hertaqueen · 8 months
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Angin yang berhembus, matahari yang mulai terbenam menadakan sore hari, Daun yang jatuh dari pohonnya menciptakan senandung yang sanggup membuat seseorang tertidur lelap dalam sekejap. Sungguh kesunyian yang indah.. andai saja bisa bertahan lebih lama..
Pintu menuju atap sekolah itu pun di buka oleh seseorang dengan sangat tidak elegan aku pun membuka mataku dan menengok kebelakang untuk melihat sosok yang menggangu ketenangan jiwa dan ragaku itu walaupun aku sudah tahu siapa "apa kau tidak tahu tatakrama mengetok pintu sebelum masuk?" Ku tanya "menurutku hal seperti itu tidak begitu penting jika dibalik pintu hanyalah kamu seorang" jawabnya aku hanya meng'hm perkataannya itu dan berbalik untuk melihat pemandangan langit yang berwarna jingga itu"apa mau mu".
Dia menyilangkan tangannya, entahlah walaupun aku tidak melihatnya melakukan itu aku sudah tahu saja apa yang sedang dia lakukan, mungkin itu akibat dari mengenalnya sejak lama. "Kau telah melewatkan pelajaran sejarah dan biologi kau tahu" ucapnya dengan nada kesal, dan aku hanya menyeringai mendengarnya "Dan? Apa sangkut pautnya dengan mu? Sejauh yang ku tahu aku melewatkan beberapa pelajaran tidak ada ruginya bagimu, dan lagi aku sudah tahu tentang materi yang mereka bahas mengapa aku harus membuang waktuku untuk mendengar materi yang sudah aku pahami?" aku mengalihkan pandanganku untuk melihat reaksinya.
Sejujurnya aku memang mempunyai bakat untuk membuat orang kesal dan memelintir kata-kata mereka.
"Haaah.. kau ini, ya aku mengerti kau itu sangat pintar sampai tidak perlu mendengarkan penjelasan membosankan yang diucapkan oleh guru-guru.." ucapnya dengan nada yang sarkastik, oh? Aku tertawa kecil "ya aku tidak menganggap diriku sepintar itu tapi jika sahabat tersayangku beranggapan begitu aku tidak boleh memandang rendah diriku bukan?" Aku hanya menunjukkan senyuman tidak bersalah dan Dia mulai memelototiku dengan wajah tidak terkesan aku bisa merasakan rasa kekesalan dari dalam dirinya namun dia tetap tahan Keinginan untuk mencekikku sampai mati karna dia masih mempunyai akal sehat untuk tidak melakukan pembunuhan di atap sekolah, apalagi membunuh murid dari mentornya.
Dia meringis "Sahabat? Jangan anggap aku ini sebagai temanmu aku disini hanya untuk menemanimu sesuai perintah guru"
Dia menghela nafas untuk meredakan rasa kesalnya itu. oh ya betapa kasarnya aku belum memperkenalkan diriku ini, Perkenalkan namaku Sherlyn Augustine aku adalah anak yang sering dibilang sebagai seorang jenius, tetapi mungkin hal itu tidaklah mengherankan karna aku lahir dari keluarga bangsawan yang terkenal melahirkan orang-orang berbakat baik dari segi penelitian ataupun jasa.
Contohnya Eirin Augustine dia dulu adalah pelukis terhebat dan lukisannya bisa terjual dengan harga jutaan sampai miliaran Vertim! Sekarang lukisannya terdapat di museum dan dia dikenal sebagai pelukis legendaris.
Aku sendiri adalah murid dari salah satu sekolah ternama yang bernama 'Umbraculum Consilium Historia (UCH)' sekolah yang mementingkan pengetahuan lebih dari apapun, aku juga suka bermain biola dan piano.
Rambutku berwarna hitam yang kebawahnya memudar jadi berwarna biru laut dengan rambut bergelombang yang mencapai bahuku dan gaya half-up hair, kulitku pucat dan mataku berwarna hitam.
