jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
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Answer Unclear
Oh, you. No-one can figure you out. Some people love you, some people hate you, some people just don't care. You're hot, but also ugly, but also bland. You're funny, but also serious, but also a kind of weird grey zone. Honestly, keep doing what you're doing. It's pretty cool, in my option. Though a lot of my friends would disagree.
No cuz this is literally me
Thanks for tagging me @bambicambi @nullsleepy :D
You guys might enjoy this @anjuschiffer @bunathebunny @justanothermaribatsideblog @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn
new challenge/tag game!
tagged by: my queen @pastafossa 😘💞
the rules: 1. create a picrew using this maker, and then 2. take this quiz on how fandom would see you if you were a fictional character.  3. POST YOUR PIC AND YOUR DESCRIPTION IN THE REBLOG!
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Great Character Arc
You’re that one character that’s just so well written. Interesting but not overpowering flaws, a great backstory, your character growth is real and measurable without feeling unrealistic. Your friendships are the hallmark of the fandom, your romance feels earned. Critics love you.
so…I’m Steve Harrington? I see no downsides here <3
no pressure tags: @skeletoncowboys @nobodys-baby-now @lowlights @h-llfire @jazzelsaur @radiowallet @iamskyereads @saradika @zinzinina @magpie-to-the-morning
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
POV: you found Twilight the novel series in your school library when you're on your shift as a librarian
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Kon, Baby
Marinette finds a child named Kon running away but rather than finding where he came from she decides to help him get away. She soon realizes that he is not a normal child and that she made the right decision.
Experimentation by Cadmus had forced Kon to be a child. He still remembers everything but is struggling against the childish tendencies. His best option is to find Superman to help him but instead he meets Marinette.
Supermari May: growing up
Marinette looked down at her phone to check again that she was going the right way. The brightness of the city and the careful organization of the streets in Metropolis were not enough to keep her from getting lost. She pushed the button to cross and waited. She tried not to turn at the odd noises coming up behind her. She hated the looks she got for being too aware of her surroundings but too much of her teen years were dictated by living with the constant threat of akumas. It seemed that back then, every sound of rustling and fast movement turned out to be an akuma. She couldn’t help reacting to the sounds. In this case, rather than transforming to face down an akuma, she reached out and grabbed the small child running headlong into the street without looking. Just in time as several more cars zoomed past.
The child struggled against her grip but she kept it firm on him, looking around for any sign of someone missing a child. He pulled out of her grip when the walk signal displayed. She looked around nervously. He looked about the size of a 4 year old so definitely too young to be running around on his own. She also noticed his clothing seemed odd. It was similar to a prison jumpsuit and had numbers on it. Some of the American fashion was very odd but even still, she usually recognized the styles even if it wasn’t her preferred style. She moved more quickly, trying to catch up to him. He seemed to realize she was following him right away and turned and grinned at her. He kept walking but he reached out for her hand, slowing just enough for her to catch up to him.
“Hello, my name is Marinette,” she said. “Can I help you get somewhere?”
“My name is Kon,” he said. “And I have to get away.”
She tugged at his hand slightly and he paused, looking back at her questioningly. It was then that she saw a mark on his neck with a bruise and possible marks on his arms. It looked as if he had been restrained and had struggled against it. She couldn’t imagine who would do that to such a small child. That paired with his odd clothing helped her decide she would stay with him. If he were found, she would want one hell of an explanation before she allowed someone to just take him with them. She had heard that there were sometimes awful medical experiments. She had always just hoped that it was people volunteering even out of desperation, but to use a child was too reprehensible.
“Did you have a destination in mind? I was planning on getting some lunch.”
His response was instantaneous. His eyes lit up and his stomach growled loudly. He glanced down at the sound so he didn’t see her eyes flare in anger at the thought of them not feeding him while they were doing whatever they had done to him. She kept walking on towards the place she had decided to eat for lunch today. He skipped along beside her watching the sidewalk and playing some sort of jumping game with the cracks below. She laughed along with him, lifting his arm to help him make the big jumps, even though she couldn't figure out how to play.
"There it is," Marinette said, pointing across the street.
"Yes!" Kon pumped his fist. "I'm going to eat one of everything except the desserts. I'll get 2 of those."
Marinette really hoped he was joking. She might not be able to afford all of that. She didn't tell him. She would discuss limiting how much to order at once when they were seated the table was small so that should help. When the server came around with the offerings she let Kon choose several but cautioned when the table was filling that they could choose more later if they still needed. She hadn’t had dim sum in a very long time. It reminded her of her mother’s favorite place in Paris. They had gone there for lunch every year on her mother’s birthday. They might gather with friends for treats in the evening but for lunch that day it was just her and Marinette. She missed her today. She called her for her birthday but it just wasn’t the same. She would have to find a way to get her mother to visit and bring her here. She had been planning to go home soon but the trip was delayed. That made everything feel a little more poignant.
