weasleyjumpeer · 8 months
George & Fred Weasley
Some headcanons I have about the Weasley Twins.
It is known that George was kinda shy, not hurting on people while Fred was really all for it (the adrenaline, not being mean) so if those two weren't Gryffindor, Fred would totaly be a Slytherin meanwhile George is a Hufflepuff
They were the exact same height
Fred liked his hair shorter while George liked his a little bit longer
George's eyes were more hazel than brown
Fred's freckles were more on his cheeks, George's were on his nose
George was as straight as a line, he was a total romantic ; taking girls on sweet dates, bringing flowers etc
Fred was pan or bi (i stil don't know), let's just say that for him a hole was a hole (coquin)
Fred was sex buddy with Lee Jordan
After the war, George died his hair brown and grow a beard because he was sick of seeing Fred in his reflection
he broke all of the appartment's mirrors
he avoided his family (well everyone in fact) because he couldn't bear seeing the hurt in other's people's eyes when they saw him (you know cause not a lot of people could tell them apart)
in fact, I headcanon that only five people could tell them apart : Bill, McGonagall, Harry ( i don't think he ever mixed them up in the books), Arthur (he just act like he couldn't to play along with them) and my oc for George's gf but that's another story
They actually named their son Freddie, and not Fred because George just couldn't bear calling his son like his lost brother (you know feeling like replacing him) (and also because my oc's a fan of Queen)
I think that's all but if you'ld like a part 2 just tell me, or basically anything that have to do with my Harry Potter's headcanons
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prettygreenpills · 2 years
Lucy being a sugar daddy
✾ would buy you anything he sees in your eyes ✾ nicknames like “princess”, “petal” or “darling” ✾ gifts... LOT of gifts ✾ would buy you underwear he likes ✾ planning vacations and activities ✾ “come petal, cuddle with me” ✾ keeping you in his lap while he would be doing some paper work ✾ “princess if you will behave how daddy likes it, you will get a surprise later” ✾ soft tits kisses ✾ “come on, wake up Lucy” “five more minutes princess” ✾ giving you the best of everything, after all you are his little babygirl ✾ “close your eyes petal, daddy has gotten you something”
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brilupinblack97 · 3 years
Severus: aveces tienes ese sentimiento- como que- quieres, no se, morir?
Regulus: todo el tiempo, amigo, todo el tiempo.
Severus: sometime you have this felling- like- do you want, i don't know, die?
regulus: all the time, bro, all the time.
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hunterartemis · 3 years
Vishakhatantra Headcanon #3: Classifications of Magical Creatures and Objects
Wizarding worlds has it’s fair share of things, both living and non-living that serve their daily purpose. In Indian wizarding society, each and every magical object is categorized under two types: Gana (tribe) and Guna (quality). The purpose of such classification helps the Magical authority to distinguish harmless things from dark and cursed magical objects or living things.
Gana (tribe)
Ganas correspond to the energy of one of the three worlds: Heaven, Earth and Underworld. The classification of Gana or tribe is usually used for magizoological creatures which are non-human and near human species. These categorization was done under the MPSA (Mayavi Prani Sangrakshan Ain, or Magizoological Creature Protection Act) in 1245 to preserve the diverse species of wizarding world.
The Idea of “Gana” is derived from the energy of 27 astrological constellations, and each Gana has 9 constellations under it’s type. However this classification of Gana uses rank 1 to 9 to denote the strength of each animal within the Gana.
Deva Gana (Divine type)
A creature that falls under the Deva gana is harmless, often vulnerable, of good temperament, benefic and with exceptionally powerful magical qualities. Many of the creatures falling under this category have many coveted skills or powers that humans seek to posses in both magical and non-magical realm. In India, all the magical creatures under the Deva Gana classification are protected by the law of the land and have special sanctuaries made for them for their protection. coming in contact with them, possessing them, domesticating them without permit is a criminal offence and slaying or harming them is enough to land one a death sentence.
Since many of the Deva Gana creatures yield powerful wand cores, they are extremely coveted by Wandmakers. In such cases, special license and non-slaying agreement to the Indian Wizarding Government must be acquired to be in contact with them. Currently India has Three sanctuaries for Deva Gana Creatures: Shambala (or Shangri-La) in the Himalayas, Dandaka Forest in Central India, and Laccadweep in the western sea: suitable for cold, humid and marine area magical creatures.
Some of the Deva gana creatures protected by Indian Wizarding government are:
Occamy (Paksinaga): grade 1 (Dandaka)
Pegasus (Pakshiraj): grade 7 (Shambala)
Phoenix (Agnipakshi): grade 5 (shambala)
Unicorn (Ekshringa): grade 3 (Dandaka)
Capricorn (Makara): grade 2 (Laccadweep)
Runespoor (Ahirbudhanya): grade 9 (Laccadweep)
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Manushya Gana (Human type)
These creatures are graded as safe to cohabit with humans and creatures. These are harmless to medium harmful, but they have mastered the ability to live alongside humans. Some of them are capable of human speech and enjoys human company. Manushya Gana species are categorised according to how close their physical appearance is to the human ones, the closer the appearance, the high the grade.
