oldbutmarauders · 5 years
my new blog is here!
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
if you don’t want your content reposted, let us know!
hey! so i’ve seen a few posts going around in the hp textpost community of creators getting upset that people are reposting their content on other platforms, and without the credit they want. i’d like to share my opinion on this.
when people repost my content on instagram, i do expect them to credit me, by tagging me either in the caption or in the photo itself. i understand wanted to complain about lack of proper credit, i’ve certainly done it in the past.
however, if you want people to credit your content (or even just not repost it at all!) you need to make it clear. personally, i keep “tag @ disapparatings on instagram if you repost my content!” in my bio, because i know that when i look for posts to repost to instagram, i check tumblr users’s bio & faq for any rules about crediting. i also like to put # disapparatings on ig under my posts, as a last measure in case people don’t check my bio :’)
feel free to complain about lack of proper credit, or about people reposting your content to other platforms, but please. please. for my sake and your own, make exactly what you want clear, whether it’s to be tagged, @ ed, or not to be reposted at all.
thank you -kira
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
hey! so i’ve seen a few posts going around in the hp textpost community of creators getting upset that people are reposting their content on other platforms, and without the credit they want. i’d like to share my opinion on this.
when people repost my content on instagram, i do expect them to credit me, by tagging me either in the caption or in the photo itself. i understand wanted to complain about lack of proper credit, i’ve certainly done it in the past.
however, if you want people to credit your content (or even just not repost it at all!) you need to make it clear. personally, i keep “tag @ disapparatings on instagram if you repost my content!” in my bio, because i know that when i look for posts to repost to instagram, i check tumblr users’s bio & faq for any rules about crediting. i also like to put # disapparatings on ig under my posts, as a last measure in case people don’t check my bio :’)
feel free to complain about lack of proper credit, or about people reposting your content to other platforms, but please. please. for my sake and your own, make exactly what you want clear, whether it’s to be tagged, @ ed, or not to be reposted at all.
thank you -kira
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
i would love to find new blogs to follow! reblog this post if you have a blog consisting of:
harry potter pride and prejudice supernatural doctor who stranger things criminal minds a series of unfortunate events the mortal instruments poetry/quotes/music/art/aesthetic american horror story dane dehaan shameless dexter to kill a mockingbird sherlock bates motel war history/early american history nazi germany/holocaust (to clarify this, i mean nazi germany/ the holocaust as in history, not supporting nazi ideas!) serial killers the lovely bones
if you are multifandom, please list your primary fandoms in the tags! xx
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
how does one kidnap the marauders legally
free firewhiskey, brooms and chocolate frogs will most probably do the trick. i don’t know about the legality but i won’t tell the cops if you won’t
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
What’s better than this?! The Wonder Woman theme was performed on an electric cello?!!
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
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Chris Evans laughing at Henry Cavill after he caught him eating girl scouts cookies at the Oscars its one of the best and cutest things ever.