Kon was bouncing around after his first few minutes of eating. She called the server over a third time to pick some plates for him. He only chose 2 more so Marinette was relieved. She asked to see the desserts next. He would definitely make room for dessert. She let him finish the last ones on his own so she could have a sweet one herself. She was definitely starting to feel full. She suspected he was as well. He was eating much more slowly now. At the beginning, she was certain that he hadn’t tasted anything but now he was savoring more. His eyes got really big when the sweets arrived though. He grabbed one and she did as well, as the server was moving away, he reached over to take one more. She smiled but pretended not to see him sneaking.
Now, she wanted to find him some different clothes. They couldn’t be comfortable but she decided it could wait when he found a playground and seemed so excited to run around and play. She sat nearby and pulled out her pocket sketch pad to make some cute little boy designs. She was checking regularly and he seemed to be having a great time. He was climbing up to the top and sliding down. She almost had a heart attack when he climbed up the top of the tall twisty tube slide. He made it to the top and then leapt over it startling a smaller child who then laughed and watched him in awe as he ran around ignoring any concern for his own safety.
Marinette could have sworn that he was growing before her eyes. She had been certain that the other child would be the same size as Kon, but he was definitely bigger. It was probably too far away for her to get a good view. She waved as he looked back over to make sure she was watching him. He was delighted by everything. He joined a group of boys a few years older and ran off with them to play ball. She couldn’t see as well but he was still having fun. She didn’t worry again until they ran for a large tree. But she was left with no time to react as he quickly moved from the ground to the high branches. The other kids couldn’t even keep up. One girl who was a bit shorter and lighter seemed to do pretty well. Eventually they all climbed down and the crowd started to dwindle.
Kon ran up to Marinette after telling all his new friends bye. She tried not to let him see her frown but he definitely seemed taller. Not just taller. He was filled out. The jumpsuit was practically tight and the bottom left his ankles visible. His face still looked like a small child but if she tilted her head, she could see the older boy becoming visible. She tried to remember how he had looked before. She had heard children grow like weeds but she could not imagine that a child could visibly change very much over an hour. He grabbed her hand and dragged her along, he was definitely stronger too.
“Let’s get ice cream,” he exclaimed.
“How can you still be hungry?” she laughed, but pointed to a stand set up nearby.
“How tall do you think they can stack the scoops? I could probably eat 7.”
“I don’t know about 7. How about 3 and then we can find you some better fitting clothes.”
He frowned but then raced forward as the line moved. They made their order and he begged for a huge swirl of whipped cream on his. Even with all that he was finishing the last of his cone before Marinette finished her single scoop. She dug through her bag and found a granola bar to hand him before he could suggest she offer up the rest of her ice cream. It he was that hungry, they might have to get him food again soon but clothes were more pressing. She could swear that they were getting tighter and shorter by the minute.
She actually didn’t know any of the clothing shops for children. She usually made her own clothes and supplemented them with a few signature pieces to give a little flair if she needed. But they lucked out and passed by one. It looked like cute clothes but she made sure to get them a bit loose and stretchy. She thought she might have been imagining it at first, but he was halfway to her shoulders by the time they arrived at the shop. She was certain that it had to do with the testing that had been done on him. She was thinking back to when they originally met and he had definitely been acting like a young child. Now when they walked out he wasn’t playing the jumping game on the sidewalk. He walked beside her and complained about wanting food. But at least his clothes fit.
She was trying to decide if she should ask him more about what he knew about the research place but she didn’t want to upset him. She was lost in her head and not really listen to him talking about all the foods he could eat right now. The sun was still shining brightly in the sky and she mostly wanted to find some place cooler. But she was distracted by something in the window and she stopped to stare. It was a stunning dress that looked like a glittering night sky. Definitely the type of piece that she would pay for if she didn’t want to spend countless hours making a dress for herself. She was lost in thinking about it, she even had a formal event coming up that it would be useful for.
“You have to try that on. I will sit still and not complain," he promised.
“I really shouldn’t. I am not sure it is the best idea right now.”
“You will never know if you don’t try it on,” he said, pushing her towards the door. “Please, I want to see it.”
Marinette didn’t want to say no to his pleading eyes and she really liked the dress so she gave in rather easily. She had never been to this particular boutique before but she wondered if she might talk to them at some point about offering her designs. Much of her work would definitely fit with the range of products they offered. Kon made himself at home and laid out of the cushioned bench while the attendant brought her the dress in the right size. When she put it on, she wished that she hadn’t. It was absolutely perfect but she had already asked about the price. It was definitely more than she should pay right now, especially not knowing what would be happening with the child she had at least temporarily acquired who seemed to be able to eat endlessly.
“How long does it take?” he pounded on the door. “You have to show me too.”
