feel-fit-123 · 1 year
Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss, Increased Energy, & Incredible Health!
To get smoothies diet click here - https://tinyurl.com/8n8w8
THE SMOOTHIE DIET is a revolutionary new life-transformation system...
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feel-fit-123 · 1 year
Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies
Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss, Increased Energy, & Incredible Health!
To get smoothies diet click here - https://tinyurl.com/8n8w8
THE SMOOTHIE DIET is a revolutionary new life-transformation system...
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feel-fit-123 · 1 year
Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss, Increased Energy, & Incredible Health!
To get Smoothies diet click here
THE SMOOTHIE DIET is a revolutionary new life-transformation system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight and feel better than you have in years, it also promises to eliminate more body fat - faster than anything you’ve tried before.
This Is NOT just a big book of smoothie recipes. You're getting the same proven 3-Week weight loss and health improvement program I share with my private clients. The secret that makes the Smoothie Diet so effective is the Custom 3-Week Weight Loss Schedule. All the smoothies are given in a very specific sequence and frequency to maximize your results. For example the nutrient and ingredient ratios vary week to week to make sure the weight keeps coming off and stays off.
To get smoothies diet click here
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feel-fit-123 · 1 year
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feel-fit-123 · 1 year
The 3 Top Reasons To Eat A Healthful Balanced Diet
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While weight loss is the primary reason people choose to eat a healthy, balanced diet there are other benefits as well. A balanced diet incorporates the right amount of the right foods, eaten consistently for a properly functioning mind and body and when you eat this way on a daily basis, it shows both inside and out. Here are three main reason to eat for health.
1) Energy
Ever been too exhausted after school or work to fix a healthy dinner for yourself so you grab fast food instead? Hungry and reaching for that brownie instead of going over to the fridge to get carrots because you just are too tired to think about it? Skipped working out again because you needed more sleep? Without energy, it can be truly difficult to make the right choices regarding your diet, let along maintain an exercise program.
When you choose processed, high fat, high sugar foods over fresh, natural foods, you are going to come up short on energy at the end of the day due to your blood sugar level fluctuating and also due to the lack of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to keep your body going. Eating healthy makes it easier to have the energy to have willpower.
2) Cognitive Function
Along with more energy, eating a balanced diet will also help you think more clearly throughout the day. Just as a car engine needs a steady supply of quality fuel to keep running, so does your brain as it processes the demands of every day life. Protein like chicken and complex carbohydrates like brown rice keep the fuel in your brain (glucose) running on an even keel, so you don't experience a sudden moment of forgetfulness, fuzziness, or spaciness that can be a result from poor eating habits.
3) Appearance
Dry hair? Brittle nails? Splotchy skin? All of these are the result of nutritional deficiencies that occur when poor food choices are made consistently over time. Sugary foods not only do not supply any nutritional value, they can even block other nutrients like Vitamin C from being absorbed. Processed foods like white bread tend to cause the blood sugar level to elevate, causing inflammation throughout the body, including the skin. A lack of essential fatty acids, like those found in salmon and walnuts, shows up in dull hair that breaks easily and nails that split or crack.
When losing weight, it's important to remember the goal is not just in the numbers. It's in the way you feel, how you look and how you think, too.
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feel-fit-123 · 1 year
Why You Need Antioxidants and A Guide To Natural Sources
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The weight loss world has its own lingo and one of the phrases you'll hear over and over again is 'antioxidants'. So, what are antioxidants and why are they so important?
The Science Behind Antioxidants
Antioxidants are plant chemicals, vitamins and other nutrients that help clean up something called a free radical. In chemistry lingo, a free radical means a molecule in your body is missing an electron. This is not a balanced state, so the molecule searches out other molecules to grab that missing electron and when it does, it creates another free radical - another molecule missing an electron. So what does this mean? When you have molecules stealing electrons from other molecules, it leads to conditions like clogged arteries, accelerated aging, and damaged tissues - in other words, oxidation of your body's systems.
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feel-fit-123 · 1 year
Do You Need Weight Loss Supplements
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Losing weight involves a lot of change in your body – and not just in your eating and exercise habits.
click on the link and read
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
How To Understand The Nutritional Value of Every Day Foods and Packaged Foo
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Every bite you eat impacts your health – with each swallow you are either moving toward your weight goal or away from it. So how do you figure out what to eat and how much to eat of it every day? You can calculate this information from reading the nutrition labels on foods.
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
Do You Need Weight Loss Supplements
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Losing weight involves a lot of change in your body – and not just in your eating and exercise habits.
click on the link and read
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
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5 posts!
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
Why You Need Antioxidants and A Guide To Natural Sources
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The weight loss world has its own lingo and one of the phrases you'll hear over and over again is 'antioxidants'. So, what are antioxidants and why are they so important?
