ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
Lust lingers, love stays. Lust is impatient, love waits. Lust burns, love warms. Lust destroys, but love? Love kills.
- The Monster, L.J. Shen
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
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I must have flowers. Always and always
- Claude Monet 🌺🌸🌿
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
But what are villains, my dear wife, if not misunderstood heroes ?
- The Villain, L.J. Shen
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
I can't believe how Prime Video is so good at carving out a space in the alternative superhero genre - I really enjoyed The Boys and I just recently finished Invincible and it was so good ??
Its pretty rare for me to get surprised at any plot twist in a show (especially in the superhero genre) but what happened at the end of episode one was so unexpected and shocking and really laid the ground work for the rest of the season. I love the plot, the characters and the fact that you can't predict what will happen next because it always plays out in a way that blows your mind.
The best part is probably the amazing voice cast. From Steven Yeun to Sandra Oh and J.K Simmons (and so many more) they knock it out of the park and give these characters so much depth.
Prime Video needs to promote this show better because its a real gem in terms of superhero entertainment. I honestly don't get how this is not everywhere.
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
Priceless and worthless are the same sum, presented in a different manner.  Words make or break you. 
- The Hunter, L.J. Shen  
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
Thoughts on The Falcon and and the Winter Soldier
So the show is officially over and I took my sweet time to digest everything and reflect not only on the final episode but the show in general. I have mentioned before how amazing the first episode looked and what a good set up it was for the coming episodes but boy had I no idea what we were in for.  So here we go: (Spoilers after the cut!!) 
This is clearly by far the most political and serious MCU entity. I did not expect this show to actually go there and make political and social commentary left and right but that is exactly what we got and I was so here for it. 
This show had such a good set up from the get go - you had Sam not feeling like he should take on the title of Captain America and Bucky not knowing who he is as a person now that he is not really the Winter Soldier anymore. Both struggling with their identity, both feeling lost after Steve left. 
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Sam’s arc was everything in this show. I loved how he progressively became more confident in his abilities and also used his counseling background to handle difficult situations. With each episode they showed the audience more and more why Sam is not only the best and most deserving candidate for the title of Captain America but also how John Walker is not. Anthony Mackie knocked it out of the park with his performance. The scenes between Sam and Karli were phenomenal. His action scenes were phenomenal. His costume reveal in the last episode and him finally calling himself Captain America was just crazy and I completely lost it I was so happy. 
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Bucky and his arc wrecked me. Seeing him struggle with guilt and his inner demons was very emotional. It made so much sense why he cared about the shield the way he did and why he was so mad at Sam for giving it away. I loved all the banter and the snarky comments directed at John Walker and how he was clearly having none of it. It was also amazing to see his connection to Wakanda still being very strong (and honestly every minute we got to see the Dora Milaje in this show). Sebastian Stan did such a good job with giving Bucky so much depth and showing us who he is beyond the Winter Soldier.
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I freaking adored everything with Zemo and how they made him an even more interesting character in this (I liked him a lot in Civil War and LOVED him here). Like you see where he is coming from even if his methods tend to be extreme at times. It was the same thing with the flag smashers: their motivations were understandable and it did not surprise me why so many people wanted to support them - yet their methods were cruel and extreme. Both Zemo and the flag smashers operated in the grey zone for me. Just like John Walker and Sharon. None of them truly evil - but also far from heroes.  
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John Walker was a very complicated character because he was clearly unfit for the job and the fact that he didn't realize that and kept pushing his incredibly ignorant ideas and behavior made most situations simply worse for everyone involved ( that image of him killing someone with the shield will forever be burned into my brain). But the show showed you that he is not an evil person and that he was under a lot of pressure and never wanted things to go that far. 
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I think humanizing all the antagonist and showing their vulnerable side was very smart. The show is giving you not just good or bad characters but mostly characters that are a bit of everything and that to a degree, where it is very hard to choose what they are and if you should root for them or not. And THATS what makes this so incredibly well written and thought out! 
Lastly, putting Isaiah Bradley and his story into the mix was very powerful and so meaningful. His story became the heart of this and worked well with Sam’s arc. I honestly applaud the writers room for that choice (most of all Malcolm Spellman as the head-writer and show-runner who apparently had the idea to tell Bradley’s story). 
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Marvel really didn't hold back with this, made some really powerful statements and created something that was not just entertaining and well shot but also rooted in reality in way where you forgot that this was about superheroes. 