Lower grade type can be approached, while higher types must be respected as individuals with free will. Higher grade Human tribe species are more physically and mentally powerful than human wizards. Such creatures are allowed to study magic if they are categorised as possessing 60% of human qualities and agree on to swear to harm no human or creature unlawfully in Non-Violence Perpetuity Contract of 768.
Humans cannot establish marital, Romantic or sexual relationships with lower grade creatures of this tribe (or vice versa).The offspring of such union will be slain by the state as a Violation of MPSA act, and the parties involved will be sentenced to death; in case of force or coercion the guilty party would be put to death. Such relationship with Higher grade is it valid with mutual consent. Friendships and other platonic relationship is valid for all grade creatures of this kind.
Some of the Manushya Gana creatures are:
Grade 1-3 (Creatures, Can be approached as benign animals): Mooncalves, Golden swan, Demiguise, Salamander, Niffler etc.
Grade 4-6 (Individuals, Sexual/romantic/marital relationship forbidden, cannot be domesticated): Asvini (Indian Centaurs), Hayagriva (Horse Head, Human body), Vanara (Humanoid Apes), Sarpa (Snake humans) etc, Garuda (Head of eagle, body of man, can fly), Matsyamanav (Merpeople), Daitya (Giants),
Grade 7-9 (individuals; romantic, sexual or marital relationship is legal): Gandharva (human looking male enchanters), Kinnar (Hermaphroditic celestial creatures), Apsara (female gandharva), Naga (humans who can transform into great snakes), Yaksha (humanoid natural spirits), Asura (Demigods)
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Rakshasa Gana (Demonic Type)
As the name says, creatures under this category are classified as dangerous and unfit to cohabit within civilized atmosphere and must live away from humans in a secluded place. A colony of such creatures must not have any Deva or Manushya type population within 10 km radius.
The only race that ever ascended from Rakshasa gana to Manushya Gana is the Asuras. The Royal Edict of King Bali was issued when he surrendered his sins as Asura to Buddha and ordered for all Asura kind to cohabit with the humans ever so peacefully. Other such creatures did not agree on this and they declared enmity towards the Human and Divine type creatures. A treaty was signed where the Wizarding laws won’t be applicable to the Demonic types as long as they are on their designated colonies. Once they cross their territory and come to Wizarding soil, they would be subjected to the laws of wizards.
The grades 1-9 is used for these categories: corporeality, size, resembling human form, intelligence and danger level. Some of these creatures are still coveted for wandmaking, mnemonic magic and potion making. In such cases skilled aurors shall accompany wandmakers and ingredient hunters with high-confidentiality permit. Since wizarding laws don’t apply on them, they need to be extra careful. Some of these creatures are:
Grade 1-3 (mild malignant, unable to hold corporal body): Bhoot (ghost), Atma (non corporeal departed spirits), Mohini (white enchantress of the night), Jogini (powerful spirit of a female witch, who died during rituals)
Grade 4-6: (able to hold corporal body, can inflict considerable harm) Pishach (Indian vampires), Aghori (corpse eaters), Preta (Hungry, vengeful ghosts) Bramharakshash (Malignant Spirit of a Dead Scholar), Khokhosh (Small pygmy like creatures), Takshak (Snakes with feet), Betaal (Vengeful natural spirit)
Grade 7-9: (has colossal corporal body, very strong, intelligent, very dangerous): Dragons (western), Rakshash (Demons with human shapes), Danava (demons with non-human shapes), Kalkeya (Dark demonlike creatures that can change from corporal to non-corporal), Daini (Dark witch who turned a demoness), Damor (Indian Incubus), Damri (Indian Succubus)
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Guna (quality)
In Tantra or High Philosophy, all things are made of essentially three essences or qualities. These qualities determine the nature of things and keep the balance of nature. These three gunas are used in Indian Wizarding world to signify branches of magic, magical activity, place and energy under the Wizarding Law of India.
Satva Guna (Quality of Preservation)
“Satva” is granted as the essence of living being, the soul and the power that preserves. Dominance of Satva in a magic makes it peaceful, healing, balancing, pleasant to the mind and body and enhances mental agility in such a state. Satva is the essential quality of the Deva Gana creatures and lower branches of Manusya gana creatures. This quality rejects anything dark, defiled or corrupt and thus such existence must always be present in the service of the Good. such as Law enforcement, Jury, etc.
Although Satva guna is called the Best quality of the Three, it lacks greatly in drive and creativity and it is very passive in nature. Healing magic, Charms, Spirit Fire, Patronus, Corporeal magic, History of Magic, Ayurveda (Indian Herbology), Care of Magical Creatures, Mnemonic magic, some branches of Legillimency are considered Satvik (possessing the quality of Satva) in Indian Magic. People who mostly practice Satvik magic has the same temperament in their characters: they are calm, affectionate of all, peace and justice loving, forgiving, believer of truth and morality and they make great teachers, healers, diplomats, scholars and researchers. These qualities are also imparted in some wand woods and cores which are also marked as Satvik.