She stepped outside and he gasped. “You have to get that right. It looks so good on you.”
“I’m not sure. It’s nice but I could probably make something to suit my needs.”
“If I had money, I would buy it for you,” he said. “You look like a princess. You are so pretty.”
She reached out and ruffled his hair. She smiled, covering her embarrassment. “You are sweet. I’m sure I can always come back if I change my mind.”
“You would have to do that soon,” the attendant said. “I think we will be out of this one by the end of the week. It’s a limited run.”
“I will check the dressing expectations of the event this evening. I hadn’t even intended to shop today but I passed by the window and there it was.”
“But you can save it, right?” the boy asked. “Maybe just one, through tomorrow?”
“I’ll misplace it in the back, just in case,” she winked conspiratorially at Kon.
Marinette sighed but gave in, completely ignoring her budget for a typical day out. She ordered the family platter of tacos but she expected that Kon would eat most of that. There was definitely something happening. He was back to speed eating again. She laughed at him as he crammed an entire taco in his mouth and ended up dumping hers down the front of her shirt. She was impressed that he managed not to spit his out as much as he was laughing at her. This was her own fault for taking in a child. Of course when she had done so he seemed more like a toddler but now he looked ready to borrow the car for a night out with friends. She huffed and moved towards the bathroom to clean up. She hoped there would be food left when she got back.
She stopped at the counter when she saw that they had a few shirts available. They sold merchandise for the local heroes. She didn’t know whether it was just part of the business model or if the heroes had helped out here but she got the Superboy one in her size. She always liked the red and black since she had worn the colors as a teen hero. It always made her a bit nostalgic even though she couldn’t claim to miss her time lying to everyone so she could fight evil with magic. She did what she could for her other shirt and then headed back out to the table where there was a man in a suit and glasses talking to Kon.
“Is there something I can help you with?” Marinette asked, forcing herself between the man and Kon as a barrier.
“No, I was just checking on Kon. I haven’t heard from him in a few weeks but I see he is here with you,” the man said.
His eyes dropped up and down over Marinette but she got the sense that rather than appreciating her as a woman that he was checking her to see if she was a risk. She glanced back at Kon. He could no longer be called a child. Even the clothes bought very loose were becoming tight again. She had been right about the food. It was all gone. The sun was shining in the window and it was like she was seeing him for the first time. And she was. At least up close. She had definitely seen pictures of him before. The man reached out his hand.
“I’m Clark Kent,” he said.
“I’m Marinette,” she responded.
“He is a good guy Marinette. He would have been my first choice to have found me if it hadn’t been you.”
“So something did happen to you?” Clark asked.
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure it was Cadmus, but we shouldn’t talk about that here.”
Clark nodded and walked away. Marinette could see him waiting outside. She took a moment to look at the man sitting before her.
“You aren’t a child then? You never were, at least not today.” she asked. “You are actually an adult with some sort of magical effects?”
“Not really magical. Scientific experiments to control me. But it could be magical, seeing a peek of what our children might look like in the future.”
“You’re Superboy,” she said. “That probably makes sense. I didn’t recognize you when you looked like you were 4.”
“Took a lot for them to make me a boy.” he lifted his hand and pushed the hair back from her face. “You are definitely super. Not many would help a child escape what would probably have looked like loving parents.”
“I had a feeling about you. That you needed help,” she said softly. “So what now?”
“Now you give me your number so I can find you again after I update those on my team about the situation.” He placed a kiss on her cheek and whispered next to her ear. “But I am definitely never going to get the image of you wearing my merch out of my head.”
Marenette looked down as she blushed and held out her unlocked phone to him so he could put his number in. “I’ll text you right away so you can let me know when things are wrapped up. I look forward to seeing you again.”
He nodded and walked out to give Clark an update about all he knew about their experiments. He would explain how they had used the flaws in his cloning to make him young rather than just incapacitate him. But first he wanted to go buy a dress.
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @izanae | @kittenmywaythrulife | @folk-ever-lore | @jayjayspixiepop | @achaoticmess1
@adrestar | @zynna | @jeminiikrystal
@technicallyburninggarden | @iloontjeboontje | @certainmuffinbagelcalzone
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
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Some baby Al Ghul twins for some fluff.
Need more fluff
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Bertrand Russell - Message To Future Generations (1959)
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
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7K notes · View notes
jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Battinson on Twitter Part 6: Make Lemonade
Previous: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
To: Bruce Wayne | [email protected]
From: Michelle Baum | [email protected]
Subject: URGENT
Are you awake? I can't get a hold of you.
Call me back NOW. What is going on?!
I can't believe this.
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Bruce woke up with a sore leg. He'd seen Dick swinging around on a chandelier yesterday and had taken a flying leap to try to get to him before he fell. Dick hadn't fallen but Bruce had: The newly-waxed floor (that he'd had to clean himself because Alfred had been cross about Bruce spray painting it again) and his woolen socks hadn't been a good combination and he'd landed heavily on his hip.