So far Phase 4 has proven to be one hell of a ride with WandaVision and this show exceeding expectations and breaking away from the Marvel formula in many ways, making the stories sting more and tackle topics that are very emotional and complex, without shying away from going all in and making bold statements. I honestly can't wait for the upcoming Loki show since we can assume now that we should expect the unexpected. 
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This is clearly setting up the Thunderbolds storyline and of course a forth Captain America movie with our new Cap! And I honestly couldn't be more excited now that we now that Malcolm Spellman will return for this one as well! 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
Kissing him was like standing on the edge of a cliff. Nice view, but you knew it was deadly. 
- Angry God, L.J. Shen 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift. 
- Mary Oliver 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
My heart broke, not because I was sad, but because it swelled so much at the sight of you, I needed more space in it. 
- Broken Knight, L.J. Shen 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 3 years
I can't believe it took me so long to sit down and watch The Boys on Amazon Prime ? Like the show is so well written and has some amazing character storylines as well as development in general ? 
Starlight’s whole experience from her hopeful and naive perspective at the beginning to seeing her go through all of that mistreatment and haressment at Vought and then taking all of that to channel her inner superhero and do what she always wanted to do - safe people ? That was such an amazing storyline. 
Maeve realizing what she has become - a tool and an image instead of a real hero? And seeing her realize what Homelander is capable of and how she simply can not stand for that anymore ? And also the way she handed him his ass in the season final of season 2 ? I loved it. 
I also gotta say - Homelader and Butcher are really two sides of the same coin in a way and seeing them face off is always a joy. Anthony Starr is straight up terrifying as Homelander and gives us a true complex portrayal of a villain who believes that he is doing the right thing. And Karl Urban’s Butcher is the true definition of a anti-hero - he does operate in the grey zone, does things that seem to go too far sometimes, but at the same time you do get him! You see where he is coming from and when he lets himself be vulnerable ... thats pure acting gold. 
I also have to mention that I love how they use the concept of superheroes to comment on everything that is wrong within our society and how so many topics and issues are being depicted. 
Also shoutout to Frenchie and Kimiko for having such a wholesome connection and representing true friendship and care in this extreamly violent show and to MM who is the only really sane person in all of this and puts up with everyone else’s bullshit. 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 4 years
I wish I could rewrite you out of my life. But all your pages are highlighted, dog-eared and thumbed to death. I can no longer read you, but you are still my favorite poem. 
- Pretty Reckless, L.J. Shen 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 4 years
My whole life has been pledged to this meeting with you.
- Alexander Pushkin 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 4 years
Love is like ivy. It wraps around you, chokes every part of you quietly. It is not patient, or kind, or gentle. It Is needy, cunning and suffocating. 
- Bane, L.J. Shen
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 4 years
I never thought I would love a show about a sports team and literally watch all episodes in one day but Ted Lasso proved me wrong. This show is one of the best things that has ever happened to streaming and nobody should sleep on it! 
It is living proof that a well written show does not need any slapstick humor, gore, overly dramatic storylines or unnecessary action scenes to work. Instead it gives you amazing character arcs, three dimensional characters that make mistakes but are actually taking responsibility and hold each other, as well as themselves, accountable for their actions. 
The show depicts healthy relationships and friendships between many different people, gives us some badass female characters and says f*ck you to toxic masculinity. It made me laugh like an idiot, swoon over some of the sweet moments and cry like a baby because I was so moved. 
Jason Sudeikis portrays a character that is trying his best in any situation and doesn't messure success by winning or losing - its about growing as a person and your own happiness. About believing in yourself and never losing hope. He tries to understand people and is curious about them rather than being judgmental. But he is more than just a nice goody-two shoes: he has his own demons to fight and moments of sadness and loneliness. 
Above all, the show makes you want to be a better person. A better version of yourself. It makes you want to be more curious, makes you want to help people and be a light in someone else’s life. 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 4 years
Maybe love wasn't about feeling happy and whole. Maybe love was about breaking so the person you cared for would feel a little more whole. 
- Bane, L.J. Shen 
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 4 years
Never underestimate a broken person. We’re unpredictable, because once you’re broken - what’s one more crack? 
- Scandalous, L.J. Shen
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ladouleurexquise-xx · 4 years
“I love you so much that I hated you for a while. And now that I know you are damaged, I love you even more. Perfect things are not relatable. Unbreakable is fascinating, but not lovable.”
- Ruckus, L.J. Shen 
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