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Rajas Guna (Quality of Creation and taking action)
“Rajas“ is granted as the life force of living being, the will to live and the power that creates, initiates actions and acts. Dominance of Rajas in a magic makes them simulating, exciting, that induces creativity, emotional discharges and motivates the wizards to take action. Rajas is the essential guna of all the creature because it is the passion, hunger, sexual impulses and emotional responses that makes their life meaningful in the Earth.
In High Philosophy or Tantra, Magic itself is a Rajasic existence, because it forces mundane human beings to be creative with higher power. Despite that, there are specific magical branches that are more rajasik than others. Battle Magic, Spell seals, Sacred Mathematics, Alchemy, all are considered “Rajasik” (Possessing the quality of Rajas). People who mostly practice Rajasic Magic are lively tempered, easily excited, creative, impulsive, original, go-getters and followers of principles and they always make great politicians, aurors, entrepreneurs, magical artists or architects even experimental practitioners. These qualities are also imparted in some wand wood and cores which are also marked as Rajasik.
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Tama Guna (Quality of restriction, destruction and Transformation)
“Tama“ is granted as the force that destroys, restricts and transforms. Tama is limitation, destructive force and power to change one form of energy to the other. Dominance of Tama in a magic makes it destructive, illusion-inducing, transmuting, restricting and fear inducing. Tama is the quality that enables the creatures to rest, to fear the danger and die in order to survive in their lifetime.
Tama is often misinterpreted as something “Dark” or “Defiled”. Although Tama is the essential quality in Dark Magic, but it is also prevalent in Light Magic. It is said that western Magic is More Tamasic and Eastern Magic is More Rajasic in Nature. Thus many of the Western Magical Branches: Defence Against the dark arts, Transfiguration, Potion making, are considered Tamasic in Nature. People who practice Tamasic Magic (on the side of Light Magic) are very restrictive, rule following, inflexible, practical individuals, who would rather follow textbook rules than doing anything original. People who practice Dark Tamasic Magic are violent, ruthless, uncouth and often manipulating in nature. Tamasic qualities when harnessed positively makes one great soldier, wizard lawyers, Unspeakables and other job-holders that require restriction and secrecy. There are wand cores and wand woods that are also marked as Tamasik.
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actual-loki · 4 years
Harry Asks Ron To The Yule Ball
It was currently passing period at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The sun slowly meeting the horizon as future Aurors and Ministry workers scrurried to their last class of the day.
Ron Weasley as one of these students was roaming the halls but for an entirely different matter.
His best mate had asked him to meet him in the courtyard via some vague note, also telling him not to ask Padma to the ball.
Ron felt rather queasy as he moved down the busy corridor. ”What could Harry want?”
He prods his way through one last group of students, seemingly first years, to reach the courtyard. And is shocked at the sight in front of him.
Harry is awkwardly shifting from left to right. While fiddling with a single rose.
"Harry?" Ron calls for Harry's attention but it comes out as a question seeing as he was quite confused.
Harry seems to snap out of a trance as he notices Ron. He hurriedly walks over to the confused boy but trips over his own feet, falling right into the redhead's arms.
"Woah, you okay mate?" Ron asks, helping his friend regain balance.
Once, Harry is steady he takes a deep breath and says, "Ron, don't take this wrong way but I'm asking you to the dance."
Ron panics. He doesn't like Harry in that way and he wants to say no but he doesn't want to hurt his friend's feelings.
”Harry, I-”
"Wait, hear me out. I was down for the idea before but I thought about it and we shouldn't pull the twins into our affairs. I was hoping you would go with me instead."
"As friends", he adds quickly.
The ravenette awkwardly holds out the rose, as a means to seal the proposal. Ron rolls his eyes at the gesture but takes the rose anyway.
He’s joyous at the prospect of spending the Yule Ball with his best friend Then, worry fills his features. "Don't you think this is going to be kind of weird or people might get the wrong idea?"
"If I've learned anything at Hogwarts, it's to not let anyone's opinion of you get in your head."
Ron gives a firm nod as a sort of, 'I can do this'.
The duo breaks into laughter as they hurry off to the Transfiguration classroom.
❤︎    ❤︎   ❤︎
Ron looks to Harry and receives a nod of reassurance. They then turn forward, both taking in a breath and begin their walk down the steps into the Yule Ball, arm in arm.
The entire hall pauses as Harry James Potter, Boy Who Lived walks down the steps with a bloke.
Both boys chuckle at the look on everyone's face, "They all look so surprised."
"Should we play 'couple' for a bit and see what they do?" Harry suggest.
"Oh yeah", Ron agrees. His earlier fear now vanished.
They get to the dance floor and begin to do a god awful tango, laughing and joking the whole time.
McGonagall normally would have lectured them because they had bumped into at least 4 dancing couples but the look of pure joy on the boy’s faces stops her.
The boys soon become depleted and head to the bar to grab a drink and are surprised to see Madame Hooch.
"Madame Hooch?" Ron questions.
"The one and only. What can I do you for?"
"Firewhiskey?" Harry tries.
“Nope, I'm under strict orders not to give you kids any alcohol."
"Dang it. We'll both take a mocktail, then." Ron says, ordering for them both.