The Science Behind Antioxidants
Antioxidants are plant chemicals, vitamins and other nutrients that help clean up something called a free radical. In chemistry lingo, a free radical means a molecule in your body is missing an electron. This is not a balanced state, so the molecule searches out other molecules to grab that missing electron and when it does, it creates another free radical - another molecule missing an electron. So what does this mean? When you have molecules stealing electrons from other molecules, it leads to conditions like clogged arteries, accelerated aging, and damaged tissues - in other words, oxidation of your body's systems.
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
A Beginner’s Guide To Balancing The Food Groups
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When trying to lose weight, it’s hard at first to know what to eat. You want to make sure you’re not hungry – a downfall to any diet – but you also don’t want to jeopardize your weight loss by eating too much. So how do you find a happy medium? You do it by balancing your food groups.
Let’s Get Visual
Let’s break this concept of balancing food groups down into a visual. Take a look at your plate and divide it in half. Fill one half of it with vegetables and fruit. Now, split the other half in two and fill one side with a meat or a high quality protein choice like eggs, cottage cheese, or legumes. The remaining portion of your plate can be completed with a whole grain choice like a hearty multi grain bread or other complex carbohydrate.
In taking a look at your day, let’s take define what each meal and snack should look like. For breakfast, you always want to have a high protein meal because it sets your body into fat burning mode right away and also keeps hunger pangs at bay longer. Greek yogurt is very high in protein and has thick consistency to it, making it an ideal and filling choice to start your day. If you are lactose intolerant, have a couple of eggs. Add a cup of fresh fruit and a slice of whole grain toast and a handful of almonds or walnuts and you are off to a good start to your day.
Morning Snack
A handful of vegetables like carrots or a small bunch of grapes with a slice of low fat cheese or perhaps a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter or hummus will keep you full and humming along into your lunch hour.
Make the majority of this meal vegetables. Vegetable soup, salad, or just a mixture of fresh vegetables and low fat dip should be the foundation of what you eat. Add three ounces of lean meat like chicken without the skin, lean beef, or legumes if you are vegetarian, plus a few whole grain crackers,  and you have enough healthy protein and fiber to fill you until late afternoon.
Again, this meal should be half a plate of vegetables – say, tossed green salad with a sweet potato on the side – and then a cut of lean meat or fish and you have another successful meal sitting in front of you.
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
How You Eat Your Food Is Just As Important As What You Eat
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A lot of focus is put on what you eat while you are dieting. But how you eat is just as important and can help you lose weight. What does that mean exactly?
Let's start with the biology of that statement. When you sit down to a meal and start to eat, it will be twenty minutes before your brain receives the signal that you have eaten enough to be full. So if you eat quickly and eat a lot, chances are twenty minutes after the start of your meal, you will be getting the feeling that you ate too much - you went beyond what your body needed to feel satiated.
A lot of times this happens when we eat in the car or standing in front of the TV. In other words, not sitting down in a relaxed manner, getting ready to enjoy a meal. So the first step in slowing down your eating to lose weight is to sit down and take a moment to relax. Even in the car, you can consciously slow your pace of eating to bring yourself more awareness of your meal. Once you've become aware of your pace, be mindful of it for the next twenty minutes and give your brain a chance to register the food.
Chewing slowly can also help you lose weight. How? Digestion actually begins in your mouth, not in  your stomach.  Certain enzymes in your saliva start breaking down simple carbohydrates while your teeth work to grind and tear apart more complex food molecules. The part of digestion is incredibly important to weight loss because the more thoroughly we chew our food, the more nutrients we extract, the more efficient our bodies run and the less cravings we have. Since it takes time to chew, you will most likely hit that 20 minute mark naturally and at the point of true fullness. Recent studies show that volunteers who chewed each mouthful forty times ended up eating twelve percent less food. That's enough to put a downward dent in the scale. And it all begins in your mouth!
Getting into the habit of eating slowing and chewing more thoroughly can be a little challenging at first. If you have trouble remembering to do so, try this little trick: put your fork down in between each bite. Consciously stopping the momentum of feeding yourself can be key to setting this practice into a consistent daily routine.
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
The 3 Top Reasons To Eat A Healthful Balanced Diet
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While weight loss is the primary reason people choose to eat a healthy, balanced diet there are other benefits as well. A balanced diet incorporates the right amount of the right foods, eaten consistently for a properly functioning mind and body and when you eat this way on a daily basis, it shows both inside and out. Here are three main reason to eat for health.
1) Energy
Ever been too exhausted after school or work to fix a healthy dinner for yourself so you grab fast food instead? Hungry and reaching for that brownie instead of going over to the fridge to get carrots because you just are too tired to think about it? Skipped working out again because you needed more sleep? Without energy, it can be truly difficult to make the right choices regarding your diet, let along maintain an exercise program.
When you choose processed, high fat, high sugar foods over fresh, natural foods, you are going to come up short on energy at the end of the day due to your blood sugar level fluctuating and also due to the lack of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to keep your body going. Eating healthy makes it easier to have the energy to have willpower.
