy. (believe it or not). when you start to feel a bit “odd”. it may be time to just take a minute, and just have a “me time” for yourself. When you do so, you can instantly feel a regaining ability of great energy. Now, of course I am no expert. everyone IS different, they may thrive on energy with others. 
To finish up my blog. Final Verdict. Take a minute FOR yourself. Love yourself. Cherish Yourself. Life DOES eventually get better sweetie. 
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elitemartinc · 4 years
06.25.20 (x2)
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I know, I know. 2 posts again? Yes! because I am slowly getting addicted to blogging (perhaps a diary on the web?🤔)
I know on my last post I was speaking about a rant about a tough day at work. It was honestly such an amazing feeling. It feels...great! (as strange as it may sound. 😅 I don't want to make my blog, turn into a diary. But, there will be moments, where I may just want to express my feelings as if I am writing them on my journal. It/ll be great if anyone sees this, and we may end up speaking & supporting each other on our mental health. 😄 As an old saying (Virtual Friends.)
Who would’ve knew, that blogging (Virtual Diary) can be so much helpful. 
Well, those are just my two nuggets on this topic. 
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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It is Thursday, if must say myself. it is a pre-friday! thankfully we’re halfway there to the weekend. ☺️
I am just glad that I am able to get paid tomorrow! it is paycheck season. :D
Literally, this Gif is describing my mood as I write down my blog. I totally got into it with my doctor (I work in a dental office. 😂) I was just overwhelmed at the whole scene how it sucks to work on an environment that is just so heavy & somewhat-toxic. one thing I learned throughout the years. it’s if you are working on a toxic environment, you have the right to leave & search for a new employment. I am a very HUGE advocate on mental health. If you’re in a location, where you’re constantly upset, fighting with your boss, & just get overworked. It is best to abstain from those type of jobs. It will have a huge impact on your mental health. Thankfully, I am able to manage my emotions. knowing how to control & not to get overly Powderly angry.
however, I am thinking of starting on a new employment. it just doesn't do it form me. I just don't like it. (Well enough of my rants)
as I arrived home, I was surprise with a few goodies. it is the littlest things that put on a smile on my face. it is the best feeling ever, when you are surprise with great things. (especially after a long day at work).
I guess my blog for today was a rant? 😅
Question of the day!
How do you handle tough moments at work? Let me know. 
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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"On Wednesday’s, we wear pink. (according to Regina George😂) Also, I just found out how to use emojis on my Mac (I know, slow moment. 😅😂)
Today has been...a roller coaster. However, I was able to buy new plugs for my Ears! (in case you're wondering, I am a size 12mm)
I also have ordered a new case for my iPhone, so that's great! If you noticed, I skipped a day, so I guess it totally ruins my Tumblr Blogging Streak. 😅
I also want to start doing something new on my blog. Titled “Question of the day!” I know, I know. so lame. BUT.. we can all agree they’re pretty fun. :D
So, as it begins.
Question Of The Day!
Are you an Amazon Shopping Freak? if so, what have you purchased today?
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elitemartinc · 4 years
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Oh, I almost completely forgot. I was able to enjoy myself one of the most popular drinks EVER invented in America (and by the fitness industry) The BLENDICANO! is that still a thing in 2020? well, if not. I came to Revive the drink of the caffeine gods. >.< 
In case you’re questioning about the recipe. Here it is. as it follows,
-4 Quads of Espresso. (I know, Caffeine addict much?)
-A venti scoop of ice.
4 pumps of Sf Cinnamon Dolce Syrup. (You can choose any kind of syrup, at your own preferance. Personally, i went with Sf cinnamon Dolce.)
4 Packets of stevia. (Again, sugar to your own taste.)
Blend that mixture up..
You get this devil ish-caffeinated mixture of pure gold. >.< (if you’re obsessed with Coffee, like I am.)
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