It was dark outside. Bruce checked his phone and saw that Selina had sent him a long string of cat emojis. He responded with a single bat. He then deleted the notifications from Michelle and hauled himself out of bed with a groan.
"Why do I still hurt?" Bruce hissed when he saw Alfred approach the doorway.
"Welcome to your thirties, Bruce." Alfred tossed a file on the bed. "Sign these. You're funding a new library in the Narrows."
"Okay. Gotta check on Dick first."
"He's still playing his Robot game. He was hollering about getting eight thousand Robot Bucks or whatever they're called--"
Bruce sprinted out the door, skidded down the hall, and crashed into Dick's room. And there was Dick on his iPad, curled up in the corner and smirking at him like a little gremlin.
"Did you use my credit card again?" Bruce asked. "I'm taking your iPad away if you did."
"No." Dick clutched his iPad to his chest with one hand and sprung onto a nearby column, shimmying his way up to the ceiling.
"What did you do?"
Bruce frowned. Fine. If Dick wanted to be stubborn, he could wait him out. Surely it wasn't anything too bad.
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7K notes · View notes
jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
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29K notes · View notes
jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Dick comes to visit at the manor for the weekend. He begins to settle down in his old bedroom when he hears a pulsating, grinding sound in the distance. Music.
Dick: uh oh
Duke, passing by in the hall: Oh hey Dick. How’s—
Dick: Shh. Wait. Do you hear that?
Duke: what
Dick: It can’t be. Nonono. I can’t live through this again, please— *sprints toward the Batcave with Duke following behind him*
Duke: Dick, what’s wrong? I’ve never seen you like this
Dick: *running down the stairs to the cave* Nooooooo please God no—
The music grows louder. The sound of an electric guitar tears through the cave.
Dick, covering his ears: Nooooo
Duke: The fuck is this—
Bruce, hunched over in a corner and smearing greasepaint around his eyes: MCR released a new single Dick can you believe it it’s almost been a decade Dick listen
Dick, flashing back to Bruce’s emo phase, replays a few key memories from his childhood:
Bruce sitting on the roof in the rain while Dick yelled at him to help with his homework
Bruce crying after Dick stomped his headphones to pieces
Dick trying to get Bruce to wash the makeup off his face before attending a parent teacher conference
Bruce “I am a Bat. I am a Shadow. I am Darkness” Wayne trying out an even longer cape and tripping over it while Dick cringed in the background and Joker actually looked embarrassed
Dick putting on ABBA during training and Bruce threatening to ground him
Bruce playing the electric guitar at 3:00 AM on a school night
Dick cutting the strings of said guitar just before he moved out, leading to one of the greatest blowout arguments Wayne Manor has ever seen. (Alfred had had to spray both of them with a fire extinguisher)
Duke, tapping Dick’s arm: Hey. Are you okay, or..?
Dick blinks and comes back to the present. He glances back at the corner and sees this as the song comes to a crescendo:
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Dick: Nope. I’m not dealing with this again. I’ll see you all in a few months. Duke, good luck.
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
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13K notes · View notes
jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
*cough* hi
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
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assorted bats
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Bruce in the hospital chair: I haven't gotten over my fear of losing people I care about
Alfred, who was just called a liar by the bitch-batboy he raised after waking up in a hospital, under his breath: well if you'd gone to therapy like I suggested instead of blowing your allowance on a Halloween costume and eye makeup, maybe you would have
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Clark, with Bruce hunching behind him: Mom, can my friend stay over for the night, please?
Martha: We have to ask Mr Pennyworth first, but sure.
Bruce, rising his cell phone: he already gave me permission
[later that night]
Martha, at the phone: Thank you Alfred.
Alfred: No Mrs Kent, thank you. How master Bruce is behaving?
Martha: Oh, he's such a sweet boy! They are currently playing backgammon.
Alfred, tearing: Doris, they are playing backgammon.
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Bruce, meeting Gordon in his humansona for the first time after being in a bank robbery out of uniform: hello
Gordon: Hello, Mr. Wayne. I’d just like you to answer a few questions, nothing too bad, and then you can be on your way
Bruce: *vibrating*
Gordon: Okay, what type of gun did the robber have?
Bruce: *vibrating harder*
Gordon: That’s alright, what about his looks? What did he look like? What was he wearing?
Bruce, shining a penlight at Gordon’s black pants: hn
Bruce: !!! *jumps out window*
Gordon, shaking his head: *resigned sigh* Batman
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jayjayspixiepop · 2 years
Miracles of the Creek indeed is an interesting crossover. It’s pretty original too, to be honest. It might seems weird at first, but hey, Maribat was also seen as weird in the beginning, and now we have like..l 25 different ships under this category.
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