Oh ya orang yang ada dibelakangku? Dia bisa dibilang teman dekatku tapi sepertinya dia tidak Sudi berteman dengan orang sepertiku, namanya Victoria glencia gadis yang berambut pirang dan diikat dengan gaya high ponytail dan panjang yang mencapai bagian atas dari punggungnya, matanya juga berwarna biru.
"Apa yang kau lakukan sampai melewatkan 2 pelajaran sekaligus?" Dia bertanya " ...aku tertidur " ku jawab singkat, aku tidak mendengar jawaban darinya selama 5 detik " seharusnya aku tidak bertanya.." dia membalikan tubuhnya dan berjalan menuju pintu "ayo turun kau sudah terlalu lama di sini, lagipula Mary sudah menunggu kita" ucapnya sambil mengeluarkan handphonenya Dari saku jaketnya.
"Ya, ya oke aku kesana" aku beranjak dari tempat dudukku dan mengikutinya munuruni anak tangga.Suasana corridor di (UCH) sangat ramai walaupun ini sudah sore sekalipun, kami berjalan setidaknya sekitar 10mnt untuk mencapai ruang laboratorium.
Disana terdapat seorang gadis yang nampak sedang fokus membaca instruksi yang ada pada buku panduan yang terletak di mejanya itu, gadis itu berambut oranye dengan mata yang berkilau bagaikan emas, dia menggoyangkan sedikit tabung yang berisi obat cairnya itu untuk membuat semua bahan yang dia masuki teraduk rata.
Setelah obat itu berubah warna menjadi kehijauan aku bisa melihat matanya bersinar dengan bahagia, Aku bisa mendengarnya bergumam 'akhirnya berhasil' dan lalu ia tuangkan ramuan itu kedalam sebuah botol dan menaruhnya di meja sebelah buku panduannya.
"Mary, kami sudah disini" mendengar suara Victoria Mary mengalihkan pandanganya dari obatnya kepada kita, dia tersenyum saat melihat kita berdua "Ah kalian sampai juga, tepat waktu sekali aku baru saja menyelesaikan obatnya" dia menyodorkan obat cair itu kepada Victoria.Gadis ini bernama Mary Gold, warna keemasan matanya mungkin bisa menjelaskan kenapa nama belakangnya adalah gold mata yang berwarna keemasan sudah menjadi ciri khas keluarga Gold, keluargany berfokus kepada hal-hal yang bersangkutan pada tanaman herbal
"Ah sudah jadi ya.." Victoria bergumam sambil mengecek ramuan yang di berikan Mary, saat sudah dia tersenyum "obat-obatan buatanmu memang yang terbaik, terimakasih"
Mary melambaikan kedua tangannya "ah tidak sungguh, itu bukan apa-apa.." mendengar percakapan mereka akupun mengintip dari samping Victoria untuk melihat obat yang mereka bicarakan itu.
"Obat apa itu?" Tanyaku, Mary melihat kearahku saat aku bertanya "ini adalah obat penyembuh, Victoria memintaku untuk meraciknya karna ia ingin tahu cara meraciknya jadi aku memberikannya contoh Dan instruksi yang dapat mudah dipahami."Saat mary mengatakan itu dia memberikan selembar kertas pada Victoria yang kuasumsi sebagai instruksi yang ia maksud.
Victoria mengangguk dan menerima selembar kertas itu "ya terimakasih lagi Mary, maaf tapi sepertinya aku harus pergi sekarang, terimakasih lagi atas bantuannya!" Dia melambaikan tangannya dan kemudian memindahkan pandangannya kearahku untuk mengatakan kalau kita pergi sekarang.
Aku kemudian berjalan menyusulnya tapi tidak sebelum melambai kepada Mary "mary kapan-kapan aku akan kesini lagi!"
Mary yg mendengar itu tersenyum kecil "iya, iya silahkan saja!"Saat kami sudah keluar dari ruang laboratorium aku meningkatkan kecepatan langkahku untuk berjalan disisi Victoria, "kau mencari ku hanya untuk bertemu dengan Mary?"Dia menggelengkan kepalanya "tidak juga, kukira kau itu kurang olahraga jadi aku sekalian saja membawamu bersamaku" aku berdecak kesal setelah dia menjawab "...dan juga guru ingin melihat kita""Guru? Kakek tua itu? Ada urusan apa untuk dia memanggil kita?" Aku bertanya lagi "mana kutahu, bersabarlah dan simpan saja semua pertanyaanmu saat kita melihatnya."