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
How The Avengers Endgame Trailer Should Have Ended
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
when people say they can’t relate to tony stark because they’re not a “genius billionaire playboy philanthropist” i have to laugh because like, so you’re saying you can’t find anything about his character relatable but you can relate to a a super intelligent scientist who sometimes turns into a giant green rage monster? or a man who was injected with a supersoldier serum and was frozen solid for 70 years? or the kid bit by a radioactive spider who can canonically hold like 10 tons? right, so you can’t relate at all to tony but you can relate to a literal god of thunder who lost an eye because his sister, the goddess of death, fought him? but yeah, go after tony stark because he’s the least relatable out of all of marvel’s insane character creations, sure jan
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
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Chris Evans for Esquire
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
or, you know, scott lang
it’s not complicated: if even an insect dies on-screen in avengers 4, i will cry into any one of my three popcorns
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oldbutmarauders · 5 years
it’s not complicated: if even an insect dies on-screen in avengers 4, i will cry into any one of my three popcorns
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oldbutmarauders · 6 years
or when hermione says “it’s wingardium leviosa, make the gar nice and long” and they changed that to “it’s leviOsA, nOt leviOsAr” i’m very upset about this
everyone talks about “did you put your name in the goblet of fire” being the worst book to movie dialogue fail but lets be real the worst is where hermione answers a question in class and snape calls her an “insufferable know-it-all” and in the book ron is furious and he goes OFF and says “you asked a question and she knows the answer! why ask if you don’t want to be told?” but in the movies they just make him say “he’s got a point, you know” and i’m still mad about it
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oldbutmarauders · 6 years
we never found out how paul anka the dog closed AND locked the car door
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oldbutmarauders · 6 years
984. Ravenclaws decorating their hands with magical henna for diwali. Elephant designs that wave their trunks, lotus flowers on your palm that bloom when you open your hand, impossibly intricate designs that move in swirling patterns all the way up your arms
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oldbutmarauders · 6 years
i have a question: if hogwarts only starts when you’re eleven, does that mean that kids don’t have to go to school until they’re eleven in the wizarding world?
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oldbutmarauders · 6 years
marauders: most likely to be sorted in ravenclaw
when asked this question, most people would say ‘lupin’ in a heartbeat. but i think its james, and its mostly because of this headcanon (i came up with this myself so correct me if im not accurate in my facts / details).
james potter was not a jock as a little kid, was not obsessed with quidditch like everybody else. he wasn’t a nerd either, not the kind you read about- the kind that sits inside and reads all day, always has their hands up in class
he started out with fascination & curiosity, of the constellations, of the spells he saw his parents do
imagine six-year-old james trying to use his toy wand to unlock the door for hours, but it doesn’t work
“alohomara? alo- alohimara? almora?”
as he grows up, he’s not the typical nerd you might see in your classes, but he is fascinated by magic & its origins in a way that most kids of his age didn’t seem to be, not taking it for granted.
he makes friends who tell him that “at hogwarts, the only thing that really matters is quidditch, so he should get his head of a book and onto a broom” - so he keeps his fascinations and geekiness to himself
by the time he gets on his first hogwarts express, he is convinced that gryffindor is the best house, doesn’t even consider ravenclaw as a possibility - but the sorting hat does. we all know the drill: please be gryffindor please be gryffindor please be gryffindor
he is amazed by how big of a role choice plays in the sorting ceremony, was never told that he could plead for a house - and tells himself that he will tell his children like he wasn’t told, before their first hogwarts express
the first few weeks, he goes to the quidditch pitch to read- no one will see him, and besides, it was empty most of the time. the quidditch teams hadn’t even formed yet
but one day, he’s carrying his book to the pitch and it’s tryouts and oh how could he have missed the notice in the common room
he heard marlene and sarah giggling about some boy who was reading in the common room the other day, the gryffindor common room
and in order to make sure they don’t find out that a gryffindor has spent his free time reading, he pretends he is there for the quidditch, borrows a broom & starts flying
its easier than he expected, and there’s a thrill that comes every time he jolts his broom upwards. a rush of adrenaline he doesn’t ever want to lose
maybe it was a mistake that he had come across that pitch and missed the notice in the common room, but those boys were right- he should have gotten on a broom sooner. but in between all of the quidditch tryouts, he did his homework, writing an extra foot of parchment for an essay, or practicing spells in the common room after dark. in some subjects, he was a good student, but only in the subjects he cared about, the subjects he was fascinated by as a kid.
and as james potter grew older, he went back into the ways of his childhood. as he came across this group of friends who he knew would last for life, he became truly comfortable with being himself and not having to worry about not being a true gryffindor.
as he grew older, he revealed more of his identity- but he wasn’t just the dork he used to be, he was this combination of the fake identity he tried to display in his childhood and the person he truly was, at heart.
i honestly have no idea what happened to this idk if im even talking about james anymore SORRY FOR WASTING UR TIME GOOD NIGHT
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