Madame Hooch sets two glasses down in front on them, pulls out her wand stating a spell foreign to the boys that fills them to the brim.
The boys turn to look out into the crowd and all of a sudden, Viktor and Hermione are at their side.
"Interesting, seeing you two here together," Hermione comments as Viktor orders.
"Oh well, Harry asked me last minute."
"Wait, so you two are like a thing?" Viktor asks.
Hermione's eyes widen as realization hits her. "Are you?"
"You okay, ’Mione?" Ron asks, attempting to hold back a smirk.
"Yes. I'm fine. Now, answer the question."
Ron and Harry look to each other and with their eyes ask, ”Should we tell 'em?”
Harry nods, turning back to Hermione.
"Nope." He says, popping the 'p'. He then casually sips his drink.
“So you don't like each other?”
”Not romantically”, Harry says.
"Would it bother you if we did?" Ron asks.
"No! Of course, not. You and Harry can date whatever gender or non-gender you want."
"No. I mean, if was dating someone."
"I- I- Umm... Viktor! Weren't we about to leave?"
"Yes, yes we were. Let's go."
He puts his arm out for her to take and she does. Ron's eyes follow 'Mione until their out.
The redhead spins back around to Harry. "I think she likes me! She avoided the question and that exit was way too suspicious", Ron rambles excitedly.
"And, you're realizing this now." Harry says with a chuckle.
"Wait, what?"
Harry takes one last long sip. Then, sets down his glass. The ravenette hops down from his seat, shoving his hands in his pockets and begins walking away. Ron jumps out his seat and rushes after Harry.
”Did she like me before?"
Harry simply continues walking.
"She did, didn't she?"
"Come on, tell me!"
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ginnytheharpie · 4 years
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Happy birthday Ginny!!!! 11th of August today and your birthday as well!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ps. I'm Ginny of course but, anyway... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tags: #ginnyweasley #ginnyweasleyheadcanons #ginnyweasleyquidditch #ginnyweasleyedits #ginnyweasleybirthday #hpheadcanon #hpseries #birthday #badassedits #perfection #fanart #hp https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvJTtnAh9B/?igshid=qlyd6b7w4hfl
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c0mfortab1y-numb · 4 years
Ron Weasley was actually really good at divination, he just didn’t know it
In POA (at least the movie but I think in the book as well) he interprets Harry’s tea leaves using the book and concludes “you’re gonna suffer, but you’re gonna be happy about it.” That ends up being very true! 
Or was that just really excellent foreshadowing and I’m just an idiot 
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Headcanon that Percy Weasley doesn’t actually need glasses, he just wears them because he thinks it makes him look smarter.
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rumimic · 5 years
Hi I'm crying because I just realized that Sirius Black's animagus form is literally the most loyal thing in the world (a doggo) while peter's animagus form is the physical embodiment of "I'll rat them out."
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oldbutmarauders · 6 years
marauders: most likely to be sorted in ravenclaw
when asked this question, most people would say ‘lupin’ in a heartbeat. but i think its james, and its mostly because of this headcanon (i came up with this myself so correct me if im not accurate in my facts / details).
james potter was not a jock as a little kid, was not obsessed with quidditch like everybody else. he wasn’t a nerd either, not the kind you read about- the kind that sits inside and reads all day, always has their hands up in class
he started out with fascination & curiosity, of the constellations, of the spells he saw his parents do
imagine six-year-old james trying to use his toy wand to unlock the door for hours, but it doesn’t work
“alohomara? alo- alohimara? almora?”
as he grows up, he’s not the typical nerd you might see in your classes, but he is fascinated by magic & its origins in a way that most kids of his age didn’t seem to be, not taking it for granted.
he makes friends who tell him that “at hogwarts, the only thing that really matters is quidditch, so he should get his head of a book and onto a broom” - so he keeps his fascinations and geekiness to himself
by the time he gets on his first hogwarts express, he is convinced that gryffindor is the best house, doesn’t even consider ravenclaw as a possibility - but the sorting hat does. we all know the drill: please be gryffindor please be gryffindor please be gryffindor
he is amazed by how big of a role choice plays in the sorting ceremony, was never told that he could plead for a house - and tells himself that he will tell his children like he wasn’t told, before their first hogwarts express
the first few weeks, he goes to the quidditch pitch to read- no one will see him, and besides, it was empty most of the time. the quidditch teams hadn’t even formed yet
but one day, he’s carrying his book to the pitch and it’s tryouts and oh how could he have missed the notice in the common room
he heard marlene and sarah giggling about some boy who was reading in the common room the other day, the gryffindor common room
and in order to make sure they don’t find out that a gryffindor has spent his free time reading, he pretends he is there for the quidditch, borrows a broom & starts flying
its easier than he expected, and there’s a thrill that comes every time he jolts his broom upwards. a rush of adrenaline he doesn’t ever want to lose
maybe it was a mistake that he had come across that pitch and missed the notice in the common room, but those boys were right- he should have gotten on a broom sooner. but in between all of the quidditch tryouts, he did his homework, writing an extra foot of parchment for an essay, or practicing spells in the common room after dark. in some subjects, he was a good student, but only in the subjects he cared about, the subjects he was fascinated by as a kid.