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hertaqueen · 8 months
"Tempus Custodis"
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Summary: "Menceritakan seorang gadis yang menjelajah kemasa lalu dimana dia harus mencoba untuk menjaga sejarah itu agar tidak terubah."
Genre: Adventure, fiction, mystery, sejarah.
Status: Ongoing.
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Warning!: adanya penyebutan bunuh diri, kekerasan, pembunuhan, kematian, darah, (tba)
Masterlist: •Prologue. •Page 1 "beginning" •Page 2 "water fountain" •Tba...
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hertaqueen · 10 months
hello! I noticed that you said that your request are open so if I may request diasomnia with the reader who can neutralize magic just like dazai Osamu? Ty!^^
Giggles in multitasking and juggling a series w requests and my flight back to Orlando
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LILIA and you both got along quite well with your teasing and a hint of manipulation in your personalities. It’s quite the mix but you two like to tease sebek together, he has the most interesting reactions!
On a personal thought Lilia find your ability similar to prefect rosehearts. “Fufu, you’re quite the mischievous one aren’t you?” Sometimes you both go on little pranks and surprise people around the corner.
So imagine when there was a overbolt for Leona as an example and once you get close enough to touch him BOOM ability activated and everyone’s safe. Sometimes you both share information about each others World and lilia finds himself wanting to travel again because of you.
SEBEK can’t find it in himself to take your playful personality seriously, not like anyone could anyways. However, there was this one time he had pissed you off more than intended and that slick yet scary smile you gave him just put off red alarms in his head.
He was a second too late to get into a defensive stance before you switched up and gave him a normal smile right after kindly asking him not to piss you off again. (He didn’t think it was possible)
As for your ability, he finds it fitting for someone of your nature . So sometimes when he’s about to overdo it on the magic and try to outdo someone in class you pop up and shut it right off. He’s grateful since most of those times he’s with his first year gang and you’re there to stop any possible tragedies.
SILVER first impression of you is his “fathers new bestie” which could be a bit bad to him but nonetheless if you have lilia and malleus’s trust we good. Sometimes he just..leans on you taking a nap while you could be having a full ass conversation with someone.
Imagine talking to ace about his homework along with yuu and then silver just..comes behind you and puts his head on your shoulder mumbling something about how he’s tired.
You’re his pillow, no you are not obligated to deny this is your fate.
MALLEUS realized you were distant towards him and careful, I mean of course you had the right to be. From what you gathered he was the most powerful person on campus and even possibly outside of campus, yet you still found it in yourself to befriend the dragon foe.
He was happy that you even decided to interact with him, you were a bit scared yes but it didn’t matter!
You’re a trouble maker and somehow manage to drag him into it as well, just like you and lilia. He likes your ability because it’s pretty. Sure he most likely doesn’t need it until he overbolts (not like he knows that but—) he has a very good grasp over his magic, so whenever you turn off someone else’s magic he’s just watching intently and the wind blows the hair out of his face.
(He managed to convince you to join his club)
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hertaqueen · 10 months
Can i request a Gojo Reader x Zhongli?
21 hours until Ep 2 of jjks2 comes out. At least for the site I’m using. (It’s most likely not that much time anymore since that was the time It had after I made it self post itself)
I’m doing so many requests late because I got them while they were closed so don’t mind it
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WHEN he first met you the first thing that caught his eye was your height that somehow managed to rival his. It’s not everyday you meet someone who is around 6 feet, it’s quite scary. You were distant at first when you first met and he was quite compelled to compliment your eye color.
He met you while you were ordering 28 different sweets at a stall and since he wanted to buy some for a friend of his that he called traveler you shared some with him with a little wink calling it a first gift date. He was confused, but he didn’t pry when you stalked off with your bags of candies and Liyue delicacies.