2) Cognitive Function
Along with more energy, eating a balanced diet will also help you think more clearly throughout the day. Just as a car engine needs a steady supply of quality fuel to keep running, so does your brain as it processes the demands of every day life. Protein like chicken and complex carbohydrates like brown rice keep the fuel in your brain (glucose) running on an even keel, so you don't experience a sudden moment of forgetfulness, fuzziness, or spaciness that can be a result from poor eating habits.
3) Appearance
Dry hair? Brittle nails? Splotchy skin? All of these are the result of nutritional deficiencies that occur when poor food choices are made consistently over time. Sugary foods not only do not supply any nutritional value, they can even block other nutrients like Vitamin C from being absorbed. Processed foods like white bread tend to cause the blood sugar level to elevate, causing inflammation throughout the body, including the skin. A lack of essential fatty acids, like those found in salmon and walnuts, shows up in dull hair that breaks easily and nails that split or crack.
When losing weight, it's important to remember the goal is not just in the numbers. It's in the way you feel, how you look and how you think, too.
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
3 Easy Portion Control Habits To Start Using Today
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Portion control is probably one of the least favorite topics to think about when trying to lose weight. Images of scales, measuring cups and spoons, and countless hours weighing and remembering how much of what food you ate springs to mind when the words 'portion control' are uttered.
Yet it doesn't have to be that way, or that hard. There are a few simple tricks to portion control that, when practiced consistently on a daily basis, yield weight loss results.
1) Divide and conquer: This trick is the easiest and can be practiced anywhere with any menu, whether you are in a restaurant, visiting a friend's house, or at home. Look at your plate when it is empty and divide it in half. The top half should be filled with vegetables or a combination of fruit and vegetables. Fresh tossed iceberg lettuce salad along a side of steaming broccoli. Bright carrots sitting next to a lovely serving of green beans. Sliced sweet strawberries nestled up against a mound of dark leafy greens. You get the idea. The top half of your plate should always reflect a combination of foods that are fruits and vegetables, or just all vegetables.
The lower half of your plate should be split into two sides: one side is the protein. Chicken, beef, fish, or beans should occupy this portion of your plate. The other side should play host to a carbohydrate, preferably complex: brown rice, a slice of pumpernickel bread, or maybe a serving of whole grain pasta (without any cream or butter-based sauce). And that's really all there is to it! Portion control without heavy thinking, no matter what is being served.
 2) Smaller is better: Another easy tip is one of the oldest dieting tricks in the book - a smaller plate. When you fill up your (smaller) plate with the ratio of vegetables, fruits, carbs, and protein mentioned above, you will trick your mind into thinking that you really are indulging - your eyes can't see any empty space on the plate, so this meal is going to be satisfying!
3) Work it to get it: Don't bring the serving dishes to the table. Studies show that when you have to get up from the table to get another helping of food from the stove or kitchen counter, chances are you won't. Overeating is reduced, and in turn, so is your total caloric intake for that meal. Do that for every meal and your total daily calories will be reduced, aiding in your weight loss. So keep those pots, pans and dishes of food away from the table and on the kitchen counter. Your waistline will thank you for it!
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feel-fit-123 · 2 years
Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats for Weight Loss
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Let’s start with the basic truth about fat: it is absolutely essential to our bodies. It cushions our organs, helps assimilate certain vitamins, provides fuel for energy and most importantly, is essential to our brains – they are 60% fat! Plus, eating a little fat at every meal slows the digesting process down and keeps us feeling fuller, longer.
Now that we’ve established that fat is a critical to the well-being your body, let’s see how it fits into your diet. It’s important to know that there are three types of fat in your food – saturated, unsaturated and trans fat  - and only one of those types will help you lose weight by keeping you feeling full and maintaining your health. The key to fat intake and weight loss is to make sure you don’t eat more than 30% of your daily calorie allowance in fat.
The Two Kinds of Bad Fats
Saturated fat is usually found in red meat, full fat dairy products such as butter, milk and cheese as well as in palm and palm kernel oils. So what makes it bad? It has been linked to inflammation in our bodies, which means it creates a continuously unhealthy environment that can lead to heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. Limiting consumption red meat to once a week and using low-fat or fat free dairy products helps to control your weight and the inflammation.
Trans fats are man-made fats. Manufacturers found that this fat greatly extended the shelf life of baked goods like bread, cookies, and crackers and began incorporating it into the majority of foods we see today. The drawback? Our bodies can’t handle it. Because it is a man-made chemical, the human body doesn’t have the ability to break it down properly so it tries to store it, resulting in weight gain, inflammation and eventually, disease. Trans fats are also known to contribute to clogging up arteries. Extra tip: trans fats can also be listed as ‘partially hydrogenated fat’ on food labels, so if you see that phrase, don’t eat it.
The Good Fat
So what fats are good for you and your waistline? Unsaturated fat. Your body recognizes this type of fat as easily absorbable and containing useful nutrients. Examples of this type of fat are found in foods like olive oil, almonds, avocados, peanuts, walnuts, seeds, spinach, kale, and flax oil. Cold water fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and herring also contain unsaturated fat.  Eating these types of food will keep you feeling full and keep your body healthy
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