and as james potter grew older, he went back into the ways of his childhood. as he came across this group of friends who he knew would last for life, he became truly comfortable with being himself and not having to worry about not being a true gryffindor.
as he grew older, he revealed more of his identity- but he wasn’t just the dork he used to be, he was this combination of the fake identity he tried to display in his childhood and the person he truly was, at heart.
i honestly have no idea what happened to this idk if im even talking about james anymore SORRY FOR WASTING UR TIME GOOD NIGHT
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weaselb33 · 6 years
Hermione: harry i think you’re a little obsessed with draco
Ron: she’s right, mate. Haven’t been yourself recently
Harry: no i’m not guys. gosh.
Harry: oh my god draco is in the bathroom
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dobbyscoffee · 7 years
Reminder that Neville Longbottom's worst fear was a teacher- someone who should nurture you or at the very least be someone you think of positively. Reminder that Neville had seen his parents in st Mungo's (something traumatizing) but his parents dying wasn't his worst fear- his teacher was.
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hunterartemis · 4 years
Vishakhatantra (Indian magical school) Headcanon #2: Saptakula (The Seven Noble Lineages)
Vishakhatantra was the name given by the Eldest Planet Jupiter, where Nine Astrological Planets contributed their principles to form seven houses: Each of them represent Seven Chakras of Human body, which is needed to activate the connection between the man and the Universe.
The Motto of Vishakhatantra is : “Dharma Artha Kama Moksha” (“Morals, Riches, Desires and Liberation”).
But in reality it means “a human exists by following the four steps: By finding the purpose of his life through morality, earning his livelihood by moral means, fulfilling his desires by moral means and by doing all liberates himself from the material life.” In this case, the motto symbolises that by using Magic or “Tantra” (also called High Philosophy) one can earn all those four objects.
Uttarashada (Undefeated)
Uttarashada (pronounced as utta-ra-sha-da) is the house of Sun. Together they signify Leadership, Order, Government. The First Head of the house was Sage Kashyap, also the Father of Sun.
The position of the House is : Ascendant (first house, representing freedom, vision,physical body, ideas, soul). The Cardinal Direction in Center, the Element is Light, the Standard colors are saffron and terracotta, Representing Chakra: Ajna (Third Eye) , Representing Weapon: Dhanurban (Bow and Arrow), Representing house animal is White Horse. Metal Copper, Gemstone Ruby. Representing flower: Kingshuk (Flame of the Forest) The students here tend to be Assertive, intuitive, visionary self-reliant, dominant, extroverted,.
The Power: To see through obstacles
This house specializes in Spirit Fire, Astronomy.
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Anantasoumya (Eternal peacefulness)
Anantasoumya (pronounced as: Anan-ta-Soum-ya) is the house of Moon. This house signifies Mind, Emotions and the Nature. The First Head of the House was Anusuya, wife of Sage Atri and Mother of Moon.  
The Position of the House is : Second House (House of fixed wealth, values, community). The cardinal direction in the East, the Element is Water, the standard colours are light blue and lilac, Metal silver, Gemstone Pearl. Representing Chakra is : Svadhistana (Sacral), Representing Weapon: Gada (Mace), Representing animal is Stag. Representing Flower is Jasmine, The students of this Kula tends to nurturing, mild, community oriented, empathetic.
The Power: To Feel
This house specialises in Care of Magical Creatures, Occlumency and Legilimency
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Rahavyasa (Conjuction of Rahu and Mercury)
Rahavyasa (pronounced as Ra-ha-vya-sa) is the House of Rahu and Mercury. Together they symbolise craftiness, swift intellect, speech and materialism. They tend to break social taboos about learning, skilled, innovative, curious, with many minds, manipulative, gifted with speech and argumentative. The First Head of this House was Sage Pulaha.
The position of the House is: Third House (House of skills, communications, younger siblings, connectivity). The Element is: Sound, Cardinal Direction South West. standard colour is emerald green and sage, Metal representing is Pewter, gemstone emerald. Representing chakra: Vishuddha (Throat) , Representing weapon: Shankh (Holy Conch), Representing animal is Garuda, Representing flower: Champa (Plumeria).
The Power: to create and imitate
The speciality of this house is: Flying, Sacred Mathematics and Seal drawing.
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Punarvasu (The Return of the Good)
Punarvasu is the house of Jupiter and Ketu. Together they signify Philosophy, Liberation, Truth, Higher Learning, Memory and Medicine. The First Head of the House was Sage Markandeya, the Immortal Sage.
The Position of the House is: Fourth House (House of domestic peace, emotions, generosity, spirituality). The Cardinal direction is the North East, the element is Sky or Space, the Standard colors are Bright Yellow and Gray, Metal- Gold, Gemstone: Chrysoberyl Cat’s eye. Representing Chakra: Sahasrara (Crown), Representing weapon: Japamala (Rosary), Representing Animal: Ahirbudhanya: the great snake of the deep (Indian Runespoor). Symbolic Flower: Pundarik (white lotus). The students in this house tend to be detached, humble, prudent, austere, healing, instructing, imposing, wise and diligent.