You both met again at a restaurant by chance and immediately hit it off, he had forgotten his wallet again and you decided to pay but at a price. Zhongli had to go on a date with you after your next encounter. That’s where it started
You remind him a bit too much of childe that he asked if you both were related, surprised to find out you didn’t know who the hell that was. “Hah? Who names their kid childe?” Your reaction made him chuckle yet he dismissed it “forget it, how about that store over there?”
Sometimes he feels more like a babysitter to you than a boyfriend. Whining and manipulating him to get your way (with no harm intended) and then looking at him with those majestic eyes of yours fully convincing him into what you want. He learnt that you don’t have any good particular reaction to weak people who can’t use visions or “jujutsu” as you call it. Speaking of which, he had you explain to him what jujutsu sorcery was in your world. Explaining to him that you were the strongest and at least here you could try out your strength with actual Gods.
He wasn’t offended by your mixed up ideals at all. He knows better than anyone that those who see the light and darkness of both worlds would of course have messed up thoughts. Remember that time you showed him your domain and destroyed a LITERAL domain and the outside of it too? Yeah, then somehow you both ended up in the chasm? He doesn’t admit it but sometimes he has a leash for you.
Not exactly a leash but he ties a piece of string around your hand that isn’t so tight to cut off your circulation, it’s enough to keep your grounded and level headed sometimes. Other times he manage to break it and get lost. Ended up asking Hu Tao if it really would be ok to buy you a leash.
Whenever smiling it doesn’t quite reach your eyes yet they manage to light up the minute Zhongli comes into your vision. Not that he missed that habit of yours to tease people smaller than you.
Spoiler alert. You got along with childe and now he has two banks. How you got mora the minute you switched mora and 78million at that after?
Don’t worry about that.
Has he mentioned how many times a day he has to stop you and childe from sparring? This isn’t even about him yet he managed to bring himself in. Like, so many hilichurls were sacrificed for the sake of both of you. “First to get 100 camps wins and had it pay for dinner!”
“Your on comrade!” You both said with sadistic smiles. “Babe, set a timer we have 20 minutes love you and thanks handsome!” You said before teleporting the fuck off with a wink just like childe who already ran looking for a head start. Zhongli could only sigh and wonder how he got himself into this, yet he had been amused you were interacting with others. You were coming around and he loved for that you.
Now after finding out he was a Archon guess who had to spar with you for 48 hours without rest? Yes. The poor man in the flesh Morax. Either way he knows he might possibly loose you to time and immortality so he’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
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hertaqueen · 10 months
Hello! Can I req a headcannon of Azul and riddle with reader who always ditching or sleeping in class overall barely studying but still come as top 10th on exam :)? Ty!
ˏˋ꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ❛❛lest you end up like leona.❜❜
-> 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆. there was really no reason to worry in the first place. have more faith!
-> 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀. gender-neutral reader, riddle x reader, fluff, azul x reader. riddle went off.
✰ ── 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. this is kinda short. sorryyyyy. thought the title was funny because it's definitely something they'd both say. i ♡ bashing leona abt his poor life choices.
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You and Azul are in a few different classes, but knowing you, he knows all too well about your tendency to fall asleep during lectures.
So, he takes it upon himself to wake you up.
'Wake up, MC.'
He'll send you a few messages in between class (the things he does for you, honestly) to make sure you're not asleep.
He's seen you in the courtyard and botanical gardens during his passing periods, too. Yeah, he caught you.
Mm, well, more like the Tweels™ caught you, and then sent the photos to him.
Azul scolds you about your Leona-like habits almost daily, especially because exams are coming up. He won't force you to do anything extra, but please don't fail the year.
He isn't one for punishments or extremely stern reprimanding (what is he, your dad?), but he'll try and make a deal with you. As motivation.
"What if I took you out after exams ended? How about this — if you manage to score within the top 100, we can go out to dinner the weekend after, alright?"
You continue to slack off, telling him that, while dinner would be great, you really don’t need the help.
Azul is more worried than anything. He wants you to be successful, to be proud of yourself academically.
Granted, he doesn’t actually know just how you perform in most of your classes… b-but even still!
If he gets too fidgety, he’ll send the twins to check on you.