The Power: To connect and understand
This house Specialises in Applied Divination, Ayurveda and History of Magic
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Yajurmitra (Patron of the Yajurveda/ Rituals)
Yajurmitra (pronounced as Ya-jur-mit-ra) is the House of Venus. It signifies arts, music beauty and everything that stands for aesthetic beauty. The First Head of the House was Devjani, Daughter of Venus.
The Position of the House is: Fifth House (House of creativity, children, written text, performance) The Element is Air, Representing Chakra is : Anahata (Heart), Representing weapon: Kal (water vessel), Representing animal is Swan, Cardinal direction: North, standard color is pink and Magenta, gemstone: pink diamond, metal platinum, representing flower: Madhumalati (Pink honeysuckle), the students here tend to be perfectionist about aesthetics, bold, artist-like, pleasure loving, well versed in politics.
The Power: To harmonize and beautify
The house specialises in : Charms and enchantments, Seal Drawing, alchemy.
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Kshatragam (Arrival of the Warrior)
Kshatragam (pronounced as: shatra-gam) is the house of Mars. It signifies courage to go forward for a cause, battle, aggression, competitiveness, sports and Defence. The First head of this house was a Krittika (Warrior Goddess, wielding axe) called Shambhuti, one of the six foster mothers of Lord Kartikeya (personification of Mars).
The Position of the House is: Sixth House (House of Diseases, enemies, debts and hard work). Element is Fire, Standard color is maroon and red, Cardinal Direction is West. Metal is Bronze, Representing Chakra : Manipura (Solar Plexus) , Representing weapon: Bhal (Spear), Representing animal is Mountain Ram. Representing flower: Red Silk Cotton, The pupils of this house tend to be aggressive, competitive, conquering, great at crisis, risk taker, protective.
The Power: To initiate and pursue
The house specialises in : Defence Against the Dark Arts and Battle Magic
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Bhadrapada (Blessed Step)
Bhadrapada (pronounced as: Bha-dra-pa-da) is the house of Saturn. It signifies service, hard work, discipline, law, justice and punishment. The Students here tend to be serious, submissive to the right order, cool tempered, hard working, realistic, justice loving, impartial and unforgiving. The First Head of the house was sage Kratu.
The Position of the House is: Seventh House (House of balance, other people, society and spouse). The Cardinal Direction is South, The Element is Earth, The standard colours are Navy Blue and Black, Metal Iron, gemstone blue sapphire. Representing animal is Buffalo, Representing Chakra: Muladhara (Root), Representing weapon: Kharga (Executioner’s scythe), Representing flower: Blue butterfly pea.
The Power: To Persevere
This house specializes in Transfiguration, Potions and Illusion magic.
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rogerdvies · 7 years
cedric diggory/roger davies yule ball headcanon
He’s cute and a little nerdy, Cedric decides in their fourth year, while watching the Ravenclaw Chaser and newly appointed Captain play against Hufflepuff for the first time as Captain... and the first time Cedric’s really paid him much attention before. It’s something about his sharp focus, his raven-wit intelligence, the way he plays for his team and not just personal glory. Cedric admires that - and the boy himself, though perhaps he had never thought of it that way before.
They’d studied together before; Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw grouped together, and Roger a wonderful, brilliant help during exams - a help that, after he initially offered to proof-read one of Cedric’s essays for a potions exam, continued past the exam and turned into normal study sessions, quite often of Cedric and Roger and a scatter of Hufflepuffs, Cho and Marlene - yet somehow, at least once a week, ended with only Cedric and Roger bent over their table, diligently trading wisdom in the hopes of achieving a good grade.
For Roger, he’d always known Cedric existed. It was hard not to, with the golden boy so... friendly. So happy, smiling, so supportive, offering his help to anyone who needed it. Traits that Roger wished he himself could embody, yet found. It was at the beginning of their fourth year, on the train ride to Hogwarts when they were abandoned by their friends, who wanted to seek out the Weasley twins for pranks and the two Quidditch players had an entire compartment and train ride to chat alone together, that Roger realized that perhaps he was harboring a crush for the favored Hufflepuff.
Neither crush was spoken on or acted upon, as each boy thought the other was interested in someone else.
Years and a growing friendship later, when Cedric asked Cho to be his date to the Yule Ball - it was expected of him, all of their friends thought that Cedric studied with the Ravenclaws because he wanted to be closer to her - she only smiled sadly at him declined his offer. When his cheeks flushed with embarrassment - yet he was strangely relieved about it - she explained that she’d love to accompany him but that it wouldn’t feel right to her, knowing that his heart was somewhere else. 
It took Cedric a moment to catch on, but it wasn’t hard to do: he’d been thinking about the possibility of dancing with Roger at the ball for weeks, ever since they’d started dance lessons and Flitwick had paired them up together because the girls had been too eager to dance with Cedric.
Cedric’s answering smile - bright and beautiful and, though nervous and uncertain, was happy - had Cho knowing that she’s made the right decision. With a promise that she would dance with him at the ball, and a nudge for Cedric to go ask Roger before someone else did, she left him.
It was the same day - before he could second-guess his decision - that Cedric pulled Roger out of their group of friends (who all knew exactly what was going on because they’d been witnesses to two years of oblivious sexual tension between the two) with the thin excuse of needing help to pilfer snacks from the kitchen for their studying, and asked him in the middle of the deserted hall.
It wasn’t romantic, or graceful really. It was an awkward question from Cedric asking if Roger had found a date to the ball yet, and an equally awkward reply from Roger that he hadn’t (little did Cedric know but Roger was waiting to see who he chose to bring, so he’d know how much distraction he’d need for the night. If it was Cho, like everyone thought... he loved Cho like a sister, but he’d need a Fleur-level distraction to keep him from going crazy). 
It was a jumble of words that came out of Cedric’s mouth at once, cheeks a horrible mess of a blush, as he mentioned that they’d danced well together the other day - though in reality is was tripping over each other’s feet as they tried to figure out who was going to lead.
Roger agrees - only because he’d never had so much fun dancing before, regardless of how poorly they’d both done. And he think that maybe - just maybe - Cedric would dance with him at the ball if he also had fun... even if it was just as a comedy act between friends.
And there it is - Cedric’s hand rising to rub the back of his head, messing up brown hair as he pulls Roger to a stop and quietly asks him if he’d like to dance with the hufflepuff at the ball. He’d been full of courage asking Cho - but asking Roger? Another boy, who could easily turn him down, who he’d harbored a crush for years on, who he didn’t want to mess anything up with.
Despite being a Ravenclaw, it takes Roger a moment to catch on - to realize what exactly Cedric is asking. When he does, his mouth hands open before a blush builds on his cheeks as well, and he realizes that Cedric’s still waiting for an answer. He doesn’t think when he gives it - not at all. All that keen Ravenclaw thoughtfulness is out the window with: Bloody hell, of course I will.
Of course, when both boys return to their friends with the biggest grins on their faces and cheeks fading away blush, everyone knows what it means. Finally. They’ve only been casually mentioning to each boy alone that the other has had a crush on them for well over two years for the last few months - not that either boy really believed it, though they wanted to.
Now they believe it.
Though they don’t tell anyone. It’ll be their surprise.
Fast forward to the night of the ball.
Roger being completely nervous because Cedric asked him to the Yule ball and he had said yes without even thinking because fuck this is Cedric - wonderful perfect gorgeous intelligent kind thoughtful Cedric - who could stop his heart with a smile. Of course he said yes but now he's second guessing this because what is he wearing. Will it match Cedric? What if it doesn’t? Will it matter? 
They didn’t think this through at all - Roger progressively over-thinking the situation and becoming more and more flustered as the ball drew nearer, and Cedric had been nothing but polite about it - giving the Ravenclaw the distance that he needed, not pushing or pressing for details, supportive yet still giving him these warm glances during their study sessions that had Roger fidgeting in his seat.
Cho, of course, is at the rescue - trying to help him get ready after he’d driven all of the other boys out of their dorm. Though he really is inconsolable, having worked himself into a right anxious mess. Only one person could calm her Captain down when this happened.
Cho teasing him gently about how he sounds like a worried girl, telling him to focus on tying his tie correctly, and heading out of the Ravenclaw dorm room. 
She’s going to find Cedric in the Hufflepuff one because these two boys - her two boys - are ridiculous and they just need a little help with their crushes because they are perfect for each other. So she drags Cedric - half ready Cedric whose tie isn't done up and whose coat is slung over his arm - and she tells him what a going on and he just laughs because that's adorable.
And yeah they aren't supposed to see each other before the ball but Cedric doesn't care about the rules - it’s enough to have him grinning softly when he hears how flustered Roger is to attend a ball with him; they’d been friends for years, you’d think the concept of a ball with Cedric wouldn’t scare Roger but Cedric would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared as well because this wasn’t just a ball it was a date and their first date and everyone would see them together but that was worth the nerves for Cedric, he was more excited than nervous he’d waited so many years to finally ask the other boy out.  
And when Cho let's him in the Ravenclaw dorm and points him in the direction of Roger's room he goes.
And Roger has a hand in his hair pulling at it in frustration because Cho left him and she was supposed to be helping him and now the door is opening and he turns around in angsty panic because yes Cho has come back to help him dress and now his hair is also messed up again and she'll need to help him with that - but oh my god it's Cedric. Cedric, who is smiling at him softly, closing the door behind him with a soft "hey".
Roger's hand hovering in his hair a moment longer before it falls to his side and he is so surprised and shocked - this usually self assured bordering on arrogant Ravenclaw floored by this bashful Hufflepuff man who is his for the night - and all he can say in response isn't "how did you get up here?" Or "where is Cho?" Or "you look good" or his usual sass of "your tie is undone, Diggory" or even a "hey" back. 