Visits from Floyd and Jade happen often, but they’ll never tell you whether they just want to hang out or whether they’re there on Azul’s errand.
Azul feels like a bit of an idiot when he finally sees everyone’s final exam scores. He nearly faints, actually, seeing your name among his peers, marked at a solid number five.
“You…” And there you are, lax and confident as always.
“See? You never had to worry from the start!”
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Riddle's not having it.
No significant other of his is going to be anything less than their best when it comes to academic effort.
He makes plans to tutor you himself, lightheartedly threatening to collar you if you begin to slack.
“But Riiiiiiidle, I promise I don’t need any heeeeelp.”
“With the way you behave in class, I’d argue the opposite.”
Don’t get him wrong! He wants to see you shine, that’s why he’s pushing you. Riddle just takes education very seriously.
He holds himself to high standards because he’s capable — because he truly believes in his abilities. He holds you to the same standards for the same reasons.
One person on campus he doesn’t think he’ll ever get along with is Leona. The lack of effort stirs him the wrong way.
“You need to stop being so laid-back.”
…is what Riddle tells you when you decide not to do your homework or when you half-do and assignment.
He doesn’t have many classes with you, and yet he knows without a doubt that you manage to sleep in every single one of them.
The amount of times he’s found you snoozing in the back of the room or roaming the halls on a “bathroom break” is frankly pretty astonishing.
If he happens to sit next to you, Riddle will nudge your foot or your arm firmly, whispering for you to “Wake up, we’re in class.”
He sends you ‘Good luck. 🍀’ texts before big projects or tests. He’s your number one supporter!
In all honesty, he’s never seen too many of your scores — he believes in you, really, but if your behavior in class is any indication-
“Riddle, hey, look, they posted final exam scores!”
He prepared to see you somewhere towards the bottom — not his preference, just what he expected.
The way his eyes pop as he reads your name at the number five spot is gold.
Oh, he’s so proud. So, so proud of you! You’re in for celebratory cake and tarts later, to commemorate your brilliance. Meet him at Heartslabyul a bit early, he might have some gifts for you. ♡
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hertaqueen · 10 months
The fact that I need to googled synonym bcs I don't like using the same words over and over again and questioning if everything even makes sense.
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hertaqueen · 10 months
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This art Is two months ago I just feel like posting it cause it goes along with my Tumblr aesthetic lol, btw this is Victoria one of my oc!
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hertaqueen · 10 months
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This art Is two months ago I just feel like posting it cause it goes along with my Tumblr aesthetic lol, btw this is Victoria one of my oc!
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hertaqueen · 10 months
• Sherlyn | she/her | entp | drawing, reading | Please understand that English is not my native language so there might be some grammar errors | I want to practice writing story but this might also be art blog |
• Dazai Osamu ; Bungou stray dogs
• Vanitas ; Vanitas no carte
• Venti ; Genshin impact
• Kaeya ; Genshin impact
• Leona kingschoolar ; Twst
Genshin impact
• Bungou Stray Dogs
• Honkai star rail
• Twisted wonderland
• Tba..
• I won't be writing dark themes, Oc x Cannon, Character x Character, matchups!
• No age up!!
• I prefer doing fem/gn readers but male readers are welcome
• I write if I'm in the mood or if it's interest me so sorry if I ignore your request
• I'm open to criticism but please make it reasonable
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hertaqueen · 10 months
• Sherlyn | she/her | entp | drawing, reading | Please understand that English is not my native language so there might be some grammar errors | I want to practice writing story but this might also be art blog |
• Dazai Osamu ; Bungou stray dogs
• Vanitas ; Vanitas no carte
• Venti ; Genshin impact
• Kaeya ; Genshin impact
• Leona kingschoolar ; Twst
Genshin impact
• Bungou Stray Dogs
• Honkai star rail
• Twisted wonderland
• Tba..
• I won't be writing dark themes, Oc x Cannon, Character x Character, matchups!
• No age up!!
• I prefer doing fem/gn readers but male readers are welcome
• I write if I'm in the mood or if it's interest me so sorry if I ignore your request
• I'm open to criticism but please make it reasonable
• Request: Are OPEN
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