No, he just says "my hair's a mess" like stating the obvious will diffuse whatever tension has been building between them the last few days and it works: Cedric just laughs again and drops his coat to the floor by the door and slowly comes forward, eyes all liquid honey and chocolate fondness as he smiles fondly at this silly Ravenclaw and reaches up to brush a strand of hair off of Roger's forehead and says "it looks cute" and his voice is full of fondness from years of playing quidditch together and the traded eye contact and smiles and words and studying and really what he's thinking is fuck it looks good on you.
Turns out that Cedric is better help for getting ready than Cho is - they even manage to get Roger’s hair under control again, though Cedric will admit he liked it better messy and unkempt.
Cedric and Roger coming in to the ball together. Arm in arm. Everyone’s surprised gazes, disbelieving. Fleur and Cho follow them in, arm in arm - Fleur had become friends with Roger, and upon hearing of their date from Cho, she had wanted to support them as well. What better way than accompanying Cho herself, and ensuring that they weren’t the only same-gender dance couple on the floor?
And a cute moment where everyone wonders who will lead in their dance (Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs alive cringing at the memory of their awful dance practices) and Cedric just gives Roger this dashing mischievous smirk before the music starts, as if nobody else in the world exists but them, and Roger just grins back and the music starts and everyone assumes based on those grins and the fact that Cedric is the champion that Cedric will lead but it's so gentle and fluid and Roger is leading and it's graceful and beautiful. 
Nobody else really does exist to them, for that dance.
But let’s face it - two years of building sexual tension, Quidditch matches, summer holiday visits and late nights studying alone and sleep deprived with not so innocent thoughts mangled around leads to quite a lot of repressed longing.
Slower, formal dances bring both boys closer, whispered words exchanged between them as breath brushes lips, cheeks tinging pink, hands holding each other infinitely closer.
After the formal dances when everyone starts jumping around to the weird sisters Roger just pressing back against Cedric and dragging Cedric's arm - who is still from surprise, not having expected it - around his waist and casually yelling over the music at Cho and Fleur, who have come over to dance next to them, asking them if they are enjoying themselves. 
Pretending its completely normal, that he’s not a teenager dancing with his long-time crush, trying to see what he can goad such an innocent Hufflepuff into - how far he can push Cedric because let’s face it, that Ravenclaw curiosity and his own emotions just need to know.
Cho and Fleur pretending like what is going on in front of them isn't borderline sexual and they just dance their hearts out and yell back that they are having fun. Meanwhile Roger has a shit eating grin on his face because Cho has wiggled her eyebrows, flicking her eyes over his shoulder at Cedric and then back to Roger and mouthing “he looks like he’s about to have a heart attack” and Cedric is progressively blushing harder and harder as he decides “fuck it” and moves with Roger.
Roger being the ass that he is still has his hand overtop of Cedric's on his waist from when he put it there. And slowly drags Cedric's hand lower and Cedric just has this gutteral swear, muttered softly in Roger’s ear. 
Because Roger has been waiting for Cedric to ask him out for over two years and Cedric has been admiring Roger for nearly as long and they have years of pent up sexual tension and mutual attraction and they are in public and this is inappropriate and Roger’s pushing him further but he doesn’t want it to stop and it’s morally conflicting but he can’t deny that it feels good and that he loves it and he loves Roger and they pretty much know each other inside and out now so who cares.
Roger's hips stuttering in their movement when Cedric swears because - bloody hell Cedric Diggory Golden Boy Extraordinaire never swears but he just dragged a swear from the hufflepuff and in THAT LOW, DEEP VOICE.  
Roger teasing Cedric - polite Cedric, kind Cedric, proper Cedric - to the point that he drags Roger out of the ball and down a deserted corridor by his shirt collar.
They don’t hear the girls giggling behind them.  
Or the finally the arises from their friends while they roll their eyes and keep dancing.
This wall? 
Bloody hell yes this wall Davies, you knew what you were doing, you arse. 
And what exactly was that, Diggory?
Taking advantage of two and a half years worth of whatever this is, that’s what.
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prongswhatthefuck · 7 years
headcanon #4
Lily said yes to James the morning she got her paper from the daily prophet. "Six found dead on the outskirts of muggle city...likely another merciless act from You-Know-Who and his supporters." Before it was possible to ignore them, or even write the attacks off as just being coincidental for including witches and wizards. But six people.... What it next time is was her family. She hadn't been on great terms with Petunia as of late but if she was even in remote danger, she needed to tell her she loved her. She needed to make amends with everyone. If a war was going to happen, then there wasn't any point in putting her feelings off any longer. She liked Potter; she had since Christmas break when he stayed at Hogwarts with her because she didn't want to go back home to see Petunia. He made her forget her anger and anguish. He made her laugh in the bleakest of times. And if she needed anything right now, it was a good laugh. Lily went up to him in the common room after dinner.
"Evans," He greeted her with a smile. That damned crooked smile he wore so well.
"James," She began. She knew she startled him because it was only when she was really serious that she called him by his first name. "I want you to ask me out again.... If you want."
James' grin grew even wider. He didn't even ask for an explanation.
"Lily Evans, will you go on a date with me?"
"Nothing would make me happier," said Lily, and she meant it.
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acebean · 7 years
i love imagining the pureblood kids freaking out over the eclipse cause they don’t have science 
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